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*Through a blue/green portal, a large man enters the room, He wears a waited blue Coat, Green Shirt, Blue Parachute Pants, and Steel Toed Boots.*
Hey, the Dragoon hath returned for a bit. Finals week is upon me, and I'm not looking forward to it.
Gundam Wing---THEY DIDN"T SHOW ENDLESS WALTZ!!!! GRRR. Well, yeah, that part when Wing Zero blew up the chunk of Libra was great. And the whole episode was awesome. Especially loved the fact that Quetra's (Spelling) friends, the Maguanac (mog-wa-knock) corps came to help. And as always, DeathScythe Hell, Altron/Nataku and Wing Zero were there. Having "Just Communications" was an awesome idea...I loved it when Heero took off in Neo Bird Mode with Zero. Just looked awesome both audibly and visually. Now I just wish they'd start some more new DBZ on monday, which if that happens, Hell will probably Freeze over. Heh heh.
The next Gundam series I'd love to see would have to be "After War Gundam X". It just looks awesome.
Entity---- you ever post fics under that name on Icy Brian's? If you did, it's good to see you still around.
Also, I shan't apologize anymore. Thanks you guys and gals.
Again, Entity, for All four Gundam Wing albums, Op.s one through four, go to and click on GamingForce Anime, has all four albums. Over all, that place has about 130 game and Anime albums. The most I've ever seen on the net. Kami willing they won't shut down.
Warpmind- I've heard SD's are bad news...and in a TIE, which you become Mr/Ms/Mrs. Expendable.....well I feel for ya. I've been doing a Lot of Rogue Squadron...and that's flying an interceptor against Laser turrest and Missle Launchers. That makes no sense...sorry. But I know what you mean.
Well, back to work as the Dragoon....heh. *Concentrates and sends out a small ball of energy, expanding it into a large portal for Travel. Turning, he waves.* See ya. *Walks in, and disappears.*
Gasper S. Keltner - []
Mn, US
Sunday, May 14, 2000 07:22:29 PM
Jenna: Thanks. :)
Shadowrider: Glad you're still enjoying NotS 1. Hope to get complete feedback from you on it soon. :) As well as some on any of my stories from you and anyone. :)
Theresa: No human lives were lost in the Los Alamos fire? That's a big relief, I must have been misinformed that there were. :) Thanks for letting me know I had no reason to mourn, I will stay pray for all of New Mexico as they work on the property damage though. :)
Doug - []
Sunday, May 14, 2000 06:51:20 PM
Doug, believe it or not, there was no lose of human life in the Los Alamos fire. The other fires in the state I can't say but nothing was mentioned. The property lose is said to top one billion dollars, wildlife lose was probably high and also pets. But overall, I'd rather rebuild than lose people.
Mulan will be airing on ABC tonight.
Sunday, May 14, 2000 04:59:22 PM
Spacebabie enters the CR and slumps on the floor
oh boy what a week. Late Monday early tuesday my cold took on the wheezy difficult to breaht without an astma inahler phase, so I had to stay in bed, Thursday...I was feeling much better went to the mall for Mother's day shopping
Firday night...I atteneded Party on the Hellmouth 2000 at the Bronze. It was an online prom for the posters at the official Buffy site, you could date another poster or date one of the charactors of ths show((mine was Wesley)), well the itneresting thing was that Amber Benson, the actress who plays Tara on Buffy posted at the event.
Does this makes me a freak,nerd,or a geek?
NBC>>>I heard rumours and if its true, Boy am I gonna be pissed off, they might cancel the Saturday Night Thrillogy for..get this WWF Football, they can't cancel, Pretender,Profiler, and The Others...espiacilay after last night, Holy Bleep!
SJ>>>I just heard about your father and I want to let you know that he will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Gundam Wing>>>The first time this aired I only half watched it but now that they are beggining again I'm going to be paying better attention...Heero, Trowa=hello Salty goodness
Robby>>I heard they might have a new one in fall, its supposed to be like the prince and the pauper set in the times of ancient Inca' by Sting
Interesting Gargoyles related topic: We all know they use their tails as a whip like weapon, but did they also use them to learn how to walk when they were hatchlings?? do they also serve as a purpose in flying and swimming?
See ya'll around and Mara I'm glad to see you posting again, and in RED
P.S. I don't do P.S's
Orlando, FL, USA
Sunday, May 14, 2000 04:09:44 PM
**RP related**
I have added colors to my archive of the Battle For Technology Saga. I've tried to keep each part of the story in the same (or current color) of the person who posted it. If the colors make it illegible, please tell me.
n^y + n is always even as long as n>=0 and n and y are integers. Hmm. *Pauses to think* That makes sense.
Right now, I'm conducting concerning spam and my website. I suspect none of the spiders that collect email addresses visit an ENTIRE system of web pages; instead, I think they just visit the front door. To prove my point, I've changed email addresses used on the forms in my system (heck, if you don't believe I have a lot of pages, just go because it has a link to every page in my system.). If I receive spam to this NEW email address, I know the spiders search an entire system. If I don't, then I know I can leave my email address anywhere but the front door.
"ITAG? Who/what is that?" replied SuperSpeed.
"A corporation that provides soldiers/bodyguards for hire. Why are you here?" replied Plastique Saber.
"My husband's killer escaped and I need to place to stay that is safe." replied SuperSpeed.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" replied Plastique Saber.
"Sure. Help a man named 'DPH' bring my husband's killer to justice." replied SuperSpeed.
"DPH? I've heard of him through ITAG. Who killed your husband, again?" replied Plastique Saber.
"A member of third race called No Connection Allowed. He is commonly called NCA for short. Have you noticed that communications is not functional? That is HIS handywork," replied SuperSpeed.
"I was wondering about being called out to fix that problem next. Thanks for clearing it up. BTW, what's DPH's address?" asked Plastique Saber.
"Here it is," replied SuperSpeed as she wrote the down the address, "How do you plan on getting there?" replied SuperSpeed.
DPH (Daniel Paul Hightower) - []
Sunday, May 14, 2000 03:57:56 PM
Doug- you and kit have fun! :) well miss you all here. cant wait to see what happens in the next RP
Sunday, May 14, 2000 03:05:59 PM
Spike > happy belated anniversary again ... I finally found my folklore book and 15th is "crystal." LOL, and the eighth, which Tim and I will celebrate on the 23rd, is "rubber." Won't _that_ be fun? ; )
Battle of the Sexpots > thanks, all, for the feedback! I don't know what brought that story about; I certainly didn't plan it! Had the idea one night driving to work, wrote it that night, posted it the next day. I'm glad it made for an amusing read!
Avalon Mists and Sabledrake reminder > still time to send in submissions for the next issues! We are especially looking for art, for both AvMists and SDrake. The Sabledrake theme for June is "myth and magic," and the theme for July is "villains" for those looking ahead ; )
Christine - []
Sunday, May 14, 2000 01:27:31 PM
::has a large retinue of chibis playing with Maggie, Talon, Benji::
Missed ya all!
Gside<<Gee.. am I a hentai or what?>>: I'd say you are way beyond hentai.
Finally someone has cracked the code to me! :) Don't forget narsisstic, vain, haughty, perverted and evil!!!
Demmie-chan:: And nuts... musnt forget nuts.
And proud of it!!
hee hee
Mara Cordova (who once drag raced in a Wal Mart... in men's clothing) - []
Sunday, May 14, 2000 01:10:51 PM
*Warpmind stumbles in, holding the shattered remains of a flightstick in his right hand, and wearing the tattered remains of an Imperial Flightsuit.*
Hullo... a piece of advice: When piloting a TIE Fighter, or any other craft of the TIE series, and engaging hostiles, for GOD'S SAKE, make sure the enemy craft does not get between you and a Star Destroyer... you don't want to anger a ship that's 1600 meters long, and wields 60 laser cannons and 60 ion cannons... *meep*
Rodlox: Then I obviously missed that debate... I've done the proofreading, but, heh, I kinda left the printout with the corrections at my place, forgetting to bring it along to the computer lab, which is my gateway to the Internet... :|
*Chibis Maggie, Talon and Benjamin swarm around Mara to greet her.* Hiya, Mara. Long time no see!
Ah, discussions of sword-fighting techniques again... I like it... I think I've mentioned this before, but I *really* like the hand-and-a-half-sword, aka the Bastard sword. :) There's just something about a big, well-balanced edge that is easily wielded with one hand, while the other can be ready to give its strength for the big slices... :) Plus, I find the "Bastard" bit really appealing to my personality. ;)
SOROW: You have pinkeye? Agh, I pity you... I *do* hope you have no greater hunger for human brains than usual. ;)
Well, that's about it right now... *Raises BFG in one hand, and a double-barreled shotgun in the other.* I'm going to severely humiliate a couple of buddies of mine in DOOM2... :) God have mercy on their souls... I sure have none. ;)
Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Sunday, May 14, 2000 11:40:48 AM
Vertically flipped is fine. Gside is on the right track. If no one gets it, I'll post the answer tomorrow. And yes, the Jersey water does very strange things indeed. :)
Pink eye? Ack! I've been there. There are few things that are so excruciating. My sympathies.
Now I'm off to Cape May to visit some relatives-in-law.
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Sunday, May 14, 2000 08:10:08 AM
<Shadowrider pops in'd like to know where, admit it...;) >
Wilek:> Motorcycles too open and vunerable? Hmmm...maybe, but also quick and agile, good for fast ecapees and surprise attacks...but I have to admit that repulsor tank seems interesting...;)
Mary Flanders:> Hm...if those seniors were good-looking, for sure they DID leave a durable impression...and I'm quite sure the foreign exchange students would have liked it...I know I would...;)
About the Ranma fanfic...I noticed the link, but I don't like Ranma at all...sorry.
Gside:> I did hold a swallow, only once...she had get entangled in a trellis-work and my little brother found her, so I went to disententangle was a quite long work, because the swallow, trying to free herself, had entangled even more...and because she was frightened, she kept on puckering my hands...but in the end, she was able to fly away.
Winterwolf:> Hm...last year a friend of mine went to NYC in vacation...and as he returned, he said he had seen very little bikes there, although it was summer...
Anyway. Riding on the wet. For sure there's a matter of comfort, but it is not the only thing. Getting wet is not funny, for sure. A good biking clothing (a water-proof jacket, water-proof pants to be worn over the ordinary pants and a pair of rubber galoshes) and a closed helmet can keep you dry even in the worst rain, and it is easy to carry it on the bike, so if a sudden rain surprises you, you just have to wear it. Riding itself is not really dangerous to me...a little more than riding on the dry, sure, but if you are prudent enough, there's little problem. Of course, you can't ride on the wet in the same way you ride on the have to be more careful, and take more time to do everything: you start braking before than usual, so you can brake more sweetly, you accelerate a little more slowly, take the turns with a rounder trajectory. Generally, you go slower than usual, and ride in a less rude way. An important thing: on a wet road, try to avoid everything looks shiny, because fo sure it is slippery. If you follow these rules, you should not have any problem in riding on the wet. Needless to say, if the road is flooded and you pretend to take a turn at 100 mph, bending with your knee (and elbow) that touches the'll be better to be prepared to a hard touchdown...
Doug:> (Cardinal name) I suggestion infact was half a joke...;)
As I said to Kit, I keep my fingers crossed for you two, and I hope I will be able to de-cross them soon...
I've read a big part of "Night of the Symbiotes". Wow. It is amazing. More as I finish it.
I agree with your comment about Brooklyn's armor in TD. Apart the fact that Brooklyn in armor looks very cooler, the presence of the armor itself should give the chance for a lot of interesting developments IMO...
Ok, here it is a beautiful sunny Sunday outside, so I think I'll call some friends and go to have a good ride on the mountains (I'm supposed to study today...but my next exam is in two weeks, so I'll recover tomorrow...).
See you all!
<Walks out, taking his helmet and jacket on the way>
Shadowrider - []
Milano, Italy
Sunday, May 14, 2000 06:29:19 AM
In the Onslaught's cab, Doug and Boris are using the cover of the truck's armor to eliminate all the snipers and bunkers they can with shotgun and bazooka. Keith stands beside them, pointing out the enemies he finds with an X-ray combat viewer. Doug is shaking his head as he targets and knocks off each foe. "Something wrong?" Boris asks him. "No, not really," Doug replies. "It's just with every pull of this trigger, I'm getting back memories." "Good or bad ones?" inquires Keith. "A little of both actually," Doug answers. "I'm remembering all the people I've shot with this gun. I know they were all bad, so it feels good that I took care of them. At the same time, killing people is wrong, isn't it? I seem to remember hearing that. So, the memory of doing it so many times…" "We getcha," Keith interrupts him. "Just remember, every time you've knocked off someone, it's been necessary. It was in defense of yourself, your friends, the world, maybe even the universe." Doug frowns. "Really?" "Yeah," Boris agrees as he reloads his weapon. "Really. Believe us, we're your friends, we were there. Every time we were there." "Really?" Doug asks, and they nod. "Oh," he says. "Well, then, thanks, guys, I guess." "No problem," Keith replies. "Now come on, we still got a lot of bad guys to take out before we can get out of this." "Right," Doug sighs and begins once again plugging away in the directions Keith points.
The screen image changes to near the trailer, where Kit, Stephanie, and others are taking cover behind Bardic and Orion's mutual shield, waiting for the enemy to run low on ammo and be forced to come down as mortar shells explode against the magical shield's surface. It falters for an instant, and both cleric and dragon are forced to put all their energy into re-strengthening it. Lathrop turns his attention to helping them with magic of his own, while Kit and her sister try to look for the spots where the fire is coming from so they can know from where the soldiers will soon come. Beside them, Tom sighs as he reloads his weapon. "What's going on?" Leah Howell asks him from where she crouches with Sergeant Mansfield and two other prisoners behind a still-intact truck wall. "We're fighting them and trying to win," Tom says after looking at her. "The spellcasters here are giving us cover to cut down their ammo a bit before we further engage them, Jammer and Tricia are pinned down in their car and she's got a shield up too. I think Doug and Boris are having some success taking out their bunkers and snipers, Elena's doing some good too with her air cover. There's still a lot of these guys though." "Can we help?" she asks. "What?" Mansfield jumps in before Tom answers. "Why you want to help them?" She points at the six dead bodies beside them. "Because the guys shooting at them killed some of our buddies. Maybe I want revenge." One of the other prisoners nods in agreement. Mansfield grimaces. "That could have been an accident." "Oh no, it wasn't, Robby," Leah counters. "You saw those laser sights!" "But these are the General's men!" the other prisoner says. "He wouldn't want us killed!" "Yeah," Mansfield agrees. "Maybe these ain't the General's men after all. We know these Ravens have plenty of other enemies." "Oh sure, like any of them have access to this kind of military tactics and ordinance," Stephanie rolls her eyes. "You know, guys, we can hear every word you're saying." Tom glares at her. "Stephanie, shut up!" Stephanie gasps and glares back at him, but Kit silences her with a wave. "Both of you be quiet and concentrate on the battle," she orders. "And you guys," she adds to Leah, Mansfield, and the other two, "we appreciate your offer, but I think it'd be safer if you stay down. Trust us, we'll have this handled in a few minutes." Leah and the others nod, but as they are about to return to their prone defensive positions, someone cocks a rather large handgun. "Oh, I'm sure you can handle them out there, Ravens," Sergeant Sneed chuckles as everyone spins to face him and his four friends, all of whom just grabbed their old weapons back. "But the question is, can you handle an attack from behind?"
Hey everybody. :) Hope your weekends are all going well. Mine has so far, what with finals being over and having done about how I expected to on most of them (or at least, the ones I've so far gotten back :). No good movies to see, unfortunately, and I'm also in the middle of another bout of writer's block (Night of the Symbiotes Part 2 is currently stopped at the beginning of the big Gargs vs. Symbiotes fight scene, don't know when I'll be picking it back up, it will hopefully be soon), but other than that the weekend's been fine so far. <grin> And since I can afford to stay up late during it, I think I'll use this time to catch up on the CR. So, on with the post. :)
SJ: Sorry to hear about your father. I've had relatives who have almost died and died of cancer, some who are still suffering from it too. Thus I know all too well the pain worrying about it can cause a person, which I've always been sure is second only to the pain of cancer itself. :( I really hope your father doesn't have it, I will be praying for him. Hope he soon gets better, keep us up to date okay?
Thanks for all the recent entertainment info. I hate to say that I too will be avoiding that new X-Men cartoon, and I liked the last one Fox did too. Great. <sighs> Laughed out loud at your Star Wars plans, though I have to say that I too am glad we won't be seeing them in the actual movie. (For your sake, mostly, I know more than a few Star Wars fans who would murder someone who turned their franchise into that sort of film. :(. Also, I read your comments on dating, and I agree with most of what you said except the part about divorces. People who have gone through them can be good sources of relationship advice, provided they've taken the trouble to learn from their mistakes and done right in their next marriage. My mom and stepfather are people like this, they were both divorced and then learned from their mistakes and did right by each other, I trust them for relationship advice more than I trust any other adults I know. Sure they have their share of problems, but they're always able to resolve them and this has enabled them to stay together quite a long time, with no sign of breakup yet. :) There are some people in my family who have been divorced many times and can't seem to get things right in their current marriages no matter how hard they try, them I'd never go to for relationship advice in a million years, but my mom and stepfather don't fall into their category. Neither do many other people, I'm sure. You do have a good point about divorce, but from what I've seen in life I don't think it applies to everyone. Just wanted you to know. $ Hope you got the update I sent you about the RP. $
Thanks to Warpmind, Wilek, and Rodlox for their Cardinal name suggestions. Don't know if I'll be using one of them, although Dellamorte does have a nice sound to it. :) Ah well, the fic is still a long ways away, so I have plenty of time to decide. :) Thanks also to Rodlox for those interesting Angel-Brimstone creativity demons, I may be using them in some form in a fic someday. Hope you don't mind. :)
DPH: You have my sympathies on the glasses ear-piece problem. One of mine broke late last year and for a while I had to wear mismatched pieces too. Strange that no one noticed unless I pointed it out. :) I have new frames now, and all is better. Glad things seem that way for you too. :)
Winterwolf, Shadowrider: Thanks for the finals good luck wishes. They were helpful, I think. At least, I hope they were. I haven't gotten all my finals back yet so I don't know for sure. <crosses fingers just in case>
Shadowrider: Glad you're enjoying Night of the Symbiotes so far, hope it keeps up. :) Also, thanks for the Cardinal name idea, but I won't be using it. Bad associations with that name and all. I'm sure you understand. :)
Enjoyed Gothic Twilight, thanks to Mandi, Ordell, and Spike for the good job on it. The illustrations were excellently drawn, wish they could have all been used in the actual story (if I were in charge they would have been and not just since Brooklyn would still have his armor on instead of his loincloth like he should IMO, but the way things are is good too). Excellent writing as well, it had a good plot with nice developments, dialogue, and emotions. Liked Arthur Conan Doyle's character, especially how it was set up to relate to the characters he wrote (wonder if ACD was really like that, hmm, I'll have to find out :). Wallace was also very entertaining. Hope we see them again sometime. Also liked what was done with Brooklyn and Payne, it was nice to see and very much in-character for them. The developments with Harthoth and the scroll were good as well, hope to soon see something come of them (and can't wait to find out what will). The ep overall gets a 9.2/10 from me, Payne being a bit too annoying at times and my opinion that those good pictures Spike drew should have been in the ep kept things from being perfect. Still, good job. Hope the staff keeps it up. :)
BTW, if anyone's wondering, the reasons I think Brooklyn should still be wearing the armor are: 1. It would make more sense for him to change his attire considering the developments he's undergone recently. 2. It would function as a physical reminder of the future he left, the time he must get back to and the mate waiting there for him (this would aid his development and emotions IMO). 3. It makes more sense for the situations he's been in lately. I mean, think about it, what sight is more worrisome to your average human? A red winged monster in a loincloth appearing before you like a barbarian, or one in cool armor? The armored one wouldn't seem as threatening to me, I don't know why. <shrugs> Oh well, I know the TGS Staff has their reasons for putting Brooklyn back in his loincloth this season, I can accept and understand them. Just making my opinion known.
Mecord: Close-knit family with many friends, huh? Yeah, I have one of those too. They're good to have around, aren't they? Even with all the crowded gatherings of them to attend, you can still get to meet and spend time with a lot of different people. And thus learn quite a bit about humanity and the world. :) Provided you take the trouble and don't get bothered for it. <grin> Looking forward to Infinity Broken when it comes out, hope you can finish it soon.
Napster vs. Metallica: Don't want to get involved in this debate myself, the case is yet another news issue I'm watching develop and waiting for an end to. Hopefully the end will be favorable to all parties, but if not I guess I can stand that too. If anyone's wondering about my opinion on the whole thing I'm mostly with Kyryn and the others who have said Metallica is right to be filing suit on behalf of struggling artists everywhere. Napster is a good service, but people should not abuse it IMO (I too have used it in the past, and would not mind paying a monthly fee to do so. In fact I think I should IMO, because the service is IMO that much worth it :). Many artists need what little money they make, and people shouldn't be able to just steal their music like this if it's all they have to live on. At the same time, though, I have to add that I really do not like the greed factor in all this. I think the lawyers and music industry are definitely being way too money-hungry, especially when it came to bringing the fans into things like they have. <sigh> It will be interesting to see how this case turns out, hope we find out soon and the results are at least somewhat good. That's all I have to say about that.
Christine: I too was ROFL at Battle of the Sexpots. It wasn't the most morally upright story, but it was still quite funny and good. Especially liked the emotional interplay between the characters. Thanks for the entertainment. <grin>
Chrono Trigger: Hey, I remember that game. :) Still have it, too. It's pretty entertaining, with a good plot and excellent characters. Wish Lavos had had more of a personality, but it was good enough how it was. :) Especially liked all the game's different endings, which makes me recall there are still apparently two I never could get. Maybe I'll have to pull out the game again someday soon and try. :)
Theresa and all New Mexicans: Glad to hear the fire was finally put out, good luck to all of you who are recovering from the damage. Having spent my childhood in New Mexico I know how beautiful it is and don't like so much of it being destroyed like this. Hope it can soon be restored, and there aren't too many more casualties. <moment of silence for all those who died>
Lady Mystic: It's okay that the CR Archive hasn't been updated lately, we understand. :) You and Firestorm are doing a very good job with your work on the CR right now, IMO. Hope very much that you keep it up. Thanks for making sure we were updated on it. :)
Mary: Good luck with your college applications, especially since they're belated. Wonder why nobody talked sense into your parents about things before now. Your high school guidance counselor at least should have mentioned something. :( Oh well, guess it's too late now. Hope you can get through things even with the present disadvantages, you'll be kept in my prayers.
SOROW: Good luck with the pinkeye, hope you get over it soon. I'll be praying for you too. I also agree with you about Gladiator and Braveheart. The latter is definitely much better. :)
Welcome all newcomers, welcome back all who've recently returned. Sorry I'm a bit too tired right now to track down and list all your names. :(
Wilek: Hope you can come back soon, good luck whipping RL into submission. Same goes for anyone else currently dealing with problems related to it. Speaking of which…
Message for Everyone: As you all know, Kit and I recently finished our school semester. That means we get to enjoy lots of free time and summer now, joy joy. :) It also means, though, that we have to spend some of that time with our families. So, next Wednesday, I'm afraid we're both going to have to go away for a week. May be shorter, hopefully won't be longer. <fingers crossed> It will be good to see our families during it, especially for me since my little sister is graduating high school. :) However, we probably won't have much CR access during it, so we won't be posting in here for a while. :( Hope you all won't miss us too much, we'll miss you all a lot. <sigh> But of course this has to be done. $ RP Players- If you want to suspend the RP during this time Kit and I will be gone, it's fine. If you'd like to keep it going though, that's good too. You can write whatever stories you want (as always), just please don't involve Kit's and my characters in them if at all possible until after we get back (don't worry, we will create a scenario that will be responsible for party downtime in our next post). You guys make the decision, we'll be happy either way. $ Hope things stay good in here while we're away and after we get back. :)
Good luck to all of us who are still taking finals, I hope you do well on them. To those who have finished (like me), congratulations. :) Hope we all continue to have a good weekend and are soon able to get over any problems we may be having during it. That's all for now, I'll see everyone in here again later. Good night.
"Sneed," Leah speaks first. "What the hell are you doing?" "You shouldn't have to ask me that, Lieutenant," the English soldier barks in response. "These Raven people are our enemies, they captured and held us prisoner. They've killed many of our friends and comrades. They're opposed to Lord Thailog. Have you forgotten all that?" "No," Howell shakes her head, "but they're also being concerned for us, telling us to stay down and helping us out of this situation. They're good people too, Sneed. I've talked to them, I assume you've listened. Don't you know they're good?" "Hey!" one of Sneed's friends yells at her. "As far as we're concerned, there ain't no good and bad about this! These guys are our enemies, we're gunning them down!" The others nod in concurrence. "You're either with us or against us," Sneed adds with a sneer. "Hey man, I'm with you," Mansfield says, standing up with his hands in the air. The prisoner who agreed with him smiles and does the same. "Okay," Sneed waves them over to his side, "and you two, Howell and Franks?" "Excuse me," Kit cuts in suddenly. "You seem to have become distracted and forgotten that we're against you no matter what." She punctuates her statement with a click of her laser gun's safety catch into the off position. "Now either you all drop those guns and sit down or…" "Or what?" Sneed asks. "These are our guns, and we are willing to use them. Fire, men!" He and his friends raise their weapons and pull the triggers, but every gun clicks on an empty chamber. "I warned you guys," Kit says, then fires her own weapon and shoots Sneed in the head. He gasps and crumples to the ground, then slumps into death. "We unloaded your weapons earlier," Tom tells the others. "I put empty clips in them on a hunch, though, just in case. Now, will you drop them and sit back down, please?" "Yeah, soldiers!" Leah adds. "Sit back down!" Stephanie frowns and is about to yell that her help is not required, when Mansfield interrupts, "No way! We got numbers here, and hand to hand skills! This is our only chance to escape, let's take it!" "No, Sergeant!" Franks complains. "If we go out there, they'll kill us!" Mansfield waves at Sneed's body and then at Kit's smoking gun. "Is in here any safer?" Kit sighs, "I had to shoot him as an example, I'm sorry. Now I'm going to give the rest of you to the count of ten or…" Suddenly a mortar shell strikes the shield and fractures it, distracting them. In the next second, another shell flies into the trailer and hits dead center in the mob of prisoners. Franks, the guy who supported Mansfield, and Sneed's four friends take full effect from the blast and fall over dead. Bardic, Orion, and Lathrop are stunned by the double blast shock as well, and everyone else is knocked down. "You see?" Leah asks the gasping Mansfield. "They're killing us!" He can only gulp and nod. Kit meanwhile cocks her gun and points up at the spot from where the shells fell, the only spot with enemy fire still coming from it. "Come on!" she motions to Stephanie, then looks at Tom. "We're gonna stop these guys for good! Stay here and watch them!" Tom nods and turns to keep a close eye on Howell and Mansfield as Kit and the frowning Stephanie take off at a run.
Farther up the mountain, Colonel Hartlett looks through his binoculars at the trailer and glares as he sees more dead prisoners. "You morons!" he yells at the clone snipers and mortar team near him. "Watch where you're aiming!" "Why should we?" one of the clones dares to ask. "We know we're going to replace those guys down there in Lord Thailog's army, we're replacing all the human soldiers in it! Why shouldn't we get rid of those prisoners? They're inferiors! This way the enemy can't use them as leverage, we don't have to worry about supplying them…" He is cut off as Hartlett gasps. "Do you all agree with this rebel?" he asks the clone soldiers, drawing his sidearm and pointing it at the brave one. Before they can respond, a beam of energy shoots down from above and explodes amongst them, taking out all but four. "Aw, s&^t!" Hartlett spins, turning and seeing a grim-faced Elena hovering over them. "Shoot her!" he orders his remaining men, waving his sidearm for emphasis. They open fire and Elena begins to dodge as the screen goes blank.
Doug - []
Sunday, May 14, 2000 04:16:33 AM
Hi everybody. This message originally was going to be a really short post. Something went terribly wrong. *just kidding* ;)
Shadowrider and Jannie> <motorcycles> It was raining today. Now when it rains I don't ever recall seeing anyone riding bikes in NYC. This got me wondering. How dangerous is it to ride in the rain or when the ground is wet? I'm thinking it is more of a comfort issue kind of like driving a convertible with the top down in the rain but maybe it isn't or at least it isn't just a comfort issue. Thanks again for all the info so far. ^_^
Brooklyn> <pics situation> I sent you email. It is coming soon. <Does anybody know where I can buy a paint program to make the 3D versions of my drawings?> Check out You can even download a free trail version to see if you like it. The examples on their page alone are pretty cool. :)
Wilek> <still curious> Okay. I'll tell. I got mixed up with the Whelk from FF3. Now it is interesting to note there is only letter that is different. ('i' becomes 'h') Other than that the letters are jumbled but match up. I hope you get a good laugh out of this. I feel really silly. I added the question to my post after my brain had shut down for the night. ;) Don't you hate it when that happens? <Diablo> You may have missed this last time I posted it because the room crashed shortly afterwards, if you want to play the full Diablo I'd be happy to send you my Diablo CD. Let me know.
Gside> <Absolutely. the Golden Rule of Riding Bikes: I've never held a swallow.> African or European? Hmm, I don't know why I feel the uncontrollable urge to address the Monty Python stuff to you every time. Could it be something in the New Jersey water? ;)
Hyperion <Laggo> Laggo my eggo! I mean Laggo my terrans! ;) Seriously, when I heard 14.4 I figured I could take advantage of the connection speed difference. On Big Bad I'm only an average player. I'm not good enough to really kick ass. ^_^
Mandolin> Good luck on your last final! Wait a minute. You had a final on Saturday? :P *yuck* Hope it went well.
Mara> *applauds* Bravo! That was great! ^_^
Mary> Daniel's right. If you aren't a senior then it means senior year will be a little more hectic but it can all work out. Actually my senior year in high school was all screwed up but I'll save it since I don't know if it applies to your current situation. Hmm, either way Daniel J has good advice.
Daniel Johnson> <What five letter word, when in all capitals, is the same when viewed upside down?> Does it also have to be a palindrome? Or are we just looking for a each letter flipped vertically? Example (perfect for mother's day) MOM upside-down is WOW.
SOROW> <pinkeye> :( Get well soon!
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers! Must sleep now. Bye everybody!
Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Sunday, May 14, 2000 03:27:57 AM
Patrick> True, I have a cable connection now, but even when I had my 56k, I never spent more than twenty minutes to download a song. The whole theory behind it is you do it while you go about your usual net-happenings. The single factor that makes Napster worth it is that you don't -need- to waste your time scouring for the songs you want.
I've never run into an incomplete or bad-quality song, and thanks to the format of mp3's, you can listen while you download, so you don't have to "wait until you get home."
As for hard drive space, mp3's are compact. That's their deal. Plus, if you have a CD-RW... In any case, a 20 GB hard drive would probably be cheaper than a year's purchases of CD's.
Sunday, May 14, 2000 02:55:12 AM
Kitainia> <<Thanks for the Avalanche ID>>: Not a problem in the least.
One more grade down, three to go. B+ in simulations (H. seminar).
Daniel Johnson> <<Oh, and how do you know I'm not already in Marlboro?>>: Well, since you are here, it therefore follows that you belong there.
Mara> <<Gee.. am I a hentai or what?>>: I'd say you are way beyond hentai.
Mary Flanders> <<I have absolutely no understanding of how and when to do this college applying thing>>: Two words: Princeton Review. This is a big fat book that gives summaries on practically every college in existance, as well as admission strictness. Other than that, I can't really help you other than to wish you luck.
Daniel Johnson> <<Of course, this also assumes that n and y are integers; I don't think Gside mentioned that>>: It wouldn't work if they were. The problem only talked about y=2, and induction only works with discrete intervals, plus, divisibility only can apply to integers.
<<What five letter word, when in all capitals, is the same when viewed upside down?>>: Let's see, it can only contain WIOSHZXNM, and one of IOHSXZN must be at the center. Other than that, I'm not seeing it.
CtB> <<nine pin USB plug into a twelve pin USB socket>>: Wait, pins in a USB plug? USB ports only have four connections, and they're not pins. Are you sure you're not talking about serial ports?
SOROW> << He's so unoriginal that he can't make up his own jokes, so he quotes after every movie ever made>>: You should be glad you never approached my suite, expecially if you don't like Adam Sandler, The Matrix, or Star Wars (and SpaceBalls). (I think those were the worst offenders (though there was a bit of So I Married an Axe Murderer crossing over with The Waterboy near the end (can anyone guess how?)))
Time to change the mp3. Probably a bad idea with all the debate going on, but on with it. This is quite the amusing tune, and should have been the theme of the Terrans in Starcraft. I give you Political Science by Randy Newman.
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Sunday, May 14, 2000 01:53:13 AM
Battlefield Earth> The word on the street I've heard is that everyone is declaring this movie a major schlockbuster in the tradition of Batman and Robin and Waterworld. So I'm happy to hear the film flopping like the beached whale it is.
Crzy> Yes, it is only a costume, I can't afford to get the ridges surgically embeded into my forehead.:)
Skippy The Klingon
Sunday, May 14, 2000 12:45:20 AM
I have pinkeye so I'm not going to be able to write much. I saw Gladiator today for the second time, but I think I still like Braveheart better. Personal reasons.
Mec> You should hear my brother. He's so unoriginal that he can't make up his own jokes, so he quotes after every movie ever made. Even South Park...ARGH!
Saturday, May 13, 2000 11:26:42 PM
Mara Cordova > Cool filk. If I were you, I'd definitely submit it for the G2K filkbook. :)
Mary > What year of HS are you in? Doesn't your school have guidance counselors? If you're a senior, it's hard to believe that among your friends, teachers and counselors, no one once mentioned to you anything about SATs and college applications. When I was in HS, they kept after us from nearly the first day we set foot in the building that we needed to be thinking ahead and preparing for all that.
Napster discussion > I guess I also question why I, for the iffy possibility of getting to spend hours with my slow AOL connection downloading incomplete versions of a few songs I like which I don't already own on cassette or CD, would want to spend hours of my free time recording as MP3s the contents of CDs I paid hard-earned money for, using up all my HD space to store them, and then make them available for free to anyone and everyone who wanted them.
But maybe that's just the cynic in me talking again. I _have_ checked out Napster, for what that's worth, after a friend a work spend a week lawding over how terrific it was. It felt sort of like wandering into a library where all the books were in a big pile on the floor, and there's a hundred copies of each book... only some are missing pages or the print is hard to read, but you're not allowed to open them and check until you get them home.
Anyway, I'll digress because the analogy is getting weird. What I do know, though, is that when I was in junior high and high school (all of about eight to ten years ago), if we wanted a free copy of a new song we really liked, we loaded a blank cassette into our tape recorder and called into the radio request line.
And if I had only known back in the 80s that I could buy every album I own from that decade ten years later in the "dollar and under" bin at Best Buy... I'd be a richer man today. :P
Patrick Toman
Saturday, May 13, 2000 10:47:54 PM
**delurks and makes sure to huggle Mara-ko on his way in**
Nice color there, love. :)
Incidentally ... anyone know why the root CR has suddenly become the Text Only CR (in title, anyway)? Just curious, probably something to do with LM and FS' overhauls.
Digital Camera: Actually, to tell the truth I need to look over the instructions more carefully before I try extracting any pics (took five the day I got the camera, all of my car. ;). I have the day off on Tuesday, I'll be reading over the instructions more closely (apparently I'm gonna need an adaptor cable to hook up a nine pin USB plug into a twelve pin USB socket.).
Oh, and as far as the LCD draining the battery ... that's why I bought two more full loads of batteries for it ... see, I have a helluva lot of trouble with viewfinders (i.e. they're so far off it ain't funny).
Mandi, re: eGroups: Dangit ... well ... best plan for now is, if ye could, ask everyone who posts to the list to CC their messages to me, please? I'd be most appreciative.
SJ: You're in my thoughts, man, you and your family.
Gside: To tell the truth, I got the camera because I'm an impatient little bastard and don't want to wait around for film to be developed ... instant gratification, y'know? ;)
XenaTrek: Well ... the one I bought was $300 and it's a Kodak ... seems pretty good to me. :)
Jannie: I have many things to look forward to the Gathering for, not the least of which being with Mara-ko. For starters, gettin' the chance to catch up with XenaTrek in person (haven't seen her since July of '98), also getting back together with all of the magnificent people I finally got to meet in Dallas last June ... not to mention it'll be my first trip to Orlando (I've never been to Florida, closest I ever came was Shreveport, LA on a band trip), and I'm dyin' to see what kind of roller coasters they've got down there ... in case ya haven't figured it out (much to XenaTrek's chagrin, I might add) I'm a roller coaster *junkie.* :)
cherry blossom, re: eye troubles: OUCHIE!! **cringes in sympathy** I too was forced to stop wearing contacts because of something similar (the dust in my workplace combined with scratches on my eyes' surface created inflamed irises), so I feel yer pain, friend.
Battlefield Earth: Well ... don't stone me for this, but I at least am going to give it a chance (albeit as a twilight, so that the Scientologists get less of my money than usual ;), because I've known by past history that film critics, as a whole, tend to be ... well ... a little elitist. As in, "If it isn't a clinical French art film that bores the general public to tears, I don't like it." I've said the same thing about X-Men, I'm going to say it for "BE."
Mara-ko, re: sketchbooks: Tell ya what, I'll up the ante and bring along *my* sketchpad with contains the only Rosanna nude that I've done completely. (then you'll see why I desperately need to get in on the life sessions ... ;) **pulls her into a brief kiss**
DPH: I choose D) Other, and my choice would be Dreamworks.
Mary Flanders: **sigh** It's just one of those things that happens, friend. You'll make it through ... might take a while to get you into college, but you'll get there, I'm sure.
DJ has the right idea, though.
Anyway, 'tis all for me ...
... oh, almost forgot ... XenaTrek, I got Jess' demo, haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, though ... will take it with me to work and listen to it on my car's CD player. :)
**scoops up Mara-ko in his arms and carries her out with him**
Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Saturday, May 13, 2000 10:47:34 PM
Yep, n^3 + n is also even. In fact, n^y + n where y >= 0 is always even. Of course, this also assumes that n and y are integers; I don't think Gside mentioned that. Wow, I have done this sort of thing in a LONG time.
It's no problem. I didn't take it personally, but I did see how I could have been a catalyst. And I have a lot of experience with going off on tangents and rambling. :) But, the voices make me do it...
Mary Flanders:
Huh? Not ready to take the SATs? Are you a senior? If not, you still have time, but if you are... I can't fathom what your parents are thinking. That's just bizarre. Is there someone at school, a guidance counselor maybe, whom you can talk to?
That is the silliest thing that I have seen recently. Thank you. :)
Here's something I was emailed:
What five letter word, when in all capitals, is the same when viewed upside down?
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Saturday, May 13, 2000 10:38:03 PM
Hyperion> It kind of depends on the game I'm playing. With Amptguard style weapons, I like a pair of swords, or a staff. In SCA lightfighting (Like fencing without all the pesky rules) I like sword and dagger or two daggers (which is a real challenge against an opponent with a longer weapon).
I also prefer the simulation of the SCA, because I fight mostly to learn how to write fight scenes. Amptguard is a lot looser, and more fun in some ways.
David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Saturday, May 13, 2000 10:19:31 PM
I just read Gothic Twilight. Nice story. Not gonna spoil it *S*
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Saturday, May 13, 2000 10:10:39 PM
SJ- hang in there bro- were keeping you and yours in our thoughts this weekend.
Metallica- *sigh* I am very dissipointed in the band. yes, yes, they do have the right to make money off their product- they had a guy on the radio from iron maiden- and he said he, as professional rocker was embarrassed about the whole incident- at any rate, he went on to roast the band for about twenty minutes, and is saying that when their new record comes out they will have the addy for the mp3s on the album it self. I must say, I will look at metalica with different eyes now, the same way I look at bill gates- people who have more money than they will ever need, and still want more- and that's never enough.
Saturday, May 13, 2000 08:19:56 PM
ok, I was just on the phone with my sister. Turns out I should have been applying to colleges back in Febuary. Here it is May and I haven't even gone on a single campus tour or anything to find out about what college I want to go to. I haven't even taken my SAT's yet. Why? because my parents said I'm not ready for the SAT's yet, and they clearly don't remember when my sister was applying. It's pretty much too late for me to get into a UC and I have absolutely no understanding of how and when to do this college applying thing. My mom and dad won't even let me look at colleges yet. *pulls out giant dummy of parents, a steel bat, and begins to pound the @&$% out of the dummies*
Jeez, why is this stuff happening to me? *sobs*
Mary Flanders
Saturday, May 13, 2000 07:35:39 PM
PATRICK - Thanks for posting the "Guide to Hollywood-speak". I LOL several times while reading it.
DPH - I don't think that there's any competition here; Disney would have to be the one to do "Gargoyles" if it gets revived, simply because it created it and it owns the rights. And I honestly don't see Disney selling the rights to "Gargoyles" to WB or FOX. After all, think of what could happen if "Gargoyles" did well in its revived run under either of them; Disney execs would be banging their heads in frustration and fury against the office walls, and maybe even looking for some very junior executive whom they could blame for the mess and fire. So it would have to be Disney, hands down.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, May 13, 2000 07:21:51 PM
Hmm. "I just don't know. I just don't know."
Why is the Pokemon craze expected to end in 2002? BTW, IYO which company would be must likely to restart/who would you like to restart Gargoyles if it was to be reanimated:
4)Other ________
I glanced at Who's the smartest kid in America and I have one question about child prodigies. What percentage of them later grow up to resent/hate their parents?
BTW, assuming n^2 + n is even, shouldn't n^3 + n also be even? Did I mention I was a former math major?
Expect the UNexpected.
Ms. SuperSpeed just teleported herself to a friend's house after being warned by DPH. She suspected that DPH would need help, but she had to be carefull to avoid being seen by NCA or DC in order for ReConnect to have an heir. She waited for days for her friend to arrive home and luckily she had a key to that house. Her friend finally arrived.
"Where have you been?" said SuperSpeed.
"I was working on an assignment from ITAG. . ." replied SuperSpeed's friend.
DPH (Daniel Paul Hightower - []
Saturday, May 13, 2000 07:03:56 PM
::Spooky music fills the comment room. A silky voice that speaks in a dedicatedly scary and sexy voice croons, though it is obvious English is a second language to Japanese::
It's coming...
It's coming...
:: Another voice, American, gravelly and darkly sinister)
Will you be ready?
Are you ready?
::two female voices rise up, falsetto to sound like that of innocent children::
They're coming to take you away
They're coming to take you away...
::that sexy Japanese voice again::
So I ask you
::all four voices merge::
Are you ready?
The Gathering is coming...
::the lights go back on and it turns out it's just Mara, Chibi Xelloss, Demmie-chan and Angie-chan... just messing with you again. Mara has a Chibi Triple H in her arms, messing with it's shiny pantene pro-v hair.::
Hi folks! Miss me? Just felt like checking in with ya's again... School ends for me in the next week, finally. So far, looks like I may pass everything. Woo Hooo!
On a sad note, unpon cleaning out my stuff in the home office I found TWENTY full sized sketch books filled to the brim with drawings.. and all of it naughty stuff I cant show my mom. Gee.. am I a hentai or what??
What was that?
Oh sure I'll bring em to the gathering.. some people may need corrupting... And what better than my interpretation of Morgan's tail shenanigans?
Oh.. Chibi Demmie-chan has a song filk for you... well at least part of it.
Demmie-chan :: (whips out a battered acoustic guitar and starts tuning it)This is for you, Hudson...
A single Gargoyle, alone and wise
All the Elders' son
His hands were meant for different work
And his heart was known to none
He guarded his home and taught his weak
And crotchety old way
And he gave to me a curse I know
I never can repay
A quiet man of weakness
Denied a simpler fate
He tried to be a soldier once
But .. ::breaking out of the song:: he sucked at it...
Minna:: Demmie-chan!!!!!!
Demona:: I shall continue ::Starts strumming again::
He earned his love through discipline
A thundering, concrete hand
His gentle means of sculpting souls
I still don't understand
The Leader of the Clan is tired
and his eye is growing old
But his blood runs through my fingertips
and his sword has pierced my soul...
My life has been a poor attempt
To eviserate the man
I'm just the Living Legacy
To the Leader of the Clan.
My brothers’ lives were different
For they heard another call
Three merged into ColdStone
And the other to sold his soul... (to human slime)
Minna:: DEMONA!!!
Demmie-chan:: WHAT? It rhymed!
And I’m in Gay Paree
When I’m not in some hotel
Living out this life I’ve chose
making their existence hell
I thank you for the ...
::guitar strums::
Demmie-chan:: '(aside) Where's my Bazooka Joe?
Angie-chan:: Mom.. the filk?
Demmie-chan:: I blanked out... Oh well.. here goes...
And your tracking on the road
I thank you for the freedom
When it came my time to go ::snorts::
I thank you for the kindness
And the times when you got tough
And, Huds, I don’t think
I said, “You're too damn old!!!” near enough
The Leader of the Clan is tired
and his eye is growing old
But his blood runs through my fingertips
and his sword has pierced my soul...
My life has been a poor attempt
To eviserate the man
I'm just the Living Legacy
To the Leader of the Clan.
The Leader of the Clan is tired
and his eye is growing old
But his blood runs through my fingertips
and his sword has pierced my soul...
My life has been a poor attempt
To eviserate the man
I'm just the Living Legacy
To the Leader of the Clan.
I’m just a living legacy
To the leader of the Clan
I am the living legacy
To the leader of the Clan
Mara Cordova (in red, the color of blood. Happy day ^_^) - []
Saturday, May 13, 2000 06:05:08 PM
Daniel Johnson> I didn't expect anyone to take what I said personally. Looking back, it was indeed your post that -primarily- sparked my comments, but they weren't intended as a direct response. I was generalizing. Well, more like I went off on a tangent. I tend to do that. I start writing something, then keep going and going... (hence that one helluva run-on).
It didn't rub me right that Gasper was apologizing, either. That was the other part of it. It all fell into my argument of flame-aphobia.
Gundam Wing> Who else thinks that last episode deserves to be in the running for most kick ass series finale ever? The totally unexpected playing of "Just Wild Beat Communication" as Heero emerged from his fight with Zechs... the incredible dive into the atmosphere to shoot down the piece of Libra... I didn't think they could wrap everything up so quickly, but did they do a stupendous job. I'm at the peak of my obsession now, I need Endless Waltz!
The most encouraging thing about Gundam Wing is that it's so recent; late 90's. So Japan hasn't slowed down a bit in terms of top-notch animation. (Most stuff you see are the 'classics'... from that you'd think anime became extinct after the 80's.)
And, here's a nifty topic tie-in> I have pretty much the entire collection of GUndam Wing music in mp3's. All courtesy of Napster. For someone like me, who owns about a total of 6 CD's, mp3's are only beneficial. Because I wouldn't go out and buy the Gundam Wing CD (presuming it's out there) anyway. So sales aren't being compromised by my d/ling. In fact, if anything, Napster has elevated my desire to go out and become one of the frequent CD shoppers of America.
It all has to do with our obsession with tangibility. We can't just save to disc, we have to PRINT every ONE of those fifty pages of said document to preserve for posterity. We can't just watch the reruns on TV, we've got to get ourselves every last episode on TAPE, even though we might never watch them.
Plus, there's this sense of satisfaction from buying. You know, getting that brand new, shiny CD incased in the eye-catching, attractive outer shell, all in-coated in plastic that seems to assure you that it is something fresh and untainted.
People buy. It's our nature. Well, Americans' nature, anyway.
Saturday, May 13, 2000 05:10:54 PM
The Gargoyles movie is still in development limbo the last I heard.
For a translation of what that Hollywood-speak means in plain English, click my name.
Patrick Toman
Saturday, May 13, 2000 04:53:29 PM
Warpmind: don't worry about were still here then - it was only a week or three ago.
Saturday, May 13, 2000 04:50:44 PM
Rodlox: No, I don't remember that. Possibly, that happened before I joined, or I simply missed the entire debate somehow...
Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Saturday, May 13, 2000 04:27:30 PM
Warpmind: no, i didn't forget...but remember when this CR room was discussing Sigyn? without her, the Gate has no translations.
Saturday, May 13, 2000 02:49:47 PM
Robby> A while back I read some of Hearts of Ice. I liked the feel of the writing style and I like the story a lot, but deep down I'm a DnR fan. ^_^
Mary Flanders
Saturday, May 13, 2000 02:18:31 PM
*Warpmind pops in again.*
Oh, and that movie trailer: don't bother with the best quality version; there's something wrong with the zip. Go for the second-best version; it works.
Mandolin: No sweat. The trailer should be up for a loooong time. :)
Rodlox: Proofread it? Sure, I guess I can do that... as for the Norse sentences... you forget the language acquisition detail about the Phoenix Gate? :) I kinda doubt that line you suggested would work on us fans; too many nitpickers. ;)
Hasta Mañana, I believe. (I doubt I'll return today.)
Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Saturday, May 13, 2000 02:13:03 PM
Hi guys
Brooklyn here
Just thought I'd drop by to what was going on.
Has anybody heard any news on the gargoyles movie
Brooklyn - []
Saturday, May 13, 2000 01:52:51 PM
Warpmind: out of curiosity, do you think the following line should be added?:
But that was not what she heard. Instead, to her ears, the red gargoyle was saying "___" {how would Brooklyn's english sound to a Norse-woman?}.
it's optional, though....juts a thought.
Saturday, May 13, 2000 01:41:25 PM
Warpmind: just proof-read it, if that's okay with you. the only translation would be in certain Norse sentances {particularly the 'night fliers'}.
vampires on _Angel_ are the undead, right? would a _Brimstone_-style execution {shoot out the eyes} work on a vampire?....or are there different kinds of dammed souls?
While on crossovers....would the Neuralizers in _Men In Black_ {the movie} work on Zeke Stone et ali ??
creativity thingie:
Angel shoots a steak through Det. Stone's heart. Zeke looks down, looks back at Angel. "That wasn't very nice," he admonishes.
Saturday, May 13, 2000 01:05:03 PM
Two finals down, one more to be taken at 2 today.
Gside> <<Always round up. (at least in the humanities, we get to fiddle with orders of magnitude, but the number had better be close)>> Well, then, the paper is 15 pages and going, then.
Warpmind> Didn't get the chance to DL the trailer; I'll do it when I have more time. (Just watched Galaxy Quest again last night and laughed my head off...)
Crzy> Thanks. Unfortunately, my main sources of stress are aforementioned paper and the jerkoffs at CBS who are making us wait until WEDNESDAY to announce the fate of "Now and Again" ... you know, I love the show, but if they're going to cancel it I wish they'd just come out and tell us instead of stringing us along like this.
Battlefield Earth> The few shots of Travolta in that getup I've seen are enough to make me want to pass on it. *snerk*
Okay, my creativity demons are shrieking at me to get studying and writing my paper - once finals and the paper are done, I'm lifting my fanfic moratorium, and they know that. Be back after my Shakespeare final; wish me luck!
