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Aaarggh - no new episode yet and I still can't access the text site to get the TimeDancer one either.

Any Xena fans in here? I need some help.
Since it's tied up in legal difficulties since it's initial broadcast, it looks like the episode 'The Way' won't be seen overseas AT ALL for the forseeable future.
In addition my cable provider messed up the transmission of the following episode 'The Play's the Thing' so I now have a two episode gap in my collection. Could anyone possibly copy me these two episodes - my video can handle NTSC so that's not a problem and I'll naturally cover postage etc..

E-mail me if you can help - thanks.

Matt Dymond - []
UKMonday, April 26, 1999 03:13:55 AM

Part of the problem with all the media hype is that they fail to realize anyone can be pushed into doing something like what happened at Littleton.
You don't need to plan something for any great length of time. A really bad day with presure built up over a period of time and anyone of us could go "postal". In my time it was Elvis and the Beatles who were corrupting the youth of the nation. We just didn't have the internet to spread our corruption. How does that verse in The Living Years go ? "Every general blames the one before." Which is so true. The sad thing is, that they have already found a new school plot in Texas, and here in Albuquerque, some bright wit called bomb threats at his school. It will take a long time io get over the hurt, maybe never. We can only try to live up to our own expectations and damn what anyone else thinks. If you aren't hurting anyone else or yourself LEAVE ME ALONE. I'm don't have to live my life for you.

Sorry, I've been dealing with incredibly stupid suppliers all week. One of whom has done the exact same thing twice this week. (bangbangbang)


Theresa - []
Sunday, April 25, 1999 11:19:38 PM

Hi all,

Deuce> >Something about Goliath, I'd wager.... ;-)< It just begs to be said, doesn't it? >:)

Littleton> First I was sickened. Now I am angry. So I'm going to jump up on my little soap-box here and have a rant. Please forgive me if I get rude and/or tasteless, and understand, I'm not laying blame for what has happened at anybody's door, I'm just having a rant about something that is seriously annoying me.
If I hear one more reporter with their head stuck so far up their a$$es its no wonder they're talking $hit, going on about the 'misfits who murdered' I'm going to go round to their place with a shotgun and a trenchcoat myself.
Don't give me 'society's morals'. Don't tell me my music and the movies I watch are telling me to use violence to solve my problems. And whatever you do, don't tell me my friends and my occasional introversion make me a dangerous person, standing on the line, needing only a nudge to become a homicidal, death-and-destruction-causing, maniac.
I AM ME!!!
The 'morals' of society are those that have been shoved upon me, and if I decide to abide by those I agree with (like the universal 'don't kill') and ignore the ones that encourage me to look only on the outside, whore myself for 15 minutes of fame, and to never, ever, stand up for anything if nobody else will, then so be it. I choose my entertainment according to what I like, be it the tune of the song, the message of its words, the talent of the artist, or its ability to make me laugh, cry or think. So I like Rammstein. SO WHAT! That CD shares my rack with Celine Dion and Eternal. (and nobody pick on my music. I've got eccelectic tastes, alright? :))
And as for my friends (and this includes everyone in here), they show me more compassion and understanding than I ever feel I could repay, they open my eyes to the world around me, encourage my dreams and most of all, listen to me. By their example, they teach me to be a better person.
I am sick to death of the insulting, self-absorbed middle-aged morons who claim that I, being young, am some sort of zombie, mindlessly following what I have heard and seen. And I despise them telling me that my creative, different friends are 'dangerous'. The only people they are dangerous to are those idiots who can't see past themselves. *sarcastic* After all, it's a terrible thing to meet somebody who might make you think, isn't it?
I _am_ young, but that does not mean I am stupid, or blind to the world around me. And if I happen to see the world differently to those who claim to be right, that does not make me evil.

Blue> I don't know if you can read this, what with the wyvernweb problems, but have you gotten my email?

Doug> Hugo Weaving is amazing. He is _such_ a good actor, especially when you compare his roles. (Did you know he plays Mitzie in Priscilla, Queen of the Desert? Bit of a difference, hey? :) )

Now, there was something important I had to say.. *Fleur's ego and several creativity demons point sharp objects at her memory.*
Oh that's right...
'The Return' is now up in the archives. Read it please, and tell me what you think!

And on that note...
Just before getting back into the Onslaught, Fleur walks over to Dis, who is twitching painfully inside his prison. Fleur opens a tiny hatch and tips in a box of scorpions. Dis screams.

Fleur - []
Sunday, April 25, 1999 10:46:53 PM


Mr. DC is standing next to the CR doorway, laughing at all the people trying to get past the barricade he has erected that's cleverly disguised as a server routing mistake. Suddenly the barrier shudders, as if hit by great force. Then the Onslaught crashes through it and runs right over the surprised DC. Doug and Kitainia hop out as Jammer pulls back from DC's corpse. "What's the big idea about you doing this to the CR?" Doug asks as DC gets up. "Uh, it was Lonny!!" DC screams. "He paid me to do it. Get him!!" Doug and Kitainia look at each other, then shrug and both shoot DC with their guns, knocking him back into the gator pit, where the beasts chow down on him many times. By the time DC manages to get out, he has died over fifty times. Doug and Kitainia finally grab him and lock him inside a lead barrel filled with highly radioactive acid, in which he will experience even more pain. They share a bout of maniacal laughter and then Doug turns to face the CR.


Alright, I've finally gotten back into the CR. Woo hoo!!!! Man, it feels so good to be in here, you don't know what it's been like the past several days that my server's locked me out. Thank you God, for helping those engineers fix the problem! Hope it stays fixed for me and soon becomes fixed for everyone else who still can't get in here. (Now if only Traveler would send me that feedback, this day would be perfect. <grin>)

Fanfic Progress Update: Okay, I'm almost done with "The Hostage." Just finished writing the flashbacks, Nikki and Matt's first meeting, and my universe's version of Renard's funeral. Two scenes left- the reconciliation of Demona and Macbeth, and the opening of Doc's new bowling alley accompanied by a cliffhanger. Then I can finally post this story and get to work on Dragon's Game.

The test: I made a C- on it. Not that good a grade, I know, but considering I made a low F on the last test, it's a blessed event. :) Thanks to all who wished me luck.

Attention: Kitainia and I now have AOL IM accounts. Her screen name is Kitainia and mine is DougTD4. We'll be chatting on there later if you want to look us up. Okay, catchup time. :)

Steve: Looking forward to reading your paper. Sorry we don't remember any particularly good instances of flame wars or conflicts here.

Stories to Music: I listen to music all the time when I write my fics. Read my forewords in some of the more recent ones, you'll see my soundtrack mentions. :) I find music really helps me sometimes to get in the right mood for a scene. Sometimes I also make characters sing a particular song I'm listening to while writing them (O'Neil in "The Past Returns" comes to mind) and sometimes I write whole action scenes to music (Meatloaf and ID4 soundtrack helped me write the training and battle scenes in "After the Flood"). Most recent instance I can think of- while writing Renard's funeral I listened to "The Living Years."

Mary: Ooh, sounds like you have the stupidly self-absorbed and too-confident sorts of parents. Like me with my mom. :( Glad you have a good attitude about the sister predicament, sorry it's not going well.

Harthoth: He is an excellent villain. I too hope to see more of him soon. As for Asrial, well, whatever the TGS writers decide to do with her is fine by me.

Aaron: Thanks. All these years, I've been saying it wrong. <sighs and shakes head slowly> BTW, I also share your worry about what the American Nazi Party's gonna do next. Especially since my mother and her parents are part of them. :( But hey, I am my own person and no one but Kitainia and myself can tell me what to do. So unless they try to hurt me or her directly, we should survive this mess until it blows over thanks to our good attitudes. We shall mourn all the people who won't. :(

Kaioto: Thanks for that piece on the history of Hell, I did not know all that. Wonder where Astaroth, the Grand Duke of Hell and my personal favorite demon, comes into play. Also interesting how those four Great Demons you mentioned sound like some of my fanfic's main villains. Jadriel is all about bloodlust, power madness, and war. Kurtz is like Nurgle, about corruption and rot. And Mackovic freely indulges in power, politics, and deception. Not sure if I have anyone for decadent pleasures. Hmm.

Stormy: Funny you should mention Paradise Lost. That's a very good piece of work, in my opinion. I've been considering making Jadriel a very big fan of it, as well as Nietzche, Hitler, and Pinky and the Brain.

Littleton Mess: I don't know what to say about this myself. Good words have been said about it in here and many other places so far. I am of course appalled by what happened, as well as the madness of those boys and the surprise of a lot of people. I pray they catch the rest of the students involved in the massacre and hope nothing like this happens again. Don't know how to stop it, of course, but then maybe it's not up to me. <sighs> Oh well, I guess since I wasn't there, I can only react to the event as an observer. :(


Very good job on this episode, TGS Staff. I liked the character of Peter and his relationship with Etolie. Good action, too, as well as the development of Brooklyn, Sata, the gypsies and Louis throughout the tale. Xavier also made a good antagonist, and I was cheering when he lost his head. It's also good that Sata is pregnant, I wonder when she's going to give birth. :) 10 stars go out to this one, and thumbs up, WAY up.


Fleur: That Austrailian actor Hugo Weaving did a great job in The Matrix. I liked his preformance the best of anyone's. If my fics were televised and I couldn't get Kevin Spacey and/or Alec Baldwin, he could do Jadriel and/or Mackovic any day. :)

X-Files tonight was unexpectedly good. I liked the character development on the alien baseball player (too bad he and Nokkar never could have met), and the end was cute. Next week's episode looks like another BLEAH one. Wonder if once again I'll be surprised.

Taleweaver: Well said stuff to morality. Same to you, Kaioto. <shrugs> Too bad I don't know who's right. I agree with Stormy, though. Humanity has made much moral progress in recent years, but we still have a long way to go.

SJ: Well-said rant about the Littleton situation. I agree with most of it. As for Goth culture, I too am somewhat intrigued by it and even have a couple Goth acquaintances. But I think that like any lifestyle, it can corrupt people if they get out of hand in believing in and following it. Thinking about how a fanatical Goth might react to Null and Jadriel created the Goth character of Crow in my fanfic (wait for the next fic to see how she does react to them :). Hope you don't mind her being a corruptible bad guy (her lifestyle and all). (Don't worry, there may be some good Goths in my fic, too. :)

Cyrway: Whoop!! Well-said, I totally agree with your rant. And I never knew you were a Goth, although now that I think about it it's not that surprising. <grin>

Kyryn: I share your hopes, and agree with you about high-schoolers who hanged out with the oddballs and lived on the fringes. Kitainia and I both used to be among those kids, we still are somewhat. :)

Deuce: I especially agree with your words about the shooting. Blame the people themselves, not the kind of people they were. Wish that everyone would start doing that. :(

TGS is on hiatus for a week? Rats, there goes my plans for the evening. Okay, I'll have to do something else. :( Later, people!

**RP ALERT (btw, the RP is not suspended. Anyone who wants to do some and can get in here, feel free! IMO, the room is too small this week. <grin> )**

Doug and Kitainia look at DC who is desperately trying to break out of his prison as the acid dissolves his flesh. "Should we find that Lonny guy and throw him in there, too?" Kitainia wonders. "We don't know if he was really involved in this," says Doug. "And we have to get back to Washington. So we better not." "Okay," Kitainia shrugs. "Oh well." They hop back in the truck, Lathrop opens a portal, and then Jammer drives through it, heading back to our nation's capitol (to see the beginning of events there, wait for Kitainia's upcoming post and RP).

Meanwhile, in the early 1980s, Borgis, Butt-Borg, and their crew appear at the last concert of Sid Vicious and the Sex Pistols. The two morons hear the music and immediately start dancing. "Man!" Butt-Borg chuckles. "This music kicks ass! Why can't 90s bands sound more like these guys?" "Uh, I don't know, Butt-Borg," Borgis shrugs. "But let's ass-im-uh-late them, share their music with Master Guod." Butt-Borg nods and gestures to the other Borg to assimiliate Sid and the SPs. The band screams as they are zapped with Borg tentacles, slumping over as the assimiliation nanites begin working on them. "Hey!" one of the fans shouts. "What are you doing to the Sex Pistols?" "Sid!! NO!!!!" Nancy screams as she lurches out of the dressing room, bleeding from several should-have-been-fatal stab wounds. "Uh, these fans and groupies are looking pretty mad, Butt-Borg," Borgis says. "You morons!" Borgcut yells. "Now you got thousands of people wanting to kick our ass!!" MacVicker looks at the advancing fans, groupies, roadies, and band security men and gets worried. "W-what do we do?" "Only one thing to do!" Borg-Stewart yells. "Assimiliate all of them!!" The crew of Borg drones begins to do so as the screen fades out, to be continued.


Doug - []
Sunday, April 25, 1999 10:27:35 PM

To everybody wondering about the state of TGS:

Due to the recent problems with connecting to Wyvernweb, a good portion of the staff is unable to reach the main server. Consequently, uploading new episodes is difficult unless we use the text site. Therefore, TGS is going to take a week hiatus while Chris Rogers tries to get the problems with his provider straightened out. So we're taking a week off, which means new eps will be delayed.

The text-only TGS site is still up and can be found at:

"Survival," this week's episode of Timedancer, can be found at the text only site. To read it, click my name or go to:

'Tis all...

Mandi Ohlin - []
Sunday, April 25, 1999 08:36:30 PM

**Mandi comes into the room in a swimsuit and jeans, half-covered in shaving cream and grinning like a fool.**

I love Spring Parties Weekend. :)

Hopefully, this makes it to the room...I know there's been some confusion over the long silence over the weekend. In my case, I haven't had any problems getting on -- it's just been a busy week and weekend.

Gabriel> Shakespeare festival? Cool! That sounds like a lot of fun!

On the Littletown incident> **suddenly gets sober** *sigh* And here comes the media, blaming everyone who doesn't fit the mold of "normal." I can't say a lot on the subject since SJ, Aaron, Cyrway, Kyryn, and Kaioto have pretty much covered all the bases. Alternative lifestyles my a@@ -- anyone wonder what the hell their parents were doing?

I don't know. Anyway, this is more of a test post than anything else...I do need to dry off and do some work now. Hope this comes through.

Mandi Ohlin
Sunday, April 25, 1999 06:42:29 PM

Skydancer has finished a new story, but is unable to post to the archieves. If you want to read it, ask her real nice and she'll 'mail' it to you.

It's a wonderful story. Like all of her's.


Theresa - []
Saturday, April 24, 1999 10:29:45 PM

*takes a lady-like bow*

After a week of no computer, how wonderful to find that "Hazards" was received so favorably!! Thank you!! I jumped in at the last minute to finish off the story and was glad to help out. For the curious, I did the Dark Ages flashback ('cause Thersites just really cracks me up), from the Unseelie attack in the mini-golf park to the end, and some editing.

As for Danu..... I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't wander through the TGS universe sometime soon.

Saturday, April 24, 1999 03:31:50 PM


So here I was, typing to post in the Station 8 main room, when I saw a bolt of lightning outside. A few miliseconds later, my computer reset.

Yeah. So, here I am, 3am, swearing that my computer got fried. Thats ALL I needed. Lousy surge protectors...
Luckily, only my floppy got fried... Still may call Kensington... or one of the other 3 manufactures of the surge protectors I have on my computer.
I am almost certian it came through the phone line!


Christine: I may ACTUALLY have somthing that you can put in Avalon Mists! :)
NOTHING (Well...) like the first one I sent you about 6-9 months ago. Hope to have it to you by the deadline.
I can try!

Fire Storm - []
Saturday, April 24, 1999 01:49:49 AM

Testing... Testing... For the 20th or 30th time in the last couple days...
Saturday, April 24, 1999 12:02:15 AM

Aaron> You said everything I was going to say, and more. However, I am still going to insert my two cents: I have fifteen minutes to kill (pardon the expression).

Almost every media person writing about this blames the "Goth" lifestyle, the kids' clothes, their reading material/movies/music... no. NO. No effing way. That is so much BS, and I'm sick of hearing it. Youths are not that stupid! D'ya hear me, media?! WE'RE NOT THAT STUPID. We can differentiate between reality and fantasy. We know what's right and what's wrong. I saw The Matrix last Friday. There is one hell of a big gunfight in that movie. At least five minutes of near-constant gunfire, and a body count of at least fifteen. I may have been desensitized, yeah, and I'm not proud of it. But never — NEVER — has any violent media influenced me to be violent. I agree that a 24/7 diet of Marylin Manson-style music could make you start to think a certain way, but when it all boils down, you choose your own behaviour.

And yeah, I agree eith Cyrway BIG time, in that being "Goth" has nothing to do with it. It doesn't! These kids could just as easily been eggheads, or jocks, or REAL gang members (this "Trenchcoat Mafia" thing makes me laugh), but just because they liked wearing black, the whole "dark" thing gets blamed.

Two uncensored words here: Bull. Shit.

That is so far off the mark it isn't even funny. "Goth" isn't to blame. You want a lifestyle scapegoat, make it "outcast". I can sympathize with them, with their POV, and Aaron's Chris Rock quote fits perfectly here. Some of you may know this: all through elementary and junior high, I was a friendless loner; a serious social outcast. It may have been remedied by entering high school, but I know what it's like to stand in those kids' boots. And trust me, if I had had access to weaponry like that in seventh grade, you might have been reading about me in the paper. It was their choice, true, but let's look at this for what it is: kids who are already disturbed being cruelly pushed over the line by heartless bastards with a superiority complex — their wallets/muscles/breasts are bigger, so that makes them better.

