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*storms in looking immediatly at DC*

Hey! You!!! c'mere yeah you know what this means!!!

*Warning!!! DC Death (not a pretty sight)*
Bronx picks up her favorite weapon, a very large longsword
Ha! now I kill you stupid DC! *slices off his arm* This is for putting a virus in my computer! *slices the other* This is for Killing AOL completly from my harddrive! *shoots off a leg* Is for wiping out my favorite places marked with all my Gargoyle and Anime stuff! *swipes off another leg, points the sword to his head* This, Mr DC, is just for me! *Makes shichcabob outta him*

*End Death*

Ahemm.... whew sorry all, I suppose this nasty heat that I've been experiancing has gotten to me. Aw well...

Gathering 99> Darn it! I couldn't go but I hope all that went had a wonderful time, now maybe someone will make a photo album *blinks cutely* pleeese?

That's all for now, will post more later.

"Twidle blane and Twidle brain? If it's all the same I'll play your game!"

Bronx Wyvern - []
Sunday, June 27, 1999 10:54:25 PM

Robby< In Thom's defense he was in the art room talking with me and others...thats when he picked out the lexington mask that Christi did. He was so cute *L* He wanted to look at the art work and mingle so bad and they just kept coming in and hauling him back out to help set things up *L* poor guy

Sunday, June 27, 1999 10:40:56 PM

Because I'm bored....Ordell's Song of the day:

"Come Join Us" - Bad Religion

So you say you gotta know why the world goes 'round
And you can't find the truth in the things you've found
And you're scared shitless 'cuz evil abounds
Come and join us
Well I heard you were looking for a place to fit in
Full of adherent people with the same objective
A family to cling to and call brethren
Come and join us
All we want to do is change your mind
All you need to do is close your eyes
Come and join us
Come and join us
Come and join us
Don't you see the trouble that most people are in
And that they just want you for their own advantage
But I swear to you we're different from all of them
Come and join us
I can tell you are lookin' for a way to live
Where truth is determined by consensus
Full of codified arbitrary directives
Come and join us
All we want to have is your small mind
Turn it into one of our own kind
You can go through life adrift and alone
Desperate, desolate, on your own
But we're lookin' for a few more stalwart clones
So come and join us
Come and join us
Come and join us
We've got spite and dedication as a vehement brew
The world hates us, well we hate them too
But you're exempted of course if you
Come and join us
Independent, self-contented, revolutionary
Intellectual, brave, strong and scholarly
If you're not one of them, you're us already so
Come and join us.

Don't expect this the coming week as I won't be in town.....but after that....hehe.

Ordell - []
Sunday, June 27, 1999 10:40:26 PM

WooHooo!!! the rooms back up.

Welcome back everybody who went to the Gathering!!

Melbourne, victoria, Australia
Sunday, June 27, 1999 10:39:59 PM

THE RADIO PLAY- basically the radio show was one of the bigger Gathering events Sturday. Lotsa people went in one on one to read a few lines in front of Wiseman and Adcox, the embarrassing part for the guys being the lines to read were Lexingon lines... And the fact is, reading Lex lines in front of the voice just doesn't work... Even if you try to sound like Lex, it doesn't compare... (Which is why one or two guys read Angela's lines...) When I went in to read Greg and Thom had to use the restroom first... Can't blame them, they're only human after all... Anyhoo...

So many people read for parts that the schedual got pushed back... Oh an hour before the choices were announced. A good two dozen people were called out, and went into a large room where we handed an original Weisman script. I had a fairly minor part, so did Coyote. We rehearsed for an hour or so, (with Adcox coming into rehersal late and Greg making fun of him since he's usually Mr. Punctual)and we just had a go at it. None of us spoke loud enough during rehersal... Like, a long time after it was supposed to be, the doors opened and the radio show was presented, with us Garg fans giving voices to non-gargoyle related characters along with Thom and Greg. It was a lotta fun, and Thom Adcox got some great lines, including one about making breakfast that was so utterly over sweet the audience couldn't help but laugh. Unfortunatley, we're not allowed to say anything about the plot or the characters, because it was all highly confidential and under copyright and we signed documents saying we wouldn't and stuff... And Greg has the only copy of the radio play, for posterity... Still, it was quite fun...

Sunday, June 27, 1999 10:29:16 PM

Kaioto< *L* now now..

Robby< *grins* hey how was I 2 know he was going to be a judge? *S*

*adds one more to christi's list*
*nods* yup..i sold my painting to Thom

Sunday, June 27, 1999 10:28:44 PM

What is this "radio play" that I missed by not being able to go to the Gathering?

