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<giggles at patricks remark>
Star Wyvern - []
Saturday, July 28, 2001 06:42:57 PM

Hey people! I'm only really going in here because I read you guys alot and I know you sometimes make comments on different stories and stuff in the GFW. I was just wondering if any of you had read my work <pen name is same as posting name> I'm doing this kinda survey thing to know if i should take which of two ideas that I have through fans and I was wondering if any of you read me. either way, bbl!
Star Wyvern - []
Saturday, July 28, 2001 06:40:16 PM

"Gargoyles" and "The Wizard of Oz"... ah yes, I can see it now...

Angela and the Trio strolling down a street in Manhattan: "Mutates and Steel Clan and Fay, oh my!"

Patrick Toman
Saturday, July 28, 2001 06:35:32 PM

Warpmind: <hodachi's not a polearm> What cultures used either {or both} of them? {the Norse?}.

Rodlox - []
Saturday, July 28, 2001 03:04:49 PM

*Warpmind enters, wearing some kind of dead animal, wielding a spear, and swats off a couple of ravens.* Damn birds... summon'em, and they keep following me as if I had food! In other words: I've got the Diablo 2 expansion pack now, and I LOVE IT!!!!! I'm kinda annoyed at the Charms, but aside from that, well, YUMMY!!! I know for sure my Druid's gonna be one mean summoner... *Snicker* Unlike skeletons and golems, the ravens don't get in my way, and they divebomb any monsters around. (I'll have to add a raven now and then, of course, bit it's a small price to pay...)

Hmmm... weird creativity demon... romance novel in a Lovecraftian setting... :/ *Shudder* I have the weirdest feeling that Wilek is coming back...

Lynati: Oh, yeah, Wizard of Oz crossover... *Envisions Angela, the Trio and Bronx hopping along a backwater country road, singing.* Ew! Ew! Ew! Go right ahead! :)

Gside: A glowing elvish sword and an old style lantern? Someone been too long in Zork? ;)

By the way, I just realized something... I've got a weird habit (well, actually several, but most are mostly under control) that I've picked up from arcade games; walking/jogging on fences'n'elevated objects along the road... good thing I've managed to somewhat curb the pulse rifle movements... but now I want to study fencing with a hodachi, just after I got FF7? Methinks I may be gaming too much... *Thinks* Then again, since I'm *aware* of it, it can't be that bad... besides, I'm not prone to hurting anyone, so it's definitely not that bad... *Ponders*

Archwolf: The hodachi's not a polearm! The blade's a LOT longer than the hilt! It's a sword! (Designed for use from horseback, but still a sword.) As for the military thing - I think there are too many good soldiers, and far from enough great soldiers in the world. (The difference being that a good soldier knows when to obey orders, and the great soldier knows when to violate them.)

Well, I gotta run. I have to wage war on a pizza... *Fades* See y'all later. *Vanishes, poking DC in random organs with the spear.*

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Saturday, July 28, 2001 11:59:59 AM

Okay, its 1:30 in the morning, I'm gonna be doing stuff most of tomorrow so I'm gonna skip posting today (call CNN!). I got home at a decent hour, but foolishly spent the last three hours catching up on two weeks worth of news and downloads instead of typing up my post. I'll post tomorrow.
Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Encino!!!!, CA, US of A
Saturday, July 28, 2001 04:31:20 AM

Alright, as promised, here is my true posting. I add, I am in a slightly better mood than yesterday...a good night of sleep can do miracles for a depressed soldier...;)

BTW, there is something I had forgotten to say last time: just before leaving for Poland, I got another promotion. First Corporal, a strange rank, rather rare, basically the highest rank you can got in the Italian Army while remaining a troop soldier; it is usually given for special merits, so I can't figure out why they gave it to me...seems not to me I did anything particular, I just did what I must do. Oh, well, anyway...for sure I'll not complain for it!

Winterwolf, Niamhgold and Dreamie:> Hey, my friends! Quite a while...before the Gathering, if I remember well.
Catching up theis weekend? I'd love it! Oh, BTW, I see there's a discussion about my birthday...caouldn't get how it started, anyway, I officially say it here: my birthday is in June 10th. Alright? ;)

Kyryn:> Thank you for the simpathy...although, it was not the Etna eruption I was referring to. A natural event like an eruption, or a storm, is something I can is part of the natural order of things, if you understand me. What I cannot understand is the blind violence of some people, who pretend to carry on political reasons (reasons I could be sympathetic to) just as an excuse to destroy and spread chaos and panic among innocent people. Last weekend I could see closely how those people act...and, it was something I didn't like at all. I understand why my superiors decided to send us to give a hand...but, I didn't like it the same.

Spacebabie:> Hey, thank you! <blushes> I'm not sure I got every detail of what you said, but I suppose I got the general meaning.

Emambu:> Gonna reply to your email ASAP!

Niamhgold:> I seem to remember you said you sent a letter to me and it bounced back. Quite strange. Gonna resend you my military address, so you can check.

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel:> <<I'm sure Dreamie doesn't think its a pity. >> True, damnit...<sighs>

Green Baron:> Good to see you, fellow. I've known you didn't do it for the Airborne training, I am sorry for it. Will you have a chance to retry in the future?
<<...the military has given me the ability to go without sleep...>> Welcome on board, brother. And, you never experienced an outpost guard (basically, a group of soldiers and two corporals are send to guard this outpost in the middle of nothing for a week. During this week, the corporals must alternate one day awake and one day of rest. A pity that the day that is supposed to be of "rest" usually must be dedicated to other things (cleaning the guard rooms, preparing meals, caring personal cleaning and so on...) so usually I manage to get a 6 hours of sleep every two days...and, sometimes when we are supposed to finish our guard and return to the base, they tell us "Sorry, you have to stay there for another two or three days..."
They're sending you in Germany? Well, quite close to my home! When are you supposed to go there? And how long will you stay?
<<...I've been reading a lot of Mario Puzo's books and he really captures the beauty of your country, primarily Sicily.>> ...and the faults of the people living there, of course. But, Mario Puzo is for sure a great writer, although he's never been one of my favorites. Hey, if you wanna read something more of Italian litterature, I can suggest you many writers.

Oh, well, enough for now. Hope I didn't forget anyone.
See later!

Shadowrider - []
Milan, Italy
Saturday, July 28, 2001 03:46:41 AM

Imzadi - yep, you win those cybercookies. Have you taken 's personality test? Yep there's a reason why I am asking.

I doubt the CIA is watching the TGS CR. But in the unlikely event they are, I will tell them all the letters to my passwords are contained in this post. Good luck assembling the passwords from the letters in my post.


Imzadi - The time I'm really stressed occur when I deal with my dad the most. I'm too kind deep down to intentially AND seriously harm someone. That does not include practical jokes. I am going to try to find a program out there that automatically does a through hard drive scan, follows up with a defragmentation of harddrive, and then turns the computer off.

I am getting annoyed trying to look for it in Tucows. They don't want to make it easy to find things anymore. The only rule feature I want is the ability to have it run off a timer. Said program shouldn't cost money since most of the work has been done by MS. $50 is ridiculious when the only feature added is the ability to control when it starts. Hmm. There is a program out there that shuts down your computer. That's useless because your computer can swithc to stand-by mode. On the other hand, I might be able to convince a few other people to split the cost with me of buying that software. I think I solved my problem.

Time to go offline.

DPH - []
Saturday, July 28, 2001 03:20:39 AM

Josh> Both are older. One is 24 and the other is 22. I'm the baby.
Lynati> Thanks for the advice. I may have to look into it.

Saturday, July 28, 2001 01:53:20 AM

*re-enters* that should say Military not Miliatry
Saturday, July 28, 2001 12:59:12 AM

*Archwolf wanders in and flops into a chair, one leg thrown over one of the chair's arms*

Hey all. Been a fun week. More troubles not drinking, knees acting up, but believe it or not, the week has acutally been more enjoyable than many before. Been talking to my Heather about lots of stuff. Nothing long term-forever type stuff, just talking. Heather rocks.

Winterwolf>Hey man, thanks for the wb

Every one who wishes me well on staying sober>THANK YOU! I really do need all the help i can get.

Warps>Hey, I'd love to test my skills against you...however, I do believe that my rapier would not be the best weapon against a polearm.....

Miliatry> You know, I come from a family that is military 4 or 5 generations back on each side. I really disagree wiht, and take a good bit of offense at the 'mindless soldier' comments. But that's ok. Memebers of my family have died so that you can say what you will with no fear of anything more than someone like me saying "I disagree." Oh, I think Thoreau was a twit for the same reason. You know, our military is resposible for a great many reliefe efforts within out nation, and without. Yes, our government chooses where they go, manytimes unwisely, and yes the soldier is compelled to go. That does not make them mindles. It means that they are instilled with a discipline and sense of duty that the majority of the citizens in this nation seem to be bereft of. Brainwashed, you say? Why? Why does believing in something make you brainwashed? There is nothing wrong with wanting to belong to something greater than yourself. That is, on the whole, what nationalism is all about. Why we form cliques, groups, Clans, Nations, Families. The indoctrination periods in boot camp are to teach the recruit what exactly they serve. Who they serve. how to deal with others they serve, and how to fit into the chain of command. Are they robots who mindlessly follow orders? NO. Or rather, should not be. They have a moral resposibility to disobey immoral, illegal, or wasteful order. And. As one of our Founding Fathers said, "To prepare for peace, you must prepare for war." Anyway, enough of that from me.

<Reads Squiggle's post and grins cheerfully>>Squiggy, Go F*ck Yourself.

Shade and sweet water

Archwolf - []
Saturday, July 28, 2001 12:57:18 AM

Oh, I forgot, I should be leaving early in the morning, so I'll get back in here eventually.
Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, July 28, 2001 12:39:56 AM

Imzadi> <<I'm sure the CIA closely monitors the TGS CR>>: I think they might have decided Wilek was getting too dangerous and took him out.
<<I demand another point as well>>: But you didn't get the bit about binary.
<<Think as not as you drunk I am?>>: Glass yourself a pour of whiskey. (From how to cook a turkey)
<<Are you saying I'm only allowed in here so ya'll can fantasize about my nude sunbathing?>>: No, there are many other fantasies involved.
<<That's not cold enough>>: Bose Einstein condensate, then?
<<Right. Until then, stay 'ere>>: We don't need to do anything, apart from just stop him entering the room.
<<which leads me to believe we're not all part of one GUE>>: But not all engineers are equally immersed in the GUE. Which reminds me, I shoule really get myself a glowing elvish sword and an old style lantern.
<<Just in denial that I could be THAT particular geek>>: As am I. Hey, wait...
<<We will, we will rock you>>: C'mon Keep the beat up, why, I'm gonna turn your heat up.
<<I'm sure she said she was 18>>: Nope, he lost interest as they aged. The young Ms. Liddell was a bit of an exception.
<<I bet its the first castle ever built with decent plumbing>>: I'm think castle is just an exaggeration, probably more of a mansion.

Warpmind> <<having all the trace metals in your body torn out through the pores>>: I think the force would be distributed enough to bring the rest of you with it.
<<why'd you want access to the stuff in the Federal Reserve Bank?>>: I just don't like to waste too much.

Patrick Toman> <<John Rhys-Davies (Macbeth from Gargs)>>: And soon to be Gimli. Dwarves, the most engineering of the races.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, July 28, 2001 12:38:45 AM

Hi Guys

<Winterwolf> Hi!!!!!!!!! How are you? Just cjeckin' in with you. Mail me sometime. Cool

That's it for now.

Saturday, July 28, 2001 12:17:54 AM

Just a few replies for me today. Why isn't it Sunday already? This is torture most cruel! Dreamie I love you and miss you. :(

Josh> <Hey, does anyone else thing that the human versions of Lex, Brooklyn, and maybe even Broadway look just a bit (a tiny bit) like their voice talents?> You know it is something that they tried to do with most of the characters. The funny thing is for Xanatos the character came first and he looks so much like Jonathan Frakes. Go figure. <California drivers> Funny they seemed like the typical drivers I'm used to. **shrug** <Aaron><Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time>>: You're just jealous cuz your mother was a hampster.> But did his father smell of eldeberries? <mother was a hampster> and shouldn't it be hamster? ;P < I'd love to see what happens if someone railed on New York.> What you missed it? That's happened. I typically just yawn and go with a "did you say something" demeanor. Though I've gone with I know you're jealous. It's expected. ^_^ <<Just remember nobody ever suspects the butterfly>>: I do. Mostly because I'm tired of it thinking no one's watching> Well that's why the butterfly, conspiring with Moochie as it is his fault really, got that bee to fly in your mouth. The bee took your attention away from the butterfly. MUAHAHAHA!

Fire Storm> O.o **dun dun dun**

Shadowrider> Yippy! Hi Shadowrider! Nice to have you back. I'll be in and out this weekend but I should be available to catch up. :)

Spacebabie> Must read Archmage.

Computer names> Chalk me up as another one that doesn't name them. Though I feel I'm doing something right, as I my computer hasn't given me serious grief. Maybe I should call it a workhorse since I have it working as much as possible. The only down side to having good computers is I keep getting people bugging me to fix theirs.

Niamhgold> <Shadowrider's b-day is June 12th> Actually I think it's on the 10th. Of course since he's here he can tell us. :)

Daniel Johnson> <Was it that obvious? I was trying to keep it down> Well I heard you but you're only one state away. ;)

Well I'll be back.

Bronx, NY
Friday, July 27, 2001 08:46:51 PM

Well, I seem to have gone missing again. Sorry about that. Summer's always nuts at work and I've been feeling a bit withdrawn lately. I won't even attempt to get caught up. I just have to reply to one thing:

<<::Sees Daniel Johnson chuckling::>> Was it that obvious? I was trying to keep it down. Seriously though, I'm happy for ya. That's a sweet piece of hardware. I'm also considering it, but will probably wait until it comes with 10.1. Going from a single 450 G4 to dual 800's would be a nice change. :) And a Radeon to a GeForce 3.


Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, USA
Friday, July 27, 2001 08:22:40 PM


SOROW: Yeah, my school is great! My school is the only Hung Fut system school in the US (yeah, we're small). I suggest that if you ever do decide to pick up Kung Fu (or Tae Kwon Do, or Karate) just make sure that the school is good. Places that do things like make you pay fees for testing (regardless of whether or not you pass), or promise that you'll reach a certain level of "mastery" within a year, usually are more concerned with making money than making sure you learn properly. Regardless of what style or system you take, you should make sure that both the setting and the people make you feel comfortable. (Sorry, I've just known too many people who switched to our school from the "Karate" school down the road...suffice to say, I do not have a very high opinion of that school, or ohers of it's ilk.)

Imzadi: I've been actively typing things up for over a year now, and have barely made a dent. (granted, there is a backlog of over 11 years.) Last Winter when I was home I glanced at this here computer and thought to myself, "Oh, goody! it has a zip drive! that means that I can put all my stuff on a zip disk and bring it home for the summer!" I get here, go to work on things...the disk won't fit. It's not a zip drive. serves my @$$ right for not looking close enough. :P (Although, when I was in new york I was able to snag sometime on a zip-comp and thus put much of my work into my hotmail account. Not the best of things, but atleast I have access to it.) Also, it's not just the notebooks (of which there are no more than 40, I'm sure. ...Pretty sure.) it's also all the bookmarked sites on my computer; pic sites, name sites, lyric sites so I don't have to repeatedly listen to songs in order to type up the words...
<congrats!> Thanks. <Thanks.> You're welcome.
As for the trio looking like their voice talents...were you not in the room during the VA's panel when Greg told us that they deliberately made the human versions look as close to the voice actor as possible and still look like their respective gargoyle selves?

Fire Storm: yeah, I am reading them in order; but if the first fic I read is really awful, I don't bother with the rest. #163 by my count (because there has been at least one Author added since I started my new round of reading) is JEB. Funny thing- over 25% of the Authors in the archive have names within the first four letters of the alphabet.

Patrick Toman : Heh, I started my costume for G'02 before *G'01* :). Yeah, wings are gonna be..interesting. I need to find a place that sells feathers wholesale.

My computer- the one in storage back in MO- is "Uncalled For". I have yet to name the drives.

As for people starting G'02 things early...I think I'd like to start a conspiracy for the movie poster calendar thing...I say, in honor of the "To Wong Foo" piece, we try to make sure that from now on, at least one of the months features a movie poster that has Goliath in drag.
Incidently, if anyone knows if a gargs/wizard of oz idea has already been drawn, please leave me link to it. I have asked around, and no-one has heard of anyone doing such a piece, but I'd just like to be *sure* that I'm doing something new. (C'mon, can't you just see Demona in a big pointy hat yelling, "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!")

Aaron: I didn't know you were a Life of Riley fan...*bangs head on table repeatedly* The timing!...The timing!...okay, I'll let you guess what the first story-related idea I actually recorded on Miranda was in relation to. It's in the timeframe of Halloween 2002.
...and I recorded it just three nights ago.

*Wanders off*

Lynati - []
Yeah, still feeling pretty much isolated.
Friday, July 27, 2001 06:27:49 PM

Shadowrider>>Well even those you just pop in to say you fill the room with smiles.

Squiggy>>>Genocide on California, NO!...Leave Florida's Western Koppi alone

Green Baron>>>Genocide on West Palm Beach, Hella yeah, Stupid idiots who don't know how to vote. Gveing Florida a bad image!

Let the Sharks, bugs, and bad weather do that.

Computer names...They are all named after Slayers characters.

Crzy>>>>Nanami annoys you too? I can't stand that girl wither. Now Touga I love..Especialy since he has a great voice actor for both the Japanese version and Dub version.

I tend to like characters that have good voices in both versions...Like Zelgadis.
Speaking of wich I'm drawing a pic of Zel and Amelia dressed like Belle and the Beast.

Mobile Suit Gundam....Ok I love Char, I can't get enough ofthis guy and the strange thing is, he has the same dub voice as Treize...of course if Brian Drummond voiced Char it really would be freaky.

Josh>>Sounds like your having a great vacation.

We have a MESS of limes. We filled two popcorn bowls with Limes.

Winterwolf>>Yeah classes are good, Poetry and Shakespear studies. I wanted more but there was a limited supply for my Major and well I had to take what I can get, Strike when the Iron is hot, Grab the Solarrin by the horns, thats what I say.

Orlando, Fl
Friday, July 27, 2001 05:35:30 PM

***Kyryn appears in the room.***

No real time to read the room and post many replies.

Shadowrider> I can sympathize with life keeping you busy. Mine certainly has, but at least I haven't had an erupting volcano to deal with. I hope that all your friends and loved ones are safe.

Later, All!

***Kyryn vanishes.***

Denton, TX
Friday, July 27, 2001 03:17:27 PM

Oh, well, I'm here again... a little later than I said last time I posted. I apologize for that, but was not my fault. I couldn't come due to "service reasons"...and, I don't want to say more. If any of you followed news from Italy last weekend, can figure out by himself. Let's say they were not the funniest days of my life...

Oh, well...need some time to get updated. Real post later.

Shadowrider - []
Milan, Italy
Friday, July 27, 2001 03:06:58 PM

Just saw _Planet Of The Apes_....
<-somehow apt. :)

*Far better than JP3!

*That's probably not far from the sort of city gargs would build for themselves.

*You're not in Kansas, toto - or in New York.

*You know, in one scene, I said to myself "if they start rubbing between the wings, I'm going to ask for the list of consultants"

*{seriously, during the interesting parts, I was reminded of the 2 GargLadies' ability to project non-human emotions and psyches {Morgan and Hayden - apologies if misspelled}}.

* about the end - I've got a funny feeling about it...
**END SPOILERS - for now.

Rodlox - []
Friday, July 27, 2001 01:41:07 PM

::pounces Patrick and gives him head-noogies just because he's been so damn hyper:: It's the absence of the stress of the past year, that's what I think. Like a deep-trench fish being suddenly lifted from the oceanic abyss. ; )
Friday, July 27, 2001 12:53:55 PM

Green Baron > Good luck with your assignment. Make the most of your time overseas. I haven't been off the North American continent yet in my lifetime, so I'm not able to feel sorry for someone who's getting an expenses paid trip to Europe. :)

Crzy > :: POUNCES AGAIN :: (Are you sensing a theme yet?)

Re: Dragon*Con > I'm seriously considering taking a trip down to Atlanta after looking over their programming highlights last night. I mean... what male Trek fan can resist the chance to see the annual "Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant"? :: drools like Homer Simpson over a donut :: Plus James Doohan (Scotty from Trek) and John Rhys-Davies (Macbeth from Gargs) are on the guest list.

G2002 > The next Gathering is a year away, but I've been so psyched up ever since G2001, I've already begun work on my masquerade costume. And I am pleased to report that several important elements of my fiendish plan have already fallen into place. In particular, I'm working on a design for some articulated wings... finally I'm able to put my engineering degree to use in my hobbies. >:)

My computer has no official name, and I can't repeat the names I usually call it in a PG rated comment room. ;)

Patrick Toman
Friday, July 27, 2001 07:10:00 AM

*Warpmind enters, blurry-eyed, and tosses two little pink tablets into his mouth, swallowing slowly.*
Guhh... those caffeine tabs taste godawful... probably to ward off addiction, but still... *twitch*

Anyway, post...

Green Baron: Wasn't there some war between France and Spain that started over a bookkeeping error? I seem to recall somewhere that France and Spain had agreed on an exchange of various religious treasures, and France failed to deliver one or two of the items they had agreed upon... *Scratch* Of course, I could be wrong...

Aaron: Gore... and Jone... let me guess, Mara gets the Jone shirt, and you the Gore shirt? *Sigh* Oh, well... I guess I shall have to plan my next move carefully, then... (Wait, that Jone shirt, does it come with the original fillings?) };) As for the most normal seeming of us... um... have you actually looked around in the CR lately? I mean, sure, there are probably *some* normal-seeming people here, but... who would that be? We all abandoned our individual sanities, for cryin' out loud! };)

Gside: Hemoglobin? Hmmm... okay, now THAT sounds really painful... having all the trace metals in your body torn out through the pores... *Shudder* Someone get me an aemoebic janitorial staff, on the double... Oh, and why'd you want access to the stuff in the Federal Reserve Bank? I mean, if you were to get a nuke inside in the first place, you'd probably be able to lure some stuff out again with ya afterwards... ya know? }:)

Josh: Ahasverus: the Eternal Jew; cursed God, and was not allowed to die. Long story. As for why I called dad's machine Mordred... well, I lost a LOT of data due to its betrayal... oh, and here's the program I use to run Norton Disc Doctor and Norton SpeedDisk on my machine (2HD setup, standard Batch file; all the stuff between the brackets):
ndd c: d: /c
speedisk c: /sn
speedisk d: /sn]
And that's all there is to it... of course, a Windows setup might be a little more complicated, but it should be mostly the same... and by the way, that batch file of mine runs both programs WITHOUT any prompting me for what to scan/rearrange; the only thing I'm needed is the odd chance there's a damaged file or something. :)

Fire Storm: Microsoft may be in the top 5, but the single most pirated piece of software through all time, I think, would still be Doom 2, right? }:) (Here's a challenge: find someone who actually went out and PAID for Doom 2.)

Well, that's all I have time for now.I've got an appointment with a cue and ten balls. *Grin*

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Friday, July 27, 2001 04:44:24 AM

Azrael: <Net problems>
First question: Windows WHAT? 95? 98? 2000?
I personally say that if they are all the EXACT same computer system, PKZIP the entire Windows directory (subs and all) from a good PC, transfer it to the bad one, put PKUNZIP for DOS on the PC, drop down to DOS, DELTREE the Windows directory, then PKUNZIP the good Windows.
Of course... I am a little crazy, but it has worked in the past.

Computer Name: The network name for my main computer is Mainframe (with the drives named Bob, Dot, Enzo, Hexidecimal, Megabyte and Friskit. But I call it HAL.

Winterwolf: <Just miles from your doorstep, hundreds of men are given weapons and trained to kill. The government calls it the Army, but a more alarmist name would be... THE KILLBOT FACTORY!>
AND I HAVE SEEN THEM! I even have the satelite photos to prove it!
The question isn't if you are too paranoid, but wether you are paranoid enough!

Lynati Kshudra: <I'm now up to author #163 in the fanfic archive on my current rounds.>
Are you reading them in order? Who IS author #163 anyway?

Imzadi: <There HAVE to be freeware programs that will automate tasks for PC, there are thousands for mac>
There are. In fact, Windows includes it.
<Those bastards don't deserve $450 for what I pay $80 for.>
Which is why Microsoft is DEFINATELY in the top 5 of pirated software. Another top 5er is Adobe.

Virus: Unfortunately, USA.Net scans all my e-mails for virus's
Unfortunate only because it is always nice to have a few just incase someone really pisses you off.

You know... I never really found any need for an address book anyway.

Fire Storm - []
Friday, July 27, 2001 03:28:50 AM

Sonova !@#$%

I woke up this morning and connected...and I got that fscking email virus TWICE. It wouldn't be annoying if I wasn't on a REALLY slow connection. It takes forever to download...a virus. Bastards. If I ever get my hands on the pc-user that wrote that piece of work...I'll kill them with my bare fingers.

In other news, I'm afraid I'll have to demand that everyone who uses Outlook remove me from their address books. Failure to do so will result in me blocking your emails.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Just kidding.

And I know its you people, because most of my RL friends are mac users...the ones that aren't don't keep me in the address book because they're 1337 H4><0r5 and know better than to use an outlook-based addy book precisely because of silly spam worms like these.


In other other news, yet another attack is being mounted against Windows XP by privacy groups in Washington. This makes it the nth such attack in the last month. I don't think anyone is happy about this operating system. And the lawmakers are smelling blood in the water (they make money on either side of this case). I know Microsoft is rich and ballsy, but really, how many class-action lawsuits, anti-trust probes, and under-cutting measures can they take before it starts to show. It really seems like customers have had it with this company, or at least are starting to get a little irritated by Microsoft's blatant attempts at world domination. I know I would, if I were a PC user. I'm not saying everyone should switch to mac, but as Linux GUI's get better and better, it might not be a bad idea to consider SOMETHING that doesn't repeatedly invent its own proprietary stands to control the future of computing.

Personally, now that OS X is out and Microsoft can no longer take down my machine, I'm gonna make it a point to steal every piece of their software available. Not to use, of course (well, I might use it a little if some one sends me a .doc), but just to stick it to them. Those bastards don't deserve $450 for what I pay $80 for. Punks.

Do you really trust this conglomerate with all your most valuable data? Your Social Security #, your credit card #'s, you bank accounts? These guys can't keep hotmail up for more than a couple days without an outage of at least an hour (I know, I've met the girl in charge of keeping the servers running).

MS says that you don't need to use Passport to use XP...unless you want to use Messenger or Hotmail. You don't see Apple forcing users to sign up for iTools. Nor do you need to use Keychain (which I guess is the closest thing Apple has to Passport/Wallet) to use iTools. I don't need to sign up for anything to use any of their other services. Not that I haven't, as it makes my life easier, but Apple doesn't have my CC# (except for the computer I just ordered), doesn't have my SS#, doesn't store my passwords for ANYTHING.

I hope this comes back and bites MS in the @$$. How many of you are planning on upgrading to XP? I'm not talking to the people who will get XP if it comes with their computer, I'm talking to people who will intentionally go out of their way to install (or avoid) XP. Just curious.


