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Warpmind> So keeep the brain sucking robots of yours away from me please. Power Rangers> The show would be better if it was more like Gargoyles. Sure there is the fact Tommy became good guy and so did Astronama but think about this males and females of all races: What is Rita Revulta turned up a new leaf much like Xanatos became a good guy? A ha. interesting yes. Powerpuff girls> The heroines may not be good but the villians rock cept the Ameba boys, princess, and Fuzzy Lumpkins. Mojo Jojo and "Him" are fantastic archrivals.
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Saturday, October 28, 2000 05:17:37 PM

Warpmind>Mmmm...well, since Akane will being carrying the pregnancy to term and not Ranma, I'm gonna need something a liiiittle bit normal. But "Junior" is a funny idea though. :)
Saturday, October 28, 2000 03:20:40 PM

*Warpmind enters, still puffing.*
Quick revisit...

James: You're welcome. :)

Mary: This is *really* a long shot for that fic, but... how 'bout Arnild Schwarzenegger's "Junior"? :)


Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Saturday, October 28, 2000 03:03:19 PM


Hey people. I'm in the process of writing a Ranma fic unrelated to my series. I've had this idea nagging at me and I've been asking myself, "Self, what if Ranma became a dad?" >:) I've been listening to Robin Williams about childbirth and childhood to get the right feel because I want to make this fic funny. ;) I can see Ranma being a bit awkward about having a kid. "Damnit Akane, what are you feeding this kid, algae!?!" I think having Akane as a wife whose ALSO pregnant takes a toll on his sanity. Then the birth does something to the rest of his sanity and sense of humor. hehehehehe....>;) Anyone here know any great comdians other than Robin Williams who've talked about expecting a baby and parenting? I'm gonna need some more inspiration to listen to to make this work. ;)

Mary Flanders
Saturday, October 28, 2000 03:00:25 PM

Warpmind> Thanks
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Saturday, October 28, 2000 02:31:27 PM

*Warpmind enters, puffing on a cigar.*
Well, tomorrow's the day... I'll turn 21... Damn, but I feel older already. :|

Winterwolf: Noticed and e-mailed. But thanks, anyway. Cool list, by the way... though, it reminds me more of my aunt than my mother... (which reminds me - I truly pity her kids - all four of them...)

James: What David G. said. ;)

Coyote: Either there's that karma thing, or Lovecraft was right, the latter of which would mean that the universe, on the whole, doesn't give squat about humans...

Gunjack Valentine: Is it just my eyes, or did you accidentally press the "Submit" button four times? ;) Best o'luck on those design things... and while you're at it, are you likely to accept requests? I've got this nifty little combat/climbing/running claw idea, loosely based on the gargoyle hands and feet... ]:)

Gside: Oh, my... sounds like I gotta see that one, then... :|

Xanathar: Heh, don't worry - you'll get over it. I'll just have to remind you every now and then. ;)

Fire Storm: Don't blame me! Blame Christine - she introduced me to that particular atrocity! Heck, she's the one who got me hooked on Callahan's in the first place! *Offers a syringe labeled "Xylocaine".* Here, this should ease the agony. ;)

Howdy-do, juliaexia... damn, but that name is a mouthful. :) Welcome to our collective insanity, please contribute as best you can. :)

Well, that's it... gotta go.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Saturday, October 28, 2000 01:54:44 PM

...i'm just coming out now. i didnt' realize there were so many of you who adored this show. i love you all!!
Saturday, October 28, 2000 01:50:34 PM

Sorry I've been lurking as of late folks, college starting up again has killed my free time. But something Paul said is bothering me and I can't just ignore it.

Paul- Dragonball is the longest running anime series *ever*. And for good reason, its one of the best SERIES ever. In fact, with 42 collected manga, over 500 episodes and a 10 year run to its credit, its the longest running *series* ever, outside of news reports and game shows and some soap operas that produce episodes on a daily basis. A show doesn't last longer than *ANY* other without being good. And Dragonball has many epic qualities to it. Characters grow up, have children, die, switch alliances, and hey, the fight sequences can't be beaten, except by perhaps by Jackie Chan. I don't see why you can insult Dragonball and think you can get away with it, while you find it horrible that people insult your ever precious Xenogears. I know as a fact several people in here love the show, why they haven't already defended it against you, I don't know.

Saturday, October 28, 2000 01:09:34 PM

Warpmind: <the difference between an anorexic and an extracted fang is that one is too thin, the other is tooth out>
Look what you are making me do! Now I have to hurt you on principle!
<By the way, for dental pains... I can recommend xylocaine. (Only stuff I've encountered where one full syringe is enough...)>
Ah... Pain to zero in under 2ccs!

Gside: <Behold the power of Kielbasa>
Hmm... Well, that ad campain worked for cheese!
<On the dot. For just about another two months, though>
Ok. I feel old now.

SJ: <Who would win a fight between Darla and Angela?
Simple. Everyone who watches the damn thing. :)>
Yeah... I can picture it now...
*Angela and Darla are cat fighting, scratching each other and tearing at each others clothes*
Broadway: I don't want Angela to get hurt, but... <drool>
Brooklyn: <Drool, speech impossible>
Angel: I am going to stop them. <Angel is stopped by Hudson's hand>
Hudson: Nay, lad. I have seen many men get seriously get hurt trying to break up a cat-fight. Both by the women <he points to the girls> and by the males enjoying the show <He points to the trio, Wesley, Xander and Spike (From Buffy, not CSH!)>.
Spike: Right. You stop them and I'll stake you through your bloody heart. <Spike says without moving his eyes from the fight>
<Sorry, that's just a running joke that I still find funny>
I found it funny! I remember all that! But, if she was pregnant, wouldn't she be on here MORE?
<This was one of the more disturbing episodes I've ever seen>
Oh yeah. I knew he wanted to be immortal, but his own daughter...

Xanathar: <*Sigh* the Cyborg Midwives still creep you out to huh? :)>
They were so scary that it freaked out LM! (*I* was so scared I was freaking her out!)
OH! Have you heard about the group making System Shock 3 using ShockED?
<do you remember that fun SS2 disscussion that we had back in january?,happy memories,it all seem s so long ago now>
I find it sickening that SS2 is in the bargian bin for $20

Winterwolf: <Be sure to treat yourself to some of your favorite real food once you are in top form again>
It feels SO good to be able to eat without pain!

Emambu: <Add some spices and seasoning and I'm sure you could sell the recipe to resturants and make some money. ;)>
Hmm... DC burgers! Although... we have done enough to him that I bet he is full of toxin's that would make it hazardous for normal biologicals.
<You have my sympthay>
Yeah, now I am there full time. Yeah. :(
BUT my takehome has been doubled!
<As long as you understood the risks, then I guess it's ok>
Next time I am asking them for muscle relaxants so I can use my jaw again. It took me a week to get 90% mobility back! I STILL don't have full movement back yet.
<Hmmm... do I detect some Fatherly pride in that post to Wilek? :)>
More or less. They may be vicious, mean, and downright bad, but they are my children... and it hurts me to think that I can't allow any of my children to grow up. :(
<Remember, we only saw that one pod get attacked but we saw a couple jettison safely.>
*grumbles* lousy writers.

Fire Storm - []
Saturday, October 28, 2000 12:26:34 PM

Hi all!!

Warpmind:<<Actually, I wasn't saying you've got a dirty and sadistic mind. It was an EOB1 reference. ;)>>"O.o" Can it be that I haven't played EOB1 in so long that I missed such an obvious reference,if I keep this up I'll have to hang up the name "Xanathar" in shame. ;)

Doug:<<Welcome back, good to see you again. How's Fleur doing, if you still see her?>>Fleur and I went back to being friends in May *Sighs unhappily* because her uni studies leaves no room for a romantic relationship at this time,we still email each other regularly,although Fleurs in the middle of exams at the moment,which has forced her to give up on a social life competely for a few weeks.( I can't wait to hear from her again,I wonder how she's doing? )

SOROW:I'm Glad to hear that things are going well for you at the moment. :)

I have to go now,bye! *hugs all*

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Saturday, October 28, 2000 09:21:57 AM

Doug: Yeah, I mean Jennifer. For some reason I just can't get her name right ATM. Thanks for the correction.

Todd: I can't wait! ^_^

Ed - []
Saturday, October 28, 2000 05:37:06 AM

GSide: Can map buttons on the Keyboard, but I'm too lazy...and I like the PSX-style pad. Thanks for the link, and don't worry about the long depressing story. What it really was, when I went to day care, it sucked might ripely. The bullies would only let me watch them play Pitfall, but I never got to play it.

More semblance of a post tomorrow.

Saturday, October 28, 2000 03:12:03 AM

Sev. Jr.> <<I thought the men in white coats had finally come to take you away>>: Ha ha. They're coming to take me away, ho ho. Hee hee. Ha ha. To the happy home, with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes and they're coming to take me away ha ha.

Me> <<On the dot. For just about another two months, though>>: I really should be better with the math. It's three months. Dang fencepost errors (well, not quite, more rollover, but I think it's an accurate enough description).

Gasper> <<a working EMU version of Pitfall, one that worked with my controller on the PC>>: You can't map keyboard keys to the gamepad? Can't really help you much, though. Assuming you've checked the emulator collections at the major sites.
<<Little kids are such jerks when they have more power. Long depressing story...don't need it>>: What did I say this time?
<<Is there any link to where I can find a chart of the colors used for the room>>:
<<I don't want to get GSide mixed up with me>>: Won't happen that often. I'm only dark green one tenth of the time, dark pine green another tenth, and bright green a third tenth. Then there's straight green a twelfth of the time. That's still over 60% of the time I'm not green, and some of those shades are not really close to yours.

Todd Jensen> <<We're living on a dead guy!>>: If you think about it, we pretty much are. I think most of the world has been part of a living being by now. Especially the dirt and water.

Warpmind> <<Comedy of Errors? Hmmm... I think that one's managed to sneak by me>>: Brief summary: two pairs of separated twins end up in the same city, much fun ensues (and many beatings for the servant twins). There also happens to be a spherical kitchen wench upon whom one half of the twins try to locate countries as if she was a globe.

Kyryn> <<Larry Niven, who has a fair amount of uses for neutronium and monoples in his universe>>: As do many physicists (mostly the monoples, though). Now if only we could find some.

Paul A. Nathans> <<Logic differentiates per person>>: Logic itself is constant. And, or, not, imply, equivalence, "for all", and "there exists" all have specific definitions that cannot vary.
<<'Different' doesn't mean wrong>>: Who said? Not Darwin. There exist different species because they do different things well. To apply to argument, if what you're saying isn't making sense to anyone else, find some other way to say it or give up on being able to convince others.
<<What are 'ad hominems'?>>: According to, as accessed from "1. to the man (Latin) 1. appealing to a personal interest, emotion, or prejudice rather than to rationality. 2. attacking an opponent personally rather than attacking his or her argument."

Jaden> <<the doc dialated (I guess that's how it's spelled) my eyes. A very weird experience>>: Been there, done that, am waiting for my retinas to detach. Lately the drops have been getting less extereme. I actually had irises the last time they did it.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Saturday, October 28, 2000 02:55:29 AM

Hey Everyone!
Mary- Your boss needs to get a life and stop being an ass to u for your faith. If had to work for him I would tell him some things or two, for being a Wiccan myself.

Pendragon stories- Read most of this season, still got a few more left to read.

Closed minded people- Hmmm, I had a run in with one of those kind of people a few days ago(ones agains't Gays.) Thank goodness I was with friends that help back me up.
Well I guess that is it

Lawrence Stone - []
Saturday, October 28, 2000 01:48:20 AM

*Valentine enters, carrying a VERY large gun*

36 hours until I get my Milkshape registration number, and I can start kicking rear. I finished the design for a 10mm heavy chaingun yesterday, and I can start modeling it as soon as my software is registered. *Unleashes a shattering burst of 10mm APEX in the direction of DC, turning the hacker's computer, desk, and minifridge into twisted wreckage*
That'll be you if you even THINK about nixing my computer, ya punk...

Coyote><<Well, it had to happen eventually ... my streak of good things happening had to end, :(>> *Reads the rest of the post, winces, and tosses the Bando an adult beverage* At least you didn't lose some fingers... :(

Toku><<Thanks for the nice comment about the 10.>> Ah, so that was *YOU*. I wondered about that... Good stuff, by the way...
<<On top of that, a new or reborn movement has to deal with the plague of being perceived as the new kid on the block.>>

Gunjack Valentine - []
Saturday, October 28, 2000 12:27:20 AM

*Valentine enters, carrying a VERY large gun*

36 hours until I get my Milkshape registration number, and I can start kicking rear. I finished the design for a 10mm heavy chaingun yesterday, and I can start modeling it as soon as my software is registered. *Unleashes a shattering burst of 10mm APEX in the direction of DC, turning the hacker's computer, desk, and minifridge into twisted wreckage*
That'll be you if you even THINK about nixing my computer, ya punk...

Coyote><<Well, it had to happen eventually ... my streak of good things happening had to end, :(>> *Reads the rest of the post, winces, and tosses the Bando an adult beverage* At least you didn't lose some fingers... :(

Toku><<Thanks for the nice comment about the 10.>> Ah, so that was *YOU*. I wondered about that... Good stuff, by the way...
<<On top of that, a new or reborn movement has to deal with the plague of being perceived as the new kid on the block.>>

Gunjack Valentine - []
Saturday, October 28, 2000 12:27:14 AM

*Valentine enters, carrying a VERY large gun*

36 hours until I get my Milkshape registration number, and I can start kicking rear. I finished the design for a 10mm heavy chaingun yesterday, and I can start modeling it as soon as my software is registered. *Unleashes a shattering burst of 10mm APEX in the direction of DC, turning the hacker's computer, desk, and minifridge into twisted wreckage*
That'll be you if you even THINK about nixing my computer, ya punk...

Coyote><<Well, it had to happen eventually ... my streak of good things happening had to end, :(>> *Reads the rest of the post, winces, and tosses the Bando an adult beverage* At least you didn't lose some fingers... :(

Toku><<Thanks for the nice comment about the 10.>> Ah, so that was *YOU*. I wondered about that... Good stuff, by the way...
<<On top of that, a new or reborn movement has to deal with the plague of being perceived as the new kid on the block.>>

Gunjack Valentine - []
Saturday, October 28, 2000 12:27:07 AM

*Valentine enters, carrying a VERY large gun*

36 hours until I get my Milkshape registration number, and I can start kicking rear. I finished the design for a 10mm heavy chaingun yesterday, and I can start modeling it as soon as my software is registered. *Unleashes a shattering burst of 10mm APEX in the direction of DC, turning the hacker's computer, desk, and minifridge into twisted wreckage*
That'll be you if you even THINK about nixing my computer, ya punk...

Coyote><<Well, it had to happen eventually ... my streak of good things happening had to end, :(>> *Reads the rest of the post, winces, and tosses the Bando an adult beverage* At least you didn't lose some fingers... :(

Toku><<Thanks for the nice comment about the 10.>> Ah, so that was *YOU*. I wondered about that... Good stuff, by the way...
<<On top of that, a new or reborn movement has to deal with the plague of being perceived as the new kid on the block.>>

Gunjack Valentine - []
Saturday, October 28, 2000 12:27:02 AM

**sigh** Just seems t'get worse, y'know? now not only does my finger hurt, my left arm now hurts where they gave me the tetanus booster on Wednesday.

**sigh** At least Halloween's coming up ... yep, the one holiday that lets me stretch my creative muscles the most. Got a family Halloween costume party tomorrow ... when the pics get developed, I'm definitely posting pics of my costume (so folks who didn't see the Xanatos costume can see it, and even for those who did ... this will be what the Xanatos costume was *supposed* to be. :)
Amazingly enough, I managed to talk my mom into dressing up as one of my characters ... only a few folks know her. though ... so when the pics get developed, it'll be this character's debut! **GRIN**

Christine: the levity in the other CR was well appreciated, though. :)
Seriously, though, I'm probably gonna have one helluva scar once all is said and done ... tell ya what, I'll show ya what the human body does when it gets hit by an engine fan in LA, whaddya say? :)

Warpmind: If karma exists ... I must've done something *reeeeeeeeeeally* bad in a past life, 'cause I've been so completely screwed over in life, I have to have.

Update: still no word on when I see the bloody orthopedist ... suuure, they take their sweet time when the usage of someone's fingers are at stake, but when some little punk needs a whiz quiz done so they can get a job flippin' burgers at McD's, they bend over backwards to do it really fast!

Yes, I'm bitter and on heavy codeine. Why d'ye ask? :)

Kyryn: Hey ... you're forgetting the very best part of that song and what made it a fave of mine ... "I'll show him that a Cadillac is not a car to scorn!"
believe me ... at the line at a red light, looking across the way at some little punk kid in a beater Camaro who thinks he's hot $#!t or some pudgy guy with a midlife crisis driving the latest Corvette to make up for some inadequacy ... I *live* that line, as I slam down my '79 Caddy's gas pedal and leave that other doofus eating my dust. *grins maniacally*

One more thing for tonight ...

Milady Corax, I got the card and loved it. Thank you so much, it made me feel a lot better. **smiles warmly and hugs**

Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Friday, October 27, 2000 11:50:25 PM

I went to the eye doctor on Friday and the doc dialated (I guess that's how it's spelled) my eyes. A very weird experience and I recommend it to anyone who has ever wondered what it's like to be blinded by even the smallest ray of light. I had to wear my sunglasses the entire day, it was kind of funny at times.

Delphi-what kids pray about- I've said some prayers like that.

Garth Brooks retiring- I think it's a good thing that he wants to take some time off. I'll bet in a few years it will turn into a semi-retirment.

Kyryn- No root canal? That's good news.

(looks at time) Ack! Going to miss lunch! Later.

Jaden - []
KoreaFriday, October 27, 2000 11:41:08 PM

**DPH enters in a pleasant mood and revives DC. DC is confused and leaves the room immediately.**

I had a pleasant unexpected phone call. The insurance has agreed to pay more money for the car. seven hundred something. I have to pay for any amount of money to costs above that amount to repair the car. After that, buying a new PC is in order.

**DPH looks around and thinks that despite the extremely late wipe of the room, it is 1/2 megabyte big and growing.**

Woo, heavy duty stuff is being mentioned.

If you pay attention to the attack ads by both sides, it sounds like you should vote for neither of them.

No single issue is really simple: for example, whether or not to cut taxes when you have a budget surplus and a huge national debt. Or in my state, how to spend the tobacco settlement money.

How does a tobacco farmer who sells his/her product to a cigarette manufacturer sleep at well at night, knowing that her/his income comes at the expense of other people's health? I can not figure that one out.

**BFTS RP continues**
*DPH's car*
DPH touches the button and the car reverts to normal speeds and says, "Well, Frost, you sound like a clone with no original memories. We are working on that problem right now."

Frost replies, "How?"

Plastique replies, "Obviously, Winterwolf and you are not in the same place right now. You are acquiring 'original' memories."

DPH added, "Only Winterwolf can tell you his origins, yours are obviously different."
**END BFTS RP for now**

DPH - []
Friday, October 27, 2000 07:21:02 PM

Oh dear... I know I am treading on unstable ground here but...
Paul> Just to make it clear, I don't know anything about this "Xenogears" business, or really even what it is. So keep in mind that I am making a completely uninformed comment, here. :)
I think there is something improtant to say about the test of time. I know that there are some people who find that Shakespeare is difficult to read, or they don't understand it and it doesn't make sense, or they think English class is a waste of time. Heck, maybe I was even one of them, once ;)
But if Shakespeare's stories did not touch some core of our society, did not tell of characters which spoke to audiences the world over, then it seems to me that his plays would have been forgotten...
But they have not been.
And this, I think, says something.
Often, when something new comes along, people think it is the greatest thing to ever have happened. Sometimes, these things have staying power, but often they do not. I guess one cannot say, overall, if Xenogears is better than William Shakespeare until some time has passed and the "hype" has had maybe a few years to die down.
Admittedly, there are other stories in the world that speak to people. I am not saying that Shakespeare is the be-all-and-end-all of English Literature. I can think of man other "great" stories, poems and novels that equal (at least in my opinion) the classics of Shakespeare.
But the stories Shakespeare tells, as well, are the basis for so many others. Many of the plays have origins in mythologies, and were just compiled by the man we call "Shakespeare". They are a documentation of some of our culture's history. In this way, they are vital to our knowledge of our past. I bet, if you were to study the game, you might find paralells from its story in Shakesperian works. As I am uninformed, I cannot make reference to any, but if you were to look... you will find them everywhere. Think of Disney's The Lion King... is that not Hamlet? If you are looking at Anime, are there not aspects of Romeo and Juliet in Mononoke Hime??
They are the classic stories in the "collective unconcious" of the world.. I do not feel they are not so easily dismissed..

And speaking of anime... I love anime. Certainly anime and cartoons are both made of "animated drawings" but I feel there is a difference there, as well. Though they share many characteristics, I don't feel they are interchangable, in the sense that "Garfield and Friends" is not anime, just as, say, "Serial Experiments Lain" is not done justice by the label of cartoon..

Anyway, that's all for now. Please don't shoot me with a pie gun.. :(:( I wouldn't like that too much.. Remember, your freedom to swing your fist is great, that's what legal freedom is all about, and I think this CR pretty much subscribes to that ideal... but that freedom ends at the beginning of my nose.. or anyone elses nose, for that matter!
Thanks for listening to my mere humble opinion :)

Somewhere in the Great White North
Friday, October 27, 2000 07:17:14 PM

Robby> <<Powerpuff Girls has less than thirty episodes. By airing them five times a week, Cartoon Network was beating the syndication out of them and running them thin. It makes perfect sense to cut back on the airings, until they have at least 60 episodes, so there aren't reruns every third week. As far as Courage, thats just trying to cash in on Haloween, since they ALREADY show Scooby Doo 8 times a day.>>

Well, I suppose. But I haven't seen half those episodes. I suppose I was just grouching about it 'cause I like the show so much.

*** Big Heavy Stuff follows, you've been warned ***
Okay, my hands are shaking as I type. I just had a conversation with a lady named Susan Bonham, who works in the office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration here at CU Boulder. I was nervous. It's not every day you call up such a person and start using big scary words like "unconstitutional."

Let me give you some background. On our campus, groups commonly publicize events by writing messages on the campus paths in chalk. During this past week, the local ministry of the Campus Crusade for Christ started publicizing an event of theirs in this way. The slogan they wrote was "Do you agree with Rachel?"

I'm not entirely sure who Rachel is. She might be an evangelist they've invited to speak, or she might be the Rachel who was murdered in the Columbine High School massacre. I suspect the latter.

The slogans were all over the place -- they were spaced by approximately 20 feet on every path on campus, which is large. The next day, people started writing back, with things as simple as "No", as amusing as "Missing arguments $topic and $opinion in call to function AgreeWith()." Others started writing things like "I agree with buddhism, hinduism, atheism, agnosticism, and humanism.

This is all fine and well.

But today I came across something disturbing. A work crew outside our student center was removing chalked statements with a pressurized water-wand. A young lady I don't know asked him what he was doing, and he said their instructions were to " . . . remove everything on the ground." She asked why, and he said "I don't know, I guess somebody was offended by it."

This strikes me as a violation of the right to free speech as guaranteed in the US constitution. The slogan was not defamatory. It was not untrue. It may well have been offensive to someone, but that is NOT sufficent grounds for its removal. The fact that they were told to remove "everything" makes it a bit less obvious, but I am fairly sure that the target of the removal were the Rachel slogans.

I don't like the Campus Crusade for Christ. They seem homophobic and bigoted to me. I disagree with them on practically everything. But I will defend their right to publicize their events.

So I called up the Vice Chancellor for Administrations office and asked for a copy of the CU policy on the use of chalk on sidewalks. (I thought I'd better get it and se if it was being applied fairly before I started firing off letters to editors and such.) When this lady asked why, I told her. In no uncertain terms. She said she'd get a copy of the policy to me ASAP, and make inquiries as to who ordered what and under what rationale.

It was nerve-wracking. I'm making a target of myself. And I'm doing it on behalf of a group of people that I don't like. What a great way to start the weekend.

*** End Big Heavy Stuff ***

On a somewhat lighter note, tomorrow is my brother's birthday. I still think my little sister was spirited away by pixies and replaced with a changeling, but I've gotten him a present anyway. My folks are getting him the new Legend of Zelda for the N64, and I got him the memory expansion pack you need to play it.

Selanit - []
Friday, October 27, 2000 06:46:21 PM

Thanks David
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Friday, October 27, 2000 05:22:47 PM

*Begin Part 2 of Post*
Doug (Continued):
The relationship bit...
You're welcome. :)
PENDRAGON... Sefton, yeah, I see where your reasoning is. Although if you call *him* a villian, when we're just dealing with politician morons here, hoo boy... Talk about unforgiving.
Duval I can see your point with... As long as you don't use antagonist in the same concept as 'villian' or 'bad guy/bad girl' and/or whatever.
And, just so you know, the XENOGEARS references, again, were quite possibly similarities, one of the two creators of XENOGEARS said one particular 'copy bit' didn't exist. The cuts were Disc 2 only, save maybe 'Stars of Tears', a vocal that was supposed to be placed in the beginning sequence.
If the 'linearity' is in reference to Disc 1, I'm considering that an attack on the 'text amount'. If it is, I think I'll ask Amber for a good argument against that, she's far more sensitive against attacks on the 'text amount' than I am, possibly.
The Electronic Mails from you and Kitainia will get answered sometime. This Comment Room and situations therein are not my top priority. I will say this, I wasn't afraid of you or Kitainia judging stories wrongly, it was others I was afraid of.

And finally...
Good Episode. So now it seems I know why Mary was reacting to the 'is there something else/something more/whatever was said' in IRIS, LILY, AND ROSE PART II. She was beginning to like Merlin in the Caledonian Forest. I presume that's where the possible concern over past 'love interests' Merlin has had came from.
And I was afraid the series might skip over the 'whys' of any potential 'love relationship' between them. Merlin's 'something more/whatever' I guessed after ON HOLIDAY had to do with having found a kindred spirit... I dunno' if I've said this before. I hope its covered sometime.
The Morrigan... I wonder if the Weird Sisters actually took her or not. The scene wasn't shone from their viewpoint and there's the possibility Morrigan's faking... Nevermind the 'why didn't she struggle' (or did she? I don't remember) but if not that, what about the Banshee?
Arthur and Rory... Nice development on portions. The Round Table... Neat concept. I wonder if we'll get a 'Seige Perilous' before all is said and done.
Absence of seeing fighting bits with Arthur... So? It wasn't important.
Was the crow the Morrigan was posing as the same one Morgana was speaking too or what? This might've been disclaimed earlier on with the crow's identity, but I don't remember if it was and/or wasn't and if it was what was said.
Let's hope the finale to PENDRAGON is enough to make up for the sour taste SEEDS OF CHANGE left. PENDRAGON's part was good, but some portions of SEEDS OF CHANGE weren't, and as PENDRAGON has that Episode as part of it it applies there too.
What parts?... Big advancement in Goliath and Elisa's relationship was handled badly. Their relationship has a lot of depth and the next big step was not handled with a good amount of depth. Heck, there might even be an out-of-character... If there was the possibility she might not make Golaith happy I think she'd worry more about her possible failure to make Goliath happy (meaning concern directed in relation to Goliath being happy, wanting the best for Goliath), not the possiblity her 'love relationship' with him might be shattered, as was hinted she might be worried about. There's also one very big unanswered question... If its gargoyle custom not to mate until approval by an Elder or whatever happened with Broadway and Angela and they who would become Othello and Desdemona, did Goliath and Elisa mate before fulfilling this custom, and if so, why?
I'm tentative about the beginning of the 'gathering of the gargoyles' bit, too, which might not have been transited into too well. The Elisa/Goliath bit is my main gripe, though.
That should be all for now.

One last thing before I forget:
Kitainia, if you meant Mofydd in guessing who Morgana was restoring, then we didn't have the same guesses. I was thinking of ole' Obey's brother Madoc Morfryn.


"Humans exist in a world of contradictions, continually gravitating between love and hate."-<Spoiler>

Paul Allen Nathans - []
Friday, October 27, 2000 05:20:10 PM

Different color, figured I'd try it.

Like I said. I'm not longer in this. I just asked for the common courtesy of E-mail. But oh well.

Gasper - []
Friday, October 27, 2000 05:19:05 PM

I'm finally getting around to responding... And no, that has nothing to do with Gasper's apology or receiving the response from Doug and Kitainia, I'd already been planning to respond today before those comments came up in their assorted places. Nice timing, though. :)
I'm not going to bother dealing with your various attacks, as they are inaccurate. I'll respond to you when you have actually said something that's not an inaccurate attack.
XENOGEARS, NEON GENESIS EVANGELION, and that 'other anime'...
Akira Toriyama, first off, is the *artist* for CHRONO TRIGGER. He did not create the characters, he merely designed them. Akira Toriyama did not do any work for XENOGEARS, thus he did not create the Lucca design in XENOGEARS. Therefore, the...
DRAGONBALL/DRAGONBALL Z/DRAGONBALL GT series) which I'll now simply call the 'DRAGONBALL series') do not go together.
And the DRAGONBALL animes are indeed just that, like...
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION, but considering the...
DRAGONBALL animes are pieces of trash, mentioning them in the same paragraph as good animes and/or good stories is an insult. Even if the DRAGONBALL animes...
and XENOGEARS did go together, the same thing applies...
Mentioning the DRAGONBALL animes in the context of a good story is an insult because the DRAGONBALL animes are trash.
As for mentioning products...
So you did. That's supposed to be funny how?


I know how unfair you can be if biased to go against a story already. That alone wouldn't get you the Links. However, there's more:

You're in no position to demand anything from me. People who have better reasoning for wanting the Links are a different story, and they'll get the answers they would of if you hadn't just said what you said in "4.". I will not respond in a positive way towards "4" nor will I allow it to affect any of what would have, are, and will be my actions.
I asked my age to be anonymous. Please take note of, next time, what I ask to be anonymous if I do so.
I did not start a flame war and am not taking anything anywhere. I'll tell you if you insult me when you do so inaccurately and not respond to the inaccurate insult, respond to non-insult attacks, respond to accurate insults, and respond to non-insult commentary. All within here unless I see reason to take them out, since its up to me to respond to them... And I see no reason to take out any of the responses I gave above.
As for your 'final strike'... It was a humorous situation, which I hope you understood.
I might've responded more if not for your later commentary and Kitainia's defense (although in the 'XENOGEARS flaws' bit, she was somewhat inaccurate, a lot of things she's mentioned as flaws are things I remember as being clarified in the Game, thus I think memories are the descrepancies there).
This is enough, though.
The 'ball on my side' bit... I didn't want the ball on my side, as you put it, I just wanted you to either understand me or leave me alone and Doug and Kitiania, as well as any others here, to understand me.
The Ten Commandments of Argument:

"1.) A successful, rational argument can not be constructed in a meaningful context unless those, who participate both passively and actively, agree to a minimal common ground from which to build from."

That's not necessarily true. I've seen plenty successful, rational arguments that don't follow those methods.

"- It doesn’t do you any good to keep trying to repeat your points over and over if people can’t follow your logic to your conclusion. You need to work from common ground, and
then find where the gaps lie and address them. If it really is a logical conclusion from sound principles that rational people should agree with, you need to make sure all the
connections are intact from the “ground” up."

What defines 'rational people'? Or a 'logic conclusion' or 'sound principles'?
There are so many opposing viewpoints that such aspects can't be applied to an argument. Because one or more sides of an argument could have views that one, multiple, or all participants don't view as a logical conclusion from sound principles. This doesn't mean that all such views must immediately be excluded. If one is debating something, anything should be allowed in the debate. What one may view as not a logical conclusion from sound principles another might view as a logical conclusion from sound principles. Both views are rational because both come from the people who hold those views. Anyone who can hold a view is rational. There's no such thing as 'rational' or 'irrational', 'normal' or 'abnormal'; only opposing viewpoints. And everyone may have different 'sound principles' and 'logical conclusions'.
Thus, in an argument, all viewpoints must be allowed.
Common ground isn't necessary, but making sure people understand one's words is necessary.

"2.) The emotional mode of argument can not lay claim to the forced-conclusion capabilities of logical mode arguments."

An emotional mode of argument can't do this if its absent logical mode arguments. If it incorporates logical mode arguments, it can.

"3.) Evidence requires context."

Evidence can, in itself, also be context at times.

"- Remember that saying about lies, damned lies, and statistics?"

I don't know what saying you're referring to.

"4.) Taste is, for the most part, a matter of more emotion than logic."

Not necessarily. Logic differentiates per person, so does taste. Taste can originate from logic; as the logic one holds can be different from the logic another holds, thus can one's preferences be different from another's, and preferences can be called 'taste'.

"- Don’t try to argue about taste-based opinions in terms of logical proof. It degenerates into people just saying that what they like is better somehow than what someone else

There's no such thing as logical proof in any situation. Taste-based opinions can fit logical proof, anything can fit logical proof. There's no overall logical proof, though... Getting someone to accept your views means integrating your logical proof. There's no absolute logical proof, though, again.

"5.) Art has many technical and logical aspects, but remember that as a whole, a work of art has a huge portion of emotion involved buy the very nature of artistic expression."

All of this is open to interpretation and thus can be argued.

"- You may very well be able to discuss the merit of technique, or how much something speaks to you. Actually saying that one product of art of the other is “better” as a whole is going to get too much like just another taste-based opinion fight, and it is going to hurt people’s feelings too."

It may or may not hurt people's feelings.
You can say something is better, but you need to have reasons for it; if you don't you may get into a 'yes it is', 'no its not' argument and thus get nowhere.

"6.) The worth of an expression or argument is based upon the impact it has on the participating community."

The participating community or the participating other. It depends on who is there. As truths are relevant to each person, so is worth and many other things. The above line I agree with.

"- Truth comes to people piecemeal. While the Truth itself may be inherently good, a truth exposed in the right (wrong?) context can create more suffering and deception
than a thousand lies."

'Good' and 'evil'; 'right' and 'wrong' are also nonexistent concepts. All there are are opposing viewpoints. What to one might be good to another might be evil, the same for right and wrong. If anyone says I'm wrong concerning the above, that's just proof of the existence of opposing viewpoints.
Thus the 'lies' analogy cannot exist.

"If being right is more important to you than the consequences of your methods of proving it, then you aren’t supporting the community, but exploiting it for your own ends. Remember to act and speak with grace, win or lose."

Being right isn't important to me. There is no 'right' so how could it be important to me? What's important to me is getting some people to accept my views as valid interpretations that could exist within life, even if people won't practice them. What's important to me is, in cases where I disagree with others and view them as being unfair or 'incorrect' ('wrong' in *my opinion*), that I try to get my views across. And more stuff like this besides.
XENOGEARS is a bad Game because it has too much text.
I happen to think that the intensive characterization in XENOGEARS was a good thing. Others may think it bad. As my 'truth' is a good portion of XENOGEARS was its intensive characterization I'll try to get others to accept that.
And I do not attempt to get my views across in any harmful ways, or at least don't intend to (whether I succeed is another matter entirely).

"Even in an argument, it isn’t often about whether you “win” or “lose,” but how you played the game. To have your voice treated with respect, you must treat the community with respect, especially respect for the community’s well-being."

Again, I don't intend to do harm, even though I may not always succeed.

"7.) Attacking a source damages the weight of person’s testimony, not the logic of their arguments."

Unless the source holds logic of itself, in which case, if the counter-argument is good enough, it can damage the logic.

"8.) Adapt to your environment, or die off. (Darwin’s Theory)"

Heck, no.
'Different' doesn't mean wrong. In that I hope most everyone here will agree. Should the gargoyles have died off simply because they were different than the humans whose environment they shared?

"9.) Any off-topic mention of Hitler or Nazis will cause the thread it is mentioned in to an irrelevant and off-topic end very soon; every thread on UseNet has a constantly-increasing probability to contain such a mention. (Godwin’s Law)."

If necessary, I'll continue the thread. People can talk about what they want to as long as they're not offending others. And people also need to make compromises for others and let them talk about things that might offend them; no one person or idea should be completely censored.

"- Sure, it is a Usenet expression, but it applies in just about any situation where people keep going at each other with the sole concern of proving the righteousness of their

Even 'righteous-styled arguments' can be countered. Any argument can be countered, any argument has the possibility of being won. It depends on if someone has the skill and/or ability to do so, though.

"10.) “Ad hominem”s are the last refuge of the damned.""

What are 'ad hominems'?

"A link to a great site about Godwin’s Law as my reference is attached to my name.
"Oh, and the nature of Absolute Truth is something Man is not privy to."

'Human' is the proper term. That doesn't mean I agree with the rest of the statement, though.

"With that in mind, that which really can not exist for normal human beings is Absolute Certainty. We function on the principle of Epistemic Innocence because the skeptical arguments make it impossible to function under the principle of Epistemic Guilt."

I'm presuming 'epistemic' is a version of the word 'epistemology'. With that in mind, keep in mind there is no absolute origin, nature, method, and/or limit anywhere. Truths are relative to each individual, what may be one/more of the above four for one may not be for another. There is thus nothing epistemic in an absolute sense. Only one relative to each individual. Truths may originate differently to one than to another, have natures, methods, and/or limits different between one and another as well.
Thus anything epistemic is, again, relative to each individual.
There is no absolute certainly if it relates to absolute truth, but each can have their own relative absolute certainties.
If there is an absolute truth or certainty that humans are not privy to, keep in mind that we're speaking on a 'human' basis here. There's no absolute truth among humans save perhaps that absolute truth is nonexistent, same for absolute certainty. Same for absolute anything if it involves certainty, truth, thought, or viewpoint. We know nothing absolute, thus we cannot live by or claim we can live by anything absolute.
Therefore, among the lives we lead, there is no absolute truth or certainty or anything of the like and/or related.
And since certainties and the like can be called truths, it can more simply be said there is no absolute truth among the lives we lead.

"Hence, we must function without claim to the knowledge that could grant Absolute Certainty and work in terms of possibilities, probabilities, and pragmatic doubts. Can we rule out the existence of Absolute Truth? No. Can we continue to function if something exists that we can’t have? Yes. Does it have any real effect on us to need to disbelieve in it? None that I can see. That's all the hints you're getting. See you in another few months, maybe."

We can function without it and we can't rule out the possibility it may exist, but whether we disbelieve in it or not if we apply there is no absolute truth to our lives the result is the same.

And something to add of my own initiative while on this 'truths' business.
There are 'objective truths' like, for instance, if I said "We were here." I did say that. That's now a chronological fact. What I said can be interpreted. In German, for instance, "We were here." could be something else. Truths like that are partially subjective and partially absolute. They're often called 'facts'.

Shogun Raptor:
My point is there might not be anything borrowed. Ever heard of 'similar ideas'?

David G:

"First of all, I apologize for the post I directed to Valentine. I was being somewhat sarcastic. What I meant about your arguments never evolving was that you tend to simply reject your opponents' points, without countering them very well."

Not all the time.

"(Usually by arguing that the person stating an opinion you disagree with has no grounds to state it)."

Not all the time.

"In some cases that's true, but for a really interesting debate, you should stack up evidence to support your arguments and to answer the points raised by your opponents."

Which I do in many cases. This isn't the only place I've argued with people, although it may be the primary one where I've messed up in conveying my arguments. I know all the above 'shoulds'.
I even do the 'shoulds' at times here, although quite possibly not as much as I might've wanted to.
In between when I was here last year and up until now, even during when I was here last year. I have some views on why I might've messed up often before here... Some I told Kitainia... And they have a chance of being accurate, at least to some regards, but I'm not going to get into them. Kitainia, I'll get into evolving bits with you later on.
No, I didn't lie to you, there might've been some stuff I realzied I'd thought up inaccurate reasons for later, though.

"You should also not get your heart set on winning, since there's usually no definitive way to finish most of the discussions we have in here. (I know I've never won one. I've never lost, either, so I guess it all evens out)."

I don't have my heart set on winning. And, yes, there's no definitive answer... To most anything, if not anything.

"What proof do you have that I'm not informed? I don't PLAY console games, but almost all of my friends do, and I've seen several different titles from start to conclusion. I've
also discussed them with the players. I really do know what I'm talking about here."

So you're informed. I used 'because' where I believe I meant to say 'if'. I'm sorry.

"You, evidently, don't."

Yes, I do.
I know about non-console Role-Playing Games, and even there each story must be judged by it being a story.

"My point about the difference between console and tabletop RPGs is very simple and virtually irrefutable. At its core, a CRPG is a really big flowchart. The players aren't interacting with the storyteller, just with his creation.
There's no way to deviate from the planned story."

That depends on how linear the story is.
And your point is refutable, simply because even if console Role-Playing Games aren't completely non-linear that doesn't make them better. One Console Role-Playing Game could be better than a Tabletop Role-Playing Game. Yet there could be another Tabletop Role-Playing Game that's better than that Console Role-Playing Game. The differentiations are in story.

"With today's games, the planned story is HUGE, so most people don't mind."

Whether people do or don't mind also might depend on what the story, whether it might do best linear or non-linear, and many other things.

"I do. In a TRPG the players are interacting directly with the storyteller. They can go off in totally unexpected directions, talk to people the storyteller never planned on using, and do things he never expected them to do. I like that a lot more than I like the style of CRPGs, which is why I stopped playing them."

Didn't you just say you don't play those types of Games?
Keep in mind this may or may not make a story better, though. If the base story is a piece of trash and a Console Role-Playing Game has a base story or linear story that's excellent, the differentiation is in the story.

"Judged purely as a storytelling medium, I've seen some good CRPGs. They're just not my type of GAME."

Gameplay is also relevant to each Game, not its type. There can be one excellent game of one type beaten by an excellent Game of another type beaten by a stupendous Game of the first type mentioned.

"So street mime is as valid and fulfilling as a novel?"

What's 'street mime'?

"for a good critique, you HAVE to judge the medium. Every medium has different limitations which the artist must work
within. For example, one of my friends just asked me why one of the characters in a story of mine he read "looked like a black David Borenaz (sp?)." The character in question wasn't black. Evidently I didn't describe him well enough. In a video game or illustrated story (movie, comic book, etc...) that wouldn't have happened."

One person can use one medium lousily, one person can use the same medium greatly. The 'good/average/bad' bit of one medium can be applied in relation to another medium, though, without taking into account 'because its this medium its lousy'. Although stories are presented differently, they still have stories, and the stories themselves, when you get right down to 'pure story' bits can only be judged story to story.
Refer to my 'one of this beaten by that but beaten by a different of this' examples.
'This has a picture/this doesn't'.
In your story, say you had described your character better. Then you would have made up for absence of a picture. Thus, your fault was in not avoiding a flaw, not not using a different medium than one that could have provided clarity had you not made the mistake.

"You will also, almost inevitably develop personal preferences between media."

I don't do that.
I judge by a story to story basis, not medium to medium.
I do this for the reasons I gave above.

"I have a friend who hates comics. He loves Trade paperbacks and Graphic novels, but he hates having the story broken up into little pieces. I LIKE comics, because I can get a little piece of my story every months instead of having to wait all year. Just a difference of taste."

But in a *story* comparison, does that make one story or another better?

"Now, I will agree with you that it's unfair to judge a story told in one medium against a story told in another. That said, I wonder how you manage to believe that Xenogears is better than the works of William Shakespeare. Then again, H.P. Lovecraft once said that the greatest defense of the human mind was the inability to corelate all its parts."

I never said it was unfair to judge a story told in one medium against a story told in another. I said its unfair to judge mediums versus mediums, not stories versus stories. Any stories, no matter what media they're presented in, should be judged versus other stories, not their media.
I explained why above.
Therefore, the parts of my mind here were and are indeed reconciled.

"In that the above statement makes no sense, I can't really disagree with it."

It certainly does make sense.

"Let me try to interpret:
- there are no absolute truths. (or at least very few)"

No, I meant there are no absolute truths save that absolute truths are nonexistent. I believe I was paraphrasing that to you.

"I personally believe that there are some absolute truths, but that humans are generally too limited to find them, or too bloody minded to accept them."

There are no absolute truths. What may be true to one may be false to another.

"- An uninformed person can't know the truth."

"True enough. However, since you completely missed what I was talking about, that has no bearing on the matter at hand."