Sunday, June 27, 1999 10:13:11 PM

*glides in* *Is grining from ear to pointy ear*

YEA Im back and the Gathering was SO much fun! *waves to ppl's she finally got to meet*
*L* Thom is such a great guy!! I hope he can come to the one next year. *sighs* The great home of the Mouse to be overun with Gargoyles extreamists? hmmmm;)

Again thanks to everyone who made it possible hope to see you again next year!
TO those who couldn't make it I really hope to meet you in upcoming Cons. *realizes she hasnt read kai's post yet..* hmm i suppose this will warrent another post..*sighs, goes to read*

Lexy - []
Sunday, June 27, 1999 09:59:20 PM

Good to see some folks back from the Gathering, hope you all had a wonderful time. I was there with you in spirit, if not in body.

Sooo....Orlando, huh? Well, one good thing, they are getting a little closer to home...

JFK Assassination: My dad has worked with the government. My dad has worked for the C.I.A. He's seen and done a lot of crap that no one is supposed to know about. Let's just say this: our government has a lot of secrets. Maybe not "X-Files" type secrets, maybe no grand alien conspiracies, but quite a few skeletons under the closet On average, though, I'd wager that's fairly normal; everyone's got a secret to hide, and entire governments are no exception.
That being said, I would have to agree with Robby. I don't think Oswald acted alone as well...I think the government knows what really happened to JFK (i.e., knows who else may have been involved in the assassination), and they've been sitting on it all this time. I'm not gonna go any further into this, or risk being called a conspiracy theorist...

Sevarius Jr. - []
Sunday, June 27, 1999 09:50:12 PM

**Mandi, having finally got home, sticks her head in.**

A note to ANYONE coming back from the Gathering:

If you happened to find my Olympus camera this afternoon, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! It had the photos from the Masquerade in it!! To Heather Rice, if you're reading this, get that film developed as soon as possible and let me know if that really was your camera. I know I sound suspicious, but two cameras of the exact make and model with the exact number of photos left in the film just doesn't make sense.

**scowls, sighs** Sorry about that, all. My nice new camera decided to vanish fifteen minutes before the cab to the airport made it to the hotel. And I didn't find it in time, despite Green Baron helping me look. A more coherent post will follow tonight or tomorrow, I promise. :)

Mandi Ohlin - []
Sunday, June 27, 1999 09:33:03 PM

Todd: The reason nobody says Booth couldn't have shot Lincoln probably has something to do with Booth having walked right up behind Lincoln and shooting him in the head. JFK's assassination wasn't anywhere near that simple.

Hope everybody had a good time at the Gathering ... while I was out delivering pizzas, same as usual ... ;)

More later, when I have time ...

Pistoff - []
Sunday, June 27, 1999 09:20:03 PM

Todd- I'm not saying Oswald wasn't involved, and I'm not saying there's a huge conspiracy behind the Kennedy assassination either, its just, there's too much dang evidence that I saw for myself against Oswald having done it by himself, if he even did anything. There was at least one other person involved. The fact that there were 98 witnesses who say they heard a gunshot from in front of the car doesn't hurt either... And the fact that Australian newspapers had a story printed 45 minutes later, with Oswald already fingered and with a picture of him is odd though...
Sunday, June 27, 1999 08:01:24 PM

I should have known that, given this year's Gathering location, there'd be at least one post about the JFK assassination, and, horror of horrors, it looks as though we're in for another "Lee Harvey Oswald couldn't have been the one who did it!" debate! :) (I wonder why it is that nobody similarly argues that somebody other than John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln :)

Sounds as though it was a fun Gathering, though.

And it's good to see that the room's working again. I can't help but wonder, though; could it have temporarily gone out of order because of overly long RPing? Maybe we need to shorten those sections a bit, to keep this place from getting too unwieldy in the future.

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, June 27, 1999 07:08:17 PM

Hmm... Apparently the room went funky while I was at the Gathering... Lovely how stuff gets funky when no one's around to fix it eh?

Well, since the room has been screwed over, so there's nothing to talk about in that department... So, instead, blabbing on the Gathering...

I didn't know I was going until it had already started on Friday, so when I arrived after a five hour car ride the first day of activities were done with, including Greg's opening talk, but I managed to run into JEB, and was then led to where everyone else was, and met most of the people who inhabit this room that were there.

Yesterday I looked over the art show and kicked myself for not bringing any of my own stuff, and began attempting to put together a Jam page with every Garg artist I could find... Didn't go too well... Ah well...

Also managed to get a minor part in the radio show, which was fun, but we're not allowed to talk about that unfotunatley, as its kinda under strict copyrighting at the moment. Spent the rest of the day basically meeting everybody, and enjoying the costume contest which had an awesome Graeme costume, and Lexy's was really good too. I swear, with Adcox as one of the judges, it was rigged in her favor. (I went as my evil twin, Lonny. I had to spend a month and a half growing the goatee for it!) and basically the last few hours of the night were a lotta fun. I'll probably try to go next year, particularly if a certain girl from Georgia manages to attend...

