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Well, I just saw this week's "Buffy" here in St. Louis. Spoilers follow.


Well, I'm still hoping that Sunnydale's answer to the Three Stooges aren't the "Big Bad" for this season, but they're a lot of fun, all the same. Warren seems about the only one of the three who really has some common sense (recognizing that painting the Death Star on the side of your van is a bad idea, and not just because of the inaccuracies in its design, either - one has to wonder about Jonathon all the more now, after his getting into the argument over whether the original Death Star or the Return of the Jedi version was better). And as for those three trying to use their surveillance cameras to pick up free cable porn - boy, talk about unfocused! Though at least they've been able to, unwittingly, zero in on Buffy's real weakness - the fact that she finds it harder to handle tasks when they involve mundane activities rather than demon-slaying.

And I definitely got a laugh out of the "Groundhog Day" nightmare at the Magic Box. Remind me never to order a mummy's hand anywhere (not that I ever intended to do so even before I saw this episode).


Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, October 27, 2001 08:27:52 PM

I've decided to post today, right before I leave for Santa Cruz. I'll post again when I get back. No other reason than "I like to post".

Spent most of this morning doing absolutely nothing. Typing in various programs. Doing dishes. Similar useless activities.


Patrick: << it wouldn't be impossible... it'd just be EXPENSIVE>>: I'm sorry, but no. I specialize in structural engineering here, and there is just no way it could be done. Scottish rock weighs thousands of pounds per cubic foot. Castle Wyvern is massive. We're talking millions of tons of rock. There's just no way it could be done on a tower shaped like that. Maybe atop a massive pyramid-like structure, sure. But not on top of the Eyrie. Obviously we're gonna go back and forth on this, but I'll be doing research in structural analysis next semester and I'll be happy to prove just how unfeasible this thing is. <<Especially if the decision to add it was made as construction of the tower was nearing completion, as the flow of events in "Awakenings" would tend to indicate>>: Highly unlikely. Even if it were possible, it would have to be from stage one. Turning it around and saying "ooh, lets put a giant stone fortress on top" would require complete demolition. "The cost, sir, will be astronomical" wasn't referring to the adding it to the top of the tower, it was referring to actually dismantling and moving the castle from the cliff face. <<Can concrete foundations and steel framing be designed to carry this kind of load? Yes>>: Yes, but not in that shape. A tower would never carry it. Massive towers have to bend and twist in order to support loading from wind. This is why we don't build top-heavy skyscrapers. A little gust of wind and Eyrie would tip over faster than Titanic. <<one of the non-stated design purposes of the Eyrie tower all along was to raise that castle above the clouds>>: Definitely. But I don't necessarily think Demona was part of it. After all, David has had the Grimorum since 1970-something, and wasn't the story about the gargoyles in there? So he didn't have to plot with Demona necessarily.

Carolynn: <<a guy who puts blind faith into a complete stranger>>: Well, she was standing there are proof of her story. If I saw her, I'd kind of be inclined to believe it. <<they don't get any stranger than Demona>>: But she's SOOOOO hot. <<put down billions of dollars...break a...spell...and hope the castle's occupants obey you>>: But you're forgetting something: it looks f*cking COOL! Xanatos has more money than he knows what to do with. I'm not saying Castle Wyvern was "chump change", but some people spend lots of money on their houses. Even if the gargoyles ran off, HE HAD A CASTLE TO LIVE IN on a skyscraper in NEW YORK! That is SOOOO cool. <<why throw away billions to have your own personal winged attack dogs>>: Its harder to get prosecuted for using them than for using your own company's robots. People would get suspicious if XE steel clan started wreaking havoc. <<I never understood how it'd survive sitting on top of a glass dome>>: Its not a glass dome. It has massive glass faces, but its inside is supported by massive steel buttresses. You can see them in "City of Stone" part IV I believe. <<the funniest thing about watching Gargoyles is continually seeing technology that doesn't exist>>: Doesn't, but for the most part easily could or is only a few years away. <<I would like an exo-suit>>: You and me both. <<abduction and mutilation by bazooka-toting gargoyles" come with the policy>>: Probably not.

Greg X: <<it was Owen that introduced Demona to Xanatos, I think it's safe to say that his trust in Owen was what helped this whole venture take place>>: So then why'd he remind Xanatos that the costs would be astronomical? <<I don't think it'd be funny anymore here, now that this whole thing is over>>: I disagree.

Revel: <<It amazes me how fast someone wants your money again (not you Josh>>: They're all after me for my $$$ ;-) <<I registered for next semester this morning and I only just got done paying off this semester>>: I feel your pay-n. I just got another tuition bill. <<sorry about the typo stuff>>: No worries, just wanted to point them out. <<good thing we don't count maturity level or we'd all be in trouble>>: True. We are really ALL children in here. <<Josh is probably right that there are only two>>: Yes, I am right. The answer to the riddle is that the third word in "the english language" is "language". ;-) <<I have to make a definition and get in the dictionary>>: Call Duke Phillips. He's got Webster on speed dial. <<Our children, the future of modern society. Well, there goes society.>>: I think my parents said that once.

Aaron: <<Wilek is now posting more regularly then I am>>: That's one of the signs of the apocalypse, isn't it? <<except for the skanky part, that doesn’t sound half bad>>: What about the 165 part? <<At least Mt. St. Helen’s is tangible, and blows up spectacularly every once in a while>>: Maybe you'll start worshipping that. <<A little VLARP never hurt anybody>>: I would assume that, by definition, it would. <<And now for the inevitable “second coming” joke>>: LOL. <<Jeff Bennett approves>>: LOL. <<I could work that line into so many fics>>: Maybe you should try. <<Death: I res- Oh, never mind>>: I like Death and Pest. They're cool. <<OMG, I'm a GEEK, aren't I?>>: Yes, actually. <<What, the boobs thing? It’s hard-wired into us genetically. Something about having lots of kids. Or maybe they’re just soft and comfy>>: I think it sends a signal that says: "THIS WOMAN WOULD BE ABLE TO PROVIDE LOTS OF HEALTHY CHILDREN". <<Right, like we need any help>>: I could use a hand. <<Confucius say... Masturbation may be mechanical, but it will never make you a sex machine>>: Confucius very good to meet girl in park, but much better to...well I'm sure you know where this one is going. <<it was all about blowin’ sh!t up, personally>>: Story of my life. <<SJ is SJ. Pissy is Pissy. Similar, but from opposite ends of the country>>: And one is funny. <<The German navy>>: I know that...but most CS majors don't. <<maybe I’ll just work on failing the psyche evaluation instead>>: Their powers combine: Josh and Aaron form SECTION 8! <<Well, you’re screwed then>>: I hope so. <<I meant the trip to Europe, not the computer>>: I don't think that counts as an emergency either. <<You dare ban the God of the Bid?!>>: How else will I get anything? <<Two out of three, in my case>> Okay... Which two?>>: I'm sorry, what was this comment referring to? <<Didn’t you get the speech about depression when you got put on it>>: Guess not. Would explain a lot about my junior year, though. <<can I use that line>>: Only if you give me credit. <<They got Fuddruckers in California>>: Yup. <<black is too a color!>>: technically, it is the ABSENCE of color. <<Five.>> Three, sir>>: Three. <<I’d be flipping constantly>>: I have been...hasn't helped my sex life. <<Damnit, now I wanna try that>>: Feasting on my soul? <<Hee hee. Wang>>: Dear god. <<Just rent Alien Resurrection>>: Thanks, but I need that $2.50 to do laundry. <<That actually sounds like a fun challenge for the CR. (Although, around her *prove* your existence in 52 words or less might be more appropriate) Any thoughts?>>: I don't think I could justify OR prove my existence in 52 words. Hell, I don't think 52 pages would be enough. <<I’m neutral evil, if it’s any help>>: My friend. <<there are people who consider Pokemon Satanic too>>: Like me, they too worked for WotC. <<but only if he had the patience to sort through this place>>: My parents would find out how much I hate them. <<And nothing says "Sorry about the crabs" like flowers>>: Chocolates? <<do you have Seasonal Affected Depression, or do you just hate winter?>>: Both, I think. <<Legal, but much too slow to have much of a chance>>: I can fight that! <<Well, in this case, it will. I hope>>: And that's why I'm frightened. <<You used to. It was your job, remember>>: I didn't hand out MY phone number. Just the office one. People could only call me when *I* said it was okay. <<Dude, where do I sign up? I could use $45>>: In Berkeley. <<If he tells you, let me know. I hate being left in the dark on things>>: Lets rephrase: "suspended at six points". <<What fun would that be>>: None, I'd imagine. Although some people like "quickies", that's just a little TOO quick. <<Steve Buscemi used to be a firefighter. Makes ya think>>: Makes me think the firefighter calendar might scare a lot of women. <<Hard, fast, and often>>: I think she meant "u.t.a." And some women like that. And some women like it the way you suggested too. <<Does this mean we won’t be seeing you at G2K3, if our bid to host it in Manhattan is successful? :( I hope not>>: I bet she goes if that's where it is. <<Pest: That must have been an empty panel. Death: (Mallets Pest>>: LOL! <<you didn’t think those thigh-high boots were just for show, did you>>: I thought they were for avoiding dogshit. <<with the triple-headed admin>>: I thought you only had two heads. <<Well, the *faith* might not be, anyway>>: LOL. <<Y’know, when you have a voice in your head that tells you to do bad things, people call you crazy. When you have a voice that says to be good, people just call it a conscience. Why is that>>: Because people have double-standards. <<Lying your @$$ off?>>: Bitter much? <<TMI, dude! TMI!>>: Seriously. <<this is different from normal how?>>: Have you ever posted...ON WEED!? ;-) <<if they had a bisexuality pride parade, would they have to march both ways?>>: That would be a neat trick. <<We can skip the former, but bring on the latter>>: Wouldn't that make a certain New Yorker a bit jealous? <<Pest: Hey, happens to me all the time>>: Yeah, right. <<Is it a Vibrating Sheep of Doom>>: No, its a "Love Ewe". <<I know you’re Head of TGS, but please don’t use the CR Admin pic in future, as it can be misleading>>: Ooh, greg got told! << the TGS CR is famous for being off topic>>: Those people over at S8 hate us. <<Sounds pretty close to demon worship to me>>: I'm reminded of a certain picture I took at G2k1 <<Speeding is one of the great freedoms of being an American, and the cops already have too many advantages>>: On principle, I have to disagree. I much as I like speeding, I'd rather have everyone in the country getting speeding tickets and making it much safer for me to drive to work. <<I have a book on how to be a contract killer, which I leave lying around in plain sight. (Like a lot of my books) Never seemed to bother my mom>>: Mine would laugh. <<Speaking from personal experience, are we>>: Actually, I showed up while I was in high school ;-) <<You don't really want to see it. Trust me>>: Maybe for a sense of completion, but no other reason. <<for some minor compensation, we won't tell the courts anything embarassing>>: Jen can't afford to compensate me ;-) <<When did we declare the rules obsolete?>>: Probably about the same time SJ started saying !@$% all the time. <<Guess which one the Justice Department decided to prosecute? Good call there, Bill>>: I'm sorry, but Bill Gates is FAR larger threat to national security. 90% of the world's systems run on Windows. If Bill Gates doesn't shape up, the world's problems will be much larger than some anthrax.

DPH: <<Visit for the answer to the -GRY riddle, Revel>>: Lame. I hate riddles like that. <<we oughta to have an online contest for correct spelling of certain words in Gargoyles/TGS>>: Yeah, right. What would the prize be? <<It's hard to find a MicroShaft supporter in this room>>: Hey you paid for their software!

Jan: <<She even admits that she was way over the line before.... which was a contributing factor in her decision to run away>>: And I thought I had issues. <<*raises hand* I'm one. Well, I don't know enough computer-talk to know all the details of their program, but I use Microsoft and I like it>>: I'm pretty sure DPH meant that you wouldn't find a tech-head who likes M$. <<I have no problem with Bill Gates either>>: Try saying that after starting a tech firm.

CrzyDemona: <<I am fairly sure that wasn't Greg W.'s idea... I would look more towards Frank Paur or someone else in the art dept>>: That doesn't make it any more/less realistic. <<Titanic was about as much of a love story as Romeo and Juliet... blargh... It was a LUST story. Young loins instead of young love>>: I think they're the same thing. <<If you go by Greg Weisman, it's the Eyrie>>: I think we should trust him. He is, after all, the messiah ;-)

Lynati: <<I told her that this type was supposed to be that loose; wasn't sure how to explain to an eight year old that I was wearing a bonda- er, dog collar>>: LOL!

Okay folks I'm off to see RHPS in Santa Cruz!

If I can't abuse power, why would I want it?
-Wally, "The 2000 Dilbert Calendar" (sic)

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Saturday, October 27, 2001 07:53:10 PM

*leans in*

Heh. I am helping out with trickertreatin' today; kids from a foster-care type place be coming through.
I am dressed up fairly witch-like, only with,ah, leather jewelry extras.
I met some of the kiddies down in the lobby; one girl tried to say that I was wearing my "choker" too loose. *large anime sweatdrop* I told her that this type was supposed to be that loose; wasn't sure how to explain to an eight year old that I was wearing a bonda- er, dog collar. 8P
gotta jet. kiddies are coming.


Lynati "ummm..." Kshudra
Saturday, October 27, 2001 06:13:28 PM

Castle on the Building - Um... I am fairly sure that wasn't Greg W.'s idea... I would look more towards Frank Paur or someone else in the art dept.

Carolynn Marie - Eddie Izzard RULES! He is absolutely hysterical. Thanks to Crispin and Izzy for getting me addicted to him. Cake or death?