I'm not sure I did.
I hope I've clarified all my points now.
Servarius Junior:
Stop mocking me, okay, please.
I'm getting tired of having to defend myself against same argument.
And anime aren't cartoons. Somebody agreed with that.
As for your comments on my debating style and insults... The 'always right'/'I only seem like I'm arrogant' attacks on me are inaccurate. I'm getting tired of saying this.
The 'relative choices' on stories... Good, at least you've accepted my views as not automatically incorrect because they disagree with the majority. If others want to take matters further, let them, though.
The Link I gave to you and Doug before I gave in a non-problematic situation, I believe. There could be problems this time, so that Link was not given before. More on this in relation to the 'hand me Link' topics by others.
And REBORN AGAIN most certainly is better than any of Christine Morgan's stories. Mieu's writing is deep, as you said is superior in two things that I agree with, and has such intensive described character development its incredible. Christine Morgan has what? Tasteless romance stories?
Thanks for the defense against Gasper, by the way! :)
I'm glad things are fixed up. :)
As for the 'Welcome back' bit...
Thanks. :)
We are not merely dealing with 'Applejuice versus 'Orange Juice'. There are more complexities to this that that; all that I've cared to add explained in my messages and/or self-explanatory where they're said.
Scientific stuff and textbooks, if scientific, aren't fiction and/or philosophical/analytical. Analytical, maybe, but not in the sense I'm thinking of. Granted, I love science in some cases, but my preference (for the most parts) as what I just said above.
Azarah: Thanks for what you noticed in my previous Posts. :)
Warpmind d Enzine:
I can distinguish between trash graphical stuff and intelligent graphical stuff. I don't have any gripes with the latter. Nothing phases me, save graphic descriptions of diseases, so if I run into something graphic in any form (swearing, violence, certain physical activities) if its intelligent, I'll judge it as part of the story I see. If the graphical stuff is trash, it'll be a flaw of the story.
Wilek Nereus:
Comment acknowledged, nothing else to say on that, though.
The CHRONO CROSS Track, by the way, is 'Orphanage of Flame'.
Are you making fun of me with the XENOGEARS quote?
If not, have you beaten the Game?
Stories... I'm willing to give one Link, I'm not giving anymore. And don't talk to my friends, please, leave them out of it. If you get them into this with good intentions they could wind up the recipients of bad intentions...
I'll give one Link, though.
XENOGEARS Spoiler Warning!
There you go.
I don't judge everything from everyone on a single work. What I've seen done though from various people... And in one case, a single work... For outclasses Christine Morgan so that even if any other works were bad, these works would still outclass Christine Morgan.
The Link's above to Emambu.
Gunjack Valentine:
GURPS... Says who!? Better than DRAGONBALL Z, it quite possibly is, better than...
XENOGEARS, maybe not.
As for how good XENOGEARS is... Check it out and see for yourself, please.
The Links are out and Posted under a response to Emambu.
*Paul forms an AT Field and deflects the 'infinite' string of numbers, then steps out of the oncoming attack.
*"Oh, you want a real fight now, eh?"
*Paul raises his hands and the Comment Room is replaced by the vastness of space, star-speckled skies twinking all about. This ethereal realm conforms to the laws of gravity, thus Gunjack falls downwards. Paul remains floating, buoyed in his position by his magic.
Gunjack falls down and down. Gradually something takes shape below him... Something huge.
Seconds later Gunjack falls headfirst into a huge pie.*
Agreeing about judging stories... Who are you saying is right, me or David G.? I can't tell from your comments below, they could apply to either of us, possibly.
'Zing! *Winces.*' means what?
William Shakespeare may have invented some 'cliches' for England. Keep in mind, XENOGEARS originates from Japan. William Shakespeare may not have 'invented cliches' there. Nor not everywhere. Plus, who says his work is original? There might have been similar stories to his in his time anywhere, although they might not be as well known now.
Shakespeare's characters are shallow in what I've seen of him... I finished Act V, Scene VI just yesterday and the characters are *still* shallow. Shakespeare had a characterization aspect he did not make a good transit into in MACBETH, too. His plots in JULIUS CAESAR and MACBETH are okay, so far, but nothing big.
I disagree with a lot of stuff the majority says. In my opinion, the majority is what makes this world so decadent by praising superficial, shallow things and not bothering with deep things.
My points on William Shakespeare... Shallowness, so far, in what I've seen. XENOGEARS is by no means shallow, thus its much much better.
'Truths' can refer to many things, not just an 'absolute'. I've seen the word used in the context to mean 'opinion', and I can say that there is at least one person who recognizes when his opinions are simply opinions and not 'true'. So don't say everyone thinks their opinions are true, please.
Thus 'absolute truth' is not redundant.
There is a base left for condemning actions even if there are no absolute truths. Because, you see, many people believe people should be entitled to certain things, and they don't want them removed. As these entitlements are often beneficial to people, and people who go against them aren't being beneficial, there's grounds to keep people from hurting people. Preventing injury and various things are matters of keeping things in a way people like. Therefore often preventation of certain actions helps things (this is a viewpoint, true, but shared viewpoints like this make things what many people good better, and as many people strive for the good, to thus avoid pain, I think you can get why I use the context I do above).
Preventation of certain views and/or actions can also be bad, too, though. For instance, trying to crush anything different than the majority.
The key in creating a good life is not to base life on 'absolute truths' but to create ways (and if necessary, compromise on them with others) to make life enjoyable and free from harm.
Green Baron: I am capable of quoting from non-Video Game sources, thank you.
Good joke, by the way. :)
In case it wasn't a joke, though, I gave a serious response too.
Servarius Junior Again:
Enough is enough!
*Paul draws a small pistol and then runs up, kicking Servarius Junior in his knee. When he opens his mouth to cry out Paul fires a pie into his mouth, one with chokes him and prevents him from making anymore wisecracks.*
And just so you know, there may be another XENOGEARS Game for the PlayStation2, its too early to tell.
The insults are inaccurate, so I'm ignoring them.
Back to stuff I didn't comment on before:
Willy Shakes is *not* the standard for good English literature, there are plenty other good stories than his from before his time and around it that could also be considered standard. If you mean 'you can't do better', guess what. Its been done many times. In Fanfiction, in Video Games, in screen-viewing stuff, many many places.
Wilek Nereus again:
That was not my point, if that comment was an attack on me. It might hold as much merit as literature there. If you're using literature in place of 'story' like I wise above, then I'll agreed that Video Games could very well be treated as Japanese literature.
If you're commenting on how Video Games are Japanese literature versus English literature, yes, there's that too. Do you know how many people in Japan might've even read William Shakespeare? They fall under different standards anyway, regards of where William Shakespeare fits in with English literature.
Although English people can certainly do better than what I've seen of William Shakespeare. Possibly him total, based on my 'overrated' commentary about him before. I know one person; Fanfiction writer.
That you used the term 'heroic characters' in reference to people in WILD ARMS 2nd IGNITION just showed that you don't understand the Game. The whole point of the Game is that there is no such thing as a hero, and they illustrated that philosophy very detailed-ly.
As you might've noticed, it also attacks other story trends like the 'pretty boy' bit. It attacked 'taking over the world' as well, quite possibly. There might be more story trends the Game's attacked that I didn't notice and/or I don't remember, too.
*End Part 1 of Post*

Paul Allen Nathans - []
Friday, October 27, 2000 04:51:50 PM

Winterwolf > great! Can't wait for the comments! I do so love comments! Do I say that often enough? ; )

Coyote > my levity in the other comment room aside, sincere sympathies on your hand! I know what you mean about feeling dumb over it ... when I was making my Godiva Barbie last year, a huge dollop of hot glue dripped from her. Stupid Move #1 -- I caught it in my palm. Stupid Move #2 -- I tried to wipe it off by rubbing my palm on my leg. Now, these are both totally instinctive reactions, but what did I end up with? A _smeared_ blotch of hot glue that left a big ugly painful blister across my palm. Thank goodness I never expose my fat flabby white legs in shorts, else I'd have had a matching one on my leg! Egad.

Lynati > Copies of both of my books are now available for sale, and the third will debut at the Gathering in June. The titles are "Curse of the Shadow Beasts" and its sequel, "Dark of the Elvenwood." Info about the books and how to order is on the MageLore site (click or go to for details). And hey ... psst ... ::whisper mode:: about 'On the Rocks'? E-mail me at and we'll see what we can do ... Spider just said I couldn't _post_ it ... he neglected to include e-mailing it to friends ... I obey the letter of the law but not always necessarily the spirit! ; )

And speaking of books ... signed copies of limited edition fantasy novels make fantastic holiday gifts! Sabledrake Enterprises features both of the MageLore novels, perfect for the reader on your list! Clickie click or go to and get your shopping out of the way early!
(end shameless commercial)

Sabledrake Deadline > there's still time to send in submissions for the November issue of Sabledrake Magazine ( The theme for the month is "family", and the deadline is Thursday, Nov. 2. We are eagerly looking for stories, game-related articles, poems, art, and reviews. Contact me at

Christine - []
Friday, October 27, 2000 04:34:22 PM

I love high school! Well, not really, but today I do! We had a half day and even though I felt rushed it's nice to come home and chill.

Winterwolf: I love the snow too, but where I live your happy with the rain.

Sevarius Jr.: True, true! Some people think that I got into Wicca because it's "trendy" No. It's because I am at the age right now when I want to take my life into my own hands. One of the girls I have recently made friends with said that she tried Wicca and just got bored with it. Those people get on my nerves sometimes. You can't dabble in magic. It's something you learn and stick to. Just like the aunties said in "Practical Magic" I love that movie! Anyway, what you said I believe to be very true.

Green Baron: I chose that Wiccan path because I am Celtic. I really would LOVE to go to Ireland someday.

Well I better go. The dog wants out and is sitting here barking at me.


Friday, October 27, 2000 04:25:39 PM

It's OK, James. You can be our token sane person. :)

(Unless you're just so crazy that you only THINK you're sane. Then again, most crazy people think they're sane, and most sane people worry about whether or not they're crazy sometimes. It's enough to drive you crazy, or sane...)

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Friday, October 27, 2000 03:48:13 PM

Warpmind> What? I can't come here anymore?
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Friday, October 27, 2000 03:38:38 PM

Hi hi!!!

Buffy/Angel stuff:
These two episodes were both good! Most everything has been comented on alread so I'll save me the typos;P I'm most pleased that the new bad girl (even tho I dont like her much) is gonna put up a good fight. I was getting sick and tired of Super All powerfull Buffy already! I especialy liked the Spike part in Buffy "you have stupid hair!" Good come back Spike! LOL :P

Gside> <<Well, seeing where you are coming from, I'd say it probably would be.>> lol yeah, I guessed as much. I'll have to watch the news or something and find out detailes.

Winterwolf> <<Cali-sicle>> lol I figured as much. It would be too much of me to hope for snow I guess:P I havent seen snow in over 10 years!!! Ah well, I'll take nice warm clothes to avoid freezing then :P And comffy shoes!!! <<C+ in British lit... it must be some horrible mistake!>> No mistake! I failed miserably!!! See I knew I would, I just guessed the wrong test! :P <<roswell>> Did ya see it?! Did ya?! Did ya?!?!?!!? :P <<What's wrong Cali?>> Nothing is anymore! But the net connection at the library was being a pain so I couldnt post yesterday, thats all. <<Things I Learned From My Mother >> LOL!!! My gawd! I think I've herd all of those from my mother at one point or another!!! :P

Wilek> << Congratulations!>> lol Thanx!!! ^_^

Emambu><<you'll get them next time.>> lol yeah, I will definitly! Next grade is and oral presentation, I have to recite a sonnet, correctly mind you, and explain it. So I'll do fine, I seem to be good at oral reports and resurch papers and stuff, but gimme a puny lil in class test and wam! a C! sheesh :P

Well, gotta go!!! See ya guys!!! *HUGZ all*

Caliope - []
Friday, October 27, 2000 02:11:38 PM

***Kyryn steps in.***

Sev Jr.> I like pie. *grin* Except what I saw last night looked suspiciously like New York Cheesecake. BTW, have you been checking out the cooking segments on Regis this week?

Green Baron> I agree with your voting choice. I will be going the same route for what I suspect are many of the same reasons.

Coyote> Sending you some long distance Reiki healing energy.

SOROW> Best of luck at Homecoming and the Dance. I'm glad that your boyfriend will be able to go.

Doug> Thanks for good wishes on the crown. It has stopped hurting, but I'm still trying to get rid of the canker sore where I bit my lip. I've got a temporary crown on now and I'll get the permanent one in about two weeks. It's going to be a porcelain/enamel crown. I was surprised at this since it is on a second molar, but the dentist and several other people have assured me that with the new materials advances that have been made it will be fine.

Doug> Would you send my condolences to your Grandfather on the loss of his friends. I understand about losses so close together since Okami and I lost both his grandmothers this year and one of his great aunts (who lives in Beaumont, TX) is not doing very well.

G'side><Apparently someone used the neutronium one too many times.> Quite possibly. BTW you can also use neutronium to create a tidal effect on a planet with no moons. My earlier neutronium reference to your monople comment was related to the writings of Larry Niven, who has a fair amount of uses for neutronium and monoples in his universe.

Later All!

***Kyryn steps out again.***

Denton, TX
Friday, October 27, 2000 01:14:53 PM

**Winterwolf looks sleepy but extremely happy**

Hi! I had a late night visiting friends followed by spending time with someone very dear to me. This may not be coherent and I may miss some people… please don't take it personally.

Kyryn> Ouchie on the dental work. Cheers that it could have been much worse but wasn't.

Azarah (or the CR poster formally known as Nadia)> Love and hugs right back to ya! You deserve them!

Lady Corax> <Thanks, keeping the title> Good! I do think it suits you well. :)

Emambu> WarFrost is a female werewolf that makes appearances with Archwolf typically. And yes there is also an IronWolf that hasn't posted in quite some time. On Shadowrider's email I guess I'll go under the idea that it was meanly (meant merely but I think meanly works too) delayed. **crosses his paws**

Coyote> Ack! Thank goodness everything is still intact! I hope it heals up quickly and cleanly.

Toku> Welcome back! It's good to see you around again.

Xanathar> Hi and welcome back!

Delphi> Another cute/funny one! Here's one I just got today:

Things I Learned From My Mother

My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE - "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside - I just finished cleaning!"

My mother taught me RELIGION - "You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL - "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"

My mother taught me LOGIC - "Because I said so, that's why."

My mother taught me FORESIGHT - "Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."

My mother taught me IRONY - "Keep laughing and I'll give you something to cry about."

My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS - "Shut your mouth and eat your supper!"

My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM - "Will you look at the dirt on the back of your neck!"

My mother taught me about STAMINA - "You'll sit there 'til all that spinach is finished."

My mother taught me about WEATHER - "It looks as if a tornado swept through your room."

My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY - "If I've told you once, I've told you a million times - Don't exaggerate!!!"

My mother taught me THE CIRCLE OF LIFE - "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."

My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION - "Stop acting like your father!"

My mother taught me about ENVY - "There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do!"

Taleweaver> Cool! **Makes a note to watch Jeopardy Dec 23rd** :)

Caliope> What's wrong Cali? :( **HUGZ** Maybe that will ease the pain a little!

Christine> Finished Book II! Comments coming soon! ^_^

WinterWitch> Rain is nice but the snow… SNOW is where the love is! :D

David G> My condolences to Jenny.

SOROW> Congrats on the talent show and smiles that Joe can go after all! **HUGS**

Kat> Doh Back troubles… Get well soon!

Doug> I can relate to your woes with Warren Walker. We have a programmer on staff that does nothing but ask questions until the work is done for her. She hasn't written anything that has worked in the year that she has been here. It's strange how people can slip through the cracks like that. But even for her all good things come to an end. She's complaining now that the managers who left have it in for her because she has a list of bad reviews they left for HR. I have nothing against her but she has a negative impact on the amount of work we do. I've personally rewritten half a dozen of her programming projects in the past couple of months. :( Now 150 hours over two weeks beats me out! I just stop after a while so I can have some time for myself. On the high end I'll average 120. In a full week I'll normally average 50 - 60 hours. As for my job decisions I'm leaning toward moving to LA and advanceing up the totem pole. Figured I might as well say so it isn't a total surprise. ^_^

Gside> Mmmm listen to music backwards…

Gasper> Sony has been running in the red for some time now. Just thought I'd pass it on.

Warpmind> It looks like Lynati is looking for someone to share a room with. I just mention it in case you didn't notice.

Niamhgold> Haven't heard from you in a while. I miss you! Hope everything is well. **huggles**

Okay gotta wake up and get back to work! Break time is over! Have a great weekend everybody!

**Winterwolf leaves to splash water on his face and work some more**

Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Friday, October 27, 2000 12:55:49 PM

*Warpmind enters, tossing a small red-and-white ball at DC. The ball splits open, and DC is sucked in in a small flash of bluish light.*
Damn, never thought a pokeball would work. Oh, well, now to the grand finale... *Whistles, and Lou Gehrig enters, as he was before the disease struck. The two leave, there's a loud explosion, and bits of shattered DC rain down several miles away.* Ah, hasn't lost the touch, the ol' fella... ]:)

Kyryn: Zoogs are... well, they're a kind of rodent. I'm sure Todd or Wilek can fill you in. ]:)

Robby: Oh-kay... I'm not even gonna bother. :)

James Birdsong: We don't have to be insane to be here? Intolerable! Robby, when was the last CR Rule revision? ;)

Azarah: Got your e-mail; will respond to it after I've posted. (I understand why you went out a bit harshly in here, though...)

Gunjack Valentine: The GURPS Lite version has all the prerequisite info? I wasn't sure about that, you see... I downloaded WhiteWolf's "Vampire: The Masquerade" light edition, and there was a HUGE difference in the character creation system... enough to make me doubt the approximation of the GURPS Lite copy I already have on my desk... :| (Oh, and I haven't gotten around to watch Austin Powers 2 yet.) As for my view of literature, well, it's not as depressing as it may seem, but remember: in all categories of fiction (sci-fi and fantasy as well as erotica), there's quality stuff written with care and diligence (not Wells Fargo), and there's the cheap stuff that is mostly just old stuff that is rehashed, ripped off and reassembled into easily digestible material that, in the end, isn't worth the paper it's printed on... I don't think that's depressing, really, just some food for thought. :| Oh, and the "Absolute Truth" debate... the statement that the only Absolute Truth is that there IS no Absolute Truth is not only redundant... it is a friggin' PARADOX. When stating that there is no Absolute Truth, you establish that as an Absolute Truth, thereby rendering your own claim false... *Grins* I've managed to debate that particular statement for hours... ]:)

WinterWitch: *High-5* Yay triplicity. :)

Coyote: *Hir* Hey, look at it this way - it all evens out in the end. Meaning that no matter how incredibly stupid things you do, that cause damage to you and your surroundings, there are mechanisms of this universe that indicate you'll wind up with some redeeming events. (If not, I'm probably royally f***** for a loooooong time...)

SJ: Please, don't destroy my library... some of the books there (including a signed 8th-century copy of the Kitab Al-Azif) are irreplaceable! However, feel free to wreak havoc in the "reading room" - that needs to be rebuilt, anyway. ;)

Gside: Comedy of Errors? Hmmm... I think that one's managed to sneak by me... :| As for Worms 2 and Armageddon - yeah, they *look* nicer, but... the physics are all f***** up... I'd rather play Worms United (that is Worms 1 w/Reinforcements). then again, Worms 2 won't run on my 486, anyway, so it's kind of a moot point... :| Oh, and you're right about the line from Die Hard - it's Johnson and Johnson. (Imagine, a couple of Johnsons almost get everyone killed... sounds like a *really* bad porno flick...) ];)

The Creation Myths... Well, I'm not going to debate the issue (having not really ever thoroughly studied any), but I must say, I find some of the many creative ways to write names from the Norse mythology somewhat amusing... not precisely typos, given some of the "lacking letters" of the Norse rune alphabet, but... some of them, I assure you, are rather... suggestive. :)

Well, that's it for today... later, gang.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Friday, October 27, 2000 12:38:00 PM

Sorry about all that and spoiling your fun with my fun... I think I got it right, tho :)
Maybe we can go into mesoamerican myths next? :)

Friday, October 27, 2000 09:37:56 AM

(You know… I was wondering if Canadian two cents was really worth less than American two cents… ;b
Anyway, some side details about some myths (because I study Useless Facts 101… and cause we were talking about it and I LOVE this kind of stuff..)
Babylonian Creation Myth:
From the mixing of Apsu (sweet water) and Tiamat (salt water) there arose the gods, Mummu (the waves), and Lakhmu and Lakhamu (gigantic twin serpents). The serpents produced Anshar (heaven) and Kishar (earth). From these two came Anu, Enlil, and Ea, as well as all the other gods of the sky, earth, and underworld. Apsu and Tiamat became angered because of the noise made by such a large group of children, and began talking about killing off their progeny so they could get some rest. When Ea, the all-knowing, learned of this he used his magic to capture Apsu and Mummu. Tiamat was furious and raised a large army of gods to battle Ea and his cohorts. Anu and Ea became frightened and Ea created Marduk to battle Tiamat. Marduk promised to do so if, when he won, he were granted supremacy over all the other gods. All the gods agreed and Marduk, armed with bow and arrows, lightning, the winds, a hurricane, and a special net sallied forth to battle Tiamat. When they clashed, Marduk caught Tiamat in his special net, and as she opened her mouth to swallow him, loosed the hurricane into her mouth. As she swelled from the hurricane within her, Marduk slew his grandmother with his arrows. Then he cast the net again capturing her army within it. These he chained in the underworld. From Tiamat’s corpse the world is created, and Marduk was then hailed as the God of the Gods. Some of the god’s names (Anshar, Kishar, Lakhmu, Ea, Mummu etc were also the names that the Babylonians called the planets. The broken Tiamat is also "hammered bracelet around the sky" which some people believe is a reference to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. They somehow have records of the Jovian planets aswell, though there is no indication of how they got that knowledge, seeing as how they had no telescopes…iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinteresting…)

Norse Creation Myth: (gotta love the names…)
At first there was only a great void, Ginnungagap. Eventually a region of mist and ice, Niflheim, was formed in the North and a region of fire, Muspellsheim, was formed in the South. The great world-tree, Yggdrasil, reached through all time and space, but was perpetually under attack from Nidhogg, the evil serpent. The fountain of Mimir, source of hidden wisdom, lay under a root of the tree. Niflheim came into contact with Muspellsheim, and the fires melted the ice, which yielded Ymir, the Frost-Giant with a human form. From Ymir's sweat came a race of Giants, so that a huge cow (Audhumla) was created to feed them. One day the cow licked some of the ice and hair emerged, on the next day a head, and on the third day Buri emerged, fully formed. Buri begot a son, Bur, who in turn had three sons: Odin, Vili, and Ve. These three were a new race, not Giants but gods. They banded together and murdered Ymir. Most of the other Giants drowned in Ymir's blood, which created a great sea. From Ymir's body the three gods made solid land, the earth, and from his skull they made the heavens. They then created a race of dwarves from the maggots that fed upon Ymir's body. This was followed by the creation of the first man and the first woman. They shaped the man from an ash tree and the woman from a vine.

Celtic Creation Myth: (this one much similar to the Norse)
The giants are the gods of old. In the first winter, a mighty giant was created from hoarfrost. And when fire came, he melted. From the enormous bulk of his body came the world. His blood made the sea, from his bones the mountains, from his hair the forests, and his skull became the sky. In the centre of the Earth, on hills rising high as mountains, live the gods, and below is the Underworld, land of the dead and all their secrets.

Many old creation myths seem to involve the idea of killing off one’s forefathers in order to either create the world, or make it a better place. The Classical myths have this aspect, too, as Zeus kills Cronus, as Cronus killed his father Uranus before him. (An interesting side-note for Greek myths is that, before the ancient Greeks invaded the land we now associate with them, the area was inhabited by people who worshipped a goddess of the earth. The union of these two cultures is reflected in some of their oldest creation myths, where the goddess of the earth mates with the god of the sky.

Yay! And that is my cheapie Canadian two cents for this morning.. :):)

Azarah - []
Somewhere in the Great White North
Friday, October 27, 2000 09:35:31 AM

DAVID G - Actually, in the Norse myths, Odin made the Earth not from a dead cow but from Ymir, the first of the frost giants, whom he slew. (There was a cow in the Norse creation myths, though - its name was Audhumbla and it appeared about the same time as Ymir. It also produced the Aesir via Odin's grandfather in a rather odd way that I'll explain in a later post).

Similarly, in Babylonian mythology, the world was explained as being the remains of the dragon-like goddess of primeval chaos, Tiamat, who was slain by the god Marduk. (I can't help wondering why these ancient peoples kept on coming up with the notion that the world was made from the remains of some deceased being, but when you stop to think it over, it is a bit unsettling. As in "We're living on a dead guy!")

DOUG - Actually, I don't really mind doing heavy amounts of Breakdowns and Writing on "Pendragon", given that I'm quite fond of it.

In any case, the real problem isn't so much a staff shortage in general, as a shortage on the TGS staff of people who know much about Arthurian matters (those who don't know much about them generally get scared off from "Pendragon" as a result, unless they come up with something focused more on the English and Scottish gargoyles. (Bando Coyote's idea about Brianna and Jane Nelson being the obvious example for this season).

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Friday, October 27, 2000 08:41:24 AM

Is there any link to where I can find a chart of the colors used for the room...I don't want to get GSide mixed up with me...

ANy link?

Friday, October 27, 2000 03:02:22 AM

*Gasper shuffles in, noticing the many stares and grimaces he's getting. Noting each on, he pulls out a piece of paper, and unfolds it several times. Taking a breath, he begins to read.*

I apologize for my actions in attacking Paul like I did when he first came in. He and I have a past which is none to pretty, and it should never have come up. My own personal vengences and grudges should have been put on a back burner while in a public forum. For this, I am sorry. I will say that he probably mentioned the people in the chat Icy Brian has set up because of me. I still feel justified in my defense for them. But, I should have handled my self much more appropriately then I did.

My personal feelings aside, I use what little good judgement I have in these cases, and thus apologize to all those that were hurt with my first attack. It was uncalled for, and as I think about it, rather immature, however well I wishd to justify it.

*Folds the paper, and replaces it in its pocket. Shrinking to the side lines, he begins to write up a small document for his post.*

I just found out that the House Manager (me) has no official budget. So now, if I say, want to cross the street, I have to ask the Production Manager if I can go buy some Christmas lights for the lobby. This makes me mad, because the play is Dicken's "A Christmas Carol", and thus, should have some semblance of money that I can use to decorate the lobby with. If things keep up, it may come from out of pocket expenses, and I'll be DAMNED if that's gonna happen. The production meeting on Monday was horrible enough, as I learned that NONE of the cast or crew are going to get bios. Me personally, I think it's good to get to know the people of who you are entrusting your entainment pleasure to. Makes it more personalized. Could be worse, but it could be better.

PS2 rumors: From what I've heard, is that some of the US supply was taken and sold to the Japanese supply. I can understand that, since technology is a big industry over in Japan, but shoulda given us a chance to prove that we want to try your new system. If you haphazardly deny your consumers a product, they may want it more, but some may say it's not worth it. This could be a nail in the coffin if you're not careful. If Nintendo and Microsoft are smart though, they could easily supply their systems on time, and in full quantity.

Oh, why couldn't they release it during September...not so close to November...and December. Well...who knows. I'm not wondering that hard. I have my PSX, and I just got it for a few games, Mostly SOTN and CC. I'm content.

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2: Interesting movie I bet...but I never saw BW1 till earlier this summer...this one has a little more attention, therefore, I might have to see it.

The Patriot: One of the few movies I saw this summer, and was impressed by. Moment this thing is availible to buy, I'm gettin' it.

(IN)Decision 2000: Boy, Comedy Central nailed this right on the nose...well, my thoughts right now...are WHY didn't we get McCain instead of Bush....Oh how I hate the invocation of George from 89-93...WHY! Ya know, my state Governor would have a better chance of winning, and truthfully, maybe Jesse "The Body/Mind/Whatever floats your vote" Ventura could easily have won. Unfortunately, I'll be voting Gore...but I'm considerin' writing in John McCain.

GSide: I would love to find a working EMU version of Pitfall, one that worked with my controller on the PC. Little kids are such jerks when they have more power. Long depressing story...don't need it.

Doug and Kit: Again, I apologize about the color mix up....I must have been on Crack that day....though I don't remember buying any rocks from the Theatre/Dance Dept. Chair.... Also, and along the lines of many people, I hate to be a supporter of Violence, but Gus REALLY needs to be pistol whipped....maybe that's just me. Sorry. But some people are just deserving of punishment, this seems to be one.

Gunjack- You're right, I'm above it...see above was petty anger and meanness. Other then that....I'm still debating If I'm above throwin' that line out....

******RP Stuff**********
Could someone...ANYONE pull me outta HFIL? I'd like to work on my RP's, and unless I go bend the rules of Satan and God- and get myself out.....I just need, out, and he's going off on his own to adventure anyway. Any takers?
******END RP Stuff**********

I'm replayin' Chrono Cross under New Game+...which is where I"m headed anyway. I love killing things that took me hours in five seconds....always was fun.

That's all from me.

Gasper - []
Friday, October 27, 2000 03:01:11 AM

Sorry I wasn't in yesterday. I just didn't have the strength to work through what was going on in here.

Gasper> <<PONG. That, and FROGGER was really good also. That's also a joke>>: Pong rocks my world. And I had so much fun getting that amphibian across that road.

That's odd, the fastest way to get from Florida to Morristown is through Dallas. But then to get to Piscataway, you can go straight up the coast.

Toku Kai> Nice to see you again.

Why isn't there a program to listen to CDs backward? You can record it in Sound Recorder then reverse it, but why? Which reminds me, what will happen when Paul really does die?

Sev. Jr.> <<Kielbasa Queen. You will never eat polish sausage the same way again>>: I don't let it bother me. It's just too tasty. Or you could always slice it first. It makes a great sandwitch that way if you run out of buns.

And I just noticed that that's a sax in The Pandas Must Die, and it's a great part too. I want a transcription.

Kitainia> Best wishes throught your continuing trials and tribulations.

Warpmind> <<"Twelfth Night", which, even in print, is quite hilarious>>: You read the spherical maid bit in Comedy of Errors yet? Good stuff.

Lynati> <<Lady Corax:... Or did you already mention and I missed it?>>: Actually I think I mentioned it. It tends to be unsafe around here to have the initials DC.

Robby> <<He then pulls up his feet and starts to steer with them>>: I just saw yesterday that truckdrivers who were hauling stuff for the Hoover Dam construction used to drive with their feet. They had to back their way out of the canyon, and they had to stand up to see behind their trucks. Well, I thought it was interesting.

Wilek> <<the battle engine makes makes my head hurt>>: I always thought it was similar to the FFs but without the perspective change.
<<I'll catch them next time they come around>>: They don't come around. Unless someone asks. Oh, you just did. But please tell me when you get them, I don't want the remus admins too mad at me.
<<haven't played Worms>>: Pitty that. It's quite fun figuring out the trajectory of your bananna bomb or your sheep, to get a triple kill (plus the two of your guys who were unlucky). But at the end, there are many, many craters.
<<I have two or so of their albums (Cinema Choral Classics 1 and 2>>: Sounds good. I should probably go out and get them some day.
<<It makes great armour>>: But how do you stop the gravity from ripping you apart?
<<Hideously violent too. There's something about the image of these cute little bug-eyed things flying around>>: Have you seen the original animation bit with them? I caught it once on the internet. I believe the original title was Kick!@# Stew.
<<Final Fantasy character designs are always a treat>>: You gotta love Amano, though his designs too look somewhat wimpy, the interpretations of them for digital media are great.
<<Vivi from FF9>>: Gotta love the black mage. I think Amano was behind that too.
<<or the Red Wizard from FF1?>>: V gives you a tad more resolution.

Green Baron> <<You're about 20, right?>>: On the dot. For just about another two months, though.
<<I think if soemone is less than 15 years older, you can call them ny their first name>>: Probably, but I think there might be some distinction between those fully out in the world, and those still learning (like me). Though as both approach the dividing line, it gets less impotant.
<<those weird 1955 pennies>>: Double stamps? I think I know someone who has some. But I still like the iron pennies; more of a departure from the norm.

Emambu> Congratulations on the grade.
<<don't be so modest>>: I will be as modest as I like. I find it helps to reduce possibilities of inflamatory exchanges.
<<TTBB>>: Being an instrumentalist, I can't decide whether the BB stands for BariBari or BassBass (or BariBass but I'm pretty sure one of them isn't just B).
<<Thanks again for bringing it up>>: You are quite welcome.
<<the line, "I'm agent Jones. This is agent Jones. No relation">>: Wasn't it Johnson and Johnson?

CtB> May you heal swiftly and completely.
<<I'm still kicking myself because I did something so incredibly stupid>>: That sounds exactly like my father's reaction to severing his left index finger's tendon. Right after the fun he had comtemplating just why he couldn't unbend his finger.

Toku Kai> Welcome back, in nomine.

Mary Flanders> Good luck with the scan results. Mmm... Magnetic resonance...

Warpmind> <<with graphics that resemble nothing more than the old Lemmings games>>: Worms 2 and Armageddon do look nicer though. But I did name a team of original Worms after Falstaff and his lackeys.

Kyryn> <<Kyryn heads off to the pantry to retrieve her black hole>>: Apparently someone used the neutronium one too many times.

David G.> <<what sound does an "*" make?>>: Splat. Also dingle, mult, or glob.

Gunjack> <<Stretching lateraly isn't as satisfying>>: Then it looks like the only thing you can do is raise the roof.
<<just because I want to play ALL the FFs>>: An admirable goal. I'm working towards it myself.
<<PLEASE tell me they included the singing>>: I't wouldn't be Non Nobis without the singing. What do you take me for?
<<I'm basing "Leander" (the Caller) on the red mage>>: But at least give him a horn. The hat should be for pure red mages.

It's 2:00. I have an early class tomorrow. I'm stopping here to sleep.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Friday, October 27, 2000 01:59:57 AM

Begin Part 2!

Kyryn: Congrats on not needing a root canal, that's a big relief not just to you. Hope the new crown on your tooth stops hurting soon, I have my fingers crossed. My crown hurt a lot when I first got it too, then the pain eased. Still aches occasionally, but I'm numb to it. BTW, what material is your crown made out of? Enamel, silver, or gold?

Shogun: I agree with you about Xenogears, they do throw a bit too many references to other things in there. But they are interwoven to good effect, most of the time. And the plot is also too linear, but I know now that's due to the budget more than anything else. Like Paul, I hope I can see and play a director's cut of the game someday. I won't say more on it for fear of provoking him. Don't want to do that since I have not even looked at the game in over a year. <grin>

Lady Mystic: It's okay, we understand you being busy. Thanks for finding the time to update the CR archive, it's appreciated. Thanks also for posting the G2004 link, I looked over the site and it looks like you and your fellow planners have many good ideas in mind. Kit and I'll be getting some extra money in Feburary 2001 (in December 2000 actually, but I have to worry about Xmas presents and finding a house with it before anything else), so maybe I'll contribute some of it. Good luck with the endeavor, however it goes.

Winterwolf: Good luck with your job choice, hope you'll know your decision soon and it has good results with you. Thanks for your encouragement to me in my job stress, it was appreciated. On the theft especially, hope they catch the guy who did it soon. Good thing our company doesn't work that store. I don't understand what Hill did either, as I said above, but it happened. And if he's that much of an idiot, I'm glad he's no longer with the company. :) The situation with things right now is at least stable thanks to Rubio being around (that guy can work 150 hours in a two week period and still get enough rest and errands/recreation time, he's amazing!) and a little schedule restructuring Abel did, but it's still carrying a lot of hassles. Hope things can be worked out soon, I'd appreciate any and all prayers.

Lady Corax: Much better name than your last one, I think. Thanks for stopping in, it's good to know you're alive. <grins> Good luck with college keeping you busy, I know that can be stressful. Just hope the workload isn't too big. :)

Emmabu: Well, don't refine the scene too much. I've found that can sometimes hurt the final result- you get so anxious to get it done you become satisified with whatever you finally turn out imperfections or not. Twelve examinations and rewrites is definitely overkill IMO, I'd go for three or four at most. But whatever works for you. Thanks for the job encouragement, I too hope we get the extended patrol but that it won't happen till after we get the current lack-of-officers situation resolved, and replace Steven and Warren Walker too, if necessary. Also that the Christmas season ends before we get the new patrol, I can already tell that's going to be a REAL stressful time for us. The man who pays our bill, Don Eric, is understanding, fortunately, and willing to accomodate. <grin> Thanks for your encouragement on the letter Gus sent, I was mad about it too. Maybe we'll let Shauna read it, we're not sure yet. Out of all our friends who helped with that situation, she was the one who got the most emotionally involved- we don't her flying off the handle. Still, thanks for the idea. Congrats on the recent good test score.

Xanathar: Welcome back, good to see you again. How's Fleur doing, if you still see her? Thanks to you and King Snarf for the Planescape: Torment comments and review link. I wanted to try that game when it came out, but didn't manage to scrape together the money before I forgot about wanting it. Now that I've been reminded, I may buy and check it out at a later date. I'll wait till I have more time first, though, and till the environment at the local video game stores calms down some (look below for reasons why).

I also give thanks to SJ for the teasers about this week's eps, the psyching-up I got from them made the eps even more entertaining. Buffy had some hilarious bits from Giles and Anya (I have to get him in that wizard costume on a poster to go with her in the bunny suit from last season, the expression is a killer). Nice Xander and Willow bits too. Liked the brief development scenes we got from Riley and Spike, looking forward to more being done with the latter and his possible crush. Buffy's development was nice too, as was that done on Joyce and Dawn. Liked the explanation for Dawn's origin a lot, her character makes a lot more sense now and this really has a lot of potential for developing her and the rest of the cast. Can hardly wait to see if Buffy will tell her friends about who and what Dawn truly is, and what their reactions to it will be. Also looking forward to how her treatment of Dawn develops thanks to the new knowledge, pity we have to wait a while for the next new episode. As for the villain in this one, well, she would have been more intriguing with better acting, more development, and a name IMO. But her foreshadowing, fight scenes, and dialogue were pretty good, and the bit where she broke a heel got a laugh out of me. Hope to see more done with her as the season goes on, if she's going to be the main villain. My score on the episode is 8.5/10, particular kudos to Joss on his great structuring of the plot and script.

Angel did a nice job on that too, and had excellent dialogue and fight scenes all throughout. Espeically nice dialogue from Angel and Darla, particularly in their scenes with each other. Good acting and development on their characters too. Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn were likewise great in their bits, I enjoyed their varied responses to the episode's events, the possibility of Angel going bad again, and the current financial crisis of Angel Investigations. Hope they get that resolved soon, Kit had a good idea as far as how. Also liked the development on Wolfram and Hart in this ep, it was nice learning their true objective in bringing Darla back, and sparked good development on her character as well as Lindsay's. Thinking about her character and relationship with Angel now, I want to know more about her past too. I also have been hearing a song on the radio that expresses what she was trying to do to Angel well, can't recall the artist, but it's called Corrupt, and has lines like, "I've had enough of your integrity, your devotion sickens me! When you've given up all your good ways, we'll celebrate the day! When everything you were is rejected, that's when I'll have my way. Resist? You may think you can, but I always get my man…and before this night is through, I will corrupt you!" The rejection scene I also liked, really good development there. And it was nice seeing Drusilla in the past, though I too hope we get to see her in the present again sooner or later. Kate's return was also great, excellent development on her and it was cool seeing her in bitch-mode. Wonder what her captain thinks of her anti-Angel crusade, maybe we'll find out the next time she shows up. The things she did in this episode, especially with the SWAT team, should definitely have sparked his interest (we saw Kate's captain last season in "Sense and Sensitivity," I recall he was a man). 10/10 on this episode from me, hope Joss keeps up the good work with both it and Buffy.

Gunjack: True, but Kit also keeps a charging taser in the outlet next to the bed every night, so we probably won't have to worry about guns too much if a burglar attacks us in our beds. And given that we both know pressure points, he'll be especially sorry. <grin> Glad you agree with me on emotional weaknesses. Kit also wanted me to tell you she apologizes for mixing you and Gasper up in her big post this week, the similar color of text threw her off. Hope you understand.

Ed: Once again, who is Jessica? There's nobody in Pendragon by that name who I can recall. Please remind me, it's driving me nuts a bit. Perhaps you mean Jennifer? Good review once again.

Todd: Buffy has acquired that level of influence in my life too. <grin> Sorry to hear you have so much work to do on the Pendragon Breakdowns staff, but you can take heart that in many fans' opinions you've been doing a great job so far. Keep up the good work, hope you soon get some help.

Mary: That Mr. White needs some serious doses of reality. Like Kit said, complain to the school superintendent about him if you can. People usually don't like hiring anyone with such an obvious religious prejudice, no matter how good they are at their jobs, and he should get disciplined at the very least. Especially if you have enough other student witnesses backing you up. :) Good luck dealing with him and putting up with it, however much longer you must. Also, sorry to hear about what the MRI test did to your taste buds. Hope feeling comes back to them somehow, and that the test was at least worth it in the problems it reveals. Reminds me of what my friend Cecilia, perky assistant manager at the local comics and games store, had happen to her recently. She was getting sick a lot, and finally went to the doctor, who did some allergy tests and found out she was allergic to feathers. And Cecilia had unknowingly been sleeping on a feather mattress and pillows the last seven years. <shakes head> She's okay now, thank goodness, but a lot of people were worried there for a while. Hope you'll soon be okay too.

Xenatrek: I hope this isn't the last season of Buffy. <sighs> I will really miss that show if it is. Hope Angel will at least go on, it feels like it's just starting to get good. <grin>

Wiccans: I too like them as people, all the ones I've met are cool to be around most of the time and their ceremonies are entertaining to watch for many reasons. One also has to admire their philosophy and general level of devotion. I wish people would lay off them for a number of reasons, which should be obvious now. Hope that the group gains more acceptance soon. :) That's all I have to say about that.

Wilek: Thanks for your words about Granddaddy. I'm glad to see someone was paying attention. :P Would you mind if I e-mailed what you said to him and Grandmother once they get their new e-mail working this weekend? I'm sure they'd enjoy knowing that someone who doesn't even know them feels so about the situation. <grins> <I'll attend to N'Stink when I'm in control> Looking forward to seeing how, hope you get in control soon. <maniacal laughter>

Gasper: Uh, Kit and I don't use the same colors. She's grass green, I'm sun orange. Just thought I'd point that out. Don't worry, we understand the mistake.

Toku Kaioto: Welcome back! Great to see you in here again. Especially good to have you in top form with your bits of wisdom. I liked the latest a lot. Hope you can keep doing them, and come by again soon.

Taleweaver: Congrats on the good Jeopardy experience, sorry you didn't win any money. I look forward to watching the show when it comes on, thanks for the date.

SJ again: You certainly aren't kidding about Playstation 2 sales causing problems. Riots, huh? Bet we're gonna get those here sooner or later. Today was my day off, but I heard that at every one of the stores we work, even the quietest one on Hwy 290, people were standing in lines that stretched out the door and across the parking lot, off the property, for hours and hours. Fights were frequently breaking out in those lines, and people were cussing out the store employees too because of limited PS2 supplies and high demand. I'm probably gonna have to deal with that tomorrow and all weekend- joy, joy. Just hope none of these people decide to park their cars in the line- if they put cars in the fire zone or block traffic, they're violating the law and I have to get them to move out. And if they refuse to do that, this time there is actually some chance the police will be able to show up to ticket them for the violation before they leave the premises. I'll enjoy fully exercising that power for once. <grin> But still, I hope these PS2 problems end soon, and don't cause too much trouble. <crosses fingers> If Sony has indeed indirectly caused all these problems by reducing supply on purpose to drive up market values, I say damn them forever to the deepest circle of Hell. And yes, I am still going to buy a PS 2. I'm just waiting till March, which should be when the prices are down enough, and more importantly, so is the demand and craziness surrounding this system. I hope it's so anyway. <prays>

Katara: Good to see you in here and know you're alive, I was worried. Sorry to hear about your back, hope the pain of it ends soon. I recommend many long massages from your significant other, they work great for me and Kit.

<sighs> That's all for tonight, I'm caught up again. Good to feel that way, but I'm sorry to have to stop typing too. <grins> Ah well. Good luck to you all, hope I have the same. May all our stresses soon end. Later!


