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**Shamless plugg!**
My uncle sent me a webpage full of dalmation pics, so I decided to add the link to whoever might be curious =)

He's listed under writers, along with his g/f ^0^

anyyywayy. enjoy the pics

**end shamless plug***

Bronx - []
Saturday, July 22, 2000 09:56:29 PM

Gargoyles Live Action Movie> Well.. I got this info from a VERY good source. The script is currently a mess right now, but they are going to make plans for regeneration so to speak. Gotta hope for the best

clicky on my name to read the rest

Saturday, July 22, 2000 09:51:44 PM

Hey E1!!
Zath: If your pulling our chains on the movie I swear I will strangle you! I heard about that back in 96 and I was going bizurk! Then when the thing was ditched I wanted to scream. But if this is the truth... OH COOL! :):):):):):)
Ok no rant so I'll keep it short,Zath any idea what the movie is about????
ALL: Anyone have an idea when the new TimeDancer will be out??? I mean complete cliff hanger. Well ttfn!
Female Brooklyn <Grinz> - []
Saturday, July 22, 2000 06:49:29 PM

This room fills empty without 2 Daniel's in it.

DPH shifts into weekend mode temporarily.

Work today was interesting. I could use help in my area. I can't keep by myself, but I can make quota. I was promised to have some help as soon as the next new people come in the factory. I sure needed the sleep this weekend.

DPH (Daniel Paul Hightower) - []
Saturday, July 22, 2000 05:38:42 PM

Updates on the Planet of the Apes remake- Two things. One, the title has been changed to "The Visitor." I can't figure out why. I'm guessing its to help seperate it from the original, but at the same time, that breaks all ties and immedaite name recognition with the original movie. My guess as to what this means? The movie will have a human land on a planet of apes, and that will be where the similarities end. They're counting on the movie to do well on its own merit rather than cashing in on just the original. You don't change a wel recognized title like that unless you have a good reason, so that's probably a good thing...

Other news about it... THe part of Cornelius has been cast... And the man getting the role is...

Paul Rubins.

Also known as Pee Wee Herman.

Now, I realize Pee Wee was just a character, and that he'll be under such heavy makeup he'll barely be recognizable, but...

Katara- Elfquest movie in 2001? Huh. They're actually keeping to the relase date they said 6 years ago. That's pretty dang cool. But given EQ's track record on basically EVERYTHING, I'm not holding my breath for it until 2002.. OF course, I actually wouldn't want Salli Richardson or Kieth David providing any of the voices for the movie, I'd hate to start flashing back to gargs when ElfQuest is playing... (I can picture Salli playing almost any one of the given female cast, but who the heck would Kieth play? None of the characters save maybe Treestump or Two Edge have to proper look to have that kind of voice...

Enambu- Actually, I just said the doctor from the original series, never gave his name. *Shrugs* So its an even shot I suppose...

Rodlox- Had Brooklyn and Broadway saved Maggie the first time, would things have been different? I don't think so. Maggie hated being a mutate at first, and it was quite clear Brooklyn liked her that way, which she hated and it scared her. They would have had the same conversation they later had, just a night or two sooner. Xanatos and Sevarius would have still had some way of fooling Derek, and it would have been more or less the same result in the long run I think.

Saturday, July 22, 2000 04:46:27 PM

Hello everyone. Well I hope I'm on tonight (at RHPS). I would like a second chance at the floor show. I know I can do so much better.

Winterwolf> Hi. How are you? I'm lazy today I don't feel like typing up an E-mail:) I won't be online tonight but I will be on tomorrow sometime after I wake up.*hugz*

Brooklyn> I didn't forget you this time. Hopefully I'll catch you tomorrow.*hugz*

Emambu> The best way, I have found, to tell someone something is to just tell them. Don't be crude but DON'T beat around the bush. I've found this to be the best way to tell someone something because I myself don't like it when someone says," how is know yourcat..." I hate it when people do that to me. Just a suggestion.

Fire Storm> A Swallow brought it.

Note> I am the same one. I can get depressed easier but I know how to handle it unlike my counter part. Don't worry I'm not psycho or any thing just a little different.

X-Men stuff> Does any one know if the cartoon X-Men is still running somewhere or if it is on tape? I have Satelite and I've never seen it on the guide listing. I would really like to know because I saw the cartoon when I was a junior in high school but wasn't allowed to watch it again after we moved(damn step-father) and I would like to start watching it again. Yes I am kinda desperate but hey...Give a girl a break.

Well thats it for now. TTFN.

Janine - []
Saturday, July 22, 2000 04:36:55 PM

Me again ...
My new project -- "Where Are They Now?" -- is posted at (or click). I'm trying to track down and post news about the fandom oldtimers and pioneers who've vanished from sight. Contributions are welcome!

Christine - []
Saturday, July 22, 2000 03:16:26 PM

finally bakc {like any of you missed me - in either sense of the word}....gotta read what i missed now.

btw, having finally another chance to see METAMORPHOSIS, i can't help but wonder - had Brooklyn and Broadway been successfull in saving Maggie the first time, would things have been any different?


Rodlox - [Rodlox@hotmail .com]
Saturday, July 22, 2000 03:16:07 PM

*Emambu enters for a brief period*

Can't stick around to say much becuase I have to go to work soon, but I do want to post something since this will be my last chance until Wednesday or Thursday. I'm leaving for Pittsburgh bright and early tomorrow for college orientation and placement exams.

Christine: My condolences on your loss. I've had two deaths in the family this year, so I can empathize with whatever you may be feeling.

Also, thanks for the information on your book. As soon as it becomes available on-line (or as soon as it makes it into Barns N Noble or Borders), let me know and I'll order a copy.

Robby: You did say the Dr. Smith from the original series. My mistake. I guess I wasn't paying attention :)

Mary: That's awful news. I hope that guy is found and soon.

Daphne: Yes, I certainly hope that Sir Street does what is best for the city. However, I've seen speeches where people have booed him as soon as he mentions 12th and Vine. I guess time will tell though.

SOROW: I can understand what you're going through. When my sister got married in May of '99, the days just prior to it were the worst for me. Everyone was high strung, and so my brother and I received a lot of flak. It seemed that nothing we did was right. However, don't lose hope. It will get better. Things should calm down after the wedding.

Lady Mystic or Firestorm: Just out of curiosity, did my votes go through. I sent them in with about an hour left on the dead-line but I do want to make sure that you got them. Oh, and it sounds like you guys had a great vacation. I hope your shoulder heals, Firestorm.

Niamhgold: This may come too late, but I have one piece of advice now that your wisdom teeth are out: When you brush your teeth, do it softly. After my stitches came out I made the mistake of brushing normally. In retrospect, that was not a smart idea.

Winterwolf and Coyote: I'm sorry you guys have been having such rough work schedules. I wish I could blame my 50+ hours on a sadistic jerk, but the truth is that I need the money for college, so I kind of bring it upon myself. Oh well, this is the last week like I said, so I should have an outside life again soon enough. :)

Doug: No problem (as to the quote). BTW, I had hoped to be able to finish all your stories, and comment on the most recent ones, before I left for Pittsburgh but it doesn't look like that will be possible. I hope you don't mind waiting a week or so.

Jannie: My thoughts are with you. I hope everything goes well.

Taleweaver: Interesting observation. Actually, it makes me want to continue my own science fiction story. :)

Brooklyn: Thanks for the caramels *begins eating.* I'll be sure to post comments on part 3 when it comes out.

Live-action gargoyles: Sounds like a good idea. I hope they go through with it. However, I also hope that they don't make the same budget mistakes that they made with Titan A.E. As much as I thought that movie was a step in the right direction for American animation, I feel that they spent way too much money in making it.

Personal note: I need some advice on how to handle this. As you may or may not know, I have five cats. However, there are also two strays (there's no identification on either one) that I take care of. Now, one of the strays looked healthy enough that I thought I could find it a home. I took it to the vet to get it cleaned up, so to speak. You know, shots, a bath, trimmed nails, etc. Anyway, the tests that came back said that the cat has F.I.V. (the feline equivalent of H.I.V.). Fortunately, I'm not at risk as this disease will only affect other cats, but it can be spread through contact or through an exchange of fluids. My cats are all inside-cats so they're ok. However, one of neighbors down the road has four cats and all of them go outside. Naturally, I call him up to warn him. However, as I'm describing the cat, I learn that this neighbor is the owner of the infected cat and I learn this before I tell him that the cat has F.I.V. Anyway, the reason the cat had no identification was because he lost his collar and the owner never replaced it. I quickly thanked him and got off the phone.

So, basically the cat's not a stray, it's infected with a deadly disease to other felines, and it lives with four other cats who are at risk. I know I have to tell the owner, but I can't think of the best way to do it. I would be mortified if the roles were reversed and I had an infected cat. Can anyone think of the best way (or gentlest way) to tell him? Thanks in advance,


Emambu - []
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Saturday, July 22, 2000 02:39:44 PM

Was good to see people at the chat last night; sorry I was a bit distracted, what with the in-laws being here and a colossal thunderstorm at the same time (ominous? you be the judge). We'll have to do it again sometime!

Sabledrake Reminder > still time to send in submissions for the August "War and Warlords" issue! Looking in particular for game-related articles, and artwork (we need a cover!!!). Send 'em to me at

Saturday, July 22, 2000 01:48:50 PM

Greetings all... sorry for such a late/early post, but it's been a loooooong day. Many fun-filled hours at the con today, and then HAD to take the kids to a late night showing of PokeMon 2000..*ducks the flying objects about to be hurled her way.* Now, on to con reports and replys....

*****Comic-Con 2*****

To Robby and all ElfQuest fans...Today was the ElfQuest panel, and I had the supreme joy and luck to sit in the front row, only a few feet in front of the Pinis....YES!! They were showing at the con what is called the "2-up" models for the first set of actions figures. These are basically proto-types for getting prospective and details fine-tuned. The final products are going to be 5 inch action figure sized. Robby...the reason SkyWise isn't included is simple..he will be in the SECOND set of figures. Plans right now are for 3 sets of 6 figures each, including MadCoil and Winnowill!! :-)The basic plan is to have at least one beast and a "bad guy" or two in each set. The action figures are being produced by Asylum Arts (or toys..or Inc..or something like that..HEY! It's already after 1am here.. how am i supposed to remember! lol)ANYWAY>> Asylum is making the toys and Ideal Toys is going to be distribriting them. If you haven't seen the pics of the models, click my name and check them out. They DO NOT do them justice. They are very well done and really bring Wendi's characters to 3-D life. They are TOTALLY awesome! It was also mentioned the possiblity of having a small number of the larger scaled figures released as collector items.
As far as the panel discussion went, A lot of good information was made available. The Pinis, as well as Marv Wolfman, and Greg Miller were the panelists. Wendi, Marv, and Greg are writing the script. We were shown several pre-production test images. They are shooting for a 2001 release date..hopefully.(so everyone keep your fingers, toes, talons, eyes and anything else you can think of crossed. LOL) I asked the question of who'd they like to get for voice actors eventually and the audience was asked to contribute their ideas. Many good names were brought up, including Salli Richardson, Keith David..(who by the way, Wendi LOVED what he did with Goliath's voice!)..and Jeff Bennett. =] All in all, it was a very interesting discussion group.
Otherwise I basically did a lot of walking around yet again today. Got several autographs (including 4 of the voice actors from DBZ)as well as pictures this time.(I forgot to take my camera yesterday..DOH!!) Also did a bit of shopping and I'm proud to say I managed to restrain my impulse buying habits quite well. =]

*****END REPORT***** for replys...

Christine..sorry I missed the chat in Adult Gargs tonight..but kids HAD to see "you know what" so they could get the promo card. *prostrates herself at your feet, begging forgiveness..hoping that Crzy doesn't decide to use me for a doormat instead* LOL

TaleWeaver..<<SpaceBalls>> GREAT flick idea! Mel Brooks rocks!

SJ...MAN, you really have an eye for the minute. Lot of great "little" things you caught in the movie. I knew I recognized the truck driver from somewhere.(BTW, he was also in the tv series Adventures of Sinbad as Sinbad's brother)..I TOTALLY missed Stan Lee! *kicks herself in the butt for not catching that one* As far as the Rogue/Wolverine thing goes, it mostly reminded me of the relationship he seemed to have with Jubilee in the comics and also on the cartoon. Boy the looks on both faces of Rogue and Wolvie during the bedroom scene...OUCH! Sabertooth..myself, I'd have liked to have heard a few more lines out of him. Saw him on the behind the scenes special and loved his voice.

SOROW...hope everythign starts going better for you soon. In the meantime...*hugs*

*yawns and stretches* FINALLY!! Well that's if from me for now. Now to send out 2 emails and catch a couple hours sleep before going back on shift at the con. Catch everyone tomorrow night sometime. To borrow a line from someone else in here...

*Shade & Sweetwater* ...*=P @ ArchWolf*

Katara - []
San Diego , CA
Saturday, July 22, 2000 05:19:17 AM

**Grrr** "It's much" was supposed to be "It's NOT much" and "tine" was supposed to be "tiny." Darn typo demons...
Saturday, July 22, 2000 02:55:01 AM

Hi all. This is probably my last post before the room wipes, but since the room is apparently going to be wiped Saturday night instead of Sunday, it won't be very long. : ) Anyway, I'm once more temporarily among the East-coast posters (it's weird actually being in the same time zone as the CR) instead of my usual status of either West-coast poster or Texas poster depending on the time of year. I came across something interesting regarding a potential live action Gargoyles Movie in the Friday entry at Dark Horizons ( It doesn't make any solid promises, but I thought I'd share it anyway:

Gargoyles: 'AnimatorGuy' over at The Flik Spot landed this interesting bit about a project which was once ditched and now may be coming back to life:
"In 1996 there was talk of a live action version of Disney's "Gargoyles", Dean Devlin and Roland Emerich were apparently interested in helming theproject, but things fell through and they decided to do "Godzilla" instead, wow, great choice! Well I can tell you that 4 years later, things are starting to heat up again concerning "Gargoyles", apparently there is actually a completed script ready and waiting! So the project is far from dead, and things may start happening sooner than we think. He tells me that everything was haulted back in '96 because the cost of creating the CG Gargoyles would have made the budget huge, but now bringing the gargoyles to life won't be so budget draining as it would of back then, so it looks like the project is far from dead!"

It's much, but it's nice to be able to have at least a tine bit of hope.

Lady Mystic> <<We went a *little* overboard buying fudge.>> You can never have too much fudge, unless it's some bizarre flavor like "barbecue banana mango mint cherry" or something similar : ) <<All from Joann's. And they deliver!>> Do they deliver as in "one hour or your fudge is free" style delivery, or do they ship it by mail?

Cyborg> <<You know what your schedule is going to be like already. I don't find out untill August, one week before the semester starts>> Why do you find out so late? Do you know what classes you are taking but not when they will be, or do you not know which classes you have at all? Even last yeas as an incoming freshman I knew nearly a month in advance. This year we signed up for fall semester halfway through the spring semester, so I've known what I have for a long time.

Curly++> <<Nope, Terry Pratchet's discworld series: Masquerade.>> Ah, I own that one, but I haven't read it yet, because I'm trying to read them roughly in order. While I'm up here visiting in PA I hope to be able to get Guards, Guards! and Witches Abroad out of the library, because the library where I live only has the first and last few books, but none of the ones in the middle. <<Preventative murder sounds very like something that was tried in the 1940s>> I'm not saying it's a good thing. I was just bringing it up to illustrate my point that killing someone because they are an enemy is not always exactly revenge. Also, was the Holocaust really preventative murder? History isn't my strong point, but I thought Hitler was persecuting the Jews (and others) because they were a convenient scapegoat on which to blame the problems of Germany (the whole "nothing unites people better than a common enemy" thing mixed with a large dose of "this isn't my fault" moral booster), not because he thought they might do something to him later.

Daphne> <<David Duchovny for the part of Matt Bluestone. Attractive, a skilled actor, and already he has proven more than adept at playing a man searching for the ounce of truth amid the conspiracy theories and strange happenings>> He could probably play the part well enough, but might turn it down if it was offered to him specifically for the reason that, on the surface at least, the characters are so similar. He might hear a description of Matt's character and fear that he was being typecast. Not to mention he might look really silly with his hair dyed red. : )

equation> <<if the human genome project ever makes it possible to grow a set of my own....>> Personally, I'd rather have gills, even if it is just begging for an infection considering the quality of most of the world's waters these days. Give me a pair of wings and I'd probably smack into something and die. I'm not good at high velocities (which is why I'm one of those rare teenagers who hates to drive).

Taleweaver> <In gargoyles maybe gargoyle wings function the same way Brooklyn is able to articulate speech with his beak.>> You mean functioning on "cartoon science" that doesn't hold up under close scrutiny? ; )

Janine> <<Don't worry the correct personality was left behind. Man it feels good to get out of that blasted cage. *streches* Long story>> Sounds rather "Jekyll & Hyde"ish. Do we want to know?

Fire Storm> <<I don't see WHY Sevarius thinks that a Gargoyle would need so much energy. Gargoyles don't fly by FLAPPING their wings. They glide! Does a hang glider need to store power?>> I agree with you about Sevarius' calculations for energy being screwy, but they would need at least *some* energy to glide. They might not flap, but they would need to keep their wing muscles tensed to hold the wings in their proper flight positions instead of flopping straight up in the air like a pair of bath towels while the poor garg plummeted to his/her death. Or do gargoyles have some way to lock their joints in position so that the wing muscles would only be needed for steering? I wonder how large a part the tail plays in steering

Bye for now.

Zath - []
Saturday, July 22, 2000 02:46:28 AM

Hooh yah. Grades came back for my first summer class. Aced one more. And it was interesting that when they talked about rambus in the book, it had a comparison of N64 vs Sega Saturn. With pictures.

Robby> <<Why is Tyldak coming out before Skywise?>>: So they can have the big one out at the same time as the movie.

Equation> <<has anybody ever wondered just how those bones and muscles fit into the back?>>: Check. Been thinking that it has to be some sort of ball and socket. Maybe somewhere near the shoulderblades, but that seems ugly and am not sure how well it would hold.
<<makes it possible to grow a set of my own...>>: I decided a while back that I would volunteer for such an effort.
<<yes, I am a nerd>>: You can never have too many. And in groups we can work miracles.

...and (s)he shall come.
CSH> Noticed you said something about a "Sleepers". You've got someone waiting anxiously over here.

Aaron> <<what do rocket scientists say>>: This isn't brain surgery.

Taleweaver> I'm my own best friend.

SOROW> May your troubles end soon.

Fire Storm> <<You two want to join me to compete in next years "Junkyard Wars"?>>: I'm all theory, and I haven't even learned much about it yet. Besides, you'd probably want a mech E.
<<All of the foil on a CD-R pealed off>>: You do realize that the data storage is right under the top of the CD? So when the foil peels off, so does the data.
Three Dog Night: The name comes from a classification of temperatures in Australia. On a really cold night, you'd need three of your dogs sleeping with you to stay warm.
<<Stickier than duct tape AND it can withstand higher temps>>: Toy.
<<Although I have NO idea what that means, it sounds like Louis Carol (Or the person who did Alice in Wonderland)>>: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. The latinization, anglization rearrangement of his first two names yields Lewis Carroll. The bit I quoted is from Jabberwocky, right after he took his vorpal sword in hand. It is one of the three bits of poetry I semi-regularly recite to myself (also the Ring poem and the Puck's ending apology (though Henry V is the most apologetic play I've ever read)).
<<But where shall they find coconuts in England?>>: The swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plumber may seek warmer climes in winter yet these are not strangers to our land.
<<WHY ARN'T YOU IN THE ADULT CHAT ROOM?>>: Forgot about it. Stopped by as Mrs. Morgan and others were leaving.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, July 22, 2000 02:27:49 AM

Spacebabie- Tenchi has three continuities... The OVA/movie one, the regular television series one, and the Magical Girl Pretty Sammy one. We're through with the OVA's, and the story rebooted for the regular series, which covers Tenchi Universe, Tenchi On Earth, and Tenchi in Tokyo. Magical Girl Pretty Sammy is basically a Sailor Moon parody with the Tenchi characters.

Also, I'd imagine the people mucking with Sailor Moon are the same one's hiding Neptune and Uranus' relationship and pretending that japanese letters are wierd scribbles.


GHeez, I saw this before X-men. What the heck happened there? Oh well... In any event, I enjoyed it overall. As a pokemon fan. This film isn't going to convert anyone tho, only the fans of the series will like it because it was basically a great big grand episode of the series with higher animation quality. Even had very brief cameos by Brock, and if you looked REEEEEAL closely at one of the huge crowds of pokemon, Mewtwo. There were a lot of interesting moments, some moments that needed work, a few decent fights, some good scenes, quite a few good laugh moments, great developments with Misty (who hasn't had any development since like episode 5...) and quite a few great lines going to Team Rocket. And hey, the characters don't get their memories wiped this time!

Unfortunatley, the story seemed a bit rushed, as do a few other elements like the main prophetic plotline, (We hear the same exact proephesy half a dozen times over...), and several of the gags were horrid. The Misty development is possibly overdone because its possibly carried too far, and ditto with Team Rocket. It was nice to see at any rate. It seems like they could have used an extra twenty minutes to focus on the new characters and expand the plot a bit more. Wait a minute, the twenty minutes of almost complete and utter garbage that was Pikachu's Adventure could have been used to make the film longer! Oh well... Pokemon fans will enjoy it pretty well, assuming you don't go with friends with intent to nitpick and mock. If you're not a pokemon fan, don't even think about it.

And be sure to stay for the credits to hear part of Wierd Al's "Polkamon" song!

I'm not gonna bother giving this a rating. If you like Pokemon, you'll enjoy this despite its flaws and its worth seeing. (I suggest trying to go a little late and thus missing "Pikachu's Adventure" entirely however...) If you don't like Pokemon, just don't give it a second thought and go see X-men instead.

Added "bonus", you'll more likely than not see the trailer for the Digimon movie. Hoo boy the animation on that thing looks wierd...


Saturday, July 22, 2000 12:50:30 AM

Coyote, Gside: You two want to join me to compete in next years "Junkyard Wars"?
I figured that with the three of us and any other special guest helper they throw at us, we could probably do anything!

Coyote: <Interesting, since I actually *did* get your reply to my second message this evening>
Yeah, that's only because I went to my e-mail companies web site and sent the mail from there.
TODAY my isp mail starts working. It's about time! I have only been unable to send my e-mail for, oh, A MONTH!

Zath: <Even if you manage to tape it so that the CD is still balanced when it spins?>
It was very balanced. Heres what happened:
All of the foil on a CD-R pealed off so I decided to try and replace the foil with foil tape. It didn't work. :(

Lady Mystic: <We purchased 2 celtic music CDs>
And we still haven't listened to them yet!
<And I tend to agree>
LM is a MAGNET for weird stuff. Like that crazy fisherman ghost… (we BOTH saw that!)

Oh yeah… LM and I had a long (200-300 mile) talk about life and sentience.
HAL, DATA, Lor, and Hamlet are all Sentient.
None of them are alive, but either DATA or Lor are the most alive, followed by HAL.

Gside: <How many people know the meaning behind the band's name?>
Not me. But I am pretty sure it is an interesting story!
<Well, I've got two rolls of constructor grade lying around…>
Don't we all? No, this stuff is different! It isn't fabric backed like regular duct tape. It is FOIL backed! Stickier than duct tape AND it can withstand higher temps. Although, I wouldn't use that tape to fix a tire. No siree Bob!
<Long time the manxome foe he sought, so rested he my the tumtum tree, and stood a while in thought. And, as in ufffish thought he stood...>
Although I have NO idea what that means, it sounds like Louis Carol (Or the person who did Alice in Wonderland)
<It's just simple kinematics, and integrating for fuel loss isn't too bad, though things do start to get ugly when you have to get all the mechanics of the actual rocket ready for flight.>
Posh… It doesn't have to be hard!

Kyryn: <I've got too many memories (and minor scars) about knees and elbows>
I wish I had pans when I was bicycling earlier in life. I REALLY scraped up my arms… and legs… and sides… and… oh, just about everything!
<To win you have to manage to take yourself out of the gene pool in a spectacularly stupid fashion before you managed to pass your genes on>
Like the clan member wearing his KKK outfit into a Black Panthers meeting and yelling "I hate Ni…"
(Never got a chance to finish that thought! :)

Winterwolf: <LOL! That brought back some funny memories. :)>
But where shall they find coconuts in England?

equation: <do the wing arms have their own separate collarbones and shoulderblades, or do they share the main set?>
Biomechanics isn't the strong point in here. I would LOVE to see a Gargoyle skeleton, though. THAT would be interesting!
Any other thoughts on how they could be attatched?
And, I don't see WHY Sevarius thinks that a Gargoyle would need so much energy. Gargoyles don't fly by FLAPPING their wings. They glide! Does a hang glider need to store power? Nope.

And, if this is before 2am, WHY ARN'T YOU IN THE ADULT CHAT ROOM? HUH? :)

Fire Storm - []
Saturday, July 22, 2000 12:48:02 AM

Well, I hope everyone else had a good day cause I am really f*@#ing pissed off right now! My brother is getting married tomorrow and I am currently being yelled at by my family, my mother, my friends (one whom I'm going to at least have to appear happy with), and my best friend. Things are turning to crap again, and I'm suppose to act happy tomorrow? I think I've broken too many things already and crying just doesn't work anymore. I'll tell you more later, but I had to vent. Thanks, I feel better (a little).
Saturday, July 22, 2000 12:46:27 AM


I hit reply to eary, I forgot to mention my B+ on my Midterm

Friday, July 21, 2000 11:21:30 PM

WTF?! They didn't show one of my favorite eps of Sailormoon... instead the aired the episode right after it? What kind of moron in Cartoon Network made that flub?
of course they mentioned it yes Hotaru is the "Sailor Scout of Destruction" Sailor Saturn

Utopia On this subject I'd like to recomend the novel the Laethe of Heaven by Ursula K LeGuinn
and a nice contradictory saying "The most perfect world is an imperfect one."

Janine>>>Your dream sounds kind of freaky, Cats are a dream symbol for hidden things, well thats it...unless there is a guy carrying around slices of cheese somewhere, I'll get to that later.

Tenchi>>>Uh why is the begging of a new season the characters are like "Hi my name is, nice to meet you." when they have already met in the previous season? Does that happen in every season?

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, FL, U.S.A
Friday, July 21, 2000 11:18:47 PM

Couple of things tonight before I review the X-Men movie.

I'm wearing a big hang-dog face today, because I learned that God's OTHER son, the holiest-of-holies-made-flesh, Bruce Campbell, did NOT get the part of Dana Scully's new partner in the next season of the X-Files.
That part instead went to Robert Patrick, better known as the Mighty Morphing Power Terminator T-1000 in the last Terminator movie. He will play the role of FBI agent John Doggett. He'll be a blue-collar type, and will play a skeptic to Scully's blossoming believer. The big news is that he will be in EVERY episode of the new season, and--get this--has been signed to a MULTI-YEAR contract. Apparently, Carter is growing a bit turgid below the belt buckle with anticipation of more seasons of X-Files.
This is my personal plea to Mr. Carter: END THE SHOW. It's had a good run, but it's past it's prime, and frankly, I for one do not want to see it grow lame and sick with needless extra seasons. Don't make the network shoot it down like the crippled horse it will become. Finish this season, and then walk away.

Great news, Buffy fans! Our beloved show *finally* gets the attention it deserves. Buffy was nominated for 3 big shiny Emmy's this year. Two were for the obligatory costume design and make-up (for all the creepy critters), but Joss Whedon was surprised with a writing nomination for his work on the uber-cool episode "Hush" (you know, the one with the wonderfully demonic gentlemen with cheshire smiles who liked to dissect people. It was my fave episode of the season!). Whedon himself was so pleased, upon being reached for comment, he exclaimed an ecstatic "It doesn't suck." No, Joss, it doesn't!

Well, I finally saw the X-Men film today, so here's my review!

Before the review, however, I did catch one really cool trailer for the new Highlander flick. This is the film that is supposedly going to make up for Highlander 2 and 3. It looks cool. You have Connor and Duncan MacLeod against Bruce Payne looking like some filked up Immortal Fu-Manchu sorcerer. And if I'm not mistaken, it looks like there's some other Immortals in there to liven things up. Here's hoping it kicks ass.

Okay, what can I say? I'm not a big fan of Bryan Singer. I liked the Usual Suspects, I HATED Apt Pupil, and for some reason, I just don't like the director. That being said

I LOVED the movie.

I'm willing to admit right away that my love for this film primarily stems from the fact that I am the ultimate fanboy. But this movie is just COOL. FINALLY, someone has taken a comic book and treated it right. There were changes, true, but everyone involved in the creative process was respectful of the comic and the source material. There is no silly, bizarre battle with a lame-ass killer computer (a la "Superman 3"). There is no lame-ass CGI hell full of retarded looking demons, a la "Spawn" (Todd McFarlane, you WILL rot in hell for the live action Spawn. Enjoy your balls while you can....baseballs that is...). And THANK GOD, this is not a comic book film that can be compared in any way with the unfathomably disturbing gay fantasia known as "Batman & Robin". Aside from the first two Batman films (which I love dearly)....this may be the best comic book film translation ever made.

A lot has already been said about the film, the acting, the plot, so I won't go to in depth into that. Needless to say, I thought the story was fine. Not Shakespeare, not Hemingway, but it was well told, and it did it's best to introduce the characters and set up a realistic conflict that needed to be resolved. Most of the characterizations were dead on. I liked Wolverine and Rogue, the Wolvie/Jean/Scott love triangle, and the lethal chess game between Mags and Doc X. I have 2 quibbles, though:
1. Not enough action. I understand that they were going for a big-budget DRAMA/action flick, but another action sequence or two would have been nice. Still, I suppose I shouldn't complain too much, as they action they did have was pretty entertaining.
2. I STILL find the "mutant making machine" idea silly. The concept behind it was pretty sound--turn the leaders of the human nations into mutants, thus ensuring better mutant rights around the globe--but it still strikes me as just too campy for a movie that otherwise took itself pretty seriously.

I'll go down the list of characters now.

MAGNETO: Great work by Ian. Magneto is every bit the ideological terrorist he is in the comics. You sort of feel for him, because in the end he is doing what he feels is necessary to save his people. Still, there is one scene towards the end that basically points the supreme flaw in Magneto. Wolverine sums it up: "You're full of sh!t. If you really believed in this, it'd be you up in that machine." That is the ultimate failing of Magneto. He is the self-imposed savior of mutantkind, but only as long as he himself is not expendable. Great characterization. Dead on.

PROFESSOR XAVIER: Perfect casting, although Stewart didn't get as much screen time as I thought. Still, no complaints, and his relationship with Mags was played perfectly.

WOLVERINE: THE star of the movie, bar none. I agree with the critics--Hugh Jackman will definitely probably be the "next big thing". He's awesome...not as gruff as I'd picture Wolverine to be, but maybe that's what we needed in the film. Still, he's a bad-ass when he wants to be. I, for one, liked that they decided to keep him guessing about his history in the Weapon X program--makes great background material for the sequels.

JEAN GREY: Okay, I guess. Didn't do anything for me, really. I don't think it's Famke Janssen, I just think this role was a little underplayed. But the love triangle added a little depth.

CYCLOPS: He's my least favorite X-man in the comics (thank GOD they killed him off, at least temporarily), but he was alright in the movie. Again, his role was kind of downplayed. Good foil for Wolvie, though.

STORM: Ugh, she could have pretty much not have even been in the movie. Halle Berry, the lovely, beautiful, gorgeous Halle Berry, but still in a bad wig and an unnecessary accent. Still, I did mark out a few times when her eyes went all white and the lightning started to drop. :)

ROGUE: I was incensed when they changed the Rogue character into a teenager, but damn it, it worked. I really dug this character. Good work by Anna Paquin, as she shows us exactly the downside of being a mutant. I liked her relationship with Wolverine, too.
(Which points towards that old, old, evil and perverted Wolverine joke, which I will refrain from.)

SABRETOOTH: Unfortunately, he was pretty much just your standard henchman, but he was a pretty bad muthafilker. Wolverine must have stabbed him a dozen times, and he didn't even flinch. Took a bolt of lightning and got back up. NO CHANCE he got wasted by Cyclops little viser blast. Oh, and at least HE remembered Wolverine.