Saturday, May 13, 2000 12:48:36 PM
*Warpmind slips in again.*
Oh, if you like Star Trek: TNG and parodies thereof, you HAVE to click my name here!
Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Saturday, May 13, 2000 12:33:08 PM
Lady Mystic:
Don't worry; You're doing a great job. Take care of Real Life first. If you still are missing some CRs, I have everything from the end of March on.
RE: proof -- What can I say: I'm a deductive kind of guy. Although your proof did make sense to me. That's scary. Oh, and how do you know I'm not already in Marlboro? Or recently released? Lots of people in this town are. At least until they stop taking their medication, at which time they get sent back.
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Saturday, May 13, 2000 11:51:42 AM
Skippy - HERE! HERE! I completely agree with you on the Battlefield Earth thing. ::shudders:: As for the cheapo special effects, I just got my Entertainment Weekly Magazine and they have a close up shot of Travolta in make up with his big rubber alien gloves on. Make-up job is just a joke. I can only imagine how awful the other special effects are. Your Klingon costume is much better thought out and executed.... um.... That IS a costume... right? :)
Mandi - cheer up girl! You got a great story there! and we have all been on the recieving end of "You screwed up but I am having to tell you sorry anyway to appease you" thing. Trust me, don't let it get your ego down... just blow it off and move on. It just isn't worth the stress it brings.
NEW ART! Kythera posed a challenge to me to draw her in Anime form. Clicky clicky to check her out!
CrzyDemona - [<--- new art!]
Saturday, May 13, 2000 11:47:16 AM
*Warpmind enters.*
Hokay, Rodlox, I got your e-mail... but out of sheer curiosity: what did you want me to do with it again? :| I skimmed through them, but didn't immediately spot any passages that obviously needed translation. (Though, I'll read through properly later, to see if I missed it...) If you though I am willing to translate the *whole* thing... well, that is far different from translating a few sentences...
The Napster debate: It is situations like this that make me happy I don't use it... not that I have anything to trade anyway...
Aaron: Dude, if you try to give me a guilt complex about Gharbad, it doesn't work... I have no sympathy for people who attack me. :)
Gasper: I know, I know... after whupping Lavos' butt, I checked out a Walkthrough, or whatever it was (maybe just a Boss Strategy Guide, I don't remember), and found out everything about the New Game + thingie... <Grumble> I am currently back in business.
Winterwolf: I'd be surprised if you can't get the New Game + option on the cartridge... after all, the ROM is just an image of the cartridge... (Admittedly, I don't have a SNES unit... This because I don't have my own TV, and thus I have no use for a console... Besides, I don't bother dishing out a four-digit amount of $ to play *1* game...)
Wilek: I've been corrected where this WinAMP/Diablo deal was concerned... He was using a NoCD crack thingie (all of Diablo on the hard drive - *whee*) and playing a homemixed CD in the background... *weird* So, that's apparently how it's done.
Robby: Green Baron *is* Vogel? *Shudder* At least he's not Burnett... that could be a bit too much...
Well, that's it. Ciao.
Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Saturday, May 13, 2000 10:28:04 AM
ABoard the Avatar of Ganon, which is rapidly moving away from the Earth... Mephisto looked over the incoming progress reports of what was going on, both on Earth and in HFIL. One of his flunkies looked worried.
"But sir, there are massive rebellions breaking out in HFIL, and there are heroes there! The portals you went through all that trouble to open may soon be closed, or worse, fall into the possesion of the other lords..."
"So..?" Mephisto nonchalantly looked at the flunkie.
"SO?!? SIR, all your plans..."
"I was never concerned with taking over Earth or HFIL. All my planning and scheming was to open up portals so I could get my soldiers out of HFIL and take over this ship. Nearly all of my troops are onboard this station, and there is nothing of any importance to me on the Earth or HFIL realms. There's only three or four minions of mine left behind at this point, and I don't care about them at all. And that includes the little weasel Sammuel. Poor poor fool."
"Um... WHy go to all the trouble to get everything onto this ship?"
"To escape," Mephisto explained.
"Escape what?"
"The Ten."
"The... ten?"
"The cyber smurf was one of them. He was the 7th or 8th strongest of them. Each higher ranking member of the Ten is at least twice as strong as the previous member, usually more. Any of the top five could defeat me and ALL my army, and I daresay the top three could do so easily. So for now... We flee from the Earth. We'll let Earth's heroes and the other potential leaders of HFIL deal with them. We'll come back in a year or so, check out the damage, and then if the Ten have left, we can conquor easily. If they have not left, we will find some other place to go."
"And if the Ten are defeated?"
Mephisto froze at the thought, and then suddenly laughed loudly at his minion's niavete.
SJ- Thoughts are on your dad man, hope he gets better. If ya need someone to talk to, I'm just about always on IM...
Mary Flanders- Daigakusei no Ranma is one of the two most favored Ranma fanfics on the net. In polls and annual awards contests, it always wins, or ties, with Hearts of Ice. You read Hearts of Ice? Its still a chapter away from being done, but its at least as good as Daigakusei, if not better... (Hearts of Ice had me laughing, smiling, crying, talking to myself, leaning on the edge of my seat and going "They can't DO that!" many a time... But I've been too busy reading Slayers fanfic to read Daigakusei lately...)
Kyryn- Meant to say it earlier but it slipped my mind, congrats on your first anniversary. Like someone else noted, time sure does fly! I still remember when you'd just announced you'd gotten engaged!
Los Alamos fire- Oii...
Napster- never used Napster myself, but I do download mp3's. If it actually means anything, I've only downloaded stuff that I just honestly can't get without going to Japan or something thats just plain unavailable... (Its almost all anime music...) And in a couple of cases, I've gotten an MP3 to confirm a song is what I think it is, and then gone to the trouble of buying a rather expensive import CD. (I intend to fork over nearly 40 bucks to get a Slayers CD... Oii...)
Warpmind- You resemble Preston Vogel eh? You need to see some pictures of Green Baron from Gathering 99 then... He *IS* Vogel.
X-Men cartoon- *Shudder* WHy NOT just make it Generation X? Its an actual title that would do well to have extra advertising...
Chrono Trigger- Great game. I played New Game+ so many times, I had the characters all at level 99 with nothing but stars for ALL of their stats. (The game really SHOULD up its difficulty a notch with new game+, its rather boring being able to nuke everything so easily...)
Fire Storm and Lady Mystic- Your work for the TGS website is very appreciated, but you should already know that. 8)
You know, I'm starting to wonder if Disney is going to have an actual animated film this summer. Between Dinosaur, Titan AE, Pokemon 2, Fantasia 2000 in regular theaters, and Road to ElDerado... Thats five "animated" films in theaters in under 3 months. (ANd if you want to count the gawdawful Tigger Movie, 6 movies in 4 months.) That's got to be a new North America record. And seeing as how all the advertising is going towards Dinosaur and Fantasia 2000, and I haven't even HEARD what this year's film is supposed to be, I'm starting to wonder...
Saturday, May 13, 2000 02:32:55 AM
Hi everyone.
Just dropping by before I go to bed.
*** TGS CR INFO ***
I'm sorry the CR Archive hasn't been updated. After FS' computer crashed all we have left is ONE full week (week ending April 30) and some various incomplete weeks archived on my computer. After this current week gets wiped I'll upload any available CRs. (Thanks Daniel Johnson for keeping your archive up.)
I've been working on redesigning the TGS CR Info area a bit. It's not a major change, but I hope you all will like the differences.
I've been swamped with so much lately that I'm kind of at my wit's end. Stress and the number of tasks and chores I want to do and/or am expected to do have been slowly wearing me out. **sigh** I'll recover, it's just going to take a while.
In the mean time, I'll get FS to help me out with the TGS stuff. So please be patient and understanding.
FYI: For all those trying to visit the CR archive with "404 File Not Found" response you are visiting the wrong URL. When FS and I uploaded our work for the first time FS erased all the files in the old directory before I could tell him not to, so the links from certain existing TGS pages are broken. The official URL to the CR Archive and all other CR information is as follows:
It just occurred to me that I could have made a simple page directing to the new URL. **sighs** I guess I've got too much on my mind lately. I'll put up a page directing to the new URL tomorrow. That'll work until we find something better.
*** / TGS CR INFO ***
*** Realizing how tired she is LM decides to end her post on that note. ***
See ya later.
Lady Mystic - []
Dearborn, MI
Saturday, May 13, 2000 01:13:21 AM
Some things I missed.
Theresa: Best of luck to you and all in New Mexico with that ferocious fire. I hope it is quickly put out, before it can take too many more lives. Stay safe, okay? :)
SJ: Virgin Suicides is a very good movie. It makes one think, which gives it a plus in my book. The plot is confusing at times, but decent. The script has the teen girl and boy perspectives down perfectly. Good acting too, especially from the amazing Kirsten Dunst. I definitely recommend you go see it. Also, I'd skip Battlefield Earth if you know what's good for you. Jammer and Tricia saw it today and said that Travolta was the only entertaining thing in the film, so unless you're a big fan of his don't bother seeing BE. They're usually right about movies. :( $ Doug and I will e-mail you an RP update either tomorrow or Sunday night when we have time. There's a lot of important stuff we have to do this weekend. If you want a summary of what your characters are currently up to, as far as we know Mephisto is still on the pretty-much evacuated Avatar lording over it like the demon prince he is. Only Janice Ripowski and a small group of personnel who stayed behind are still fighting against him. Sammael, Dyspare, and Kari are with some of Robby's characters taking out his demons on Earth (Robby will have to fill you in completely on that situation). And SJ's soul is still in Hell, trying to hide out from Mephisto among the rest of the damned until an opportunity comes up for him to get back to Earth. Unfortunately, Mephisto's main rival demon lord, Beelzebub, has just invaded Mephisto's realm (he saw an opportunity) and taken all the souls there into enslavement. You're going to have to do some demolition and then construction work trying to please Beelzebub by designing and building a "glorious city." A difficult task, even with the help of all the other damned souls, but if you can succeed, all the work crew gets a second chance at life on Earth. :) Read Doug's and my posts from this week using your characters for complete details. Hope you can come back into the action soon. :) $
Later everyone.
Saturday, May 13, 2000 01:07:53 AM
Battlefield Earth>> I think everyone here already knows my reasons for not seeing it. Mainly because this is nothing but a fundraisng project for the Cult of Scientology. A lot of the theatrical grosses will go directly to them, plus a major share of all the merchandising.All of which will go into the coffers of the Cult. For more infoon why Scientology is bad, check my name link...
As for the movie itself, I doubt it will be that good anyway. From the word go it was a questionable project. It was budgeted with $30 million dollars, ten of which went into Travolta's pocket. In Hollywood, twenty million doesn't buy that much special effects.
Then there's the source material itself. In comparison to BFE, Frank Herbert's Dune novel is almost a light read! BFE is something like 800 pages long and reads like a piece of slipshod fanfic. Elron Hubbard's writing style was pompus at best, his whole introduction on what was pure science fiction was utterly ridiculous, especially since most SF book critics tore it apart for it's scientific and logical lapses.
The fact that the book only ended up on the bestseller list because Scientologists were ordered by the Cult to go to every book chain and buy out their copies of the book, forcing them to reorder. Since the cult has deep pockets, they were able to make it #1 bestseller for several weeks. Iwould notbe suprised we here tales of Scientology buying up lots of tickets for the show, just to make it the #1 movie. Since most of that kind of nonsense was done to boost Elron's ego, that may not be the case this time.
As for the movie's chances this weekend, I am kind of doubtful. It will open up in the top five without a doubt, but I expect the Norm McDonald/Danny DeVito comedy Screwed will be the number one pic. That's assuming Scientology isn't jiggering with the numbers. Though if BFE stays in the top ten for more three weeks, I'd be getting suspicous.
I'm sure the pic will be rife with MSTable moments, that Rocky Horror Picture Show cast I hang with all the time was talking about doing a double feature production with Shock Treatment, I suggested theyought to try this one instead. Whoknows, maybe after thisweekend they might think about trying it :)
Skippy The Klingon
Saturday, May 13, 2000 01:05:45 AM
*I'm not being jaunty because I need to write this and then sleep*
David G> Mostly friends in the backyard. The guys I'm with are SCA and I'm thinking about joining. Mind if I ask what your preferred instrument of destruction is?
Aaron> No, I stay away from little tricks (;-))Mind if I ask what you have in mind? I'm always looking for nifty things to throw at the guys I work with.
They had a hell of a time learning to avoid thrusts. Sure the concept in simple, but they didn't do alot of thrusting defense simply for that reason. BTW, the same question applies to you: What do you like for causing unneccessary ventailition?
Winterwolf> (SC) You and what Starfleet? Actually, I delete SC for my HD. The game was getting too predictable. 80% of the time my opponent whould go hard air. Sucked.
Besides, I refuse to take the handle "Laggo" on B-Net :-)
Napster BS> As a small time cyber-thug (hacker/cracker/all around-miscreant) you can imagine I'll snag whatever's free out there, and a few things that arn't. However,most cash for CD sales goes straight to the recording company not the artists. Limp Bizkit just had Napster Corp. underwrite a $1.8 Mil tour. Most artists get money for live tours and only a small percentage of CD sales as royalties. I have no problem stealing from Sony esp. when a CD costs $.50 and even at a(hypothetical) 500% markup for marketing they're still charging $18, of which the artist sees maybe $2. Anyone what to guess who's getting rich here?
And just to make you all really worried, yes, I am majoring in business ethics.
I don't want to talk about it.
I can understand where Metallica's coming from, but I think their annoyane is misplace. If anything it's helping them by getting their music out so more people will come to live concerts. (As I did) <shrug>
Oh well, c'est la vie.
Gotta fly!
*Sprouts wing and flies directly into the nearest wall*
"Ouch! Man, do I need sleep!"
*exits through neares perfectly servicable door*
Hyperion - []
Saturday, May 13, 2000 12:59:24 AM
Gside: Thanks for the Avalanche ID. Sounds like the new X-Men show needs some bad teen girl person. A Scarlet Witch maybe, or a White Queen. I already dislike that all the bad woman's henchmen are male. (But of course, I dislike the show pretty much compeletely, so that's beside the point.)
Doug and I checked the campus website and found out some of final grades. I have an A and two Bs, he's got an A, B, and C. Still no word on two of our classes apiece. Hope to hear what we made in them soon.
Good night.
Saturday, May 13, 2000 12:56:59 AM
David G> Mostly frineds in the backyard. The guys I'm with are SCA and I'm thinking about joining. Mind if I ask what your preferred instrument of destruction is?
Aaron> No, I stay away from little tricks (;-))Mind if I ask what you have in mind. I'm always looking ofr nifty things to throw at the guys I work with.
They had a hell of a time learning to avoid thrusts. Sure the concept in simple, but they didn't do alot of thrusting defense simply for that reason. BTW, the same question applies to you: What do you like for causing unneccessary ventalition?
Winterwolf> (SC) You and what Starfleet? Actually, I delete SC for my HD. The game was getting too predictable. 80% of the time my opponent whould go hard air. Sucked.
Besides, I refuse to take the handle "Laggo" on B-Net :-)
Napster BS> As a small time cyber-thug (hacker/cracker/all around-miscreant) you can imagine I'll snag whatever's free out there, and a few things that arn't. However,most cash for CD sales goes straight to the recording company not the artists. Limp Bizkit just had Napster Corp. underwrite a $1.8 Mil tour. Most artists get money for live tours and only a small percentage of CD sales as royalties. I have no problem stealing from Sony esp. when a CD costs $.50 and even at a(hypothetical) 500% markup for marketing they're still charging $18, of which the artist sees maybe $2. Anyone what to guess who's getting rich here?
Hyperion - []
Saturday, May 13, 2000 12:54:48 AM
Gasper> <<if you've watched the series at alll, you'll know what's going on>>: Terein lies the problem. I've only seen about five episodes.
Mandolin> <<Okay, 8 1/2, but I'm trying to be positive>>: Always round up. (at least in the humanities, we get to fiddle with orders of magnitude, but the number had better be close)
Daniel Johnson> proof: That is a valid proof, but they wanted it using induction (BS: 1^2+1=2 ; 2 is divisible by 2; IH: Assume 2|(k^2+k); IS: (k+1)^2+(k+1) = (k^2+2k+1)+(k+1) = (k^2+k)+(2k+2) = (k^2+k)+2(k+1) ; By assumption, 2|(k^2+2) ; Since k+1 is an integer, 2|2(k+1) ; Therefore 2|((k^2+k)+2(k+1)) ; QED (note: | means divides))
<<By the way, what did that have to do with CompSci?>>: That is a very good question. It is a required course, and is in the comp. sci. department (course ID: 01:198:205). My theory is that they want to teach us the logic behind programming, and there is a good bit about set theory and relations (plus, my guy went ahead with some graph theory).
Boo yah. Just checked my grades, and got the first one back. Aced Linguistics. I do love how things are moving to the web. I can register, check which classes are filled, where they are, and get my grades and transcript all over the web.
Oh yeah, a couple posts ago, I said I was going to explain a thought I had, but I never did. See, each (local) campus of Rutgers has a unique character, so being the pattern finder I am, I tried to assign one to each cast member (of Gargs). (maybe I do this too much. Both the Planets and RU campi?) Anyway: Lex/Busch (nerd heaven), Agela/Douglas (all female, big on empowerment), Broadway/Cook (almost the same campus as Douglas, houses the Nabisco Food Science Building (and other simiar structures)) Brooklyn/Livingston (the ghetto, but originally founded as an experimental campus in the 60s) Goliath/College Ave. (the center, housing most of the administration)
For some reason I feel I misrepresented myself in my previous post about who males would romance vs. marry. But, don't feel like looking it up, and I have truly no experience (or by observing) to back up my opinnions, so I shall leave it be for fear of putting my foot in my mouth.
Aaron> <<I'm opposed to all forms of music storage invented after audio tapes>>: Heretic!
<<How 'bout the Cavalry segment from the William Tell Overture?>>: It serves about the same purpose as Light Calvery, so why not. Randomness: "Hark, I hear a white horse."
Gasper> <<the water fountain-bubbler/Minnesota-Wisconsin debate>>: You haven't seen anything until you've experienced the sprinkles-jimmies dispute.
Winterwolf> <<This makes me feel special>>: Well you are. Seriously though, many apologies, I have been bictim of the same thing (actually, I think I was always on the other end, but there have been occasional disputes over my identity).
Kitainia> <<...remind me who Avalanche is...>>: He would be from a subsequent generation of the BoEM, under the leadership of Mystique, at the same time as Pyro. His most worn outfit was silveresque armor constructed with a giant A on his chest. He controlled earth (dirt, rocks, etc.).
Shadowrider> <<Just my own two cents (is it the right phrase?)>>: Absolutely.
the Golden Rule of Riding Bikes: I've never held a swallow.
Mecord> <<I love doing that>>: Always enjoyable. But, how easy is it for gargs? And was it ever decided whether they leave marks in hardwood floors?
Daniel Johnson> <<Then again, maybe I'm just nuts>>: What kind? Cashew? Pecan? Wall? Coco? Pine? Or are you just saying that you're going to be visinting Marlboro in the near future?
<<I expect Gside to make a comment right about here>>: Well, I was going to let it go...
Wilek> <<I can manage 3k/s>>: Is it appropriate to laugh in your face at this moment, or is it bad ettiquite? Anyway, I can say I do not miss having a standard modem.
<<These things amount to almost half a gigabyte>>: If you are getting the 32 meg versions. Although that was the only size from the site I got mine ( ) I believe another site has a couple size options ( ).
<<Are there cheat codes for the full game?>>: Well there is the cow level (blatant lie, semi famous legend, SC cheat code).
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, May 13, 2000 12:41:19 AM
Elch...I can hardly wait for summer. I want my orals, essays, tests and finals over with.
BTW, a really weird and icky thing happened today at school. A couple of seniors, who wanted to leave a lasting impression of their last year in high school, ran through the halls. Naked. And these weren't guys. These were girls. All that they had on were shoes, socks, and some pantyhose over their heads. Right now I am very, very, VERY relieved that we had no foreign exchange students over this week because that would have left a VERY long and lasting impression on them. Good thing the Japanese and German exchange students left when they did. :P
I can't remember if I mentioned it in here, but last time I posted I had a 5K run coming up. Well, I ran it in about 32 minutes. The first mile or so I ran non-stop. I'm pretty proud of myself. ^_^
I'm not sure if anyone noticed last time (sorry I have a pretty big paranoia that no one wants to listen to me). I posted a link to a Ranma 1/2 fanfic sight. I want to go a little bit more into depth with describing it just to see if I'll gain anyone's interest.
The series is called Daigakusei no Ranma-Diagakusei no Ukyo. It's a great continuation of Ranma 1/2 and I think it's got as much artistic talent and writing talent as The Gargoyles Saga. They have some wonderful artists, one of whom draws almost identically to the creator of Ranma 1/2, Rumiko Takahashi, but it still has a look of originality in it. She's also the portuguese translator. They also have wonderful writers who have done incredible jobs on anaylizing and expressing the personalities of Ranma, Akane, Shampoo, etc. It's also won a few awards for it's excellent storyline. All I'm saying is that if you're a Ranma 1/2 fan like me and want to see the continuation of this great series, you HAVE to see this sight. These people are as good at what they do in their fandom as the people who work on TGS are in our fandom. Here is the link. *exhales*
See you later!
Mary Flanders - [<---Daigakusei no Ranma-Daigakusei no Ukyo]
Saturday, May 13, 2000 12:21:48 AM
Metallica> Y'all are gonna love this. Toward the end of their "Kill 'Em All" tour, they spotted a fan wearing a homemade shirt that read, "Alcoholica: Drank 'Em All". The band proceeded to rip off the idea and print up Alcoholica shirts of their own (don't know if they actually sold them). Another charming stunt involved a member of the band mooning a camera and saying something like, "This is what I think of Guns 'n' Roses." Who I also don't like, but *this*...They do have a classical album that doesn't sound too bad (there are a few audio clips at, though...
MP3s> Love 'em. I download them extensively, mostly for import video game soundtracks that are too expensive to bother actually buying unless I am absolutely *obsessed* with them (and those that are out of print, like the Actraiser Symphonic Suite), and a few other songs that I can't find any other way (Paint It Black, anything from Omen II or Tekkaman Blade II). (Speaking of which, would anyone happen to know where to acquire MP3s from House On Haunted Hill?)
Gside> <<!@$# 50 k/s download limit>> :O My *gods*...I can manage 3k/s, and that's if I'm not loading a web page... O_O <<I like my new hard drive. 433 megs is nothing.>> These things amount to almost half a gigabyte?! And I only have 2GB left...<sigh> Time to start uninstalling games...
Diablo> I recently tripped over a prerelease demo of this that I'd forgotten about; it's the Butcher's quest. Are there cheat codes for the full game? Because being killed by the first group of enemies you encounter is pretty depressing...
Warpmind> <<Run Diablo without music, and with WinAmp (or equivalient) in the background>> Will Diablo even start with another application hogging the sound card (both my MP3 players disable WAV playback while playing, which is a bit annoying when I'm online since my e-mail notifier and download manager use WAVs to signal new e-mail or download completion)? O_o
Winterwolf> <<Actually looking back at Final Fantasy, I thought you where one of the cool bosses, but the name is a slightly different. ^_^>> Ah. I'm still curious though. ;)
Motorcycles> I dunno, too open and vulnerable for my liking. I prefer something a little more durable. Like a Cadillac. Or a repulsortank. Or maybe a big floating mechanical skull.
Niamhgold> <<If you're one of the poeple who love Materia and un-romantic storylines, I'd suggest probably skipping 8>> I fit that description, but I rather like 8; there's a lot of mystery and political intrigue going on, and I'm into that. =) (This game is driving me crazy though. My party has infiltrated Deling City with the sniper, but it took me a LONG time to defeat Sacred and Minotaur back in the Tomb, so I'm pretty sure that I'm not sufficiently leveled up for the boss battle this looks like it's leading up to, there are no quick EXP Gameshark codes like with FF7, and for some reason I can't find my way out of the city to build EXP on the world map. On the other hand, I used a Gameshark code to raise Squall's level to 100, but he doesn't do any more damage to enemies than he did before...<sigh>)
Cherry Blossom> <<I went into the bathroom to take it out and examine the one. *sigh* I found a piece of hair on my contact that caused me no end of pain. so I used the tap water, stupid me, to get the hair off. unfortunately, the damage was already done to my eye and now, I have another_tear in my cornea.>> ACK! O_O That has to hurt...hope it heals soon! :(
SJ> I hope everything turns out well for your father. :(
XenaTrek> <<When I first saw the teasers for it, I was geared up to go, but after reading some reviews on it, I'm not too sure about it.>> Well, the profits from it go into the coffers of the Church Of Scientology, which is a big reason to avoid it. (Also stay away from the novel and the action figures. Yes, action figures.)
Jannie> <<after her husband had kidney cancer & had one removed this year she said that she couldn't bear the thought of staying at home with him all the time and making sandwiches *blinks* He now has cancer in his lungs and she still refuses to spend what time she has left with him at home. (the first week after he returned home from the hospital of having a kidney removed - she told him that there would be no whining nor complaining in her house and to get over it) Last year she had both breasts removed on a Monday and was back at work the following Monday. <she's not human, I tell ya'>>> What the...?! <grr> What's her e-mail address? Because I have a few ideas...ehehehehehe
Entity> <<Which means you have to either plop in front of your computer to listen, or go out and buy (did that word catch your eye?) an mp3 player that can hold the amount of maybe one CD.>> Or buy a CD-RW drive. Much less expensive than an MP3 player in the long run (blank CDs vs. memory cartridges). :) (I have a CD-RW drive, but for some unfathomable reason it won't install. I think DC's still being tortured for that.)
Kitania> <<Same to you, of course. Swat the horrifying creature a few extra times for me, okay? And hope you can come back in here very soon. :)>> Thanks. ^_^ Such annoyances took an abrupt downswing as soon as RL got this (name link) in its e-mail. >:)
Starsinger> <<Greetings to Wilek, glad you're still here.>> Thanks to you too. :)
Wilek Nereus
Friday, May 12, 2000 11:47:40 PM
I'm afraid that I don't have any more news to report about my father. Doctors seem to be better than bureaucrats when it comes to wasting time. They were supposed to operate on my father--to drain the tumor--a little after breakfast this morning. They didn't come to get him till 8 friggin' o'clock tonight. Then they rescheduled it for noon tomorrow, and I hope to God they actually get it done. Things are still very serious...there's a tumor, some sort of a cyst in the area of the tumor, and the really scary thing is that there is a portion of the spine that is being (for lack of a better word) "hidden" by the tumor that the doctors are concerned about. Good news and potentially bad news. The good news is that they did a bone graph, and there does not seem to be cancer in any of the areas around the tumor, but the area of the bone "hidden" by the tumor is still of some concern. Just keep wishing for the best. I thank all of you for your support.
Attention everyone in the RP: I don't know how often I'll be able to post in the next few days; I'll try and keep up to date. But could all those directly involved with me in the RP please email me and let me know what's been going on the last couple days? As you can expect, I've been a little distracted. Thank you.
Napster: I know many of you want to wind this discussion down but I wanted to add 2 points:
1. Someone mentioned the younger bands or some of the smaller artists in relation to Napster, and how this could damage their careers before they quote-unquote become big stars. This is not necessarily the case. In fact, there are many younger or lesser known bands that are themselves giving away samples of their songs on Napster. They are using it, much like, as a way to advertise their music and get it out to the public.
2. Metallica HAS named those thousands of its fans in the lawsuit. They may have no desire or intention to sue them, but the lawsuit they filed was a whopping 60,000 pages, and the names of those fans were included in the suit.
Kit: Didn't like my Star Wars treatment? Well, one thing could be said about a SJ produced Star Wars prequel--it would be interesting. Maybe horrible, ridiculous, and potentially obscene, but interesting ;) BTW, is Virgin Suicides a good film? I've read some very favorable review on the picture, but I'm debating whether or not to see it. I still haven't seen Gladiator, which I would like to watch but haven't found the time. Maybe before its out of theaters. One film that I almost want to see is Battlefield Earth--simple because I've probably read about a half dozen reviews for the film and *none* of them are very pleasant. I'm thinking this pic has got to have MST3K written all over it! :)
Sevarius Jr. - []
Friday, May 12, 2000 11:21:37 PM
cherry blossom:
DJ is fine. :) First of all, I should make it clear that I *have* two eyes, but the left one doesn't work right and I'm legally blind in it. As far as how I manage, most people have two good eyes and therefore 3D vision. That's why you had such trouble driving and so on: Your brain was confused by the lack of depth perception. I was *born* this way and have never had 3D vision. I have to figure out depth in other ways. It takes a little more work, but the result is the same. One side effect is that I'm very good at visualizing things in 3D since I have to do it all the time. However, I can't watch 3D movies or see those pictures that are supposed to pop out at you from a bunch of wavy lines (stereograms?). Well, that was longer than I thought. :)
I'll put the CR in question up on my web page temporarily so you can download it. As far as audio tapes go: how about 8-tracks? :) I have an 8-track tape deck around here somewhere...
After Entity's last post, I looked over my previous post and was very unhappy with what I wrote. Bad post! Bad! Once again I have failed to express myself properly. Note to self: no more posting just before work. And if anyone is bothered by what I said, I sincerely apologize.
Please don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. The world would be a better place if I would just shut up. But, once again I'm going to ignore my own advice...
I believe you misunderstood me, and it's my fault. :( (I'm assuming that you were referring to me.) Sorry. I *don't* think that a flame war is about to begin, nor do I feel that I'm in a position to judge others. Rather exactly the opposite. The point that I so brilliantly failed to convey was that Gasper, a new poster, felt compelled to apologize for expressing his opinion. That bothered me. (And, for the record, let me state that I *don't* agree with his opinion, but that doesn't matter now.) Now, while I say "compelled," I don't mean to imply that anyone *intended* for him to feel that way. But, the fact is that he did. Why? And no, I don't mean for anyone to answer that question. But, maybe it's something we all should think about. Then again, maybe I'm just nuts. :) (I expect Gside to make a comment right about here.) Please feel free to pelt me with rotten tomatoes if you like. Now, I really am going to shut up.
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Friday, May 12, 2000 10:48:03 PM
Mandi's paper: Look Ma! 12 pages!
Two exams down, and one to go. (My Modeling/Simulation prof is an unrealistic moron, I'm now convinced of it.)
I'll be quick since I need to try to get a few more pages done tonight. Thanks to everybody for the great "Gothic Twilight" comments; that ep was a lot of fun to write. :)
Final note on the Napster/Metallica thing> I think Metallica's justified in complaining, but not by making it all about the money.
Starsinger> My God. Glad to hear people are pulling together on this one.
Kit> Congratulations! You lucky little... *sigh* Back to the paper now.
Friday, May 12, 2000 09:28:40 PM
Hi guys
Brooklyn here!
Winterwolf Ijust wanted to know about the pics situation.
E-MAIL me or just leave a post.
Does anybody know where I can buy a paint progam to make the
3D versions of my drawings?
I'd appreciate knowing.
Brooklyn - []
Friday, May 12, 2000 09:03:21 PM
*jumps off the rafter she was sitting on*
well, I'm taking notes on all the responses I want to make today...there's simply too many!! ;) *L* but thats okay.
Wilek/Mandi/Mecord/and anyone else I'm forgetting< hehe. well, I wore glasses from the beginning of first grade till now, and I'm almost done with I guess my reasons for getting contacts were mainly, I want to know what I look like without_glasses!!! *L* kinda weird..but that was my main reason..hehe. they've brought me no end of trouble, and cost me about the same as glasses, but I enjoy seeing myself without glasses. *shrugs* I think Kai was probably right when he called me a "vain little thing" but, eh..*L* for right now its okay.hehehe
Sevarius< *hugs* my sympathy's are with you, and I will put your dad on my prayer list....
Napster&Metallica thing< well, I don't listen to Metallica, but I have an opinion on everything.. ;) I know that the music I download from Napster doesn't always manage to be a complete song because the person I'm downloading from signs off before I get it. so then, I go buy the CD for it. *L* its caused me to buy several CD's that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. so I guess, in the end, the group ended up making more money off me than they would have eh? ;)
Wilek (again) < your link was SO funny!!! ^_^
Jannie< *mouth drops* my god..but at least you're applying for a new job.. o.O
Caliope< <I already got my mom a gift. She sortta "hinted" she wanted a cirtain book.> ehehehe..aren't mothers funny that way? mine did the same thing...*L*
Daniel Johnson< can I call you DJ? o.O how have you made it with only one eye? I found that I was at a loss with not being able to see to one side..I couldn't drive, I couldn't even concentrate on the TV or the comp... -_-
Kitainia< I really_thought about what you could have been getting at in your Metallica rant.. -_-" but I couldn't figure it out..maybe I picked the wrong time of day to think or something, but I couldn't.. *sigh* and I really love cyber cookies too... ;)
*looks up and down her post* okay, lets hope I didnt forget anyone!! *crosses her fingers* ;)
*climbs back up onto her rafter*
cherry blossom
Friday, May 12, 2000 08:14:12 PM
Just poppin in to add my two cents. I've posted rarely, but I lurk all the time. Not much of a talker unless I have something to say, and now I do.
Napster> Yah, artists have a right to be paid, but Metallica and other bands pissed that Napster is giving away their music for free have no right to complain. Here we are, making peesh*t compaired to them and they want us to pay more. After (I'm sure) we've paid $40 for concert tickets, posters, CDs and other memorabilia. Sorry, but I don't have any pity for you.
Dave Matthews Band, Phish, and namely The Greatfull Dead let their fans record their live shows for free, and the fans then trade concerts, or just B&P(just pay for the CDs and postage) the disks. This has obviously NOT hurt these bands, infact made them very very popular. Dave Matthews has a huge following, even tho the last CD was back in '97 I believe. Why? Because the music is still strong in the fans hearts, seeing that they can hear brand new versions of their fave songs whenever they want.
If bands just let ppl record their concerts, you wouldn't have to worry about paying $50 for a bootleg and the band getting pissed. Fans would be happy, and still come to your concerts, buy your CDs, buy your posters, yadda yadda. Metallica is just selfish and think their music is SOO damned special that we all need to go into debt just to hear them. Music is and art, not an enterprise only. Treat it as such and you will get an even bigger audience. Treat the fans as fans, not your paycheck. They love you, you should love them, not ask for their money every chance you get.
On the idea of us criticizing Metallica, when just a few months ago we crapped all over some person who ripped up Christine's fanfic. Its totally different. We download Christine's fics all the time to her hard drive. No biggie. Ppl were pissed because this person -changed- her personal art around to suit his purposes. Ppl that use Napster are not changing the music, just "reading" it. Same as any other fanfic thats out there.
Point is, Metallica needs to just change their mindsets. Why are ppl DLing their music? Because its likes and loved by the fans. We want to hear it. We'll still go to the concerts, and buy the CDs.
*sais* Really... Its not a big deal.
Friday, May 12, 2000 08:09:35 PM
**Mecord runs into the polished hardwood floor portion of the CR with no shoes and slides a good thirty thirty feet on his socks.**
I love doing that. :)
Wilek>> I liked the site, it was good for a laugh. Notice that he insistently talks of a cube but only speaks of four corners? Doesn’t a cube have eight? Or if I wanted to talk multi-dimensionally, a cube can be seen as six connected squares. Each square has four corners. Therefore a cube has 24 corners. Or a square can have two sides… okay I’ll shut up. The truth can be twisted however our devious minds wish.
SJ>> Hope your father get well, keep us updated, I’ll say some prayers.
The X-men bit does sound a little weird. Especially with Logan as an instructor? True the guy’s probably older than Prof. X, but his character will have to be a lot different than we’re used to. No Jean Grey huh? Oh well, it’ll be good to have Kurt and Kitty on the team.
Cherry>> Ouch! One more excuse for me not to wear contacts.
DJ>> <Is it just me, or does Caliope have as much energy as everyone else here put together?> It’s not just you. :) I think we should set up energy collecters so we can have some too. :)
Fighting like a madman, Mecord struggled to reach Beelzebub and the Mastergem. But there were simply too many demons and he was overwhelmed. Beelzebub ordered the elf be brought to him.
“You seem to want desperately this gem, mortal. Why? What power does it hold.”
Mecord was beaten and badly hurt, but his wounds seemed to fade, his eyes flashed green, and when an unnatural wind brushed through his hair, the hair tinted red.
“I’ll tell you why. That gem knows me. Send a little energy into it and the gem will amplify it. Then you can direct it where you may.”
Beelzebub did so, sending the amplified energy at Mecord. The elf only stood there, taking the energy fully. Absorbing the energy, Mecord sent it back through the gem at Beelzebub. Even twice amplified the energy was not enough to destroy Beelzebub, but it didn’t have to. The gem dropped into Mecord’s waiting hands.
“I told you the gem knew me.”
Mecord was suddenly shrouded in a hooded cloak that shifted colors to match his surroundings. Using the gem, he dissappeared.
*****END RP*****
Friday, May 12, 2000 07:53:08 PM
Fire at Los Alamos which is located about 90 miles north of Albuquerque. More than 250 homes destroyed, people and pets displaced. They're listing the residences destroyed on the news channels. One prom was almost cancelled, but they managed to relocate it (the school gym was being used as a shelter).
I think one of the kickers is that one of the areas school's last day is June 2 and they don't know if the kids will be able to finish the school year and (lol) they don't know how many snow days were alotted for this year that haven't been used.
It's rough for these people but people in the state are rallying, money is being collected by the media and one grocery store has a moving van parked in their lot for donations of food and clothes and other necessities.
The irony of getting a new Lackey book titled "Brightly Burning" Basically the story of an out of control fire starter.
Thanks for all the good wishes, and Greetings to Wilek, glad you're still here.
Keep safe everyone.
Friday, May 12, 2000 07:45:40 PM
Another week goes by and so do our lives...
Sevarius Jr.:> I'm really, really sad of hearing about your father. I understand that you love him, even if you don't get along with him. It is the same for me - I and my dad disagree on many things, but I love him the same with all my hearth. I'd like to be religious, so I could pray for your father to heal, but I'm not, so I can only keep him in my heart and mind, and send him all my good wishes for a quick and complete healing.
Good luck to him and to all of your family, and be strong!
Napster:> Just my own two cents (is it the right phrase?) about it. Well, I used Napster some times, downloading songs I had not. I, like Kit, prefer to buy my CD's, new if I can afford them (not so often as I'd like...), second-hand if I can't. But there's a problem: some albums, for example, are very rare; also, sometimes I know a song's title, but I don't know the album, or I don't want to buy it because I know I don't like the other songs. So I use Napster. I personally think that some songs have to be considered a kind of "common heritage". Napster is a way for a lot of people to own a song they can't purchase in any other way, so I think it is a very good thing. Of course, someone abuses of it, but it is not a good reason for saying Napster is evil or shutting it down.
Winterwolf (and Jannie):> A good bikes discussion in the CR! Now I'm a happy man! ;) I totally agree with what Jannie said. My dad taught me to ride years ago, and told me the same things, about being defensive and about helmets and protections. You could meet a lot of people saying "Helmet is useless, helmet is uncomfortable" and so on. Don't listen them! A good helmet, worn with the strap well fastened, could easily save your life, as well as lights turned on even in daytime and prudence always. My father also taught me what he called the Golden Rule of Riding Bikes, and I report iy here.
"Your bike is like a swallow: if you hold her too tight, you stifle her and she'll rebel; but if you don't hold her enough, she'll fly away"
I can assure you this rule is true. I followed it until now, and I verified it a lot of times...
Oh, I realized nobody explained you how a bike's commands are usually placed. Maybe you know it already, but in the opposite case, here's a scheme:
Right hand: Gas and front brake
Left hand: clutch
Right foot: rear brake
Left foot: speed gear (usually a sequential quick-change command)
Speeds are placed, from down to up:
1 - N(eutral) - 2 - 3 - 4 -... (usually 5 or 6 speeds)
There are some variation to this scheme (example: speed gear and rear brake inverted) but nearly all Japanese, Italian and English bikes follow it.
Oh, maybe I already said, but feel free to ask anything you like.
Jannie: A trike! I like those things! Here in Italy they're very rare, but I could see several ones in some conventions and expos. They look funny. Have you ever tried an off-road quad? Believe me, those things are DELIRIOUS! There's an off-road track near my place where you can rent a quad, and it is too much fun! A continuous power sliding on the four wheels...whoohooo!
Niamhgold:> Winterwolf is right - you don't convince me! I KNOW you're trying to be modest, and I KNOW your work is simply great...:)
So, you like Greek-Roman mithology? I simply love it, as I was a child my mom instead of the fables used to read me about Hercules and Theseus...I also like the Charlamagne legends. I know something about nordic mithology and I like it too, while shamefully for me I know nearly nothing about Celtic mithology (while I know better Arthurian legends...).
Do you know any site where I could find infos about Celtic legends?
Kitainia:> I keep my fingers crossed for your finals' results! (I hope they'll come soon...I have my fingers crossed since a couple of weeks now and they are beginning to ache...not to mention difficulties in doing some basic operations...;) )
Starsinger:> I've heard about the fire in Los Alamos. I can't help but feeling it is somehow...ironical. I heard that they assured the bunkers storing radioactive or dangerous material are all-proof, including a major fire. I hope they're right, 'cause if they are not, we all are going to discover it in the worse way...
Ok, nothing more now.
Ciao a tutti!
Shadowrider - []
Milano, Italy
Friday, May 12, 2000 06:45:28 PM
Graymonk: Didn't know that about Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, thanks for telling me. Maybe you can remind me who Avalanche is too. :)
Aaron: The cyber-cookie is yours. <grins, then hands it over>
Friday, May 12, 2000 06:39:03 PM
Kitainia - <<Quicksilver wasn't evil in the comics>> Actually both he and the Scarlet Witch first appeared as super-villains. They were members of Magneto's first Brotherhood of Evil Mutants but later rebelled against him, reformed and became Avengers. I agree though, this new show worries me too. If they wanted a teenaged X-Men show why not do an animated Generation-X or New Mutants, even a show about X-Factor back when they were the original X-Men training young mutants would be better than this one sounds.
Friday, May 12, 2000 05:44:39 PM
Hi everybody! I'm just posting some quick responses today. I want to go out tonight! ^_^
Fire Storm> <data loss> So how bad is it? Ddi you loose all your programs as well or do you have copies?
Gasper> <Chrono Trigger> After I went through New Game+ the second time everyone's speed was maxed out. Even the boss battles were easy. I fought the last boss without equiping anything for fun. That was difficult. Equipment definitely makes a difference in that game.
Warpmind> <Chrono Trigger> Actually I have both the original snes cartridge and the rom. You can't get new game+ on the rom? :( I still have the cartridge. I wonder if my friend left my character slot alone… I'm going to have to revisit this game. :)
Jenna> <G2K> You can't make it? :( Do you have any questions for Greg? I'll ask them for you.
Shadowrider> Thanks again. I want to ask more questions but I can't think of anything at the moment.
Jannie> <G2K> It's going to be strange for me but definitely fun. It's my first Gathering after all and I haven't met anyone in here in RL. <school starts early> School already by August? *yuck* :( My sister has the opposite problem. It is too early since she will be teaching this summer. She isn't off until about the time you've started again.
Niamhgold> <G2K> You're not going either! :( <figure> Thanks for the encouragement. I'll definitely take pictures for you. Will I get to see what you turtle masterpiece looks like? I know you are just being modest by the way. ^_^
Cherry Blossom> <eye> Ouch! That hurt my eyes just thinking about it. :( Hope that heals up quickly and cleanly.
Mandolin> That's cool. It would be great if we had a behind the scenes area where the writers and artists could leave little tidbits about an episode like you and Spike did. ^_^
Sevarius Jr.> I'll add your family to my prayers. God bless.
Gside> <Many apologies. I saw the capital w and just went on with the arpmind> This makes me feel special. :P
Calopie> <can anyone guess what I got her?> Uhh… flowers? :D No no just kidding!
Hyperion> <14.4> That was me. :) Glad to hear you will be going at a good speed soon. Now the torture is the waiting game. Wait wait! While you still have that 14.4 let me play a game of StarCraft with you. ;)
No RP today. I'm going out and I'm leaving now! Everyone have a good weekend!
Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Friday, May 12, 2000 05:11:26 PM
Hm...Icy's mail ain't working right....damndable web company.
Napster- I promised I wouldn't say anymore, and I won't. I really didn't mean to cause a flame war or anything, and I don't mean to destroy the room, I just kinda needed to rant. There are many good points, and it's like the water fountain-bubbler/Minnesota-Wisconsin debate, and trust me, it's not worth gettin' into. So I'm sorry. My bad, and I apologize.
Chrono Trigger New Game + -----The only known way to get new game plus, is to go through the Black Omen, defeat it once, in any time period, then beat Lavos and the game. Now, it's always good to save. Not Save States, just a regular save. Once you start a new game, you go to NewGame+ option, and it will let you select a save game. It then transfers all stats, weapons and such that you have collected over to the new game. So this way, Crono can start out with all his ultimate weapons. BUT, this does not apply to certain objects like the Masamune, Hero Medal, and anything else that is direly important to plot. But it's possible to have about 99 Rainbows (Ultimate Sword) if you go through the game 99 times getting the rainbow each time. WIth the saved game, it doesn't even need to be completed. It's just data on character stats. Make sense?
Pesky CT Characters- Yeah, I know....figured it out. I used to always use Frog, Crono and Magus, but now I'm learned all the characters. It's a great game that way.
Can't think of anything else....OH! So, can anyone explain that whole Diablo/Winamp thing to me PLEASE! I'd love to have some DBZ or Gundam Wing music going on as I take on those damnedable goats.
That's it from my end. Again, sorry if I started wars, that was never my intention. See ya later.
Gasper - []
Friday, May 12, 2000 04:56:07 PM
I went to try and sell my books back today, since finals are over. (and there was great rejoicing) I was just hoping to pick up enough for a new pair of boots, but I picked up twice that. Enough to renew the sticker on my car. For the first time since september, I'm legal! (Well, half legal. I'm still three months overdue for an inspection) Anyway...
Napster debate> (Aaron reverts to grumpy old technophobe mode, which isn't really much of a change.) Screw 'em. I don't like MP3s, because you can't put them on audio tapes, and I'm opposed to all forms of music storage invented after audio tapes.
Warpmind> I dunno, I liked Gharbad. You spent so much time talking to him, and he was more interesting then anyone in town. And that weapon he made? It would've made him the man among his fellow goat men (+200% damage to demons) but it didn't do diddly against humans like us. He never had a chance. I know it's silly, but I felt really bad about killing him.
Gasper><<Was Mozart in for the money? Bach, Beethoven, Handel?>> Um... Yes.
Daniel> Hey, I think that is the post I was looking for. Thanks a lot.
SJ> Sending good vibes toward you and yours.
Gside> Liked the Diablo classical selections. How 'bout the Cavalry segment from the William Tell Overture? That'd be fun for when you go charging in, let out fifty more balrogs then you can handle, and then go charging back the other way at full speed.
Kit> Well, all the capitalized bits of your post are Metallica songs. Is that the question?
Hyperion> Welcome. And it you want to square off, I'm ready. You just get your swords, and I'll show you a little trick I learned Dr. Jones.
Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Friday, May 12, 2000 04:31:06 PM
On an airplane parked at LAX, Gubio and Erin find their seats and sit down, breathing sighs of relief as they buckle their seat belts and a stewardess announces that the plane will soon be taking off. "So soon I'll get to see your home country," Gubio smiles at his girlfriend. "It's beautiful, right?" Erin nods. "Of course it is. You'll have to meet my parents and siblings while we're there if we have time." "Definitely," Gubio agrees. "But of course our first priority is getting that desert night flower for Doug." "Indeed," Erin concurs. "By the way," Gubio asks, "we aren't going to run into any trouble in the Middle East, are we?" "Why would we?" Erin replies. "Do you think we might?" He shakes his head. "I just have a bad feeling." "You get many of those in the area where I come from. They are usually right." "Then you think we might encounter terrorists?" Erin shrugs. "It's possible. There are many terrorists and other undesirables in Turkey, all over the Middle East in fact. It's unfortunate but true. We may have to deal with them, we may not. If we do, I am sure we can handle it." "Uh, yeah, me too," Gubio nods. "I just hope there's nothing too bad." "There won't be," Erin assures him as the plane begins to take off.
A few seats behind them, the young Arabian man from the airport is still talking on his satellite-cell phone. On the other end is a large and immensely muscled Turkish man with a big mustache and long hair clad in a white bath towel sitting in the middle of a sauna with a docile woman in a bathing suit massaging his shoulders. "What?!" he is yelling into the phone now that Yevi (the young man) has finally gotten through to him. "The little <bleep> is still alive? I sent three assassins after her for her dishonor of me and our family, and she is still alive?!!" "Boss, the assassins never reported back. Perhaps it is because they failed?" The big Turk roars his anger and slaps the woman giving him a massage, causing her to fall over and gasp. "Where is she?!!" her boss, Abdullah, meanwhile yells into the phone. "She's on the same plane as I am, boss," Yevi answers. "I got that smuggling deal done with the LA dealer you told me to see, I was getting on a jet back to Turkey, and there she was! She has her face uncovered, and is sitting with an American!" "An American?" Abdullah grimaces, his voice full of distaste. "What kind of American?" "He looks sort of like a geek." "A geek?" Abdullah drops his jaw. "She turned her back on her family's will for an American geek?" "Her father did it for an Irish secretary." "I know that, idiot!" Abdullah fumes. "Fasil dishonored the family enough, I will not have his daughter do it again!! Kill her!" "Boss, I am on a crowded plane full of innocent people. If I pull out my gun…" "Okay, fine, don't kill her," Abdullah sighs in exasperation. "I'll send some people to the Ankara airport who will. Maybe they can get her bastard of a father too, if he meets the plane." "Maybe. Oh, by the way, boss, the American mentioned they are seeking desert night." "Desert night?" Abdullah gasps. "Only the Herbalists Guild of the Underground City know the secrets of that flower, and we've recently turned their home into our slave market and drug factory! If she should find out and expose us…" he shakes his head, "but what am I saying? She won't. Soon she will be dead! Keep an close eye on her and the American, Yevi." "Yes, boss," Yevi nods. Abdullah then hangs up and roars for his slave girl to resume her massage. She frowns and clenches her fists in anger for a moment, then, fearing her master's wrath, follows orders. Back on the plane, Yevi watches Erin and Gubio, smiling as he thinks of how soon his boss will have them murdered. They fail to notice, or even suspect a thing, as the plane takes off.
<runs into the CR laughing insanely> Doug's and my finals are over! Yes!! <many grins and cheering> Finally this semester is at an end! :) Thanks again to all who helped us get through them with their good luck wishes. We really appreciate it. We don't know how we did just yet, but hope to find out very soon. :) Now, time to catch up on what I didn't have time for last night. :)
Jason Barnett: I too continue to enjoy your creativity demons. I'd make them into a Round Robin or fanfic story or whatever if I had the necessary time, creativity, and webspace, but I don't. Hopefully someone else will, and thus we will get to see what could happen in the interesting stories your mind has spawned. :)
Welcome Nikhil Joshi, Brooklyn, and Gasper! Hope you both enjoy the CR.
