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Thanks to all who have welcomed me back. (Although, I have been informed now and then of the CR happenings through FS. :))

Simon : <<Good to see you!>> **smiles** Thanks for answering my question. :)

To all giving thanks for the yet unseen new CR stuff : You're welcome! :)

Kitainia : <<Lady Mystic, I understand and share in your grief more than words can say. If you need a friend to help ease it, just let me know (though I'm pretty sure you have plenty of friends IRL :).>> Your comments and support are appreciated. Thanks for the offer. My family and I are doing very well emotionally. Time heals all wounds. I just thought of sharing my experiences for those currently experiencing sorrow. Maybe I'll email you sometime to chat, but probably not concerning easing my grief. There really isn't much else to do that I already haven't done or talked about. My family and I have tackled the problems, analyzed them, and initiated the solutions. We're pretty much back to normal. We may grieve, but it's not the same type of grief that comes with a new loss. It's just a small ache behind everything else that we know will always be present (to varying degrees). (We have resumed our lives without being weighed down by grief.) Acceptance is one of the elements of healing that we have learned. Besides, I'm quite familiar with my inner workings. I don't want to jinks my good emotional state by needlessly dwelling on issues I've already faced and corrected.

I have noticed on more than one occasion that I have a knack for writing full force emotions that have long since passed. Maybe that's what caused your confusion.

Gside : re- Na zdorov'ya : Sorry, I may ramble here. But I haven't talked about this in a long time.

I'm 50% Ukrainian and 50% Lithuanian. Although, my family has practiced more of my father's heritage (Ukrainian). My grandmother spoke many languages, Ukrainian one of them. And both sides of my father's grandparents spoke Ukrainian. (My father's grandmother spoke at least 8 different languages and even multiple dialects.) I also have a large number of relatives in Alberta, Canada who speak Ukrainian fluently. My father some Ukrainian. Regretfully, his parents were raised to embrace American ways and had decided to raise their children minus the ability to speak and write Ukrainian.

Our church has services in English, Latin, and Ukrainian. I know some words, phrases, and toasts in Ukrainian. Although, I regretfully don't know much else. I did some research when I was in high school on the history and heritage of The Ukraine. And I plan on learning more.

We have some books around our house that are in Ukrainian, even some old grade school books that belonged to my grandmother (dated c. 1910).

I don't have much to go on concerning geneology. My father's paternal grandparents moved to Canada just before political problems in Austria around the turn of the century. Nearly all of the clan emigrated together. Although, I'm sure there were a few stubborn, patriotic souls who didn't want to leave their roots. And my father's maternal grandparents emigrated to Pensylvania from Austria. Both sides were full blood Ukrainians (as far as we know). And both sides came from Austria, yet from opposite regions. (My father's grandmothers always had a hard time understanding each other due to their accents. :))

We are Ukrainian Catholics. (Although, we don't go to church anymore due to a family dispute that has dragged in our Priest and much of the parish.) We practice Ukrainian Christmas and celebrate many holidays in an Americanized version of Ukrainian traditions. (That may not make much sense, but that's how we celebrated holidays at my grandmother's house and that's how we like 'em.)

Could you elaborate more about you heritage? What you said earlier was very interesting. :)

Wilek : <<Welcome back! ^_^>> **smiles** Thanks. :) <<Dear have lost so many people... :`(>> **shruggs** I've come to the belief that these experiences are happening for a reason, and are enriching my personality. I wish it could be through another way, but... Who knows, maybe these experiences are supposed to prepare me for something more important. It's kind of corny, but I feel this little spark inside me that evokes this felling that can best be described as a sense of self, a soul, and a purpose. We each are unique. That spark tells me that these experiences are improving my self and preparing me for a greater cause. It's probably a humanitarian cause. This is probably what makes me unique.

I know I probably won't get many responses from this, but I feel this is something that unites individuals whilst giving them their uniqueness. Does anyone else sense his or her own spark? (Or whatever you happen to call it?) Also, could you please describe your perceptions of it?

Xanathar, Wilek : System Shock 2 is one of the few games that freak FS out while he's playing. Looking Glass Studios must have some staff psycho-analysts. Their work seems very thought out on the psychological level. The data log files combined with the ghost images make for some really good storytelling. And the hybrids' speech is down right frightening. They say empathic things with eerie voices while attacking. And the cyborg midwives look hideously cool and sound just as terrifying as the hybrids. Shodan looks cool. But her voice and psychological makeup is even more interesting (to me anyway). I love how they combined different voices to comprise her personality.

SOROW : I'm sorry you won't be able to go to Austria. I hope this turn of events leads you to an even more pleasant situation.

**reads revel's post** How many movies are there that were based on comic books? I know of Blade, Spawn, Conan the Barbarian, The Crow, Batman, Superman, Spiderman... and revel mentioned Wing Commander.

Todd : <<"And the thing that I hate most about operas is that everybody takes too long to die!">> LOL

Angel : My family (that includes FS) watched it together. I have one thing to say : <<Angel upon seeing Cordelia drink blood -- "I never realized before how disgusting that is.">> ROTFLMAO!!!!

One thing I've noticed about Buffy is that it's had two main/semi-main characters played by two actresses that starred in "Bye, Bye Love." Faith and Willow's new witch friend (don't know her name, just saw her for the first time). The actresses played two characters that were best friends in the movie. I don't know about you, but I find that interesting.

SJ : <<There's tremendous chemistry between all of the main leads. Even Wesley....the group gels together, from humor to tender moments. And we get to see that they've grown and bonded together in the short course of a few episodes.>> I noticed that too. Brings some respect back to the entertainment media. The characters' interconnection makes them that more believable, and gives them and the series depth. :)

Milla Jovovich: I like her more for her ethnicity. If I'm correct, she's Russian with a history of living in The Ukraine. She even sang at least one Ukrainian folk song in her album. Other than that... She's pretty if she didn't starve herself and didn't taint her natural beauty with all those weird makeup and clothing styles. A couple of years ago I did a search for more info on the story behind The Fifth Element. I visited many of her fan pages. She's done a lot of nude, artistic photos. Some were good, but others bordered on grotesquely weird. She may be physically beautiful, but I don't find much attractive about her personality.

SJ (again) : <<What is the obsession with her. Sure, she was cute in the Fifth Element. But she looked like a 12 year old boy in "The Messenger".>> Yeah, I saw the making of "The Messenger." She does look like a boy. She doesn't look to good with the long hair either. She look's like she's loosing a lot of weight. She looks like a scarecrow.

Fluer : <<Lady Mystic> I like that idea of a web-stie, it's wonderful.>> THANKS! Finally some feedback! **HUGS** **happy dance** Thank you!

Doug : <<Welcome back to you as well.>> **smiles** <<That website idea you have sounds like a very good thing. I'll definitely check it out when you get it posted somewhere.>> More feedback! Thanks. :) <<Good luck with creating it and continuing to live with the great and emotional sorrows of your past.>> Thanks for your support. :)

Jewel : I hope your mother's mental illness/troubles subside. If they don't, I hope they remain relatively low. It looks like there are many factors causing, or adding, to her illness. I don't want to upset you, and don't let this anger you... I'm just giving my support like everyone else here is doing... But I think that it would be in everyone's best interest if your family didn't ignore what's happening to your mother. There's a greater chance of your mother's condition worsening if her problem is ignored. She may last a few years without big problems, but 14 years *is* a long time to stick it out. Even if she doesn't get worse, it could still have consequating (sp?) risks on the relationships among your family members. Psychological counseling for you mother (and even other family members -- it would help them cope with what's happening) would help. I don't expect you to take my advice. And I'm not judging you for the choices you make. I felt this needed to be said. I apologize if I have offended you. Good luck, no matter what choices you and your family take.

Jewel (again) : <<In UNIX, this is designated as...666>> LOL!

Home Schooling : That reminds me, how is that going with you Anne? How is your social life holding up? Details! Details, please! <G>

Coyote : <<Just goes to show ya... yer mother was right when she said sitting on top of the TV set was bad for you. :)>> **laughs** I heard that all the time growing up. More from my mom's parents that from my own. (They're kind of obsessive. They contributed to my mother's stress. But they are also so easy to tease. <EG>) How are you, your mother, and your family doing? I'm sorry I never got a chance to meet her. I'd love to see your grandmother's story published. How's the status on that? Hope to get a chance to see you IRL again. I can't believe FS and I parked right in front of your car at the IMAX theater! <LOL> My father kept asking if FS and I saw your can, but we weren't sure what you two drove down in. I guess it was just wishful thinking that we could actually go somewhere on a school/work night. All our schedules are different. **sighs** Oh, well. There's always next time.

Robby : <<did anyone else find it odd that the "perfect" woman had such obviously dyed hair?>> I think it was supposed to be that way. All the colors she displayed, from skin, to eyes, to hair, were supposed to symbolize the elements. At least that's what I got from the book.


Lady Mystic - []
Dearborn, MI
Friday, January 28, 2000 05:08:42 PM

Hello all!!

Capital Punishment> While I personally support it, I am not as bloodthristy as Attila. I do find soem real problems with how it is enforced in America.

1) It is often given on a very selective and erractic basis, most often towards black men and mostly only men in general who committ kill WASPs. It is also rare that a rich man gets executed, especially a stinking rich WASP.

2)It is expensive to execute someone. I read that it was cheaper to keep someone in prison for life than to execute them, especially since they'll have been in prison half their life, before they are executed.

3) Great men like Pope John Paul II and Kaioto have very justified positions to oppose capital punishment, even though I don't agree with them entirely.

There are reasons to support it:

1) crackpots like Harry Blackmun, Maxine Waters, Don Mario Cuomo, and William Brennan oppose it, too. I'd support it just to be in opposition to them.

2) Capital crimes are committed, so capital punishmnet seems appropraite.

3) It does work quite effectively in other countries, though these are not good models of demcoracy and freedom.

While I support execution (and yes, I do support the guillotine over wousy lethal injections), I may be able to consider a tough alternative, which goes far beyond life without parole.

Those in prison are usually in good shape and fairly healthy. They can provide us with lost of free labor in excahnge for a bowl of gruel at breakfats and some bread and water later on. They can work 14 hours a day and get six hours fo rsleep and a littel free time. At first they can be used to maintain the prison and do tasks that can support the prison and support the priosn system with as little tax cost as possible. This can involve plenty of menial labor-intensive jobs, like ditch digging and picking up litter that a chain gang could do most effectively.

With good behavior the criminals can be sent to do nicer jobs as a reward while still earning money to maintain the prison and keeping tax costs down.

For those serving temproary sentences, it would be good to have them work, but perhaps more like nine hours, while the rest of teh time can be spent sleeping (six hours)and learning some trade so they can do something else out of prison. They should also be entitled to GED programs and really good ones can take some home College courses, but only with superb behaviour and the warden's recommendation.

Misdemanors shoudl not be imprisoned at all. Humiliate them and make them pay a fine. If it's something like drunk or reckless driving, 50 year liscence suspension. And prison costs can be cut be renting the misdemanor types out for community service requiremnts.


Aris> Well, Purgatory is not soem form of horrid torture and I beleive msot people go through it, because we amy be good but no one is perfect. I ave no idea what Purgatory is. I always thought it was a waiting room with old magazines or waiting in line at the DMV for a few centuries.

SJ> That wonderful barrier to creativity, the Eighth Ammendmnet would block many of your execution ideas :)

Welcome Samira. Put a convict on Fleur's barbecue and enjoy the discussions :)

Skippy> Well, I only think a fraction of the abortion activists are as extreme as PETA. Most do silent marches and pray right by a clinic. I think PETA favors the practice beacuse it is a form of population control (one I don't like, however). Soemhow this reminds me of when my friend had veal and jokingly called it the "pro-choice maeal" :)

SJ> The National Council of Churches does even more damage to Christians. At least the CC has soem good ideas about taxes and gun rights.

Bengali> <<Prison is a far worse hell than anything Satan could think up.>> I can't really agree with that. Prison is pretty soft in this country.

Christine> Rejection fortune cookies sound like fun or rejection haikus :)

I'll e-mail you soon. I wonder why we stopped suddenly. I guess we both have busy lives.

Jenna> Hopefully, you shouldn't have any trouble at work.

I'm off. Bye Bye

Green Baron - []
New Orleans, Louisiana
Friday, January 28, 2000 03:05:36 PM

Well, genius-boy over here got grounded again. **shakes head** When will I ever learn. I'm afraid I won't be able to post until Monday, when I will then catch up on all the replies that need to be made. o_O Have a nice weekend, guys.

Oh hey: those who can, watch "Politically Incorrect" on ABC Sunday, right after the Super Bowl. Billy Corgan is one of the panelists, and the Smashing Pumpkins are also performing a couple of songs. Kewl....

Check my site, too, if you have the time: some new updates recently. :-) Laters!

"Underneath the wheels lie the skulls of every cog/The fickle fascination of an everlasting God!"

Simon*Deuce - []
You know I'm not dead, I'm just living in my head, you know I'm not dead....
Friday, January 28, 2000 02:51:18 PM

Oh, man...I had a BAD day...Just getting over a case of the flu, and I had to work at seven. At a quarter to, I find out my car isn't going to start. I dunno, I haven't had a problem all winter. I guess it was too cold. So tried everyone I knew, looking for a ride. Got only answering machines or dial tones. Tried work, to see if someone could pick me up---no answer. Tried my car again--still not starting. I had no choice but to walk. *whimpers* A couple of miles, and it was cold, cold, COLD. I can only take comfort in the fact that it wasn't very windy at all. Thankfully, I have nothing to do for the rest of the day but relax...

Christine > The reason I wondered about the story was because I wanted to know if you needed me to revise it; make it more PG.

Jessie Feff - []
Friday, January 28, 2000 02:38:49 PM


Thanks for the info roomie and the Hugz-- Hugz back ^_^

Friday, January 28, 2000 02:16:24 PM

Not me, Aaron.
Friday, January 28, 2000 01:40:39 PM

Aaron wanders in, and begins throwing all manner of odd things out of his coat pockets. Jellybabies, pokemon cards, a giant laser-bazooka, etc. Finally, he runs across an old, wrinkled business card.

Jenna> Jubilee's addy is hutch3@ And I'm sorry things are so scary at work right now. Hugs.

Robby> I have a theory about Rei, but I don't want to know if I'm right? See you sunday.

Jaden> Elisa went through four guns in the course of the series. Goliath smashes one in Awakening, Demona smashes the next one in Long Way To Morning, Xanatos crushes the third one in Eye of the Beholder, and she gives the fourth one to Tom to melt in Ill Met by Moonlight.

Death Penalty> I'm for it, with reservations. I'd like to see it applied a bit more even-handedly, as opposed to the current trend of mostly minorities getting death.

BTW, the edges of the chat box kept fading in and out while I was typing this. Has this happened to anybody else?


Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Friday, January 28, 2000 01:34:54 PM

Dude, what sanity?? I lost that when I was 12.

Death penal, penalty, thing- I think it's a good idea, and that some people should be killed faster. :o)
ANYWAY, I think all of you are cool, even if I don't understand half of what everybody's is talking about!

Friday, January 28, 2000 12:52:43 PM

Thanks you all for the comforting words-- they really help--

Does anyone know of Jubilees em-- I've asked it before- I lost it again, and need it to ask her something..

jenna - []
Friday, January 28, 2000 10:26:45 AM

Beast Machine Figs> I saw the Cheetor at a convention recently, They did a pretty good job of making the figures look like the characters on the show...

[Robby]Skippy- At what point in the show does this line come up?

My line in Rocky Horror?
It comes up during Frank's speech in the lab. The Floorwalkers ask "Who gives the best lovin on the starship Enterprise?" just before Frank mangles "SPOCK! Of Life!" which leads into their little speil after which I stand up and throw in my bit...

Skippy The Klingon
Friday, January 28, 2000 09:55:43 AM

*Warpmind walks in, partially covered in slush.*
I HATE such weather. Oh, well, at least it's not windy, too.

Fanfic progress: After I posted "Death of a businessman", I have been virtually assaulted by creativity and inspiration. I have three new fics in the works (Alright, one single and a two-parter, but still), and I am only here because my keyboard threatened to overheat. I will not reveal much, but here's a slightly adult teaser. (Bear in mind that Manxine is a felinoid human.)
Breakfast at the Xanatos couple; Manxine is joining them, bringing Alex. Owen enters with the mail.
"Mr. Xanatos, in today's mail, there is a letter from Nightstone Unlimited. Also, there is a small package for Manxine here."
Manxine perks up.
"Oh, that must be our new razor. The handle on the old one was wearing out."
Xanatos looks at her, puzzled.
"Razor? But you don't sh..."
And embarrassing silence ensues. Xanatos blushes deeply.
"Never mind..."

On to replies.

Gside: As weird lives Wilek, Jewel and I may lead separately, even I doubt we could make an infinite improbability drive work. I'll bear it in mind, though; the schematics in Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy weren't that difficult. ;) As for lava, well, there is the type that's cooled off. But I guess it's not called lava any longer, then. :) By the way: random trivia: In Norway, a certain type of volcanic rock is referred to as "pimpstone". This is one of the least dense stones there are, and contains enough gas bubbles to float in the water. :)

Fire Storm: Oh, I like your Death Row idea. Might even save some tax money, too, eh? :) Actually, I have an idea that would be just as profitable. Build a huge, deadly maze (which, of course, must be possible to leave in one piece), filled with various tricks and traps, like trapdoors, falling ceilings, rolling boulders, acid rain areas, and the theme from "Raiders of the Lost Ark" blaring over speakers everywhere. Well, maybe not the last bit. ;) Then, one could let the prisoners (if they wished to try) gave a choice of just about any tool they'd like; a swiss knife, a rope, whatever they might feel would be most useful, and send them in at one end of the maze, waiting for them to emerge alive at the other. If they could make it that far, of course. Then, there would be TV cameras everywhere, following the poor schmuck, sorry, inmate, wherever he walked. All on pay-per-view, of course. Good idea, no?

Yo, Questioner. Been here before, you say? Must have been before my time...

Welcome to our little bin of lunacy, Samira. Please have your sanity removed and properly disposed of by the gentleman at the door. :)

Christine: Gunjack Valentine mentioned something about "The Horror of Innsbrook". You better ask him, 'cause I dunno. I just recognized the name.

Wilek: Whad'ya say we try to hook up at G2K? Which reminds me... could you lend me Miriam for a few days? I could use her extortion expertise (or maybe just the flashy thing) to acquire funds for such a trip.

Jannie: <well... time to warp some tender minds.. so many children, so little time ;)> Hey, I resemble that remark!

Well, no more replies right now. I'll check in later.

Bye now.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Friday, January 28, 2000 09:53:11 AM

quick post before forcing a smile on my face and going to work...

Toku> << My first qualm with it comes from investing the Federal Government with
the power of life and death over private citizens. Criminals involved or no, I don't trust the
government with much any destructive power.>>
The Federal Government? The state government decides on whether or not to have the options of a death penality, not the Federal Government. That being said, the option is available (for the states who have the death penality) but the decisions on whether or not to sentence a criminal to death is left up to the jury. People like you and me. In fact, I've been on a jury that gave the death sentence. The government had nothing to do with my decision, other than give me options to choose from.
I'm not disagreeing with your opinion of the government and their lack of intelligence - it just doesn't apply to this.

well... time to warp some tender minds.. so many children, so little time ;)

Friday, January 28, 2000 08:44:51 AM

Forgive the off topic post, but I know there are quite a lot of Terry Pratchett/Discworld fans on the site. Well he's doing a signing tour of the USA and I thought you might be interested in the venues.

6PM - Friday, March 24 - Murder By The Book Houston, Houston - 2342 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77005 - (713) 524-8597 (This one is 'time out' from Aggiecon)

1PM - Tuesday, March 25 - Texas A&M Bookstore,College Station - Memorial Student Center, College Station, TX 77844

7PM - Monday, March 27 - The Stars our Destination, Chicago 1021 W Belmont, Chicago IL - (773) 871-2722

6PM - Tuesday, March 28 - Cleveland Plain Dealer Book and Author Dinner, Cleveland
(Donald Westlake also attending).

6PM - Wednesday, March 29 - Dreamhaven Books, Minneapolis - 912 W. Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN - (612) 823-6161

7PM Thursday, March 30 - University Bookstore, Seattle - 4326 University Way, NE Seattle, WA - (206) 545-4363 - Signing to be held on UW campus at Kane Hall

7:30PM - Friday, March 31 - Powells Books, Portland - 1005 West Burnside Street, Portland, OR (503)228-0540

1PM - Saturday, April 1 - Future Fantasy, San Francisco - 2705 El Camino Palo Alto, CA 94306 - (650)855-9771

7PM - Saturday, April 1 - Booksmith on Page, San Francisco Park Branch Library, 1833 Page Street, San Francisco, CA - (415) 863-8688

3PM - Sunday, April 2 - Kepler's, San Francisco - 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025 - (650) 594-5935

7:30PM - Sunday, April 2 - The Other Change of Hobbit - 2020 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley CA 94704-1117 - (510) 848-0413

12:30 - Monday, April 3 - Stacy's, San Francisco - 581 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 - (415) 421-4687

7PM - Monday, April 3 - Dangerous Visions, Los Angeles - 13563 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 - (818) 986-6963

12:30PM - Tuesday, April 4 - Waldenbooks/Brentano's, Los Angeles - 10250 Santa Monica Blvd Century City, CA 90067 - (310) 785-0204

7PM - Tuesday, April 4 - Vromans, Los Angeles 695 E Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91101 - (626) 449-5320

7:30PM - Wednesday, April 5 - Barnes & Noble Astor Place, New York, 4 Astor Place NY, NY 10003 - (212) 420-0816

Terry will also be a guest at the Gateway Sci-Fi Media Convention ( or click my name) this summer and Beyond Reality Games is hosting a Discworld Live Action Role-Playing game. B5's Claudia Christian will also be attending amongst others.

It's on July 14-16, 2000 - Saint Louis, Missouri - Henry VIII Inn & Lodge.

Matt Dymond - []
UKFriday, January 28, 2000 03:59:19 AM

Just thought I'd make a quick post.

Elisa's gun-Exactly how many guns did she go through? Most of them ended up being crunched.

Death penalty- I guess this is a subject that I'm just not sure about. I mean if there was another way other than taking a persons life I'd like to think that I would choose that over the death penalty in a second.

See ya later!

Jaden - []
Los Alamos, CA
Friday, January 28, 2000 02:08:15 AM

StK> poetry: Oops, my bad. I hate it when I can't check my references...

Toku Kai> <<investing the Federal Government with the power of life and death over private citizens>>: Umm... war? All right, so it isn't as individualized, but still that is a lot of death.

CtB> <<while driving on the dyke road>>: Oh, so what was she doing in Douglas? Sorry, very bad Rutgers in-joke.

PETA: You know, I habitually wear a hat made fo ex-rabbit (Waldo) and ex-cow (Bessie), or so they said. I also like veal and venison, and would like to try lapin and squab.

Robby> <<[Scream] wore itself out on part two easily>>: could it have been planned that way? next thing to do is make seven more, slowly building up to softcore porn (the theory has been advanced that the higher up in a horror series a movie is, it becomes more and more like porn; e.g. Witchcraft).
<<Anyone ever see that Superman: TAS episode?>>: Yo. Almost saved by pizza delivery, that'll teach you to back up data, though.

Sev. Jr.> death penalty: How draconian of you. :)
Seriously, the big problem is how certain are you that it was a fair trial, all the evidence was in, etc.

Mr. Boxer> <<Dude... I love corned beef>>: Remember: Stage Deli, 834 Seventh Ave, between 53rd and 54th.

Wilek> <<That sounds chillingly like something Lewis Carroll would write while on an acid trip...>> You do know he was a mathemetician, ri
In the midst of the word he was trying to say,
In the midst of his laughter and glee,
He had softly and suddenly vanished away---
For the Snark *was* a Boojum, you see.

Na zdorov'ya

Gside - []
New Brunwick, NJ
Friday, January 28, 2000 01:37:27 AM

Wilek> <<I've got to find where the bras hid the Ben-Gay>> The...bras?... Ummmm, that was actually a typo. I really meant to say brats! LOL

Jessif Feff> <<why didn't they at least pick Angela Bassett as Storm? She coulda kicked @$$. >> EXECELLENT suggestion. I think that she physically fits the role much better. **scratches head and wonders if that made a lick of sense?**

Jenna>... I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Of course it's kinda hard to type with crossed fingers, but hey.. maybe my typing will improve. =]

Robby>....<<Gundam W is coming this Spring>> COOLIES!! My son loves Gundam models. Everytime he dad goes to the Phillipines, he brings back a couple of model kits. Toys R Us even has the 5 and 7 inch size models. I just read to him your comment, and he's excitedly jumping around. Sheesh, 12 yr olds! *shakes head*

Ooooo.. just heard this on the news. Phantom Menace comes out on video on April 4th. You can put your name on some kind of waiting list starting Monday. Hummm..I think I'm just going to wait till about July and give it to myself for my birthday.

Katara - []
San Diego, CA
Friday, January 28, 2000 01:32:20 AM

Attention Beast Machines fans> The figures are out now. I strongly recommend Tankorr, Jetstorm, and Thrust (I've only found Tankorr, but the other two are only a matter of time). :D

Gunjack> <<<<Heh...I have those, occasionally...I have a couple of really bizarre ones right now (neither of which are Gargs related :/ ) which are actively chewing on my brain tissue that I'm trying to convince my creativity divas not to make me write fics about...>> Do tell.:)>> Well...they're kind of dumb...One is a rather dark Batman Beyond-esque spinoff of Inspector Gadget (The Inspector is killed in the line of duty, but apparently manages to take Dr. Claw with him, and a younger officer is chosen to take his place as the police force's resident cyborg), and an oppressively dark Future Tense-ish spinoff of Pokemon (about ten years in the future, some kind of retrovirus that mutates Pokemon and drives them insane spreads pretty much all over the world; the critters kill much of the population of the earth). I think it's time for my medication. :P <<Hey... I've got GURPS vehicles, and I was looking for stuff to design... 8D Would anybody happen to know where I could find pictures of those babies? It helps in the design process.>> The toy or the animated version? :) The former had a big piece in back and a seat for the action figure; the latter was kind of flat-topped and had a black opaque canopy. (Unfortunately I don't know where to find pictures of either; a search turns up mostly sites about railroads...wish I had a scanner; I'd take a picture of mine and give it to you...)

Pistoff> <<He also worked on Walker, Texas Ranger (I guess he needed the money) and Murder, She Wrote (same reason, probably), and also Masters of the Universe and The Real Ghostbusters. He's been a busy guy. ;)>> Wow...he had a lot of practice for Babylon 5, it seems. :)

Warpmind> <<It seems to me that with your knack for the unusual, you ought to team up with Wilek and me. We could start a demolition company; we walk by, and the building drops by an extremely improbable event.>> <L> We ought to try that sometime. Let's start with...<blink> No idea...but I'm sure we'll think of something. >:) <<You've missed something.>> I get that impression a lot. That, combined with my perpetual Keanu Reeves 'Huh? Wha?' air, and no wonder people think I'm a stoner. :P

Xanathar> <<I suppose the have a point,seeing as the Psi amp limits them to just those selected abbilities>> That always seemed to me more like a limitation built into the psi ability software that the upgrade stations upload into the operative's cyber gear than an inherent limitation of the amps' hardware; probably a very creative programmer could write new psi powers and upload them into the amps' software if given access (easier said than done).

Spacebabie> <<PETA was down here protesting against the cirrcus, I dont mind a peacgul demonstration outside the big top but when you show videos and illustrions to little kids'Tarumatizing' that's going to far...another woman called into the radio station to say when she was at Chruch Street Staion last Halloween she was walking behin some PETA people, when she went in closer to listen to their virew they viciously verbally attacked her because she wore a leather belt!>> Dear gods...these idiots seem to exemplify everything that is wrong with political correctness. I think the perfect punishment for them would be to be gored by a bull. >:)

Gside> <<If you really want to be envious of me, see that I have my own IP(, and when I am home I have a cable modem (if only I could get it talking with my laptop).>> Ooohhh... 8D <<You + Wilek + Jewel = Infinite Improbability Drive?>> I've always wanted to be part of an experimental drive system. :P

Fire Storm> <<do you really have to have any latent physic abilities to use the thing? Or can all of your physic powers come from "enhancements?">> Well, according to the text, almost all psi abilities were only detectable in a laboratory environment before the invention of the Psi Amp. Probably there are quite a lot of people who have psionic abilities that are so weak as to be essentially useless without an Amp. (What I want to know is, how were the escaped mutant lab monkeys able to use Psi Cryo and Psi Pyro without an Amp? That has quite a few disturbing implications when you stop to think about it.) Death Penalty> I like the way your mind works, and I think you'd like George Carlin. ;)

Aaron> <<I was going to talk about sadonecrobeastiality, but I think that's beating a dead horse>> <hands you a portable force field generator> You're going to need this. :P

Questioner> <<If you think that their tortured suffering would be something good, why not have the state do it before death? Why just kill them?>> Well, torture tends to kill the guy after a while anyhow, and torturing a dead body is pretty pointless.

Jenna> <<something very bad has happend. The new president-- he's only been here one year- that's it--- has called an all employee meeting-- and no one knows what it's about-- for those who work -- you know this is a bad sign. Rumors are flying that it will be announced that we are going to merge-- which means layoffs-- maybe even for me. Everyone here is white knuckled like nothing else. Everyone is scared.>> ACK! I hope everything turns out alright... O_O' <hugZ>

Samira, Taja Crute> Welcome! :D Deposit your sanity in the jar by the door near the mutant tree; you'll not need to be sane to come here...

Jessie Feff> <<Oh, man, I 'm sick.>> Ack...<does absolutely ghastly stuff to Sli Sludge with a rusty carving knife> Get well soon!

Skippy> Ode to Armpit Putty> That sounds chillingly like something Lewis Carroll would write while on an acid trip...

Coyote> <<that's no reason why the waiting list (last I'd heard, and this was 1989) should stretch for 185 YEARS! You read right, a columnist in "Sports Illustrated" did an article on the waiting list for Redskins season tickets runs that long, so long in fact that some fans put in the names of their babies *minutes after they're born* on the list ... other fans will their places to their descendants. And this columnist was looking forward to the spring day in the year 2164 when he would finally receive his long-awaited 'Skins tickets.>> By the gods...I sincerely hope to have brought about the downfall of organized sports long before then...Flying dead dog> The poor creature... :( <<People like that just make me want to use something more painful to sodomize them with than a splintery broomstick ... like, say, the entire front end of my '79 Cadillac.>> Complete with hood ornament? >:)

Robby> <<They're probably on their last running now. The show has been on Cartoon Network for a year now with only 39 episodes to play, and Gundam W is coming this Spring, around the same time ReBoot ends. I'm assuming its the show on the chopping block...>> Oh no! :( No doubt Gundam W is a high-quality show, but I refuse to give up Reboot, for it or for *anything* short of new Gargs eps (like that'll happen)...dear gods, why do the great shows always get the axe... :`( <sigh> Ah well, if they have a brain in their collective head, they'll at least keep it around for the Toonami Midnight Run on Saturdays...if they don't, I'll lose a *lot* of the respect I had for that network...<<They air it in Canada! Why don't we get it here?>> As Aaron said, there's a craft in it that's essentially a modified X-wing, that a certain George Lucas might not like to see outside of his own property.

Wilek Nereus
Friday, January 28, 2000 01:09:23 AM

Hey all. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to post this week. I've been occupied with a couple of tests and figuring out what extra elective I'm taking next year. I was originally going to take independent art studies, but they are not offering it next year. But, that's okay cause I managed to pass by a prerequisite and sign off for the animation calass. Isn't that cool? Maybe I'll animate some gargoyles on the comp. BTW, I've been printing up Escher pics to hang on my walls, but some of them are too small. does anyone know a site of where I can get some pretty well sized pics?

Gside: Dude... I love corned beef!

Gyre: Single digit?-SUCK!-

Fleur: Bath?MMMMmmmmmm.... you trying to tease all of us?

Doug and Kit: I'm sorry guys. I had no idea that you lived in Austin. I thought I remembered SOROW saying that you lived around Dallas. Guess I was mistaken. Well, the concert is probably going to start around seven, but my band won't be playing till around 10.(pm){this is why military time is so much better}It's on the 18th of Feb. It think that's a Friday. Tickets will be 5 bucks though, so it shouldn't be a big deal. But since you're in Austin, I will understand if you can't make it.

SOROW: I'm sorry sweetie, but it's twelve, and I'm still up.
<you can always talk to me>well you can always talk to me, but I hope you trust me enough to tell me anything that might bother you too. Love ya.

Friday, January 28, 2000 01:04:39 AM

Christ I'm having a bad week. Anyway, on with the dog n' pony show...

PETA: These people give animal lovers a rather bad name. You know how the Religious Right gives all *normal* Christians a bad public image? Same thing here. If you want to protect animals from harm, more power to you. But don't start getting confused over which is more important, people or animals. And for the love of God--don't start with the oppression bit. You see somebody wearing a leather belt, or eating a hamburger, get upset if you want, but leave that person the hell alone. I love animals, but for some reason the PETA folks make we wanna kill a deer with my bare hands and teeth.
BTW, Skippy, I bet the really interesting answers would probably come if you asked a PETA member if they were pro or con on *animal* abortions.

Jenna: I'll pray for your work situation. Naturally, I'm hoping for the best, and that the meeting is more good news than bad....It sucks, to make an understatement, to be unemployed, and I certainly don't wish that to happen to you.