MYSTIQUE: Proof that hot, blue-skinned, reptile-scaled women can become effective terrorists. Her character was perhaps the guiltiest of pleasures. And damn, she could fight! Glad to see her survive. I'd love to see her in the sequel.

TOAD: Oh my god.....the COOLEST. Bar none. They took the most pathetic X-villain, inserted Ray Park, and the result was something just sort of Darth Maul coolness. The only reason Toad isn't better than Maul is that, well, Maul just looks goddamn scary while Toad still looked kind of dopey. But hell.....we know have 2 more words to enter into our fighting lexicon: Tongue Fu. I'm sure he's popular with the ladies. ;) And I loved his little tribute to Darth Maul with the pipe. :)Ray was damn cool, and he was great fun in the role. I can only hope he survived his little swim.

* Liked Bobby Drake! Damn, Iceman was making the moves on Rogue! Hmm, I wonder how that will play out if they decide to use Gambit in the sequels...
* Saw Kitty. Saw Jubilee. Saw Stan "The Man" Lee as the Hot Dog Vendor
* That teleporting kid was NOT Nightcrawler. At least I hope he wasn't. Let's face it--that kid looked like Harry freakin' Potter.
* If anyone was having doubts, that WAS Pyro who made the fireball. Being an X-Men mark, I noticed that Storm called him "John". In the comics, Pyro's real name is John Allerdyce. So Pyro he is, although he's conveniently not evil.
* And I don't know if anyone else saw it, but BEAST WAS IN THE MOVIE!!! Although you didn't recognize him. He didn't have blue fur. He wasn't that kid with blue hair. He was the truck driver who drove Rogue to Wolverine's bar in Canada. I noticed him right away. The actor's name is George Buza, and he's had numerous TV roles--including providing the voice of Beast in the long-running X-Men cartoon. So, you see, in a round about way, Beast WAS in the movie, only you had to be someone as pathetically anal as me to catch it. ;)

Some other stuff....Namely some questions that people had on the movie:
* I personally think that Sabretooth and Wolverine DO know each other. Sabretooth remembers him, at least. He took Wolverine's dog tags (not as a trophy), but apparently Wolvie, still in his Weapon X fog, must not remember Creed. In the sequel, perhaps?
* Poor Henry Gyrich. Sabe did him in. Kind of humorous, as the news reporter stated he appeared to be "mauled by a bear".
* I think Greg Weisman was wrong--I think Wolverine DID go into a mild Berzerker rage. When he was trapped in the Statue of Liberty, and his claws ripped through him, just before he did it on purpose he started to grit his teeth and you heard his heartbeat get louder. Personally, I think that this was Wolverine entering into a mini-Berzerker rage so as to free himself and prepare himself for the pain.

Overall....excellent movie. Thumbs up, 4 out of 4 stars, 10 outta 10. I loved it, probably gonna see it again. Unless I'm out watching the new Pokemon movie. Pika, pikachu!

With that joke, I bid you adieu...

Sevarius Jr. - []
Friday, July 21, 2000 10:56:49 PM

Robby - Shoo. That gives time to develop more threads in the BFTS RP. And if you think you know everything about everybody in the BFTS RP, there is at least one major revelation left. Seriously, to have the RP crossover I envision (bringing BFTS's earth into your universe) would require lots of planning from both sides to cover the threads and take at least as long as the ten saga.

Utopia topic - I am glad I started another thread in this room. I was wondering when David G would chime in his one hundred dollars worth.

Winterwolf, make sure to read my post in the egroups area before following what I am doing in the RP.

**BFTS RP continues - after Winterwolf's last post**
DPH heard the knock on his front door and opened the front door and inside stepped Winterwolf and SOS.

"So you're SOS?" asked DPH.

"Yes and you're DPH, right?" replied SOS.

"Of course. I assume you know what I want your help." replied DPH.

"Yes. You want to transfer all of Connect's powers to Jason Filler. You realize that will take time to prepare." answered SOS.

DPH opens a portal and SuperSpeed comes out of the portal.

"It's time to prepare. SuperSpeed, meet SOS. SOS, meet SuperSpeed." said DPH.

"Pleased to meet you," replied SuperSpeed and SOS.

"Let us head into a sound-proof room in my house to prepare for the spell. Do not disturb us unless it is absolutely 100% necessary. It will take us along time to prepare." said DPH.

DPH, SOS, and SuperSpeed head into the same room that DPH questioned Winterwolf in. Night falls with DPH, SOS,and SuperSpeed still in that same room.
Winterwolf, reminder: check egroups before posting any RP following this.

DPH (Daniel Paul Hightower) - []
Friday, July 21, 2000 09:17:10 PM

Okay I have to share this with you guys. I had a really weird dream a few minutes ago. Okay here goes.

I wake up in my quatres. I'm a little disoreinted but I get over it quickly. I change my clothes then go to the elevator. When I reach the floor I wanted I step out and see my mentor/teachor. "Hey Professor. Need a littlehelp?" I ask. "Sure." He says. So I pick him up, surprisingly I can carry him with little difficulty, and cary him to his destination. We notice someone we don't recogonize, that is bad because Professor and I know everyone in the mansion. Professor turns into a cat in my arms and the stranger says,"Where is you professor?" I shrug and pet the "cat" in my arms and continue to walk around. "Where is he?" The stranger demands a little more forcefully. "Where is he?" he starts shouting and pushing me. I run for the stairs and then go down. The "cat" leaps from my arms and runs off. I run outside into the war zone. I was running as fast as I could but still stumbling over all the rubble that once was a beautiful city...
I found the "rebel" HQ and talked ot the leader and he took me in for the night. "I want to see Angel," I said. "What! Are you insane! He will murder you!" said the rebel leader. 'He won't harm a hair on my head,' I thought but said," I need to find my husband and the King has taken him hostage." "Fair enough," said the leader. He contacted a few people and arranged a peace meeting between the King, Angel, and a Peacemaker, me. When the King and his men arrived, I looked at each of them carefully. Judging each person individually. I looked at the man who called him self the King and said,"I said I wanted to talk to the King. You are not him." "How do you know what the King looks like...? Wait, do I know look very familiar..." I fled in terror and fear that this imposter would recogonize me. I ran and ran untill I came upon a rally against the rebels. I unblinkingly stepped up on to the stage. "The Peacemaker..." were the wispers I heard from the audience. I walked off the center of the stage and with one thought the stage started to collapse behind me as I walked out the door. I walked to the Kings quarters untouched by all the distruction that surrounded me. "How did you get in here?" Demanded the King. "I can here to discuss the issue of my husband. I haven't seen him in a very long time and I miss him greatly." I said calmly. Touched by my words he wlked over to me, embraced my and wispered,"I've missed you too..."

Then I woke up.

I've had a dream similar to this before many times. I just normaly wake up and shake it off as nothing more than a dream but this time it had a touch of something that has never caught my eye before. The King in all my dreams is always the same but this time I recogonize him as someone I know IRL. I can't shake it this time. It seemed too real.

On an even stranger note...

My head is clear. Hopefully for good. Don't worry the correct personality was left behind. Man it feels good to get out of that blasted cage. *streches* Long story.

Gargoyle anatomy> My question was,"How can they fly if they weigh so much?" I know the glide on gusts of wind like a hang-glider but how when the weig so much? My theory is that their wing structure is either cartlage, like a shark, or hollow bones like a bird's or the poles on a hang-glider. I'm a little strange but what do you expect from a Marine, Bird and Mamal, Biology Major?!

Winterwolf> I'm sorry we haven't had much of a chance to talk lately. I don't know if I'll be on tonighth. I have to fix my costumes for tomorrow night cause I do not yet know if I'm playing. *hugz*

Well all, I'm off. Hope you enjoyed my dream. TTFN.

Janine - []
Friday, July 21, 2000 08:23:40 PM

Utopia? No such thing...being the shades of grey author that I am, Utopia...and not exist...there are some things that will appear to be such, but never get to that perfect black or white.

Gargoyle Anatomy? Ask Dylan Blacquiere...the dude actually mapped the chromosone one day when he was bored. My bro's a genius, I tell ya. Then again, this is the dude who figured out how Beast Machines-based transformers reproduce. I would think that the gargoyles would have sort of an avian structure, ie, hollow bones, but because of their muscle mass, it forces them to glide rather than fly. As for the wings and their placement, it would have to do something with an elongated rib cage, a more barreled chest, and altered shoulder blades with joints, so their back muscle and structure would actually be different than humans too.

Then again, I may be just talking out of my exhaust port...

Cyrway - []
Friday, July 21, 2000 07:25:53 PM

David G> 'Course we remember you. :)

Taleweaver> That was a nice thing to share. I appreciate it, as I'm sure most would-be writers in here do. I get discouraged so often because I'm not a child prodigy, and I guess I don't have enough faith in myself that I feel secure making it without being one. But indeed, there's a lot of putrid stuff out there.

Now, if you were to simply get your periods and commas down, you could make a bestsellers list EASILY. Should try.

Utopia> The only thing I'd like to add is that human nature, remember, is human nature. It isn't positive or negative, it just is what is. And for what we know, it is reasonable to assume that our nature represents the nature of any/all sentient living things. So don't knock humanity for not being able to have paradise. Or for any of our other vices.

That origin for the word "utopia" is very cool, incidentally.

Entity - []
Friday, July 21, 2000 07:11:09 PM

Hi ya'll. Anybody here still remember me?

Christine> ...I'm sorry.

The continuing thread of "Utopia" is one I feel like commenting on. I took two classes on Utopian Literature in college, so obviously I'm an expert. :)

First of all, "Utopia" is a pun. In Latin, it means "nowhere." All of you who don't believe in Utopias, Thomas Moore (sp?), the creator of the entire genre, is in agreement with you. He made up the word. Moore wrote Utopia as an illustration of his ideas on how to build a totally harmonious society.

Second, my personal theories on an ideal society:
I do think mankind is perfectable in certain circumstances, and that a "perfect" society could be engineered. The trick is, there would have to be a counterballancing force.

The key to a Utopian society is that everyone puts aside his own best interests in favor of the group's best interests. Human societies have done that several times in history, but only under one condidion - there had to be an external threat severe enough and pervasive enough that everyone agreed to combat it.

To have a Utopia, you would have to have such a threat, something that FORCED people to cooperate without COERSING (sp?) them.

For my final project in one of my classes, I designed a space colony Utopia. The colonists did not know, when they colonized the world, that the planet was infested with big nasty Giger-esque bugs (only bigger). They had to create defenses against the bugs, and in time their entire society was developed around various cooperative ventures. Even then, there were other factors - the colonists' independant streak, the fact that they were "utopians" to begin with (they wanted to create their own society to escape problems on earth), and their socio-political philosophy which was based on personal responsibility as its central tenant.

And, of course, the fact that 20 percent or so of the population was constantly at war with big nasty aliens meant that the world wasn't all that pleasant, but on a social level it was very harmonious.

A world with no problems and no want would really be a pretty boring place.

Third, some interesting reading:
Utopia - Thomas Moore. It's the first one. Go read it. It's not very good, but it's kind of interesting. You'll probably have to special order it.

Herland - Dorothy Gilman (I think). Neat, if a bit patronizing. I think I've seen this one in a Barnes & Noble, but I'm not sure.

Squadron Supreme - Marvel Trade Paperback. A good look at why a Utopian society wouldln't work.

Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlien. Good as SF, very interesting as Utopian Literature. Most of the book is really a look at how the society works, and there are some good points.

The View from Saturday - E. L. Konigsburg. Has nothing at all to do with Utopian Lit, but I really like it. I read it again last night, and I'll probably read it once more when I get home from work unless my little brother kidnaps my copy.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Friday, July 21, 2000 04:59:23 PM

Hola mi amigos!
Haven't been around in a few days. Sorry about that!
I found myself not knowing what to say and that sucked!
Well heres what's new in my life.
1)Suffering from a severe case of writers block over episode three. It's about a third done. For those of you who have followed the series so far, I apologise for the lack of stability in which the eps are posted. I promise these kinks will be shorted out next season!
2) I plan on making 8in high sculptures of the Gargoyles in Gargoyles, Dark Ages, and Pendragon
Not much there. Sad huh?

On to some replies.
Hey how goes it? Hope your artwork is a success! Tell me how G2K goes!
Hey once again "How goes it?" Maybe I'll catch yas on-line tonight?
Thanks again on your Part 2 comments! I'll look forward to your thoughts( or grammatical suggestions)when Part 3 is done! Brought in a bag of caramels for yas!
<X-MEN rant>
Well it's so much a rant but a complaint. I still haven't seen it and it's bugging the he*% outta me!
<End Rant>
If anybody wants to talk I'll be on and off all day!
Thanks for the feedback!
That's it for now!
See you guys later for and evening post!

Brooklyn - []
Friday, July 21, 2000 04:58:10 PM

Good evening Mr. & Mrs. America nad all the ships at sea:

A little sluggish today. I'm going ten rounds with my computer. It's reformatting time and it doesn't want to. Man, it's easier to get a kid to take a bath than get my computer reformatted.

Gargoyle anatomy> I was thinking along the lines of cartilage myself because gargoyles can cape their wings. I don't know about the vasuclar pressure to keep the wings open. Blood is mostly water and in flying terms it's heavy. In dragon anatomy, wings remain open by muscle fibers spread wide and thin across the chest and back. In gargoyles maybe gargoyle wings function the same way Brooklyn is able to articulate speech with his beak.

Utopia> Don't really believe in it for two reasons. 1) The fundamental motive for all civilization is 'I don't want to work'. That ideal has driving everying from poetry to economics, war to peace. A utopia would necessarily mean that no one has to work. Thats a big deal, because it means no growth and ulimately the end of civilization. The second is that the only way to achieve any utopia would be to abolish scarcity. People have been living, fighting and dying for millenia over who has what and how much of it. Somethings like food can be easily remedied. It just takes a strength of will of society to achieve, but other things like meaning, opportunity, and respect are harder to distribute, evenly or otherwise. A utopia is impossible because people are often incapable of being at peace themselves. They'll always ruin paradise when they find it.

Niamgold> If you're worried about misspellings and such. You can write your missive on a word processor like Word and then copy & paste to comment space.

To all the would-be writers out there> I strongly suggest you write and seek publication. This comes on the tail of experiencing a very bad book. My fiancee is into bored housewife drivel (Romances) and I was taking along for the ride. The book was *bad*. I thought my grammar skills were poor, but there was stuff I wouldn't dare make. And everytime I read a really bad book, I get these two thoughts. If this person can get published, I can get published. And, I need to get published cause there is a derth of good writers if they picked up this one. What got my ire up and brought me here to encourage as many to write and submit, is that this author is a 'New York Times Bestselling Author'. I know Romance is a far cry from F/SF, (Believe me I seriously thinking of cross-crafting) but poor writing is poor writing. It shouldn't be excused and shouldn't be paid for. So once again I urge all aspiring writers to write every day. Readers, give them feedback, help them hone their art. And submit to agents and magazines, look for an opening to get published. It's worth it.

From the Dustbin> In an effort to stop by more frequently and not be a lurker, I thought I'd add this little spot. For the weekend and you're wondering what to watch or what to do. Pick up a cult classic. This week I had a certain yen for 'Spaceballs'. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss 3 bucks good by.

Well, it's time to do battle yet again.
***The Boxing Ring bell clangs.***

Taleweaver - []
Friday, July 21, 2000 04:18:16 PM

Whoohoo! Homecoming!

Coyote> Yes, I did! I'm whipping up a special pic for the occassion! ;)

Aaron> Hee hee hee...To sum it up for you, Rattrap picks a fight with Depth Charge, someone dies, and Waspinator's having a REALLY BAD DAY, thank you, Starscream. That and there's more howling in Part Four than the first four ElfQuest books put together. A couple of WAFF moments, including one I didn't realise I wrote until Mercedes told me it was WAFFy, and Waspinator gets blown up for doing something right. And don't call me Arty. ;) And don't ask how Thundercracker and Skywarp ended up in Beast Machines.

ElfQuest> REALLY?! A MOVIE?! YES!!! As for the figures, Skywise should be the first one done! Skywise is the best! I love Skywise!

Oka,y back to work...

Cyrway - []
Friday, July 21, 2000 03:39:03 PM

Jannie> Ouch. Good luck, hope everything works out.

Gside> I have always wondered; what do rocket scientists say in situations where the average person would say, "This isn't rocket science"?

Christine> Yes! Magelore 2 at G2K. Save me a copy.


Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Friday, July 21, 2000 03:00:51 PM

New on my site:
I posted a remembrance page about my grandmother; the sort of stuff I'd have liked to have said at her funeral had there been one. Thank you for the condolences!
Also new -- a Silver Flame story for Dirce, ElfQuest-themed.
Clickie or go to

Book News > Morris Press called yesterday and the books have been shipped! So they will be here in time for the Gathering, huzzah!

Chat Reminder > in the Adult Room, I'll be there starting around 8pm Pacific (hiding from my in-laws). Hope to see plenty of folks there!

ElfQuest movie > wow, so it is finally going to become reality? I just finished reading the first 8 books to Becca, partly in prep for the story I had to do since it had been quite a while). It would be great to be able to take her to a movie version now that she's familiar with it (and if I do say so myself, I have a brilliant child, who remained attentive throughout and kept track of all the plotlines, my good girl! <g>).

Christine - []
Friday, July 21, 2000 02:46:04 PM

Oh yeah that soap opera thing with the gargoyles, turn it into a fiction! It would score major!
Female Brooklyn <Grinz> - []
Friday, July 21, 2000 02:23:38 PM

G'day e1! Soooo sorry about not coming in here in a LONG time, three weeks I believe. But there's been like a huge gathring at my house! It's still going on, I got my relitives from Autralia, Tennesse, and Newfoundland here! By the gods! It's freaked up! I swear I have gotten twelve hours sleep in the entire time... Good thing, cousins bring you to movies!
Firestorm> You think the making of X-men was a funny thing that was a half hour sneak peak! And wanna know what that whole court thing isn't in the movie. It's halarious! I love that movie, saw it in a theatre that's screan was two stories! IT ROCKED! To those who are fans of Wolverien, watch on! It's great for you fans like myself! When I was little I had a crush on wolverien, but tell ya the truth in this movie he isn't the cute guy... :):):):):):)
Scary Movie you will not get a second without laughing your brains out! I mean five of my cousins were with me three newfie's two austie's, they laugh odd... Then again so do I. Either way the popcorn wasn't touched in fear of choking.
Other movies I saw were kind of low rated ones... hmmm. OH YEAH!The patriot! That is a must see movie, best one I saw can't believe I forgot! I loved it! I mean if you liked Mel Gibson's other movies expecially Braveheart! Then you'll love this one!
Ick I started ranting without warning... Ok sorry here's a warning!
Ok before my family came to a huge reunine, I had a bussiness trip to England, my buds and I sit on a bench in chicago where our studio is located usually but we had to do some things in England with some english guys and instead of them coming here we went there, well either way we, naming Nikki, Sara, and Eric <yeah, Eric's gay so don't insult him! He's a good friend!> Sat on the bench and watched guys walk by, and did a pretty fair cute o meter thing. Well we dicovered guys are either 0- dog faced jerks, manely cause they flicked us off, or 10's jaw droppers who wink. I don't think there was many other's a few two and nines.. Either way england is fairly fine!
Other rants are probably puppy dogs! I just got a new puppy, a boston terrier, Marky gave her to me! Marky is my best bud, works with me. Well either way her name is Pennelipie Moo Moo Cow cause she looks like a little cow. I call her Penny or Claw cause the dog wont bark, she can bark, but wont, like Claw. Either way don't get a dog that can hide in your boots and your hats! :):)
GTG me and Marky are gonna go see the Patriot again! BYE!
Female Brooklyn <Grinz> - []
Friday, July 21, 2000 02:22:46 PM

Re: Gargoyles anatomy>>

As for the back and wings, I base my drawings on various screenshots from the show, and there's not many at that. Most back views were kept very simple but from what I've seen, the wings appear to be a extention of the shoulder blades. This would indicate that gargoyle shoulderblades are shaped differently; the whole shoulder/chest/torso area is probably reconfigured from the humanoid norm in order to support the wing structure.

There's several theories as to the wings themselves. Some think that the wing struts are a series of highly flexible honeycombed bones. Others theorize that the wings have a highly complex network of veins, arteries and capillaries that 'inflate' with blood as a conscious act of the cardiovascular system. I tend towards a combination of theories -- gargoyles have a larger chest cavity to accomodate larger lungs and a more efficient cardiovascular system. The reason you don't find fossils of gargoyle
wings is that the struts (or basic framework) is composed of cartilege, augmented with a complex vascular structure. In order to glide, the wings become engorged with blood, thus 'stiffening' them for more support during flight. When not flying, the cardivascular system slows, relaxing the wings so that they're flexible enough to cape around the shoulders.

Still, this is all speculation --- what someone REALLY ought to do is corner Greg at G2K and ask him!! Now there's an interesting question that probably hasn't been asked yet.

Friday, July 21, 2000 10:18:49 AM

Oh, for crud's my below post, the part of the DaVinci machine is supposed to read "apparently, it's a robot-like suit a man wears," not "a man with a robot-like suit." It's a wonder that I can write letters!

Adios (again!) :P

Friday, July 21, 2000 09:02:05 AM

** Niamhgold enters ***

Hey, all! Stopped in to see my favorite CR again :)

Winterwolf, Gside, Shadowrider, Zath, and all others who wished my wisdom teeth well: Thank you! Now all that are sore are my gums, from where the novacaine went in ** shudders **

Christine: I am truly sorry to hear about your grandmother :( I wish you all the prayers in the world for getting through this, although I know you will be strong.

Janine: ** reads post about angioplasty ** What? Oh, you've definitely got my prayers! ** Big Hugz ** However, I know you'll get out of it just fine, since these days heart surgery is a lot more of an in-out thing than it used to be :) I'll just bet you'll make it to G2K--you and Denis have been looking forward to it for a long time! ;)

Speaking of heart surgery, has anyone heard of that new DaVinci machine? It was on the news last night, and apparently it's a man who uses a robot-like suit to perform precise heart bypasses _without_ opening the chest. Just a few puncture wounds. I love technology! :)

Stephen: Here's hoping for your sister and your niece(s)/nephew(s). If she hasn't already had the child...did she know before the sex of the baby?

Note to all: I might be out for a little bit next week, since my friend Jen is getting married out in the midwest (followed by my friend Rolana's wedding _and_ a baby shower). I've gotta buy presents!

Adios, muchachos! :)

Friday, July 21, 2000 08:59:54 AM

hey all...

I know this might sound weird, but one of my interests -- biomechanics -- got me to thinking about garg bone structure... now most (like 99%) of the bones in gargs have directly analogous counterparts in the human body, with the exception of the wings... has anybody ever wondered just how those bones and muscles fit into the back??? i mean, for all the surfing around I do, and all the garg art ive seen, i have come across like, 2 pics that show the back and wings, and not very well at that (i think they are both in the rockaway)... do the wing arms have their own separate collarbones and shoulderblades, or do they share the main set?

just something that would be nice to know if the human genome project ever makes it possible to grow a set of my own.... I already walk/run that way... works wonders on the calves, and alleviated my knee pain from high school track ta boot... like walkin with shock absorbers...

yes, I am a nerd! (proud of it too) ;P

equation - []
Friday, July 21, 2000 08:40:22 AM

Quickie post before I go to bed...

ALL ELFQUEST FANS IN THE CR- Progress on the movie is apparently moving along well enough that WARP is going to start releasing figures at the end of the year to tie in! Woohoo! The first six are gonna be Cutter, Leetah, Rayek, Picknose, Tyldak, and a wolf. (Why is Tyldak coming out before Skywise? I dunno...) In any event, go to
and check it out!

DPH- I have no idea how long the ten saga is going to last from this point. I intend to start RPing heavily again in August when I have more time to post to the room again, but even then it'll be a week or two before the ten saga gets started again so that other threads can be dealt with. And I have enough plans to make the battle with two and three last about a month of solid rping everyday from two people (Assuming no one throws huge monkey wrenches into my overall plans like what happened witht he super powerful warriors in the 4 fight...) And the battle with 1 will depend on other factors, like when Mephisto is brought back to earth and stuff. So all in all, I honestly can't say. I have an overall game plan, but its not strict. The easiest thing to do is not try and set a definate point to start crossing over, but to just do it, or that failing, go on with your usual RP until other stuff comes up. *shrugs*

Friday, July 21, 2000 05:01:02 AM

*stumbles in and wearily falls into the first available chair. She rests her poor aching, feet on Canyon's back, which earns her an indignant growl.*

*****COMIC-CON 2000 REPORT*****

Hi Everyone! Today was the first offical day of the con and it was pretty good. I lucked out and was assigned to do my volunteer work in the room where they were holding the RoboTech discussion. That really made me happy, as I thought I was going to have to miss it. After finishing my time, I spent then next 5 hours wandering through the display room. Got tons of free stuff, especially posters. Got 3 autographs,..Herb Jefferson aka Lt. boomer from Battlestar Galatica...Alexandria Tydings<sp> aka Aphrodite from Xena/Hercules...and Wendi & Richard Pini of ElfQuest. The Pini autographs I consider my biggest score so far! :-)

Christine...sorry to hear about your grandmother. Is good to know that she is now at peace. My prayers go to you and your family. wishes that everything goes well and that you are able to attend G2K in good health.

Well good friends....time for me to end this post. I haven't eaten all day, and go soak my feet. Talk to everyone tomorrow. **ONLY 3 MORE DAYS TILL I FINALLY GET TO SEE GREG IN PERSON!!!!** =]
Katara - []
San Diego, CA
Friday, July 21, 2000 12:23:42 AM

**Winterwolf enters**

I'm just going with replies and RP today.

Fire Storm> <The Pendragon spoilers> LOL! That brought back some funny memories. :) <vacation> Sounds like you had a good time. Not counting that bike incident. Maybe that just makes things interesting though... <Running Man> Who loves you and who do you love? ;)

Coyote> <job woes> I can relate. Currently there are four of us doing the work of at least twelve. So each of us has a workload for three roughly and the pay is still for just one. Something better happen soon before another coworker changes jobs.

SOROW> **Cheers** It's great to hear that things are working out better than you thought it would. :)

Christine> <grandma> My condolences. May your memories of her be a treasure you keep with you always.

Zath> <classes> True the type of class is another important factor. Personally I never encountered a great difference between various classes I took. I probably just avoided the really difficult stuff. Some classes required a little more time/work than others. I found that the big factor was quantity and duration. You don't have any real control over the duration of a class but you do have control over the number of classes you take so this is how you balance it out. Each class covers a certain number of hours a week. When there is class that time is spoken for. Part of the remaining time not spent in class is needed to keep up with all the classes. Speed is an important skill to hone in the college environment. Just don't sacrifice accuracy! :) <long days> I've done that before. Whenever I did this I needed to manage my time more carefully.

Janine> <I need to find my mate or at least a potential one. I'm lonely.> **Hugz** I've been in this position myself for a long time. :( At least we get a chance to chat most nights together...

Joe Boxer> Hi Joe.

Cyborg> <work involved> I guess I was just lucky and didn't really experience that.

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr.> <sister's baby> Hope your sis is all set soon.

Cyrway> Hi! Welcome back!

Jannie> <health> I'll keep you in my prayers. Hope to have you completely a-okay soon.

******WARNING BFTS - RP******

As Winterwolf is about to ask SOS to get on his bike a nexus appears right by the bike. SOS steps through and Winterwolf along with his bike scramble after her. In what seems like moments they arrive in front of DPH's house. SOS frowns and says, "That took us two days! Couldn't you have just made a normal portal?"

Meanwhile Equus is pleased with the energy he was able to tap from SOS. He got more than twice as much magical energy than the initial drain of the nexus.

******END WARNING BFTS - RP******

Good night.

Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Thursday, July 20, 2000 11:42:03 PM

I am free! Ha Ha. One course down, one more to go. That 77 is worrying me, though.

Equation> <<the first multi-syllable technical term>>: You mean like infrared interferometer.
<<I can identify so well with lexington>>: Read the latter half of CS Hayden's fanfic saga yet? Focuses on him, and very nicely done.
<<I'm not that short tho>>: Short people got no... wait, that's something else.
<<rocket science _isn't_ hard>>: It's just simple kinematics, and integrating for fuel loss isn't too bad, though things do start to get ugly when you have to get all the mechanics of the actual rocket ready for flight.

Curly++> <<Asimov's Rules Of Robotics>>: But what about the zeroth law? Or, because this is a utopia already, we don't need one.

Welcome back Cyrway.

Jannie> Best wishes for a swift and full recovery.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Thursday, July 20, 2000 11:14:51 PM

a quick note of my medical situation....

I had the thalium stress done yesterday (6.5 hours!) and the results were given to me this morning.
Abnormal readings for both the left and right sides of my heart. I expected the left side, but was quite shocked to hear about the right side. There is some type of blockage in the lower right side of my heart. This test does not tell exactly which vessel/artery is blocked or to what percentage - just the area. I'm now scheduled for a heart catherization for Monday morning (6:30am) and if necessary, they will do angioplasty at that time. As long as it remains limited to these procedures, I will be out of the hospital the next day and only one more day of recovery. :)
A catherization only will be an 8 hour stay and if angioplasty is performed, I will have to stay overnight.
This has come as quite a shock to me and for Denis.
I would appreciate any and all prayers or kind thoughts that this will go smoothly and without complications.
Short of a bypass, I WILL be at G2K with Denis :)

gosh, I just wanted my stomach fixed... eesh! Needless to say, that surgery has been put on hold for a while. =\

Thursday, July 20, 2000 10:38:11 PM

<enters> greetings again, good sentients!

doug>> thank you, both for your kind greetings 9a sentiment which extends to all my kind greeters) and for your offer of aid to my quest.

TGS: the movie>> I have no thoughts on most of the characters, but perhaps David Duchovny for the part of Matt Bluestone. Attractive, a skilled actor, and already he has proven more than adept at playing a man searching for the ounce of truth amid the conspiracy theories and strange happenings. Please, good sentients, feel free to dismiss or even mock my humble suggestion.

Happiness to all!

Daphne, apprentice-wordsmith - []
Thursday, July 20, 2000 09:58:24 PM


Robby - Could you give me an estimated date for the end of the Ten Saga so I could figure out when the RP crossover can occur?[cookie hungry]

Sheesh, after being in a position only 11 days, I am in charge of an area because my former co-workers got moved to a different location within the plant. They had been there a month in the same spot. I have to do mandatory overtime for the next 2 weeks. Darn.

Well, I guess my optomism is still in me when I wrote about utopia. I thought it had almost disappeared when my mom died. I have had more pessism than optomism as a general rule since then.

In my utopia there is only one form of currency: time. Of course, some people's time is worth more than others.
Just joking or not?

**BFTS RP - occurs right before Winterwolf's last post.**
DPH, Plastique Saber, and Jason Filler leave the VR World.

"How long were we in there?" asked Jason.

"Yes, it seemed like I was in there for hours." added Plastique.

"Actually, we were in there only a few minutes." replied DPH. "The spell speeds up the passage of time in the VR world."

"I saw ley lines." said Jason joyfully.

"I can shoot fireballs." said Plastique.

"The Speed Stars better be careful. I can create a thunderbolt attack which is 1000 times as powerfull as my lightning attacks." said DPH.

Suddenly DPH's phone rings.

DPH (Daniel Paul Hightower) - []
Thursday, July 20, 2000 06:28:17 PM

Couple of quickies ...

Christine: As one who lost my own grandmother at the beginning of the year, I know and feel your pain right now. Take solace in your friends here, that's what I did. **hugs**

Ace: Nice to see ya 'round. *Please* tell me you got my e-mail (sent it to , I hope you still use that addy.) ...

Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Thursday, July 20, 2000 05:55:12 PM


Great to see you 'round these parts again.

I'm looking forward to the rest of "Fallen from Grace" btw.

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Thursday, July 20, 2000 05:26:04 PM

*drags herself out of TF-dom for a bit to visit old romping grounds.*

Oh...who mentioned Villians? The way I write, I can't have a villian. Villians are for black and white stories, not the amount of shades of grey I tend to write...

I have anti-heroes...

Seriously, Hey guys, long time no see!