"Yeah, right, lady!" a grimacing Minneapolis cop is saying into a phone as the screen comes back on. "World War 3 is starting right now in the Mall of America. Sure, we believe you! I'll just type this up on my invisible typewriter…" Chuckling, he hangs up the phone, ignoring the woman's shouts of protests. "Uh, Chief?" a young freckle-faced officer who is looking on frowns. "Shouldn't we at least send a car to see if she's telling the truth? That's the fifth call we've had about a war going on in the Mall of America in the past hour, you know. The fifteenth call today." "Never mind, Kenny," the chief waves his hand nonchalantly. "It's probably just a lot of fighting between customers over the Playstation 2. The Mall of America's security can handle it." "But, Chief, if they were…" "Kenny, we have enough problems going after the junkies and murderers and other real criminals in this town. We can let this situation resolve itself." He grimaces as his phone starts ringing again. "Aren't you gonna answer that?" Kenny asks. The chief shakes his head and gestures in dismissal. "It's just another idiot calling about the Mall of America. I should really transfer these calls back to the dispatchers, it's their responsibility!" Growling as the phone refuses to stop ringing, he reaches for a donut as the frowning Kenny looks on. Suddenly the phone stops ringing, and a loud voice screams over the office speaker, "Pick up, you loser! I know you're in there! Do you want to keep your job?" The chief drops his donut and gasps. "How did he…" "He's the governor," Kenny shrugs. "He can do that, didn't you know? You better pick up!" Snarling in frustration, the chief does so. "Hello, Governor Ventura. Yes, I'm sorry I took so long to answer, I was in the john. Oh yes, putting a phone in there is a great idea. I'm surprised I didn't think of it myself. Now what's this about? The Mall of America? You say you've been getting a lot of calls and complaints? My department says it isn't responding? That's crazy, I'll punish the officer responsible at once!" He slaps himself on the wrist. "Yes, yes, I know how important the Mall of America is to the state and local economies, I do realize a war there could hurt business in a major way. You want me to send every available officer down there right now? You got it. You're calling the National Guard soon as you get through with me? Excellent, we could use the backup. Do we have any intelligence on this situation whatsoever? Not much, huh? Guess we'll have to make do. I have to let you go now, gotta mobilize my people. Yes, I'll call you as soon as we're at the mall, I'll personally lead the officers on this one. Yes, sir. Goodbye, sir." With that, the chief hangs up the phone and turns to Kenny. "Tell the dispatchers to send every officer they can to the Mall of America, right now!" "Yes sir," Kenny says, grimacing in distaste as he turns and walks out.

The display changes to Lego-Land in the Mall of America, where Doug, Kit, and most of the other Ravens are grimacing at Shap and Shauna as they finish recounting what they discovered of Ted Turner's plans to eliminate them and the forces he sent. "And you waited to tell us all this because…?" Kit prompts them. "There wasn't time," Shap sighs. "Those guys attacked us!" "You could have called us before the meeting," Doug points out. "We have cell phones, you know!" "Someone thought we could handle whatever opposed us, unprepared or not," Shauna replies, casting an unsettling eye at Shap, who grins sheepishly. "Am I right?" he asks. "Maybe," Kit grumbles. "Would have been nicer to be prepared, though. Look at how many of these guys there are!" "And how nuts!" Jammer agrees. "And insanely mad to get us!" "They know a lot about us too," Boris adds. "Look at the way that guy is countering Keith's moves." He points to where the Ravens' ninja is fighting Blankenship, and the others nod, seeing the two looking evenly matched as the crowd that surrounds them on all but one side- which the Ravens are looking at them through- continues to cheer. "We do have one advantage over the enemy," Lathrop says. "They're familiar with the people we are in the dimension they're from. We're quite different here." "They can still kill us," says Elena. "I bet that would also kill our twins in the other dimension." "Not necessarily," Lathrop replies. "There are several theories on whether or not that would happen- some say it would, some say not…" "Lathrop!" Doug cuts in. "This isn't the time for a lecture. Look!" He waves at the main group of enemies, the members of which have all gotten up by now and recovered from the dissipated stink cloud. Pastor John barks orders, and they quickly split into three smaller groups. John takes charge of one, and Jerry another. Both rush off towards escalators, leaving the third and smallest, led by Holder, behind. "Are most of them giving up?" Anthony frowns. "No," Leah shakes her head. "Classic military maneuver. The group that's still here is a distraction, the other two will circle around and get us from another point of attack, probably from below." She points to the Lego-Land stairs. "Let's be ready for them then," Doug says, motioning to Tom, Elena, and Boris to cover the stairs. "And eliminate that group they left behind quickly." "For more reasons than one!" Kit agrees as the group of enemies suddenly roars its anger and charges, spurred on by Holder's laughter and cries. "Go!" he screams. "Kill them! All but Elder, he's mine! Use your guns! Shoot them! Pull the triggers! Go!" The rest of the enemies growl and rush forward, the Ravens quickly opening fire to knock them back from Lego-Land's walls. "Hey Frat Losers!" Tricia screams at the KAA guys, who are leading the charge. "The me in your dimension is just as cute, right? Can she do this?" She waves a hand and a wave of psionic energy flows over the jerks, who gasp and scream as all of them but the leader and his two drunk and stupidly grinning and chuckling associates are vaporized. "Thank you for eliminating the competition, pretty girl!" the leader sneers as he dodges the burst. "Now you'll be mine, all…urk!" He gasps as Tricia lashes out her chain and it wraps around his neck. She then jerks, and the frat boy's head is torn from his body, which collapses to the ground. His two associates roar in anger, and both stop and raise the beer kegs they're carrying and have been sipping from throughout the battle to throw at Tricia. Jammer quickly reacts and fires a burst from his MAG rifle, cutting them both down. "Thanks!" Tricia flashes him a smile as their corpses and the beer kegs fall to the floor and are trampled by screaming Longhorn fans. "No problem," Jammer grins back. "Repay me more later?" "Count on it," Tricia replies, smiling wider. "Woo hoo!" Jammer cheers, turning back to the fight. He and the other Ravens continue firing into the charging mass of enemies as they advance, the front ranks of screaming Longhorn fans and people who parked in the fire lane at Doug's store and then got mad about him reminding them of the law taking the brunt of it. "Ah, jeez, man!" one screams at Doug as he is shot and falls over. "Why'd you have to bother me in the first place? I was only dropping off pictures, and you threatened to have them tow my car! Now you're killing me!" "You were hurrying over here to do the same to me, buddy," Doug shakes his head as he turns away from the dying man and shoots at several more people crying out similar pleas. "I was just waiting for my wife and kid, and you didn't care about them!" "I was just getting a soda!" "I was just using the phone!" "I was just waiting for my…" "And the me in your dimension was probably just doing his job," Doug grumbles, ignoring them as he and the others keep firing to save their lives and the screen goes blank.


Doug - []
Friday, October 27, 2000 01:41:20 AM


In Thailog's secret base, a wave of cleansing order continues to spread, changing the layout and shape of all inanimate objects to precise geometric shapes and grids. Only the people in the base are not affected by it, and most of them seem not to immediately notice the changes being made. Running down a long corridor, Mecord, Thicaarn, and a third elf (whose name Kit and I have forgotten) are gasping for breath as the twelve fire imps pursuing them continue to cackle and spit flame, purposefully hanging back to enjoy the chase yet always there. "We'll never outrun them!" Thicaarn coughs, looking back at the imps and then away just in time as a fireball shoots past his face. "Keep running!" Mecord replies. "The exit should be just a few steps away!" An alarm goes off as they keep running, punctuating his words. "Uh, we may have a problem, Mecord," the third elf says. "That alarm mentions someone triggered it, which means the base security system is back up!" "Damn it!" Mecord growls. "Oh well, no matter! We're almost to the exit and we got all the information we needed on Thailog's forces from the computers, so come on!" The other two elves nod, Thicaarn frowning as he looks over his shoulder at the imps once again and once more narrowly misses getting flamed. Suddenly, as the three keep running, a wall appears right in front of them. "Ow!" they scream almost in unison, colliding with it and falling down. Laughing and snorting out smoke, the imps move in for the kill. "We have to fight them!" Mecord shouts. "But you saw what happened in the computer room!" the third elf replies. "Our weapons did nothing!" "Still," Mecord growls, leaping up and drawing his sword with a steely expression. "We have to fight." The other two elves grimace and nod. Then, just as the imps are getting close, a portal opens in the wall between them and the elves. Bardic leans his dragon head out and exhales a wave of cold frost, causing the twelve imps to scream as one and freeze solid, then fall down and shatter to pieces on the ground. The wave of cleansing order quickly vaporizes the remains. "Alright, Bardic!" Thicaarn cheers. "Thanks!" "Yeah, I was scared," the third elf grins. "Weren't you, Mecord?" "Uh, yeah," Mecord shrugs, grimacing. "I was frightened as hell." "You told me to protect you if it was needed," Bardic says to the group. "No thanks is necessary. Now come on, let's get out of here, and fast!" He adds the latter bit as a wall nearby vanishes and a troop of clone soldiers shout at each other as they spot the group and then open fire with their guns. "Run!" Mecord cries, pointing at the portal as laser blasts bounce off a magical shield Bardic hastily erects. The three elves quickly turn and jump through the doorway Bardic opened, ending up back in their Guild's new base hangar at Area 51. Bardic withdraws his head and waves to Dran and two other dragons standing nearby to close the gate, then smiles at the elves. "Did you get the information you needed?" he asks Mecord, who nods. "All of it," he says. "We got out of there intact." "No, we didn't!" Thicaarn yells at him angrily. "What about Lithanne? She's still in there!" Instantly all eyes in the room turn to stare at Mecord who gasps and looks stricken. "Oh no! I forgot!"

The display changes to another corridor of Thailog's base, where Lithanne is gasping, "Oh, no…" as she sees the man in red robes- Gar- walking past the place where she crouches in the shadows. "Got to find out what he's doing here," she whispers, clenching her jaw and drawing her dagger as she moves to follow him. Then she stops and her jaw falls open as the rest of her body freezes in place at the command of a will not her own. "Ha ha!" Gar turns around and laughs, fingering his mastergem with a sneer. "You must be one of the intruders! So you're elves. Not surprising. How utterly delightful, in fact. Ha ha ha!!!" He concentrates for a moment, rubbing the mastergem, and smiles. "Ah, I sense your companions just managed to escape. Pity, I had so much planned for them. Oh well, I suppose you will have to do." Cackling, he reaches out and rubs Lithanne's body in a manner that makes her flinch. And yet she is unable to speak, resist, or move away. "We are going to enjoy this a lot," Gar grins at her. "You as much as me, once I get through." "Gar!" a voice calls out from behind him, and the red-robed wizard turns away with a snarl. "There you are," Dahak says, stepping forward with an unemotional expression. "I've been looking all over for you. Who's that?" "One of the intruders," Gar replies, snapping his fingers and making the paralyzed Lithanne vanish. "I captured and will question her. The others have escaped, we don't need to worry about them." "I see," Dahak muses coldly. "Well, alright. Good work taking care of them, Gar. You better come along with me now. Lord Thailog will want to know that the intruders have been dealt with." "Yes," Gar smiles and nods in agreement. "I'm sure he will." As he follows Dahak down a hallway, Shadow Wolf frowns as he trails them invisibly. Meanwhile the wave of order continues spreading, and the screen goes blank.

**END THIS RP ($ aside to Mecord- sorry to have to do this, you've just been absent from the CR so long. And we couldn't just leave hanging in the bad situations they were in last RP you did. Don't worry, you can pick up the slack whenever you get back, get Lithanne rescued and so on. You can take all the time you need now that things have calmed down a bit for your characters. Kit and I won't mess with them again for quite a while at least (all but Gar at least, have to do a couple more things with him soon), we promise. Hope you can get back soon to retake control of them and their subplots, or at least drop us a few lines saying whether what we're doing is okay and reminding us of your e-mail. Good luck with whatever's keeping you away. -Doug.)**

Hi everyone. Good to be back in here, and posting. Even better to be getting some free time this week. It's practically a miracle considering all that's been happening. Kit told you about Hill, the guy we got to take over most of Steven Walker's hours at work, quitting without explanation after damaging company property (the patrol vehicle specifically, he put the space heater on its seat and created a nasty burn). He shocked us all by doing it, Abel and I both though he had the makings of a good officer. Now he's gone, and of course Steven doesn't want his old schedule back, so we're essentially short-handed and officers are having to pull doubles three nights of the week. On top of that, the officer who used to work mornings at the north post, Warren Walker, has gone AWOL on us again. He does that for one day about every two weeks, always coming up with some explanation but showing no shame for messing the scehedule up. Once he even did it for two weeks solid, only got his job back cause we really needed people, any kind of people. And now he's vanished again, for two workdays so far. He has no phone, so Abel can't call him and yell at him to come back and do his duty, nor do we have the time or desire to hunt him down and do it. He does a pretty good job when he's working, ninety percent of the time, but it's things like this that really make us mad at the guy. Hope he comes back soon, so the situation can ease up somewhat. And that we soon get more applicants. Lord knows we need them. <sighs> Thanks to all who have wished me luck in this stressful environment, I'm surviving it so far. Just hope that the stresses ease real soon. <fingers crossed> Now on to comments and replies while I have the time.

Robby: Sorry to hear about you not getting the chance to register to vote. I know it's a bit disappointing. But not so much as a lot about the current election, unfortunately. <growls> Congrats on getting more of your work published, you definitely deserve it. Please don't forget to remind us what issue when it comes out, Kit and I will definitely pick it up at the local shop. :) Thanks for keeping us up to date on Conan O'Brien's latest great jokes, Kit and I wish we could still stay up late enough to watch that show. Probably isn't the same without Andy, but as long as it's funny…<grin> Also sorry to hear about your phone company woes, hope things are soon resolved on that front and that they don't prevent you from wiping the CR on time again. :(

King Snarf: I hate the electoral college too. <sighs> Since nobody on the TGS Staff answered your question, I shall. Check out the Re-emergence 3-parter in Season 2 of Gargoyles for Thailog developments. There are some Nokkar developments in one of the Pendragon episodes, can't remember the title or season. :( But you'll come to it eventually, I'm sure. I don't think anything's been done with the alien war.

Jaden: Yeah, it was hard for me to get used to the International Date Line too when I lived in Asia. And again when I moved back here to the USA. But I did eventually, and I'm sure you will too. Thanks for the car-related encouragement, and I wish continued good luck over there. <grin> Hope you can drop dropping in and saying hello to us every now and then.

Stephen: Glad your job is going well and you like it despite the hassles. Hope those ease up soon. Also, good luck with your writing projects. I and your many other fans look forward to the results whenever they come out. Also good you had such a good time at Necro-2000, not to mention the time to attend such an event. Kit and I don't get that much these days. :P

Paul: Thanks for pledging to not start a flame war, wish other people had done the same and would refrain from provoking one. <grimaces in Gasper's direction> I'm not gonna debate Shakespeare and Xenogears anymore with you, the points have been made as far as I'm concerned. Glad you agree somewhat with me on Shakespeare and intend to read more of his work, it will definitely broaden your horizons. I hope so, anyway. <grins> Thanks for recommending NGE, I hope I someday have the time and inclination to check it out. Can't see when that'll be right now, unfortunately. <sigh> Haven't had much time or inclination recently to think about the philisophical aspects of video games such as Chrono Cross either, I'm playing it but mainly to view the story and relieve stress by killing bad guys, not think philisophically about the lines and so on. I'll leave that to you. <grin> Yes, I did play Wild Arms 2, and I quite enjoyed it. Lots of great philisophical bits in that game, nice humor (I laughed out loud at the cold pretty boys bit), great heroic characters (liked Lilka and Kanon best, for their development, histories, and personalities), and cool villains too (Judecca was my favorite). Sorry I don't remember it well enough to debate. :( Thanks again for the relationship encouragement. On my Pendragon reasoning, well, IMO Sefton can be called a villain if one considers that it's him who's spurring the campaign to have Arthur captured and pay for his crimes the most. And he's doing it for selfish reasons too. That makes him a character of low morals at the very least. And Duval as an antagonist? Well, consider this- he is spying Arthur and had Arthur kidnapped, but he did it for good reasons- he didn't want the police getting Arthur. Duval was angry about Arthur's getting drugged and poor treatment too. He's also been in competition with Arthur over Elaine. That makes him an antagonist. Ask your English teacher if you think I'm wrong, I'm sure they'll back me up.

David G: Sorry to hear about your history of problems with that girl Jenny, I can empathize with you very much. I had a long history of rejection by girls before I met Kit- it seemed like sooner or later every one I dated or even asked out would painfully say "Buzz off" to me someday. And some of them did worse things too- stuff like reporting my efforts to win their affection as sexual harassment to the principal (that was good because it taught me about going too far, but geez!) and there was one who let me go out with her but then took whatever opportunity she could to make fun of me and provoke rude snickers and remarks from her friends who were also in the restaurant. Once I realized what she was doing I got out of that relationship real fast. <sighs> The worse part of it is, like you I still have feelings for a lot of these girls. And Kit thinks I probably always will. <grimace> The point is, you're not alone in the way you feel about this girl. Sooner or later all of us men must accept that we can be wrong about love, and the one for us. She's out there somewhere, we just usually fail to find her on the first try. The first many tries, for most of us, including you and me. You'll find her someday, though, I'm sure. I wish you luck. In the meantime, it's good that you do have many friends including all of us in here, the people at those Ren Fairs you attend, and so on. Jenny, I'm sure, is also one of your friends. I'm certain she's grateful with you for the emotional support you gave her during your time together, and since she's obviously staying in contact with you, she must still like having you around too. So some good did come of what you once had, just not as much as you would have liked. And life usually turns out that way, unfortunately. We just have to bear with it. My recommendation- be happy for Jenny the way things have turned out for her, and show her that happiness. Continue being her friend, if that's all you can be, and do a good job of it. Especially now, with the baby dead and gone. <moment of silence> Most of all, remember that you are not pathetic, that you do have friends, and that a good lasting relationship is out there for you. You just have to keep trying for it and stay confident it will come. I'll say this too- it takes great courage to face rejection, especially by someone you obviously love dearly. It takes even greater courage to admit to yourself that such a someone is your friend and will only ever be that, and comfortably live with the situation afterwards. I've had to do that once already in my life, when I was seventeen. Just mention the name Kelly Nichols and you'll make me smile in memory of it. She relied on me for emotional support and help through a stressful time in her life- the last two years of high school- and I did my best to be a friend and help her. I wanted there to be more between us, God knows, she was beautiful and nice and sweet and all the things I'm sure Jenny is, but it wasn't meant to be. She's happy now, with a real nice guy named Tim Guidroz last I heard, and they're doing fine. Her name still stirs my heart, but fondly as a friend. I'm sure Jenny will someday be the same for you, maybe sooner than you think. :) (Side note- don't ever mention the name Kelly Lee Nichols to me unless you want to spark anger and indignation. She was the girl who provoked her friends to make fun of and snicker at me I mentioned above. Funny how two girls with such different characters can have such similar names.) Hope this encouragement helps with your current situation. And Happy Belated Birthday.

DPH: All things considered, our current life. Boring life stinks. At least I say that now. Probably when the stresses ease, as they have to sooner or later, I'll be saying the opposite. :) I agree with you on getting a computer vs. a car, hope you can get both. Good luck. My favorite types of games are ones with good graphics and storyline (I enjoy watching both) as well as nice stress release potential. Kit likes the same kind you do, but rarely gets the chance to play games anymore.

Daphne: Whoa, that's a freak-out alright. <chuckles> Hope your dog and mom are okay. Good luck with the project too.

Coyote: Congrats on the great new job, from both Kit and me (she missed that bit somehow and apologizes). Hope you have good luck with it. Sorry to hear about you hurting your hand so badly though, I hope it heals soon. Will keep you in my prayers.

SJ: The world has many much better-looking women in it than Liz Hurley. She looked good in a couple of those outfits, but most of them just seemed thrown in for shock value and nothing else. <growls> I got more of a thrill from any one of Racheal Leigh Cooke's three different outfits in Get Carter than all of Hurley's twenty-five or however many it was. Must be because they were coupled with a good intelligent actress playing out a well-scripted role. <smirk> Thanks for all the continuing bits of entertainment news, fun political opinions, and nifty RPs. Great bit on the recent Paul problems too- like you I hope those end soon. If you haven't guessed, I'm trying my best to stay out of them.

Welcome all newcomers! Hope every one of you enjoys this place and is able to stay. :)

Christine: Sorry to hear Becca's party was such a let-down, at least she and the one friend who showed had a good time. I wish her a Very Happy Belated Birthday, and I'm sure the next party will be much better. <grins> Good luck with your writing, hope to see more of it out soon. Good news- Kit finished Dark of the Elvenwood today. Give her a couple days, and she'll get you her comments. You'll be glad to read them, I'm sure. <Your revenge> Be sure and tell us about this once it's accomplished, okay? You've got my curiousity peaked. <grin>

Lynati: Thanks for detailing your stories to us, they sound very intrigung and cool. They are posted somewhere, right? Hope to be able to read them someday, I'll give you comments if I do. Thanks also for the TGS clarification. Good luck with your writing, whatever path you decide to have it take.

SOROW: <fumes angrily> It sounds like your parents really need some counseling, hope they lay off you soon. Sorry to hear they're lashing out at you again. <sighs> Good luck getting things resolved, as I'm sure they will be sooner or later. Also sorry about you getting burned, hope that's healing well and the pain of it will soon be gone permanently. Glad Joe can go to the dance after all too. :) And congrats on the talent show success.

Niamhgold: Yeah, lots of people forget I have problems of my own too. It seems that way anyway. Again, I'm glad things are going well with your friends and their problems, hope they all soon end. <grin>

Green Baron: Welcome back to both you and Atilla. Congrats on solving that Indian company's financial trouble, I'm sure you were rewarded nicely. Good luck with the classes, hope the workload isn't too bad.

Firestorm: Congrats on getting through the tooth operation, glad the pain is almost over pretty much. Congrats especially on being able to eat solid foods once more, bet it was torture not being able to do that. Hope the jaw pain ends permanently soon, the chest pains too. And the job woes. Good luck.

Batman Beyond: I too have enjoyed the last couple episodes. Great animation and cool villain in the second to last one, good development on Ace's past too. This week's had some bits of the script that were way too disturbing or convenient, but it was cool to see young Bruce and Ras once again. The musical Batman was also hilarious, as I've said before. Wonder if they'll do any more Batman satirical bits. Hope to see more of the past Batman events filled in as the season goes on, looking forward to the results.

Shadowrider: Know you probably won't read this for a while, but I want you to know it was good seeing you again. Thanks for stopping by, and glad you're continuing to enjoy the military experience. One thing I'd like to know the next time you come back- are the drill sergeant in Italy any better about respecting their grunts than those here? I'm assuming you know the American drill sergeant stereotype. If not, just say so when you get back and I'll be glad to fill you in. Good luck, friend.

Scott: Thanks for stopping in, nice rant you delievered. As for who I like best out of you, Jewel, and Christine, I have no preference. You're all very good. I'd say Christine if I had to say someone, I read her work and comment on it to her most often, but yours and Jewel's is also very good in many ways. Hope all three of you will continue to keep producing it.

Great episode this week- an especially nice tie-up to the question of what happened to Morrigan after the Unseelie War. Good scenes with her leading the Minions, and interacting with Mary and the Banshee. Liked the development on Mary and the Banshee as well, Mary especially got some good dialogue in this one and nice interaction with Merlin too. Also enjoyed the development on Rory and fleshing out of the Cu Chalain legends, seeing some aspects of them starting to impact him in the present was nice too. Also liked the new Round Table, the Merlin development, and the pics in this one, though Corbie does IMO look too cartoonish in the one of her. Wish we had seen more of Arthur in the story, and his fighting, liked the development we did get on him though. The Minions had nice fight scenes, and good lines from Rodney. I regret we won't be seeing Morrigan as an antagonist again (at least probably not for a while), but the Weird Sisters taking her away was a cool scene. Just wish she and Merlin had gotten to do a good little spell battle first, he needs to get into one of those sooner or later this season. Maybe with Morgana le Fay? Keep up the good work, TGS Staff, and hope the quality of episodes continues to be high. :)

Doug - []
Friday, October 27, 2000 01:39:22 AM

SJ- Far more disturbing than the Powerpuff Girls having no fingers or toes... Powerpuff Girls porn. Its out there. ANd it scares me. A lot.
Friday, October 27, 2000 01:39:10 AM

*Canyon comes in pulling behind him a wagon. Katara, the human pretzel lies inside on a bed of pillows*

Greetings everyone! LTNS. I'm just making a quick post here to let anyone that's noticed my absence know that' I'm still breathing, but not exactly kicking. Back has been bothering me for a while now, and helping some friends to move last week didn't help any. Finally went to see a chiropractor on Monday and again today. (hence the pretzel shape I'm currently in) Once I'm able to sit at the computer for more than 20 minutes without cramping up, I'll go about catching up; on old news and making any necessary replys. I hope everyone is doing well, and anyone with b-days approaching or just past, mega-wishes from me and mine!

*Canyon drags Kat out of the CR, while Kat tries to figure out how to get her ankles unwrapped from around her shoulder blades*

Katara - []
San Diego, CA
Friday, October 27, 2000 12:31:26 AM

Temporary delay in the RP tonight, cause I'm thinking of some nasty things to do in Warpmind's library. ;)

Well, today was a monumental day in the history of mankind. No, there isn't suddenly peace in the Middle East. No, no one has solved the problem of world hunger. What happened today? The Playstation 2 was launched.
This is what I love about the whole "supply and demand" aspect of capitalism. Stores across the country have been swamped with hopeful buyers for the PS2, but thousands are being turned away empty-handed as each store only receives a limited supply of units. The delay is supposedly because Sony has had difficulty in making the machines (problems with getting parts, etc.). So they can only sell about half of the units originally planned. And if you buy that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I'm selling real cheap.
C'mon, you know this is all crap! You know that Sony has a whole stockpile of these damn things in a warehouse somewhere, and they're holding them to drive up the market value. It's insane. It's all a smoke screen, but it works--people are literally *rioting* when they find out that they won't be going home with one of these systems. Which is ridiculous itself, because why would anyone fight someone else over a toy....even an expensive one. Some of these people were waiting for 12 hours for a unit! These damn things are selling on Ebay, as we speak, for 1500 bucks and more! But I think it's funny. This is the same crap that toy companies pull every year around the holidays. Yet you would think that man had just landed on the moon for the first time, the excitement for these things is so great. I don't think you would have this many unwashed hardcore gamers waiting in line if you were offering free sex.

Oh wait....I'm getting an update.....THIS JUST IN: There are no plans, I repeat, no plans whatsoever, for a XENOGEARS game for the PS2. Goddamnit.

And speaking of P.A.N., I will give him credit, at least when he assaults people, he uses pie. I love pie. Everyone should have a nice slice of pie. A lot of folks in here like pie as well.
To Wilek and any others who don't know what I'm talking about, I think it's fairly obvious now that this is all a thinly veiled euphemism. ;)

And speaking of Wilek, where the hell have you been?! Had me worried for there for a bit. I thought the men in white coats had finally come to take you away for good this time. ;)

Tim: A Republican, huh? BWAH HA HA HA!!! Yet another soul corrupted! HA HA HA HA!!! Now, Green Baron, if we could only slowly begin to work on Entity....hee hee...

Coyote: Jesus, bro, I'm glad that you weren't injured any worse than you were. I've worked on a car before and I've always had nightmares of getting digits stuck in the fan. I know how dangerous that can be. Hell, in a stupid move on my part, I accidentally touched the fan belt once *while the car was running*. Nothing like you went through, but that alone was enough to make me lose some feeling in my fingers for a few minutes. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery, my friend.

Revel: Oh, don't I wish I had my own radio show. Finally, a true forum for my ego! ;) Anyway, glad I could entertain you. :)

Wiccans: I think we should be fair and state the obvious: no matter what religion you follow, or even if you don't, there are @$$holes in every group. Some religions may have more than others, but you have your good and bad practitioners. I personally have nothing against Wiccans. I do sort of look at the religion....cautiously, because, well.....I'm a Christian, more or less, and my kind hasn't exactly had the best of relations with "the witches". All those spells make us nervous, and, well, we sort of burned them at the stake (but I'm gonna pass the buck and blame the Catholics for that. And before you start, that's a joke. ;) I think that it's mostly the personalities of the believers, really. Aside from fundamentilist religions, I really don't know of too many religions that teach you to be an dick to non-believers. I think Jesus said it best when he said "There's no excuse for acting like a prick". Or at least I think he said something to that effect (I think you can find that in one of those small New Testament books that no one reads that often).
The one concern that I have for some Wiccans is that I don't think some of them are really serious about the religion. Some of the Wiccans that I know are not really into their religion. They're into it cause it's "trendy". It's sort of like Madonna. She practices the Kabbalah, all that Jewish mysticism stuff, because it's trendy. I'm not saying that MOST Wiccans do this, but I do know several Wiccans who aren't really serious about their religion, and that just upsets me. I mean, I don't necessarily believe the same way, but if you're gonna make a commitment to any faith, make an honest commitment.

Powerpuff Girls: This is one of those shows that I watch, but I'm sorta embarassed for watching. Know what I mean? I mean, in a way, it's sort of like a "girlie" cartoon. Sort of like Sailor Moon, which I have yet to get into (I'm sorry, but not enough testorone for me. Short skirted sailor outfits be damned). But it's funny as hell, and has some pretty good fight scenes. It's just a little bit disturbing that none of those brave young women have discernible digits on their hands or toes.

Anita Blake: I read an article about Hamilton the other day, and for some reason it implied that she doesn't have that many male fans. Where did this come from? I think it's because she includes a lot of romance in her novels. Doesn't matter to me. At times the love triangle may get a little tired, but pound-for-pound Hamilton gives us some of the best, goriest fight scenes in modern horror.

Garth Brooks: Yeah, I know why he's retiring (at least temporarily). It's cause he's divorcing his wife, and she didn't sign no pre-nup when they married years ago. She's just hit the jackpot. I hear her new car is a Brinks truck.
And I don't know about any of you, but Garth Brooks officially creeped me out when he did that whole "Chris Gaines" crap. I sort of wrote it off on a silly idea to begin with, UNTIL Garth actually did a VH1 "Behind the Music" special ABOUT THE FICTIONAL PERSONALITY. That just sort of disturbed me.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Thursday, October 26, 2000 11:55:12 PM

David G: IN the Greek myth, it was Uranos (spelling?) and Gaia who were the first to create life. But we also have Lust, in a physical sense, in the equation. No one is sure who started what, but it was the Sky and the Earth meeting to form the Titans.

Gasper - []
Thursday, October 26, 2000 11:41:49 PM

This just in... Country music legend Garth Brooks... Has announced his retirement. He's retiring so he can spend time with his daughters, and will release one last album in May. I'm actually a bit upset by this, seeing as how he's the *only* Country singer I like, and he comes across as a REALLY nice guy in all his interviews. Oh well...

David G.- Send my condolances along Jenny. There really isn't a much worse thing that could happen.

Thursday, October 26, 2000 11:28:08 PM

Selanit- Powerpuff Girls has less than thirty episodes. By airing them five times a week, Cartoon Network was beating the syndication out of them and running them thin. It makes perfect sense to cut back on the airings, until they have at least 60 episodes, so there aren't reruns every third week. As far as Courage, thats just trying to cash in on Haloween, since they ALREADY show Scooby Doo 8 times a day.

Wilek- I don't care if its been debunked, I've *HEARD* it,and I knew what people claimed it was "supposed to be, (scat kitty) so I know that at least in the first run of copies, it was in there. Disney probably fixed it as soon as it was discovered.

DPH- Power Rangers has plotholes and loose ends... What do you expect? Its POWER RANGERS. Heck, Gargs had plotholes and loose ends when it ended, but... And I'm not 100% certain PR is dead, I'm just going by my own observations and the fact that I haven't seen any promotions for new material in a LONG while.

Lyanti- It looked like an E because of the effect of everything else blowing along. But then again, the "SFX" bit might only be the "official" explanation.

**RP HERE!**

The occupants of three cars have just flown off a cliff and have been plummeting thousands of feet to their deaths. Suddenly, there is a loud CRASH noise.

Jim Noying blinks. He repositions himself and discovers why everbody isn't dead. The three cars have landed on a *very* narrow precipice only a short way down. The cars are all totaled, but no one is hurt for the moment. Jim then examines the situation more closely and realizes, even the slightest jolt will send the trio of cars off the precipice and down again, this time with nothing to save them.
"Um... Help?"
Suddenly, loud music begins to play. Its an old fashioned, seventies tune.
"Hey, I recognize that song..."
Lonny sighs. "So do I. We're about to be rescued... By HIM..."
A voice comes from above. "Fear not citizens, I will aid you with my handy dandy bat car rope pull up ancor with multiple attachments used for cars dangling hazardously on a narrow precipice!" Batman, wearing a blue and grey outfit, and looking suspiciously like Adam West smiles at them.
Batman tosses down a rope, and then proceeds to climb down.
Jim calls out. "Hey Batman! How can you scale straight up and down like that?"
"It's quite simple really," he explains as he climbs down. "We film these scenes by having me and Robin crouch over rugular ground designed to be like a building. Then we turn the camera and viola! Instant climbing scene!"
"But this isn't flat ground. Its a genuine cliff."
"Oh my," Batman notes, as he suddenly loses all focus and becomes nervous.
"Hey, meybe I can help..." comes the voice of the fellow in the little Nash Rambler, who also sounds suspiciously familiar...

Who is the familiar voice in the Nash Rambler? How will he help out the group? Will the group get out of this precarious situation only to then have to face the ten a few days later? Why have Black Tiger and the Brain not said anything in this RP? Find out the answers next time, same Bat time, same Bat channel!

Thursday, October 26, 2000 11:07:08 PM

**Another part of St. Petersburg, Russia
While the Green Baron has snet Benny Hinn back to face the Orange Duke, Therese and Brigitte join the Capitalist Jedi in rescuing Aleksander Romanov. They come to an abnadoned park to find a number of neo-Communists with the Romanov about to perform their ritual.

"Oh mighty Rosseau, we present this aristocrat to be killed to restore the proletariat and to ring egalitarianism to the...."

The Communist leading the chant is incinerated by Brigitte's rosary.

"And I thought religion was outlawed by Marxism. Well, I guess you just worship an arrogant frog philosopher. Well, no more. It's time to make Russia a place for freedom," chants Brigitte.

"Justice," shouts Therese
"and the free market," shouts the Capitalist Jedi.

"We're the Catholic schoolgirl socuts, but we are also Capitalist Jedi Knights. This is Sergei, and the three of us shall put an end to this. Communism is dead, but it has to be buried. That's our job."

"Nyet!! They will spoil everything. We are not the old Russian Communists. We are disciples of Enlightenment and Fairness. Rosseau is our god and we strive for equality and Liberation Theology."

At the mention of that profane apostasy, the two Catholic schoolgirl scouts stare as their eyes blaze red and the other three Catholic schoolgirl scouts appear iwth eyes also red, while Sergei and the Green Baron don tehir special robes.

"They are Liberation Theologists. Marxists claiming to be Christian. There is only one penalty for such heresy."

Sergei moves his hand in a circle and stakes form behind each neo-Communist, whiel the Green baron sned s forth special rope binding them. Four of the Catholic schoolgirl scouts send red light from the eyes engulfing each neo-Communist in flames, while Bernadette gazes at the statue of Jean Jacques Rosseau.

"You are the scourge of my homeland and I curse you for the Revolution and all of my ancestors that it killed. Even as you rot in hell, you have followers. Well, I hope they all join you." Her gaze sends red light filling the statue until it bursts in a malevolent display of odd lights, until it is destroyed.

The flames clear and the neo-Communists are very much alive, even those supposedly killed before the fire.

"You were under the evil spell of an arrogant philosopher who made pacts with dark forces over two centuries ago. You ahve now been cleansed of your old views and yoru mind has been freed. What do you choose?"

"We choose capitalism, though some are monetarists and others are supply siders, and Forrev Gumpsky chooses Keynesianism."

"Well, stupid is as stupid does. All capitalists, even Keynesians who will never exceed the 23rd circle, are welcome. Join us brothers now that you have been shown the light of the free market."**

Taleweaver> I'll try to watch that episode, definitely.

Mary> Who is this White. While our religions are bound to disagree on a wide variety of issues (though taht makes life truly interesting), I find him to be a fool or he is trying to upset you. There are plenty of misconceptions other Christians have about Catholics so I emphasize with weird prejudices people have about your faith. Personally if wiccans coudl do such as that fool thinks possible, I'd ask one for investment advice :)

Paul Nathans> Mein Gott. You didn't quote a video game!!! :)

Kaioto> Truly you would post such words of wisdom, though secretly I had hopes it was Merlin Missy making some sort of announcement.

As for dogma, I beleive you have that confused with doctrine. Dogma is unchangable, but doctrine can be altered and it must as tradition is everchanging and I like teh more ancient faiths, especially those that have flexible tradition, and by flexible, I mean it can change a _little_ over centuries, as long as we do not abandon the good to be up-to-date.

Absolute Truth> It exists. To deny sounds like postmodern bullsh*t, which I don't ascribe to being more of a classicist. I do not beleive any of us know this absolute truth nor shoudl we. It is not meant for such feeble and unworthy creatures as we. I do not concern myself with seeking absolute truth. I prefer to seek financial truth, instead :)

Sevarius Jr.> I've met a few wiccans and the girls are very nice. They definitely live up to their doctrines (though some may not want me to use that term for their belfiefs).

B5 re-run spoliers
**I just saw my B5 rerun and it seems everything is about to change. For some reason, president Clark reminds me of LBJ. He seems sinister and invovled with Santiago's death. Was he a powerful Senator before being Vice President.**

Well, Dominos Pizza is good, but greasy. I also find Bad Andy amusing. As for Redskins, if I cared about sports I'd be a Saint's fan, and if you ever think the Redskins have been doing crappy, imagine what a Saints fan has to endure :)

I need to write to Jewel, too. I agree iwth your opinion of her. Now, if only we can convert her like we have with Tim.

Tim P.> ::raises a glass: To evil!! :)

Election 2000> Screw the two party system, I'm voting for Harry Browne. He won't win, but at leats he's not for Big Government.

I am still a registered Republican as my father is and his father before him. My grandfather was a New Orleans Republicna in the 40s, before the South had two politcial parties, so I will probably always be a Republican unless switching would be vital to me getting elected soem time in the future.

Azarah> Maybe it would be better if people could choose between OHIP or a private service. As for medical costs, I'm glad I'll be in the ARMY soon.

As for Wiccans, I hope you are careful not to judge all by a few. I was dumped by a Pentecostal for being Catholic and I won't date anotehr Pentecostal or any devout Protestant (key word being devout) Protestant, because I may be a conversion target again, but I try not to judge all Pentecostals by her. I do however dislike how they are targeting Catholics more than other faiths, but that should not change my personal opinions of such people.

Winterwitch> Well, I must say out of the wiccan denominations (I guess that's as good a term as any), I like the Celtic one the best. I guess it's just my Irish and Scottish blood. They also strike me as the most benevolent.

Emambu> Warfrost is Archwolf's pet. I recall tehy are disturbed when my cat discoes :)

<<And yet it's ok for his religion to dose you in water, say some things in Latin, and you're cured (once again, I'm not anti-Christian, so no flaming please). >> I won't flame you, but I think you have confused two religions and two sacraments to say the least :) I certainly hope White was not a Catholic.

Shadow Wolf> You are more malevolent than my alter-ego.

Kyryn> I imagien some rites are private. I have some Protestant frinds who are uspet that they can't reciev the Eucharist, though they don't even belive in transubstantiation. They can still recive a blessing, but that's not enough. I guess some people are never satisfied.

Lyntai> I guess you are another wolf :)

I'm being booted from the computer room for tonight, so goodbye.

Green Baron - []
New Orleans, Louisiana
Thursday, October 26, 2000 11:04:47 PM

Hi everyone. I'm really sorry that I haven't been in here this week but things are so hectic right now. I haven't read any of the posts but I will on Sunday. I just got back from our school talent show and I did great. Tomorrow is Homecoming game and Saturday is the dance. And my boyfriend can go, YEAH! I love you all. Good night.
Thursday, October 26, 2000 10:51:58 PM

"wherever levity threatens to overwhelme melancholy, wherever gloom is threatened by rays of sunshine, he'll be there...

...David G, depresser of the comment room!"

Is there a good word for that feeling you get when something really bad happens to one of your friends and you feel both sympathetic and guilty at the same time because deep down you believe it was probably good?

**** I'll warn you once, and only once, you probably don't want to read this ****

Jenny called me about three hours ago to tell me that she lost her baby. He died in her womb on saturday and the doctors had to induce labor on tuesday. He had Downs syndrome, which is why he died.

**** It's probably safe to start reading again, even though it won't make much sense. All you really need to know is that Jenny told me something really bad ****

I'm sitting here in an emotional void, with no idea how to react, except that a sizable portion of my being is shrouded in guilt since I didn't drop everything and go see her in person - which I only couldn't do since I don't know exactly where she lives and she hung up before I could ask her.

This hasn't been a good day. Except that the pizza place where I had supper tonight got my special order right even though the person who took it wasn't personally familiar with me. (That doesn't seem like much, but for some reason a thin cheese pizza with extra sauce is really hard to make)

Anyway, since I'm already depressed and getting flamed won't make it any worse, I'm willing to elucidate here my personal views on all the world's religions, and how they relate to my faith. Since Wicca is up for discussion, I'll use it as an example:

I'm a Christian. I fully believe that God created the world in six days (subjective days - from the outside, it was more like millions of years) and eventually sent his son to die for the sins of mankind. The constant conflict between a good force of love and redemption and an evil force of selfishness and corruption shapes my entire worldview.

Unlike most Christians, I believe the entire bible, including the parts that tell you to love people who you don't like very much.

Which brings us to my relations to people of other faiths. I judge the acceptability of any religion by four criteria - Physical, Emotional, Social, and Spiritual.

The Physical level is pretty simple. If your faith requires you to hurt people, I'm against it, and will do everything within my power to keep you from practicing it. That's just good manners.
Ancient Aztec blood sacrifice - bad.
Wicca - OK (unless there's parts my Wiccan friends haven't told me about)

The Emotional level is how your faith makes you feel. Any religion that helps you get through the day is OK in my book. Religions that make you act obnoxious are less tolerable than the ones aren't, but that's another topic.

Hare Krishnas (sp?) a bit weird, but OK.
Wicca - a bit weird, but OK.
That really weird self mutalating Santeora (sp?) stuff that the Catholic Church keeps trying to stop in Mexico - bad (in column a and b)

The Social component is how your faith makes you act. Violent, intolerant, or obnoxious faiths bother me.

Scientology - bad (but kinda neat, in a SF fan sort of way)
Really Reactionary Christianity - bad (and even worse since it drives away the very people it should be helping)
Wicca - OK.

The Spiritual side is the one that gets me in trouble. See, from what I can tell, most people think of their religion as a life philosophy - a set of instructions on how to live and positive affirmations to make them feel good. The "mythology" is just tradition or a nice idea or whatever. I see it completely the other way around. The "mythology" - the Gods, or God as the case may be - are REAL, and their teachings aren't just really good ideas, they're DIRECT INSTRUCTIONS.

Taking Christianity as an example, God tells you how to live (the Ten commandments, the Golden Rule, etc...) and that he loves you and wants you to be happy. The FIRST part is far more important than the second. I get the feeling that most people think it's the other way around.

Anyway, what it boils down to is that any religion that holds beliefs in something other than God the Creator, his Son the Savior, and the Holy Spirit is wrong. If you die as a worshiper of one of those religions your soul is probably condemned to hell (though I'm not qualified to judge, and wouldn't want the job if I was).

So, what does this mean to you? Well, first of all I'm not going to physically hurt anyone. The Crusaders, the Inquisitors, and lots of Puritan Witch Hunters were very well meaning, but they were WRONG and their actions were EVIL.

Second, (and this is the part I'm really bad at) I'm trying to find some peace for myself.

Third, I'm not going to call anyone names, scream that they're going to hell, or do anything like that. That's about as stupid a thing to do as I can imagine. How many Pagans are turned from their "wicked ways" by bigoted, cruel, rude "Christians?" Not very many, I'd guess.

If I want to have any positive influence on your life, my chances are much better if you're willing to stay in the same room with me. I'm going to do my best to be a good example, and a good friend, and to help you if you need it. Then, maybe some day you'll be ready to hear what I have to say.

Fourth, I refuse to say whether or not a given person is going to hell. It's not my place to judge. God said so, and I believe him. I can tell you what I think, but the choice isn't mine. Part of it is yours, and part of it is God's.

On the other hand, while I recognize the validity of your right to worship as you choose, I'm never going to really accept your religion. That's a fine distinction, and I'm not sure I'm making it very well. If you're suddenly offended, chances are I did it wrong. Mostly what I mean here is a contradiction of the modern thought that "all religions are right. They're just parts of a greater truth."

