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Okay, now I'm getting IMed about this whole identity mess. I never thought the joke would go this far, but... Ah well... Just goes to show if you carry something on long enough, people start to believe it.
The fact of the matter is, neither Robby Bevard or Aaron Wheeler exist. But at the same time, they do.
My actual name is Aaron Bevard. And yes, I am the same individual who originally posted as "MrNoying" and then went off into Robby. Robby being the name of a friend of mine. See, I first discovered this CR, I was still new to the internet world, and was under the impression you should not under ANY circumstances give out your full name. So I went with an amalgation.
Sometime later, I had WAAAAY too much time on my hands, and found I was able to post 3, 4, or 5 times a day. And that was kinda boring. So I began to post as someone else, namely, Aaron Wheeler. It was meant to be a subtle *nudge nudge wink wink* sorta thing, with everyone catching on real quickly, but... Then the fake personality took on a life of his own, what with the interest in sports I lack and such, the ponytail, trenchcoat, and Demona obsession... Again, a lot of these traits came from said friend, some come from me, like the Demona obsession. (And the tatoo, which many of you have seen, no doubt)
And then came G99, in Dallas. Well, Dallas was only a short drive, so my friend and I drove on down, and I filled him in along the way. He thought it would be fun, and so for a couple days, we had a genuine "Robby Bevard". (This is probably why he had such fun going into the "Lonny" persona later in the evening.) It was a bit of fun, and so I kept it up, occassionally having help to post in an alternate persona, in order to better keep things disctint. (Running into Beth at Akon last year nearly killed the whole thing I'm afraid...)
And then a couple weeks ago, just to mess with ya'll, I decided to let the cat out of the bag and see if anyone would believe me, I figured the joke had gone on too long by this point and the whole thing was too convincing. Seems I was right. No one seemed to catch on, so I KEPT kletting it out of the bag. I even made myself a CR Admin twice over, how's THAT for sneaky? So now the joke has gone too far, and I suppose its time to cut it out and just be honest about the whole thing.
I'm really Joxter. :P
Aaron "The gag has gone too far" Bevard
Saturday, April 14, 2001 01:44:11 AM
Aww, heck with it. I ain't gonna wait for anyone else to post!
Kyryn: <Blood of a virgin? Ya know, funny thing is a lot of those spells don't say that the virgin has to be human!>
Yeah, but half the fun of those spells is obtaining the blood of a human virgin. It's just not the same extracting the blood from a virgin cat.
Besides... I have found that elevated fear in the blood makes the spells work better.
Oh, wait! It makes the BBQ taste better!
Stephen: <and rebuilding my system as I speak>
Man... that is a prahse I know all too well...
Imzadi: <why the rest of the world HATES Americans>
Hey, we hate the rest of the world, so that just about makes us even.
<But...if you don't know your natural voltage...::shudder::>
Yeah, so I am not a great electrical engineer yet. But I am STILL gonna build my own house!
<Could you make it a Demona instead of an Angela.>
And so shall it be done. You don't want her personality too, do you?
Hmm... or maybe both!
ALD: "But you had him last time!"
DLD: "But I want him now!"
ALD: "I know! Lets BOTH have him!"
<How about just a coke. I'm an engineer not a bowler>
No prob. Heck, if you want the Coke to come from her nipples, that can be done too!
<okay cool lets go!>
"If you are reffering to sexuality, I am fully functional and programed in multiple techinques." - Data, Star Trek First Contact
<Actually, if the first version was as functional as a barstool, I'd still be happy to have it in my house.>
I won't release V1.0 unless she can walk. And if she can walk, she can vacuum.
Although, I CAN see the enjoyment of using her as a seat...
<2.0, however...>
Will probally be able to drive and go shopping for you.
<Not very hard to find.>
True, true, but the older the vintage, the rarer the find.
<And you call yourself an engineer (or is it CS?)?>
Point. As for my computer, I am always tweaking and modifying it... which explains my computer problems...
<Will ALD have 'leet nekkid skills too?>
Well, I wasn't sure about giving the DLD hacker skillz, but...
OH... :)
<but I don't GET the holiday>
As long as you GET them off, eh?
DPH: <Damn,'s IQ test is long. over 500 questions, many of which are repeated>
The smartest thing to do is to close that browser window and stop the test! :)
Coyote: Work sucks... then you find yourself without work. And that sucks even more.
<did you happen to notice anyone out on the roads squealing their tires without slamming on the gas?>
No... but, then again, I stayed off the freeways.
Had I been on I-75, I am sure I would have seen trucks moving over a few lanes... while parked.
"Software bug found in Microsoft's UltimateTV box"
CNN, 04/13/2001
Who would have thought it?
Fire Storm - []
Saturday, April 14, 2001 12:39:46 AM
Coyote: Condolences on the bad week.
SOROW: I too am happy for you.
Friday, April 13, 2001 11:37:59 PM
**skips into the room, singing a tune borrowed from XenaTrek**
I am slowly going crazy 12345678 crazy going slowly am I 87654321 ...
**screams, then composes self**
Ooh ... sorry 'bout that. I needed to vent ... see, I've been having one *HELL* of a week at work (emphasis on "hell") ... it didn't get any better when I gave myself tennis elbow in my left arm from changing a customer's strut (read: fixing another store's f**kup) ... and the hits just keep on comin' tonight, what between getting lashed out at every five minutes by the parts manager and the sheer idiocy of the people coming through ...
(in other words, I'm blowin' off steam here 'cause Ravyn went home for the holiday and not only did I have a bad week, I'm missin' her already.)
Ah well ...
**espies Doug and Kit's posts from the previous night ... asks no questions, just feels lonelier** ;)
Aaron: I don't think there's any reference to Luna and Zelas' friendship in any anime (which is why I don't know a damn thing about it, 'cause I own all the animes that have been released by both Software Sculptors and ADV ... the only stuff I buy fansubbed or in similar fashion are those things there's no chance in hell of being released, so if there's any other anime that mentions it, I don't have it).
Wind gusts: FS, LM, lain ... did you happen to notice anyone out on the roads squealing their tires without slamming on the gas? That's what was happenin' to me ... since the Caddy's still down I was driving Mom's black Escort and having the wind catch the rear end and squeal the tires sideways ... as I was doing 60 ... :P
Ravyn: Glad you liked everything. You're very welcome. **hugs and hugs and hugs again** Have a good weekend, sweetie. :)
**waves to XenaTrek before skipping out singing the same song he was singin' on his way in**
Coyote "Get Out of My Dreams, Get Into My Car" the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Friday, April 13, 2001 11:26:59 PM
Ok, maybe Kit and I chose the wrong pics. Sorry about that. Our judgement was clouded by being extremely high on life. Also, I have a crush on Ari and she has one on Graeme- maybe that was the reason we chose them. Whatever it was, I'm surprised at how seriously people are taking this.
Christine: Yes, Alexandra and her brother were in the film. As for the song, what song do you mean? They do sing one called "Josie and the Pussycats" at the end. Good luck with the book!
Welcome back to Stephen, Shadowrider, and Jaden.
SOROW: I hope you enjoyed your time in drill team, somewhat sorry that it's over now. But if you're thankful that it is, well, so am I. And I'm happy for you. :)
Friday, April 13, 2001 11:22:03 PM
SJ, Stephen> Ah, but which one of us is Brad Pitt, and which one Edward Norton? Does Robby, deep down, want to be a long-haired, tattooed sociopath, or do I want a stable home life, artistic ability, and, damnit, to be taller. Well... Sore wa himetsu desu. };) And don't steal my gags, Steve.
Crzy> I see. From whence does this information come? (i.e., what do I need to rent to familiarize myself with Zelas/Luna {And doesn’t that sound like a fic right there?} interaction?)
Josh> << guess if you mean that the number of mac users will decrease...>> Actually, I meant the US conversion to metric was as likely as the 90% PC/10% Mac changing around to the other way. <<You're a rocky attendee also?>> Sigh. I was. Briefly. Until the local theater indie theater closed. And I couldn’t drive 140 miles, round trip, to make the Austin showings. <<Either that or it shows that Ottoman really doesn't know much about computers.>> Heh. Actually, PVP is a webcomic. Ottoman is the resident guy who knows everything there is to know about gaming. Mostly because his whole life revolves around it. <<What does MiST stand for?>> It's kind of a phonetic spelling of MST. As in MST3K. Used mostly by the MiST wench herself, Mara.
Gside> <<That's sooner than any of my most optimistic estimates. >> Trust in your hair, Luke. <<Mousse>> The scene you describe is funny, but I was thinking along the lines of the scene from The Matrix. Mousse bounding off the walls in slo-mo, chucking chains everywhere... <<To get the perverts>> But OC sucks.
FS> I was agreeing with you enthusiastically, not the Smirker's policies.
SOROW> Congrats on the freedom.
"Does Willy Wonka know you took this out of his office?" Francis Ottoman, on his first look at an iMac.
Aaron - []
San Antonio, Confusion, Texas
Friday, April 13, 2001 10:27:44 PM
Hey everyone, just wanted to tell you that I'm going on leave in a few days so I won't be posting next week while I'm in Hawaii. But I'll be here the week after when I'm back in Cali.
Doug- Well as it would turn out I've been driving this BIG Hummer in Korea where everything is about 3/4 the size as it is back in the States and I haven't hit anything, but I'd say that's more dumb luck than anything else. This is that last country on this planet that you'd find a car insurance company. I'm glad that no one was hurt in the collision.
Lain- Good luck with your problems.
Imzadi<<Brooklyn's job>> Yeah I though some people would get a laugh out of that one. Thanks.
X-men- Jean Grey or Rogue
Babylon 5- Sinclair
Lord of the Rings- Eomer. Who is that? Great now I have to read the book.
Romeo and Juliet- Benvolio
Bride- Wesley
Harry Potter- Ravenclaw
I'll try some more later, but as for now I have to go.
Jaden - [jaden12@hotmail]
Friday, April 13, 2001 10:08:56 PM
***The disembodied voice of Kyryn echoes through the CR.***
Stephen> B-day!> Ack! Happy belated B-day! <Machine speed> Hey, at home I'm cranking along with a Pentium 100 and a 33.6 modem.
Aaron and Robby> Now I know that they're not the same person! I've met both of them at the same time! Hmmm. Unless they've got a darned good holoprojector!
****The voice cuts off abruptly with a strangled squawk.****
Denton, TX
Friday, April 13, 2001 05:33:08 PM
Well, today is Friday, so normally I don't go to classes today. But last night I decided I'd wake up for my 9AM class since we're covering new material. Of course, when the alarm clock went off, I promptly SMACKED it and slept until noon.
Today I think I'll do some work. More programming to do, physics homework, lots of other fun stuff.
What does MiST stand for?
SJ: <<we should never adopt the metric system>>: I really think that your attitude is the epitome of why the rest of the world HATES Americans. <<douche bags>>: LOL.
Gside: <<base 13>>: <<mass is in slugs>>: then why are conversion units available for pounds to kilograms? I don't think you spend nearly enough time working with imperial units... <<flute players...a more derisive adjective>>: That's funny, I could use that exact term to describe EVERY flute player I know. <<Some insane people call them jimmies>>: Why the hell would anyone do that!? <<C'mere, Colin.>>: Yeah, that's pretty bad.
Doug and Kit: I'm not going to say anything about the fact that you guys talked about how much you're in love and then used Ari's and Graeme's pics...that's just sick...oh and I see here Lain beat me to the punch! I'm not a huge Rachael Leigh Cook fan, but I know my roommate is so I'm sure I'll wind up seeing the movie.
Robby: <<say some of the most interesting things at 1:30 in the morning>>: Don't we all? Its approaching that time where everything is funny, without requiring the use of illegal substances. Uh...not that I've ever done that.
Lain: I'm starting to wonder if I should put my 12 year old Brother in charge of Canada when I take over the world... <<cool money that looks like monopoly money>>: AND IS WORTH ABOUT AS MUCH TOO!!! LOL <<cheese whiz>>: Got something against cheese whiz? Wanna start somethng? ::puts up hands in defensive gesture::
Global Warming: As a Berkeley Student, you're all probably expecting me to be a freakin hippy and say something about how Global Warming is killing us all. Well I'm not. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn. That is all.
FS: <<forgot something>>: But...if you don't know your natural voltage...::shudder:: <<ALD>>: Could you make it a Demona instead of an Angela...<<get you a beer>>: How about just a coke. I'm an engineer not a bowler. <<can we go to the bedroom PLEASE>>: Again!? But that's the fifteenth time since lunch (its 1:22 PM where I am right now)...okay cool lets go! <<I am dead>>: Actually, if the first version was as functional as a barstool, I'd still be happy to have it in my house. 2.0, however... <<poor installation of OS>>: LOL <<nursery rhymes for hackers>>: LOL <<blood of a virgin>>: Not very hard to find. ::walks around CR with a syringe:: I know there's some around here... BUWAHAHAHA <<Why can't things be left well enough alone>>: And you call yourself an engineer (or is it CS?)? <<fear my leet nekkid skills>>: You have 'leet nekkid skills? Will ALD have 'leet nekkid skills too?
Sorow: Congrats(?) on dropping drill team. Hope you find happiness in your over-abundance of free time.
DPH: <<new PC>>: I know the feeling. I can't sit still when there's a new toy en route. <<good friday>>: I'm taking it off, but I don't GET the holiday (not that I need it, I'm Atheist anyway).
Stephen: Good Army of Darkness quote.
I'd like to say that everything is okay between me and that fscking little slut.
-Eminem, about Christina Aguilera
Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Friday, April 13, 2001 05:18:25 PM
[The door to the CR opens, and a guy with a shotgun, a chainsaw and a big chin appears inside the doorway... he hauls out a shovel and proceeds to dig a deep hole in the middle of the room (a mean feat, no?). When he finishes, the ash-covered fellow hauls out a dirty, bloody burlap sack and tosses it into the pit. Quickly, he fills it in and heads back out the door, muttering something about a book.
[He barely gets out of sight before everyone can hear him say the words "Klatuu, Verada, Nik-HRRAAAGH!" Upon that, the skies suddenly darken, and the lighting flashes! The ground where the sack is buried begins to heave and buckle... and suddenly a collection of body parts burst forth from underground, quickly shuffling about before they form into a familiar big fellow with a white hat...]
<heavy gasp> I... Liiiive... A-GAiiinnnnnn! <grins> That was fun, not. ^_^
Greetings all! As I sit here, I now have my cable modem connection back, and a new computer to run it on. Well, it's a slower model than my former 200MMX (only a 133) but it's enough to get by on until I can repair my old machine. One other positive thin about this is the fact my mother now has taken it on herself to get herself a replacement computer to move herself beyond using her WebTV... and there was much rejoycing! (Yay!) ^_^
So, now that I'm back online (and rebuilding my system as I speak) let me get on to some replies:
CHRISTINE : Thanks for the Birthday wishes! Your B-Day gift is coming soon, and I think you'll get a kick out of it. And I'll soon have a couple of subs for May Sabledrake ASAP... ^_^
AARON : <GLEEP!> Wha-Waitaminute! You and Robby Brevard are ONE in the same Person!?!?
CRZY's PILLOWING GREG PIC : Hmmm, makes me wonder just how Crzy keeps getting access to Greg...
WINTERWOLF : Thanks for the Birthday remembrances... Yes, it was the 10th of April. Just FYI, I share the same Birthday as Steven Segal, Harry "Col Potter" Morgan, singer Mandy Moore and Max Von Sidow... Pretty cool company there. ^_^
Dreamie : Hi there!
Doug & Kit : Glad to still see you two! And... about those comments. Errr... I'll save my comments for an email. ^_^'
Anyway, that's all for me for now... Maintain and Check Six!
"We were the GOOD guys! THEY were the bad guys, and they made a very satisfying THUMP when they hit the floor!"
- G'Kar, Babylon 5
Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. - []
Tampa, FLA, USA
Friday, April 13, 2001 04:55:45 PM
****Kyryn ducks into the room.*****
Shadowrider> Great to 'see' you back! I hope that you enjoy your holiday.
Fire Storm> Blood of a virgin? Ya know, funny thing is a lot of those spells don't say that the virgin has to be human! Hmmm. There's a plotline hiding in there somewhere....
Christine> Book progress> It says that you're working on it! That, and you are dedicated to getting details correct --- which a lot of readers like! lol! I'm currently hunting down a linguistics specialist to discuss the shape of a mouth and how it affects vocalization and pronunciation. I've got a section of writing that will be greatly affected by this.
SOROW> Yay! And, as the song goes.... Don't worry, be happy!
Later, All!
****Kyryn dances out of the room to the faintly heard strains of the abovementioned song.****
Denton, TX
Friday, April 13, 2001 04:34:37 PM
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow because I plan on getting my PC ordered tomorrow, you're only a day away. Tomorrow, tomorrow *stops when he notices everyone staring at him.*
I have a 3-day weekend and you should be able to guess what I plan on doing tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.
Things to do today: mail off tax forms. and maybe pick up MORE plants.
Ok, where is this new character test located?
Wait a minute: I haven't had breakfast yet.
How many people out yonder have Good Friday off?
Ok, I have known there is a difference between mass and weight, but to save time I refered to them as the same thing. Please, let us switch over to the metric system. It would save time with temperature readings. It would be easier to conversions for distances (how many yards are in 1 mile).
Damn,'s IQ test is long. over 500 questions, many of which are repeated.
**BFTS RP continues**
Plastiqe asks SuperSpeed, "Are you sure casting a spell is a good idea if you are pregnant?"
SuperSpeed replies, "It is safe as long as I am carefull."
The spirit is still watching and hoping for SuperSpeed to cast the spell.
SuperSpeed continues, "I will have to wait until Jason Filler is present for the spell to work. It is ready."
The spirit thinks, "You will cast that spell very soon. I will wait until SuperSpeed is asleep to take possession of her body and cast the spell."
**END BFTS RP for now**
Does evil lurk around the corner for Plastique and SuperSpeed?
DPH - []
Friday, April 13, 2001 03:22:50 PM
Just popping in to say that I am now officially no longer in drill team as of last night. I will now be sane and pleasantly happier. Be happy for me, yea!
Friday, April 13, 2001 02:55:08 PM
Gside: <Those monkeys are tenacious, aren't they?>
Yeah... but I guess that if even my biological sister can pass classes, a monkey could do even better.
Lady Mystic, Myself, and our sister Puppy Girl. Let me explain before dirty little minds start working...
I DO have a biological sister. But she isn't much of a sister. To me, LM's sister is more of a sister to me. So I consider LM's sister, Puppy Girl, to be my sister.
and NO, LM and I are <>*NOT*<> related!
<My thoughts exactly>
But have you ever noticed that a 2-liter goes flat faster in the fridge than sitting open on your table?
<All the time. You know that engineers actually measure their natural voltage for fun?>
I KNEW I forgot something!
Imzadi: <Is that "her cutting the grass makes me hot" or "her cutting the grass makes HER hot"?>
Hey saying "cutting the grass makes me hot"
<I can certainly confirm that a women who enjoys cleaning my house THAT MUCH would be AWESOME!>
:ALD: "No, please. Don't help me clean the dishes! I LOVE doing the dishes by myself! Go back to watching the TV while I get you a beer! When I am done in the kitchen, can we go to the bedroom PLEASE?"
Man o man... if it does NOT do those things when I am done making the ALD, I am dead! :)
<If you don't get it right the first time, reload. >
::grumbles:: damn poor installation of os...
Nursery ryhmes for hackers:
$33 l33t
$33 l33t |-|4|<
|-|4|< l33t, |-|4|<
It did suck pretty badly, didn't it?
I opened my windows and it aired out my house in under a minute!
Yggdrasil: <A bit of clarification on the Kyoto accords>
Intersting, interesting.
Just one question, though...
What ARE the Kyoto accords?
Aaron: <Right on!>
Actually, I think it would be a bad thing. Knowing Bush, he may pull out the "special weapons"
<Well, if it was winter, about eight weeks>
Now, is that just you?
<And you can no longer be sacrificed in messy and degrading ways>
True... but I am glad that around my house I have an adequate supply of blood of a virgin. Great for spells.
And BBQ.
SJ: <Laurence Fishburne in the movie playing Morpheus as Cowboy Curtis?
LM and I were talking about this. Was LF the original CC?
<We, as Americans, should NEVER ADOPT THE METRIC SYSTEM>
Why can't things be left well enough alone? Hell, things are going well in the imperial system for the US. Why fsck things up and change it all?
Doug//KIT: *Also reads Doug's message, then Kit's. Pauses for a moment*
The less said, the better.
Since everyone is into quotes now a days...
Fire Storm - []
Friday, April 13, 2001 02:30:41 PM
I'm not sure what it says about a book-in-progress when the three things I finally have to end up actually looking up include the average weight of a pot-bellied pig, the proper spelling of the Klingon weapon bat'leth, and checking to be sure there really isn't a place with the same name as a fictional concentration camp. And this doesn't even count having to do some research on brain physiology and function. Whee, we're having fun now, kids! LOL.
Doug > okay, so tell me ... DO they sing the song? THE song? The proper, ultimate, only song for Josie and the Pussycats? And are Alexandra-the-bitch and her brother in the movie? If, that is, you were able to tear your glazed peepers away from the main hottie long enough to notice? ; )
Christine - []
Friday, April 13, 2001 02:24:12 PM
Welcome back Shadowrider! ^_^
I'm happy to see you back.
I'm busy with paperwork at the moment but I'll make sure to catch you over this weekend.
Have fun and I'll chat with you later. **waves**
Bronx, NY
Friday, April 13, 2001 11:40:34 AM
Greetings to everyone! Here again...after a while, it is quite good to be here again. Well, I'm happy to see the CR is still holding up...So, I'd like to write more, but I've just returned and I have a lot of things left suspended and to get arranged. I'll write a longer post later.
So, anything particular happened here in these past days?
See later!
P.S. I finally got that prize licence I was appointed with some times ago...I'll be here until Tuesday. Later!
Shadowrider - []
Milan, Italy
Friday, April 13, 2001 11:27:16 AM
Sevarius Jr: <having positive gargoyle characters> Frankly, the only show or movie that I can even think of to use gargoyles was a horror anthology (Tales from the Darkside, I think) that included one about a struggling artist (James Remar) who encounters a gargoyle. Rae Dawn Chong was in it too. And in that one, gargoyles were seen as more ambiguous and sad. In fact a lot about it reminded me of Demona.
(Oh yeah, and Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame, although the biggest mistake that movie made was bringing them in for comic relief. Straight drama would have been better.)
Sincerely, Allaine (five more days until new BtVS and Angel, six more days until the Amber Benson comic book :D)
Allaine - []
Philadelphia, PA
Friday, April 13, 2001 09:16:40 AM
heh.. methinks that fist was a little larger than intended ;)
the Great White North
Friday, April 13, 2001 03:55:27 AM
*wanders in and espies SJ's post.. and raises the fist of the environmentalist ever so slightly*
i dont think that it is fair to say that the issue of "global warming" is a myth and dismiss it so easily. this is for one very simple reason: WE DONT KNOW. sure we can SAY its a myth and maybe you are right but.. to my brain anyhow, i think that if there is the SLIGHTEST EEEEENSY WEEEENSIEST possibility that the "righteous environmentalists" are correct.. people should be careful.
your point: "You'll see Bigfoot making a porno film with the Loch Ness Monster on an alien spaceship before they prove that global warming exists" is absolutely 100% valid.. however i think you'll see that film before anyone can prove that global warming DOESNT exist..
ive done research about solar conditions and whatnot.. there was a huuuuge study awhile back that links solar activity with the ice ages as well as peaks in temperature. there seems to be a direct correlation between glacial activity, the winter-severity index, temperature, solar activity (ie number of sunspots observed) and the abundance of the carbon-14 isotope in the atmosphere. the last solar minimum was from around 1645 to 1715. in 1716 E. Hally (the dude who found the comet) saw his first aurora and was moved to write a paper on the subject.
solar activity has been increasing ever since.
but still the fact remains is that global temperature has dramatically increased over a very short period of time.. and there is also a correlation between human increase in the consumption of fossil fules and all that and this sharp rise in temperature.
either one could just be a coincidence but.. seeing as how enough evidence has not been gathered to prove (or disprove) either one conclusively, i think the people of this planet would be BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY.
it could be that BOTH solar factors and human impact are contributing to global rise in temperature. *I* am not claiming to know..
if this is the case however, i think humans should look after their end of the stick so they can only fret about the factors that are NOT within their control.