Gside: Thanks for the reminder of Phillip W. Katz's name, can't believe I forgot it when I did that moment of silence for him. Oh well, I guess it had to happen at least once. :(
Star Wars: Hayden Christensen is going to be Anakin, huh? Well, the only movie I've ever seen was the recently released Virgin Suicides, and he was pretty good in there. (Not as good as Kirsten Dunst, but it's very difficult to top her. :) Not sure if I can see him as Anakin, but I suppose he'll be good enough for the part. Just hope Lucas doesn't ruin the movie with his script and make good acting ineffectual. :( On a related topic, I read your script outline, Stephen, and I think that you did a very good job, especially on the Darth Maul-Anakin dialogue and fight. Hope Lucas's actual film is gonna turn out at least somewhat like what you wrote. <fingers crossed> Oh, and SJ, forgive me, but I'm really glad you're not writing the Star Wars films after the script outline you posted. I think you can probably guess why. <apology for honest opinion>
Spanish-American War: Actually it wasn't just the sinking of the Maine that started this, it was also William Randolph Hearst and the "Yellow Press" hyping the story up out of proportion. They said it was a Spanish mine that sunk the ship, the real cause was later determined to be a boiler explosion. I remember this war because it's the first recorded instance of media hype causing a lot of trouble for the United States. The media and us still haven't learned the lesson of avoiding hype, either. :(
Mecord: Very interesting Lorena McKennit-related dream, thanks for sharing it. :) I have her Mask and Mirror CD too, and agree that it's good, but I have to say, I've never had that kind of experience while listening to it. Maybe we just react to the music in different ways. <grin> Congrats on surviving your finals and those family gatherings. They sound like they were fun, even with all the hassles involved with them. :)
Lexy: Whoa, that was a long dating rant! :) Don't worry, you weren't being anal with it in the least IMO. I 100% agreed and sympathize with every word. IMO, you and Kaioto are going about your Internet-dating relationship very well and I honestly don't see any ways in which either of you need to do things differently. Your parents are a different story. Any boy a girl is seriously dating the girl's parents should get to know IMO. They should also get to know his family. "Waiting for marriage" is not a good excuse to not get to know them. They need to be able to like, or at least tolerate, having the guy and his family around, something they can't do without getting to know the guy and his family. They should also do it before, not after a marriage. It's much better to do things that way, because the parents stay committed to helping their child and aiding her decisions, and the girl can get their input on the guy and get to know him better as a result. That's what Doug and I think after doing things that way anyway. We of course didn't introduce each other to our parents until our relationship got pretty serious, but you and Kaioto might want to do it sooner depending on your circumstances. I also agree that your mom is crazy with her whole "etiquette" deal, if I had to deal with anything like that at your age when I was dating boys I would probably have snapped at my mom frequently (oh, wait, I did :). You'll probably do something differently to get her off her high horse, hope you and Kaioto find something that works so you can spend more time with each other as you should. :) Having her get to know him and you better and trust you both more is probably the best solution. I wish both you and Kaioto good luck in the trials ahead, and hope you end up happy by the time they're over. <listens to Wilson Phillips' Next to You, and grins> :) If you talk with Kaioto, please tell him all this, and that we miss him in here. Hope he can soon come back (the same of course goes for you).
Jenna: I also agree with your words on dating, thanks for posting them. ;) Oh, and also, don't feel bad about not being able to attend the Gathering because of your finances. You're not the only ones with that problem after all. <sighs>
Niamh: <Do you think there is a noticeable difference between the type of girl a guy will marry and the kind of girl he' 'romantic' with?> It depends on the guy, I think. There are a lot of guys out there who want to marry one type of girl but will be 'romantic' with other kinds in the meantime, dumping them as soon as they ask if the relationship's gonna get serious. Most guys like this are bastards IMO. Only two I've ever met have been decent people, one is my current friend Jim "Jammer" Murdoch, who is very romantic with his girlfriend (also my friend) Tricia but always swears he doesn't want to marry her whenever someone brings up the topic (this is mostly because he has a high ideal of marriage and whenever he and Tricia aren't being romantic they're always fighting. Jammer thinks married people shouldn't fight. We keep telling him he's wrong, but he never listens. <sigh>). Then there are the type of guys who will be romantic with just about every girl they meet and find themselves liking but stop going beyond flirting with other girls once they find the one right for them and then devote themselves to her. I prefer this type myself, Doug's a guy like this of course. <grin> Them there are other guys out there who won't be romantic with anyone, either being too shy or soured towards love for some reason. Who they end up marrying I don't know. (If I stay friends with Keith long enough, though, maybe I'll find out. :) Generally, I don't think most guys really have differences in their conceptions of girls to marry and girls to romance, the types are usually the same. For some individuals, though, it is different. Hope you understood this paragraph and it helps you fill out that survey. :) Congrats to your friends on their upcoming weddings. :)
Happy Belated Anniversary Kyryn and Okami!! May there be many many more! :)
Jannie: I too think that your son's project looks great. Thanks for posting the pictures of it. Hopefully he was awarded a good grade for all that excellent work.
Bengali: I will also miss your postings. Sorry you have to leave. Good luck beating back RL in the days ahead.
Wilek: Same to you, of course. Swat the horrifying creature a few extra times for me, okay? And hope you can come back in here very soon. :)
Buffy and Angel this week: Liked the new eps. Spike had some more very good lines and character development on Buffy, and the dialogue between him and everyone else was excellent. Good plot to the ep too, and developments on Giles, Buffy, and Xander. The bits with Adam were good foreshadowing, I am really wondering what the connection between him and Riley is. Also liked the Riley, Buffy, and Angel bits (excellent character development in them), and the action scenes. I too am wondering about the discrepancies Taleweaver mentioned about the Initiave not going after Buffy (they're probably too busy with hunting the demons, were too busy to hunt Riley too; maybe he was just paranoid, maybe not), hopefully we'll get some explanation for things next week. If it wasn't for the less-than-entertaining Willow-Tara stuff (Tara really needs some character development to make her the slightest bit interesting, and she's not getting it. Her uninteresting-ness is having an effect on my conception of Willow too. Very worrisome.:(. and the death of Forrest (a character I too liked and was sorry to see killed off like that), I would have completely enjoyed this ep. As it was, I gave it 8/10. Angel was much better, with interesting plots surrounding both the blackmailed millionaire and the Vampire Hunter gang. David and Gunn were both entertaining and interesting new characters, the latter especially. Hope we someday see more background on him and how exactly he found out about vamps. Also enjoyed the development done on Cordelia, the interaction between Angel and Gunn, and the demon-brothel scene (the demon chick made me laugh out loud, as did Wesley's comments when he saw the pictures). This ep gets a 9/10, one star off for not putting as much Cordelia attention in as they could have and not showing more of Gunn's background (they established his character well enough, especially in the scene where he stakes his sister, but I'd hoped they would have had time to show us some of his past as well <sigh>). Looking forward to next week's Angel, hope they make this bad chick a geninue villain and not do like they did with Jheira (no offense to Bai Ling fans, but I didn't like that episode very much. :(.
Timedancer: Like I said before, excellent job on Gothic Twilight, Mandi, Ordell, and Spike! I liked this episode's plot very much, the Illuminati involvement was cool and it was a neat gimmick to see Harthoth and Isfet not refferred to by name until the end even though all along we knew who they were. :) Good development on Brooklyn too, I enjoyed his reactions, thoughts, and dialogue throughout the episode. Payne was more annoying than entertaining, but his bits were good as well. I have to also add a bit of thanks for making one of my favorite authors, Arthur Conan Doyle, into such an intriguing character. Good development on him, especially in his reaction to Brooklyn, and nice development as well. Hope we someday see him again and find out what happened to his copy of the scroll. As for the scroll itself, I look forward to seeing what Harthoth does now that he has his hands on it. Can't say I'm not worried. :) Thanks again for the entertainment of this great story, with its excellent writing, development, and pics!
SJ: I too hope that they leave Elian Gonzalez alone soon, I couldn't believe it when I read that he and his father were at that fundraiser (but after thinking about it, I realized I wasn't surprised :(. Thanks for all the entertainment info you've been continuing to give us. The X-Men Cartoon stuff worries me to say the least (Quicksilver wasn't evil in the comics, and they're making him so now? Damn you, Marvel, for messing things up like this with some of my favorite superheroes…again! <grrr>), I think I'll be avoiding that show and hoping it doesn't start any trends. :( Like I said last night, best wishes to you and your family, especially your father, who I hope soon gets well. :) And good luck on your exams, if any still remain. :)
Starsinger: Congrats on getting your life back together, glad it's going well now. <grins, returns hug>
Napster vs. Metallica: Thanks for sharing your opinions of this case, Patrick, Kyryn, and David G. I have read them now, and I agree with them. Metallica has a right to be suing for the theft of their music, Napster should have gotten permission to distribute their songs as well as those of other bands. I retract my rant against the band earlier (the cyber-cookie contest related to it is still open, but I no longer have the opinions expressed in those words). I still don't like the whole greed aspect of this case, especially on the part of Metallica's lawyers and the music industry, but I'm calmed down now as far as my opinion of Metallica itself. Hope this case ends soon and somehow favorably for all parties involved, especially us fans. <brief prayer>
And I guess that's about all for now. Good to be making a post that's my usual length again. :) Good luck to everyone who is still taking exams, hope you all soon finish. Also hope that we all have a good summer, of course. <grin> See you all later, have a nice day.
The RP screen comes on again, showing the situation in the Clark Mountain Pass as the Ravens scramble for cover and start shooting back at the soldiers attacking them. "What is this?" Doug asks Boris, looking confused as bullets chink off the Onslaught cab's armor. "What's going on?" "We're being shot at again," Boris sighs, grabbing his bazooka and using it to take out another enemy bunker. "If you can remember how to use your gun, help out, okay?" He hands Doug his plasma shotgun. Doug stares blankly at it, causing Keith, who is looking on, to sigh heavily. "Here," he says, taking the gun. "I'll show you how." He takes aim, fires, and a clone sniper screams and falls off the mountain. "See that?" Doug nods. "I did. I do it now, right?" "You got it, buddy," Keith says, then hands him the weapon. Doug takes it, looks for another sniper to target, finds one, shoots him, and smiles as he feels some memories coming back.
Meanwhile outside the truck, Kit, Lathrop, and Stephanie run up beside Tom as he fires his grenade launcher and Bardic tries to shield them. "How many of them?" Kit asks. "I can't see them all!" the engineer shakes his head. "I have no idea!" "There's some of them!" Lathrop points at a group of soldiers manning a mortar that has just missed taking out Jammer's car. He sends a fireball towards them in the next instant, blowing them all away. Orion meanwhile runs out of the truck and dashes to Bardic's side to strengthen the dragon's magical shield with his prayers, and Elena, transformed into her Liberation Angel shape, takes off and flies up towards the soldiers, blasting down at them with energy beams. Boris and Doug keep firing out of the truck cab with Keith acting as spotter, and Jammer tries to pick off what soldiers he can see from the cover of his station wagon. Tricia runs up beside him and he smiles as she creates a psi-shield to deflect any more mortar shots coming their way. "Thank God you're alright!" she says as she maintains it. "Likewise!" Jammer yells back. "Who are these guys?" Stephanie is meanwhile asking Tom. "Probably some more of Thailog's men!" Tom shrugs. "I don't know!" "They can't be Lord Thailog's men!" Lieutenant Howell complains from the blown-open cage, pointing to the six dead prisoners beside her. "The General wouldn't tolerate having people sent to kill us!" "She's right," Sergeant Mansfield agrees. "Our boys were deliberately targeted too." The two other prisoners still in the cage with them nod in agreement. "All of you stay down!" Kit orders at them. "Try not to get hit again! If they're here for you, we'll protect you!" Howell frowns, but nods and relays the order as Tom smiles in agreement with it. Sneed, who took the opportunity to escape his confinement with four friends, shakes his head from across the trailer where he and his pals are grabbing weapons and growls. Kit and the others do not hear him, too busy returning fire to the soldiers as they look around for whoever's in charge. The one who is, Colonel Hartlett, stares back down at them through binoculars with an angry glare from high up the mountain. "You shot some of the prisoners!" he yells at the clone snipers beside him. "Why? We're supposed to recapture them alive!" "They were warm bodies," one of the clone answers in an emotionless monotone. "You told us to take out the highest concentration of warm bodies we could find as quickly as we could. You said everyone in that convoy was an enemy to be killed." The other clones nod in agreement. "Everyone but the prisoners, you morons!" Hartlett grimaces. The clones nod and then go back to shooting. *The General better not find out about this,* Hartlett thinks to himself with a sigh as he resumes observing the fight and the screen goes blank.
Friday, May 12, 2000 03:31:38 PM
Napster> Here are some simple facts. Napster is a non-profit program that provides an easy environment for trading mp3's. Notice words like non-profit... trading...
Fact two: Prices for CD's are insanely high. The record companies have been taking advantage of consumers for a very long time, to a very staggering degree. Don't misinterpret this as retro hippie jargon.
I agree with David G that the way music is distributed is going through a change. But instead of embracing it, companies are sueing. Here's an idea, why don't they try to get a piece of it rather than destroy it? I'd pay a small monthly fee for the use of Napster, for instance.
But that's not to say companies will need to take such a 'piece' in order to survive. Mp3's have their limitations. For one, they're digital. Which means you have to either plop in front of your computer to listen, or go out and buy (did that word catch your eye?) an mp3 player that can hold the amount of maybe one CD.
On a final note, I think we're all a bit flame-aphobic. There hasn't been anything that looks like the beginning of another war in this discussion so far. If anyone thinks there is, then I merely suggest you look again, taking into account that you have not been divinely chosen to deliver justice to the one who dares speak objectionably over a medium in which tone is nonexistent and familiarity has (or, at least in theory) provided for an environment where everyone feels they can speak freely.
Oh yeah... and this new X-Men cartoon? I can't even think of the words. Just... hideous. It's going to wind up forever overshadowing the old cartoon, which kicked ass. *sigh*
Friday, May 12, 2000 01:48:09 PM
Warpmind: sent...again.
Friday, May 12, 2000 01:23:43 PM
Gside > honestly, I really do prefer just Christine!
SJ > best wishes to your dad and family! After Mom's recent lung cancer scare, I know something of what you must be feeling!
X-Men > well, at least so far we've gotten the cool Senator Kelly commercial out of it ...
Christine - []
Friday, May 12, 2000 01:03:13 PM
Hmm. "I just don't know. I just don't know" - name the source of that quote.
Winterwolf, check your email.
I have a legal question that may be dumb: If Gargoyles was to be re-animated, could any of the TGS staff be hired to write future episodes? If so, could they use stories similiar to ones written in TGS?
NAPSTER debate - I think the Golden Rule applies here.
My college graduation ceremony was last night and I noticed that it seemed like 1/3 of people who graduated didn't show up for the ceremony. At other graduations you've attended, how many DIDN'T show up who graduated?
Jason Filler keep trying to figure out how to use the ring to diminish but he was having no luck. DPH had told him it takes concentration, but he was wondering if it was possible. Jason observed DPH deep in mediation. He tried to tap on DPH's shoulder to get DPH's attention, but it didn't work. It seemed like hours had passed to Jason but in reality only minutes had passed.
DPH (Daniel Paul Hightower) - []
Friday, May 12, 2000 12:30:19 PM
Heh, I go for days without posting anything, and now look at me...
cherry blossom:
Ack! Please take care of that eye; they're very important. I have only one good one, so I tend to be sensitive about such things.
Sevarius Jr.:
Oh, my. I hope things turn out all right. I've been through that before. Hopes and prayers go with you.
Random Comment of the Day:
Is it just me, or does Caliope have as much energy as everyone else here put together? :) Not that I'm complaining or anything...
Well, let's see. The product of two even numbers is always even and of two odd numbers is always odd, which means that n^2 will always have the same evenness (or oddness :)) as n. Furthermore, adding two even or two odd numbers always results in an even number. Therefore, n^2 + n must always be even and, hence, evenly divisible by 2. Not exactly rigorous, I know, but I haven't done this sort of thing in a long time. By the way, what did that have to do with CompSci?
I've been watching this Napster debate with some concern. I'm sure that most people here remember The Great Flame War from a little over a month ago. While the details of said war are not important now, the aftermath is. Some people felt that the problem was that certain opinions were being discouraged or even suppressed. Some people even decided to leave the CR because they felt so strongly about this. I don't think that throwing around words like "hypocrite," on either side, adds anything to an otherwise interesting debate and threatens to turn this into something more personal. I, for one, shall be very angry if someone is attacked simply because their opinion is unpopular with others. And I have no fear of making my displeasure known. Not that I think that it's nearly that bad yet, but perhaps we should all stop and think about what we're saying before things do get worse. Of course, I have no authority here; I'm merely a member of this community who is voicing a concern, so you have every right to ignore me. I, however, have every right to bring it up again if I feel it's necessary. :) Sorry for the disruption. Please continue. Must get to work.
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Friday, May 12, 2000 11:38:31 AM
***Kyryn peeks in***
***WARNING: NAPSTER DEBATE incoming*****
Napster debate and fanfic> Gasper, fanfic is a little bit different than what is going on with Napster. Fanfic is using characters and situations not your own without permission. The main reason that we get away with it is called 'fair use' (i.e. we are not making any kind of profit from it and we are not taking profits from the original owners). You say that you have no problem with people using your fanfic and think that professionals should do the same. Have you ever tried surviving on nothing but your own profits as a professional writer, artist, or musician? I have a number of friends who are doing just that. Most of the time they are surviving hand to mouth. Even those who are moderately sucessful still have to defend vigorously what is theirs. It takes a heck of a long time to create these things. Fanart is fun, but you aren't depending on it to feed yourself and your family. As a point, some of my friends have granted permission for their works to be used without asking for renumeration. However, they were asked first. The point here is that not everyone is as rich as Metallica. Yes, Metallica has huge profits, and the argument that people in their situation can afford to be generous does hold some water. I don't agree that they should sue the fans. That equates to cutting their own throat. I do agree that the option to listen to songs before buying is a good one. However, what Napster should have done was to contact artists and ask for permission to put songs up, with the push that it would encourage actual sales. Many groups might have agreed to that that. In fact, from what you are saying, some have. I do have to side with the copyright laws on this, but I think that the lawyers are being greedy little bleeps about it all and probably causing trouble that could have been avoided in negotiation.
There's my two cents. No flame -- just a reasonable debate.
Starsinger> Good to hear that you're ok. I was beginning to worry about you when I heard about the fires. I remembered you lived in New Mexico, but not where exactly.
SJ> My prayers are with you and your family. Having just gone through something similiar with the ovarian cysts and the worry that they might be cancerous, I thoroughly understand the worries and fears in your family.
Thanks to all who wished me a happy anniversary!
Later All!
***Kyryn dissappears***
Denton, TX
Friday, May 12, 2000 11:16:03 AM
Two quick things:
Napster vs. Metallica> Metallica is specifically NOT suing their fans. Napster refused the band's request to stop listing their music unless Metallica could produce the usernames of the people involved. Probably, Napster assumed the band wouldn't be willing to go to that much trouble. Metallica only listed the names because that was the condition Napster set. The band has said that they will not pursue legal action against the users, just against Napster. (Of course, nothing stops Napster from suing its own users to save its own ass)
Now, I think the music industry is a vast, bloated vampire of an organization that steals creativity and tries to profit off it unfairly. (note the recent justice department settlement on CD price gouging...) But, in this specific instance, I think Metallica is in the right. They're trying to protect their own future interests, and the interests of artists who don't have the financial clout to fight the legal battle with Napster.
I also think the Internet is going to change the face of music distribution forever, and what we're going through now is a turbulent period of adjustment. The record companies will have to eventually accept that they can't keep prices artifically high, but fans will also have to accept that the artists aren't going to give away their music for free.
(Gee, that wasn't very quick. I hope I do better on point 2)
2 - Hyperion> Another fighter! What group do you play with (SCA, Amptguard, IFGS, A bunch of friends in the back yard...)? I've done Amptguard and SCA light. I'm thinking of taking up Heavy, but not until I can afford a big suit of armor. That stuff hurts. :)
David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Friday, May 12, 2000 10:55:00 AM
*Hyperion kicks down the door and strides in two swords held at the ready*
"All right! Who want's some? Huh? Who wants a little?"
Ok, sorry. I'm just excited. Beat a friend of mine in 4 bouts last night, once fighting Florintine (Notoriously difficult for me because my left arm really isn't strong enough to effectively wield a sword on its own)
And my parents are coming in today bringing pots, dishes and food for my apartment. No more sandwiches for dinner! Yay!
But, to business....
To whoever mentioned that my 14.4 is cruel and unusual punishment: Don't I know it. It's an act of agression that ought to be banned by the Geneva convention. Oh well, I'm getting DSL in the fall. (Sorry, I just don't remember who said that, and I realy don't have time to flip down through the entire CR)
TD: I've liked the episodes so far, althought it seems Our Hero is having his arse handed to him on a fairly regular basis. It just seems like he's loosing alot of the ground he's made over the past two seasons. Sata, the scroll and he's stuck with Payne (Who really should be encouraged to fall off a tall cliff. I'm all for unlikely allies, but geez, the guy is just a waste of space and natural resources. <sigh>)
Im sure this has been covered, but I feel the force of an atomic blast would have discorperated any gargoyle, stone form or not.
I'll I can think of right now. I need to go get things cleaned up for the folks.
*exits whistling and experementally swinging the left-hand sword (a katana, for anyone who cares)
"Hey! Joe! How long have you been wearing the bra?"
"Ever since my wife found it in my car."
Hyperion - []
Friday, May 12, 2000 10:37:31 AM
*Warpmind peeks in again.*
Well, I got a new e-mail addy. Rodlox, you can try sending that e-mail again, to the new address.
*Warpmind vanishes.*
Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Friday, May 12, 2000 10:28:56 AM
*Warpmind de InzanE enters.*
Well, seems my e-mail is completely on the fritz, and I haven't recieved a response from the Xoommail Webmaster, either... I'll be off to find a new address afterwards, then...
Rodlox: No, I haven't seen that e-mail... and I haven't seen the 13th Warrior, either. But, a good Norseman term for "Night Flyers" could be "Nattflygar" singular, "Nattflygare" plural. Hope this is helpful. :)
Fire Storm: You can ride a bike at 100mph? Hmmm... must be those xenomorph genes...
Winterwolf: Yeah, the star symbol meant the stats were maxed out... *Grouch* You know, I played through it on emulator, and I'd heard that you'd get to start a New Game + after defeating Lavos, with all your stats and non-event items intact... then, when I've finished the game using only save states on the emulator, I discover that a) the New Game + option only applies to savegame slots, and b) I had no save state prior to the final battle... :(
Aaron: Well, Gharbad, while a pansy, is a cheating sonovabitch who assaults me when I just go to chat with him, and Chupacabra, well, his tail does make a nice coathanger. Oh, and rest assured, the *sound* would still be there; only the music would be shut off, replaced by the MP3s... I'm not entirely sure how, but it works. :)
Gasper: I think you may have misunderstood me... when I called the other characters pesky, I meant that they had hardly advanced in levels, because I had focused practically solely on Crono, Marle and Lucca.
Cherry Blossom: Ow, I *know* how painful a hair directly on the eye is; I can't even imagine how bad it must be when that hair is trapped beneath a contact lens! (I only wear glasses, myself... I kinda resemble a short-haired, more living version of Preston Vogel...)
Daniel Johnson: That joke was AWFUL! You just racked up some serious bonus points in my book there. :)
Gside: I'll take those titles and mention them to my Diablo-musicating friend, and at the same time ask him precisely how he did it.
Wilek: Sure, he's a lunatic, but I wouldn't worry... *Fondles small pyramid-shaped lapel pin.* After all, where my guys can't go, the Nereus Project is sure to emerge victorious...
Warpmind blinks in the direction Mecord vanished, then rushes toward Senthet's soulless body and raises the small soul crystal.
"C'mon, milady, your body's free, and by that I liberate thy spirit..."
The soul crystal slowly begins to shimmer, and then shatters, the soul within released. It takes form, and jettisons into the body on the floor. It convulses for a moment, and Senthet opens her eyes.
"Welcome back, I'd say to the land of the living, but we're not that lucky yet."
"Wh... where is this?"
"We're in a layer of Hell, but don't worry; you're still intact. Now c'mon, Mecord just vanished, going off like he was immortal."
Warpmind helps Senthet get to her feet and sneaks toward the door.
"Look, we have to fight an untold amount of demons, lost souls et cetera to find Mecord, then I'd guess we have to fight some more to get out, and maybe some more after that again. We really don't have time to argue."
Kicking open the door, the two stare at a huge battle, somehow resembling a scene from a Conan comic, with Mecord in the middle...
**RP END**
Ciao for now.
Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Friday, May 12, 2000 10:04:15 AM
Paper: 9 pages and counting. (Okay, 8 1/2, but I'm trying to be positive.)
SJ> Oh my God. The period of not knowing is awful, and I hope it turns out all right. **hugs** Hang in there, and know your family's in my thoughts.
cherry blossom> << I have another_tear in my cornea.>> Ow, ow, ow, OW! (This is why I stopped wearing my contact...)
Napster> I was just waiting for something like this to come along. I think Metallica's justified in their complaints... although suing the fans, IMO, would be going too far. (How are they supposed to tell who downloaded/uploaded their stuff? Or would they just try to sue everyone who uses Napster?) The money issue really bugs me, but they're justified when it comes to copyrights. I use Napster from time to time, yeah, it's probably unethical if not illegal, but I like it.
Friday, May 12, 2000 09:46:10 AM
Hellooooo!!!! :)
Rodlox> Well OK then! I'm sold! I'll go rent it at the next oportune moment! Thanx!
Winterwolf> De nada caballero! *takes brain back and places it in a box for safe keeping* Hehe, I'm not going to be needing it this weekend ;P And thank for the good luck wishes! Nothing wrong with having extra luck just in case I fuse out or somethin', you never know :P
I already got my mom a gift. She sortta "hinted" she wanted a cirtain book.
*Scene at the book shop:*
Mother: You know, mothers day is comming and I want THIS would be grate if I got THIS book...copy down the title and the author thats misspelled, its a "ll", not a "y".....OK thats good....Wont I be suprised and happy if I get THAT book...ect.
So can anyone guess what I got her? :P
Aaron> Alright, now I'm curious and I HAVE to see the movie. I wonder if its as good as the book. Thanx tho! :)
Daniel> LOL Quite a few things indeed, but its high up on the list :P Thanx!
Sevarious Jr.> I'm so sorry. *HUGZ* I hope everything turnes out OK.
OK Guys, I gotta go! I'll bee seein' yas!!!
Ja ne!!! *HUGZ all and skips out*
Friday, May 12, 2000 08:26:27 AM
Coyote> I didn't realize that Lexy and Kaioto would be there too! Wow!! That's awesome :) I'm really looking forward to this year's Gathering - for MANY reasons. First and foremost will be to meet Denis, of course - but also this year I will actually *know* more people there this time :) Not only will I get to visit with my great friends from Mini Clan again, but I'll have the opportunity to meet several of ya'll from here! As a bonus for me this year, I have actually learned about Gargoyles :) With the help of Denis, reading posts in here, and reading fanfics - I have been learning about the series. When I attended the G99 last year - I had not even seen a single episode of Gargs. O_O When school is out I will begin reading the TimeDancers fanfic series.
SJ> I'm very sorry that you and your family are going thru such a difficult and trying time. My prayers & thoughts are with you and your family. The unknowning is sometimes worse than knowning. Hopefully this will not be the worse case scenerio. *gentle hugs*
Cherry Blossom> unfortunately yes this witch that disguises herself as the principal will be returning next year. We thought we were going to be blessed with her retirement - but after her husband had kidney cancer & had one removed this year she said that she couldn't bear the thought of staying at home with him all the time and making sandwiches *blinks* He now has cancer in his lungs and she still refuses to spend what time she has left with him at home. (the first week after he returned home from the hospital of having a kidney removed - she told him that there would be no whining nor complaining in her house and to get over it) Last year she had both breasts removed on a Monday and was back at work the following Monday. <she's not human, I tell ya'>
I've put my name in for a position change next year as a computer tech/problem shooter at a different campus, so wish me luck! Otherwise, if I want to transfer schools in the same position as I am now - nope. She blocks all transfers.... it doesn't look good on her if one of her teachers or staff want out of her school. The computer tech position doesn't represent wanting out of her school, it's a "change in career choices". *shakes head and rolls eyes* go figure, huh?
Napster issue> I have on ocassion downloaded a song or two, in addition to what Denis has sent me. It doesn't stop me from buying the CD - but encourages me to buy it instead. This is my opportunity to hear a sample of song to know if I want to spend the $15+ for the full CD.
I don't consider myself a hypocrite though. Someone took Christine's fanfic and put their name to it - I downloaded a sample of a song and didn't change the artist's name - leaving full credit to the artist.
Gasper> feel free to state your opinion at any time :)
*drum roll for the personal trivia time*
9 more school days left
84 more days till G2K
80 more days till Denis and I meet!!! *happy feet dance*
Friday, May 12, 2000 08:01:18 AM
Re: Digital Camera >> They're nice to have especially with ever growing popularity of the internet. The trick is to get the ones that are top notch for a very low price. (They do exsist, just have to know where to find it). I think the Cannon Digital Camercorder would be nice to have, only if it didn't cost $30,000.
CrzyDemona (can't spell this morning)>> My friend and I went to DTD couple of nights ago and checked out the Disney Quest Store. Saw a couple 'knicknacks' for what I believe is 'your' Gargoyle. The protrayal of the gargolye reminds me of the Dark Knight series (the dark 'gothic' type), is he drawn that way for a reason? I will try to obtain an item and have it scanned in.
Re: Pitch Black Sequel? >> Hmmm... I am an avid Sci-Fi watcher, but didn't really care for Pitch Black. (Can't recall the reason behind it at the moment). I don't think I will be in a hurry to see a sequel if they decide to take it into action.
Re: The New Xmen Series >> Not too sure about that one. As much as I like the Xmen, but with the new description of it, it sounds like it should be pushed under the rug. They should do a movie with Witchblade, now that I would want to see.
Battlefield Earth: >> It opens to day, anyone gonna see it? When I first saw the teasers for it, I was geared up to go, but after reading some reviews on it, I'm not too sure about it.
Gotta run.
XenaTrek - []
Orlando, FL, USA
Friday, May 12, 2000 07:55:06 AM
Starsinger> <<Has anyone heard from Wilek? I miss not being able to read his posts unless I'm sitting on top of the screen. (I hate that shade of blue :).>> Still here; just can't post as often as usual right now due to the intervention of the disease known as Real Life. O_o When I have taken over, this particular scourge *will* be brought to a spectacular end...
(And I think I see your point about the blue. I viewed the room with a Dreamcast browser once, which I imagine is largely similar to WebTV, and I couldn't read my own dang posts. :P )
Unrelated topic> Check my name link if y'all are very, very brave. I live in fear of this lunatic ever coming into power...
Friday, May 12, 2000 07:52:09 AM
Los Alamos is nature's little reminder to man that the phrase "controlled fire" is an oxymoron. Fire is a fickle creature that can never truly be tamed... only diligently watched and guarded, because the second you turn your back, it has a great affinity for leaping up and biting you in the keester. But I do hope they manage to put it out before they suffer any more embarrasment and destruction.
Napster debate > Professional musicians, authors, performers, etc. have every right to be paid for their work, and that's the main point of their problem with Napster. What incentive is left to even continue in those professions if there's no assurances you're going to be paid for what you do anymore? Not much. And the people that should be the most worried of all about this trend are the bands that are just trying to get started.
Patrick Toman
Friday, May 12, 2000 07:09:12 AM
Very Big Hugs for SJ. My nephew was dianosed with cancer a few years ago. The first doctor said he wouldn't live to see his 21st birthday. He turned 22 last Christmas with the help of a doctor who tried. He is also in remission. You and your family are in my prayers, I know what you are going through. It may seem silly, but one of Spike's stories "Despair and Deliverance" deals with the cancer issue. It is a rather long story, but it was one of those comfort stories I re-read several times and gained some peace of mind while waiting to find out what happened to Christopher.
Has anyone heard from Wilek? I miss not being able to read his posts unless I'm sitting on top of the screen. (I hate that shade of blue :).
In case you haven't heard, Los Alamos of the lab fame is on fire. A "controled" burn - Not, got out of control.
General hugs.
Friday, May 12, 2000 06:42:55 AM
I will not be saying anymore, and I"m sorry to you guys and gals for bringing this up...part of my temper...and I promise not another word after this.
I first direct you to the website:,Univ.html
This will give you info about the whole deal. Here's my take. On this article, and the lawyer, and what Metallica says:
-----Metallica's suit asks for $100,000 for each work infringed, for a total of $10 million. Plus, by claiming that Napster is “a digital audio interface device,” the band and its publishing company is seeking $2,500 for each device used to trade illegal files.
>>>>>>>They probably have more then this in their coffers, but they seem this is a nice figure. The rich getting richer.
In a statement, Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich said that “with each project, we go through a grueling
creative process to achieve music that we feel is representative of Metallica at that very moment in our
lives. We take our craft--whether it be the music, the lyrics, or the photos and artwork--very seriously, as
do most artists. It is therefore sickening to know that our art is being traded like a commodity rather than
the art that it is. From a business standpoint, this is about piracy--a.k.a. taking something that doesn't
belong to you; and that is morally and legally wrong. The trading of such information--whether it's music,
videos, photos, or whatever--is, in effect, trafficking in stolen goods.''
>>>>>>>>>>>Why is Lars in this? For the "Art" of it all? Was Mozart in for the money? Bach, Beethoven, Handel? NOt that I know of. I am a writer of fanfics, and each chapter is a long process that needs to be thought out. I don't ask for money, but I'm sure people have traded the link to my stories at some point or another...shouldn't I...and ALL other Fanfic Authors be getting money from each person that reads our material? Why do we post on the web? We do this, because we are dedicated to the art. I love LegionQuest, and I'm sure most writers out there love their works as well, and this is why we share our works to the public...because our love of the art. If I was offered money, I don't know if I'd take the offer. Yeah, maybe I would. Lars took the offer, that's the difference. He feels his art is worth money? I've listened to his art, and frankly, to me, My art would be worth more money. It's all a matter of how you word it.
--------Searching for the band’s tracks and downloading them on Napster, she said, was like walking by
a Tower Records or HMV music store, seeing that the cash register was open and that no one was in the
store, and helping yourself to whatever was available.
>>>>>>>>>>>This means, with my MP3's on my system, of import albums that are out of my reach, that I should be a bloomin' billionaire....sad that it ain't true.
------The problem, however, is that some fans don’t see it that way. They maintain that by getting a taste of
music through Napster (or one of several file-sharing websites and applications), they go out and buy the
CDs, stimulating retail sales. Entertainment attorney Whitney Broussard pointed out that he hasn’t seen
CD sales fall since the advent of Napster, and no one in the business has put any hard numbers out to
estimate the real losses.
>>>>>>>>>Good much has Lars lost? I'd like to know...for my downloading a song, listening to it once, I should have paid 16 bucks for a CD I don't really have a desire to listen to?
---------Music is being
copied without compensating the artists, King said, and Napster and university networks “are allowing
people to rob creative artists from the fruit of their creations. The eventual result is there’s no reason to be
an artist, because you have to give away your work for free.”
>>>>>>>>This line disgusts me. I guess, because I don't get paid for my work, I'm not an artist. I have a friend, she a is a great author and illustrator/drawer. By their attourney's claim, my friend isn't an artist....that's sad, because she is a genius. But I guess these people believe only the "True artists" are those who are paid for thier work.
Thanks for putting up with me...I'm done with the debate.....Sorry to clutter the forums...but that's my take on it. Thanks for bearing with me. Have a good Friday and a great weekend.
Gasper - []
Friday, May 12, 2000 04:02:47 AM
"Ah, it's good to be me," Mephisto is repeating himself as he sits in the control room of the now-evacuated Avatar, his feet up on a console and demons swarming around. Suddenly an small insectile imp similar to Dyspare who looks like he's carved out of ice runs in looking frantic. "What is it?" Mephisto turns to him and asks. "What's the problem?" "Many problems, Master!" the imp warbles. "First, there's some Avatar personnel still here and fighting us!" "Hurry up and steal their souls!" "We're trying, but the female leading them is tough as heck! She may be old, but she's real tenacious!" Mephisto frowns and looks at a monitor near him at which the imp is pointing. Janice Ripowski is seen on it, leading a group of Avatar security personnel and MIBs against the demons. "She's only thirty-five," the demon lord comments. "That's not old for a human." "Well, you know that some humans have misguided notions these days," the imp snickers. "Whatever," Mephisto sighs. "Just eliminate her. What's the other news?" "Well, our demons on Earth are moving to their targets, but they're also being systematically eliminated. The Seeker's after some of them, and so is an apparent team of powerful heroes led by Sammael." "Argh! Damn that traitor!" Mephisto pounds the wall angrily. Then he notices the imp is still grimacing. "And what's the other news?" the demon lord dares to ask. "Well, sir, Beelzebub..." "What? What's that miserable maggot-infested slug done now?!" "You're not going to like it, sir."
Meanwhile in Hell, Beelzebub's armies continue to swarm over Mephisto's realm, rounding up and grabbing all the souls they can find and organizing them into an large crowd that they then escort back to Beelzebub's "Glorious City" with pitchforks and whips. In the center of the mass, a certain soul is putting his hands above his head to block the blows and muttering to himself. "Hide out here while I go back to Earth and get things ready for you, he said," Sevarius Jr. growls as he is pushed along with the others. "I can't get you back to life yet but I will as soon as I find your body and take care of Mephisto, he said. I'll watch over Kari, he said. You'll be safe, one damned soul can get lost among thousands, he said. Man, I hate you, Jim Iza Noying!"
Christine: Read your Deathmatch story. It's been a long time since I've laughed so hard. Thank you very much for the entertainment. <grins>
Latest Timedancer: Good job on this ep, Mandi, Spike, and everyone else who worked on it. I'll make more specific comments tomorrow, for now I just want to congratulate you on the excellent work you did. I liked this ep even better than I am Become Death (and that's saying a lot :).
Napster: The current suit against them by Metallica distresses me too, especially the "suing the fans" part of it. When I find the greedy lawyer who convinced them to do this...:( By the way, just so you know, this opinion is only slightly biased. I knew what Napster was before now, but I've never used its services. I prefer to buy my CDs at Tower Records, Camelot, or whatever music store is in my neighborhood and has the right price index. I have bought many Metallica CDs in the past, now I may not buy any more. The reasons why should be obvious. It is Sad But True, the band has created a Struggle Within its fans, saying that they are Holier Than Thou above all of us who just want to enjoy their music but are too poor to afford it. For this Bad Seed they have planted, Wherever They May Roam, they shall be Unforgiven, unless of course they give Fuel to an apology and Fix their Attitude. Nothing Else Matters, nothing else will do, and even if they do beg apology, The Memory Remains. (Yes, these are all intentional puns. Cyber-cookie to the first person who can guess how. :)
SJ: I've read your words about your father, and I want you to know that Doug and I will be praying for him and your family in this time of trial. We hope that your father does not have cancer and that he can be helped with the problem that he has. It is good that despite your quarrels with him in the past, you are giving your father and your family the love and emotional support they need from you as this crisis goes on. As your friends, we shall pray that it will end soon and favorably. <sighs and looks downcast for a moment, then pats you on shoulder in support> Good luck to you all. :)
Will post more tomorrow after I finish up the last of my finals. :) Good night everyone.
Friday, May 12, 2000 01:17:39 AM
GSide- GW: Endless Dual, doesn't need to be translated really...mostly, it's just the story is in Kanji(I think that's how it's spelled.) But other then that, if you've watched the series at alll, you'll know what's going on.
Gasper - []
Friday, May 12, 2000 12:57:00 AM
Well, my finals are over and done with, and I have returned home, perhaps only to return to Rutgers repeatedly over the break for classes. Anyway...
The comp. sci. exam wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be (easiest/first problem: prove with induction that 2 divides n^2+n for all n>=1).
Many complements to the staff for a good episode.
Warpmind> <<Of course, the peripheral characters, namely Frog, Robo, Ayla and Magus, were somewhat pesky in comparison...>>: That's because you didn't have to have them in your party for most of the game. I seem to remember going to Gato a bunch of times for his one tech point.
<<*I* was not the one who asked about Wilek from the Final Fantasy games...>>: Many apologies. I saw the capital w and just went on with the arpmind.
Diablo music: I would heartily reccommend Orff's O Fortuna (form Carmina Burana), Grieg's In the Hall of the Mountain King (from Peer Gynt), Holst's Mars BoW, Tchaikovsky's Marche Slave (or 1812), or if you're going to be running around a lot,, perhaps Von Suppe's Light Calvary Overture.
Mr. Jensen> <<nobody ever asks why [Greg] didn't have Angela become Lexington's mate>>: That's because we geeks are never supposed to get the girl. Nor we who are more than many others (no, I am not missing a verb).
CSH> <<can you find what's wrong?>>: It might have been harder if you didn't tell us in the third, fourth and fifth lines.
Fire Storm> <<DERN LOT BOYS>>: I haven't seen you explain this (and it would take to long going through the archive), but who are the lot boys, and why are they in charge of typos, etc.?
Winterwolf> <<I remember having a *[*] for stats>>: That's nothing. All my speeds were maxed, and everyone except for the 1000 girls were maxed on power, with everyone max magic resist.
CtB> digital camera: Watch out, my (ex)roomie has one (see for Aaron, Justin P., Chris G., Eric, Tim, Tom, and Jeff for sample (and his root directory for one of himself)), and if you have the LCD screen (I'm willing to bet it's almost standard now) on, the batteries drain faster than the roof of McCormick (the 10th floor is renouned for leaks).
Aaron> <<"Damn even IRL I'm shorter then Lex.">>: That reminds me, I recently got Short People on mp3 (as well as Burn On, Last Night I Had a Dream (I am going to get a good version of Political science), and a bunch of stuff not by Randy Newman (Traveling Wilburys rock my world) (Napster rocks my world)).
Gasper> <<Level 96 huh? I was never THAT patiant...>>: It's just one of my oldest roms.
<<been doing a TON of Terranigma and Gundam W Endless Duel>>: I've been getting back to Chrono between FFs, SD3, SoM, Tenchi Myuo, Magic Knight Rayearth, SM:AS, SMRPG, Terranigma, Soulblazer, BoF I and II, Lufia I and II, Earthbound,... (actually, that's probably a near complete list). Is Gundam translated?
tR Mrs. Morgan: You have quite the odd sense of humor.
Daniel Johnson> <<I am we Todd did>>: A R C. R C Do Two. (For the record those previous utterances were repeated uncountably in my suite over the past year).
Niamhgold> <<I've come to practically _adore_ Celtic>>: Mo Ghile Mear. Ever listen to The Chieftans?
<<are FF 1 and 3 worth it?>>: As I said, I've barely gotten into them. Probably because Nesticle can't fastforward (I love ~). I seem to recall 3 (look at ) behaving vaguely like 5 (job system). And of course, 1 (try with IE) started it all, so you should at least try to find it.
Daniel Johnson> <<NOTICE:...>>: I think you may have an odder sense of humor.
Gasper> <<Christine (If I may call you that ma'am)>>: Between me with the "Revered" and latching onto the surname, and your "ma'am," we may just give her a superiority complex. Either that, or just a complex.
Sev. Jr.> Many well wishes for your father.
X-Men series: THat just feels wrong. They should at the very least have made the White Queen the principal.
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, May 12, 2000 12:42:37 AM
SJ> Sorry to hear about your father. I hope you and your family get through this. My thoughts and sympathy go with you.
Also the new X-Men stuff had me go numb too, and I know Bob Forward is capable of coming up with better stuff than that. Bob "Beast Wars" Forward is one of the best writers out there, so I think it may be networks and other "suits" dictating what they want to him.
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Thursday, May 11, 2000 10:50:49 PM
Okay, fun stuff towards the end of this post, but now something completely for real and personal.
I would like to ask something very serious of all of you in the room. I would like to ask everyone who is at all religious to please pray for my family, and if you're not practicing any particular religion, I would just ask that you keep my family in your hearts right now. I haven't been able to come into the room this last couple days, and I have a good excuse. Let me explain.
Two days ago, on Tuesday, my father was preparing to go to work, when he bent over to pick up his briefcase and experienced a pain in his back. It surprised him, but he was okay to go to work, so he did. A couple of hours later, he feels a somewhat large "bump" in the middle of his back, and he was experiencing a lot of pain in the area. He gets my mom to set up a doctor's appointment to check it out on his lunch hour. To which the doctor sends him straight to the hospital, under the presumption that the "bump" might be a ruptured disk in his back (my father does have a history of neck problems, so the thought of a bulging or ruptured disk was not inconceivable). Only later that afternoon we find out it's not a disk--it's some sort of tumor. And all of a sudden the world is spinning a thousand miles an hour, cause the word coming out of the doctor's mouth is the word that you never ever want to hear--cancer.
So my family is collectively freaking, cause my father was fine a day ago, and now he might have cancer. There was some good news today: he had tests done to check for prostate cancer, which was a concern--it was negative. He had other tests done to check for potential bone cancer in the area where the tumor is located (it is in the vicnity of his spine). We have not received total word on what those tests results are, but the general opinion of the doctors is that most likely there is no cancer. And they believe that the tumor is most likely benign. But there is still that level of uncertainty which drives you mad with fear. Tomorrow they will tackle the tumor itself; it is possible that they will be able to drain blood from it and that it will "die" on its own (it is a blood-fed type of tumor, and removing its blood supply will destroy it) but if that does not prove the case than they will most likely have to operate, because if it grows it will cause difficulty in my father's respitory system. All of this will happen tomorrow.
I believe that, overtly or not, I have made it known that I do not get along with my father. This is generally so. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that I don't love him, and I'm not ashamed to admitt that I'm still quite scared. So I ask you to please pray for my family, for my father especially, so that everything turns out positively and that he will be able to recover.
Now I'm going to attempt to move onto some lighter stuff cause I *need* to. I can't dwell on this other stuff because if I do I will go crazy.
Pitch Black Sequel? For those of you who have seen the first Pitch Black movie (and it was great!), there is potential for a sequel. The writer has written a treatment for a sequel that will continue to focus on the exploits of psycho-on-the-run Riddick. If a sequel does get made, Vin Diesel will most likely return. Joy!
Coyote: I have no problem with XenaTrek giving out Star Wars info. And I don't really care who's first in giving out the info. I frequently give out entertainment info, cause I like to talk about it and I like to hear other people's opinions. It doesn't matter to me who gives the news, just so long as someone's discussing it. :)
Napster: I don't know how all of you other "hypocrites" feel about Napster, which I suppose some people in here feel is the most evil thing ever on the net (MUCH WORSE than all that child porn, right?), but I LOVE IT. This is the GREATEST thing on the net! Eh, so it's illegal. No matter how many bands sue Napster, no matter if the courts shut the site down, another will pop up doing the same thing. But Napster's great; I've been on it the last couple weeks when I have the time, and I've gotten tons of great music. The only limitation is my hard drive space! ;) And let it be known that not ALL bands disapprove. I know lots of smaller bands who are freely giving Napster their work to share. AND Limp Bizkit is even going on a Napster funded/sponsored tour this spring/summer.
As for Metallica....on the one hand, I can sympathize with them. They don't want their stuff bootlegged (on the other hand, I love free anything, be it music or whatever). However, what I have an issue with is their naming their fans in the lawsuit. This is very bad PR if you ask me. That makes me want to boycott them. I can see them suing Napster, and I totally understand that. I don't like them suing the fans, I don't care if technically they stole their music. It justs seems like a hypocritical move on their part because they have been bragging for years that they treat their fans the best. It's a depressing incident altogether.
Finally, I got a bunch of info about the new X-Men animated series coming this fall. The website recently conducted an interview with Bob Forward, the story editor for the new show. And the news he gave....well, best to hear it for yourself.
Forward mentioned that the show is a little behind schedule, but it will air this fall. Unfortunately, he then started talking about the plot of the show and my hopes fell. Apparently, they ran through 4 different versions of the first script--one, Bob says, to appease the movie folks, and the other 3 to appese the network, the toy folks, and the comics folks. The final product has been "geared toward's a younger audience". Words that strike terror in a fanboy's heart. But wait, Bob promises that the show will not be dumbed down! That's what he said, but he had to keep talking, and then he revealed the lineup.
The X-Men, who will be "teen" heroes, will consist of Cyclops (bleh), Nightcrawler (Alright!!), Kitty Pryde (Cool!), and a new character named Spike, who will be Storm's nephew and is being described as "like Marrow" (riddle me this, Batman--why not just stick Marrow in there, then?). The "instructors" will be Prof. X, Wolverine, and Storm (who will all be older than the teens....damn it, I wanted a teen Storm...).
The villains will be Mystique....PRINCIPAL Mystique. You read that right. In a move that made me a bit numb around the edges of the brain, they're making Mystique the "evil principal" of the school, and she'll try to turn the X-Men to her evil ways through the help of her "evil students" in the form of teen versions of Blob, Toad, Avalanche, and Quicksilver. Oh, the humanity.
Okay, this show is scaring me now. Not only is it not like the comics at all, it isn't anything like the MOVIE, which I thought the whole point of the new cartoon is to focus on the (hopeful) success of the movie. This is some sort of bizarro version of the X-Men, and from what I'm hearing about the show, I just may *hate* it. But, schmuck that I am, I'll watch it anyway. At least for the first episode.
Sevarius Jr. - []
Thursday, May 11, 2000 10:35:26 PM
Sorry, forgot to label that.
Thursday, May 11, 2000 10:28:16 PM
Patrick: Don't direct any anger towards the room, it was my rant, and as a newbie, I'm sorry, but I had to get that off my chest. Believe me, I hate it when people take what's not theres. Was I selling Metallica stuff? No. Was I downloading 50 of their albums, no. Yes, I stuck my hand in the cookie jar, and you can crucify me all you want. I must look like a hypocrite to you.
Now, I wasn't here when Christine (If I may call you that ma'am) was ripped off, and I feel for her. My one goal in some cases with my friends is to punish those who do that. You wouldn't believe how much it happens. But there is a difference in why I complain about Napster. First. Does Christine ask for money when someone reads her fanfic? If not, then there is a difference, because Metallica complains because they aren't getting paid for their work. Therefore I must come to the conclusion that their "True" fans are the ones that buy every single piece of merchendise those hacks put out. This makes me come to the conclusion that it's not copyright infringement, it's not paying for 1 song. 1 simple...little song.
Now please tell me that this is the EXACT same thing as taking a fanfic and putting your name on it. Which is the worse of the two evils. I personally think it's taking a fanfic that is evil. But copying a song, well, that's still not copyright infringement, that's theft. But am I making money of the one song that I'm listening to once in a GREAT while? No. No one ever even downloaded it from me. The fact of the matter is, I didn't pay Metallica 20 bucks for a piece of plastic. If they are truly dedicated to their job, they'd do it for free and work a side job.
