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1 person!

NukesGoBoom - []
Saturday, October 20, 2001 09:50:02 PM

NukesGoBoom: <None of you remember me, and rightfully so>
I remember you!
Welcome back!

Fire Storm
Saturday, October 20, 2001 09:34:33 PM

None of you remember me, and rightfully so. I havnt been reading the comment room for like a year or so, but I just wanted to tell everyone here that you are the only people that I can understand. This post is unrelated to anything and everything. I have been reading some of the stories and poking around in most of the links, but never posted here during that time. I know that most of you dont care about this, that it has nothing to do with anything, im sorry. But i feel that people here are so much more... insightful than the people i know. I dont know any of you, except for lain but thats all. I wanted so badly to become a part of the establishment that was alredy here when I saw it. One day i just thought "hmmn. ill type Gargoyles on yahoo and see what i get". I hated the fact that I had to start as a newbie and work my way up ( I find that I am always doing this with everything I do) Again, I know that you guys probobly dont care, but i see all of you in a different light.

Ever love anything so much that it hurts? Know that you can never (maybe...) be as great as it? Thats how i feel about gargoyles. I think about them all the time, ALL the time, and how divine that I think they are. I KNOW that its just a show, but its so REAL! Especially with this site and people like you guys! Anyone try to work story lines into their head to add another gargoyle down the future of the alredy existing story and pretend that you are that gargoyle? Usually the son or daugther of your favorite? I do..

Anyway, sorry to have distrubed you, but i want everyone to be just as incredible as they alredy are. I dont want to be a newbie.

...If anyone is wondering why i was gone for a while, at first it was because i had school and i was reading the stories and stuff, but then sept.11th happened and my step-sister, who was in brooklyn (hes my favorite by the way) at the time, saw the whole thing and she was... different from then on ( I mean she was RIGHT there watching it unfold.) then it turns out that her friend was going out with a guy that was in that terrorist group associated with all of it!( she had to talk to the CIA and the FBI everything, my stepsister's husband is the son of a retired CIA agent.)

... so it was bad. And i STLL couldn't stop thinking about GARGOYLES!!!

Sorry for taking up space...

i love all of you
peace -Nukes

NukesGoBoom - []
Saturday, October 20, 2001 09:33:43 PM

<<I think it would be VERY screwed up and cool if they brought in the whole thing with Cable.>>

I doubt that it would be too much fun for Scott, though. Having a son of yours show up from the future while you're still in high school can be very unnerving and embarrassing. And what could make it worse is if Jean finds out about the "Madeline Pryor" business and starts angrily telekinesing a number of small, blunt objects at Scott.

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, October 20, 2001 09:29:19 PM

TODD> Hell, they say Hitler's grandmother was Jewish. There's another theory going around that Hitler was gay also. THat one's new to me though.


I agree, these three just don't seem "Big Bad"ish. THough I wouldn't expect them to stick around that long. For a couple episodes at least, but no more than six. Mr. Trick didn't last that long. Though if they're indeed the villains for the season, they couldn't be worse than the Initiative and Adam of Borg.

Great to see Giles again. He's been my favorite character ever since he killed Ben. I always liked him a lot before that, but since then he's been my favorite.

Nice scene with Giles and Willow. Though I'd like to see Giles smack some sense into her. Willow is a bitch. Still, it's very nice to see that they're finally making her into an interesting character.

Another nice scene between Buffy anf William (more on that below). Their romance is not too far on the horizon.

A friend and I have been talking, and we have decided that from now on, we will refer to post-chip Spike as William. 'Spike' is a truly badass name, only a true badass is worthy of it. William has not been worth of that name in a long time. But he can re-earn it the next time he impales someone's head on a railroad spike. But for now, Spike is dead. ALL HAIL WILLIAM!!! Er, maybe not.

Hey, Buffy charging for her slaying is not such a bad idea. The Watcher's Council should be paying her. They need her after all. If they can afford to hire mercenaries and all that wicked voodoo they do, then they can easily give Bufft a $40,000 a year salery at the bare minimum.

Hell, cops get paid to protect us from evil criminals (and people that speed, and Drug Dealers and stuff), and the military are getting paid to protect us from the evil Osama bin Laden. Buffy should get paid to save the world from vampires, demons, Hell Gods and whoever else she fights.

Hmmm, maybe Buffy should be a cop.


Greg Bishansky
Saturday, October 20, 2001 09:29:06 PM

SJ: Word of warning: All I know about X-Men is what I saw from the old FOX cartoon.

<You have to use the comics as reference, as naturally the Evolution show has screwed continuity up the wazoo.>
You mean :Gasp!: that the show isn't following the comics verbatium?!?
Next thing you will tell me is that Robert Kelly isn't a principal in the comics and that all the mutants are NOT the same age! ;)
<tore things up Han Solo style across the galaxy.>
THAT made me laugh!
Did Corsair have any other children with anyone/anything else?
<oh hell, I've made a mistake somewhere in there>
I would have been absolutely AMAZED to find out that you got that perfect!
<I know his damn family tree>
Aliens, time travel paradoxs, mutants, humans, gods
Like I said, enough to give a sane person a headache.
<Jean's parents were human>
Well, THAT'S boring! ;)
I remember seeing that in an episode some time ago, which is why I brought it up (Mr. Sinister)

What about Mystique? She had two children with Sabretooth, but did she have any children with anyone else?
Any other interesting families of any of the other group we see in Evolution?
Any evidence of Xaviers children coming back in time?
<I'll keep watching the show, up until I see a teenage version of Sinister running around. That's when I bail in disgust.>
Hmm... Na. I know something worse: Apocalypse as a school bully. Or Omega Red (I THINK that is his name).
Lady Deathstrike (Yuriko?) comes in as the school librarian.
The Sentinels as traffic cops or hall monitors.
The school district trying to get the Genosha-style collars to curb mutant activity.
Beast as a non-furry chemistry teacher. Hey... um...
Gambit. I doubt that they could make a new Gambit that is any good.

I think it would be VERY screwed up and cool if they brought in the whole thing with Cable.
<Excellent opportunity to insert Psylocke into the group, perhaps as Rogue's friend>
Yeah, I know!

After reading everything, X-Men is worse than a Soap Opera!

Todd Jensen: <it turns out that Scott also has a cousin out in California who's a vampire slayer. Fortunately, that can only happen in fanfic crossovers>
Are you sure? I mean, FOX makes the cartoon X-Men and FOX creates both Buffy and the Buffy cartoon. I fear that there is the possability of an actual crossover.
<Actually, there is the possibility, based on fan speculation, that the real "Big Bad" of the season will be Willow>
Fan speculation or fan hope?

Fire Storm
Saturday, October 20, 2001 09:24:12 PM

Actually, I can think of one way to make the Summers family tree even more hopelessly complicated; it turns out that Scott also has a cousin out in California who's a vampire slayer. Fortunately, that can only happen in fanfic crossovers; the big question, of course, is who'd be the most unnerved by that revelation: Scott or Buffy?

Interesting that one of the big mutant-haters in the X-Men Universe would actually be the son of mutants; but maybe it's not all that surprising. In fact, it's probably one reason why Graydon hates mutants so much. (I've read similar things about many virulent Jew-haters being of Jewish descent and aware of it).

I don't know that the Mystique revelation is a complete loss; after all, it gives the cartoon the opportunity to explore her connections with Rogue (especially given Risty being Rogue's friend), that they hinted at in the first season but never fully explained.

Saw the latest episode of "Buffy" tonight. Spoilers follow.


Well, as "Big Bads" go, Jonathan and his friends are definitely not a patch on the Master, the Mayor, or Glory; they make some fun comic relief, though. (Actually, there is the possibility, based on fan speculation, that the real "Big Bad" of the season will be Willow, who certainly could be going in that direction; her conversation with Giles over her bringing Buffy back from the dead certainly furthers that possibility).

Nice to see Giles again, even as a guest star. He's still one of my favorites.

I very much liked the handling of Buffy's financial troubles, which struck me as well-written. (I hope that she doesn't start charging people for vampire-slaying, though. There's got to be another way of earning money than that). The fact that a demon just trashed a lot of her house in trying to get at her isn't making matters any better. The episodes to come should definitely be interesting ones.


Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, October 20, 2001 09:03:03 PM

Maybe real post later. For now:

X-Men Stuff: You have to use the comics as reference, as naturally the Evolution show has screwed continuity up the wazoo.

<<First, tell me Scott Summers (Cyclops.) Everything known.>> Scott has a brother, Alex, known as the mutant Havok. At one point, early in their lives, an alien ship attacked the plane that was being flown by Scott's father and mother. They (he and his brother) jumped out of the plane with the only parachute, and were spared, but they thought their parents had died. It turned out that they were taken prisoner on the alien ship (I think it was part of the Shi'ar empire....). Anyway, if memory serves me, Mrs. Summers was made the concubine of the Shi'ar emperor, who was the wackjob brother of the Shi'ar Empress, Lilandra (Xavier's alien girlfriend). She had a kid by him, I believe, who was known as Adam, aka the mutant / alien hybrid known as Extreme (who has since died). She died shortly afterward. To avenge her death, Mr. Summers became a space pirate known as Corsair, and tore things up Han Solo style across the galaxy.
Meanwhile, Scott and Alex grew up. Scott dated Jean Grey, but during the Phoenix saga, it appeared she died. But she was replaced with a clone that the Phoenix made (that looked just like her, cause hey, it's a clone), known as Madelyne Prior. Scott married her (if you can't have the original, the copy will do), and they had a kid, Nathan, who was infected by a technoorganic virus which was killing him (I believe that Apocalypse did the infecting, but I'm not sure). So they sent Nathan into the future, and he returned later on as the warrior Cable (and if you want to continue with Cable's storyline, you have to mention Cable's clone, Stryfe, who was Cable from an alternate reality; naturally, being a clone, he was evil. He also died and came back to life a dozen times or so. And, also, Cable had a son, Tyler, who eventually went crazy, dressed himself up in a costume and called himself Genesis, and tried to steal all of Apocalypse's power [get it? Apocalypse? Genesis? First and last books of the Bible?] before getting killed.).
Then, of course, Madelyne goes crazy, calls herself the Goblin Queen, and eventually gets killed. But look! Jean Grey's back! Turned out she never died, the Phoenix entity was just keeping her in a coma. So there's this big fight on another planet for Jean Grey's life, as the Phoenix entity at this point is insane (thanks, in part, to the Hellfire Club), and the Shi'Ar empire under Lilandra want's to kill her before she wipes out any more galaxies (the Phoenix force killed a lot of planets...) and....oh hell, I've made a mistake somewhere in there.
Needless to say, Jean and Scott are together again, although in the current issues, it looks as if their marriage is rocky right now. Which is understandable, because a few months back Scott was literally sharing a body with Apocalypse, and that can put a damper on anyone's day.

So there you go. Cliffnotes on Scott Summer's family. I can't remember my 12th grade physics lessons, people, but I know his damn family tree.

<<Quicksilver: I know Magneto is the father. Who is the mother?>> That was Magneto's very human wife, whose name (if I recall correctly) was Magda. As the story goes in the original comic, Mags and Magda escaped Nazi occupied territory back in WW2 together as young kids (perhaps teenagers?) who grew up, got married, and had 2 kids: Pietro (Quicksilver) and Wanda (The Scarlet Witch). Both the children were mutants. Magda wasn't, so therefore, she wasn't that interesting, which is why you never hear anymore about her.

<<Rogue: Mystique is the mother. Who is the father? >> Mystique is NOT Rogue's biological parent. Mystique is merely Rogue's foster mother. Rogue freaked out when she mainfested her powers, and ran away from home, but was found and raised by Mystique and her lover, Destiny, up until Rogue finally broke away and joined with Xavier. So the relation there is not by blood.

<<Nightcrawler: Mystique is the mother and Sabretooth is the father, correct?>> Right. So far as I know, the only other offspring between the two of them was Graydon Creed, a mutant-hating human who helped form / run the Friends of Humanity. He caused his father and the X-Men a lot of grief, and once was a presidential candidate, but he was assassinated (by Bastion, I believe, who was the android amalgamation of the prime Sentinel, Master Mold, and the Sentinel from the future, Nimrod, when they both went through the Siege Perilous) in order to cause anti-mutant backlash.

<<Jean Grey: Mr. SInister is related to her, correct? Is she the love child of Mr. Sinister and Mystique?>> I haven't read the Jean Grey / Cyclops miniseries from a while back, but I do believe that Sinister, back when he was still human, was the husband to a red-haired woman surnamed Grey in the 1800s. It was her illness that he was trying to cure that got him so deeply involved in genetics in the first place. I forget his exact relation to her, but I think it's possibly that he's her great-great-something or other-grandfather. Mystique, as far as I know, wasn't alive back then. And he's not her father, and Mystique is not her mother. Jean's parents were human.

Speaking of, "Misty" or "Risty" or whatever....she's Mystique? Ehh. Seems like a waste to me. Excellent opportunity to insert Psylocke into the group, perhaps as Rogue's friend. But whatever. I'll keep watching the show, up until I see a teenage version of Sinister running around. That's when I bail in disgust.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Saturday, October 20, 2001 08:47:26 PM

Droppin' in ...

Winterwolf: I am just as jealous as Ravyn is of you and Dreamie now. ;) Hope you two's are really happy. :)

**huggles Ravyn on general principle, and since it's Sweetest Day**

Entity: Okay, I'll play along ... I assume you're making up astrological charts ... here's a challenge for ya: I was born September 27th, 1975, near 10pm in Kanagawa-Ken, Japan. :)

Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Saturday, October 20, 2001 06:44:12 PM

Hey, here's some logic. The oh so brilliant sports director here at school wants to build a new stadium for the nation's worst football team (literally) that will cost tons of dollars. Do you know why? Well, acording to his thinking, it will attract better players! BS! He wants to hike up tuition $75 so the nation's worst football can have a better stadium to lose in. Is this not stupidity? Apparently, if good players see a good stadium, they will want to play aat our school, despite our baaaaaaad losing streek. We have such deeply thoughtful directors.
Revel> <<You ever had to paint a tree while looking through candy sprinkled donut?>>
You see, that requires talent to draw. I have no talent in drawing. Metaphysics only requires that you have good analyzation skills and a brain to think deeply with. Everyone can do that, it's just 80% of society is (1)either too lazy to do, (2) doesn't consider it profitable, (3) or is to scared to think outside of the norm. If I tried to do something in art, I would fail miserably. :)
Tarot cards: I have interesting story behind those. I bought a deck once and tried to remember how the guy at Renfest did it. So I did it on myself, got a devil, the eight inverted swords, and a couple of others that spelled out bad news. I freaked, ran to my local church and gave them to the preist and asked him to burn them.
Now that I look back on that, I can't help but think what a moron I was. :)

metaldemon - []
denton, tx
Saturday, October 20, 2001 05:50:09 PM

eBay: Anyone else in here bid on reserve auctions only because you know you won't go above the reserve?

Greg Bishansky: <Nope, not the "New Yorker" if I can help it. I didn't even stay at that hotel and I hated>
Have us G98 attendees complained about that hotel THAT much?
<All New Yorkers swore off Gatherings?>
Oh, I just remember the most of the G98 staff said never again afterwards.

Jan: <they are selling their products at discount prices in their own countries instead.>
Come down to Crazy Jhorge's drug improium! Smuggle yourself and save!

Gunjack: <And it gives a plausible explanation for charaters fencing with swords the size of Cloud's Buster from FF7.>
Stuff like that needs no explination! Just like Malletspace needs no explination!

Imzadi: <Why are you hanging out there? This is the same Matlab that engineers use for array manipulation, correct?>
Nope! A complete cross reference for 27,000+ materials, including density, composition, use, etc. REALLY cool!
<Ditto, and I live 400 miles from my car. My insurance should be approximately $1.80 a month>
Well, you suck then. ;)
I am currently paying $500 per 6 months. A few months ago it was $280.
<See A-10 Warthog>
Yes. Exactly.
But even then, the gun is so powerfull it can casue the airplane to slow down enough to stall it.
<As long as it works on asphault, I'm happy>
...and thats about it. Sand? HELL NO. Mud? Nope. Water? Let me think... NO.
<Believe it or not, 20 gallons of fuel is neither heavy nor does it take up a lot of space, not on a 6 ton piece of battle armor. Hell, it could be used as part of the coolant system.>
Agreed. It just depends on the density of the armor. The fuel is not too much of a problem. Tanks on the legs or something (It is best to have consumables close to or below the dry center of gravity. But I don't think it's too smart to use Kerosene as a coolant, although it is used like that often.
<I think I know some people>
But remember that I bought this before they re-opened Cuba to trading a few months ago. Still, it is always good to know someone who can get those.
Just keep them away from Ex-president Cliton.
<Okay, maybe we are more similar than I realized>
<I'm sure your woman appreciates it.>
True. :)
<An exo suit>
Capable of surviving underwater?
And able to lift all buildings!
More powerful than a scientist with a loco motive? ;)
<How can Nike's help someone live?>
Um... rocky ground?
<But that tissue wouldn't be metal>
No, but the bones would be. It would just be covered with skin, Ala the Terminator.
<twisted dude, Twisted. How often are they updated?>
::smiles:: Another convert.
Weekly. Tuesdayish.
<I must have made at least ONE post that doesn't offend anyone>
Can't think of any. Sorry!
<An external internal drive, huh?>
No, amazingly enough. It fits internal. I just had to break the existing rails and duct tape the drive down.
<See, now, if you had a mac, that wouldn't be a problem>
Alas, floppys are a necessary evil here. No Zip on my laptop and no PCMCIA readers on the PCs
<The rest of the CR would greatly appreciate it if you did not post such things. Now, buffy in that attire...>
Buffy? Na. Fred or Willow!
Smart and wierd chicks are hot!

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr.: <X-MEN: EVOLUTION>
Mind if I ask you about some of the characters family trees?
First, tell me Scott Summers (Cyclops.) Everything known. ;) ::KIDDING:: I know his family tree is more confusing than anyones and can give someone a headache just thinking about his immediate family!
Quicksilver: I know Magneto is the father. Who is the mother?
Rogue: Mystique is the mother. Who is the father?
Nightcrawler: Mystique is the mother and Sabretooth is the father, correct?
Jean Grey: Mr. SInister is related to her, correct? Is she the love child of Mr. Sinister and Mystique?
Who else knocked Mystique up and who was the result?
(I swear... from what I have heard, she just can't seem to keep her legs together! ;)
<It was Misty, or as we now know her as Mystique!>
And I was really hoping that Misty was Phsylok
<whom I'm sure did survive the destruction of Asteroid M>
They have basicailly said so. The TV transmission from the season premiere was interrupted by a magnetic disturbance.

Warpmind: <Fire up the orbital cannon!>
YES! I get to test out my new toy!
Output at .75c! Load with 10,000 tons of 20M degree plasma!
Wait... wouldn't that do a little TOO much damage to the Earth?
Ah... who cares! BLOW THEM UP! ;)

ReBoot: Daemon is NOT what I expected!
She's... kinda hot.

Tarot Cards: How about multiple deck types? Darkages deck, Timedancer deck, Gargoyles (Modern) deck, and a Future deck?

Fire Storm
Saturday, October 20, 2001 05:35:00 PM

Oh, today sucks.

Here I am, not even 4 hours into my 10 hour shift, and I am not sure what I want to do.

Guess I always could work on my programming, but...

Man, this place sucks the productivity out of me!

FIre Storm
Saturday, October 20, 2001 03:50:32 PM

Jan - Conway airport is so small. Only private personal aircraft are allowed. I believe the state troopers have minimal effect on catching speeding semis because the drivers know the state troopers are ahead of time. Besides, less than 1/5 of the time I was coming home from work on 2nd shift did I spot a cop looking for speeders. I do believe in auditing books of shippping companies (UPS, Fed Ex) to check for speeders. I also believe they should have cameras installed in multiple locations and use basic math to catch speeders (You were at point A at such time and point B 3 minutes later and point B is so many miles away from point A). That will force them to keep average velocities down.

Oh yea, I chatted with Brooklyn last night. He said his internet connection was gone for 3 months.

Imzadi - <--Read that carefully. My theory is that hackers steal email addresses from email providers and some email providers are more secure than others. Think about it: they wouldn't admit to hackers stealing email addresses from them. Besides I have 1 and only 1 email address that does not receive spam. The day that email address gets spam is the same day I get that email address changed AGAIN.

maybe that's all for now; maybe it's not.

DPH - [dph_of_rules@<nospam>]
Saturday, October 20, 2001 03:45:26 PM

** Niamhgold enters quickly **

Christine: Thanks! Actually, I have her as something different for visual purposes...but Capricorn may work ;) Thanks a bunch :)


Saturday, October 20, 2001 03:05:52 PM

Ah the weekend, the only difference between it and the week is the no class part, but still there is stuff to do. Truth is weekends are the only time I get stuff done. My friends are here during the week so I am easily distracted... very easily.

Metaldemon- metaphysics? Boy, almost makes my classes seem easy. You ever had to paint a tree while looking through candy sprinkled donut?

Josh- gutteral sounds? Shouldn't that be salavating since you want the iBook? I only growl at my car and ocassionally at girls when they... never mind ];)
You know, the very thought of one of my teachers actually get a glimps of this place is really funny to me. I can see my Comm teach following up on that paper I gave her (Evil thoughts).

Jan- Tarot Cards? the only cards that I know of that predict your future are use in a game called poker. "Do I walk away or lose everything I have?"

Lynati- Dang, you have to build your own kiln? Bummer. Well get some sleep and we'll talk some more when you wake up.

"We put the jar of sanity of on the shelf, but it fell down."
-I just said it, so there-


Revel - []
denton, tx
Saturday, October 20, 2001 02:32:38 PM

Warpmind n others -- ooo! Love your card ideas *^_^* We should make a Tarot Page and post the idea of each card, then see if anyone is willing to draw one or more of them. I will try a few, but I don't want to commit to over 70 illustrations. It might be fun group project though. Once they are made, we can post them on the page. And those who want can print them out on heavy card stock as personal decks.

Christine, wow! Neat gift from Tim *^_^* -- I'm muchly jealous!

More card ideas... I am think Cu Cullin/Rory and Bronx for the fool, card 0. And Coldstone/Desdemona for the Lovers (yeah, most people will want Elisa/Goliath, and maybe as an alternate card) -- hmmm... there's a lot of ways this could be played, so alternate versions of the same card wouldn't be out of the question. *^_^*

Josh -- I don't smoke anything, allergies. Once you come down from your latest meth hit, we can swap college stories.

Silvadel -- yes, I remember what I said last, I was wondering what your post after was, so I could reply to it. I didn't remember seeing one.

later all...

Saturday, October 20, 2001 01:19:06 PM

Christine> <<I find them quite interesting because there's so much room to interpret to fit the situation.>> I understand that and somewhat agree :) Sometimes it is eerie the way the predictions or whatever you call them can fit a certain person.

Josh> Re: college mentality - apparently you are not in the group of *most* that I described. ;)
<<I have lots for sale>> I'll tell him... he has to get a job first. I'm not financing his toys right now.
<<Very open-minded>> There's a saying that I like..."if you are _too_ open minded, your brains will fall out" When one is soooo open minded then they apparently do not have any convictions or guidelines for themselves.
Besides, why should I give up my convictions just so someone can practice something that goes totally against my christian beliefs under MY roof? MY home. If not in my home, then where am I entitled to keep away from things that I don't want practiced around me? It's my home and therefore my rules. It's very simple... if someone doesn't want to live within the rules and guidelines of my home - don't live here. *shrugs* Move out and have your own rules.
Are there not certain things that are not permissible to do in your parents' home? You are free to do whatever you want, when you want? No rules? No restrictions of any kind? If you wanted to sit down at the dining room table and pull out a Playboy and read it, that would be fine with your mom? Don't tell me that I'm being closed minded just because I have beliefs and rules in my home. I simply do not accept the practice of fortune telling, spell casting, witchcraft, etc. and will not allow it to take place in my home.
<< I'm not going to say anything here, because you'll just kick my scrawny butt at G2k2>> *chuckles* I can't imagine what you would say that would cause me to want to kick your scrawny butt at G2k2.

Warpmind> <<so if, say, someone like me, who perpetually carries a deck in the jacket pocket, were to visit, would the deck have to wait outside? ;) >> *chuckles* nooooo... for one thing, it's your choice to have those cards and they are in your jacket pocket. The cards themselves are of no threat to me. I don't believe that they have any type of mystic powers. I also know that you would respect my beliefs and wouldn't whip out the cards and begin doing some type of reading on my living room coffee table. ;)
You could even show me the artwork on the cards and I would be polite about it.... but if you started doing readings or whatever - then I would politely ask you to put them away.
I guess it could be the same as if say you are a devout atheist and I came to visit you. If I carried a Bible in my pocket - would you allow me into your home? Since we're friends, I would think that you would. However, if I took the Bible out and started reading scriptures to you and "preaching" to you - I imagine you would politely ask me to put the Bible away.... correct? If this was a true scenerio, I wouldn't have gotten my Bible out because I would respect your right to be an atheist. I wouldn't agree with you, but I would still respect your right.
Plus, you are not my son. There is a difference when it's someone else doing it and when it's your own flesh and blood.
To me, it boils down to respect. If you are in someone's home that does not condone a certain behavior or belief, then you should respect their home and not do it.

Entity> Scorpio: I will admit that it's remarkably close to how I am. *nods* Heh, manipulative, huh? *giggles* moi?? ;) revenge... hmmmm...well yes. However, I try not to allow that particular action to surface. Doesn't always work though. Remarkable, though.

Saturday, October 20, 2001 12:50:16 PM

Hey all. Had a little trouble getting in here but things are starting to slow down now. I failed my journalism test this week, my first college failure oh no! But I'm going to see if I can sweet talk the teacher into changing it :) Have a big paper to write for next week so just popping in.
SOROW - []
Saturday, October 20, 2001 12:33:28 PM

*Warpmind enters, looking somewhat amused.*
So I get another piece of spam, and they claim that I have left my information on their lists in a legit way, and if not, I should except their apologies. *Unethical grin* Apology excepted. Fire up the orbital cannon! };) I mean, the least one should expect from such spam is proofreading to avoid *that* stupid typos...

Oh, and an observation. *Appears somewhat nauseous.* For those of you who have not yet read Mara's latest MiST, do so. However, do NOT listen to Tchaikovskij while reading. That is bad. Very bad.

Entity: Owen as a Virgo? Naw, doesn't sound right... more like the cold, calm, enigmatic Scorpio, I figure.

Jan: Actually, he was just a vegetable. };) Oh, and on the topic of Tarot cards... so if, say, someone like me, who perpetually carries a deck in the jacket pocket, were to visit, would the deck have to wait outside? ;)

Josh: How am I a sick dude for thinking anime chicks are appealing? Õõ And yes, unending grudges are very rare in my case. I usually can't be bothered with staying angry at people; too much effort.

Mooncat: You forget Princess Katherine as The Empress, the Magus (at the end of Avalon 3) would do well for 4 of Swords, Angela (with Nessie) would fit as Strength, Demmie and MacBeth could work for The Devil (bound together as they are), and, of course, Future Tense-version of Aerie Tower as -you guessed it - The Tower. }:) If I could only draw... ;) (I myself have the Robin Wood deck, signed by the artist. And a Manara deck is around? Must have!)

Josh again: Those movies you mentioned... Why do those titles sound like the kind that should be sold with a free box of tissues? };)

Well, that's about it. I'd stay on with the magical debate that seems to be growing here, but I don't really have enough time. By the way, I have a saber here now, and, well... does anyone here know where I can get some decent Powerstones? I'd like to crank up the accuracy a bit... };)

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Saturday, October 20, 2001 11:39:00 AM

As for tarot cards etc, the materials arent all that important... I mean my rune set is done on a set of scrabble tiles, hand drawn.
Saturday, October 20, 2001 11:12:14 AM

Greetings all...

Well, looks like I now now the REAL reason why my computer's been acting all screwy as of late. Turns out someone hacked my connection and inserted a nasty trio of viruses headlined by one called SubSeven...ish! Someone has had the gall to try to take control of my system! Grrrr...anyway, I've had Norton's AV2000 installed, and I'm working to get the entire system clear and clean. Hopefully whoever's done this will take a hint and pull out before I call in some of my comp-expert friends to pull a trace on them, if they try to hack me again.

Anyway, not much to say for now, save that I'm gearing up for the next NecronomiCon in Tampa (a sci-fi/fantasy con that I'll be taking part in)... but I did want to comment on something before I go:

REVIEW of NEW X-MEN: EVOLUTION - "Fun and Games" was the ep played today, with a cameo by Cain Marko (aka Juggernaut), who's containment cell nearly failed, promting Prof. X to leave the mansion to deal with it. Turns out the whole shpeal was done to get him out of there so someone could manipulate the X-kids into throwing a party. During which, someone got this poor comp-geek to hack into Cerebro to get files on other mutant kids...

And who was it? (grins!) "Alex, I'll take 'Mutant Villianess in Disguise" for 1000..." Yep! It was Misty, or as we now know her as Mystique!

And now the question comes up, is Mystique going to use the files for her own means, or will she eventually report back to Magneto (whom I'm sure did survive the destruction of Asteroid M...I mean there's no way you get rid of someone like Mags, not like that!)

Anyway, that's all for now from me. Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Saturday, October 20, 2001 11:10:32 AM

Mooncat -- Actually your last post on that topic was:

Silvadel said "Still in kind of an odd mood -- but it is interesting that Mr Josh is trying to get mooncat and me together =) "

Ooo? *blinks* Does this in any way include a spagetti dinner alfresco, and a very long noodle?

*mooncat watches too many Disney movies*

singing... "this is the night, it's a beautiful night, and they call it belle noche..."



Saturday, October 20, 2001 11:09:00 AM

Going down to the Bookfest in a couple of hours. We set up our booth last night and prowled a bit. They put us quite near the spot where WOTC is going to be doing Harry Potter card game demos all day, so I'm hoping we get some fantasy fan spillover ; ) A rep from Morris Press, the company we used for the last two MageLore Books, has a booth. A fellow author, Josh Ortega, whose novel ((FREQUENCIES)) I reviewed for Sabledrake, has a booth there also. Should be fun. I'm hoping Winterwolf and Dreamie will drop by and say hi, too! ; )

Mandolin > LOL, well, congrats ... you're the first person to say they've been pronouncing Shannara right all along.

Niamhgold > if you're really doing a Gargoyles astrology project, and if you consider Disney books a canon source, Elisa would be a Capricorn because she's a New Year's Eve baby according to a story in the Disney Year Book (1996? 1997? somewhere in there).

Jan > I don't know as I _believe_ in them either (the Tarot), but as a student of psychology, I find them quite interesting because there's so much room to interpret to fit the situation.

Mooncat > a Gargoyles deck would be a neat idea. I do have a set of Gargoyles Magic: The Gathering cards that Tim made for me for Xmas one year; a very neat present!

Josh > if you're serious about selling Magic cards, I should have you contact Tim (my hubby). He manages a game store and has been known to buy cards.

Christine - []
Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:36:28 AM

*slumps in, covered in alumina and kaolin*

Aaron: I've chosen to believe you. If I get in trouble for this, i blame youuuu...]==D <-- (needs sleep)

Robby, Greg B., Revel;
you remember last night, about 8PM, when I said I had an electric kiln to turn up?

Well, I was roped into helping brick up the front of the salt kiln. They finished setting up late, so we didn't start bricking the door until about 11 PM.
only two of us were there to work on it after the 3rd hour.
we just finished, about 5 minutes ago. It's now 8:30 am.

Lynati Nothing says, "I'm very tired now".
I have to be up in 4 hours, and I still need to shower before I sleep.

The kiln will set you free, or die firing. Either you, or the kiln.


Lynati Nothing
Saturday, October 20, 2001 09:42:51 AM

Josh> <<<I know you think I'm stupid, but I assure you that I scored very highly my SAT verbal and SAT II writing tests ;-)>>> LOL, no, seriously. Take "happy-go-lucky," for instance. That has quite a different sound to it than, say, "chronic optimist." I refused the first one, accepted the second. <<<You've obviously never taken a philosophy course or a math course.>>> Hell yeah. Astrology is a step above. <<<Um, actually, nature *IS* perfect>>> That's a rhetorical argument. Order from Chaos, or Chaos from Order? The bottom line is: Nature will never draw a straight line. <<<As much as I think its hogwash, I'm no less curious to hear what my sign tells you about me>>> Sweet. <<<This is what allows the tarot reader to say "even though you think you're cold, tough, emotionless a-hole, you're really a sweet caring person under the surface">>> It's more interactive than that with astrology. <<<According to my birthdate or according to the fact that I can attribute all or many of their features to myself?>>> Your birthdate. You are Sun Virgo, Moon Gemini, Rising Cancer. <<<I could tell you more, but I'd have to take it>>> Ok. <<<Plus, the whole point of "experimenting" is to try something that someone can't otherwise describe to you.>>> I'm not the experimenter, my friend is. Frankly, anything besides weed, I don't trust.

To explain your chart... that's quite the undertaking. I'll try to encompass as much as I can (and this will all be from my head, it's 5 AM so I'm not looking anything up). To start, the fact that your Sun is an Earth sign (which is practical) and your Moon is an Air sign (which is just the opposite) is unique. As a Virgo, you are analytical, nit-picky, critical, steady, responsible, committed, reserved. Your Moon in Gemini is more superficial, and thus not as concerned about details, more carefree, uncommitted, outgoing, extroverted, etc. Virgos are traditionally virgins, Geminis are traditionally bested only by Libras in promiscuity. From personal experience, I can tell you that your Moon has a TREMENDOUS impact on you. As someone with their Moon in Virgo, I'd say I was more a Virgo than a Sagittarius (my Sun) growing up. Today I am practically half-and-half, although the Virgo is mostly concealed.

Your Rising is less influential, but all the same apparent, like the final decoratives or seasoning. Your Rising is Cancer, which is, as I said, easily confused with Gemini. This is because Cancer has that hard exterior with the soft, vulnerable interior. Gemini's own dual nature mirrors this. When a Cancer goes from "defenses down" to "defenses up," it can seem a lot like a Gemini merely switching roles as they always do. Thus, Cancers and Gemini's are both different around different people. Cancer's traits are sensitivity, kindness, empathy, and loyalty. You may also exhibit some of Cancer's trademark "crabbiness."

Hope that's decent.

Saturday, October 20, 2001 05:36:33 AM

Ah, finally, back in the CR.

::pumps a few rounds into DC::

Today is a bad day to be near me. ::begin cartman voice:: I'm pissed off ::end cartman voice::. It was supposed to be all relaxing because its Friday, didn't go to half my classes as usual.

Instead, my lab partner tells me that he has no clue how to do the lab, that our readings are all wrong and that we have to do it again. We meet up. The good news: the readings were fine and we didn't have to redo the lab. The bad news: John still has no clue how to do the lab, because instead of going to office hours to find out how to do the lab, he slacked all day and drew pictures of spaceships on his computer. Not that they weren't beautiful pictures, but unfortunately my lab grade and his are the same (we switch off writing and peer reviewing the labs). So now the poor bastard will spend all night and weekend in constant feedback with the TA's to find out how to do this thing. I wouldn't care so much if the class wasn't set up so that both lab partners get the same grade on each lab report. But we do, so I'm a little pissed off.

In other news, I started putting my schedule together today. I thought my current schedule (5 engineering courses, three of them upper division) was gonna be tough. I was wrong. Next semester, its gonna be 5 upper division civil engineering courses, days that start 8AM, and finals that start at 8AM on consecutive days. This makes me a sad panda. Oh well, I guess that's what I've got to do if I want to graduate on time (something I actually do plan on doing).

Okay, so I'm a lot pissed off.

And I want my iBook. And I want it NOW! ::guttural throat sound::

Mooncat: <<Colour me curious>>: WTF does that mean? <<Not anymore than someone else using your car gives it better gas mileage>>: Actually, driving someone else's car usually gets you poorer gas mileage, because you aren't familiar with how the car accelerates, etc. <<can't think of a good paige for them though>>: Dracon. <<back to the fic writing>>: Don't think of it as a job. You don't owe your fans anything. <<hey sailor, new in town>>: Um...something you want to share with the rest of the class? <<I'm still waiting for the pre-packaged square jelly slices>>: If they could make it hold its shape, they'd be f*cking rich. <<hmmm... peanut butter jelly sandwiches>>: Yeah, but where's the fun if you don't get to make a mess making them? <<now I have the munchies>>: Smoke less weed.

FS: << RULES!>>: Why are you hanging out there? This is the same Matlab that engineers use for array manipulation, correct? <<Has anyone else's car insurance doubled in the past 6 months?>>: I dunno, I'll ask. <<I have had NO accidents or anything>>: Ditto, and I live 400 miles from my car. My insurance should be approximately $1.80 a month. ;-) <<near or above the center of mass>>: See A-10 Warthog. <<forget about standing on most things>>: As long as it works on asphault, I'm happy. <<20 gallons of fuel>>: Believe it or not, 20 gallons of fuel is neither heavy nor does it take up a lot of space, not on a 6 ton piece of battle armor. Hell, it could be used as part of the coolant system. <<it's those damn cigars that are the problem>>: I think I know some people. <<Playing God or the Devil is the height of ones career>>: So true. <<I have a sick mind and say sick things>>: Okay, maybe we are more similar than I realized. <<Enjoy it while you can>>: I intend to. <<Mine is soft. Kinda sucks>>: I'm sure your woman appreciates it. <<Defend yourself all you want>>: It gets kind of tired. Really. <<I know what you really want>>: An exo suit. <<I prefer to give them something that can help them live>>: How can Nike's help someone live? <<I LOVE being EVIL>>: join the club. <<only if you try to replace the existing skeleton>>: Ala Wolvie? <<I prefer to grow new tissue around it>>: But that tissue wouldn't be metal. <<sexylosers>>: twisted dude, Twisted. How often are they updated? <<Only occasionally>>: I must have made at least ONE post that doesn't offend anyone. <<ok, so I used duct tape>>: An external internal drive, huh? ;-) <<THAT is the best revenge>>: Or the worst embarassment. <<I am not sure *I* remember anyone doing that>>: Good, then I don't feel so new. <<SETI. Can't forget SETI.>>: I don't use SETI anymore. Not worth my time. <<Look Tyler...>>: Which one of us is tyler? <<caused a floppy to get stuck in my laptop>>: See, now, if you had a mac, that wouldn't be a problem. <<Looks like all systems are functional>>: A phrase rarely said by engineers. <<A harem of female celebrities who are completely brainwashed into thinking that you are god and that they should do everything for you?>>: Right, that. <<that is such a contradiction>>: Try telling THEM that...and escaping with your face. <<BAD IMAGE>>: The rest of the CR would greatly appreciate it if you did not post such things. Now, buffy in that attire...

Patrick: <<we can move forward with the plans to round up all the militant, in-your-face pacifists so the other 99% of the country can get on with the task at hand? >>: Would you mind terribly if I graduated first? Or at least transferred to UCLA where the cars are fast and the women are hot (or is it the other way around?)?

Todd: <<Berkeley as the U.S. Siberia? Well, not quite, given that the climate's different>>: Not by much. Just put them all in my apartment building, which has no heat. The winter should kill them nicely. <<Be afraid. Be very afraid.>>: Don't worry, I am.