Most religions are CONTRADICTORY. The Norse faith says Odin carved the universe out of the carcas of a cow. The Greeks weren't sure who put it there, but the gods stole it from the titans. If the Vikings were right then the Greeks were wrong. I believe it was God, who spoke the world into existance.

(as an interesting side note, does anybody know of any other creation myth where the world was literally pulled from nothing? All the ones I know are more of "building" myths.)

Anyway, that's what I think. I hope it made sense.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Thursday, October 26, 2000 10:41:46 PM

Thanks for the healing vibes, guys.

Update: the dressing was changed, and that's all. I didn't get a meeting with the orthopedist ... didn't even get an appointment because the hospital computers went down and everyone wasbsent home ... at noon. ARG!!
Tomorrow I should find out if I'll be able to work anytime soon ... if not, then I guess there's always worker's comp.
Oh, and now I have an accurate count ... five stitches in the tip of my index finger. *sigh*

Warpmind: you're right, I guess I am one lucky bastard ... *sigh* if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.

Anyway ... I'm very sure I'm gonna be fairly depressed for a while ... thanks in advance to all of you for puttin' up with it. I'm still feeling extremely dumb about this, despite all that everyone has said to me about instinct overriding sense sometimes. I still think I should've known better. :(

**sighs and holds in Lady Corax's hug, sobbing more**

Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Thursday, October 26, 2000 10:21:09 PM

*Lynati Enters*

!-I didn't know there was a fourth Friesner "chicks" book out! I bought both it and the third. waiting to get a cheaper version of "Callahan's Key" from SciFi, though.
I need something to read, as this developing cold :( is threatening to need much bed rest.

Azarah: *Accepts stone and bursts into happy tears. Someone nearby points to the sign taped to Lynati's back, between her wings, that reads "Beware: this being is having wild chemical imbalances; not only because is she becomming ill- but also because this is already an unbalanced time of the month." *
I'd give you a hug, but I don't know how contagious this little cold is -also, i have certain unfounded physical paranoias...(which I seem to be getting better about.)

Robby:...I dunno, it sure looked like an "E" to me...

Delphi: Awww...

Coyote: *Lynati radiates much sympathy and wishes she had healing abilities to help.*

Green Baron: Since you commented, I am fairly wolfish in my gargoyle form although my face retains its human proportions.
If my submission (if I get around to it) to "The gargoyle Olympics" gets chosen/posted (you know what I mean), you will be able to see for yourself...

Christine: ...So, can i have a copy of the book?
Two fanfic things:
I would loove to have gotten to read that removed episode; spider robinson actually asked you to take it down? that just makes me wonder all the more...
"SMOKE ME A KIPPER"...BWA HA HAHA!! I get it! (there are other references I'd love to comment on, but I forgot which ones.)
Also, speaking of books with ending puns so bad you have to throw the book across the room-it was "Lady slings the booze"
that had that awful "Kenneth, tell us the frequency!" bit, wasn't it? I didn't throw the book across the room- I just set it down very carefully and walked calmly to the bathroom (this was during a high school ceramics class) and THEN burst into hysterics. Due to my general state of uninformed-ness, when I _do_ get a reference it's a big deal. (well, to me.)

To all of you who commented on my outline...Thanks! *waves*

Okay. So I signed up for the summer's Gathering. Anybody want to save me time and tell me if anyone(s) still needs a roomate? I have no problem with sleeping on the floor. Especially if it saves money.

well...So long.
(...and thanks for all the fish.)

*Lynati exits*
Lynati - []
Kansas City, MO
Thursday, October 26, 2000 10:06:39 PM

**Hurries to Coyote's side** Oh my goodness, Don! Are you gonna be okay? I'm so sorry that happened to you! I wish I had something that could help take away the pain or the accident altogether, but this'll have to do. **hugs, careful to mind the arm!** I hope that you recover quickly, and that you feel better soon! Let me tell ya, sometimes those painkillers make ya feel even careful over the next few days, and I hope that you get well soon! :)

Hey, all! Thanks for the feedback on the new name thingy. And Lynati, and anyone else who's interested...I wanted to change it because I like my very first name before Dame Corax best, but I switched to Dame, and then my initials matched DC's, the infamous CR whippin' boy.

Lady Mystic> I'm sorry! Did I say country? I really meant county. See, I've lived in one county of my state all my life, and now live in a different one for school, but I'm allowed to vote in the county I grew up in, since I'm not a permanent resident of this county.

Power Rangers> Thank God it's finally over. It's been like beatin' a dead horse the last few seasons, and I quit watching. Let me tell ya, though...I was a rabid fan of the original Power Rangers-especially Tommy, the Green one. Mmm...:) They should've kept it like that, instead of switching zords and actors every other month...And yeah, I agree, in a few decades, I'll be sittin' around watchin' the good ol' Power Rangers on the SciFi channel. :)

Well, I'd better go...I've got an engineering project to build...:)

Get well soon, Coyote! **hugs**

Lady Corax
Thursday, October 26, 2000 10:01:19 PM

hello all!
I am so happy because it rained all day. Yes, I am one of those weirdos that likes, no loves, the rain.
Warpmind: (happily) I know! If those people want to be mean and place curses on people, well, then, kudos if it turns around and bites them in the a$$. Any body who knows the least bit of Wiccan rules knows that 1)We do NOT harm people and 2) Duh, the triplicity rule!

Toku:I so agree with your views about people who practice old religions not always getting support for taking their own route rather than following family tradition.

Coyote: I hope you feel better tomorrow. I feel bad when other people feel bad!

Azarah: Thank You! No hard feelings. I too have certain gifts that I wish would go away or change. Whenever I wish for something to happen, it either happens too late or the reverse happens! But whenever I wish for the weather to do something it usually does, so I'm not complaining about that! Again, no hard feelings:)

Well I better be off. Bye-bye!

Thursday, October 26, 2000 07:26:23 PM

*Archwolf strols in loking happy...until he see's ShadowWolfs posts* oh boy...he's back...yipee.

Just a quicky.

Kit/Doug> Thank you for your advice on the wedding. It is now being heavily contested and may ot actually happen, but who knows.

Emambu><<I can't wait for next semester when my Visual Basic classes start up>>VB is fun and can do a few nice things, but with C++ you can recompile God.

Just one more quick thing to do...*Attacks newbies with SanitySucker* OOh...a good haul on that one.*

*Ducks out to argue with himself.

Archwolf - []
Thursday, October 26, 2000 06:16:56 PM

Greetings all... Got a lot to go over so I'll get the small stuff out of the way first:

TODD / RE: David Warner - Isn't that the same fella that played Ed Dillinger/Sark in the old "TRON" movie? I keep hearing the Archmage in his voice...

PAUL NATHANS - No comment.

CHRISTINE - Dang... hope Becca still had a good time, and here's hoping that her next birthday is a lot better.

DON BANDO - OUCH! <brings by some IBC Root Beer over with some comfort pizza> Hope you make a complete recovery. I can tell you I'd hate to lose either of my hands to an injury. Prayin' for ya, Don.


Well, I went to the con, and had a ball as usual, but there were some great perks and some interesting going's on...

First off, for the first time I had something to bring to a convention that garnered me a little attention: my first print story for public viewing. The story appeared in Issue 8 of WINTERSMITH DREAMS Magazine, of which I managed to sell 7 copies to a few of the fen... the cool thing there was I got asked to autograph all of them. <grins> Ah, such bliss!

Also got to take a stab at doing some RPGing while at the con, for the first time in 20 years... yep, I've been around long enough to recall when the first edition of Dungeons & Dragons, so naturally I signed up to try out a Tournament-level version of the game. I ended up creating a Half-elven Bard; a female named Chydela... which seemed to work well. Managed to survive through 2 scenarios, came away with a Level 3 character and some nifty treasures: including a warhorse and full set of armor for it. :)

I also tried a game called "IRONCLAW"... a furry-anime style RPG. I got to play a cat burgler, indentured to serving a European big game hunter because I got caught stealing his money pouch. Heheh, Azis was a fun character to play. Going to see about getting the game myself.

I also spoke with a dealer named Larry Woulfe... a man I fondly call my Uncle Larry, because he's the one constant at Necro. If you're looking for great manga and other erotica, he's the one to look for... this year, he had some great pieces, including one called "Still Life" (great in-joke in there), and some pics that surprised me: from a little-known Playboy pictorial, featuring Claudia Christiansen (aka Cmdr. Ivanova of "Babylon-5")... I also picked up my one purchase from the dealers room: a wooden kantana bokken. I'm leaving the tang off so it looks like the one Tatewako Kuno uses... now, to get a outfit like his. :)

I also got to speak to Timothy Zahn, one of the guests of honor this year... Tim's a great guy! He congradulated me on my first print story, and managed to give out some insights on his recent novels for the Star Wars universe, and some keen insights on the sci-fi fiction industry. Both him and his missus are always a treat to talk to, so it's going to be great next year because they are returning for Necro2001!

Oh, I mentioned there was a surprise earlier? At one point, a guy came up to me and asked me if I remembered him... and to be truthful I didn't quite place him at first. Then, he mentioned the Base Exchange where I used to work... and that's when it hit me. Turns out, he was a former co-worker of mine that I had been told had died a year ago, due to cancer! Turns out, he had switched doctors and started alternate treatments to rid himself of the cancer, and he beat out the first odds against his surviving. He was rather weak due to the Chemo, but he was still in fine fettle... we talked for a bit, and he showed me a new toy he'd been given by another co-worker of ours: a digital camera that uses the Iomega CLIK! disks. It was so cool seeing James again! I hope he gets a full recovery from the cancer. He's a good man and deserves better.

Christi had sent me some prints to sell at the con... she did okay, in that she sold a few. Turns out a lot of the art was overshadowed by some pieces sent in by our friendly neighborhood Jamie Murray (aka Myrr)... wish I could have gotten his one piece of Ash with his armored replacement hand: entitled "Need a Hand?" :)

Also got to see some videos while hopping from panel to panel to event... one was a parody spoof of Dr. Who: in which the Doctor was played by Rowan Atkinson, versus the Master played by the actor who played the villain in "The World Is Not Enough". At one point, the Doctor is killed, and he regenerates... into a new FEMALE Doctor, played by the tall blonde woman from "Absolutely Fabulous"!

Fem-Doctor : "Excuse me! Why do I have mamalries now!?" LOL!!!

Anyway, I had a great time... and just wanted to share with the rest of you all. Hope to get things together for next year. Oh, I did run into a few gargoyles fans at Necro, but I forgot the name of the girl I ran into (it was in an elevator during saturday night, I think), and Draconis (who was in the Furry Fandom party on Friday)...

Well that's all from me for now... Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Thursday, October 26, 2000 06:11:51 PM

Mary> Don't panic! I don't about MRI's but I don't think it can affect your senses. The purpose of the test is to check on you with minimal interference.

Kyryrn> Thanks for the site. It is humorous, but I've seen the cliches alot. My general advise to starting writers is to watch Star Trek and to watch the Twilight Zone to compare and contrast. Star Trek (TOS, TNG and even some DS9) introduce many concepts, but fail to go in depth with them. Twilight Zone on the other hand shows how much depth you can add to a story with little more than good acting and good directing. I'd cite the Bewitched cast. One Twilight Zone with Charlse Bronson and Elizabeth Montgomery does the whole Adam and Eve thing, but plays it really well. Another with Dick Sergent (Darren #1) has him read minds just for the day. And my favorite of the three with Agnes Moorhead as an old woman fighting off an alien robot only to learn at the end of the robot's true origins. If Serling wasn't a genius I'd be pressed to know who is.

Taleweaver - []
Thursday, October 26, 2000 06:05:02 PM

Please, remember that Daniel Johnson and I are NOT the same person. Yep, we have different IPs and we have different dislikes. Me being younger than him? Maybe it appears that way becase I do not want to grow up.

Ok, there are least 2 sequels to the first move. Yes, there is a race involved in the movies. Yes, delibrate incorrect grammer is a hint about part of the movie title.

They are finally going to kill that show? Wait a minute, are you sure that they stopped shooting new episodes? IMHO, there are still too many loose ends in that show. They could make an entire season out of episodes to fix all the plot holes, without leaving any new plot holes. For every season of power rangers, there is at least 1 plot hole.

Ok, if you really plan ahead, you can make a show enjoyable and last at least 3 seasons. I can think of shows (example ReBoot) that had enough plot to go on for a fourth, and possibly 5th season.

Hmm, no takers on what role the Illumaniti played in shaping the world of Gargoyles?

small correction. All comments made by Shadow were actually made by Frost. I got the two confused temporarily. no comments about driving at 7 miles per minute?

Ok, my workplace is having an open house this weekend. I am debating whether or not to tell my dad. I would rather him be partly clueless about I do because of fears he will expect more out of me when he thinks I sit down 95% of time at work.

**BFTS RP continues**
*back at DPH's house*
The spy calls in Speed Star HQ and relays the information that the house is vacated. All Speed Stars put on alert status while all available weapons are being collected to demolish DPH's house.

*Speed Star HQ*
The 2 ITAG spies catch the information that Speed Stars are planning on demolishing DPH's house. They call ITAG HQ relaying the information.

*ITAG HQ in a secret meeting*
"What should we do with the information? We are obiligated to help DPH out."

"Yes, but that might compromise our spies. We can not risk that."

"So what do we about the current situation?"

"We make ourselves available to help out DPH when he gets home. But not one thing before then."

"Our surivellance has detected DPH heading towards Mount Cannon. What would he want there?"

"Possibly, to prepare for revenge against NCA."

"Should we help out directly or indirectly?"

"We do not unless the situation warrants it. NCA needs to be taken out once and for all because of his threat and ambitions."
**END BFTS RP for now**

DPH - []
Thursday, October 26, 2000 06:04:37 PM

*Valentine enters, carrying a large sketchbook full of character drawings and weapon designs*
Two days until my Milkshape software arrives, and I can really start modeling. I've got enough designs to keep me busy for a few weeks, and hopefully I can get some levwel plans together soon...
Anyway, on to the replies!

David G><<Let me clarify my remark about only one rebuttal. I was speaking to Paul specifically.>> Ah; That explains it. I was hoping that wasn't a general decleration... <<With today's games, the planned story is HUGE, so most people don't mind.>> Just think of it as a really, REALLY, well illustrated novel...:)

Gasper><<You ran away, you really are a coward.>> C'mon, 'mano... You're better than that. :(

SJ><<Well, I'm a slow reader. I like to take my time and "contemplate" what I read, to think back and reflect on the different aspects of the plot.>> Weenie! ;) Just kidding... The only reason I read so fast is that my mom made us learn speed reading in about fifth grade...

Gside><<Then strech laterally.>> Stretching lateraly isn't as satisfying. :P <<I suggest you go look at the FFV jobs for that one.>> I really don't need to, as I'm just gonna make my own interpretation of him... But I'm gonna get FFV anyway, just because I want to play ALL the FFs... <<Channeling Sgt. Shultz there?>> Tuesdays are ALWAYS "Fat German" days... :D <<But one of the versions of Non Nobis is performed by the City of Prague Philharmonic.>> PLEASE tell me they included the singing... *Spots the download two days late, and grabs for it.*

P. Nathans><<And please, don't mention DRAGONBALL Z in the same paragraph as...
XENOGEARS. Mentioning such trash along with XENOGEARS is one heck of an insult to it.>> It's a valuation. *Shurgs* And having never seen XG and only thirty minutes of DBZ... Personally, I just kick back with my GURPS and rest easy in the knowledge that my stuff is better than either one! ;D *Turns to the rest of the room* ...If someone could lend me an unbiased opinion, how good is Xenogears? I was thinkin' about checking it out before this debate started... <<I have no desire to see my friends' works trashed by people who may be prejudiced to comment against me from the start, and who thus may judge stories unfairly.>> Kick out the links, Man! You're assuming they would treat them unfairly, but these guys are straight shooters! besides, even if they ripped the 'fics out of pure spite, wouldn't a reasonable person be able to tell? Toss the metal glove, I say!
Besides, if they're as good as you say, you're doing us a diservice to withhold them because of a petty arguement! :D <<Prepare to pie!!>> HERETIC! There is only one true PI! *Pulls a Pi icon from under his jacket, and hurls it at Paul* INFINITE DIGIT STRIKE! *Paul is bombarded by an endless cascade of numbers* ;D <<Don't *ever* judge the medium of storytelling, judge each story individually.>> I hate to gang up on you, but he IS right about this... without true AI software (which isn't exactly expected in next year's releases), a CRPG is as interactive as a good book. Persoanlly, I don't think this is a strike agianst them; Books have only one plot path, and that doesn't hurt THEIR storytelling ability...
Still, tabletop games are an entirely different experience. There's nothing like throwing the Enemy Commander (and the GM) for a loop by doing something risky and totally unexpected...
Plus, they don't let me drop buildings on people in CRPGs... :D
<<I'm hoping they do in some regards, at least... Such as giving intelligent stories the respect they deserve, not tasteless romance stories.>> Zing! *winces*

Kitainia><<Yesterday I opened a letter in the mail whose address was typed, and found inside it a note from Gus saying that I only have till he gets out to live.>> Excuse the cold-hearted bloodlust, but maybe you should've wasted this freak when he showed up to total your car... :P Do you think he's stupid enough to come back for more? <<Yeah, I know we're hard to tell apart sometimes, but you could just look at the name at the bottom of the post! :P>> *switches to French Waiter voice* But SIR! It's such a little name, and such a big post!

Tim Phipps><<But you should know the reason I picked Republican was because Libertarians in Nebraska currently aren't allow to vote in the primaries. Whatever works! :D Welcome to the club! Whitch reminds me; I need to find my voter registration card... Somehow, it got lost in the shuffle of the last few weeks.

Warpmind><<Really I should get some GURPS books - I heard a Manowar song recently, titled "Black Wind, Fire and Steel", and got this AWESOME idea for a villain in a medieval setting... not CoC material, which is all I've got the rules for...)>> You can download the condensed version of GURPS Basic from the Steve Jackson Games website, and that's all you really need... Except for Vehicles 2nd edition. Mmm, custom weaponry... :D <<Oh, and I didn't really get the bald midget reference... :|>> "Stop humping the laser, Minime..." -Dr. Evil <<Next time, tell him that while Christians pray to God for help, Wiccans are capable of doing their own dirty work. ];)>> *Chokes on his coffee* Whoo, but that's a fun discussion waiting to happen...
<<He also wrote in a fair bit of cross-dressing, for instance "Twelfth Night", which, even in print, is quite hilarious. :)>> Oh, but I love that one... <<There is smut, and then there's that final tenth of GOOD smut, which is both intelligently written as well as graphical.>> What a depressing view of liturature... :P

Wilek><<Those tend to be foci for the casters' own biogenic energies, either to enact some effect themselves or to act as a beacon for non-conventionally material entities.>> ...Right. You just made up most of those words, didn't you? ;) <<That's what the techsuit is for.>> But is it STYLISH? <<Neh, just a believer that anything worth doing is worth overdoing. :)>> That could be my roleplaying creedo... My prefered assasination method (for important targets, anyway) is to wait for the target to enter a scyscraper, and then collapse the skyscraper. It takes some RIGHT quick thinking on the GM's part to get their NPC through THAT alive... :) <<I dunno...just looking at the Milkshape basic tutorial almost turned my head inside out.>> C'mon, it's not THAT bad... Basicly, all it is is click and drag... <<Can you do Sabin or Kefka from FF3/6J, Raijin or Edea from FF8 (I have the coolest ideas for that one), Vivi from FF9, or the Red Wizard from FF1?>> I'm basing "Leander" (the Caller) on the red mage. Sabin, as I'm worried about how many entity models the game will allow. They playable characters alone take up 10-15 models (Kain doesn't wear his battle armor EVERYWHERE...), and I've gotta have room for the enemies and NPCs... :P
Raijin and Edea don't fit the "feel" I'm aiming for, and I know nothing about FFIX... But Kefka is something to think about. *grins evily and scribbles a note in his folder* <<If you do it right, his bits should come out just like toothpaste.>> *goggles* ...My good Lord... o_O <<Eh? But it has nothing to do with the setup of the joke...?>> You expected it to have something to do with the joke!?? Christine's good, but NOBODY could make a pun that long actually fit it's intro... <<I also like Star Fox 64, but it and its prequel are the only games I've ever seen of their genre.>> Find a ROM of Panzer Dragoon. The graphics are cooler than StarFox, and the flying enemy fortress at the end is one of the coolest things EVER!
<<Not if he spends long enough in the blender.>> HA HA ha ha ha hee hee... heh... heh... Ew.

Emambu><<So what MODs are you working on? I remember you mentioning something about Half-Life.>> I'm working on two single player total conversions (one sci-fi, one fantasy), and I've got a third SSTC and a few multiplayer ideas waiting in the wings. The Fantasy game, "Dragoon", is based on one of my GURPS worlds, but several of the main characters are... "borrowed"... from the FF series.
"A Bridge of Swords" is the sci-fi mod, and it's all mine. Assuming I don't suddenly discover that I suck too much to make games, that'll be the second one I do. It's looking very, VERY cool.
Right now, I'm planning on staying with Halflife, but I'm a bit worried about how many weapon and entity models the engine can handle, and it's ability to handle cutscenes... *shrugs* Anyway, it'll be awhile till I'm good enough to really get to work, so we'll just see...

*********************CONTROVERSIAL STUFF!*******************
Considers Paul* This is interesting. I just barely remember you from way, way back... And yet, as soon as you step into the room, people start reaching for their knives. I've never seen anything like it.
I'm guessing you guys have some history. I, however, don't; Hopefully that means we can discuss things without either of us jumping down the other's throught. To the duel!

P. Nathans><<From the stories I've seen of William Shakespeare's compared to multiple Video Games, I'll say the one's I've seen are creamed many times over by many Video Games.>> Out of curiousity, which ones have you seen? I'm sure you've mentioned this before, but I skipped over all the arguement posts when I was catching up... :P <<I have a feeling that may be true for all of William Shakespeare's work simply because I've noticed people have a tendency to praise older works much more than they deserve>> I'd agree with you to some extent; I have yet to hear a real explanation of why Homers "Illiad" is such a big deal. As you've already discovered, however, Shakespeare isn't commonly held to be one of those questionables... His mastery of the language is, well, masterful. His characters and plots rock (especially when you remember that he INVENTED most of those "cliches"), his situations are brilliant, and some of his speeches make me want to Do War.
Of course, that's just my opinion, but it's comforting to know it's shared by a vast majority of America... and yet you disagree. I'm sure you've already explained your position to the rest of the room, but could you give me the gist? Let's not even get into Xenogears, as I've not played it and I HATE spoilers. Just tell me: what's wrong with Shakespeare?
*Thinks a bit* Hmm. The rest of the room is probably sick of this discussion. If it starts bugging people, just email me...

<<The only absolute truth in this universe is that there are no absolute truths.>> Heh. Welcome to the central arguement of my philosophical life. You couldn't possibly have picked a topic I enjoy more...
To start with, let's clarify our terms. The phrase "Absolute Truth" is redundent, as Truth IS an absolute. So the adove statement should read like this:

"There is no Truth"

I strongly disagree with this statement, as it rejects my core belief in the existence of Right and Wrong. If there are no Truths, then there is no base left for condemning ANY action, no matter how disgusting or brutal. I doubt anyone in this room would support that stance, and I'm even more certian that no one in this room (or that I know) could actually live with the logical results of that statement.
*Cheerfully awaits responce*
*********************End Controversial Stuff****************

'kay... I've been writting this post for 5+ hours. It's time to get on with my day...
I'll finish catching up tomorrow. 'till then, peeps...

Peace, Love, Dope!

Gunjack Valentine - []
Thursday, October 26, 2000 05:58:53 PM

yo people. Well, so far after the MRI test I've discovered only one problem: I can't taste anything!!!! That @#%$ing test did something to my taste buds!!!! >:D
Mary Flanders
Thursday, October 26, 2000 05:53:55 PM

***Kyryn peers in.***

Here's a fun link for readers, writers, editors, and anyone else who has ever dealt with story cliches:

or click my name.

***Kyryn disappears.***

Kyryn - [<<--clicky, clicky!]
Denton, TX
Thursday, October 26, 2000 05:11:41 PM

Thanks, everyone, for the condolences on the party. There are 21 kids in her class, but Sunday is a bad day for people apparently. Next year, I'll have it right after school; another mom did that and it seemed to work. But yeah, Becca had a great time and that is what counts. That and my revenge. Can't forget my revenge. ::evil laugh:: ; )

Spike > Becca's best friend's name is Hayden! and thanks to you and the boys for the e-card!

The argument > sorry for complaining the other day, but I just get tired now and then of this sort of thing. The price of notoriety, I guess. That's what counts. That and my revenge. ::another evil laugh::

Christine - []
Thursday, October 26, 2000 05:10:18 PM

what i was about to mention was a story called '90 percent of everything' in last september's issue of Fantasy&Science Fiction magazine.....great story, plot, and moral.

Thursday, October 26, 2000 03:50:46 PM

Wilek: <<<there's a food court in a large flightless cousin of hte Kiwi?>> Didn't know it was THAT large. Is it like a Thunderwyrm? ;P >> the Moa...ranged in size from 3-12 feet {i think...maybe larger}....hence my startlement.


Thursday, October 26, 2000 03:49:15 PM

Oh dear... I think I have jusmped into some hot water I didn't mean to get into..
Toku Kaioto and Kyryn, I understand about Wiccans and fears of outsiders sometimes but the situation in my life was perhaps not that simple. I was hardly an outsider to these people in any way, especially in the sense of knowledge and appreciation of what they were supposedly trying to accomplish. In fact, I had almost been as a parent(if you will) or a guide to these people. I have been a practicer of... something (I don't know what, it just has always been there) for all of my life, and knew more than they did when we met. I had helped and encouraged them to develop themselves in all ways possible - and then it was like I was slapped in the face. I think maybe they were afraid of what I can do, because it is different from what they do. I never tried to force what I believed on them, because I know I have some slightly unorthadox (if Wiccans can be orthadox????) opinions on some things. I do things differently. I was never taught, nor did I ever read books and think "this is cool, I should try it.." . My complaint is that I do not think they were really true to their own word as "wiccans". I think they play, and read published books of others' Books of Shadows but do not really have true respect or understanding for what they do. I think maybe they are hobyists. And all the people I have met who call themselves "Wiccan" (and there have been many) have been the same way. And this is not to say that ALL wiccans are this way. I have longed my whole life to find someone true with whom I can share my experiences and every time I think I find one... well... they turn out to be not what they seem... and I probably become more and more bitter and hope of finding someone who understands gets slimmer and slimmer. I feel alone. Like a bitter old lady whose hair is turning grey and whose hips crack in the morning :)
I am sorry if my overall view of practicionners of Wicca has been coloured by my many experiences but I have not found any so far who have been any different :( And how I long for someone different!!
I feel a little labled, now, as someone who does not understand and someone who is insensitive to the religious views of others. I try my hardest not to be that way, though I know I can come across as strong, harsh and unforgiving at times, especially over a medium where you can only see what I type, not how I feel. Touch is the greatest communicator, and you cannot touch another over the web.
Again, I offer my humblest apologies and will try to keep an open mind at all times. I will have new eyes, just for you :)
"The only means of strengthening one's intellect is to make up one's mind about nothing - to let the mind be a throughfare for all thoughts." -Keats
I am guilty of not being true to this. And I am sorry.

Thursday, October 26, 2000 03:39:58 PM

Sound Of A Asteri*: a "*" is a sharp clicking sound...listen to the movie 'the gods must be crazy' for one example {half the movie}.

Thursday, October 26, 2000 03:33:59 PM

Robby> <<During the scene where "Prince Ali" is on the balcony, he tells Raja "Good girl" and then, with the sound turned way up and listening closely you can hear "Good girls and boys take off their clothes".>> Actually, that's been debunked at my name link. :)
Real post later...

Thursday, October 26, 2000 03:16:28 PM

Warpmind> No. Robby> ah
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Thursday, October 26, 2000 02:51:39 PM

Hey, all. Thanks to all of you who responded to my questions about Tenchi. They were informative and helpful posts; I can't remember who wrote them off the top of my head, but I DID read them and appreciated it.

Powerpuff Girls> Does anybody know what email address I use to complain to Cartoon Network about the recent cutback in Powerpuff Girls airings? They used to show them every day of the week, but now they're only on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Their slot has been taken by "Courage the Cowardly Dog." IMHO, the execs in charge of scheduling must be totally insane. PPG is a tried and true show, with well-known and loved characters. Courage is new, untried, and so far hasn't been all that impressive. And good grief, what a cheesy name for the show!

And I heard something about them bringing back Cow and Chicken. NOOOOOO!!!! The show was stupid. It wasn't even funny-stupid, just plain stupid. I was immensely grateful when they put Cow out to pasture and served Chicken giblets for dinner one evening. Now they're talking about resurrecting the bird and bovine? Please!

So I want to send them an email expressing my displeasure, but I can't seem to find the right email address. Any suggestions?

OOO! You have to check out this link, it's hilarious! Here it is:

Or, click my name for the same link. These guys are nuts. I like their style.

They've attached their thermostat to the web, and allow thousands of random strangers to adjust it up or down. They've got a web cam going that looks at a thermometer in their apartment -- there's a lamp aimed at the thermometer, and you can turn the lamp on or off over the web.

And they need your help! The poor sods have had thousands of sadistic webheads drop by to raise the temperature -- they've been above 80 Farhenheit for a week now. Everybody drop by and help lower the temp!

Selanit - []
Thursday, October 26, 2000 01:50:29 PM

*kicks stomps pouts and gives a very convincing tantrum*

Dumb stupid comp thingie! Grrrrrr.....I'll post tomorow! I'll see ya then! Bye!!!! *HUGZ all*

Thursday, October 26, 2000 01:47:09 PM

Warpmind- The "penis bit" in Lady and the tramp is during one scene (I forget where exactly, its been a while), where in the background, in a plate of bones, is a VERY obvious penis. Even colored like one. However, in all the editions of the video in the last few years, its been edited out. And in Aladdin, Jasmine isn't actually naked. During the scene where "Prince Ali" is on the balcony, he tells Raja "Good girl" and then, with the sound turned way up and listening closely you can hear "Good girls and boys take off their clothes". Also, the original box art for the Little Mermaid apparently had a snail with naughty bits, but I've never seen it for myself, so I'm not sure if that one's true or not. I'm fairly sure if one looks *really* hard at any Disney film from its original master film, they'll find some perveted bit somewhere. It takes a LARGE staff a LOTTA time to make one of those movies, and someone is bound to get a little bored.

James- I have nothing against Digimon itself, I have a problem with the marketing beast it is. Because it gets suh high ratings compared to everything else, like Pokemon several months ago, anmd Power Rangers for too many years, the one show is dominating everything else, and high quality stuff is being scrapped as a result.

Kyryn- Hee. My latest RP is turning out to be nothing BUT references to other things... My next one will be no different...

Thursday, October 26, 2000 01:27:42 PM

Coyote> ouch. I've never cut myself very seriously, but I did once manage to severely burn my arm by backing into a grill. Pain sucks.

Kyryn> I have to ask: what sound does an "*" make? :)

Mary> I hope you're OK.

Anybody I forgot> I'm not ignoring you, I just don't have time to read everybody's comments.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Thursday, October 26, 2000 01:04:33 PM

***Kyryn drops in through the skylight, notices that the 'gators in the moat haven't been fed in a long time. She opens a hole and grabs a bunch of meat, tossing it in to the 'gators, notices DC and tosses him in as well.***

Azarah> Your friend probably didn't invite you to the blessing because certain ceremonies are considered private and closed to non-practitioners, depending on the particular practices being followed. Many people also feel intensely self-conscious about having a non-practitioner of their belief system observing. No offense is taken, but I hope that you will not judge all Wiccans by one example. I, for one, would certainly not judge all Catholics, Baptists, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc., by any one particular practitioner of those religions. ;)
<Sending a rock through the mail> Hmmm. I can't say that I've ever sent a rock. Cool!

Winterwitch> Welcome!

Robby> <Nash Rambler> Beep, beep! Beep, beep! The car went beep, beep, beep! ROFL!

Christine> I'll take your writer's block if you don't want it. I'm trying to accumulate enough of them to build a fallout shelter. ;) I figure that I haven't written the requisite 'end of the world aftermath' story yet and I'll need the shelter when I do so.

Emambu> <Look on the bright side too: At least you don't drool uncontrollably like some of us do when anesthesia is applied *raises hand*.> Guess again. Dry mouth is NOT a problem.

Coyote> Sympathy owies. {{{hugs}}}. I remember when I sliced my left index finger at the knuckle with a 'safety knife.' Someone dropped a load of books at the other end of the room just as I was starting to slice open a box. I turned towards the noise and, without thinking, continued the cut I was making. The next thing everyone heard was me yelling, "Oh, F***!" I grabbed it, applied pressure, and held it until someone came with bandages. I was going to drive myself to the city nurse's office, but realized that I was in shock and had someone else drive me.

ShadowWolf> <"..Then God, sir, Get thee to it!" 1776> "Sit down, John! Sit down, John! For God's sake, John, sit down!" ROFL! Glad there's another fan out there.

Toku Kaioto> Thought that was you! Glad to see you back!

Taleweaver> Congrats on a battle well fought! It's never as easy as it looks, is it? I'll mark the calendar and watch for you.

Mary> Best of luck with the test!

Warpmind> Ok. I'll bite. What is zoogskin?

Wilek> <And before I forget: Welcome to all newcomers; deposit your sanity with the scuttlers and maintain a safe distance from the black hole in the pantry.> So that's where I left that thing! Thanks!

Later All!

***Kyryn heads off to the pantry to retrieve her black hole***

Denton, TX
Thursday, October 26, 2000 12:53:24 PM

*Warpmind enters, for the occasion wearing a new leather overcoat.*
Howdy, gang. I'm tellin' ya, I've eaten a large meal before bedtime for the last time in my life. It affects my sleep. By the way, how do you like my new zoogskin coat? ]:)

James Birdsong: Thankee, but isn't it pretty much a prerequisite for being here in the first place? ;)

WinterWitch: That there are mean, nasty Wiccans out there is to be expected - there will always be bad apples on any tree. I'm just grinning all the more, considering that all spells will eventually kick back in triplicate. Which is a pretty good incentive to be nice. :)

Lynati: "Dark of the Elvenwood" is the second book in the Magelore series, by our own beloved Christine. :)

Robby: Okay, I gotta watch Disney films more closely... I've seen "Lady and the Tramp" probably twenty times, and I haven't noticed any "penis" bit... is that spoken or drawn? (If it is a bit of dialogue, I can understand why I've never noticed it - I've only seen the Norwegian dub.) As for Jasmine naked in Aladdin... WHERE? WHERE? GOTTA SEE!!! (God, I'm pathetic...) :)

Azarah: You have "gifts"? What kind? Are we talking ESP, telepathy or telechinesis-type "gifts" here? (Me, I've got some talents in the ESP category, and I'm working on the two other with very little, if any, degree of success...)

*Twitches ear* Urk... My sister's watching, of all things, Ricki Lake on TV. Volume at max. No doors between her and me... *Hands twitch in the direction of the gun locker.*

Wilek: You've never played Worms? Intolerable! You MUST try to get a copy - the game is hilarious! You control a mercenary team of 4 worms, all hell-bent on destruction, with graphics that resemble nothing more than the old Lemmings games... (I don't like to brag about it, but I'm a Master with the homing missiles there.) Oh, and nothing closer than "Thu Thu"? Hmm... still, moving between the stars... you gotta admit, it does sound rather suspicious... (remember that little e-mail you sent me about those Conspirators?)

Which reminds me... Kit: When Gus is released from the slammer (assuming he's still vengeful), do make sure to record on video when he comes to assault you. I'm gonna *love* to watch his savage demise. ]:) (Heck, if you get it on tape, you've got proof it was self-defense, AND you've got a potential bestseller...)

Emambu: Hope you can convince them. Just remember: there are few things as persuasice as a glib tongue and some sodium pentothal. ;)

Coyote: You, my friend, have done something unbelievably stupid, and emerged virtually unscathed (seeing as all three fingers are still attached to the rest of your hand). You. Are. One. Lucky. Bastard. With luck, you've learned not to repeat this mistake, eh? Hope your hand gets better soon. :)

ShadowWolf: My, my... you tryin' to fill Pistoff's shoes, by any chance? :)

Kaioto: Glad to see you back, and in one piece. Good points, as you always have...

Xanathar: Actually, I wasn't saying you've got a dirty and sadistic mind. It was an EOB1 reference. ;)

Delphi: LOL! Fun list. :)

Mary: Hope nothing bad is revealed on the test... *concern* :|

Well, that's about it. Ciao.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Thursday, October 26, 2000 12:39:11 PM

ugh. It's 8:31am and I have to go to the UCD Med Center to get an MRI (a kind of brain scan). I can't tell you guys why I'm doing this, but I'll tell you if there's anything.
Mary Flanders
Thursday, October 26, 2000 11:28:03 AM

***Enter Calliope the muse***
I sing the praise of valiant Rahsaan. Who tested his mettle aginst the best. Alas, though he played a hearty match, his opponents obtained victory.

Hey folks, That's the final score on this match. Got on one day and came away with the third place prize. *shrug* It was fun.

Incidently, I'll be on Dec. 23. They tape shows for future airing, they don't do it live like Millionaire. For that I'm grateful. Being on stage was one of the most nerve-wracking experiences I've ever had. Me, the guy who's done speech and debate.

Alex is really nice in person and very knowlegable. It isn't just because he has the answers on the back of the cards.

While I wish I had won some money and am grateful for the experience. Well, back to the humdrum, ordinary life out of the spotlight. Darn!

Taleweaver - []
Thursday, October 26, 2000 11:00:10 AM

Robby> Am I the only person who likes Digimon but hates Harry Potter?
James Birdsong - [LennexMacDuff]
San Diego, CA, USA
Thursday, October 26, 2000 10:18:59 AM

Hi all, I am soooo glad today is a day off. I've been moving seasonal merchandise in order to make room for (no don't say it please...) XMAS, boy is my body complaining today. xmas candy, etc is to start arriving today and we managed to get the last 50 ft of gardenshop stuff off the counter yesterday and most of it reset onto the gardenshop proper (old gardenshop by the way, since the new gardenshop is still fiction).

A freind sent me this email and it is kind of cute so I hope you enjoy.....

>Ever wonder what kids pray about?
>>Dear God: I didn't think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset you made on Tuesday. That was cool! -Eugene
>>Dear God: Instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don't you just keep the ones you have now? - Jane

>>Dear God: Who draws the lines around the countries? -Nan

>>Dear God: I went to this wedding and they kissed right in church. Is that okay? - Katy

>>Dear God: Thank you for my baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy. - Alex

>>Dear God: It rained for our whole vacation and is my father mad! He said some things about you that people are not supposed to say, but I hope you will not hurt him anyway. - Your friend (but I am not going to tell you who I am.)

>>Dear God: Please send me a pony. I never asked for anything before. You can look it up. - Ryan

>>Dear God: I want to be just like my daddy when I get big, but not with so much hair all over. - Sam

>>Dear God: I think about you sometimes, even when I'm not praying. - Elliott

>>Dear God: I bet it is very hard for you to love all the people in the world. There are only four people in our family and I can never do it. - George

>>Dear God: Of all the people who worked for you, I like Noah and David the best. - Michael

>>Dear God: My brothers told me about being born, but it doesn't sound right. They are just kidding, aren't they? - Christopher

>>Dear God: If you watch me in church Sunday, I'll show you my new shoes. - Cathy

>>Dear God: We read Thomas Edison made light. But in Sunday school, we learned that you did it. So I bet he stole your idea. - Sincerely, Courtney

>>Dear God: I do not think anybody could be a better God. Well, I just want you to know that I am not just saying this because you are God already. - Charles

>>Dear God: Maybe Cain and Abel would not kill each other so much if they had their own rooms. It works with me and my brother. - Larry

Delphi - []
twin falls, idaho
Thursday, October 26, 2000 10:02:59 AM

Hi all!!

XenaTrek:<<Hi Xanathar! Long time no see! *hugs*>>*Hugs back* after a long day working at the store I was in dire need of a hug,Thank-you. <<Got this little snippet from one of my sources: [Heat Magazine talked with Sarah Michelle Gellar who indicated 'Buffy' may not have much longer to live - "I love my job, but I only have a year to go with Buffy. I think it's time to move on to more adult stuff". ] Looks like either this season or the 2001/2002 season will be the last for 'Buffy'. I guess like 'Xena' and 'Star Trek: Voyager'... all things must come to an end.>>Tis' a sad thing to hear even though have never actually seen the show,(Something else to add to my list of things to do)I suppose it's better that it does go out this way rather than slowly becoming unoriginal as the writers run out of ideas.(X-files anybody?)

Kyryn:<<Well, I got the temporary crown put on. No root canal and no major problems. My jaw is sore and I've got a fat lip where I bit myself before the anesthetic wore off. (I was hungry and tried to eat a piece of bread.)>>ouch!,I hope you get better soon *hugs*,and thanks for the welcome.

Warpmind:<<That's right, you're back! *Ponders Tom Lehrer's line "filth, I'm glad to say, is in the mind of the beholder" from "Smut", then gently peers into Xanathar's head.* My, how much filth... ];)>>So what your saying is that I've got a dirty and sadistic mind...*Grins mischieviously and winks*,it's good to see you to warpmind. :)

Wilek:<<Welcome back! :D>>Hey there Wilek! :D << <kablinken> How did I not see this game before?>>The game was never overly hyped unfortunately,so like System Shock(and Gargoyles,even though it's a different medium),it never sold well.:( << Oi, it's been way too long since I've played that game...ever since it erased my save files, I've been afraid to commit to it again. :/ >>*Ouch* That is unfortunate :(.

Emambu:<<Good to see you! So what have you been up to lately?>>The usual(The endless routine of work and all) but lately I've really been able to catch up on my reading,I just finished off R.A. Salvatore's "Icewind Dale trilogy" last week(I loved it!,Drizzt Do'Urden's my new role-model :) )and now I've just started on the "Dark Elf trilogy",I like this to,there's always something infinately appealing about the Drow,In that same morbid way that Vampires are appealing.(or maybe it's just my weirdness.:) )

One of these days I may even get around to reading the Dragonlance saga at last. :)

Coyote:Cripes!!,I hope your hand doesn't get infected,get well soon.

I've gotta go,C'yas!

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Thursday, October 26, 2000 08:45:45 AM

Coyote- yipe!! man- hugz
Thursday, October 26, 2000 08:38:25 AM

Warpmind-Disappearing hours-Exactly!;)

Shadowrider-See you soon, we'll be here.

Christine- That's terrible, about both the arguement and the party. I wish I could help.

Kitainia- Oh man! That really doesn't sound good. I'm glad you told the police about it. I hope it ends up being an empty threat and I hope that Doug gets some relief in the stress department soon. And thanks, with such good friends here I'll be able to deal with anything the Army, Korea or just good-old every changing life can throw at me.

Kyryn<<Good to see you posting again>> Thanks good to be back.

Coyote- That deserves a really big OW in my book. Get well soon.

Well got to head out now.

Jaden - []
KoreaThursday, October 26, 2000 05:58:14 AM

*reads feedback about 10 commandments and smiles. Plus up a chair in the corner with Lady Corax and Lynati by the Tea Table of Peace*

Well, I reconsidered things as of late. Forget coming back in another couple of months, I’ve missed my friends. I’m going to hang around for a while after all, right here if no one has claimed the chair. I can’t really participate in the CR the same way that I used to, as a regular poster or any sort of staff. That’ll probably come as a relief to some. ;) No, I just can’t get heavily emotionally invested in the place right now. Too much work and too much school, but corporate life has been surprisingly good to me. I’m just going to hang around and relax a bit, watch the world go by, and maybe throw in a pair of pennies when I’ve got them to spare. You know, I never realized how important 2 pennies could be until I went to college. ;)

Emambu: Thanks for the nice comment about the 10. I’ll pass your sentiments along to the many people I’ve encountered who’ve contributed to those lessons. They aren’t really ~ mine ~ as much as the best way I could express what so many others have passed onto me at times in my life.

Anyway, I guess I’ve cot 2 cents this this time around, I was thinking about the discussion about Wicca. Like any religion, Wicca is made up of many different people. We’ve got a lot of great people here who do a credit to their faith. I’ve encountered a few people who do it shame. I find it the same with almost every religion. It is very hard to fairly judge a religion that spans so many diverse individuals by only the few members you’ve met. I’d always hesitate to blame the negative attitudes of people who belong to certain groups on their membership. Each religion has its own challenges internally.