*politely suggests that sevarius do some research about carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide*
sure humans breathe out CO2 and that is a GOOD thing. plants like it.. they use it to make O2 that WE like.. however there are rather a lot of CO2 expelling human beings on this planet who like to cut down O2 replacing trees so they can live and farm there. this doesnt make such a happy cycle of life, does it?
like i said.. i dunno but.. i still think were better safe than sorry..
and assimilate CANADA???? HA!! (can i wish you good luck with quebec??.. youll never take them alive.. or dead..)
and i dont think anyone was suggesting that the GREAT NATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA should adapt to the rest of the world.. i think the general consensus it that maybe the u s of a should adapt to some COMMON SENSE.. ;)
and the side of the road?? well.. thats a cultural thing.. they drive on the other side in england-ish type places cos they were prancing round as knights (who were mostly right-handed) and its easier to draw your sword and SMITE THINE ENEMY from that side. however in america there werent knights but there WERE lots of people with carts and people leading pack animals (like horses). some horses get frisky when they meet other horses on the road so people (again being mostly right handed) walked on the inside of the road so that the people passed each other when they met, rather than the horses passing and friskiness ensuing.
oh and yes sevarius.. thunderstorms make me wet..
(i have SUCH another comment i would LOOOOOVE to insert here but.. alas.. this is a family comment room and i think id be pushing it.. )
Yggdrasil>> if yer so goshdarned bored.. whydoncha come visit me eh?
watch some THIS HOUR HAS 22 MINUTES with me.. eh? see that marg: princess warrior or all those times they get those hotshot harvard profs to sign petitions about the canadian government setting out senior citizens out on ice flowes to sail into the sunset.. or that glorious time when good ole g w bush was running for office and 22 MINUTES was there asking him aboot how he thought his relations with JEAN POUTINE, the PRESIDENT OF CANADA would be.. and he said he thought they would be fine.. can you imagine.. jean poutine.. *looks round to see how many americans actually GET the joke..*
youll have a hard time assimilating us SJ.. we laugh too much.. we could never live in a country where political satirists couldnt break into the prime ministers office waving tinfoil swords.. or publically re-style jean charest's hair in the lobby of parliament.. we could never live in a country without the four quinlan quints.. or jerry boyle, of the newfoundland separation federation.. or petitions to get stockwell day, leader of the official opposition, to change his first name to doris..
aaah what a sad life we would live without these things..
ah rick mercer.. how we love thee..
and besides that, you americans have boring money... not like *US*.. we have funky two-toned coins you can freeze and pop the middle out of.. and awesome-coloured money.. with cool pictures.. including new purple ten-dollar bills that look like theyve come STRAIGHT out of monopoly and have peacekeepers and poppies and sir john a mcdonald and bilingual WAR POETRY on them YAAAAH!!!
*shoves fist in the air*
YAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BILINGUAL WAR POETRY!!!!!
*puts on Ashley Mcisaac and funks down to the techno-celtic-industrial-grunge thingie with LOTS of backbeat..* "WING STOCK" RULES!!!! GO DOWNLOAD IT NOW!! :D cimar a tha thu?? tha, gu math COS IM A CANADIAN!!!
and i can sing my national anthem in english, french AND gaelic..
WE GAVE YOU THE FASTEST VERSION OF "its the end of the world as we know it (and i feel fine)" KNOWN TO MAN!!! and where would the world be without THAT???!?!?! sarah mclachlans a canuck!! so are nelly furtado and loreena mckennitt.. the barenaked ladies..
WE HAVE A CULTURE!!! AND IT AINT YERS!!!!! just face it.. noone could make a soap opera as awful as "riverdale" and get away with it anywhere else in the world!!!!!
and we have HIGH taxes.. and FREEEEEEE healthcare for EVERYONE!!.. which means if you come visit me and i whack you on the head for being a JERK, my dear SJ.. you get FREE healthcare..
SO THERE!!! TAKE THAT YOU BORG!!!!!!!!!!! take yer wonderbread and cheeze whiz and GO HOME!!!!
*lets out a loud war-whoop*
*suddenly realizes that "braveheart" thingie which was watched with val when he was here has probably gone STRAIGHT to the brain.. * too much braveheart make lain psycho... that is MORE psycho than usual.. ;)
(hope you enjoyed reading that aboot as much as i enjoyed writing it ;))
*looks around at the amused glances and points to SJ*
hey.. its HIS fault.. HE started it..
he was probably just trying to goad me too..
what a JERK.. ;)
gside>> no.. the pants were quite literally steaming.. and im not kidding ;)
and he says to mention that steaming pants are nothing compared to having to sit on a bus for 30 hours with wet underwear.. *sigh*.. he just called me.. *siiiigh..* his net is down and hes going away for a few days but he'll be back :D
and the site is contaminated with PCB and uranium i think.. yummy ;)
*briefly wonders why "The Dougster, Lover of Kit" and "Kitainia, Doug's Eternal One and Only" posted using arianna and graeme as pics.. considering the content of their posts.. but decides not to make an issue of it*
okay.. i think i had better go to bed before i hurt myself...
love you all,
lain "one half of a newly created factory for sappy stuff and puppy eyes" iwakura - []
Friday, April 13, 2001 03:36:36 AM
*Reads Doug's message, then Kit's. Pauses for a moment.*
*blink blink*
You two say some of the most interesting things at 1:30 in the morning, you know that?
Robby Wheeler
Friday, April 13, 2001 02:46:44 AM
Ok, Doug, if you're through making people ROFLTAO...
I too plug Josie and the Pussycats enthusiastically. Go see it. It doesn't just have good-looking women and at least two good-looking men (ok, sue me, I like Alan Cumming) in cool costumes displaying lots of acting talent and flesh in the case of the girls. It also has lots of funny jokes, great music, a very well-written script, and many bits of satire on modern pop culture and counter-culture. Some people may have told you this film would be dumb, they are wrong. Go see it. It has everything Doug and I have said, and more. Much more. Trust me. :)
Now, pardon me, but I have to go get busy with my honey. Oh, and btw, Doug, if you ever tell people about my Rachael Leigh Cook fantasies without my permission again, no sex for a week. I mean it. <Doug looks astonished> I'm serious. <Doug nods and whispers an apology> Thank you. :) Later friends! <jets out>
Kitainia, Doug's Eternal One and Only
Friday, April 13, 2001 02:18:24 AM
One more thing- remember, submit is sensitive! :)
Friday, April 13, 2001 02:09:31 AM
Hello everyone. I come before you tonight only to plug the greatest chick band movie of all time, Josie and the Pussycats. See this movie. It has incredibly hot chicks. Rachael Leigh Cook has dyed her hair red for this movie, red to match the color of my face every time I look at her. She has also for this movie constantly dressed herself in very revealing gowns and loungewear, that show enough of her body to get my motor running seriously. And what they hide does the rest. She also sings, and sings beautifully in a nice soprano (I think, I'm not very up on types of singing voices) and plays guitar very well, or so the movie makes it appear. She is also not the only hot chick in the movie. Tara Reid is there too, playing a hilarious and happy ditz for all you men who like that type of woman <grins towards his friend Keith>. She also dresses in revealing outfits quite often in the film, and not only that, she plays in shower scenes-> thus the movie shows even more of her body than Rachael's. So if you like to see hot female flesh, see this movie. And for those of you who do not like white women, for reasons I can not understand, there is Rosario Dawson. She is also hot, and she is playing in this movie. Her costumes are not quite as revealing as Rachael's or Tara's, but she is still hot and the bitchy pessimistic attitude her character displays throughout the film should make some of you go wild. I know it did my friends Boris and Shap. And for you girls to drool over, there is at least one hot guy in the film also- Gabriel Mann. Yes, Gabriel Mann. I don't recognize his name either, but I'm sure every girl who sees his face will look for his name in the credits and remember it forevermore. He is cute, or so some hot chicks told me after seeing the movie. Not only that, he can act, and in this world of Keanu Reeveses, Russell Crowes, and James Van Der Beeks, cute guys who can act something besides stupid are few and far between. He probably won't win any awards for his acting, but trust me, he can act. Rachael Leigh Cook can also act. She can act very well, and she does in this movie. So do Tara and Rosario, and Alan Cumming & Parker Posey, who play the awful yet endearing villains. I am talking like Alan Cumming's character now, even if you can not hear the accent. :)
Not only does this movie have cute people in it, it also has a plot. A deep well-written very involving plot. It is predictable, but you do not notice that until after you have sat through the movie. It is full of cliches, but these cliches are used very well to comedic effect. You will laugh your head off at many if not all of the jokes that are very well distributed throughout the movie. The plot is also easy to follow, with much character development, a minimum of stupid scenes (though unfortunately a few are in there), and several very memorable lines and moments worth reenacting in your daily lives. There is a maniacal laughter contest in the film, there is a catfight, there are fight scenes and action sequences, thrills and chills, moments of suspense and moments of intense excitement. There are no gross-out moments, though, you'll have to watch other films (like Joe Dirt) if you want those. There is brilliant cinematography, very well-done costumes, and excellent makeup. There is well-done technical video choreography, good lighting, excellent scenery. More importantly, there is a script the writers and editors actually took the trouble to do a good job on. Many movies these days can not boast the same. It not only has a good plot and endearing characters, it is full of jokes. Many of these jokes poke fun at MTV, VH1, Metallica, Target, Revlon, the Army, the government, Elvis, the Beatles, the Captain and TaNeille, N'Sync, and other icons of modern pop culture. Thus they should make you laugh often and much. And if you don't care about plot, well, the movie does star three incredibly hot women.
In addition to this, it has good music. Music that is worth singing to yourself while you listen to it as you're watching the movie, or at home in the shower or at your computer or while undressing afterwards. Music that is written well, and played well- yes, it may just be the movie's special effects making that happen, but they do a very good job. The music features both original songs and popular songs produced by artists such as Don McLean, MeatLoaf, the Beastie Boys, and Babyface. Every song is used at the right point in the movie, for good effect and great audience enjoyment. They are interspersed well with jokes and effects that make them even more enjoyable. And if you're like my girl and me, you will even want to break the social norms by getting up and dancing in the theater whenever they come on (we caused a scene, believe me :). The fact that incredibly hot chicks are playing these songs more often than not and that they are also usually onscreen moving their bodies and smiling during these songs only makes them even more enjoyable.
So go see Josie and the Pussycats. Go ahead. Blow off work and studying, grab your friends, march yourselves down to the theater, and see this movie. It has comedy, drama, action, music, hot women, good writing, well-done effects, excellent makeup & costumes & cinematography, hot women, a broad understandable social message, good villains, at least one cute guy who can act (Seth Green may be another one, but he wasn't really in enough of the film to tell whether or not), a few explosions, fight scenes, hot women, maniacal laughter, dancing, love, songs, hot women, credits that include everyone who worked on the movie, outtakes showcased at the end for even more laughs, hot women; special guest appearances by Serena Altschul, Carson Daly, and other famous MTV personalities (no Daria, though, unfortunately, but then there's also no one from the Real World and that's alright by me); cardboard cut-outs, hot women, revealing dresses, funny stupid people, car accidents and explosions, pussy ears, cool electronic gizmos, hot women, weird guys with funny British accents who make young Texan security guards with gallant knight complexes such as myself go crazy, and hot women, hot women, hot women, hot women, did I mention the hot women?
I did? Good. :) Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go and make a certain hot woman who wants me happy. She is waiting for me in the bedroom, I must go. No, don't open the door and peek. Go see Josie and the Pussycats instead, you'll be much more entertained. Rachael Leigh Cook with red hair in revealing costumes is much hotter than the chick who is waiting for me could ever be. <ducks thrown pillow> Honey, you know I didn't really mean that. <dodges thrown shoe> Oh come on, you have fantasies about her too. Maybe they aren't as wild and depraved as my fantasies, but you have them! <Kit glares at him sullenly> I'm just telling people the truth, honey. <censor blows whistle> Alright, sorry, geez. Ok, I will leave. But before I do- I must say it again. See Josie and the Pussycats. See Hot Women. Thank you. :)
The Dougster, Lover of Kit
Friday, April 13, 2001 02:09:02 AM
Hello everyone. I come before you tonight only to plug the greatest chick band movie of all time, Josie and the Pussycats. See this movie. It has incredibly hot chicks. Rachael Leigh Cook has dyed her hair red for this movie, red to match the color of my face every time I look at her. She has also for this movie constantly dressed herself in very revealing gowns and loungewear, that show enough of her body to get my motor running seriously. And what they hide does the rest. She also sings, and sings beautifully in a nice soprano (I think, I'm not very up on types of singing voices) and plays guitar very well, or so the movie makes it appear. She is also not the only hot chick in the movie. Tara Reid is there too, playing a hilarious and happy ditz for all you men who like that type of woman <grins towards his friend Keith>. She also dresses in revealing outfits quite often in the film, and not only that, she plays in shower scenes-> thus the movie shows even more of her body than Rachael's. So if you like to see hot female flesh, see this movie. And for those of you who do not like white women, for reasons I can not understand, there is Rosario Dawson. She is also hot, and she is playing in this movie. Her costumes are not quite as revealing as Rachael's or Tara's, but she is still hot and the bitchy pessimistic attitude her character displays throughout the film should make some of you go wild. I know it did my friends Boris and Shap. And for you girls to drool over, there is at least one hot guy in the film also- Gabriel Mann. Yes, Gabriel Mann. I don't recognize his name either, but I'm sure every girl who sees his face will look for his name in the credits and remember it forevermore. He is cute, or so some hot chicks told me after seeing the movie. Not only that, he can act, and in this world of Keanu Reeveses, Russell Crowes, and James Van Der Beeks, cute guys who can act something besides stupid are few and far between. He probably won't win any awards for his acting, but trust me, he can act. Rachael Leigh Cook can also act. She can act very well, and she does in this movie. So do Tara and Rosario, and Alan Cumming & Parker Posey, who play the awful yet endearing villains. I am talking like Alan Cumming's character now, even if you can not hear the accent. :)
Not only does this movie have cute people in it, it also has a plot. A deep well-written very involving plot. It is predictable, but you do not notice that until after you have sat through the movie. It is full of cliches, but these cliches are used very well to comedic effect. You will laugh your head off at many if not all of the jokes that are very well distributed throughout the movie. The plot is also easy to follow, with much character development, a minimum of stupid scenes (though unfortunately a few are in there), and several very memorable lines and moments worth reenacting in your daily lives. There is a maniacal laughter contest in the film, there is a catfight, there are fight scenes and action sequences, thrills and chills, moments of suspense and moments of intense excitement. There are no gross-out moments, though, you'll have to watch other films (like Joe Dirt) if you want those. There is brilliant cinematography, very well-done costumes, and excellent makeup. There is well-done technical video choreography, good lighting, excellent scenery. More importantly, there is a script the writers and editors actually took the trouble to do a good job on. Many movies these days can not boast the same. It not only has a good plot and endearing characters, it is full of jokes. Many of these jokes poke fun at MTV, VH1, Metallica, Target, Revlon, the Army, the government, Elvis, the Beatles, the Captain and TaNeille, N'Sync, and other icons of modern pop culture. Thus they should make you laugh often and much. And if you don't care about plot, well, the movie does star three incredibly hot women.
In addition to this, it has good music. Music that is worth singing to yourself while you listen to it as you're watching the movie, or at home in the shower or at your computer or while undressing afterwards. Music that is written well, and played well- yes, it may just be the movie's special effects making that happen, but they do a very good job. The music features both original songs and popular songs produced by artists such as Don McLean, MeatLoaf, the Beastie Boys, and Babyface. Every song is used at the right point in the movie, for good effect and great audience enjoyment. They are interspersed well with jokes and effects that make them even more enjoyable. And if you're like my girl and me, you will even want to break the social norms by getting up and dancing in the theater whenever they come on (we caused a scene, believe me :). The fact that incredibly hot chicks are playing these songs more often than not and that they are also usually onscreen moving their bodies and smiling during these songs only makes them even more enjoyable.
So go see Josie and the Pussycats. Go ahead. Blow off work and studying, grab your friends, march yourselves down to the theater, and see this movie. It has comedy, drama, action, music, hot women, good writing, well-done effects, excellent makeup & costumes & cinematography, hot women, a broad understandable social message, good villains, at least one cute guy who can act (Seth Green may be another one, but he wasn't really in enough of the film to tell whether or not), a few explosions, fight scenes, hot women, maniacal laughter, dancing, love, songs, hot women, credits that include everyone who worked on the movie, outtakes showcased at the end for even more laughs, hot women; special guest appearances by Serena Altschul, Carson Daly, and other famous MTV personalities (no Daria, though, unfortunately, but then there's also no one from the Real World and that's alright by me); cardboard cut-outs, hot women, revealing dresses, funny stupid people, car accidents and explosions, pussy ears, cool electronic gizmos, hot women, weird guys with funny British accents who make young Texan security guards with gallant knight complexes such as myself go crazy, and hot women, hot women, hot women, hot women, did I mention the hot women?
I did? Good. :) Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go and make a certain hot woman who wants me happy. She is waiting for me in the bedroom, I must go. No, don't open the door and peek. Go see Josie and the Pussycats instead, you'll be much more entertained. Rachael Leigh Cook with red hair in revealing costumes is much hotter than the chick who is waiting for me could ever be. <ducks thrown pillow> Honey, you know I didn't really mean that. <dodges thrown shoe> Oh come on, you have fantasies about her too. Maybe they aren't as wild and depraved as my fantasies, but you have them! <Kit glares at him sullenly> I'm just telling people the truth, honey. <censor blows whistle> Alright, sorry, geez. Ok, I will leave. But before I do- I must say it again. See Josie and the Pussycats. See Hot Women. Thank you. :)
The Dougster, Lover of Kit
Friday, April 13, 2001 02:08:43 AM
Lain> <<the pants really WERE steaming>>: Of course I was insinuating in the figurative sense.
<<the most contaminated building in toronto>>: Contaminated with what?
<<brendan fraiser i think?>>: Nope. Brendan is an actor. Benton Fraser was the character, played by Paul Gross (also a good musician. Mmm... Ride Forever, Robert MacKenzie...). Gordon Pinset did Robert Fraser, and who can forget Dief or Leslie Nielson as Sgt. Buck Frobisher. And yes, I did have to research most of that. To find the hand of Franklin reaching for the Beaufort Sea...
<<bottles of pop thing>>: Soda. Or coke.
<<feel like youre kissing a battery?>>: All the time. You know that engineers actually measure their natural voltage for fun?
Imzadi> <<I forsee a flame war over this, between the couples and the singles>>: I'd postulate that some singles would cross the line. Myself, for example, though I did have an unnaturally stable nuclear family. I'm talking helium here.
<<Are all flute-players attractive?>>: No, but I have heard them repeatedly described by a more derisive adjective.
<<My whosits and whatsits?>>: Sprinkles. You know those multicolored or chocolate things you put on your ice cream? Some insane people call them jimmies.
<<can I get a boo yaka from the engineers?>>: For analysis, boo yaka. I'm still stuck on everyday reference, though. Then again, I've never been good at visual approximations.
<<Silent Bob's an insturment of god?>>: Nah, just the golf club.
Winterwolf> <<used a hammer to get the alignment mostly back in shape>>: Heck yeah.
<<Was Pogo around with his wine?>>: And he always had some mighty fine wine.
<<I’m still grinning that you fooled me into thinking you were Gside>>: I missed this? Man. What color did she use? And was there any explanaion for not using a rutgers IP?
Aaron> <<My children will hate me>>: "C'mere, Colin."
<<You should be on schedule to find a girl in another 20 months>>: That's sooner than any of my most optimistic estimates.
<<the whole "Please place any metal objects in the tray" scene done with Mousse>>: Very much so ("Do you have any idea of how long that would take?" "...five miles chain, blade attached to each thirty foot segment, twenty five scythe blades, two gross eggs, explosive, fifteen ducky training potties. I think we finished this cuff."). Though I did see a varient once. Gave Akane mallet envy with one he was keeping in his hair. Though the author was kind of setting him up with Ukyou. You know, lately I've been pondering the construction of his sleevescythes. I thnik I've got it mostly worked out.
<<Or MiST them, depending>>: I think it would also be fun to mist standard lemons. One should take any excuse to work with explosives.
<<But why was Ogenki Clinic on that list?>>: To get the perverts, and because everyone's heard of LBG.
And since I just found out about the Ring test, I got Barliman Butterbur first (heck yeah), followed by Treebeard (Ents are good), and Gimli (dwarves are the standard engineers in fantasy, now dwarven mages...). Yes, I did get the Multicolored higher than G. And I am most definitely not Frodo.
Kitainia> Kuja: IX. He's a girlyboy.
Christine> <<Gside:: Writeups of weapons, maybe, hint-hint?>>: What? I'm a EE, and a near complete left brainer. I mean we haven't even talked about proper application of huge capacitors yet (as would be needed for stun guns, tazers, and whatnot).
Robby> <<Wonder if it says anything that I have to go down five spots to get a guy in this one?>>: All the guys are girlyboys. Most of the women are more masculine.
Imzadi> <<Everything should be base ten>>: Actually, it sould all be base 13, the most natural base and proof of the fundamental assymetry of the universe.
<<the same word for two completely different things, force and mass?>>: No one. Pounds are always force (or weight). Mass is in slugs and is totally different from weight.
Sev. Jr.> <<I do think that global warming is a myth>>: It could be happening extremely slowly, and indistinguishable from standard global temperature fluctuations.
<<drive on the left side of the road>>: Apparently that came from narrow roads in England and wanting your sword arm free, or something like that.
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Friday, April 13, 2001 01:28:49 AM
Stuff tonight:
Environment stuff: I actually support Bush's environmental policies (and I just bet you're holding onto the seats of your chairs with that stunning revelation).
Then again, I do think that global warming is a myth. MYTH PEOPLE. You'll see Bigfoot making a porno film with the Loch Ness Monster on an alien spaceship before they prove that global warming exists. (And boy am I opening myself up to the righteous hand of the environmentalist there.)
Anyway, I think the thing that Bush is getting the most heat from is the carbon dioxide mandate that he rescinded. Which is just a ridiculous thing to get upset about, IMO. Carbon MONOXIDE will kill you real quick. It is especially lethal and poisonous. Carbon dioxide is what you exhale as a part of your natural respiratory process. So, my suggestion to all the treehuggers who are upset that Bush isn't strictly regulating carbon dioxide: do your part to reduce c.d. and just stop breathing. Your contribution to Mother Earth will be two-fold, because we could then use your decomposing bodies for our compost piles.
The Metric System: See, now this is where I really miss Aris. Allow me to put on my Johnny Patriot cap here, and wrap myself in the old Stars n' Stripes.
We, as Americans, should NEVER ADOPT THE METRIC SYSTEM. How many times do I have to say it-we should not adapt to the world, the world should adapt to us. We are the Borg. We will assimilate all other cultures and nations into our own collective. We have already begun the process with Canada. We should not go metric. Frankly, I rather like inches and yards and miles, etc. Next thing you know, they'll want us to drive on the left side of the road (which is just plain silly!). So, no metric system. Let's maintain our autonomy.
China situation: First off, why should we make heroes of these guys coming back? If you ask me, they did NOT do their job that well, cause they were spying and they still drew the attention of the Chinese. Should have just landed that damn plane in the ocean, and watch the Chinese try and get their hands on our tech.
But I like what we did-we sent a letter to the Chinese saying "Oh, we deeply regret what happened", or some nonsense like that, and they bought it, and today Bush was crowing about it and rightfully so. He basically said, "Hey, douche bags, we really didn't do anything wrong. But you were dumb enough to believe our quasi-apology, so now we got our people back."
Well, he really didn't say that verbatim. I'm pretty sure he left out the douche bag remark. Reasonably sure, that is.
Gunjack: I think somebody is bragging a little that the women are stealing their pants, hmm? ;) Somehow I don't sense a lot of anger at all of the pants stealing. ;p
Lain: So, thunderstorms make you wet?
*rimshot* What? I can't have been the only one who thought of that joke. Stop looking at me like that.
Robby / Aaron / Bizarre Non-Entity: I will give you exceptional credit---at least when you chose an alter ego, at least you were wise enough to make the two "personalities" somewhat different and separate.
Personally, though, I'm beginning to think that that big ol' Texas sun is cooking all of your brains. Yee-haw.