Jan: <<Michael has a very extensive (and expensive) set of Magic cards>>: Really? Ask if he'd be interested in any more. I have lots for sale. <<Michael doesn't believe in all of the fantasy - Anna had/has a hard time separating the two>>: I'm not going to say anything here, because you'll just kick my scrawny butt at G2k2. <<That type of activity is forbidden under my roof>>: Very open-minded. <<stupid college kids>>: Watch it! <<*most* college kids think that they are very wise and knowledgable. They're not>>: Actually, that depends on the college student. And on the topic. And on who's opinion your asking for. Just because you're about to be a grandmother doesn't necessarily make you any wiser/more mature than me for any given topic. <<They are in college because they are still learning - hence, the purpose of college>>: What is it you think we learn about in school? Its not how to deal with the real world. We don't learn how to get jobs, how to wisely prepare for our futures, what having a family really means, any of that crap. We take classes. There is no maturity gain inherent in finishing college. Its not as if I'll be any wiser in 20 months (when I graduate) than I am now. <<they are still sheltered and are listening to professors that have also lived a sheltered life>>: And what about people who aren't protesting? People who aren't in foolish idealistic philosophy classes (like me). I'm not "influenced" morally/socially by my professors, obviously. They just teach me how to do math problems. <<it's when you graduate, get a job (as in career type job), pay real taxes, buy a home, and some who choose to have a family... that's when you begin to become experienced and knowledgable of the "real" world>>: I've had several jobs, I've paid REAL taxes (more than you'd guess), I've signed the lease on an apartment which *I* pay for. I'm responsible for the rent checks, the phone bills, the cable bills, multiple credit cards, my stocks, my bonds. The only thing left is family, and I think we're all grateful that I've decided to avoid that one. Some of us have a firmer grasp on life than most adults. <<Most people that are 5 years past college will tell you that they don't have the same opinions about life as they did while they were attending college>>: I'm already a republican, you don't have to worry about me. <<I have said *some* and this is not all inclusive of everyone who attends college>>: Good...without that warning you'd have started a rather ugly flame war. <<I hate mornings>>: Welcome to the club. <<You can buy quality cocaine for the price of cheap marijuana in the central states of Mexico right now>>: Really now?

Gside: <<It's alive>>: Very observant.

Sevarius Jr: <<Hi, Josh's teacher!>>: He can't read you.

Greg X: <<our bid to hold the Gathering in New York City during the summer of 2003>>: Sweet! I'll be there! I wonder will be happening at ground zero during that time. <<would like to help>>: I would like to help...I just wish I had time to do it. Ask me again in a few years.

Mandolin: <<this truly was the worst Friday morning I've had in years>>: Gah! I'm sorry. <<Mom spoils me rotten, and I love her for it>>: Lucky. I have to spoil myself. And its expensive to do that!

Anonymous: Hi, Doug.

Aingeal: <<My roomate just got stiffed by the guy that was supposed to be taking her to our Homecoming. he better hope I NEVER get him alone on a dark street>>: Jeez, excessively defensive much?

DPH: <<Of course, you are also talking to a guy who wrote a blackjack program for his TI-85 and spent a few weeks working on the equations to do the graphics right>>: Not impressed. My roommate also wrote blackjack. <<hold off on bombing Berkeley until Imzadi receives a check from me>>: How about until I cash it ;-) <<So that explains why I am getting so much spam>>: That and yahoo might have sold your email addy. I know hotmail does.

Queen of Pain: <<unlike Berkley my school is proud to be on American soil>>: Yeah yeah, rub it in. <<number 47 from "100 uses for a dead Mac" and yes it was a mac>>: Macquarium! <<My brother is beign a smart @$$>>: What else is new. <<Want to see me stick a cucumber up my butt? Let me first take off my Depends.">>: Your brother has serious issues.

Entity: <<you need to (a) make sure you're not just thrown by terminology or word choice>>: I know you think I'm stupid, but I assure you that I scored very highly my SAT verbal and SAT II writing tests ;-) <<examine your chart to see what signs may be counter-acting your Sun sign>>: You do that. <<you can't just bullshit your way through proving whatever you want>>: You've obviously never taken a philosophy course or a math course. <<it is a natural phenomenon, and so not perfect>>: Um, actually, nature *IS* perfect. Things like oaks and stuff follow specific patterns, even the seemingly random formation that you weren't aware of. <<It could also be called excessive geekiness and maybe sadness>>: How about "lame"? ;-) <<Your Sun sign is your primary personality>>: Can you apply that to me. As much as I think its hogwash, I'm no less curious to hear what my sign tells you about me. <<Your Moon sign is next in importance. It is your unconscious, your instincts, the way you think beneath the surface>>: This is what allows the tarot reader to say "even though you think you're cold, tough, emotionless a-hole, you're really a sweet caring person under the surface". Phooey. <<You are a combination of all three>>: According to my birthdate or according to the fact that I can attribute all or many of their features to myself? <<You can say "no" and I can't prove you wrong>>: Not for long, there are many people in here who can vouch for my personality. <<Is that all? >>: I could tell you more, but I'd have to take it. Plus, the whole point of "experimenting" is to try something that someone can't otherwise describe to you. That's like having sex based on the opinion of a girl who just lost her virginity. "Well, it hurt. But afterwards, it felt good." Would you go out and do it with a glowing recommendation like that?

Zath: <<I think it was earth number 423716>>: I hear that one's pretty intense. <<just imagine Oberon singing "I'm just a sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania...">>: Piece of cake...wearing Titania's clothing ;-)

K, I'm tired. And I just watched too many crappy 80's teen movies (Summer School, Private School). Good night.

You’re going to die very badly.
-The bad guy, "No Escape"

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Saturday, October 20, 2001 04:37:12 AM

Wilek> <<Where on the million earths have you been, lass?>> I think it was earth number 423716. Actually, first I got bogged down in school work, and then whenever I did get a free moment to check the CR everyone was always in the middle of one flame war or another, which didn't make me particularly eager to post. Then, I spent most of the summer in West Virginia where I wasn't online very much for various reasons (however, I *did* get to watch Gargoyles for the first time in years :) ). Now I'm back at school and busy again. These days I lurk in here every once in a while, but that's about it. <<And where's Kitty got off to?>> West Virginia, where she seems to be enjoying herself except for when she gets cold. <<Still shredding and shedding?>> Of course! :) <<Same here, although The Riddle comes in a very close second.>> Madame Guillotine, Falcon In The Dive, Where's The Girl, The Riddle, basically every one of Chauvelin's songs is good, even the little reprise of Madame Guillotine right before the duel at the end. :) However, when it comes to songs in the show that are the most fun to *watch,* Creation Of Man wins hands down. There's just so much that you miss when you can't see it. Wilek, I seem to recall you saying that you like Linda Eder, so I'm guessing that you own the concept recording of Scarlet Pimpernel, with Chuck Wagner as Percy and Dave Clemmons as Chauvelin. Have you ever seen the show or heard either of the later recordings? Also, is it my imagination or does Home Again sound like it was written specifically for Timedancer? <<It very much reminds me of Facade from Jekyll & Hyde.>> Bleh. I found Jekyll & Hyde to be very disappointing. I saw it on Broadway summer of 2000, and the cast was really good, but the whole show felt like it was desperately in need of revision. I liked a few of the songs, A Dangerous Game and Confrontation (I have to respect the abilities of a guy who can sing a duet with himself), but most of it didn't really stand out to me. Façade was obnoxious and was reprised way too many times. The reprise that the Spider (the pimp) sings while everyone else whispers echoes in the background (reprise #3 or 4, can't remember) is cool, but the rest of them annoy me. Speaking of Frank Wildhorn, I'm going to celebrate Halloween by seeing his latest show, Dracula the Musical, in La Jolla. I figure it'll either be good or it'll be really really really bad, but the idea of singing dancing vampires makes me too curious to resist. Also, Tom Hewitt, the guy playing Dracula is the same guy I got to see as Dr. Frank N Furter in July and he was really good, so I expect to be seeing at least one good performance whatever else happens in the show. Here's a thought. When Hewitt left Rocky Horror to start rehearsals for Dracula, he was replaced by Terrence Mann, so just imagine Oberon singing "I'm just a sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania..."

And with that mental picture, I leave you.

Bye for now.

Zath - []
Saturday, October 20, 2001 03:06:09 AM

Jannie> <<<*chuckles* oh? How so? I don’t “do” horoscopes, astrology, etc. I’m not all that familiar with what each sign means or how they apply to one’s personalities.>>> Scorpio is, in a word, intense. Barring any subversive influences in your chart, you should possess a poker player's gaze. You are not merely an emotional sign, your emotions run very deep. You are capable of jealousy and revenge. You are able to manipulate those around you. You're at your best during a crises. You are ideological. <<<Heh, sounds like a basic explanation of the belief in God. ; )>>> It does, doesn't it?

Josh> <<<That doesn't make it any less open to interpretation>>> Of course not. As a matter of fact, interpretation is an integral part in deciphering someone's sign. There are only twelve of them, after all, and six billion of us. <<<I'm sorry, but some of those things just DO NOT apply to me.>>> Not ideal, but by no means unexpected. If some things just AREN'T you, then you need to (a) make sure you're not just thrown by terminology or word choice, (b) make sure it isn't something like "All Virgos are Virgins" which is a stereotypical generalization, (c) examine your chart to see what signs may be counter-acting your Sun sign (this isn't as easy as you may assume, you can't just bullshit your way through proving whatever you want), and lastly, (d) just realize that not EVERY last trait may apply to you. If astrology *does* exist, it is a natural phenomenon, and so not perfect. But an oak is still going to be identifiable as an oak, even though every oak is a little different. <<<Nor can you claim to know what signs they are.>>> Well... dude, I doubt Greg Weisman created them with astrology in mind. Obviously, they can't have signs, because their personalities are made up. It's called recreation. It could also be called excessive geekiness and maybe sadness. :) <<<Could you kindly repeat all that in english?>>> Your Sun sign is your primary personality, the core of what is you, the basic template. Your Moon sign is next in importance. It is your unconscious, your instincts, the way you think beneath the surface. Lastly, your Rising sign is your public face. It is the first impression people get of you. Often you may mis-guess someoe's Sun sign only to later chart them and discover what you guessed was their Rising sign. <<<Predict something about my personality that everyone in here doesnt' already know>>> Ugh. Just look around the room, there are Cancers and Geminis and Virgos everywhere. You are a combination of all three. It's hard to predict something about you if I don't know you in RL. You can say "no" and I can't prove you wrong. <<<I hear it kicks ass.>>> Is that all?

Saturday, October 20, 2001 01:53:24 AM

Normally, I'd never touch a White Wolf game with a ten foot pole. They really don't have enough detail for my GURPS-biased tastes. But this guy from the first floor lent me his rulebook for Exalted... And it gives a plausible explanation for charaters fencing with swords the size of Cloud's Buster from FF7. And isn't that all we really need? 8 )
Thank goodness it's the weekend!!!

Gunjack "big freakin' SWORDS!!!" Valentine
Saturday, October 20, 2001 01:11:18 AM

silvadel -- *^_~* hey sailor, new in town?

Sorry about the thread, but I'm concentrating so much on finishing a Garg fan fic I haven't been paying a lot of attention to the CR.

I'm not even sure what the last post in the thread was.

Anonymous -- Castaway?

Jan -- Other people touching your cards. Well, professional readers have the person they read for handle the cards all the time. In fact, you hand the cards to the person you want to read for, have them shuffle and cut the deck several times.

All having another person touch the cards does, as I understand it, is make it easier for the cards to attune to that person's fate in the coming reading. Soooo... basically, by playing with them so much, all you did was attune them to you.

Tarot cards ARE just playing cards. They are the ORIGINAL playing cards. All playing card decks are based off the Tarot.

That some people use Tarot or other cards for divining the future is really based on the skill and talent of the user, not the cards. It's like a knife, you can use it to cut bread, or shed blood.

Considering the deck you had was probably mass produced, it's the equivalent of a Wal-mart 40 piece knife, fork, and spoon set.

As for the original purpose and intent of the Tarot, it was a toy for the nobles. You commissioned a set of them to show your wealth and power. Their mystic significance was secondary to their value as objects of prestige.

A mystic can read fortunes in how leaves fall or in the call of birds, or staring into any still reflective surface -- water, mirrors, the really shiny window of the local department store display --

Tarot cards are an attractive convenience. Like the pre-packaged peanut butter slices they sell in the grocery store now. I'm still waiting for the pre-packaged square jelly slices *^_^*

hmmm... peanut butter jelly sandwiches....

now I have the munchies...

Saturday, October 20, 2001 01:01:36 AM

FS> <<I shall release a video tape saying that all cocaine imports are laced with anthrax! >> With the increased border security, the suppliers are very hesitant to send the drugs here right now... they are selling their products at discount prices in their own countries instead. You can buy quality cocaine for the price of cheap marijuana in the central states of Mexico right now.

Greg B> great to hear that you are willing to chair a Gathering :) I know it will be a quality and fun event!!

Anthrax ridiculous story: A factory called our detective last night stating that they have a worker who discovered a white substance on the floorboard of his truck. Dave investigated it and said it looked like some salt had been spilled on the floor - doesn't even look like Anthrax (not a powder form) Dave assured them that it wasn't Anthrax. The factory admin called the FBI this morning and complained that our dept. was not taking the Anthrax scare seriously, etc. *rolls eyes* State police showed up today and also examined it and came to the same conclusion that our detective did. The yocal probably spilled salt in his floorboard and just now noticed it. I mean, really.. think about it. Some terrorist just happened to pass thru a parking lot full of vehicles at the local factory and sprinkled Anthrax all over the floorboard. Get a grip, people. geeeeeesh.
Heh, went to lunch with some deputies and I received a discount on my meal too =D I guess they've heard how small my salary is too! *L*

g'night Gracie.

Friday, October 19, 2001 10:45:10 PM

Firestorm> Nope, not the "New Yorker" if I can help it. I didn't even stay at that hotel and I hated.

All New Yorkers swore off Gatherings? When?? I'm a New Yorker, I wasn't at that meeting. To my knowledge Mara wasn't either? ;)

Greg Bishansky
Friday, October 19, 2001 09:38:15 PM

Looks like all systems are functional.

Aingeal: <I'm going to hurt someone>
He WILL get what he deserves. I just hope it is by yours and your friends hands... or whatever weapon you decide to use.

Imzadi: <The World? A harem of female celebrities? My new laptop?>
All of the above?
A harem of female celebrities who are completely brainwashed into thinking that you are god and that they should do everything for you?

Patrick Toman: <militant, in-your-face pacifists>
I swear, that is SUCH a contradiction!

Sevarius Jr.: <I found a new one good and cheap for 10 bucks, plus S&H. Should I bother?>
If it is under $20, it is worth it to see if it is good.
If not, hey, it was only $20.

Greg Bishansky: <Gathering 2003>
As long as it isn't at the New Yorker hotel! ;)
Although, it DID have a fairly nice setup. But I hated the "go downstairs so I could go upstairs" elevators.
I though all New Yorkers vowed to never do a Gathering again. ;)

Mandolin: <Keys>
Oh, that so sucks! Sorry to hear it.
But I think you are right. In a few days, you will laugh at it.
BTW... did you even get to work?

Spacebabie: <and yes it was a mac>
It died for a nobel cause. Got that play on video?
<People are afraid that the sugar might be anthrax>
REALLY? Hmmm... ::evil thoughts::
I shall release a video tape saying that all cocaine imports are laced with anthrax!

Skippy: <I haven't noticed any Buffy comments this week, did everyone miss it or are you all in shock from the promos for Buffy: the Musical?>
Hmm... Well, they all DID appear on the Rocky Horror special!
Mmm... Willow in stockings, garter belt and corset... ::drool::
ARGH! BAD IMAGE! XANDER in the above!
<Unless it involves the Scoobies entering Giles' dreams I don't see how they can pull it off....>
Very sillily! ;) (Hmm... Scooby gnag, SCOOBY SNACKS!)
HMm... Buffy singing "I don't wanna stake..." (Parody of the Dawsons Creek song)
Vampires, demons and the Scooby Gang singing and dancing YMCA!
"Here comes the sun..."
Anya singing Money (The one from Empire Records, not Floyd's version)
Spike singing "Joy to the World!"
Angel NOT singing! ;)

Todd Jensen: <Be afraid. Be very afraid.>
Whats to be afraid of? Spike and Buffy singing a love duet?
Vampires singing their evil plans?
Willow singing Innagoddadavida or "It's a kind of Magic"?
Hmm... On second thought, I agree with you.

Dosn't my quote sound quite a bit like a rave?

Quote of the Day:
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
-Christian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

Fire Storm
Friday, October 19, 2001 09:30:32 PM

Well, I haven't seen this week's "Buffy" as yet (it should air tomorrow), so that's why I haven't commented on it yet.

As for the musical, I haven't seen any promos for it, but my own thoughts on it are: Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Friday, October 19, 2001 09:00:46 PM

I haven't noticed any Buffy comments this week, did everyone miss it or are you all in shock from the promos for Buffy: the Musical?

Unless it involves the Scoobies entering Giles' dreams I don't see how they can pull it off....
Skippy The Klingon
Friday, October 19, 2001 08:38:23 PM

UCF's Homecoming this week and unlike Berkley my school is proud to be on American soil.

Not too much happened recently.

some of the groups in my Shakespear class did their scene. One group did The Tempest in an office setting and pulled it off. Instead of a regular storm caused by Prosperio it was a Data storm/ system shortage caused by Prosperio the Hacker. Instead of nobles who worked closly with the king and a mariner it were the company higher ups and a tech guys. They had everything: Outfits, props, sound FX, and FX, one group member hid under the table and threw snapps on the ground and caused a computer to fall to the ground...Ahhh used number 47 from "100 uses for a dead Mac" and yes it was a mac.

My brother is beign a smart @$$ He is going into a yahoo chatoom that is for guys who like to see girls flash their chests. Girsl go in that room well to, My brother was acting like a real skanky woman and then ticking off the guys. he told me he started out by posting this "Hi I'm a 72 hooker with a glass eye and a wooden leg. Want to see me stick a cucumber up my butt? Let me first take off my Depends."

2 recent development scares

1. in Canada a chaipers son named Ben Livin was scheduald to make a visit to a jr high. When his name was announced on the intercom speakers the kids thought they heard the name Bin Laden, poor things were sent into a panic.

2. Sugar donuts are dispaearing from donut places. The reason? People are afraid that the sugar might be anthrax

Is it me or are commercials pushing the label recently? first their is this add for Red Bull that is set in the Garden of Eden and you can see Eve's breasts and now that new add for the Concorde where the girl wants to know why her baby sister is named after the car.

Well I'm out of here.

Orlando, Fl
Friday, October 19, 2001 08:14:10 PM

Oh,man! My head hurts from my Metaphysics paper. I to re-read Aristotle's Physics and parts of Metaphysics, learn anew part of Aquinas and think for at least an hour just to sort sort everyhting. Then I had to write and re-write everything since I found that evrything I previously thought is wrong and will be ripped apart by my professor. Ugh! Now I have to focus on Judaism.
GB> <<I always wanted to see St. Thomas Aquinas and Maiomaminedes (sp) in a tag team with Sartre and Camus.>>
Thomas would be too busy eating, Camus would be too depressed, Sartre wouldn't be able to see clearly since his one of his eyes are off, and Maimonedes...well, I have no clue. :)

Metaldemon - []
denton, tx
Friday, October 19, 2001 07:54:15 PM

**A saddened DPH enters the CR.**

Imzadi - I meant to send it off Wednesday, then I forgot. I meant to send the check off yesterday, but I decided to make plans. Then those plans got postponed until today. Of course, there are better computer programmers than me for now. Of course, you are also talking to a guy who wrote a blackjack program for his TI-85 and spent a few weeks working on the equations to do the graphics right.

**why in heck is DPH sad?**
I did make plans today to meet with a friend to go to the Arkansas. I thought I saw her car in the parking lot so I kept waiting. I waited for 2 hours and 20 minutes and headed home, having exhausted my patience about 1 hour before. When I got home, I found a message on the answering machine explaining what happenned: something came up, and she was not able to make it.

Ever since my mom died in 1995, I've had optimism and pessism inside of me as well as conflicts between logic and emotion. I've leaned a lot towards logic and pessism, but lately I have been trying to embrace optimism and emotion. (You know only the online version of me, but you would be suprised how different I am in real life; I doubt anyone from the CR would recognize me in real life.) While I was waiting, I was stuck for what to do. (I am shaking on the inside as I am typing some of this; maybe, it's because of the cold weather.) I knew I would be mad at myself if I left and she was there. On the other hand, I didn't want to waste time. How can I be true to myself if I don't know who I really am on the inside?
**end why in heck DPH is sad**

I'm starting to feel better.

SJ - hold off on bombing Berkeley until Imzadi receives a check from me.

Skippy: <<I was thinking someone's bots are trawling the messageboard or something>>: Its a safe bet. As soon as I changed
my email address in here from the original to "", my spam dropped by a LOT. You could put it in as
"joshATnospammingyoubastardsKICKTOTHENUTSdotCOM" or something. <- So that explains why I am getting so much spam.

Yep, I saw reboot today. As expected, a few things have got to change. I like the Matrix vs Enzo conflict. I'm starting to wonder if this is going to be a 2 season or 3 season show, so I was paying close attention to minor things. Let me guess that Dameon is a parody. Good to see Turbo around, but it still makes me wonder if Turbo was sent as a spy last time we saw him. Frankly, I was looking for some sort of alliance set up between Mainframe and the systems that Matrix and Andrea visited. That may come up later. Apparantly, Matrix and Bob haven't resolved their differences completely: Matrix is taking the practical solution while Bob is looking at principle. Megabyte sounds like something that might let us surive for season 3, and I hope he returns. Good to Mike the tv around. Maybe the code masters will help resolve the situation.
**END reboot spoilers**

DPH - [dph_of_rules@<spam free>]
Friday, October 19, 2001 07:46:28 PM

I' going to go off... read only if you like


I'm going to hurt someone. My roomate just got stiffed by the guy that was supposed to be taking her to our Homecoming. he better hope I NEVER get him alone on a dark street. The bastard shows up and doesnt even talk to her, then goes of with another girl. I'm going to beat him if i get the chance. Anyway.... i feel better venting. Laters.


Aingeal "Pissed Dragon" Delemorte
Friday, October 19, 2001 07:41:53 PM

Mooncat: Castaway.
Friday, October 19, 2001 06:30:18 PM

Friday, October 19, 2001 06:30:16 PM

::FS storms into the CR holding a Pulsed Plasma Minigun in each hand, runs up to DC and points both guns at DC's head::
"You caused a floppy to get stuck in my Laptop. For that, you have 'til the count of 3 to run before I open a industrial sized can of whoopass." Paniced, DC tries to turn.

Fire Storm
Friday, October 19, 2001 06:00:40 PM


Finally we can get back in! Are we on a really slow backup server now or something?

Friday, October 19, 2001 05:56:53 PM

Is there anybody out there?
Just nod if you can hear me.

10/19/01 17:50.00

Fire Storm
Friday, October 19, 2001 05:49:28 PM

It finally LET ME ON =) The actual TGS page still isnt loading for me (gets a dns error) but I can get here at least!

Mooncat -- No direct reply -- sigh =) was hoping that thread would have continued. As for Tarot cards like anything else it depends a lot on the circumstance.. A normal tarot card deck that someone has, touching them or even borrowing them wont do anything. One that they have had for 30 years and used and nobody else has used -- well it would mainly be in the mind of the person doing the reading -- it might well affect them. Cards where someone has the ability and has gone through the trouble of enchanting them? There touching them is not likely to mess them up but messing with them might, and having them go away for a significant amount of time probably would.

I have never tried tarot but I have tried runes at times. Usually if I have a decided need to know the future I will remember it and not need such a device.

By the way, 4 cats live here indoors and one outdoors.

Friday, October 19, 2001 05:46:58 PM

Patrick> <<Osama bin Laden is a Cancer (think about it for a moment). >> Oh, great, I share a sign with him. :P

Josh> <<I don't remember someone posting entirely about TGS since I've been here. >> I looked up the archives for the heck of it... and back when this room first came up there were LOTS of posts about TGS. 'Course, that was back in the summer of '98... :)

*sigh* I really need to share something here. Waited til the end of the day so I'd be a bit calmer, but this truly was the worst Friday morning I've had in years. Also, it's a tale that in a week or so (once everything I've lost can be replaced) might actually be funny.


I actually got up on time and was out the door by 5:45, and it looked like I'd actually get to work by 6 (so I could be out by 2:30). I put my bags in the car, inadvertently locked the car, and went down to the dumpster to toss the trash. I did - but my car keys, which also have my driver's license attached to them (because the last time I lost it, it was in my wallet with everything else), got tangled in the bag and went in too. Now it was pitch dark, my car was locked, and I couldn't feel anything down there - and wasn't about to climb in. I ran back to the apartment and buzzed my place for ten straight minutes until my roommate woke and let me in. I grabbed my flashlight, and the phone rang. Wrong number. So I grabbed my spare car key (couldn't find the spare apt. key anywhere) and a phone book to prop open the outer door of my building, and headed outside.

I got outside in time to see the trash truck pulling down the street and an empty dumpster.

I chased after them, screaming, but the truck was already turning out of the complex. I did manage to wake up several housepets, though.

I was pissed, stressed, and tired, and called my mother (hey, it was early, I was freaking, I couldn't think straight), and she calmed me down and told me to get the number of the disposal company, call the realtor about duplicate keys and go to work since I had a spare car key. So I figured that would be fine, got my things, and went outside...

Oh, yeah. I forgot about the Club on my car. Called Triple A and woke my roomie up a second time. The Triple A guy took two hours to get here, and by the time I managed to get through to the disposal company the garbage had been taken to a landfill. By the time I managed to call the landfill, my mail key, apt. key, car key, car remote, Club key, key to my folks' house, and my old college ID had been incinerated.

Suffice to say, I'm getting a new license tomorrow after my folks stop off on their way to Frederick with my Social Security card. Mom had the day off today, and actually showed up at work with a new Club for me. I can't believe she drove down, but I was so glad to see her. Mom spoils me rotten, and I love her for it. I'm sorry to see that license go - it's actually got one of the best photos of me I've ever had taken.

The sad thing? Last time I lost my license, it was when my wallet was stolen. I put my license in my key wallet so that wouldn't happen again and so I wouldn't forget it when driving. Oops.

It'll be funny in a day or two... right now, I've progressed from pissed off to just plain tired. Having said that, I'm going to take a nap and not worry about anything for a while.

Friday, October 19, 2001 05:29:31 PM

Hello all.

We are very pleased to announce our bid to hold the Gathering in New York City during the summer of 2003.

We hope to provide the fandom with an enjoyable and affordable trip.

We plan to invite celebrities involved with the production “Gargoyles” that live in the New York area. As well those that don’t.

And have the fandom come together in Manhattan to show our support for this great city just as Goliath and his clan would.

The Staff so far consists of…

Greg Bishansky ‘Xanatos’ - Convention Chair
Mara Cordova - Vice Convention Chair
Aaron Wheeler- Treasurer
James Bowman ‘JEB’ - Webmaster
Alan Coleman Waltrip - Admission and Membership
Noel Leas - Head of Art Room
Lynati – Updates

If you have any questions, or would like to help, feel free to e-mail me.

Greg Bishansky - []
Friday, October 19, 2001 05:11:25 PM

Hi, Josh's teacher!

Quick game question: I'm contemplating buying a Dex Drive for the PS1. I found a new one good and cheap for 10 bucks, plus S&H. Should I bother? I had planned on using it mainly for RPGs. RPG Maker, to be exact.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Friday, October 19, 2001 04:51:20 PM

It's alive.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Friday, October 19, 2001 04:17:14 PM

Mooncat> Anna is my daughter. She ran away from home and was gone for almost 2 years. The tarot cards were hers that she left behind (hidden in her room).
Tarot cards are not just another set of playing cards. They are used for the purpose of fortune telling and such. They are considered by some to be "magic" or have "powers". You may only enjoy the art of these cards, but that's not the original or intended purpose of them.
Touching them was a belief that her and her little group of "friends" had. I don't know if that's the common belief or not.

Josh> Michael has a very extensive (and expensive) set of Magic cards. The difference is that Michael doesn't believe in all of the fantasy - Anna had/has a hard time separating the two. Michael plays Magic as a game, Anna used her tarot cards for the purpose in which they are intended. That type of activity is forbidden under my roof.

Berkley: stupid college kids. At the risk of pissing everyone off, *most* college kids think that they are very wise and knowledgable. They're not. They are in college because they are still learning - hence, the purpose of college. Even though they are now exposed to a bit more of the "real" world, they are still sheltered and are listening to professors that have also lived a sheltered life. College is a great asset, but it's when you graduate, get a job (as in career type job), pay real taxes, buy a home, and some who choose to have a family... that's when you begin to become experienced and knowledgable of the "real" world. I do not ignore the opinions of college students, but I take into account of their inexperience. Do not misunderstand me... I'm not saying that they don't have intelligence - I'm saying that they don't have experience. Most people that are 5 years past college will tell you that they don't have the same opinions about life as they did while they were attending college. Sure, some of it is maturity but a lot of it is because they are no longer living in that isolated world of college and following whatever the professor has told them. They experience life on their own now.
Once again - I have said *some* and this is not all inclusive of everyone who attends college.

drats... gotta' go to work. I hate mornings.

Thursday, October 18, 2001 07:49:56 AM

*reads Patrick's post *

Berkeley as the U.S. Siberia? Well, not quite, given that the climate's different.

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, October 18, 2001 07:48:23 AM

:: reads SJ's post ::

So now that we have a city (Berkeley) to put them all in, does this mean we can move forward with the plans to round up all the militant, in-your-face pacifists so the other 99% of the country can get on with the task at hand?

Re: astrology > Osama bin Laden is a Cancer (think about it for a moment).

Patrick Toman
Thursday, October 18, 2001 07:01:03 AM

FS: <<I know what you REALLY want>>: The World? A harem of female celebrities? My new laptop?
Thursday, October 18, 2001 04:09:23 AM

YO! Has anyone elses car insurance doubled in the past 6 months? I have had NO accidents or anything

ever and my insurance doubled in the past 6 months.

Gunjack: <apparently the site doesn't like me any more>
Cool site!
Bonnieway, my concern about moving is that walking is inherently unstable as it is, and if you make a

pulsing high power recoil slightly off center and above or at the center of gravity, anytime you try

to move you are going to turn a little. Vehicles can handle it because most heavy weapons are centered

near or above the vehicles center of mass.
Also, a 6-ton walking power armor will displace about 3 tons per square foot (Lets just say that the

sole of each foot is a square foot each, ok?). You can pretty much forget about standing on most

things, especially sand. PLUS, imagine the HUGE deep prints in the dirt this thing would make.
And what is powering this? I can't see it using less than 250KW per hour. TRUE, it could be done in a

100lb portable power supply, but it would probally need to carry at least 20 gallons of fuel to do so.

Sevarius Jr.: <the town of Berkeley has officially condemned the United States, their OWN COUNTRY, for

the bombing raids over Afghanistan>
Just one question: 500KT or 1MT? I am saving my 20MT for someone who deserves it REALLY bad.
Although, I CAN get Levi's and a Japenese girl anywhere... it's those damn cigars that are the


Skippy: <Where can you go after playing the Devil?>
I know! Playing God or the Devil is the hight of ones career!
Al Pachino!
Hmm... although, Tim Curry DID do Gargoyles after that! ;)

Imzadi: <I think he was implying that I wouldn't do much damage at 115 lbs>
I know, but I have a sick mind and say sick things!
<Relative to what?>
Relative to usual hand weapons and other side arms.
<Oh that's right, my parents can pay for my insurance until I'm 24, huh?>
Enjoy it while you can.
<When I don't shave its just scratchy>
Mine is soft. Kinda sucks.
<I was referring to "on women">
Defend yourself all you want. I know what you REALLY want! ;)
<Give me digits, dude>
Ah, it was some place near Bukhara, Uzbekistan.
<I bet you could bargain him down to just the PS2. Everyone wants one of those>
I know. But I would feel bad. I prefer to give them something that can help them live.
Although, a pleasureable life is one worth living...
I LOVE being EVIL!
<No thank you. That sounds like a painful procedure.>
Ah, only if you try to replace the existing skeleton. I prefer to grow new tissue around it.
<Good then I won't have to go to jail for it>
Not if anyone in here has a thing to say about it.
<Sweating? What is this?>
System Shock reference. SHODAN is GOD. She said so herself!
Go there. Take Sexylosers and just add a .com
<That's different from whether or not there's enough to base a major on>
Ah, either way, it is a good way for a shot at the Nobel prize.
<I'm more interested in whether or not she feels like a nut>
Hmm... she wants both at the same time!
<Keep in mind that doesn't stop me from enjoying offending people occasionally>
Only occasionally? ;)
<I could get a 30, but I don't think the 48 even fits in the iBook due to its custom design>
I made my 5giger fit in my laptop... ok, so I used duct tape.
<It'll only take you so far in physics>
But it is the easy, relaxing stuff.
<Dude, that's sick. Think of the splinters you'd get. Plus, at only a few inches from their door, they

might walk out and see you screwing.>
And THAT is the best revenge!
<I'm such a yuppie that I buy the bottled crap at a buck or 2 a bottle...and drink it in 9 seconds

Just like me and my "Black Suicide" drink I make. TOTALLY f$^&s with my mind. Everying is reversed

left and right.
<I don't remember someone posting entirely about TGS since I've been here.>
Hell, I am not sure *I* remember anyone doing that!
<Browsers, chat clients, word processor, server client, ftp client(s), mp3 player, mail app, etc>
SETI. Can't forget SETI.
<That's awfully generous of you. Or is it just because if I die you go with me, since we're the same person?>
Look Tyler...

Fire Storm
Thursday, October 18, 2001 04:01:50 AM

Jan said "*L* that reminds me… after Anna ran away we found Tarot cards in hidden in her room. Tarot cards and things in the same area are strictly forbidden in my home…. I had heard once that if someone besides the original owner of the cards touches them, they loose their “magic”. I had spread them on the living room floor while Juanita and I did a “Tarot shuffle” dance step over them. I took them to work and tried to play gin rummy with them, but couldn’t quite get a game going with them ;) *goofy grin* "

Colour me curious... who is Anna, and were they her cards? And why did she run away?

Actually, other people touching/using someone's Tarot Cards doesn't make them more or less magical. Not anymore than someone else using your car gives it better gas mileage.

Tarot cards are the basis of regular cards, and you can use a regular playing deck just as well. So, do you ban all card decks in your home?

I own several Tarot cards, because I find the art very beautiful. My favorite is the Cat Tarot deck *^_^* -- heh, big surprise there. I have both the one for humans, with gorgeous cat themes, and the one for cats, with cute cat thems.

My most racy deck is the Milo Manara Tarot... it is also very distracting when you are trying to read it *^_~*

But what I want to get ahold is the Luis Royo deck, his art is tres magnifique! Sooooo beautiful.

I have friends working on doing their own original art for their decks. One girl is doing it all based on Anime themed characters. I think it might be fun to do one based on Gargoyles. I can see Xanatos as King of Cups, Fox his queen, Owen as their Knight, and Alex as the paige.

Goliath King of Wands, Elisa as Queen, the Trio as their knights, and Angela as the paige.

Oberon King of Penticals, Titania as Queen, the Wierd Sisters as the knights, and Puck as paige

Macbeth as King of Swords, Demona as Queen, the henchmen as their knights... can't think of a good paige for them though.

Anyone doing Gargoyle Tarot cards right now?

okay... procrastinated enough tonight, back to the fic writing... sigh.


Thursday, October 18, 2001 04:01:27 AM

This just in: my number theory teacher, who I mentioned by name ONCE, was doing a google search on his name...and guess where he ended up. Here. "Apparently", he says "its some gargoyles-themed room that Josh frequents". His email proceeded to quote the exact line from my post where I mentioned him as my number theory teacher.

The thought of my teachers and family finding out anything through this CR scares me. I will endeavor to stop using names from my personal life.

But how's that for trippy?

Josh again
Thursday, October 18, 2001 03:16:59 AM

Hey folks.

Stayed up till two last night learning Cocoa, Apple's new set of API's for development in OS X. Sweet stuff. I hope to put out an application this winter (mac-only, der).

Today, between classes, I sent yet more of my hard-earned money to Apple, and purchased a brand new iBook. Here's the specs:

600 MHz G3 processor on a 100 MHz bus
256 K L2 cache at chip speed.
128 MB RAM...though I plan on upgrading to either 384 or 640 very soon.
15 GB Hard drive (for a secondary machine, i just couldn't justify shelling out the extra $42 for another 5 gigs...though justifying an extra $170 to get a DVD drive, 100 MHz faster chip and 50% faster bus was no problem ;-))
DVD-ROM drive - no combo drive, thanks.
Rage 128 Mobility graphics card
12.1" monitor with 1024x768 res.
modem, ethernet, firewire, VGA out, and usb all built-in
airport card

This "gift" to myself will be what's left of my birthday presents, the money I haven't yet received for the holidays, *and* the money for my laptop sale...if that ever all comes in.

If I don't go to G2k2, this will be why. I'll miss you guys...

Nah, I'll be there. Even if I go into the red. Are my priorities backwards or what?

Other than that, nothing doing today.

Apple stunned the industry yet again by beating analyst estimates by 3 cents (they earned 19) a share, raking in $66 million. Despite all reports claims to the contrary since 1984, Apple is not going away. They are not dying, beleaguered, or any other sense of not doing well. They are one of the only tech industries that is actually still in the black. Now if only my stock would go up...


Patrick: <<I could tell you what the next fic is, but then I'd have to kill you>>: I don't think its worth it.

Todd: <<What is it with corrupt, scheming billionaires and transporting Scottish castles to America stone by stone?>>: Its fun. You know I'm gonna do it, just to say I did.

Skippy: <<I was thinking someone's bots are trawling the messageboard or something>>: Its a safe bet. As soon as I changed my email address in here from the original to "", my spam dropped by a LOT. You could put it in as "joshATnospammingyoubastardsKICKTOTHENUTSdotCOM" or something. <<Does anyone agree with me that the kid playing Clark is just too skinny?>>: In the cartoon he was kind of a twerp.

Silvadel: <<it is interesting that Mr Josh is trying to get mooncat and me together>>: Okay I'm curious: what the hell are you talking about? <<for users it is convenience>>: And I argued that it is NOT necessarily more convenient in any more for the pictures to have to load every time you select one, when you can go to a single page that has them all. <<AND it would use so little bandwidth a 1200 baud modem wouldnt have a problem>>: Just out of curiosity, who taught you division? <<Note that I couldnt see any of those things at the time>>: Hindsight is 20/20. <<You are Irish Catholic, are scared of playing with tarot cards, but consider yourself evil? >>: Just slightly hypocritical, I was thinking.

Mooncat: <<Does this in any way include a spagetti dinner alfresco, and a very long noodle?>>: Um...

Green Baron: <<Nice to know its common among all people and all faiths>>: Are you implying that all atheists are narrow-minded? <<Michalengelo and the turtles are far superior to what any living artist can produce>>: "Damnit Michaelangelo, I said the wall, not the ceiling! Last time I let a ninja turtle paint my church..." <<What about those buying it as an investment?>>: No you don't understand. Buying them as an investment tells modern artists that people want their crap. I don't want them thinking that. As such, you will be shot. <<I always saw myself as lawful neutral with evil bordering>>: I could have guessed that wouldn't be the case. <<To preserve them, I think it would be worth the lives of ten million if not more>>: You would be wrong. <<Without such ancient treasures, civilization loses a lot of meaning>>: I don't think that's true at all, especially in this age where we keep such amazing visual records of everything. <<No need to go ballistic>>: Sorry, that subject bothers me. Probably cuz I spent most of my formative years trying to GET it in the first place ;-) <<Is that so odd?>>: Very.

Mandolin: <<More like in a perpetual state of denial. Stop trying to force reality on me.>>: Um, okay. <<Wait your turn>>: I can wait...I can even pay! <<Where can you go after playing the Devil?>>: Hell, probably. <<We haven't been on-topic for ages>>: I don't remember someone posting entirely about TGS since I've been here.