Older, more dogmatic religions face the conflict of values stemming from many members who claim their membership from family traditions and force-association rather than a conscious choice and an alignment of values. It also has to deal with weeding out the old structures in order to apply the core values to create new dogma for new circumstances. The challenge of walking a tightrope between stagnation and inconsistency and loss of identity is one that most large, older religions are wise to approach very cautiously.

A recently reformed or recently reborn religion faces the problems of defining its own identity through a diverse membership. If the religion opposed constructing an organized, dogmatic structure (or simply fails to) the label of the religion in question isn’t going to carry much information behind it. One of the main differences between a shared faith and a religion is the extent of the uniformity of basic dogma. On top of that, a new or reborn movement has to deal with the plague of being perceived as the new kid on the block. They have to overcome a cult label as well as deal with a wave of fad-members.

It really is a miracle that organized religions have survived as long as they have and continue to survive. There are so many difficult social forces that try to erode them. And then, of course, the inclination to come into the most severe conflict with the people with the closest goals to your own doesn’t help religions either. You’d think, from a practical perspective, that similar religions would work together to combat the primary enemies of their core philosophies (typically human suffering, injustice, corruption). Rather, history shows a trend to throw away so many of their main goals just to engage in oneupsmanship in the least consequential dogmatic details.

Perhaps it is simply the human inclination to fight while the barn is burning. It certainly isn’t exclusive to religion. Our political parties are often ready to let their principles and promises fly out the window at the first opportunity to improve their power-base relative to their peers. No one in America seems to care if America suffers, as long as they suffer less than the rest of America …

Well that, and they can still get 170 channels of cable, legal alcohol, and not feel personally morally obligated to go out and make a difference in the world …

But that’s another $0.02 for another day.

Toku Kaioto - []
Boston, MA, USA
Thursday, October 26, 2000 02:19:02 AM

*Shadow Wolf enters the CR wearing an 'I love the Morrigan" T-Shirt* I am become Chaos, the Disruptor of worlds! A child of Weaver and Wyrm, through and through.

Winterwolf><<No relation>>Heh. I like it.

Green Baron>PET!? FRIEND!? Hell no. I'm that SOB's other side. I'm the one that got blamed for everthing, locked away, and denied. I'm also the one who actually apreciates what life IS. Archie boy doesn't get it. Never has. Never will. He's a waiste of my time. Fortunatly for him, I rarely get to play. Hell, before this week, the LAST time I got out was '97. Archie learned a lot aobut life, but credits himeslf with it all. He'da had a MUCH better time with it all if he'da let me play. Honor *snort* Who needs it. An excuse to back out of havikng fun, if you ask me. (Oh, don't EVER getme started on that knight in shining armor bullsh*t)

Paul>PLEASE READ. *Throws a companionable arm around Paul* Look. Something you need to understand about me. I'm a child of Chaos. I like to instigate. BUT. I honestly would like you to post the links to your friends works. Any preconceptions or prejudgements I have about YOU would NOT affect my personal views aobug OTHER PEOPLE's works. The fact that you think I (or WE)would atack YOU after reaidng OTHER PEOPLE'S WROK shows that maybe you do think that the world does indeed revolve around you. Point in fact, If you DO post these other people's links, I will judge them on their own merits. And, incase you are wondeing, I don't judge all of a sigle persone'sworks on a single work. I can't stand most of Stienbeck's works, but I loved Grpaes of Wrath. This post is not (like the other) meant to be inflamatory, but to be informative. And if you think I AM going to be grossly biased, well, i can be discounted as a biassed freak. Howeve, I assure you this will not be the case, since, come morning, the Arch will be back in charge, and he will give ANYHING a fair shake. Like I said Earlier, He's a bit of a kill joy.

Well, I've said my peace, so I'm out.

"..Then God, sir, Get thee to it!" 1776

*looks back at post* Ick...Archie must still have some sway...bits of that came out too nice.

Thursday, October 26, 2000 01:49:33 AM

"Power Rangers must die"... Um, actually... They have died for the time being stateside. The most recent series in Japan, "Timeranger", isn't being aired here at all as near as I can tell. There's no slot for any version of Power Rangers on Fox's Saturday morning lineup, even though they've held a slot there for years for their new episodes. "Lightspeed Rescue" stopped having new episodes months ago. (Yay!) A while back Fox's big promotional campaign was that they were airing the first three seasons for THE LAST TIME. (The first three seasons were the ones where they kept changing the vehicles and costumes but kept the same actors, only to occassionally switch them out. The seasons with Jason,Billy, Tommy and Kimberly as mainstays.) The toys aren't selling well at all anymore, (largely I suspect because the costumes and vehicles stopped being different from one another. One season's stuff is currently VERY similar to the last.) I don't even remember the last time I saw a commercial for Power Rangers on Fox, outside of RIGHT BEFORE the show came on.

Most importantly, ratings wise, Digimon trotted all over Power Rangers since it premiered. (And various animes on other networks have done similarly well.) WHy would Fox pay all the extra fundage to reshoot a bunch of live action sequences and pay for americanized props, when all they have to do is pay a few voice artists? (Granted, its a trade of two evils, but Digimon will come to a definate end in Japan pretty soon most likely, very few animes get past a third season, especially when seasons have so many episodes, while sentai series have been going in Japan for like 30 years and since they're good in Japan, aren't going to stop any time soon.)

Thats the good news. The bad news being in eight or ten years the series will still be going in Japan so someone (the thrice damned and killed in RP Haim Saban most likely) will have the brilliant idea to try marketing them again, and like most attempts to cash in on decade old series, it'll fail miserably within a few weeks. (Transformers and Star Trek being the only exceptions I can think of where Retro shows come back in new formats and last, and in both cases that was mostly because the series kept the dedicated fan following for the intervening years and the series both looked a lot better than their predecessors.)

Anyhoo, since a lot of you apparently hadn't noticed, Power Rangers *IS* dead now, it just has to go through a year or two of reruns before it leaves for good. (only to be picked up by the Sci-Fi channel in 2010 and aired alongside Batman...)

Still, "Lost Galaxy" was decent. Characters actually died (sorta) and there was continuity and an ongoing plot and evolving characters... (Because they basically just ripped off the Japanese version completely that season. SO naturally, after getting some semblance of quality, "Lightspeed Rescue" came along and threw that all away. Oh well...

Thursday, October 26, 2000 01:15:03 AM


Sorry, same colors, I thought it was the same person. I really apologize. Didn't mean to mix ya up.

Gasper - []
Thursday, October 26, 2000 12:45:09 AM

Coyote: LM says Hi and hopes you will feel better soon.

She also wants me to tell you that she wants to talk but she dosn't think she is awake enough to keep up a decent conversation. (And I can't keep my head up!)

I am SO glad to hear that it was only about a block. And what luck! A worker is going to be an EMT. I bet your gad that he was there.

Fire Storm/Lady Mystic
Thursday, October 26, 2000 12:10:57 AM

FS: Actually ... I *did* drive myself to the clinic. Fortunately enough, it's a block down the street from the store, and the new stocker we just hired is training to become an EMT, so he dressed my two bleeding fingers before I left.
Coyote again
City of Pain, State of Agony, World o' Hurt
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 11:54:32 PM

Coyote: <Today, I wound up getting fairly seriously injured at work>
GOOD GOD MAN! At least you didn't COMPLETELY sever your fingers!
<As it stands, I'm in tremendous pain despite the heavy medication (codeine. wheeeeeeeeeee ...)>
I hope it is at LEAST Tyelonol-5. If not, Ask for it by name! Lykoden! The make my pain go away/how did I end up on the kitchen floor medicine!
<I'm still kicking myself because I did something so incredibly stupid>
Don't worry... we ALL do REALLY stupid things.
At least you didn't try to drive yourself to the hospital afterwards!
Out of curiousity, did you have the thought "This is REALLY stupid" the milisecond before the fan hit your hand? Just curious.

I hope your hand heals correctly.

Fire Storm
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 11:46:16 PM

**enters cradling his left hand in his right arm**

Well, it had to happen eventually ... my streak of good things happening had to end, :(
Today, I wound up getting fairly seriously injured at work. I'm sitting here typing with only one hand, since I can't use my left hand ... doctor's orders.
See, I did something unbelievably stupid during an on-car electrical test of a customer's car. A pad of forms I neede got sucked toward the engine when he revved it up. Instinctively, I reached out to grab them ...
... and the middle three fingers of my left hand got caught by the fan. Holding my wrist in pain, I finished up the test, informed the customer that his electrical system was good, got him inside and promptly requested that someone *else* finish up with him so that I could dress my heavily bleeding wounds and get myself to the work clinic.
After two hours, I was on my way home in a splint. My left index finger is broken. The middle finger has a very large blister on it that the doctor hopes will subside (it's filled with blood). My ring finger is skinned.
As it stands, I'm in tremendous pain despite the heavy medication (codeine. wheeeeeeeeeee ...), and the orthopedist sees me tomorrow. And I'm still kicking myself because I did something so incredibly stupid and nearly shredded my left hand into hamburger.
**sigh** Needless to say, I'm very down tonight ... don't mind me, I'll just be sitting in the chair suffering ...

**sits in the big chair, painfully cradling his hand and sobbing quietly**

Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 11:31:18 PM

*Emambu strolls in*

Well, I got back that computer science mid-term. Scored a 52.5 *waits for consoling* ...out of 60! That's an 88, and while I would have liked an 'A,' I'll take this. :) Actually I must admit, this was out easiest test. The average grade was a C- which is a big improvement from the usual F's. About a third still failed though. *sigh* I can't wait for next semester when my Visual Basic classes start up.

Warpmind: Thanks for clearing that up (on both the sword and the Gypsi language). Hmmm... like I said, nothing's definitive yet. I made them read some of the personal essays that some have written after previous Gatherings. That seemed to help. Their only concern now is the distance. Now, they want me to wait until it moves closer (back to New York or someplace similar). I guess that's not too unfair, but darn it, this one looks so cool that I don't want to miss out. Oh well, persistance pays off in time (or so I'm told). Maybe Paul can give me some pointers (that's a joke BTW, Paul). *reads further down the post. Hmmm... I wonder what he was going to put after 'vic...' Oh well, couldn't have been too important. :)*

Xanathar: Good to see you! So what have you been up to lately?

Delphi: #24 and 25 seem a bit reahing, but the rest were hilarious! I loved 16 and 18. Plus, I'm guilty of 21 too. :)

Firestorm: I am not Vulcan! :) If I was to assume any identity other then Human, it would be either Corellian or Mantrin. *reads on* Yikes! I realize that employees don't get many benefits, but I would have thought that they's have let you off for at least one day. I mean, Boston Market can be pretty cold and uncaring but they still let me take off the day after my wisdom teeth were pulled. You have my sympthay. *reads on* Lol! Yeah, I guess I had that coming. I'm too used to yelling at my brother for not taking care of himself. :) As long as you understood the risks, then I guess it's ok. BTW, if you can swallow DC without breaking your stitches then I guess I have no reason to be concerned. Just be careful when you brush your teeth *Emambu unconsciousely rubs his mouth for bringing up that painful memory*. Hmmm... do I detect some Fatherly pride in that post to Wilek? :) Lastly, yeah I blame the writers too. I mean, not only do several of the main characers survive, but an untold number of ship personnel make it off unscathed as well. Remember, we only saw that one pod get attacked but we saw a couple jettison safely.

Caliope: Funny how those things work out. :) *hugs* Still, I'm glad you aced your Spanish test. As for the other one well... you'll get them next time. I have no doubt about that! :)

Gunjack: I waited a eight days between posts. How do you think I felt? :) So what MODs are you working on? I remember you mentioning something about Half-Life.

Lady Mystic: (knew I forgot a reply somewhere) I use the extra CR stuff to check and see what pics are available (though the one I want to use doesn't work- The Phoenix Gate). I also use the archives heavily because I like to browse through the history of this forum. Right now I'm in March of '99.

DPH: I'll say Power Rangers needs to die. Wasn't that show one of the reasons Gargoyles was cancelled? I mean their ratings were never bad, it's just that they didn't equal the "all mighty" Power Rangers. Correct me if I'm wrong though. I don't want to start an unfounded rumor. As for this newest reference... I want to say "Thelma and Louise" but I know that's wrong. Hmmm... *Emambu goes into pondering mode*

Mary: *sigh* And yet it's ok for his religion to dose you in water, say some things in Latin, and you're cured (once again, I'm not anti-Christian, so no flaming please). As for the egging and lawn burning you should've told him, "Well Wiccans actually don't do those things but now that you mention it... sounds kind of fun." Then get a devilish look in your eye so he understands that his house is the one targeted. it would have been funny to see his reaction. >:) Also, don't misunderstand me: I liked your fic... a lot. I'm just used to a different style of writing. However, I'm more concerned about the content then the style and yours was really good. Let me know when the next part goes up!

Christine: Sorry to hear that almost no one showed up. How many were invited, out of curiosity?

Daphne: I'm sure youll get a good grade. My fingers are crossed though just to be safe. :)

Gside: Well, luck was on side yesterday. Like I said earlier, I got a B+ on that Mid-term. Thanks for the well wishes too. Also, don't be so modest. You brought up the song, I asked my director about it, he said there was no room in the winter schedule, I said what about the spring time, and he said he would consider it. The next day he told me that he liked the idea and that he would look for a TTBB copy. It wasn't exactly a long argument that fractioned our choir. :) It was a good idea. Thanks again for bringing it up.

Paul: Fair enough. My e-mail address is at the bottom of the message if/when you decide to send them. Don't worry about your friends though. If I like the stories, I'll let them know that. If I don't, then I'll mention what I thought could have been done better (always in my opinion of course). Some people who've had their stories commented on by me (like Doug Elder) will tell you that I'm picky but I'm fair. And I'm never condescending because I know how hard it can be sometimes.

Lynati: Lol! I understand. :) You don't have to do it on my account. I just agreed with you when you said it would be cool if someone did it.

10 rules of arguments: Looks like sage advice to me

Lady Corax: *Emambu sees everyone else bowing and so he to bows for her* A most elegant name for an elegant person. :)

SJ: Ever since the Kielbasa was mentioned I was waiting for someone to come up with that reference. Thank you for not disappointing me. ;) *reads rest of post* ROTFL! I now have another reason for liking the movie "High Fidelity." :)

Kitainia: *sigh* What a vicious cycle you and Doug seem to have. Out of curiosity, who's the friend that you have that broke up the prior skirmish with Gus (the one who's an ace sharpshooter)? Maybe you should let her read the letter too.

Kyryn: Glad there's no major problems. What is it with everyone haveing dental problems this week? *shrugs* Look on the bright side too: At least you don't drool uncontrollably like some of us do when anesthesia is applied *raises hand*. :)

Winterwolf: Thanks for the well wishes. They seemed to have helped. As for me being humble... yeah, I'm pretty humble. Modest too, I know. :) By the way, I watched the movie Die Hard the other day and the line, "I'm agent Jones. This is agent Jones. No relation" made me think of what you put up top. :) Lastly, if your first letter made it through, then I see no reason why you're second one (or my first one) wouldn't. After all, the address is still the same as you verfied. *Shrugs* The letter's being sent to Cremona and Shadowrider mentioned in one of posts that he was away from there. Who knows, it could be waiting for him. I was getting worried that I got the address wrong though. Thanks for making sure that I didn't.

Welcome to the CR, WinterWitch!

Wilek: Lol! Wait... you _were_ kidding about that... right? *Emambu slowly start backing away from Wilek* And yes, it seems like a good theory. I wonder what Firestorm has to say about it. *reads last bit* Lol! Puree DC. Add some spices and seasoning and I'm sure you could sell the recipe to resturants and make some money. ;)

Green Baron: What about Warfrost? I thought he was a wolf too, although I haven't much of him lately. *Shrugs* I also briefly recall an Ironwolf right around the time I first started posting here.

Well, I think that's everyone for now. Take care and have a good night,


Emambu - []
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 11:21:27 PM

**St. Petersburg, Russia
The Orange Duke has left and five minutes later, the Capitalist Jedi, Therese, and Ave Maria disappear. Green Baron, Angelica, Brigitte, and Bernadette face off against Hinn and his guards, which are surprisingly few.

"You underestimated us, traitor. Now, it's time for you to face us," sneers Angelica.
"Traitor?" Hinn asks deeply bewildered.

At that moment, the Green Baron points his cane sword at Hinn, while the Catholic schoolgirl scouts who remain take out the remaining guards.

"Not really, but it was a good distraction, and it worked...sucker. Now, I know you're a fraud, but not a fanatical orange pig. Who paid you to get me?"

"Why should I tell you?"
"Uh..becuase it's the decent and moral thing to do..I'll also let you live."

"It was the Orange Duke. He offered me a small fortune and would help me take control of TBN. The Duke has 25% of the industry. I have 10. Jan and Paul only have 30."

Green Baron releases his sword and lets Benny Hinn go, though already a large wet spot appears on his suit, causing everyone to start laughing.**

I have been gone for so long. Well, my cat has been around.

Ghost> You seem to present a more balaned view of gun control and I support only the most basic and sensible controls, though I support concealed weapons and I think washington DC is a testimony to how gun laws can blow up in some fascist's face (more murders in a weekend than Wyoming a gun friendly state has had in two years). I find it funny when an SUV dirving soccer mom demands all sorts of strict gun laws just because her child's school in the suburbs may not be safe, while her SUV is probably more likely to take a life than a gun is. Besides, Columbine would have happened even if guns were all illegal.

Then again, if I had to live in a cookie cutter home in the suburbs, I'd go crazy too. Thank God I've always lived in a city and every house I lived in was over a hundred years old, and I can use public transportation to get to school and work :)

Gside> I didn't send anything to Nader or his raiders, though maybe I should send them a PETA member's head as a warning :)

SOROW> ::hugs::

Christine> That sucks that your daughter got shafted like that. I'm gald she had a good time, but that is still very unfortunate. If I didn't have a pool in my backyard, I wouldn't have had the brithday parties that I did have. Thinking back, they were rather uninteresting, but I liked the presents (well some of them). Now I wish my parents got me debt and equity securities insetad of all those toys that depreciate in value after a few weeks.

Lupine posters> Shadow Wolf is Archwolf's pet or friend. Winterwolf is from Da Bronx and I forget the other wolves in the CR.

Gside> You're about 20, right? Christine is 33. I think if soemone is less than 15 years older, you can call them ny their first name :)

Patrick> I knew you'd give in your two cents :) This time those two cents were the value of those weird 1955 pennies (which is a cmpliment since they were worth about $150 apiece ten years ago).

Scott> You present some interesting words of evil too :) I like your wirting as well as Jewel's and Christine's. I eagerly anticipate Jewel's finale.

Lady Corax> You have been promoted I see. Soon, you'll achieve the rank of Baroness or maybe even Countess :)

Lady Mystic> I think Corax meant county, not country.

Jaden> I did neglect to e-mail you. I will e-mail you tommorow.

Taleweaver> I had Jeapordy taped for today, but you weren't on it.

Sevarius Jr> I am even more impressed by Babylon 5, especially their relegious angle. So far, I know Ivanova is Jewish and I like that three-piece suits still exist in the 23rd century, and Sinclair is Catholic (the Jesuit education is a give away). Star Trek never mentioned any human faiths. Babylon 5 does not suffer from PCism. I also liked the dilemna between the doctor and the alien fundamentalists. I didn't favor surgery either since I value adherence to doctrine much more than my own life. Maybe his mind opened a bit when his efforst proved futile. Another character I like is Lenier, though Londo is still my favorite. I'm also thinking of creating a B5 persona. Are there any websites for doing that or a Bbaylon 5 Mary Sue Litmus Test (I imagine all Vorlons fic characters are Mary Sues automatically)?

Attila is an old and very raunchy cat, and I think that is a perfect way to describe Hillary. I should tell you the Mondale/Ferraro nickname, but that is even raunchier :)

Kit> Someone confused you and Doug? Daniel Johnson and DPH have different IPs and Daniel Johnson is older, though DPH is merely a younger cole fo Daniel Johnson. You two are more difficult to differentiate ;)

I am now being booted from the computer. I'll resume my post tommorrow.

Green Baron - []
New Orleans, Louisiana
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 11:10:56 PM

Niamhgold> <<Ah! How did I get to be a great, wise person? ;)>> You came here. :)

Lynati> Story bit> Kewl...! ^_^ I wish I could use it in my series...<glares at his creativity divas and their draconian enforcement of the Plan>

Kit> <<And I heard from my friend Officer Newsome, who arrested Gus, that he got the hell beaten out of him in prison on Saturday. Hope it's not the last time that happens. :)>> I wonder how one could arrange for a great deal worse to happen to the guy...hehehe <<And I can read and understand Hebrew but not write or speak it.>> Strangely enough, I'm that way with Esperanto. Maybe because of its similarity to English. $<<It's going to be a while before we use your characters in the RP again, but believe me, you'll like what we do when we do use them. <grin>>> I shall have to keep an eye out. 8) $ <<Tank-driving bears come through your kitchen too? Somehow I'm not surprised. :)>> Ack I'm becoming predictable! ;P Various RL-related stresses> <falls down> Gads...hope those pass soon. :( <<Yesterday I opened a letter in the mail whose address was typed, and found inside it a note from Gus saying that I only have till he gets out to live.>> That's it. He dies now. I don't care what it takes, this cackmuncher (I don't know what that means, but it sounds appropriately insulting for this idiot) *will* be sent back to whatever circle of Hell he came from for pulling something like this.

Warpmind> <<Oh, and one more thing: if you and Gunjack want a copy of the Chronotrigger ROM... just let me know, and I'll e-mail it to ya. ]:)>> I have it actually. :) Wasn't able to get very far; the battle engine makes makes my head hurt. <<And you're right... we DO have a lot in common, personality-wise. Please be at G2001. :) The havoc we could wreak... ;)>> I wish...barring some humongous dimensional blorff, I'll probably never be anywhere near a Gathering...I may as well be on the other side of the universe from the rest of the fandom, for all I'm able to interact with it outside the Internet. :( <<By the way, the Team Rocket track on the CD (titled Double Trouble) makes me kinda suspicious... when Jessie sings about "Team Rocket'S Rocket", there's *something* in her voice that tells me she's read too many lemons... :|>> It's rockin' rather than rocket. :) (Yeh, I have it too. Kinda cool, but James laughs like a goat.) <<How does a hung foot look?>> Like this. [Wilek cuts off most of Mr. Disconnect's foot, leaving it dangling from his leg by one bloody tendon.] <<I'd say that, with a few exceptions, anyone who's gotten paid for something they've written could be considered a "god among writers"... ;)>> I'm a god among writers, but only insofar as I'm a god and a writer; my writing has nothing to do with my godness (quite the opposite, really; my first two fics were ghastly, style- and characterization-wise, and I still have a lot of room for improvement). <<Hmmm... Wilek, check if "Chu-Chu" can be a variation on "Cthulhu", will ya?>> Closest I've found is Thu Thu.

Gside> <<Heck, I still haven't gotten the Youkoned Bea pun.>> You either? <<You might want to try the links at I'm not really sure how many there would be, since I haven't tried emulating much outside of the SNES.>> Thanks; I'll try it later. ^_^ <<Did you get Smut and Oeddie? I think you might like Smut too, if only by virtue of your Y chromosome's general outlook on life.>> Indeed? Hm, I missed them. :/ I'll catch them next time they come around...<<Which are themselves rather freaky. The more you learn, the more you realized just how strange the world is.>> True. And if the things we *know* about are that weird... <<<<<CGPF523>>>: Sorry, what? Or is that just the error code for encountering one with the purported inclinations of Mr. Glick?>> CGPF523=Cranial General Protection Fault, error code 523: too bizarre for snappy comment. ;P <<<<Blood gushes from Wilek's eye sockets>>: That sounds like a bad thing.>> Trust me, it's nothing; Pink Flamingos took out a city block. <<But is he still of the female persuasion (by which I mean persuaded by females).>> :P <<Like the aftermath of a long Worms game?>> Wouldn't know; haven't played Worms. :/ <<You have such a violent to my statement, and yet you come up with this?>> :) <<How do you feel about Prague? The orchestra, that is.>> The City Of Prague Philharmonic? I have two or so of their albums (Cinema Choral Classics 1 and 2; is there a 3?); they do great remixes. ^_^ I use a lot of their stuff in my fic series soundtrack (, if it's in the mood to let visitors in, which is a toss of the dice). <<<<I feel all warm and squishy>>: That sounds uncomfortable.>> It's squidgey! Ach, it's makin' me all emotional! <<Other than getting rid of evidence is neutronium really that fun?>> It makes great armour. :)

SJ> <<See, I HATE baseball. Loathe it. It's just so horrifically boring to me.>> Me too. I mean, sports in general tick me off, but baseball has the added advantage of being so bloody DULL...What that sport needs is landmines, spike-covered walls, balls set to randomly explode, and the catapultation of xenomorphs into the field at random intervals. Or perhaps instead of landmines, give each team an unstable telekinetic who would, once per round, randomly postulate explodingness into a player of the other team. Or perhaps into a xenomorph; I bet an explosion of acid blood would be fun. <<You're the 3rd person in the CR who proudly proclaims that they are a Stabbing Westward fan! That makes you, me, and Jackal a perfect triad. Anyone else wanna profess their love of this group?>> Hm...did they do anything for the Excelsis series of CDs? Because their name sounds familiarly Gothy, and Excelsis is about as far as my knowledge of Goth extends...<<It's no wonder that I love their music, because my tastes only range to two kinds of music: the type that is melancholy, or the type that's angry.>> Mine too, preferably with a large dose of terror and/or madness mixed in. (Heard Orphan Of Flame from Chrono Cross? My GODS.) 8) <<The reasons already listed are exactly why I'm NOT a big fan of Superman. He was always too powerful for me. He was, essentially, a god. Only 2 things in the whole friggin world could hurt him--kryptonite and magic. So either you had to have a villain use magic on him, or have Luthor pummel him with Kryptonite. It got repetitive.>> good idea for inclusion in a Superman story would be him nuts, basically. Mess with his mind (in whatever fashion, be it psionics, haunting, hallucinogenics, etc) so badly that he thinks he's going insane, and maybe does. (Remember that one episode of GI Joe? That, essentially.) <<Oh, and your blood tastes like turkey?!?! That's odd. Mine tastes suspiciously like Little Debbie snack cakes. I think my sugar intake is a little too high.>> Mine tastes like a variety of incense used in the summoning of Nyarlathotep. Which would explain a lot, really. <<Sorry, Wilek, as much as I tried, through various letter writing campaigns, I couldn't get Rowlings to make the next book "Harry Potter and the Naughty Hentai Tentacles". But damnit, I tried!>> It's appreciated; we all have occasional bad luck in such things. :) Maybe I can attend to that in fanfic anyhow...oh wait, I'll be destroying the tentacles soon (maybe in an RP, maybe behind the scenes), now that I've come up with a plan. :/ <<I'm a long time White Wolf junkie.>> Me too (sick of me saying that yet? ;P), especially since getting Clanbook Malkavian. I've never seen such a complete sourcebook about insanity and unconventional means of perception. Lots of fic ideas there. <<Of course, it is a bit of a head trip to think a video game is better than Shakespeare, seeing as Willy Shakes is virtually THE standard for what is considered good English literature.>> But most video games are Japanese literature. ;) <<Oh, and Paul, if you care......I like Poon-Tang pie. ;)>> Ye just lost me lad. <<I know that King, at this point, could probably sell his used toilet paper and it would sell like crazy, but come one. A musical? I know being struck by a car hurt, Steve, but ease up on the painkillers.>> Well, there is a rather kewl Jekyll and Hyde musical. Still, I wouldn't get Mellencamp to do it...<<hey cool, Powerpuff Girls is on>> I love that show. I've never seen anime in general, and Sailor Moon and DBZ in particular, skewered quite so efficiently. Hideously violent too. There's something about the image of these cute little bug-eyed things flying around, breaking off a creature's horn and stabbing it through the back of the mouth with it...

Lexy> <<so I hope I didn't come off sounding like I was tearing at everyone because I couldn't get along with someone.>> Trust me, the only one you sounded like you were tearing at was your professor, and frankly she sounds like she deserves it. ;)

Christine> <<Anybody need a writer's block? I'm getting real tired of mine ...>> Yours too? Mine is getting annoying...[Wilek pounds on the aquarium that his block is sitting on top of.] YO! Divas! Get yer butts or whatever they are in gear, or I promise you, I will introduce all of you to Mr. Cattle Prod. [A trifurcated tentacle slithers out of the little castle in the aquarium, presents its middle 'finger' to Wilek, then retreats.] OK, NOW I'm ticked. <goes at the tank with a Quarryhammer> Becca's party> Ack. Sorry it went so badly. :/

Gunjack> <<Which is why it's practice requires virgins, rune-covered alters, and bat entrails... ;)>> Those tend to be foci for the casters' own biogenic energies, either to enact some effect themselves or to act as a beacon for non-conventionally material entities. <<I'll stick w/ a monocrys Armani, a .32 sleeve pistol, and a mix of knives and garrotes. If it's big enough that the .32 won't work, it's time to use explosives.>> That's what the techsuit is for. :) The resonator (a Psi-Amp 2.1) tends to be for more subtle effects. It's very adaptable; different mission requirements can be accommodated with different materia. <<You're a munchkin, ain'tcha?>> Neh, just a believer that anything worth doing is worth overdoing. :) (The only way to tell how far you should go with something is to go too far, then look back to see where you should have stopped.) <<You think that's weird, you shoulda seen what I dreamed LAST night... :P Every once in a while, for a week or so, I have WAY more fun asleep than I do awake.>> I wish I did...most of my dreams look like they were written by the love child of David Lynch and Hunter Thompson. I did have one cool one though; a Lovecraftian bit about sentient space bugs fighting a man-eating plant in an abandoned Aztec temple. (There were repeated mentions of the deity Vibre.) <<By thye way, have you read P.J. O'rourke's "Bachelor's Home Companion"?>> No, but now I'll have to look into it. :) <<Congratulations; you know have my endorsement for grand ruler of reality. :D>> <bows> <<I kinda liked it; it had a REAL kooky kind of humor... I recomend it, if you've got nothing better to watch...>> Hm...that's the last time I trust IGN's reviews, then. (A typical paragraph from their review of 1941: "In short, do not buy this DVD. Do not rent this DVD. Do not watch this movie if they show it on TV. Do not bother to piss on this DVD if you see it burning on the sidewalk.") They've bashed things I've liked before...<<And the third verse could be "It's a Raymond Chandler evening"... Now all we need is an afternoon and a tune! :D>> I wish I were better at that...the closest I've come to writing any kind of song has been a ballad about Elly Kedward, and I don't have the music skill to transcribe the tune I've formulated for it. :/ <<Why don't you? It's not that hard to learn... I can't start on weapons or player models until next week, as the guy I have to register my software with is on vacation. :P>> I dunno...just looking at the Milkshape basic tutorial almost turned my head inside out. Which would have looked cool, but been uncomfortable. :/ <<On the bright side, I had the coolest brainstorm EVER at about 12:30 last night... Wilek, how would you like to play a FPS as Kain from FF2? Or as Edge, or Cid, or Rydia?>> Cool! ^_^ Never played FF2, but Final Fantasy character designs are always a treat...Can you do Sabin or Kefka from FF3/6J, Raijin or Edea from FF8 (I have the coolest ideas for that one), Vivi from FF9, or the Red Wizard from FF1? :D <<I donno... Those suckers were moving like eels. They swam about as well as fish...>> Well, I said they had less trouble than humans. :) Of course, it's been way too long since I've seen that movie, so my memories of what exactly they're capable of are probably off...<<Piker... I suggest a lateral incision just below the navel, followed by a punck to the sternum.>> Uh uh. Slash open the throat until you get halfway through the esophagus, then work him over carefully with one of those huge metal rollers they use to manufacture aluminum foil. If you do it right, his bits should come out just like toothpaste. <<Maybe it's because that was the most complicated pun EVER WRITTEN... *blows a raspberry at Christine* Short awnser: "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with". I think.>> Eh? But it has nothing to do with the setup of the joke...? I still don't get it...<<If it'd been me and my (heavily armed) friends, he'd have probably ended up on a slab...>> If it'd been ME, there wouldn't be enough left for a slab. Maybe a doggie bag for FS's children.

Rodlox> <<there's a food court in a large flightless cousin of hte Kiwi?>> Didn't know it was THAT large. Is it like a Thunderwyrm? ;P

Paul> I myself tend to be more into video games than Shakespeare, primarily because I can't read Shakespearean English without getting dizzy...

FS> <<I taste turkey all the time (My blood. Don't ask)>> Coming soon to Fox Family Channel: Thanksgiving with Count Dracula. <<Oh, and besides that, I keep getting these chest wrenching pains in my chest that stops my breathing and pretty much makes me clench my chest in MASSIVE pain.>> OMG! :O Get it checked. Now. Dental stuff> Oh gods. O_O (I will never come within a mile of a dentist. I've seen Little Shop Of Horrors.) <<Without even speaking from experience, I say we are MADE for moving under water. We are thin, can move our entire body like a snake, AND our heads are relatively hydrodynamic!>> Hm, hadn't thought of that.

DJ> Welcome back! ^_^ <<On to lighter subjects! :) I just got a new 15" LCD monitor--this thing is sweet! I'm never going back to a CRT again. ;) The picture is absolutely gorgeous. No flicker. No fuzziness. Pure digital interface.>> Woah...all the LCDs I've seen have been blurry and dim...maybe I haven't been looking at them recently enough...

Doug> <<Hope no one minds the length of this post, especially the RPs. If so, you have my word that I will do my best to never make them longer.>> Even if I did mind, that's what the Page Down/Up keys are for. ;P <<My maternal grandfather, Granddaddy as we call him, has recently suffered the loss of three of his really good friends, all in the same week practically. Even worse, he only found out about their deaths after coming back into his hometown of Beaumont, TX from a brief vacation, and they had all already been laid to rest.>> Oh no! :( My condolences to him, both for his friends and his retirement from a job that apparently meant a lot to him. <<A 17 year-old boy's mother found a folder in his room labeled "Operation Death Strike." It detailed a plot by the boy to steal guns from a local shop, hijack a plane to Atlanta, and then ambush N'Sync at their upcoming concert there and kill them. The motive- "to stop them from getting all the good girls.">> Right intent, wrong motive (and theft and hijacking are rather stupid too). <sigh> Ah well. I'll attend to N'Stink when I'm in control...

Robby> <<Thats right, four pages of me drawing scantily clad woman, DBZ style ninja moves, and a really friggin big robot.>> Gawds I wish I could draw. Some of that kind of thing is in my fics. (The robot anyhow. The Iron Doll, a pet project of Darth Jashin's.) <<1- Allow the runner to choose which base he runs to, first or third. It would throw everyone off, result in teammates passing each other, and would make the game more interesting overall. Wouldn't help TOO much, but it would spice things up a good deal. 2- Have players burst into flames every now and again.>> I'll have to add those to my own list of improvements. >8) <<Yes, THAT Lobo. He also used to bleed acid that creates new members of his species if I'm not mistaken. (Magic took care of that since the universe did NOT want Lobo to procreate...) Recently he was turned into a teenager...>> Ee-yikes. If he's as psychotic as he looks, no wonder most of the celestial and infernal powers don't want him around...

Gasper> <<So get your head outta your arse and your body outta your room, and experiance REAL LIFE!>> But real life is boring; much better to occupy places like this, where stuff actually happens. ;P <<Ah yes, another who remembers those wonderful days when Anime was on....My first taste was Vampire Hunter D.>> I remember seeing about half of it on TNT, long long only vivid image is that of some guy pinned to a stone wall with a katana, bleeding more than a human body should be able to hold. ;P The Playstation game looks good; there's an incredible CGI clockwork-looking castle in the FMVs...

David G> Jenny> <pensive look> I am so inept at giving advice about these things...other than to say that you'll never be alone, not as long as you have us. At the very least, we're a shoulder to cry on...BTW, you're not pathetic. I am, at least by social standards. I live in a social black hole, I know two people outside the Internet, and I rarely leave the house except to buy essential-type stuff and go to the mall (wait, that was redundant). I have a lot of fun, which is all I ever really ask of anything, but this place and various e-mail correspondence represent the totality of my social life. Not that I have any complaints, but most people would in my situation.

DPH> <<What are everyone's favorite types of games?>> Adventure (Myst, Riven, The 7th Guest, The 11th Hour, Kings Quest 6, Sanitarium, Dark Seed 2, Shivers, Phantasmagoria, Zelda, etc), FPS (Doom, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Heretic 2, Shadow Man, Blood 2, Psycho Circus if I ever get it to work, etc), platform (Super Mario, Castlevania, Mega Man, Actraiser 2, Banjo-Kazooie, etc), fighting (Marvel Vs Capcom, Power Stone), and a few RPGs (FF6, 8, 7 if I ever get it to work). I also like Star Fox 64, but it and its prequel are the only games I've ever seen of their genre. <<power rangers, a tv show that needs to die.>> Oh gods yes. Haim Saban will pay for his molestation of a genuinely cool Japanese show.

Daphne> <<[realtionship stuff] I finally confronted him, and (yay!)he chose me!> <high-five> ^_^ <<My dog got jumped by a pit bull! my mom was walking her and they passsed the other dog, and it just jumped up and attacked her (the dog) for no reason, and the owner starts cursing out my mom, as if its her fault!>> Oh gods. :( Hope your dog's OK...

Coyote> Job> Congratulations! ^_^

The Dreded Traveler> I dunno, the rasta look doesn't go well with your encounter suit. <<First of all, the only "gun" you have is between your legs...>> Eh?! <looks down> I should have known not to trust a cyberneticist who was an escapee from a mental asylum. -_-' <<Actually... some scientists recently were playing around with some genes that are related to stopping cancer that both humans and mice share... they found that if they turned them off in the mice, that they were able to re-grow extremely large and badly burned areas of their skin... faster than normal and WITH NO SCARRING... and the think they can play with it to the point of regenerating whole limbs o_0 So basically our bodies have been evolving to fight/prevent cancer cells... at the expense of the ability to repair large scale cellular/physical damage. Neat huh?>> <raises eyebrow> Interesting...I'd heard that cancer was basically the old regeneration mechanisms gone wrong...Perhaps new cancer defenses, that don't inhibit regeneration, can be engineered once the old ones have been removed? <<looks to the top of his monitor where Diablo from the game of the same name is perched>> Cool. ^_^ I have an old Nintendo ROB (Robotic Operating Buddy). None too intimidating, but he's uplinked to most of the communications and defense systems, so he could start and end World War 3 if I were to ask it. Chu Chu Rocket commercial> My GODS... O_O'

Shadowrider> Welcome back (again)! ^_^ Sorry I missed the party last time...<kicks self and self's messed-up timekeeping routines> <<And, naturally, goodbye to everyone here.>> Bye, hope you'll be back soon! ^_^ (Hi Elisa, Bye Elisa...)

Dreamie> <<<Wonders what the translation for “Chu Chu rlocket” is>>> Mouse Mouse Rocket. It was released with its Japanese name in the States; it's a puzzle game for the Dreamcast. Never played it, but I've heard it's good, as puzzlers go.

SOROW> <<Okay, I just want you to forget everything I previously said about things being great. My parents found a new reason to fight with me last night and my dad almost hit me and my mom called me a witch. I just got a third degree burn from the glue gun while making my boyfriend's garder for homecoming. He just called and told me that he can't go with me to the dance because the band made area and they have to perform that night. Everything's peachy?! Just *@#! the whole lot of it!>> Oh man! :( <hugz>

Caliope> <<I got an A thats right an A in my evil spanish test!!!! Woohoo!!!! *dances about laughing maniacly* :P>> Congratulations! ^_^

Kyryn> <<Shakespeare is considered classic because a) many examples of his writing survive; b) many elements in his stories were considered new and daring for the time; and c) his work stood out enough from the rest of the writers of the period that it has stood the test of time.>> d) He invented at least several hundred words that are in common use today. :)

LM> <<Out of curiosity, how may people make use of the archived CRs and other sections (such as the CR pages for images, text colors, rules, etc)?>> I don't much, but I like knowing they're there. :) (I'm curious though: Which week was the story The Rising announced in? There's something I need to check.)

Dame--er, Lady Corax> Welcome back (again)! <hugZ> Like the new name. ^_^

Emambu> <<I've already disputed their claims that we're turning into a cult, that one of you is really a psychopath that means to do us (particularly me) bodily harm>> Aw SHOOT. [Wilek hides the toy box containing his torture kits.] Um, Mom and Dad? I won't be at the Gathering. So don't worry, nothing will explode or break out of my collection and kill everyone. <glares at his toy box> Not like last year's Halloween party, I trust? <<Gunjack made a good point though: maybe they couldn't see the missile.>> It's probable; their perception seems mostly based on sound, olfactory, and thermal. Maybe they just couldn't 'see' well in the water. <<You shouldn't be eating anything that requires you to chew. And yes, DC is among those things. :)>> Not if he spends long enough in the blender.

King Snarf> You have the coolest name ever. Forgot to mention that before. <<just a lot of neat weird stuff, like flying talking skulls, pregnant alleyways, and a clockwork dungeon.>> <blink> Planescape: Torment? What kind of game is this again (RPG, RTS, etc)?

Xanathar> Welcome back! :D <<I have,and I agree with you,Planescape:Torment is one of the best CRPG's that I have ever played,it has a wonderfully mature plot and Keith David(YAY!!!! :)),Sheena Easton,John Delancie,Tony Jay and others provide Voice talent for some of the characters that the Nameless one(the Protagonist) meets in his quest for Identity.>> <kablinken> How did I not see this game before? <<do you remember that fun SS2 disscussion that we had back in january?,happy memories,it all seem s so long ago now.>> Oi, it's been way too long since I've played that game...ever since it erased my save files, I've been afraid to commit to it again. :/

Mary> <<Ugh, White is driving me crazy. First he calls Wiccans and witches dillusional (well not straight out. He just said that when you're sick you can go to coven and have them rub a herbal bag over you, do some chants, dance around a bonfire, and then you'd be cured. Then he snickered. >.<) Then he said that we egg houses and write "Wiccans were here" on lawns. >>.<<>> Ye gods. >:/ Here. <hands you a belt sander> I'm sure you can find some sensitive bits of his to rub that over.

Azarah> <<I am sure if I met a nice Wiccan, who didn't treat me badly, my opinion of them in general would probably change.. :)>> Which is a good thing, since there are several such Wiccans in here. ^_^

And before I forget: Welcome to all newcomers; deposit your sanity with the scuttlers and maintain a safe distance from the black hole in the pantry.

=Well, Dr. Citan Uzuki! Feels like you have sacked your saccules, and tickled your utricles enough for one lifetime!=
~Dr. Citan Uzuki, XENOGEARS

Wilek Nereus
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 10:43:31 PM

*peeks in... sees some comments, quickly runs out, returning with a small black bag, Azarah empties its contents on the floor and chooses two small stones from the pile. Walking to Lynati, Azarah bows and offers rose quartz, for friendship. Seeing WinterWitch, Azarah bows again and offers peridot, for hurt feelings*
I am humbly sorry for any sadness I may have caused, it was not my intent, please forgive me.
I am no witch, though I have certain "gifts" that I often wish would go away.
Again, I make offerings of peace and friendship and apologize to any others who may take offense to what I wrote.. it was not my intent.
*Picks up bag and walks quietly out*

Wednesday, October 25, 2000 09:51:38 PM

**DPH comes in wearing a jacket.**

I confess to using the CR archive for purposing of archiving the BFTS RP.

Question 1: What would keep the Morrigon from spilling the beans on the Banshee and the Wierd Sisters capturing the Banshee right away?

Question 2 (a very difficult one): Suppose there was no Illumaniti Society or similiar organization in the Gargoyles universe. How would things be different? I am thinking of relevations in 'Vows' and Matt Bluestone. Could Xanatos be as wealthy as he is without the Illumaniti? I was working through alternate scenarios where things would be similiar.

Let's see. We have a Winterwolf and a Winterwitch. Are there any more weather related names in this room?

As promised, this today's RP will contain a reference to something. The reference will be to a movie and its sequels. I will try to make it easy to guess. 24 cybercookies are up for grabs.

Nice to see the room size up, what I wonder if the quality of the content is high.

**BFTS RP continues**
**DPH is driving now**
"Where are we headed?" asks Shadow.

"mount CANNON," replies DPH.

Jason asks, "How far away is it?"