So, in the end, don't crucify the whole room for my beliefs. Thanks Mr. Toman. Also, I hope you don't have any MP3's on your PC. Because if you do...then you're just being hypocritical.
Thursday, May 11, 2000 10:27:23 PM
Warning! Wackiness ensues below.
Actually, I think that such "jokes" could be permissible if accompanied by appropriate "joke protection" such as is used for spoilers. After all, there could be "differently humored" people present and one wouldn't want to impinge on their right to a joke-free environment. Perhaps also, to avoid undue stress, the use of "punch line notices" should precede the "joke" (but follow the "joke protection"). This section could also be used for further information to put the "joke" into the appropriate historical context so that the reader can fully appreciate the subtle nuances presented by said "joke." Thusly:
****** BEGIN JOKE ******
NOTICE: This joke depends upon the double meaning of the word "cross": both to pass over a physical barrier and to interbreed with. It also depends on the reader's knowledge that the Carthaginian general Hannibal used elephants in his passing over the Alps mountain range in order to attack Rome. In addition, the reader must be aware of the old saying: "an elephant never forgets." Thus, the second meaning of the word "cross" comes into play. If an elephant and a mountain were to be interbred (assuming that the reader could overlook the fact that breeding a biological organism with a geophysical structure is, of course, impossible) the result would be a mountain that never forgets. Of course, given the above mentioned assumptions, it would be equally probable that an elephant composed of solid rock could be the result, but that is irrelevant to the appreciation of following joke.
Actually, if you cross the Alps with elephants, you get mountains that never forget.
****** END JOKE ******
There, wasn't that much better? Now there's no confusion as to the actual meaning of the "joke" nor will those who do not wish to be subjected to such things be harmed in any way.
As you can probably tell by now, I have *far* too much time on my hands at the moment. ;)
Against my better judgement, I read your new "story." It was, as I suspected, full if all manner of imagery that clearly panders to the basest desires of males everywhere in a shameless attempt to increase readership during this "sweeps" period. It was also, of course, utterly hysterical. :)
All Those Taking Finals:
Good luck! Nothing beats the feeling after finishing the last one.
Well, almost nothing...
Now that I think about it, quite a few things actually...
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Thursday, May 11, 2000 09:59:35 PM
One final down, two more to go.
Mandi's 15-25 page Sem paper: 8 pages and counting.
Spike> **happily chugs the shake** Thanks. I needed that. Actually, the whole situation was solely my bad; I forgot he'd ditched the armor in "Crossroads."
Coyote> Still no word from the Egroups support people.
Niamhgold> <<We use 'em at my graphics place right now...I get a free one! (hmmm...probably why I love it so much!)>> Oooh, you are SO lucky...
TD stuff> Well, if Spike can do that, I can offer a little behind-the-scenes tidbits. Wallace was originally just named Major W. in the first draft of the outline, and when trying to name him, my first idea was "Wilkins." I suddenly realized "Major Wilkins" was WAY too close to a certain Buffy villain, so that changed quickly. ;) Interesting note: I discovered that shortly after the time frame of this episode (early 1920's), Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published a certain Sherlock Holmes story in The Strand entitled "The Illustrious Client." Supposedly, that's what he's working on in the episode, although we didn't try to make any direct references. :)
Okay, it's 10... got to decide if I'm going to stay up on this paper or get my Modeling/Simulation final over with at 9 am tomorrow... details, details.
Thursday, May 11, 2000 09:58:48 PM
*appears in the comment room with a patch over one eye*
well...I went to work today and my contacts were kinda watering..after about twenty minutes of them watering I could take_no_more. so I went into the bathroom to take it out and examine the one. *sigh* I found a piece of hair on my contact that caused me no end of pain. so I used the tap water, stupid me, to get the hair off. unfortunately, the damage was already done to my eye and now, I have another_tear in my cornea. *sighs again* I have a homemade patch..<made out of toilet paper and first aid tape> on my left eye. its SO uncomfortable! and I had to miss my entire day of work!!!! thats like $30 bucks. *cries* ah well, at least I got to sleep an extra hour. *L*
to everyone that welcomed me back< thank you much ^_^ I have no clue if I'll have time to check the CR alot because my life is incredibly busy, but I'll do my best to check it as much as possible and respond and comment on all the wonderful things you people post..*g*however, if I don't, or I happen to miss someones post to me, its because I am INCREDIBLY in a rush lately.
I do_get to take a break from life Saturday and go to an anime party, at which I will get to see Lexy and Toku Kaioto ^_^, and then go to a birthday party for my cousin *grins* which should definitely be interesting.
thank you for listening to me talk about my life, *L* not many people have time to listen to me talk lately. *cackles*
Lexy< reasons for dating?? ya know, thats the same thing Kristen said to me..although she called me a hypocrite in the next sentence so I didn't listen to much she said. I am dating Jordon merely because I'm interested in getting to know him better, and yes, we aren't actually_dating because of my mom's rules. but *shrugs* I think I'd still date him once I turned 18 and my mom's rules no longer applied to me. *looks over what she just typed* okay, so that doesn't make much sense, but I'm not going to retype it. *L* you can make the most of it.
Jannie< *kaBLINK* theres honestly_people out there in the world THAT rude?!?! my gosh...I never would have guessed. are you going to work at that school next year? and if you are, is the same principal going to be there also?? cause man, I would've smacked that person by now..and HARD! geesh..some people really need help.
internet dating< *cackles* I'm all_for it!! its a wonderful way to get to know the inside of someone.Things that I never would have had the guts to ask him IRL I was able to ask OL and when we met IRL, it made it much easier to talk about it, because the subject had already been brought up and talked about. although I do know that can't be for everything, and if our relationship goes anywhere IRL in the future, I'll need to get up the guts to bring up touche' subjects face to face...but for now OL is the most I can handle.
to everyone finishing school/having finals/and all that kind of crap< good LUCK! my mom told me a week ago that she wanted me to finish school in the next week or two. *L* so, I am busily reading through the rest of my school books. have fun doing your finals!!!!
*climbs up to the rafters and perches in the one nearest to the shadows*
cherry blossom
Thursday, May 11, 2000 09:54:16 PM
Fanfic > I've seen only one fic where Angela and Lexington become romantically involved, and it wasn't anything special. Just a very short erotica for erotica's sake piece (i.e., no plot) with the characterizations for both Angela and Lex totally off.
Re: Napster > Oh yes, heaven forbid professional musicians infringe on the constitutional right to listen to pirated music. :: rolls eyes :: So they call it "sharing" or "trading" instead... the MP3 format and Napster didn't pioneer music piracy, they just made it so easy and widespread that it professional musicians can't afford to let it go ignored. And somehow that makes them the bad guys? It's hard to believe this is the same CR where just a few weeks ago nearly everyone was jumping up to support Christine when someone stole her fanfic. Multiply that by a fifty or hundred occurences every minute and that's why Metallica and so many other bands and record labels are hopping mad.
Patrick Toman
Thursday, May 11, 2000 09:52:26 PM
Rock on!
I'm a little bit happy because tommorrow is the last test and then I'm on the road south. Should be boring as usual
Spike-I don't know if bloopers is the right term, perhaps just oops, or my personal favorite when doing charactures, "I ment to do that." then sign it and shoo them away. Although you went a little heavy on the hatching compared to what I've seen in the past. Did you mean to do that?
Robby-Take Vitamin C lots of it.
Pretty cool actually. The interaction bettween Brooklyn and Doyle was definitly the best part. That brings us to Payne, and he's beginning to live up to his name. But the really sad part is that even if Brook explained the sacrfice that he made to save his butt you know he would just complain about that as well.
Good character development through out the story with that well placed cameo of Harthoth to top it off. Great pics from Spike, (Goes w/o saying I suppose) Certainly keeping up the high standards you have set for yourselves.
Next time you hear from me I'll be in the Bayou City
Revel - []
hell, tx
Thursday, May 11, 2000 08:46:18 PM
Jannie: **clears throat and motions toward Lexy and Kaioto** Them.
Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Thursday, May 11, 2000 08:30:21 PM
Gothic Twilight: Good job on this story. I enjoyed the interaction between Brooklyn and Payne quite a bit. The use of Doyle was very interesting. The illustration was masterfully done.
Newcomers> Welcome to the insanity!
Peter - []
Kamloops, BC, Canada
Thursday, May 11, 2000 08:20:26 PM
** Niamhgold enters **
Yep, just finished the Mother's Day thing. Got her some clothes, a card with $, and some flowers to garden with. My mom hates flowers when they don't come with peat moss and a gardening basket :)
Coyote the Bando: I LOVE dig. cameras! We use 'em at my graphics place right now...I get a free one! (hmmm...probably why I love it so much!)
Shadowrider: I'll have to see about getting a picture of my turtle, but thank you for asking :) I'd have to E-mail it to you since I'm too lazy to put up a web site (I'd never maintain it). It's not that amazing, really--just a huge clay thing with an underwater scene painted on the shell.
Winterwolf: Love to see some of your work! And I doubt I'd kick your butt in any 3-dimensional contest; I like 2-dimensional work so much better because you don't have to deal with gravity. My 3D pieces tend to sag :) The only reason I won *anything* was becuase my community consists of about sixteen kids who even have any remote desire to pursue art (although I seriously think that some of the kids pursuing business should come over to the illustration side of things!)
I won't be able to see any entries for the garg figure contest because I'm not going this year, and I'm not going to bother entering (picture Goliath looking like Snufalufagus!)...If you're going, will you take a picture of your goodies for me? I betcha you'll win! :}
Gside: <I have basically the Greco-Roman pantheon and stories memorized, and half the Nordic in there somewhere> Those were my first interests :) but I think I've come to practically _adore_ Celtic (thus my signature), as well as Hindu, Arabic, and Egyptian. Greek myths were a staple back when I was trying to get down the basics, but I'm noticing a personal shift to those lores of the southern hemisphere. I also recommend the Orlando saga (part of the legends of Charlamagne); it's more literary than mythological, but it's easy to see where the truth has been stretched :) So, tell me, are FF 1 and 3 worth it? Those are the only ones I've yet to get my hands on. If you're one of the poeple who love Materia and un-romantic storylines, I'd suggest probably skipping 8; on the other hand, I thought it was a refreshing change (gave me a chance to learn a different junctioning system). Can't say the FMV's weren't some eye candy, either! :)
Daniel Johnson: Thank you :) I think you just might be an artist yourself--I tend to think that almost all forms of human craftmanship is a form of art. Have you tried just sitting down with pencil and paper and just doodling for the heck of it, with no time constraints? Sometimes the mind's logic can hamper the production of art; it's because we *think* we're not artists that we don't try, and therefore don't develop any skill. We've all got it buried in us *somewhere*.
** Yawn ** I've waxed enough philosophical for today! I'll leave before I start getting booed outta here!
Thursday, May 11, 2000 07:18:51 PM
Hi guys
Thanks Winterwolf,Christopher,and Kevin
you've done a lot! Once Iget all the pics I need
Ineed to figure out how to set up my page because quite frankly I don't know how to.
I haven't gotten around to checking my E-MAIL in awhile
so if you've sent me anything I won't know.
See ya' tomorrow!!
Brooklyn - []
Thursday, May 11, 2000 07:14:38 PM
Entity---You're right...sell outs, and I would have loved to seen John Stewarts Segment...but he's's College students...which I belong to. But yes...I admit...I have a lot of Copyright infringement....but this precedent...this is bad Entity...thanks for the support.
Gasper S. Keltner - []
Thursday, May 11, 2000 07:14:32 PM
Hi guys
Thanks Winterwolf,Christopher,and Kevin
you've done a lot! Once Iget all the pics I need
Ineed to figure out how to set up my page because quite frankly I don't know how to.
I haven't gotten around to checking my E-MAIL in awhile
so if you've sent me anything I won't know.
See ya' tomorrow!!
Brooklyn - []
Thursday, May 11, 2000 07:14:21 PM
Winterwolf> yeah, what Shadowrider says :) You can accelerate during a curve - but it needs to be a wide curve in order to do that safely. The acceleration comes as you are coming out of the curve and it will upright the bike easier. To lean into a curve, you have to lean your body (shoulders in particular) But do not shift gears while in a curve if at all possible. As Shadowrider said, it could cause your rear wheel to spin out of control.
I was always taught that as a motorcycle driver - you drive on the defensive and should be prepared at all times - even more so than when driving a car.
As hot, bothersome, and uncomfortable as they are - never leave home without a helmet! I witnessed a motorcycle accident involving two riders (they hooked luggage bars while one was passing the other and got too close) Bikes went out from under each of them and one man slide across the highway, hitting his head on a concrete culvert. He was dazed, but walked away from it... his helmet was split down the middle. If he had not been wearing a helmet, that would have been his head instead.
Before I got my Yahama - I had a trike! chopper front, banana seat for the driver and a wide seat on the back - on two big wheels. :) I loved it! metallic blue... *dreamy sigh of yesteryear*
I'm not good on the technical stuff of the motorcycle. I understand everything that Shadowrider has explained though.
I just rode and enjoyed the times :)
Coyote> 3 couples? I must have missed something.. who is the 3rd couple? I know you and Mara and Den & I - who else?
Jenna> *screams in agnony and disappointment* NNNOOoooO!!!
Maybe - hopefully - finances will improve by the time G2K arrives! *hugs* I wish I had time to drive out there - ya'll could ride with me *sighs* but I have to be at work immediately following G2K. Why they chose the dates they did is still a mystery to me.... schools in the south start the first week or two in August. *shrugs*
*grabs Denis for another motorcycle ride as the blood drains from his face*
awwww, c'mon babe.. it's not ~that~ bad... *evil cackle*
*sings off key* Leader of the pack... Vroom-Vroom...
Thursday, May 11, 2000 07:11:54 PM
DANIEL - All right, all right, I won't make any more superannuated jokes here! Scout's honor! (Not that that really means much, since I was never in the Scouts, but.... :)
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, May 11, 2000 06:39:51 PM
<Shadowrider enters>
Selanit:> Thank you for the explanation. Funny enough, "Deflagrate muri tempi et intervalia" could have a meaning in Latin...but not for sure what is currently assumed.
If I happen to burn the floors of space? Hm...for sure a long long fall...;)
Niamhgold:> OK! :) Oh, by the there any hope for us to see a picture of your award-winning claywork? I'm really curious, I'd like to see it.
Nice episode, with the meeting between Brooklyn and one of my favorite writers, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I liked it (Actually, I liked more or less all of the episodes of Timedancer this season so far...the staff is doing really a VERY good work). I'm very curious to see what Harthoth will do with the spell...AND to see how did he already know Payne...
I'd like to make a more complete comment, but I'm sleepy, so I'll do next time.
Warpmind:> Correct! For sure the Illuminati have all the sequence, with zoomed pictures of the cops'faces.
An additional gear? I see I'm not the only one who likes to modify mechanical devices...
Fire Storm:> <<Bikes can go that fast? >> Bicycles not, at least I still have to see one go over 160. Motorbikes yes, sure. The fastest production bike in the world, the Suzuki GSX 1300, reaches 300 Km/h, and a lot of other models easily pass 200...not to mention racing bikes.
Mecord:> You're welcome. :)
Winterwolf:> You are completely welcome. As I said, I'm always glad to be of help and I also enjoy a lot speaking about bikes, so feel free to ask me all you like.
Speeding up in a turn? You mean changing up speed gear? Yes, it is possible, if the turn is not too narrow. It is quite difficult and potentially dangerous anyway, because if you give too gas as you release the clutch, the rear wheel could slip, so it is better to try it with a proper bike and after having aquired a little experience.
My bike? Well, my current bike is a black Suzuki DR 650. It is a single cylinder 650cc enduro (on road/off road) bike, with 55 hp of maximum power, 170 kg of weight, a very good handling and acceleration, and a max speed of 175 km/h. I modified it a little after I bought it, to increase power but mainly torque and to increase grip and maneuverability too.
I have not a preferred kind of bikes...I like almost all of them. My preferred models? Well...the Honda CBR 900, the Ducati 916 SP, the Honda XLV 650 and some others...
Ok, I really gotta go sleep now!
See you all!
Shadowrider - []
Milano, Italy
Thursday, May 11, 2000 06:32:00 PM
Ok, I have a lot of catching up to do, so I'll start at the top:
What kind of error message are you getting? Is it Javascript related? Those lines contain Javascript, and IE's implementation of JS is notoriously buggy. Since I haven't played much with JS, I can't say whether the code on the TGS page is correct or not. Hmmm, I really should pick up a JS book one of these days. I have the Mac version of IE 5.0, which is a completely different program from the Windows version, so I can't suggest anything else.
In the week of 4/10 to 4/16, you made a post about whether Thailog was Demona's mate. Is that the one? If yes, I have it. If not, give me more info and I'll look again. I have everything from 3/28 on.
I expended much effort trying to devise a suitable response to your "joke." At first, I considered writing some poetry, but that would be an out of proportion response to said "joke" and it would be cruel to subject the rest of the room to this. I remembered something else, however, that even incorporated your own name and therefore seemed appropriate. Repeat after me:
I am we Todd did.
To achieve maximum effectiveness, however, this must be shouted loudly in a room full of people or on a streetcorner. Actually, there is more to it, but it requires saying the words "king" and "sofa" in combination which, as we all know, should never be done in polite company. Now, if you persist in making these "jokes" I'm afraid I'll have to do one of two things: turn all of your ice cream into brussels sprouts, or read some of my poetry. Your choice. Think carefully.
Nikhil Joshi:
Welcome to the insanity!
:( Sorry to see you go. I hope you get the demons of Real Life beaten into submission soon.
Let me wish you a belated happy anniversary. Congratulations!
I can only give you sympathy since other people here have given far better advice than I could. Jenna and Jannie in particular. But, as long as you are living with your mother, you have no choice but to listen to her. That doesn't mean that you can't try to reason with her; however, it sounds as if she still has some feelings about her own divorce that she has never dealt with and is now projecting on to you. As frustrating as it might be, all you can do is try to be understanding and supportive of her while trying to show her that not all men are untrustworthy louts. Then again, a lot of us are... What is it about Y chromosomes? Sigh. I think I'll shut up now.
Very hearty congratulations on your craft show! I wish I had even the tiniest bit of artistic talent. So many ideas and no way to manifest them... If only it were possible to visualize thought patterns.
It's been said before, but your son did a bang up job on his Eagle project. And it sounds as though your principal needs to be read some of my poetry... And no, don't ask for a sample; WyvernWeb would no doubt crash and burn (literally) to save everyone from such a fate.
That's enough for now. Now on to...
****** TGS SPOILERS ******
A very fun episode. I enjoyed Conan Doyle's reactions to Brooklyn. They seemed very believable. After the heavy emotional content of the last few stories, it was good to have a little break. I have nothing to criticize, but I do have one curiosity: Doyle made a copy of Brooklyn's scroll, did he not? The story doesn't mention its fate. I wonder if we'll see it again...
****** END SPOILERS ******
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Thursday, May 11, 2000 06:22:16 PM
Well, not very good news here- it doesn't look like were gonna make it to the gathering :( Finances, you know.
Thursday, May 11, 2000 06:05:38 PM
May Sweeps -- a glorious tradition of sex, sensationalism, and all the scandal you can handle! It is in that spirit that I am pleased to bring you "Battle of the Sexpots," a silly little crossover story pitting fanfic's Godiva against MageLore's Sybil. Mature readers only, for obvious reasons. Find it in the Adult Archive at
Also new on my site: many new pics, by Demona May and Graymonk. Clickie-clickie! ; )
Christine - []
Thursday, May 11, 2000 06:01:10 PM
Well, I came in to break the news to the CR in case it hadn't already reached... but apparently it has. In a way, it confirms the reality of it.
Yup, Napster's banned 300,000 some people. For what? For NOT abusing their software (by not sharing alleged files). I know Napster must be under a lot of pressure, but this is bad... bad bad bad... because it also sets a precedent... a bad precedent, a bad bad bad precedent.
Metallica, in my book, are a bunch of a--holes. I know someone in here will try to step to the plate and give a scrying glass view. It's inevitable. But the bottom line is: sellouts.
"The Daily Show" did a funny piece on this whole issue (before it escalated to this level), if anyone saw it, in which Jon Stewart called it "a campaign against poor high school kids and fun."
Thursday, May 11, 2000 04:59:13 PM
Aaron-------- You feel bad about killing him? Hm....I remember the first time that he gave me stuff, then comes after me, mace flying. My roommate and I last year loved killing lil' ol' goat boy. His fault for trying to take us on. I have no quams. Evil is evil, to varying degrees, and deception just plain sucks in my book, so don't feel for Gharbad, he's just a Pawn that Diablo uses. Make sense?
WinterWolf- Yup, when you get stars, or I think it's double stars, (lost my savestates in my last recovery in Feb.) that's when you're maxed out, and you start giving them to others. USually, with Speed tabs, I give them to Either Robo or Lucca, considering during boss battles they become early casualties...until you get them maxed on armor and such. Also, if you're looking for Armor, got through the Black Omen (Big thing hanging over Magus' Island towards then end) From forwards in time to backwards (i.e. 1000AD, 600AD, etc.) That way, when you face Queen Zeal the second time, where she is but a mask, steal stuff using Ayla, and trust me, you'll be kicking major rear with it.
Mecord----Legion of Fantasy/LOF, Yeah, it's a great group of writers. Icy has a page up for us, but you can't join the invited chats. But if you go to Espernet on mIRC on Tuesdays and Saturdays, at 7PM central time, there is bound to people there. The meetings usually go to about 10-12 Central. But there is literature/fics on the LOF on Icy's page.
Warpmind- I know if you really work for it, and find the Rubble Creatures on Mt. Woe, you can get Luminare around in that area, but you REALLY have to work for it. Pesky? Robo is probably the best with his Crisis arm, so long as his HP ends in 9. Damn, does he do damage. Also, that works? If you run Winamp and Diablo at the same time? DAMN! That'd be awesome. Let me know how to do it sometime VERY soon. Does the SFX have to off too?
GSide- Okay. I just like to have the PG around. Also, I'll let him know. Level 96 huh? I was never THAT patiant...but I'll have to try it someday...been ages since I played CT, been doing a TON of Terranigma and Gundam W Endless Duel. Also, when you kill Diablo, anything you had with you remains with you, including when you die while battling him, and your friend on B. Net kills him. YOu keep all your dropped
(Warning, incoming rant!)
Funny how the musicians of the world value free speech, and want you to listen to their music. I mean, they're all over the radio. Heck, they'll even let you record and distribute stuff from concerts that you record. Now, I don't want to get off on a rant here, but I downloaded a song from Metallica of Napster....1 song for my friend, because he thought it was pretty good. Now...I'm sorry, but if Metallica thinks that its "True fans" would understand, then why am I penalized for 1 song! I don't listen to them, I specialize in Import music...and they ban my IP? IT's soo damn wrong on so many levels. If anyone gets a chance, has a nice little Flash movie on Metallica....worth the download if you're mad at them. PS, no offense to Metallica fans, but your fave band is a bunch of hypocritical money Grubbing Blankety blank blank blanks. If they really care about the "fans" then why are the killing a person off Napster for one song? Is suing us for downloading a song worth the courtcosts and precedings when these people have millions upon milllions of dollars? And please, don't tell me it's the principle, because that's deluding one's self. The quest of the almighty dollar has flooded the populations minds. But Kami help me, if they raised their record prices because of this, I think a boycott of their music would be in order. Ofcourse, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. (END RANT)
One other note, and I'm sure you're tired of my long message from a newbie, but Lex, I've done the Internet Dating. Did it for a year with a person I knew in CA. From my position, that's 2000 miles. We saw eachother twice IRL (in Real Life) and that was expensive. When it adds up, let me say's great to have someone like her....but not being able to feel eachother in the room, physically, mentally, spiritually, well....that just makes things very hard. Turns out we broke up a while ago it was inevitable. We're still good friends, which is on helluva surprise. Anyway, that's my thoughts. I don't know how old you are. I'm 21. SHe was my first girlfriend. Fate has a funny way with stuff, but keep trying for the stars, and I'm sure you'll find your true love. Kami knows I'm still searching for mine. Anyway, I"ve talked long enough. Sorry. See ya guys later.
Gasper S. Keltner - []
Thursday, May 11, 2000 04:34:20 PM
Coyote the Bando> <Digital camera> I'm bringing my digital camera too. The pictures can be downloaded usually through the either a Serial port or a USB port. There should be some a cable that came with the camera. There are some other methods, but I imagine you probably got a serial cable (this seems to be the most common) that you can plug into you PC for downloads.
Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Thursday, May 11, 2000 04:17:24 PM
Robby> Thom is about 5'8". I know because when I got my picture taken with him, I was like, "Damn even IRL I'm shorter then Lex."
Gside> Well, I thought 117 magic was pretty good for a rogue.
Warpmind> Gharbad heads? I always felt bad about killing Gharbad, and I don't usually mount little things like the Chupacabra. As for the music, I wouldn't mind some hard rock background like Rammstein's "Du Hast" or Motorhead's "I am the Sword", but I couldn't play with the sound off. Too easy to get snuck up on.
Caliope> The 13th Warrior was great. Kinda a low-light Braveheart.
Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Thursday, May 11, 2000 03:50:03 PM
**crawls into the room** Ye gods and little fishes, the lengths I go to getting an extra day off ... I wasn't planning on calling in sick today, but I got my schedule messed up, and now I'm gettin' a headache. Arg ...
Anyhoo, let's check some action here ...
TGS Staff: I'm not being quiet because I want to, I'm being quiet because my friggin' mail server's paranoid and put up filters that bounces everything eGroups sends me. It's maddening, belive me, and unfortunately right now this is my only way of getting through to ya.
XenaTrek and SJ, re: Star Wars scoops: **pulls on his referee outfit** Hmm ... after reviewing the tape, I gotta give this round to XenaTrek, she had the guy's name first (from the sadly obliterated room). 'Tis bound to happen when you get two people using the same resources ... it's really not a race.
Fun Technology: Bought a digital camera today. Gonna bring it with me to Orlando ... now the only thing I gotta do is figure out how to hook it into the computer to get the pics *out* ...
Lexy: **stands and applauds**
Aaron, re: Mara's latest fic: **grins** To paraphrase Jacqueline Suzanne's husband ... Ain't she great? :)
Jannie: Well now, that'll make at least *three* happy couples in Orlando. ;)
"I Am Become Death," postlogue: I believe now you can see why I said "Oh, how ironic" about five months ago when the dropping of the bombs was brought up in the CR ... see, I was in the middle of writing the ep when that discussion came up.
Fire Storm: To stem off any question ... no, the camera isn't a Sony Mavica (that's a little beyond my budget), it's a Kodak ... the model number eludes me at the moment ...
Congratulations go to Kanthara.
And that's about it for me ... **crawls back out to find some Tylenol ...**
Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Thursday, May 11, 2000 03:48:43 PM
Hi! Thought I'd take a quick moment to remind everyone that Mother's Day is this Sunday. I still have to get something for mine. ;)
Calopie> Muchas gracias! There was a definite spark of genius left. ^_^ *Winterwolf removes Calopie's genius section. He waits for Calopie to return so he can give it back.* Thanks again. Good luck on those last two finals! Not that you'll need it. Right? ;)
It was early in the morning. The sun would be taking its first peek over the horizon in less than an hour. Winterwolf decided he should stop and get some rest. He pulled over to the side of the road and pulled out some blankets to sleep on. He proceeded to clear the area of rocks and deadwood to make it more comfortable. He was ready to curl into a ball and dive under the top blanket when a voice cut through the air like a knife.
"I should wait to kill you in your sleep, but I don't have the time to spare." NCA said while looking at Winterwolf with a hint of amusement in his eyes.
"Uh… Well… Actually you know I can help you. In fact I was looking or you to join you. What do you plan to do to this world?" Winterwolf hoped he bought it. The information could be very valuable.
There was a long silence. NCA just stayed where he was. "That wasn't even funny but this will be."
Winterwolf heard a sound behind him and jumped away from it. Behind him DC fired a supercharged energy bolt at Winterwolf. The magical bolt arched and followed Winterwolf. The blast burned him badly and threw him head first into a boulder. The impact knocked him out.
"All to easy." NCA and DC blasted at the unconscious body. The combined energy emitted a blinding light. When it was over the only thing that remained was a smoking crater.
Is this the end of Winterwolf?
Brooklyn> <pics> Okay. <Lex on TGS> Lex is still working on it. Give the guy a break. ;)
Shadowrider> Wow! Thanks for the excellent info! It is true that you speed up in a turn? A friend of a friend said that once. Just wondering. Also you probably answered this at some point but what bike do you use/like?
Aaron> He has to have some amazing hps and plenty of full heals. Maybe I was missing something important but for my warrior I found having fastest recovery was extremely helpful. You want to be able to hit them while they're hitting you.
T-shirt Design> I like it! Great job Kanthara!
Niamhgold> <gargoyle figure> Are you entering? Why is it that I think you'd kick my butt and win? ;)
Jason Barnett> <Demona didn't refom> Interesting idea. It looks like you've created another gem. <in the rookery> I think Thersites and Asrial would have been involved in the battle. Thersites would be very reluctant but he does what needs to be done and Asrial would have to try some new invention on the Vikings.
Wilek> Actually looking back at Final Fantasy, I thought you where one of the cool bosses, but the name is a slightly different. ^_^
******TD SPOILER******
I thought this was a great episode.
Spike> Excellent pics.
The irony! Brooklyn didn't show the scroll to Harthoth but he gets his hands on it anyway. It was interesting to see Harthoth's influence extends to the Illuminati. I think Harthoth will be helping Brooklyn later to further his own ends.
******END TD SPOILER******
Warpmind> <Luminaire> Now I know the name. :) I got the spell the first time around but after I got all the stat increasing pills and levels the damage went through the roof. I remember having a * for stats. I think that meant it was maxed out.
Robby> Get well soon!
NCA walk to the crater and frowns. "It seems I've underestimated my opponent."
"You mean overestimated!" DC said.
"DC. Where are his blankets? Where is his bike?"
"So what happened?"
"He teleported somewhere else. We've wasted enough time here. Let's go."
Location: Unknown
"Am I dead?"
"No. You just got hurt. Good thing I placed that defensive spell on you. Don't be so careless in the future! Wake up and go to DPH."
Winterwolf opened his eyes and felt pain register through his body. He would be fine in a few days. Looking around he found he was in a bedroom. He got up off the bed and walked to the window. Outside the sky was filled with every color in chaotic patterns. "I didn't know I could hit my head that hard." He rubbed his head. He spotted his bike and went over to it. He touched the bike and looked up to see he was to the side of the road about 30 miles from where he was. "I think I'll take a different route to get to DPH."
With that he rode off.
Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Thursday, May 11, 2000 03:21:58 PM
**A portal opens up and an Elf in an easy chair floats in to the CR**
It's sooooo nice to be able to relax once in a while. No classes to wory about, no finals, no papers.... Oh, some of you are still in finals? Sorry didn't mean to rub it in (yeah right). >8)
*dodges several pointed objects thrown at him*
If it's any consolation, I still spend all my time writing. I'm well into part 2 of "Infinity Broken" and hopefully will be finished in a little over a week, depending on what life throws at me. Now for the responses.
Sadowrider and Niamhgold>> Thanks for the incantations.
Selanit>> Thanks for the Latin lesson. :)
Doug>> One of the good drawbacks to my life is a close-knit family. The special little moments in life have a tendency of turning into family reunions. The funny thing is half the people at one party show up at the other. The other have were just friends of the family.
Sorow>> Well, I don’t know about “devoted”. But I’ve always had a knack for memorizing lines from shows and movies I’ve seen a couple thousand times. :)
Cherry>> Welcome back!! Always a pleasure to have you around.
Gasper>> Legions of Fantasy? Sounds cool. I’ll definitely check it out, thanks.
Speeding Bicycles>> The South Hill in Spokane Wa. is good place to gain some serious speed. BTW, good luck to Stephen.
Spike>> They’re good pics anyway.
Robby>> Get well soon.
Thirteenth Warrior>> Yes, Great movie. But then I’m a fan of gory combat, legends, Vikings (they are kin after all), Beowolf, and fantasy in general.
*****AH, THE RP*****
“Senthet is really not going to like this,” Mecord looks to the crystal soul container, “But that gives me an idea. Where is Raze’s body?”
Warpmind points across the room, “I would think that antechamber. What are you planning?”
“Doing as I please remember?”
Mecord uses a magical blast on the locked door. Inside the body of Raze lay on a stone slab, and next to it, a crimson gem the size of a basketball.
A few moments later, the essence of Raze, followed, or rather led by, the Voudon Loas, Erzulie, entered the antechamber. It a lustful rush, Raze entered the body on the stone slab. The body glowed red and shrank to a basketball sized gem.
“Thank you Erzulie for your help.”
Warpmind entered as Erzulie disappeared, “She looked disappointed, what did you do?”
“The Mastergem is powered by two souls trapped within it. I just gave them company.”
An explosion knocked them both against the wall. Beelzebub battered down another section of the structure before his demonic minions swarmed inside. A few minor imps grabbed the Master gem and took it to their master.
Cursing, Mecord drew his sword from thin air, “Get Senthet out of here! I’m going after the Gem!”
Not looking to see if Warpmind heard him, the Elf dove into the oncoming horde, laying waste around him.
Meanwhile in the Clark Mountain Pass, Bardic morphs to his Dragon form and dives in front of the prisoners trailer. Before the next volley, the dragon has a one way magical shield protecting the apparent target of the ambush.
“Kit! Bardic roared. I can’t keep this up long, say the word and I can have a thousand dragons here in a nanoseco… Ah!”
The shield falters for a moment and the dragon is hit by several rounds of small arms fire and a concussion blast before the magic is reconstructed. Tom launches several grenades through the shield and manages a direct hit on a bunker. The secondary explosion of mortar shells takes out several nearby clones.
Things look grim for our Heroes. Is this the end? Tune in next time for the exciting continuation of
*****THE RP*****
Thursday, May 11, 2000 01:45:04 PM
IE 5.0 gives me an error mess about on lines 45 and 47.
Hmm. Do the Illumaniti know about Brooklyn's nemesis? For all I know, the scroll could contain the spell that is used to control the phoenix gate. Excellent twist, but I am wondering how Brooklyn's nemesis knew about Dr. Payne? Another time-travel in the past, perhaps?
Alright, only a few hours away from my graduation ceremony!!
All the Battle Technology Saga was archived until this one.
DPH ran into a room and returned with a special ring.
"Put this ring on the middle finger of the hand you write with," said DPH.
"Ok, why the middle finger?" asked Jason Filler.
"Because the ring won't work on another finger. This ring is very powerfull. It can be used to reflect energy acts and other things. I want you to use this ring to make this light bulb stop glowing," said DPH.
"How?" asked Jason Filler.
"Simple, it takes concentration and focus for a non magic user to do the task. When you are finished, I want you to make the light bulb glow at various levels with your ring. When you are finished with that, use your key to unlock this safe," said DPH.
"What are you going to be doing?" asked Jason Filler.
"Concentrating and mediating so I can cast the spell to grant you your powers. This will take a while. I'm expecting company. Somebody named Winterwolf will show up sometime. If I have not cast the spell to grant your powers by the time he shows up, introduce yourself and tell him NOT to disturb me until I cast this spell," said DPH.
"Why will you take you so long?" asked Jason Filler.
"It takes extreme concentration and extreme amounts of energy. To build up that kind of concentration takes time. While I am building up the concentration, I will also be storing up energy. One more thing, if NCA attacks, concentrate and your ring will repeal any energy attack he creates," said DPH.
"Ok, I think," replied Jason Filler.
"Good luck." replied DPH.
DPH started working on concentration while Jason Filler started his task.
DPH (Daniel Paul Hightwer) - []
Thursday, May 11, 2000 12:28:32 PM
Fire Storm
Thursday, May 11, 2000 12:26:32 PM
Hey everyone! I am here at my new job at lunch and decided to post.
My computer is still down, and I will try to replace the motor myself.
Daniel Johnson: <Maybe I need to change my name...>
Na... I just have to pay more attenetion.
Airwalker: <it can be minor but it should be there.>
I can see that. I think that the most he would have is a little nausea or possibly superficial radiation burns on his arms from radioactive dust.
<Atom Bomb energy isn't the same as sunlight>
True, but an atomic bomb does release alot of visable and other forms or light. Gargoyles must absorb either visable or UV light, two things I am almost certian a a-bomb produces alot of.
Robby: <There's actually another, much BETTER reason for Payne not knowing about Nagasaki than simply "He didn't take history classes". Can't reveal it right now, it would ruin the plot, but trust me, there's a reason, and its a doozy.>
Hmm... makes my mind wonder...
Maybe Payne isn't from the future after all!
Warpmind: <Here I get first post, and when I'm about to type a longer second post, my whole friggin' COMPUTER goes down... >
Been there... am there.
<Oh, well, it works now...>
<as opposed to those with a regular bicycle>
Hey, I can ride a bike at 100 mph! And, while I am at it, I have a map that leads to gold! (only $20,000 :)
Rodlox: <where do the gargs go to the bathroom?>
Anywhere they want! :)
Entity: <But the dates, the cities' names - the general population could probably name all the albums by the Beatles before recalling such info>
The date I can understand. But I just asked my new boss if she knew anything related to "Nagasaki" and she knew it was from.
The atomic bomb grabs a little interest in nearly everyone from the scared "the world is going to end!" people to the redneck "We nuked those commies!" morons.
Shadowrider: <Bikers riding over 160 Km/h>
Bikes can go that fast?
Gside: <surface, not full volume>
Could you just imagine if it actually WAS full volume? WAY too much power.
Kyryn: <How about some of the reasons that WW I started?>
The assasination of archduke Ferdinand.
Blindside: <try typing at about 5:00 AM after having been up all night>
Thats when I usually post!
Aaron: <I'm looking for the S8 CR from 2-3 weeks ago, with my Thailog post>
Sorry. Hard drive is dead.
Winterwolf: <Will the manufacturer replace it?>
Yeah. But I just need to find a way to recover the data.
Todd Jensen: <Somebody actually did a fanfic with Angela as LEXINGTON's mate?>
Hey, I have one too! "Innocense Lost"
Not sure if I posted that one yet...
Fire Storm - []
Thursday, May 11, 2000 12:26:06 PM
Mandi>> *hands her a thick chocolate shake from Johnny Rocket's* Now, now.... no apologies. These things happen. Life goes on. It's okay.
Thursday, May 11, 2000 12:20:04 PM
Spike: Brooklyn's blue?
Thursday, May 11, 2000 11:25:21 AM
**Mandi looks up from her paper and groans**
Spike> For the millionth time, I'm SORRY! How many times do I have to apologize?? It was one sentence, too... just one damn sentence...
Boy, do I ever need a chocolate fix.
**Mandi saves her paper and heads for her stash**
Thursday, May 11, 2000 11:12:04 AM
Gothic Twilight>>
Here's your behind-the-scenes scoop of the day: Originally, there were three illustrations for this story. HOWEVER, the first draft copy of the story (which the artist staff gets to work from) had a subtle, yet very major continuity glitch in it. So, for your viewing pleasure, here's the missing pics --- can you find what's wrong?
Have fun --- enjoy!!
Thursday, May 11, 2000 09:48:31 AM
if you don't go see it, "tomorow, the puss will run, and you'll have a fever." {just kidding...but why risk it?}. ::)
it's GREAT!! {the only other words i know better than that are in a language not native to any humans/humanoids}.
Rodlox - [Babnol@hotmail .com]
Thursday, May 11, 2000 08:27:08 AM
Hey!!! How goes it ppl?! :)
Winterwolf> No problem! I just hope for your sake that I didnt waste the geniousness on my finals and that there is some left! :P
Aaron> <<Ah, but we otaku stay indoors so much we don't care what the weather is like. And most of us looks awful in a bathing suit, so we don't go to the beach much either.>> OH Excuses excuses!!! If not the weather and the beaches, think of ME!!!! I wanna go I wanna go!!!!....I have to either convince someone of bringing one here, or save enough $ to go to one out there....chances are it would be easier to convince someone :P...I had to give it a shot, didnt I!?!?
Mandolin> <<I'm not sure if timid is the right word, but it's all my brain can come up with now.>> Boring!!! The word is boring!!! :P
Rodlox> <<The Thirteenth Warrior_, great movie!!>> Really? Cuz I read Crichtons book Eaters of the Dead and I wasnt sure if I should see the movie, seeing as usualy I'm disapointed with it. Is it really that good? My Viewing depends on your recomendation! :P
Well, I gotta scat!
This is officialy my Last day of classes, still 2 finals to go, but they'll be a breaze!!!...I hope.... :P
Bye Guys!!!! *much HUGZ*
Thursday, May 11, 2000 08:10:37 AM
Mr Jensen: well, i think i read that kind of fanfic on one occasion. {i might be wrong though}.
Warpmind: i re-sent the draft of parts 2 and 3. just in case you still don't get it, could you tell me?: what is a better word(s) for Northmen* to use for the general meaning of "Night Flyers"?
* = _The Thirteenth Warrior_, great movie!!
Thursday, May 11, 2000 07:47:14 AM
RODLOX - Somebody actually did a fanfic with Angela as LEXINGTON's mate? I've got to admit, that comes as something of a surprise. This is the first time that I've heard of where Angela winds up with him. (As I mentioned once in the other comment room, while there are lots of people writing in to "Ask Greg" with the question of "Why didn't you have Angela become Brooklyn's mate instead of Broadway's?", nobody ever asks why he didn't have Angela become Lexington's mate).
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, May 11, 2000 07:18:02 AM
Anyone looking to order G2K t-shirts > Please e-mail the G2K staff with your questions - their e-mail address is posted on their web site. Or contact Sara Hutchinson directly at:
I'm Vice Con Chair for G2001:Los Angeles, but I'm not a member of G2K staff, so I have no idea how they are going to be handling t-shirt sales. I'm just helping out by posting announcements for them as part of G2001 staff doing some things to help G2K staff promote the con.
Patrick Toman
Thursday, May 11, 2000 06:52:03 AM
*Warpmind pops in.*
Hullo, gang.
Winterwolf: You didn't get Luminaire on your first trip around in Guardia? Tsk, tsk, I had it already when visiting Cyrus' grave... :) (Of course, the peripheral characters, namely Frog, Robo, Ayla and Magus, were somewhat pesky in comparison...)
Shadowrider: Pity indeed... but, I suppose I could ask for photos from the Illuminati surveillance satellites... :) Just for the record, I was pedalling in the 24th gear... the bike was a modified 18-gear offroader; an additional larger gear had been added. HEAVY! :)
Aaron: Heh, it's not that I don't *want* it, it's just that my space is limited... Besides, what with the half-dozen Chupacabras and the three Gharbad the Weak skulls... ;) Oh, and a piece of advice from a friend of mine (Warrior de luxe): Run Diablo without music, and with WinAmp (or equivalient) in the background, preferrably with a long list of various mp3s... believe you me, there's nothing that can compare to the feeling of wielding a BIG axe in the midst of dozens of skeletons, while YMCA is blaring in the background... not to mention clobbering mud men with that "mountain town" song from South Park... Hilarious. :)
Selanit: "Deflagra muris temporis et intervallia"? Thank you for the correct grammar, but I kinda think the spell sounds better on the show. ;) Besides, consider this: if the incantations were in grammatically correct latin, as opposed to this slightly dubious version, how hazardous might not latin be? :)
Ooo, new episode! Off to read when post is finished!
Rodlox: Compadre, considerign that English is my *second* language, I have few doubts I am capable to perform English->Norwegian translations on request... but, if I get a lot of requests, I might have to do'em on commission. ;) Uh, you sent it to my e-mail? Hmmm... seems it's been a bit wonky lately... *ponder* I'll check again.
Gside: Where the gold in Diablo is concerned: It's only money. Besides, it is perfectly okay to stock up all the cash you can carry, and then go down to kick butt. As for Chronotrigger, well, I'm back on it. And *I* was not the one who asked about Wilek from the Final Fantasy games...
Well, that's about it for now. Ciao.
Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Thursday, May 11, 2000 03:41:48 AM
Things foud in dorm rooms: One of my suitemates found a plywood sheet under his bed, and is planning on storing it there again for retrieval next year. They're also planning on doig the same thing with the tabletop we stole from in front of SERC. If you look like you know what you are doing, no one thinks you are doing anything wrong.
Gasper> <<Sorry to the person who uses Brooklyn>>: The pictrure by itself is not very important, so much as combination of picture, color, and quoting/spacing style. Which is why I am so odd. But then, I did always like the title "many colored."
Icy: Oh, could you tell him to update Ayla's character page. She gets the bronze fist when she wins her first fight after getting level 96. I have save states (*.zst).
Wilek> <<I'm currently in the process of downloading the entire second season of Beast Machines in RealVideo format>>: Been there, done that. !@$# 50 k/s download limit (less on the Texas server). I like my new hard drive. 433 megs is nothing.
Jenna> <<women at these life changes attract all kinds of advice good and bad>>: Who cares about increased chanses of genetic problems, I like my y chromosome.
Warpmind> << I suppose you've had some experience in high-velocity escapes from the sports majors>>: I managed to make it into honors housing, so there is some kind of ward keeping them away. Then, this is basically the science campus, so they mainly stay on the other side of the river, or in the ghetto (aka Livingston (once, after reading a bunch of fanfiction, I repeatedly called it Lexington to my preceptor (which prompted a thought, on which I shall extrapolate later (hey, three, no four nested parenthetical phrases (yes, I am a comp. sci. major))))). Although, apparently there is a suite of some of the women's swimming team across the way.
<<sports majors>>: I think the most pouar major for the jocks here is forrestry service, or something like that.
<<Another Butcher's head? *Sigh* Oh, well, I might be able to fit it in with the other five...>>: I've started on archbishops. I think I'm somewhere around five... I really should kill diablo some time, but I don't want to lose my carpet of gold up by the fountatin.
Chrono: Did you ever get around to finishing it again? Or did you just get annoyed about the savestate situation?
tR Mrs. Morgan> Gladiator: I had heard bad things about the computer effects during the fights. And no stirrups until 1066, right? I know there's some tapestry somewhere that proves when they started... gotta love Connections.
Niamhgold> <<jeesh, those suckers look fun!>>: Those were the easy ones. The ugly one is tomorrow at noon. Basically all proofs (and the "prof" (really a TA, but he lectures) makes really ugly exams).
<<I've always been more of the English, mythology, and even economic type>>: You don't want to see what I write (there's only been one thing I kind of liked), I APed out of econ (required for engineers), but myths are so much fun (I have basically the Greco-Roman pantheon and stories memorized, with half the Nordic in there somewhere).
<<my friend Ed just laughs at the "promotion" part, because *he's* getting a starting pay of $75,000 at a fiber optics job>>: I don't think anyone's actually calculated the averagew starting salary of a computer science/computer engineering double major with a linguistics minor (think creation of new programming languages). Probably not enough to justify it.
Warpmind> <<Wilek from Final Fantasy>>: Dang, don't remember any. Which one? I haven't gotten far in 1-3, barely farther in 4(2) and 7, and haven't even touched 8.
Aaron> <<Okay, so they were only scrolls, big deal>>: Scrolls are for wimps.
<<this guy likes to run into the middle of rooms and yell "Bring it on motherf**kers!" at the monsters>>: I tend to say things like, "You wanted to say something? I don't think so." Of course, there is something to be said for runnining into the room and casting chain lightning a dozen times (I think I've done that literally that many times. It gets hard to count).
Mandolin> <<Sarah (who's also Dingo's sister>>: I would think Kate would be a little better, but then she married into the name and was only in two scenes.
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Thursday, May 11, 2000 12:54:17 AM
Patrick> How do I go about ordering a shirt if I am not going to the gathering? I very well cannot fill out the rest of the registration form. Please give me instructions.
Thursday, May 11, 2000 12:21:05 AM
Warpmind: final draft of part one {and rough of part two} sent to your email....don't rush...but also don't sleep on it. :)
Thursday, May 11, 2000 12:15:55 AM
Rodlox- Judging by the fact that Lexington turned into Thom Adcox in the mirror, I suppose not counting gargoyle feet, he's about as tall as Thom Adcox. The question then of course is how tall is Adcox?
But for a better answer, judging by where Lex's headline is compared to the 7 foot Goliath and the 6 foot Brooklyn(Standing straight and not crouching), when lex is low to the ground on all sixes, he's probably about two and a half-three feet, and when he stands up fully he's probably a bit over 4 and a half and just a little below five feet. (A short teenager more or less...)
For all those who have an interest in the comic industry, (SJ, Coyote, Aaron, etc.) you might want to go check my minor ramble in the S8 CR on the current comic industry...
No time to RP or respond in depth right now, I'm sick and need sleep, and I also have work to do... Joy. Meybe this weekend.
Thursday, May 11, 2000 12:05:20 AM
Jannie> <<She is now placing special ed. students in classrooms that are not appropriate and when the teacher complains, she tells them, "I don't care what you teach them, just keep them there." (Example: she placed 2 new students that are 4th grade level in a 1st grade resource room for one hour a day for their language period.... the teacher is teaching math to 1st & 2nd grade students at that time) At least on paper they are receiving their one hour of Language. No one will report her - it is like signing your own death certificate if you do.>> Oh GODS. <falls down> Some people are alive only because it is illegal to kill them...
Winterwolf> <<Does your name have anything to do with the Wilek from Final Fantasy?>> No, it's from a Star Wars novel. But now you've got me curious. :)
Selanit> <<What would happen if you burnt down the floor of space?>> The whole universe (possibly even the multiverse) would collapse back into a single geometric point and set off another Big Bang.
Patrick Toman> Kanthara's T-shirt design> :O This is so kewl! ^_^
Gothic Twilight comments (no spoilers)> Another excellent title, and a story to match. :D
Wilek Nereus
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 11:48:10 PM
btw, how tall is Lexington? some fics {and _TGC_} had him as small enough to perch on a grandfather clock...and other fics have him as the size of a conventional human.
and i can promise that the fic i've been questioning you all about - it *will* be posted tomorow...{now i just have to hope i don't lose that password again!}...and in it, you'll see why i've brought up things ranging from gargoyle teeth, funerary habits, to gargoyle religions and gargoyle-gargoyle discriminations.
and now, onto replies...
<<<I'm not completely up to date on my fanfic, so let me ask, Broadway has
Angela,Brooklyn has Sata,so who does Lex have?>> In fanfic, Lex is one busy gargoyle. :) There
are tons of fanfic authors...>>
i think that Brooklyn was refering to TGS as fanfiction {probably because it's not done by the same folks who brought us _Gargoyles_ and _The Goliath Chronicles_}. after all, in some fanfic, Brooklyn {the character} has Angela, and i *think* that there's one where Angela is with Lex...{or am i wrong?}.
Warpmind et ali {about translations}: thanks...i'll check out that translation site....and be carefull in offering your linguistic services... ::)
Rodlox - [Babnol@hotmail .com]
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 10:39:46 PM
Jason Barnett> I'm already developing a story around the Mirror episode. The central character is a human who was transformed by the spell, but didn't revert.