Capital Punishment: Oh damn, this is going to give me a headache. But I'm a masochist, so on we go:
Nothing brings out the zealot in me quite like this topic. You see, I'm for the death penaly. Even more so, I'm for innovative and uniquely barbarous forms of execution. I say we go back to the good Old Testament--stoning is a tactic that has seen far too little use outside of the Middle East. And let's not forget that great Dark Ages torture/execution combo of "The Wheel", followed by the cutting off of body parts, and eventually a beheading. I remember that great old Greek ruler Draco. He had a simple sentencing plan: for the major crimes, you get death. For the minor get death! Hey, you thought twice about running the redlight in those days.
Seriously though, I think it's fair to say that the current method of thinking in this society is against the death penalty. I disagree. In my book, you murder someone in cold blood, you rape someone, you sexually molest a child--you're done. Maybe it's me being sociopathic, but I have no sympathy for the perpetrators of those crimes. Only way I could go along with life imprisonment is if death was the preferred alternative. I'd want a life imprisonment so bad that the inmates would literally be committing suicide to escape it. I'm sure that'll probably disturb some of you, but I can't look at someone Jeffrey Dahmer or Timothy McVeigh and feel anything but loathing and disgust.

JackaL's Best Friend: The failure of the Divine Plan? Well, wait, I can't get into this tonight with you. I'm not *that* much of a masochist.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Friday, January 28, 2000 12:21:47 AM

Work work work... That seems to be all I do anymore... And sleep. Oii...

The Fifth Element- I think the element was supposed to be "love", but did anyone else find it odd that the "perfect" woman had such obviously dyed hair?

SJ- THings I learned from Cartoons... Hmm... I have a "All I need to know about life I learned from DBZ" list... One of the rules being "Blonds *DO* have more fun". Heh.

Scream Three- Part one had a slightly interesting premise in that the characters knew what to avoid, (Though I found it hilarious that the commercials actually said "Scary movies tend to suck" and then proceeded to advertise a scary movie) but planned as a trilogy or no, it wore itself out on part two easily, and I have no intentions to see the third film.

Fantasia 2000- I finally found out why this isn't playing here despite San Antonio having an IMAX... Seems Disney has their thumbs up their rears (What else is new) and demands that for an IMAX theater to show the film, it has to be the ONLY film played. ANd since our IMAX has shown "Alamo: THe Price of Freedom" since the theater opened many, many years ago, and they refuse to stop showing it, we ain't getting Fantasia 2000 here. Grrr. This, added in with their treatment of Gargs and Mononoke, but all the hype around Toy Story Two and the Tigger Movie just leads me to believe that Disney simply doesn't even want to TRY and appeal to an older audience.

*Sigh* Givce a company a few billion dollars and the rights to everything and they think they own the world...

Simon- I think the danger of a certain movie tainting your name had passed. You can go back to "Deuce" now I think... Uless you prefer Simon... And... I SEEM to like Anime? This to the guy who own over thirty anime tapes and has seen over two hundred...

Neon Genesis Evangaleon- It was an interesting series, and I've seen just about all of it. While the characters are all interesting in personality, and the mecha are pretty spiffy, I just couldn't get too into the series, having much prefferred Macross. I do have a poster of Rei and Asuka tho...

ReBoot fans- Those of you who have not yet seen ReBoot the third season on cartoon Network shouldtry to do so soon.. They're probably on their last running now. The show has been on Cartoon Network for a year now with only 39 episodes to play, and Gundam W is coming this Spring, around the same time ReBoot ends. I'm assuming its the show on the chopping block...

Skippy- At what point in the show does this line come up?

Aaron- Rei as a gargoyle? Weeeell... Nah, you haven't seen the later half of the series, but there's a reason for her eye and hair color... By the way, check your e-mail.

X-Men costumes- *Shudder*. I think I'll boycot this movie. Then about 4 weeks in after its failed horribly I'll go with some friends and give it the MST3K treatment.

Kitania- Of course, both Xena and Hercules frequently guest star Bruce Cambell... As Autolocus, the king of thieves!

Captain Planet- It had one or two good episodes, (Like the one about drugs where they actually KILLED someone!) but it tried waaaay too hard to be politically correct. They did have one or two jokes, like Linca once saying at a movie studio, "I hope this Kath Soucie person is a good actress!" Linca of course being played by Kath SOucie. A blatant inside joke that probably noone watching the show would understand, but oh well...

Also fun... The one episode of Jonny Quest where Jeremiah Surd groans about missing an episode of Scooby Doo... One he hadn't even seen! The joke of course being Frank Welker voiced Surd AND Freddie Jones...

Home schooling- Can't really say anything about it. I've been brought up in public schools and don't really know anyone who was home schooled... *Shrug*

Good comic book movies- Superman one and two were good... ANd the first two Batman films were good... But one of the best comic book movies ever... THe first Ninja Turtles movie, which was basically taken straight from about a dozen different Mirage comics and then with some extra stuff thrown in. (It included both the Raphael and Leonardo one-shot specials!)

Seizure episode of Pokemon- But... They've FIXED the episode! They air it in Canada! Why don't we get it here?

Death Penalty- Against it, due to the sheer fact that there is possibility of error at the trial and the wrong man might get the sentance. (Anyone ever see that Superman: TAS episode?)

Skippy again- Vogon poetry? Hmm... I think I'll pass. I don't have a death wish.

Hmm, I think that's about it for now, and its starting to seem I'm never gonna get back to my RP... *Shrugs* I will eventually I suppose...

*Robby leaves, humming "Waltzing Matilda".
Once a jolly swagman,
walked on by the billybom...

Friday, January 28, 2000 12:13:08 AM

PETA whackos> Yeah, those people just seem to be the Left's answer to abortion activists. Equally fanatical about their cause to the point of insane action. I've always wondered what might their stance on abortion be. If by arguement they say that animal life is equal in value to human, then the intentional destruction of life is equally abhorent as making coats out of mink...

Ten to one says they can hypocriticly justify abortion...
Skippy The Klingon
Thursday, January 27, 2000 11:27:39 PM

**drags into the room again, not quite as tired this time**

Ahh, nothing like doing your taxes to fix your mind up for a week ... as in blow it. Ah well ...

XenaTrek: Yep, I do remember the folks in the theater at "Wild Things," kept trying to leave but then another explanatory scene would be shown, then the credits would roll again, then another explanatory ... was pretty funny. And that's why I like to call it "Yet Another Unexpected Twist."

SJ, re: tickets: Y'know, that ain't nothing compared to the wait I heard about for Redskins tickets ... all right, I'll give you that they're a much better team than the Wizards, but that's no reason why the waiting list (last I'd heard, and this was 1989) should stretch for 185 YEARS! You read right, a columnist in "Sports Illustrated" did an article on the waiting list for Redskins season tickets runs that long, so long in fact that some fans put in the names of their babies *minutes after they're born* on the list ... other fans will their places to their descendants. And this columnist was looking forward to the spring day in the year 2164 when he would finally receive his long-awaited 'Skins tickets.

Gunjack: Nice choice for favorite Evita song.

Fire Storm: The PTB at Marvel are perfectly happy keeping poor Jubes with GenX ... I'd heard an earlier rumor that a live-action GenX TV series to build up to the movie would be coming in the fall ... that it would recast everyone in the movie ... anything come of this that anyone's heard?

Pistoff: I feel for ya ... the last couple of days that I've worked everyone has had to make up for this one guy ... oh, God, this is stupid ...
He *claims* he's in court with his eldest son who's on trial for attempted murder. Now, he's been regularly missing work days because he claims he has to meet with his lawyer, or go to court, or whatever. Today he said he'd be late. He never showed. Something tells me that he should've taken his lawyer and shoved a foot up that jerk's @$$ a long time before he started missing work over this situation.

Seizure-instigating Pokemon episode: There was a combination of factors involved in the seizures ... not the least of which that the children affected were sitting less than 18 inches away from the TV screens when the flashing began. Just goes to show ya ... yer mother was right when she said sitting on top of the TV set was bad for you. :)

Jewel: Believe me, there are much worse things that can hit your car. Case in point ... my mother, while driving on the dyke road (FS knows where I'm talking about), got hit ... believe it or not ... by a *flying dog.*
The dog was in the bed (which is a loose term for it, the pickup truck had a flatbed and the dog was loose), spinning around in circles, lost its footing and went flying. Considering the speed limit is 50 on this particular road, you can guess what happened. The dog went flying, into the nose of my mother's car, and died on impact.
And y'know what the worst part of it was? The ignorant *redneck* who was driving the damn truck starts bitching out the (now dead) dog because its untimely demise is gonna make him late for whatever the hell he was going to and felt compelled to drag his dog along to. People like that just make me want to use something more painful to sodomize them with than a splintery broomstick ... like, say, the entire front end of my '79 Cadillac.

Elisa's gun: Well, every time she pulls it it looks to me like a S&W.45, but then again I might be wrong ... you consider I once created a firearm for a character of mine that was a modified Glock with a barrel-mount magazine. My gun knowledge is woefully lacking.
Then again, you oughtta ask XenaTrek about guns ... see, her dad's museum in Nova Scotia loaned several pistols to be used as props in "Titanic," including (I believe) that beautiful nickel-plate engraved .45 that David Warner uses.

**trudges back out of the room**

Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Thursday, January 27, 2000 10:47:50 PM

Stephen: Congradualations and good work. Keep producing good stories, there is always a need for them. ^_^ ,v..

Well, I've finally met all my professors. Nice to have a successful early-retired executive teaching your management courses. My philosophy teacher is impressive too. He isn't this militant preacher-type, nor is he a pathetic, whiny, wishy-washy relativist type. This semester looks like it will shape up very well.

Liz-chan's computer isn't broken yet, so I'd say Kai's life is going quite well.

Now, I've had little qualm with capital punishment most of my life, but I've been thinking it through in a little extra depth lately. My first qualm with it comes from investing the Federal Government with the power of life and death over private citizens. Criminals involved or no, I don't trust the government with much any destructive power. As it is, the power to tax is the power to destroy, and I begrudge it. It is unsettling … first to realize that the government can't balance its own budget without a severe economic boom … then to realize it can detonate the entire planet in a thermo-nuclear holocaust. The idea that my life can be put in the hands of this bureaucratic, media-fed cancer on the butt of my country somehow disturbs me. Sure, it seems great idea when you want the guilty removed from the gene pool, but it seems a little less reassuring if you are on the other side of the gavel. I'm sure people felt lynch-mobs were a good idea at some point too.

As much as I'd love to be able to safely and cost-effectively eliminate the threat of convicted murderers, terrorists, and such, it goes against my grain to trust Big Brother with the power of life and death anymore than is necessary by crisis.

Re: Firestorm> Also, sure, when I feel cynical and morbid, Thunderdome looks like a good idea. But then I have to reflect and realize that know matter how vile an act a man has committed, it is still very hard to say he is no longer a man. It also feeds a lot of negative reinforcement about the sanctity of human life through the television. As it is, the tube has disseminated this "life is cheap" mentality generation after generation, worsening our culture and numbing our children to the consequences of violence. It is pretty twisted to offer any kind of prize for committing ~ more ~ murders in, even in the ring. It teaches that murdering someone is just fine as long as the state doesn't punish you. It also compromises the idea of ethical business generation. We've already seen the evidence of what happens to a society that uses the condemned in arena games. It is one of the most remembered symbols of the decadence, corruption, and fall of the mighty Roman Empire.

Sometimes my emotions tell me "yes," but my brain and my chi keep telling me "no." I'll trust my chi and my capacity for reason instead of the government

<<I think that even if a *single* sentient soul - even that of Hitler - was condemned into hell, that would mean that the Devil had triumphed over God, and that the Divine Plan went down the crapper …>>

I'm one of great faith in God and afterlife, and I actually disagree greatly with most people's notion of the Divine Plan. This kind of Determinist philosophy goes against my own beliefs of humans having free will. God may indeed have a plan and some sort of ends, but I don't think He just forces us all into line and makes the consequences of our choices a joke. I think there is nothing logically wrong with someone winding up in Hell, though it would be nice to think that there is forgiveness and redemption even from damnation.

As for torture, the Vatican made a point to note lately that Hell isn't supposed to really be a matter of a particular place or any physical manifestation, but instead suffering from being completely separated from the loving presence of God, including the presence of God in the Creation and in people. It could very well be a perfectly conscious existence all alone in oblivion … terminal boredom for all eternity. *shudders* That would be pretty sick punishment in my mind.

<<If you think that their tortured suffering would be something good, why not have the state do it before
death? Why just kill them?>>

I think I see the point here. The Socratean flavor of the persistent analytical question, probing for a contradiction is not lost on me. People would say that the Final Judgment of the Dead by God is the only absolute justice, thus the only court with enough righteousness to condemn a man to Hell would be that of the omniscient, all-merciful Deity. This mentality begs the question, "So why do we have the authority to kill men in punishment, if on the other hand we contend only God has the right to dispense such final and irrevocable punishment?"

This question generally leaves us with that awkward feeling like the Puritan witch hunters when a suspected witch drowned during the water test. (Throw you in the lake with rocks; survive, you are witch and must be hanged/burned, drown … oops.) Sure, they justified it by saying that God surely rewarded the innocent after judgment, but most people stood their in awkward silence and felt pretty dirty about their half-assed logic.

I'd have to say that in situations where there is no practical reason to replace imprisonment with execution, there is no real justification. I'd also note that we should be ~ very ~ careful in determining how much inconvenience a human life is worth, even a criminal. In the same right, be wary of how we entitle ourselves to dehumanize other people and how far we can "righteously" take away the gift of life God bestowed on another human being. When we speak of execution, justice, and vengeance, we often forget how far we are walking away from the warning we were given. "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

Sometimes it is a necessity to judge, to punish, and even to kill; but we must ALWAYS vigilantly guard ourselves from slipping into the lazy mode of eliminating other people casually (whether it be deprivation of rights or deprivation of life), or having "The System" do it for us. Letting "The System" handle it is VERY dangerous and seductive. I'm not necessarily saying we should ban it. I'm saying NEVER take a killing lightly, by the state or the individual. Killing diminishes all of us, and ever murder is a tragic end to a tragic story.

In most serious situations like this, your negative emotions, forget your selfish interests, and think about how you'd want to be treated … and when in doubt … choose to preserve as much life as you can.

All the rest you can do is pray …

Say Goodnight Gracey,

"Goodnight, Gracey."

Toku Kaioto - [kaioto]
Boston, MA, USA
Thursday, January 27, 2000 09:31:20 PM

Doug > thanks, I think she's turning out pretty good too ; )

Horror of Innsbrook > huh? What? Did I miss something?

Furby Hookers > hmm, now, here's a disturbing thought ... combine it with the Furby Autopsy page and you'd have Furby Snuff ... (that bit is probably over the line but it's been a rather crudzy week so what the heck).

Rejection Fortune Cookie > bleah ... at least I'd have a _cookie_ then!

Damien progress report > Part Three got off to a slow start this week (_so_ tired ... things going on ...). But I am almost halfway done, should have it finished by next week. It's nice to know people are enjoying the read!

Jessie > the story for Sabledrake? Yeah, got it, thanks! Next issue should be ready on Tuesday.

Christine - []
Thursday, January 27, 2000 09:24:12 PM

Greetings all... I've been busy for a while, so sorry for not dropping a comment as often as I had been.

I just wanted to say something to everyone that reviewed "Serendipity, Parts 1 & 2"; Thank you for all of the kind words and positive comments! This was my very FIRST SOLO TGS story, and I've been on pins and needles since I took it up as an assignment. True, the ending is given away by results in "Something Old, Something New"... but I felt we had to flesh out the details a bit and give the story a little surrounding background. Christi did her best with the pics (The Asrial/Thersites one and the Othello/Desdemona one are my favs!), and it came out great in the end. I can only hope my other efforts to come turn out just as well...

Maintain and Check Six! :)

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. - []
Spokane, WA, USA
Thursday, January 27, 2000 08:48:01 PM

SKIPPY - Ack, no Vogon poetry in here, please? Some of us have recently eaten. Keep this up and we may have to send you to the Total Perspective Vortex :)
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, January 27, 2000 08:26:25 PM

Taja: <My question is still not answered!>
Don't worry. This isn't a chat room. This is a message board. Questions sometimes get answered, and they usually take a few days.

Fire Storm - []
Thursday, January 27, 2000 08:05:18 PM

>Taja- well honestly it's kind of silly to ask uf brook sees his kids again. Just read "Out of Joint" one and two and you know everything comes out alright. It's everything in the middle I'm patently waiting for. And it'll be good.
Revel - []
Denton, TX
Thursday, January 27, 2000 07:35:55 PM

My question is still not answered! Why did Brooklyn leave
Sata did he ever see his children again? Please tell me
with words NOT a website (thoose don't help)!
Taja Crute - []
Balto., M.D, U.S.A
Thursday, January 27, 2000 07:20:44 PM

Why did Brooklyn leave Sata? That was not the best thing to
do. Did Brooklyn ever see Sata and their children again?
Please answer this question at
Thank You!
Taja Crte - []
Balto., M.D, U.S.A
Thursday, January 27, 2000 07:08:54 PM

Was someone here looking for stuff about Mars? I'm trying to remember if it was here or someone in class. Either way, I think I can help.
Taleweaver - []
Thursday, January 27, 2000 07:05:01 PM

SOROW>:Least you don't have single digit temperatures to go with that snow.:)
Gyre - []
Thursday, January 27, 2000 07:01:12 PM


I meant to say "Than" not "That" in my post.

Bengali - []
Thursday, January 27, 2000 06:57:26 PM

Death penalty>I heartilly support the death penalty, But I also think that letting them rot their life out in prison is probably worse punishment that death. If I had a choice between death and life in prison I would choose death. Prison is a far worse hell than anything Satan could think up.

Bye fer now!

Bengali - []
Thursday, January 27, 2000 06:55:40 PM

It's snowing and iceing here in Dallas! I just a call from my boss saying I don't have to work tonight cause the store is dead and they're closing at six. YEAH! A night without work or homework? Whatever shall I do?...GARGOYLES! They say it's suppose to freeze over so bad tonight, they'll probably close the schools tomorrow. *happy sigh*
Thursday, January 27, 2000 06:31:32 PM

[Gside}Klingon death jokes: This brings back memories of Vogon poetry (putty, putty, putty...).

Actually, that bit was fromPoet Master Grunthos the Flatulent's infamous work "Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning"

Oh freddled gruntbuggly thy maturations are to me
As plurdled gabblleblotchits on a lurgid bee.
Groop I implore thee, my footing turlingdromes.
And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles,
Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my burglecruncheon, see if I don't@

Skippy The Klingon
Thursday, January 27, 2000 06:29:38 PM

Oh, man, I 'm sick. School just startd and already I had to miss some...*sigh*

Xanathar > Thanks for the FF8 link. :)

Christine > Just checking in to make sure you received that story...If you didn't, I'll resend it.

X-Men Movie > Oh...those shots looked...bad. The cast always seemed pretty screwed up to me, anyway. If they had to cast stars, why didn't they at least pick Angela Bassett as Storm? She coulda kicked @$$.

Death Penalty > I'm not sure how I feel about this. Parts of the idea I agree with, but I think the proccess needs to be reevaluated.

Jessie Feff - []
Thursday, January 27, 2000 06:20:01 PM

Hi! I really have nothing to say, I just thought it would be cool to post something.
Someone talk to me! =op

Thursday, January 27, 2000 06:17:13 PM

Jenna comes in -- looking very frazled

Well, I really don't have the energy right now to contribute to the "death row " discussion, or any other discussion- maybe later-sorry. Right now, I just need to release

Things here at work are not good-- emphasis on NOT. Why? Well for once it's not my bitchy co worker. Other than her- I love every part of my job-- and now something very bad has happend. The new president-- he's only been here one year- that's it--- has called an all employee meeting-- and no one knows what it's about-- for those who work -- you know this is a bad sign.

Rumors are flying that it will be announced that we are going to merge-- which means layoffs-- maybe even for me. Everyone here is white knuckled like nothing else. Everyone is scared.

I know I have both survial skills and employee skills- as I have been unemployed and temped, ect -- but I don't want to go through that again-- not so soon! I haven't even worked here a year ! I hate that feeling of not knowing where your next check is coming from, and not being able to have anytype of plans for the future because of it--I am really upset and scared about this. And all I can do is pray and wait, it feels like waiting for a bomb to drop.

Thursday, January 27, 2000 05:47:41 PM

Interesting comments in here ... Even though nothing else made me come back here, a capital punishment discussion was certain to do it... Btw, my next comments are really questions, not criticisms or attacks disguised as questions - I'm genuinely interested what the other side believes in...

There are a couple people who suggested that they do want the murderers to either pass an eternity of torment (torture) in hell or atleast millenia of such torture in Purgatory... Okay my question is why? Is it because of the lack of a better alternative (they shouldn't be rewarded, so they better be tortured) or as something good by itself (it being just for them to suffer etc?)? And if the latter, why wait for after death to do to them such a punishment? Have we no knifes? Have we no needles? Have we no tongs and iron maidens? Vlad the Impaler had devised some interesting ways of making people he didn't like suffer...

If you think that their tortured suffering would be something good, why not have the state do it before death? Why just kill them?

And if we lived in a universe where there was no afterlife and where each one of us perished into oblivion upon dying, would your opinion on capital punishment still be the same? (in such a universe both the crime and such a punishment would be relatively even worse than in the universe you believe in - I think...)

In case Jewel or Scott are reading this, sorry for still not having replied to your emails... Three weeks of exams, ahead...

(And btw, just to throw something into the discussion, I think that even if a *single* sentient soul -even that of Hitler- was condemned into hell, that would mean that the Devil had triumphed over God, and that the Divine Plan went down the crapper...)

I wonder if these comments make me a troll... Okay I'm off again...

The Questioner... - [you know who I am!]
Thursday, January 27, 2000 05:19:48 PM

Well, I was going to talk about sadonecrobeastiality, but I think that's beating a dead horse, so let's move on.

FS><<there is a REALLY sick fan-fic in there somewhere... and I ain't writing it!>> Talk to Christine. ;) And I like your idea about making the deathrow cons fight on pay-per-view.

Wilek><<I'm thinking of getting Cybernetically Enhanced.>> Really? Me too. Do you know anybody who has reasonable rates?

Gunjack> Hmmm, we'll probably never know exactly what Elisa's gun is, since the people to ask kept having her call it a revolver. We know Matt has a heavy-barreled .38 of some kind. Heheh, I'd like to see them do that scene from Leathal Weapon 4:

Matt: "How many you got left?"

Elisa: "One in the pipe, ten in the mag. You?"

Matt: "I got a real gun-six shots."

Pistoff> True. And maybe now I can get some stupid customer stories I can share without violating attorney-client privilege. Loved Rising Sun #1. I thought you did a good job with Vinnie. Liked the Spunkmeyers, and seeing Otto when he was younger. And of course, I'm dieing to know who The Director is. Only one minor nit. If I remember Bushido correctly, (Not one of my favorite eps, haven't rewatched it recently) the Ishimuran clan faces inward to greet the sun, not outward. Still an outstanding piece of work overall.

Spacebabie> Sparky vs. Lethal injection. Call me a traditionalist, but I say hang the bastards.


Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Thursday, January 27, 2000 04:45:09 PM

**Some hotel somewhere
Reverend Attila and chibi-Henry Kissinger are talking to the guy who found the ray gun.
"Well, I am a Foreign Policy advisor so I really don't knwo how to advise you on this case."
"I alreayd know what to do, Henry. Just give thi sguy the instructions."
"OK, Kittyhawk. You now want me to find OJ Simpson, because he owes you three million dollars?"
"Exactly. He should be in any number of golf courses. This ball should trap him, but don't try to engage him, whatever you do."
"Yeah, sure boss."
"I mean it. You'll regret it if you do try to fight OJ."
The guy walks out and Attila mutters.
"Henry, I don't think he was taking me seriously. If he dies, I won't have to pay him, so either way, I win. Now, we must go find Miss Hewitt."**

Bengali> That's what is so bad about spoiling a kid.

Gyre> I like it. Let's have Charleton heston narrate the ad.

Tim P.> For your pit of people to destroy, let's not forget the National Council of Churches. I hate those SOBs. Plus lets lower that tax rate. 25% for everyone is a tad steep.

Revel> Well, I think more states can follow Texas's standard or raise the ante. I beleive anyone guilty of firts or second degree murder should get one and only one chance of appeal and five years for spiritual counsel if they request it and then once a year when one grouping of criminals finishe their five year sentences, we line up all up for Mr. Guillotine. They don't call me Attila for nothing :)

Spacebabie> <<Well at least they are getting punished...and they will be sent to an even more sever punishmet for eternity.>> Well, I wouldn't be certain about that. I'd like to see teh criminals atone for their misdeeds before they are executed, hence the five year wait. Of course, hwether or not they recant their ways, they will still be executed. One must take responsibility for their actions, though I'd rather see them spend a few millenia in Purgatory then go to Hell.

Gside> Guillotine is cheaper. You just need to clean the equipment and keep the blade nice, sharp, and shiny.

Firestorm> Your idea has its profit potential too :)

Warpmind> Greetings, fellow Minister :)

Reverend Attila - []
New Orleans, Louisiana
Thursday, January 27, 2000 04:12:19 PM

Coyote and other Sam Raimi Fans: >> The Latest for the Spidey pic, hot off a reliable source from the interent. "... Sony was in talks with Raimi to direct Spider Man. "

SpaceBabie:> Re: Cold in Florida? >> Who's complaining? I'm trying not too... but I didn't even think to bring any long sleeve shirts with me from Michigan (except for one sweat shirt and one turtle neck and not much of a jacket). Just bought some long sleeves this afternoon, hopefully it will be plenty and this so call "cold snap" doesn't last long.

Gotta run. Later.

XenaTrek - []
Orlando, FL, USA
Thursday, January 27, 2000 03:37:57 PM

Xanathar: <whats your opinion of their fews>
Well, I think their points are valid. I mean, do you really have to have any latent physic abilities to use the thing? Or can all of your physic powers come from "enhancements?" I know that if I were an actual physic and have honed my powers my entire life, I would be pretty cheesed to find that TriOp is just pulling people off the street, attatching a Psi amp to their arms, and BOOM! They have physic powers.
If the Psi amp could also be used to amplify ANY physic powers, then it is probaly a great invention. But from the arguements against it, it would seem that the psi amp is limited to the 42 powers in the game.
<and the Psi amp in general?>
Personally, I like it! I want one!
BUT this is coming from someone with VERY limited physic powers. They ain't focused at all. Sure, I can see the occasional ghost, occasionally see a little glimpse of the future, etc, but at one point or another, hasn't just about every human had feelings like that? Before I straped one of those onto my arm, I would want to know about the long term neurological effects. I mean, Psi amp burnout just hurts a little now. What if it keeps happening? Can it fry your brain long term?
And did the OSA mess up my IO training? (Year 2 or three. Go through OSA training and you'll see what I mean.)

Death Penalty: Here is my idea for the multi-lifers/guys on death row:
Mortal Kombat. Seriously. Make it voluntary <--key word) and if you win 10 matches, you get to retire to a nice cell. The same rules as the Thunderdome (Two go in, one comes out), put some hand-to-hand weapons in the arena and let them go at it.
Put them in a small stadium with bullet-proof plexiglass over it, charge admission, 3 seperate sets of fighters per night (3 fights only per night), every Saturday night (won't interfere with any other of the precious sports), and put it on pay-per-view at $19.95 per event or a yearly package for $950. And just like The Running Man, there will be bets taken, but unlike that movie, there will be no regulars. No paid actors to worry about. All cons, all willing to die.
With the way movies and sports are going these days, you can't tell me that we are too far from this anyway.
It will also help pay for the prison system.
And if you don't think people would pay for it, watch WWF or Boxing. Notice how many people are in that stadium? Notice how many people are pay-per-viewing this? And for what? To watch a couple of people beat the crap out of each other.
GIVEN, that dosn't exactly paint a pretty picture of our civilization, but it's either that or just let them rot in prison and eat up their tax money with endless appeals and parole hearings.

Fire Storm - []
Thursday, January 27, 2000 02:01:30 PM

Wilek> bandwidth: I remember those days... glad they're gone. If you really want to be envious of me, see that I have my own IP(, and when I am home I have a cable modem (if only I could get it talking with my laptop).

Klingon death jokes: This brings back memories of Vogon poetry (putty, putty, putty...).

Gunjack> mp3: The last two were from (they were actually legal!!!). A lot of my mp3s came from ethernet trading. I think the current record for mp3s here is 9 CDs + hard drive. There is no chance I will run out.
Sentences: Those were examples from my linguistics class, one having syntax but no semantics (made famous by Noam Chomsky), the other (which you quoted) demonstrated semantics but not syntax.
<<know EXACTLY what I'll be thinking whenever she sings it>>: Well, if you can get something else instead... You do know that pi is the universal lyric, right?

Warpmind> Jackie Chan: It's all right (or to quote Senor Wencas: S'alright). I decided I hadn't seen enough of his movies (~2.5) to continue the discussion.
You + Wilek + Jewel = Infinite Improbability Drive?
Is there any kind of lava that isn't molten?

Spacebabie> Lethal injection: Why bother with the first two injections? They are the ones that make the cost so exorbitant, and they don't even hurt the guy.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
New Brunswick, NJ
Thursday, January 27, 2000 12:18:08 PM

Death Penalty in Texas>> at least Texans have their head screwed on right..the liberal are whining about the death penalty too much here that most of the inmates are getting the lethal injection instead of going to old Sparky. Well at least they are getting punished...and they will be sent to an even more sever punishmet for eternity.

I wish people will stop yelling at us becuae where cold in 52 degree weather. The reason we live in Florida is to get out of the cold! Well when these people are suffering from the heat during the summer while I'm cool as a cucumber I'm going to laugh at them.

PETA was down here protesting against the cirrcus, I dont mind a peacgul demonstration outside the big top but when you show videos and illustrions to little kids'Tarumatizing' that's going to far...another woman called into the radio station to say when she was at Chruch Street Staion last Halloween she was walking behin some PETA people, when she went in closer to listen to their virew they viciously verbally attacked her because she wore a leather belt! Hello how do expect people to listen to what you have to say when you attack them?!

Orlando, FL, U.S.A
Thursday, January 27, 2000 10:48:21 AM

Leo being considered for Anakin> I make this up not! Just check out my name link...

Torture not being a Klingon thing> It most assuredly is! And an interesting note is the fact that in the klingon language the word torture is pronounced "joy"

Yes, seriously (or maybe not so seriously on the part of Mark Okrand)
Skippy The Klingon
Thursday, January 27, 2000 10:20:56 AM

Revel> <<This is Texas. The state where there are people who are proud of the fact that it has the highest execution
rate in country. >> Yes, I am :) You do the crime - you pay. I don't waste energy nor emotion on the criminal, my heart bleeds for the victim and their families.
In Texas, we do not have a "life without parole" sentence, therefore the only way to ensure that the severest of criminals remain in prison and not be out in a few years on parole is to give them the death penalty. That's why we have the largest number of death row inmates. It still takes many years for one to finally be executed.
It's not a secret here in Texas - so you do the crime.... there are consequences. I don't know if that keeps them from doing the crime, but at least I don't have to worry about them walking the streets again.

Thursday, January 27, 2000 08:31:58 AM

Hi all!!

Fleur re insanity:<<I don't know, but if anyone will find it, it'll be us! :)>>*Hands Fleur a leg of roast clown*where would you like to start>;)

Revel:<<Happy Austrailia Day to the guys and galls down south.>>Thanks Revel:) (I should joined in on Fleurs BBQ But I had to be up early:( )

Jewel:A flying mattress hit your car!?!,that's just plain weird! :o

Fire Storm:<<Well, I have the basketball, but I can't get it in the hoop. Normaly you just drop the ball, so I have been trying to stand above the hoop and drop it.
Also, they are REALLY fun to shoot with cryokinesis!>>Let me know if your succssesfull(I'm REALLY curious about this) <<OH! This my second time through the game and I am finding places I never saw before! Like the Love Simulators. WIERD.>>Oo yeah,that was different;)(Check out the food prices at the replicators at the movies,still as extoshonate as ever;),
also did you find Delacroix in that storage room that she asked to meet you in(I know where she is if you don't know)<<What OS Upgrades do you usually choose? Looking at the manual, I think I like "Sharpshooter," "Security Expert," "Pharmo-Friendly," and either "Power PSI" or "Replicator Expert">>MMmm let me think...oh yeah,I always choose "Sharpshooter" first then I go for "lethal weapon","strong metabolism"(Really handy for the body of the many lvl), "Replicator expert" and finally"Pharmo-Friendly".<<Thats one of my favorite ways. For that I use my trusty assault rifle.>>The Assault Rifle Rocks!!:)<<(I want to ask you what do you think happened to Tommy and Rebecca, but I think that can wait until Wilek is done with the game. Don't want to spoil it for him!)>>

***Wilek Spoiler Warning Watch out!!****

This little qoute sums it up best...

*Said to Tommy in a stuttering distorted voice*"What's the mater..lover don't you like look?*Maniacal laughter and fade out*...

***Spoiler ends****

<<Do you think the physic community has a valid reason to dislike the PSI amp? (It's tendancy to "define PSI powers to a few specific (and generally ulitarian) axes?" and it's definate use for military purposes?)>>Interesting question(I see you've been reading the manual :) )I suppose the have a point,seeing as the Psi amp limits them to just those selected abbilities)(No freedom so to speak)whats your opinion of their fews and the Psi amp in general?
Bewhare the insidious evil that is Garlic:)

Pistoff:Kick the slackers hieny but good Buddy!!:)<<A splintery broomstick? about a patio umbrella? Stick it up there and then open it! >8D>>Did I ever tell you that your an evil genius >;)

SJ<<Leo is so wrong as wrong....>>Couldn't agree with you more*UGH!!*

Wilek:<<Interesting...I've developed the habit of hacking every security terminal I come across, just in case I happen to run into a camera (it's fun shooting them when they're looking right at you and don't know you're there <evil grin>). :)>>A sound tactic,expensive but sound:)

Gunjack re Tie my kangaroo down, sport:<<AAAAAAAHHH!!! AAAAAAAHHH!!! AAAAAAAHHH!!! GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! AAAAAAAHHH!!!>>Fleurs mischievious sense of humor strikes again*Chuckles*;)

Warpmind:<<DiCaprio as Anakin Skywalker? Woohoo! I can't wait to see it! DiCaprio getting tossed into molten lava... *Swoon*>>Now there's a plus!! :D

C'yas later!!