Plastique replies, "300 miles away."

Jason replies, "We will never get there."

*20 miles up the road*

A porshe with 2 women in it has been caught going 150 miles per hour in 50 mile per hour zone. Lots of cops are in hot pursuit. One lady on the inside says, "It's not what you have, but how you use it."

DPH asks, "Everyone has their seat belts on, right?". Everyone replies Yes and DPH hits the Shift Out of Turtle Mode button on his car. A voice heard from inside the car says, "Displayed speed is now measured in miles per minute." DPH hits the gas and quickly passes all the cops and the aforementioned porshe like they were sitting on stilts. The digital readout of speed says 7.

One of the ladies inside the car says, "Man, if we had a car that fast, we would win this race heads down."
**END BFTS RP for now**
Yep, the entire RP contains today's reference. good luck.

DPH - []
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 09:50:10 PM

Lyanti- Actually, it was the original Rescuers movie that had the "porn". Apparently when it was digitally remastered and re-released on video, for two frames of non sequential animation, (while the bird was taking a dive past a building) there was a woman taking her shirt off. It was a blury image, and only there for two frames, which is why on old copies of the video, it didn't show up. When they remastered it, it cleared up the image and became noticable. As soon as Disney discovered this, they recalled a large number of videos. That is why on almost any current copy of the Rescuers you see, its a "special reissue", because its had two frames edited. (I remember this so clearly because it was a hot topic in this CR for like a week when the news first got out...)

As far as Lion King... It's "SFX", not "sex" in tribute to the sound department. And the Aladdin bit... Well okay, that ones there and Disney's never really done anything about Robin William's little comment...

I do think its odd however that no one ever brings up the penis bit from Lady and the Tramp...

I thought Saturday's ep was great for the comedy, development, and return of Ras. It was almost perfect outside of Talia being um... Ras.

The thing that bugs me tho is Ras' entire plan was kinda, um... Stupid? Why go to all the trouble of trying to get Bruce? Yeah, Bruce was the best choice *as a successor* in his prime, but now... Even with the lazarous pits help it seems Bruce couldn't have gotten any younger than 45, and the transfer would have disposed of the intellect that made him such a "prize" in the first place. And since Ras had refined the technology so he could transfer with *anyone*, why not just get a nice able body that he'd be willing to use for a few hundred years, rather than go through *all* that effort to get Bruce in particular? (Yes, getting Wayne industries woulda been nice, but Bruce is gonna die of old age in a few years anyway... And hey, he coulda gone after Powers, who owns about equal stock apparently, instead...)

(Its the same logic hole that made the first Kiari episode kinda dumb... Why use a blue skinned sword wielding assasin when a sniper couldadone the same thing? For the television audience of course. Still doesn't make any sense.


Killing Dis COnnect- Eh, I don't usually have the time or temperment to give him the thrashing he deserves, so I usually don't. Kinda ironic, since I introduced him to the CR...

Gunjack- Me lucky? ooooh yeah.

Shogun- You're generalizing. In Japan, while sometimes parody or homage is being payed by obviously using an idea and making the source apparent, a lot of times... It genuinely is ripping off to cash in. (For instance, some of my japanese imports have this one show that is *VERY* clearly an Eva rip-off, right down to the character and mech designs... Tho I'm not sure Evas can really be called mechs...) And other times, it just shows a total lack of creativity on someone's part. Ah well...

Jim is racing at 120 miles an hour with his driving instructor Lonny. Black Tiger is racing 120 miles an hour with his instructor, The Brain. And some other fellow in a nash rambler is doing 120 while is in second gear.

At about this point, Jim puts his arms behind his back and stretches. This is a bad idea, as the car he's in slowly veers to the left with no one holding the wheel.
Lonny glares at him. "What are you doing! Pay attention to the road!"
"I am paying attention to the road. Just not steering..."
Jim keeps stretching. "Okay." He then pulls up his feet and starts to steer with them!"
"ooops, sorry." Jim then undoes his seat belt, twists, turns, and steers with his feet while holding down the gas with his hands. As a result, he can't see anything he's doing.

Within seconds, all three cars that are sort of racing collide, take damage, and begin to skid out of control. Loud yells of "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" can be heard as the vehicles all start heading haphazardly towards the edge of a cliff that apparently they'd been coming up to... And then suddenly, all three cars are airborne, and start to fall a few thousand feet...

Wednesday, October 25, 2000 09:28:15 PM

Gasper: That was me yelling at you, not Doug. Yeah, I know we're hard to tell apart sometimes, but you could just look at the name at the bottom of the post! :P

Lynati: Dark of the Elvenwood is by Christine Morgan, one of our resident friends. Ask her if you want a copy. I definitely recommend the book, it's great so far. And I'm almost but not quite finished.

Wednesday, October 25, 2000 08:37:09 PM

*Lynati Enters, goes over to the Tea Table of Peace and orders an extra large Chamomile, with mucho honey.*

Lady Corax: The new name is fine, but why the change? (Or did you already mention and I missed it?)

Kyryn: 'Kay.

Ed: Good Point(s). Actually, I'm all for Quality over Quantity..of course, as my writing is purely self serving and I have no deadlines, I can write as much as I want and re-edit for quality as many times as I need.
I would much rather keep reading stories of the quality that is written here, and short, than long ones that are badly written. (which,I'm sure, will never be a problem here. ^_^ )

Spacebabie: heh do I. Especially in the inane context of (having gone) "Psycho nut-bunnies" .

Kitainia: Ya! give me your opinion of "Dark of Elvenwood"; I keep hearing it mentioned around here. Who's it by?
Kiss of Shadows was delish, in my opinion. Very few writers can pull off as rich a world as Laurell K., or sustain good plot lines past a few books in a series. I hope Narcissus in Chains keeps up the standard. :)
Hey,d'ya think if we keep mentioning the series, we can get others here addicted? Most would prob'ly love it.

Sevarius Jr: <the Darla/ present day Dru bit> me too! me too!
*makes a face* There's porn in the rescuers down under? I already knew about the naked jasmine scene in aladdin, and ahve seen the part in "the Lion King" when simba flops down and the word "sex" floats up in the dust, but...
(I also spotted an MTV logo on pride rock.)
aren't they going a bit too far now? I mean...yeesh.

Azarah: *Lynati blinks, confused* What? the wiccans in here aren't nice? *Lynati-the-overly-sensitive stares down at the floor and whimpers. Her attempts to not take such innocent comment seriously aren't working, but at least her tinted glasses are dark enough to hide most of her mortified expression* :*(
have-have i not been nice? i'm sorry. i'll try harder...
(note: this is not sarcasm. Lynati isn't refered to as "Lynati-the-overly-sensitive" for nothing.)

*Pulls out stashed hankie(!) and wipes her eyes*
Glad I kept this thing...even with the other thousand still lying around...
*tucks it away again*

well, I got my registration notice for The Gathering... which is odd, because this computer said there was a malfunction and it hadn't sent it; that I would have to try again later.
The way I see it is, if I wind up going to China with my Kung-Fu school next summer instead, at least the money has been sacrificed to a worthy cause.

ummm...that's all...

*Lynati finishes her tea and runs off through the dark curtains, which swing wildly in her wake before stilling.*

Wednesday, October 25, 2000 08:23:43 PM

Weird time to join the room.
Wiccans: Um about that subject, well... I'm practicing to become a Celtic Wiccan. Most people that I have met that are Wiccan seem nice, but you do have those that are all curses and stuff. That stuff I stay FAR away from. I have learned not to openly express that I am learning it because people can be HARSH! For those of you that don't like Wiccans I'm sorry. Maybe it's because you have had a bad experience or you don't understand what it is. I don't expect you to believe me when I say this, but there are nice Wiccans out there and I hope to be one of them. Not saying that I'm not nice, I just hope that people don't critize me and make me get all defensive. Most Wiccans are healers. Anyway, just wanted to say my piece.
So long!

Wednesday, October 25, 2000 07:32:37 PM

Ed> we agree then. :) Warpmind> You are indeed insane just like your name says
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 07:27:20 PM

ED - Don't worry; the last three episodes of "Pendragon" (beginning next week) will feature Arthur more strongly - and wait until you see what he undergoes next week's episode!


One thing that occurred to me about this episode (the one wiht Talia) - it reminded me a bit of an H. P. Lovecraft story called "The Thing on the Doorstep". In it, an evil wizard, fearing the approach of death, switches minds with his daughter, and then, in his daughter's body, later on switches minds with her husband, hoping to thus cheat death again. I wonder if the writer(s) of this episode had read that story.

BTW, I will admit that I found it a bit improbable (from the physical standpoint) to have Talia speaking in Reis's voice - but I'm willing to forgive that simply because David Warner does such a great job in the voice acting. (Hearing Warner speak, you can understand all the better why Greg brought the Archmage back in "Avalon").


So this could be the last season for "Buffy"? I'm sorry to hear that; it's been my favorite television series since "Gargoyles" ended. But maybe something else will come along after that.

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 06:42:01 PM

Quick break:
Whew, I need to get away from that drawing table.
SJ- You need your own talk radio station or a segment of air time called, "My opinion and you're going to like it."
Anyone who can make a joke out of the Paul mess is worthy of such things.

Christine- I'm sorry about the party, but here's something that might cheer you up even if it doesn't mean anything: You'll always be a better writer than me. (so will a lot of other people too.)

Revel - []
denton, tx
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 05:31:27 PM

*Warpmind enters, driving a poleaxe through DC's head.*
Grrr... almost done with the post, and *Bdeuuuuu* the machine dies. :(

Gunjack Valentine: Ah, figures why I never had heard of that Screamer model before, then... (Really I should get some GURPS books - I heard a Manowar song recently, titled "Black Wind, Fire and Steel", and got this AWESOME idea for a villain in a medieval setting... not CoC material, which is all I've got the rules for...) Oh, and I didn't really get the bald midget reference... :|

Mary Flanders: While I personally don't practice Wicca (mainly geographical impediment - finding a practicing coven in Norway? Forget it, unless you're looking for pimple-faced, hormone ridden hobby-satanists, who at best can make do as sacrifices to lesser daemons), at least I'm a bit more acknowledging of Wicca than this White guy. Next time, tell him that while Christians pray to God for help, Wiccans are capable of doing their own dirty work. ];)

Christine: Aw, geeze, too bad about the party... :(

Gside: Oh, yeah, Willie was really frisky, particularly given the time he lived in... just look at the anthropomorph scenes in "Midsummer Night's Dream", for instance... ]:) He also wrote in a fair bit of cross-dressing, for instance "Twelfth Night", which, even in print, is quite hilarious. :)

Paul Allen Nathans: You say intelligent stories are better than stories with "graphic physical stuff". Well, I'm of half a mind to agree with you... but then there's the other half. Y'see, 90% of fiction - of ANYTHING - is crap. There is smut, and then there's that final tenth of GOOD smut, which is both intelligently written as well as graphical. Give it time; you'll probably get to see some of the brighter stuff, too. :)

James Birdsong: MacBeth is an antagonist. He's not a villain, but in "City of Stone" and "Enter MacBeth" he is DEFINITELY not the protagonist - he's acting on his own initiative, rather than wait for the action to seek him out. (Heck, where the whole MacBeth/Demona hunt deal is concerned, Demona can be defined as the *protagonist*, since she, in effect, is the prey...)

SJ: Oh, yeah, Wicca is probably *the* most fascinating religion on the face of the earth, where the looks of the feminine members are concerned. ]:) I'm tellin' ya, even if I found the entire belief system ridicolous, the mere thought of the ladies there would be sufficient... interesting elements. (About 2 or 3 each...) ]:) *Ponders the "Wicca Swimsuit Calendar"...* Oh, and dude? Sorry 'bout the plothole... musta come in from the street like another stray, or something. ;)

Kit: Yeah, well, I was recommended to let the Caballah wait until I'm closer to fourty... something about maturity or something, I think... Well, with his background as a ritual magician, I suppose he ought to know. :) (Anyway, I'll probably need those two decades to *learn* Hebrew in the first place...) Plus, I probably ought to leaf through more of the Bible first... and try to get hold of the Apochryphica... (sp?)

Xanathar: That's right, you're back! *Ponders Tom Lehrer's line "filth, I'm glad to say, is in the mind of the beholder" from "Smut", then gently peers into Xanathar's head.* My, how much filth... ];)

Azarah: Sending rocks through the mail? *Glances guiltily toward Spike.* We're two of a kind, methinks... :|

Warpmind leafed through the book and smiled.
"No biggie, SJ. The rules are here... Hmmm... ah, yes, it's pretty much like poker, except you use regular dice instead of cards."
SJ grimaced.
"And how does that have anything to do with the fire?"
Warpmind looked up from the book.
"Oh, bugger... we better get out of here..."
General havoc and chaos ensued as Warpmind fished up his books and went back through the portal, pulling SJ, Kari and Sammael with him, leaving the rest of the demons behind with a large arsenal of enchanted swords, axes and similar stuff.
**RP END**

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 04:42:52 PM

James: The point, of course, is (and indeed always was) that Macbeth would make a good antagonist again in the future.
Ed - []
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 04:06:06 PM

Shogun Raptor...sent you the paper

Mary>>I hope someday medical science will find a way to removed the bug that is up Mr. White's @$$
The top ten commandments of argument...Bravo We've been discussing that in my Comp class. I need to ask MS Conway if I could borrow that satire she read in class on how to alwasy WIN an argument, or maybe if there is a website where it is posted.

Ba da da dum dum da dee dee da de ta SPOILERS FOR PENDRAGON, BUFFY and ANGEl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pendragon, Ah delicious Minions and the Morrigan in Corbie form. i love that part about how the whole mess with Troy came up, of course the people refered to her As Eris at the time. Nice to have a n episode on Mary. I knew Mary had secret feelings for Merlin. Pretty cool on the part about Cuchulain going bezerk

Buffy:Just when I thought Giles couldn't top the sombrero from last season, bingo! The wizard gear. All the events that happened in the Magic Box was good, and I love that part with Spike. So Dawn isnt Slayer mini-Buffy, but a mystical object given a human form has been done in Sailormoon. Gotta love the She-Hulk in red. She is hilarious. good development with Anya. Nice to see that she has a job.
Angel:Excellent, Angel finding out that not only Darla is alive but she has been restored to human. something angel wants. I like the flashback ot Drusilla before she went vamp. Kate in mega bitca form is goingto make things interesting.
I loved the comment on Wesley's date with a bleached blond and OMG Angel singing a Wang Chung Song!
*************************END SPOILERS***********************

Lyanti>>Nut bunnies...I love that word.

Khryn>>Thank goodness that you didn't have to go through that. I've had a root cnal and it is as bad as they say

Hey I had goatmeat last nights...Tastes like steak.

Love and Cheesy Neos

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida, USA
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 04:00:22 PM

(hopes this the last time I will have to post here today) Ed> Exactly. As for Pendragon. He was an equal. He was a king once so Excaliber coulda been his :p. I am Macbeth's number one fan so don't think you can win an arguement with me further. Discussion over case closed sianora boy *s*
James Birdsong
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 03:48:46 PM

Coyote, Kit, Winterwolf, Kyryn> Thanks for the feedback on the new name! I think I'll keep it. **bows to them** Thankies!! :)

Tim> So, a new Republican, eh? Congrats...don't worry...we're not the 'evil party' that people make us out to be. Only a very select few of us are. :)

Well, gotta run...evil Chemistry lab is calling me...ugh...

Lady Corax
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 03:15:30 PM

Well.. it's still me but ever since I started my Manga about Nadia, I have been feeling more and more uncomfortable about using her name.. I hope this doesn't throw anyone for a loop too much..

Anyway, I just have to say how sad I feel about all the arguing and name-calling and general bad stuff that seems to be flying around in the CR lately. I think it is mostly the personal insults that upset me, even though none of them have been directed at me at all. I don't care how old Paul is, or where he goes to school, or anything else about him. If you missed it, it seemed like he was trying to apologize a little in one of his previous posts. Maybe no one cares because of past history or because we're all in cheesed off let's-pick-a-fight moods but... please.. isn't there enough fighting in the world that we don't need to argue over such truly small things as video games and who is the best fanfic writer of them all? Certainly these things must be important somehow but in the grand scheme of things, they really are insignificant..
After reading all about health problems and costs of medical things like wisdom teeth in the US of A, I am really glad that we have OHIP and get our medical bills paid for out of our taxes... Boo to the Alliance party! We do not want privitized health care!!!

About Wiccans.. I can sympathize with people who don't like Wiccans. I don't like them, but probably not for the same reasons.
I had "friends" who were Wiccan once upon a long time ago. They treated me like s**t. :( I remember coming back from the UK from a month long holiday seeing my relies and eagerly phoning my friend (at the time). We were going to get together cause we hadn't seen each other in a long time. The next day, as I was almost about to leave for her house, she phoned me and said she couldn't get together because she promised her other friend (who she had seen every other day since I had been away) that she would "bless her alter" and she "would invite me but it was kind of a personal thing, you know?" Suuuuure, I know. Ego-centric bunch of... *ahem* (CR regs..)I also knew waaaay more about the mythologies and pracitces of her own religion than did she.. but maybe I am just bitter... and maybe that's what they were afraid of.. This also goes into the category of things that are mostly insignificant because I am sure if I met a nice Wiccan, who didn't treat me badly, my opinion of them in general would probably change.. :)

I got a lovely letter from my friend who is posted in the military far away. This comes the day after I mailed him an exciting rock that I found... Yes, I sent my friend a rock in the mail, with no return address :)He'll know who it's from, though. There aren't too many people he knows crazy enough to send rocks through the mail..

I also had a big fight with another friend of mine, who is trying to play with my emotions and guilt trip me. (I admit that I am not completely innocent of throwing the same back at him, though). For this reason, I think arguing is not really beneficial to anyone. Discussion is healthy, but name tossing is not. I really hope everyone can just take it down a notch and wonder if their first instinct of a reply is really necessary and will help or hinder the situation at hand..
SOROW>> Along the same lines... my mum and I used to fight aaaaaall the time. Big huge fights of yelling and name calling and cutting off of privilages etc. She used to tell me that my friends were no good, my mind should be more in the real world... She used to swear and say I was an unkind, ungrateful little bitch. I used to hate her. I even used to wish she and my father would die. And then you know what?? She got sick. And died. And now, even though this was what I wished for when I was angry, I miss her. Even though parents can be mean and nasty sometimes, I bet that under that, they still really love you. I know my parents did. This probably sounds so cheesy but.. it's true.. I don't think I'm THAT much older than you, so I'm not trying to lecture you or anything. Heck, I don't even know WHAT I'm trying to do.. I'm probably trying to resolve conflict that doesn't belong to me, as usual :) I hope you can forgive me.. I fought in a war once, and remember how mindlessly unnecessary it was.

Anyway, that was my two cents for the day.
Love and hugs for all.

Somewhere, in, The Great White North..
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 03:03:30 PM

James: Responding to your points in order: -

(1) When I say regular, I mean regularly appearing in episodes; well he's barely in 'Pendragon' and dubiously in TGS as a whole. He's a recurring character, and I guess the language makes it all a bit confusing. But this is what I was getting at. Sorry if it wasn't clear.

(2) I specifically said 'antagonist' (as opposed to 'villain') for exactly the reasons you state. Macbeth doesn't act for motives that can really be construed as villainous: he's very honourable and generally sympathises with the good guys. But he *is* a nemesis to the gargoyles throughout the original first two seasons (although I suppose it's a little shady in 'SANCTUARY'). That is, his plans cause him to be their enemy. Therefore he is an antagonist. I realise the difference is fine, but that was what was so nice about it. I’d like that to be brought back again.

And you’re right, in TGS he hasn’t really said ‘boo’ to a goose, which is a bit of a disappointment really. In ‘THE HUNTED’ (TGS Gargoyles, season 1) he apologised for the chaos he’d caused to the Manhattan clan; logical, since he’s decided not to kill Demona, and therefore his actions in ‘ENTER MACBETH’, ‘CITY OF STONE’ and ‘SANCTUARY’ (arguably) weren’t necessary. In ‘HIGH NOON’ and ‘AVALON’ he was controlled, so they don’t count. But would he really have been sorry for trying what he did in ‘A LIGHTHOUSE IN THE SEA OF TIME’ and ‘PENDRAGON’? Maybe because as it turned out he was mistaken about the contents of the Scrolls, and King Arthur was still the rightful claimant to Excalibur. But I doubt he’d be sorry for trying. Like Arthur, he has realised that he has a place in the modern world: why should we assume that he will claim it in ways appreciable by Arthur?

At any rate, the point was that Macbeth is an antagonist, and on the balance of his appearances (even if it is only because TGS hasn't used him as frequently as the original series did), he is. I guess you could argue that in his TGS roles he's "reformed", but he hasn't really changed has he? He's had a few shocking experiences, like in "THE SCOTTISH PLAY", but the only big difference is that he's not hunting Demona.

I think he would be far more interesting as an honourable opponent to Arthur than yet another ally.

Ed - []
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 02:57:59 PM


No prob. I respect your opinion. Yes, the joke was in bad taste. Meant it that way, we both realize. I have no problem layin' off Nathans. I did for a while if you remember, and even apologized in my own way, which was sincere. He drags me back in, like he did, and my hands are tied. S'okay. I would think he smart enough that he'll reply to me by E-mail. If he wants to continue the charade of being civil with me in the room, so be it, I won't respond anymore, and once more stick to the sidelines.

Hear That Paul? The Ball's in your court. You don't need to respond to me by the CR, my address is below this post. I won't say anything more in here.

I expect people to hold me to that. Which I hope they do. Anyway, other things goin' on, gotta head out.

Gasper - []
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 02:55:51 PM

Well, I finally did it. I really threw mself into the abyss this time. This morning I re-registered in Nebraska... as a Republican.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know. They're the "Evil Party," Alphonse D'matos associates, blah, blah, blah. But, DAMMIT, I wanna keep my guns!

This is probably the point where Sevarius Jr., Green Baron and all of you other conservatives start bragging about how they managed to make me stray from the flock. But you should know the reason I picked Republican was because Libertarians in Nebraska currently aren't allow to vote in the primaries.

Tim Phipps
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 01:41:02 PM

**Winterwolf steps in and rights all the furniture he knocked down dancing**

Hi! Thought I'd take a mini break and post a few replies and let you guys know I'm well. ;)

Side note> Hey ShadowWolf or Archwolf we should come into the CR together one of these days and go
"I'm ShadowWolf." "And I'm Winterwolf." Together: "No Relation." Or
"I'm Archwolf." "And I'm Winterwolf." Together: "No Relation." Just a thought! ;D

Lady Corax> You are indeed a Lady, so I say the change in your title suits you. **bows respectfully** My lady. :)

Emambu> <backup solo> Now that just goes to how much raw potential you really have! Wow to be a backup to someone of the magnitude suggests you are being quite humble with your singing abilities... but I should have suspected as much from the beginning as you indeed are humble. <mid-term exam results> Well passing is without a doubt important. Perhaps if there is no curve then there will be an additional test or assignment to boost your grade. I've seen that happen too. It makes more sense IMO but requires additional work for everyone including the professor... I'll cross my paws for you and hope it all works out! ^_^

Shadowrider and Emambu> First I look forward to your next leave and letter Shadowrider. I just double-checked and the address I used and gave to Emambu is the one you sent to me in your first letter and matches with the return address on the envelope. May it just be a matter of it taking a little longer to reach you! Stay well and I'm pleased to know things are good this far.

Fire Storm> Hearing about what you went through sent shudders down my spine all the way to the tip of my tail. (Hey I'm a wolf you know!) I never had anything quite that severe! Be sure to treat yourself to some of your favorite real food once you are in top form again. :)

Caliope> <cold in DC> It's been fairly mild lately but it can really get bitter cold without warning. I don't want to hear that you've become a Cali Popsicle so I'd say take a couple of extra layers just in case! :) <trouble of getting too lost> LOL! That's certainly another way to look at it! That whole area is great. Make sure to bring good comfy walking sneakers or shoes, as there is so much in walking distance there you'll get plenty of walking in. ;P <Grade of A balanced with C+ in British lit> Aww! I think it must be some horrible mistake! ;) **sees you want to dance and dances around the room with you changing the type of dance to suit your fancy multiple times** **The two of you manage to topple all the furniture in the room** Thanks for the dance Cali! We'll have to do it again! ^_~ <Roswell> I'm going to see it tonight! I got caught up at work yesterday but tonight I plan on getting in on time and seeing it! **thinks when was the last time he got home on time…** <Hugz> Let me see now… After a quick calculation I owe you… O.O That is a lot of hugging! **Hugz you a bunch of times** I think I need to work out an installment plan! J/K! ^_^ **HUGZ**

Lady Mystic> <CR news> I look forward to hearing the news! <how does it work for jobs and claiming income tax> For jobs it isn't really much of an issue. Usually if you take a certain job you typically intend on living in the more convenient location. So for that I'd choose the more convenient address unless you think you can get them to help you get a new place and want a new place. :) Now as for income tax this has really come up for me before. This really depends on where you live or spend most of your time. When I lived away at college I was able to get back my local taxes from the city because I lived away at college not in NYC. Unfortunately this is not that clear cut. For tax purposes you really need to check what the exact tax laws are for your areas. Besides being a fan and loving TGS I'm here to help and keep up with my friends here. I know I don't want to get anyone in trouble. So for taxes you really need to check on the laws for it where you are. ;)

Pendragon> I didn't see any problem with the length of the story. I thought it was quite good! The one nit-pick I agree about that has been mentioned before is that many times things are resolved too quickly. I think it would be interesting if the plots wee a little more multithreaded with a few ongoing plots and the occasional unresolved issues. Sometimes it feels that everything is too neatly wrapped up when I get to the words The End. Just my thoughts on the subject.

Christine> To borrow a catch phrase from a friend, "That sucks the big one!" She used that when she got really upset. At least Becca had fun, which is the most important thing I think!

winterWitch> Hi and Welcome to the CR. Enjoy your stay here! Also if you have any sanity it will be collected shortly! ;)

Daphne> That sounds like the joys of electronic submission. Fortunately for many desktop publishing projects it will ask you to save if you haven't. So I suspect you will get a very good grade! ^_^

Gside> Thanks for the Congrats! It will take a little while before it is all decided and I'll be sure to keep you guys informed. <Hayden - Especially for planetariums> ROFL!

David G> Out of the whole "discussion" as it were… I found your latest posted points to have much merit. Well said. I'll comment to Paul below if you'd like to know what I'm referring to more specifically.

Sevarius Jr.> <Paul Saga> LMAO! Thanks, I know I got a good laugh out of that. <posting style in general> I agree with Kyryn on the good use of sarcasm most of the time! LOL! :)

Kit> <replacement> How can someone do this sort of thing? To be so destructive, with no regard for the repercussions of his actions. :( <Gus> I can't believe this guy! **shakes his head** With the way he seems to be unable to reform perhaps it would be best if he was dealt with via Clockwork Orange methods… <theft> That sounds bad. I hope this as well as the other stuff is remedied. **Hugz to both you and Doug** <professor and test> At least you made the attempt. Maybe you could join up with a little study group and get more done that way? I know that's another thing that has worked for me. <job stuff> Thanks. I'm sure it will work out. I'll be able to make changes if I want to, so I'm not truly locked into you have chosen and you must always live with that choice kind of decision.

Paul> Good content is subjective. I prefer to have intelligent and thought provoking material myself but it is not the only component or the only basis of something being good. If you want intelligent and thought provoking I recommend you read scientific journals cataloging experiments and some textbooks are vastly underrated. What we are dealing with is a mixture and it very subjective as to what is better. Example: Apple juice is better than Orange juice. Different people will agree or disagree with that. As I said it is subjective.

******BFTS - RP******

Frost thinks about his parents and finds he can't remember anything. Unable to recall Winterwolf's memories on the subject, which were for the only memories he had of the past, he just sighs unhappily and stares out the window. After another moment of silence he says, "Well at least the memories both of you have are yours. I don't have anything that before now that's my own."

******END BFTS - RP******

Okay I have to get back to work… no time to check for typos… Until next time! ^_^

**Winterwolf takes a moment to right all the furniture in the room before taking off for now**

Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 01:27:02 PM

***Kyryn steps in***

Well, I got the temporary crown put on. No root canal and no major problems. My jaw is sore and I've got a fat lip where I bit myself before the anesthetic wore off. (I was hungry and tried to eat a piece of bread.)

SJ> *grins* I knew there was a reason I like you -- sarcastic sense of humor and timing. BTW, I agree with you on the Batman Beyond view, but it IS entirely in character for him to be that ruthless.

Christine> Sorry you had such a rotten weekend, but I'm glad that Becca had fun anyway.

Kitania> Sorry to hear that your troubles with Gus don't seem to have ended and that Doug is still having a hard time with his job.

Mary Flanders> Sorry to hear about your continuing problems with White. Just remember -- it's just words. I wish you the best in ignoring this guy.

DPH> Be careful of the used car lots. You can find some good ones, but there are also a lot of problems out there, as Kitania said. You might want to check out an article in this month's Reader's Digest on some of the scams pulled involving used cars. Good luck.

Lady Corax> From one corvid to another I think the name works great!

Jaden> I hope that things work out for you. Good to see you posting again.

Xanathar> Good to see you again as well!

Lynati> Once an episode is posted, it is considered final. To rewrite it would be like redrawing episodes of the original series. It negates the entire point of a finished product. Occasionally, art pieces are added in later, but these are items that were supposed to be in the story originally and were late for major reasons (computer snafu, RL, etc.). Rather than delay airing the episode for a single picture, we will post the episode and add the pic late.

Later All!

***Kyryn steps out again***

Kyryn - []
Denton, TX
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 01:00:59 PM

Ed> 1) MacBeth is already a regular in TGS. 2) Even in the Disney animated series he may have been an antaganist but that is only because in each case he thought he was doing good. In Enter MacBeth he was hunting Demona. In Lighthouse in the Sea of time he didn't mean to get the gargoyles invovled and hey dude if you didn't notice.. he let Broadway go :). There is an episode where Macbeth is a bad guy because that particular one was just a robot created by Xanatos. Like hello are you paying attention? sheesh. In City of Stone man was he ever a nice guy and then there's the episodes where he and Demona were under the direction of the Weird Sisters. He refused to kill the gargoyles in their sleep. HE IS ALWAYS HONERABLE ^_^ (if was a female maybe I'd swoon). During the Avalon episodes he was certainly not acting under his free will. But in any case those examples were the original series so read TGS and see my dear fellow that Macbeth is no antagonist
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 11:14:07 AM

Lytani: I’ve gotta say, I’m all for the size of stories we’ve got at present. I’d far rather see shorter stories (and maybe longer seasons) than mammoth sprawling stories. Sure, we’ve had some great long stories in the past, but I really don’t have time to read them unless over several days, which tends to make me forget small details. It just isn’t as practical. Unless of course, stories start to be put up on weekends, which strikes me as a great idea. I also think the episodes of late are far more compact and have good character and plot focus, which I’m all for.

Todd: (Buffy reference) Thanks for the explanation. I like the idea of the Disney-only references.
(‘Screen time’) I can sympathise with your dilemma, especially with Dulcinea. Please consider dealing with Arthur himself a little more though. I really hope there is a season 4 of ‘Pendragon’; it’s easily my favourite of the TGS series. If it’s in doubt from lack of writers, I’d certainly volunteer. I’ve kind of shied away from this sort of thing in the past because of worries simply over time and frankly keeping up with the huge rate of expansion in the universe. (And I’m sure most of the editing people would get frustrated with Americanising my English. :)).

James: It really depends how he’s used. He has been an antagonist in the past (in the original series, he was in nearly every appearance), and IMO could well be again. Which isn’t to say I want to see him portrayed as a bad guy, just that his priorities may be different from Arthur’s, which will put him at odds to the knights. I can’t honestly see the first new Macbeth episode in the season being much fun if he isn’t at odds to the gang, unless (a) he becomes a regular, and I think he’d be best not; or (b) the episode shares focus with another antagonist. The latter option is more viable, but again strikes me as unnecessary. Especially since Macbeth’s most logical opponents seem to me to fit far better into the ‘Gargoyles’ section.

Ed - []
London, England
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 10:53:45 AM

Hi Xanathar! Long time no see! *hugs*

Could this be 'Buffy's' last season?? >> Got this little snippet from one of my sources: [Heat Magazine talked with Sarah Michelle Gellar who indicated 'Buffy' may not have much longer to live - "I love my job, but I only have a year to go with Buffy. I think it's time to move on to more adult stuff". ] Looks like either this season or the 2001/2002 season will be the last for 'Buffy'. I guess like 'Xena' and 'Star Trek: Voyager'... all things must come to an end.

XenaTrek - []
Orlando, FL, USA
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 10:19:56 AM

Hi all!!

Kitainia:<<Welcome back, good to see you again. Thanks for the encouragement on the Gus situation. If he does leave any lingering scars, they'll be emotional. And I'm fortunately real good at getting those erased those from my mind. Mostly thanks to Doug's help. <grin> >>I hope that you do get over those emotional scars,and thank-you for the welcome back. <<Thanks go out to you and King Snarf for your words on Planescape Torment. Those voices and what you've said about the game's plot make it sound like something I should definitely check out, if I ever get the time to play video games again. <sigh> I'll read the review you posted when I get the chance, thanks for the link.>> You are more than welcome. :)

Fire Storm:<<Reminds me of how I was during System Shock 2!>>*Sigh* the Cyborg Midwives still creep you out to huh? :),do you remember that fun SS2 disscussion that we had back in january?,happy memories,it all seem s so long ago now.

See you all later!

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 08:12:44 AM


BUFFY: So now we know the truth about Dawn (and while I'm not surprised that she wasn't really Buffy's sister, the revelation that she only recently became human and was initially something much more impersonal was a genuine shocker for me). I'm still wondering, though, what's making Buffy's mother ill.

The magic shop scenes were extremely funny, both the already-commented on bit about Giles in costume and the "business is too good" part (with Anya being the only one enthusiastic about all the sales that they've racked up - her role in this episode was fun as well).

I would like to know a bit more about the mysterious female antagonist, who definitely wasn't what I was expecting when the loud footsteps began and the walls were bending. She does strike me as interesting, particularly her indignant comments about being in a human body.

I wonder what the significance of the Orb of Dagon is, now that we know that it's not the "key". I do know that Dagon isn't an invention of the show, but was a god worshipped by the Philistines during the Old Testament period (he was originally believed by Biblical scholars to be a sea-god with a merman form, but there is now getting to be some doubt about this). Maybe we'll find out a bit more about the Orb later on.

ANGEL: A good episode; we get Kate back in the story, Angel and Darla confront each other at last - and with the big surprise that Darla came back as a human (which I hadn't expected at all). And Angel's remarks raise an interesting question: will Darla start getting remorse over her evil deeds in the past now that she has a soul? How will that impact her efforts to tempt him back into the darkness? Should make for some good upcoming episodes.

I got a bit of a chuckle over the "alien abduction/infidelity" case, and I also felt sorry for the actor whom Darla was ready to sacrifice for her entrapment. Somehow it's always the bystanders unaware of the true nature of the struggle who suffer the most.


Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 07:05:02 AM

Begin Part 2 now!

DPH: <nods> A small used-car lot is probably a good place to find a new car for yourself for the reason you said. Watch out, though. A lot of those places can unfortunately be full of sleaze. Good luck whatever happens, hope you are able to get a new car soon.

Rulok: Congratulations on being brave enough to step out of the background, lurker. <grins> And welcome to the CR!

Batman Beyond: **SPOILERS** I too have really enjoyed the last two episodes of this show. The ep last week has the honor of being the only pet-centric episode of a cartoon I've enjoyed and did a great job developing Terry and Ace and showing us the latter's past. Great fights and animation in it too. Also really liked this weeks, the musical Batman made me laugh my head off. Wonder if that will ever really get made. The development on Bruce all throughout was great too, even if he did decide to give up the gift of youth a little too quickly. Didn't really like the way Ras came back, though it was chilling, but his reaction to being called afraid of death was masterfully written and his interaction with Bruce was good as ever. Liked the dialogue and fight scenes in the ep as well. Hope they keep up the good work. **SPOILERS END**

Shadowrider: Farewell once again, friend, hope you can come back soon. Thanks for the suggestions on the Paul situation- you may be right, but you may be wrong too. If I could show you his e-mail reply to my rant, you'd see what I mean. <sigh> We'll see how things develop with that, I think it's worth it to move forward with things in there for now. Just hope I am able to get the time, not to mention the energy- that rant wasn't as great as it could have been. I was so charged with emotion while writing it that I was too tired to remember to proofread at the end. So I posted it with many grammatical errors and disjointed bits. Also got too emotional at times, I think. Oh well. I thank those who have given me their applause on it just the same.

Great episode this week. Seeing Morrigan back in action leading the Minions was nicely written and made for a real good plot and excellent action, with especially nice bits of dialogue, too bad it was only for one ep. Liked the development on her and that on Merlin and Mary also. Many good bits of dialogue between them in this ep too. Also liked what was done with Rory and Molly, it's good to see more of the Cu Chalain legends coming into play and being explored. The berserker rage scene was pretty cool and nicely written, though it did dominate the action quite a bit. Liked Mary's reaction to the whole thing especially, and seeing her relationship with the other cast members developed more. The illustrations were good in this ep too, Damocles isn't as good an artist as some on the TGS staff, but he did do a nice job on the pictures in this ep. Also liked the plot as I said above, especially its ending with the Morrigan taken away by the Sisters. May she receive appropriate suffering. :) My only disappointments with this ep were that we didn't see very much of Arthur, the action with him at Piccadilly should have gotten more attention than none IMO, and none is what it did get. :( Hope that more development on him is ahead this season, I agree it's needed. Liked his reaction to events in this episode though, and to the new Round Table, which is a good development. Wonder if Jennifer will ever get a seat at it. :) Overall, I give the ep an 8/10. It had great legend incorporation, and nice development of plot and character arcs, but the latter seemed to dominate the story a little too much. Hope that is remedied in upcoming stories, and the good work is kept up. :)

Lady Mystic: I had my wisdom teeth removed about the same way you did, Uncle Bob told me it's a common procedure. Must be cause it works well. :) Thanks for updating the CR once again, glad you finally got the chance. Take some revenge on DC if you wish for the delay. <checks the maniac's progress, sees him placing the frozen yet twitching mass of congealed nitrogen and pieces of DC into the boiling lava, and grins>

Lady Corax: Thanks for stopping in, I like the new name. :) Good luck with college, hope it's not getting you too stressed-out. :)

Emmabu: Thanks for your understanding and condolences on the grade situation, like I said to Winterwolf I unfortunately don't think there's much I can do about it. <sighs> Congrats to you on managing that triumph with your programming TA. Rennaissance Man is indeed a real good movie, IMO at least. Check it out if you can, on rental. Good luck with your math homework, and I agree with your comments to Gasper about the SATs.

Jaden: <Ever notice no matter how long the day is, you never seem to have enough time?> Oh yeah, I notice that quite often. <sighs> Sorry to hear you're having to deal with it too. Good luck having things ease up soon, and also with the driving, Internet access, and all else that's going on with you in Korea. :)

Xanathar: Welcome back, good to see you again. Thanks for the encouragement on the Gus situation. If he does leave any lingering scars, they'll be emotional. And I'm fortunately real good at getting those erased those from my mind. Mostly thanks to Doug's help. <grin> Thanks go out to you and King Snarf for your words on Planescape Torment. Those voices and what you've said about the game's plot make it sound like something I should definitely check out, if I ever get the time to play video games again. <sigh> I'll read the review you posted when I get the chance, thanks for the link.

Thanks to SJ for the teasers for tonight's eps of these shows, they got me worked up and excited. Both of them were good tonight, though they did have their ups and downs. Buffy had a real nice meta-plot start off, Joss wove in a good secret origin for Dawn which managed to feel both refreshingly original and nicely cliched. :) Good development on her and Buffy too, though I was a little confused by some of the events that happened in their scenes. Especially liked her reaction to Dawn's true identity, wonder what she's gonna do now. Also really liked seeing Xander and Anya back in action, Anya was especially funny as the Magic Box's cashier. Giles opening the shop made for great scenes and development too, I was laughing out loud at his wizard outfit and the expressions SJ mentioned. Disliked the lack of Spike and Riley in this ep, but I guess that's alright since what we got last week from them was real good and involved. Nice bits from them in this ep, though, even though they were small- it was nice to see Riley and Buffy still at odds somewhat and all those cigarette butts does definitely suggest that Spike has possible feelings for Buffy. Wonder if Harmony knows of that situation yet. <grins> Liked the developments with Joyce too, and getting to see young Dr. Ben again. I liked him as an incidental character last week quite a bit. The only big letdown in this episode was the villain. They didn't give us a name for her, so for now I'm calling her the Annoying Insane Bitch, the AIB for short. IMO she didn't have a very good introduction here. We get that she's insane, annoying, evil, and strong as hell, but other than that, she's mysterious, and for some reason that didn't come across well here. Her personality also seemed just way too split and messed-up, if you know what I mean. The actress playing her didn't seem very good either. <sigh> Overall, not very entertaining. If the AIB's gonna be one of the main villains this season, they better improve on her in upcoming episodes and flesh her out more. All the other main villains in Buffy's previous seasons- the Master and Darla, Spike and Dru, Angelus, the Mayor and Faith, Adam and Walsh, Forrest- all had great introductions and development. I'm hoping that here it will also be the case. She can kick our favorite Slayer's butt something fierce, and she's nuts and not human, but that alone does not a good Buffy villain make. Looking forward to her male counterpart when he comes, hope he's a more interesting character initially. Episode Score: 8/10.

Angel gets a 9/10, it had real good development on the season's meta-plot and its subplots also. Kate's return was done very well, and I enjoyed her development and interaction with Angel and the regulars. Seeing Darla as human yet still insane (which I'd been suspecting was the case) was also great, she makes a very interesting character now. I'm eager to find out more about her past before becoming a vampire after this ep for some reason, hope we can see an episode focusing on it sometime this season. Good dialogue and development between her and Angel in the plot, especially in the rejection, and I also liked the frame-up she and Lindsay tried on Angel. It was a good plot, even if it was doomed to failure. Looking forward to whatever developments remain ahead. The scenes of Angel's past dealings with Drusilla were cool too and provided nicely chilling side action, hope to soon see her again in modern times. Great fights in this ep as well, I especially liked seeing Gunn use his axe. And he also had nice development and interaction with Cordy and Kate. What Angel said at the end about how whatever Darla and the evil lawyers are planning, they should bring it on, was good too. I agree that they should bring it on, and look forward to seeing it. Finally, I also liked seeing Angel and the gang in a bit of financial trouble in this ep, I was laughing at the pathetic case they had to take to make due and how Angel closed it up so quickly and effectively. Hope they'll get out of the trouble soon, maybe they should get the old hotel up and running again. It's a lot safer now without that paranoia demon. Looking forward to the next new episodes of Angel and Buffy, whenever they come.

Firestorm: Sorry to hear you've been in so much pain recently, hope it's soon over. The chest pains especially. I understand you wanting to eat solid foods again, glad you're enjoying them. Good luck and hang in there, friend.

Gasper: Gus probably will end up on a slab before all this is through, if things keep going the way they are. <sighs> Thanks for your words regarding things. I didn't tell the whole story in that rant, btw. You'll have to look in the archives for a lot of the details I left out, I'm sure you'll be entertained by them. Congrats on getting your muse back, hope you can put it to good use. $ Also, an RP reminder- it's Four you're fighting in HFIL, not Seven. Seven was the cyber-smurf. Four was the villain on tonight's Buffy episode. (Maybe not, but it does seem that way.) Just had to clarify that, I'm sure you'll get things right next bit. <grin> $
That's the nice things I am going to say to you. I'll say this now- Please For The Love of God Lay Off Paul!!!! After reading his e-mail reply to my rant, and your most recent post to him, I am mad at you now. You may be wondering why, and unfortunately I do not have the time or the energy to completely tell you. Nor can I, without showing you Paul's e-mail and I don't think he wants me to do that. I think I can say, however, that after reading it, I have very good reason to believe that he is capable of the things you seem to believe he is not. He just needs the right kind of encouragement to express himself that way to people more often. I plan to give it to him, if I can. You making things worse for him with comments like the ones in that rant, which IMHO are much more flagrant examples of the wrong way to conduct a debate and selfish lashing out than just about anything Paul has ever said or done in here, is not helping. It is making things worse. Yeah, Paul may deserve that kind of treatment in your opinion, but I for one am not going to stand by and let you give it to him. Read my rant to him last week, pal, and remember it. Especially the lessons on life. If I had known you needed them this badly…<sighs> A fourth one I feel I must add now- Helping Someone is Worth It Every Time For the Good Feelings Alone. Hurting Them and Making Things Worse Usually Only Lessens Your Character in Others' Eyes in the End, and Thus is Generally Always a Bad Idea. That may just be my opinion, but I've found many situations in life that have proven it true. So, please, Gasper, stop making things worse with what you are saying to Paul. I don't know what results you want from posts like your last one to him, but right now I don't think whatever they are will be good. If you must continue saying such things to him, at least PLEASE take them out of this CR so the rest of us don't have to listen to or skip over them. I for one am already sick and tired of it. <sighs> And just for the record, Pong and Frogger are not better than Xenogears. Many bad things can be said about Xenogears, most of all that it suffered from budget cuts (which I know now, <growls>) and thus could have been a heck of a lot better, but at least it bothered to include a great epic story and really exciting action. Pong and Frogger did not do either, and they were pretty boring too IMO. BTW, yes, I do know you were making a joke. This is the way I respond to jokes that I feel were made in extremely poor taste. That's all I'm saying to you. <moves on>

Mary: I agree with you on that White guy, as I've said before. He really needs to get a life and stop messing with people like that, you especially. If there's someone you can complain to at the school about his behavior, who can appropriately censor him for that c*@p, I suggest you talk to them about it as soon as you can. Good luck.

