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WHAT? You ain't getting no information from me, Big Brother! Next you'll be asking for our credit card numbers! FIGHT OPPRESSION PEOPLE! FIGHT THE MAN!
Sevarius Jr.
Sunday, July 19, 1998 at 10:16:17 PM
IP: client-151-200-127-80.bellatlantic.net
Also, if you could provide your Home location (not required), it'd be appreciated.
Thanks! <:)
Sunday, July 19, 1998 at 05:11:49 PM
IP: 200-13-199.ipt.aol.com
I recently, on a whim, surfed through some internet Transformers sites. One in particular caught my eye... a listing of every known Transformers fan with contact and bio info. And I asked myself... woldn't it be handy to have such a reference page for Gargoyles fans? So we could figure out how to contact one another, or just learn about each other? So, I came up with this idea: The Gargoyles Fan Registry. An attempt to make a listing of every Gargoyles fan on the 'Net (and beyond, maybe even). How do I get on this registry? Net/Fandom Name: (required) This can only work with you, my fellow fans' support. So please, send them in! As soon as they start coming in, I'll post them on my site, and give the URL out. :) SYL!
Hey all! JEB here...
Just send e-mail to my address with the following info:
RL name: (not required)
Age: (not required)
Birthdate: (not required)
Contact methods: Like E-mail, ICQ UIN, IRC chat ID, and any other means of getting in touch (required)
Website: If any
Bio: Lists contributions to fandom and/or a short biographical story
Other: Anything else you want me to add.
Sunday, July 19, 1998 at 03:41:28 PM
IP: 204-116-97.ipt.aol.com
I see. :) Nice little addition :)
Sunday, July 19, 1998 at 02:16:59 PM
IP: p28-jacana-gui.tch.virgin.net
ED - Yep, sure is. (You noticed!)
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, July 19, 1998 at 02:04:07 PM
IP: pn6-ppp-42.primary.net
Odd little thing I've just noticed: In MUTUAL TRUST, Cohn says: "I wouldn't be too astonished if he were to completely snap and do something foolish like firing anti-aircraft guns at the creatures in the middle of downtown Manhattan". Is that poking fun at FOR IT MAY COME TRUE of TGC? :)
Sunday, July 19, 1998 at 01:40:04 PM
IP: p128-chaffinch-gui.tch.virgin.net
Please could someone give me a hand here , I just went over to the station 8 comment room , and I am awfully confused by alot of the questions being asked , I think my mane problem is that I never saw the Goliath Chronicles , does anyone know where I can find a script o description of what happened in the episodes , or does anyone know where on TV it is playing , if it is at all .
Sunday, July 19, 1998 at 12:53:54 PM
IP: port079.toj.com
78 days until the Rising.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, July 19, 1998 at 07:34:15 AM
IP: pn3-ppp-98.primary.net
Don't you hate being told "go to sleep". That sucks..., hey, did you know if you go searchin on the web for "Gothic, horror death, murder"..., any of those..., you see some really spooky crap! My brain hurts.....
Jackal (again)
<or there>
Sunday, July 19, 1998 at 07:28:07 AM
IP: spider-tn031.proxy.aol.com
Aww man, the sun's comin up. I wish it would stay night. This sucks..., there's nothing to do. Hyena's funny ain't she? Heh, she said, "What are you babbling about?" Ohhhh, that's funny to me... ah well, it's to quite, someone wake up!
Sunday, July 19, 1998 at 07:06:46 AM
IP: spider-tn084.proxy.aol.com
I couldn't sleep, matter of fact.., I think I hate sleep. Never know whose gonna hammer you to death..., but I was thinking how stupid Jackal was in the episode "The Green". "All that toil and effort" was sending Hyena all the way to NY.... I don't know, to me it would have seem simpler just start kickin gargoyle butt where they were at....
Sunday, July 19, 1998 at 05:54:57 AM
IP: spider-wc081.proxy.aol.com
<<They [CPD] are however, slightly less demonic than Mr. Manson.>>
There's nothing wrong with being Demonic! *Jackal shouts from the corner, with his _very_ expensive yellow contacts in*
Hey, I was just wondering, me and the ants here were talking, and we couldn't figure out where the android MacBeth came from in "The Price". Is there an answer to this and I just missed it or what?
Ga Usa
Saturday, July 18, 1998 at 10:46:00 PM
IP: spider-wb014.proxy.aol.com
Doug and Lisa > thanks! Wasn't fishing for compliments on my coolness, but thanks all the same! ; )
Avalon names > gosh, now I'm being quoted ... I sure hope I was right that it was just the four of them!
Saturday, July 18, 1998 at 12:20:04 PM
IP: vecna.ndip.eskimo.net
79 days until the Rising.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, July 18, 1998 at 07:27:51 AM
IP: pn9-ppp-193.primary.net
Your dad isn't lying completely. He didn't experiment on me, I looked for a geneticist to make me what I am, and he was the only one who'd do it at a price I could afford. Ed assisted him in the procedure. You don't have to feel bad about how I am, S.J. Remember, I like me this way. So do all my friends and family. Your dad did a good thing for once, and I will be forever grateful. Same goes for those people I rescued from the drive-by last night. So don't get mad, I'm just fine, human or half-garg. And thanks for the compliments.
(A hologram of Doug lying asleep in a hospital bed with bandages tied around the place George zapped him appears in the room. Lisa is sitting next to him holding his hand as he loudly snores.)
To all who are wondering, Doug's gonna be okay. He just needs some rest. He'll be posting again real soon. Just one thing I have to say this time.
Sevarius, Jr.: Yes, I admit it, I blushed and ran away when Lisa smiled at me. I...just happen to be shy around beautiful half-human, half-gargoyle women. Oh and Lisa, sorry. I forgot about the whole thing about how my dad kind of...okay, well, experimented on you. I kinda got pissed remembering what he did, but he gave me the standard rap: it was an evil clone, Xanatos made him do it, Demona made him do it, it wasn't him it was Ed the creepy guy from the basement of the science building, yadda yadda yadda. Either dad's lying or I'm gonna have to have a talk with Ed.
(Lisa throws Sevarius Jr. a friendly wave as the hologram fades away. Several people in the chatroom wave back.)
Saturday, July 18, 1998 at 02:46:08 AM
IP: hd56-030.hil.compuserve.com
Heh heh heh ... sorry 'bout the mess. Anyway, as far as homebrew CCG's go, nothing beats Illuminati: New World Order (Steve Jackson Games, the publisher, even *encourages* players to make up their own cards; some even send them in to be included in official sets!). I'm currently putting a Gargoyle INWO expansion (I call it INGO for Illuminati: New Gargoyle Order) through the inwo-cards mailing list for final checking over their playability. If you e-mail me, I can send you a text list of the cards if you're interested in INWO *and* Gargoyles. **Coyote picks up those cards that have fallen on the floor, skittering out of the room.**
**Coyote enters the room dropping cards left and right, trying to get his stuff under control.**
Algonac, Michigan
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 10:50:31 PM
IP: modem100.net-ex.com
Heh...and I thought I was the only one who had ever tried creating a 'Gargoyles' CCG. Only, with mine, it was nothing more than a direct rip-off of Magic: The Gathering. I simply scanned a bunch of Magic cards onto my computer and changed the pictures and the text. However, I didn't pretend it was ever anything other than a copy of Magic, and I never intended it to be recieved any other way. As a matter of fact, I was planning on introducing my Gargoylified cards as "A new expansion set for Magic based around Gargoyles!", not "A brand-new CCG based around..." I have seen others who have done just what I have and advertized their game as being something they created, giving Magic absolutely no credit at all. That annoyed me. But anyway, it doesn't look like making 'Gargoyles' Magic cards is as popular as making 'Gargoyles' cards for a whole new game, so its a moot point anyway -- but a point nonetheless. As long as this new card game gives credit where credit's due, ...well, I'm anticipting it. Suggestions? Heh...I wouldn't know where to start. People spend years designing CCG's...all I can say is good luck.
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 10:37:14 PM
IP: ely-oh4-38.ix.netcom.com
Dumloax> I have a Pic of Yoshi for you to put up here hun..and the pic of Deborah is on it's way to getting done.
(TGS Art Director)
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 10:23:27 PM
IP: spider-tq081.proxy.aol.com
As for your three friends, hey, sus amigos son mis amigos. And finally, as for the Cherry Poppin Daddies....well, if you didn't like the lyrics of "Zoot Suit Riot", than you probably shouldn't listen to any of their albums. They fuse modern swing music with punk lyrics. It's not exactly for everyone--in fact most of their songs have none-to-subtle references to, *ahem*, "the horizontal hokey-pokey." Being a mature adult (sorta), I can handle it--but like I said, they're not for everyone's tastes. They are however, slightly less demonic than Mr. Manson. :-)
Yes, I admit it, I blushed and ran away when Lisa smiled at me. I...just happen to be shy around beautiful half-human, half-gargoyle women. Oh and Lisa, sorry. I forgot about the whole thing about how my dad kind of...okay, well, experimented on you. I kinda got pissed remembering what he did, but he gave me the standard rap: it was an evil clone, Xanatos made him do it, Demona made him do it, it wasn't him it was Ed the creepy guy from the basement of the science building, yadda yadda yadda. Either dad's lying or I'm gonna have to have a talk with Ed.