DPH: <<My TI-85 could take square roots of negative numbers and complex numbers>>: Obviously they are better coders than you are. <<cybercookies for anyone who can give a value for the following>>: Sorry, I just don't have the time anymore. <<Your money will be sent tomorrow>>: I just bought a new computer, so I'm gonna need it ;-) <<Why would you need to run -1*2*-4 different programs at the same time>>: The connection itself is not an active program. The browser is though. Browsers, chat clients, word processor, server client, ftp client(s), mp3 player, mail app, etc.

Entity: <<you don't *want* to believe it, because you're an indignant, self-righteous 'lil twerp>>: That doesn't make it any less open to interpretation. <<dismiss some characterizations as untrue, then later realize they were on target, and it knew you better than you did>>: I'm sorry, but some of those things just DO NOT apply to me. <<Since gargoyles are a fictitious race, you can't use them as a hit against astrology>>: Nor can you claim to know what signs they are. <<I *am* starting to see that (if you really are telling the truth about my description of Gemini) you have a shit load of Air in your chart>>: I know what that implies. Don't go there. <<Starbucks coffee is warmed-up milk in a recycled cup>>: Oh how little you know. <<You just proved astrology's accuracy>>: Could you kindly repeat all that in english? Predict something about my personality that everyone in here doesnt' already know. <<I could use objective, knowledgeable information on its effects>>: I hear it kicks ass.

Moochie: <<Spent most of the night reminding myself that pouring burning gasoline under their door and smashing in their windows wouldn't be an appropriate responce>>: Should have done it anyway. <<Unless yer female, sexy, and canadian, hold the calls.>>: No comment. <<Witness the 20mms mounted on "technicals" in... Somalia, was it?>>: 20 MM is about the size of the gatts on modern jets, no?

The Wizard: <<The other part of break was spent working, talking, and what-not>>: What exactly is "what-not"? <<working on a Halloween costume>>: ... <<I'm a dog. Greeeaaaat ;) Jokes ensue>>: No comment. <<nunchuks just can't beat out a katana>>: Nor can they beat Raph's sharp wit. <<I can say, after a really long time of being forced to study it, that I hate it even more NOW than I ever did>>: LOL. So much for appreciation through education. <<You assume that women want to compete for attention>>: They already do. <<It's good to know that my ratio is slightly higher>>: On both? <<not so much on the vinyl part with the exception of a Halloween costume here or there>>: That's higher. Despite my nickname, you'll never catch me actually IN vinyl. <<But at least I'm not saying, "razor">>: I can kick ass cross country, if you were wondering. <<An astrology buff is a hippy>>: Or a panhandler. <<E-mail me when you do>>: Like I'd share THAT secret. <<AND never need a membership to the gym>>: I'd never get such a thing. Gyms <<exactly *when* are you going to implement your plan for world domination?>>: I gotta start with taking over Apple. Trust me. <<Because we all know that's MY slot in life.>>: No comments about your slot.

Baldy: <<I'm a goat>>: Bah. <<Damn fine looking, though, but that goes without saying... Anime>>: Sick dude. <<I kinda suspected you were ruled by Uranus at times>>: LOL. <<That's me, alright... Machiavelli all the way>>: I think there's a bit of Machiavelli in us all. <<You'd think a god out to devour humanity would look more... dangerous, wouldn't you>>: I don't look very dangerous at all. <<Your Cancer is in Uranus"... :p Can't vouch for the accuracy of that one, though, but if it were me, I'd go see a proctologist>>: LOL. <<One of the rare cases where my vengeance has no expiration date>>: this is rare for you?

Greg X: <<Everyone who knows me knows that I plan to be the next Dark Lord>>: I hope our burning desires to rule earth don't hurt our friendship ;-) << if one night of passionate sex would result from it, you'd be doing a valuable service to two people>>: Yes, but if one night of passionate sex for ME isn't a result, then I could care less. <<Wait till it's a self titled Lord of Darkness>>: I see the Hudson running with blood. <<I swear I am going to kill the next person who asks that>>: So tempting... <<That's me exactly. Except for the last part, I prefer sex thank you very much. Though some may think I'm an idiot, they are wrong. I am a born leader! >>: LOL. <<I'm off to steal candy from babies and drown small puppies. BWA HA HA HA!!>>: A true mayor of New York.

FS: <<don't go over to THAT dark side>>: I think he was implying that I wouldn't do much damage at 115 lbs. <<That is a relatively large round>>: Relative to what? <<Can you?>>: Argh nevermind. <<for legal and car insurance reasons>>: Oh that's right, my parents can pay for my insurance until I'm 24, huh? <<I go more by fuzzy logic. Especially when I don't shave>>: When I don't shave its just scratchy. <<THATS why Gside is going over to the dark side>>: I was referring to "on women". <<they are practically giving them away>>: Give me digits, dude. <<3 pairs of Nike shoes and a PS2>>: I bet you could bargain him down to just the PS2. Everyone wants one of those. <<I want an EVIL villain>>: See, we differ there. <<Damn straight>>: Don't worry, I will. If one even exists. <<Not if you do it over the long term. Then it is just fun>>: Or marriage. <<Then imagine this:>>: NO THANKS. <<I don't think ANYONE would allow your children to live>>: Good then I won't have to go to jail for it. <<I am thinking higher>>: Done. <<A cybernetic endoskeleton>>: No thank you. That sounds like a painful procedure. <<I do not intend to die as>>: I do not intend to die at all. <<panting and sweating>>: Sweating? What is this? <<I am a good thinker, which is a trait of a Virgo.>>: I think that was a compliment, so thanks. <<why just 'In bed'?>>: Because you can say it in a restaurant. <<Ever read Sexy Losers?>>: Nope. <<That's a whole field in itself>>: That's different from whether or not there's enough to base a major on. <<What are you doing with that test tube>>: That doesn't go there! That explains a lot. <<sometimes you feel like a nut>>: I'm more interested in whether or not she feels like a nut. <<why are you and SJ in here>>: I am not here solely to offend. I certainly didn't show up with that purpose. Unless my original "hello" post was offensive, which it certainly shouldn't have been. Keep in mind that doesn't stop me from enjoying offending people occasionally. <<I wouldn't buy any laptop with less than a 48GB!>>: Yes, but this is a secondary machine. I could get a 30, but I don't think the 48 even fits in the iBook due to its custom design. I've got 80 in my tower, sheesh. How much pr0n do I need to take on the road, anyway? That's all this machine is for, really: having my files (which take up about 400 meg), a few programs, and some pr0n when I go on the road. Besides, that 48 gig drive is 500 bucks, and for 500 I could buy an external firewire 100 gig drive, which would fit nicely next to my iBook in a backpack. <<like I want to do them>>: ::raises eyebrow:: <<so I do!>>: Thought so. <<I like projectile math>>: It'll only take you so far in physics. <<screwing a piece of plywood a few inches from their door>>: Dude, that's sick. Think of the splinters you'd get. Plus, at only a few inches from their door, they might walk out and see you screwing. <<most of us are all quite odd>>: Most?! <<I started to pay for it>>: I'm such a yuppie that I buy the bottled crap at a buck or 2 a bottle...and drink it in 9 seconds flat.

Jan: <<You kick her, you die>>: Ugh fine, spoil my fun. <<I think that anyone who would mistreat a dog (or any animal) is a coward and slime>>: Slime I'll accept. Coward misunderstand my reasoning. I like to kick anything annoying. Not just small yelping dogs ;-) <<good one! I was going to say rude, but lazy is much better!>>: I'm good with sarcastic comebacks ;-) <<c’mon, we know that you have this secret desire to wear wings and a diaper>>: Wings I'll give you. <<so much could be said here>>: Best left for me and SJ, I think. <<Tarot cards and things in the same area are strictly forbidden in my home>>: There's an intellectually responsible attitude. Like parents who won't let their kids play Magic because its satanic, but Pokemon is fine. <<Did you hear about the police officer that talked the helicopter pilot into landing near a KK shop so that he could buy donuts?>>: Only in America. <<So he’s a tomato? A squash?>>: A vegetable. Or maybe a fruit? ;-) <<NO one deserved the beating that she received>>: Every once in a while, you meet a person who deserves it because they're such a punk/bitch/twerp/jerk/whatever. Like me ;-)

Sevarius Jr: <<Berkeley, CA, has just seceded from the Union>>: Shocked? Cuz I sure as hell am not. <<Berkeley has officially condemned the United States, their OWN COUNTRY, for the bombing raids over Afghanistan>>: F*cking hippies. <<I say we send in the tanks and start the bombing runs...on BERKELEY>>: Will you tell me when so I can get the hell out? <<Only Josh gets to live>>: That's awfully generous of you. Or is it just because if I die you go with me, since we're the same person? <<For the rest of you Berkeley kids, you are BRANDED, for High Treason and Cowardice against the enemy>>: P*ssies. I am so embarrassed to go to school and live here. You can't even imagine. I hate this city. A lot. As soon as I can, I'm moving to some cushy job in Silicon Valley or LA.

Sh*t dudes, I'm going to sleep. I can't handle being conscious in this pansy-ass wuss city.

Windows© 98(n) - 32-bit extensions and graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
People's Republic of PANSIES, CA, US of A
Thursday, October 18, 2001 03:03:42 AM

This just in: Berkeley, CA, has just seceded from the Union.

Or they damn might as well do that. Cause today, with a vote of 5 to 4 by the city council, the town of Berkeley has officially condemned the United States, their OWN COUNTRY, for the bombing raids over Afghanistan.

I say we send in the tanks and start the bombing runs...on BERKELEY.

Only Josh gets to live. For the rest of you Berkeley kids, you are BRANDED, for High Treason and Cowardice against the enemy.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Thursday, October 18, 2001 01:48:57 AM

Just making sure Anon in the S8 CR didn't kill EVERYTHING.
Fire Storm
Thursday, October 18, 2001 01:17:27 AM

Quick tech post to FS before my bro and I start watching Spriggan.

<<Thats what I thought. That is a relatively large round.>> Actually, it's pretty shrimpy as vehicular weapons go. Witness the 20mms mounted on "technicals" in... Somalia, was it?
<<How much of that is the actual projectile? What is the muzzle exit velocity?>> Not sure; I'll have to work on that a bit. <<Only about 5 ounces? I would have thought a 20mm bullet would weigh at least 8 times the weight of a 9mm bullet.>> According to the tables (not the most reliable source; I'll try to find some better info tomorrow)...
20mm cased: .6 lbs, 20mm caseless: .3
9mm cased: .027, 9mm caseless: .0135
20mm weighs about 22.22... times as much as 9mm.

I was going to give you stats for projectile weight, powder weight, range, etc, but apparently the site doesn't like me any more.

See if you can get the "20mm Ammunition Team" link at the bottom of the page (under "sources and resources") to open. That might have some of the info you're looking for. Just remember that the weights and such are for SOLID ammo, not ADPS penetrators, or HE, or whatever. On the other hand, since this IS supposed to be the same kind of gun, you could just use the official stats.

Where IS that brother of mine??

Gunjack "SPRIGAAAAAAAN!!!" Valentine
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 10:38:34 PM

Robby> <<But now that I am using it, I am quite proud to use the same color as you! Yeah, thats the ticket...>> *L* great save ;)

Josh> <<a Min Pin>>: Is that one of those toy dogs that makes me want to kick it?>> Yes, she’s a toy dog. You kick her, you die. *shrugs* very simple rules around my house. No one mistreats the dogs around here unless they want to experience the wrath of Jan. Frankly, I think that anyone who would mistreat a dog (or any animal) is a coward and slime. I’m not saying that you would – just anyone in general.
<< Can you say lazy? I knew we could.>> *LMAO* good one! I was going to say rude, but lazy is much better!
<<Why on earth would I try to get two people I don't know together?>> awww c’mon, we know that you have this secret desire to wear wings and a diaper (cupid) ;)

Lady Mystic> <<Robby: <<Jannie- I just hadn't realized that sky blue was the exact color you were using.>>
Don't forget me! I use Sky Blue too. Have been for over a year now. ;)>> yeppers and that’s why WE are the beautiful people. =) It’s like I’ve said about my favorite color of a car, house, in general… I don’t care – as long as it’s blue. ;)
Wow! Fabulous job on the upcoming profile page! Thank you VERY much for all of the hard work and long hours that you put in to help make this room a fun place to be =)

Spacebabie> <<You know how they say lift with your legs?>> *giggles* so much could be said here… but the censor nazis would be here in a New York minute if I did ;) I hope your hamstring is healing, though.

Enity> <<Some signs, like yours, Jannie, make so much sense>> *chuckles* oh? How so? I don’t “do” horoscopes, astrology, etc. I’m not all that familiar with what each sign means or how they apply to one’s personalities.
<<By accurate, I mean I have to believe it to be real, as a rational person. What causes it is beyond me.>> Heh, sounds like a basic explanation of the belief in God. ; )

Christine> <<while we're at it, on a related topic, I read Tarot cards ...>> *L* that reminds me… after Anna ran away we found Tarot cards in hidden in her room. Tarot cards and things in the same area are strictly forbidden in my home…. I had heard once that if someone besides the original owner of the cards touches them, they loose their “magic”. I had spread them on the living room floor while Juanita and I did a “Tarot shuffle” dance step over them. I took them to work and tried to play gin rummy with them, but couldn’t quite get a game going with them ;) *goofy grin*
This is a personal belief and I certainly don’t expect anyone else to agree with me. If anyone wants to believe in or use Tarot cards – more power to ya’….. just not under my roof. :)

Patrick> <<And now, as they say... it's time to make the donuts.>> Krispie Kremes??? =) I have recently discovered these marvelous gifts of cholesterol and calories… AFTER I move from Houston *sais* My brother works in Houston and will be bringing me KK donuts ;) Did you hear about the police officer that talked the helicopter pilot into landing near a KK shop so that he could buy donuts? *L* I think it’s funny – but apparently the police dept. didn’t nor the citizens. Some people just don’t have a sense of humor ;)

Warpmind> <<Heh, by the way... funny anecdote from the con... Someone gave people a hard time about eating meat... kept saying "You become what you eat"... So I asked if he was a vegetarian. He was... }:) >> *L* So he’s a tomato? A squash? I think being a vegetarian is too much trouble. It’s much easier to pull into a Sonic and order a cheeseburger than to try and figure out where to find some bean sprouts and seaweed to make a sandwich with.

DPH> <<My package made it to Little Rock, AR at 1:39 am and left Little Rock at 4:00 am. It arrived in Conway at 4:27 am. But I have problem with those times. >> I’ve driven on Arkansas interstates and I’m not surprised at all…. A few of those trucks passed me and I’d guess their speed was no less than 85-90 mph. Is there an airport of any size in Conroe? It might have been flown in.
<<Has anyone else had the same problems I have had with UPS dropping packages off WITHOUT getting a signature?>> No, but I have had problems with having packages delivered from UPS. They seem to loose a lot of packages. Also, they usually only require a signature when the sender has requested it.

Vashkoda> <<Why aren't you guys giving your Chinese zodiac signs too? Afraid of giving away your age? >> nope, no one asked ;) I don’t know what my Chinese zodiac sign is… I *think* it’s a monkey. Besides, that doesn’t necessarily give away your age – it’s based on a series of years, no? Example, if you were born in years ending with 09, 19, 29, 39, etc. then you are a goat. At least that’s what I remember from reading off of the placemat at the Chinese restaurant. ;)

Gunjack> <<and ALL cool people have read LOTR, so I'm mistaken>> only in the sense that all cool people have read LOTR. I haven’t – so that makes your statement false ;p

SJ> <<Do you like Wolf Lake? >> *raises hand, jumping up and down* OOOoO pick me! Pick me! I do! I’m not too sure about it yet, but I’ve continued watching it in hopes that it will improve. It’s not too bad of a show, but I think it could be better.
<<"Niagara Falls! Slowly I turn!", was from the gods of comedy, the Three Stooges. >> They were the geniuses of comedy *nodnodnod* I remember that line, too!! Yeah me, I finally remember a line from a TV show! Hehe
<<I do know is that now, every asshole in America with a score to settle will be mailing letters drenched with Clorox or baby powder to their enemies.>> You wouldn’t believe the number of phone calls we are receiving at the sheriff’s office from panicked people who have received mail that didn’t have a return address, or from someone they didn’t know, or that it “smelled funny”. People are going berserk over this – which is what the senders of the Anthrax want. I heard today that there are some close ties to the Iraq and the Anthrax attacks.

BonnyGard> <<So I like X-Men. So sue me…... And yes, I'm a girl; I thought the whole "BONNY" thing would give that away.>> attitude, attitude.

Rayvn> <<Now I'm gonna have to actually find out who these characters are. ;)>> When you do, let me know… I’ve never heard of these characters! *L*

Greg B> <<> I used the pic cause I was making a post as the Head of Edits for TGS>> yeppers, that is what I considered you doing.

Carolynn Marie> how’s the building and remodeling of the house coming along?

Coyote> <<however, one of my co-workers told me on Sunday that his aunt had a friend who was *allegedly* dating one of the Sept. 11th hijackers. Apparently he went missing a week before the crashes and left her a note which told her "don't fly on September 11th and don't go to the mall on October 31st.">> yeah, a lot of people have received this email… sometimes the details change a bit, but it too is a hoax. However, like you, I’m not willing to take any chances on Halloween and had decided to be on “alert” on Halloween. Working in a police station brings an element of suspicion and caution these days.

I engaged in a heated discussion with an officer today. It ended with me saying, “step outside… it’s time that you had a good ole’ fashion Texas ass-whoopin”
I saw my first domestic abuse case yesterday. The gal had 2 black eyes (one swollen completely shut), a broken finger, a sprained wrist and a cheekbone chipped. This officer had the gall to say that this woman deserved it. Granted, both the husband and wife engaged in a physical fight – but NO one deserved the beating that she received. His only injury was a red swollen spot on his hand where she bit him. Now, she was not the innocent victim in this altercation, but once again… she did NOT deserve what he did to her. NO one would. It wasn’t a matter of self-dense either…. I can’t believe the attitude of this officer. He can kiss my ass.

I felt the baby kick! He moved for me while I had my hand on Anna’s stomach. Hehe

I ate a partial banana split tonight and now I have a stomachache. I’m going to drink some Gaviscon and go to bed.

"If I weren't in jail, I'd be free"
-- Inmate #53079

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 10:12:15 PM

Mandolin>>Smallville> The show, actually, wasn't quite as bad as I expected. I was very surprised at how much of the meteor shower we got to see (mostly Lana's parents dying when the meteor hit), and liked the car-flying-off-the-bridge scene. Kudos to the casting director who got John Glover on board, although he's not going to be able to have as much fun with future guest appearances as he did on "Brimstone." Where can you go after playing the Devil? :)

Well, I didn't think the casting for the show was all that great. Honestly, they have Bo Duke (John Schneider) playing Jonathan Kent? The Kent family is possibly the most miss cast version of the characters I can imagine. Does anyone agree with me that the kid playing Clark is just too skinny?

Skippy The Klingon
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 09:46:29 PM

Gside: <I don't know, you suddenly being sprawled on me wouldn't be that bad>
Look, I know you are lonely, but don't go over to THAT dark side!

Imzadi: <Yes, FS, that's what "20mm" means>
Thats what I thought. That is a relatively large round.
<Can I chew gum?>
I don't know. Can you?
<You still get mail at your parents' house?>
For legal and car insurance reasons, my address is still over there.
<Ergo, boolean makes you run.>
Yep. At least, kinda. I go more by fuzzy logic. Especially when I don't shave my pathetic excuse for a beard.
<Only if asked nicely>
So THATS why Gside is going over to the dark side! :)
<Hmmm...sounds kind of cheap for a nuke>
Well, the Russian economy collapsed. They have these things all over the place and they are practicailly GIVING them away.
Hell, I got ripped off. I heard of a guy selling them for 3 pairs of Nike shoes and a PS2!
<But then she wouldn't be a funny villain>
Forget funny! I want a EVIL villain!
<And when I do, I should run like heck, right?>
Damn straight!
<In this country we call that rape. And its illegal>
Not if you do it over the long term. Then it is just fun!
<No idea. I'd rather not think about it>
Then imagine this:
"Mmmm Mystique! I love the feel of your fur!"
<Exactly my thoughts...but on my own children>
I don't think ANYONE would allow your children to live!
<FS, build me one of these and you can have anything you want. New iBook?>
I am thinking higher: US Defense COntractor.
<Its gonna be tough to walk in that. And the air conditioning bill is gonna suck too>
That's why it would be POWERED! And the AC bill won't be that bad. Radiator for the power supply, radiator cooling suit for you. Make it nice and comfy for you.
Not too hot, not too cold.
A later version is an internal version. Yes. A cybernetic endoskeleton.
I do not intend to die as a ppathetic creature of meat and boone.
Panting and sweating as I RRun through the corridorss.
HHHow can I challnege a perfect, immortal machine?
< don't seem that much like me, actually>
I am a good thinker, which is a trait of a Virgo
<did you add "in bed" to the end of it? Fortune cookies are always better when you do that.>
Na. They arn't THAT fun. And why just 'In bed'? ;)
<I don't hit on food>
I WANT THE RIBS! And the brain! High in protein!
<That is sick dude.>
Ever read Sexy Losers?
<That's hardly enough to base a major on>
Actually, thats a whole field in its self.
<I was built in a lab, not at a New Year's party. Now, if there was anything funky going on at the lab on New Year's, that might explain a bit>
"Doctor! What are you doing with that test tube? Watch it! NO!... OH! OH!" ;)
<I'll party with her then.>
Sometimes you feel like a nut...
<How are you programming without math?>
I haven't started the actual programming yet.
<Or people who come in here just to support/attack someone, and then expect to just merrily join our CR>
Speaking of which, why are you and SJ in here? ;)
<WTF is Lex Luthor doing in Smallville?>
Selling fertilizer.
<I'll be buying my iBook this week, I think. 600 MHz, 100 MHz bus, 15 gig HD, 640 MB RAM when I'm through with it>
ONLY a 15 GB hard drive? Hell, I wouldn't buy any laptop with less than a 48GB!
<I notice you didn't actually work out those calculations. Were you hoping FS would do it?>
Oh, like I want to do them!
Ok, ok... so I do! I like projectile math!

Gunjack: <and if you're working up calculations for the force absorbed, the rounds weigh .3 pounds each, all of which is either propellent or projectile>
How much of that is the actual projectile? What is the muzzle exit velocity?
Only about 5 ounces? I would have thought a 20mm bullet would weigh at least 8 times the weight of a 9mm bullet.
<Spent most of the night reminding myself that pouring burning gasoline under their door and smashing in their windows wouldn't be an appropriate responce.>
No it wouldn't. BUT screwing a piece of plywood a few inches from their door and filling that space with concrete is.

Patrick Toman: <remind them that Sir Elton John is a Knight>
Sir Reginald Dewight
Hmm... if a doctor was knighted, would they be Sir Dr.?

Green Baron: <Because we're better, and I am not a Philistine.>
I know.
I mean... all that history! GONE!
All that environmental damage!

silvadel: <Very odd mix that...>
You will find that most of us are all quite odd.

Starbucks: I am addicted to it ONLY because my sister works there and she used to be able to give me free coffee.
Then I started to pay for it.
But LM won't allow me to make my own. I make it WAY too frigging strong.

Fire Storm
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 08:56:04 PM

BALDY> What about me, I scored Sauron as the LOTR character I'm the most also. Does that also not surprise you? Everyone who knows me knows that I plan to be the next Dark Lord.

By the way, I've got nine rings to give out, who wants to be one of my Ringwraiths?

JOSH> <<Keep dreaming. I don't play matchmaker. Why on earth would I try to get two people I don't know together?>> Well, if one night of passionate sex would result from it, you'd be doing a valuable service to two people. <<Just what we need, a knight running NYC.>> Wait till it's a self titled Lord of Darkness.

MANDOLIN <<TGS discussion is fine any time (with the exception of "When is <insert cycle here> starting up again?").>> I swear I am going to kill the next person who asks that.

GB> <<I've been to Starbucks and I like it, but I'm not addicted. I like the corproate atmosphere though.>> Bah, I hate Starbucks. Their coffee sucks. Best coffee I ever had was at a local place called The Black Cow. I'm not just saying that because the owner is a family friend, the coffee is the best I've ever had.

SJ <<Leo: You consider yourself a born leader. Others think you are an idiot. Most Leos are bullies. You are vain and cannot tolerate criticism. Your arrogance is disgusting. Leo people are thieving motherf!ckers and enjoy masturbation more than sex>> That's me exactly. Except for the last part, I prefer sex thank you very much. Though some may think I'm an idiot, they are wrong. I am a born leader!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to steal candy from babies and drown small puppies. BWA HA HA HA!!!

Greg Bishansky - [I am the Dark Lord]
The, Land of, Mordor
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 07:20:35 PM

Josh> You just proved astrology's accuracy. :) In other words, your Moon is in Gemini, the description for which you said matched you. Not only that, but your Rising sign is Cancer, which is right next to Gemini and, more than any other next-door signs, those two get confused because they have a tendency to mirror each other so much.

Gunjack> LOL... what's college for...

Niamhgold> <<<And you went and ruined my suprise for the next gathering...arrgh ;)>>> Seriously?

Aquarius> It's an Air sign, yes.

Warpmind> <<<And you forget that Owen is a Scorpio, too - blindly loyal, unfazeable and beyond plain intimidating>>> VERY interesting. I knew Virgo didn't fit him, which is what everyone else I know thinks he should be.

Extacy> Does anybody have anything on this? I could use objective, knowledgeable information on its effects. Thank you.

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 05:42:51 PM

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 05:41:03 PM

*Warpmind enters, whistling.*
There was question of the Asian Zodiac... I was born in '79... I'm a goat. Anyone deciding to get funny about that will have to answer to Squiffy. *Brandishes Wilekian-looking weapon.* Is everyone clear on that? };)

Wilek: You are most alike Sauron? Somehow, that's frighteningly unsurprising, and bordering on reassuring... Basically, Sauron is the Big Nasty in the story.

Spacebabie: Sailor Pluto was born on the same day as I was? Hopefully not on October 29th, 1979, at 5:57 PM? THAT would be eerie, as well as annoying, since I have virtually NO CLUE who those girls are. (Damn fine looking, though, but that goes without saying... Anime...)

Entity: And you forget that Owen is a Scorpio, too - blindly loyal, unfazeable and beyond plain intimidating. ;)

DPH: So you're an Aquarius? Well, I kinda suspected you were ruled by Uranus at times... };)

Mara: New MiST? YAY! By the way, I think you may still have some, uh, originals of mine...

SJ: Yup... That's me, alright... Machiavelli all the way. };)

Gside: That reference was moderately inappropriate. Tsk, I'd expected more of you. Like, say... *looks around* Fire exits, maybe? };)

Christine: Yup, he's adorable. You'd think a god out to devour humanity would look more... dangerous, wouldn't you? ;)

Josh: Irony? That's just the beginning... it was a VERY humanitarian Mengele, I tell you. };) And it wasn't D&D, it was Ars Magicka. (And I got to keep the staff as a trade-off on a lot of the other weird magical doohickeys I *could* have had...)

Entity: You know, the Astrological terminology is always fun to watch... one of the most disturbing readings ever, though, must have been "Your Cancer is in Uranus"... :p Can't vouch for the accuracy of that one, though, but if it were me, I'd go see a proctologist...

Moochie: I sympathize. I've lived in a dorm, too. Once, they glued my door shut. Fortunately, I was outside at the moment. One of the rare cases where my vengeance has no expiration date... :p

Well, that about settles it for tonight. Later on, everybody.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 05:16:18 PM

** Niamhgold enters again, quickly **

Oopsie, how could I spell Guy Pearce's name wrong? ;)

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 03:40:38 PM

** Niamhgold enters **

Yet another boring day. Ah, well, making up for the fact that half of my fall break was hecticly spent fixing my car, all for the sake of a busted battery. They say the alternator should get checked out, but, eh, it should at least last me until I go home for the summer ;) The other part of break was spent working, talking, and what-not. I'll be spending the rest of this week going on trips to haunted Maryland places with my friends, working on a Halloween costume...and, oh yeah, pulling all nighters. And not the good kind...the kind where I try to get school work done ;) Boring but busy.


I've got a pointer for people who can appreciate Film Noir. "Memento." Maybe it's because of Guy Pierce, but still, a plot worth seeing.

Chinese Zodiac: In this cycle of things, I'm a dog. Greeeaaaat ;) Jokes ensue.

Siofra: The ratio of Geminiis to everyone else in this room is disappointing. I believe we make up the minority.

GB: <Bah!! I would only buy it for the purpose of investing. Give me the classics anyday. Michalengelo and the turtles are far superior to what any living artist can produce> LOL. Leonardo's the best, though ;) Michalengelo was too religious...and nunchuks just can't beat out a katana. But seriously...modern art? I can say, after a really long time of being forced to study it, that I hate it even more NOW than I ever did ;) Mondrian and those stupid rectangles..............a seven-page thesis of bull-crud. ;)

Gside: <<<Niamh in Boston>>: Boston is not in Maryland.> You must've been at the top of your class ;) <Isn't the point to get them to focus on you, or on another of them> Ugh. You assume that women want to compete for attention? ;)

Fleur: <You have to admit, there's room for them> Go for it! ;)

Ravyn: If I remember correctly, Taurus goes best with Scorpio.

The 13th sign in the zodiac is Ophiuchus.

Daddy: <Those are the action figures I'd have> Never was really into Transformers...although my friends from last year did kick@ss costumes for them. <A few more and you can trade them in for a sport bottle!> Why not go all the way and get the duffel bag?!? <Is there a national compensation program for that?> I'm sure Chris Rock would come up with one ;) <<<Were you ever actually considering giving it to me in the first, second, or third place>>: Yes> Woohoo! Portugal rocks >:P <Well I'm half awake and half a world away> Always good to know. <<<Vinyl? Or black satin?>>: Never the first and rarely the second> It's good to know that my ratio is slightly higher (well, not so much on the vinyl part with the exception of a Halloween costume here or there...) <Don't ever say that word again> Yessir. But at least I'm not saying, "razor" ;) <How is that a game?> I guess some people have fun and some are sore losers. Can't seem to find how there can be any _winners_ in the scheme of things, though. <Nerd> No, a nerd would be an *astronomy* buff. An astrology buff is a hippy ;) <We're trying to start up The Matrix as a cult classic, in the trend of really crappy movies> Hi-ya. <Spent tonight doing homework. And watching TV. I need to figure out a way to make those the same thing> E-mail me when you do. <So I'll be applying for an internship this summer at the product design group.> AWESOME. <Just as long as I take the stairs, I'll never get caught in a elevator with Steve Jobs and be forced to justify my existence in 52 words or less> AND never need a membership to the gym. But wait, in this grand scheme of things, exactly *when* are you going to implement your plan for world domination? I need you to shoot the modern artists and soon, at the very least! <Keep dreaming. I don't play matchmaker> Because we all know that's MY slot in life.

Entity: <I've even contemplated several cartoon characters' Zodiac signs! From Gargoyles, I've determined that both Goliath and Xanatos were Scorpios, and both Elisa and Fox were Pisceans. Puck was a Sagittarius, and Demona was an Aries> And you went and ruined my suprise for the next gathering...arrgh ;)

Time to print storyboards and be off to work. Adios!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 03:37:09 PM

Dph --

Hmm the cube root of 81i+5=3.793 +2.087i
The cube root of 81i-5=3.704 +2.242i

Hence you will be dissappointed that it is definitely NOT an integer... More like 0.091 minus 0.155 i.

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 03:25:19 PM

Late night last night. Some idiots down the hall decided it'd be a good idea to penny my door shut, and when I chased them off, they decided to fire shaving cream under my door and all over my room while I was trying to sleep.
Spent most of the night reminding myself that pouring burning gasoline under their door and smashing in their windows wouldn't be an appropriate responce.

Got up today, did the normal stuff, kicked the presentation's butt into LOE, and forgot that speech was canceled today.

Going to bed. Unless yer female, sexy, and canadian, hold the calls.

Gunjack "Zzzzz" Valentine
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 03:24:04 PM

Just noticed something I missed concerning TGS CR Information...

<<It would be really helpful if when you picked an image it would show it on the comment room screen -- this way you can know what you are posting before you post it. I mean yes you can do the images tag in another window and then find it and look it up etc -- but it would be easier if it just appeared in the window when selected.>><<Then I am told the reason it doesnt put up a picture on this screen is because it is "a tad harder." ... Can we say cop out? I knew we could...>><<As for the little pictures it isnt laziness on my part -- for users it is convenience -- for programmers it is laziness -- I was taught that lesson as a programmer! Plus if it used the small picture from the archieve you wouldnt even have to change the interface window much AND it would use so little bandwidth a 1200 baud modem wouldnt have a problem....>>

Having links to the most useful sections of the TGS CR Info area right at the top of the add comment page and making it so that the pages could be opened without loss of data added to the form is laziness? I understand that further methods could be taken (to some extent, and may be done by FS and I in the future) to make things easier for the visitor, but please realize that there are quite a few factors at work restricting certain "features" from this forum.

I'm going to explain a few things but please keep in mind that I understand that what you are asking can/may be worked around *some* of these issues.

Frankly, FS and I lack server and account access where the forum and necessary files are stored at (Updates and revisions are sent to Gorebash, who determines when and what data gets uploaded.), and we lack programming knowledge, which takes time to learn due to other responsibilities -- not that we aren't working towards these goals. We want to keep content backwards compatible (as far back as possible) and friendly to various operating systems and browsers. We have no way of quickly and easily uploading any updated or revised files (see the aforementioned Gorebash reference). There are also other restrictions due to the nature of the forum's program (such as its files, the way many of Gorebash's forums are constructed and connected to each other, etc).

These limitations don't mean that we will never try to implement new features into this forum or that we are just brushing requests aside. What I'm saying is that, due to a number of circumstances, this isn't the time for certain actions, especially when there are available alternatives.

To make note of how far we've developed:
This CR was updated February 2001 with additions made to the add comment page, navigation modified on the CR page, and a *ton* of new images made available for posting. Two years ago, people wouldn't have seen anything similar to the TGS CR Info section. An old page linking to the earliest weeks of the forum and CR rules posted on the TGS Disclaimer page were all that existed. Now we have way more sections and documents than I ever anticipated! (I sometimes think that the CR directory of the TGS website is growing larger than the rest of the site and should be moved to another location so that the staff has more space.) Things have been growing steadily and smoothly since day one and will more than likely continue to do so.

<<Actually I did notice one thing -- The season 3 archieves all say season 2 -- well at least gargoyles and timedancer did when I checked.>>
I'm not certain, but I think it's like that because new graphics couldn't be made with the same font. The font, not the Gargoyles font, used for graphics throughout the website was lost some time ago. (FS found this out from Steph Lostimolo, the original site designer, back in our early days as admins of TGS CR Information.)

Mandolin: <<Check out for all the images in alphabetical order.>>
Thanks for posting the URL. :)

Gside: <<That would be a tad harder to do, which is why there's the wonderful CR info area maintained by Lady Mystic.>>
Thanks for mentioning the info area! :)

Imzadi: <<Not everyone has the bandwidth required to flash pictures like that. Some of us still connect with slo-dems. And why add that code to an page that already works flawlessly and has for a long time, when the pictures are all easily available elsewhere? Can you say lazy? I knew we could.>>
Thanks for supporting the CR pics pages. :)

... More replies for another post.

Lady Mystic - []
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 03:13:44 PM

Entity: Sept 20, 1981, roughly midnight, in Tarzana, California. Have fun.
Josh again
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 02:56:59 PM

Silvadel: Keep dreaming. I don't play matchmaker. Why on earth would I try to get two people I don't know together?
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 02:55:41 PM

Josh> <<<So technically, its easy to take another sign and apply it to you.>>> No, it's easy to, especially in light of the fact that it *is* astrology and you don't *want* to believe it, because you're an indignant, self-righteous 'lil twerp (describing myself here), dismiss some characterizations as untrue, then later realize they were on target, and it knew you better than you did. <<<The point is: this stuff is not any sort of science>>> I admitted it was, by its very nature, dependent on subjective knowledge of a person. However, I believe it *can* get very scientific and precise when you take into account a person's whole chart, which is actually very enlightening, and in cases like yours, evidently necessary. <<<Logically that is impossible, since Goliath and Demona hatched at roughly the same time.>>> Obviously. But all gargoyles of a given generation can't be clones. Since gargoyles are a fictitious race, you can't use them as a hit against astrology. <<<Wow, that was amazingly descriptive...of ME (virgo). Starting to see my point?>>> Not really. I *am* starting to see that (if you really are telling the truth about my description of Gemini) you have a shit load of Air in your chart. My personal prediction was Libra. But the only way we can know for sure is if you fork over your exact date, time, and location of birth. Things like your Moon and Ascendant are *big* modifiers of your personality.

Todd> You are Leo! I was 4 days off.

Chinese Astrology> It's not that it's inaccurate, per say, but nowhere near as telling as Western astrology. It's very broad.

Green Baron> <<<I've been to Starbucks and I like it, but I'm not addicted. I like the corproate atmosphere though.>>> Starbucks coffee is warmed-up milk in a recycled cup.

Your chart: Your Moon and Rising are both Aries, in addition to your Leo Sun. Your Venus is in Cancer. A lot of Aries.

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 02:50:43 PM

Oh right, maybe DC won't crash NC this time. Of course, I was trying to load a 2,770 kb HTML page. More about what that page is coming up.

My program told me when I was taking the square root of negative numbers. So I spent a lot of time yesterday trying to work around that problem. While I was doing that, I finally arrived at the point of eliminating any problems with divisions by zero. I am very sure the formula works after getting past simplifying lots of algebraic expressions. My program works except for taking square roots of negative numbers and rounding errors. My TI-85 could take square roots of negative numbers and complex numbers.

10 cybercookies for anyone who can give a value for the following: the cubic root of (81*i + 5) minus the cubic root of (81*i - 5). I am hoping that is one of three integers.

Ok, that page that crashed Netscape is the link and it is the output of the program when I stretched it out.

On to replies:

Imzadi - Your money will be sent tomorrow. Why would you need to run -1*2*-4 different programs at the same time, not counting your internet connection as an active program? I have never gotten to the point of needing to run more than 4-5 programs at a time.

Yes, there is wierdness in this post. 10 cybercookies for reasoning out the pattern to the wierdness.

I started doing stretching excercises at the chiropractor's office yesterday. No, I prefer to make only 1 post a day.

DPH - []
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 02:30:27 PM

Josh> <<You must be young and naive.>> More like in a perpetual state of denial. Stop trying to force reality on me. <<Actually I'm mad because you haven't cloned me Eliza Dushku yet.>> The two Bio majors in my group are working on cloning Eric Close for me. Wait your turn.

Smallville> The show, actually, wasn't quite as bad as I expected. I was very surprised at how much of the meteor shower we got to see (mostly Lana's parents dying when the meteor hit), and liked the car-flying-off-the-bridge scene. Kudos to the casting director who got John Glover on board, although he's not going to be able to have as much fun with future guest appearances as he did on "Brimstone." Where can you go after playing the Devil? :)

Ramblings aside... while the electro-shock kid seemed taken care of too quickly, I don't think he was intended as anything other than a one-shot character. Still, I liked that part, the car flying off the bridge and the way the meteor shower was portrayed WAY more than the "Dawson's Creek" aspects of the show. I got up and made my lunch during those parts, which occurred far too often for my liking.

I'll give it a few more episodes, though. Besides, Dan Lauria (the dad from "Wonder Years") is guesting next week, so I'll check it out for a dose of nostalgia if nothing else.

Vashkoda> <<Why aren't you guys giving your Chinese zodiac signs too? Afraid of giving away your age?>> Because I can't remember mine. (Born in 1979, if anyone knows what year that falls under.)

Christine> Terry Brooks did a signing in your area? Very cool... and I'm surprised to find that I have been pronouncing "Shannara" correctly all these years. :)

Gside> <<So what if I already play it 17 hours a day?>> Well, there's always Hungry Hungry Hippos.