Skippy The Klingon
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 10:21:52 PM
***Kyryn steps into the room***
I would like to announce the 175th episode put out by TGS:
Gothic Twilight
Written by Mandi "Mandolin" Ohlin and Alan "Ordell" Coleman
Artwork by Christi Smith Hayden
***Kyryn steps aside to avoid the mad dash***
Kyryn - [<<--Clicky, Clicky!]
Denton, TX
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 10:10:48 PM
I've been thinking about somethings recently while watching my tapes of Gargoyles. Of all the Dark Ages characters introduced who do you think might have been the most likely to be in the rookery with the Trio if any had. After all the eggs need constant attention. My guess is ones who didn't really pull their weight in battle so Asrial and Thersites and Eldest's storytelling apprentice. Even though she had a job, immediatley post battle wouldn't be a storytelling time, plus the rookery would be a place to practice her stories and compose new ones as new things happened.
I saw someting about gargoyle tails mentioned down below and that made me think of the Mirror where two of the three who flirted with the trio were tailless. And beyond that how many of the 'gargoyles' weren't very accurate. I wonder how many of them had all the characteristics that are unique to individual gargoyles but almost always there, brow ridges and elbow and knee spurs.
I'd like to thank the people who said they liked my creativity demons and wonder if anyone would be interested in turning them into round-robins?
For a long time I've had this idea that Sevarious would announce that he had used something other than panther DNA in Derek's mutagen and they are left to discover why his formis of a panther then. After some magically aided investigation thet discover that Diane's side of the family is descended from one of the Panther Queen's children that wasn't turned into a panther. But since their mother's transformation was magical there is just a hint of panther DNA left in all the children of the family and the mutagen reacted with that.
Also another idea, it's takes a cue from TGS in having a family night in the Labyrinth but Demona isn't reformed.
Diane Maza was lifted to her feet by a large aquamarine hand. "Are you all right, Mrs. Maza?"
"I'm fine Broadway. Does anyone know what happened?"
"Someone threw some sort of gas grenade into the Labyrinth. Elisa, Talon, Delilah, Beth and your husband are all missing," Goliath told her. His voice was laced with both anger, sadness, and worry. "We will find them."
"Don't bother struggling. I made sure you wouldn't be able to slip out of your bonds, Detective. Talon's electircal blasts are connected to the building so all he will do is give me a few seconds of free powers and Delilah's chains are strong enough to hold Goliath."
"What do you want with us Demona?"
"By hacking into Xanatos' systems I learned about your little adventure in Arizona. I know that Peter Maza is connected to Coyote. Through him all his descendents are as well. I need as much familial blood as possible to draw him here through you. When he is here I can steal his power for my own with a new spell I acquired and a vessel for his magic."
She clutched a small shard of glass from Titania's Mirror and began chanting in Latin.
Jason Barnett - []
Lebanon Church , VA, USA
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 09:05:30 PM
Hey! :)
Shadowrider: Sure, I'll be waiting for the first part of your story! :) I'll probably get to it Tuesday, but, just in case, you can send in Monday! You're welcome!
Mandolin: I betcha your high school has _way_ more kids in it than mine does. This is, actually, the first year I've won anything...:) Thank you for your kindness! And I'm sure your work was worthy of any award. Sometimes, judges can be real sticklers.
Winterwolf: Oooh, can't wait to see what you come up with for the gargoyle figure! I'm sure it'll be great! :)
Well, time for a nap...
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 08:41:23 PM
I finally decided that I will live after all. The last two weeks were yuck!! Long weekend with record or near record sales days, short help (I told Hugo I don't make bail or even sign for his release.), the allergies delivered the only episode of the creeping crud for the year and I'm just getting over it.
I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes, and Coyote for the cake. (Now where it that remote get off to?) I'm going to be an aunt in another six weeks or so and the yarn shop can't seem to get in my silk/wool for the christining gown I'm trying to make. Life is definitly back to normal.
HUGS all around.
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 08:35:55 PM
Thought I'd drop by to see what was up.
Any of you w/ pics just drop them off and I'll sort
through them.If you think I might have something one of you need, feel free to ask.I've got lots of pics.
Brooklyn - []
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 08:19:30 PM
I have to complete a 15-25 page paper and get three finals done and pack up my entire room by Sunday. But since I spent the entire day finishing up my Shakespeare term paper (which wound up being 15 pages), I've earned a break. :)
Kyryn> Happy anniversary!
Bengali> We'll miss you. I hope you can return.
Patrick> Hey! The G2K design looks awesome! **makes a note to e-mail Kanthara and gush over it**
Niamhgold> <<My big clay/painting project won best of show!>> Congrats! "Not a big win" my ass... I remember submitting stuff to my high school art shows all four years and being ecstatic when I finally got an honorable mention senior year. :)
Brooklyn> <<I'm not completely up to date on my fanfic, so let me ask, Broadway has Angela,Brooklyn has Sata,so who does Lex have?>> In fanfic, Lex is one busy gargoyle. :) There are tons of fanfic authors who have paired Lex up with someone. Off the top of my head, some of my favorite fanfic mates of Lex's include Christine Morgan's Aiden, Tina in Christi Smith Hayden's fics, Coyote's Pontiac. In my fics, Lex is kind of seeing a computer hacker named Sarah (who's also Dingo's sister, but that's a long story), and while they're not all that serious, they usually have fun driving everyone crazy.
Lexy> Wow. Don't apologize for rambling, it sounds like you needed to get that off your chest. Dating right now in my corner is somewhat frustrating; since he's at home bored and I'm still here frantically trying to get work done and really don't have time to talk, communication isn't that easy now.
Getting off the topic of dating before I start rambling about Dave...
Buffy and Angel> Have yet to see last night's eps, though I did tape them. I agree with what a lot of people are saying about Willow/Tara; I really, really wish Tara would come out of her shell. I miss Oz, true, but Oz or no Oz, she's just too... I'm not sure if timid is the right word, but it's all my brain can come up with now.
Anyway, it's the 10th, and it's after 8, so now I can call my friend Lara and wish her a happy 21st.
**stops short** Wait. It's the 10th. It's Wednesday. That means... ohmigod, the TD ep I co-wrote is going up tonight!! Ack!
**Mandi yelps and dives for cover**
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 08:18:50 PM
May 10, 2000. Only 86 days left until G2K.
Congrats to Kanthara!! Her t-shirt design won for Gathering 2000! Take a look at the design and and don't forget to order your own t-shirt for the Gathering TODAY! :)
Patrick Toman - [<-- G2K WINNING T-SHIRT DESIGN!]
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 07:36:18 PM
Latin in Gargoyles> The latin spells used in the shows are constructed to sound good. Anyone with a knowledge of Latin can see that they were put together by someone with very little notion about the declination of nouns and adjectives, or the conjugation of verbs (in Latin, that is.) My guess is someone wrote the spells in English, then went to a Latin/English dictionary and just translated 'em like that, without concerning themselves about grammatical niceties.
The Phoenix Gate spell, as has already been pointed out, is a prime example of this. A more cogent Latin phrasing of it would be:
deflagra muros temporis et intervallia
Assuming, or course, that the intended phrase in English is "Burn down the walls of space and time." The bit about "burning down" is a command, and therefore in the imperative; the original, however, had it in the plural imperative, as if there were a whole bunch of people/things who were meant to obey the order. "Deflagrare" is the second principle part of the verb "to burn down," so they did make *some* effort to translate it. "Deflagra" would be singular. "Muros" is the plural accusative of the noun "wall," thereby indicating that there are a several walls and they're the thing which ought to be the subject of the verb (the thing to be burnt.) "temporis" and "intervallia" are the genitive forms of "time" and "space," showing that the walls are a part of them. One wonders if there are also ceilings and floors of time and space. What would happen if you burnt down the floor of space?
I won't even begin to talk about pronunciation.
On the other hand, the population at large can't be expected to know Latin, and the spells did in fact *sound* good. So all in all, it's a valid approach. :-)
Selanit - []
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 06:53:15 PM
Ahhhh, the Knicks. I love 'em. Annnnyway...
Todd> That was bad. Worse then that thing about the pigeons of NY.
Doug> Ah, I see.
SJ> LMAO at your SW: Ep 2. On a similar note, my brother has a friend who was a beta tester for Star Wars: Rebellion game, and he insists that after being injured in his successful hit on Darth Vader, Boba Fett retired to become a pimp.
Gside><<<<How do you guys percieve dating?>>: I precieve that it will not happen for me. I find it hard to conceive of a female willingly being in my proximity for an extended length of time. It's amazing that very few guys have run screaming from my preasence. Ergo, I regretfull cannot give you any words of wisdom that might help you resolve your problem.>> LMAO again. That goes double for me too. But you speak of fireball and lightning? Feh. Feel the power of my apocalypse! (Okay, so they were only scrolls, big deal)
Caliope><<We have wonderfull weather and faboo beaches!!!>> Ah, but we otaku stay indoors so much we don't care what the weather is like. And most of us looks awful in a bathing suit, so we don't go to the beach much either.
Warpmind> Well, if you don't want the head, I can always make a mug out of it or something. And I am trying to write down all the special monsters I find. Unfortunatly, sometimes I kill them without getting their names. Sigh.
Gasper> Welcome.
Winterwolf> Actually, according to my brother the warrior, if you're a big enough bad@$$, resistance is irrelevant. Mind you, this guy likes to run into the middle of rooms and yell "Bring it on motherf**kers!" at the monsters.
Aaron leaves, still experiencing Knicks afterglow.
Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 05:00:30 PM
Greetings to everyone
Doug:> <<I know I want his first name to be Christopher, but his last name I'm still pondering.>> What about Nimrod?
About "Night of the Symbiotes", this week I was not able to read very much, because of a couple off-session exams (if you're wondering, they went good, both of them! :D). I think I'll read it in the weekend. Anyway, what I've read to now is VERY intriguing...
Gside:> Hmm...maybe the comma is not needed (just for the record, in classical Latin the punctuation was not used...only medieval Latin used it), but I have to respectfully object to the translation of the spell shown in the Garg-fan website. "muri tempi et intervalia": according to what I remember of Latin (I'm a little out of exercise...) while "tempi" could be either the singular genitive or the plural nominative of "tempus" and so could mean both "times" and "of time", "intervallia" is not for sure a genitive. The singular genitive of "intervallum" in fact is "intervalli", while the plural genitive is "intervallorum". So, "intervallia" is a nominative plural. Now, the translation is either "walls of time and spaces" (if you consider "tempi" as a genitive) or "walls, times and spaces" (if you consider "tempi" as a plural nominative).
Jannie:> About your principal. A person of the same kind was my teacher at my Medium level school (equivalent to your Secondary school, I think...Medium school is for 11-14, anyway). Remembering all of the things he did is impossible (one for all: once in my school was issued a music course for students. My school was supposed to provide an adequate room for us (we were over 50 people, I remember) and the instruments. Well, he gave us a 5 X 6 meters room (!) and he refused to provide instruments because "They will break them for sure") The only way to deal with them is to ignore them if possible and act behind their back if necessary, like you and your son did. BTW, I liked his project (I forgot to say last time...sorry, I was sleepy).
Warpmind:> <<...they clocked me in at 17 km/hour above the speed limit, and because I was using a motorless vehicle, they had no case. :) >> A shame you have not a picture of their faces as they finally stopped the trespassing vehicle and realized it...;)
Niamhgold:> Oh, thank you so much for offering! I'd be very grateful to you, but only if it will not cause any disturbance to you. No, I have not a specific time limit, not in the immediate at least. If it is good to you, I'll begin emailing you the part I already translated on Monday. Thank you again! :)
Winterwolf:> No prob. Well, the Yamaha Virago (at least, it is called this way in Europe). It is a custom bike (meaning a bike with a long front fork and a lot of chromium platings). Custom bikes are not really fast or maneuverable, nut they have a very comfortable driving position, making them good for long trips. A peculiarity of that kind of bikes is that they are easy to personalize by installing all kinds of accessories (bags, sissy bars, supplemental lights and so on...). Of the Virago exist two versions, the XV 535 and the XV 1100. If I remember well, Jannie referred to the 535, so I assume it is the one you are using in your RP. The XV 535 is a 535 cc. two cylinder four stroke bike. The engine is cooled by air. The bike weights about 210 - 220 Kg with oil and fuel, has a power of 44 Hp at 7.500 rpm and the maximum torque is reached at 6.000 rpm. It has a 5-gear manual shaft, whose command is actionated by the left foot (as usual in bikes). The final transmission is by transmission shaft (while most of the bikes have a chain instead). Brakes are a disc on the front and a drum on the rear and the bike is equipped with an electric starter. Maximum speed is about 160 Km/h (100 mph) and acceleration is good but not exceptional. Like all two-cylinder bikes, the Virago is very round in power erogation (no hard wrench) and has very little vibrations.
The fuel tank of first equipment carries up to 13,5 liters of fuel. The overall dimensions are: lenght 2225mm, widht 780 mm, height 1180 mm. Well, it is all I can remember now. If there's anything you need to know, feel free to ask.
James Birdson:> You're welcome.
I hope I missed nothing...
Shadowrider - []
Milano, Italy
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 04:56:54 PM
WinterWolf- That would probably be Luminare, which you are correct in saying looks like Utlima, because it does. Great game though, I always liked it, and it's great that it works well on an Emulator since they don't sell it anymore. Yeah, come over sometime to the page. IT's pretty good, though rarely updated. Also, goto for some fanfic also. Very good site.
Gasper S. Keltner - []
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 04:26:13 PM
WinterWolf- That would probably be Luminare, which you are correct in saying looks like Utlima, because it does. Great game though, I always liked it, and it's great that it works well on an Emulator since they don't sell it anymore. Yeah, come over sometime to the page. IT's pretty good, though rarely updated. Also, goto for some fanfic also. Very good site.
Gasper S. Keltner - []
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 04:25:55 PM
In answer to your question,my favorite episodes( 1st @ 2nd season) because quite frankly the 3rd season paled in comparison except for the last episode,are any where so much happens it takes weeks to sort it all out.Like Future Tense,The Mirror,City of Stone,and Avalon.
Don't worry about the time it takes as long as it comes.
I'm not completely up to date on my fanfic, so let me ask,
Broadway has Angela,Brooklyn has Sata,so who does Lex have?
If anything has even been written at all. I mean he's a young gargoyle he doesn't need to spend his nights w/ Hudson, Bronx while babysitting Alex.
If anybody can answer please do.
Brooklyn - []
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 03:58:16 PM
Thanks Wilek, Mecord, and Shadowrider ?:-)
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 03:19:15 PM
Hi everybody!
Fire Storm> I was starting to get worried. ;)
Calopie> <removes genius section of brain> *carefully takes the genius section and pops in* I vow to bring this back to you once I have finished my appointed task. *bows deeply* :)
Hyperion> <14.4> Now that just has to be some cruel form of torture.
Wilek> I'm curious. Does your name have anything to do with the Wilek from Final Fantasy?
Doug> Good luck on your final!
Gside> <warrior> I was just making fun of the warrior as he is at a disadvantage facing the Rogue or Sorcerer if his magic resistance sucks.
Cherry Blossom> Hi! Welcome back! I know Kyryn already answered, but the TD episodes come in once a week right now. Read Kyryn's post for the full details. ^_^
Sevarius Jr.> <lottery> A friend of mine has said that the lottery is a tax on naïve or stupid people. <buy Gargoyles from Disney> I've thought about that one too. I'd definitely do it. I'd need to hit the lottery first though. <Star Wars> I think you have a good spoof on Episode 2 going there. ;)
Gasper> <Chrono Trigger> I remember this game. I think my friend still has my copy. I went through it so many times my main character could use Ultima and cause 9999 damage. (I think that was what the spell was called. It made a big sphere of light energy that engulfed you enemies.) I remember getting so many different endings for that game. I'm going to have to stop by and check your fics later. :)
Shadowrider> <bikes> Actually any info you could provide about motorcycles would be appreciated. I know very little. The bike I was currently interested in is the Yamaha Virgo. I'm using it in an RP, but I'm also interested in RL. Thanks.
Rodlox> <Translator> There is on just off of the Altavista search engine page. Click on translate or just goto: It's okay, but don't expect a perfect translation.
Niamhgold>Don't get too stressed. ;) <Do you think there is a noticeable difference between the type of girl a guy will marry and the kind of girl he' 'romantic' with?> For myself the answer would be no. If I became romantically involved then I would be thinking about my partner as a possible mate. I think that getting romantically involved with someone is a serious step in a developing relationship.
<finish running a mile in less than 10 minutes> I've done it on a treadmill. I had to levitate part of the way (I held myself up off the tread with my arms) but the display doesn't lie.
<do you do any artwork yourself?> Yes. I find creating and editing images a lot of fun. Recently I've made a few entries into the G2K contests. Right now I mainly use it to touch up existing work. Photoshop is great for tweaking pictures from my digital camera. I'd be happy to take any picture requests you have. I enjoy working on other types of art also. I'm going to work on my gargoyle figure but I still need to figure out what I want the finished product to look like. I tried just tweaking along the way with disastrous results. I guess I need to at least envision it in my head. I thought I'd try to let the art reveal itself. I guess it wanted to hide that day.
Johannes> Where are my manners. Welcome to the CR! ^_^
Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr.> Good luck. Hope you get the job!
Bye bye!
Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 02:59:07 PM
Hmmm...not much to say today...
Shadowrider: I'd be glad to do some editting for your fic! I won't be here for the upcoming weekend (3 days), but other than that I think it'll be fine. Do you have a specific time limit?
Gside: <<Sadly, I don't think there'll be much difference in today's society>> I kind of see what you mean. The survey has a really interesting response pattern (Statistical tests will have to follow--urgh, why do I think I'm gonna be conned into that?). Most guys seem to think there _is_ or _should be_ a difference (right now, it looks like 82 percent) and us girls seem to think that there *isn't* a difference in who guys will marry and just play around with. Funny how perceptions differ, huh? I guess maybe a survey should go around asking a guy's opinion on who a girl will date, to make it more even. Statistically...that is :)
Good luck on your exams (jeesh, those suckers look fun!), although I'm sure you don't need it. Personally, I've always been more of the English, mythology, and even economic type, so I said good riddens to caring about calculus and such several years ago. I'm more into the statistics side of things, where all solutions can be applied directly into business finance, management, and getting promoted :) Of course, my friend Ed just laughs at the "promotion" part, because *he's* getting a starting pay of $75,000 at a fiber optics job. <:0
Mecord: Yep, the Gate's incantation is "Deflagrate murri tempi et intevalia." I did like Demona's spell from "The Mirror." Having memorized a tone of garg's spells for possible future fics, I dug out the old paper I wrote and translated it on:
(In Latin):
Cum aescerat argentum
et aurum involare
Postea Puck ad speculum
Titania penetrare
(In English):
With fire, silver,
and gold combined,
summon Puck to pass
Through Titania's mirror!
Sounds much better in the Latin tongue, doesn't it?
While I'm still feeling so sarcastically un-lazy today, I think I'll go back to my fic.
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 02:27:54 PM
Good news!
I took a shot in the dark and I found my Episode 2 outline in one of my older Zip disks! Did a little quick research, some finishing scenes and polish, and it's done! For those that are interested in the full scope of how I would view the next Star Wars film, head over to at:
And please leave a review if you would... there's a little surprise at the end of it! :)
Maintain and Check Six!
Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. - []
Spokane, WA, USA
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 01:36:11 PM
SJ > what about someone who _was_ divorced but then tried again and got it right? ; )
Gladiator > forgot to mention, but Tim and I saw this one over the weekend. Wow. Impressive. Tim being the history dude grumbled about stirrups and horse collars, but I think the views of Rome made up for it because he'd keep making these little Homer Simpson noises ... me, I liked the emperor. Poor guy, scum but ya kinda had to feel bad for him. Nicely complex baddie, my favorite kind.
GURPS Villains > we got e-mail the other day informing us that a package is on the way, my contributor's copy! What I'm really looking forward to is seeing what they came up with in the way of art for Caleb and Corrinne!
Christine - []
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 01:26:59 PM
*Warpmind enters, cheerfully nursing a pipe (of the corncob variety).*
Howdy-do, gang. Seems a friend of a friend of mine has been experimenting with growing tobacco in frosty Norway for some time, indoors, of course, and now he's been able to refine a most excellent blend... I'm tellin' you, this stuff is some of the smoothest smoke I've yet to encounter. :) But I'm not here to advertise for tobacco... not that it is legal by Norwegian law, either. :)
By the way, I've got a *lot* of catching up to do, it seems... :(
Kyryn: The First World War was due to a fairly heated political climate in Europe up to the fateful day in Sarajevo, when Gavrilo Princip shot the Austrian (I believe) prince Franz Ferdinand... and before you ask, no, I haven't studied this merely for the purpose of bragging... this tidbit of historical knowledge just wound up in the velcro-coated half of my brain (as opposed to the teflon-coated half)...
Shadowrider: Dude, I honestly *doubt* you could reach 160 on a bicycle... at best, I reached 67 (true story), and that was after pedalling in a long, steep downhill... only reason I know I reached 67, was that the police were standing ready with a speed control, and the zone was 50... :| It was kinda fun... they clocked me in at 17 km/hour above the speed limit, and because I was using a motorless vehicle, they had no case. :)
Aaron: Well, considering that Blizzard probably added a plethora of named monsters in Diablo, which never were intended to wind up in any official writings, it is not to be expected that they will all be listed in one single list anytime this side of the millennium (since the new millennium begins on the upcoming first of January)...
Gside: You're easily able to reach 160 km/h on a mechanical bike? Well, considering you're an engineering major, I suppose you've had some experience in high-velocity escapes from the sports majors. ;)
Lexy: Your random thoughts on dating: Good grief, it seems that people who have a lot of close contact *do* start resembling each other; that was a bona fide Toku Kaioto-length post. ;) By the way, you raise some good points... I'd frankly much rather start out online, and then eventually meat IRL, than the other way around (I tend to be somewhat shy around people I'm not familiar with), but I *must* emphasize I'd set one demand... that I encountered them in an internet place where I know it's somewhat safe... like this CR, or maybe Callahan's, where everybody knows everybody, more or less... :)
Welcome to our lunatic realm, Gasper. Please enjoy your stay. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. ;)
Revel: You found a lot of dust bunnies, did you? You should have seen my old place; not a single dust bunny left... for all I know, they moved their entire civilization offworld... yes, they became THAT advanced... :|
Bengali: You name will go down in the annals of the CR, and your return will be written in prophecy. Uh, or maybe that was a bit too pretentious... ;) No, really, we'll miss you while you're gone.
Aaron: Another Butcher's head? *Sigh* Oh, well, I might be able to fit it in with the other five... but I'm telling you, the wall is only so big... ;)
Rodlox: You know, I have a hunch some of the people here could well help you translate sentences from English to other languages for you. I for one would be willing to translate to Norwegian, and I'd do it a *lot* better than InterTran, believe you me. (No offense, but the grammar in that translation sucked.)
Gasper: Ah, another ChronoTrigger fan! Join the club! :)
SJ: Regarding Star Wars... well, seeing this, I'm leanign toward giving Lucas another shot. ;)
Gside: I assure you, the sorcerer does not stand much chance agains a rogue or a warrior with MAX magic/fire/lightning resistance, a nice, powerful weapon, the Bovine Plate (Hellfire add-on only, unfortunately) and a pile of Full Healing... Just believe me... I've seen it; the sorcerer was blasting off some heavy-duty, high-level spells at the time... (though, I'll admit, the sorcerer player officially refuses to ever use Blood Star or Bone Spirit ever again... <G>)
Doug/Wilek: A cardinalwith the first name Christopher? How 'bout Walker? ;) (okay, bad joke, I know, but still...)
Rodlox: I see no Icelandic there... "Noc Letec"? That sounds Latin to me, but then again... Icelandic *does* differ a lot from Modern Norwegian (the Norwegian language evolved for about a thousand years, while Icelandic remained somewhat stagnant in comparison).
Spike: Sent you an e-mail; hope you got it... otherwise, DC is at it again...
Warpmind and Mecord stare in part terror at the possessed Senthet. Warpmind then pulls up a small crystal and swings it through Senthet's spirit, which immediately was sucked in, somehow.
"First things first; better place her in a soul container for her own protection, while we fix her body... Mecord, stand back, I've got an idea..."
Senthet/Raze grinned wickedly at the two, who stepped back a few inches.
"And what do you think you can do to me in this state, Realmsfarer? You are just a mortal, with no real innate power, just a few artifacts and a lot of luck."
Warpmind grins and holds up a small medallion with a strange inscription upon the surface.
"I'm cashing in a favor. Erzulie Frieda, I summon thee!"
A truly enticing female materialized.
"What is it, mortal?"
"Erzulie, I called you to return the favor I did you a while back... I need you to <whisper>"
Erzulie's face lit up, and she looked at Senthet/Raze smugly.
"Is that it? So, Raze... does not this fascinate you?"
Senthet/Raze started sweating for a moment.
"No, this is cheating, mortals... you're..."
Warpmind grinned.
"Mecord, sooner or later, Erzulie here, one of the greater Voudon Loas will have managed to lure Raze out of Senthet's body, and into his own... then, I'll reinstate Senthet, and you can do as you please."
"But... how?"
"Erzulie is a seductress of unique capabilities... I guess you can imagine Raze's infuriation of being approached by a lusty Rada, and not even having a schlong to use on her?"
Later, gang...
Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 01:17:10 PM
Just posting to show that I am still alive!
(THAT, and I wanted to see what my works ip address came up as.)
Fire Storm - []
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 01:07:02 PM
Lexy- hey I was thinking about your question/comment all day, and Here is what I have to say.
First off, realize that everyone is going to give you advise- the magnet to have unsoliced advice given to you is to be one of the following: in a serious relationship (esp if you are young, or it is unconventional);engaged, a newly wed, newly expecting, or new mom- it seems that women at these life changes attract all kinds of advice good and bad.
I have learned it's good to sort out what you hear between actual good advice, bad advice, and projection. A lot of people will advise you do to this or that, and it seems as if theyre talking about things that have nothing to do with your situation- well, theyre projecting, assigning their own issues to you. That happens in my extended family almost all the time. Often Mike and I will look at eachother after a 40 minute advice ramble from my mom, or brother, and say "okay- how did that pertain to us?".
I learned alot from obersation of what not to do, of what I didn't want- which is just as important to know as what you do want. And you have to be honest with the other person, I've never been one to have much faith for playing little games- I'm a lay your cards on the table type girl. Be honest with what you like both to yourself and to the other person- and realize that dating/realtionships are diff for everyone. What will be great for me, may not work for you, and that's okay.
To me, dating is a lot like ballet, dance, or riding a bike, or swimming- you can read and obserb all you want, but ultimately you have to do it some time to find your own path.
As for dating on the internet- I'm for it. I'm not saying hang out at x rated sites, looking for mr.right, but they are a way you can meet people all over the world who have commen intrests. I think that's cool. I have lots of friends, some of my closest, whom I have never met in person. It reminds me a lot of the way people wrote letters back before the turn of the century. Then friendships formed, and people fell in love through their written words-- the internet is only faster, and now we have comment rooms which there seems to be no equvilant for.
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 12:58:59 PM
*runs in and skids to a hult*
Hi Guys! Whats shaken'?! :P
Winterwolf> "I need to channel some of that genius ability of yours." *removers genious section of brain* Here ya go pal! I dont think I'll be needing this till next week, but I want it back with no dents or scrapes!!! :P
Aaron> Your going to A-Con too!!!! You luck stiff, why dont they have anime conventions in PR?! We have wonderfull weather and faboo beaches!!!...And I wanna go!!! *wines and crys* :P Have fun for me too, will ya? :)
Ok, All I gotta say is.....the PANTS!!! Where the HECK did Xander get those pant!?!?!? Pulled them straghit out of the 80', really!!! :P All in all it was a very interesting ep, lots of movement. Personaly, I think Riely could have sustained a few more wacks from Angel, but thas just my personal evil experience. The Angel Ep wants that grate, but it was ok. I'am also LOVING Spike again! His finaly getting his evil edge back! And, yeah, I'm still upset abot OZ leaving, nothing against Tara, but she's dang boring!!!...OK, I think thats it...
Sevarious Jr> "Am I the only one who thought this behavior was more than a little hypocritical and/or f***ed up?? " No, my friend, you are not the only one who thinks this is EXTREMLY hypocritical and F***de up......and hence why I hate politics! :P OH And OH MY GOD!!! You should definitly get a job of Ep 2, That was awsom I laughed my fanny off....which isnt a good thing when your in a computer lab full of buisy students ;) BTW, I'm down to 2 finals too, so good luck to ya!
OK, I should get going now, Alex is filling my tiny note book with songs of the Happy Alex or somethin' and I have to put a stop to that :P
I'll see you guys!!!! *MUCH MUCH HUGZ FOR ALL!!!!*
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 12:47:22 PM
Strike 1, DC.
I have a trio at home: 3 kittens. Aren't all kittens cute?
There are uses for multiple web browsers on a computer. One to go around reminding you about cookies and one to use to avoid sharing information.
I broke my right ear piece Saturday night. Sunday, I went to the place where I bought my frames and they told me they don't care them in stock anymore (I bought my frames 2 years ago). I had to wait until Monday to get a new ear piece. I went around town to find a new ear piece. I ended up paying someone to make a new right ear piece for me. It cost $12 + tax. It turns out that the guy is the only one town who makes new ear pieces. Anyways, why do frames go out of style?
1 more day until my graduation ceremony. :)
"So that's your life story in a nutshell?" asked DPH.
"Yes," replied Jason Filler.
"I guess that's enough for now. Now, it's time to grant you some powers," replied DPH.
"How? and why did you need that corpse?" asked Jason Filler.
"The corpse is important in the spell to grant you your powers," said DPH. "Do you have any jewelry?"
"Yes, why?" asked Jason Filler.
"What kind?" replied DPH.
"A ring," replied Jason Filler.
"Was it stolen and the jewelry will serve as a focus point for your powers?" replied DPH.
"No. It was given to me," replied Jason Filler.
DPH (Daniel Paul Hightower) - []
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 12:08:18 PM
Hi, everyone...successfully reutned from abroad...moved out of the dorms and managed to get my life back together (Read: Phone and modem line. Yeah, I'm a tech-head. Miserable 14.4 though....)
Drat! I'm gone a week and there's a discussion about Hiroshima and Nagisaki? Dagnabbit! Sombody's going to get hurt for that...
Gotta go read TD episodes now. Stay good, people. Or at least, don't get caught :-)
<manicial laughter for no good reason>
Hyperion - []
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 11:05:06 AM
re: garg tails>> Una has a horse's tail. There's a few screen shots that show it. Likewise, Leo has a lion's tail. When I do the London clan, I generally give them the tails associated with the animal they're modelled after. Griff has a mix of characteristics so he has a reptilian tail.
re: dating>> This is one of the things that my kids said that I'm writing down to embarrass them with when they get older:
"Dating is what you do with girls if you're going to marry them." -- Paul, age 7.
Simple, to the point, doesn't require a great deal of analysis.
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 09:39:45 AM
Sevarius Jr.> Your opinion on taking relationship advice from a divorced person is interesting. Personally though, I look at if from a different perspective - they have experience, knowledge, and a "been there, done that" approach. Many divorcees know what mistakes were made during their marriage that contributed to the breakdown and if they can offer advice on how NOT to let that happen - then I'm all ears in listening. I'm more likely to listen to someone who has actually experienced something than to someone who *thinks* they know what they are talking about and have no idea of what marriage and a relationship consists of because they have never experienced one or the other. Of course, the best advice does come from someone who has maintained a long and prosperous relationship - but I would still listen to someone who has been divorced. A "Learn from my mistakes" type attitude. I have also noticed that divorced people are usually the first ones to advise someone else to really work hard at keeping your relationship together because they know the emotional pain involved when a relationship ends. Even under the best circumstances a divorce can be one of the most painful experiences you can encounter.
I'm not talking about those who jump from marriage to marriage and divorce at the drop of a hat. Those people have issues to deal with. I wouldn't listen to them. But those who I know that worked hard at trying to keep their marriage together but it still failed - I would gladly seek their advice.
Internet dating> I don't think there's any better odds with the internet relationship than there is with real life relationships. Like someone said, it's just the reversal of RL relationships - only you don't judge by the outside appearance when you meet online first. For it to truly work though, there must be a combination of both online and real life.
Thank you to all who commented and complimented my son on his Eagle project :) I have passed them along to him and he says, "thank you". We have gone behind the principal's back and found that the night janitor supervisor has a key to the water hydrant lock box - so my son waits until the principal has left for the day and then waters the flowers. He will continue doing this until school is out.
I'm very proud of Michael - he has been successful and did what he committed to doing despite the obstacles that she attempted to throw in his path. BTW, he went to that same elementary from 2nd thru 5th, so she has also done this to a former student of hers in addition to being the child of an employee.
Some day, she will receive her just comings.
She is now placing special ed. students in classrooms that are not appropriate and when the teacher complains, she tells them, "I don't care what you teach them, just keep them there." (Example: she placed 2 new students that are 4th grade level in a 1st grade resource room for one hour a day for their language period.... the teacher is teaching math to 1st & 2nd grade students at that time) At least on paper they are receiving their one hour of Language.
No one will report her - it is like signing your own death certificate if you do.
Speaking of death certificate... I must be leaving for work now. Sorry for the ramblings.
~~Buffy & Angel comments~~
I agree with everyone who has commented about Angel and Riley being "Buffy-whipped". Even though love has great mystical powers over someone - it's becoming a bit too much.
I don't think the Scooby gang will break up though. They'll eventually figure out that Spike was behind all of this and Adam will turn on Spike.
Only 12 more school days left - so many little minds to warp and so little time left to do it.....
*happier thought*
Only 82 more days till Denis and I meet in Orlando! :)
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 08:06:43 AM
Mr Jensen: actually, i was not really refering to _whether or not Bronx has any tail at all_, but instead to _does Bronx have a tail that serves as a counterbalance, like the other gargoyles?_
it's a pair easily confused, don't feel bad.
speaking of tails, does Una have a normal gargoyle tail, a Bronx-like tail, or a tail like a horse/goat?
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 07:23:39 AM
RODLOX - Actually, Bronx has a tail, but it's a small, stubby one. Rather easy to miss.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 06:45:56 AM
Doug, Gside: you want _really_ Catholic? try the names of the lesser-known Popes {like the one who was only in office for 3 weeks...Mancotti, i think}. or, for sheer irony, there's a name i made up from Icelandic {Noc letec - Night flyers}....though i used Intertran, so Warpmind's free to correct me}.
neat name though.
<<Same place as humans, I'd think. Unless segregation comes back into style. <shudder> >> gets worse: while that works for standing up, sitting down {toilets} are made for tailless bipeds - with the exception of Bronx, all the gargs we've seen have tails...right?
Rodlox - [Babnol@hotmail .com]
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 03:41:03 AM
Howdy folks, not much time before beddy-bye.
***** Buffy & Angel Spoilers ***** You've been warned *****
Buffy was pretty good. This break up was in a way inevitable, like Spike figured. Buffy doesn't really seem to rely on her friends unless the world is in dire peril. So I have to agree, Spike is evil for giving the gang the extra nudge, but it wasn't like he was twisting anyone's arm. I hope these aren't real powers. I'm kinda of hoping she realizes she needs her friends as much as they need her and get back together. I don't see that happening if Buffy goes Jean Grey on us.
The Good> Spike's scheming. Now this is the Big Bad that I know and am constantly rooting for. I just hope Spike has a contingency plan in case Adam double crosses him.
The Bad> Personally, I like Angel. I really do, but I hate Buffy-whipped Angel. I didn't think anyone could be more whipped and then they bring in Riley. He commits treason and attacks a superior officer last week. Why? Because he has a distinct problem of conscience? Feels that the Initiative is going in the wrong direction? Not for these or other likewise noble reasons, he turns his back on all he knows because his girlfriend tells not all demons are bad. And outside of her circle of friends how many demons, vampires and other nasties can she say that of. I hope things pick up with Adam and Riley working together. Only a couple consistancy problems. Everyone else is in hiding for fear of Intitative reprisal and yet Buffy still hands out in the dorm room? How come no one has asked the simple questions like why did the Initative create Adam? Or what plans did the Initiative have for Riley? I would have thought those questions were high on the priority list, but instead Buffy and the rest sort of skip over those plotpoints. Or maybe I just sneezed and missed that vital piece of information.
The ugly> Willow & Tara. Jury's still out, but leaning towards this as a bad idea. All I've seen Tara do is swing between shy almost afraid to speak and helpless victim #3. A sweet kid, but I need to see more. I'm sort of in the willow/Oz camp. Mainly because you could see a lot of change in Willow for being with Oz. It wasn't too long ago, Willow was Tara. But she's grown into the strong, wise-cracking, hottie we know and drool over. I don't know what growing Willow will do with Tara. Maybe Willow has grown where she can be the teacher and get Tara out of her shell? Like I said, jury's still out.
Angel> I agree with the others. I had big respect for Angel last week for what he did. To come all this way to apologies was too much like his Buffy-whipped days. Didn't want any part of that. As for Forrest. Man, I had some fair ideas about reincarnation, but I didn't think it worked that fast. I hope he stays around too. I'd be a shame to waste such good development introducing a character. I especially like the end with Angel and Gunn talking. Smartly acted and written. Does Angel need a Scooby Gang? Maybe a Josie and the Pussycats type of deal.
* * * Buffy & Angel spoilers * * *
Anyway, night-night time for me
Taleweaver - []
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 02:12:45 AM
Looks like the server choked on its own vomit again. Ah well, at least it's back up...Off-topic rambling> I'm currently in the process of downloading the entire second season of Beast Machines in RealVideo format. <looks at watch> Hope I don't have anything important to do for the next two weeks or so...
Jannie> <<My son's Eagle project was today and I tried to make arrangements - via the vice-principal - to have access to the water hydrant at the school. (it's kept under a lock box) She was going to ask the principal if it could be unlocked for the day or at least let me have the key to lock/unlock it. I've been employed there for over 10 years now..... the answer was no on it being unlocked and no on giving me a key. She knows about landscaping and yet Michael was expected to plant 126 begonias without access to water. *blinks*>> What? O_o <speechless>
SJ> <<Buddy, you're gonna love this--not only are they greenlighting the long awaited Aliens vs. Predator movie, but James "I am king of the world AND god!" Cameron will produce it!>> YES! :D <chuckles evilly> They'll probably have to invent a new rating system for the violence alone...
ILOVEYOU virus> Will this affect those of us who simply don't run EXE files we recieve over e-mail?
Rodlox> <<Speaking of which...where do the gargs go to the bathroom?>> Same place as humans, I'd think. Unless segregation comes back into style. <shudder>
Shadowrider> <<Knight Rider?! Weird, I believed Supercar was the original title.>> Maybe that's what it's called in Europe? <<If this one is an Italian translation made by the site you mention, you urgently need another one.>> Intertran? Hm...I tried a Norwegian translation a while back and Warpmind told me something along those lines...maybe I'd better avoid that site from here on out...
Daniel Johnson> <<I've also been known to respond to "hey, idiot" among other things. ;)>> You too? :P
Newcomers> Welcome! Surrender your sanity, and pay no mind to the various horrifying otherworldly creatures we keep as pets; they only bite what we tell them to.
James Birdsong> Happy (somewhat belated) birthday! ^_^
Skippy> <<It turns out that the world was supposed to end Friday. At least according to one nut.>> I remember that site. Wonder what'll happen when this idiot realizes he's still alive. I'm thinking, he won't be for long when the people he's ripped off find out. >;) Oh, and there's a countdown clock to 5/5/2000 on the site. I went there a few days afterward and took a screenshot, just to gloat over it. :P
Fire Storm> <<Well, my hard drive saw how much fun Wyvernweb had crashing, so my hard drive decided to join in the fun... PERMANTLY.>> ACK! O_O [Wilek drags DC into the CR and rams an entire nest of hornets up his <CENSORED>.]
Kyryn> Happy anniversary! ^_^
Bengali> <<I'm sorry, but for personal reasons I will not be able post here anymore.>> Oh no! :( Here's hoping you won't have to stay away for long.
Todd> <<Actually, if you cross the Alps with elephants, you get mountains that never forget. *runs out of the comment room hurriedly, pursued by a volley of rotten tomatoes *>> Mere mortal tomatoes won't atone for a joke like that. <readies several Phantasm seeker tomatoes> ;P
Doug> <<Don't have a name for this Cardinal yet, hope I think of one soon. I know I want his first name to be Christopher, but his last name I'm still pondering. :)>> How bout Dellamorte? Not sure why, it just has a good sound to it. ^_^
Wilek Nereus
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 01:58:23 AM
Sorry to the person who uses Brooklyn, but I like the PG in the background.
GSide---Okay...let's see. Yeah, I in with Brian's bunch. My first exp. in Fanfic came through that, and that's how I found this page back in late 98. Known him since early 98. Great guy. Sam, Jerm and Nanaki are quite nice people too.
Gasper S. Keltner - []
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 01:57:54 AM
Quickie, it's late ...
Cleaning dorms: Hey, you can find some interesting stuff that people leave behind. I found a perfectly good hockey stick that someone left in a dorm room when I had a job cleaning dorm rooms ... turned it into part of a freeaky Halloween costume ...
Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 01:22:08 AM
Doug> <<as it's a bit too flagrantly Christian>>: It's latin, and he is a Cardinal, you can't really get more Christian without founding your own sect. And he was probably born Catholic (but probably not originally expected to be in the clergy).
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 01:17:41 AM
Gside: $ Thanks for reminding me of Susan Powter's name (don't worry, one day soon we will be stopping her insanity :). $ Thanks also for the Cardinal name suggestion. I don't think I'll be using it, as it's a bit too flagrantly Christian, but it is good. :)
Okay, have to go to sleep now. Wish me luck on the final tomorrow night, everyone. Later!
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 01:00:22 AM
I made it to the stupid quotes page ( ), indirectly this time. And Prof. Shanefeld has apparently discovered this page.
Two more exams down: liear algebra (can you diagonalize the matrix (5,1,0;0,5,0;0,0,1)?) and fortran (write a program that integrates INT(x)^2 from 0 to n)
And in yet more news, the NFL is filming the RU marching band for "the upcoming NFL "Feel The Power" promotions" (quote from assistant director's email to us). I probably won't be there: they're only taking 40, and I haven't gone to any pep band gigs.
Lexy> <<How do you guys percieve dating?>>: I precieve that it will not happen for me. I find it hard to conceive of a female willingly being in my proximity for an extended length of time. It's amazing that very few guys have run screaming from my preasence. Ergo, I regretfull cannot give you any words of wisdom that might help you resolve your problem.
Kyryn> <<Thanks for the details on the radiation>>: Not a problem. I just finished a presentation (with simulations) of the entire U238-Rn222-Pb206 decay series. The prof was really interested in the radon.
And congratulations on a complete axial shift while married. (which is more accurate: axial shifts or revolutions?)
SRS Jr.> <<my soon-to-be-revived site>>: You can eagerly awaited into that phrase.
Winterwolf> <<What about the mighty warrior?>>: What about him? He has to touch me first, and then I have flash, not to mention fireball, (chain) lightning, and maybe a flame wave or two.
Gaspar [I rather like the cannonical spelling, but final decision is up to you]> Welcome.
DPH> <<What if some guy making a virus bought the list and used the list as a means of distrubuting the virus>>: Too traceable. They probably have a hard copy of all transactions lying around somewhere.
wood bees: If they're anything like carpenter bees, they can't be killed. Or maybe it's just the natural aura of Jersey that's doing that over here...
Bengali> Shubho bidai.
(ref: )
Revel> <<Cleaning a dorm room is not fun>>: You're cleaning as you are leaving? Strange. Just for the record, though, under no circumstances do you want to approach our bathroom (across the hall is good, he does his weekly (ours can be approvimated as every two years)).
Niamhgold> <<Do you think there is a noticeable difference between the type of girl a guy will marry and the kind of girl he' 'romantic' with>>: Sadly, I don't believe there'll be much difference in today's society (I was raised so number two would imply number one (logical operators) (that didn't mean much for my brother, though)).
<<sort of like how I can finish running a mile in less than 10 minutes>>: And like "Why, yes. I am insanely handsome and am constanly flanked by beautiful girls." (excluding marching practice (though that would require a different preposition), but the last adjective is debatable on many)
Aaron> <<Not if we stand in just the right place>>: Same goes here, I've done it many times. Plus, fireball gest those too close even if it clips the corner, and it seems that lightning likes to go over short obstacles.
Shadowrider> <<"Deflagrate muri, tempi et intervalia">>: Shouldn't the comma not be there? It is the walls *of* time and space, not the walls, time and space. (also, ref:
Doug> <<Richard Simmons, his female counterpart (someone remind me of her name please)>>: Susan Powter.
<<I want his first name to be Christopher>>: The Christ bearer. Somewhat appropriate. Perhaps Christopher Fides Publicus, the bearer of Christ's faith to all (with liberties in the translation).
Gasper> <<Chrono Trigger... Legion of Fantasy>>: So you're with Icy Brian (should have seen the email address...)? That was my first exposure to fanfic (sorry, but I mainly read Eponine, Nanaki, Krazy Sam, Jerm, and some of Icy's own), and a link from his root directory was what originally sent me this way.
Sev. Jr.> <<that demon chick wasn't half-bad looking>>: Real quote from here: "Except for the zombie thing, she's kinda hot." (Rob Dibenedetto, referring to Resident Evil 3, see link above)
Time to rotate the mp3. As a complete change of pace, I give you Deep Purple's Hush. Quite a fun stands tune (and why do all the good ones start with h: Hold On, Hush, Hey Baby, Heartless...)
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 12:36:43 AM
****Kyryn runs in****
Cherry Blossom> Since I'm the one who's posting the new Timedancer Eps: They are usually posted sometime every Wednesday evening. The time depends on when I'm going to bed for the night, but it's usually between 9pm and 1am by the room's clock.
For those who've been asking about how many TD eps remaining> 8 as of right now. We'll let you know if anything changes.
Later All!
***Kyryn runs out heading for bed***
Denton, TX
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 12:35:27 AM
woohoo..*brushes the dust off her shoulders and the cobwebs out of her hair* its been a while since I've posted in here..
I have a lil' often are new Timedancer stories posted? I was never quite sure on that....
and one comment......
Sevarius< at least I think it was you..the guy in red three posts before me..*g* anyways. my mom is now going on her 3rd marriage, which, *L* she met on the net. ;) but, my main point is, the first husband, my dad, was killed by a drunk thats kinda a moot point. he's gone and she can't help that. the second one, the assistant district attorney took away her parental rights of me and my little sisters until she divorced the second husband. *shrugs* so thats another moot point. and she had no way to help that either. there was no way that she could have stopped the divorce, and she fought getting a divorce to the bitter end. *clears her throat* so I guess all I'm trying to say is, don't say not to accept advice from people who are divorced. because my mom is divorced and I totally respect her advice. not all divorces are caused because the marriage "just didn't work out". *bows slightly* I hope I don't start a flame war or anything, just wanted to have a little fun putting my typing skills to work ;)
thanks much for your time!!
*runs out of the room*
cherry blossom
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 12:20:31 AM
Skippy: I always thought it was John Lennon or some other Beatles guy who sang that song. Didn't know it was Lyrnd Skyrnrd. Guess I need to brush up on my music knowledge. :) Thanks for the correction.
SJ: Good luck on your finals, hope they're over soon.
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 12:07:35 AM
Doug<<We got to hear Giles singing again too, and that was very entertaining, especially since it was one of my favorite Beatles songs. :)>>
That song sounded more like Lynrd Skynrd's "Freebird" to me...
Skippy The Klingon
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 12:01:17 AM
Bengali> We will miss you beyond words. Hurry back with open arms *hugs*
Mec> Such a devoted fan... (sarcastic) ;)
Happy Birthday to James and David! Birthday spankings on the house! *group hug from Best Attitude herself*
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 11:49:41 PM
Finally finishing up my exams. Just 2 more, and this semester is officially finito santiago! And then, sweet, blissful rest for all of maybe a week. Then I'll either have to take some summer courses or get a summer job to pay the never ends, huh?
I am refusing to buy a lottery ticket, because I think that honestly it's probably an effort in futility. Besides, 350 million? By the time that the government gets done whittling that down, if you walk away with 200 mill, count yourself infinitely lucky. What would I do with all that money? Hmmm.....I would seriously consider buying the Gargoyle franchise from Disney. It's obvious that they sure as hell aren't doing anything with it. Imagine...the franchise in the hands of a crazed fan! Bwah ha! Bwah ha ha ha!!!
Timedancer hoopla: I know this is a little late, but I agree with Entity in saying that we shouldn't focus just on that one aspect of the story to the exclusion of everything else. That's sort of what I meant in a round about way. Coyote and Carolynn did a great job on the episode. It is a great disservice to their work to simply focus on one or two potential inaccuracies to the extent that said inaccuracies were being scrutinized in here.
Bengali: I'm sorry that you are going to be leaving us, but I will say to you what I've said to others who have departed before--I hope and pray that one day you will be able to return. I hope that whatever personal matters that are keeping you from posting here will be resolved soon.
If I Wrote Star Wars: First off, it would involved the mass genocide of both the Ewoks AND Jar Jar. By the Jedi, no less. See, that's the Emperor's master plan. He plans to destroy the Old Republic and the Senate by engulfing them with the 2 most annoying species of aliens in the entire universe. The Republic freaks, so they send out the Jedi to kill them. Anakin takes a little too much joy in decaptitating Jar Jar (and a priceless scene ensues that includes Ani using the Gungan's head as a soccer ball!). Obi Wan gets a little creeped out by this, and he's all "Anakin, that's pretty f***ed, dude!" Anyway, Anakin gets pissed cause Amidala's making googly eyes at Bail Organa, so he's like up in Bail's face, and he's like "Muthaf***a, you wanna throw down?" And then he kicks Bail's ass. The Jedis get all nervouse and try to kick Anakin out of their weekly poker games (or sabacc, whatever). This just enrages the young Skywalker, so he ruins the next game by stealing Yoda's Bloody Mary mix and giving it to a bunch of alcoholic Hutts. Mace Windu gets pissed, so he's like, "I'm gonna take me a piece out of that white boy's cracker ass!" They fight, Anakin gets his butt kicked (cause Mace is one bad mofo), and he's so pissed he goes and starts hanging out with a newly cloned Darth Maul. Wacky hijinks ensue, but Maul and Anakin's friendship degrades when Anakin discovers that Amidala really loves Pacey and not, well, Anakin gets an offer from the Emperor to join the Sith as his apprentice. At first Skywalker isn't that excited about the prospect, until the Emperor promises him his own brothel. Anakin readily excepts, renames himself Darth Dolemite (which the Emperor, embarassed, changes to the less impressive "Vader"), and starts pimpin' Twilek slave girls, night and day, 24-7 'round the galaxy. He opens up a can of whoop ass on the good Jedi (until in a freak tanning bed accident, he's burned on over 80 percent of his body).
Well, that's how *I* would write it anyway.