I have seen the new Vampire Hunter D Movie. ::DROOLS:: I highly recommend it. It blows the old movie out of the water. The imagery and music are stunning and I found myself in tears at the end of it. If it is playing anywhere near you, GO SEE IT! Aimee and I are planning to go see it again!

Titanic was about as much of a love story as Romeo and Juliet... blargh... It was a LUST story. Young loins instead of young love.

Disney has it's hands on the titles my Miyazaki. The bastards. They claim that because Mononoke Hime did so badly in the US they won't release any more Miyazaki films. (it's hard for a movie to do well in theaters if they have crap advertising and limited release... but oh well)

DPH - Aerie, Aery, eyrie, eyry are all correct spellings... as for the OFFICIAL spelling, well, if you go by the Disney books I have, it is the Aerie. If you go by Greg Weisman, it's the Eyrie. If even Disney can't agree on a spelling, how do you expect everyone else to do so?? :)

Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Saturday, October 27, 2001 05:38:07 PM

Aaron> no running water... naw, this is hillbilly country. It's not *that* uncommon to find several families who live back in the hills without running water or even having electricity. Of course, they are becoming fewer, but there was a time not too long ago that most of the hill people didn't have "luxuries" such as these. They live on private property and it's a way of life for them. Most at least have well water, though... heh, makes better moonshine that city water ;)
<<once you know the history, everything is different, right Jan?>> absolutely. It effects the perception of how something is interrepted and if you know the history of somethings, you are more understanding if something arises as a result of it. Given the history of some things... sometimes it's just best to let sleeping dogs lie.
<<I think you just did>> nope, I didn't. That's why the word IF was included in the sentence.
LARP: I have no problem with it or her participating.. it's when she becomes so obsessed with it that it's all she thinks about, talks about, acts like, etc. It _becomes_ her life. At one time, she wouldn't leave the "character" at the game, but began living, thinking, acting as if she was now that character. That is when I have a problem with it. *nods*
She is much better with it now, though. She even admits that she was way over the line before.... which was a contributing factor in her decision to run away.

Carolyn> no prob :) I enjoy helping out with police stuff! I have always wanted to be involved with the law enforcement but never had the opportunity to do so... until now. I'm just a secretary, but I'm trying to learn as much as I possibly can. Everyone is great there and I'm constantly asking procedure questions, what codes mean, the paperwork trail, etc. I find all of it very fascinating! :)

DPH> <<It's hard to find a MicroShaft supporter in this room. >> *raises hand* I'm one. Well, I don't know enough computer-talk to know all the details of their program, but I use Microsoft and I like it. I have no problem with Bill Gates either. *shrugs*
Speeding.... there's a trucking company in Arkansas.. geesh, can't think of the name right now... it's based in the Rogers, Springdale, Fayetteville area... a big company... anyway - they have devices on their trucks that if they go too much over the speed limit, it shuts their trucks down. Their delivery time rate is just as high as any other trucking company.

Well, I spent all morning at the town's fall festival so I need to get some work done around the house.

*shuffles out carrying a laundry basket full of dirty clothes* ewwwww!

Saturday, October 27, 2001 04:56:57 PM

Visit for the answer to the -GRY riddle, Revel.

I am sick of the way off misspellings of Eyrie. You know what we oughta to have an online contest for correct spelling of certain words in Gargoyles/TGS.

Aaron - <"During the Clinton presidency, there were two multibillionaires. One of them donated millions to charity, in the course of building the most profitable company in the world. The other used his wealth to finance terrorist attacks on American interests overseas, inlcluding Embassies in Africa, and the USS Cole. Guess which one the Justice Department decided to prosecute? Good call there, Bill."> It's hard to find a MicroShaft supporter in this room.

Saturday, October 27, 2001 03:34:25 PM

Okay, Wilek is now posting more regularly then I am. Sigh.

Jannie> <<The CPS was not called in>> This is why I need to shorten the lagtime between my posts. I was actually talking about the rednecks who live without running water. Isn’t that a health hazard? <<I don’t recall>> Lain, your daughter, those firemen... Which is to be expected from an ex-teacher. I just love catching teachers in mistakes, is all. ;) <<Has anyone seen the movie, “The Others” ? I’m wondering if it’s worth seeing or not.>> Yes, highly. <<I sure as hell would like to know why he’s accused me of being like this.>> I’m not sure it was an accusation, more of an observation. <<Nothing like seeing a naked skanky female that weighs 165 in bikini Mickey Mouse underwear.>> Hey, except for the skanky part, that doesn’t sound half bad. <<If some other religion that believed that Mt. St. Helen’s was their God>> That’d be cool! At least Mt. St. Helen’s is tangible, and blows up spectacularly every once in a while. <<I have read private information a few times, but I didn’t disclose that I had. In other words, I didn’t bring up anything to them.>> Doesn't matter if you didn't, once you know the history, everything is different, right Jan? <<If I had called you>> I think you just did. <<She has a tendency to go beyond the norm.>> Oh c'mon Jannie- A little VLARP never hurt anybody. Well, maybe that one guy whose hand I pinned to the table with... Um, never mind. Forget I said that.

Religion> Once again, I’m a Murphiest. The closest thing we have to a holy book was written by Garth Ennis.

Gside> <<Did they?>> I’m not sure. You’d have to ask them. <<Eh? Am I missing part of the story?>> Sort of. Being in the gargoyles fandom led me to the TGS room where I met you. You are responsible for getting me hooked on webcomics. Now, one of the webcomics I read because of you links to a webcomic drawn by a member of the gargs fandom, which is reported by you, in the TGS room. Full circle. <<<<People actually drew the DigiDestened having sex>>: I believe his name is Sirkowski.>> Have I mentioned lately that I love this fandom? I do. <<The most recent cover was a literal interpretation of "Jesus $!@#ing Christ".>> And now for the inevitable “second coming” joke...

SJ> <<Or maybe God's just a prick.>> Murphyism in a nutshell. <<I respect anyone who carries around a sword that's bigger than they are.>> You’d love Berserk. <<We could start focusing on women's asses if it makes you feel better. ;)>> Jeff Bennett approves. <<CAPTAIN HOOK FIGHTS THE NAZIS>> WTF?!? <<The Others: Someone just spoil the "surprise ending" for me already.>> Well, since you insist... *****Spoilers***** The entire cast is dead. They *are* the ghosts haunting the house. *****End Spoilers***** <<Boy, I wish *I* had a hometown football team that won lots of games….>> Hey, ‘Boys ‘n ‘Skins! Only time in the 482 games played on MNF to feature teams with a combined 0-4 record. <<Horoscopes>> I find Capricorn to be pretty accurate. <<(if you can't have the original, the copy will do)>> I could work that line into so many fics... <<naturally, being a clone, he was evil>> Death: I res- Oh, never mind. <<Geeks in comic book stores>> Hell, I'm one of those. The last time I went in, there was an ep of Classic Trek playing. Somebody asked which ep it was, and I only needed 30 seconds to tell which ep it was, *and* the TNG book spun off from said ep. This was rapdily followed by the exclamation "OMG, I'm a GEEK, aren't I?!?" <<BTW, am I the only person on the planet who thought that Ghost in the Shell was, AT BEST, an "okay" film?>> No. <<Because let's be honest, folks, musicals? NEVER the bastion of masculinity.>> Is this a bad time to mention that John Woo's favorite kind of movies are musicals? <<Coombs>> Reanimator, right?

Wilek> <<I much prefer Caleb.>> Heh heh. Caleb rules. <<Is Tim Burton's version of the Joker as cool as the animated one?>> They both have their points. Nicholson was better as a stone psycho, who used his chemistry genius to cause chaos and mayhem. (And let’s face it, it’s the closest Jack’s gotten to playing himself since The Shining) Mark Hamill’s joker has more of a sense of humor. (Of course, he had a lot more time to develop in) And of course, in Mask of the Phantasm, he’s just an out-and-out nutjob. And then there’s the Joker from the comics, about whom I know nothing. <<MP3s>> Thanks for the links, but I was looking for something a little more general. <<They look like serial killers>> I thought that would be a good thing in your book. <<They're giving him a love interest>> What happened to Esmerelda? <<Drive Nails Into The Head Of A Gibberish Screaming Idiot With An Octopus In An Abbatoir For Charity Day?>> LOL. <<Ah, perhaps the only person more frelled up than the Joker. I wonder how exactly he did that to her...>> Scrounge around your local comic shops, and see if you can dig up a copy of the Mad Love TPB. <<Why stop at those scarecrows? Imagine a catgirl bodybuilding league...>> For a garg with no interest in sex, you’re a man after my own twisted little heart. <<Nightstone Asylum?>> That’s good. Can I use it? <<I've yet to get a satisfactory answer to my question.>> What, the boobs thing? It’s hard-wired into us genetically. Something about having lots of kids. Or maybe they’re just soft and comfy. <<anyhow, he seems to want to corrupt and destroy humanity while he's at it.>> Right, like we need any help.

Wait a second! *Sally Struthers* was the voice of Rebecca on Talespin?!? Okay, I’m creeped out now.

Entity> <<Why can't we just put down our guns?>> Because I like mine too much, personally. ;) <<Confucionism>> Confucius say... Masturbation may be mechanical, but it will never make you a sex machine. <<It was a show all about questions>> I thought it was all about blowin’ sh!t up, personally. ;) <<I read "I'm Sorry" again today. That fic has an echelon all its own.>> One of the few true five star fics I’ve ever read. <<Zodiac>> I’m a Capricorn. Capricorns don’t believe in astrology. <<But tonight you're just pissy.>> No, SJ is SJ. Pissy is Pissy. Similar, but from opposite ends of the country. ;) <<Ghost in the Shell kicked ass, and so did Akira. Everyone should see these two, they're the immortal classics!>> Which make no sense...

Josh> <<"who sunk the Lusitania?>> The German navy. <<But unfortunately no modesty.>> Look who’s talking. ;) <<Passing the physical to get drafted is EASY.>> Hmm, maybe I’ll just work on failing the psyche evaluation instead. <<Yes, I can. And I have. For days.>> Oh. Well, you’re screwed then. <<I don't think a computer counts as an emergency.>> I meant the trip to Europe, not the computer. <<Coldstone?>> I was thinking Brooklyn actually. <<Sit down, Aaron. You're banned from this auction.>> You dare ban the God of the Bid?!? ...Just as well, since I’m broke right now, anyway. <<Two out of three, in my case>> Okay... Which two? <<WE DON"T HAVE ANY!>> I believe Pogo and Lannie are traditionally considered such. I could watch them fight. Especially if they were dressed as Jericho and Goliath again. <<What does Acutane have to do with depression?>> Didn’t you get the speech about depression when you got put on it? <<I knew I should have had a planning session before summoning demons.>> Just ask it for twenty bucks and a case of beer. And can I use that line? <<they made them eat dinner while sitting on a plate of ranch dressing>> What a waste of good ranch dressing. <<<<fuddrucker>>: Heh heh. Love that place.>> They got Fuddruckers in California? Oh, and black is too a color! <<Five.>> Three, sir. <<When flipping a coin, you either "get head" or "get tail".>> I’d be flipping constantly. <<I must know my fluids!>> Your... precious... bodily... fluids? <<"may Satan feast on your soul">> Damnit, now I wanna try that. << I think we should do some amalgamation of that and the Tiny Toons song and make it the official motto song of the CR.>> LOL! <<Just can't keep a good man down.>> Hee hee. Wang. <<I shudder to think what the spawn of a xenomorph crossed with a human will look like.>> Just rent Alien Resurrection. <<Isn't that kind of a lot?>> Not nearly enough grey days for my taste. <<Anthrax is not a verb.>> But it may become one. <<justify my existence in 52 words or less>> That actually sounds like a fun challenge for the CR. (Although, around her *prove* your existence in 52 words or less might be more appropriate) Any thoughts? <<What's with all these good people!?>> I’m neutral evil, if it’s any help. <<I hope our burning desires to rule earth don't hurt our friendship>> Sounds like an anime plot. <<won't let their kids play Magic because its satanic, but Pokemon is fine.>> Actually, there are people who consider Pokemon Satanic too. And D&D, and Gargoyles, and lots of other stuff. Strange people. <<The thought of my teachers and family finding out anything through this CR scares me.>> Me too. My dad could find out waaaaay too much he doesn’t need to know, but only if he had the patience to sort through this place. <<Mmmm...crabs taste good...>> And nothing says "Sorry about the crabs" like flowers. <<which means its gonna be cold, depressing, etc. Just what I need.>> Hmm, do you have Seasonal Affected Depression, or do you just hate winter? <<Please tell me that card isn't legal in tourney play.>> Legal, but much too slow to have much of a chance. <<Aren't we all?>> No, I'd like to see some tacky Halloween decorations. Everywhere I go, the tacky *Christmas* decorations are already up. Hmm, maybe that's what they're protesting... <<"Metropolis" is NYC. Der.>> I thought Gotham was NYC. Except Tommy talks about moving from Gotham to NYC, but he calls it NYC, not Metropolis. Hmm... <<That man spends money like it belongs to someone else.>> Well, in this case, it will. I hope. The prospect of financing the Gathering entirely on my credit cards doesn't thrill me. <<You'll forgive me if I don't hand out my phone number to every putz who will call me when their computer fries>> You used to. It was your job, remember? <<Hey, I can make $45 a "sample" over here in Berkeley...not bad for sitting around looking at dirty magazines, huh?>> Dude, where do I sign up? I could use $45.

Patrick> Happy Birthday. <<Six_point suspension>> If he tells you, let me know. I hate being left in the dark on things... <<Automotive Horoscope>> lol. Do you have the rest of those? Oh, and I finally broke down and started reading the Mme. Destine fics. The first one, with the memorial to the "Lost Night" was depressingly realistic. <<The Eyrie Building has automated surface-to-air defenses and force fields. The World Trade Center has neither.>> Too bad, huh?