And that's all for tonight. Once again, I am caught up. Feels great to be able to do that, even with all the hassles in my life currently. Hope they ease up soon, preferably by this weekend. Parents coming into town then. It's not going to be pretty if Stephanie's still sick, hopefully she'll get better. I'll keep my fingers crossed and pray. For all of you as well as her, I know we're not the only ones in stress here. May the problems in all our lives soon be resolved, hugs to those who need them. Later!


"Kill him, sensei!!" one of the martial arts students surrounding Keith and Blankenship as they circle one another is yelling as the screen comes back on. "Yeah, use the moves you always say we're not ready for yet!" another chimes in. "Show him the meaning of discipline and strength!" shouts a third, others adding similar encouragement as the Crip gang members and Fired Suits with them laugh and jeer at Keith. He ignores them all, staring at Blankenship as the evil sensei continues his warm-up routine and smiles back. "Look, pal, before we fight, there's something you gotta tell me," Keith declares angrily. "I don't know who the hell you are or what you have against me. Can you please let me know?" "Fair enough," Blankenship shrugs, swinging a kick high in the air. "The greatest martial artists of history all let a man know why before they killed him, I'll do the same. The last time we met, Keith Everett Lung Wang-Matthews, was on the UT-Austin campus. The West Mall to be exact. I was doing a martial arts demonstration for a crowd, impressing many and not just my students. Then you and your friends had to walk by and notice. They were impressed too at first, but then you started heckling me, laughing at me, telling me my moves were nothing and you could do better. I asked who you were, and you gave me your full name. I then challenged you to a duel, to see if you really could do better than the moves I was making." "And I assume I did," Keith grins. Blankenship nods. "You made me very proud to see what martial arts can make of a man. You bested me quickly and easily, countering nearly all my best moves more rapidly than I could believe." "You moves are of the tournament style," Keith chuckles, making some practice punches. "And you have a big ego. Easy to read." "Perhaps," Blankenship shrugs. "After the match was over, I asked who your teacher was. You said it was no one I'd know. Want to tell me now?" "I don't think so," Keith answers with a grimace. "If he was alive, he'd set you straight even easier than you say I did, though, that's for sure." "Maybe so," Blankenship replies. "But this time I am ready for you. This time I will win." "Big talk," Keith laughs. "Something else I'm wondering- if you're a martial artist, and I defeated you in a fair challenge, why'd you join up with all these jerks and losers to hunt me down for a rematch? That doesn't seem like something a truly honorable fighter and sensei would do." "We are not losers!" one of the gang members yells, several others as well as the Suits and Blankenship's students chiming agreement. They are ignored as Blankenship stares at Keith and then grins. "Some things are more important than honor," he declares. "Like proving you're the best." "Martial arts is not about being the best," Keith shoots back, shaking his head. "So you say," Blankenship chuckles. "Did your teacher tell you that? Some of my teachers told me it too. I ended up better than all of them." "I can see," Keith snorts. His adversary shakes his head. "You will see. Soon. Now you know why, Matthews. The time for talk is over. So is the time for demonstration." Keith nods in agreement, getting into a ready stance. "Let's fight." Blankenship laughs and rushes forward with fists up as someone in the crowd sounds a convenient gong.

Nearby, Lathrop is grimacing as Doug and Kit finish bringing him up to date on recent events. "So you don't know who these people are, but they're still attacking us," he surmises. The two leaders of the Ravens nod. "They're nuts, Mister," Doug grimaces. "The stuff they say they're mad at us about…it's clear to me that they're the ones who were in the wrong on just about every occasion. All we've heard anyway. Either they're all too dumb to see that or…" "It doesn't matter," Kit declares. "This is life and death here. What does it matter who these people are? They're trying to kill us. We have to fight back." Lathrop nods, looking around at all the Ravens. "I wish the rest of us were here- Gubio, Erin, Keith, Stephanie, and Orion. We obviously need a full team for this." "You got some new players," Mansfield says, jamming a Willy Pete rocket into his GEP gun. "You'll do fine." "I think he's right," Tom shrugs. "We also have motivation. These are all people the world would probably do better without." "And yet you say they seem mad at each and every one of you and you don't ever remember meeting them?" Lathrop asks. "That seems odd." "Well, strictly speaking, we don't all seem to have enemies here," says Jammer. "I haven't seen anybody saying they're after Gubio, Mist, and Erin, who of course aren't here. Nobody seemed mad at you or Orion either." "Orion doesn't have that many enemies," Shap says. "Not human ones anyway. He's too nice a person for that. There was this one guy who Orion broke the seal of confession in seminary so he could turn him in for a pretty brutal murder rap- Jeb something, I think. But that guy died of AIDS in prison, and Orion's bishop absolved him for his part in sending the guy there. He never did anything like that again either, far as I know. Just about all his demon enemies he and I have already killed." "And I don't cultivate enemies either," Lathrop says. "I really don't like having people mad at me. I try to teach them not to be so, and as soon as possible I get the hopeless ones out of my life- that's my way. That's why I don't have too many foes in my past." "I don't think I have any enemies among those people out there either," Anthony says. "They would have made themselves known. And nobody was mad at you, I think," he adds to Mansfield. "Just the same," the big black commando chuckles. "They're all going down." Several of the Ravens grimace at hearing this. "Dude," Shauna raises her eyebrows. "You have got to lighten up." "Some of these folks are mad at me," Leah points out with a frown, drawing them back to the issue at hand. "The ones I flamed mentioned something about a photo shop and appointments, and there was this one guy I saw who looked like an ex-boyfriend of mine too. Someone from a long time ago, I think, but I couldn't place the face. I want an explanation." "Maybe I can provide one," Lathrop says. "I do know a few divination spells." Pausing, he makes a gesture as the Ravens shrug and motion for him to go ahead. Lathrop closes his eyes, whispers some words, then looks up. "This is amazing." "What?" Elena asks. "Yeah, tell us," Boris says. "Those people out there are from another dimension," Lathrop answers. "A parallel universe known as RL, or Real Life. We all exist in that world as different people. I'm a schoolteacher, Kit works at Tower Records, Stephanie at a clothing store, Shap at a grocery store, Shauna at an accounting firm, and so on. The people we are in that dimension have met these people and come into conflict with them, that's what's going on here." The Ravens stare at him for a moment, then each shrugs, accepting the explanation. "So I work in a photo shop in this other dimension," Leah says, raising her eyebrows. "And I'm a newspaper columnist whose landlord lost her rent check," Elena frowns. "And I'm a bank guard," Boris mutters. "Wow." "Looks like I work security too, buddy," shrugs Doug. "And I'm some badass bouncer who a lot of people hate and are afraid of," Jammer chuckles. "That's pretty cool." Several of the others grin at the remark. "But how did they get here?" Tricia then asks Lathrop, frowning. "People don't just step over the boundary between dimensions." "Something brought them here, obviously," Lathrop shrugs. "Something or someone who wanted to use them against us." "Jerry," Kit growls. "It has to be him. I saw that bastard." "He was sent by Ted Turner," Shauna says, causing all of the others except Shap to look at her with raised eyebrows. "We can explain," Shap says. "Do so," Doug orders, grimacing as he looks over the Lego wall they're all crouched behind. "And make it quick. From the looks of things, we're in for a long fight. Jerry isn't our only old nemesis who's here either. That guy directing the jerks to get up and mass for another charge at us just happens to be Pastor John." As several of the Ravens frown and snarl in anger, Leah and Anthony looking confused while Mansfield shrugs and says, "Whoever," the screen goes blank.


Kitainia - []
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 03:12:40 AM


"Who was that?" Abdullah asks Harthoth as he grimaces, clicks End on his cell phone, and puts it away. "Yes, who was it?" Apep rumbles, turning his angry shadow-filled eyes to stare at the Egyptian gargoyle. "Someone who means us harm?" "No," Harthoth shakes his head. "And in any case, they are inconsequential. Especially now that you are here, Great One," he bows to Apep, who laughs. "Yes, you are right," the dragon declares. "This time I shall not be stopped. Allow me a little more time to become adapted to this new body, and I shall be ready to do as I want with this pitiful planet and its weakling mortal species once again." "A training ground has been set up for you on the estate, O King of Dragons," Abdullah says with a bow and flourish. "I believe it should meet your needs. Show him, Tariq." "Me?" the terrorist kingpin's lieutenant grimaces, looking very frightened as he tries to keep his eyes on anything but the huge robotic dragon. "Yes, you," Abdullah snaps. "Get to it now!" Tariq nods, grimacing, then turns to the chuckling Apep and bows. "If you'll follow me, my lord." Apep nods, and Tariq uses a remote control to open a set of bunker doors and then leads the dragon outside into the night, Apep roaring in triumph as he sees its stars. "Thank you very much for my master's new body," Harthoth tells Abdullah with a smile as they and Tyl watch the Dragon King glorify in the darkness as he follows Tariq. "The money will be deposited in the account you specified by noon tomorrow at the latest. I shall go see to it now." "Aren't you going to call your master's daughter first?" Abdullah asks. Harthoth nods, grimacing. "That too. Perhaps I should convince her to come here too. If there's one woman who could convince you to change your view of them…" He leaves the rest unsaid, turning and walking away. Abdullah stares after him with a grimace. "You may have noticed he was quite reluctant to say who called him," Tyl says. "Possibly lying too. I think he's hiding something." "It does not matter," Abdullah growls. "With our new weapon we shall easily triumph over whoever it is. And that gargoyle too, if he becomes a threat. You're sure the hidden program in the brain of his master's new body works as I specified?" "It does," Tyl answers. "I would have liked time to run more tests, but it should serve our purposes. And if not, the worm I put in there just in case will surely remedy things quickly." "Good work," Abdullah tells him, smiling briefly as he turns and walks off toward the elevator back up to his mansion. Tyl walks over to a computer and sits down at it, not bothering to watch him go.

In the Bey family apartment, Michael Marter grimaces as he puts down his cell phone. "Harthoth hung up on me," the MI-6 agent frowns. "He's never done that before. Something's wrong." "Well, we don't exactly have time to investigate what," Andrea sighs. "Not with this Abdullah problem." "Maybe he can wait," Queen Noor says. "Just long enough to get a wizard on the team. I tried to get one of the Knights' pulled in, but none were available on short notice." "Better to just make do with mundane weaponry," shrugs Andrea. "Yes," agrees Ivan. "I do not believe in that magic stuff anyway." "I could show you something to change that," Lloky smiles, then frowns as she sees Erin shaking her head. "That we definitely do not have time for," she says. "We have enough allies and just about enough intelligence, and these magical defenses aren't too bad. I think we can beat Abdullah." "I think so too," Terrell agrees, after looking at the maps again. Abdullah II nods too. "I hope you are right," Fasil says to them. "I defeated him in the series of contests he challenged me to all these years ago when I wed your mother, but he's grown a lot more powerful since then." "You have too," Mary says. "And this time we're all going up against him." "Actually I wanted to talk to you about that," Fasil frowns. "I'm not saying I'll go into the mansion," Mary smiles. "Patty and I were going to stay behind and send the rest of you intelligence, monitor you through minicams and satellite maps. Alex and the STRIKE people can help us set things up." "I'll call Hack," Andrea says with a grimace after pausing as Fasil looks her way. "I'll stay here, Dad," Patty smiles at him. "And mind Mom. Don't worry." "Well, that covers you two," Fasil grimaces, "but…" "You're not talking me out of coming along, Dad," Hassan cuts in. "You're forgetting how Abdullah's hired thugs to try and beat me up at school all throughout my life, make me tough. I hate his guts." "Those thugs weren't all a bad thing," Sarita chuckles. "If I hadn't saved you from them that one time, we never would have fallen in love. And by the way, I'm coming too. Don't even try to order me not to." "Wouldn't dream of it," Hassan laughs. "I fight best with you at my back." Fasil sighs as he listens, then looks at Erin. "I have as much of a stake in this as anyone, Dad," she replies coldly. "And you know I'm capable." "Yes," Fasil nods, shaking his head sadly. "And I'll let you come, all of you. I just hope you'll understand why I'm reluctant. I don't want this bastard hurting my family anymore." "Trust me, Mr. Bey," declares Gubio. "By the time we're done, he won't be able to. Ever again." Fasil looks at him, then nods, and the screen goes blank.


Hi everybody! <runs into the freshly wiped room and dances around smiling for a moment, then stops with a frown> What, no one's smiling? This is wrong! <looks over recent posts and sighs> Well, it seems many of us have our reasons. Unfortunately, Doug and I can be included in that group too. :( The guy they got to replace some of Stephen Walker's hours at the job recently caused some damage to company property and then quit without explanation, so now they have to find a replacement for him. And it's not looking like it's gonna be easy. Not only that, somebody recently broke into the storage bins at the one Wal-Mart in town Doug's company doesn't work for and made off with a lot of merchandise, which has put the other stores, which they do work for, in deep fear. Thus my honey is under a lot of pressure and stress once again. <sighs heavily> And I am too. That grade from last week and my parents' disappointment with it is only one part of the equation. Yesterday I opened a letter in the mail whose address was typed, and found inside it a note from Gus saying that I only have till he gets out to live. That and the usual round of insults and swear words he sent back when he was stalking me in earnest. I promptly showed the letter to the police, and they said they'll let the warden at the prison Gus is in now know about the letter and get him stopped from sending any more. I wish I could believe them, but after what that guy put me through, I have my doubts. And Stephanie's sick too, she was throwing up regularly all throughout the weekend. Went back to work today still feeling woozy. I don't know what she has, she said she didn't need to go to the hospital, just needed a few days' rest. If Dad finds out about this…<shakes head> At least my other classes and the job are going okay. But these other stresses are trouble enough. And seeing the stresses everyone in here is under only makes it worse. <sigh> I pray we all soon get out of these troubles, everyone let me know if I can help them in any way at all. I'll try my best, I promise. On to other topics now.

$ Hope everyone is enjoying the RPs we've been doing recently. We've been trying to put a lot of good story elements in them, plus character development and so on. It's hopefully working out to good effect. BTW, if anyone's wondering about the cyber-cookie contest you all missed or skipped over last week, the answer is that Hassan's scimitar comes from Looney Tunes. The episode where Bugs and Daffy fought over Ali Baba's cave, specifically. Anybody remember the cavern's huge guard with the enormous scimitar? "Hassan Chop!"? :) Doug and I always liked that guy, and Gubio and Erin did too. So we made a reference. <grins> $

Taleweaver: <Lancelot adds a more personal dimension to a conflict between him and Arthur. Someone who knows how you operate and can get under your skin. I don't know what's going to happen but you got to admit, you are intrigued.> Percival could have done the same thing as Duval. Lancelot just has more personal involvement with Arthur. Things still work out either way, though. <grins> Sorry to hear you've left the TGS Staff, I am among the many who will miss your work greatly. Hope your influence lives on among those writers still on the staff, and they do a job continuing the character arcs and plots which you began that makes you proud. <smiles and sighs>

Warpmind: You want to read the Caballah and Torah, I strongly encourage it. Lots of interesting stuff in there. Good as the Bible, the Koran, the Analects, and Sun Tzu IMO for lessons on life. And of course it's best to read them in the original Hebrew. I wish you good luck in your study. <Remind me never to get you mad at me> Don't worry, it's much harder to do than it seems. <laughs>

SJ: $ I must say I definitely like the RPs you and Warpmind are doing lately- which you have to be coordinating by e-mail, right? Good character development and jokes in them. $ Your bits on the debates are pretty entertaining too, definitely more than the campaign has been so far. <sighs> Thanks for all the recent media news. Not surprised to hear that Xena's ending, it's gone on long enough IMO. And many of its episodes, especially those guest starring Bruce Campbell, have been excellent. Many have not, though. All in all, I'll be unmoved to see the show gone since I stopped watching it a while back. <shrugs> On the matter of the kid who wanted to kill N'Sync, I hope they go easy on him. He obviously needs a bit of psychological help. I also hope he comes out of it okay and that one day he looks back on the experience and laughs. If so, maybe we've got the next Bill Hicks. <grins> On Bedazzled, well, even Liz Hurley wearing skimpy costumes in the movie wasn't that great. I could have made more than half those outfits look better than she did (not that I'd be caught dead wearing some of them). Really wish the film had been better than it was, Fraser at the least deserved a MUCH more interesting and well-written script.

SOROW: <sighs again> I know I've said this before, but I'm really mad you're having to live through all this. Especially when the disaster looked like it was over and then- surprise, surprise it wasn't. <groans> At least things could be worse, right? They could take away your Internet access. I pray they don't, so I and your other friends in here can keep giving you our support. Which we will, I promise you. Hope the bad stuff in your life ends for real soon. <hugs> Especially hope that burn heals, I bet it's no picnic. If you want to solve things and not suffer much longer, I recommend just staying away from your parents for now, till they fight things out amongst themselves. Better not to get in the crossfire the way it sounds. <sighs> And on the troubles with Joe and the dance, well if I were you I wouldn't go to the dance. Go to his concert that night, sit near the front, and sullenly glare at him as much as you can all throughout. There is no better way to let a man know you're mad at him and get an apology in a situation like that. Trust me, I know. :)

Lexy: You're welcome for the rant comments, like many I was glad to give them. If you really like school as much as you say you do and are able to think about it that critically, I think you are going to make a really good teacher. <grins> Remind me to bring my kids to you someday. Thanks also for letting me know about the new Richard Marx CD. I'm listening to it now, and it's great! :)

Winterwolf: I asked my professor to do exactly what you suggested in his office, unfortunately our schedules haven't been able to accommodate an appointment yet and I already know he's not willing to make time for me. The next test is looming on the horizon too. <sighs> I wish there were a TA or someone else with grading power in the class who I could get on my side in this, but this professor's TA doesn't even attend the lectures- I've never seen him. Just know his name and e-mail- sent a message to the latter last Thursday and have still not gotten a reply. I honestly don't think there's anything I can do about this, just have to hope I do better on the next test. Thanks for your condolences just the same. Didn't know you worked for Fox btw, good luck with the job choice. Hope you make the right one. :)

Lynati: Another Anita Blake fan? Alright! Glad to know you even more now. <smiles> I too am addicted to that series. The great characterization and introspection in it is part of why, Anita's a great heroine too. Like you, I'm looking forward to the next book when it comes out, can hardly wait for it. :) Will start reading Kiss of Shadows as soon as I'm through with Dark of the Elvenwood, maybe by the end of the week.

Xenatrek: Ellis is a good last name too. <shrugs> Thanks for the clarification on the name Terwilliger. If there are any people in your stepfather's family named Cecil and/or Bob, please tell them I'm big fans of their hilarious conflicts with Bart and Lisa Simpson. <laughs>

Kyryn: Ack, good luck with that root canal. I know how awful they can be, my mother's had to have several thanks to her sweet tooth. Hope I never have to have one myself. Maybe you won't really need one- that is best case scenario of course. <sighs> At least crowns are no big deal, I have a couple enamel ones myself (courtesy of a fight with a schoolyard bully when I was seven that just had to knock out some of my just-acquired permanent teeth) and Doug's left front tooth is also an enamel crown (he ran into a door when he was twelve). We barely notice them, sometimes we even forget they're there. <grins> Hope it'll be the same with yours. Congrats also on getting to enjoy the state fair. Doug and I wish we had been there. :(

Paul: Forgot to say this earlier- Welcome back. :) Don't worry, I did get your e-mail. I'll respond to it as soon as I get the chance, probably this weekend. Friday at the earliest if there are no good movies coming out. You said a lot of things in there that surprised me, I have to say, and I think my response may surprise you too. <smirks> Wish you'd said those things in here, we would have seen another side to you definitely. Oh well. <sighs> Two things I will say in here now- I have not been playing video games very often recently. Not in a long time in fact. I've just lost a lot of the interest in them I once had. A lot of the time I once had for them too. It's the same deal with Doug, to a lesser degree. So please forgive me if I refrain from commenting on all your questions to me about video games, I really can't answer them. Also, please don't worry about giving me and Doug the link to Mieu Sedai's stories. You did a long time ago, remember? :) And we've been enjoying Reborn Again ever since, myself in particular. I don't think it's better than Christine's work overall, but Mieu is IMO her superior in introspection and subtle character development, and in everything else she's definitely on par. Hope she gets the next chapter out soon, wish there was some way for me to ask her to speed things up without sounding too impatient. <grins>

Daniel Johnson: Congrats on getting things squared away for now with your mother. At least things are going fine for one of us. <sighs> Hope she enjoys the rest home, glad she'll be able to support herself in it for a while. I wish her and you all the best of luck, I agree with Doug that you should be proud of yourself for caring about your mother the way you do. She's probably proud too. Immensly. :)

Robby: $ Okay, Doug will probably finish off the DLG in his next RP bit then. Or whenever it's most convenient with all the other stuff going on. Thanks for the permission. $ And sorry to hear you lost your access for a while. I'm surprised you haven't taken revenge on DC for it yet. Maybe I should do it for you, I owe him a few from way back. <grabs the suddenly-frightened DC and shackles him to a table over his protests, then waves to a masked maniac with a chainsaw standing nearby> Chop him up, then put the remains in that vat of liquid nitrogen and let things congeal. Once it's frozen, melt the results in that vat of boiling lava. Then pour the ashes into that tub of acid over there and when he comes back, the garbage disposal is waiting. <the maniac nods> One more thing. <takes out can of Insta-Rust and sprays some on the chainsaw's blade as DC starts screaming and begging for mercy> There, go to work. <the maniac nods and cackles, then does so. Kitainia closes the blinds over the scene and then resumes her post.> There, that should do it. You're welcome. Also congrats on getting published again, hope to read the work soon. And good luck with the midterms on the way.

Stephen: Nice to know they have people to run the T-1 lines even though they aren't installed yet. :) Good luck with the job, like I said before. Hope you can soon find some way to avoid that awful commute.

David G: I can understand you wanting to keep those problems from us. Things certainly do sound stressful. <sighs> Thanks for airing them out, though. I hope we can help. Situations from the past do too often cause the most problems in our lives, unfortunately. <sighs> It's good to end the problems they cause though. I think the way out of your current pain is first to accept that things with you and that girl are over, which you have pretty much. Accepting that it wasn't meant to be is good too, you've done that. And like many have said, I also agree that you'll find your real soulmate someday, just have to have faith and hold out. That you still have friends in many places, here included, is a good thing. Nice to see your debate skills so up to par too. <grins> Hope Paul pays attention to your words as much as mine, Kyryn's too, wish I could post his e-mail in here so you'd see why. Whatever happens, do not despair, please. You are not pathetic, you have many good qualities. Your life is not empty either. You've got friends in here to fill it, and in other places too. Good friends. IMO the only way your life can be truly emptied is if you choose to make it so, and I know you don't want that. So keep your chin up and smile, friend. You've got good things in your life you should start acknowledging. And happy belated birthday. :)

Traveler: $ Hopefully some of those RP threads will be over by the time you ever do decide to come back in. Hope you will someday. $ Hope to see long posts from you again someday too. Thanks for the dragon chant, may it forever echo in our heads. <grins>

Christine: Forgot to say this before, but I'm glad you're getting so much writing done lately. Hope to be reading more of it soon. Sorry to hear about the low turnout at Becca's birthday party, but I'm glad she at least had a good time. Don't worry, you're not the only mother who's gone through such a situation. When Stephanie and I turned five, our mom planned an enormous celebration and was all ready to go through with it- then every parent and kid invited either RSVPed or failed to show. Our family (me and Steph, Ray, Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Ian) were the only ones in attendance the way things ended up. But we still did our best to make it good. As I'm sure you, Tim, Becca, and the other kid did. <grin> Sorry to have to get you involved in the Paul discussion, had no idea you would feel so terrible about it. :( I'll try to end things with it in here as far as I'm concerned ASAP.

That's it for Part 1 of post, all spoilers will be in part 2!

Kitainia - []
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 03:11:37 AM

Gside>Yeah, the fantasy part is pretty much a given. ;P But I'm putting more mythology and Sci fi into mine, since there's the late 21st century involved. tapping into old religions and technology. :) got to do some studying on that. ;)
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 12:22:28 AM

***BEGIN RP***
SJ grabbed his hair in frustration. "YAHTZEE?!?!"
Warpmind nodded. "It looks like that is an alternative."
Sammael grimaced. "Board games? I'm horrible at board games."
SJ stared at him. "How the hell did you get here anyway? Did I step into a plot hole?"
"Don't look at me. I thought you were making this up as you went along!"
SJ put his face in his hands. "Oh beautiful. The fate of my love life depends upon whether or not I can beat a demon warrior at Yahtzee."
Sammael turned to Warpmind. "Couldn't we try another game? Monopoly perhaps?"
Warpmind shook his head. "Um, that's not such a good idea."
"Well, the book says that not all games will work. Once someone tried to substitute Monopoly for Yahtzee."
"It was bad."
Sammael cocked his head. "How bad is bad?"
"Imagine every molecule in your body suddenly standing still, and then spontaneously exploding at the speed of light."
Sammael exhaled a breath. "Okay, Yahtzee it is."
SJ groaned. "I don't even know how to play Yahtzee."
He felt a tap on his shoulder, and turned to see Nelgault. "What?"
" know that little fire that Angol set on the table?"
"Yeah? I thought we put it out."
"Sure, that one. But you...uh, missed the other one. And it's gotten a little out of control."
He pointed over his shoulder. Half the restaurant was engulfed in flames.
***END RP***

Well, you know I never miss an opportunity to open my big mouth about something. So here I go.

XenoMania 2000: The Paul Saga Continues...
See folks--THIS IS WHY I LOVE PAUL ALLAN NATHANS. Never a dull moment. Always entertaining. The comedy stylings of P.A.N.!
What's your favorite P.A.N. moment? My front runner, personally, is the "Robby, anime are not cartoons" lecture, but the "Xenogears is better than Shakespeare" comes on strong, as does the "If I am to be censored for bringing up past bad things, than Kit should be censored for bringing up past bad things" argument (it wins points for the sheer convoluted logic behind it all).

First off, I must say I do love his debating style. The "I'm always right, you're always wrong" style is a classic, and I always love when I see it used (especially in this particular comment room ;). But I give a lot of credit to Paul, because he's added a new twist to the equation by qualifying his arguments with a brilliant "I just seem like I'm an arrogant bastard, because that's my debating style" technique. It's really unique. I may have to steal it!

Honestly, though, I do agree with Paul about one thing: no one currently writing fan fiction is a god or goddess. Hell, no one writing at ALL today is a god or goddess, because everything is open to opinion. Two of my favorite writers are Neil Gaiman and Harlan Ellison. Some people like them, some don't. I think Harlan still gets death threats. But that's besides the point. The point is, it's all opinion. No one person on the fan fiction scene is a god among writers. I can't even claim that (although damn it, it would be fun to try). Paul's got a different opinion of what kind of writing is good and what isn't.
Of course, it is a bit of a head trip to think a video game is better than Shakespeare, seeing as Willy Shakes is virtually THE standard for what is considered good English literature.

To those of you who are asking that Paul "name names" and tell you who's better than Christine--why are you doing this? Take 10 steps backward and realize what you have just done. Congratulations, you have now entered a pissing contest. Wise up--it's all open to opinion. Chances are, you won't like his choices. Now if you stick with the naming names thing, all you're gonna wind up doing is getting involved in a pointless little debate that means nothing, where the entire goal of the debate is to just maintain your pride. Don't go down that road.

But if an answer HAS to be given to the Iskow / Morgan / Faulkner question, I'll say Jewel, cause I'm extremely biased towards her. Hell, I love Jewel. Platonically speaking. I need to write back to you, Ms. Faulkner!

Oh, and Paul, if you care......I like Poon-Tang pie. ;)

Whoo, that gave me an ice cream headache. Shuffling right along....

Hail to the Redskins: Well, I am officially in love with the Redskins again. I...I never really left them. I will admitt--I am the 'Skins bitch. I'll always come back to them, regardless of whether or not they suck. But something has made me fall in love with them again. Is it their now 6 and 2 record? No. It's cause they gave me cheap pizza.
See, here in D.C., we have this promotional deal with Domino's Pizza, where they take one dollar off a pizza for each touchdown the Redskins score in their game. And after the 5 touchdown win the Skins gave us on Sunday (God bless you, Albert Connell!), I was able to get 5 friggin bucks off my pizza. Yes, folks, I am easily amused, but cheap pizza makes me happy! Me love the Redskins!

Spider-Man update: This is a good story, because it allows me to combine my duty to report the latest breaking news in entertainment with my quest to constantly make references to pro wrestling. Wrestling legend "Macho Man" Randy Savage has reportedly said that he will be in the upcoming Spider-Man movie. It's not 100 percent certain what part he will play, but the good money is that it will be that of the pro wrassler who Spidey beats the bejeezus out of shortly before he becomes a legit superhero (read the comics, it's in there!).
I feel bad for the Macho Man. He's never been the same since his porn star girlfriend, "Gorgeous George" , dumped him. No wait.....I DON'T feel bad for him. I only wish I had such problems.

"Mommy, Woody just told Buzz to f*** off!": This I find just friggin hilarious.
All the PR folks at Disney try their damndest to make it seem as if their employees are not disgruntled, and then a wonderful story like this comes along. Disney has ordered a recall of the Toy Story 2 DVD, because apparently, at one point, a rather salty dialogue appears. The offending material comes from the movie "High Fidelity", and apparently, after a scene involving Jessie the cowgirl (who gets my vote for most annoying animated character, EVER), the "Fidelity" dialogue kicks in over the regular soundtrack. I don't know the exact phrases used, but I've heard it involves lots of wonderful expletives.
God bless those Disney employees. They sure do know how to liven up their boring jobs, huh? First porn in the Rescuers Down Under, now curse words. Somebody has been paying attention to Tyler Durden! Space Monkeys! You are the all singing, all dancing filth of the world!

Anime update: Remember, it ain't no friggin "cartoon".
For those interested in the show, Blue Submarine #6 has officially been given an airdate. The show will air as a miniseries over 4 nights on Toonami, starting at 6 p.m. on Nov. 6.

From the "What the Hell are they Smoking" Department: Stephen King has found a new partner in horror--John "Don't Call Me Cougar" Mellencamp.
Yes, unfortunately, you read that right. King and Mellencamp are collaborating on a horror musical about 2 estranged brothers and a haunted house. Mellencamp has hopes that it will one day be an opera.
I know that King, at this point, could probably sell his used toilet paper and it would sell like crazy, but come one. A musical? I know being struck by a car hurt, Steve, but ease up on the painkillers.

Escaflowne: See, I'm beginning to get worried again. It looks as if next week the show will get pre-empted for the season debut of **shudder**...."Nascar Racers". They're bumping the show for a series about goddamned Nascar races. I'm telling you, Fox wants to kill this show, the bastards.

Rev. Attila: **SJ stares at the cat with wide eyes of disbelief**
Holy Jesus.....did you actually call Hilary Clinton a c***??? Wow! Such naughty words coming out of the mouth of such an innocent little feline! You surprise me, my furry friend!
Notice I'm not chastising or disagreeing with you, though. ;)

Batman Beyond: This was one of the more disturbing episodes I've ever seen. Because it killed Talia for me.
Seriously, isn't the very fact that it's Rha's prowling around in Talia's body a serious bucket of cold water in the pants? As soon as I found out it was the old man hanging out in his daughter's body, the sound of flowers drooping was audible. I agree with Terry--"Lady, you are seriously creeping me out."

Roswell: Maybe it's just me, but I think these alien kids are just way to full of angst. And sex-obsessed. Apparently, if you're an alien teenager, all you wanna do is brood or screw. Which isn't that bad of an existence, I suppose.
Gotta love that Dido song in the opening credits, too. Dido. I like saying that word. It's just one letter away from being a word that has a totally different meaning. ;)

Anti Anti-Wiccan Backlash: How can you not love Wiccans? Who was saying bad things about my favorite heathen religion? And when I say heathen, it's in a good way. I love the pagans. Wiccans are down with me.
Of course, my warm feelings toward Wiccans is probably because every single Wiccan that I know in my area is a cute girl. Every one of them. They're all women, and damn they're all cute. Now that's a religion I can convert to! It's a hell of a great marketing plan if you ask me. Join the religion with the most hot babes! ;]

Gunjack: Well, I'm a slow reader. I like to take my time and "contemplate" what I read, to think back and reflect on the different aspects of the plot.
Or maybe it's just my short attention span. I do have the tendency to let my mind wander quite a bit and.......hey cool, Powerpuff Girls is on....what was I talking about again?

Fire Storm: The answer to the question--Who would win a fight between Darla and Angela?
Simple. Everyone who watches the damn thing. :)

Lady Mystic: <<Hey everyone! Been a while since I was last on my computer.>> You aren't pregnant are you?
Sorry, that's just a running joke that I still find funny.

"What's a kielbasa"?: Has anyone else seen Howard Stern's "Private Parts"? Oh wait, that doesn't sound right....Have you seen the *movie* Howard Stern's "Private Parts"? 2 words--Kielbasa Queen. You will never eat polish sausage the same way again.


BUFFY: I am officially getting super exicted over this season! Lot's of mystery in tonight's episode, and best of all--we get our first look at the Big Bad Evil. Aka the Woman in the Red Dress. I *like* her. She's obviously not human--she even admitts as much--and she's a little wacko in her new form. I like the way she so totally trashed Buffy. It's good to actually have a villain who can give Buffy a challenge (as of late, no one has really been that much of a problem for her). I liked the development on Dawn also. I'm very much beginning to warm to her character, and I think it's going to be interesting to see how Buffy treats her now that she knows the truth. Excellent set-up to the meta-plot of the season. The rumors I've heard is that Red Dress isn't the only bad guy this season. She's one of two, the other being a man. I can't wait to see both of them in action, and to see the main plot revealed. It's gonna be great.
And as usual, kudos to Joss and the writers of the show for giving us some of the funniest moments and dialogue in all of network television. The dialogue is just too perfect. ("It's obviously supernatural." "How can you tell?" "'s shiny.") And my God, the sense of humor on these guys....I swear, I was uncontrollable for 10 minutes after I saw Giles in his wizard gear. I think it was the odd smirk on his face, and the stone-cold look on Buffy's.....ah, this show is the best.
Oh, and the writer gets extra brownie points for slipping in a reference about the Iron Chef!

ANGEL: A great episode tonight! We get to see the return of Kate, and damn is she nasty now. I see her becoming a real threat in the future. This is a woman who's obsession with Angela has almost cost her her jobOne of my biggest accolades to this show is that it's finally found a great groove, and has now established some continuity. While all of the episodes this season have been pretty much stand alone, they've had the Darla theme running through all of them, and I love the way that they've developed this story. And what a great payoff! Not only does Darla have a soul, but she's totally human! And Angel's rejection of her was so totally beautiful. A wonderful episode, with great acting and great writing. I was really impressed.
A few things I'd like to comment on:
* Please tell me that Gunn's axe is not made out of a hubcap.
* Julie Benze did a particularly fine acting job tonight.
* Cordy in that little waitress costume is an image that will hopefully be staying in my cerebral cortex for quite some time.
* I was pissed about the Drusilla scene. A flashback??? I want a present-day Dru! Personally, I'd love to see a Darla / Drusilla catfight for Angel's affections. ;)

Sevarius Jr. - []
Wednesday, October 25, 2000 12:05:38 AM

Don't mind me. I'm just marking my place and checking a new ISP IP.
Fire Storm
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 11:29:54 PM

Sometimes I don't know why I bother...

Paul> a couple of things to clear up:

First of all, I apologize for the post I directed to Valentine. I was being somewhat sarcastic. What I meant about your arguments never evolving was that you tend to simply reject your opponents' points, without countering them very well (Usually by arguing that the person stating an opinion you disagree with has no grounds to state it). In some cases that's true, but for a really interesting debate, you should stack up evidence to support your arguments and to answer the points raised by your opponents.

You should also not get your heart set on winning, since there's usually no definitive way to finish most of the discussions we have in here. (I know I've never won one. I've never lost, either, so I guess it all evens out)

>>Yes, all three points are valid, although the tabletop/console one isn't right because its made by one who isn't informed.<<

What proof do you have that I'm not informed? I don't PLAY console games, but almost all of my friends do, and I've seen several different titles from start to conclusion. I've also discussed them with the players. I really do know what I'm talking about here.

You, evidently, don't. My point about the difference between console and tabletop RPGs is very simple and virtually irrefutable. At its core, a CRPG is a really big flowchart. The players aren't interacting with the storyteller, just with his creation. There's no way to deviate from the planned story. With today's games, the planned story is HUGE, so most people don't mind.

I do. In a TRPG the players are interacting directly with the storyteller. They can go off in totally unexpected directions, talk to people the storyteller never planned on using, and do things he never expected them to do. I like that a lot more than I like the style of CRPGs, which is why I stopped playing them.

Judged purely as a storytelling medium, I've seen some good CRPGs. They're just not my type of GAME.

>>Don't *ever* judge the medium of storytelling, judge each story individually. Its unfair to all the authors who choose each medium in any medium.<<

So street mime is as valid and fulfilling as a novel? for a good critique, you HAVE to judge the medium. Every medium has different limitations which the artist must work within. For example, one of my friends just asked me why one of the characters in a story of mine he read "looked like a black David Borenaz (sp?)." The character in question wasn't black. Evidently I didn't describe him well enough. In a video game or illustrated story (movie, comic book, etc...) that wouldn't have happened.

You will also, almost inevitably develop personal preferences between media. I have a friend who hates comics. He loves Trade paperbacks and Graphic novels, but he hates having the story broken up into little pieces. I LIKE comics, because I can get a little piece of my story every months instead of having to wait all year. Just a difference of taste.

Now, I will agree with you that it's unfair to judge a story told in one medium against a story told in another. That said, I wonder how you manage to believe that Xenogears is better than the works of William Shakespeare. Then again, H.P. Lovecraft once said that the greatest defense of the human mind was the inability to corelate all its parts.

>>Any informed viewpoint on something is 'right' because there are no absolute truths save that there is none. However, a 'truth' made by one who is 'uninformed' is not a 'truth', so that's exempt.<<

In that the above statement makes no sense, I can't really disagree with it. Let me try to interpret:
- there are no absolute truths. (or at least very few)

I personally believe that there are some absolute truths, but that humans are generally too limited to find them, or too bloody minded to accept them.

- An uninformed person can't know the truth.

True enough. However, since you completely missed what I was talking about, that has no bearing on the matter at hand.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 11:03:03 PM

paul> In Japan when one show borrows elements from another it's considered a sign of respect and I myself happen to enjoy it when references are made to other things
shogun raptor
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 11:01:23 PM

Uhmm ... Spike, are ya sure ya wanna tell Christine that? ;)

**waves to everyone**

Lady Mystic: Had a great time, now I only wish I knew how to read Japanese (That Slayers book I picked up? I figured out last night it's a roleplaying guide!)
BTW, I'll e-mail when I have more time the edits for the page. :)

Milady Corax: I like it just fine. :)

XenaTrek: Sent ya somewhat of a guide on the election ... like I said, the Congressional I can't help ya with, but the senate race and the two proposals I can. :)

All for now ... :)

Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 10:47:00 PM

Whoever just posted the 10 Commandments of an Argument> Thank you, thank you!!! I was just about to do something similar. Those are very good points, BTW...I like the "How to mention Nazis and get away with it." :)

My opinions> I'm staying out of this one. If anyone needs me, I'll be sitting over at the Tea Table of Peace in the corner. Feel free to come on over...and comment on my new name! Come on...any opinions? Is it stupid? Anything! :)

"So give me your hands, if we be friends,
And the Puck will restore amends."
(or something like that...I'm quoting from memory here...)

Lady Corax
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 10:45:57 PM

Christine>> There, there.... I've been there. My 9th birthday was a similar disaster in that no one showed up and three of the guests lived in the neighborhood and were playing in full view at the time. Ryan has only had one birthday party with friends and that one, I wound up doing a month EARLY due to the fact that most people are off on vacation when Ry's birthday rolls around in July.

*hands her a margarita* Don't sweat it -- Becca will have other, more interesting parties, you'll see.

Tuesday, October 24, 2000 10:40:47 PM

The 10 Commandments of Argument

1.) A successful, rational argument can not be constructed in a meaningful context unless those, who participate both passively and actively, agree to a minimal common ground from which to build from.

- It doesn’t do you any good to keep trying to repeat your points over and over if people can’t follow your logic to your conclusion. You need to work from common ground, and then find where the gaps lie and address them. If it really is a logical conclusion from sound principles that rational people should agree with, you need to make sure all the connections are intact from the “ground” up.

2.) The emotional mode of argument can not lay claim to the forced-conclusion capabilities of logical mode arguments.

3.) Evidence requires context.

- Remember that saying about lies, damned lies, and statistics?

4.) Taste is, for the most part, a matter of more emotion than logic.

- Don’t try to argue about taste-based opinions in terms of logical proof. It degenerates into people just saying that what they like is better somehow than what someone else likes.

5.) Art has many technical and logical aspects, but remember that as a whole, a work of art has a huge portion of emotion involved buy the very nature of artistic expression.

- You may very well be able to discuss the merit of technique, or how much something speaks to you. Actually saying that one product of art of the other is “better” as a whole is going to get too much like just another taste-based opinion fight, and it is going to hurt people’s feelings too.

6.) The worth of an expression or argument is based upon the impact it has on the participating community.

- Truth comes to people piecemeal. While the Truth itself may be inherently good, a truth exposed in the right (wrong?) context can create more suffering and deception than a thousand lies. If being right is more important to you than the consequences of your methods of proving it, then you aren’t supporting the community, but exploiting it for your own ends. Remember to act and speak with grace, win or lose. Even in an argument, it isn’t often about whether you “win” or “lose,” but how you played the game. To have your voice treated with respect, you must treat the community with respect, especially respect for the community’s well-being.

7.) Attacking a source damages the weight of person’s testimony, not the logic of their arguments.

8.) Adapt to your environment, or die off. (Darwin’s Theory)

9.) Any off-topic mention of Hitler or Nazis will cause the thread it is mentioned in to an irrelevant and off-topic end very soon; every thread on UseNet has a constantly-increasing probability to contain such a mention. (Godwin’s Law)

- Sure, it is a Usenet expression, but it applies in just about any situation where people keep going at each other with the sole concern of proving the righteousness of their opinion.

10.) “Ad hominem”s are the last refuge of the damned.

A link to a great site about Godwin’s Law as my reference is attached to my name.

Oh, and the nature of Absolute Truth is something Man is not privy to. With that in mind, that which really can not exist for normal human beings is Absolute Certainty. We function on the principle of Epistemic Innocence because the skeptical arguments make it impossible to function under the principle of Epistemic Guilt. Hence, we must function without claim to the knowledge that could grant Absolute Certainty and work in terms of possibilities, probabilities, and pragmatic doubts. Can we rule out the existence of Absolute Truth? No. Can we continue to function if something exists that we can’t have? Yes. Does it have any real effect on us to need to disbelieve in it? None that I can see.

That's all the hints you're getting. See you in another few months, maybe.
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 10:26:55 PM

*******************RANT AND ENDING STATEMENT***************
Well, Here's a line that Paul said that just got me thinkin'. I'll answer this one in a second.

Paul Nathans: Gasper doesn't appear too. I could be in college and he wouldn't know if I was or wasn't. Or I could be in High School and he wouldn't know if I was or wasn't.