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Thursday, January 27, 2000 07:32:47 AM

*Warpmind enters, and is immediately met by chibi-Anton, who hands over a sheet of paper. In return, Warpmind gives chibi-Anton a small box of assorted leatherware and lingerie, chbi-size.*
Well, that's quid pro quo for you, guys.
*Warpmind reads the sheet of paper.*
Well, then, if nobody here has adopted chibi-Talon yet... well, I can't separate family, can I?
*In the background, chibi-Talon pales, and chibi-Brooklyn leaps with joy.*
C'mon, Talon-san. You're gonna be a dad!
*Chibi-Talon walks over. Slowly.*

Oh, well, now that that's out of the way... Replies.

Gside: The Jackie Chan business: Never mind. We're still friends, right? ;)

Doug: Do you honestly believe DiCaprio has fans in this CR? ;)

Jewel: It seems to me that with your knack for the unusual, you ought to team up with Wilek and me. We could start a demolition company; we walk by, and the building drops by an extremely improbable event.

Green Baron: No, I don't think the church has to approve. But I don't know if ULC is recognized as a valid religious movement in Norway. Of course, considering Jehova's Witnesses are prevalent, I have good faith in my authority. True, the Lutheranean church is government funded, but it is not mandatory. Islam is getting a strong foothold in urban areas in Norway, as well.

Gyre: That ad for fey control... scary.

Skippy: You'd be amazed at how long a Norwegian could withstand such treatment.

Tim Phipps: That list of Congress has been done.

Skippy again: DiCaprio as Anakin Skywalker? Woohoo! I can't wait to see it! DiCaprio getting tossed into molten lava... *Swoon*

Wilek: I suspected you'd never seen that movie. You've missed something. But for God's sake, don't eat during the dinner scene.

Gunjack Valentine: I'm not sure precisely when it happened... I'm not too sure about the precise biorythms of chibis. But, maybe Mara can shed some light... You mention "The Horror of Innsbrook"? Boy, is Christine gonna have some comment on that...

Pistoff: Heh, you wrote at least three Matrix scenes, and you didn't recognize them? That's... well, the word "amazing" is persistent... And why the hack don't we mount an A-10 cannon on Cthulhu for the Joyride before we do the temporal surf? :)

Later, friends.

*Warpmind picks up chibi-Talon and walks out.*

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Thursday, January 27, 2000 04:31:35 AM

Well, I give up. The boss just called a while ago and asked me to work tomorrow...on my day off...because the girl who was supposed to work just got a full-time job. Can't blame her for wanting to get the hell out of there when she could, though. I would too, if anybody around here would hire me. So far, there's only one place in town I haven't applied at...and that's the sex-toy store. *rolls eyes* Well, I doubt I could handle a "normal" job anyway. I have to admit, that would be good for people-watching opportunities. I've had to deliver there quite often, and the day shift doesn't look too bad. There was always just one guy in there, and he was always watching a football game or something. When there were customers in there, they would ignore each other with an intensity that just cracked me up. "If nobody notices me, I'm not really here..."

Anyway...I thought I'd have plenty of time for everything because I had tomorrow off. Well, I should've learned a long time ago not to make any plans. So...I'll catch up on this week's CR, and try to do last week's replies when I can... Grrr...

Oh, first I want to announce that I finally managed to update my website. I added a couple of fics (Shared Memories and Rising Sun #1), and I put up four new pics that I got recently--two from Jessie and two from Zath. Jessie drew the Dude and Rocky and Ralphie from "Rising Sun #1" (they'll also be appearing in the main series...), and Zath drew the "Bimbo Demmie" from House of Cards and a...scene from "Sit on my Interface"...involving Lex and Cornelia. Those of you who've read the story will probably guess which scene it is without even having to look at the picture... ;) Click my name to see 'em... :)

Anne: <<Thankyou for your kind words.>> I'm glad I could help, even in a limited way. :) And I'm looking forward to seeing that website of yours. I'm a pretty big fan of the Alien movies, myself... And thanks for the info on the Terminator movies. Sounds like they might as well not be made. They just couldn't live up to the others, anyway, without Cameron writing and directing. *sigh*

Simon: Jeez, I should've said something about this a long time ago, but I was so distracted... Sorry things were so rough on you. Belive me, I know how it goes. For the last week or so, I've had to keep an extremely tight grip on my temper... I hope things are better for you now.

Wilek: <<Hey, wasn't Captain Power made by the same creative team who later went on to do Babylon 5?>> Somebody probably answered this already, but what the heck. Yes, JMS worked on Captain Power (I think he was the story editor). He also worked on Walker, Texas Ranger (I guess he needed the money) and Murder, She Wrote (same reason, probably), and also Masters of the Universe and The Real Ghostbusters. He's been a busy guy. ;)

Fleur: <<I just shouldn't have gotten up yesterday.>> Oh, man... I'm sorry about everything that's been happening. I know what it's like to have a bunch of stuff hit all at once. *hugs* I hope things are better now...

The revised Barney theme song: Heh heh heh... *pictures Barney being raided by the Secret Service as they search his house for kiddie porn*

Scream 3: Heh, I haven't even watched the original Scream. Don't plan to, either. I'm just not into horror movies. Besides, after the things I've seen on my job, horror movies would simply bore me. ;)

Wing Commander movie: I haven't seen this one either. From what's being said about it, maybe I should see it just to get ammo for another "thumbs-down" review for ;)

Warpmind: About Event Horizon--you're right, there are a lot of good moments, and that "hot and black" line was priceless. That's why I'm irritated about the movie--it was just disappointing because the good moments were ruined by the bad ones. If the movie were totally bad, it wouldn't bother me much...but one that could've been good but was ruined..just gets under my skin. ;) Thanks for the compliments on Rising Sun #1. :D When I was writing the lobby scene, I realized I'd seen something like that before, so I had to kinda veer off in another direction. And since this is Vinnie, here, the scene had to be partly humorous. ;) I'm glad you enjoyed it. And Cthulhu probably could move forward while firing. Sooner or later Jack will probably have to try something like that... *creativity deamons going into action...* ;)

Milla Jovovich as the epitome of perfection: Eh? She looks kinda like a 12-year-old boy, actually. I'd probably find her more attractive if she would just EAT SOMETHING, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!

Coyote: A splintery broomstick? about a patio umbrella? Stick it up there and then open it! >8D

Golden Globes: Didn't watch 'em. Didn't care. Still don't. The ones who deserve to win rarely do. *shrugs*

GB: Hey, nice to see you again!

Aaron: Sorry about the car. :( As for how people can stand their jobs...well, in my case, you learn to thrive on it. Just look at it as free entertainment, nothing more. ;)

Doug and Kit: Thanks for the good reviews. :) As for the problems you had with the portrail of certain characters, I'm curious. What was wrong, exactly? Just so I know what to fix in the next story (assuming I agree, that is, heheh :). If you'd rather email it to me, that's fine, either way.... :)

David G: Thanks to you as well. :) I'm relieved that I pretty much got Vinnie's characterization right. That was a big worry for me, with all the Vinnie fans around. And since I feel that characters should change and grow over the course of the story, I had to take him in different directions while still remaining believable and true to the original...and that's what worried me most. Keeping it believable/reasonable. I'm glad it seemed to work. ;) *mops brow* Thanks again. :) <<It's waiting for me to get complacent and by a laptop, THEN it's going to break.>> Heh, that's the way my luck usually goes. But if you're looking for a laptop, I'd recommend Ebay. I just got one for 50 bucks. It's an older one, but I only use it for writing, anyway (after all, I spend most of my day there sitting on my butt, so might as well be productive ;). There are more up-to-date models for around $100 or so...

Hollywood fashion: Ugh. What the hell does Joan Rivers know? She can't even figure out how to bend her elbows while clapping. And who made her the fashion judge, jury and executioner? I can't stand her. *shrugs*

Kitainia: Heh, Jack will probably come up with something appropriately brutal. ;) As for the next Rising Sun, it'll start with a stowaway arriving near Ishimura in a cargo ship and killing the crew before escaping, and the next scene will make readers wonder how the hell Jack ended up on New Olympus.... *evil grin* Since this series is closely linked with the main one, bits about the Director will be coming out in both series. :) I'm glad school is improving for you and Doug, and hope it continues to do so.

Ugh. Guess I gotta cut it off here. It's late and I have to get up early and take care of some stuff before going to work. Seems like it never ends. I'll try to catch up on the rest tomorrow night...

Pistoff - []
Thursday, January 27, 2000 02:21:24 AM

****BEGIN RP!!!****
After a short pause Jaden turns and looks at Fleur curiously. "A last resort? You are going to explain that in more detail right? Or am I just supposed to guess?"
****END RP!!!****

What a night. My class spent over an hour and a half watching a 1988 documentary on violent crimes. It was kind of depressing. Everyone that they interviewed, victims, family, criminals and such not one of them too responsibility for what happened. They all shifted the blame on to each other or something else as a reason for their actions. It gets worse, but I don't want to go into it right now.

Fleur-A BBQ? One of my most favorite kinds of party. Glad to hear that your sort-of-friend is awake.

SJ-I'm not a fan of power failures either. I remember once that the power was out in town for about three days. All the other surrounding areas had power, but they were just taking their sweet time with us. On the third day I saw that a lamp was working but it wasn't hooked up to our emergency generator and it took me about 10 minutes to realize that the power had come back on.

See ya later!

Jaden - []
Thursday, January 27, 2000 02:09:44 AM

>Fire Storm- That's pretty bad. I'll have to admit garlic is the topper, but this is a funny accident story anyway.
We were in my brother's car a 1985 Pontiac Fiero driving down Rayford Rd. in Spring. Anyhow it had just sprinkled a few minutes before we left home and we were going to a friends house.
About half way there there's this mean S turn and as we're coming out of the turn the car slowly started to hydroplane but was still moving with the flow of traffic. The car spun completely around and we were actually looking at the people who were behind us for a good twenty seconds before we slid off the road. Not surprisingly Joe (my brother) wreaked that car three times before he finally got rid of it.
Spike> You understand how crazy the Houston area roads are. Hell you might as well drive a tank, it's safer.
Revel - []
Denton, Tx
Thursday, January 27, 2000 01:00:21 AM

Dangit... REALLY, no RALLY...:P danged typos...
Gunjack the Walrus
Thursday, January 27, 2000 12:33:57 AM

*Valentine enters, and makes a beeline for the BBQ* Ooo, GOOD food! :) Thanks, Fluer! And best of health to the absent dude *Valentine toasts the recoverer with a tall glass 'o milk*

Big time Welcomes to GB, Revel, Bengali, and everyone else! :) Sorry I didn't mention it sooner...

Gside - Loved the new mp3... How many of these things do you have? <<"Drum vapor worker cigarette flick Boom!">> LOL! What the heck WERE those sentences?

Xenatrek - Thanks for the X-men links... I'd hate to have suffered anticapation over that crud... Plus, they had some sweet pictures for something called "the horror of Innsbrook"...:)

Firestorm><<I like to think of it this way: The sun dosn't like me and I don't like it. We both try to stay out of each others way.>> Heh. Actually, I kinda like my new schedule... at least this way, it's not as much of a shock when my up-at-7:00am friends come over...

Wilek><<Heh...I've been thinking of getting a chibi-Mega Man, a chibi-Vega (Street Fighter 2), and a chibi Edea or Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 8 and 7). >:)>> I'll fight you for that last one...(j/k) :) I'm thinking of bringing in Chibis Duenan and Brairios from appleseed... <<If that doesn't work, try liquid nitrogen. >:)>> LOL! :) <<Heh...I have those, occasionally...I have a couple of really bizarre ones right now (neither of which are Gargs related :/ ) which are actively chewing on my brain tissue that I'm trying to convince my creativity divas not to make me write fics about...>> Do tell.:) <<Oh, and she took heroin while pregant with her child. Chanted she during the birth: "You will only have one will only have one head...">> ROFL! Okay, that woman needs to be put away for a L-O-N-G time... << The Interlocker is the kewlest vehicle of the entire set; it's this hovering droid cannon thingie.>> OOOO!! I'd forgotten about that one! You're right, those were the coolest! I spent about three months trying to draw one, but I could never get it to come out properly...

Hey... I've got GURPS vehicles, and I was looking for stuff to design... 8D Would anybody happen to know where I could find pictures of those babies? It helps in the design process.

SOROW - Sorry to hear about the trip being canceled... As for the liederhosen, I've been thinking about switching over to kilts, anyway...

Aaron><<Does Smith & Wesson make .45 semi-autos? I always assumed that Elisa's gun was a 9mm since it was slim and black, and police duty weapons have moved from being .38 specials to 9mms.>> For the record, yes, S&W does make .45 autos... To my knowledge, every big handgun maker makes at least one model for that chambering... And I always thought that Elisa used a Glock 9mm... if I remember correctly, that's the NYPD issue pistol.

SJ/Spielberg's "nephew" - What the HECK?!! Didn't the students notice that this guy was some kind of freak?

Fluer><<Well, I'm definately not singing 'Tie my kangaroo down, sport' now.>> AAAAAAAHHH!!! AAAAAAAHHH!!! AAAAAAAHHH!!! GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! AAAAAAAHHH!!!

Was that RALLY nescessarry? j/k... That's one of my sister's favorite songs and now I know EXACTLY what I'll be thinking whenever she sings it...:P

Warpmind - Great poem! :) <<It seems one of the male chibis here has had a bit of fun with MY chibi. And I intend to find out before I have another chibi in my household. I suspect chibi Brooklyn or chibi Talon, but I'm not sure...>> When did this happen? *Reaches into his desk for a lupara* so, you planning on a shotgun wedding, or just a shotgun? ;) <<*Warpmind looks over his shoulder.* Oh, boy, someone was looking at the page from behind me, and wrote down the addy... what a sicko. He's in for a letdown, alright...>> ROFL :) Serves the freak right...

Jewell/matresses - o_O Oooookay, I think it's time to make some appeasment sacrifices to the highway gods... I hope that there wasn't too much damage...

David G./Ribs - O_O Ummm, I think it's time to start a support group for People Who Expierience Really Weird Crap With Their Cars... Glad to here that the punk didn't get away with it, though...

Gyre - Loved the Add! :D

Gunjack Valentine - []
Thursday, January 27, 2000 12:29:23 AM

!@#!!@#ing link didn't's at any rate...
Me again
Thursday, January 27, 2000 12:24:03 AM


[Wilek: "#@$%@#%@#%^@#^%!!!!!!" Mr. Disconnect, hiding in a corridor, realizes that Wilek never uses language that vile (a litany of authoritatively offensive Welsh expletives) unless he's *apocalyptically* ticked (as in, none of DC's interference has quite managed to accomplish that). Paralyzed with fear, he cowers in a shadowy corner, hoping to whatever gods there be that he isn't found this no avail, as Wilek rounds the corner and spots the hacker trying to look inconspicuous. The gargoyle seems to be holding a meter-long shard of jagged, razor-sharp crystal. He hauls DC up by his lapels and snarls, "You familiar with the starship Von Braun?" DC: "From...from System Shock 2?" Wilek: "Uh huh. Were you aware that I'd made it about halfway through Deck 5 of said starship?" DC: "<gulp>" Wilek: "Thought so. Do you know how long it took me to get there from Hydroponics? A very long time. But now, thanks to you, I have to do it again. I'm going to enjoy this." With that, Wilek throws DC to the ground, raises the shard, and <ERROR: YOUR COMPUTER IS UNABLE TO PROCESS THE ENORMOUS AMOUNTS OF BLOOD AND GORE FLYING AROUND YOUR SCREEN. PLEASE BE PATIENT; THE PSYCHOTIC RAGE WILL END SHORTLY.>
By the time he's done, the room closely resembles the scene at Wilek's name link (warning: not for the squeamish).]


Gside> <<I've got it too, but it's kind of pointless on an ethernet.>> Ah. :) Now I must officially envy you; I'm on a standard phone line that's *supposed* to run at 56K, but rarely exceeds 33K (although right now it's at 42K). ;D

Xanathar> <<leaning around a corner and shooting it out when it's not looking at you always works for me:)>> Interesting...I've developed the habit of hacking every security terminal I come across, just in case I happen to run into a camera (it's fun shooting them when they're looking right at you and don't know you're there <evil grin>). :)

Fleur> Australia day? Interesting. :) <takes some BBQ> Great stuff. ^_^ And I'm glad Matt's getting better. :) <<I'm afraid I missed this, but what's a chibi and how can I get one? :)>> A small cute anime version of a (usually) fictional character; they also tend to have quirks and obsessions of their own (Chibi-Claw seems to be a pickpocket, Chibi-Demona loves bubble gum {if I remember correctly, Mara?}, and Chibi-Me seems to have pyromania and satyriasis). <<I proud to say I got through this without passing out. like you, I just cannot _stand_ needles. :)>> Glad to see I'm not alone. :) Sometimes I wonder who invented the blasted things; ten to one it was a descendant of the Marquis de Sade. o_o'

Warpmind> Hamlet> <L> I like this. :) I wonder if the rest of Shakespeare's plays can be so'd be fun to see A Midsummer Night's Dream in limerick form...<<Unfortunately, in Braindead/Dead Alive, the minister was already a zombie in the lawnmower sequence... remember?>> Um...I'm afraid I've never actually seen the movie. :}

Jewel> Mattresses and assorted car stuff> Dear gods...makes me glad I don't even have a license; with my luck, I'd probably suffer similar weirdness...O_o' Mom> must be awful to see any family member lose their mind, and if that's what's made her the way she is now...I hope things improve, or at least don't get any worse. :( <<Today at work, I made a Cart (the program the company I work for sells) license for, and sent it to them. I told them where to put the file and what the permissions on the file would have to be...and then burst out laughing. The file, you see, requires rw-rw-rw (read-write) permissions. In UNIX, this is designated as...666.>> <muhahahahahaHAHAHAHA>

Fire Storm> <<What OS Upgrades do you usually choose?>> I have Spatially Aware, Pack Rat, and Smasher (Wrench to the head! hehe), and I'm thinking of getting Cybernetically Enhanced. <<I want to ask you what do you think happened to Tommy and Rebecca, but I think that can wait until Wilek is done with the game. Don't want to spoil it for him!>> That won't be a problem as long as it's in spoiler warnings. :) <<WHY do some people get their fortune and throw away the cookie? I like those cookies!>> You as well? :) They're a little hard, but rather good otherwise. <<Next time, I will tell you how to get first and second degree burns on a large potion of your forearms and hands because of garlic!>> Sounds fun at parties. ;P

David G> Frozen ribs> Dear gods...if I'd woken up in the middle of that idiot's throwing stuff, and he damaged my car, I'd have given him a piece of his own mind...

Pistoff> <<when he gets there, I think I'll rip his arm off and beat him to death with it...>> I'm thinking, tie him down and cut off his head with a plastic fork. >:)

Gyre> Ad> <hehehehahaha> Ohhh, I *like* this...Wonder if anyone's willing to draw it? :)

Skippy> <<Of course we tell bad jokes! They happen to be an excellent form of torture and Klingons have naturally developed this into an art form.>> I always thought torture was more a Romulan thing and the Klingons were more 'kill 'em all and let the gods sort 'em out (oh wait we killed them)'. ;D j/k <<It's been confirmed, Leonardo DiCaprio is in the running for the role of Anakin Skywalker....>> Dear gods, let that be just a rumor...

Katara> <<I've got to find where the bras hid the Ben-Gay>> The...bras?

Wilek Nereus
Thursday, January 27, 2000 12:03:53 AM

*wanders in and spying the BBQ, grabs a plate and grabs some grub* Ummmm.. good.. Was so busy at work today, that I didn't get a chance for lunch. Thanks Fluer! *smacks lips and wipes off sauce with the back of her paw*

David G.>> ROFLMAO!! A rack of ribs! I can honestly say that I've never heard that one before. =}

Hooker Furbies>> can someone put the link back up, puh-leeeeasse. I'm to lazy to scroll throughh all the past posts to look for it. =] Thanks

Well, that's about all from this pile of "fresh-meat" *sticks tounge out at FireStorm* I've got to find where the bras hid the Ben-Gay, my ankles are killing me again.

Ciao and toodles to all

Katara (Jodi) - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 11:51:53 PM

Aaron: <Y'know, I think those Hooker Furbys would go pretty well with jewel's "Humpin' Action Pikachu">
Ya know... there is a REALLY sick fan-fic in there somewhere... and I ain't writing it!

There are some REALLY wierd news stories today!
A off duty police officer kills himself at the new casino after loosing a hand in a game...
a man is evicted and the police have to round up his 80 cats...
a man broke out of his hand cuffs and then used them to cut his stomach where he attempted to pull out his insides (I hope to have a news story of this soon (but it dosn't look like the 11pm news is gonna show it))...

Pistoff: SOB: Just go to his house, throw him in the car and drive his sorry little butt to work.

Spike: <I can go you one better>
THATS IT! Time to pull out the big guns... <Fire Storm rolls up his sleves>
I almost totaled my car and caused well over $1,000 (closer to $1,250) because of...
Garlic. Yes... GARLIC.

(NOTE: TRUE story)
I was cutting up some garlic for a meal I was preparing when my eyes started to itch. Without thinking, I itched my eyes. Roughly 5 seconds later, my eyes were burning like a muddafudda. I put a cold, wet washcloth over my eye and called poison control. They said to put my eye under running water and if it still burned a hour later, seek medical attention.

Well, a hour later, my eye still burned. Not wanting to pay the $1,500 for a rescue unit (Yes, they cost at LEAST that much in this area), I attempted to drive myself to the fire station where my uncle worked for medical attention. On the way there, someone tried to merge into my lane right where I was. Dropping the washcloth, I grabbed the wheel with both hands and jerked the wheel to the right, popping up a curb and bending my right front tire roughly 20 degrees inward.

So you see, garlic can be dangerous. Next time, I will tell you how to get first and second degree burns on a large potion of your forearms and hands because of garlic!

TIMOTHY M. PHIPPS FOR PRESIDENT: Scary thought: I agree with his stance. I would vote for him.

Skippy: <Uhhgg, that's it, I'm swearing off Star Wars!>
There are only 3 Star Wars movies. Everything else does not count.

SJ: <(a friend of mine is a big fan of the show as well, and she usually tapes it)>
If she didn't, MAYBE I'll CD-ROM it for you. (Got over a Pentium 120?)

Fire Storm - []
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 11:32:22 PM

**SJ walks into the CR with his "Tim Phipps for President" button pinned to his chest. Not to his clothing, but straight into the flesh! :)***

No RP tonight.....I'm too pissed off. The power went out AGAIN. At about the same f***ing time as last night, cause evidently the F***ing power company didn't do things right the first time when the damn thing blew last night. Everything just went dead, right when I was in the middle of a good game of Parasite Eve....morons. I don't like having to stumble through my house in the dark looking for flashlights and candles.

Doug: You can email me a synopsis of last night's Buffy if you want. You can use spoilers too, as I hope to see a copy of the episode soon (a friend of mine is a big fan of the show as well, and she usually tapes it). Thanks for the offer ;)

Skippy: I've heard that Leo rumor for months now, and it *still* sends shivers down my spine. As much as I once loved George Lucas, I think I now hate him just as much. At this point, I'd rather he not even do the prequels. We have the original trilogy (before he screwed those up with the "special editions"....Greedo didn't shoot first, you ass!), and we have some cool comics, toys, and books (except for the Young Jedi books. Ugh...). I'll remember those as Lucas runs the series into the ground. Leo is so wrong as wrong....

But, honestly, as much as I hate Leo.....I'm seriously thinking about going to see his new movie "The Beach". I mean, I hate him. It's really a quite blind and utter loathing for him that is rather shallow on my part. But the movie actually looks pretty cool. And the soundtrack doesn't sound too bad.

Jewel: Waitta minute.....a MATTRESS hit your car? Maybe you and motor vehicles just weren't meant to get along ;) That or you have a rather nasty set of gremlins living under the hood screwing things up ;p

Sevarius Jr. - []
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 10:50:02 PM

**Enters the chat room head hung low**

It's been confirmed, Leonardo DiCaprio is in the running for the role of Anakin Skywalker....

Uhhgg, that's it, I'm swearing off Star Wars!
Skippy The Klingon
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 10:24:22 PM

<--- "Hello, I am the bluebird of Prozac."


"He is just as smart as the other candidates, and twice as popular"

On the Issues:

Guaranteed Health Care: ban all HMO's and medical insurance. Outlaw the American Medical Association. Change the medical deductions on the 1040 to 100%. Result: People will shop for their medical needs, thereby reducing inflated prices of pharmaceuticals, laboratories, and doctors. After all, medical insurance is designed to guarantee that the medical industry be paid, not that people receive adequate treatment.
Social Security: Since when?
Education: Corruption In Education? Or Just Plain Stupidity?
Welfare: Get a job.
National Security: Who would be stupid enough to invade the U.S.? And what would they do with us if they won? Would it be any worse?
Congress: Cut salaries to what these idiots are worth. Minium wage for entry level.
Protecting the public from itself: The government has no business interfering in people's lives or protecting them from their own stupidity.
Lobbyists and Special Interests: Tax all cash flow at 50%.
Equal Rights: Get over it.
Personal Income Tax: 25% flat tax. People at or below the poverty level will be handled case to case. Flat tax corporations 35% of gross with no deductions

On the Candidate

He decided to run for office because the other candidates were all so boring.
He has never failed at business, defrauded the Small Business Administration, or inhaled.
He has no wife to cheat on.
He is not a politician and makes no promises, which he wouldn't keep anyway.
He has never been investigated by 60 Minutes, ATF, IRS, or the National Inquirer. He doesn't know Matt Drudge
Heads of State: "I don't know them. They're all foreigners anyway."
On Civil Rights: "I am not a racist, you are all equally worthless."

On Reforming the Government

Intern the Klu Klux Klan, the Black Panthers, Generation X members, neo-Nazis, the Christian Colalation, Rosie O'Donnell, and Pat Robertson. Move them all to a compound in Area 57 and post National Guard as sentries. Place hidden cameras throughout the installation and let Jerry Springer televise it for all to see!

I Want Your Vote on Election Day!
Vote Early, and Vote Often

Tim P.
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 09:25:26 PM

<--- "I look lke Mother Tereasa when compared to these goons!"

Can you imagine working at the following company?
It has a little over 500 employees with the following statistics:
29 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have bankrupted at least two businesses
3 have been arrested for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are current defendants in lawsuits
In 1998 alone, 84 were stopped for drunk driving

Can you guess which organization this is?

You guessed it.

It's the 535 members of the United States Congress.

Tim Phipps
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 08:25:31 PM

Klingon jokes are so great :) hehehe You should see Shakespere's plays in original Klingon text sometime, very cool *not ment to start a flame! just havin some fun*
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 08:23:14 PM

My last CAR that is!! *rolls eyes* It's been one of those days.
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 08:21:46 PM

Jewel>> I can go you one better --- my last chair was totaled by a Laz-E-Boy. Literally. It fell out of a truck in the middle of the highway. We managed to miss it but another driver lost control of her car and slammed us into the retaining wall. All four of our tires were pointing in different directions. My son STILL talks about it!
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 08:20:16 PM

[Green Baron]Skippy> I didn't think Klingons told bad jokes :)

Of course we tell bad jokes! They happen to be an excellent form of torture and Klingons have naturally developed this into an art form. We place the victim in a nice, secure chair and have a professional interrogator let loose with a number of real groaners. While some men can resist physical torture for hors before breaking, the psychological effects of Klingon humor is known to reduce even the stongest to gibbering idiots in as little as an hour. Very few can survive such horrid pun-ishment.
***Skippy uses his emergency transpoter recall to avoid the upcoming volley ***
Skippy The Klingon
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 07:25:36 PM

Finally! Done for the day. Advice: Riding a bicycle across a campus in gale force wind is NOT cool. I like the "Bogus Ad" If it were real or story wise equivilent it probably sound about like that. This is Texas. The state where there are people who are proud of the fact that it has the highest execution rate in country.
(A thought for those of you who have ever thought of passing through)
Revel - []
Denton, Tx
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 07:22:28 PM

****Bogus Ad Warning****
Picture this ad appearing in the NRA magazine during the Second Unseelie War

"Have Unseelie problems?"

Picture of redcaps trashing a shop.

"Don't have an iron bell handy, or a net worth greater then most countries you could name?"

Shows a picture of Xanatos.

"Fear not, if you are like 3 million other law abiding gun owners, we at Fey-B-Gone can help you. We offer a complete line ammo in most popular calibers made with the Fey in mind. We also custon load ammo at the costumer's request. Call, you'll be glad you did"

Last picture shows store owner blowing away a redcap w/iron buckshot.

****End of bogus ad****

Sometimes I get these wierd thoughts that just have to come out, enjoy.

Gyre - []
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 06:34:39 PM

Well, this guy is really honking me off. I went to work, took one delivery, and then the idiot called and asked if I could tell him what time he's supposed to come in today. I said, "You're goddamn right, I can! You were supposed to be here at 11. Well, you're not, and I am--on my day off." Then he asked if I wanted him to come in right away. Well, DUH!!!!! I told him, "That would be wise."

Denis, Jannie: Looks like I'll be online after all...unless something else goes horribly wrong...

*grumble* I'm gonna go fire up the Notepad and catch up on the CR if it's the last f--kin' thing I do...

Wednesday, January 26, 2000 05:48:31 PM

Green baron>I agree, people really need to crack down on school violence. That school was the best elementery school in the entire city. There were kids there that had parents that were baceball players and such. The middle school I went to later was not nearly as rich but it had less violence in it cuz the kids at my old elementary could get away with almost anything because of the money their parents had.
Bengali - []
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 05:22:31 PM

Fire Storm> Greek letters: I personally want uppercase delta, sigma, omega; lowercase theta, phi, mu, alpha, beta, tau and lambda.
Fortune cookis: Tasty, and the fortune cookie game is fun too (add "in bed" to the end of the fortune).

Jewel> frame: The only thing I could think of would be "fene^tre."
chmod 666... root, god, what's the difference?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
New Brunwick, NJ
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 05:14:41 PM

Triple post for me today, but I had to share this one:

Today at work, I made a Cart (the program the company I work for sells) license for, and sent it to them. I told them where to put the file and what the permissions on the file would have to be...and then burst out laughing.

The file, you see, requires rw-rw-rw (read-write) permissions. In UNIX, this is designated as...666.

Wednesday, January 26, 2000 05:10:25 PM

Ugh. Sorry I've been absent so long again. It's nothing to do with my ISP, though, that's working perfectly. Almost everything else, however, has pretty much gone down the toilet. Every time I have a day off and plan to use it to catch up on CR replies and email, I get a call from my boss, who tells me that the irresponsible son of a bitch who never shows up on time...yeah, he did it to me again. I got another one of those calls. He was supposed to be there at 11, and he never showed up. Again. And all my plans got screwed. Again.

So, I'll have to catch up later. Again. I just wanted to let everybody know that I'm working on it...

Denis, Jannie: Sorry, but I won't be able to chat this afternoon. I'll be at work, waiting for that bastard to show up. And when he gets there, I think I'll rip his arm off and beat him to death with it...

I'll be back ASAP...

Pistoff - []
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 04:16:21 PM

**Not too far from the Dirty Laundry Gang on a road**
A gun is found discarded on a street and in fairly good condition. It is not an ordinary gun, but some kind of raygun. Another fellow picks it up and then makes a call on his radio.

"Kittyhawk, this is Orville. We found the gun."
"Meow, cut the lingo. My jet will be here, soon. No one is to know of this, not GB, the girls, or even Charleton Heston or Bob Dole. Is that, clear."
"Affirmative, Kittyhawk"
"And once yI get there. I have my next assignment for you."
"I'll be waiting, boss."**
END RP for now!!

Gside> <<What is it, $2000 a year starting at 18 to get a million by 40>>

Well, it really depends on the investment. Actually, investing that much a year at that start will probably get you your million much more quickly than that. I think if you invest $100.00 a month form age 18, you can be a millionaire by the time your're 65 or so. It also depends on how you invest it. Really risky stuff (like commodities) can reap in high returns, but you an lose more this way. Stocks, especially index funds are somewhat risky, but earn a decnet return like 10% annually. Bonds are safer, but yield very poor interest except junk bonds, which are also very risky. I would probably start my kids investing early, and have plenty set aside for them, but I want them employed ASAP, becasue then they can start ROTH IRAs earlier and can reap huge returns without as many taxes later. The Investments course I took last year wa quite informative :)

Janine> Thanks. I may not be the fun father, but I hope to have a nice dynasty succeed mea nd one of my sons be an ArchBishop :)

Revel> That is quite an odd assignmnet, but who knows. Slapping soem junk together can get you a lot of money, nowadays and maybe an NEA grant, if you do soemthing offensive :)

Skippy> I didn't think Klingons told bad jokes :)

SJ> What do you think about this new experiment with charter schools? I for one hope it works. I'll be paying for public school with my tax dollars, so I want one my kid can go too, unless we have vouchers by then, but I imagine that will be a last resort, though it has definite merits.

Bengali> That sounds as bad as what I hear about in New Orleans public schools. I wish we coudl start mass recruiting of nuns and bring them to all schools of all stripes and they could enforce soem major discipline and fear with a few sharp edged rulers :)

SOROW> ::hugs::

Doug> $I think I have the ball in my court, now :)$

Fleur> ::hugs:: It's good to be back. I guess I'll throw a shrimp on the barbie, now :)

Warpmind> Norwegian Church has to approve? It sounds like only one religion is legal where you live.

Jewel> I don't knwo what to say about your mother. Well, maybe you can work out an arrangement that would have your mom committed and get Keith legal control of her assets. He'll need it with his kid coming and all.

