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Thanks people for the info on CTS. After reading the info, I don't think I have it. :) I think my hands are just cold from being in a freezing cold house. >.<

I finally met him. ^_^ You know, the guy I was talking about before whom I met when I put up a personals ad. He's really nice and a real gentleman. :) :) :) His name is Joseph. We met at the Market Place (a big grocery shopping place with some large dancing pig statues) and we went to Pete's Coffee and talked some. He's a real sweet guy. :) But it was kind of hard to identify him since he forgot to tell me he would be wearing a trenchcoat over his clothes that he described, but he was able to identify me pretty easily. ;P Then we went downtown and wandered around for a while and talked some more. We stopped off at a local chinese restaraunt so I could get something to eat, though he didn't eat anything since he wasn't hungry. Than we went to the movies and watched "Save the Last Dance". Joseph knows stuff about guns (though he's a pacifist and never shoots at living things with them. just targets) and when we saw the characters in the film with various armery, he's all whispering, "That's a german gun!". Then he took me home, since he had to head back to Sonoma because of the traffic. Mostly we did a lot of talking, and I really had fun with him. I'm really looking forward to seeing him again. ^_^ But man was I ever nervous! Luckily I was able to reasonably act like myself. ;P


I really enjoyed this film! I may have not danced for four years, but I can still(somewhat) see good dancing when I watch for it. Personally, I think the main black actor (who played the love interest of Sarah) is a really big hottie. :))) 'Course, who wouldn't? ;P The hip hop dancing was fun to watch, especially at the club. Those people really know how to work it! ;) Now I wish I could dance like that. :P It's a sweet movie and I really enjoyed it. I recommend it to anyone who like dance and watching interacial relationships blossom. :) I give it a 9/10.

I must go shower now since I had to go running to deal with my pent up nervousness after meeting Joseph. Ja mata!


Mary Flanders
Saturday, January 27, 2001 08:00:30 PM

GREEN BARON - Well, I'm simply not that much of a politics-discusser. I have some familiarity with Ashcroft (only by reputation; I've never met the guy), but not enough to really have a strong opinion as to whether he's right for the job of Attorney General or not.

Coming after the room is cleared: reviews (containing spoilers) for this morning's episodes of "X-Men: Evolution" and "The Zeta Project".

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, January 27, 2001 07:38:59 PM

Egroups-to-Yahoo thing: I complained 1st about it in the CR room. I would have expected an email to all egroup members announcing the transfer about one week ahead of time and another reminder notice 24 hours before it happened. Instead, this suprised and angered me. I knew Yahoo had bought out Egroups, but I expected the aforementioned announcements to warn me in advance.

That's all for now.

DPH - []
Saturday, January 27, 2001 07:05:12 PM

Lynati - o.O *looks suspicious* ...I'm not convinced. Extensive debriefing of the source indicated that bias was extremely unlikely. And if you heard a little more of the conversation, Besides, how do I know you aren't just trying to protect Warps' little side bet?
Oh, and Warps? I just remembered. You aren't allowed to bet on your own odds. Conflict of interest and all, y'know. ; ) ...Thought you could pull a fast one on the family, eh? o.O

ACW - Welcome. I've absolutely no clue who you are, and I can't read your post because of the spoilers, but it's nice to see a new face... ; )

Real post somewhere in the ever-receding future.

Gunjack "pretty in pink" Valentine
Saturday, January 27, 2001 04:07:25 PM

Hey everybody. I haven't posted here in forever. Thanks to the kind comments about the TGS premiere. I have some comments below.


I won't address anyone personally, only because I can't remember who said what. Let's start with the story being short, and maybe a bit lacking. When the story went out to writers, I was supposed to have at least one (two, at one point) co-authors on it. The story deals with so many aspects that it almost demanded it. But you may or may not know how things work, but things in real life come up all the time. Deadlines are lost, and sometimes you may have to finish things you don't want to or don't know how to do. I signed up to work on the Brooklyn shooting aspect of the story, while others were going to take the rest (it was so long ago, I can't even remember ho was going to help out with it). During the writing, I had to deal with all the other aspects in the story, so much that everything was lessened, even the things that I felt were my strong points.

But the story got written, for better or worse.

Beth's role - I've always liked Beth. Her coming in wasn't my idea, it was in the original story idea. I like how the scene with her and Goliath came out.

Dr. Emily Gray - You'll be seeing more of her. Can't say when, but she's there. I don't think I was the right person to introduce her, because I really knew nothing about the character (someone else on staff came up with her). It's decent, I think, but I felt she came across as to preachy.

Brooklyn - I love Brooklyn. He's fun to write, fun to get inside of and see what he's thinking. He's your everyman character in gargoyle form. So, yeah, we shot him. Shows his vulnerability. None of the characters are invincible, and I don't think it's safe to assume that they are.

The Gunmen - They weren't named because they didn't need names. I doubt they're going to show up again anytime soon, but don't take things I say to heart.

That's all the comments I have off the top of my head. Again, thanks for the kind comments, and thanks for the critism, as well.


Rage Against the Machine - I have to say something about this, because they were (still are) my favorite band. Zack de la Rocha isn't about Communism or Marxism, he and his music are about freedom. Pure and simple freesom. So yeah, they condone the writings of Karl Marx (and others). The man was a social revolutionary, and a genius. I don't agree with many of the aspects of my government, but that doesn't make me a Communist. Communism sounds great on paper, it's trying to make it work that's a bitch.

Alan Coleman Waltrip - []
Odessa/Midland, Texas
Saturday, January 27, 2001 03:56:49 PM

Greg - I believe that "blue eyes" joke was a member of that revered suborder of mockery, known to the comman man as "Baiting". : P

*heads out*

Gunjack "Women and Men" Valentine
Saturday, January 27, 2001 03:53:05 PM

*The curtains swish apart and Lynati enters*

Greg: <Kurt Cobain joke> I think that was a pun. "He had blue (blew) eyes; one blew this way..."

Mandolin:<Halo Nominations> Cool. Good Luck.

*Pulls out small remote, opens doorway to the Mistletoe room, and drags the remains of Warpmind through. Turns to the CR*
This'll only take a minute...
*A loud sound, like that of a frying pan hitting somebody on the head is heard. Lynati re-enters the CR*
There, that should have fixed him.

Gunjack: *reads post. Turns purpl-ish and starts shrieking shrilly:* Excuuuse me? where did you get a crazy idea like THAT?? *stalks over to Gunjack, shaking a finger at him* I resent the implacation that I am, in any way, physically attractive. Haven't you seen the media lately? Don't you know that females with my muscle density aren't ALLOWED to be attractive? That anyone with over two percent body fat is automatically unfit to be seen? Do you know how many lower-ab crunches I'm going to have to do now, simply so I don't let everyone who now, thanks to you, expects me to be in great shape at the Gathering?
And where did you come UP with that idea in the first place?
If you've been talking to Warpmind, you should remember that infatuation makes us all blind.
And the only other person who has a picture of me is-
*sing-song voice* lai-ain, oh lai-aaain, did you...? *narrows eyes*
If it was lain who told you this...lie, then don't believe her either. She's my friend and was just trying not to be insulting.

Warpmind: ...and I still have no idea WHAT to get you. (I don't know what the policy is for mailing weapons in the states, let alone across the Big Pond. So my only idea won't work.) Oh- and the eyes? they're yellow with little red flames pinwheeling out from the pupil. Like the eyes of a tiger. And I got the e-mail problem fixed. ^_^

Hmmm...that's all for now. I'll most likely post again later, as I am still giddy over the access that my new computer gives me.
*Lynati, still blushing behind her fur, slips back out through the curtains*
Saturday, January 27, 2001 03:52:35 PM

Attila> Exactly what did that mean about Kurt Cobain?
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Saturday, January 27, 2001 02:30:14 PM

Mandolin> ah
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Saturday, January 27, 2001 02:17:02 PM

Tim P.> Actually, Communist and Anarchist striek me as opposites. Communism strikes me as having the people own everything and Govenrment putting a gun to everyone's head to make certain of it. An anarchist is just plain anti-Government, and a Libertarian wants as little regualtion as necessary, which is how I feel. I relaize the need for _some_ Government, and mostly state and municipal, with teh Feds keeping them in check, but ultimately I only want enough Government to maintain order, keep the laws enforced, keep the air and water reasonably clean, and to do what is more cost-effective for a Government to do, like National Defense and maybe roads and highways, though they don't do that right, either.

GXB> Well, I read in George Magazine about Rage and it put them in the Marxist category. Not as bloody as Lenin, Mao, or Stalin, but against capitalism. It mentioned their love for Che Guereva and the destructive Zapatistas. Maybe I'm wrong, but George is not the American Spectator and if anything leans to the left.

As for Kurt Cobain, he had blue eyes. One blew that way and the other blew that way :p

I know I'm a stinker :)
Reverend Attila - []
New Orleans, Louisiana
Saturday, January 27, 2001 01:56:41 PM

Greg: <<Rage Against the Machine isn't about Communism or Marxism.>> Yes it is. Just click on my name to visit their website. They are self proclaimed Marxist who have publicly endorsed the writings of Karl Marx, Vladimer Lenin, Neiche (sp? the guy who insipired Adolf Hitler), and other Communist Anarchist activist.

They also advocate the pardoning of Leonard Peltier, a former Native American activist who murdered two FBI agents execution style, and Cop-killer death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal.

But, hey, it's all for the benifet of the country, right? : )

Saturday, January 27, 2001 01:20:43 PM

Well, the computer seems to be still working for the moment... **knock on wood** I have discovered that my system absolutely refuses to run any version of McAfee greater than 4.0 - if I try anything higher, it threatens to kill its display adapter. (This was after I formatted the hard drive and reinstalled Windows and most of my devices.) Sigh. At least I can update my virus DAT files regularly.

James> Yeah, but I own three lists on Egroups, one of which is for school purposes, and another is the TGS mailing list. I have to deal with the web interface. I sent Yahoo! an extremely irritated e-mail to that effect. They really did not need to kill the old interface at all; they were making money off Egroups as it was. I don't object to them taking over so many services as much as I object to the fact that they SCREW THEM UP when they do. Haven't they heard the old saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it?" Yeesh.

Todd> Diedrich Bader? OSWALD voiced Zeta? Hee... I think I'm going to go tell Plague about this and watch her head spin... :)\

G2001> I'd love to go. However, I'm putting off registering until I know where I'll be living. Mom is pushing for me to live at home (the benefit there is that a Baltimore commute is easier), I'd still like to stay in Frederick with my friends (the rent is affordable, and I can probably share a townhouse with War), and if some of the jobs I looked at actually want me, I might be staying in Alexandria with my cousin.

Other stuff> Got an e-mail that said "Halo Nomination" yesterday, and opened it up out of curiosity. Turns out that "New Blood," the overly long Buffy fic I wrote last year, was nominated for two of the semi-annual Buffy/Angel Halo Fanfic Awards: Best Buffy Fanfic and Best Crossover Fanfic. And I had nothing to do with that. Go figure. I suppose this means I'd better get cracking on the sequel.

Anyway, since the comp's working, I have one less excuse not to work on Web Programming now...

Saturday, January 27, 2001 01:11:39 PM

Hi all. I haven't posted all week because I've been going to our school musical every night. My boyfriend is one of the leads and I hardly get to see him dance and sing and act. Thanks to all for the encouragement on my auditions. I'm so nervous because I don't know what to expect and how they'll react. All things considered, I don't think I'm that great a dancer but I really want to keep with it after graduation. Luckily they'll just like me for my sparkling personality...hahahaha.

Gunjack> Ummm...maybe you were confused. That pic you saw wasn't me, I think it's of Mary.

Kit & Doug> Of course I'll keep posting where ever I go. I guess it's all going to depend on how I do at this audition at Sam Houston. If they like what they see and offer me a big scholarship, then I'll probably take that. If not, which is more likely, then I'll go to UT Austin because I have friends there, including you! I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Thanks for the encouragement.

Saturday, January 27, 2001 01:11:27 PM

Attila> Rage Against the Machine isn't about Communism or Marxism. They're complaining about what is wrong with the government, and there are a lot of things wrong with the government that need to be fixed.

But people here have the right to hate them, and express their tastes on music. Just as long as no one bashes Kurt Cobain.

Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky
Saturday, January 27, 2001 11:59:38 AM

**Attila is busy reading his copy of the Washington Times when he notices an interesting article.

"Some Marine just killed Rage Against the Machine. The state of Nebraska has acquited him for being patriotic and it's not illegal to kill Marxists in Nebraska according to a new law my agents have arranged."

"Well, this is good news. My agnets in the Nebraska legislature have doen well passing our new law. Now, if only we can get it in California and UC Santa Cruz can be eliminated."**

Tim> $Excellent work disposing of Rage. I was planning on teh Scouts killing them, but it will weaken Rosseau's forces.$

Kirshtanta> <<However, as already pointed out - some wacko with no control over his anger could take it the wrong way. Would you want that on your conscience (for ex: someone kills in your name like Manson did with Helter Skelter and the Beetles...)? >>

As the Baron's cat, I also speak for the silly human. Manson was a deranged psychotic and if he didn't use the Beatles, he'd use something else. There are people who play Duengeons and Dragons and they are over the edge, so they may do some psychotic act loosely based on the game, but that would happen in any event. I don't blame some dice game for unbalanced people.

Countless herectics have used the Bible to justify all sort sof evil, whether its the Catharii and Albigensie, or Bob Jones and the Ray Weaver. I wouldn't blame the Bible for them. There are also some hate-mongers blaming the Pope for the murder of Matthew Sheppard. Can we say horse sh*t?

GXB> If Rage isn't Communist, then I guess they're Marxist. I can't really tell the big difference. I understand that pinkos are entitled to free speech, but I'll exercise my free speech saying that Communism and Marxism are full of sh*t.

Recent argument> It's more a battale of passions. Both Greg and Jannie are evry passionate individuals and are not good when they clash. Ideology is one issue of clashing, but politics is only one. Entity and Gunjack do not clash, because of their attitudes which are more liley to debate and use their philosophical abilities. Green Baron pisses off people ebcause of his jokes, and among that list are Jewel and Sevarius, Jr. who have been annoyed by his comments, though both are friends of the Baron. He has also annoyed Spacebabie and Doug, plus who knows who else.

There are a lot of veiws and opinions and at times, they clash. It is true the Baron has killed countless liberal politicians and media figures,a s well as Hollywood types in his RPs. His stabbing of the bloated tick wa smore meant for humor, because blood didn't come out. It was fat laced with booze. It was meant purely as a joke. If that inspires anyone to kill Ted Kennedy, well would anyone miss him?

Todd Jensen> Surprisingly, you've been quiet about Ashcroft and you're from Missouri. I guess you're not political, though maybe you are and you don't show it.

Lady Corax> I figured you'd favor Rehnquist, because of the Arizona connection. Rehnquist may be retiring. Some say that Bush would appoint Ashcroft as Chief Justice. I'd say, "big mistake". His appointment as Aatorney General has caused enough damage. Beisdes, I think there are more qualified choices, though Orrin Hatch is perfect. He is statesmanlike and professional, plus his persoanl friendship with the bloated tick would guarantee an easy Confirmation, plus I loved an article he wrote in Human Events condemning judicial activism.

SOROW> You can do it!! Is that encouraging enough? ::Attila noozles SOROW and his tail springs staright up:: How's that for encouragement ;)

Daniel Johnson and DPH> Well, you two are clones, but not identical clones :p

Stephen Sobotka> I'm gald you're getting the glasses. As for a job, I don't know what to say.

Doug and KIt> So what is this hosue like? Is it built yet or is it already built? I'm sorry you can't live in Austin, but hopefully the commute isn't too bad.

Skippy> The Spanish Inquisition. That was a great music number by Mel Brooks :)

DumloaX> Well, I'm glad to see you back. I'm also glad you have power. Not everyone in California is so lucky. I think Governor Davis should forget about a second term.

JEB> I wish you'd post again, oh JEBish one :)

Lain> A Canadian? Nope. More civilized, like a Southern Gentleman. He's more a medieval warlord in a three-piece suit. Some books by Vanderbilt and Post will help him be more civilized, though you will still be agood influnce on him. He is very fond of you. Perhaps we will meet in December, though I know you would prefer meeting P-Nut the silly lab.

Sevarius, JR.> If Jesse Jackson was my birth father, I'd want to be adopted. BTW, he onlyhad Strom Thurmond appear as Strom-Ra the Everliving. As for Bob Dole, we haven't sued Tuxedo Bob Dole in a while. I enjoyed having him and OJ as a team, though.

Lynati> I never saw your politcial posts as venting, just humor.

Caliope> The Baron isn't much of a party animal. That's me afetr I've had some catnip. He'll leave the tour to you. A pity I can't go and make passes at you, Nahir, and any other girl I see :)

Spacebabie> Well, my tail is really a hentia tentacle :)

Wilek> I was wondering where you have been.

Christine> You should use yoru voice. You're the author after all.

Daphne> The Canticle for Leibowitz is an excellent book. It features three different tales each involoving a monastery in the Utah desert. It involves the Catholic Church in the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust, but specifically a monastery for an order founded by a convert named Isaac Leibowitz a widower and Engineer who later becomes a saint. It starts with a Dark Ages setting in the 26th century, followed by a Renaissance setting a few centuries later, and finally an advanced age at the end of the 4th millennium and another nuclear war. It's very dark, but excellent. it also has a good deal of Latin in it, especially in the first story. I highly recommend reading it.

Lynati> Well, GB posts in a bathrobe all the time. Sometiems he and Lain are both in their bathrobes when IMing each other :)

Reverend Attila - []
New Orleans, Louisiana
Saturday, January 27, 2001 10:30:10 AM

Mandolin> They can't make you unless you have the read off website only option on. Otherwise the two other options = I get e-group messages in e-mail (raspberries the Spanish Inquisition) I don't take polls or read fanfictions or other loaded things but I never did before either
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Saturday, January 27, 2001 10:07:40 AM

re: Carpal Tunnel>>
I was diagnosed with CTS last May -- it's the biggest reason that I had to stop doing as many art commissions and writing enormous fanfics. What Katara describes is the clinic description of CTS and the type of treatment that most doctors prescribe. At one point, I had bulky wrist braces and was popping 12-15 ibuprofen a day. Nothing was working -- and then I looked into alternate treatments. Did you know that yoga is the best therapy for CTS? The University of Pennsylvannia did a study on it using control groups and they discovered that using yoga not only relieved the tension in the forearms, wrists, and hands but also helped reduce the pain, thus cutting down dependacy on pain meds. I had been doing some yoga but when I made it a regular thing, I was able to give up the wrist braces entirely and I only take pain meds when it's really necessary.
If you are having wrist pains, I would recommend that you try to step away from keyboard at regular intervals and indulge in a good stretch. Rotate your wrists, wiggle your finger. Consider it preventative medicine.

Saturday, January 27, 2001 09:10:32 AM

Time for my real post of the day.

Doug> Congratulations on the house.
<<they're useful a lot more often than you might believe (or maybe you would)>>: Heh heh heh.

Wilek> <<Spaceproxy has foiled those attempts>>: But it is mostly optional. Unless you really are that paranoid.
<<I'm thinking I should get that book; I've heard very good things about it>>: Might as well go in for the sequel, too. Some good things about computers and online distribution there.
Odd thought: You like Megaman, right? You just might like a webcomic, Bob and George. The author uses Megaman sprites for his artwork. And there's some funny tuff there, too.
<<Three guesses where they got the DNA for the color>>: Michael Redford Green.
<<just how much certain branches of the armed forces have in common with the classical definition of a cult>>: And don't forget marching bands.
<<the occasional mask (they're terribly comfortable)>>: I think everyone will be wearing them in the future.
<<It has a haunting familiarity to it, but it's *just* out of reach>>: You know, if I could remember what the heck I was tallking about then, I might be able to help you.
<<the aspect that you take notice of is the "bouncy"...?>>: Well yeah. I was really first exposed to the series through doujinshi, so that's goning to skew my position to begin with. And I need a woman.
<<I will not eat them from a bong>>: That's probably where they're best. Just ask the catterpillar (interesting note: in the Tenniel illustration, the ctterpillar's nose and chin are actually two of its legs).
<<Yoshi Vs. The Bong Of Doom>>: I'd play it.

DumlaoX> <<Next, we take the new pics & rename them with the names of the deleted pics>>: But then the archives wouldn't have an accurate recording of which pics were used.

Thanks for Kyryn, Emambu, and Gunjack for your well wishes.
Emambu> <<I hope it was special for you>>: Some good, some all right. Went to my classes, spent a chunk of time with my parents touring biotech on Cook (my mother's looking at college again) and looking for a 1967 issue of Scientific American. But in between I had a nice meal, got a couple CDs (Benny Goodman, Roy Orbison, and another) and tickets to Penn and Teller.

Gunjack> << I8 tried to install IE 5.0, and it killed my comp so hard that we had to bring out the boot disk!>>: Ugly. You'd think Microsoft would be able to get their own programs to work with each other. Ay least their hardware can take abuse. But I want AoEII to work.
<<Though I *still* can't figure out what the heck all that obfuscation meant>>: Mostly thoughts on the day of my birth as they were related to me by my parents. The good night's sleep thing came from the fact that my mother's water broke at around five in the morning, but she went back to sleep. My delivery went much smoother than my elder brother's.
<<Fun Isn't Desiel Powered>>: You know, I read through the archive again today mostly looking for the first appearance of Sir Non Sequitor (a hero of mine). The problem with chewing is that it takes a lot of torque. wang And I do like that line, and as an engineer, I feel it is a challenge.

Welcome back to the posting world, Robby.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Saturday, January 27, 2001 03:55:53 AM


I *still* don't know what the actual problem is, but I figured it was probably AOL's fault since I was able to READ the room and everyone else was able to post... So I just dcided the heck with it, and downloaded Netscape. Lo and behold, I can post from Netscape, but not from AOL. On the same computer. And I know I'm not blocked, since I'm the one in charage of blocking. How odd.

I'll try to keep up with posting once I clear the room. (Trying to catch up on a whole three weeks is nuts as I know from experiance...) Gonna get back to that &^@$ RP sooner or later... (Was just getting into it when the server trouble started in the first place...)

Saturday, January 27, 2001 03:27:47 AM

The net works now, IM and Napster are both online, and the computer appears to be behaving. Plus, I've got a handy excuse for why I haven't been talking to any of my four bosses.

Huh. And I think I just may have figured out what hentai fangs are... It's odd the mental connections you make when reading webcomics at 2:45 in the morning...

Heh. Between that and me nick, people are going to draw some *really* humorous assumptions... 8 )

Two quick things:

Wilek - Gonna buy the Relic through Amazon? Why bother? I don't need my copy any more... o.O

Odds - It has come to the attention of the Valentine family that one Lynati is, in layman's terms, a Hottie. In light of this revelation, as well as various... *ahem* ...developments, related odds are being quartered, pending replacement with even *more* slanderous and unlikely picks. Thank you.

Oh, and happy birthday Gside! Though I *still* can't figure out what the heck all that obfuscation meant... o.O

*Heads out to break Iron Witches and saw logs*

"Big talk for a guy with no pants..."

Gunjack "Fun Isn't Desiel Powered" Valentine - []
Saturday, January 27, 2001 03:27:13 AM

Saturday, January 27, 2001 03:23:44 AM

*Warpmind enters, smirking.*
Yee-haaw, gang. Awake for almost 24 hours straight, as is my wont this time of the week. ]:)

Lynati: Got mail. Now I have your street address, and you have NO IDEA what I sent you for Valentine's Day... ];) *Chuckles insanely, evilly and a bit incessantly.* I'm not telling, either. Until afterwards, of course... ];) Oh, and congrats on getting back online, on your own machine, at that. :)

Patrick Toman: Egroups run by Yahoo? Well, I'm boycotting Yahoo, so... really, after that silly thing they did with Geocities, I'm NOT signing up for anything with them.

Lynati: Bathrobe? Um, I... *Bzt* *Tzb* *Bzzzzrt*

*Chibis fly in, glancing at the now mentally disconnected pile on the floor.* Aw, thanks a lot, Lynati! Now see what you did to the poor fella! *Chibis carry Warpmind out for some rehab.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Saturday, January 27, 2001 02:57:01 AM

*Slides in*

Aww, this is great! I can come here anytime I want to!
I can post wearing just a bathrobe!
Hmmm...Actually... *fabric rustling*
Much better! ];)
God'ess, I do love this place so...

Back to re-reading Dark Ages, I guess. Ciao.
*Lynati Exists!*
Lynati - []
Saturday, January 27, 2001 02:39:05 AM

Mary:<<carpal tunnel>> if you have it, you will experience symptoms similar to tendonitus in your wrist. Other symptoms may include tingling in your fingers as well as pain that radiates up through your arm. It is the nerves in the carpal tunnel of your wrist being pinched. DEFINATELY see your doctor about it. You could also be suffering from any number of things. Just try to remember to use good posture while sitting at the computer or typewriter. Keep your keyboard flat or with a slight angle. If the angle is to steep, you will hyper-extend your wrists, and come down with a good case of tendonitus. Also try to make sure that your keyboard isn't to high or low. Ideally you should have your elbows bent at a 90 degree angle. At work they constantly try to pound that information into our feeble little minds. Hope it helps.

Doug & Kit:>>belated congratulations on your engagement. I missed the announcement, and have only now just figured it out from the comments everyone else is making. Just been pretty slow in the brain department last several weeks.
Also congratulations on becoming homeowners.

Well, guess that's it for tonight. Hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm working both Saturday and Sunday. Since I'm not a big football fan, I'm not upset about missing the game. I just hope I get home in time to watch "Crossing Over..." on Sci-Fi. That John Edwards is a hottie IMHO. Later all.

*tosses out 'Hugs' and 'Kisses' on her way out the door.

Katara - []
San Diego, CA
Saturday, January 27, 2001 01:16:58 AM

Mary> There's a link on my name to the Britanica online entry for Carpral Tunnel Syndrome. Since those links never work for me, here it is again:

Basically, when you do too much close work with your hands, the blood vessels in your wrist swell up and pinch the nerves leading to your fingers. Typing does it for a lot of people. For me it was rolling dough for a pizza resturant for two hours a day and playing too much Tetris. It feels like your hands are going to sleep, or it just hurts sometimes.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Saturday, January 27, 2001 01:13:03 AM

**comes in after a lovely evening of formatting her hard drive and reinstalling everything**

I... HATE... YAHOO!!!!

Yes. I just discovered what they did to Egroups. Why couldn't the bastards have left the old interface alone... they owned it, and were making money off the ads on it just fine without messing everything up...

**sighs and goes back to the Freakazoid marathon next door**

Saturday, January 27, 2001 12:22:28 AM

New Episodes- I'm soooooooo glad that they're back, I enjoy the other series, but I love the original. Looks to me like the clan is starting to get frustrated (not that I blame them, I'd be going out of my mind).

guess what? My youngest sister Lisa is starting college this week. I FEEL LIKE SHE JUST GRADUATED FROM JR HIGH!!! True she is going a year or so early, but still!

DumlaoX- I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering what you were up to. Nice to see you here again and I hope you do stick around. Three years!? Has it really been that long? AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

Doug & Kit- When my twin got married both sides parents tried to take over the wedding plans. There weren't any religious issues, but there were a few problems. Finally my sister and her fiance pretty much had to sit them down and say, "Look, this is going to be our wedding not yours."
Then it worked out.

Later all.

Jaden - []
Saturday, January 27, 2001 12:20:35 AM

Question: What are the symptoms of Carpel Tunnel? My hands have been feeling wierd lately and I don't know if it's because my mom has the heat turned low or something else. :/
Mary Flanders
Friday, January 26, 2001 11:31:28 PM

Problems with egroups > egroups has just been taken over by Yahoo, so if you belong to or moderate an egroups list, your stuff is still there - you'll just need to get a Yahoo ID now. I love how they announced it ahead of time, though. Do you Yahoo? No? Ve haff vays of mak-ink you! :P

Glad to see the main series of TGS has finally resumed. I haven't had a lot of time lately to read the new eps, but I might try to check it out this weekend.

Just five months remaining until The Gathering. Hope to see many of you in LA in June! :)

Patrick Toman
Friday, January 26, 2001 10:15:04 PM

Emambu> Stay humble O_O
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Friday, January 26, 2001 09:02:55 PM

**DPH enters the room, smiling, so much so that the normal CR villains become scared and leave.**

Hahaha. Hehehehe. Hahahaha. Hehehehe.

**The normal CR villains start running into bonkers to hide in because DPH looks insanely happy.**

Now, I will tell you why I am happier than normal.
The guy I was supposed to interview with was gone today, due to unexpected problems. That means I did not get an interview. Shouldn't that make me mad? No, because it means two other people will get hired without that interview. So how does that make me happy? Very easily. I now have documented proof of inconsisent hiring practices. I can trade my silence on this breaking of the law for vacation time which will allow me to go to the G2K+1. BTW, another lawsuit is going to be filed because the HR department discriminated against a Vietnam Veteran in awarding promotions.

1+2+3=1*2*3. So what, you might ask. Well, January 23 (1-23) was the kinda day that I said my birthday was on and the kinda day that I said I would start posting BFTS RP again. If anyone can figure out what I am indirectly saying, then figure out what to do with the information I just told you.

DPH - []
Friday, January 26, 2001 08:57:05 PM

Sorry for the double post, but that should not be a question mark. [the pen being mightier than the sword, Daphne begins poking a typo demon with her pen]


Friday, January 26, 2001 08:51:01 PM

Todd Jensen>> [zeta news] D'oh! I knew it was that guy... how could I have not recognized his voice! [bemoans my cable-challengement (is that a word?)] So, he *is* Oswald from Drew Carey. Actually, I'm not surprised... Zeta's "human" form looks so much like him.

Doug>> the more I hear, the more interesting the story sounds!

Is anyone familiar with the novel "A Canticle for Leibowitz"? It's pretty cool, but I was wondering how well known it was. the copy at my library hasn't been taken out in so long that the librarian didn't realize it was there.

Happiness, all?

Friday, January 26, 2001 08:49:48 PM

*Valentine enters, smiling in a sickeningly-sweet fashion*

Hello, boys and girls! Guess what happened to ME last night? ^_^ Short version: I8 tried to install IE 5.0, and it killed my comp so hard that we had to bring out the boot disk! Isn't that just a riot? Tee hee! ^_^
*Valentine's smile causes a disturbance in the space-time continuum, which promptly swallows DC*

; P

Anyway, I got to spend a whole DAY without net access. It was SCARY, man... I kept going to start up a search for some random tidbit, and then I'd remember and just break into tears... Fortunately, I had Counterlife and a neat video on snipers to keep my company, or I don't think I'd have made it...

Ooo, and it looks like IM has been spontaneously deleted! Wasn't THAT nice? ^_^

Real post later. *Tromps back out to go rebiuld his connectivity*

Gunjack "Fuzzy Wuzzy" Valentine
Friday, January 26, 2001 08:13:13 PM

*The Gargoyles theme music starts playing softly, the volume increasing until strange words are heard*

"Just ten hours ago, KCAI lab and it's evil techs ruled.
It was a time of random lad openings.
It was a world of annoyance.
It was the age personal computer!
Bored by day, Irked by night, you could never be sure when the internet was accessable; sometime you had to wait for what felt like a thousand years.
Now, here in my dorm room, I finally got my new computer working, and I am ONLINE AGAIN!"

*The Fabric gate sweeps opens, and Lynati enters, dancing a little jig*

Yay! yay! yay for me!
I got it working, all by myself!
I get a cookie!

(I also got my first DisConnect. Grrr)
*Glares at DC*

*Dances over to Warpmind and flops down next to him*
I think I'll just sit here a bit.

Friday, January 26, 2001 08:05:45 PM

eek. sorry for the double post. :P

Caliope>Yes, that was me. But I went by just "Mary" in those days. Its been a while since I've been to any of the chat rooms. There just seems to be fewer ppl that I know. :/

Mary (again)
Friday, January 26, 2001 08:02:07 PM

Mary (again)
Friday, January 26, 2001 08:00:45 PM

Wilek>I do believe "Scheisse" was the name of the book I used to learn german cursing. Thanks for jogging my memory of the title. :) Yes, I'm glad I survived the driving lesson also. And only $100 dollars of damage!
Mary Flanders
Friday, January 26, 2001 07:58:24 PM

Quick post before real post:
Will everybody who had trouble with egroups besides me please raise your hand? It was kinda funny being denied access to egroup that I created and am a moderator of. I think this was DC's fault and there are enough people in here to use my gift to DC up completely. There you have it folks, DC could not save my gift to him for over 1 month and 1 day.

DPH - []
Friday, January 26, 2001 07:05:50 PM

*Emambu wanders in, a suitcase in hand*

Drat, I had hoped to be able to make a full reply before but RL got in my way. Something needs to be done about that. Anywho, I'm off for the weekend with my choir so I'll make a full post after the Super Bowl. For now, just some overdue replies...

Website progress: Still alive, and that's a good thing. Actualy... that's a great thing! It means we still have a server (I hope I didn't confuse too many people... we were going to lose our server in my last post but we hadn't lost it yet). I've already sent e-mails to Brian and to my webmaster to see where we're heading now, but I haven't gotten replies back. Maybe when I return on Sunday... I want to thank all of you who expressed their concern or their wishes. It certainly helped and meant a lot to me.

James Birdsong: I meant that Brooklyn owes it to his children to see them grow up into string, mature adults, take on mates of there own. After all he's been through, to deny them a father figure would be an insult to their characters (not to mention an insult to Brooklyn). But that's just my humble opinion.

Gside: Happy birthday! I hope it was special for you

Winterwolf: Thanks for all your help again. Anything you can find for that date (5th), whether it be lodging or a place to sing, would be wonderful.

Brooklyn: I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to comment on your latest story. Hopefully, I'll be able to send you something Sunday night, or early Monday morning.

Wilek: Awww... way to go all anti-climactic on me. :)

I'm not finished with replies, but I must be off. Have a good weekend everyone,


Emambu - []
Philaldelphia, PA, USA
Friday, January 26, 2001 04:52:14 PM

***Kyryn runs through.***

G'side> Felicitations on the recurrence of the occasion of your vivification!

***Kyryn disappears.***

Denton, TX
Friday, January 26, 2001 01:58:10 PM

Just a quick post to correct my math. I never was excellent with the more remedial stuff. It should have been twenty one and three quarters axial shifts, not two thirds. And Thank you Wilek and Warpmind for the birthday wishes. I have way too much fun being obfuscatory. But then again, I think I blew James Birdsong's mind with the detail of my response. The Encyclopedia of Arda is a useful tool.
Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Friday, January 26, 2001 01:47:39 PM

Christine> Lamest-ass. never such a word and it shouldn't apply here. While I'm not into gaming, I do know GM or DM requires the skills of a storyteller. Twenty years of experience weighs heavily in your favor. It sounds like a unique experience. While it feels imposing, it should also be fun. I say go for it.
Taleweaver - []
Friday, January 26, 2001 01:09:22 PM

*Warpmind enters, freshly shaven.*
Top o'the day, guys. Got an e-mail from Lynati today, so everything's peachy. *Blissful smile*

Daniel Johnson: When you provide unwanted info, I will retort. Capisce? ];)

Lynati: Understand problem, pray for solution. :| But do try to send me your street address before two weeks have passed...

Gside: Are you in any subtle maner suggesting that it's your birthday? Congrats, amigo...

Doug: Just hold your peace next time... As for ceremony, maybe *both* Jewish and Catholic? One "real" and one to verify the vows? *Shrugs* Just a thought...

Wilek: Well, there's been no later visits by the furred dream-invaders. Just sweet Lynati. And SHE is no soul-seeker... Trust me on that. ]:) As for the AI, just remember, keep it somewhat simple, and don't forget to link'em to the control core in my pocketwatch.

Christine: I say Go For It, and have some of those pros there give their opinion on the reading. If they say it's good, use it. If not, well, stick to GM'ing. ];)

Well, that's it. Later.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Friday, January 26, 2001 12:46:34 PM

Doug and Lisa > happy housewarming! That's great news and I'm thrilled for you both. Wonderful feeling!

Input wanted > okay, here's the deal. After finding out about the backlog at TimeFare, I wrote to them and asked about the possibility of doing the reading myself. To which the response was very favorable; Mickee invited me to come visit during RadCon and do a voice test and all that stuff, and says it tends to be best when the author reads the book, knowing where the emphasis was meant to be and all. (note -- this is a small local operation, so as much as we all would love to hear someone like Keith read it, no chance no way no how, more's the pity ... another longshot possibility might be within reach but that's neither here nor there just now). Anyway, the question I now find myself facing is this -- should I even be considering this? Should I wait until Halloween or perhaps even later until their 'real' reader can do it right, or should I do it myself? I have no real experience at this sort of thing apart from the occasional reading at conventions (unless I can count twenty years' experience as a GM). Those of you who've heard me read, what do you think? Might it work, or is it the lamest-ass idea of the decade?

Christine - []
Friday, January 26, 2001 12:29:18 PM

Gside> kay
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Friday, January 26, 2001 09:33:52 AM

DumlaoX- Welcome back!!!
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Friday, January 26, 2001 09:11:03 AM

::Official Gathering of the Gargoyles Public Service Announcement::

Do you want to attend the Gathering but there's just no way? Do you still want to show your support and keep the "Gargoyles" dream alive?

The Gathering of the Gargoyles doesn't want ANYONE to be left out. With a non-attending supporting membership, you can help celebrate "Gargoyles" AND help our charity, as well. Every non-attending supporting member will receive a certificate of appreciation, and have their name listed in our convention booklet. Plus, in a random drawing to be held during the Awards Banquet, one lucky supporting member will also be chosen to receive a FREE Gathering t-shirt!

But that's not all! For every $15.00 supporting membership purchased, The Gathering of the Gargoyles also pledges to donate $5.00 to the Los Angeles Chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. And if you're wondering what happens if you find out at the last minute that you ARE able to attend the con... don't worry! A non-attending supporting membership is FULLY UPGRADEABLE to a regular full attending membership at ANY TIME, so if you are able to make it to the con, you've lost nothing! To upgrade, you'll pay only the difference between the $15.00 supporting membership price and the current full attending membership price.

Interested? Don't delay! Non-attending supporting memberships are only being offered until May 15, 2001! To sign up for a supporting membership, please go to or just click my name.

Thank you and have a nice day.

::We now return you to your regularly scheduled comment room still in progress::

Kathy Pogge - [ ]
Friday, January 26, 2001 08:34:52 AM

Oh, one other piece of news about the "Zeta Project". Zeta is being voiced by Deidrich Bader, the guy who did the voice of Jason Canmore in "Hunter's Moon".
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Friday, January 26, 2001 06:44:52 AM

Dumlao X> <<Oh, don't lose respect for Sega & the DC now.>> Heh...I should have phrased that better; I meant to express my disappointment in the fact that Sega might be leaving the hardware industry after finally producing a console that I really liked (I never really got into the Genesis or Saturn)... :} <sigh> Ah well, at least we'll still have their games for whatever platform they'll be producing games for to look forward to...
Friday, January 26, 2001 03:03:58 AM

FIRE STORM-- Excellent job on the CR page. Fine work there. Here's exactly what I'm proposing:

Yeah, we need Gore to update the code. However, trying to contact him is close to hopeless. We make do instead. Next week we ask poll the room & ask out of all the pics available for use in the comment room, what pics don't get used at all. We find them & jot down the names. Next, we take the new pics & rename them with the names of the deleted pics. Bang, instant pic update. Granted, it is ghetto & kinda confusing, but until we get in contact with Gore, if we ever want pic updates, it's the best we can do.

DOUG-- Thanks much. Funny part I forgot to mention. I now work at an Electronics Boutique. Yes, I'm one of those pesky salesmen that ask you if you need help for a game :P Good part is that I get to take games home for a 2 day period to play em. Ah, the perks are good :)

RP-- Believe me, when the time is right for me to return to that word, I shall >:)

WILEK-- Oh, don't lose respect for Sega & the DC now. Sega has their official word coming out Monday concerning the state of affairs with the company. The system will have at least 100 kick ass games from now to March 2002. They still have the internet gaming going on way before any other console system even dreamed the thing up. And in one week, Phantasy Star Online comes out, the first RPG on a console to go online. It still is a great time to own a DC. Besides, it's easier to find than a PS2 and cheaper to boot. And shaking those maracas in Samba De Amigo is so much fun :P

Till next time...

DumlaoX - []
Los Angeles, CA
Friday, January 26, 2001 02:50:18 AM

In case y'all have been wondering where I've been...<holds up a Majora's Mask cartridge> I'm amazed this isn't a controlled substance. O_o <wonders where he can acquire addiction counseling, then remembers how much he likes this particular addiction ;P >

Warpmind> <<It's Peter Stubbe? Oh, I kinda doubt that - there was not even a hint of canine interference in the dream.>> They're good at hiding...<<Imagine being an Avatar of Zeus? Shapeshifting'd be fun, and the lightning bolts would be cool, too, but there'd be a lot of trouble restraining that libido, aye? ;)>> That's why we've captured him and are using him as a power source. Oberon was ticked off, but after demonstrating our iron buckshot on Aphrodite, he backed down and has yet to bother us again. <<Wilek, how're things progressing with my two dozen spares?>> The growth cycles are finished and the cybernetic surgery is in its final stages. All that's left is to structure the AIs for the droid brains. (You didn't really think we'd leave the things to their own devices.) <<I figured he should, but then I realized his posting frequency has dwindled somewhat...>> I have noticed the shameful deficiency, and I have attempted to take steps to correct it. However, Spaceproxy has foiled those attempts, since it seems only to exist on a part-time basis...<<you're authorized to wield a tool that kills people two years before you can wield one that actually makes people...>> There are too many people anyhow. <<Sign me up on the lawsuit - Nintendo MUST pay. ];)>> Umm, the Nereus Project has a rather substantial stake in their continued prosperity...

DPH> <<Ok, what is the ultimate weapon in your opinion, Wilek or Gunjack?>> Control.