Now, here's another thing: we can't lump all outcasts together. The bastards who did shoot up their school were outcasts by the choice of their peers, by their tormentors. I doubt they wanted anything more than acceptance... at least until it was overshadowed by revenge. I know people who are outcasts by choice. They deliberately act like weirdos so they can be alone, or at least have a few close friends, but no others. Now, everyone who doesn't fit into society's shallow, amoral, Tommy Hilfiger "normal" cookie-cutter straightjacket mold is going to be looked at suspiciously.

I walk the line between outcast and insider. I have many friends and acquaintences in all social strata, and yet I mostly keep to myself, and the loonies I ride the bus with after school. I am also as far from "normal" as you can get. Am I now under suspicion?

I have so much more to say, but this has been disjointed and rambling enough. Two last things before my Social class:

The status of the Illustrated Quotes page is as yet unknown. I'll get back to y'all. And...

I NEED CR ARCHIVES! If ANYONE has archives since the middle of February, TELL ME! I desparately need to update the CR archive. Thanks a million in advance.

** leaves **

Deuce - []
Friday, April 23, 1999 03:21:27 PM

Quick note: is anyone knowing where the new TD-ep is? it isn' t in "current-ep" and in the archieve, so where is it?
Friday, April 23, 1999 03:11:27 PM

>Gabriel walks in with a very big hankerchief in her hands<

****Hazard Spoiler****
Iloved it, I hate it! What have you done to Umbriel? As others has said it was the most interseting new charakter and I can't believe that you would let him die and even before the end. But it was also one of the most well-written ep I've read here, a little bit like "Requiem".
Some words for Umbriel: "Now cracks a noble heart. Good night, sweet prince: And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!" Hamlet 5/2
*****end spoiler****

speaks of Shakespeare, tomorrow I will went to the Shakespeare-festival in Weimar. There are also some US-speaker, but the greatest thing is a 15 hour Marathon were students will show parts of all of his plays. I looked forward to it since one month and I think it will become great.

BTW: Whats of the quote-page?

>Gabriel walks out with the new TD-ep in her hands<

Friday, April 23, 1999 03:06:25 PM

Aaron bursts into the CR, clutching a 9mm in one hand, and his prized copy of the directors cut of Natural Born Killers in the other. He's dressed in black from the trenchcoat down, except for the white lettering on his shirt, which reads: Death to all fanatics! He shoves a couch against the CR door and leans on it.

Spotting DC across the room, Aaron levels the gun at him, and then decides that this would be in poor taste. DC can live, just this once.

Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I'm not part of the Trenchcoat Mafia, Texas chapter. (Yeah, I'm a nazi. With my name?) This is *my* look, and I'm really p*ssed off that because of a bunch of Nazi punks, I'm afraid to go outside in my favorite clothes. I hung out with a few other guys in high school who all wore dark trenchcoats. I'm a furvert/gargs fan, one of us was a stoner, another was a Rocky Horror Picture Show line-caller, yet another one was a ROTC officer, and the last one of us had a thing for plastic shower curtains.(Don't ask) Not exactly Neo-Nazi material.

However, now I'm dressed like this now because I'm in mourning. Not for the declining number of dead, (and not for the gunmen either). I'm in mourning for the American weirdo. I'm in mourning for *us*. Because of two guys, we're all going to be tarred with the same brush. Everyone who's a little different, be it in dress, looks, self-expression, taste in women(Watch out Pistoff, they're probably after you and me right now), everyone who is, in short, not a WASP, a jock, or a kicker is about to become a potential menace to society.

I gotta admit, I've *thought* about doing that. So has everyone else who's ever been scared to go to gym class. If they'd just shot the jocks, some small, sad, twisted, left-over from junior high part of me might be cheering these guys. Of course, if I'd been there, they'd probably have shot me too, so...

I'm not saying I'm not sorry about everyone who got shot. But what disgusts me is the traditional, American media feeding frenzy. Everyone wants to get on TV and have their fifteen minutes of fame. Plus which, every one of the surviors now has the mother of all excuses for every f**k up they ever make for the rest of their lives.

Preppy girl on tv: "I just don't think I can go back there." (Hint, expensive private school, daddy)

Other preppy girl on tv: "It really scares me. It makes you realize it could happen anywhere."

Hey, welcome to the real world! To quote a role model of mine, "Life sucks, get a helmet!" Americans are spoiled, okay. Sh!t like this happens every day in other parts of the world. I'd like to get a response from the people of Belfast, or Kosovo, to this incident. In fact, I'd like a response from the people of Haarlem to this incident. Let's face it, if this happened in an inner-city school, it'd wouldn't even be news, okay, except maybe as an example in a filler story. It's only a major news event because it happened in the suburbs, and the killers, and most of the potential victems were white. Mainstream America is horrified that 15 of their own got taken down, probably by people who got ostracized from day one. To quote Chris Rock: "I'm not sayin' they shoulda done it, but I can understand.

People, look around. This, tragic though it is, is not as important as the sh!t we are about to get into in Europe. Sending ground troops to Kosovo is probably inevitable now, and the Russians are trying to prove they're still a superpower. They've aimed their ICBMs back at the NATO capitals. There is a possibility of starting WWIII over some two-bit, backwater, balkan squabble.

What frightens me is not the idea that I could go to school and be blown away tomorrow. It's what the powers that be will do with this incident as an excuse. You wanna talk about massive, underground, Nazi conspiracies, this is Hitler burning the Reichstag, folks. The radical right republicans, (AKA the American Nazi party), are gonna ride this as far and as hard as they can. When American public schools open next year, there will be state sponsored prayer, uniforms, official license to weed out disruptive elements, and measures to end the "conspiracy of silence" among students. Encouragement to nark on, or denounce, your classmates. Sound farmiliar? And pretty clever of the old-school nazis to get their outer fringe to do the job, thus casting the blame back on us, the happy freaks, who just want to be happy doin' our own thing.

And the thing that frightens me above all others, is all the talking heads going on and on about how we need to take "preventive measures" to weed out these "troubled youth" early on.

The profile of these troubled youth: The nerds, the outcasts, those who're shunned by their peers. Hey! I've been a nerd since I was in second grade, okay! I spent most of junior high feeling suicidal. I've got a monochrome wardrobe, long hair, and friends who can recite great chunks from the Anarchist's Handbook. But underneath all that, I'm basically a law-abiding, (except for speed limits) person. I've never been arrested, got in one fight in twelve years of public education, and, sadly, never tried, or even been offered any illegal drugs. But if those "preventive measures" the talking heads tout so highly had been in place, I might have spent the rest of my life in a rubber room, forever labeled a danger to society, a potential timebomb, unfit to interact with the rest of the "Normals."

Of course, that's just my take on things.

On a slightly happier note, I have a minor creativity demon to share with everyone farmiliar with DC/Vertigo's Preacher, and Cyrway's fic. Jesse Custer is bonded to the Genesis Entity, an Angel/Demon halfbreed, which grants Custer the ability to make others obey his voice. Willed Word varient, anyone? And Custer does end up in New York from time to time, so a meeting between the two groups is not impossible.

Gotta go read "Survival" now.

Aaron leaves, pausing to drop the NBK soundtrack into a nearby boombox, and crank it up. "Outside of society, they're waitin' for me! Outside of society, that's where I wanna be!"
Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Friday, April 23, 1999 02:04:56 PM

***Kyryn steps in***


sigh....I remember in the eighties when I was in middle and high school and some kids suicided and the media blamed D & D and heavy metal music. It is sad to say, but tendency is to take the least little difference from the mainstream and blame someone's problems on that. You know, it just seems to be a lesser example of the stereotyping we see going on in gargs (i.e. "Monsters!"). One of the reasons that I identify with the series is the fact that they are persecuted for their differences with no reflection on what their personalities are like. The old adage that you can't judge a book by its cover holds very true.
I had a case recently where my brother flipped out at work. Fortunately he wasn't violent, but he did act really weird and we ended up getting him some pyschiatric help. My brother works as a systems tech for a large corporation (white collar). The root cause - extreme stress and sleep/food deprivation (he hadn't really slept for about a week) and it messed him up enough that they thought he might be on drugs. This and other cases prove the point that you can't just say that people into Goth clothing, roleplaying games, trenchcoats (I wear a trenchcoat sometimes!), etc. are going to go do horrible things. Sometimes perfectly ordinary people do this stuff. Anyone remember postal workers?
I hope that this does not lead to more repressions of freedom of expression and choice. I can understand limiting it in schools (I remember the gangers killing each other in the LA schools because they saw someone with whom they had a feud wearing 'colors') because it can tend to cut down on some of the social teasing that goes on. Although now I've heard that some of the designers are turning out 'high class' uniforms; so we're back to the social stratification of 'I have so and so and you don't'.

I have noticed though, that most of us who were on the 'fringes' in high school tended to be the most creative and innovative people. I much preferred spending my time hanging with the 'oddballs' than hanging any of the other cliques.

On another note, I hope that this doesn't become yet another excuse to crack down on banning guns and limiting access to the internet. More gun laws won't help and removing our access to the good stuff as well as the bad won't help either! If these kids were as determined to do what they did as they have been portrayed, then they would have found a way to get their supplies and info some other way. Yes, the internet probably made it easier, but over the years I have come up with a lot of nasty ideas on my own (not that I would ever implement them!). I can remember bouncing things around with friends back in high school. If you understand basic physics and chem, you can do a lot of stuff.


That's my .02 cents and thanks for the ramble.

**Kyryn goes off to find the gremlins to try and get Wyvernweb's provider straightened out***

Uvalde, TX
Friday, April 23, 1999 01:29:29 PM

***RANT MODE!!!***
*Cyrway storms in, wearing her weekend wear, consisting of black nail polish, black lipstick, black Monster Magnet Tee shirt, black skater shorts, and black combat boots with a long black leather vest over it all.*

I HATE THE MEDIA!!! Bacause of this incident in Littleton, I've been stereotyped. Yes, I'm a Goth...yes I play Dungeons and Dragons, Vampire, Werewolf, Warhammer, BattleTech, MechWarrior, Command and Conquer, Magic, et cetra, but that doesn't mean I'm going to march into Winslow High School and kill the people who picked on me and my hobbies. It doesn't matter to the news papers that after I heard of the Littleton massecre, I ran to my room and cried, praying for the families of those who were hurt or killed, for three whole them, I'm a Goth, and I'm going should be watched with a close eye...

Co-workers were wondering why I was angry this morning when I read the news reports...I told them flat out about my weekend hobbies and how I felt that I was stereotyped the same as mass murderers. They couldn't believe I was a Goth...I wasn't a psychological case. There are times that it's all right to wear what I like to work, I wear nice clothes that won't offend anyone.


Cyrway - []
Friday, April 23, 1999 12:00:03 PM

*****WARNING: DC DEATH******
Sevarius Jr. runs into the CR. His clothing is disheveled, his hair unkempt and unruly, and his hands have twisted into claws. His teeth are elongated, now the razor sharp teeth of a carnivorous predator. A wild look is in his eyes.
"WHERE IS DC?!?!?!?!?!?" he growls.
DC looks up from his morning ritual of eating a doughnut with coffee, while reading the newspaper. "What? Who's asking for me?"
SJ stalks toward him. "YOU."
DC's eyes widen in fear. "No. NO! I....I thought I had gotten rid of you!!!" He begins to back up from SJ.
Like a wild beast, SJ leaps at DC. In seconds the man is overpowered, and with much relish, SJ sinks his fangs into DC's throat, ripping it out. Blood splatters everywhere. SJ, like some sort of hideous monster, begins to rip and tear DC's flesh, rending great hunks of flesh from the man's body and swallowing them down. In minutes, most of DC's body has been eaten by the enraged Jr.
Eventually, SJ comes to himself. His fangs retract, his claws revert back to normal hands, and he tries to straighten his blood-drenched clothing.
*****END DC DEATH******

Sorry, but I've been totally locked out of here for three days. THREE F***IN' DAYS. Only eating that foul creatures flesh would satisfy my rage. Ah crap, I don't even have that much to say. I'm just happy, for once, the damn computer worked. I hope you tech boys have gotten things working now!

The Littleton Massacre: I have to agree with Kaioto. The more I watch the talking heads on TV (and it's hard, cause everyone of them come across as fake to me, giving nothing but hype), the more I want to twist their heads around to show them what's really the matter. This massacre is absolutely NO surprise to me. In fact, I'd be very surprised if something just like did NOT happen within the next 5 years. What I'm really sick of, though, is all the explanations given as to why this horrible tragedy occurred. I've heard everything from some Leo DiCaprio movie I've never heard of, to tv (they even named Futurama as being "violent"), to trenchcoats, to Nazis, to Goths (being Goth friendly myself, and somewhat intrigued with the Goth culture, that one got me angry; BTW, how xenophobic is that? To blame an alternative lifestyle, just cause it doesn't fit in your view as "normal"?), to even RPG's like Vampire:tM (being a big V:tM fan, I got really mad), to what have you, being blamed for this. No, no, NO. You want to know who's to blame? I'll tell you (IMO, if you disagree that's perfectly fine with me):

1. The two @$$holes who did it. But then again, that's easy to see. Sorry if I sound extreme, but I hope the muthas burn in hell like sparklers on the 4th of July.

2. The Parents. I know, I know, not all parents know what their children do in their spare time--but they should (especially if little junior is making explosives in the basement). I know, kids can hide what they're doing from their parents. But I think that, going from eating Wheaties one day to blowing up the whole freakin' school the next, the parents might have caught a clue that something was seriously wrong with their kids. I'm seeing all these reports that these kids felt that they had no one to turn to. Where were the parents? Did they give a damn? If they did, couldn't they have seen that something was up? If the tv reports can all be believed, this wasn't the first time these kids acted mental. I've hid a lot of personal turmoil from my parents before, but they *always* knew when something very serious was up. Why didn't these parents? Better yet, if these kids had problems before, why didn't other parents or adults reach out to them, or alert someone?

3. The school system. Screw that BS about having metal detectors, and banning guns. Yeah, I agree that may be important, but how's about having schools where kids don't feel they HAVE to bring a gun with them in order to survive till gym class? There's so many goddamn cliques nowadays, that if you aren't rich, popular, or good-looking, you're open season for harassment, verbal or physical. I'm sure these two kids went through hell. Is that an excuse? Hell no. I had a tough time in high school, but I didn't blow up everything to hell and back. Still, we have to have some sort of control in schools today. The teachers are even afraid to make students behave, otherwise they wind up with a baseball bat upside their head. Our institutes of learning can become asylums with the inmates running things real quick.

4. Society in general. Here's where I agree with Kaioto. I know, to some folks it sounds like I'm here on my high and mighty horse, telling what's wrong with everything. The point is, I don't have to be the greatest guy in the world to know that, at least some aspects of our society are royally screwed up. That this very tragedy occurs is proof of that. This kind of thing should NEVER happen. We should be raising kids to care about others, not blow them away. We're an individualistic nation and culture, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. But when we become so individualistic that our motto is "screw the other guy, I'm looking out for number one", than, IMHO, society is lessened. These kids obviously felt that way. "I've been hurt, so I don't care about anyone, I'm just going to hurt back". NO. That's not the way it should work. But, unfortunately, that's the way it does work. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending those two little @$$holes, but I can see what led up to them going postal.

But I guess I'll have to sit through more gun control/metal detectors in schools lectures/alternative lifestyles lead to evil, where no one gets the clue that this kind of thing can be avoided ONLY by CHANGE at a societal level.

Aw crap, it's too early in the morning for this. Maybe I'll be able to get back on later today.
Sevarius Jr.
Friday, April 23, 1999 08:26:49 AM

Taleweaver: I don't see where we come into conflict here, but I think you are projecting your negative reaction to previous experiences and misinterpreting what I am saying. I'm not saying that we as a collective have in some way failed. I think that society has become so apathetic and amoral that the values of things like human life are being degraded while at the same time individual responsibility and morals are being dismissed. The fact of the matter is that the people that committed this heinous act did something horribly evil, and are responsible for it, totally and directly.

I was just saying something beyond the obvious observation of the evil of the act. I was saying that people shouldn't act like it is such a surprise. You (popular culture/society, not Taleweaver) encourage people to behave like animals. You ostracize some folks and hurt them for years on end, never seeing the dangers or evil in such abuse. If people are supposed to behave like animals (or just believe so), of course someone is going to start shooting! It ~ can ~ happen here! If we treat people like crap, people are going to turn around and figure, "Well, I can hurt them because they hurt me." Society has set a poor example, and should not be surprised when people decide to stop thinking morally and instead behave like society ~ has ~ rather than the way society wants them too.

>And morals are added later to make people feel good about themselves. <

No. MORALIZING is added after the fact. Morals come into play when you make a decision, not to justify something after you acted for another reason. I think when a lot of people think of morality, they think of men like Jerry Farrell, men who condemn other folks and talk trash about how bad people are and how good their group is. That isn't morality. That is moralizing: why I'm better than you, why you suck and I rule. It is crap. Morality is deciding whether or not an act is good, not assigning worth and worthlessness to people.

< We wanted a world the other guy's feelings aren't worth considering. <
Which is not a moral world, but a selfish one.

< Change is always happening, but it better come from within. <
Exactly, we need to change our society with our own morality and responsibility as individuals that society lacks. Don't let the TV tell you what is acceptable, or what to believe and expect.

Toku Kaioto - []
Boston, MA, USA
Friday, April 23, 1999 01:55:17 AM

DEUCE, ROBBY - What about the Illustrated Quotes page? Is it still being worked on? I've asked about this before but haven't seemed to get an answer. So, what's the news?