As for driving, the bus would be cheaper for you, especially with insurance rates for bad karma :)

**In another area, OJ Simpson has caught and killed the last of the Family. Now, he sees a golf course and decides to look for the real killer there**

Green Baron - []
New Orleans, Louisiana
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 03:28:34 PM

Quick! French-speaking types! I managed to get myself stuck translating some stuff for work (translating buttons for a French version of the Cart program they sell at work) and have gotten myself stuck--what is the word in French for "frames" (of the website variety)? I don't think it's a direct translation... I've got everything else...I hope...
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 02:46:39 PM

Aaron wanders in, taking a piece of Fleur's BBQ.

SJ> Sorry about the snow.

Jannie> Well, the Comets are already running a three-peat right now, and look to win again this summer, unless Michelle Timms gets her shooting touch back and Miller decides to player-coach. I dunno what more they'd have to do.

SOROW> I'm sorry you're not getting to go to Austria. (Hugs)

Fleur> Y'know, I think those Hooker Furbys would go pretty well with jewel's "Humpin' Action Pikachu"

Hmmm, has anybody seen Mara and Co.?


Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 02:17:42 PM

Jewel> I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I have no idea what to tell you about that stituation.

I do have some encouragement about your car karma, though. Back in 1991 or so my windshield was smashed by a rack of frozen beef ribs.

Here's what happened. I was living in Corsicana at the time, in a 2nd floor apartment. My downstairs neighbor always took my parking place, which was next to the door. (He'd even gone far enough to switch the number plates on the parking places). It wasn't much of a problem, though, because my neighbor across the hall didn't have a car, so I always parked in his place.

Anyway, on one particular night...

I'd been up late with a Shadow Run game. I crawled into bed around midnight, after being up most of the day before. (Midnight's not usually late for me, but this had been a long weekend.) Around 3:00 am, I was awakened by a blast of music from across the hall. My neighbor usually played his stereo too loud, but this was bad even for him. However, I was so tired that I just went back to sleep.

The next day, I got up, and noticed that his apartment door was open. I kind of wondered about that, but I put it out of my mind and went down stairs. There, I noticed a number of strange things lying on the ground (an umbrella, a seat cushion, a pair of shoes, several beer cans...). My neighbor's living room window (right above my car) was also broken, with no screen and a big hole in the glass.

I got around to my car, and the entire driver's side windshield was a mass of cracks. There was no way to see out of it. Little fragments of glass were all over my dashboard and front seat. Sitting next to my car, about three feet away, was a rack of ribs.

I called the police to report the vandalism, and the cop I talked to almost laughed. It turns out that I had slept thorugh a drunk & disorderly call where the police went in to arrest my neighbor, and he was so drunk that he started throwing stuff out at them through the window. When he ran out of ammo in the living room, he started with the contents of his refrigerator.

Fortunately for me, the police had plenty of evidence, and my apartment manager told my neighbor that he would be evicted if he didn't repay all the damages. It's almost impossible to find housing in Corsicana in the middle of a semester, and losing his place would mean the guy got deported back to the Phillipiens, so he paid up. It still sucked to be without a car for three days, though.

A few weeks later, some woman hit my car when hers skidded in the rain, and the colision actually improved my car's performance a little bit.

So just remember, you're not alone. :)
David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 02:14:49 PM

Xanathar: <because if you throw the ball into the basket ball hoop in the recreation deck it's supposed to activate a hidden "Easter egg">
Well, I have the basketball, but I can't get it in the hoop. Normaly you just drop the ball, so I have been trying to stand above the hoop and drop it.
Also, they are REALLY fun to shoot with cryokinesis!
<Where is it hidden?>
For the life of me I can't remember.
OH! This my second time through the game and I am finding places I never saw before! Like the Love Simulators. WIERD.
<OS Trainers> What OS Upgrades do you usually choose? Looking at the manual, I think I like "Sharpshooter," "Security Expert," "Pharmo-Friendly," and either "Power PSI" or "Replicator Expert"
<leaning around a corner and shooting it out when it's not looking at you always works for me:) >
Thats one of my favorite ways. For that I use my trusty assault rifle.
<(For that matter,anybody heard from Pistoff
since last week?)>
I am guessing he has ISP problems.
(I want to ask you what do you think happened to Tommy and Rebecca, but I think that can wait until Wilek is done with the game. Don't want to spoil it for him!)

System Shock 2 Players: Do you think the physic community has a valid reason to dislike the PSI amp? (It's tendancy to "define PSI powers to a few specific (and generally ulitarian) axes?" and it's definate use for military purposes?)

Gside: <So, your area code is pi?>
Ahh... leave it to the engineer to point that out! :)
<(I wish some greek letters were in the standard ASCII character set)>
I know. Like delta. Well, at least that was corrected in most fonts.

Skippy: <I like fortune cookies.>
WHY do some people get their fortune and throw away the cookie? I like those cookies!

Jenna: <Thanks for the Mars info! ^_^>
No prob. If you need more, just ask!
(OH! Notice: On one of the Voyager episodes, they mentioned one of the first trips to Mars happened around 2050)

Fire Storm - []
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 02:10:31 PM

David and Firestorm-- Thanks for the Mars info! ^_^
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 02:05:36 PM

Weird sh!t life: I've known for a long time that I was God's personal jester (as in, He keeps me around for comic relief), but yesterday took the cake.

A flying mattress hit my car.

That's right, folks. A flying mattress. Rush hour driving home, a truck sent a mattress someone had dumped by the side of the road airborne. It bounced off the car in front of me, went airborne again, and slammed into my car, destroying my driver-side mirror.

A friend of mine, upon hearing this, declared I am far beyond God's jester, and another said that I was the only person stuff like this would ever happen to.

My big brother has told me I have bad driving karma (I've had tires explode, causing me to almost hit a church; once I scrapped some rednecks' car, they got very angry and chsed me down...I had the flu at the time, and when I saw these very angry men, one of whom was wearing a big Conferderate flag on his chest, screaming at me, I did what any sick 17 year-old-girl would do...I burst into tears (they immediately started apologizing and trying to make me stop crying, even telling me how to get their paint of my car and then sent me home); I hit that tree when my car hydroplained last May...) He told me maybe I should look into taking the bus...

My mom: Well, things with that surreal e-mail didn't get figured out. I asked my little brother if he had sent me an e-mail, but he said no. So Mom sent it, but since my big brother was there, and he doesn't want to think about the fact that Mom's, in my opinion, been slowly going crazy for the last few years, I couldn't really ask about it. So I'm still in limbo, and just don't know. Oh, well. All I ask is that she keep it together for 14 more years, which will be when Ray, my youngest adopted brother, heads off to college.

Wednesday, January 26, 2000 01:37:26 PM


The battle in the Avatar's hangar is now quickly ending, the only combatants left being those fans who are angry and grief-stricken over the loss of their idols and the good guys attempting to defend themselves against said idiots-without-jobs. Stephanie is in the biggest trouble currently, as she has managed to disembowel to death both Pamela and Tommy Lee but is still being assaulted by the large number of fellow freaks they brought along. Many of the Ravens are able to turn and help her, though, as their own battles wind down, so the situation soon stabilizes. Meanwhile, in a section of the maze of cargo containers that dominates the hangar floor, Leonardo diCaprio stops to catch his breath and is then knocked over by a flying tackle from behind. Sharp claws are placed against his neck. "Drop the gun," Kit orders, and he does so, turning around and smiling at the half-garg as she stands him up, aims her laser at his chest, and yells, "Doug, over here!" Doug comes running to her side and soon has the frightened-but-confident Leo covered with his gun as well. "So there you are," he says to the young star. "Before we really get on your case about this big fight you started, would you mind explaining your actions, pal?" "Yeah," Kit seconds. "You mentioned Asil telling you to kill us. Why would you want to obey _her_?" Leo snickers. "You don't know my devotion to Asil," he says. "She is my one true love, my only purpose in life." "And how long has she been that?" Doug asks. "Since the moment I saw her," Leo replies with a fond smile. "I remember it well. The boys and I were in a restaurant. She stormed in and shot me with this little black pistol and carried me off to her hotel room right there in LA. When I woke up, I knew she had abducted me so we could be together. And we were together, for a while. Then she found out I wasn't worthy of her, and she turned me away. To prove my worth, I had to come here and kill both of you." "Interesting," Doug frowns, looking at Kit. "What do you suppose he's talking about?" he whispers. Kit shrugs. "I don't know, but whatever my evil clone's up to now it can't be good." Doug nods and then turns back to Leo, who is trying to sneak off. A cock of a shotgun stops him cold. "Hold it," Doug snaps. "You're not going anywhere. Do you know what you've done here?" "I know perfectly well," Leo grins. "I also know that you can't harm me. As long as I serve Asil, I am content. Even if I die, I will be happier than ever possible before just because I served her." "You're pathetic," Kit declares. "You think so?" Leo asks, then smiles. "No, I'm just completely in love, and therefore there's nothing you can do to turn me away." "Except this," says Doug, who then shoots him in the face. "Augh!" Leo screams, feeling immense physical pain for the first (and last) time in his life. "That's one less dumb guy we'll be seeing in movies," Doug says as his corpse tumbles to the floor. "Thank goodness," agrees Kit. "I'll enjoy watching the Beach even more now that I know it will be his last film." Her face turns serious. "What about Asil, Doug? We now know she's planning some trouble, probably for Thailog's next plan. What are we gonna do about her?" "We'll discuss it later," Doug assures her. "For now there are still a few scattered bad guys in this hangar to deal with. Let's go help the others mop them up." Kit nods in agreement and they run to assist their fellow Ravens as the screen goes blank.


Hi. Everyone doing okay today? <looks around> Okay, seems like it. Good. Maybe my prayers for the end of our problems last week came true. I see some of the situations that caused them are almost over and others look like they're either improving or becoming the kind of thing that you don't concern yourself with on a continual basis even though it stays in your mind. That's the way I hoped and knew things would become, so I'm glad they have. <grin> Of course, the grief brought on by so many events last week still remains in me, just as it does in all of you. Probably always will. <sighs, and lights additional candles for the CR dwellers' departed loved ones, then kneels beside them and whispers a brief prayer> Hopefully now, though, we have all learned to live with it. :)

Fanfic Progress: As you all may or may not know by now, I've posted "Comatose" to GFW. Changed the title back because it seemed better-suited in the end. So far it doesn't look like too many people have read the story, as it's gotten no stars and I've only received one bit of feedback (thanks again, Todd). That's okay, I guess, a lot of people probably have limited time this time of year. I know I do, mostly thanks to school. <sighs> Hope I get more feedback soon, but for now I'll be content with the wait. I'll also continue to write the next fanfic (tentatively titled "The Test") when I have the chance. It's going to be a big story, so it will take a while. I'll of course let people know of my progress as it continues. :) On to replies.

Jewel: Strange e-mail. I too hope your mom's not going crazy. It can be a difficult thing for a person if one's parent is, and I definitely wouldn't wish it on a friend of mine (I've known people in the past with parents who have lost it, but they haven't exactly been my friends). Good luck with the situation in the days ahead, hope you'll send us an update soon. :)

SOROW: Thanks for the good words. Hope we stay friends a long time. <grins and hugs>

Joe: You're welcome for the support, which we were all too happy to give. :) Thanks also for your concert info, Kit and I don't know if we can attend yet (the town where you're playing is pretty far from Austin, and we're not sure if we'll have something else going on that weekend yet, like a paper to write, that will take up too much of our time). Nevertheless we will try our best to see if we can come. How much are tickets going to be, just so we can see if we have the money?

Christine: Good job on Damien 2. It was appropriately foreshadowing, emotional, and scary as heck. :) Lots of interesting situations arose, especially out of the good character development on Jericho, Ventura, and Angela. Can't wait to see how it all gets resolved. BTW, I too applaud your program for raising Becca. If the intelligent, beautiful, and interesting (as well as a little mischeivious and annoying, but that didn't matter) child I met at last year's Gathering is any indication, it's working out great so far. <encouraging smirk>

Jannie: I also agree with you about moms concentrating too much on making their kids popular. I've experienced that with my mother a lot, and it made me so sick then I never cease to be glad it's stopped now (only because we live apart from each other, I sometimes think). There are many things more important than having a kid grow up popular, I'm glad you've realized this and are remembering it as you raise yours. Sounds like he's turning out great so far. :)

Coyote: You're welcome. I was pleased to send you the message. Glad your grandmother's funeral went well, and thanks for telling us about it. I think I will miss her all the more now, even though I didn't know her, since I know all the emotions she could bring out in diverse people (you included of course). Stay strong, man, we'll be there for you. <hugs>

SJ: Thanks for the reassurance, glad to know you're doing somewhat better. Hope the snowstorms end for good soon so things improve more. Thanks also for the interesting cartoon moral list, which was also very accurate. I've seen and heard all those things in cartoons a thousand times. Haven't always liked it, but I have. :) Sorry to hear your power went out last night, happy it's back on now. If you want a synopsis of the Buffy you missed, drop me a line and I'll do my best to get one your way. Don't worry, I won't be wasting my time with the third Scream fic (it better be the last one!). I didn't like the first two chapters in the trilogy, or the IKWYDLS films at all (though there is an entertaining bit inspired by those latter movies in the RP below :).

Jaden: Good luck to you too in your class. Don't worry, it shouldn't be that difficult. :)

Jack of All Trades: I may have to start watching this show too, it sounds entertaining and I know I like Bruce Campbell. Hmm. Better find out what time it comes on in my area first.

DA: I have experienced a little prequelitis at times when I read the DA stories, mostly in terms of how it makes the plots predictable. But it's still not much of a problem, as plenty of surprises in the season have come up (mostly related to Asrial, Roland, and Thersites), and kept things entertaining. The character development is fun to watch too. Like Patrick, I am a little dismayed at the lack of episode reviews lately, but I can tolerate it. Just hope it perks up soon with the new seasons opening. :)


Serendipity Part 2: Like Kit said, this ep's plot was predictable. But nevertheless it was very entertaining. I enjoyed the developments on Goliath, Demona, and Thersites immensly. The bits with Javin and Cornelia had some great dialogue and good development on them as well. Also liked the excellently drawn pictures, and the way things were scripted. Lord Rayvn made a good villain for the episode, but like a lot of people I hope he doesn't return as a danger any time soon (though I would like to find out how he knew about the Illuminati). Overall, good episode, TGS Staff. I give it a 9/10, thumbs up. Can't wait for next season, hope it soon begins. :)

Buffy and Angel: Good episodes of both of these last night. The Buffy one had some great Giles scenes and development, his reactions to the Initiave, to Walsh, and to Riley were all very well-written. Good development on the relations between Buffy and the Initiave as well, I'm glad it's not coming between Buffy and Riley too much yet (I do have a bad feeling it will in the future :). Ethan also made a good villain for this ep, I particularly enjoyed it when the military showed up to take him away. Wonder how he'll like Area 51 life. The bits with Spike and Xander were entertaining as always. As for the 314 bit, it was good foreshadowing. I look forward to finding out what's up with it, maybe on the Ides of March (3/14 is about then :).
As for Angel, I didn't find it as entertaining as Buffy but it was still good. Denis had some funny bits, and so did Wesley, who was annoying as usual in the beginning but had some good development later on. Hope it sticks. The scene where Angel hops up after being shot and attacks was great, as was the final battle. Overall the episode had a very good plot except for one thing. As previously mentioned, that was Cordy going too far too fast with that photographer guy. It didn't seem like her to do it, just as it didn't seem right for Buffy to do something similar with Parker earlier in the season. Oh well, both inspired good action (Cordy's more so than Buffy, I better enjoyed her reactions to the development), and hopefully they've all learned their lessons by now. :)


Fleur: Welcome back once again, good to see you. Sorry to hear about the problems in your life recently, hope your friend who was a hit and run victim continues to improve. Both him and you, as well as all the other friends and family of the person who committed suicide, will be in my prayers.

Firestorm: <nods> Yep, we agree to disagree. Thanks for understanding the fun we have by doing the RP even if you don't like it, I honestly don't see it going away any time soon (and no, not just because Kit and I will do all we can to keep it alive. :). Thanks to you and LM for improving the CR however you did, hope Gorebash soon does the other things he needs to do to make it even better, though I understand why he must take his time.

Lady Mystic: Welcome back to you as well. That website idea you have sounds like a very good thing. I'll definitely check it out when you get it posted somewhere. Good luck with creating it and continuing to live with the great and emotional sorrows of your past.

Simon: And welcome back to you, too. Congrats on surviving finals. Hope your life keeps improving, you'll be in my prayers. :)

Green Baron: And a big welcome back to you, friend. Hope you will be able to come in here more often now. $ For an answer to your question, see the RP below. $

Golden Globes: I too am glad Toy Story 2, Angelina Jolie, and American Beauty won awards. Don't know if Denzel deserved his award as much as Kevin Spacey, but I'm sure the latter will be vindicated at the Oscars. :) As for the other award winners, congratulations to them. <grin>

X-Men: <looks at pictures and mutters> Okay, whoever designed these costumes is definitely going to get a Rasco award (for those who don't know, these are a spoof of the Oscars given out to the year's "worst actor," "worst director," "worst costume designer," and so on). They look right for some movies, sure, but not for the X-Men. Yeah, a lot of it's due to the wrong actors filling the costumes, but that's beside the point. <sigh> Only Professor X, Toad, and Sabertooth look completely right, the others like pale copies dressed in black of who they're supposed to be. I hope the script of the film is better than this makes it looks like it will be, and like Kit I applaud Stewart for putting up with the franchise infringement (I'm still planning to see the X-Men movie, but only because of him).

GI Joe Show: Yep, I agree, it was a very interesting program. Especially liked the episodes SJ mentioned, as well as a few others (such as the one where they met the gods of Egypt, which I'm planning to reference when I have Anubis join forces with the Joes once again during my fanfic saga's Apocalypse War). Sad the show's off the air now, it may have been what inspired me to write a lot of the modern/fantasy/sci-fi crossovers I have. <sigh> Oh well.

Guess taht's about all for now. I'd like to say more, but I'm pressed for time since this is a school day and I'm in the library and all. :) See y'all next time, everyone. Later. <waves and leaves>


While the fighting on the Avatar finally draws to a close and many of the groupies who have been neuralyzed because of it undergo MIB-style "Get-a-Life" rehabilitation, five members of the Dirty Laundry Gang return to their penthouse hideout. Bleach Man rushes in first, muttering hysterically as he slams the door behind him. Al Detergent, Nylon Man, Staina, and Storm Eagle watch him enter and frown, turning curious gazes to Static, Scrubber, Lint Man, and Socko as they calmly enter the room. "What happened?" Detergent asks the latter. "I thought you were just going out to pick up a girl." "Uh, we did get a girl," Socko says. "However, something went wrong with her." "What?" Nylon Man asks. "Did she already have a boyfriend?" Static shakes his head. "No, though that could have been interesting. You see, Bleach Boy there zapped Jennifer Love Hewitt with Asil's ray gun like Storm Eagle suggested, but she didn't end up liking him." "That's right!" Bleach Man shouts, hopping to his feet and running around madly. "She hates me and wants to kill me! Lock the door! Be on guard! Emergency! Help!" "Calm down!" Storm Eagle orders, restraining him with a hold spell. "Relax. She can't get to you here." She looks at the other DLG members. "Any idea why the gun did that?" They shake their heads. "I have one," says Staina. "It's pretty obvious. You had the polarity on the thing reversed, right? So instead of a love ray gun it was a hate ray gun." Socko slaps his forehead. "Damn it, I should have known!" Scrubber nods. "Too bad Bleach threw it out of the truck." "You what?" Storm Eagle raises an eyebrow, looking at Bleach Man. "You threw the gun away? Man, you are going to be in big trouble when Asil wakes up. Do you know how much she liked that gun?" Detergent nods in agreement. "You really made a boo-boo, Bleach. I hope I don't have to expel you from the gang for this." Bleach Man's eyes widen, though due to the hold spell he can not move. Nylon Man is about to add something when suddenly the penthouse door shudders under the weight of someone smashing it open. "What the hell?" Socko asks as they all spin to face it, Static and Storm Eagle readying energy bolts while Scrubber and Lint Man grab for their guns. "Bleach Man!" shouts a short and slim figure with large breasts silhouetted in the doorway, who for some reason is dressed in a fisherman costume and holding a large gaff hook. "Bleach Man! Where is Bleach Man? I must destroy him?" "Uh, Bleach," Nylon mutters as the figure steps forward, the face of Jennifer Love Hewitt revealed under its hat (btw, she doesn't look pretty anymore, now that her features are all angry and full of hate. Read Christine's latest story to get a better idea). "You have a guest." The spell wearing off, Bleach Man turns and looks, then begins screaming as Jennifer advances toward him. "It's her! She's here! Help me, guys! Help!" The others look at each other, sigh, and get ready to fight Jennifer as the screen goes blank.


Doug - []
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 12:33:57 PM

Thanks for the welcome. Yes I think I might have posted as Sam a while back, but I'vw gone through so many on line names it's honestly not funny any more. Well could be worse, it could be snowing and I would have to ride my bike to class frozen. (be hard to draw that's for sure)
Happy Austrailia Day to the guys and galls down south. Wish I could have some BBQ about now.

Revel - []
Denton, TX
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 12:20:44 PM

Christine> Actually, a rejection fortune cookie might be nice, but then again, I like fortune cookies.

Skippy> I've seen people go further out of the way for jokes that were worse than that, but not many. I applaud you. :)
David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 11:12:26 AM

Continuing the nautical feel, the mp3 has been changed to "Fiddler's Green."

Fleur> Chibi: Take a fictional character, make it small, cuteish, and in anime style, and you have the start of a chibi (others will dsecribe them more accurately after me).

Warpmind> Jackie Chan: K, sorry.

Mr. Jensen> So, your area code is pi? (I wish some greek letters were in the standard ASCII character set)

NA zdorov'ya

Gside - []
New Burnswick, NJ
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 10:29:00 AM


I liked the "Buffy" episode, although there was one loose end that I can't help wondering about; what became of the Demon Prince (his name began with a B, but I can't quite recall it now) whose rising Giles was expecting at the beginning? Had the Initiative really foiled him before Giles, Xander, and Willow got there? Or was it a false alarm?

It seems certain now that the Initiative has no connection to the Council, given its more high-tech m.o. Which, as I said before, raises the question of just what the Council *is* doing at present, with no Slayers handy (thanks to Faith still being in that coma rather than dead, last time we heard). Incidentally, the "314" gives me a bit of a chill that I doubt that Whedon and the others had intended; it happens to be my area code number in St. Louis.

Giles' response to becoming a demon, his interaction with Spike, and that bit where he decides to get a bit of his own back at Walsh were all nicely done, as was Ethan Rayne's return - now that was certainly a big surprise for me, that last one. All in all, the series is going along nicely.

ANGEL: I agree with Sevarius Jr. that it seems a bit odd for Cordelia to just sleep with that guy, but the episode did have some good parts - we get to see Denis again (well, maybe "see" isn't the best word here:), and Wesley's getting to be more fun (I particularly LOL at the bit where he inadvertently gets his axe wedged into the wall).


Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 07:22:16 AM

*Warpmind walks in, grinning.*
A fine summary of Hamlet, for people who hate books:
Prince Hamlet thought uncle a traitor,
For getting it off with his Mater.
Revenge dad or not?
Was the gist of the plot,
And he did, nine soliloquies later.
My English teacher served this one today. I liked it.

*Warpmind heads over to chibi-Anton with a small vial and exchanges a few words. Chibi-Anton heads into a small room where a laboratory can be seen.*

Gside: Actually, if you take a look at the following Jacke Chan movies: Project A, Thunderbolt, City Hunter. There ARE clear variations there; all great movies, he is an incredibly talented commedian; his Kung Fu skills are actually pretty much secondary to his humor.

Gunjack Valentine: It seems one of the male chibis here has had a bit of fun with MY chibi. And I intend to find out before I have another chibi in my household. I suspect chibi Brooklyn or chibi Talon, but I'm not sure...

Green Baron: Yeah, I thought I recalled reading something about your cat being a ULC reverend. Those doctorates are a bit high up for me, financially speaking, right now. Besides, I gotta check up on Norwegian laws a bit more before I start wedding people. ;) Gotta make 100% certain the Norwegian church cooperates with the ULC, you know. :) Oh, and I hope you're wearing more than just your tie. ;)

Wilek: Unfortunately, in Braindead/Dead Alive, the minister was already a zombie in the lawnmower sequence... remember? As for the smoking bit... well, I guess I'll be leaving the cigars in the case while I'm there, then. Well, unless I start misusing them - Clinton style - instead, that is. Oh, and thaks for the ocarina link. No pun intended. As for the floppies... heck, I USE them on a near-daily basis! I go to school in the evening, download stuff like a maniac, slam it onto floppies, go home, and copy to my own PC. Then I look at what I downloaded and usually delete it afterwards. Unless it's a really interesting game, a good story (or in a Gargoyles Fanseries I'm following, of course), or some nice po... ehum, never mind...

SJ: Dude, Scream 3 will be a Must See. Does the term "Mystery Science Theater" mean anything? The movie's gonna suck, but the comments from the audience... oh, I can hardly wait...

Jannie: Furby Hookers... right. *Warpmind looks over his shoulder.* Oh, boy, someone was looking at the page from behind me, and wrote down the addy... what a sicko. He's in for a letdown, alright...

Well, gotta wander.

Catch y'all later, friends.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 06:44:14 AM

Fleur I sent you an email before but it got returned,I've just sent a test email,can you let me know if it gets through?
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 06:19:45 AM

**AN RP**
And what has Fleur been doing while our heros are kicking groupie and bad-actor/singer butt, I hear you ask. (ok, so you weren't asking, but let's pretend you were:)) Let's go see...
An exhausted looking Fleur looks up as the 'red alert' alarm goes off all over the Avatar. She's standing in one of the ship's laboratories, and judging by the mess of test tubes, papers and centrifuges, she's been there a while, and been very busy. Rubbing her temples, she ignores the alarm with effort, obviously concerned, and looks into the microscope in front of her. Carefully, she uses a syringe to remove a drop of liquid from a tiny jar and drops it onto the slide on the microscope. After a few minutes of concentrated study, she takes a deep breath and nods to herself. Standing, she puts the tiny jar in a small, well padded bag which she hangs around her neck, pulling the medallion in front of it. Into the pocket closest to her left hand, she puts another vial, larger than the first, but still only slightly larger than her hand.
Finally, she picks up her sword and blade and leaves the laboratory, heading towards the battle.
**END RP**

Hi all!
*walks in wearing a chef's hat and an apron, followed by several guys pushing a barbeque, which they set up*

In the grand Australia Day tradition, I invite you all to a BBQ! Enjoy! Even if you don't feel like food, please raise a toast to Matt, the hit-run victim (we didn't go to school together, but I knew him slightly through mutual friends), who has REGAIN CONCIOUSNESS!! :D Thank you all so very much for your support and kind words, they really helped.

I'm afraid I missed this, but what's a chibi and how can I get one? :)

Lady Mystic> I like that idea of a web-stie, it's wonderful.

Welcome back GB!

Gside> >Could be at the request of the family. The university wouldn't tell us about the student who landed ~50 feet away from my room until the parents were contacted and allowed it. < Ah, maybe that's it. (I had to find out who it was from friends) But you know what? The papers have forgotten both him, and another guy who was hit that night - it's like, hey, they didn't die, who cares?

Skippy> >Sadosadomasochisticnecrobeastiality< Well, I'm definately not singing 'Tie my kangaroo down, sport' now. (WHICH HAS _NOTHING_ TO DO WITH WHAT YOUR SONG WAS ABOUT!!! errrgh, my sense of humor has just taken me down a dark and terrible path. :) )

Joe>>Sometimes I find it comforting to turn otu the lights put on some music and lie down on your bed.(In my case, it would be some Radiohead with me looking up at my glow in the dark stars)< That's pretty much what I did, only I had a really long bath beforehand. Worked wonders.

SOROW> *hugs* I'm sorry to hear you won't be going to Austria. Hopefully, there will other opportunities.

Wilek> >Ack...I have such issues with needles that I'd have to be anesthetized (or perhaps euthanized; a halfway decent necromancer can always reverse that) before any kind of bloodwork... < *points to arm* I proud to say I got through this without passing out. like you, I just cannot _stand_ needles. :)

Xanathar> >You mean insanity has a LIMIT!?! :o (J/K)< I don't know, but if anyone will find it, it'll be us! :)

Welcome Bengali and Revel!

Jannie> hooker furbies *keeps a straight face for 2 seconds, before collapsing with laughter* Now I've seen everything!!

Christine>>And there is an ugly trend happening here -- first it was the form rejection letter, which while generic at least included a few encouraging lies like "while your submission was worthwhile and appreciated" etc. Then it was the rejection _slip_, a half or a third of a sheet of paper which maybe had one encouraging lie. Today, I got an eensy 2-inch by 1-inch piece of paper with one line on it and the agency's name. What next? Rejection fortune cookies? Grrrr!< That's disgusting! Man, I admire your self-control. I'd have done something I'd have regretted by now.


"Luck!" Fleur hears Jaden screaming as she runs in, "Unbelievable, stupid, blasted LUCK!!!"
"What is?" she asks, slashing at a groupie. "Lord, what demon was evil enough to dredged _these_ things up?"
"Er, nothing," Jaden replies after a slight hesitation, then narrows his eyes, "Where the hell have you been?"
Briefly, Fleur touches the pouch hanging from her next. "I've been busy."
"Doing what?"
"Making a last resort."

**END RP**

Fleur - []
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 05:50:09 AM

*Xanathar walks into the CR carrying an extremly large Fruit cannon*Anybody see any Clowns or Mimes try to hideout in here?(Don't ask :) )

Fire Storm re Basket ball in SS2:<<Actually, I have. I never picked it up. Maybe I'll try it again...>>Where is it hidden?


Jannie:<<Just when you think you've seen it all.... Hooker Furbies. Yes, you read it correctly - click on my name ;p>>EEEWWWW!!!:(

Wilek:<<I know the basketball exists; summon_obj will create one, but I've never seen a basketball hoop anywhere...>>There's a basket ball court on the Recreation deck in the full game,thats where your supposed to use the ball.<<:O <baffs self> And here I've been wasting psi energy on psi alarm deactivation... O_o Thanks for that; now I won't have to use psi_full so much...>>Hey,no problem bud!:)<<Heh...I've developed an interesting strategy for attending to cameras: When you hear one in the vicinity, activate psi invisibility, get right under the camera, and use your shotgun on it. It'll deactivate the invisibility, but with the camera gone it won't matter. >:)>>leaning around a corner and shooting it out when it's not looking at you always works for me:)

SOROW:You are indeed having some bad luck:(*HUG*

Spacebabie:Welcome back Spacebabie,I've been wondering where you were(For that matter,anybody heard from Pistoff since last week?)


*Xanathar continues his Clown/Mime hunt*:)

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 05:34:57 AM

*Bengali enters*

Schooling-If I'm ever foolish enough to have kids I would probably send them to private school. With all the violence in public schools nowadays I wouldnt feel right unless I sent them to a really good private school in a good neighborhood. I would make sure that the teacher/teachers the kid had were reasonably fair and had a good deal of patience when dealing with kids and that there was nobody in the kids classes that was nuts. When I was in third grade there was a really violent kid in my class called Brandon who tried to kill my friend Ashley by trying to break her neck. She was half his size and he would succeeded if I hadnt attacked him. Nobody but me was there when he tried it so almost nothing happened in respose to the incident, his parents refused to believe that he would do such a thing but Ashleys parents and my mother tried to do something about it but nobody on the school board or from the police station would do anything about it or believe them. I and Ashley kept away from him as often as possible after that. I guess the schools aint what they used to be thirty years ago.

*Sighs sadly and leaves room*

Bengali - []
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 04:04:03 AM

**Gside enter wearing a party hat; when he is fully inside, he blows a noisemaker**

Wilek> <<(?...)>>: I've got it too, but it's kind of pointless on an ethernet.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
New Brunswick, NJ
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 12:17:28 AM

**SJ lines up every single "meteorologist" and weatherperson in the D.C. metro are against the wall of the CR. They're bound and gagged, but not blindfolded.**

Well, once again, the weather team for the D.C. area royally screwed up. And it was a big one today. First off, the morons here predicted snow for Sunday morning--a 1 to 3 inch "dusting". Didn't happen. Then they predicted heavy snow on Wensday night going into Thursday. Yesterday afternoon, they called that off--said we'd get flurries at most. I look out my window today to about 10 inches of snow. TEN F***IN INCHES. Of course, they did predict the heavy snowfall--at 11:00 p.m. last night. Reeeeeeal helpful when the stuff is supposed to start at 4 a.m. Great, weather team, thanks for the big warning!

If that didn't top thinks off, the goddamn transformer for my street blew tonight. I was sitting in the dark at seven o'clock screaming at the power company to get their asses out here.....At least things were back on in time to watch Angel...but not Buffy. So....

**SJ brings in the firing squad. "No blindfolds for them. They deserve to see it coming. Ready! Aim! Fire!!!" Numerous gunshots are heard, and the CR runs red

Comic book movies: I'm convinced that they'll never work. The only ones, IMO, that really honestly work are the ones that aren't as easily labeled as typically comic-book like. Take the first Batman movie--the Joker was more mob boss than demented serial killer, and Batman was pretty believable. Blade wasn't typically comic-book like, except for the rapid kung fu fighting and the fact that Snipes could jump like, 18 feet without a running start.
Or maybe it's just that Hollywood doesn't know how to make a good comic book movie. A few exceptions exist.....Batman (the first one) was great, Blade was cool, and I'll always have a soft spot for Superman 2 ("Kneel before Zodd!"). But for every Batman, we get a Spawn. And in my book, Spawn is perhaps one of the worst movies I've EVER seen. I've seen zero-budget grade B films that were 10 times better than that piece of crap.

Skippy: Elias Koteas would make a rather good Wolverine. And best of all, he's actually Canadian!