Winterwolf> <<How can you post when there is fun snow to play with? ;)>> I'm more the indoors type; my appreciation of snow is mostly aesthetic. :) <<So far I like it! ^_^>> :) And as good as the demo is, the full thing blows it away...I really must purchase the Hatter's asylum. <<Resolution not to resolve anything in resolutions. Oh let us know how that works out. Too bad you are set up for failure on some level>> Heh...not really; I simply intend to ignore the constraints of arbitrary tradition. ;)

Gunjack> <<Darkness! / Like an icy hole is Darkness! / Freezes us with cold / The darkness cheers the dying / Who are all the while denying / They're in Darkness! -Upside Down>> Woah... O_o What is this from, exactly? <<my "Chunky Willy Peter" recipe>> Um...never mind. Don't wanna know. <<Ever seen one before? Big silver cloak with a deep blue lining, and the soul of a powerfull mage. T'was serving as the Damsel's secret tutor...>> Nice...I shall have to hire a necromancer or some such. <<Ah. That's a bit different. Why haven't you Dealt with him yet? *pulls Meadellin Katana out of his desk*>> Because it isn't that simple--to deal with a Soulseeker, one has to fall asleep in an area he's stalking, then grab him while in the dream (leaving you very open to attack), which will force his materialization in the real world. Thing is, even in the real world, they're very good at hiding and evasion until they get the chance to kill someone, which is their gateway back into the plane of dreams. They're slippery little buggers. <<Nothing all that bad... He just held his wedding outside, in a field, at noon, in the middle of summer, in Texas. And there weren't enough seats, so I had to stand through the whole ceremony. In a black suit.>> Ack. O_o Wasn't he aware of certain, um, environmental considerations? <<Though I conned him into reading a chapter or two from "Understanding Comics", and I think he broke a few illusions in the process...>> Cool. :) I'm thinking I should get that book; I've heard very good things about it...<<Of COURSE there's a manga! Don't tell me you haven't read any Masamune Shirow!? Appleseed, Ghost in the Shell...>> I've seen bits of the movies, but...<shrug> The only manga that has ever been available in my area have been the Mario, Zelda, and Metroid serials originally published in Nintendo Power. (Princess Toadstool looks really cute in Luigi's clothing. Unfortunately, the converse is false.) <<*Ahem* ...Texas and H&K.>> Esthar and the Cross Punisher. <<And a nice rouge's gallery besides... Is that the chappy from Amadeus there? ; )>> That was the inspiration for him, yes. :) Actually, Creepy Amadeus Dude (was that thing actually in the movie, or just the soundtrack cover?) was originally intended to be just a placeholder, but Dahak demanded this design, and people who deny him have a habit of dying under mysterious circumstances. (His former placeholder was Ashtar from Ninja Gaiden 2. Who, come to think of it, may have inspired aspects of another character...) <<20~ feet, 'bout ten tons, nice heavy composite armor, packs a 25mm rifle anD a nice mix of rockets and explosives.>> Nice. :) For some reason, I'm imagining a military variant of the Aliens power loader...probably inaccurate, but oh well...<<Given the likely difference in technology, the Doll would probably eat it for breakfast... What's that monster's armor like, anyway?>> A plasticized multicarbonate/hyperceramic matrix. Don't know much more than that, but I saw a Doll prototype with its shields down survive a direct hit from a proton torpedo and remain functional enough to try to retaliate. <<You're missing out. All the good stuff happens after the funeral...>> Heh, my dreams always end just before the thing that kills me does so, usually with some residual phantom sensation after I wake up from whatever was about to kill me. (At least, that's what happened last time. I cut off the thing's brain, and still it managed to keep a tight grip on that cleaver.) <<So far, I've visited Heaven (double-shotty blast to the face), hung out at a sci-fi convention(mafia poisening), and lived out another ten YEARS of my life (zombies at the movie theater).>> Woah...O_o You have cool dreams. Mine kind of break down as they approach the threshold. (Remember the hallucinatory masqued ball from Labyrinth? Same deal, minus the laws of physics.) <<Don't we all?>> Nah, that's not until *after* we die. Unless we're truly unfortunate. <<Popular guy, eh? You need to meet a few of *my* characters... Most notably Malikov and Jack.>> Do tell. :) <<Your characters have mullets? Not unless those pictures are screwed...>> Mullets? <<*Looks at the mountian of papers surrounding his desk* ...Heh, my bad... So, does this mean I can browse the armory? There's a few theoretical physics projects I wanna get cracking on...>> <hands you a Defense R&D-cleared commlock> Browse away. :) <<Have you read Relic yet?>> Haven't even *found* it yet. I'll search Amazon later...<<Nearly every track in FF6 was memorable, but the only one that stands out in my memory for 7 was "One Winged Angel".>> I'm sort of the opposite...I love about a quarter of FF7's soundtrack (a fairly common proportion for me), but primarily bits and pieces of FF6 (my favorites are Kefka's Theme/Returners/Dancing Mad and the opening/world map theme, although the first half or so of the Opera was also nice)...still, much as I like 7, my favorite soundtrack has to be 8...gotta love the parade theme. <<Baby steps... ; ) ...And I doubt you'd be content after the techs cracked the FTL barrier...>> Already have. Well, not exactly; we've imported a hyperdrive fabrication plant from the Nation Of Worlds. Anyhow, once control of the solar system is complete, we'll be concentrating on establishing trade relations with various galactic civilizations. <<Nice guy. Nicer authoritys. Sounds like the whole town needs a good Minigun Sweep... Where the heck do you GET this stuff?>> In this case, a fascinating book entitled Human Monsters, a bestiary of serial killers spanning from the Dark Ages to the modern day. <<Heh. just avoid that pool of cold, blue water... and don't stare too hard at the squirrels.>> Eh? <<Note the previous mention of voice-alteration software?>> <blink> It's that good? <<Nifty Assassin idea: Sneak into target's office, switch off target's computer, use tape/putty to cover all holes in computer's case, empty aerosol can of gasoline into case through last hole, plug last hole, and leave quietly. If done properly, this will convert the target's computer into a VERY POWERFUL fuel/air bomb, which should detonate as soon as they switch on their comp.>> You're aware that you just gave Mr. Disconnect an idea? :P <<I watched Al Pacino's "Looking For Richard". To anyone interested in Shakespeare or conniving, bloodthirsty villians (Wilek, this means YOU), go see it ASAP. It's likt all the good parts of Shakespeare, with none of the bad. And it has Kevin Spacey in it, so there's another reason.>> Wow...thanks. 8) (I've noticed that it tends to be very good news whenever a recommendation mentions me by name...) <<1 - What would the Japanese word be for the opposite of "Hentai" be? 2 - Can anybody give me a Japanese phrase (better yet, several) approximating "Cursed Sword"?>> Come to think of it, I think I'd also be interested in the answer to that. :) <<*pulls left hand out of pocket to reveal a shiny blue Kiyoraka tentacle*>> Three guesses where they got the DNA for the color. <<Think twenty paces would be capitalizing on their weaknesses? o_O>> Probably, which is exactly why it's a good idea. (Fair play is for those who aren't smart enough to find an easier way.) <<Incidentally, am I the only one here who DOESN'T know a famous actor/politician? o_O>> I'm the other one, owing primarily to the fact that I don't have the option of attending a Gathering...<<Guys, don't EVER mess with Lain. I have NEVER been duped so neatly in all my years...>> Wilek's an idiot. What just happened? <<Can't you just FEEL the love?>> I don't know why, but something about the tone of that one sent me to the floor laughing. 8P Highly Serious Apology> I think DC's messed with it <amputeemidgethermaphroditeswithchainsaws>. O_o <<Hey, yeah! Wilek, 'Mano, you've gotta post more, or people are gonna start disrespecting ya!>> So I've noticed. Clone, indeed. ;P <<On what platform? And what the heck is Vampire Savior?>> If I'm not mistaken, they're mostly for Playstation and Dreamcast...Vampire Savior was released in the States under the name DarkStalkers. I think there was also a short-lived animated series. <<Does this mean I should quit thinking of myself as "the new kid"?>> Heh, I have yet to STOP thinking of myself as the new kid... ;P <<Apparently, the magic shrooms she's been studying have white stalks, and the caps are red with white spots. And, by coincidence, I had just been reading my old Super Mario Brothers SG... o.O>> I seem to remember reading about that in a letter written to's mailbag a few months ago...odd coincidence, that.

SJ> Welcome back! 8D <<the hell known as the state of Georgia.>> Yee gads, I've been there. I think their economy has yet to recover from the Civil War. <<The man takes pride in explaining the “proper” way in which to kill someone with a No. 2 pencil.>> Ooh...<listens intently> <<He’s a one trick pony. I’m waiting for him to stop acting like a smartass moron, but.....that’s all he *ever* does.>> would be interesting if he'd lose the goofy facial contortions, inject a really dark undertone into his humour, and practice his Mark Hamill/Joker insane laugh. Maybe he could finally get some interesting roles. (He'd make a great Kefka if he followed this advice.) <<I’m gonna have to blame Mother Nature on this one, for throwing me one mother of a cold to deal with the past few days.>> Eee. <summons a dozen Klingon transvestites high on Viagra and PCP to do ghastly things to Sli Sludge> <<Either that or too many late-night conversations with her pal Michael Jackson. You know that can’t be good for you.>> If I'm not too much mistaken, she once described him as "the least weird man I've ever met"... O_o

Kit> <<Be careful on the obstacle courses and with the big stone monsters we see in the Marine Corps commercials>> Ehh...since the Marine Corps exists primarily in RL, I doubt its training facilities are that cool. Probably they just deprive you of sleep and make you exercise strenuously until you lose your will to live. (I once read part of an essay about mind control that informed the reader of just how much certain branches of the armed forces have in common with the classical definition of a cult.) <<The Emperor's New Groove was dumb now and then, but more often it was just plain hilarious. Kronk especially. Check it out- I know you'd like it. <grin>>> Thanks for the info; now I just need to wait for the DVD... 8) <<I am missing him very much right now. Especially with all the political stuff going on right now about which he could do an entertaining rant. :)>> Hear here. :) Which reminds me, I think he and anyone else remotely interested in politics would enjoy the books Parliament of Whores and Photo Oops. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard and so often at any other book in my entire life. :) On an almost related note, anyone interested in manipulation and backstabbing would do well to pick up Clan Novel Tzimicze (or however it's spelled :P) and the Star Trek: Dark Passions duology. Fun stuff. Proposal> :O ... 8D Congratulations! ^_^ <<The pipes in Doug's and my new house will be Pentex>> Ah crud. O_o If you find an odd (or even... :P ) number of fomori in your area, I'd recommend consulting with Gunjack about the Project's high-yield plasma throwers. <<Jesus played bartender for his first miracle and that his best friends were fishermen, beggars, prostitutes, and other fun-loving folk.>> One of the things I love about Christianity is that it really caters to my interest in twisted irony. ;) <<Cool theme song (Faith Hill's Wild One is mine, Doug likes Round Here by the Counting Crows).>> Interesting...I'm still looking for one. Right now, the forerunners are The World Has Gone Insane from Jekyll & Hyde and...ehh, that one song from Pocahontas 2. The one with the jesters.

Gside> <<And it too combines well with cheese and meat.>> Exactly what I had in mind in mentioning it. :) <<I guess there's always a way to work in modify the cloaks.>> Cloaks are mostly what's coming back in style in my ficverse, along with the occasional mask (they're terribly comfortable). :) <<I'm thinking "...bloody...">> Correct. :) <<I still haven't made a remotely significant contribution to the fandom.>> You either? :P <<Anyone know where this come from?>> It has a haunting familiarity to it, but it's *just* out of reach. <shrug> <<Though shoudn't Wilek get at least a mention?>> I'm honored, but my brand of villainy takes a tad too much effort, research, time, and utter derangement to be called 'casual'. ;) <<Anyway, I'm reminded that they've emulated Vampire Savior now. Mmm, Felicia, Morrigan, bouncy...>> Um...this is a game where you can pit werewolves and necro-golems against catgirls and succubi, and the aspect that you take notice of is the "bouncy"...?! O_o <<Today I saw the work of a genius. It was the merging of a game and a typing tutor that actually works. It took a first person rail shooter, I think House of the Dead, and to shoot the zombies, you had to type phrases that popped up on essentially cuecards.>> I read about this soon after its Japanese release...heh, maybe I should get it; I'm not that good an aim yet I'm interested in House Of The Dead...<<True, but he seems to be rather comprehensive when he finally does.>> :) In fact, my posts seem to awaken rather nasty bugs in Notepad...<<gun toting little red riding hoods>> Heh, I became acquainted with the twisted little booger (a compliment, coming from me :P ) in Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. Gotta get me one of those picnic baskets...<<Would you eat furnished shrooms? Shrooms with rooms?>> I will not eat your magic shrooms, with or without furnished rooms. I will not eat them with a song, I will not eat them from a bong. <<At this time I would like to reminice back to around twenty one and two thirds axial shifts ago. On second thought, that's something I don't like to consider. So let's go a year minus three months in the future from then. That still isn't a pretty sight. It was quite cold, and the furnace had died, but it went so much quicker than the time before. Let that be a lesson to you: a good night's sleep is always a good thing. But today is still a good day.>> Um...happy birthday? O_o


Kaioto> <<it cheapens his destiny and achievements somewhat, by rooting his bloodline back to godlings.>> offense,, exactly, can a person's ancestry affect their accomplishments (unless of course said ancestors are still manipulating the events around said person)? Or does he turn out to have inherited powers from his Fey side?


Emambu> <<Sounds like you're griping for excuses now...>> You misunderstand--since the movie doesn't take place in real life, the cold equations sometimes have to be put on the back burner in favor of what works cinematically. If everyone used cold, hard RL "logic" to make movies and TV, all we'd have is C-Span and the True Stories channel, and only half of that. ;) <<Could it be that I'm finally wearing him down? Quick, get Firestorm in here to finish this thing once and for all! :)>> If you're trying to turn me against the movie, you're not going to succeed. ;) But your attempts will amuse me, so feel free to continue. :) <<You know, I never could see satisfaction of eating escargo. I think that cuisine was built on a dare.>> There's no one stupid enough to take a dare like that; probably it was invented by a very exotic variety of masochist... <<BTW, here was the first week of driving the econ teacher insane. One of my friends is an engineer who also got shafted in his class. We both devised two crude little elctronic devices that, when "A" pressed, triggers a bell on "B" to ring. This bell sounds eerily similar to a telephone. Tape device "B" under teacher's desk, and let the wackiness begin.>> <giggles insanely> I seem to remember a rather spectacular prank involving 27 or so cubic feet of styrofoam peanuts, but I don't remember enough of it to relate it here...if I ever track it down, I'll pass it along. :) <<Wilek's a clone like Major Tierce under Thrawn's failed cloning experiment!>> Naah, I just stole his name from him when it came time for me to take a name. It was down to Nereus, Moruth Doole, or Vrad Dodonna, (I wasn't good with making up names then) and neither of the latter had the ring I was looking for. Besides, the governor was a towering sphincter, so I figured I may as well redeem his name. :) <<As for how to deal with Wilek now that the truth of him came out>> What truth? That I stole my name from someone who deserved to have it stolen from him? :P

Spacebabie> <<I woke up with this big nasty bruise on my lower back calf. I'm always getting mysterious bruises>> That's...creepy. O_o Has anyone ever died in your house?

Lain> <<Someone I know just had their band's Email account password stolen and changed by some freak that lives at ICQ# 103804169 and he can now read all her personal mail AND send stuff to her record company..>> Ach du schiesse. O_o When you find this creep, give him a shot in the pills for me. >:( Various problems> My gods... :( You are very much in need of a hug. <does so>

Doug> <<the Seven Deadly Sins are a gang of seven convicts who escaped from a Texas prison a few months back and have been terrorizing the Dallas, Houston, and Austin areas. All are pretty vicious and dangerous characters, and they're also heavily armed. What scares me the most is that thus far they've been smart enough to successfully evade recapture.>> Ack. Ack! O_O I really hope they're caught for good this time...or better, meet with agonizing and humiliating "accidental" deaths...<<I too hope they soon make robot servitors available to the public. I'd like a few myself.>> I'll make sure to design cool ones. :) For some reason, a lot of my robots look like they're steam-powered or clockwork...<<Where do you think up such great stuff?>> He's insane, just like the rest of us. He just hides it very well. ;)

Lady Corax> <<I saw a rather interesting study on the properties of Twinkies after they were subjected to certain tests...anyone interested in seeing it posted here or anything?>> I've seen the Twinkies Project website...don't remember the address though...

FS> <<But, THANKFULLY, Packard-hell is out of business! YEAH!>> For some reason I'm not first computer was a Packard Bell 386 that didn't even come with a sound card or CD-ROM drive...

Heather> Welcome back! ^_^

DJ> <<I remember quite well when Star Wars was originally released. I had all the toys, too.>> Wow. O_o My toy collection only goes back to the Centurions/Masters Of The Universe era. (They're re-releasing some of the latter in very limited editions, actually...) <<I like the feeling of warm monkey leather against my skin.>> Things You Never Expect To Hear In Conversation: #492 <<from what little I've seen of South Park, it seems to be the stupidest thing on TV>> Perhaps, although the movie was a pretty intelligent satire of, well, everything. (And the music was great. They actually got an orchestra, instead of letting a mentally diseased parrot pluck random strings on a guitar like they apparently do for the show.) <<Hey, here's a compromise: no more gutting Teddy like a pig>> Heh, I'm entirely too fond of The Cell...gotta get me one of those music boxes. <<Ah, the American way! I feel all patriotic now.>> Actually, Mario is a Japanese game, and unlike the majority of modern Western adults, Japanese can distinguish between fantasy and reality, so they're likely to laugh off such a lawsuit and release Yoshi Vs. The Bong Of Doom or something. ;P <<Today my mother had an appointment with the neurologist. It turns out (as I always suspected) that she might not have Alzheimer's after all. The doctor now thinks that her symptoms are indicative of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. This is basically the human equivalent of "mad cow disease." There is no cure and is always fatal, but then the same is true of Alzheimer's. The difference is that AD takes several years to kill while CJD can take only a year or two.>> Oh no! :( I hope she'll live much longer than your doctor suspects, and if not, that at least she (and you) won't suffer.

Mary> <<But thanks to my Dirty German Phrase Book, I know how to say 'useful' stuff like, "Sh!t! The rubber burst!" and "I don't know if your come on will work, but I like it" O.O>> I think you'd like a book I have called Scheisse!: The REAL German You Were Never Taught In School. Very fun stuff. :) <<I got into an accident. T.T I was about to drive into a round-about-turn thingy (plenty of those in NJ, but only one in Davis, CA), my dad told me to turn right, I misunderstood him given my surroundings, when I wasn't turning, he said turn right more ergently(sp?) which made me panic. I turned too late and went smashing into a curb.>> ACK! O_o I'm glad you're alright!

Aaron> <<I'll go and sit in (dramatic pause) The Cone of Silence. (Okay, who gets it?)>> Probably me and two other people...

Blue Caeru> Welcome back! 8D

Todd> <<The strains of "Pomp and Circumstance" suddenly begin playing, and a door at one end of the comment room opens. A procession of aardvarks in single file marches through the room, walking in perfect timing to the music.>> Ah crud, not them again. <runs out after them> Guys, I have TOLD you not to hold your Kilted Yak's Eve processions in high-traffic areas. Remember what happened when you ran it through the convention of enema enthusiasts? Mean people, those.

SRSJ> Eye trouble> Ack. O_o Hope this isn't as bad as it sounds...

Kathy Pogge> <<Theme: Movie Posters! Subjects: Your original gargoyles or our lovely mascot>> Ah crud; it's times like this I really, *really* wish I could draw...

Skippy> Welcome back! :D

Dumlao X> DUDE! 8D Welcome back to you as well; things seemed somehow incomplete with you gone. :) And others too...<wonders when Deuce, Traveler, etc will return> <<At this point, I'd be surprised if anyone would care about this part of the post. Nevertheless, word from Sega has officially broken out that Sega is moving slowly away from the hardware business and more into the software business.>> Man... :( And it figures, just when Sega had earned my respect (with the Dreamcast, a dozen times better-designed system than the PS2)...

Jeb> Wow, you too? v^_^ Lots of welcoming back to do...

Wilek "Polymorphously Perverse" Nereus
Friday, January 26, 2001 02:39:52 AM

Beginning Part 2!!

Green Baron: The address on that check is still valid, for now. I'll give you the new one once we're fully moved in there. Hope you can visit soon. Good luck with the Army. $ Like Kit, I will miss you in the RP, but I pledge to do my best to handle the reins of the plot threads you have left me. Hopefully I will write them well up until their conclusion, though I know I probably can't do as well as you could. Feel free to e-or snail- mail me with suggestions whenever you like, please. :) Many of the threads I'll be tying up soon just to have less to handle all at once, but don't worry, most will be strung out until an appropriate climactic moment. <grin> $

Jannie: Thanks for not taking offense. I pledge to watch out for stereotyping mistakes more from now on. <grins at the bit about all Democrats> I agree with you about the convicts' whining, that sickened me when I saw it on TV. Whatever happened to taking responsibility for your actions and bravely facing the consequences, huh? Like they say, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Congrats on making it back from Missouri alive and well. Hope your arse soon does the same. :) Thanks for the home offer, but thirty miles is commute enough. <grin>

Dreamie: Thanks for the congratulations, and the compliments. Good to see you in here again. :) May your loneliness not last too much longer.

Juliaexia: Welcome, new friend. Hope you can learn to enjoy this place if you don't already. Good luck with the bulimia, I was afraid you had it when I first heard about you. You shall remain in my prayers till it passes, and beyond. Congrats on getting a good replacement for that jerk-face you once dated. Men like him deserve to be dumped repeatedly all their lives.

Winterwolf: That frat-related beating you mentioned suffering last week sounds like it was pretty bad. Kit and I apologize for missing it before. Congrats on getting over the wounds, and being able to move away from where it happened. <makes a note to avoid visiting Albany's inner city next time he's in New York State> Hopefully you will never have to deal with such danger again. Or if you do, hope you have a lot of helpful friends around you the next time. :) Thanks for the continued cheers and congrats, glad your life is going well.

Mel Gibson: I don't care where the guy comes from or who he thinks he is. I just know I enjoy his movies (most of them, anyway, some like What Women Want seem nothing but incredibly dumb, and therefore I avoid them like the plague). That's enough. :)

Calliope: Thanks for the congratulations. Kit and I are as happy as we can be right now. :) We sometimes follow the same posting practices you do, I have to say. <grin>

Todd: I too am interested in Zeta Project more for its plot than its animation, hope the plot lives up to my expectations. We shall see. <breaks out laughing at the aardvark procession and cannot stop for a long time> Where do you think up such great stuff?

Stephen: Speaking as a member of a family with a history of eye problems (I'm nearsighted, my sister had a lazy eye, Mom just got bifocals, etc.), I give you deep condolences on the vision problem and will continue praying that you soon are able to find an affordable solution. Good luck with the job hunt too, it can't be fun being unemployed. Glad that you at least have the friendship and love of Heather. :) Thanks for your good wishes to myself and Kit and your congrats.

DumlaoX: Good to see you back in here again, thanks for the congratulations. Condolences on the breakup with Ali, but it's good that your life is overall going well. We too are often amazed to still be here, and we intend to remain so. Thanks for the Sega news, I still play video games on occasion and found it interesting to know. Hope you'll hang around the room for a while and keep showing up every now and then. If you want updates on anything that's been going on since you left, RP especially, just please let me know.

JEB: Welcome back to you also. I'll check out your new page this weekend when I have time.

Archwolf: An online bachelor party sounds like a good idea. :) Let's please make sure to have a bachelorette one for Kit too, though- I don't want her feeling left out. Thanks for your congrats, and good luck with the courses you mentioned taking. They sound interesting, if a bit boring also. Many things in school are unfortunately like that. :)

Skippy: Welcome back, friend. Hope to see you again soon. Glad you're still alive and well.

SJ: I agree with you about Anonymous's post- I don't detect any undeserved bias in here either, but if I do note some, I'll try to avoid it. Thanks for the belated congrats, and yes, you are invited to the wedding. Kit and I must apologize, though, because we do not plan to fulfill your expectation concerning our first kid. We both don't really like the name Anton, for a boy or girl. And in any case, thanks to our high house and land loan payments and corresponding current low job wages, it's going to be some time before we even consider adopting a kid.

Christine: Glad Archmage is coming along nicely. Sorry to hear Black Roses got pushed back, but at least it's still in the works. Good things are usually worth waiting for. :)

Selanit: You're getting to spend time with Anne McCaffrey? Cool! :) She sounds like an even more interesting person than her about the author bios make her out to be, congrats on getting to make friends. I've always enjoyed that woman's writing (and am currently stuck in the middle of the recently released computer game based on the Freedom series, it's pretty good IMO). Hope you got the chance to get her to autograph a few books along with all the other interesting stuff you mentioned getting to do.

Kyryn: Congrats on conquering your illness, I was worried. Best wishes to you and Okami on finding the right place and land as Kit and I feel confident we have (until we've lived there a while we can't know for sure).

Daniel Johnson: Condolences on your mom's illness. I'm sorry to hear it's so bad, but also grateful it's not Alzheimer's. Kinda like you're feeling right now, I guess. <sigh> Hope she lives out her remaining years to the fullest, and dies painlessly without regret. If it's possible. <clasps hand>

And I guess that's all for tonight. Good to be done, because I must sleep. Going to work tomorrow, again. I'll be back next week, with more life developments to report and probably a lot more to reply to as well. See y'all then. Thanks once more for all the good luck wishes and congratulations. <waves and exits CR>


The screen flickers to life again, displaying another part of Hell. Inside a lake of fire a pyromaniac is wailing as he is consumed. Nearby Hannibal Lecter is screaming in agony as demons cut off and eat portions of his flesh. On a hill a short distance away a woman tries in vain to get a sleeping man to awaken and help her push the stone she has been ordered to move. The demoness Synatia stands not far from them, her harsh features drawn tight as she stares at the three demons prostrate before her. "We tried, dearest lady!" Pastor John insists. "The Ravens were just too strong for us, they've grown in power as have we. They would not turn, please don't make us burn!" "We failed because we were weak!" Jerry Bennet shouts. "Make us stronger and send us back, we will succeed!" "The power of God himself is with them," Bishop Galante mumbles. "I doubt we can ever succeed." Synatia takes note of his attitude and snaps her fingers with a grimace. Galante gasps as he is teleported and reappears in the center of the burning lake, to scream there as he is vaporized. Pastor John and Jerry's mouths fall open and instantly they start kowtowing and making promises that their demonic faith is not similarly in doubt. "You both tire me!" Synatia snaps, turning to them with eyes glowing cadmium red. "Begone!" Clapping her hands, she makes the two demons disappear and reappear inside the fiery lake as she did with Galante. "No!!" John cries out. "I love you!!" "You never loved me very well," Synatia retorts, turning away as he is burnt alive. Jerry takes longer to completely die, continuing to scream promises that he can fight the Ravens and win if only given another chance, that he must have his revenge on them. Synatia ignores him right up until the fire completely takes the vulture-demon's life. "Useless rabble…" Synatia fumes when the screams are silenced, starting to walk away across the field of wailing tortured souls. "Mistress," a voice says behind her, and she turns to see Geburah appearing in a puff of black smoke. "Have you failed as well?" Synatia snarls at the cornugon. "Not yet," the spiky gargoyle-demon replies with a grin. "It is time for our large weapon to be deployed, though. The energies are prepared." "You do realize what a big step this is, what a risk," Synatia says, and Geburah nods. "But we must do it. It's the only thing we have left to stop them where they are now." "Then it had better work," Synatia replies, waving her hand and disappearing along with Geburah in another puff of black smoke.

Back in the Mall of America, Orion is smiling widely as Tanith moves her lips away from his. Quickly he recovers himself, staring into her eyes. "I thought you were dead," he says. "You looked dead." "I thought I was dead too," the Wicca nods. "Then you touched me, and I knew I had to be alive." As they smile at each other and kiss again, the rest of the Ravens and their escort move forward sharing many smiles all around. One of the few exceptions is Leah, who is glancing somewhat worriedly at Winter Blade as she moves away. Warfrost sniffs and barks nervously nearby, but is pretty much ignored as the group gathers around Tanith and Orion. "There's blood on your dress!" Shap gasps, pointing at a large stain on Tanith's garment. "Looks like a bullet wound. Are you sure you're…" She nods. "I already have a regeneration magic taking care of it." "Nice to see you prepared," Elena says. "Who shot you?" "Yes, who?" Orion echoes. "And where did they go?" "I do not know where they went," Tanith replies nervously. "There were six of them, they were very strange." She describes Kharsus and Thailog's new damned allies, drawing many worried looks from the Ravens and a near-gasp from Anthony that draws him a few looks. "Creepy Frenchman, huh?" Kitainia clenches her fists. "Well, he should stand out. The gargoyle with tattered wings too." "The man in red robes you describe sounds like Kharsus," Lathrop tells Tanith. "Thailog must be involved with that group." "Why does he have to keep on sending people to kill us?" Jammer throws up his hands. Doug frowns and looks at Anthony. "Didn't you say something a while ago about a gargoyle with wing-rot or something coming after us?" Anthony nods. "I did. The gargoyle Tanith describes is probably him." "I'll dispatch a patrol to look for this gargoyle and his party at once," Governor Ventura declares, gesturing at Lieutenant Madison and six National Guardsmen. "Wait!" Anthony cries out, but the group is already running off. "Maybe some of us should go with them?" he asks when everyone looks his way. Kit shakes her head. "We're tired and just about out of ammo, I don't think we're up to it." "My men can handle it, don't worry," Ventura assures them. "Are you sure you're alright?" Orion asks Tanith, who nods again. "It was only a flesh wound," she insists, then turns to Keith. "Is that her?" "Yep," the ninja nods, keeping part of his attention on Stephanie even though she's unconscious. "Did you find all you needed?" Tanith nods. "Everything but Desert Night." "That's easily obtained," Boris says. "We just gotta call Gubio and ask him to bring back a double dose- he's already in Turkey getting some for Doug." "Great!" Tanith smiles. "Then we just need a natural place with heavy magic, and we'll be ready." "Let's get outside and call Gubio," Kit says. "We're pretty much done here." "One problem!" Leah shouts as the group starts nodding. "Winter Blade just ran off!" "What?" Kit's mouth falls open. "Where did she go?" Leah shrugs. "We better find her," Tom declares, waving at Leah and Mansfield to come with him. "Bring that dog of hers, Bobby." "I don't think it likes me," Mansfield complains as he approaches Warfrost and gets growled at. "Fine, I'll bring it," Tom snaps, smiling in relief as Warfrost accepts his hand. "I wonder why he doesn't like you," Leah says to Mansfield, who shrugs. "Never been much good with animals." "We'll meet you outside in an hour," Tom tells Kit. "Shouldn't take longer than that." "Just hurry up and be careful," Kit tells him. The engineer nods and moves off, Warfrost and the two commandos following. "Let's get back to the truck," Kit tells everyone else and they nod in agreement, though Anthony is still grimacing in the direction Madison's patrol went. Suddenly there is what sounds like a loud explosion from outside, followed by a chorus of screams and gunshots. Something very large bellows in anger, the volume shaking the Mall's foundations. A heavy thump hits the ground and a tremor shakes through it, knocking several of the Ravens off their feet. "God, what now?!" Doug throws up his hands. "We better go find out," Shauna rolls her eyes, nocking one of her few remaining arrows. The rest of the party sighs and nods, then start getting back to their feet just as another heavy footfall shakes the ground and the screen goes blank.


Friday, January 26, 2001 02:06:26 AM


"Excellent work, Lobien," Deavik is telling his crustacean-demon thug as the screen comes on. "Get those convicts armed and to Gotti's compound in New Jersey. I want them ready as soon as possible for their mission." The compound eyes in his otherwise featureless face gleaming, the demon lord sets down the communicator and turns to the shade kneeling prostrate before him. "What is the matter, Jean-Jacques?" he asks with a dry chuckle. "Find out you have even fewer agents on Earth than you thought?" "Some of them have been killed, Lord Deavik," Jean-Jacques Rousseau sighs. "I had recruited the band Rage Against the Machine to help me eliminate the Schoolgirl Scouts. Then, just as they were starting an important concert, some maniac shouting 'Testify to this, you Commie bastards!' blew them all away with an M-14." (Note to Tim and the Baron- hope you don't mind me taking advantage of a coincidence like this. I happen to like Rage Against the Machine's music and thus not want to deal with them in the RP that much.) "That is unfortunate," Deavik replies emotionlessly. "You still have many agents on Earth, though, right? I do not want to think I opened the gate for your shade to escape Hell only to have you fail in your part of the bargain." "You do not have to worry, Great Lord," Rousseau promises. "I still have Hillary, and the Red Sith. We will do as you have commanded- help Ted Turner come to power and then topple him and Cromwell so you can take over." "Remember to keep that plan hidden," Deavik orders, then makes a dismissing gesture. "You may go." Rousseau nods and disappears. Deavik turns to a viewscreen on the wall of his cold volcano lair. "Mikus," he says to the jackal-demon visible on it. "What did Cromwell say about my proposal?" "He wishes to handle Rousseau himself," Mikus answers. "Cromwell thanks us for revealing that the philosopher has managed to find a back door out of Hell like he has, but he does not think he needs our help against him." "As expected," Deavik laughs. "He does not suspect we are the ones who let Rousseau find a back door, just like we let him find one long ago?" "Just as Lucifer does not suspect we are the Underground Railroad for souls who need to escape Hell for our purposes," Mikus confirms. "Speaking of which, are you sure we would have let the human Larry Harper out? We've never helped a soul with so little time in residence escape before now…" "There is nothing to worry about, my friend," Deavik assures him. "As far as Lucifer knows, we are loyal, and so shall we shall remain until it is time to topple his power. Get yourself back here as soon as possible, we need to discuss Gothmenes and what is left of the Ten." Mikus nods and his image disappears as Deavik turns aside, his mind already churning over another cunning plan.

The display changes to show the basement of Abdullah bin Aziz's mansion, where Gubio and Harthoth are gasping in shock as the building above shakes with the impact of Apep's attack. "What the…" Gubio breathes. "My master," Harthoth says. "I can feel it." He puts a hand to his forehead. "He is being forced to act with a will not his own. He is also in great danger…We must help him!" "Help an evil dragon king?" Gubio asks angrily. "Get real!" Looking down at his radio, he hits the transmit button. "Erin, come in. Are you alright? Erin? Fasil? Bessus? Anybody?" There is no response. "Oh God," Gubio gasps. "Don't waste time swearing!" Harthoth implores him. "Helping my master regain control of his body may be the only way to stop him from attacking the mansion as I know he is doing. He's being forced to attack your friends, his personal feelings in the matter notwithstanding. That computer over there was what made this happen. My master is fighting the control, but I fear he cannot win over it. You must help. You are a computer expert, are you not?" Gubio nods, but keeps grimacing. "Don't you want to save your friends' lives?" Harthoth asks. "You paid Abdullah bin Aziz to build a super-weapon, imbued it with the soul and power of an ancient god, and now it's unleashed on my friends," Gubio growls. "You're lucky I'm not going to pop you in the head." He turns to the computer in the room. "I'm going to use this machine to help my friends, not your master." "Whatever," Harthoth says. "You've got to get rid of Abdullah's control program, though, and do it quickly! Otherwise…" "Yeah, I know," Gubio snaps, sitting down and starting to tap keys. "Gotta figure out what Tyl did, too bad he's dead so he can't explain it to me. Damn, this looks like Fortran, I hate that language!" The hacker reaches for his radio again and flips its frequency selector as Harthoth watches over his shoulder and the screen goes blank.


Hi everyone. I'm back once again, now a homeowner. <grins, then sighs> The good part of it- Kit and I now have a place of our own, and in thirty years it will be fully ours. Our credit is really up, and we really like where we're going to live now. The bad part- we now have to deal with WAY too high mortgage payments and a local homeowner's association who are going to insist we upkeep the place well. <spends a few minutes shaking his head and breathing heavily with fists clenched> Oh well, we were gonna do the latter anyway. :) And it will still be at least two more months before things really have to be dealt with. We're not moving out of the apartment until our new home is in place on the property, skirted, and fully furnished as we wish. We're buying a ready-made garage to adjoin it and having that set up too. Hopefully the home itself will be on the property by next weekend, the weather has to be right for its transport. We have signed the papers, though, so we are committed now. For better or worse. :) In other news, all our parents except for my dad are happy about our engagement, as Kit's told you. Currently I hear Frank, Caitie, Mom, and Enzo are fighting over what kind of ceremony the wedding's gonna be. <grimace> Oh boy. Work remains quiet, we had a pretty good officer (and our last female one) leave us last night because she didn't like the crackdown Abel has going right now on people who don't do their jobs as well as they should. Angela was good at hers, but fear of accountability is not really something we want in our officers, so she's not that big a loss. We'll find a replacement soon, hopefully, and can get on fine in the meantime thanks to extra work put in by Mike Hernandez and possibly myself this weekend (I'm one of the rare breed of men who does not like to watch football, and thus do not want the day off because of the Super Bowl). Kit and I are doing okay also, and they caught the last of the Seven Deadly Convicts in RL. So for now, life is good. I hope it continues to remain so. <crossed fingers> On to comments and replies.

Lady Mystic: Thanks for dropping by again, letting us know you were okay. I hope that you can get your full server access back soon, and will be praying for it. In the meantime, I'm glad you and Firestorm can still lurk, post occasionally, and save copies of the room for later archiving. Please don't hesitate to ask Kit and me if you need any help with the latter chore, we are willing. Thanks for the congratulations once again, on the house and land as well as the engagement. Kit and I wish you and Firestorm the best of luck in getting a place to live yourselves. Good luck also dealing with the flu.

Guandalug: <nods> I was indeed looking at the wrong copy of the archive, I wasn't aware you were preparing the revised version on another site. I checked out my part of it last Sunday, it looked just fine. Kudos on the good job, keep it up. Hope that the work will soon be finished, so the old messed-up archive can be put down. :)

Rodlox: Glad your depression's gone. $ And yes, it was an in-all-directions shot. :) $

GXB: <nods> Caution is all I ask. Thanks for the pledge. I agree with you about Rage Against the Machine. I have their latest album on right now. :)

Mandi: <returns hugs enthusiastically> Thanks for stopping in to congratulate us, we appreciate it. :) Best of luck with the packing and the new semester at Hood!

Lady Corax: If only everyone felt about us like you do. <sigh> I have confidence I will be able to give you congratulations on graduating in a few years, don't let me down now. :)

Daphne: Congrats on the B+, hope you can find a better group next time. It's good that your professor knows where the fault lies. :) As for the story series Kit mentioned, well, I don't know if I'll ever get around to doing it. But it is a fun creativity demon- a psychotically depressed tough guy with a symbiote, a criminally insane female Quickling on the run from the Illuminati, and an old but not washed-up SAS agent make for a very interesting trio. Especially when paired with Jade and Staci, the modern lesbian couple who have to live with them and keep them all hidden. <grins>

SOROW: Well, if love wasn't complicated, it probably wouldn't nearly be as much fun as it is. :) And yes, I know that Kit and me have it less complicated than most. We still have some problems now and then, though. Sorry to hear that yours seem worse. :( Congrats on the acceptance to UT-Austin, though. We hope to see you here soon, but we'll also understand if you end up elsewhere. Just don't forget to post! :)

Gside: You're right, rumpled trench coats do have a certain nice look about them. :) I like interior pockets on my garments too, they're useful a lot more often than you might believe (or maybe you would).

Kaioto: Thanks for your congrats and best wishes. I liked the quote. Thanks also for stepping in to resolve the bad debate that went down in here earlier this week (in which I do not care to participate). Must be hard for someone as wise and good at arguments as you to live in such a place as the Massachusetts you describe inhabiting- I'm sorry to hear it's really much like the stereotype. :( Good luck continuing to survive it, feel free to vent in here about how crazy the people are if you need to (for some reason, I can't imagine you venting though. If you ever did vent, you'd probably make even that full of wise well-thought-out commentary and your usual lessons. :).

Emmabu: <returns hug> Thank you. I hope to give you similar congrats someday- you once seemed close to finding someone and I continue to wonder how that turned out. Good review of Antitrust, I too wish its director had done a better job. Condolences on the server loss, though since I've not heard from you since Saturday I am still hoping things were somehow resolved positively. Please let us know soon.

Mary: Sorry to hear about the accident, though I'm glad it wasn't worse than it sounds. Like Kit said, wrecks are learning experiences, not just bad ones. If you see it as such, you'll become a better driver. You're already better than me since you can drive a standard. <grin> Congrats on the good Japanese grades, and I agree that you look very beautiful as a gargoyle (though I must say with bias that Kit looks better. :).

Jaden: Ack, be careful with that ice driving. Good that you're learning how to handle it though. Thanks for the congrats. Kit and I are sure our ceremony will be nice, it's just whether it's gonna be Jewish or Catholic that we have to worry about (thank our parents for that!).

Gunjack: That kind of progress is pretty far from wonderful, IMO. :( Although incestuous lesbians…nah, young Jenna and Barbara Bush aren't cute enough to hold my interest. I'm still boycotting the show for all the reasons I mentioned before. I hope and pray that none of the awful jokes it will perpetrate turn out to be truth. And like Kit said, we don't really know any famous actors or politicians. We've just met a few here and there over the years, most by chance and some who we approached out of curiosity. We've made friends with most, but one- Matthew McConaghey- precluded that possibility by coming on rudely to Kit when we encountered him at the local Paradox Club, and calling her a slut. Nobody does that to my girl without punishment, but Jammer and a couple other club bouncers intervened before I could administer some. <sigh> He got thrown out of the club, and we have boycotted the man's movies ever since. :) Good luck getting your crazy computer fixed soon, and thanks for the congrats.

Aaron: Many born-agains are unfortunately very much like Billy Graham's kid. I think it speaks volumes about their characters. They don't know the value of learning from one's mistakes, because they don't want to watch other people make the ones they did. They think finding God is the answer to everything, that it alone makes them cool. Obviously they're still in the high-school clique mindset. :( Hope Bush can put his bias towards such people aside if necessary, we shall see. That thumbs-up he gave did make me doubt him as President more than a little, I have to admit. :( Thanks for the congrats and ceremony idea, we regret somewhat we're not planning to use it. Our families would never go for us getting wed at the Gathering, and we also want to have the wedding here in Austin, where we met and fell in love. Not wherever G2K2 happens to be.

Warpmind, Lynati: Sorry!! I wasn't aware jinxing stuff with congratulations was possible. It will not happen again.