Cyrway - []
Thursday, July 20, 2000 05:18:28 PM

Todd> Hey, there's always somebody who loves the villians. ;)

SJ> Well hey, to each their own. Probably shouldn't wear that vampire shirt I bought around you, eh?

Christine> My condolences on your loss.

Janine> Rocky-Con?!? Too kewl.


Aaron - []
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Thursday, July 20, 2000 04:41:53 PM

Curly++ looks down at his slate... "uh, I wrote that three days ago. And I didn't even get a cookie!" I sure don't have time to read 1/2 a week right now! Ok, just a skim milk browse through the new posts and hope I can read them all later...

<I've seen a lot of evidence but I'm still not completely sure>
It's like religion, I believe there's a mind, but I'm not sure I can believe there are phsyciatrists!
<doesn't take too much of your time and money.>
The time is a worry, but this is Canada with universal health care. The government takes the big hit, so me and my insurance company don't end up bankrupt.
<I'll keep you in my prayers.>
Thank you. That has come to mean a lot to me lately.

Mary Flanders>>
<some awful news>
That is awful. May the souls of the idiot TV programmers and Wall Street weasels that create the overcharged atmosphere we live in burn in the same hell with this monster. As females.

<**MY UTOPIA** A few basic rules>
Being a jaded 47 yr old, I don't believe in utopia. If I were to take a shot at it, I wouldn't bother with the meta-rules, nor would I enshrine mere methods such as economics in the rules, those would be better in the mutable bylaws than carved in stone.
I don't think you can find a better model than Asimov's Rules Of Robotics. Asimov had to have a seperate rule (#2) for the robot to protect itself, but that Rule Of Robotics is necessary only because the first rule is not percieved as applying to robots. If we are talking about humans only, the The First Rule covers both self and others. So here are my two rules for human utopia:
1: Harm no one and allow no one to come to harm except where it is impossible to prevent such harm without causing or allowing greater harm to that one or to others.
2: Contribute to society as much as society provides for you, except where such contribution would violate the first rule.

Your Rule #2 is, IMHO flawed. If we never learn because studying is onerous, we will soon be unable to sustain our utiopia. Rather, Asimov's Rule #1 tells us to have the ballance of work and play that best maintains our physical, mental and social health.

Can you tell I watched Bicentenial Man? I was very pleased with how well the movie followed the original story. Robin Williams did an excellent job protraying the development of the man from the machine. He doesn't *look* right, or *sound* right for the part, but I think he was the right choice because no one else could act the role anywhere near as well.
I didn't think Portia (sp?) was done well though; each scene was well acted but the character still seemed shallow and unchanging. The "female" robot was more interesting than Portia and she was using Lore's personality chip!
I guess the movie is not for the very young. No chase scenes at all, no fights, all the conflict was below the surface. One of the best scenes in the whole movie was when the little girl had grown and was dying of old age, if you looked carfully you saw that she was holding the wooden horse he had carved for her, his first art, when she was still a rug-rat. The ending was marred by having Portia dying beside her husband with the same vapid smile she wore in almost every scene.

<poot> <Is that from the "My Teacher Is An Alien>
Nope, Terry Pratchet's discworld series: Masquerade. I reread it recently and enjoyed Agnes' constant fight against having a nice personality and good hair.

<kill your enemy so they cannot interfere>
Preventative murder sounds very like something that was tried in the 1940s.

Sevarius Jr.>>
<I greatly admire Heinlein. [snip] one of the greatest writers [snip] a bit too distant for me in terms of his political beliefs.>
I used to list him in the top two writers when I was a teenager. That changed when I read "Farnham's Freehold" it just disgusted me. After that I realized how much of his writing was propaganda. I read "The Roads Must Roll" the other day, which I remembered as a techno-romp, but was surprised to find that it was just a McArthyist political rant.

I've re-read Coventry now. Heinlen's idea is that phychiatry will be perfected, but some offenders will refuse treatment, choosing instead to leave utopia and live in Coventry. Robert A. then describes the Coventry as very much like the myth of frontier America. He makes another mistake by thinking Coventry can be used for rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is a long-standing but unjustified myth about prisons. I don't believe you can rehabilitate someone by subjecting them to inhuman living conditions. A prison cannot be other than an inhumane place to live. On the other hand, Coventry is like a prison only in that those inside may not leave. Otherwise, like any human society, would limp along toward civilization.
Today, when a judge sentences someone to jail, it is very definitely a cruel punishment. If someone were sent to Coventry, it would be more like extradition to a small country. With so much guilt removed from the final, life-long sentence, the ultimate punishment could be meted out to many more rapists, theives, and mime artists.

Curly++ - []
Montreal, Canada, Earth
Thursday, July 20, 2000 04:12:11 PM

There is a big discussion going on in the other CR about a "Gargoyles" live-action movie. So here's something I've been pondering about. If TGS were to have a live-action movie, how should it be done, and which actors should play the characters of TGS.

Why not come up with something for each of the series?

Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Thursday, July 20, 2000 04:11:16 PM

Emmy nomines=Bleh, although I did Hear that Joss Whedon got one for the episode "Hush!"

Crhistine,I'm feel for you loss, I can remember when my own Grandmother died last year. I know what your going through and I'll kep you in my thoughts

Shadowrider> Started to get Buffy in Italy? Its a GREAT show isnt it, anything you wanna discuss, plot development, characters, post it here

Surviovor>My mother loves this show but I can't get rid of this suspicous tugging feeling in my stomache that its rigged.

Harry Potter>Slytherin shirts? I would love to get a Gryffndor shirt or even a Ravenclaw, since Harry's crush is part of that house. I'm also happy they will be casting a british boy for the lead, I have read in my etnertainment Weekly that the buzz for actors playing other parts
Tim Roth as Professor Severus Snape
Maggie Smith as Professor Minerva McGonagall
and Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid
those books are as adictive as coffee for me, I guess the one reason I like it despite its a fantasy sereis is that Harry,Ron,and Hermione are like the Scoobygang with the occasional help from Ron's mischivous brothers and pathetic lil Neville

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Fl., USA
Thursday, July 20, 2000 03:09:58 PM

Greetings all...

(LARGE HUGS & extreme condolences to Christine) i know what it's like Chris, and I'm glad I can be here for you at this time. When my father passed on (due to complications because of cancer) I had my family, but hardly any real close friends to console me during the period after he died. Call me if you need to talk... I'm sure I gave you our number (if not let me know, I'll email it to you). (HUGS AGAIN!)

Just FYI, I called my family down in Florida... my sister didn't have her baby on the 17th (which is also the same birthday as my grandmother, three of my cousins, etc.), but she's having serious pains today at work, so there's a good chance the baby will either come today or tomorrow... Keep good thoughts, folks! :)

Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. - []
Spokane, WA, USA
Thursday, July 20, 2000 01:43:24 PM

***Kyryn sneaks in***

Fire Storm> Yep, I always wear pads and the helmet! I've got too many memories (and minor scars) about knees and elbows - not to mention the time that I knocked myself out by accidentally riding my bike into a pole when I was nine years old.

Darwin awards> Well, the guy wouldn't have won one anyway. To win you have to manage to take yourself out of the gene pool in a spectacularly stupid fashion before you managed to pass your genes on.

Oooh. Fudge....Mmmmm (slaps self to stop dreaming about fudge)

Doug> Cars seem to have the lousiest timing in that fashion ;). I wish you luck in getting yours fixed and understand about explaining to the parents. I had to call mom on this on and ask for a little financial help since I had earlier spent a bundle on getting the Saturn fixed. If it isn't one thing, it's another.

Christine> {{hugs}} and friendship. Having lost a grandmother the same way (7 years ago) and having lost both grandmothers-in-law this year, I understand your feelings. I'm sure that the sense of relief is as great as the sadness.

Equation> <Where are the women who find brains attractive?> Unfortunately they tend to be a very small percentage of the population and either find someone very quickly or are not interested in a relationship. *grin* Okami found me fifteen years ago (A girl who reads science fiction!) and quickly realized what he had and held on.

Later All!

***Kyryn sneaks back out***

Denton, TX
Thursday, July 20, 2000 11:05:43 AM

*Cyborg enters, and spots DC. She whispers schemingly in his ear. He nods at intervals as she is talking, occationally gesturing with her hands to illustrate. Once she is finnished, DC has a huge grin on his face, and he scampers away. Cyborg turns into the room to see many hostile faces. She chuckles.* I wonder how long it will take him to figure out it's a trap...

Winterwolf>"What are you taking 8 classes or something?" Actually, the heavieast course load I ever took was three classes outside a program (I will NEVER do that again). Zath said it right. It is not the number of courses that kill us, but how much work is involved in each one.

Zath (re:classes)> You are lucky. You know what your schedule is going to be like already. I don't find out untill August, one week before the semester starts. Needless to say, that doesn't help when you also need a part- time job :( I lost one because of that (and it was a good one too).

Cyborg - []
Montreal, Quebec, Canda
Thursday, July 20, 2000 09:50:28 AM

Hi guys sorry I haven't posted lately!
I'll post at length later today!

Brooklyn - []
Thursday, July 20, 2000 06:36:01 AM

Hi guys sorry I haven't posted lately!
I'll post at length later today!

Brooklyn - []
Thursday, July 20, 2000 06:35:59 AM

Janine> <<I need to find my mate or at least a potential one. I'm lonely. I've been in seclusion for too long.>>: Gside> <<Try being an engineer. It becomes a lifestyle.>>:

I couldnt have said it better myself... where are the women who actually find brains attractive?? every femme I meet either runs in terror when I use the first multi-syllable technical term, or write me off as strictly 'friend' material... it is SO frustrating!!! one reason why I can identify so well with lexington... at least I'm not that short tho...

no, really... rocket science _isn't_ hard!!!

equation - []
Thursday, July 20, 2000 04:25:24 AM

Shadowrider> <<I never really cared much about "popular perceptions">>: But a stopped clock is right twice a day. And this seems to be one of these times (look at the Harry Potter casting fiasco).

Niamhgold, Fire Storm> May your wounds heal quickly.

Fire Storm> <<did you post a Saturday July 16 MP3?>>: When You Awake? Oops, that was Thursday. Looks like I owe another one, so for more randomness, I give you Three Dog Night's Eli's Coming. How many people know the meaning behind the band's name?
<<Have you ever seen foil backed duct tape?>>: Well, I've got two rolls of constructor grade lying around...
<<Good Sir Knight! Have you at least seen the movies?>>: Grail many times (nearly memorized), Brian a couple, but none for Liff (er, Life).
<<Haxor/English dictionary>>: Sorry, can't really help. The Jargon File is not what you're going for, and I didn't find anything good in a seach (slosest might have been )
<<Will Arthur meet the Vorpal bunny?>>: Long time the manxome foe he sought, so rested he my the tumtum tree, and stood a while in thought. And, as in ufffish thought he stood...

CtB> <<trouble lately with her mouse (it broke)>>: Ahh, the wonders of the tab key... (and remember, shift-tab goes backwards in case you go too far)

Todd Jensen> <<why would any Harry Potter fan want to join them?>>: Why would I like the title "Many-Colored"?

Mrs. Morgan> Condolences on your loss.

Janine> <<I need to find my mate or at least a potential one. I'm lonely. I've been in seclusion for too long.>>: Try being an engineer. It becomes a lifestyle.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Thursday, July 20, 2000 03:59:59 AM

Enchanted Knights is also where I got Brian Froud's "Good Faeries, Bad Faeries." FINALLY, after months of searching I finally have this book! I never even thought of looking for it at the store. FS spotted it. Once it was in my hands, I never let it go (at least until we got back to our campsite). As FS said, "After LM had the book, you probably couldn't have pried it out of her cold, dead hands." I'm thankful that my father was willing enough to purchase it for me. Lucky too, because that was their last one left. You should have seen the reactions from the store's inhabitants when I squealed upon seeing the book. Priceless. :)
Lady Mystic - [<<-- Enchanted Knights' Website]
Dearborn, MI
Thursday, July 20, 2000 03:19:00 AM

hello all. just thought i'd check in and see what everyone's been up to lately. man, i'm coming in here almost as often as jackle! j/k.

kit: i see that you've changed your colors....nice!

sorow: hey babe. called you last night, but i think someone was online. hope your day wasn't too rough. my dad's going out of town again on thursday so i'll have the whole house to myself for the weekend. yeah! i'll call you after work. love ya.

Joe Boxer - []
Thursday, July 20, 2000 03:05:06 AM


Voting for new cr images has ended. I am expecting a few more votes (from voters who had to resend theirs) so I can't post any statistics yet. Any new votes recieved will be ignored. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! <G>


A few things for tonight before I go to bed...

Christine =

Sorry to hear about your grandmother. Sad to hear about her sufferings. I'm glad to see that you seem to be taking this quite well. **HUGS**

RE: Your Dream = On a slightly different situation: Throughout the course of most of one day I had a haunting feeling that a relative I had never known about, but was a charished and old member of my family, had left us and was no longer in our realm. I repeatedly mentioned my alarm to my parents. A few days later we found out that a relative of ours had passed away that very day I had that weird feeling. Many people in my family say that I have a connection with certain deceased members of my family, namely my father's father. And I tend to agree. :)


Coyote =

We had a Mackinac-based vacation this year. :) We stayed at the State Park in St. Ignace (UP) and visited (and went site-seeing around) Mackinaw City (LP), St. Ignace, and Mackinac Island. There's so much to see at all those places that we didn't even have enough time to see *HALF* of the sites. I wanted FS to see Fort Michilimackinac (in Mackinaw City), and Fort Mackinaw (on the island), but we didn't have enough time. We rode bikes around the island. (NEVER rent a bike there. The prices are VERY high. It's cheaper to bring your own bike to the island via ferry, for a small fee of $6.) DON't cut through the middle of the island with your bike! Don't be fooled by the sign that says all the interesting sites. They are there, yes, but with all the steep hills you'd be too tired from riding to enjoy (or have time, given the rental deadline) to enjoy any of it. One hill was SO steep we had to walk, with MUCH difficulty AND our hands on our bike brakes, downhill. There's a part of the city that is so steep that you have to be careful not to tumble over, while looking out for pedestrians and horses.

There are a few automobiles on the island, all owned by businesses and residents of the island. (Although, the only automobile we saw was a golf-cart.) Most forms of transportation are: foot, horse-drawn vehicles, and bike. Rollerblades are prohibited within city limits. Any form of a motor vehicle is prohibited on the island (with a few exceptions, of the island's residents). I like the fact that there aren't any cars. It makes it more special. The one thing you must ALWAYS watch out for are the horse droppings. They are everywhere. Fortunately, it's not as bad as some areas of Greenfield Village. The island personael keep the island VERY clean. There isn't much on the island that looks run-down. Nothing in the city is unkept. There are some VERY beautiful homes and inns there.

Inns are quite expensive. My family is planning on reserving a few rooms in an affordable inn one of these days. We really want to see what it looks like after sunset.

The sunset seen from the island was beautiful. FS and I took a lot of beautiful photos. I wish our vacation lasted longer. Unfortunately, my father had to attend a wedding Saturday the 15th so our vacation was cut short.

After our return, my sister and I worked alone on unpacking. FS cooked and did his own thing, while my father was away from home for over 52 hours. Time flew by faster than seems physically possible! That's why the voting was moved to Wednesday.

Sunday, FS purchased rollerblades and all the necessary safety gear. (Although, we are starting to believe that we should get more gear, AKA full body armor!) I have yet to purchase any for we are low on cash.

FS and I have already damaged ourselves, even though he's the only one skating! <G>

<<Ya gonna have any more of that fudge left on the 29th?>> Well... we WERE planning on freezing most of it to last us the entire year. But I think we can manage to save some for you. ;) What flavors should we salvage?

German Chocolate
Rocky Road
Cookie Crumble (tastes like Oreos **Yummm**)
Double Dark Chocolate
Chocolate Raspberry Truffle
Strawberry Pecan

Side Note: We went a *little* overboard buying fudge.

The fudge stores we purchased from were: Ryba's Fudge Shop, Joanne's Fudge, Kilwin's.

My favotites are: Cookie Crumble, Double Dark Chocolate, and Chocolate Raspberry Truffle. (**Yummmmmmmmmm!!!!!**) -- All from Joann's. And they deliver!

Interesting Note: One of them, I think Ryba's but I'm not sure, are located in Detroit half of the year!

We had ice-cream frequently! We got ice-cream on cones from 2 different Kilwins in Mackinaw City, located only 200 yards from each other. And the interesting thing is that they both produced VERY different tasting ice-cream and waffle cones.

There are so many duplicate shops and so many stores carrying items of similar or identical interest that you'd think there was a product monopoly. The best store, by far was the mystical shop of which FS mentioned. Enchanted Knights is so cool! FS and I want to work there! Here's the link for those that are interested:

The gown I tried on was a black one piece medieval garment. It had an empire/high waist, triangular sleeves that hung from the elbow, velvet accents along the waist, square collar and false undergarment. The cloak was purple velvet with mystical symbols printed on the inner lining, of which was light peach. It was held around the neck by a black satin cord. We didn't purchase them for they were quite expensive (and we want to make our own costumes).

We purchased 2 celtic music CDs. They music from the was playing in the store while we were there.

We did, and purchased, a lot of other things that I'll talk about if anyone's interested. Overall, it was a really great vacation. There were a few snags, annoyances, and things we never had a chance to do, but it was much better than our vacation last year so I'm happy. :)

<<my cousin went up to Mackinac on his honeymoon>> My cousin proposed to his wife on the island, although I can't remember exactly where on the island he proposed. (The same cousin who wouldn't/didn't invite FS to the wedding.) I think the island is so romantic. I keep hinting to FS about certain ideas concerning the island. Hopefully one day we'll be able to make some of those dreams a part of reality. :) **leans over to kiss FS**


That's all for tonight.

Lady Mystic - []
Dearborn, MI
Thursday, July 20, 2000 03:00:28 AM

*** X-Men Spoiler (again)IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT PLAESE DON'T READ THIS!!!***

Okay I saw X-Men again today. It was just as great as the first time but this time I noticed more things...

Wolverine does say 'bub'once in the movie. He says it to Sabertooth(?) before he becomes the hero near the end.
Jubilee(sp?) does make an appearence. She is sitting next to Rogue on her left side in the class Storm is teaching.
They make a bad reference to Wolverine's costume in the cartoon and the comics.
And finally (for now). The guard that is declared to be alive near the end is Mystique. Also the reason Mystique's eyes flashed to her own while in the guise of the Senator was because someone bumped her stomach (around where she was stabbed).

These are just some things I noticed and thought to be of some import. If there is any thing else just let me know. I'm lurking about.

*** End X-Men Spoiler. YOU CAN LOOK NOW!!***

On a more personal note...

I'm doing good on RHPS. I messed up a bit but it was my first time and I am only human, after all. I might be playing this Saturday but it all depends on the girl that played long before I got there. I get to go to Rocky-Con in Las Vegas WOO HOO!!! But I'm not old enough to drink, gamble, or even get a room by my self. Sad I know but hey I'll be 19 soon.

*sigh* I need to find my mate or at least a potential one. I'm lonely. I've been in seclusion for too long. I have found some that I have found ot be potentials but I don't know how they feel about me. (I know I'm weird. And no I'm not talking about sex, I'm taking about companionship.)

Any who I need to go to bed. Good night everyone.

Janine - []
Thursday, July 20, 2000 02:12:23 AM

Hi all. I just dropped in for a quick post to sty caught up with the room. Tomorrow (actually at this point it’s technically "today") I have to get up obscenely early (as in less than 4 hours from now) so I can catch an early flight up north to visit my dad for a week and a half. I’ll have net access there but I’m not certain how busy I’ll be, so I may be scarce for the near future but then again I may not. We’ll have to wait and see.

Christine> I’m sorry to hear about the death of your grandmother. My condolences. At least it is, as you say, an end to her suffering.

Niamhgold> <<Apparently, my mom said I waved to every car that passed us... *singing*. With the windows open. Aggh, I hate anesthesia!>> So do I. When I got mine out last summer I was completely unconscious for almost the entire day, which led to frustrating difficulties that afternoon when I had to sign up for courses for my first semester (at least it was a touch-tone system so I didn’t have to say anything, because half my face was still numb at the time). I’m glad your surgery went okay and I hope you have a quick recovery.

Winterwolf> <<Maybe I'm just lazy! Five or sometimes six classes a semester works well for me>> Some of it depends on the type of classes (Does it have a lab? Is it writing intensive? Is it in an area you are good in?) and how many credits they are each worth, and some of it is just random. : ) Last semester one of my roommates was taking 12 credits of classes and seemed to have almost twice as much homework as I did even though I was taking 18 credits. This semester I will be taking 16 units, and my schedule will be such that I will only have classes two days a week. I’ll get long weekends every week but those two days of classes will be *extremely* long days…

Fire Storm> <<Have you ever seen foil backed duct tape? MAN that stuff is strong! BUT it doesn't work when you are trying to repait a CD. :(>> Even if you manage to tape it so that the CD is still balanced when it spins? <<AND Does Arthur know what a swallow is?>> And can he tell the difference between the African and European varieties?

SJ> <<Or maybe it's just the French thing that bothers me>> Not all French characters have to be like that. Chauvelin from The Scarlet Pimpernel is cool, but he’s the villain who blackmails, spies, and sends people to the guillotine for a living so I guess he doesn’t have to follow the same rules. : ) Yes, I’m still obsessing about this show, but it’s just so much fun, and just so this post isn’t completely off topic, I must link it to gargoyles… The first guy to play Chauvelin when the musical opened on Broadway back in 1997 was Terrence Mann, voice of Oberon!

Okay, with all that out of the way, I need to go pack : P Hopefully I’ll be back soon. Bye for now.

Zath - []
Thursday, July 20, 2000 02:06:24 AM

Sad news > and it was a little weird too ... I woke this afternoon from a strange dream in which I was helping my mother look for bones in Grandma's house, to be told by Tim that I needed to call Mom. Because, as it turns out, Grandma passed away today. She has been failing for a long while now, the essential she lost to us thanks to her deteriorating condition, so this comes more as a relief that her suffering's over. It has reminded me again that, as much as I love her and will always remember her, how wrong it seems that we live in a society that shows more kindness to our pets than our relatives in terms of letting/helping them go.

Christine - []
Thursday, July 20, 2000 12:27:20 AM

*enters the CR in an estatic daze*

Greetings all! WOW!! What a day! Spent 3 hours stuffing the freebie bag for comic con today. Then went to the theater to FINALLY watch X-Men..(opinions on that to come next)..then went back to convention center to get my registration completed.

COMIC-CON...I am SOOOO EXCITED about this! I got a copy of the events guide and found quite a few programs that I'm really looking forward to attending. Friday has 2 that I'm excited about...1)Richard Hatch from Battlestar Galactica. Man I had such a huge crush on him back when the show was on when I was in 8th grade...2)ElfQuest: The Animated Cartoon. I can't wait to hear what the panel has to say about this. :-) ...then on Sunday morning is what I'm most excited about...Greg and the Starship Troopers panel!!! I'll finally get to see Greg in person, which really thrils me as I'm not going to be at G2K. :-(

X-MEN...Considering I was really knocking this movie and expected it to pretty much suck, I was plesantly surprised by how much I liked it. Most of the comments I've heard here have been positive. I really enjoyed this movie and got quite a few laughs out of it as well...I.E. dick, flipping the "silver bird", the motorcycle...just to name a few.

Well, that's about all from me for now. Time to go help my son get his bag packed so he can spend a few days with his dad. Ciao everyone! :-}

Katara - []
San Diego, CA
Thursday, July 20, 2000 12:04:01 AM


(HEY! What about us Fae?)


(What about the gargoyles?)

OH, just shut up and listen EVERY SENTIENT BEING...

(What about...) <A safe drops on that person>

VOTING FOR THE CR PICTURES HAS NOW ENDED! NO NEW VOTES WILL BE EXCEPTED! (For those of you who recieved an e-mail about your vote, yes, your will still be accepted.)

Fire Storm - [<--- We now return you to your regular link, already in progress.]
Thursday, July 20, 2000 12:00:48 AM

Mary- That is so awful! I hope they cach that ass of a man that did that to her. Hopefully she will get throught it in time.

X-Men- Saw it Monday with my brother it was pretty cool, If you have'nt seen it yet go!!! Am I the only that thinks James Marsden A.K.A. Cyclops was cute!

Lawrence - []
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 11:58:58 PM

Today's practice was atually a lot of fun. I think it's going to be a good year.
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 11:17:09 PM

Survivor ramblings: Well, it looks as if the CBS web geeks screwed up, big time, as everything that was predicted to happen, DID happen. Those morons gave the show away hours before it even aired. I hope to God they haven't given away the ending of the show. The thing that I would hate more than any one particular person that I did not like winning the show is, well knowing the exact identity of the person who won the show beforehand. I want it to remain a surprise.
Oh, and about my feelings toward Gervase....I don't think he's a bad person. I'm sure he's a very nice person. Everyone on the island seems to like him, and I think he's probably a very cool guy in real life. The thing about him that I don't like is that he's lazy. Take tonight's episode. My personal fave (and the guy I want to walk away with the prize), Richard, caught a whole bunch of fish. Sean spent the day hauling around wood. Rudy cooks, the women help ration food and do a dozen other tasks to make life on the island liveable, and what was Gervase doing most of the day? Sleeping, or playing cards. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but frankly, I'd be pissed if the hard-working folks didn't get jack and he walked away with a million when he spent most of his time on the island on his butt.

Kit: I don't know what they do in case of a tie. I believe that, in the end, the winner is decided by the others who have left the island, but I think the exact number of those who decide is going to be an odd number, so that there can not be a tie vote.

X-Men news: Patrick Stewart has confirmed that he and many of the other cast members are already signed on for a second movie. Bryan Singer has hinted that the next one will probably involved Sentinels.

Gargoyle Soap Opera: I'd watch it, but only if the 'actors' cast those pensive, suspenseful glances at the camera when they break for commercial. You know what I'm talking about. It's the single most absurd thing about soap operas.
Goliath: But Angela, you don't understand....
Angela: Understand what?
Goliath: You see, Angela, I'm NOT your father at all!
**At which point the camera cuts to Goliath and he gives the camera a look sort of like a cross between a brain hemorrage and painful constipation. Meanwhile Angela gives the camera a look of supreme angst and confusion.***

Aaron: I don't like Jean-Claude cause, instead of interpreting his demeanor as stylish or classy, I think he's just a little too slick. He's a suave slicky boy. "Hello, Ms. Vampire Slayer, let me whisper French to you while I wear my poofy French shirt! Love me, beautiful woman!" He strikes me as every rich, preppy pretty boy I've ever known in my life.....Or maybe it's just the French thing that bothers me.
Although, you are right--Richard whines a lot. I kind of like him, but werewolves should be big bad furry machines of death and destruction, a la White Wolf. Werewolves shouldn't need to whine. ;)

Sevarius Jr. - []
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 11:13:17 PM


The deadline is at 11:59 PM TONIGHT, so PLEASE vote NOW! :)

Lady Mystic - [<-- VOTE NOW!!!!]
Dearborn, MI
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 10:40:58 PM

One bit of weirdness regarding the Harry Potter business: somebody's started marketing a few things for it already (I think that it's WB), and one of those pieces of merchandise is Slytherin shirts. The thing that I got wondering about was: why Slytherin shirts? After all, the Slytherins in the Harry Potter series are the nastiest, most evil wizards in the "Potterverse" (they produced all the villainous wizards from Lord Voldemort himself down to Draco Malfoy); why would any Harry Potter fan want to join them? I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the shirts don't sell very well.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 10:15:44 PM


Somewhere in the Underground City, a man in dark robes ducks into an alley and gasps in relief as a gang of roaring caiveh cubs runs past. "That was close," he gasps, throwing back his hood and revealing himself to be Abdullah's assistant Yevi. "I hate this place. Why couldn't Jazeem have sent someone else to deliver the lamp?" He sighs and takes a small gold object out of his robe pocket and sets it on the ground. "Okay, genie," Yevi then mutters. "Go find the boss's enemies." There is a flash of light and a rush of air. Yevi grins evilly, picks up the lamp and pockets it, then adjusts his robes and runs away as stealthily as he can. The cloud of black smoke with two glowing red circles at its center which he released floats up and over the city toward the government stalactite-buildings that hang from the ceiling above.

Inside the largest of those buildings, Vincent is frowning at Gubio and Erin as they continue to exchange angry expressions and words with Kovu and Tiara, neither pair backing down in their demands. "Enough!" Terrell breaks the silence. "The right course here is obvious. Vincent, you know it as well as I." "Yes, I do," Vincent nods. Then he points a finger at the door. "Go, Erin Bey and Alex Cleary. Get what you need, then leave. We will deal with our own problems, we do not need your help." "What?" Terrell gasps. "You heard me," Vincent replies. "Good job, Vincent," Kovu snickers. "Nice to see you taking the right side for once." "Yes," Tiara agrees, smiling. "And I thought you would always be disagreeing with us." "Vincent, wait," Erin says. "What is more important? Your pride and political standing, or the safety of your people? Ensuring the latter will help you more with the former than thinking of the former alone, will it not? Please, Vincent, do be not like the Israelis!" "I am sorry," Vincent sighs, then turns away, causing Erin to drop her jaw. "He doesn't listen to humans anymore," Tiara sneers. "You would have learned it sooner or later. Soon he will do the right thing and make your kind not welcome here anymore." Erin spins around, her hand raised in full slapping position, but Mist catches it and shakes her head as Kovu and Tiara laugh. "Fine," Erin sighs, looking at Gubio and Terrell, who both nod in agreement with Mist. "You can act all stupid and prejudiced. See where it gets you." Grimacing, she then turns and walks out of the room. Mist and Gubio follow, both looking very angry. "I'll escort you to the market," Terrell says as he walks along with them. "Oh, Terrell," Kovu calls after him. "Don't be getting any ideas now about telling them anything. You know I'm in charge of who holds your position." Terrell growls but does not give a reply as the pair laugh and snicker after him and the three Ravens. "Those guys have some nerve," Gubio fumes as they exit the building. "Who do they think they are?" "The second and third most powerful people in our city," Terrell sighs. "And unfortunately, that's exactly what they are. Be glad you didn't strike Tiara, Erin. She would have challenged you to a duel over it. And no one has ever defeated her in the arena, neither human nor caiveh, not in the over three hundred times I've seen her fight. She even bested a gargoyle once." "She is a bitch," Erin spits. "And that Kovu is hardly different. Why are they in power over your people, Terrell?" "We make mistakes sometimes," Terrell sighs. "Or we see things differently." He shakes his head. "I want you both to know something though," he adds as they get onto the elevator that will take them down into the city. "I am on your side here, and there are many others who likewise are. We see that friendship with humanity is the best thing for our future, and though it may take us a long time to attain it, we want it very much. Vincent is on our side, despite what you just saw. He would have supported you more in the meeting just now, were it not for two things." "One must be Kovu and Tiara's power down here," Gubio speculates, and Terrell nods. "What's the other, or can you not tell us?" "Kovu and Tiara have forbidden me to tell you," Terrell sighs. Then he smiles. "But it will be a cold day in the warmest part of Hell before I give a damn what they think. So tell you our secret I shall. Erin, your second cousin Abdullah is indeed threatening us." "I knew it!" Erin shouts, smiling. "What is he doing?" "He forces us to use our expertise with the cultivation of herbs to manufacture drugs," Terrell answers in a voice full of anger, "and there is not a thing we can do about it." "Why?" Gubio asks, as Erin grimaces and Mist snarls. "Because," Terrell sighs, "somehow, somewhere in our city, he has placed a powerful nuclear bomb."


Greetings. Kit told you all yesterday about us leaving for Houston tomorrow, right? Good, I don't need to mention it myself. I will miss you all while we're gone, but don't worry, we'll be back soon. And it will be good to be back. :) So I don't fall too far behind in here while I'm gone (especially with the earlier wipe date) I shall now make replies. :)

Fanfic Progress: My burnout problems have eased a small bit, thanks to all those who worried. The outline of "Losses" is done, and so is the first scene, but there's still much work to complete on the story itself. I regret to say I don't know when it will be done. I have a lot of other things keeping me busy, and there's still residual burnout and loss of will to write for various reasons too. When I get back to Austin, I'll do my best to get to work on the story again. Hopefully plenty of feedback will be waiting for me in my e-mail to help things along. :)

Shadowrider: Glad you also like Terminator. :) I enjoy that film for its excellent plot and action, as well as the great, well-acted, and realistic character development all throughout. Good music and cinematography too. In fact, IMO it did all these things better than Blade Runner did. But that's just my opinion. And of course Terminator falls through when it comes to lessons about the human condition and life. Still, they're both very good movies. Glad you liked the first season of Buffy too, be assured you're not the only fan of the show it had to grow on. Congrats on the course you passed, and hope your friend feels better soon. It's good you were able to help her out. Have fun on your vacation.

