Basilisk in Signs and Portents by Jessica Entis |

Demona's Dream in Signs and Portents by Jessica Entis |

Anton Sevarius in Beginning Again By Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson |

Lucy and the gargoyle beast pups in The Yorkshire
Adventure by Jessica Entis |

Gargoyle Beast council in The Yorkshire
Adventure by Jessica Entis |

Harrogate Fountains in The Yorkshire
Adventure (photo) |

A scene from Oberon's Mirror in A Call to Arms by Jessica Entis |

Rory and Molly in A Call to Arms by Jessica Entis |

Rosalind and Caspian in My Lady Fair by Christi Smith
Hayden |

Griff and Michael in My Lady Fair by Christi Smith
Hayden |

Griff & Brianna in Triangles by Jessica Entis |

Arthur, Elaine & Jennifer in Triangles by Jessica Entis |

Corbie in The Hawk and the Crow by
Christi Smith Hayden |

Angela in In the Blood by
Shauntell |

Nimue in The Drowned City by
Damocles |

Danu in Night of the Weird by
Christi Hayden |
Morgana in Seeds of Change by Noel Leas |
Colin Marter, Michael, and Boz in Seeds of Change
by Christi Smith Hayden |
Goliath and Elisa embracing in Seeds of Change
by Shauntell |
Brooklyn and Sata embracing with Graeme and Ariana in
Seeds of Change by Christi Smith Hayden |
Rita and Rael in Seeds of Change by Christi
Smith Hayden |
Sharon and Deliliah in Seeds of Change by Christi
Smith Hayden |
Griff on a car in Seeds of Change by Noel Leas |
Demona helping Andrea put corset on in Seeds of
Change by Jennifer CrzyDemona Anderson |