TIMEDANCER COMMENTS (NO SPOILERS): Great episode, well written and interesting. Everyone got what they deserved, especially Xavier. And of course the revelation at the very end of the episode was just fabulous. Great job by the staff and writers, as usual.

Brooklyn, NY
Thursday, April 22, 1999 09:46:32 PM

MAN this place is slow! I had no trouble accessing...

Robby, Deuce: Is TGS taking a summer break this year??


Here I am about to take both sides ;-)

I certainly think that society could do with a few more morals...more loyalty...more pride...more honesty...

But I also think that we've gained a lot over the centuries, as far as accepting people who are different from each of us. And there have been bloody conquerors in every century, "monsters"--(Jack the Ripper, Attila the Hun, Hitler, Paul Bernardo, etc)

It just seems like progress in one area is met by backsliding in another, and that's humanity for ya :-P

Thursday, April 22, 1999 05:08:00 PM

It looks like if you have a fast connection you can get in, but slower connections time out. The text only site has this week's episode of Timedance "Survival". This dragon gives it two claws up. (Yeah, I'm biased, but heh what are you going to do)

I recommend you don't read this next part. It's a rant. In response to Kaioto. I know that this is going to kick off a whole deluge of comments and in the end we'll all most like agree to disagree. Even knowing all this I'm going to plunge ahead.
***Rant Warning***Rant Warning***Rant Warning***Rant Warning

If had a quarter for everytime I heard how moral disintegration was leading to societal ruin I would have been a wealthy man by the 1700's. And when ever some horrific act happens the second or third impulse following, why this could happen? is to push it away. Find some reason they're deviant, wrong, not part of the group. Somehow they're madmen or they're different in an unwholesome way. All of this to reassure ourselves that it couldn't happen here, that this is our 'collective' fault. And I thnk that's the wrong attitude. It is our fault, mine and everyone else's.

Morals aren't the problem. And please don't say we need morals to keep civilization. Civilized society has now and will alway be one the bloodiest enterprises in human exisitance. Every society is built on blood and sorrow. You don't see that because it's wrapped in colorful language like patriotism and sacrifice. And morals are added later to make people feel good about themselves.

I'm not of the mindset, that we are horrible turned around. That somehow the world we have is one we didn't create. We did create because we wanted it. We want a world we're respected by how hard we can hit, how much force we can muster. We wanted a world the other guys feelings aren't worth considering.

However, it doesn't have to stay that way. That's the good news. Change is always happening, but it better come from within.
I've spoken long. *steps down of the soapbox*

Taleweaver - []
Thursday, April 22, 1999 02:19:30 PM

The slowness of the room is accountable to the fact that only a few people can get it. The boards are rerouting from scratch, which is why a few people can access. Only one of my last 4 attempted posts has gotten in, and I can't access the places where the new stories get put up at all. So, I can't put the new story up myself this week. Sorry for the inconveniance folks, but not much I can do about it.
Thursday, April 22, 1999 12:00:38 PM

Kaioto> ["Thank God there is more to Humanity than Society."] Oooh... good one. I, too, am _extremely_ angered, saddened, and scared by this whole thing, especially since my cousin moved from Littleton to Seattle just a couple months ago. I'd post more on this, but I don't think I can without turning it into a screaming, raging, senseless rant (if I want to do that, it'll go up on my website).

Fire Storm> ["a decade ago it was postal workers, then regular employees, then students!"] One thought on this: the slang for the new millennium will not be "He's going postal!" but "He's going academic!"

Fleur> ["Can you imagine what sprang to my dirty little mind?"] Something about Goliath, I'd wager.... ;-)

All right, I'm outta here.

** leaves **

Deuce - []
City of Champions (depsite last night vs. Dallas), Alberta, Canada
Thursday, April 22, 1999 10:05:23 AM

Hi All,

NO NO NO! Not Umbriel!
With all due respect to Dumlao, Ali, JEB and Christi, this was a brilliantly written and illustrated story. It's just that, like everyone else, I thought Umbriel was a really interesting character, and was looking forward to what he was going to do next. This was not _quite_ the direction I was thinking of. Talk about plot twists.
I can't help feeling that he knew what was going to happen though. Why else would thank Zed for his friendship? What does Umbriel's dream about Danu. Does it mean she knows of his exsistance, and is looking out for him? I wonder - if her magic is greater than that of her sons, could she have somehow wisked him away during Madoc's spell, making him _think_ he had destroyed him? Or could she do something with those ashes? *frowns* Don't mind me, I'm clutching at straws. What can I say? Umb was my favourite new character.
Loved the stuff with the Banshee, and the Goliath and Elisa at the mini-golf scenes were an absolute crack up.
One more thing: What was George talking about with his job with the Air Force and those 'secret things' he was doing there? Is this a future plot development, or have I missed something in a past story?

Robby> Millenium babies> I don't know if this is happening anywhere else, but one of the radio stations is running a compition about this. They've got ten couples, and they set them up in a hotel room on the weekend of April 9th. The deal is, the first baby born on Jan 1st, 2000 gets a truckload of stuff, and a $20000 education package. I find it really disturbing, and you don't even _want_ to know about the interviews with the couples the Monday after April 9th. There are just some things you can live without knowing about other people's love lives.


Kitainia> Ooh, good stuff about gargoyles and the Unseelie,
especially the comparison of Madoc and co. with humans.
I'm glad the meeting between you and Doug's dad went well. Nice to know you get along with _one_ member of the family.

I saw this on the weekend. Wow. I loved it!! But like LA Confidential, I have to confess to playing 'Spot the Aussie actor with an American accent' all the way thru. (and BTW, yes, I did go with that friend I mentioned last post, and the scene she saw being filmed was the one with the woman in the red dress.)

Elessar> Fellow Tolkien fan! One of my favourite holiday memories is of the two weeks I spent reading the Lord of the Rings. Probably why I joined the 'Society of Middle Earth' during O week at uni. *grins*

Todd> Your theory about Gawain being a pre-Rory incantation of Cunchullin(sp) wouldn't have anything to do with Cunchullin being the son of the Norse Sun god, would it? It could explain why he got stronger as the sun did.

Dumlao> I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. I hope things improve, although I know its not likely. Sucks, doesn't it?

Something I just have to share with everybody> A couple of nights ago on the radio, they interviewed a man who had EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY DISNEY TATTOOS!!! Yes, 860. 'Every Disney character' (direct quote) That would mean, somewhere on his body, he's got a tattoo of the Gargoyles. The DJ mentioned using the tatts as a pick up line. *grins evilly* Can anybody guess what immediately sprang to my dirty little mind?

SOROW> Congratulations!!

Kiaoto> You contemplate temporal mechanics when you can't sleep? Glad I'm not the only one who tries to unlock the secrets of the universe with an insomimatic mind. Of course, if a good hard think doesn't work, I make plans for world domination. If all else fails, I bounce on the bed. :)

Christine> That Becca pick was sooo cute!!!

Happy (really late) birthday Lawrence!

Mary> Erk. Sorry to hear about your sister. I know the feeling. Especially the parents thing. What's worse for me is, my sister is _younger_ than I am.

Littleton> Man, this is sickening. One thing is bothering me - How the hell did these kids get their hands on that kind of fire power in the first place?

Okay, I'm exhausted, and I've still got to drive home.

Fleur - []
Thursday, April 22, 1999 08:26:28 AM

The new Timedance episode SURVIVAL is posted on the text site. Haven't had time to read it yet.


Theresa - []
Thursday, April 22, 1999 07:32:19 AM

Hey all,

Are people still having trouble getting in here, or is everybody like me just waiting for other people to post? I've never seen the place so slow.

Stormy > Glad to be of service. (And, to answer your question, Clancy... eh... not too much recently... beer.. yugh... Dr. Pepper... not at the moment... I'm just always like that :)

Kaioto > Right on the money, as usual. I was responding to the heartless comments of some very sick individuals on a bulletin board all day long, and I'm quite tired of the "I don't care" attitude. I mean, wake up, people. Those victims could have been YOU and YOUR friends. Oooooooh. I'm just going to stop now because I'm liable to get even more angry.

G'night, for now, until this place starts kicking again...

=="USA Today has come out with a new survey: Apparently three out of four people make up 75 percent of the population." --David Letterman==

Steve Gooch - []
Ithaca, NY
Thursday, April 22, 1999 03:37:03 AM

ReBOOT: Today's epp was epp 3.2.1
In it, Andra and Enzo were older and Oberon help me, she was a babe! Enzo had a implant. If a robot gets a cybernetic implant, would that mean it got a biological add on?

Christine: Hey, my fav bands are Queen, Moody Blues and Pink Floyd! My favorite groups are classic rock, and I do listen to Classical quite a bit. (Though, to my knowledge, there is no classical music stations in my area any more.)

Ok... I'll play the Militaty RP game
<The smoldering remains of a f117-A are seen on a DOD wall.>
"As the results from the flight data recorder show, the pilot was relying on Norton Crash Guard to prevent an accident, but Crashguard crashed, and well... you know the rest of the story..."

Shooting: Yeah, the news said it was the 8th in 3 years. What IS with this counrty? a decade ago it was postal workers, then regular employees, then students! Geez!
Hmm... come to think of it... the Royal Oak post office had a shooting... the Rough plant AND the Utica plant... AND bloomfield Hills had a school shooting (and a few others locally)... Is Michigan really THAT bad?

Fire Storm - []
Thursday, April 22, 1999 02:18:37 AM

Well lock and load!
It would seem that the room is back up!

Fire Storm
Thursday, April 22, 1999 01:51:27 AM

Just a test post to see if it's working. Sorry about this.
Mandi Ohlin
Wednesday, April 21, 1999 11:59:37 PM

**The screen comes on and Kyryn is seen marching into Wyvernweb's provider building. She spots DC playing with the routers. She grabs DC and fires the electron pulse cannon into him at close range. "That's for not letting everyone get to the site!"**

The problems with access are apparently due to some reconfiguration of the provider. Hopefully, things will be back to normal soon.

Sylvia> Agreed. A moment of silence for those who are gone.

New eps> Great jobs folks!

**Kyryn drops what's left of DC and saunters out of the provider's building with her gun over her shoulder**

Uvalde, TX
Wednesday, April 21, 1999 09:51:57 PM

Littleton … this REALLY pisses me off.

On the most obvious level, it was bold-faced premeditated murder.

I'll pray on this, but the murder and the reaction of the media and society in general continues to support the idea that America is going stupid.

**Rant Warning**
Seriously, how can you watch the morals and responsibility of the majority of a country slip into this amoral mess and not see this coming? We've created a culture obsessed with satisfying lusts and desires at the expense of others. Any time someone tries to condemn an immoral act, some one shouts out, "Relativity!" and all moral debate is suddenly consigned to Talk-Radio. Moral issues like abortion are avoided like the plague because it, "Isn't any of my business what you do." We have a media that thrives off of violence and gore. We let genocide continue because we can't risk out own necks. We've cheapened the value of life and suffering to such an extreme, is it any wonder that some people are just going to say, "Aw … hell with it, lets go blow some s**t up, I don't care about my life anymore? Let's get the b***ards."

This bombing doesn't surprise me as much as it had others I know. The media talks about Neo-Nazis, gun control, trench coats, and Goths without realizing what the real trend is, without admitting where the real cancer lies. If you convince people it is OK to be amoral, folks will act immoral when it suits them. If you take away morals, only fear keeps the evil in check. When fear can't work, they is nothing left and no one is safe, not even the children. If morality is relative, how can you justify stopping a man like Charles Manson? There have to be absolutes, at least ~ some ~ principles to found civilization on. If you remove those principles, the society will destroy itself.

If you remove those principles, you have Madoc, really.

Thank God not everyone in the world is a selfish, egotistical, amoral, relativist.
Thank God most people realize that there is more to being human than being a smart animal.
Thank God there is more to Humanity than Society.

**End Rant**

On less important notes, I'm also pissed off about this because the media is doing a negative fashion number on trench coats instead of reporting news. I'm also offended at the use of Mafia as well for ethnic reasons, but that isn't a big issue.

At least I look English, speak Latin, am religious, and wear a Gray trench coat. Unfortunately, that still doesn't change the fact that at least one ------- made a stupid joke about the Trench Coat Mafia today. Sometimes I wonder how stupid the media has to be not to examine the teen-age society that drove these people out to the dangerous, violent fringe.

Wait … no … I remember … They are MARKETTING to that society … nevermind … they aren't stupid … just evil. Grrrr …. *Slams fist into wall, causing cracks*

I'll post again when I calm down a little …

Toku Kaioto - []
Boston, MA, USA
Wednesday, April 21, 1999 09:48:59 PM

Hello, I haven't read the comment room yet, but I would like to say a few things.
****New EP****
I loved it! I was a little sorry that Umbriel had to die, but I did like the fact that Banshee is now on the other side of the war. I'll come back with more comments later.

I would like to give a moment of silence for the trajedy in Littleton (sp?)

If anyone has seen Coronado High School on TV-- that's where I go to, the people that were wearing black trenchcoats and hoods and masks-- definitely DID NOT go to Coronado. Actually, it caused a mini-riot with the students at my school, we were trying to stop them from making fun of the trajedy.

On a different scale- if your schools get a yearbook at your school that is Coronado's- it was picked as the ideal yearbook and will be shown all over the country!

Well, I gotta go now, till later,

Sylvia - []
Colorado Springs, CO
Wednesday, April 21, 1999 08:11:09 PM

Oh, my lordie lordie.... I couldn't bring up the home page yesterday so I just finished reading all the comments! I really don't have much to report...

"To The Soul" was really ironic for me because we just finished reading "A Tale of Two Cities" in school. Was it just me or did a lot of the ep seem like The Hunchback of Notre Dame? I know the Court of Miracles and where the rookery was kept were the same place... Still, a wonderful ep and I can't wait for the next.

I gotta go do make up homework cause I was sick on Monday... OKIloveyoubyebye!

Wednesday, April 21, 1999 07:09:23 PM

Oii... The CR is having problems loading for a ton of people. I myself am one of the few who can load the page, but in so far, I haven't been able to post. Somethings scrwewy with Wyvernweb, and the fact some of you have no problems is odd... Ah well, this is a test...
Wednesday, April 21, 1999 06:47:25 PM

Just a quickie before I burn some CDs...

Deuse> That's what I was planning on...I've never been let down by an HP product...


Wednesday, April 21, 1999 03:10:11 PM


** Deuce stalks into the CR, eyes glowing. He pulls out a large cutlass, and slices off the tips of DC's fingers. He then drives the ornately curved sword through the AOL man's left foot, pinning him to the spot. Deuce leaves briefly, then returns with a food processor. He drops DC in, leaving half his body chewed up. Delivering one lasy kick to Dis's head, he leaves the sorry SOB for Blue Caeru to finish off. **


OK, I'll play:

Subject: New shipment of Cubans - come over tonight

Straddling the line between funny and tasteless, that's me.

Saving Asrial> I agree, it is a good idea. I know _I'd_ hate to write the scene where she dies. Hell, I wouldn't even _read_ the scene! (Ignorance is bliss, doncha know). But as far as what we're planning for her... say it with me: "Wait And See".

Steve> ["Microsoft Naval Systems - "Where do you want to sink today?"] I found that excessively funny. And I'll try ICQing you later, although with the way my computer's been acting up, don't bet on it. My UIN is 31838138, if you'd like to get to me first.

Cyrway> If you are planning on a flatbed scanner, get a Hewlett-Packard. I have one, and it works flawlessly, if a little slow. (Speed and quality rarely go hand in hand, I'm afraid).

I guess that'll be all. *looks at DC, whimpering in the corner* He's all yours, Caeru.

** leaves **

Deuce - []
City of Champions, Alberta, Canada
Wednesday, April 21, 1999 01:12:11 PM

Steve Gooch: ROTFLMFAO That is the funniest thing I've heard in SOOOOO long.... especially those address messages!

*blinks* Lemme've been reading Tom Clancy novels late at night with either a 6-pack of beer or a case of Dr. Pepper...

Email aboard Canadian destroyers--the only one I know enough about to comment on--the crew's allowed to send a mail out about once a week. Once a week to take care of all your emailing needs. My co-worker's boyfriend was on ship in Hawaii. They also have phone privileges on the ship; email was mostly to figure out phone contact times...

For us, on base, email meant driving 20 minutes to the city to one of the internet cafes. I never did, since I don't have hotmail or AOL. Mostly I just wrote a lot of letters and went through a lot of phone cards. :-P Not having my own telephone got more annoying than lack of internet access, believe it or not! (But then again I have a long distance relationship of my own to deal with!)

I love living in barracks...:-P Got my summer posting...Base Trenton, near the Ontario/Quebec border, doing barracks, night patrols and discipline at the cadet camp. (Hmm...I get paid to lurk around in the dark and yell at there a downside to this???) (Oh yeah...the barracks)

ASRIAL: I just thought of something weird...if Asrial came to the future, and met the clan, well...the clan's all picked names for themselves, so...Asrial would have to pick one for herself too. Seeing as "Asrial" is just how Brother Edmund refers to her, not how she refers to herself. WE'd have to get used to her being called by a whole new name...unless someone gets ahold of the Brother's journal and TELLS her what he had called her.