I wasn't gonna say anything Paul...I really wasn't...but you brought me in....tsk tsk.

Well, first off, David G. YOu're right. Just ignore Nathans. Folks, he's not worth our troubles. Just ignore the little freak *Waits for Nathans to call him immature and ignorant for stating his opinion.*

2. I lied, Because at the end, I'll make a strike, seems fitting with the evidence presented in his post.

3. Personally, Dragonball Z and Xenogears and Evangelion, well, They're all anime and video games. I'm gonna make a story with those three mixed together, and here's the rational, listen carefully. Lucca is in Xenogears. Lucca was made by Toriyama, and Toriyama made Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT. DB-DBGT is Animation from Japan, just like Evangelion. So, They all work together...JUST LIKE PATHWAYS! YEAH! So, I'm going to write a Dragonball Z/Evangelion/Xenogears fic. Now, before you open your mouth and reply, this is a joke. So shut up.

By the way, that's three times I mentioned those 2 foreign products in the same sentence. Tee Hee.

4. I haven't read your favorite authors or the other person. By that logic, I'm an impartial observer, and therefore demand you put up the links.

5. Your Debate style- No one has to accept it, and you can't force anyone into one. So don't. Kit's right about your style.

6. Paul, there is a game better the xenogears, it's called PONG. That, and FROGGER was really good also. That's also a joke, don't get your panties in a bunch.

7. "I'm not trying to force my views on others. I'm trying to get people to accept them." Wow...that kinda is redundent. I mean, I can accept somethings. But really, some people like to keep your their own views. "Debate" this all you want, because really, it's irrelevant. I'm over it. *Shrugs.*

8. Everyone, I have proof that Paul is not 13. But Paul, You brought me into the conversation, and you made an assumption. And that makes an ass outta you and me. I don't respect you because of this.

9. Paul Nathans is 16 years of age. I have a verifiable source. You're in high school still, if you haven't gotten...nevermind...that's too far, and I'm not THAT low.

10. "I do accept the validity of others' opinions." I apologize for saying this word. Bullshit. Utter Bullshit.

(Admins:If you choose, ban me from the room.)

Call me ignorant, call me immature. Say Amber Michelle, if she were here, would call me that. I still say I don't give a flip about what she could say about me, because I don't know her, she don't know me, and well, I don't mind keepin' it that way. You'll probably refute every number up there, then call me more names, maybe even *gasp* a dullard. *More gasps.* Paul, I don't accept it. I could say a slew of stuff, but I won't. You have no style. Therefore, there is nothing to debate. Ya know what we did, you and me, we started a flame war. I shouldn't have come after ya, I know now.

Now, if you wanna respond to me, do it by your electronic mail. You have my address. Please, to remain civil, and stop flames, just write me your responses. If ya don't want to, then don't flame me. I'm not askin' ya to accept my views. But, by Kami, I'll express them, with no fear of reprisal. I'm sure you're gonna try and make me look like a fool, so go ahead. I'm tired, I'm in college, I'm almost 22, and I really don't have time for you anymore. You wanna insult, complain, flame, rant, rave, call me names and other such things, well, do it by your electronic mail.
**********END RANT, etc.*****************8

Well, I broke a couple rules. I apologize, I kept my promise, but he brought me back in. My Hands are tied.

If ya guys do decide to ban me for brakin' some rules...can ya give me one last post and let me know I have it so I can say goodbyes?

Anyway, I've said enough.
Later all.

OH! One last thing...that last it is!

Paul Nathans: "*Flattens Rodlox with an enormous cream pie and then bolts off as Tim Flanagan sends a blast of plasma after him.*" Now Paul, I've seen ya take up the whole Screen on an IRC channel with descriptions of your attacks, but no damage taken, till you explain the physics, chemistry, etc., of the whole attack...then you make it ungodly powerful. But this, this I will cherish for ever.

You ran away, you really are a coward.

Gasper S. Keltner - []
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 10:26:09 PM

*Lynati Enters*

Emambu: Thanks. If I can pull myself out of my own world, maybe I will.

Delphi: "Why are things sent by car called a shipment and things sent by ship a cargo?" ...

Christine: eik. sorry. I've had things like that go down concerning my own plans...If it helps any, I really like your stories. :)

ookay...just have to say it. if you don't know the full story, don't presume to say anything about it. Especially if you've never read/ seen it, or the only version you've read/seen is a bastardized American version (I mean, d---, Editing turned Haruka and Michiru into COUSINS on this side of the pond.) Much of what we get over here is not in it's original form, and should not be judged by a bad translation job.
...For those of you who don't realize what this is pertinent to, don't worry about it.

***Buffy/Angel Spoilers***
Buffy...whoa-Dawn doesn't even know? oi. I liked this epispode, especially Anya's involvement. Her character is really improving all the time. (and did you catch that look Willow shot her when she did that gift wrapping?) Heh.
Angel: Wesley's impersonation of Cordelia was great,
as was Angel's line to Darla "You never made me happy".
Darla's revelation to Angel makes me wonder exactly what's going to happen to this girl; I mean whether Angel's side is going to kill her, or wolfram and hart are.
(maybe she'll go nut-bunnies and do herself in.)

*Lynati exits*
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 10:23:16 PM

Ed> Macbeth is not an antaganist
James Birdsong
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 10:03:24 PM

Shogun Raptor:
First of all, before anything else, and in response to the comment on Gundam/guymelef/Eva ripoffs. GUNDAM WING (if that's what you're referring to in mention of 'Gundams'), NEON GENESIS EVANGELION, and VISION OF ESCAFLOWNE were all in production at the same time as XENOGEARS. One of the two writers of XENOGEARS has said XENOGEARS did not take off anything from it, and if necessary I'll give a Link to a Site that has this debated well... I'm not going to repeat all this stuff myself after *just* reading a debate like this elsewhere.
Earlier GUNDAM stuffs, if you meant them and/or GUNDAM as a whole... I doubt there's a ripoff. Japanese animation has many 'mecha shows'. XENOGEARS is just one among many stories coming from there that involves mechas. Most of the ripoffs you accuse as present in XENOGEARS are simple similarities... Stories that have similarities to others do not mean they're ripoffs.
And please, don't mention DRAGONBALL Z in the same paragraph as...
XENOGEARS. Mentioning such trash along with XENOGEARS is one heck of an insult to it.
Thanks for the points on Japanese anime, I'll make sure to use them if I have to debate against Japanese anime being cartoons at any later time.
Now, most importantly:
Doug, Kitainia:
Please check your Electronic Mail for my response. I will say here that I was not censoring Kitainia, I was saying censoring me for 'lashing out at people who can't even read my Posts' is the same as censoring her for talking about Gus. Its rather hypocritical of anyone to not censor her for talking about past bad things but then for ShadowWolf to censor me for talking about past bad things.
Thank you for giving a fair response (although let me say I do *not* attempt to ram my views down others' throats). You'll get the Links if I can trust you not to give them to others without my permission... I have no desire to see my friends' works trashed by people who may be prejudiced to comment against me from the start, and who thus may judge stories unfairly.
Matt Maybray:
Concerning Video Games coming close to William Shakespeare...
'Most can't'...
From the stories I've seen of William Shakespeare's compared to multiple Video Games, I'll say the one's I've seen are creamed many times over by many Video Games. I have a feeling that may be true for all of William Shakespeare's work simply because I've noticed people have a tendency to praise older works much more than they deserve; quite possibly because people don't find much intelligent stuff these days. Well, the intelligent stuff is out there, and I have a feeling a number of stories/series of that intelligent stuff may beat Shakespeare's best many times over.
Warpmind d Enzine:
That's something I figured out before reading that Post. The only absolute truth in this universe is that there are no absolute truths.
You're right on one thing. There is one and only one absolute truth. I'll state what I stated above again, here.
The only absolute truth in this world is that there is no absolute truth.
Although even that could be debated. Its nature might place it further outside standard debates of opinions, truths, and/or whatnot, though. I'm not even sure if that's an absolute truth, no. Keep in mind that what the United States functions off of in terms of government is the 'will of the majority'. Does that mean that the minority is wrong? No, it means that the majority was against them. That leads for a (mostly fair) governmental system. And you can't say that the majority is thus right and the minority is wrong.
Patrick Toman: Yes, there's a Video Game better than William Shakespeare. Don't rule out all Video Games as violent trash, as I have a feeling you may be doing. Many aren't, and its unfair to the writers who choose to express themselves via Video Games to treat them that way.
As for my debates style... I have the evidence and I have reasons for not giving them. And I most certainly am not saying 'I'm right and you're wrong, and since I'm right, I don't have anything to prove to you'. If you'd paid attention to my debates you should've seen that.
Thus, I'm not whining.
Scott Iskow:
Ah, you showed up. If I remember correctly, I might've been considering asking you to get into this. If there was anyone I could trust to make a fair view on my interacting skills, because of our recent Electronic Mails, it'd quite possibly be you. I'd trust you could tell me where I could improve and where I didn't need to.
I'm not acting as if anyone's enemies.
And yes, the 'personal opinion' comparison is something I know of. I'm trying to get it across to people that intelligent stories are good too... And most anyone intelligent should get that intelligent stories are better than ones that write about graphic physical stuff.
The above applies to you, too, Warpmind.
I'm not trying to force my views on others. I'm trying to get people to accept them. My scathing tone last year may well have been influenced by the thought that if I didn't attack Christine Morgan forcefully enough, people might not understand this.
Oh, and Warpmind, as for your comments on acting out Shakespeare's plays... I got Doug's points on experiencing the plays, but acting them out most likely won't do anything for me. Seeing them might.
And that scares me how?
Prepare to pie!!
*Flattens Rodlox with an enormous cream pie and then bolts off as Tim Flanagan sends a blast of plasma after him.*
In Japan, where people appreciate Video Games intellectually, something that many United States people don't seem to do, XENOGEARS may quite possibly be a classic.
What I said to Scott and Warpmind now applies to you, too.
Indeed. Later on, it becomes so deep in terms of characterization and 'deep stuff (pardon the redundancy, but that's my all-inclusive term for 'philosophical/analytical/message/the like-type stuff')', though, that I'm not sure if I could really describe it.
I will say it may have tied and/or beaten XENOGEARS, and if you'd been paying attention to my Posts last year, you should know what kind of praise that is from me.
David G:
Thank you for providing an intelligent attack on my debating style, not just a 'you're acting always right and stubborn, thus your points aren't valid'.
The Electronic Mail bit I can figure out myself and I didn't need that commentary. The rest were good points but, in ones I got before, I won't respond as I did in reference to the Electronic Mail bit, as that one may be something that I could respond with with stuff like 'I'm not stupid'; thus, I did.
XENOGEARS you did indeed spell right.
Yes, all three points are valid, although the tabletop/console one isn't right because its made by one who isn't informed. Don't *ever* judge the medium of storytelling, judge each story individually. Its unfair to all the authors who choose each medium in any medium. Any informed viewpoint on something is 'right' because there are no absolute truths save that there is none. However, a 'truth' made by one who is 'uninformed' is not a 'truth', so that's exempt.
The 'offend bit' I realized yesterday before even reading this Post. I'm aware of it and hope to be able to prevent that in the future.
And not all my paragraphs boil down to 'XENOGEARS is cool'; 'No its not'.
And Valentine's discussed the bit about the 'one rebuttal' so I won't say anything. He's already said it.
I'm not thirteen. That's way off. I'm definitely older, although how much I'll prefer to keep a mystery. Some people may know, and I'm asking them now to please keep my age confidential. Gasper doesn't appear too. I could be in college and he wouldn't know if I was or wasn't. Or I could be in High School and he wouldn't know if I was or wasn't. Some people might now, but I'm asking for confidentiality, again, please.
People might listen to what I say. I'm hoping they do in some regards, at least... Such as giving intelligent stories the respect they deserve, not tasteless romance stories.
I didn't notice your Post concerning not bringing you into any arguments, and actually didn't intend to this time. I made one comment and said I wasn't getting into a debate about your writing. Now that that and the validity of me holding the views I do all appear to have been challenged that's different.
David G:
And then we get to your second Post on my interaction with others and you do stuff I said you didn't above.
My views evolves, if you're using it in the context I think you're using it in (that of never changes) and, for the bloody whateverth time, I do accept the validity of others' opinions.
My debating style, on the other hand...
I'll keep my on on that and see if you're right.


"You know what? I think he's a hypocrite."-Derek Schatel
Discussion With a Friend

Paul Allen Nathans - []
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 09:08:13 PM

Lady Mystic> <<Now I'm hungry>>: Behold the power of Kielbasa.
<<how may people make use of the archived CRs and other sections>>: Well, I just used the archives to find what you were referring to that I said (see my next comment), and I use the text colors to find the best fit whenever I feel the need to add a new color to my rotation. I'm pretty sure I'll stay safely legal, so I don't feel the need to check the rules often, and I probably won't look at the images often unless I feel the need to start a picture rotation.
<<A few weeks ago you mentioned something about the improved quality of the CR pics...Could you clarify?>>: I'm ammuming that what I said was "Did you notice that demona.jpg is out of proportion in the CR? Though it is nice to see that the apparent file corrution graphical glitch has been fixed." What I meant that the file demona.jpg, aka Demona buy CSH from Prophets and Angels, appeared too wide in a previous post, and I assumed that the width setting was given a value a little too large. Also, I had mentioned a good while ago that the same picture seemed to have been corrupted, as there was a band that was shifted and off color, and appeared to be too rectangular to be natural, but at the time of my quoted posting had been removed. If that was too confusing, you can assume that it wasn't anything important and can be safely ignored. If this wasn't what you were talking about, I guess I'd have to search through the archive a little more.

Winterwolf> Congratulations on the new position.

Emambu> <<You sure? I could have sworn someone made a reference to fighting on St. Crispian's Day>>: What did I say this time? There was fighting, the saddled French were slaughtered, then they went an killed all the English pages (including Davy).
<<there will be no curve at all, for the whole class>>: That isn't fun. Well, with any luck you should do well enough on the subsequent tests.
<<My dirctor says he'll search for a TTBB copy of Non Nobis for the spring>>: Sounds like fun. But you needn't have done anything for my sake. Hope you have fun doing it.
<<C.S. Hayden (what a great last name>>: Especially for planetariums.

Warpmind> <<due to the great entertainment value (although H-rated)>>: And who says bill wasn't racy? I remember a good bit in Hamlet about "nought".

Delphi> <<Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?>>: Because it doesn't have anywhere to evaporate to, or of it's superglue, there's no water with which it can bond.

Calíope> <<I wonder if it all too cold in DC this time of year...>>: Well, seeing where you are coming from, I'd say it probably would be.

Gunjack> <<the ceiling is so low that I scrape my knuckles on it whenever I stretch in the morning>>: Then strech laterally.
<<a male Caller (figure it's Rydia's son)>>: I suggest you go look at the FFV jobs for that one. You can see teeny picture of all the classes at , but I suggest you look for the ROM. Plus it is a rather fun game. Even though I haven't worked up the courage to go finish it off.
<<I know nothing...>>: Channeling Sgt. Shultz there? But one of the versions of Non Nobis is performed by the City of Prague Philharmonic.

Mary Flanders> May you have the patience to deal with your trials.

Christine> Best wishes to you too.

Welcome WinterWitch.

Mary Flanders> <<I've read DnR/DnU>>: Do you know how long it tends to be between their updates?
<<Mine's kind of Sci Fi/Fantasy>>: Isn't the fantasy pretty much a given?

Daphne> Good luck with the project.

Well, as I promised, here's I've put up Non Nobis. I've decided to go with the Prague version because it has a little more oomph (technical term) and a higher bitrate. It is a little shorter (26 sec.), but I don't think that's as important.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 08:26:54 PM

call me insane for visting you guys while Buffy's on. I don't mind. :)
anyway, my dog is home and she's doing better. She actually likes having to take medicine because we put cream cheese on the pills. The only problem is she insists on chewing aspirin [shudders at the thought]
oh well, not much else going on. I'm a little worried about my desktop publishing class though. I did my major project, and it was good, but I'm not sure it saved before Ihanded it in. So I'm either going to get a very good or a very bad grade.

We'll see.


Daphne, apprentice-wordsmith
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 08:20:32 PM

*Walks jauntily into the CR grinnin like the wolf that at the lamb* Well, whaddya know...I get to come out to play twice in a week! Who says booze 're bad for you!

Christine>Um..Sorry. About both the arguement and the party.

*looks around for a few minutes*
Piffle. No sheep to harass. Well, later
"I'm the nothing face that plants the bomb and strolls away"
-Metallica, Prince Charming

Tuesday, October 24, 2000 07:47:42 PM

Emambu><<bold print Ranma fic>> Hell, I dunno. *scratches head* All I do is type 'em and send them to the guy. :P I type in script style because I remember writing me first ever fanfic (a gargs one) and I had a hard time typing something that made sense (blame my Asperger's for that). I like script form because I've read DnR/DnU and I like what they do. So, let's just say I'm kind of a copycat in writing format. :P Plus it's easier for me to express myself in script. I picture the characters of Ranma 1/2 being played by actors or their voices being done by voice actors and I write it that way. I also imagine it as a written form of a manga, whithout the pictures. Just like DnR/DnU is done. That fanfic series has really inspired me in my work. Though of course, my fanfic has no relationship in storyline to DnR. ;P Mine's kind of Sci Fi/Fantasy *claps hand over mouth* Oops! Did I say too much? ;P
Mary (again)
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 07:26:23 PM

Hey all!
Saw this awesome sight and decided to say hi! Okay well maybe when I have something to say I'll pop in later.

Tuesday, October 24, 2000 07:08:45 PM

Gonna bitch and moan now:

Geez ... didn't I ask nice enough for people to leave me out of the fight? Now I come back after two days and have to read all that? :(

I don't even know, or care to know, what that xenogame thingie IS. I don't care if there are eight million people who can write better than I do; goodie for them. I write because I enjoy it, I enjoy what I do, I'm not out to compete with anyone or prove anything or make some big old literary statement.

Pardon my bile and bitterness. It has been a rather aggravating and disappointing weekend. After all that stress and preparation, exactly ONE kid showed up for Becca's party. She didn't mind because they had a great time playing with her presents and having the entire contents of the pinata to divide between them, but I was annoyed. Still am.

And now this. ::shakes head::

Christine - []
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 07:00:05 PM


Ugh, White is driving me crazy. First he calls Wiccans and witches dillusional (well not straight out. He just said that when you're sick you can go to coven and have them rub a herbal bag over you, do some chants, dance around a bonfire, and then you'd be cured. Then he snickered. >.<) Then he said that we egg houses and write "Wiccans were here" on lawns. >>.<< I hope he burns in his own stupid hell. >:)

Mary Flanders
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 06:48:16 PM

Oh, and that remark of Mary's about vampires was intended as a "Buffy" reference (my first thought was to have her say "When did my life go so 'Buffy' on me?" or something like that, but then I decided against it because we prefer to avoid mentions of real television series/movies etc. in TGS as part of Standards & Practices - unless they're Disney ones. It helps keep the feel a bit closer to the original series, where there were a number of Disney references - Hudson watching "The Lion King" and a Donald Duck cartoon on television, the trio going to see "Bambi" in Time Square, Elisa wearing Belle's ball gown - but none to the products of the competitors).
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 06:45:43 PM

**DPH enters the room and notices things are back to their normal chaotic levels. DPB notices the lump that is DC and revives it. DC starts to thank DPH until DC is teleported to within 100 miles of the sun.**

I do not know. The use of the Wierd Sisters to solve the immediate problem seems to me a little overkill, but necessary given the character and climate. But what keeps the Wierd Sisters from finding Molly/the Banshee and returning her to Avalon? Mary finally get her own episode was nice, but is it not too early for her to learn to start trusting Merlin? Maybe, I am reading too much into this. What effect the Morrigon's absence have on Morgana?


"Shift Out of Turtle" mode is not a reference to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but is a satired version of "Shift Into Turbo", which is a reference to power rangers, a tv show that needs to die. Next time, the prize will be 24 cybercookies for getting the reference. Maybe, I am making this too hard to guess. tomorrow, I will have a new reference to guess.

**BFTS RP continues**
*Plastique is driving the car at this point*
DPH says, "Well Jason, I am surprised you have not tried to contact your parents yet."

Jason replies, "You do not understand."

DPH replies, "Actually, I probably do, but I will not ask any further questions of you, because I am not willing to share that information yet."

Plastique says, "Be thankfull you have parents. I never knew my parents."
**END BFTS RP for now**

DPH - []
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 06:37:55 PM

Sorry for some of the characters not getting that much focus in "Pendragon". Part of the problem is that the bulk of the Breakdowns team for "Pendragon" is me (because I'm one of the very few people on the TGS staff who's familiar with the Arthurian legend), and many of the people who do have ideas for "Pendragon" besides myself tend to be so snowed-under with RL that they weren't able to participate much in Breakdowns for this season. So this season of "Pendragon" has wound up focusing on characters that I have a strong feel for (such as Merlin and Mary) and neglecting those whom I'm not so strong on (such as Dulcinea).

We hope to change that for Season Four of "Pendragon", if there is one, of course. ("Pendragon" is just a bit more difficult for the bulk of us than the other cycles, since it involves both the Arthurian legend and "Gargoyles mythology", while the other three cycles are strictly "Gargoyles mythology").

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 06:37:50 PM

Tuesday, October 24, 2000 06:27:46 PM

*Lynati stops in, briefly*

Pendragon; liked it...but...

I have been told that there is a lot of stress when trying to get things done on time, but the stories recently seem to be getting shorter and shorter. I'm usually a fast reader, but i remember this summer when I was trying to get through the earlier stories, and they seemed to take three times as long to read. At least.
I also agree with Ed about the other characters needing more
"screen time".
I remember you recently adding an extra piece of art to a story; do you ever go back and add more text? Segments that may not deal directly with the current problem, but could be important to the overall storyline developement?
...Like what is happening with the lesser lights or those just not in the immediate spotlight. Maybe just getting to see a couple characters discussing current domestic occurances and kill two birds with one stone.

Just a thought...

*Lynati exits*
Kansas City, MO, USA
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 05:30:31 PM

***************Spoilers For Pendragon**********************
Wow! Monday was a red letter Day for entertainment! First a cool new Buffy episode with all kinds of revelations and a hilarious sub-plot, then the pilot for "Boston Public" and just as I'm about to go to bed it turns out a new "Pendragon" gets posted.

Dark Passions was fantastic! Bringing back the Minions would hav emade for a good story by itself but the additional(sp?) treats of the Morrigan's return, more fun with Merlin and Mary and Cuchulain's battle rage made this the single most enjoyable season 3 episode yet.

First of all I'd lek to give whoever thought of making Morrigan the new leader should get a huge pat on the back. It makes so much sense considering their goth-style costumes and love for mayhem. And it doesn't hurt that Morrigan is a fantastic villain. Through the course of this story she's manipulitiveand funny. I hope she escapes sooner or later and resumes leadership of the Minions. The threat of re-capture would be a good way to keep her from getting too powerful in futurer confrontations and force Morrigan to find more ingenious or subtle ways to cause devestation.

This was really Mary's episode. Yes she has gotten a lot of attention this season but for the most part her problems with being a wolf have either been subordinate to whatever magical threat Arthur was facing during the Scoobyquest or were competing with a dozen other plotlines so it was nice that she almost got an entire episode focusing on her.

I say almost because of Rory's micro-plot concerning his Cuchulain battle rage. While the reason why Cuchulain was going nuts was a little vague (does this happen every time Cuchulain got in a fight did the Morrigan cast a spell on him when she landed while he was dying?) it was still a highly enjoyable plot twist that toook me completely by suprise (this best kind :) ). I do, however, have one minor quibble about these berzerker rages. Although having Rory transform into a destructive super-human whenever he gets very angry does differentiate him from Marvel's Thor he does seem a lot like the Hulk now. Other than that it was a perfect episode. 10 out of 10!

**************DA SPOILERS ARE OVER**************************

Tuesday, October 24, 2000 05:07:57 PM

*** CR UPDATE ***

The archive has been updated to include weeks up to... TODAY! Enjoy! :)

CR News: FS and I are still waiting on a reply from Gore concerning a little problem with the coding. More will be explained at a later date. But for now, please be patient. Thanks. :)

*** / CR UPDATE ***

Winterwolf: Thanks for the feedback on both topics. :) But how did that work out when applying for jobs and claiming income tax? Which address do you use? To me, those seem to be the most controversial and confusing factors concerning this topic. (I'm mostly talking about the legalities behind all this. Of course it'd be easy if it was just a matter of picking the most favorable choice. But that's not my concern right now.)

Lady Corax: Fine, thanks. :) Which country did you used to live in? Do you have any advice concerning the aforementioned topics (see post to Winterwolf)?

James Birdsong: Thanks for letting me know. Although, I have to admit that it's kind of ironic coming from a picture-less post. ;)

Delphi: Thanks for replying. :)

Well, that's all for now.

Lady Mystic - [<-- CR ARCHIVE UPDATE !!!]
TGS CR Info Senior Admin
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 04:50:15 PM

Valentine> Let me clarify my remark about only one rebuttal. I was speaking to Paul specifically. I know from past experience that his debate style tends to be redundant. He rarely accepts the validity of other people's opinions, and doggedly repeats himself (again and again and again) without ever really moving the discussion along. His point of view never evolves, and he never works in much in the way of new information.

If that's the kind of thing I'm going to have to read, I'd like to keep it to a minimum. As long as the discussion is evolving and all the parties are getting along, I wouldn't want to put limits on anybody's remarks.

Assuming Paul stays around, you'll see what I mean soon enough. To make it really irritating, his original comments are usually quite insightful (if a little abbrasive). If he would just be a total idiot, I could safely dismiss him from consideration all together. As it is, he's worth listening to, but gets on my nerves after a while.

By the way, thanks for the sympathy.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 04:01:39 PM


***Spoilers & Comments***

Another great episode.

I’m getting a bit worried that the stories are becoming too focused on Mary though, as cool a character as she is. It sometimes seems that the season is centred more around him and Merlin than Arthur, or indeed many of the other knights – Una, Leo, Dulcinea and Griff have been pretty quiet, and Leba and Rory haven’t had much more focus. I hope we get focus episodes on them sharpish. But still, I really liked the Morrigan’s return. In fact, I’m kinda sad that this seems to be her first and last scuffle for the season.

Lots of great stuff went on here: I loved Mary being duped by ‘Corbie’, and Merlin’s frustration. I kind of think this might have made a fun ongoing plot for a little while, cruelly mimicking Emrys’ deception in season 2. And lots of clapping from me for the fleshing out of the Cuchullain character by painting him as potentially dangerous. I’d love to see this played out a lot more in future. Corbie’s immature attitude was incredibly fun to witness. Again, shame on Todd and the gang for having her cornered so quickly.

Hints towards the New Camelot cool. Smashing art from Damocles: very cool. Return of the Minions: especially cool since I’m not a big fan of them, but they were so hilarious with Morrigan.

Wishlist for the rest of the season:

A *lot* more focus on Arthur than there’s been in the last two seasons. Particularly the clash between his need to be hidden and his need to fulfil his duty, maybe a bit more exposure on his past, possibly his fears of age, and the clash between his seventh century values of justice and those that the modern police would use.

Separate episodes focusing on Una, Leo, Griff, Dulcinea, Kevin, Leba and Jessica.
The return of: Nimue, Lancelot, the Lady of the Lake, Macbeth and Grimalkin as antagonists.
More stuff on Cuchullain/Rory, Jane Nelson and Brianna.

Couple of closing points:
“and a pair of fugitives left over from the Middle Ages at that!” – I thought you’d classify the sixth century as Dark Ages. Might have been a conscious slip, although it might have warranted a Merlin comment in that case.
“At this point, for all that I know, somebody could walk up to me and tell me that I’ve just been given the job of hunting down vampires or something like that.” Is this supposed to be a ‘Buffy’ reference?

Ed - []
London, England
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 03:54:08 PM

Out, Out, foul typo demons!
Gunjack Valentine
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 03:31:27 PM

Valentine appears from under hisn desk, looking disheveled but cheerful. Piled up around him are stackis of paper containing plot outlines, weapon stats, model sketches, level maps, and thye other paraphenalia of a creator.*

I'm still a bit wasted, but I've got my muse back, the skeletons of two mods in the cooker, and I'm jacked up on some great tunes. Let the good times roll! 8D *Opens the door to the previous weeks' CR with a flourish, and is promptly crushed under a tidal wave of posts*
Oy... Maybe next time I shouldn't let them pile up for five days before responding... :P

Warpmind><<That Screamer model you describe... GURPS stuff, perchance?>> Yup... My life is GURPS, and GURPS is my life. :P <<And when you think about it, isn't the Oscillator a bit more cruel?>> Not really... getting hit by a Screamer is like being dropped in a cuisenart. I'd say they're about equally cruel, which is why I'll stick with Blasers. <<Oh, and the knife...>> You're probably right... still, as long as it's not pakistani stainless, it can't be THAT bad... One of the best folders I ever owned cost $14.95, and was made in Taiwan... <<Oh, I like your cane sword idea, too... ]:)>> Thanks. Now I just need to scrounge up a belt grinder and some materials... <<(Oh, and Wilek's KY joke - you said trying to *hump* that cannon...)>> 'Kay, let's clarify one thing. I am not a bald midget, and I DO NOT hump crew-served weapons... ;P

SJ><<But I HAD to comment on these two items. To be fair, both items are partisan. One's anti-'pub, the other anti-'crat.>> *Valentine laughs himself into a coughing fit.* Oh, that's TOO rare..! :D <<Personally, I'll probably watch both films, but Pete Jackson and the Hobbits get my money first.>> Amen. I grew up on LoTR, and it'd take a nuclear exchange to keep me out of that theater... <<SECOND TIME? God, I'm 21 years old, and it took me the better part of 2 weeks to read that book! It's like over 700 pages!!!>> It took me less than two days... I was a third of the way through it, and my dad and sister went to see Gladiator. I didn't want to see it again, so I sat in the car and finished off the last two thirds before they got out again. Hurray for speed reading! <<Not as entertaining or as moving or as important as XENOGEARS, mind you, but I thought they were fun.>> They DO seem to be getting more and more serious, though... I'm still hoping we get to see some serious havoc in the last three... <<Sorry, Wilek, as much as I tried, through various letter writing campaigns, I couldn't get Rowlings to make the next book "Harry Potter and the Naughty Hentai Tentacles". But damnit, I tried!>> *Five minutes after reading the previous statement, Valentine regains coherence.* You, my friend, are a NUT. 8D

Gside><<You know what, it's annoying when you scrape out a bit of your knuckle with your other finger while stripping wires.>> In my house, the ceiling is coeres with that rough stippling crud, and the ceiling is so low that I scrape my knuckles on it whenever I stretch in the morning...
<<Or Locke, Edgar, Sabin.>> So far, I'm planning on using Kain, a male Caller (figure it's Rydia's son), Possibly an origional incarnation of Cid, and Edge/Shadow. <<For some reason I couldn't reparse about half of it (n't, with the, one, love, the one, have).>> Well, I can't remember the EXACT wording, but at least you get the general idea... :P <<How do you feel about Prague? The orchestra, that is.>> I know nothing... :P

Doug><<That's why even if somebody was indestructable in my ficverse I always gave them a lot of emotional weaknesses.>> In my book, emotional weaknesses are nearly always better than physical ones... Not to mention being more realistic. <<And so's responsible gun ownership, which also means using guns safely and keeping them locked up with the ammo in a separate locked box inside the safe for me and Kit too.>> When I get my Berretta, It will be stored fully loaded, probably with a round in the chamber and the safety on, in a quick access safe. Since it's intended purpose is defense of my home and person, having to scurry for the ammo could be a bit inconvinient. :P

Robby><<Thats right, four pages of me drawing scantily clad woman, DBZ style ninja moves, and a really friggin big robot. All in just four pages!>> You... Lucky... *Words fail him*

Shadowrider><<"I swear to be loyal to the Italian Republic,
to respect its Constitution and Laws,
and to attend with discipline and honor
to all the duties of my condition,
with the only objective of the protection of my Fatherland
and the defense of its free institutions".>> I know you're already gone, but maybe you'll get to see this next time you drop in. You. Are. The. MAN!

RA><<I must say it amuses me :) I'm just a cute cuddly kitty, but also an arrogant catnip snorting jerk. Maybe if I make you really mad, you'll catch on fire and I can roast marshmallows and salmon :)>> *Goggles* ...Woah... Well, at least you're honest... *regains his composure* Gee guys, can't we all just get along?

David G - As to all the RL crap you were suffering, I have the faintest glimmer of what you're talking about. *taps the foot-wide hole* Glad to hear you're feeling better.
<<If you state a point and other people disagree, one rebuttal is probably all that's worth the effort.>> Bummer! How can you have a logical dialogue with only one rebuttal? And if you can't, how can you hope to rationally discuss anything truely important?
Was I boring people with the abortion stuff? Oops! Sorry!
<<After that, no matter how well reasoned your arguments are, you start to bore all the people who aren't involved in your discussion AND you risk causing hard feelings.>> You're probably right, but I wish you weren't... We really need more true dialogue in this world. *sighs*

Kit><<Someone obviously needs to read the archives of this room's past few weeks.>> *Valentine reads the story of Gus, kicks back, and sips reflectively on a IBC.* So THAT'S the whole story. Ick. The slug is lucky he picked on such nice people... If it'd been me and my (heavily armed) friends, he'd have probably ended up on a slab...

Hmm. 2:32 PM. Maybe I should actually start my day... :P
Peace, Love, Dope!

Gunjack Valentine - []
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 03:30:42 PM

*Warpmind enters, nursing an aching jaw.*
Well, got three cavities filled today... hurts, and there's this sweet an' spicy taste that sticks... :|

Robby: No hard feelings - just a few public DC executions should set things straight rightaway. Which reminds me... *Pulls forth a large crown and places it on DC's head. DC looks confused, but smiles.* There... the crown fits nicely. Now, to turn off the anti-gravity field... did I mention the crown is made of pure osmium? *Presses a button on a remote. The crown quickly plummets down, compressing DC into a small lump of pus before breaking through the floor and vanishing downwards.* Ooops, sorry about that... *Places a few boards over the hole, along with a warning sign.*

Fire Storm: You're gonna hafta hurt me for this, I'm sure, but I got it from Christine in the first place... the difference between an anorexic and an extracted fang is that one is too thin, the other is tooth out. *Takes cover.* By the way, for dental pains... I can recommend xylocaine. (Only stuff I've encountered where one full syringe is enough...)

Well, that's about it. I gotta go tend to my aching jaw. I'm just happy the three cavities were small and in the same sector of the mouth - low left front. :| See y'all.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 03:07:37 PM

Real post later, I still have work to do, but I have to adress one thing real quick...

"Anime" (Ahn-ee-may)- Originally the French word for "cartoon", which itself means a series of drawings put together to similate movement, fantasy and events which could not occur in real life. The Japanese took the word because they liked it, at which point the word spread out and became generalized into Japanese culture to become used in place of the words "cartoon" and "animation". Recently, the word has come into use in America to signify "japanese animation" despite the fact that is not the actual meaning of the word. The words are for the most part, interchangable, as used in context in magazines such as Wizard and Animefantastique. (Which classified Prince of Egypt and Tarzan, both American pieces, as "anime".) Also of interesting note, "political cartoons" are very rarely a series of drawings, and even more rarely do they move, but they are referred to as cartoons nonetheless. Generally the word "cartoon" is used to refer to a humorous drawing, rather than a serious one, although due to slang and the side effects of Disney films on American culture, almost all animation stateside is considered by the majority of the population as "cartoons" or "Japanese porn crap". Its really a moot point however, since it all comes down to slang anyway.

Tuesday, October 24, 2000 01:59:01 PM

.....Dagnabit! I always miss top ten!!! Oh well...11!!!! :P

Doug> lol the Batman: The Musical part was hilarious!

Gside> <<you should probably work your way all the way around the Mall>> Thats what I thought, I'll see how much I can see in just a week. I wonder if it all too cold in DC this time of year...*ponders* <<The real artists are freakier>> lol I know!! They may look like normal ppl on the outside, but they can be total psycos! *stands there, looking like a "normal" girl and grins evily* ;) Oh, and thanx for the congrats! :)

Winterwolf>**HUGZ back as many times as shes hugged + extra few*:P <<Your highness you forgot your crown!>> lol Oh! Must have forgot to type that in my post!!! :P <<museums...they are neatly clustered together>>well, that'll save me the truble of getting tooo lost, huh? :P <<You got an A! See I told you I didn't damage that genius brain of yours! So now I can call you a super genius again! Yippee and Congrats! >> lol nope, no you cant call me a genious cuz, as all in the cosmos seek order and...stuff, I got a C+ in British lit! Of all things to flunk at, english! Thats so wierd, I usualy flunk spanish and ace english!!!...ah well! *shrugs and dances and topples furniture in the room cuz heck, thats always fun! * :P <<roswell>> Oh! See it!!! See it quick!!! It was sooooo neet! And all is falling into place again!!!!....I think....and the teasers for next weeks ep are unbareble!!! Future Tense Max!!!! With long hair even!!! *keeps dancing about with even more energy than before* :P

Emambu> <<Congratulations! And you were so worried over
that test too.>>*HUGZ back* lol I know!! ANd yet, the one I didnt worry about too much got me a whopping C+! sheesh, go fig! :P

Taleweaver> Blue Submarine #6? I've seen those at the place I rent my anime, but its never caught my attention. I think some one told me its kindda this "Waterworld" type deal but I'm not sure, I'll have to check it out! :)

G'bye Shadowrider!!! Come back soon!!!! :)

*reads Buffy/Angel spoilers and starts chanting*....gotta watch tonight....gotta watch tonight...

Oh well! I gots ta go! I'll see ya kiddies!!!! *HUGZ all and runs on out*

Tuesday, October 24, 2000 01:55:34 PM

Well, if the official posts don't count, I'm ten. :)
*Returns to his Gould article*

Gunjack Valentine
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 12:29:14 PM

Emambu: <yeah, well my blood tastes like copper>
Vulcan. I knew it! :)
<At least yours has a somewhat appealing taste to it. :)>
It was more annoying. Add to the fact that I was eating mashed potatos and I REALLY wanted some turkey!
<Doesn't your boss realize that massive chest pains that cause you stop breathing are well... kind of hazardous for you in a working environment?>
I am an Employee. I am lower than dirt. And besides... I am working at a place that allows me 2 sick days after a year and only 1 week of vacation per year.
And besides... the chest pains come at random with random strength. The ABSOLUTE worst one I had was when I was driving home and I stopped breathing for a second or two. I am certian that it is a muscular problem due to how I sleep (Like oragomi!)
<And what are you doing eating hamburgers when your mouth is so sore? Far be it for me to sound like a nagging mother, but you should be on liquids (primarily soup, juice, maybe even a little water ice or ice cream). You shouldn't be eating anything that requires you to chew.>
Yes mother. :)
Heres what happened:
After the extraction (same day): I lost nearly ALL ability to open my mouth. I basicially had to smoosh mashed potato's through my teeth. Bleeding stopped after 12 hours.
Friday (Next day): I could open my mouth (Barely). Lot's of pain. Ate mashed potato's, pudding, melted ice cream, yogurt. Oh yeah. I had to work.
Saturday: More mobility of jaw. I got hungry, ordered a Frosty. Got fries also. I was able to eat at a time. Made dinner for LM and myself (ravioli). I was able to eat it! Yeah!)
Sunday: More mobility! I could drink out of a straw without worrying about busting a stitch! Tried to eat a burger but couldn't open my jaw enough. Smoushed that burger flat!
Monday, Today: I can eat near anything (I ain't gonna risk caramel, though :(
BUT after 2 days of eating liquid food and mushy food, I WANTED SOMETHING SOLID IN MY STOMACH! I was willing to risk the pain!
<And yes, DC is among those things. :)>
Hmm... what if I just swollow him whole?
<What happened to the intelligent killers from "Aliens" that could cut the power and then attack via the ducts above the ceiling?>
Stupid writers. I mean, there was a few queens on that ship! There is no way in HELL ANY human should have survived!

SJ: <2. Angela meets Darla>
*Fire Storm pulls out a whip and starts whipping some demons*

Taleweaver: <What do you know about Blue Submarine #6>
The Beatles song that didn't quite make it? :)

Lady Mystic: <*elbows FS*>
Ow! What did I do? ;)

Warpmind: <by the way, you *do* know the difference between an anorexic and an extracted fang, right? ];)>
Hmm... no, but I am afraid to ask! :)

Winterwolf: <Well I hear if you brine a turkey it tastes better!>
Hmm... na... I like low salt food!

Wilek: <Why does nobody like this movie? ;P>
Because it SO misrepresents my species!
<Which method are you using? I'm using the one with the move_object on cheat.>
I got it to work. fun!
<Ah. (For some reason I have this image of you standing at the base of a cliff with a vacuum cleaner. ;P)>
DAMN! That would have been SO much easier!
<Not into Vampire: The Masquerade or Call Of Cthulhu, are you? ;)>
Not yet.
<they're only animals (with the obvious exception of Fire Storm)>
They are morons when it comes to reasoning. Although my children can learn not to do something painful (They can watch others), they are basicailly idiots. The reason they were so smart in Aliens was because of the queen. But even so, any one of my children can take out an entire military complex! Bring in one or two more drones, and when they communicate... watch the apes writher and squirm in pain!
<Xenomorphs aren't really aquatic animals; probably they had trouble moving underwater just like a human would (albeit not as much, given their strength and what not)>
Without even speaking from experience, I say we are MADE for moving under water. We are thin, can move our entire body like a snake, AND our heads are relatively hydrodynamic!

Gunjack: <You're probably right, but trying to confiscate weapons is about the worst course they could take... :P>
I know that, you know that, but the government is full of morons!
<Just remember to ask for hallucinogens and strong narcotics. By NAME!>
I forgot what to ask for :( (Lykoden). All they gave me was Tyelonol-3. IT SUCKED!
<Ah, yes... the AVP demos... The Marines demo was so tense I had to go sit in a quiet room after every life (No! Anything but that squelching sound!)>
Reminds me of how I was during System Shock 2!
<I got a little too... Involved... in the Aliens demo. :P Three ways in one to wreck your sanity...>
Heck, I already go around hissing at people like an alien when I am angry! I don't need more encouragement.
<I don't doubt you, but why? They're not doing anything with it, so why just sit on the idea like a miser?>
They don't want anyone to make their work sucessfull and make them look like morons. Someone wanted to buy some cartoon charater a few years ago that Disney didn't use for 30 years or so. They didn't sell it. THAT is why I think that Disney won't sell Gargoyles.

Gside: <Heck, if people donate upgraded parts, all you'd need is a case.>
Donate a case! They cost, what, $20? The most expensive part would be the ram! (We can't be mean and give him less than 128 mb!)

Fire Storm - []
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 12:24:55 PM

****Kyryn steps back in****

For those who missed it because of the wipe:


TGS now presents

Dark Passions

Written by Todd Jensen

Story Idea by Todd Jensen, Nicodemus, and Entity

Artwork by Damocles

****Kyryn steps aside to avoid the rush****

Kyryn - [<<---clicky, clicky!]
Denton, TX
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 12:09:49 PM

** Niamhgold enters **


Tuesday, October 24, 2000 12:08:57 PM

***Kyryn ducks in***


***Kyryn ducks out***

Denton, TX
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 12:04:33 PM

James Birdsong
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 11:56:06 AM

Top ten!! ^_^
Winterwolf - []
Bronx, NY
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 11:51:36 AM

5th or 6th?

Hi ya'll

Good episode of Pendragon. I loved the interaction between Corbie and Mary. The scene with Molly at the end, when the Weird Sisters had taken Morrigan, was priceless.

Some of the wording was a little chunky, but good over all.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 11:23:39 AM

Tuesday, October 24, 2000 11:21:10 AM

Fire Storm - []
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 11:14:49 AM

Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 11:13:31 AM

Would this be first or second?

Robby: No need for apologies. These things happen

Emambu - []
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 11:13:15 AM

Sorry about the EXTREMELY late wipe folks. But on Friday the phone company made some sort of boo-boo, and well... We haven't had any phone or internet access here since Friday. And since I had no way of seeing that coming, I couldn't tell anyone else how to wipe to room or to do it during my unplanned absense. I coulda sworn I had SOMEONE who was supposed to serve as backup in emergencies... (But I could be wrong since its pretty rare that I can't wipe the room...) Just got phone use back about five minutes ago... Oii, I got some catching up to do now...
Tuesday, October 24, 2000 11:11:26 AM