Lain: A gift? Looking forward to it. Thanks for the thought. Make it something nice, but not too flashy, please. And hopefully it will have some use besides looking nice and being a paperweight. <grins> Good luck handling those drunk friends of yours, I wish the one who got really hammered and doesn't think she will again the best of luck. I'll keep them all in my prayers. Congrats on being able to deal with them, and also on handling things with your old friend whom you love. I smiled widely when I read you acknowledging your strength. :) Your pacifism also. We may differ on the need for venting and such, but I'm still proud to call you a friend and probably always will be. :)

Decent wrap-up to the TGS opener this week, though I agree the story was way too rushed and lacking in detail. Lacking in illustrations too, which distresses me. The pictures have always been one of my favorite parts of TGS. I enjoyed the dialogue in this week's ep, and the development on Goliath and the Trio, can hardly wait to see how things continue to go for them in the season ahead. I did not like the speed with which things were tied up, though, nor all the loose ends left dangling. A lot of elements in the story also seemed less than they potentially could have been- the snipers and the Illuminati's interrogation of Matt among them. Hope we'll come back to them and find more layers waiting, and that the story next week will be more fully completed. 6/10 to this week's- it had good developments and plot points, but without meaningful writing and pictures to back them up, they didn't really grab me by themselves. Thanks to Ed for his synopsis of all that's been going on.

Enjoyed Buffy and Angel this week once again. Seeing Buffy in conflict with the Council again was entertaining, and there were some very good scenes with the Council agents and the Scooby gang. Anya's bits in particular made me laugh. Nice development on Spike also, it's good to see Buffy trusting him (a little surprising too, but hey, one can dig it thanks to all the development that's gone on). Loved his latest scene with Joyce. Dawn also had some good bits, and so did Glory, who remains entertaining though hardly on the level of the menacing complex villains Buffy has had to face before IMO. Ben remains a mystery, though we got some good development on him this time around. Liked the Knights of Byzantium too, can't help but wonder if they and Ben are somehow connected. Buffy's confrontation with the Council at the end and acknowledgment of her power was a very cool scene, hope to see it spark many developments in her character in episodes ahead. I especially liked how she made them rehire Giles with full back salary. :) Also wondering what kind of god Glory is of course, and can hardly wait for that to be developed more. Angel was good also, though IMO not as much as Buffy was. The main arc was well played-out right up until its climax, which I thought suffered from disappointing buildup coming to naught despite the entertaining Cordy and Wes embarrassment shots. The buildup was great, the end result not so much. Good banter from Wes, Cordy, and Gunn once again in the beginning, though I wish we'd seen more of the fight with that dragon. Lindsay and Lilah got good development also, and I like their new boss, though he'll have to be established some more as a character before I decide if I like him as much as I did Manners, who had a good sendoff in this ep. Also liked seeing Anne/Lee again and her development, she ended up in a nice place. Good scenes also with Angel and with Merle, it's good to see that Angel hasn't gone completely bad yet. The fundraiser and the questions posed to the TV stars were a bit entertaining, though they also felt kind of lame. Boone was an effective antagonist, but the plot could have used him better. Overall, many good small elements in this week's Angel, they just needed to be woven together better than they were. Hopefully next time they will be. I continue to enjoy the development we are getting, hope we learn more about Wolfram & Hart's true plans for Angel next time (wanting him on the evil side when the Apocalypse comes can't be their only motive. It's too simple, and these guys are lawyers!).

Doug - []
Friday, January 26, 2001 02:05:34 AM

*Enters, and randomly blows on a party noisemaker*
At this time I would like to reminice back to around twenty one and two thirds axial shifts ago. On second thought, that's something I don't like to consider. So let's go a year minus three months in the future from then. That still isn't a pretty sight. It was quite cold, and the furnace had died, but it went so much quicker than the time before. Let that be a lesson to you: a good night's sleep is always a good thing. But today is still a good day.

Now that I've been obfucastory enough, let me just catch up with everything since my last post.

Lynati> Enjoy your toy.

Todd Jensen> <<Rhys-Davies will be providing the voice of Treebeard in the upcoming LotR movies>>: Fun. It'll be nice to have a cultured voice behind him, but they should mess with it electronically a bit, maybe lengthen what he's saying. I mean ents were never really in a rush.

James Birdsong> <<Who is Gimli?>>: Gimli Elf-friend (III 2879 - IV 120), a dwarf of Durin's Folk in the House of Durin, is the son of Glóin. He travelled from Rivendell with the Company of the Ring. He hunted Orcs across Rohan with Aragorn and Legolas. He fought at the Battle of the Hornburg, and at the Pelennor Fields. His name comes from a mannish tongue, based on Old Norse, which meaning seems to have been "fire". In Norse mythology, Gimli was not the name of a person, but of a place: a great golden-roofed hall in Asgard where the righteous were taken after death. In Adûnaic, gimli means 'stars' (gimil, 'star', appears in names such as Gimilkhâd) but this is probably no more than a coincidence.

Daniel Johnson> That looks like a fun layering of emulation. You could probably take it through a few UNIX variants befre getting it back to Mac, though.
And I give you my condolences about your mother.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Friday, January 26, 2001 12:17:12 AM

For some bizarre reason I am posting this from IE 5.5 on Windows 98 running on top of Virtual PC 4.0.1 on my Power Mac G4. It works quite well, actually. Of course, running a Mac emulator on top of this would be even more bizarre. Hmm...

I'm in a thoughtful mood tonight. Today my mother had an appointment with the neurologist. It turns out (as I always suspected) that she might not have Alzheimer's after all. The doctor now thinks that her symptoms are indicative of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. This is basically the human equivalent of "mad cow disease." There is no cure and is always fatal, but then the same is true of Alzheimer's. The difference is that AD takes several years to kill while CJD can take only a year or two. While it's certainly sad, I'm not really distressed by it. Possibly because I've already had to come to terms with her condition in the past. It may even be a relief since I know that her suffering won't be prolonged. Well, until then we'll have each other. To she who has given so much and asked for so little I give my undying love.

Thanks for listening to me ramble.

And who's hoarding the magic 'shrooms? LAIN!!! :)

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Thursday, January 25, 2001 11:48:00 PM

Gside> Who is Gimli?
James Birdsong - []
token sane guy
Thursday, January 25, 2001 11:10:37 PM

DumlaoX: <Once the room clears we need to take an informal poll. We may not be able to add more pics into the list just yet, but if we have some new pics ready, then that means we can still experiment a lil >:) >
Been there, done that, polled the results, posted the results and made the coding!
My link has the TGS CR Info page, complete with all of the images (new and old), text colors, etc.

(Although, with you here, we would probally have gotten more results! :)

Quite literally, we just need a response from Gorebash.

Fire Storm - [<--- The CR Info page]
Thursday, January 25, 2001 09:57:07 PM

GSIDE - Also, it's been reported (though this isn't 100 % confirmed as yet) that Rhys-Davies will be providing the voice of Treebeard in the upcoming LotR movies. I hope that the rumor is true.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, January 25, 2001 09:40:22 PM

*Lynati creeps in again*

Guess what came in the mail today?
My computer! yay!
Actually, this isn't MY computer. Mine isn't internet rigged yet...

Thursday, January 25, 2001 09:14:18 PM

Why doesn't AoEII like me? Or is it a sign to finish FFVII first?

Warpmind> <<I'm back, oh yes I am>>: Good to hear it.

Nice to see you again, Skippy.

Welcome back DumlaoX, for however long it lasted.

The network here has decided to completely die on us here. can't even ping remus.

Archwolf> <<GREP. Now, that is just a damn cool command name>>: Derived from globally print regular expression, I believe. Also fun is vgrep. You might like to browse through the Jargon File (one version is at ).
Good luck with not drinking.

Lynati> <<nothing besides the fact he now has wires runnign through his brain>>: How is that in and of itself a bad thing? I wouldn't mind a personal USB port.

James Birdsong> <<John Rhys-Davies who was the voice of Macbeth on Gargoyles... and he played Proffesor Arturo on Sliders>>: And don't forget Gimli. Only eleven months, only eleven months...

!@#$ network.

To continue,

Gunjack> <<Where can you get this?>>: Just search for Typing of the Dead, and you should find it. I know has it.
<<Dude, I REALLY don't think that's what he meant>>: Has that ever stopped me before?
<<I'm assuming the tape is there to keep the melon from exploding?>>: Perhaps. They said it was there to imitate a skull, while the mellon acts as grey matter.
<<Does this mean I should quit thinking of myself as "the new kid"?>>: Probably. That should be my job. Or has that passed by me yet?
<<Unfortunately, it seems that "modern" dames don't work nearly as well for that kinda thing>>: Did you mean "games"? Though the genres that were good for such a situation have probably fallen into disfavor with the developers and are awaiting a comeback.
<<if you think that's bad, try converting "stunts" and "myself">>: It wasn't just the minds, it was also the proximity of blown.
<<*one* of us needs to get their brains checked. Right now>>: Isn't it almost given that we both need brain tune ups? wang
<<all these old-timers are popping up like daisies>>: That triggered something in my mind: these posts are proof they aren't pushing up daisies.
<<no one ever said you had to *eat* the shrooms>>: Would you eat furnished shrooms? Shrooms with rooms?
<<the magic shrooms she's been studying have white stalks, and the caps are red with white spots>>: So what about green capped shrooms? Double strength? Antivenom? Resussatation abilities?

Daniel Johnson> <<Who's for making him Official TGS Reviewer?>>: Aye.
<<Feel free to point and laugh>>: Normally I would take you up on your offer (lets off a little stress), but it doesn't seem quite right this time.
<<I wish that he/she would just stand up and say what he/she wants without hiding behind SpaceProxy>>: My theory is that it was someone who said they would leave, and their previous stance would have been nullified if the came forward.

Spacebabie> <<Have him stand in a booze filled lake and give him the ol Tantalus treatment>>: How... tantalizing.
<<WHAT THE HECK ARE HENTAI FANGS?>>: Maybe they're just perversely violent.

DumlaoX> <<such a great & looney game out>>: The thing that really gets me is what they replaced the guns with.

Expect another post from me in two and a half hours or so.

Na zodorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Thursday, January 25, 2001 08:56:42 PM

Apologies for the double post, but...

FIRE STORM-- Once the room clears we need to take an informal poll. We may not be able to add more pics into the list just yet, but if we have some new pics ready, then that means we can still experiment a lil >:)

DumlaoX - []
Los Angeles, CA
Thursday, January 25, 2001 07:43:32 PM

SJ-- Well, unless you want my second coming to be a sign of the apocalypse... :P

GUNJACK, GSIDE-- The game you are refering to is called The Typing Of The Dead. If you have ever played with a game called The House of The Dead, you know the story. Replace the guns with a keyboard & type the words & phrases that appear on the zombies. On interesting factor is that boss #3 asks you questions & you have to type the right answer to pass. I've been playing the Japanese version and it is an excellent game indeed. The American version hit stores 2 days ago. As usual, only one company could bring such a great & looney game out... SEGA!

KIT & DOUG-- What can I say except... IT'S ABOUT TIME! :P Seriously, congrats to both of you. may you have long, happy lives together.

ME-- Well, a few things did change while I was away. Actually, I do remember coming in here announcing that my father had passed away and this was in March. That doesn't count, though, since I never came back after that :P Anyway, yes, after some turbulence, I'm still attending UCLA and hope to graduate this year. Then take a year off & go to law school. As for Ali & myself, we're no longer an item. Haven't been since summer of 1999. As I understand now, she's taking film classes in NYU and dating a guy who happens to be named... Brian :P She's happy with him & so am I. Now if I could just get someone of my own...

Till next time...

DumlaoX - []
Los Angeles, CA
Thursday, January 25, 2001 07:41:34 PM

Kit>> The story sounds really cool. I'd llike to read it when it's done, if that's ok?

Zeta Files>> I think it looks really interesting (does the guy who plays Oswald on THe Drew CArey Show do zeta's voice?), however they showed the ad for it right after they showed the Zeta episode on Batman Beyond last week (I think?) and guess what? Zeta must have gotten a makeover in the meantime, because he looks *entirely* different.

Happiness, all!

having phun with physics
Thursday, January 25, 2001 07:36:42 PM


Taleweaver - I remember a statement from Back to the Future Part 3 - The future is not written yet, but what you make it. Of course, that was in an mutable history universe, but I think the idea still holds merit.

Lady Mystic - 10 megs max file sent to me per day [do not want to wait hours on end to download all the CR archives I want], preferribly zipped format, sent to the email address I supplied to Night Flame. That email is the only I have that can handle that big of an attachement.


I am beginning to suspect the whole situation is a lot easier to manipulate once I get enough information than it is for me to beat an average Othello player.

I see micro-management of the hiring process, discontent from some engineers, a lying HR director, stupid management, and lots of temporary characters: all the elements needed for good soap opera are present at my workplace.
not much else to say right now, except brr. It's cold.

DPH - []
Thursday, January 25, 2001 07:26:50 PM

Here's the URL for the X-Men: Evolution site, Caliope. Just click on my name to go there.

BTW, in my spare time, I'm writing a little "Gargoyles/X-Men: Evolution" crossover fanfic; well, it's mainly a crossover of "Gargoyles" with "X-Men: Evolution", but it includes one or two elements from the overall "X-Men" setting (I have some memories from the FOX cartoon, and did a little research on the comics). In it, the X-Men come to New York to investigate a possible new mutant that Cerebro has detected in the vicinity of the Eyrie Building (I suppose that you can all guess who the "new mutant" really is), just as a group of federal agents under the command of Henry Gyrich show up with orders to capture the gargoyles. Plus there's an Obligatory "Torment-the-Yuppie-Couple" Scene (tm). So far, it's being quite fun to write.

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, January 25, 2001 07:14:09 PM

Greetings and salutations, you beautiful people you,

Been luking this week. Glad to see there is some lively discussion about TGS. I'd like to add something to the debate about Brooklyn. I raise the question would Brooklyn really make a good leader? I agree that 40 years of timedancing, developing that seat-of-the-pants strategy that serves him so well is a plus, but the knowledge of future history seems a major stumbling block. A clan leader by nature must put the welfare of the clan members first. Could Brooklyn really do that if it conflicts with a future event?

As far as free will, in an immutable history, free will seems like an illusion. Since someone's present is someone else's past. It's all in the frame of reference. Of course I'm an avid free-will and wrestle Fate frequently to prove the point. (It's a contradiction, but its a dragon thing)

Pretneder Movie> If you missed it don't worry. TNT shows their in-house movies ad nausem. It will more than likely be on this weekend. My opinion of it is fair. My big hang up was they didn't resolve some of the old mysteries before starting up new ones. I was looking for some closure with this one.

* * * * * Buffy and Angel Spoilers * * * * *

Buffy> Liked a lot. My favorite bit was at the end when Buffy understood her way out of the situation. I hope we see the end of 'little-girl-lost' Buffy. It was ok, the first day of college, but she's a big girl now and I'm glad they showcased that. Spike is a delight as usual (he's got Watcher groupies, ahhh!) But his interrogation was the only one I liked. Wiht Willow and Tara, I was counting down when they'd spill their beans. Anya was ok, but all of them feeling nervous got old fast. Glory as a god, shocking, but not surprising. After destroying a 50ft snake demon, deity seems the next notch up, but I wouldn't dismiss her threats about killing friends and family.

Angel> Not as good. I liked the return of Anne. I thought she looked familiar and then she mentioned the vampire cult and I remembered. Her story and dilemma I really enjoyed. She was a good person, but aware of what is going on. (I love that in characters) Angel seemed especially jerky and I don't understand the who idea that this is blood money. Wolfham and Hart didn't donate the money, LA's wealthy elite did and they didn't acquire through unlawful means (though I'd be suspect if any were producers for Dawsson's Creek) Essentially Anne was in bed with the devil, that's not the same as accepting blood money. That moral dilemma seemed off. Gunn, Cordy and Wes were great as usual. You know they deserve there own nickname. If Willow, Xander, Giles and associates are the Scoobies, their counterparts on Angel need one. And in the tradition of 70's Hanna Barbara cartoons about bright-eyed teenagers unmasking spooky mysteries, I will henceforth call the Angel supporting cast the Clue Club.

Gunn has my new favorite line "Look at me when I'm killing you."

* * * * * End of the Spoilers * * * * *

Well, back to lurking mode I go. Hope to write again soon. Enjoy the day.

Taleweaver - []
Isle of Spring
Thursday, January 25, 2001 06:00:17 PM

Lynati> yes, I have missed some recent episodes of Buffy. I've been busy with painting my house. Heh, means I figured the "key" out on my own, huh?

Kit and Doug> wow! ya'll are really moving along on buying a home and property! congrats! hehe, if you wouldn't have minded the commute from Houston to San Antonio - I would have sold you my home ;)

Thursday, January 25, 2001 05:40:22 PM

Sj>>>I'm 24

Perfect torture for Ted Kennedy>>> Have him stand in a booze filled lake and give him the ol Tantalus treatment.

Prodilogical CR dwellers>>Welcome back


Orlando, FL, U.S.A
Thursday, January 25, 2001 03:46:07 PM

Cyrway > well, hey, have you tried the Random Gargoyle Generator? <g> The automated version will roll all the dice for you; just reload your page each time and have all the gargs you could ever need! Find it in the Winter 2000 issue, with a click or go to or find the dice-rolling tables at

Christine - []
Thursday, January 25, 2001 02:26:14 PM

*Lynati sneaks in*

They let us out for an hour while they sort out who is going to take which class from our choice sheets. So I came here. The lab closes at five today, so I won't be back in 'till tomorrow.

Juliaexia: I detect another Hothead Paison fan here? ("Well, they always told you God was a light, didn't they?")

lain: *hugs for lain*

Daniel J.: ah. Thank you for the corrections.

Selanit: VERY spiffy. The Dragonriders of Pern was my favorite series when I was younger. I think I was the only fifth grader ever to write a book report on "The White Dragon". Unfortunately, I kind of lost some interest after they officially defeated the Thread. Liked the dolphin novel, though.

Warpmind: Our school computers are being #@%$^%^&% and won't let me to hotmail right now. I'll try again soon.

*Wanders out, muttering about the postal service and late deliveries of a certain graduation present.*

Thursday, January 25, 2001 02:14:55 PM

*pokes her head in.*

Psst...I need some help...

I need a brand new gargoyle character to draw, one I've never drawn before, one that is totally original, totally fresh...

Email me...

However...the catch...use "he/she/it has [insert canon character's name]'s [insert body part/clothing/whatever]" in the description, I won't do it.

I need something to do to piss Starscream off... ;)

Cyrway - []
Thursday, January 25, 2001 01:22:23 PM

Nooooooooo! I missed Caliope by 2 minutes. **sigh** :(
I just had to go and say something to so many... LOL ^_^
Oh well! Laters!

Bronx, NY
Thursday, January 25, 2001 01:04:12 PM

Hi everybody! I’ve been busy in the land of documentation. I decided to take a break to write up a post. Hmm, that’s more typing for me. LOL


I wanted to write my own thoughts without being influenced by anyone else on the latest two TGS stories. Overall they are quite good but there are aspects that I have mixed opinions on. These aspects are what the remainder of this spoiler section deals with. These are all just my opinions and my own take on what I read.

First thing that I was really wondering about was the size and scope of the Illuminati. It seems like several characters including Margot Yale herself are either a member or know of the Illuminati. It just doesn’t seem an effective way for a secret society to function IMO.

The second thing that I am happy is happening, but seems like it was way too long in coming is questioning and/or reacting to the knowledge Brooklyn and his family have from TimeDancing. It’s certainly not surprising that this is felt most strongly by Lexington. In the end Brooklyn, Sata, Ariana and Greame don’t have much information to offer. The records of the clan were sealed to all of them. So they only know the history that they have witnessed. So what they know of the current generation of the Manhattan clan’s future is very limited. However they do know certain things will happen. This is proved when Brooklyn thinks of Lex in a previous story. I do like how Broadway realizes one possible benefit of not knowing. Is the future as rigid as the past, being unchangeable? Then knowledge of the future can be a huge burden to bear. It then becomes clear that Brooklyn would have an even more difficult time leading the clan as he knows some of the future and it would at the very least have him second guessing his own better judgment. Getting back to the original point saying that he doesn’t remember anymore and keeping quiet when his TimeDancing is at an end is too easy of a way out. I really can’t imagine this having been let go this long or to be more precise left unchallenged until now. Brooklyn you have a mate and a family that you obviously know and have shared many experiences with. You are carrying technological devices including the armor you wear and the weapon you have. On Brooklyn and his family’s side I can see them going with silence as they really don’t know what to say. It gets back to Greg’s discussion on time travel in the Gargoyles universe. One of the points he was elaborating on was the idea of the lack of free will if you know what the future has in store for you.

Third I really liked the idea of Greame questioning about gargoyles protecting after Brooklyn had been injured working to keep the city safe. The timing was right and reasoning was there though it didn’t seem to have that true genuine feeling behind it. I read through it twice and still felt it was missing something. Perhaps if we had a little more insight into Greame this would a really powerful piece of the story Greame delivers as I think it should be. It seemed too similar to the casual objection from the trio to Hudson in the series.

That’s about all for now on that.

******END SPOILERS******

Well I really don’t have anything to complain about in my life. I’ve been busy with work, which is good. At home all is well, unfortunately I just don’t seem to have time to be online and interact with all my friends in here. Well I have time for a few replies and then I have to get back to work. It’s hard to believe my last real post was over a week ago! **gasps**

Welcomes and welcome back to all those new and returning CR posters! :)

Christine> Cheers that Becca is okay and will not need major dental work! ^_^

Doug and Kit> <friends> Thanks! I hope you also keep friends for life! <buying land> Congratulations to both of you on finding the land where you will live! I say on the plus side there are definite advantages to being a little bit away from the main hubbub of the city. Ultimately that depends on you and I give you my complete earnest blessings on a lifetime filled with happiness! You two are making another big step together and I think that’s beautiful! ^_^

SOROW> Congratulations on getting accepted to UT Austin SOROW! :) <auditions at Sam Houston University> I’m sure you’ll wow them. Just show them the amazing wonderful person we know you are in here and they will warm up to you right away. Plus it is a good experience and I hope you get something out of it.

Emambu> Checked and replied to email! On the Gathering, if only it wasn’t so! The number of special guests boggles the mind! I can’t believe the attendance hasn’t broken 200 yet, at least that’s according to the website. LOL The female winterwolf won’t stop you provided it’s all in good fun. Otherwise she is a killer demon! ;) Unfortunately now the snow is all gone! :(

Welcome Kahreen! Great to have you in here! ^_^

Mary> <driving> Well I hope you are feeling better about driving. It is a responsibility but it is good to know and be capable of driving. ;) <exam and portrait> Cheers! I’m happy all is well and that the pic is great! :D

Gside and Emambu> Well even computer science classes that do involve programming the most important thing is the logic and mechanics. There are several programming languages so just a good grounding in preferably two will make it easy to transition to learn what you need out there if you want to be a coder/programmer. Anyway there are many other elements that are important that require little to no traditional programming. Database engineer, network engineer and some others. :)

Welcome Juliaexia! Have fun and Revel in the insanity! ^_^

Welcome back Blue Caeru!

Niamhgold> Hi! Long time no see or hear. What have you been up to? Do you have any more of those cookies you sent me last time? **grin** I hope all is well with you! **huggles** I’ve missed you! ^_^

Dreamie> Thanks! ^_^ Let me tell you my passive resistance really paid off. Other than some tiny bruises, which healed completely in a few days, I didn’t have any pain or feel hurt. Must have been the adrenaline and the fact that they were either bored very quickly or scared I was really hurt/dead. Still it wasn’t fun having a tooth dangling for a few days, then only upgrade to loose and avoid using it. Thanks again for your kind words and sentiment! ^_^ <Monolith and Emambu with a monkey nicker> LMAO! Now if we had a picture with the monolith included that would be priceless! ;D

Caliope> Woo! Cali! **Hugz you till you’ve had enough hugging for the moment** :P <Roswell> Oh I did see it! It’s really interesting! Poor Sheriff Valentie he’s still in trouble at the end even though he did finally find the girl and save her. And Kyle is a really funny to watch. Tess is really getting him good! Which make me like both of them better. Nothing like a woman teasing you to let you know she cares. Right Cali? ;P LOL Liz’s dreams are so silly! Swooning over an imaginary guy she knows is just made up as Max is there. Isabell puts it best, though I see it being really sweet and loving too. Even her dreams are lame! Plus that cousin and Liz are generating some sparks now! Do you think anything is going to happen with that? There was some definite foreshadowing to it I’d say! Plus this whole hybrid chronicles will be interesting. It’s nice to have some ongoing storyline for more than one or two stories. <happy> Well I know you said don’t ask so I won’t but hope the happiness has lasted a few days! ^_^ **FUZZY HUGZ** Well I’m still out of fluff until I get some more! ;P

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr> Good eyesight is really important to me. I can scarcely imagine what you are feeling. I hope you manage to work through it and that it isn’t as bad as expected.

Good to see you Skippy! :)

DumlaoX> Hi! Welcome back! It’s interesting when someone comes back and you don’t know him or her, but so many others do. Hope you have the time to come again regularly.

Archwolf> There you are! There has been a definite lack of wolves scampering about of late. Welcome back! ^_^

Lady Mystic and Kyryn> Glad you are both feeling better!

Okay I think I better submit this before it vanishes into the abyss. See you all later!

Bronx, NY
Thursday, January 25, 2001 12:58:45 PM

Hey-y!!!! *waves all happy like* ^_~

Mary Flanders> lol Yes, I lived in Davis for six years, about 10 years ago! I did meet someone once at castle chat that lived in Davis, quite awhile back, was that you under another name?

Gunjack> <<magic shrooms>> LOL Hey, didnt the smurfs live in little mushoorms with white stalks and red caps with white spots too? Not only that, but the all lived in one big happy hippy commune, only one female in the bunch. And they wounder why our generation is so srewed up, huh? Between that and Popeye's magic green weed, what did they expect? ;P

Green Baron> lol well then, it all depends on your idea of a good time, doesnt it? If your into the whole clubin', party thing then you gotta be at Isla Verde, but if your happy just going to the movies or hanging out at the mall or something then your ok almost anywhere here, eccept some of the more remote towns that dont have their own theater :P In any case, you'll be new here, and there are alot of interesting places to see here, which is why its fun to play turists ;P

Todd> Hey, a while back you linked this realy neet X-Men Evolution page, do you still have the addy to that, and if you do, can you tell me where, cuz I kindda lost it ^_^;; Thanx! :)

Buffy/Angel stuff>
Well, I very much enjoyed last nights eps, LOVED the spike seens...but then again, I LOVE Spike:P I wonder if the Summers will take up permanent residence in Spikes cozzy lil crypt...that would be interesting. :P Angel was neet too, I still dont get why Angel was such an @$$ and fired his crew, but it IS nice to see Gunn in a somewhat more cheerfull mood, less serious anyhow...I any case, its just plain nice to see him, I like that guy too :P

Kit> <<I'm also happy because I like my classes this semester- there are no nightmare professors this time around, thank the Lord, and they aren't too hard or too easy to just breeze through and leave me somehow unsatisfied.>> Yeah, either one can be a pain, I had to take this basic music clas last year which was realy bad and boring. They were teaching the names of the diferent instruments in an orchestra and all the types of rythems and such when I have played some instrument or other most my live, so I fell asleep alot :P So you have alot to be happy for, and I'm happy for ya! *smiles*

Ooo I hafta go! these dang classes are realy ruining my college experience! ;P Bye Guys!!!!! *HUGZ all and poofs*

Caliope - []
Thursday, January 25, 2001 12:56:34 PM

****Kyryn steps into the room.****

Hey, all! I've pretty much kicked this crud except for some random bouts of coughing. Thanks for the good thoughts.

Doug & Kit> I wish you the best on getting your land and building your house. Okami and I are still looking for the right place and land.

SJ> Actually, my opinions tend towards the conservative side, but most people don't see them as I tend to try to stay out of serious discussions involving religion, politics, and some family issues (This is a legacy from growing up with a family where these things can become hot points real fast).

LM> I've emailed you the info. I hope that it helps.

Dumlao> Welcome back even if it is briefly. I see from your IP addy that you're still at UCLA. I hope that things are going better for you than they were.

JEB> Good to see you around these parts again.

Skippy> I'll email ya. Hopefully we'll be able to get together at an ORAC meeting one of these days. If all else fails, I'll see ya at A-kon.

Later All!

****Kyryn disappears.****

Denton, TX
Thursday, January 25, 2001 11:56:00 AM

*juliaexia enters with a secret...a secret far more complex then how you get the caramel into a caramilk....a secret that has been a mystery since the beginning. lain sits eagerly to learn about this. juliaexia's aura is strong...*

"i can show you God Lain" i say calmly
"really...."smirks Lain who apparently is QUITE the 'non beliver' (said in a quebecois french slang)
"see this lamp...this is God" i explained. lain smirks at my knowledge. "you see lain, God said 'Let there be light' (as i turn on the switch)"
"JERK-FACE!!!!" she replies as she holds her stomach and giggles incessantly.

ocean , land, tweet tweet
Thursday, January 25, 2001 11:48:52 AM

OK, I'm very impressed by Ed's comments. Who's for making him Official TGS Reviewer? ;)
I've always liked your style. :) It's all my fault, I'm afraid. The violence and politics stuff was there to illustrate a point but just ended up muddying the issue. The real point, as "Anonymous" seems to get, is that a double standard seemed to be applied. And still is. I think my initial comments were pretty mild, but some of the responses I got were a bit out of proportion. Just my opinion. Oh, and for the record, I'm not exactly a pacifist; I don't like fighting (physical or verbal) and will avoid it whenever possible, but get me cornered and I'll have no qualms about fighting to defend myself or others. I don't even mind senseless fictional violence, but I just don't think that this is the best place for it. Again, just my opinion. As for the political stuff, just forget I said anything since it never came out right. :P Feel free to point and laugh. I never was angered by any of this, I just had some suggestions that I completely botched up.

I did notice the Anonymous post, but I wish that he/she would just stand up and say what he/she wants without hiding behind SpaceProxy. He/She would be more effective that way.

Anyway, let's put this puppy to bed.
A big CR welcome back to Skipp, DumlaoX, and JEB! here's to hoping you can be around more.
Oh, great. Just what we need, lain hepped up on 'shrooms. And we thought that things were crazy in here before? ;) Hotmail is having problems because Microsoft is having server problems. Guess what operating system those servers run. Coincidence? >:)
Welcome to the joys of UNIX! Things get even more interesting when you start chaining commands together. You can do some amazing things with grep, awk, and sed. As for dealing with command line arguments in C:
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
argc is the number of arguments and argv is an array of strings containing the arguments. Just loop over argv with a for statement. Or use the getopt function. Look it up with "man 3 getopt" from the command line.
Good, I'm glad they caught those guys. And while I'm not usually a big fan of capital punishment, this time I'll make an exception: fry 'em. Or better yet, shot while trying to escape again. :)

As for ol' Jessie, well, I have no respect for the man. Committing adultery is bad enough, but he's a hypocrite too. And wasn't he supposed to disappear for a while? What was it, two days? Now everyone is welcoming him back with open arms and forgiveness. Blech.
Greg Weisman has said that there is a clan living in New Olympus. Of course, it's not cannon until it appears on air.

And what goes on in here is tame compared to some of the things I've seen. :) It may not have come across very well, but I'm hardly squeamish.
<<THAT... Is just pathetic>> Your welcome. >:) So I guess our country really has been run by children for the last eight years. :P Well, at the very least, Bush is likely to bring some measure of decorum back to the White House.

Hey, here's a compromise: no more gutting Teddy like a pig, but torturing him to within an inch of his life is acceptable, and even encouraged? ;)


<<Anyone else wanna join in a lawsuit for corruption of our children?>> Ah, the American way! I feel all patriotic now.
Whoah, I'm jealous. :) I've always been a fan of the Dragonrider books. Thanks for sharing.
<<For once, a reason for me not to emigrate to the US>> Only one?

<<Please postpone further such posts until after the Gathering>> Mwahahaha! Don't bet on it! ;) This country is just overflowing with such childishness.

<<that means you're authorized to wield a tool that kills people two years before you can wield one that actually makes people... And THAT is just plain silly, isn't it?>> So, what's your point? We're Americans; we're don't have to make sense. >;P

<<one shroom was good for a great many doses>> I did not need to know that.
Lady Mystic:
Ack! Here's to a speedy recovery.

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Thursday, January 25, 2001 11:20:04 AM

Just getting over the flu. Hopefully it won't relapse.

Kyryn: You're welcome. At least you found a source. Can you email me the ftp info? I want to compare your data with mine. (FS and I still can't log on the FTP server.)

Lady Corax: Thanks :)

DPH: That's "Lady Mystic." Hope FS and I can get the files to you as soon as possible. I have a lot to go through. Since that's an awfully large amount of data, what format do you want them sent in (zip, for example)? Just making sure.


Thanks. Although there's no need for assistance. FS and I share an internet connection (thanks to DSL). And we have ways of saving the CRs. (If we miss any data we usually announce it right away to get a complete archived week from one of the CR dwellers.) We just can't connect to WyvernWeb's FTP site to update the CR archives and other information. As for our own website/webspace status: We're working (in our spare time) on getting our own web server up and running, but due to other priorities the sites won't be up any time soon.

Congrats on the land and the house. Your situation seems vaguely familiar to mine and Fire Storm's. We've been searching for and keeping tabs on Michigan property. Although we're planning on building our own house. (FS has some contractors in the family.) I'd say more but Fire Storm could probably explain our goals and current status better than I.

Lady Mystic - []
Dearborn, MI
Thursday, January 25, 2001 09:12:54 AM

yep.. that would be right...
unlike most drugs, the ibotenic acid in the Muscaria is expelled from the body in still-active form...

Thursday, January 25, 2001 08:58:59 AM

That sroom thing is actually pretty funny...considering how long Mario bros has been out for - this CR noticed it first!!!

Not much to say today - except ITS THE SUPERBOWL THIS WEEKEND!!!

Of course, our wonderful TV stations in Canada, in the interest of promoting Canadian stuff, refuse to air U.S. superbowl commercials. They push the limits of their audacity to cutting out even U.S. commercials broadcasting on U.S. channels in Canada. THAT IS ABSOLUTELY DISGRACEFUL.
I mean those companies are paying 3 million dollars for 30 seconds of air time and they are losing half their market...

--- Kirshanta hides her face in her hands to keep the sarcastic smirk off her face, but loses her battle with giggles ------

Ok - so that's my pitiful excuse. Actually, the commercials are part of the Superbowl, and being half-American myself, I feel somewhat cheated.

Oh well - such is life.

Kirshanta - []
Thursday, January 25, 2001 08:56:34 AM

*Warpmind sticks his head in, quirking a brow at Gunjack Valentine.*
Magic shrooms, you say? White stalks, red caps with white dots? Hmmm... sounds like the mushroom legend claims the vikings used to consume to be in a proper berserker mood when going off to fight... odd thing about *that* shroom - the dope isn't flushed out through the liver; it follows the liquid wastes undiluted... thus, one shroom was good for a great many doses... *Yech* Sign me up on the lawsuit - Nintendo MUST pay. ];)

*Gone, waiting for an e-mail from Lynati.*

Warpmind "Winter in his Wake" de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Thursday, January 25, 2001 05:55:09 AM

Me and Lain were discussing 'shrooms (among many, MANY other things... ^_^), and she mentioned an interesting little fact.
Apparently, the magic shrooms she's been studying have white stalks, and the caps are red with white spots. And, by coincidence, I had just been reading my old Super Mario Brothers SG... o.O
Anyone else wanna join in a lawsuit for corruption of our children? ; )

Gunjack "Spring in his Step" Valentine
Thursday, January 25, 2001 03:08:07 AM

*Warpmind enters.*
Hidey-ho, everyone.

Daniel Johnson: For once, a reason for me not to emigrate to the US... Please postpone further such posts until after the Gathering. ;)

Heya, Skippy! Long time no see!

Also a special greeting to DumlaoX, whom I cannot recall seeing for some time... But... Three years? I'm sure he was here when I started coming around, and... has it really been that long? *Counts on fingers* Damn, it's possible... :|

Archwolf: Heya, man! Can you help me with a question? What is the effect of moonshine on a werewolf? ];) Oh, and your Psychology professor tells jokes? Careful if he begins breaking out the Freudian puns, then. ]:)

SJ: Dumlao's return cannot be the First Sign of the Apocalypse. *Hugs Lynati* Close second, at best. ];)

Lynati: Not necessarily betting a thou - a part of my specially-preserved Gathering fund that I'm unlikely to be able to use over the weekend - if Gunjack gives 30:1 odds, I'll be running off with 30K afterwards... see where I'm headed? That'd be enough for SEVERAL rings. ];) Still waiting for that e-mail, luv.

Gunjack Valentine: True, impolite... *Still gawking at the armory* But still... *Pulls up a puny-looking gun* You could wipe out a small country with one of these!

By the way, while we're at the subject of "hardware"... Something occured to me the other day: In many US states, the legal Age of Consent is 18 years, while the age when you can get a driver's license is 16. Now, taken to its extreme consequence, that means you're authorized to wield a tool that kills people two years before you can wield one that actually makes people... And THAT is just plain silly, isn't it? *Chuckle*

Selanit: Alas, I do not have a link. It was merely something I saw one of the few moments I watched TV during the Sydney Olympics. 'Sides, the construction was imperfect; there was much left to be done. Still, it should be possible to look up, I suppose... But Anne McCaffrey? Hmmm... name rings a bell... I can't quite... wait... Dragonriders of Pern? *Scritches head* I suppose I ought to take a look at those books someday... if I can find'em untranslated, of course.

Well, 'tis about it. Later, muchachos, I'm returning to my RPG construction. ]:)

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Thursday, January 25, 2001 01:22:10 AM

Warpmind> There's a boot-size springwalker? Coooool! Got any links for me?

Lynati> Yeah, I was staying with Anne McCaffrey. I've been corresponding with her for years now, and since I was going to Dublin over Spring Break last march, I dropped her a line and asked if I could come visit. She wrote back and said, "Hey, come stay with me. I've got a cook and 4 extra bedrooms, it's no skin off my nose."

So I got to spend 10 days at her house after arriving in Dun Laoghrie by ferry. Anne and I went to see "American Beauty" together one evening. Neither of us was expecting what we saw -- when we came out, she asked me "What did you think?" I thought about it for a minute, and said "Well, *architecturally* speaking, it's a fairly normal neighborhood." She gave a short laugh, and said, "I'm glad we can speak of it architecturally!"

I met her family; children, grandchildren, sister-in-law. I was there on April 1st for her 74th birthday. We all went to a Szechuan restaurant in Bray; Anne had Peking Duck, I had garlic pork. The service was excellent; on a previous visit, Anne's daughter-in-law Kit Ping Yung (yes, same name as the geneticist in Dragonsdawn) went into the kitchen and talked with the cooks and owner in Cantonese.

Her house is large - there's an enormous library, of course. Shelves of books just outside her office. The kitchen is enormous and well-equipped, and all the walls are hung with the originals of the art on the covers of her books. There's an oil portrait of Master Robinton and his fire-lizard Zair in the formal dining room that is seldom used.

She has an indoor pool attached to the house by a corridor with a glass wall that serves for a greenhouse. She has a small formal garden, an orchard, vegetable garden, and a huge field. The yard is surrounded by a stone wall with an ornate iron gate at the front of the driveway; I seem to remember two dragon-statues standing on the pillars to either side of the main gate, although I could be mistaken.

At the base of the vegetable garden there hangs another iron gate, about four feet wide and elegantly wrought of iron by her son-in-law, who is a blacksmith. It opens onto a rolling field looking towards Wicklow Head; at night, you can see the lights of Wicklow shining to the south, and Bray down to the east.

At the time I was there, Anne had been having some trouble with burglars breaking into her shed. They had taken some garden stakes, of all things, ignoring the perfectly good ride-on mower sitting there. It was the second break-in they'd had in a few months, and Anne was annoyed. The Guardai didn't seem to be doing much, so one night Anne, Jean (her maidservant/friend) and I went out into the orchard with her .22 and fired off a few rounds to "put the fear of God into 'em" as she said.

Inside, I watched Anne break down the gun and clean it, wrinkled hands scrubbing and oiling the parts vigorously. She told me that her father, the Colonel, made sure all of his children could use and maintain a gun. Somehow I had never envisioned Anne McCaffrey as being knowledgeable about weapons. Of course, I have practically nil experience with them myself, so I don't wonder about these things of other people.

She is a fan of Babylon 5, and has the entire series on tape. I watched the first 3 seasons while I was there, mostly late at night after the others had gone to bed.

While I was there, _To Ride Pegasus_ came out. It's the third book in her series about psychics and people with paranormal abilities of various flavors. The first two were written years ago, so it was the first re-visit of that series in some time. I got an autographed copy of it from her -- the *very first* individually signed copy, I might add. And I had her make it out to my mother, who has been a fan since _Restoree_, her very first novel, years back. Sure, there were some copies that she autographed for auction, but those aren't personalized the way this one was.

One day a few days into my stay, we walked up the road a bit and visited her stable. She runs a small business there, putting up horses for people in the area and maintaining a riding school. I got to meet a few of the horses staying there, although her favorite, a piebald named Jack, had died a couple years ago. We went and saw his grave, which is a small fenced area in a field where the other horses wander about.

She has three cats and a dog. The cats are all Maine Coon cats -- BIG! The only one I remember is Pumpkin, so named because of his orange-tan color. The dog is large and extremely friendly, and I took it out for a couple of walks, including one down the hill a few miles towards Bray and through an old cemetary to look at a decaying Norman keep standing in the middle of a field. The gorse was in bloom while I was there, great hedges of yellow and thorns lining the roads.

Another day, I went to Powerscourt. The ancestral residence of the Le Poer family since Norman times, it was finally sold in the mid-twentieth century by the (I think) 23rd Viscount. The house proper was destroyed in a massive fire immediately after being renovated, and has only been recently restored. But the gardens -- they're among the most beautiful gardens in the world. Acres and acres of formal gardens, lavishly laid out and lovingly cared for over the last four centuries. Great swaths of green grass, punctuated by beds of roses; grand old trees like columns holding up the sky; authentic Greek sculpture scattered about; an ivy-clad tower from the 19th century guarding the gentle curve of a flower-scented swale; and rising in the distance the solemn blue cone of Sugarloaf Mountain. I spent nigh on 7 hours wandering through the gardens of Powerscourt, and I have rarely been so happy as I was that morning.