Mandi: I agree that bringing Asrial to the future would kind of cheapen everyone else's deaths, after all, the point of Dark Ages was so that we could meet those gargoyles we never got to know in AWAKENINGS.... And we know that Desdemona and Othello are reawakened as well...before long it'd be pulling EVERYONE's fat out of the fire. Still...I can't help but think there's something to this Asrial thing, after all, she's been mentioned twice now. And in this last time, it didn't really add anything to the story UNLESS you consider it foreshadowing, that line about how Asrial would really love the modern world. I think it's jsut a bias that this is my favourite character and I'd like to see more of her.

Kaioto: List of demons is VERY interesting...I didn't know that. What's your source for that list? (I've been reading PARADISE LOST lately, which has a somewhat different interpretation)

SUBJECT: So, what's going on in YOUR pond?

TO: milosevic@serb.yu
SUBJECT: You owe us a stealth fighter


Wednesday, April 21, 1999 11:24:59 AM

Corrections> My link here is the correct one for the Chaositorium. And it's "Welcome to the Future"...I was thinking too fast.


Wednesday, April 21, 1999 11:08:31 AM

*Ptooffs in, beaming.*

Hey, all! Good news! Got a new scanner! Bad News! It's handheld! Good News! It's color and has an anti-sway/force feature! Bad News! It's not compatible with Windows 95! Good News! It was free! Bad News! My bike was stolen! Good News! My Bike rack, worth three times more than my bike, wasn't! Bad News! My wallet's missing, thanks to Cal the Cat! Good News! I was still able to get new car insurance that cut my yearly balance in half! Bad News! I maxed out my checking account because I had to pay a three month advance and will have to starve until next payday! Good News! From the money I'll save, I'll get a new flat bed scanner!


Okay, that was my weekend, how about your's?

Hee hee hee...

Okay, the link above is to my new and still being improved Chaositorium, if anyone's interested. The Art page is the only one up from it, which features some of my Photoshop Art, including Coyote's Dodge and Mustang!

Doug> No fact, Cal's very flattered that he had inspired any characters...and it's hard to flatter than SOB...

Sevarius Jr, Kryrn, Coyote> As soon as I get my new scanner working, you'll see pics...I just called up UMAX tech support...

Anyone> Does anyone know about the Umax Minilook Color handheld scanner?

Christine> You? OLD?! Come on, I listen to Hawkwind. Early Hawkwind...I am the world's youngest Children of the Sun...except Luc, but he doesn't count...

Music in Fanfics> Heh...I've got soundtracks for each era in my fics...the present day fics are more alternative and Andrew Lloyd Webber, the Clone Wars are more Vietnam-era Rock, Dark Triumvirate is cross between techno-metal and space rock (Thank you, Luc) with dabbles of old school heavy metal...whatever...anyway, I actually create soundtracks for mood music while I'm writing...if anyone is interested in actually having a copy of Dark Triumvirate, Scriptae Caligorum, or what I call Brooklyn's Mix "mood music", send me an email. Jenny and I are working on a Clone Wars mix right now.

Stormy> Timedancer music...heh...Hawkiwnd, "Welcome to Forever" or "Ten Seconds until Forever"...those are more poems with music...maybe Monster Magnet's "Black Balloon"...Oh, I'm sure I could think of some more later...but for right now, *PTOOFF!*

Cyrway - []
Wednesday, April 21, 1999 11:05:51 AM

Hey all,

Oh, man, I just had the craziest creativity demon ever. It came about while I was browsing a periodical search engine for sources for my paper, and I came across an article which dealt with a US Navy officer, a submariner, who was in trouble because his AOL profile had "gay" in the Marital Status window. Anyways, it goes on to say that "While out at sea on Sept. 2, Mr. McVeigh used AOL to send an electronic missive..."

This made me pause for a moment. At sea... A submariner... does this strike anyone else as odd? I mean, if you know anything about submarines, you know that when they're at sea, they're down for months at a time, especially the boomers, the missile boats. Communications with the outside world are few and far between, because in order for the sub to talk it has to be either at periscope depth/surfaced and bounce messages off a satellite, or receive messages through the VLF array, which takes about 5 seconds to get one letter of text.

Which got me to wondering...

Aren't there better things our military bandwitdh could be used for? Like mission orders? Missile launch commands?

Which, in turn, led to some interesting speculation:


DATE: 042099 2245 Zulu



SUBJECT: Turn keys now.


I mean, what do they DO? Bounce e-mail off MLSTAR satellites? I can picture it now...

***Crazy Submarine RP bit***

The sub's skipper is at the conn, issuing orders. "All right, Diving Officer, bring us up to periscope depth. We've got to get off today's queued e-mails."

The bookish-looking diving officer nods at the captain and repeats his orders. "Periscope depth, aye. Planes, give me five degrees up-angle on the bow. Rudder steady."

The captain hits the intercom and gets the radio room. "Commo, is that burst package ready to go?"

"Conn, commo, all set, sir."

"Periscope depth achieved, captain," the diving officer reports.

"Very good. Raise the antenna."

"Antenna extending," Commo reports. "Antenna up. Uplink complete. Receiving information from server now."

All is silent for a minute, until a frantic voice screams, "Conn, sonar! Contact bearing one-seven-five degrees, range fifteen kiloyards and closing!"

The captain bolts out of his chair. "Sonar, conn! Identify!"

"Probable Russian attack submarine, Sierra-class!"

"Commo, conn, is that burst transmission done yet?!"

"Conn, commo, negative, sir! It's got a lot of volume! The Chief Engineer's wife just had a kid and everybody on board sent a letter or online card! I need another minute at least!"

The captain felt himself sweating. "We don't have a minute! Sonar, conn, have they noticed us yet?"

"Conn, sonar, probably. The modem was going pretty loud. I could hear it through the bulkheads."

The captain swore. "Commo, hurry it up! We have to dive, dammit!"

"Conn, sonar, transients! Torpedo in the water, bearing one-seven-six!"

"Commo, get it done NOW!"

"Can't sir, it's giving me some kind of 'AOL update' message and won't let me sign off!"

"Conn, sonar, torpedo homing!"

"Launch countermeasures!"

"Torpedo locked on, countermeasures ineffective!"

The captain sighed. At least AOL had made it clear that they would not be billed for any charges incurred by the lengthy update.

***And that's a rap.***

Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. :)

Aaron > <You mean you don't all put together soundtrack tapes for all your fics> Au contraire. I do better than that. I've got them all on mp3 and I've burned two soundtracks onto CD already, with a third coming along soon. I've got a playlist of over 200 songs, all in order, just for those fanfics. :)

BTW, where is everybody? I heard that some people were having trouble getting on S8, but I've had no trouble with accessing the CR all day. Just wondering why nobody's posted in quite a while.

'Night all

==Microsoft Naval Systems - "Where do you want to sink today?"==

Steve Gooch - []
Ithaca, NY
Wednesday, April 21, 1999 01:42:20 AM

JackaL: Sorry, Satan isn't my friend. He's not anyone's friend but his own. He's a lot like Madoc in most respects, actually. As for the Hierarchy of Hell, you guys maimed it. This is how it went down : )

Lucifer "Prince of Light" leads a revolt of Fallen Angles against Heaven. Michael the Arch-Angel and the defenders oust them in a one sided battle. They are banished to positions as the keepers of Gehenna/Hell. Lucifer himself is not content with ruling over hell, and is ousted by a more ambitious devil named Satan. Satan takes control of Hell, convinced like Lucifer that God has created man and the universe in a flawed fashion. Satan begins a direct campaign to harvest human souls through corruption to create his own universe. Satan is, however, rather squeamish about the whole misery and suffering thing. Sensing it as weakness, several of the lesser Dukes of Hell unite behind Beelzebub (sp) who ousts Satan from the seat of Hell. Beelzebub is a vindictive, malicious little b***ard who make it a point to torment folks and make existence miserable and bitter so that men fall upon each other in hatred. Finally, however, Beelzebub's power fails him and Asmodeus takes the throne. Unlike the previously ousted leaders, Beelzebub remain in Hell, beaten into submission and given the lesser title of Baalzebub (sp) "Lord of Flies." As of last check, Asmodeus was the Leading Arch-Duke of Hell, Lucifer was off brooding, and Satan was wandering abroad.

Point about the devils: Devils were not, however, real people or even primitive mythological figures. The formal devils were an invention of monotheism, refined in Catholicism to represent and personify the evils of the human race. Lucifer represented best the arrogance of the Tower of Babel and the Tree of Knowledge. Satan is the one who plagues Job and draws the ancient Israelites and Jews away from the path of YHWH. Beelzebub is the incarnation of the Roman Empire and Dark Ages including when the Crusades and other great wars were fought. Asmodeus rose with the Renaissance and the expansion of politics and the exploitation of the Americas. The devil in charge of the once unimportant New World, with the rise of America, Asmodeus has supposedly flexed his power as the highest incarnation of political corruption, greed, exploitation, and bureaucracy by corrupting the New World.

Devils are not the dynamic opposite of God, per se, but the dynamic opposite of everything about God we find in ourselves. God is heavily undefined and inconceivably infinite (though we love to personify Him and create God-heads).

As for personifying evil, I've always leaned personally towards the four Great Demons as symbols for human corruption. Khorne, bloodlust and war. Nurgle, corruption and rot. Slaanesh, decadent pleasures. Tzeench, power, politics, and deception. They pretty much cover all the bases and have their own follower models in Games Workshop's miniatures war games.

Enough talk about the Spawn of Darkness … *Glances over, nervously at the Imperial Inquisitor who is leveling the Storm Bolter at his head*

Mary Flanders: I don't care how old she is, "blowing off steam" is unacceptable at the expense of another person. I'm surprised your folks permit that kind of language use in your house … sure I can swear once in a while, but cussing anyone out like that … *shakes his head* If I need to blow off steam, I'll smack around a punching bag, swim, or write something particularly scathing and then delete it. Then there is always Quake. Proper stress management does not include hurting other people. It is not adult behavior, it is as selfish and childish as you can get. Perhaps you sister needs to see a counselor? That kind of social conditioning coupled with a few rounds from Dr. Laura are enough to eradicate the self-esteem of any childish person, and with it most of their pride and image. The only problem is that the childish person still hates their identity and will be totally susceptible to a new image offered, thusly easily reprogrammed by the media, a new-age cult, or the therapist him/herself … : )

Thought for the Day: To know the soul of thine own worst enemy, look deeply into the pair of eyes that meet you in the mirror.

Toku Kaioto - []
Boston, MA, USA
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 09:46:49 PM

Deuce/Robby I was at the text site at and the Dark Ages files are missing the story Seduction.


Theresa - []
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 08:16:43 PM

Writing this on the tail of a nervous breakdown (don't ask), sorry if it's kinda rambling.

Doug, Kitania> Glad things worked out okay with Doug's dad. :)

Asrial's fate> As a TGS staffer, can't say a thing. But speaking from personal preference: on one hand, I'd like to see Asrial saved somehow - but on the other hand, that seems like a real copout to let everyone else die in the massacre (aside from Goliath and co.)

An off-topic note: Remember the Bob Kiwi page I plugged a month ago? Well, the author got on a sugar rush and managed to finish the script of "Bob Kiwi: Private Eye" in its entirety! So, of course, I linked the page to my name below.

Okay. Have to somehow fudge my way through a calc exam...I'll manage somehow...

Mandi Ohlin - []
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 05:59:18 PM

The Gargoyles CCG is still coming...
Unless no one's really interested...
Email me to show your support!
Be seeing you...

Galvatron - []
Long Island, NY, USA
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 05:38:32 PM

Ah...the garg everyone's talking about...

Fanfic to music: Some songs invariably remind me of some characters. ESPECIALLY if you're listening to the song as you type. Or if you're imagining them cruising around and you NEED a song for them to cruise to...why not pick something appropriate?

For some weird reason, Wagner is much more of a Bon Jovi fan than I am. *shrugs* Go figure.

But as far as myself and Dylan Blacquiere are concerned, the following song should be the TimeDancer theme. It's called "Forever Dancing" by Rawlins Cross, from the CD "Living River," and I can't think of TimeDancer without this music in my head.

"Tip the hourglass over
Listen to the chime
The meter's running and the pressure's rising
Watch the numbers climb
Step out on the hometown stage
Tell the story, turn the page
Feel the drummer coming near
Forever dancing through the years

Back then, that's when...we sowed the seed
I want, to be...around to see the tree
Natural magic, tragicomic force
of this Living River runs its course
Share the laughter, shed the tears
Forever dancing through the years

Now the story comes of age
Close the chapter, turn the page
Begin again, the way is clear
Forever dancing through the years..."

Stormy - [<--Two Semi Immortals at the Bar]
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 02:16:40 PM

Just a quickie...

Deuce > You can find me on AOL/AIM as "Zimorodok." I'm on most of the time, and if you get an away msg I'll be at class. I have the same handle on ICQ, where my # is 18191724.

Steve Gooch
Ithaca, NY
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 01:46:38 PM

******************Hazards Spoilers****************

Aaron bursts into the CR.


(Sorry. Couldn't resist) Having said that, I don't believe for a minute that he's dead. The TGS Staff wouldn't waste all that character development just to kill him when he was getting interesting. I'm sure Danu saved him somehow. But I think Banshee has to head for London, and make sure Rory's safe, before she can go off on some quest by herself. She and Corbie together, hmmmmmm.
********************End Spoilers*************************

Doug> Implants. I personally would never get any kind of cosmetic implants. If I'm gonna let the docs cut on me, I want some Jackal-style cybernetics. And it's "Janie's Got a Gun"

Toman> I'm working on Filking Metallica's Phantom Lord, for Maddoc, but I'm not sure if it's a keeper.

Steve> You mean you don't all put together soundtrack tapes for all your fics. (Love that dual-well, bootlegger boombox)

Deuce> Satan, did not create the universe, unless you happen to be a member of the Cainites, an obscure Gnostic sect who believed that the way to salvation was to yield to temptation at every turn. Strange people. They eventually died out around the sixth century.

Aaron wanders off again, humming "Shadows of the Night" this time.
Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 01:45:32 PM

Steve Gooch> Soundtracks to stories. Oh, yeah. For the Yorkshire Adventure, I kept hearing Man of La Mancha, until it came out on the pages as the trick riding scene. And for Sun and the Serpent, I kept hearing Mariah Carey's 'My All' in reference to Brooklyn and Meryt. Sometime's it's a real boost to creativity. Sometimes it's worst than getting a song stuck in your head.
Taleweaver - []
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 01:43:50 PM

Longer post later.

SJ> ["I'm not watching those videos for her music!"] Sad thing is, I'm not sure if there are many people who do.

JackaL> ["And also, if it wasn't for our good friend Satan, there would be no God."] Satan is NOT my good friend, and you've got it backwards. God created Lucifer, not the other way around, and the Almighty does not need an opposite to define Himself.

Steve> Do you have ICQ or AOL? I'm dying to talk to someone about The Matrix.

Jenniren> ["Why is there no image of Harthoth to choose here?"] Good question. It's very difficult to add new images to the room, but I plan to add quite a few this summer, when I have more time to get the pictures together.

Kaioto> As usual, a brilliant and inspired poem.

** leaves **

Deuce - []
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 11:36:24 AM

Wilek > "arguably"? But yeah, scary, isn't it?
"If there's anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now." -- Z. Beeblebrox.

Fanfic to music > not me, though I often get messages (especially when Scarlet Angel was still around) from people who wonder if I am a fan of such-and-such a band. For Curse of the Shadow Beasts, though, I did have certain things that I would listen to, theme songs for the characters, etc. In particular, Arien's song is "I Am a Rock" by Simon and Garfunkel, and "Wildest Dreams" by the Moody Blues reflects how he feels about Cat during the interval between Books I and II.

Modern music > I am officially an old fart now. I listen to classical and 80's, I don't know who any of these new artists are (and if not for this room, would have no idea what the deal was with Tittany Spears and her implants), and I yearn for the good old days when bands' names might not have made sense but at least didn't conjure grody images.

And speaking of implants > once worked with a woman who was the epitome of gold-digger; she had hers done as an 'investment' so she could attract more men, then weed them out according to income and type of car. Astounding.

Avalon Mists Reminder! The deadline for the next issue is now only four weeks away! Don't delay, submit today! Fics, pics, jokes, poems, filks, songs, surveys, funnies, and nearly anything else is welcome!

And don't forget the Writer's Challenges from last issue -- #1 write a story to go along with our Mystery Pic
#2 following in Greg's grand tradition, let's see more Gargoyles/Shakespeare crossovers!

Christine - []
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 11:36:17 AM

Fire Storm> Toon Disney showed "Future Tense" last Friday, April 16, at 11:30 PM. At least that's what my friend who is taping the show for me has marked down (I don't have satellite). I don't know how you missed it unless you're on a different kind of system. But I thought all satellite was the same. Toon Disney did annoy me by skipping "Deadly Force" where I live (North Carolina). That's the ep where Elisa is accidentally shot by Broadway. It really surprised me that they would skip that ep because it has such a clear message about not playing with guns.

Airwalker> I'd also like to see Asrial brought into the future. If only she could "die" the way Griff "died" in "M.I.A." -- presumed dead but actually thrown into the future. She's such a great character and it would be a shame to waste her as a character as well as as a person. At one point Harthoth told Timedancer he knew how to control the Gate even though it was "broken." So I suppose there is a chance. I hope to see more of Harthoth/Khensu soon, whatever he is up to. He is such a great villain. "Why is there no image of Harthoth to choose here?

Jenniren - []
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 11:09:24 AM

Sorry about the double post. I accidentaly hit the "tab" button. :p That causes this thing to send on my computer.
anyhow, back to rambabling on about the ep.