Dating: See, I really don't think that dating is particularly a serious act. Maybe I have a more casual view of dating in general, but I've always viewed it as two individuals getting together and having fun, romantic feelings aside. It's something fun, it's a social activity, it helps 2 people grow together as friends or as something more. When I date, I'm not necessarily looking for a prospective mate. I am looking for an individual with whom I can share an enjoyable time.
I suppose I have a rather warped sense of marriage. I come from a....dysfunctional family, and my perceptions are a bit skewed on the matter. I don't know if I'll *ever* get married. I don't seem to have any interest in it whatsoever. But at least I'm honest about that. It would seem that most folks getting married today delude themselves into believing that what they have is love, when I would venture that the majority of their relationships are built on affection or romance. If I meet that one particular woman who really hits me hard with Cupid's arrow, then maybe I'll be willing to take that committment. I think most people nowadays have this flawed, distorted parallax view that they are in love with an individual when they really have not yet made that connection.
I will say this, though: NEVER EVER TAKE RELATIONSHIP ADVICE FROM SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN DIVORCED. Cause guess what? Their relationship obviously didn't work, so why should they have anything to say to you that can help if your own relationship is difficult? Don't give me "hindsights is 20/20". The best counseling advice I ever heard came from a preacher I once listened to in church. Some may balk at the source, but the guy had a brilliant point. He was a marriage counselor for the people in his parish, and he would see dozens of couples who were having trouble. And each couple always said "Well, my friends say I should do this, etc." To which the preacher would ask, 'Well, is your friend married?' And the answer was almost unaminously "Well, they're divorced" BINGO! The preacher had a simple answer for the couple--well, if your friends are divorced, are they really the best people to be giving you relationship advice? The point I'm trying to make is that parents should absolutely positively keep their mouths shut when it comes to giving their children relationship advice if they themselves can't work through a relationship. If my parents were divorced, and one of them started telling me they didn't approve of a relationship I was in, I would be pissed. What right do they have to criticize my relationship when they couldn't even hold theirs together?
Internet dating: I'm all for gaining friends over the internet. Internet dating, however, has always sort of creeped me out. I am glad that there are some general happy fairy tale endings to internet romance, and the 'net is a good way to keep a long-distance relationship working, but overall I just view the whole thing as sort of a game of Russian roulette.
Okay, I just read something today that turned my stomach and almost made me spew my sweet, tasty Honeycombs breakfast.
Well, everyone's happy cause the little Cuban boy, Elian Gonzalez, is back with his father, right? Peachy keen, huh? Know what Elian's doing now? He's being paraded out in a goddamned Democratic FUNDRAISER!!!! This is the most f***ed up thing I've heard in a long time.
Here's the deal--here in D.C., some Democractic fundraiser event was taking place Saturday night, held by this guy named Bagley at his house. And the highlight of the evening was when little Elian Gonzalez arrived with his father. He got to meet some of these rich schmucks at the fundraiser, although they claim he wasn't "paraded" out to them.
Maybe it's just all the crack I've been smoking, but aren't these the same people who cried and bitched and moaned about how Elian was exploited and put on exhibit by the Miami family and that damned fisherman? Well, WHAT THE F*** DO YOU CALL THIS??? It's the same damn thing, only they're doing it to raise money for a damn political cause!!! This just pissed me off to no end....if you want to really let the kid have peace, then stick to your word and LEAVE HIM THE HELL ALONE!!! Jesus Christ, we got a 6 year old at a Democratic fundraiser! You think he wants to be there? You think he wants to meet a bunch of old rich farts? Hell no, he'd rather be home at the compound watching Disney. Am I the only one who thought this behavior was more than a little hypocritical and/or f***ed up??
***END RANT***
Buffy: As usual, great episode! Joss is really setting things up for the upcoming season finale, and I like where he's going. I loved the interplay between Spike and Adam--those 2 actually make a rather good team. Spike was brilliant as always when he went about, rather cleverly, sowing discord between the Scooby gang. It was surprising to see Forrest die (*cough cough* read below *cough cough*); that was something of a surprise. I agree with Doug about Willow and Tara. They just don't seem right together. Know how some people are Buffy/Angel fans? I'm a Willow/Oz fan. I want them to get back together...One thing I really didn't like was the way Buffy acted towards Angel. I was *cheering* Angel last week when he told Buffy to go home. She had no right to come into "his" city and start giving him orders....yet in this episode, she was blaming him for his attitude and he was agreeing with her! I didn't really get to see as much Angel vs. Riley as I wanted either....still, and excellent episode. 9 out of 10. The only *perfect* episode of the season, IMO, has been "Hush".
Cool stuff to point out: For starters, the U.S. Government now knows about Buffy. IMO, this is not a good thing. They know she's the Slayer, and I think that there's definitely a story there in the future (cause you don't want the government developing an unhealthy interest in you. Just ask Elian). Secondly, the preview of next week's Buffy shows her getting some weird and wacky powers. I hope this is a random occurrence; I don't want Buffy going all Matrixey all of a sudden, like she can stop bullets or something. And finally.....I have a theory about Riley. The last scene.....I think Riley knows all about Adam. And I think the two of them may be working together. Hear me out--Once Riley heard that Forrest was dead, he got all serious and said "I have to go" real quick. We can presume he wants to go kill Adam, right? Well, NO ONE knows where Adam hangs. Except we see Riley seemingly go *right to him*. I don't think he automatically got lucky, unless this is just some sort of plothole. What does Adam say? "I've been waiting for you." Riley's response? "And so I'm here." My theory--Riley is in league with Adam for God knows what reason, only he hears Adam killed Forrest. So he goes to Adam to find out what's going on. I still don't trust Riley, and you must admitt it'd be a hell of a way to end the season to see Riley really in league with Adam. Couldn't happen? The government (Iniative) would have known if the two were working together? Not necessarily so.
I say this because of a little tidbit I've heard recently. A rather interesting rumor I've heard. Next week,
The monsters get out of their cages, and the Iniative HQ gets trashed. But that's not all. Word out is that Forrest returns from the dead next week.....and so does Professor Walsh.
So you see, things are about to get even weirder. And it's possible that Adam knows how to perform a little resurrection on the side. And who else would Riley want to resurrect but his dear professor and his best bud? We'll jsut have to watch and see! :)
ANGEL: A decent episode, but kind of a letdown compared to the excellence of the last two shows. Still, it was interesting to see the arrival of a new vampire hunting squad, even if they are just kids. I liked the way that Angel helped them and supported them. One thing that I think Angel lacks to an extent is a supporting cast. So far we have Wesley and Cordy, and Kate if you count her. Another good soul like the hunter leader Gunn would be a welcome regular. What makes Buffy so great is that it's almost more of a team show than a show just about her; the supporting cast is great. So I hope that they beef up Angel's cast of regulars, and I think this group of brave vamp slayers would be welcome additions. Overall, I give this show a 7.5 outta 10.
BTW, loved the demon brothel! That whole scene was hilarious, especially the "tail tickling". The depressing and perverted thing is....that demon chick wasn't half-bad looking....or rather, half of her *was* bad looking. But the other half, not bad at all....;]
Sevarius Jr. - []
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 11:28:10 PM
Thanks for the welcome.
In response to Mecord, I venture more into VG Fanfic, with my story of Chrono Trigger (an awesome game for the SNES made in 95) called The Loss, and I have some other stuff, but mainly, I'm working on a new fic right now with a good 6 chapters under my belt about a group of fanfic writers I'm involved with called the Legion of Fantasy.
It's called LegionQuest, and it uses many different Genre's including Star Wars, Dragonball Z, Sailor moon (for one writer, her character is a senshi.) Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, etc... It's mostly about the LOF vs. a person from Gasper's Past. I've plotted most of the story, and I'll be using tons of elements. If you are interested, contact me by E-mail, and I'll get you an address. A link to the story is also on my Webpage.
That's about it. Haven't written any Garg's fic, but been reading a lot lately. ANyway, thanks for the welcome, See ya later.
PS, gotta get the PG fixed....
Gasper S. Keltner - []
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 10:47:03 PM
In a deep dank dark dungeon somewhere beneath the Time-Warner Building in Atlanta, Asil opens her eyes and looks around. "Great," she sighs aloud. "I'm still here. And I still don't know why I'm here. The last thing I remember is being knocked out by that strange bunch of exercise freaks who interrupted my last fight with my sister. What happened then?" "You finally decide you want to know?" a voice asks, and Asil's eyes flash red. "Who said that?" she growls. "I am your jailer," a voice speaks from all around her, "Ted Turner!" "Ted Turner," Asil growls. "You can change your first name to Dead after I get out of here and hunt you down!" "Very funny," Turner's voice laughs. "However, there is no escape from the dungeon to which I have confined you. You have a choice, Asil. Swear allegiance to me and become my love slave, my new Jane Fonda, and I will release you. Otherwise, you'll rot down there for the rest of your life." "Great way to get someone to want to marry you," Asil comments. "Hey, it worked on Jane," Turner chuckles back. "I got the idea from the Viet Cong, she loved it. You should too, given what I know of you." "You know nothing!" "Well, one day I will know everything then. In the meantime here's some food for you. Enjoy your confinement." There is a clicking sound and a bowl of maggot-covered rice and bean curd falls to the floor of the cell along with a bottle of foul-smelling water. Asil groans and forces herself to eat it, as she is very hungry. Then she goes back to examining the cell for the hundredth time to formulate an escape plan. Ted Turner snickers as he watches her via a hidden camera and then turns back to a meeting he is having with his associates- Geoffrey Fieger, Richard Simmons, his female counterpart (someone remind me of her name please), Al Gore, Maxine Waters, Mullah Omar of the Taliban, Pat Robertson, Geraldine Laybourne, and Steve Case.
Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday evening. :) Hope you all have had a good night so far, and enjoyed the new Buffy and Angel episodes. I did, and comments are below. :) My finals are going well, if anyone's wondering, so are Kit's. We each have two left, one of mine is tomorrow. So tonight while I have time, I'm catching up and making replies.
Fanfic Progress: I've had some time to work on Night of the Symbiotes Part 2 in these past dead days and have used it. The story is moving along, and almost halfway done. Just finished a great scene with Loki and Wind Walker today. <grin> The rest of the story is moving along, and will hopefully be done soon. Sorry I don't have a teaser for it (Part 1 is good enough, read it :). That's all I have to say about fanfic for now.
Current Timedancer Debates: Not much more to add to these than I did last week, except that I completely agree with all the things Kit and Kyryn have recently said as contribution to them. Historical facts can be forgotten by people if they're not often reminded, especially when they're in very bad situations like Payne was. I agree that's why he didn't remember the Nagasaki bomb immediately. Also looking forward to finding out the second more startling reason Robby mentioned, hopefully soon.
Thanks to Mandi, Shadowrider, and the others who have sent me good luck wishes for the finals. Hopefully they've been helping so far, and will continue to do so during the finals ahead. :)
Welcome to Blindside, Brooklyn, and Gasper! Hope you all are able to enjoy this place. <grin>
LOTR: I too am glad to hear Lorena McKennit is doing the music for this trilogy of movies, she's a very good artist and I look forward to hearing more of her work. Now if John Williams or some other veteran of the movie music industry used to making inspiring action pieces as well as cool Celtic tunes could just be helping her out, things would be perfect. :)
Star Wars Stuff: Never heard of Hayden Christensen or seen his movies, hope he can do the Anakin part well. Ryan Phillipe I can see as my image of Bail Organa, I hope he does well too. There are a lot of things about Ep 2 I can't stand thinking about right now (like Jarjar coming back, Lucas's apparent attitude about writing it so far, the new Boba Fett background being developed when Lucas already has enough to write with Darth Vader's origin and the rise of the Empire, and other things), but these are somewhat tolerable. Hope the movie at least ends up with a decent plot.
Gside: <The Postman wasn't bad, just long, and needed the time to tell the story.> <nods> I agree.
Christine: I too am looking forward to GURPS Villians. I've been doing so ever since I heard it was coming out soon, and now I'm even more eager cause I know you've put in some entries. :) Hope I can pick up the book soon, read it, and give you appropriate feedback afterwards. :) Thanks again for the use of the Avalon Clan, by the way. I'm doing a lot of good things with them in my latest story. :) Good luck with The Gifted, too. Oh, one more thing- I totally agree with what you and Stephen said about Star Wars. Wish you time had some part in writing it, but since you don't, oh well. :(
Shadowrider: Thanks for your recent feedback on Night of the Symbiotes, I look forward to soon getting more of it. Glad you're so far enjoying the tale, and that you like my teasers too (at least someone besides me and Kit pays attention to them :).
Green Baron: I hope the new New York Cardinal isn't a bad guy either. I know he won't be in my fanfic, but of course you can never be sure about the real world. :( (Yeah, I know I said the guy would be frighteningly conservative, he still will be. He'll just also be lawful good, like all decent priests are, and unfortunately prone to assumption. And he'll be really interested in finding out exactly what gargs are and what they're like. He'll enlist Father Greene to help him in this quest, but will end up considering him too biased, so he'll do his own research. And then unfortunately some of the first writings on gargoyles he'll turn up will be ones penned by a certain Archbishop Dunstan… :) Don't have a name for this Cardinal yet, hope I think of one soon. I know I want his first name to be Christopher, but his last name I'm still pondering. :)
Jason Barnett: Good creativity demons once again. :) Hope someone writes them into a story, I might even be willing to absorb the Tom and Demona one into my fics. :) (Just like I have the creativity demon of Tom in the Old West someone had a few months back. Too bad I can't remember who that was. <sigh>)
Mecord: Congrats on surviving your finals and all your other recent hassles. You definitely get my applause for getting through it all. Hope I never have to suffer anything similar (my family situation is different, so it's not as likely, but you never know :).
Aaron: Thanks for the good luck wishes about A-Kon. Yeah, we know it's not really an AD&D convention, but we did hear from some sources in town that a lot of AD&D is going to be played there. That's why we were planning on going originally, Kit and I aren't exactly that big a pair of anime fans. But of course right now the chances of us going still don't look that good. We have a lot going on right now, and if we can get it all tied up in time enough to go, then we will, but if not…:( Thanks for your good luck wishes just the same, hope we can.
Lexy: Read your dating post, good writing in it. I also sympathize with your situation with Kai and your parents and everything. Good luck getting through it, if we in the CR can help please let us know and we will. :) As for my own thoughts on love and dating, I've never really considered them. I guess they're somewhat similar to yours, I agree that people should wait for the right time and need to get know each other before fully considering love and marriage (thus they should spend time together). I also agree that love is worth waiting for, and understand that when two people are in love, they want to spend all the time together that they can. :) Hope your mom lets you spend more with Kai soon, and also gets to know him and his family like she should. (If you are in love with a guy, the fact that your parents should get to know him and his family well enough to trust them IMO goes without saying. <sighs>) Whatever happens, Kit and I wish the best of luck to you both. :)
Happy Anniversary Kyryn and Okami! May many many more be waiting ahead! :)
Bengali: Sorry you have to leave, I will miss you. Hope your return is soon.
Niamhgold: Congrats to your best friends on their weddings. Good luck to them, and to you in the ceremonies and all the other experiences in your lives ahead. <grin>
Buffy: Excellent character development tonight, better than I've seen in a long time on this show. Good development on both Spike and Adam at the beginning and end, and for Spike throughout as well. It was quite entertaining watching what he did to make the Scooby gang break up. Hope they can get back together in the next ep so he's not entirely sucessful, but for now seeing it happen was pretty chilling. :) Good dialouge all throughout too, I really liked how it moved along the character development and plot. Liked the developments on Riley, Giles, and Xander as well. We got to hear Giles singing again too, and that was very entertaining, especially since it was one of my favorite Beatles songs. :) Willow and Tara weren't entertaining this time around unfortunately, their developments seemed a bit predictable and blasé compared to everyone else's. :( It was realistic with good dialogue, but still, not that interesting. :( The development with Buffy was good, though, and so was that with Angel and all the various other characters. Liked the small bits with Anya as well, good to see her and Xander fighting again. (Hope it ends soon, but it is entertaining.) Good developments with Forrest as well, though I kinda wish a little more had been done with him before his death at Adam's hands. :( Overall, I give this episode a 9/10, really liked the plot developments in both the possible Scooby gang breakup and the Riley-Angel-Buffy conflict (especially enjoyed the latter, the dialogue and emotion were excellent). The bits with Adam and his plan were good foreshadowing as well, I'm really looking forward to next week's ep when he finally makes his move. :) (Though not so much the possibility of Buffy's "new powers," I always thought she was enough of a superhero already. <shrugs> Oh well, as long as the story has good writing and character development, I guess it will be fine. :)
Angel: Enjoyed the new ep of this show too. Very catchy beginning, with menacing vampires and cool vampire hunters who seemed very reminescient of my fanfic vigilante group the Sparks (when I originally wrote the novel the Sparks were in before I trashed it cause it wasn't going where I wanted it to and I didn't have time for it anymore, I had them based in LA too. I wonder if there's a collective thing going here. :). Good dialogue in this Angel episode too, and I liked the developments with Cordy, Angel, and Wes. The initial blackmail plot was good, I liked David's character and was able to sympathize with him a lot. :) The D&D part of his problem was a little too remniscient of negative press the game's gotten, but still good thanks to the developments the show's writers added to it. :) Liked the whole Vampire Hunter gang plot better of course, the kids had very good personalities and cool weapons. Interesting character development was done on them as well, especially in their interaction with Angel and the main brother and sister's dialogue with each other (really liked the scene where they talked after she was vamped out). Also good action and jokes throughout the ep. I gave it a 9.5/10 overall, especially liked how the ep had a good plot with many surprising twists and developments. Just wish they'd done something in it with Kate and the big Angel ongoing plot this season (if there's ever going to be one <sigh>). Still, good ep, looking forward to next week's. Hopefully it won't be too weird. :)
<scans room> And I guess that's all for tonight, hope the room stays up and calm this week. I'll see you all again soon, everyone have a good night. <waves, then walks out>
The RP screen comes back on, to show the Ravens' convoy heading into the Shadow Mountains, a small mountain range area on the California-Nevada border that adjoins the Mojave Desert. Orion is nodding as Bardic tells him where Lloky went and saying that he hopes she'll be alright. In another part of the trailer, Tom has been talking with Leah Howell while the other prisoners sleep or play cards with each other, Sneed and two of his buddies sending glares his way now and then. At her request, Tom has been telling Howell about the Ravens, what they do, and why they do it, just as she earlier told him about why she and the other soldiers follow Thailog. She is nodding now as he sums up what they've done to the present day. "Your story was an interesting one," Howell tells Tom when he says he's finished. "I didn't know you used to be on our side, serving Lord Thailog." "Well, I wasn't serving Thailog," Tom shrugs. "Just the Bishop. I didn't know they were working together." "The Bishop is dead now, you know," Howell says. Tom nods. "Yeah, I know. He's also become a demon who's caused us some problems, like I said earlier. You weren't paying attention to the story, were you?" Howell shakes her head. "No, I was. I just somehow missed that, I guess. It was a very interesting story, Tom. That woman Janice, whom you loved, you think you could ever have a chance with her?" Tom grimaces. "I don't know. She seemed pretty dead-set against it last time we talked, and she's got her Avatar MIB career now and all." He sighs. "I've pretty much given up on it too, I guess. She is older than me, and there are plenty of other girls in the world. After this business with Thailog is over, maybe I'll go looking for one." "I wish you good luck when that happens," Howell smiles strangely. "You know, I think you and I could have been friends, had we known each other in different circumstances." Tom frowns. "Yeah, maybe, I guess." He looks at his watch. "I'm going up front to see much longer we have till Area-51. Maybe we can drop you guys off there and Wilek can hold you for a while." "Perhaps," Howell nods, "but you know the general is going to send someone for us." "He hasn't yet," Tom reminds her, then walks off as she watches him through the cage bars with an odd look on her face. Sneed and the other prisoners who have grown angry at the Ravens for holding them direct some of their glares her way, but she does not acknowledge them.
Meanwhile outside Kit pulls up beside the truck cab and the tank towing it, then waves to Elena and Boris to slow down. "We're approaching Clark Mountain Pass and I have a bad feeling," she says. "Let's take it at a lesser speed just in case, okay?" "Okay," Boris shrugs, "but I don't know what you're worrying about." He points at the strangely clear highway ahead of them. "No cars anywhere, this is gonna be a smooth trip." "I don't see anything either," Elena says. "Just that hitchhiker up ahead. Should we pick him up?" Kit looks at the hitchhiker, a grinning strangely average-looking man in military garb, and frowns. "I guess," she shrugs. "Either we'll be helping someone out or if he's a raging psychopath we can kill him and save someone pain." Boris and Elena nod, as do Jammer and Stephanie in their cars. The convoy then slows and stops. The hitchhiker smiles as Kit waves him to walk over to them. He laughs and raises a small remote control device, then presses a button. Instantly large explosions send rocks tumbling down the mountains to seal off the highway in both directions with huge avalanches. "You forgot he could be part of a trap," Stephanie tells Kit, who sighs heavily as the other Ravens who see the avalanches gasp. Seconds later automatic weapon and mortar fire starts to pepper the road all around them. "Prepare to defend!" Kit shouts, pulling her motorbike away from a falling shell as Elena cuts down the hitchhiker with her rifle before he can draw a weapon and the other Ravens yell to everyone that they're under attack. Just then a bazooka shot blows a hole in the Onslaught's trailer and six of the prisoners scream as they are targeted by laser sights and then hit. "We're under attack!" Tom yells at the others, taking out his grenade launcher. "Duck down!" Howell and most of the group nod and do so, though they are still gasping at the sight of the dead men beside them. Sneed and his friends meanwhile sneer and look for a weapons rack as the shelling continues, the Ravens scramble to start answering it, and the screen goes blank.
Doug - []
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 10:30:46 PM
Bengali- sorry to hear your leaving :( Hurry back.
Oh, Hugz, I know where your coming from- every one in my family is divorced, and that's not an exaggeration- my great grandmother, my grandmother was is in the process of getting one before her spouce died, my mom is divorced, as is my only sibling.
So needless to say when I announced that I was going to get married, it was met with less than enthusatic response. And boy was there alot of resistance, for many reasons. All I can say is hang in there sis, your not the only one. Try to be patient, and learn when to turn a deaf ear. Afterall, this is your life.
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 10:28:45 PM
Revel > ugh, that brought back memories of the summer I worked scrubbing dorms after everyone left campus. The stuff we found ... scary, lemme tell ya, truly truly scary!
Niamhgold > deadline for AvMists is the last week of the month; I'm less picky about pics because I don't have to do as much with them.
Lexy > oh, now, that's hardly fair ... someone can be all _three_ of those occupations ... ; ) But earnestly, it sounds to me as if your parents are being a tad hyperprotective. As for dating, I never did much myself, but it would seem to me that should I ever be in the market for a new mate, I'd prefer finding someone with whom I share common interests, meeting over the Internet, to the random casting about that constitutes trying to date someone just because he's local. Using, of course, common sense ... but that goes for any sort of dating. Bleah, I am a little incoherent here ... sorry ... first thing in the morning for me and all! ; )
Christine - []
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 08:17:34 PM
<Runs in for a moment>
Mecord:> You are out of school already! Envy...;)
About the Phoenix Gate, I think the correcy spelling is:
"Deflagrate muri, tempi et intervalia"
Good Night to everyone!
<Runs out, tossing a few tomatoes to Todd on the way ;)>
Shadowrider - [shadowriderç]
Milano, Italy
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 08:10:22 PM
**Mecord phases through the wall accompanied by the dragon Bardic**
Anyone see a bucket of rotten tomatoes? I was sure I left them here....
Hi all. Just taking a pause from writing to stop in and see what’s happening. I’ve been in a perpetual daze all day. My brain is moving that bicycle at 160 mph while my body remains comatose. It’s good to be out of school again.
By the by, anyone know the correct spelling for the full Phoenix Gate incantation? Like every other chant on Gargoyles, I can quote it but spelling is another matter entirely. I have to say one of my favorite incantations is in “Mirror” when Demona summons Puck.
James>> Oh well, it sounded good at the time. :) Happy B-day!
Sorow>> Seven? I didn’t know she had that many out. I’ll have to find the rest and sleep through them too. ;)
Lexy>> Elope. NO, wait! Just kidding! Seriously though, that’s quite the dilemma. It sounds to me that if the two of you love each other enough to endure two plus however many years just to get together, you have a good shot at a lasting marriage. As far as dating goes, for the most part I agree with you. Dating for the fun of it plays with to many emotions and ends in tears more often than not. For me I guess dating is somewhere in between getting to know someone and the possibility of engagement. Mind you I’m not the most experienced in this field. If I had even a semi-serious long distance relationship right now my family would be happy. Perhaps I’ve just had my heart broken twice too many times. But what I do know is that when two people are serious about their love for each other they make the relationship work no matter what the circumstances. Sometimes that means overlooking some of the small things and dealing with the big issues, like you said. But when they are dedicated and make it work, it’s the basis for all the greatest love stories in history. Hope my ramblings helped some. Good luck you two.
Bengali>> Take care of yourself, and come back to us.
Brooklyn>> Welcome.
Gasper>> Ah, more victim… uh, guests. Come in, sit a while, have one of those red pills, and relax. :) What kind of fanfics do you write?
Johannas>> Ecuador? Wow. No I’m afraid production of the cartoon is over, but TGS keeps the memory alive and the stories continuing. Hope you’ll stick around awhile.
That’s all I have time for today, later!
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 08:02:06 PM
Actually, if you cross the Alps with elephants, you get mountains that never forget.
*runs out of the comment room hurriedly, pursued by a volley of rotten tomatoes *
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 07:00:34 PM
Just miss 24 hours and a lot of things happen...
Aaron:> Golden Boy? I've seen a couple of episodes. Funny. I admit I had forgotten him as I wrote that thing about bicycle riders...
Niamhgold:> Congratulations for your victory!
<<... Napolean as "that evil guy who was always fighting the Three Musketeers...right?">> <laughs bitterly> Of course he was wrong...because Napoleon was the one who crossed Alps with the elephants to fight against the armies of Rome, commanded by Dante Alighieri called "Africanus"...right? ;)
Oh, by the way, are you still availabile to proofread my story? I'm going to need proofreading soon.
Kyryn:> Happy anniversary (I'm late, sorry) and another hundred of these days!
Gasper:> Welcome here!
Bengali:> I'm afraid you're leaving. Hope you'll be back soon. Good luck to you! :(
James Birdsong:> Happy birthday! I apologize for being late.
Winterwolf:> Just out of curiosity, what kind of biker info you need? I'd like to be of help, if possible.
Rodlox:> <<fa' chiunque sapere di qualsiasi buono traduzione sito ? >> Hm. If this one is an Italian translation made by the site you mention, you urgently need another one. I'm sorry, but I don't know any of them (and I'd need such a site too...), so I can't help you. Anyway, the correct Italian phrase sounds like:" Qualcuno può farmi sapere se conosce un buon sito per traduzioni?"
Lexi:> Interesting thought about dating. I think I generally agree, especially as you say one is supposed to use common sense (not only in dating, I think). Anyway, you gave me something to think about...
Nothing more, I'll try to proceed a little with the translation of my fanfic.
See you all!
Shadowrider - []
Milano, Italy
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 05:59:58 PM
Dangit! I knew I missed a few things.
Mara> Caught your new fic. Veeeeeery interesting.
I got my A-Kon tickets yesterday! Which reminds me, are our Gathering tix going to be mailed out, or will we just be checked off the list and let in when we get there?
Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 04:18:20 PM
Todd- Thank you for responding so quickly. Right kind of ya. No problem, no rush...just wondering what was up.
WinterWolf-Yo. Thanks for the Howdy.
Revel- I too live in a dorm room, and it does get quite dusty.....annoys the hell outta me.
Ach...will this Phoenix gate ever work?!?!
See ya.
Gasper S. Keltner - []
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 03:57:16 PM
and to increase my chances....
[does] noen kjende til alle fint oversettelse steder?
fait quiconque savons de tout sage traduction sítios?
fa' chiunque sapere di qualsiasi buono traduzione sito ?
does ’N‚à ƒmƒE of ”CˆÓ —Ç‚¢ –ó‘ —p’n ? {japanese on intertran}.
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 03:56:33 PM
does anyone know the internet addresses for sites that translate one language into another?
the only one i know of is - ...and that one is missing the language(s) that i require. {Basque, but will take others if that's not availiable}.
my gargoyle fic {yes, it's almost done} depends on that.
Rodlox - [Babnol@hotmail .com]
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 03:53:32 PM
Aaron wanders in, carrying what looks kind of like the head of Phil, ruler of Heck, which he tosses to Warpmind.
Ah, the butcher. Big, strong, mean... but too dumb to work a doorknob. Should look good on your trophy wall, ne?
Niamhgold> Congratulations.
Gside><If you can hit us, we can hit you.> Not if we stand in just the right place. Same way we kill other archers. Unless you break out with the area effect spells.
Lexy> Dating. "When I was young, you went out with a girl, and your parents hoped you wouldn't get too far, 'cause if you did, you'd get her knocked up. And then her parents would come over and break your legs." Tony Soprano on dating.
Kyryn> Happy anniversary.
Stephen> Good luck with that job interview.
Bengali> Sorry your leaving, for whatever the reason. Go in peace.
Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 03:36:03 PM
I'm one step closer to G2K. I made my airline arrangements. I'll be in Orlando Wednesday evening 08/02/2000 and stay until Monday morning 08/14/2000. This is going to be my first Gathering. ^_^ Doh! How did I miss all the previous ones? :( Oh well. Spilt milk Owen. ;)
Jannie> <Yamaho Virgo> Should that be Yamaha? I'm going to use it. Any info you'd like to pass thinking back to your biker days would be extremely appreciated. All this is increasing my interest beyond the casual level where it has typically been. :)
Gasper> Hi there!
Winterwolf made his way back to the mechanic's shop. "If I can afford that motorcycle and it's in good shape I should be all set."
"Don't let my brother fool you. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. He'll take you for every penny you've got." The waitress said.
"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind." With a smile and wave Winterwolf continued to the shop.
"What can I do fer yah?" A young man in a pair of greasy overalls asked. He eyed Winterwolf who appeared to him as an older teen punk with silvery white hair.
"I heard you had a bike for sale."
"I might, but I don't got no kid's bike."
"Uh huh. Could you show me what you do have?"
"I could show yah, but I don't wanna waste my time."
Winterwolf showed the mechanic a few large bills from his belt pouch. "I'm looking to buy if I like what I see."
"Follow me. You better have some more bills in that pocket and better not be pullin my chain." In the garage was a cherry apple red Yamaha Virgo. The mechanic started it up and it purred like a kitten.
Winterwolf stared at it awestruck for a moment. He rode around the station and was happy with the feel of it. He turned to the guy and asked him, "Will this cover the cost?" Winterwolf had took $850 from his pouch and passed it to the mechanic.
The mechanic counted it several times and made a choking noise. "It's all yours." He said beaming a smile and laughing.
Winterwolf took everything he needed and rode out to the street. "He sure seemed happy with my first offer."
Back at the shop a young man was jumping up and down. "I can't believe he gave me $2550! This is a dream come true." The red glow that surrounded him faded. He counted the bills one more time and screamed in horror. "Where did the rest go? I only have $850 here!..."
Caliope> <genius> I need to channel some of that genius ability of yours. I have a complete rummy card game program to write by tomorrow and I haven't started yet. O.o
DPH> <spam and viruses> I think a diabolical spam/virus scheme would be to have a virus hiding in an email with the subject Virus Warning. Send this baby out right after another virus hits computers. Extremely serious chaos ensures. Or how about a replying virus? This one could go into email and reply to any mail in the inbox attaching the virus to the reply. Just some random thoughts I had.
Bengali> Bye may you be able to return sooner than you think. *Winterwolf waves*
Johannes> Currently no new episodes are being made for Gargoyles. It is possible to catch the original episodes on Toon Disney. I wonder when my sister's cable company will support this. What about me you ask? Oh, I use rabbit ear antennas. I actually get good reception. ^_^
I better get on that program. I need to put something together.
Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 03:33:40 PM
Hola, personas! I guess the big lotto jackpot is up to $350 million--instead of buying a ticket for 1 to 72 million odds of winning, I'm going to sit back and wait for
lightning to hit me three times in a row ;)
Lexy: Man, I couldn't have said it better myself. I totally agree with you--dating is a *serious* thing, not something to be done just for the sake of "dabbling" in the proverbial paints. There are so many people I know that consider lust a precursor to marriage.
In a strange coincidence, a survey is being passed around my area, right now, and it's main question is this: Do you think there is a noticeable difference between the type of girl a guy will marry and the kind of girl he' 'romantic' with? So, fellow CR dwellers, help me add on to this survey. What do _you_ think?
Gside: Thank you very much. <<I don't know about you, but I can easily reach 160 on a mechanical bike (blatant lie)>> Hmm, sort of like how I can finish running a mile in less than 10 minutes (obvious lie to my old gym teacher and anyone else who knows me well) ):}
Winterwolf: Thank you very much, also! Don't feel bad about spelling my name should see to how many different addresses E-mail meant for me ends up! BTW, do you do any artwork yourself? (You have Photoshop :D
Kyryn: Happy anniversary!
Christine: Aack! Gotta do some art for the swimsuit thing! When are the entries due?
Bengali: You will be sorely missed :(
Urgle...just a few more weeks until the two weddings of my two best buds. Figures both ceremonies would be put only THREE DAYS APART! That means that friend A, who has their wedding first and will not be attending friend B's wedding, will have to send me off with their many gifts and messages for friend B. Not to presents for the *baby* of friend B. Aack!
**Stressed out Niamhgold fumbles out of the room **
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 03:32:25 PM
Just a few qucik words.
(waits for applause to die down)
I have but a simple bit of advice to give. Cleaning a dorm room is not fun. When I finished sweeping behind all the furniture I could have built a monument to the beeding of dust bunnies. Yes, that bad.
Kyrn-Happy 1st time around. This year was my parents 25 round and you can tell there ready to go 25 more as soon as they kick my brother and I out of the house.
I think thats it?
Revel - []
hell, tx
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 02:02:05 PM
Of course Gargoyles is still being shown. Horray for Toon Disney even though not everyone (includeing me) get it. Thanks to all those that wished me a happy birthday yesterday
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 01:13:44 PM
I would like to know whether or not Gargoyles is still being produced and aired on TV as the same series I first watched in 1996-7. Feel free to email me and let me know. I would love to watch the series again. The last episode I saw was when the clan was back in the castle for the third time, after they defeated the hunter at the chappel.
Johannes - []
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 12:28:09 PM
This is my Last Post Here.
I'm sorry, but for personal reasons I will not be able post here anymore. I will miss all of you dearly, you have all become special to me and will always have a place in my heart. I will probably do some lurking on occasion and may return and become a regular poster again, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday...
*walks to the exit, turns to face friends and dramatically says*
I shall return.
Bengali - []
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 12:11:01 PM
****Kyryn sneaks in****
Thanks all for the continued good wishes!
DPH> Yes, for legal reasons the current storylines of TGS could not be used. Writing and posting of the stories comes under 'fair use' since TGS posts the appropiate copyright notices and disclaimers and does not, nor seeks to, make any kind of profit from the stories. Legally, if The Mouse decided that they wanted to use TGS stuff they would have to negotiate with everyone involved in the project and hash out rights and publication regarding new/original characters. Ours is a labor of love.
As far as I know, we don't have tracking on individual story pages for the site. We do have the counter on the front page of the site.
Netscape error> If it is a code error, then it is related to some old code that was a problem in the main page. If it is a certificate error for Netscape, then it is simply because you have an older version of Netscape. You get that on a number of pages. The only way to get rid of that one is to upgrade to a newer version. I'm not sure about the IE error since work is using 5.0 and I normally use Netscape 4.51 at home.
Graymonk> Breakdowns is the group of people who actually come up with plots and story arcs and write up the outlines for stories for a season. Once all of the outlines for a season are complete, they are handed over to the writers for actual episode writing. Then the stories go through edits, public comments by all staff, final proofing; and, when a series starts, actual posting. Hope that helps.
Jannie> Your son's project looks great. I hope that the school commits to continuing care once the project is complete.
Later All!
***Kyryn sneaks back out***
Denton, TX
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 11:50:26 AM
SPAM & INTERNET VIRUS - Have you ever gotten one of those spams wanting you to buy a email directory of one million + email addresses? What if some guy making a virus bought the list and used the list as a means of distrubuting the virus? Talk about mass chaos.
Just a few qucik words.
Of course Gargoyles is still being shown. Horray for Toon Disney even though not everyone (includeing me) get it. Thanks to all those that wished me a happy birthday yesterday
TGS QUALITY - I have to agree with others about the quality of TGS stories, but I am concerned for legal reasons, the stories may not be able to be used. BTW, does anyone know the page visit count for each TGS story? If the count was 100,000 or higher, I'd say pitch that fact to some network executive.
Does anyone know where I can find information about wood bees? I have some around my house and one always 'guarding' a certain spot and I am concerned/scared.
2 days until my graduation ceremony!!
BTW, every time I go to withDTH="200" HEIGHT="118" HSPACE="3" VSPACE="3" ALIGN="LEFT">I'm one step closer to G2K. I made my airline arrangements. I'll be in Orlando Wednesday evening 08/02/2000 and stay until Monday morning 08/14/2000. This is going to be my first Gathering. ^_^ Doh! How did I miss all the previous ones? :( Oh well. Spilt milk Owen. ;)
Jannie> <Yamaho Virgo> Should that be Yamaha? I'm going to use it. Any info you'd like to pass thinking back to your biker days would be extremely appreciated. All this is increasing my interest beyond the casual level where it has typically been. :)
Gasper> Hi there!
Winterwolf made his way back to the mechanic's shop. "If I can afford that motorcycle and it's in good shape I should be all set."
"Don't let my brother fool you. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. He'll take you for every penny you've got." The waitress said.
"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind." With a smile and wave Winterwolf continued to the shop.
"What can I do fer yah?" A young man in a pair of greasy overalls asked. He eyed Winterwolf who appeared to him as an older teen punk with silvery white hair.
"I heard you had a bike for sale."
"I might, but I don't got no kid's bike."
"Uh huh. Could you show me what you do have?"
"I could show yah, but I don't wanna waste my time."
Winterwolf showed the mechanic a few large bills from his belt pouch. "I'm looking to buy if I like what I see."
"Follow me. You better have some more bills in that pocket and better not be pullin my chain." In the garage was a cherry apple red Yamaha Virgo. The mechanic started it up and it purred like a kitten.
Winterwolf stared at it awestruck for a moment. He rode around the station and was happy with the feel of it. He turned to the guy and asked him, "Will this cover the cost?" Winterwolf had took $850 from his pouch and passed it to the mechanic.
The mechanic counted it several times and made a choking noise. "It's all yours." He said beaming a smile and laughing.
Winterwolf took everything he needed and rode out to the street. "He sure seemed happy with my first offer."
Back at the shop a young man was jumping up and down. "I can't believe he gave me $2550! This is a dream come true." The red glow that surrounded him faded. He counted the bills one more time and screamed in horror. "Where did the rest go? I only have $850 here!..."
Caliope> <genius> I need to channel some of that genius ability of yours. I have a complete rummy card game program to write by tomorrow and I haven't started yet. O.o
DPH> <spam and viruses> I think a diabolical spam/virus scheme would be to have a virus hiding in an email with the subject Virus Warning. Send this baby out right after another virus hits computers. Extremely serious chaos ensures. Or how about a replying virus? This one could go into email and reply to any mail in the inbox attaching the virus to the reply. Just some random thoughts I had.
Bengali> Bye may you be able to return sooner than you think. *Winterwolf waves*
Johannes> Currently no new episodes are being made for Gargoyles. It is possible to catch the original episodes on Toon Disney. I wonder when my sister's cable company will support this. What about me you ask? Oh, I use rabbit ear antennas. I actually get good reception. ^_^
I better get on that program. I need to put something together.
Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 03:33:39 PM
Hola, personas! I guess the big lotto jackpot is up to $350 million--instead of buying a ticket for 1 to 72 million odds of winning, I'm going to sit back and wait for
lightning to hit me three times in a row ;)
Lexy: Man, I couldn't have said it better myself. I totally agree with you--dating is a *serious* thing, not something to be done just for the sake of "dabbling" in the proverbial paints. There are so many people I know that consider lust a precursor to marriage.
In a strange coincidence, a survey is being passed around my area, right now, and it's main question is this: Do you think there is a noticeable difference between the type of girl a guy will marry and the kind of girl he' 'romantic' with? So, fellow CR dwellers, help me add on to this survey. What do _you_ think?
Gside: Thank you very much. <<I don't know about you, but I can easily reach 160 on a mechanical bike (blatant lie)>> Hmm, sort of like how I can finish running a mile in less than 10 minutes (obvious lie to my old gym teacher and anyone else who knows me well) ):}
Winterwolf: Thank you very much, also! Don't feel bad about spelling my name should see to how many different addresses E-mail meant for me ends up! BTW, do you do any artwork yourself? (You have Photoshop :D
Kyryn: Happy anniversary!
Christine: Aack! Gotta do some art for the swimsuit thing! When are the entries due?
Bengali: You will be sorely missed :(
Urgle...just a few more weeks until the two weddings of my two best buds. Figures both ceremonies would be put only THREE DAYS APART! That means that friend A, who has their wedding first and will not be attending friend B's wedding, will have to send me off with their many gifts and messages for friend B. Not to presents for the *baby* of friend B. Aack!
**Stressed out Niamhgold fumbles out of the room **
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 03:32:25 PM
(waits for applause to die down)
I have but a simple bit of advice to give. Cleaning a dorm room is not fun. When I finished sweeping behind all the furniture I could have built a monument to the beeding of dust bunnies. Yes, that bad.
Kyrn-Happy 1st time around. This year was my parents 25 round and you can tell there ready to go 25 more as soon as they kick my brother and I out of the house.
I think thats it?
Revel - []
hell, tx
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 02:02:05 PM
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 01:13:43 PM
I would like to know whether or not Gargoyles is still being produced and aired on TV as the same series I first watched in 1996-7. Feel free to email me and let me know. I would love to watch the series again. The last episode I saw was when the clan was back in the castle for the third time, after they defeated the hunter at the chappel.
Johannes - [
Kyryn> Happy Anniversary Kyryn! And many more! ^_^
Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr.> This is getting extremely interesting! I think my hopes for Episode 2 are reaching dangerous levels. My chances for disappointment are increasing exponentially! ;)
I guess the RP is going to wait for another post. I need to get some sleep.
Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 02:02:18 AM
Greetings all...
KYRYN & OKAMI - Congrats on your 1st Wedding Annaversary! For meeting the two of you back in Dallas, you two are a great pair of people and a well-matched couple! :) Here's to many more annaversaries to come!
CHRISTINE - <<Star Wars thoughts > If I were writing Star Wars, I'd say that the reason they hide Luke on Tatooine is because they figure it's the last place Anakin would go. Why? Because I would have an incident on Tatooine be the final Dark Side straw ... he argues and argues with the Jedi Council about going back to free the slaves, they keep telling him he's not ready, "your training you must complete, yes, yes," and when he finally _does_ go, he arrives just in time to either witness or, better, in a failed attempt at ending slavery, _causes_ his mom's death. *snap* Loses it, blames the Jedi, vows _never_ to set foot on that desert again, blames Obi-Wan, volcano here we come ; ) So when the time comes to hide Luke, that's where they pick. That's the way I'd do it.>>
Talk about great minds thinking alike! A while back I started trying to flesh out my own outline of what I felt would happen in Episode 2, and one of the key points was Anakin getting permission from the Jedi Council to return to Tatoonie to free his mother from slavery, only to find she'd been sold by Watto to another Hutt ganster. So Anakin goes to free her, but in the process she ends up killed by (say it with me now) _another_ Sith Lord... the actual proverbial "last straw" came later, when Anakin had to fight the _real_ Darth Maul (I'm one of thoese that felt the one Obi-Wan killed on Naboo was a clone), and, when Obi-Wan couldn't come to Anakin's aid to save Amedala from certain death, Anakin has to use the Force to kill for the first time to deal with Maul... in a way that sort of ties in to his habits later as Darth Vader.
Unfortunately, I've lost the file containing the outline... but if I can ever find it, I'll finish it and post it up on my soon-to-be-revived site.
Personal Update - Things have hit a sludge-pit where my current project is concerned...but I'm going to see what I can do to get things out of the slump I'm in so I can get it finished toot-sweet.
BTW, for those that are fellow Transformers Beast Wars/Beast Machines fans, I made a killing today! I got in the mail the Silverbolt Fuzor figure I won off of Ebay, and also found a Jetstorm figure at the local Toys-R-Us near where I live. :)
(This is the same one I've also put in an application for a job to, so wish me luck there! I need to get out of this burger-joint job sooo bad!)
That's all for now!
Maintain and Check Six!
Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. - []
Spokane, WA, USA
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 01:36:37 AM
Kyryn> WOW! Your anniversary already?! I still remember when you came in saying you were engaged! Time sure does fly. Happy Anniversary!
Mecord> Loreena McKennitt's "The Mask and the Mirror"...track #1: The Mystic's Dream. I danced to that song once. I had to make up some original choreography and I chose that song because of the beautiful bagpipes. She's my favorite female artist and I have all seven of her albums plus the single version mix of the Mummer's Dance. I danced to that one too. Cool dream!
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 12:16:00 AM
***Kyryn appears munching a fairly old looking piece of cake***
*grin* Hey! It's the one year anniversary of my and Okami's wedding. We had to pull out the saved piece of wedding cake and eat it. Actually, it was still pretty good for having been frozen for a year.
On that note: Lexy> Okami and I were friends for a year, dated for a year, had a long distance relationship for three years, had a relationship with both of us living in separate apartments in the same city for two years, lived together for seven years, and have been married for a year. Hey! Neat, I just realized that in a month and a half we'll get to celebrate our fifteen year anniversary of knowing each other. Funny, one of the nice things about having waited so long to get married -- we've had almost all the serious knock-down drag-out fights that newlyweds would normally have. We never looked back once we seriously started dating each other, but we always reserved the right to break up or date other people until the rings were on our fingers; although I think that after we got back together from the three years apart, we never really considered leaving each other even during serious arguments.
G'side> Thanks for the details on the radiation. I was just remembering off the top of my head from readings many years ago about the accounts of the explosions.
Later All!
****A large werewolf in Japanese armor comes into the CR and sweeps Kyryn off her feet. They both wave at everyone and he carries her out the door.***
Denton, TX
Monday, May 8, 2000 11:42:27 PM
****Random thoughts on Dating*****
How do you guys percieve dating? I always considered it to be like a probationary periode while you get to know someone. People date all the time for the hell of it, but I always considered it to be very important. If you find that you are dating (not just a person and you realize that this is _not_ the type of person that if right now, all options for anyone else closed you could move yourself to marry this person. You are only dating them for 'fun'. Why? Do you enjoy getting your heart broken? Do you think it doesn't really matter anymore? Do you think that random trial on error is the way to go when choosing a mate that you could quite possibly spend up to 50 or more years with? Well I always viewed it as something that you should be choosy about. If that person isn't someone you have a good feeling about then why are you there? Yes, random things happen..first impressions fail. But you can use common sense in those events and ,of course, there is always the exception that proves the rule. Why am I in here rambling about dating of all things? Well, I guess I just am having a rude awakening to the fact that, as usual, my ideas are NOT in the majority. News flash right? I know that most of the people in ths comment room are not in the majority, so I just thought I'd run a few things by you guys. IMO you start dating a person, you get to know, if you like what you find out you keep going. If you get to a point where there is something wrong you have to be reasonable. If it something like maybe you don't agree on something trivial it most likly wont screw with the realtionship. If it is something like this person loves to smoke and you have kids and happen to be very opposed, this is more serious a senario, but can be worked out between two rational people. If it is really serious like you find out they are a member of the KKK or they are an athist and say you are very may want to think it through. You are probably just as likly to hold your ground as they are. I see people all the time getting into relationships and totally ignoring things like this like they will just go away, or love will conqure all or something. If you have to fool yourself before you get married then its only down hill after the wedding. Why do people think they can just rush into something like this? IMO marrige is one of THE most important disicions in your life. How can you just toss 50 or so years of your life away on a chance? It is a mystery to me. Yes, I understand, 'your in love'. But is it really love when you have to kid yourself? Or is it just lust? Just an idea you are hanging on too? If you are going to fool it someplace else other than the alter. Getting back to dating in general, how do you guys think it works? I always saw it as a gradual thing. You spend more and more and more time with them and share more as the years go by. Then at some point you get married. I guess this whole ramble was brought to you by my mom and I disagreeing on me and Kaioto. For one thing..I met him on the internet which pretty much forces him to have one of three occupations. Serial killer, Sex fiend, or phychotic child rapist. I understand that the internet is 'new' to adults as far as meeting people. *grandpa voice* Why, back in the day you only saw people your family saw fit. And everyone in town new the person cuz they lived right there down the street. Well IMO you can screw up a relationship online JUST as easilly as you can IRL. In fact, with them being online you arn't swayed by things like appearence. I've always said that dating online is like dating IRL only backwards. IRL you see the person first then work to get to know them inside. Online you see who they are inside, then you work to know them physically. I think if everyone had to do that there would be a lot less divorce! *l* Maybe not:) But hey it would be worth a shot. Anyway. It always struck me as odd when people stand by the idea that "you don't know someone online". To a degree that is totally true. For all you people know I could be a 46 year old man living in Kansas happilly married with 3 kids. But IMO human nature is more powerful then a lie. Why in the world would a person interested in nothing but sex come into a room where people talk about sewing. What every word they say, make up a totally new them only to..what? See you some day and lay you? Why not just go to a room of young teens or a dating line of desparate people and seek out the person who is hasty and dosn't ask many questions or for that matter seem to mind that all you talk about is how you want them? It is true that people can be good cons. Yes indeed. But common sense still prevails, if used properly, in _most_ cases. If you are a desparate single parent with kids watch yourself..just be a little more cautious..that is have KIDS to worry about here. Not just yourself. If you happen to talk to someone online who dosn't seem to tell you a thing about themselvs and then one days says "Hey..I live just down the block..wanna come over?" Use caution right? Arn't those obvious?? It seems to me that while you DO have to be carful online you also have to act the same way IRL. People don't just live in little towns anymore where you know everyone. IRL you will meet totally new people and unless they have a big blood shot eye, hair standing on end, and an obvious interest in the topic of sex it _wont_ be any easier to understand their character unless you get to know and do it _well_. I have asked my mom if I can go see Kaioto. I just love the answer I get. "No, you dont know him well enough." No ofense..but at some point I WILL have to see him in order to "get to know him better". Kaioto and I have known eachother for close to two years now. He is my first love and I am his. We are both down to earth individuals. But since both our parents made mistakes when they were our age they have issues about letting us..well do anything. We both understand and respect this. They are only looking out for us. But when it comes to rules like Kai is only allowed in my house if my mom is there and he can only stay in the living room and we must be sitting on opposite ends of the room..then I get a little upset. Upset that I'm not trusted..upset that he is not trusted..upset that she doesn't look past the rule to see how poitless it is.