Ah, but this note is becoming extraordinarily long, and I do have homework to accomplish; so enough.

Selanit - []
Thursday, January 25, 2001 12:28:42 AM

Gside><<It took a first person rail shooter, I think House of the Dead, and to shoot the zombies, you had to type phrases that popped up on essentially cuecards.>> O.O ...That... Would actually work! I honestly didn't think it was possible! Where can you get this? <<Granted just about any verb with the right inflections can sound incredibly wrong...>> Dude, I REALLY don't think that's what he meant... << I may have been here for over a year, but I have not seen an episode since well before that, and am more versed in certain fan universes than details from the original series.>> Bravo! Hear, hear! As for me, I've... *gasp, horrors* ...never even seen half the series episodes. Though I HAD read the whole fanfic archive, once upon a time... ^_^ <<Did you know that if you shoot a mellon wrapped in tape, that it will fall towards the shooter.>> I'm assuming the tape is there to keep the melon from exploding? o.O <<I was actually refering to the first letters of our handles...>> Hey, you're right! I never noticed that! Creepy... Does this mean I should quit thinking of myself as "the new kid"? <<Sounds nigh perfect.>> Indeed it was. Unfortunately, it seems that "modern" dames don't work nearly as well for that kinda thing... <<That sounds vaguely obscene.>> Talk about the pot calling the kettle black... ; ) ...and if you think that's bad, try converting "stunts" and "myself". o.O ...Dangit, and I just realized I forgot to work in "mississippi"... : P
And I meant to mention this last time: <<Liked the Lex scene.>> ...'Mano, *one* of us needs to get their brains checked. Right now.

Kit><<Nice apology too, though it's funny how many times you used the word sex in there.>> I *DO* hope you (and everyone else here, for that matter) realize that the appology was a joke... ; ) <<The pipes in Doug's and my new house will be Pentex, so we shouldn't have to worry about them. :) The house is also built of an inflammable material that is indigestible to termites, so two more worries are out of the way as well.>> o.O ...They can DO that? Whoa! Looks like technology's managed to sneak up behind me again... Congrats! : )

Warpmind><<Dude, you've been holdin' THIS MUCH out on us?>> Well, it usually isn't considered polite to discuss one's hardware in public... 8 )

Daniel Johnson><<Check out the story linked to my name.>> THAT... Is just pathetic.

Skippy - Hope to see you in here soon, 'Mano... T'isn't the same without'cha.

DumlaoX - Don't know you, since I got here about a year after you left... But here's to hoping you drift back in some time... 8 )

JEB - Return to the darkside!
Sheesh! Spring appears to have sprung, and all these old-timers are popping up like daisies... All to the good! *A crew of Kodama and Sprigs go to work hanging a huge WELCOME BACK! banner on the CR's wall*

SJ><<Let’s count ‘pubs in the room.>> And what the heck am I, a Green? o.O <<It’s one thing to write about a fictional Bob Dole or Strom Thurmond using superpowers to battle an evil fictional Ted Kennedy, for example, it’s another to say “Hey, I really wish someone would bash that Ashcroft guy in the head with a brick” and be dead serious about it.>> I really wish this whole thing would just sink back into the ground where it came from, but Greg *was*, in point of fact, *far* more mercifull than others were toward Teddy-boy. And these comments were *not* made in RP.
In any case, this'll be the last I say about it, other than to offer apologies to anyone I've offended. Piece, people? ; )
<<I really don’t know exactly what subgenre classification to place it in...>> Steampunk? That be what I call it, anyway... ^_^

SOROW - *looks at garg pic* ... ... ...WOW! O.O THAT is art. Good job, Spike!

Oh, and talking with Lain about her druggie classes reminded me of this. Remember, no one ever said you had to *eat* the shrooms...

Gunjack "flowers in your hair" Valentine - []
Like a Muppet on speed
Thursday, January 25, 2001 12:09:33 AM

Wow, posts from both DumlaoX and Skippy? Long time no see, guys, welcome back! Is it blast from the past week hereabouts? Wonder who'll turn up next ... bets, anyone?

Update > okay, Archmage is picking up steam; I just had to be cruel to myself and tear out about thirty pages and write a bunch all new. It's coming along nicely now. On the down side, though, I just learned that "Black Roses" has been pushed back and is now looking at a Halloween release, unless they hire a new reader (or I suppose I could investigate just what it would take to do it myself, though I'm really not all that sure I'd want to). If only I had the money and the contacts and could get someone like Keith David to do it! ::sigh:: Ah, well, I just want to see it happen.

Stephen > best wishes with the eye thing! ::shiver, squick::

Spike > glad that your project is working out so well! Thanks for keeping us posted. I will be getting some descriptions to you shortly.

Sabledrake Deadline > Friday, Feb. 2, is the deadline for stories, art, articles, etc., for the first issue of the year. Got some great stuff already, looking to add more! Contact me at

Christine - []
Thursday, January 25, 2001 12:02:05 AM

SJ, ya forgot that I'm an elephant, too!
Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:17:24 PM

King Snarf: oh. Actually, THAT set-up makes sense. thank you. (and I apologize if i made you feel like i was blaming you.)
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:05:14 PM

Lynati: Hey, don't blame me; Greg Weisman came up with the idea, though the original title was "The Redemption Squad". The basic premise is Fang, Robyn, Dingo, Matrix, & Yama all get recruited to work for the government by the mysterious Director, who is working against Mr. Duval & the Illuminati, among other threats.
Matt "King Snarf" Maybray - []
Drexel Hill, PA, USA
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:56:20 PM

Sevarious Jr> The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne has John Rhys-Davies who was the voice of Macbeth on Gargoyles (high fives random TGS patron) and he played Proffesor Arturo on Sliders
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:54:01 PM

*Lynati Enters, dragging her post along behind her*

I just spent about four hours at the local B+N.
read some interesting stuff...

###Buffy spoilers###
aww, isn't spike just the cutest little smitten kitten?
...and a fan of daytime TV? Now, THERE'S a plot twist i didn't see coming.

Y'know, just today I got a great idea for the poster contest...and then I read and see the deadline is two weeks earlier than I thought. *sigh*
maybe for next year...

Weird tooth story: when I was six, I was running on a playground, and I tripped and bashed my mouth on a chainlink fence. It bled only a little, but one of my lower teeth turned grey. About a year or so later, it reverted to it's natural color, for no apparent reson. I guess it just took a while to heal.

CR violence: I try to avoid politics, but I do understand the need to vent. *glances at pile of collected comics, including JTHM and Hothead Paison*
However, I agree it should be kept toned down in a room with a PG-13 rating.
If you really feel the need for vicious actions in your writings, just save them for your 'fics. (...uh, if you have them.)

Daniel Johnson: yeesh. If you think what has been happening in HERE is graphic, I shudder to think what you would have to say about my stories. *Shudders under imagined barage of insults of the sanity-questioning variety*

Brooklyn: i know you've already recieved quite a few responses of a similar nature, but...The things with Lex? Nothing wrong? yeah, nothing besides the fact he now has wires runnign through his brain. And Madoc's betrayal and shameful use of him adding onto his already large "issues-with-trust" pile.
Graeme is under a lot od stress, as is the rest of the clan. I don't think he was actually doubting a gargoyles role as protector; I think he just wanted someone else to say it out loud to him. Sometimes it helps to have a friend remind us of why we do what we do. Other people keep bringing up the "nuclear family" issue,but I don't fully agree with that.

Both Ariana and Graeme spent their young years with the clan of the future; enough years to come to know Angela, Broadway, and Lex as their aunt and uncles. The basic gargoyle tenets would have been learned by then, and no number of timedancing years could wipe that away- especially not with parents like Brooklyn and Sata, both who hold duty and protection as very important.

Tim P. : <humans ARE animals post> Amen to that.

Jannie: Kansas City. aaand- did you miss a few eps. of Buffy or something? it's a known fact that Dawn is the Key.

Selanit: *sputters* Waitaminute! You were staying with Anne McCaffrey? spiff-ee.

Gside:<flare-ups> Not really. <advice> good advice.

Kirshanta: This is a GARGOYLES comment room? oh, wow. ];P
good points you made on the multiplt plots/detail/subtlety bits. * makes mental note to see how own stories measure up to said criteria*

Rodlox: You never got the e-mail? The one I was going to re-send to you?
...wait, was that even YOU? *confusion, confusion*

King Snarf: bad guys...? but Yama, Dingo, and Matrix are all reformed.

Did I miss something? I've heard more than one person now say that there are gargoyles on New Olympus; but didn't the head guy there himself say that he had (only) heard of gargoyles??

Kit: cool.*jots down gargfic title* thanks. I'll read that one next.

lain: YOU'RE WELCOME!!! (though you might like that!) how'd you like the song parady/ it's much funnier if you listen to the original song when reading the alternative lyrics...
Yup, that's my symbol. (as yet uncopyrighted...) car? actually, I drew it too small to add some of the details.
...Sooo, when are you gonna update m'Land? (subtle hint)
I think I'll try to cast a spell to speed you up.
"Catapultam habeo. Caput tuum saxum immame mittam."
*Several large rocks go flying past at high speeds.*
Whoops. Wrong spell. How about...
"Non possum credare me totum edisse."
No, that wasn't it, either. Aw, Futue. I suppose you'll get to it when you get to it. *sigh*'re betting a thou? Whew. Talking about suddenly feeling under pressure. Although, if ya've got THAT kind of cash lying around, maybe I SHOULD ask for something with a diamond on it...];) *big smooch, regardless*

Wow. I've been writing for nearly an hour.
Now, if you'll Mini ignosce. Cum homme de cane debeo congredi.
...denoune Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modoelabitur.
...Magister Mundi Sum!!

*Lynati Exits*
lynati - []
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:49:15 PM

**LC comes running into the room, waving her hand wildly.** Oo, SJ! You forgot me! I'm also one of the 'pubs that hang 'round these parts. :)

Kit> **grins** Thank you! :)

Well, gotta run! Have fun! :)

Lady Corax
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:44:27 PM

*apologizes for the additional post*

SJ> I didn't see your post before I typed mine....
I agree with you concerning "Action" Jackson. He was the "spiritual advisor" to clinton during the Monica situation.. I think instead of advising, he was taking notes!
You mentioned that you were proud of him for taking responsibility and paying for the child.... actually, WE are paying the $10,000 a month in child support via our taxes. He was/is paying for the support thru the Rainbow Coalition, which receives federal funding.
I am glad that he at least recognizes the baby girl as his own. I'll give him that much. ;)

Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:43:09 PM

Well, they've caught all of the escapees from the great escape from here in Texas. Actually, one shot himself and the rest surrendered. The last two demanded 5 minutes on the radio in Colorado Springs and received it. They had the audacity to complain about the Texas Prison system! gak!
ahhhh poor babies, did the big ol' nasty prison make them feel bad about themselves? not enough weight room time? not enough cable channels? PPPplleeaase! *rolls eyes* boo-frickin-hoo.
One was convicted of aggrevated robbery and the other was assult rape. I heard the one guy complain about the younger prisoners being sentenced for long lengths of time... well, don't do the crime! You don't get sent to prison because you stole a bicycle - a serious crime was committed and the consequences is prison. Period. I have NO sympathy for these people and feel that the prisons are too nice for them. They have no rights. They forfeited that the moment they did the crime.
I'm glad that these males are back into custody and I hope they receive the fullest extent of the law for their escaping and for the death of the police officer in Irving, Texas.... which in Texas could be the death penalty.

Sorry, but this just irks my arse.

Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:27:50 PM

**Lasers fire and smoke begins to fill the CR....out of the blaze comes a solitary figure....
No, he’s not Jesse Jackson’s illegimate love child....
He’s not an uncaptured member of the “Texas Seven”....
He’s Anton Sevarius the Second....aka “SJ”!!!!

SJ marches into the CR wearing a T-shirt that says “Right-Wing Conspirist”***

Well, I’m back, again, after yet another extended absence....I’m gonna have to blame Mother Nature on this one, for throwing me one mother of a cold to deal with the past few days. I’ll say this--things have come out of my nose the past few days that belong in a horror movie. It ain’t pretty.

But while I’ve been gone, a couple of controversies have brewed, and I can’t help but feel that I am somewhat responsible for some of them.

The violence thing....well, I guess I won’t open up that can of warms again, but I agree with Tim Phipps on this one. It’s all fine and good to be concerned about the violence, but hey--people die. People die in fiction. In the majority of our RPs, the death is usually to NON-human entities, like robots or aliens or Borg or villain-flavor-of-the-month. It’s one thing to want to tone down the violence, it’s another thing to become a freakin' Quaker and shun all of it. I mean, Jesus Christ, if I’m writing an RP, and I have Thailog on a rampage, I’m not gonna make him settle his differences with the heroes by sitting down and playing a game of Monopoly. So, that’s where I stand. Excessive violence and violence against real people, I can see that being toned down or totally phased out. But I really don’t think ALL violence should be removed.

As for the politics debate....well, I feel somewhat responsible for this, since it seems my...shall we call it a “rebuke”?....of Greg last week has slightely angered Daniel Johnson, so apparently it must be because Greg is a “liberal" (I’m twitching my fingers like Dr. Evil. "A giant lay-zer"), and I am a “conservative”. Well, Daniel, believe it or not, I did not say what I did to Greg because he was a liberal. Personally, I just found it ridiculous to wish death (or at the very least, he was suggesting serious bodily injury) on another human being for something so trivial as a difference in ideology. It wasn’t “liberal vs. conservative”, it was my way of saying, “Gee, maybe you really shouldn’t wish death on a guy just cause you don’t agree with him on this or that”. I mean, I take death sort of seriously. Oh, there’s people who I wish death on, but it’s for things much more important than politics! :)
AND I think I was right to say what I did. Even others in the CR, surprising, as well as Greg himself, said his views were a little “extreme”. So, not a political thing, more like a “I can’t believe you said such a foolish thing” thing.

Personally, I don’t see the big conservative bias. Let’s count ‘pubs in the room. Me....Traveler, who’s hardly in here enough to count, Jannie, and possibly Green Baron, although he’s more Libertarian I think. Maybe Spacebabie, but hell, I don’t know if she’s old enough to vote or not. There’s no great conspiracy going on. I think what you are referring to is Green Baron’s RP posts, in which he takes liberties with liberals, in often violent fashion....can’t say I’ve ever explicitly “praised” him for his execution of those on the left-side of politics. Just cause I haven’t criticized him doesn’t mean I’m with him. But, thing is, what Green Baron does is in an RP, and is satire. That’s splitting hairs, true, but I perceive the stuff GB does as meant to amuse, while I sensed real maliciousness in Greg’s remarks. It’s one thing to write about a fictional Bob Dole or Strom Thurmond using superpowers to battle an evil fictional Ted Kennedy, for example, it’s another to say “Hey, I really wish someone would bash that Ashcroft guy in the head with a brick” and be dead serious about it.

But I’m open minded. I’d also like to mention the post made by Anonymous, which most people have blindly seemed to pass by. Perhaps this Anonymous person is right. I read his/her post, and I must say, I have to agree with what they are saying. I personally don’t perceive a bias, but perhaps there is, than I am truly sorry. Persecution is not my goal, the free expression of opinions, political or otherwise, is. There’s always going to be disagreement, but perhaps this Anonymous person is correct. Maybe things have progressed to the point where it’s beyond disagreement and entered into persecution. After the unpleasantness in this CR’s past (and it would be a disservice to forget it or not mention it here), I certainly do not want to repeat the mistakes that others have made.

But enough of this serious discussion. I’m tired of talking about you bleeding heart pinkos anyway. ;)

Well....maybe not. I GOTTA say something about this--Jesse Jackson.
I’m sorry, this is probably a touchy subject for many of you, but I gotta say this--what’s wrong with him? What the hell was he thinking? He’s a smart man, so why in the hell was he thinking with the little head instead of the big one? The dude was lecturing Bill Clinton for getting his hog smoked in the White House by Monica. Now, let me tell you something: getting your hog smoked by someone other than the person you’re involved in a relationship with is a BAD thing. It’s wrong. But hog smoking? It’s a MILLION times less serious than *impregnating* someone who’s not your wife/girlfriend. I don’t know what Jesse was thinking. And beyond that, the guy’s a role model to the African-American community. What the hell kind of message does this send to them, when the percentage of African-American families *without* a father is as high as 80 percent? My God.
I will say this, though--I do applaud him for doing the right thing. He’s taking care of the child, making sure that she receives money and the necessities. Most guys who knock up a girl do not even do that. I’m glad to see that he’s taking responsibility.

Doug & Kit: Since I haven’t had the chance to tell you yet, congratulations! I assume that we’re all invited to the wedding, right? You’ll notice me right away. I’ll be the guying wearing the lab coat and tux. My personal favorite part of the whole ceremony is at the end where you get to throw the boxes of rice at the new bride and groom. My best record so far is 28 stitches! ;)
And I fully expect you to name your first child after me. Yes, I know, there’s that thing with Lisa’s accident that might put a damper on that, but adoption is always an option. Anton Sevarius Jr. A great name for a boy OR girl! ;)

Spacebabie: You saw the train wreck that was Liz Taylor too, huh? That was painful. I was gnashing my teeth at that. I don’t think it was drugs, I just think that life (i.e. old age and senility) has caught up with ol’ Liz. Either that or too many late-night conversations with her pal Michael Jackson. You know that can’t be good for you.

Dumlao: Ye gods! You’re back! Is this the first sign of the Apocalypse?! ;)

Skippy: SKIPPY!!!!!!! I’ve asked about you often, my Klingon friend. I’d see stuff in the news about Star Trek, and I’d wonder what you thought about it all. I know all about spotty internet access, believe me, but don’t be such a stranger round these parts. :)

Sci-Fi Shows: Well, the Sci-Fi channel debuted a couple new shows a couple weeks ago, and I know some people have given their reviews of the shows. I’m glad to see Farscape return with four new episodes, even though they are technically the season finale (thank God the show has been renewed for another season!). Of the two remaining shows, “Black Scorpion” and “The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne”, I have mixed feelings.
Black Scorpion.....Okay, I gotta say it--this show blows, biig time. I know, it’s tongue in cheek, it’s a virtual parody of the superheroine genre....but it’s just so goddamn low-rent! The effects are HORRIBLE, but that’s to be expected, because this *is* a Roger Corman production. But the acting, and the writing stink as well. And the villains....Christ almighty. You can’t tell me that you can’t come up with better parody villains than this. Unfreakingbelievable. You know that any show with Scott Valentine as a major character (“Yo! Malory!”) has to be a bomb. On the plus side--Black Scorpion *is* a rather fetching young woman. ;)
On the complete other hand, I enjoy “The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne”. It’s all nonsense, of course, with Jules Verne taking on all sorts of bizarre villains and becoming involved in odd science fiction action stories. But you know what? I dig it. I like this show. I’ve always been a fan of this type of fiction....I really don’t know exactly what subgenre classification to place it in, but I dig the whole Alan Quartermain, Jules Verne, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen type of fiction. The show is pretty good, IMO....all of the leads play their parts fairly well, and there seems to be some decent chemistry there. There’s some tongue in cheek and humor here, too, and I think it works nicely. I like how the show is shot on gives things a cinematic feel. The writing is pretty decent too, for such a quirky show...for example--the second episode had Jules and the gang fighting a vampire lord (played, oddly amusing, by Patrick Duffy) and his legions of rocket-pack wearing bloodsuckers, and damnit if the story didn’t work. It had a little drama (although I wouldn’t exactly call it high-drama), a little humor, a little suspense....this is the type of show that I think I could get around to enjoying. I hope that I’m not disappointed.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:27:36 PM

You know it is extremely sad when I start a post with a Work Related Header.

Let's see where do I start. 1st, it's Wednesday and no interview despite the fact I was promised I would have one 'early' this week. 2nd, the guy who is supposed to do the interview will be gone until Friday. 3rd, I found out that at least 2 people going to be hired have not had this said interview. 4th, the HR guy said some people fell through the cracks about the interview and I am the *only* one on 1st shift awaiting the interview.

Did I mention a small fact about those 2 people who have not had the interview: one is a white woman and the other is a black woman? Can anyone say 'lawsuit' about 'inconsisent hiring practices' brought on because of a guy 'digging his own grave'? Just wait until I get hired full time and this idiot will have to answer some really tough questions.

Hmm, since David G took the risk of doing TGS spoilers, I think it is safe for me to do so. Wait a minute, I forgot that the Illumaniti read every post. On second thought, I will not take any chances.

That's all for now. Or is it?

DPH - []
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 09:59:58 PM

*archwolf strolls in looking happy* Hello, everybody!

First off Kit and Doug> Congrats, both of you. I'm glad the two of you are happy and all. *Looks around at all the males in the CR* YOu know what I'm thinking? Online bachelor party. Why not? We threw ShadowRider a going away party....

With luck, patience, and a little help from above (no, not the Clan) Aigeal and I will be following you down that path in due time.

Anywho. Things for me have been going well. I'm all caught up (or majorly ahead) in all of my classes. And for a wonder, I enjoy them all. Mideval philosophy is great. Looked at Carneades...what a fruit! Augustine, he makes some sense. Psych is alright, though the prof needs to calm down and teach more than tell jokes. Operating systems is going very well. We are getting into Unix. Now, that os has the best named commands I have ever seen. You have Kill to stop execution when all fails, and you get a neat command to search through filesL GREP. Now, that is just a damn cool command name. If I could just remember how to get C to look at and deal with command line arguments I would be in great shape. Language Processorts. How to do stuff in Assembly Language. Great class. So far, I have managed to do the first half-semester's worth of work. The only real work I'm going to have to do there is building the assembler, linker and loader we have to do. Once I figure out just where to start, should be a cake walk (famous last words....remind me i said them when I come in here in 8 weeks swearing up a storm about how impossable that assignment is).

*TGS Stuff*
The last two eps have been...i dunno...odd. Don't get me wromg. They were well written, but...I can't help thinking that the two episodes could have been split and re-combined, and that would have cut down on some of the plot vertigo.

I like what is being done with Lexington. He dropped hints in Return to Paradise II that the Trio had split, and on fairly bad terms. He is understandably bitter about learning that Brooklyn knew what Lex was going to go through and not helping (from lex's point of view, Brooklyn did nothing, but we know he was atleast supportive of the little guy)

Broadway is taking it like he should. He's always been intelligent, intuitive, and that shows here. He knows now that Brook knows something, but he can't get himself worked up about it. He sees, I think, that worrying about the future will ruin the present.

Goliath is well...Goilaith. I Still don't think he is that great a leader, but that's neither here nor there currnetly. His distrust aimed at the Doctor and Xanatos does seem a little out of character, especially seeing that he was willing to give Dr. Goldblum. But then, I wonder...Dr. Goldblum was going to be taking care of the Mutates, not interacting with Goliath and his Clan. I'm wondering if that is going to play out here...I mean, is Elisa going to point this out to Goliath and wonder if maybe Goliath is playing favorites or something?

I Like getting to see Beth get in on the action, and I hope we get to see more of her in main plot lines.

Brooklyn is going to find himself in an uncomfortable situation or two because of what he let slip while bleeding out. And I have to agree, that he is the logical one to kill off, if the need arises. The only problem is the "Honored Elder" line in Crossroads. I don't know how that could work, but it isn't an issue at this piont, so I"ll leave it at that.

Graeme. Now, here is something I have waited to see. The kid who has grown up around friendly humans gets his reality check. I would have liked to see Old Demona gt her hands on him and try to twist him, but I doubt that will be something we will see. Seeing how he deals with this reality check could be fun.

Matt and Sarah. Hm...not too sure on this one yet. I like that they are together...but rightnow that is all that can be said about it, for me at least.

The Sniper and Friend. Well, lessee....
Didn't shoot to kill the first time...just shot to maim. A demoralizing act. The second time....he missed. He missed a target flying strait and normal, not accelerating or evading. Odd. Wonder if they wanted to get trounced or something.

*Looks up* Well, that just about covers it, Ithink*

*RP Here*
WInter Blade looked at the happy couple and felt her heart break again. It wasn't fair. She felt a low grolw build in her throat. He hand clenched around her kalive. Deep inside, she heard the voice of Wyrm, telling her there was no reason why she couldn't have what she wanted. She squashed it, and quickly brought her Rage undercontroll. She noticed one of the female Ravens looking at her in concern. Winterblade turned and walked a short distance from the group. The only thought that ran through her head was 'Not fair.' She knew life was not fair. She was a werewolf. Werewolves life fast and die fast. Love and happyness was not for them. She looked around the mall as it rebuilt itself. A figure caught her eye. Fairly tall, dressed in black shirt and pants, and looking right at her, smiling. The Klaive fell from her hand. It was Him, in his homid form. He dissappeared around a corner, and Winter Blade followed.

Warfrost was recovering from being knocked through a wall, and didn't see her leave. He tried to catch her scent, but couldn't. "Too old", the great dire wolf thought to himself. He knew these humans...well, most of them were human, by the _feel_ of them, were those the pair had sought, so he felt safe waiting for her with them. Still, he was nervouse. Something felt wrong.

In the Umbra, two shades watched as Winter Blade dissappeared. The First:"She...she isn't..." The second, apparently an elder looking woman, "She might. It will destroy her one way or another." The First:"! Why?"
"Because she loves you. She thinks he is you, in some part." THe Shade that had been the soul of Archwolf wept.

*End RP*

Well, I gotta run. I'm actually making an effort to keep up with my school work

Oh, before I go
it has been 1 month and 10 days since I quit drinking, and I feel great. Here's to hoping I can stay free for ever!!

Shade and Sweet.

Wednesday, January 24, 2001 09:59:45 PM

DumlaoX: DUDE! Glad to see you are still alive!
As to who is maintaining the CR, well Robby is wiping and I am *ATTEMPTING* to add more pictures. Gorebash never anwsers my e-mails when I have been trying to send him the code.

See you at the Gathering at the very least!

Fire Storm - []
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 07:59:29 PM

hey all...
yeah.. so.. today so far I have 16 messages in my account from the TGS staff.. and I can't read any of them cos HOTMAIL IS A JERK!!!!!!!!


But on the brighter side of things, in my Drugs and Behaviour class, we learned aaaaaaall about the tasty hallucinagens you can find in all sorts of stuff.. and those little red and white dancing mushrooms in the Original Fantasia that are Amanita Muscaria and can have fun side effects when ingested...
*plans trip to local Health Food store...* ];)

oh um.. did I say that out LOUD??? heh..

David G>> *HUGS* thanks for volunteering to be my bodyguard but.. *pulls M16, sais, Kbar, bo and string out of some recess in her back pocket* Don't worry.. I got it covered ;)

Green Baron>> make you civilized??? Are you volunteering to become a Canadian?? ;)

Gunjack Valentine>>> *lives in fear of the fact that you understand snorfage.. eeeeeep!!

Julia>> *kisses* racing turtles, the grapefruit is winning??? ;)

AAAAAAH I JUST GOT A NEW MESSAGE!!!!!! oh how I wish I could read such things...

I shall have to think up some useless stuff to say for later.. for now I am smelly and need to have a shower..

lain out

lain, a frood who really knows where her towel is..
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 06:20:20 PM

Hey, all. Been a while since I posted in here. But, not here to talk, just to shamelessly advertise my site's new URL...

Moved there as of the end of last year, and don't think many people caught the move, so I figured I'd post here. Spread the word, please. :)

Wednesday, January 24, 2001 04:19:05 PM

grapefruit anyone??
arf, meow
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 03:39:11 PM

David G> Anne I believe was this girl in a season 2 Buffy ep that was part of this vampire cult that got bitten by Spike.
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 03:25:32 PM

Just a thought about Lexington in the last episode:

I seem to recall that Lex and Brook had a conversation about the Timedancer's knowledge of the future. Brooklyn hinted in a roundabout way about what would happen to Lex ("something really bad happened to someone, but later that turned out to be the key to him saving my children" or words to that effect).

Lex himself realized that if Brooklyn had warned the person of the comming tragedy there would be a temporal paradox, which would be bad on many levels.

It's interesting to see his hypocritical reaction now that Brooklyn's foreknowledge effects Lex directly, instead of just hypothetically.

Now, before the Legions of Lexington rise up to destroy me, let me say that I'd probably feel exactly the same way he does. I was complementing the staff, not insulting Lex. Ok?

One other thought:
*** Potential Angel SPOILERS ***

Did anybody else realize who Anne was? It took me most of the episode, since she looked quite a bit different, and it's been like two years since she last appeared. Then I felt like an idiot for not figuring it out right a way.

*** End Potential SPOILERS ***

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 03:22:41 PM

mmmmmm... gummy worms...

Wednesday, January 24, 2001 03:08:32 PM

*lain tears into the room, looking wildly around for Lynati, whom she espies in the process of going to class.. making a mad sprint across the room, she dives for Lynati and tries to tackle her in a terribly over-excited bear hug. Seeing this coming, Lynati neatly sidesteps the rush but lain sticks out her hand and catches her anyway. They career into the couch where they sprawl. Lain is giggling like a fool*
guess what *I* got in the mail today??????? Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much it was so very needed today!!!!! *grins stupidly over fruitcake jokes...*
and.. is that triangly thingie a symbol for you?? cos.. if it is.... *proceeds to say "like... woah dude" for the next five minutes.. then shuts up upon seeing all the smirks and doesn't mention anything about a car..*

*lain then realizes that she is gonna be late for training AND she's gonna make Lynati late for class so slips her arm through Lynati's and they both bolt for the door waving*


lain, a frood who really knows where her towel is..
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 03:06:15 PM


ED<< You are a wonderful human being!! The verboseness with which you detailed your thoughts was absolutely perfect, not to mention exact. I couldn't have expressed it better myself. And it's so wonderful to see a whole comment dedicated to TGS.

SORROW<< Othello and Desdemona returned to Avalon with Gabriel at the end of "SOMETHING OLD SOMETHING NEW" in TGS.

(Which by the way was in my opinion one of the best written TGS episodes - so much detail and analysis - a beautifully written piece)

Matt<< I'm not sure but I think that the New Olympians do not actually qualify as Gargoyles. They are part Third Race and part Gargoyle. I'm not really sure what they are actually.
And please enlighten me - where exactly was it mentionned that there were 8 clans? And also - maybe Wyvern and Avalon are actually two seperate clans.

Brooklyn<< Actually, he has more than just robot eyes. He has a complete set of cybernetic implants (sort of like The Pack except inside). Even though they are not visible, they still make Lex very different and everyone knows it - most of all him.

I think though that Lex, had he been given the choice and knowing his love for technology, may have CHOSEN some of those implants on his own (for example the computer jack in his cranium). I think it was the way it happened, the betrayal that hurt a lot more than the implants.

MATT<< I'll have to go check out your Fanfic archives. Hope their not too hard to find, I'm stealing my boss' time here...

As for the violence debate - Well it seems we have reached that point where we are running around in circles. Everyone has made their opinion exceedingly clear (except for the few wise ones who have stayed out of it) and everyone of us opiniated ones is convinced they are more right than wrong. Therefore, trying to save myself from too much foolishness, I am making a graceful exit from this particular debate.


Do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor. (Or in this case the Empress) She will return in another debate when you least expect it.

Kirshanta - []
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 01:36:08 PM

Greg Bihansky> (blink blink) oh okay
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 01:23:56 PM

*Lynati ducks in*

...I got class in about five minutes; just stopping in.
I skimmed through the last day and a half I missed and there's a lot of stuff I want to comment on, especially TGS wise.
So I'll post later, if our servers aren't down again.

Wednesday, January 24, 2001 01:22:04 PM

DumlaoX: Hey stranger. :) <waves> Good to see you in here again, hope you come back soon. Things going okay in your life? Hope you're still with Ali. Thanks for the Sega info- I agree, long live the Dreamcast (and the Genesis too, my adolesence would have been far different if I had not enjoyed Streets of Rage and Desert Strike on it back then. :). Return soon to us, friend.

Todd: Thanks for the info, we'll see how Zeta Project turns out. For it I have my fingers crossed.

Wednesday, January 24, 2001 01:03:54 PM

OK, forget about that last part concernng the deletion of my pic. Apparently it's already been done :P

Apologies to the administrator for that.

DumlaoX - []
Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:54:47 PM

Man, it's been three years since I even glanced at this site. Yet it never fails to amaze me that this place is still alive and kicking after all this time. It just goes to show you how powerful a fanbase can be.

TO THE NEW STAFF OF TGS-- Congratulations to you all. While I have not read any of the stories since I left the project, I can only imagine how good the work output has become. If I ever get that elusive factor known as free time, I may just start getting back into reading the series again. Keep up the good work and I look forward to all of your future endeavors.

TO ALL THE COMMENTERS HERE-- As I said before, I am still amazed that everyone keeps on coming here. Keep doing that and keep reading TGS. Everything will be alright then :P

NEWSWORTHY-- I really have no idea how many of you still play video games. At this point, I'd be surprised if anyone would care about this part of the post. Nevertheless, word from Sega has officially broken out that Sega is moving slowly away from the hardware business and more into the software business. This means that by the end of the year or early next year, you could start seeing amazing titles like Jet Grind Radio & Crazy Taxi for a system other than the Dreamcast. Why is this important? For the simple reason that Sega was a symbol for the hardcore gamer. Those that were looking for the unusual and a break from the norm looked to Sega for the answer. Now this giant of a company is phasing itself away from it's own hardware and moving to make for the competitors. While it still has games planned until March of 2002, this signals the start of the the end of an era. Long live the Sega Dreamcast. May the hardcore fans still support the sleeping juggernaut of a publisher and may the casual gamer know the error of their ways when they see what the company has been doing for years.

As to why I posted this comment in a TGS room, don't ask :P

And that is that. Will I become a regular again or just a passing traveler. I don't know. I'll see where the wind takes me. Keep on chatting & I'll see you at Gathering 2K1. After all, it'd be sad if I couldn't attend this one since I live in the area :)

ON A FINAL NOTE-- Who maintains the comment room now? We need to see about adding new pics to the list as well as deleting my pic (if it happens to show up with this post).

DumlaoX - []
Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:50:09 PM


***Post contains spoilers and comments***

Kirshanta: In the past, I think TGS has had a big problem with balancing too many plots at once. I spent most of season 2 (and a few points in season 1) mentioning this very fact. Now the stories are shorter and therefore from that fact alone maintain more focus. It’s still not particularly sharp – this was a particularly good point to focus on laying out the season and it acted more as a dramatic stopgap. Lexington has agreed to disagree until such time as he can talk to Brooklyn about it. Blackwater has agreed to suspend sentencing on the gargoyles until such time as he is not influenced by the role of the gargoyles in quashing the Rising. I still think more could be done with the size of story used. And the size is very nice – gone are the days when I lost the plot when reading an enormous epic over about five sittings. But there’s still, I think, an undue amount of attention given small features of the plot and not enough general clarity.

I would see it that this story is chiefly focused on the hate group and its implications and possible origins. To my mind this would put of primary importance Goliath and Elisa. Goliath leads the gargoyles, he’s the principle victim. Elisa is the gargoyles’ chief confidant in the police force. Now that makes perfect sense: Goliath and Elisa are, and always have been, the lead characters. Into this though, you can tie some character development on Matt and the Illuminati (the diplomatic and governmental resolutions to Illuminati problems), Sara (opinion of a former Quarryman), Brooklyn and Sata (view of the future), Lexington (the victim of hate on the sharp end), Angela (sympathetic to humans) and Demona (genocidal), and Graeme (who grow up in a nuclear family arrangement as far as we are aware, thus undermining the concept of a protectorate). And of course the Elisa/Goliath relationship and reactions to them. Most of these were touched on, and quite rightly they weren’t dwelt on unduly. The characterisation was largely very true to the gargoyles we know and love and the writing was emotionally charged and of high quality. But looking at how these mesh together, I start to have doubts. Matt’s beta-plot has a very loose connection to the rest of the material: it isn’t that they aren’t thematically cohesive, rather that no effort seems to have been made to make it part of the plot. I could see numerous ways that it could have been linked: having Sara involved with Elisa and being called out of the Manhattan scenario to take part in Washington. Having Elisa telephone Matt to ask information on Castaway and Ratcliffe that only he would probably be familiar with could have helped. More generally, siphoning out the bits regarding the Illuminati and the Unseelie Court into a separate story. There’s so much material here, three parts was very viable. It’s just a shame that this wasn’t extrapolated.

In terms of subtlety, the story did leave open ends. I just don’t think that, especially given the title, these were the sort of open ends that drastically leant themselves to establishing a season. They were more the sort of loose ends that would have knock-on effects in the next few episodes in a Chinese whisper sort of way so that the arcs by the end of the season would be different, looking like a soap all in all.

As I say though, I still enjoyed both parts immensely. It’s all the right ingredients – it’s just a little undercooked in places.

Matt: It seems that from the way that TGS is now arranging the series, that the retraction of one series would make little difference – it would just mean that seasons would be 12 months apart as opposed to 16 months apart. I remember that it was mentioned once that TIMEDANCER was supposed to have one season representing ten years. If this is the case then the next season will be the last season – but I don’t know if it is. It strikes me that GARGOYLES 2158 (or indeed GARGOYLES 2198 if TGS plots aren’t already too cemented) is the most likely for continuation. But personally, I’d be most interested in BAD GUYS. THE NEW OLYMPIANS would have such an effect on the GARGOYLES world that it might as well take place there with a lot of crossovers really.

Revel: Yeah, the Lexington/Brooklyn relationship should be great to watch. I hope Lex isn’t painted into a corner of being the only one with such views. In many ways he’s right – Brooklyn could share information but won’t because he didn’t, but it’s because he didn’t that things turned out as they did. It’s not as if interfering in history always leads to negative consequences – Griff in M.I.A. springs to mind, where if Goliath had taken Brooklyn’s attitude then Griff would have been killed in 1940.

Brooklyn: Maddox hired Jackal and Hyena to beat Lexington nearly to death so that he could implant robotic machinery with unknown long-term effects into him. I think at one point it developed that he was acting as Maddox’s spy. Brooklyn, he’s right the conclude, knew something was going to happen like that. But he offered no warnings. And with regard to Graeme, he isn’t most gargoyles. He didn’t grow up in a gargoyle clan with the traditional communal structure and predisposition to protecting. He grew up in a nuclear family ping-pong balling up and down the timeline. And he’s at a time of life when kids begin to question more. His dad (his own dad, not one of his fathers as would have been the case previously) was almost killed: I think the progression was logical.

Ed - []
London, England
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:04:46 PM

**Storm into the room and yells 'NO ONE EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!!**

Hey all! I know I've been out of the loop for quite a while, and I doubt that will be changing anytime soon, but I just wanted to pop in an make sure everyone knew I'm still alive and well.

If anything, I'm likely to see you at the next Gathering, I'm planning on going, hell or high water. Though I won't be certain about my plans til later...

Because of my limited internet access, I'm not able to check the comment room that frequently, if you want to get a hold of me, just e-mail me...
Skippy The Klingon - []
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:43:01 AM

I concur with everything that has already been said about Buffy and Angel :)
I think that Dawn is the "key" that Glory is looking for.
I'm looking forward to see the developments of this and about Ben.

I was laughing so hard at Wesley and Gunn when they went to fight the dragon! Did anyone else catch the joke when they waited for the dragon to turn it's back to them before going in, a huge flame of fire drew them back and then I think it was Gunn who said, "I thought she said it only BREATHED fire" ROFLMAO I, too loved the "home video" of Wesley and Gunn! Excellent episode, indeed. =)

Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:31:58 AM

Check out the story linked to my name. It's hard to believe that something could be so hilarious and yet so pathetic all at once. Certainly childish. Your tax dollars at work. :P

At the tone the time will be 11:44 am EST

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:14:00 AM

Time sure does fly, it seems like we just announced the Mini Poster Contest and now the deadline is barely one week away!

We don't want anyone to be left out just because they forgot, so just in case you've been meaning to sketch up a little something, here are the basic rules...

Theme: Movie Posters!
Subjects: Your original gargoyles or our lovely mascot (for a look at the style sheet surf to
Please don't use any canon characters for this event!

Limit on entries: There is a limit of five entries per person.

File format: Please send your entries in GIF or JPG format, and compress them into Zip files if possible. All
images should be in landscape format (i.e., with the long dimension horizontal) and sized to be scalable to an 8.5 by 11 paper size.
We will have strict size and pixel depth (dpi)requirements for winning entries -- you can make your initial entries in 72dpi (web)resolution, but you must be able to provide a high-resolution version if one of your posters wins.

All entries must be submitted by email to by February 1, 2001.

For all the details about the Mini Poster Contest please visit

Thanks and good luck!

Kathy Pogge
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:05:19 AM

James> Giles was not under their employ at the time, so I doubt they cared one way or anther.
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:48:38 AM

Kitana> Of course the Council knows of the chip. They wouldn't have let Spike stay with Giles a full year if it wasn't safe
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 09:50:22 AM

*Warpmind enters, smirking.*
Well, I've won a prize in a writing competition again, but I'm not sure how to use that competition as a gauge for my skill... I won, no contest. Literally; being the only entry, I won by default. Still, the prize was entertaining... ]:) And rest assured, few, if any, that dwell within this CR will ever see it.

Green Baron: Therein lies the problem: it's not the system itself that is the problem, it's the preposterous taxation of the system. For cryin' out loud, a CO2 tax on fuel, I can understand. But when that tax goes on to include public transportation, I DON'T understand it. Norway's one of the richest oil-producing countries in the world (when population is a part of the equation - otherwise we'd never manage to beat the US, methinks), and at the same time, we've got the most expensive fuel in the world! Something's rotten in Norway...

Spike: Woohoo! Maybe I'll even manage to buy D&D before my current VISA card expires, too, then! :) *Looks at cast list* Well, can't say I recognized any names there... :|

*Looks at the picture of Mary Flanders; chews up cigar.* Say, Spike, you still not taking new commissions? *Glances over at Lynati* There's one I'm speculatin' on... :)

Gunjack Valentine: Smiley horns? You? Hmmm... Maybe... *Studies Gunjack's armory* Dude, you've been holdin' THIS MUCH out on us? You DEFINITELY qualify! ];) And the wager would require a certain permanence? Hmmm... I'll be needin' to think about that, then... And besides, riding into the sunset might be difficult, when in LA... :|

Gside: Why do you THINK I phrased it thusly? ];) I'm back, oh yes I am, that line about finger thickness was a momentary lapse, I assure you. ]:)

Well, that about concludes today's post... Later, muchachos.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 08:53:05 AM

Ok It appears Coyote was channeling Robby, but it also appears Robby was channeling Xellos((I gotta start ordering my Sayers Next tapes))

Sorrow>>> I hope you do well

Gunjack>>>Nice trying to cover up the word Harpoon...but are you implying that Ted Kennedy is a whale? I hope not because that would be an insult to such beautiful intelligent creatures. Ted Kennedy is nothing but a walking, blabbering pile of lard,booze and the crap hat dribbles out of his mouth.