****Continued TGS spoilers!***

I to would like to have flash backs to the haloween party. ^_^ That would be awsome, to see Demon at a party as Demona, and just walking around, having a good time. LOL!

Also, I cast my vote in for Asriel coming to the futer. ^_^ Unlikely, I know. But I can hope. A lot. BTW, who ever did the stupid, evil, awfully mean thing and gave us the line, "tha's to bad, cause in season two Asriel's ..." (O.K., so it's paraphrased :p best I can do right now.) You are MEAN. I hope you are enjoying our torment. Of course, it might be finnished with "Asreils going to the future." But we can only hope, ya' know. ^_^

****End Spoilers****

JackaL: You should have quit while you where ahead. The ebonics thing is funny. But I have to point out that God and Satan are not equals. Satan is more the opposite of Micheal. God created the Universe. Satan just twisted it.

Toku Kaioto: Lovely poem. Very moving, even if I didn't knw you where speaking about a specific person. ^_^ Good job.

Well, gotta' go! Bye! ^_^

XanthTuesday, April 20, 1999 10:47:38 AM

Thank you for your comments everyone. I really appreciate it. :) Now I feel much better! But unfortunetly, my parents won't be much help for me. My sister gave that little outburst right in front of them and they didn't do anything about it. They just said, "She's trying to be an adult and is just letting off some steam". So I'm not going to get any help from my parents. These same people know my sister goes to raves and takes ecstacy and pot and don't do anything about it. No punishing or anything. I definetly prefer my life over hers. Hers is too self-centered! Plus I LIKE my life!

*takes hammer and walks out*

Mary Flanders
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 10:39:53 AM

***Spoilers for this week's ep.********
*Calmly walks over to the TGS Staff. Takes a deep breath* I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU KILLED UMBRIEL!!!!!!!! He was my Fav. Unseele! *pouts* He was the only sane person in that whole organazation! Not to mention he had a really cool name. (O.K. so that one is minor) and he was the son of Oberon (I was thinking we might get something intresting out of that towards the end). AND YOU KILLED HIM! *AAAARRRRRGGGHHH*
*Calms down*
Anyhow, other than that (and including that, to be honest) Great episode! I really really realy wanted to throttle Madoc at the end. And make Garlon a saprano.
However, the development on the Banshee is great. I can't wait to see what happens next with her. I'd like to see her come in contact with either clan. maybe not for a long term thing, but maybe they could save her royaly hunted butt at one point. Hmmmm... Owen meets the Banshee? That would be intresting.
There was something else...

XanthTuesday, April 20, 1999 10:34:35 AM

JENNIREN - As far as I figure, in TGS Lex still looks like he always did. His implants are internal. (At least so far anyway; I have this weird feeling about his future though....) He defintely has cybernetic eyes and brain implants. But does he have any other cybernetic enhancments? On that I'm not so sure.

(I think that it's possible that he might have some other implants that might increase his strength that he might simply not know about yet. If Madoc was already going to upgrade him then why not go all the way and give him strength as well as sight?)

FIRESTORM - Actually Toon Disney did just show FUTURE TENSE on Saturday night. (It's my favorite episode and I make it a point to watch it whenever it comes up.) Tonight should be HUNTER'S MOON 1 & 2.

ASRIAL AND HARTHOTH - It's possible that Harthoth simply once visited Wyvern and that's when he obtained Asrial's goggles. It's possible that he was impressed by her inventive mind and offered her a chance to work for him, a chance to have her inventions apprieciated instead of mocked. But somehow I think that Asrial doesn't end up well in the end. It's just a feeling. I hope that she somehow makes it to the current TGS saga or maybe even to 2158. She would make a great addition. But honestly she probably ends up dying either before 994 or in 994.

(Why is it that all the technologically leaning gargoyles seem to end up with a less than desirable fate? We don't know about Asrial's fate but I'm sure everyone can agree that it probably won't be good. And Lex first ends up with implants, and probably becomes a living hologram in the future. (That's just a guess based on the twin's comments in OUT OF JOINT 2.))

ILLUSTRATED QUOTES - Argent has a good question. Whatever happened to that project? Is it still being worked on? Has anyone sent in any pictures for it? It's something that I would really like to see. So what's the word on it?

Brooklyn, NY
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 10:07:59 AM

(Smacks head against wall.) That's what I get for posting so late!
$DEUCE> My bad! The name in my last RP should have been Wilek, he'd offered to show us around earlier! I'm really not sure how that happened. Sorry!$

Do you know what one of the saddest things about that was? No one in the clan even knew the name of the Unseelie that died to save Goliath and Elisa.

- Does anyone know what happened to the Illustrated Quotes project?
- Does anyone know when the new CR pics will be available?

Gotta Jet! Go Tribe!
(Five months 'till the new 'Dark Ages' eps.)

stable, USA
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 07:00:05 AM

Hey all, I'm back - again

[Pauses to blow DC's head clean off his shoulders]

Thankfully, I only lost this first paragraph when IE4 crashed Windows. Anyway, I'm back from UPenn, and I'll only say that this: That was the most F#$@ed-up weekend of my entire life. I won't go into details, as nobody would believe how much I got dumped on, and the sheer insanity of it all, but I will say, y'know that Chinese proverb/curse "May you live in interesting times?" Well, this past weekend was an interesting time.

On a lighter note, I finally found the name, artist, and mp3 for a song that's been bugging the hell outta me since January. "Freak of the Week" by Marvelous 3. Does anybody have any idea what it's like to hear a song everywhere you go, over the course of 4 months, on the radio, in diners, in the car - and yet nobody knows what it's called, no DJ ever names it. RRRRRRGGGH! And to top it off, it woke me up this morning. I knew that this was the day I'd track it down, and lo and behold I was right. Thank the lord for :)

A question for fanfic writers out there: Do you put your stories to music? By this I mean, are there songs out there that go so well with what you've written, you'd want them put on a soundtrack? I know for me this is a big, emphatic yes. Almost everything I've written (and haven't written yet) has at least one, and upwards of twelve, songs attached. On a side note, if you answered yes, is it more often that case that the story comes first and then the music follows, or does the music influence the story? In my case it is definitely both, and some of my favorite plot developments probably would never have happened had I not been listening to a certain song at a certain point in time and thought "hey, this song would go great if I wrote in a scene with..." Anyway, just curious. What do you guys think?

Tim > <but in many cases, their skills often surpass those of Navy SEAL's!> Oh, man don't go there... You might get this SEAL freak started on some good-ol rivalry :)

Doug, Kitainia > I'm real glad everything worked out with Doug's dad. More luck to you in the future. As for my paper, it's not actually *written* yet. I'm still gathering information, doing research, procrastinating, that sorta thing :) Glad you're interested though - I'll be sure to mail a copy to whoever wants one.

Which brings me to another question: Since I would like to include this room in part of my "personal experience" section, I was planning on incorporating some of the conflicts that have gone on here, past and present. Since I really don't know what went on before late December, can anyone point me toward a good argument/flamewar? :) Seriously. Also, I may or may not include actual text, which brings up another possible request: IF I decide to copy short segments of conflicts and/or their resolutions, I'll be e-mailing the involved parties (or asking them here, if they have no EM listed) if I can use their words - quoting and attribution will be used anonymously if requested.

JEB > Congrats on some of your class liking CoS. Everytime I brought up what was said there, the "true" story of Macbeth, in 11th grade English class, I was basically repressed. (Course we *were* reading the Shakespeare version at the time, perhaps that had something to do with it :)

Deuce > Wanna chat about the Matrix? Bring it on! I must have seen the whole movie 3 times and the ending 7. Probably rates not as the best, but definitely the COOLEST movie I've seen.

Mary > I'm sorry you're having such a miserable time with your sister. Maybe the best thing to do for now is to settle down, leave things alone for a while, and not exacerbate the situation. If she wants to be away from you for now, let her be. Don't provoke her in any way, and go out of your way to be nice to her. You never know, after a while she may reciprocate.

'Night all.

==If it doesn't fit, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacement anyways==

Steve Gooch - []
Ithaca, NY
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 03:26:14 AM

Elessar: I will tell you how Britney Spears became #1: Her two breasts and schoolgirl-Whore like charm.
And the number two reason? She went to the top by being on the bottom.

Green Baron's post about Free Will vs Predestination triggered a wierd thought: Free Willy vs Predator...
Ohhh... THATS a short fight.
"Jump Willy, Jump!"
<Willy jumps over the boys arm, only to get hit by a plasma burst when overhead of the boy. The boy has a look of horror as the carcass of the whale he loves falls on him, crushing him.>
"Oh no! Willy didn't make it! And he crushed our boy!"
Ah Homer... we knew ye well.


DumlaoX: Why did you have to kill him! And you expanded his character in that ep also.
Well, at least we know who's side Banchee is on...
Good story, BTW. Liked how you made Umbriel and Molly get more aquainted. VERY nice!
I agree with Airwalker in that I do not think Umbriel is really dead. Teleportation maybe. But who knows.
At least Banchee has learned humanity.

I think that TGS may go back and release a epp about what happened on Holloween... maybe. I can hope!

Also, why do I have the feeling of somthing big happening with Asriel in the semi-near future?


Mary: Yeah! It really would be nice if we all could just get along... but alas, I doubt that will come any time soon, or ever for that matter.
If everyone DID sit around a campfire like that, some joker would throw a sealed can of Coleman fuel on the fire.
(Ever did that anyone? BIG fire ball!)

Kevorkian: I am surprised he is still alive. People who in here think's he will assist his own suicide in jail?

Coyote: Vernors as Champane reminds me of some nice romantic times...

WEBSITE: It's almost done, but... not.
Keep adding more to it, so more work to do. MUCH bigger than we planned.
Hope to be up soon.

Gabriel: <Cobalt> HmmMMM... intersting... Checked it up on the web and it looks promising. Thank you for the info!


Why does all the best art materials have to be so toxic?
<>EG: Cobalt Blue, lead-tin yellow, some pastels, pottery glaze, eg.<>


DumlaoX, Doug: <>FEEDBACK<> I get very little of it myself. Mainly it was about how to get to the adult fanfic pages.
The most feedback I get is when I put my microphone near my speakers.

Implants: Reminds me of a co-worker. Wants to marry someone rich so she can get breast implants so she can hook up with Hugh Heffner. I only wish she was joking. I think she is serious.
And she is 18.

SJ: Do you watch Brittany Spears videos with the normal music on mute and listening to some... how should I put this... "Getting it on" music? <G>

I was WAITING for that epp! I REALLY wanted to see it again!

The Demon: If you are out there, I DID get your mail. I am trying to reply, but I keep getting network errors.

Fire Storm - []
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 03:07:50 AM

**No RP**
I finished Hazards ...
Perhaps it is silly, but I feel it inappropriate for me to make an RP tonight. It is good to see everyone back and Web Wyvern up again.

**The Rest is Spoiler Related**
Well, I could go on at some length about the beauty of this piece, the vivid scenes and the excellent art. The character development was remarkable ... but Umbriel haunts my mind ...

Twilight never endures,
For the break of day,
And the fall of darkness,
Sweeps thee far away,

A blanket that smothers,
Tender embrace of night,
And the edge of harsh Truth,
Scares thee from the light,

So the walker wanders,
Betwixed firmament,
Always looking away,
And finding punishment,

The south wind blows softly,
While fire runs your veins,
Earth firm 'neith your feet,
And water soothes thy pains,

Yet on the dark echoes,
Merely your own pain,
For you have forgotten Light,
Ways you can't explain,

Rejecting the bright Sun,
Thought you knew on sight,
And judged far to rashly,
What was not the Light,

Meditate on Void,
Light springs from within,
No star in the sky,
Shall chase away your sin,

What you have sought without,
To make your feel whole,
Resides always inside,
In immortal soul,

Gray is not a mixture,
No formula here,
But black's own hiding shell,
Holds the Brightness dear,

You have always wandered,
Since the time you're grown,
Always seeking another,
But you were not alone,

And now the Long Night falls,
Heart lies still in chest,
See all who walked with you,
Gathered to His breast,

A new dawn for the Twilight's Child, fare thee well, Ubriel. Be free in a world that knows naught of fear, and anger, and pain. Fortunes walk with thee in the Next Life.

That's all I have to say for tonight ...

Toku Kaioto - []
Boston, MA, USA
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 02:58:10 AM

<<I hope they kill off Faith, too>>
NO, no kill Faith. She's the Britney Spears of the show, hehehehee. God, what is with me and my obession with this girl..., I'm starting to get on my own nerves...
To those of you that ain't gonna like this, yall forgive me. I thought it was funny and I want to share it with the rest of you: I was just lookin around on the web, right? And I ran across this: It's the 9 satanic statements...., in Ebonics. So if you don't mind, I'd like to share a few of them with ya. ::gives a crackhead laugh::
1. Satan stan fo doin wha chu wants te do, no habin to nots do de s**t!
2. Satan stan fo da real funk, holmes, de real s**t, not some whack you come up wit chillin wit a crack pipe!
3. Satan stan fo good sense an not some bulls**t you been foolin you own self wit, or talkin one s**t while you meanin somtin else!
5. Satan stan fo gibin de bums rush to de muthaf***a who done dis' you, stead a sit roun on yo ass like some punk-ass bitch yo self! Booyah!
8. Satan stan fo de Nasty, cause dat s**t FINE!
If you're thinkin about flaming me for this, keep in mind people posted up christian verses in here and they were SERIOUS about it. (I guess, I don't really know, I assume so). And also, if it wasn't for our good friend Satan, there would be no God. Ya know, the ying and yang thing.....

That guy who really gets people to call him JackaL
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 01:28:51 AM

Too bad about Umbriel--just when we were getting to know him too. I wonder what the halflings will think when they hear what Madoc did to Umbriel. They weren't present when it happened, but I can't imagine that Garlon won't gloat over it. If George Harrison ever gets over himself and realizes who his enemy really is, he might be able to find a way around the restriction that Madoc put on him to prevent him from harming Unseelies.
Banshee has become more interesting as a character recently. If she's planning to seek out Danu, where will she look? It would be interesting to see her try to team up with the gargoyles or the Pendragon set, but I suspect she'll mostly be keeping to herself in her search.
I especially liked the flashback with Asrial, Ajax, and Thersites. I hope to see more flashbacks like this.

Jenniren - []
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 01:00:35 AM

Unbelievably tired right now so I might make this a short post. ***BEGIN TGS SPOILERS*** First off, many congrats and thanx to the writers and the concocters of the episode. Patrick, kathy, and Todd did a great job of forming an outline that we could work with. JEB did a wonderful job of the battle setup and Christi uplaced some nice polish on the ep. But a special shout-out goes to my lady Alison. Aside from being the most wonderful woman on earth, she is also one of those undiscovered writing treasures. She wrote most of what you read in this episode. The backstory, the drama, and the death of Umbriel was penned by her. I only had responsibility for the clan scenes and the E&G scenes and even then she placed her expert hands on that work and made some magic. Oh, kinda surprised no one mentioned this. The clan scenes. In particular the references to famous works in that particular sequence of events. I always wanted to throw those works in there somehow :P ***END TGS SPOILERS*** WILEK-- Ah, megaman really needs no translators. Thanx for the links. When I get the time I'll look them over and get them. Oh, my account can't handle ROMs either. Aside from links to other sites, your best bet in doing ROM trading with people would be to temporarily place it on a website of your own. KITAINIA-- ***Thanx for the info on the yugoloths. If we have our way, that might not be the last we see of them in the RP. Besides, creatures have intelligence. This was a mistake of theirs. The next time they could devise something more deadly*** Till next time...
DumlaoX - []
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 12:39:41 AM

**RP BEGINS RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW (with Jesus Jones on soundtrack)**

The display flickers to life with Alan Dershowitz hard at work late one night. Suddenly a portal appears behind him and he is grabbed by an assimiliation tentacle and pulled in. "What's happening to me?" the lawyer panics. He sees Guod beginning to assimiliate him. "Who are you?" "I am your master," the evil Borg-clone snaps. "You are the last of the ACLU employees I chose for assimiliation. With my Borg army now nearly complete, I will soon be able to take over the world. Muhahahahaha!!" "Master Guod," says John Borgy, appearing behind Guod with several dumb-looking adolescent Borg who are wearing spoons on their noses. "I have brought you some new agents for our collective." "Who are they?" Guod asks. "We're the Breakfast Crew," snaps the lead kid. "We're gonna make the world conform to our new deal for breakfast. Everything revolves around the toaster, all foods are four-sided and self-rising. We will have our way!!" "Good choice assimiliating these children," Guod chuckles. "They'll fit in well." He flicks on his communicator. "Borgis and Butt-Borg, how are you doing?" "Uh, we're ass-im-uh-lating the Viet Cong," says Borgis. "It's like really hard finding all of them." "Keep trying," Guod snaps. "When you get them all, send them to me and then go get Sid Vicious. Our forces are almost ready. I shall now begin the transfer to the place from which we shall assimiliate the entire globe."

The display changes to the Onslaught, where Kitainia sighs and watches as Tom throws Jerry's corpse into the truck incinerator. The engineer stifles a few tears and then walks off, Stephanie following to try and comfort a friend obviously in need. Kitainia lies back down beside the sleeping Doug and turns to make a post.