SOROW: Congrats on the new computer, sorry I forgot to mention it last week. Also sorry you didn't get to have that much fun this summer- you really deserved some, I thought. <sighs> Oh well, back to the grind. You can handle it, I'm sure. But please let us know if you need any help, it will be given freely and eagerly. That's what friends are for. :)

Green Baron: Like I told you on AOL IM the other night, I'm really glad you and your father have patched things up. Congratulations. May you never be at odds again. Hope you did a good job on the shooting range, and good luck in any future challenges you may face. :)

X-Men Movie: I don't know if anyone else in here has read Greg Weisman's review of the film in Ask Greg yet, but I think we all should. He makes many good points about the film and things that were done in it, and though I do disagree with him about a lot of stuff (Return of the Jedi especially), there's more stuff in there I agree with and that I think is very right. Particularly the stuff about Rogue, I too liked her much better in the movie than I ever did in the comics because of precisely the things Greg mentioned. <sighs> I wonder if I can use this more human and interesting Rogue in my ficverse instead of the comics one. It probably doesn't matter if I can or not, all I've really done with Rogue so far is make her a deus ex machina for stopping the nearly all-powerful Glamayre from destroying the clan (in "Masterpiece"). Still, I want to at least do something. :) And probably I will. That's not the point anyway. The point is, go read the review. It's very good and very interesting. Best piece on the film I have yet to see. Do yourself a favor if you haven't already and read it.

Related topic- you know, today I saw a new X-Men comic that had come out at the local game store. On the cover was the following slogan- "The comic that inspired the X-Men movie." My response to this is two words- Well, duh! :) <sighs> It seems that Marvel is trying to use the movie to help revive its failing mediums in rather too obvious a way. This is quite disappointing, especially since so many things in the movie were so much better than things in the comic ever have been. <grimace> Oh well.

Voices of TGS Characters: I can see Avery Brooks as Harthoth too. However, he's not the Timedancer character I wonder most about. Sata's the one whom I do. I've thought of a number of people for her voice, and none of them seem exactly right. Maybe I should check the TGS cast list. :) I also agree that Bernadette Peters would do a great Maeve, even though she'd only be doing the Unseelie Queen's voice when she's in her true form in my ficverse. My readers know who'd be doing it otherwise. <grin>

Harry Potter Casting: I think a British boy should get the role too, for all the reasons SJ mentioned. Hope one does, and that Hollywood back-dealing doesn't ruin the movie. I'm glad that kid from Stepmom SJ thought might get the part isn't gonna be the one for it too. I agree that he was very annoying and I really can't see him as Harry. Draco Malfoy now… :) Anyway, may the child best suitable for the part get what they deserve.

SJ: Snake Plissken on TV? Hmm. Well, if they concentrate more on plot, realism, and character development instead of showing everyone what a badass take-no-<bleep> tough guy Snake is (like they did in the movies), I suppose I could go for this show. Guess I'll wait and see. <Gervase winning Survivor> Lord, please, no! I've only seen a little bit of that show, but if half the negative things I've heard about that guy are true, and he wins, television games will have sunk to a serious new low. <grimace> That jerk should have been voted off the island by the other contestants now, and instead it looks like he's gonna be defeating them? Don't they have any sense? <sighs> Oh well, it's not like this is really my problem. Still, I hope our prayers and your curse work the appropriate magic. If not, let's plan a round of special pain for Mr. Gervase and inflict it on him together in the RP. On second thought, maybe we should do that even if he doesn't win the million. I'm sure Kitainia would enjoy it. <grins and chuckles> Maybe he's not the only one we should be going after either. I definitely agree that CBS (and other stations such as Fox too) need to do MUCH better background checks with the people they put on the air. <Harriet the Spy on Buffy> Hmm. I say it again, Hmm. I didn't really like the Nickelodeon movie with her in it, but hey, if she can act the part…<shrugs> I'm not too sure what I'll think of Dawn's character yet either. Something else on which I'll have to wait and see.

Daphne: Welcome. Good luck becoming a master wordsmith someday. We'll do our best to help you out if you'll only be our friend. <grin> Welcome also to equation and all the other newcomers in here.

Jannie, Firestorm, and Lady Mystic: Welcome back! Glad you all had good vacations.

Mary: Good luck with the perverts. Bahemut has an interesting plan to keep them off you, but I personally don't support it. Whatever you do, I hope it works. As for what happened to that woman in your neighborhood, I too am very angry about it and hope they catch the bastard soon and punish him severely. I'll be praying for the woman as well, as a man I can never really understand the kind of thing she's going through but I am certain she is going through serious emotional pain. May she get over it soon, and learn to be strong again. And may you soon not have to live in fear.

Todd: Uh, Felicia Hardy was Jennifer Hale, not Jennifer Gray. At least that's who I think it was. Maybe I'm wrong too. Unfortunate that neither of us can recognize such a great voice artists (IMO).

Emmabu: Glad you're reading my stories, hope to hear from you about them sometime. :) I checked a fan site with the script to Blade Runner for the full text of Roy's last line and unfortunately you pretty much got it all. My mistake. <shrugs> Oh well. Thanks for mentioning it just the same.

Bravestar: I remember that show too. Just vaguely, though. He-Man, Silver Hawks, Thundercats, and GI Joe were shows I watched a lot more. Bravestar had many imperfections, but it had many good things about it too. I do miss it now and then. :)

Kyryn: Congrats on getting Okami's car fixed, I envy you greatly. Since Kit and I bought ours, we've spent far more fixing its many problems than we did paying for the machine itself. <grimaces> Currently it has a leaking windshield washer bottle, burned-out brake lights, the left front door handle is broken (we have to open another door and reach over to the inside handle to open that one, we need to flood the motor to get it started, and it needs new motor mounts too. On top of all this, the repair shop at the only Volvo dealership in town won't have time to fix all these problems till next week, and since we need the car to get to Houston tomorrow, we're going to have to explain all these problems to our parents. <grumbles> That is not going to be fun. <sigh> At least we got it tuned-up, the alternator replaced, and the speedometer working again (yes it needed all this too, funny how we only noticed the speedometer problem initially). And it runs fine once we get it going. <shakes head> I really hope fixing all the problems it still has isn't going to cost us more than we can afford. Sometimes I think it would have been cheaper just to have gotten a new car. <great heavy sigh>

Okay, that covers just about everything. Hope the visit Kit and I are starting off tomorrow goes well. We wish everyone in here luck while we're gone, hope you'll wish us the same. We will see you when we get back on Sunday. Later!


The screen comes on again, displaying the bathroom stall at Area 51, where Doug is still staring aghast at Jerec. "You're…" he stammers, "you're saying that I work with Thailog?" "Yes," the Dark Jedi nods. "That is exactly right. You've only forgotten your true loyalties because of the accident you had that caused your memories to be wiped away. You were once Lord Thailog's greatest friend, Doug Elder. He lived in the apartment above yours in Austin, Texas. You often conversed with one another about the problems of the world and how they should be fixed. You came to see things the same way Lord Thailog did, and believe in his cause more strongly than anyone else. Your friends, or more correctly the people who you thought were your friends, such as Kitainia Telman, disagreed, and became your enemies. Yet they desired to be your friends once again, to have you on their side in our little war, and so they are taking advantage of your unfortunate amnesia." Doug frowns, staring at him. "That's…that's crazy," he shakes his head. "Some of what you're saying makes sense, but not as much as what Kit told me." "That's the primacy effect. What I am telling you is the truth." Doug shakes his head. "I don't think so. I'm getting this strong feeling that you're my enemy, that I don't like you very much." "Doug, Doug," Jerec sighs. "It is true you and I have never been the best of friends. We served the same master, but we had different interests. However, in this situation you must put that aside. You have been misled, and since he could not come himself, Lord Thailog sent me to help you." "I'm sorry, but I don't believe you," Doug replies, grimacing. "I don't think I can. This feels very much like something out of a movie, and you're the villain." "Are you the hero then?" Jerec asks, holding his arms out in a gesture of peace. "Are you going to kill me?" Doug stares at him for a moment, then shakes his head. "No. You just go away." He then turns and, pushing past Jerec, walks out of the stall. Jerec watches him go, sighing heavily as soon as Doug is out of earshot. "That didn't go well," Tyl's voice comes from the radio at his side. "Lord Thailog will be most displeased. What a dumb idea you had." "Trust me, my masked and sinister friend," Jerec replies, forming his fingers into a steeple and smiling evilly. "The plan isn't over yet. I have planted the seeds, now all I have to do is watch them grow and bear fruit." "Yeah, sure," Tyl snickers back. "Whatever." Jerec chuckles and then disappears. Outside the barracks, Doug puts his hands in his pockets and walks around the parking lot with a very confused look on his face.


Doug - []
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 10:01:16 PM

**staggers in**

No stress, Winterwolf, I'm still lurkin' ... I've just been hit with two thoroughly *atrocious* work weeks the last couple of weeks, not to mention that I've been getting royally rogered as far as advancement and pay goes at the store ...
**sigh** I really gotta get a new job ...

Anyway ... lemme give a try at catching up here ...

Fire Storm: Interesting, since I actually *did* get your reply to my second message this evening ... **shrugs** Ah well ...
Ohhh, you guys went up to Mackinac ... **drools** Ya gonna have any more of that fudge left on the 29th? *Please* say yes ... **gets malleted by Mara-ko** Thanks, I needed that ...
Anyway, I was gonna say before my sweet tooth got the better of my fingers back there ... my cousin went up to Mackinac on his honeymoon, it sounds like ya had fun. Though I don't really know about the whole "no cars on the Island" thing ... I'd go *NUTS* if I couldn't drive!!

Attila: Oh, that was *Bad!!*

Hmm .. fic panel with Madame Destine and Christine ... ooh ... arg, I'm torn, on the one hand it sounds like a killer panel, but on the other I'm planning on attending the Gathering this year as an *artist* rather than a writer ...

Viking test, huh? Hmm ...
1b 2b 3d (sounds interesting) 4c 5d 6b 7b 8d 9a (unless it's mine, then it'd be c) 10a 11b 12c 13d (YEE HAW!) 14b
Let's see here ... **compares against scoring ... snaps fingers** Dang, only 38 ... and I so wanted to be rated Viking-worthy ... ah well. ;)

**looks over and finds newcomers** Welcome all newcomers ... **raises eyebrow** Keiichi Morisato, huh? **chuckles** Tell Belldandy I said hi. ;)

Emambu: Well, actually full time according to Federal law is considered 40 hours ... Winterwolf does 50/week ... last couple of weeks (including this one) I've been scheduled to nearly 60 (about 56 per, but I took a sick day on Monday because my eyes were having bad allergic reactions). No, you're not lazy. I do believe that myself and Winterwolf have sadistic unrealistic jerks making our schedules for us.

Mary: Oh, that's awful ... I hope they catch the guy and nail his arse to the wall. If for no other reason that it makes you feel safer. :)

One last thing, just FEI (for everyone's information), especially if you've sent messages to Mara-ko and have been waiting for replies ... it seems she's been having trouble lately with her mouse (it broke), I just found out about it last night. She's still there, it's just she's having incredible difficulty with her computer right now.

Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 09:35:54 PM

Once I find DC, I am gonna SERIOUSLY slag him!
I haven't been able to send e-mail from my computer in over a month!
All because my ISP moved 30 miles!

Ok... who do I slag first? DC or those ANNYOING kids that yell at the puppies next door?

Vacation news!
Had a GREAT time, got lost of VERY interesting photographs (You haven't photographed until you get a long duration photo of a bridge lit by it's self with the lights reflecting in the water…)
Went to a outlet mall and saw some good stuff. The Sony store was a letdown, but I saw a few dream stores! DISCOUNT high quality cook ware! A pasta maker! Yeah!
Rented bicycles to ride on Mackinac island and the chain SNAPPED! I nearly crashed into Lady Mystic! TOTALLY messed up my shoulder (still hasn't quite healed…)
BUT we still decided to try taking a "short cut" though the middle of the island… BIG mistake! All up hill! It was BEAUTIFUL, though!
But on the bright side, we went to this great shop with a boatload of dark ages clothes, weapons, cool Celtic music AND lots of other really cool stuff! (Got a picture of LM wearing a very nice gown with a robe. Maybe I'll post the picture soon (NOTE: LM REALLY doesn't want her picture posted. She's so cute! :)
AND we got LOTS of delicious fudge! Maybe a little too much… but we'll manage! (Raspberry Truffle fudge and Double Dark Chocolate fudge are my favorites! (Chocolate lovers eat your heart out.) Hmm… Should I attempt to make Double Dark Chocolate Raspberry Truffle fudge? Dare I? Dare I NOT? :)

So, lets see… cheese cake cookies and Double Dark Chocolate Raspberry Truffle.
Guess I'll be busy in the kitchen for a while!

Microsoft Word character test: J L

Wilek: <Do you have models of a Klingon Bird Of Prey and Darth Vader's TIE fighter close at hand?>
Well, I got a good Darth Vader TIE fighter, but a REALLY bad Bird of Prey. (Note to self... find a good BoP)
<Sounds intriguing... ;)>[Tie Destroyer]
Over gunned (Takes 3 minutes to recharge all the blasters/ion cannons), reactors and engines are bigger than they need to be, puts off more heat than my computer, unstable as hell (Nickname: Tie-Deathtrap), but can punch THROUGH a capital ship in a single blast and can outrun a A-Wing by quite a bit when absolutely necessary. (Picture HOPEFULLY soon!)
<There's someone relatively normal? In here?! The festering snotrag of the criminally insane?!!>
Well, if you think about it, insane or otherwise, how many people in here are really that bad?
<I estimate that no one within a 30-mile radius would survive the explosion. ;P j/k>
Why j/k? It seems like every time we update the archive, the server crashes.

Coyote: I DID get your e-mail, but I am afraid I can't respond to it yet via-e-mail.. :(

Gside: <I take it you've been to>
Not yet...(Looks good, though)
<Do the Monkees count?>
Hmm... na. They are more classic bop than teeny-bop.
BTW… did you post a Saturday July 16 MP3?
<Nuke Site link>
Good site. I wonder how accurate it is though. The data was pulled right out of a RPG playing guide.
<There is no substitute for duct tape>
...And on the 8th day, God created duct tape. Duct tape held the world together, and it was great! :)
Have you ever seen foil backed duct tape? MAN that stuff is strong! BUT it doesn't work when you are trying to repait a CD. :(
<Flying Circus>
No Flying Circus?!?
Good Sir Knight! Have you at least seen the movies?
BTW… do you know of a good Haxor/English dictionary for a lamer like me?

Pikachu: Which reminds me... Any 3d-modeler know where I can get 3d Pokemon meshes? I want to make Pokemon v2.0
The year is 2050. After the cuteness factor of Pokemon wears off, scientists splice, upgrade, hack, and generally have fun with the normal Pokemon (Dr. Anton Sevarius had some fun too). The results are: Cyberchu, Borgasar, Sampler (AKA Facehugger), Sniper, Mecha-Zar,
Unfortunately, some Pokemon didn't make the cut. Mime, for example, was hunted until extinction.

Christine: <like the appearance they imagine I must have>
To paraphrase the old teacher adage: Those that didn't, write! :)

Darwin awards: Two weeks ago a man in the Detroit area jumped off of a 60-foot overpass into oncoming traffic. (He lived, but SHATTERED his ankles)
Or was that on Trauma? (LM says it was on Trauma, not a Darwin award (Dude was on drugs)) Oh well.

BAD parents: (True Story) What do you do when your four children break a piece of furniture?
A: Spank them
B: Ground them
C: Make them do work around the house to pay for it
D: Douse the 4 kids with rubbing alcohol and light one of them on fire.
Guess which one a Detroit woman chose a few weeks ago?

Winterwolf: <Hi! Welcome back! How was your vacation?>
Thanks! It was pretty good!
<Are both you and Lady Mystic going to G2K?>
We wish. :(
<The question then becomes what do you do with your criminals?>
Limited slavery. Or make a whole new Survivor show called "The Running Man!" (Coming next spring to NBC!) (And may that PLEASE be a joke! With the fugitive TV show, The Running Man may not be far behind. :(

Warpmind: <"Gargoyles: the Soap Opera"... it was terrible... just terrible.>
Next time on "As the castle turns"…
"Angela, your pregnant"
(Angela gasps) "Do you know who the father is?"
"Yes. The father is…" <next scene>
"Brooklyn, I'll be DAMNED if I let you take control of this castle!" (Broadway)
"Oh yeah? Who's gonna stop me? You?" Brooklyn
"Yeah! ME."
"Oh yeah? You and what star fleet?" :)

Kyryn: <I've got to get my pair out and go have some fun.>
Make sure you have all the pads! I do and they prevented me from getting REALLY hurt!

Rodlox: < the making of the X-Men movie>
THAT was funny!
"Daddy, I am still your daughter!"
I laughed at that one!


Will Arthur meet the Vorpal bunny?
Will Arthur and his nights defeat the Knights who say NI?
Will they be able to escape Castle Anthrax?
Will the Black Knight triumph?
Did Brother Maynard bring the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch?
Will we see Sir-Not-Appearing-In-This-Season this season?
Is Camelot just a silly place?
AND Does Arthur know what a swallow is?

And the poster Lady Mystic (Formerly known as Lady Mystic) wanted me to remind everyone that there is less than 3 hours to vote for CR pics!

Fire Storm - [<--- Vote HERE!]
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 09:04:39 PM

**Winterwolf enters.**

Hi everybody! I missed you guys. RL is messing my delicate schedule. :(
I was having a discussion that I wanted some input on. Do you think people can change? I'm interested in hearing opinions. Thanks.

Anyone seen Coyote lately?

Mary Flanders> <tattoo> Hmm… If you don't mind (or even better like the idea) and it works for you then good deal. :)

SOROW> The castle is still here. Come in and join us for a bit. ^_^

RAM> <timeline> I like that idea. It would show the amount of time that passed. It was definitely appreciated in the first episode of the Timedancer season finale.

Zath> <roommates> I never had any serious problems with my roommates. Sure they could mildly annoy me but it was never a big deal.

Emambu> <50+ hours> I'm still at work now. And I got here 11 hours ago. Thank goodness I'm leaving in just a few minutes. They really need to hire some more people so I don't have to keep these absurd hours. In fairness however, I took an extra fifteen minute break to type this post up. :) I doubt you are lazy. As I said I'd prefer to have a more traditional schedule.

Wilek> <Star Trek voices in your fics> You've caught my interest. I'll have to take a look later.

Shadowrider> <friend in need> I hope Francesca is feeling a little better. I still can't believe she was left away from home. <God> I'm really reluctant speak up on this topic but I will toss out a little more. What if there was a God and this God did not interfere with what was done on Earth. Let the wheat grow with the weeds and come harvest the wheat will be harvested and the weeds will be thrown to the fire.

Cyborg> <college and free time> That sounds like a killer workload! What are you taking 8 classes or something? Maybe I'm just lazy! Five or sometimes six classes a semester works well for me. :)

Mary Flanders> <robber> :( I don't what I can say about that other than I hope they catch that scumbag!

SOROW> <105 heat and nearly passed out>Oh! **gives you a cool blast of winter wind** I hope you are all better now! **hugz**

Zath> < someone getting mauled after climbing into the cage and trying to attach a pair of papier-mâché wings to the cat?> You right I should probably not do that. But it would look cool! **kidding**

Equation> Welcome to the CR! <Gargoyle info> The gargoyle reproductive rate was given to us by the creator Greg Weisman. He gives all kinds of interesting tidbits if you go to

Niamhgold> I hope all the pain is gone extra quick! **HUGZ** The bruises too! I also missed seeing your posts. ^_^

Shadowrider> Have a great time! I'll be looking forward to hearing about what a great time you had. :)

******WARNING BFTS - RP******

Winterwolf walked up to the huge mansion door and rang the bell. He wonders what SOS will be like.

A woman answers the door and before Winterwolf can say anything she says, "Well it took you long enough to get here. I was wondering if you were planning on getting here this century. We better head to your friend's place right away. Before you even ask me, your boss, I don't remember his name, told me you'd stop by and what you were up to. So I'll help you. I don't like wasting time so let's go. I'll address all of you at once to save time."

Winterwolf was speechless.

"Don't just stand there gawking! Call you friends and tell them we'll be right there." SOS says angrily.

Winterwolf uses the cell phone DPH gave him and calls to tell them he's on his way back.

******END WARNING BFTS - RP******

Okay time for me to leave work. Hurray! See you tomorrow.

**Winterwolf leaves.**

Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 08:36:39 PM

Hey, CR! Well, it's my last post this week...tomorrow I'll leave for a bit of vacation. One week of Motorbike & Camping, with my girlfriend and some others. So, I'll post again as I'll return.

Kitainia:> Thank you for your kind words.
About Buffy...well, I just have to wait a few days.

Equation:> Welcome. Sorry, I missed you last time.

Gside:> << ...isn't the popular perception of Americans as loud, obnoxious, and culture-centric? >> Maybe...some people think so...but personally I never really cared much about "popular perceptions"...not when I can make up my mind by myself.

Niamh:> Well, if you replied, I didn't get it.
Wisdom Teeth removal: AAck! Well, I'm at least very glad the estraction went well, and you are feeling better. I'm sure you will be OK soon!
<<... I waved to every car that passed us... *singing*. With the windows open. >> For sure, you gave a bit of happiness to some people ;) ...and in this world we should care of every single bit of happiness we can find...

Oh, well, that's all.

See you next Friday, probably.


Shadowrider - []
Milan, Italy
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 06:41:05 PM

Kit> Well, there's always Edward. ;) I admitt, I'm a bit miffed at J-C for holding out on Anita. Be kinda funny if she ditched him and Richard and went off with Jason and Damien instead.


Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 06:13:20 PM

Lawrence= Richard. Small mistake I don't know why I made. My bad. :(
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 06:01:57 PM

SJ: <grumbles> I hope that rumor you heard is wrong too. Can you please answer my question about what happens on Survivor in case of a tie?

Aaron: All you say about Jean-Claude is true. I don't fault him for all that, but I also think he's WAY too much of an egotistical SOB to be my type. I also agree with you about Lawrence. Let's face it, Anita Blake's books need stronger male characters desperately. <grin>


Wednesday, July 19, 2000 06:01:21 PM

SJ, Kit> Exactly what is it about Jean-Claude that you guys don't like? He's got style, class, grace, and a killer sense of fashion. He's one of my favorites. It's what possible attraction *Richard* holds that I don't get. How anyone can be an alpha werewolf and such a whiney loser is beyond me.


Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 05:05:34 PM

Survivor update: I'm very, very afraid now that Gervase may indeed be THE survivor.

This is my reason for my fear: The folks running the CBS Survivor website have screwed up badly. Apparently, earlier today, they inadvertently released the identity of the loser of tonight's show. Here's the info, from

DATE: More issues in the Web design department of CBS. If you don't want to know what's coming next, Go Away! This news is an ABSOLUTE spoiler!

Our pick for this week's Tribal Council victim was Greg. This might have been confirmed by a problem in the CBS Web design department. At approximately 2:15 PM Central Time today, a recap of tonight's as of yet unaired episode was uploaded to the CBS web server. The summary stated that Greg gets voted out by a margin of six to three, with the Tagi Alliance of Richard, Rudy, Susan, and Kelly, plus Sean and Jenna, voting against him. The remaining three castaways - Greg, Colleen, and Gervase - cast their votes against Jenna. The site also confirmed that Gervase wins immunity at Tribal Council, and Greg wins this week's luxury challenge - a video from home.

Now either one of three things has happened: 1) The CBS Web designers have made a huge gaffe and uploaded the new information ten hours early, 2) The CBS web designers are playing an elaborate hoax on the web-surfing public, or 3) CBS has been the victim of a very sophisticated hack.

Obviously realizing the problem, the design department at CBS has taken the site down - butnot before numerous reports of the snafu were made. We were alerted very quickly to the error, and has confirmed the reports.
*************END SPOILERS******

Now, I desparately hope that either this is a hoax or that CBS has been hacked. Because hey, if they screwed up this time....who's to say that they didn't screw up before, and in fact Gervase IS INDEED the winner of Survivor. If I was Mel Karmazin, I'd be lopping off heads, because Survivor is the best thing on CBS, and it would suck if my own web geeks gave away the surprise.

I was listening to a talk radio show today that is owned/operated by CBS/Infinity, and the hosts themselves have researched this with CBS, and the response they have been given is that "The site has been having a history of problems, and it has been shut down for investigation".
This is what worries me.....looks like maybe this is a legit screw-up. God I hope not. Damn Santeria must not be working....

Sevarius Jr. - []
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 03:20:32 PM

***Mild X-Men Spoilers***
Kitainia>"Best line IMO- 'Where's my motorcycle?'" The reason that was so good (IMO) was because of the look on Wolverine's face...When he saw the bike, while he rode the bike, after he pushed the button *LOL* Oh, I really love that guy.
***End Mild Spoilers & Post***

Cyborg - []
Montreal, Quebec, Contry
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 01:21:48 PM

Aggh, me again! In my below post, I was supposed to say to Shadowrider: I will "write", not I will "right." I guess I'm really not in my right mind!


Wednesday, July 19, 2000 09:40:47 AM

** Niamhgold snaps out of a drug-induced stupor to enter the CR... **

Hi, all! Just popping in quickly--very quickly--to say that the wisdom teeth removal went pretty well, and I'm slowly feeling better! :D- I didn't swell one inch (which is good, since I do not wanna look like a chipmunk! ;), and I've been suffering through the pain because I refuse to take my loopy pills (aka codeine--that stuff does a # on my system!). The only problem was that the doc had a heck of a time getting the intravenous in my arm--couldn't find the vein, so he stuck it three times in my left arm, twice in my left hand, twice in my right hand, and finally got in my right arm. I'm covered by bruises in that respect, but alls well!

Woo, I'm rambling! And if you think that's bad, you should have seen me on the drive home. Apparently, my mom said I waved to every car that passed us... *singing*. With the windows open. Aggh, I hate anesthesia!

Mary Flanders: That crook did _what_? Man, that woman's lucky she's alive! I hope they nail the @$$hole, (literally *nail* a part of him, if you know what I mean!). Try carrying around a compass or something. I always carry around a compass point now...once, when some creepy guy was following me down the street, grabbed my arm, and tried to do who-knows-what, I jabbed him with the sharp end of a compass (since I was off to my art class) and ran for it. It works :) And it's *legal*.

Winterwolf: Got your e-mail...thank you! Glad you liked the X-men movie :)

Christine: Loved SPII! In fact, more than the first one! I wanna read the book!

Shadowrider: I did get your e-mail...did I not respond to it? If I didn't, I'll be sure to go back and right...when I'm back in my right mind!

Well, folks, I think I outta be leaving for today...the anti-inflammatory pill is making my brain splinter off in about thirteen different directions...


Wednesday, July 19, 2000 09:38:44 AM

Mr Jensen: i believe you once told us that gargs evolved on i - humorously - developed a senario which explained the following questions:
1) why no garg fossils
2) why the different limb arrangement
3) how do you have something from both Earth and space

in essence, ...hold on, here's the reason: not only did they goto space for a while, but also - {warning: MIB crossover}:

Etine held out the memory device to J and Ariana. Hesitantly, they both approached, placing their palms on it. The effect was instantaneous: Within their minds, they were seeing creatures long extinct, animals with beaks and tusks on the same mouth, mammal-like reptiles. There was an extinction, killing half of all life on the planet. “This was the last time you guys visited?” J managed to ask. The creatures which evolved, almost in answer to his voice, were most definately not dinosaurs; oh there were some paralels, but for the most part, they were unknowns.
At last something vaguely like an Apteri appeared, massive wings atrophying, then turning into the powerfull legs J’d admired earlier. The Apteri image grew and grew, and Ariana realized that they were increasing in their physical size, becoming taller.
“We pried open the locks of sciences,” Etine explained as strangely-shaped cities appeared.
Colonies on other worlds. “Challenges were always sought by my people. We turned in every way, looking for more, for a greater test.” Suddenly, the images began to reverse. “And then we discovered time travel. It was a dream for us.
“Some of our number sought to have someones to converse with, students, teachers, anything! So we went to the most horrific extermination in all of our history: what you call the Permain-Triassic Boundary.” A return to the scene with beak- and tusk-critters. “We made it worse.” Animals died again, but this time in far greater numbers.
“But why?” Ariana asked, confused. “You had all that - why would you throw it away?”
A look eminated from the Apteri’s eyes that saddened her, without knowing why. “What good was all our knowledge, our wisdom? We were alone, noone to talk with.” The scene after the tusks died off became the Triassic, then the Jurassic, and so on. Eventually, mammals retook the large-bodied role again, diversifying.
“But though we slept in deep corners of the ocean during this time, all was not for naught: we had designed Aeon Probes, built to gather genetic material from all lifeforms, and store it in one of the many recepticles. That way, even if no native intelligence arose, we could still craft one in our image.”
“These probes of yours,” J asked, sparing a glance at Ariana’s frame. “They didn’t, perchance, happen to have any Apteri DNA, did they?”
One Apteri eye cocked his way, the other still on Ariana. “Of course. All probes contained our DNA as integral to their intelligence matrices.
“And that is also why gargoyles share the same reaction to the neurolizer as we, for they are our decendants - and yours.”

Rodlox - []
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 09:15:58 AM

Count me as another person relieved that Harry Potter will be played by a British youngster rather than an American. I'm quite an Anglophile, and don't feel too enthusiastic about efforts to "Americanize" things.

KITAINA - I enjoyed your creativity demon about Alex trying out for the role - although I'd say that he's still a bit young for the part (he'd be only four years old at present).

(I wonder what Emrys thinks of the Harry Potter series, incidentally).

GARGOYLES AS ALIENS - I still don't really go for this idea, but I did have a dark little creativity demon about it recently. After the gargoyles get revealed as aliens, the combined human governments of the world decide to forcibly deport them back to their home planet, force them all aboard a spacecraft, and shoot it out into space. However, Castaway has secretly gotten to the rocket first and done some judicious tampering with it so that it should self-destruct not long after it leaves Earth's atmosphere....

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 07:11:23 AM

thanks for the welcome, everybody... on to the chat...

I suppose the main thing I am trying to get at is this: do we know for a 'canon' fact that gargoyle reproductive rate is so long -- on the order of 20 years? to my knowledge, it was never mentioned or hinted at in the series itself -- and while I am on this, there is some canon evidence of the gargs relation to saurian, perhaps pteranodon stock, in that sevarious goes so far as to mention their similarities. I am not really inclined to the idea that the eggs enter stone sleep at all, much less spend the majority -- perhaps all -- of the incubation period in that state. granted it would render them safe from predators, but for some reason I beleive that such safeguarding is better served by a set of behavioral traits -- a form of nesting... the rookery in the case of gargs, serves this purpose admirably. as to the idea that a long incubation period safeguards the population in times of scarce resources, once again behavioral change is a much more likely means of survival... females of most higher-level animal species are more or less receptive to males depending on available resources, and some are even able to store sperm cells from matings for years!... the most notable example of this is the kangaroo, the female of which can store sperm for years, and even deliberately select the gender of the offspring when she does decide to become pregnant! (i bet there are a lot of human women who would love to be able to do that -- would be _really_ bad news for us guys... 8P)

all I am saying is that unless there is some kind of canon evidence that gargs take so long to procreate, we shoudnt necessarily get locked into the idea that they do -- especially those of us who write fics with them... there are plenty of other potential reasons for the negative population growth of the species in the garg universe, without slow procreation being involved... persecution by humankind would only be the latest in a long list... stone sleep in and of itself would be much higher on the list than procreation, because even though it allows the gargs their advantages of slower aging, healing and solar energy collection, it also leaves them highly vulnerable to abrupt changes in the environment such as the effects of natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes to name but a few)

oh, btw, I am currently workin on a couple of fic ideas... actually crossovers -- one in the star trek universe, and another with the guyver universe... if anybody's interested in reviewing the prologues, email!

equation - []
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 05:28:42 AM

Welcome, Equation.