Greg "Pillow Boy" Weisman pic: Oddly enough, this reminds me of that scene in that awful Brad Pitt movie "Kalifornia" where Brad puts the pillow over the head of the convenience store clerk, right before he blows the guy's head off……Now that I think about it, Brad makes an awful lot of really weird goddamn movies.
Funniest show on TV today: MTV's "When Hate Goes Pop". An hour of MTV talking about how bad "hate speech" in music is. What makes this funny is that MTV is saying how all of these videos are bad and wrong, and yet somehow they justify the fact that they play *every single goddamn offensive video* that they list as bad or hate-filled on a regular basis.
On the Neil Gaiman front, Neil has finished the screenplay for the long-awaited "Death: The High Cost Of Living" movie. He plans to eventually direct it.
Personally, while I love Neil, I just have this horrible feeling that whatever studio this film gets picked up by will totally screw the project over.
Robert Rodriguez, director of the recent "Spy Kids", is planning on making a third Mariachi film, to star Antonio Banderas. This I'm happy about; the first two films were pretty damn good, IMO, and Rodriguez claims that this latest film (tentatively titled "Once Upon a Time in Mexico") will be his version of "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly".
Rodriguez deserves all the success he can get. The man sold his body to science to fund his first film. A guy crazy enough to do that should be getting some props.
And finally, Paul "Pee Wee Herman" Reubens actually wants to make 2 new Pee Wee movies. One for the kids, and one… for the adults.
I'm actually interested in this. Goddamn me, I'm interested in a naughty, adult Pee Wee movie. It just….fits, doesn't it? I'll tell you what, though-if they have Laurence Fishburne in the movie playing Morpheus as Cowboy Curtis, I am SOLD.
Sevarius Jr. - []
Thursday, April 12, 2001 11:17:40 PM
Ed: Good points on TGS season 3. That's all I'm gonna say, because I don't want to break apart your massive review and read it all AGAIN. That would hurt.
Allaine: <<gargoyles are made of stone all the time, not just during the day. They're impervious to pain and have very bad tempers. Oh yeah, and they need to kidnap humans so they can feed them to their children.>>: I dunno about you, but it sounds just like our favorite cartoon characters to me!
SJ: <<everyone over in S8 has just a little too much time on their hands>>: Then why don't they post more often?
Winterwolf: <<birds like to crap on your vehicle>>: And right after a wash, too. Just like Murphy's law suggests. <<Chess>>: Its got a board. Its a board game.
Metric system: Although born and bred in the US of A, I've been working with metric units in school since I was 12 years old. Every science teacher I ever had insisted that imperial units were the most rediculous things in the world, and I'm starting to agree. We have 10 fingers. Everything should be base ten. Except maybe monetary conversion...cuz that would really piss off Canada ::grins::. Anyway, I've been working with the metric system for so long in school while working with imperial everywhere else that I exist as a translator. I go to Canada with my family, and I'm explaining the approximate conversions for liters to gallons and kph to mph, etc. But the further I progress in physics and engineering fields, the more I realize that if we'd all just switch to metrics, life would be sooooo much simpler.
Yggdrasil: <<foot pounds>>: LOL! I did something similar on the Advanced Placement Physics exam. The real trick comes when you try to figure out whether its pounds force or pounds weight. What fool came up with a system of measurements that uses the same word for two completely different things, force and mass? WTF!?
Aaron: <<kick in the nuts>>: is that like a <<We'll see a reversal in the PC/Mac percentages first>>: How exactly do percentages reverse? I guess if you mean that the number of mac users will decrease...(btw it was just announced by some SEC division that macs may have 8% of the computer market instead of just 6%). <<But a woman can have the same effect as a virus>>: Amen! <<we're not talking about Rocky Horror are we?>>: You're a rocky attendee also? Sweet. I can't ever use the word "virgin" without thinking about Rocky, even though I have never participated in a Virgin Sacrifice. <<Why would anyone have pride in being a virgin?>>: Defensive psychological gesture to justify happiness when you can't get laid. <<Quote>>: LOL! Sorta takes the "macs are toys" bash to a whole new level. Either that or it shows that Ottoman really doesn't know much about computers. <<pilots>>: LOL again.
Aingeal: <<honda accord>>: What part of "luxury" was confusing?
Ideal Luxury car according to Selectsmart: Aston Martin V8 Vantage, followed by Lotus Turbo Esprit. How the Acura NSX made my list boggles me completely. Also, these are far from my own choices, a Mercedes Benz CL-600, SLR, or BMW Z8.
And now, off to write a program or three. Recursive bisection and combinatorials. Doesn't that sound like fun?
If you don't get it right the first time, reload.
Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Thursday, April 12, 2001 09:59:39 PM
Okay, confession time. I'm actually Aaron. Robby's just a fake name I've been using for the last 3 years to throw everyone off. Hence the post in dark rich orange earlier, trying to go for the whole evil twin bit. Yeah, that's the ticket... Why do you think I've been posting so little lately? 8P
In all seriousness tho, work and school keeping me busy. Work especially, but heck, I love it. Doesn't pay much, but then, I never expected comic books to pay well. (I should be doing that now in fact, but oh well... I think I'll take some personality tests instead, since I actually have a LITTLE free time...
Ah my Goddess-Aoshima Toshiyuki (Having not seen any AMG, this makes no sense to me)
Ideal anime female- Amy, from Sailor Moon. Followed by Fuu, Skuld, Belldandy, and Bulma. Maybe I should watch some Ah My Goddess...
Escaflowne- Van. And I was shooting for Merle the cat girl. Oh well...
Evangelion- KAJI? Well, in all fairness, near as I can tell, Kensuke is not on the list at all. I'd be a shoo in for him if he were.
Utena- Wakaba?
Slayers- MARTINA? Ack! Well, I got Lina in second... Followed by copy Rezo... I was hoping for Zel or Xel tho...
Tenchi- Tenchi. Huh, how bout that? I agree with that one too, even tho Ryoko is my fave. Wait, Tenchi ends up with Ryoko in all the continuities that make it to the end... Woo hoo!
Pokemon- Misty. I agree with that one actually.
Sailor Moon- Sailor Mercury.
Kenshin- Himaru Kenshin... Woo hoo!
Gundam- Relena Peacecraft. Then Sally Po. Then Catherine Bloom. Then Lucrezia Noin. Then Treize Kushrenada. Wonder if it says anything that I have to go down five spots to get a guy in this one?
Love Hina- Naru Narusegawa (The problem with associating asll the characters on the show with people from other animes is I don't remember any of their actual names...)
Trigun- Rem, then Millie, the Vash. I agree with all three of those. 8)
Ideal Anime- Kodomo No Omocha. A pretty good series actually, but it only has four episodes... I don't think this test is fair because it only lists 6 animes as options...
Outlaw Star- Suzuka. But I changed one answer to get Aisha.
Heh heh heh.
Thursday, April 12, 2001 09:55:03 PM
Winterwolf & Dreamie > if there truly was a blue hunk wearing an itty bitty loincloth and nothing else but frosting, who would I be to quibble as to whether he was dark or brooding? ; )
Gside > well, I didn't blush a _lot_, but I can safely say it's a lot easier to write that stuff than it is to read it out loud knowing it's being tape-recorded and listened to by a lady my mom's age ... and yes, we got to play with all sorts of echo and reverb and other effects for the incubus voice. SHould be interesting!
Aaron > I'd have to have been 15? I guess now's not the time to mention that both of my best friends when I was a sophomore in high school dropped out to have babies ... I had to get a whole new batch of less-promiscuous friends! ; )
Sabledrake Deadline > May is zooming right up on us, so if anyone still has submissiosn for the "Action" issue of Sabledrake, please send it to me soon! Looking for short stories and game articles in particular. ::nudges at Gunjack, Warpmind, Gside:: Writeups of weapons, maybe, hint-hint? ; )
Crzy > why do I have the feeling there's other pics you're not letting us see? ; )
Christine - []
Thursday, April 12, 2001 09:27:45 PM
Winterwolf - "I’m tempted to say Greg is hiding from a hangover or something. Was Pogo around with his wine? ;D" Well... Greg doesn't drink... and Pogo wasn't around... Greg is just naturally weird. That's why we love him!
Imzadi - "Crzy: <<greg pic>>: That belongs in the adult CR, thank you very much!" LOL!! It was all good clean Totoro induced fun!
Aaron - "Zelas knows Luna?!? Well, that changes the whole direction of that Slayers fic I was doing... " EEP! Sorry! Yes, they are friends... I dunno how a Knight of Ceipheed ends up being buddies with the Beastmaster... but stranger things have happened in the Slayers universe. ::GRINS::
Thursday, April 12, 2001 08:45:08 PM
I did the Lord of the Rings and X-Men tests at the select site. My results were:
X-MEN: Professor Xavier. (Come to think of it, I am losing my hair, although I can walk about on my own).
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, April 12, 2001 08:34:13 PM
Aingeal: For the tests, try
Thursday, April 12, 2001 08:18:38 PM
OH! sorry about the double post.... but I just saw Kit's post and it makes more sense... so....
(Warning I'm BSing most of this... just for kicks and giggles, if someone wants to tell me where to find actual tests, let me know.)
X-Men- I would have to say Jane Grey would be most like me
Ideal Anime Female- I like Belldandy, but i like Ami from Sailor moon as well
Ideal Anime Male- either Mamoru from SM or Goten from Dragonball, (I'm biased on the second, that's my best friend's nickname)
Pokemon Character- i'd have to say Pikachu
Sailor Moon Character- Mamoru/Endymion/Tuxedo Kamen or Ami/Sailor Mercury
Final Fantasy Villain- No clue.. don't know anything about it
Final Fantasy Female- see above
Austin Powers Character- again i'm clueless
Buffy Character- from what I konw of it i like Buffy, and liked Angel
Recent President- none of the above.
Historical Figures- Jesus Christ, and Alma (if you're LDS or know about it you MIGHT know who i'm talking about).
Civil War Generals- ::grumbles:: i knew I should have paid more attention to history... ummm.....
Lord of the Rings Character- umm... i'm not the one to ask
Harry Potter Character- Harry Potter or Ron Weasley.
Harry Potter House- Gryffindor by 1, Slytherin by another
Winnie the Pooh Character- Tigger
Romeo and Juliet Character- Juliet?
Princess Bride Character- I'd be the miracle man's wife or Buttercup
Pride & Prejudice Character- ?
Ideal Luxury Car- Honda Accord with a V6 and power everythings.
Thursday, April 12, 2001 08:00:01 PM
Aaron.... ::blinkblink:: Anime! Where did that come from? Just curious... Ive been told I'm a combination from Dragonball and Ah My Goddess...peru/peorth... and a friend here "is" Goku, and his Fiancee "is" Belldandy... be afraid.
::grins:: I'm addicted to anime now!
OK,ok.. i've got HW.. really I do... ::runs off::
Aingeal "Now with functioning wings"
Not quite Hades, but it's not MD
Thursday, April 12, 2001 07:47:36 PM
Finished Unions. :) But all I can really say about it has already been said by Doug and Ed. I'll just add that I too thought it a very good episode with many great bits of character development and a memorable, though not as good as Christine's, wedding scene for Goliath and Elisa. The development of their love in this episode was predictable but very well-written. :) Loved the pictures. Mei Hsing and Thailog both made good antagonists, and I too appreciated the foreshadowing at the end concerning Tamora and Nightshade. It will be interesting to see what plots these bits of foreshadowing turn into next season (which I can hardly wait for btw). Good development on Tamora and Brooklyn, nice bits with Broadway, Lex, Angela, and the rest of the clan also. Missed Matt, but I've been doing that all season. :( The ep was the right length, all the development that needed to happened. I would have liked more, but oh well. 9/10 score, thumbs up. Can hardly wait for next season to begin of Gargs, Timedancer, or any other series.
X-Men- I'm most like Professor Xavier (surprise) and Mystique.
Ideal Anime Female- Mimi from Digimon.
Ideal Anime Male- Morisato Keichi from Ah! My Goddess.
Pokemon Character- Ash.
Sailor Moon Character- Rei/Sailor Mars (this one I guessed beforehand).
Final Fantasy Villain- Kuja (can someone please remind me what Final Fantasy game he/she was in? I can't recall the name).
Final Fantasy Female- Quistis Trepe and Edea.
Austin Powers Character- Felicity Shagwell (guessed this one too).
Buffy Character- Buffy (Anya, who I had predicted I was msot like, comes in second).
Recent President- Clinton (surprise!).
Historical Figures- Gandhi (<mouth falls open>) and Jesus Christ (<shuts mouth and grins>).
Civil War Generals- Longstreet (Lee's XO for those not in the know).
Lord of the Rings Character- Strider/Aragorn (I had guessed this one also, I like to consider myself a female version of that HOT man :).
Harry Potter Character- Percy Weasley.
Harry Potter House- Gryffindor by 2 out of 4 tests, the others saying Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.
Winnie the Pooh Character- Pooh. :)
Romeo and Juliet Character- Friar Laurence.
Princess Bride Character- Wesley.
Pride & Prejudice Character- Jane Bennet (I'd guessed this one).
Ideal Luxury Car- BMW (with 007-style improvements! :).
Thursday, April 12, 2001 07:43:11 PM
ED - Good question about our not using the name "Emrys" very often in Season Three of "Pendragon". The main reason for it was that he wasn't using that alias while he was with Arthur and Mary - he was going by "Timothy Peregrin", though in practice, we didn't use that much either because he didn't spend much time with people who didn't know his true identity in the course of the season - and they both knew who he really was. We might go back to "Emrys" in Season Four, but a lot of it depends on how much interaction the regulars do with people who aren't in the know.
One side-note: the name "Emrys" for him arose in part because, in our very initial plans for him when TGS was first beginning to be set up at the start of 1997, he wasn't going to be revealed as Merlin right away, but spend several episodes after his introduction into TGS appearing to be merely a young boy with wizardly knowledge. I deliberately chose the name Emrys for him as a hint for his true identity. Later on, we decided to have Emrys's first appearance in TGS be when Arthur finds him and discovers that he's Merlin, but we still decided to use the name as his modern-day alias.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, April 12, 2001 06:30:28 PM
Dangit, wrong color!
Thursday, April 12, 2001 06:16:11 PM
A survey? What the hey...
Mouspad: X-Files. *Old* gift.
Fave Board Game? Chess, despite the fact that I am no good at it at all.
*Fave Magazine? E-Weekly. (At least, the only one I can say in here) j/k.
*Fave smells? Um, dunno. I don't have much of a sense of smell.
*Fave sounds? Evil laughter.
*Worst feeling in the world? Getting another inexplicable kick in the nuts from life.
*What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Roll over and go back to bed.
*Fave color? Black.
*Your future child's name? Grizelda or Loki. My children will hate me.
*Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate.
*If you could picture yourself as any animal, what would it be, and why? A cat, 'cause I'm lazy, and capricious.
*What is the most important thing in life? My mate.
Welcome back Yggdrasil.
Christine> If it makes you feel any better, you couldn't be my mom unless you had me when you were 15. <<The guy from Alien Resurrection>> His name escapes me right now, (Paul Winfield?) but he was the bad guy in the first Crow movie. (Which was odd, 'cause he gave the impression that he'd wandered in from the Highlander movie being shot across the lot)
Warpy> <<But really, *why* did Mara ask?>> I dunno, take a wild guess. <<Seems my voice has weird effects on people...>> Really? You too? <<Saw Wing Commander today... It was about what I expected... Pity...>> I know. Such a waste of Saffron Burrows, David Suchet, and David Warner, no?
Coyote> Ah. Shows how much I know about my school. Thanks to you and Ravyn for the confirmation about Walton.
Josh> <<generations of men can't be *bred* by women alone>>: Yeah, I know, but that's the line in the movie.>> Actually, the line is "We're a generation of men *raised* by women." <<if ONLY the world would just standardize on the metric system and be DONE with it. >> NEVER! We'll see a reversal in the PC/Mac percentages first.
Jannie> Congrats on the contract, enjoy the high speed internet access while it lasts. <<I have police issued bullets (forgot what they are called)>> Hydra-shock? Thunderzap? Glaser? <<They did have a Hardy Boy's show at one time>> Wasn't Ted Rami on it?
Gside> << Ot does that stop when you start braiding it (keeps it in one nice piece)?>> I don't know, you'll have to ask Hudsyn and Gore. <<I have not had a haircut in over a year.>> Rejoice my brother. You should be on schedule to find a girl in another 20 months. <<none of them have the exact same effect as a woman.>> But a woman can have the same effect as a virus. ;) And speaking of Mouse and Mousse, I had a thought the other day you'd probably like. Wouldn't you just love to see the whole "Please place any metal objects in the tray" scene done with Mousse?
FS><<Hell, with the way Bush is going, we are looking at a second cold war with the Russians and an active war with China.>> Right on! <<but I am not sure what he said about himself. >> "I've been alive for eleven hundred years, Xanatos. Most of my clan are dead and dust." Which could be kind of a hint for the Wind Ceremony, now that I think about it. <<How long would 192 cans of pop last you?>> Well, if it was winter, about eight weeks.. If it was summer... About a month. If I let my brother at them, take about 2/3 off those numbers.
Kit> Pass along my congrats on the birth, and my condolences on the speeding ticket and accident. I recommend going down and asking for deferred adjudication, rather then take defensive driving. <<when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.>> Or MiST them, depending. ;)
Beth> Yeah, I know that feeling. Once again, I am appalled by what a jerk your teacher is.
Crzy> Zelas knows Luna?!? Well, that changes the whole direction of that Slayers fic I was doing...
Virginity> Why would anyone have pride in being a virgin?!? Becoming a non-virgin means becoming part of something larger then yourself. And you can no longer be sacrificed in messy and degrading ways... Oh, wait, we're not talking about Rocky Horror are we? ;)
Lain> Good snag with the flame war, hope your wrist feels better. :( (Hugs)
Durid, Jaden, Daniel J> Welcome back, however brief it was.
The China Situation> Knowing pilots, they were both screwing with each other. Our guy probably said something like "Here, we'll swerve into his flight path and make the chink mofo wet himself." And their guy said "Here, I'm gonna zip underneath him, pop up right in front of them, laying afterburner in their face, and make the entire Imperialist Yankee dog cabin crew wet themselves." And then somebody zigged when they shoulda zagged. It was a screw up. Now give us our people back.
Ah, My Goddess: Mara. :) (I know it's a different Mara, but it still makes me smile) And with Urd in second... Now there's a fic)
My Ideal Anime Female: Mina, from Sailor Moon? And I always thought it was Lina. Or maybe Rei. (NGE)
Escaflowne: Van, followed by Dilly. I'd rather be Dilly. He had much better dress sense. (Leather coat with no shirt. Yeah!)
NGE: I am Rei.
Utena: I'm apparently Mikage, with Ukio as a second. Mara, can you interpret that please?
Slayers: I'm Gaav The Demon Dragon King?!? With Val-Gaav as a second?!? WTF?!?
Tenchi: Tenchi.
Pokemon: James. (Flourishes rose)
Kenshin: Jin-e. Now if I just remembered who that was...
Gundam: Apparently, I'm Wu-Fei in Duo's body.
Love Hina: Keitaro Urashima. Robby, which one was she again?
Trigun: Millions Knives. :D Actually, very appropriate, in a way.
Ideal Anime: Komoda no Omocha (But why was Ogenki Clinic on that list? Ugh)
Outlaw Star: Harry McDougal. Hmmm.
Historical Figure: Lincoln, followed by Hitler. Very odd.
And, finally, Civil War General, just 'cause I felt like it: Brig. Gen. J.J. Pettigrew.
I think that's everything.
"I don't know anything about Macs. I only work on computers." Francis Ottoman, PVP Magazine.
Aaron "Still the Dominant Personality" Bevard - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Thursday, April 12, 2001 06:12:12 PM
Well here I am again. Posting three times within a week that must mean I have spare time.
**Quickly looks around with an expression of dread.**
No I must not think these things. They will find out. No, I am busy. Yes very, very busy.
**Looks back into the CR, clears his throat and continues**
Sorry about that.
Fire Storm: A bit of clarification on the Kyoto accords. About two weeks ago GW Bush announced that the US would not go along with the Kyoto accords as they currently stand. The reason given was that the accords were not in the best economic interest of the United States.
Although the US did sign the Kyoto accords, they have not yet gone through the senate, as such are not yet official policy (I know next to nothing on US law-making so please be kind when correcting me.)
Anyways as far as I know the US has yet to reach an agreement with the other members of the accord. They did leave a qualifier that the accord as it currently stands was unacceptable, but the possibility for ratification still exists. Unfortunately any reduction in the accords is a blow to the environment, but when you're facing a recession what can you do.
BTW although I have very little respect for the US's environmental policy I am even more annoyed at Canada overall. Under a recent study comparing the greenhouse emissions of 29 of the most industrialized countries.(A low ranking indicates a lower relative level of greenhouse emissions.) Canada scored 28th, the US was last. Switzerland was ranked number 1, having the lowest greenhouse emissions. How can it be that the continent with less than 1/5 of the global population is responsible for >50% of the greenhouse emissions in the world.
Just something to think about.
Metric System: Being a Canadian, and a scientist (At least the larval stage of one.) I have grown up with the metric system, and have absolutely no concept of the Imperial system of measurement. Because of this I can understand the level of confusion that accompanies such a change. All I have to do is start thinking in inches and gallons and my head starts to ache. (What!!! The units aren't in base 10. ARGHHHHHHHH!.) It brings me back t one nightmarish moment when I wrote the MCAT and on the physical sciences portion there was a question that was asking for foot-pounds. I must have stared at that question for 5 min. Foot-pounds! What the hell are foot-pounds doing on an international science aptitude test.
But I digress, I had no idea that the US was planning on switching any time soon. Is this the case? If so I can only hope that it will be phased in slowly. In this case the change is needed in my opinion, but it must happen slowly, so that no one is left behind. Growing up in southern Ontario I personally has experienced the hazards associated with the conversion from imperial to metric. (A good friend of mine was killed when a tourist from the US struck them going 60mph on a city road. The speed limit was 60kph about 37mph.)
Kinda leaves off on a bad note, but I really don't feel like typing.
Yggdrasil - []
Ontario, Canada
Thursday, April 12, 2001 03:48:11 PM
****Kyryn sneaks into the room.****
Work's real busy, but I gotta take a quick break before my eyeballs fall out!
Lain> I love thunderstorms, *grin* And North Texas is a great place to be to experience them. However, I usually avoid being outside when the lightning starts because I nearly got fried by it once. When I was a kid living in Los Angeles we had a rare coastal thunderstorm. It had not started raining yet and I was standing in the middle of the school playground across from my house when all the hair on my body started standing on end. Not being the world's greatest idiot, I took off for home. I leaped the fence in two bounds (hey, what can I say, I'm not Kryptonian ;) ) and raced across the street. My hand was on the latch to the back gate when a huge bolt of lifhtning struck the spot where I had been standing on the playground. Whoa! Talk about life passing before your eyes! I've had that particular feeling happen to me at least once since then when I was outside during a thunderstorm. Fotunately the lightning struck a tree nearby, but now I try not to be outside in the storms.
Sevarius Jr.> Hey, I liked "Special Unit 2." Great cheap Wednesday entertainment. I especially loved the "no vampires" bit. *lol* That's a nice swipe at Buffy, Forever Night, etc. *grin* It becomes even funnier since a friend of mine, P.N. Elrod, has her vampire detective novels set in Chicago during the Depression years.
Alan><<I'll ask TGS staff members who worked on any of these stories to please not vote.>> *grin* Well that leaves me out. lol!
Later, All!
****Kyryn sneaks back out of the room and disappears into a pile of paperwork.****
Denton, TX
Thursday, April 12, 2001 03:36:45 PM
sorry bout cutting you off there warps.. i was just typin away and all of a sudden the power went off in the rez building.. dont ask me why..
however it looked nice outside and i went out and (not exaggerating) i was almost blown over by the wind.. in fact.. *goes searching the Environment Canada website*
lookie here:
oooooo fancy dancy.. and even better, there might be ANOTHER thunderstorm tonight :D:D:D
so yeah warps.. thats my excuse ;)
lain - []
the Great White Blustery North
Thursday, April 12, 2001 03:12:14 PM
Hi. Things have slowed down here at the moment so I figured I’d use the opportunity to post.