Today is my mother's birthday, and we spent it in Tahoe City. Mom and Dad took a 15-mile ride from the house to Tahoe and had us meet them for lunch. Unfortunately, there was traffic on the 89 caused by those idiots at Caltrans....

SCENARIO: There's an overpass creating a short tunnel on a two-lane highway. You need to put a sign on the overpass that tells trucks the clearance so they don't scrape their tops or worse. Now, how many people and trucks does it take to do this?

If you thought the answer was one person with a ladder, you don't have what it takes to work for Caltrans. The answer, apparently, is 3 trucks and 5 men. Then I got stuck behind this idiot Texan who I swear was driving under the influence of something. Needless to say, this created a huge traffic jam and made us late for lunch. It turned out to be alright, though, because my parents got their JUST ahead of us.

Let me explain something: when you visit ANYWHERE else, whether its another state, another city, or another country, you need to follow the rules of the road there. I don't care how wild you've heard drivers in CA are, we are at least capable of staying in our lanes and not running people off the road.

Anyway, we played mini golf again today. I got second instead of third, though I don't think my score improved much (if any) over the last game the family played.

Great dinner at a restaurant called Garwoods tonight. Has a beautiful pier, and more importantly, a cute hostess.

I'm such a pig. And you all love me for it.

Hey, does anyone else thing that the human versions of Lex, Brooklyn, and maybe even Broadway look just a bit (a tiny bit) like their voice talents?

For all ya'll with tech support questions for me: ITS MACINTOSH TECH SUPPORT! Ya know, macs, the computers with a multi-colored apple in the upper left hand corner of the display? The ones where the name of the chip doesn't have the letter "P" in it. The ones where the operating system doesn't start with "Windows" or end with "Linux". I believe Azrael works PC tech support, feel free to ask him.

Tomorrow I go home! Yay! I should be back around 9 or 10 and online ready to chat and have my time eternally wasted on a free connection. JOY!

Lynati: <<all my fic research is back there>>: Was it too much to take home? What if you scanned/typed your notes into your computer? Oh wait, you've got those notebook must have a million of them, from what I've heard of your brain-carried ficverse. <<I finished typing up *everything* out of one of my thinner spirals today. Much joy for me>>: Congrats! <<
"Miranda" is *my* microcasset recorder, not another machine of Aaron's>>: That was my question. Thanks. <<He will be back with the geese>>: His arms will be tired then, huh? <<he is also to blame for, well, everything>>: Especially that bee flying into my mouth! <<and it's nice to see the clock has been fixed>>: Speak for yourself, it looks pretty broken from here.

Azrael: Sorry, no clue. Windows networking is SOOOOO far removed from any of my areas of expertise. Best of luck. Reinstalling the OS probably won't help. The irony is that we're both tech support and neither of us can fix our own machines. I guess that's because we ignore all the dummy problems that we're used to troubleshooting and don't even count them as problems because they're such no-brainers for us.

Baldy: <<the job at the library may be less boring now that I found Virtual Pool 2>>: Awesome. That game rocks. <<I'd rather nuke the Federal Reserve building than take out just Greenspan>>: I like big explosions too, even if they're grossly uncalled for. <<I am not at present harboring any plans to destroy the US economy through such means>>: Good thing you said that, because I'm sure the CIA closely monitors the TGS CR. We're all dangerous subversives in here... <<never seen "Goldfinger"?>>: That's nuking from the INSIDE. That wouldn't level Knox, it'd just make all the gold radioactive and therefore useless (Yes, I have seen it.). <<Ahasverus>>: What does it mean? <<Hideous Anomaly>>: That's redundant. Why don't you just call it "Computer"? <<the old heap is turning 8 this fall!>>: Wow. That's almost as old as my car! <<I just call my computer by a vast arsenal of four-letter words bent every which way>>: Heh. When I'm pissed at my machine, I just call it "whore". <<Mordred on the last reinstall of Win'98>>: Why? <<that damn bird that keeps singing so damn cheerfully so damn early in the morning>>: Kill it!

Jan: <<I rarely name objects>>: You must be one of those lucky people with friends ;-) <<I do have terms of endearment for my car though>>: Anyone who doesn't shouldn't have a car. <<my kids were laughing at me... brats>>: yeah, but they're YOUR brats ;-) <<The normal price was 11.99 a yard!>>: I got a better bargain: I stole my parents designer blackout curtains for use in my apartment 8-) <<I'm going to sew a sweatshirt type top for around $1.20>>: Awesome. <<It's the little things in life that makes me happy>>: I didn't really need to know that about Denis. <<I just don't understand other people's reasoning skills>>: Start by assuming they don't have any in the first place. <<ok, ok... a mac tower thingy>>: Much better.

DPH: Ya know, I don't think someone like you should be reading complaints, or doing anything that deals with customer service. Its not that you're not a friendly people-person, rather, you seem stressed out much of the time and likely to snap at some poor customer (I know, I work in customer service 8-))

CrzyDemona: <<F***ing Rediculous Electronic Device>>: F***cking brilliant! <<I want a job at that bar!>>: I just want to go to that bar...maybe being 21 would help... <<and it's United StateS of America, you idiot>>: I wonder if it hurts to be that stupid.

Sappy: <<The names I give to my computer are unpublishable in polite company>>: We don't have any of that here, so post away! <<Suffice to say they're usually combinations of every salty Navy curse word I've gleaned off of both of my parents>>: Ooh. Will you email them to me? <<I got promoted>>: Congrats! I hope it proves to be worth the work.

Green Baron: <<I know some others who may also be going there as well>>: Maybe we should just hold Gathering 2k2 there? <<I'd love to see him in some political comedy movies>>: He's not that funny. <<I can't reveal more than that at this moment>>: Just leave it to me to guess something really bizarre. <<I imagine wars have been started because of book keeping errors>>: A line from my fic: "never complement a woman's body until you're staring at it in the buff. Wars have begun that way." ;-) <<I don't think Germany is a likely threat like it once was>>: That's what they WANT you to think...pretty soon they'll invade France...again. <<ever since the masses were allowed a voice in politics, fiends like Hitler, Mussolinni, Maxine Waters, Huey Long, and Hillary will always be a threat>>: That sounds vaguely like a vote against Democracy. I'm sure Joe McCarthy will have words with you.

Aaron: <<We can talk money, or I have a spare Lex I could trade you>>: Demona, in the Castle, with the Bazooka. Oh, wrong game. <<You and Josh... ;)>>: I've got a one-track mind. Or two, as it were. <<But we say it affectionately>>: Doesn't make it any less true. <<like those strips inside that tell them how much cash you're carrying when you go through the metal detector at the airport>>: Who on earth would care? <<I guess I could fake it online>>: Even *I* could fake it online. And sometimes I can look normal IRL too. <<Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time>>: You're just jealous cuz your mother was a hampster. <<Isn't Buffy kind of a grown-up magical girl show?>>: Um...perhaps...but far less lame.

Squiggy: Um, excuse you. I'm from California, thank you very much. You and the rest of the California-hating world are just jealous because this state is one of the leading ceneters of popular culture and money on the planet. I suggest you stow it before you piss off someone who will do something about it. You, who live in bumsville Wisconsin, probably haven't the culture or taste to determine the difference between the Mona Lisa and a picture of the Capitol Records building.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people in California that I would like to kill. But as a percentage of the state's population its no greater than the percentage of any other state's population I'd like to wipe off the face of the planet. So all you California haters can go take a long walk off a cliff. There are billions of people who'd give their first born to live in this state.

Niamhgold: Hope you have fun on your vacation! <<Weird, weird day>>: Aren't they all? <<today I felt really _aware_ of things>>: Its called Ecstasy. <<the sky was so unusually gorgeous>>: Oh, if you like scenery pics, I am your man. Those are usually the only kinds of pictures I take. <<so suspensefully, pressingly artistic that my heart ached for some painting supplies>>: I get the same feeling when I see a hot chick... ;-) <<Especially people who have really difficult email names>>: Mine? Or do you just write to x@kicktothenuts? I don't know, since one forwards to the other. <<I suppose others must do that with mine>>: Though I don't have to, I do anyway just cuz it makes life easier. <<mine responds to Barry, beefcake, or a$$hole>>: Barry? <<She tries to get me to sew, but I don't fare that well>>: Sewing is not a geek thing. Try getting HER to do what you do with Photoshop. <<I watched this really odd thing on dog fur being turned into bikinis>>: Animal print underwear...evil... <<who can enjoy the greater things if you can't appreciate the smaller constituents?>>: Forget the constituents. Enjoying the larger thing implies enjoying its smaller parts. I think she's talking about the small things by themselves. <<Because you have a lot to say>>: That's just here. Apparently, at Gathering it wasn't the case. <<one of us will probably get bored with the others' comments and it'll end>>: I think that's why I dumped my last girlfriend. <<Is he?>>: We're not sure yet. <<it would save me a lot of posting time>>: Might as well just post to both, just in case we're seperate personalities. <<Do the happy dance!>>: I'm sorry, what part of "white engineer" confuses you? <<if your new machine is already in assembly, pretty good>>: Yeah, right. "Assembly" could take a month. <<Well, not EVERYWHERE>>: It gets me there, too. Maybe you're just not doing it right. <<It's just weird that I remember random things at all>>: I do too. But there's only so much room up there...most of its filled with important stuff like how humpback whales can hear each other hundreds of miles away. <<Comes in handy on tests>>: That's how I pass. Its also what gives me a total academic edge instead of just getting good grades in math and science. <<** Opens mouth to speak, then shuts it** Uh, nevermind>>: There's a comment for our random email conversations. In any case, trust me on this. If I ever truly explained it, you'd be too busy nodding to agree. ;-) <<Definite point!>>: Seriously! <<I _love_ the popcorn>>: Ditto. That is absolutely the best part in the movie. <<"Everybody wants to rule the world." That's my call song>>: POINT! No way that's mine too! Of course, I *DO* want to rule the world, so I guess it goes without saying. <<it was either "Real Genius" or Dennis Miller, though it doesn't matter which>>: POINT! <<It's all _his_ fault!>>: Yeah, well, he's a parent. Goes without saying. Don't you have your own digital camera? <<dumb question>>: There are no stupid questions, just stupid people. <<to you play FF?>>: No. I've seen the game many times and thought about getting into it, but I'm just not much of a gamer. I do like the amazing cinematics when you cast spells. I like Starcraft, Zelda, a few others...but I'm just not really a gamer. I guess its conceivable that I could get into it if I was bored and had someone around to teach me...but I usually have something better to do than learn a new game. <<Have some great fun, then, even if you don't need my permission>>: Yes ma'am! <<if it matters...TWO points for Gside>>: HEY! I demand another point as well! <<I think that thing is a waste of everything>>: The PS2 or just gaming in general? <<that whole CA-genocide thingy...that's just not cool>>: No, its not. Not that I'm biased or anything. <<I expect when the rest of the CA residents get around to posting...well, I'll just be glad to be outta here>>: Is it just me or is it getting hot in the CR?

SOROW: <<I know the feeling of wanting to get away from your brother, I have two>>: God, I'm sorry. Younger or older?

Winterwolf: <<Winterwolf no function Dreamie well without>>: Think as not as you drunk I am? <<"Trying is the first step towards failure.">>: Heh, true. And if at first you don't succeed, I'd advise against skydiving. <<let's add marked cards too just in case>>: You'd still lose. Though if you were playing against Dreamie I'm sure you wouldn't mind...but poker for 2 is just kind of lame. <<So does that make you a coordinator?>>: Or an executive. <<You have to get to August before you speed through it>>: LOL. <<it looks like people are trying to upset each other a little>>: I'd love to see what happens if someone railed on New York. <<Just remember nobody ever suspects the butterfly>>: I do. Mostly because I'm tired of it thinking no one's watching.

DPH: <<10 cybercookies are available to anyone who can guess the user id>>: It couldn't possibly be dph_of_rules, could it? <<since you do tech-support for a living>>: Its mac tech support. I don't write programs for the PC. I can't even write macros in Office. <<how would I set my computer to do a through hard-drive scan, defrag itself, and then turn itself off?>>: Write an applescript to tell those things to run. It goes like this (roughly):

tell application "Norton Disk Doctor"
scan Macintosh Hard Drive
end tell
tell application "Norton Disk Doctor"
optimize Macintosh Hard Drive
end tell
tell application "Norton Disk Doctor"
end tell

or at least it would if Norton Disk Doctor was applescriptable like that. Unfortunately, its dictionary isn't written well enough. But in theory that's how it would be written. You could always write a program. There HAVE to be freeware programs that will automate tasks for PC, there are thousands for mac.

Gside: <<Aren't we engineers all part of the one great unified engineer?>>: God I hope not. <<Don't we all?>>: Are you saying I'm only allowed in here so ya'll can fantasize about my nude sunbathing? <<Liquid nitrogen ot liquid oxygen?>>: That's not cold enough. <<so far my courses have been theoretical>>: I guess its redundant to say that, what with spherical cows and perfect empty vacuums. <<it's just interesting how right he was without knowing why>>: Only interesting if you're into his drug of choice ;-) <<And you'll come and get him. (Hic)>>: Right. Until then, stay 'ere. <<I'm going up to New Hampshire and she leaves the state>>: Some engineers have more appeal that others, which leads me to believe we're not all part of one GUE ;-) <<Something that powerful might be able to grab on to hemoglobin>>: Ooh would I have fun with that. <<You should have stayed on his good side>>: He might have tried anyway. <<Allegedly, but he's still in denial that he can be another geek>>: Am not! Just in denial that I could be THAT particular geek. <<Singing we will, we will rock you.>>: We will, we will rock you. <<I've seen proof of Mr. Dodgson's pedophilia>>: I'm sure she said she was 18. <<I tend to stand by Nintendo for old time's sake>>: It's all about Duck Hunt and the original Zelda. <<I'll be driving to a castle build by a toilet manufacturer>>: Really? Cool! I bet its the first castle ever built with decent plumbing. Gotta look on the bright side of life... ;-)

K folks I'm off to dreamland. Sorry if I came off today as being a bit's been a long day and I need a nap. A 9-hour nap.

There is an old vulcan proverb: only Nixon could go to China.
- Spock, “Star Trek VI: the Undiscovered Country”

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Friday, July 27, 2001 02:41:52 AM

Imzadi> <<and Gside, who one could (and probably has) argue is part of me>>: Aren't we engineers all part of the one great unified engineer?
<<Either that or you just spend too much time thinking about my nude sunbathing habits>>: Don't we all?
<<A dish best served COLD>>: Liquid nitrogen ot liquid oxygen?
<<Are you a physicist now?>>: Well, so far my courses have been theoretical.
<<Are you suggesting that Carroll KNEW that Looking Glass milk wouldn't taste as good and why?>>: No, it's just interesting how right he was without knowing why.
<<You stay in the room, an' make sure 'e doesn't leave>>: And you'll come and get him. (Hic)
<<she wants me>>: Whereas, I'm going up to New Hampshire and she leaves the state.

Warpmind> <<a special coilgun that will hurl adventurers in armor>>: Something that powerful might be able to grab on to hemoglobin.
<<Anything worth doing is worth OVERdoing>>: True, but it might be nice to get access to what they have inside.
A month, then.

CtB> Congratulations on the promotion.

Aaron> <<Xan, the elf wizard you find at the bottom of the mine>>: Ah. Forgot about him. Never picked him up, only needed myself for a mage.
<<He tried to kill me>>: You should have stayed on his good side.

Niamhgold> <<I watched this really odd thing on dog fur being turned into bikinis>>: Ripley's last night? My family watched for the guy with no stomach.
<<Is he?>>: Allegedly, but he's still in denial that he can be another geek.
<<Kickin' that can all over the place>>: Singing we will, we will rock you.
<<I'm familiar with Limit Break and Lost Memories>>: Are you now?
<<which do the others involve, and from which games?>>: Prima Materia has Cloud and Sephiroth (disturbing). Chameleon Tech has Tifa and Yuffie (liked that one). And Examining Me used Cloud and Aeris (shortish). I've also seen an FFIX, but it didn't have a name.
<<didn't I say congrats?>>: Maybe, I'm not sure, and I'm too lazy to look back.
<<TWO points for Gside>>: Woo hoo.
<<Fun book, huh?>>: I own both The Annotated Alice, and The Annotated Snark. That, and I've seen proof of Mr. Dodgson's pedophilia.
<<No offense>>: None taken. I tend to stand by Nintendo for old time's sake.
<<Have a great weekend all!>>: I'll be driving to a castle build by a toilet manufacturer, then to a tiny town on the other side of your state. If only I got some new reading material in the mail in time...

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, July 27, 2001 02:31:30 AM

No, I have not posted my computer name yet. It's that other things have been on my mind, like reviving BFTS RP, moderating two groups, etc. But 10 cybercookies are available to anyone who can guess the user id I log into with my PC.

Imzadi - since you do tech-support for a living, how would I set my computer to do a through hard-drive scan, defrag itself, and then turn itself off? I don't have the time to personally oversee the computer doing those tasks.

Ok, I'm stightly upset. Yahoo upgraded its services but I did NOT recieve notification. Hmm, I believe Yahoo should pay a couple of people full-time just to run the groups and let folks know constantly of upgrades to Yahoo's service.

One thing I have learned from watching the Yahoo Complaints Group is how slow messages can be when all messages require moderator approval. If you're going to require moderator approval for all messages, at least 3 moderators are needed (each one watching the group at different times), to keep messages coming across fairly constantly.

Oh yea, one very important thing: my bank balance will be above $3100 when my paycheck gets completely deposited.


DPH - []
Friday, July 27, 2001 01:59:49 AM

Winterwolf no function Dreamie well without. Short one for me today.

Spacebabie> Hi! **HUG** I've been buried deep in projects at work, but at least it makes the time speed by. I need to keep myself occupied. Sounds like I'm not the only one if you're looking forward to classes. ;)

Archwolf> Hey! Glad to see you back. Congratulations on keeping yourself sober. My uncle had a drinking problem but since he's steered clear his life has been well. Just take it day by day and drop in when you can.

FireStorm> <PSA: STAY OUT OF THE MILITARY! If you are thinking of joining, DON'T!> Just miles from your doorstep, hundreds of men are given weapons and trained to kill. The government calls it the Army, but a more alarmist name would be... THE KILLBOT FACTORY!

Josh> < I've already posted everything mildly interesting in the last 10 days.> True. But I wasn't going to go back to change what I wrote. "Trying is the first step towards failure."

Aaron> <heavy oak furniture> Fortunately there was only one piece like that. Though when moving, even one is one too many. <layered look> Hum, let's add marked cards too just in case. <We couldn't rehearse the skit enough.> ~_^

Jannie> That is a lot of moving! <I can't lift heavy objects> So does that make you a coordinator? No not there, over there. On second thought... ;P

Niamhgold> Hum, I think I must have missed something. O.o Anyway, enjoy the summer vacation. :)

SOROW> <I really wish August would hurry up so I can just get to college> Oh don't forget July. You have to get to August before you speed through it. ;)

Green Baron> Well as it gets closer Godspeed and good luck. Hope it goes quickly for you.

Well it looks like people are trying to upset each other a little. Just remember nobody ever suspects the butterfly.

Bronx, NY
Thursday, July 26, 2001 11:59:56 PM

SJ> In other words, no.

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Thursday, July 26, 2001 11:56:33 PM

Greetings all...

Well, there's a convention in tampa, with a writer's workshop, so that's where I'm headed to this weekend. Should also be cool since they plan to have an anime room as well. ^_^


SJ - Okay, let me clear this up a little, where people's opinions are concerned. I NEVER said that anyone couldn't think that something sucked, or not think period. It's just that I'm so sick of hearing people complain about the state of American made animation... which I'll agree needs a major MAJOR booster to get its ass off the ground - figuratively and creatively speaking. What really irks me is the general comments come from people that have no real connections to or have jobs in the animation industry. I mean, if you're going to dislike something, fine. That's your right. I won't refute it nor will I disallow it. But if you can't really make a change to the present situation, then keep the complaints down to a dull roar, okay? Or at least post them in an appropriate forum, like an Ezboard for Folks-Who-Think-Disney-Sucks, or the like... Not everyone in the world wants to hear how bad something is every time they turn around. Call me something of an Idealist, but I'd prefer to hear good things about stuff, and get the bad stuff when the time is right (though the sad truth is, it's never the right time for bad news).

Anyway, that's all I have to say on that... see you all after the weekend!

Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Thursday, July 26, 2001 10:50:42 PM

Josh> I know the feeling of wanting to get away from your brother, I have two.
Lynati> I wanted to take Kung Fu. Do you like it?
GB> You know I used to live in Germany when I was a baby. I don't remember any of it of course, but I'm sure it's beautiful.

Thursday, July 26, 2001 09:57:16 PM

** Niamhgold pops in again, real quickly **

Uhh, I might live where we're hard-pressed for heat in the winter, but that whole CA-genocide thingy...that's just not cool. And, I expect when the rest of the CA residents get around to posting...well, I'll just be glad to be outta here.

Thursday, July 26, 2001 09:50:13 PM

** Niamhgold enters **

Weird, weird day. Both of my parents' anniversary presents for each other came today (ironically, both had them special ordered). No, no one knew what one was getting the other--not me, nor my bro, nor any friends or other relatives. But their gifts were almost *identical*. My mom ordered my dad a size ten white-gold band to replace his worn out one, with an engraving of crosses and olive wreaths (to represent Italian and Irish). My dad picked out a white gold band to match my mom's engagement ring, and it, too, was a plan band with an engraving of a cross (no olive wreaths; my dad doesn't think _that_ creatively ;)). I just thought it was weird. Cool and cute, but weird ;)

Additionally, today I felt really _aware_ of things, and it's on days like this when I wish I was a good photographer, or at least carried my acrylics and a canvas pad with me. I mean, when I was walking to get my lunch, the sky was so unusually gorgeous; the clouds had thinned to an almost knitted cloth-like consistency, letting small shafts of light penetrate through and make a stippled pattern on the ground. It only lasted about five minutes, but those five minutes were just so suspensefully, pressingly artistic that my heart ached for some painting supplies.

Well, enough of that babble :-) It's on to these replies, and then to my vacation :)

Aaron: <<< I do keep the last email I received from somebody so I can email him/her again by hitting the 'Reply' button.>> Finally, somebody else who does that.> Count me in on that, two. Especially people who have really difficult email names...I suppose others must do that with mine ;) <Isn't Buffy kind of a grown-up magical girl show?> Heh, absolutely. Why haven't they turned it into a cartoon yet? Or have they, by some other name? ;)

GB: Good luck in Germany; I know you'll make the best of it :) **Hugs**

Computer names: Currently, mine responds to Barry, beefcake, or a$$hole, depending on whether I'm satisfied with it, happy/proud of it, or really ticked off by it :)

Jannie: <... 61 cents per yard!!!> Wow, what a deal! My mom would _love_ shopping with you...she's a fashion queen who loves looking for bargains on material. She just sewed together an outfit last night that's to be worn on our trip over the next few days. She tries to get me to sew, but I don't fare that well...the best I've done is buy two skirts and use one to make a matching frog-collared shirt, with a string bandana. Which reminds me, I watched this really odd thing on dog fur being turned into bikinis... :P <It's the little things in life that makes me happy> That's a very good thing...who can enjoy the greater things if you can't appreciate the smaller constituents? :)

Josh: <Why is it that your posts of late seem to revolve around me?> Because you have a lot to say. But one of us will probably get bored with the others' comments and it'll end ;) <and Gside, who one could (and probably has) argue is part of me)> Is he? Because it would save me a lot of posting time ;) <NOOOO! Whatever shall we do? > Do the happy dance! ;) <You're good, whether or not you win anything> Thanks. I did feel better when I actually _went_ to set up my stuff...not in comparing my work to the *quality* of others, but realizing that my stuff was of a different *genre* than the usual landscapes/flowers/oils. <What are the odds of THAT happening?> Well, if your new machine is already in assembly, pretty good :) <Flattery will get you everywhere.> Well, not EVERYWHERE ;-) <March something or other. Hey, don't look at me like that! I've got more important things to remember!> Heh, I don't blame you at all. It's just weird that I remember random things at all. Such as, I can remember birthdays of people when the dates are just randomly mentioned once in Lauren Powers, her b-day is June 2th, or that black hole pic in my school's old 1999 physics book is on page 116. Comes in handy on tests ;) And I think Shadowrider's b-day is June 12th...not _as_ sure on that one ;) <You've got mud on your face, you big disgrace. ;-)> Kickin' that can all over the place :) <Good things need to be done slowly to be done right> ** Opens mouth to speak, then shuts it** Uh, nevermind. <No way I love that movie!> Definite point! I _love_ the popcorn. That movie so got me addicted to "Everybody wants to rule the world." That's my call song ;) Well, it was either "Real Genius" or Dennis Miller, though it doesn't matter which ;) <Still red, but it doesn't hurt as much.> Hurrah! <So if you want and beautiful pictures for backgrounds on your computer, check them out> Well, if you read my contemplative stuff in the beginning of this post, ya know I will ;) <A dish best served COLD> Lol. <::shudder::...expensive> **Points finger at her father** It's all _his_ fault! ;) <Then we can REALLY be competitive!> Okay, you're on! BTW, dumb question, but to you play FF? (If you _are_ Gside, then that question is already answered ;)) <I've been at Berkeley 2 years and I've NEVER smoked weed.> Hurrah! <I'll have a great weekend because I get to drive up to camp> Have some great fun, then, even if you don't need my permission ;)

Gside: <You mean like Prima Materia, Chameleon Technology IV, Examining Me, Limit Break, Lost Memories, and the like?> I'm familiar with Limit Break and Lost Memories...which do the others involve, and from which games? (Well, I can guess with Prima Materia and Chameleon Technology). <and all I got was an "I thought so"?> Wait, didn't I say congrats? But, if it matters...TWO points for Gside ;) <Nah, happened this summer, I believe.> D@mn. It's this whole "head in the clouds" syndrome ;) <Go read Through the Looking Glass> Fun book, huh? <X Box.> :: shudders :: Now _that's_ scary. No offense, but I'm a fan of PS2 and I think that thing is a waste of everything ;)

Have a great weekend all!
Adios :)

Thursday, July 26, 2001 09:45:58 PM

Crzy > missed you too! ::hug::

Coyote > congrats on the promotion! Hope it goes well for you. Oh, btw, I've scoped your bid site and it looks really good; you guys are totally on the ball this far in advance, and the merest prospect of you getting Bruce Campbell made my pulse skitter ; )

Christine - []
Thursday, July 26, 2001 09:29:36 PM

*leans in*

Aaron: err, no...I still haven't ever been on ebay. I wish that name *was* mine, tho; it's pretty f***-ing cool.
...out of curiosity, why do you ask? O.o
and check yer email. :P


Thursday, July 26, 2001 09:01:51 PM

Squiggy... that isn't funny at all.

... and it's United StateS of America, you idiot.