I didnt see X-Files either. I saw the Golden Globes instead
SPOILERS for GG's, TGS, Buffy and Angel*********************

I still think Sarah Michelle Gellar should have won, and I'm getting sick of that overhyped Sopranos being nominated for everything. I saw a few eps. I was like"Whats the big deal?"
I wonder what actress wil be caught in the commode next year?
Theorys about Liz Taylor
1.She was drunk
3.Medication from post surgery

TGS. It was well....ehhhhh kind of disapointed about the gunmen

Buffy>>> As stated by GXB and Kit It was great very good. I felt that Buffy's professor was an @$$hole. I bet that guy believes that Lee Harvey Oswald did shoot JFK. Funny seeing Joyce and Spike discussing Passions. Liked the developments on Glory and Ben and I have a theory on what Ben is
If Glory is a god ala the greek and Norse I think Ben is a Hero among that sense. He is a half God hero who happens to be Glory's half brother.

Angel, Very good nice to have a little lighter episode. Great seeing Merl again and Angel helping as well. Loved the tape of Cory and Wesley goofing in front of the camera.

I also wondered if that one woman asking the actress about making her charachter gay was an allusion to the fan reception of Willow dating Tara.
Can't wait for sweeps
*********************END SPOILERS***************************

Orlando, Fl, U.S.A
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 08:45:50 AM

KIT - Don't worry, there'll be a new episode of "X-Men: Evolution", at least, this upcoming Saturday (and I believe that there's a new "Batman Beyond" two-parter starting that day, although I might be mistaken). (And the next two Saturdays have new "X-Men" episodes planned, as well, according to my sources).

I'm a bit curious about the "Zeta Project" myself. The animation doesn't strike me as all that great, but the story, on the other hand, sounds promising. Particularly since the concept means the opportunity to really focus on the protagonist (a former military robot who's now decided to give up violence, is on the run from his former employers, and learning all the while what it means to be a human - I particularly like the scene in the promos where he's looking at the bug on his finger with an expression of fascinated delight).

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 06:28:54 AM

Harper's last line I mean. Hint- It involves Bruce Willis and religious psycopaths.

Really gone.

Wednesday, January 24, 2001 03:11:38 AM

Larry Halprin should be Larry Harper in the RP below, missed that mistake. :( Cyber-cookie to whoever can guess where his line and George Rivas's one preceding it come from.

Off to bed now!

Wednesday, January 24, 2001 03:08:56 AM

Begin Part 2 now! Missed X-Files this week due to brief power outage, Simpsons was a rerun. I can comment about other things though.

The Pledge- This movie stunk. It had another great performance from Jack Nicholson and a pretty good script up until the end, but the plot was too dry, convoluted, and full of gaping holes. The ending was anticlimactic, a real downer, and just plain bad. Robin Wright was the ugliest I've ever seen her too- she's really fallen from grace since Forrest Gump and Princess Bride. :( Fans of Jack will enjoy the movie, he does an excellent job in it- especially in the scenes with the little girl- but otherwise there is no reason to waste your money on The Pledge.

TGS this week wasn't that good, I thought. I missed the illustrations again, and the writing seemed to be lacking something. There was nice development on the Trio, Lex especially (I enjoyed his attitude towards Brooklyn's knowledge of the future being different from Broadway's, am interested to see where that goes), and good bits with Goliath and Elisa as well. Also liked what was done with Matt and Sara. I do feel, though, that everything in the ep was resolved too quickly. Conflicts in Gargoyles should not be introduced and resolved quickly, IMO- rather they should be introduced, then explored and developed, with resolution taking a while to arrive but thus more enjoyable when it comes. I didn't see that here- instead both the plots from the first part (the snipers and the Illuminati's interrogation of Matt) were tied up quickly with much potential story left dangling in the wind. Not really any subtlety or details in the writing either. I didn't like all that, and I hope the rest of the season's episodes are not similar. 6/10 to this week's.

Great new episode of Buffy tonight. They had a different actor playing Quentin, but he did a more-than-decent job with the character, just like the first one did. I enjoyed Buffy's conflicts with the awful professor (I could sympathize with her bigtime, I have had professors exactly like that and wanted to murder them, then been surprised as heck when they gave me Bs) and the Council guys, her development in this episode was the best all season. The scenes of the Council interrogating everybody were pretty funny too, I especially was laughing at Anya's attempts to hide her past and the Watchers holding Spike back with a cross while they talked to him (wonder why they didn't try to kill him, does the Council know about the chip?). Also liked the Spike-Buffy relationship development this ep, and was glad to get another great Spike-Joyce scene ("I love what you've neglected to do with the place." ROFL). Nice bits with Dawn and Giles also, and good development on Glory and Ben, who I can hardly wait to learn more about. The "Knights of Byzantium" I'm also wondering about, their appearance can not have been mere coincidence. The last scene with Buffy confronting the Council about their needs and her power was one of my favorite moments this season, we are definitely keeping it on tape. Interesting that Glory is a god, I am eager to see how that develops next. We have to wait two weeks. :(

Angel was also pretty good this week, though not so much as Buffy IMO. There were some good bits with Cordy, Gunn, and Wesley, but they seemed more like inane comic relief than a real part of the show. Boone made a good adversary for Angel, but a bit too short-lived and less than what I was expecting when they mentioned an old foe of his showing up. I liked the main arc with Lindsay and Lilah's developments (their new boss is tres creepy), and seeing that Angel still wants to help people. Really good development on Anne as a character too. I didn't like that Angel's whole plan turned out to be a stunt to embarrass the lawyers in public though, somehow I don't see how it was necessary or helpful to the cause. <shrugs> Maybe it was to show that Angel doesn't really have a cause anymore. I'm not sure I like that. I also think Wolfram & Hart's plans for him could be more interesting- yeah, they want him on their side in the Apocalypse, but there should be more to it than that. These guys are lawyers- who's their client in the Angel case? Hope to get more development on their plans soon. Also missed Dru and Darla this week. Overall, though, pretty good episode, and hope the good writing continues and soon picks back up.

Coming next week- reviews of the new WB cartoon Zeta Project, hopefully some new episodes of Batman Beyond, Max Steel, and X-Men Evolution will be shown on Saturday as well. Everything else good on TV is being pre-empted by the Super Bowl. <grimace> Maybe some good movies will come out, I have my fingers crossed.

Aaron: Doug and I kinda want to have the Gathering be a separate celebration from our wedding, but thanks for the suggestion anyway. We'll take it under advisement. I agree with you about Billy Graham's kid, he's definitely of the mixed-up-Christian class-people who should remember Jesus played bartender for his first miracle and that his best friends were fishermen, beggars, prostitutes, and other fun-loving folk. I also liked Bill's farewell speech better than Bush's inaugural address, though the latter was good too. <sighs> Clinton did do some good things in Austin, though there were many more that I despise, including his final actions. If Hillary runs in 2004, I will not vote for her even though we're both women- I don't feel the nation would profit with her in charge. Or with Bill back in the White House. :(

Lain: PO Box 7163. Austin, TX 78713. We plan on keeping that box even with our new address way out in the sticks- if you work in a city you should have some mail delivered to you there. <grin> Thanks for the gift idea, look forward to when it comes. You'll have to teach me those tricks you have for handling drunks, I sometimes have to deal with them and always hate it (thank goodness Stephanie has been acknowledging drinking ain't good for the baby! :). Congrats on finding strength and self-confidence, those gifts will not fade away and will surely help you again and again. Glad you've made peace with your glib old friend too. Cool theme song (Faith Hill's Wild One is mine, Doug likes Round Here by the Counting Crows). Also liked your peacemaker post, like David G I feel very happy and privileged to know you even if our opinions on violence and peace differ somewhat.

Lynati: I too have read and enjoyed Acyn's The Princess Gargoyle. Gary Fowler's Simpgoyles ranks higher on my list though. Marge as Demona and Maggie as Lex are not things one can easily stop laughing at. (Another great Simpsons parody/crossover on the Net somewhere is Maggie the Vampire Staker, wish I hadn't lost the link.)

Green Baron: I agree with you about South Park, the Jesus humor and killing Kenny was all well and good- I liked the movie a lot too, but a lot of what they're doing these days is just plain stupid and not funny at all. The Pope is one example, Timmy is another IMO. Hope they either get their act together and go back to the good stuff soon or get canceled as they may end up deserving. :( Doug and I agree with you about Jesse Jackson, as you know. Glad to know we also agree about Robert E. Lee and W.T. Sherman (who's gonna get a nice RP roasting one of these days, he's already appeared in Doug's last bit). Sorry to hear you've decided to stop writing RP scenes, we always liked reading yours. We'll do our best to continue and finish appropriately the threads you started, hope you'll still lurk frequently in here and post now and then so you can read and enjoy the results. Best of luck in the Army, wherever you get posted- please be sure and do your best to let us know how it goes. And don't worry, you can still visit us whenever you get the chance- just let us know when and we'll send you the Lockhart or Austin bus schedule and be ready to have you over as a valued guest and friend.

Blue Caeru: Yes, it has been a long time since you've been in here. :) But you're still welcome. Good to see you once again, and thanks for the congrats.

Cone of Silence: I too get that gag. I used to watch Get Smart on Nick at Nite all the time, quite enjoyed it. My favorite running gag wasn't the Cone of Silence though. It was when The Chief said that some group are the bad guys and Max agrees vociferously, then asks who the group is. :) Favorite one-episode gag- the guy in the Mexican small town who was its entire government. <"The Head of the Tourist Bureau sends his welcome to you." "Oh, thank you." "How did you know I was Head of the Tourist Bureau?" "The owner of this cantina told me." "I did not!" :)>

Revel: Glad you can still get in here somehow, even if it's rarer than before. Thanks for your congrats.

Kirshanta: I prefer to quote Faith-in-Buffy and say, "You can't do that. It's wrong." :)

Gunjack: Safety and joy. <nods> That would be good. Hope your computer cleans up its act soon, it's never fun when these things go ballistic on you. Nice apology too, though it's funny how many times you used the word sex in there. Hmmm…:)

Tim P: I really liked your take on the violence debate, and agree with it a lot. Good to know somebody shares my opinions of violence pretty much (I can enjoy hunting, though it does get boring sometimes. Deer Avenger is way more fun). Once again, best of luck in the Marines. May you end up every bit the warrior you hope to be.

Todd: ROFLMAO at the aardvark procession!

Daniel Johnson: Liked your bit on the violence debate too, I am also more bothered by us attacking each other than us attacking politicians and other folk who deserve it. The seeming intolerance for liberals that exists in here worries me too. I must note two things however- 1. Doug and I are not liberal or conservative. We consider ourselves way more moderate and individual, most who know us agree we are so. 2. I really don't think advocates of excessive special privilege rights for whichever classes of people are paying them votes, money, or what-not should be called liberals. Nor those who advocate excessive restrictions and laws on gun ownership, religious practice, declaration of ethnic identity, tax breaks, etc., and yet somehow these are all considered 'liberal' views. I do not understand. (Thus to me, Ted Kennedy is not a Liberal. He is a Sell-Out, a Creep, and a Crook. A Loser also. :)

Stephen: Condolences on the eye situation, good luck getting things solved somehow. My mother's mother had a similar condition in her cornea, I'm told. I'll ask Mom how she solved it, maybe there's some advice there. I'll continue to pray for you concerning the job hunt, and about this as well. Glad you have Heather's support to help you through things emotionally. A good friend always helps.

Juliaexia: You must be the friend Lain mentioned. Welcome to the CR, hope you like this place. From your posts, I think you'll fit in well. Condolences on the bulimia, wish I knew more about that particular disorder so I could give advice (it is on the syllabus for one of my classes this semester- on medical conditions and how they can affect a person's psychological development), but not for a few months. :(

<looks at the clock> Oh man, is it late. At least I've stayed up doing something enjoyable. I must go to sleep now though, I have class in the morning and it's not the kind of class you can just doze through and expect to succeed in. Hope to have even more good news next time, and if there's bad news to balance it out it had better be small. Everyone stay cool, play nice, I'll see you again next time. :) <waves, then strolls out>


The screen comes on again, displaying a tropical-themed bar in the middle of Temptation Island, full of couples who look like Jerry Springer rejects and other people whose incredibly good looks are obviously faked through surgery, excessive makeup, or some combination of the two. On one side of the room, Nipon is smiling as he tells a woman who looks like Jeri Ryan of the joys of commanding an Imperial Star Fleet, and she acts like she is extremely interested with amazing skill. Pinky is hula dancing and laughing on a nearby table, distracting many of the people in the bar and causing them to frown and scratch their heads. On the other side of the place, Asil sits across from a man with Russell Crowe's face on a young Pierce Brosnan's body, looking incredibly bored as the man tries to strike up a conversation with her. "So your interests are…?" he asks for the hundredth time. "Your hobbies are…?" Getting the same disgusted expression, finally he breaks down and throws up his hands. "Look, lady, I'm being paid to seduce you and possibly make your weird blue-skinned husband over there break up with you! Can you help me earn my money, for crying out loud? Or at least say no, so my contract will let me move on to someone else? I mean, you are hot and all, but…" "Shut up!" Asil interrupts, and the man does so, looking astonished that she is actually speaking to him. "The only thing I am interested in doing right now, you lame excuse for a male chauvinist pig, is blowing the head off of you and the idiotic sexist immoral producers who started this lame terrible show you're on. I think I'll do it now." As the man stares at her dumbfounded, the evil half-gargoyle clone reaches into her purse, pulls out a Desert Eagle and shoots her would-be seducer once in the forehead. Instantly, everyone turns to look at her and there are several gasps and screams. "Get the camera on that woman and keep it there!" a director shouts enthusiastically, and the cameraman stares at him with mouth wide open. "What?" the director asks. "We're already showing real sex." A number of people try to run for the building's exits, but the doors all slam and lock, cutting them off. "No escape, foolish humans!" Guod's voice booms over the PA. "Thanks to the new master of your computer systems- me!" "Such good work, partner," Asil grins, taking the BFG out of her duffel bag and beginning to open fire on the shocked screaming crowd of attention-starved idiots and scoundrels, as well as the crews taping them. "NO!!!!" Nipon wails as the woman he was talking to gets gunned down. "Oh, I'm sorry, was she your type?" Asil laughs. As she continues firing and Nipon falls to the floor beside his would-be seducer with an anguished expression, Pinky goes on laughing and dancing, spouting inane nonsense every so often and seemingly oblivious to all around him. Another white mouse walks through a hole in the wall just then, the bloodshot eyes in his large head widening as he screams in utter shock.

"So uh, let me get these roles straight," Jesse Ventura is saying elsewhere to the Ravens as they walk through the Mall of America toward the Wicca shop. "You, Boris, are the heavy weapons man, a real down-to-earth boring type who would walk through an erupting volcano for his friends and is thus valued. You, Elena, are a heavy magic type who can change herself into a creature inspired by Parasite Eve and unleash martial arts moves and energy blasts at frightening power and speed. Generally, you exude detachment, and are occasionally bitchy at times, but for some reason people trust and like you nonetheless. You, Shap, or Benjamin Shapiro, are a born-again honest-to-God paladin and yet tolerant of just about anything and more liberal than most people like you I know would be able to stand. You, Shauna, are the best archer I've ever seen, probably better than Geena Davis even…" "That lousy so-called actress is nothing compared to me!" Shauna agrees. "Right," the Governor of Minnesota nods. "You have a huge ego, you like to nag people a lot and put them down, yet often you're appreciated for revealing others' mistakes. You're also an excellent scout and woods-woman. You, Tom, you're an all-around nice guy who knows a lot about electrical engineering." "And explosives," Tom adds. "And other things." "Right," Ventura agrees. "You, Keith, are the stealth man, big deal ninja type. Also from what I hear a crack mechanic, ace manager, efficiency expert, and cynical about everything." "Guilty as charged," Keith nods. "The girl over your shoulder is a big-class self-absorbed ditz and yet strangely endearing in her optimism," Ventura goes on. "A swordswoman, and immortal to boot. You, Lathrop, are the mage-guy, and a wise adviser. You, Orion, heal people in body and soul- that's your one and only real passion." "That and Tanith," Jammer says. "I'm the tough wise guy who's just an average team member, Tricia's the powerful psychic and fun-loving girl who can also think strategically better than almost anyone I know, Kit and Doug are the leaders. You pretty much got it right." "Thank you," Ventura smiles. "Glad to hear that." He looks at Kit and Doug. "So you two are…" "Just a couple of people who want to make the world a better place," Doug answers. "Stop others from screwing it up. That's what I've been getting anyway." "He had a little amnesia a while back, we're still curing it," Kit explains. "When this is over, we'll settle down somewhere- I'll be a helpful psychologist and he'll be a policeman, possible Texas State Trooper." "Wow," Ventura shakes his head. "And people like you are saving the world. Is this all of you?" "The core," Shap says. "These other people with us right now, we're not sure where they fit in yet." Leah glares at him, while Winter Blade and Anthony frown and Mansfield just shrugs nonchalantly. "There's also a guy named Gubio and his girlfriend Erin," Tricia says. "They're in the Middle East getting something to help Doug. Gubio's a real computer guru, there's nothing about software he can't understand or explain easily to a layman. Also crack shot with a pistol. Erin, well, she's half-Irish and half-Turkish, she lives in the Middle East and has been involved in a lot of conflicts over there. Has some experience the rest of us don't really share." "A warrior-woman of the sands," Ventura smiles. "From two historically troubled backgrounds." "Pretty much," Tom nods. "That's the Ravens," Kenny says. "Glad we saw you guys again, I'm just sorry it was under such terrible circumstances." "No problem, Kenny," Kitainia grins. "Just as soon as we get out of here, everything will be alright." "Mall's clear, sir," a voice says over Ventura's radio just then. "Nobody here left alive but us. And it's almost completely rebuilt too, don't ask me to explain how." "Hey, it saves us on reconstruction," Ventura chuckles back. "That makes it 100% okay with me, I do not need to know where this came from. Everything's great." He turns back to the Ravens with a smile and is about to start praising them again when there is a cry of dismay from Orion, who has been looking fearful the whole walk. "No!" he screams, rushing to the side of a shapely black-haired woman in a dark red dress who lies prone on the floor, back down. "Tanith…" Orion gasps as the rest of the group stops cold, exchanging grimaces and mournful sighs. Then there is a gasp from Orion as Tanith suddenly springs to life, grabs him, and kisses him full on the lips. The mournful looks quickly change to smiles and grins, the Ravens clapping loudly. "Man!" Jammer declares. "I have seen some great love stunts in my time, but that takes the cake!" "Too bad I didn't think of it first!" Tricia agrees, smiling widely. Tanith too is smiling as she breaks the kiss with Orion, who looks pleasantly shocked beyond belief as the screen's image fades.


Wednesday, January 24, 2001 03:06:13 AM


On a highway between Colorado Springs to Austin, a large armored van escorted by several police cars is moving swiftly southeast. Many of the cops are grinning and chuckling happily, slapping each other on the back and generally in high spirits. "Oh, sure, you pigs are happy now!" one of the four men they have chained up securely in the back of the van mocks them. "You caught us! You feel so good! Well, just you wait!! We're gonna break out again just like we did before. Then it will be revenge time, law-boys! Sweet and wonderful revenge!" "You sure we can do that, George?" another of the men whispers. "They're gonna have more security on us now. You know how it is- you escape once, they do their best to keep you from escaping again." "Relax, Mikey," George Rivas grins at Michael Rodriguez. "I got it all planned out, just like before. This time, it's gonna be even easier breaking out." "But, George, look at us!" a third man, Randy Halprin, complains. "We're all chained up, going back to jail- probably for life! I only had twenty-six years left in there, now I got life! All because I had to make my stupid bitch girlfriend's baby stop crying, no matter what it took! Who cares if I damn near killed it? Nobody annoys me and lives, least of all little brats!" "Or men who give you bad directions!" the fourth convict, Joseph Garcia, agrees. "My friend did that to me, and when I complained, he attacked me! I defend myself, and the state puts me in jail just because he died! He was a jerk who deserved it! What did I do wrong? Give me my <bleep>ing knife back and I'll show you what I did wrong, pigs!" "I just wanted my wife's life insurance money!" Rodriguez chimes in. "Was that so wrong? It would have been mine eventually, I was just speeding things up! She would have died sooner or later anyway, the hitman and I…" "Hey, shut up back there, you lousy cop-killers!" one of the policemen shouts, others yelling in agreement. One of them waves his baton suggestively and the convicts obey with snarls and growls. "Just wait, boys," Rivas chuckles. "Soon we're gonna be able to have us some real fun once again." "The only place you're going is back to prison, Rivas," a cop snaps in reply. "Maximum-security this time. Aubrey would have wanted it that way." "Who the hell is Aubrey?" Rivas asks mockingly. "The Irving officer you killed, mother<bleep>er," another cop declares. "Oh, right, him," Rivas sneers. "You know, we didn't take the time to get his name. He was just in our way, so we knocked him out of it. Soon we'll do the same with all of you." The cops exchange laughs and jeer at Rivas who sneers back at them while Halprin, Rodriguez, and Garcia look on in confusion. Suddenly there is a series of loud explosions, and cops and convicts alike begin gasping and screaming as the van shudders and falls over. There are a scant few gunshots sounding from outside the van, but the noise stops quickly. Then, with a loud ripping sound, the van's back doors are ripped off. Two huge insect-like creatures stand framed in the sudden sunlight, and as the convicts' guards gasp in shock, the creatures raise their hands and take them out with blasts of green energy. "George, what is going on?" Halprin gasps. Rivas does not reply, his mouth hanging wide open. "This isn't your plan?" Garcia asks incredulously. "Meet our new best friends, guys!" someone laughs, stepping forward to stand between the insect-creatures. "Welcome back to freedom!" "Don!" Rodriguez grins at Donald Newbury. "I knew you'd come through for us, man!" "I did too," Patrick Murphy chuckles, stepping into the back of the van with keys in hand. "Nobody's gonna put me away for having what I wanted, what she wanted even though she denied it, nobody! Nobody's gonna put away my friends either!" "That's right, my brothers!" another man laughs along, stepping in to help the convicts to their feet. "We're gonna go forth and preach the Gospel again, we are!" They look at him and drop their mouths wide open. "Larry…" Rivas stammers. "I thought you were dead." "Oh yeah, I am!" Larry Halprin sneers, hellish light glimmering behind his eyes. A short distance away, the crawfish-like demon Lobien nods at his insect-like lackeys, then starts speaking into a communications device, telling Deavik that their mission is complete.

The display changes to the Middle East, where Lloky is trying vainly to hide her fear of Apep as she describes her world to him. "The dragons and elves live in peace where I come from," she says with a gulp. "We have this guild that tries to limit the power of everyone, make sure no one has too much. A deadly foe of ours came to this world, and we followed him, then decided to carry on our mission here…" "So you are a threat to me then?!" Apep roars, his shadowy eyes flashing and steam pouring from his lips. "No!" Lloky waves her claws frantically, then grimaces. "Well…" As the dragon king growls and starts to rear back his head, there is a sudden loud beep. Then, even as Apep starts to spit a mighty fireball at Lloky, his head turns and the blast hits the side of the mansion. Lloky recovers quickly from her surprise, sighing loudly in relief as the metal dragon turns away from her, flying towards the mansion at high speed even as it shakes from the blast he just unleashed. "Lloky!" Terrell shouts over the communicator. "What just happened?" "I don't know," Lloky shrugs. "One second we were talking, and then he…" She throws up her hands in despair. "Well, we're preparing to hit that robot dragon or whatever it is with everything we have got!" King Abdullah II declares. "Michael says it is an enemy!" "Um, people…" Lloky frowns. "Uh, you might not want to…" "This is no time for quandaries!" Andrea Grey snaps. "We must take it down before it destroys the mansion- Gubio, Michael, and the others are still in there!" "We have a lock with the Hornet's Fury!" Aussie reports from the chopper. "Ready to evade returning fire!" Ivan adds. "All soldiers have guns loaded and ready!" Amad shouts. "Artillery moving into position, and…ready!" says General Earle. "Don't say I didn't warn you guys," Lloky grimaces as Terrell reports that his caiveh are ready to open fire too. As all the Desert Knights and their allies move their hands to their triggers, Apep stops in midair and roars loudly, shaking around like he is having an epileptic seizure. Another loud beep sounds, and he starts heading towards the mansion again, as the screen goes blank.


<Kit prances into the CR looking happy as a clam and singing Shania Twain's latest hit> Whoa ho ho, go totally crazy, forget I'm a lady, dance, flirt, short skirt, flipping my hair, doing a dare…Man, I feel like a woman! <smiles and turns to post> Hello again, everyone! Doing well? Doug and I have more good news- we found some land for our new house! :) It's not in Austin, unfortunately, limited credit blocked us from getting any properties here, but it is only thirty miles away and we both have fast vehicles so it's no big deal. The lot is down on a place called Forister Ranch in Dale, Texas, near Lockhart. It's not much, but it is beautiful, with nice trees in the back and a paved driveway and roads, nice and interesting neighbors (one of whom is a very good friend of Gubio's), all utilities, and affordable pricing. Best of all, it's going to be ours- after thirty years of payments it will be ours! :) It's going to take us at least another month, possibly two, to get fully moved there, but Doug and I saw the property today and we already know we like it a lot. Enough to want to live there at least. Next comes getting the house set up, furnished, etc. That will take a while, so we're keeping our apartment in the meantime. Don't worry- this new home will not divorce us from our friends and commitments in Austin or in here, we are part of this CR and intend to remain so no matter where we live! <grin> Other good news- recently they caught four of those convicts Doug and I were worried about a while back. Another killed himself rather than surrender. They captured them in Colorado, interestingly enough, y'all have probably heard about it on the news. Doug and I aren't that worried about them anymore since they ended up being that far away, however two of them are still at large. :( Click my name for a Yahoo! News listing of who these guys are and what they did to earn time in prison- I think everyone will agree they're not the kind of people you like knowing are among humanity. <sigh> Doug and I also announced our engagement to our parents over the weekend, and we got mixed reactions. My mom and dad are happy for us and enthusiastic, though not surprised (like many of you). Doug's mom is surprised, I think, and she has surprised me too by acting like she wants to get to know me better all of a sudden. We actually had a completely normal and friendly conversation on the phone Sunday, and this weekend she's coming up here so we can have another one face to face. I think maybe I'll be able to get along with my mother-in-law now. :) Doug's stepfather is also happy for us, he likes me and is glad I'll be in the family for a good long while. As for Doug's dad, well, let's just say he's not as happy with the plans as everyone else. His opinion, Doug and I agree, does not matter. Some people you try to be friends with, but… <groan> Still no clear date set for the ceremony, we're busy enough with my last semester of undergraduate college, our jobs, and now the moving. But at least one major hurdle is out of the way now. :) On to replies.

Niamhgold: I am so relieved your friend is getting the help she needs now. :) It is surprisingly often the case that when people need help they are asking for it in some way. Often that way is subtle. Glad that you recognized the call, and have answered it. I wish you and her the best for a full healthy recovery, however long it takes. Hope you will keep us up to date on it and your friend will soon be okay once again. I also hope most of all that somewhere along the line she will learn to overcome her problems with fear and shame. It's a difficult thing to do, but well worth it. :)

Winterwolf, Robby, Coyote, GXB, Green Baron, Kyryn, SOROW, everyone else: Thank you all so much for the congratulations to Doug and me. We're very glad to have friends like you. Yes, we will keep you all apprised of events leading up to the big day, and yes, you are all invited to the ceremony. I realize not everyone may be able to make the trip, but we will still invite you! Some of you we may even make honorary ushers (not bridesmaids, though, those positions have already been filled by Tricia [maid of honor], Stephanie, Shauna, Elena, and Doug's cousin Kristin. Sorry). Glad to see many of you thought we were already married, or were very confident this would happen sooner or later- Doug and I have felt that way ourselves for some time. It's very nice to have one's good happy feelings shared. :) Thanks go out to everyone for all you have done to help us get this far, and bring us to this moment. May we remain good friends for the rest of our lives, no matter what.

Winterwolf: Fiancée's the word alright. :) Doug and I are enjoying calling each other that very much right now. I agree that it is heart-breaking when your friends vanish from your life, especially when you don't want them to. Hope you don't have many friends who will do that in your future, best of luck keeping all that you can.

Gside: Keeping oneself warm and covered is most important. :) Glad you're content with what you have for that.

Xenatrek: You're welcome, and sorry for the mistake. Good luck to your *cousin.* :)

Calliope: Thanks for your belated congrats- it's okay that you missed the post the first time, don't worry. :) BTW, I'm also happy because I like my classes this semester- there are no nightmare professors this time around, thank the Lord, and they aren't too hard or too easy to just breeze through and leave me somehow unsatisfied. Very decent schedule as well. And my grades last semester were pretty good, I'm still maintaining a solid 3.3. :) It's a lot to smile about. Not as much as my engagement is, though. <big grin>

Jannie: Thanks for accepting Doug's apology- we got worried when we learned somebody in here actually knew and was friends with one of our intended RP enemies. But now that you've pointed out the mistake (and it was a mistake, a big one, of stereotyping mostly- Doug and I need to work on recognizing those), we are quite grateful to you. We wish your friend the best of luck in politics, especially against people like Schumer and Ted Kennedy- they're the real bad guys in the Capitol. The sooner we can kick them out of power, the better the world will be- may it happen soon. And may good men like Ashcroft rise to power along the way (like Taleweaver said, everyone deserves at least a chance to prove themselves by doing their job. Can hardly wait to see how our probable new AG does his :). Doug and I saw the Old Ghosts episode of The District on Saturday night- it was indeed as good as you said it was. Loved the character development on MacGregor and Nancy (the bit about clodagh rings earned some chuckles), and really enjoyed the main plot with the missing husband too despite its tragic result (the revelation of the "fishing hole" was a great scene!). Hope they keep up the good work this season- the show must go on next year! :) I wish you the best of luck with your health- may it soon improve- and with your new career goal. A police dispatcher is a very important job and I'm sure you'll do great at it. Please let us know how it goes.

GXB: Congrats on the improving grades and writing, it's nice to know they're opening. If your ear hasn't already healed, hope it does soon- condolences on the injury. Thanks for reminding me of another great line from Spike (who never has a shortage, I must say :). Glad you have the courage to express your views without fear of repercussion, though I hope you will keep others' opinions and view of you after such attitudes are expressed in mind in the future- you've promised to do so, I'm confident you'll keep that promise. Still gonna hold you to it, though. <smirk>

Kaioto: Thanks in the extreme for keeping a level head in the recent big confrontations and reminding us of things we should all know, thus calming people down. I am among the many who appreciate it. How you continue to manage to do that amazes me, hope you'll share your secrets one of these days. Trying to stand out and enjoy life to the fullest in a community of awful people like you describe existing in Massachusetts probably has something to do with it. <grin>

Recent Debates: Not gonna say much about Ashcroft other than what I've already said- he seemed like a possible bad guy at first but now that we know Jannie likes him and people like Ted Kennedy don't, Doug and I have changed our opinion of the man. We'll wait to see what kind of job he does as AG before passing final judgement, looking especially at how he holds up to his promises. We're confident he'll do well, particularly since he reminds me a little of Jack Ryan in Executive Orders (his stance on abortion especially does so), but we still have to wait and see. On CR violence, well, as a frequent creator of it, I have to take a somewhat controversial side in this debate. I don't like violence anymore than the next woman, maybe even less than her, but I have been in many situations where it has happened to me and thus I know that it must unfortunately be a part of life. There is a time for it, like there is for all things- thankfully that time is rare. In here, I'm of the mind that the violence is virtual fantasy, and thus pretty harmless as long as one can tell the difference between it and reality. Most if not all of us are smart enough to do that, I believe. We also all have the rights to freedom of speech and to let off steam when we need to- I intend to keep and exercise those rights. Nevertheless I will also keep the violence I post in RPs and such at a PG-13 (VERY occasional R) level for those who don't like it, reminding them that they can always look away. As for those of us who want to be peacemakers, I applaud your actions as well and wish you the best of luck with them, hope you will continue respecting our opinions as much as I do yours. That's all I have to say about that.

SOROW: Congrats on having the courage to confront your friend about not standing up for you, I'm sorry to hear he's upset with you for it though. (Bet he's really mad at himself for not having the courage to stand up- damn machismo! :) Your relationship with him sounds very much like Jammer and Tricia's- they can't stand each other a lot of the time but please each other often and effectively enough to still stay together. You are right that love is a complicated thing- being a wise person, I will not even try to explain it. :) I too strongly feel that you're in the right with the whole situation, and am glad that the police are checking out the jerk who yelled at you. Friends among that group of people are always nice to have. :) Congrats also on being accepted to UT-Austin, hope you'll end up coming here as you think you might. I recommend Kinsolving out of all the dorms, it's the nicest for girls and has a very convenient location on campus with the best cafeteria on campus (the food there is actually edible and tastes good, unlike that in Jester). I spent two semesters there and enjoyed it very much. Before that I was across the street in Littlefield, also a nice place but not quite as good IMO. Remember to look Doug and me up when you get down here- we may not be living in Austin anymore by then but that doesn't mean we won't still be in the area a lot. Particularly since I want to spend another two or three years in graduate school at UT before getting a job as a psychologist somewhere. :)

Lady Corax: Liked your congrats message. You rock too, girlfriend. :) Doug was indeed very sweet when he proposed to me, it was every bit as pleasant a surprise as he described (so were the complimentary glasses of cherry champagne they brought to our table when the proposal was made :).

Christine: We got the thank-you card, thanks so much for sending it! Becca was very cute in the picture. Glad to hear that her tooth situation is over now and things are okay. Once again a possible mutation comes in handy. :) Good luck to her with the gashed gum and to you with the Archmage revision process- don't get too depressed now, you are a great writer and I'm sure the story is equally great no matter how bad you think it is. Hope it can be fully fixed up by the Gathering, so that we can get a copy or two sent down here. I am tingling with anticipation to see how things finally turn out with Solarrin, Arien, and Cat.

Kyryn: Best of luck getting over that illness of yours, it sounds pretty bad. Hope to see you back in the room soon!

Coyote: Ack! Hope you get that water situation resolved soon. Pipe-freezes are no fun at all. The pipes in Doug's and my new house will be Pentex, so we shouldn't have to worry about them. :) The house is also built of an inflammable material that is indigestible to termites, so two more worries are out of the way as well. I don't mean to gloat of course, I mean no disrespect. <holds up hands in peaceful gesture> May you soon be able to fully enjoy your water again, however long it takes.

Lady Mystic: Sorry to hear about the website/ISP troubles. Hope you will get them straightened out soon. If you need somebody to make and keep copies of old CRs for you in the meantime so you can archive them later on, just please and let Doug and me know. We will be happy to assist you. Hope you can get back on the Net real soon.

Spacebabie: Clueless professors like that are the bane of students' existence, good luck surviving that one. A bonus question about Temptation Island….grr. I was disappointed about the Golden Globe Awards this weekend, as you probably were. SMG really deserved the award she missed out on. <sigh> Even worse, really bad films like Gladiator got awards. Obviously those judges didn't have their heads on right. I am glad that Almost Famous won Best Comedy Film though- it deserved that.

Mandi: Mad packing rush. I'm going to know how that feels real soon. <grin> Good luck getting moved back, hope you enjoy this semester at Hood. Thanks for your congrats! <returns hugs>

Daphne: Glad the project went okay, congrats on the decent grade. Better luck next time with your group members. Interesting idea about James Bond and John Mason, I may get Doug to use it if he ever decides to get his Disturbed Heroes (tentative title) story series off the ground- John Mason, Lisa from Girl Interrupted, and Eddie Brock/Venom are the stars.

Emmabu: Your brother will tie the knot himself sooner or later, I'm sure. Thanks for your congrats to Doug and me, we're glad to be official now. :) I agree with you about Anti-Trust, that film could and should have been far better than it was. All it needed were better writers and directors. <sighs heavily> Oh well, it was still enjoyable in some ways. Hope that the actors involved get better films next time round, Rachael Leigh Cook in particular (to help ensure it, Doug plans to make her the resident Wisegirl in the RP's Wiseguy Mob soon :). Condolences on the loss of your website server, hope things soon work out somehow. I've been praying all weekend.

Mary: Sorry to hear about the driving accident, but one must make mistakes in order to learn from them. Every spill I've taken on my bike, every time Doug has dinged a car or truck somehow or been yelled at a policeman, we have gained valuable lessons. Hope you have gained one from this too. Good luck with your next driving lesson, and may you soon learn to take the hits. Congrats on the nice grades in Japanese, Spike did a great pic of you as a garg too (thanks, Spike, for posting the link!).

Alec Baldwin: His public persona is not something I enjoy hearing about. He does play pretty decent villains in the movies, though. Overall, I consider him a guy with one useful talent who is pretty much useless otherwise. Many folks like that in the world. <sigh>

Trey Parker and Matt Stone's new show: I too intend to boycott it, if Doug and I end up getting cable in our new place (which we might). I do enjoy satire most of the time, but there are limits. Satire involving their kind of frequent toilet humor and negative portrayal of people is among them IMO.

Gunjack: Doug and I don't actually know Jenna Bush, we've just been in a couple classes with her since we attend the same college. Thus we've met her but don't really know her. As for famous actors or politicians we do know, well, there aren't many. We've met George W. and Laura Bush, as well as TX Governor Perry and Austin Mayor Kirk Watson, Sandra Bullock, Matthew McConaghey, they're all nice people (except McConaghey, he's a self-absorbed chauvinist loser who made some very awful uncalled-for remarks to me when Doug and I met him. Doug almost hit the guy, but Jammer grabbed him and threw him out of the Paradox Club first :). Doug's met Rep. Nick Lampson, I've met Lloyd Doggett. My grandparents were good friends with Sam Rayburn while he was alive, my parents were also (they named their firstborn after him, even). But no, we don't really know anyone famous. Doesn't prevent us from having opinions of them, of course. <grin>

That's all for Part 1. Again, click my name for info on the Seven Texas Convicts or visit

Kitainia - [<--The Bad Guys Are In There!!!]
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 03:05:19 AM

I'm going to get that Vampire Savior ROM, even if it delays my acquiring of the Ranma OVA series. It really annoys me when I know I should be able to get something in a minute, but there's a slowdown on the other side that makes it upwards of several hours, with intermittent disconnecions.

Today I saw the work of a genius. It was the merging of a game and a typing tutor that actually works. It took a first person rail shooter, I think House of the Dead, and to shoot the zombies, you had to type phrases that popped up on essentially cuecards.

Warpmind> <<Or at least catch a ride together. Or any variety of the phrase>>: Granted just about any verb with the right inflections can sound incredibly wrong, but ride seems to be one of the easier ones, especially with certain combinations of subjects and objects.
<<then I realized his posting frequency has dwindled somewhat>>: True, but he seems to be rather comprehensive when he finally does.
<<Tsk, for shame>>: Treu, that.
<<As for the ChronoTrigger tip: THANK YOU!>>: Not a problem, though any respectable walkthrough/FAQ should provide instructions for accessing all the endings. One of my favorite sources is one familiar to the now departed Gasper:

Kirshanta> <<It seems only the new people are commenting on TGS>>: Actually quite a few of the more in depth comments come from old posters who just don't post much save for episode reviews. The rest of us are either completely out of our gourds, have amazingly strong feelings on current events, or both.
<<Shouldn't the older ones, who have been here longer and who are such the experts on GARGOYLES>>: I may have been here for over a year, but I have not seen an episode since well before that, and am more versed in certain fan universes than details from the original series.

Green Baron> <<Pardon? I don't udnerstand what this is in reference to>>: I'm assuming anger management in relation to the recent spate of killings.

Revel> << the exit wound of a shot that was as high powered as they said it was would have been a lot worse than the entry wound>>: Did you know that if you shoot a mellon wrapped in tape, that it will fall towards the shooter. It's for the same reason that JFK's head jerked towards the book depository.

Brooklyn> SPOILERS? <<I haven't found any written evidence that something is wrong with him>>: Most people tend to take near fatal beatings personally, especially if they find they might have been prevented. /SPOILERS

SOROW> Fang: He'll probably pop back up if anything eventually gets done with Bad Guys.

Daniel Johnson> <<AARRGGHH!! Now I've got "Pomp and Circumstance" stuck in my head!>>: Acutally there's a part of it that you never hear that actually is good.

King Snarf> <<Of the remaining 3, Which would you like to see next?>>: I've always been a fan of Falstaff, and anyone named after Hal should be good, so I'll say Bad Guys.

SRS Jr.> <<a thinning of the cornea>>: I hear you. My retinas (or maybe jsut one) are thinning, so I have to watch out for them detaching or ripping. The good news about that is now my eye exams are covered by insurance.

Juliaexia> <<that eastern european build i was blessed with>>: I've heard it said that all eastern European women look exactly the same. It makes for labeling family photographs difficult.

Katara> <<She tells us the signs to look out for in case of Retinal Detachment>>: If I remember correctly: black spots and a concentration of "floaters," aka those dead blood cells you can see when the light's right and you don't focus. But then I promptly forget them anyway every time he tells me.

Gunjack> <<Guns, I can figure out, but W? Wagers? Warfare?>>: I was actually refering to the first letters of our handles, but there's always wang.
<<Can you teach ME how to do that!?>>: It's relatively easy. Just say Wang as often as wang. Possible.
<<Maybe the mutations are based on the types of alchohol involved?>>: Chemical reactions of that sort are subtle, and the impurities causing different tybes of libations might have such an effect.
<<we'd sit around playing the SNES and gnawing away>>: Sounds nigh perfect.
<<Eh? you lost me>>: Being a white male, I am more at risk of lawsuits and reverse racism that have come as a result of liberation from my forefathers' oppression.
<<On what platform?>>: Arcade, using the CPS2 chipset. The emulator is called Final Burn.
<<And what the heck is Vampire Savior?>>: Ever heard of Darkstalkers? It's essentially Street Fighter with succubi, catgirls, demons, mummys, werewolves, gun toting little red riding hoods, and the like. I believe Aimee Major is also familiar with the series.
<<the people with blown mindsex>>: That sounds vaguely obscene.