Niamhgold> <<Well, there's always the one minute screw>> What fun would that be? ;)

Christine> <<a firefighter calendar>> Y’know, Steve Buscemi used to be a firefighter. Makes ya think. <<those movies give young guys a rather skewed idea of the way women like it ; )>> Hard, fast, and often? ;) <<I've been to New York twice (for Gatherings both times) and have no desire to go again.>> Does this mean we won’t be seeing you at G2K3, if our bid to host it in Manhattan is successful? :( I hope not. <<if you consider Disney books a canon source>> But if you ask Greg, he says he hasn’t pinned the date down yet. <<a panel titled "Writing Sex and Death,">> Pest: That must have been an empty panel. Death: (Mallets Pest) Happy birthday to Becca.

Hey Zath, welcome back! <<just imagine Oberon singing "I'm just a sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania...">> Well, you didn’t think those thigh-high boots were just for show, did you?

Welcome Ch'Tah Tyger. Please deposit any sanity you may have about your person with the triple-headed admin, and you’ll do nicely.

GB> <<We're just from an older time and not perverted as much by the modern world.>> Well, the *faith* might not be, anyway... ;) <<I think that annoying voice known as the conscience can tell you what is wrong generally.>> Y’know, when you have a voice in your head that tells you to do bad things, people call you crazy. When you have a voice that says to be good, people just call it a conscience. Why is that? <<we can use the Doug Elder approach>> Lying your @$$ off? <<arise Sir Rudolph of York>> He’s the Duke of New York. He’s A#1. <<Iuse to flog myself becuase I regarded myself as evil>> TMI, dude! TMI!

Moochie> <<And now, the CR's doing that whole deform_sideways_into_jagged_scrawls_of_demon_scrip thing...>> And this is different from normal how? <<Any of you anime fans ever heard of a movie called "Spriggan"?>> It’s like an animated Jet Li movie. And what are you doing acting like Tyler? That’s my job. <<Church and State>> That was beautiful, man! <<White, Orange>> Have you been watching Reservoir Dogs again? And how does one penny a door shut? <<Eight feet of pure shearing power...>> If you like stuff like that, Berserk is the anime for you.

FS> <<<You prefer your meat... unseasoned?> Yep. I think Hanibal Letcher said it best. ;)>> Can a necrophiliac and a cannibal live in the same apartment and not drive each other nuts? <<Only 5 out of the 40 people who posted that week are still in here!>> Who are they? <<What ever happened to the remake of Vampire Hunter D?>> Playing theatrically in New York, last I heard. <<A near ban_worthy joke>> I’ve always wondered, if they had a bisexuality pride parade, would they have to march both ways?

Welcome back Skippy! <<"The Mouse That Roared"?>> The Queen (Peter Sellers), and the PM (Peter Sellers), forget to tell their General (Peter Sellers) that he’s supposed to lose. <<Studio Ghibli>> From what I’ve heard, Miyazaki (sp) is really, really pissed at Disney for the treatment of the ten films they have the rights to, and is currently shopping for someone else to distribute the current Ghibli movie stateside. Actually, the treatment of the Ghibli films by Disney falls under something we call “Mononoke Theory” which basically describes Disney buying anything animated and trying to knobble it, like the Clerks animated series.

Ravyn> <<do guys really think Chyna's hot?>> Eh, she’s okay, but she’s no Aiasha Can-Clan.

Pacifism> “The meek shall inherit the Earth. They will have no choice about it.” - H. L. Mencken. “The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not the mineral rights.” - Anonymous.

Carolynn Marie> <<at least we have vomitoriums and orgies to look forward to.>> We can skip the former, but bring on the latter. <<Preacher: I'm not even Christian but I still got insulted ... and interested ... insulted again ... then started loving them.>> Actually, Preacher tends to *validate* my belief system. How sad is that? (Something else sad. I confess that the reason I got into the book was that I was flipping absently through the first TPB and I stopped on the two-page spread of the angel and the demon having sex in mid-air) <<Has he mentioned yet that you like Harry Potter? *gasp* That must make you a devil worshipper, too!!>> Remember folks, the greatest danger facing America today is the repackaging of Satanism through Harry Potter. I wish I could remember which televangelistic whackjob said that. <<To put down billions of dollars (and that's a kind estimate) to erect an entire building for a castle, in hopes that it would break a medieval "spell" and hope the castle's occupants obey you ... that's an amazing leap of faith.>> Hey, at worst, you still get a cool building out of it.

Spacebabie> <<where were you>> No idea. In school in San Antonio, I assume. <<I'm living up to my nickname again.>> Honestly, how much longer before someone filks a song for Spacebabie to the tune of Moxy's "King of Spain"?

Fleur> <<Um, how did I get involved in a threesome? Man, the things that happen to me when my attention is diverted. ;)>> Pest: Hey, happens to me all the time. <<Not even for a bet would she streak naked through the precinct.’>> Have I missed a lot since I got behind on TGS, or is this from one of your fics?

Mandolin> Hail, ex-roomie. <<Capricorn: The stars say that you're an exciting and wonderful person, but you know they're lying. If I were you, I'd lock my doors and windows and never, never, never, never, never leave my house again.>> Scarily accurate. Perhaps there is something to this astrology stuff after all. <<"Feel the sheep!">> Is it a Vibrating Sheep of Doom(tm)?

Vashkoda> I’m not giving my Chinese sign, because, frankly, I can never remember mine.

GXB> I know you’re Head of TGS, but please don’t use the CR Admin pic in future, as it can be misleading. (FS, any chance we could get another pic, something similar to the Admin pic, for TGS staff to use?) Thank you. <<I've got nine rings to give out, who wants to be one of my Ringwraiths?>> Yo.

Bonnie Garg> Possibly, it would have been a little more politic to say “These stories could use some work” rather then say that Alan sucks. And if we only discussed TGS in the room, the place would be pretty empty, especially between seasons as we are now. Besides, the TGS CR is famous for being off topic. <<"My tone?">> I think it was the calf comment. <<LANGUAGE>> The room *is* rated PG-13. <<WHO LIKES RANMA>> Ranma disappointed me terribly when I saw it, because I was under the impression all anime was like Crying Freeman. I prefer Takahashi's other stuff, like Maison Ikkoku, and especially Inu-Yasha.

Warpy> <<I'm a goat>> Well, you can be pretty gruff at times. ;)

MC> <<can't think of a good paige for them though.>> Jon Canmore? <<For doing to Sakura what they did in Card Captors, WB must severely punished. Very severely.>> Right. And then we can go after FOX for screwing up Escaflowne, and picking up Slayers before CN could.

Lynati> <<I've chosen to believe you. If I get in trouble for this, i blame youuuu...>> Oh dear. Just because I say something true, doesn’t mean troublesome consequences can’t result from it. (I hope not tho’) Thanks for the link to the OSB thing. Hilarious. <<"Yes, your honor, I am a worshipper of...THE MOUSE.">> Sounds pretty close to demon worship to me.

DPH> << I also believe they should have cameras installed in multiple locations and use basic math to catch speeders>> NOOOOOOO! That is evil! Speeding is one of the great freedoms of being an American, and the cops already have too many advantages. <<But, if the child has books on bomb making in his/her room, I'd be suspicious and worried.>> I have a book on how to be a contract killer, which I leave lying around in plain sight. (Like a lot of my books) Never seemed to bother my mom.

Todd> <<Having a son of yours show up from the future while you're still in high school can be very unnerving and embarrassing.>> Speaking from personal experience, are we? ;)

NGB> I remember you. It's a fairly distinctive moniker you've got there. <<Runaways>> You don't really want to see it. Trust me.

Daphne> Welcome back.

Welcome Terrky.

Revel> <<I am the Metal Monkey!>> Don't ya mean Iron Monkey?

SOROW> You met Kevin Spacey?!? Kewl.

Jen> And for some minor compensation, we won't tell the courts anything embarassing. ;)

LM> <<omit the CR Rules from the TGS Disclaimer page since they are obsolete?>> Huh?!? Did I miss a meeting? When did we declare the rules obsolete?

****Spoilers**** Reboot season 4 rocks. Bob is an idiot. Daimon is extremely scary, (I think it’s the whole Joan of Arc, mad prophet, embrace the peace of oblivion vibe) and I think Megabyte is her Chancellor. ****End Spoilers****


Heard this one from my brother:

"During the Clinton presidency, there were two multibillionaires. One of them donated millions to charity, in the course of building the most profitable company in the world. The other used his wealth to finance terrorist attacks on American interests overseas, inlcluding Embassies in Africa, and the USS Cole. Guess which one the Justice Department decided to prosecute? Good call there, Bill."

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Saturday, October 27, 2001 01:29:30 PM

It amazes me how fast someone wants your money again (not you Josh) I registered for next semester this morning and I only just got done paying off this semester. Now when it comes to giving money do you think they move fast on that one, hell no. I know this is one of those facts of life but it bites.

Josh- sorry about the typo stuff, I'm all thumbs when it comes to typing and I'm usually in too much of a hurry to proof it.

DPH- I actually saw people complaining on the new last night about how we give too much away on broad band TV. That did not bother me, these people have a right to complain. It's the new stations themselves that get me steamed. Now you can bet that several kinds of people have made complaints but what are the ones that they play one TV. Female, mostly African American or male with thick Southern accents. Like they are the only ones who complain. Just one of them things.

Robby- good thing we don't count maturity level or we'd all be in trouble. ]:)

sorow- you'll have to tell us where you are in the movie when it comes out.

warp the bald- Which was better the movie or the book, I just bought Starship Troopers the book at the Recycled Books and Things (I love that place) It's like out of a old flick with a haunted house. Creeky wood floor narrow halls and blind corners. Spooky at night I bet.

As for the answer to the riddle... how should I know, I asked y'all to see if someone had heard it before, I gave up a few days ago. Josh is probably right that there are only two. I came up with Mogry, but not I have to make a definition and get in the dictionary.

"Our children, the future of modern society. Well, there goes society."

-Josh Dams, The book of the Skeptic-


Revel - []
denton, tx
Saturday, October 27, 2001 01:22:30 PM

PATRICK> Well, considering that according to Greg Weisman, it was Owen that introduced Demona to Xanatos, I think it's safe to say that his trust in Owen was what helped this whole venture take place.

JOSH> Maybe I'll share that post with you over IM. I don't think it'd be funny anymore here, now that this whole thing is over.

Greg Bishansky
Saturday, October 27, 2001 12:29:18 PM

CR comment of the day, take three :)

I just got this and it's just too weird to pass up. Anyone else, by any chance, read Bizarre News by Lewis??


------- Who Doesn't Need Alien and Ghost Insurance? --------

UNITED KINGDOM - Insurance companies prey on common fears
all the time, but a new UK policy takes this a little too far.
Under a new Spooksafe policy, the company Ultraviolet will
pay out for any death, injury or damage to personal items
determined to be caused by a ghost or poltergeist. The policy
officially covers the cost of a ghost attack, an encounter
with a space alien, and consequences from becoming a werewolf
or vampire. Over 500 policies have been drafted thus far this
year, and the company paid out on a case where a women died
after being thrown over banisters. A special team of invest-
igators had determined the woman was thrown by a ghost. The
werewolf and vampire polices have been especially popular.
Just in time for Halloween."

Does "abduction and mutilation by bazooka-toting gargoyles" come with the policy, I wonder? *off to lunch and the gym for real this time ... man, you really lose track of time on the net...* Ciao, folks ;D Stay sane.

Carolynn Marie - []
Madison, NJ, USA
Saturday, October 27, 2001 12:21:50 PM

JOSH< Re: Eyrie Building - I was always skeptical about the structural design just because of the great glass paneling beneath the castle. If by some fantastic architecurial scraping the building could hold up a stone castle, I never understood how it'd survive sitting on top of a glass dome (but then, I'm not an architect, so maybe there's some great building secret out there I'm not aware of). Watching "The Gathering", as building-size force fields fended off an Oberon the size of the Chrystler Building, was also weird to watch ... the funniest thing about watching Gargoyles is continually seeing technology that doesn't exist :) Though I WOULD like an exo-suit.

And if I could have anything ELSE from a sci-fi show/movie, it'd be the Star Trek holodeck :)

4 days to Simpsons Treehouse of horror.

Okay, NOW to lunch and the gym...

Carolynn Marie - []
Madison, NJ, USA
Saturday, October 27, 2001 12:14:28 PM

<<Jan: <They apparently were able to jiggle the lock loose and they walked right out of the facility>
It amazes me to no end that people think that just because something is locked it is secure! >>

Ever read "Big Trouble" by Dave Barry? In the beginning, there's this rich guy who's a total prick, and when he's contracted by this company to design a jail security system, he decides to pocket all the money and instead installs the jail with garage door openers. During an electrical storm, all the cell doors malfunction and open, leaving 357 prisoners with the ethical dilemma of serving their time to society or going for a walk :) Needless to say, there's chaos as the cops chase all the felons, and the contracted company and the prick get in major trouble. Dave Barry's awesome.

ABOUT EDDIE IZZARD< I dunno when he's performing next, but I am so going whenever he is. Check out his official website by going to Yahoo. I don't have the site addy on this computer, but he's easy to find on the major search engines.

VAMPIRE HUNTER D, THE SEQUEL< Anyone see this yet? It's supposedly in theaters already, but it's not being widely played. I also hear a new Miyazaki film is playing in Japan currently and is officially the highest grossing movie in Japan ever, including Titanic (which sucked, anyway... love story, my @ss). I wish more Japanese films were shown in the US, particularly since their following is growing so rapidly, but I'm starting to get a little nervous especially after hearing in the CR that Disney is buying anime films and locking them up. Pinkos ...