Thursday, July 26, 2001 08:44:42 PM

Please support the mass genocide of the whole population of California.
theSquiggy One - [<--- very cool :)]
Thursday, July 26, 2001 08:34:52 PM

Jannie> <<I just finished mailing 47 money orders for various merchandise - all purchased in less than a week>> Okay, my habit doesn't seem so bad now... I'm mostly cruising for gargs stuff. Incidentally, if anybody has a spare Brooklyn, Demona, Hudson, or Bronx figure, the little Applause ones, that they're willing to part with, let me know. We can talk money, or I have a spare Lex I could trade you. <<my eyes didn't gaze lower than your "breasts">> You and Josh... ;) <<I think I'll go buy some Huey Lewis CD's tomorrow...>> Bad Jan, bad. No killing homeless people. ;)

Revel> <<worse things to be addicted to>> I suppose there are at that...

SJ> <<And people say I'm disturbed.>> But we say it affectionately. <<Urotsukidoji references are seriously pushing the envelope of the PG-13 rating in this room. ;)>> But those were fairly circumspect. <<If the guy thinks the movies suck, he has a right to shout it from the mountain tops.>> Thank you.

Gside> <<Is that Khalid?>> No, Xan, the elf wizard you find at the bottom of the mine. He's the one with the cool glowy sword, and the "Our quest is vain" every five minutes. He's great. It was a shame I had to kill him when he tried to run. <<Though I love Boo (and, by extension, Minsc>> He tried to kill me. And I couldn't even pick up Boo afterwards...

Lynati> You don't happen to go by "Queen of Wolves" on ebay do you?

DPH> << I do keep the last email I received from somebody so I can email him/her again by hitting the 'Reply' button.>> Finally, somebody else who does that.

Josh> <<Amazing that our government actually trusts us with that dangerous knowledge, isn't it?>> It's to distract us from the truly dangerous knowledge, like those strips inside that tell them how much cash you're carrying when you go through the metal detector at the airport. <<Is it really?>> Really really. <<SUCK>> HARD. Fortunately I managed to get it straightened out. Eventually. <<You are one of the best speakers in this group!>> Aww. But again, I think we should shove the most normal seeming of us out in front when the press comes ‘round. But I guess I could fake it online. Heh. I'm not a norm, but I roleplay one online. <<Owen Burnett IS a depressed elf...>> That's why it's good casting.

Baldy> Oh, that ad. I remember now. <<Guess who's getting a Winux t-shirt soon? }:) TAUNT!!!>> Not bad... But guess who's getting a matching set of Gore and Jone emoticon shirts? TAUNT!!!!!!! Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time! ;)

Maybe I've been smoking something, but this occured to me today: Isn't Buffy kind of a grown-up magical girl show?

Click the link to see what's been making me think that.

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Thursday, July 26, 2001 06:43:47 PM

Hello everyone. Tommorrow I leave for New Orleans, though I will be there briefly. Then, I visit soem of my friends around the south, until I leave for Germany. I have no idea when I reprot or where I'll be stationed. I may not even know when I get my orders, but I report in at Frankfurt and they handle the rest.

Crzy> I'll go to that bar. I know some others who may also be going there as well.

SOROW> I for one would like my last few weeks in the US to drag out a bit, but once in Germany I want them to speed by.

Christine> Some of the blame? Well, Crzy contributed, too :)

Pepsi Commercial> I for one cannot get over the end with Bob Dole. I love that. Bob has a sense of humor that was never really shown until after the election. I'd love to see him in some political comedy movies.

GXB> You'd be surprised. Now, I imagine America had soem leaders during its Confederation days, but I ahve no idea how they picked a legisalture.

Warpmind> Now, I remember.

Imzadi> <<Actually, there are some really cute German chicks.>> I don't want one. I already have someone very special to me, but I can't reveal more than that at this moment.
<<I can't wait to hear the news: "Today, an accounting error in Germany led to the invasion of France">> I imagine wars have been started because of book keeping errors.

Archwolf> Still, I'll be alone to experience it. That makes it worse.

Sevarius Jr> I don't think Germany is a likely threat like it once was. However with Social Democrats in power there, it could be troublesome. Of course, ever since the masses were allowed a voice in politics, fiends like Hitler, Mussolinni, Maxine Waters, Huey Long, and Hillary will always be a threat. This is why I want the Czar reinstated in Russia.

I support euthanasia for all of West Palm Beach, though :)

Jan> Why did you move so much?

Aaron> As long as I can get on-line, I'll be happy.

Off until I post again on Saturday.

Green Baron - []
Ft. Benning, Georgia
Thursday, July 26, 2001 06:14:32 PM

*Warpmind enters, looking a bit bleary-eyed.*
Ugh... gotta get some sleep soon...

Anyway, te issue of computer names... Mine has had several names over the years (note the plural there), including Ahasverus, and, now the most recent, Hideous Anomaly. I mean, the old heap is turning 8 this fall! I suspect a change of name is due; I'll be having to ponder that for a while, though... Anyway, most of the time, I just call my computer by a vast arsenal of four-letter words bent every which way... (Incidentally, I'm writing this post from dad's computer, which I named Mordred on the last reinstall of Win'98...)

Well, g'nite, everyone. And I mean EVERYone, no exceptions. (Well, maybe except that damn bird that keeps singing so damn cheerfully so damn early in the morning...)

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Thursday, July 26, 2001 05:38:20 PM

Too brain-fried to post too much right now ... only a few highlights ...

Crzy: I'll assume, then, that my Greg Guler original is included in with all that stuff. Thanks for the update.:)

Computer names: The names I give to my computer are unpublishable in polite company. Suffice to say they're usually combinations of every salty Navy curse word I've gleaned off of both of my parents. :)

Interesting life stuff: I got promoted. Effective next week I go on salary and ditch the red shirts in favor of putty-colored management ones. I'm happy that working my @$$ off for three years for that store has finally paid off. :)

Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Thursday, July 26, 2001 04:17:51 PM

YAY... I did survive comic con. Only walked away with two new cels, but two is better than nothing. :)

Christine - I feel like we are ships passing in the night! I never get to see you these days. ::CLINGS::

My old computer was named F.R.E.D. (F***ing Rediculous Electronic Device). The new one is "Nanami". I named it after Touga's little sister in "Utena" because it annoys me just as much as she does. When it crashes I say it like Touga does when he is upset with her "NanaMI" It just feels good!!

I am still packing up things to mail out from the Gathering. It has been REALLY busy around here. Once I have it all packed up, then off to the post orifice I go and those of you awaiting t-shirts and calendars will be getting them shortly.

Josh - RE: Coyote Ugly. I LOVED that movie. I want a job at that bar!!

I saw America's Sweethearts last night. EXCELLENT MOVIE! I loved it!! Highly recommend it! :)

Jennifer 'CrzyDemona' Anderson
Thursday, July 26, 2001 03:33:06 PM

Ok, here's some usefull information: is the Yahoo Groups complaint department. Only messages require moderator approval before being posted so don't expect a quick reply. is supposed to be the group for service announcements. Only moderators post.

Now, that's all the time I have since I spent most of my online time reading messages in the Yahoo Groups Complaint department.

dph - []
Thursday, July 26, 2001 02:35:04 PM

I don't have names for my computer, printer, etc. I rarely name objects. I do have terms of endearment for my car though, I call it "baby" "groovy machine" and "sweetheart" *L*

I went to see Jurassic Park III last night. Good flick *nods* The scariest part for me was when they were in the giant "bird" cage. *shudders* I almost did a jig when the babies were pecking at Eric. Of course, my kids were laughing at me... brats.
We'll go see Planet of the Apes after we return to Missouri since we really don't have time to see it here after it comes out tomorrow.

Shopping bargain of the day: I went to Cloth World to buy the material needed to make new curtains in my house. I had seen the material that I wanted but didn't get the measurements for the windows until yesterday. So, I went there this morning, took my selection to be measured and cut, and when they rang it up.... a hell of a sale going on... 61 cents per yard!!! The normal price was 11.99 a yard! *falls over* Perfect material - no flaws and not outdated (it's very pretty).. nothing wrong with it! I have a feeling that it was mis-marked because the lady was quite shocked too. I also found some beautiful fleece type material to make some shirts (sweatshirt material) for 61 cents a yard and some material to make more receiving blankets and crib sheets for the baby =) (also 61 cents)
i.e. I'm going to sew a sweatshirt type top for around $1.20. hehehe Good thing I'm in the sewing mood, huh? ;)

It's the little things in life that makes me happy =D

GregX> thanks for sharing about that person's claims... it was a good laugh. ;D Sometimes I just don't understand other people's reasoning skills. It's scary to know that so many people are that gullible. ^o^

Josh> ok, ok... a mac tower thingy ;)

Thursday, July 26, 2001 01:12:33 PM

*Warpmind enters, chalking a pool cue.*
Hmmm... the job at the library may be less boring now that I found Virtual Pool 2... *Ehum*

By the way, to any GURPS-knowledgeable folks out there... I've constructed, for a GURPS game, a special coilgun that will hurl adventurers in armor. Into a wall. At about .1C. Does 2000D-4000 seem like a reasonable damage roll? (I took the damage rate for falling and did some rough multiplying based on the speed of light and the speed of falling...)

Christine: Yay! Thankee! With any luck, that should lead to some hilarity when the players learn what they killed. };)

Gside: Cyber-cookie to you. One-Winged Angel from FF7. As far as Carmina Burana is concerned... no clue. And I'd rather nuke the Federal Reserve building than take out just Greenspan. Anything worth doing is worth OVERdoing, ya know. };) (Note: I am not at present harboring any plans to destroy the US economy through such means. This is merely idle thoughtplay.)

Josh: So the vaults are nuke-proof? Bah, never seen "Goldfinger"? }:)

That concludes my post. I *must* run now...

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Thursday, July 26, 2001 11:15:34 AM

Josh: I'm not sure to whom-else I should address this, as you're the only one I know who even semi-specializes in internet and network issues. I certainly don't and my buddies and I at work are stumped. I think I need to reinstall windows (again) but I'm hoping not. Lets see what you think (aside from getting a Mac, It's my work computer). Any body else who has Ideas, I'll be glad for 'em.

So, the problem: We are connected to the Internet via a LAN and through a Proxy server. Many of our important resources (including our web-based call loging program) are all on the intra-net. When I set my Lan settings to use a Proxy server, I can't view the internal pages, and when I just use the automatic routing script, I can't view any external pages. This gives me real nightmares with the two or three mixed pages we have, as I can see one half or the other, but not both.

I know it's my box, because we have tried it on other network drops, nogo. Other systems can use my drop with no problem. Our IT guys are so lazy that all they'll do unless I tell them specifically otherwise is reinstall windows. It takes them a couple of weeks to get to any given work order, and therefore will take twice the time to fix if that's not the issue.

If anybody has any ideas on this, or if you agree that the best bet is to nuke the system and start over again, let me know. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, All.

Azrael - []
Arlington, TX
Thursday, July 26, 2001 10:40:56 AM

*stops by to throw her two cents in*

SOROW: yeah, ditto for me with the wanting to get back to school...all my fic research is back there. I would have agreed even more with you, but as of today it looks like I might actually be able to make it to my King Fu classes out here on a regualr basis...a 30 min walk followed by an 1 and 45 minute bus ride ain't *all* bad, if it comes to that.

vaguely interesting new things in my life...
I finished typing up *everything* out of one of my thinner spirals today. Much joy for me.
I'm now up to author #163 in the fanfic archive on my current rounds.
and today, I actually got *suspenseful music* a new lesson in broadsword!! :D's technically been seven months since I had a new lesson, not a lesson that was fixing things I'd screwed up on due to lack of practicing. and lo, there was much joy. And, and, I picked up the whole set of new moves on my first try, something that is very rare for me.

random responses to peopel who am too tired to look up and see who actually asked the question...
"Miranda" is *my* microcasset recorder, not another machine of Aaron's.
Gunjack Valentine- aka, "Moochie"- is currently away being a counselor for a camp in upstate New York. He will be back with the geese, or so I presume. ...and as he is not around to defend himself, he is also to blame for, well, everything. yes, even for my contacts being itchy. Mwahaha.

oh, and it's nice to see the clock has been fixed.

*stumbles off to bed...4:04 am*

Lynati Kshudra
Thursday, July 26, 2001 04:04:18 AM

Ooh ooh ooh! My new Mac has progressed to Stage 2 of the Apple Order process: Assembly. There are four stages: Review, Assembly, Packaging, and Shipment. If its being assembled now, it could conceivably be shipped SOON, instead of in 5-7 weeks.

And that would make me a very happy boy.

I know these announcements are really annoying, but I can't help it and I suggest you all just bear with me until the machine is actually assembled. My apologies in advance.

Speaking of Apologies...


This morning I finished the fourth installment of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, titled "So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish". The title, apparently, is the dolphins' last message to Earth before they disappeared. During this story, Arthur Dent finally meets a girl and falls in love blah blah blah yawn.

Anyway, at the end of the story he embarks on a quest to discover God's final message to His Creation (Earth). The message, he discovers, is "We apologize for the inconvenience".


I've come to the conclusion that Douglas Adams had to be on some really strong stuff when he wrote these stories. Stuff that makes LSD look like a lite-brite toy.


My parents took a REALLY long bike ride today, probably just so they could escape the near-constant bickering of me and my brother (no, not "my brother and I", thank you very much).

We went to Lake Tahoe today for lunch and ate at a really nice place on the shore where I had this amazing "lobster roll" which was kind of like a shrimp louie (sp?) on a bun but with, well, lobster. Mmmmm.

We drove around Tahoe for what seemed like a really long time looking for a store called "High Sierra Hemp Store" because my mom is dying to see the uses for hemp that she ISN'T yet familiar with.

Awesome Italian restaurant for me.

Hey does anyone know where I can find a NEW 40 gig 7200 RPM hard drive? I don't want to spend more than $150 or so, and I'm looking for something from a reliable company (IBM, Quantum, Seagate, Western Digital, etc).

Interest tidbit of information: Western Digital's 40 gig hard drive has part #: WD-40. ;-)

SOUTH PARK ROCKED AGAIN! IT IS THE MOST BRILLIANT SHOW EVER!!! Only South Park could show us a picture of a hemorrhoid (sp?). Kyle renounced his faith (YAY!) only to reclaim it at the end of the show (CURSES!). But that wasn't eve a secondary plot.

Warpmind: <<I *do* have a fetish for women in snug, flexible armor>>: Don't we all? Either that, or we just have a fetish for women wearing ANYTHING snug. <<And to think all my new nicknames were caused by one simple action, namely shaving>>: You should do something else and see what names it gets you. <<A pony nuke should be able to do so quite permanently>>: I wish you luck. The vaults are underground in a relatively nuke-safe storage area. At least it was nuke safe when it was built. I dunno how much more powerful nukes are now. <<Starr nailed Clinton with Lewinsky>>: Kinky. <<Do you *really* think they all passed up the chance to be personally worshipped for life?>>: Well that depends. "Sold" implies that they are property and no longer have free will. I'm sure some might take that route, if for no other reason than to be secure for a long time. But I don't think many of them would.

Greg X: <<Big tax cuts for everyone>>: I'm in! <<I mean anti-gun control>>: Well, I'm not too thrilled about that, but quite frankly its the only problem I have with this new party. That pales in comparison to the right-wing religious fanatics in the Republican party and the ultra-liberal hippies on the left. <<the Political Party would eventually seek world domination>>: Well, I wouldn't be the sole dictator of the world, but I guess I can live with that since its much easier to have an entire political party backing me and my friends for world domination...say this wouldn't be called "The Illuminati Party" would it? <<I know this kid, who became stupid literally over night>>: Amazing. How did that happen? <<The REAL first President was half-black, half hispanic, and helped finance the Revolution>>: Um, there were no black and/or hispanic people in the Colonies with enough money to finance any part of the revolution. But nevermind the details. <<this is not in the history books because it is a racist conspiracy>>: HAH! Larry Elder would have a field day with that one. <<he saw pictures of coins with this man on them, and paintings>>: I can put Mickey Mouse on a penny...was he a president? And I have a painting of myself in Napoleon's clothes...was I the ruler of France? <<This has got to be the most idiotic thing I have ever heard>>: Really? Its the second most idiotic thing I've ever heard. <<made me embarassed to even know him>>: I'd pretend I didn't.

DPH: <<Imzadi wins the 5 cybercookies>>: Yay. <<What's worse than being spammed?>>: Easy. Being spammed twice. <<Someone forging the email address by putting your email address in the from field>>: Yeah that's pretty obnoxious. I can't bounce them that way! <<a max rate of 15% set up for personal income tax>>: I think people like Bill Gates and Larry Ellison should have to pay a lot more than that. But I don't think that I should be in the same tax bracket as they are (which is what our current government seems to think). Of course, I also don't make billions of dollars a year. <<Increase military pay to the point where the military earns as much as least 3/4 as much money as the private sector counterpart>>: Jeez, as if military spending wasn't high enough already. I guess we could cut from other projects.

Rodlox: <<Wasn't he already?>>: My thoughts exactly. <<what happened to Owen during _The Mirror_?>>: He was unavailable. Kind of like my DSL service.

Robby: <<Oh wait... That's my brand new copy of THE PHANTOM EDIT that I picked up in San Diego>>: Is it available online anywhere? <<what Menance SHOULD have been>>: Interesting, funny, and clever?

Patrick: <<Can anyone top that?>>: I'm not sure if that's something to be proud of. Then again, maybe it is, because it means you're in so many people's mail boxes.

Christine: <<Ugh, this stupid virus thing>>: That's redundant. All viruses are stupid. <<why, as a matter of fact, there _were_ cool dinosaurs!>>: I'm shocked! <<it just so happened that the raptors were fantastic!>>: No way, really?! <<I can't believe I forgot to mention it>>: Hey, sometimes these things escape our attention. <<As for what we name our computers>>: Interesting. My external harddrive is Goliath, my digital camera is Lex, and my printer is Bronx (it gets really excited when you tell it to do something then sits there and licks itself). <<Original, huh?>>: Its alright, my next computer setup will be Gargoyles-oriented also. <<Britney. I kinda liked the little girl>>: Kinky.

Niamhgold: Why is it that your posts of late seem to revolve around me? ;-) (and Gside, who one could (and probably has) argue is part of me) <<loooong day at work>>: Aren't they all? <<I won't be back to post after tomorrow until the end of next week>>: NOOOO! Whatever shall we do? <<I'm showcasing with adults and my stuff pales in comparison to those who've had at least twenty years on me>>: You shouldn't be afraid, which is exactly what you'd tell me if I were showcasing my models. You're good, whether or not you win anything. <<you went out under the sun...and didn't fry!>>: Its amazing, given my skin tone, that I don't match that rose bed outside. <<Perhaps fate has taken a lucky turn for you?>>: What are the odds of THAT happening? <<Wait, spoke too soon...sorry you got that virus email>>: But I have a Mac so it didn't affect me. <<I don't have _anyone_ in my address book>>: I'm insulted! <<I usually write the addresses in my physical address book>>: Ugh, that's so last year! ;-) <<whatever you do, I'm sure it'll be very clever>>: Flattery will get you everywhere. <<Maybe send them to the place on which they went on their first date?>>: Hmmm...I'd have to know where that was. <<When's their anniversary, anyways?>>: March something or other. Hey, don't look at me like that! I've got more important things to remember! <<Point against Josh..._I_ rule>>: Um, no. Not without my permission, anyway. <<Rest easy tonight then!>>: Don't worry, I didn't lose any sleep over it. <<Heh, I know. You rule, I rock>>: Very good. You're learning. <<Sounds like the opening to an Aerosmith song>>: Or Queen. You've got mud on your face, you big disgrace. ;-) <<Ooh, good stuff those dual-processors>>: Yes, and expensive good stuff. I think each one was about $250-300. In any case, they're only useful if you have multi-threaded operating systems and/or programs. Like, uh, MAC OS X BUWAHAHAHA! <<Don't worry, no rush on anything>>: Rushing is bad. Good things need to be done slowly to be done right. <<Just lemme know whenever>>: Will do. <<Point _for_ Josh>>: For being a genius? See, chicks really do dig it. <<Maybe not as much as Val Kilmer from _Real Genius_>>: No way I love that movie! <<Curses, foiled again!>>: Happens. <<But can you tell that to my brain?>>: Spend enough time talking to me and it rubs off. <<I've been getting up at **gasp** 9 am on *weekends*!>>: This is a serious case. We may have to shoot you to put you out of your misery. <<no hassle of packing things up to go to the beach>>: Hah, like I could ever drag my pale @$$ to the beach! I'd turn even MORE red! <<Uh, well, they _would_, if any of them were around>>: Or if I had any friends ;-) <<No, but I'd better!>>: A wonderful episode. <<Aww, man...and I suppose sandals would make it a helluva lot worse>>: Actually, no. If I wear the same tevas that I was wearing when I got the burn, I'm fine. <<How's the burn now, BTW?>>: Still red, but it doesn't hurt as much. <<<<<Guess you weren't nude sunbathing>>: Disappointed?> You tell me>>: Well, you SOUND disappointed. <<Hurrah!>>: Well, I didn't take that many pics over vacation. Most of the ones I did take were on my dad's birthday, and most of them are just beautiful scenery shots. So if you want and beautiful pictures for backgrounds on your computer, check them out. <<we've decided against bringing the digital camera>>: WTF for? <<normal pics on film, ahhhh!>>: ::shudder::...expensive. <<I don't think we're talking about the same menu now>>: Probably not. <<I like my posts to contain some consistency>>: Either that or you just spend too much time thinking about my nude sunbathing habits. <<Oh, so these were points on desireableness?>>: Um...what else would I give points for? <<Here I thought we were playing some derivative of Jeopardy>>: That would imply trivia. There's nothing trivial about what the points are being given out for. <<And I was waiting to wager>>: How much? <<No very good; I can do better!>>: CAN NOT! <<Revenge of the nerds!>>: A dish best served COLD. <<not that I know from personal experience ;-)> Mmm-hmm>>: You believe me, don't you? <<Unfortunately, no..>>: Well, damnit, start! Then we can REALLY be competitive! <<a great accomplishment that I got out of their first year without trying>>: I've been at Berkeley 2 years and I've NEVER smoked weed. <<Am not! ** Crosses her arms and pouts like a two year-old ;) **>>: I'm not a brat! I'm not I'm not I'm not! <<Uh, their designing capability>>: Depends on what we're designing. <<I can't figure out if that's a point for or against you>>: Nevermind the minutia. (sp?). <<Point for Josh>>: Yay! <<Because I didn't want to get sunburned>>: Yeah, you just wanted to stare. <<Did this happen over the college year and I missed it?>>: Nope, just a few months ago. <<And everyone have a great weekend>>: Oh, I will. I promise. But only because you told me to...oh wait, that's not right. I'll have a great weekend because I get to drive up to camp! JOY!

Gside: <<In theory, at one time, I could have...>>: Too many hypotheticals. Are you a physicist now? <<each dollar would be worth next to nothing>>: Which is true. <<They learned it didn't hurt as much if they didn't fight it>>: Well at least they learn faster than the French. <<But I already said it for this instance>>: You did? Guess I missed that. <<it has since been proven because milk contains molecules that have different properties when reversed>>: Are you suggesting that Carroll KNEW that Looking Glass milk wouldn't taste as good and why? <<Until you come and get him, we're not to enter the room>>: No, no. You stay in the room, an' make sure 'e doesn't leave. <<They charge by the minute for dialup>>: WEAK! <<You don't even need that, just take out Greenspan>>: If I can't take over the world, I at least want his job. It's close enough and doesn't require breaking any laws to get it. <<Imzadi got a point for his answer, and all I got was an "I thought so"?>>: Yeah, well, she wants me. ;-)

Sorow: <<I'm just checking in to see how everyone is doing>>: We're not doing so bad over here. <<I've been working a lot and doing a lot of reading to keep me sane>>: I've been working a lot, THEN doing a lot of reading to keep sane. <<I really wish August would hurry up so I can just get to college>>: Yeah me too. I'm tired of this family garbage. <<I don't want anything more right now than to just get away and start my life over>>: I know the feeling. I'm hoping to accomplish that since I won't be home too much over the next couple years, as I'm going to summer school and stuff...I hope by the time I go to law school my brother will have stopped acting like a twerp, my parents will start acting normally, and life starts being cool.

Alright folks, time for sleep. Without it, I'm dead.

There’s no excuse for this kind of erratic retardism.
- Adam Carolla, “Loveline”

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Truckee, CA, US of A
Thursday, July 26, 2001 02:22:39 AM

I'm just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I've been working a lot and doing a lot of reading to keep me sane. I really wish August would hurry up so I can just get to college. I don't want anything more right now than to just get away and start my life over. How bout anyone else?
Thursday, July 26, 2001 12:48:46 AM

<<That's why I said>>: It would've been more accurate to say "In theory, at one time, I could have..."
<<Originally, there certainly wasn't 50 trillion in cash floating around>>: Upon further reflection, there would have been 50 trillion dollars cash in circulation, but with the limited amount of gold we have, each dollar would be worth next to nothing.
<<XB?>>: X Box.
<<Is it possible that it could be less intimidating than France?>>: Pretty much. They learned it didn't hurt as much if they didn't fight it (the invasion, not necessarially the occupation).
<<Well don't keep us in suspense>>: But I already said it for this instance.
<<Huh?>>: Go read Through the Looking Glass, And What Alice Found There. There's a little bit about her deciding Looking Glass milk wouldn't taste good, and it has since been proven because milk contains molecules that have different properties when reversed.
<<You just stay here, and make sure he doesn't leave until I come an' get him>>: Until you come and get him, we're not to enter the room.
<<you don't get a free dialup account with your cable access?>>: They charge by the minute for dialup.
<<guess which mp3 I just got ahold of, along with the lyrics?>>: FFVII final battle with Sephiroth. And didn't they steal the latin bits from Carmina Burana?
<<A pony nuke should be able to do so quite permanently>>: You don't even need that, just take out Greenspan.

Niamhgold> <<Good thing about Final Fantasy is that it doesn't involve much reading (unless you buy the doujinshi)>>: You mean like Prima Materia, Chameleon Technology IV, Examining Me, Limit Break, Lost Memories, and the like?
<<The reason why I picked it>>: Wait a minute. Imzadi got a point for his answer, and all I got was an "I thought so"?
<<Did this happen over the college year and I missed it?>>: Nah, happened this summer, I believe.

Mp3: Leroy Anderson's Bugler's Holiday.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Thursday, July 26, 2001 12:32:07 AM

Er, darn return key...I just wanted to add Adios! And everyone have a great weekend :)
Thursday, July 26, 2001 12:17:27 AM

** Niamhgold enters **

Whew, loooong day at I'll catch up with as much as a reply as possible...but it won't be as long as I promised. But, boy oh boy, we leave for Disney Friday at 5 am (ugh!), so I won't be back to post after tomorrow until the end of next week (or sooner, depending on if I get a hold of a computer ;)). Plus, I've got an art show that goes on through the weekend, and I'm nervous, since I'm showcasing with adults and my stuff pales in comparison to those who've had at least twenty years on me :P. Anyways, on to my replies!