Gunjack> <<Errrr... it was a *94%* on the midterm. Yeah, stoopid tired brain... >> Well, I'm glad that was a mistake. :) Good luck with that presentation.

Bonny> <<It seems like there really isn't much discussion of the actual stories in here. Why is that? I thought was the whole point of this message board...?>> Huh? What? What message board are you visiting? We haven't been on-topic for ages. :) Seriously, though, most TGS discussion occurs when there are new episodes coming out. TGS discussion is fine any time (with the exception of "When is <insert cycle here> starting up again?").

The debate on pacifism> I really have one definite opinion about this, and that's because it's personal: I don't think they should send reserves into Afghanistan AT ALL. If they send in ground troops, they should send in the "experts." If reservists get deployed, they should be deployed to U.S. bases to cover homeland defense. Why is this personal? Because one of my best friends, as some here know, is a Marine reservist (the one who had the stalker last year), and if she gets sent to Afghanistan I'm tempted to kidnap her so she can't be sent off. (Please, please, please let her get sent to Camp LeJeune... oh, please...)

Have to go pick up my car now... later!

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 02:27:14 PM

Mooncat -- So now I am the tramp =) Somehow I dont think I have quite the rugged charisma of that one. Yes I have also seen most of the disney movies as well as a lot of other movies.. And yes I like spaghetti and meatballs and would likely jump at the chance of such a situation especially if we saw the same twinkle in the eyes as they did.

Green Baron -- You are Irish Catholic, are scared of playing with tarot cards, but consider yourself evil? Very odd mix that...
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 01:43:01 PM

Green Baron> It's not so much that Bob is bashing Scientology, it's that he's using the events of Sept.11th as method to make more money for himself. I have no love for Scientologists, and there are a lot of questionable things about the Church of Scientology, but at least they got out there and helped. There was probably another agenda behind helping, but at least they did some good in the process. I doubt Bob has sent one penny or donated any of his time to help, nor have many other televangelists. All they are trying to do is to divert a lot of this outpouring of support out of the hands of the needy and into their own pocketbooks.
Skippy The Klingon
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 01:39:35 PM

Greetings, deranged souls.

LOTRs> I need to try that. Sadly, I never read teh book yet, but I will since I borrowed it from my battle buddy, PVT Elmore (and yes I call him Elmo).

Mandolin> <<You know, I think I read an article that touched on that - I think there are, but there are none on Capitol Hill, something that's come to the attention of some politicians. (Although with some of the racist backlash lately, I don't know if a Muslim politician would get elected anytime soon.)>> Depends on where it would be. I know none are in Congress since I check for teh religions of politciians. We have one who is Assyrian, but she's Catholic. California is one place considering its diversity. New York would be another, but recent events change that. Now there are politicians form the Middle East, but not necessarily Muslim.

<<Heh, I read about that too, and it made me smile.>> It's these little things that make me appreciate the Windsor Dynasty. Good old Queenie.

Entity> <<I could chart everyone here if you all let me.>>

I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on August 4, 1977 at 10:55pm. I think that was all Dr. Barnes needed and minute specific was very improtant, consider your houses could be very different if one minute was different. I recall I have a few houses in Leo which is a dignity. Dr. Barnes is a Cancer with an affinity for Geminis. He should meet Lain.

<<Here here!>> Raises a tankard of Mezzo-Mix, since i odn't like beer.

Lain> <<i also read tarot cards.. and runes.. and have dictionaries of herbal remedies. like i said, i find all these things interesting, but im not sure i can quiiiite bring myself to believe them, skeptic that i am..>> I believe in them, but being the typical superstitious Irish Catholic, I tend to be a little afraid of them. Well, my religion forbids me form using tarot cards and Ouija boards. Dr. Barnes has a simialr feeling, and he has tarot cards as well as a Grimorum of black magic. Herbal remedies don't bother me and I find soem effective. Runes are just another language and in need of study, but I don't connect anything too supernatural with them.

<<daddy dearest seems to be rather stuck on the there-is-no-GOD-and-if-there-is-he-SUCKS concept quite firmly..>> Youa lso describe him as being very narrow-minded. Nice to know its common among all people and all faiths.

Skippy> I received the letter too. I wonder if Attila's ghost is haunting us. She e-maisl me for financial advice. My reputation is greater than I thought :)

I recall you don't like Scientology too much, so I thought you'd like Bob's bashing of it. I think it is good to point the dangers of domestic terrorism. Bush may need to remember there are enmeies within, too. At least America will be on its toes instead of slinking into decadence.

Mara> Another MST. Attila would be so proud.

Bonny Garg> You're from UFL. Ha!!

SJ> I got that horoscope stuff a while back, and i od recall it being from Adam Sandler. I think he was mildly amusing in Little Nicky and I liked the Waterboy.

Chinese Zodiac> I'm a snake. Bg surprise right?

Carolynn Marie> <<Hmm, as a budding archaeologist, I have to concede on this point ... so I'd leave the ancient sites unpaved and build a Starbucks in the area *L* Like we need more Starbucks ... I wouldn't mind opening a comic book or anime store ... or a Whole Foods Market.>>

Well, let's not add too much Americanization, but with Iraq stable, I'd use more Mesopatamian style amusements to rake in a fortune. I'd also reviev Babylon in its ancient splendor, thoug I also like the thought of wearing fancy robes and those cool hats. The tourism revenue would be immense. Add Iran to your conquest and then you'd have Persia to profit from. Then you could compete with Egypt for ancient attractions and tourist dollars.

Metaldemon> <<I didn't know mammon was a woman (I knew you would do that, and I was waiting for it :})>>
Mammon? I figured her name would be Aurora, since Au is the symbol for gold. Of course, there is only one woman for me.

<<Did you just say that?! Heathen! Modern art is the best art!>>
Bah!! I would only buy it for the purpose of investing. Give me the classics anyday. Michalengelo and the turtles are far superior to what any living artist can produce.

<<Wow, good thing I don't like Enlightenment philosophy or else I would be in a heated debate with this one.>> Well, we would at that. I always wanted to see St. Thomas Aquinas and Maiomaminedes (sp) in a tag team with Sartre and Camus.

Christien> <<I don't know as I'd say he was an arrogant professor, but he was certainly eccentric and the best teacher I ever had. As for Becca going for younger men, well, I'm two and a half years older than Tim, so I don't see anything wrong with that ; )>>
All I got was his dismissal of astrolgy. On eof my favorite professors had diverese interests. He was a Finance and Econ Professor and he was a major Trekkie and Babylon 5 fan. Very well read in classics and a fan of Gustav Mahler, plus he was a Libertarian so a definite Rennaisance Man. He is also a rocket scientist who studied Finance when he was in NASA and curious about the financial side of Astrophysics.

Well, I doubt you'd consider a 12 year old boyfriend at 16. Well, I'll probably take little Tommy to a Gatheirng when he is older.

Fire Storm> <<Hey, China did it to make a lake, so why can't we do it to make a skating rink?>> Because we're better, and I am not a Philistine.

Imzadi> <<Modern Art is CRAP. All of it. Useless paintings of useless rectangles. Give me a break. Anyone who gives grants to these people and buys their crap will be shot when the revolution comes>> What about those buying it as an investment?

<<Look at us, we're only teenagers and already addicted to $3 cups of coffee>> I've been to Starbucks and I like it, but I'm not addicted. I like the corproate atmosphere though.

My alignment on some on-line thingie was lawful good. I always saw myself as lawful neutral with evil bordering.

<<Oh well, they don't matter anymore anyway.>> I am too ofnd of teh ancient world to agree. When I hear about teh Taliban considering wiping out the Pyramids. To preserve them, I think it would be worth the lives of ten million if not more. Without such ancient treasures, civilization loses a lot of meaning.

<<>>: Like me! Don't like premarital sex? DON'T HAVE ANY.>> I have never said anything about it until then. No need to go ballistic.

<<You think premarital sex is bad, but South Park is cool!? >> Yes. Is that so odd? I remember a bunch of right-wing Catholics I went to school with who all loved South Park.

Patrick Toman> <<I just remind them that Sir Elton John is a Knight, too. :P>> I wonder what Sir Colin Powell and Sir Norman Schwartzkopf would say to that :p

Now, i depart again into teh amdness

Green Baron - []
Pioneer Kasserne, Hanau, Germany
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:55:49 PM

Silvadel said "Still in kind of an odd mood -- but it is interesting that Mr Josh is trying to get mooncat and me together =) "

Ooo? *blinks* Does this in any way include a spagetti dinner alfresco, and a very long noodle?

*mooncat watches too many Disney movies*

singing... "this is the night, it's a beautiful night, and they call it belle noche..."



Wednesday, October 17, 2001 11:27:52 AM

Amazing how fast time flies.
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 10:58:04 AM

Actually as I look at my Jan 1991 Degree on the wall, that was Fall 1990 not 1989 that I did that project...
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 09:42:46 AM

Still in kind of an odd mood -- but it is interesting that Mr Josh is trying to get mooncat and me together =)

As for the little pictures it isnt laziness on my part -- for users it is convenience -- for programmers it is laziness -- I was taught that lesson as a programmer! Plus if it used the small picture from the archieve you wouldnt even have to change the interface window much AND it would use so little bandwidth a 1200 baud modem wouldnt have a problem....

Actually the whole thing reminds me of a program I wrote in college(My senior project) in 1989 that didnt take off, but should have. It was a graphics via modem protocol for BBSs that while it supported bitmaps was primarily for lines, fills, etc.

In essence you could have it draw a circle then fill it in etc.. It had all kinds of commands. Heck it even had sprites. What it allowed was even good performance at 1200 bps if the pages were done right.

As for why it failed -- 1)Marketing 2)Not a good enough editor -- I should have been making it EASIER for the end user not putting all of my time into fast logical and etc 3) Timing -- It was just a little too soon.

Note that I couldnt see any of those things at the time.

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 09:26:53 AM

Hey guys, did anyone else here get some weird e-mail titled "request for assistance" from a woman named Juliet Koromah? She's telling some sob story of how she's escaped from Sierra-Leone with 15 million dollars after her husband was killed in some revolution. And she's asking for help in investing the money.

Sounds like one big snow job to me, what's weird is that the To: field is listing It just struck me as weird is all. Seeing how this is one of the very few places I've listed my new e-mail address and GB's name showed up as well I was thinking someone's bots are trawling the messageboard or something...

Skippy The Klingon
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 08:28:09 AM

CBS is planning on a sitcom about the destruction of the WTC? Just when you thought that network television couldn't stoop any lower....

Re Smallville: What is it with corrupt, scheming billionaires and transporting Scottish castles to America stone by stone? :)

ENTITY - Well, I was born on August 20, so you can figure out what sign I am from there (though I don't believe in astrology anyway).

Todd Jensen - []
St.Louis, MO
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 08:07:04 AM

Re: Sir Rudy of York > Anytime I see anyone getting excited about someone being made a Knight in the British Empire, I just remind them that Sir Elton John is a Knight, too. :P

SJ > I don't wanna see any WTC related sitcoms, either. What's the next great idea out of Hollywood? The Bin Laden Comedy Hour? :P
Josh > I could tell you what the next fic is, but then I'd have to kill you. ;)

Christine > Go ahead, rub it in why don't ya? ;) This is Cleveland... we've got decades of practice at "maybe next season."

:: heads off to work ::

Patrick Toman
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 07:34:53 AM

Alright, this oughta be a big one...

The day would have been much longer if I'd bothered to go to my morning math lecture. But I woke up at 10, and I was still tired. I thought to myself "eh, determinants, who needs them?" And went back to bed. I woke up "for real" at about noon and went to a couple dynamics classes so I could get a handle on the homework.

After meeting John to do our lab experiment, we were joined by Vinay and Mike and walked to the Apple event being held at the faculty lounge. Basically, it was a bunch of Berkeley grads who worked for Apple talking about what they did and answering a lot of questions. I found out that there are a lot of opportunities for a technical person who isn't necessarily a coder. So I'll be applying for an internship this summer at the product design group. Who knows? Maybe I do have a future in the tech industry after all. I could be part of the team that designs The Next Big Thing (TM). I spoke with lots of people, including the guy who was in charge of the team that designed the G4 tower and the Cube, the guy who was in charge of the team that designed the iBook, and the VP of Application Development (who I informed of some very glaring bugs in popular Apple programs). All in all, I think it was pretty successful. I got my name out there, but didn't have resumes to distribute or anything. We'll see what happens. I'd love to work for Apple, and apparently I have a LOT of skills/talents that they find particularly useful: excess mac knowledge, the ability to communicate technical issues to non-technical people, the ability to simultaneously be an engineer and have recognizable speech, an engineering degree (which supposedly means I'm very bright, but I have yet to see any sort of conclusive correlation between intelligence and possession of an engineering degree).

I also found out that work schedules at Apple are incredibly lenient. One guy, who works on the logic for the chips, said "I try to get up before noon." I am so sold. Just as long as I take the stairs, I'll never get caught in a elevator with Steve Jobs and be forced to justify my existence in 52 words or less.

My friend John won a raffle and wound up with a bag full of Apple junk, including their $60 pro mouse (no, not the hockey puck one). It was pretty bad-ass. And it was a lot of fun. Except for the idiot in charge of the iBook team. He gave part of the "what Apple does" presentation and totally blew it. The way he was talking about the products, you couldn't convince me to STEAL them. If I didn't know what 11.8 gigaflops really meant or how useful rubber-mounted hard drives were, I'd never have been convinced that these were "exciting" products. And then the moron forgot that "OS X" is pronounced "OS ten" not "OS ex". And then the other guy giving the presentation said that OS X was a full unix, so you could actually open the terminal and "do UNIX commands". What the hell does that mean?

The room was split between MBA's and various types of engineers (mostly programmers), and the engineers were cringing left and right...the MBA's were totally clueless.

That lasted till 9PM, when we all walked back home and I started working on this incredibly long post.

In other news: Apple announced new iBooks and TiBooks. I'll be buying my iBook this week, I think. 600 MHz, 100 MHz bus, 15 gig HD, 640 MB RAM when I'm through with it, I hope. All for the low low price of way too much money.


Patrick: <<I'm warning you all now... don't make me get out the lyrics to the song Weird Al put on his last album>>: A great song that is. <<The Seattle Mariners eliminated the Cleveland Indians last night from the first round of the American League championship series>>: I'm sorry, but why is that bad news? Baseball is the second most boring sport on Earth. Who could possibly care? <<my evenings for the next two weeks are now freed up to work on evil fanfic>>: SWEET! I can't wait to read it. Is it a Madame Destine fic? <<should get a hefty bonus for putting herself through sitting for six hours in a place that's really not much roomier than an upright coffin>>: And she didn't even get to have sex. <<You are out of warranty, have boxy styling, and a sagging rear end. Avoid potholes and Tauruses today>>: LOL!

Todd: <<So I suppose that visits to New Olympus are out?>>: That was terrible.

Mandolin: <<I just didn't realize the full extent of its evil>>: You must be young and naive. <<when you find that forty pound watermelon in your colon>>: OUCH! <<Try not to shove a roll of duct tape up your nose while taking your driver's test>>: Maybe that's why I got docked eight points. <<when you wind up with your head impaled on a stick>>: That is SO how my world domination is gonna end. I love that song. <<Anthrax at least isn't contagious and it can be treated.>>: Actually, only the cutaneous anthrax isn't contagious. I'd imagine there's an airborne type. <<is anyone in the Baltimore area planning to go to G2002? I plan to drive down>>: Talk to Niamh. I'm sure you'll be down that way. <<We're going to wipe out all the lawyers?>>: And programmers who don't shower every day. <<You're just mad because I didn't build you Christina Ricci.>>: Actually I'm mad because you haven't cloned me Eliza Dushku yet.

Baldy: <<the player who got Josef Mengele as a character revealed he was a Jew>>: There's some serious irony there. <<You become what you eat"... So I asked if he was a vegetarian. He was>>; Sucks to be him! <<Y'know, the passionate, independent, unfazeable, multitalented, loyal, calculating and DANGEROUS one>>: All those things could easily apply to any other sign. <<Yes, the GM was a bit upset about it, why?>>: People like you make D&D very un-fun. Try playing a gnome illusionist with the strength of a common housecat.

DPH: <<storing math equations is easier on paper unless you have a specialized math program>>: Equation editors are just a hassle, in any platform. <<I thought last week I received my last severance paycheck and when I checked the mail, I found one>>: Few things are better than unexpected money. <<I suspect that is because it is generalized>>: You would be right. <<I am recommending AGAINST using UPS because they drop packages off without signing for them>>: Call up your local branch and tell them you're pissed. I've never ONCE got anything from UPS without signing for it. <<MS could probably cut the price in half if they didn't ship so much software with it>>: Enjoy it, it cost you $400. Speaking of which... <<MS loves to attach products together that are unrelated>>: That's how they stay in business. <<are there any tricks for getting around taking the square root of negative numbers>>: What do you mean "get around"? If you mean "I get an error when I do", then flip the sign, take the root, and tack an "i" onto the end. <<I ran Visual Basic, Visual C++, MS-DOS prompt, cd player, surfin' the net at the same time>>: what kind of a paperweight do you have that can't handle all that? I rarely run FEWER than 8 programs at once.

Vashdoka: <<Why aren't you guys giving your Chinese zodiac signs too? Afraid of giving away your age?>>: Possibly...or I just don't know mine.

Greg X: <<LOTR test>>: I don't know anything about LOTR, so I'll skip this one. <<we have a Decepticon at the Pentagon >>: Der. <<yet another IP I see>>: "She" probably has some sort of randomizer. <<do we have official business?>>: Well, technically that response was, as is your response to this response to your response ;-)

Green Baron: <<Mayor Rudy Guiliani was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his actions in handling the WTC crisis>>: Just what we need, a knight running NYC. <<it sdoubtful the match would work until Becca woudl want a guy four years younger>>: Wait till she's 30...they all change their tune around that age. <<Seeing a united Islam is about as easy as uniting Christianity under one faith>>: Chalk another under "never". <<Surprisingly I don't know of any Muslim politicians in the United States>>: I'm not surprised. <<You'd also be paving over Bbaylon, Ur, Sumer, Mesopatamia, too>>: Oh well, they don't matter anymore anyway. <<Destroying priceless architectural treasures to make a nice skating rink>>: Who's destroying? They'll still be there, just buried deeper. <<I think pre-maritail sex is wrong. Many even in this CR would disagree with me>>: Like me! Don't like premarital sex? DON'T HAVE ANY. <<Ted Kennedy is technically alive, being a Senator but I odn't know about his brain>>: LOL! <<At least our electorate would be of a higher quality>>: You place way too much faith in smart people. <<Watch South Park>>: You think premarital sex is bad, but South Park is cool!? <<There are more things in Heaven and Earth than we can ever hope to exlain>>: I doubt that. I mean, we know what happened in the first trillionth of a second during the big bang. <<I think they want to conivnce you that nothing worthwhile occured prior to the 18th century>>: Which is reasonably accurate.

Queen of Pain: <<and Oberon is different from TGS>>: Der. <<I just remind them that Hitler was a vegitarian. That usually shuts them up>>; Yeah, but notice that Hitler didn't die of natural causes either ;-)

Moochie: <<ALL cool people have read LOTR, so I'm mistaken.... Right?>>: Naturally I'm gonna have to answer this with "but I haven't". <<and if you're working up calculations for the force absorbed, the rounds weigh .3 pounds each, all of which is either propellent or projectile>>: I notice you didn't actually work out those calculations. Were you hoping FS would do it? <<Thing is, the LAV weighs in at 16 tons or so, and these suckers weigh a fourth of that... Which means you can carry four of them in the same space as one LAV.>>: I'm sorry, but how do you figure THAT? Just becuase they weigh 75% less does not mean they are 75% smaller.

Entity: <<THAT is the one argument that cannot stand>>: You just said yourself "you the subject may not immediately agree with what your sign describes you as, but upon contemplation, you'll realize it's right, you just had to think of it in those terms". So technically, its easy to take another sign and apply it to you. You're saying that all "traits" are not necessarily all obviously true all the time, yet some of them are, sometimes, etc. The point is: this stuff is not any sort of science. A science has predictable results given a set of inputs. And since its unpredictable and amorphous, its hogwash. <<From Gargoyles, I've determined that both Goliath and Xanatos were Scorpios, and both Elisa and Fox were Pisceans. Puck was a Sagittarius, and Demona was an Aries>>: Logically that is impossible, since Goliath and Demona hatched at roughly the same time. <<How'd I do? >>: Wow, that was amazingly descriptive...of ME (virgo). Starting to see my point? <<The only thing I caught that you missed was Virgo's dependent, as well as dependABLE, nature>>: And I'm totally independent to boot. <<Oh yeah, and if you're a guy, you're almost always a virgin>>: I am NOT! <<

Lain: <<you gonna tell ME im not cool cos yknow.. ive never read lord of the rings, either>>: Being uncool is cool. <<renowned for blunt, tactless honesty, being argumentative, optimistic and enthusiastic, loving personal freedom and being slightly fanatical>>: Proof of hog-wash-ness! Those ALL directly apply to me. <<daddy dearest seems to be rather stuck on the there-is-no-GOD-and-if-there-is-he-SUCKS concept quite firmly>>: Who says that isn't being philosophical? <<OMG.. not that im a GEEK or anything>>: Right. When you're not here, you're actually head cheerleader at your school. <<not sure i can quiiiite bring myself to believe them, skeptic that i am>>: Hey, if the herbal remedy works, use it! <<it would be funnier if i knew who was galvatron>>: Did you even WATCH cartoons as a kid? <<i told him id had a headache for a year and a half and he said "WHAT?!">>: Better not have a brain tumor or something.

Mooncat: <<5 ft 4, chaotic good, brunette femme>>: Chaotic good!? Bah! Typical hero. My lawful neutral alignment better befits my villain status. <<I don't know if this is a very good test>>: Any tests that predicts you to be of the opposite gender...needs help.

Silvadel: <<Only I see a Neutral Good 5'10" Male>>; What's with all these good people!? <<it would be easier if it just appeared in the window when selected>>: I'm sure whoever did the coding for this site will get right on making the addpost screen an additonal 300k to load. <<Then I am told the reason it doesnt put up a picture on this screen is because it is "a tad harder." ... Can we say cop out?>>: Not everyone has the bandwidth required to flash pictures like that. Some of us still connect with slo-dems. And why add that code to an page that already works flawlessly and has for a long time, when the pictures are all easily available elsewhere? Can you say lazy? I knew we could.

Skippy: <<now that you put it that way>>: Can't resist, can you? <<Clark's unrequited love for Lana might be a little more poignant if we didn't know about Lois>>: Please tell me that Lana is played by a REALLY hot chick. Because I'll tell you, Lana was much better looking than Lois when they "grew up". <<how many times can they retell the origin of Superman and make it seem interesting. I don't know whether the Dawson's Creek angle on the show is going to be a help or a hinderance>>: Depends on who's watching it. I'm betting on hindrance, since mostly males are interested in comic book heroes, and could give two sh*ts about Dawson's creek style drama. <<it looks like Clark is going to be making a livelyhood out of saving Lex's butt>>: WTF is Lex Luthor doing in Smallville?

Bonny Garg: <<Virgoans are the zodiac's analysts, its critics, its purists>>: Check, check, false. <<They are the servants, custodians, and perfecters of culture>>: False, false, false. <<logical, practical, and mehodical>>: True, true, true. <<Their intellect subjugates their instincts>>: True. <<They have strong senses of order and organization and a love of the technological and the minute>>: True, true. <<They are also perfectionists>>: Not so true anymore. <<They want their environments, as well as their lives, to be tidy>>: True. <<They plan, sort, classify, and store>>: OKAY I"M ANAL I GET IT! <<Virgins prefer small-scale plans to grand strategies>>: false. <<They are rooted in the present and amenable to change only after meticulous forethought>>: false. <<They will not willingly court disappointment>>: false. You should see my love life. <<Virgoans are thrifty>>: False. <<They are rather aloof and repressed, even puritanical, viewing passion with a highly suspicious eye>>: False false false. <<They are demanding in thier choice of partners>>: VERY TRUE. <<If Virgoans do not find precisely the right person, they will probably prefer to stay unattached>>: VERY FALSE. I'd rather be gettin' some. <<It seems like there really isn't much discussion of the actual stories in here. Why is that? I thought was the whole point of this message board>>: The last story came out MONTHS ago. It takes us about a week to review them, and generally the reviews only come in the form of a small section of our posts. We have lives, and these are our friends. This isn't some lame book club where we meet once a week and discuss what we read.

Fire Storm: <<Each round is 20mm diameter, correct>>: Yes, FS, that's what "20mm" means. <<don't walk and fire at the same time>>: Can I chew gum? <<I have never read LOTR either>>: Well I guess you're not cool. That's alright, I'm not either. <<I picked it up at my parents house>>: You still get mail at your parents' house? <<My computer makes me run>>: Ergo, boolean makes you run. <<Then you really suck>>: Only if asked nicely. <<I only have the 6 nuclear weapons>>: And you live at... <<a 12 year old Japanese girl>>: Hmmm...sounds kind of cheap for a nuke. <<I want her as BAD as Sabretooth>>: But then she wouldn't be a funny villain. <<Ye shall find one>>: And when I do, I should run like heck, right? <<feed a sane woman many drugs until it screws up her mind, and then apply the right visual and audio imagery>>: In this country we call that rape. And its illegal. <<Do you think she turned into a animal to have sex with Sabretooth?>>: No idea. I'd rather not think about it. <<I cannot allow any of them to live>>: Exactly my thoughts...but on my own children. <<I shall be testing the input system soon>>: FS, build me one of these and you can have anything you want. New iBook? <<Under a half ton>>: Its gonna be tough to walk in that. And the air conditioning bill is gonna suck too. <<virgo>>: don't seem that much like me, actually. <<The fortune>>: did you add "in bed" to the end of it? Fortune cookies are always better when you do that. <<Hitting on the newbies>>: I don't hit on food. <<acting dead for him often just so he will have sex with her>>: That is sick dude. <<plasma physics in toroidal chambers>>: That's hardly enough to base a major on. <<all of us Virgos are>>: I was built in a lab, not at a New Year's party. Now, if there was anything funky going on at the lab on New Year's, that might explain a bit. <<Attending a Florida college in New York>>: extension courses? <<Selene is bisexual>>: I'll party with her then. <<I just figured out how to do math in C++>>: How are you programming without math? <<we really don't take kindly to deception>>: Or people who come in here just to support/attack someone, and then expect to just merrily join our CR. <<

Sevarius Jr: <<Everyone thinks you are a f!cking jerk>>: That one works for me too. <<think most people are dickheads. You are quick to reprimand, impatient, and full of advice. You do nothing but piss-off everyone you come in contact with. You are a prick>>: Also true for me. <<people resent you for flaunting your power>>: Also true. <<are a general dipsh!t>>: True. <<You have a dogged determination and work like hell. Most people think you are stubborn and bullheaded>>: True. <<You are inclined to expect too much for too little. This means you are a cheap bastard>>: True. <<Cancer>>: Oddly, none of these things are true about me. <<You consider yourself a born leader. Others think you are an idiot. Most Leos are bullies. You are vain and cannot tolerate criticism. Your arrogance is disgusting. Leo people are thieving motherf!ckers and enjoy masturbation more than sex>>: The last part is only true sometimes. The rest is true all the time. <<You are the logical type and hate disorder. Your sh!t-picking attitude is sickening to your friends and co-workers. You are cold and unemotional and often fall asleep while f!cking>>: I have never ONCE fallen asleep during sex. <<Libra>>: None of these are true either. <<You are shrewd in business and cannot be trusted. You shall achieve the pinnacle of success because of your total lack of ethics. You are the perfect son-of-a-bitch. Most Scorpios are murdered>>: Me again. <<Sagittarius>>: Also untrue. <<You are conservative and afraid of taking risks. You are basically chickensh!t>>: Also true. <<If found it to be incredibly accurate, at least with us Scorpios. If you want, I'll start horoscopes tomorrow>>: Ooh please! <<Yes, I know, I'm as shocked as you are that, once upon a time, he actually did something funny>>: LOL nothing after "The Hannukah song". <<every asshole in America with a score to settle will be mailing letters drenched with Clorox or baby powder to their enemies>>: For no other reason than to see the look on their faces. <<WTC Attack sitcom = as funny as cervical cancer>>: LOL. <<But then again, I'm just a cynical bastard. Or have people figured that one out by now?>>: Only I know the full extent of your cynicism. <<The Society will be most displeased with you for posting that link>>: I won't tell if you don't. <<I'd argue that there isn't a movie in existence that stars Michelle Yeoh that can be considered overrated>>: You would be wrong. She's isn't nearly as hot as Dushku. <<Why did you use the CR administrator pic?>>: Power tripping head editor. <<I'd be psyched to have a Decepticon in the Pentagon. At least I'd be assured that we would definitely blow s@#$ up>>: And maybe cars would finally start running of energon instead of gas. <<I'm off to watch Buffy and to see just how badly Smallville sucks>>: Damnit, missed both. <<Life is like buying a porno flick. You don't know what you're getting, but you hope for the best>>: If you're smart, like me, you've stopped paying for porn.

Ravyn: <<Uh ... yeah. ;) **chuckles and hands over some bamboo shoots*>>: South Park reference. <<I'm a Dog>>: ::bites tongue:: <<do you know how jealous I am of you two?>>: Yeah. <<Although I have to say, I'm *not* a damn communist>>: LOL

Carolynn Marie: <<physics midterm>>: How'd it go? <<May the force be with me>>: Sorry, no can do, the force was with me last week, and it takes a while to walk across the country. <<Like we need more Starbucks>>: The great thing about Starbucks is that its product is an addictive narcotic, so it guarantees its own customer base. Look at us, we're only teenagers and already addicted to $3 cups of coffee. <<all organic food>>: I know I just LOVE aphids in my broccoli. <<the best double chocolate cookies you can ask for>>: I bet not.

Metaldemon: <<Heathen! Modern art is the best art>>: Modern Art is CRAP. All of it. Useless paintings of useless rectangles. Give me a break. Anyone who gives grants to these people and buys their crap will be shot when the revolution comes. <<Stupid Canadians>>: That's just redundant.

Sappy: <<public figures and their statements are fair game for parody under the First Amendment>>: I love the supreme court...unless they rule in favor of Microsoft ever again. <<I'll just be avoiding every mall anywhere *near* me on Halloween ... and I would say probably it's a good idea for everyone to avoid 'em>>: I always avoid malls, just on principle.

Winterwolf: Glad you made it alive. Now don't let Dreamie kill you ;-)

Gside: <<I don't know, you suddenly being sprawled on me wouldn't be that bad>>: I don't weigh much, but I do impart SOME force on impact. <<I don't rank as odd>>: Yeah okay you do. <<Sometimes you amaze me>>; Only sometimes? How did that amaze you? <<But verbing weirds language. And aren't we for weirding>>: Not of language. Kind of makes one of my valuable skills useless. <<Would it be worth it to go normal for a while to stop being predictable? Nah>>: Well, going normal would be TOTALLY unpredictable for you... <<Then have a low lag between iteration>>: You've punched holes in all my arguments. Alright, I'll do it, but just because you made me. Know any volunteers? <<Just thought it was odd, how it was similar to a combination of two of your names>>: Nicknames anyway, but yeah. Weird... <<Or whichever room in which you hold threesomes>>: The only room with a large enough comfortable surface would be the bedroom. <<remember that right brain based amazing sexual prowess>>: We're engineers, we don't have right brains. <<I'll take the virgin, you can be the water boy as a civE, and specialize in bridges over running water>>: No dice. <<The ultimate in throwing stuff out. And I've got two exams with it this week>>: Wrong Big O. <<So what if I already play it 17 hours a day?>>: Add a few more. <<Well, I haven't been getting any, but I would like to sometime>>: Then you are not asexual. Its wilek we gotta worry about... <<Put an if statement in the beginning, the root the abs?>>: I wish he'd be more specific. <<just because we have so much to say about everything else>>; We like to, talk.

Gah! That took me about 90 minutes to write.

Friends don't let friends use Windows.

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 05:02:53 AM

Bah -- didnt enter the name field...

Definitely should go to sleep.

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 01:00:01 AM

Hmm... so I am told I am asexual because I am an aquarius(I will say that I am highly backward and most people who are in games or on boards etc(IE those who can hear me but not see me) think I am female even though I am male, but that doesnt make me asexual =) ).

Then I am told the reason it doesnt put up a picture on this screen is because it is "a tad harder." ... Can we say cop out? I knew we could...

Definitely beyond my normal sleep time right now...

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:58:19 AM


Smallville: Ok, I will give it the 3 episode treatment. But I don't think the show is going
to be worth it. I hate Dawsons Creek, and I HATE Roswell, and this show had the scripting of
Roswell and the possible love crap of Dawsons.
Oh, and Superman was there too.

Entity: <Basically, Air Signs are either homosexual (Libra), bisexual (Gemini), or asexual
Isn't Aquarius a WATER sign?
If what you say is so... Oberon and his children are Air (Alergic to a Earth metal... well,
just trust me. I have a headache and it hurts to think.)
3 air signs, 3 wierd sisters...
Phoebe is homosexual, Selene is bisexual and Luna is asexual. ;)

DPH: <are there any tricks for getting around taking the square root of negative numbers?
Maybe some computer language can take the square root of negative numbers?>
Near impossible, I believe. But I wouldn't know. I just figured out how to do math in C++

Sevarius Jr: <I'd be psyched to have a Decepticon in the Pentagon. At least I'd be assured
that we would definitely blow s@#$ up>
"Sir! We have been attacked!" Random grunt
"Blow them out of the sky!" Air Commander Starscream
"YES SIR!" The grunt barks back with a smile.
"NO! On second thought, NUKE ALL OF OUR ENEMYS! TWICE!"

Bonny Garg: <Just out of curiosity --- It seems like there really isn't much discussion of
the actual stories in here.>
Glad you noticed!
You see, the stories don't come out too often. And, because of that, this CR has turned into
a place where friends come to talk! And when a story DOES come out, it gives us something
additional to talk about.
Why is that? I thought was the whole point of this message
Well, you would THINK so, but thinking is against the law here! ;)
<None of your Beeswax,, That's What, So Please Stop Guessing>
:) Don't mind us. We just get alot of people lieing about their location and wether their
significant other actually exists, so we really don't take kindly to deception.

Green Baron: <Destroying priceless architectural treasures to make a nice skating
are a true suburbanite>
Hey, China did it to make a lake, so why can't we do it to make a skating rink?

Gside: <Did they at least hold out until making sure she would be in a school uniform?>
They didn't specify, but I threw it in as a freebie and they turned around and gave me a barrel of vodka and a meal entirely of peirogis! All in all, a pretty sweet trade! Gotta do work again with those ex-Russian military guys!
<What about Ghastly's?>
Really haven't read that comic.
<I don't know, these last two weeks...>
But I still have my hopes.
<Having to deal with maybe when programming.>
Ah.. Behold, the power of C

Fire Storm
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:49:48 AM

Gunjack > thanks for the explanation about weapon stacks; sure, sounds like something we could use!

Patrick > hey, your bad news about the M's vs. Cleveland is good news hereabouts! ; )

Warpmind > I use the Morgan-Greer deck (ironically, I've had the deck since high school, long before I became a Morgan). LOL, so you got the new Cthuddles too? Isn't he just darling? I lugged him all around DragonCon.

Green Baron > I don't know as I'd say he was an arrogant professor, but he was certainly eccentric and the best teacher I ever had. As for Becca going for younger men, well, I'm two and a half years older than Tim, so I don't see anything wrong with that ; )

lain > I've got a bag of rune stones around, but I've only ever used them for game props.

Bonny > Nothing wrong with liking X-Men. I've been to New York twice (for Gatherings both times) and have no desire to go again.

Winterwolf > welcome to Seattle! Sorry about the weather; it's usually not _this_ grim and wet so early. Come to the Bookfest and say hi!

Author Terry Brooks appeared at our local library tonight. Seems like quite the decent chap. It's nice to know I'm not the only writer who is a control freak and would never consider collaborating or doing a shared universe (someone asked him). He did a brief talk, a reading from the novel in progress, answered questions, and then hung around for a signing. Interestingly, it seems that everyone I've ever known pronounces Shannara wrong. I've always heard it "shuh-NAH-ruh," but Mr. Brooks himself says "SHAN-uh-ruh."

Christine - []
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:49:45 AM

Imzadi> <<sucks to be whomever was already there>>: I don't know, you suddenly being sprawled on me wouldn't be that bad.
<<Gside?>>: I don't rank as odd?
<<I don't have any plans to do so in the future>>: Sometimes you amaze me.
<<Anthrax is not a verb>>: But verbing weirds language. And aren't we for weirding?
<<I totally expected that from you>>: Would it be worth it to go normal for a while to stop being predictable? Nah.
<<But then one starts to get bored>>: Then have a low lag between iteration.
<<I have>>: Just thought it was odd, how it was similar to a combination of two of your names.
<<I think that's what happened ONCE she got involved>>: Jello has eldritch powers even outside of the bedroom. Or whichever room in which you hold threesomes.
<<I thought you didn't have any women>>: Theoretically, yes, but remember that right brain based amazing sexual prowess?
<<Huh?>>: I'll take the virgin, you can be the water boy as a civE, and specialize in bridges over running water.
<<Big O is one of the coolest things on earth>>: The ultimate in throwing stuff out. And I've got two exams with it this week (one is calling it theta, though).

Mandolin> <<Fill that void in your life by playing Whac-A-Mole seventeen hours a day>>: So what if I already play it 17 hours a day?

Warpmind> <<a small Cthulhu plushie perched on his shoulder>>: Its parents wanted some "us time"? "Threesomes with married couples rock."
LotR: Characters: Barliman Butterbur, Boromir, Gimli, Gollum, and Saruman was only 9. And aparently I live with the Misty Mountain goblins. Would have preferred Moria.
Wilek> <<I with I had any idea who any of these people were>>: You'd like Sauron and the Witch-King. But watch out for anyone like Eowyn or Merry. And for all you Tolkien lookups:

Spacebabie> <<he sympathizes with an Athenian maiden>>: I think that's supposed to be a reference to the queen.
<<a love poetion>>: Pansy juice.
Lain> <<you cant tell which anime that is just based on the quote?>>: My brain seems stuck in Ranma mode for some reason, but the cross dressing there isn't really for the hero.
<<whats the world coming to>>: It's revoking my otaku license.

Fire Storm> <<a 12 year old Japanese girl>>: Did they at least hold out until making sure she would be in a school uniform?
<<Sexy Losers is just about the only comic I will *NOT* check at work>>: What about Ghastly's?
<<I doubt it will work too well>>: I don't know, these last two weeks...
<<what does he save you from?>>: Having to deal with maybe when programming.

Entity> <<asexual (Aquarius)>>: Well, I haven't been getting any, but I would like to sometime.

DPH> <<are there any tricks for getting around taking the square root of negative numbers?>>: Put an if statement in the beginning, the root the abs?

Bonny> <<It seems like there really isn't much discussion of the actual stories in here>>: There aren't any new stories at the moment, and this place has developed into more of a general discussion forum, just because we have so much to say about everything else.

Silvadel> <<It would be really helpful if when you picked an image it would show it on the comment room screen>>: That would be a tad harder to do, which is why there's the wonderful CR info area maintained by Lady Mystic.

Metaldemon> <<Modern art is the best art>>: Tell that to Leda.

CtB> <<a friend who was *allegedly* dating one of the Sept. 11th hijackers>>: Sounds similar to what I heard.