Wilek> <<gets to work on the multiplexer>>: A am so glad the 211 final is not cumulative. but then again, I might need MUXes for memory chip combination.
<<I have an MPG of that; perfect for relieving stress>>: Another great filefor relief is something I have called So much fun if you can put it on loop. It gets funnier each time. I might put it up someday. Then my ex-roomie has some utterly random violence in video format...
<<large naked women in South Park-style CGI or something floating>>: Sounds odd. Woudn't get boting.

Shadowrider> <<Numeric Fluidodynamics (At least, it is called this way here)>>: Over here, we'd probably just separate the Fluid and Dynamics, and ignore the o.
Best wishes for your friend.
civilization of US> Any country that would let me in... But anyway, isn't the popular perception of Americans as loud, obnoxious, and culture-centric?

Mary Flanders> May your safety soon be assured.

SOROW> Would that you had more time for fun, and may your practice be productive and quick.

Kitainia> <<Leo isn't a nerd>>: Thank you. From the actual definitions (1. [mainstream slang] Pejorative applied to anyone with an above-average IQ and few gifts at small talk and ordinary social rituals. 2. [jargon] Term of praise applied (in conscious ironic reference to sense 1) to someone who knows what's really important and interesting and doesn't care to be distracted by trivial chatter and silly status games. Compare the two senses of computer geek.), he seems to be the comlete antithesis of nerdom. Oh, and I intend not to have to concern myself with narcs, so I cannot give you an opinion on that subject.
<<Your head's also stuck up some other part of your body that's hiding it.>>: (Danger: some minor crude language)
<<Next Review- Loser>>: Let me just say that my hat is much better than his, and it puts me on par with the pvp fez.

I am in a somewhat classical mood today, so today's mp3 is Variations on the Cannon performed by George Winston.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 04:10:53 AM

Okay, here's the vote page. My previous name link takes you to the index page to the new images. Sorry. I'm WAY too tired.

Good night. :)

Lady Mystic - [<-- VOTE PAGE!!!]
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 03:58:17 AM


That's JULY 19th, not June 19th! Oh well, you know what I mean.

Lady Mystic - []
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 03:54:25 AM

Daniel Johnson> <<A slower metabolic rate would explain why they take so long to hatch, but why would such a slow rate develop in the first place? What evolutionary purpose would be served by having such a long incubation period?>> I assume that while a gargoyle or egg is in stone sleep mode it is basically inedible, so the longer an egg is in stone sleep the less time it is attracting predators. Eggs that had a more normal metabolic rate were more likely to get eaten at night while the adults were out hunting and such causing that trait to be eventually completely weeded out of the gene pool, leaving those that spent a greater amount of time in stone sleep who had a greater chance of surviving until hatching but at the price of a greatly extended incubation period. Sometimes a trait is the way it is as a result of another trait the species has rather than being directly beneficial in itself. An example of this is the fact that cats have poor color vision and cannot focus on near objects as well as humans can. This did not evolve because it directly helps them. Instead, the condition is a result of the other traits that allow them to have such superior night vision.

equation> <<as their physical structure suggests, the sentient gargs (ie not bronx) are descendants of the pteranodon lineage,>> Just because two species have similar body structures does not mean that one is descended from the other. Sharks, dolphins, and icthyosaurs have very similar body structures, but that is just because they evolved to deal with similar environments. The same can be said for sugar-gliders and flying squirrels.

Patrick Toman> <<Wildlife Rescue on Sunday, with a real live Florida Panther>> Why do I suddenly have a premonition of someone getting mauled after climbing into the cage and trying to attach a pair of papier-mâché wings to the cat?

Wilek> <<I thought it was your cat that was sinister>> No, she's out and out evil and proud of it : ) <<Fishnet stockings would be great for Blackarachnia>> **Suddenly, the Robotic Richard Simmons, altered to look like Tim Curry enters and starts singing "I'm just a sweet Transformer from Tr-" Fortunately, every weapon in the CR turns and destroys the abomination before it can finish.** <<Zath's cat must be the cutest life form on Earth>> She seems to think so. The only thing bigger than her Id is her ego ; )

SJ> <<BRUCE CAMPBELL!!!! The hero of all fanboys! If he gets the part.....if...if he gets the part...>> It would be fun to see him on the X-Files again, but how would they explain why Scully doesn’t notice that he looks just like a certain demon she and Mulder ran into a few seasons ago?

Zath - []
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 03:52:55 AM


If you haven't voted for cr images do so NOW! The deadline ends tonight! See below for details.

Well, things have been busy and time consuming over here. I'd like to say more tonight, but unfortunately I'm too tired.

So for tonight it's just announcements.


- Cyborg
- Brooklyn Future Tense
- Wilek Nereus
- W.D. Hayden
- Aaron
- Fire Storm
- Gside
- Ordell
- Green Baron
- Sigma28 - email username, minus domain name
- Warpmind de InzanE
- Jannie
- Jenna
- Peter Bijl
- Daniel Johnson
- Starsinger
- Revel
- Doug and Kit
- Winterwolf
- Shadowrider
- Susan Foster
- Graymonk
- Fleur
- Airwalker
- Xanathar
- Taleweaver
- Ari
- Lady Mystic
- Kyryn

I have emailed the following people concerning re-voting via email, and am awaiting responses:

- Emambu
- Bronx
- Lexy

If you have already responded to my email, please be patient. I may recieve your votes within the next few days. Don't worry if I do not recieve your votes by the deadline. I will keep the deadline open for those that have to resend votes.

ROBBY = Since you are having email problems go ahead and post your votes in the CR. Like I said in my email, be sure to direct it to me. I'll keep my eyes peeled for your vote. :) And for reasons stated above, I'll accept your vote even if it's after the deadline.

Thanks to all who voted! :)


The voting ends Wednsday, June 19th at 11:59 PM. We will not accept any more votes, with a few acceptions*, after 11:59 PM CR TIME.

* Again, the only votes we will accept after the deadline will be those that had to be resent for various reasons.

After the deadline, a tally will be posted along with a list of those who voted. I will also post a list of the cut images. I will accept emails for as yet an undetermined length of time concerning appeals on cut images. After which we will not accept any more appeals, requests and votes until the next CR pics update.

*** / IMPORTANT ***

Now, I know I'm forgetting something... Hopefully I'll remember it soon.

Lady Mystic - [<-- VOTE ENDS JULY 19 AT 11:59 PM!!!]
Dearborn, MI
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 03:51:50 AM


"That was all very interesting," Vincent says after a pause as Gubio and Erin finish their tale. "I can sympathize with your problems. However, I'm afraid I can only help you with one of them. You will be given a vial of Desert Night, enough for your friend to regain all his lost memories. As for the other thing…" "What, you can't help us with Abdullah?" Erin frowns. "But you're a good person, Vincent. I don't get this. Surely you must…" "I am sorry," Vincent sighs. "I want to help, but my hands are tied for reasons I cannot explain. I'm sorry." "You're sorry," Gubio repeats, then shrugs. "Alright, fine. We'll get other help. Now, about that Desert Night…" "Wait," Terrell cuts in. "Vincent, maybe these people can help us. If we just tell them…" "No!" Vincent snaps, causing Mist to meow in shock as he leaps to his feet. "We will not tell them, Terrell." "You won't tell us what?" Gubio asks with a frown. "Yeah, what?" Erin adds. "I thought you trusted us. What do you not want to tell us?" "I can't tell you," Vincent insists, making a scything gesture. "Terrell, take them to the market. Then the two of you will get your Desert Night and leave." "But…" Terrell begins, but Vincent cuts him off with a growl. "No! We can't tell them! He'll kill us! He'll kill us all!" "Who will?" Erin gasps in shock. "Abdullah? Has he threatened you?" "Wait a minute!" Gubio interrupts. "Abdullah knows about this place?" "Yes, he does," Erin nods. "My whole family does. Vincent, if you're in trouble…" "Whatever trouble we might be in is not your concern, human," a voice cuts in mockingly. Everyone in the room spins to see a tall and thin black-furred female caiveh dressed in dark blue leathers standing in the door with a sly grin on her face. Mist hisses loudly and Gubio waves a hand to calm her down. "Who are you?" he asks the new arrival, not seeing the angry glare Erin is shooting her way. "That's not your concern either," adds another voice, that of a male caiveh wearing red Kevlar armor with yellow fur, stern features, and a long mane full of twinkling beads. He steps up next to the female and smiles, showing two gold fangs. "We've been listening in. We know what Vincent told you. You should obey him. Down here our law prevails." "And you heard our leader," orders the female. "Get your precious Desert Night and leave. We don't need your help to solve our other problems." "Then why haven't they been solved yet?" Erin asks, crossing her arms and giving the two strange caiveh a menacing look. "Tell us what they are, maybe we can help." "I told you," the female caiveh growls back. "We don't need you." "She is right," adds the jeweled male. "You're not wanted here, human. Leave." Gubio grimaces at the pair and looks at Terrell. "Kovu and Tiara?" he whispers. The caiveh warrior nods. "Yep, that's Kovu and Tiara." "Damn it," Gubio curses as the screen suddenly goes blank.


Good evening CR dwellers. :) Well, I said I'd be making a big long post today, and this is it. :) Hope I can get caught up on everything in this post, I hate to say once again that it will be my last one for a while. Yes, my summer classes may be over (got an A in the fair course and a C in the unfair one, if anybody's wondering), my job's not needing me for full time yet- in fact they've just given me my first vacation- but this Thursday Doug and I still have to keep a big commitment. One that requires us to leave town for a few days. Yes, that's right, our families in Houston are both demanding another reunion. This time we may all have dinner together, get to know one another better, relax (yeah, right). So the unfortunate consequence of this is, we have to be absent from the CR for a while. This is my last post till we get back next Monday, Doug's will be tomorrow. We will miss you all, but don't worry, we will see you again. <sighs> Okay, time to get caught up.

Robby: <I'll have more free time in August> So Doug's been telling me. :) May that free time come neither too late nor too soon. <grin> Good luck with your work too.

Gside: Okay, Leo isn't a nerd. Sorry I called him one, I forgot it wasn't an insult in some circles. :) Maybe I'll call him Leo-narco from now on. Narcs are still uncool, right? <grins> Anyway, thanks for the reminder.

Shadowrider: Your friend hasn't been writing? That's unfortunate, he's got real talent. <sigh> Oh well, I hope the comments of myself and others will help him get his creativity demons working again. If not, well, I pray you can find something else that does. Thanks for the info on your military service dates, we will miss you when you have to go and pray for your safe eventual return. :) Glad you were able to enjoy the first season of Buffy- don't worry, the second is much better. :)

Mandi: I agree with you about Scary Movie, the jokes in there were real dumb (and the ones you mentioned weren't even the most horrifyingly stupid). Too bad a lot of people wasted their money on that film. <sighs> Rocky and Bullwinkle was good, but too much in line with the original show's mystique to be great- if they had at least tried to iron out the imperfections… You're also right about Patriot, they did make Tavington a little too much of a despicable bad guy (he also killed my favorite characters!). But at least it was still a great movie even with that. Good luck soon ending your troubles with the IRS (I too think that the amount they're charging you is insane). And since I won't be here Saturday, Happy Early Birthday! <gives appropriate cyber-gift>

Curly++: I've heard that about psychology too. <grin> I've seen a lot of evidence but I'm still not completely sure it's right. Hope you survive the waiting for tumor treatment and that it doesn't take too much of your time and money. Not to mention that it's successful. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Ironwolf: The big surprise in Obsidian Butterfly (just got done reading it) was a big surprise to me too. I'm sure Miss Blake has more in store and can hardly wait for them. :)

SJ: I don't like Jean-Claude either. He's an uptight jerk, even if Anita likes him. Hope he soon bites the big one. :) Thanks for continuing to keep us up to date on entertainment news (looking forward to seeing Dawn on Buffy next season, I just pray she's not too annoying :). I too hope Bruce Campbell will come back next X-Files season, the ep with him this past season was one of the few I really enjoyed (wonder if he'll return as the same character, hmm :). Hope your Survivor-related ritual pays off. I don't watch the show, but if the possible winner you mentioned is really the way you said he was…<growls in anger> he does not deserve even one dollar of prize money, let alone a million. You'd think the other contestants would have been sensible and voted him off by now if he's really like that. (BTW, one question about Survivor- what happens if there's an even number of votes for two contestants to leave. I.E. who votes in case of a tie? Just wondering.) Thanks for the entertainment of the great RP, and like I said before, I pray your dad gets better real soon.

Reality: Hey, our imagination is much more comfortable of a place than where you'd prefer us to be. And more significant too. So get out of it, please, if you don't like it. We don't much like you being here either. And if you ever come back, please reveal your identity to us (I can't see your face right now, and not just because we're on the Internet. Your head's also stuck up some other part of your body that's hiding it. :). I'm sure there are many people who would love to know who seems to despise us so much. <grin>

DPH: Dad Situation- Set your alarm clock to some time before your dad's, then _wake him up_. See how he likes it. <chuckles> Or if that doesn't work, just tell him the problem and see what happens, work it out. My dad put me through the same situation with my first job, so I know just how you feel. Good luck getting it sorted out.

Christine: Thanks very much for the entertainment of Shameless Plug 2. The character development Cat underwent was incredible, and I really liked what you did with the other characters also. Looking even more forward to Dark of the Elvenwood now- even though I'm still holding out for Cat and Arien to get together somehow, I'm also hoping for at least one scene where she gives him an intense verbal haranguing over what he did. And if possible, a cat-fight- you can probably guess the participants. :) Hope to hear of how I can get a copy soon. Congrats on receiving the contract for the Black Roses audio book, and I will pray you soon get over your cold.


You're right, Heather, Hugh Jackman is pretty hot. And he made a great Wolverine too. But that wasn't the only bit of great acting in this movie- Ian MacKellen and Patrick Stewart also did a great job, as did Anna Paquin and most of the other stars. The only one I was disappointed in was Storm, but Halle Berry did the part well enough, I suppose (when I think about it, I'm not sure who else I could see in the role, and her scenes were still pretty good, except for the IMO awful Toad-lightning one). The script of the film as well as the acting made it a classic comic book movie, IMO. Every scene it had was charged with emotion and character development, and the plot flowed very well, even if it was a little more convoluted than realistic at times (but they did what was needed to keep it interesting at those times IMO, that was good). Really liked the Iceman and Cannonball cameos (that was him, I checked the cast list on IMDB), the other students were good too. Really liked the personalities everyone gave to their characters, especially Ray Park as Toad (who I hated in the comics, but actually cheered for in the film :). Also liked their Rogue a lot better, she was much easier to relate to and understand than the comics version was). Liked the laughs a lot too, especially in the bits between Cyclops and Wolverine (who was right about him in every way- good to see a little pandering to the opinion of the fans on the part of the director and actor. Best line IMO- "Where's my motorcycle?" :). There were some disappointments- I agree that more should have been done with Sabertooth and Wolverine as well as Mystique, but hey, there are sequels in the future. Maybe they'll pick up the subplots then. At least I hope they will. I too was disappointed that scenes got cut, but at least I'll get to see them someday (and from the looks of it they didn't take out anything that important- except maybe for a scene that explains how Wolverine got the spare visor and the deal with Cyclops and his control over his eyes). My recommendation is to go see this film if you can. It's very worth the money. True, some people will be disappointed in certain things (I'll get to that in a minute), but overall it's a great movie. Better in many ways than what's currently going on in the X-Men comic books. I went in expecting something not that great, but was pleasantly surprised when things turned out differently. If you only see one movie this summer, make this it. You'll enjoy yourself more with it than any other IMO, although the Patriot is an extremely close second. Next Review- Loser and the apparently very confusing What Lies Beneath. :)

Rodlox: I liked the bit we saw of Magneto's origins too. But it's even better alongside what we see of them in the comic prequel on him that was released a few weeks before the movie. The other comic prequels and adaptations aren't that great (the movie doesn't seem to acknowledge them thankfully), but that one is excellent. If I were you, I'd check it out. Also agree with you on the great scenes between Logan and Rogue.

Entity: I read your comments in the other room. You made good points, but I don't agree with them. I agree more with Airwalker's responses to what you said. Since he's already done a great job of it, I ain't gonna waste time giving you counterpoints. However, I will say that I think your main problem with the movie is you expected it to be too much like the comic books. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, just that you shouldn't have set your expectations so high. The movie had to be different from the comics for many reasons, and in some ways it turned out much better. The costumes are better in my opinion, so are Toad and Rogue. And Wolverine is in some ways too, along with the other characters. They all feel more human in the movie and less like superheroes and -villains even though that's what they are. That really entertained me. :) Sorry it didn't do the same for you, hope you are soon able to enjoy another film.


Jannie: Sorry your surgery had to be delayed, hope you can get to it soon and it's successful. You'll be in my prayers too until you're through with the ordeals. Glad you at least got to enjoy your vacation.

Firestorm: Glad you had a good vacation too, and welcome back.

SOROW: Congrats on the new computer. <I want the Gargs movie to look like X-Men> Hmm. As long as they don't dress Demona like they did Mystique and somehow kept the show's original feel, I might be able to take that. The Matrix homage they did in X-Men worked for it, but IMO it wouldn't work the same for Gargoyles. There would have to be many differences. What I mentioned above with Demona, Jonathan Frakes and Salli Richardson, and a few other things. And of course a very different script. :) <I cut my hair> You have the right to do that, no problem with it here. As long as you and Joe like it in the new style, I'm sure there's nothing wrong. You are both happy, right? :) (Who says looking like Britney Spears is bad? As long as you don't have her silicone chest, annoying voice, bad clothing, and overabundance of makeup, I'm sure you look great. <frowns> You don't have any of that stuff, right? <jk>) And sorry your summer had to end so fast and not include much fun with it. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll soon get your chance to have fun at another time. <grin>

Archwolf: Thanks for the WOT e-mail. The information in there was quite intriguing and some of it was very welcome. :) Sorry to hear about your knees, hope you can find a way of making them feel better soon.

Reverend Atilla: Bad joke. Bad kitty. Very bad. <refuses to pet you>

Madame Destine: Good luck with the Fanfic Discussion, sorry it couldn't have been held as part of the actual Gathering. But there's lots of other stuff going on there too. And Doug and I will get to see absolutely none of it firsthand. :(

Harry Potter Casting: Well, as long as the kid who gets the part acts it well and gets a decent script, I don't care who he is. I'm not really planning to see the movie anyway. I'm sorry to hear the author's interests almost got pushed aside when it came to casting her character's part, though. It is her story after all, and this can only deepen any anti-American bias she may have (I read in a Harry Potter book review once that she commented it was very unlikely that there would ever be an American exchange student or other American character in the story. Upsetting that was. :( ). The Brits have a very valid point for their case. <sighs> Hope they can get their way this time, for the good of the author as well as the story and to keep things right and proper like SJ said. :) BTW, this topic has given me the following funny creativity demon:
<A woman and Chris Columbus are arguing as they walk down a hall. "You don't understand!" the woman begs. "My son can really do magic! Think of what you'll save on special effects! Even if he doesn't look like Harry, he can pull off Ron or anyone else you like. Please cast him! He loves the stories this movie is based on! Please!" "Mrs. Xanatos, I told you," Columbus growls, "all the parts are cast already. If you have nothing else to discuss with me, leave. Don't make me call security." "Don't make me call his grandmother," Fox growls back, crossing her arms. Columbus frowns.> L.

Tim Phipps: I agree with the comments made by the anonymous fan at the end of the article you posted. The version of the movie with Human Deckard was way more interesting, no matter what Ridley Scott thinks. Thanks for posting the article, and stopping by once again.

Wilek: Yeah, it disappoints me that Bravestar's disappeared too. But that show did have its imperfections. Still, I liked the big horse with the bazooka. <grin>

Mary: My God. What happened to that woman is terrible. I really hope they catch the guy who did it soon and give him a suitably awful punishment. But I hope even more that the woman will be alright and manage to get over her experience. It will be very hard, I am sure, but I'll keep her in my prayers nonetheless. I'll keep you in them too so you have less chance of having any more problems happening around you. At least I hope it will work out that way. <crosses fingers> Good thing everyone else in here is doing about the same thing. Stay safe, and don't get too worried. It's unhealthy, you know? :)

Daphne: I want to see Lex and Liz at the prom too, hope it happens. :) Welcome to the CR.

Kyryn: Congrats on getting Okami's car fixed. May it never break down again.

<sighs> I guess that's all for now. I will miss you all very much while I'm gone. Wish I didn't have to go, but the family calls. And I must answer. May things have calmed down by the time I get back, and most or all of our problems be swept away. With no new ones replacing them. Later!


"What'd Shap have to say?" Tricia is asking Kit as she hangs up the phone at Area 51 when the screen comes back on. Kit sighs heavily, shaking her head. "Bad news. Very bad news. There's a Hellmouth under Atlanta, and Ted Turner's planning to open it." "Ted Turner, huh?" Jammer's eyes widen. "I always knew there was something evil about that guy." "He's got Asil chained in the basement of the Time-Warner Building for some reason," Kit continues. "Ordinarily I wouldn't care about that, but we have to stop his little demon-raising operation. Pronto. Shap and Shauna are on the run right now, they can't be in Atlanta. We're gonna meet them in Minneapolis. The Mall of America. Full planning session. If we have time, maybe we can get Doug to the Mayo while we're there." Tricia nods. "Good plan. We better make haste though. No telling when he could open the Hellmouth." Kit shakes her head. "Actually we know the exact date he's doing it. Shauna eavesdropped on the meeting where they discussed it." She tells the others the date and they grimace. "That doesn't give us much time," Keith frowns. "No," sighs Lathrop. "Unless I can get a flight to Santa Fe and then another to Minneapolis where I'll meet you, I guess I'll have to forget seeing my family." "You can go see them if you want," Kit replies. "But try to be there for the planning session, alright? Don't stay away too long." "I won't," Lathrop assures him. "Don't worry, I know how important I am to the team." "We're all important," Kit replies, looking at Jammer, Tricia, Boris, Orion, and Elena, who nod in agreement. "Where are the others?" "Stephanie's getting the equipment," Boris answers, "and Tom said he was gonna check the truck. I'm not sure about Doug or that Anthony guy." "Let's find them and tell them what's up," Kit replies. "Doug said he was going to use the restroom." "Then that's probably where we should start looking for him," says Orion. "Oh, by the way, Rho said to tell you the Administrator is coming back to Area 51 soon, after which she'll return to the Avatar. They took care of Four." The Ravens he just informed of this all smile in relief. "Good," Tricia says. "Yeah," agrees Jammer. "One less thing to worry about. Now come on, let's go find Doug." The others nod and they begin to head out.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom of Area 51's main barracks, Doug is looking around for whoever called him a minute ago. "Last stall on your right," a voice whispers, and Doug nods, walking up to that stall and opening its door. Only shadows and a toilet are within. "Alright, I'm here," Doug looks around, grimacing. "Who are you and what do you want? Speak up fast, I do need to go." "No, you don't," the voice answers. "That was a hypnotic suggestion to get you here. The Force has a strong effect on the weak-minded." "What?" Doug gasps, hand falling to the stock of his gun. "What did you say?" "I said you were weak-minded," the voice answers as its shadowy owner steps out of the shadows and into view with a smile on his face. "And I am right, am I not? You have memory problems." Doug frowns, but nods nonetheless. "What's it to you?" "I'm here to help you remember who you are," Jerec replies, smiling wider. "Pardon me?" Doug asks in confusion. "I thought Kit was doing that." "Kitainia is your enemy, Douglas Elder," Jerec sighs, shaking his head. "She has been telling you lies." "Excuse me?" "You heard what I said. Think about it, you know I am right. Trust me, Doug, I am your friend. I'm here to take you back to your rightful place, at the side of Lord Thailog." He smiles again, while Doug looks aghast, and the screen goes blank.


Wednesday, July 19, 2000 12:44:58 AM

****Kyryn wings in****

Well, we finally got Okami's car fixed. *grin* When the techs put it back together it was backfiring and they couldn't figure out why. Well, it turns out that the CD manual they were using had omitted one critical step in the timing procedure. Fortunately it was correctible. *grin* Well, even the professional editors let one slip by now and then.

Todd> If the shoe fits.... Seriously, if there is no ecological niche into which they can fit, then there is a possibility, however improbable, that it could be true. ;)

Later All!

***Kyryn wings out***

Denton, TX
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 12:43:24 AM

I seriously think that I'm being conspired against. Today I went to Six Flags (it's the last day of my vacation) and it was 105 degrees. Normally, the heat doesn't bother me but today I almost blacked out even after I drank a ton of water and stayed in the shade. Whenever I try to have fun, something turns it into a diaster. *miserable sigh* Well, I start practice tomorrow so my summer is over.
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 10:47:23 PM

Kari attempted to restrain SJ and Sammael from attacking one another. "We need to try and work this out. A lot has happened recently, and none of us can get on with anything until I'm sure you two won't try to rip each other apart."
"I can't help it!" SJ said. "I was minding my own business, then poof, there I was in hell--"
"I hate to interrupt, but you DID make a deal with Mephisto," Sammael said.
Kari looked at SJ. "What?"
SJ frowned. "Um...okay, that's true. But it was for you. You were dying....and....Mephisto was the only one who could heal you. Or so I thought. I sort of sold him my soul so he could save you. But I was gonna get out of that--"
"When your evil clone killed you," Sammael said, "Mephisto collected. He got your soul, and he sent me to inhabit your body so that I could sabotage things on the Avatar of Ganon. He wanted to make everyone evacuate the station so that he could then use it to escape the Ten. But hey, if you haven't noticed, I 'defected' to your side. I was even planning to help Kari rescue from HFIL, but we sort of got sidetracked with all of this saving the world business. So don't blame me because I got your body. You made the deal that started all this."
SJ looked troubled. " that's true..."
Kari looked at SJ with tears in her eyes. " sold your soul to the devil to save me?"
SJ nodded. "Well, yeah. Of course I did. I had to save you. I'd do it again."
She brushed away her tears. "That's....the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me!" She ran and embraced him.
"Grab her cans!" one of the demons shouted. A snarl from Kari quickly shut it up, though
***END RP***

Hey all! Lots of *really* cool stuff to talk about tonight....some of it (mainly the X-Files stuff) has left me positively as giddy as a school girl with anticipation!

First off, some stuff about two of my favorite TV programs, Survivor and Big Brother....

First off, some high controversy with the Big Brother cast. Last week it was revealed that Richard, the middle-aged roofer, was involved in a accidental homicide a few years back. One of those wacky hunting accidents that you always here about but never really believe happens.....well, as it turns out, he sort of killed his best friend. And his family, as gracious as they are, decided, for some reason, to tell the world about this.
Then this week we find out that William, the member most people want to see booted out of the house, is a member of the New Black Panther party. The founder of the NBP was once a member of the Nation of Islam, but was kicked out of that group for--unbelievably--being TOO antisemitic!!! And reportedly, William has said some nasty things about Jews and has even called Mayor Rudy Guiliani a "cracker" and a "devil" (but hey, who in New York hasn't?)
My only question ANYBODY over at CBS running a background check like they are supposed to? So far we have a (accidental) murderer and a militant both under one roof. Oh, yeah, and the stripper. Come to think of it, that *is* what makes the show so good....

And it looks as if the winner to Survivor is--according to the website ""-- basketball coach and all-around lazy-ass Gervase. Gervase, if you haven't been following the show, rarely does anything to help out the tribe except sit on his ass and make disparaging remarks about women (according to Gervase, women are stupider than cows. Or only marginally smarter than cows, I forget). I'm sorry....maybe it's my personal work ethic, but I would HATE it if he won. I can't stand the fact that Gervase, who doesn't work, would win a million dollars for nothing. I'd like to see one of the hard working tribe members actually get the money. Like crusty old Navy Seal Rudy, or my personal favorite, Big Gay Richard.

So, I shall now perform a ritual to ensure that Gervase is NOT the winner. Since there has been several in the CR who have been questioning the existence of God lately, I shall refrain from using a Judeo-Christian deity, and instead use that often-neglected practice of SANTERIA!!!
***SJ brings out some candles, incense, a big knife, and a chicken to slaughter. He prepares to cut off the chicken's head, and---
DISCLAIMER: I'm joking here, folks. I know nothing of Santeria, except the parodies of the religion done by numerous TV shows such as the Simpsons. They always portray it as someting akin to voodoo, so I'm perpetuating the comical stereotype. I'm telling you this so that some of you with microscopic dermal layers don't flame me for being "insensitive" to those who practice this *fine* religion. END DISCLAIMER.
**SJ ends his chanting, his ritual complete. "There! Gervase, you have now been cursed! Bwah ha! Bwah ha ha ha!!!! No million for you!!!"***

X-Files Stuff: Okay, this is the news that makes me giddy.
David Duchovney, if you don't know, won't be in the next season of X-Files....well, not much. He's only signed on for, at MOST, half of the episodes in the season. The plans are to have Scully partner with a new character while Mulder is away being anally probed by aliens (or wherever he is).
Some actors have already auditioned for the part. The short list is:
Chris Noth, who I've mentioned before. He was in Law and Order, and is occasionally in "Sex in the City".
Hart Bochner. I've never heard of him.
Robert Patrick. You know, he played the T-1000 in Terminator 2, then he dropped off the face of the earth.
Lou Diamond Phillips. He had a promising acting career, then his wife left him for another woman. (No offense to our bisexual posters, but personally, as a heterosexual man I would find that pretty emasculating.)
And THIS is what makes me super happy....almost orgasmic.....the final name mentioned, who just may get the part, is none other than....cinematic GOD.....Deity of Coolness....The Man!!!......BRUCE CAMPBELL!!!! The hero of all fanboys! If he gets the part.....if...if he gets the part....Hell, I'll make sure he gets the part! Time for some more Santeria!!! Where's that other chicken?

Star Wars Casting: A bunch more people I've never heard of were cast in roles that probably won't be that important....but 2 things of note have happened, casting wise.
1. It looks like Terrence Stamp will NOT be returning in the next prequel. He was set to reprise his role as the Chancellor. However, apparently a dispute occurred occurred between him and George Lucas. Stamp apparently (if rumor can be believed) was looking forward to performing a scene with Natalie Portman. Upon arriving on set, Lucas informed him that he had given Nat the day off, and then pointed at a post and told Stamp to "pretend it was her". To which Stamp angrily turned to Lucas and shouted, "Kneel, Son of Jor-El!! Kneel before Zod!!!".........okay, I made that last line up. But apparently Stamp was not pleased, and didn't go along with it.
2. And secondly, actor Temuera Morrison (from the cool movie "Once Were Warriors") has been cast in the role of "a bounty hunter". There is speculation that the bounty hunter in question is none other than Boba Fett.

Harry Potter casting: Well, apparently I spoke to soon. It looks as if American actor Liam Aiken was NOT cast as Harry Potter. Apparently, author and Harry creator J.K. Rowlings has some casting control over the picture, and she is adamant that a British boy WILL be cast as Harry. To which I say good for her. I may not have a huge interest in Harry Potter, but I'm all for creative control. And I'm hoping that she can win that fight over Hollywood. I'm an American, and of course I like seeing American actors in movies, but frankly, I would rather have a British boy play the role. To keep things right and proper, and true to the source material.

Mary: See, now when I read a story like that, THIS I have no problem with someone wanting to kill the SOB. I mean, I don't think that it's right to kill someone cause they killed a bunch of horses, but I can fully get behind wasting someone for raping a woman.
Personally, even though capital punishment may be "barbaric" and "uncivilized", I've always thought that rape should be a capital offense.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 10:24:37 PM

Emambu > well, since we're self-publishing, I don't know if that'll be possible (having it in Barnes & Nobles). To start with, anyway, the only source of the books will be me ; )

Update > just _almost_ (missed by *that* much) finished a new Silver Flame story. Should finish it tonight, have it posted by Thursday ... Elf-Quest inspired for Dirce. Am hopefully getting over this ucky cold.

Tuesday, July 18, 2000 10:18:34 PM

Greetings again, fair sentients.

If I may be so bold as to suggest, for the next season of TGs I personally hope to see more interaction between Lexington and the human girl, Liz. As I recall, he promised to escort his friend to her prom, and I for one look forward to seeing how that may turn out.