Milla Jovovich: What is the obsession with her. Sure, she was cute in the Fifth Element. But she looked like a 12 year old boy in "The Messenger". And....well, my image of her is forever tainted cause I saw this magazine cover she did a few months back. She looked really, *really* strung, but worst of all....she had a garden growing in her pits. It made me retch, honest. I don't care how beautiful a woman is, it is *NOT* attractive under any stretch of the imagination to have a forest in your armpit.

The Scream trilogy: My opinion? Beating a dead horse must be a popular hobby in Hollywood, cause they should have stopped with the first one. It was fun; you have a slasher movie about kids who know all about slasher movies. It was witty, it was well-acted, it was entertaining. The sequel was horrid, with a horrible plot and the most nonshocking "Shocking finale" I've ever seen. Then came the copycat films, such as the classic I Know You Like Looking At Jennifer Love Hewitt's Breasts, and the stellar sequel I Still Know You Like Looking At Jennifer Love Hewitt's Breasts, in which the aforementioned actress risks life and limb against the Gordon's Fisherman. The third Scream movie? It'll suck. Don't waste your time.

Schooling: Didn't we already have this discussion? Good points for both public and homeschooling. I still say there's something fundamentally wrong with a society when school is something that's supposed to teach you how to "survive" not necessarily in a vocational sense, but in a cutthroat sense. I've had friends who where homeschooled. Yeah, they weren't as social as the public schoolers. They were a hell of a lot nicer people though. I'm sorry, I don't have much respect for the public school system. I did my time there, and I'm doing time in a "secular" college, and frankly, the only survival tips I've learned so far is where to find the best pot and how to cure a hangover from those all night frat parties.
All I can say is, if I did send my kid to a public school, it wouldn't be in *this* area. I know a lot of public schools where they'll shoot you for wearing the wrong color. Or being the wrong color. I'd rather work the overtime and stick my child in some snobbish private school, where at least they'll get a reasonably good education and at least I won't have to worry if they get shot or not.

Of course, that doesn't always work. At a local private school in my area, they just caught a guy. He was posing as a student, as--get this--Stephen Spielberg's nephew. He fooled them for 2 years into thinking he was teenage kid. Didn't pay them, even parked in the principle's parking space. Then a few weeks ago, they happened to call Spielberg's people and find out that he doesn't have a nephew, at least not one in the D.C./VA area. Yeah, definitely turns out that the "nephew" in question was really 27 year old. And yeah, he definitely had loads of gay kiddie porn in his house.
Come to think of it....I may not ever have kids. I'd probably just have to spend all my time just trying to keep them alive.

Didn't get to see Buffy cause the fraggin' power was off, but hopefully I'll get a tape from a friend. Angel, however, was pretty decent. Cordy gets impregnated, literally, with the demon seed. Some things I didn't like about this episode, though:
1. Cordy's willingness to, and let's be blunt, screw a guy she barely knows. Cordy is many things, but for some reason I can't picture her being "easy". It didn't jive with me...that didn't really seem like her character. I suppose she was just lonely after Doyle.
2.Cordy drinking blood was nauseating.
3. I'm not sure which underlying theme the writer was getting at--if it was an episode designed to show the perils of casual sex, or whether it was some sort of abortion message.
Things I did like about the episode:
1. There's tremendous chemistry between all of the main leads. Even Wesley....the group gels together, from humor to tender moments. And we get to see that they've grown and bonded together in the short course of a few episodes.
2. The looks on those poor schmucks faces when Angel got up after being shot. They probably threw their undies away, cause I'm quite sure that after that they were no longer suitable to be worn ;)
3. Even pregnant, Cordy was still radiant! ;p
Overall, a pretty good episode. Not the best of the series, but still pretty strong.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Wednesday, January 26, 2000 12:04:31 AM

Sorry I havent been around lately...although I did lurk.

Chibi FF7 and FF8 characters? I have a ChibiSquall playing with Chibi Deliah right now.

I'm adjusting to my classes the most work is from my Theory's of lit class,were discussing Wordsworth in my Britlit and started on Old English in my Linguistics class. All I can say is that I'm learning and I'm happy
************************Buffy and Angel Spoilers************
Buffy>Very interesting and very cool ep, I like how the reliationship between Buffy and Riley is progressing. Xander sleeps late and is teaching Anya manners.
Appears Giles has two enemies....Rayne and Proffesor Walsh. i also though he maed an intersting Demon and him having spike help,of course Spike is always cool.
Angel,Yay we dot to see Denis again...this time he was taking care of Cordy. Poor girl she's back into the dating scene and afterthe first one she get's preggners with Septuplets I believe these would kick the Mcoy septulet's arses...freaky near the end where she was controlleed by them at first I thought it was maternal instinct...all in all both great eps.
************************End Spoilers************************
Hard to belive but in the more northern parts of Florida it will drop below freezing! and the wind chill factor will be in the teens
Well that's all I have to say... but I'll be on more often.

Spacebabie - [LadyAndromeda@smstars.zzn]
Orlando, Fl, U.S.A
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 11:43:23 PM

Warpmind> <<I am rapidly becoming the minister from the movie Braindead/Dead Alive (Title depends on location; same movie, just different title in different places of the world), and I apparently have a grim future...>> At least you'll get to chop up zombies with a lawnmower. ^_^ $<<Are there smoking regulations on board the Avatar?>> Ooh...complex question. Short answer: I don't have a clue. Long answer: Well...smoking is kind of unwise in an enclosed environment, although the Avatar has numerous air filtration and recycling thingies. There are a lot of areas with very sensitive electronic equipment, or things that are likely to blow up if exposed to flame, and of course most of the staff is non-human and might react very badly to cigarette smoke (especially the aquatic races, like the Calamari, the Quarren, and the security chief Lt. Jespe)...and it's so toxic (DDT, phenol, radioactive elements, and I think arsenic, among many others) that it just might set off the biohazard alarms...Considering the number of unknown variables, it's probably more trouble than it's worth...$ <<I just realized something: I want an ocarina. Magical capabilities is a plus, but not a requirement. ;)>> They sell them--including a very close replica of the Ocarina Of Time itself--at :) They're not magical, not that I know of, but any self-respecting mage can attend to that. ^_^ <<I do, however, have an obscene amount of floppies...>> You too? :) I have about ten thousand blank ones lying around, although I haven't used them in years, owing mostly to the fact that I've lost the labels...

Xanathar> <<Have you found the hidden basket ball thats supposed to be in SS2(I haven't had any luck),because if you throw the ball into the basket ball hoop in the recreation deck it's supposed to activate a hidden "Easter egg"(So I've heard)>> I know the basketball exists; summon_obj will create one, but I've never seen a basketball hoop anywhere...<<I don't know weather you knew this or not butthe alarm can be deactivated by simply running up to a security control console and pressing it).>> :O <baffs self> And here I've been wasting psi energy on psi alarm deactivation... O_o Thanks for that; now I won't have to use psi_full so much... <<Was any of this helpful?>> Quite, actually...I knew about the color changes, but I always thought the ticking sounds were ambient noise; thanks for clearing that up. :) Heh...I've developed an interesting strategy for attending to cameras: When you hear one in the vicinity, activate psi invisibility, get right under the camera, and use your shotgun on it. It'll deactivate the invisibility, but with the camera gone it won't matter. >:)

Gside> <<GoZilla!>> Yup. :) (?...)

SOROW> <<the next day everything fell apart. Out of the five of us girls who were going, two suddenly decided they didn't want to go cause they would be graduating and trying to get into colleges. Another girl's parents simply said she wasn't going and then she didn't want to at all. She's really difficult. So until last night, it was just me and another girl who still wanted to go, but she's been stressed lately and doesn't want to work for the money. And then we suddenly found out that even though we were all invited to go on the trip, there is still an audition we have to go through.>> ACK!!! O_O It sounded like everything conspired to keep you away from Austria...that has to be among the worst runs of luck I've ever witnessed...

Revel> Welcome! :D Deposit your sanity with the room's administrator Simon, please, and do be careful of the mutated plantlife...

Aaron> <<I've seen the "seizures" episode of Pokemon, and I'm still okay.>> It only affects a certain portion of the population, with a condition called, I believe, photosensitive epilepsy; certain patterns of movement and light can cause seizures in photosensitive epileptics. But the X-wing thingie probably also had a lot to do with it...

Jannie> Hooker Furbies> <seizure> world coming to an flashing before eyes...getting dark...Rosebud...<urk>

Christine> <<first it was the form rejection letter, which while generic at least included a few encouraging lies like "while your submission was worthwhile and appreciated" etc. Then it was the rejection _slip_, a half or a third of a sheet of paper which maybe had one encouraging lie. Today, I got an eensy 2-inch by 1-inch piece of paper with one line on it and the agency's name.>> What the...?! O_o I knew these publishers were stupid, but *eesh*...I wonder when you'll start getting rejection microfilm from these idiots. :P

Wilek Nereus
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 11:19:38 PM

Just skimmed stuff ... things have been strange here ... tons of e-mail to catch up on. Sorry if I miss anything!

David G. > looks like the revised chapter arrived, thanks!

Damien > Part Three is now begun; I anticipate having it finished and posted in a week and a half or so.

Auction > I am amazed and very, very flattered at how it's going! Thank you, all, for boosting my ego (uh-oh) and proving Tim wrong! ; )

Book news > the deluge of rejections begins anew ... got the first one from the next crop of queried agents today. And there is an ugly trend happening here -- first it was the form rejection letter, which while generic at least included a few encouraging lies like "while your submission was worthwhile and appreciated" etc. Then it was the rejection _slip_, a half or a third of a sheet of paper which maybe had one encouraging lie. Today, I got an eensy 2-inch by 1-inch piece of paper with one line on it and the agency's name. What next? Rejection fortune cookies? Grrrr!

Christine - []
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 11:07:07 PM

Just when you think you've seen it all.... Hooker Furbies. Yes, you read it correctly - click on my name ;p
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 10:52:23 PM

Here's a joke I picked up recently. Maybe it will make up for that Sado-sodo thingy....

Dixon Hill looked around the penthouse apartment. This was a place he could grow accustomed to to living in. Obviously, Kim Lee, the Chinese importer, had expensive tastes. Even the paintings seemed to be the genuine articles.
Donald Williams, the corroner, stepped out of the bedroom, took one look at Dixon, and walked over to him.
"I wouldn't go in there if I were you, Dixon. It's not a pretty site."
"I've seen my share of what man can inflict on his fellow man. Nothing in there I haven't seen before."
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
I walked into the bedroom, and even with the warning, I was not prepared for the carnage that assalted my eyes and sences. Blood was everywhere, as were pieces of what was once human. Intestines were hanging from the walls, like some nightmarish yuletide decorations, and pieces of human bodyparts were arranged like some mad form of art. Whoever had done this had not acted in a fit of passion, but must have taken considerable time and pleasure to do his job.
"Kim Lee's wife. Quite a looker, well, was anyway." Don looked at his notes "Her name was Sara, quite active in the community, well liked by everyone...Mr. Lee found her when he came home. The neighbors heard his screams and called us. He was still standing in the doorway screaming when we broke in here. He's at the hospital in a state of shock."
Even with the scene in front of me, the irony of the situation did not excape me.
Somebody didn't like Sara Lee.

Skippy The Klingon
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 10:45:52 PM

Jenna: <Does anyone know where I can get some info on the designs for mars colonies that Nasa or others are coming up with?>
Well, officially, NASA is the only group with any plans at all of going to Mars. Their plans range from everything from blow-up tents (I kid thee not) to living out of a little lander.
I make it my goal to know as much about the colonization of Mars as I possibly can. If you have any questions, I can try to answer them.
Also, is the official NASA Mars site if you want to go there.
Personally, I do not see NASA or any other government going to Mars before 2100. Funding for NASA is getting less and less every year, and a trip to Mars would cost the US tax payers probaly over $10 billion (I think that NASA's current yearly budget is under $50 billion. That may sound like alot of money, but remember that each shuttle launch costs roughly $1-2 billion each, plus $100 million a day. I may be wrong, though.). America may want to go to Mars, but not that much.
So whatever NASA says about going to Mars, take it with a grain of salt. Remember: 30 years ago they said that by now we were going to have moon colonys.
I don't see the US space program going any farther in the next 30 years then it has in the past 30. Maybe a small lunar colony, but I seriously doubt it.
Hell, it will be a miracle if they actually get the International Space Station built before 2010 (note: it is supposed to be done by 2007.)

Gside: I know I was not fortunate to find either of those delis. When I was at G98 I tried to stay as close to the hotel as I could. That left me with either room service (Didn't try), McDonalds (daily) or the sub/sandwich place across the other street (they DID make a good roast beef, though.)

Buffy: Well, we all (Me, LM and her family) watched Buffy and Angel, and I must say the the writers of Buffy are really starting to have more fun! I mean, look at how Spike is!

Revel: Did you post in here about a month ago as "Sam"?

RW: < there any way i can see all the pictures that are on the image thing....>
Yes. There is.
Right now there is a question in the CR of wether everyone wants to see the pages that hold that information, or if they want to wait to the updated CR comes out.
RW = Raptor Woman?

Fire Storm - []
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 10:43:05 PM
IP: there any way i can see all the pictures that are on the image thing....
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 10:26:42 PM

Here's a thought for everyone who is in an art class or has ever been in one.
My TA (teaching assistant) for my drawing class tells everyone at the end of our studio session that for Thursday our homework is to "do anything" Not draw anything, not bring anything, but do anything. What do you think he means? Just for the heck of it and because I can I think I'll bring this giant chunk of a blown out tire I have sitting on my dorm room floor.
[just in case you think I'm wierd I used a piece for a design project, not because I just like having tires in my room.]
Revel - []
Denton , TX
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 10:02:52 PM

*Chibi-Otto looks up at Warped and gulps*
*Chibi-Purgie continues to clean the fire extinguisher foam off of her and the basket, mumbling some very unlady like vocabulary*

*Jan chuckles* hehehe serves you two right! ;p

Aaron> *nods* but at least the Rockets had back to back Championships along with the World Championship :) "New stadium" are very dirty words right now in Houston.

GB> heh, I like you philosophy of child-rearing ;D

Jenna and the other who commented on not learning survival skills while in public school. You learned them, you just didn't realize that you have :) As someone else stated, you learned to socialize, to survive and interreact with peers - good and bad. You have a higher level of responsibility when you are left to your own (for the most part) of completing assignments and doing independent work. Home schooling also teaches that, but it's a world of difference between being one of 25 in a classroom -vs- one on one with a parent.
Public schools are far from perfect. Personally, I had a great time in public school... much more than if I had been under the never-blinking eye of my mother. But I do understand, hear and see what goes on among the students. I hear about the high school from my son and other moms of high school students. As far as the academics though - I have no complaint :)
Home schooling does have it's advantages. I've always said that.... however, I've also said that I see the kids that come from home-schooled environment and are expected to repair and cure immediately. These kids are the most immature among their peers, as well as academically behind. Home-schooling is a huge responsibility for a parent to take on and requires total dedication and knowledge of what they are doing. If *anyone* could teach - it wouldn't require a teaching degree from college ;) Most moms know basic first aid too - doesn't make them doctors. Re-enforce what is taught at school, help your child with their homework and read to them during their young years.
*school bell rings and Ms. Miller removes her reading glasses, closes the lesson plan book and goes home* ;D

Tuesday, January 25, 2000 07:18:28 PM

Fire Storm> Corned beef: I do not believe that the Stage Deli (or Carnegie Deli) was out of corned beef. You probably didn't check the right places, but you are forgiven as you did make the effort. :)

Green Baron> <<investing at early ages>>: What is it, $2000 a year starting at 18 to get a million by 40?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
New Brunswick, NJ
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 07:08:29 PM

Another fiction division where people take their time about dying alongside Shakespeare is opera, at least, according to tradition. (There's a great scene in Terry Pratchett's "Maskerade" where the opera-hating villain, after getting mortally wounded, manages to delay his death long enough to list everything he hates about operas in one big speech, and concludes it with "And the thing that I hate most about operas is that everybody takes too long to die!", after which he finally breathes his last).
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 06:48:53 PM

X-Men photos> YE GODS AND LITTLE COD FISHES!!! Just from the way things look they went the absolutely wrong route with the characters...

So, anyone remeber the Generation X telefilm Fox did a few years back? I'm getting the exact same vibe from this movie as I did from the Gen X feature....

Personally, if anyone would have been cast as Wolverine the only one I could think of is Elias Koateas (sp?) the guy who played Casey Jones in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie, I could see him pulling a can of Logan style whoop@$$! out on some bad guys...

Patrick Stewart as the Prof, while he looks good in the role I wonder how he is written. As long as his character is slightly better written than his character in Dune was we'll be ok...
Skippy The Klingon
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 06:40:34 PM

Jenna> You might find something useful at
That's the address for the Mars Milennium Project. It's mostly aimed at school kids, but who knows?

Another option is to check out your local libraries and see if any of them are government document dipository libraries. If so, there will probably be documents from NASA. I catalog documents for the Arlington Public Library, and I vaguely remember seeing some stuff about Mars in the last few months.
David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 05:45:44 PM

Does anyone know where I can get some info on the designs for mars colonies that Nasa or others are coming up with? I need back ground reseach for a story- any help would be appreciated. I've done some searches myself, and have come up with little info.

jenna - []
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 05:30:00 PM

Aaron wanders in, checking his Nova, which seems to have become a chibi hangout.

Well, as long as someone's getting some use out of it.

Coyote> Does Smith & Wesson make .45 semi-autos? I always assumed that Elisa's gun was a 9mm since it was slim and black, and police duty weapons have moved from being .38 specials to 9mms.

Jannie> Well, the Rockets lease on the Compaq Center is almost up, and I doubt the city is going to give them a new home without a championship. Maybe the Comets should ask for a new arena instead. They, after all, are the three-time defending champions.

SJ> No, actually the only reason I know J:THM is because Drew Hayes the writer/artist of Poison Elves has recommended it a couple of times. And they're supposed to be doing a Blade sequel.

Wilek> Much as I'd like to blame DC for my car, this's mechanical, and DC is electrical, so I guess we kill Mel instead. And I've seen the "seizures" episode of Pokemon, and I'm still okay. I'm still more inclined to believe that it's not being shown in the US because George Lucas would want a word about that giant hypodermic needle with the X-wing s-foils then any risk of seizures.


As Aaron leaves, a small figure in a hooded cloak sets up shop in the rafters of the CR, waiting for the right moment.

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 05:00:15 PM

Honestly people, think about the fairly recent line of movies based on comics. They have all been pretty lame with the exception of a few attributes. Spawn had great special effects, but the story was lacking. Wing Commander, though based on a game, was so disappointing I'll just end it right there. In fact I think Blade was the only one that was cool. Even with Patrick Stewart as Xavier if everything else sucks you can pretty much assume the whole thing will.
[This is of course my personal opinion and in the light of the world means jack but hey, what the hell right?]
Note: I saw "The Silver Falcon" on last Sunday and someone said they were editing out all the gunshots? Didn't look that way to me (not that I'm really complaining.)
revel - []
denton, tx
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 04:47:44 PM

I read the last two weeks worth of posts in abit fo blur since I was tired and most comment stuff was alreayd resolved. I have a few thoughts on Elian, most of them a sharp contrast to Skippy, but that ship has sailed, so I'll leave them at that.

Doug or Kit> $What has gone on with Love and the Dirty Laundry Gang?$

Bronx> ::hugs and kisses:: It's good to be back.

Xenat Trek> Snugglings and kisses to you, too. ::Attila arrives in a truck and picks up Xena Trek and GB in the forklift and deposits them into Attila's suite::

Warpmind> The Reverend Attila is also a Minsiter of the Universal Life Church. I think you can get a doctorate for $75.00

Thanks for all the WBs.

Welcome to this crazy room, Bengali.

Child-rearing> I like the idea of homeschooling. However I also want a wife with a professional degree-required job, along with myself. As for public school, I went to Catholic school all my life, because of how bad public schools are in New Orleans. In fact, New Olreans Catholic schools probably have the highest percentage of non-Catholic students than any other city, because Catholic school is so mainstream here.

I would like tos end my kids to a decent public school, because I'd already be paying for it with my tax dollars and if homeschooling would interfer with the two person high range income ideal, I coudl just make it a point to teach my kids some subjects at hoem like Latin after work and school.

As for daycare, I'd rather have the child at hoem with a nanny or a sucker grandmother until they're odler when they could be useful as little peons at work and run minor duties, plus I want my kids to get jobs asap so they can be prepared for the workforce and learn all about investing at early ages, and start up their IRAs at 15 or younger :)

Aaron> My mom runs the show, too, and not from her desire. Now, that upbringing gives me a fear of motehr and a hatred for father. I want my sons to fear their mother, but I hope they won't hate me.

SJ> I saw something funny: It was a mountain called Mt. Salvemore with face sculptures of Marx, Gorbachev, Castro, and Hillary Clinton :)

SOROW> What hapened?

Now, I'm off. I have a fraternity event tonight and I'm wearing my Attila the Hun tie :)

Green Baron - []
New Orleans, Louisiana
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 04:46:11 PM

Xanathar: <Have you found the hidden basket ball thats supposed to be in SS2>
Actually, I have. I never picked it up. Maybe I'll try it again...

Wilek: <and both are giving me mental images that I'm sure will show up in my nightmares... >
Plesant Dreams!

I *SO* wanted a Corned Beef when I was in New York. BUT the places I went to were out of corned beef. :(

Fire Storm - []
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 04:44:07 PM

Hello everyone. My server was down last night and I couldn't get in. I see Joe told you all about me not going to Austria this sumer anymore. *sigh* Well, one day everything was perfect and then the next day everything fell apart. Out of the five of us girls who were going, two suddenly decided they didn't want to go cause they would be graduating and trying to get into colleges. Another girl's parents simply said she wasn't going and then she didn't want to at all. She's really difficult. So until last night, it was just me and another girl who still wanted to go, but she's been stressed lately and doesn't want to work for the money. And then we suddenly found out that even though we were all invited to go on the trip, there is still an audition we have to go through. That drew the line! If we were invited to do this, I just don't think it's right to have girls try out and then get cut after they make a non-refundable down payment of $100! It's just not worth it. There will be other times and it will all be okay. :I Sorry Gunjack, I won't be able to bring you any Leederhosen. I tried.

Joe> I can always talk to you!

Tuesday, January 25, 2000 04:28:16 PM

*Bengali enters*

Xanathar/Warpmind>thanks for the welcomes!

*Spoilers ahead*

X-men>Huh?, please tell me that they are joking, I mean, those are probably the worst people they could have chosen to play those parts. The costumes are some of the worst I've seen in quite some time. Storm does not look ANYTHING like the Storm from the comics or even the cartoon. Wolverine is a total mess and Jean doesnt even have red hair. We can only hope that the same thing doesnt happen to Gargoyles.

*End spoilers*


Bengali - []
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 02:19:51 PM

Oooo, the pain... I screwed my neck over yesterday, and I now have the mother, father, and evil godfairy of all cramps whacking me whenever I use my neck muscles... Like to yawn...:P

Warpmind - I meant to ask you this yesterday, but what the *HECK* is this about your chibi? I'm almost sure I missed something...

Gunjack Valentine - []
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 01:55:48 PM

David> quick post while I'm home for lunch. I will make sure that Den sees the message from you. Are you using his new email addresses?

Will comment on homeschooling and survival skills taught later. Didn't think I'd let this topic pass without comment, did ya? *winks and chuckles*

Tuesday, January 25, 2000 01:53:41 PM

regarding homeshool-- one of the arguements against it that I have heard is that public schools teaches survival skills for work-- having had lots of schooling (the instutional) and having gone into the work force for the first time in the past 4 years- let me say, work is nothing like school-- thye are two very diffrent animals. What increases "survial skills for the work force" is having a job- not school. My hubby left highschool to work, and he had a much better time adapting, because the work enviornment was diffrent. I think if parents don't want to shelter their kids, they should let them start working as teenagers- that helps more than any thing else.
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 12:28:37 PM

Rutgers has canceled classes today! This is the third time this year and about the third time since the 70s.

Joe Boxer> NY: When you get there GO TO THE STAGE DELI, GET A CORNED BEEF ON RYE. This is the most important thing you can do in New York. Although some people say pasrtami, I say go for it a couple days later when you can eat again. (Oh, so good...)

Wilek> GoZilla!

Warpmind> Ocarina: I always wanted to learn bagpipes, but the saroussaphone looks interesting.

Mr. Jensen> Henry *: !$@# Roman Numerals. I knew that, no, really I did, c'mon, listen to me, I'm telling you I knew it was 6...
Henry 4's death scene: But he never dies on "camera", I always thought he was waiting to die in the next week or so, not when Hal was talking to him.
Isn't it odd that Both Henry 4s really star Henry 5?
My personal favorite death scene is MacDuff's kid: "He has kill'd me, mother:/Run away, I pray you!"

Warpmind> <<that was how Jackie Chan started out>>: Yes, but does he often change character type? Like from mysterious brooding stranger to pathetic snivelling weakling.
You're welcome for the link. Now check the lawyer quote (2H6 4,2,68).

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
New Brunswcik, NJ
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 12:05:06 PM

Christine> I sent the revised chapter 2 this morning.

Denis> If you see this, I tried to send you chapter 2 twice, and it got bounced. Neither of my accounts will send to your e-mail address.

Jannie> Please route Denis's message to him, since you're more likely to talk to him than I am.

Random bit of trivia> Here's my new e-mail sig-file. It's a quote from St. Augustine that pretty well sums up my mood most of the time:

He who puts on wisdom, puts on grief;
and a heart that understands cuts like rust in the bones.

Bye, ya'll. See ya' later.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 10:52:23 AM

Hey all!

brrrrrrrrr..... well it's really cold outside, the superintendant was finally nice and gave us a snowday! Whohoooo *sees chibi-Bronx and chibi Nudnik making a snowman*

GB> *hugs and kisses* It's good to have you back, missed you!

**Warning, perhaps spoliers to X-men Cast and X-files***
(that's allot of X's)

XFiles> Ok, from what the preview told me, it looked like it was going to be a decent one. Boy was I wrong... this ep was really gross. I was really unhappy with it, the plot was strong, but just the morality of it.. *shudder* Lets hope the next week's will be better.

X-Men Casting- Oh_My_God_ This is TERRIBLE! *Ranted already to her Uncle in CA*
They all look just so plain... especially Wolverine. This looks pretty bad.. Actually I was pretty pleased that Patrick Stewart is going to play Prof. X that's cool. We shall only have to hope for the best *grumbles*

To Be on the lookout> For all who've seen Toy Story 2.. you most likely saw the preview for 102 Dalmations.. interested in spoliers? I got them! drop me a line or two :)

***End spoliers***

Well that's all for now! cya rookery sibs!

Bronx - []
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 10:41:35 AM

Star Trek Deaths > "Oh my."

Scott - []
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 10:38:02 AM

Gunjack: Thanks. And *LOL* It's lots of fun to own a vehicle named after a handgun. (Surprised GM didn't get slammed for name infringement.) Have gotten some pretty shocked looks from GM-ignorant people when I tell them about going to get the Beretta out of the shed ;-)

SERENDIPITY: Spike, I finally see why you were looking for pics of horse-morphs so many months ago. beautifully done, and a great story to go with it.

HOMESCHOOL: Just my tarnished 2 cents here.

As a kid, I would have LOVED to be home-schooled. I hated public school, hated the kids, hated the way I was treated. I would have been MUCH happier to stay on my little northern farm where it's a two-minute drive to the nearest neighbours and I'd go whole weeks without seeing anyone outside the people who lived in the house.

Mind you, the teachers had a hell of a time trying to civilize/socialize me come kindergarten, because I'd met only about five other kids in my LIFE, and suddenly was in a room full of them. Maybe this wouldn't be a problem for homeschool kids who live in a city where they can meet other kids down the street, or at parks, or relatives or something...but for someone in the boondocks it was glaringly evident. I didn't understand the concept of playing WITH other kids until about Grade 2.

I think the bigger factor here is, the world is a nasty place. If you grow up at home and never get a faceful of the worst the world has to offer, how are you going to cope when you go to university or get a job and realize how many mean, petty, backstabbing, cruel people there are out there? The world is full of it, and just coming from me personally, it is mostly in public school where I learned to fight, to watch my back, to never compromise on my beliefs, to be careful who I trust, that just because someone's an adult/in authority doesn't mean they're fair or infallible or going to help you when you need it, that people will slice you up if you give them a chance, that people will attack you for no reason, and basically how the world works. I see a lot of people around my university making foolish mistakes and then wondering why they get hurt/betrayed/etc, when they're doing stuff I learned better than to do in third grade. Better you get exposed to it when it's not going to cost you your job/relationship/etc and learn how to deal with it. Besides, if you're sheltered, then your life will be WORSE at summer camps, other places outside school.

I saw three or four homeschool kids get VERY nasty surprises in high school.

Yeah, I hated public school, hated every minute, but it made me a survivor. Skills I have unfortunately needed ever since.

Tuesday, January 25, 2000 09:40:19 AM

*Warpmind walks in, sighing.*
Okay. THIS time, I won't be interrupted. Certainly.

Skippy: Okay, I'll have to say "Many kinds of thanks" for posting that song. U. G. H.

Fire Storm: Oh, believe me, I know how trmendously annoying it can be to be categorized as "nice", so that is one word I only use on my worst enemies. ;)

Gside: Fight coreographer and stuntman? Um, as I recall it, that was how Jackie Chan started out, too, in Bruce Lee movies...

*Warpmind glances at Kitania's comment about the 13th fic in his series, then does a spontaneous back flip and a victory dance.* Thanks, Kit. Those words really helped boost my self-esteem. You made a rotten day a world, nay, two worlds better.

Movies: Well, from what I've seen here about Wing Commander and X-Men... I think I'd be better off just watching a Schwartzenegger movie.

Gunjack Valentine: Sure, armored car would be preferrable. But, considering what came out of Detroit in the sixties... sure, why not? Some of those old cars were delivered with an inch of steel in the hull. But mark my words: Don't Try It With A Toyota...

By the way, I found an interesting quote about Star Trek... "Old Star Trek actors never die. They just vanish into plotholes."

Gside: Oooo, thanks for the Shakespeare link. Now, I can show off my knowledge of trivia even more than earlier...

Wilek: Ah, I see. Besides, maybe I shouldn't brag too much about file sizes... since I solely (almost) access Internet from the school computer room. Indeed, I don't even have a modem! I do, however, have an obscene amount of floppies...

Now, for some reason, I have the distinct feeling that someone recently complained about being three or four episodes behind on TGSDA... Is that so?

Bengali: I'm sorry I didn't get around to express my welcomings earlier. Too preoccupied, I guess... Anyway, welcome to the looneybin, also known as the TGS CR.

Todd: Well, I guess Shakespearean death scenes set the standard for later Star Trek death scenes, no? ;)

*Warpmind turns toward the door.*
Well, I gotta be going. I've got a chibi at my place waiting; she just slept in. Which reminds me...
*Warpmind glares at some of the male chibis.*
One here has some SERIOUS explanation to do...

Oh, well, I'll be leaving, then, I guess.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 08:39:10 AM

Todd > Re: Shakespeare death scenes

I'm still amazed at how long Hamlet was able to hold on to life after being poisoned. Laertes died pretty much *instantly*. Now that I think about it, Hamlet's *mother* held onto life longer than Laertes!

Scott - []
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 07:48:39 AM

GSIDE - Um, Jack Cade's rebellion was "Henry VI Part Two", not "Henry IV Part Two". "Henry IV Part Two" is the play where Henry IV dies, Prince Hal becomes Henry V, and promptly casts off Falstaff and the others. (It incidently contains one of the longest dying speeches in Shakespeare, Henry IV's one, where although the old king's on his deathbed, he seems to hang on for a very long time to say everything that he thinks needs saying).
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 07:05:50 AM

Hi all!!

Fleur:*Hugs*I'm glad that my email that I sent you,helped cheer you up a bit:)<<LOL! Man, I like that one a whole lot better than _it's_ (too evil to be named) version. :)>>*Snikkers* :)<<*listens in awe to the computer specs* I'm turning green with envy here, my friend. I may have to hate you now. (j/k) :)>>Oh no!!*runs behind DC and uses him as a human shield*(J/K) ;)<<*innocently* Could it _get_ any higher?>>You mean insanity has a LIMIT!?! :o (J/K)

Bengali:I forgot to say this in my post last night but welcome to our hideaway. :)

Lady Mystic:Welcome back!<<And yes, they are the same pics DumlaoX showed us earlier. (What happened to him?) The pics are now presented much differently (in a good way :)).>>Koolies!,those pictures were good :)

Green Baron/Entity/Deuce:Welcome back!

Fire Storm:<<Have you found the hidden basket ball thats supposed to be in SS2(I haven't had any luck),because if you throw the ball into the basket ball hoop in the recreation deck it's supposed to activate a hidden "Easter egg"(So I've heard)

JOE BOXER:Please send my condolences to SOROW for not being able to go on her trip to Austria. :(

Gunjack:<<Personally, I can't blame 'em... I'm a nocturnal type, and left to my own devices, I slow reverse my days and nights; the worst I got was 4:00am every night, and getting up at 1:00pm.:P>>Ooo!,I've done that a few times over the past three weeks,Night times the best time:)

Wilek:<<Hehehe...there are a lot of differences between the demo and the corresponding area of the full game, I've noticed. Mostly the ghosts (creepy, those; one of them scared me into trying to kill it with psi cryokinesis>>Yeah the ghosts are great(First time I saw one I paniced and took a swipe at it with my wrench*D'oh!!*)<<...there's this security camera at the entrance to the medical subsection (I think) in the first level. Anytime I get within 50 feet of the stupid thing, it dumps about three dozen zombies on me. Now, the first two or three gave me proper heart attacks, but then they just got annoying. I disabled respawning (put no_respawn in user.cfg), but it didn't help...<sigh> >>Security cameras are easy to deal with,the trick is to be observant,the cameras make a particular sound depending on the treat level,Example when a camera is in normal mode it will have a green lens eye(But if you can't see it,it makes a ticking sound as it surveys the area,It's a good audio clue that there's one around),when a camera spots you it goes into a yellow warning mode and emits a high pitch beeping noice indicating that its trying to get a lock on you(There's two ways to counter this,first and most obvious destroy the camera before it gets a lock on you and secondly,hide from it's field of view(If you wait for a few seconds the camera will give up an go back to green mode),and finally if a camera goes into red mode it means it's time to panic :)(I don't know weather you knew this or not butthe alarm can be deactivated by simply running up to a security control console and pressing it).
Was any of this helpful?