Hi everyone. Well, the room went down this weekend, but we survived. Now it's back up, and once again we're all having a good time in it. Doesn't that feel great? :)

Like Doug said earlier, the meeting with his dad went well. I enjoyed spending time with the guy, now I know where Doug gets most of his intelligence, tolerance, and common sense. And his rugged good looks. <grin> Whitey (as he insisted I call him) tried very hard to make friends with me, and I think he suceeded. (Boy, when Doug's mom hears of this, she will be mad.) I mentioned my career choice, and he had a lot to say about the necessity of psychologists and the benefits we can provide. He never said so, but I think he thought I was well-suited to be one. Whitey also supported Doug's plans to be a cop. I'm glad he likes me and supports Doug's relationship with me. At least one of Doug's parents does (and the other will not get a wedding invitation judging by the recent arguments between Doug and her, which IMO she provoked and deserved. :( ). So the weekend was good. Hope the luck continues, for at least some time. Thanks to all who gave their support.

SJ: I hope they kill off Faith, too. I DO NOT like her. I used to, back when she was good and she and Xander were looking like they could have an interesting love life together. But now...Ugh. Why did they have to make her go bad? Hope the next Slayer turns out better. <fingers crossed>

Stephen: We're not gonna register till the last minute for two reasons. One, we're not sure if we're going to be able to go, and can't be until then. Two, we want to support the fandom as much as possible, and late registration is a convienent excuse. :) But don't worry, we'll try our hardest to show up at the Gathering. Look forward to seeing you there.

Taleweaver: I agree with you about villains. The intelligent ones are more interesting. I also like the pure evil ones who do cliched sinister selfish plots, though. That's one of the reasons I enjoy reading about villains like Madoc, Sevarius, or Jadriel from Doug's fanfic. They fail because of the hero's virtues, but because of their faults stay in the game and often get really pissed about their failures and next time try to get the heroes in an even worse way. They get more entertaining as their faults lead to their eventual destruction, the virtuous heroes continuing to step in and challenge them along the way.

Gabriel: Ah, your significant other also sits beside you and watches you write? Must be a common habit among couples. Doug and I also watch each other write. I particularly like reading over his shoulder as he writes a fic.

Kaioto: Okay, glad it was a mistake. You're forgiven.

Britney's Breasts: Well, if she got her implants for attention, she's getting it. :( I think that girl is all fake. Fake hype, fake figure, fake good music, fake hyped-up popularity, fake face with too much makeup; probably denies herself pleasure by faking you-know-what, too. I think that a lot of women are unfortunately becoming like her, and that's sad. I know that because it's been my experience that if you fake things about your life, that either means there's nothing really interesting in your life and you're trying to hide that from people or you're so absorbed in the fake experiences, you forget about the joys of the real. So in other words, I really dislike fake stuff. And I don't indulge in it unless I have to (which has so far thankfully been very rare). <grins> No excessive makeup, implants, or selfish raising myself over others for me.


<whiny voice> No, you can't kill Umbriel! I really liked Umbriel!! You didn't even tell his whole story, we never saw his first meeting with Madoc and how he found out Oberon was his dad! Bring him back!! Please!! <calms down, stops whining> Okay, that was my initial reaction to his death. That, and the urge to blow Madoc away with an iron-filled shrapnel gun. <grimace> I will miss Umbriel. His life and death was very well-written, I really enjoyed seeing his development and am sad to see him go. At least he died tragically, both saving Goliath and Elisa and inspiring the Banshee to get back on the right side. I look forward to seeing what she'll be up to next.

Good development on Goliath and Elisa in this episode. I enjoyed all the character stuff and the plot. Especially funny and nicely written was Goliath's reaction to minature golf (reminds me of when Doug and I have enjoyed that experience). The pics were also nice (although in one the clown's hair was orange when it should have been green), and so were the reactions of Brooklyn's family to Titanic. (I empathized with both Ari and Graeme.) Good job on this ep, all involved. I will miss Umbriel, but can tolerate his passing because of its consequences for Madoc that he doesn't know yet. All else I wanted to say has been said by Doug, Peter, SJ, and Airwalker. Keep up the great work.

Asrial: Good job on her in this episode, too. Hope we see her and Dark Ages again soon. And that she survives, even though she probably won't. <sighs, shakes head slowly> Or if she is with Harthoth, I have two words- Uh oh. I can't see Asrial as a bad guy, if she's with him Harthoth must be fooling and using her. But then again Harthoth's not really a bad guy either. Ugh, too complex.

Danu: Maybe something bad happened to her. Something that's prevented her from taking part in the conflict so far. I can't believe she would just give up and not try to do anything. Unless she's turned into the Danu of Doug's fanfic, and that Danu would not be watching over or even knowing about Umbriel. <better get back to real post before I spoil it anymore, heheheheh>


Doug: LST are my initials and describe the effect of living with me, that's why the pet name is so appropriate. :) Oh, and on our songs you forgot Celine Dion's Power of Love and Circle in the Sand (not sure who sings that one).

Mary: Sorry about the terrible things that have happened with your sister. Not sure what you can do to fix the situation, I've never experienced anything like it. My sister's an okay person if a little nutso at times. I might as well suggest talking to your parents about it (they'll handle the problem and probably take your side, reprimanding your sister), but first wait till your sister calms down. Spite and anger, like most negative emotions, eventually go away when given enough time.

Tim: Your sister was stalking her boyfriend, and claimed HE was stalking HER? That sounds so familiar. (Yes, my sister did the same thing. Thankfully she was smart enough to eventually realize the guy was a jerk and quit, even though he appreciated the advances. :)

Patrick: Hope flashbacks come soon. I too want to see what Demona did at that Halloween party.

Jackal: You're single again? Well, at least you resolved your earlier problems. Though I detest her in the extreme, I agree with you about the probable results of Brittany Spears' fake shallow fame.

Hmm, I think that's all for tonight. <checks Ravyn's candle, smiles as she notices that it's still burning; then lights another candle next to it for a certain crazy lover of dragons and long posts who has not entered the CR in a while nor responded to repeated e-mails, hopefully both will return soon> Goodnight all!!


Kitainia tosses and turns, trying to get to sleep. She is just about settled down when Jammer yells out "Welcome to Washington!!" "Oh boy," Doug yawns and gets up. "I guess we've arrived at our destination." "Yeah," Kit nods. "And I need some caffeine."

The display changes to early 1970s Vietnam, where the Borg drones are searching the jungle for Viet Cong to assimiliate. "Man," sighs Borg-Todd. "We are never going to find them Viet Cong bastards." "Hey, Borgcut," says MacVicker. "You were in Vietnam, weren't you? How do we find these Cong guys?" "We never were able to figure it out either," Coach Borgcut laments. "In the end we just ended up trying to kill every Vietnamese in sight." "What's he talking about?" asks Borgis. "He says we have to just ass-im-uh-late everyone we can find in this jungle, dumbass," Butt-Borg snaps. "Uh, sounds good to me." They proceed to do so, and return to Guod with some Chinese and North Vietnamese soldiers, a few American troops, a lot of innocent Vietnames peasants, and very few actual Viet Cong members. Guod smiles at the amount of new Borg drones and says, "Boys, you have succeeded well. I only told you to get the Viet Cong, though. Why'd you have to get so many other people who disappeared in the Vietnam War?" "Uh," says Borgis, "we couldn't find the Cong, so we just took everybody. Some of them have to be Cong." "Shut up, f*&tknocker," Butt-Borg snaps. "We thought you'd appreciate the extra troops, sir." "I do," Guod grins. "And in recognition of your sucess, I am giving you an additional assignment. Here." He hands the two morons a file that they look over. Borgis and Butt-Borg then turn to each other and laugh as they chant "Diarehea(sp?)-cha-cha-cha, Diarehea-cha-cha-cha." <This can only mean they've been assigned to assimiliate Daria, which is a good show. Doug and Kitainia must have plans. :)>


Kitainia - []
Tuesday, April 20, 1999 12:34:51 AM

**RP! (I usually write RP after finishing with the rest of the post, which is why this isn't in my last post...)**

[At the party, everyone's taken cover while the Dalek that had stowed away on the TARDIS opens fire on everything that moves. Wilek: "Avatar, this is Wilek! Where are those Borg?!" "The Dalek is interfering with transport; anything we try to beam down will be destroyed!" Wilek: "Shoot...I can't fight this thing unarmed..." Wilek then notices the Doctor creeping up on the Dalek with his sonic screwdriver...he fiddles with the dials, and presses the end of the screwdriver against the back of the Dalek's armor; there are a lot of sparks and smoke, and the Dalek is rendered inert. Wilek: " saved my tail. Thanks." Doctor: "It was nothing. Would you like a jelly-baby?..."]


I don't know what happened last time; I hit Enter for a line break and my post submitted itself. >:/ Ah well, back to what I was doing. <punches Disconnect>


I cannot imagine Goliath participating in miniature golf. I *simply* *cannot*. My mind, weird as it is, just refuses to form that image. Even a Malkavian wouldn't go near it. (Sorry, Vampire: The Masquerade reference. Ask me if you simply must know.) That's one of the few parts of the episode that really, really didn't ring true. But the rest of the episode more than makes up for it. I wonder if the artists do commissions...I was especially taken aback by the death of Umbriel. DANG. So Queen Danu is still active in Oberon and Madoc's little game? Hm...interesting...I wonder what'll happen to Banshee. I mean, she's now hunted by both sides. That can't be good for one's health. And since the only truly clearheaded Unseelie alive was just killed, I think the Unseelie will soon become even more completely vile than they already were, and that their own evil will ultimately consume them. Interesting bit: A little statue of Anubis was destroyed at the miniature golf course. I have to think there's some kind of sigificance to that. It's been another great ep! :D


Dumlao X> <<Ah well, if you can send me the ROMS you have, please do so.>> Um...on reflection, I'm not certain my mail program will take such large attachments. The sites that have them are for Actraiser 2 and for Rockman And Forte, under the name of Megaman 9 (I would give you the direct download filenames, but ROM site owners don't take well to that kind of thing). The last one is in Japanese, but there's a translation patch on the same site as the ROM. Sorry I couldn't get them to you more directly...

Selanit> Welcome back! :D Hey, whatever happened to the Ballpitria site? I got a 404 error when I went there.

Mary> Your sister said WHAT?! <grr> If you ever need someone to set the Bitch Queen straight, come to us. When we're done with her, there won't be enough left to identify from DNA records. Makes me glad I'm an only hatchling...

Kyryn> <<we're all at least somewhat real>> Speak for yourself, I'm really an experimental digital sentience. :P

Carolynn Marie> So you found toy Quarryhammers? Makes me wonder... :)

Jenniren> <<I was watching a tape of the "Future Tense" episode and wondered whether that's what Lexington now looks like in TGS.>> Um...I doubt it; I think he just has an artificial eye and some brain implants to interface with computers.


[Wilek: "How did that thing get in the TARDIS? I thought you had better security than that." Dr.: "Well, a cyborg-looking fellow told me that he'd rendered it harmless. He convinced me to bring it to you because he thought it would help you in some kind of battle he told me you were involved in." Wilek: "He mentioned me specifically?" Dr.: "By name. You are Wilhelm Nereus, are you not?" Wilek: "That's one form of my name. Did you find out who gave you that thing? Do you know who he was?" Dr.: "Er...I'm terrible with names...Guod, I think..."]


Wilek, completing my post
Monday, April 19, 1999 11:52:33 PM

Oh my.....This is a very bizarre, very disturbing little piece of info for all you Pokemaniacs out there.....I was just on the Internet Movie Database, checkin' out stuff, and I wanted to see who was the English voice cast for Pokemon.....well, the lady who does the voice of appears that she was also the star of a rather adult film starring the legendary Johnny "The Wad" Holmes.

Perhaps it is my well documented sick sense of humor, but I find this too damn funny for words. Ah, I know, I'm evil ;-P

Sevarius Jr.
Monday, April 19, 1999 11:52:14 PM

I was watching a tape of the "Future Tense" episode and wondered whether that's what Lexington now looks like in TGS. In "Future Tense" he had a metal arm and tail among other things.
Jenniren - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 11:35:30 PM

Britney "the god" Spears: Here's my real opinion..., She's fake and shallow and like the rest of the "fagety" groups such as N Sync, 98°, and Five, her fame will be short lived..., that's why I'm enjoying her now! And I've already got it figured out, when her muzik career dies, she'll pose for Hustler..., with a cigar, and Larry Flint will be president.., I can see it now! Don't you love the way I think, heheheeee.
Here's an off the wall question..., but I decided to bring this up. OK, ya know when you're around your friends and yall are pretty tried and you start talking about dumb s**t? All right, Does the president have to pay for his food when he goes to McDonald's, I mean, you're the leader of the free world, do you pay for your egg mcmuffin? And what's the REAL reason Charles Manson is in jail? People plot and plan murders everyday and get away with it, Am I missing something here? Is it because the media was all over the case or what? AND if Charles Manson gets out, will Bill Clinton get him a free egg mcmuffin, if he doesn't have to pay for it?
<<..parents must the extremely loose liberal sort.>>
How can parents be that way, God! ::innocent smile::
Best KoRn lyrics: "Everytime I reach for love, it's taken away.." B.B.K.
Because it's TRUE!! Ohhh, BTW I'm single AGAIN!! but that's ok, I've been dealing with this for a while now..., my contact fell out..., ok. And everything seems to be going ok.., but I'll shut up, cause if I don't I'll tell ya entire life story, because I'll talk to anyone who'll listen.., my parents hardly paid me any attention growing up and look at me! heheheee, Parents and soon to be parents pay attention to your kids, or I am what they will become, ::crackhead laugh:: (A 22 yr old who plays with dead things and needs to go to AA).
Ohh yeah..., I got some smoked out, crack addicted email the other day and I put it on a web page so yall can see it..., it worked for me, yall do it! Do it now damnit!! Hehehee just plain, ya don't have ta!!!

Ga, Usa
Monday, April 19, 1999 11:34:59 PM

**Kyryn runs through**

Ah yes, I almost forgot:

Doug> Good luck on the spanish test! Also, I'm glad that the meeting between your Dad and Kitania went well. The bit about potential seems to be a common line from parents to prospective mates of their children. That's what my Dad said about Okami.

SJ> I hope that only applies to DC librarians. I'm a systems librarian here in southwest Texas, although I'm at an academic library. I can see no chatting and game playing, since those take up a lot of bandwidth and will slow the server down with traffic volume if enough people are doing it; but I can't agree with no email (unless they're stupid enough not to have a good anti-virus program and security system on the machines). Yeah, they must be evil goons of the public library system (that's why I don't work in a public system anymore, of course I'm also running our computer systems). Sigh, I hope things look up for you too, SJ.

BTW, I loved both 'Hazards' and 'To the Soul'

Later All!

**Kyryn jumps into the nearest computer screen and disappears**

Uvalde, TX
Monday, April 19, 1999 11:29:53 PM

DANG, it's good to be back in the nuthouse! :D

Robby> <<Bageera DID show up in TaleSpin. Sorta. In design anyway. All of Shere Khan's pilot's were black panthers.>> Oh, now I remember...which makes me wonder just precicely what Bagheera was doing behind the scenes...

Christine> <<I started out with low self-esteem>> You?! Arguably the most rampant egomaniac in this entire asylum?! :P


Wilek Nereus
Monday, April 19, 1999 10:59:28 PM

Jackal: Something takes a part of me.....Something lost and never seen....everytime I start to believe....something's raped and taken from me....
Those are some damn good lyrics...and that song's been running through my head for days now.

Doug: I think I've figured out the whole parents and dating thing. Usually with me, it's either 1)I like the girl, and they don't or 2)They love the girl, and she's not right for me. Figures. Still, I'm glad things went okay with Kit and your dad.

Mary: Oh my....that's a pretty serious situation with your sister. Hope things work out, even though she does seem to be "Her Highness the B!tch" right about now. God, siblings can get away with a lot of crap, can't they?

Britney Spears: Who cares what she sounds like! I'm not watching those videos for her music!

Deuce: Don't know how your librarians are where you live, but here in D.C., the librarians should be dubbed the Third Reich when it comes to computer use. "Sign this form stating the time you will be using the internet, keeping in mind that you are only allowed 20 minutes of time, and are not allowed to go on any chat rooms, personal email accounts, game rooms, pornography sites, or to have any fun at all." They're nazis, all of them!!!

Sevarius Jr. - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 10:21:07 PM

I forgot to add a belated, Happy Birthday to Lawrence :)

*chucks you a free hammer and a creativity demon for good luck*

*chucks a hammer to Mary Flanders for her bratty sis, smiling* Hit the switch on the side and aim. Has a good handle :D

*whistles as she heads off to work*

Carolynn Marie - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 10:19:32 PM

STORMY - I don't think that Asrial is going to die when DARK AGES starts up again. After all the flashback that we got in today's TGS episode is dated 979. DARK AGES Season 1 ended at what, the end of 971, or somewhere in the beginning of 972? So unless the staff skips over a large amount of time in Season 2, shouldn't the new season start off only a little bit after the first one ended?

(On a side note I also keep hoping that Asrial will somehow be brought to the future. She's a great character and I would hate to just see her confined to just DARK AGES. She's a character that could be used in current TGS.

Anyway, I have to wonder, how did Harthoth get Asrial's goggles which appeared in his museum in THE SUN AND THE SERPENT? Maybe she didn't meet the horrible fate that we all simply assume that she probably met? Maybe she's still wandering around in current times and eventually she'll pop up? Maybe she's been with Harthoth all this time?)

Brooklyn, NY
Monday, April 19, 1999 10:17:17 PM

*zips in, tossing everyone free hammers*

It's the WEIRDEST thing. I found these at a garage sale over on the West Side today. You flick this little switch thingie on the side, and they sparkle and light up. My sister thought it was a pretty spiffy toy.