Emambu>> I have not been in that vicinity (sp?) as of late, but I believe that Lord Street shall do as he wills in our fair kingdom, and we can only hope his will aligns with what is good for his people.

Happiness to all,

Daphne, apprentice-wordsmith - []
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 09:38:48 PM

Katara > So long as you're just making one t-shirt for your own personal use, you should be ok. If you use artwork, yes, you should get permission from the artist. And generally, it also doesn't hurt to be polite ask permission from the person who made the screen grab if you can use it, too.

Hope that helps.

Patrick Toman
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 09:01:32 PM

*enters solemly*

Folks, I've got some awful news about something that happened only a block away from where I live on Sunday morning. A 21-year-old woman was in her apartment at around 3am when she heard noises in the other room. She investigated and discovered a man in a ski mask attmpting to rob her. The man attacked her, tied her up, gagged her, and blindfolded her, then kidnapped her in her own car. They drove around for between an hour and 3 hours, and he sexually assaulted her (aka raped her) then she was dropped off at her house (still bound, gagged and blindfolded). She was able to finally break free from her bindings and then rushed to the police.
And this only happened a block away from where I live. One. Block. Away. Great, now I have more to worry about with my safety. This happened once before in 1997 when a man attempted to rob another house that had two women in it, he tied them up and sexually assaulted them, then took their jewlery and credit cards. The police don't know if it's the same man.
This is really something I don't need hanging over my head to worry about; some perverted robber breaking into my house and assaulting me. I really really REALLY hope they find the guy, and SOON! >:(

Mary Flanders
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 08:24:54 PM

KYRYN - Oh, no, not the old "Are gargoyles aliens?" hypothesis again! Why do so many people keep on persisting in believing them to be aliens?
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 07:06:57 PM

Quick question for anyone out there that cares to answer or even knows the answer.... I just recently acquired software for making iron-on trasfers. I'd like to download an image from one of the Gargoyle archives to make a t-shirt to wear to Comic-Con this weekend. What's supposed to be the policey for using one of the S8 screen shots from the show? I don't want to get into trouble with the mouse. Likewise, I know that if I were to use someone's Fan-Art, I'll have to get permission from the artist. Any help or advice would be appreciated. thanks all =]
Katara - []
San Diego, CA
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 06:40:51 PM

Ok. I have a new villain at work that is worse than DC: Miss Alignment. She has a tendacy to move things that are perfectly aligned out of alignment right before you cut them, resulting in 1-3 wires shorter than the rest.

Here is a definite difference between me and the other Daniel: I like to RP in this room. Now, for some real attempts at separating us: I do not like to shave; I like to play Othello/Reversi; I have attempted to prove 1=0 numerous times; and I have tried to come up with formulas that solve all cubic equations. Surely one of these four will separate us. If not, I may have to go more personal.

Members of the other RP, can you give me an idea when you plan on being done with the Ten Saga? I am trying to plan ahead to when the RP crossover can occur. I am not in a rush for the crossover yet.

Workaholic - Money is not everything. What good is having money if you have no life outside of work? Has anyone ever died saying he/she wished him/her spent more time at work? I view money as a necessary evil in society.

Winterwolf, your planned phone call on Wednesday will be the last thing to occur in the RP I am writing.

*Plastique Saber's point of view**
"Hmm. Can you create objects that have momentum?" asked Plastique's trainer.

"Yes." replied Plastique.

"Have you ever created a fireball?" asked Plastique's trainer.

"No." replied Plastique.

"Then it is time you learn." replied Plastique's trainer.

*Jason Filler's point of view*

"Where did everyone else go?" asked Jason.

"We moved all of you apart to prevent distractions." replied Jason's trainer.

"So what do you want me to do?" asked Jason.

"Learn to see magic energy all around you, absorb it into your body, and shoot it out as an offensive weapon." replied Jason's trainer.

"Who choose that?" asked Jason.

"DPH did because it will help make you stronger when you gain full access to Connect's powers." replied Jason's trainer.

"Ok. But I don't see anything unusual right now." said Jason.

*DPH's point of view

"That last attack was 500 times as powerfull." said DPH's trainer.

DPH (Daniel Paul Hightower) - []
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 06:21:46 PM

Winterwolf>"I've almost always been able to get some free time on a college schedule" So have I, on my schedule, but all that time is always spent in the library, studying and doing homework :-P Unless of couse I want to fail. I hate two year workloads.

Wilek>"I have a copy of The Book Of Nod" I have to get myself a copy. I had a really neat reading from it at my (SCA) wedding.
"<<have you heard the one with the Greek father giving his son a tour of the town?>> Do...I wanna know...?" You see, I found a couple of my Dad's old joke books in storage, and now I have all of these wonderful Truly Tastless Jokes running around in my head.

Au revoir

Cyborg - []
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 02:43:42 PM

Damn! A lot of typing mistakes in my post! Sorry, I'm really tired as I tired that I have no strenght to correct them. I apologize.
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 01:43:31 PM

Greetings to everyone here. Sorry for not posting for a while, I had a couple of situations to deal with.

I passed Numeric Fluidodynamics (At least, it is called this way here) this morning. Not a highest rate, but everything makes soup. I hadn't slept so much last was about 23,30 and I was going to bed, when one of my dearest friends called me crying because of her boyfriend had left her, and she was desperate (it is an effect I have sometimes on the people...when they have a problem, they feel the impulse of calling me. No problem...if only they could choose less critical times...oh, well. BTW, when I said that bastard left her (don't ask me why: he didn't tell me...and Francesca (her name) is such a sweet person) I intended that he ABANDONED her in the middle of nothing and ran away with his damn car! I had to calm her by phone and run out searching her, terrorized at the thought that she could so something least, nothing bad happened, and I found her relatively in a short time. That bastard that left Fran will be better not to show his face around for a while...I'm not a violent one, but...

Niamhgold:> I hope you will be there as I'll leave, but if not I'll say goodbye before, no prob. Oh, sorry to ask...some days ago I've sent you a mail, did you catch it?

Curly++:> <<<I think that a God exists...and he created all of us...just to laugh of us.> Ouch! That's a hard position to take. >> Really? Some days, when I read the newspapers and discover that on this very planet there are a hundred and more of wars running, but we know nothing about it, because not one of our interests is involved...seems to me to hear the echo of His laughter...
I agree with you when you say that God, if he exists, and is good like they say he is, wouldn't sanction the prejudice against who follows another religion. One of the things that made me abandon the religion, is the fact that I refuse to believe that an egoistical and selfish Christian will have more chances to enter the Heaven than a honest and altruistical Jew, os Islamist, or everything else, and I refuse to believe that a good man born in some far unknown village of Africa or Amazzonia will be doomed to Hell just because he has never heard of Jesus.
<<What gives them the right to invoke God to justify their rules? >> Very very well said! :)

"Anonymous":> Interesting test :). But, I have to admit, I didn't take that rate...definitely, I am not a Viking ;(

Daphne:> Belated Welcome here!

Winterwolf:> <<Do you know some of the places you could possibly get to visit?>> Still not, it will depend from the Battalion I will be assigned to, mainly. Anyway, I'll take part in at least three-four maneuvers, that usually take place in various parts of Italy and eventually in nearby foreign countries.

Reverend Attila:> LOL! Nice joke! I'll remember it...

Emambu:> Thank you for your words, and I'll be happy if you will attend my leaving...:)
Beautiful words about Blade Runner, too. Roy's death monologue has always been one of my preferred scenes ever. And, when Roy saves Deckard's life, I can' help but wondering if, with inverted roles, Deckard was going to save Roy...

Gside:> <<<<the USA, a very civilized country>>: That is amusing.>> Really?


WARNING - In Italy this series is broadcasted sonce a month or so. I will refer to events that for you are surpassed -

Just Sunday night I've seen the last ep of the first season of Buffy. Well...I have to admit that the series has positively surprised me. After seeing the first two-three eps, I was perplexed...I didn't like it too much, it seemed predictable and a bit boring. But then, episode after episode, things have gone very better. The actors have started to actually feel their characters, direction has become more dynamic and the stories really interesting. The last episodes I've seen were very good. I wait eagerly to see next ones...luckily, seen the success this series is having here, in spite of an odd broadcasting time (two episodes every Sunday night, starting at 22,30...), Mediaset executors decided to buy and broadcast in a single series all the episodes published to now and then continue with the new ones (more or less the same they did with "X-Files" I'll have not to wait too much.

Oh, well, I have no more strenght to write, I'm too tired...
Tomorrow, everyone! See you!

Shadowrider - []
Milan, Italy
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 01:41:23 PM

the tally is in...

at the end of the making of the X-Men movie, the actor who plays Cyclops challenged we the viewers to try to count all the Xs in X-Men.

the total i came up with {excluding fences} was: 318 Xs.

anyone else?

Tuesday, July 18, 2000 01:25:44 PM

<< Oolong=the little pig thing from DBZ? Ugh...he annoys me even more than the rest of that show's characters...>>
I just realized that this will offend *everyone*...I take it back; I could have phrased it much more diplomatically. Sorry. :} DBZ isn't quite to my tastes; no offense to fans of it...

Tuesday, July 18, 2000 11:47:18 AM


[The time: Shortly before the room returned. Somewhere in the depths of Station Eight Broadcasting, Mr. Disconnect is futzing with the central multiplexer of S8's primary terminus server, when Wilek appears at the door. Familiar enough with the gargoyle to sense him before really seeing him. DC panics and tries to escape, only to run right into Wilek, who lifts him by the lapels and slams him into the wall. "Playing with the server, Dis? You have interesting hobbies. Where'd I leave my speculum..." "You can do all you want to me; you'll never get the room back up after this one. And don't even think about trying to bring down the self-repairing interception grid over the receive port of your mail server." "The latter will take some time, but're right, *I'll* never be able to fix it. Oh, Lex?" The green web-winged gargoyle, somehow wearing a tool belt, bounds into the room and gets to work on the multiplexer. In five minutes, the machine's myriad lights and gears are active again, and the S8 server returns to full functionality. Wilek grins evilly. "I'll never be able to smuggle him into my ISP, but I have other resources. And now for you...Lex? Gravbinders." He hands Wilek what looks like four metallic shackles, which Wilek attaches to DC's wrists and ankles. He presses a button, the binders glow, and DC is attached to the wall in a spread-eagled position. Wilek: "Thank you. 'bout a wire cutter?" Lex passes Wilek what appears to be a phaser scalpel, which Wilek uses to slice open DC's torso. Wilek: "Capsule." Lex passes Wilek a fist-sized, roughly cylindrical metallic object, which he puts in DC's thoracic cavity, and uses the phaser scalpel to seal the wound. (It hardly needs to be mentioned that DC has been screaming agonizedly throughout this whole ordeal.) DC: "What...what did you just put into me?!" Wilek: "You're about to find out. Lex? Remote. Thank you." Wilek hits a button on the remote...and something begins writhing beneath DC's skin, and tiny crunching sounds are heard as DC's screams grow ever more strident and piteous. Finally, wounds open all over his torso, out of which crawl what look like pirahnas with large chitinous insectoid legs. They swarm all over DC's skin, and eat him from within and without. The blue and green gargoyles shake hands, both grinning evilly, and the latter remarks to the former, "Remind me to thank SJ's dad for his contribution to our little errand..."]


Yup, my mail is *still* down...I'll have to send my ISP a complaint. I probably won't have time to do that for now, though, since I'll be gone on vacation for about nine days starting Orlando. :) *sigh* If only I could arrange things so that it were about the time of the Gathering...

Zath> <<I'm sick of being called "sinister" before I even give people good cause to do so.>> I thought it was your cat that was sinister. ;) <<It was, but they decided they would rather put in the extra time/effort/money to make it CGI so they wouldn’t have to put up with the obnoxious screechy crinkling sound all the tinfoil would make when they wrapped it around the socks to get the shiny robot look>> Who needs tinfoil? Fishnet stockings would be great for Blackarachnia, and black wool would give Optimous a perfect 'ape' look... :) <<At least you get to see him freeze to death and then sink to the bottom of the ocean at the end. >: )>> <muhahahaha> I have an MPG of that; perfect for relieving stress. >8) <<Geocities must have been having some sort of brainfart because clicking on a link that would lead to my website would instead take me to completely different places, alternately some antiques page and a porn site. How #*@$&! messed up is that?>> What the...?! :O I didn't think GeoCities allowed porn...

Warpmind> <<Anyone recall the title, I'd appreciate it, but there's no real need as long as people know which ep I refer to.>> That would be Requiem. :) <<But, if vidscanners were placed at every corner, would not their FOVs be occasionally obscured due to the randomness of the reconstructions?>> There's the simple beauty of this: the distortions would be confined to doorways and certain alike-looking corridors; the space actually inside rooms would remain unchanged. :) <<As for my drawing skills, well, your talent is undoubtedly greater than mine>> I wish; I can't even make good stick figures. O_o <<I've got some small skill for technical drawings, such as floor plans et al. Muchly due to my exploits in Doom2 WAD construction. :)>> Cool... :D I wish I could make maps for FPSs...especially Quake 3. Or perhaps player models; I could do a lot with shaders and such if I knew anything about them...<<About Kruger, no, he's not from Ohio. He's from Bayern, actually. And his first name is Hans, not Freddie, whose last name was Krueger, not Kruger. ;)>> Ah. My mistake. :} <<yes, I got your reply - but PLEASE, Wilek, send to my address, and not my old, dysfunctional, moody address - it's swallowed an unknown number of e-mails!>> Ack! O_o Heh...I think the problem is, I added your e-mail to my address book back when you had the Xoommail address, and my address book filled it in when I typed your name...I'd better correct that...<does so> <<We don't care if you have a navel or not.>> Good to see they accept gargoyles. :P

Green Baron> <<But kittens are so cute when they're psycho.>> Zath's cat must be the cutest life form on Earth. :) <<I never lashed out at Nathans, but my cat did :)>> <muhahaha> It would have been amusing for the Schoolgirl Scouts to torture him a bit... >:)

Spacebabie> <<Except for Gundam, Ronin and Slayers all the Anime I have seen has some cute little critter helping out the hero and providing comic relief..Even Voltron had those mice. [...] please dont tell me this is another Disney influence.>> I don't know...wasn't Voltron made before Disney entered its moronic cuteness phase?

Niamhgold> <<Then would you happen to know where my supplier got off to? He's got butterfly wings, an elephant nose, and...well, you'll know 'im when you see 'im ;)>> He showed up at one of my outposts; said he was lost. I had him escorted back to your place, and he sold my project a few things along the way. ^_^

Gasper> <<you'd HAVE TO BE CRAZY to consider Oolong a cute cuddly creature. He actually WANTS to collect as many womens panties to add to his collection.>> Oolong=the little pig thing from DBZ? Ugh...he annoys me even more than the rest of that show's characters...

Cyborg> Dream> OMG...I have a copy of The Book Of Nod, which contains a prophecy regarding the end of the of the signs is a blood moon...I think it mentions something about werewolves, as well...

Stephen> Ack...sorry to hear of the job situation; hope it improves soon. :(

Kitainia> <<30-30 of Bravestar>> I'm thankful someone else remembers that show and character; it's been so long since I've seen anything relating to them that I was beginning to wonder if I'd hallucinated them... :) (I have a lot of the toys, but the show seems to have fallen off the face of the earth...)

Robby> <<If you have cute characters, you can make toys and plush dolls out of them.>> And the scarier or more menacing characters make great action figures. ^_^

Gside> <<Terry Gilliam artwork may have that kind of effect if you are unprepared. Or was it Grahm Chapman in drag?>> I'm not sure, but one bit that will remain lodged in my mind throughout perpetuity is a scene involving large naked women in South Park-style CGI or something floating over some perversion of Mount Rushmore... O_o

Winterwolf> <<I just touched my bed and it grabbed me and knocked me unconscious.>> Mine does that sometimes; a quick exorcism tends to clear that up. :) <<Who to use for the new voices in the TGS series? Let's see who hasn't been used from the Star Trek franchise yet? ^_^>> I think I've used all of them for my fics. ;P

Reality> Servant of Kafka, meet the servants of Kefka. It is our aim to take over your sick, sad little world and remake it in our image, and when we will be among our first victims. <<If I decide to come back in to this little " wonderland" it will only be to unveil you to your peers.>> We have no 'peers', mortal, only inferiors. It would seem that you wish to remain among them. Very sad...

Kyryn> <<Ah well, the best thing to do with trolls is ignore them.>> And miss out on the fun to be had by playing with their tiny little minds? >8)

Cyborg> <<have you heard the one with the Greek father giving his son a tour of the town?>> Do...I wanna know...? o_o'

Attila the Hun> <<You butt pirate for Nero!!>> <ROTFLMTO>

X-Men> Wow...I suspected I'd like this movie; I didn't expect everyone else to. ;) (One interesting bit--I've seen pics of Toad, and he looked an awful lot like Christopher Walken as the Headless Horseman. Interestingly enough, Park did play the Horseman during the fight scenes, but he never had his head. O_o) (BTW, was Wolverine's voice anything like in the animated series and Marvel Vs. Capcom? ^_^)

Coyote> <<NBC Nightly News just did an end story about *elementary school kids* getting involved in what basically amounts to little-league NASCAR-style racing ... on NASCAR speedways ... at 80mph ...>> :O Where'd I leave my nukes...children shouldn't be infected with this...The first time someone's child dies as a result of this, this program will hopefully be sued out of existence. >:/

Doug> <<the rumor Robby told me last night about this film getting almost an hour of material cut from it>> Ack...with any luck, it'll be on the DVD release...

Dark Endings> I like seeing the heroes win and get a happy ending, but I also like to see them *earn it*. As in, having to go through all manner of evil and hardship and temporary but bitter defeats to get there. >:)

DJ> <<A little reality every now and then helps to throw our insanity into sharp relief.>> I think I'd rather use my insanity to throw reality into a sharp chainsaw. ;P <<The Hispanic that have thought that that it to 10 1/8 per cent at that it cut back path the: model of this is great but the pit pith of the stops to in the a notices fallen.>> Good point.

Mary Flanders> <<I think I'm actually going to have to use a can of Mace on these guys. :P>> I recommend acid. ;)

Rodlox> <<i was trying to figure out how the HECK Rogue would/could ever have kids without draining the guy dry>> Artificial impregnation?

Anonymous> Viking test> Hm...1a, 2b, 3c, 4c, 5d, 6a (although d sounds fun), 7a, 8b, 9a, 10a, 11c, 12c, 13d, 14N/A. ^_^

Curly++> <<giving offenders their lives back.>> I've always thought that committing certain crimes forfeited one's right to live. But that's just MHO. :)

All newcomers> Welcome, surrender your sanity, and watch for flying misteltoe. :) (Why do I get the feeling I've forgotten to do this before?)

Wilek Nereus
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 11:34:45 AM

***Kyryn peeks in****

Gargoyle egg/gestation rate> Hmmm. If I remember correctly, there are some species of locusts and cicadas that have a seventeen year cycle before the eggs hatch. Now, since these little critters eat everything in sight, this would presumably be so that the vegetation could recover enough to survive the next cycle. Therefore, the long egg maturation and slow birthrate could be an evolutionary device left over from a time when resources in areas were not plentiful. It's possible that it could be a mechanism that allowed survival through a major ice age. That would also explain the fact that the eggs do not need to be heated and the gargoyles' toughness regarding cold temperatures.

Then again, they could be the survivors of an alien colony ship shipwreck. In which case, their metabolisms don't have to match earth conditions or have genetic relations to any creatures on earth. :)

Later All!

****Kyryn disappears.****

Denton, TX
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 10:42:49 AM

LADY MYSTIC - I voted for the New Comment Room Images sometime last week but I never got an answer: Was my vote received or should I resubmit it in the remaining voting time?
Brooklyn, NY
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 09:11:20 AM

Tuatara metabolism > Slowed metabolism probably evolved to deal with an environment that at one time in prehistory was short on food. If you live your whole life in slow motion, you can survive in a climate that's a lot harsher than can be tolerated by those always-on-the-go reptile relatives of yours. Climate has always been one of the biggest driving forces of evolution. It was the drying of the climate in Africa and the shrinking of the forests as the grasslands advanced that's put forth as one theory behind why our ape ancestors came down from the trees and started standing upright (and the rest, as they say, is pre-history).

Fay, gargoyles, humans, lend me your ears...

Today is July 18, 2000, and there's only 17 more days to go until The Gathering 2000!

Special guests this year will include Greg Weisman, Thom Adcox-Hernandez, Brad Rader, and Greg Guler. Highlight events will enclude a Radio Show directed by Greg Weisman (third year running for this event), a Masquerade and Dance on Saturday evening (is YOUR costume finished yet?), and an
appearance by Bert Wahl of Wildlife Rescue on Sunday, with a real live Florida Panther (a portion of the proceeds of the
auction go to benefit Wildlife Rescue).

Plus many, many other events, including two life-drawing sessions for artists of any skill level (contact Siryn for info), panels such topis as fanfic and costuming, and much, much more.

A limited number of pre-sale memberships to G2001 will also be on sale at the con, at cut rate prices, courtesy of the G2001 con staff, for those fans who would like to plan ahead for next year in Los Angeles.

All in all, this is a Gathering not to be missed! See you in Orlando!

Patrick Toman
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 07:02:59 AM

Hi, all... I was just wondering how the gestation period of the goyles got pegged at 10 years... is this the total time both pre and post laying, or is it per each stage? after reading some of the earlier comments on the subject, and with my own knowledge of evolutionary biology, I cannot think of a single advantage such a long gestation period would bring... an earlier poster mentioned the breeding characteristics of the tuatara, but was erroneous in that they do not take 20 years to hatch... they take that amount of time to become sexually mature. the females typically take 4 years to form their eggs, which then take 1 year to hatch, but that is a far cry from the posited 10 year span of garg femmes... if, as their physical structure suggests, the sentient gargs (ie not bronx) are descendants of the pteranodon lineage, having such a long reproductive cycle, combined with their apparent time to maturity of 40 years, would have spelled their extinction long ago. they simply would have been very hard pressed to survive the environmental challenges in the time b4 man arrived on the scene... much less beena able to compete with us on an equal footing... in comparison, we breed like rats! human females typically become sexually mature between 10 and 15 years of age, and carry their infants for only 9 months... mutiple births are common etc...

ooops... i think i just made a rant... basically Im just trying to say it doesnt seem right... and iirc the reproductive cycle was never mentioned in the series... did greg wiseman ever actually give a definitive time span for them, or was he just speculating?

ugh... a second rant... please help!

equation - []
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 06:44:09 AM

Robby: "Oh, the Payne! The Payne! The Payne of it all!!!"

Sorry, couldn't resist. :) More later.

Tuesday, July 18, 2000 03:55:41 AM

Daniel Johnson> <<And I'm not at ALL surprised you know that>>: Well, I have read the previous update of the Jargon File ( That, and I am unafraid to research.

Zath> <<Because [2.4] doesn’t sound as impressive>>: I think the point does wonders for impressivity. But maybe it could use a few 0s.

I really should have more to say.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 02:56:41 AM

Enambu- The ORIGINAL Dr. SMith. (Didn't I say that?) From the TV series. The one who spent a good deal of time in the second season of Freakazoid.
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 02:54:59 AM

*Emambu wanders in*

Good morning (and it's early in the morning here) CR dwellers. How's everyone doing?

Warpmind: Have fun at your vacation. I want to hear plenty of stories when you get back :)

Curly++: Actually, it was 52 hours in six days. Four days was a normal 7 hour work day. The other two though were 13 hour double-shifts. Notice though, I'm not complaining. The money is really helping, since what I earn this summer is what I take with me to college. Still, I don't think I could ever compete with what you went through. Glad to hear you made the sale though. :)

Hmm... I forgot about the trials, which add to the cost. See I was just factoring in the jail time. It costs, according to CNN, $30,000 a year to keep one prisoner in jail. Let's say he's in there for life. You're easily looking at over a million dollers on one person. However, I forgot that death sentences usually have a much more thorough trial process, and those things can be really expensive as you pointed out.

Doug: I'm pretty sure there's more to quote then what I posted. Now I wish I hadn't lent my copy of the movie to my brother. Otherwise I could find out for sure.

Winterwolf: 50+ hours is a typical week for you?! Man, either I'm surrounded by workaholics, or else I'm just one heck of a lazy teenager. :)

Daphne: I forgot to welcome you to the CR. Sorry about that. I see from you IP and e-mail address that you're from Philadelphia too. Now I have to ask: What's your opinion on the new stadium location? I drove by 12th and Vine yesterday and there is no way that that area is going to be able to support the traffic flow that's going to be generated from its completion.

Anonymous: I guess a Viking's life is not for me. Too bad. :)

Zath: LOL! :)

Voice actors: I only asked because I was reading "The Darkest Hour (both parts)" and I thought to myself, "You know, Patrick Stuart would probably make a good Madoc." That's why I asked. I'm glad to see that I wasn't alone *immediately high-fives Revel.* BTW, Avery Brooks would make a good Harthoth. :)

X-Men: Saw it yesterday. I won't post any spoilers, but I will say that if you haven't seen it yet, go and see it as soon as possible. It's a great movie. One of the best I've seen this year (beaten out only by "Gladiator" and "High Fidelity" so far).

Entity: Your opinions are your opinions. No one should think any less of you simply for not liking a movie.

Christine: Read "Shameless Plug II," and I thought that it was very good. Just to let you know, if your book makes it to my local Barns N Noble I'll be sure to pick up a copy.

Fan fics: I'm still relatively new (although that's starting to fade away), so I'm still trying to catch up with most authors. I've read Brooklyn's and Rodlox's stories and posted comments, and I'm currently reading the stories of Doug, Mara, and several others. July 15th was a big day as far as posting stories went. I will try to read everything in time, but I've still got a ways to go.

Robby: Do you mean Gary Oldman or the actor who played the original Dr. Smith (I don't know his name)?

Lady Mystic: Thanks for the e-mail. Hopefully, my votes will go through this time. :)

That's it for now! Take care,


Emambu - []
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 01:36:38 AM

Christine....Shameless Plus II>> read it this morning. GREAT!! as always =]...*starts drooling while waiting for the newest CotSB to come out.

Guess that's about it for me for tonight. Pretty short post for a change =]

Katara - []
San Diego , CA
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 01:14:56 AM

<<RE: eggs > A slower metabolic rate would explain why they take so long to hatch, but why would such a slow rate develop in the first place? What evolutionary purpose would be served by having such a long incubation period? I still can't think of a good reason. >>

well, why would a creature evolve that can take an hour for a single breath. the Tuatara {possibly misspelledd} is one of the last two of a class of 'primitive' reptiles whose latin name means "beak-headed reptiles" though they are no relation to the turtle clan*. Tuataras and their brother species also have a reproductive cycle roughly 20 years as well. {considering they're 1/2 Bronx size or smaller, that says quite a deal, wouldn't you say?}. Tuataras exist only on New Zealand and surrounding isles. they are extremely endangered.

* = though that is an interesting idea, isn't it?

Rodlox - []
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 12:17:57 AM

Dream voice casts- Eh, for Isaac Payne I always envisioned a certain doctor from the original Lost In Space. Because in the first season of the show he could go from a seeimingly incompetant and whiny man to an evil and nasty killer type almost immediatley, which was always cool. Later on tho, he was always a wuss, which was a pity for his character, but oh well...
Monday, July 17, 2000 11:38:22 PM

"is this better?" Oh, yes. Much better. Pretty color. "I think I'm going though a blue period." You're an artist? ;)
Yes, very nice. Even with the A/C going next to me, it doesn't pick up any noise.
RE: eggs > A slower metabolic rate would explain why they take so long to hatch, but why would such a slow rate develop in the first place? What evolutionary purpose would be served by having such a long incubation period? I still can't think of a good reason.

RE: killing someone because they might be dangerous later > True, that wouldn't be revenge; however, If we decide it's OK to kill someone because of what they might do, there will very quickly be no one left alive. :)

Is it just me, or am I not making sense? Must be bed time.
"Here is another attempt at drawing differences, when I get deep into reading, I have a tendacy to block everything else going on around me out."
You mean that not everyone does this? Sorry, please try again.

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Monday, July 17, 2000 11:18:35 PM

Hi guys! I saw you discussing the Film Blade Runner, So I thought I'd show you this article I found on MSN.

July 15, 2000 —
Ridley Scott has finally let the replicant out of the bag.

The Blade Runner director has confirmed Harrison Ford's character was indeed an android in the sci-fi classic.

"He's a replicant," Scott told Britain's Channel 4 during an interview for an upcoming documentary. "I think it's one of the best films I ever made...[You'll] revisit it constantly like rereading one of your favorite books. You always find you get sucked in again."

Loosely based on Philip K. Dick's short story, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Blade Runner was a box-office failure when it was released in 1982.

The is-he-or-isn't-he debate has raged for years among the hard-core fans of the noirish flick. Many didn't know whether Ford's hard-boiled detective character, Deckard, was actually human or one of the genetically engineered androids--aka replicants--he was charged with hunting down and destroying.

The issue did not really arise in the original theatrical version since studio-imposed cuts forced the acclaimed British filmmaker to take out most of the clues about Deckard's true nature. But it was when Scott reinstated key footage for the movie's 10th anniversary director's cut that fans began to wonder about the character.

First, Scott removed Ford's voiceover insisted by studio execs who thought audiences couldn't follow the story without it. Then, he restored footage with key images that were left deliberately ambiguous, but still suggested Deckard's realization that he too was a replicant.

One of the best clues in the director's cut was the added shots of Deckard's unicorn dream. The mythical creature also popped up again near the film's climax as an origami model given to the detective by a character named Gaff.

Many fans interpreted the unicorn images as a common memory shared by all androids. And, they reason, Gaff's knowing nod to Deckard at the end is a clear sign Gaff knew what Deckard was thinking: Deckard's life--like his replicant girlfriend Rachel--is a manufactured dream. United by the knowledge they share and the love they only imagine they feel, the movie ends with the lovers stepping into the elevator and headed for an uncertain future.

However, that ending fell flat with preview audiences, so the studio tacked on a happier ending (outtakes from The Shining) of the couple escaping by driving off into the wilderness. That didn't sit well with Scott, who said the scene didn't match the film noir style of the movie, so he eventually put back his original ending.

Meanwhile, several fans are stewing, saying Scott removed the ambiguity surrounding the film by pronouncing Deckard a replicant. There was an angry rant on Ain't It Cool News on the subject, with the author chastising Scott for ruining the mystery.

Other fans are choosing the more radical tack of not believing the director. "Ridley may have been the main driving force but not everything he says is gospel," posted one fan on rec.arts.movies.past-films. "So, the right answer to the Deck-a-Rep argument is the one that makes the movie more enjoyable FOR YOU."

Tim Phipps
Monday, July 17, 2000 10:42:32 PM

SPII Feedback > thanks, all! I'm glad it was a fun little read. We called Morris Press this morning and the book's slated for completion as soon as this Thursday, so it could ship as soon as this weekend. Oh please let this work out, let me have it in _advance_ so I'm not having fits over whether it'll make it in time for the Gathering ...

Entity > I read what you said in the other CR. Seems you're in the minority, as most of the rest of us seemed very pleased with it, but if that's what you feel, that's what you feel! I personally greatly enjoyed the movie and am hoping they don't drop the ball with the sequels.

Rodlox > yeah, Mystique was all over Magneto in at least once scene ... but then, what were they going to have her do ... act? ; )

Christine - []
Monday, July 17, 2000 10:24:37 PM

<deposits sanity>
I thank you, goos sentients, for your good greetings. Now, if I may be so bold, my comments:
Harry Potter casting>> I don't claim to know how the casting was done, as I was not present in the process, but I believe the child most worthy of the part should recieve said part, whether British, American, or otherwise.
Religion>> My beliefs are admittedly strong, so I shan't mention them for fear of offending my fellow sentients. If you are interested, however, feel free to ask via my email address, for my hesitation lies not in lack of pride but fear of insulting.

Happiness to all,

Daphne, apprentcie-wordsmith - []
Monday, July 17, 2000 10:11:29 PM

Daniel Johnson - hmm. My last attempt at drawing differences between us has failed. Obviously, we have had similiar experiences that made us similiar. Here is another attempt at drawing differences, when I get deep into reading, I have a tendacy to block everything else going on around me out. Mixing varieties - I do it to keep my tongue from being bored with flavors.

I guess it is near impossible to have one catch-all rule short of "harm no one."