Didn't manage to do anything Gathering related this morning, since we had to hit the road, but I did see where Kennedy got shot, and I gotta say... There is no freakin' way Oswald killed Kennedy. Not by himself. He was in the wrong building, he shot at completley the wrong place, the bullet hole went through Kennedy's neck and out the back of his head, Oswald couldn't have made three shots in two seconds with his gun, people swore they heard gunshots from elsewhere, I personally saw it... And well... Oswald didn't do it himself. Its that simple.

Say, I'm curious... How did Jim's party in Antarctica go without the host?

Sunday, June 27, 1999 06:48:51 PM

hello, all!

a word to Garg 2K fans:
the episode 16 is now on post productions stage (read: on edits) and will be delivered around tuesday or wednesday!

Christi> So? what was this year's reading?

off now! take care guys!

Denis "Wyrmwolf" De Plaen - []
ICQ 20713180
Sunday, June 27, 1999 06:35:07 PM

Greetings, everyone. I'm back from my too-short vacation. Too bad the week's CR is gone, because I hadn't read it at all. Ah well.

Gathering 2K: Great, it's only 45 minutes away from my home town! :-) Now I just need to convince my mother to let me stay at the hotel instead of just driving back and forth every day of the convention.

Wilek> On your last post when you put, "It's me again, Margaret," it confused me for a moment because that's my first name. *l*

Blue Caeru
Sunday, June 27, 1999 06:26:01 PM

Hi folks. The Gathering was fun. I didn't make it as early as I wanted, and I didn't really stay as long as I wished (I was with some friends who wanted to go home), but it was nice meeting some of the people I've been talking to on CR in person. The Radio play was cool, too, especially since I have a degree in Radio/TV so I could understand all the script jargon. Everybody in the play: Bravo (or Brava, as appropriate). The art show looked good, too. I didn't get to see the costumes, though.

Oh well, I may log back in later tonight to see the new episode. See y'all later.
David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Sunday, June 27, 1999 05:58:01 PM

Damn you DC you mudda fraggin piece a goat tripe .

What happened in here . I still got alot of catching up to do . Oh well . That's two things gone wrong , guess I'll just post now and again later to avoid it when the third comes .

I've been out for the past two weeks cause my internet time was severely hampered by a few mother imposed restrictions .

Sleep Deprivation : It does'nt bother me anymore . I get it every weekend . It's only a pain when it happens to me during the week . Then reaity and the dream world start to fuse . So I've said a few things that life would have been considerably easier for me had I not .

Aris , Jackal : Glad you two decided to come back in , even if you have'nt buried the hatchett .

Jackal : _**#$"YOU"$#**_ are in love . YES , there is hope for the rest of us . Do'nt be so suprised at the way you act around this girl , it's all part of degeneration of your mental state . If that is'nt a scary thought I do'nt know what is . Only thing I can tell you from my own experience is that it's gonna get worse before it gets better .
And _no_ , you may not lick me . I've coated myself in Caustic soda , so unless you want to feel even more pain than I am right now , respect my wishes .

SOROW : I do'nt really want to see a garg movie either . What I would love to see is a feature length animated movie with 'Disney movie' quality animation and Japanime detail . It would be extremely cool if they did the flight sequences like they did the vine swinging scenes in Tarzan , long , detailed and with minimal scene changes .*sigh* wishful thinking , it'll always get ya down .

SJ : $I'm unworthy of licking kak from your boots after that RP battle . I'd never in a million years have thought of Weisman taking out Eisner . Sorry for leaving my end hanging like that . The last bits were excellent and right along the lines I would have thrown in . The only difference was that I had intended to have DMW and Calf blood bonded to Eisner so I could have been more active and we would have still lost in opur initial confrontation . But your way worked out best since I could'nt get in .$

The Rolling Calf - []
Kingston, Jamaica
Sunday, June 27, 1999 05:23:20 PM

Well, just back from the Gathering, and boy!, am I *glad* to be home!! There were ups and downs -- Thom
Adcox-Hernandez showing up and Frank Paur absent -- but a good time was had by all. I was mostly in the Art
Gallery for the duration of the con, but the Masquerade was fantastic from little Becca Morgan absolutely
*adorable* as Lexington to Johnny Miller from San Antonio and his Graeme costume, complete with functional
wings and head. Amazing!

The Art Show was quite good. We had a variety of entrants this year and sales were good -- over nine hundred
dollars, in fact. Thom, in particular, loved the art show, buying two Lexington pieces, one ceramic mask from me
and a custom animation cel from Kanthara. Prizes were awarded and here's our lucky winners!