PATRICK TOMAN< You'd also have to really marvel at a guy who puts blind faith into a complete stranger (and they don't get any stranger than Demona ... well, except maybe for Owen :D). To put down billions of dollars (and that's a kind estimate) to erect an entire building for a castle, in hopes that it would break a medieval "spell" and hope the castle's occupants obey you ... that's an amazing leap of faith. I'm surprised Xanatos even went for it, even though he had a Fey for a servant (seeing Owen as Puck and Demona the gargoyle would probably kindle Xanatos' trust in the unusual, but that's still a helluva lotta money, plus the skepticism of the city at their resident eccentric billionaire).

I still wonder if his entire plan was just to get the clan under his control; why throw away billions to have your own personal winged attack dogs? I'm wondering if his whole plan revolved around cloning and improving the products of Gen-U-Tech. At least that way Xanatos would eventually get some sort of reimbursement for all his trouble.

MORGAN FANS< Click on the link and read her new story. If you've been a faithful reader, this'll really screw with your head about a lot of stuff, including dimensional jumps and parallel realities. It was awesome in a Stephen King-ish kinda way.

Off to lunch and the gym. Ciao ;D

Carolynn Marie - []
Madison, NJ, USA
Saturday, October 27, 2001 12:07:12 PM

Josh' 'nother $20.
NukesGoBoom - []
Saturday, October 27, 2001 11:57:02 AM

Re: castle atop the Eyrie building - it wouldn't be impossible... it'd just be EXPENSIVE. To quote Owen, "The cost, sir, will be astronomical." Especially if the decision to add it was made as construction of the tower was nearing completion, as the flow of events in "Awakenings" would tend to indicate. Such a request on any real life building project would throw the architects and structural engineers into fits... and even if the money for such massive change orders was flowing like water, it'd probably add years to the construction schedule for retrofit and redesign. The fact that Xanatos was able to do it so quickly indicates at least that he had already been planning all along to put a very massive something on top his building, and just hadn't decided exactly what yet. Unless the structure of the building and, more importantly, its foundations were designed from the beginning to support the additional load... the only option would be to tear it all down and start over from scratch.

The short answers: Can concrete foundations and steel framing be designed to carry this kind of load? Yes. Would they be massive and terribly expensive? Yes. Would anyone else in their right mind without some very involved ulterior motives undertake such a project? Heck no.

Personally... I think Demona must have approached Xanatos and the two began working together long before the first bulldozer ever scratched earth... and that one of the non-stated design purposes of the Eyrie tower all along was to raise that castle above the clouds.

Patrick Toman
Saturday, October 27, 2001 07:37:48 AM

Heh heh. Fridays are great. I love ditching all my classes, only showing up anywhere to hand in homework. I feel like such a freeloader.

Could that be because I *AM* a total freeloader?

I ripped the credit card company a second anus (there bonny, you happy? I didn't say @$$hole) today...that'll teach them to put charges on my card for services I didn't request. I'm a college student, I can't afford that.

A fool between Josh and his soon split into parts...or some other clever re-phrasing.

And then there was this whole episode with Aingeal, cuz she's so desperate to get back on my buddy list (who knew I was in such demand?). While I'm adding people, is there anyone else who desperately needs to be on my buddy list (since you can't see me without MY permission)? ;-)

After lengthy phone conversations tonight, I'm feeling very relaxed. Perhaps because I don't have a lot of work to do, perhaps because its that "calm before the storm" (midterms start up again this coming week).

And tomorrow afternoon I'm going to Santa Cruz to see my friend's production of RHPS (with live cast and throwing things!). That will make my weekend a blast. Santa Cruz has an abundance of cute girls...and a massive population of people who are easily impressed with people that go to Berkeley...

Baldy: <<is it not likely that the Aerie Tower would be targeted instead, it being the tallest building in Manhattan, and probably more a symbol of capitalistic success that the WTC>>: Are you kidding me!? Terrorists would be scared sh*tless to attack the Eyrie, nevermind the fact that the tower is better armed than most terrorist cells. And that's the tower, not the billionaire at the top. <<Getting laid through shapeshifting>>: Brilliant, isn't it? <<Just ask any wealthy businessman if he's happy - and he BELIEVES he is on top of the food chain>>: Most are. <<But, on the bright side, the cost and requirements are high enough to ensure balance>>: No way. But the time you put that card out, even my counterspell deck would have a creature out. Nevermind the fact that I'd counter such a card in the first place. <<How'd you know I usually played one of the ninjas in MK2?>>: Hardly surprising. I was always a subzero fan myself.

Patrick: <<The Eyrie Building has automated surface-to-air defenses and force fields>>: Ah, my future home. <<it's an interesting study in clashing architecture and a structural detailer's worst nightmare with that big castle way on the top>>: Yeah, as a structural engineer in training myself, I can assure you that putting a castle on top would turn that building into a pancake. Now, there's nothing to stop someone from making the top of the structure LOOK like castle Wyvern...but all that solid rock would crush the tower. Sorry, Greg Weisman. <<it has yet to achieve any kind of symbolic status. The World Trade Center was completed in 1974, and is a recognized icon of New York City>>: Well maybe by 2001 the Eyrie has reached the same sort of icon of NYC status.

The Wizard: <<it's Seurat = dot>>: Okay, so neither of us can spell. We're engineers, not writers. Okay, so maybe sometimes I write. But that hardly changes my point.

GB: <<No response to me>>: She must not like you. <<the men there prefer little boys and livestock to women>>: That's not gay? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...its either a duck...or a retard. <<She beats me when I make fun of her height (I'm 5'9 and she's 5'1), and she beats me when I make fun of Mississippi since her parenst are from there. Well, I deserve all her beatings>>: And I bet you enjoy every minute of them ;-) <<I'm his godfather so my duty is his spiritual and religious education>>: I thought your duty was to spoil. I don't know, I don't have a godfather. <<I woudl encourage him to join ROTC to pay for College>>: What about getting an honest civilian job to pay for college? Millions of students do. <<Military Intelligence or Finance>>: I have trouble believing that such oxymorons exist. I've seen your budgets. <<What do you expect in California>>: Heat. <<evil can be cute and cuddly>>: I hope so.

NukesGoBoom: <<There is SO MUCH TO READ>>: I read it all in about two weeks of winter break. Worth every minute. <<What is he supposed to do in the future>>: They're not telling. We'll have to keep reading. <<why arnt Graeme and Ariana in any of the stories in Timedancer where Brooklyn ends up in the future?>>: They're dead, I'm sure. <<guess how i made $80 today>>: I hate you. <<Anyone remember the episode "Runaways" in the goliath chronicles?>>: Amazing how the original timedancer premier turned into "Brooklyn just being pissed off" (actual Greg Weisman quote). But the ep sucked. <<Anyone else here a senior in highschool>>: Ah, if only I knew then what I know, wait. Senior year was when I started to realize what I know now. Nevermind. <<WHY arnt his kids there or thier kids?>>: They might have moved to Ishimura. I see the possibility that Brooklyn died and Sata moving back to Ishimura with the kids, who knows what else. The kids could be anywhere, and Brooklyn wouldn't have been told about his family anyway. <<answer that one STAFF MEMBER!! Damn you guys know EVERYTHING! not fair>>: They took a vacation on Avalon for a while. You're right, its not fair, but if we knew everything, we wouldn't bother reading the stories.

Sorow: Ah, starstruck. You wouldn't do so well living in LA.

Aingeal: <<it's not I dont like YOU>>: Well gee that certainly wasn't the impression I got from our last round, and I don't think ANYONE will disagree with me on that point. <<you DID have me on your list at one point>>: Which means what exactly? Besides "I made a boo boo". <<I just figured that by IM we could save everyone else most of our banter and arguing>>: But that's so much less fun.

David G: <<I don't recall Nessie ever appearing in the animated Gargoyles>>: Nessie was there. Three of them. There was an episode featuring Sevarius that took place on Loch Ness.

Hyperion: <<it sounds like your'e trying to sell the damned thing>>: I'll take two! <<it's perfect for any weathy tycoon, megalomaniac or tin-pot dictator with a funny hat!>>: Where do I sign?

Robby: <<Being on staff, *I* already know, but I ain't telling>>: This would almost be enough to send me into a guessing frenzy...but I won't. I've already pissed off enough authors by guessing their plans...

Bonny Garg: I'm sorry, but WHO ARE YOU? You just come in here and tell us that we're doing things all wrong. No one asked for your opinions. If you don't like the way this CR is run, I suggest you find another one, because quite frankly everyone who posts in here (besides you, with your rotating IP address and lack of location - neither of which you've bothered to explain, by the way) is quite happy with the way things are going. <<not immediately write me off because I've rubbed a few people the wrong way before>>: I wrote you off when your IP switched back and forth every time you posted. <<I know for a fact that children visit this site and you should all be ashamed for using such vulgar words where any kid could happen along and read it>>: We have no control over what children read. If the kids aren't being monitored/observed while they're online, that's not our problem. I was able to look up porn at age 10 (and look at the fine upstanding citizen I've become for it). If you're letting YOUR kids read this with full knowledge of what goes on in here, that's your problem as a parent. I wouldn't allow my kids in here, and I would advise my friends not to let their kids in here. I don't know anyone who I'd consider a "kid" in here. <<The point of having a "NO FOUL LANGUAGE" rule is to eliminate exposure of the underaged to innapropriate things like cussing and the nastier details of procreation>>: Well you know what?! I think you're wrong. I think the purpose of the no foul language rule is to avoid flame wars that degenerate into cussing wars (if we're gonna flame, then by golly we're gonna do it with style!). There's a reason this room has a PG-13 rating. It means there shouldn't be any kids who can't handle adult material. <<Which, by the way, is something else that I think should be mentioned FAR less (if not taken out completely>>: Again: A PG-13 rating means there is going to be adult content and violence, just like in any PG-13 movie. And as ratings for the world get more and more lax, PG-13 is only going to get closer to full-out descriptions of sex, violence, etc. WE are, for the most part, legal (if not maturity-wise) adults. Oh, and by the way, we have admins. THEIR job is to watch what we say and make sure the rules get followed. No one's breaking rules, except for your personal tastes. Microsoft offends me, but you don't see me going to every computer site and demand that they stop talking about Windows XP, do you? No, because I have no right to comment on the content of someone else's site, especially a site that's been set up a certain way by a community of people to match THEIR tastes. You don't like it, go start flame wars elsewhere. <<All swearing is replaced with punctuation marks or the word "bleep">>: Notice that says "is replaced", not "should be replaced", or "must be replaced". That means that the words will automatically be edited out of the posts. I don't know about you, but I haven't seen any evidence of that since I joined. The rule is "keep it PG-13". Guess what? People cuss and talk about sex in PG-13 movies.

Lady Mystic: <<Would you like me to omit the CR Rules from the TGS Disclaimer page since they are obsolete?>>: Well we certainly don't need them there if people are going to refer to them as, uh, canon.

DPH: <<The amount of spam I am receiving has dropped off since I stopped listing my email address here>>: Amazing how well it works, isn't it? <<Only in America do we give away military plans and keep the basic plots of series secret>>: Twisted, ain't it? <<how much longer before the Autobots no longer have the numerical advantage>>: 10 minutes. <<I got away with saying Bevery Hills 9120 instead of Beverly Hills 90120>>: We knew what you meant.

Robby: <<another that they just aren't in Manhattan and no one is about to burden Brooklyn with the knowledge of what happens to them in the course of their lives>>: That's a good possibility, given what we know about how much everyone was willing to tell Brooklyn about the future. <<And please, don't yell because I tease a little>>: I think he was just joking. <<Bonny Garg response>>: Thank you! I can say so much, but it means more coming from an Admin. <<I am resolutely against censorship, yet still uphold the room rule of no descriptive sexual things, mostly because some of the CR is oogied out by it and there is a seperate CR to talk about sex and such>>: I can't imagine any of us wanting to hear about the other members thinking about such things...most of us have seen each other in person ;-) <<On the other hand, if I knew for a fact an entire Kindergarden class was reading this place on a daily basis>>: Right, cuz THAT would really happen. I'd be surprised if Greg Weisman himself lets his kids read this stuff before they're 20 ;-) <<And I could go into a much longer rant on this and get philisophical and stuff, but I have midterms I should be studying for>>: Never stops the rest of us! <<I found out that the guy who installed my fence is a convicted sex offender and will be going to court again on 3 counts of sodomy and sexual abuse>>: Ewwww... <<would that be you?>>: It would certainly explain the immaturity. <<to watch some nastyskank type law breaker get naked>>: Isn't that special.

Greg X: <<I was about to make a huge post which would go down in history as the most vulgar post made in this CR to illustrate a point, then you go and address this issue before I can>>: Its not gonna stop me. You might as well post yours. We'll teach her! Besides, I'm dying to see it. <<the Autobots greater numbers will hardly matter against a being with God-like power>>: After all, I defeated them with but a thought. <<Optimus Prime is called Super Fire Convoy, Ultra Magnus is God Magnus and Omega Prime is God Fire Convoy. Then there's names like Big Convoy, Stampy, Magmatron, Lio Junior>>: Okay, now gigatron doesn't seem so bad. <<Someone who will actually talk about TGS when we release new stories is always welcome>>: We all talk about TGS when you actually release new stories, don't we? <<Just thought I'd clarify that so that a certain eunick doesn't think I have a hard on for you>>: LOL!

Yggdrasil: <<The Thesis is fifty pages from completion>>: That's a long piece. What's it on? <<after that I get to add a few more letters after my name>>: Awesome. <<It’s become impossible to do anything with a BSc aside from becoming a sales rep for a Pharm company>>: Depends on what the BSc is in. I doubt I'll have any trouble getting a job with a BSc, and I don't think any of my friends will either. <<Lain I hope you've been keeping those damn Yanks in line>>: Hey!