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 09:34:51 PM
IP: client-151-200-126-8.bellatlantic.net
I recant my statement about Broadway.., it turns out he's my mate's favorite gargoyle..., therefore, Broadway is NOT stupid! M-O-O-N that spells Broadway's cool too. {but not like Brooklyn}.
Ga Usa
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 09:27:24 PM
IP: spider-wb013.proxy.aol.com
AHHHH! I forgot my name and pic! Sorry Puck!
Fire Storm
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 04:53:56 PM
IP: 174-135-4.ipt.aol.com
Well, are you totally sure that the Powers to Be would totally crush Galvatron's hopes? Maybe if he ask's disney for permission, they will let him (Which reminds me... got to mail that letter)
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 04:53:07 PM
IP: 174-135-4.ipt.aol.com
<<(Man, the typos in this post...shame on you, Jackal!!)
Hey Jack, you're not the only one who knows it anymore. Good story, I'm glad I finally learned it (never did have time or incentive to research gangs before).>>
Typos?? I know how to shpelll! Well, just be glad I didn't tell the full story, it seems very few people know or care about the origin of the Xloods and Crips, but most of you know I'm an idiot anyway, and interest myself in "bad" things. Of course I have my reasons for interest in our blue and red "friends". Anyfreakinway, I'm going back to the corner to talk to my little ant friends....
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 02:56:23 PM
IP: spider-th051.proxy.aol.com
I'm all for a Gargoyles CCG. Amazing that it hasn't come up before. I agree with Coyote that the cards should have story related text (lore). The trick of it is to make the cards so interesting that people will want them even if they don't play the game.
Arroyo Grande, California
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 01:11:21 PM
IP: sc13-15-63.thegrid.net
Just a quick note to allay the fears expressed by a number of people's comments here: The Gargoyles CCG I have designed is NOT (repeat, NOT) a knock-off of Magic:The Gathering. More than that, I won't say. Again, if you have any suggestions as to what material you'd like to see in my CCG (ie, no Avalon trip-related stuff, or you'd like me to include a section of TGS in the game), PLEASE send me email. I'm very interested in what the fans would want to see (and buy) in this game. Be seeing you...
Hamilton, NY USA
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 10:30:25 AM
Honestly, I don't know what set them off! One moment, I'm just walking along minding my own business, and the next thing I know, a pack of those critters is chasing me. What on earth did I do to offend them? Anyway, it's now exactly 80 days until the premiere of "The Rising" on the 'Net. Don't miss it! *the door finally caves in, and the gargoyle beasts swarm into the comment room, charging straight for Todd and growling and snarling at him in utter fury. Todd turns and flees from the room, the beasts all in hot pursuit *
*a loud barking noise is heard in the distance. Todd suddenly rushes into the comment room frantically, and slams the door shut just as a pack of angry gargoyle beasts lunges at him. He sighs, mops his forehead, and turns towards the assembled company *
St. Louis, MO
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 07:41:00 AM
IP: pn3-ppp-99.primary.net
And, for the record, gimmie anything but hard rock, hard alternative, or techno. I don't have a taste for that :)
Oh, thanx to all those that sent me the old comment room stuff. I needed it to investigate something.
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 02:56:12 AM
IP: ts16-13.wla.ts.ucla.edu
Ophelia by CrzyDemona and Tony Dracon by Amber (I think) more to come
2 new pics are up for the comment room:
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 02:49:28 AM
IP: ts16-13.wla.ts.ucla.edu
(Man, the typos in this post...shame on you, Jackal!!)
(Lisa lights on the roof with a loud thump and sticks her head back in the skylight.)
Jackal just posted something. Have to reply!
**<..and brought me home with new skills.., that I later was able to use to help chase the Bloods out of our neighborhood.>>
Hey, all right! I can preach a sermon on gangs, now! The sad thing is, most Xloods and Crips don't know their "heritage".
See, the Crips was oringinaly started to be a neighborhood watch program, but they were called the Cribs {ya know, protecting houses, houses.., cribs}, anyway..., Uhh, yea, it boils down to people just becoming corrupt and misguided..., Why do I get the feeling I'm the only one that knows the story?**
Hey Jack, you're not the only one who knows it anymore. Good story, I'm glad I finally learned it (never did have time or incentive to research gangs before). Neighborhood watch programs are good, I know the Bloods never would have gotten out of Atascocita if it hadn't been for our neighborhood watch getting involved in the ass-kicking and warnings to get out (I didn't chase them out alone; the neighborhood watchers, a few members of a rival gang from downtown Houston they hired as mercenaries, the students and sensai of a local martial arts school, my family, and many others helped. Sadly, the police didn't arrive until many people on both sides were down or in Heaven/Hades. When they did, the fight quickly broke up, all the surviving Bloods went to jail, and there hasn't been a gang problem in our neighborhood since then. Hooray for community action!!) Thanks for your little sermon, and, yeah, I agree, it all boils down to people getting corrupt and misguided. Wish fewer people would get that way, it's responsible for gangs, religious fundamentalism, terrorism, and so many other problems of the world. Oh well, can't trash the other side of the coin. At least some gang members, like the Angels I joined up with, are good people. Wish more of them would be like my old friends.
That's all for now, see ya later!
(Lisa suddenly hears the noise of a drive-by shooting somewhere nearby and gets a really mad look on her face. She pulls back her head and lets out a powerful primal roar, then takes off and glides away, ready for more action.)
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 01:52:59 AM
IP: hd52-149.hil.compuserve.com
**Okay, I've promised not to offend anyone on this music debate. But Lisa, you're dead wrong! Okay, I agree, most rap is garbage (sorry to any of you Puff Daddy fans out there), and the Barenaked Ladies aren't that great (although you can't go wrong with songs with such titles as "Brian Wilson Dead"). But the Cherry Poppin' Daddies are the best! You must not have heard their albums to have made such a generalization. And since the swing scene is coming back, they're more popular than ever.** I agree with you on Puff Daddy, how anybody can like him after the awful corruption of "Every Breath You Take" and his other songs I can't understand. And you're not offending me with your opinion of the CPDs, I respect your opinion. It's just that the only song from them I've really heard in its entirety is "Zoot Suit Riot" and I hate that song's lyrics and theme. I mean, the beat is good to dance to and all, but they could have found better words to put to the music other than the awful ones they did. Oh well, that's just my opinion. Maybe I should listen to more of their music before I judge them, but right now that band stays on my "bleah" list. **But, to cover my behind so as not to offend again, do remember that this is only my opinion. And as the great (well, Shap, Jim, and Keith are not my thugs, they're just my friends and Doug's intended groomsmen if we ever decide to tie the knot. Those three would never be thugs, they're too smart and have too much personality. Shap's a shy, wise, and somewhat religous football player with a wild and crazy mind; Jim is a law student and one of the biggest party animals any of us has ever met; and Keith is one of the smartest and most cynical guys we know. He's our personal mechanic, stockbroker (he just got into the business, just graduated), and martial arts tutor. And he GMs almost every time we play GURPS or AD&D (though we all prefer the latter, for many reasons). These guys could never be thugs! But, like everyone in our little gang, they'd do anything, no matter how dangerous or embarrassing, for the rest of us. That's why they rushed to save Doug like that. I just snapped my fingers to avoid arguments over who got to attack Doug first. Jim, Keith, and Shap can sometimes be such whiners. I definitely wouldn't send them after you, they wouldn't obey me. In fact, if I asked them to go after you, here's what they'd probably say in response: ** Which reminds me...you mentioned Ben Affleck...boy, that's like pouring salt in an open wound...He stole my last girlfriend, a young actress named Gwyneth Paltrow, from me you know. It's a very sordid tale, and one that I can't discuss until the lawyers hammer out the deal for the TV movie rights...** Sorry, I didn't know there was bad blood between you and Ben Affleck. Or that he was dating Gwyneth (Tricia is the one of us who keeps up with the lives of celebrities, not me). Oh well, you made me laugh again. It's probably good that you and Gwyneth had to break up, I hate to think of what your dad would have turned that beautiful girl into. Speaking of which, I don't need anything mutated right now, but I'll definitely contact you if I end up needing something changed into something else through genetics. Wasn't aware mutation was your family's business. I wonder if you're as good at it as your dad.
(Lisa enters, laughing uproariously.)
The last few things Sevarius Jr. said just made me have to come back. Here are my responses:
not-so-great) Larry Flynt used to say, "Opinions are like A**holes, everybody's got one." Please don't send your thugs after me, and for the love of God, take the gun cabinet key away from Doug!**
Shap: This guy's been offending you by shooting his mouth off? Come on, Lis! Sticks and stones, ya know? Words can't hurt anyone without emotion behind them! You sure this guy is worth my attentions?