C'yas' later!!

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 06:50:55 AM

*Warpmind returns.*
Well, the humanoid pest moved, so I'm free to reply further.

Skippy: Oh, so you've reached the stage where you become the butt of a joke? Pun intended. ;) But seriously, that's not a bad thing to be. You know what they say; in circus, nobody is as respected as the clown.

Gside: A Homonecropryobestialiphiliphobiac is most likely very, very, very confused... A homonecropyrobestialiacophobiac, however, is just very, very, very afraid...

Aaron: Of course I refer to the A-10 30mm vulcan cannon. It isn't called "Tank Killer" for nothing, you know... And it wouldn't necessarily blow the car backwards. I believe Cthulhu, for example, would be able to stand still, or possibly even move forward while firing. Ask Pissy for the specs. Oh, and by the way, you're right about the Demona comment.

Oh, well. Interrupted again.

I'll try again later.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 04:54:24 AM

*Warpmind enters, wearing a brown suit, sunglasses, and a small earplug.*
I'd like to share a revelation I've had with you.
*Warpmind shimmers into his regular outfit.*
But seriously, I realized something last night. I am an ordained priest of the ULC. I am into Martial Arts. Thus, I am rapidly becoming the minister from the movie Braindead/Dead Alive (Title depends on location; same movie, just different title in different places of the world), and I apparently have a grim future...

*Warpmind lights a cigar and puffs out a few sweet-smelling smoke clouds.*
Well, I've set up Maggie-chan for an ultrasound... so I guess we'll find out which chibi is the father soon...

By the way... Wilek: Are there smoking regulations on board the Avatar? I just though that of everyone here, the Security Chief ought to know that, and I'd like to know... would be kind of embarassing, lighting up and then get shot for rule violation. ;)

Simon: I gather that you enjoyed the Golden Globe show? Me, I didn't see it. Too busy playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I just realized something: I want an ocarina. Magical capabilities is a plus, but not a requirement. ;) Heh, imagin being late for school, then just playing the appropriate warp song... "And I see Warpmind is ab..." *Soft melody followed by Warpmind materializing.* "Sorry I'm late, teacher." As for Milla Jovovich... well, it kind of goes without saying, no?

Well, I'll finish up this stuff later; annoyance in line by the PC.


Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 04:33:09 AM

****BEGIN SHORT RP!!!****
"Luck!" Jaden screams as he slashes his way through the bad guys. "Unbelievable, stupid, blasted LUCK!!!"
****END RP!!!****

I just had my first class today. Juvenile procedures, it seems like it could be an interesting class if the teacher isn't the kind of person that puts everyone to sleep.

Fleur-That does sound like a bad day, I hope things get better soon. Thanks for the get-well wishes too.

See ya later!

Jaden - []
Los Alamos, CA
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 02:25:16 AM

apologies folks

FireStorm: <newbie> don't worry about it. Noticed I adressed myself as a newbie. As far as being fresh meat or dinner..hummm. I guess it all depends on who's doing the nibbling! LOL

Katara - []
San Diego, CA
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 02:20:57 AM

Warpmind> <<You actually resisted downloading a 100 Mb game? Sissy. There are quite a large number of nice little programs out there for precisely that purpose. Like GetRight, Net Vampire and such, that have the ability to halt a download and resume at a later time... Like the Lucasarts game Dark Forces. 70 Megs, CD-ROM version. Full speech and music. Downloaded over a period of about a week, total.>> Heh...I have a program like that, but it took me about two weeks to download the 50 MB Quake 3 demo. From now on, I try to stay away from anything more than 30 MB or so (if the site isn't GoZilla compatible, I tend to stay away from anything greater than 2MB). O_o' <<I don't think we've Joyrided him yet. His hiney is up for grabs!>> hehehe I'm thinking, electrified sigmoidoscope. >:)

Xanathar> <<Shodan aquires yet another slave >:)>> Hehehe...there are a lot of differences between the demo and the corresponding area of the full game, I've noticed. Mostly the ghosts (creepy, those; one of them scared me into trying to kill it with psi cryokinesis; of course the stupid thing overloaded), and there are a lot of new FMV sequences...haven't gotten very far though...there's this security camera at the entrance to the medical subsection (I think) in the first level. Anytime I get within 50 feet of the stupid thing, it dumps about three dozen zombies on me. Now, the first two or three gave me proper heart attacks, but then they just got annoying. I disabled respawning (put no_respawn in user.cfg), but it didn't help...<sigh> Ah well, it's still a great game...just summon_obj a fusion cannon and unload it in the general direction of the camera (or better, summon_obj a slug turret, hack into it, and have it do the dirty work for me)...hehehe...

Fleur> <<my younger sister's spending a year with my cousins, as an exchange student - she'll be a three hour drive away, and she left yesterday. So I already knew it would be a bad day. Then we find out that one of my brother's friends commited suicide, and then that _somebody_ was involved in a hit and run, and their age group and where they were means there's a good chance I went to school with them.>> ACK! :( <hugZ> That sounds *awful*...I hope the hit and run victim isn't anyone you know. o_o' <<*innocently* Could it _get_ any higher?>> Well, yes, in fact--but too little sanity is as unhealthy as too much; *some* sanity is required to retain coherent speech and complex motor skills. ;) <<I have a blood test tomorrow. Wish me luck peoples.>> Ack...I have such issues with needles that I'd have to be anesthetized (or perhaps euthanized; a halfway decent necromancer can always reverse that) before any kind of bloodwork...

Anne> <<What's everyone's thoughts on the Scream Trilogy?>> Ehh, I prefer my horror more along the lines of The Omen or The Haunting. ^_^ <<or would you like to just pick a chibi out of a movie or some one else's fanfic or a game of some sort?>> Heh...I've been thinking of getting a chibi-Mega Man, a chibi-Vega (Street Fighter 2), and a chibi Edea or Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 8 and 7). >:)

Lady Mystic> Welcome back! ^_^ <<The CR's update rests entirely on Gorebash now. We sent him the updated files a couple of days ago. The html documents we made for TGS are already up on the server. The only problem is that nothing links to these files.>> Ah. Hm...Well, the best things in life are worth waiting for, I suppose. ^_^ Deceased loved ones> Dear have lost so many people... :`(

Simon> <<c'mon, with all the power of Earth, Fire, Air, and Water, you could make those guys into tree-hugging hippies REAL FAST>> Come to think of it, Heart seemed to be a sort of telepathy--wouldn't it be fun to watch some of the more unethical corporate types put the barrels of guns in their mouths and pull the triggers without knowing why? >:)

Green Baron> Welcome back! ^_^

Gside> <<Sure, everyone steals from Tolkien...>> Um...I'm afraid there are slices of toast that are more familiar with Tolkien than I am. ;P

Aaron> <<My Nova spun a rod, and locked up the motor, so now I need a new engine. I am carless for a while, and it appears that my income-tax refund, which I'd hoped to devote to getting to the Gathering, will now have a new use.>> ACK. <eyes DC> Where'd I leave my weed-whacker...

Skippy> Sadosadomasochisticnecrobeastiality lyrics> >_< I'M GONNA HURL...

Gside> <<As in the fear of a man who enjoys putting flaming dead hamsters up his @%#.>> I think I'd fear someone like that. (Of course, I wouldn't fear them for long, since they'd die the first time they did something that stupid...)

Coyote> <<unfortunately what I *didn't* have was a VHS VCR, we were stuck with Beta, so I had to try to play with the jet, shoot at a crummy picture from the broadcasts (which only lasted, IIRC, four episodes), and get kinda bummed because nobody else had any of the toys, so I didn't have too much fun with it ... ah well.>> I was in a similar situation, but I was pretty psyched just to have the things; they're among the kewlest defense technology ever created for a television series. ^_^ <<**The chibi grins, running over to the basket with Chibi-Otto and Chibi-Purgie, emptying the contents of the fire extinguisher on top of the two horny chibis, then runs back over to Rosanna's side**>> If that doesn't work, try liquid nitrogen. >:)

XenaTrek> X-Men pictures> Eh...I don't particularly like or dislike them...of course, my familiarity with X-Men begins and ends with a few episodes of the animated series...

Fire Storm> <<Someone who is afraid of gay people who have sex with burning animals named Philip?>> You forgot the necro part. A homonecropyrobestialiphiliphobiac, assuming the rest of your definition is correct (and I have no idea how to find out) would be either someone who is afraid of gay people who have sex with dead burning animals named Philip or someone who is afraid of dead gay people who have sex with burning animals named Philip (sounds like a punishment in Hell). I'd be terrified of either, and both are giving me mental images that I'm sure will show up in my nightmares...

SJ> <<Courtney Love is the most disgusting woman on the face of this earth.>> I think 'full-on clinical sociopath' is the phrase you're looking for--she once appeared at a Seattle benefit dedicated to stopping violence against women. Backstage at the concert, she started a fight with another woman. Oh, and she took heroin while pregant with her child. Chanted she during the birth: "You will only have one will only have one head..." At the 1995 MTV Music Awards, she burst in on an interview with Madonna, grabbed a mic, took a seat, and started yelling at Madonna for not watching her band perform. Her beautician, Kevyn Aucoin, once admitted that after working with her, he 'cried for like two days'. I think I can understand why.

Gunjack> <<Cool, eh? And that doesn't even scratch the surface of all the stuff that's clicking in the grey matter... I love creative rips! :D>> Heh...I have those, occasionally...I have a couple of really bizarre ones right now (neither of which are Gargs related :/ ) which are actively chewing on my brain tissue that I'm trying to convince my creativity divas not to make me write fics about...<<I used to have the video, and one of the jets... the whole thing was incredibly sweet!>> Heh...I have the jets and the Interlocker, among one or two other thingies. The Interlocker is the kewlest vehicle of the entire set; it's this hovering droid cannon thingie. ^_^ <<The Soaron were the best, but I liked all of the nasties... especially the sky mines. Those things were cool...>> Ohhh, yes. I wonder why toys were never made of those...<<If the flashing lights from an explosion in Pokemon could set off a seziure, why not the flashing lights from that show? as I remember, they were almost constant...>> I think Pokemon used a very specific color pattern; when it was changed for the American version, the seizures stopped.

Joe Boxer> <<There is one sad news though.(And I she just might kill me for telling all of you before she could)BUT, SOROW will sadly be unable to bo to Austria this summer.>> Oh no! :( If DC is respmonsible for this...

Wilek Nereus
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 02:02:37 AM

Sorry about this, but...

Katara: <newbie>
Newbies is not a politically correct term in here. Many other people prefer "experience challanged"
I prefer "fresh meat".

Or dinner :)

Fire Storm
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 01:54:12 AM

Kit: <and thanks for recently correcting all the CR's various problems (whatever they were).>
No problems. Just enhancements.
< You have a right to your opinions, even if I (and I think a lot of other people) disagree with them. :)>
So we agree to disagree.

Gunjack: <the worst I got was 4:00am every night, and getting up at 1:00pm.:P >
Hell, I revert to going to sleep at 7am and waking around 7pm-9pm. THAT is my NORMAL sleep schedule that my body automatically reverts to.
I like to think of it this way: The sun dosn't like me and I don't like it. We both try to stay out of each others way.

SJ: <I'm even more frightened by gay animals that poop fire. ;p>
Yeah, that would be pretty darn terrifying.
<I personally think the white dress was sexy as hell.>
Damn straight!

X-Men: Ick ick ick. A WRESTLER playing Sabertooth? Well, I know that WWF people are used to acting, but in a movie? Uh... no.
And wheres Rogue?
And Gambit?
And Jubilee?
And Lady Deathstrike? (My handle in many a RPG on the local BBS's. Remember those kiddies? Those were before the internet.)

Fire Storm - []
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 01:51:28 AM

Hey everybody. Just to let you know, SOROW did not get a chance to post today because her server was down, but she misses you all very much. I am happy to announce that she seems to be doing better, and some of the weight's been lifted since she gotten the SAT's over with. There is one sad news though.(And I she just might kill me for telling all of you before she could)BUT, SOROW will sadly be unable to bo to Austria this summer. I did on the other hand promise to take her to NEW YORK (her favorite place in the world) someday. Also, my band, O G Burrito, will be performing at a battle of the bands in Flower Mound,Tx on the 18th of February. It is supposed to be a large venue with about 800 kids attending, so I would be very much obliged if you guys could attend.(For those of you who are in a reasonable vicinity(<did I spell that right?)

Fleur: I'm very sorry to hear about your horrible day. Sometimes I find it comforting to turn otu the lights put on some music and lie down on your bed.(In my case, it would be some Radiohead with me looking up at my glow in the dark stars)

Doug and Kit: I hope you guys can make it this time. I'll have more details on the gig. Who knows, You might be able to meet SOROW and me!!

SOROW:Once again, I apologize for not attending the musical. But, I will try not to dwell on the past...<In regards to Jadens reply)>Am I not someone you can talk to your problems about? I love you anyway...

Tuesday, January 25, 2000 01:29:22 AM

X-Men Casting:----Wow! This is the first that I've heard of a live action X-Men movie. I look forward to seeing it, even if it is a P.O.S. However some of the casting out right SCARES me. Of course Patrick Stewart would make a GREAT Professor X. Halle Berry as Storm..NOT!! I'm sorry, I 've enjoyed the little of what I have seen her do, but she's just to waiflike to fulfill the role. She looks like she'd be blown away by a semi-stiff breeze. Tyler Mane as SaberTooth..Well, a pro-wrestler is a logic choice for that role. I agree with the opinion that the choice of James Marsden for Cyclopos looks to young. Hugh Jackman is not what I'd picture as a choice for my all time favorite X-Man. Hugh is cute, but as Wolverine, forget it. He'll never be able to carry off the attitude for one thing. Another thing, he's too tall. As far as the costumes, I agree, they S-U-C-K.. SUCK!! What's wrong with sticking close to something close to what's currently in the comics, or even from the Fox series. Heck, even that made-for-tv movie that was on Fox a few years ago: Generation X; at least did some half decent costumes. Just by looking at the pics, the costumes look to stiff. What's wrong with using lycra I want to know? the guys especially would love that on the female costumes =p

Well that's enough of my newbie rantings.
*staggers off to catch her breath and get a long cold drink*

Katara - []
San Diego, CA
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 01:28:47 AM

Gunjack> <<getting up at 1:00pm>>: My record is 5:00pm, After we played Giants Stadium (the bathrooms in the press box are _nice_).
Cade's rebellion: That would be Henry IV, part 2, pretty much all of act 4. See what happens when you take Shakespeare and English History? You can find all these obscure Bard quotes without breaking a sweat. Don't let this happen to you. (
You're welcome for the Drunken Sailor.
And, if I remember correctly, Marvel's Sauron said he took his name from JRR. Something like "I shall take my nane from Tolkien's ultimate evil. I shall be Sauron" (followed by an obscene amount of !s).

I leave you with two random linguistics quotes (which do you "like" better?):
"Colorless green ideas sleep furiously."
"Drum vapor worker cigarette flick Boom!"

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
New Brunswick, NJ
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 01:27:41 AM

*Gunjack Strolls in, wearing a neck brace and a large grin*

Well, to break the bad news cycle, I'm feeling pretty good. Scratch that, I'm feeling better than I have in the last year! WooHOOOOO!!!

I just started work on a new GURPS reality yesterday, and it's just starting to take off... To those who give a flip about this kind of thing, the world is set at the end of TL14, and TL15 and 16 technology is under development. The problem is, the current technology is so advanced that society has started to disintigrate under the strain. If any more advances arrive, civilazation is doomed...

Cool, eh? And that doesn't even scratch the surface of all the stuff that's clicking in the grey matter... I love creative rips! :D

Anyway, on to replies... :)

Christine><<Ryan "Proteus" Stout has apparently all but vanished from the face of the fandom; last I heard from him (at least a year ago, probably more), real life was getting in the way in a good way ... he had a new ladyfriend and as we gamers know, that can often be the death of many a hobby ;)>> Gaah... Ain't that always the way? Lucky for me that my girl games too...:) Well, best of luck to him, even if he is leaving me in a living hell of curiosity...:) <<As a parent, I will probably send Becca to public school for the first couple of years, then round about 3rd grade will home-teach her until probably high school. Tim and I were both bored and dissatisfied in school as kids, and the situation doesn't seem to have improved. And so many people whine about the lack of social interaction home-schooled kids get ... :P again! Are they saying the weird/outcast kids _need_ to be taunted on the bus and end up breaking their Snoopy lunchbox over Mikey Nelson's head?>> Amen...

Oh, and as for submitting stuff for Sabledrake, I'll try to when the rips slow down and I have a chance to scrape some material together...

Doug><<He's been keeping me in suspense too. Too bad he's pretty much out of the fandom. I would have liked to known how they finally killed Shiva off. Oh well, the reality is probably not as good as my imagination.<grin and sigh>>> Not for me... I wonder if we could bribe him into finishing it... Or would disney sue our collective butts?

Jewell - Thanks again for the story link... by the way, any news about your mother? That email thing sounded pretty worrisome...o_O

Rev. Warpmind><<I'm not kidding you, compadre. Anastasia Renard hed here own business running in Australia, which was where Matrix was created. Remember, it was on Dingo's home turf, and in one of the Avalon Quest episodes>> I'd always just assumed that it was a regional branch of XE that was doing the testing... <<Oh, and you say an A-10 is hard to put in a shoulder holster; we'', you just need the gun... and it should be fairly easy to mount on a car... no more traffic jams.>> As someone else has already pointed out, that had better be a pretty heavy car...;) Actually a jeep has a hard time handleing the stresses of a .50 Browning Machine Gun... If you want anything heavier that that, you need an armored chasis... Just get yourself a nice surplus armored car from the military, and make some cosmetic alterations to make it look like a normal vehicle...

Wilek><<Ack. Get well soon...where did I leave my antiviral equipment...>> Heh. The creeping crud lasted exactly one day... And by the next morning, the afformentioned Good Feelings had kicked in... Thanx for the well wishes, by the way.:) <<*AIDS Link*>> I've heard that the same problem is hitting Asia... Especially Thailand. If I'm not mistaken, some countries have about a third of their population infected... <<The whole creature-summoned-from-the-four-elements (I refuse to acknowledge 'heart' as the fifth element) concept is kinda kewl in theory, but apply an obnoxious Power Rangers-esque hopelessly optimistic personality and a few layers of PC to it, and it breaks down rather spectacularly in practice.>> Not to mention the fact that CP himself was just about the dorkiest-looking hero ever to appear in anything...

Kaito><< Erg … flu bad … I haven’t vomited in 6 years … until Tuesday. I had to miss the first day of all my classes too. This is NOT a good thing.>> Blech... Praying to the porcelin idol is never fun... I hope you're feeling better by know... <<I have to propose to you the question, “Is it really paradise if it is someone ~ else’s ~ idea of a good time?”>> That would depend on whether we still think the same way we do now... And I for one think we won't...

Firestorm/cutting off power - Apparently, my parents disapprove of the whole "fangs-sleeping-in-a-coffin-never-seeing-the-sun deal, so they decided that if I wasn't in bed by midnight, they'd cut off power to my room. Personally, I can't blame 'em... I'm a nocturnal type, and left to my own devices, I slow reverse my days and nights; the worst I got was 4:00am every night, and getting up at 1:00pm.:P

Mara><<::Chibi Demona looks confused:: Who's Jericho?>> *Valentine laughs so hard that he nearly falls out of his chair* Oh, that is *too* good...:D I can see this coming up in cross-reality fics sometime soon, if it hasn't already...

Stormy><<*a red 95 Beretta with a Decepticon logo on the rear screams in blaring DRAGULA by Rob Zombie* I just got my full drivers' license!>> Until you mentioned the driver's license, I thought you were talking about a different type of Berretta...:) Anyway, gratz on the mobility!

Dang it, I need to learn to drive...

Gside><<There is no way I could have survived Cade's rebellion.>> Great quote! What the heck is it from? Ooo, and thanks for the DS mp3! You were right, incidentally... it DOES sound like "willy"...;) By the way, I'm for twice a week... <<Sure, everyone steals from Tolkien...>> and then, to make matters worse, it seems that X-men stole the idea from CP... That pteradactyl bad guy is about what one of those puppies would look lik "in the flesh", as it were...

Todd Jensen - Actually, IMO, knowing how the story ends is part of what gives DA such an interesting feel...

Mmm... 11:24, and hitting the home stretch... it's a race against the clock!

Wilek(again)><<Ohh, yes. I've only seen one episode (have it on tape!); I wish I'd seen some of the others (I don't think it *ever* came on TV in my area)...>> I used to have the video, and one of the jets... the whole thing was incredibly sweet! <<I think the coolest thing on that show was the Soaron, this evil-looking CGI droid/enforcer thing (of which, thank the stars, I have the action figure).>> Ok, I'm now turning green with jealousy...:( <<Its effects were amazing by the standards of the era, and would probably hold up well even today...(Those of you who haven't seen the show: imagine if the Steel Clan were designed after Brooklyn rather than Goliath and you'll have the idea. This is even cooler than it sounds.)>> The Soaron were the best, but I liked all of the nasties... especially the sky mines. Those things were cool... and another thing: If the flashing lights from an explosion in Pokemon could set off a seziure, why not the flashing lights from that show? as I remember, they were almost constant...

Fluer><<You are a strange individual...I like that about you. :)>>Thank you.:) Sorry to hear about all the trouble, and I hope the test goes well...:)

Simon><<"Prequelitis": That sounds like a really nasty disease involving toenails or something.>> LOL! :)

SJ><<There is one good thing I've noticed--in my area, there seems to be a great interest in Pokemon from the cute girl community. Chicks dig Pikachu! ;)>> Simon, is you thinking what I's thinking? :)

Oy, ten minutes to spare, and not aenough time to read that last post... By the way, does anybody know where I can find mp3s of the musical Evita? Especially "the lady's got potential"... For those of you who haven't heard it, this little ditty could be the theme song for anarchy...:D The chorus goes something like this...

Just one shove and governments fall like flies...
Kapow Time/They stumble and fall!
bye bye/Backs to the wall!
Aim high/We're having a ball!
The tank and bullet rule as democracy dies!

Gunjack Valentine - []
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 01:00:47 AM

Regarding X-Men photos: Please tell me that they're shitting us. Wolverine's costume looks similar to somthing he might of worn when he was with Department H in Canada, but otherwise its just plain ridiculous. I still thing they should of casted Jack Nicolson as Wolvie. The only good ones were Xavier and Mystique.

Please, God, If they ever make a Gargoyes feature film, please let me direct it. I may not know that much about filmaking, but I KNOW I can do better than that! I'll actually make them look right!

Tim P.
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 12:58:36 AM


While the latest battle in the Avatar's hangar continues, in another part of the station Orion and Mist stand over Tom as he throws up into a toilet and flushes it down. "That's the twentieth time," Orion notes. "Just how much did you drink?" "I don't know," Tom moans. "I didn't count. Just don't bug me, priest!" He vomits again, and Mist hisses something to Orion. "Yes," the cleric agrees, "alcohol has put him in a very bad mood." He sighs and glances up at the ceiling as more noise occurrs from above. "I wonder what's going on up there. Maybe we should go and find out." "Mrrrow." "Yes, I know Tom is in no condition to come with us, especially if it's what it sounds like, but still..." "No matter, priest," a mocking voice interjects from the room's doorway. "Your friends are dying up there, and you shall join them soon." "Who...?" Tom looks up and gasps. Orion and Mist turn in the same moment, the latter hissing as they all see that Jerry Bennet has walked into their room with a long trident in hand and a cruel sneer on his haughty features. "Back, demon," Orion calmly declares, holding up his Christ-on-the-cross pendant. "Get thee from this place." Jerry recoils, then laughs. "It's not you I want, priest. Don't even bother." He looks at Tom and frowns. "Tommy boy. What have you done to yourself, old friend?" "Jerry," Tom hisses, standing up and getting into a fighting stance. "I know what you are, what you've become. You're not getting me. Go!" "Now come on, Tom," Jerry laughs. "You're obviously drunk as heck. God only knows why. Let me guess, some girl dumped you. Was it Lisa's sister again?" Tom (who has obviously undergone some kind of sobering shock) picks up an empty bottle from the floor and smashes it on the toilet seat. "Begone, Jerry!" he yells, waving the broken end like a sword. "Or God help me, I'll..." "You'll kill me again?" Jerry interrupts, his features elongating into a black-feathered visage with a vulture's beak and wings erupt from his back. "Sorry, Tom, that won't be easy. Especially since there's no Seeker here to save your sorry butt." "Will a cleric do as well?" Orion asks, hitting the vrock with a thrown water balloon in the face. "AAA!" Jerry screams. "It burns!" (Note- The water was holy, of course.) Mist yowls loudly and then punctuates it with a volley of chaingun fire of which Tom quickly jumps out of the way. Orion had blessed the bullets during his conversation with Jerry, so they do extreme damage to the demonic jerk. "Augh!" Jerry wails, falling back and over. "You've won this round, fools! Don't expect to win the next one! I'll see you in Hell!!" He disappears in a puff of brimstone and black smoke. Tom gasps and wipes the sweat from his brow. "Thanks, Orion. That guy really frightened me." "You dealt with it well," Orion notes, Mist yowling in accord. Tom nods. "There are probably more bad guys on the station that he brought with him. The others have to be fighting them. Let's see if we can go help." "Are you sure you can..." Orion begins. "No," Tom shakes his head. "I'm still pretty hung over, but they're my friends. I have to try." He walks out of the room, grabbing his grenade launcher and pistol off the wall as he goes. Orion sighs and follows him, Mist doing the same with a shrug as the screen's image fades.


Hi everyone. <reads over recent posts> Oh good, looks like the mood of sadness that was in here last week has dissipated somewhat. Wonder if my inspired speeches helped any. Oh well, doesn't matter, at least things are over by now. <comes to Lady Mystic's, Anne's, and Fleur's relations of mourning> Well, okay not for some people. <recalls Coyote's & Kyryn's bits last week and her replies> And not for other people either. But at least the sadness isn't in the forefront of our minds now. That's what counts, right? We're getting on with our lives. <frowns> I too will continue to share in the sadness of everyone, though I won't mention it that often. Lord knows I have plenty of sadness in my own life. :(

On a good note, school is picking up a bit. Things are going better. I've become more settled in with the routine, so I'm less tired all the time. That's a good thing. Classes are the same, but with a few more days or weeks, they could get better. I'm hopeful. The hardships remain, but they come with school. I've relearned that and once again become more comfortable with it now. :) Still, I would appreciate your prayers.

Anne: Sorry I didn't say this before, but I share your grief about your dead brother. I have a brother of my own, and he's been very important to my life in many ways. Dad wasn't always around when my sister Stephanie and I were children, and Ray's about five years older than we are, so he became kind of like a second father to us. Still is in many ways, even though he's married with a family now and lives far away (Lincoln, Nebraska to be exact; he and his wife (who incidentally is also named Anne) have just recently given birth to a beautiful baby girl named Julia). If he died, I know I would mourn him terribly whether it was today or a hundred years from now (provided of course I'm still alive at the moment). As things are, I've treasured every moment with him in my life. So your grief is emphathized with by at least one person in here. :) Hope that eases it a bit. Oh, and thanks for the T3 info. Maybe the movie isn't getting made now. That would be a blessing in disguise.

Pistoff: <nods> I too look forward to seeing what Jack will do to the Swordies when he gets his hands on them. Maybe he'll do something like what I think should be done to the more vocal members of the Aryan Nation (ie- crucify them and then set the cross aflame). That would definitely be perfect for some. :) Others could do with the freezer treatment ("You say hell will freeze over before I beat you all? Okay, let's see how long you freeze first." <door slams>). Good luck writing the story, I look forward to it when it comes out. Read your latest one on Saturday, Doug pretty much summed up my opinion of it. I too had problems with the way some of the Ishimurans were portrayed, but was able to excuse them 'cause that's your style and I respect it. Good job overall, especially on the Vinnie development. Hope more stories with him involved, including one that reveals the mystery behind the Director's relationship to him are in the near future. Congrats again on finding a good ISP.

Aaron: I agree with you about Dusk Till Dawn, it is definitely a very fun film. Been trying to get Doug to incorporate it into a future fanfic, no luck so far (he says the vampires from the film are too much at odds with the image he already has in his stories and if he brought in Seth Gecko people might get characters confused. He also has his own ideas for Ambrose Bierce. Valid reasons but still...:). I recommend you see the recently released (on video) prequel Hangman's Daughter if you can. It's pretty good, though it has nowhere near the excellent plot, action, and characters of the original (thanks again for recommending it just the same, Dags, wherever you are).

Lady Mystic, Firestorm: Welcome back to both of you, and thanks for recently correcting all the CR's various problems (whatever they were). Lady Mystic, I understand and share in your grief more than words can say. If you need a friend to help ease it, just let me know (though I'm pretty sure you have plenty of friends IRL :). And Firestorm, if you do get chewed out about your RP comments it won't be by me. You have a right to your opinions, even if I (and I think a lot of other people) disagree with them. :)

Raising Kids Right: Everyone in here who's responded to this topic has done a very good job with their words, especially Jannie and SJ. Not sure what I can add, except to agree that parents must take responsibility at all times to raise their kids, enforce behavior rules, etc. That will help the kids mature and teach them responsibility for the future, which is undoubtedly good. I also agree that parenting is definitely a hard thing, mine have proven this to me in many ways. A lot of parents today are unfortunately trying to forget this and make it easier on them by spoiling the child, letting them get away with doing bad things, and whatnot; that's one of the main problems that has created so many loser kids in today's world. :( Yeah, I know the world is also partly to blame with all its legal entanglements and demands it puts on parents (job, home, money, school, family besides kids, and so on), but that's beside the point. If a parent wants to raise a child right (and I assume nearly all do) they should make all the necessary time for it, if need be forgoing everything else. Parents and kids also need more respect for themselves and each other, as Jenna pointed out. I plan to engender such a relationship with my kids when and if Doug and I have them; don't know how yet, but I do. Stormy and Firestorm have also made good points about how you need to teach and help a kid from day one but not control them too much. If you can get them to respect you, my parents and I found, it all goes well from there. There will always be some rebellion, but as long as you help your kid past the phase (and have taken the proper steps before the phase to make sure it doesn't last too long), things will work out fine. Provided of course you avoid giving the kid too much attention and watch out for the Cookie Jar Syndrome I've mentioned before (for those who don't know, it's the attitude a lot of parents have where they just give a kid a rule and expect them to obey without saying why and/or taking the responsibility to enforce it, which makes the child more likely to do the forbidden thing). Coyote's right too, political correctness should definitely be eliminated from the kid-raising process (it teaches no valuable skills and has parents respect their child as an individual by putting them in a group which may have negative connotations as well as positive ones. If that doesn't screw things up between them, I don't know what will). My prayers go out to all people raising children out there in hope they are able to do it correctly to some degree no matter how difficult the task. :) (BTW, thanks for the advice to Jaden on how to discipline children. I'll have to try that trick sometime if I have them. :)

SOROW: I like Lorena McKennitt too, lots of good songs and music are in her albums. A lot of it would fit in with my favorite media forms well (including Gargs). Glad to hear your days are getting better and less stressful, I shall pray they remain so. :) Also hope you did well on your SATs. And thanks for saying I'm a special friend of yours, you're one of mine too. <grin> Just like about everyone else in here.

SJ: Glad you're getting over your stress, too. Of course you've obviously had lots of experience dealing with it, which is a mixed blessing. Hope it doesn't come back any time soon. (Maybe you and other DC residents ought to go see the latest piece of trash film from Nickelodeon coming out in a few weeks. It's apparently about people whose town gets snow and they go crazy to keep it instead of to get rid of it. I don't plan on seeing it myself because I don't care for some of the attitudes expressed in the previews or Nick films in general, but perhaps you can get a few trace laughs.) Thanks for posting the cartoon morals list, I had a good laugh at some of them (the GI Joe one in particular, I too am a child of the 80s and have gotten a lot of mileage out of it, I also agree their show was very cool). Agree with you about Captain Planet too, it had a few good episodes but pretty much stunk overall as a bland, formulaic, and uninteresting PC ambassador of a cartoon. Thank goodness we'll be killing off all its characters in the RP soon. :)


Christine: Excellent job on Damien Part 2. The character development on Angela and Jericho was very well-written and nice to see, especially as the plot went on. The plot was itself was appropriately sinister and well-written, especially where Damien was concerned (he could make a good villain with some development, for now he's just mysterious and creepy as heck). Liked how you started absorbing demons into your fanfic saga with Tchambreau(sp?) and the Necorum. The Seeds of the Sisterhood angle also had some good stuff going on, I'm looking forward to how it continues to turn out (hopefully those maniacal beasties will kill off all the shallow people who think they're the perfect women before they're stopped and make the world a somewhat better and more interesting place as well as teach many important lessons :( ). My favorite bit in the story was the Ventura development, her hooking up with the lighthouse keeper was nicely done and realistic (would like some more development on the keeper though, especially a name). Overall, great job. You get a 10/10 for this one, keep up the good work!

X-Files: This week's episode was terrible. The snake stuff was horrific and interesting at first, but quickly became too gross for comfort. Things got worse when it turned out the writer had a Christian Reich bent. Hope elements from the story never come back into the show and next week's ep is better (should be, provided Krycek and Cancerman return). Mulder and Scully development has been lax for a while, and it'd be nice to have it come back.