For the sake of being timely, the new mp3 is a performance by the Boston Pops, conducted by Arthur Fedler, of Edward Elgar's one hit wonder (wait for it) Pomp and Circumstance March Number 1.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 02:06:22 AM

Daniel J><<A Liberal says he wants to kill a Conservative and is denounced. A Conservative says he wants to kill a Liberal and is praised.>> Who was praised? o.O ...I'm really wishing I hadn't lost those posts last week, because they were rather relevent to this discussion.
I don't see the prejudice. When Greg talked about torching Ashcroft for being a racist SOB, I was only bothered by the lack of supporting evidence. I had seen a nearly identical comment made in another room by a different person the day before, and hadn't heard any evidence there, either. If anyone could provide hard evidence that Scalia or Bush (my two fav conservatives, BTW) were hard-core rascists, I'd hold his coat while he lit the Chekists up.
The dueling, as several people pointed out, was Apolitical. Refer to my last reply to GB for verification.
Basicly, I have no problem with anyone frying anyone, as long as they have a good reason for it. I *do* have a problem with the actual level of violence that's been creeping into some of the recent posts, mainly because I find it disgusting and it's been bothering a friend. I *also* object to people simply condemning others without backing the accusations up. As long as the person gives evidence for what they say and doesn't go Hannibal Lecter with the violence, they can go after anyone they want.
Anyway, it's probably all pointless anyway... : ) ...but if you ever see me acting like a partisan Chekist, feel free to whip out that flak cannon you mentioned... 8 )

Lynati><<Gee, I wonder what you were thinking about when you wrote the end of your post...>> Actually, I wasn't. That was the result of *yet another* of those late-night IM marathons... I was supposed to do it last week, but things have been hectic.

Gside><<Though shoudn't Wilek get at least a mention?>> Hey, yeah! Wilek, 'Mano, you've gotta post more, or people are gonna start disrespecting ya! <<It seems to be concentrated in certain letters, specifically G and W.>> Guns, I can figure out, but W? Wagers? Warfare? o.O <<I think I just channeled Gabe for a second.>> Can you teach ME how to do that!? ^_^ <<Wasn't everyone else in the tequila?>> Was THAT what they were swimming in? If not, then I'd put forward that Dave and the Werecoyote are too weenie to try tequila...
Hmm. Maybe the mutations are based on the types of alchohol involved?
<<I'd assume either squid or tentacle beast, depending on the magnitude of the tentacle.>> Hmm, neither sounds promising... think I'll just avoid the whole mess altogether... <<So, how do we divert a cleansing data flow through haxor areas?>> Don't know. I say we just firebomb all of 'em... Or is that what the recent ad meltdown is about? o.O ...makes ya wonder...
They had it that whole time, it just wasn't commonly used. It's a pain to load a rifled musket with a round ball, because you either have to use a sub-caliber bullet that doesn't engage the grooves, or actually hammer the ball into the grooves. They finally solved the problem with the Minie Ball, wich expanded to engage the grooves when fired; hence, the widespread use of muskets during the civil and Napoleonic wars. And no sooner had they solved the problem, than the mettalic cartridge comes along and obviates the whole question...
Yes, I really, *REALLY* need a life. ; )
<<And you know I was referring to the blocks that you have to knaw at to get anything.>> Heck ya! Some friends of ours had one of those HUGE hershy's kisses one time, and we'd sit around playing the SNES and gnawing away... Ah, the memories... ^_^ <<I have a feeling I am going to be paying for that for the rest of my life.>> Eh? you lost me...
<<Anyway, I'm reminded that they've emulated Vampire Savior now. Mmm, Felicia, Morrigan, bouncy...>> On what platform? And what the heck is Vampire Savior?

Warps><<Now you're being silly.>> I know. And I hope no one took that seriously, 'cause it kinda invalidated itself... ; ) ...Gee, do I qualify for smiley horns yet? <<Still offering 30:1 odds?>> I'm not sure. We're still trying to figure out whether certian... *ahem* ...incidents should have a bearing on the availability of certian pics. And besides, riding off into the sunset would entail a certian permanence...

Toku><<However, coming from Massachusetts, I can testify to the fact that if you prick Ted Kennedy, he does indeed bleed gravy and whisky...>> People, pay close atention. THIS is how you Harp- ...I mean LAMpoon someone you don't like. Origional, nonviolent, and highly amusing. ^_^ ...By the way, Toku... Gravy!? o.O

Jul - Good to hear you're feeling better... Stay frosty, K? *snorfs*
...heh heh heh... I'm in on those too... ^_^

Brooklynn - Yo. *gives Brook the Lazy Eye* ...Things be cool, right? o.O
...Jes kiddin'... Mostly... Gotta be on the watch, y'dig? 8 )

*bows to all the people with blown mindsex, and makes his exit*

Gunjack Valentine - []
Mobile and Lethal
Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:45:42 AM

hi everyone! how's it going? good for everyone I hope.

Stephen> sorry to hear about your vision problems. I know where you're coming from. I happen to have terrible vision myself. My son just had an exam last March, and has been having problems with his vision again. So yesterday we go to his appointment at the Naval Optometry Clinic. Then doctor tells me that he's had yet another dramatic change in his vision, especially his right eye. Mostly it's due to puberty (he's 13)and all those wonderful sudden growth spurts I can expect for the next several years. (can anyone say Ka-ching?) She tells us the signs to look out for in case of Retinal Detachment! OY! Just another thing for my over-active imagination to have to stress over. Lord willing, it won't happen, but with all the rapid changes he's going to be experiencing...well, ya get the drift.

Well, that's all I'm gonna say for tonight. Staying out of the rest of the sticky mess. Love and Peace to all. :)

Katara - []
San Diego, CA
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:53:56 PM

*slowly tries to turn a mutilated frown upside down*

Lain: was much needed....thank you. *hugs/kisses/snorfs*

Stephen Sobotka: i just wanted to say that your lucky to have Heather as a girlfriend (i'm pressuming that she is...i'm kinda new around here) i was going out with a jerk-face <-(I STOLE LAIN'S INSULT) who was going to dump me b.c of my bulimia. i have been struggling with it for nine years and the funny thing is that you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at me. must be that eastern european build i was blessed with. i should have ditched him then and there but myself being the naive person i was thought he might have a change of heart. well.....that was a laugh. and the kicker is when i was in the hospital last term dealing with an illness he was "concerned" and "upset" and all the other crap that goes along with being jerk-face. i'm now with someone who is the there 100% behind me (i guess it helps that we've known each other for eight years so he's known since day one) and he's super supportive of my illness as long as i dont' do something silly again to provoke any more hospital visitations. i just thought i'd share that story.

tata for now.

blah, double blah
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:30:06 PM

Kirshante> I have a few watcher reports in the fanfiction archive
James Birdsong
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 10:59:08 PM

Greetings all... haven't posted in a while, so I thought I'd better deal with just the stuff I can remember or have interest in...

KILLING DEBATE - No comment.

DOUG/KIT - Cogradulations, you two! [hands over a bottle of well-aged honey-mead and some sweet confections] Hope the two of you are happy together for the rest of your lives (long and merry may they be!). At this time, let me use the toast I had Demona give Goliath and Elisa at their wedding reception in my fanfics:

"I wish for you nothing but lying, cheating and stealing. May you always lie down in love together . . . and may your love cheat the passage of time, and go beyond it's reaches . . . and may the only thing that you may ever steal is each other's hearts." - "A Midsummer's Joining"

Hope to see you two someday... perhaps at the wedding! I'll even bring my Heather along too! ^_^

TGS OPENER - No spoilers, but I can say this much that some of the reactions I've read are what I sort of expected to see. Still, keep at it TGS! ^_^

PERSONAL STUFF - Well, I'm still not employed after nearly 6 months since my return to Florida... trying like the dickens, but nothing's come up so far. Still, I'll keep plugging at it.

Today, however, I got a bit of a double shock. You see, Back on New Years, I accidentally broke my only pair of normal glasses. Without the funds, I went to the VA Hospital to get an eye exam and see if they would give me a pair to do me over until I could earn enough to get a regular pair. Of course, the VA is slower than molasses when it comes to getting paperwork done - plus with people dropping HMO's like flies, the VA's been overworked like a poor man's mule (one doctor told me they get in nearly 100 new patients a day now!).

So, it looked like it was going to take me nearly until March to get a doctor assigned to me... and then another month before I could even get the exam! But then, someone pulled out of an appointment today at one of the optical shops that the VA sends their patients too, so they called me to see if I wanted to come in for the exam and glasses today... heck YAH!!!

My girl Heather was kind enough to take me down there to the clinic, and waited with me to see the results. And, the good news was I could expect to get a new pair of glasses within the next week!

The bad news was it turns out I have a heretidary condition: a thinning of the cornea (that's the part of the eye light collects on in the back of the eye) in my left eye. It's nothing I've done that's caused this, it's a genetic fault that happens when some people get older. Because of this, my vision in my left eye is fuzzy, no matter that I wear glasses or not.

According to the doctor, I can wear contacts to protect the cornea and correct my vision somewhat, but he wants me to see a cornea specialist at the VA so that I can really see what options are avalible to me. And he immediately said to forget about laser keratotomy (corrective sight surgery by laser), since it would do more harm than good.

The bottom line is that I won't be going totally blind in my left eye, but that I might end up having to wear contacts (a move my family is certain will never work, since they feel I'd lose them constantly), or at the extreme, possibly have some form of surgery done that I simply cannot afford to pay for, no matter what.

The one good thing is that Heather has been very supportive throughout today... she said I shouldn't worry, and that we would find out what we had to do, then do it. <smiles> She's a sweetheart, alright. ^_^

Well, that's all from me for now... maintain and Check Six, everyone!

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 09:59:45 PM

Mary Flanders>> Glad you liked the paintings... Bahumet had commissioned them some time ago. I hope you enjoy them!
Spike - [<== Mary Flanders]
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 09:59:31 PM

Kirshanti- I knew about those. I've seen every ep. of Gargoyles (well, I missed a few of ABC's, but those don't count). What I meant was, it's been established that there are 8 surviving clans of gargoyles: 1) Wyvern (Clones & Avalon included), 2) London, 3) Ishimura, 4) Guatemala, 5) New Olympus, 6) Caledonian Forest, 7) ???, 8) ???. I was just curious as to the other 2.

Rodlox: Italy just seems cool. As for Point Pleasant, WV, back in the late '60's, PP was ground zero for what has become known as "The Mothman Visitations." There were several encounters of big, winged, man-sized & shaped creatures with glowing eyes at night.

No one responded to my other question. :( Don't worry; I'll post it again!

3 of the 6 proposed Gargoyles spin-offs have been made here at TGS. Of the remaining 3, Which would you like to see next?

"Gargoyles: 2158"
"Bad Guys"- starring Dingo, Matrix, Fang, Yama, & Robyn Canmore
"The New Olympians"- starring Taurus, Talos, & 2 proposed characters not from the series, Sphynx (winged chick) & Terry Chung (human guy).

Matt "King Snarf" Maybray - []
Drexel Hill, PA, USA
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 09:55:57 PM

Coyote>> Golly, you had the power chain too? I had an adult tooth come in through the roof of my mouth and had to spend a year or so having the bleepin' thing towed over. I thought it was a torture device invented by my orthodontist.

D&D News>> "Despair & Deliverance" is nearing completion and I just had a nice surprise -- they updated the webpage with a cast list and production photos! I'm so excited that I'm just stunned. I only just got my T-shirt for winning a Fanart Fight Club contest yesterday and now this -- what a good week I'm having!

Mind, now I'm due for a disaster.....

Tuesday, January 23, 2001 09:54:57 PM

And enough about politics and violence from me for now, instead I bring you...


A very good episode of "Buffy" tonight. Nice development on Glory and Ben (and it's about time they got some), I'm really beginning to like the uber-bitch. Also nice to finally find out what exactly Glory is. A freakin god, though probably in the nature of the Greek and Norse Gods, but a nice addtion to the mythology of the show.. Also a very fun scene with Spike and Joyce. I look forward to seeing the living condions in that crypt in the next episode. Finally, I applauded Buffy for standing up to everyone who said she was less than nothing.

Angel was also very good, Angel, Lindsay and Lilah all had some nice development, and the scenes with Wesley, Cordy and Gunn were hilarious. I hope those three agree on a firm name soon. It's nice to see Angel helping those who need it, it shows that he hasn't completly fallen into darkness just yet. My only complaint was no Darla and Drusilla.

Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 09:41:19 PM

*Robby points one finger into the air, closes his eyes and smiles knowingly, then comments*
1)That is a secret!
2) Yes.
3)That is a secret!

BTW, this was posted via relay through Coyote.

Tuesday, January 23, 2001 09:34:13 PM

Daniel Johnson made an excellent point. There is a double standard here, and this is not the first time we've seen it. Several times recently, individuals have been singled out, assaulted, and even driven off entirely, just because they had opinions that differed from those of the majority--and, in at least two of the recent cases, most of the blame was placed on those who were on the receiving end.

It's good to know that perhaps a few people understand what's going on here. But how many more times will this happen before the rest of you wake up and realize there's a problem?
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 09:33:52 PM

AARRGGHH!! Now I've got "Pomp and Circumstance" stuck in my head!

Please shoot me!

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 09:17:47 PM

Well, now. Did I start all this? Me and my big fingers. ;)

<<You're getting upset over some silly over-the-top violence that someone posted in the comment room?>>
No, not really, although I might not have done a very good job of making that point. Let's just forget the whole violence issue for now. I don't know or care about Ted Kennedy. I don't know or care about John Ashcroft (sorry Jannie!). And I certainly don't care about DC. :) You want to slaughter any of them in some gruesome way? Fine. I won't condone or condemn it; I'll just ignore it. Doesn't interest me.

What I DO care about is when we start attacking each other, if only our beliefs. Greg was singled out not because of the violence in his post, but because of his Liberal beliefs. (And Jannie defending someone she knows.) A Liberal says he wants to kill a Conservative and is denounced. A Conservative says he wants to kill a Liberal and is praised. I guess we should put a banner at the top of the CR that says "No Liberals." Maybe we should also add pacifists and children to the list.

OK, I'm going overboard here, but I'm trying to make a point. There's a tendency to be exclusionary, and I don't think we're always aware of it. Oh, and I agree that fantasy violence doesn't cause real violence. Someone who shows up at a school one day and starts shooting people has to be seriously deranged. The movies he watches and games he plays aren't going to make him start killing. That's a cop-out. No one ever seems to want to take responsibility for their own actions these days, hence the prevalence of lawsuits. :)
ROTFL! Nice tension breaker. ;)
Actually, I don't have a real problem with fantasy violence. Heck, I love a good game of Unreal Tournament. There's nothing quite like ripping an opponent apart with a Minigun, leaving blood splattered all over the walls. Hehehe. Or blowing them into chunks with a Flak Cannon. And I love sites like and Plenty of senseless violence there. Sure, we all need to blow off steam now and then.

So I guess it's not as much of a difference as you thought. ;P
***** TGS SPOILERS *****

I could say something, but the Illuminati would not be pleased. >:)

***** END SPOILERS *****
Well, I think I'm going to go play some UT or maybe Elite Force for now. Night.

At the tone the time will be 9:43 pm EST

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 09:13:01 PM

Crap! I have auditions at Sam Houston University for the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program and scholarships in two weeks and I'm so nervous! I'm probably going to go to UT Austin anyway, but I just don't want to embarrass myself. A little encouragement please!

Jannie> I know that I should think about it some more, but he's such a wonderful friend! I'm willing to believe that this was a one time thing after I yelled at him for it.

Gunjack> You have it right on the mark! *sigh*

Questions about TGS-no spoilers.
1) Do you think we're ever going to see Fang again? I mean, he was brought back for one ep and then he runs away wanting to be a superhero, and we never hear from him again! I just want to know if he ever reformed or not.
2)Did Othello and Desdemona return with Gabriel to Avalon? I noticed that they were not being included in the clan and I forget if they had left.
3)Is the Manhattan clan still planning the Gathering of the Gargoyles in Japan or not? We were left with the possibility and nothing has been said of it.
That's enough of my ramblings. Good night!

Tuesday, January 23, 2001 08:32:22 PM

Hey guys
<SPOILERS " Of Things to Come">
Quick notes on " Of Things to Come - Waystation, pt. 2"
I didn't really care to much for this episode for many reasons. One being the fact that they jump around with nothing really easing into the next scene. Two it was hard to read do some words were completely out of the sentences.
(I'd say they need a new proof reader.)
I didn't like Lexington's rants about Brooklyn. Maybe this is due to the fact that except for him having robotic eyes I haven't found any written evidence that something is wrong with him. If someone knows what happened then please email me.
I also didn't care much for Graeme's not understanding of why they protect. Most gargoyles just trudge on regargless of what happens.
<END SPOILERS " Of Things to Come">

I think I've said my peace


Brooklyn - []
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 08:06:55 PM

**Lady Corax comes in, dressed in a cheerleader's outfit complete with the shiny pom-poms, and cheers.** Go, Coyote, go, Coyote! Rah-rah-rah! Pull out all that hair! Oh, no, wait...that wouldn't be good! Um...put back in all that hair? Oh, heck...**throws the pom-poms aside and starts re-inserting his hairs one by one, responding to posts as she goes** :)

GB> Ya know, I think I like Clarence Thomas better than Rehnquist too. And I never did hear, I guess, what Anita Ho said to smear Thomas...although knowing our political views, I'd probably agree with ya that it was inappropriate.

Current CR Violence Debate> I dunno. For me, I can tell the difference between just having some virtual fun and actual violent ideas. But maybe that causes a problem for others. I'm not sure. So basically, I have no opinion. :)

Dreamie> **drools just thinking about the RAW centerfold** Ya know, I briefly thought of posting that too...but thought the same thing you did...I'd probably get booted right out of the CR! j/k :) Still, ol' HBK is one heck of a hottie...:)

Dental Stories> Well, yeah, I'm one of those weirdos with 3 sets of teeth. :) But my wisdom teeth haven't come in yet either, and haven't shown any sign of doing so yet. I'm hoping to goodness that I'm also one of those people whose wisdom teeth never come in. But we'll see. **winces at Coyote's story** Man, I guess I'm extremely lucky...I go to a wonderful dentist office back home, where the people are great about messing with your mouth...made me feel good about dentists. :) But only as long as they never, eeeever take those gawd-awful plaster impressions of my teeth again...;)

Coyote> Ugh...sorry to hear about your dental woes! And try not to let the stress get to ya too much...I wouldn't want ya losin' yer hair over it, after all. :)

Well, okay...sorry this post ended up so lame. I think I'm hepped up on Pepsi again. :) Now I'd better go change out of this awful outfit before someone gets pictures they can use against me later...;) Take care, y'all! :)

Lady Corax
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 07:38:15 PM

I'm not particularly fond of senseless violence myself, although I am currently finding it a little tempting to imagine hockey being the target of it. "Buffy" and "Angel" are being locally pre-empted tonight for a St. Louis Blues game. :(

Well, let's take comfort in one thing. There's no possible way that the TGS Comment Room can possibly get any more bizarre than it....

*The strains of "Pomp and Circumstance" suddenly begin playing, and a door at one end of the comment room opens. A procession of aardvarks in single file marches through the room, walking in perfect timing to the music. They walk straight for the door at the other end, which opens before them, and exit from the room, after which "Pomp and Circumstance" dies down.*

Well, maybe it can get more bizarre, after all.

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 07:30:52 PM

Tim> I agree with most of what you said, and I can assure you I'm not a pacifist, I have had to resort to violence during certain conflicts in the past, and it felt good and I'm proud I did it. That does not make it right by any means. And I was more upset about double standards, not the violence itself.

BTW, Rage Against the Machine rules!!! They are not right on everything, but a lot of what they say makes sense. There are a lot of things wrong with this country. They're most certainly not Communists, and even if they were, that's their perogative, if someone wants to be a Communist, that's their choice.

Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 07:02:13 PM

Juat a couple of things since I donn't want to be here all night,


Actually just an opinion and we all know what they are worth, but anyways
I think that the stress between Lex and Brook should be a point of foucs. This necessary silence that the Timedacer and co. have done have really got him steamed.

Oh and about last week even though it's moot: the exit wound of a shot that was as high powered as they said it was would have been a lot worse than the entry wound. DOA in most cases.

Revel - []
the big bad art lab
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 06:53:05 PM

Juliaexia>> I KNOW you're lurking... *HUGS* and YOU know I know what you know.. you know?? ;)
s'OK sweetie
*stands in front of Julia, so that the palms of their hands are barely touching and stays there for awhile with eyes closed.. then pounces on her with a giant HUUUUUUG, followed by a smug smile of psychic-ness..*

so take THAT :P

Tuesday, January 23, 2001 06:43:01 PM

Daniel J - At last, we have another difference. I do not mind violence in writing and in RP, because the writer may need to release the anger and better there in RL.

**DPH opens a portal and out appears none other than DC. "DC, I have a job for you. On this sheet of paper is a name of a person I want to have fun with while the person is at home and commuting to work. In return, I do not kill you today." DC takes the sheet and disappears.**

Ambigious answers, lies, 1/2 truths. These are the things that the director of HR [where I work] says. I caught him in a lie today and he will pay or give me grant me an early vacation where I can go to the Gathering. His payment for lying will involve a call to corporate offices from yours truly, telling the whole truth about the all lies.

1st, it's apparant the same writers stayed from the series to do the movie. Frankly, I would rather the series continue than do several Pretender Movies. This movie came across to me as more of a season premiere than a movie.

2nd, the writers forgot to follow-up on one important thread left over: what did Major Charles, Emily, and Zoe end up doing post-blast? I mean they were pretty safe so Jarod should have at least made an attempt to check on them.

3rd: the relevations about 2 other Pretenders at the Center just do not add up. Except for Alex clearing up a minor plot point, everything was completely unexpected. Sub par Pretender or not, somebody should have been tracking down 'Eddie' because of the liability issue for the Center. Another thing: Reins should have been over Alex after Alex's failed escape instead of Lyle. It just makes more sense. The coverup about the escape does not seem to work well.

4th: Can somebody say continuity? Ms Parker has known since season 2 that Mr. Parker was NOT her real father. Why bring that up again now?

5th: Missing: one Angelo. Angelo should have had a least a brief appearance in the movie.

6th: Ethan: Ok, so is Ethan taking over the role of Angelo in providing information that temporarily changes the status quo?

7th: Mr Reins - Ironic that all of people, Miss Parker saves his life. His last action does have a point of self interest. If Reins should become completely useless, he dies. Therefore, handing out that clue suddenly makes Reins usefull again. Usefull as in I will tell you info in return for a favor.

7th: the movie should have been 3 hours to address more information. A quick 30 minutes to check up with Major Charles & co. Another 30 minutes could have easily spent doing something with Angelo.

8th: can we please a revelation about the Triumvirate's inner workings?

IMHO, sadly, the movie lived upto the series. Therefore I say it was poor to fair.

That's all for now, folks.

DPH - []
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 06:25:14 PM

Tim - Always nice to hear a voice of moderation... : P
Gunjack Valentine
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 05:48:36 PM


[ Tim walks into the CR with an M-14 slung over his right shoulder, a large throwing Knife seavthed on his belt, and a 1911 Colt .45 in a shoulder houlster. ]

Normally when an issue like this pops up in the CR I try my best to remain calm, rational, and polite. But in this case I'd like to take a moment and say... WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!!!!

What's Going on Here, Everyone trying to get in touch with teir inner child or something? Are you people seriously saying that some of you are UNABLE to tell the DIFFERENCE between REALITY and FANTASY?! You're getting upset over some silly over-the-top violence that someone posted in the comment room? BOY, ARE YOU IN FOR A SHOCK!

Fantasy is different from reality becuase it doesn't have real consequences as they normally would. So it's alot more fun.

Let's not kid ourselves folks, we're animals. Homo Sapiens are the result of over 5,000,000 years of evolution. You can make it as civilized and technically advanced as you want, it's not gonna change a damn thing. It's still are naure to kill, rape, pillage, and poke fun at people Can can take away all the guns, knives, and nukes in the world, but people will just keep punching, kicking, biting, and throwing rocks at each other. That's WHAT we ARE. Anyone who has reached adulthood and says that they've never been angry enough to kill somebody is either lying or dilusional. It's human nature, regargles of age, gender, race, religion, or sexuallity. I'm not saying this for your comfort,people. Hate and violence are as much a part of our nature as love and peace, but we're too damn puritanical or too afraid to acknowledge what we're capable of. Then we get on some soap box and denounce it so we feel better about ourselves. Then we croon about the welfare of the children who alledgedly visit this room. Let's face it folks, young children hardly ever come to this CR, and those who do don't ever see anything nearly as bad as the content in many other public comment rooms. And if there are any kids reading this, GET OUT NOW!!!

It's a good thing to be commpassionist, not to be a pacifist. That's what made America great! Remember the Boston Tea Party? Back in colonial times, England had ridiculously high taxes on many imported products such as tea. This was all done without representation on our behalf. Did we put up with it? HELL NO! Our ancestors dressed up as Indians, boarded a British ship moored in Boston Harbor and dumped all the tea overboard!

I'm not saying I condone real-life violence. I want to join the Marines to be a world class warrior, not a murderer. I like guns, but I hate hunting. Hell, I feel kinda guilty when I go to a McDonalds drive-through. Strangly, whenever I see a western, I feel more sorry for the horses who get shot than the humans that do. Nor am I saying that people aren't capable of rising above themselves. But that doesn't mean I don't like going to a movie and watch Bruce Willis shoot a bunch of mother[bleep]-ers with an UZI.

<< Not to preach here or anything but those two wackos from Columbine High School had only practiced their killing on computer or in their journals and the next thing you know - bam. All it takes is one fool who reads the wrong comment at the wrong time and we've just become responsible for a mass-murder.>> So, what? If that loon doesn't snap reading some comment in this CR, what to keep him from snapping when reads something in the newspaper or on the Evening news? Hell, somepeople just go plain nuts if somebody cuts them of on the interstate! It doesn't mean that should punish everyone else for it.

People have also complained about how some music has sublimable messages that alledgedly causes kids to committe suicide. I don't have a problem with that. Sounds like a problem that solves itself. If anything, it's a form of natural selection. A stupid teenager who shoots himself in the head just beacuase a song told him to does not go on to have stupid kids of his own.

I know I seem to be acting unusaully. I'm normally a polite, softspoken person who keeps to himself, but don't assume that I can't be an @$$hole when I have to ; )

And now before any moratoriums on CR violence are inacted...

[Suddenly, the band Rage Against The Machine pops out of nowhere and start singing "Testify". Tim aims his M-14]


[Tim empties the magazine at full auto at the band, shooting them into bloody, gory chunks.]

Whew. That was cathartic.


Tim P.
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 05:25:07 PM

Green Baron <<THE NANNY STATE >> What??
And no, that thinking does not cut us off from our own impulses, it helps keep us balanced. I didn't say not to have violent themes in writing (hell, my own book has lots of them) I'm saying not to make a practice of them.
Yes, writing out our violent fantasies can be a wonderful way of living them without hurting anyone. However, as already pointed out - some wacko with no control over his anger could take it the wrong way. Would you want that on your conscience (for ex: someone kills in your name like Manson did with Helter Skelter and the Beetles...)?

James << My main man!!! So good to meet a fellow watcher. So much information to trade and analyse... and have fun with. (Ok. so I sound like Data, but hey - I love details).
What news do you bring from afar?
Oh and what did you think of the newest additions to TGS?

Kirshanta - []
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 05:01:57 PM

Kirshanta> Resident Macbeth expert at your service (bows) I know Gargoyles Macbeth inside and out. Historical Macbeth too but in any case if he immortal then he needs a watcher and that watcher (not Buffy kind, Highlander kind) is moi; James Birdsong
James Birdsong - []
San Diego, CA, USA
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 04:40:05 PM

Jannie> Well, in all honesty, CNN usually has taht kind of data on political figures. They do some mistakes, liek Bob Livingston is Epsicopalian, not Catholic. I recall Ashcroft being mentioend as Assembly of God on another politcial profile, but I tend to lump them together with Pentecostals as a subset, because they all wave their arms at Church.

<<I can believe that the Assembly pastor called Catholics Pope worshippers - there is quite a rival btwn the two religions. But, in all fairness - it's not just Assembly or Pentecostal that believes that ;)>>

No, the pastor didn't. Jimmy Swaggart did. The pastor at First Assembly was arrested too, not that I trust multi-millionaire preachers, too much.

As for the Pope-wroshipper bit, anyone who thinsk that is extremely ignorant and I hope they meet the same fate as Jimmy Swaggart,a nd get exposed for their hypocrisy, the wya he got busted afetr denouncing Jim and Tammy Faye, but at last the Bakers were amusing.

GXB> Not really. Most politcians are blah, a few are annoying, but not dislikable, liek Paul Wellstone, and a few are really detestable liek Kenendy or Burton, whiel there are some real gems, like McCain or Cleland from Georgia. Max Cleland is too liberal fo rmy tastes, but you may agree with his veiws. He's also upbeat in how he ahs ahndled life since he lost three limbs in Vietnam, which makes him remarkable how he lives a successful life with is impairments.

Lain> I realize I do have my fault and one of them is a very demented, bloodthristy, and sadistic sense of humor. I will belay all violence in the comment room. Just think, you may make me civilized, one day ::kiss::

Gunjack> Well, I think I missed that talk. Besides, Chelsea's real father is probably Vince Foster :p

Dreamie> <<::: Places a hand on his shoulder::: Deep breath in...1...2...3...3...2...1... Slow breath out. Feel better? :::grins::: >>
Pardon? I don't udnerstand what this is in reference to.

Sevarius Jr> Mel is an Australian citizen and yes, he was bron in NYC, but hsi dad left there thinking America woudl collapse in moral decay. Well, he was right, but it's not that bad a place to live :)

Warpmind> Well, maybe Norway should just pillage the EU countries to fund a better transit system :)

Xena Trek> Maybe they should have Kristy Swanson on the Buffy series to see who would get the joke :)

Kirshtanta> <<So what?? Not to preach here or anything but those two wackos from Columbine High School had only practiced their killing on computer or in their journals and the next thing you know - bam. All it takes is one fool who reads the wrong comment at the wrong time and we've just become responsible for a mass-murder. >>
I disagree. We woudln't be responsible at all. Thso epeople have problesm and if not us, someone else would do it. That mdoe of raosning can usher in authoritarianism and protecting us from ourselves, which wil usher in the nanny state.

Caliope> Well, I would need a car if the barracks is ten miles form where I work or such. I really don't care about socializing in the backwoods area a base is in, which have nothing more than soem bar to start a fight in, and maybe the Wal-Mart is the great social gathering place. I'm a city boy and I'll have the internet for Friday and Saturday night :)

Good bye to all. Have a good day.

Green Baron - []
New Orleans, Louisiana
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 04:20:14 PM

I just my paintings from Spike in the mail of me as a Gargie!!! I look so cool!!!! ^_^ My only regret was that I wasn't able to send Bahemut a better piccy of me in a better yukata. I don't have an obi(sash) which is a proper belt for a summer kimono. The thing in the drawing is basically just a belt for a bathrobe. >.< But I still look hella cool! :) :) :) :) :)

Thanks a ton Bahemut and Spike!!!!! ^_^

Mary (again)
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 01:54:45 PM


Just took my oral Japanese exam today (early, since my finals day for that class is tomorrow. I did it to get an extra point). Relatively easy. The only thing I really need to know for each question was, "Moichido onegai shimasu." which translates to, "Say it again, please." Also, I got an A (98%) on my written Japanese exam which I took Friday. ^_^ But I know for a fact I'm doomed for Physics. I'm just not a science person. :/

Caliope: Yes, I live in Davis, CA. Do you have some connection to Davis (i.e. live here, lived here at some point, know someone who lives here, etc.)? Oh wait! I think I remember you from GFW! You lived here when you were a little girl, right? :)

Mary Flanders
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 01:22:49 PM

I certainly have always had qualms about killing off or abusing real people in RP in the room. I’ve taken great exception at directing any sort of activity towards members of the fandom, even those not present in the room. As involved personae drift further and further from the readership, I grow less concerned. I still don’t particularly have a taste for involving real-life people, even celebrities and other “fair game” public figures. Fictional characters … ah heck … that’s where I definitely draw the line into things I’m ok with. Now, what people do with their Own characters as extensions of their own personae, that can be just a bit creepy. Fantasy violence the like of which you find on TV is generally not so bad (blasting this and that, flesh wounds, random mooks getting axed off-camera). The kind of stuff you’d see in “Silence of the Lambs,” however …

Wallowing in carnage is not encouraged in the CR, and every so often the moderator has to come through and drop a reminder to tone the graphic nature down.

However, coming from Massachusetts, I can testify to the fact that if you prick Ted Kennedy, he does indeed bleed gravy and whisky. Also, by the size of him and the thickness of his head, it would probably take him a couple of days to notice he’d sprung a leak. I think I’ve finally figured out why Massachusetts has such tight whaling laws … I don’t think we should kill Ted, just put him back out to un-beach him and put him back out to sea. Even if he can't swim, he'll float so nicely his life won't be in any sort of peril.

(Apologies to any whales who were offended by this analogy.)

As for the commentary in the room, one has to realize that the CR functions as more than just a TGS Bulletin Board. It stays alive during many long months of drought while waiting for new episodes to come out. When the new topics dry up, people generally communicate about other interests with their fellow members of the CR community. The reason why this CR will never be regulated to on-topic posting is very simple: it kills comment rooms. “Gargoyles” proper is not on the air, and TGS take a lot of effort to get seasons produced. If not for the off-topic banter, very little would endure and the community would crumble and slacken greatly.

Sure, not everyone cares about the CR community, but there are enough people who do to keep the place lively in the lean seasons. Nothing wrong with off-comment posting, but also nothing wrong with calling for more chatter on-topic with new material coming out and all.

Anyway, duty calls. Later folks.

Kaioto - []
Boston, MA, USA
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 12:52:27 PM

Hey!!!!! *grinz silly like* Me is happy today, but dont ask why!!!! ;P

Winterwolf> Hi!!! *HUGZ the fluf outta the wolf* Did ya see Roswell?! It was neet! I'm starting to love Kyle now! Him thinking he's an alien now and Tess making fun of him :P

Mary Flanders> <<forgin curse words* LOL But thats just clasic dear! I took a semester of french in the 7th grade and the first thing we did was look up swear words in the dictionary. Unfortunatly (or fortunatly, remember ;) ) they never put the realy good ones in writing :P If ya need to know any swear words in spanish tho, I'm happy to help! :P Hey, You live in Davis, CA?!

Doug> <<Kit is happy with her classes this semester, but she's attending them in a really good mood because of our engagement, not that. Guess you somehow missed the news.>> Oh that IS a good reason to be happy! And yes I did miss that, sometimes I just zoom through posts and only reply to ppl who adress me by name cuz I dont have time to read through. But Congratulations to both of you!!! I hope your extra extreemly happy together! *HUGZ both*

Emambu> <<Young man? *sniffs* I thought I was older then you.>> lol I wouldnt know! I guess I'm just used to being one of the old timers at castle chat :P How old are you then?

GreenBaron> <<Well, I may actually have a liscence after all. Depending on the base I'll be stationed, I may have to get a car and deal with all those expenses. >> Yeah, for some reason I see army bases as being far away and secluded, not the type of place you'd see a bus stop :P Still, I supose it depends on the base. So how long will you be away, after the 29th I mean?

Egad! Must go, gotta go, I'll be late!!!! See ya guys!!! *HUGZ all and runs out of the room waving her hands above her head* :P

Caliope - []
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 12:42:06 PM

<<A cure for paranoia>Take a couple tylenol and call me in the morning.> or..."take a couple of tylenol and I'll call you in the morning - no, you don't need to give me your number."

<1) During the 2nd Season, as well as comments made by Greg Weisman, we've learned that are two other clans of Gargoyles running around. Where they at? I'd guess Italy>

out of curiosity, why Italy?

Papal Gargoyles? :)

<& somewhere in the U.S. (Point Pleasant, WV, but that's the paranormal buff in me speaking)>

*blank look* eh??

Tuesday, January 23, 2001 12:34:45 PM

About the whole killing thing....perhaps we should call a moratorium on killing "real" people, i.e. politicians, actors, musicians, etc.

But let's not go all crazy and start saying no killing whatsoever. Pacifism is a nice ideal, but it isn't how the world works. I think we can all get along without doing in celebrities, but as far as original characters, such as DC or Sli Sludge, I think they should still be fair game.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 12:20:18 PM

Ok - seems like a lot of apologiesex are going around. Seems to me, we should just lay off politics.

Dreamie<< Stop dreaming of Shawn Michaels and wake up. Stone Cold Steve Austin is THE one. (So much for my non-violent views)

Greeen Baron<< ITS JUST CR KILLING >> So what?? Not to preach here or anything but those two wackos from Columbine High School had only practiced their killing on computer or in their journals and the next thing you know - bam. All it takes is one fool who reads the wrong comment at the wrong time and we've just become responsible for a mass-murder.

DPH<<< A cure for paranoia >> Take a couple tylenol and call me in the morning.

Gunjack << SOO SEXSORRY eh? >>> Nice...

Matt M << Two other gargoyle clans>>> Well, one is in Ishimura Japan, and the other is in England. Oh and there are two gargoyles protecting the amazonian forest in South America. For episodes see, BUSHIDO, M.I.A. and THE GREEN.
See also Gargoyles Season 2 and Pendragon in TGS.

lain<< I wish I knew you well enough to retract my claws and hug you 'cause you sound like you could use it. But you're right, there is way too much violence.

It seems to me, this being a GARGOYLES CR, we should do more commenting on GARGOYLES. All I read about is politics. Sad really. It seems only the new people are commenting on TGS. Shouldn't the older ones, who have been here longer and who are such the experts on GARGOYLES be the ones commenting??

(Sorry for the sarcasm...)

Kirshanta - []
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:52:41 AM

The faith of Buffy? Got this newbit of a source I frequent:

"With all the talk of 'Buffy' moving channels, The Slayer herself has made her stance very clear to E! Online whilst at the Golden Globes. Gellar says: "I will stay on Buffy if, and only if, Buffy stays on the WB. The WB has been so supportive, such a great network over the past 4 years. It feels like home. I don't want [Buffy] to move, because I feel that we belong on the WB. It's where our fans are. If Buffy leaves the WB, then I'm out". Meantime the fifth season continues and get ready for something devastating: "Buffy is going to encounter a trauma this season that is unlike anything you've ever seen her go through. It's absolutely heartbreaking. And it's going to shock the hell out of everyone" "

XenaTrek - []
Orlando, FL, USA
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:24:32 AM

OK, I'm going to say one more thing about the violence issue, just to clarify how I feel. I don't like violence. Like lain, I'm something of a pacifist. I really wish people would tone down some of the graphic descriptions in here, but I'm not going to keep harping on it. I can just ignore it like I've always done. What REALLY bothers me is the uneven way standards seem to be applied. Greg's statements were excessive, which he realizes, and he got an earful about it. In my opinion, Gunjack's and GB's statements were just as excessive, but most people just seem to think it's funny. Now, I'm not trying to ruin anyone's fun, and I'm quite capable of being silly (and frequently am), but maybe we should take Gunjack's advice and lay off the killing for now. Besides, it's just liable to lead to bad feelings. OK, my attention is starting to wander, and I'm getting tired of being seriousex.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled room.

Experimenting with subliminal suggesextions, huh? :)

At the tone the time will be 11:31 am EST

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:01:46 AM

Coyote> Actually I found that quite funny.
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 08:24:19 AM

*Warpmind enters, smudges of tomato sauce visible on his shirt, a coffee stain in his lap, and in the background, "Duelling Banjos" can be heard.*
Ugh... one of THOSE days... and to top it off, DC has been messing with me all day. NYARGH! *Drags DC off to test the newly-installed Grimtooth-class implements.*

There. I'm perfectly calm now. On to replies...

Revel: Yeah, well, at least you HAVE loans. ];)

Daniel Johnson: True, but how many children understand that? (No need to count them, just think about it for a few seconds.)

Green Baron: Mass transit in the cities is generally so-so; there are many areas even in the urban areas the mass transit don't stop at, usually less-visited areas. Anyways, picking Oslo is really poor sport; the capital is not exactly an accurate gauge on how the averages are, eh?

Gunjack Valentine: Three readings? Damn, I'm BAAACK!!! ];) As for keeping Lynati from looking at you like that... Done. ]:) Oh, and that apology... *Swats Valentine with a wet mop.* Now you're being silly. By the way... I've got 1,000$ that say Lynati an' I will ride away together. Or at least catch a ride together. Or any variety of the phrase. Still offering 30:1 odds? ]:)

Lynati: THAT explains why I've been so irked the past two days... *Patiently waits...*

Gside: Wilek get a mention? I figured he should, but then I realized his posting frequency has dwindled somewhat... Tsk, for shame... Oh, and the frequency of mutilations and grotesque deaths may have dissipated somewhat with Mr. Kerns' departure, but they're still around from time to time. As for the ChronoTrigger tip: THANK YOU!

Well, that concludes the post. *Wanders off to wait at his in-box.*

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Tuesday, January 23, 2001 07:27:12 AM

New TGS> Nice work. Liked the Lex scene.

Warpmind> <<ith such casually villainous people like Gunjack, Gside and myself here>>: I feel honored. Though shoudn't Wilek get at least a mention?
<<I'm looking into having crafted a boot-size version, to shape like gargoyle feet>>: I thought the same thing when I saw it on Junkyard Wars (I think it was the wheelless car episode). It wasn't actually in the junkyard, they had someone giving a demonstration.
<<the construction's none too sturdy>>: Shame that.
<<there *have* been some grotesque RP occasions>>: But those seem to have faded with the departure of Mr. Kerns, and with him the joyride.
<<Programmer's room in ChronoTrigger? WHERE? [etc.]>>: Well, first you must finish the game. Then, in a new game + (as with most endings), you must either defeat Lavos before you make your first jump (use the sparkle in the right telepod), or in the Ocean Palace. I believe the first option is easier, even though you are limited to two characters. But what I was referring to was what one of the programmers says something like "siht daer naht od ot retteb gnihton evah I."