Gside> <sprinkles> Mmm sprinkles. :) <Pillows that shape make guys sexy?> Now you know and knowing is half the battle.
Kit> I thought you have gotten that as your set quote. For an initial estimate I’m still cringing but somewhat relieved. Sounds like you could use my previous car though. I affectionately dub it deathtrap after the many things I did. Not least of which was run over a tree. Darn thing was in my way! Sure that screwed up the wheel alignment but I drove away as if nothing happened and used a hammer to get the alignment mostly back in shape. ^_^
CrzyDemona> I’m tempted to say Greg is hiding from a hangover or something. Was Pogo around with his wine? ;D
Revel> <marriage> I agree age is not the big issue. It is a commitment between two and it is supposed to be forever. <a$$holes> I stayed away from that ship. It takes too long to get anywhere. I’d have to run or the movie would be over. :)
Niamhgold> Yay! You know one of my favorite parts of the Reunion was actually getting some time to chat with you. And I’m still grinning that you fooled me into thinking you were Gside. **laughs** <artwork> Your award winning picture deserved it hands down. I’m in awe of it myself. I’ll have to get copies of your stuff with your permission to hang in my place. To me this last work almost looks alive. ^_^ <workload is as screwy> It can be at times. Oh the 70+ hour work weeks and the 12+ hour work days. Not fun. Still it isn’t 125 rendered storyboards in 3 days! O.o I bow before your supreme skill and lightning speed! **bows to you** Anyway things have slowed down so I have some free time. Gives me time to catch up on emails, letters and phone calls. ;) <see you this weekend> Really? **bounces** that would be great! Woo Hoo! **huggles**
Dreamie> <tickle him blue> **chuckles nervously** Why do I get the feeling I’m in for it at the Gathering? <Then can I?> You’re a goof! ;P <image... goofy!> Ah ha! That confirms it! ;D <gathering jitters> Okay you win. <blue... cake... loin cloth> I was in a loin cloth? **gasps realizing what that means, blushes and runs out**
**peeks in and finishes the post**
Lain> <watching thunderstorms> That sounds electrifying. <steamy pants> So Gunjack is hot stuff or to hot to handle? ;P Oh you both should probably answer that. **grin**
Imzadi> <2 liters not 1 liter> Actually I find one liter bottles out of supermarkets usually in small stores. <heron> Interesting view. I suppose you don’t like Egrets. Let me guess, birds like to crap on your vehicle. ;P
Conspiracy Theorist> <computer problems> Sounds like a conspiracy against you. LOL ;) Seriously hope you get that fixed.
Sevarius Jr.> The very idea of a skittles debate in the S8 CR sounds funny. I’d say it’s right out of some over the top comedy. I can’t imagine taking such a debate even remotely seriously.
Ordell> Sounds like the new poll is here. Now I have to go back and check through season 3.
Happy belated birthday to Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr! It was the April 10 right?
I guess I can squeeze the old survey in because I’m in the mood. ;)
What's on your mousepad?> Well I’m at work and they gave me one at orientation. It is 10,000 focused minds finding the edge. At home it is a funky black school mousepad I’ve kept.
Favorite Board Game?> I used to play interesting war games like Axis and Allies, Titan and others. I’d say chess but that isn’t exactly a board game. So I don’t have one. ;P
Favorite Magazine?> There isn’t a magazine that has keep me hooked. I’m more article centric. It’s kind of like how you like one or two songs in an album.
Favorite smells?> My love, good cooking, tasty food and more .
Favorite sounds?> My love.
Worst feeling in the world?> Missing my love, feeling alone.
What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?> Give my love a kiss.
Favorite color?> Tie with Blue and Green. Though I like purple for posting.
Your future child's name?> Haven’t thought about it.
Chocolate or Vanilla?> Ice cream: Vanilla, otherwise: Dark Chocolate all the way!
If you could picture yourself as any animal, what would it be, and why?> A wolf! They are social animals, work as team, and I like their appearance.
What is the most important thing in life?> Live in the moment.
Well I have to run to a meeting. This filled up my time just right. ^_^
Bye everybody!
Bronx, NY
Thursday, April 12, 2001 02:33:17 PM
Todd - Whatever on the spelling.
I find it interesting that in the US we buy cokes by the liter, but buy milk by the galloon. Of course, on every label, the weight of the object is listed in grams/pounds.
Forcing us to change our system to Metric overnight is something I am against. However, I would like the government to require temperature readings be given in both Celsius and Fahreinheit. Then, after 10 years or so, stop giving temperature readings in Fahreinheit.
Planeteers - well, I will leave them at the cliff-hanger in favor of doing BFTS RP.
Ed - that is funny, I wish. There is a work-around to that problem. Delegate the authority to enforce that rule to a special police force and severely underfund that force. Woo, what about hamburgers? They are advertised in selling them by the pound? Does that mean undercover cops need to shut down some fast-food restaurants?
Imzadi - unfortunately, DisHarmony is on the loose because I do not have the funds to buy a containment unit for her. If flames should start, please take your revenge against DisHarmony.
That's all, folks.
DPH - []
Thursday, April 12, 2001 01:10:16 PM
Greetings all. Since season 3 is over, I thought I'd help pass the time in here with TGS OSCARS 2001. I got this idea from a couple of newsgroups I frequent. So, here's the plan.
Send (to the e-mail address provided below) up to five picks in the following categories:
Gargoyles Season 3- BEST EPISODE, BEST WRITER (make sure you tell which episode), BEST ARTWORK, BEST ARTIST (make sure you say which piece of art), BEST STORY CONTRIBUTOR (Where it says "Outline by" or "Story by" in the episodes themselves.)
Timedancer Season 3- BEST EPISODE, BEST WRITER (make sure you tell which episode), BEST ARTWORK, BEST ARTIST (make sure you say which piece of art), BEST STORY CONTRIBUTOR (Where it says "Outline by" or "Story by" in the episodes themselves.)
Pendragon Season 3- BEST EPISODE, BEST WRITER (make sure you tell which episode), BEST ARTWORK, BEST ARTIST (make sure you say which piece of art), BEST STORY CONTRIBUTOR (Where it says "Outline by" or "Story by" in the episodes themselves.)
I'll hold off Dark Ages since there have only been two seasons, and a new episode hasn't been written in some time. On Friday, April 20, I'll post the official nominees in the comment room, and then you'll be able to vote for the final winners. I'll ask TGS staff members who worked on any of these stories to please not vote (if you're currently a member of TGS but were not on staff while these seasons were being planned, by all means go ahead and vote).
The final winners will be annouced April 27, 2001. Again, please don't post your picks here, e-mail them to me at This should be fun. Thank you, and you may now return to the normal CR business.
Alan Coleman "Ordell" Waltrip (Head of Writers, TGS) - []
Odessa / Midland, TX
Thursday, April 12, 2001 12:43:35 PM
Lain: <smiles> I too am majorly turned on by thunderstorms, but I like to be inside during one, not outside. :)
Thursday, April 12, 2001 12:20:36 PM
Special Unit 2: I wanna head this one off before it starts, cause I see that this has real potential to go the way of the whole "That Skittles commercial was offensive to Gargoyles" debate that went on over in the Station 8 CR (and I'm sorry, but that debate has to go down in my book as the all-time dumbest conversation ever to take place in the history of human communication. It makes me think that everyone over in S8 has just a little too much time on their hands).
I actually liked the show last night. It was a cheap, low-production values rip off of Men In Black (I mean, total and utter blatant rip off), but it has some decent potential AS LONG AS the show doesn't take itself too seriously, which I don't think it does.
For those who didn't watch it, here's the basic 411: monsters are real (except for vamires), and that they are the proverbial missing links (not necessarily missing links between our species and another, but species of animals that have evolved enough to assume humanoid form). A special unit of the Chicago PD, called Special Unit 2, goes out and takes them down, a la Men in Black. Reckless, hotshot cop gets partnered with new, cute rookie recruit. Adventures and hilarity ensues.
The premiere had them fighting gargoyles. Now, I wasn't offended by the show's portrayal of gargoyles because Disney's Gargoyles is maybe the only show that I can EVER remember having positive gargoyle characters. I mean, gargoyles are always just villains in basically everything else out there.
But there were some interesting things about these gargoyles, that were very Disneyesque: the gargoyles had a set breeding/incubation cycle (17 yrs. I think), they were incredibly strong, smart, nearly indestructable, were the descendants of gargoyles. They weren't inherently evil, per se, but they were all pretty much like Demona, in that they felt that their species was the rightful inheritors of the earth and that they wanted to displace humans as the top of the food chain. Overall, very interesting take on them.
So, basically, I'm giving the show a thumbs up. It's not the best genre show out there, but it does seem fun, and thankfully, everything seems to be tongue in cheek (you have a convenience store-robbing gnome for Christ's sake). If you don't have anything to do on a Wensday night, you might want to check it out.
Sevarius Jr. - []
Thursday, April 12, 2001 11:53:46 AM
Sorry for the double post, but I just came from the UPN homepage where they have stuff on this "Special Unit 2" show. Allegedly the missing link in the evolution of man are monsters like werewolves and trolls and stuff. So these Links are wandering around feeding on people, and these cops are out to stop them.
Here's the sick part (and a Quarryman would just love it). According to the files, gargoyles are made of stone all the time, not just during the day. They're impervious to pain and have very bad tempers. Oh yeah, and they need to kidnap humans so they can feed them to their children. Eeeeewwwwwwwww. Thanks a lot, UPN.
(The weird thing is, the actor who plays the captain looks remarkably like the guy who played the lieutenant in The Job pilot before David K replaced him. Could be the same guy, he plays a lot of cops.)
Revolted, Allaine
Allaine - []
Philadelphia, PA
Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:39:00 AM
lain: <BUFFY fans> Yeah, there's a new episode this Tuesday. The previews show Angel making a guest appearance in the aftermath of the, um, bad thing that happened in "The Body" (sorry, someone just chewed me out for ruining the end of a TV show). Then Harmony and Willow pop up on Angel afterwards. I think it's about time for me to start twitching with anticipation.
AotN: Thought this might interest you, considering your earlier message. Tonight at 11 PM EST the Bravo Channel is showing a documentary on Ayn Rand. Think I'll tape it after The Fountainhead.
I missed The Job last night because someone screwed up the taping. Was Keith David on? (He wasnt on last week, I know.) And did anyone take a peek at that show I mentioned with the gargoyle sightings?
Sincerely, Allaine
Allaine - []
Philadelphia, PA
Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:29:00 AM
*Lets out a high-pitched scream*
I hate my computer!!!
Aarrgghh, the reason I haven't posted these past few days is because my computer is possessed by the devil. I can't stay on it for more than five or ten minutes without it freezing, restarting itself, or messing up. I'm just making a quick post to let you guys know why, and that I should have the evil machine fixed in a few days.
Conspiracy Theorist - [conspiracy3000]
Thursday, April 12, 2001 08:42:03 AM
Todd: Hope you don't stop using Welsh names. Was this why Emrys was recently changed to Merlin for season 3? Or was that just because the authorities were onto 'Emrys' (like Merlin is any less conspicuous)?
DPH: You're not wrong about the bananas thing, although I'm surprised the news has only now reached foreign shores. We get loads of these daft EU rules. Thing is only about half the countries in the EU (leave alone those that are being coaxed to join) actually like it. It's largely an excuse for a bureaucratic hub of undemocracy. But certainly the police don't (or shouldn't) have time to lark around. Check out the link on my name for one of the cartoons illustrating the point.
***Spoilers and comments***
My comments at last…
Well two things took me completely by surprise. The first was the label ‘the Season 3 Finale’ in Kyryn’s announcement. For reasons I’ll go into in a moment, I think that season 3 has done a rather poor job in presenting a ‘season’ of stories. The second thing (and slightly linked to the first) is the union of Elisa and Goliath – a development not afforded more than a cursory glance in ‘WAYSTATION’ and ‘THE COUNCIL’ PART TWO. But there again, despite these surprises – ‘UNIONS’ was bloody brilliant.
Goliath and Elisa got such a romantic conclusion. The ceremony scenes were delightfully written and basically were superb. Powerful, emotive writing. I love it. The drama beforehand where Elisa refused and then accepted Goliath again were great. But – and this is a big but – it still seems to be a little short on spine. Elisa’s a powerful independent woman. And she’s damn stubborn: more so than Goliath. But here basically, Goliath won her over against all the EXTREMELY VALID reasons that she would not commit to Goliath with almost disappointing speed. Part of this links back to the fact that Goliath and Elisa have barely been in the same scene together all season and so this is really the first time that any of these arguments have come to light for ages, if at all. Nothing yet is really rocking the boat but the waters at least occasionally do ripple.
Fact is though, this is something that should have been there all season. Goliath and Elisa are both the leads of the story, but also the embodiments of the ‘Gargoyles’ contrasts. They tie in to pretty much everything. But as I say, not only have they been features less probably than Lexington this season, but their development together has bordered on non-existent. Where was the build up to the wedding? I probably missed a reference, maybe even two, in upcoming stories putting the story in a timeframe, but I’ve enough confidence in my cerebral capacity to be sure that there wasn’t any major dramas spilling over from it. Where will they live? How can they have kids? What’s she going to say at work? There were some nice questions raised here… but this is a MAJOR turning point in Goliath’s life. But it was a one-episode only deal: there really was a trace amount of detail running through the season.
Now to the subtext of arranged marriages. Personally, I think more of this should have been made. There’s a lot of good cultural stuff that might have been picked up on, and personally I think the idea is an interesting one. I wish Mei Hsing’s argument had been given a little more power. They were good arguments. But the wedge she drove into the clan’s happy-go-lucky post-Madoc lifestyle really was for a limited time only. There’s a cultural diversity in the cast that a small discussion could really have spoken volumes. But it’s not all negative. I was mightily impressed that the concept was used at all. Great plotting and a beautiful way to rough up the status quo. The presentation of the image of the three against an enraged Goliath was very impressive. I loved the reactions of Tamora and Chaing Yun as well during these scenes. These characters are not one-note characters and their development despite a drastic shortage of space is a testimony to the skill of the staff, particularly in this instance Robby who did most of the groundwork in ‘THE COUNCIL’.
But (boy, I bet you guys hate that word)! It’s the same old complaint from that tiresome whinging Ed that I’ve been putting forward before. It’s the slick pass upfields, crossing in past the defender, a nifty backflip through the legs of the opposing defender and after this spectacular work, just as it comes to the feet of the striker… WOAH! It’s smashed into the bar and bounces back into open play. Without the football metaphor, TGS does not have the balls to follow through on its threats of superb drama. Mei Hsing doesn’t have anything on Goliath: she has no credibility. An elegant bluff, but not nearly as impressive as her situation when she actually had credibility behind her. It could have made a great revelation at a climax point later on when the drama’s really cranked up, but the hand has been tipped I’m afraid. Furthermore, the resolution of Tamora’s relationship with the clan further weakens the strength of the opposition. Mei Hsing’s effectiveness as an antagonist is vast because she’s got the intelligence, the skill and the credibility to upstage Goliath. And whilst it’s nice to see things turn out right for Goliath, the best drama doesn’t come where everybody knows things are, at the heart of it, all right. I was delighted by Mei Hsing’s explaination of the Catch 22 she has Goliath in regarding his political standing in the GWC. I hope the idea ferments in the next season.
I don’t know what plans, if any, there are for season 4. But I think much could be gained from focusing on the clan holistically. Some of the clan have been developed very subtly and beautifully – I love the way Hudson has been treated in ‘THE COUNCIL’, and more impressively the dialogue Broadway has been given has shifted up a register. That’s development, and really shows the effect of subtle character development. But Angela, once the apple of the TGS eye back in last season, is now pretty backstage. We still don’t have the slightest whiff of fallout from ‘CONTINGENCIES’. Lexington has also got development, but in a rather more heavy-handed way – it’s been my impression that he’s been pretty much forced to the forefront of many of the episodes because he’s interesting and, I guess, because he’s fun to write. But unfortunately. the fact that he’s had a significant role in almost all of the episodes this season only serves to weary his role. Graeme’s character was very promising back in ‘OF THINGS TO COME’… but neither he, nor has family, have really been built on very much. This episode we saw the core group as strong as ever: Goliath, the Trio and Hudson. Lovely. But Sata, Graeme, Arianna and Angela are also members of the clan. Yeah, it’s hard to deal with nine characters at once – ten, to include Elisa, but since TGS seasons don’t have the mighty total of 52 that the origin series’ second outing afforded, it needs to keep things tight to cover all bases. There seems to have been, of late, a deficit of consequences. That isn’t to say there aren’t consequences, merely that the events are so thinly spread that these aren’t apparent. And by the time in season 4 or 5 in a year or two’s time I will, quite frankly, have forgotten most of what happened. Which, granted, is probably more my problem than yours, but still doesn’t help the fact that the season is currently only a sum of its parts. The character focus is sharp and looking very good but it doesn’t have any context. There are, in short, no constants by which to measure the impact of the changes. Goliath was the constant in the original. ‘Pendragon’ has the ongoing quest of the season. ‘Timedancer’ has its tiny recurring cast to keep it in focus.
Of course ‘UNIONS’ did feature two recurring characters: Doctor Gray and Thailog. The former would have been an interesting person to tease with, but unfortunately only turned up in the episodes where her plot was developed. As such, I really don’t have any affinity with her character – I don’t know much about her. Still, I greatly enjoyed Xanatos and Fox dealing with her – I think their development is very promising. I’m probably missing something, but the reference to the prisoners of the Unseelie War that Xanatos has doesn’t ring a bell to me. Assuming that this is a secret from Goliath, then it’s superb on a number of levels – the conflicts it poses, the moral context, and the reflection on Xanatos’ personality. In any event, his deception as regards Project Nightshade was gorgeous. Xanatos is a truly dynamic character that’s become incredibly domesticated. I can’t wait to see how he and Fox will be developed. And then Thailog – well I love the guy, but he’s not exactly got the Machiavellian schemes we know and love going yet. The Thailog tags seem to hint at a bigger picture but rarely satisfy with an immediate twist. Thailog’s only big manipulation to date has been in ‘CONTINGENCIES’ and that was purely pre-mediated. The beauty of characters like Xanatos, Thailog and Maddox was always that they could adapt to situations as well as creating them and have plans that work on many levels. The relationship between Maddox and Lexington was beautifully portrayed through a gradual and painful betrayal of trust. When the brown stuff hit the fan in ‘REPRISALS’ the betrayal came on so many levels – the Quarryman hammer, the alliance with the Pack, Lexington’s upgrades, the betrayal of friendship, the link with the Unseelie Court etc. Thailog doesn’t compare. Not yet anyway.
But good gosh do I like the sound of this ‘Project Nightshade’. My expectation reading it would be that it would probably ultimately end up in Thailog’s hands after Xanatos assumed it safe or destroyed. It may still be, but that last Thailog scene completely deflated any cool build-up for next season that there could have been. Calling a massively exciting sounding mega-mysterious item of doom a ‘nice bonus’ and leaving it assumed destroyed – big no-no! Now granted, two semi-cliffhangers remained: Fergus’ news to Thailog and Sevarius’ missing item to control the Project. And yeah, that’s nice. But it just lacks that final bit of spark, that final bit of ‘this is the cliffhanger’ shoved in your face. I’m massively excited to see its development next season.
I couldn’t justify a review of ‘UNIONS’ without dwelling extensively on the tremendous work done by Shauntell on the artwork. The characters are portrayed with the kind of detail and crispness to be expected of cartoon slides, but with the sensitive colours and arrangement of art pieces. The emotion is beautifully captured in all of the pictures: the deep love in the final hug, the uneasiness in the Tamora-Goliath picture and the tension in the showdown with Mei Hsing. Splendid work.
So… the season’s ended. It still doesn’t feel like much has changed. And in a way, that’s because not that much has. Most characters have had their fifteen minutes of fame in the spotlight, and those who haven’t just haven’t, and so in a sense the season should have been finished. Part of the problem is the time factor. We were given a date, through the subtitles, to inform us that it’s now November 1999 in the Gargoyles universe. What would be nice is links between the episodes. I know it’s hard to do and requires a greater amount of co-ordination… but I also think that if the season is planned as a whole then that really shouldn’t be a problem. There are several recurring antagonists – Demona, the much underused Vlad, Thailog, Margot Yale, Duval and Mei Hsing, that there it shouldn’t be a problem having multiple plot arcs at once. And if, as I really hope, we see the clan together more acting as a clan – warts and all – rather than just a random cast of associates, then things should look up. Season 3’s got the character development; season 1 has the kind of subtle tensions and development. With the plots currently bubbling, things could be very promising indeed.
In the meantime, it’s back to another ‘close season’ for TGS. I take it that ‘Timedancer’ season 4 is next on the cards? Oh well. I’ve got to admit, Timedancer doesn’t hold the same allure for me as the present day series (‘Pendragon’ in particular). The best season was season 2, but that was mostly because it contained two or three episodes that were just absolutely incredible beyond belief (such as the near-perfect ‘MENAGERIE’, the delightful ‘THE SUN AND THE SERPENT’ four-parter and the tear-jerking ‘CROSSROADS’. I remember that the original plan for TD was to have each season representing 10 years in Brooklyn’s life. Is this still going to be the case (and therefore by implication, next season will be the last)?
At any rate, a big word of congratulations to the staff of TGS on their work on ‘Gargoyles’ season 3. A lot of big things happened, the writing was tight and the art magnificent. The writers are almost perfect at capturing the voices of the characters, and the series successfully emerged from the shadow of the Unseelie War in a very credible way. I was impressed by the courage the series showed especially with regard to Demona, the inter-clan relations, and possibly now Xanatos (to which I say ‘more, more, more!’ except in a very long-winded and boring way. Congratulations to anybody who actually read all that stuff above, I sure as hell don’t plan to). The character development of the Trio is worthy of special note. The series matured their relationship very well and presented a different dynamic that was impressive – a massive achievement. And although I whinge and whine about plots disappearing into thin air for several episodes, when it comes round to it the TGS episodes are of a truly mammoth quality – ‘UNIONS’ is a brilliant demonstration.
So give yourselves a massive pat on the back. Sterling work indeed.
Ed - []
London, England
Thursday, April 12, 2001 08:04:18 AM
BWUAHAHAHAHAH! I am 1337 H4><0R! I ownz j00! I got an 89% on my programming midterm, and the mean was a 60%!!! I rule! I am soooo getting an A in that class.
In other news, my physics midterm was regraded and I got 10 extra points.
Sev Jr: <<apocalpyse>>: I'm surprised they didn't assign that one to me as well, but I guess Mr. Sinister will have to do. <<Tiger Woods>>: Thank you for bashing Golf. I too, find the sport repulsive, and it was nice to see someone put it into words.
Marriage: I forsee a flame war over this, between the couples and the singles. I am certainly as cynical about marriage as Sevarius Jr, but for different reasons. However, the couples in here (engaged and otherwise) are certainly happy at this moment in time, and its quite possible that they would see no merit whatsoever in Sevarius' arguments. This will lead to Sevarius telling Doug to pick a fscking side of the fence...oh, wait. That was another argument. 8-)
Gside: <<That sentence ecapsulates the flauts so well>>: Are all flute-players attractive? Cuz I can name at least two that aren't... <<gravity scale>>: hmm. You're right. Oh well, charlie's angels still gets a 6. I must have just been fsck-ed up the first time around. <<sprinkles and jimmies>>: My whosits and whatsits? <<I wouldn't mind 20 feet of wings>>: Me neither. <<IP's>>: yeah, but what about the other 40 people that post here?
Crzy: <<greg pic>>: That belongs in the adult CR, thank you very much!
Knoxville: <<next ep>>: Never. That's my generic response for "when will X happen?" That way, I'm never disappointed, no matter how long it takes.
Revel: <<how many @$$holes>>: ::raises hand::
DPH: <<not just light blue>>: Whatever. I don't use the crayon picker on my computer. <<planeteers thing>>: LOL. I drive an SUV, so the planeteers suck it everytime I leave the house.
<<arrested for selling by the pound>>: oh, if ONLY the world would just standardize on the metric system and be DONE with it. ::can I get a boo yaka from the engineers?::
Dreamie: <<Great white Heron>>: You want to be fat and sh!t all over the place? Okay...