Funjack> <<it was a *94%* on the midterm>>: You use numpad for your numbers? And one must be careful when typing your name.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:41:10 AM

Winterwolf> Hope you find a place soon! It's cool that you're nearer to Dreamie now ... do you know how jealous I am of you two? ;) Seriously, though, best of luck to you both. ;)

SJ> I love the silly horoscopes. Although I have to say, I'm *not* a damn communist. ;)

Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:40:29 AM

**Winterwolf slips in**

Hi! I figured it was high time I dropped in and let everyone know I safely made it across the country from New York to Seattle. I'm without a place of my own right now but that should be fixed in a day or two. Something about a background check...

**tosses something in the old closet and chains the door shut**

It's not fun having to go around with my car filled with all my stuff. Anyway I hope to be back up to speed in here soon. This post is brought to you courtesy of Dreamie computer and AOL connection.

Dreamie> **smiles nuzzles cuddles and kisses Dreamnie** Thanks my love, for everything! ~_^

Skippy> Welcome Back! on't know when exactly you returned but I'm glad to have you back.

Newcomers> Warmest welcome to all the newcomers. I know I've missed some and figure any welcome would be better than none.

I hope to be back soon with a complete post. Until then take care. Bye.

**Winterwolf runs off to be with Dreamie**

Seattle, WA
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:29:06 AM

Actually I did notice one thing -- The season 3 archieves all say season 2 -- well at least gargoyles and timedancer did when I checked.
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:07:16 AM

Errrr... it was a *94%* on the midterm. Yeah, stoopid tired brain... 8P
Gunjack "Flllburble" Valentine
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:04:55 AM

Errrr... it was a *94%* on the midterm. Yeah, stoopid tired brain... 8P
Gunjack "Flllburble" Valentine
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:04:40 AM

FS><<Each round is 20mm diamater, correct?>> Yup. and if you're working up calculations for the force absorbed, the rounds weigh .3 pounds each, all of which is either propellent or projectile (caseless ammo, dontcha know).
<<I guess it would be able to handle that. But if you fire everything at once...>> The 20mm is the only weapon with appreciable recoil. The rockets are all recoiless, the Hailstorm MG fires a caseless version of the 5.56mm NATO, and could be fired from a bipod by an average-strength man without dificulty. The 40mm AGL is extremely low powered, and doesn't generate much in the way of kick do to low impulse and slow RoF (6 shots/sec).
<<Either way, don't walk and fire at the same time.>> How come? Origionally, I was pretty confident that it would be able to, but then I remembered that you know a LOT more about physics than I do...
And I'm thinking of upping the tonnage. The Marauder is designed to replace the LAV-25 armored car currently in service with the Marines. Thing is, the LAV weighs in at 16 tons or so, and these suckers weigh a fourth of that... Which means you can carry four of them in the same space as one LAV. On the downside, Marauders can't transport troops...

GAH! And there's so many things I want to reply to, but I have to write that speech!!! I lied... It's TOMORROW when the stress ends. On the upside, I got a 64% on the psych midterm... If I can just get through this reading presentation alive...

Gunjack "It Starts With One" Valentine
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:01:13 AM

Eastern zodiac: (not limiting myself to Chinese because Chinese and Japanese are just about the same) I am a Rabbit.

Skippy: As established by the decision handed down by the Supreme Court in the case of Falwell v. Flynt, public figures and their statements are fair game for parody under the First Amendment. Bob whatsisname can't even *touch* you if you MiST his little manifestos *because* of this.

Ravyn: **huggles back**

Unrelated bit of concern: I know there's been a rumor circulating around that's been called a hoax that there would be attacks on Halloween ... however, one of my co-workers told me on Sunday that his aunt had a friend who was *allegedly* dating one of the Sept. 11th hijackers. Apparently he went missing a week before the crashes and left her a note which told her "don't fly on September 11th and don't go to the mall on October 31st."

So I'll just be avoiding every mall anywhere *near* me on Halloween ... and I would say probably it's a good idea for everyone to avoid 'em.

Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 11:12:27 PM

Kind of a mixed bag to start with, Clark's unrequited love for Lana might be a little more poignant if we didn't know about Lois (thinking about it, wasn't Lois the blonde girl? I didn't catch all the names)

I don't this show has much of a future, after all, how many times can they retell the origin of Superman and make it seem interesting. I don't know whether the Dawson's Creek angle on the show is going to be a help or a hinderance. I was weary of the excessive pop tunes playing in the background by the middle of the show. From this episode and the previews for next week it looks like Clark is going to be making a livelyhood out of saving Lex's butt.

Skippy The Klingon
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 10:27:22 PM

GB> <<Edmund Burke could kick Voltaire into next Tuesday. John Locke could force....>>
Wow, good thing I don't like Enlightenment philosophy or else I would be in a heated debate with this one.
<<Modern Art has no value to me, unless I were investing in it to sell it for a higher price later.>>
Did you just say that?! Heathen! Modern art is the best art!
<<I'm such a capitalist ::gives Lady Capitalism a big kiss:: :)>> I didn't know mammon was a woman (I knew you would do that, and I was waiting for it :}).
Entity> <<That makes a little too much sense.>> Does it really? Mwahahaha
Begad! Now I must really try to do my Metaphysics paper.::Kicks dirt:: Stupid Lucretius! Stupid Aristotle! Stupid Aquinas! ::remembers his professor is a Canadian:: Stupid Canadians! :)
metaldemon - []
denton, tx
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 09:53:14 PM

SJ> I've seen that astrology parody before. I actually have it saved to disk. Had no idea it was credited to Adam Sandler. But the one I know is slightly different. One very evident flaw in the one you posted, for example, is that Pisces and Aries should be switched in their descriptions. Click my name for the other version. I find it as accurate as it is hilarious.

Either someone edited Sandler or Sandler edited someone else.

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 09:47:31 PM

Hey, guys, just dropping in real quick. Took my Physics midterm yesterday and studying for my Religion one tomorrow. May the Force be with me. And I swear I'll get in more CR time this week ;)

GB <,Dibs on Iraq! If I paved it over it'd make a GREAT skating park.>> You'd also be paving over Bbaylon, Ur, Sumer, Mesopatamia, too. Destroying priceless architectural treasures to make a nice skating are a true suburbanite :) >>

Hmm, as a budding archaeologist, I have to concede on this point ... so I'd leave the ancient sites unpaved and build a Starbucks in the area *L* Like we need more Starbucks ... I wouldn't mind opening a comic book or anime store ... or a Whole Foods Market.

That is my new favorite store. All organic food and the best double chocolate cookies you can ask for.

SPACEBABIE< I recently learned that Hitler wasn't really vegeterian. He was trying to be to appeal to the German public as a nice guy *smothers laugh* and at the advice of his doctor, but he kept eating meat. You also find weird people all over the place, regardless of diet ;)

Okay, I have another book to review besides "American Gods". It's Erik Marcus' "Vegan". Very, very good... and I've run out of time now, gotta run back to the wonderful world of Hinduism and Buddhism. Ciao

Carolynn Marie - []
Madison, NJ, USA
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 09:27:58 PM

SJ> <<You are sympathetic and understanding to other people's problems, which makes you a sucker. You are always putting things off. That is why you will always be on welfare and won't be worth a sh!t. Everyone in prison is a Cancer.>> What?? Sympathetic and understanding?? Now that's REALLY off the mark! ;) Scary thing is... my roommate makes ME look like the neat, organized, non-procrastinating one. <<Do you like Wolf Lake? Cause that's my pick to be this season's "Now and Again".>> I've caught a tiny bit, but looking at the ratings, CBS had better move its timeslot or it'll be gone even faster than N&A. (Yes, I know that's pessimistic, but hey, I'm sticking by my vow not to get unnecessarily attached to a new show.) Preferably an earlier timeslot; I get into work around 6 or 6:30 so I can get credit hours, and I usually have to crash by 10 on weeknights.

silvadel> <<As for Aladdin, I guess it was ok -- wasnt special though. Maybe I expect too much from disney. >> Robin Williams made the movie. Without him, it wouldn't have been half as good.
<<It would be really helpful if when you picked an image it would show it on the comment room screen -- this way you can know what you are posting before you post it. >> Check out for all the images in alphabetical order.

lain> Hope the tests come out okay. A year and a half headache? Ick...

Skippy> <<"While President Bush and our fighting men and women bravely face down foreign terrorists, you and I must fight the war against the terrorism of domestic demons.">> We're going to wipe out all the lawyers?

Watching Buffy right now, and all I have to say is... THESE are this season's Big Bads? Okay, it could be good if they do it right, but if not it'll just be painful. "You're just mad because I didn't build you Christina Ricci." *snerk*

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 08:40:35 PM

SJ> I used the pic cause I was making a post as the Head of Edits for TGS. It wasn't so much as defending Alan, but as saying that if a story is badly done, it is the fault of the Head of Edits, since I have final say on everything that gets posted.

I'll only use that pic when I'm on official TGS business.

Hmmm, do we have official business?

Greg Bishansky
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 08:24:54 PM

Lots more discussion of stories when there are new episodes.

As for Aladdin, I guess it was ok -- wasnt special though. Maybe I expect too much from disney.

For square roots, there are several things you can do -- The easiest on the surface is simply to do a check -- if whatever you want to take the root of is negative then return whatever you want to flag as an error -- or 0 or whatever. Another way is to use whatever error checking the language you are using uses and have that set a flag variable or somesuch.

It would be really helpful if when you picked an image it would show it on the comment room screen -- this way you can know what you are posting before you post it. I mean yes you can do the images tag in another window and then find it and look it up etc -- but it would be easier if it just appeared in the window when selected.

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 08:08:35 PM

My LOTR Top Five:
Peregrin Took (Pippin)

Now I'm gonna have to actually find out who these characters are. ;)

Mandi> I LOVE that song. ;) Especially the horoscope for Sagittarius. ;)

Josh> <<This made me a happy panda>> Uh ... yeah. ;) **chuckles and hands over some bamboo shoots** Great job on the midterm, too. :)

Good News> My Arizona Diamondbacks are in the National League championship series against the Braves ... it's now 1-0 Arizona in a best of 7!

Chinese zodiac> I'm a Dog. ;)

Coyote> **huggles** :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 08:01:45 PM

So I like X-Men. So sue me. Never even been to New York, and what with terrorists killing thousands of people in one go, it looks like I may never go. And yes, I'm a girl; I thought the whole "BONNY" thing would give that away.

I sure hope I'm dependable. At least I hope my friends, family, and boss think so.

Just out of curiosity --- It seems like there really isn't much discussion of the actual stories in here. Why is that? I thought was the whole point of this message board...?


Bonny Garg - [akanetendo_9]
None of your Beeswax,, That's What, So Please Stop Guessing.
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 07:57:33 PM

So, you guys like astrology, huh? Well, this here's for everyone. Enjoy your astrological description.

Aquarius: You have an inventive mind and are inclined to be progressive. You lie a great deal. You make the same mistakes repeatedly because you are stupid. Everyone thinks you are a f!cking jerk.

Pisces: You are a pioneer type and think most people are dickheads. You are quick to reprimand, impatient, and full of advice. You do nothing but piss-off everyone you come in contact with. You are a prick.

Aries: You have a wild imagination and often think you are being followed by the FBI or CIA. You have minor influence on your friends and people resent you for flaunting your power. You lack confidence and are a general dipsh!t.

Taurus: You are practical and persistent. You have a dogged determination and work like hell. Most people think you are stubborn and bullheaded. You are nothing but a goddamned communist.

Gemini: You are a quick and intelligent thinker. People like you because you are bisexual. You are inclined to expect too much for too little. This means you are a cheap bastard. Geminis are notorious for thriving on incest.

Cancer: You are sympathetic and understanding to other people's problems, which makes you a sucker. You are always putting things off. That is why you will always be on welfare and won't be worth a sh!t. Everyone in prison is a Cancer.

Leo: You consider yourself a born leader. Others think you are an idiot. Most Leos are bullies. You are vain and cannot tolerate criticism. Your arrogance is disgusting. Leo people are thieving motherf!ckers and enjoy masturbation more than sex.

Virgo: You are the logical type and hate disorder. Your sh!t-picking attitude is sickening to your friends and co-workers. You are cold and unemotional and often fall asleep while f!cking. Virgos make good bus drivers and pimps.

Libra: You are the artistic type and have a difficult time dealing with reality. If you are a male you are probably queer. Chances for employment and monetary gain are nill. Most Libra women are whores. All Libras die of venereal disease.

Scorpio: You are the worst of the lot. You are shrewd in business and cannot be trusted. You shall achieve the pinnacle of success because of your total lack of ethics. You are the perfect son-of-a-bitch. Most Scorpios are murdered.

Sagittarius: You are optimistic and enthusiastic. You have a reckless tendency to rely on your luck since you have no talent. The majority of Sagittarians are drunks. You are a worthless piece of sh!t.

Capricorn: You are conservative and afraid of taking risks. You are basically chickensh!t. There has never been a Capricorn of any importance. You should kill yourself.

So there you go. If found it to be incredibly accurate, at least with us Scorpios. If you want, I'll start horoscopes tomorrow.

Oh, and before I get flamed, I didn't write any of that. That came from Adam Sandler. Yes, I know, I'm as shocked as you are that, once upon a time, he actually did something funny.

Anthrax: I'm not sure if it's terrorist related, or just some dumb freak out there starting trouble on their own. What I do know is that now, every asshole in America with a score to settle will be mailing letters drenched with Clorox or baby powder to their enemies.

From the Insanity Department: CBS is considering creating a sitcom about the WTC attacks. It'd be about a widow and a widower, who lost their spouses in the attack, coming together. I've even heard some wild rumors of a terrorist-type character being on the show as well.
God, I love Hollywood. When it comes to sheer idiocy, they never disappoint. WTC Attack sitcom = as funny as cervical cancer.

Entity: <<I think you just instinctively react to mega-rated films with negativity...>> Well, that's somewhat true. But I still stand by my statement. Lion King was grossly overrated. Aladdin, which I think came out the year before, was IMO a much better film. Oh, and my official stance on Sixth Sense: Very good film, but way overhyped (I won't quite say overrated, because it was one of the best films of that year). I liked the film, but I was a bit aggravated by everyone *telling me* that I should like the film.

Skippy: Well, as much of a donkey dick Bob Larson is, I kind of agree with him on two things:
1. I think Scientologists are wackjobs.
2. I'm tired of sappy sentimentality. But then again, I'm just a cynical bastard. Or have people figured that one out by now? ;)

Wilek: The Society will be most displeased with you for posting that link.
Thanks for the email! If you can't post in here more often, than at least I can keep in touch via email.
Oh, and just to bring back an old reference that confused you, "Niagra Falls! Slowly I turn!", was from the gods of comedy, the Three Stooges.

FROM ANY COUNTRY>>: Crouching Tiger?>> I liked that movie, but regardless of that fact, I'd argue that there isn't a movie in existence that stars Michelle Yeoh that can be considered overrated.
Well….unless you count that awful Bond movie she did.

Todd: Try reading Richard Matheson's "I Am Legend", which is what the Omega Man was based upon. It's one of the finer horror novels of the past century. The Horror Writers Association has it listed as one of the top 40 horror novels ever written.

Fleur: <<Nature Boy is confusing me. I'm torn between being truly frightened, or hysterical with laughter. Do you mind if I print out that little rant and show it to a few people I just _know_ are going to appreciate it? :)>> What's to be frightened about the Nature Boy? Whooo!!! Go ahead and share the NB's words of wisdom with everyone!

Mandy: Do you like Wolf Lake? Cause that's my pick to be this season's "Now and Again".

Greg: Why did you use the CR administrator pic?
And isn't that kind of inappropriate to do, since the tone of the post was to defend someone who really didn't need defending at all?

Decepticon in the Pentagon: I'd be psyched to have a Decepticon in the Pentagon. At least I'd be assured that we would definitely blow s@#$ up.

Now I'm off to watch Buffy and to see just how badly Smallville sucks.

"Life is like buying a porno flick. You don't know what you're getting, but you hope for the best."
---Corey Mahoney

Sevarius Jr. - []
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 07:45:40 PM

Todd> What sign are you? I'm guessing Virgo.
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 07:41:56 PM

Hehe. If you only knew how much extra stuff comes with MS Visual Studio. Heck, MS could probably cut the price in half if they didn't ship so much software with it. But then again, MS loves to attach products together that are unrelated.

Man, I can't believe how many bugs I left in my Othello program when I stopped working on it.

Fire Storm & any other programmers - are there any tricks for getting around taking the square root of negative numbers? Maybe some computer language can take the square root of negative numbers?

I swear I keep finding logic errors in my own program to solve cubics.

I tried to stretch my computer's limits again. I ran Visual Basic, Visual C++, MS-DOS prompt, cd player, surfin' the net at the same time.

Yet, nothing slows down my computer like trying to get Netscape to reload a 312K html page. All that is just the output from my program that is attempting to solve cubics. I think I might want to test the formulas with less numbers, though.

DPH - []
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 07:37:56 PM


A rather fun episode last night. A funny one, especially when Marcus gets the wrong idea about Fred's name and wonders if Angel's gay.

One minor note that got my attention: Angel going out to see "The Omega Man". I haven't seen it, but I've read that it deals with a man who's the only human left in a world where everybody else has become a vampire. I wonder what Angel must have thought of that one.

I was quite surprised to actually see another "Buffy" connection, when Cordelia mentions Willow's phone call about Buffy. I honestly thought that we'd have none this season because of "Buffy" being on UPN, and all the "predictions" suggested as much. Big surprise there, therefore.


Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 07:34:48 PM

lain> You remind me of a friend of mine from RL. <<<though im not too sure about the philosophical part. daddy dearest seems to be rather stuck on the there-is-no-GOD-and-if-there-is-he-SUCKS concept quite firmly..>>> Well, that could be philosophical. Compared to most of the kids in my Religion classes over the years who would always just give blank looks to the teacher whenever he/she attempted to initiate thought-provoking theological questions. <<<i, however, share your interest in astrology - though merely as something interesting. i dont particularly believe it, but its fun.>>> I guess this is an example of my Sagittarian fanaticism at work. :) <<<and pay attention, will ya?? i TOLD ya gunjy was a gemini (ooooh the geminis are soooo sexy..) YESTERDAY.. sheesh.. where were YOU?? ; ) silly no-paying-attention absorbed-in-your-own-stuff saggy! ; )>>> LOL... Ok, Gemini, eh?

Are you getting this, Gunjack?

Gemini is an intellectual sign. You are a person of the mind more than you are of the emotions. You are VERY adaptable. This leads to the Gemini's trademark capacity for having a dual nature; you can switch from one demeanor to another like nothing, and seem like a totally different person to people you know. Gemini is the sign that reacts most to stimuli and seeks it out. You have an insatiable drive to communicate, and you're usually able to do it well because you're snappy and witty. Because everything interests you, you have no really deep roots; yours are all shallow.

How'd I do?

Firestorm> <<<Hitting on the newbies? ;)>>> LOL

Bonny Garg> <<<Any comments?>>> Pretty good summary. The only thing I caught that you missed was Virgo's dependent, as well as dependABLE, nature. Oh yeah, and if you're a guy, you're almost always a virgin. ;)

Here's something interesting, of my own creation, regarding Air Signs (Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius). It works for both sexes, but my sample size has been disproportionately more male than female. Basically, Air Signs are either homosexual (Libra), bisexual (Gemini), or asexual (Aquarius). Think about it hard if you know someone who is one of those signs. I don't think it would work as well if you try to fit it for yourself. And, yes, I should mention that this is a wry kind of take on things. Please nobody get indignant. :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 07:09:52 PM

Gunjack: <Yer kiddin' me, right? A five ton suit not being able to handle the recoil of a 20mm chaingun?>
Each round is 20mm diamater, correct?
I guess it would be able to handle that. But if you fire everything at once...
Either way, don't walk and fire at the same time.
<But you're a cool guy, and ALL cool people have read LOTR, so I'm mistaken.... Right?>
I have never read LOTR either. I never really liked pure fantasy works. MAYBE, just maybe, after seeing the movie I MAY read the books.

Imzadi: <You get mail on sunday!?>
I picked it up from my parents house. Who knows when it got there. I think it was just paper dust.
<Boolean makes your computer run>
My computer makes me run!
<Actually, technically I'm still an employee. I just don't have to work>
Ok. Then you really suck. ;)
<Actually, the entire student stockpile is under strict lock and key...MY KEY!>
I only have the 6 nuclear weapons (3 500KT, 2 1MT and the big daddy, my 20MT thermonuclear warhead I bought for 6 pairs of Levis, a box of Cuban cigars, and a 12 year old Japanese girl), and 24 standard weapons that spread radioactive material on detonation.
<And a lot friendlier!>
Na. I want her as BAD as Sabretooth!
<But where will I find such a lunatic?>
Ye shall find one. All ye need is to feed a sane woman many drugs until it screws up her mind, and then apply the right visual and audio imagry.
<I wouldn't say that in here if I were you. A LOT of us have at least some programming experience>
As do I. C++
<Well, if I could change shape, I'd be having a LOT of sex. Nevermind the demand I'd be in>
Do you think she turned into a animal when she had sex with Sabretooth?
<I shudder to think what the spawn of a xenomorph crossed with a human will look like>
If my children have ANY xenomorphic DNA in them, I will not allow them to live.
I know too well what my xenomorphic children can do. I cannot allow any of them to live.
<Oh, if only>
I shall be testing the input system soon. As soon as I get a copy of Grays Anatomy, I will work on the mechanicals.
BUT I will be working on one that is under a half ton. FOr now, anyway.
<Hmmm, never thought of it that way>
Fits way too well, dosn't it?

Fleur: <Owch. Hey, take your time with the updates. Get completely well first.>
I keep telling her that, but she dosn't listen. :)

silvadel: <The Last Good Disney Film was Beauty and the Beast>
I think Aladdin was pretty good myself.

Zodiac: Virgo

Fortunes: This happened a few weeks ago and I thought it was pretty cool:
I was sitting on the couch and LM was sitting in a chair. I cracked open my fortune cookie (I had just made orange chicken) and started to read the fortune when LM stood and came over to me. The fortune?
The love of your life will appear in front of you unexpectedly!
I think I will play the lucky numbers on that fortune!

Entity: <What's your sign?>
Hitting on the newbies? ;)

Gside: <I think Barelycorn counts more as folk>
True, true.
<Never saw it. I picked up the line from the Penny Arcade>
I forget the plot, but it had something to do with skateboarders saving the day.
<Actually, it's Kenta Shibata. Must've done some odd string concatenation in my mind.>
I would have checked, but I was at work and Sexy Losers is just about the only comic I will *NOT* check at work. Hell, I will check out Exploitation Now at work (Only because my DSL won't connect to Keenspace).
<He's corrupting Tomoe>
I doubt it will work too well. I think she will always like him and may go as far as acting dead for him often just so he will have sex with her. Who knows! Maybe he will start to like the living again!
<I think he may just be one of my heroes>
My Hero!
BUT... what does he save you from?
<Good luck. They didn't want me, but then I wasn't going for NukeE>
That is what I had originally wanted to go into.
Mostly thermonuclear plasma physics in toridial chambers.

Revel: <No I'm a New Years party baby September 21, Virgo.>
I think all of us Virgos are. And all Scoprios are Valentines Babies.

Farscape: Is Scorpius a Scorpio?

Warpmind: <Is anthrax a bacteria or a virus?>

DPH: <Has anyone else had the same problems I have had with UPS dropping packages off WITHOUT getting a signature?>
The UPS guys around here always require a signature. My biggest problem is that they don't always knock or ring the doorbell.
The biggest problem I have is that heavy packages get destroyed. BADLY.
BUT I will always trust UPS over USPS. The postal service around here tends to loose about 25% of the packages I send.

Greg Bishansky: <Oh, yet another IP I see>
WOW! Attending a Flordia college in New York!
Hmm... looking at the IPs, I say near Gainesville, FL

Bonny Garg: <By the way, why did Christy Smith Hayden stop writing?>
Carpal Tunnel, I believe.

Fire Storm
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 06:46:51 PM

Bonny> Out of curiosity, what part of Westchester are you from?

Oh, yet another IP I see.

Greg Bishansky
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 06:07:17 PM

I'm a Virgo. Here's what I know of them. I mostly fit this. Kind of.
Virgoans are the zodiac's analysts, its critics, its purists. They are the servants, custodians, and perfecters of culture. As for the Virgin, she is a symbol less of purity than of hidden wisdom. They are logical, practical, and mehodical. Their intellect subjugates their instincts. They have strong senses of order and organization and a love of the technological and the minute. They are also perfectionists. They want their environments, as well as their lives, to be tidy. They plan, sort, classify, and store. Virgins prefer small-scale plans to grand strategies. They are rooted in the present and amenable to change only after meticulous forethought. They will not willingly court disappointment. Virgoans are thrifty. They are rather aloof and repressed, even puritanical, viewing passion with a highly suspicious eye. They are demanding in thier choice of partners. If Virgoans do not find precisely the right person, they will probably prefer to stay unattached. Any comments?
By the way, why did Christy Smith Hayden stop writing?

Bonny Garg - [akanetendo_9]
Westchester, New York, America
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 05:55:46 PM

Well... finally, after FOREVER, I've finally posted up a new story in the fic archive... part one of the MiST to Matt Watson's Timelessness.

If you have the time, enjoy.

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 05:20:18 PM

Green Baron - I'd have to read it the apostles creed before saying yea or no.

I did a lookup. I'm Aquarus. Some of that stuff is true, but I suspect that is because it is generalized.

Warning: Incoming RANT
I received the package today from UPS. I was home and I left the front door wide open and the screen door closed as proof that somebody was home. But, I discovered the package was delivered while I was home WITHOUT signing for it. I know someone else who has the same problem with UPS dropping packages off without getting anyone to sign for them. I was hoping UPS had changed its way, but apparantly it hasn't. Therefore, I am recommending AGAINST using UPS because they drop packages off without signing for them. If I don't want something signed for, I'll use the Post Office.

Has anyone else had the same problems I have had with UPS dropping packages off WITHOUT getting a signature?

DPH - []
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 05:07:10 PM

gunjack>> youll be happy to hear i went to the doctors again.. about the no sleeping. he asked if anything else was wrong and i told him id had a headache for a year and a half and he said "WHAT?!" and threw me in the lab for blood tests. yay. at least its not the, "oh dont worry, everythings fiiiine" comment. i hope they find out what it is so they can fix it and it will go away.

cute email. ; )

i have to workies tonight, till maybe 9:30 my time. maybe ill feel like talking to you.. (: D : D : D)..

speaking of workies.. I HAVE TO GO!!!!!! ARGH IM GONNA BE LAAAATE IF I DONT WATCH IT!!!!!

*love and snugglies*

the Great White North
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 04:43:40 PM

Imzadi>>Sappy: <<both of whom have been used for midnight showings with audience participation>>: If midnight AP showings of Showgirls features strippers, I'm htere.

Well, now that you put it that way....:)

While I'm here, I need to get some advice from the fanfic writers. I'm working on my first Misting. The subject matter The piece I've decided to tackle is the monthly posting from the website of this televangelist named Bob Larson. Considering that these messages are nothing but excessive begging for donations, and his latest message uses the Sept 11th tragedy to garner funds for his "ministry" I felt more than justified in ripping on it. So I was wondering if anyone could fill me in on the legalities of Mistings like this and also I could use some ideas. Does anyone have anything clever to say about these passages:
Scientologists were even permitted to give occult Dianetics sessions (called “nerve assists”) right on the site of the collapsed twin towers. (These nerve assists open people up to demons!)
I’m sick of the sappy sentimentality around these days: “Find your balance with the universe . . .take a moment of silence to contemplate . . .get in touch with your feelings.” Baloney!
"While President Bush and our fighting men and women bravely face down foreign terrorists, you and I must fight the war against the terrorism of domestic demons."

Yep, these are direct quotes from Bob. If anyone has ideas, just go ahead and post them. I'll give you credit for any comments....
Skippy The Klingon
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 04:33:51 PM

=> Mooncat ... I do the same thing on occasion -- Only I see a Neutral Good 5'10" Male.
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 04:10:48 PM

I had an interesting mix of matches...

#1 Gandalf
#2 Sauron
#3 Aragorn(Strider)
#4 Elrond
#5 Eomer

Fairly close except for sauron.

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 04:01:33 PM

For those wondering who the characters their LotR test throws up, I found this site :

Now I know who Eomer is, yay!

Apparently I have the personality of a King of Rohan, 6 ft blonde lawful good blonde dude. --- who knew? *mooncat runs to the bathroom to check the mirror* drat, still 5 ft 4, chaotic good, brunette femme. I don't know if this is a very good test. >^,,^<

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 03:58:47 PM

Lain's back!! BOOOYA!!! *pounces back*
Hey love, check yer email... ; )

Gunjack "BBQ Iguana" Valentine
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 03:57:21 PM

Gunjack "BBQ Iguana"
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 03:50:38 PM

LoTR Rankings:
#1: Eomer
#2: Galadriel
#3: Sauron
#4: Boromir
#5: Faramir

Wow, a sign of how long it's been since I've read the books, is I only recognize 2 of the names, Galadriel and Sauron... who is Eomer again? should I be worried?


Tuesday, October 16, 2001 03:49:21 PM

*enters, stealthily.. spies gunjack sitting there, dangerously occupied with minding his own business, sneaks up and POUNCES!!*
guess whos baaaaaaaaaaack?! : D and yes, im fine. i might have to go again but for now, i am here!!!
*engages in an overly-loud smooch, much to the disgust of the REST of the CR, im sure.. ; )*
so.. after that long letter i wrote you, are you gonna tell ME im not cool cos yknow.. ive never read lord of the rings, either..
no.. wait.. everyone IN here knows im a twit anyways so.. no new news here : P

vashkoda>> well.. im a cancer-monkey. man, could THAT ever be taken the wrong way.. ; P

entity>> sagittarius.. renowned for blunt, tactless honesty, being argumentative, optimistic and enthusiastic, loving personal freedom and being slightly fanatical? is anyone else here seeing that portrait of my father right there?? tee hee.. though im not too sure about the philosophical part. daddy dearest seems to be rather stuck on the there-is-no-GOD-and-if-there-is-he-SUCKS concept quite firmly..
i, however, share your interest in astrology - though merely as something interesting. i dont particularly believe it, but its fun.
and pay attention, will ya?? i TOLD ya gunjy was a gemini (ooooh the geminis are soooo sexy..) YESTERDAY.. sheesh.. where were YOU?? ; ) silly no-paying-attention absorbed-in-your-own-stuff saggy! ; )

fleur>> 13th sign? yes, its the 59th (i think) constellation in the list of 88 recognized by the astronomical community. his name is ophicus, which is translated as the "serpent handeler" or some such. the brightest star in the constellation is rasalhague (which means "head of the snake man" (ra's al-hawwa) in arabic). 13 works well with zodiac things because, though there are 12 months, there are 13 moon cycles in a year. 12 is the solar number, 13 the lunar. OMG.. not that im a GEEK or anything.. sheesh..

bonny gaqrg>> nah.. yer not a "scuzzball" no worries.. but this IS the TGS comment room! yer SUPPOSED to comment, thats the whole POINT.. sheesh.. silly people.. alls i said was to be careful HOW you said it.. you have every right to have opinions and every right to comment about TGS in the TGS comment room. i knows ya were tryin to make better writing, and thats all good. guess everyone in here is used to chewing everyone else out over their political opinions and whatnot that theyre so defensive. s'okay, i still loves ya! *hug*

speaking of.. EEEEEEMAAAAAAAAAMBUUUUUUUU?????? i LOOOOOOVE you.. (i think thats five, by my count.. ; ))

christine>> i also read tarot cards.. and runes.. and have dictionaries of herbal remedies. like i said, i find all these things interesting, but im not sure i can quiiiite bring myself to believe them, skeptic that i am..

gside>> oh, come ON, you cant tell which anime that is just based on the quote?? whats the world coming to..
; )

greg b>> thats funny.. but i suppose it would be funnier if i knew who was galvatron..

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 02:51:44 PM

I'm finding all sorts of weird links today.

Apparantly we have a Decepticon at the Pentagon

Greg Bishansky
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 02:31:45 PM

Christine> Indeed. I've heard about a bunch of different theories, varying from those you mentioned to the earth's electromagnetic field, and so on.

Gunjack> <<<So, what are my traits? And in the interests of double-blind proceedings, you ought to have a third party draw up observations, and a fourth party draw up descriptions for the signs. Or has that already been done?>>> I haven't done it, but I would be interested in trying. The thing about astrology is, you need to KNOW a person to see how their sign fits them. Having to know someone creates subjectivity, which is probably why astrology has never been proven and accepted. Also, you the subject may not immediately agree with what your sign describes you as, but upon contemplation, you'll realize it's right, you just had to think of it in those terms. The fact that the truest judge of all is yourself also calls in subjectivity. As for your traits - what are you?

Josh> <<<How is that a game?>>> Don't ruin my fun. <<<Nerd.>>> Yeah. :) <<<That stuff is so vague that it could fit anyone.>>> THAT is the one argument that cannot stand.

Green Baron> <<<The sign yous peak of is only what your sun is in. I'm a Leo, but there is so much more to astrology.>>> Exactly. I could chart everyone here if you all let me. Or you can chart yourselves, simply by going to <<<To the unexplained accuracy, I paraphrase Hamlet: There are more things in Heaven and Earth than we can ever hope to exlain.>>> Here here!

Cartoon Characters> Because I am, as Josh says, a nerd, I've even contemplated several cartoon characters' Zodiac signs! From Gargoyles, I've determined that both Goliath and Xanatos were Scorpios, and both Elisa and Fox were Pisceans. Puck was a Sagittarius, and Demona was an Aries.

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 02:16:53 PM

Wilek><<I with I had any idea who any of these people were. O_o>> I'm sorry, I must have misheard you. 'Cause it SOUNDED like you were implying that you hadn't read the Lord of The Rings. But you're a cool guy, and ALL cool people have read LOTR, so I'm mistaken.... Right?
Gunjack "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Valentine
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 01:49:08 PM

Hmmmm I just had something delicious.

Spinache and cheese foccia bread. I sprinkl;ed some herbs on my plate, then poured on a lil olive oil and I dipped the bread into that mixture... yum to top that off I'm going to have some white chocolate mousse with rasberries.

Just to add a lil fun I'm going to give each zodiac sign of the Sailor soldiers

Gemini=Star Maker
Cancer=Moon, Chibimoon
Leo=Tuxedo Kamen, Star Fighter
Scorpio=Pluto(Her birthday is the same as Warpmind's)
Pisces=Neptune, Star Healer.

We are currently reading A MidSummer's Nights dReam in class and Oberon is different from TGS. In the play he sympathizes with an Athenian maiden and orders Puck to sprinkle a love poetion in the eyes of the guy she loves.

Warpmind>>>You and the vegetarian LOL, Usually when Vegitariuns start to preach at me about eating meat I just remind them that Hitler was a vegitarian. That usually shuts them up.

*********************SPOILERS FOR ANGEL*********************
This was a fun ep to watch, it was good to see David loosening up and acting sexy...wait he doesnt have to act...
I loved Cordelia flirting with those gym guys and trying to get Angel to talk with Fred,and then she ends up doing it anyways. Marcus strutting around in Angel's body was hilarius, but he needs new pick up lines.It was funny when he thought Fred was a guy and Angel was gay, then he mistook Wesley for Fred. I had no idea Lilah had the hots for Angel...Well she does have eyes. When Marcus realized he was in a Vampire's body was amusing as was where he was kicking ass. I also love the ending with the whole A team showing up with bats and Cordy with the stungun. Great episode
**********************Spoilers End**************************

Orlando, Florida
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 01:40:15 PM

LOTR personality profile:
# 1 Sauron
# 2 Lord of the Nazgul (Witch-King)
# 3 Barliman Butterbur
# 4 Peregrin Took (Pippin)
# 5 Eomer
# 6 Gandalf
I with I had any idea who any of these people were. O_o

Wilek "Lucy In The Sky With Demons" Nereus
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 01:31:03 PM

My results from the personality detector:

# 1 Galadriel
# 2 Sauron
# 3 Gimli
# 4 Eowyn
# 5 Peregrin Took (Pippin)

Don't know what that says about me, but anyway...

Green Baron> <<Surprisingly I don't know of any Muslim politicians in the United States.>> You know, I think I read an article that touched on that - I think there are, but there are none on Capitol Hill, something that's come to the attention of some politicians. (Although with some of the racist backlash lately, I don't know if a Muslim politician would get elected anytime soon.) <<In some good news, arise Sir Rudolph of York.>> "Just call me Rudy." Heh, I read about that too, and it made me smile.

More news: The U.S. Naval Academy is closed to the public until further notice because of security concerns. (Notice they waited til AFTER the Army/Navy game to do this.)

Anthrax scares> I think it's either terrorists just trying to shake us up or idiot copycats. *sigh* I've been getting weird looks from a couple people when I've been coughing at work and had to reassure them that it's just a cold, and I've been to the doctor (I thought I had strep, but I don't). I'm not so worried about anthrax; I'll be concerned if terrorists get their hands on something worse. Anthrax at least isn't contagious and it can be treated.

Abrupt change of subject - I know with everything else that's going on, this is probably far from most people's thoughts right now, but is anyone in the Baltimore area planning to go to G2002? I plan to drive down, and it would be nice to have someone along for the ride. (I can drive at most three hours before I need a break, and I think the trip will be five hours from my place.)

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 01:30:09 PM

LOTR Personality Detector...

# 1 Elrond
# 2 Faramir
# 3 Peregrin Took (Pippin)
# 4 Barliman Butterbur
# 5 Eomer

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 01:19:21 PM

Lord of the Rings personality detector:

#1 Galadriel
#2 Sauron
#3 Eomer
#4 Eowyn
#5 Faramir


Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 12:19:36 PM

Hello everyone. Here's soem news. First, Sen. Tom Daschle (D-SD) and Senate Majority Leader received a letter that had anthrax, though some of hsi aides got it and tehy're being treated. Also, the postal building in my Kasserne had an anthrax scare, but luckily only a scare and not actual anthrax. It seems rather disturbing that thsi has occured and there's no telling if it was Osama or not. I am disturbed that it could be a domestic case of who sent teh anthrax to Sen. Daschle.

In some good news, arise Sir Rudolph of York. Yes, Mayor Rudy Guiliani was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his actions in handling the WTC crisis. The last time an American was knighted was back during the Falkland Island campaign.

Christine> <<oh, just what Becca needs, another charmer of a boy! LOL.>> Well, little Tommy is two, so it sdoubtful the match would work until Becca woudl want a guy four years younger :)

<<Interestingly, though, I've found that the topic creeps into my games and my fantasy fiction, as if by exploring how the deities work in those fictional worlds, it will explain, or answer, something missing in myself.>> Maybe so. I can always andswer a few questions for you, though even I know only so much.

Entity> <<Maybe, in that light, the Islam faith is a unique one that really SHOULD be combined with State power, but of course then the ones in control end up being the fundamentalist/extremist a-holes. >> Like Iran :) Islam often has soem connection to state power. The Caliphates are an example of Sunni Islam and Imperialism, as well as the Seljuk and Ottoman Empire. The history is very rich and largely Islam has a lot to do with Western Civilization, though now Islamic leaders are at odds with Western Civilization, yet they have contributed heavily to it for good and bad. History does have a taste of irony to it.

Islam also has divisions, mainly Sunni and Shi'ite. Seeing a united Islam is about as easy as uniting Christianity under one faith.

<<Although the war itself was not over slavery, it was caused by the desire to purge our country of it. So to be fair, we really were fighting for the rights of blacks. The South wanted to be independent because of all the pressure on the institution they wished to preserve.>> The Abolitionsits wanted slavery gone. There were Union states were slavery was stil legal until the 13th Ammendment was ratified. The South's Instution of Slavery was doomed anyway. Robert E. Lee despised the Institution immensely, and the Union didn't stop it beyond an unenforced Ammendment until the Civil Rights Movement. I'm of the opinion that if the war went differently, slavery woudl be phased out in the south, especially if Robert E. Lee used his influenceby publicly condemning it. He'd gain a lot of support, but that is one of many scenarios of what could be. The main concern of the Yankees was power. Abolition later became an issue, but not when the war began.