Do you know that everytime Kaioto comes here I get nightmares? Up until at least a month after he leaves I have bad dreams. We are going somewhere..anywhere and then my mom will show up. She will be mad at me for not using proper edicate and I feel so hurt. Its..its just that my whole family is crazy. She is all I have and it hurts me badly when we disagree. I guess I am being to sensitive. But again, when dating we should be able to get closer and closer until we DO know eachother. No wonder everyone in my family got a divorce. I have never seen a marrige work in my life. They probably went by that old fashion tradition and didnt even kiss until the alter. THEN found out they couldnt get along. *sighs* Do you guys think I am being anal? I mean..I have known him for a long time..I only get to see him onece or twice a year. It isn't easy at our age but we do it. We know that someday we can finally marry if we please. But right now we have money, school, age, and family in the way. We understand and are respectful of these things..and still people are cautious about letting us leave the house alone. *sighs* of all kids. Of all the family that should be so carful..why is it the parents that have kids that are already somewhat normal? *L* guess they have just been watching them from the get go. Though my mom is never like this unless kai is around..she lets me do and watch and go anywhere I want because she has complete faith I will do and see nothing inappropriate. Whatever happened to that I wonder? I asked her once when she will get to know Kai's family. She told me after we are married. She makes comments all the time that I should understand that statistically we will never work out. I understand she got screwed big time with my dad. Who by the way is currently sewing ME and my mom so that we pay HIM to live at his girlfriends house. Meanwhile I am paying ALL My college tuiton *sighs*. So I know she is just looking out for me and all. But You would think knowing me and knowing kai..there is not that much to worry about. At some point I keep feeling she will have to acknowledge that this is more then a 'cute thing' that we are doing. That we are only doing this for attention and because it is so neat to have someone far away like you. Not because we care about eachother. It will be at least 3 years until kai and I can even think about marrige and until then we will continue to see eachother twice or less a year. When he comes I see him for up to 7 days at a time. The least our families could do is let us acutally spend that time together. *sighs* I rambled something much more to say..but I'll shut up. Comments or questions anyone?
Monday, May 8, 2000 10:55:48 PM
Well guys,
I plan to stick around for a while.Sorry about the numerous posts. Iwould also like to talk about anything gargoyles,not just my would be webpage feel free to drop me a line. I'm new to the extended season thing you see we had the internet just about when the 2nd season was done. That summer my computer crashed so my connection was cut off. So I have a lot to catch up on.
Brooklyn - []
Monday, May 8, 2000 10:08:09 PM
Warpmind> <<I *do* hope you mean those equpiied with a motorbike, as opposed to those with a regular bicycle>>: I don't know about you, but I can easily reach 160 on a mechanical bike. (blatant lie)
Kyryn> <<what killed a majority of the people who survived the initial detonations was drinking water and eating food that was laced with high amounts of radioactivity>>: That's because the really bad stuff (alpha: the heavy particle just plows through everything else) desn't penetrate skin very often. Therefore, it's bad when isotopes get inside (which is why radon is so bad, and then when it decays, its products stay in you and decay again (and its final destination is lead 206, which is not good in itself)).
Fire Storm> <<destroying my *BRAND NEW* hard drive beyond>>: Gotta love the bathtub curve. (there is a high incidence of failures at the begining of a technological devices life, and then much, much later, with almost nothing bad happening in the middle)
Rodlox> <<WW1 was sparked by the assasination of a prince in a small east-European country>>: Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by Serbian student Gavrilo Princip in Sarajeveo. Then the web of alliances dragged everyone else in (oops, other people already got that) until we got the Zimmerman telegram and they sunk the Lusitania.
Shadowrider> <<here it is called System Dynamics>>: Being o the engineering nature, we tend to unofficially shorten the names of the classes. e.g. Priciples of Electrical Engineering -> Principles ; Exposition and Argument -> (the hated) Expos
Aaron> Pith helmet: I'll never be able to take a pith helmet seriously since my father turned one into a solar benie (gets some good speed, though the propellar is rather small)
<<Rogues draw off and find someplace to snipe from>>: If you can hit us, we can hit you.
Bonne Anniversaire a' M. Birdsong.
Congratulations to Niamhgold.
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Monday, May 8, 2000 09:29:05 PM
Star Wars thoughts > If I were writing Star Wars, I'd say that the reason they hide Luke on Tatooine is because they figure it's the last place Anakin would go. Why? Because I would have an incident on Tatooine be the final Dark Side straw ... he argues and argues with the Jedi Council about going back to free the slaves, they keep telling him he's not ready, "your training you must complete, yes, yes," and when he finally _does_ go, he arrives just in time to either witness or, better, in a failed attempt at ending slavery, _causes_ his mom's death. *snap* Loses it, blames the Jedi, vows _never_ to set foot on that desert again, blames Obi-Wan, volcano here we come ; ) So when the time comes to hide Luke, that's where they pick. That's the way I'd do it.
Update > I have been working on "The Gifted," my next horror novel. And some familiar faces have decided to crop up; no only is the brilliant scientist based on Gustav, but Aiden and her dad are there too! So far it is going pretty well. I'd like to have the rough draft done by Gathering time, but that would be fast even for me.
Avalon Mists > still accepting submissions for the Summer issue! We need fics, filks, character spotlights, crossovers, just about everything! And don't miss the Challenge, to help create the Avalon Mists Swimsuit Edition! ; ) Send 'em to me at
Christine - []
Monday, May 8, 2000 08:51:53 PM
** Niamhgold pops her head in...then extends her very large, ceramic turtle **
Hey, guess what! My big clay/painting project won best of show! It's not a big win, mind you, because there weren't *that* many entries in the contest...but, heck, it's something! And now I have a very large paperweight on my hands ;)
Thank you, Winterwolf and Shadowrider, for your caring comments :)
Shadowrider: Hmm...people don't know the time difference between Napolean and Hitler over there, either, huh? As I recall from my last year's history class, one student remembered Napolean as "that evil guy who was always fighting the Three Musketeers...right?" It was a good laugh, at the very least...
Mecord: Whoa. Man, after all you went through during final weeks, it's a wonder you survived! Hope the rest of the summer is less stressful!
Methinks that be all for now
Niamhgold - []
Monday, May 8, 2000 08:31:12 PM
Hi ya'll. Not much energy tonight, but I felt like it was about time I made an appearance.
***TD SPOILERS (If there's anybody who doesn't already know this)***
OK, I am Become Death was almost as good as Giri. There were some problems, but over all quite good. I thought I'd chime in on the two big debates.
Debate 1 - It was ... Oh wait, I know this one... I learned it in school ... They were... Oh damn, I'm hungry and I'm in a very hostile country. I'll worry about this later. Right now I've got to catch the stupid red gargoyle who has my ticket out of this pit of doom in his belt pouch.
On a more serious note, I also wondered why Payne (a scientist - who would have had to take the survey class if nothing else) didn't know which two cities were the first to be A-bombed. In fact, when I first skimmed the story, I thought that monolog was from Brooklyn (who probably only knows as much US history as he caught on the History channel while surfing during commercial breaks). I can see how he might have missed it, but only if I stretch credibility a bit. I didn't think it was important enough to worry about.
Debate 2 - the radiation absorbtion thing. Honestly, I would have done two things. 1 - I would have had the clan killed outright (possibly when their lair was destroyed). 2 - I would have put more of a delay on when Brooklyn and Payne returned to the scene of the blast, or had them return further away. Brooklyn could have flown into the city alone. Presumably his stone sleep will cure him of radiation sickness.
As the story currently exists, the gargoyle radiation death theory is no less credible than the fact that Wolf can change his mass when he transforms, or that there can be hand held beam weapons, or...
Also, the Weird Sisters may have laced some protective spells onto the Gate to keep Brooklyn alive if it dumped him into a hostile environment (like say, a gravel quarry during the daytime, or ground zero of a nuclear strike). That would be a bit cheap, but it would explain why he and Payne didn't sicken and die.
Since I always lie about these things, I'll also chime in on why the Nagasaki clan didn't know about the Ishimura clan. That's actually pretty simple. The Ishimura gargoyles were isolationists. Gargoyles would have a very hard time traveling at all, particularly during WWII with spy planes, bombers, widespread industrialization, and guys with mortars all over the place. Since the Nagasaki clan wasn't all that surprised to run into a traveler, they might have been imigrants themselves, so it's not beyond belief that they hadn't heard of that other clan out in the boondocks.
Once again, it is a bit weird, but well within my threshold of acceptance. Given Gargoyle social/physical limitations and Japanese manners, maybe the original Nagasaki elders were members of the Ishimura clan who got pissed off and left/got kicked out, and they just never told the kids about it because then they might lose face. Stupider things have been done for dumber reasons.
***End Spoilers***
Enough of that. I can't think of anything else worth talking about, so I'll see ya'll later.
David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Monday, May 8, 2000 07:57:09 PM
GREG - Hmmm.... I've got to admire Whedon's answer. A really clever one.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Monday, May 8, 2000 07:21:39 PM
Joss Whedon is aware of a lot of the fans' unhappiness with the recent developments with Willow, so he posted a responce.
I forget the whole thing, but here's the basic jist of it.
"I am aware that most of you are unhappy with recent developments, and that "Buffy" is not about controveral subjects, and why should we have one of our characters be something that only 10% of the population embraces? So from now on, Willow will no longer be a Jew."
That kind of puts the whole thing in perspective. And for people who don't care and just miss Oz. Seth Green wanted to move on with his movie career, cause well, they weren't doing much with his character anyway.
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Monday, May 8, 2000 05:47:04 PM
See below for post. Also Happy birthday David and me
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Monday, May 8, 2000 05:16:28 PM
You're not paying attention apparently Mecord. You see 1) Yes I know everyone else in here insane but no no no that doesn't mean I'm insane silly. 2) The majority here is insane yes but I am sane because I admit to being eccentric ie different from everyone else who as I said before is insane in your opnion. Your words not mine
James Birdsong
Monday, May 8, 2000 05:15:33 PM
Hi everybody!
Jannie> That looked like a lot of hard work and it also looks fantastic. Your son did a great job. Good to know it worked out in end.
Niahamgold> Good luck at the art contest. Knock em dead with your talent!
Calopie> *Winterwolf drops a comfy mattress into the CR.* That way we don't have to worry about you falling and hurting yourself while feeling "dizzy and confuzled" ^_^
Kyryn> <People forget> What were we talking about? *Seriously* We all prioritize what is important to remember. Even all the things deemed important might be difficult to recall at any given moment.
Fire Storm> <hard drive> That sucks. I've been there. Now I make sure I keep two copies of most data using some combination of two hard drives, and a CD-R drive. Will the manufacturer replace it?
Shadowrider> <Gargoyles: The Return and TGS> Actually Greg himself wanted to do several spin-offs from the original show as well. Greg's list - Gargoyles (I'm not sure why he included this one in his list. Maybe just to continue the story?), Bad Guys, Dark Ages, Future Tense (think Gargoyles 2158), The New Olympians, Pendragon, and Timedancer. ******BEGIN TGS STAFF PRAISE****** Of course the TGS staff has done such an exceptional job IMHO that I remember all the stories of Gargoyles and TGS as one big production about Gargoyles. It all blends seamlessly together for me. ******END TGS STAFF PRAISE******
RP post tonight. See you all later!
Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Monday, May 8, 2000 05:00:48 PM
Blindside> They relocated to Tatooine to keep Vader from finding Luke, they knew full well who his father was. Also that's why they didn't want him to join the Imperial Acadamy or go any where near Obi Wan.
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Monday, May 8, 2000 04:53:50 PM
Aaron enters the CR, wearing khakis and a pith helmet.
And here we see the natural habitat of Posterus Insanus, or the Crazy CR dweller.
Just celebrating Sir David Attenborough's b-day.
Daniel J.> Thanks again for the CR mirrors.
Doug, Kit> Ah, sorry for the misunderstanding. Best of luck getting to A-Kon. But... A-Kon is an AD&D convention? I must have missed something.
Winterwolf> A handsome sorcerer? Nah, I definitely just had too much to drink. Kinda like Sharon Stone in The Quick and The Dead. And I don't hate sorcerers, I just like all targets that don't move very fast.
Gside> Well, the difference between rogues and monsters, besides being more aesthetically pleasing, is that monsters are dumb enough to run straight toward the source of the highly destructive magic. Rogues draw off and find someplace to snipe from.
FS> I'm looking for the S8 CR from 2-3 weeks ago, with my Thailog post.
Warpmind> Well, I've never been on battlenet either, only played a few two player games with friends. I wasn't really good at it. I'm just not a team player. (On the other hand, I *did* say don't walk in front of me) And thanks for the link. Although, I've still seen some unique monsters that guy didn't list. But he did know about the Bow of the Dead, which didn't make it into the strategy guide, for some reason.
Blindside> Welcome to our little asylum.
Shadowrider<<A 160 Km/h bicycle? Whoa, I think noone could dare to do such a thing>> Never seen Golden Boy, have you? ;)
Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Monday, May 8, 2000 04:07:16 PM
Greg> *eeps* Okie, my mistake. I'm not exactly a diehard SW fan, as you may have guessed.. Anyhow, still, do you have any idea how Kenobi's brother came to be on Tatoine, when it appears neither Qui Gon nor Kenobi planned on ever visiting Tatoine, nor even knew about it before Ep1 began? I suppose it's possible Owen and Beru relocated to Tatooine to care for Luke, but why would that happen? o.O
Sorry for the quick reply..
Monday, May 8, 2000 04:06:38 PM
Blindside> Actually, Owen was Obi Wan Kenobi's brother... not Anakin's.
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Monday, May 8, 2000 04:03:44 PM
Prepare yourselves for a long post.
**Mec tumbles into the CR laughing maniacally**
I’m free, FREE!!
Incase any of you were wondering; I did survive finals. Although it was a close one for a minute there. Not only was there finals last week, but my father received his second BS and did the whole graduating thing. About Tuesday my family goes on a hysteric cleaning binge. Well I’m studying so don’t get me involved. Then they break the news to me. Oh, the entire clan is coming here to party and your sister and family are spending the night in our spare bedroom. Well that’s great and all but I have finals… my sister? Oh, great. You see, my sister is deathly allergic to felines, and we have eight cats with about five more neighborhood cats that frequent our back porch. But whenever my sis comes to visit, we need to clean our carpets. Well that automatically requires my assistance and makes cleaning the house three times more work. The good news is, I did pass my finals and still managed to clean the house (at the expense of my much valued sleep. But it didn’t stop there. Some time during that week…. Oh, by the way, your newest niece is getting blessed this Sunday and we’re all going to Salt Lake to attend and throw a party afterward. Well, there go my plans for Sunday, I better find someone to cover the lesson I was supposed to teach. Sunday… Oh, your cousin Nikki, the one that just graduated, is also having a party, so we’re going there afterwards since we’re in town. Sigh, we need to work on our communication here.
On to replies.
James Birdsong>> Still sane? Hmm, 2 points.
1- You hang out in a room full of crazy people. How sane is that? ;)
2- I find that sanity as well as normality is determined by the majority. According to the rules and standards the majority of the world sets up we can be considered insane. In here, insanity is the majority that would make anyone in here that would normally be labeled “sane” would be insane here. Therefore, in a roundabout way, you too are insane. :)
Kit>> Loreena McKennitt> I love her music!! I’m even listening to it right now! I got a story about that. It was a grueling day at school about three years ago and my brother’s apartment was right next to campus. They had a new CD by Loreena McKennitt, “The Mask and Mirror”, so I place it in and lay on the floor to listen to it. Within seconds I’m asleep. But in my dream the music is playing in a haunting way (if you have the CD listen to the first track and you’ll understand). The dream is in slow motion. I’m in the courtyard of castle Wyvern, and there is some sort of festival going on. Both Humans and Gargoyles were invited and are mingling happily. I myself was a gargoyle and looked kind of like Brooklyn. I’m walking through the crowd looking for someone. I see all kinds of booths, someone with a torch breathing flame, and a gargoyle juggling. I still haven’t found who I’m looking for. I then approach several long tables for the feast. That’s when I see her. She’s a gargoyle with a light crimson coloring. Horns like Sata’s and a face which is familiar, but I could never place it with anyone. Her wings were wrapped around her shoulders and she was talking with a group of humans. She looked up at my approach and smiled at me. That image froze in my mind as I awoke somewhere in track 2. That first track has remained a favorite of mine ever since.
Random comment>> A little while ago I was just driving past a setup that shows your speed as shown by a radar gun as you drive past and I noticed a 5 mph discrepancy between the speed on the sign and the speed on my speedometer. A clever little conspiracy. Make the speedometer show your going faster than you are and people will drive slower, theoretically causing less accidents. But considering the brutal history of this little vehicle, it doesn’t work. :)
*****RP WARNING*****
In the lower levels of Hell.
Mecord and Warpmind duck behind a convenient pile of bodies. Some bodies were still groaning.
“Wonderful place to visit,…” muttered Mecord, “What’s the commotion up ahead?”
Warpmind takes a quick peek, “Looks like one of Mephisto’s rivals discovered he was out of town. The invaders seem to be taking captives. Raze shouldn’t be far, we can use the confusion as cover.”
It did look as if they were going to be ignored. The two of them neared the mouth of a pit before they were noticed. A giant slug with wings stood before them, surrounded by demons.
“Living souls!” the slug cried, “Get them.”
“Not good,” Warpmind unceremoniously shoved Mec into the pit and jumped after.
Mec wove a spell that controlled their descent. They landed in a torture chamber. On the far side lay Senthet strapped to a table with two demons wearing surgical masks standing on either side. One of them held two vials with cloudy mist inside. Warpmind shot both of them with holy water darts. Both vials shattered.
“We got here before they could alter your friend physically, but I’m afraid they’ve already displaced her spirit.”
The mist from one vial took shape. It was Senthet, or her spirit at least. The mist from the other vial entered Senthet’s body. The eyes flashed red and she snapped the bonds holding her.
“So good to see you again elf.”
Mec’s blood ran cold, “Raze.”
Meanwhile not far from area 51.
Orion is talking with Bardic and notices something missing.
“Where is that young dragon?”
“That young dragon is over three centuries old,” Bardic laughs, “I sent her on an erand, to look after a friend. Don’t worry, she’ll find me later.”
On the Avatar.
Thicarrn and Lithanne drop from the dimensional pocket they had been hiding in.
“Looks like all the defenders took off, including the dragons from Magia,” Thicarrn noted.
“Good,” said Lithanne, “That means we can blow up the station with a clean conscience.
“We can WHAT?”
*****END RP*****
Monday, May 8, 2000 03:46:17 PM
Shadowrider> You think that's bad, try typing at about 5:00 AM after having been up all night. Thank goodness I've never had occasion to post in the CR at such an hour ;)
Re: Star Wars> That bothered me too.. Owen is supposedly Anakin's brother, correct? So where was he? I suppose they can say "Ani"'s mother went off and had another child, but I somehow got the idea (in eps 4-6) that Owen was older than Anakin. In fact, the entire new Star Wars seems too contrived and goofy, but that may just be my personal opinion. I'm glad to see the prequels, but I really wish they'd been better thought-out and targeted towards a more mature audience.
Re: History> I'm afraid I have to agree with everyone else regarding loss of historical knowledge.. But hopefully the mysterious reasons cited by the TGS staff will work out to be an interesting subplot someday =)
Re: TGS> Does anyone happen to have a production schedule for TGS handy? Meaning.. obviously right now TD is being produced at about an episode a week. How many more eps can we expect in the TD season? After that, what order are season III of the other spinoffs expected to be produced in? I'm just curious..
Spam> I encounter similar spam problems. Hotmail's Inbox Protector solved them for a few months, but now I'm getting a few that slip through. Gah.. whoever invented internet mass marketing should be taken out back and shot.. and then bwapped with many large, blunt objects, etc. You get the idea. *grumble*
Brooklyn> Welcome to the comment room.. And congratulations on chosing such an original name ;) As others have said, this is a comment room, not a chatroom, so most people post about one (or mebbe two) posts per day. If you want to chat in realtime, check out some of S8's rooms ( I'm sure the others can give you more 411 -- I've only been posting here regularly for a week myself.
Jan> Michael's project is looking great, as I said already.. he should be commended on his work, especially in light of the dificulties you described!
And I think that's all, for now. See ya around :)
Monday, May 8, 2000 03:38:36 PM
Another week begins...and we are still here...
DPH:> (About "What if Gargoyles return...?") I substantially agree with Winterwolf as he says that everything Greg sould be going to choose, is good for me...but, personally, seen the very good quality of TGS and its spin-offs, particularily Timedancer, I'd like it to be considered in the developing of an hypotethical new series af Gargoyles. (Note: I've never seen TGC, so I can't say if it has to be considered or not)
Blindside:> I'm sorry, I forgot to welcome you before (typing at 3.00 AM causes weird effects...). I hope you'll find good in the CR. See you around.
Niamhgold:> Good luck with your art contest! Let us know how it ended.
Brooklyn:> Welcome! I hope you'll stay here but please, slow down...;)
Gside:> Statics. My Dynamics exam (BTW, here it is called System Dynamics) will be next semester...
<<...You do realize that cons are only slightly better places to find females than engineering campi (and they're all ChemEs)?>> Hm...I notice that for some things all the world is a single town...actually, in Aerospace Eng., girls are about 40 out of about 500 students...luckily, there's Architecture nearby, and there girls are about 90% or so...:)
Warpmind:> A 160 Km/h bicycle? Whoa, I think noone could dare to do such a thing...and even I would think about it very carefully before trying...;)
Nikhil Joshi:> Welcome in our little asylum! ;) A Gargs fan-club? Interesting...
Kyrin:> About WWI. Rodlox was right about the sparking event. More precisely, Austrian-Hungarian prince Franzis Ferdinand and his wife, Sofia, were killed in Sarajevo with a gun shot by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian student member of a secret patrioctic society whose intent was to avenge Slavian oppressed people. The Austrian Empire declared war to Serbia (at that time an indipendent republic), with the intent of strenghtening its presence in the Balkanian area. France and Russia (at that time governed by Nikolai II), fearing that Austria could gain too much power by a victory, allied themselves with Serbia. Seeing that, Germany entered war alongside with Austria...and the rest is History (litterarily). I remember very little about American-Spanish war, instead...just the period and some events.
Anyway, I share your point. I'm personally interested in History, and I enjoy reading History books, but I notice that a lot of people, especially in my generation, are deeply ignorant even in recent history - they nearly don't know who came before, if Hitler or Napoleon! (I'm not joking: it was the result of a newspaper's inquiry...:( )
Enough for now.
Shadowrider - []
Milano, Italy
Monday, May 8, 2000 01:24:06 PM
This is mainly for DPH but also for me
***Being S.Pam Mael and Sli Sludge Death***
The motorcycle rolls up slowly to outside of the bar. Space jumps done carrying her lil Slaying bag
She approaches a woman with a mail bag, full or XXX, long distanstance and ear mony at home letters
"Allright S.Pam the gig is up" She says
"Well well look who who it is, how have you ben SB?" S.Pam says
"Icky thanks to your friend over there" Space points to Sli Sludge
"Well you know me I've been ok 5 by 5 ya know"
"Not for long."Space does a sweep kick knocking Miss Mael on her back. before her nemseis could react. Space shoves her into a Filter
"Now any second DC will come throguh that filter...ahhh here he is now."
"No!."S.Pam screams while she evarportaes. Meanwhile Sli sludge leaps to Space. she wards it off with the little Medical Apollo Creed staff before Spraying it wiht Chicken Soup
"On Behalf of the CR I will punish you." Space says before decapitating Sli with a Vitamin C knife
****End Death********
Yup its true I been feeling Ill, but I'm getting better now
Gargoyles Elimiting waste through their stone skin>>> Actually I believe they dont need to take baths because of that. The way I see it all the dirt and sweat from the previous night is in the stone skin. When they shed that at sundown they have fresh cleans skin beneath.
Using the bathroom well In 994 Ad I guessed that they went off into the woods and now I'm sure they use toilets...hopefully its not those stupid low flow toilets.
The CR room crashing>>>I hope this istn on a Monthly basis
Caliope and Mera>> Welcome Back.
Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Fl., U.S.A
Monday, May 8, 2000 12:29:47 PM
Kyryn>Spanish American War> Sparked by the destruction of USS Maine. Admiral Dewey Sailed into Mainal Bay with a squadron of cruisers lead by USS Olympia, issuing the command "You may fire when ready, Gridley". Funny thing about all that...Dewey was acting under sealed orders that he had recieved 6 months PRIOR to Maine being sunk. I see your point, but I don't think that the desttruction of a battleship or the assasination of an ArchDuke by a serbian or the sinking of a passenger liner full of wartime contraband(Lucitania) quite compares with the first time unleasings of Atomic Hell. The Abombs are along the line of the first man on the moon. They brought about a bit of a revolution. Up until they were used, it was conventionally held that the atom could not be split. After, we now have nuclear power, which is cleaner than 'conventioal'. Anyhew.
yet another note on radiation> I just thought of something. if radio active particles became imbedded in stoneskin, then when the gargoyles awoke, it would be like being right near ground zero, wouldn't it? That would certainly explain their deaths better than my previous thought of 'overcharging' oh well...gotta get to work
Shade and Sweet Water
Archwolf - []
Monday, May 8, 2000 12:16:04 PM
I had 5 spams/day going to my Hotmail before I stopped checking it. It takes 1 year for the account to be deleted. The funny thing is I never listed that email address on any of my web pages and that email address got more spam than the account that I do list on my web page. A while back, I changed my email address with my ISP because of spam and the good news is that I haven't got spam to that email address yet. Yahoo's SPAM guard catches spam addressed to only me. I added a filter a while back that sends all email sent to me that doesn't have my email address in the 'To' field directly to trash. Excite and Netaddress are worst of the ones I have to send email back to abuse email address. Luckily, my spam count has been done lately. BTW, how do you get spam to any address never listed on a web page?
HD crashes - man, I had one happen to me a few years ago. It wasn't funny.
Does anyone know what happened to cause this room to go down?
DPH opened a portal to Mr. Connect's house and Jason Filler and DPH stepped through. Inside, they found NCA waiting for them.
"I wondered when you'd return, DPH. I offered Jason Filler a beater life if he'd let me put a spell on him and he accepted," said NCA while firing mystical bolts at DPH.
DPH replied, while dodging the bolts, "What good is a life of luxury if you're a slave?"
DPH summoned a portal to transport Mr. Connect's body elsewhere when emercing the surrounding area with fog.
"How is it that you can keep summoning portals without draining yourself, DPH?" asked NCA while still firing mystical bolts.
"None of your concern at the moment. How is it possible for you to shut down all communications technology?" asked DPH while still dodging the bolts.
"This generator, my connection to Earth's weather system, and my absorbing all solar power going to every planet and moon in this solar system but Earth and it's moon," replied NCA.
"That's all I need to know," replied DPH as he summoned portals to take Jason Filler and him to a safer location.
DPH (Daniel Paul Hightower) - []
Monday, May 8, 2000 11:59:24 AM
Kyryn: WW1 was sparked by the assasination of a prince in a small east-European country, and the allies of the various sides kept raising their military alertness...
...but point taken. :)
Monday, May 8, 2000 11:11:44 AM
Fire Storm grabs DC by the neck and pulls him close to his face.
"For destroying my *BRAND NEW* hard drive beyond conventional repair, I have to kill you so severely that even my children would be too kind to you. No sir... I have VERY special plans for you!
There... that should do it!
Well, my hard drive saw how much fun Wyvernweb had crashing, so my hard drive decided to join in the fun... PERMANTLY.
This time I fear there may be no recovering the data. So I think I lost EVERYTHING since the March crash. :(
(FYF... the drive doesn't spin up any more. I MAY pay for a company to fix it, now that I have a little money thanks to MY NEW JOB!)
Real post later.
Fire Storm - []
Monday, May 8, 2000 10:32:39 AM
***Kyryn drops in***
Note on history: How many of you who have not taken history courses in a few years remember the Spanish-American War and the reasons it was fought? Anybody remember the sinking of the battleship Maine and the ontroversy surrounding it? How about some of the reasons that WW I started?
My point: People forget when not constantly exposed to the facts and issues. I remember many significant events of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries only because my husband is a history major and I am re-exposed to the history of those periods fairly often.
Brooklyn did not grow up with this exposure to our history. He's been bounced around the timeline so often that it's amazing that he remembers what he does. Payne, as has been stated before, is a scientist and was fairly singleminded about his project.
Note on radiation: I seem to remember that what killed a majority of the people who survived the initial detonations was drinking water and eating food that was laced with high amounts of radioactivity.
Thanks to all who have sent good wishes about my health. I'm doing fine now. This will be something ongoing that I have to keep a watch on, but shouldn't cause any major problems.
Later All!
***A hole opens up beneath Kyryn and she drops back out***
Denton, TX
Monday, May 8, 2000 09:49:06 AM
* wanders in dizzy and confuzled*
....whoa! again?! Ok!'m still alive and kickin'....barely....
missed everything....again....Oh well....must.....go....
*stumbles back out*
Caliope - []
Monday, May 8, 2000 08:01:14 AM
Sevarius Jr: > Re: Star Wars Update: I'm gonna try and scoop XenaTrek on this one ;) Word out now is that it is CONFIRMED that young actor Hayden Christensen has signed on to play Anakin Skywalker in episodes 2 and 3 of the prequels. >> Actually I *did* posted the actor before the room decided to crash and wipe out my post. Is finding a scoop a competition between us now? *jokingly* For those who wants to know what Mr. Christensen looks like, here is a link to a gallery:
XenaTrek - []
Orlando, FL, USA
Monday, May 8, 2000 07:55:53 AM
*Warpmind slides in.*
Shadowrider: When you say that bikers riding at over 160km/h (approximately 100mph for you not-metric guys), I *do* hope you mean those equpiied with a motorbike, as opposed to those with a regular bicycle. ;)
Blindside: Welcome. Funny I didn't see you before. You must have been... oh, um... nevermind. (Ghastly joke about your handle averted here.)
Nikhil Joshi: Welcome to our collective lunacy, and good luck with your club. :)
Jason Barnett: Nice creativity demons/story bases. :) I particularly figure the second one, with the tricksters coming to town; it has an astounding slapstick comedy potential.
Niamhgold: "Spider in the bathroom"... You know, considering that Diane Maza has already *met* Anansi, such an encounter would really be something to write home about. :)
Brooklyn: Welcome. Please note that this is a *Comment* Room, not a chatroom. If you have something to say, please do so in one single post, as opposed to a half-dozen one-sentence posts.
Gside: Well, frankly, I'm not sure about the Dilbert rooms, but I *hope* the Mickey Mouse rooms are intended solely for amusement. Otherwise... well, it does not serve me well to ponder. ;) As for seeking females at cons... Norway is an exceptionally low-profile country where cons are concerned, although there is an occasional con in the capital. (One or two years back, a con called Shadowcon could show off the woman who played Lyta Alexander on Babylon 5; I don't recall her name right now.) Unfortunately, I live on the wrong side of the country... for now. :(
Well, that is about it for now. Salud!
Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Monday, May 8, 2000 03:22:22 AM
It turns out that the world was supposed to end Friday. At least according to one nut. So maybe the system got paranoid and crashed itself...
BTW: Check my name link for more apocalypse lunacy...
Skippy The Klingon - [<]
Sunday, May 7, 2000 10:55:53 PM
I gotta go by.
Brooklyn - []
Sunday, May 7, 2000 09:40:40 PM
Dang, just noticed a problem with the proof in my last post. The third line should be 9.9_-x=10x-x The last minus got turned into an equals.
What is a good follow up to Pictures? Should I take a break from the old stuff, or keep on going? I think I shall annoy everyone with something completely different (I started writing that before I thought of the reference). I give you J. P. SoUSA's Liberty Bell March.
Taleweaver> WWII Leaflets: Check the chronology at the address I posted last time ( ). Leaflts were dropped and warnings were given over Radio Saipan starting August 8, though no leaflets get to Nagasaki until the tenth. Ah, that's a day after the detonation. Fat Man did have a plutonium core, and was dropped on the perimeter on the Mitsubishi Steel and Arms Works.
Kitainia> <<the creator of data-compression software>>: Phillip W. Katz. Although he created only PKzip, it was the most popular compression system, especially on the windows platform.
Random Star Wars musings: Why haven't we seen a young Uncle Owen yet?
Fire Storm> <<isn't 250 megatons a anti-continent weapon>>: Couldn't tell you, but I seem to recall hearing that the US and Russia could blow up the world a good couple times over (surface, not full volume).
Mr. Jensen> <<but what causes the repeated Wyvernweb problems?>>: Planetary alignment? (though there is apparently a documented bug that works on the phase of the moon (see the "phase of the moon" entry at ))
Daniel Johnson> <<Oh, and not to be picky, but I'm that other Daniel>>: I understand, a little while ago, I was occasionally confused with Gyre.
<<Maybe I need to change my name...>>: Nah, you just need a good, short handle.
Mr. Toman> <<I'm in a field of work (engineering)>>: If I may ask, what branch? CompE here, living with EEs, CompEs, and MechEs.
Warpmind> <<then again, there are rooms devoted to Mickey Mouse>>: Ergo, you cannot truly judge whether those rooms are intended as homage to a desired archetype, or personal amusemant.
<<Great pickup lines... now, where and when is the nearest con...>>: You do realize that cons are only slightly better places to find females than engineering campi (and they're all ChemEs)?
Rodlox> I would really like to have squab one of these days. There's probably some really good ones down by the Grease Trucks, and in Philly.
<<where do the gargs go to the bathroom>>: Hasn't it been proposed that they cycle their waste through their stone skin?
Shadowrider> <<my Applied Mechanics exam>>: Dynamics, or Statics?
<<Thank you for posting it>>: Not a problem. I rather enjoy researching and being a source of information. Besides, I derived it from Fire Storm. If you go to ./cr/ under the main TGS page, the links to the archives start working.
Brooklyn> Please note, this a comment room, it works mainly as a very delayed chat. Therefore, do not expect responses while you are on, and most people only make one post per day.
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Sunday, May 7, 2000 09:40:21 PM
Hi everybody! No RP for me tonight! RL is keeping me busy, but I won’t leave you! ^_^
Brooklyn> Multiple, multiple, multiple posts. Maybe you need to reduce the caffeine intake. ;) Welcome to the CR. Please feel free to chat with us. As for picks on Brooklyn from future tense, I’m sure one of us could email you one. You just need to give us a little time. I can’t do much right now since I’m not on my own PC. :( Actually I don’t have one of Brook from Future Tense. I would if I could only find where I put the tape with Future Tense on it but that is a whole story in and of itself. Feel free to drop me an email if you like. I’m happy to help anyone. I feel I must warn you. I will not be checking my email until tomorrow morning. So please be patient. ^_^
Rodlox> Give the clan some dignity! I had to post this. After spending countless hours reading Ask Greg I have all this gargoyle info stuffed into my head. Seriously it is extremely rare that you ever see any character make a pit stop in animated series. When you have to go you have to go.
DPH> <where Gargoyles should go if it returned> If Greg is at the helm then I’d be happy with wherever he choose to pick up at. Otherwise I think it would be best if it kept as true to the original as possible doing damage control with TGC. Of course I’m just repeating what Greg himself said he would do but that is the best way to go IMHO also.
******TD SPOILERS******
Daniel Johnson > <As far as Brooklyn and Payne not showing signs of radiation sickness: I would be more surprised if they *did* show the effects so soon. > It depends. Time does pass behind the scenes in TD. It would really depend on how much time behind the scenes passed. So technically everyone is right! ^_^ You smart people. Because we just don’t know how time will have passed at that point. Anyway let’s see what happens.
******END TD SPOILERS******
Nikhil Joshi> Are you going to be posting here also? Or are you just advertising? Just curious. Welcome to the CR either way. ^_^
Jason Barnett > <Would it be believable that Iago might watch Demona and seeing her glide down, decide something was up and head down also?> I don’t think so. Even if Iago did see her Demona leave he would most likely be too busy be planning his next move to get Desdemona.
Hope you all had a good weekend. I got a bunch of great souvenirs from a friend I picked up at the airport! I have to pick up people at the airport more often. Good night!
Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Sunday, May 7, 2000 09:35:59 PM
Well gotta go if anyone's interested e-mail me.
Brooklyn - []
Sunday, May 7, 2000 09:22:58 PM
I would like to talk with anyone who's interested.
Brooklyn - []
Sunday, May 7, 2000 09:20:08 PM
I was in a hurry.
So do you have a site? If so which gargoyle is it on?
Brooklyn - []
Sunday, May 7, 2000 09:18:44 PM
Brooklyn: um hi, hello...can my friends here interest you in a straightjacket? what's with the yelling? {all caps = yelling, last i checked} a bit of a hurry?
stop and talk a while, [if you] please.
Sunday, May 7, 2000 09:08:49 PM
Brooklyn - []
Sunday, May 7, 2000 08:55:55 PM
First time on,
just thought I'd drop a line to see who was listening.
Brooklyn - []
Sunday, May 7, 2000 08:52:26 PM
<blasts in on a jet of warm air>
Greetings and salutations, people. Long time no see.
Just popping in to say the new TimeDancer eps have been more really good, can't wait for me. And can anyone say when the new season of Gargoyles/Pendragon be starting up? It was looking like some interesting new threads were getting tangled in, after the whole "War Against the Dark Fey" motif wound up.
Selanit - []
Sunday, May 7, 2000 07:58:57 PM
RODLOX - I'm not certain that pigeon droppings would really be that big an annoyance to gargoyles; after all, the droppings would be only landing on the thin layer of stone skin that they shed when they awake at night, rather than on they themselves.
(As for the gargoyles' own waste elimination, the theory among most fans is that they're part of those stone shards that they shed wen they awaken - which will probably discourage a lot of people from picking up those fragments once that gets out. Greg Weisman has refused to answer this question, by the way, pleading, "Let's give the clan a little dignity and privacy, shall we?")
Incidentally, one of my crazier creativity demons is that the gargoyles finally get accepted by the humans after they discover that the gargoyles have successfully intimidated the entire pigeon population of New York to the extent that the pigeons just spend all day and night cowering in remote places and have stopped becoming a nuisance to the New Yorkers.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, May 7, 2000 07:07:42 PM
** Enter Niamhgold **
Phew! I got out of work early today (the benefit of racking up the overtime and had time to laze around in the 90+ heat. I guess spring skipped us this year--in the past week, it's gone from March to August! Indian summer, here I come!
Jannie: Tell your son he did *awesome* work, and no thanks to the principal ):| Also, I hope you do well with your hospital stay!
Rodlox: Hmmm, interesting creativity demon. But do pigeons get up as high as the Eyrie? Don't know the answer to the bathroom question...;)...but I think it's been a topic *somewhere* before. I'm sure you'll get a lot of interesting answers! Personally, I think that the stone skin may extract some forms of waste...but that theory doesn't necessarily hold up that well. :)
Sevarius Jr.: <<Top Ten Convention Pick Up Lines>> LOL!
Blindside: ** In heavy, breathy voice **: Welcome to the dark side...ha-hah! Really, you don't really notice your sanity dripping away....
Jason Barnett: Hmm, if Puck's cousins came to visit...(cue wavy lines)--
Diane's loud scream cut through the Maza household. "Ah! Peter! There's a *huge* spider in the bathroom!"
"Well, for Heaven's sake Diane, roll up a newspaper and crush it!"
A pause. "It's not going to be that easy. Bring your gun!"
Meanwhile, the castle's inhabitants are scrambling to get either Puck, Coyote, or Raven on their team for an intense game of charades...
Well, I think that's all I have for now. Bringing my artwork to enter in a local art contest...crossing my fingers is *not* going to be easy while I'm carrying this huge clay turtle!
See yas!
Sunday, May 7, 2000 07:00:20 PM
*tiptoes in to leave a personal link*
a few pictures of my son's completed Eagle project....
*tiptoes back out*
Sunday, May 7, 2000 06:20:30 PM
I don't read Timedancer anymore but I'd have to agree with the people who say there's no reason to think gargoyles would be able to absorb nuclear radition. After all you wouldn't expect anything else solar powered to work on nuclear power.
I've got a few more creativity demons, that I just came up recently. If Demona had taken Coldstone and Coldfire down to the beach below would they have relaized her role in what happened during the day. If they did would they have stopped her from running away from Goliath and what would he have done to her when he heard about what she did. After all it doesn't take a genius to realize the only reason she'd have flown down to the beach was because she knew something was going to happen. Would he be thinking clearly enough to see that, could he even dish out punishment after what had happened to the rest of the clan.
Would it be believable that Iago might watch Demona and seeing her glide down, decide something was up and head down also?
I'm thinking of starting a few more round-robins but still haven't gotten any replies to the first one so tell me if you'd be interested in writing these.
Italy, 16--
Demona attempted to shield the spell book from damage by her attackers arrows. She hadn't battle in the air in centuries, and it had never been against a human with weapons. Still if she could just circle around, then the Hunter's machine should be far easier to damage than a gargoyles wings.
She didn't get the chance. Her enemy fired a net that tangled her wings and sent her tumbling into the rivers below. He wasted no time in following her down, not paying attention to the fog that was starting to roll in.
"Now Demon, my family's long hunt is over and you and your evil kind will be totally destroyed."
"Release the lass, now and go about ye're business. lad, else I'll be forced tae severely harm ye."
Hunter turned and saw that a skiff was floating out of the mists, wearing armor that seemed to be based on a gargoyle.
"Who are you!?"
"I am the Guardian of the Gargoyles, and I suggest ye take my warning. Release her. Now."
The Hunter had stopped listening with the name and drew his sword. Someone would protect these demonic creatures, it was unthinakable.
He charged through the knee deep water only to have his thrust parried. His every blow was meant as a killing strike and Tom parried everyone until he had no choice but to thrust his own sword through the Hunter's unprotected stomach.
He let his foe fall then turned his attention to the gargoyle who had just been able to claw through the thick mesh.
"My god," he whispered as he approached. "Ye can nae be here. Ye died centuries ago."
Demona, nearly dropped the book when she saw the human in his armor. His facemask was clearly modelled after Goliath's face. "Who are you and why did you help me?" she demanded.
The Xanatos family was sitting down to dinner when Owen entered with a slightly upset expression on his face. With Owen' that meant thew world was most likely going in to end in five minutes.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm afraid I have some upsetting news, Mr. Xanatos. Oberon has apparently decided that since everyone has reported to the Gathering he can now allow them some time in the mortal world if they wish it. And unfortunately my cousins have decided to visit me."
"Your cousins?" Fox asked. "Who exactly are they?"
"My, or rather, Puck's fellow tricksters Coyote, Raven and Anansi. Fortunatly Coyote was nice enough to warn me of there upcoming visit."
"That's good of him. How long will they be, a night?"
"A week, sir. Avalonic time."
"What?! That's nearly six months!"
"Yes, Fox, I'm afraid that's true. The three of them should be arriving shortly."
Jason Barnett - []
Lebanon Church , VA, USA
Sunday, May 7, 2000 06:05:30 PM
I have a new Gargoyles club! I am trying to make this club into th most-populated Gargoyles club on
the net. I personally will be trying to chat everyday. I am going to have scheduled chats and a lot of
fun photos and links. I know there are a lot of clubs out there with a lot of members but no convos.
That will change in my club.
The URL is
Nikhil Joshi - []
Fullerton, CA, usa
Sunday, May 7, 2000 05:48:54 PM
Welcome to the room. And don't worry about the people in the white coats locking the door behind you; it's for you own good. Really. The padded walls are an especially nice touch.
The Two Daniels problem:
You *could* just call me The Cyan Horror. I've also been known to respond to "hey, idiot" among other things. ;)
"There's actually another, much BETTER reason for Payne not knowing about Nagasaki...and it's a doozy."
(Heh, the evil teaser strikes again.) I suspected as much, since it would be such a glaringly obvious error otherwise, and the TGS staff has usually been good about explaining such seeming inconsistencies. However, even though I'm apparently alone in this, I still find it a little hard to accept that Brooklyn wouldn't have heard ANYTHING about the bombings; they're such a deeply ingrained part of our cultural awareness and Brooklyn always seemed to assimilate modern culture so well... Oh, well. It's a matter of opinion, and I can accept the TGS interpretation. My own perspective probably colors my judgement. When I was a kid, I would go to bed at night fearing that this was the night that the Russians were going to drop The Bomb. Knowledge of all things nuclear was so much more prevalent then. I guess I'm getting old. ;)
As far as Brooklyn and Payne not showing signs of radiation sickness: I would be more surprised if they *did* show the effects so soon. It takes time for radiation damage to become apparent. I think I'll reserve judgement until after the next few stories.
I agree that if the clan was close to ground zero, they would probably have been shattered. However, we don't know exactly where they were. If they were far enough away, and perhaps shielded from the shock wave by some surviving structures--not every building was leveled, they could have survived. There are too many variables to be certain. And I think that saying that atomic and solar energies are not the same is being too general. After passing through the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere, the Sun's energy is mostly infrared, visible, and ultraviolet radiation. An atomic explosion produces all these in abundance, and we don't know what specific energy gargs do absorb. So the "overloading" theory *could* work, but I do think that it is a bit over-complicated.
I find the discussion on historical knowledge to be very interesting. I find it highly implausible that, in the future, knowledge of the past would somehow be "lost." The sheer quantity of written records that currently exist would preclude it. And not just knowledge of our times, but of all previous known history. Any cataclysm great enough to destroy all of our accumulated history, would also annihilate the human race. Except, perhaps, magic. In any case, I'm not ready to start taking TGS to task about this since there's so much we don't know yet.
I just want to add that I *don't* think that there is anything wrong with being critical of the stories when we don't like something. TGS is, after all, being done for the benefit of us all, and without input, the staff has no idea what we want to read. Besides, this place would get awfully boring otherwise. These discussions are fun. :)
****** END SPOILERS ******
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Sunday, May 7, 2000 04:38:29 PM
Shadowrider> correct :)
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Sunday, May 7, 2000 04:02:11 PM
Hmm. The virus name change thing shows the creator was smart knowing it was only time before everybody caught on.
For all we know, someone could have traveled to the Philipines (pardon my spelling), launched the virus from there and went back home. BTW, the only email addresses I keep are . . . my blocked email addresses. I wouldn't mind a virus hitting those addresses.
To separate me from Daniel Johnson, just call me DPH (which are my initials).
Here are a list of similarities between the two Daniel's:
1)we both archive. He archives the room while I archive the RP I'm involved in.
here's some differences:
1)different colored text
2)I write RP; he doesn't
3)different IP addresses
I have no takers on where Gargoyles should go if it returned or does everybody want it to similiarly follow TGS? If this hasn't been discussed, it needs to be. I don't want to see a divided Gargoyle fan-base in the future.
"How can you make me a hero?" asked Jason Filler.
"First, I need to perform a test to see if you are worthy of the powers I am going to grant you," replied DPH.
"What kind of test?" asked Jason Filler.
"A test of your true motivations. All I need to do is cast a spell to determine the truth," replied DPH.
"Fine, I have nothing to hide." said Jason Filler.
"Hmm," thought DPH, "Either a calculated answer or the truth. I shall find out which."
"Go with me in my car and I will take you where I need to go to get your powers," said DPH.
"Sure," replied Jason Filler.
DPH (Daniel Paul Hightower) - []
Sunday, May 7, 2000 03:19:11 PM
Sorry for 3rd post (tonight I'm really dumb)...
Anonymous was me (I accidentally hit Submit while tiping...)
See you!
Shadowrider - []
Milano, Italy
Sunday, May 7, 2000 03:19:07 PM
Bikers riding over 160 Km/h are irritating... = Bikers riding over 160 Km/h in the traffic are irritating...
Sorry for 2nd post.
Sunday, May 7, 2000 03:17:04 PM
<Shadowrider enters>
Hola! I hope you all had a good weekend!
Green Baron:> Touchè! I didn't believe Cardinal Martini to be known overseas...but probably, knowing he is not only the Archibishop of a big diocesis, but also a very important Vatican officer, I could imagine it...
James Birdsong:> Knight Rider?! Weird, I believed Supercar was the original title. Anyway, "Knight Rider" sounds good, it fits!
Kitainia:> I hope your finals went really well, and I keep my fingers crossed for you (actually I have them already crossed for my Applied Mechanics exam last week, so it is no effort for me ;) ). Good luck for your finals next week too!
Jannie:> And you should see me jumping over red-lighted crossroads by using old WVs as launching ramps! ;)
I'm joking. Actually, I like a good run, but I really think that traffic in a town is not the right place for it...I prefer going outside as I want to run, or even rent some laps on a track. It is more funny, I think. Bikers riding over 160 Km/h are irritating to me too.
I wish you good luck and quick recovery for you coming hospital stay.
Gside:> The address you posted works perfectly! Thank you for posting it. I bookmarked it, so I'm supposed to have no problem in future. Thank you again!
Winterwolf:> You're welcome.
See you all!
Shadowrider - []
Milano, Italy
Sunday, May 7, 2000 03:14:47 PM
Re: Robby's Payne defense> Not that having not taken History class is an unacceptable explanation, IMO. I honestly don't see why such a big deal's being made of this. Not that I want to stunt TGS discussion. Discussion is good. Differences of opinion are good. But this is a bit overwhelming.
The fact is, Nagasaki is NOT part of the vernacular. The fact that a-bombs were dropped is. The fact that they were dropped on Japanese cities is. The fact that this occured sometime in the forties is. But the dates, the cities' names - the general population could probably name all the albums by the Beatles before recalling such info.
It might be that some of us are just diluted to the very real lack of historical understanding that most people have. Payne's notoriety is from his eccentric personality. The guy has a totally different concept of relevent data. Furthermore, he _did_ piece it all together in the end. He just didn't have instant recall.
This all comes down to subjectivety and characterization. You can't standardize what people choose to retain and not retain.
Sunday, May 7, 2000 02:40:32 PM
while we're on the subject of stone sleep and it's results {fragility, absorbtion, etc}.....something i remembered from reading about pests:
besides acid rain, one of the greatest hazards to stone monuments {like statues} are pigeons and such birds - particularly their droppings.
CREATIVITY DAEDMON;;;;; Elisa surprises Goliath by sneaking up on him, only ot find him and some other gargs eating - "you're eating pigeons?" Elisa asks. instead of answering, Goliath picks up a piece of his stone skin, and shows it to her...
...with a large splatter of bird poop on it.
Speaking of which...where do the gargs go to the bathroom?
Rodlox - [Babnol@hotmail .com]
Sunday, May 7, 2000 02:32:10 PM
Kitania> Thanks for the welcome. :)
Re: fliers> In hindsight, you guys (and gals) have a lot of very good points across the board. In fact, Taleweaver, I have to agree with you completely. I have never heard anything 'official' about fliers, either... I believe they were mentioned in an article in "Smithsonian Air & Space," but that's most likely a flawed memory on my part.. It certainly makes sense that the government would attempt to 'sugarcoat' the memory of such a traumatic and horrible event.
Re: Batman Beyond> Yep, the jabs at Star Wars (and obsessive fandom in general) were hillarious and well-executed.