FS: <<make her do chores>>: Is that "her cutting the grass makes me hot" or "her cutting the grass makes HER hot"? I can certainly confirm that a women who enjoys cleaning my house THAT MUCH would be AWESOME! <<within the next 15 years>>: Ha! I have other things to do with my 20's. Like get laid. A lot. <<A REAL programmer can make a sphere using just the xyz values!>>: See first line of this post.
Tim: <<they don't usually sell coke in liter bottles.>> 2-liters, not one liter. And I see them everywhere!
Lain: <<lightning storms>>: Lucky. I wish we had those. We just have dull, boring, rain. And lots of it.
Note: when I take over the world, I am forcing SI units on everyone. Sorry, but this will make life much easier, trust me. Easier for who, you might ask? Well, me. And any other engineers.
Holy shit! Silent Bob's an insturment of god?
-Jay, Dogma
Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Thursday, April 12, 2001 03:17:31 AM
*enters with a sigh*
val is gone.. i was a sap and watched his bus until it faded into the distance and could no longer be seen..
*another sigh*
but he'll be back...
*wicked grin* ;)
gside>> re: "<<Steamy Pants>> I'm sure that's what you'd want us to believe." heh.. actually.. the pants really WERE steaming.. and i had rather a large hand in that.. and he also wasnt kidding about the pants hanging in the window either.. ];)
SJ>> re: Tiger Woods.. heh.. he doesnt bother me really but thats cos I DONT CARE. i never was much for sports. baseball i can do... football (REAL football.. ie EUROPEAN football) i can do. and occasionally some other stuff but thats about it.
mmm Dido "thank you" just came on my CD player.. mmmm.. ********************RANDOM USELESS FACT*******************
for all of you who have seen the music video for that song, a goodly chunk of it was filmed where my father works right outside the most contaminated building in toronto.. wheeee hoo ;) becha didnt know that didja??!?!?! and they filmed "due south" there aswell (for those of you who watched that show.. bout the mountie.. brendan fraiser i think?) and that "thomas and the magic railroad" kids movie.. my dad got to play on the plywood engine cos they filmed that there too :D
mmmmmmm thomas the tank engine is contaminated... ;)
****************END RANDOM USELESSNESS********************
WOAH!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
i just noticed there is a FREAKING HUGE THUNDERSTORM GOING ON!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
please excuse me while i go outside and dance!!!!!:D
*comes back in looking drenched*
mmmmmmmm the air is electric and feels wonderful.. i was petrified of thunderstorms when i was little.. id crawl into my parents bed (up till the age of at least 12) and shiver and hide.. then one day i decided i didnt want to be afraid and stood outside on my lawn in one and i have been in love with thunderstorms ever since.. the only problem is i was wearing a white tshirt and its pouring down out there.. ;) theres hardly any wind and its silent except for the rain and the rolling thunder. its coming in from the west i think and thats the way my window is facing, lucky me :D
wow.. that was a bright one.. i hope the power doesnt shut off..
Yggdrasil>> yes at uwo. currently undeclared bachelor of fine arts.. i was in music comp but i.. well i lost my muse after my mother died and havent really played the piano or violin since she died so..
wait for it..
(have you noticed i like thunderstorms yet? ;) this ones a doozy :D
and about this bottles of pop thing.. round here all the 7 elevens sell 33something ml cans, 600ml bottles, and 2l bottles.. none of this 1l nonsense.. and besides that all OUR coke lables are BILINGUAL no less ;)
(and they say litRE.. not litER.. cos were wierdo canadians, doncha know?)
ooo another big lightning bolt.. and some screamin girls outside too. the lightning is coming pretty fast at the moment.. sometimes theres so many that i can see the campus lit up almost like daylight.. wow..
*is in absolute awe of the power of nature*
Allaine>> for pics i usually post with the flame and dark red.. just cos its easy for people to recognize me.. and i think it suits me aswell. i USED to post with owen pic and dark rich orange writing cos i felt both were highly underrated but.. what can you do ;) sometimes i post with etoille if i am feeling sorrowful.
and hey all you BUFFY fans.. i think its FINALLY going to be a new episode next week, can you believe it?
okay.. you can pick your jaws up off the floor now.. i know its hard to believe but i think it may be true...
AAARRGGGHHHHH!!!! why did val have to leave TODAY??!?!?!? I WANNA DANCE IN THE RAIN WITH HIM!!!!!! AAAAAAARRRRGH!!!!
THAT was really close.. the lightning and the thunder almost together.. *shivers*
woah.. lightning.. girls screaming.. boom... *tingles all over and shivers again*
and another..
methinks this storm be gettin kinda bad and methinks i better be gettin off the computer..
lain "feel like youre kissing a battery?" iwakura - []
the Great White North
Thursday, April 12, 2001 02:47:05 AM
JLA> <<the SEXIEST pictures of Greg Weisman EVER>>: Pillows make one sexy? Wait, yes they do. Pillows that shape make guys sexy?
Knoxville> <<does anyone know when the next ep will be posted?>>: Nope. Vanilla season's over. We need to wait for the next series.
Revel> <<How many a$$holes do we have on this ship?>>: Yo ho.
Niamhgold> <<Thank you for your comments on my art show piece>>: What? I said all of three words. "Congratulations," "ladies," and "purdy." (in alphabetical order)
Gunjack> Good luck with the return trip.
<<I'll post one of those wilekianly masive catchup posts soon thereafter>>: My, how things change. Once, it would have been traveleresque.
<<Steamy Pants>>: I'm sure that's what you'd want us to believe.
Dreamie> <<O.o>>: Just my imagination getting the better of me.
<<Depends what name best suits the child>>: How can you tell that early?
<<Then can I?>>: If you want to.
Tim> <<Don't they usually sell Coca-Cola in liter bottles>>: The point was it's retaliatory enfocement of engilsh measure against metric.
Fire Storm> <<But they still managed to get diplomas>>: Those monkeys are tenacious, aren't they?
<<For the 3 of us, we go through 1-1.5 2-liters a day on average>>: Not too bad. Who's three?
<<Isn't it reffered to as "The incresingly incorrectly named Trilogy?">>: Close. "The Increasingly Inaccurately Named Hitchhiker Trilogy" I'm not sure if there should be an 's on Hitchhiker.
<<Must not be drinking them fast enough>>: My thoughts exactly.
<<A REAL programmer can make a sphere using just the xyz values!>>: But tpr makes it so much nicer.
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Thursday, April 12, 2001 01:31:41 AM
Yggdrasil: <The US's abandonment of the Kyoto accords>
Gside: <With leprosy>
But they still managed to get diplomas.
<Truth in advertising, and to make sure you get all us perverts.>
A title so long that they make the box that the tape comes in 6' long
<How long does a two liter bottle last you? And it's soda. Or coke.>
Coke. There is other pop (Vernors, 7-up, Faygo), but I am not counting that.
For the 3 of us, we go through 1-1.5 2-liters a day on average.
But if there is a good movie marathon, it is closer to 1 per movie.
Then there was the time I saw Star Wars. Straight. I think I went though 4-6 2-liters myself.
<Or a navy person on leave in a club in one of said cities>
Or a sailor, an indian, a biker, a construction worker AND a police man.
<but where are my wings and claws?>
Give me a few years.
<Coke and pizza. This is a student chapter, mind you.>
The pro chapter probally has Pringles
<Talk to Douglas Adams. He's got five>
Isn't it reffered to as "The incresingly incorrectly named Trilogy?"
Imzadi: <2-liters go flat before I can finish drinking them>
Must not be drinking them fast enough!
<Great, but I'm a lot weaker than the average adult male human>
No problem. Make her do your chores! ("Cutting the grass makes me HOT!")
I got a feeling that the ladies may like a Jerricho one too!
<Should happen sometime during my immortal lifespan. (ask a stupid question...)>
So, I guess it is safe to assume that your primary plans will NOT take place within the next 15 years.
Warpmind: <mostly straight lines and distances that can be quickly converted to familiar binary and/or hexadecimal values.>
Wimp! :) A REAL programmer can make a sphere using just the xyz values!
(But then again, I am not a programmer! :)
<You say that Corbie hasn't been used yet? Tsk, phrasing it like that was just... wrong>
Your right. Corbie is VERY well used! ;)
Allaine: <Can you imagine police in the USA raiding a 7-Eleven because they sell Coke in 2-liter bottles? *shakes head*>
Unfortunately, yes.
Fire Storm - []
Thursday, April 12, 2001 12:36:17 AM
<<Can you imagine police in the USA raiding a 7-Eleven because they sell Coke in 2-liter bottles?>>
Uh... Don't they usually sell Coca-Cola in liter bottles. ; )
Thursday, April 12, 2001 12:19:29 AM
:::Trots into the CR:::
Hey all! I haven't been by for a while... so please excuse my catch-up ^_^
Christine: <<As for poor Winterwolf, there've been more guys painted blue on my account ... not that I want it to stop! ; )>> Well... I could always *tickle* him blue..... :::evil grin:::
Gside:<<Mmm... >>> O.o
SJ:<<And the gimmick battle royale was hilarious, although I was pissed my boy Doink the Clown lost (best gimmick EVER!!! Did you hear his pop??) >> Just think of the crowd reaction if they had brought out Dink ;) <<It takes more character, IMO, to hold onto an ideal and "save onself" for marriage or a meaningful relationship.>> Agreed.
Survey: ***Sappy Warning***
*What's on your mousepad?* The children's book “The Gargoyles Curse”... it was handy at the time ^_~
*Fave Board Game?* Sorry :::laughs:::
*Fave Magazine?* RAW
*Fave smells?* Significant other. (HA!)
*Fave sounds?* Significant other sleeping or laughing, Deep in the Forest, or a morning after a fresh snowfall.
*Worst feeling in the world?* Being away from the love of your life.
*What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?* Nuzzle significant other
*Fave color?* Green
*Your future child's name?* Depends what name best suits the child.
*Chocolate or Vanilla?* Chocolate... sorbet.
*If you could picture yourself as any animal, what would it be, and why?* Great white Heron... graceful, beautiful, and of course they FLY! ^_^
*What is the most important thing in life?* Love.
Doug:<<<breaks into Rent song> "Measure in Love...., measure in love!">> :::grins and sings back::: Seasons of loooooove ^_~
***END Sappy Warning***
SJ:<<hung smaller than your average garden variety mosquito!!!! >> I'm suddenly recalling that Pinchocomon Episode of South that was a great one ^_^ <<**The NATURE BOY holds up 4 fingers, and struts out of the CR, muttering "The Horsemen will ride again!"***>> But unfortunately their horses died of old age a few years back. <<Marriage views>> O.o
Imzadi:<<For those of you who missed it last night, watch "That's My Bush!" on Comedy Central. It's freaking hysterical.>> I saw it! I love how well that guy can make Bush's Faces. :::grins::: <<::STICKS FINGER DOWN THROAT FOR ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ANSWERED "FAV SOUND/SMELL" WITH SOMETHING ABOUT THEIR SIGNIFICANT OTHER::
>> :P
<<Desdemona's wing structure>> Yes, Does anyone know? Input would be much appreciated ^_^
Winterwolf:<<<<Still that doesn't mean I can't be a stallion and a wolf>>Gside:<<I'm not touching that.>> Then can I? };) <<<nervous> Well that was my first Gathering, so it was quite an adjustment from my usual outings. I went without knowing anyone other than from the CR>> I have you beat... I didn't know *anyone*.... :::chuckles::: Color me jittery the *entire* time. <<I think the only problem is that Christine would say I'm not dark and moody enough for the part>> But...but.... Blue...cake... Loin Cloth... :::whimpers:::
Crzy: :::gasps and points at the Greg pic::: Someone poisoned his Rostadoro!!! O.o
Niamhgold: <<Hola, chica! :D >> Hola! ^_^ Congrats on your Reunion pic! That was *fabulous*!!! :::drools:::
Beth: <<marriage shock>> :::twiddles her thumbs and whistles innocently:::
Allaine: <<images>> I just use the one above because... well... it's goofy ^_^
:::waves and trots out:::
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 10:38:36 PM
DPH - Um, the correct spelling is "Emrys", not "Emry's" or "Emry" or "Emyrs". Sorry, but I'm getting a bit irritated at how often that name gets misspelled. (It's making me beginning to consider keeping Welsh names from entering any future episodes of TGS, if they're that difficult for people to spell properly).
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 06:35:17 PM
Sevarius Jr.>actually, it's my sister's boyfriend's sister who's getting married.
You know, I casually told Mr. White (my food serivice teacher who is the town idiot, if you all remember) about my sister's boyfriend's sister, and he asked, "Which is she? Pregnant or a stoner?". Aparently he's one of those people who thinks those are the only reasons young people get married. O.o He's also one of those people who says the world is only black or white. O.o
Beth H.
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 06:11:14 PM
*Valentine skulks in quietly, trying to keep a thin sheet wrapped around his body*
Remember all those times when Lyn and Lain and Aingeal kept stealing my pants? Well... *looks over at his clothes, which are currently being displayed in Lain's window*...looks like they really got me this time...
Yes well.. i have officially missed the bus. Not once, mind you, but TWICE.. the first time Lain misread the ticket and I got to the bus station late and the next day we were on time and i was about to step onto the bus and Lain asked: "do you have your wallet?"
And I didn't..
Is someone upstairs trying to tell us something? Personally, I think it's a sign. I don't think I'm SUPPOSED to leave. ; )
Anyway, I'm off to the bus station. if all goes well, I'll be home agin in thirty hours. If all goes even better, I'll post one of those wilekianly masive catchup posts soon thereafter. : P ...Until then, PEACE! :D
*Grabs his clothes back from Lain, and heads off to find a place to get dressed*
Gunjack "Steamy Pants" Valentine - []
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 02:10:32 PM
DPH: <arrested for selling by the pound> Not only was he arrested, he was also convicted and could have to pay all the court costs, which for some mind-boggling reason were reported at $90,000. Can you imagine police in the USA raiding a 7-Eleven because they sell Coke in 2-liter bottles? *shakes head*
Sincerely, Allaine (file that one under Stupid People - um, the authorities, not the seller)
Allaine - []
Philadelphia, PA
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 01:39:39 PM
Darn it, it's _supposed_ to say "performs"! :P
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 01:38:59 PM
** Niamhgold enters. She performance backflips, sommersaults, and about every other type of acrobatic feat **
Ahehahahea! It's done, done, my narrative storyboard is done!!!! :) :P 125 rendered panels in three days, hahaha! Whoo, whoo, whoo!
Okay, so I'm very nuts and swamped with work right now...I will hopefully have a longer post this Easter Weekend. I _refuse_ to do any work on Sunday, darn it! ;)
Gside: Thank you for your comments on my art show piece :)
Winterwolf: Hehe, I _am_ a conspirator, oh yes. It sounds like your workload is about as screwy as mine! <Wet kisses> Well, I guess they couldn't be as bad as my Newfoundland's kisses. Talk about slimy! ;) See you this weekend!
Dreamie: Hola, chica! :D
Allaine: Welcome! As for pics...well I usually use the Weird Sisters, just so people know who's postin' without having to read my annoying sig. :)
Everyone else: See y'all this weekend. If I can survive this week, I can survive the flaming inferno of he*&!
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 01:38:02 PM
Hey, it's not just 'light blue' color that I am using. It's Kentucky Bluegrass. Normally, I use Human Lexington, but when I am more relaxed, it's Emry's reclining.
Darn it, I will have to work up my courage to call the Mental Health area of my Health Insurance.
**DPH vs Planeteers with apologies to Captain Planet fans, but dedicated to those of us who have broken environmental laws going to and from work**
DPH is driving home from work when he hears 'Earth' and the ground starts rising. Luckily DPH opens a portal and stays on the interstate. Suddenly, he hears 'Fire' and he sees he road in front of him melting. He opened another portal and missed that obstacle. DPH hears 'Wind' and suddenly fills huge gusts of wind pushing at his car. DPH opens a portal to block the wind. Once again, DPH hears another word 'Water' and suddenly he sees a flood heading towards him. He opens a portal and removes the water. DPH hears 'Heart' and nothing happens. Then, DPH pricked his ears when he heard, 'Let our powers combine. Earth. Fire. Wind. Water. Heart. Go Planet. By your powers combined I am Captain Planet.' DPH looks around and sees Captain Planet chasing after DPH so DPH opened a portal and sucked Captain Planet light years away.
**END DPH vs Planeteers**
Ok, I drove to work and back without the smog device in my car.
I read this in the news and I hope you guys get a kick out of it: In Great Britain, a guy was arrested for . . . selling bananas by the pound. I guess cops in Great Britain have way too much time on their hands. The European Union passed a law to encourage use of the metric system. I do not really care about the measurements of my food, as long as it is CONSISTENT.
No BFTS RP from me today seeing how I used up my space doing battle against the planeteers. I might have a follow-up to it if some people are interested.
DPH - []
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 12:01:54 PM
Woo Hoo thirty days of this semester left, rock on!!
As you can tell I'm excited
SJ- Ag is not really as important as like you said that marriage is a contract and a commitment. My parents were married at young ages, My Dad was 19 my mother was 20. Now unlike most people they went five years before my brother was born and yes, after twenty. some odd years are still together. Living and sharing a life with someone is a wonderful thing, but somepeople just think it's easier to quit when things get tough, that's crap IMO. The idea is to work and roll with the situations at hand. I do agree that if two people do decied to take that final step they damn well better be ready to live with it for a very long time, like forever.
Just one of those things I have a strong opinion about.
Oh well, that's it for now.
"How many a$$holes do we have on this ship?"
-Darth Helmet-
Revel - []
denton, tx
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 11:53:44 AM
To everyone who explained about images: Thanks!
CrzyDemona: <THE SCANDAL!> Call the coroner's office, they can take him away now. ;) *waves at Crzy*
Sevarius Jr: <who absolutely loathes Tiger> Thank God, I thought I was the only one! It's like, sports headline of the day, "Tiger Wins Masters. PGA announces that golf is officially dead as disco." What kills me is how everyone just hands tournaments to him on a silver platter. It's like, "Well Tiger's 25 strokes back with nine holes to play, but something tells me he's MAKING HIS MOVE! Yeah, that greek jacket's all his now!" I'd like to drop him, the Williams sisters, and the entire New York Yankees in a very big hole - their reward for stabbing suspense to death like Julius Caesar.
Oh, and speaking of the death of suspense, recently ABC announced someone was going to win the jackpot this week on Millionaire. I suppose they were hoping to pull in viewers, but all they really did was ruin the surprise for their millions of regular viewers last night. Everyone watching knew the guy was going to win the $2M because ABC said he was. Good job, ABC! I can tell you're the same people who ran All My Children into the ground. (See Sev? I can rant too :D
<you're a villain and I'm the hero> Actually I don't think that would be a problem because she left the now-defunct Royal Flush Gang a long time ago and if she were to return to crime she would have done so by now (unless there's something I don't know). Just like "Avatar", where we learned Talia had abandoned her father's extremism once she thought he was dead. If Ra's really had died in that Lazarus Pit, who knows what might have happened? (Of course, we never would have had that scene in the crypt, which is one of my all-time favorite scenes.)
Taleweaver: A good season (anything ending with Goliath and Elisa mating is a good season), but too short by half, and Brooklyn had to confirm my pessimist theory about Demona (no matter how good things are going for her, someone is going to screw it up) *sinks into deep depression*
This morning I read in the paper that UPN is premiering some X-Files/Ultraviolet ripoff about a special squad of cops in Chicago investigating paranormal stuff. The main character gets assigned there after witnessing a girl being kidnapped by a "flying gargoyle". Anyone interested in checking this one out? Is this garg good? Bad? Intelligent? Quien sabe?
Thanks again.
Sincerely, Allaine (who envies Christine her Sigourney weekend - he hasn't seen Alien Resurrection yet, which galls him severely. But perhaps he can get to Heartbreakers once tax season is over, for the sole purpose of seeing Sigourney being sexy :D )
Allaine - []
Philadelphia, PA
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 09:24:22 AM
Hi everyone. I don't know if this has been asked yet but does anyone know when the next ep will be posted?
Knoxville - []
Nashville, Arkansas, USA
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 03:04:38 AM
Okay, I got my pics back from FANIME con. I got to this one and just DIED laughing!! I had nearly forgotten I had taken it!!
This has GOT to be one of the SEXIEST pictures of Greg Weisman EVER!!! Dare I show it? THE SCANDAL!! What will the neighbors say? ::snickers::
CrzyDemona - [<-- CLICKY CLICKY!!!]
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 02:50:49 AM
Winterwolf: Don't worry, Doug and I are confident that together we can get through any hardship that comes our way, and this attitude is doing well for us so far. That figure for the accident was a worst-case preliminary estimate, according to the body shop guy, he should give us an actual estimate tomorrow and it will hopefully be substantially lower. In the meantime, we're using the pickup we rented to get all our bulky and heavy stuff up to the house- when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. :) The repairmen will be coming out to the house on Monday to fix all the problems the inspector found, and Doug wants to set an appointment with the skirting construction surveyors (it's a manufactured home, needs skirting, you know?) for Tuesday of next week. The speeding ticket Doug paid off, he will be taking defensive driving soon to get the collision off his record. Insurance is helping with the damage to our car. In general, things are in limbo now, but progressing.
Christine: Congrats on a reading done well. Hope the product sells bigtime (Doug and I want an autographed copy of course :).
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 02:19:15 AM
Imzadi> <<Why does "big O" (pronounced big-oh) sound so dirty to me?>>: For the same reason the "That's a fair thought to lie.." line in Hamlet is so dirty.
<<Once, I thought a flute-player was okay, but only because I wanted to sleep with her>>: That sentence ecapsulates the flauts so well.
<<2-liters go flat before I can finish drinking them>>: At my house, it's rare if they last the day.
<<0 being violations of the laws of physics left and right>>: That's the opposite of the scale you used before, and you still gave Charlie's Angels the same rating.
<<But our school was too small to be picky>>: Sounds familliar.
<<AMEN! None of this "pop">>: I believe the dividing line is usually the Appalachians, but around here you have to be careful about your sprinkles and jimmies. Holy wars have been fought over the subject.
<<the wings would need to have a 20-foot span to be effective>>: I wouldn't mind 20 feet of wings.
Warpmind> <<that'd probably give me a reprimand from the CR moderators>>: I'm pretty sure we've done worse.
Allaine> <<I'm not too clear on the rules involving images>>: No rules but some combinations of picture/color/style have been used by one person for so long they essentially have squatter's rights. Though, the entire combination is more important than any one aspect.
<<Terry and Inque>>: Too many problems with hentai tentacles.
Taleweaver> Season: Good, left me wanting more. I feel like I should make some food analogy here, but it's not coming to me.
Imzadi> <<I don't think many people in here go around memorizing other's IP's to figure out who's who>>: Well, Warpind's always got a .no, and many others have their region mentioned, and I've got my handle in mine.
Christine> <<I must've been blushing something awful>>: That notion does not compute.
<<the filter that made my voice sound like a guy's>>: I want that and it's companion. You put on any extra funky reverbs/echo/etc. for the incubus?
Winterwolf> <<last week on Monday marked my one year anniversary posting in the CR>>: Congratulations.
<<Still that doesn't mean I can't be a stallion and a wolf>>: I'm not touching that.
I just realized I haven't done any Credence yet. So I aim to fix that. You can now find Down on the Corner by Creedence Clearwater Revival.
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 02:04:25 AM
**Winterwolf tears into the CR and hugs everyone around**
It has been way too long! I'm back. Figures I'd miss it, last week on Monday marked my one year anniversary posting in the CR. I have to get caught up again now. So many posts to go through... I guess I'll start at the top and work my way down.
Oh I suppose you might just be wondering where I've been. I had been working on a bunch of projects last week with Clearasil taking up most of my time. I hope they give us the full redesign. That page we have up now is not the sweetest thing I've been a part of. Anyway take a look at if you like. The previous incarnation of the site was absolutely hideous. On that note I should be happy with the substantial improvement but I do so much better that this.
Hcatty> Welcome to Fantasy Island only later to be renamed the asylum for a short period then finally the CR. ;P
Lady Mystic> <why> You posts are honest and how you feel yet still sweet and sensitive. I think you help balance out the room just being you more than you think. ^_^
SOROW> <guy keeps coming> I say denial sounds as likely as anything else... <make it through end of the school year> **HUG** Well I'm in here for you and there are plenty of others too.