A few basic rules would be all that is needed. Rule #1 is as few rules as possible. Rule #2 is no one does anything that they do not enjoy doing. Rule #3 is this utopia has to be self-sufficient (income must meet expenditures). Rule #4 is all basic needs are taken care of and any expensive luxuries must be approved by a vote. Rule #5 is harm no one. I think that covers everything.

I am convinced that I am living with a workaholic.

I take pride when I what I do at work. I do not turn in garbage. All I do is recycle wire by cutting it to various lengths. That said, you can understand why I would be upset when someone else tries to attach my name to their sloppy work. It has happened before to different people in the same area. Some other shift (either 2 or 3) re-used a label with my handwriting on it and put it on their sloppy work. I can tell that it is not my work because I have certain standards for what I do. I am going to tell a supervisor about it so that I will not get blamed for someone else's sloppy work.

"Computer, restrict powers of Plastique Saber and DPH Rules to things they can only do in real life." said DPH.

"Acknowledged." replied a voice.

"Computer, create a personal mental trainer each for Jason Filler, Plastique Saber, and DPH Rules." said DPH.

"Acknowledged." replied a voice in the VR world.

Suddenly, 2 males and 1 female showed up.

"Jason and Plastique, I am going to leave what you guys do upto your trainer. Just tell the trainer what you want to do, and he/she will help you." said DPH.

Suddenly, Jason Filler, Plastique Saber, and their trainers disappeared from DPH's sight.

*DPH's Point Of View*

"What do you want to do?" asked DPH's trainer.

"My lightning attacks are ineffective in my last battle so I need to develop new attacks." replied DPH.

"What do you have in mind?" asked DPH's trainer.

"A laser attack, a drill attack, and a more powerfull lightning attack. I would like to start on the more powerfull lightning attack first." replied DPH.

"I will measure the new attack and compare its strength to that of your lightning attack." said DPH's trainer.

DPH consentrated and fired an attack.

"That was 100 times as powerfull as your normal lightning attack." said DPH's trainer.

"Darn. I was aiming for 1000 times as powerfull. I will call this new attack thunderbolt attack." said DPH.

"You will have to work a lot harder. I noticed you entered through the spell. It should be easy for you." said DPH's trainer.

DPH summoned another attack.
Next time, what are Plastique Saber and Jason Filler working on?

DPH (Daniel Paul Hightower) - []
Monday, July 17, 2000 07:11:36 PM

X-Men> Somebody have pity on me and make a pit-stop at S8 to read my comments. Consider them a sample of what could have been a ten-page review, had I felt anything longer would've been appreciated.

Please, tell me if I am making any remote sense, or if I'm simply tripping... and falling... and hitting my head really bad.


Entity - []
Monday, July 17, 2000 07:11:35 PM

Doh! That’ll teach me to post without rereading the whole thing. I accidentally posted a quote without making any response to it! It was supposed to be:

Todd Jensen> <<What will be the use of their finally convincing humans that they're not evil monsters so that the humans let them live in peace and stop trying to hunt them down and kill them Quarryman-style if they're doomed to extinction soon anyway? Far too depressing.>> Perhaps once death at the hands of humans was out of the equation, the natural gargoyle birthrate would be enough to slowly rebuild the population. My question is whether or not it is too late to do so. How small can the breeding population of gargoyles be before the genetic bottleneck becomes so bad that it does irreversible damage to species? Is it possible to rebuild an entire population using only several dozen individuals without having serious inbreeding problems?

Also, in my response to Warpmind, "there" was supposed to be "their."

Monday, July 17, 2000 06:58:28 PM

SEVARIUS JR. - I also wondered, when they showed the rerun of Part One of the "Faith returns" story on "Buffy" last week, whether that "little sister" line of Faith's was a foreshadowing for Dawn.

(And I'm very much looking forward to what Anya has to say about Dawn having that crush on Xander, assuming that they're still going with that notion :)

VOICE ACTORS: I recall that Damien "Foggy" Tobin, who came up with the bulk of the Dark Ages cast, suggested Jennifer Gray for Asrial's voice (the voice actress for Felicia Harding in Fox's animated "Spiderman" series). I always saw Tony Jay voicing Madoc in the style of Frollo in Disney's "Hunchback of Notre Dame", and Patrick Stewart voicing Duval. Patrick Toman suggested Gates McFadden for Joanna Walker, and Batya Levin suggested Christina Ricci for the Morrigan/Corbie McKenna.

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Monday, July 17, 2000 06:55:13 PM

Wow, how time flies. I looked and realized it had been almost a week since I last posted so I had a massive amount of catching up to do. I think I’m relatively caught up at the moment, but I might have missed some stuff in my skimming.

Is seems like the summer is just shooting past almost as if it’s in a hurry to get rid of me. It’s just a few days until I go visit my dad (and most of the visit will probably be spent cleaning out a decade’s worth of accumulated junk from my bedroom there), and then once I’m home from that it’ll only be about 2 weeks until I have to start the roadtrip back to school. Where did it all go? I’ve barely been able to do anything yet! I guess I spent it all catching up on my reading.

Warpmind> <<Out of sheer, morbid curiosity, how long does it usually take before they have such a reason?>> It depends on how long it is until I open my mouth in there presence. ; ) <<And, time to watch Cats. Really, it's for the music. Honest!>> Well it certainly isn’t for the plot. I find it very difficult to understand how something so essentially plotless became the longest continually running show in history. Yes, the dancing is good, and the music is interesting, but the story is practically nonexistent. <<I had a nightmare, guys... "Gargoyles: the Soap Opera"... it was terrible... just terrible.>> It depends on how it is handled. If it’s done seriously it would be terrible, but it could make a hilarious parody. : )

Todd Jensen> <<What will be the use of their finally convincing humans that they're not evil monsters so that the humans let them live in peace and stop trying to hunt them down and kill them Quarryman-style if they're doomed to extinction soon anyway? Far too depressing.>>

Emambu> <<Now all I need to do is buy a mask and go find an opera house nearby, and I'll bet set. :)>> But these days it’s so hard to find a theater with a nice underground lake in the subbasement. ; )

Christine> <<so I have to cram all my usual stressing and whining into one week instead of four ...>> At least it’ll be all over that much sooner…

Daniel Johnson> <<One thing that always bothered me was the 10 period for the eggs to hatch. I don't see how it could be possible for a gargoyle egg to hold enough nutrients to last that long. Where does the embryo get it's energy?>> Perhaps the eggs function at the super-low metabolic rate of stone sleep until right before they hatch. That way they would only need the normal amount of nutrients for an egg that size, but it would take them the entire 10 years to use them all instead of the few weeks it would take an embryo functioning at a normal metabolic rate. The slow metabolic rate would mean it would not need to be very warm, which might explain why the eggs could just be left lying around on the cold floor of the rookery without anything to keep them warm. This would also be an answer to why the eggs don’t fill up with 10 years worth of bits of stone skin. If the baby is constantly in "stone" phase, even at night, it wouldn’t wake up, so it wouldn’t shed. Or I could be completely wrong. Has anyone ever asked Greg?

Stephen Sobotka> I’m sorry to hear you lost your job, especially for such a random reason. Hopefully you can find a better job soon.

Curly++> <<I'd say "poot" instead>> Is that from the "My Teacher Is An Alien" series, or is it just the same word in a completely unrelated context?

Daniel Johnson> <<Even the villain realizes how pointless it is to seek revenge. Killing someone in self-defense or to protect someone else is one matter; killing someone simply because they are your enemy is very different.>> Killing someone because they are your enemy isn’t necessarily always revenge. You might want to kill your enemy so they cannot interfere with your current or future plans, so it would be "I’m killing you because of what you might do to me later" instead of "I’m killing you because of what you did to me before." The latter is dwelling in the past looking for revenge, while the former is just planing ahead. : ) (Is it just me, or does am I sounding way too Machiavellian right now?)

SJ> <<Although some of us may want happy endings all the time (and you have every right to do so), I feel that, occasionally, a darker or unsavory ending is necessary. Take the movie Se7en, or Fight Club>> I didn’t think the ending to Fight Club was that dark. It didn’t have the traditional "all loose ends are wrapped up so everyone can be happy" but Edward Norton seemed happy enough. Either that or I’m just too fond of gratuitous explosions to judge it properly. ; ) << I think dark endings are sort of like Mounds and Almond Joy candy bars--sometimes you feel like a horrifying, unhappy finale, sometimes you don't.>> **LOL**

Gside> <<I wonder why they don't just say 2.4 grams.>> Because that doesn’t sound as impressive. ; )

Winterwolf> <<I've almost always been able to get some free time on a college schedule!>> Yeah, before I went my parents made it sound as if I wouldn’t have time for anything but studying and homework, but with the exception of midterms and finals, I often had more free time than I ever had before. Unfortunately, most of that free time ended up being wasted trying to deal with my roommates.

Ta da! All done! Bye for now.

Zath - []
Monday, July 17, 2000 06:48:26 PM

saw _X-MEN_ again today...a few more comments...

well, i took a tally of all the times they showe dhte X to us {not including fences}...i'll post that after i count that hight.

was it just me, or was there something present between Mystique and Magneto? *shrugs*

hhmmmm...could a mutant tell the that folks like Angel, Oz, Zeke Stone, and such are not Mutants? {or would they assume that these tough mutable folks are mutants?}.

**SPOILERS end for NOW**

Rodlox - []
Monday, July 17, 2000 06:47:22 PM

Heather> Welcome back!

Coyote><<Where the Hell was that when I was a kid?!?>> I know. I would've loved to do that. Heck, I still would.

SJ> Glad your dad is feeling better. I'm also glad I wasn't the only one who was at least a little amused by the intrusion of "reality"

Katara> It's Escaflowne. It's cool. It has magical mecha, and catgirls. What more could you want?

Daphne> Welcome. Please surrender any remaining sanity you may have to the room's administrator, and you should fit in just fine.

********Warning Preacher spoilers and speculation********

Cyborg> I hate to say it, but I think this might've been Jesse's plan all along. God won't break cover and go back to heaven until Jesse's gone, so...

BTW, I've heard speculation that God may have disguised himself as Jesse's dog.

********You can look now************


Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Monday, July 17, 2000 06:09:29 PM

One thing that would be neat would be a timeline with what happened in each of the times (maybe 1-3 text lines per time period with it scrolling from roman through 2400 or farther) in the gargoyles universe.

Also, when can we expect new episodes =)

Monday, July 17, 2000 05:14:23 PM

Just making sure the castle is still standing.....good.
Monday, July 17, 2000 04:33:15 PM

Winterwolf> Actually, something has been planned to keep the unwanted men away from me. When Bahemut comes to my hometown to see me graduate, he plans to tattoo: "Property of Daren." on me. ;P
Mary Flanders
Monday, July 17, 2000 04:31:13 PM

I'm kinda busy right now, so here's some news. I'll post later with more info, an updated voters list, and a few other things of interest. ;)


The 2000 archive has been updated.




Originally, the voting was to end Sunday July 16TH at midnight (CR time) but due to some RL delays we are moving the date. So now (and final this time) we will not accept any more votes (with a few exceptions) after 11:59 PM (CR time) Wednsday June 19TH. We appologize for any confusion and inconveniences. A tally will be posted along with a list of those who voted. I will also post a list of the cut images. I will accept emails for as yet an undetermined length of time concerning appeals on cut images. After which we will not accept any more appeals, requests and votes until the next CR pics update.

Again, we will not accept any more votes after 11:59 PM (CR time) Wednsday June 19TH. You have about 56 hours left!

AOL users = Please read the FAQ before voting!

Thanks for your cooperation!



Hope this helps! TTYL!

Lady Mystic - [<-- TGS CR Info Index]
Senior Administrator of TGS CR Information
Monday, July 17, 2000 04:03:00 PM

Winterwolf> As many of us that can get there will get there. Right now I'm not even sure if I'll be there.
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Monday, July 17, 2000 02:34:36 PM

**Winterwolf enters the CR early so he can work on G2K projects tonight.**

Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky> Will the entire TGS staff be at the Gathering? It will definitely be fun to meet all great minds behind the work. :)

******XMEN SPOILERS******

Hi! I got caught up in the Xmen rush and saw the movie yesterday. With all the positive post recently my expectations for the movie was raised to modest/good movie and I was pleased to see it go beyond that mark! The movie was worth seeing and it was mostly true to the original comics.

Cyborg> <bub> You missed it! I agree that he should have said it more but he did say it once. If you watch it again be sure to catch the one gratifying time he does say 'bub'. I wrote this right after I read your earlier post. I read from the bottom up. I don't want you to think I'm picking on you or anything bub. ;)


DPH> <Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.> Now I hate to play devil's advocate… (Okay I don't hate it.) There are masochistic people out there. So because there are some individuals out there that enjoy having pain inflicted on them this ideal could break down.

Daniel Johnson> <Andrea> Oh! Now that is a quality model! My sister has one. Nothing like the cheap microphone I have that came with my computer. If I speak directly at it I sound like I'm stuck in a wind tunnel. ;)

Curly++> <surgery stuff> I'm not disputing that point. It is just frustrating when seemingly at the last minute you get notified, "Oh we need to do some other things first just in case. We'll have to reschedule your appointment." Okay, but I wonder why didn't this come up earlier? <what gives them the right to invoke God to make rules> They simply empower themselves. Look at it this way. What gives a parent the right to tell children what to do? <someone is ordering> It is not much different from a boss assigning a task to you. Many things I see as requests. Tell me, have you ever told someone to do something? Has anyone ever told you to do something? <coventry> It might sound nice in theory. In the end it is just a prison with less restrictions. With a truly maladjusted individual you've only said that's their responsibility now. So I don't quite catch how you've done more than relocated the problem. It is analogous to shipping all the prisoners to Australia or something.

******WARNING BFTS - RP******

Winterwolf rides down the road on his motorcycle following the magical beacon to SOS. A voice in his head tells him to stop, so Winterwolf comes to a stop on the side of the road.

"This will trip take too long. I'm going to send you right to SOS." Equus says. "I also want you to deposit me in my tower until NCA is defeated. Remember your instructions."

A moment later Winterwolf is in the tower. He removes his pouch and places it on a pedestal as instructed. He then steps into the nexus, which brings him right outside the house of SOS.

"Well at least I saved some gas."

******END WARNING BFTS - RP******

That's all for today!

Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Monday, July 17, 2000 02:07:27 PM

Stephen R. Sobotka Jr.>"Wolverine DID say 'Bub'" I can't believe I missed that! That'll teach me to kiss my beau durring a movie. *Steve (grumbles): You just about never do it anyway. Cyborg: Well I'll never do it again. Steve: <bleep> it!*

Anonymous (re: Viking Test)> *L* That was fun. Perhaps the Viking life is not for [me].

Curly++>"Eventually they'll find out that I didn't have any sanity to deposit in the jar by the door" That's OK because it was already removed. That's why you have a shaved head and a huge scar there.

Daniel Johnson>"that dark blue text you're using is killing my eyes" Sorry, is this better? I think I'm going through a blue period.

Au revoir

Cyborg - []
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Monday, July 17, 2000 01:28:49 PM

***Kyryn comes in sweating heavily and fanning her wings. She pulls of her wraparound sunglasses and plops into a nearby chair.****

Whew! It's hot out there. Well, Okami and I spent the weekend trying to replace the timing belts on his car (in 106 F heat) and couldn't get a few critical bolts (like the one for the engine pulley) off, so we ended up pushing the car to the repair shop nearby. Fortunately, they are only going to charge us half the normal cost since we did most of the major teardown work.

Spacebabie> Shinesman is hilarious!

Rodlox> Pen/gun question> Well, since you are suddenly materializing one atomic structure into another one, there are a couple of possibilities: 1) The pen parts fuse with the gun parts, either causing new compounds to appear, or causing warpage as the new compounds cause some spacial displacement; or 2) the gun explodes as the pen's atoms displace segments of the gun and it undergoes a sudden expansion. This also might depend on how suddenly the pen solidified inside the gun.

X-Men comments> Liked the movie very much! Not going to say too much more than that.

Fire Storm and LM> Rollerblades? Hmmm. I've got to get my pair out and go have some fun.

Daphne> Felicitations and Welcome to the CR!

Cyborg> X-Men comment> Yep, Jubilee was sitting in the back with Rogue and Kitty. And yes, Logan did say it in the fight on the statue near the end.

Sev Jr> Snake on TV? And not Russell? Say it ain't so. (Sigh) There goes another great anti-hero.

Harry Potter thing> Yeah, they were probably placating the Brits and the casting of this kid probably involves some of the usual Hollywood backroom wheeling and dealing.

Later All!

***Kyryn takes one of Curly++'s cookies (mmmmm), puts her sunglasses back on and heads back out into the Texas heat.****

Denton, TX
Monday, July 17, 2000 12:22:37 PM

<it's terrible that you get treated like you aren't important.>
Was she? Sounds to me like the experts are taking great interest in her. When the anesthesiologist cancelled my surgery, overriding the surgeon, I felt *very* bad, but I thanked him, and meant it, for taking such interest in my wellbeing.

<There are people who are in charge of each religion and will invariably make rules>
What gives them the right to invoke God to justify their rules?
<To yourself be true.>
That's the problem with churches. How can you be true to _yourself_ when someone is _ordering_ you to believe X even if you don't understand it? Even if you can see that it is nonsense?

<Putting them in there own society IMHO is just relocating the problem.>
What initially attracted me to the idea is that it eliminates the problem of putting guards inside a prison to control the inmates. The two-layer society and the total control of inmates lives are the sources of many of the problems in our prisons. Coventry would eliminate that need for control, giving offenders their lives back. All we would take away from them would be access to law-abidding people. Or at least, access to people who didn't get caught. :-)

Daphne, apprentice-wordsmith>>
<a room of thinkers and dreamers!>
Welcome! Ain't it great? I've been here for two weeks, hope to able to stay for a month or six. Eventually they'll find out that I didn't have any sanity to deposit in the jar by the door, that will be my undoing. :-)

<_Coventry_ [snip] I have it>
I raided your bookcase. It must be 30 years since I read it, I'll read again in the next couple of days. Hmm, before I do that, I'd better note that I remember lot's of "prison reform" ideas from the story that don't work with the Coventry concept.

<Instead of having a god look like us, or an animal or something, they have an abstract picture.>
Not that different from the impossible Christian idea of Jesus being a tall thin blond with a glowing head. Whether the image is of a man or a block of stone, it's still an image.
Isn't the block supposed to be an abstract copy of the holy stone in the central temple, believed by many to be a meteor?

Curly++ - []
Montreal, Canada, Earth
Monday, July 17, 2000 11:42:16 AM

Hey all,
Thought I'd share something. I know some of you guys are cat people. My scren saver program screenthemes has a site and a free gallery. They just up some tiger pics. It's not just tigers, I think the Demotivators they have up are hilarious. It is at:
Or click on the URL below.

TGS voices: Avery Brooks as Harthoth, hmm. After seeing him in this latest batch of IBM commericals I could definately see that. Definately needs a deep bass like James Earl Jones or Roscoe Lee Brown (sp?) I'm trying to remember what TGS had for a dream cast. I know Eric Idle was slated for Thersites. And a strong impression that Tess MacNeille would play Asrial mirroring her Gadget role in Rescue Rangers. Mark Hamill as Loki and Bernadette Peters as Maeve. Thinking about it, Hank Azara (sp?) might be good for Samson & Artus.

X-men> Haven't seen it yet, but I thought Iman might make a better Storm.

New members welcome> I don't get a chance to be in community as much as I like. So let me extend a warm welcome.

That's all for now.

Taleweaver - []
Monday, July 17, 2000 11:39:42 AM

Actually, I think I prefer stream of unconsciousness.
No, Xibo is NOT ALLOWED, Neither is Spot; he's just a dog. But, everyone else IS ALLOWED. That's what's so great about Kibology. And I'm not at ALL surprised you know that. :)

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Monday, July 17, 2000 07:00:38 AM

Mrs. Morgan> Read the plug. very nice once again.

Warpmind> <<That's the problem with you engineers; it's often so hard to guess whether you act dense, or when you *really* are...>>: We do live in our own little world. And it's such a fun little world.

Welcome, Daphne.

Winterwolf> <<free time on a college schedule>>: Isn't that part of the definition of college life? Or mabe it's just that I live whith people addicted to Jet Moto and Moxy Früvous (we quit often get a stirring chorus of Horseshoes going, even while half are playing Jet Moto).

Daniel Johnson> <<Janiel? Janiel! And I thought no one could mess up my name!>>: Whoopsie. Must have absorbed the J from Johnson. But I've been good, haven't I. I think this is only the second time.
<<it's still easier to speak then to type>>: Doesn't surprise me, though I did doubt due to my lack of experience with the subject.
<<my posts are liable to be even more stream of consciousness>>: Stream of consciousness can be fun.
<<the United States is one of the more conservative countries today>>: I say blame the Puritans.
Beware Xibo. Xibo is NOT ALLOWED.
The joy of grep.

Warpmind> Enjoy the vacation.

Na zdorov'ay.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, July 17, 2000 04:10:58 AM

**Returns from over-night trip to Oxnard, walks over and takes 2 of Curly++'s cookies. Starts nibbling one and hands the other to Canyon, who proceeds to gobble it right up. Sheesh, mountain lions are such pigs! LOL*

Sorrow>> I cut my hair short several years ago. Shocked the "you know what" out of my family last month when I changed the color from my natuaral honey blonde/light brown, to reddish blonde. Funny thing is, people are saying how good it looks. One person even told me it makes me look younger! :-)

Katara - []
San Diego, CA
Monday, July 17, 2000 02:43:03 AM

*Warpmind enters, lugging luggage and looking bleary-eyed.*
I had a nightmare, guys... "Gargoyles: the Soap Opera"... it was terrible... just terrible. But, now I'm going on vacation, so for roughly a week, I'll just be lurking here without posting...

Curly++: That church scheme of yours actually sounds like it could work... :)

Hmmm... not much really requiring a response from me... all for the better, I suppose - not much time available now, anyway... Adios, I'm going on vacation - combat practice and awe-inspiring, utterly deliberate benign lunacy galore. :)

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Monday, July 17, 2000 02:31:53 AM

X-Men Movie: I believe the guy in the movie that did the fireball was infact a mutant named Rusty Collins, who first appeared in X-factor #1 and he died in the X-men comic #42 (it was shortly after the 'Age of Apocalypse' was over, when astroid M is destroyed by Holocaust)
Keiichi Morisato
Monday, July 17, 2000 02:24:12 AM

Stephen: Re- X-Men- The paper here said the guy who made the fireball was Pyro. Not sure if they're right or not- Pyro's supposed to be a bad guy, isn't he? Also, just thought I'd point this out- It's Hugh Jackman, not Jackson, and Halle Berry, not Barry. I agree that she didn't make that great a Storm, but it was still a great movie despite that. Will give more detailed remarks on Tuesday when I have the time to make a big long post. :)


Monday, July 17, 2000 01:13:08 AM

Stephen > I think the boy who did the fireball behind the desk was... *checks information* Johnny (forgot lastname) aka Cannonball. Nice scene though with Bobby Drake (who young actor name is Shawn Ashmore from the Nickelodeon show Animorphs).

Anonymous > *looks at Viking survey* You are one strange person... never saw this kind of survey before. Oh well. *EG and starts the survey*

Cyborg > Wolverine did say "Bub", I know because when he said that I squirmed in my seat, hehe, Wolverine is my favorite character. Hugh Jackman was the best actor in the whole film, I agree!

Heather - []
Monday, July 17, 2000 01:01:41 AM

<it's terrible that you get treated like you aren't important.>
Was she? Sounds to me like the experts are taking great interest in her. When the anesthesiologist cancelled my surgery, overriding the surgeon, I felt *very* bad, but I thanked him, and meant it, for taking such interest in my wellbeing.

<There are people who are in charge of each religion and will invariably make rules>
What gives them the right to invoke God to justify their rules?
<To yourself be true.>
That's the problem with churches. How can you be true to _yourself_ when someone is _ordering_ you to believe X even if you don't understand it? Even if you can see that it is nonsense?

<Putting them in there own society IMHO is just relocating the problem.>
What initially attracted me to the idea is that it eliminates the problem of putting guards inside a prison to control the inmates. The two-layer society and the total control of inmates lives are the sources of many of the problems in our prisons. Coventry would eliminate that need for control, giving offenders their lives back. All we would take away from them would be access to law-abidding people. Or at least, access to people who didn't get caught. :-)

Daphne, apprentice-wordsmith>>
<a room of thinkers and dreamers!>
Welcome! Ain't it great? I've been here for two weeks, hope to able to stay for a month or six. Eventually they'll find out that I didn't have any sanity to deposit in the jar by the door, that will be my undoing. :-)

Curly++ - []
Montreal, Canada, Earth
Monday, July 17, 2000 12:58:28 AM

Web X Press- Not a good service provider for Webpages, considering they REALLY screwed my friend Icy over with his page. That's why I'm sayin' it here. They suck.

Xmen-Gotta see this movie!

DBZ Androids: Invasion and Dr. Gero-

Overall, good dubs, better then I thought. Though some of the voices could be done better. *cough Cough* Vegeta, go back to First season voice!*Cough cough.* Same with Piccolo, but anyway, I digress. ANyway, Trunks Voice, still good, not as strained or forced. #19's voice (A big white, FAT android) was pretty well done, what I expected, though I can't for the life of me remember what exactly he sounded like in the Japanese version. The BGM, this is a big thing. It's well done, and connects to a theme with the Androids. Very well done also, and though not up there with the original, it's good for the American Dub. I don't know if it was my tape or not, but for the Dr. Gero Tape, it seemed they turned up the master Volume and the voices have or grinding noices, as if the speakers and mics couldn't handle it. Probably a mistake. Hope it doesn't go through the whole saga. Anyway, some good buys, even at 18 bucks a piece, but do yourself justice and stay a yardstick away from the Edited version.

*Kicks Reality in the head, the being still a vegitable.* Hey budd-y, what's happening. HOpe you like the current state, and I hope you come back so I can RP some more with how I mutilate you, and don't care for your realist theories and rhetoric. Enjoy your popularity seem like one of those idiots who needs to get some sunlight.

Anyway, I'm off. Later.

Gasper - []
Monday, July 17, 2000 12:46:57 AM

Are you BARBARIC enough to be a Viking? Find out now by taking this quick multiple-choice test!
1.) Your education level is:
a. college graduate or higher.
b. high school graduate/some college.
c. any one or all of these: fostered to uncle or trusted Jarl/oral traditions of the Skalds/apprenticeship to a longship captain.
d. just the four "R's": Rape, Pillage, Burn and Plunder.
2.) When you first heard about this test, you:
a. thought to yourself: "Maybe I could be a Viking!"
b. thought to yourself: "Let's see if I've got what it takes to be a Viking..."
c. handed this paper to the monk you captured on Ionia and told him to read it to you.
d. said: "Test???!? Vikings don't take no stinkin' TESTS!!!"
3.) You get home for dinner. What do you prefer to eat?
a. A bag of snacks.
b. bread with cheese.
c. steak fresh from Ireland.
d. raw meat of a polar bear.
4.) Someone calls your sister "reindeerface". How do you react?
a. you agree.
b. you punch him.
c. you kill him.
d. you graciously accept his marriage proposal to your sister.
5.) Your wife walks around in your pants. Do you:
a. Follow her lead and wear one of her dresses.
b. demand for her to give you your pants back.
c. divorce her.
d. Undo the flaps and go from there: leather is just sexy as Hel!
6.) How do you like to bathe?
a. in a hot bath with bath oil beads and foaming soap.
b. a cold shower.
c. let the dirt sweat off your body while in a sauna then go for a roll in the snow afterwards.
d. standing on the bow of a longship bound for Greenland, naked and letting the freezing salt spray wash the dirt and grime away.
7.) What is your favorite hobby?
a. reading books.
b. listening to great stories, tales of fierce battles and high adventure.
c. fighting and wrestling until you are exhausted.
d. collecting things: illuminated manuscripts from Ireland, gold from England, fine art from France, gold from Spain, wine from Italy, gold from Constantinople...
8.) You view a documentary on the "The Great Age of Exploration and Discovery". You:
a. go to the library/search the Web for more information on that era.
b. daydream nostalgically about "the good old days".
c. immediately begin planning a series of daring, lightning raids with your longships and men on the New World, Africa and Asia so you won't be left out of the plunder!
d. think to yourself as the narrator talks about new lands discovered, colonies founded and native civilizations conquered: "Been there, done that!".
9.) You are invited to a wedding, how long do you enjoy the party afterwards?
a. one hour
b. one day
c. a month
d. "Wedding? Was there a wedding?"
10.) You go to a party and drink some ale. When do you think you have drunk enough?
a. midnight.
b. when you pass out.
c. in the morning when it's time for the breakfast mead.
d. when there's none left and you haven't found any in the last five towns you sacked, either.
11.) You decide to hold an intimate party for 200 of your closest friends. How will you feed them?
a. hire a fancy French caterer to provide a 12-course dinner complete with hors d'oeuvres, ice sculptures and string quartet.
b. call Domino's--they deliver!
c. stampede a herd of cattle thru the banqueting hall and let your guests tear off what they want as the cattle run by.
d. organize your guests into a raiding party and descend on your nearest neighbor to plunder his larder: food and entertainment!
12.) What is the best thing about horses?
a. to ride off into nature.
b. horse races/racing.
c. They don't talk back.
d. training the horses to battle each other to the death.
13.) What would you wear to battle?
a. a full suit of plate armor, a helmet, a shield and a bullet proof vest.
b. a chainmail hauberk and a helm.
c. nothing but a small piece of leather that would inspire you with the strength of the animal from which it was made.
d. A big sword, a big axe, and a big grin...
14.) What would you use as an alternative to toilet paper?
a. yesterday's newspaper.
b. moss.
c. your fingers.
d. "toilet paper???!? Vikings don't use no stinkin' TOILET
Total your answers, giving yourself 1 point for each "a", 2 points for each "b", 3 points for each "c" and 4 points for each "d". If your score is:
51 to 56 = You are a Saga Viking!
45 to 50 = Never fear, there is a bench in Valhalla with your name on it!
39 to 44 = You might make an OK Viking.
21 to 38 = Perhaps the Viking life is not for you. 14 to 20 = Viking, Hel! You'd do better to pick up a rapier, wear lace and drench yourself in fancy French perfume!

Monday, July 17, 2000 12:43:26 AM

Greetings all...

Had an interesting weekend: First off, my missus celebrated her latest birthday on the 15th... part of which was done with a pair of old friends of hers from SanFran who took her and me to this gay bar in Downtown Spokane. Interesting experience, in that it wasn't at all what I expected. I'd assumed people would be doing open displays of fondling, etc. etc. ... in truth, it was about as low key as some straight establishments I've been to. And the bartender, Mike, was "just a turn above flaming" so to speak, but he had me in stitches all night with his jokes and capering around behind the bar. We drank, shot pool, had some interesting conversations with a friendly lesbian pair over online gaming, and had a great time! I had a great time! :)

Today, I saw "X-Men" and I'll agree with a lot of the critics; it did good. I saw the cameos of Jubilee, Iceman, and Shadowcat (though the kid doing the fireball behind the back... who was that?). And I loved the friction between Logan (Hugh Jackson did a GREAT Wolvie!) Jean and Scott. Barry did a okay job with Storm (though I STILL feel Angela Bassett would have been a better Ororo), but my main concern was with Anna Paquin's Rogue. She did rather well, though I hope when they have a sequel that she'll get her Ms. Marvel powers... IMO Rogue ain't Rogue unless she can fly, sass and throw a punch to give the Thing reason to pause. :)

Oh CYBORG, one thing... Wolverine DID say "Bub".

*** SPOILERS! ****

Right near the end, during the fight at the Statue of Liberty, when Sabertooth thinks he's thrown Logan over the side, the hairy beast-man is about to do a number on Storm (for her not screaming during an earlier attack at the railway station), Wolvie drops back inside the Statue and tells Saber' "C'mon, Bub! I ain't finished with you yet!"

***** END SPOILERS *****

CHRISTINE - Read "Shameless Plug 2"... LOVED IT! For everthing mentioned before, and especially for Alphonse's give and take with the others. :) Great read!