The only prob is, so far it's shattered all of the stone decor in my mom's garden ... oh, well, they were cheap, and they look neat *winks* ;D

SOROW< You and half the fandom are wondering about Asrial :) Well, if you REALLY want to know what happens to Asrial, is ------------------------------------------ Censored ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Easy! *looks at the screen* Dang, I've got an instant *spoiler block-out* thing built in ... oh, well :) I tried :D *heehee*

MARY FLANDERS< How terrible! *offers hot cocoa* My sis can be a real bitch, too. She's 11 and entering the adolosescent stage. The past month has been hell. She's been the most disagreeable, selfish, rude little brat that's ever walked the earth. Don't believe a single thing your sis is saying; if she's being that unreasonable, she's probably just snapped (plus, all your friends think so, too, so it's not just you). If she's going to be a brat, then it's her loss.

Let us know how it goes, kay? :)

Carolynn Marie - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 10:13:56 PM

Hazards> I stared at _that_ scene for at least thirty seconds. I had no idea that was going to happen... just goes to show, we'll pull _anything_ out of our hats.

Selanit> Welcome back!

Stormy> ["She reminds me of every snotty girl in my high school who seemed to think there was somethign WRONG with the fact that I'm a freak..."] Yeah, but she looks _so_ good doing it! :-P Actually, I hate her music; I watch her videos with the sound off.

Argent> $ I don't know much about Disney world, but I'll be glad to show you and Jewel*D around. $

Mary Flanders> Speaking as the sibling of the second bitchiest girl in the world (my sister's bad, but not as bad as yours), I can only offer my sympathies. *hug* I'm told I'm a comfortable shoulder to cry on.

Gwenyvere's Mate> I know who it'll be! *sharp looks from the other TGS staffers silence him* Geeze, give me some credit. I wasn't going to say anything! Just trust me: you'll find out, and you'll go— *jaw drops*. Just like that.

I was going to kill DC, but the librarian is glaring at me 'cos she thinks this is a chat room. I don't have time to explain the intricacies(sp?) of it to her. *DC sighs in relief* You ain't getting off that easy, buddy. Just wait until tomorrow morning: I won't have any tests to cram for!

** with one last glare at DC and a hug for Mary, Deuce leaves **

Deuce - []
Public Library, River City, Alberta, Canada
Monday, April 19, 1999 09:53:03 PM

**Kyryn peers in**

Folks, her name is Gwenyvere. It's a play off the original.

Argent> Gwenyvere is Angela and Broadway's daughter. She originally appeared in Season 1 of Timedancer in the episode 'Requiem'

SOROW> Congrats! *grin* At least now you know who your friends are and who's just trying to suck up to you because you are in a position of power. Just remember how fickle the second set can be. I wish you all the best.

Mary Flanders> I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope that someday down the road things may get better; but, in the meantime, don't let it get you down too much. And, hey, we may be on the other end of a long electronic line, but we're still your friends and we're all at least somewhat real *grin*.

Later All!

**Kyryn disappears back to work**

Uvalde, TX
Monday, April 19, 1999 09:32:14 PM

DOUG: *grins* re: Caligo Wagner will forgive you...reluctantly...(LOL) It's so much fun, writing characters who aren't villains, but whom no one would ever call heroes either! (and then again, maybe you got a look at Cal when he was in a rather annoyed mood--ie, see link ;-)

ASRIAL: By far my favourite character invented by the TGS staff. I DON"T WANT HER TO DIE IN SEASON TWO!!! (Actually I keep hoping she'll get tossed forward through time or something...that line about "how she would have loved this modern world"--that's not too much to ask, is it? HEY! Maybe SHE could be Lexington's Mate! I mean, she was single... BROOKLYN! GO TO CASTLE WYVERN WITH THE PHOENIX GATE ALREADY!!!

OK, now I'm dreaming...

My new vote for Guenivere's mate goes, reluctantly, to Coldsteel, but that could change...

Monday, April 19, 1999 09:01:50 PM

Congratulations to Brian Dumlao, Alison Wilgus, JEB, and Christi Smith Hayden on the latest wonderful TGS ep. :)

And to all of you out there who, after "In the Blood," are wishing TGS had shown some of what happened on Halloween, well... :: peeks over shoulder and checks for the Spoiler Police :: ... just keep reading. You never know when a flashback will strike. :)

And a G99 related announcement. This time, I'm not gonna talk about how time is running out to get those pre-registrations in... or how those hotel rooms are going fast and need to be booked by the end of May to get the low con rate. Nope... this announcment is about filk.

:: puts on top hat and fake white beard :: We want you... to send in your "Gargoyles" filks. :) Anyone who has written a new "Gargoyles" related song parody (new = not seen in last year's G98 Filkbook) is hereby invited to submit their songs to the G99 Filkbook. You may mail your submissions to me (my addy is below). The deadline is May 22, 1999.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled comment room...

Patrick Toman - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 08:49:09 PM

Well, it had certainly been an interesting week in the comment room. We talked about time travel, police uniforms, and weird sexual fantasies. Can say it hasn't been dull.

Mary Flanders> I can relate to your problem. My younger sister is a raving lunatic who used to tell our parents that her ex-boyfriend was stalking her, but according to everyone else, SHE was stalking HIM! Now they are back together (Proving just how dumb he is.) and she's excited about about going to the prom. Whoopdi-f**king-do. It has gotten so bad with her, my family has been trying to keep track of her... uh, how do I put this... her "hormonal cycle?" Only problem is, she's like this all the time. True story.

Tim Phipps
Monday, April 19, 1999 08:40:46 PM


I wonder if it's dawned on Madoc yet that Umbriel was the only one of the Unseelie Court that could use his magic to effect iron? Now that Madoc's killed him, how's he going to deal with the Iron Issue?

(I mean let's be honest, for all of his power and all the threat he represents to the two mortal races, Madoc and the Unseelie are completely vulnerable to anyone with an iron bell. Without Umbriel to turn the iron into something harmless, any five year old with an iron bell can take him down in less than 30 seconds.)

Brooklyn, NY
Monday, April 19, 1999 08:29:47 PM

Great, now I'm going to be REALLY depressed for the rest of the week because of of this week's episode. :(

BTW, I have some bad news. My sister just disowned me. And I'm being serious. We no longer talk to each other, sit in the same room together, or refer to each other as 'my sister'. We had a big fight on Friday and she called me 'a worthless piece of shit that should have never been allowed to live that has no real life and spends all of her time chatting with her stupid chatroom freinds. And those are the only freinds you have!' Did I forget to mention that she keeps saying that I'm a fat pig? (I'm not BTW, I'm average. She says that because I have an eating problem of trying to eat everything in the house)

This is why I say she is the Queen of all Bitches and my friends at school defenitly agree with me. Don't you?

I say it's bad news because sometimes we do get along and I have been hoping that we would become freinds when we got older, but that isn't going to happen, ever.

Mary Flanders
Monday, April 19, 1999 08:11:07 PM

Grr... Stupid link... Try this instead... If it don't work, well... Hakuna Matata.
Robby the CR DJ
Monday, April 19, 1999 07:33:16 PM

Oii, I'm never gonna get a chance to wipe the room or post an episode the way things are going...

Aaron- Ahh, Fiesta IS indeed upon us... Time to go downtown for most of the weekend... And you watched Revenge of the Nerds last night too? Wierd... So did I.

Duece- Looks like neither of us posted the episode... Hopefully come this week's Timedancer ep I'll at least get the chance to see if my computer CAN post a new ep...


So everyone was happy to see Asrial again eh? Hmm. Such a shame that in season two she's going to... What, I can't say that? Oh, all right... Um, just enjoy it while you can! I know what's coming!

Incidentally, this week's tag line was supposed to be
"All Goliath and Elisa wanted was a little R&R."

Doug- You're trying to get the room to 650K again this week aren't you? Took 10 clicks to get through your post... 8) But I don't mind at all you making the character description long. I was just pointing out a fact. And in depth, yes. Heh.

**JIM'S GARGOYLES WON THE VOTE CELEBRATION (Yes, its still going, but only until Sunday!)**

Jim Iza Noying, Kit Cloudkicker, and Baloo the Bear (Who only looks like Little John)are still in the middle of their impromptu session of the Bear Necessities. Suddenly, a voice cries out.
"I'm the one who has a song about no worries!" A very agitated looking Timone the Meerkat stand at Baloo's feet, ready to become very angry. Jim sighs, and wanting to avoid an all out fight like there has been at his last 8 parties, he goes into the Hakuna Matata (click!)lyrics, and everything is shortly settled down. A small purple dinosaur runs by unnoticed, and is then accidentally squashed as Baloo dances. Ah well..

Monday, April 19, 1999 07:31:09 PM

The Gargoyles CCG is still coming...
Email me if interested.
Be seeing you...

Galvatron - []
Long Island, NY, USA
Monday, April 19, 1999 06:58:57 PM

***Party RP (FINALLY!)***
(Argent and Jewel are wandering around, trying to find Thunder Mountain. Argent scratches head, while the draco is chows down on vanilla ice cream.)
"Now where's Deuce? He said he could show us around-"
(Jewel*d perks up her ears, chirps in curiosity, then scampers down the street and out of sight.)
"Hey, where're you going?!"
(Argent pursues, following the trail of melted ice cream. Turns a corner and nearly trips over Jewel*D.)
"Now what's the big - what the..."

DEUCE> [braces] As a soon to be 'metal mouth', you have my sympathies!
CHRISTINE: Becca looks great!
AARON> [..get up a half-hour early to watch Pokemon- what am I gonna do?] What's wrong with Pokemon?! (kidding, kidding!) :) Think of it as an intro to anime for your brother. Once he's gotten used to it, try hooking him on the ones you think he'd enjoy more.

Once again: _Who_ is Guenivere?!

***CON'T RP!***
(Argent tries to make sense of the scene. SJ and Kari are pursuading a couple of creatures to leave Pluto alone. Jewel*D whistles at Argent.)
"No, I think those are the Hounds from Wilek's last post. So I guess we're in the right place."
(Hears something yelling "EXTERMINATE!")
"But what on Narvia is THAT?"

Gotta jet! Go Tribe!
(Five months 'till the new 'Dark Ages' eps.)

Argent (aka. Tribe Fanatic)
stable, USA
Monday, April 19, 1999 06:54:30 PM


The screen flickers to life, displaying a TV studio hallway with a closed door marked "Commercial Taping Room." The room's door suddenly breaks open and the Borgy family storms out, followed by the now-assimiliated cast of Old Navy commercials. "Yes!" Peter Borgy is laughing. "Those who wear the same clothes we do are now on our side!" The family laughs and sings a chorus of that horrible Old Navy drawstring song before going on to the next taping room. The commercial being taped in this one is the new Gatorade one starring Micheal Jordan and Mia What'sHerFace (you know, the one that encourages brutal selfish competition among people instead of team cooperation?). "Anything you can do I can do better," the song comes from inside. "I can do anything- AAH!!!" Micheal, Mia, and the Gatorade people all scream as the Borgys break in and assimiliate them. Justice is served.

Meanwhile, on board the Onslaught, the Ravens are on the last leg of their journey and currently passing through south Ohio. Doug has just been told of Jake's departure and nods. "I hope he comes back soon. Could you check on the prisoner, Cobra?" "Yeah," the biker nods. "I'll make sure that mug's okay." "Good," Doug yawns. "In the meantime, I'll post and then get some rest." He turns to face the CR.


Glad to see the room back and everyone taking advantage of it. :) I made some significant progress on my fic during the shutdown. I'm now just gonna call this one "The Hostage" and the second part simply "Dragon's Game." The fic is going well, I've done the first of the two funerals in it (Nikaita's) and will in a few days be ready to do the second (Renard's). The fic after "Dragon's Game" will probably be "Beneath These Streets" which will bring back the vampires and the Rat King, deal with Talon and Maggie's wedding, and also introduce as an onstage character Thomas Greene.

Theology vs. Mythology: Not going to comment on this debate, it's pretty much already over. Anyone who wants to know my views on the place of Jesus and God in the Gargoyles universe can easily see them in my fics Choices, Through the Ages, and After the Flood.

Stormy, Cyrway: Okay, I was wrong. Thanks for reminding me that Caligo was never a villain, sorry I referred to him as one. But that didn't stop him from being a major inspiration for characters who were villains, did it? :)

Kaioto: Thanks for answering, hope I soon get to read your fics.

Robby: Sorry I made the character descriptions so long. But I got them in-depth, too, didn't I? :)

To the Soul: I responded to this a little late, didn't I? :) Well, everything I already wanted to say has already been said. The setting was nice, so was the character development and plot. I liked Etolie. Can hardly wait to see what happens in Timedancer this week.

SJ: Ah, Tara Charendorff. I too have enjoyed her work. She's always been the ideal voice for Ari in my fics.

SOROW: Congrats on your accomplishment.

Blue, Green Baron: Glad the descriptions helped clear some things up for you about my fic. Don't worry, the new villains will be appearing soon, some in the next couple of tales.

Green Baron: Glad you liked the guy I based on you. He's a good cleric character, kind of a modern-day Brother Edmund in many ways. He also your conservative but tolerant bent. I will do being many things with him. A debate with Kurtz is likely, so is offering the clan rhetorical help and sanctuary if they ever need it. You can see him acting to help the clan with holy water in "Slayer Senshi," as I mentioned earlier his first onstage appearance will be in "Beneath These Streets."

SWAT outfits: I think they're very cool myself. Cops look like modern-day knights in them, to coin a phrase. <grin>

Steve Gooch: Sounds like you wrote an interesting paper. Mind e-mailing me a copy, please? Just curious what it said.

Christine: Becca's cute. There's no denying it. Good job on the costume, too.

Guod and Asil: Well, nobody answered this, so I think I should. Guod has the opposite of my in three ways. First, he's rather dimwitted (he hangs out with morons like Beavis, Butthead, and the Brady Bunch; I have better taste in friends) whereas I've frequently been told I have a lot of intelligence and common sense (forgive the ego). Second, Guod wants to turn the world into part of his Borg collective, I just want to live in it and have a good life. And finally, Guod has a lot less control over his temper. As for Kitainia and Asil, it's obvious that one is much more vicious and violent than the other. Asil is also more scheming and canniving, and uses her schemes purely for her own benefit whereas I think for all her sneaky manipulations, my girlfriend still has a good heart. In other words, Asil is an self-obessed, twisted, and evil version of our friend Kitainia. IMHO, SJ and Kit made a good villainess when they created her.

Britney Spears: I don't like her music much myself. And she has breast implants at 17? Ugh, disgusting. (Of course, I find implants and all other forms of excessive artifical body "enhancement" gross in women of any age, but this is particularly appalling. Her parents must the extremely loose liberal sort. :)

Taleweaver: I agree with you about Harthoth, Apep, and Isfet. They are all very good villains. Hope we soon see more of them in TGS.

Gabriel: Glad you enjoyed "Slayer Senshi," hope you read more of my fic. :)

Kit's Meeting With my Dad: It went very well. The tramp incident was never mentioned, and Dad liked her a lot. His eyes just lit up when he first saw her, he smiled at her firm handshake and polite manner, and as the three of us engaged in conversation things just kept getting better from then on. After our evening out was over, he said it was a pleasure knowing and spending time with her (Mom never said that!), and later told me that I had done well in finding a girlfriend. He says Kit is a good person with a lot of potential, whatever that means. Ah, it feels so good to have one of your parents on your side.

Aaron: Ah, Aerosmith's Angel. Very good song. My favorite of theirs along with Jimmy Got a Gun (which helped inspire a character in my fanfic). That's one of the six songs Kit and I would consider "our songs" if we had to pick. The other five are Heather Nova's London Rain, Natalie Imbruglia's Wishing I Was There, Sarah MacLachlan's Posession, Sting's We'll Be Together, and Oasis's Wonderwall. All good songs, if we ever had to pick just one it'd be a tough choice.

Kate: I don't know, I kinda like it when Kitainia calls me Redman, Copper, or Displacer Dude (if you've played AD&D you'll know of the very vicious feline that inspired the last pet name). And I know she likes it when I call her LST (if you're familiar with the pleasures and pains of the drug LSD, you'll get this one). Maybe Goliath's the same way. <laugh>


This episode was excellent. A fitting last TGS masterwork for our friend Mr. Dumlao. :) The Goliath and Elisa mini-golf scenese were great, so was the character development on them and the rest of the clan. The plot of this ep was also good and flowed nicely with very well-written dialogue and action. I also enjoyed the art expressed in all three pics.

Good development on Banshee and Umbriel, too. I really mourn the death of the latter. At least he went out doing the right thing. Good tragic element in this story with his life and death, I really enjoyed reading it. I'm eager to see what Banshee will be up to in her quest to find Danu and do her part to help save the world. I wonder where Danu is (if it's anywhere like where she's been cooped up in my fic universe for the past couple million years, we have serious trouble ahead), and how receptive she'll be to joining the good guys. I guess the Unseelie are all clearly insane bad guys now. :)

Two other things I noticed. One, Angela is back with the clan now. So we missed out on the clan's Halloween experiences this year. We know nothing happened with the Unseelie conflict on that day, but I missed not getting that story. I wanted to see Andrea's reaction to Demona's costume, as well as continued reactions to the Unseelie waiting game. Maybe we could have seen some street gang that's picking up on the Unseelie symbols being in style also try something. You know, a force of humans seperate from the Unseelie trying to copy them? That might be an interesting and cool plot. Too bad it didn't happen. Oh well.