Terrky: <<i may the youngest... i have just turned 16>>: Just don't act more immature than me or Aingeal and you won't get thrown out. ;-)

Carolynn Marie: <<we don't have cable in the dorms>>: Ha ha, your dorms suck ;-) That's okay, mine were worse. <<Ouch, I retract>>: Yeah. It blows. <<Good luck with sleep>>: Thanks, I'm getting rather good at that my parents don't have control over how much of it I do. <<lucky about afternoon classes>>: Wait till I post my next semester schedule...all morning classes and afternoon labs.

Gside: <<She probably isn't>>: I'm betting on the money angle. <<Papers? What is this papers? Labs, I know>>: Papers are like labs, but without all the pictures and charts. Hard to grasp, I know. But this is what I hear. <<I do have a cause though: obscenity. I'm for it>>: As you should be. Know where I can get some? <<Walking around campus, yes>>: See, I can't sing for beans, so I generally just listen to my discman walking around campus. I sing when NO ONE can hear me...or in my car where my stereo drowns me out. <<If it's me, then you may as well be a god at it>>: We gotta get you fixed up. <<but solstices and equinoxes are marked on the calendar, and I like to be regular. Don't eat much bran, though>>: LOL. I do laundry when I run out of boxers...and then I wash my boxers. I think I have quite enough OTHER clothing to only have to do complete laundry once a month or so. <<There are advantages to living with the crazy science teacher>>: I'm hoping to find if there are advantages to my grader having a crush on me. Maybe my midterm grade is one of those advantages. <<You started the competition with your points>>: That's not a competition. Trust me. <<even though Niamhgold disallowed your spelling, too>>: I hate being wrong. <<With the RAM he has, it would be three hours late due to load times>>: MP3 Alarm Clock X requires OS X, so technically I guess it requires 128 megs of RAM ;-) The classic version, though, only requires about 2 megs. <<Dining hall, but close enough. It's not too bad. Fresh grilled chicked every lunch, a rotating saute line, and whatnot>>: How do you make whatnot? <<how I wich LinSys was at a different time>>: Linear Systems? <<I usually stick with my women in fighters>>: The only bouncing breasts you ever see, huh? <<I go for !$@#. Of coursemy actual vocabulary is rather victorian, so it just substitutes for unpronouncables>>: Maybe I'll just start cursing in foreign languages. "Mebs", "Shiesse", "Chingada", "P'Tah" ;-) <<Anne>>: Who? <<memories of clashing European and American standards>>: Over shaving?!

FS: <<Bunnies. Pure, unadulterated EVIL>>: Worse than white chocolate? <<I am slightly evil>>: I'm starting to wonder if you and I aren't more alike than me and SJ. <<Engineers compared to Jocks>>: Depends on the jocks. Even *I* get more girls than a 3rd string QB. But in general, no. We have no skills with women as a group. Although I'm sure we all have ex's that would argue otherwise. <<half-ton power armor is heavy enough>>: Actually for power armor its a little too heavy. <<a Mech is in the plans>>: Ooh ooh can I see!? <<From both ends of the guilt>>: Then I'm both sorry and happy for you ;-) <<Hmm...Point>>: I've been a student for a long time, and I'm rather good at it. I just hate it. <<Just don't explain your plan to the 'hero' and leave him to die. Just shoot him.>>: Have you seen the list of things an Evil Warlord should never do? I really oughta post that. Not here, but on my site. <<What if it is nice>>: If she asks. Hey, I'll try anything once. Twice if I like it. ;-) <<"Sir, you don't want to know!">>: Nah, he'd say "they're great" with a perfect poker face. <<I take all the money>>: "So I can lose it to Riker in poker, despite the fact that I'm perfect with probabilities and card counting, I still can't beat the slick bastard." <<it was really nice seeing Gargoyles again>>: They show two episodes at 8 and the same two at midnight every day over here. Its pretty cool. I guess the next few days I'll be watching those TGC eps I never saw. <<Safe sex, get paid!>>: I'm sure the part they left out was "with other men". Hey, I can make $45 a "sample" over here in Berkeley...not bad for sitting around looking at dirty magazines, huh? <<trying to find a juicy bolt to munch on>>: That sounds really bad. <<THE KING. OF. *SPAIN!*>>: I wasn't aware the kind of spain was stronger and faster. <<where Angela found out that she was Goliath's biological daughter>>: And if you didn't know that the second Angela was introduced on the show, you ARE the weakest link ;-) <<just because something is locked it is secure>>: Welcome to Microsoft.

Lynati: <<sits down on the CR couch and starts staring at the fire>>: That's productive stuff? Okay...

Hmmm...tired. And going to Santa Cruz tomorrow night, so I doubt I'll be posting.

When hinges creak in doorless chambers and strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls, whenever candlelights flicker where the air is deathly still, that is the time when ghosts are present, practicing their terror with ghoulish delight.
-Ghost Host, Disneyland

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Saturday, October 27, 2001 04:31:13 AM

*wanders in*
I like Ranma; it was my first anime.

Firestorm: The King, a former conehead?

I've been asleep since 1 Pm, but I've been waking up every two hours almost on the hour, for no reason i can fathom.
But I'm going to do productive stuff now, really I am.

*sits down on the CR couch and starts staring at the fire*

Lynati "Don't. mention. Lisa!!" Kshudra
Saturday, October 27, 2001 03:35:34 AM

CrzyDemona: <OMG!! Happy Days?>
::grin:: yep. "Jumping the Shark" is also the term used on the net to show when a series starts to go downhill.

Gside: <Have you checked out Scholck Mercenary recently? It's doing an infestation story from the point of view of the bugs>
Me and the children are intrigued. Where can this be found?
<Or just search Google for "let sun go down lyrics".>
Yeah, but unfortunately the lyrics never include the chorus. Oh well.
I'll just go to the library, borrow some CD's and rip'em all.
<Quite true, and you'd hope so, as it is his primary form of martial arts>
Imagine him going through a metal detector at the airport:
"Please place all metal objetcs in the tray"
A few hours later, there is a LARGE heap of chains and weapons and he just keeps pulling more and more out from his sleeves.
<I thought, "she's a nurse, what does she know about cooking neatly?">
Thats funny too!
<I don't know, he uses mostly throwing knives that way>
Although how he holds them with his wings, I shall never know.
<Evil. Wait, that's a guinnea pig.>
Bunnies. Pure, unadulterated EVIL.
OR kittens.
<If you've payed attention to my recent converstation with Fire Storm, you know my answer>
<Because I feel like it, the mp3 is a cover of Louie, Louie by the Beach Boys. A bit on the odd side.>
::GASP!:: REPEAT! (From August 2001, none the less!) SCANDAL! :)
<It's odd how Night on Bald Mountain works as background music to a rampaging mechaturtle>
Do you have a list of the cursor movements to create the spells?
And are you Good... or EVIL?

Carolynn Marie: <Kinda reminds me of yet another Eddie Izzard skit:>
He is SO funny! I REALLY want to see him in concert (ESPECIALLY if he has new material)

Imzadi: <Don't rub it in dude>
Hey, I am slightly evil after all!
<Depends on who you're comparing to>
Engineers compared to Jocks.
<That's not heavy enough. MECH!>
Half-ton power armor is heavy enough!
And yes, a Mech is in the plans. Multi ton!
<and you know this from personal experience>
From both ends of the guilt.
<Not as much as sitting in classes for 5-6 hours only to have 6-7 of homework.>
Hmm... Point.
<Thank you! 'bout time I get the respect I deserve as an arch-villain>
Just don't explain your plan to the 'hero' and leave him to die. Just shoot him.
<I can promise I won't do any probing of her behind>
What if it is nice?
<I've got $50 on the android>
"Riker, what are my odds?"
"Sir, you don't want to know!"
"Data, why did you throw the fight?"
"It was the logical thing to do. I bet on you, and I take all the money."
<They did that last Halloween. If I hadn't already seen every episode multiple times, I'd be all over it.>
Well, I saw Hunters Moon over the past two nights, and it was really nice seeing Gargoyles again.
<Porn draws me like a moth to a light>
::FS holds up a add from the local paper::
MEN: Safe sex, get paid!
<Oh yeah? Well I'm a metal chicken>
My eggs. They lay there, rusting slightly, as I scratch and claw, trying to find a juicy bolt to munch on. ;)

Warpmind: <they were spared the dreads of a harsh, cruel world, no?>
It looked like a nice planet to me... well, BEFORE the terraforming!
<Even though they're on top of the food chain doesn't mean their lives would be happy ones...>
They seemed pretty happy. Just scurrying about, no cares in the world... loved by their Queen, cared for by her majestys drones... a very nice, peacefull life, if you ask me.

Green Baron: <Now, my cat was quite evil :) But he proves evil can be cute and cuddly.>
He and Bun-Bun

NukesGoBoom: <BUT at my moms house ( which is REALLY in the middle of nowhere) gets it. Isnt that crazy>
Oh yeah.
<I dont know, whats it worth? $20? Ill hook you up>
People sell the episodes all the time.
<answer that one STAFF MEMBER!! Damn you guys know EVERYTHING! not fair!>
As someone who is not a staffmember, but I play one on-line, I feel I can anwser this one:
Matrix: Since he liked Angela, and by extension Broadway, when they were near biological death, he assimilated them. Their technological and physilogical distintiveness were added to his own...
Er... He rebuilt them! Stronger! Faster! THE KING. OF. *SPAIN!*

David G: <I don't recall Nessie ever appearing in the animated Gargoyles>
She was. It was in the episode where Angela found out that she was Goliath's biological daughter.

Bonny Garg: <WHO LIKES RANMA 1/2???>
I like Ranma because it is funny! Not to cry!

Jan: <They apparently were able to jiggle the lock loose and they walked right out of the facility>
It amazes me to no end that people think that just because something is locked it is secure!

Fire Storm
Saturday, October 27, 2001 02:48:08 AM

It's odd how Night on Bald Mountain works as background music to a rampaging mechaturtle.

Carolynn> <<he's actually got a girlfriend, too... what's she thinking?>>: She probably isn't.
<<staying up till 6 AM writing papers do at 8>>: Papers? What is this papers? Labs, I know.

Imzadi> <<Porn draws me like a moth to a light>>: "I do have a cause though: obscenity. I'm for it."
<<Don't we all?>>: Not often. Walking around campus, yes.
<<Depends on who you're comparing to>>: If it's me, then you may as well be a god at it.
<<Isn't that a little...frequent?>>: Yes, but solstices and equinoxes are marked on the calendar, and I like to be regular. Don't eat much bran, though.
<<Sounds cool>>: There are advantages to living with the crazy science teacher.
<<What is this obsession with competition you have?>>: You started the competition with your points. And it's subconsious if anything.
<<I thought it was Serat>>: Too much Tolkien in my past (even though Niamhgold disallowed your spelling, too).
<<huh?>>: Not important, but there are those that consider guinnea pigs quite evil.
<<He should get MP3 Alarm Clock>>: With the RAM he has, it would be three hours late due to load times.
<<You eat...DORM FOOD!?>>: Dining hall, but close enough. It's not too bad. Fresh grilled chicked every lunch, a rotating saute line, and whatnot.
<<I don't have morning classes>>: Oh, how I wich LinSys was at a different time.

Warpmind> <<It seems that I managed to f*ck up some of the code early on, and now I just might have to start over>>: What is this, now? Try number 3?
<<Quickly closes hand to hide harpoonish tentacle thingy>>: "Get over here." I started off with him mostly, then moved on to Liu Kang. Oddly, I usually stick with my women in fighters.

Bonny> <<If you really feel the urge to curse in a chat format, be creative and say something like "Blast!" or "Crimeny!">>: I go for !$@#. Of coursemy actual vocabulary is rather victorian, so it just substitutes for unpronouncables.
<<WHO LIKES RANMA 1/2?>>: If you've payed attention to my recent converstation with Fire Storm, you know my answer.

Robby> <<we have never ONCE had a post by anyone aknowledging that they were under the age of 14>>: Anne claimed to only be almost 14, ergo actually 13.
<<And THAT was three years ago>>: Two, near the '99/'00 border.
<<the room rule of no descriptive sexual things, mostly because some of the CR is oogied out by it>>: Ah, memories of clashing European and American standards.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Saturday, October 27, 2001 01:27:07 AM

FIRESTORM and LADY MYSTIC< Back to back Gargoyles marathon at 7 PM? I'm so there ... d'oh! I think that interferes with The Simpsons'treehouse of horror ... and we don't have cable in the dorms *sigh*

JOSH< Ouch, I retract the whole "College is godliness" statement then. Good luck with sleep. You're lucky about afternoon classes; all my required classes have me up by 9 AM.

JAN< Hey, no problem whatsoever :) I just have to really thank you just for taking time out of your day to help, so email me whenever you have the time. Good luck with the chaos over there.

*wanders off to Christine's new story*

Carolynn Marie - []
Madison, NJ, USA
Saturday, October 27, 2001 12:24:47 AM

actually all, i must say that i do believe i may the youngest... i have just turned 16. yes 16, that make me the youngest... at least according to what nukesgoboom said.

lol, -={Terrky}=-

Terrky K - []
Saturday, October 27, 2001 12:04:34 AM

Greetings all;

I sorry that I have a tendency to pop in every now and then and then disappear for weeks (sometimes months) at a time. Well this will be coming to an end soon. The Thesis is fifty pages from completion, my defence is in January, and after that I get to add a few more letters after my name. (That and the ability to get a descent job. It’s become impossible to do anything with a BSc aside from becoming a sales rep for a Pharm company.)

Unfortunately that time has not yet come so I'll be posting in the CR as much as I can. I'm hoping for 1-2 times a week, but they won't be massive posts.