Josh: Hola :) Wow, you went out under the sun...and didn't fry! Perhaps fate has taken a lucky turn for you? Wait, spoke too soon...sorry you got that virus email. We've been spammed by the same type of thing at work. Unfortunately, I can't say it was me because I don't have _anyone_ in my address book (for the very reason of virus emails). I usually write the addresses in my physical address book. <No way. My parents 25th is coming up soon too. I'll have to be clever. I hate being clever like that, for them.> Weird! Well, whatever you do, I'm sure it'll be very clever. I knew that my parents appreciate it more when we make something for them (I guess it's bragging rights?), so that's what we did. Maybe send them to the place on which they went on their first date? When's their anniversary, anyways? :) <YES! I RULE!> Point against Josh..._I_ rule ;) <And a long prestigious list!> Lol ;) <Curses. Foiled again.> Rest easy tonight then! <Thanks, you rock.> Heh, I know. You rule, I rock. Sounds like the opening to an Aerosmith song ;) <I'll be mailing you (insert reasonable amount of cash) as soon as my birthday rolls around again and my bank account has recovered slightly from purchasing a dual-processor macintosh> Ooh, good stuff those dual-processors ;) Don't worry, no rush on anything. Just lemme know whenever ;) <What can I say, I'm a genius!> Point _for_ Josh ;) <Chicks dig it> Maybe not as much as Val Kilmer from _Real Genius_ ;) <I don't have any good riddles right now.> Curses, foiled again! ;) <In fact, morning is for sleeping.> Heck, yeah! But can you tell that to my brain? It's conspiring against me...I've been getting up at **gasp** 9 am on *weekends*!!! :( <God I miss having my own pool. Our old house had one...someday we'll get around to putting one in the new house.> Pools are the hassle of packing things up to go to the beach, plus they make parties more fun, and friends wanna come over more often. Uh, well, they _would_, if any of them were around ;) <Its not all its cracked up to be.> Aye, especially when the mosquitos show up ;) <Did you see that episode of South Park where Cartman tries to learn to swim but the little 1st graders kept turning the water yellow?> No, but I'd better! ;) <My foot is stark red, and I can't even wear shoes or socks.> Aww, man...and I suppose sandals would make it a helluva lot worse. How's the burn now, BTW? <<<Guess you weren't nude sunbathing>>: Disappointed?> You tell me. <I'll upload my vacation pics soon, you can check them out.> Hurrah! I'll try to take some good ones in Disney; but, bewarned, we've decided against bringing the digital camera...normal pics on film, ahhhh! ;) <Depends on the menu.> I don't think we're talking about the same menu now, are we? <In any case, you seem to be very inquisitive about my nude sunbathing habits.> I like my posts to contain some consistency, however not-sane they are ;) <I'm more desireable than you are neener neener neener!> Oh, so these were points on desireableness? Here I thought we were playing some derivative of Jeopardy ;) And I was waiting to wager! <How's that for competitive.> No very good; I can do better! ;) <<then I might have to give up Final Fantasy>: Just read one then the other. No reason to drop something your enjoying for something you might enjoy.> Good thing about Final Fantasy is that it doesn't involve much reading (unless you buy the doujinshi). Although now, even with X coming out with voice features, I'm probably just gonna turn the feature off and play it like a _real_ RPG...with my imagination! <Yeah, its time us short scrawny dweebs started sticking up for ourselves!> Revenge of the nerds!!!! :: Gets the shifty-eyed dog look and reaches for a few aerosol cans ;) :: <They like having fans...uh, not that I know from personal experience ;-)> Mmm-hmm. <Starcraft or you play?> Unfortunately, no... <Or when you've been experimenting with mind-altering drugs...hey you are in an art college!> And thus a great accomplishment that I got out of their first year without trying ;) <I mean, he is funny, rich, nice, and brilliant...notice that those are all um...not physical qualities.> I see. <<<$100 bills don't smell that great> I agree>>: Ah, a fellow snob.> Am not! ** Crosses her arms and pouts like a two year-old ;) ** <Uh oh. Which of an engineers abilities did you question?> Uh, their designing capability. I was not right. <Oh, I'm not that serious. I swear all the f*cking time ;-)> I can't figure out if that's a point for or against you. How about 1 golden ring? <<<3 sets of Golden rings>>: Okay, I'm sure that the real answer is far simpler, but here's my solution. First night: give one ring. Second night: give double rings, get the one back. Third night, give single ring. Fourth night: Give quadruple ring, get double and single back. Fifth night: give single ring. Sixth night: give double ring, get single back. Seventh night: give single ring.> Point for Josh :)

Gside: <You're asking this of someone majoring in two computer subjects?> The reason why I picked it :) Congrats! <The question is, why weren't you?> Because I didn't want to get sunburned. <Gunjack. It's a bit of a story. And it's all his fault, though it came from Lain.> Did this happen over the college year and I missed it? Or is it like that old story about Nicolai the Mutant Mistletoe? ;) <They represent a share of the government's gold>>: Not anymore. I believe Nixon took us off the gold standard, so the only thing backing them is our confidence in the government.> With all this conversation about the gold back standard, I believe it would be time for somebody to remake the Wizard of Oz.

Aaron: <How ‘bout poisoned aphrodisiac darts, so at least you die happy. ;)> Now _that's_ a good one. A true Doctor Evil plot if I ever did see one! ;)

Thursday, July 26, 2001 12:16:06 AM

Ugh, this stupid virus thing ... bleah. 'Nuff said.

Owen as a depressed elf > or, alternately, and probably worse, if you ever have the misfortune to have to sit through one of those McDonaldLand cartoons, you can hear him as a depressed _dog_ ... not that I recommend it.

Stephen > aw, damn! Sorry to hear you can't make it to DragonCon. Kathy and Patrick are both talking about possibly being there, and Siren will be, and it would be cool to have a very-mini-Gathering sort of thing.

Josh > why, as a matter of fact, there _were_ cool dinosaurs! And it just so happened that the raptors were fantastic! Thanks for asking; I can't believe I forgot to mention it ; ) As for what we name our computers, the big one is Goliath, the one Becca uses is Lex, and the laptop is Bronx. Original, huh?

Warpmind > Foglio's just the one that all the gang on Pyramid mention whenever the topic of GURPS Sex is bandied about. They all say I should write it, and he should do the art. LOL! Believe me, I'd love to see it happen. It won't, of course, but it would be something! As for your wish to use the "Goblin-Fiend of Bigelow Hill" scenario, go to and have fun!

Green Baron > I'm so envious! Always wanted to go to Germany. I hope you have a fabulous time despite your glum misgivings. Send me a postcard! And hey, I don't take _credit_ for your fall from grace, but I do share some of the _blame_ ; )

Jan > the Black Roses demo is only Chapter 7, chosen because it had the interesting dream sequence, some action and suspense, and served to introduce the main characters fairly well. The little bit on the end is from elsewhere in the book because Mickee had to show off how cool/weird the bad guy's voice sounds. Hard to believe that's me.

Spacebabie > me, I just pronounce it "car-mel." You say toh-may-to ... ; )

Aaron's poll > Britney. I kinda liked the little girl.

Updates > I'll be sending Knight of the Basilisk to the editors this weekend, as well as working on the August issue of Sabledrake (still time to send in submissions; theme is "villainy"). Am 30 pages into Changeling Moon, the third Trinity Bay book and the one that will be dedicated to all the clan at Station 8. For reasons that will doubtless be blatantly obvious ; )

Christine - []
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 11:44:55 PM

kathy > I've got you beat... I've received that virus e-mail seven times in three different languages.

Can anyone top that? :P

Patrick Toman
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 11:41:58 PM

I'm back from San Diego, (not that ya;ll would have really noticed my absence considering how infrequently I'm able to post anyway) and I had an okay time, got a lotta loot, and have a comment to SJ...

SJ- I disagree with you. Star Wars: The Phantom Menance rocked. The fact the Lucas had the guts to subtitle half the movie by having the aliens speak alien, give almost all the cool lines to a single character (Namely Jar Jar) leave out the stupid 3 year old humor found in Return of The Jedi ala the Ewoks, and didn't try to give some stupid explanation for the force...

Oh wait... That's my brand new copy of THE PHANTOM EDIT that I picked up in San Diego. This video rocks. And its been long enough since I saw Phantom Menance that I've been able to block out a lot of it. Try and obtain a copy of the Phantom Edit, its awesome stuff, and what Menance SHOULD have been...

Wednesday, July 25, 2001 10:59:22 PM


Okay, this is both amusing and sad. Amusing cause it is very laughable, but sad because this person is stupid enough to believe this. I know this kid, who became stupid literally over night.

He read in this book that George Washington was in fact not the first President of the United States but the 9th (later he said the 13th). The REAL first President was half-black, half hispanic, and helped finance the Revolution (I forget the name, or if he even gave me one), and that this is not in the history books because it is a racist conspiracy.

After my initial moment of shock and disbelief followed by a lot of effort not to laugh at him, I asked what he is basing this on, and what evidence there is. He replied by saying he saw pictures of coins with this man on them, and paintings. "Okay..." I said to myself and tried even harder not to laugh. I explained to him how easy it is to fake that sort of thing. But he firmly held on to his beliefs.

This has got to be the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. Yes it is a sad thing that racism exists, and I wish it didn't (I am not now nor was I ever a racist). But this story makes no sense whatsoever, and made me embarassed to even know him.

I was just talking to JEB about this on IM and here's what he had to say about this...

"So, in other words, ONE book says that and he disregards all the THOUSANDS since the beginning of America that say the RIGHT thing?"

Gods, I can't believe he actually believes that.


RODLOX> According to Greg Weisman, Owen was pulled away from whatever he was doing during "The Mirror" and serving Demona as Puck.

Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 07:10:53 PM

Aaron: <If you ever wanted to hear Owen Burnett as a depressed elf> Wasn't he already? :)

everyone: here's a mind game that hopefully won't be hard for you {though i can't figure it out}...
If Puck created Owen Burnett as his alter-ego -- what happened to Owen during _The Mirror_?

just a random curious. :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2001 03:36:29 PM

Imzadi wins the 5 cybercookies.

What's worse than being spammed? Someone forging the email address by putting your email address in the from field.

I disagree with both political parties.
Here's what I want: committmens to pay down the national debt by at least $100 billion annually, all the loop holes in the tax code removed (thus restoring a free market economy to America) and a max rate of 15% set up for personal income tax. Take Matthew Lesko's books and use them as guides in where to cut spending. Require full disclosure of all contributors to campaigns (not limit individual contributions), but disallow only foreign investors from buying political clout. Increase military pay to the point where the military earns as much as least 3/4 as much money as the private sector counterpart.

DPH - []
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 02:23:14 PM

Either my computer is being a pain or there is a real slowdown.
Green Baron - []
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 12:14:10 PM

JOSH> Big tax cuts for everyone. When I say pro-gun, I mean anti-gun control. Cause reading that, it's not clear even to me. Also, the Political Party would eventually seek world domination ;)
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 10:04:24 AM

That's twice now that someone has sent me that bloody virus. Here's a varient to look out for: the message arrives as an attachment too so that you can't read the text without opening it. This version showed up with a resume (allegedly). People suck.

Best of the rest of the day to all.
kathy - []
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 08:36:53 AM

*Warpmind sticks his head in again, grinning maliciously.*

Oh, and Aaron? Guess who's getting a Winux t-shirt soon? }:) TAUNT!!!

*Disappears again*

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 07:06:58 AM

*Warpmind enters, singing loudly. "Estuans interius, ira vehementi, estuans interius, ira vehementi..." Blinking, he stops.* Heh... guess which mp3 I just got ahold of, along with the lyrics? }:) (Cyber-cookie to whoever gets the exact reference...) Maybe that song is something to perform at G'02, with a full orchestra and choir?

Xanathar: Charms? Ethereal Items? Bah, I'm going for the Rune Word items, and the extended stash! And, of course, the main issue is that... *Slobber* assassin... I dunno, maybe I *do* have a fetish for women in snug, flexible armor... };)

Green Baron: We're pretty much a free market already, just very very excessively taxed... and for your information, Moochie is Gunjack Valentine. Lain renamed him. }:)

Aaron: The ad I mentioned at The Gathering - a good-looking redhead in a business outfit, saying she "never goes anywhere without mace in her purse"... eerie, no? }:)

Revel: And to think all my new nicknames were caused by one simple action, namely shaving. ;) As for destroying the US economy... no prob. Just take out the Federal Reserve Bank. A pony nuke should be able to do so quite permanently... };)

Gside: Sorry, no druid for me, at least, not at first... I'll go for the Necromancer as soon as I'm done drooling over the Assassin. As for the neural liquid - yes, it's just a shock absorber... but imagine the fun after you've drained someone's head of it, and kept him alive through the process. Time to send him through something guaranteed to shake. }:) As for the modem... not sure about the baud rate, but it's SLOW! (Then again, I'm just *used* to ISDN, so anything short of that is insufferably slow...)

Saw something about the nineties on History Channel today... they had a really bad choice of words... claimed that Starr nailed Clinton with Lewinsky... I mean, SURELY they could have chosen a better way to say it...

Archwolf: Good to have you back. Say, too bad I didn't have the opportunity/time to seek you out... we still on for a little test of skill once we meet? I'm looking into getting a hodachi now... }:)

Josh: The expansion pack is glorious. And no, I haven't even seen it yet. Just read a LOT about it at :) As for being sold to fanboys... dude, those ladies had free will. Do you *really* think they all passed up the chance to be personally worshipped for life? };)

Well, that concludes my post... back to work.
*Walks out, singing "Veni veni venias, ne me mori facias, veni veni venias, ne me mori facias..."*

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 06:49:54 AM


Today, against my better judgement, I went outside, under that big yellow glowing ball. We had lunch on one of Tahoe's beaches, then I rented a waverunner for an hour while my brother had a wakeboarding lesson. I think I was born for those things. Its been 3 years since I've been on a waverunner, and I loved every minute of it. Jumping through wakes, spraying water left and right, kicking up to about 50MPH (although I've taken them up to 70 before). I had a great time.

Alright, which one of you morons is responsible for me getting that stupid ineffectual email virus? That means: which ones of you have me in your address books!?

Cuz if you do, I'm flattered 8-)

Just watched Coyote Ugly. It was cute. There were some really hot chicks in it. That's all I have to say about it.

Hey, I didn't get abused today!


We just saw Legally Blonde with Reese Witherspoon. It was really funny. Few things are funnier than watching some fantasy about a rich ditz doing something impressive. I grew up with that kind of LA-branded prada-pumped kate spade-carrying braindead bimbos (no hard feelings, I assure you!) and I'd stake my new computer that they'll never amount to anything more impressive than becoming a trophy wife.

Angry rants at spoiled brats aside, I really did like this movie. It was a hysterical look at Harvard Law School (which, in my arrogant academic opinion, isn't good enough for me so PHHHHHBT Haaaa-vad). Reese Witherspoon plays a stereotypical Silverstone-style clueless L.A. girl who decides shes going to go to Harvard Law so she can be with the guy who just dumped her. Along the way, she encounters Selma Blair, who plays her ex's new fiance (that guy works fast!). I think Selma Blair is really sexy (of course, I'm also insanely jealous of her as she got to kiss Sarah Michelle Gellar in Cruel Intentions), more so than Reese Witherspoon.

Witherspoon's character pretty much gets chewed out by her classmates and professors alike, although pulling up to Harvard Law in a Porsche Boxter could have that effect. No one is quite sure how she got in, least of all the admissions officers (that is one hysterical scene, I might add, where they focus on the admissions committee looking at her "video essay").

Witherspoon winds up as an intern on a murder case where the suspect was a member of Witherspoon's old sorority. Naturally, Witherspoon's character's useless knowledge of hair care products saves the day (and the client), and along the way she gets hit on by one of her professors and picks up a new love interest and makes some new friends along the way.

The jokes were frequent and clever, Witherspoon plays her role convincingly (too much so?), and the soundtrack was even decent.

Overall, I recommend it to both guys and girls alike. This isn't much of a couples movie or a romantic comedy. But it is funny.

*****END SPOILERS******


Fire Storm: <<Our money is NOT silver or gold backed>>: It was, originally. That's why I said "IN THEORY, I can go into Ft. Knox...". Ever since inflation, it hasn't been the case. <<Our money is litteraly only worth the paper it is printed on>>: If that much. <<The only REAL government currency is coins>>: Which usually get inflated way past the cost of manufacturing and materials. <<Very little of the money out there is actually backed by gold>>: Um, no. Most of the worlds money is backed by gold. Those massive gold vaults as depicted in Die Hard 3 really do exist, and they are the foundation for exchange rates, etc. <<is basicaily notes saying that yes, I have faith in the government>>: If that's true, its amazing that money works at all. How much faith do YOU have in YOUR government? ;-) <<do you really think the government has $50 trillion dollars worth of gold>>: Is that how much cash is in circulation? I don't think that's right. In any case, it doesn't much matter. As I said above, ORIGINALLY, the money was a portion of the government's gold reserves. Originally, there certainly wasn't 50 trillion in cash floating around. Hence inflation, lack of gold backing, etc. <<But time and managers prevent this>>: It's all a question of priorities. My nifty tech support job is slow enough that I have time to post, and my "managers" are conveniently located in New York ;-) <<Works in PCs AND MACs>>: Perhaps, but I have quality and warranty and return policy standards that I like to adhere to. The companies I trust most for RAM are Crucial and Transint'l. They have decent prices, but they're certainly not record-setting prices. <<Pray you did it under someone elses name. Or shoot your sarge>>: Today we were joking about my mother getting drunk and accidently enlisting my was funny. <<I have to buy one for my server AND my laptop>>: Ditto. <<Just Microsoft Outlook>>: As in, Microsoft Outlook is a virus or we only have to worry about viruses that propogate through Outlook? Either way you're right ;-) <<Two more: Dial up>>: Hey, if I can do it, anyone can.

Baldy: <<I just might have the Diablo 2 Expansion Pack by the weekend!>>: Awesome! Let me know how it is. My roommate is a big Diablo fan. <<I might have to give him a kidney someday>>: A small price to pay, IMNSHO. <<But your machine's got such an annoying message!>>: What does it say? <<no, they were never sold to fanboys>>: Well they should have been! Uh, before they got civil rights... <<the American dollar bills is just the only currency I know of where that detail is actually printed on the bills>>: Amazing that our government actually trusts us with that dangerous knowledge, isn't it? <<Those questions will never be clearly answered>>: Bastard.

Xanathar: <<I get the feeling that I've unintensionally offened you,I'm sorry if I have :(. >>: He was joking. <<having to set up seven computers for a lan party on your own>>: Ya know, that actually sounds like fun...if its a bunch of macs and I'm using airport. Sounds like a nightmare on windows.

Kathy: <<Anybody else have trouble getting on line over the last day and a half?>>: Only if count this pathetic 24000 connection speed as "trouble" <<soliciting people for interviews>>: SWEET! <<treat him nice and don't blow him off>>: When have we ever blown off someone? ;-) <<doesn't mean you shouldn't exploit it for all it's worth>>: Yeah, they've got Octoberfest over there... <<I hope you don't implode waiting for the new computer>>: How much would THAT suck. I probably will implode, what with that cursed 5-7 week expected wait. Talk about dangling a carrot... <<It sounds sweet>>: Yes, yes it does. <<I too don't believe I'll ever keep up with this room>>: I'm anxious to see what happens when I try to go to Canada.

Green Baron: <<I still feel that being single>>: Actually, there are some really cute German chicks. Just stay away from those doped-up olympic swimmers. <<OK, you're a bigger putz>>: Um, do you know what putz means, literally? <<he hit on everyone, just ask Mara>>: What a hound dog. <<Who is moochie?>>: Gunjack Valentine. We call him moochie because, well, Lain made the mistake of calling him that once. Similar to the reason that we call Warpmind "Baldy" and Coyote the Bando "Sappy". <<tax free pay is better than anything else in this world, well almost anything else>>: Good thing you added that "almost", because there are some things that are better than tax free pay...unless your salary is REALLY high, in which case there aren't. <<Maybe I can invade France for old times sakes>>: Should be pretty easy. They surrender 20 minutes into an assault anyway. <<I can encourage the locals to invade France>>: I can't wait to hear the news: "Today, an accounting error in Germany led to the invasion of France". <<make them all take showers>>: And shave. <<We went off the gold standard in 1974, btw>>: My bad.

Aaron: <<I think I'm addicted to ebay>>: Fun to shop, see how much my stuff is worth, but all I've ever bought there is one lousy connector...and it didn't work. <<I can't be a Republican either because I'm pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia and pro-legalization of narcotics>>: Ya know, the thought of getting my taxes cut is enough to keep me on the elephant side. I'm a greedy mofo. <<But I know I'll make the Gathering, come Hell or high water>>: I'm starting to feel the same way. <<Um, such as?>>: Wings, chicks, money, a Mercedes-Benz SLR, more new computers every 6 months or so. <<Giving me lots of money to work with might help>>: Giving me lots of money would accomplish those things just as quickly. <<Pr0n>>: Is it really? <<I was thinking Dominique Destine actually>>: Yeah, but I was right ;-) <<Demona fetish>>: You and every other male garg just got a tatoo. <<"I can *imagine* quite a lot.">>: So true. <<a good lawyer can make it disappear in no time>>: I plan on being one, not needing another one. <<Which was more annoying, Brittany Spears, or the little girl with Jack Palance's voice?>>: The little girl. At least I can drool over Britney. <<would the hotel in question be the Universal Sheraton, per chance?>>: Heh, heh. Obviously not, because then you could pay with a credit card. <<a $285 no-show fee>>: SUCK. <<I get the feeling this motel will be standing... until I pay my bill>>: No, but there are plenty of US's around the country to look you up and collect. <<the only foreign capital city named after an American president>>: Why the hell did they do that? <<And she had a penchant for heavy oak furniture>>: Thank god I'm a weak scrawny one ever asks me to do anything that involves heavy lifting. I'm not even sure how I'll get my new computer up the 4 flights of stairs to my apartment! <<Note for next year's con: Layered look>>: You must be a lousy card player...I'll be sure to take advantage of that. <<is opening the email enough to get the virus, or do you have to open the attachment?>>: Best to not worry about it and just delete it on sight. <<this is where I go and hide in the corner, right?>>: Are you kidding me!? You are one of the best speakers in this group! <<all the text in the fic archive being invisible?>>: I had that problem too. <<Owen Burnett as a depressed elf>>: Um, Owen Burnett IS a depressed elf...

Anyone in here play the card game "@$$hole" or "tin man"? I was thinking we could play it at G2k2...

Greg X: <<we could always form a new political party>>: What are the policies on taxes of this party? Cuz so far, other than the pro-gun...I kinda like it.

Jan: <<only allowing myself to go there occasionally>>: I don't understand the addiction...what is it you buy? <<my eyes didn't gaze lower than your "breasts">>: And neither did anyone else's! <<God and the devil flipped a coin and God lost>>: How do you think I was conceived! <<I feel as if I can talk straight with Josh>>: It's good that you feel that way, cuz you can. I fear no opinions. <<He's not thin-skinned>>: Thick skinned and thick headed, that's me! <<I hope that he knows that if I give him a hard time about something, it's done with friendship still in tact>>: Of course I know that. As my friend, I expect you to give me a hard time about everything ;-) <<when you have a fiance' who thinks it's ok to have a couch on the porch!>>: Exactly what else would you put on a porch? <<how many more days/hours/minutes/seconds till you receive your new Mac thingy?>>: MAC THINGY!? MAC THINGY!? It is not a "mac thingy"! It is a dual-processor G4 tower! Not that I expect you or anyone else to remember that, you can call it "mac", "computer" or whatever name I finally select for it. Actually, I don't really care that you called it "mac thingy" ;-) I just wanted to respond stereotypically as an computer geek.

Revel: <<It's hot, I'm tired and you know what I don't like it>>: Well then get the hell out of Texas. <<I 'm still not totally sure why she called either>>: She thought about you, realized it was the best sex she'd ever had, and decided that she should hit that again if she could. <<Well rasberry to you too, it's not my bloody fault it just kind of happened SUE ME>>: Ya know, in a few years I'll be a lawyer and you won't be able to make that joke anymore... <<there are worse things to be addicted to>>: Like caffiene! <<the world would slip into an apacalyptic nightmare of carnage and destruction>>: Not that different from when I take over. <<If I were the leader the world would be a better place, because there would be no world>>: If I were leader it'd at least be a lot quieter, cuz I think I'd execute a few billion idiots.

Entity: <<I wasn't the one who spread it to TGS staffers, was I?>>: If it was, you're on my list, punk! ;-) j/k. An honest mistake. <<I swear, I'm going to hunt down>>: When you do, call me and my friends. We'll have a party and beat the snot out of them. <<lifeless individuals who craft these things for no personal gain>>: Oh, there's a personal gain: they get off on knowing they're annonymously causing damage to millions of people.

Sevarius Jr: Hey bud, long time no see. <<once more crawling out of the pit from which I came before!>>: You oughta leave Detroit before it kills you. <<My, this CR has been very quite without me>>: Eh, we go through slow spells every once in a while. I don't want to give you full credit! <<somebody please explain Neil Young to me?>>: I can't, any more than I can explain how I like Tool or NIN or any other artist. <<I'd be looking for sharp objects to poke out my eardrums with>>: It happens to me too with much of my parents' other music. <<country station, non-stop, for an entire week than listen to a Neil Young album>>: I thought he WAS country...shows what I know. <<I just don't get the fascination with him>>: Its not a fascination with him. I can tell you that its not his voice, which I find almost as atrocious as Bob Dylan's. His lyrics are good and his music is decent, though I'm annoyed that all of his albumbs are musically virtually identical. <<my hatred for most all music that predates my birth is well-documented>>: Well, then I think you're missing out a bit. So much of your favorite music has roots in stuff that was written before you were born. <<Insanity: the drug of choice!>>: I prefer caffeine. <<when I talk about how good of an actor Chuck Heston>>: He's not bad. But somehow I'll never think about him as anything other than Moses. <<Then again, can you *really* call golf a sport?>>: No, and for that reason Tennis wins as more gay. Actually, its more a rich person thing. It'd be gay if a poor person got into it. <<I almost went, because I dig Ed Norton>>: He is one of the most brilliant actors ever. Fight Club. That's all I have to say about that. Do you have any idea how hard it is to win an MTV award for beating the crap out of yourself? <<He's good in pretty much everything>>: And he's in pretty much everything. And barely gets nominated for anything ever. <<while not the best Star Wars book I've ever read, was MUCH BETTER THAN STAR WARS THE PHANTOM MENACE>>: Any Star Wars book is better than the Phantom Menace. <<One of my choices for gayest movie ever>>: Not a choice. It IS the greatest movie ever. <<They're oiling themselves up to play volleyball>>: Um, is this why you think its so great? I thought you were straight. <<If you ain't got what Britney has, don't complain>>: And if you do, I don't want to hear your complaints! <<SO?>>: Exactly. Who the hell cares if its fake? <<Don't beat us over the head with your thinly veiled references!>>: "My little blue friend" was quite enough, thanks Bob. <<I won't get a chance to drool over you if I make it>>: Yeah, it irritates the hell out of me too. Oh well, there will be others. And at least we'll be elsewhere. <<What a wonderfully trusting individual he is>>: Shoot him in the foot. That's always a good solution. <<And people say I'm disturbed>>: No, I know you too well (since you're really me)'re nucking futs! <<Suicide: Sometimes it just makes the world a better place>>: In my opinion, it always has that effect. If you're a coward and you think that removing yourself from the population will help us all, there's probably a good reason. <<is there ANY situation in which you approve of ANYONE criticizing ANYTHING?>>: A better question would be "is this the result that a job as head of TGS edits has on people?" If so, Greg is gonna find himself without a lot of friends, which I hope doesn't happen. <<greatest Vietnam War comedy ever made>>: Amen. <<Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much!>>: I quoted that line to my dad the other night! <<And neither should they!>>: And they are trying. They've even forgotten the holocaust. <<Tool, "The Patient", Lateralus>>: I gotta get that album.