Two, it looks like the Aztec war god Unseelie Hutzipochtli is still alive. Rats, I thought the earlier war finished him off. But he should make an interesting villain. Wonder if there are many Unseelie whose presence has yet to be revealed.

I also liked the scene with Asrial and Thersites. Brought back memories of Dark Ages. Hope we soon get to read that series again. The ep gets a 10/10, thumbs way up. Excellent job and keep up the good work, TGS Staff!!


DumlaoX: I agree with you about feedback. Nothing keeps writers going like it. Something like the experiences that writer guy in yesterday's X-Files (that ep was nothing like I thought it would be, and very cool. Too bad the preview of next week's ep made me feel like throwing up) had also works, but that rarely happens outside our imaginations. So please, people, if you've read my stories, please promptly send me feedback. I will greatly welcome and appreciate it. Traveler, this especially goes for you.

Okay, guess that's all for now. Have to go do the Doc-and-Jadriel scene for my next fic, fix dinner, and then study hard for my Spanish test tomorrow. Please wish me luck on that test everyone, 'cause I need to do well. Bye.


Doug walks to the double sleeping bag he and Kitainia share and crawls in beside her, cuddling up against her as they both fall asleep. Suddenly a shadow falls over the couple. "Wake up, demon-lovers!" Jerry chuckles loudly as he raises his laser gun. "Your moment of judgement has arrived!!" Doug and Kitainia instantly open their eyes and stare in shock at the a-hole. "Jerry!" Kitainia yells. "What are you doing? We're your friends. We're trying to help you." Jerry cocks his gun and shakes his head. "I know my friends and foes, succubus! You are my foe, and my friends have made me your executioner. Prepare to meet God." "You really are corrupt," Kitainia sighs. Doug nods in agreement. "I knew it right off, Kit," he says. "Unless we try Wilek's mindwipe, there is no saving this guy." "We're not trying that," Kitainia says. "Neuralyzation is too easy a way out and very immoral. I wouldn't want anyone to have to suffer having their memories taken away." Jerry laughs in her face. "What do you know of morality, demon?" "More than you, obviously," says a figure behind Jerry before whacking him across the knees with a nightstick and knocking the jerk to the floor. "Tom!" Jerry shouts at his friend. "What the hell are you doing? You know I'm right!" "No, Jerry," Tom sighs as he raises his pistol. "You're the one who doesn't know. I thought you were my friend and a good person, now I see you don't know when to correct your mistakes. Hopefully God can help change you, for now you have become our enemy. See you later, Jer." He fires the gun and kills Jerry, the jerk screaming as he slumps to the floor. "Tom!" Kitainia and Doug shout, leaping up and looking at home. "You did a terrible thing," Kitainia says. Tom looks back at her, eyes full of tears and rage. "No," he says. "I did the only thing I could. I'll dispose of the body." He picks up Jerry's corpse and walks off. Doug looks at Kitainia. "You think this could adversely affect him?" he asks. "Probably," Kitainia sighs. "I know that having it watched happen, now there's no way I'll be able to sleep." Doug puts his arms around her and they cry together as the screen goes blank.


Doug - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 06:51:37 PM

Hi again!
**on the tgs ep**
I really liked this one! Poor Umbriel..actually, I didn't even remember who he was until this story (not sure why) but now I'm sad he's gone. Too short a lifespan, but oh well. Banshee didn't seem quite right showing her warm and fuzzy side. I liked the Goliath w/golf club pic. Just one thing, tho...does anybody think Goliath gets mad whenever Elisa calls him Big Guy (every other sentence) or Tiger? If I were a guy, I would, I guess...
That's my first review! (^_^) Sorry, just had to mark the occasion.

Kate - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 06:44:03 PM

*walks in happy to be here*

Hi everyone! I've been gone for sheesh over a week! It's good to be back, well post more soon, gonna read the new episodes!

bai bai!

Bronx Wyvern - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 06:38:15 PM

So Umbriel bites it in this ep? Oh spit! That'll teach me to read the spoilers before the story.
*****END SPOILER*****
At least the CR is back up

Jenniren - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 06:27:25 PM

Poor Britney Spears! Awww, I still love you, honey! Weird thing is, I'm a gdfn freak whose steadily into KoRn, NiN and Mar1lyn Man5on. We need to unify the freak and prep nation!! Britney and Jonathan Davis need to do a song together. I can see her singin, "You and I were meant to be. A cheap f*** for me to lay, Something takes apart of me.... Boom na da na emmm da na ema. Da boom na da da emmm da na ema..." Hehehehe. Why am I in here...., ohh yeah! I wanted to tell yall something. Now that I think about it, nevermind..., it had something to with Charles Manson and Bill Clinton eatting at McDonald's.
JackaL - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 06:20:09 PM

Gotta ask before I go for the day. Has anyone here ever played pokemon pool? I'm not a fan, but I discovered this a few weeks ago, and it is fun in kind of a demented way.

There's two ways to play. The simpler way means you assign every ball a pokemon name(The one ball is Pinkachu, the 5 is Charmander, etc.) except for the 11 ball, which looks like the pokeball. The game plays like 8-ball, except you sink the 11 ball last.

The more complicated way means you must capture(sink) everything with the pokeball. Which means all shots must be combinations run through the 11 ball.

Til tomorrow.
Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Monday, April 19, 1999 06:17:47 PM

Well, here I am, back after a really really really long interlude. The end of the school year cometh, and students must forgo their pleasures, lest they suffer their parents' wrath over bad marks. That about sums it up. I'll be in only occasionally till the semester ends. THREE MORE WEEKS!! Plus finals, but they don't really count 'cause the University doesn't make you go to class during the exams. :-Þ

***Hazards spoilers***

Ooo, good ep. I was thrilled to see Asrial again; she's my fave Dark Ages character, and that's saying quite a bit, since Dark Ages is my favorite of the series. Asrial ROCKS! And I really like having Goliath remember her this way. Pity she can't be brought forward.

About the Banshee: I think she'd best ally herself with the clan. I can understand that they'd be suspicious at first, but if she helped them out in a couple of battles against the Halflings, they'd warm up to her real quick. The clan is in *dire* need of better weapons against the Unseelie court. As Goliath said this episode, they have never decisively won a battle against the Unseelie. They really, need *some* sort of weapon against the Unseelies. They all need to start carrying bells. Or packets of iron filings. Or edged iron implements of some sort. I've got it! They all need to take a lot of iron supplements, so they'll be unpalatable the next time some weirdo Halfling chick decides to take a bite out of crime-fighters. <G>
** End Spoiler**

Selanit - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 06:17:05 PM


A moment of silence for Umbriel ...
The only voice of moderation on the Unseelie Court ...


weepinbell - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 05:00:08 PM

Hazards: Very well done. The background on Umbriel was interesting and gave a good insight into his character. Both Umbriel and the Banshee's dissatisfaction with the Unseelie court was very well portrayed. The scene with Umbriel's death and the Banshee's reaction to it was very well done. I wonder what she will do now that the Unseelie will be hunting for her. Perhaps she will try to find Danu and convince her to intervene. All of the illustrations were very well done and did a superb job of conveying the mood of the depicted scenes.

Peter - []
Kamloops, BC, Canada
Monday, April 19, 1999 04:24:58 PM


Completely unexpected are the best words to describe this episode.

I am in complete shock at Umbriel's death. I was sure that he was going to hang around much longer and perhaps be one of the factors that will lead to Madoc's defeat in his final battle.

(He might not yet be finished with; After all ghosts do exist in the Gargoyles universe. And if Danu was watching over him earlier in his life, then I would find it hard to believe that she wouldn't do something to help him now. He is her grandson after all.)

I enjoyed the development of Banshee, that despite herself she has actually grown during the last thousand years. I loved that she had been able to strike up a friendship with Umbriel. They were more alike than they knew.

I do wonder what she will do now? She can't go back to Oberon. She is hunted by the Unseelie. She can't go to the Manhattan clan. Rory and the London clan don't trust her. And she doesn't know where Queen Danu is. She is completely alone. What will she do now? And when the war is over, what will become of her? I don't think that she can ever go back to Avalon. Oberon isn't likely to overlook the fact that she did decide to side with Madoc over him, and that she would still be on that side if Madoc hadn't killed the only sane one in the place.

(Also if Danu were any sort of a queen she would have done something by now. She has to be more powerful than either of her son's and yet she has done nothing. Not only that she let one of her son's kill her grandson! I wonder if she will do anything for her other grandson? Or will she just stand aside and watch like she did here? Danu is too much a queen. Why is she afraid to get involved, to get her hands dirty? She could have ended this thousands of years ago.)

The Asrial scene was great. She is my favorite character in all of DARK AGES. It was good to see her again.

The three pictures were also wonderfully done, full of emotion. I particularly loved the very last one.

Great episode. Well written, interesting, and very important in moving the plot along. Excellent effort.


Brooklyn, NY
Monday, April 19, 1999 04:22:54 PM


Superb stuff, guys! Tragic too- that’s just… that’s just so sad! :o But cool… love to see the mysterious Danu returning to the fold (sort of). Also, the Banshee’s tender side unveiled- excellent! The writing is fluid and moving, the dialogue accurately conveys the characters, and the style of the plot is reminiscent of the TV episodes, but yet also injects a sensational quality of its own. The Elisa/Goliath scenes were excellent; we don’t have nearly enough of them.

The Asrail scene was nice and a good development of the characters, and a clever filling of the void left by Dark Ages. Nevertheless, it seems slightly out of place, but good anyway.

I really love this sort of stuff. Excellent. (I really need a thesaurus ;))

Picture comments!
Alison: (Molly & Umbriel) Like the effect of the snow- it complements the picture nicely. Superb expressions as well! They excellently convey the emotions in the story in question.
(Goliath and Elisa) *chuckles* This is funny and again the expressions are great! Although Goliath looks perhaps rather small.
Spike: A beautiful piece of art for a piece of writing that is artful and beautiful in itself.

I love this story. Great, great, stuff. Where else but Mondays on the TGS website do you find this sort of stuff? Oh, yes- Thursdays on the TGS website. Silly old me ;)

I'd give it 10/10 right now, but speaking more objectively (like when I can reflect with similar vigour on the rest in TGS) I'd probably give it 9 because I'm stingy :P


ED - []
London, England
Monday, April 19, 1999 03:36:08 PM


WEll, so much for my theory about who Guenivere's mate is going to be...guess it's back to Lex or Coldsteel... :-P

I'm surprised that this individual's role in the story ended so quickly--I kind of figured he'd cross over to the good side--even though it was nice to see that cliche shot down, I didn't expect him to vanish from the storyline so soon. GOnna miss him.

I *REALLY* liked that "face-in-the-moon" effect in Spike's pic. Very haunting.


And in other news...

Worshipping Moorcock: who doesn't? um...I mean...what's wrong with that? LOL

ARis: "Bubble gum rock" basically means music that's catchy, fun, but doesn't require a lot of thought or talent.

Anyone who hasn't heard of Britney Spears; Lucky you :-P She reminds me of every snotty girl in my high school who seemed to think there was somethign WRONG with the fact that I'm a freak...LOL

*cranks up Guns 'n' Roses and poofs out*

Monday, April 19, 1999 03:22:49 PM

*pokes her head into the CR* Whew, we're back up!

Deuce> I know that rhyme ... only we always used to sing it: "I don't care if I go crazy, one two three four five and switch / Crazy go I if care don't I, five four three two one and switch." Wonder if it's the same tune?

Batya "The Toon" Levin
Monday, April 19, 1999 02:22:51 PM

The new TGS ep is up. I'm not undermining Deuce and Robby here. I'm just helping out because the time and situation requires it. Also, Ali & I are desperate for comments. As writers, we feel this is our pride and joy. Our baby if you will. We need feedback.

AARON-- The same Cree Summer indeed. Aside from the voice of Hyena, she did other animated voices as well. She is the voice of Elmyra, the female mummy in Mummies Alive, Suzy Carmichael in Rugrats, and a host of other voices. She has an acting career and was seen in A Different World around the time Sinbad entered the series. This is her debut album.

WILEK-- I thought Soul Blazer was ActRaiser 2. Ah well, if you can send me the ROMS you have, please do so. I'll do the same for you if you want any for the NES, SNES, or Genesis.

FIRE STORM-- Yeah, Cher's Believe is great stuff. Nice music to dance to and bump in the car.

No RP this time. Got a paper in Sociology due next week on symbolism and a midterm on Statistics this Friday and I wanna concentrate on them as much as possible. Maybe an RP tonight or so. In the meantime, read the ep & please give feedback on both the story and the art (3 pics this time. Lucky you.)

Till next time...

DumlaoX - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 02:15:32 PM

A round of golf is more hazardous than you think


the new Gargoyles/Pendragon episode

Written by: Brian Dumlao and Alison Wilgus,
with contributions by JEB
Additional material by Christi Smith Hayden

Story Concept by: Todd Jensen, Patrick Toman, and Kathy Pogge

Illustrations by: Christi Smith Hayden and Alison Wilgus


DumlaoX - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 02:08:04 PM

I am slowly going crazy: 1-2-3-4-5-6-switch! Crazy going slowly am I: 6-5-4-3-2-1-switch!

Well, this is certainly odd. I have no clue as to the nature of these technical difficulties, but I have a good idea. I'm not even sure if it'll be me or Robby who winds up posting the episode... I guess we'll see later.

What a lovely day it's been. Big biology test this morning; fifteen minutes of cramming landed me a 74%... best I could hope for, really.

SOROW> Just needed the address in case I needed to talk to you privately (the time for doing so has passed; if it arises again, I'll get in touch).

And for the record, I was quite sure the room went down at some point on Saturday; unless it was just Mr. Bloody Dis Connect, who is getting it _real_ bad tonight.

** glares at DC, who scurries away; then leaves **

Deuce - []
City of Gretzky, Alberta, Canada
Monday, April 19, 1999 01:43:02 PM

Hey Jenna! I got your e-mail. I'm working on the questionaire now.

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Monday, April 19, 1999 01:32:24 PM

(sorry to double but)... seems I nicked 10. Although following the Maths so far (and not including Robby & DumlaoX) it's 8. But that seems slightly stupid. *shrugs*
Monday, April 19, 1999 01:32:05 PM

For the second week in a row, a time at which I can claim a place. Rare as hen's teeth...
Monday, April 19, 1999 01:30:29 PM

Top ten!!
Jenna - [theamazingjenna]
Tx, Houston, USA
Monday, April 19, 1999 01:20:05 PM

Just realized, I'm Top Ten too. That's never happened before. :)
Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Monday, April 19, 1999 01:17:13 PM

Aaron wanders into the CR wearing a fiesta shirt and holding a beer.

Anyone want a beer? I just bought it for the souvineer cup.
Finding no takers, he spots Mr. DC hunched in the corner.

"Hey DC, you ever seen Moneytrain?" Aaron pours the beer, laced with who know what else over DC and lights him up with his trusty zippo. Aaron warms his hands over DC for a minute, before turning back to the room.

As you may have guessed, fiesta is upon San Antonio. Once a year, for a week and a half, our fair city tries very hard to pretend that it's New Orleans. I've been to Fiesta, and I've been to Mardi Gras, and Fiesta doesn't even compare.

That said, the new episode is called "Survival"? Are there were-cheetahs? Does the Master make a guest appearance?

I've gotta tell you guys, I'm worried about my brother. This is the guy we refer to as "The inert mass" when it comes to getting up in the morning.(We call my mom the irresistable force, but that's another story) He's also resisted all my attempts to interest him in anything that even sounds Japanese and animated. But...

This morning, he volenteered to get up a half-hour early to watch <shudder> Pokemon. What am I gonna do?!?

On a brighter note, I was watching the original Revenge of the Nerds flick on Comedy Central. (I know it's cheezy and cut pretty bad for channel 48, but I haven't seen it in forever) Anyway, the commercials come on, and there's a commercial for the Lenny Kravitz Live '99 tour. I'm not really a fan, so I'm not really paying attention until, at the end of the featured performers, comes the name Cree Summer. And I'm like whoa! *The* Cree Summer?

My aforementioned dingbat brother goes "Who's Cree Summer?" I restrain myself from harming him. "I think she's the voice of Hyena." "Oh."

Anyway, am I right? Is this Hyena? If it is, I'm half-way tempted to go, just to see what she looks like in RL.

Well, I've rambled on for long enough. I'll be back after the new ep posts.

Later, peoples. Aaron walks out singing Aerosmith's "Angel"
Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Monday, April 19, 1999 01:08:39 PM

Peter - []
Kamloops, BC, Canada
Monday, April 19, 1999 12:40:31 PM

FIFTH!!! Been a long time since I was in the top ten!

Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen "Coldstone" Sobotka, Jr. - []
Spokane, WA, USA
Monday, April 19, 1999 12:28:29 PM

Top Ten!! Can't wait for the new ep. :-)
Blue Caeru
Gainesville, FL, USA
Monday, April 19, 1999 12:17:07 PM

Toku Kaioto
Monday, April 19, 1999 12:16:55 PM

Okay, the site is back up... Now the story needs to be updated... I'll atempt to do that when I get home if Deuce doesn't beat me to it...

Oh, and top ten...

Monday, April 19, 1999 12:16:22 PM

Second! I always like getting in on the top ten.
Taleweaver - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 12:06:03 PM

Sevarius Jr.
Monday, April 19, 1999 11:59:43 AM

Room has been wiped.

New episode still has not been updated.

May be rectified later.

Till next time... your former head

DumlaoX - []
Monday, April 19, 1999 11:57:39 AM