Jim: Hmm, you want this guy Sevarius Jr. beat up. What's in it for me? Nothing? Then forget it!! I'm not going after that guy. Besides, I don't even know where he lives!! How do you expect me to ever beat him up if I can't find the guy?
Keith: Why do I have to solve all your problems? Why can't you go beat him up if you're the one that's ticked off? Huh? I got more important things to worry about than some little pissant Internet poster whose dad turned you into a half-gargoyle! You handle it! I am not your cabana boy!!
See? They wouldn't even give you the time of day! So don't worry about them. I respect your opinions, and so does Doug. He was only kidding when he pointed that gun at you, just trying to get your goat and hoping you wouldn't take it as seriously as you did. Don't worry, I have his personal promise he'll never do it again, thanks to the Skylar Hunting method of getting a guy to do what you want (hee hee). And our safe is a combination lock, not key. We two are the only ones that know the access code, and you can't destroy memory easily. But don't worry, Doug won't come after you with a gun again. If he does, the price he'll pay will be too damn high for him to ever survive it mentally (hee hee hee).
See you next time and keep up the laughs!!
(Lisa smiles coquettishly at Sevarius Jr., who blushes and turns away. The gargess shakes her head and glides out the skylight, chuckling to herself.)
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 01:35:19 AM
IP: hd52-149.hil.compuserve.com
*Jackal turns back to look at the corner he had been in*
Hmm, did you guys know there's a small colony of black talking ants over there?? Ah well,...
<<..Oh well, those guys would probably condemn Jesus to heck if they ever really did meet him, they're so conservative and anti-freedom, as well as anti-any values besides theirs.>>
Hooo Hooo, you're right! I most certainly agree with ya!
<<..and brought me home with new skills.., that I later was able to use to help chase the Bloods out of our neighborhood.>>
Hey, all right! I can preach a sermon on gangs, now! The sad thing is, most Xloods and Crips, don't know their "heritage". See, the Crips was oringinaly started to be a neighborhood watch program, but they were called the Cribs {ya know, protecting houses, houses.., cribs}, anyway..., Uhh, yea, it boils down to people just becoming corrupt and misguided..., Why do I get the feeling I'm the only one that knows the story?
<<I agree, most rap is garbage (sorry to any of you Puff Daddy fans out there), and the Barenaked Ladies aren't that great (although you can't go wrong with songs with such titles as "Brian Wilson Dead"). But the Cherry Poppin' Daddies are the best!>>
Yes you're kinda right, most Puff Daddy "music" is crap! "Call me a bad boy killa murder muthaf***as daily!" But my boy Pac! That's my role model! {What do expect from someone who looks up to Demona, and wishes he could be possessed by Anubis}, but what the hell is a cherrie poppin daddy? NEVERMIND! Don't answer that! That's sick, whatever happened to good ol fashion music like Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, Skid Row.., or am I gettin old?
Ga Usa
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 01:17:43 AM
IP: spider-tn063.proxy.aol.com
OOps. In my previous post, I meant "Domains Of Dread," not "Realms Of Terror." <:)
Laurel, MD USA
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 01:04:44 AM
IP: 205-231-225.ipt.aol.com
Gargoyles CCG & RPG> I'd love to see these, fan-created or official. :) Laudre> I'd like to see that Gargoyles-Highlander expansion at G98. :) Christine> Gargoyles Magic: TG cards? Neat! :) I'd like to learn more about those... :) Who am I? Hope to post in here more! :)
Hi! Don't post in here but once or twice before, but I've been watching. :)
When AOL's old TSR Online was active, I posted an article on a race called the 'Dargoyle,' which was my character race for a Gargoyle a la Disney. I also included them in my AD&D campaigns. Those times are far behind, now (my RPG materials are gathering dust, aside from my Ravenloft ones, which make for interesting reading :). (Of course, I did design a Gargoyles-based Ravenloft domain, Veneficium, and had plans for further, after reading the 'Realms Of Terror' book, but that's another story.)
As for CCGs, the only ones I ever played were Spellfire and Overpower ('cause they were short, easy, and simple), but CCGs soon bored me. But I'd certainly play a Gargs one. :) (Have the closest official equivalent, the Stone Warriors Card Game, here. <:)
Hi, I'm JEB. You may remember me from such websites as JEB's Gargoyles Page and the Avalon Archive. :)
I've been in the fandom for about a year and 4 months now. Didn't make it to G97, but I made darn sure I'd be getting to G98. :) I'm a TGS staff writer and general stuff-doer.
I guess that's about all the semi-interesting stuff about me, I guess.
Laurel, MD USA
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 01:01:25 AM
IP: 205-231-225.ipt.aol.com
But, to cover my behind so as not to offend again, do remember that this is only my opinion. And as the great (well, not-so-great) Larry Flynt used to say, "Opinions are like A**holes, everybody's got one." Please don't send your thugs after me, and for the love of God, take the gun cabinet key away from Doug! Which reminds me...you mentioned Ben Affleck...boy, that's like pouring salt in an open wound...He stole my last girlfriend, a young actress named Gwyneth Paltrow, from me you know. It's a very sordid tale, and one that I can't discuss until the lawyers hammer out the deal for the TV movie rights...
Okay, I've promised not to offend anyone on this music debate. But Lisa, you're dead wrong! Okay, I agree, most rap is garbage (sorry to any of you Puff Daddy fans out there), and the Barenaked Ladies aren't that great (although you can't go wrong with songs with such titles as "Brian Wilson Dead"). But the Cherry Poppin' Daddies are the best! You must not have heard their albums to have made such a generalization. And since the swing scene is coming back, they're more popular than ever.
Seattle, Washington USA
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 11:51:49 PM
IP: client-151-200-120-143.bellatlantic.net
Opps! Sorry about that mix up.
Another note on Gargoyles CCG. The only acceptable clone will be of L5R. Though I'd prefer a new system. The L5R system allow compex stratgies, easily learnable. And completely different then Magic. So now no hardcore Magic idiot will corrupt the game with their evil ways.
Gargoyles RPG? Actually right now I'm running a Werewolf campain in the Gargoyle World. So far the PC's have dealt w/Nightstone Unlimited. But I took some it a little out of the story line. Basically Thailog & Demona run Nightstone and still love each other. Puck is deguised as a way-too-powerful Mage. I will slowly bring Xanatos in. And then maybe Timedancer Brooklyn. For the fact that about a month ago they were trapped like him travelling through time trying to beat Puck. Only they didn't know that the Phenoix Gate was causing it.
Complex isn't it
Till next time
Doji Nick
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 11:00:59 PM
IP: 207-172-149-172.s45.as6.anp.erols.com
(Lisa walks in, accompanied by a big black guy, an even bigger white guy who looks suspiciously like Ben Affleck, and a short but muscular Chinese guy, all looking like they're spoiling for a fight. When they see George standing over Doug, Lisa snaps her fingers and the three guys charge the halfling and beat him to a bloody pulp before he can get off an energy burst. They then grab Doug's unconscious body and rush him to the hospital while George is scooped up by some chatroom security guards and taken away. Lisa shakes her head and advances to the center of the room.)
Boy, am I glad I had Shap, Jim, and Keith with me. Didn't have to soil my talons. Oh well, I'll rescue Doug anytime and vice versa. Just hope he doesn't need help again any time soon. Here's some more random musings:
This picture: It sucks! Where's that great sinister look Tony has? This doesn't even look like his real face! I think you should replace it with a better one, but that's only my opinion.
Theresa: I don't think Doug will need any empathic or clerical healing this time, we know a real good doctor. I just hope his bill isn't too high this time around. George might need your attention, though. The guys did give him quite a pounding, though I'm sure I'd have done worse if I'd gotten a chance. Nobody knocks my guy out and gets away with it.
On a Gargoyles card game: Good idea. I'd definitely be interested in playing it, provided the rules weren't too complicated and the decks weren't too expensive.
On the song Iris: Hey, I never said it wasn't a great song! I think there are better love songs out there (like She Runs Away, Posession, With or Without You, etc.), but it is good! I just think it's already been used for City of Angels, and therefore Gargoyles can't use it. Only my opinion.