<<Not at all. >> Good. I may be thinking wishfully, but I think Bush's actions are the same as me kissing the Pope's ring, not anything more. If the President were Muslim he'd probably say Allah is Merciful or Allah Be Praised. Surprisingly I don't know of any Muslim politicians in the United States.

Carolynn Marie> <,Dibs on Iraq! If I paved it over it'd make a GREAT skating park.>> You'd also be paving over Bbaylon, Ur, Sumer, Mesopatamia, too. Destroying priceless architectural treasures to make a nice skating are a true suburbanite :)

<<But then, what is "wrong"? >> Somethings are easy to see as wrong. Some require more thought and can be subjective. We both can agree Genocide is wrong. Abusing kittens is worng. Beating children is wrong (provided it is real beating and not a nun with a ruler). I think pre-maritail sex is wrong. Many even in this CR would disagree with me. I think that annoying voice known as the conscience can tell you what is wrong generally. I imagine you consider any action that is harmful to be wrong. Generally I'd agree, but not always.

Niamhgold> <<Aren't all three of those dead? ;P>> Ted Kennedy is technically alive, being a Senator but I odn't know about his brain :)

Imzadi> <<I agree. Most would fail.>> Their fault. At least our electorate would be of a higher quality.

Jannie> <<Green Apple splatters? *LOL* I've never heard of that one!>> Watch South Park

SJ> I prefer Aladin to The Lion King.

Metaldemon> I consider the Englsih superior to teh French in matters of philosophy. Edmund Burke could kick Voltaire into next Tuesday. John Locke could force Rosseau into a shower and Adam Smith coudl beat one of teh otehr frog philosophers till they no longer smell of cheap perfume.

Now, music is another story, though Chopin was Polish. Then again, some of a country's greatest artists were born elsewhere.

Now, American art doesn't receive much praise form me, except Thomas Jefferson's Monticello.

Modern Art has no value to me, unless I were investing in it to sell it for a higher price later. I'm such a capitalist ::gives Lady Capitalism a big kiss:: :)

<<Not touching the whole religious debate, but it kinda got me thinking. I wonder what the situation would be if Bush was Islamic, and not Christian? No, this isn't an argument, just a weird little hypothetical my imagination spat up. >>
His family made a lot of money in oil, so that could be the same. He might be named Sheik Mustafa ibn Bushua, probably Sunni and form an aristocratic family. He'd also end senetences with All be Praised instead of God Bless America.

<<You are not worng to want his power eroded and the people to return to a better life.< I think it's my BIH for the Taliban that's responsible for my pacifist side just sitting back and saying, 'hell, go for it!' And that little thing about crashing planes into civilians... funnily enough, that kinda annoys me too. >> It was an unprovoked attack. War ain't really our choice. We basically have to or we'll keep getting attacked in our home. No telling who is next to attack.

<<I wonder who _would_ be the powerful one if America wasn't? Probably either China, the Brits, or the Soviets, I guess.>> Britain self-destructed when they gave up India and becuase most of tehir debt was in foreign hands. America didn't have much of an effect in that regard. No America would mean WWI would eb a draw between Germany and the Allies. No Versailles. No Hitler. No WWII, except a war between Western Europe and the USSR seekingto expand its bordes. The Ottoman Empire woudl not have conyinues though in decline and the Soviets would easily overtake them and Greece like they attempted in the dawn of the Cold War. The Domino effect would occur with only oen enemy to really face the USSR, Japan. Japan woudl not have been defeated by the US so they would continue their imperialsim and they would have China as well as all of Southeast Asia. The Western United States as well as Canada and much of Latin America would fall to them. Chile under Allenede woudl eb decimated liek itw as, but no Pinochet to save them. Instead Japan would conquer the ruined nation sparking off a war between them and the Soviet Union. The Sovites woudl fall because of their poor policies leaving Japan the great superpower, though the USSR's former colonies might unite against an aggressive Imperial force. It's amazing to perceive of what could happen.

<<Man, I wish I knew more about my ancestors. All I know is that I've got ones from all over Europe, and my middle name has been passed along the females for six generations. >> That goes on in my family, too.

<<I wanna make a really crude joke about long distance here, but I think even Robby 'let's talk about porn' would object. >:) >> Go for it mate :)

<<We're wreaked either way, aren't we? Pacifism means you get your butt fed to you, while Aggression is just Generally Bad. We need a 'none of the above' option. >> Why settle for two options, we can use the Doug Elder approach of the middle ground. Instead of pacifism, how about reluctance to violence, menaing it is permissible when necessary. Instead of Aggression, defending can be the approach. I miss the days when wars were fought for money and power. Of couse, sabres and cannons aren't as destructive, either.

<<Sort of similar to the vision they gave in spaceballs -- merchandizing merchandizing .. where the real money from the picture is made. Spaceballs the toilet paper, Spaceballs the flame thrower -- ooohhh... the kids really love that one... Spaceballs the doll -- May the schwartz be wit ya.>> Planet of the Apes was to first to set it off, and I think it brilliant, but something is lost when movies becoem advertsiements purely. I guess we as part of the market need to create some demand so they can supply what we want.

Entity> The sign yous peak of is only what your sun is in. I'm a Leo, but there is so much more to astrology. My good buddy Dr. Barnes is very into astrology though he doesn't make predictions. There is an accuracy that cannot yet be explained, but some things are like that. Astrological Analysis is something I beleive in and find as no conflict to my religious beliefs. Afterall, many priests were astrologers and Nostradmaus himself was Catholic.

To the unexplained accuracy, I paraphrase Hamlet: There are more things in Heaven and Earth than we can ever hope to exlain.

Surprisingly, Charles Manson and Billy Graham have disturbingly simialr astrological profiles, and Billy Graham was at a time headed the way Manson went, but made some major changes in his youth.Now, I bet Doc could find some good stuff on astrology for you.

Christine> <<LOL, while we're at it, on a related topic, I read Tarot cards ...>> Dr. Barnes has some and a grimorum, but he's afraid of both. He showed me both right before we watched the exorcist.

SJ> If an astrologer could predict lotto numbers, they wouldn't be teaching their skills to anyone else :)

Christine> That Professor sounds like a very arrogant man. Of course, it is typical for enlightened souls to attack something becuase it was popular in the Middle Ages. Most of what they brand superstition has made contributions to the modern sciences. Of course, I think they want to conivnce you that nothing worthwhile occured prior to the 18th century.

DPH> <<I don't remember which zodiac sign I have, but frankly, I don't believe in them.>> Well, the newspaper horoscopes are crap and too general. The stuff is fairly accurate, though I suspect you don't believe too much outside the Bible. I had a lady friend who refused to acknowledge the Apostle's Creed because it was not in the Bible. Actually I think you two should meet.

Green Baron - []
Pioneer Kasserne, Hanau, Germany
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 12:08:21 PM

Just took a "Lord of the Rings" character personality test, and here are my top five.

# 1 Sauron
# 2 Boromir
# 3 Gandalf
# 4 Gollum (Smeagol)
# 5 Lord of the Nazgul (Witch-King)

Be afraid, be very, ver afraid ;)

Lot of other fun tests there.

Okay, I've got to get to class now.

Greg Bishansky
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 11:46:41 AM

anthrax> "Bacillus anthracis derives from the Greek word for coal, anthrakis, because the disease causes black, coal-like skin lesions. Bacillus anthracis is an aerobic, gram-positive, spore-forming, nonmotile Bacillus species." (in other words, it's a bacteria that can make spores. I just thought that should be clarified, because fungi can also make spores).

Why aren't you guys giving your Chinese zodiac signs too? Afraid of giving away your age? ;) I'm a double-Gemini Dragon.

Lady Mystic> I shall add mention of the update to the GNC. Sorry to hear you've been sick.

Robby> That was a great essay, albeit a tad depressing.

*resumes lurking*

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 11:39:50 AM

I don't remember which zodiac sign I have, but frankly, I don't believe in them.

**cubic progress**
Taking the square root of negative numbers is impending my progress. :-( I don't quite understand why I am running into that problem, since I am making the program create the equations using real solutions. The good/bad news is I keep finding bugs in the program caused by incorrect formulas. I will get to the point where I can solve 99% of all those cubic equations or come to the point where I know the approach I looked up does not work.
**end cubic progress**

I will probably make another post sometime today.

Warpmind - storing math equations is easier on paper unless you have a specialized math program.

My package made it to Little Rock, AR at 1:39 am and left Little Rock at 4:00 am. It arrived in Conway at 4:27 am. But I have problem with those times. You see, my brother used to work as a guard at the UPS in Little Rock. He lives about 10-15 minutes away from me, but it took him 1 hour to get to that UPS location, doing the max speed limit. I can barely get to North Little Rock in about 20 minutes doing max speed limit and most of that journy is on the interstate. Frankly, it takes 1 hour from where I live to get to Little Rock.

I got a pleasant suprise yesterday: I thought last week I received my last severance paycheck and when I checked the mail, I found one.

Hopefully, this post has counted towards keeping me more than eligible to have my profile listed.

DPH - []
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 09:54:26 AM

*Archwolf peeks in*

Warps>Anthrax is a spore.


Archwolf - []
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 09:13:57 AM

*Warpmind enters, a small Cthulhu plushie perched on his shoulder, looking green, evil and awful cuddly.*
Hi, gang. I'm back from the con, with a few neat souvenirs. And no, Wilek, you can't have my Cuddly Cthulhu! }:)
The gamers even liked my GURPS murder mystery... which I will very soon translate into English for Sabledrake Magazine. One of the funniest bits was after the game, though, when the player who got Josef Mengele as a character revealed he was a Jew... and he loved the character concept. :)

Okay, catch-up time.

DPH: Store notes on one's PC is one thing. Writing notes on paper while out in the proverbial field for typing when having access to computer is another. The latter was the root of my little campaign problem. :(

Anthrax stuff: Okay, I get a LOT of conflicting remarks on it in the news. Is anthrax a bacteria or a virus? The newsreaders can't seem to agree!

Heh, by the way... funny anecdote from the con... Someone gave people a hard time about eating meat... kept saying "You become what you eat"... So I asked if he was a vegetarian. He was... }:)

Christine: Resent the story. Will type up a very preposterous magical sword for the Myth & Magic issue, too - only the typing remains. (It is very powerful, and is generally found clutched in the hands of a 40-years-old corpse that is still smoking...)

Moochie: I'll take a couple of those Marauders, please. I'll wanna strip'em down for spare parts. };)

Entity: Zodiac sign? Scorpio. Y'know, the passionate, independent, unfazeable, multitalented, loyal, calculating and DANGEROUS one. };)

Christine: You're a fellow Tarot reader? How did I miss THAT opportunity at The Gathering? Õõ Which deck do you usually stick to?

Lady Mystic: By the way, whatever do you mean, connection between personalities and posting colors?

Revel: You neglected to mention that Hudson & friends actually killed that police vehicle. }:)

Patrick Toman: What does the automotive horoscope say about Scorpio? ;)

Well, that about concludes my post... Just a word of advice: When playing an enchanter, and the GM gives you free range of "old" artifacts in your stores, a Staff of Wands of Fireball can be kinda fun - 6 wands are strapped around the business end of the staff, and when activated, start rotating fast, the top wand firing a fireball in the direction you point the staff... VERY fun against unsuspecting bumpkins. (Yes, the GM was a bit upset about it, why?)

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 08:57:30 AM

Imzadi> <<I discovered that I got a PERFECT SCORE A+ 100% (redundancy for emphasis) on my stat midterm>> Hey, congrats. And, no, I'm not *that* surprised about Disney. I just didn't realize the full extent of its evil.

Ugh, I'm back at work again... out of curiosity, anyone know anything about CGI session management problems on an IBM AIX web server? Research sucks when you don't have the full details of the problem. :)

Patrick> <<I'm warning you all now... don't make me get out the lyrics to the song Weird Al put on his last album. ;)>> I have the album in my car, and I listened to "Your Horoscope For Today" on the way to work... so I'm beating you to it:

There's travel in your future when your tongue freezes to the back of a speeding bus
Fill that void in your life by playing Whac-A-Mole seventeen hours a day

Try to avoid any Virgos or Leos with the Ebola virus
You are the true Lord of the Dance, no matter what those idiots at work say

The look on your face will be priceless when you find that forty pound watermelon in your colon
Trade toothbrushes with an albino dwarf, then give a hickey to Meryl Streep

You will never find true happiness--what you gonna do, cry about it?
The stars predict tomorrow you'll wake up, do a bunch of stuff, and then go back to sleep

That's your horoscope for today (that's your horoscope for today)
That's your horoscope for today
That's your horoscope for today (that's your horoscope for today)
That's your horoscope for today

Your birthday party will be ruined once again by your explosive flatulence
Your love life will run into trouble when your fiance hurls a javelin through your chest

The position of Jupiter says you should spend the rest of the week face down in the mud
Try not to shove a roll of duct tape up your nose while taking your driver's test

Now is not a good time to photocopy your butt and staple it to your boss's face, oh no
Eat a bucket of tuna-flavored pudding, then wash it down with a gallon of strawberry Quik

All Virgos are extremely friendly and intelligent - except for you
Expect a big surprise today when you wind up with your head impaled on a stick

That's your horoscope for today (that's your horoscope for today)
That's your horoscope for today
That's your horoscope for today (that's your horoscope for today)
That's your horoscope for today

Now you may find it inconceivable or at the very least a bit unlikely that the relative position of the planets and the stars could have a special deep significance or meaning that exclusively applies to only you, but let me give you my assurance that these forcasts and predictions are all based on solid, scientific, documented evidence, so you would have to be some kind of moron not to reaize that every single one of the is absolutely true.

Where was I?

A big promotion is just around the corner for someone much more talented that you
Laughter is the very best medicine, remember that when your appendix bursts next week

Get ready for an unexpected trip when you fall screaming from an open window
Work a little harder on improving your low self-esteem, you stupid freak

All your friends are laughing behind your back (kill them)
Take down all those naked pictures of Ernest Borgnine you've got hanging in your den

The stars say that you're an exciting and wonderful person, but you know they're lying
If I were you, I'd lock my doors and windows and never, never, never, never, never leave my house again

That's your horoscope for today (that's your horoscope for today)
That's your horoscope for today
That's your horoscope for today (that's your horoscope for today)
That's your horoscope for today

That's your horoscope for today (that's your horoscope for today)
That's your horoscope for today
That's your horoscope for today (yay yay yay yay yay)
That's your horoscope for today

**sighs and goes back to research**

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 07:50:04 AM

PATRICK TOMAN - <<Aries - You are out of warranty, have boxy styling, and a sagging rear end. Avoid potholes and Tauruses today. >>

So I suppose that visits to New Olympus are out?

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 07:17:14 AM

I'm a Libra. So who's handing out the horoscopes? I'm warning you all now... don't make me get out the lyrics to the song Weird Al put on his last album. ;)

Bad news - The Seattle Mariners eliminated the Cleveland Indians last night from the first round of the American League championship series.

Good news - With no teams playing that I remotely care about during the rest of the postseason, my evenings for the next two weeks are now freed up to work on evil fanfic.

There's always a bright spot if you look hard enough. And finally...

Weird news - A flight attendant on a Continetal Airlines flight from Las Vegas to Cleveland yesterday spent over 6 hours locked in the lavatory after finding a powdery substance in there. Another false anthrax scare... and a flight attendant who I think should get a hefty bonus for putting herself through sitting for six hours in a place that's really not much roomier than an upright coffin.
And now, as they say... it's time to make the donuts.

:: heads off to work ::

Automotive Horoscope:
Aries - You are out of warranty, have boxy styling, and a sagging rear end. Avoid potholes and Tauruses today.

Patrick Toman
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 07:14:14 AM

::stumbles into the CR, spots the couch, and then takes a headlong dive for it::


::lands sprawled on to be whomever was already there::

Familiar with the phrase "looks like someone's got a case of the mondays"? Well, boy have I got it. I suspect that I accumulated a total of 4 hours of sleep last night (despite technically trying for 8 1/2). Upon waking up at 9, I had so much difficulty staying awake that I nearly rolled down the four flights of stairs in my apartment building. I could barely stay awake during fluids lecture (not that it normally has me riveted, but at least I keep my eyes open). After fluids I decided that it would be in my best interests to skip stat discussion and go back home for a well-deserved nap. I woke up from that just in time to go to my stat lecture, where I discovered that I got a PERFECT SCORE A+ 100% (redundancy for emphasis) on my stat midterm. This made me a happy panda. Then it was off to other boring lectures for the rest of the day.

Spent tonight doing homework. And watching TV. I need to figure out a way to make those the same thing. Anyway, I managed to get through one assignment and start another. Looking good. This week is Apple Week on campus (UC Berkeley is one of the remaining 12 campuses that still hosts an Apple Week), so I'm gonna spend a lot of free time sucking up to reps and trying to get a job doing something that doesn't involve programming.

I fought the bank today and WON. Damn bastards tried to charge me a $5 monthly service charge on my student checking account, after promising when I set it up that I would never have a monthly fee. Never come between me and my money. Wars have begun that way.

According to one site, Virgos are modest, shy, meticulous, reliable, practical, diligent, intelligent, analytical, fussy, worriers, overcritical, harsh, perfectionist, and conservative. I'd say all but the first is accurate, and even the first is true sometimes. Scary...but then again these things are so general that I could apply them to nearly anyone.

Wilek: <<in the mood for something...odd?>>: Der. This is the TGS CR. <<A touch creepy?>>: Gside? <<very off-topic>>: Sevarius Jr? <<link>>: Um...okay...that was weird.

Fire Storm: <<Ah...the bisexual motto>>: Hmmm, never thought of it that way.

Skippy: <<I'm thinking "Dawson's Krypton">>: Hey now, Lana (or whatever Clark's first girlfriend's name was) was HOT. Might be worth it. <<Spaceballs the toilet paper, Spaceballs the flame thrower -- ooohhh... the kids really love that one... Spaceballs the doll -- May the schwartz be wit ya>>: LOL totally right. <<Rocky Horror, The Sound of Music, now and Emperor's New Groove>>: We're trying to start up The Matrix as a cult classic, in the trend of really crappy movies. <<The President of the Rocky Horror fan club>>: Sal Piro. I met him, he's a freak. <<That movie needs to die in it's well deserved obscurity>>: Sooner rather than later.

Lady Mystic: <<I'd have to look at the complete archive to gauge her eligibility>>: How will you block people who are ineligible from posting a profile? <<I'd have to look at the complete archive to gauge his eligibility>>: Ugh are you really gonna go back and count all of our "eligible" posts? <<The lengths of the posts don't matter; the substance does>>: Sure, sure. Everyone says that. But its not true. Size does matter ;-) <<We don't have any arrangement with those archivers>>: Maybe you should? <<If you can send me the pics or give me their URLs that'd be great!>>: Well Dreamie hasn't posted in a while, but I don't think she'd mind if I posted a link to them. Her site is But its all bizarrely linked so you'd actually have to trace through it to get to the pics I'm talking about. Sorry about that. <<give me her email address>>: as she posted in the CR, her email addy is <<Haven't heard anything on that issue in YEARS>>: Then I guess we can assume it isn't true. <<Beeecause we happened to post after Moonbeam?>>: Strict, isn't he? <<WHY?!?>>: That's what I said. Then I IM'ed her and forbade her from leaving. You know how rare female engineers are!? <<only if you others to think you are stupid>>: You're assuming they don't already. <<That reminded me of your comment to me from August 25, 2001>>: When I posted it, I was quite certain I'd said something similar before, but couldn't pin it. Thanks for finding it for please tell me you didn't go back through all the archives to find that exact day? <<do you see a connection to said color trait ( and the personality you know me by from this board>>: For you? Not really, because I don't know you too well. You don't post enough personal replies, etc. for me to determine your personality. But I certainly see it in other people, like me, SJ, Jan, Niamh, Fleur, Greg, etc.

Spot: <<I'm pretty much done on the assignments>>: Lucky devil. <<the first one is on Wednesday, but it's open book>>: Open book exams are a piece of cake. I've NEVER gotten anything less than an A on an open book exam. <<I'm officially beginning to freak>>: I know the feeling. And four out of my 5 midterms didn't worry me, yet I still began to freak. <<hanging around these guys is sure to improve it. Or kill me. Whatever comes first>>: LOL! <<We need a 'none of the above' option>>: And what would that be? <<I'm torn between being truly frightened, or hysterical with laughter>>: It rarely pays to be frightened of SJ. <<Why, sir! What kind a' girl do ya think Ah am? *blinks* On second thoughts, don't answer that>>: Guess that answers that question. <<how did I get involved in a threesome>>: Don't look at me. I've never tried to set up a threesome before and I don't have any plans to do so in the future. <<the things that happen to me when my attention is diverted>>: Look sharp. <<Obsene, isn't it>>: Very. <<Who says engineers know nothing about the human body?>>: Women. How else do you explain them running like scared muppets when we come near? <<I wanna make a really crude joke about long distance here, but I think even Robby 'let's talk about porn' would object>>: Well that brings us back to Carolynn's "only the best EQUIPPED get to reproduce" ;-) <<Probably either China, the Brits, or the Soviets, I guess>>: The Soviets, definitely. <<your brain flashes up the message :I. Am. Scum>>: And then I go about my merry way. <<Weird Al Jankovic, Live and Metallica at extremely high volumes>>: Well, at least you have taste. <<ROBBY DIDN'T BAN ME>>: Quick Robby, ban her! <<I just think they should be limited to oh, three per year>>: Isn't that kind of a lot? <<Don't be, I'm vegetarian>>: Then, according to FS, you are not alive. <<named after some ancient greek/roman healer, and the symbol was the two snakes curling around the staff, (the one used in medicine>>: Asclepius! I only know that because my friend Matt had a D&D character named after him. <<tactless, spontaneous, and about as easily bored as a five year old>>: Just like my brother. But he's actually a Taurus, and not one of those qualities actually applies to him.

Alan: <<I really have no dignity>>: Hence your desire to hang here. <<since is most likely from my part of the world>>: Nevermind the details.

Mandolin: <<I'm also on cold medication, so I may actually be less coherent than usual.>>: Gotta love alcohol. <<I had no idea that Disney had become quite so evil>>: Are you surprised? <<Mandi's Weird Web Page first went up on September 11, 1996>>; Ooh, old school. <<Cancer. The crab. It's fitting, really>>: You've got crabs?

Entity: <<I've got an idea for a new game! What's everybody's Zodiac sign?>>: How is that a game? <<I'm a huge astrology buff>>: Nerd. <<Is Virgo well-known enough that everybody gets this?>>: One would think so, but apparently no one else laughed. <<because, quite simply, it's accurate>>: That stuff is so vague that it could fit anyone.

The Wizard: <<shizzit>>: Don't ever say that word again.

Sevarius Jr: <<I find it incredibly amusing that you think religion is rubbish (relatively), and yet you're fascinated by astrology>>: Only SLIGHTLY hypocritical. <<Now tell me my lucky lotto numbers.>>: You'll do the best if you don't play ;-)

Sorow: <<because David Spade is hilarious>>: Yes, yes he is. Have a thing for short sarcastic men, do you? <<My friends and I have a cult here at UT where we'll watch it every week and recite the movie practically word for word>>: And I thought the RHPS people needed help.

CrzyDemona: <<In case the bitching didn't give me away>>: Do we bitch a lot? ;-)

Sappy: <<both of whom have been used for midnight showings with audience participation>>: If midnight AP showings of Showgirls features strippers, I'm htere.

Lain: <<who the heck would want to anthrax jean cretien?>>: Anthrax is not a verb.

Ravyn: <<I wonder what sign mine goes best with>>: Really? Cuz I don't ;-)

Queen of Pain: <<Well I did and I pulled a hamstring>>: And that's why I call you the Queen of Pain ;-) That and you told me to.

Bonny Garg: I see your IP has changed.

Smut Pandering Bitch Queen of All Creation: <<mathematically proved that a VW bug in the parking lot exerted more gravitational pull on a newborn baby than did even the closest planet>>: Ah, a simple physics problem. <<only the Arcata Bottoms Cow Fields Are More Full of Crap>>: LOL! <<on a related topic, I read Tarot cards>>: Only Astrology is more full of crap ;-)

Moochie: <<I have a metric buttload of studying to do for the Last Midterm(tm)>>: I know that feeling. But are you sure its a metric buttload and not an imperial buttload? <<I'm going to be the stress out king>>: Don't do that, dude. Even I learned it wasn't worth it.

Gside: <<I managed to get off with a warning>>: Lucky devil. After serving about 20gigs/day of MP3's and porn, my roommate got totally cut off for weeks. <<It probably helps if you don't focus>>: Or at least just wonder what it really means to focus. <<Oddly enough I just about always do>>: Not odd at all. I totally expected that from you. <<Sharp as a spoon>>: Or a pillow. <<Then don't multitask, but do it sequential>>: But then one starts to get bored, and they leave...and it stops being fun. <<have you ever heard of the Cherry Poppin' Daddies?>>: I have. <<It would still be fundamentally wrong, but that wouldn't stop me from enjoying it>>: Good. <<After all this time, you still say that>>: Good point. I still won't, though. <<Why don't you come over here and prove it>>: This is what Gathering is for. <<Yeah, right.>>: As if there was any chance you wouldn't. <<stay away from the malls on the 31st>>: I stay away from malls every day. <<Jello>>: I think that's what happened ONCE she got involved. <<Not to self: divert Fleur's attention more often>>: Seriously! Think of all the entertainment! <<Not our women>>: I thought you didn't have any women. Though I've not heard any complaints and one is still singing my praises a year after I dumped her (and stopped speaking to her) you can extrapolate from that. <<Canada. Wait, they don't exist>>: Thank you Al Bundy. <<Water boy. Which doesn't mix well with electronics>>: LOL. <<We should probably trade, then you can go on to bridges>>: Huh? <<O(n^2) is ugly, while O(n) is passable, and O(lg(n)) is beautiful>>: As far as THIS coder is concerned, Big O is one of the coolest things on earth. ;-)

Revel: <<I do have a BA in BS though>>: But I'll just have a BS soon enough. <<I think I'm a yield sign actually>>: I have a friend who's sign is "Slippery When Wet". <<Hudson and a bunch of drunk friends swinging a cop car back and forth the Twisted Sister song "We're not gonna take it">>: I remember that story!

Crash time.

The trick is not to die for your country, but to make the other poor bastard die for his.
-General George S. Patton

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 03:33:08 AM

Well this is going to be a short one, I've got painting midterm portfoilo tomorrow so I have to look peachy and talk the talk. I do have a BA in BS though.

Sign I think I'm a yield sign actually, oh wait a minute
No I'm a New Years party baby September 21, Virgo.

Well I said it would be short, maybe more tomorrow.

Mental picture everyone: Hudson and a bunch of drunk friends swinging a cop car back and forth the Twisted Sister song "We're not gonna take it" ]:)


Revel - []
denton, tx
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 03:01:53 AM

I managed to get off with a warning. I still mostly blame the DII crash for not making me realize how much I had been getting.

Fire Storm> <<Classical, rock and both!>>: I think Barelycorn counts more as folk.
<<Been a long time since I saw that movie>>: Never saw it. I picked up the line from the Penny Arcade.
<<Shinta>>: Actually, it's Kenta Shibata. Must've done some odd string concatenation in my mind.
<<a necro freak like SOME people on there>>: He's corrupting Tomoe.
<<Damn boolian logic!>>: I think he may just be one of my heroes.
<<I guess I try applying at Princeton next>>: Good luck. They didn't want me, but then I wasn't going for NukeE.
<<I like his new near-poetic translations>>: It's the juxtaposition that gets me.

Gunjack> <<Where's the Big, Orange..?>>: We never found out. They kept getting interrupted.

Metaldemon> <<Now I have to focus on my Metaphysics paper>>: It probably helps if you don't focus.

Imzadi> <<Sometimes you don't>>: No, Oddly enough I just about always do.
<<You are sharp>>: Sharp as a spoon.
<<at some point I'd have to devote some attention to all of them, and I've only got two processors>>: Then don't multitask, but do it sequential.
<<Apology accepted>>: Thank you. And I just realized, have you ever heard of the Cherry Poppin' Daddies?
<<See if your attitude changes once that situation does>>: It would still be fundamentally wrong, but that wouldn't stop me from enjoying it.
<<But I barely know you>>: After all this time, you still say that?

Lady Mystic> <<I can see the connection between the personalities and the colors they use>>: Oh, really?

Fleur> <<What kind a' girl do ya think Ah am?>>: Why don't you come over here and prove it?
<<don't answer that>>: Yeah, right.
<<That one had me going as well, till somebody let me in on the truth>>: Another thing I heard, FOAF style: stay away from the malls on the 31st.
<<how did I get involved in a threesome?>>: Jello.
<<the things that happen to me when my attention is diverted>>: Not to self: divert Fleur's attention more often.
<<Who says engineers know nothing about the human body?>>: Not our women.
<<I always get an urge around people with dreadlocks to cover them in shampoo>>: She probably wouldn't like it.
<<my middle name has been passed along the females for six generations>>: And you expect to get away without telling us?
<<I wonder who _would_ be the powerful one if America wasn't?>>: Canada. Wait, they don't exist.
<<Took me weeks to break myself of that habit>>: Why'd you break it?

Entity> <<What's everybody's Zodiac sign?>>: Water boy. Which doesn't mix well with electronics.

Imzadi> <<No, I'm not>>: We should probably trade, then you can go on to bridges.

Fleur> <<bringing out a thirteenth astrological sign>>: I heard when they needed a twelveth, they cut the claws of the crab to make a set of scales.

Christine> <<a professor who mathematically proved that a Volkswagen Beetle in the parking lot of the hospital exerted more gravitational pull on a newborn baby than did even the closest planet>>: Easy. F=GMm/R^2. And as coders know, O(n^2) is ugly, while O(n) is passable, and O(lg(n)) is beautiful.

Gunjack> <<She's the Sister of the Psycho Guy Who Was Trying To Kill the Cross-dressing Hero>>: I'm stumped, but I haven't gotten in too deeply yet.

And after a duck song, I provide you with a song that could be about a duck. Bryan Adams, Everything I Do.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 02:16:48 AM

Gyah. I *KNEW* I should have been studying all day instead of reading the Fat Jesus archive... So now I have a metric buttload of studying to do for the Last Midterm(tm), plus I have to write an introduction and conclusion to my group's reading assaignment.The latter is due by 4:30 tomorrow, and the former takes place tomorrow night. Everything will wrok out just fine... Wednesday. Until then, I'm going to be the stress out king.

Entity><<The reason I'm into astrology is because, quite simply, it's accurate.>> So, what are my traits? And in the interests of double-blind proceedings, you ought to have a third party draw up observations, and a fourth party draw up descriptions for the signs. Or has that already been done?

Christine><<I'm not sure what a weapon stack is...>> It's a table of weapons, along with stats for them. Usually appended by a more detailed description of exactly what the weapon is and does.
<<I only play fantasy <g>>> SUCH a pity... I'd be the last to diss fantasy, having been weened on JRR Tolkien, but there's just something about a good cyberpunk world with heavy doses of the apocyliptic. The most fun is when your players can't tell if it's magic or tech that's taking their reality apart... <<...but would be willing to give it a look.>> I'll send it along, if I ever finish it... Really, what I oughta do is finish that series of lectures on tactics and weapons... :P

Back to studying! Paiget, Erikson... Who's the third guy? Who's the third guy, dangit!?

PS - Oh yeah, and the tagline is an anime Quote from the coolest letter I've ever recieved, ever.

Gunjack "She's the Sister of the Psycho Guy Who Was Trying To Kill the Cross-dressing Hero" Valentine
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 12:51:58 AM

Entity > during a college astronomy course, I had a professor who mathematically proved that a Volkswagen Beetle in the parking lot of the hospital exerted more gravitational pull on a newborn baby than did even the closest planet, what with distance and all. Title of the lecture that day was "Astrology: Or, 'Only the Arcata Bottoms Cow Fields Are More Full of Crap." He did rather dim my enthusiasm for that interpretation of astrology as a science that day ; ) However, especially in early times, there are other factors involved -- available diet to the mother, environmental cues, etc. -- that could theoretically have some sort of effect on an infant's prenatal and early development, which could influence later personality.

LOL, while we're at it, on a related topic, I read Tarot cards ...

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 12:48:39 AM


Okay, I really will post something soon, I promise!

*exits mumbling about a stupid art history test in the morning...*

Siofra - []
Ann Arbor, MI
Monday, October 15, 2001 11:59:37 PM

Josh> <<<No, I'm not.>>> LOL! Is Virgo well-known enough that everybody gets this?

SJ> <<<I find it incredibly amusing that you think religion is rubbish (relatively), and yet you're fascinated by astrology.>>> I shoulda figured some of you would get a kick out of that. (Although I am called to clarify that I do not consider religion rubbish.) <<<Okay, Nostrodamus, I'm a Scorpio. Now tell me my lucky lotto numbers. ;)>>> Sorry, I'm into astrology, not horoscopes, but if you're interested in knowing if you fit the bill... you sure do. ;)

Metaldemon> <<<sagitarius>>> That makes a little too much sense.

lain> <<<which would explain why i am often crabby, touchy-feely and overly sensitive.. and also why i knit, bake cookies, hug trees, have a maternal instinct fit to take over the world and like all things shiny and blue..>>> LOL... the stereotypes fit.

Fleur> <<<Hey, Entity, I remember reading a few years ago that there was talk about bringing out a thirteenth astrological sign>>> Nah, there's been a lot of that kind of stuff going around through the years. Classify it in the same realm as those supposed Nostrodamus quotes everyone got after Sept. 11. <<<Although Saggie fits me pretty well - tactless, spontaneous, and about as easily bored as a five year old>>> I'm with ya.

Ravyn> <<<I wonder what sign mine goes best with...>>> Cancer and Capricorn are your two best matches.

I gotta say, this is AWESOME! Some signs, like yours, Jannie, make so much sense, while others, like yours, Greg, give me a whole new way to look at you. I love this stuff.

Bonny Garg> What's your sign?

I am, btw, a Sagittarius. We are renowned for our blunt, tactless honesty (looks at CrzyDemona), our argumentative, philosophical natures, our optimism and enthusiasm, and our love of personal freedom. Some failings include fanaticism and subjectivity. :)

The reason I'm into astrology is because, quite simply, it's accurate. By accurate, I mean I have to believe it to be real, as a rational person. What causes it is beyond me. Planetary gravitational forces? Who knows. I don't believe it has to do with the mystical binds of fate, but it *is* there, and very real. I'm willing to prove my case to any unbeliever. :)

Entity - []
Monday, October 15, 2001 11:57:05 PM

Me again ...

Fleur > I'd never heard that about the 13th sign, but the healer in question is probably (can I spell it right without looking it up?) Aesclepius. He got so good at doctoring that he started bringing back the dead, which messed with Hades' inventory and so the lord of the Underworld got Zeus to thunderbolt the doc. The staff and snake symbol is (another spelling bee challenge) the cadeucas.

Monday, October 15, 2001 11:46:07 PM

Entity > I'm an Aries, headstrong and self-centered ; )

Robby > great essay! Out of curiosity, how'd it grade?

Gunjack > I'm not sure what a weapon stack is (I only play fantasy <g>), but would be willing to give it a look.

Attn: Seattle area folks > the Northwest Bookfest is this weekend, conveniently located right across the street from Safeco Field so if the World Series happens, parking will be flat-out impossible anywhere within a five mile radius. But should you be near, come and see me! I've got a panel on Sunday and Sabledrake Enterprises will be having a booth all weekend long. Copies of all four current books will be available, as well as Black Roses demo tapes. And, of course, the chance to say hi to me, Tim, and Becca!

Christine - []
Monday, October 15, 2001 11:42:48 PM

Er, yeah. Thank you Lain, for not thinking that I'm a total skuzzball. I've just found that when done delicately (as I suppose I failed at miserably) constructive criticisms go a long way toward making good writing a lot better. I mean, if I were a creative writing teacher and I said those things no one would bat an eye. And I REALLY DIDN'T mean to hurt anyone's feelings. I'm sorry if I embarrassed anyone, really! In the future I'll keep in mind that this forum is not to be utilized in the manner in which I used it, and keep my humble opinions to myself. By the way, everyone's posted pictures are neat. Oh wait, was that an opinion...? Excelsior!
Bonny Garg - [akanetendo_9]
Westchester, New York, America
Monday, October 15, 2001 11:05:59 PM

*draws a bow* I'm a Saggie.

Hey, Entity, I remember reading a few years ago that there was talk about bringing out a thirteenth astrological sign, between scorpio and sagitarius, apparently one that was originally part of the line-up, but got lost over the years. Know anything about it? I can't remember the name, but it was named after some ancient greek/roman healer, and the symbol was the two snakes curling around the staff, (the one used in medicine). I'm only interested because I was born under this 'new' sign, and I wondering what that said about me. (Although Saggie fits me pretty well - tactless, spontaneous, and about as easily bored as a five year old. ;))

Monday, October 15, 2001 10:31:25 PM

I can understand why SNF might get featured, but Showgirls?
The President of the Rocky Horror fan club was asked by the film's producer to help create an audience participation fan base for tghe movie, but he turned them down. That movie needs to die in it's well deserved obscurity....
Skippy The Klingon
Monday, October 15, 2001 10:20:30 PM


Taurus here. :)

Monday, October 15, 2001 09:44:39 PM

Limps in.

You know how they say lift with your legs? Well I did and I pulled a hamstring.

Wow there are sure are a lot of Scorpios here. I'm also one of them :)

Orlando, Fl, U.S.A
Monday, October 15, 2001 09:09:50 PM

I'm a Taurus! :) I wonder what sign mine goes best with... ;)
Monday, October 15, 2001 08:33:41 PM

scorpio ;)
Monday, October 15, 2001 08:31:02 PM

entity>> astrology ME, will ya!? well.. okay then.. my astrological sign is cancer.
which would explain why i am often crabby, touchy-feely and overly sensitive.. and also why i knit, bake cookies, hug trees, have a maternal instinct fit to take over the world and like all things shiny and blue.. especially lingere *winks at moochie*... AAAaaanyway... ; )

.. moochie is a gemini. and ive aaaaaaaalways loved those geminis.. its like a running trend.

my father is a sagitarius.. mum was a gemini, but her mum is a cancer.

thats about all i have to say for today.. ooooooo except for the part where they sent "suspicious white powder" to OUR government, too. they evacuated the place earlier today, what with all thats goin on down in u.s. land, its all pretty scary. (who the heck would want to anthrax jean cretien? sheesh, people must be desperate..) ; P

*pats bonny garg* everyones entitled to an opinion.. i dont happen to share yours but since im a touchy-feely cancer-type-person, (and cos you didnt say "lain, you art SUCKS") im not too offended. i think alan is a pretty good writer, i think ALL the TGS writers are, actually. if you told me my art sucked, however, i would probably get all offended but since i am overly sensitive, i would probably just go cry in the corner and hope you went away and left me with SOME dignity.
your comments and opinions are appreciated (this is, after all, the TGS gargoyles saga comment room.. though sometimes i wonder..) just.. maybe try and phrase them a little differently next time ; )
i knows you werent trying to be insulting.. *smiles* but i can see why some might take it that way.

and the cat just jumped on me and scared the living *&%# outa me.. aaaaaaawwwwwwwwww.... now hes purring... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... such a cute little orange hairball..

okay, i have to play with the hairball.. catcha later

lain "happiness is a warm gun" iwakura - []
the Great White North
Monday, October 15, 2001 08:13:32 PM

Zodiac sign: I would be an early-bloomer Libra.

Skippy: You're forgetting Saturday Night Fever and Showgirls, both of whom have been used for midnight showings with audience participation. :)

Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Monday, October 15, 2001 08:04:21 PM


In case the bitching didn't give me away.

Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Monday, October 15, 2001 08:02:26 PM

SOROW> Emp's New Groove has a cult follwoing at UT? Weird, what next, audience participation? It's weird about some of these movies that acquire cult followings: Rocky Horror, The Sound of Music, now and Emperor's New Groove.
Skippy The Klingon
Monday, October 15, 2001 07:50:23 PM

sorry, forgot. Scorpio.
Monday, October 15, 2001 07:30:50 PM

SJ> Caramel frappachino all the way :)
Entity> The Emperor's New Groove is my favorite disney movie because David Spade is hilarious. My friends and I have a cult here at UT where we'll watch it every week and recite the movie practically word for word :)

SOROW - []
Monday, October 15, 2001 07:30:14 PM

I'm a Leo.
Greg Bishansky
Monday, October 15, 2001 07:28:35 PM

Decent post later.... but i'm Aries
Monday, October 15, 2001 07:25:57 PM

metaldemon - []
denton, tx
Monday, October 15, 2001 07:24:42 PM

Tim Phipps
Monday, October 15, 2001 07:19:54 PM

I find it incredibly amusing that you think religion is rubbish (relatively), and yet you're fascinated by astrology.

Okay, Nostrodamus, I'm a Scorpio. Now tell me my lucky lotto numbers. ;)

Sevarius Jr. - []
Monday, October 15, 2001 07:19:29 PM

Tim Phipps
Monday, October 15, 2001 07:19:20 PM


No, I'm not.

Monday, October 15, 2001 07:07:38 PM

** Niamhgold enters **

Gemini :)

Longer post when I get some of this shizzit done ;)

Monday, October 15, 2001 06:36:40 PM

Monday, October 15, 2001 06:11:45 PM

Entity> <<What's everybody's Zodiac sign? >> Cancer. The crab. It's fitting, really. :)
Monday, October 15, 2001 05:57:22 PM

Re: Bonny Garg> Although he's walked in criticizing, he HAS done it reasonably. It may have been more appropriate to voice criticism of one writer through private mail, but this _is_ the TGS CR (even *I* forget it sometimes). Anyway, my advice is to take what is intended to be constructive constructively, if it makes sense. If it doesn't, just politely smile and nod. :)

Astrology> I've got an idea for a new game! What's everybody's Zodiac sign? I'm a huge astrology buff (as of three or so months ago) and I'd _love_ to know.

Monday, October 15, 2001 05:31:16 PM

**Mandi stumbles in wearing pyjama pants and her "Hard Knight Pub" T-shirt from the Pennsylvania RenFaire, carrying a box of tissues.**

Lady Mystic> <<I searched through the 2001 database for 2 other dwellers that post even less frequently than Wilek: Mandolin (formerly Mandi Ohlin) and DumlaoX.>> WHOO-HOO! I'm special! :)

(I'm also on cold medication, so I may actually be less coherent than usual.)

Haven't been around 'cause I seem to always be elsewhere on weekends - and of a close group of six college buddies, I'm one of the two who actually have a car. (Which reminds me, I'm owed some gas money.) But as the TGS Staff will attest, I'm alive and actually working on Pendragon breakdowns. I happened to call in sick today, sat down and decided to catch up in the CR. Glad I did.

On to replies...

Bonny Garg> Excuse me? I happen to have co-written at least one story with Ordell, and the parts each of us handled are not specifically labeled as to which one of us wrote which. So does that mean you're including MY writing in your criticism? Or, for that matter, the writing of anyone else who's co-written with Ordell? <<Again, I stress that this commentary is meant in a purely constructive manner, and I do not wish to insult or offend anyone. >> To reiterate what Fleur said: why couldn't you have e-mailed him privately instead of posting in a public forum? Besides, such vague statements do not belong in "constructive" criticism; if you feel the urge to point out perceived weaknesses, bring up specific examples. Don't just make blanket statements like that.

Robby re: Disney essay> Wow. I had no idea that Disney had become quite so evil... but you've laid out the decline so well here that it makes perfect sense when I look back at the projects that have come out of the studio. (I did like "The Emperor's New Groove," but I think the company just let the writers and animators do whatever and really didn't care. Like Entity said, the ads didn't do the film justice. Had I known how insane it truly was, I would have seen it in theaters.)

Skippy> <<It's times like this I really miss Lois & Clark.>> And "Now and Again"... oh, never mind, that's just me voicing my last addiction. Seriously, though, I liked L&C its first and second seasons (although first was the best, IMO), but it just fell flat for me mid-season 3. Still, looking at some of the new fare that's currently on the airwaves, I'm starting to miss even the last season of the show.

**goes away as roommate rushes in desperately searching for something, then returns as roommate runs out again**

Lady Mystic> <<I can see the connection between the personalities and the colors they use.>> To be perfectly honest, I settled on Bright Yellow because a) it was easy to read against the background and b) no one else had claimed it at the time. I think I started out with Cyan.

**stops to get the phone**

You know, I'd better just submit this post soon before I get totally distracted and accidentally shut down IE again.

Last tidbit - My mother just pointed this out to me this weekend. I have a note at the bottom of my homepage that has the date the page was first created. I never realized this, but Mandi's Weird Web Page first went up on September 11, 1996. I'm glad I forgot to call attention to its 5th year anniversary...

Mandolin - []
Monday, October 15, 2001 04:12:36 PM

Bonny Garg> First, it's one "l." One. Not two. One.

Second, I was first not going to dignify this with a response, considered that I've never seen you post here before. But then I thought, I really have no dignity.

I'm curious as to which story you've actually read. If your talking about my original fics, then yeah, those do kind of suck. They were written a long time ago, and I've been meaning for a long time to redo them.

But I'm sure you're talking about TGS. So, yeah, you don't like my writing. Alot of people I know don't like my writing. Apparently, alot of people I don't know aren't to fond of it either. I really don't care. And since is most likely from my part of the world, I'm inclinded to believe that you might just be someone I know. In fact, you might just be a friend of mine, joking around. And in that case, this is actually really funny.

And now, I'm late for class.

Alan Coleman "Ordell" Waltrip - []
Odessa/Midland, Texas
Monday, October 15, 2001 11:37:32 AM

Forgot to put an image =)
Monday, October 15, 2001 11:23:23 AM

The Last Good Disney Film was Beauty and the Beast.

Everything after that has seemed to be more for selling toys than for making a good movie.

Sort of similar to the vision they gave in spaceballs -- merchandizing merchandizing .. where the real money from the picture is made. Spaceballs the toilet paper, Spaceballs the flame thrower -- ooohhh... the kids really love that one... Spaceballs the doll -- May the schwartz be wit ya.

Other problems have been the desire not to offend people and be as politically correct as possible... and the proclivity towards butchering old stories to give them happy endings -- which actually started with the little mermaid for the modern movies.
Monday, October 15, 2001 11:22:14 AM

Well, I'm pretty much done on the assignments. All that's left is my exams. In less than two weeks. Well, actually, the first one is on Wednesday, but it's open book. Still, I'm officially beginning to freak.

Niamhgold> >*L* It's all about evil fish puns, now, isn't it? :)< *g* You have to admit, there's room for them. ;)

Carolynn Marie> >Owie :) These guys have a Mike Tyson panache for ears, I see?< *L* well, neither of them tried to take a bite out of me, at least. :) I really think I should learn how to *land*, though. My co-ordination is terrible. If nothing else, hanging around these guys is sure to improve it. Or kill me. Whatever comes first. :) >no, dorm costs haven't gotten THAT expensive, it's for charity< *l* Good on you.


Entity> >Pacifism is appealing, and we SHOULD want to be pacifists, but in reality, pacifism is more or less has a "tragic flaw."< We're wreaked either way, aren't we? Pacifism means you get your butt fed to you, while Aggression is just Generally Bad. We need a 'none of the above' option.

Warpmind> >The most glorious moment was when one of my more sadistic creativity demons brought on a truly horrible pun on a maple tree... this CR can collectively praise whatever higher powers you believe in that it cannot be translated into English. };)< *is praising the higher powers* ;)

SJ> Nature boy is confusing me. I'm torn between being truly frightened, or hysterical with laughter. Do you mind if I print out that little rant and show it to a few people I just _know_ are going to appreciate it? :)

Gside> >But shouldn't I be equal opportunity? And you might like it.< *puts on a really bad southern accent.* Why, sir! What kind a' girl do ya think Ah am? *blinks* On second thoughts, don't answer that... :) >Ah. My bad, then.< That one had me going as well, till somebody let me in on the truth. <<Well how about that Niamh's posts are only matched (on the female side) by Fleur, and that my posts to her (however infrequent) are also very long?>>: You're working for a threesome.< *blinks* Um, how did I get involved in a threesome? Man, the things that happen to me when my attention is diverted. ;)

Dark Prince of Vinyl> >"she's half awake and half a world away..." eh, anyway.< Well, the second bit was right. But I wasn't half asleep. Half _concussed_, maybe. :) >Hey, if I can have friends, anyone can.< Yeah, but I just wanted to brag. ;) >::shudder:: but that's like...physical activity!< Obsene, isn't it? >Generally, ground is in the "down" direction.< Which was the direction I headed in. I discovered that the closer you are to the ground, the less it moves. >You mean its not for the free cookies?< That too. >Accept nothing less.< *lol* >And bad things hurt...ergo pain ;-)< Who says engineers know nothing about the human body? :) >Well, at that point I'm already dead. So lucite beats the head-on-a-pike.< For starters, you don't have to worry about crows. >Especially on chicks.< I always get an urge around people with dreadlocks to cover them in shampoo. But that would mean I'd have to get within touching distance. >I AM UNEMPLOYED! WOOHOO!< Now _there's_ a reaction you don't usually see. Still... congratulations. >Could I have picked two women any further from me? Niamh in Boston and Fleur in Australia?< I wanna make a really crude joke about long distance here, but I think even Robby 'let's talk about porn' would object. >:)

Green Baron> >You are not worng to want his power eroded and the people to return to a better life.< I think it's my BIH for the Taliban that's responsible for my pacifist side just sitting back and saying, 'hell, go for it!' And that little thing about crashing planes into civilians... funnily enough, that kinda annoys me too. >As for dreadlocks, I don't get them, granted my ancestors painted their faces blue and fought wars based on who was in who's clan.< Man, I wish I knew more about my ancestors. All I know is that I've got ones from all over Europe, and my middle name has been passed along the females for six generations. >I just think, without the US, things woudl be worse, though America has made its bloopers, we've kept some nasty foes in check, too.< I wonder who _would_ be the powerful one if America wasn't? Probably either China, the Brits, or the Soviets, I guess. >As for experimenting on animals, I have little problem with using humans, but it is mildly immoral. It is for a greater cause, though.< Yeah, but those animals have *the* most pathetic eyes. They just look up at you, and your brain flashes up the message :I. Am. Scum. >Sovitets screwed up in another way. They fought to take land.< Yeah, our reasons are better. Hence, the USA has 90% of the rest of the world backing them up. :)

Not touching the whole religious debate, but it kinda got me thinking. I wonder what the situation would be if Bush was Islamic, and not Christian? No, this isn't an argument, just a weird little hypothetical my imagination spat up.

Patrick> Did you see the guy with the camera on the right in the picture you posted? I think he must be American, because his expression just says it all, really.

Moonbeam> *snickers* Oh, that was very clever. Especially the gargoyles reference at the start, it seems to have effectively convinced people you were actually serious.

Gunjack> Oh hell, it sounds like your world is violently imploding. *hugs* Is there anything I can do to help? I don't think I should offer advice, since I don't know the ugly details, but.. and as usual, words are failing me when I really need them. Just take care, okay? I might be just as big a paranoid fool as Wilek, but I'm worried about you, too.

Traveler> >Thank you and yes, I tend to be a creature of conflict. Here have a refill for your flamethrower. >:))< *EG* Perfect timing. The other one had run dry.. ;) >BTW how are things in your neck of the planet?< I'm in the calm zone before the cyclone that is final exams hits, and trying to ignore the sound of approaching doom by repeatedly playing Weird Al Jankovic, Live and Metallica at extremely high volumes. :) And what are you up to in your corner of the universe?


Wilek the Walrus> >I'm strange...I like overcast days with cold drizzle, like you'd see in a Tim Burton movie. I find it oddly serene. (Storms, on the other hand...)< I don't _hate_ grey days, exactly. I just think they should be limited to oh, three per year. :) >Cool. I'll bring the marshmallows to roast over the radioactive mutant animals. ^_^ < *ROTFL* And we can watch them grow extra limbs while we make the marshmallows ... better than a movie!! >:)

Ch'Tar Tyger> >Suddenly I'm feeling a little scared . . . <Backs away slowly.>< Don't be, I'm vegetarian. ;)

SOROW> >I've finally started the Lord of the Rings< Ooo! Let me know if you find yourself bowing and talking like the characters. Took me weeks to break myself of that habit the first time I read it. :)

Lady Mystic> >Being sick for nearly a whole month has really gotten me behind in a lot of my activities, but I'm slowly getting caught up.< Owch. Hey, take your time with the updates. Get completely well first. :)

Bonny Garg> The TGS writers donate their time and energy and talent, for no other reason than their love of Gargoyles. Personally, I think Alan does a fantastic job. If you want to offer some 'constructive critism', you should do so by email, instead of in a public forum.

And to actually bring something Gargoyles related to this post: A group of us were discussing cartoons on Monday (because that's what grabs the attention of supposedly intelligent, adult Science students :)), and Geoff said something along the lines of WB always making much better cartoons than Disney. I suggested Gargoyles. He blinked, then said, "Well, except for that one." Then he and Muhammed started raving about how great the show had been, and hence, I forgave them for crushing my ear. :) Actually, the only ones who didn't say they loved Gargoyles were the two people who hadn't actually seen it. Nice to know I'm not such a minority after all. :)


Fleur - []
Monday, October 15, 2001 09:22:00 AM

I'm *really* tired right now, but I thought I might as well post while I have the time.


Forgot to add these to the list of restrictions: top ten postings, spoilers (of shows, fanfic, series, movies, music, books, etc), survey/poll questions and answers (certain situations don't apply). I will refine this and add them to the guidelines page in the next update.

<<About the elegability guidelines... What about people like Wilek? He only posts once in a blue moon, but when he does, he catches up on everything since his last post.>>
I searched through the 2001 database for every post Wilek made. (I would have searched through the whole archive if this weren't just an example. I need to save myself some time and work every now and then. :P) Counting only the posts including replies and comments to other CR dwellers, Wilek made 2 posts in early October, 2 in early September, one in August, one in July (not including posts of survey answers), 3 in April, one in March, 5 in February, and 3 in January. Again, this isn't counting posts solely of top ten positions, web site/page advertisements and announcements, and notifications of being alive, which add up to about 12 posts for the year of 2001. He has been around for at least two years (I think) and has posted an average of... at least one post per month in 2001. He easily qualifies.
I searched through the 2001 database for 2 other dwellers that post even less frequently than Wilek: Mandolin (formerly Mandi Ohlin) and DumlaoX.
Mandolin made 4 posts in September, one in March, one in February, and 2 in January. She usually only posts "diaries" or TV shows' spoilers in the forum, which came to about 8 posts, but weren't counted. She has been around since the first week of the CR (in 1998) and used to post much more frequently. She might qualify, if her posting become more frequent or if her past posts easily reached the requirements. I'd have to look at the complete archive to gauge her eligibility.
For DumlaoX's eligibility, I searched through the 2000 and 2001 databases. He made 3 posts in February 2001, 4 in January 2001, and one in March 2000. This wasn't counting 2 other posts he made that didn't include replies, although one was a poll involving CR pics. He has been around since the first day of this forum (in 1998). Albeit, his role used to be that of CR Admin and thus most of his posts involved website announcements. I'd have to look at the complete archive to gauge his eligibility.
<<Should that sorta thing be taken into consideration?>>
It is. No matter how short a post might be, if it includes at least one reply to a CR dweller, then it counts. If it is a general response to a mass number of comments made by dwellers, either replies or group discussions, then it counts.
EX#1: Even one sentence, stating an opinion, posted concerning the terrorist incidents counts. ("I'm alive" type posts are generally not counted but were in that case due to their importance.)
EX#2: A person mentioned in a post about a grievous incident in their lives. The post was not counted because it didn't include replies. Many people posted their condolences. Instead of replying to each person individually, the person posted a "Thank you" to the whole CR. That counts as a reply and is thus taken into the equation.
<<Maybe just handle it on a case-by-case basis?>>
Due to the facts that every post is different, every situation is unique, and every poster has their own unique commenting style, this service does run on a case-by-case basis. Just searching through the 2001 and 2000 archives for Wilek's, Mandolin's, and DumlaoX's posts proved that to/for me.
<<And what counts as a post? If I popped in once a week to dash off a line, would that count?>>
It would count so long as it added to a group discussion, was an attempt at starting a group discussion, was a reply to someone in the room, or was a response to something happening in the room. The lengths of the posts don't matter; the substance does.

<<Just out of curiosity, when this room is wiped, it goes to the /old.html file. Where does it go if the last /old.html file hasn't been properly archived? I guess what I'm asking is: where is the room stored (not the exact location, obviously), between the time when the room is wiped and the time when you archive it? What if you stopped archiving for, say, a year? Would all of the old CR's be filed somewhere?>>
Since Gorebash never set up any archive system aside from a back up of the previous week that is overwritten with every wipe, I need to manually save the index.html and old_index.html files to my hard drive. (I view source in Notepad from IE and save the text file with an html extension. I do this so that I don't get weird coding glitches if saved through the IE or Netscape browsers.) If I stopped archiving for a year, all of the old CRs would be completely LOST, except for those instances where someone kindly saved the CR to their hard drive/disk and sent it to me. The same is true for those cases where we had server crashes causing room wipes. Due to this arrangement, I try to save the CR every day or a couple times a week if I can't get to it every day. FS saves the room for me when I can't. I am an archiver by nature and archived the CR to my hard drive regularly since the CR's beginning -- long before we ever had a CR Archive. Much of the files added to the archive were from FS and I and a few other archivers who used to be regular posters. (We don't have any arrangement with those archivers, though.) If we miss data, it is listed as such on the Information pages. In those cases, we have to go to the general public for help. Daniel J. and Aris Katsaris, among others, have really helped us out in the past.
This method works quite well. I'm quite dedicated to my job, so that helps in not losing data. Gorebash spoke a few months ago in the s8 CR of making changes to the forums. I don't know what he has planned. I have decided to wait until he published stuff to see what he had in mind. He's quite busy and since we currently have so many "special additions" to the CR (CR Info pages, a lot of images, etc) we can make due with what we have for now.
<<I know Dreamie's got some nice pieces of Oberon and Titania that she did for me.>>
If you can send me the pics or give me their URLs that'd be great! I'll need her *direct* permission to use them, though. Could you have her contact me or give me her email address?
<<How will former members post their profile?>>
The same way current members do: through email or the submission form. As can be surmised from the guidelines, former members are posters who are no longer *posting* in the forum. That doesn't mean they don't lurk and that doesn't mean they never run across information concerning this CR through other means (people, websites, etc). Vashkoda runs the Gargoyles News Central and posts TGS CR Info news every now and then, which I *greatly* appreciate. I've also gotten emails concerning CR Information from people that only lurk but no longer, or very rarely, post here.
<<But we won't know until we put them into effect.>>
That's why I used the word "may." ;)


SJ: <<Old running joke of the day: ...Morning sickness? ;)>>
Haven't heard anything on that issue in YEARS! **L** Thanks for the reminisce. :)

Robby: <<Jannie- I just hadn't realized that sky blue was the exact color you were using.>>
Don't forget me! I use Sky Blue too. Have been for over a year now. ;)
<<You're all banned!>>
... Beeecause we happened to post after Moonbeam?! ;)

Gside: << <<the forum's past -- ...the humorous, the idiotic>>: That's me right there>>

Ravyn: <<Glad you're feeling better!>>
Thanks! **hugs** Email me whenever ya need to chat! :)
<<That said, I might take a little break from posting in here... don't have a real reason why, I guess I just feel like I need to take some time off... I'll probably still pop in every now and then, and I might still read in here... **shrugs** Ah, who knows. I'll be around.>>

Coyote: Belated congrats on the house! I'm so glad you found a place. **hugs** Please email your new RL address to me sometime. :)

Wilek: <<Glad you're better. ^_^>>
Thanks! :)

Imzadi: <<Welcome back! Glad you're feeling better.>>
Thanks! :)
<<You work way too hard for us.>>
I take my duties seriously.
<<Does that mean I don't get to stupidly answer it?>>
Yep. But you can, only if you others to think you are stupid. ;)
<<Its necessary, since we don't want people including flames in their profiles.>>
One reason why I am doing it. :P
<<That would BITE, since we can't really respond.>>
Actually, I look at it as being insensitive and as an abuse of such a privilege.
<<color red>>
That reminded me of your comment to me from August 25, 2001: <<The red personalities tend to select pictures and colors that draw attention and/or anger...interesting, no?>>
The color in itself draws attention. I can see the connection between the personalities and the colors they use. I think the connection is mildly interesting and makes sense, both due to the psychology behind it. I used to post using Bright Red, and reds, burgundies, and maroons have been common colors in my wardrobe for years. Out of curiosity, do you see a connection to said color trait ( and the personality you know me by from this board?

Lady Mystic - []
Head Admin of TGS CR Info
Monday, October 15, 2001 07:59:22 AM

Imzadi>>Have you seen the trailers for "Smallville" on WB? Think Roswell/Dawson/Buffy...but with Superman. Its got potential as a teenage show...but I'm betting its gonna suck nads

Yeah, I'm thinking "Dawson's Krypton" on this one. I might give it a chance, but the moment I any Paula Cole music I'm outa there...

It's times like this I really miss Lois & Clark.
Skippy The Klingon - []
Monday, October 15, 2001 07:58:48 AM

A near ban-worthy joke:

imzadi: <Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don't>
Ah... the bisexual motto. ;)

Fire Storm
Monday, October 15, 2001 04:00:32 AM

In the mood for something...odd? Strange? A touch creepy? (And very off-topic? :P) Clicky, and mind the ectoplasm on your way in...
Wilek "Rave In The Mirror Maze" Nereus - [<--The Incident]
Monday, October 15, 2001 03:18:48 AM

Ahhh! An overdose of blues/purples! I summon all the offensive posters to rid us of this infestation!

Today was a work day. Reading, a few assignments, ya know, no big whoop ;-)

I got an interesting spam e-mail today from someone claiming to be the attorney for someone deceased and that I should email them with my phone/fax number right away. The grammar was, of course, terrible, which was the first clue. The second was that they said they "got my contact through a trade journal". Well guess what? "trade journals" don't have my email address. Schmuck.

The bounce feature is my friend.

I bought so much peanut butter cup-related food items yesterday that I made my roommate sick. And he hasn't eaten any yet.


Robby: <<essay>>: Wow! That was really interesting. Lots of stuff I really didn't know about the "other" evil empire.

Queen of Pain: <<My brother is an idiot>>: Aren't they all? <<I told him they were playing the Rocky Horror Picture Show at Citywalk>>: They were!? Awesome! <<wanted to go but he doesn't want to spend 25 dollars>>: I thought movie tickets at Citywalk were only 8.50? <<He was at the mall for 3 hours and spent over 25 bucks there>>: I think, in all fairness, that the mall and rocky are different things entirely. That's like calling me stupid that I couldn't afford to fly to New York, but had no troubles paying for DSL for the year. <<Do you remember where you were on this day 14 years ago?>>: Okay 14 years ago today I had just turned 6. So I had just entered first grade. I was probably busy demonstrating that I knew everything their was to no about dinosaurs. <<the male didn't know how to...well you know>>: Sucks to be him. <<Wait all a woman has to do is give you chocolate and your in love?>>: I'm easy. You know what they say: the way to a man's heart is through his stomach (not his fly, as is often suggested). <<Hey thats Berkley.>>: Are you sure it was? Berkeley doesn't quite look like ANY campus that's EVER been in any movie. <<I have a friend that goes there>>: Are you referring to me? I didn't want to sound presumptuous. <<He says there is a protest everyday.>>: Conveniently held across campus so that I don't have to walk through them. <<I was playing Black and White before I entered the CR, that game does wonders for your self esteem>>: That's only a problem for people who don't already think they're gods. <<Farquad kind of looks like a cross between Lithgow and Eisner>>: Good god you're right! <<If Willow is so powerful how come she hasn't changed Amy back to a person yet>>: She forgot about her.

Skippy: <<despite what the D&D manual says, I'd have to think transmutation would have to be a more powerful spell than resurection>>: No way! The D&D manual is always 100% correct ;-). <<she probably thinks she is a rat>>: Sounds like a few possibilities for entertainment.

Jannie: <<The business world is very cut-throat>>: My favorite place to hang out. <<not good with children>>: We used to have a dalmatian...she attacked both me and my bro. <<a Min Pin>>: Is that one of those toy dogs that makes me want to kick it?

DPH: <<my math/programmer side of me is being embraced for now>>: I know the feeling. <<taking square roots of negative numbers and dividing by zero>>: Its hard to write programs that will do the latter.

Lady Mystic: <<I'm slowly getting caught up>>: Glad you feel better. <<The archive has been updated>>: Just out of curiosity, when this room is wiped, it goes to the /old.html file. Where does it go if the last /old.html file hasn't been properly archived? I guess what I'm asking is: where is the room stored (not the exact location, obviously), between the time when the room is wiped and the time when you archive it? What if you stopped archiving for, say, a year? Would all of the old CR's be filed somewhere? <<A new pic request>>: I know Dreamie's got some nice pieces of Oberon and Titania that she did for me. <<Please tell me what you think of the guidelines, especially the Eligibility and Deletion sections>>: They look good! <<former (absent) members>>: How will former members post their profile? <<but in practice may seem reasonable>>: But we won't know until we put them into effect.

Bonny Garg: <<Mr. Waltrip does not meet it>>: I would have to disagree. The whole purpose of having editors for TGS is making sure that no writer sucks, and they do that extremely well. There are no more or fewer comments for Alan than any other writer as I've observed. And Westchester people generally don't have IP's from BELLSOUTH.NET.

Moochie: <<What about people like Wilek>>: I don't think LM would deny him profile rights. <<what counts as a post>>: There is a list of what counts in the guidelines. They must have replies, etc. <<I still wanna see his take on Warps and I>>: You're both bonkers. <<USMC Marauder Powered Suit>>: I WANT!

Sevarius Jr: <<I find your post quite off topic>>: I don't think that's ever stopped YOU before, so why her? <<before everyone realizes that my posts are nothing but off topic commentaries>>: Too late. <<Morning sickness?>>: That's funny to me, but I'm betting she's not gonna think so. <<Insert soulless, profit-seeking evil empire corporation joke here>>: Which is quite redundant after the thrashing you just gave them. <<Disney employees check up on this site!>>: And my name is Ben Affleck. <<I'd say the stuff in Robby's essay further dooms the Gargoyles from ever returning to the airwaves in a new program>>: Gargoyles was doomed the second they fired Greg W. Take him as the Messiah or not, but this was his baby and there's no way their gonna bring it back to anywhere near acceptable quality without him. <<Disney doesn't look interested in putting out QUALITY programming>>: I was surprised they did gargoyles. I'd expect to find something that good on WB or Fox as well. <<one of THE MOST OVERRATED MOVIES EVER MADE, ANYWHERE, FROM ANY COUNTRY>>: Crouching Tiger? <<Hakuna matata my ass>>: Um... <<I know my Barnes and Noble staff by name>>: I thought about doing that when the girl behind the counter started hitting on me (I was the only 16 year old she knew who had their own credit card...either she hadn't been working in Encino long or Valley kids just don't buy that many books, but this impressed her), but quite frankly, there are some freaky people in B&N. And their books aren't priced nearly as competitively as ANYONE else's. <<if you didn't want us slackers with nothing better to do during the day to just tool around your bookstore, than you take the trendy Starbucks out of your establishment.>>: Damn straight! <<Apparently, the next step in human evolution is to mutate into characters from Dawson's Creek>>: Surprised? I'm not. Have you seen the trailers for "Smallville" on WB? Think Roswell/Dawson/Buffy...but with Superman. Its got potential as a teenage show...but I'm betting its gonna suck nads. <<Avalanche can't figure out that not being an ass = dates with hot chicks>>: Or maybe, like me, he knows but doesn't care. <<I don't blame him for that, as I haven't learned the same lesson>>: Are you really 23? <<Tabitha is a "bad girl", and thus can't date fuzzy blue elves>>: Bad girls rock. Eliza Dushku... <<I'm working hard on 2 million for Christmas!>>: I have no doubt that you'll make it. <<you suck, but I'd do ya>>: You sure that shouldn't say "you suck, SO I'd do ya"?

Gside: <<Honey roasted, I hope>>: Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don't. <<I sense a pattern forming.>>: You are sharp. <<Isn't the point to get them to focus on you, or on another of them>>: Yes that is the point. That doesn't mean I can pull it off, though. Cuz at some point I'd have to devote some attention to all of them, and I've only got two processors. <<I apologize, Devirginizer>>: Apology accepted. <<But that would be... wrong. Just wrong>>: See if your attitude changes once that situation does. <<remus>>: But I barely know you.

FS: <<I got a postcard in the mail that had a white powder on it>>: You get mail on sunday!? <<Damn boolian logic>>: Boolean makes your computer run. <<This coming from someone who is happy he no longer has a job>>: Actually, technically I'm still an employee. I just don't have to work ;-) <<Unless you count the ones held by students>>: Actually, the entire student stockpile is under strict lock and key...MY KEY! <<I want the new evil Willow to be like Sabertooth with cool powers>>: And a lot friendlier! <<God replied "I agree>>: LOL! <<None. Which is why you need a crazy person>>: But where will I find such a lunatic? <<PROGRAMMER! GET HIM!>>: I wouldn't say that in here if I were you. A LOT of us have at least some programming experience. <<Just how many kids DOES Mystique have>>: Well, if I could change shape, I'd be having a LOT of sex. Nevermind the demand I'd be in. <<I have enough trouble remember what I did yesterday>>: That long ago? <<Not yet, anyway>>: I shudder to think what the spawn of a xenomorph crossed with a human will look like. <<Actual suits>>: Oh, if only.

Alright folks I've got classes all day tomorrow, so I'll see you later.

You, fetch me the Wall Street Journal. You two, fight to the death.
-Stewey, "Family Guy"

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Monday, October 15, 2001 02:50:02 AM

***comes holding forehead***
Oh, geez, I just got back in from seeing Six Feet Under in Arlington. What a great show and pit! I got nailed in the chin by some guy, I got pissed and went after him, then got nailed on my forehead by his elbow, which was purley accidental, and he later apologized. Other than that, it was just an awesome experiance; I had always wanted to see these guys. Now I have this bump on my forehead. :)
Damn. Now I have to focus on my Metaphysics paper.
GB> <<Well, that supports my general opinion on frog philosophers. They had good artists, though and decent music, though the Germans were my favorites when it came to music.>>
The Germans were the best at crafting music! I love Beethoven and Wagner and Schoenberg. Not even the Italians could compare to them, IMO.
And the French were absolutley the masters in Art and intellectual life, followed close by the Germans. It's as if the Germans said it, and the Fench improved upon it. :)
Metaldemon - []
denton, tx
Monday, October 15, 2001 02:11:24 AM

FS - Yer kiddin' me, right? A five ton suit not being able to handle the recoil of a 20mm chaingun? You could mount on of those on a 200-500 lb tripod, and it'd be as stable as you wanted. You'll have some recoil, but nothing that the arm can't be rigged to adjust automaticly for.
Gunjack "Where's the Big, Orange..?" Valentine
Monday, October 15, 2001 01:45:43 AM

Gunjack: <**USMC Marauder Powered Suit**>
The important question is wether the suit can stand the recoil!

Fire Storm
Monday, October 15, 2001 01:39:15 AM

Firestorm - Suits for a game. Though, if Pulver was accurate enough with his calculations...

**USMC Marauder Powered Suit**
This is a massive armored suit designed to deliver heavy support fire in a smaller package than a conventional armored vehicle.
Primitive battlesuit weighing in at 3-5 tons. A 20mm chaingun is mounted on the right arm, with the Hailstorm MG and the 40mm AGL mounted on the left. The right shoulder carries hardpoints for three 8-shot rocket pods, with a fourth on the left. The 20mm magazine is caried on the back, and the 5.56mm and 40mm rounds are carried in helical magazines in the left arm. The basic idea is to pack most of the firepower of a helicopter gunship into a suit of powered armor.
Armor is tough enough to stop fragments, machine gun and light cannon fire, and even 40mm HEAT grenades.

Mr. White was here
That's why the world is bleeding
-My Brain

Gunjack "Cumbersome" Valentine
Monday, October 15, 2001 01:17:30 AM

Missed This:

Gunjack: <I'm taking some off time to design TL8 USMC mobile armor suits>
Actual suits, or just ones in a game?

Fire Storm
Monday, October 15, 2001 01:09:21 AM

SJ> You didn't like "The Sixth Sense" either, did you?

I think you just instinctively react to mega-rated films with negativity...

Good show!

Monday, October 15, 2001 01:03:49 AM

Well, I got a postcard in the mail that had a white powder on it.
Probally just paper dust, but I will check it out Monday, just in case
(Address from NV, postmaked from FL)

Gside: <And barleycorn, sorcerors, and ducks in between>
Classical, rock and both! What a country!
<I'm gleaming the cube>
Been a long time since I saw that movie. If I saw it now, I would probally say it sucked.
<I thought Shinta was the guy, and his mom was just referred to as Shinta's Horny Mom. Though she does have a name somewhere.>
Ah, who cares! As long as when Shinta dies she dosn't turn into a necro freak like SOME people on there.
<She wouldn't have had to do the ruler scene>
Hmm... very true. Never mind!
<So if you are neither, you are not female>
Damn boolian logic!
<What about Princeton Plasma Physics?>
REALLY? Damn... I guess I try applying at Princeton next.
<my super-hero friend, your hair is on fire.>
I like his new near-poetic translations.

Imzadi: <You have serious issues>
This coming from someone who is happy he no longer has a job. ;)
And of course I have some serious issues! The May 1999 National Geographic issue is pretty darn serious!
<Oh yeah, despite the efforts to make Berkeley a "nuclear free zone".>
It is Nuclear Free. No nuclear weapons! Unless you count the ones held by the students.
<You mean the vampire Willow?>
Yes. I want the new evil Willow to be like Sabertooth with cool powers (I think it is the eyes)
<Until the TI-92 stomped its ass>
And on a even later day, Man came forth and said "God, the TI-83 is cool, but we need something with more power!"
To which God replied "I agree. I can't do 3d graphing on my TI-83."
So God created the TI-92 and it was really, REALLY cool!
<I don't!? How else would I find out about all the features?>
I don't want a 30 page selection on the copy function.
<what kind of a nut woman wants to taylor herself to my tastes?>
None. Which is why you need a crazy person.
<Nope. But I remember the old office manuals...they were pretty bulky>
Hmm... very true.

Traveler: <hugs his Programming in COBOL/400 book>

Patrick Toman: <I just read in the paper that Ambiance, the "store for lovers" has reported a 17% increase in sales>
Ah... toys. You can shake America. You can shake our sence of security. But you can't take the shakes out of McDonalds and you can't take the vibration of our toys!

Taleweaver: <I hope Mystique returns.>
Maybe she has. Maybe Rogue's friend IS Mystique. I doubt she is Psylocke, like I hope.
OR I could read the entire CR before I write my posts and see that Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. already said that.
If so, it is good to see her hanging with her daughter!
DANG IT TODD! ;) <I've come across an alternate theory that she's really the series' adaptation of Psylocke>
Although, that was my first thought when I saw her.

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr.: Just how many kids DOES Mystique have?
<"Ping-Pong Club">
South Park, the Movie?

Green Baron: <That may be okay>
Cool! The US can act as Parliment while a puppet just smiles and nods his head.

DPH: <Does Saturday count as a business day for the purposes of shipping?>
For UPS? Oh yeah.

Spacebabie: <If Willow is so powerful how come she hasn't changed Amy back to a person yet?>
She did for a few minutes last season! :)
Hmm... maybe Amy is giving Willow these evil powers! I SERIOUSLY doubt it.
<Do you remember where you were on this day 14 years ago?>
I have enough trouble remembering what I did yesterday!

SJ: <Morning sickness?>
Oh god, I hope not! ;)
Not yet, anyway.

Fire Storm
Monday, October 15, 2001 01:02:32 AM

Gside><<I sense a pattern forming.>> I still wanna see his take on Warps and I...

Back to the weapons stacks! Hey, sabledrake lady! Do uya accept weapons stacks? Hi-tech military gear, like?

Gunjack "Lucky Man" Valentine
Monday, October 15, 2001 01:02:17 AM

Imzadi> <<Gside is a nut>>: Honey roasted, I hope?
<<Gside is a nut, but Wilek is a total freak>>: I sense a pattern forming.
<<I can't concentrate on more than one woman at once>>: Isn't the point to get them to focus on you, or on another of them ?
<<I'm so disappointed in you>>: I apologize, Devirginizer.
<<Girls might actually like you>>: But that would be... wrong. Just wrong.

Robby> <<Frightening how long Doug's posts all were>>: Yours might have made up an RP or three of his.

Skippy> <<When you change from a human to a rat, where does all that extra mass go?>>: Chi, of course.

SJ> <<watch Urotsokudoji on an endless loop>>: You mean everyone doesn't do this at least twice a month?

I'd change the mp3, but remus isn't letting me on.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Monday, October 15, 2001 12:58:19 AM

A few things to finish up the weekend.

I have not read the fic in question, actually, so maybe you're right, but I find your post quite off topic.
Now let's shamble away before everyone realizes that my posts are nothing but off topic commentaries...

Old running joke of the day:

Lady Mystic: <<Being sick for nearly a whole month has really gotten me behind in a lot of my activities>> Morning sickness? ;)

Disney flicks: Does this shock anyone? Disney has been playing the old meat trombone for quite some time now. Just awful stuff. Outside of Gargoyles, I don't think Disney has done anything worthwhile in years. Insert soulless, profit-seeking evil empire corporation joke here.

Oh wait, I forget, "Disney employees check up on this site!" Remember that old gag? If anything, I'd say the stuff in Robby's essay further dooms the Gargoyles from ever returning to the airwaves in a new program. Cause Disney doesn't look interested in putting out QUALITY programming.

But about the Lion King....I think I'm on an island with this one, but I personally think it's one of THE MOST OVERRATED MOVIES EVER MADE, ANYWHERE, FROM ANY COUNTRY. Jesus, that movie bored me to tears. It just STUNK. And yet everyone thinks it's the greatest animated film ever made. Hakuna matata my ass. I'd rather watch Urotsokudoji on an endless loop that that crap.

SOROW: <<I think the people at Barnes and Noble were thinking I was going to make camp there>> I know my Barnes and Noble staff by name. Some of us have a whole Jerry / Newman vibe going. Hey, I say, if you didn't want us slackers with nothing better to do during the day to just tool around your bookstore, than you take the trendy Starbucks out of your establishment.

***X-Men Evolution Spoilers***
Apparently, the next step in human evolution is to mutate into characters from Dawson's Creek. I'll take extinction, thank you.

We got Scott pining for Jean, who sort of likes him but isn't in love with him yet, and Rogue has a crush on Scott. Meanwhile, Kitty can't decide whether or not she likes Avalanche cause he's an ass half the time, and Avalanche can't figure out that not being an ass = dates with hot chicks (I don't blame him for that, as I haven't learned the same lesson). And Kurt has the hots for Tabitha, but Tabitha is a "bad girl", and thus can't date fuzzy blue elves. Blecch.