SJ - Shame to hear you think "Bicentenial Man" was a poor film... I've read the original Asmiov story, and I found it a rather good parallel to it. And while it's not a slap-bang-dash action sci-fi film, it does make you think when you walk away from it. Plus I rather like Robin Williams in it. He did rather well as the Android that wanted to be human. Of course, that's just my opinon.

Well, that's all for now. Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka, JR. - []
Spokane, WA, USA
Sunday, July 16, 2000 10:50:41 PM

Well, I think I like the room being wiped on Saturday night. Too bad I wasn't prepared for it. Oh well. Maybe I can actually keep up this week.

Reverend Attila:
Hysterical. Meow.
Janiel? Janiel! And I thought no one could mess up my name! :)
Actually, even with all the weird punctuation it's still easier to speak then to type. At least for me. One less step. Of course, my posts are liable to be even more stream of consciousness than before, so You Have Been Warned. :)

USA, civilized? ::snicker:: Here's a random thought: isn't it odd that the United States is one of the more conservative countries today, considering that the creation of this country was one of the more radically liberal events in history? Just something that's always struck me as funny.
Curly++, Warpmind, et al RE: religion:
I've always been fond of kibology. After all, everyone is a kibologist, whether they know it or not. Beable.
I wonder how many people here will get that. Maybe I'm just getting old. ;)
::Stands up. Clears throat nervously.:: "Hello, my name is Daniel, and I am one of those people" ::looks shamefully at floor:: "yes, one of them, the people who read fanfic and never send feedback."

It's one of those things that I always mean to do, but never seem to get around to doing. In the past I was just too shy to say anything, and now I either feel that I have nothing worthwhile to say or I simply forget. Horrible memory. Of course, later I'll remember and feel guilty, but then it'll be later and I'll feel embarrassed to say anything at that point. Can you say neurotic, boys and girls? I knew you could.
It's always good when comments and conversations ensue. However, I personally prefer it when wackiness ensues. But that's just me. :) Greetings and salutations!
Yes, it came with a microphone. A nice headset model: Andrea anti-noise NC-71.
Not to be picky, but that dark blue text you're using is killing my eyes. I'm with you on where to live: I don't mind visiting cities but I couldn't imagine living in one. I always wanted a nice country house, but I'll settle for the nice suburban house I have now. Of course, a 120 year-old house always needs some work done on it.
Uh, I don't mean to scare you but I always did love mixing different kinds of sodas together. I came up with some very interesting mixtures. :)
The Hispanic that have thought that that it to 10 1/8 per cent at that it cut back path the: model of this is great but the pit pith of the stops to in the a notices fallen. " " but enough of that

That's what happens when the computer tries to figure out what I'm saying while I'm laughing. (:
I guess I must of missed this last time. I have a touch of arthritis in my knees. It's especially bad when it's cold and damp. As cheesy as it sounds, I feel your pain. (sorry, I just couldn't resist it)
Good thing Doug reminded me ...
See, I can do feedback. I enjoyed Shameless Plug 2. I haven't read your book (yet) so of course I didn't understand everything, but it was a very fun story. Goliath and Alfonse; "Girl talk"; Puck and Cat; and I'm a sucker for any scene with little Amber in it. So sue me.

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Sunday, July 16, 2000 10:29:04 PM

RP on hold till tomorrow...

Well, to all of you who saw the X-Men movie and loved it, GREAT news: It was number one this weekend, with a whopping 57.5 million dollars. This is, I believe it is being reported, the fourth highest opening ever. I unfortunately have not had the pleasure to see the film yet, but I'm very happy that the movie did well, because now this will give the reactionary studios in Hollywood some confidence that comic book movies CAN be made right and that they CAN turn a profit (if done right. Damn you to hell, Schumacher!!!)
Next up--Spider-Man!!!

Buffy news: It has now been confirmed that the next season of Buffy will feature a new cast member. As rumored, the character will be a fourteen year old girl named Dawn, who will be played by Michelle Trachtenberg (I'm not real familiar with her, but she played "Harriet the Spy" a few years back). She and Buffy will have a "big sister--little sister" type relationship, which brings up something I thought Faith said--didn't my favorite evil slayer say something about "big sisters" or something?

Snake TV: Jon Carpenter and Kurt Russell are teaming up to bring bad-ass one-eyed hellraiser Snake Plissken back once again....only this time as a TV show. The new show will most likely feature a different actor than Russell in the lead, and will kick of with a TV movie introducing the show.

Harry Potter Movie update: Ladies and Gentlemen, let the Harry Potter hype machine begin again--Harry Potter himself has been cast! And the controversy has already started. Director Chris Columbus, the man who brought us such wonderful family films as "Home Alone" as well as hideous wastes of celluloid as "The Bicentennial Man", has cast 10 year old actor Liam Aiken as the boy wizard Harry Potter. Liam is perhaps best known for his role in the Julia Robert's flick "Stepmom" (which Columbus also directed).
As an aside, I took my mom to see Stepmom a year or so ago, as one of those good things sons do for their mothers. She loved it. Cried at it. Anyway, I only bring this up because I personally found this kid annoying enough for me to want to strangle a manatee. But hey, I must say this--better him than that kid from Star Wars. THANK GOD (or to go along with the current religion debate in the room, "Thank......whatever, if it exists, which I'm not sure it does...") he wasn't cast.
Anyway, the controversy stems from the fact that this Liam kid is as American as barbaric capital punishment. The author of the books, J.K. Rowlings, expressed desire for a British boy to be cast in the role, and even went so far as to help several young British boys get auditions. Some 40,000 applications from British boys were received, and the casting director whittle down that astronomical number to 300, and then Chris Columbus came along and said "Well, screw that, I'm going with this American kid." The casting director quit, and they all feel now that basically Columbus was just placating the Brits and that he intended to cast this American little boy all along. I say the Brits have a valid point. Any one else agree?

Curly++: I'm afraid I'm too stone-hearted to care more about criminals, and attempt to make their stay in any sort of incarceration facility "less evil"....maybe that makes me barbaric, I don't know. As you can probably tell, I don't much really care either. I am obviously not the individual to go to in an attempt to reform the corrections branch of the criminal justice system.
As for "Conventry", if that was indeed a Heinlein story, then the concept suddenly makes total sense to me. I greatly admire Heinlein. I think he is one of the greatest writers of science fiction ever published, and have enjoyed many of his books. However, he was, at times, a bit too distant for me in terms of his political beliefs.

Green Baron: I'm a bit confused as to which you are referring to--killing over property, or killing someone who comes onto your property (i.e. breaking and entering into your house). I've taken criminal justice courses as well as law courses, and I can tell you the following is true:
You can NOT, under any circumstances, kill for property, because the view of the courts is that property (in our modern society) can be readily replaced. However, you CAN conceivably kill someone in self defense to enters you property. Most self-defense requirements require proof the invader meant to cause harm....however, the good news for you homeowners is that, in general, the court's stance is that if someone is in your house and they have no right to be (i.e. they invaded your house), then it can be assumed that they are there to do you harm. In which case you could kill them, and most likely get away with it.
Personally, while I still do not think it's right to kill for property, I do like your "It's your ass" point of view when it comes to home invasion.

In those circumstances, I think we ALL should take the advice of one of my favorite radio hosts, G. Gordon Liddy: "If someone breaks into your home, shoot the bastard. And if you shoot the bastard, and 3/4ths of him falls out of the house and onto the lawn? Drag him inside the other 75 percent."

Sevarius Jr. - []
Sunday, July 16, 2000 10:16:04 PM

Quick words because I pulled a nine hour shift today and my bad knee is killing me.
Voices of TGS Chararacters- I just thought about that the other day too! I think Avery Brooks would make a kick a$$ Harthoth.

Robby- It's the little things that keep us happy. That's why I have a drawing of a pair of eyes in the back window of my car, probably drives some people nuts. AND I LOVE IT!

Revel - []
Sunday, July 16, 2000 07:45:17 PM

Archwolf: Got it! Thanks for the very interesting information. :)

Christine: Another Shameless Plug was great! Really liked all the character development, the interplay between Cat and everyone (especially in the pickpocket scene), and Alphonse vs. Goliath. Keep up the great work! :)

Sunday, July 16, 2000 06:23:56 PM

*Archwolf hobbles in very quickly, still not having mastered running in knee braces*

Hey all very quick post, maybe more later

Doug and Kit>Check yer mail. As I said, information is 8 of 10 in reliability.

Curly++>Mostly, I just work through the pain. I don't like any kind of medical pain killers. I don't necessarily belive in the whole 'pure body' thing, it's just that I think they deprive you of a very important sense. The old warrior's line about 'Pain keeping you alive, awake, and mean' is true enough, but being able to feel the pain also helps a person judge their status. The human body produces its own PKillers when needed, and that is enough for me.

*Archwolf is nearly knocked off his feet as Warfrost and Canyon tear around the CR in their endless game of tag* Watchit you two! There be Gimps here!

Ack...gotta run. Stuff to do
Shade and Sweet water!

Sunday, July 16, 2000 06:05:42 PM

I believe the header 'Utopia' is best for my discussion about rules. I believe that in every society there are a few basic rules that everyone agrees on: no killing (with exceptions), no stealing (with exceptions), and no lying (with exceptions). Ultimately, I believe almost every rule in society boils down to one rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

If I was to establish an utopia, I would have as few rules as possible and I would be tempted to criminalize not doing unto others as you would them do unto you. Of course, the punishment would be up to the jury.

Winterwolf, just make sure to post before 4:00 pm on Monday for me to read it on time.

I am one of those individuals who, at soda fountain, mixes all the varieties together. I, also, when buying kool-aid, buy 2 of every variety. That oughta be enough to separate me from the other Daniel.

DPH (Daniel Paul Hightower) - []
Sunday, July 16, 2000 04:47:11 PM

Non- Conformity Poll> two goths, three oddballs, one gifted, two who prefer not popularized pastimes, four individualists, one hellraiser, one whith his own style, one Daria- esque, one FTW type, one F-W-C-F-B
One in four CR dwellers is seen by others IRL as a non- conformist.

Preacher question> Do you think The Plan can still go through without Custer there to chase God through the pearly gates?

X-Men> Loved the movie. I found that they mixed up the characters of Rogue and Jubilee to fit the script, though according to the credits, Jubilee gave a cameo as a student in the school. One disapointment, Logan didn't say 'bub' once durring the entire movie! *pouts* I like his 'bub'- wisers. Someone said they didn't see the love triangle, I don't know how they could have missed it. Wolverine is lying on a med- bed, Jean is standing over him, she says that she thinks Rogue has a crush on him, he says that his heart is taken by someone else as he tries to touch her face. In an earlier sceane, Logan has just been showed to his room, Jean leaves, Scott talks to him, and the whole thing is 'You leave my girl alone'. Lots of really memorable moments. Great FX. Fun- even with the Marvel hadicap.
***End Spoilers***

Green Baron>"My mother is also a woman cused with emotons and I find her very unpleasant when emotional" I find _myself_ unpleasant when I am emotional.
"my wife to be financially dependant on me" I'm kind of strange when it comes to money, so I'm not too worried about that. Even as a housewife, my mother had (paying) work and I plan to do the same (hense the insistance I get my degree first). Otherwise, I'm liable to get board out of my mind. My mom had a daycare out of our home. I plan to either do that or tutor out of my home.
I have no disire to ever bu a house" I get claustrophobic in the city. I need trees and large green spaces. I also hate crowds. Steve and I are going to move to a small town (or maybe become hermits in the country...) I want to have those little flower pots in my kitchen, so I can grow herbs all year round (for cooking not those other 'herbs' you sillies) My mon has some on our front porch, and they taste better than the store bought ones.
"mother" It sounds like she has had a real tough life (which means anyone around her has a tough time too). I too have problems with my mother, but I know she has her good qualities too, and I try to accept that.
"I look forward to not being udner the same roof as her. I also hope she kiks the bucket soon." I had the same view too, right up until the day I was actually faced with the prospect that she might die.
"I want to be teh next wealthy Forsyth." I have never understood that.

Curly++> _Coventry_ was written by Heinlein. I have it (at least x1) in an anthology of his works. Check _The Past Through Tomorrow_.
"I don't try to replace it with my own menu of what God should be." I like what the (Islaam's?) think god looks like (or resides in?), a cube. That's it. Instead of having a god look like us, or an animal or something, they have an abstract picture. It does not matter the size or colour or material, only the proportions have to be exact (they have some mathematicl reason for this I think). I also think that song _One of Us_ has an interesting idea. It tries to make you wonder about how you act and how you treat people around you by asking "What if god was one of us/Just a stranger on the bus".
"I estiamated 1/8 of a million spent on that trial" 1/8 million spent on 'The Maalox Papers'... That makes it a really BAD joke.

Reverand Attila> <joke> *laughs uncontrolably* It figures.

Cyborg - []
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Sunday, July 16, 2000 04:33:19 PM

Winterwolf, we have a cast list for TGS, I'll dig it out and post it here ASAP.
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Sunday, July 16, 2000 02:30:39 PM

**Winterwolf enters the CR through the front door and beams a big smile to all his CR friends.**

Hi everybody. I'm really looking forward to meeting some of my fellow posters for the first time at G2K. If you want to find me my Con Badge will say Winterwolf on it. In related news, my artwork project for the Gathering is moving forward but I'm getting worried that I'm running out of time. I'll probably be devoting the majority of the remaining weekends to it until I'm done. :)

I feel like I've been a delinquent poster of late. I've missed several interesting topics but I'm going to jump on what I can now. ^_^

Christine> Congratulations on getting that contact! May this be a catalyst for many more paid works to come. I look forward to seeing all of you work published. :)

Jannie> Welcome back! <vacation> It's great to hear that you had such a wonderful vacation! Mom's can be really wonderful at making you feel great and catching up with friends is fun too. :) When my vacation rolls around in August I hope to have an exceptionally awesome time with family after an absolutely outstanding time with friends at G2K! ^_^ <surgery> That's extremely annoying! My sister had to go through some similar experiences when dealing with cancer. Thank goodness it turned out to be benign! Still it's terrible that you get treated like you aren't important. **Hugz**

Religion> This topic has come up before in the past. I haven't posted my opinions on religion before so I thought I'd remedy that situation. There are so many cultural differences that IMHO there can't be a single religion to realistically give a single set of rules that would be easy for each group to follow. There are people who are in charge of each religion and will invariably make rules that may work well with one group but is extremely unlikely to work for everyone everywhere. Personally I feel religion helps me constantly strive to be a better person. It also gives me strength with the idea that there is a greater power helping me in my times of need. I don't have any problems with other individual's beliefs. I have friends that believe in other religions and friends that don't believe in any organized religion. That's fine, as long as that works for them. To yourself be true. :)

DPH> Once you have more than one individual in a society you have differences of opinion and alternative solutions to problems. I'd find it hard to believe you could have one set of rules that everyone agrees on. So what would be so different about religion? <E-Groups> I'll be adding my thoughts tonight.

Daniel Johnson> Enjoy the speech dictation! Did the software you're using come with a microphone? I have some speech recognition software but my microphone renders it pathetic at best. :p

Janine> Hi Janine! Looking forward to catching you online tonight. It has been a long time. Okay only a few days, but it felt longer. ;)

Mary Flanders> Hmm.. You seem to be getting quite a bit of that unwanted attention from guys. :( Well I figure that must mean you are a very attractive young woman. I hope you find a way to deal with these unwanted advances and enjoy what life has to offer. :)

Archwolf> That's a real bummer about the knees. Maybe there are some herbs or something else that you can take so you don't have to worry about your kidneys.

SOROW> <computer> Wow! That's great! Now it will be even easier to keep in touch with you! If you need/want anything for your computer I'd be happy to hook you up or at least tell you where you can download it off the web. :) <hair> So how do you like having short hair? On the plus side it's a lot less trouble to deal with every day. I'm happy you are having good times these days. ^_^

Death penalty> Honestly I can't think of any type of penalty that works. I'm against the death penalty. The question then becomes what do you do with your criminals? Getting them to payback with interest what they have taken seems fair, but there are certain things you can't put a price tag on such as life. Life is very precious. Putting them in there own society IMHO is just relocating the problem. It doesn't really solve anything.

Shadowrider> <chat time> Okay I'll be on the lookout. <military service> It's good that you want to go especially since you have no choice. May you learn from the experience and get to visit some interesting places. Do you know some of the places you could possibly get to visit? :)

Lynne> Hi Lynne! You've made a big change lately! I'm not used to getting so much email in such a short period of time and you managed to get a post in too! :) Look for my latest email reply later today. <Goliath tees> Maybe you could get one of your fellow CR Texan posters to pick up some Goliath shirts for you at G2K. Any takers? ;) <hot and humid heat> Keep the AC cranking!

Fire Storm> Hi! Welcome back! How was your vacation? <rollerblades> Have fun. <G2K> Are both you and Lady Mystic going to G2K? If so I'll be sure to see you there.

Katara> <interesting anime on FOX> Something I'll have to be on the lookout for. I wonder if I'll be able to get my hands on the completely uncut version. A copy might be lying around the office somewhere. I have run into the Simpsons and Futurama stash. ;)

Niamhgold> <RL unbearable> **Major Comfort Hugz** <wisdom teeth> Make sure you get plenty of novacane! I'll keep you in my thoughts for some quick and painless dental work! <camping> **Winterwolf eats the offered s'more and thanks Niamhgold.** I'm happy you enjoyed yourself! I agree that getting back to a real bed is a nice plus. <Shadowrider party> I think it might be easier if you are in college at the time. I've almost always been able to get some free time on a college schedule! ;) <me> I've been feeling fine. After your email I felt absolutely great! You have to let me do something special for you one of these days, okay? ^_^

Robby> If you really want to spice it up make sure you wipe it sometime during the weekend for the next few weeks. Could be anytime during the weekend. Then you'll keep us guessing. What am I saying? You probably already planned on doing this anyway! ;)

Emambu> <50+ hours a week> Welcome to my world! Sounds like a normal workweek to me. :) <voice actors> Who to use for the new voices in the TGS series? Let's see who hasn't been used from the Star Trek franchise yet? ^_^

Madame Destine> <fanfic panel> Oh man. I never got to go to one and I've been reading the Gargoyles fanfic too! :( <new event> I'll have to see what this new event goes.

Daphne, apprentice-wordsmith> Hi! Welcome to the CR! Please deposit your sanity at the door and enjoy your time here! :)

Now I think that was a good post for me! It's good to get back in the groove. :)
See you tomorrow!

**Winterwolf waves goodbye and walks out the CR.**

Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Sunday, July 16, 2000 02:07:18 PM

<enters> ah, a room of thinkers and dreamers! I admit, I know you good sentients not, but hope in time that my words and ideas may come to complimet or contrast yours so that comments and conversations may ensue.
Daphne, apprentice-wordsmith - []
Sunday, July 16, 2000 01:36:36 PM

Wow, my computer slowed down so much just now that I forgot what I was going to say! Couldn't have been that important, then! ; )

Madame Destine > great, I am looking forward to it!

Warpmind > another essay ... I've got the feeling I'll be doing this every year! ; )

Christine - [ <<< --- new story!]
Sunday, July 16, 2000 12:59:49 PM

*crawls in in sleep wear with messy hair* *yawns* Good morning people.

Fanfic news> Just thought I'd let you Ranma 1/2 fans know, I'm in the process of writing a Ranma 1/2 series. I'm afraid I've just lost interest in writing my gargoyles fanfic and prefer to write about Ranma 1/2. I've written my prologue and am in the midst of writing my first chapter. All I have to do is try and post it on my VERY new website but I know practically nothing about how to do it. >:P

Beginning geocities website are so limited in design. How do I make my own design and how do I get my computer file onto my website? Anyone care to help? Send me an E-mail!

Mary Flanders - []
Sunday, July 16, 2000 12:08:38 PM

Hoo boy, early wipe. :)

Green Baron: I know Gibson made Braveheart, not sure about Emmerich. There are plenty of webpages where you can check it out. The Patriot reminded me of that film a lot too, but there were enough differences so it was not a clone by any means. :)

Emmabu: <nods> That's the quote alright. And I thought it had something about butterflies in the wind in it too. That bit I liked best. <shrugs> Oh well.

SOROW: Welcome to the world of short-haired women. Don't worry, there are plenty of attractive girls with short hair out there and now you're one of them. Hope you enjoy it, it takes forever to go back. <grin>

Madame Destine: Fanfic Panel called off due to lack of interest? <mutters> Why am I not surprised? With the amount of feedback I and most other writers seem to get these days... <sighs> Glad you're defying the facts and holding what sounds like a really great discussion anyway. Kit and I are real sorry we won't be able to attend it. :( Oh well, hopefully interesting topics will be brought up and talked about for long hours, and someone will get a transcript and post it on the web. :) Have fun.

More later.

Sunday, July 16, 2000 09:52:21 AM

If I may interrupt for a brief moment... :) I had a big disappointment the other day, when I learned that they were actually _cancelling_ the fanfic panel at Gathering this year dues to "lack of interest"! I couldn't believe that was true, so I talked a few friends, and we pulled a little something together of our own to fill the void...

Announcing a new event for the Gathering 2000: "Bend It, Don't Break It: Making Improbable Occurances Logical in the 'Gargoyles' Universe." This unofficial panel will take place Sunday evening, August 6, at 9PM, after the closing ceremonies. The exact location will be announced soon... we are still trying to find out if we'll be able to use the con suite or one of the other meeting rooms (notice will be posted at the con if need be).

The topic we will focus on is "How far can you go (sex, violence, plot devices) before a storyline becomes unbelievable within the context of the Gargoyles Universe?" There'll be an oppotunity for Q&A with the panelists (to include Christine Morgan and myself), along with the opportunity to bring your own wildest fanfic scenarios up before the group for discussion.

Everyone mature enough to discuss such topics with an open mind is welcome. This will NOT be a suitable event for small children, hence one of the reasons we're holding it in the evening. We plan to have a lively, freewheeling, no-holds-barred discussion, but above all we want this to be FUN. Hope to see as many of you there as possible!

And now back to your regularly scheduled comment room. :)

Madame Destine - []
Sunday, July 16, 2000 09:31:52 AM

Curly++, surprised to find he can actually catch up, enters with a virtual plate of cookies to pass around... the new peanut butter recipe with two kinds of chocolate chips and chunks of banana baked in... 'scuse me, have a cookie?

<dead tired after working 50+ hours this week.>
A 50 hour shift IS impressive. Oh, wait, you said all week. Pah! Wait till you have to work a 30 hour shift then drive off to a sales meeting with only 4 hours sleep. We even made the sale!

<such a great movie. it plays off of so many different angles>
Not only movies, any great literature. I re-read Isaac Asimov's Nightfall a few days ago, the original short story version. I was surprised (again) at finding new meaning in it. Funny how his story from 1941 plays against Y2K.

<Green Baron: Actually, it costs more to keep a prisoner in jail for life then it does to kill him/her.>
Not according to CNN. Remember that the death row process involves many so-called "checks and balances". I served on a jury a few years back. When the prosecutor was wasting our time with irrelevant hyperbole I amused myself by estimating the total outlay of salaries being spent on a case in which the gov. was picking up the entire bill. Just on the salaries of the people I could see in the courtroom, and only while they were in the courtroom, I estimated 1/8 of a million spent on that trial.

<I could never have faith in an organization that used to have people pay money so they (the believers) could "go" to heaven.>
I could never have faith in something based on a power structure that makes Jonestown, Wacko and the Church Of The Solar Temple not just possible, but inevitable. I cannot believe that any of the Gods in any of the churches I have seen would sponsor the political and economic structure of these churches. Nor do I think most Gods, as defined by their churches, would sanction the prejudice against non-members. Nor do I think any God would be impressed by the puffed up, self-important jack asses that I've seen leading most churches.

Warpmind de InzanE>>
<Hey, maybe we ought to found an entirely new belief system?>
My friend and I had this all worked out in high school. The only entrance requirement was an open mind and a willingness to discuss philosophy. Monthly meetings would rotate among the homes of senior church officials (me and Dave primarily) who would then be able to declare our homes holy ground and pay no property taxes. Oops! Did I mention most churches are a scam of some kind? :-)

Curly++ - []
Montreal, Canada, Earth
Sunday, July 16, 2000 08:44:49 AM

*Warpmind pops in, blinking.*
Huh? The CR's been wiped, and it's only Sunday yet? *Growls deep in chest.* DC? No, wait, the old CR is still available...

*Looks at Patrick Toman's copied post, then sighs.*
And I ain't getting a shred of a chance to be there... *Snif* Oh, well, I guess I'll manage. Somehow. There's always Christine's summary, I suppose. :)

Green Baron: True, true... I seem to recall reading that in some states, if a burglar enters your house, trips on something and breaks his leg, he can sue you for it. Never mind what he was doing there in the first place... That's when it's time to build a dungeon in the basement, eh? ];)

*High-fives Curly++.* Hey, maybe we ought to found an entirely new belief system? "We don't care if you believe in God or not. We don't care if you have a navel or not. As long as you're a generally nice guy, you're in." Oh, wait... ULC already have that one... :)

*Looks at Reverend Attila's joke, and almost croaks.* Good one... but maybe a bit on the edge of what this CR can defend as acceptable? :)

Emambu: Ah, when you say the believers had to pay to get to Heaven, I presume you refer to the Catholic church. I myself am raised a Lutheran, so I have a slightly different background. (Like no confessional, none of the patron saints for everyday use, et cetera, et cetera. And strange as it may sound, I kinda find the Lutheran church lacking a bit there...)

Gside: You understood the reference, but misunderstood intentionally for amusement effect? That's the problem with you engineers; it's often so hard to guess whether you act dense, or when you *really* are... ;)

Well, gotta run - I'm going on a vacation tomorrow - weirdest place connected to Earth via some sort of dimensional warp, and it's accessible through Norway. Typical. :)

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Sunday, July 16, 2000 04:29:21 AM

Warpmind> <<I wasn't aware of any syrup called Jemima...>>: That's Aunt Jemima to you. (side note: )
<<my mind was (almost solely) on the cut little kitty in the musical>>: I rather gathered that, but sometimes it is more amusing to misunderstand.

Janiel Johnson> <<I can say "dash,dash,dash,dash">>: Which is why speech recognition could get annoying for such a symbol-ridden text area such as this. Heck, how many end angle brackets do I use per post?

Spacebabie> <<there is something else special about her>>: I know what it is, and I firmly believe she is the best of them all. I may reveal what evidence I have that proves this to be true at a later date.

Shadowrider> <<the USA, a very civilized country>>: That is amusing.
<<radical (hope it means what I think)>>: Yup, though it has been used more often in referance to liberals, so I think extreme is used more often for conservatives.

Rodlox> <<if that stuff's a supermetal, then how was it forged, prior to entering him?>>: I believe they used a chemical-tybe bonding process (or at least that's what I gathered from the TPB).

Niamhgold> <<I've been recently camping, so you can have some leftovers>>: When you said that, I thought of this quick recipe: Slit box of bisquick as a mini cereal box, make poke a hole in powder with finger, fill hole with water, stir water and powder with random stick until dough rotates opposite stirring direction, stick stick in ground with dough pointing into campfire. And that should leave you with easy biscuits. And rmember, the least messy breakfast is a boiled egg. You can do this with no cleanup.

SOROW> <<I cut my hair off today>>: Should have done it a couple months back. When the planets aligned, my roomie shaved his head, then I had my first haircut in over a year and a half (selfserve).

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, July 16, 2000 01:51:19 AM

*Emambu walks in dead tired after working 50+ hours this week. He spots the nearest vacant easy chair, and collapses into it*

Curly++: That's what makes Blade Runner such a great movie. it plays off of so many different angles that final one tends to be your own. On one hand, you're correct in saying that the replicants were victims, and you're correct in saying that the movie wasn't portaying them as the bad guys. After all, they were grown into a world that never accepted them as humans. The slogan of the Tyrell coporation says it all. Also, even after everything that happened to them in the movie, the leader (Roy) saves Deckard's life. This is a powerful scene when you figure that Roy was dying anyway, and his speech at the end is incredible, "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

However, on the other hand, most of the disturbing images surround the replicants. The death of the first blade runner in the beginning is one example. For anyone who watches the movie for the first time won't recognize that this is a test to see whether or not Leonard is a replicant (and whether or not he should be killed). Instead, it's a disturning image and people won't immediately sympathize with the replicants. Tyrell's death is another example.

BTW, keep in mind that I see the replicants as victims. Never once in my previous statement did I say that I thought they were the bad guys. I put "bad guys" and "good guys" in quotations marks to issutrate that I was using the term loosely.

Brooklyn: Check your e-mail. I sent you my comments. Sorry for the delay.

Reality: I never did like reality. It's too... real. :)

Stephen: That's awful about your job. I hope you find something better.

Green Baron: Actually, it costs more to keep a prisoner in jail for life then it does to kill him/her.

Warpmind: I'm with you. I have faith in God. I don't have faith in the church. I mean, I could never have faith in an organization that used to have people pay money so they (the believers) could "go" to heaven.

Shadowrider: I'm all for a CR party somewhere around the 19th of September. Brooklyn knows I can make a pretty mean brownie, and I think I still have some caramels lying around. :) Anyway, best of luck to you (although I'll make sure to give my wishes before you leave).

Stupid poll question: It's late, so I can't well leave without saying something stupid :)

Hypothetically, if TGS (all four of them) is ever made into an animated series, who would you pick to play the voice parts of the new characters (Sata, Madoc, Asrial, etc.)? This is assuming that you'd want to keep the same voice parts for the "old" characters. See, I told you it was stupid. :)

Have a good night, everyone!


Emambu - []
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Sunday, July 16, 2000 01:30:38 AM

Early room wipe? Nope, not really. I've just been feeling a slight change of pace was in order... The room has been wiped late Sunday night or early Monday morning just about every week for almost two years now, it was getting a bit stale that way. So I'm mixing it up. That, and it looks to better fit my schedual for the rest of the summer at least. So, for the forseeable future, or as long as I remember to, I intend to wipe the room late Saturday night instead of late Sunday. Just to spice things up a bit. (Sad when my idea of variety of life is to start wiping the room a day earlier isn't it?)
Sunday, July 16, 2000 01:00:26 AM


To be politciall incorrect, here is a groaner with soem religious undertones :)

Jesus, in a very worried state, convened all of his apostles and disciples to an emergency meeting because of the high drug consumption problem all over the earth.
After giving it much thought they reached the conclusion that in order to better deal with the problem, that they should try the drugs themselves and then decide on the correct way to proceed. It was therefore decided that a commission made up of some of the members return to earth to get the different types of drugs.

The secret operation is effected and two days later the commissioned disciples begin to return to heaven. Jesus, waiting at the door, lets in the first disciple:

"Who is it?"
"It's Paul"
Jesus opens the door.
"What did you bring Paul?"
"Hashish from Morocco"
"Very well son, come in."

"Who is it?"
It's Mark"
Jesus opens the door.
"What did you bring Mark?"
"Marijuana from Colombia"
"Very well son, come in."

"Who is it?"
"It's Matthew"
Jesus opens the door.
"What did you bring Matthew?"
"Cocaine from Bolivia"
"Very well son, come in."

"Who is it?"
"It's John"
Jesus opens the door.
"What did you bring John?"
"Crack from New York"
"Very well son, come in."

"Who is it?"
"It's Luke"
Jesus opens the door.
"What did you bring Luke?"
"Speed from Amsterdam"
"Very well son, come in."

"Who is it?"
"It's Judas"
Jesus opens the door.
"What did you bring Judas?"

I hope that was on par with some of Delphi's jokes ;)
Reverend Attila - []
New Orleans, Louisiana
Saturday, July 15, 2000 11:40:25 PM

Saturday, July 15, 2000 11:26:56 PM

Real post later!

Brooklyn_11_19 - []
Saturday, July 15, 2000 11:22:49 PM

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, July 15, 2000 11:05:56 PM

Top ten? Did the room burp or what?
Saturday, July 15, 2000 11:02:37 PM


{or am i?}.

Saturday, July 15, 2000 11:01:52 PM

Top ten!
Lawrence - []
Saturday, July 15, 2000 10:59:42 PM

Isn't it a little early for a reset?
Oh well.
Top Ten!! Number Four!!

Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Saturday, July 15, 2000 10:57:26 PM

Kamloops, BC, Canada
Saturday, July 15, 2000 10:52:35 PM

Green Baron - []
Saturday, July 15, 2000 10:48:30 PM

Saturday, July 15, 2000 10:38:04 PM