Christine: I agree with you on classical music, it's...classic! And it sounds great, too. Ode to Joy, Rise of the Valkyries, and the William Tell Overture are my favorites (can never hum the latter without thinking of Tonto and that guy he calls a horse's rear end). A lot of today's music is bad beyond anything I've ever heard (most rap artists', the Cherry Poppin' Daddies', and the BareNakedLadies' music are examples), but more is good. Even the good songs of today, though, will never replace Bach, Beethoven, and the Boys. Every piece of music sounds different, some good, some bad. It all depends on the opinion of the person listening. And don't think you're not a cool adult because you're out of touch with the music of today. My folks are too, and I've never held it against them. They're still great people. And so are you, for your intelligence, creativity, friendliness, etc. You're definitely a cool adult. And judging from what I've heard about your mom, she's cool as well. My mother would never introduce me to gaming, like it though she does. She definitely didn't give me the kind of bad rap about it Doug's gave him, both my parents have always been very understanding and open-minded people. They also enjoyed playing it as much as Stephanie, Ray, and I did back when Uncle Brian introduced us to role-playing so long ago (he had just found out about AD&D from a friend at work who wanted him to GM their club, he was seeing if he was any good with his understanding family's aid. He was good, and since that night all six of us have been avid RPGers.) I also used to date bikers. In fact, I am a biker, even if I don't look like one (unless you count the lady motorcycle cop in that videogame LA Riders as a biker, I do kinda look like her). I was in the Angels a few years ago, before I met Doug. It was only for one summer, the summer I made the huge mistake of running away from home. But that summer was also one of the most important experiences of my life, the ones that most made me who I am today. I still get letters from some of the people in the old gang, and I was at Snake's funeral six weeks ago (he was the leader of the group I joined, got killed in a barroom brawl). They'll all always be a part of my family, and my real fam likes them too. They did keep me safe for the three months I was away for, and brought me home with new skills (shooting, riding a motorcycle, streetfighting, etc.) that I later was able to use to help chase the Bloods out of our neighborhood. Guess the bikers were kinda my guardian gargoyles (or angels, I should say angels). But enough about times gone by. Like most people, I try desperately to live in the present. In any case, don't doubt yourself. In many peoples' opinions, mine included, you are a very cool adult, no matter what. Hope that boosts your self-esteem.
I gotta go now, guys. It's gonna look bad if I'm not there when Doug wakes up. Hope we never see George or any of our other enemies again. Bye all!
(Lisa waves goodbye, glares icingly at the approaching TGS lawyer, who shakes his head, then turns around and leaves, then herself turns and walks out.)
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 10:51:16 PM
IP: hd60-203.hil.compuserve.com
Greg has said that there is, in fact, a clan of Gargoyles living on New Olympus.
Missed Starsinger's Q about New Olympus before...
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 09:53:00 PM
IP: p02-22.stamford.dialin.ntplx.com
Starsinger: How ironic, I just asked Christine Morgan that question not even a month ago while researching for a story. She informed me that the following four Avalon gargoyles were the only ones with names: The rest weren't named at all, so a lot of fanfic authors have come up with names for many of them (examples: Christine Morgan's Jericho and Elektra, Christi Smith Hayden's Ruth, and my own Lina and Rain). Hope that answers your question sufficiently enough. **Coyote turns to his escort, who pulls a stone out of her pocket. The stone flashes brilliantly, and when everyone's eyesight returns, Coyote and the gargoyle are gone.**
**Coyote enters the room escorted by a jade green gargoyle wearing a sorceress' outfit.**
Algonac, Michigan
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 08:53:01 PM
IP: modem110.net-ex.com
Christine> Actually, right now I'm writing a sourcebook for Thrash (very, very cool martial arts/fighting game/anime RPG) which will include rules for playing Highlander-style Immortals and Gargoyles, based on my fanfic universe. I'm planning to bring a draft with me to the Gathering, and if I can snag a copy of GURPS Martial Arts and find its systems to my liking I'll probably write up a version for GURPS, once I have the work done on the setting (which I haven't even started yet... at least, not in a form that would be remotely useful to anyone else). I'm also attempting to find some GURPS players in my area so I have a better grip on the system and will thus produce a better sourcebook. Converting to GURPS will be an interesting task, since GURPS' magic/sorcery system is so different from Thrash's that I might have to write up rules from scratch for that. (As for you WoD players, whenever I get around to picking up a copy of WoD Combat! I'll consider writing up a version for WoD. AD&D ppl... well, I'm sorry, but AD&D is a sick joke of a system for anything serious, although it's fun as hell for Conan-type one-offs. Of course, when *I* DM Conan-style one-offs, PC death rates tend to be reminiscent of Paranoia ^_^, and my players quickly learn to bring spare characters.)
CCG's> Ehhh... I stopped playing them after I got out of Magic, and I'm left with somewhere over 2000 Magic cards (about a third of that basic land) and a pile of Limited Edition Jyhad (I refuse to call it Vampire: The Eternal Struggle) cards. I'm not particularly interested in sinking money into that hobby again.
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 08:42:31 PM
IP: p02-22.stamford.dialin.ntplx.com
I'm not a role player, but I will collect the cards if I like the artwork. A friend of mine collects B-5
cards and has spent a small fortune on getting most of her set complete. I'd just like a set of the cards for the pictures. Doug, I loved that shade of
blue used on your last post, it didn't leave any double images on my screen. By the way if you need
the help of a healing empath after George gets through with you this time do let me know, I'll keep
my schedule open for you.
I have a question, Was there ever a published official list of all the Avalon Gargoyles names?
Also there has been repeated mention of gargoyles with the New Olympians, the episode only mentioned that they new of the their noble race, not that there
were any living there. Or did I miss something? It's wonderful outside right now, rain and a cool
breeze. Shade and Sweet Water, Starsinger
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 07:53:49 PM
IP: proxy-155.iap.bryant.webtv.net
Finally got them all under control ... Galvatron: I would definitely be interested in a Gargoyles CCG, just as long as it follows two basic rules: 1) I'm the same way: NO MAGIC CLONES! Let me say this: a lot of CCG's I've seen based on licensed properties have been pretty dull (the sole exception being Star Trek:TNG.). They all have basic flaws: Star Wars: confusing game system I dunno, maybe I'm spoiled by the only CCG I play on a regular basis (Illuminati:New World Order), a game that has not only an interesting game mechanic (the cards can change any of the rules at any time), but enjoyable pictures and text (to the point of hilarious: the funniest card title in INWO is "My Karma Ran Over Your Dogma."). If the game is something that I can actually get a good laugh with, and a competitive game, I'll be happy. **Coyote opens the door to leave, suddenly hearing two characters get into an argument about INWO's rules and begin the brawl again. Coyote sprints out, slamming the door behind him.**
**Coyote enters the room breathing a huge sigh of relief.**
2) The extracurricular text on the cards adds to the atmosphere of the game ... kind of like actually entering an episode itself.
OverPower (any company's): nothing but fighting! (Hey guys, there's a reason why comics actually have *writers!*)
Xena: Zzzzzzzz ... (very dull card text)
Algonac, Michigan
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 06:01:21 PM
IP: modem140.net-ex.com
(Doug dashes in and quickly slams the door behind him, catching an angry George Harrison hard in the face and knocking him out.)
Whew, that was close! How did that guy get on my tail again? Oh well, here's what I have to say this time:
Christine: You're a cool adult in my book, for what it's worth. Your stories, interests, intelligence and creativity, imagination, friendliness, all combine to make you a great person. Hey, who cares if you don't understand current music? At least you respect our interest in it. And current fashions? Many people, myself and Lisa included, don't understand them either! We usually dress in T-or polo shirts and jeans, and those are supposed to be totally out of style nowadays. And some of our friends usually dress like fugitives from the 50s, 60s, or (gasp) 70s! Fashion trends really don't matter to us, we all wear what we want to wear. Guess it's the same with you. Everything else about you is just groovy, I'm glad to have you for an Internet pal. You are definitely not an a-dolt (what I call the kind of adults who are stupid bigots about lots of things and too often refuse to acknowledge anyone's opinion but theirs as correct. Many people in my age group and younger are also this way, but one expects adults to be different and know better. Too bad it's often not the case. Glad it is with you.) One thing I recently heard when checking out your new page- Your MOM introduced you to gaming? She must be one in a million. My mother took away, locked in the car trunk, and threatened to burn all my AD&D stuff when she first found out about it thanks to all the bad stuff about it in the news back then. Thanks to arguments from myself, a couple teachers at school who saw RPGs as beneficial to people (they promote cooperation and imagination and help build math and writing skills), and Enzo (my ultra-cool and very tolerant Italian stepfather), my stuff and my life as a gamer was saved. Mom's much more understanding of the gaming hobby now thanks to all that (I'm sure my getting her to read William Dear's the Dungeon Master book, the Pulling Report and other articles from CARPG, and the old Dragonlance novels as well as my GMing her in a game 'to see what playing AD&D was like' also helped). Glad you never had to go through anything like that with your family, and that your mom introduced you to such a wonderful hobby. Kudos to Ms. Atkins for her great opinions and the cool and wonderful daughter she produced!
On a Gargs card game: Great idea! Too bad I can't think of any way you'll get licensing for it without hiring an expensive lawyer. Provided the decks aren't too expensive (like Magic's, uh), I'd definitely add it to poker, solitaire, and go fish for my favorite card games (if the rules were good enough). Glad Galvatron had this idea.
Music: I do like some heavy metal bands, especially Van Halen and Metallica (If my fanfic character Ares O'Neil had theme songs, they'd definitely be Unforgiven I and II, those who read my upcoming story 'Choices' will discover why). I just can't see them singing in the background of a Gargoyles ep. No offense, but the soundtrack of the movie (if it ever comes out) will probably be more soft rock and modern alternative.