Anyway, good to see Beast. And I think Risty is Psylocke too (that's the British Psylocke, who, for no explicable reason, got transformed into an Asian bimbo in the comic). Which would be stupid, because "Risty" is about as far from Betsy Braddock as you'll ever get.
****End Spoilers***

Jackie Chan Adventures: This is a guilty pleasure of mine. I'm a Chan mark, so I dig the show. It doesn't take itself too seriously, which adds to the appeal. I think they do a great job of translating Jackie's comedy style to the toon, which is probably why I like the show so much.
And the character designer is Jeff Matsuda, who's work has a nice anime-feel to it.

Robby: <<That would indicate that was only the second time I've had to ban SJ. By my count, I've had to ban him 1,864,753 times. Unnoficially of course.>> I'm working hard on 2 million for Christmas!!!

"I got good news and bad news, suck, but I'd do ya."
---Ron Bennington

Sevarius "His Divine Shadow" Jr. - []
Monday, October 15, 2001 12:46:34 AM

LM - About the elegability guidelines... What about people like Wilek? He only posts once in a blue moon, but when he does, he catches up on everything since his last post. Should that sorta thing be taken into consideration? Maybe just handle it on a case-by-case basis?
And what counts as a post? If I popped in once a week to dash off a line, would that count?

Yeah, I know, I was supposed to post this weekend. But I've been going through Hell, and I'm taking some off time to design TL8 USMC mobile armor suits. Nyah.

Gunjack "Neener Neener" Valentine - []
Monday, October 15, 2001 12:14:51 AM

Bonny> Ah another poster from Westchester.

The people you suggest (Christi, Patrick and Kathy) are no longer on staff, so don't expect any more work from them outside of their own fanfics. Go check out the fanfics of Madame Destine to see what Patrick and Kathy are up to. Good stuff there.

In Alan's defense, I think he's a terrific writer, and I'm the Head of Edits for TGS. I've seen some of the stories he's written for season four of "Timedancer", and they are very good. If yo feel it is not up-to-par, then as Head of Edits, I take responsibility since I have final say on every story that gets posted. Same with every Head of Edits, and Patrick and Kyryn before me did a magnificent job.

Greg Bishansky - [Head of Edits]
Monday, October 15, 2001 12:04:08 AM

I would just like to make a comment on the writing of Allan Coleman Waltrip. While I am in no way trying to insult anyone or hurt anyone's feelings, I have come to expect a level of excellence from these stories and I am afraid that Mr. Waltrip does not meet it. I believe that his work should be rigorously edited. Some of his sentences are trite and/or redundant. His characterization is very off, and he really needs to work on his dialogue. I think that he has good potential, and should work hard to improve his writing. However, in the meantime others with more experience (such as Christy Smith Hayden, Kathy Pogge, and Patrick Toman) should edit his work and help him with what I mentioned above, as well as his descriptions. His descriptions are too cliched in many places, and not detailed enough in others. Again, I stress that this commentary is meant in a purely constructive manner, and I do not wish to insult or offend anyone. Please don't be mad.
-Bonny Garg

Bonny Garg - [akanetendo_9]
Westchester, New York, America
Sunday, October 14, 2001 11:32:46 PM

***** TGS CR INFO UPDATE *****


I apologize for the lack of updates. Being sick for nearly a whole month has really gotten me behind in a lot of my activities, but I'm slowly getting caught up. I had tried to upload files Thursday, October 11, 2001 but couldn't maintain a stable connection to the server. I attended a wedding Saturday October 13, 2001 with FS and was unable to make updates the night before (as in Friday) and later that day. (The ceremony and reception were pretty much all day affairs.) Today, I looked over the pages awaiting the upload, tweaked a few things, and finally uploaded the files. And here you go...


The archive has been updated to include weeks up to Saturday, October 13, 2001 for a total of 6 weeks added to the 2001 database (from dates 8/31 - 9/8 to dates 10/6 - 10/13).



I corrected the misspellings of DumlaoX's name on the Rules and Timeline pages.



Laurean "Siryn" Broadbent confirmed that she was the artist of the original illustrations of the CR pics: Apep, Deborah, Deborah (B&W), Goliath in Stone Sleep, and Quarryman Elisa. Changes have been made to the necessary pages.



The guidelines for meeting requests have been slightly revised for clarity.


A new pic request (two in one, actually) sent by Demoness has been added to the archive of unfulfilled requests.


I have not been able to find any TGS illustrations to meet any of the archived requests, including the newest one(s). If you would like to create artwork or know of pre-existing artwork (not necessarily official TGS work; can be work by other artists) that suits the archived requests, please follow the guidelines to find out what to do. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at



The guidelines have been revised to what I hope is acceptable to the CR dwellers. Please tell me what you think of the guidelines, especially the Eligibility and Deletion sections. I won't start accepting submissions until I am certain the guidelines are as fair as can be, satisfy the majority of the CR inhabitants, and are easy enough to work with in the future. Rather than re-post the whole page, please visit the following URL and, no matter how miniscule your ideas might seem, tell me what you think. Make sure to address them to "Lady Mystic". Or send them to


A few things worth mentioning:

I was originally planning on having two different types of profile lists, for current (active) members and for former (absent) members. However, after writing up the complete guidelines for said features, I realized that all profiles will essentially remain available and only their "status" would change. To save myself a lot of needless work and to save others from confusion I dropped the idea. The reason for keeping all profiles archived is so that those reading the CR Archive can learn more about the people behind the posts (no matter how old those posts might be). This is explained in the Deletion section. Please tell me your opinion, whether you have a problem with this or agree with my decision. I'd like to know what you think. If need be, I'll explain my original plans. Although, I think this current setup may be the best arrangement.

The eligibility requirements may seem a bit complex, but in practice may seem reasonable. The posting restrictions were devised to guard against (as much as possible) people trying to get around the requirements. Again, please send me feedback. If need be, I'll try to straighten out and explain as much as possible. Thanks in advance.



Lady Mystic - [<--- TGS CR INFO UPDATE !!!]
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Sunday, October 14, 2001 11:19:57 PM

Entity- Did you see the same Mulan as I did? It didn't seem at all like they were preoccupied with graphics to me. The animation was simplified from previous films if anything. (Well, the scene with the 10,000 huns being the exception...) The comedy was actually good, the sidekicks not annoyingly gratuitous... Coulda done without the songs, but... Shun Yu was a GREAT villain! He had an awesome design, cool looking weapon, awesome sidekick (whatever bird that was), competant help, didn't break out into song or make any typical mistakes, and almost every line he had was cool! "How many men does it take to deliver a message?" And he was only on screen for like 10 minutes tops... Granted, he lost something near the end of the film when it starting BSing to let Mulan win... If it hadn't been for the lame giant firecracker thing, Shun Yu woulda won...
Sunday, October 14, 2001 10:26:17 PM

This is just to test that I can post from Exceed. They haven't cut me off yet, but I want to be prepared when they come in Monday morning.

Na Zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Sunday, October 14, 2001 10:09:56 PM

Robby - the colors do match on my monitor.

Ok, I'm not sure any CR picture describes the mode I'm. Well, relaxed sorta describes me.

**what the heck is DPH doing**
Well, my math/programmer side of me is being embraced for now. That's means I am somewhat at ease since most of the that comes natural to me. Anyway, I am trying to solve cubic equations AGAIN. Yep, I did work on that a lot during my freshman year at UCA. I even remember the problems I encountered (taking square roots of negative numbers and dividing by zero). I also believe there's a big conspiracy to keep the solution hidden. So I wrote a program to test out my formulas and send some output to a text file. In Perl. Why? It's the only computer programming language I have access to at the moment. Then, I got sick of trying to align the output in the text and decided to create a HTML page to send the output to so I can read the results. No, I will not mention what percentage of the time the formulas work because it is ridiculously small. (Follow the link if you want to see how many times the formulas are correct.)

Interestingly enough, the web page I got my original information from (back when I was a college freshman) can no longer be accessed. Good thing I created a web page with that proposed solution a long time ago.

If I do manage to get the formulas to work on my own, I'll be very happy.
**end what the heck DPH is doing**

Any suggestions for an appropriate CR image for this time to describe my mood will be considered.

I bet this post probably has lots of grammatical errors in error.

DPH - []
Sunday, October 14, 2001 10:09:19 PM

Re: Disney> I didn't much care for "Mulan," actually. Its folly was twofold, I believe. One, it seemed to be too preoccupied with grafx. Second, its villain was really, really weak. Personally, the only good film since The Lion King (with the half-exception of Hunchback, which I now know *could* have been a full exception) has been The Emperor's New Groove. The previews looked SO HORRIBLE, and by all reasoning, it should have sucked. But for some reason, the right combination of timing, voice acting, characters, and story were spliced together.

In other news, I read "I'm Sorry" again today. That fic has an echelon all its own.

Sunday, October 14, 2001 09:17:08 PM

Saw Iron Monkey in theaters today. Very cool on the big screen, better subtitling job than on my copy. Definatley worth seeing. They cut the sequence where the woman's head flies off tho... (Not a spoiler since its not actually in the movie now...) I suppose they cut it cause it looked a little cheesy, but it was a fun kind of cheesy!

Skippy- I did not know that about the anime posters at Disney. Wish I had when I wrote my essay...

Spacebabie- Thanks. I hope the teacher thinks so too...

Entity- In Disney's defense, the subject heading of my paper forced me to focus on death, so I avoided a couple of the upnotes the company has had since Lion King, like Mulan, and uhm... Mulan. I suppose I coulda mentioned that all their hits lately are a result of Pixar studios, but with Monsters Inc. coming out in a week or two, I didn't want to date myself so quickly, since the teacher may still be reading papers then... (And I didn't go into the fact that Lion King was ripped off from Jungle Emporer Leo/Kimba the White Lion, because well, I like the Lion King and I had to keep the focus on my essay on the more recent stuff because of the topic... But I watched the Lion King earlier today, and then watched the opening of my import copy of Jungle Emporer Leo, and hoo boy... Some of the camera shots in Lion King came straight from it, I swear...) As far as Hunchback, the gargoyles *were* in there from the start, just not in nearly as many scenes. Originally they had only a couple minutes of screen time, it was in the last few months of production that their roles were greatly expanded to make the film more upbeat. So its not like they came completely out of nowhere at the last minute, they were in the development from early on, but...)

Jannie- I just hadn't realized that sky blue was the exact color you were using. If you check the first post where I switched colors, I actually used Powder Blue, but that didn't quite match up, and then changed it to match the picture better. And then I saw your post and went, "Oh hey, thats the same color..." But now that I am using it, I am quite proud to use the same color as you! Yeah, thats the ticket...

"Hey, my kung fu is not bad." -Wong Fei Hong, Iron Monkey

Sunday, October 14, 2001 07:48:33 PM

Enity> *nods* that happens a lot in the business world... even here in a small town. Back in the 50's a man bought a movie theater but then built a new one across the square. He refused to sell the older one to keep anyone else from putting a theater there and becoming competition. The same happens with grocery stores, furniture stores, etc. Eventually someone with a lot of money will come in and put a competing business in. The business world is very cut-throat. O_o

Spacebabie> *L* dalmations... yeah, they are a very stupid dog. ;) They are also unhealthy dog with many birth defects and they are not good with children. This is because of all of the years of cross-breeding to get to the spots that they have now. When 101 Dalmations came out so big a few years ago and people were buying dalmations for their children - it was not a good thing. *shakes head*
the dogs are very hard to train and like I said, they are not usually good with children.
Anna's dog is a Min Pin. They are impuslive, head strong, and not overly bright. We've never been around Min Pins before so this is a new experience for us! *L* I should have read the website on Min Pins! But, we love her and she keeps me amused ;)
14 years ago?? *L* 1987... *thinking* I was either living in Louisiana or had just moved to Houston. I can't remember right now.
Green Apple splatters? *LOL* I've never heard of that one!

Sorrow> sounds like you are really fitting into college life! =) congrats and I hope that you continue with the great grades and having so much fun!

Ravyn> you no leave *shakes head* I forbid it. ;) Congrats on your great grades too!

Robby> <<I hadn't even realized until I started using it that you had already gotten to it>> well gee thanks. That was a real ego-buster. ;) *L*

There are 3 kinds of people in this world
1. those who are aware of their surroundings
2. those who can't count

Sunday, October 14, 2001 05:16:07 PM

Re: Disney Essay> Just... WOW. That blew me away. I had no idea that all of that stuff has been going on. I mean, I've probably been one of the staunchest detractors of Disney ever since The Lion King, but the... well, sheer evilness of the company. I know this is an editorial, but still. The whole paragraph on The Hunchback of Notre Dame? My God. And about them buying those Japanese films in order to lock them away... It reminds me of that old tale about how the major gas companies have plans for super-gas-mileage cars locked in their vaults, because they don't want America to buy less gas. Scary stuff. Why does Gargoyles have to belong to them...?
Sunday, October 14, 2001 02:07:40 PM

Big Buffy Question>>>If Willow is so powerful how come she hasn't changed Amy back to a person yet?

Well, resurecting Buffy took quite a bit out of her, and despite what the D&D manual says, I'd have to think transmutation would have to be a more powerful spell than resurection.

After all, it's really nothing but cellular regeneration coupled with a bit of interdimensional soul fishing. Seeing how interdimensional doors pop up all over the place in Buffy and Angel, it can't be that hard.

Now transmutation, that's got to be tricky. When you change from a human to a rat, where does all that extra mass go? Also, just the reordering of DNA into such a new form has got to be hellishly difficult.

Also, such a transformation has to be rough on the psyche. Amy has been trapped in that form for, what, six years now? After such a protracted period it's possible she has completly reverted to a rodent-like mind. Even if she was changed back, she probably thinks she is a rat.

Also, there's a good chance the rat has died of old age now, they only have three or four years after all...
Skippy The Klingon
Sunday, October 14, 2001 01:50:16 PM


Sunday, October 14, 2001 01:37:18 PM

When I just checked my email, I found this message waiting for me:

From: | Block Address | Add to Address Book
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2001 02:48:03 -0000
Subject: [yg-status] Groups downtime Sat Oct 13 10PM-2AM PST (GMT-8)

When: Sat Oct 13 from approximately 10PM to 2AM PST (GMT-8).

Yahoo! Groups will be down for scheduled maintenance.

During this time, the web site will be unavailable. Email sent during this time will be queued and delivered when the service is back up.

Sorry, I couldn't warn anybody, but my email didn't receive the message until today. Maybe the guys at yahoo groups do not have much common sense.

Real post later.

DPH - []
Sunday, October 14, 2001 01:12:01 PM

My brother is an idiot. Why? Cause I told him they were playing the Rocky Horror Picture Show at Citywalk. He said he wanted to go but he doesn't want to spend 25 dollars
that was friday. Yesterday He was at the mall for 3 hours and spent over 25 bucks there.

Also the thing is, he finally got paid by the army and over 6000 dollars showed up in his account.

Well of course I keep reminding him that a certain birthday is comming up on Nov 3

Here is a question. Do you remember where you were on this day 14 years ago? I did. I was in Midland Texas and I wasthisclose to the acitivty near the well.

.:::Spins around and causes candy to appear in the CR::

Jan>>>Butt Barf? Well I nver heard that rem before, my favorite so far has been the Green apple splatters. Anna's dog being retarted...Is it a Dalmation? I ask because I have dalmation, of course my grandparents onw 3 dogs two of them are Shelties, a male and a femal and when the female went into heat the male didn't know how to...well you know

Josh>>>Wait all a woman has to do is give you chocolate and your in love?
I have a small story for you. My brother was watching PCU and at the part where they were protesting meat I said
"Hey thats Berkley."
My brother "Berkley?"
Me"Yeah I have a friend that goes there, He says there is a protest everyday."

Josh and SJ((Maybe when I write to the both of you I'll call you the twins))Hey I was playing Black and White before I entered the CR, that game does wonders for your self esteem.

Carolyn Marie>>>Here are some peanutbutter cups just for you.


Robby>>>Great Essay.

Skippy>>>That one Disney worker being an Anime fan, Why am I not suprised? Farquad kind of looks like a cross between Lithgow and Eisner.

Big Buffy Question>>>If Willow is so powerful how come she hasn't changed Amy back to a person yet?

Well I'm out.

Orlando, Fl, U.S.A
Sunday, October 14, 2001 11:38:49 AM

Robby> Disney essay/rant>the bit about Ghilby getting buried> I'd heard about Disney's complete hatred of anime from a former animator at the company. Literally, she had anime posters hanging in her office and had them torn down by her superiors. A lot of the management regards anime as nothing but a fad (a fad that's been around since the 70's?) It wouldn't suprise me that Dis bought the Ghilby stuff just to keep it out of the market. I've hard talk recently that Dis might be losing the contract and hopefully someone else will be picking it up. Personally I hope Dreamworks gets the rights just to spite Eisner :)

Of course everyone here knows that Prince Farquad from Shrek was modeled after Eisner. The name even being a play on what everyone at the studio calls him behind his back.
Skippy The Klingon - []
Sunday, October 14, 2001 10:06:15 AM

Christine- Awwww, go ahead, lets see how much innuendo you can put into a post before breaking the room rules. It's a challenge! I triple dog dare ya! I'll take full accountability. Any firebugs'll have to deal with me first.

Steven- Excel Saga is a fun parody series. Pity someone picked it up for American distribuition before the local anime club could pick up the full series... Ping Pong club I've had no real desire to see. I'm instead concentrating on trying to get the durn 5 remaining Slayers movies that ADV doesn't seem to want to release...

Josh- Nah, rather than make Aaron change his color through any methods (and yes, they would have been violent) I'll just stick with this blue for now...

As far as slowest CR day ever... Meybe I can pick things up abit, by posting an essay I did for Issues class. The topic was "Love and Death at the start of the Century", and so I chose a topic close to my heart... Disney! ANyone who doesn't want to read an essay that delves into my take on the Disney industry at the moment, just skip on ahead to the next person's post. (And there's a lot of stuff I didn't go into because I didn't have the time, and a couple of my numbers are off by a little, but...)

Love is a thing often thought of as an emotion between two people, and death the sad end of the emotion. Sometimes, love can be something more. It can be a dream, and sadly, that dream can die, due to overwhelming hurdles, irresponsibility, or simply the dreamer's life coming to an end. One dream in particular has become a huge part of our society, culture, and economy, and has been a part of it for most of the previous century, yet, at the start of the new century, that dream is dying.

When an average person thinks of the Disney Company, they think of it with fondness and childhood memories. Most people recall the animated films the company has made that they watched over and over as children, and that special trip to Disney World that always holds a special place in their hearts. Most parents make no hesitation when taking their children to the latest Disney feature, assured that it will be a product of quality and will be appropriate for their little ones, because the Disney features were that way in their youth. If asked, most people would say they like the stuff Disney has done, and their memories of it are of nothing but love. Love of their childhood friend Mickey Mouse, or stuffed Tigger plush toy, or of the movie they watched endlessly. Such love does not come easily, and is largely the result of the Disney company being a mainstay in our society for the last 75 years. The company has been around for generations, and as a result of having always been there during a person's life, it has a timeless and flawless quality to it. For almost the entire twentieth century Disney has stood for love, family values, and classic entertainment. However, forces such as changes in society and economics may be on the verge of changing the institution that is Disney into something else, and the death of a tradition may be imminent.

When Walt Disney and his brother Roy originally establish the Disney company in 1923 with the creation of The Alice Comedies and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, it was as a labor of love to showcase ideas the brothers had, in an attempt to bring happiness and joy to others. If the work they produced made a profit, that was a bonus and they would continue to create entertainment products, if not, at least they had attempted something they loved. There were many struggles along the way, including the loss of the rights to the character Oswald, huge debt, and no studios willing to offer support. That the Disney brothers succeeded and produced many more projects afterward, eventually becoming world renown, is an indication of the dedication Walt and Roy had. After the release of Snow White, some critics panned the old hag and said she was too scary for little children. Walt's response was a firm, "Who ever said this movie was for children?" Disney was producing products to tell a story that everyone could enjoy, adults and children alike, and he was doing it for the love.

This is especially evident due to the fact that, while the release of Snow White in 1937 met critical acclaim and made a great deal of money for the company, nearly every single project afterwards for the next 15 years lost money or only barely broke even. (In the years since, the films released during that timeframe have become 'classics' and have more than paid for themselves, but initially, it was only Walt Disney's desire to create entertainment that kept the company going despite repeated failure.) It wasn't until the 1950s, with the release of Cinderella, the creation of Disneyland, and the airing of the Mickey Mouse show that the Disney name began to become household and the company began to do well. It was a prime example of the era, that someone could struggle and with only a dream to create happiness, could eventually succeed beyond anyone's expectations. Walt died in 1966, and Roy died in 1971. It was after their deaths that the company began to change, and the original dream began its slow death.

The Walt Disney company kept going after its founder's death, and the ideals and dreams associated with the Disney name, the love he possessed for his projects, seemed to carry over to the artists, writers and people in charge of the company. Projects were made with an enthusiasm that showcased talent, vision, and aspiration. The company fumbled with a couple movies, and had a few successes. Through much of the 1970s and 80s, the company did only lackluster business. Nothing it turned out seemed to be a success, and fortunes were lost. Yet the company striven on, more as a means of continuing a
50-year-old business than keeping the love alive. By the late 80s, with no guiding hand that loved the projects to guide the company, Disney studios were in debt and in danger of closing down. In the early 1990s, under the guidance of president Michael Eisner, the company did better than it ever had before. Disney animated movies, TV series, products, theme parks, retail stores, cable programming, merchandise and more were all doing great where sales, attendance, and public opinion were concerned. People loved everything put out by Disney, and it seemed as if the company could do no wrong. It had the classic magic of years gone by, produced quality products, and was something associated with family entertainment and fun once again. The early 1990s were unprecedented success for the company, love was in all the projects the company made, and it showed in how the public responded. The love was there and the dream seemed alive and well. And then the company faltered. Slowly and only one step at a time, but it faltered.

In 1995, Disney released the animated film, Pocahontas. After the phenomenal success of The Lion King the previous year, expectations for the film were high, but no one expected the movie to do as well as Lion King. The movie ended up being heavily politically correct and historically inaccurate. Despite that, the film could have been taken seriously and been enjoyable, if not for the animals that provided comic relief and merchandising. It is almost certain the cute fuzzy animals were in place to provide product placement as an effort to sell more toys, as all the seriousness surrounding the film was not likely to sit well with children. Perhaps the film just failed to blend the adult and child entertainment aspects well, but due to the two very different stories in the movie, it seemed apparent that children were being targeted separately from adults, which was in truth, nothing new, just more obvious than usual.

It was with the release of Hunchback of Notre Dame in 1996 that it truly started to become clear that the Disney studios were no longer telling stories to tell stories out of love, but for profit. Seeking profit is not a bad thing, but when in an entertainment medium, there should be love involved with the creation of the product. Hunchback took the classic novel written by Victor Hugo, written in 1831, and changed it, dumbed it down, and destroyed a classic piece of literature in order to sell the movie to children. Adding song numbers was not a huge issue, being a Disney film, music was expected, and there had been musical productions of Hunchback before on stage and in old movies. Adding in a goat sidekick for Esmeralda was reasonable enough, the creature did not talk, absorb much screen time, or do much in the way of distraction. It provided comic relief only sporadically when appropriate, unlike the animals in the previous film, Pocahontas. The ending however, was changed from the book. In the original work, the ending is a bit on a down note, as most of the cast dies, not just the villain. In the Disney version, everyone lives and is happy at the end, which takes away a good deal of the integrity of the work, and showcases the company's odacity, that they would change the ending to a well known and classic novel. Original storyboards for the movie showcase that originally, the studio was going to run with the book's ending, but changed it so the tale would be happier and more upbeat at the end. This is slightly puzzling as the entire film is quite dark, involving death, greed, lust, sexual innuendo, oppression, and had song numbers that included "Hellfire" and "God Help the Outcasts." It would seem, given the context of most of the film and the source material, that the movie would be intended to be dark and not for children at all, and yet it was changed almost at the last minute to be so. Its early test rating was going to be PG, parental guidance, but this was changed by cutting some footage, and adding new, kid friendly bits. A trio of stone gargoyles, in the original film (and not in the book at all) providing only mild backup support and some minor comic relief, were in the last months of production given a song number, and added into sequences where they were not before. (This is evident in the final animation of some sequences where they do not match the rest of the scenery or line quality, but for the most part the splicing was done fairly well.) The gargoyles were given expanded roles to make the film lighter and more kid friendly, in an effort to again, sell more merchandise and hit a wider target audience. If they had been in the storyboarding, animation and creation process from the start, it would have been less of an issue, as they were part of the original artistic vision of the film. But as last minute add-ons, they come off as merely a cheap ploy. The final version of the film had a G rating, a happy ending, and little integrity. The film had been changed almost blatantly in the last few months of production in an effort to sell a few extra toys and to help out the marketing, in pursuit of the all mighty dollar. There was no love involved with the changes, except perhaps on the part of the animators that actually drew the sequences, there was only the death of integrity and a dream.

It was during this same time that Disney's popular and successful Disney Afternoon line of animated series shifted. The Disney afternoon had been a two hour staple of afternoon television slots from three to five PM since 1987, with series that had a target age group of anyone from the age of five through fifty. Several of the series, like Ducktales, had won much critical acclaim, awards, and merited multiple seasons. The dramatic series Gargoyles premiered in 1994, and won much critical approval as a cartoon aimed at a slightly older age group, and merited three seasons. Ratings were good all around, it was a good venue to showcase shows both new and old, and the product quality was almost always high. And then, the Disney Afternoon, died. Existing contracts kept the Afternoon alive through the end of the 1995 season, and then the programming shifted to ABC's Saturday morning lineup in a new marketing attempt, titled "Disney's One Saturday Morning." In this lineup almost all the quality materials made for a wide audience were dropped completely. "Gargoyles" continued, but in a dumbed down format with almost none of the original production staff involved, and the rest of the programming in the lineup was either borrowed from Nickelodeon, or made from scratch, to be aimed at a target audience ages two through ten. This trend has continued to this day, with an overabundance of straight to video projects, including several sequels to thirty year old movies that did not need sequels. The Disney company was no longer trying to make art for all ages while making a profit, their only concern was of profit, and to that end, they focused heavily on quantity, and just children, and began to alienate adults from their products.

The production quality on Disney's in-house projects has continued to be lackluster to this day, and all future prospects look to be in danger as well, with the failure of The Emperor's New Groove, and more recently, their hoped summer blockbuster, Atlantis. Atlantis was a failure in many respects. After several years of declining profits on their animated features, (due partially to market saturation from releasing a movie every four or five months, and partially to the movies all being lackluster) Atlantis was a rushed project. With only two years of development time, opposed to the usual four or five, the film was a cobbled together hodgepodge of talents, meant to get out as quickly as possible to earn the company money. To this extent, the company completely altered the strategy they had on Hunchback of Notre Dame, and pushed for a PG rating. The film was far less deserving of the rating than Hunchback or Tarzan had been, yet met the minimal criteria needed, most likely in an attempt to show audiences that the movie was going to be different from the usual Disney fare. This tactic was also used in 1982's The Black Cauldron, the only other animated Disney film to be rated PG. Black Cauldron and Atlantis both performed very badly in the box office. First weekend attendance on Atlantis produced ticket sales of 23 million, and the film earned 98.8 million before it left theaters. A few years earlier this would have been considered a success, The Little Mermaid earned 86 million in 1989 and was the most successful animated film of all time at that point. Even taking into account market inflation, Atlantis did fairly well and better than much of the other summer fare. Yet the film, which had been rushed in development, produced on a lower than usual budget, and had more than paid for itself and its marketing in the box office and toy stores, was considered a failure by Disney, because it had failed to live up to unrealistic expectations. The film was considered such a failure, (despite it making more than the development cost, and thats not even counting video or merchandise sales) that after the first weekend performance, the producer, director, studio president, and 800 employees in the animation studios numbering in the hundreds were fired. Entire animation studios were closed, and an undisclosed amount of future projects that were already in development were canceled, including the "Team Atlantis" series which was already in heavy preproduction, all because the movie did not make enough excess amounts of money. 800 employees were fired for something that was not their fault, for making a movie that would by most standards be considered successful, and thus sabotaging the animation market for years to come. All of this because the Atlantis movie had no love behind its creation, it was merely a rushed project for profit, which it made, and yet, other projects and careers now will die because of it.

A large reason for this is most likely due to the even greater success of Shrek, a project from Dreamworks. Dreamworks is a company made largely of former Disney employees, including former Disney studio head Jeffrey Katzenberg , who quit Disney several years before due to not being satisfied with the creative blocks and constraints put in place by Disney, and did not love what they were doing as a result. Love seems to create a better result where the public is concerned.

It is not just the in-house projects at Disney that suffer from a lack of love. There are outside projects getting smothered for profit. In 1997, Disney bought the rights to all the productions of Studio Ghibli, widely considered the most successful Japanese film studio around the world, Studio Ghibli's films have regularly been the highest grossing features for the last 20 years in Japan, and are considered movies for all ages, children and adult, of the basic quality that Walt Disney sought when he still lived. Disney bought these ten features after winning a bidding war against Warner Brothers and Fox Studios, on the promise that all ten films would be commercially released with American dubbing, and no cut footage or changes in content. Five years later, one of those films has been released directly to video with no advertising, and another, Princess Mononoke, had an extremely limited release. The film premiered in a grand total of 11 theaters nationwide, was only in outlets for two weeks and it had no advertising campaign at all, (a television commercial was never even aired, and the one produced portrayed the film as something less than it was) and when it went to video, it was on rental only, the movie could not be bought in stores. As a result, the film did poorly, and made a little under 2 million, (which is actually quite good considering the release it had). Based on how well the first three Studio Ghibli films have done commercially stateside, Disney has decided to not release the other 7 films they have licenced. It is an interesting trick that they have figures on how well the third film did, considering it was not released at all. Many believe this entire operation was an attempt by Disney to buy a series of successful films and hide them so that the public at large would not know of them, and then compare them to Disney's in-house projects, which have lacked quality as of late. Disney of course refutes this, but it does seem that they worked very hard to make the beloved Studio Ghibli films suffer a quick and unknown death stateside.

Disney's policies when it comes to the production of their films is not the only area that is lagging. As a result of their not putting love into their work, and not shooting to entertain adults as well as children, not following Walt's dream as it were, their sales all over are sagging. Attendance at their theme parks is at an all time low, only about one-third of what it was just a few years ago. This is likely a side effect of not having well received features, and thus, people do not wish to take the effort to visit the park to see the latest tie in to whatever the latest successful movie was. Shopping at "Disney Store" outlets has fallen into such a negative zone profit wise, that all the Disney stores nationwide will be closing when their leases expire. This is likely a side effect of all the merchandising aimed at children as was the change of strategy in the late 1990s. For a good period of time, the stores did well when they had a wide variety of collectibles, books, posters, and specialty items that adults could enjoy. Currently, most of the Disney Store merchandise consists of clothing for children 5 and under, plus toys, and copies of the Disney movies. There is almost no incentive for a regular shopper to go to a Disney Store due to the skewed marketing scheme. It was a mistake on Disney's part to market towards just children, and they are suffering for it now, and do not seem to have yet realized quite what the problem is. Disney television is also suffering. While Disney owns many major networks, including ABC, Fox Family, the Disney Channel, and Toon Disney, the channels are for the most part, performing badly. The Disney Channel was for many years a premium channel that buyers had to purchase separately from their basic cable. It is now standard cable because no one was buying the channel anymore, and so it was making no profit. Almost all of this seems to be a result of Disney targeting children specifically, seeing them as the big base of cash flow, and ignoring everyone else. Seeking profit to the degree they have has sacrificed the dream of Walt and the love behind it.

In the year 2000, Disney made 23.4 billion dollars in revenue through their various projects and efforts. In the year 2001 so far, the Disney company is currently 19 billion dollars in debt, a large part of that debt coming from the purchase of the Fox Family channel, which cost 5.3 billion. Over the past year, Disney's stock price has fallen from 42 3/8 dollars per share to under 30 dollars per share. When Michael Eisner first came aboard, he helped save a failing company by bringing love and enthusiasm back into it, concentrating on quality products, family fun, entertainment and parlaying it into retail stores and cable programming. It worked and became a merchandising machine that could sell anything, everything did well, and the company was beloved as something that could do no wrong when it came to entertainment. But the love has stopped now, concentration has been focused on too many things and too specifically on merchandising children alone, and that has cost the company. As one of the largest corporations on the planet, Disney hurting could be a mess for the economy, as a great number of jobs are lost. But the more frightening aspect about the matter is, Disney is not loved at the moment. People feel no great need to see their movies every year, or watch Disney television programming, because they have not been as good for entertainment quality lately. People feel no need to visit the Disney stores or parks, because the magic is no longer there. The childhood love and dreams that most of society felt for Disney have subsided the last few years and have been replaced by the fact that Disney is just a company out to make money. Very small children still love Disney, but if they stop caring, because the company has stopped caring, it could be the death of a very long and happy tradition that has lasted almost a century. Without the love that the Walt provided the company, or that Eisner provided when he first took the job, the institution that is Disney is turning into something else, something working purely for profit instead of love. The old dream is already dead, sacrificed for something else less noble and pure. At the start of the new century, Disney stands for greed, not love. If it continues along this path the general populace may lose all respect for the company. Children are not likely to grow up with fond memories of Atlantis or Hunchback of Notre Dame in the same vein as previous generations have. In the new century, we have seen the death of a long lived and beloved dream, but with love, there may yet be a chance to bring it back to its former glory.

And frighteningly, the thing I just posted did NOT go to the end of the maximum allotment for one post. Frightening how long Doug's posts all were...

Robby - []
Sunday, October 14, 2001 07:33:34 AM


Ooh good day today. Why? Cuz I managed to do very little. I've really got a great new setup with my homework. Instead of trying to get it all done on the weekend and slacking off for the rest of the school week, I'll just do a little bit each night, since all my assignments are due Friday anyway.

And since midterms aren't gonna be all bunched up next month, it should be easy to maintain this through the end of this incredibly stressful semester.

Its amazing the lengths I'll go to developing new ways for me to do less.

Robby: <<I've had to ban him 1,864,753 times. Unnoficially of course>>: Of course. <<Exactly why I'm challenging Christine to see how far she can go without breaking the room rules>>: Should be interesting. <<at one of Jim's parties we had Demona run around naked>>: I will attend any party that features such a thing. <<convince...>>: Violently?

Ch'Tah: <<In other words, the first two Backstreet Boys albums (five and seven years ago!) were good?>>: Um, no. Bad logic! If P then Q does NOT mean If not P then not Q. <<I feel that the tiger within me is female>>: I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body, myself. <<I'm never going to even touch a gun. Ever>>: Yeah yeah yeah. <<the retaliation started on my 19th birthday. I really resent that>>: You do realize that's the silliest thing in the world, right? I mean, there are 6 billion people on earth and only 365 days on which to have birthdays. <<The phrase most often spoken by MS users: "I'd rather be dead>>: I think it's "I hate this f*cking computer".

DPH: <<does saturday count>>: No.

Gside: <<I spread my skills out too thinly>>: I hate it when that happens. <<Kind of makes me wonder what my first sentence would be>>: Gside is a nut. <<wilek's would certainly be fun>>: Gside is a nut, but Wilek is a total freak. <<one line longer>>: Oh !@#$. <<Why not?>>: I'm lazy. And I can't concentrate on more than one woman at once. <<Not the geeks>>: And they're the only ones that matter. <<but nicknames lack a certain something when you are asked to provide one>>: Dude, the comment from me that prompted this response left so many openings and you didn't take any of them. I'm so disappointed in you. <<The horror>>: Girls might actually like you.

Well this certainly gets my vote for the slowest CR day ever. Brings back memories of Gathering...

I'm not really a ho.
-Unknown girl

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Sunday, October 14, 2001 05:55:17 AM

Hey everybody. I've finally started the Lord of the Rings so hopefully I'll have the Fellowship of the Ring finished before December. And Halloween is coming up so I have the decorating down in my dorm room. I went to see Little Shop of Horrors for my theatre class which was really good, and I made an A on my journalism paper. I spent six hours today reading Hamlet and I think the people at Barnes and Noble were thinking I was going to make camp there. That's about it so I'll see you all tomorrow.
Saturday, October 13, 2001 11:58:55 PM

Well, I restared Perky today. She was my first DII character, but I spread my skills out too thinly. This time she is specializing in cold and lightning.

Imzadi> <<I could write an essay on every person in here>>: Kind of makes me wonder what my first sentence would be. And wilek's would certainly be fun.
<<That post was just as long as the one to Carolynn>>: Nope, one line longer.
<<I am NOT trying to set up a foursome>>: Why not?
<<A DII hard crash causes you to lose your downloaded porn?>>: It wasn't porn this time. Transformers the Move, Princess Bride, and a couple Triguns. Though stills, text, or a combination of the two are usually enough for me in the porn department.
<<Do you think anyone would mind if I made it the official earth bible when I took over?>>: Not the geeks.
<<Are you implying that "daddy" isn't earned or "Imzadi" isn't earned?>>: No, but nicknames lack a certain something when you are asked to provide one.
<<Can you imagine what great shape you'd be in without a computer?>>: The horror.
<<HUH!?>>: Just trying to come up with something unexpected.

Ch'Tah> <<Shish kebabs? Mmmmm>>: Be careful, they were probably DC.

From the look of things, my connection may be cut off tomorrow. But I don't believe I downloaded 998 megs today. Oh well.
Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Saturday, October 13, 2001 11:21:47 PM

*skids across the room in stocking feet*

whoa! Top Ten! =)

Saturday, October 13, 2001 10:33:24 PM

Engine engine number nine?
Gunjack "Funky Fry" Valentine
Saturday, October 13, 2001 10:29:02 PM

Top 10? #8
Saturday, October 13, 2001 10:25:12 PM

Seventh, ar! I be the happy pirate indeed!
Saturday, October 13, 2001 10:20:56 PM

Attention all Gargoyles fans!

The Gathering 2001 is over, but whether or not you were in attendance with us in Los Angeles, there's still time left to purchase a souvenir Commemorative 2002 Fan Art Calendar. This full-color, wall-size calendar features artwork by some of the Gargoyles fandom's best known artists, and makes the perfect holiday season gift for any Gargoyles fan. These calendars were a hot seller at the convention this past June. Only a limited number remain, and once they're gone, no more will be printed. So act now and order yours today! We're accepting orders by U.S. mail as well as Paypal. The cost is only $25, which includes handling and Priority Mail shipping within the United States.

For more information, please see our web site at:

Thank you!

Patrick Toman
Gathering 2001 Vice Chair

Patrick Toman - []
Saturday, October 13, 2001 10:16:19 PM

Top Ten!

Carolynn> I got the tape at a comic con in NYC today. It is sweet, I agree. If you want a copy of it, e-mail me. I'll only charge for the tape and the shipping.

Greg Bishansky - []
Saturday, October 13, 2001 10:03:15 PM

Patrick Toman
Saturday, October 13, 2001 09:55:27 PM

Third! :)
Saturday, October 13, 2001 09:49:15 PM

Saturday, October 13, 2001 09:39:09 PM

GREG< Where did you get a copy of the Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, uncut??? Oh, man, that'd be SWEET to get a copy of that ...

My parents went past ground zero two weeks ago on their way to Brooklyn, and they have to agree with you: it's worse than the TV portrays. The smell alone is disgusting. *raises her bubbly to the rescue workers and cops and firefighters and everyone else pitching in with the rescue effort*

Wonderful day with Habitat, another day back at Carol and Buck's, the people who bought the 200 year old crumbling mansion and are remaking it for orphaned kids. I'll post a report in a day or two, once I get my Physics midterm studying done *wish me the Force, guys*

Carolynn Marie - []
MAdison, NJ, USA
Saturday, October 13, 2001 09:34:21 PM

Whoa, am I first??? :)
Carolynn Marie - []
Madison, NJ, USA
Saturday, October 13, 2001 09:30:03 PM