Speaking of fandom humor, has anyone here read the novel "Fallen Angels" ?? It is a collaboration between several sci-fi authors.. It's an excellent yarn, and the liberal fandom humor is most ammusing, even though I suspect I'm too young to have caught the majority of it.
Pickup lines> *LOL*
Sunday, May 7, 2000 02:03:37 PM
*Warpmind enters, annoyed.*
Here I get first post, and when I'm about to type a longer second post, my whole friggin' COMPUTER goes down... Oh, well, it works now...
Revel: Precisely. There's no such thing as bad publicity. ;)
Shadowrider: You're welcome. I, too, found things I didn't know about there. :)
Gside: I ain't joking. There *are* rooms devoted to Dilbert... then again, there are rooms devoted to Mickey Mouse comics, as well... :|
SJ: Great pickup lines... now, where and when is the nearest con... ;)
Well, that's about it for now... later.
Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Sunday, May 7, 2000 01:40:06 PM
Payne not knowing his history- I didn't want to reveal this, but since everyone is pointing it out as a major "nit" and thats just starting to bother me at this point... There's actually another, much BETTER reason for Payne not knowing about Nagasaki than simply "He didn't take history classes". Can't reveal it right now, it would ruin the plot, but trust me, there's a reason, and its a doozy.
Sunday, May 7, 2000 01:07:42 PM
I'm still agreeing with Airwalker on the "forgotten history" issue. It seems to me the "Payne is a scientist and didn't learn history" is at best a feeble afterthough explanation. I'm in a field of work (engineering) that required a heavily scientific and mathematics oriented education, and I never took one single history course all through high school and college beyond what was minimally required of every student. And I'm sure I don't remember everything the instructors ever covered, but there are just certain events you learn about that you just don't forget. For Payne not to have had a similar experience in his education just seems unlikely. And even if somehow he managed to get through all those years of schooling without EVER having to take a history course, for him to have never heard a single mention of the atomic bomb during the course of his scientific education is just totally unbelievable. That'd be like learning about gravity without ever learning about Newton and Einstein.
Re: lost archives > Short of the planet being consumed in a fireball twice the size of the one that resulted when the asteriod that wiped out the dinosaurs struck 65 million years ago, I see no way every single written and media-recorded copy of historical record could be simply "lost." Computer files and recordable media can be damaged beyond recovery by electromagnetic disturbances, but it's a lot harder to obliterate every single ink and paper copy of every single book every written AND also wipe the memories of 6 billion people. I just don't buy it, and I still see no justification for it in the context of the stories.
Patrick Toman
Sunday, May 7, 2000 11:46:45 AM
ARCHWOLF - You wrote: [I suppose they have the biological equivalent of a capacitor.]
This might be possible. But atomic bomb energy isn't the same thing as sunlight. So why would the Nagasaki Clan even absorb anything from it? And if a Gargoyle can easily be destroyed by a couple of hits from a sledgehammer then why wouldn't a blastwave completely shatter them? (I keep thinking about Terminator 2 - even if the Nagasaki bomb was at a lower power level than the one portrayed there, the shockwave still should have been powerful enough to not leave them intact. Stone sleep is supposed to mean a more fragile existance, not something that can only be trouble if some bad human comes along and decides to smash some stone.)
WARNING LEAFLETS - Assuming that this is historically true, I can completely accept that Brooklyn wouldn't have been able to get a chance to read them even if he did come across them. Brooklyn arrived at the last minute, is disoriented, and then meets up with a Gargoyle clan. So he's not going to have time to do any reading. Payne is more of a stretch but I can also accept that in trying to avoid the population and military plus looking for food that Payne also wouldn't have time to do any reading even if he stayed in an area where leaflets might have been dropped. (It's possible that he moved around the city enough in three days that he just missed the leaflet dropzone.) This doesn't strike me as as big a deal as Payne not remembering Nagasaki or a Gargoyle clan wandering around openly in a major city in the middle of the 20th century or the Nagasaki clan being on the surface during an atom bomb attack in stone form and yet surviving completely intact.
FORGETTING HISTORY - As mentioned by many people there is no problem at all with Brooklyn not recognising the name Nagasaki or not knowing large parts of history. He is a 10th century Gargoyle after all and most of his history is mainly picked up from casual reading and from various timedancing. I would have had more of a problem if he HAD had instant name recognition of this - by not knowing it keeps in perspective the fact that he is a person out of his own time in more ways than one.
The problem here is trying to figure out why Payne wouldn't have recognition of the name Nagasaki at least within 2 minutes of hearing it. The explination that he didn't study History doesn't really stand well. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are names that are part of the modern consciousness, names that have been burned into it. Just bringing them up brings up the thought ATOM BOMB. Now if Payne were some redneck then I could believe he wouldn't get it. But he's a scientist - even not studying history he would still know about it. It's going to come up in all those science classes he was in. Plus he's only living about 40 years in our future - weeding out such a historical event from the collective mind of humanity isn't going to be done in that short a time - hell, most of this comment room will still be alive in 2043. I'll be 65 years old. Unless some Fey came along and wiped out most Human memory, this is not going to be forgotten just because most computers might get information wiped from them. (That's what I picture when I hear archive loss.) Books will still be around. Movies will still be around. In two or three hundred years we have a different story. But in 2043 any educated person should defintely have an association between Hiroshima/Nagasaki and Atom Bomb.
Now it's been mentioned in here that Payne might have something wrong with his memory ala Quantum Leap. That I can find believable and can find much more acceptable as an explination than he just didn't take history in college. If his memory has been affected by scientific time travel then its a whole different story. But to just have an empty memory bank that soon in the future just doesn't sit right with me. (I think I have such a strong reaction to this because I'm a history major. I'll be going for a Master's in History soon and to try and accept that this amount of historical amnesia will exist in just 40 years time seems just wrong and weird to me.)
FIRESTORM - You wrote: [Yeah, but we are talking 5 hours later]
Your right. I noticed that error in my post and put up another reply trying to correct myself but of course the comment rooms crashed so it got lost. But again your right the dose they got would have been a few hours later and so would have been survivable. But what I feel is that he should defintely have some sort of physical reaction. Something should happen. Payne shouldn't just get into a nuked city a few hours after the bomb went off and just escape with no damage. He doesn't have to die from it but he have some major problem emerge from it. Radiation sickness at least - it can be minor but it should be there.
You wrote: [Was Nagasaki Uranium or Plutonioum? If the later, Payne could be in a little more trouble.]
I think it was Uranium. But I'm not entirely sure.
You wrote: [The Nagasaki clan probally couldn't release that much energy that fast.]
But why would they have absorbed that much radiation to begin with? Atom Bomb energy isn't the same as sunlight.
Brooklyn, NY
Sunday, May 7, 2000 10:15:21 AM
Jenna> yeah, I'll be at St. Luke's - but just long enough for the tests to be ran. I don't know which hospital they'll use if I have the surgery.
On the virus.... who does it say that the sender is? I understand about the iloveyou virus - it gets into someone's address book, so the sender would be that person... but what about the other ones? Do they get into the address books as well? geesh, it's getting harder to be brave enough to open any email. *blinks*
Sunday, May 7, 2000 10:06:46 AM
Gside> Nope no offense taken :)
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Sunday, May 7, 2000 09:40:26 AM
Jannie- your have to go to the hospital???!!! Oh no!! Big Hugz to you :( Glad your son's project went well despite the tampering from the antichrist.
virus stuff: THERE ARE A SLEW OF CLONES OUT THERE FOR THIS VIRUS!! (and no not the lovely Delilah of suave Thailog! :P) THE NAMES OF THESE CLONES ARE:
MEET ME FOR COFFEE- this is in lithuanian
Sunday, May 7, 2000 08:42:50 AM
Fire Storm:
The same thing that happened with the archive of this room also happened to the S8 one. I don't know why I didn't check it. :( All is fixed now. Oh, and not to be picky, but I'm that other Daniel. :) Maybe I need to change my name...
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Sunday, May 7, 2000 07:22:18 AM
Like Sevarius Jr., I'm also puzzled over the repeated Wyvernweb crashes. We know at least what causes the Station 8 problems (hard drive gets maxed out and Gorebash is so overwhelmed with classes at present to have the time to remedy that), but what causes the repeated Wyvernweb problems?
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, May 7, 2000 07:19:00 AM
Bronx: <All the busses in town were vandelized!>
Now, why would you go and do a thing like that? :)
Batman Beyond: Did anyone see this mornings's BB? It made SO much fun of Star Wars! From the music, to the sound effects, to "Is Jar-Jar lame?", it was PERFECT!
Airwalker: <Five minutes immediately after an atomic bombing, right near ground zero should have given him a radiation dose>
Yeah, but we are talking 5 hours later and going from absolutely no contimination, to contamination, to nothing. Nausea, I can understand. Vomiting... MAYBE. But it is DEFINATELY surviveable. Even with no treatment, Payne should be fine. He may have a slight headache and what not, but he will be fine.
BTW... was Nagasaki Uranium or Plutonioum? If the later, Payne could be in a little more trouble. Plutotonium is one of the most deadly materials on this planet.
<a book I read called WARDAY>
Hmm... sounds pretty good.
<Why didn't they wake up to massive heart attacks?>
They were probally able to bleed it off. I think a gargoyle could release excess solar radiation when it is stone. So the rads that Goliath and crew absorbed during the day was mostly released at night when they wern't in the sun.
The Nagasaki clan probally couldn't release that much energy that fast.
Gside: <Apparently the largest ever tested nuke was 50 megatons, and there appear to be designs for up to 150 megatons. And apparently the US as a combined total of 2.88 Gigatons in storage.>
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't 250 megatons a anti-continent weapon?
(Not ICBM, but able to remove small continents)
Daniel Paul Hightower saves the day again! Yeah! (Note: Yes, that one is going in the officaial archive also.
(Note2: Your Station 8 standard archive is corrupted. It is missing the first 24-36 hours of the room. I have a backup from earlier on the 4th, so I can patch it.)
Fire Storm - []
Dearborn, MI
Sunday, May 7, 2000 05:01:07 AM
Hi Everybody! I was going to going to post earlier but I couldn't get through. I hope I didn't miss anybody's post.
Kitainia> <send Tabasco> It's worked so far. ^_^
Equus turned to Winterwolf and said, "DPH will not be able to release me."
"So you don't want me to meet him then?"
"No. I do want you to meet him and help him. It is important than you help him defeat NCA. Time to contact DPH."
Equus touched Winterwolf's forehead. Winterwolf felt the connection to DPH. "Hello. My name is Winterwolf. I don't think I properly introduced myself last time. Anyway we need to stop NCA. Show me the map you have made and I will come as quickly as I can."
DPH looked at the magical map he created.
Winterwolf saw the how to get to DPH. "I'll need to get some transportation. I should be there in a few days."
DPH considered whether he could wait that long.
Equus released Winterwolf. Equus casts several spells on Winterwolf. "This will help you. These spells should last until NCA is no more. I have a request. Do not restore me until after NCA is defeated."
"Very well."
In a brilliant flash of red Equus returns to the figurine.
Thanks to Shadowrider, Jannie and Archwolf for the motorcycle info. I'm using it in the next RP. Bye everybody!
Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Sunday, May 7, 2000 02:17:11 AM
The screen comes on, revealing an image of a large and glorious city built of shining silver and gold, rising from a large plain of desolation on the seventh layer of Hell. A large group of sweating damned souls whipped on by demons walks through the city, in the center of the group is a huge sedan chair carried by the damned on which sits an enormously far half-human half-slug demon with vestigial wings sprouting from his back. He coughs angrily as he looks around at the city and growls. "No, no, no!" he shouts. "I don't like this one either! Tear it down and build anew!" "But master Beelzebub," one of the damned souls moans, "you make us do that with every city we build for you!" The slug demon growls. "Put him in the foundation!" he orders his servants, who eagerly nod as the damned soul wails, "No!" Beelzebub merely laughs and watches as he is dragged away. "Do you enjoy torturing them?" a voice asks from beside him, causing the slug demon to frown and turn to stare at the just-appeared Synatia. "Don't we all?" he asks her with a sneer. The female pit fiend nods. "Of course we do. I've come to ask a favor, one that I think you will gladly give me." "Don't be so sure about that," Beelzebub snaps. "What do you want?" "Your rival Mephisto has infiltrated the mortal world with several thousand of his demons," Synatia replies. "And this concerns me how?" asks the slug demon. "I want them eliminated," Synatia answers. "Mephisto's plotting to take over the mortal world, and that threatens some plans of my own, and Gothmenes's and Deavik's." "None of you mean anything to me," Beelzebub shrugs. "Nor do I have any interest in the mortal world, only in its souls." "But you do have an interest in working against Mephisto," Synatia reminds him. "And you control enough demons to help stop his plans. I know you also still have some good in you, from your time as an angel, so you'll want to help the humans." "You are wrong." "Oh?" she smiles. "Well, that's just too bad. I guess I'll have to take this problem to Lord Lucifer. You know that he expects you and Mephisto to keep each other's power in check. He'll be displeased to find you've been neglecting your duty." Beelzebub snarls. "Torturing souls should be more important to we demons than opening Hellmouths, or stopping other demons from opening them." "Then why don't you remind Mephisto of that?" Synatia asks slyly. "By showing him what happens when he neglects his duties here in Hell?" Beelzebub thinks for a moment. "Well, I can hardly send my own demons to Earth to thwart Mephisto, that will only increase the problem he's causing. But I can challenge his power here by taking prisoner all the souls in his domain while he's away and making them part of my workforce." "Yes, you could," Synatia nods, "and I am sure Lucifer would ignore such a gesture against Mephisto as more of your mutual bickering." "I'll do it then!" Beelzebub grins, pumping his fist through the air. He gestures at a demon. "Bring me my generals." The demon bows and walks off, and Beelzebub starts laughing maniacally. Synatia takes the opportunity to smile evilly and disappear as the screen switches off.
Hi everyone. <smiles> Good to be back. :) Good to have the CR back too, as you all know by now. Many thanks to Gore for repairing it after this latest crash and for all he does to maintain it. I hope he is able to continue for a long time. :) Also hope that, except for the crash, we're all having a good weekend so far. Doug and I are, we did well on the finals we had and are preparing for more, but at least we now have a little rest time. And time to get caught up on the CR too. So that's what I'll do now, I guess. <grin>
Roswell: Doug and I watch this show too, and have enjoyed it. It's definitely got great plots and characters as well. Very dark, emotional, and entertaining. I too hope they don't cancel it. (Guess I better send WB some Tabasco, huh, Winterwolf? :)
Shadowrider: Forgot to add this earlier, but I agree with you that Elisa Dushku did a good job in True Lies. She does an even better one on Buffy and Angel. I too hope someone imports these shows to Italy someday so you can see them. Thanks for the update on your fanfic, I wish you good luck translating it and hope to be reading it within three weeks. :)
Buffy and Angel this week were both good, though Angel was far better as usual. It had excellent character development on all the various personalities, especially liked what was done with Wesley and Faith. Hope to someday see more of the latter. As for Buffy, well, she had good development in both shows, even if I did like her bits on Angel better (she can really do bitchy well :). The Buffy ep Tuesday night wasn't bad, but I felt they concentrated a bit too much on the whole Willow-Tara thing. Yeah, I know that was the main plot of the episode and it was well-written and all, but I really think it flowed too fast in this episode. If it comes to be a major defining point of their characters now…well, let's just say I won't like it. Maybe it's cause I've never been able to see Willow as lesbian. Vampire Willow, that was easy, she was messed-up to high heaven, but real Willow? I never saw it, and I still don't think it's really in-character for her even though we've seen it happen and all. I know technically she's bisexual, but still, even that…<sighs> maybe it's just that I'm still mourning her and Oz. I suspect I'm not the only fan who's doing this, and thus can't believe how they've split up (I'm also way too confused about and bored with Tara's character to like her so far, I'm sure that's a factor). I liked what was done with Oz in this episode, though. Seth Green played the guy in a way you could really sympathize with, from the beginning of the episode until the end. Good emotional acting on his part too. Also liked seeing Spike and Adam get together, and Riley's conflict with the Initiave (I agree with whoever said that his break with them needed a bit more development, but it was still a very entertaining and well-written subplot) . Liked both eps, I give Angel a 9/10 and Buffy a 7. Looking forward to next week's. :)
Further Timedancer Comments: I know I said earlier I would say why I think Brooklyn and Payne didn't remember the bomb in Nagasaki. I'll do that now. Brooklyn is easy, he's already been explained. He's a tenth-century gargoyle who's seen a lot of history and might have problems remembering historical events, I think we all understand that. Nobody's questioned why he didn't remember the bomb, I think. Payne not remembering it, though, that's been at issue. So far, it's been explained in many ways. The writers said in the ep that the knowledge was lost, but I too don't think that's a good explanation. Even if all the world's historical archives get somehow destroyed by some cataclysm in the 2030s, the students of history in the world would still remember the events. Especially such tragedies as the atomic bombs that hit Japan in 1945. I believe this, and like I said before, I'm trusting the TGS staff to explain the cataclysm promptly, but at the same time I accept that Payne didn't remember the bomb. Why? Because it's very in character for him. Like Coyote said, he never really studied history. If someone does not study history by choice, they have no reason to remember the major events that happen in it. Even if one does remember those events, they can still not always think of them immediately. I know whenever I think about atomic bombs, I always remember one being dropped on Hiroshima, but it takes me a minute to remember Nagasaki got hit too. The first city is a lot more famous. I suspect I'm not the only person in this world who doesn't remember what happens there immediately whenever she thinks of it. Payne in particular would not remember immediately I think. He strikes me as a very selfish person, one who was in a bad situation in I am Become Death and had been for some time. He was starving, in a city he didn't understand (he couldn't even speak the language), looked upon with fear and hate by most of the people around him. He'd be so occupied with his plight he wouldn't be able to think about historical events that may or may not soon be happening to the place where he is. When you're in a really bad situation, trying to survive from day to day, you tend to concentrate on it. Especially if you're a selfish scientist who's intelligent but has never had to survive on his own. You also tend to assume your situation can't get worse, so you don't think about ways it can. I know this from personal experience. Yet, if the knowledge that something bad is going to happen nags you enough, you eventually remember. And Payne did. Seeing this process and acknowledging it, I am thus able to accept him not remembering immediately. And enjoyed the ep more as a result. If only the Nagasaki Clan had been more defined characters instead of just in the background, seeming like cardboard cutouts in so many ways, and dying at the end. I would have enjoyed it more if that had been done. Still, it was a very sad, very well-written, and very entertaining tale.
Not gonna get involved in the debate over whether or not Payne should get radiation sickness (though I think he should, he certainly deserves it and it would also make a good story), or whether the Nagasaki gargs should have woken up with heart attacks (though I too think I would have liked it better if they were just shattered in the blast with no apparent remains, even though I can understand the "battery explanation"). <sighs> Hope these issues are soon resolved among us.
Taleweaver: <nods> I agree with that assessment of Brooklyn and Payne's reasons for not remembering completely. :)
Kyryn: You're welcome for the Thought of the Heart comments. Doug and I hope to see you at A-Kon too, provided we go of course. Good luck with getting your ovarian cysts taken care of, I am also sorry you have them. At least they're apparently not life-threatening. <sighs> You'll be in my prayers till the problem with them is solved.
Jannie: Good luck to you with your hospital stay too, hope it will soon be over and done with. <reads latest prinicipal rant> That woman never ceases to amaze me with her insane stupidity. Glad your son's project still went well despite her getting in the way of it, and you were able to talk to that MUD board president about her. Perhaps he will take some appropriate action. <grin>
Firestorm: Thanks for letting us know Merlin Missy is alive, well, and apparently doing alright. I've never met her, but I do know of and appreciate all she's done for the fandom. I've also enjoyed her stories. Hope she is soon able to get the conflicts in her life settled and contact her fellow fans again. :)
Green Baron: Maybe Doug never saw A-Team, but I did. It was my brother's favorite show when he was a kid, and I think he may still have a few tapes of it. Perhaps I'll get Doug to watch them someday, I agree that A-Team was definitely his kind of show. Very enjoyable too, just wish it had had a female lead. :)
<Moment of Silence for John O'Connor, followed by one for the creator of data-compression software, whose name I unfortunately can't remember. He was another Very Influential Person who has recently passed on. :(>
SJ: Thanks for the Lord of the Rings info, I'm glad to know Lorena McKennit will be doing some of the soundtrack. I like her music, and think it will be very good for the mythology mood LOTR will have. Hopefully they can get someone else to do the upbeat action scene music, or maybe Lorena will write something good and surprise us all. <smirk> Good to hear Sam Raimi is directing the Spiderman movie too, I look forward to the hopefully good story he will do with Green Goblin and Doc Ok. And thanks also for all the other entertainment info. The Star Wars info disturbs me, but I suppose I can deal with it (even though I too do not like Ryan Phillipe that much, and despise Colin Hanks even though I've enjoyed his show Roswell. :(.
Christine: Thanks for letting us know GURPS Villians is coming out soon. I look forward to reading it, especially the entries you wrote. :) I've also looked over the latest Sabledrake Magazine issue, haven't read it all yet but have enjoyed the things I did look at. A King for Hothar just keeps getting better and better. :) Liked the new plot and character developments in this chapter, look forward to the next, keep up the good work. To the rest of you who contributed to the magazine, I hope to soon have the time to read your stories and I will send you comments when I do.
Jenna: Thank you for the ILOVEYOU virus cure program. Doug and I have downloaded and implemented it (we haven't gotten the virus ourselves, but we might). Thanks very much for giving us this chance to avoid damage from it. Thanks also to Xenatrek (and the press) for warning us in the first place about the threat. I hear the Feds are tracking down the guy who released the virus, hope they catch him soon and send him away for a long long time. :)
Welcome to the CR, Blindside! Hope you enjoy this place, and don't mind misplacing your sanity if you stay long enough. <grin>
Mandi: Welcome back to you, and hope you can resume your earlier posting rate now. :) Glad you also enjoyed the Now&Again season finale, I too hope it is not the last episode of the show. I also agree with you that those two guys who wrote Bugmeister should be fired, that two-parter just plain stunk. Which really bites, since it was one of the last episodes this season of a show under threat from the ax. :(
Daniel Johnson: Don't worry, it's no problem. I'm glad I was able to call what I discovered to your attention and you were able to fix it. Thanks again for putting the archive up.
That's about it for tonight. Good luck to all of you who are currently dealing with finals, hope you do well on all of them. Hope you're wishing the same to me and Doug. Everyone have a good weekend, get some rest if you need it and have the opportunity. Talk to you all again later, for now good night.
The screen flickers back on, to show the Onslaught heading east on Interstate 15 towards the California-Nevada state line, the tank towing it and Stephanie's car alongside. Kit is just behind the little convoy astride her bike, the Road Moccasin. As they go along, a speeding station wagon comes up beside her and slows down. "Hey!" Jammer calls, leaning out the window. "I found you guys!" "How long did it take you?" Kit asks, checking her watch. "Oh, three and a half hours. You must have been driving fast." Jammer nods. "I always do. Only way that gets me anywhere quick enough. Where's Tricia?" "In the truck cab," Kit points. "With Doug and Boris." "Okay," Jammer nods. "Doug still…" "Yes," Kit snaps. "You need not remind me." "Sorry," Jammer sighs. "Didn't know you were ticked." "It's okay," the half-garg shakes her head. "I just have a lot on my mind right now." Jammer sighs and nods. "Don't we all. I'm trying to talk to you and keep my eyes on the road at the same time here." "Then why don't you just watch the road for a while?" Kit says. "It will be a few hours yet before we get to our first stop at Area 51, where we have to drop off Bardic and Lloky. We haven't even reached the Mojave desert yet." "Okay," Jammer nods. "I guess I'll wait till we stop to talk to Tricia then. By the way, I got Gubio, Erin, Shap, and Shauna off okay. They shouldn't be having any problems." "That's good," Kit nods, then turns back to watching the road. Jammer does the same, as always careful to avoid the cars that pass him even though he drives like a real maniac. Kit shakes her head as she watches him do so, trying to push away all her worries and bad feelings as she concentrates on the things that lie ahead. Meanwhile, some distance ahead of them in California's Shadow Mountains, a group of identical clone soldiers begin sitting up an ambush for the vehicles they know thanks to a satellite are heading in their direction. And in Los Angeles International Airport, a young unshaven Arabian man standing in line for a flight to Shanghai, then Istanbul, and then connecting to Ankara sees Gubio and Erin saying goodbye to Shap and Shauna before they join him in line and gasps. "It's her, oh my God, " he gasps. "She's alive. I better tell Abdullah." He then takes out a cell phone and begins dialing furiously as he continues to stare at Erin's face. Gubio and Erin do not seem to notice him as their flight is called and the screen once again goes blank.
Sunday, May 7, 2000 01:25:14 AM
WWII Leaflets> Pardon my skepticism, but are there a few sources for this thing. I've heard of the 'leaflets', but it's always been in the second had fashion. "I've read an article" or "My history teacher said" or "My dad's friend was in the military." I've never heard anything official like NSA communicae 416 or even seen a perserved copy of the leaflet. It has my tail twitching that this is another historical whitewashing. Part of my skepticism is that it doesn't track. Nations don't get into war to save lives, they get in to win. The faster the better. Saving lives or warning people isn't high on a lot of lists. I remember hearing about this in the mid 80's but was this disclosed in the 70's, 60s or 50's? I don't know, but if not then it feels convienent that this is revealed 40 years after the fact.
Forgotten history> I can by the Payne or Brooklyn might forget a 'big historical event'. When there are people who claim that the death camps didn't exists. Or just asking the guy on the street to name five presidents before you were born and getting blank stares. I can see Payne being exposed to the knowledge but casually forgetting like 90% of the stuff we learn in school. Brooklyn *shrug* he knew who the Nazis were in "Daylight" so knew about WWII and how it ended.
It's Kleio's lament that people forget history. There is a lot to learn, important things, but people want to feel important so they forget. It is a shame.
Taleweaver - []
Saturday, May 6, 2000 11:30:17 PM
Finally, the CR comes back to the internet!
Seriously, how bad must these servers be addicted to heroin? I mean, I don't have a clue as to what's causing it, but these servers crash on a monthly basis. It's getting to be rigoddamndiculous. At least the system layed off the smack enough so that only the CRs were affected. At least the main TGS site was still up and running.
Everything was okay, though, cause I spent most of my time waiting for the CR to recover playing around on I swear, this is the best friggin' site on the web. The guy who invented this (and he's like, my age, maybe younger) is a genius. Nothing but free music. Eh, so what if Metallica is suing them. Those guys need really need to buy a clue. NO ONE, not even them, can stop internet piracy. It's here to stay. And even though it's technically illegal, damn it's fun. I downloaded like, tons of stuff from NiN, and Smashing Pumpkins, and Stone Temple Pilots....
Star Wars Update: I'm gonna try and scoop XenaTrek on this one ;)
Word out now is that it is CONFIRMED that young actor Hayden Christensen has signed on to play Anakin Skywalker in episodes 2 and 3 of the prequels. I can't comment much on him, because I've only seen one of his films, "In the Mouth of Madness", that bizarre Jon Carpenter ode to H.P. Lovecraft, and even then I didn't recognize him. So maybe he's okay, but he does have that sort of Aryan posterboy look to him (I'm thinking about that great scene from Kevin Smith's Chasing Amy...anyone know what I'm talking about? ;).
Something that kind of disturbs me is the confirmed casting of Ryan Phillippe as Bail Organa. I don't like Phillippe. He's one of those Dawson's Creek type prettyboys who I feel are only on the screen because they're, well, Dawson's Creek type prettyboys. He was, if you remember, the so-obnoxious-you're-glad-the-Gordon's-Fisherman-kills-him schmuck in "IKWYDLS" with Jennifer "36C" Hewitt. He just rubs me the wrong way. I hope to God his scrawny, hairless behind isn't drooling all over my precious Natalie Portman.
And finally, it's been heavily hinted that Colin Hanks will be cast as Kister. Kister, if you remember, was the young friend of Anakin in Ep. 1. The young INDIAN friend of Anakin. So how the hell did he suddenly go from being a nice young Indian boy to a grown-up Caucasian? Easy. He's Tom Hanks' son. Damnit.....I've come to believe that I really don't like 90% of all 2nd generation actors. It's like walking around with a silver spoon in your mouth. The only thing I can think this Hanks' kid has done is that dopey Roswell on the WB that (unfortunately wasn't) almost got cancelled, and now he'll probably be in friggin' Star Wars. Jesus, this really IS turning into a Dawson's Creek in Space. The REALLY disturbing rumor is that some people in the fandom are hypothesizing that it will be Kister who **shudder** becomes Boba Fett.
I must repeat to myself, "Chris Walken is in the film" "Chris Walken is in the film".....I'm going to start praying now that there's a lot of hardcore violence in this movie. Or that Lucas does something truly redeemable, like make H.R. Giger the alien designer.
Spider-Man stuff: It's been announced that, in addition to the Spider-Man movie coming out in the fall of 2001, the two main villains for the first film will be Doctor Octopus and the Green Goblin. I'm hoping they don't go all crazy and make the same error the Batman franchise has made. I love....half of the Batman films, but the movie really doesn't need *2* major villains. I still have hope, though, cause Sam Raimi is directing. Here's praying that close Raimi-friend and uber-god Bruce Campbell gets a part! And that they butch up Doc Ock. Please, don't give him that Elton John look like in the comics.
Good news for Wilek: ;) Buddy, you're gonna love this--not only are they greenlighting the long awaited Aliens vs. Predator movie, but James "I am king of the world AND god!" Cameron will produce it! Better he direct, indeed, but with behind the scenes, you can bet that this movie will probably see the light of day sometime in the forseeable future. His name adds respect and prestige, which means they'll probably get a ton of dough from the studio to make it a real blockbuster! :)
Finally....I got this from the good folks over at I thought it was appropriate seeing as some of us are going to be going to some conventions in the near future. Here is the Top 15 Convention Pick Up Lines!
15. Is that a hand up your ass, or are you just happy to see me?
14. I couldn't help but notice you admiring my forehead. You know, I have another prosthetic I think you'd really enjoy.
13. So, Uh, Do [voice crack, clear throat (phlegmy)] I mean, do you, Uh, come here often, or something? I mean, I know it's, like, a temporary thing, but if it, Uh, like, if, if it was here, all the time, wo-[voice crack] would you come here, often?
12. Hi, I am Harlan Ellison I like peanut butter and speculative fiction, you wanna filk?
<Hey, this actually works. Harlan is a convention god! If I was him, I'd be filking night and day)
11. So, ya wanna know what Kah'plagh really means in Klingon?
10. How about I see you later online?
9. Hey baby, my mom's place or yours?
8. Has William Shatner already gotten to you?
7. You know, i was on Star Trek: DS9 as an extra. You know, I had molted skin, episode 19?
6. Would you like to look at my three breasts?
5. My, those are some awfully well-defined nose ridges.
4. Trust me when I tell you I've NEVER had sex with a woman.
3. What d'you say we blow this joint, get some Klingon pain sticks, and head back to my place?
2. Hey, you're a girl, what are you doing at a sci-fi con? Are you lost or something?
And the number one Convention pick up line!:
1. Hey, baby, I took a shower this morning.
Sevarius Jr. - []
Saturday, May 6, 2000 10:51:25 PM
**looking through the archived rooms**
Re: eBay auction for poster: Hey, I've already *got* one of those ... hmm, wonder if it's the same outfit selling it (bought mine from a place in FL called Pinocchio Productions).
Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Saturday, May 6, 2000 10:45:13 PM
Many thanks to the good Mr. Johnson for the back up archive, and many words of appreciation to the good Mr. Rogers for setting this up in the first place.
One exam down (linguistics), three left (no exam in the seminar). And just what does holophrasic mean?
Airwalker> <<Anyone who doesn't believe that [NCY is weird] hasn't had the pleasure of a NYC Subway ride>>: ... with my brother. Oh sorry, that's just scary, not weird.
Fire Storm> <<"Interesting" version of "Johnny">>: Sorry, didn't even try it out. Just did a search, and that was the only appropriate one that came up.
<<the smallest nuke we currently have is 25 Megatons. What is the largest?>>: I think I just found a better site at Apparently the largest ever tested nuke was 50 megatons, and there appear to be designs for up to 150 megatons. And apparently the US as a combined total of 2.88 Gigatons in storage.
Archwolf> <<What do you call appreciable?>>: Apprecible is when the difference between two numbers yields something other than zero. The 1 0.9_ ( _ should be over the 9, not below and to the right) proof only works when 0.9_ is infinately carried out. Proof: 0.9_=x ; 9.9_=10x ; 9.9_-x=10x=x ; 9.9_-0.9_=9x ; 9=9x ; x=1 ; QED This would not work if 0.9_ was finite because 9.9999999-0.99999999!=9
James Birdsong> <<I'm glad you brought that point up>>: I had thought that you might have taken offence at my words, and am relieved you did not.
Warpmind> <<you should see the rooms that are literally wallpapered with Dilbert>>: Now you are just trying to make me feel better. Though, it is rather close, but I don't have the tie thing currently going for me, and I'm a tad too unkempt.
Green Baron> <<I have a cable modem, now>>: Welcome to the wonderful world of high bandwith. Fun, is it not? Though cable modems are slow upstream.
Airwalker> <<Why didn't [Wyvern] wake up to massive heart attacks?>>: Because they were using it up by living, sepecially at night, when there wasn't much EM bouncing around.
Blindside> <<If warning leaflets were dropped...>>: They were in English. No one could read them (or didn't believe them).
Shadowrider> <<I can't access the CR archive: every time I try, the browser shows a "Not Found">>: I;m getting it. Are you sure you're going to ?
Archwolf> Capacitors: Actually, capacitors build a counter voltage from the charge accumulated (V=Q/C), so in the end it basically pushes against the energy pushed into it by the voltage source.
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Saturday, May 6, 2000 10:23:13 PM
More TD repiles forthcoming ...
Leaflets: This was bandied about for a great deal of time when the initial proposal was made (as I stated earlier, but was lost in the s8 crash, the original idea involved Hiroshima), but there's also another crucial part about those leaflets that people forget: the Japanese government knew about the leaflets, and specifically told the citizenry to *ignore them.*
Supercharging theory: Well, here we go with the battery metaphor again ...
Let's say that a gargoyle in stone sleep is similar to a 12-volt car battery that's not hooked into a vehicle. Let's say that said batterygoyle has its battery drained, and gets put on a charge. You have two options of chargers: a slow trickle charger at 2 amps that will slowly restore the life over a long period of time (say, 24 hours ... or 1000 years) ... or a fast-fix charger for lazy people that pumps 7500 amps into the batterygoyle all at once (like say, a nuclear explosion) to get the quickest charge. Which one is more likely to be the safest charge? The slow 2 amp charge. The 7500 amp charge would most likely cook the batterygoyle's cells and leave it susceptible to any number of side-effects of overcharging (including high flammability).
Any other questions, I'll be happy to answer ... as will Entity, I'm sure.
Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Saturday, May 6, 2000 10:13:09 PM
TD selective historical amnesia discussion > Too bad so much of this topic up to now got lost in the latest crash.
On the subject of the warning leaflets that were dropped prior to the use of the bomb... now there's a pretty messy and large potential plot hole. Even if you're going to say the locals didn't take the warnings seriously... how completely clueless do Brooklyn or Payne have to be not to have something like that jar their Swiss chesse memories over what's about to happen in Nagasaki in 1945?
I'm not quite getting the "overcharged gargoyles" theory, either. The light from a nuclear blast isn't the same as sunlight, and I'd think it'd be a lot more likely that the shockwave from the blast would knock any stone gargoyles from their perches and shatter them anyway... if not simply irradiate them so badly that they awaken with instant radiation sickness.
Patrick Toman
Saturday, May 6, 2000 10:04:46 PM
*Archwolf strolls lazily into the CR* first day of summer...nice and relaxing.*Ducks away from items thrown by those still taking finals*
**TD Comments**
<<Ishimura is some little village in the middle of nowhere......So it not being recognised immediately doesn't seem so odd>>Point conceded
<<That family they were staying with could be their Elisa equivilent who came into the city looking for food and work. >> Interesting spin on it. That would make the whole thing make sense. Makes me wonder if maybe in Reemergence (i think that was the ep), Brooklyn et al. missed a couple 'mini-clans'.
<< the Wyvern Clan spent the last thousand years storing up solar energy. It wasn't in such an immediate dose but it was happening without stop for 1000 years. Why didn't they wake up to massive heart attacks?>> I suppose they have the biological equivalent of a capacitor. Capacitors (damn, i really hope I am remembering my highschool elctronics information correctly) slowly accumulate a certain charge. If you keep charging them at a slow enough level, than there is no real problem with over-charging them, since stored energy will disipate a bit. If you blast them with too much too quickluy, though, they basically explode. I think Gargs would work on the same principal.
<<the staff may actually make Dr. Isac Payne suffer and then kill him with radiation poisoning>> Hey, I like that. Nuke the gritty bastard.
<<Perhaps we should be a bit more patient before passing judgement on that account?>> take all the fun out of critiquing a story :)
Well, I gotta go see if i can scrounge up the money for a bike...found a Honda 350 for about $500.
Shade and Sweet Water
Archwolf - []
Saturday, May 6, 2000 09:40:41 PM
Oops, my bad. This is what happens when I'm in a hurry. :) The archive I posted was from the text only CR and I only checked to see whether it had the most recent posts in it. It did, but apparently the older posts were obliterated by the crash, and I didn't catch that. Fortunately, I had already saved the older posts before the crash, so I spliced the two files together. You can tell where the splice is since all posts after 7:35 Friday morning have no pictures. Anyway, the archive is now complete. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Saturday, May 6, 2000 08:24:59 PM
Hi, guys! Just making sure I could get back in here today :) I'm working on polishing up a very *large* ceramic turtle
Adios! (;0
Niamhgold - []
Saturday, May 6, 2000 07:57:03 PM
Shadowrider> *chuckles* yeah... I see riders like you weaving in and out of traffic ;) The only ones who really irriate me though are the ones riding in excess of 100mph down the interstate in the center - between the lanes of cars!
Just when I thought my principal couldn't get any more evil......
My son's Eagle project was today and I tried to make arrangements - via the vice-principal - to have access to the water hydrant at the school. (it's kept under a lock box) She was going to ask the principal if it could be unlocked for the day or at least let me have the key to lock/unlock it. I've been employed there for over 10 years now..... the answer was no on it being unlocked and no on giving me a key. She knows about landscaping and yet Michael was expected to plant 126 begonias without access to water. *blinks*
There is a local election happening today and my elementary was used as a voting location... it was an election for school board members AND the local MUD board members. The MUD board president happened to be there and we had a very nice conversation *evil grin* He's going to be speaking to my principal about getting some type of watering system installed around the marquee ;)
The boys ended up "borrowing" a neighbor's water hydrant to water the newly planted flowers - with FULL explanation of why they were not using the school's hydrant. hehehehe
Anyway, the project went well - I'll post a picture of it as soon as I get them developed :)
*shakes head in disgust* access to a water hydrant... can she be even more petty and evil?
Time to leave for my next scouting event for the day - I'm receiving my Woodbadge beads - which signifies the completion of an extensive training course and completing commitments that I made.
Glad the room is back up :)
Saturday, May 6, 2000 07:03:24 PM
Shadowrider: Thanks for your good luck wishes. The finals went fine, I think I did well. <crosses fingers> Have more next week, and then school will be over. :)
Daniel Johnson: Thanks for keeping a CR archive, I'm glad you were able to. Unfortunately, I checked your page to see what happens next week, and you only seem to have the first 92K of the 250 or so K of CR that was lost. Maybe you saved more, and the page just can't display all of it due to lack of webspace? If so, I would appreciate it if you'd please send Doug and me all the text from the past CR (same goes for anyone else who might have saved it). Our e-mail is below, thanks in advance. :)
Thanks to Gore and Chris too for getting the site put back up and maintaining it. I'm sure I'm among the many fans who always appreciate the work they do. :)
Kitainia - []
Saturday, May 6, 2000 06:12:57 PM
Comment room archives are available on my site: (or click my name)
Thanks to Todd Jensen for discovering that the text only CRs were still readable during the crash. As a result, I have an archive of everything up to the crash. Now I really need to make my mirror page a bit more organized; it's getting cluttered. ;)
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Saturday, May 6, 2000 06:01:32 PM
Blindside> <<I recall reading in articles about the use of nuclear weapons in WWII that USAAF bombers dropped thousands of leaflets over the cities that were to be targeted by the nukes, warning civilians to evacuate, and urging the government to surrender. I'm almost certain this was the case in Hiroshima, but I can't recall whether or not it occured in Nagasaki. If warning leaflets were dropped, it creates a plot hole, unfortunately, as the citizens, and presumably the Clan, would have been warned. Can anyone
shed some light on this for me?>> I think the staff discussed this: the rationale here is that the warning leaflets were not taken seriously by the citizens. The idea that an entire city could be wiped out like that was alien to them even when it had already happened. Remember what Isumi said in the episode? "All the reports say it was an adam bomb. Not bombs. It is impossible. How could one bomb level an entire city?" Leaflets or not, the threat was not taken seriously by many people. I believe that was the rationale, because I know that question was brought up in discussion.
Revel> This has happened before on occasion, but fortunately Gore and our CR admins are usually on the ball and get the room back up fairly swiftly. Thanks, guys!
Okay, you all knew THIS was coming.
Well, GGC wasn't kidding when he said they were going out with a bang. "The Eggman Cometh" was a vast improvement over that "Bugmeister" two-parter that preceded it. The Roger/Janet stuff was slightly annoying, but also mildly amusing; we didn't get to see a lot of it anyway. For once the episode moved along at a fairly brisk pace, and the Eggman scenes were great. Mankind's guest-starring role was better than I expected, actually. I really liked the bookstore scene, but I also had a qualm or two with it (see below).
My nitpicks: How is Bernstadt getting all this info? And why? If it's just the respirator makers he's after, why get a description of Dr. Morris? Also, while the kiss in the bookstore was nice to see (and the fact that it turned Lisa into a puddle AGAIN was pretty funny) a lot of that scene was just a bit too melodramatic. (Plus, the damn previews spoiled it.)
The ending(s) both drove me up the wall in a good way - the Eggman's escape and then Michael getting Lisa and Heather out of the house just in time. I was shocked when Michael (finally) punched out Dr. Morris. The thirty-second pause between the Wisemans rushing out and Morris' team rushing in was very well done.
I hope this doesn't end up being the series finale. My suggestion if N&A does have a season 2 is for Glenn Gordon Caron to fire Michael Angeli and Marlane Meyer - who have written some of the worse eps of the show like that damn "Bugmeister" episode - and find a way to get Rene Echevarria to write more episodes like this without burning out. It was a nice return to form, and if this is it for the show, more's the pity. 9.5/10, points off for melodrama and the fact that Roger's apparently getting some.
Blindside> Something else I forgot to ask. Your mom doesn't happen to know Joyce Michaud, does she? (I had her for Design I and she seemed to like me for some odd reason, despite the fact that the class drove me crazy.)
Mandolin - []
Saturday, May 6, 2000 05:50:31 PM
The show wasn't called Supercar it was called Knight Rider
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Saturday, May 6, 2000 05:43:08 PM
Just a thing I forgot...
About CR crashes:> My previous comment about it was not intended to be an offense to Gorebash and the others who make the CRs run. I really appreciate the work they do for us, and I'm grateful to them for it. Yes, there are some problems sometimes, but I think it is unavoidable. So, keep up the good work!
Shadowrider - []
Milano, Italy
Saturday, May 6, 2000 05:19:37 PM
OK, as far as I could see, I posted my last comment little before the room crashed. I forgot to save it on the HD, so I re-wrote all I could remember, and now I post it again. If I missed to reply to anyone, I'm really sorry, it is a fault of memory...
<< To everyone:> I think I already asked it, and probably I'm getting boring, but I need an answer, so I ask again. It is a couple of weeks that I can't access the CR archive: every time I try, the browser shows a "Not Found". Now, am I the only one who happens to have this problem? Or there's someone else?
Green Baron:> Yeah, a Gargs/A-Team would be funny...but I think a Garg/Airwolf would too (Just mind an encounter between Xanatos and Archangel), and a Garg/Supercar even more (Lexington trying to disasseble K.I.T.T. while Coyote and K.A.R.R. (do you remember it?) discuss about the tendency to evil in artificial intelligences...and I recall that in Supercar there was that huge truck called Goliath...)
I'm very sad of hearing about the departure of Cardinal O'Connor. I know nothing about him, but I know his departure surely means a lot for you and many other people. I know how my community would react to the death of Carlo Maria Martini (Archibishop of Milano) and I think it is the same.
Doug:> So, you're not going to write a Garg/A-team crossover? Hmmm...maybe I'll take care of it by myself…but later. I'm glad to know you liked Dario Argento's movies. For my opinion about him and suggestions for some other movies of him, see my reply to Kit (and add "Phenomena" to the list). I've started reading "Night of the Symbiotes" and it seems very good, as I'm getting used to expect by you. I'll send more feedback as I'll go on. Your teaser about your future fanfics seem VERY interesting to me...they involve some of the topics I like to find in a story…
Jennie:> A low-mileage bike for $800-1200? Whoa, bikes are cheap there, isn't it? At least, they are for sure, compared to the standards I'm used to. So, you too are a biker, isn't it? :) Or, as you say, a former biker...but biker once, biker forever, I say...just a thing I don't say you stopped riding because of traffic congestion...but traffic is my best excuse for riding (My mom, worried: "Marco, have you really to keep on riding that dangerous bike?" Me: "But, mommy, I have no choice! By any other means, it takes three hours to reach the campus... ")
Kitainia:> Maybe I'm late <<NOW I'm late for sure>>, but I wanted to say good luck for you finals. <<BTW, how did they go?>>
Warpmind:> That Diablo site was awesome. I discovered some things I didn't know. Thank you for the suggestion.>>
Ok, gotta go now. See later or more probably tomorrow.
Ciao a tutti!
Shadowrider - []
Milano, Italy
Saturday, May 6, 2000 05:12:20 PM
Did the room crash earlier? I didn't post yesterday anyway. Anyway, the latest TD ep was great. If the season keeps developing like this, I don't know how awesome this series can get!
Saturday, May 6, 2000 05:03:36 PM
Alright, this site is back up. What made it go down?
I've been noticing a lot of division among Transformer fans over where the current series left them and I
was thinking: If Gargoyles was to return, what direction(s) would the stories have to take to keep harmony between all fans (the new ones attracted by the series and the old ones who watched the original series)? That is a **big concern** of mine after seeing what is going in among transformer
BTW, what are the current stats for visits to view TGS stories?
The spell revealed some of DPH's fears. Jason Filler wasn't anyone in disguise but he was under a spell by NCA. DPH went back outside.
"I know your secret," said DPH.
"What secret?" replied Jason.
"You're working for NCA and were sent to find me," replied DPH.
Jason started to run off but DPH erected a forcefield around him. DPH cast a spell to remove NCA's control over Jason.
"What happened? Where am I?" asked Mr. Jason Filler.
"You were under a spell," replied DPH.
"The last thing I remember was some wierd dude trying to destroy a telephone pole and I tried to stop him," replied Mr. Jason Filler.
"How would you like to stop the 'wierd dude' and be a hero?" replied DPH.
"Me? A real hero? How?" asked Mr. Jason Filler.
Daniel Paul Hightower - []
Saturday, May 6, 2000 04:12:55 PM
THA BLOOODEE KETHQOTIN WORKS!!! {this site didn't work for over a day!}.
Saturday, May 6, 2000 03:21:09 PM
Top ten, I think.. that's new ;)
**TD Spoilers, or at least review**
Re: TD> Overall, this week's episode seemed well-written. Can't say its' really one of my favorites, and I haven't actually read the early TDs so I have little base for comparison, but I liked it. My only complaints run along the same lines as everyone else's -- Questions regarding the believability of the Nagasaki Clan's presence,, etc. I do have one little caveat, however.. I recall reading in articles about the use of nuclear weapons in WWII that USAAF bombers dropped thousands of leaflets over the cities that were to be targeted by the nukes, warning civilians to evacuate, and urging the government to surrender. I'm almost certain this was the case in Hiroshima, but I can't recall whether or not it occured in Nagasaki. If warning leaflets were dropped, it creates a plot hole, unfortunately, as the citizens, and presumably the Clan, would have been warned. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? TIA.
**end spoilers*
Servers>I've noticed all the WyvernWeb servers ahve had some serious downtime lately. However, we really can't complain. Chris, Gorbash, and everyone else are donating their time to allow these sites to exist, right? I'd say dealing with downtime is a small price to pay for the service provided to the fandom.
Saturday, May 6, 2000 02:54:49 PM
Everyone- here is, where you can download a virus protector that just came out for the ILOVEYOU virus- and it's totally free--
here is the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Download and protect yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 6, 2000 02:52:26 PM
top ten!
Saturday, May 6, 2000 02:43:05 PM
Hm, am I wrong or these crashes are getting a bit too frequent? Anyway, it is over finally. I too hope someone saved the CR before it crashed, anyway I'll try to recover and repost my last one later, if needed.
More later.
Shadowrider - []
Milano, Italy
Saturday, May 6, 2000 02:41:53 PM
Anyhow, I was so busy trying to get everything ready for next week that I didn't get to review TD as early as I usually do. Since every one has already said their say I'll just leave my personal opinion.
It was well written, but the end was kind of erie. Overall it was good though.
Warpmind-Use your full name huh? What the hell, right? The funniest thing about the two stories right now is that over half of the character that are mentioned by name are names of people I know. Carl going to hate me when I tell him I killed him off. HA!
Revel - []
hell, tx
Saturday, May 6, 2000 02:20:45 PM
Nuclear ICBMs = guided ICBMs. Sorry I didn't fix that
Saturday, May 6, 2000 02:18:35 PM
<Enters growling> Damn it, another CR crash. Who's responsible? <looks around, spots a grinning DC> Oh, of course. You know what I have to do now, right? <DC frowns, then gasps and starts to run away as fast as he can. Kit does not follow instead looking at her watch as if timing something. Seconds later DC screams as he is struck by a missile that comes out of nowhere, hits, and vaporizes him. Kit smiles.> No escaping nuclear ICBMS. :)
Great story, TGS Staff! I really liked the writing, emotion-conveying artwork, and interplay between Payne and Brooklyn. Good dialogue and character development too. I agree with Airwalker that the Nagasaki clan did seem a little unrealistic for gargoyles and like they should have had more of their background detailed, but I still liked them and felt really sad when I realized they had to die. Hopefully next week we'll get a happier episode, kudos for now to those who wrote this good, but sad, one. :) Looking forward to more on Payne and what happened in the future to screw up historical records (I don't like that this is being done, but I trust the TGS Staff to explain it soon and tell us a good story in doing so. I can see Payne and Brooklyn forgetting about the bomb as being in-character for them, though. Next post I'll say why.)
More later, hope someone recovered the CR that got lost.
Top Something!
Saturday, May 6, 2000 02:17:55 PM
What the hell? I've never seen the room do that before
Revel - []
hell, tx
Saturday, May 6, 2000 02:14:12 PM
Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Saturday, May 6, 2000 02:06:18 PM