Christine> <Jericho strikes again> Well me jumping out of your cake in blue body paint would certainly be a memorable event for a birthday... **laughs nervously** See you at the Gathering. Looking forward to picking up Archmage. :)
Doug and Kit> It sounds like the house is wrapping up nicely. Unfortunately now I hear of speeding tickets and 7 grand in repairs for an accident! **HUGS for both of you**
Niamhgold> **gasp** You were Dreamie's accomplice? Well at least with two artists I hold in high regard I'm sure I was well made up... What am I saying? I'm outraged! I have a good mind to give you a cold wolf nose kiss next time I see ya! ;P <cafeteria food> I had that problem too. I supposedly went to the school with the worst food. I can see a pretty strong case for it actually. <evil toxic Gamsol> Well I'm glad that's done and over with. Having a sensitive olfactory sense myself I can relate to the stuff I've dealt with.
Dreamie> <nervous at the Gathering> Well that was my first Gathering, so it was quite an adjustment from my usual outings. I went without knowing anyone other than from the CR. <tickling> You know I've come back to the point where several woman want to tickle me silly. I'm already silly you can stop now! Does that help? ;P <painted me blue and put me in Christine's cake> I think the only problem is that Christine would say I'm not dark and moody enough for the part. Though somehow I doubt that is really the point. ;D
Jannie> <sniffles> **can't help but grin and hand you a tissue** ;) I know this was way back but I've been out. :(
Caliope> **HUGZ** Are you trilingual yet? ^_^
Oddly I'm caught up. Interesting there's not that many personal replies after over a week out. Anyway, guess I'll turn in. No I'm not turning into a horse contrary to the picture above. Still that doesn't mean I can't be a stallion and a wolf. ;P
Good night everybody.
Bronx, NY
Wednesday, April 11, 2001 12:07:16 AM
I am finally back! Woo!
Spent the weekend in Kennewick working on the recording of Black Roses, came home, got one hour of sleep, and then had to work all night. Yesterday, slept for 10 and 1/2 hours, worked again, and am now back on schedule and able to look at the computer.
The recording went amazingly well. Neither Mickee (the lady in charge of TimeFare) nor I were expecting to get anything useable, just rehearse and get used to the equipment and all. And make sure I could actually _read_ in something other than a deathly, terrified monotone. But it turns out those 20 years of gaming did serve me well, and we got 9 chapters done! In the can, baby! Huzzah!
I was nervous at first, in that tiny room alone but knowing she could hear me ... and in Chap 4 was a naughty part and she kept snickering at me; I must've been blushing something awful! ; )
But it is going well, and she thinks if I can continue at that pace, we'll certainly be done in time for an October release. Plus, there will be a demo in time for me to bring to the Gathering. Got to play with the sound effects, too, and with the filter that made my voice sound like a guy's (eerily like my brother, as it turned out!) for the incubus bits.
Plus, during our breaks, I had access to all of her bookshelves and videos. Finally saw Alien 4 ... what a goosh-fest that was! Too funny-gross to be scary, especially at the very end. But this has been driving me crazy ever since -- the guy who was one of the pirate leaders (or whatever the hell they were), the one who gets yanked through the floor, the guy with that raspy deep voice ... what else has he been in? Augh!
Also saw the version of Snow White with Sigourney Weaver (it was a Sigourney weekend). Is it just me, or did the lead miner remind anyone else of Greg W.?
Stephen > Happy Birthday!
Hcatty > yep, that's me, THE Christine Morgan ; ) Glad you're enjoying the stories!
Allaine > I loved throwing all those The Shining references into that story; there are S.K. references in a few others as well. 'Cause he's my favorite!
Speaking of Stephen King -- I got his new one, Dreamcatcher, for my birthday. Read it Monday night. Maybe it was because I was so totally exhausted, but I didn't care for it all that much. Will have to give it another chance when my brain's in better working order. But boy, grody to the max, those "s***-weasels" ... oog!
Christine - []
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 11:57:05 PM
A few comments, and rants and such. Leakage from my brain.
Another Masters golf tournament is over and done with, and surprise! Tiger Woods won. Again.
Am I the only person on this planet who could not care less? Or who absolutely LOATHES Tiger Woods? I'm sick of him. Every time I turn on the TV, I see Tiger. Every time I look in the paper, in the sports section, I see Tiger. It's getting to be rigoddamndiculous. What's that? No other golfer (outside of maybe Bobby Jones) has ever done what he has in the past few months? Let's all stop and think….about how little I care. I've officially overdosed on Tiger Woods. He's a man who makes a living hitting a little white ball over grass. Forgive me if I don't fall down and kiss the ground he walks on.
This really stems from my rant against golf. I have friends who are into golf, and I always infuriate them because….well, honestly, I do NOT think golf is a sport. Where's the athleticism? What, having to walk across the grounds? Lah dee frickin' dah. Getting the ball into the hole with as few strokes as possible? That takes skill and strategy, true, but so does chess, and I don't see too many people extolling the masculinity of chess wizards. What? Golf is different than chess? More athletic? Explain to me how. Just cause one has an idiot swinging a club, that makes it more athletic? Please. Say what you will about football, basketball, baseball, hockey….at least the people who play those sports are TRUE atheletes. You know what I see when I turn on the PGA? Nothing but fat old white guys (for the most part). If I was a pro athelete, I'd be outraged that someone upon this earth would classify Greg Norman as an "athlete" as well.
Beth H: Hey, your sister is getting married? Congratulations.
And an early condolences, cause I'd be the farm she's divorced in a year.
Personally, I do NOT understand the rationale of marrying ANYONE until you are in your late twenties, early thirties, at LEAST. If I remember my statistics, I think the latest figures were that 1 in 2 marriages won't last 5 years. I'm currently taking a Family Law case right now. Here's something for all of you young, potential brides and grooms out there: Marriage is not just you getting together with the chick or dude that you dig. It's FOR LIFE. It is not some sweet little ceremony and the ridiculous illusion of "til death do you part". It is a CONTRACT. People seem to gloss right over this, and there in lies all the trouble. Marriage is not just being together. Marriage is a contract that will absolutely dictate your entire life. Your finances. Your house, your car, your family. Marriage can be a beautiful thing, but it can also be a beast that will swallow you whole.
And when the marriage ends, and it probably will, you do not even want to know the clusterf!ck that is divorce. Unless you have a totally cooperative separation agreement listing the particulars about everything, you will be put through the wringer. And should you bear children during the relationship, well, that's a whole other bitter pill to swallow.
Can you tell I'm cynical about this?
I've done some soul searching, and this class I'm taking has cemented things. My suggestion? Don't get married. I'm tempted to say never (don't ever get married, hell, don't even LIVE with someone for any long length of time for fear of cohabitation, which can carry the presumption of marriage), but I suppose I won't so as to not insult the more romantically minded amongst us, but please, PLEASE, before you do it, realize what marriage is (a legal CONTRACT that is NOT easy to escape under any stretch of the imagination) and understand the supreme cesspool of hell that it can degenerate into once it's all over. At least, I would advise, wait several years before getting a ball and chain around your neck (and we always use that particular metaphor to refer to a spouse, when in actuality it's the institution of marriage which is the ball and chain).
But the thing I find most amusing about this all is that, all over the country, homosexuals are trying to obtain the right to marry one another. I find this funny, because WHY in the hell would they want to do that? Open message to all homosexuals: stop trying. You've got it great just like it is now. You're being smart right now; don't go dumb like the rest of us and decide to get hitched.
Batman Beyond debate: Well, I don't like Terry and Max…they work better as friends. Or hero / sidekick.
Terry and Melanie has great story potential, but ultimately it can get VERY tired VERY quick. We've only seen the "I love you but you're a villain and I'm a hero and our relationship is doomed and can never work" cliché only about a thousand times before. And by saying that I mean just a thousand times alone with Batman. Batman and Catwoman, Batman and Talia, Batman and etc….
Unlike a few in here, I actually like Terry and Dana. The problem here is that they've just delegated Dana to the role of "girlfriend". Worse yet, she's "the girlfriend who's not in the loop". It's worse than the old Lois Lane or Mary Jane Watson angles. I'd like for them to let her find out about Terry's secret identity, then break up with him because he never was honest and trusting enough to tell her, and then he has to worry about whether she'll tell the world who he is in his spare time.
Unfortunately, I don't think that will happen, since everything I hear is that the show has been cancelled. Not cause the WB didn't want to air it, not that it wasn't popular or highly rated, cause the morons who make it just decided to take a powder.
And just for fun, here's my various SelectSmart survey results:
X-Men Character: Apocalpyse (boy, they don't know how right they are…)
Marvel Character: Wolverine
Historical Figure: Lincoln (with my man J.C. coming up 2nd)
President: Teddy Roosevelt
Ideal Anime Female: Skuld (from Oh My Goddess)
Escaflowne Character: Dilandau (this frightens me immensely)
Final Fantasy Female: Garnet
Final Fantasy Villain: Sephiroth (naturally!)
Sailor Moon Character: Sailor Saturn (damnit. I was aiming for Chibi Moon!)
Gundam Wing Character: Treize Kushrenada (the man with the single greatest name ever)
Tenchi Muyo Character: The lovely, talented, wonderful, Washu!!!
Sevarius Jr. - []
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 11:27:22 PM
Daniel Johnson: <<there's an infinite number of monkeys here...>>: Cute.
XenaTrek: <<I don't 'charge' for any 3D Modeling/Animation>>: Cool. Modeling would suffice. Care to do any characters for icon project? They don't even have to be 3-D!
Warpmind: <<you accuse ME of roughing>>: You're right. I deserve a penalty too. But since I'm the one throwing flags, I'm not gonna worry about it. <<such things can be VERY surprising>>: Blah blah blah. I have...advantages...that will help me remain single. Being an evil pig helps...
DPH: <<paranoia>>: My dad canceled the University health insurance policy because ours was comparable. The main difference was that the university offers better coverage in the event of a mental breakdown. Sounds like they know something, huh? My dad looked at me and said "don't go nuts"...too little he knows.
Allaine: <<Terry and Melanie>>: Oooh, good idea. Not quite as good looking as Dana, but far more interesting. I approve. <<Images>>: There are no rules, as far as I can tell, but in case you haven't noticed, some people use the same images/color combos over and over and start to be identified with them. I use the Unseelie Star and Bright Red, and people can guess that its me posting when they see that. DPH uses the Lex-human and light blue, etc. So you can use whichever you want, I guess. But jacking someone's pic AND color might be...annoying...and confusing. Especially since, when it comes down to it, only our IP's prevent identity theft in this room, and I don't think many people in here go around memorizing other's IP's to figure out who's who. You could post with my pic and my color, and easily claim to be me, and only I would know. That would suck ass. That's why I picked a pic that I didn't see a lot of other people using (though there seems to be plenty of bright red text in here).
Daphne: <<batgirl>>: oh. Must have missed that ep.
Taleweaver: <<opinions on season>>: Very well written, for the most part. I especially liked the episode about Brooklyn picking up his tablet at the museum, and the Council episodes. However, it was too short and left many threads untouched. There are enough characters from the first two seasons that need to be talked about, and the TGS staff went ahead and introduced a host of NEW characters. Are we ever going to see Mr. Tepes again? Do we even care? And what about the major players, like the Illuminati and Thailog? We didn't even get back to nightstone, no attempt by Demona to retake her company. Closed without any development of project nightshand or development of Coldsteel/Thailog partnership. Then there was that scene I remember where Thailog is talking to the pack, but they do nothing. No development of Hyena going to talk to Fox. No development of anyone, really, besides the marriage of Elisa and Goliath. I think this is a problem caused by the fact that there are just too many characters in the TGS universe.
And then there's some other stuff that was blatantly missing for this season. What happened to Delilah when the group got back from Japan? What happened to ALL the groups? Icarus (this question does not need any more words)? Darius? No one even mentioned that the group came back from Japan, a new episode started and THERE they were, in Manhattan.
I know most of the TGS staff is new this season. But 12 episodes!? Compared to the number of the first two seasons? With SOOOO many things to write about, I find it difficult to believe that "breakdowns" could have completely "broken down", pun intended. Well, here's to hoping that the other three series tell us more of the story. ::raises can of Jolt::
I really do love TGS, despite what my complaints might suggest. I love having something to read since Disney foolishly cancelled the show. I have a serious lust for reading about the lives of these characters, and TGS does something to satisfy that lust. Hey, if you guys need any help, let me know!
To err is human, but to really fsck things up you need a computer.
-PureEvil (TeenChatCenter)
Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 09:30:15 PM
Josh/Imzadi>> <Bruce did WHAT!? When did THAT happen?> I don't remeber exactly when they got together, but check the episode where terry finds out barbara was batgirl... it went something like this:
t: you were his partner?
b: [evil grins]
t: his *girlfriend*?!?!
b: [nods, then finishes her story]
Daphne - []
the suburban bubble
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 09:16:07 PM
Allaine> No specific rules on comment room picture or colors. It just helps to be consistant.
Looks like it might be dullsville without an episode of TGS to kibitz about. What was everyone's opinons about this season?
Taleweaver - []
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 08:40:43 PM
::scans the room after a long day::
Coyote - the Greater Beast Zelas is actually the one who created Xelloss. She lives on Wolfpack Island and is good friends with Lina's older sister, Luna.
Just FYI...
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 07:11:24 PM
**Rav comes prancing through the CR, wearing a shiny new gold necklace.** :) Isn't it spiffy? :)
Okay, so I'm in a really great mood now, despite the weather we're having. ;)
Allaine> Well, we don't have assigned pics or's just that some of us use certain pictures over and over with our posts. Like I usually go for the Prince Ravyn ones. :)
Josh> Love the icons! :)
Lady Mystic> Sorry, I think I sorta forgot to answer this when you asked a while ago...but "Corax" came as a suggestion from one of the posters here in the CR. It is the name for a race of were-ravens from a game..."Werewolf: The Apocalypse," if I remember correctly. So you kinda fits in a way. :)
Gside> Cool! Neat to hear that you're an IEEE student member. I'm a student member of SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers). Although I haven't gotten my darn pin yet, because our faculty advisor is hoarding them all. ;) Oh, well. :) As for what we serve at meetings...well, it's pizza and soda for the regular members, and spiked sodas for the officers. :)
Coyote> **hugs tight** Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! :) **hugs more**
Ravyn "Take the Keys to My Heart and Drive me Home" Maza
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 06:44:48 PM
Sorry if this image belongs to someone else. I'm not too clear on the rules involving images - can only one person use a certain image, or do we just try to avoid confusion, or is it a free-for-all? (Just wondering, cuz I was hoping to use an Egyptian-themed image, seeing as how I studied ancient Egypt long enough in college.)
Warpmind: <as burnt out as Mark Hamill> Having listened to him do a great job voicing Joker for years, I'm not ready to insult the man yet. (Besides, I always did like his Trickster)
Caliope: <trilogies with four books> Piers Anthony, I believe, originally intended his Xanth novels to be a trilogy. Of course, he's written about twenty (he wrote once that he got teased a little because of what became a series of trilogies).
Imzadi: <Dana and her hourglass figure> I can see we're getting divided up into three different camps: those who like Terry and Max (for various reasons, not the least of which is she understands why Terry is late for dates), those who like Terry and Dana (better hair and figure than Max), and those (such as me) who like Terry and Melanie (better looking than Max, more interesting than Dana, plus she's got the Selina/Talia-type checkered background). Maybe there are those who like Terry and Inque, but I'm thinking not (too bad, she's got the Keeper's voice).
Sincerely, Allaine (who was very happy the other night when he got to tape both the first Horatio Hornblower movie, yay, and his all-time favorite movie "Aliens", double yay, and is very happy tonight because the hysterical "Triangle" episode is on) :D
Allaine - []
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 05:13:22 PM
I am a coward. I was too scared yesterday to call my insurance company to find out about mental health services available. Paranoia must be in my veins.
Yesterday, I had car trouble going to and coming from work. My dad says the smog device is stopped up giving me problems. All I know is I could not reach speeds over 45 mph on the interstate and had all kinds of problems climbing hills. In fact, the car died a few times trying to climb hills. I am NOT going to work in that car until it is fixed.
If you asked me to finish my computer program I was working on, I will promise you that I will make it smart enough to beat me. If you ask me to always do the right thing, I can't promise you that unless you make it in my best interest to always do the right thing. I link heroes with motivations: if a person has to consistently be nudged towards helping others out, sorry, but that guy ain't a hero in my book. I found lots of depth in watching Spiderman and Spiderman Unlimited on tv.
**BFTS RP continues**
"DPH took NCA out?" asked SuperSpeed.
Plastique replied, "DPH took him out after getting a power up from a spell. The last words were 'Magna Consentration Spell'."
"Well, DPH has been working on that particular spell for quite some time, according to Connect. I am currently working on a spell to give Connect a new body." said SuperSpeed.
A spirit has been reading SuperSpeed's spell and noting it is almost ready for him to get a new body. Only 1 problem remained: how to convince SuperSpeed to cast the spell. Then, a solution to that problem occured because the ends do justify the means in his book.
**END BFTS RP for now**
Hehehe. Is an evil spirit trying to gain a new body by using SuperSpeed?
DPH - []
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 01:16:57 PM
*Warpmind enters, seemingly in a state of confusion...*
Heya... overdue post, coming up.
Revel: Aye, the Wing Commander movie was no big letdown for me - I had very low expectations for it. But really, how can they possibly defend that the fourth game was more exciting, when they had someone as burnt-out as *Mark Hammill* starring in it? *Sigh* Something's rotten in Hollywood...
By the way... Spike: Your new Rockaway site looks good, as was expected... but it appears the Art Gallery bit, at least, is dysfunctional. You might want to look into it.
Gside: No, not DII definition... More what I have grasped of the jeweller's trade. (I'd make a snappy joke abut the family jewels here, but that'd probably give me a reprimand from the CR moderators...)
Josh: And you accuse ME of roughing the CR? };) "Now what", indeed... *Chuckle*
Conspiracy Theorist: Hmmm... That written assignment sounds like some of mine... the kind that is passed around the teachers' lounge, and eventually evolves into something of legend... *Evil grin* I've had a few of those in my time...
Fire Storm: My friend, the only way I can make something that actually makes a wee bit of sense is when I craft something on the computer, such as for instance a Doom 2 map - mostly straight lines and distances that can be quickly converted to familiar binary and/or hexadecimal values. :) And yes, a change of tradition can be... *Looks blissfully toward Lynati* VERY nice... :)
Beth H: I'd make some insightful comment here about patience, but it'd be hypocritic... :/
Josh again: Amigo, you weren't *planning* to settle down before you were turning 30? Heh, trust me... such things can be VERY surprising... Heck, I was halfway expecting to remain uninterruptedly single until my dyin' day... but then... *Grin* All I'm saying is that you shouldn't take solitude for granted. }:)
And I see we have an annoying element popping by... *Slowly loads the Bother-B-Gone autocannon.*
Fire Storm again: You say that Corbie hasn't been used yet? Tsk, phrasing it like that was just... wrong. (If you had said the *picture* hadn't been used yet, on the other hand...) };)
Well, that about sums up the post... Later, gang. *Heads out, muttering about maternal nagging about computer time...*
Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 08:05:58 AM
Imzadi > <<Freelance>>: "Free" being the operative word. >> I don't 'charge' for any 3D Modeling/Animation since I only have training and personal experience background unless the person wanted to service wishes to offer a fee for the finished product. If we were talking about building a website, in which is where the core of my experiences is at the moment, (ie html coding and graphics), I charge a flat rate of $15 to 20/hr for html coding, graphics. A complete page w/ design(s) and layout(s), can run a up to $100 per page. Any scripting (ie Javascript, CGI) that is needed for the page will depend on other resources (collegues, current experiences, etc.,).
XenaTrek - []
Orlando, FL, USA
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 06:52:24 AM
I knew that would get your attention. :)
Fire Storm:
"Ford, there's an infinite number of monkeys here to see us about a script for Hamlet they've worked out." <- Typed from memory; can't guarantee accuracy. These particular monkeys were apparently from China.
Oh, yeah. That was quiet a storm. However, my bed is now covered with dog fur. Guess why. :)
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 05:12:19 AM
Today was programming day at school. Why? Because I didn't go to any classes besides my programming ones. Physics? bah!
Today in programming we talked about searching, sorting, and "Big O notation". Why does "big O" (pronounced big-oh) sound so dirty to me? Oh right, now I remember: my mind lives in the gutter.
Fag, Joe, and Dumbass: I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you'll have to shut up now, or else I may have to kill you.
Daphne: <<if bruce got together with barbara>>: Bruce did WHAT!? When did THAT happen?
Cali: <<dana's a ditz>>: But Max has that damn haircut...I'm sorry if I were terry I'd never be able to get over that, especially when Dana has that whole hourglass figure thing goin' on.
DPH: <<autoexec and config>>: LOL, the joys of playing with windows users. I really do miss those days, but not from a user standpoint. I'm so glad to be rid of those files. <<because my actions aren't always motivated towards the right thing>>: Motivations do not a hero make. I refer you to the chaotic-good alignment in D&D.
Tim: <<reform and green parties>>: LOL
XenaTrek: <<Didn't we cover>>: probably, but I'm sure my mind wasn't on remember what people in this CR do. There are to many other things that need to go into my brain, like the basic formula for a recursive program. <<Freelance>>: "Free" being the operative word. <<to run my 3D Software more efficient>>: And maybe a program that checks grammar, too!
Arianna: <<Oh dear>>: I think I said exactly the same thing when I first heard the joke. <<Not a one of them likes woodwinds>>: Once, I thought a flute-player was okay, but only because I wanted to sleep with her.
Beth: <<She hasn't focused too much on cultivating herself as an adult>>: Not all people are ready to be independent, and some people see this as the easy way out. The thought of having to support myself, live alone, and all that other crap after college scares the shit out of me (but that doesn't mean I'm gonna get married right out of college). Just trying to show you what might be going through HER pea-sized brain.
Sorow: <<are there some issues you'd like to discuss with us today?>>: Huh? What are you talking about?
FS: <<Thats why I buy 2-liters. By the hundred>>: 2-liters go flat before I can finish drinking them. <<When they make a 1:1 scale Mech, call me>>: So you can get in line behind me! <<How about a birthday present then?>>: I am SO there. <<She would be barely stronger than an average adult male human>>: Great, but I'm a lot weaker than the average adult male human. <<what is your timeframe for that?>>: Should happen sometime during my immortal lifespan. (ask a stupid question...)
Gside: <<messes up if you use gravity>>: That's why I didn't. But maybe I should. On a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being earth's gravity rounded to the nearest integer value in meters/second squared and 0 being violations of the laws of physics left and right due to the impossibility of zero gravity, the gravity in Charlie's Angels was about a 6. Crouching tiger was a 1, because the occasionally physics did operate as it was supposed to. Happy? <<orchestras were more old school instruments>>: Most are. But our school was too small to be picky, so we just threw every insturment we could find in there. It wasn't really a band, so we called it orchestra. <<6201>>: Ah. Good quotes! <<And it's soda. Or coke>>: AMEN! None of this "pop" crap. <<where are my wings and claws?>>: I'm in line after you! I want wings and claws desperately. Of course the wings would need to have a 20-foot span to be effective, but they'd look damn menacing. <<good eyes>>: Already got those, obviously haven't spent enough time in front of the computer screen yet.
Icon Project: I made a BUNCH of new icons and I want everyone to go see them. Artists of the new works include Dreamie, Lynati, and The Barracuda. My personal favorites of the new icons are Sata, Asrial, and Dreamie (hey, skimpy clothing draws me like moths to a flame). Enjoy! BTW: Someone do me a favor and answer that fscking question that Todd and Greg ignored (bastads) about Desdemona's wing structure! Also BTW: Anyone wanna draw some serious villians for icons? I desperately want THE PACK, a decent Thailog, and some FAY.
Dude, straws. Real men shouldn't be sucking on things.
-Rocky Teruya
Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 04:11:34 AM
Imzadi> <<On a scale of 1 to 10, the gravity rating>>: That scale messes you up if you think about g in SI to one sig fig.
<<we had saxes in our orchestra>>: Really? I thought orchestras were more old school instruments (those more than 200 years old).
<<Huh? What's that?>>: Once again, I am referencing outside your frame. 6201 was my old suite, and many stupid quotes ( ) were spawned there.
Ooh, deja vu.
Calíope> <<is there such thing as a trilogy with 4 books instead of 3?>>: Talk to Douglas Adams. He's got five.