Fire Storm> <<I was gust being silly>>: Just checking. My question wasn't fully formed and is easily misunderstood.

Monoliths> You know, in the original Arthur C. Clarke, the monolith's were transparent.

Gunjack> <<Methinks I've aquired a rep>>: It seems to be concentrated in certain letters, specifically G and W. I've always thought they were kind of strange. Like pickle and wang are as words.
I think I just channeled Gabe for a second.
<<If tequila+misery=tentacle>>: Not necessarially. Wasn't everyone else in the tequila? And none of them got a tentacle.
<<tentacle(tequila+misery)=>>: I'd assume either squid or tentacle beast, depending on the magnitude of the tentacle.
<<Doesn't everybody?>>: The women? Though it is nice to watch.
<<trying to map all the subdialects would probably be a second Augian Stable>>: Ture, but each character can represent one other character or a limited set of characters. Real ugliness pops up in finding character breaks under the |\/| and |\| convention. So, how do we divert a cleansing data flow through haxor areas?
<<was that altered pic inspired by the tie?>>: Partially. That was one of the reasons he likes it.
<<Rifling's been around since the wheellock days>>: But I seem to remember hearing it starting being used during the civil war.
<<HECK YES!!! THAT'S a valentine's gift>>: And you know I was referring to the blocks that you have to knaw at to get anything. Or the use of a hammer for snack times.
<<Because of a little thing called History>>: I have a feeling I am going to be paying for that for the rest of my life.
<<Can't you just FEEL the love?>>: "There's chemistry here. Can you feel it?" "I felt it." "All right Janice!"
<<Allow me to demonstrate with the help of DC, a roll of duct tape, and this ordinary plastic bag>>: Make sure you have him describe the lactic acid buildup because of anaerobic glycosis.
<<WARNING: HIGHLY SERIOUS APOLOGY AHEAD>>: Subtle much? sex What do you mean? I didn't say anything. hentai There you go again, imagining theings, honestly. porn
Anyway, I'm reminded that they've emulated Vampire Savior now. Mmm, Felicia, Morrigan, bouncy...

Dreamie> <<Scotland…Mel…Kilts…>>: Why do I get the feeling you liked the Braveheart mooning scene for reasons other than the disrespect for authority it showed. And why am I afraid you took an image enhancer to the picture?

CtB> <<what good chocolate is. You know ... the kind of chocolate you can stick to the wall>>: As of yet, I prefer my chocolate hard or drinkable, not in between. Though I do need a woman.
<<My Gun Has Killed Less People Than Teddy Kennedy's Car>>: That's fewer people. It's weird the grammatical nits you have.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Monday, January 22, 2001 11:46:09 PM

*Lynati Enters*

back at school now. Computer lab doesn't open for another two days, I'm on a friends computer now.

Gunjack: Gee, I wonder what you were thinking about when you wrote the end of your post...

lain: *waves at lain* Got to be careful with those drinks, but I guess Whatever happens, happens. ];)

Warpmind: e-mail you soon. *rare precious smile*

Gonna go read the new story now.

Monday, January 22, 2001 11:39:42 PM

Matt> I would like to know what Macbeth did over the past 900 years before he arrives in New York City. He wasn't hunting Demona. The hunters were doing that :O Dentistry> When I was 8 a girl called out my name when I was riding bike, I turn to look, I hit parked car, Lots of mouth bleeding and crying loudly. I lost front tooth. No amount of singing for it back worked as of yet
James Birdsong - [Lennex]
San Diego, CA, USA
Monday, January 22, 2001 11:39:14 PM

**strolls in casually, steps to the center of the room and proceeds to yank every hair out of his head one at a time**

Yes, I'm stressed, why d'you ask?! Between customers and just living in general, I'm about ready for someone to make that call to Arkham for me (XenaTrek, wanna do the honors? ;)!!

Let's see now ...

Weird dental stories: Well, I can't say that I've had multiple sets of teeth like Milady Corax, but I did have a situation where half of my hard palate had to be removed from my mouth to allow a tooth to be pulled forward into place. And yes, it was a permanent ... matter of fact, it was my right front tooth. Required an addition to my existing braces (called a power chain by the orthodontist) to pull it forward about a good half inch. That is probably the one thing that gave me my horrid phobia of dentists. Honest to God, I have dental coverage on my insurance and I can't bring myself to use it because I'm *that* afraid of dentists. **whimper**
About the only weirdness I can declare now is that three of my four wisdom teeth never erupted, and two of them (my left two) are trapped on their side. Only way to correct that is *shudder* surgery. So you can understand, knowing of my fear, why I haven't done anything about it. :(

Weekend activities: Went to the last day of the Detroit Auto Show yesterday. Had a good enough time, I suppose, but it seemed ... well, just a bit duller than it has been in recent years. Nothing *that* groundbreaking was presented this year. Fact is, the most excitement I think came the first night when they had the stampede running out of Cobo. :P
Anyway, I got some pretty good pics on my handy dandy digital camera, especially those things I myself particularly liked ... folks might think me strange of getting a picture of the Cadillac Escalade's dashboard ... but dammit, that was the only Caddy that *felt right* at the whole show!!

lain: **sits and also awaits the phoenix's rise** Here's hoping the new lease on life you have given yourself makes things that much more tolerable for you.

Gside: I suppose you subscribe to the Gallegher school of what good chocolate is. You know ... the kind of chocolate you can stick to the wall ... "now two days from now when the stagehands are cleaning up, they see that up there and they're gonna say, 'Damn, now that's some good chocolate!'"

Warpmind: Yep, V-Day is the 14th. **does the same as Warps**

GXB: Well, I'm glad we agree about something. Though I don't think you'd like the bumper sticker I saw on a pickup once that I just thought was brilliant ... "My Gun Has Killed Less People Than Teddy Kennedy's Car."

**raises an eyebrow at the end of Dreamie's post, then gives a sympathetic pat on the shoulder** From someone who's been there, lass. :)

And I believe that's all for me for tonight ... **leaves to calculate how much postage it costs to mail fudge to Arizona**

Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Monday, January 22, 2001 11:30:11 PM

Guandalug > that's great news! I know all your hard work is very much appreciated, and want to say thanks on behalf of all us fanfic writers!

Christine - []
Monday, January 22, 2001 11:29:58 PM

**SJ delurks briefly**
Mel Gibson? Australian?

Um, no.

I generally like Mel, but this is what pisses me off about him--he's American. I don't mean he's been naturalized, I mean he was BORN here. And, he lived her for the first TWELVE years of his live. Born in New York, lived here for 12 years until, the "official" story goes, his dad won Jeopardy and moved the family to Australia (the unofficial, and perhaps true, story is that Mr. Gibson moved the family to Australia to protect his boys from the Draft and the Vietnam War).

I like Mel, but he always portrays himself as this Australian bred man, through and through. I don't even get his accent....I mean, he lived in America for TWELVE years. It's like me being born here in the States, moving to Spain for a few years, then coming back and speaking with a Spanish accent all the rest of the days of my life. It's counterfeit, I say.

Anyway, this is just a pet peeve of mine. It's one of the things that make me want to set a torch to Hollywood. Don't know why it bothers me so, but it does.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Monday, January 22, 2001 11:25:45 PM

:::Walks into the CR grinning from ear to ear:::
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great day!

Traveler: <<Soooo... they poked a bit of fun at the Pope.>> And I missed it?! :::curses under her breath:::
<<Me'thinks someone needs to stop taking everything so seriously all the time. After all if you can't laugh at yourself...>> :::grins and nods::: Sometimes it’s the only way to know you’re sane.... and if that’s not the case, boy am I in trouble. ^_~

<<Mel Gibson is Australian>> While I realize this, I also find any reason to mention that particular man to be well worth the confusion. Scotland…Mel…Kilts…. It’s all good.

Lady Corax: <<"Who th' heck's Shawn Michaels???" **drools** Oh, just THE most sexiest profressional wrestler who has ever lived! He is SUCH a hottie. :) >> :::Fans herself::: Oh the stories I could tell…. <<Clicky my name for a picture (sorry I couldn't find a better pic). Mmm...>> I *would* post the RAW magazine centerfold if I didn’t fear being booted from the CR. Gee, I guess I have no choice but to keep it for myself ^_~ Not that I'm complaining, mind you. :::drool:::

Emambu: <<Ehhh... busy is the best word I can answer your question with (see selfish rant above for more detail).>> Wow, that’s quite a predicament you have there... it seems a good many sites have been going out of business lately... <<How have you been, BTW?>> Pretty good... busy as you are, but I’m guessing not in as much of a complicated manner! :::laughs::: <<As for the monolith: well, they now have about nine years to encode a self-duplicating matrix program into it, strap some rockets on it, launch it into Jupiter, have it eat away at the planet, and turn it into a star so that there will be everlasting peace on earth. :)>> :::Stares at Emambu::: Kay. <<At least they got the dimenions right, 9:4:1.>> All I need now is a monkey suit and I’d be set to take a trip to Magnasion Park. :::looks at herself::: But maybe this is close enough. :::Grins at Emambu and makes a monkey nicker:::

Welcome back Blue Caeru!

DPH: <<You gotta remember paranoia runs in my veins. If anyone knows of a way to remove paranoia, let me know. >> Well you see.. first you take the biggest melon spoon you can find and.... :::pauses and looks out at the CR::: Ahem, Nevermind.

GB: ::: Places a hand on his shoulder::: Deep breath in...1...2...3...3...2...1... Slow breath out. Feel better? :::grins:::

Kahreen: Hey woman! How have you been? It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Your visit just reminded me to put up that commission :::hits head::: I swear me and my memory sometimes..... Anyway, stay in touch and tell everyone at the Clan I said Hi, and that I’ll always remember what great people they are! ^_^

Welcome back Brooklyn! You were missed!

Christine: I’m glad Becca’s feeling better! :)


Sorow: Great men protect their mates until and subsequent to the ends of the earth.
<<Why is love so complicated?>> It depends on the people involved.... some find it to be the easiest thing in the world. Well okay except when they‘re apart.... so I guess you‘re right then Sorow. (Congrats on the UT acceptance, btw!)

Winterwolf:<< and halfway down the block I was surrounded by five guys. They reeked of alcohol and started hitting me>> O.O :::gasp::: Oh my! That’s horrible! Nice area or no, the Albany innercity is no place for such a gentleman. :::shudders visibly::: I sincerely hate needless violence against innocents.

Niamhgold: Hey by the way.... :::grins and pokes her::: Can I have a cookie too?

Kit and Doug: Congratulations on the Engagement! You two are such a beautiful loving couple, I couldn't be happier for you! :::Sings happily::: Love is a very splendor thing....^_^

:::Glances at Warpmind and Lynati, Green Baron and Lain, taking a seat across from the couch, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Sighing softly she places her chin on her knees and stares out the window at the falling snow:::

Monday, January 22, 2001 11:02:56 PM

Hey, everyone! Wassup.

2 quick "TGS" questions:

1) During the 2nd Season, as well as comments made by Greg Weisman, we've learned that are two other clans of Gargoyles running around. Where they at? I'd guess Italy & somewhere in the U.S. (Point Pleasant, WV, but that's the paranormal buff in me speaking)

2) This one's more of a poll. You guys have done 3 of Greg's six proposed spin-offs. What's the next one gonna be? (I now I'd love to read or work on any of them). What do you Comment Room regulars think it should be. Me, I'd pick "Bad Guys", though the "New Olympians" would be cool, too.

Anyway, I have to head to bed shortly, as I have to wake up at 5 (Eastern Standard Time). Damn regular job!! I'd like working in a mall better; I could sleep til 4pm & still make it in time for work!

G'Night all!

Matt "King Snarf" Maybray - []
Drexel Hill, PA, USA
Monday, January 22, 2001 10:43:31 PM

*Valentine enters, straining to cart a wheelbarrow filled with CAD rigs, reference materials, and a smiling Nadia. He manuevers the cart next to his desk, and Nadia grabs the Comfy Chair as he unloads his tools, lazily scanning the CR as he works*

Wheeeee, what a day... My computer has reached truly insane levels of instability, and I'm still trying to figure out if it's dying or merely turning into a rougue AI. Oh, for a new Comp... I would call it George, and I would hug it and stroke it and love it so very much! ; P ...Anyway, it's been a rough week, hence the lack of Postage.

Modelling - Got the Flamer beta finished last monday, and spent all the rest of the week trying to spin up concept art for the rest of the arsenal. At one point, I was seriously considering quitting the mod, but inspiration struck last night. I think I've found my second wind. 8 )

Rodlox><<I'll clone Warpmind! {somehow, that lacks a threat}. :)>> You have no idea. Warps is my only defense against the power that is Lain... ; )

Kit - Congratulations on the engagement, and I'll be praying for long years of safety and joy... :D

Warpmind><<Methinks you may have gone over the edge there...>> Please understand that it took me three times of reading your post before I understood that pun. With that in mind, I hope you'll understand that such villiany MUST be answered... <<With such casually villainous people like Gunjack, Gside and myself here, to maim... uh, *name* but a few, you've got one heck of a job there. ];)>> Methinks I've aquired a rep... 8 )

Gside><<But how long will it be able to retain that title? How long until the porn job offers start pouring in?>> As long as I avoid the misery journeys, everything should be fine... Which brings up an interesting question. If tequila+misery=tentacle, then tentacle(tequila+misery)=??? o.O <<That, and I need a woman.>> Doesn't everybody? ; P <<Though It would pobably be easy enough to write a program to convert haxor characters to standard.>> I think you're forgetting that there IS no deffinitive H4xorsp33k alphabet, and trying to map all the subdialects would probably be a second Augian Stable... <<And the tie is my father's favorite from this year's crop.>> O.O ...Wow. was that altered pic inspired by the tie?
<<But wasn't that before rifling?>> Nope. Rifling's been around since the wheellock days. <<How can the added distance help you when you don't know where your shot is going?>> Well, it works like this. They have four shots to hit one of me, and I have two shots to hit two of them. On the other hand, I'm willing to bet both of them know jack about weapons, and I'm pretty dang good. So my skill and the longer range balances out their numerical advantage.
Yes, I really need a life.
<<I'm talking a big honking man sized hunk of chocolate.>> HECK YES!!! THAT'S a valentine's gift... Well, that or a good rosewood ring...

Coyote - Thanks for the Ashcroft info. T'is most helpful to hear the story behind the story on these things...

DPH><<Here's a question: if both a liberal and a conservative newspaper report the same 'facts', does that mean those 'facts' are more likely to be true than if only one of them published those 'facts'?>> Yes, it does. <<Why is it so easy to call a white man a racist for one action than it would be to call a black man a racist for a similiar action?>> Because of a little thing called History.

Lain><<And PS pay no attention to whatever the heck Valentine just wrote cos I know he wrote something and that little OIHH WHIFJEFIUGIP^#*&*&Q@HIYF&RE * .. I'll get him..>> Can't you just FEEL the love?

Lynati><<Now is prob'ly not a good time to mention how much I love shiny blue things, is it?>> O.O *Jun retreats back inside Valentine's trenchcoat* ...Warps? I'll give you access to my armory and two vials of V242A2 if you'll make her stop looking at me like that...

Daniel J><<Why do we need air?>> An excellent question... Allow me to demonstrate with the help of DC, a roll of duct tape, and this ordinary plastic bag... ^_^ <<I'm not trying to attack or offend anyone, but I'm just letting you know that at least one person here is...disquieted about this.>> You aren't the only one. I don't know about the liberal/conservitive demographics, but things are getting a little out of hand. How about we just declare a ceasefire on politics for a week or so and let things cool down?
Dangit, I suppose this means I'd better call off the duel... oh, well. :P *emptys the howdahs into DC* ...Anyway, maybe you, Lain and I should move over to the Teatable of peace, eh?
<<You have only yourself to blame and I have no sympathy. ;P>> Um, actually, she DID only have one drink. And she doesn't deserve any sympathy, since she robbed me blind...

SOROW><<Why is love so complicated?>> Because if it were easy, no one would care about it? o.O

Emambu - Sorry to hear you're getting caught in the Meltdown. If it's any consilation, you aren't the only one... I've been hearing about this all over the place! Have you guys found a new server yet? And I'm probably gonna send you some pistol and flamer pics within the next week, if you've got the time... <<BTW, do you think we'll hurt the ecosystem if we eliminate that type of fish? :)>> I think the ecosystem could take it... And any damage would be worthb it to remove such a NASTY little bugger. <<What o what gave you that idea? :)>> The tape recorder seemed to have that Hitchcockian twist... Though it may just be evidence of your insanity. If so, good work! 8 ) <<I dunno... start looking for a new line of work?>> Think it's that serious? I mean, sure he's malevolent in a lovable kinda way, but he isn't really a BAD guy... Right?
<< As for the monolith: well, they now have about nine years to encode a self-duplicating matrix program into it, strap some rockets on it, launch it into Jupiter, have it eat away at the planet, and turn it into a star so that there will be everlasting peace on earth. :)>> I've got dibs on the giant mountian of diamond...

Aaron><<Unless there're some rules for a threeway that I don't know about.>> Yup, you got it. Two on one. Anyone wanna write up odds for me? 8 )

GB><<In fact, I wonder if Bill is Chelsea's real father. I think it may be Janet Reno>> ; P ...Dude, what did I *JUST* get done talking about? ; P <<What were you and Gunjack doing?>> We were playing some drinking game involving psychic powers and PGGBs. I cheated, and she STILL beat me. Something funny's going on... o.O

Jul><<Remember me off Instant Messenger??>> Indeed I do... Way back in the grenade launcher days. How're things going up in the snowy north?

David G - I know EXACTLY what you mean, 'Mano...

*Scans the CR*
Hmmm, I think that's about it, except for one last thing. There's been an awful lot of serious business in the CR, so I guess this is as good a time as any other.


Over the past two weeks, I've participated in several... events that have been posted on the CR. Most of these have been entertaining, to a point, but with the revival of TGS I find myself wondering about the wisdom of such activities.
This is a comment room, a place for reasexoned (and sometimes frenzied) discussion. The purpose of a Comment Room is to deseximinate thought, not to provide a stage for silly and inane stuntsex. I've been guilty of the latter these pasext few weeks, and I'd like to offer my sincerest appologiesex to you all.
In particular, I'd like to appologize to Warpsex for the totally reprehensexable "gambling odds" I posexted a while ago. It sexhould have been painfully obviousex that thisex was going too far, and I can only hope that I haven't sexullied Warpsex'sex sexpotlesexsex reputation.
These thoughtsex have been hanging over me like a sexword of Damoclesex, and I thank you all for your patience as I sexort my way through this mesexsex.
Thank you, and good night.


Gunjack Valentine - []
Dignity Personafied
Monday, January 22, 2001 10:35:18 PM

lain> Have I ever mentioned that sometimes you make me want to take you in my arms and just hold you until you've cried every tear you'll ever need to shead, and then stand between you and anything that would ever try to hurt you with a sword.

Of course, since you're a pacifist that might not go over so well.

Anyway, I really admire you and I feel priviledged to know you.

We now return you to your usual, cynical version of David G.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Monday, January 22, 2001 10:25:40 PM

*lain enters*

Just a few words on the subject of CR violence..
well.. being the resident pacefist who just joined the army.. well..

I am sometimes pained when I read the violent thoughts that people write in here.. I cringe at some of the acts that are committed in here. Heck, I feel protective of DC, for goodness sake.. (OK.. so maybe that makes me a sap but.. still ;P)
Anyway.. Even being the soft hearted fool that I am, even I can see that there is a difference between RP killing of the imaginary DC and the stabbing or graphic injuring of a person who exists in real life.. no matter if anyone in the CR likes that person or not..
People need to be respected. There have been other calls in this room for violence to be less.. graphic.. And I think that is good.
I have cried sometimes reading the posts.. that someone could even imagine doing whatever the action has been to another.. and then thought that it would be.. "fun".. to write it to other people..
Maybe it is fun for you, I do not know. The only thing I can comment on is what I feel. I know lots of you won't feel the way I do.. and that is OK. If I want my opinion to be respected, I must in turn respect your opinion, no matter how different it may be from my own.
I also think there is a line between CR violence out of anger or out of fun. Violence out of anger may be about the equivalent of pillow-punching and, though I have never hurt an innocent pillow in my life ;) I know it helps a lot of people, and most in here like to be supportive and listen when others have problems, or concerns, or anger. I would never try to make people hide or repress any strong emotions they might have, because that does noone any good. But saying you commit CR violence because you find it amusing? I am afraid that I cannot understand how killing or violence could be fun. Maybe I am missing some very large part of life but I must admit that I do not understand and.. if a person can imagine hurting something imagined so easily and with such a vengence, what is to stop them from thinking the same of me??
Maybe you all do, secretly ;) Wouldn't be the first time.. ;)
But it makes me uncomfortable. I have been a victim of violence and I know that it hurts. Having felt the other end, I cannot conceive of ever wanting to cause the hurt I felt on another, no matter how much I might disagree with what they think.
Am I making this personal? I am sorry if I have done that.
This is my voice, and my heart. Maybe you think I will make a shoddy soldier, but I would like to think maybe I could be a good peacekeeper.
I am not trying to insult anyone. If I have, I apologize with all my being. My intention is not to hurt, but just to express my own opinion, which has no authority other than my own.
Your collective respect for the opinions of others is honouring. Thank you for taking the time to read and for trying to understand.

lain iwakura
The Great White North
Monday, January 22, 2001 08:42:38 PM

I read latest TGS episode and that's all I gotta say about that
James Birdsong
Monday, January 22, 2001 07:46:33 PM

Green Baron> Don't worry, I don't like Ted Kennedy. I agree with his politics, but I think he's a despicable human being. But hey, doesn't being a despicable human being fall in line with being a politician?
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky
Monday, January 22, 2001 07:32:21 PM

Gside: <Actually, I was referring to how you refered to "some cases" of yourself singular. I think that would only happen with reincarnation or a "many that are one.">
I know what you meant. I was gust being silly.
I said "some cases" in referance to it occuring more that once in my mouth, which my dentist said was wierd because it is very rare for that to even happen once in a mouth, let alone 2 times in the same mouth.
And I hope it dosn't happen to the lower teeth. Ow!
<Maybe, but I think that would be harder. Plus, it wouldn't burn for as long, and probably not close enough to white light without the mass to cause the large gravity to sustain fusion.>
I figured as much. I doubt it would last 25million years, and it would probally make light that was not biologically compatable (UV, lots of heat, maybe even xray and gamma)

Daphne: <Ok, it's a stretch.>
A stretch, yes, but also completely logical.

DPH: <I need the archives from where the CR archive left off to last week>
YEOW! how much room can your mail server support?

OH! Check out my link to hear about some radical artists!

Fire Storm - [<--- My god! It's full of... stars!]
Monday, January 22, 2001 07:19:25 PM

Quick question: Is anyone taping the Pretender Movie tonight because I will not be able to due to lack of setup at home?
DPH - []
Monday, January 22, 2001 06:27:24 PM

Fire Storm - I need the archives from where the CR archive left off to last week. Damn, that will take time to update the BFTS RP archive, but oh well, it is my fault for getting behind.


Ok, I am still wondering what 'early next week' could be construed as. That's when I was told I would have my last interview before starting the background check. Today has come and gone and no interview.

Did I mention my area has a 99% chance of working Saturday ALREADY? I do not think my area got ahead on Sunday so you can guess what that means. I am taking off the weekend before I go full-time and there is absolutely nothing that can stop me because the absences will be recorded under my temp days and will be erased the Monday I go full-time. Oh yea, that means I will be working 3:30pm to 11:30pm so yep, my posting times will change.

Very Funny, everbody, very funny about typing backwards. You gotta remember paranoia runs in my veins. If anyone knows of a way to remove paranoia, let me know.

DPH - []
Monday, January 22, 2001 06:17:40 PM

GreenB> You believe what you hear on CNN? *blinks* No, John is not Pentecostal, he's Assembly. As far as the origin of the Assembly of God, I'm not sure - I'd have to ask my parents for that bit of history/information. There are different branches of Pentecostal... United Pentecostal, Pentecostal Holiness, etc. just as there are different branches of Baptist, Methodist, etc. I *think* there's only one branch of Assembly, but once again, would have to check on that. Personally, what I see as a difference between Assembly and Pentecostal is that the Pentecostal are more traditionalist and have a tendency to be a bit more fanatic in their "do's and don'ts" But, you're right... Assembly does not believe in drinking, smoking, and dancing. Most Pentecostal don't either. They are very similiar in their doctrine and I'll research it further, if you'd like, to find out what the significant difference is between them.
*chuckles* no, they are not the snake handlers... those people are crazy! *L* I forgot what particular "religion" does that - but they are certainly not the norm and have absolutely no connection with Pentecostal or Assembly.
I can believe that the Assembly pastor called Catholics Pope worshippers - there is quite a rival btwn the two religions. But, in all fairness - it's not just Assembly or Pentecostal that believes that ;)

Monday, January 22, 2001 06:02:08 PM

Juliaexia> Welcome to the Comment Room. Lian can fill you in on me :)

DPH> Why are you afraid of directly saying it is Robert E. Lee's birthday? He along with my great-great-grandfather were good examples of the Confederacy. General Lee was a staunch opponent of slavery, while Ulysses S. Grant owned slaves and Sherman and Sheridan were incredibly racist and committed genocide against countless Indians.

Also, I think General Lee as well as TM Logan would be appaled at how the Confederate flag would be used as a symbol of racism, as well as the whole 'redneck' culture. They were perfect examples of refined Southern gentlemen and all that was and still is good about the South. I also believe Robert E. Lee would have been a staunch opponent of segregation if he lived that long.

Lain> I am always glad when you are greatfulk because of me ::smooch:: What were you and Gunjack doing ::holds her as she weeps::?

Lady Corax> Personally, I think Clarence Thomas would be an excellent choice for Chief Justice when Rehnquist retires. It won't change the conservative-liberal balance and Bush can then appoint a certain Latino Judge in Texas. The News was talking about that scenario with Scalia, and while I like Scalia, I like Clarence Thomas even more and I think Anita Ho was wrong for smearing him like that.

As for Jesse Jackson, I had Clarence Thomas deliver justice to him in the RP.

Jannie> Well, I heard he was Assembly of God, too, but CNN declared him a Pentecostal who doesn't beleive in smoking, drinking, or dancing. I also always thought Assembly of God was some branch of Pentecostal founded in the Second Great Awakening. I was sent to an Assembly of God nursery school, before Holy Name, and I'll never understand why my motehr sent me there. My father was invited by my teacher to a Service and they were all convulsing and doing other stuff. Now that I think about it, I'm glad I left there when I was five. The pastor of that school and Church was also caught with a prostitute like Jimmy Swaggart. He called my people Pope worshippers, so its fitting he got his downfall in New Orleans.

Are Assembly of God the ones with the snakes?

Daniel Johnson> But Ted Kennedy is fun to do bad stuff to :)

Blue Caeru> Welcome Back.

Warpmind> How is mass transit in Oslo, then?

Traveler> <<Soooo... they poked a bit of fun at the Pope. And by your tone you'd see them executed for it. (Or at least beaten within an inch or two of their lives.) Man, you would have L-O-V-E-D the Inquisition... >=)) >>

Where did you get that from. I just said it was in bad taste and the episode wasn't all that good, either. I never said anything baout hurting or censoring. I haven't really quit watching, but I tend to miss it more. I saw one episode and I'm glad Timmy is the fifth kid. He's very funny...Tim-may!! Tim-may!!

As for the Inquisition, I feel a lot of guilt over the attrocities committed against the Jewish people, yet I have no sympathy for Cathars, Albigensians, or other mockeries of Christianity that got it. I don't think it was right to set them on fire, but I'd galdly commit all the pseudo-Christians :)

GXB> I don't really object to you despising Ashcroft, except that you were more going on emotion and less on real reason, which has to do with him as a person. Dan Burton (R-In) or David Duke are perfectly fair game to hatea nd both quite right-win, excpet Duke is more of a pure wacko than a legitimate conservative.

You're entitled to your opinion about Ted Kennedy, but please assure me you don't actually like him ::shudders:: I didn't actually kill him, just stabbed. Think of the Comment Room Ted Kennedy as a DisConnect type of individual that can take a lot of abuse.

As for anger, it's good you're seeing someone for it. I prefer to committ comment room bloodshed for fun and amusement, not because I'm mad.

Kirshanta> But it's only CR killing of politicians. It's like killing DisConnect or Sli Sludge.

Now, I'm off. BTW, if Ashcroft is Attorney General, will he try to encourage a moment of Convulsion for Pentecostal and other charismatic students :)

Green Baron - []
New Orleans, Louisiana
Monday, January 22, 2001 05:04:38 PM

Extra teeth>> oddly enough, my family has the opposite condition -- we're missing teeth. My brother was missing... umm... I think it was his upper canines (braces fixed the way his teeth look, not strnage at all now) and my aunt didn't have any wisdom teeth.

Bond Mystery>> I was watching THE ROCK the other day, and... wait...
**Possible James Bond and the Rock Spoilers ahead**
Ok, sean connery was bond. this is a given. James bond, unless I'm mistaken, was a member of the SSA. Now, in The Rock, Sean Connery's character was *also* a member of the SSA. Now, what if the name James Bond is an alias for whomever is agent 007 at the time. Now, the Sean Connery agent does hie little American mission, gets caught, and gives the name John Mason. there is no evidence of hime ever existing... they never actually say this information was erased. So, "Mason" is in jail in America, and a new, younger "Bond" takes the name in Britain.
Ok, it's a stretch.
**End of possible spoilers**

Happiness, all!

Monday, January 22, 2001 02:36:33 PM

Rodlox>> The anthology was "In the Shadow of the Gargoyle", edited by Nancy Kilpatrick. Our "Gargoyles" got mentioned in the foreword, which was kind of nice.
Spike - [<==<< In the Shadow of the Gargoyle]
Monday, January 22, 2001 01:39:49 PM

<This new book is derived from a short story, "The Gargoyle's Shadow," originally published in an anthology about gargoyles and was one of the best stories in it, IMHO>

umm...does anyone know the name of hte anthology?


Monday, January 22, 2001 01:22:27 PM


I just finished reading this week's episode.

WHAT AN IMPROVEMENT !!! It was SOOOOOOOOOO much better than last week, much more attention to detail, much more character development, much less jumping around from plot to plot.

The Lex scene was magnificent. Handled brilliantly although it could have (and maybe should have) lasted a mite longer.

Graeme restlessness will be infectuous I wager, and before long I beleive it will tie in with the Gargoyles's legal right issue.

Goliath's sudden mistrust and almost wrathful attitude toward Xanatos is bizzare. They were almost to the point of friendship at the end of last season - what happened?

The illuminati trial was somewhat of a puzzler - I mean come on. The Unseelie uprising was awhile back. Why bring it up now? Isin't it kind of late for that?

Anyway, just a couple notes.

Oh and Ed - I agree with your comments even more now.

Kirshanta - []
Monday, January 22, 2001 01:17:04 PM


Ok - so it seems everyone liked the new episodes and found nothing wrong with them (except Ed whom I agree with wholeheartedly).

See, don't get me wrong - I'm quite happy to see that many of the issues we are all waiting to see are being addressed - Explanations for the Rising, Brooklyn's travels, Clan authority, Goliath and Elisa's love....

However, I simply feel that truness of character was somewhat sacrificed for the sake of plot creation. I mean REALLY - HOW MANY DIFFERENT PLOTS CAN BE CREATED BEFORE WE LOSE DETAIL.

Fine, so the assasins wern't important enough to be named - except that before, even the measlyest of little crooks were graced with a name.

And how abouttha pace of the story - We move from plot to plot and room to room so quickly, there is no time for details to be incorporated into each plot. It feels as though some sentences were cut off abruptly, just as they were beggining to gain intensity.

The whole thing is somewhat frustrating and very Anti-Climatic. But, it is also a much-needed portrayal of various issues that everyone was wondering about. I just wish they had decided to lay all those issues out over a period of 3 or 4 episodes, bringing them in subtlely.

THAT'S WHATS MISSING - SUBTILITY. None of it is hinted at. It's all just laid out in front of us, like the end of a detective novel.

Ok - I'm done.


Daniel Johnson - I don't point and laugh, I simply smile ironically and say : Its OK. I don't come around much. Reading through a comment room is quite the task and I don't always have the time required.

Ed - you hit the nail right on the head. I wish I had the time to express my comments as well as you have (see above musings)

Ok - that's all for now. I'll try and check in later.

P.S. I agree with not killing poiliticians. I have no feeling for them one way or another, but we can't have killing here. ** Holds out her hand like the movie character whose name she can't remember **
It's just wrong, WRONG I tell you!!!

Kirshanta - []
Monday, January 22, 2001 12:33:14 PM

Green Baron> After reading your recent post, I feel I must make this response. First and foremost, I recognize that my comments and death suggestions towards John Ashcroft were wrong and that I was being a complete @$$hole when I made them. I also must add, that the scenario you wrote with the stabbing of Ted Kennedy was also inappropriate. I'm sorry, but perhaps nobody in this CR should make any suggestions of murder towards anyone.

I do agree with you that I about doing something with my anger, and I do have some anger problems which is one reason why I'm currently seeing a psychiatrist.

Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky - []
Monday, January 22, 2001 12:18:41 PM

Blue Caeru:
Welcome back! Hope you get to be around a bit more.
ROTFL! You are as crazy as lain! This is going to be interesting. :)
Yes, the story looks much better.
Yep, their pies are incredible; in fact, everything there is incredible. It's hard to believe that fruits and vegetables can get that big. I know people who go there from NY and PA.
Yeah, I know, but there's a difference between talking about imaginary characters and real living people. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this way; if so, feel free to ignore me.

And I'm not gonna even ask about the hampsters. Nope. There are some things even I can face. :)
Obviously, you ignored Zaphod's warning: "Never drink more than one Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster unless you are a 30 ton mega-elephant with bronchial pneumonia." You have only yourself to blame and I have no sympathy. ;P

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Monday, January 22, 2001 11:36:30 AM


***Spoilers and comments***

So near and yet so far. This story is dizzy with so many nice little features, but I just can’t help having the feeling that they’re not followed through. I know it’s the beginning of the season and this is a set-the-tone kind of episode, but there was plenty of room here for a bigger discussion with Lexington, more of Goliath’s reaction to Xanatos and Gray, and especially more on the assassins. They weren’t even named for crying out loud. I guess I could say that it was a nice artistic point that the people weren’t important, but it was their cause but… sorry. These catalysed the main story and even if they weren’t important as antagonists we could have seen the story played out. The fact that there is no legal protection for gargoyles is fascinating: but we got no sign of how Elisa tried to push the case. This was the perfect opportunity to see Maria Chavez come into her own as a character: what decision does she make? It could have helped the flow of the story – what if Sara had disappeared in the middle? It could have made more cohesive two disparate story strands. The title was ‘OF THINGS TO COME’ but this wasn’t really milked at all. Plots were laid out dangling but there was no particular urgency – no feel that just around the corner, all hell is going to break loose. No more so than you’d expect from any season opener.

On the other hand, I’m really pleased to see that the direction is very promising. Many of the obvious sources of clan friction are being at least glanced at: friction against Brooklyn and Sata, disenchantment with the role of gargoyles as protectors, gargoyles rights, the legal status of gargoyles, the aftermath of the Rising internationally etc. Very promising.

I thought it wasn’t as well laid out as it might have been. The first two scenes have three separate non-chronological time jumps. And I really don’t understand what this is about:
Goliath turned back to Talon. "You will be needed, you know?"
"We’ll all be needed, someday."
Er, what?

Then we move onto the scene with the Trio. The dialogue is brilliant here – really emotive and the tension is well-justified. But what’s this with Broadway being judgmental? This struck me as rather out of character. I can think of a lot of things that Broadway would look like after finding out that Brooklyn knew something about his daughter’s future welfare. But judgmental isn’t one of them. Still, as I say, the Lexington scene is absolutely perfect. Far too short IMO but perfect nonetheless. We get some continuation and a hint that more is to come but there was no reason why this shouldn’t have been thrashed out more.

Then we have Margot. In ‘THE JOURNEY’ she pointed out to Macbeth that it was wildly improbable that gargoyles have ‘real human thoughts and emotions. They’re beasts. Animals’. Implying gargoyles as part of the Lost Nights malarkey suggests intelligence. Their speech could be explained as how a parrot can speak through study and imitation but suggesting that they’re responsible for the Pack etc. is a bit ridiculous.

Back to our disappointingly anonymous snipers, who are magically bereft of any character whatsoever – extremely disappointing. ESPECIALLY if these guys are released, surely Elisa and somebody would have got the lowdown while she could? Of course we didn’t see that bit so we can’t even know. This scene was over so quickly and with such little effort that it just seemed… well, anti-climatic. At least we got some good reaction:
“This is pure xenophobia. I have been too hopeful of being accepted by the human world. Things are not as I anticipated.”
Our subsequent introduction to Ms. Gray is great too – and we finally get some of Goliath’s mistrust of Xanatos seeping out. I’d rather have Elisa’s, her having a bigger track record of hating the guy. I also think Gray is a bit weak at present. I’d hope we get more scenes with her interacting with non-partisan figures on her opinions.

The final Goliath scene with his discussion with Hudson was pretty weak, I thought. There’s not even a snatch of a hint at when it’s going to be announced. It seems a ridiculous amount of fuss to make a public announcement when it was established that almost everybody knows. If the season had started from the point that nobody had really been told it would have been different – but seeing as how they were going to make an announcement, it doesn’t really strike me as interesting plotting dangling this for more than one episode.

And what was that thing with Matt all about? His ‘interrogation’ must have lasted all of thirty seconds? Quite aside from the fact that this was the perfect chance to recap all the salient points from last season without those clunky ‘previously on Gargoyles…’ flashbacks, they seemed to know everything that they were asking anyway. What was the point? The summing up was pretty unspectacular either. I liked Blackwater’s attitude but “we’ll leave the gargoyles alone” is hardly the case that was being put forward by Yale: what’s been resolved on gargoyle protection, research.

I really, really enjoyed this episode: but it’s so incredibly frustrating since I’m sure that with a bit more polish this could have been brilliant. I’m pretty sure that if the villains and scenes provided were developed enough and the time scale extrapolated to dilute the Washington scenes that this could have been a 3-parter and still set up a season.

Nonetheless, the threads set up are incredibly promising, and I’m greatly looking forward to next week.

Ed - []
London, England
Monday, January 22, 2001 11:24:55 AM

Green Barron- Soooo... they poked a bit of fun at the Pope. And by your tone you'd see them executed for it. (Or at least beaten within an inch or two of their lives.) Man, you would have L-O-V-E-D the Inquisition... >=))
Me'thinks someone needs to stop taking everything so seriously all the time. After all if you can't laugh at yourself...

Lain- *Cartman's voice* Lay off the cough syrup Lain, seriously man... we're worried about you.

Monday, January 22, 2001 10:56:34 AM

Just a few things
Well if this is the only way for me to get here I may only do this once a week or if convienent. Anyhow, classes are beginning to roll finally and now I I've got to kick my brain into gear. No Problem

Doug and Kit- Big congrats my friends.

Warps- Look at the bright side if the world were to end before the gathering, at least I wouldn't have to pay back my loans.

That's it.
I'll read the new TGS from my computer.

Revel - []
denton, tx
Monday, January 22, 2001 10:23:36 AM

*appears in a puff of smoke*

Doug> <<Well, when I looked at the authors page it still had every author's name listed three or more times>> *laughs* You DEFINITELY were looking at the original fanfiction archive. I didn't update ANYTHING there up to now, for I want a smooth transition. The reconstruction-page is located at http://meiske.home.dhs/org/fanfic_archive/ (or click and follow the link)

Fanfic Archive News: Nearly all of the about 2100 stories are in the archive now. Missing stories (about 50) belong to 6 authors who all have multiple accounts, didn't answer my EMail up to now and for whom I cannot decide which data to use. Additionally the about 100 stories that were added this month are missing - those will be included next month I think.

On the archive-side I still need to implement the search-functionality, test some of the functions in the author-administration-area and overall check the archive for consistent work. By the way: I today 'build' the adult part..... took me about 15 minutes to alter the code and adapt the adult archive's look & feel.

Kyryn> Thanks a lot - this one was MUCH easier to 'convert'. There still were the normal 'flaws' that come with MS Products, but as I said - those are easily repaired.

*bows deeply and vanishes in a flash of bright light once again*

Guandalug la'Fay - []
Monday, January 22, 2001 08:40:16 AM

** Niamhgold enters _reaaallllly_ quickly **

Hey, guys, will have longer post later today but for now just wanted to say I'm still here! Also wanted to say that everything is going well on the homefront as well...

Adios for now!

Monday, January 22, 2001 08:20:01 AM

Hey, you sass that hoopy lain iwakura?? There's a frood who really knows where her towel is...
Monday, January 22, 2001 03:04:17 AM

*Valentine enters wearing a huge grin, and revels in watching Lain get repeatedly soaked by buckets of water. As she squelches past, shoulders stooped in defeat, Valentine collapses in laughter*

THAT'S why you don't mess with the 'Jack! Booya! Serves you right for trying to beat me at draughts! Just be glad I didn't include the Peanu- *Nadia glides up behind him and whispers in his ear. As she speaks, the macho grin melts from Valentine's face, to be replaced with a wide-eyed expression of shock. By the time Nadia steps back, the Gunjack's eyes are locked in a thousand-yard stare, and all color has drained from his face*
But... She... I mean... How COULD she? How DID she?
Guys, don't EVER mess with Lain. I have NEVER been duped so neatly in all my years...
*crawls off into corner to contemplate his defeat*

Gunjack Valentine - []
Winning the battle, Losing the war...
Monday, January 22, 2001 02:55:42 AM

*lain enters, looking totally defeated, and sluring slightly, having lost a pan-galactig gargle-blaster drinking game to Gunjack Valentine. Having forfeited her dignity, she resignedly hands out the obligatory buckets of water to the present members of the CR and proceeds to run around shouting "I'm a fire, I'm a fire, puty me out!!!"
After being totally drenched, she vows never to drink that Old Janx Spirit ever again. Crawling over to Green Baron, she squeltches onto his lap, (thankful to be wearing a shirt of a colour other than white) and weeps with humiliation..*

Monday, January 22, 2001 02:35:00 AM

THIS oughta be good.... ^_^
Gunjack Valentine
Monday, January 22, 2001 02:22:51 AM

*Warpmind enters, pooft'ing on a cigar.*
Well, it's that time again... Back at "work"...