Anyways I just wanted to see how things are going and Lain I hope you've been keeping those damn Yanks in line :-)

Farewell for now.

Yggdrasil - []
Kitchener, Canada
Friday, October 26, 2001 11:34:43 PM

Robby> Damn it. I was about to make a huge post which would go down in history as the most vulgar post made in this CR to illustrate a point, then you go and address this issue before I can. DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU! ;)

DPH> No new Decepticon characters will be introduced, but when Megatron/Gigatron upgrades to Galvatron/Devil Gigatron, well... the Autobots greater numbers will hardly matter against a being with God-like power.

JOSH> Well, here are some stupider names than Gigatron and Devil Gigatron. In Japan, this Optimus Prime is called Super Fire Convoy, Ultra Magnus is God Magnus and Omega Prime is God Fire Convoy. Then there's names like Big Convoy, Stampy, Magmatron, Lio Junior. I could post a whole list of other names that are really bad. Gigatron is one of the better names.

Bonny Garg> "Won't someone please think of the children???"

That was just a joke. I have no personal probles with you in anyway. In fact I'm glad you're hear. Someone who will actually talk about TGS when we release new stories is always welcome. Just thought I'd clarify that so that a certain eunick doesn't think I have a hard on for you ;)

"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti."
- Dr. Hannibal Lecter "The Silence of the Lambs"

Greg Bishansky
Friday, October 26, 2001 11:32:15 PM

Robby-I am probobly the youngest one in here. I am 17, a senior in highschool. I dont know who the 15 year old is in here but if you even thought it was me then you have another thing comming, STAFF MEMEBER.
NukesGoBoom - [NukesGoBoom]
Friday, October 26, 2001 11:31:33 PM

Whoa.. what a wild week at work! *slumps into a chair*

There was an escape of 2 inmates in a neighboring county's jail. One of the inmates is from our town/area and his parents live here. The STUPID county that they escaped from didn't even realize that they were gone for at least 15 hours. Let's see... 3 guys in a cell, you feed them breakfast and lunch and there's only _1_ guy left in the cell... what would be your first clue?? To make matters worse, this one guy (from here) - this was his 2nd escape from there. They apparently were able to jiggle the lock loose and they walked right out of the facility. They stole a car and drove here. While here they broke into a house - the home of our sheriff's daughter and family - and stole clothes, food and the baby's bank. They cut the phone lines too. They were taped at the local quick stop buying 2 cases of beer - paid with quarters.
Our entire deputy force spent the night looking for these guys but always seemed to be about 15-20 minutes behind them.
Tonight they were captured in Rapid City after a code4 chase. They will be brought back to jail (the same one that they escaped from).... I think Sheriff has volunteered to go get them ;) They messed up big time... they pissed the sheriff off. O_O
While this was going on this week... I took a call from a hysterical woman who had spotted the guy who is wanted in Oklahoma for attempted murder. He was at the feed store with his mom. ummmm ok. In Oklahoma, he hid in a woman's attic and after she went to bed, he raped and nearly beat her to death. He is still at-large.
I found out that the guy who installed my fence is a convicted sex offender and will be going to court again on 3 counts of sodomy and sexual abuse. geesh.
I think I already need a vacation *nods*

bonnygarg> <<I know for a fact that children visit this site>> would that be you?

Carolyn> I received your email and will be getting back to you this weekend :) Sorry for the delay, but as you can see - I've had a busy and tiring week. heh.

I'm tired and I'm on call this weekend for female dress-outs so I'm calling it an early night in case I receive a call during the middle of the night to go to the jail to watch some nastyskank type law breaker get naked. *rubs eyes*

Friday, October 26, 2001 11:28:27 PM

NukesgoBoom- As stated in "Requiem", Broadway and Angela spent a good chunk of time on Avalon, something like 90 years of real world time. As a result, the world passed them by somewhat. It has never been stated specifically what happened to Graeme and Ariana, as a result, like I said before, there's a great number of reasons they may not be in Manhattan in 2158, let alone 2168, one possibility being that they simply died of old age, another that they just aren't in Manhattan and no one is about to burden Brooklyn with the knowledge of what happens to them in the course of their lives.

And please, don't yell because I tease a little. (And I assume you are yelling because of the all caps lock words, exclamation points, and the damn cursing. 8P ) I actually don't know for a fact what will happen to them, none of the staff does. I just know what the plans are at this point in time, and plans can always change. They have many times before.

Bonny Garg- What children visit this site? In all the years I've been visiting this place, we have never ONCE had a post by anyone aknowledging that they were under the age of 14. And THAT was three years ago, so in no time recently have I seen any posts by anyone aknowledging that they were under the age of 16. (Then again, I haven't been paying terribly too much attention to the horroscope stuff...) There have been no posters saying that they let their 5 year olds read this site or that they read this stuff to them, or anything of the sort. As a result, a LONG time ago, as CR Admin, I repealed the roomed rating somewhat, from PG (which allows mild cursing, violence, and innuendo in the movie industry and is endorsed by the government) to PG-13, (which allows all but a few particular cuss words, much violence, and blatant innuendo in the movie industry and is endorsed by the government) because everyone in the room seems more than adult enough to handle such talk. Plus, since the word "shit" is now allowed on public television without a bleep, I feel I can be more lax about any other words that might come up as well, since it seems only a matter of time before the "tabooness" of curse words is lost completely. In the light of the attacks on 9/11, all restrictions were temorarily removed, (except for flame war material) because people needed to be able to talk freely. Everyone has been mature enough that there's been no reason to restrict things back to the way they were. I am resolutely against censorship, yet still uphold the room rule of no descriptive sexual things, mostly because some of the CR is oogied out by it and there is a seperate CR to talk about sex and such. Innuendo is fine in here, because up to this point there have been no complaints about it, and because, in my opinion, if you're old enough to understand it, you're old enough to hear it.

In short... The average age of a regular poster to this room is between 16 and 25. I myself am 19. ANd while there's a few older posters in the room, to my knowledge, there aren't any younger. (We MIGHT have a 15 year old in here someplace...) Children don't post here and never have. If they read it, they have not told me. If you know as a fact children visit this room and have a problem with that, talk to the kids. I won't force everyone in here, who have pretty much always handled the content in a mature manner, to force themselves to censor themselves for a 7 year old that doesn't let us know they are there. On the other hand, if I knew for a fact an entire Kindergarden class was reading this place on a daily basis, I might enforce somewhat stricter rules. But as long as the majority of the room is mature enough to say something and is comfortable with it, then there's no issue. Again, my take is, if you're old enough to understand it, you're old enough to hear it. It is a parent's responsibility to monitor what their kids are watching, reading, or hearing, not the government's or mine.

(And I could go into a much longer rant on this and get philisophical and stuff, but I have midterms I should be studying for...)

Friday, October 26, 2001 11:03:30 PM

nukes.. they are still alive becasue they went to avalon fer some 90 years er something like that... lol
Terrky K - []
Friday, October 26, 2001 10:33:51 PM

Hmm. The amount of spam I am receiving has dropped off since I stopped listing my email address here. If you want to email me and don't know the address, visit the link.

NukesGoBoom - <answer that one STAFF MEMBER!! Damn you guys know EVERYTHING! not fair!> If the TGS staff gave away all of its secrets, wouldn't that make the stories less interesting?

Only in America do we give away military plans and keep the basic plots of series secret.

Warpmind - Nessie did appear in the World Tour. That story was early in the World Tour and occured before Eliza, Goliath, Angela, and Bronx ran into MacBeth, Demona, and Thailog on the World Tour. That story is where we learned Goliath was Angela's biological father.

GXB - how much longer before the Autobots no longer have the numerical advantage? I failed to see the point of episode they showed today on Foxkids.

Ohh, I got away with saying Bevery Hills 9120 instead of Beverly Hills 90120.


Friday, October 26, 2001 10:33:46 PM

Robby- Then why are Broadway and Angela still alive? They must be REALLY old by 2158, but THEY are still there! answer that one STAFF MEMBER!! Damn you guys know EVERYTHING! not fair!
NukesGoBoom - []
Friday, October 26, 2001 10:07:57 PM

New on my site --
The Guardians: The Entombed Lady. Amber Maza's been trapped on Avalon for 1078 years, and it'll take a tricky plan to set her free.
Clickie or go to

Christine - []
Friday, October 26, 2001 10:06:25 PM

Bonny Garg: That's from the old rules that are posted on the Disclaimer page. The current rules are available via my name link.

TGS Staff or CR Admins: Would you like me to omit the CR Rules from the TGS Disclaimer page since they are obsolete? (Don't worry, if I do I wouldn't change the coding or content of the page, just delete the rules section.)

TGS CR Info update coming soon. ;)

Lady Mystic - []
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Friday, October 26, 2001 09:05:39 PM

By the way...

6. All swearing is replaced with punctuation marks or the word "bleep" (wonder if you can guess the reference that's from). I think people already know to do this.

This is an actuall rule, people, so don't try to take that backdoor!

Bonny Garg
No City, No State, America
Friday, October 26, 2001 08:51:39 PM

Before I begin about TV talk in general...

I hope people (like whoever is in charge of this place) will take the following complaint seriosly and not immediately write me off because I've rubbed a few people the wrong way before. Here goes;

PLEASE STOP USING FOUL LANGUAGE!!! I know for a fact that children visit this site and you should all be ashamed for using such vulgar words where any kid could happen along and read it! You know who you are! If you really feel the urge to curse in a chat format, be creative and say something like "Blast!" or "Crimeny!" or "Razzin' Frazzin' no good rabbit!". Even substitution of vowels with * is no good... The point of having a "NO FOUL LANGUAGE" rule is to eliminate exposure of the underaged to innapropriate things like cussing and the nastier details of procreation. Which, by the way, is something else that I think should be mentioned FAR less (if not taken out completely)!!!

Now that I'm done ranting...

((Cliché #1857: If a cataclysm occurs to the human population in any environment, that human population, no matter how advanced they are, will regress to primitive culture and mindset within ONE generation.))

Response; And I quote; "Children under the age of about 5 or 6 can build up an immunity to the radiation." Duh, all the adults DIED, so there was no-one around to teach them what survived little things like how to read and wash their hair. (Is it just me or did Nadette's hair look like it lost a fight with a can of Crisco?) And while we're picking at Enterprise, how DID all of the childern survive enough long enough to reach maturity and procreate with one another? I suppose those diggers must be very easy to catch... I do agree with you, though, that so far this season has been full of cliches. After all, didn't Kirk's crew run into halucinagenic plant-life once or twice? You would think that after the first time they'd start listening to the Vulcans... Or at least start wearing bio-suits... Are humans really that dumb? Did Vulcans really hold such a tenuous grip on their logic back then (in reference to the shouting and thinly veiled insults)? I kind of like the "Early Vulcan mind-set" they're showing, though. It's an interesting way of reminding the viewers that, while the show is based in OUR future, it's still a heck of a lot earlier than all of the previous series have been. I mean come on... ARMOUR instead of force-fields? That's wonderful! I like that every once in a while some mechanical device will fail, just because they're simply not as advanced as even the original series was. Awesome.

Ok, so I've heard what people have been saying about the WTC in relation to gargoyles fanfiction... Yes, we've got a couple of years to catch up to. And I agree that two years of striving to become a more integral part of human society still won't give them enough of a comfort zone to really help in the recovery. I also agree that none of the main characters should be involved directly, and that it would be a far better idea to show their reactions and thoughts and feelings about the matter. I do think that of all of the characters, Elisa should be the most closely connected, as she is a cop, and many of the city's finest are at ground zero now... I just don't see how she couldn't be involved at least peripherally. Matt and Sarah, as well. Also, I do not pretend to have the talent to write fanfiction well enough to do justice to something as serious as this would have to be.

Ok, done with that for now.

If you are looking for great anime to watch, rent "Grave of the Fireflies", which is an anime movie set in WWII Japan. VERY extremely sad, bring some Kleenex. Ebert gave it 4 stars, by the way! If anyone's seen it, I would love to discuss it's merits with you.


Bonny Garg
No City, No State, America
Friday, October 26, 2001 08:37:40 PM

Anyone else in here managing to catch the newest anime Cartoon Network has imported, Zoids? Comes on right before Toonami. Its an interesting show with some awesome CGI mecha... Unfortunatley, this is NOT the show I'd been looking forward to seeing for some time... I've been privy to Zoids via my straight from Japan anime tapes for some time, except in the series I'm familiar with, everyone has cool facial tatoos and the whole thing is more like an epic Star Wars/Gundam War story with cooler character designs, but the same CGi style mecha. The thing being shown now is more a cross of Pokemon and Trigun... Not bad stuff, but not as good as the Zoids series I wanna see and have been looking forward to for a long time. (I didn't even know THIS series existed till Cartoon Network aired it on Monday...) I'm hoping we get exposed to the other thing soon... Ah well, cool toys regardless, I've already bought two of them...

In other Cartoon Network news... Reboot season 4 kicks ass. Nuff said.

NukesGoBoom- Well, Graeme and Ariana are about 20 in modern day Manhattan. Even if nothing happened to end their lives prematurely, by 2158 they would be 180 years old. Even by gargoyle standards, thats pretty old, so by that point in time, they may have died of old age if nothing else. (Or moved off to other clans or whatnot.) There's a great number of reasons they may not be in Manhattan in 2158, let alone 2168. And Brooklyn is naturally not going to be told what happens to them, nor does he want to know... (Being on staff, *I* already know, but I ain't telling...)

Friday, October 26, 2001 08:33:38 PM

This is quick....

Time to jump in time to jump though time...I'm dizzy...