Sevarius Jr.: You're right, I do need to cut down my sugar intake. I'm taking measures now to do that, like switching to decaf, exercising more, and eating fewer snack foods while I watch TV programs (though I'm sure I'll always be chubby). You're not the only one who's encouraging me, either. Lisa doesn't want me acting like this ever again. (Doug drinks heavily from a bottle of liquid sugar, then suddenly gets a weird look on his face, drops the bottle, and puts his hands up and pulls his shirt over his head.) I am the Great Doug-Holio!! You do not want to face my wrath!! (George gets up, growls, and points an energy hand at him. Doug goes "Are you threatening me?", George nods, and fires the bolt at his head, knocking Doug out. The mad halfling stands over his enemy's unconscious form and begins to laugh maniacally. What next for our hero Doug? How will he get out of this?)
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 05:46:57 PM
IP: hd56-165.hil.compuserve.com
Doji Nick > Whoa, hey, back up a minute, you're crediting the wrong gamer with that idea. Not mine.
I would love to see such a game, sure (and I am the one whose husband made her a deck of Gargoyles M:TG cards for Xmas a couple years back), but, just as I'd love to see a Gargoyles role-playing game, I don't think it's likely to happen.
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 04:56:37 PM
IP: vecna.ndip.eskimo.net
D.N.> I'm a Magic fan, but I agree with you. A Gargoyles CCG should not be a Magic clone. Magic is (for me at least) a hard game to learn and teach. I don't have any experience with the
other games you mentioned, so I can't offer an opinion there.
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 02:15:55 PM
Gargoyle CCG!!!! ROCK ON! I'd help, I got ideas, etc.!!
Sorry about that burst. I'm a big CCG-er + I love Gargoyles so you do the math. But some things must be directed towards this CCG.
First- NO MAGIC CLONES ALLOWED! Sorry to disappoint anyone but I hate Magic. Mostly because the tournament player are jerks. The game costs extreme amounts for a good deck, etc.
Second- Should the game be one-on-one only (like Netrunner). Or Multi-player compatable? (like L5R)
Three- People should speak there opinions. Christine has a great idea. I want to see it through and to make it work you all should give she so many good ideas that she will want to shoot you all.
Till next time
Doji Nick
Doji Nick
Glen Burnie, MD
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 01:26:09 PM
IP: 207-172-148-240.s49.as3.anp.erols.com
P.S. to my earlier post: please send your comments, suggestions, or anything else to my email address; I typically don't have time to check more than my email on a regular basis.
P.P.S: Christine> I am aware that a Gargoyles card game would have to get cleared by a number of people somewhere in the industry, and I'd have to get into a tangle of copyrights and so on, but I'm more than willing to get through all those troubles if enough fans want the product.
Hamilton, NY USA
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 12:38:30 PM
81 days until the Rising.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 07:40:51 AM
IP: pn9-ppp-217.primary.net
Lawrence> Actually, Greg has explicitly stated that Gargoyles only lay one egg at a time, period. I imagine that the same goes for Gargoyle beasts.
Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 01:10:04 AM
IP: p01-15.stamford.dialin.ntplx.com
I would like to know how many eggs can a gargoyle beast can lay? We already know that some gargoyles can lay two, but most just lay one. But we do not know how many eggs can a gargoyle beast lay? Maybe they just lay one or can they lay a litter of eggs like anormal dog. Has a litter of puppys what do the rest of you think.
Lawrence Stone
Chillicothe, Ohio Ross
Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 09:54:41 PM
IP: chil-ras2-1-cs-18.dial.bright.net
Galvetron > unfortunately, there's a small problem with your game project -- even if we all would buy it, you'd probably get squished like a bug by the Powers That Be the minute you tried to sell it. Licensing and all. If you can get the rights, great, you go and many of us will be right behind with checkbooks in hand, but I'm afraid we shouldn't be too optimistic.
Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 07:55:01 PM
IP: vecna.ndip.eskimo.net
Fellow Gargoyles fans, your attention please! I am currently developing a Gargoyles-based collectible card game, and am interested in your support. Over the past month, I've put together a game framework, and created a number of cards for a Gargoyles game. I would like to know if any of you out there would be interested in such a game (namely, would you buy it)?
I am also interested in hearing your opinions on what you would like to see in this game. In particular, I have seen (and have copies of) all the televised Gargoyles episodes (seasons 1-3), but I have read only a few fanfics (back in the days when we waited with baited breath for the premiere of The Gathering), and I have read none of the Gargoyles Saga as of yet. I plan on drawing material for the game from seasons 1 and 2, but I would like to know what (if anything) else you would like included in such a game (ie, no season 3, or all of the 'Gargoyles' section of TGS, etc). I am interested in any suggestions you would like to make to this effect, but please bear in mind that I am creating this game with my own framework and style of game play in mind. I look forward to receiving many responses from all you fans soon! Be seeing you...
Hamilton, NY USA
Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 06:08:16 PM
Here's my suggestions for the Gargoyles soundtrack:
"Sister Havana" by Urge Overkill for the P.I.T. Most of the song has nothing to do with any garg-related topics but the first line is "Come around to my way of thinking".
"Gone Daddy Gone" by Violent Femmes for Demona and Goliath's relationship. Listen to it. It makes sense, really it does.
*Cassandra flies out of the room, singing "Blister in the Sun".*
Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 01:22:14 PM
Fire Storm > nothing's wrong with classical! Classical's great! It's just that whenever the talk turns to music, it reminds me that I am now officially an "old fart" because I can't understand what kids today see in it (one of the symptoms; another is shaking my head in bemused disgust at the current fashions ... and here I was hoping I'd be a cool grownup because I still game and watch cartoons and collect toys ...)
Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 11:43:34 AM
IP: vecna.ndip.eskimo.net
Somehow, the recent music debate has reminded me of one of the worst creativity demons I ever had (I've shared this before some months ago at Station 8's comment room, but since most of the regulars in this room weren't there, as far as I can remember, at the time, and since it was a long time ago, I don't think that there's any harm in sharing it with you again). The basic idea was this: Xanatos reverts to his old bad habits and the gargoyles have to leave Castle Wyvern in a hurry. Since both the clock tower and Elisa's apartment are too obvious as hiding-places for them from the point of view of Xanatos, the Illuminati, the Quarrymen, and all of the clan's other enemies, they finally wind up taking shelter with Brendan and Margot, of all people. (Actually, this is so improbable that it would probably only work as a nightmare sequence for the yuppies). All sorts of troubles unfold: Brooklyn uses up all the hot water while taking a shower, and Brendan learns it the hard way. Bronx chews up Margot's legal papers and neither she nor her husband dares stop him. And they have to end up watching whatever Hudson feels like watching on television at night (neither one wants to argue with a gargoyle, particularly a gargoyle with a sword). Anyway, the relevant part of this creativity demon is that the yuppies get awakened in the night by some loud music, and come out into the living room to find some sort of ghetto-blaster playing, and the trio and Angela dancing to it, Bronx bounding about eagerly and barking, and Goliath and Hudson simply watching in silent bewilderment. I've got the feeling that after this, the yuppies could very well snap....
82 days until the Rising.
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 08:16:56 AM
IP: pn13-ppp-76.primary.net
*slips in, sniffing the leftover aroma of coffee. Growls* "Damn that Doug.... he's doing that just to tick me off!" *Follows the trail of coffee fumes out the door..*
Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 08:15:47 AM
IP: dal-as1-1230.cmpu.net
(Doug walks in looking very tired and out of sorts. A cup of decaf is still in his hand and he sips it as he says the following:)
Just call me Coffee Sipping Man. He he.
Sevarius Jr.: Sorry I tried to shoot you. That was also just a joke, to see how you would react. Didn't know it would be so bad, Lisa's reacted terribly as well. Oh well, in any case, I apologize and have cut down my sugar intake. Nothing like this will happen again, I promise.
Jackal: ** If nothing else, the Christian Coliation attacked "Gargoyles" the same way their attacking Manson now, so how about that?! **
Oh well, those guys would probably condemn Jesus to heck if they ever really did meet him, they're so conservative and anti-freedom, as well as anti-any values besides theirs. They should get together with the Ayatollah and the Taliban and go bowling. All these groups unfortunately think alike. Wish they weren't gaining so much power in the world. Oh well, eventually Christ will come back and teach them the way it really is! Then there'll be mass rejoicing as they all get kicked off to where they belong!! Muhaha!...whoa, apparently all the sugar isn't out of my system yet. I've been forgetting my earlier promises. Apologies to any Christian Coalition members who are closet garg-fans and read this page. Hope they know the truth about Gargoyles and promote it with the people in charge of the CC. Hope those people listen, if they can listen to anything besides their own close-minded values and hot air. Sigh, wish they would...