<<how do you get them to take the alkaseltzer?>>: Break it up into tiny pieces.
<<are we talkin' tuna here?>>: I haven't a clue. Whatever trainers feed captive dolphins.
<<And where were there dolphins here?>>: All over the place. Most oceans. See the works of the previously mentioned Douglas Adams (especially book 4 of the trilogy).
Daniel Johnson> <<We've got a nice thunderstorm going here>>": Oh very much so. It seemed to be really messing with the network up here. It died down a while ago though.
Fire Storm> <<This is what happens when you only have 10 monkeys>>: With leprosy.
<<if we put EVERYTHING into the title, what would be the point in watching it?>>: Truth in advertising, and to make sure you get all us perverts.
<<How long would 192 cans of pop last you?>>: Assuming I don't care about conserving a limited amount to last a time period (e.g. exams), I'm pretty sure I could easily get four a day, going up to six or seven every now and then. How long does a two liter bottle last you? And it's soda. Or coke.
<<He coulda picked a club in Toronto or 'Frisco>>: Or a navy person on leave in a club in one of said cities.
<<Thats why they invented Splicing>>: But not on the level I want. Granted it is nice to have vats of amoeba making insulin (saves on the sheep), but where are my wings and claws? Or good eyes? Though that would be freaky. I'm sure I'd try to readjust absent glasses for at least a month.
<<What sort of refreshments do they serve?>>: Coke and pizza. This is a student chapter, mind you.
Slow once again. Gunjack, come on, post, !@#$ it.
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 02:34:23 AM
Once again, not much to say.
You know it feels odd coming here on a Monday and not having a new episode to peruse. Oh well patience is a virtue; just one I'm not normally attributed with.
Current worries:
1. The summit of the Americas in Quebec: Will it be another Seattle or a travesty against free speech.
2. Possibility of bulk water exports from NA to overseas locals.
3. The US's abandonment of the Kyoto accords.
Aside from this
lain: Don't fret, I'm sure Daniel doesn’t lump all us Cannuks into one pile. BTW I noticed from your IP address that you're at UWO, what faculty?
Well Goodnight;
Yggdrasil - []
Ontario, Canada
Monday, April 9, 2001 11:30:11 PM
<--- She hasn't been used yet
Imzadi: <At some point, we have to go to Costco and buy enough flats of soda to last us a month (about 8)>
24 cans to a flat, right? Thats why I buy 2-liters. By the hundred.
<Ever been to Virtual World?>
Not until you mentioned it. Ah, so it has VR pods. Big deal! When they make a 1:1 scale Mech, call me.
<However, just to have Angela be the stripper at my bachelor might be worth it. Naaa. But I can entertain the thought anyway>
How about a birthday present then? ("Let me unwrap myself for you")
<Would I need to be wearing the frame to play with said Angela?>
Na. She would be barely stronger than an average adult male human. The suit would just give me practice on building working frames.
<Oh, how I would love to see Hudson go postal and separate a few humans from their heads...>
Yeah. At a TV station. "I have told ye for the last time. Ye will NOT cancel my favorite shows for Basketball!"
<Very funny.>
Hey, it would definately prevent you from mating!
<Actually, THIS carbon-based water-carrier insists that he is not a member of "their" species>
Thank god my carbon/silicon ratio is around 1:3
<CAD skills? Or just regular pencil-drafting?>
My CAD skills are a little rusty, as is my copy of Autocad 2000. I am a little better at paper, though. I am learning cad, slowly, but I am learning.
For me, Mr. Plot lover, IT SUCKED!
<Wuss. If you had any REAL willpower you'd have conquered it!>
But, alas, I am only a meer renter. The owner would get a wee bit pissed if I threw his stuff away to make room for my stuff.
<Can I come over and play everyone once in a while?>
We will see. I am gonna have to charge $100 for 2 hours use of the power armor, though.
<I'll have taken over the world>
On the serious side, what is your timeframe for that?
<so you'll be allowed to set up your little bunker anywhere you'd like.>
Hell, I hope to make a few of them. Ah... multi million square feet of fun!
Daniel Johnson: <Optical grabe lenses with
capacity with a compass
in one racguet>
If an infinite number of monkeys typed on an infinite number of keyboards, they would come up with the works of Shakspere.
This is what happens when you only have 10 monkeys.
Yggdrasil: <I know some geneticists who would have me tarred and feathered (or at least mutated) if I laid claim to that particular mantle>
Lab grunt?
Where in Ontario are you?
Beth H: <Good God. My sister's boyfriend's sister is only a year older than me, and she's planning on marrying her boyfriend next year>
I fear my younger sister will marry sooner! She is barely in college!
Gside: <What? No bestiality? At least some catgirls should be in on it?>
Well, if we put EVERYTHING into the title, what would be the point in watching it?
How long would 192 cans of pop last you?
<It's your fault for starting with the navy.>
Coulda been worse. He coulda picked a club in Toronto or 'Frisco
<I didn't have any say in the matter>
Thats why they invented Splicing.
<Student member who's only attended one meeting>
What sort of refreshments do they serve?
<Joe> More proof of the high level of intelligence in this CR.
Judging from the IP, he/she/it is from Canada.
DPH: <Unfortunately, that can't get me a job programming computers.>
How are you at drivers? If you had a piece of hardware and knew how it interfaced with the computer, could you write a program to use that hardware?
BASICAILLY, I have this serial-driven servo controller (Hardware) and I want to be able to use my Wingman Digital joystick to control it directly AND have the commands I am sending to it, I would like recorded.
Fire Storm - []
Monday, April 9, 2001 09:52:08 PM
Kit & Christine> Thanks for the good sisterly advice. I'm going to have to try it out.
Josh> Are there some issues you'd like to discuss with us today? ;)
SJ> Ummmmm....yeah, I'm hot. Definately hot. *looks around sarcastically*
Gside> I wish it were that easy my friend.
Arianna> I'm afraid you missed all the good stuff. But I'm going to UT Austin next year and this is my last week of drill team! Yes!
Monday, April 9, 2001 09:50:51 PM
daniel johnson>> "guess it's understandable since you're in Ontario and might not be familiar with US geography."
the Great White North... where geography class is good..
Monday, April 9, 2001 09:48:09 PM
Um, Joe, you spelled Texas wrong. Or was it supposed to be taxes? I guess it's understandable since you're in Ontario and might not be familiar with US geography. Of course, since your computer is currently offline, you might not see this. :Shrug:
We've got a nice thunderstorm going here. Seems that Spunky is terrified of thunder. :) He looks so pathetic.
It seems that I have nothing else intelligent or funny to say, so 'night.
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Monday, April 9, 2001 09:28:56 PM
One other thing.
<The CR doors are suddenly flung open, and a huge 6'3&1/2" man with ash blonde hair wearing stonewashed jeans and a stretched gray sweatshirt calmly walks in and looks around. He spots Anonymous (Joe?), the guy who has recently been posting only to insult, walks up to him and grabs him with arms heavily muscled enough to bench press 360 lb. "You!" he snaps. "You claim to be from Austin, Texas, RUSSIA? You are disgracing my ancestors' homeland and my own home city! Not only that, you are wasting valuable K in a place two of my best friends very much enjoy visiting. You will get out now, and never return!!" With that, he throws the insulter to the floor, turns and waves to everyone with a smile, then walks out of the room.>
Thank you, Boris. :)
Monday, April 9, 2001 07:38:27 PM
Beth: Ok, I get things a little better now. Thanks for explaining further. <grimaces> I hope your sister's boyfriend's sister knows of your attitude towards her upcoming nuptials, that you're not the only one who has it, and that she has considered your point of view. If after doing that, she's still confident in her decision, well, more power to her. I wish you both all the best.
DPH: Sorry to disappoint you, but Doug and I won't be bringing the Ravens RP back unless and until we get yes votes for it from at least three more people in here. <I don't consider myself a hero> Not big on self-confidence, are we? :)
Off to finally read Unions.
Monday, April 9, 2001 07:02:50 PM
Kit>Yes, I'm happy for my sister's boyfriend's sister that she's getting married to someone she loves. But just the very IDEA that someone barely out of high school and a year older than me and a year younger than my sister is going to be someone's wife, that just makes me shudder. For me personally, I think people should wait till after college before getting married. I mean, she's still very young! She hasn't focused too much on cultivating herself as an adult. I think she should be focusing more on her own life than thinking about becoming part of a married couple. I know marriage takes a lot of work, and I don't know if she's ready for something like that. :/
Beth H.
Monday, April 9, 2001 06:00:22 PM
Hello everybody!
I was going to post at some point this weekend, but then...I had a last minute opportunity to make a weekend getaway to NC State University to hang out with my two best friends who happen to go there. :) So I didn't have enough computer access to do a nice post...and so I'm using some prime procrastination hours for this. :) (Ok, I'm just a tad overexuberant today...)
Sorow> *Hugs!* <<I was just thinking of you yesterday and how it's been so long since you've posted. We missed you and welcome back! >>'re such a sweetie. How have you been?
Imzadi> <<flute>> Oh dear. <<Or the violins. We hate flutes. >> I've noticed that with almost all of my violin-playing friends. Not a one of them likes woodwinds.
Gside> <<And I'm pretty sure the tubas were behind half of them. >> Oddly of my friends plays tuba and that's pretty accurate in this case at least. :) <<Though you should go lower. Bari sax is very nice, but I want to work to contrabass.>> Now, I read somewhere about a contrabass flute...if I could talk Wake Forest into investing in one I would absolutely love it...Bass Clarinet is also cool...I love the lower instruments. :)
Lain> *hugs* hope everything gets better with your friend...
Conspiracy Theorist> LOL! That was great.
Well, I have to get my English paper topic together for my meeting with my prof in ... 51 minutes. ACK! Hope everyone has a great to you all later.
Lady Arianna - []
Winston Salem, NC, USA
Monday, April 9, 2001 02:10:53 PM
Imazdi : > Re: >> XenaTrek: You're into 3D design? Interested in some minor gargoyles comissions for my icon project? It doesn't pay very well, but you do get your work published... >> Didn't we cover the 3D Stuff before w/ my current job description (3D Simulation Engineer) and my ultimate career goal (Comp Animation/SFX for Film & Television)? :oP "Minor Commisions" = Freelance. Freelance is what I need to get further into my goals. I'll try to do what I can, however it might take a bit of time since I do have personal projects waiting in the woodworks. Also I need to find a way to invest in a new computer to run my 3D Software more efficient.
XenaTrek - []
Orlando, FL, USA
Monday, April 9, 2001 12:37:16 PM
Dumbasses, fags and guys named Joe, OH MY!
Christ, It looks like the Reform and Green Parties are debating in here. Take it outside.
Monday, April 9, 2001 11:47:28 AM
I want my CNET tech news. I want my CNET tech news. I want my CNET tech news. Last week, I stopped receiving it for no direct reason. *glares over at DC and Netlag* I have some theories *glances at DC and Netlag AGAIN.* about why I have not received it, but before I assign blame *glances at DC and Netlag for the 3rd time which causes them to leave the CR* I want to be sure about why I have not received it. Have I mentioned that I am leaning towards blaming DC and/or Netlag?
Imzadi - What I meant to type and what was typed were different that time. Once upon a time, I adjusted the autoexec.bat to copy an old version of itself and rename it autoexec.bat and copy an old version of config.sys and rename it config.sys. On Win 3.1 and younger, hahaha, that would make it frustrating trying to install new hardware and some new software. Go to the link and you should find 2 qbasic programs: 1 before I touched it and 1 after I 'cleaned' it up. Unfortunately, that can't get me a job programming computers.
In other news, idiocy reins. My dad asked why I didn't get up earlier on Sunday when I had to work Saturday night. Duh, I was sleepy.
Oh, how I miss reading the Ravens RP (this is a hint to bring it back, PLEASE).
I think we caught a lurker with a bad attitude. Shall I give DC or Netlag a target?
Doug - I do not consider myself a hero. Why not? Just because my actions aren't always motivated towards the right thing for most people involved.
**BFTS RP continues**
Plastique gets off the plane in front of her home and walks in the door. Plastique sees SuperSpeed seemingly working on a magical spell and decides not to interrupt.
SuperSpeed looks up, and says, "You're back? Is NCA gone?"
Plastique replies, "Well, DPH took him out."
**END BFTS RP for now**
DPH - []
Monday, April 9, 2001 10:53:47 AM
Hello kiddies! * ^_~ *
I hope everyones doing good. Personaly I'm quite peachy, seeing as I only have 1 day of classes this week and I'm going to the new museum this thursday, just us gals. Its a sofisticated girls night out I guess, tho we'll proabablyu catch a movie afterwards and have dinner and such :P
Allaine> <<Terry and Max? Well, at least we wouldn't need the awkward "There's something you should know about me first" speech.>> lol yeah, thats a plus <<And is it just me, or does her voice sound different from what it sounded like five years ago?>> hmmm, I hadnt realy noticed. That shows been up and about for 5 years already!? Man I feel old :P
Rayvyn><<I've never read The Witches of Elianan series. Should I? >> well, I rather enjoyed them, except it leaves you craving more at the there such thing as a trilogy with 4 books instead of 3? :P
Daphne><<it's tradition... if bruce got together with barbara, then terry has to get together with Max.>> Well I hope so, Dana is just so dang sissy, shes a borderline ditz, I much prefer Max and all her attitud :P
Sevarius> Tess dies?! And I was begining to almost like her too...oh well! :P
Gside> <<Though if you can't get your hands on anything, I hear alkaseltzer works well. >> Yeah, but how do you get them to take the alkaseltzer? or will just aiming and beaning 'em work well?:P <<Turnabout is always fair play. >> lol I'll keep that in mind then ;P <<They were for the dolphins before they left. >>...O.o....are we talkin' tuna here?cuz I was under the impresion that those fish were whole, not mushed... :P And where were there dolphins here? I always miss the impotaint things dont I? :P
er, I should go! I'll see ya guys!!!! *HUGZ all and skips off waving* Ta ta!!!
Caliope - []
Monday, April 9, 2001 10:45:13 AM
Monday, April 9, 2001 10:33:48 AM
Fag - []
fag, fag, fag
Monday, April 9, 2001 10:30:57 AM
joe - []
austin, taxas, russia
Monday, April 9, 2001 10:22:00 AM
Monday, April 9, 2001 10:17:58 AM
Beth: I can understand your unease, but I also hope you'll eventually put your feelings aside and be happy for your sister's boyfriend's sister. After all, who knows? She may have found the one she loves, the one she is meant to be with. Or not, in which case she's probably going to learn her lesson the hard way. You shouldn't have to worry about getting married yourself just yet, far as I know you're still young and there's no hot man in your life. So just smile, ignore the attempts to incur envy in you your sister's boyfriend's sister might try, and act happy. Let the consequences of whatever events may take place next take care of themselves. Just some advice from someone who's living through a similar situation with her own four-minutes-younger sister as we speak (wedding's three weeks away!).
Monday, April 9, 2001 09:35:31 AM
Well, today was uneventful. We shopped for food, exactly as predicted, and of course managed to put off cleaning the apartment until we went to sleep, thus not doing it at all. We bought a couple DVD's at Costco, and watched one when we got back:
Lucy Liu...drool...yum. She is SOOOO gonna be a member of my harem, along with Jaime Pressly, Shannon Elizabeth, and Jessica Alba.
Otherwise, gratuitous stupidity and cleavage (but what else would you expect from a movie about female spies?!). And not enough nudity (though the wet t-shirt scene with Cameron Diaz at the end was quite...revealing. ::hears roommate yell AMEN!:: Thanks, Mike.
On a scale of 1 to 10, the gravity rating in this movie was a 6. 1 means there were no violations of the laws of physics, 10 is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Tom Green is the stupidest man alive (or at least acts like it). I hope he trips over his own cancerous testicle and dies (I know, its been removed so its not that likely, but I can dream, can't I?).
FS: <<it isn't my garage>>: Wuss. If you had any REAL willpower you'd have conquered it! <<concrete lined bunker/play room>>: Can I come over and play everyone once in a while? I'll have taken over the world, so you'll be allowed to set up your little bunker anywhere you'd like.
DPH: <<Creating the simple game of pong can be a real joke>>: I know. I watched my roommate do it in 10 minutes. <<I know I will trick that it will make it extremely difficult for a computer novice to install new software or hardware on windows>>: That sentence made no sense.
Coyote: <<Jesus Christ>>: ::mumbles "Ravyn worships.." under his breath, then looks around innocently as if the sound had come from someone else, when in fact he's the only one sitting in that corner of the room::
Getting married young: Some people get married early. My mom was 20. My roommates ex's mom was 18. Freaks the hell outta me too. I'm 19, and I've never even had a relationship that lasted 3 months, let alone fall so in love with a girl that I'd marry her. Quite frankly, I don't have any plans to do so before I'm at LEAST 30. But I have friends that are in their 20's and 30's, friends that are thinking about "settling down" and all that crap. Nevermind they won't have any interesting stories to tell, it just makes me feel damned old!
Gside: <<You people don't seem to like saxes>>: Oh, we had saxes in our orchestra. <<I didn't have any say in the matter>>: I don't think ANY of us have a say...kinda sucks, huh? <<Wimps>>: Whatever. That's a near-constant intake of soda, about 2.5-3 per day. We have to eat too, so that's time away from drinking soda! <<Star Trek formula>>: Pretty much what we did in our sci-fi story. <<It's your fault for starting with the navy>>: So I learned. Won't make that mistake again. USAF all the way. They have cooler jets anyway. <<back in 6201>>: Huh? What's that?
Ignorance is the ignorant! To me, its just plain annoying.
-Mr. Floppy, "Unhappily Ever After"
Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Monday, April 9, 2001 04:24:57 AM
Imzadi> <<I can't speak for _your_ orchestra>>: Sorry, no orchestra. You people don't seem to like saxes. I'm symphonic all the way.
Conspiracy Theorist> Writing: I'm with the guy on this one, Though I think he should have kept it on Earth with that intro.
Fire Storm> <<put SETI on some big supercomputer>>: I'm sure someone out there has done that. It's just too cool not to.
<<Midget hermaphrodite orgy porn>>: What? No bestiality? At least some catgirls should be in on it.
<<That may be worth reading the complete version>>: Oh, it is. Silky Whip numbers 8 and up. You can find it many places on the web. The artist's name is "Oh! Great".
<<Your an IEEE member?>>: Student member who's only attended one meeting. And I lost my pin.
<<I guess I can't tell the joke about the priest, a minister, and the IEEE member?>>: I'd like to hear it, but only if I can decapitate you if I don't like it.
<< those carbon-based water carriers that insist that you ARE in fact a member of their species>>: I didn't have any say in the matter.
Imzadi> <<enough flats of soda to last us a month (about 8)>>: Wimps.
<<fictional tech words>>: Star Trek formula: Take three real tech words, ram them together and you have something really impressive.
<<ended up being a homoerotic fantasy of a 13-year old boy in the minutes before school>>: It's your fault for starting with the navy.
<<I have conclusively proven that its faster>>: Ah, memories of life back in 6201...
CtB> <<know the approximate value of a 50 year old Semer (Paris) Mark VI tenor?>>: I haven't a clue, but I'd think it would be rather expensive. Only good horns last a long time. classicsax.ocm is selling one (SN 226,xxx) for $3195.
Beth H.> <<My sister's boyfriend's sister is only a year older than me>>: ...roomate's uncle's sister's cousin's cat. But anyway, I have been witness to something even scarier. My father is currently working with students he had taught, and teaching some of his students' kids.
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Monday, April 9, 2001 02:57:45 AM
Beth> Hey, I totally understand...I'm freaked out, because most of my friends are already married, or in extremely serious relationships, and I'm even meeting some of their *children,* for goodness sake! I'm really, really freaked out. And most of them are my age or within just a few years older than me. **shudders**
Monday, April 9, 2001 12:09:40 AM
Good God. My sister's boyfriend's sister is only a year older than me, and she's planning on marrying her boyfriend next year. O.O
Excuse me while I have convulsions over the idea. *has convulsions*
Beth H.
Sunday, April 8, 2001 11:46:07 PM
Shinigami: I'm lucky that here in D.C. that they have Ron and Fez syndicated (although it's broadcast literally at the midnight hour). If I didn't I'd never hear Fez's Nature Boy, quite possibly the greatest radio gimmick ever. ;)
Anyway, this has been my Fezatorial...THANK YOU!
Sevarius Jr. - []
Sunday, April 8, 2001 11:32:48 PM
SJ: re: Nature Boy: It's nice to know I'm not the only one who listens to Ron and Fez!
Sunday, April 8, 2001 10:46:13 PM
**Yggdrasil enters into the CR and spies the dark and milk chocolate left on a table by Hcatty. "Ha!" he cries out in triumph. "As if there was any question." He looks around the CR to ensure secrecy, and then crams both bars into his gaping maw. Stepping back from the table he wipes his mouth and approaches the rest of the CR.**
Greetings; **Looks slightly guilty at Hcatty**
Not too much to say tonight.
Fire Storm: I know some geneticists who would have me tarred and feathered (or at least mutated) if I laid claim to that particular mantle.
**Looks at his watch and gapes at the time.**
Must go:
Yggdrasil - []
Ontario, Canada
Sunday, April 8, 2001 08:50:48 PM
Niamhgold: A few guesses: "Anna Karenina" (By Leo Tolstoy. We haven't seen any movie adaptation or read the book. Just are familiar with the scene. Many adaptations on
"In love and war" (DEFINATELY fits the scene)
Fire Storm (With help from Lady Mystic) - []
Sunday, April 8, 2001 08:06:31 PM
** Niamhgold enters briefly **
Need help with a random topic!!!!! Does anybody know the name to the movie where the famous farewell at the train station scene takes place? I know we've all scene versions of it; the girl or guy is in the train, leaving, just as their significant other runs after them, begging them not to go. But can you name one of these versions, or even the original, so that my friend can look up the movie on a website and get some reference pictures?
Thanks, and hoping for a quick response!
Sunday, April 8, 2001 07:45:19 PM
Sorry, but I had to share this.
Description from a box of magnifying glasses:
Optical grabe lenses with
capacity with a compass
in one racguet
Yes, that's exactly how it was written. Try to guess what it means. :)
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Sunday, April 8, 2001 07:24:37 PM
Aww, lain; you really know how to depress a guy. I don't know what else to say but *HUG*. Listen to Valentine--he'll give you good advice.
Yes, I know I've been MIA for a while. Real Life seems to be conspiring against me. Is there a Conspiracy Theorist in the house? :) In any case, I haven't even poked my nose in here in over a week so I'm clueless (more than usual) about what's happening. I even completely missed the Reunion! ARG! So don't mind me while I just flail about in confusion.
TV news! I hardly ever watch TV anymore, but this morning I had A&E on and they had this gorgeous "Horatio Hornblower" miniseries on. And they're showing a brand new one tonight at 8pm EDT: "The Mutiny." Watch it! It's great! It stars David Warner (aka the Archmage) as a demented ship captain. Woohoo!
Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Sunday, April 8, 2001 06:58:23 PM
Not much for me to say this afternoon ... wore myself out being unable to get an appraisal on my saxophone (Gside, maybe you can help me with that ... know the approximate value of a 50 year old Semer (Paris) Mark VI tenor?), then trying to clean up the house to show it, only to have the real estate agent get in mom's face and tell her it wouldn't sell ... **grumbles about wanting to brain the agent** But I did take a couple more quizzes last night ... I'll include my one from before the wipe, too ...
Trigun: Rem Saverem ... I knew I was a pacifist, but I didn't know I was *that* much of one.
Eva: Kaworu. Now that's just scary. Even scarier, Kaji was in second. **shudders**
Slayers: Lina Inverse (which is kind of odd, at least I thought. Interesting, as well, because IIRC Ravyn came out as Martina. ;)
Pokemon: Ash. Oh come on, I don't stand around hoping people feel sorry enough for me to let me win!! ('sides, I wanted James ...)
X-Men: Mr. Sinister. This one I don't get. **shrugs** Ah well.
Historical figures: Jesus Christ. Hmm ...
Mazoku: Greater-Beast Zelas Metallium ... is this a different spelling of Xelloss? **shudders again**
Outlaw Star: Gene Starwind
Gundam: First time as one of the five scientists. Second time as Relena Peacecraft.