Patrick Toman>Aerie Building>...My god, sounds like your'e trying to sell the damned thing... I don't know if you or anyone here is familir with the Monkey Island Series of games...but I got a really wonderful image of Stan trying to make a sales pitch...
"You can even own the tallest building in the world...the clashing arcitectural styles give it character and it comes complete with automated surface-to-air defenses and force fields! Even has it's own phalanx of semi-sentient defense robots and over 2.5 million cubic feet of office's perfect for any weathy tycoon, megalomaniac or tin-pot dictator with a funny hat! What do you say?"
"Actually I'd like to see you squirm a bit more..."
"What I'm here for! Have I mentioned the automated defense lasers?"

Ok, I'm leaving now...BTW if anyone here can point me in the direction of some good tutorials of Maya 2.5, I'd be appreciative.

Hyperion - []
Friday, October 26, 2001 08:24:05 PM

omfg, im so sorry. THANK YOU Terrky K!
Friday, October 26, 2001 07:12:27 PM

TerryK, thanks for anwering my question about Graeme and Ariana. But, remember when Brooklyn gets to New York 2157 or some crazy year like that, WHY arnt his kids there or thier kids? ( in the Gargoyles seasons, they are there in 1999 and so on, so wouldnt it make sense that they would be there in 2157 or something? ) Or maybe something happened to them, thats probobly it. thanks TerryK.

Got a response to what Graeme has to do? the thing Brooklyn said in "Blood moon"?

NukesGoBoom - []
Friday, October 26, 2001 07:11:30 PM

Warpmind> I don't recall Nessie ever appearing in the animated Gargoyles. Then again, there's a big chunk of the World Tour I've never seen.

As for Jackal as Death, it's because he WAS death for a little while, back in egypt. It's a cheap joke. I can't really think of a better Death, either. Anubis would do, but that's too easy.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Friday, October 26, 2001 06:56:21 PM

josh: not... it's not I dont like YOU... i just disagree with most of the things you say.... ::grins:: and you DID have me on your list at one point. I just figured that by IM we could save everyone else most of our banter and arguing ;)
Friday, October 26, 2001 05:48:39 PM

Actually, Aingeal, you're just not on my buddy list. I'm ALWAYS online, you're just "blocked" because a) my privacy settings prevent anyone who's not on my buddy list from IMing me (saves me a lot of trouble) and b) you don't like me. So why should I have you on my list?
Friday, October 26, 2001 05:37:58 PM

Hey guys. I just shook Kevin Spacey's hand! And I've been invited to go to his Halloween party tonight for his new movie being filmed here! I'm rolling with the stars!
Friday, October 26, 2001 05:37:25 PM

Dont you ever play online anymore josh? or dod you just block all of my SNs?

Friday, October 26, 2001 05:34:00 PM

Aingeal: Oh yeah? Well I'm a metal chicken.

Der. ;-)

Friday, October 26, 2001 04:37:28 PM

hey nukes... your duestion about "why arnt Graeme and Ariana in any of the stories in Timedancer where Brooklyn ends up in the future?

i have read all of the timedancer sieries.. and the first three seaons only go into the first 20 years of his travles. the twins aren't even born untill "Return to paradise" from season 3. so, as of now, we don't know anything about that yet.

~Terrky K

Terrky K - []
Friday, October 26, 2001 04:34:37 PM

omg. There is SO MUCH TO READ. Jesus H Christ (lol carolynn), there is a lot. I started over again and just cracked the Timedancer series ( at Out of Joint part 2 I started reading Timedancer). I just got to "The Devils Deal". I have so far to go.
**********Spoiler Alert*************
Anyway, guys, I was poking thourgh some stories and came across "Blood Moon" in season 2 of Gargoyles, and there is something about Graeme having to do something so he has to survive some sort of sickness. What is he supposed to do in the future? i couldnt find it in another story. Oh, why arnt Graeme and Ariana in any of the stories in Timedancer where Brooklyn ends up in the future? Did something happen to them? Thanks very much for anwering my questions, im just a bit confused. I hope I can read all of these stories, damn there are so many.

Lynati- I fell asleep in math today. Does that happen to you? 8)

Josh- guess how i made $80 today.

Firestorm and Lady Mystic- DAMNIT! I have digital cable and I STILL dont get toon disney. I even called my cable company and they said that they dont offer toon disney where I live. BUT at my moms house ( which is REALLY in the middle of nowhere) gets it. Isnt that crazy>?

General- Anyone remember the episode "Runaways" in the goliath chronicles? that is the only episode of gargoyles that i failed to tape ( i saw it and taped it but i lost the tape (( I know, I know)) ) I will pay someone money for just that episode on a tape. I dont know, whats it worth? $20? Ill hook you up. Whether you want to use paypal or just want me to mail money i will. This episode is the one with Brooklyn (god hes cool). Please, lets talk about it.

General- I really hope they dont put the WTC attack in the gargoyles saga. that would really be a disapointment.
Anyone else here a senior in highschool?

NukesGoBoom - []
Friday, October 26, 2001 03:34:12 PM

Josh: you're just jealous ;)
Friday, October 26, 2001 03:13:33 PM

LAIN: i feel kinda silly doing this but this is the only way i know of to contact you, and i know you come here a LOT! :) (i didn't know which e-mail addresses to use either so...) I've been wanting to get a hold of you after hiding in a corner for the past six months...if you get a chance, e-mail me?? ( wanting to catch up with u.

your loyal jerkface from down the hall.....

Friday, October 26, 2001 01:17:40 PM

ON to replies.

Niamhgold> No response to me :(

Patrick> You present a good example of why those Camel jockies wouldn't hit the Eyrie Building. Thsi makes me wonder about the Emir if he was still alive. He would be another target of the Taliban, in time.

<<Oog...>> That's a DemonaCrzy word :)

Warpmind the Viking Raider> <<*Cough* Deal with traits like being vengeful and merciless? And what's WRONG with such traits? I mean, sure, vengefulness and mercilessness has its down sides, but think about it: one properly performed merciless revenge, and NOBODY will dare to provoke you again. };) >> Plus you can say you are celebrtaing your Viking heritage :)

Imzadi> << Is that an actual food reference or are they just all gay there?>> It's a food reference and a reference to a comment made in BlackAdder III about Prince George IV. Besides, its England where there all gay, well not exactly gay, but the men there prefer little boys and livestock to women, and I am saying that with my natural Irish, Scottish, French, and Norman heritage towards those Saxon dogs :)

<<Don't tell Heather.>> She thought it was amusing. I just had some bratwursts an hour ago, too, though I don't like beer or mustard.

<<That would be ugly.>> Actually, its funny. She beats me when I make fun of her height (I'm 5'9 and she's 5'1), and she beats me when I make fun of Mississippi since her parenst are from there. Well, I deserve all her beatings. She also tickles me when I make fun of Oklahoma, since that was the first place she lived in the states.

<<That's terrible logic. Especially these days, when teenagers are so set on doing exactly what their parents DON'T do that its rediculous.>> It all depends. Heather is from a military family and wants to be an Air Force Officer. I originally wanted to go ROTC Navy, because my father was, but he was against teh idea. He was in favor of me joining teh Army after I finished College, though. I think the fact that many of my family had some military involvement caused me to consider joining. Little Tommy's mother doesn't want him to join. I would encourage him and I think Becca would like a picture of little Tommy in uniform :) I'm his godfather so my duty is his spiritual and religious education, but if he asked me I woudl encourage him to join ROTC to pay for College and pick soemthing like Military Intelligence or Finance. He is two now and has plenty of time to decide.

<<Okay, its old.>> It's so old I gave it some viagra and put it in a nursing home. That is another BlackAdder style comment :)

Carolynn Marie> I never saw either movie. I did watch To Kill a Mockingbird, though.

<<I wonder whatever happened to OJ's kids, they're still living with him, right? And he's actually got a girlfriend, too... what's she thinking?? >> Michael Jackson is taking care of them :)

<<It'd be really sad if OJ got busted for harassing a motorist, just to show where our country's priorities are. "Decapitate your wife and her friend? Heck, no problem ... ooh, but you went 80 in a 45 mph zone, tsk tsk tsk" >> What do you expect in California :)

DPH> <<just consider me a wild card on my own side.>> A wild card. They can be lots of fun in games of treachery and general Machiavellian power plays :)

Shadowrider> <<Just tell me with some days of advance that you're coming, and I'll organize a good tour of the city for you!>> I'll give you advance warning. Have you heard of Salvatore Guiliano?

DemonaCrzy> Jump the Shark is very amusing. I think Gargoyles got a bunch of Never jumped votes, though TGC was probably the main jump reason.

<<** BUFFY: The Musical ** >> Andrew Lloyd Weber it ain't.

Sobotka> <<but if you are headed over to Tampa Bay, stop by and look for the tall, heavy guy in the big white hat. >>
I take it you don't mean Yog Soth'oth :)

Fire Storm> <<I am sorry, but YOU EVIL? I don't think so! You are probally one of the most non-evil ones in here! At worst, you are human.>> Now, my cat was quite evil :) But he proves evil can be cute and cuddly.

Christine> <<when I write The Big Book of Talopean Ritual, I'll be sure you get a signed copy ; )>> If you ahve that idea, go ahead and make one. Think of how much cash flow you could accumulate with that best seller!! I do thank you for including me a copy. I defineitly see you giving me something like that as a wedding present.

Green Baron - []
Pioneer Kasserne
Friday, October 26, 2001 12:03:06 PM

** Niamhgold enters quickly **

Gside/Imzadi: Because I couldn't resist, and it's still on my's Seurat = dot (sometimes dots) ;)


Friday, October 26, 2001 08:16:15 AM

:: slides cross-dimensionally into the "Gargoyles" universe and time travels back to January 2001 for a moment to give a few factoids ::

Yep... picked these little babies up at a Sci-Fi Channel garage sale... :: pats the little handheld gizmos ::

The Eyrie Building is a privately owned facility occupied soley by Xanatos Enterprises and closed to the general public. The World Trade Center is a publically owned building managed by the NYC Port Authority with tenants that including over 50 international companies and where the general public is welcome and encouaged to visit. The Eyrie Building has automated surface-to-air defenses and force fields. The World Trade Center has neither. The Eyrie Building is one structure, but is the tallest building in the world. The World Trade center consists of seven structures, and is the second largest office complex in the world by area (the largest is the Pentagon). The Eyrie Buildling was completed in 1994, and while it's an interesting study in clashing architecture and a structural detailer's worst nightmare with that big castle way on the top, it has yet to achieve any kind of symbolic status. The World Trade Center was completed in 1974, and is a recognized icon of New York City.

Nope... depressingly enough, I'm going to have to conclude that the World Trade Center would still be a target, even if the Eyrie Building stood a few miles away.

:: slides back into his home dimension ::

Oog... dizzy now.

:: staggers off to work ::

Patrick Toman
Friday, October 26, 2001 07:16:28 AM

*Warpmind enters, wearing a black suit and sunglasses, and otherwise looking a tad glum.*
Hullo, gang. Y'know, I would have posted here earlier, but things have been kinda impractical lately... The biggest problem being the RPG I'm working on. It seems that I managed to f*ck up some of the code early on, and now I just might have to start over... BUT on the bright side, if I do start over, I'll do my best to keep the maps unchanged, AND I'll have a brand spankin' new Battle System...

Anyway, on to post.

Mooncat: The Moon - doesn't that warn of possible betrayal and deceit? I mean, if *anyone* in the series could be appropriate for that, it'd have to be Molly... ;)

TGS/September 11th: None too likely, IMO. First, in the Gargoyleverse... is it not likely that the Aerie Tower would be targeted instead, it being the tallest building in Manhattan, and probably more a symbol of capitalistic success that the WTC? Just a thought...

Heya, Daphne. LTNS.

Entity: I see you've done several readings; how 'bout me? October 29th, 1979, 17:53, near Oslo, Norway. }:)

Fire Storm: Getting laid through shapeshifting? Well, of course. But dragons are just boring. If anything, it'd have to be something involving several tent... *Blink* *Hasty backpedal.* The Aliens movie, right. Where were we... oh, yeah. };) For those poor facehuggers (and isn't that even a cuddly name the little tykes have?), on the bright side, they were spared the dreads of a harsh, cruel world, no? Even though they're on top of the food chain doesn't mean their lives would be happy ones... (Just ask any wealthy businessman if he's happy - and he BELIEVES he is on top of the food chain.)

Josh: That card is legal in tournaments. But, on the bright side, the cost and requirements are high enough to ensure balance. First, it costs one of each color mana, plus three colorless, you have to have one of each color of basic land, and you have to have one of color of creatures.

Revel: The little bald guy in "Princess Bride" would be Vizzini, the evil Sicilian. ;) (Yes; earlier this year, I think it was, I had no knowledge of who, what or where that story was about. But I bought the book in Canada, and a little while after my return home, it was on TV. Very convenient.)

David G: I am inclined to disagree with a couple of your suggested cards there... For Strength, I still vote for Angela with Nessie, rather than Bronx... that episode shows more of what the card represents. And Death should not be Jackal - the card just represents change; and not necessarily of a bad kind. Admittedly, I have no better suggestions for that one, though...

Jan: Heh... Taliban bingo... *Snicker*

Entity again: *Cough* Deal with traits like being vengeful and merciless? And what's WRONG with such traits? I mean, sure, vengefulness and mercilessness has its down sides, but think about it: one properly performed merciless revenge, and NOBODY will dare to provoke you again. };)

SJ: Heh... the Mortal Kombat horoscope... I like. (How'd you know I usually played one of the ninjas in MK2?) *Quickly closes hand to hide harpoonish tentacle thingy.*

Jen: And the demons that worship you do so quite diligently, to boot. };)

Fire Storm again: Yo. I am here. Just been busy.