Dark Ages: Read Serendipity 2 last night, found it pretty good. Anne has already covered a lot of the things I wanted to say about it, but I can add a few comments of my own. I too enjoyed the development on Goliath and Demona as well as Othello and Desdemona. Asrial and Thersites also got good attention, particularly the latter. Javin got the best development of all IMO, especially in his scenes with Cornelia. For a while it seemed like they could have had something going, I look forward to more development on it if any shows up. The plot was predictable thanks to the parts of it we already saw in TGS Gargs' last season but still entertaining. The pics supplementing it helped and were of course very well-drawn (was hoping for one of Cornelia and Javin in addition to the others, but the ones we got were good enough). Lord Ravyn made a decent villain, though I too hope he doesn't become a regular. Roland, Iago, and the Archmage have a lot more character and potential. :) Overall, the ep gets a 9/10. I look forward to more DA development ahead, and hope keep up the good work.


Reading DA: Good point about it generating little TGS attention, Todd, I lament that fact a lot. :( Personally I have no problem with DA being a prequel. To me, even if you know how a story ends it can still be very entertaining to see how characters and events get there (of course, making prequels and having them entertain me only works with some series. Highlander it didn't really until I started reading fanfiction and decided to forget the second movie exists. Star Wars, and Dusk Till Dawn have been a mixed thing. With DA, it's definitely worked). The stories are also good in and of themselves as well as part of a complete series, and that's a plus. Like a lot of people, I do look forward to when Timedancer and Gargoyles come back since they're generally more exciting and interesting to me but DA is good while it lasts. :)

Warpmind: Read your latest fic too. I liked the character and plot developments in it a lot though some were hard to understand as I haven't been reading your stuff before now. (Sorry.) I'll catch up on it when I can. For now rest assured that if the 13th chapter is any indication you're definitely a writer who knows what he's doing, and that's a good job. :)

Steve: <sigh> The fact that Toon Disney refuses to show Deadly Force disturbs me too, especially since that story has such a good moral and had such wonderful ratings when it was aired. Oh well, I can't really comment anyway, since I've never watched Toon Disney. Hope they wise up soon. :(

Coyote: re- the comments> No problem. I was happy to make them for a friend. Thanks for inspiring them. Again, good luck getting over your grief, however long it takes. (BTW, just out of curiosity, how are you doing on the WCC Recovery operation? Yeah, I know this is a bad time, but I thought I'd ask. Maybe concentrating on a hobby will help you with the grief a little, I know it has for me in the past. Don't answer if you don't want to.)

$Antonio Fans: Glad everyone liked what Doug and I did with him in the RP recently. Just so y'all know, we had that planned for the start. The guy's a very talented actor and one who makes good movies, even if his latest (and a few others) stunk to high heaven IMO. We like him too and hope to keep him around for at least a little while. :) $

Jack of All Trades: Haven't watched it yet, maybe I'll check it out next week thanks to the good comments in here about it. As long as it's better than Xena and Hercules, I'll probably enjoy it seeing as it has Bruce Campbell. :)

Golden Globes: Didn't watch them myself, I don't usually pay much attention to awards shows. Congrats to the many actors, actresses, and other people who got and deserved something. (I was particularly glad to hear Angelina Jolie won in the paper today, she certainly deserved it and she is my favorite actress. Hilary Swank and Denzel Washington also get happiness from me on their success, as do the makers of American Beauty and Toy Story 2. As for Streisand, speaking as one who thinks her acting ability is way overrated, I am going to enjoy even more taking her out in the RP later now that she's won yet another dumb award. :)

Movies: I agree with the majority in here about Wing Commander and X-Men. The former I expected to be great but it turned out to just plain stink in every way. Only worse action film of 1999 was Wild Wild West. As for X-Men, if the costumes are any indication the film is just going to be terrible. Those who like simple plots with lots of corny effects and characters pleasing to the lustful eye but not the critical one or the one who looks for a good story will be the only ones entertained. <sighs> I just know this film's going to bomb, can't believe the producers aren't listening to all the fans who agree with me it's going to be yet another poorly -scripted, -written, and -acted overhyped piece of Hollywood trash. Hope the people making it enjoy the mess they're getting themselves in for. I applaud a great and noble actor like Patrick Stewart for continuing to put up with it all.

Deuce: Welcome back. Sorry to hear your sanity's gone away again. Oh well, we have plenty of newcomers in here for you to feed some off on who haven't had theirs taken yet, so go right ahead and start draining! :) (Btw, welcome to all newcomers. Hope you like it here. I know I certainly do.)

Fleur: Welcome back to you as well. Sorry to hear about your cause for grief, I share in the emotion that's resulted from it. Don't really know else what to say except that I hope you get over it soon and will do whatever I can to aid you (the post to Coyote last week on his grief has drained me of inspirational words for some time). Hope you have more time to hang around on this occasion. If you need any help with your sadness or other things in your life, you can always find it here. :)

Green Baron: And welcome back to you. I missed you a lot while you were absent. Hope you're able to return again soon, I look forward to your posts. :)

And that's about it for tonight. I'm going to watch Conan, then get some sleep. See you all tomorrow, hope it goes well. <waves> Later.


Inside the hangar, Wilek has excused himself from the battle to recuperate from serious injury. Miriam is now leading the Avatar forces against the ever-dwindling number of stupid celebrity groupies and fans who haven't yet been knocked out, zapped back to Earth and neuralyzed (then released to hopefully live a better life), or killed. All but seven of the Ravens are now on the sidelines in sniping positions atop and behind various ships, cargo boxes, and other cover. They are helping where they can with gunshots, spells, and explosives thrown at the appropriate time, more able to do so now that the Lost Galaxy Power Rangers, Malcolm in the Middle cast and slave critics, and Magic groupies have all been somehow eliminated. Antonio Banderas is standing with them, smiling with particular glee as he takes out Melanie Griffith and Madonna with his guitar case/gun. "Both of you are bad actresses and even worse in bed!" he quips, cutting off their selfish cries of "No, we aren't!" in the best way. Stephanie sees him do the deed and smiles, glad he's on the Ravens' side and wondering if she can get anywhere with Antonio before he has to go away. This is only considered briefly as she has to fend off attacks from Pamela and Tommy Lee as well as their fans with her Uzi and when they get too close, her sword. Shauna spots her plight from across the battlefield and is about to run and help but Shap puts a hand on her arm. "Look over there. Who do you see?" "That Handsome Weirdo Naked Guy?" she asks, easily spotting Kaioto. Shap nods. "He put some clothes on, but he's back and it looks like he's still after SJ. Come on, we better stop him. That boy's got a lot of questions to answer, and he better do it now or else my holy avenger's clashing blades with whatever he's got there." "Amen," Shauna agrees, and then follows him to intercept the Seeker's path.

Near them, Doug and Kitainia are cut off from doing some sniping of their own by a huge mob of screaming vapid teenage girls. "There they are!" Leo diCaprio shouts from the back of the group. "Kill them! I might sleep with you if you succeed!" The shallow Cordette-wannabes cheer and advance, swinging their purses and bodies in lame fake tae bo moves. Doug and Kit dive behind some crates as they advance, the latter rolling her eyes. "Ordinarily I would enjoy bumping off these people," she says, "but they represent so much wasted female potential!" "I know," Doug nods. "Just be glad the ones mad for James VanDerBeek, Matt Damon, Freddie Prinze, and all Hollywood's other teen loser stars aren't here too. Leo's groupies are bad enough." Kit barely has the chance to nod before said groupies swarm over their cover and they are forced to do their best to beat them back with the butts of their guns. Behind the mob Leo laughs maliciously. "Good thing these chicks are all willing to die so easily for me," he whisper-chuckles to the remains of his entourage. "Every one of them killed here eliminates another rival for what I will have with Asil once this is done." "You mean you won't go through with your promise to sleep with them if they succeed?" Handsome Dummy asks. "Of course he won't, you idiot!" Yesman shouts before the frowning Leo can stop him. "Leo's not stupid enough to hook up with girls like these. Besides, ninety percent of them aren't even his type!" "Shut up!" the lawyer hisses, Leo's expression doing the same. However, such gestures come too late, as most of the fangirl mob has heard what Yesman and Handsome Dummy said. They immediately turn around, scream in shock, and advance on Leo, who immediately turns and runs across the hangar, hoping to lose them in its maze of crates and parked ships (don't worry people, we'll catch up with the guy next post, for now please let him be). The mob gives him time to do so by venting its rage on Handsome Dummy, Lawyer, and Yesman, who are all quickly socked and trampled to death (proving hell has no fury like a woman decieved and scorned). The fangirls' pausing to do this enables Agent Rho to zap up nearly all of them in his latest transport beam, shaking his head as he does so at the thought of the neuralyzation job that will be required to be done on all of them by the MIBs waiting below. The few who remain did not hear Yesman's words and thus have not stopped fighting Doug and Kitainia. The two Raven leaders are having trouble with defeating them, more due to their numbers than their meager skill. Fortunately a convienent explosive pineapple lands in the middle of the crowd of fangirls just as they succeed in knocking Doug and Kit down and are about to leap on top of them. Its blast eliminates them all and their bodies shield Doug and Kit from any damage that would be a result of the explosion. "Whoever threw that has our thanks!" Doug yells as they throw off the bodies and stand up. "Yeah!" Kit agrees. "Remind me to give you a kiss in gratitude when this is over!" Doug looks at her and she smiles, causing him to sigh, roll his eyes, and turn away. Across the battlefield, Jaden hears their words and puts his head in his hands as Kit takes Doug's arm and they begin trying to track Leo down.


Kitainia - []
Tuesday, January 25, 2000 12:44:43 AM

X-Men casting: For those who didn't notice: Toad _is_ Darth Maul. It does not seem probable that the same actor would be right for both these roles, especially when he is really just a fight choreographer/stuntman.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
New Brunswick, NJ
Monday, January 24, 2000 11:28:03 PM

Aaron: Being the geek at heart that I am, I gotta imagine that working at a comic book store would be cool. At least the people who work at the comic shops I go too seem to have a good time (I mean, honestly, all they do is sit around all day and talk about games, b.comics, or c.comic book heroines bra size). If only there was a six figure salary with full dental involved, I'd apply right away.
BTW, are you a Johnny THM fan? Love that stuff, but it's hard to come by here. The local Another Universe seems to stockpile it, but the regular comic books stores have it in short supply. And I agree about the Pokemon stuff--nothing like prepubescent whining grade schoolers to ruin the comic shopping experience. There is one good thing I've noticed--in my area, there seems to be a great interest in Pokemon from the cute girl community. Chicks dig Pikachu! ;)

Wilek: Come to think of it, G.I.Joe was a pretty damn cool show....and it was actually fairly mature for its time. There were quite a few rather intense, adult episodes. That one where Shipwreck goes to the town and everyone's a replicant was very Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I seem to remember that parallel universe episode too--most of the Joes were offed, right? And Baroness was hot for one of the Joes that made it into the parallel world. That was a freaked out episode for a little kid to watch. Then there was that two-part episode where Dusty supposedly betrayed the Joes and America to was a pretty cool show. Wish they'd show some reruns, like on Toonami or something.

Hollywood Fashion: This is my LEAST favorite part of any award show. It's not enough that these people get their hineys smooched by the dumbass interviewers....I mean, we should all be so lucky, to have a group of braindead sycophant talking heads like Bob Goen or Mary Hart gush about how great we are....but then we have that old crow Joan Rivers critiquing what everybody wears. I couldn't care less. Let them all go naked for all I care. Still....two things stuck with me from last night's awards:
1. Keri Russell suppose "impressive" is a tasteful word to use. (I'm somewhat biased towards her, though, cause she looks a *lot* like my last girlfriend.)
2. Courtney Love is the most disgusting woman on the face of this earth. I loved Kurt Cobain, heroin junkie that he was. But he may be better off six feet under than with her.

Jannie: Cheer up, you're getting a new team anyway ;) But you have it easy. In D.C., do you know what they charge for Wizards tickets? 80 bucks. For one of the WORST teams in the league, they charge nearly a Benjamin. That's just one ticket. By the time you pay for a date, AND parking, AND refreshments, you've wasted at least two Centuries to see a crappy team lose by (probably, at least) 20 points.

Fire Storm: I don't know about you, but *I* sure am scared of gay people who have sex with burning animals named Philip. I'm even more frightened by gay animals that poop fire. ;p

X-Men Pictures: Ugh.....these fill me with dread.
Prof. X: GREAT casting, and the right look for him. Picard kicks ass.
Cyclops: Somebody call Dawson's Creek, they must be missing an extra. Cause that's the only way I can explain how a 17 year old boy is evidently leading the X-Men.
Jean Grey: Famke is cute, damnit, but she's no Jean Grey. Her hair isn't even red, for God's sake.
Storm: I love Halle Berry. She's adorable, and a lovely woman. But I can't picture her as Storm, the "Goddess". And that wig looks atrocious, my dear.
Wolverine: Oh sweet merciful Jesus....THIS is why I wanted Russell Crowe. Cause Russel Crowe can actually look threatening. This guy masquerading as Logan just looks like he's trying to squeeze one out after an evening at the Taco Bell.
Toad and Sabretoothe: Toad always was a weenie. But Sabretooth actually looked scary in the comics. What have they done to ye, my poor, poor little Sabretooth? They've turned you into a Generic Stock Villain.
Mystique: From a basic male standpoint, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos looks good in *anything*, even all that blue body paint. But that costume isn't all that. I personally think the white dress was sexy as hell.
And we haven't even seen the other costumes, like Ian McKellen's Dr. Evilesque attire or Rogue, the CHARACTER WHO SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE FILM CAUSE SHE'S ****NOT**** THE SAME CHARACTER, IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, AS IN THE COMIC. Had to type that in caps.
In Conclusion--it looks as if "Matrix" was the buzz word here. Apperently, in the Marvel Universe black leather must be the latest fashion statement. I half expect them to redesign these costumes to include the ever-popular rubber nipples. Oh well. At least Blade was a cool comic book film. Anybody remember Blade? Wesley Snipes kung fus a bunch of vampires to death? At least that was entertaining. THIS movie has Hollywood's stench all over it, and it don't smell pretty.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Monday, January 24, 2000 11:22:47 PM

Warpmind: Ok. As long as you wern't calling me "nice". :)

Xanathar: <Don't you just wish you had a gun or blunt object at that moment. :)>
Yes. I tried a cheat code, but it just wouldn't work.

TGS Web Site: The good thing is that LM basicailly said everything necessary.

Simon: <or even "fresh meat". o_O >
Hmm... I like that one!

Skippy: <"Sadosodomasocisticnecrobeastiality">
Got that on MP3? That would be worth downloading.

Gside: Or even Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Order, Chaos, Life, Death.
<I have heard about a new engine that can hit mach 6.>
<who knows what a Homonecropryobestialiphiliphobiac>
Someone who is afraid of gay people who have sex with burning animals named Philip? <G> (PLEASE tell me I am not right!)
Oh... Someone who is afraid of gay animals that poop fire?

Delphi: < LM for helping to fix things related to the CR.>
We try our best.

Skippy (Again): <homonecropyrobestialiacropophila?>
Thats it. I give up. This is too much!

Fire Storm - []
Monday, January 24, 2000 11:05:18 PM

Hi guys.

Long time no post. I hope I don't come off too harshly here, since I'm dropping by just to... well... b*tch. But I must voice my opinions on the recently-released X-Men publicity pics.

***SPOILERS*** (And ranting to go with them)

In a nutshell, I think this film is going to be a bigger bomb than both of the last two Batman films combined.

First, they didn't cast Gambit, one of the best character of the series.

Then, they go and cast people for the other roles that look NOTHING like who they're supposed to be. The only actor in the mix that I'm ok with is Stewart. Cyclops looks nothing like Cyclops. His hair is completely wrong, and that new visor looks like it's made of plastic... something from Toys R Us.

Storm is too cute-looking and too young, not the ominous mystic Storm from the series. Could you picture that acress saying any of Storm's lines?

Finally, Wolverine looks horrendous. They went from Dougray Scott through Russel Crowe to this Hugh Jackson Meaning he was the THIRD choice... and this is arguably the best X-Man. Jackson is too young, too thin. (I think Kurt Russel would've been perfect, myself.)

But casting aside, there are those gross new costumes. Where's the logic here? "Oh, let's spend more money and make the characters look worse, both at the same time!" The new costumes make them all look like the cast of some cheesy, b-blick sci-fi movie. Wolverine looks like a space cadet.

If a female character isn't clad in leather, they're waltzing around nude (in CRAPPY make-up, I might add).


***END SPOILERS*** (And subsequent ranting)

Monday, January 24, 2000 10:58:51 PM

Coyote> former Houston Oilers... yeah, I used to attend almost every one of their home games. *g* *whispers* do you know that professional football players do NOT wear underwear??? *giggles* ummmm anyway.... Bud Adams is so hated in this town it clouds a lot of people's opinion of the former Oilers. The demands he made were riduculous! Now I have heard the owner of the Houston Rockets is now demanding his own stadium. *blinks* You know.. I'm a teacher and I would like to demand that the taxpayers build me my own school. I want to charge admission, inflated prices for the lunches, keep the profits and not pay a cent for the building... all at the taxpayers expense, thankyouverymuch.
*shrugs* They are no longer our Oilers, so it's ok that they've won a spot for the SuperBowl - just like any other team. *smiles* We're getting a new team anyway =)))

Monday, January 24, 2000 10:50:10 PM

X-Men movie news: Got this off a mailing list I'm on... here are the first ever released head shots of the XMen cast. Gentlemen, get ready to droll over Mystique. *L*

Coyote: Re Wild Things >> Yep it is still a great movie, and a very clever trick ending... remember the people in the theaters?

GB >> *runs over and gives hugs and kisses* Welcome back loverboy. We missed ya.

XenaTrek - []
Orlando, FL, USA
Monday, January 24, 2000 10:26:52 PM

*Bengali enters with a look of disgust on her face targeted at Skippy*

Thanks for the welcomes!

Just read Seredipity parts 1 and 2, on a scale of one to ten I'd probably rate it a nine.

*sigh* thats it for now.

*wanders out*

Bengali - []
Monday, January 24, 2000 08:42:10 PM

**enters the room ... more like drags himself into the room ... slumping against the wall, his eyes half-open. Rosanna and Chibi-Elisa-chan run into the room, feeding him water bottles and crackers**

Y'know what I've discovered? 11-hour days in retail SUCK like an Electrolux. :P

Wilek: I remember Captain Power. I had one of the interactive toys, which were pretty damn SOTA for their time ... unfortunately what I *didn't* have was a VHS VCR, we were stuck with Beta, so I had to try to play with the jet, shoot at a crummy picture from the broadcasts (which only lasted, IIRC, four episodes), and get kinda bummed because nobody else had any of the toys, so I didn't have too much fun with it ... ah well.

The Super Bowl: Just like last year, when the Atlanta Falcons got into the big game, this year's is yet again a Sign of the Apocalypse ... not only are both teams transplanted teams, but one used to be the Houston Oilers ... now ya gotta feel so bad for Oiler fans in Houston, their team leaves and three years later gets into the Super Bowl. **sigh** Ah well, it should be one helluva game. :)

Fire Storm: You're not one of the lucky ones, I don't think ... a measure to force students to attend a political correctness course at MSU was shot down because ... well, the whole idea was pretty friggin' stupid.

**Chibi-Elisa-chan, holding an old-style fire extinguisher, looks at him** Oh, okay, you can go ahead. **The chibi grins, running over to the basket with Chibi-Otto and Chibi-Purgie, emptying the contents of the fire extinguisher on top of the two horny chibis, then runs back over to Rosanna's side**
Hmm ... **watches splashes erupt from the sides of the basket** ... Iiiiiiiiiiiii don't think that cooled 'em off any.


5th Element: Well, if you go by the movie definition ... and maybe I'm readin' more into this than what's actually there ... then the Fifth Element is (drumroll please) love.
I come to this conclusion mainly because of the end of that movie ... in order for Leeloo to activate the weapon to destroy the Ultimate Evil, Korben had to tell her he loved her. You can even see that by Cornelius' mutterings in that sequence ("Tell her, Korben ..."). And by the diva's dying words ("She needs your help ... and your love.").
Forgive me if I seem to know a *little* too much about this movie, but the first time I saw it, it became one of my favorites, to the point that it's the first widescreen video I ever bought ... and I've seen it enough times that I nearly have every line spoken by Ruby Rhod memorized, complete *with* pitch and articulation. Somebody shoot me now!

Fleur: Feel free to vent with us any time, friend. **hugs**

Golden Globe fashion: By far, the worst outfit there was Courtney Love's. And contrary to what she said in the pre-show ... it *DID* start falling off of her when she was giving Phil Collins his Best Original Song award!
BTW, yes, I *did* notice Keri Russell's outfit. Talk about your supreme flesh exposure ... yeeow ... but then there was a shot of Camryn Manheim ... **shudder** I'm sorry, I have nothing against large women ... but someone should've told her that Xena's costume DOESN'T FIT HER!!

Aaron: To be exact, *yes,* they do complain about Elisa's 9mm (I always thought it was a S&W .45 semi.).

David G.: Actually, IIRC the Gandhi one was "Super calloused fragile mystic plagued with halitosis."

GB: welcome back, man. XenaTrek, I'm sure, is very happy to see ye. :)

Ah well ... guess I'll be chattin' for a while, and then I get to watch my newly-acquired copy of "Wild Things" (a.k.a. "Yet ANOTHER Unexpected Twist!!" ;) **drags himself back out of the room, the gargess and the chibi close behind**

Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Monday, January 24, 2000 08:04:29 PM

StK> Nope, that's -bestialic-ophobia. As in the fear of a man who enjoys putting flaming dead hamsters up his @%#.

Aaron> Hellfire> Eh, it was free, everyone else got it, and it would be neat to play with them. Besides, I now have another character to build.
<<wouldn't Rei make a pretty good gargoyle>>: Just add wings to Unit 01, and that would be good.
Have you seen the Unit 01 Sonique skin? The brightness of the eyes is the volume control.
Oh, and you know you can BF and NBF issues off the web... um... I didn't say that... I know nothing, you can't get me to talk. Hahahahahahah....


Na zdororv'ya.

Gside - []
New Brunswick, NJ
Monday, January 24, 2000 07:40:51 PM

Skippy> There is no "spirit" of destroying the room's PG rating. I didn't comment before, because the single phrases where appropriately obscure. But posting the full lyrics definitely violates most of the rules of this room, as well as practically all rules of good taste. This is your first warning.
Simon, apparently still co-admin
Monday, January 24, 2000 06:58:44 PM

David G> That was the song that started this whole thread (my fault in fact)
and in the spirit of destroying the room's PG rating here are the complete lyrics:

Is when you get your rocks off making Rover a fatality,
The dying quirms by far the best, so make them yelp and growl and pee,

Um diddleyliddely um diddleyeye,
Um diddleyliddely um diddleyeye,

In my younger days oh, ah the kids they would harrass me,
Because I was the one who got a hard on watching lassie,
Now I'm the one who's proud to say, my lovers got a pedigree,

Um diddleyliddely um diddleyeye,
Um diddleyliddely um diddleyeye,

So take your doggy by the leash and tie him to the bed post,
Discover carnal pleasures with the canine that you love the most,
Take your doggy by the tail, to hell with your morality,

Skippy The Klingon
Monday, January 24, 2000 06:28:07 PM

Two quick things (well, two and a half... Actually three, I just remembered something else.)

1 - Pistoff> I just finished your new fic. Very good work. I remember you saying that you were worried about getting Vinnie's character right. I'd give you 8 points out of a possible 10, maybe 9 except that I'm in a bad mood and feel like taking it out on my friends. ;)

Honestly, part of the difference comes from the fact that you're putting the character into a very different environment than the original, so he develops in new ways. You also didn't have a lot to work from by way of examples. Vinnie is really only in like two episodes, which is not a lot of material to draw characterization from.

2 - Twisted "Supercalifragilious..." lirics.
A friend described Mahatma Ghandi (sp?) as a "Super callous fragile mystic, expert at logistics"

and my personal favorite (and there are complete lirics to this one, even though I don't know them) is...

WARNING - this could be rather offensive, but probably not


OK, that's my contribution to the depravity of the room.

Sorry to hear about your car Aaron. Mine always seems to break down on the eve of a major purchase. Now, though, I can afford a car payment if I absoloutly have to, so I'm just waiting for the old monster to die. Of course, it knows that, so it's been runing like a dream. It's waiting for me to get complacent and by a laptop, THEN it's going to break.
David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Monday, January 24, 2000 05:17:27 PM

Hey there Aaron! Your carless huh, man, I know that feeling roomie.

Liked your comments on parenting- made me think of my mother in law- both of my sister in law had blue hair at one point, and she didn't freak over it.

Monday, January 24, 2000 05:07:51 PM

Aaron wanders in, pushing the hulk of his Nova in front of him. Hyena-chan sits on the roof, "supervising" (actually sunbathing).

Well, it's been a strange week. My Nova spun a rod, and locked up the motor, so now I need a new engine. I am carless for a while, and it appears that my income-tax refund, which I'd hoped to devote to getting to the Gathering, will now have a new use. Sigh.

I also worked my first day of retail, helping out at one of our local comic book stores. How do you people stand it?

Things I learned that day:

1. Pokemon are cute. Pokemon *players* on the other hand, remind me why I should never become a parent.

2. It's only supposed to be a comic book store. In seven hours, I rang up maybe two comic book sales, and had one woman looking for copies of Johnny the homicidal Maniac. (In this cultural backwater, it is to laugh. You might as well look for Bondage Faries or something like that. The only reason San Antonio has any small press comics at all is because two of my faves are headquartered here)

But enough carping, on to replies.

Mara> Loved the Rent filk. I've never seen the musical, but I may go looking for it now.

SJ> I would say how 'bout them Wiz, except that they followed an impressive win over the Pacers by losing to the Hawks. I can't figure this team out. And as for being ordained a minister, that sounds like $75 well spent. Then I'd have a "Clergy on Call" sign made for my car and park where ever I wanted.

Warpmind> Are we talking about the same A-10, ie the 30mm vulcan cannon mounted on an A-10 Warthog? If so, wouldn't mounting an A-10 on a car blow the car backwards every time you fired it? And as for characters talking back, Frank and I have a bizarre, almost Lusephur/Parintachin relationship. (For those not familiar with Poison Elves, that means Frank is a sociopath who lives in my head, and messes with me) Oh, and I would scold you for the Demona comment, except that

a. I figured you were making a joke, and
b. I'd have to scold myself too.

Gside> Break the graph, eh? That sounds like a guy I knew in Jr. High whose goal was to get sent to the office in all seven classes in one day. Oh, and I wouldn't bother with Hellfire if I were you. It really doesn't add much to Diablo.

Coyote> "And knowing is half the battle." Fred Perry actually snuck that into one of the issues of Gold Digger, along with a footnote that said "Yo Joe!" And, having never watched the toon Disney edited versions, do they leave in all of Demona's huge laser cannons, but get hyper about Elisa's wimpy 9mm?

Wilek> Yeah, the parallel universe ep was one of my favorite eps of G.I. Joe. That, and the one where Cobra captured Shipwreck and used those clay replicants to try and convince him that he'd been in a coma for three years and that the war with Cobra was over. (The clay replicants, btw, were used to set up an excellent episode of Transformers, which guest-starred a "Mr. Snake.")

Parenting> I grew up in the Draconian theory of parenting myself. My mom is the boss, and that's that. I think I'm a better person for it, and I have a better relationship with my mom. (This is the woman who, when I was testing her reaction to my getting my tattoo said: "Go for it. I don't want you to use me as an excuse to wuss out of getting it.") I love my mom. :)

Jannie> A naked Demona shirt?!? Who mentioned this?!?

Deuce> I've seen the first six episodes of NG:E. I'd like to see more, when I can find the time to rent them. Speaking of which, wouldn't Rei make a pretty good gargoyle? She's got blue hair and red eyes after all.

Aaron looks at the Nova, notices that Hyena-chan and Xellos-kun are now having a picnic on top of it, and decides to leave it here.

If nobody minds, we can just use it as a big coffe table or something for right now. It has a stereo.


Aaron leaves, failing to notice the pair of eyes jelously watching Hyena-chan from inside the Nova.

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Monday, January 24, 2000 04:38:16 PM


don't you mean homonecropyrobestialiacropophila?
That's just sick,sick, sick....
Skippy The Klingon
Monday, January 24, 2000 03:57:35 PM

Hi all, just a quick note- I still need to catch up on last weeks CR.

Firestrom>>I understand your opinion about the RP, but I don't mind scrolling by it, I come here because I feel like I'm amongst friends- and if my friends enjoy RP well thats part of what makes them "them" I also wanted to thank you and LM for helping to fix things related to the CR.

catch you'll next time

Delphi - []
Twin Falls, Idaho
Monday, January 24, 2000 03:32:19 PM

Oops, it was supposed to be "homonecropyrobestialiacophobia".

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
New Brunswick, NJ
Monday, January 24, 2000 01:39:38 PM

Warpmind> <<a little risky talking about pirated games>>: Yeah, but if the FCC actually bothered, I would be dead, so why hide it?
<<make sure those copies have speech included>>: One I know was ripped from the original disk, the other I believe was.

Multiple elements: Judging from the Seiken Densetsu series, the elements are: earth (Gnome), air (Syphlid), fire (Salamando), water (Undine), light (Lumina), dark (Shade), natural order (Dryad), disorder (Luna). I like this because you can think of it as two groups of four arranged at the points of two intersecting squares, one rotated 45deg. So fire would be the combination of light and disorder, etc.
Or, if you want there is purity, nature, fire, death, water/air.

Wilek> <<Soaron>>: Sure, everyone steals from Tolkien...

Fleur> <<but don't help out the people who might know the
poor bastard by telling us who he is>>: Could be at the request of the family. The university wouldn't tell us about the student who landed ~50 feet away from my room until the parents were contacted and allowed it.
<<play a superhero as well as he plays a goof>>: You do actually have to be very coordinated to pretend to be uncoordinated.
DC death: check my link for a version of the original song.
<<the amount of time it takes to get across the atlantic ocean>>: I have heard about a new engine that can hit mach 6. /there were some fun stats comparing it to the SR71, Concord, etc.

DA ep: Liked it, the only complaints coming from a left-brainer were a couple of double negatives.

Simon> NGE: I really gotta see the second half of it (saw 1-13).

StK> <<Sadosodomasocisticnecrobeastiality>>: That reminds me: who knows what a Homonecropryobestialiphiliphobiac is? (I hope I got that right)

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
New Brunswick, NJ
Monday, January 24, 2000 01:10:43 PM

A lone figure appears in the CR wearing a casual outfit of collared knit shirt with light beige slacks and a blue blazer as well as a brown overcoat, because it's cold in New Orleans. He suddenly shifts around into a green three-piece suit with a light blue bowtie containing white polka dots. It's the lovable huggable Green Baron.

Hello to all of you. I have been out for a while due to a temp job which just ended and I have two weeks worth of posts printed for me to read tonight. I hope all is well in the CR.

Coyote> As someone with no living grandparents, I offer condolences to you for your loss.

BTW, on a lighter note, check your feedback at ebay.

::wraps his arms around Xena Trek and Bronx and showers both ladies with kisses::

Now, I'm off to a Con Law class.

Green Baron - []
New Orleans, Louisiana
Monday, January 24, 2000 11:11:46 AM

Interesting weekend I had, the local Rocky Horror Picture show cast had a camera crew from one of the local stations show up. Anyway, I showed up in full Klingon attire as usual, and I know for certain I got in at least on shot. Though I'm wondering what all would end up on TV, it isn't like they could actually put the cast singing "Sadosodomasocisticnecrobeastiality" (to the tune of that Mary Poppins song) on the air, or for that matter, anything else they did.

It looks like I am sort of part of the cast nowor at least I becoming part of the show. They have this one line about Worf and how he's "ribbed for her pleasure", which of course demands a response from me :) Anyway, the cast agreed that they have to do that line every time I show up out there...

Jack of All Trades> Yeah, it looks more promising than Cleopatra 2525. Don't like the half hour format. Maybe the Producers will come to their senses and dump Cleo and give Jack the whole hour...

Skippy The Klingon
Monday, January 24, 2000 10:51:24 AM

** now completely on antidepressants, Simon walks in **

Yeah hey! I got the week off, thanks to the end of finals, the end of the semester, and the end of the last shreds of sanity I clung onto in hopes of... I dunno, using them to patch leaks in my waterbed or something. Anyway, I'm back to the old emotionally-numb, drug-enhanced buddy I used to be. o_O Damn pills. I think.

Fleur> I didn't say this before, but WELCOME BACK!!!! and I'm glad we'll be seeing you around more. **hugs**

So, we sat down last night to watch the Golden Globes last, my sister, mom, and I. (Did you hear me screaming when "Toy Story 2" won best comedy picture? I know they heard me next door....) Anyway, for your amusement:


o "Geez, take a look at _her_ Golden Globes!" — Me/Mom/Kate (at various times)
o "Her dress is on backwards!" "Um... not really, actually... there's no back." "Oh." — Kate & Me
o "Another award going to something/someone we've never heard of? Mom, we should get HBO!" — Kate
o "Hey, Keri Russell! UUUUMMMMmmmmmmm......." — Me (you saw her dress, eh? Umm....)
o "Just watch him/her get stiffed at the Oscars." — Mom
o "This sucks." — Me/Kate
o "Is it 10:00 yet?" — Me, waiting for "The X-Files"

Robby> Hey, I've been meaning to ask you for a while: are you a Neon Genesis Evangelion fan? I'm just asking 'cause you seem to like anim้, and Eva is the greatest anim้ ever. ;-) I had the first two movies in MPEG format on CD-Rs for a while... very nice.