Oh well, enough about that. Forgive me, I still can't see how Brooklyn and Angela doing all the awful things you have them doing would be cool. Maybe we just think different.
In any case, everything about Gargoyles is definitely awesome the way it is. I think we all know that, but we each also see possible improvements and make them in our way. Enough said, see y'all!
(Doug turns and walks out, still sipping his coffee. Hmm, he thinks to himself, is it Monday or Thursday?)
Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 07:49:04 AM
IP: hd4-211.hil.compuserve.com
<<...on the show, he wasn't that good>>
*Sniff* Brooklyn, he has a cool color.., *Sniff* and the horns, they're cool, and, and..., Earlier today, I was walking by the livingroom, and *Sniff, sniff* I heard Brooklyn, and I ran to the TV *Sniff* and I saw a FREAKIN MIGHTY DUCK!!! That wasn't cool *chin begins to quiever* I...., I...
*Jackal runs off to the corner of the room, collaspes into a fetal position, covers his face and sobs uncontrollably*
Ga Usa
Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 02:35:25 AM
IP: spider-tm033.proxy.aol.com
Christine: What's wrong with classical? Thanks to Apoclypse Now, I think it would be perfect to see a squad of Steel Clan robots flying to Die Valkerie! Hey, personally, I prefer the music of the 60's-1990's, plus clasical. The music of the 80's was great!
WHY is Brooklyn so cool? I mean, true, he is pretty cool, nice and laid back, and a Harley fan (NOTHING wrong with that <G>), But he isn't the best. Now, with fan-fic, he has gotten better, but on the show, he wasn't that good. I don't know... Personally, I can relate best with Lex, even Future Tense lex. I understand him (Hell, on the inside, I AM him!)
Fire Storm
Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 12:16:09 AM
IP: 204-108-30.ipt.aol.com
But about Doug...He seems like a really nice guy...but have you been checking his sugar intake? Please let him know that they sell coffee without the caffeine nowadays.
My lady Lisa, thank you for sparing the life of this humble soul. I am forever in your debt, and my gratitude is yours. If ever you need something mutated, I'm your man.
Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 12:08:27 AM
IP: client-151-200-126-200.bellatlantic.net
Lisa> I think "Iris" has got to be one of the best songs of the year! It touches that part of me that few spoken words can reach, you know? That's what I just freakin' LOVE about music.
"For heighths and depths no word can reach,
~Music~ is the soul's own speech."
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 11:41:03 PM
IP: dialup-103-25.sssnet.com
Stupid Broadway, alwayz spellin! M-O-O-N, that spells moon! Sorry, but I dislike Broadway, I alwayz have...
<<To Jackal and Sevarius Jr.: You asked Lisa and me not to badmouth religion or politics in our posts here because it would piss you guys off. Ok, we'll make you a deal. We'll do it if you'll quit pissing us off by badmouthing in your posts perfectly good music and some of our favorite gargs characters, ie Brooklyn and Angie..>>
Umm, I honestly couldn't care about the Pope or Bill Clinton, what I'm tryin to say is _I_ never said that. I'm not bad mouthing the Brookster or *clears throat* Angela...,
Number 1- Some of yall just don't understand how cool Brooklyn really is, like I do. He can do anything, ANYTHING, and it will be cool!
Number 2- Angela, it's just funny to think that someone as sweet as her would act like Manson. I mean come on, think about it. It would be as funny as seeing the Pope pushing everyone down beside him, break out a microphone, and start singing, "I'm a bitch, I'm a lover..." hehehee Ya know?!
<<Jackal, I just went to your little web page..., Angela wearing dark clothing, with funky demonic contacts, singing over and over "THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE...">>
Thank you for visiting! You just inspired me to draw that scene!! Aww, it will be great. When I get a scanner, oh Lord, you think me just typing is bad, wait till ya see what I'm capable of, I have one drawing with Brooklyn.., he's holding some Tequila, but he's lookin at it like, "You drink this crap?" I try to make my drawings "cute" in some way, I also try my damnedest to stay true to the animated artistry. (So, I spend hours on drawing- by itself). I almost never color, though... But..., I can hear some "hard" music playing with "Gargoyles", allow me to piss some people off...., these creatures are the "icons", i guess you'd say, of heavy, death metal muzic. Honestly, it's the truth, don't blame me. It would only make sense to have that type of music in a soundtrack, i mean, most soundtracks have nothing to do with the movie it's off of anyway. If nothing else, the Christian Coliation attacked "Gargoyles" the same way their attacking Manson now, so how about that?!
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 11:38:45 PM
IP: spider-tm012.proxy.aol.com
In response to the advice concerning the problems with my brother, thank you, but I have found that his mind is inept of the ability to rationalize and reason. All he ever does is fight with me, and when I try to talk seriously with him, be it about our arguements or otherwise, he either makes fun of me or says "Whatever," and shoves me away. Oh, well, I guess. This is the way he is. I hope one day someone shoves him back on his sorry backside and he gets the arrogance knocked out of him, but until then, I'll have to learn to accept his stupidity. As for consulting my parents, they have two sets of twins, and over time have adapted to our quarrels. You know, my brother and I didn't fight that much during the school year, it's just when we have to put up with each other during the summer months... *shrugs* *shakes her head and sighs* I wonder if Graeme and Ariana ever go throught times like these!
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 11:38:44 PM
IP: dialup-103-25.sssnet.com
Music > afraid I am going to be no help here, even if I did create Scarlet Angel (and I always feel so old and out of touch when people ask me if they sound like "so and so" or "this and that" and I can only shrug and grin inanely ... yes, folks, Christine's taste in music was cryogenically frozen right about the end of the 80's. 80's and classical. I can just see my contributions to this discussion -- Holst's "Mars: Bringer of War" for Goliath ... Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" for Demona ... "Hall of the Mountain King" for Puck ... and so forth.
Tanika > typo'ed your name before, sorry!
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 11:25:20 PM
IP: vecna.ndip.eskimo.net
Sevarius Jr: **Geez, sorry! Didn't know most Gargoyle fans were easy-listenin' folks! Okay, I won't diss your music. But I do stand by my belief that, at least for Angela and the trio (which means Brooklyn, pre-Time Dancer), who ARE TEENAGERS!!!!!, that some good ol' rock will be played. Maybe not metal, but I doubt you'd see Brooklyn (pre-Time Dancer) groovin' to Celine Dion, cept if he was getting romantic with a lady friend. I'd imagine that he'd at least listen to some popular pop/rock groups out there like Matchbox 20 or Third Eye Blind. And c'mon, every single teenage girl I know at least listens to some type of techno dance music, and though Angie may not be human, I think that it'd be safe to assume that occasionally she might like to cut loose and have some fun. The soundtrack can't be all beautiful, haunting love songs ya know. **
(Lisa roars in on her bike, drops her jaw in shock, and rushes up to Doug. "Damn, what are you doing!!" she screams at him, knocking the gun out of his hand and saving Sevarius Jr.'s life. "This guy hasn't been trying to kill you or anyone you care about, nor does he deserve to die!! Geez, ease up, man. And tonight you are pulling up the couch and talking to me." Doug walks out grumbling, followed by his glum-looking servant. Lisa breathes a sigh of relief and turns to face the crowd.)
God, it's been so long since he's gotten like that. Wonder what brought it on this time. Probably the tension the characters in Doug's stories are feeling leaking out onto their creator again. He gets so into his work. Boy, is our therapy session gonna be big this time!
Sorry Doug had to get so mad, apology accepted. I agree with you on this post. I too hope some good old rock and roll will be part of the Gargoyles soundtrack as well as easy listening. I like both equally well. And, yes, Angela definitely would occasionally cut loose and have some fun. Every girl does, including me. The music you're suggesting this time definitely sounds more like something the Trio and Angela would listen to than Marilyn Manson. Metallica, though, I'm sure they'd like that. Unforgiven 2 is one of my all-time favorite songs and I don't even like heavy metal that much! Although I do sometimes like to listen to Metallica, AC-DC, Judas Priest, and/or GWAR. Love the latter's videos. One last thing on music, I think City of Angels pretty much has Iris reserved as a love song. Some of its lyrics also don't really apply to Gargoyles that much. I think if they do ever get the Gargoyles movie off the ground, some new love song with an excellent tune and lyrics will be created for Goliath and Elisa's love just like that one was created for the couple in COA (I forget their names). And it will be excellent. That's what I think anyway. Too bad I have little talent for music, or I'd try to write it myself. Oh well, that's my two cents on the music topic.
Oh, by the way, I saved your life! You better say thank you next post. In return, I will ensure Doug never threatens you again, in jest or reality, through extended counseling, the right amount of threats and bribery, and switching his morning coffee to decaf (I have told him time and again he needs to switch it himself, guess I'll have to make him do it now). I'll also try to get him to not get so into his characters and stories when he writes. Sigh, like many good amateur fiction writers out there, my boyfriend must remember that his characters are not his own nor even real people, despite how interesting they may become. Have to remind him of this. Doug is giving me so much practice for when I graduate and become a shrink.