Junior Show (13 & under):
3rd place: "Unicorns" by Stephanie Scoggins
2nd place: "Dragon" by Tasha Smith
1st place: "A Bat Gargoyle, Bronx, & Darth Maul's Head" by Paul Hayden
Best of Show: "Unicorns" by Stephanie Scoggins

3rd place: "Contemplations" by Kythera (Illustration -- ink; picture of Brooklyn crouching)
2nd place: "That Fatal Morning" by Andrea Ivanovs (Illustration -- Colored pencil; picture of Demona the
morning of the massacre at Castle Wyvern)
1st place: "Eden" by Cindy Kinnard (Illustration -- colored pencil; self-portrait of her character)

Computer Illustration:
3rd place: "Brooklyn" by Artemis
2nd place: "Midnight Solitude" by CrzyDemona
1st place: "Amber" by Aimee Major

3rd place: "King of the Wisecrack" by Sara Hutchinson
2nd place: "Untitled" by Niamh
1st place: "The Many Faces of Lex" by Lexy

3D Art:
3rd place: "Phoenix Gate" by Sara Hutchinson (stained glass)
2nd place: "Brooklyn" by Christi Smith Hayden (ceramic sculpture)
1st place: "Titania's Mirror" by Johnny Miller (woodworking; life-size yet! Gorgeous!)

Best of Show:
"Forever Lovers" by Demona May (portrait of Othello and Desdemona)

Honorable Mentions:
"Wind Beneath My Wings" by Noel Leas (Illustration -- Colored Pencil)
"A Proud Lineage & A Living Legacy" by Shauntell Holm (Illustration -- Colored pencil)
"Hudson" by Kanthara (Animation cel)

Congratulations to all our winners and to everyone who participated in the G99 Art Show!!
Sunday, June 27, 1999 05:18:13 PM

Sunday, June 27, 1999 05:15:36 PM

Gunjack Valentine
Sunday, June 27, 1999 04:58:37 PM

Umm...sorry, it's me again, but does anyone know what happened to last weeks CR? I went to see if there was anything to catch up on and it was blank.

Sylvia - []
Sunday, June 27, 1999 04:49:42 PM

Wow! The CR came back up about an hour ago, and I'm still in top ten! Yay
more later,

Sylvia - []
Sunday, June 27, 1999 04:44:40 PM

And by the way, I am even now planning tomorrow's Mr. Disconnect deaths. Yes, deaths plural. It will be *glorious*. >:)

Real post later, especially since this is the first time since last night that I've been to the non-blank version of this particular CR...

It's me again, Margaret
Sunday, June 27, 1999 04:30:21 PM

Sunday, June 27, 1999 04:29:09 PM

Wilek Nereus
Sunday, June 27, 1999 04:25:50 PM

Brooklyn, NY
Sunday, June 27, 1999 04:25:01 PM

Wow, I don't believe it... I'm third in *this* room! Heck, I'm third in any room! Normally the wipes happen at 5 in the morning or something! OK, I suppose competition was a little depleted, but that's still something I can remember for a while to come! :D
Sunday, June 27, 1999 04:11:59 PM

Good grief... it can't be... can it?
Sunday, June 27, 1999 03:58:45 PM

Dang <enter> key.

Yay! The room is back up. Now the question is - What happened?

Oh yeah. Second!

Peter - []
Kamloops, BC, Canada
Sunday, June 27, 1999 03:43:31 PM

Peter - []
Sunday, June 27, 1999 03:41:46 PM

Hm ... well, mise well update everybody since the archive is missing.

Gathering 2K: You got your wish Blue Caeruleia, G2K is going to Disney World. Orlando here we come.

Green Baron: Thank you, indeed, Mr. Vogel. Good to have such loyal friends.

*shakes his head* Ah well, my Lexy-chan got an award as Tom Hernandez's favorite costume. I'm very proud of all the work she did, and I'm glad you guys all had such a good time at the Gathering and made it such a blast. Still, good thing for Tom I'm such a nice guy *grins and glances over at Malakai's black leather jacket hanging on the coat rack*

*mock sigh* Everybody's got idols I guess, but why do I always have to be the nice guy? *shakes his head and chuckles*

Ah well, next year. *kicks at the floor a couple of times*

Robby: Hey now, you just make sure that we don't destroy Disney World at G2K. Leave Jim Iza Noying at home or we're never getting invited back. :)

Ah well, *sigh* Hope this place fills up again *sigh*

Later folks,

Toku Kaioto - CR Sage - []
Boston, MA, USA
Sunday, June 27, 1999 03:33:36 PM

Well now, first indeed.

Looks like this was one heck of a wipe ... well, someone has to rebuild *sigh* And I'm pretty used to holding the pieces. *sighs and leaves*

Toku Kaioto - []
Boston, MA, USA
Sunday, June 27, 1999 03:22:25 PM