Niamhgold: <<now that it's my parents' twenty fifth anniversary>>: No way. My parents 25th is coming up soon too. I'll have to be clever. I hate being clever like that, for them. <<I guess your plan worked>>: YES! I RULE! <<you made the top of my posting list this time>>: And a long prestigious list! <<I don't have time to respond in length to your post>>: Curses. Foiled again. <<I'll save you one of the Sister's prints>>: Thanks, you rock. I'll be mailing you (insert reasonable amount of cash) as soon as my birthday rolls around again and my bank account has recovered slightly from purchasing a dual-processor macintosh. <<ego-boost of knowing that you got the riddle perfectly correct>>: What can I say, I'm a genius! Chicks dig it. <<Now it's _your_ turn to ask one... >>: I don't have any good riddles right now. I just demonstrate my brilliance (and my modesty, apparently) by answering them.

Gside: <<But I'm sure it doesn't have your favorite title>>: Hmmm...I dunno...which one should it be? I guess "The World is Not Enough" since its about me 8-) <<our confidence in the government>>: It'll fall apart tomorrow, then. <<If they can't, they're poorly designed>>: True dat! <<I'm wating for you to badmouth that last one>>: XB? <<You know everyone goes for it first because of the kielbasa>>: Is it possible that it could be less intimidating than France? <<It was my theory, I'm definitely going to say something>>: Well don't keep us in suspense! <<Oh wait, you weren't talking to me...>>: No, I wasn't. Of course you're not. You'd STAY in Castle Anthrax. Winterwolf just wants to sing. <<A... comfy chair?>>: No, it'd be ill-tempered. <<Then why are you complaining?>>: I'm not. Am I? <<Or at least a closer approximation to one than you, skinny>>: Yeah, I'm a line. <<I also meant in my field of work, CivE>>: Oh, my bad. <<And let that be a lesson>>: Indeed it is. <<I said it first>>: No, you just posted it first. My posts are written over a 10-14 hour period. <<The reason Looking Glass milk wouldn't have tasted good>>: Huh? <<Not to leave the room, even if you come and get him>>: No. He's allowed to leave with me. You just stay here, and make sure he doesn't leave until I come an' get him. <<we'll get it all covered between the five of us>>: I certainly hope so. <<too many insinuations of homosexuality one can make before it gets old>>: I don't think watching college males react to insinuations of homosexuality ever gets old. We're so insecure. <<Since I'm on a cable modem now, refer back to cheapness>>: Wait, you don't get a free dialup account with your cable access? <<And it's all his fault, though it came from Lain>>: Well, if he wasn't her property, he wouldn't be called moochie! ;-)

Archwolf: <<Had one of those days again where i damn near cried i wanted a bottle of Jamison's so bad>>: I call those "school days". <<one word. Mandrake>>: Linux? Yeah, most viruses to my knowledge are written by Linux users looking to score a hit against Micro$haft. Go get 'em!

DPH: <<the CR is at peace>>: For now. <<5 cookies to the first person who can guess what I'm thinking about>>: BFTS? Or whatever you're little RP is?

K folks, I'm off to dreamland.

You’re going to die very badly.
-The bad guy, "No Escape"

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Truckee, CA, US of A
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 02:58:02 AM

About the virus - funny thing was that I didn't recognize the email address the virus came from. I don't keep any email addresses in my address book, but I do keep the last email I received from somebody so I can email him/her again by hitting the 'Reply' button. My only conclusion is that the virus infected somebody who bought a list of email addresses.

I've been on a group (ok, I created that group) that has been working on setting up a tournament for a game. I finally put the proposed rules up for a vote. I'm going to be nervous watching the outcome and clarifying any questions about the proposed rules.

SJ - the CR is at peace. Hmm. Apparantly, someone managed to chase DisHarmony miles away from the CR. Either that, or she is working on something really, really big argument in the CR designed to tear this CR apart. Sadly, only time will tell which of these is true.

This CR has been missing something for quite a while. 5 cookies to the first person who can guess what I'm thinking about.

1+1=-3 or is it $10.03-$6.13=$4.00?

DPH - []
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 02:53:02 AM

*Returns, still tired, but still good* Had one of those days again where i damn near cried i wanted a bottle of Jamison's so bad. Glad i didn't fall off the wagon.

For Aaron, Gside, Warps, anyone i missed who welcomed me back, *bows* Thankee. Is good to finally be back. Still a lot going on, still dealing with some things, but on the whole, on the mend.

Imazadi>Computer Names>>I have Agamemnon now, and my new Tbird 1.4GHz, 2Gig DDR Ram is Fionn..or will be, when the Ram gets here.... And for Viruses and not being affected by word. Mandrake.

Green Baron>Don't be too harsh on Germany. I spent 8 of the firts 9 years of my life there. All my really strong memories are of the Wall, the church bells, the alerts the gunfire the....uhm...never mind. The scenery is great though. Just wait till the mustard fields are in bloom! Man, what a great shade of yellow!

Lessee...what else. Writting, programming, War Hammering. Nothing else going on really.

Well, that be all. If you ladies, gentlemen, scoundrels, gargs and xenomorphs will excuse me, I must step out now. Farewell.

Shade and Sweet Water
Archwolf - []
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 01:24:00 AM

Imzadi> <<What have you guys and gals named your computers?>>: I label just about everything Gside (wexcept for my DII characters), but since it's getting a big honking rune painted on the side, it's becoming
| /
<<My personal favorite Bond flick>>: But I'm sure it doesn't have your favorite title.
<<They represent a share of the government's gold>>: Not anymore. I believe Nixon took us off the gold standard, so the only thing backing them is our confidence in the government.
<<Can they lick themselves?>>: If they can't, they're poorly designed.
<<What exactly could they do?>>: go watch LBG. You'll figure it out.
<<An N64>>: GC? DC? XB? I'm wating for you to badmouth that last one.
<<try not to get conquered>>: That's not a problem. If he was in Poland, on the other hand... You know everyone goes for it first because of the kielbasa.
<<If he doesn't, can I?>>: Ha! It was my theory, I'm definitely going to say something.
<<I bet you're gay!>>: No I'm not. Oh wait, you weren't talking to me... Nevermind then. Heh.
<<Silly me, I'd have used a chair>>: A... comfy chair?
<<I also wasn't online at the time>>: Then why are you complaining?
<<You don't have one? Are you a point?>>: Well, yes. Or at least a closer approximation to one than you, skinny. And I also meant in my field of work, CivE.
<<I should never have doubted you>>: And let that be a lesson.
<<That's what I said!>>: I said it first.
<<Let's hear it for chirality!>>: The reason Looking Glass milk wouldn't have tasted good.
<<You stay here, and make sure he doesn't leave>>: Not to leave the room, even if you come and get him.
<<you don't respond to half the things that are just begging for you to say something>>: But I figure, with you, me, Warpmind, Moochie returning eventually, and should we ever drag Wilek back, we'll get it all covered between the five of us. That, and there's just too many insinuations of homosexuality one can make before it gets old.

Fire Storm> <<Two words: Cellular Modem>>: Don't have, too cheap to get one for the little use it'd get over the next couple of years.
<<Two more: Dial up>>: Since I'm on a cable modem now, refer back to cheapness.

Warpmind> <<I just might have the Diablo 2 Expansion Pack by the weekend>>: Congratulations. Let me know how it is. And remember, go for the Druid, it's all about the spellslingers.
<<you forget that neural liquid... is a body fluid as well>>: Nah, it's just not as fun. I mean, just about all it does is be a shock absorber.
<<Old modem. OLD modem>>: 9600 baud?

Xanathar> <<I get the feeling that I've unintensionally offened you>>: No, not at all. I'm just making fun of the non existance of Canada. I mean no one can be that nice. Then again, about half of the population is a cousin of mine of some variety.

Green Baron> <<Who is moochie?>>: Gunjack. It's a bit of a story. And it's all his fault, though it came from Lain.

Aaron> <<Or just do Astral Vision, like Rezo>>: Cop out. And think about how much easier Mu Tsu could get his dream if he learned blind fighting.
<<What's a guy to do?>>: Go anarchist.
<<How ‘bout poisoned aphrodisiac darts, so at least you die happy>>: Not if you can't find a woman (or a viable substitute).
<<Am I the only one having a problem with all the text in the fic archive being invisible?>>: Nope.
<<Owen Burnett as a depressed el>>: Is that Khalid? Though I love Boo (and, by extension, Minsc). Every hamster will have his day.

Sev. Jr.> <<my hatred for most all music that predates my birth is well-documented>>: Then you are missing out on a whole bunch of very good stuff. And I haven't even started considering this century yet.
<<Urotsukidoji references are seriously pushing the envelope of the PG-13 rating in this room>>: Not until we start analyzing the biology and evolutionary influences of the shikima.

Na zodorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 12:38:33 AM

** Niamhgold enters quickly **

Ugh, no time for a long post...just the basics! The sap factor at my house has skyrocketed, now that it's my parents' twenty fifth anniversary. I gave them the comic my bro and I made, and then they followed that up with a bunch of the sweet little gifts that married couples do. I'm just in a rush to finish up for this showing, and pack for Disney :) So much for an easy, relaxing, summer vacation!

Josh: I guess your plan worked; you made the top of my posting list this time :) Unfortunately, I don't have time to respond in length to your post, probably not until tomorrow night (I'll probably email ya then, too). In the meanwhile, I'll save you one of the Sister's prints (one of the ones that has the gold-leaf ink on it), and let you have ego-boost of knowing that you got the riddle perfectly correct ;) Now it's _your_ turn to ask one...

Winterwolf: Heya, pal! ** Hugs ** Yeah, I'll have to catch up to ya with an in-depth email, too. Or, I'll just go on IM one night when I have some extra time, cool?

Aggh, all the time for now...sorry!

Tuesday, July 24, 2001 11:46:03 PM

I return again, once more crawling out of the pit from which I came before! My, this CR has been very quite without me. No flame wars, no arguments, JackaL even managed to somehow NOT piss anyone off (unless you count Aris). Hell, even Kaioto posted once, and you know that probably wouldn't have happened if I had been strutting around in here. Who knows? If I had gone another couple days without posting, Sybil…..I mean, Doug….I mean….well, whoever "it" really is…might have posted. Well, probably not, but anything can happen in the TGS CR.

So, on with the commentary! Some of this may be old, since I haven't posted in about 2 weeks…..

Josh: << It even helped me develop an appreciation for Neil Young>> Okay, somebody please explain Neil Young to me? I mean, if I had to listen to his music for more than say….oh, five minutes, I'd be looking for sharp objects to poke out my eardrums with. I'd rather listen to a country station, non-stop, for an entire week than listen to a Neil Young album. I just don't get the fascination with him. Then again, my hatred for most all music that predates my birth is well-documented, and Neil Young is certainly old enough for me to put him in that category. <<Okay, time for replies! If they seem a, its because I'm ingesting alcohol right now.>> My replies always seem that way, but I don't ingest alcohol. Insanity: the drug of choice! <<Okay we watched Planet of the Apes (the original).>> People laugh at me, sometimes, when I talk about how good of an actor Chuck Heston is (they can't get past their foolish and insecure misgivings about his NRA work). I point to this movie. Forget all of his other work, this movie proves he's a genius. No one can say "damn dirty ape" like he can! And to replace him with Marky Mark? Unbelievable. I just know the new movie is going to suck, if for no other reason than they took out the monkey sex. Why go and see the movie if we don't get to see the Helena Bonham Carter ape eat Marky Mark's banana? <<while Dad and Alex go play Tennis.>> Which is the more gay sport: Tennis or Golf? I say golf. Then again, can you *really* call golf a sport? <<Then we went home for a few hours and saw The Score at about 645. It RULED!>> I haven't seen this film yet, because as a rule, I tend to stay away from Bobby DeNiro pics (Most overrated actor in Hollywood, or biggest movie whore in Hollywood [he will do ANY film if you throw the cash his way. Don't believe me? 3 words: Rocky and Bullwinkle]? You decide!). I almost went, because I dig Ed Norton. HE, IMO, is one of the best actors in Hollywood today. He's good in pretty much everything. <<Meanwhile, I've been reading the new Star Wars book, Rogue Planet.>> I read that. Decent. Greg Bear is no Tim Zahn, though. Ironically enough, the novel, while not the best Star Wars book I've ever read, was MUCH BETTER THAN STAR WARS THE PHANTOM MENACE. Sorry about the caps, I just put that up there so that the Lucas defenders would see that loud and clear. <<We're watching Top Gun now.>> One of my choices for gayest movie ever. I mean, seriously. They're oiling themselves up to play volleyball. "You want a piece of me, Iceman?" <<that slutty Pepsi commercial again>>: The Britney Spears one?>> I see a lot of women dislike that ad. Well, MEOW! If you ain't got what Britney has, don't complain. "It's all implants and plastic surgery". SO? My only complaint about that commercial is Bob Dole at the end. Okay, we get it Pepsi-he ain't talking to the dog when he says, "Settle down, boy." Don't beat us over the head with your thinly veiled references!

SOROW: <<I'm not going to the Gathering next year.>> Goddamnit! Next year is maybe my best chance to go to a Gathering, and I won't get a chance to drool over you if I make it. Life isn't fair.

Lain: Well, what's so wrong with spelling it "dialog" or "catalog"? I think it's you wacky Canadians who have been spelling things so differently all this time. ;)
BTW, do you guys get South Park up in the Great White North? My favorite line from last week's show, in reference to those great Canadian entertainers, Terrence and Phillip: Woman, in horror: "Dear God! Why do their heads look like that???" Man: "It's okay, honey. They're just Canadian." ;)
Thumbs up to your father for giving you back your computer. He does deserve a well-placed boot up side his arse for taking out the modem though. What a wonderfully trusting individual he is. Have you ever talked with him about just how much of a control complex he has?
<<im building a jesus out of computer parts.>> Your own……personal…..Jesus…..Someone to hear your prayers, someone who cares…..everybody, groove with me to the sounds of 80's synth pop!

Aaron: <<Ooh, ooh, you be the Japanese schoolgirl, and I'll bring the Catholic schoolgirl, and Wolfie and I can wear the Overfiend costume...>> And people say I'm disturbed. Urotsukidoji references are seriously pushing the envelope of the PG-13 rating in this room. ;)
<<I'm pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia and pro-legalization of narcotics.>> I'm a rather complicated guy. I'm anti-abortion, and anti-euthanasia, but if you want to kill yourself somewhere between those two points, I'm all for it! Suicide: Sometimes it just makes the world a better place.

Stephen: Okay, this will come off as a bit standoffish, but, in regards to Aaron's reviews of FF:TSW and Atlantis, is there ANY situation in which you approve of ANYONE criticizing ANYTHING? If the guy thinks the movies suck, he has a right to shout it from the mountain tops.

Fire Storm: <<PSA: STAY OUT OF THE MILITARY!>> Extremely sound advice. With all due respect to our fellow CR brethren, I think you have to be a little off in the head to join the military. Not that I don't respect our boys and girls in the service, but anyone who voluntarily would sign up for the FMJ treatment must be a little soft in the noggin, if you ask me.
Hey! A fellow Full Metal Jacket fan! As I've said countless times before: greatest Vietnam War comedy ever made.
Joker: How can you kill women and children?
Gunner: Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much! Ha ha! Ain't war hell?

Green Baron: <<I found out that I am being stationed to Germany>> Oh my. Well, while you are over there, Hogan, remember to remind your German neighbors, every single day, that we Americans "Never Forget". And neither should they!

JackaL: made up with Aris. Was that an earthquake I just felt? Was that one of the 7 trumpets of the Lord I just heard? I think the final days of Judgement are upon us, and Apocalypse has begun. We are all slouching towards Gehenna.
But thank you for honestly answering my "get high with pets" question. I had a feeling that you'd done that before. If I were to ever meet you in person, that's one experiment I would love to perform. Let's just hope that they don't prosecute us for animal abuse! >:)

A groan of tedium escapes me, startling the fearful.
Is this a test? It has to be.
Otherwise I can't go on.
Draining patience, drained vitality,
this paranoid, paralyzed,
vampire act's a little old.

---Tool, "The Patient", Lateralus

Sevarius Jr. - []
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 11:08:16 PM

NOTE TO CHRISTINE! - Please, please re-authorize my ICQ number on your contact list! Need to get some info from you, pronto!

Also, watch your email for some posts from me... namely my book review for Sabledrake Magazine, and a new version of my "Bridging Universes" article! New and Improved!

Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 10:52:37 PM

DPH> I wasn't the one who spread it to TGS staffers, was I?

That stupid virus... I swear, I'm going to hunt down the pathetic, lifeless individuals who craft these things for no personal gain, but merely because they have nothing better to do, and I will kill them... to quote Goliath.

Anyway, yeah, got the Sircam virus... like an innocent little child I opened the attachment... Norton apparently wasn't enabled to scan my email, which is odd because I definitely would not have UNchecked something like that, meaning it was defaulted that way upon installation... But hopefully it's gone now. I hope.

My apologies to anyone who got sent stuff from me. (Though it was nice hearing from you again, kathy.)

Tuesday, July 24, 2001 09:47:54 PM

Man what a week. It's hot, I'm tired and you know what I don't like it. Not that it's going to change anything, but I just thought I'd say that. An interesting thing happened the other day. Sunday, I think. I got this call at about 10:30 or so from an old friend of mine who moved to Wisconsin back in 94. I had kept up with her for a while through letters and phone calls but after High school I just stopped talking to her. The out of the blue, over 2 years later she calls. That was about the last thing I was ever expecting. I 'm still not totally sure why she called either.

Josh- Well rasberry to you too, it's not my bloody fault it just kind of happened SUE ME!

Aaron- well, there are worse things to be addicted to, but I'll let you guess what I'm thinking since our minds are very similar ];)

Jan- well at least I like the Houston radio stations OUT-LAW DAVE ROCKS!!

Warp (Baldy/Fuzzy)- whew, you're starting to accumulate more nick names than me and that's hard to do. YOu know what's really cool. If we were to totally destroy the entire monetary system the world would slip into an apacalyptic nightmare of carnage and destruction. Woo Hoo, Mad Max baby!

"If I were the leader the world would be a better place, because there would be no world"
-Tim again-


Revel - []
the bayou city, tx
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 09:12:35 PM

Tuesday, July 24, 2001 09:00:01 PM

Aaron> <<I think I'm addicted to Ebay>> *L* Me too! I don't think that I am, I KNOW that I am! I just finished mailing 47 money orders for various merchandise - all purchased in less than a week *blushes* hehe
I have to force myself to stay out off the Ebay sites - only allowing myself to go there occasionally. ;)
My apartment... it was built in the 40's and is on top of some buildings/offices on the town square. There's actually quite a bit of history attached to the apt. But, it also has high ceilings, very little insulation, and a cheap-ass air conditioning unit. I've called the manager and told her that I will NOT continue living in the heat like I've been doing, so while I'm gone, she is suppose to be having it fixed.
I didn't notice at the masquerade either because well... I hate to admit it, but my eyes didn't gaze lower than your "breasts" *L* ;)
No, no no! Texas doesn't belong to the devil! Well, unless you are referring to the panhandle area! hehe
I also say that Oklahoma is God's country... God and the devil flipped a coin and God lost. ;D

DPH> thanks for the virus info. I finally got rid of the virus that was sent to me via IRC. I rarely use IRC and this file was sent to me called, "MyPicture.jpg" Not thinking, I accepted it... it wasn't a dangerous virus and was actually quite stupid. Anyway, it taught me a lesson without any damage. (the best kind of lesson to learn!)
I'm the one who lives close to Fayetteville, btw. I'm about 45 miles north of there into Missouri :)

Winterwolf> <<You like to tease Josh don’t you?>> ummmm yeah, I'm just teasing *coughs* ;) Actually, I feel as if I can talk straight with Josh. He's not thin-skinned and I hope that he knows that if I give him a hard time about something, it's done with friendship still in tact.
<<Anyway, there were plenty of cute Gathering attendees. :)>> thank you! I'm not saying that you are calling me cute, but there were other cute gals there and they deserved to be recognized too. *nodnodnod*
<<Texas has all the nasty critters they were talking about including killer bees, fire ants and scorpions. Is that just to make things interesting?>> naw, we're tough enough to handle those small pests. ;)
Moving: that's what I'm doing in Houston... moving Michael to Missouri. Then, around the first of September, we'll be moving out of the apt. (mine in MO) into the house... seems like we've spent the past several months moving. =\ Both apartments are upstairs too... argh. I can't lift heavy objects, but I sure do feel bad for the ones who are moving things up and down the stairs. I'll just be glad when we're finally in our house and can begin settling down again.

Spacebabie> *L* I heard that commercial on the way down here.. I say car-mel. ;) I loved the line from the mom when she says, "....when you have a fiance' who thinks it's ok to have a couch on the porch!...." *LOL* Why do I feel this commercial is going to be pretty much one I will have with Anna if she ever gets married... O.o

GB> I'm glad that you've come to some kind of positive terms about being sent to Germany :) That will make it a whole lot nicer and tolerable if you have a positive attitude about going. When we were moving around so much, when I would fight going and hated moving again, it only made my life so much more miserable while we lived there. There was a time when we moved 7 times in less than 3 years.
It's a shame I didn't buy stock in U-Haul during that time! *L*

Josh> *LOL* ummmm how many more days/hours/minutes/seconds till you receive your new Mac thingy? sorry, I can't remember what you called it.

I think I'll go buy some Huey Lewis CD's tomorrow... just saw him on a game show on TV and I like his sound *nods*

but for now... I'm going swimming!

Tuesday, July 24, 2001 08:25:47 PM

Aaron> Well we could always form a new political party. One that's pro-death penalty, pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, pro-Gay Rights, pro-gun, pro-free speech, pro-free market, pro-military, pro-narcotics... etc etc you get my point ;)
Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 06:58:05 PM

Hello, my name is Aaron, and I think I'm addicted to ebay.

Jannie> <<it was hidden behind the trench coat whenever I'd see you>> What about the masquerade? ;) <<the unit itself is too small to hand the square footage, high ceilings and lack of insulation.>> Sounds familiar. Your home wasn't built by a company called Jimcraft by any chance, was it?

Gside> <<Right brainer>> True. And yet, not... <<But if you learn how to navigate well by smell, hearing, and feel>> Or just do Astral Vision, like Rezo.

Josh> <<Whew! Had me worried>> On the other hand, I can't be a Republican either because I'm pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia and pro-legalization of narcotics. What's a guy to do? <<Well, at least your breasts are ;-)>> Eh, close enough. <<You already know where and when you'll be in a year?>> Nope, not a clue. But I know I'll make the Gathering, come Hell or high water. <<Is there any way for you to aquire other things I desperately want?>> Um, such as? Giving me lots of money to work with might help. <<A brochure for what, exactly?>> Pr0n. <<who does that describe>>: Fox ;-)>> I was thinking Dominique Destine actually. <<why is it funny that I should get this?>>: Gorebash award.>> Demona fetish. <<I dunno about other males, but my imagination has few limits.>> In the immortal words of Han Solo, "I can *imagine* quite a lot." <<What if I wake up one morning with a hangover and discover I've enlisted?>> Then it's called an erroneous enlistment and a good lawyer can make it disappear in no time.

Lynati> <<wish me luck>> Good luck!

Christine> <<had to sit through that slutty Pepsi commercial again>> Okay, Aaron's random poll time. Which was more annoying, Brittany Spears, or the little girl with Jack Palance's voice?

Niamhgold> <<poison darts... aphrodisiac darts>> How ‘bout poisoned aphrodisiac darts, so at least you die happy. ;) <<rings>> Hmm, would the hotel in question be the Universal Sheraton, per chance? ;)

Speaking of the US, I got a bill from them for a $285 no-show fee, for the *25th* of June. A day I had already paid the room fee for, when I left. I guess it's like the song goes... "If California slides into the ocean... like the mystics and statistics say it will... I get the feeling this motel will be standing... until I pay my bill."

Baldy> <<same redhead that I saw with the mace ad?>> I doubt it, but maybe. What mace ad?

lain> Exactly how much of Trigun have you seen?

Liberia> If I'm remembering right, Liberia was established by abolitionists in the 1840s-50s with the purpose of colonizing freed slaves back to their ancestral homeland in Africa. Results were mixed. The capital of Liberia is Monrovia, named after then-president James Monroe, one of the forgettable ones between Jefferson and Lincoln. It remains to this day the only foreign capital city named after an American president.

GB> Chin up, and try to have fun in Germany.

Wolfie> <<I spent this weekend moving furniture>> Ouch, you have my sympathy. I remember the last time I helped somebody move. Fifty yards from the truck and then up a flight of stairs. And she had a penchant for heavy oak furniture... <<Texas has all the nasty critters they were talking about including killer bees, fire ants and scorpions. Is that just to make things interesting?>> There is an old saying that God might have made the heaven and earth, but the devil got to make Texas... <<strip poker with a guest of your choice.>> Note for next year's con: Layered look. <<We have to get together again next year!>> Definitely. <<I think we'll need plenty of extra time at the next Gathering. I mean we should make sure to get it just right. ;P>> Of course. We couldn't rehearse the skit enough.

Hi Archwolf.

DPH> Um, is opening the email enough to get the virus, or do you have to open the attachment?

kathy> <<Interviews>> So, this is where I go and hide in the corner, right?

Am I the only one having a problem with all the text in the fic archive being invisible? Not in the fics themselves, but all the descriptions and things.

I discovered something the other day. My new obsession, Baldur's Gate, has gargs voice actors in it. I'd thought so, and when I checked the credits, there they were: Frank Welker, Jim Cummings, Jeff Bennett, and the late great Ed Gilbert. If you ever wanted to hear Owen Burnett as a depressed elf, (good casting, eh?) go dust off a copy today.


Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 06:32:35 PM

Hello all.

I feel better than I did. I admit Germany is not my first choice, but it is a beautiful historic place. I still feel that being single, the assignment is wasted on me. I want to go to the Cathedral in Cologne where my great grandfather was baptised and Confirmed over a century ago, plus my godson is there an dhe's two, now.

Still, I will not do a whole lot of traveling, becuase teh area is expensive and it wasn't like Switzerland where I was being hosted by my Uncles's wealthy ex-fiance.

Lynati> OK, you're a bigger putz :p

SOROW> Maybe you will. I'm going to be visiting one of your old places.

Josh> Christine may be able to tell you about the special effect my three-piece suit with bowtie has on women. She refuses to take credit for me going from a man on his way to the priesthood to the infamous ladies man of G2K, though my flirting days are long gone, especially with my beloved cat dead and he hit on everyone, just ask Mara :)

Warpmind> Well, I hope Norway becomes free market. I won't be too far from you, now.

Kaioto> Well, I'm glad. I'd fear losing you as a friend.

Lain> Who is moochie?

Jan> I admit Germany is a great opportunity, though also an easy way to send me to Kosovo/Bosnia. Well, if I'm sent there, my pay is tax free and tax free pay is better than anything else in this world, well almost anything else :)

Winterwolf> Now, if only I get my baggage back or a refund. I usually have no problem with planes or buses, though.