Lynati: You mention the hamsters? *Sigh* It had to resurface someday, I suppose... but remember: I blame Spike for that one entirely. *Mutters something about Garlon and Sekhmet.* ];) Oh, and Valentine's day is the 14th, right? *Begins looking up florists in the relevant area...*

Green Baron: So you would have thought, eh? But, alas, in Norway (unlike the rest of Europe), mass transit is a) inefficient, reaching the less-populated areas either by luck, misfortune or coincidence, and b) overtaxed to such extremes that owning a car almost pays of in comparison. :( Long Live the Waving Thumb... *Sigh*

Christine: Gotcha... now let's see if Patrick will reply soon...

Juliaexia: You intend to stress us out? ith such casually villainous people like Gunjack, Gside and myself here, to maim... uh, *name* but a few, you've got one heck of a job there. ];) Welcome.

Selanit: Oh, yeah, the SpringWalker... *Grin* I'm looking into having crafted a boot-size version, to shape like gargoyle feet. ]:) (There exists a boot-size version, but the construction's none too sturdy... yet.)

Daniel Johnson: Oh, c'mon, what's the statistics on numbers of violent deaths an average six-year-old will have seen on TV? 'Bout a million? This is piece of cake, really. Well, then again, there *have* been some grotesque RP occasions... ];)

Ooo, new ep! Must read...

Gside: Programmer's room in ChronoTrigger? WHERE? WHERE? SHARE! SHARE!

Well, that about concludes it. For now. *Wanders off to stalk his in-box.*

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Monday, January 22, 2001 12:56:15 AM

Aaron> <<The Cone of Silence. (Okay, who gets it?)>>: I'd like to claim that I did.
<<Unless there're some rules for a threeway that I don't know about>>: Standard mexican standoff. And make sure you empty the gun of the guy who you want to dig.

Lynati> <<You want questionable, you go ask Warpmind about the hamsters>>: Is there any reason my homonecropyrobestialiacophobia should be flaring up? Sorry, I just like saying that.
<<the limited number of valentine's day presents suitable for males>>: Food isn't bad, but not those frilly little chocolate samplers. I'm talking a big honking man sized hunk of chocolate. And square, any other shape is unnecessary. That, and you can find out what people like (as in my father's love of cherry cordials and my mother's addiction to anything raspberry).

Gunjack> <<And then DC killed two posts in a row>>: So as retribution, will you kill DC twice in a row?

Welcome Juliaexia.

ffuts sdrawkcab: Have I found the programmer's room in Chrono Trigger again?

Fire Storm> <<No, they were ok with it>>: Actually, I was referring to how you refered to "some cases" of yourself singular. I think that would only happen with reincarnation or a "many that are one."
<<Isn't there a time zone in the US that changes by :30 and not a full hour?>>: I don't think so. Or at least they don't account for it at
<<if it were possible to increase the density of Jupiter, would it start fusion and become another star?>>: Maybe, but I think that would be harder. Plus, it wouldn't burn for as long, and probably not close enough to white light without the mass to cause the large gravity to sustain fusion.
<<everyone have a round of hot Delicious Orchards apple cider and donuts. Best cider in Jersey>>: Thank you. I've been addicted to their pies (apple and pecan have been present at just about every family gathering), and my aunt's been sending me brownie/cookie/fruit packages from there occasionally.

Welcome back, Blue Caeru.

New TGS: Must wait until after linguistics block tomorrow. Much reading there.

Kyryn> <<I went back to the older coding>>: It looks much cleaner.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Monday, January 22, 2001 12:50:02 AM

***Kyryn steps in.***


TGS now presents this weeks episode...

Of Things to Come

Written by Allan Coleman Waltrip

Outline by Rahsaan Footman and Todd Jensen

BTW, I went back to the older coding, so hopefully it won't be as much of a problem as last week's. (Now if only my monitor here at home will stop sliding into fuzziness...)

***Kyryn steps aside to avoid the rush.***

Denton, TX
Monday, January 22, 2001 12:33:45 AM

Hi ya'll.
It's midnight. I have to get up for work at 6:45, and I can't sleep. Oh well. At least now I have the chance to say:

Doug & Kit> Congratulations.
lain> Nicely done. Brava.

That should just about do it. See ya'll later.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Monday, January 22, 2001 12:33:21 AM

Daniel Johnson: I LIKE YOUR STYLE!!!
i skimmed over the political (pardon my francais) crap and i agree with you. maybe i'm just biased on the fact that politics are always in everyone's face and that it just becomes that a word? is now.... i personally am not a political person and i try to avoid it as much as possible. ask me when the last time i voted....i have no clue...actually, i had a brilliant unrealistic idea today while wolfing down my teen burger from A&W in the food court of the mall today. i had just checked my bank account and freaked and thought what's the point of money and politics? it's just a game that is equivalent to king of the hill that adults play. whoever is on top is the best. but are they really? do they really know what is best for society? i just find it amusing how we - the society - are encouraged to be individualistic yet we are supposed to follow the 'norms' of what they dictate. i am an individual and no one will take that away from me...not even the Gap. sorry all you gap fans...i just see too many people walk around campus wearing the pastel sweaters with jeans, and then i think to myself " there some sort of gap club that has field trips?..." then i carry on with my daily struggles of life. so i guess that's my shpeel on politics and society, but that is just my opinion and not intended to offend anyone. about them dodgers eh? i guess i'll give some fun tidbits of lil' ol' me. i'm a second year music student who was once obsessed with gargoyles but once it went off air i kinda lost base. so i dont' really know characters and stuff cause it's been a while and lain has started to get me back into it. i live a quiet peaceful life....*snicker*... i live life. got a couple of bad habits...NON OF WHICH ARE ILLEGAL...just bad habits. we all have them. i guess that's a bit about me....
i was going to say something to someone but i forget who it was and what it was about soooooo......i'm going to go for now.
nighties to all of you!

juliaexia - []
here, not there
Monday, January 22, 2001 12:21:52 AM

Spike> <<Katherine Kurtz's Adept series>> Eh. They're okay. She did her VERY best work in her Gwynedd series, IMHO. In particular _THE BISHOP'S HEIR_ and _THE KING'S JUSTICE_. Her other Gwynedd novels -- the rest of the Kelson histories and all those Camber novels -- weren't as good. Still good, of course, but not nearly so good as the other two.

BISHOP'S HEIR is my absolute favorite of hers -- she did a truly sublime job with that book. It caught the flavor of medieval politics and intrigue excellently. The ending was powerful; the interplay between King Kelson, Llewel, and Sidana was fascinating right up to the end. I don't want to go into further detail for fear of spoiling it for other people.

I nearly got to meet Katherine Kurtz -- I've passed by her castle in Ireland. I'd been staying with Anne McCaffrey, who lives nearby, and we planned to go visit her but kept forgetting. Ah, well.

Selanit - []
Sunday, January 21, 2001 11:29:46 PM

Geez, it's been almost forever since I've stopped by here...
*skims over last week's CR and grins*

As everyone else has said already, congrats to Doug & Kit!

Well, I'm just waiting for the new TGS ep to be posted ... it's every Monday, right? I was glad to see a new ep last week; it built up more tension, added a good dose of intrigue. I hope everyone's doing well.

Blue Caeru
Sunday, January 21, 2001 11:25:33 PM

I think it says something significant about my mind that I had no trouble reading the sdrawkcab gnitirw. What that significant thing is I won't presume to speculate. And don't forget: it's all DPH's fault.
Welcome to Juliaexia! If you're lain's friend, I think we're in big trouble. ;)
Umm, guys? There's a matter of some...delicacy I feel I have to bring up. Do you think, maybe, that we could tone down the brutal slayings of political figures? I realize that you're not serious, and some people have strong political feelings, but do you think that this is really the place for it? I mean, sexually explicit stuff isn't allowed in here because this room is meant to be open to all ages. I think that's a good rule. But what would a parent think if their child was hanging around with people who talked casually about murdering real people, whether Attorney General nominees, US Senators, or the guys down the street who play their radio too loud in the middle of the night? Also, I've gotten the impression that while it's acceptable to discuss butchering liberals, conservatives are off limits. I'm not trying to attack or offend anyone, but I'm just letting you know that at least one person here is...disquieted about this.

Sorry if that sounded like a lecture. Here, everyone have a round of hot Delicious Orchards apple cider and donuts. Best cider in Jersey. :)
I can't begin to say how proud I am of you! You're gonna show 'em all!
Whoah! Long trip. Sit back, relax and have some cider. And you're right about throwing eggs at the President (if only his limo); it shows terrible disrespect. Especially since he's only just been sworn in. I have a feeling that the next few years are going to be messy.

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Sunday, January 21, 2001 10:07:37 PM

Here's something to look for in the bookstores next month: "St. Patrick's Gargoyle" by Katherine Kurtz. If you haven't read Katherine
Kurtz before, you're in for a treat. Her Adept series dealing with secret societies, Free Masons, and Knights Templars are rich and
textured in both characterization and plot. This new book is derived from a short story, "The Gargoyle's Shadow," originally published
in an anthology about gargoyles and was one of the best stories in it, IMHO.

Sunday, January 21, 2001 09:46:39 PM

*walks in exhuasted* I'll stand, thankyou... I just drove 13 straight hours from Missouri to here today and I'm still waiting for my arse to get here - I think I left it somewhere around McAlster, Oklahoma O.o

Lynati> OOOoo where in Missouri did you go? :) It snowed while I was there! ewwww!!! ;)

Doug> No offense taken, my friend =) I understand why you might have thought that John Ashcroft was also in the same category as the right wing religious fanatics - just as it's understandable that ~all~ Democrats are considered extreme liberals.
I read the latest RP involving John and I found absolutely nothing offensive about it :) Even though he is a family friend, I still have a sense of humor about him ;)

Aaron> *blinks* Clinton's speech better? Considering that he has been the ONLY outgoing president to have a speech and that he timed it to coincide with swearing in of the President of the United States being "better"... *shakes head* typical clinton, that's for sure.
What is even more upsetting though is that someone, some thug, some hoodlum, some immature disrespectful twit threw an egg at the presidental limo. You know, protest all you want, show as many signs, wear as many t-shirts and hats as you wish (even though some of the protesters apparently did not see the news report about how the independent ballot counters found out that the one county that Gore claimed he would have picked up 3,000 votes, actually lost by 6) - but to stoop so low as to throw an egg at the limo?? No, it was not a deadly or destructive action, but the symbolic gesture and lack of respect of it stooped lower than I have seen in a very long time. =\

Sorrow> O.o I'm sorry to hear that your boyfriend did not say one word in your defense. Store that for future consideration, hon.

Thanks to each of you who have said such honorable things to me concerning John Ashcroft. Wow! *speechless*
I ask that you please give John a chance and see how he does instead of listening to the rantings from people like Ted-can't-keep-my-pants-on-Kennedy.

GreenBaron> actually, John is Assembly of God. What your interpetation of the trinity and I'll try to explain what is possibly John's belief. If you are referring to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost - as far as Pentecostals are concerned, it depends on which branch of the Pentecostal church you belong to. All three are believed in, but then it breaks down and different beliefs are considered concerning their functions in the spiritual life and influence.

Time to dig out my suitcase and find the comfy pj's and unwind until a reasonable bedtime ;)
g'night all

Sunday, January 21, 2001 08:48:15 PM

Gside: <Hive mind?>
No, they were ok with it ;)
<You know that won't do much good>
Very true. But I saw that and it got my dirty little mind working. Nothing good can come of that.
<Truly? In what situation? I'd assume a toast after a job well done>
But of course. It was after a job well done. Then they kept toasting... and then they were just drinking! ;)
<But what I find freaky about that is that they are exactly 30 minutes behind>
Isn't there a time zone in the US that changes by :30 and not a full hour?
<But if it's to be human made, where are you going to get the material for the new ones? Not Jupiter, that wouldn't cause start fusion.>
I forget if this is true, but if it were possible to increase the density of Jupiter, would it start fusion and become another star?

DPH: <Could you please email me copies of the CR room archives as file attachments?>
From when to when?

Gunjack: <Incidentally, am I the only one here who DOESN'T know a famous actor/politician?>
I am the voice of my own god, does that count? :)

Traveler: I used to not want to watch South Park because of what was said about it. But then I watched a few episodes and now I am hooked (much to the dislike of LM!)

Christine: <well, with the Pack stories, I'm hoping for funny-awful, not awful-make-the-judges-hurl-awful ; ) We shall see. It may be fun.>
Well, from what we saw on the show, I seriously doubt the writers won any awards for their great writing for the show. Hell, from what we saw, I would not be surprised to find out that Power Rangers had a deeper plot than The Pack!

Lady Corax: <Hey, wow! Another person with three sets of teeth! Cool! :)>
To a point, yes. But I thought I was already through the pain of my wisom teeth coming through when I started feeling yet another tooth coming in behind my wisdom tooth. On my upper right side I had 2 teeth behind my wisdom tooth, and it feels like the same on my left side. Oh joy of joy.

Selanit: HmmMMMmm! THAT gives me some ideas!

Fire Storm - []
Sunday, January 21, 2001 08:14:52 PM

Hey, check THIS out!
(or click my name)

It's a long way from a full exoskeleton battle suit, but hey, you have to start somewhere! And they say there's a kit available . . .

Selanit - []
Sunday, January 21, 2001 08:07:31 PM

GB> Yes, I *totally* agree with you about Jesse Jackson! I also agree with you about him badmouthing Clarence Thomas...I thought it was totally uncalled for. I also didn't like how he called for riots at the outcome of the matter which way you voted, riots weren't going to help a thing.

Gunjack> Don't worry! I don't know any famous actors or politicians. Now, famous sports figures are a different story...;)

SOROW> Hey, congratulations on being accepted to UT Austin! :)

Fire Storm> Hey, wow! Another person with three sets of teeth! Cool! :)

Well, I've gotta be headin' out for a busy Monday tomorrow...have fun, y'all! :)

Lady Corax
Sunday, January 21, 2001 08:02:24 PM

not much to say (sorry people, my studying stories are the epitome of not-interesting), but...
lain>>> AWESOME!!! song. [waiting for the phoenix to rise]

happinees, all!

Sunday, January 21, 2001 08:00:04 PM

Hey guys, I finally found it. This is a song for all those I have told about who I am becoming and who don't think I can become anything I want. This is for me and my finding of my long dead SPARK. I will not allow any to deny my potential or shove me down and hurt me in case I become stronger than them. This is it.

With one light on in one room
I know you're up when I get home
With one small step upon the stair
I know your look when I get there
If you were a king up on your throne
Would you be wise enough to let me go?
For this queen you think you own
Wants to be a HUNTER again
Wants to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again
So let me go
The unread book and painful look
The TV's on, the sound is down
One long pause, then you begin
Oh look what the cat's brought it..
If you were a king up there on your throne
Would you be wise enough to let me go?
For this queen you think you own
Wants to be a HUNTER again
I want to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again
So let me go
Let me leave
For the crown you're placed upon my head
Feels too heavy now
And I don't know what to say to you
But I'll smile anyhow
And all the time I'm thinking
I want to be a HUNTER again
I want to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again
So let me go
Let me leave..

-Dido Armstrong

I saw my mother, and she was smiling.
This is the first I have ever had a vision of her when she was not shouting at me. You just watch me, mum.

Juliaexia>> *BIG HUGS* You listen to the dudes in here, they will love you as do I :)

Green Baron>> again.. Thank you. Maybe you don't know what for but.. maybe someday you will.

Emambu>> Thank you aswell, for your kind thoughts.

Gunjack Valentine>> There is something inside, and it is burning..

I phoned my friend in Cold Lake who wrote me that very glib email about having found a girlfriend. Yes, I loved him, and I always will, but I don't think I ever wanted anything more than friendship from him. We still have that, so I am very happy.
I am facing the biggest fear I have in the entire world, and I feel such strength. I hope this strength does not evaporate when I face training.. I don't think it will.
Those who have scarred my insides will not ever hurt me again. I am stronger than they. I have a burning potential inside that they could only ever dream of, maybe that's what they were trying to take from me.
Never again. There is nothing they can throw at me that I have not seen before. I have seen worse than death.
I have died.
Now watch the bird fly from these ashes..

lain iwakura, fanning the flame
The Great White North
Sunday, January 21, 2001 07:52:36 PM

OOO!! I just have to contribute on this topic:

HOPSCOTCH> Hopscotch was originally a Roman military training exercise intended to increase the soldier's nimbleness. They would run courses some 100 meters long in full armor and gear.

Once Britain had been conquered, its children coopted the the exercise, added some rules and scoring stuff, and the game was born.

Linguistically, "skotch" is Old English for "rock." So Hopscotch means Hop-rock, which is what you do in the game. There were doubtlessly other names for it in Celtic and Latin, earlier, but I don't know them. (Hopscotch is not in my Latin dictionary, and I don't know Celtic. Yet.)

Here are some resources on Hopscotch:

Some of those are more general resources that cover many children's games. One is a resource for making your own chalk, which is neat.

I did this research months ago -- those are the best links from the 300 or so I looked at. I even found one page which ranted about how hopscotch was part of a fiendishly subtle plot by the Illuminati for world-domination, and speculated on Masonic connections. It was hilarious, but I didn't save the link. :-)

Selanit - []
Sunday, January 21, 2001 07:25:12 PM

**returns to normalcy**

Uhmm ... okay, watching th 30th anniversary Willy Wonka presentation ... I hope to Gawd somebody shot that little brat playing Veruca Salt, 'cause she just GRATES ON ME!! **pulls out hair**

(PLEASE NOTE: The above was in jest. Do not take it seriously, I wish harm to come to very few people in this world, and certainly not anyone I've never met personally.)

Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Sunday, January 21, 2001 06:49:01 PM

!!!ostun *em* gnivird neve s'ti dna ,sdrawkcab gnidaer ot desu m'I ... parc tsop sdrawkcab 'ht htiw hguone ... elpoep ,thgir llA
ondaB eht etoyoC
canoglA, nagihciM
Sunday, January 21, 2001 06:43:01 PM

juliaexia: <!!!eeL E trebor yadthirb yppaH>
?neeb evah eh dluow dlo woH ?lareneg etaredefnoC soumaf eht eeL E treboR

nial: <(: ...gnitirw sdrawkcab eht htiw ereht revo emoc ot evah em ekam t'noD>
(: !od uoy fi tluaf nwo ruoy s'ti ,lleW
!sdrawkcab eb lliw moor elohw eht noos ytterP

!ekil I--> anomeD

mrotS eriF
Sunday, January 21, 2001 06:33:58 PM

....halb halb halb....gnitirw sdrawkcab uoy wohs ll'I
here, not there
Sunday, January 21, 2001 06:32:08 PM

(: ...gnitirw sdrawkcab eht htiw ereht revo emoc ot evah em ekam t'noD <<aixeailuJ
Sunday, January 21, 2001 06:25:26 PM

!!!eeL E trebor yadthirb yppaH
Sunday, January 21, 2001 06:17:29 PM

SOROW - I plan on taping the Pretender Movie. Whose morality? the Centre has no morality, but just one rule: surival at all costs. I do think that Jarod is not that deep of a character, though. I mean he always strives to do the right thing, period. Miss Parker has the biggest character depth of anyone in the series, next to Sydney (sp?). Angelo, Mr. Reins, and Mr. Lyle have been written into a certain role in the series. When the writers shook Centre politics, not enough really changed. Mr. Parker now has some sense of how Jarod plays hide-and-go-seek with the Centre, but beyond that, everything is always status quo. I was not sure that the writers knew how to handle a disjointed plot (Jarod on one side, everything else on another side). I would love to have seen one episode entirely ignore Jarod and some event in the Centre and vice versa. I just hope with the movie coming up, that the writers finally have figured it out.

Beyond that, I am so sleepy that I song came to my head:
Give me a day off
Give me a day off
Give me a day off [Give me day] so I can catch up on sleep
I have only been off 3 days this month and the prospects are already looking like next Saturday I will be at work.

Daniel Johnson - Except for the photo I have me of standing next to the former liar-in-chief, I do not know any famous politicians or actors.

.dessap tsuj yadhtrib s'eeL E Trebor

I did not say it directly.

DPH - []
Sunday, January 21, 2001 05:31:50 PM

Hi. I am the one who stresses lain out.. and I will now stress you out :) ARF!!
Oh look.. Glasses help when typing on the computer.. ooo.. anyway..
sooooooooooo hows everyone doing?
Gunjack: Special greetings. Remember me off Instant Messenger?? The drunk one.. who is not so drunk at the moment.. is there a Bacardi in the house *slaps knee* oh I kill myself.. :P

Thought for the day: It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.. : )

Anyway I am going to use the girlie room now. Someday I will have to read this whole Gargoyles Saga business...
see you

Over Here.., Not where you are..
Sunday, January 21, 2001 05:15:18 PM

Fire Storm > well, with the Pack stories, I'm hoping for funny-awful, not awful-make-the-judges-hurl-awful ; ) We shall see. It may be fun.

Emambu > I got and replied to your mail, thanks!

Aaron > growing pointy teeth ... and as memory serves, weren't you rather on the pale side? Hmm ... ; )

Warpmind > did you? Looking into it ... aha, so you did. Whoops. Sorry. Will reply soon!

Christine - []
Sunday, January 21, 2001 05:06:10 PM

T'was going to finally make some long-overdue replies... And then DC killed two posts in a row. ; P

Lain - I'm a'workin' on it, dorlin'... ; ) ...I'll probably either do it this evening, or tomorrow.

Gunjack Valentine - []
Sunday, January 21, 2001 05:01:38 PM

Augh! Two hours of taking economics notes out of a textbook and I'm exhausted! Now that I no longer have a job, I suddenly have time to do homework. Go fig. Anyway, is anyone else anticipating the Pretender Movie tomorrow night? I just hope they don't do anything stupid to ruin the series' morality!
Sunday, January 21, 2001 03:45:58 PM

Update about my own life> I went to a Latin Mass today, and I just love hearing the Mass in Latin. There was also a Bendiction as well, today and I haven't enjoyed one in years. I went to St. patrick's Church, which is 161 years old and a National Landmark as teh first Catholci Church built outsdie the French Quarter of New Orleans. It ws built for Irish Catholics who were among non-French Catholics in what was then a suburb of New Orleans (though now part of downtown New Orleans). I love history :)

I am also a week away from a new life. January 29th is the last night I will be in New Orleans. If anyone wants me to mail them form Basic, feel free to send me your snail mail addresses.

Hollywood, California**
Warren Beatty is sitting in his mansion watching mob movies, when he hears a car park. He jsut dismisses it, as there are too many damn cars in Los Angeles and a 3,000% increase in break tags all going to fund a light rail woudl solve the problem.

The phone rings and Warren answers, "Liberalism Inc."
"This is Don Gatto. I'm just letting you know you're going to pay for all teh money I lost on the Flamingo, so stick around and watch your movies. I'll get you soon."

He wonders and worries, but it's too late as shots start flying around him. Suddenly, Joe Pesci slams his bat at Warren's knees and DeNiro shoots him in the eye.

With Beatty dead, the wiseguys return to the limo and Robert Duvall speaks, "Well, as Don Gatto's Concigliere, the enxt task is to recruit William Forsythe and the Wiseguy mob is complete. Meanwhile, we have to perfrom a massacre on all the Baldwins in South Hampton on St. Valentine's Day."**

Doug> $I hope you can do the Capone style Baldwin shooting on the 14th :) This is my last RP so it's now in your hands$
I am so happy for you and Kit. I hope you set a good time for the engagement and hopefully, I can make it to the wedding, though to some extent you two are already married.
I have your address form that check you wrote me in Dallas. Is that address still valid?

Spore> Well, you sound like you're in excellent health. My first girlfiend was 5'2" and weighed 155 lbs. Yep, you're in better shape than any girl I dated, yet ::winks at Lain::

Bronx> Yes, all is well.

Xena Trek> I got your joke e-mail ::smirk::

Lady Corax> Well, I guess it shows that no one is perfect, but martin Luther is still infinitely better than Jesse Jackson. I hope his daughter will remove him form the public for ....we forever :) He is a despicable phony and a liar. He also used the Civil Rights movement to advance his careera nd was neevr that accepted by Dr. King. In fact, Rev. Abernathy who was very close to Dr. King basically exposed what a fraud Jesse jackson is in his book, before he died. I will also neevr forgiev Jesse Jackson for his badmouthing of Clarence Thomas a great Ameriucan and an excellent Justice.

Winterowlf> I think that sums it up nicely :)

Warpmind> I knwo gasoline is a lot more expensive in Europe, but isn't the mass transit superb in Europe making cars mostly a luxury item as they should be?

Lain> That poor girl in Nigeria. That is awful. I also think that it sucks how you ahve been treated. I hope I can earn your trust, though. ::wraps arms around Lain and kisses her on the forehead:: I also enjoy talking to you. I will definitely call you as soon as Basic Training ends ::smooches:: Let me know more about your upcoming trip.

DPH> My family hasn't been wealthy since teh crash of 29 when my great grandfather lost a million in the crash due to investing on margin. I doubt they were resented since most of my family has ussually been generous to the less fortunate and none of them were raicst fo rtheir time, espcially the General who did what he could to help blacks after Reconstruction, like Robert E. Lee would do if he lived longer.

Happy Birthday Tim...or can I call you Tim-may!!!! :)

Caliope> Well, I may actually have a liscence after all. Depending on the base I'll be stationed, I may have to get a car and deal with all those expenses. I personally hope I can avoid that, but I may noit be so lucky.

SOROW> I think you shoudl dump that sorry guy. He should do more than let some fart dishonor you like that ::hugs:: I guess I'm the only one left who beleives in good old fashioned chivalry.

Well, I guess I'll meet you when I visit Doug and Kit in Austin.

Kit> Well, I'll be in Austin in a while form now. I can't say much more than that. It depends on when I earn enough off-time.

Bishansky> I think you need tod o something about all that anger. i am not too fond of Ashcroft being picked as I think Keating is a much better choice, though his two main grillers in the US Senate are cretins, too. One of them is your Senator, Chuck "Putzhead" Schumer. I find him a crude, disgusting, pig of a man.

The other one is Ted Kennedy, fat bloated tick, wife-beater, drunkard, druggie, and all other awful things you can say about a human being. Well, his decision to filibuster Ashcroft gives me a higher opinion of Ashcroft. Hey, if the bloated, degenerate sack of roach feces doesn't like him, maybe he has some good :)

**takes a knife and stabs Ted Kennedy repeatedly as an oozing trail of fat comes pouring out with the stench of boose**

Alec Baldwin> He's a standard Hollywood dipshit who thinks he is an expert on everything. Alec Baldwin along with Whoopi Goldberg and Paul Newman should stick with acting. Noam Chomsky should stick to linguistics. Carl sagan should ahve stayed with physics and left geo-politcis alone. Barabra Streissand should stick to singing, though maybe that's bad too. Toni Morrission should stick to literature, Ted Kennedy shoudl stick to drinking alchohol, and Arthur Miller shoudl stick to writing plays. Greg Weisman doesn't discuss politics. He sticks with what he knows. Soemoen who is an intellectual is not an expert in ever possible field and they should keep their opinions to themselves, unless they are experts on a subject. Ayn Rand wouldn't discuss acting, so most of the Hollywood lefties should stay away from politics and all their weird notions about it.

Kaioto> It's good to see you again, though only as a reaction to a certain hotheaded New Yorker.

John Ashcroft> If the bloated tick filibusters him, I'm starting to like Ashcroft. If Schumer gets nasty in hardball question, I liek Ashcrfot more. As for him being Christian, he is Pentecostal and many Pentecostals don't beleive in the trinity, and in my opinion, you can't be a legitimate Christian and reject the Holy Trinity. Well, does anyone know if Ashcroft beleives in the Trinity?

Embabu> Yeah, Econ is differnet, but Econ rules :) Just ask Alan Greenspan :)

South Park> They're crude and rude and obnoxious. Normally, I like that, but they are going too far, and hopefully they will lose ratings for getting too nasty. I didn't like the oen where teh made the Pope appear so old and senile, but it did make me stop watching the show and I have seen one episode since then. They were tasteful with teh Jesus humor, but they are losing the tact they had. They shoudl stick to stuff like Mecha Streissand, Underwear gnomes, and the Civil War epsiode.

Kahreen> WB

Mary> ::hugs:: That's horribel about the car, especially sine you're going to a rural campus where you'll ned the thing.

Gunjack> My cousin is an aspiring director who ties to Francis Ford Coppolla so I don't fall in there, plus my grandfather was Attorne for MACY's and met folks liek Milton Berle. Me personally, I know my state Senator pretty well and he is Louisiana Senate President :)

Aaron> Well, Slick Willy is a better public speaker than Bush, but Bush is not for as much big Government as Clinton or Gore, which is kind of good.

As for Graham's kid, just ignore him. What can he do to you? You're not even Baptist.

Bill Clinton> Bill Clinton is white trash, plain and simple. He is a fat disgusting, crude redneck who has charmed the elitist pseudo-intellectuals in Manhattan's leftist circles.

Hillary is a power-hungry suburbanite swine too. I hope they get divorced and stop their sham of a marriage which never really existed. In fact, I wonder if Bill is Chelsea's real father. I think it may be Janet Reno :)

Green Baron - []
New Orleans, Louisiana
Sunday, January 21, 2001 03:26:21 PM

*Lynati ducks back in*

Gside: Hey, it's not MY fault that everyone (heh heh) in here has a bad case of gutter-mind. And besides, the turkey baster was just for show. You want questionable, you go ask Warpmind about the hamsters. *shudders theatrically*
...On second thought, don't.

Aaron:...If that IS you, then yes. I'm up to Aesop's stuff now; and I've read other author's work outside of the "A's".

Hey, who else in here has read Acyn's(?) "The Princess Gargoyle"? *ROFL at the memory of that story* And am I the only one who thought it was Worthy of some kind of Humor Award? (it was so goood! :)

Warpmind: Hmmm..let 'em wonder for now. No reason to let them know what we don't. And as for ring size...y'know, I'm not actually sure? I'll get back to you.*quick smooch*

lain: *revives lain*...You will soon! *grins far too cheerfully*

*Lynati exits, mumbling about carry-on luggage and the limited number of valentine's day presents suitable for males*
On the road again
Sunday, January 21, 2001 02:28:17 PM

South Park this, South Park'ss creators that, blah blah blah blah...

Hmmm that may have been one blah too many, oh well.

The point is that none of you should really be raising your hackles in such a mannor over something as simple as two knuckleheads trying to poke some fun and get a laugh or two out you.

Those of you who have watched more than two or three episodes of South Park know that this is in no way partisan on their part or the medias... (for once, damn liberal media... oops, hehehe) And as someone else said, they were planning on a show based around Gore, one can only imigane the roasting they would have given him... but then Bush won so obviously they had to change it. These two roast and attack ANY political/religious/social beliefs in there shows, no one is safe... and it's damn funny to. One only has to watch the infamious "Underwear Gnomes" episode, or perhaps "Starvin' Marvin in Space", or the one were they're lost in a South American rain forrest to relise this.

Perhaps those of you complaining should just sit back, relax, and WATCH South Park or even better a few episodes of the new series they're working on (which as far as I know may not even be aired) before you make any judgemenmts.


Sunday, January 21, 2001 11:49:40 AM

Gunjack> While it does sound like a stupid show, I'm against all forms of censorship and people calling for it. As an aspiring artist and writer, I would not want my work to be censored. Doug has the right idea about it. "If you don't like it, don't watch it." Also, we don't need dueling to solve our problems with others, that's why we law suits.
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky
Sunday, January 21, 2001 10:52:36 AM

"Stop thinking and end your problems."

Sunday, January 21, 2001 10:48:48 AM

*lain enters, strong with the Force*
Sorry for missing yesterday but.. I had a good reason.. more later..
But you know, I have this sudden feeling of power.. So.. I go to bed last night and, of couse it's Saturday night and all the Drunks are out.. and it is 3am and I just got to sleep (being an insomniac and having been trying for four hours) and the big loud WHOOP's start in the hall and.. well.. *I* was ticked, so I stuff on my housecoat and open the door and look. And the drunk guy looks back at me and says "Oh $hit, I'm going" and bolts out of the door. Another girl he had woken up came out in her PJ's too and asked me "wow.. how did you DO that.. can you teach me??" Must be the Force..
The force is real..Ask Gunjack Valentine about it someday.. that was another one of our conversations where I proved to him that the Force was real.. hee hee
Anyway, I spent the night before last with my good friend who had gone out drinking and come back sooooooo hammered AND doped up.. gah... that was NOT a fun night.. I stayed there the whole night with her shaking in my arms.. She doesn't think she will be doing that again.. I intend to keep her to it.. I don't like it when my friends die.

Lynati>> get what??? huh?? I don't get it... ??????? *dies of curiosity*

*is quickly revived by the Green Baron ;)*

Green Baron>> *hugs* thanks so much for calling me!! It was really nice to hear your voice again. *observes the rest of the CR room smiling smugly and rolls her eyes*
And you better write to me, you hear???? Then we can compare ARMY notes.. ;)

Gunjack Valentine>> Still with the shiny new have-no-idea-who-I-am ness.. I am doing all this stuff I never thought I COULD do.. and I feel so strong inside and out.. heh.. WOW.. your little baby off to destroy people <:0 and keep the peace.. yeah.. THAT's more like it.. ;)

so.. when are you going to do that sexilly posext??? ];) LP LP LP

Kit and DOUG>> so.. you wanna Email me your address so I can post you a big gift o something very shiny?? Cos I will.. been thinkin about it for a while... :)

******************USELESS INFO OF THE DAY******************
In the seventeenth century, this children's game was called "scotch-hoppers" which appears to be the earliest English translation for the name, though the game itself probably dates back to the beginning of the Christian era. The "scotch" part of the name is in no way related to the country of Scotland not to its people. A giveaway to its real meaning is that in some English shires, the game is called "Hop-score", for the lines marking the squares to be hopped are "scored" of "scotched" into the ground.
This meaning for "scotch" is also the one used for "scotch tape" which is used, among other things, to repair "scotches" or cuts in paper.
*****************END USELESS INFO OF THE DAY***************

um.. that's about all the exciting things that have been happening since we last spoke :) so *HUUUUUUUGS* to everyone and.. I shall be back sometime later :)

lain, O Apprentice of all that is Useless - []
The Great White North
Sunday, January 21, 2001 10:44:06 AM

Gunjack Valentine> I don't know any actors and/or politicins either
James Birdsong - []
Token sane guy
Sunday, January 21, 2001 09:14:24 AM

Aaron: <The Cone of Silence>
Look Agent 86, the Cone of Silence never works!

The Chief (Fire Storm)
Sunday, January 21, 2001 09:12:08 AM

*Warpmind enters, scritching his chin, obviously suffering from some sort of sleep deficiency.*
Ugh... my sleep cycle is utterly messed up. 'Course, it's a weekend, and my sleep cycles are ALWAYS messed up on weekends... :|

Doug: Dude, don't JINX it! ;)

Rodlox: Wasn't there enough incentive already?

Lady Corax: You're welcome. I incidentally had that pop-sci mag lying around anyway. :)

Christine: I'm pretty sure I e-mailed you a question regarding the writing contests, one that you haven't replied to... Oh, well, I'll write again sometime this week - I've got the time for it.

Gside: Huh? Wrong? *Looks at comment again* Damn, I must be REALLY smitten; I never even SAW that one. ÕÕ

Emambu: Anytime, amigo - reviews are always welcomed. Speculations, on the other hand, particularly concerning Lynati and me, will cause physical suffering, severe punnishment... and then I'll become nasty. ];)

Lynati: *Grins wickedly* D'ya think we should let'em know what we were talking about, or leave them speculatin'? ];) I'll be waiting.

Aaron: Connor McCleod? Me? Nooo... Actually, I'm more akin to the Kurgian. But I prefer unarmed combat. Decapitation's more painful that way. ];)

Well, I gotta amscray for now. And to all you why speculate, shame, shame. *Sneaks off with Lynati on one arm, and a slide rule in the other.* ]:)

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Sunday, January 21, 2001 08:05:35 AM

Ah well, just missed top ten.

Watched a bit of the various ceremonies from Washington today. Has anybody else noticed that the Smirker looks like Alfred E. Neuman? I keep expecting him to say, "What? Me worry?" any minute.

Call me partisan, but I thought Bill's farewell speech blew the Smirker's Inagural Address away. And of course, "You have a senator here, who will be a voice for you." Ladies and gentlemen, Campaign 2004 just started.

Guys, all public figures are fair game. The fact that some of our best and brightest kept getting killed is one of the reasons dueling was outlawed in the first place.

And it never ceases to amaze me how worked up people get over politics. I mean, c'mon, we all know they're *all* Illuminati puppets anyway, regardless of party affiliation.

Lady Corax> I thank you, Pest thanks you, and all the various and sundry denizens of my head thank you. And if you want to play the box set, be my guest, I'll go and sit in (dramatic pause) The Cone of Silence. (Okay, who gets it?)

Spacebabie> Kewl, glad you're enjoying Slayers. Next is even better, and Try is at least as good as the first series. I'd still rather see Zel end up with Lina tho'.

Todd has Unseelies for neighbors, huh? I sense another layer being added to the rumor even now.

Brianna> Nifty pic.

Lain> Hugs. (Belated, I know)

Lynati> So you're reading your way through the whole fic archive too? That's a goal of mine. I'm up to the "L"s. And... (Xellos hand behind head thing) You're reading my stuff?

SOROW> Hugs. Sounds like your boyfriend needs a wake up call. Congrats on being accepted to UT. You did better then I.

Doug, Kit> Congrats. Hey, why not have the ceremony at G2K2? Best chance for a lot of us to be there.

Brooklyn> Welcome back.

GXB> Ouch. Sorry about the car.

Christine> Count me in as another person with extra teeth. I lost both of my top canines twice. The third set seemed to be pointier then the first ones too. Hmmmm.

Coyote> Hell, compared to some of the things I'm sure we'll see from our ex-govenor in the next four years, being asleep at a public function will seem like nothing.

Speaking of which, did anybody catch the Smirker's little thumbs-up to the camera before Billy Grahm's kid's prayer at the brunch or whatever it was? He's like a little kid. And this is the man who's supposed to restore the dignity of the Oval office?

(Billy Grahm's kid, btw, is another person who pisses me off. He's supposed to have had this wild youth, before he found god, and now he doesn't want anyone else to have fun, doing the things he spent his whole youth doing)

Warpy> Obvious? No. I thought you were supposed to be Connor McCleod.

Emmambu> NURV? You gotta be kidding. Ever seen any Evangelion?

Jaden> Remember, turn into the skid.

Gunjack> Um, why do you own *three* dueling pistols? Unless there're some rules for a threeway that I don't know about.

Oh, and everybody go see The Gift. Sam Raimi is back, still doing for small southern towns what David Lynch did for the Pacific Northwest.


Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Sunday, January 21, 2001 03:08:15 AM

It seems to be snowing pretty well now over here now. Fun.

Emambu> Good luck with the future of the site.
<<I don't have _that_ much knowledge in programming>>: Don't worry, so far most of my comp sci courses haven't involved programming. But then, I'm only starting 300 level courses now.
<<encode a self-duplicating matrix program into it>>: But if it's to be human made, where are you going to get the material for the new ones? Not Jupiter, that wouldn't cause start fusion.
<<At least they got the dimenions right, 9:4:1>>: We were fools to think it was only the first three dimensions.
Which reminds me, how do we know we percieve the first three dimensions, and not the fifth, seventh, and ninth? What if the monolith was 25 by 49 by 81? Granted, we defined the dimensions, but what if there exists a natural ordering that we can't see now?
<<No arguments about Chingrish being contained in the engineering department>>: Actually, there's a pretty good mix in engineering, it's just that Chingrish is a fun name. Right now, I have Sannuti for principles, so I'm learning about woaltise. The real fun part is if you look at the research groups. They are basically segregated according to the nationality of the professor.
<<haven't made a remotely significant contribution to the fandom? What, and I have?>>: I seem to remember hearing you say something about working on fanfic?

Mary Flanders> Good luck with your future driving endeavors.
<<I was about to drive into a round-about-turn thingy>>: Jughandle or circle?
<<At least I now know how to drive in 3rd gear>>: Third gear isn't bad. It's what you have to go through to get there that's bad. I believe Bill Cosby has a bit about that. That, and driving in San Francisco.

DPH> <<would I want a holographic representation of me to be able to become a serial killer or serial rapist?>>: As long as you don't attach any force field generators, it should be fine.

Lynati> <<Another thing going to show how context is EVERYTHING>>: True, but after the turkey baster...

Gunjack> <<18th century Howdah dueling pistol before, so... Think twenty paces>>: But wasn't that before rifling? How can the added distance help you when you don't know where your shot is going?
<<am I the only one here who DOESN'T know a famous actor/politician?>>: Well, I don't know any myself, though I do have very few degrees of separation for some.

I haven't done any Moxy for 36 files, so it's time again. This time you get Horseshoes by Moxy Früvous.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Sunday, January 21, 2001 02:19:16 AM

Sunday, January 21, 2001 12:51:13 AM

9th! <dances> ^_^
Sunday, January 21, 2001 12:24:15 AM

Ta Da! 8th! ^_^
Bronx, NY
Sunday, January 21, 2001 12:20:00 AM

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Sunday, January 21, 2001 12:02:26 AM

Perhaps sixth?


Sunday, January 21, 2001 12:00:43 AM

Top of the Top!
Fire Storm - []
Saturday, January 20, 2001 11:55:08 PM

Heh, forth and I wasn't even trying. :)
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Saturday, January 20, 2001 11:51:12 PM

<<Incidentally, am I the only one here who DOESN'T know a famous actor/politician?>> I believe I also fall into that category.

As for Bush, as someone who didn't vote for him I think he deserves the chance to show what he can do. And slandering his family is reprehensible. Not that I'm surprised; from what little I've seen of South Park, it seems to be the stupidest thing on TV (which is saying a lot). My apologies to any South Park fans, but I just don't get it. Sorry.

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Saturday, January 20, 2001 11:50:17 PM

Gunjack Valentine
Saturday, January 20, 2001 11:48:27 PM

Katara - []
Saturday, January 20, 2001 11:44:22 PM

Mary Flanders
Saturday, January 20, 2001 11:39:08 PM