Tenchi: Washu. Hmm, always thought I had a short red-haired mad scientist tryin' to get out of me ... ;)
Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Sunday, April 8, 2001 05:58:43 PM
Imzadi - Doing really cool programs is really easy. Creating the simple game of pong can be a real joke, once you think about it. Maybe that's part of the reason I like programming: 1st, I figure out how I would do something, then make computer do the same processes. I know I will trick that it will make it extremely difficult for a computer novice to install new software or hardware on windows.
*DPH pulls out what appears to be an ordinary backup.* Ok, this is for Conspiracy Theorist. This device is guaranteed to wipe out the memories [of Conspiracy Theorist's identity] of anyone who wishes to harm Conspiracy Theorist within a 30 mile radius. No comment about the cost to me, though.
*DPH install a device outside of the CR and rolls his eyes at DC and rolls his eyes back at the device. DC immediately destroys it.* Good, DC did what I wanted him to do. Installing that device was the payment and DC destroying it did a favor for the CR. No comment about what the device was supposed to do.
I'm off on Friday the 13th and off on Good Friday. wait a minute they're the same day. Can Friday the 13th be a Good Friday or is that an oxymoron?
That's all for now.
DPH - []
Sunday, April 8, 2001 05:29:57 PM
::grumbles:: stupid double post...
Fire Storm
Sunday, April 8, 2001 04:29:15 PM
Imzadi: <I'm starting to wonder if you're really male. No self-respecting male allows himself to be banished from his garage>
In my defense, it isn't my garage. THAT'S why I am not allowed to play in it.
When I get my 40 acres, I am making a concrete lined bunker/play room a little underground so any explosions (and trust me... I will screw up and there WILL be explosions) won't take out my property.
And that room will be MANY hundred square feet!
Fire Storm - []
Sunday, April 8, 2001 04:28:39 PM
Imzadi: <I'm starting to wonder if you're really male. No self-respecting male allows himself to be banished from his garage>
In my defense, it isn't my garage. THAT'S why I am not allowed to play in it.
When I get my 40 acres, I am making a concrete lined bunker/play room a little underground so any explosions (and trust me... I will screw up and there WILL be explosions) won't take out my property.
Fire Storm - []
Sunday, April 8, 2001 04:28:18 PM
Today my roommate and I will be cleaning the apartment. At some point, we have to go to Costco and buy enough flats of soda to last us a month (about 8). Then, we'll have to carry ALL the stuff we buy at Costco up 4 flights of stairs because we didn't move into a building with a freakin elevator. So in otherwords, today is chore day. After chores, I'll log into the server and be on call for my tech support job. That means I'll be around all day, should any of you feel the need to bother me (or chat with me).
Todd or Greg or anyone else who knows: I have a question about Desdemona's wings. Does she actually HAVE 4 wings? Or are her two wings just split bizzarely so when they're spread they look like a butterfly's? Dreamie and I are debating this point. Unfortunately, there isn't a single picture of Desdemona's backside (my to my chagrin, believe me. I bet she has a nice backside...oh, nevermind) for us to verify our ideas. I figured you two know more garg trivia than anyone, do you know this?
People interested in the back-n-forth story: My roommate and I, when we were in high school, wrote a sci-fi story for our creative writing class. Since both of us are geeks, we decided that we would fill it with as many tech words (and fictional tech words) as we could and see if their pea sized minds could figure out that the tech wasn't central to what was going on in the story AT ALL. Needless to say, they couldn't (they are, of course, all humanities majors now). But it can be sooooo much fun to work with someone who thinks even a little bit like you do on a story like that.
I also once did a round-robin writing in the same class, where we each wrote one sentence before passing our paper to the next person. I started out writing about a navy pilot jumping off a burning carrier deck before passing it around...when it got back to me, my story ended up being a homoerotic fantasy of a 13-year old boy in the minutes before school. God my classmates were bizzare.
Rayvn: <<I am most like Meowth from Pokemon>>: Ditto! Whoa.
FS: <<Lan party with MILITARY EQUIPMENT!>>: Ever been to Virtual World? <<I got you thinking about marrying and possibly mating!>>: I am forbidden from mating, therefore I probably will not be getting married either. However, just to have Angela be the stripper at my bachelor might be worth it. Naaa. But I can entertain the thought anyway. <<after I build an exo-frame I build a cyber love Angela?>>: Would I need to be wearing the frame to play with said Angela? <<LOVE to put SETI on some big supercomputer for a few hours.>>: You and me both, buddy. <<YET>>: Oh, how I would love to see Hudson go postal and separate a few humans from their heads... <<The garage is off limits to me>>: I'm starting to wonder if you're really male. No self-respecting male allows himself to be banished from his garage. <<grab a lighter and use it for light and/or heat>>: Very funny. <<the joke about the priest, a minister, and the IEEE member>>: Well, don't keep us waiting! Tell it! <<carbon-based water carriers that insist that you ARE in fact a member of their species>>: Actually, THIS carbon-based water-carrier insists that he is not a member of "their" species. <<Thankfully I have drafting skills>>: CAD skills? Or just regular pencil-drafting?
Icon project: Okay, I have a minor snag. The only decent picture I have to make an icon for Sata is Christie Smith Hayden's pic from the Avalon Mists "Swimsuit Edition". Needless to say, its a pic of Sata wearing a VERY skimpy bathing suit. Not that I am opposed to making such an icon (thank god I wasn't taught morals when I was growing up), but I was wondering if I could persuade anyone to make a pic of her that would be...well...clothed? At least for the general populace?
Therefore, I have conclusively proven that its faster to download 3.5 meg than to shove it up your ass, ignoring the time it takes to shove it up your ass.
-Mike Margolis
Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Sunday, April 8, 2001 04:17:34 PM
I saw both of these movies this weekend and were pleasantly surprised. Tomcats is, indeed, a guy movie, but I don't hold that against it because I am, you know, a guy. Jerry O'connell is just cool, and Shannon Elizabeth is just hot.
As for Along Came a Spider. I'm a large fan of James Patterson (the author of the book) and Morgan Freeman. I've read the book and enjoyed it (most of Patterson's novels are excellent, expecially the Alex Cross series, of which this novel is the first). While the plot of the movie is cropped alot and changed a small bit from that of the novel, it's still a very powerful story. Freeman does a terrific job returning as Cross (which he founded in Kiss the Girls, which is actually the second Alex Cross novel, but the first movie made).
Of the two, I recommed Along Came a Spider. It's a hell of a film. Read the book, first, if you have the chance...
Alan Coleman "Ordell" Waltrip - []
Odessa/Midland, TX
Sunday, April 8, 2001 04:13:08 PM
Imagine a Lan party with MILITARY EQUIPMENT! Check my link for a pic!
Gunjack: Interesting about armor. Is there a real strength difference between Kevlar plate and Kevlar fabric? I know the anwser is pretty obvious, but do you know how much stronger?
I remember reading once that tank armor uses plates of armor (not sure what), then rods of metal (Titanium?) followed by a thinner layer of armor.
And just how much protection could be obtained by using 6" of armor?
BASICAILLY, I am looking at armor for a combat suit. I was thinking of a 1" layer of aerogel on the inside, mainly for it's incredable ability to absorb heat and kenitic energy.
And yes, I know that the armor I am thinking of would weigh nearly a ton. BUT it would DEFINATELY protect! (And would probally need anti-tank weapons to take it out.)
<nitro powder>
Can nitro powder be formed into a semi-hard material and ignighted with a high voltage, .1 amp electical spark? I am thinking about caseless ammo.
Imzadi: <Note to self: FS IS THROWING MY BACHELOR PARTY!!!>
Great. Now I got you thinking about marrying and possibly mating!
How about after I build an exo-frame I build a cyber love Angela?
<Good luck. Whenever some company writes a SETI client that's optimized for G4 and Alti-vec, SETI tells them to FSCK OFF because they don't want results coming in faster than they can handle>
I can understand not wanting anyone else to write a SETI client. Mainly for standardization.
<SETI already gets more data back from users than it can handle>
I would still LOVE to put SETI on some big supercomputer for a few hours. I just want to see how fast it can crank through them.
<Doesn't go around beheading a lot of people, though>
<What about the garage or wherever FS engages in his hobbies? How clean is THAT area?>
The garage is off limits to me and where I engage in my hobbies...
Let's just say I work where there is space, and when I am done, there is less space available.
<::Calls from the bathroom "NOW WHAT!?::>
If you cannot see or if it is too cold before you wipe the alcohol off, grab a lighter and use it for light and/or heat
Yggdrasil: <Survey Anwsers>
I swear, if I didn't know better, I would say you were a genetisist or virologist! ;)
Ya know... one would think you like chocolate!
Gside: <Which is better, midget porn or hermaphrodite orgies?>
Midget hermaphrodite orgy porn
<Wait, that happened in Japan. Never mind.>
That may be worth reading the complete version!
<I don't see why not. By the way, I only objected because I am a member.>
Your an IEEE member? Sweet!
So, I guess I can't tell the joke about the priest, a minister, and the IEEE member? ;)
<What? People?>
You know... those carbon-based water carriers that insist that you ARE in fact a member of their species.
Hcatty: <what's a flame war?>
A flame war is the begining of the end.
It is a time of chaos and hatred. Where friend becomes enemy and brother becomes foe.
Hatred and violence reign, while peace and friendship wither and die.
In the end, we loose some good friends and there is an uneasy tension between all of the posters.
BASICIALLY, everyone gets into bad arguements, feelings get hurt and some people leave this CR for good.
They have happened a few dozen times in this CR. :(
Warpmind: <Let me put it this way: my handwriting has not evolved since third grade>
WOW! Your handwriting continued to develop into the 3rd grade! Thats 2 more years than mine! :)
<My drawing skills stopped even sooner>
Thankfully I have drafting skills.
<My, how familiar that sounds...>
::sigh:: change of tradition can be VERY nice, no?
Durid the Druid/Jaden: COngrats on staying alive!
Keep it up! (And get out ASAP! :)
Conspiracy Theorist: Nice story! My question is what grade did they get?
Can a teacher fairly grade that? I mean, those two simply did not mesh well together. Forcing them to write together is torture!
Yum Yum! Dark Chocolate covered Espresso Beans RULE!
Fire Storm - []
Sunday, April 8, 2001 03:33:28 PM
Conspiracy Theorist> **laughs and laughs** Oh, that writing assignment is SOOOO funny! I love it!!! :) Glad to hear that Clinton's hit men haven't found you yet too. :)
Well, it turns out that I am most like Meowth from Pokemon. Darn it, I wanted to be Jessie. :) I am also most like Abraham Lincoln and Jesus Christ when it comes to historical figures, and Mystique from the X-Men. Interesting. ;)
Sunday, April 8, 2001 01:05:11 PM
CONSPIRACY THEORIST - I recall that they did something similar some months ago in "Funky Winkerbean".
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, April 8, 2001 09:19:48 AM
Top 1,000,000!!!
Just dropping by quickly to let you guys know that Clinton's hit men haven't gotten me yet. I'll do a full catch-up post tomorrow.
* High School Writing Assignment: Proof That Men And Women Can't Work Together *
This assignment was actually turned in by two English students:
Rebecca and Gary
English 44A
Creative Writing
Prof Miller
In-class Assignment for Wednesday
Today we will experiment with a new form called the tandem story. The process is simple. Each person will pair off with the person sitting to his or her immediate right. One of you will then write the first paragraph of a short story. The partner will read the first paragraph and then add another paragraph to the story. The first person will then add a third paragraph, and so on back and forth. Remember to reread what has been written each time in order to keep the story coherent. The story is over when both agree a conclusion has been reached.
At first, Laurie couldn't decide which kind of tea she wanted. The chamomile, which used to be her favorite for lazy evenings at home, now reminded her too much of Carl, who once said, in happier times, that he liked chamomile. But she felt she must now, at all costs, keep her mind off Carl. His possessiveness was suffocating, and if she thought about him too much her asthma started acting up again. So chamomile was out of the question.
Meanwhile, Advance Sergeant Carl Harris, leader of the attack squadron now in orbit over Skylon 4, had more important things to think about than the neuroses of an air-headed asthmatic bimbo named Laurie with whom he had spent one sweaty night over a year ago. "A.S. Harris to Geostation 17," he said into his transgalactic communicator. "Polar orbit established. No sign of resistance so far..." But before he could sign off a bluish particle beam flashed out of nowhere and blasted a hole through his ship's cargo bay. The jolt from the direct hit sent him flying out of his seat and across the cockpit.
He bumped his head and died almost immediately, but not before he felt one last pang of regret for psychically brutalizing the one woman who had ever had feelings for him. Soon afterwards, Earth stopped its pointless hostilities towards the peaceful farmers of Skylon 4. "Congress Passes Law Permanently Abolishing War and Space Travel." Laurie read in her newspaper one morning. The news simultaneously excited her and bored her. She stared out the window, dreaming of her youth -- when the days had passed unhurriedly and carefree, with no newspapers to read, no television to distract her from her sense of innocent wonder at all the beautiful things around her. "Why must one lose one's innocence to become a woman?" she pondered wistfully.
Little did she know, but she has less than 10 seconds to live. Thousands of miles above the city, the Anu'udrian mothership launched the first of its lithium fusion missiles. The dimwitted wimpy peaceniks who pushed the Unilateral Aerospace Disarmament Treaty through Congress had left Earth a defenseless target for the hostile alien empires who were determined to destroy the human race. Within two hours after the passage of the treaty the Anu'udrian ships were on course for Earth, carrying enough firepower to pulverize the entire planet. With no one to stop them, they swiftly initiated their diabolical plan. The lithium fusion missile entered the atmosphere unimpeded. The President, in his top-secret mobile submarine headquarters on the ocean floor off the coast of Guam, felt the inconceivably massive explosion which vaporized Laurie and 85 million other Americans. The President slammed his fist on the conference table. "We can't allow this! I'm going to veto that treaty! Let's blow 'em out of the sky!"
This is absurd. I refuse to continue this mockery of literature. My writing partner is a violent, chauvinistic, semiliterate adolescent.
Yeah? Well, you're a self-centered tedious neurotic whose attempts at writing are the literary equivalent of Valium.
Conspiracy Theorist - []
Sunday, April 8, 2001 07:59:20 AM
::Throws open the door to the CR and pulls off the headpiece of his bodysuit, revealing a fanged ear-to-ear grin::
Oh, a wonderful day I've had.
Woke up around noon, cleaned the apartment a bit, and did some physics homework. My lazy-ass roommate woke up at 3, so we didn't have time to go food shopping because at 5:30 I went to a Seder at my cousin's house. For those of you who aren't Jewish, a seder is a dinner celebrating the Jewish holiday Passover, which commemorates the Jewish exodus from slavery in Egypt. Apparently, however, that slavery is under some measure of historical debate. Although I have claimed numerous times to be a devout Atheist, I did have a perfectly good reason for attending this religious ceremony: my parents would bitch at me if I didn't.
When I got back, I went with my roommate and a friend to Jack London Square and ate a delicious Sushi dinner at a really nice place called Yoshi's. Its an expensive meal (just under $100 US for the three of us), but it was SOOOOO good and I had this delicious sesame chicken dish...drool.
After that we saw Tomcats!
TOMCATS FREAKIN ROCKED! Shannon Elizabeth and Jaime Pressly are sooooooo beautiful. They are defintely gonna be in my harem when I take over the world. The fact that they go home and some lucky guy gets to sleep with them revolts me, mostly because that guy is NOT me!
THERE WAS NO NUDITY. This pissed me off to no measurable end.
Otherwise, the movie was predictable and "toilet humor" is a severe understatement. If you are a pig, like me, you will LOVE this movie. If you are MALE, do not see it with a woman. That way, if you by chance SHOULD actually enjoy this movie, you won't get smacked by her!
****END SPOILERS******
And now, for the replies.
Personality tests: Apparently, I'm most like Meowth the pokemon. I'm also very similar to Beast, Nightcrawler, and Mr. Sinister from X-men! Nightcrawler rules, and I definitely associate myself with him. Historical person I'm most like: Adolf Hitler, followed by (you guessed it) BILL CLIT-ON! Okay, knowing me and my ideas on world domination, is anyone genuinely surprised by either of those?
Lain: <<bone sticking out of wrists>>: Damnit Jim, I'm an engineer, not a doctor. That sounds REALLY painful, might wanna get some Vicodin for that. <<friend leaving>>: I'm really sorry about that. I can only imagine how much pain that must cause you, in addition to the physical pain you're already feeling. << i dont know what to do to fix whatever it is ive done>>: You sound like a man. 8-) If you don't know what's wrong, you can't fix it, and no one has any right to tell you you're a bad person for not doing anything.
Warpmind: <<dip your balls in rubbing alcohol and wipe them with a soft cloth afterwards>>: ::Calls from the bathroom "NOW WHAT!?:: <<Saw Wing Commander today>>: Sorry. That movie was awful, though the brunette was pretty cute.
Jaden: <<garg jobs>>: LOL. I liked the Brooklyn one the best.
Gside: <<I don't have much experience with strings>>: I can't speak for _your_ orchestra, but every string section _I_ was in was pretty damn vulgar. Maybe I just bring that aspect to the party! 8-) <<macroscopic visual symptons for carpal tunnel>>: Forced amputation of the hand?
Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Sunday, April 8, 2001 04:11:53 AM
Imzadi> <<the hole in the roof of the CR (or makes one, if there wasn't one already>>: The place has been blown up enough, but I think Wilek's got some nanites on constant repair duty.
<<Anyone need help in MATLAB>>: I think I am doing well enough on my own.
<<we have our OWN society, thank you very much, ASCE>>: Sorry, I don't get out much.
<<non-electronic devices (such as people)>>: What? People?
<<NO KIDDING>>: Thank you.
<<Or the violins. We hate flutes>>: True, but I find tubas to be the most generally vulgar section. Though I don't have much experience with strings.
<<You have exceeded the limits of believablility>>: Wilek did say that the filaments are meant to shread the object being cut, and he never said that they were to come from the edge.
Spacebabie> Tests: I am historically Lenin (followed by Hitler). For OLS, I got Aisha (followed by Gilliam then gayboy. And I thought Jim would be 3). For my woman, I got Mercury (followed by Eva's Rei).
Flame war definition: check out just about all the fl- entries in the Jargon file:
Lain> <<i have this large chunk of bone sticking out of my wrist>>: It's not usually a good thing when bones change position. Anyone know of any macroscopic visual symptons for carpal tunnel?
Warpmind> <<my handwriting has not evolved since third grade>>: My comrade. It is rare for me to pass a semester without comments from some professor about my handwriting.
<<you're supposed to dip your balls in rubbing alcohol>>: But dipping your balls makes them acumulate cruft that much faster.
<<I'm *sure* you'd discover it *someday*, anyway>>: Lately I've been sticking to the same places, and I had been there before and had given up on finding anything of your authorship.
<<the term "perfect" regarding jewels is generally referring to visible flaws>>: DII definition?
<<WHAT was wrong about that length bit? I'M INNOCENT>>: Of course you are, I was just giving you a proper example.
Revel> <<Clampitt let us raid their sample room>>: How many reams did you get?
Reunion contest results> Congratulations Niamhgold.
Lain> <<i cant write any of them>>: You doubt yourself too much.
Best of luck dealing with everything.
And the next mp3 is Hudie "Leadbelly" Ledbetter's Midnight Special.
Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Sunday, April 8, 2001 01:39:11 AM
Lain: Our deepest condolences. Good luck dealing with events and getting them figured out as best you can. <juliaexia's left for home permanently> Sorry to hear that. Hope she'll at least stop in here and see us now and again.
Doug & Kit
Sunday, April 8, 2001 12:20:26 AM
i have to come in here and blab for a bit...
i have a very special friend who i think i might have hurt.
im not sure quite how i have done this or what i could have done to prevent it.
since val got here i have been really busy and some of you might have noticed that i havent been online much. i have had essays to write (and have had at least one breakdown cos i cant write any of them) my father shouting at me, questions about what i am going to study and where i am going to study next year, gunjack valentine as a guest, final examinations started today, and juliaexia just left for home yesterday never to return. besides that i have this funny bone sticking out of my wrist that makes typing very painful and some other dohickey sticking out of the back of my other hand. (blah blah call the waaaaaambulance :P)
yesterday i decided to turn on my IM so i could talk with my friend and she was rather short and snippy with me. i couldnt talk for long cos it was 4am and my arm hurt so i promised to come back on today to see her.
when i did that, gunjack talked for awhile cos she wanted to hear from him too and she kept dropping hints that she was horribly upset with me. and i dont know why..
and i dont know what to do to fix whatever it is ive done.
i asked her to stop trying to make me feel bad for not talking to her for the past few days (because of the above reasons) and she said that she would stop.. then proceeded to stomp dramatically offline and cause me to retreat to the bathroom where i spent some time crying in the tub..
so what does this mean?
i feel terrible. maybe she does too : (
anyway i have to stop typing again cos its hurting. writing exams is going to be stinky..
i just needed to rant about that.. so thanks for listening.
lain - []
the great white north
Sunday, April 8, 2001 12:17:06 AM
Jaden: <grins> I might could appreciate that ability you mentioned. What about driving fast without a collision (like I had today, 35 mph rear-end of another driver on a highway bridge in heavy traffic after she stopped suddenly and I didn't stop in time, which resulted in no injuries and very little dmg to her vehicle but 8 or 9 grand to mine- which Kit and I will be trading in as soon as it's fixed for something a lot more durable. <sighs>)? Can you do that? If so, I envy you bigtime man. :)
Sunday, April 8, 2001 12:09:32 AM
Top Something!!!!
Doug & Kit
Sunday, April 8, 2001 12:04:55 AM
Saturday, April 7, 2001 11:31:35 PM
** Niamhgold enters briefly **
Top ten! (Eighth?)
Saturday, April 7, 2001 11:27:55 PM
top ten
Saturday, April 7, 2001 11:21:19 PM
**Leap in arm-in-arm**
**Leap out arm-in-arm**
Coyote and Ravyn
Saturday, April 7, 2001 11:17:10 PM
...fine. Fourth, then.
Saturday, April 7, 2001 11:15:50 PM
The votes have been counted in the Reunion 2 art contest! Leva and I would like to congratulate our winners and thank all of the artists who participated in our contest. We were privileged to see work from new artists and some really terrific stuff from fandom greats. Thanks for sharing your talent - we really appreciate it!!!
Chat Gargoyles:
Honorable Mention: a tie between "Psyche in Charcoal" by Shing and "It's Evil!" by Cindy Kinnard aka Eden.
3rd Place: a tie between "Brethren" by Marci McAdam, Michael McAdam, and Mike Reiger --and-- "Ringling School of Art & Design" by Azurie.
2nd Place: Clan Steelclaw by Kahreen.
1st Place: Cavalier-Goyle and her A.N. Demons by Amy Cyrway.
Canon Gargoyles:
Honorable Mention: a tie between "My First Demona" by Laura (Xmabonx)and "Loved" by Shing
3rd Place: "Hudson in the Rough" by Kerberos
2rd Place: "Magic: Goliath & Elisa" by Krista A. Leemhuis (Artemis)
1st Place: "A Trio of Angels" by Krystal Higgins (AKA Niamhgold)
Fanfic Illustration:
Honorable Mention: Christine Morgan: "Double Date" by Azurie (Kaelin)
3rd Place: Wintersmith Dreams: "A Snowball's Chance" by Cindy Kinnard aka Eden
2nd Place: Timedancer: "Abandonment" by Lady Foxglove
1st Place: Wintersmith Dreams: "It Don't Mean A Thing" by Cindy Kinnard aka Eden
Hatchlings Rule!!
Special Award to Tyler Smith for being the youngest artist with his picture, "Uncle Arno's Birthday"
Honorable Mention: for "Pinkie" by Becca Morgan
3rd Place a tie between "Fort Ivan" by Ivan T. and "Castle" by Jasmine
2nd Place for "Rainbow Dragon" by Paul H.
1st Place for "Bronx & Lexington" by Becca Morgan
A special congratulations to all our young artists! I hope you continue to explore your world through art.
Reunion 2
Saturday, April 7, 2001 11:15:28 PM
Saturday, April 7, 2001 11:15:21 PM
Saturday, April 7, 2001 11:15:12 PM
Top ten? First maybe?
Gunjack "Bongo Boobs" Valentine - []
Saturday, April 7, 2001 11:13:58 PM
Peter - []
Kamloops, BC, Canada
Saturday, April 7, 2001 11:12:27 PM