That's all I have to say for now. See y'all next post!!
(Lisa turns her bike around and rides out, wondering why she hasn't gone crazy herself yet just from living with Doug Elder.)
Austin, TX USA
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 11:24:37 PM
IP: hd31-145.hil.compuserve.com
First off, Doug, get the stupid gun away from my head, and switch to decaf! IT'S A JOKE! I'M TOO YOUNG AND PRETTY TO DIE! Geez, sorry! Didn't know most Gargoyle fans were easy-listenin' folks! Okay, I won't diss your music. But I do stand by my belief that, at least for Angela and the trio (which means Brooklyn, pre-Time Dancer), who ARE TEENAGERS!!!!!, that some good ol' rock will be played. Maybe not metal, but I doubt you'd see Brooklyn (pre-Time Dancer) groovin' to Celine Dion, cept if he was getting romantic with a lady friend. I'd imagine that he'd at least listen to some popular pop/rock groups out there like Matchbox 20 or Third Eye Blind. And c'mon, every single teenage girl I know at least listens to some type of techno dance music, and though Angie may not be human, I think that it'd be safe to assume that occasionally she might like to cut loose and have some fun. The soundtrack can't be all beautiful, haunting love songs ya know. But let me ask you a question. What about "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls to describe Goliath/Elisa's relationship? That's the song from the "City of Angels" soundtrack, and it shows how even a rock band can make a good love song. And by the way, ABC's replaying Stephen King's "The Stand", and IT'S GOT BILL FAGERBAKKE IN IT! Viva la Broadway!
Seattle , Washington USA
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 10:33:48 PM
IP: client-151-200-126-200.bellatlantic.net
Angela liking Hanson and Spice Girls? No way, man! Maybe Enya ... *runs before pies are thrown* Goliath would probably go for something like a Braveheart or Dragonheart soundtrack. Or perhaps Hudson would. Both of them didn't really get used to the 20th century as much as the trio. Especially Hudson. Dasvidanya, y'all! Everyone have a good one! *starts singing as she flies off, "So break me, hate me, shake me, take me over, when the madness stops you will be alone, alone, alone ..." HUH, something for Demona, maybe??? And M. Macbeth :)* Savage Garden is always a rocker ?:^)
AoTN< I'd suggest talking to your brother like Sevarius Jr. mentioned. But after that, ignore the jerk. If that's all his pathetic life's about is laughing about you watching TV (oh, gasp, the horror ... *sarcastically), tell him he really needs a life. Call him on it and tell him how pathetic he is, or use the famous phrase, "So?" So what if he laughs at Gargoyles? If he's that dumb he's got more to laugh at in the mirror. If it really gets bad, I'd talk to the parent you'd probably get the best reaction out of for your benefit. And good luck! :)
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 10:23:57 PM
IP: spider-tk072.proxy.aol.com
Doug: Thanks for backing me up. Actually, I didn't really mean to get anyone's dander up by my choices of music: the stuff I suggested were the ones that I had lyric sheets on. I welcome other suggestions, just as long as they can be justified by the contents of their lyrics. Any genre. Anything! **Coyote opens the door to leave, suddenly seeing 44 characters standing over his Cadillac, pulling every part they can grasp out from under the hood. Coyote lets out a primal howl and brandishes Mr. Carter ... (here we go again :P)**
**Coyote walks in carrying his sax under one arm and Mr. Carter under the other.**
Algonac, Michigan
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 09:13:36 PM
IP: modem103.net-ex.com
(Doug walks in, whistling nonchalantly.)
Whew, finally got George off my tail. Good thing I knew where all the tabloid reporters in town hang out and had the sense to lead that jerk there. Once they saw him walking on air and zapping energy bolts..., well, let's just say he got angrier at them than he was at me when they started asking questions and snapping photos. I got away while he was putting many of them in the hospital. Phew!! Hope he doesn't remember me any time soon. Anyway, here's what I have to say:
Soundtrack: Something by Scarlet Angel. Oh wait, that band was a fictional creation of Christine's. Um, I don't know. Soundtrack ideas posted so far all sound good, except the heavy metal ideas. Not to upset anyone, but I just can't see rap or heavy metal playing as background to any scene from Gargoyles, including the credits. Sorry to disappoint some of you. The other song ideas sound good, there's nothing wrong with them. They're all excellent bands. To Jackal and Sevarius Jr.: You asked Lisa and me not to badmouth religion or politics in our posts here because it would piss you guys off. Ok, we'll make you a deal. We'll do it if you'll quit pissing us off by badmouthing in your posts perfectly good music and some of our favorite gargs characters, ie Brooklyn and Angie (have to stop calling her that), neither of whom would ever be Marilyn Manson. I can even see Angela tearing his heart out and feeding it to her mom...ok, bad dreams last night. Disregard that. You will agree to this bargain, alright?
Greg: Thanks for posting on the IA page. Thanks to everyone else who posted, too. Let's cross our fingers that they keep this show, okay, guys?
Sevarius Jr.: Since you asked... (turns to stony-faced servant behind him). Shotgun please. (The servant hands it to him, Doug cocks the shotgun and aims it at Sevarius Jr.'s head.) Any last words, punk?
(Note: Sevarius Jr. has until the next post he makes to take back his request that somebody shoot him in the head. The clock is ticking!! Will he survive? Will Doug get off his homicidal maniac craze and let him live even if he says he wants to? Stay tuned!!)
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 08:14:35 PM
IP: dd61-077.dub.compuserve.com
As for the music debate...c'mon. A whole soundtrack album with nothing but music from Meatloaf, or Gloria Estefan, or Vanessa Williams, or (ugh) Celine Dion? No offense, but God, just put the gun up to my head and get it over with. I know that probably the majority of people here don't like, say, death metal (like me). But don't expect a mass-market hit. Who cares if the song fits the mood of the show! Take a look at all of the movie soundtracks out today: You need at least a couple of hard rock songs, and about a half-dozen crummy R&B/Rap songs. Then you'll sell millions! Millions!
Jackal, I just went to your little web page. I'm beginning to like you more and more. Don't know if that's a bad thing for you or not. But can't you just see it? Angela wearing dark clothing, with funky demonic contacts, singing over and over "THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE..."
Seattle, Washington USA
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 07:49:53 PM
IP: client-151-200-127-210.bellatlantic.net
I'm afraid that there has been no news about the movie for several months, and it is quite possible that it has been dropped by the studios.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 06:27:45 PM
IP: pn10-ppp-153.primary.net
Can you please send me all the saved comment room pages? There's something I'd like to check on all of them. Thanx.
To those that have been saving the comment room since this thing started:
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 04:33:14 PM
IP: ts22-15.wla.ts.ucla.edu
Hello! -tis my first of many post here. I'd just like you say one thing and ask one thing.
One- Gargoyles Soundtrack: Unforgiven II (metallica). This is a must for Brooklyn's view in Requiem. Also Closer to the Heart (Rush) is good for the whole Golith/Elisa love story.
Question- Is a Gargoyle Movie ever going to come out? I'm sure this is old news/question. And A stupid question cause the tv show is gone at but yeah! I'm new and i wanna know.
Later all-
CCFC Doji Nick
Doji Nick
Glen Burnie, MD USA
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 04:32:02 PM
IP: 207-172-148-168.s41.as2.anp.erols.com
83 days until the Rising.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 07:22:35 AM
IP: pn3-ppp-126.primary.net
Yeah, Firestorm..., soo many questions, so little answers.., If my memory serves me correctly, Didn't "Master" Greg say something like there was an episode that he couldn't do? For some reason I just thought of that.
Anywayz, for the sake of rubbing things in (you'll see what I mean), I made a miniature web site, don't worry, I won't keep it up past this week. It's kinda spooky, hehehee. Kinda a small look into this dark thing called my mind..., my frist web site (like this), but not my last..., I wonder if GeoCities Web sites are easier to work with than AOL's???
Ga Usa
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 01:50:03 AM
IP: spider-tk071.proxy.aol.com
More songs!
When the gargoyles are stone: Queen, I want to break free!
<<Jackal: On a TOTALLY different matter, if a gargoyle, (for the sake of arguement), had to wear contacts...., you follow me..., and he/she eyes started glowing, would you see the contact? heheheee>>
or, if it was a colored contact, Would thier eyes glow a different color?
Now, we all know that with the goody-two shoes that she is, Angela would absolutely LOVE <Grits his teeth> Spice Girls and Hanson. Now, personally, I am not too fond of either, but she DOES seem like the type (Unless she is a closet Lillith Fair lover <G>) <Ohhhhh. I just KNOW that is gonna piss someone off!>
After reading the two Christine's fan-fic, I have picked the people I see as being the best with the trio:
Brooklyn and Avery
Broadway and Electra
Lex and Aiden
Jerricho and Demona <G>
So who is for Angela? NO ONE! (unless she hooks up with Gabriel after the wierd gargoyle sisters die)
Fire Storm
Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 01:21:50 AM
IP: 201-204-88.ipt.aol.com
<<Brooklyn doing drugs and listening to Manson and with his finger up his nose, people insulting the Pope..., As much as I like the gargoyles it's just a story!!!>>
Never say that! They're as real as you make em..., and people like me hold on to reality by a _very_ thin thread..., Yall know Angela loves Manson!! Can't you just see her screamin "F*** IT!!!!" HAHAHAHAHA (I'm just PLAYIN). I can see Goliath groovin to Al Green's Greatest Hits, yea that would be cool.