Coyote> ["...we all came to the decision that whoever decided on these edits should be sodomized with a splintery broomstick..."] IIRC, that was the best-case scenario. Worst-case was, I think, sodomy with the other end of the broom. A straw broom.

Cpt. Planet: Could've been cooler if Planet opened some serious cans of whoop-ass on loggers or strip-miners... c'mon, with all the power of Earth, Fire, Air, and Water, you could make those guys into tree-hugging hippies REAL FAST (if not turn 'em into greasy spots, which would've been funny....) But yeah, way to early-90s, heavy-handed enviromentalist for me. Plus, the theme song could be easily filked by me and my peers, who I believe were in second grade at the time. :-D

Warpmind> ["...the fifth element, that epitome of perfection... is Milla Jovovich."] Ooh... **purrs** Yeah. Total agreement there. ;-)

Jannie> ["I can raise one eyebrow and Michael still knows that it's time to seize the behavior or conversation ;)"] Hey, that's what my mom does! One well-placed look and we ALL shut up. :-) ["I would like to place my order/request for a naked Goliath shirt"] I dunno, would it— aaaah, never mind. I don't think I could get away with what I really want to say. ;-)

Wing Commander movie: Hey, look! Two hours (?) of total sh--! I cannot believe how lame this movie was. If you're a fan of the game, you know the standard of plotting + acting they had. These go out the window in something with less thought than a Bond movie... and way less fun.

"Prequelitis": That sounds like a really nasty disease involving toenails or something. :-)

Lady Mystic> Good to see you! ["Why is the term "newbies" not welcome here?"] It makes some people feel inferior, and last summer someone ripped off SJ's head for calling her a newbie. :-) Just say "newcomers" or "friends-to-be", or even "fresh meat". o_O

Well, I have to shower, and eat, and do other stuff that's important, so I'll talk to you guys later. BYE!

** wanders out **

Simon - []
Like Kurasawa I make mad films, 'k I don't make films, but if I did they'd have a samurai
Monday, January 24, 2000 10:47:48 AM

All right, I finally have something to say worth posting.

First, to answer a few questions.

Gside : <<Random thought: should there be an official rules subset for the top ten? i.e. Episode poster doesn't count, a second post doesnt count>> Fire Storm and I revised the rules, but left them initially whole. Adding and deleting rules is entirely up to the TGS Staff. Maybe Robby could answer this for you.

Wilek : <<That depends, when will the update be?>> The CR's update rests entirely on Gorebash now. We sent him the updated files a couple of days ago. The html documents we made for TGS are already up on the server. The only problem is that nothing links to these files.

NOTE: Don't flood his email with demands of updating the new CR. He's busy. The pages will get uploaded when he finds the time. Please don't nag him. He already knows what to do.

NOTE: The Disclaimer page still houses the un-revised version of the CR Rules. The CR Archive page was wiped from the server so as not to confuse others who upload material to the server. So certain links directing to CR information (not the CR though) throughout the website will not work.

TGS Staff : FS and I will email you pertaining to the above said matters.

Robby : Would you believe all that work took only a few hours spanned over two evenings to do? The reason why it took so long was family gatherings, work, daily chores, and that flu.

Xanathar : <<I'd prefer to wait (Don't want to pressure you or anything, your doing soo much for us already :) )BTW Are those the same pictures that DumlaoX showed us before vanishing?*>> No pressure, the pages are already up. And thanks for your appreciation. :) And yes, they are the same pics DumlaoX showed us earlier. (What happened to him?) The pics are now presented much differently (in a good way :)).

Anything else... I feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh well, on to other stuff.

I asked this before but never got an explanation. Why is the term "newbies" not welcome here? Could someone clarify?

Wilek : <<Birds have a look about they know more than they're letting on; like they're hiding something dark and ancient...>> I'm reminded of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds." <G>

Coyote, Kyryn, and anyone who has lost a loved one : My heart goes out to you. I know what it feels like to lose someone so close. Losing my mother was the hardest thing I ever had to face. I'm still dealing with it today.

I'm also haunted by other situations closely related to her death. She suffered from numerous illnesses during most of my life. She was my closest friend of whom I relied greatly on. She gave me strength and assurance, comfort and care. While she was still with us, fighting cancer, we were forced to think the about the things we dreaded but knew were inevitable. How could we live without her in our lives? Why did she have to suffer so much? What could we do to help her? The answers were fear driven. Its hard not to be afraid when someone you love is in so much pain (mentally and physically). While we expected the worst we hoped for the best. We knew she was dying, but were hoping that somehow she would pull through it like so many other times. That's why her death was such a shock to us.

She survived mental abuse, anyerisms, galstones, eye and brain surgery, car accidents, nerve deterioration, an acoholic husband, a baby almost dying, and countless other things. She was a woman who had a strong soul and powerful determination. She was a survivor. Yet she couldn't survive cancer. My family has endured her loss. We can now look to the future without feeling saddened that she will not be a part of it. But we also accept that the pain of her loss will always be present. She meant that much to us.

I must mention others who have past away who had a large impact on my life.

My paternal grandfather, who died only a month before I was born of diabetes, may not have been in my life (per-say) but I know him through my parents. His teachings were past on to me.

My paternal grandmother, who died a little over a year ago due to the effects of Alzheimer's, was someone of whom I felt a mutual bond (similar to my mother). She will always be someone I have enormous respect for.

Molly, my father's girlfriend/fiancee-to-be, who died a year ago this February due to an epileptic seizure, was the only person next to my mother that "just fit." It's hard to explain. She was so easygoing and got along well with everyone. In a lot of respects she was my mother's twin. She and my mother shared a lot of the same qualities and characteristics. We miss Molly's smile. She always smiled, sometimes due to happiness, sometimes hiding sorrow -- just as my mother did.

My father's aunt of whom my sister and I called "Grandma," passed on a few months ago. She was someone who could turn a boring day into one worth remembering, even if you didn't do much in it. My fondest memories of her include my mother and my father's uncle's cottage on Lake Michigan.

Many of my father's relatives and friends have also passed on. There are too many to mention here. Each one of them had a special place in my life, whether through shared experiences or through my father's storytelling. Growing up with a father who loved to tell family stories all the time (and my inquisitive nature) has brought me close to these people. In a sense, they had a large impact on my life and are truly a part of it.

May our loved ones never be forgotten,
May they remain a part of our lives through our memories,
And may their memory live on to countless future generations.

On that note... As a result of the subsequent events that followed Molly's death I have been meaning to create an internet memorial website, where other's can share and honor the memory of their lost loved ones. It will include things such as personalized dedication paragraphs, contact information of friends and family members of the deceased, dates lived, and links to external pictures/artwork and dedication material. My main goal is to help others. I want this website to be a place where we can share our memories of our loved ones and give support to each other.

I'd love to hear any feedback you have on this so that I can make improvements on my pre-existing ideas. (I'm currently creating a first draft of the site.) I have other ideas for this project as well. I sited the most important above. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions and listen to any suggestions.

I lurk the CRs occasionally. I usually don't have anything to say so I don't often post. All messages directed to me and mentioning me are relayed to me by FS. I'll stop by to answer anything said on this matter.

Now, if I can only find time to respond to the ever-growing heap of emails.


Lady Mystic - []
Dearborn, MI
Monday, January 24, 2000 10:12:42 AM

Don't cha hate it when you have a restless night of sleep (I mean when you ARE exhausted)? Oh well, I'll always be able to come here at least when it's one of those nights...or mornings...or whatevers...

Wilek, Warpmind, Xanathur> Yes, please joyride that--that--THAT THING calling Itself an editor! I would enjoy that, since looking at all the damage It's done. So go right ahead anytime you like. :)

Well, I promised a long review along with a spoiler and non-spoilers. So here it goes for "Serendipity" Pt. 1-2--

I would rate this 10/10. This current story has been excellent with fantastic drawings, great writing, and the character development was very evolving, or should I say involving? We get to see the blossoming relationship between Demona and Goliath bloom, as well as witness two things that we have been waiting for and it's an exciting outcome. One: Othello and Desdemona's mating ceremony. Two: Javin finally getting over that grudge with Goliath (or so we hope). Demona, at the beginning of the season, seemed like a lost, hopeful "puppy" that didn't even have the courage to smack that chef for playing that dirty trick on the trio. Though she hasn't reached *that* development yet, she has begun her friendship, a bit more then mutual, with Goliath. Goliath seems to have moved on past his clever sister Asrial, though I think she doesn't mind too much (or did I miss something?). It is also apparent that Javin, at long last, has gotten his attitude in lined by Cornelia, the surivor from the English clan that seeks help to free the rest of her entrapped brothers and sisters. I enjoyed Othello and Desdemona's mating ceremony, which was what I imagined a mating ceremony to be like (since we've only witnessed Broadway and Angela's "wedding" ceremony in the way future). Asrial needs to be a slight more developed though. She MUST feel something for Goliath--she can't let go of that so easily, can she? After all, they spent a long time together, right? Then again, Asrial _is_ capable to adjusting to practically anything. Look back at her first encounter with Roland in the cave. She couldn't stand the cave for weeks before finally overcoming that fear and ever since then she's been exactly like that-adjusting to anything and everything. She's a lot like Lex, eh? The character development on the English cousins was fantastic too, good job TGS staff! :) And the new villain sounds very...uh, interesting? Seriously, he could become a great spoof for a few eps., but I hope that the arrogant Lord Ravyn doesn't become apart of the regular cast. For the oddest unknown reason he reminds me of Thersites is enough. :D I think it's because Thersites has a way to leading himself into traps thinking that he's taking the easy way out until he realizes he's wrong and it's too late. Lord Ravyn did that IMO. Also, I wonder if Diomedes is going to cause trouble between Demona and Goliath because he sure don't like the looks Demona's passing Goliath. *g* Also, this one makes me wonder in waiting terror: is Asrial going to fall for Thersites??? Anyway, great episode, can't wait for next week's! ;)

I recommend that everyone reads Serendipity Part 1-2 if you like Othello's and Desdemona's courting which is about to become a lot more then just that. During the celebration of their decision, a wary visitor arrives that will lead the clan on a journey, which will be the beginning to new paths and end old paths. (I sound like a TV show host, huh? Oops.) The character development is great, and the drawings are excellent (good job Christi! ^_^ ). Take a peek. :)

Fleur> We're here for you *hugs* :)

Jack of All Trades> Hehe, this is going to be fun! ^_^ The other show before it looks like...uh...well, almost a copy of Xena except in the future. Perhaps we won't glimpse the horrors that "Xena" exposed last night in this new show. Gotta hope! *g*

What's everyone's thoughts on the Scream Trilogy? Are you guys going to see Scream 3? My friends really want to take me... *shrugs*

Also, welcome Bengali! Make yourself comfie! Would'ja like to adopt a chibi? We still have Talon, and other TGS chibis like Ariana and Graeme and so on and so on or would you like to just pick a chibi out of a movie or some one else's fanfic or a game of some sort? Hmm?

I think I need a lot more sleep. Later all!:)

Monday, January 24, 2000 08:47:59 AM

Hi guys.
*sigh* I just shouldn't have gotten up yesterday. I knew I shouldn't have anyway - my younger sister's spending a year with my cousins, as an exchange student - she'll be a three hour drive away, and she left yesterday. So I already knew it would be a bad day. Then we find out that one of my brother's friends commited suicide, and then that _somebody_ was involved in a hit and run, and their age group and where they were means there's a good chance I went to school with them. I've been checking out the news, newspaper websites, everything, for the past two days but not one of them mentions a f*@king _name_. I don't want the gory details, I just want to know who the hell it is that's lying in some hospital bed fighting for their life. *sighs* I just don't know what to do. I've got this horrible feeling of dread - I mean, it might not be somebody I know (doubtful, but possible, I suppose), and they survived the accident, although the news _was_ very helpful in telling us they were in a 'critical condition' *bitterly* They whine on about how terrible hit and runs are, (which is kinda obvious, really), tell us the gory details with relish, but don't help out the people who might know the poor bastard by telling us who he is. *takes a deep breath* I'm just not very good at waiting for the other shoe to fall. Not after two people have already left my life. Well, my sister isn't dead, but she's not _here_, at home, and the closest I can get to her for the next six months is a telephone call. (rules for exchange students are: you're not suppose to see your family for six months, to give you time to get used to things and not get severely homesick. I can understand, but I don't like. No, I definately do not like.)
Sorry for off-loading this on everybody. Guess this has just been a rotten week for all of us. I'll just go onto some replies and stop making everybody feel miserable. Some of these are a bit old - I'm doing the catch-up thing.

Thanks for the welcome backs everybody!

Simon>>[re: Sydney fireworks] Hey, yeah, I saw those on CNN around eleventeen zillion times... almost as often as the SIX HUNDRED BILLION TIMES they showed the London fireworks! Of course, being there live must have been way neater. < It was brilliant, especially since my older sister and I were as close as we could get to the action without actually being in the water :). BTW, in case you're wondering, the 'Eternity' written on the harbour bridge comes from a man who wrote it exactly that way more than half a million times on the sidewalk over 33 years, to remind people about Jesus. He's something of a cult hero to the Sydneysiders.

Xander as spiderman? You know, I can see that. I mean, I know Xander is a goof, but he can do the fighting thing when he has to (sure, he always ends up falling over or something at the end, but still...) There's no reason Nicholas Brandon can't play a superhero as well as he plays a goof. *Has sudden creativity demon - Buffy meets Spidey, and somehow unmasks him, and _never_ sees Xander quite the same way again. :D*

Stephen> Congratulations on being published!! *makes large mental note to visit e-zine ASAP*

Pissy> I'm glad your ISP problems are fixed.

Gside> *reads 'What shall we do with (the fully-conscious) DC?'* Oooohh. Cruel, creative and downright clever. I like! >:D

SOROW>>Ummm, I *think* you have me mixed up with someone else? < *pounds head against keyboard* Ooops! Sorry! Congratulations on your trip to Europe! Sorry to hear you weren't feeling the best *hug*. Now that the SATs are over, perhaps you can relax a little. Personally, nothing beats the old hot bath and a good book combination

Xanathar> >*snickers*,The newly revised Barney theme song...."I love you,you love me,and I love Pornography..." >;)< LOL! Man, I like that one a whole lot better than _it's_ (too evil to be named) version. :) *listens in awe to the computer specs* I'm turning green with envy here, my friend. I may have to hate you now. (j/k) :)>(I can feel the insanity factor in the room rising already :) )< *innocently* Could it _get_ any higher?

Jannie, Jaden, Jewel, Kiaoto, anybody else feeling sick > I hope you're all either well now, or will get there soon.

Gunjack>>Impossible. The provisions might be worthless, but you can ALWAYS find a use for a good semi-auto rifle... If nothing else, you can sell it to me! :D < You are a strange individual...I like that about you. :)

Jannie> *hugs* I'm sorry to hear about your daughter.


Coyote> I hope you get your grandmother's work published. It would be a wonderful way to remember her.


Kyryn> *HUGS* I'm so sorry about your grandmother. You and your family have my condolences and my thoughts. I only wish I could give more. That story about the man and his dog was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Jaden> >It was like one moment I was just another guy living in a small town AND THEN I got the internet and I turned into a guy living in a small town with the world sitting in front of me on a computer. ;)< Exactly! I have this atlas with a page on 'The shrinking globe', showing how transportation has improved, lessening the amount of time it takes to get across the atlantic ocean- the smallest is a concorde, which takes about 6 hours I think it was. Man, if they included the internet, it'd be about 2.5 seconds. :)

SJ> 'Things I learnt from cartoons' *L!* BTW, sorry to hear your 'vacation' was so horrible. I'm just glad you survived it (well, the accident, anyway. You weren't hurt, were you?)

I think I'll stay out of the 'Animals in Heaven' and 'Child rearing' debates - simply because, in my current frame of mind, I'd end up being scared, miserable *and* bitter.

*suddenly realises how tired she is* Time for bed, methinks. Oh damn, I just remembered. I have a blood test tomorrow. Wish me luck peoples.

Fleur - []
Monday, January 24, 2000 07:16:40 AM

Hi all!!

For the past three weeks I've enjoyed a bliss filled holiday,but today I had to go back to work,I'm so tired right now :(

***Darkages spoilers***

Poor Asrial:(,but then,that's the way it had to be.
Good ep TGS and great pictures too.

***End Spoilers***

SOROW:<<You *are* my big brothers to me, cause my real brothers are scary. Thanks for making me a part of the family!>>Thankyou SOROW,for your kind thoughts*HUGS*:)

Fire Storm:<<Who woulda thunk it? In the 115 years since it's original release, the Macarena makes a comeback!>>Don't you just wish you had a gun or blunt object at that moment. :)<<<Thief>
It uses the same engine as System Shock 2, so it must be pretty good!>>The TTLG website has a couple of demos for the game floating around try the "Lord Baffords Manor" demo,you'll love it!:)<<Oh, I know you don't like cheats, but try this for some a quick way to boost your health <Snicker>
Press ; then type Summon_obj midwife
<snicker> That will do the trick!>>I think I've heard of this cheat >;),Thanks,I'll give it a shot<<Would everyone like to see the new images and other pages before the CR gets updated, or would everyone prefer to wait?>>I'd prefer to wait(Don't want to pressure you or anything,your doing soo much for us already :) )BTW Are those the same pictures that DumlaoX showed us before vanishing?*

Jessie Feff:<<Anyone here played FF8? I'm stu-u-uck on the fourth disk. Let me know if you can help, details pending (so I don't spoil anything for anyone.)>>Click on my name,it will take you to the Final Fantasy online website,it has a downloadable walkthrough,I hope that helps :)

Wilek:<<Downloaded the System Shock 2 demo last night. I *really* have to get this game...>>Shodan aquires yet another slave >:)<< can be, if the victim is sufficiently deserving. >;)>>Don't get me wrong,I fully apreaciated his sense of humor. >;)

Anne:<<Are the joyriders allowed to joyride this guy???>>Yep,we'll take him down >:)

C'yas' later!!

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Monday, January 24, 2000 06:59:27 AM

*Warpmind shimmers in, grinning at Wilek.*
Yo, man, I didn't see that post of yours before I posted last. So I guess I have a few replies to make there.

You actually resisted downloading a 100 Mb game? Sissy. There are quite a large number of nice little programs out there for precisely that purpose. Like GetRight, Net Vampire and such, that have the ability to halt a download and resume at a later time... Like the Lucasarts game Dark Forces. 70 Megs, CD-ROM version. Full speech and music. Downloaded over a period of about a week, total. Net Vempire is such sweet technology... Not that I kept Dark Forces for more than the legal 24 hours, anyway... quite frankly, the game sucks. ;) And those devices you recommend... I think a PK Amp would do well, too (PsychoKinesis amplifier; move things around by sheer force of will) alongside with the Psi Amp. And just think of the effect of the two combined... :) As for Joyriding this intelligent editor of Disney's... I don't think we've Joyrided him yet. His hiney is up for grabs!

Well, gotta scoot. I'll be checking back here later, so don't you run away.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Monday, January 24, 2000 06:04:59 AM

*Warpmind walks in, chuckling cruelly.*
I found the correct adress for Clickomania... Lo and behold, for once ye click my name, you are forever doomed to the evils of the most addictive game on this planet... Hehehehehehehe...

For some reason, I suspect that the author of this game has a strange tendency to use the word "narf".

Well, catch ya later.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Monday, January 24, 2000 04:21:45 AM

Downloaded the System Shock 2 demo last night. I *really* have to get this game...(I had much too much fun with the summon_obj command; the level looked like a junkyard by the time I quit. :P ) Heh...I once encountered the full game illegally available for download...I was *so* tempted...until I saw that the thing was 100 MB; then resisting the temptation became rather easy. :P

Xanathar> <<Smurfs taught me a lot of things when I was a kid,take the character of Jokie smurf for example,he showed kids that it was funny to blow up others with home made bombs.>> can be, if the victim is sufficiently deserving. >;)

Warpmind> <<It has already been proven that the fifth element, that epitome of perfection... is Milla Jovovich.>> Ah...I'd forgotten about the movie. :) For some reason, I was under the impression that the fifth element was either shadow or crystal (anyone here played Crystalis?)...but then, I'm weird. ;P <<WILEK! Dude, could ya ship over anything to help me convince the TV station managers in Norway to start broadcasting *good* shows? Seinfeld, Sunset Beach and Teletubbies just don't cut it, man.>> Hm...well, it sounds to me like what you need is a few forced singularity warheads and a Psi Amp (psionic resonator, for telepathic pain infliction and hypnogenic therapy), along with perhaps a chainstaff (twin chainsaws on the ends of a metal staff; also referred to as the Darth Maul chainsaw). hehe <<Ever seen "Hamilton"? Villain role, good job. Ever seen "Watchers Reborn"? Hero role, the movie sucked so bad, I'm not even touching the BOOK again.>> Hm...apparently his only good hero role was in Star Wars. ;)

Jannie> <<I've had a fear of birds ever since I could remember. Nothing in particular caused it.>> Interesting...admittedly I don't share this fear, but I definitely understand it. Birds have a look about they know more than they're letting on; like they're hiding something dark and ancient...

Gside> <<If you haven't noticed, there is a little controversy over in the other CR. A small group has started an RP, and there has been a backlash by the regulars (who are also deprecating the TGSCR for its approval of RP).>> So I noticed. <sigh> And it's not even that out of hand...

Patrick> <<I used to like to come here and see the discussion on the latest TGS stories, but hardly anyone even seems to even acknowledge the new ones that are being posted anymore.>> I would, but I kind of prefer Timedancer and the main series to Dark Ages; I'll comment upon those when they start up again. :)

SOROW> <<You *are* my big brothers to me, cause my real brothers are scary. Thanks for making me a part of the family!>> ^_^ <hugZ>

SJ> <<Poe and Jay wouldn't work. Poe was kind of short, with thick black hair, I believe sideburns, and a moustache. He looked perpetually melancholy and solemn, which I suppose he really was. Jay, if I'm not mistaken, is of average height (if not tall), is probably at least in his late fifties/early sixties, has a receding hair line with grey hair on the edges, usually sports a goatee. and (I think) has a rather angular face. He's got one freaky, evil voice though ;)>> Ah. Well, if there's ever an animated version of Poe, I know who I'll want to provide his voice at least. ^_^ <<BTW, do you mean that G.I.Joe episode where the Joes went to Transylvania to stop Dr. Mindbender from obtaining Vlad Tepes DNA?>> Sounds cool, but I don't think that was the one...I think one of the Joes was taken to this bizarre alternate universe where most of the others were dead...the only two vivid memories I have of this are a rather graphic shot of a bunch of people melting (kinda reminds me of the QuickClones from the MIB series, come to think of it), and a scene where he was trapped in a room with a bunch of pink balloons with Cobra Commander's face (well, mask) on them, that were full of nerve gas or something...but I might have hallucinated that. O_o <<And you're not alone--Captain Power was *awesome*!>> Ohh, yes. I've only seen one episode (have it on tape!); I wish I'd seen some of the others (I don't think it *ever* came on TV in my area)...I think the coolest thing on that show was the Soaron, this evil-looking CGI droid/enforcer thing (of which, thank the stars, I have the action figure). Its effects were amazing by the standards of the era, and would probably hold up well even today...(Those of you who haven't seen the show: imagine if the Steel Clan were designed after Brooklyn rather than Goliath and you'll have the idea. This is even cooler than it sounds.) Hey, wasn't Captain Power made by the same creative team who later went on to do Babylon 5?

Anne> <<Are the joyriders allowed to joyride this guy???>> If we haven't already. >;) <<this reminds me of what I meant to ask earlier, but where has Green Baron vanished to? The flame on the lantern is getting really low...>> I noticed that! Where is he...? o_O

Fire Storm> <<Would everyone like to see the new images and other pages before the CR gets updated, or would everyone prefer to wait?>> Oooh...That depends, when will the update be? :)

Bengali> Welcome! :D Have Simon confiscate your sanity, please, and mind the mutated plants. ;P

Wilek Nereus
Monday, January 24, 2000 04:20:59 AM

*Warpmind enters, scowling at Coyote the Bando.*
So, "friend", it seems the two of us are fighting for the same prize... so be it. There can be but one of us who reaches immortality as the scribe... how eager are you to win? ;)

Gyre: Not Mark Hammill? YAY! This one I gotta see! Unfortunately, I doubt it will reach Norway until June, July or something. (Worst case ever: a movie that spent 17 MONTHS before its Norwegian release.)

Gside: Now, don't you think it's a little risky talking about pirated games in such a public forum? And by the way - make sure those copies have speech included. The ripped version is TERRIBLE! :)

Patrick Toman: Well, I guess it's no big surprise so few of us commented on the TGSDA episode... words couldn't do it proper justice.

Fire Storm: When I used the term "gentlebeings", I was trying to indicate that you guys are pretty all right, regardless of your genetic makeup. And as for the Clickomania link... 404? Crud. I'll have to check up.

Well, then I have to leave... my teacher is a... no, he's watching...

Later, y'all.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Monday, January 24, 2000 02:59:09 AM

17th! {okay, okay so thats not much to brag about...}

This is my first time in the TGS comment room though I am a regular in the s8 comment room.

The past day has been kinda crazy at s8 comment room, While I agree that s8 is a much more serious comment room than TGS is and should remain that way, I dont think they should have reacted so harshly towards the bit of RPing that was going on there for the past few days. I dont think it was so bad that everyone there {exept for the few that were RPing of course} should have acted like it was the end of the world.

Bye for now.

Bengali - []
Monday, January 24, 2000 02:55:11 AM

Hi, everyone. After a bit of an absense, I'm back :)

Jack Of All Trades > Oooh, it's so nice to see I'm not the only Campbell worshipper in here. The new show's no Brisco County, Jr., but looks like it had good potencial. I'm wondering about the half-hour format--trims the fat, but could end up rushing things in the future. Oh well, only time will tell. Heh, only one episode down, and we've already got some new Bruce-isms. :)

SJ > <<God Answers Prayers: I've just heard that they'll be making Crocodile Hunter toys.>> Oh. My. Lord...must have them! Any idea when they're coming out? Pleh, I watch too much Crocodile Hunter. Today, a Lubriderm commercial came on and I was expecting Steve to leap on-camera and take that croc down...heh, they'd sell me some lotion with a commercial like that.

Anyone here played FF8? I'm stu-u-uck on the fourth disk. Let me know if you can help, details pending (so I don't spoil anything for anyone.)

Welp, I'm to be back at college tomorrow. Break went by much too quickly. *sigh*

Jessie Feff - []
Monday, January 24, 2000 01:59:59 AM

Gside: <should there be an official rules subset for the top ten? i.e. Episode poster doesn't count, a second post doesnt count,... >
Oh no... I don't want to deal with ANOTHER set of rules! (READ: Na... I don't think it's necessary.)
I think posting 2 MP3's a week is a good idea.

Ok... question//query:
Would everyone like to see the new images and other pages before the CR gets updated, or would everyone prefer to wait?

Fire Storm - []
Monday, January 24, 2000 01:17:59 AM

Hi all :)
*Chibi-Claw goes by the windows with a new snowmobile*
There, maybe that'll give him something to do other then get into my money. ;)

Mr. Toman> But I like the RP in here! :) It's not like e-mail that fills your mailbox so you have to press "delete" a lot. Plus the storyline is very kewl and fun! I was going to read the DA story and review it, but unfortunately I couldn't because what little time I had to read it was used in trying to get into the archive, which was locked up for some reason (at the time). If it would make you happy, I'll post a long review of each DA story which I'd be happy to do, starting this DA story where there'll be a ::Spoilers:: section and a no spoilers section. Yep, I'm bored, oh well. *shrugs*

Jannie> <<birds>> Uh... so it'd freak you out if you knew that once our family owned 25 birds--lovebirds, finches, a conyre, cockatiell--and kept them for a long, long time? :p

*Looks over at chibi-Otto and chibi-Purgie* Y'know, just when you think you've seen everything... *Shuts mouth as chibi-Otto and Purgie give wry smiles*

What's this I hear about "Gargoyles" being edited? NoOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Just when I'm going to get cable I find this out! >:( Are the joyriders allowed to joyride this guy???

***Quick update of future website***
Well, I'm getting my plans ready for my website! My website will be divided into three sections. The first will of course be "Gargoyles", which will have main characters info. and pics with my fanfic and a lot of Gargoyles links. :) Second section will be to ALIEN, ALIENS, ALIEN3, & A:R and will have reviews. My altered Alien 3 script will be put up. The third section will be a smaller part for the better books by V.C. Andrews. A fourth page might be added for ALIEN, ALIENS, ALIEN3, and A:R role-play.

Pistoff & Doug> Thankyou for your kind words. They mean a lot. ;)

Mara> *leans back in chair and watches chibi-Demmie throw snow down Angie-chan's back* Ah, a good ole chibi-fight. ^_^

Hmm...this reminds me of what I meant to ask earlier, but where has Green Baron vanished to? The flame on the lantern is getting really low...

Well, I'm off to read this new DA story. If I'm awake enough, I'll make a review as promised. Bye all :)

Monday, January 24, 2000 01:09:26 AM

Just a quick post before bed.

Sorow-Thanks. I think everyone here are better friends than most of the people I know here at home.

Nap time!
See ya later!

Monday, January 24, 2000 12:32:44 AM

Fire Storm> CR rules: Random thought: should there be an official rules subset for the top ten? i.e. Episode poster doesn't count, a second post doesnt count,...

Oh yes, I was thinking of changing my mp3 twice a week (Sun&Wed), but are there too many once-weekly people?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
New Brunswick, NJ
Monday, January 24, 2000 12:24:17 AM

Top Ten?!
Monday, January 24, 2000 12:17:56 AM

Top Ten!!

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Monday, January 24, 2000 12:14:45 AM

Gside - []
New Brunswick, NJ
Monday, January 24, 2000 12:14:06 AM

Toku Kaioto
Monday, January 24, 2000 12:10:17 AM

Ok, everyone look away while I fix this.

*sounds of heavy kicking against TGS website*

There. All fixed. It needed a little attitude adjustment. :)


Tony "Marlos" Teakles
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Monday, January 24, 2000 12:09:38 AM


Monday, January 24, 2000 12:06:27 AM

The link's broken
Monday, January 24, 2000 12:06:27 AM

Tony "Marlos" Teakles: 404 Story not found.
Fire Storm
Monday, January 24, 2000 12:04:12 AM

3 maybe?
Monday, January 24, 2000 12:02:53 AM

Top Ten!
Yooper_99 - []
Houghton, MI, USA
Monday, January 24, 2000 12:02:31 AM

Warpmind: <Glad to help boost your God complex.>
No problem! But, is it really a God complex since I am a God?
<I wonder how many other of you gentlebeings here noticed...>
HEY! Who are you calling *GENTLE*?
Well, you are saved from being maimed. That link you posted (the clickie game) was a 404 error.

Xanathar: <also I don't know weather you know this or not but watch the proticol droid in the window on your third year of training at the start of the game to see something truly disturbing ;)>
Who woulda thunk it? In the 115 years since it's original release, the Macarena makes a comeback!
It uses the same engine as System Shock 2, so it must be pretty good!
Oh, I know you don't like cheats, but try this for some a quick way to boost your health <Snicker>
Press ; then type Summon_obj midwife
<snicker> That will do the trick!

Christine: Part 2 turned out pretty good! Didn't start out quite how I expected it, but a good story all in all.
BTW... I tried to save the story so I could read it later and it kept crashing Netscape no matter how I did it. Weird, eh?
<"Jack of All Trades">
I thought that was Bruce Cambell!

Coyote: <Well, the funeral was today>
We figured as much. At least now the healing can begin.
<So what if he's defecating in our coffee mugs, we can't punish him because he's *special* and we'd get in trouble!")>
<Grins> I fear that I will have to take some crap PC (Politically Correct class. I don't mind taking a Personal Computer class :) before I leave school. I shudder at the thought that I will have to pay for it.

There is RP in the Station 8 CR! The end is near!
(Ya all know... the 5.5th sign)
"And from the depths of hell shall come fuzzy purple bunnies, who shall be the death of a CR"

Gside: <A small group has started an RP, and there has been a backlash by the regulars (who are also deprecating the TGSCR for its approval of RP).>
I have to say that I agree with the regulars. I always see the S8 CR as a CR for intelligent talk, and the TGS CR for more casual talk. I personally think that RP should not be in either CR (and I even made attempts to stop it when it first appeared in here, but I gave up). I think that Gorebash even said that he would not tolerate RP in the S8 CR. I know people will hate me for this, but I hope the RP is crushed before it can grab hold too firmly.

Patrick: <Heck, I wonder why this is even still called the "TGS Comment Room.">
I know. There once was a question of "Should there be a RP only CR?" and most of the RP'ers said that they do not come here for only RP and would not go to a RP only CR.
When Lady Mystic and myself were re-posting the CR rules (they should be up soon)(Actually, they HAVE been up for a few days now, but I am waiting for the new CR stuff to be uploaded before I make a link to them), we made many comments to ourselves on whether this was a TGS Story CR or a RP CR. (6 out of 12 rules deal with RP)
<those of us who don't like having to filter through it for relevant posts will simply continue to avoid this room in favor of Station 8.>
I too am sick of scrolling past all of the RP, but I feel more comfortable in this CR since I prefer reading comments on many of the topics in the S8 CR. (There I am more of a lurker, mainly because I am unfamiliar with the topic being discussed, but I enjoy reading the discussions.)

I KNOW I am gonna get chewed out because I am saying bad things about RP.

Todd: <Maybe things will pick up a bit when the later cycles get launched.>
Boy, I hope so.

Oh well. Looks like Gorebash didn't get my e-mail in time.


Fire Storm - []
Monday, January 24, 2000 12:01:39 AM

As chance would have it, this week's episode is presented to you...

On the whims of Fate...
Serendipity, Pt 2.

Written by Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr.
with illustrations by Christi Smith Hayden

Wishing good fortune to all,

Tony "Marlos" Teakles
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Monday, January 24, 2000 12:01:33 AM