Firestorm> Well, it won't be too bad. Maybe I can invade France for old times sakes :)

If Attila were alive, I could take a trip to St. Petersburg and do some good old-fashioned black market deals :) and all my earnings can go to a bank in Litchenstein

DPH> I'm more worried about the Socialist Democratic Party in charge. Maybe a Hohenzolleren Kaiser would make Germany a better country.

Imzadi> Conquered.... with all our military there, its doubtful. Maybe I can encourage the locals to invade France, then make them all take showers :)

We went off the gold standard in 1974, btw.

Xanthar> There are worse places. I just wanted to go at a later date.

Kathy> Well, Germany is better than Korea and in all honesty, it is better than Ft Riley, KS, even if I am a hop, skip, and jump from the Balkans (though that means tax free pay).

Auf Weidershein

Green Baron - []
Ft. Benning, GA
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 06:18:19 PM

::Walks in grumbling about idiots and denial of service attacks plus other assorted connectivity issues. ::

Anybody else have trouble getting on line over the last day and a half?

Okay folks, I have an official fandom announcement. A gentleman by the name of Paul Garson who some of you might have met at the Gathering during the Masqerade/Banquet wants to do a freelance article or two about Gargoyles and its fandom. That's you guys. He may be posting here and at s8 proper sometime in the near future soliciting people for interviews. He's on the level. So treat him nice and don't blow him off. But do proceed at your own comfort level in terms of revealing personal information.

Thus ends the Official Fandom Announcement.

Green Baron > Happy landings. Just because this isn't the travel ittinerary of your choosing doesn't mean you shouldn't exploit it for all it's worth.

Josh > I hope you don't implode waiting for the new computer. It sounds sweet.

I saw the Akira DVD at Costco for $13.99.

I too don't believe I'll ever keep up with this room.

Later everybody. Happy birthday to those who are celebrating. Good wishes to all that need them.

kathy - []
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 02:40:15 PM

Ah crud!,I missed the Dark grey colour option when I was posting! :(

*Really Gone*

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 08:01:14 AM

Hi all!!

Spacebabie:<<Another Reason to get a DVD player. Akira fully remastered is now in DVD format.>>Cool!! :)<<The Cartoon network Adult swim will have Cowboy Bebop.>>To bad that will never happen over here in Oz for a while :( (They've only just started "Toonami" on cartoon network here and you guys over there have had it for years),I love Cowboy Bebop,I guess I'll just have to stick to channel 28 for now *sighs*.

Firestorm:<<I love the technology market!
$44 for 512MB!>>Yeah it's sweet!:), I could buy all the parts for a mid to top of the range PC at one of these swapmeets for around $500 to $1000 Aust!(A bargin when you consider a PC bought at a Harvey Norman store will cost you around $5000 Australian depending on what your getting.)

Gside:<<What rivalry? They're imaginary.>>*blinks*,I get the feeling that I've unintensionally offened you,I'm sorry if I have :(.

Josh:<<Top of my list, right after ordering new computers ;-)>>I've got an even better one,having to set up seven computers for a lan party on your own. ;)

Green Baron:<<Germany>>That sucks man. :(

Warpmind:<<Hehehe... thanks to a good, gullible friend of mine... I just might have the Diablo 2 Expansion Pack by the weekend! *Slobber* WOOHOO!!! (Of course, I might have to give him a kidney someday... but he'll probably settle for some Lucasarts games.)>>*High-fives* the expansion pack is worth it to,the game looks so much better in 8oo x 600(Not to mention all the other coll new things like charms and etherial items...)

I've gotta go,take care all!

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 07:58:49 AM

*Warpmind wanders in, carrying a big cleaver and gibbering helplessly.*
Hehehe... thanks to a good, gullible friend of mine... I just might have the Diablo 2 Expansion Pack by the weekend! *Slobber* WOOHOO!!! (Of course, I might have to give him a kidney someday... but he'll probably settle for some Lucasarts games.)

Lain: But your machine's got such an annoying message! (Oh, okay, I've left a message. Happy?)

Winterwolf: You said it. I'd personally go for a goodly-sized sea-living mammal, though... Ya can't go wrong with flippers. };) As for the e-mail issue; I'd rather have hotmail than Yahoo. After the Geocities incident, I do my best to boycott Yahoo.

Archwolf: Yay, you're back! Long Time No See!

Fire Storm: No, they're not the same. Stomach acid generally has a lower pH value... though, I'm not sure if that's also true for xenomorphs. As for those feline NeoBreeds... no, they were never sold to fanboys. If you read carefully, you might have noticed that Japan gave their NeoBreeds civil rights at once. ;)

Gside: Foglio was the one who was named by Christine when she commented on it at The Gathering... as for me being a spoilsport; you forget that neural liquid (or whatever it's called; the watery substance that surrounds the brain) is a body fluid as well... };)

Josh: Well, Fire Storm kind of emphasized my point... the American dollar bills is just the only currency I know of where that detail is actually printed on the bills. As for the NeoBreed questions - just about all your questions will be answered in the story, once I've placed the finishing touches on it. Except for those about the squid-Breeds. Those questions will never be clearly answered... };)

Well, that concludes my post... and damn the bandwidth at the library! (Old modem. OLD modem...)

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 05:24:25 AM

Imzadi:<Well, not quite. They represent a share of the government's gold>
Sorry, but Warpmind is right. Our money is NOT silver or gold backed. They are Federal Reserve Bank (A independant organization from our government) notes.
Our money is litteraly only worth the paper it is printed on. The only REAL government currency is coins.
<All paper money in the world is backed by gold>
Very little of the money out there is actually backed by gold. Gold is too hordeable. So the majority of the money out there is basicaily notes saying that yes, I have faith in the government.
Besides... do you really think the government has $50 trillion dollars worth of gold at Ft. Knox? (6 million TONS of gold?)
<You must post more often, young Jedi>
But time and managers prevent this.
<Hmmm...I am SO there if I can get prices like that for my Tower>
Works in PCs AND MACs
<What if I wake up one morning with a hangover and discover I've enlisted?>
Pray you did it under someone elses name. Or shoot your sarge.
<Yeah, I shelled out for a wireless card for my laptop as well>
My problem is that I have to buy one for my server AND my laptop.
<Oh, look, another virus that mac users don't have to worry about>
Just Microsoft Outlook.

Gside: <I feel I shall be echoing your sentiments in a month or so>
Two words: Cellular Modem.
Two more: Dial up

Fire Storm - []
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 04:31:09 AM


I ordered my new machine today! YES! ::does stupid little white-boy jig::

::sits around for a few minutes::

::looks at watch::

Hey! Where is it already!?

Heh, just kidding, though I admit the fact that Apple predicts a 5-7 week delay before my new baby ships is a tad irritating. Hopefully this will be the SECOND product in Apple's 25-year history to ship ahead of schedule...then again, maybe not. Yes, only one product of Apple's has ever shipped early...and I don't remember which one it was. Another annoying problem is that the monitor and tower ship seperately, and the monitor only has a 3 day wait. So I chose to have them hold everything till it was all ready instead of having an very useless monitor sitting around (Apple's monitors feature a proprietary ADC connection, which carries digital video, power, and USB signals - its cool and easy to use, but it means that the monitor is useless until I get the tower).

Obviously, once I get the machine, I'll be running OS X and actually USING those beautiful icons, that so many of you have contributed artwork for, on a full-time basis. Though quite frankly, I'm not quite sure what do with my machine in terms of a naming scheme. My original plan was to title the tower "Avalon", with the twin hard drives being named Oberon and Titania, then rename my laptop "Puck". Of course, I could always name it "Eyrie" with the twin HD's being named David and Fox...then rename my laptop "Alexander"...anyone wanna draw a picture of Alex from "Future Tense"? Oh well...I guess I'll just have to wait till it comes in and decide then.

What have you guys and gals named your computers?

Anyway, instead of e-mailing all my friends from school and rubbing it in their faces, I've decided to keep the machine's stats quiet until I set it up in front of my roommate (so I can watch him a) drool or b) tell me that I've gone overkill and that I'll never use this machine to its full potential)...and just rub it in YOUR faces instead ;-) I'm such a sadist.

::Sees Daniel Johnson chuckling:: Quiet, you! I know you have a TiBook. Phhhhhhhbt.

Anyway, after waking up way too early to order my machine, I literally sat around the house all day doing as little as possible. My little bro and I watched "Man with the Golden Gun" while my parents foolishly embarked on some grueling hike on the ridge between Squaw and Alpine Valleys. We had dinner at a nice place on the shore of Tahoe, then watched James Bond: The Spy Who Loved Me. My personal favorite Bond flick.


Warpmind: <<THIS IS BORING ME OUT OF MY SKULL!>>: Welcome to the workforce. <<have you Americans ever read the dollar bills?>>: How dumb do you think we are?! Uh, nevermind. Don't answer that. <<They're IOU's from the Federal Reserve>>: Well, not quite. They represent a share of the government's gold. In theory, we can go to Fort Knox and demand our $1 worth of gold. In any case, that's what any paper money is. The only currency that is ACTUALLY money would be like a coin whose value in spending is equal to its value of manufacture/materials, like a gold coin or something. All paper money in the world is backed by gold. You don't think that 5-pound note is actually worth 5 pounds by itself? <<A bit amusing, no?>>: Only because our government had to tell us so we didn't start sueing them. <<a pureed brain does not equal bodily fluid>>: But they make great slushies. <<dude, have you ever heard of beer goggles?>>: In Berkeley, we call them "Berkeley Goggles", which are like beer goggles 10X. Now that you mention it...all of the girls he's dated are drinkers...but how do you explain it when they become his girlfriend? <<genetic engineering had developed far enough for new species to be created, and even artificially interbred>>: Can they create a woman that will sleep with me? <<human intelligence, and strength and dexterity to do tasks that ordinary humans were less suited for>>: Like understanding females? <<international sterilization program>>: Good, now my mom can't guilt-trip me about deciding never to breed. <<humanity seemed to enter a golden age>>: Why is it everytime a show starts off with those words...humans always get the shaft? <<based on blends of feline and human genes>>: Catgirls? Can they lick themselves? <<squid-based species>>: What exactly could they do? <<If only someone had monitored their military laboratories>>: Where they were breeding a new race of CR admins...who can reach over to your house through the phone line and ban you directly...

Xanathar: <<Oh yeah,that's a "fun" experience!>>: Top of my list, right after ordering new computers ;-) <<70 bucks for 256 meg of Hyundai RAM>>: Oh...70 AUS...I was looking at it thinking " got ripped off"...I think here in the states the lowest price for RAM for my new computer is about $25 US for 256...but I think I'm gonna spend closer to $50 just to get some quality assurance.

Lain: <<i will come over to norway and personally do something really mean to you>>: Save your money and go to Gathering instead. <<listen to brittany spears for 63 1/2 hours with no time for sleep>>: Ahhh! The torture! <<yes, i left a message so there!>>: On my machine? At home? <<what is this "putz" of which you speak>>: Well, it literally translates to...CENSORED. <<humorous christian literature>>: Isn't it all? <<nothing is better than fish>>: Nothing? Hmmm...moochie, she says you're not better than fish. <<a playstation or some such game consoley thingie>>: An N64. <<american money..thats just funny>>: No funnier than the exchange rate to YOUR money. <<WHERE THE HECK IS LIBERIA?>>: Its in Africa, der.

Lynati: <<I. don't. want. to. know>>: Heh. Line from "Hot Shots".

Green Baron: <<Germany>>: BUMMER! That blows goats. Well, best of luck to ya, try not to get conquered.

Jan: <<it's closer to another country that I'd love to be in right now>>: Hmmm...and which country would that be? (as if I didn't know). <<sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation>>: Actually, I'm on vacation (Donner) from vacation (Summer Break)! What I need is a vacation from my vacation from vacation! I think that's what I did today, as I spent the entire day playing around on my laptop. <<I sure do not like all of the traffic and billion of people around anymore!>>: I thought you got back from L.A. already. <<police officer charged with forcing a 16 yr old girl to have sexual relationships with him>>: Charming. I'm so glad I live in LA, where the cops just beat you.

Winterwolf: <<Who knew inflammable means flammable?>>: I did. They both mean "don't try to light this on fire, moron!". <<What a country!>>: Don't you mean "what a language"? <<This post may not be well formatted and parts may not make sense>>: Sounds like every other post I've seen in here since I joined CR. <<I’m not proofing it>>: Curse you! <<it’s too tall to coin Josh’s terminology>>: Actually, I believe that was Niamhgold's idea. <<Apologies for the prolonged absence>>: I'm sorry, Mr. D'Avanzo, but your absensce is inexcusable. <<life in general conspired against me>>: Hmmm...not as good as "my dog ate my posts". <<I need a weekend from my past weekend!>>: Sounds familiar. <<I’m sure Gside will have to comment on the significance of that>>: If he doesn't, can I? <<strip poker with a guest of your choice>>: Only if Marina is there...I'm quite the card shark. <<I just want to sing>>: I bet you're gay! ;-) <<Is that a challenge for lovely ladies at a future Gathering?>>: I'd not call it a challenge, more of an offer. <<Now that just sounds wrong. Though I don’t mean incorrect>>: So you'll join us then? <<Is that for anyone in particular?>>: Several groups of people in CR. <<What will we do without you!?>>: I shudder to think. <<Maybe you’ll be able to give some interesting details when you get back>>: I've already posted everything mildly interesting in the last 10 days. <<That just seemed nice, temporary lapse in character?>>: It was only half sarcastic. Don't tell anyone. <<Well I first named it Dreamie_Bed>>: That sounds like a command, too. <<that would probably be false advertisement>>: And as someone who drinks a lot of milk, you can imagine how irritated false advertising makes me! <<I wouldn’t even think that’s possible!>>: Where do you think "Teva Tans" come from? <<I feel like such an underachiever now>>: Yeah, me too, and I'm already on my way to saving for retirement! <<nobody was injured as you moved around wildly>>: Amazingly enough. <<TWA got my suitcase right to me>>: TWA = The Worst Airline. <<Moochie where are you!?>>: He's at camp. <<You like to tease Josh don’t you?>>: Everyone does, since I'm so easily irritated. <<I never get enough though>>: Story of my life. <<bludgeoned repeatedly with a large fish>>: Silly me, I'd have used a chair.

Spacebabie: <<Another Reason to get a DVD player>>: As if the other bazillion movies available weren't enough of a reason.

Archwolf: Welcome back! <<weary from hours of 3-ring binder production>>: You don't work for my dad, do you? <<At least now the room is somewhat stable>>: Eh, no more so than usual. <<Got kinda really really freaky in here for a while>>: We're always freaky. <<7 Months 8 days sober>>: Congrats! I know that's a hard habit to kick.

Fire Storm: <<There's no way I can catch up on this CR>>: You must post more often, young Jedi. <<I am willing to spend $240 to do the same for my laptop>>: Yeah, I shelled out for a wireless card for my laptop as well. <<but the keyboard is so small!>>: Really? I never thought so. I always thought Powerbook keyboards felt much bigger than PC laptop keyboards, because the keys are flatter so they're easier to hit. I found the keyboard to be rather spacious. I guess you could always plug in an external. <<$44 for 512MB!>>: Hmmm...I am SO there if I can get prices like that for my Tower. <<If you are thinking of joining>>: What if I wake up one morning with a hangover and discover I've enlisted?

Gside: <<How shall I ever suvive?>>: Hey, if I can you can. <<I thank you>>: You're welcome. <<Though you could have posted a placemarker to reserve your rank>>: Well, I also wasn't online at the time. My connection here is actually costing me a lot of money, so I just posted 2nd when I got on and noticed it, since you usually post around 11PM my time. <<For if they can't find what they want, they can make it>>: And its rare that they need to. <<Which I don't actually have to deal with>>: You don't have one? Are you a point? <<So she could join you?>>: Ah, I see... <<But of course>>: I should never have doubted you. <<And with 132 it's a double>>: Heh, yeah. <<What rivalry? They're imaginary>>: As Al Bundy once called them, "truly one of history's greatest scams". <<No, what a language>>: That's what I said! <<It's the fundamental assymetry of the universe>>: Let's hear it for chirality! <<Stop that, stop that>>: You stay here, and make sure he doesn't leave. <<I feel I shall be echoing your sentiments in a month or so>>: Like you even try don't respond to half the things that are just begging for you to say something. Though I guess if we're the same person, posts from me are just as good. <<The more important interpretation of the question is why isn't he here?>>: He's somewhere else.

Oh, look, another virus that mac users don't have to worry about. Oh, hey, I got that email. Must have come to me through one of you TGS staffers...fortunately, my mac doesn't have the first clue what do with THAT file. Hey, I don't even have a "my documents" folder, and when I do use a winblows box, I don't store documents there.


Hey, Daniel Johnson, I'll keep you posted about any mac viruses if you'll do the same for me. I think the last one was the simpson's worm, which was about 3 months ago...remember all the papers making a big fuss about how macs finally had a virus?

DPH: <<you realize that money can't buy you true happiness, right?>>: Tell that to my new G4 tower. As far as I'm concerned, money can buy me happiness, because most of the things it can't buy aren't things I particularly want or need. I'm a solitary person by nature. Call it lonely, call it anti-social, call it whatever you want. But as long as I have the stuff I want and can feed myself, I will be happy. <<Is anyone else out there experiencing side effects of the US economic downturn?>>: Yeah. My mom's out of a job and my dad's business is in the crapper right now.

Well, folks, off to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow consisting of sitting on a waverunner for an hour followed by doing nothing and maybe some eating in there somewhere.

Oh, look. The quote in my queue is even a bash on Windows.

At the sound of the tone, the time will be 12:47AM PST

Windows© 98(n) - 32-bit extensions and graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Truckee, CA, US of A
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 03:47:29 AM


DPH- dude! I *got* that. But thank my paranoid brain and it's lack of memory for names, I wound up deleting the message before I actually opened it. Even with the "McCaffee" claim that it was virus-free, it just felt too weird. I figured that if this was something important enough, the person would just email me again, with a clearer description of what the ^#^* the file attachment was...and hopefully a reminder of who *they* were.

We live in treahcerous times, my friends.


Lynati Kshudra
typey-typey...hey, it's 3:02 am!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 03:02:39 AM

Beware: there's a new email virus going around. A few of us on the TGS staff got it. Here's the warning: has seen a large and growing number of
consumer computers infected with W32/SirCam@M... This is a HIGH RISK VIRUS FOR CONSUMERS. The infected email can come from addresses that you recognize. Attached is a file with
two different extensions. The file name itself varies.
The email message can appear as follows:
Subject: [filename (random)]
Body: [content varies]
Hi! How are you?
I send you this file in order to have your advice
or I hope you can help me with this file that I send
or I hope you like the file that I sendo you
or This is the file with the information that you ask for
See you later. Thanks

--- the same message may be received in Spanish ---
Hola como estas ?
Te mando este archivo para que me des tu punto de vista
or Espero me puedas ayudar con el archivo que te mando
or Espero te guste este archivo que te mando
or Este es el archivo con la información que me pediste
Nos vemos pronto, gracias.

The virus searches for .GIF, .JPG, .JPEG, .MPEG, .MOV, .MPG,
.PDF, .PNG, .PS, and .ZIP files in the MY DOCUMENTS folder
and attempts to send copies of these documents to email
recipients found in the Windows Address Book and addresses
found in cached files.

Thankfully, I have no addresses in an address book.

You know what's really scary: someone could buy one of these email lists used to spam people and use to spread their computer virus around the world.

In other unrelated news, I slept for ~13 hours yesterday. Why so much? I was finally catching up on some sleep because the moron (my dad) has been waking me up early.

Green Baron - good luck. Just warn us about any version of 'Hitler' returning.

I found out bad news at work. They are asking for volunteers to take 'unpaid' days off with no unemployment benefits in the month of August. If not enough people volunteer, 4 day work weeks may be mandatory in the following months.

It looks like it might be a little longer before I can afford to buy a car [muchless move out] unless a miracle happens.

Imzadi - you realize that money can't buy you true happiness, right?

Is anyone else out there experiencing side effects of the US economic downturn?

BTW, apparantanly at Wendy's they have forgotten how to count again. I give you $10.03 when you charge me $6.13 for a combo meal and you giving me back $4.00 just puts you in the red. SO far, I have saved $0.40 ($0.10/their mistake) at Wendys.

*disappears into fat air, while taking the fat air with him*

DPH - []
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 02:42:14 AM

Apparently I shall be leaving my connection for upwards of three weeks starting at the end of this week. How shall I ever suvive? Well, perhaps I can load HoMM3 and Septerra Core on my laptop for when I have access to AC (the battery doesn't do much). And in between that, I shall be in Woodsville, (Quebec, Toronto, London, Detroit,) Naperville, (Chicago, Cleveland), and then eventually back home.

In other news, I found out that the pry bar we have here is was originally the tire iron for a Model T.

Oh, and Fire Storm, you might want to check out the book Parisite Rex. A little bit of it is an analogy to xenomorphs.

Imzadi> <<I waited for Gside to post before posting for the night so I could respond to him>>: I thank you. Though you could have posted a placemarker to reserve your rank.
<<What kind of hat does a xenomorph wear, exactly?>>: Tam O'Shanter.
<<That'd be pretty cool>>: But would there be a deliniation of when to take a person's name off, or move it to an inactive list?
<<Few things more dangerous than a spoiled engineer>>: For if they can't find what they want, they can make it.
<<Damned center of mass!>>: Which I don't actually have to deal with.
<<I think that'd still be higher than .5, no?>>: Maybe for static friction, but if you get going at a good enough speed...
<<why is she so interested in whether or not I was>>: So she could join you?
<<you know how to count in binary on your fingers?>>: But of course.
<<when you reach 4 and flip someone off>>: And with 132 it's a double.

Warpmind> <<have you Americans ever read the dollar bills?>>: I can read the microprind on 5+s.
<<they're NOT MONEY AT ALL!>> Money: the coins or notes which are used to buy things, or the amount of these that one person has. It fits the definition, though it is true that they aren't redeemable for anything of value.
<<you got Foglio to do the artwork for it>>: Not Wingbird?
<<no, a pureed brain does not equal bodily fluid>>: Spoilsport.

Xanathar> <<Canada's rivaly with America>>: What rivalry? They're imaginary.

Winterwolf> <<Who knew inflammable means flammable?>>: Yo.
<<What a country!>>: No, what a language.
<<I’m sure Gside will have to comment on the significance of
that>>: The number 13, while very important, isn't the most signifigant result of my proof. It's the fundamental assymetry of the universe.
<<she figured it would be a memorable ‘Kodak’ kind of moment>>: She figured correctly.
<<I just want to sing>>: Stop that, stop that.
<<Moochie where are you>>: Counseling at a camp I believe.

Welcome back Achwolf, congratulations on sobriety.

Fire Storm> <<There's no way I can catch up on this CR>>: I feel I shall be echoing your sentiments in a month or so.
<<You mean they ARN'T the same thing?>>: That could be where you were going wrong in your vivisection.
<<Were any of these sold to American Fan-Boys?>>: One can only hope.
<<Southern Ohio, like he has always been>>: The more important interpretation of the question is why isn't he here?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - [gside@eden.rutgers.edu]
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 01:50:39 AM

I give up. There's no way I can catch up on this CR.

Warpmind: <Such as blood...stomach acid>
You mean they ARN'T the same thing?!?!
<the Japanese had developed some very interesting species based on blends of feline and human genes>
Were any of these sold to American Fan-Boys? ;)

Imzadi: <What kind of hat does a xenomorph wear, exactly?>
Well, I would like a nice Indiana Jones hat...
<I'm sorry, I have trouble believing that>
Check it out! It's True!
<Okay, you talked me into it. After spending $79 for an airport card just so that I can eliminate the use of an ethernet cable in my apartment, it'd be really silly to not do this. So I guess I'll do it, even though my friend told me not to.>
Sounds like me. I am willing to spend $240 to do the same for my laptop.

BTW... I have a problem with the TIBook. Sure, it has a 16x9 screen, but the keyboard is so small!

Gside: <Now that is a scary thought. So where's Wilek?>
Southern Ohio, like he has always been.

Xanathar: <actually we returned a defective RAM stick this weekend and had no problems swapping it for another one.(70 bucks for 256 meg of Hyundai RAM,Mmmmm!)>
I love the technology market!
$44 for 512MB!

Green Baron: <I am being stationed to Germany>
SUCKS! Stay alive!

PSA: STAY OUT OF THE MILITARY! If you are thinking of joining, DON'T! Listen to Jaden and Green Baron!

Spacebabie: <The only anime I have so far on DVD is Slayers Next and the first 3 Evengelion DVDS>
Beats me. All I have is Princess Mononoke on DVD and the entire Dominion Tank Police series on video CD.

Fire Storm - []
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 01:34:01 AM

*Archwolf returns and though weary from hours of 3-ring binder production, has a slight bounce to his step*

Well well well. Been a while. Too long, I guess. At least now the room is somewhat stable. Well, relatively speaking, anyway. Got kinda really really freaky in here for a while, huh?

Well, I guess I don't have all that much to say. Just...Hi, I guess.

Oh, for anyone who cares, I am now...7 Months 8 days sober. Have recently had some rough spots, but still on the wagon. Laters All

Shade and Sweet Water

Archwolf - []
Tuesday, July 24, 2001 01:07:14 AM

Happy Belated Birthday to Lain

::Pounces on Winterwolf:: Hey buddy how have you been

Some interesting news
Another Reason to get a DVD player. Akira fully remastered is now in DVD format.

The only anime I have so far on DVD is Slayers Next and the first 3 Evengelion DVDS, the rest of my meager collection is in vHS form.

More anime news

The Cartoon network Adult swim will have Cowboy Bebop.

As for the rest of my life, I'm happy and I know classes being August 20.

LOL: Has anyone heard the new Milkyway commercials on the radio? They are putting the mephasis on the best part of the candybar...the Caramel of couse. It has people debating the proper way of saying caramel. Either Care-a-mel or Cara-mel. Even thought I'm big fan of the rich butteyr sweet gooey stuff I say Care-a-mel Cara-mel thats call the whole thing off

Meanwhile in Chibiland Squall kun and Deliahchan are smiling and squeakyclean as the sit in their bath robes, leaving one more chibi to have his bath. Spacebabie walks around with an armload of supplies: Brillo pad, wire brush, sand paper, pumice stone, A special brand of shampoo and conitionair, wire clippers, and Mr Bubble.
"Now where can that Chibi Chimera a be?" Spies Xellos~kun
"ah Xellos do you want to be mischeivious and help me find Zel~kun?"

Orlando, Fl
Monday, July 23, 2001 11:01:20 PM

Hi everybody! Who knew inflammable means flammable? What a country!

This post may not be well formatted and parts may not make sense. I’m not proofing it. Sorry, it’s too tall to coin Josh’s terminology. ~_^

Apologies for the prolonged absence, life in general conspired against me. Then whenever it wasn’t I’d spend it all talking or chatting to Dreamie. I love you Dreamie! **kisses Dreamie**

I spent this weekend moving furniture and sleeping. I need a weekend from my past weekend! :P The reason I was moving furniture was my sister wanted to get the room ready for the baby which is due in September. Oddly there seemed to be furniture moving throughout the entire house not just the one room. At least it’s over for now.