On a TOTALLY different matter, if a gargoyle, (for the sake of arguement), had to wear contacts...., you follow me..., and he/she eyes started glowing, would you see the contact? heheheee
Ga Usa
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 10:43:59 PM
IP: spider-tr083.proxy.aol.com
Geez ... I was going to complain about my car blowing up on me, but AotN's got some serious issues going here ... Actually, I have a better solution than boredom-leading-to-physical-violence (BTW, Sevarius Jr., this is no slam toward you: your idea was just my kind of speed.), and that is to just ignore them. If your brother decides to make it his personal mission to harass you about your choice of *television viewing*, for God's sake, then he's got a lot of free time on his hands. Turn up the volume and suggest he do something more productive with his time. Gargoyle soundtrack, part 2: Okay, for everybody who doesn't like Meat Loaf, here's some different artists and situations: For the Wyvern Massacre: "Why" (Annie Lennox) A song for Sata during "Daylight": "Don't Wanna Lose You Now" (Gloria Estefan) For the early days of Goliath and Elisa's relationship: "Words Get in the Way" (Gloria Estefan) More sedate theme for the Trio (and in particular, probably Brooklyn): "All I Wanna Do" (Sheryl Crow) Okay, I confess, just for the title, a song for either Demona or MacBeth: "Immortality" (Celine Dion and the Bee Gees) A theme for the Avalon Quest: "Miles to Go (Before I Sleep)" (Celine Dion) And finally, a song for all those long-suffering Elisa-and-Goliath fans at the last scene of "Hunter's Moon 3": "Save the Best for Last" (Vanessa Williams) Hmmmm ... lots o' women there. Lots of slow stuff there, too. Need some speed to loosen it up. Any suggestions? **Coyote turns and leaves, trying to push the grease off of his body. The sounds of a brawl erupting emerge again, followed by the loud sound of a big gun being fired. Coyote is last heard yelling "YOU MADE MR. CARTER MAD!"**
**Coyote enters the room, head to toe automotive grease. However, his saxophone is mysteriously polished and still under his arm.**
Algonac, Michigan
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 09:23:52 PM
IP: modem141.net-ex.com
And at this point, when he's good and bored, and looking the other way, BAM!!!! sucker punch to the kidneys. He'll never see it coming.
Angel of the Night, I have a solution to the problem with your brother. First, get him to sit down with you. Explain you want to talk to him. Remark on how his constant harassment over what programs you like to watch is not very nice, and is hurting your feelings. Explain that different people have different views and likes/dislikes, and just because a person differs from you, you should not make fun of or attempt to alienate them, but rather should respect their opinion, even if it isn't your own.
Seattle, Washington USA
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 06:40:05 PM
IP: client-151-200-120-5.bellatlantic.net
Uh,...sorry about that, but sometimes I find that this is the best place to let out my aggression.
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 03:20:50 PM
IP: dialup-103-9.sssnet.com
Okay, I'm just coming in here because misery loves company. My brother is making fun of me to his friends over the phone and he and his loser are screaming "GARGOYLES!" back and forth to annoy me further. Well, it's to the point that all I can think to yell back is "FINAL FANTASY FREAKS!!", seeing as this has been going on for hours and I'm starting to run out of comebacks. I hate him. I should make fun of him for not liking Gargoyles, or for hating anything that doesn't involve computers or video games. But you know what pisses me off the most?! This ignorant, immature, poor excuse for a human being actually has more friends than me! However, I find a great amount of peace in the fact that my friends are loyal and true, whereas all he has to claim as friends is a book full of phone #'s. Ha! Yeah, quit buying clothes and calling girls and go spend some time in front of a mirror, brother! You could learn a few things!
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 03:20:04 PM
IP: dialup-103-9.sssnet.com
Well, last week I asked "What is your favorite TGS ep?" and here are your results: The Gargoyles Saga: #1 - "Reprisals"; #2 - "Consequences"; #3 - a tie between "Turncoat" and "Equality" Pendragon: #1 - a tie between "Into The Woods" and "Quest's End"; #2 - a tie between "Goddess of Winter" and "The Tain"; #3 - a tie between "Watching Eye" and "Dragon's Wrath." Dark Ages: #1 - "Coming of Age"; #2 - "Wanderer"; #3 - "Alliances." Time Dancer: #1 - "Fleeting Encounters"; #2 - a tie between "Daylight" and "The Promise"; #3 - a tie between "Requiem", "Dishonor", and "Gros Bon Ange." At some time in the near future, the TGS staff needs to start telling the behind-the-scenes stories about some of the TGS episodes. It would shock, amaze and amuse you! *L* The fact that "Fleeting Encounters" did as well as it did gives me the giggles. But that's ANOTHER story!
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 07:57:03 AM
IP: dal-as1-1225.cmpu.net
84 days until the Rising.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 07:33:55 AM
IP: pn3-ppp-99.primary.net
Brooklyn: I think so, too, that he likes Metal. But nothing out of the mainstream-corner like Broadway likes probably Jazz. Miles Davis, Chet Baker and so on. Lexington isnīt surely specialized in something special. He may hear what is just in the Elisa may hear Soul-music. Toni Braxton, R Kelly, etc. And probably the classic ones, too. Iīm not sure about Goliath. Possibly he doesnīt hear any kind of music. I think he stil Angela. Um..., difficult. Very difficult. Well, i have no idea. Xanatos surely hears the same kind of music he heared thirty/twenty years ago. That means
Further down here is a discussion about the music tastes which the gargoyles could have. So
why not join it?
Metallica. I believe that his taste may be something like Nine Inch Nails. Well, anyway, I
think thatīs not mainstream. Iīm not sure.
charts. (And by the way: Why is he everywhere mentioned as "the dark olive-green gargoyle"? I
always thought heīs brown.)
Like the Temptations or Four Tops.
divides his life in two parts ("before" and "after") and that heīs still skeptical about the
20th century. And he puts "music" in the "after"-corner. Thatīs the same what I think about
Beatles, Pink Floyd and all this stuff.
Bluestone: Probably Rock. But I have no idea of special bands.
somewhere, Germany
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 06:59:31 AM
IP: stadtbib02.orgatech.de
Number eight for the week and number 10160 through the door. YES!! Most of you have been discussing
music this week. My vote of Timedance is Life's Flame by Heather Alexander. It opens with "One dark
and stormy night, a fledgling fell from flight" and
the chorus goes "I am lifes flame respect my name".
It always reminds my of the Phoenix gate. Later world. Starsinger
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 06:16:08 AM
IP: proxy-125.iap.bryant.webtv.net
MY! MY!MY! while the cat's awayn the mice went on crack!!!I went out of town for a few weeks and I come back to one of my favorite web sites and what do I read ? Brooklyn doing drugs and listening to Manson and with his finger up his nose, people insulting the Pope. Okay everyone time to step away from the computer take a deep breath and repeat the following: As much as I like the gargoyles it's just a story!!! A very well written saga with some interesting charaters but it is still make believe. Is it time for a reality check???
Felicia Smith
<2funk @sprynet.com>
Chicago, Illinois United States of America
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 02:55:21 AM
IP: orend.ped.ehc.com
10,000th! (I am still so dang proud of that!)
As for gargoyles and music, I was watching the City of Stone series, and I noticed somthing: When Demona is smashing humans, she laughs, then says "Another human bites the dust" (Queen, Another One Bites the Dust)
Fire Storm
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 01:40:49 AM
IP: 167-171-217.ipt.aol.com
35 seconds , I now bear a grudge , damn !!
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 12:24:55 AM
IP: port011.toj.com
That'd make me fourth Damn , next week I'll be number one ., The Bloody time difference caused my blunde this time .
kingston, Jamaica
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 12:21:52 AM
IP: port011.toj.com
Fourth, in my own voice. The only one I can use
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 12:21:17 AM
IP: ppp-207-214-176-134.anhm01.pacbell.net
Look's like I'm third this week
Monday, July 13, 1998 at 12:11:23 AM
IP: dialupk74.mpls.uswest.net
Second!! In the name of all that's holy!
Ga Usa
Sunday, July 12, 1998 at 11:45:05 PM
IP: spider-tm053.proxy.aol.com
My screen isn't showing anything! Did the room already refresh? If it has, then I claim this first spot in the name of Spain! ARRIBA LA RAZA!
Sevarius Jr.
Sunday, July 12, 1998 at 11:39:23 PM
IP: client-151-200-120-199.bellatlantic.net