Anyway, the rumors of me being tickled until I post have been greatly exaggerated. ;)

Well according to my post July 10, this is to be a full post with replies. That’s only a scant 13 days later. I’m sure Gside will have to comment on the significance of that. :D

I found it interesting that as I watched the Discovery channel between heavy furniture moves I found Texas has all the nasty critters they were talking about including killer bees, fire ants and scorpions. Is that just to make things interesting?


Gside> <Woot. Someone finally got Thom dropping his pants.> Dreamie deserves the credit here, she figured it would be a memorable ‘Kodak’ kind of moment. LOL <<<what's next on our to do list?>>: Get the rest of the con to drop their pants? But better make sure Aaron is hearing underwear> How about special con guest strip tease or variation on mug a guest – strip poker with a guest of your choice.

Josh> <<<Would you want a castle that could very well join its ancestors under the swamp?>>: I'd rather have huge tracts of land.> I just want to sing. ;) <<<Someone finally got Thom dropping his pants>>: Believe me, its less challenging than getting ME to drop my pants> Is that a challenge for lovely ladies at a future Gathering? < Visions of me, wolf, and aaron sitting a console yelling "Suck! Suck! Suck!"::> Now that just sounds wrong. Though I don’t mean incorrect. ;D <I wish I would stop pasting my posts into the "country" field...really makes me look like an ass.> LOL < ::breaks into wild guitar riff of porn music::> Is that for anyone in particular? <less likely that I'll be around to chat (sorry Dreamie, GXB, Wolf, and Niamhgold, I know you're all crushed)> What will we do without you!? <Vacation at Lake Donner> Hope you are having/had fun. Maybe you’ll be able to give some interesting details when you get back. :) < My mom says hi to Wolf, Dreamie, Aaron, and Mara. Alex says hi too.> Hi! Hi Alex! Sorry for the lateness. I’ve been occupied... Wolfie is the best thing that ever happened to me and we have no intention whatsoever of letting each other go>>: Good for both of you.> Thanks Josh. That just seemed nice, temporary lapse in character? ;P <<Dreamie_Sit>>: Sounds like a command to me> Well I first named it Dreamie_Bed. Taken in context though, that would probably be false advertisement. ;D <sunburning most of my upper body> Ouch. <God damnit even my feet got burned!> I wouldn’t even think that’s possible! O.o

Thanks to Josh, Jannie, SOROW and everyone else that liked my pictures! Since I had the same digital camera at the last Gathering I’ve learned how to get good pictures with it most of the time. Not to mention learning to carry a spare set of batteries so I can take a decent amount of pictures at one time. Last Gathering once my batteries were fairly drained all the pictures came out blurry. That was halfway into the costume competition. :(

Niamhgold> **Huggles** I so feel the need to send you a great big email. Let me get started here with some general stuff. ;) <<Move far enough away so your parents can't come by>> Definitely. Going to college in Baltimore was definitely the change I needed, and now I'm looking at Calarts.> Wow a whole change of coast! I was lazy about it myself just driving 2 and half hours to Albany. Plus I need to get off my duff and move. Plans are set for October. ^_^ < My parents are the type, however, that are free and easy; my mom was always the one who insisted I should go to parties when I was home studying ;) Plus, both of them moved out of their houses when they were sixteen (didn't know each other then, either). But I still needed to get away from them! ;)> This sounds even more like my friend Hanno that I was telling you about. It’s weird how much you two have in common! Cool but weird. <I'm glad you liked the ones that were there, and thank you so much for those kind comments> Well in this case kind has nothing to do with it. On the map I was impressed with the level of detail that you managed to get painting on canvas. The size was small and the detailing just astonishing! You perfectionist you! :P < I probably angered Cindy a little because I said I'd be sending in eight), but I never got around to finishing the other five to a point where I thought they were "finished"> So does this mean you’ll have at the very least five next year? ;P <<own company>> Yeah, a couple, actually, starting all the way back when I was ten.> I feel like such an underachiever now. O.o <<Wendys> Yes, two for Wendys!> That’s just overall. It is funny that I don’t eat the burgers there since you mention it. < if I'm going to start my own business it'll be animation-related...> I think everyone in here will be overjoyed if you do. Between your stories and artwork I’d have to see everything that your business produced! ^_^ <We should chat some time!> You bet! I tend to be on for a little while at night. <If you wanna see the little mom-and-pop business I'm working on, clickie on my name...but, beware, it's a new page and it's still under construction!> Is the header/banner at the top supposed to be further to the right than the main contents? Somehow it just doesn’t look right. Well you did say it was a work in progress. Is there a scheduled date for it to be complete? <Winterwolf: Where art thou? ** Looks around for him, and Dreamie ** Helloooooooooo?> I’ve returned to post again! ^_^ Sorry about that, once I realized how long it has been I said must post now!

Revel> <Great, more people have evidence of me attempting to dance> Well at least it looked like you were having fun and hey nobody was injured as you moved around wildly. ;D

Gathering 2004> Thanks Coyote, Lady Mystic and Firestorm. I recall reading a little something from each of you. Now I don’t think this has been resolved as to if it’s available online, but I could also fill one out if you email it. In answer to the one question so I get the right document, I’ve stayed in the con hotel for the past two Gatherings. If you want to email it to me I’ll send it back once I put in my answers. Email address provided below.

Green Baron> I know the pain of lost luggage but what happened to you is much worse than what happened to me. After a few days of waiting TWA got my suitcase right to me. Now if they really did loose it I hope you will get better compensation than what they give you in the airport. It is based on the weight and wouldn’t come close to $600. :( <I found out that I am being stationed to Germany and in all honesty, I am not happy about it> Well there’s nothing stopping you from returning. I think it should be a happy time. Life is for the living, it’s okay to live a little and have a good time. I hope you can do that.

Welcome back Mandolin!

Christine> I loved the essay. It doesn’t hurt that I get two separate mentions in there either. **wink**

Dreamie> **pounce** **cuddle** **kiss** <best part of my Gathering> ^_^ You were the best part of my Gathering my love. **snuggles and nuzzles** I love you. <<Niamhgold> I finally got to see the map in person!! WHOO! I made Wolfie wait while I stared at it in detail for 5 minutes ^_~ > Actually I was staring and taking it in myself. I think I might have been waiting a second or two. LOL < Wolfie and bike shorts. :::droooool:::> **grins** Now I know what to be wearing next time. ^_^ < :::waves, nets wolfie and drags him off with an evil smirk:::> Now this was really why I’ve been gone so long! ~_^ < I won't be around next week either... I too am being dragged against my will to a lake, but I'll luckily have a laptop.> It’s been hell. :( < The only one I really like is Dreamie_Sit. ^_~ > The funniest part was that I had originally named it Dreamie_Bed. I think the server would have imploded if I left it with that name as guys go to look. ROFL

Emambu> <I may be Italian, but I'm whiter than wonderbread when I dance. ;)> LMAO! Now you have to dance just to see if you can support such a bold statement. ;P < Now if only Winterwolf's site would get back up. I'd love to see the pictures.> It’s back! It’s back! It just has a new address now. <If Dreamie attempts anything at G'02, I'm holding you as a collaborator. ;)> **whistles innocently** What? You act like we might do something. I think you know better. ;) <"Ghetto Sled”> Condolences to the loss of your Millennium Falcon so to speak. Nothing like that first car that just seems indestructible. <You're all going to get tortured next year at Virginia Beach then when I sing.> Sure, I can see you managing to woo some Gathering cuties. You Casanova you!

Have we lost Gunjack ...err... I mean Moochie? Moochie where are you!?!?

Aaron and Mara> We have to get together again next year! We can add it to a list of other fun traditions like Pizza Hut! ^_^

Aaron> << so would that mean Mara would be Winterwolf?>> Only if you come as her. ;)> Hum, I don’t know if I can pull off being such a sexy lass. ~_^ < Ooh, ooh, you be the Japanese schoolgirl, and I'll bring the Catholic schoolgirl, and Wolfie and I can wear the Overfiend costume...> I think we’ll need plenty of extra time at the next Gathering. I mean we should make sure to get it just right. ;P

SOROW> <Well, I'm writing this in a lot of pain...a LOT of pain! I just had my wisdom teeth pulled and I'm not too cheery>**HUGS** I imagine the pain is gone now. Still felt the need to share my support.

Siofra> < I was one of the lucky ones that was able to resume normal life (with the exception of eating) the next day> I’m happy to hear that was better than expected. < Leaving soon for a week in beautiful northern Michigan> Enjoy!

Courtney> Welcome to the CR! Is this your first visit? If so there was another Courtney earlier this year...

Jannie> << Josh> <<There were only a few cuties at Gathering>> thank you for making the other females (minus Sorrow and Dreamie) feel like real bow-wows>> You like to tease Josh don’t you? Anyway, there were plenty of cute Gathering attendees. :) <Aaron and Revel> Ah ha! Now we know which TGS CR posters you liked best! ;P <puts in a Barney video> That’s just a cruel and inhumane death sentence! ;D <I'm packing for my trip to Houston. See ya'll in 8 days!> Have fun! <I'd love to go to Germany... it's closer to another country that I'd love to be in right now> And that would be?

Shadowrider> D’oh! I completely missed you. This is what I get when I’m not paying attention. <postcards> You sent postcards? I haven’t gotten one. Maybe I will. On a sad note I once sent my friend a postcard two years ago. I’ve recently lost hope that it would eventually get there. :P <home> Hope you had a great visit home!

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr.> <reason for my being on cloud-nine was that I spent the entire day yesterday with my girlfriend Heather> Congrats. I know the feeling, I get that way constantly when I get to spend time with Dreamie. I never get enough though. ;) < flight prices are just too much for my current finances to handle> Stephen check out expedia and have them track the price on all airlines for you. Usually there is a certain timeframe that is just right. At the moment It might be a bit too early. Don’t lose hope.

Mecord> Welcome back! It was a blast seeing you and Cat at the Gathering! I’m glad I got to meet both of you. :)

Aingeal> Hi. Been a while. Have you managed to adjust with parents and dragon not being close to where you live?

DPH> <mood> I think it’s good that you are going to do something to lift your spirits. I hope it helps and lasts.

email> Stay away from Excite it has to be the worst. Yahoo seems better than Hotmail. I have one of each. Unfortunately everyone has the excite email address. Oh well. **shrug**

Warpmind> <I'm listed on a 37.5 hour weekly schedule, and I'm not even getting paid properly for it> Yuk! I think those bureaucrats need to be bludgeoned repeatedly with a large fish until it’s fixed. :)

Lady Mystic> There goes the links. It figures that would be resolved. Thanks Lady Mystic!

Happy Belated Birthday to Lain!

I’m caught up! Yay! Well that’s all for now...
**kisses snuggles hold Dreamie close then leaves with her** ^_^
Bye bye everybody!

**Winterwolf sighs deeply and runs off before a breakdown from Dreamie withdrawal kicks in**

Winterwolf (I miss Dreamie!) - []
Bronx, NY, USA
Monday, July 23, 2001 08:50:42 PM

GB> argh! =( I'm sorry that you didn't get the post assignment that you had hoped for. How long will you be stationed in Germany? Personally, I'd love to go to Germany... it's closer to another country that I'd love to be in right now ;)

Josh> sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation! *L* Gotta' rest up from all of that fun ;)

BSM> ;) miss you! I'm reading Area 52 and you're right.. very good! I haven't finished it yet. I went swimming today in the apt. complex pool today after doing a ton of errands. je t'aime le plus!

Gaw, it's bloody hot here in Houston. After spending the past few months in Missouri and the small town atmosphere, I sure do not like all of the traffic and billion of people around anymore! Driving on I45 and being stuck in traffic for 30 mins. to drive only 6 miles... no thanks!
It was somewhat strange driving around the "old neighborhood" - it was all familiar territory to me but I really do not miss it. I drove by my former house and had no remorse about leaving it. I loved that house while living in it, but I guess it was truly time to leave.

*listening to the Houston news* murder, assult, disappearance, police officer charged with forcing a 16 yr old girl to have sexual relationships with him, rape and assult, robbery,..... nope, I don't miss Houston at all!

Niamhgold> I live for air conditioning *nods* While living in Houston, we ran the AC about 9-10 months out of the year. :) I especially like it cold at night while sleeping!

Christine> I'm afraid that I didn't pay much attention when the audio cassette was given to me... is it suppose to start with chapter 7? (Black Roses tape) I tried both sides and they are the same... ?? Is this correct?

*goes back to reading Area 52 comic*

Monday, July 23, 2001 06:13:08 PM

Due to some recent news, I feel unusual. I found out that I am being stationed to Germany and in all honesty, I am not happy about it. I will have to experience much of the beauty of Germany alone, and I am so sick of being alone. I'd much rather be stuck in some boring miserable midwestern base, like Ft Riley Kansas while I am alone. At least if I am alone, i will not spend much money in Germany and I will stick to the military area with tax free PX and free room and board. All the same, I'd rather go to Germany at a later date, not while I am still a bachelor. Now, I have to get shots and all sorts fo medical crap becuase I'm going off to krautland.

Auf Weiderzen (sp)
Herr Green Baron

A later post to follow tommorrow.

Green Baron - []
Monday, July 23, 2001 05:49:53 PM


I feel I must mention, as to keep from future confusion on the issue, that due to scheduling issues, Mara and I never did get a chance to actually hang out. :P :P :P

Had a dental visit to day. my teeth feel cleeeeeannnn...cleeeaaann teeeeeth...mmmm...

lain : Liberia is an African country in the north very-west area of the continent...geez, why couldn't you wait until I was back in MO to ask and I could have just handed you all my bookmarked Liberia pages (don't ask)and thus pretended that I was really smart? ;) and Baklava...baklava is this greek dessert thing that I had quite a bit of while in the state of New is sort of pastry and almonds and walnuts and glaze that has cinnamon and *drooooooooooooool*....

Josh : I. don't. want. to. know.

...hey, did we welcome the new courtney in here? ...WAS that a new courtney? Who has the jar of sanity residue? I know, I know, a container that size is so easy to loose, but surely somebody knows where it is...

*curls up in the corner patiently fidgeting and waits to see if either new victim is going to supply fic feedback*

Lynati Kshudra
Monday, July 23, 2001 04:14:54 PM

GB>> re: men in uniform.. heheheh... well.. how bout men who wear uniforms but.. in plain clothes... *I* can handle THAT.. just not the scary uniform.. scary uniforms make me want to hurt things.. like the people IN the scary uniforms.. thats why i joined the army : P )

warps>> if you phone my machine oooooooone more time and dont leave a message i will come over to norway and personally do something really mean to you.. like make you listen to brittany spears for 63 1/2 hours with no time for sleep..
; )

josh>> yes, i left a message so there!

*noogies azrael* tee hee.. ive ALWAYS wanted to do that... : D

i talked to moochie last night and asked if hed mind dyeing his hair blonde, spiking it up and wearing a really kick butt red trenchcoat all the time.. just for me.. he said he wouldnt : ( but i have been asked numerous times if i would like to "be alone" with the TV set when watching trigun and the super awesome sexiness that is vash the stampede, the humanoid typhoon... mmmmmmmmmm... chasing the elusive mayflower of love... my hero...
(hey, its MOOCHIES fault, he BOUGHT me the silly trigun in the first place...) vash is ALMOST as cool as robin hood (you know, that fox?) dangit!! too bad theyre only cartoons.. oh.. and fobin hood is a fox.. heh.. oh well..
*babble babble* i just came out of art history class and my brain is fried, it isnt my fault.. ; )

GB>> a "putz?" what is this "putz" of which you speak? everyone ALWAYS forgets my birthday, its no biggie. though i did get a whole ONE present this year, from a friend who actually REMEMBERED when my birthday was.. well one present on my actual birthday, i got three if you count the cool sai warps brought and all the stuff moochie dunked at my door.. big knives, humorous christian literature (which i dont think was supposed to be humorous but.. ) and that rosewood and.. well.. i think ill quit while im ahead.. ; ) ooooooo and my dad bought me a beenie baby fish called "propeller" which is the COOLEST THING under the SUN!!!!!!!! i dont go for beenie babies but.. this one is COOL!!!!!!! and its a FISH and nothing is better than fish so..

lynati>> whaza baklava? (am i dumb today or what?)

DPH and all others who wished happiness>> thanks : D

re: wages>> well.. i make minimum wage (which is 6.75$-ish in the land of up here) and the other day, my boss told me i was "great" and gave me the keys to the store and said she wanted to keep me forever and ever cos i was all friendly and helpful for customers. uh.. i work at lewiscraft, which is a store for people who like to knit and paint sew and stencil and make things out of felt and feathers and things like that.. in case you were wondering.. and its in a mall. but hey, at least its not the gap.. and i actually LIKE my job, so life is good : )

josh>> "maximum bondage" well... in first year, there was a guy down the hall who had a playstation or some such game consoley thingie and we used to play goldeneye all the time. my roommate and i would be sitting in our room, being bored (or alternately having an essay due the next day which we hadnt started yet) and would say, "hey, how bout some bondage?" i think 007 and bondage are just meant to be together. and when they came up with 7 digit licence plates for cars up here, i realized that, among other things, someone is randomly going to get the plate "bond 007" and that is just cool..

warps>> american money.. thats just funny. and what the heck is "liberia" anyway, someone explain that to me? legal tender of liberia?? WHERE THE HECK IS LIBERIA?!

right.. i have to research my essay and convince the library that i really DID return the book they claim i lost and they really SHOULD let me take out books for my essay, the bunch of jerks..

love to you all,

lain the awesome and super-cool with an ego the size of.. yeah.. you know who i am ; ) - []
the Great White North
Monday, July 23, 2001 01:47:16 PM

GB> I'm not mad at you. I don't want to be involved. Already too many much miscommunication in this. Someone asked me for my feelings about something. I gave my reservations honestly, and simply. Anything complicated is the result of bad extrapolation.

Either way, I don't want to be involved. I don't want to hear about it. I don't want to _Feel_ anything about it. Hence, I refuse to be angry with anyone over it. I will not answer any email or IM regarding the issue. It is not personal for me. I simply want no part of it.

To you and everyone here (without exceptions): Be well.

Boston, MA, USA
Monday, July 23, 2001 11:23:43 AM

Hi all!!

First off I'd like to say thank you to everyone who offered me well wishes,my cold is a lot better now(It's in the "gunk" stage *ugh* ),I also had a pretty good weekend(I got Crouching Tiger hidden Dragon on DVD! :) )

Revel:<<Hey now I remembered what I wanted to say, how do feel about New Zealanders? I knew an exchange student from there and she was not a big fan of Aussies. Just curious.>>I don't try to judge cultures(I'm no racist,at least I don't try to be.)I've got no problems with New Zealanders,but apparently there is a rivaly between New Zealand and Australia(same as Canada's rivaly with America am I right?),it can get very heated sometimes.

SOROW:<<*smirks* I feel like that all the time!>>You shouldn't,you've always been a nice person.(and a great friend for years.)

Happy Belated Birthay Lain.

Josh:<<Especially right after you've sunk money into it.>>Oh yeah,that's a "fun" experience! :/<<No warranties, no thanks.>>actually we returned a defective RAM stick this weekend and had no problems swapping it for another one.(70 bucks for 256 meg of Hyundai RAM,Mmmmm!)

Anyhoo I better get going(I've still got to catch up on everything I've missed in here.)


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Monday, July 23, 2001 08:14:07 AM

*Warpmind stumbles in, carrying a stack of books and one of those nifty barcode reader pistol thingies.*
Guhh... Check, flip, sticker, read, check, flip, sticker, read, check flip sticker read checkflipstickerread... NYARGH!!! THIS IS BORING ME OUT OF MY SKULL!!!!!

Sorry, I just had to say that... On to post. *Ehum*

I realized something a while ago, but I'm not sure if I mentioned it here... have you Americans ever read the dollar bills? I mean, your dollar bills are fine and dandy, and everyone likes green, but... according to the print on them, they're NOT MONEY AT ALL! They're IOU's from the Federal Reserve; it says so quite clearly on the bills - the bearer is entitled to one dollar! (Or whichever amount the bill is for.) A bit amusing, no?

Christine: Oh, fie... I'd WANT to see hilarious criticals... };) Anyway, you got Foglio to do the artwork for it, too? };) (By the way - would you be VERY upset if I use the weakling characters scheme with the old, sick, injured orc plot in a game I'm planning? I liked the idea; naturally, I'll credit you for it.)

Gside: I was in New Jersey, yes. More accurately, I spent one night in a motel in Newark, while I was waiting for my flight. And I had no means of looking you up. Sorry. (Maybe next year...) And no, a pureed brain does not equal bodily fluid - bodily fluid is naturally liquid. Such as blood, spinal fluid, stomach acid, and so on...

Josh: I'm not going to complain. I'm just going to place a call to my case manager. (She's quite malleable when confronted about stuff; even over the phone. I am wondering if I have some latent Intimidation or Persuasion gene...) As for how your roomie gets a date... dude, have you ever heard of beer goggles? };)

Aaron: Hmmm... I'm puzzled... could that perchance be the same redhead that I saw with the mace ad? That would just be WAY too hilarious... ;)

GB: I'm sure I can work out proper pay; but Norway is becoming quite capitalistic, too - anyway, there are just way too many cheap jokes that can spring from your statement, so I'll discard'em all. (No need to thank me. I'll make a painful pun again soon enough.)

Well, that's about it... but I'm feeling a bit malign, so I'll slip you a small teaser of the short story I'm working on for Sabledrake right now.
"By the year 2005, genetic engineering had developed far enough for new species to be created, and even artificially interbred. These new species were usually equipped with human intelligence, and strength and dexterity to do tasks that ordinary humans were less suited for. About the same time, an international sterilization program was initiated to control population growth - all women were sterilized, and had to individually apply for desterilization for the purpose of bearing children; after birth, they would be sterilized again. This way, the birth rate was rapidly reduced, which was a really good thing when longevity treatment became reality - humans could live for millennia (or so it was estimated), if they so chose; the treatment was cheap - about a quarter for a five-year extension, available in slot machines. With the longevity treatment and genetically engineered workers, humanity seemed to enter a golden age. Different parts of the world seemed to specialize in different kinds of creatures - the Europeans seemed to favor centaur-like creatures, particularly well suited for farm labor and courier work; the newly-formed Neo-Russian Democratic Alliance seemed to favor a bearlike creature made for work in the tundra, the Japanese had developed some very interesting species based on blends of feline and human genes, which were exceedingly well suited as personal bodyguards, couriers and even law enforcement. (Japan granted the NeoBreeds civil rights almost at once, whereas the rest of the world didn't acknowledge them as sentient beings until the 2040's.) There were also some rumors about squid-based species, but those rumors were never verified. However, there was a strong growth in the Japanese entertainment industry over the next three decades... The Americans... The Americans seemed to not care about the NeoBreed technology. If only someone had monitored their military laboratories..."
Enjoy. };)

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Monday, July 23, 2001 05:56:22 AM


Although Truckee has not found a way to abuse me yet today, Apple certainly has. Is it so much to want to order a computer on a Sunday? And its no minor purchase either. This is one genuine bad-ass(TM) machine. Oh well, guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow. grrrrr...

My parents went for a long bike ride this morning so I woke up late and did very little for most of the morning, other than read part of "So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish" and play around on my laptop a bit.

After lunch we did a little food shopping, and mom and I hung around the house for a few hours while Dad and Alex played tennis. I've decided that I'm going to avoid going outside as much as possible for the rest of the trip, as outside seems to be where MOST (but amazingly enough, not all) abuse occurs. Oddly enough, my family isn't too offended by this decision. At least this way my charred and aching body will have time to recover ;-)

Tonight we're eating dinner at home and watching Bond movies. The local video store has almost all the Bond movies, so we rented a few of them (Thunderball, Man with the Golden Gun, and Spy who Loved Me). Naturally, any Bond-fest needs to be named "Maximum Bondage" ;-).

Okay so about 10 hours from now I'll be ordering my machine...mmmmm...

Niamhgold: I'm putting you at the top of my reply list in the hopes that you'll move me to the top of yours ;-). <<<<I'm up waaaaaay too early on a Sunday morning>>: One of my primary rules is that ANY time on a Sunday morning is too early to be up. In fact, morning is for sleeping. <<everyone's either vacationing or enjoying some summer weather>>: Or doing both simultaneously. <<who can resist when you have your own pool?>>: God I miss having my own pool. Our old house had one...someday we'll get around to putting one in the new house. Of course, by that point I'll have long ago moved out permanently. I'll have to borrow a friend's. <<all forms of pay are nice>>: Not the low kind. There's nothing worse than working all night for $4. One of the downsides to my tech support job. <<Seems like lots of people are doing the nature thing this year>>: Its not all its cracked up to be. <<Nothing like floating around in a school of soggy Cheet-os>>: Did you see that episode of South Park where Cartman tries to learn to swim but the little 1st graders kept turning the water yellow? <<Is pink better than stark red, though?>>: Doutful. My foot is stark red, and I can't even wear shoes or socks. <<Guess you weren't nude sunbathing>>: Disappointed? <<where the rapids are awesome>>: I'll upload my vacation pics soon, you can check them out. Did you check out my model pics? <<Dessert first?>>: Depends on the menu. <<so you _were_ nude sunbathing?>>: Well, I should have said "hyper-sensitive and/or burned beyond recognition", since my body is extremeley sensitive as is, even the parts that didn't get sunburned. Or should I say "especially the parts that didn't get sunburned"? In any case, you seem to be very inquisitive about my nude sunbathing habits. <<Point for Josh>>: I guess I'm up one. You've broken even. I'm more desireable than you are neener neener neener! How's that for competitive. <<Unless he's going for authentic gargoyle, in which case he'd have to fuse two fingers together>>: Or just wear a glove. <<Sounds like I've got to starting getting back into Star Wars>>: Just don't ask to borrow mine...I've got some bad experiences lending stuff more tangible than money. <<then I might have to give up Final Fantasy>>: Just read one then the other. No reason to drop something your enjoying for something you might enjoy. <<Why does Lex always get it?>>: Yeah, its time us short scrawny dweebs started sticking up for ourselves! <<you'd figured he'd at least get some wound-licking from the girls for it!>>: There weren't any girls. Except Maggie...and I think Brooklyn would have massively kicked Lex's butt. <<that's just me rooting for the mad scientist guy>>: They like having fans...uh, not that I know from personal experience ;-) <<either sleep or art>>: Starcraft or you play? <<when art begins to be the cause of stress and sleep deprivation, that's when things get interesting>>: Or when you've been experimenting with mind-altering drugs...hey you are in an art college! <<he was selling his for easy dates>>: They're not easy, and he doesn't get many...I'm amazed that he gets any dates at all. Well, no, I guess that's not fair. I mean, he is funny, rich, nice, and brilliant...notice that those are all um...not physical qualities. <<<$100 bills don't smell that great> I agree>>: Ah, a fellow snob. <<And why depend on a guy for money when it's easier (and generally more fulfilling) to earn it myself?>>: There are a lot of lazy girls out there...and they know that some guys will do anything for sex... <<Yes, I learned that lesson back in 1998>>: Uh oh. Which of an engineers abilities did you question? <<Spam I am>>: Ham I am would have worked just as well. <<<What if the stock market crashes?> LOL>>: Ooh! You really are a snob! ;-) <<<Toldja I could be more competitive!> Cannot!>>: Can too! <<Just proves that threats work better than sweet talk>>: Only if he shows up. <<And so I even out at zero. Now _that's_ a goddamn>>: A goddamn what? Of course I wouldn't call it zero, there are points for other things. <<I love Dennis Miller>>: POINT! <<well, except for his football persona>>: POINT! <<Guess I've gotta start collecting>>: Is there a particular sucker your trying to lure in? <<Give me a couple days>>: If I could dole out time, I'd be giving it to myself. <<Physics was fun>>: POINT! <<geometry I could do without>>: ANTI-POINT. <<They'd have to be poison darts>>: Tranquilizer...I rarely try to kill with weapons, just incapacitate. <<aphrodisiac darts>>: I prefer truffles. They work. <<They were driving me bananas>>: GROAN. <<You should've gone for number one in the top then, then>>: Alas, my time online is limited. Thought I wasn't far off... The irony is that I waited for Gside to post before posting for the night so I could respond to him. <<What about bluejays?>>: Birds rarely place themselves in a position that is safe to shoot at. Usually they're in the air or in a tree...and that's just dangerous. <<Beware of seltzer water>>: I only use two things for that...and this is line of conversation is leaving CR-appropriateness. <<sure, blabber away>>: Done. <<Oh, you meant it THAT way>>: Are you sure? <<In that case...>>: Yes...? <<And the limits of the male imagination>>: I dunno about other males, but my imagination has few limits. <<I must always pick up my sanity when I leave this CR>>: I didn't have to check mine with the admins, as I didn't have it in the first place. <<people IRL are always saying how serious I am>>: People say the same about me. <<every time I swear, they gasp as if hell froze over>>: Oh, I'm not that serious. I swear all the f*cking time ;-) <<everyone knows that doesn't happen in NH until February!>>: Or the onset of Fall in Detroit. <<And, thus, the plot of Gargoyles>>: So true. <<3 sets of Golden rings>>: Okay, I'm sure that the real answer is far simpler, but here's my solution. First night: give one ring. Second night: give double rings, get the one back. Third night, give single ring. Fourth night: Give quadruple ring, get double and single back. Fifth night: give single ring. Sixth night: give double ring, get single back. Seventh night: give single ring.

Fire Storm: <<if I had a hat>>: What kind of hat does a xenomorph wear, exactly? <<Something is not right here>>: Actually, MANY things are not right in this CR. <<It's been 12 hours since the wipe and we haven't even gotten out of the top ten yet>>: Its happened before. People are busy on Sunday mornings...stuff like sleeping. <<the S8 CR has been busier than this one!>>: I'm sorry, I have trouble believing that.

Lady Mystic: <<Head Admin of TGS CR Info AND GMC2004 Bid Co-Chairperson>>: Whoa. Power. Oh, hey, remember when you were asking us what new stuff we wanted in the CR and no one came up with anything? How about DPH's idea of a calendar that marks our birthdays? That'd be pretty cool.

Siofra: <<leaving soon for a week in beautiful northern Michigan>>: Have fun!

Green Baron: <<Let me get my Finance calcualtor, three-piece suit, and laptop ready>>: Do any of those make women swoon like the uniform? <<I'm such a putz>>: Join the club. <<I take it you've been exposed to Kaioto and Lexy together>>: I have, and I've survived the experience! <<I may need supporters in times ahead.>>: You may be barking up the wrong tree here, as Kai is a friend of mine and I'm likely to support him in any battles he may fight. <<except I'm being paid even less per hour, when I consider that I'm on duty 24-7>>: As a camp counselor, I think I made $1.12/hour.

Lynati: <<baklava>>: "Baklava Couscous!"...uh, nevermind.

DPH: <<who said that he/she lives in Fayetteville>>: Jan, I believe. <<when will you be re-enrolling in college?>>: I'll be heading back up the 22nd of August, I believe. I don't want you to send me a check until I have a chance to go book shopping and verify that there's a copy of (which program was it?) for me to send you. Fear not, I'll be in touch. <<Is there some sorta calendar out there where all the CR dwellers b-days are stored?>>: No, but there absolutely should be. If LM doesn't want to do it, maybe I'll set up a page. <<Advice on how to give a speech>>: KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Christine: <<Jurassic Park III>>: But were there any cool dinosaurs? How were the raptors? <<that slutty Pepsi commercial again>>: The Britney Spears one?

Gside: <<you are nowhere as cheap as me>>: Few things more dangerous than a spoiled engineer. <<vertical objects tend not to remain vertical while being pulled>>: Damned center of mass! <<we would be dealing with denim on concrete most likely. Or leather>>: I think that'd still be higher than .5, no? <<That would hurt, though>>: Yes, yes it would. <<The question is, why weren't you>>: I think the question is, why is she so interested in whether or not I was. <<All hail the overwhelming logic and sexual prowess of the left>>: We have sexual prowess? Um, I mean, of course we do! All hail left-brainers! <<It's all about binary counting>>: Ya know, that didn't even occur to me, though I did reach the same conclusion. Hey, do you know how to count in binary on your fingers? Its not real useful, but funny when you reach 4 and flip someone off. And you can count all the way up to 512 on just 10 fingers!

Okay, folks, I'm off to dream sweet dreams about my new g4 tower which I will actually be purchasing tomorrow.

Friends don't let friends use Windows.

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Truckee, CA, US of A
Monday, July 23, 2001 02:33:05 AM

Imzadi> <<factor in the fact that I don't have the patience to cook minute-rice, and I think you'll agree with FS>>: True, plus the fact that you are nowhere as cheap as me.
<<Tennis shoes on concrete, perhaps, a common occurence>>: Then we are also pulling him, and vertical objects tend not to remain vertical while being pulled. Ergo, we would be dealing with denim on concrete most likely. Or leather.
<<I could encase them in lucite>>: That would hurt, though.

Fire Storm> <<the S8 CR has been busier than this one!>>: Now that is a scary thought. So where's Wilek?

Since everyone seems to be making belated wishes, I may as well join in. Happy past birthday Lain.

Niamhgold> <<Wait, so you _were_ nude sunbathing?>>: The question is, why weren't you?
<<I'm gonna ignore what Gside says about left vs. right brainers>>: Probably a good idea. All hail the overwhelming logic and sexual prowess of the left.
<<everyone knows that doesn't happen in NH until February>>: I thought it was earlier. When do you stop burying people?
<<Naw, cause technically Josh got the answer first>>: But still, I hadn't gotten it, and you didn't see his answer.
<<You arrive at a hotel and have 3 sets of golden rings>>: You're asking this of someone majoring in two computer subjects? It's all about binary counting. You trade sets of rings. The numbers to follow will represent which set the innkeeper holds for the day (he keeps all of them after), witht the first number being the set of four, the second being the set of two,and the last being the one link: 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111. You could've added another level to the problem by starting out with an intact chain of seven, having to make minimal cuts while ensuring the inkeeper only has the exact number of links for each day (cut one three links from an end).

I thought it was time for some more Great Big Sea, so I bring you a message of perseverence in Ordinary Day.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, July 23, 2001 01:28:21 AM

Oh crap. Sorry, I forgot to wish Lain a Happy Belated Birthday. Lain, I hope you had a wonderful day to remember and many more to come.
Monday, July 23, 2001 12:04:21 AM

GB> Well, you never know. I may inherit a fortune or win the lottery so I guess we'll have to see. It's a shame really cause I use to live in Virginia and I really wanted to see it again.
Monday, July 23, 2001 12:02:31 AM

** Niamhgold enters **

Hey, all! Seems like a rather slow day...must be that everyone's either vacationing or enjoying some summer weather. I'll have to admit it took me this long to post because of neither; I'm busy getting my character book ready for the Tamworth Art Show. Did take a pause to go swimming, though :) I mean, who can resist when you have your own pool? ;)

Anywho, on to the replies, since I still have some hefty headway to make on this book!

Lain: Happy belated birthday!

GB: <As for rooming, I have my own plans for G02, but I'll probably see you there. As long as I'm not deployed to war, I am making G2002> Hope to see you there (in uniform? ;)) <BTW, hardship duty pay is kind of nice.> I subscribe to the belief that all forms of pay are nice ;)

Siofra: <Leaving soon for a week in beautiful northern Michigan! Swimming, sleeping, and running around the woods. Wooooo!!!> Sweeet! Seems like lots of people are doing the nature thing this year :) Glad you like your state! I like to visit the lake (which is, uh, only five minutes away), but of course only when the little kids aren't having their swimming lessons. Nothing like floating around in a school of soggy Cheet-os... ;)

Josh: Ouch, sunburn. Is pink better than stark red, though? Guess you weren't nude sunbathing ;) <It really is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.> I know the feeling. There's a place up here called Diana's Baths and The Flume; a really lovely collection of falls. Then of course, there's the Saco, where the rapids are awesome. <a great place with an even better dessert menu.> Dessert first? ;) <since every surface of my body is hyper-sensitive and burned beyond recognition.> Wait, so you _were_ nude sunbathing? ;) <A very cool flick, overall.> Heh. Point for Josh. <Remember the glue goes between the materials, not your fingers ;-)> Unless he's going for authentic gargoyle, in which case he'd have to fuse two fingers together. <Truly the best style of vegging.> And herein Dr. Evil would add something about a Belgian dip. <They mutilate themselves and others as some sort of disgusting sacrifice to their gods, they revel in pain and death.> Sounds like I've got to starting getting back into Star Wars. But then I might have to give up Final Fantasy...hmmmmmmmm... <And of course, in the one fight, Lex is taken out in the first couple seconds.> I know. Why does Lex always get it? And you'd figured he'd at least get some wound-licking from the girls for it! ;) I actually didn't mind the cage that much; I liked the sort of "human weakness" Goliath demonstrated. I, however, was kinda miffed that Sevarius, once again, showed minimal character movement. I would've loved for him to show a little more spine throughout the series, but he was always someone's lackey. But that's just me rooting for the mad scientist guy ;) <I know exactly how you feel. I use sleep to avoid reality when I'm depressed or stressed> Yeah, either sleep or art. However, when art begins to be the cause of stress and sleep deprivation, that's when things get interesting...;) <Doubt away, but try explaining how he gets a date> Sounds like while you were selling your soul for computer stuff, he was selling his for easy dates :) <$100 bills don't smell that great> I agree. And why depend on a guy for money when it's easier (and generally more fulfilling) to earn it myself? <Though I guess the leash would work too> Yuk yuk :) <<<Do not question the abilities of engineers>>: Especially a programmer!> Yes, I learned that lesson back in 1998... ;) <Of course, that's just the kind of pig I am> Spam I am. <What if the stock market crashes?> LOL. <Toldja I could be more competitive!> Cannot! <Yeah, we'll tie him to a computer> Looks like we're gonna have to! He still hasn't made an appearance. Just proves that threats work better than sweet talk :) <One point against Niamhgold...One point FOR Niamhgold...Point against Niamhgold...Sweet. Point for Niamhgold> And so I even out at zero. Now _that's_ a goddamn ;) <Its toilet humor and obscure Denis Miller-type jokes> Aw, come on! I love Dennis Miller ;) (well, except for his football persona). <We get comedy on Alephia> And that just adds insult to injury! :( <<<Hey, mister, do you wanna come into my shop and see some old paintings sometime?>>: Sure... ::bow chika bow bow::> Guess I've gotta start collecting ;) <Heh, heh. Email 'em to me.> Give me a couple days ;) <No, I'm the master of geometry and physics.> Physics was fun (not so much as chemistry); geometry I could do without. Which is odd, since most people peg me as a visual learner. But I won't lie and say I'm the master of any of those. Good, but not the master. And I'm gonna ignore what Gside says about left vs. right brainers...;) <but as a weapon they're a lot of fun> They'd have to be poison darts, though. And, in a deranged-Cupid world, aphrodisiac darts. <Yeah, those iMacs were pretty damn fruity...pun intended> They were driving me bananas **canned audience laughter**. <I guess this is a good opportunity to say "I wanna be on top".> You should've gone for number one in the top then, then ;) <Why do you think I spent a summer as a camp riflery counselor hunting them?> LOL! What about bluejays? ;) <<<squirrels were soaking their nuts>>: Yeah, I do that all the time> Beware of seltzer water. <I'm sorry. I promise not to do that to you again...unless you liked it ;-)> Heh, sure, blabber away. Oh, you meant it THAT way ;) In that case... <Depends on who you date.> ** Chuckles ** As Thryn pointed out to me, it's a lot cheaper that way ;) <<<But if you learn how to navigate well by smell, hearing, and feel, that would be cool>>: Only in bed> And the limits of the male imagination. You know, I must always pick up my sanity when I leave this CR, because people IRL are always saying how serious I am. And every time I swear, they gasp as if hell froze over. Now, everyone knows that doesn't happen in NH until February!

Jan: <I'm packing for my trip to Houston. We leave in the morning... or we may leave tonight and stay in a very COLD and air conditioned motel room> Have fun, and enjoy the cold! I know I can't really take air conditioning without having a window open at the same time, and everyone knows that's not best for the conditioner (well, unless you want a huge puddle under the thing...) ;)

Jaden: <I've seen them all and they all pissed me off because there were easy ways to avoid all of the problems they just wouldn't do it because they were afraid of something they didn't understand> And, thus, the plot of Gargoyles ;)

Gside: <And then you have the iguanas with fins.> LOL <There, you're now one up on me> Naw, cause technically Josh got the answer first.
But here's one for you: You arrive at a hotel and have 3 sets of golden rings. The first set of rings has 4 rings, the second set has 2 rings and the third only has one ring. You can't take these sets of rings apart, exchange them for a different form of currency, and the hotel clerk doesn't have change. You want to stay at the hotel for 7 nights, and you have to pay 1 gold ring for each night that you stay. You cannot pay in advance, or all at once at the end of your stay. How do you pay for your 7 nights at the hotel?


Sunday, July 22, 2001 05:11:47 PM

What a lousy day this was. Last Sunday was better, and it involved driving from Arlington to Clyde and back.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Sunday, July 22, 2001 04:27:20 PM

<grumbles, casting a horrid glance at the airline industry>

I hate the way airfares are handled! <sighs> Well, looks like I won't be able to make it to DragonCon... even this far in advance, flight prices are just too much for my current finances to handle.

Sorry, Christine... once again, it seems fate conspires to keep us from meeting again. Maybe we can work something out to get you to the Gathering in Va.Beach, or maybe even Tampa (if the bid goes through). For now, I am going to sit down and send you a check to get copies of your "Archmage" book... I can at least show that off at Necro in October.

Will post again soonest... Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Sunday, July 22, 2001 04:25:34 PM

Jurassic Park III > just got back from seeing this one and enjoyed it quite a bit. Why? 'Cause there were cool dinosaurs. Lots of cool dinosaurs. Raptors and dactyls chief among them. Totally predictable with even more "oh, come _on_" suspension of disbelief than the previous ones, but some interesting continuity to JP I and II, some cute humor, and most of all, lots of cool dinosaurs. Especially those raptors! ; )

Interesting previews -- Ice Age looks like fun, and I'll gladly take Becca to see Spiderman. Can do without the not one but two Nicholas Cage war movies, though. And we had to sit through that slutty Pepsi commercial again. Boy, I understand why people throw stuff at the screen.

Not much else going on today, so toodles for now! ; )

Christine - []
Sunday, July 22, 2001 02:14:04 PM

Ok, who said that he/she lives in Fayetteville, AR? I'd like to visit between Christmas and New Year's.

Imzadi - when will you be re-enrolling in college? I'd like to when to send the 1st check and how much to make it out for.

Happy belated birthday to Lain. Is there some sorta calendar out there where all the CR dwellers b-days are stored?

Be Sincere. Be Brief. Be seated.
Advice on how to give a speech.

DPH - []
Sunday, July 22, 2001 02:11:45 PM


GB: well, if your a putz for forgettin' to wish lain a happy B-day, I don't know what that makes me, because I forgot, was reminded, and forgot AGAIN. :P

lain: *gives lain a giant Birthday Baklava* be Happeeeeeeeee. ;P

*waves and exits*

Sunday, July 22, 2001 12:24:12 PM

Jan> <<*drools* Promise!!?! I love a man in uniform! :D>>
You and Christine both :)

SOROW> That is truly unfortunate. You're in deep debt?? College loans. It sounds like you need soem Financial advice. Let me get my Finance calcualtor, three-piece suit, and laptop ready :)

Gside> I've only heard of Ft Dix.

Lain> Happy Belated Birthday. I completely forgot. I'm such a putz :(

Imzadi> I take it you've been exposed to Kaioto and Lexy together. Too bad, neither of them like me right now. I'll explain that to you on e-mail if you're curious. I may need supporters in times ahead.

As for rooming, I have my own plans for G02, but I'll probably see you there. As long as I'm not deployed to war, I am making G2002.

Baldy> You're situation makes me glad I'm in a capitalist country.....except I'm being paid even less per hour, when I consider that I'm on duty 24-7....

Jannie> Texas....What's the difference between a coon ass and a jack ass? The Sabine River :p

Jackal> Now I understand.

Jaden> Well, I'll be in the library a lot, if that's the case with Korea and I'll be ordering videos and DVDs.

I can handle staff duty depending on what I can use when I have it. BTW, what's your rank. I'm a Specialist.

BTW, hardship duty pay is kind of nice.

Now, I am off


Green Baron - []
Ft Benning, GA
Sunday, July 22, 2001 09:17:07 AM

TOP - 'dactyl!!


Sunday, July 22, 2001 09:16:34 AM

Ok... Something is not right here.

It's been 12 hours since the wipe and we haven't even gotten out of the top ten yet!

Actually... the S8 CR has been busier than this one!
Fire Storm
Sunday, July 22, 2001 07:59:19 AM

Leaving soon for a week in beautiful northern Michigan! Swimming, sleeping, and running around the woods. Wooooo!!!
Okay, I'll catch up when I get back.
Have a great week everyone!

Siofra - []
Sunday, July 22, 2001 06:22:01 AM

** Niamhgold enters **

Eight! Ugh, I'm up waaaaaay too early on a Sunday morning...

Bigger post later

Sunday, July 22, 2001 05:30:40 AM

Top 10! I'll try to make a real post later (sometime this week). For now I'll leave you with TWO update reports and a survey announcement. Enjoy! :)

***** TGS CR INFO UPDATE *****

The CR Archive has been updated to include weeks up to Saturday July 21, 2001 for a total of 2 weeks added to the 2001 database (7/6 - 7/14 and 7/14 - 7/21).


The CR Administrators page has been updated to accommodate a different email address for the Assistant Admin of TGS CR Info (Fire Storm). Please note that Fire Storm's former email address (, which has been widely used in and known to the Gargoyles fandom, will be deactivated by the end of this month. His new email address may be replaced by a more appropriate one in the future but will do for now.



***** GMC2004 SITE UPDATE & SURVEY *****

In other Gargoyles fan news, the Gathering Motor City 2004 bid page has been updated and upgraded to a webSITE and consists of multiple pages of information, cool new site graphics and links to our FORUM! Find out all about our bid by visiting our site, ask us questions in the forum, become a volunteer, find out GMC2004 news as posted in the forum, and...

If you ATTENDED THE GATHERING 2001 please answer one of our two SURVEYS. For the sake of future Gatherings please send in your feedback today! Thanks for your time and input.




***** END GMC2004 SITE UPDATE & SURVEY *****

Lady Mystic - []
Head Admin of TGS CR Info AND GMC2004 Bid Co-Chairperson
Sunday, July 22, 2001 02:07:50 AM

Now, if I had a hat, I would throw it in the ring for the Top 10!
Fire Storm
Saturday, July 21, 2001 11:07:12 PM

Well, today was my dad's birthday, and the Truckee/Donner area found yet another way to abuse me by sunburning most of my upper body. Now I'm a lovely shade of pink.

I've experienced way too much pain for what's supposed to be a vacation.

We went to a lake about 50 miles north of Truckee called Sardine Lake. Its a crystal clear lake, not huge, but too large to swim across. We rented a motorboat (nothing fast, we're talking slower than I walk) and went across the lake to picnic on a large flat rock. After motoring around the lake snapping pictures with our ELPH's. Then we took the boat back and hiked for about 30 minutes to "upper" Sardine lake, a smaller body of water that's separated from the main lake by a dam (um, excuse me. Is this a goddamn? Huh, huh.). Some beautiful pictures of waterfalls, etc. We walked around the lakes and dam to check out the views. It really is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Afterwards we ate dinner at the restaurant on the shore, a great place with an even better dessert menu.

That was pretty much our day. Now I'm exhausted and I wanna post before I hit the sack...which is gonna hurt since every surface of my body is hyper-sensitive and burned beyond recognition.

We're watching Top Gun now. This is the ultimate movie for both guy's and girls. For girls, its got Tom Cruise being a hopeless romantic. For guys, its got jets, guns, missiles, and explosions. A very cool flick, overall.

God damnit even my feet got burned! FSCK!

Reply time!

FS: <<Is there really a question?>>: Okay, you talked me into it. After spending $79 for an airport card just so that I can eliminate the use of an ethernet cable in my apartment, it'd be really silly to not do this. So I guess I'll do it, even though my friend told me not to.

Azrael: <<You're reading the StarWars travesty?>>: Actually, believe it or not, I've read them ALL except for the two new ones that take place after episode one, "Cloak of Deception" and "Darth Maul". I just love the universe. In my eyes, they can do no wrong, as long as they keep feeding me stories. "Conquest" was a particularly gruesome book, where the Vong use their bizarre shaping and mutilation on Anakin's girlfriend. It was pretty messed up. But it was a good read, in my mind. Take it with a grain of salt, though, as I've loved all the books. <<The one by Mike Stackpole was okay>>: He's my favorite author in the SW universe, right after Timothy Zahn (the Thrawn books). <<vacuum-like qualities>>: because they're in space?

Jan: <<How do we go ahead and register for G02 Gathering?>>: So soon? You already know where and when you'll be in a year? Amazing. I wish I had that kind of certainty in my life. It'd make stuff much easier. <<I was trying to be good!>>: Why bother? Its less fun! <<Makes me sad to know that I won't be pinching that adorable butt>>: I'm sure you'll find others. <<

Patrick: <<hearing that Jamie's retiring the character now just makes me that much more glad we had him come out>>: That's really too bad. I hope he'll still make an appearance at future Gatherings. <<dug my hot glue gun out of the attic>>: Remember the glue goes between the materials, not your fingers ;-)

Rodlox: <<Finally, one I'll actually be able to attend!>>: Awesome! See you there, I hope. <<unless, of course, my saying that scares everyone else away>>: I think that's my job, possibly Gside's or any other engineers in here. <<that was their way of keeping the odds even>>: Just once, I'd like to see the odds evened at the cost of someone ELSE's consciousness.

Niamhgold: <<Woo-hoo, my computer's letting me back onto the site>>: This must be a windows problem. Ya know, for all the site techies' bitching about how macs suck at gathering and how they aren't worth the silicon they're built with, I seem to have far less trouble with the site than ANY of you guys. <<running off prints of my Weird Sisters' picture>>: Will you mail me one? <<Potato style>>: Truly the best style of vegging. <<Long post tomorrow!>>: And there was much rejoicing: yay. <<hope y'all had a great day>>: ::looks at shoulders, arms, chest:: Ouch.

Jaden: <<Yeah I'd like to be in LA too>>: I think everyone would ;-) <<I've seen them all and they all pissed me off>>: Give them a break. They're 30 years old. <<The Internet cafe is losing power from the storm!>>: God, wish we had one of those in Truckee.

DPH: <<As soon as my vehicle is paid for, I'll be making precise plans to move out>>: I know the feeling of moving out. I wish you luck, its a truly exciting time.

Gside: <<I would be willing to wait a minute or so for large files>>: Yeah, but factor in the fact that I don't have the patience to cook minute-rice, and I think you'll agree with FS. <<It's like censored, but protects the fabric of reality>>: Interesting. <<But you're pulling him, not carrying him>>: True. <<I don't believe mu often exceeds 0.5>>: Tennis shoes on concrete, perhaps, a common occurence. <<you mentioned nothing of its storage in relation to its evaporation rate>>: I know, my bad. <<I have much respect for fools>>: Few others do, however. <<Perhaps if you showed it off in public first, you could start attracting "mad fly honeys.">>: I suppose so. But then I'd have to show it off in public. <<I'd say they're about tied>>: I dunno about that. <<There is no better way to display your nuts>>: I could encase them in lucite. Or carbonite. <<You're going as Godiva? And giving lap dances?>>: ::shudder::

Aaron: <<because Josh and Gside wanted it so desparately>>: Is there any way for you to aquire other things I desperately want? <<Because your name was taken from a very special list of appreciators of the female form>>: A brochure for what, exactly? <<who does that describe>>: Fox ;-) <<why is it funny that I should get this?>>: Gorebash award.

The trick is not to die for your country, but to make the other poor bastard die for his.
-General George S. Patton

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Truckee, CA, US of A
Saturday, July 21, 2001 10:25:35 PM

Imzadi> <<Hey!>>: But do realize that I have much respect for fools. Lear's fool, for one.
<<Only in bed>>: But that limits the number of people you could demonstrate it to. Perhaps if you showed it off in public first, you could start attracting "mad fly honeys."
<<But those are gonna be harder to change than my genes>>: At this point in technology and your age, I'd say they're about tied.
<<No way! Yours too!?>>: There is no better way to display your nuts.

Patrick Toman> <<'m planning (scheming, actually) to totally outdo myself next year>>: You're going as Godiva? And giving lap dances?

Lynati> <<"Akane's Baka Song" was never more appreciated than at this point>>: Tonikaku anta tte baka ne.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, July 21, 2001 08:44:51 PM

Suprise! Robby's off to Comicon for the week, so I had to wipe the room.

And, because Josh and Gside wanted it so desparately, I'll post what I can from that brochure I got sent.

"... I have a feeling that if you met me you'd like me. In fact, I bet you'd like me very much. Why? Let's just say I have that feeling. Because your name was taken from a very special list of appreciators of the female form." (True enough) "and well... that's something I have in a very special way.

Let me tell you a little about myself. Physically, I'm tall and red-haired. I mean I'm a natural born redhead. And I really mean red. My skin is almost unnaturally milky white, except wher I get a little sun, and then I break out in a storm of red freckles. My hair is long and crimson. Heads turn when I glide by."

Now, who does that describe, and why is it funny that I should get this?


Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Saturday, July 21, 2001 08:36:56 PM

Second, real post to follow
Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel
Saturday, July 21, 2001 08:35:03 PM

The line "Why are you suddenly so bouncy?", Which episode is that from? Been seeing it recently, and couldn't place it.

Imzadi> <<decide if the $43 is worth it to transfer data to my laptop at 30 MB/sec instead of a free crossover cable that transfers at 1.5 MB/sec>>: Being so cheap, I'd go with the free cable. 1.5 megs is adequate, and I would be willing to wait a minute or so for large files.
<<What does that mean?>>: It's like censored, but protects the fabric of reality instead of the sensibilities of readers.
<<I know Aaron doesn't think he's "beefy", but that's a little low>>: But you're pulling him, not carrying him. And I don't believe mu often exceeds 0.5.
<<In your wildest dreams>>: But of course.
<<Like, say, in a jet's fuel tank>>: True, but you mentioned nothing of its storage in relation to its evaporation rate.

More later.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, July 21, 2001 08:29:01 PM