Well, that concludes my post. *Returns to review CRPG code, and maybe play a little Diablo 2 in-between... And probably some GURPS stuff...*

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Friday, October 26, 2001 05:11:49 AM

*drops a note through the fabric gate*

it reads:
"Aaron- go check the updates. the most recent one. it is..eeenterestvink. help me help me help me, I can't seem to stop trying to figure it all out and I need sleeeeeep!!!"

Friday, October 26, 2001 03:58:21 AM

Heh heh heh.

Done with all my homework for the week. I think I spend tonight doing...nothing. Followed by going to sleep at an obscene hour.


Mooncat: <<I don't make ANY money off my site>>: You're getting used, then. <<the problem with free adult servers, is that any broken links probably will take you to their default ads>>: Great, so you provide advertising space for them for free. <<Guess you must have had nothing to do if you clicked EVERY adult fic link I had>>: I get bored very quickly. And I didn't check all of them, I just noticed it with the first five or so that I clicked. After that I gave up ;-) <<Thanks for your interest in The Red Room>>: Porn draws me like a moth to a light.

Lynati: <<their is something horribly surreal about sitting in class, daydreaming up Garg-fic plots while you wait for the video to begin, and suddenly thinking you hear Hudson talking. Only, without the accent>>: Or watching ANYTHING other than Gargoyles and hearing Keith David's voice during the ads. <<My guess is that Tara is going to die>>: I only hope.

Crzy: <<It usually results in one or the other spontaneously combusting>>: Well, since I saw you at G2k1, I'm gonna guess its the mac. <<I already got bitched at by Crispin for not having a Mac>>: I'd make a comment about him having taste, but he did kiss Thom Adcox... <<You wait until I buy a new one THEN come running to my rescue? You need to work on your timing there, turbo!>>: My timing is impeccable. You just neglected to ask for help at the right time. Did you notice that as soon as you posted "computer problems!" I had a suggestion? <<I am still looking to hire some 'twerp' to build my web store>>: What do you have to sell? Besides children. <<my ex-husband is trying to tell the courts I worship DEMONS since my screen name is "CrzyDemona">>: It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

Green Baron: <<Greetings form the land of sauerkraut sucking sausgae eaters>>: Is that an actual food reference or are they just all gay there? <<I'm now developing a taste for suasage in this strange land>>: Don't tell Heather. <<teh hwores leave since I wouldn't pay them>>: No, but Greg can pay them. <<I don't like the tone of your post>>: Okay, its old. <<I'm one of the ones who pesters you for a pic of yoruself>>: Ditto. <<I'd probably flirt with you, but Heather has tamed me and would beat me senseless if I did>>: That would be ugly. <<Like totally, dude>>: You did not just say that. <<She was making one at Tim>>: It was a joke. <<His father is in the Army as a Cav NCO and his grandfather was an Air Foce pilot. Yeah, he'll be in the military>>: That's terrible logic. Especially these days, when teenagers are so set on doing exactly what their parents DON'T do that its rediculous. <<That probably equates to some interesting converstaions they have on IM>>: I am vaguely familiar with this type of conversations...they're better over the phone. Better still in person. <<I think I may do that after I get my honorable discharge>>: Sick, dude. We don't want to hear about your discharge.

Taleweaver: <<yes, I sing in the shower>>: Don't we all? <<Laughed so hard, my wife thought I was crazy>>: She was, of course, correct.

Nukes: <<I get credit for being in classes that I skip>>: So do I. As long as I pass the tests. <<Was the issue on whether to include the sept.11th WTC attack settled>>: They wouldn't tell us. Its still 2 years away in TGS time.

Fire Storm: <<given the opportunity, I think any one of us would take it!>>: Absolutely. <<in your neighbors living room>>: YES! <<I don't NEED it!>>: Don't rub it in dude. <<getting women really isn't one of our strong points, right?>>: Depends on who you're comparing to. <<"Heavy" (under 1000 lbs)>>: That's not heavy enough. MECH! <<you can guilt the other person into caring for you>>: and you know this from personal experience. <<sitting around doing nothing sucks after a while, don't it?>>: Not as much as sitting in classes for 5-6 hours only to have 6-7 of homework. <<people like Josh>>: Thank you! 'bout time I get the respect I deserve as an arch-villain. <<I can make no such promises>>: I can promise I won't do any probing of her behind. <<Who wouldn't want to see Data kick Picards ass?>>: I've got $50 on the android. <<we all know that is SO true!>>: Amen. <<18 eps of Gargoyles>>: They did that last Halloween. If I hadn't already seen every episode multiple times, I'd be all over it. As it stands, I have a midterm to study for THAT NIGHT. Yes, I will spend Halloween studying.

DPH: I got your check today. We're may take some time to cash, though. <<who around here eats breakfast before 10:am? Not me. Eats lunch before 3:00 pm? not me. eats supper before 7:00 pm? not me>>: I don't EAT before 10AM. Lunch/breakfast/first meal is usually at 3-4PM. Dinner at 8-9, sometimes later. Another meal at 1AM. <<How many places out there will hire somebody who has to sit 1/2 the time>>: Retail. <<It's sad when you realize your dad does not always have your best interests at heart, nor does he think things through>>: Welcome to real life.

Aingeal: <<I seem to be a monkey... and a metal one>>: I'll bet you are.

Greg X: <<in the form of Devil Gigatron (who will be called Galvatron over here>>: Good, because Gigatron is the stupidest name I've ever heard. Devil Gigatron is even worse.

Gside: <<This is college. Laundry is done seasonally>>: Isn't that a little...frequent? <<Startropics>>: YES! <<The hot girls room and the threesome room>>: Of course. <<he got it to use for conservation of energy and centripital force demonstrations. I got to have fun putting it together>>: Sounds cool. <<Excuse me for a moment. Take that, Imzadi>>: What is this obsession with competition you have? <<Just remember: Saurot = dot>>: I thought it was Serat. <<I'll swallow your soul, swallow your soul. Evil. Wait, that's a guinnea pig>>: huh? <<One of my roomies (3rd year ceramics) has to use a frosh to set his alarm. >>: He should get MP3 Alarm Clock. <<they close off most of the lines at 2:30>>: Ew! You eat...DORM FOOD!?

Carolynn Marie: <<Jesus H. Christ>>: One, you're confusing me with my son. Two, how do you know his middle name starts with an H? <<what idiot would put a WAND in his hands?>>: Matt Groening. <<what's she thinking>>: "Boy, this guy must be loaded to afford a group of lawyers that got him off for that one. I bet a piece of that is mine if I get him off, too." Women. <<And miss the keg parties>>: I hate least the crap they serve at keggers. That's not beer. That's 5 parts urine with 2 parts water. I think. <<staying up till 6AM>>: I don't do that. I value my sleep. <<writing papers>>: What's a paper? I only have problem sets. <<do at 8>>: I don't have morning classes. <<eating commons food>>: I don't live at the dorms. <<and stale pizza>>: We get it delivered as necessary. <<what's not to like>>: Well, since none of the stuff you've mentioned applies to me, I'll say this: going to 5 hours of class to have 7 more of work, sleeping at every chance you get because its your only method of escaping this hellhole, 15,000 ugly women, 100,000 bad drivers all trying to prevent me from crossing the street alive, hippies that don't shave/shower, the list goes on. Basically, college SUCKS. <<bedtime>>: Now that is the ONE perk about college. No bedtime.

Regardless...I am going to crash so that I function for the only class I'm going to 3PM 8-) Sometimes, being me rocks. Next semester it won't rock so hard.

If brute force doesn't work, you're not using enough.
-Mike Margolis

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Friday, October 26, 2001 03:37:22 AM

Hey! Guess what I heard on Toon Disney?

Starting at 7pm on Halloween, Toon Disney is showing 18 episodes of Gargoyles back to back!

Cool, huh? I know what I will be doing!

Fire Storm with Lady Mystic
Friday, October 26, 2001 03:11:18 AM

Jesus H. Christ, folks. Just saw "A Time to Kill" (pretty good, I give it 7/10). It was the subject matter that got me. Before watching it, I knew it was some courtroom drama, but that was about it. The plot revolves around the brutal rape and attempted lynching of a ten year old girl by two dumbass rednecks, and in a fit of rage, her father blows the pair away as they ascend the courthouse steps for trial. I think the only movie that freaked me out even more was "Eye for an Eye" (oddly enough, both these flicks include Kiefer Sutherland as a bad guy: a KKK guy in one, a rapist/murderer in the other) *shivers* Tough stuff to watch.

CHRISTINE< Weird question > the buzz around the Pyramid boards is that the Simpsons Halloween special this year will spoof Harry Potter; anyone able to confirm this? And if so, when's it on??? Must see! >>

*L* That's all I've been talking about in here the last few visits. Yep, the rumors are true. Supposedly it'll revolve around Bart and the kids going to a magic school in a Harry Potter spoof. As to when it's on ... not sure. Check the official Simpsons site, maybe they have a schedule. Yikes, Bart can't go five minutes without breaking something; what idiot would put a WAND in his hands?

Though Homer would be happy ... all the doughnuts and Duff beer a loaf could want :)

CRZY< *smothers back her laughter* Has he mentioned yet that you like Harry Potter? *gasp* That must make you a devil worshipper, too!!

GB< It'd be really sad if OJ got busted for harassing a motorist, just to show where our country's priorities are. "Decapitate your wife and her friend? Heck, no problem ... ooh, but you went 80 in a 45 mph zone, tsk tsk tsk"

Kinda reminds me of yet another Eddie Izzard skit:

Person: Forgive me Father, for I committed an original sin. I poked a badger with a spoon.
Priest: Well, that's certainly original. Uh, lessee, five Hail Mary's and Two Hello Dollies.
Person: Awright!
Next Person: Forgive me, too, Father, for I have sinned. I slept with my neighbor's wife.
Priest: Eh, heard it. I want an ORIGINAL sin. Don't come back unless you've got something creative.
Next Person: Oh, alright...

I wonder whatever happened to OJ's kids, they're still living with him, right? And he's actually got a girlfriend, too... what's she thinking??

JOSH< There's no way I'm doing any more schooling after this, I don't care who foots the bill. I want out. I want to work for 8 hours a day, not 13. And I want to get paid to do it. I want a job! >> What? And miss the keg parties, staying up till 6 AM writing papers do at 8, and eating commons food and stale pizza? What's not to like? ;)


Carolynn Marie - []
Madison, NJ, USA
Friday, October 26, 2001 02:04:25 AM

Whoops. Anyway, to continue:

Daphne> <<being forced to go to Toy Story on Ice for his eighth grade field trip. I really can't blame him for that>>: Nor I.

Niamhgold> <<Fathers plus lego-type toys do _not_ mix>>: Pretty much, but he got it to use for conservation of energy and centripital force demonstrations. I got to have fun putting it together.
<<That's a Good Thing^TM>>: Excuse me for a moment. Take that, Imzadi. Anyway...
<<And I haven't even _gotten_ to Manet yet>>: Just remember: Saurot = dot.

Imzadi> <<People should avoid hamsters just on principle>>: I'll swallow your soul, swallow your soul. Evil. Wait, that's a guinnea pig.
<<but your roommate hasn't figured out how to use a can opener>>: One of my roomies (3rd year ceramics) has to use a frosh to set his alarm.

And I missed reading Hal's speach on Crispin's Day. It was yesterday.

Fire Storm> Have you checked out Scholck Mercenary recently? It's doing an infestation story from the point of view of the bugs.
<<I need to find a full version of that song first>>: Try Or just search Google for "let sun go down lyrics".
<<That is one busy space>>: Quite true, and you'd hope so, as it is his primary form of martial arts.
<<Got a link?>>: It's at, but more specifically
<<hat was pretty funny>>: I thought, "she's a nurse, what does she know about cooking neatly?"
<<But even as a duck he has access to Chain-space>>: I don't know, he uses mostly throwing knives that way.

DPH> <<who around here eats breakfast before 10:am?>>: Depends on if I have a class.
<<Eats lunch before 3:00 pm?>>: I try to, they close off most of the lines at 2:30.
<<eats supper before 7:00 pm?>>: It's dinner, and not unless a group of us is heading out.

Because I feel like it, the mp3 is a cover of Louie, Louie by the Beach Boys. A bit on the odd side.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Friday, October 26, 2001 12:34:09 AM

Imzadi> <<Is that your fun day?>>: Not really, but I like the song by the Monkees.
<<You don't have any friends with clean clothing>>: This is college. Laundry is done seasonally.
<<Maybe I just like rubbing it in because I'm a ripe bastard>>: Ah. Right then.
<<I'm not gonna say anything>>: No? It really is something else.
<<Yes, but typos in corrections are unforgiveable>>: True, and I am sorry. At least it was only an expression of a preference for a terminology, not a correction of a typo.
<<This guy trained on that damn island nintendo game>>: Startropics? Nah, the yoyo is usually accompanied by other, sharper, chained objects.
<<Merged with which room? The kitchen? The TV room?>>: The hot girls room and the threesome room.
<<I never took up family space with legos>>: The thing is, he asked me to build it.

Revel> <<things appear to be running as normal in the usual SSDD fashion>>: What do anarchistic furries have to do with anything?

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Thursday, October 25, 2001 10:54:15 PM

Taleweaver> You miss treacherous Decepticons eh? Well, you'll see them on this show. Scourge is not loyal to Gigatron at all. Unlike Starscream, Scourge is smart enough to bide his time and not make his treachery known. Though I must also say that unlike both Megatrons, Gigatron knows hot to properly deal with traitors. As you'll soon see.

DPH> The reason Omega Prime is so damn powerful is because of the Matrix. But he'll soon have his match in the form of Devil Gigatron (who will be called Galvatron over here in the States).

Greg Bishansky
Thursday, October 25, 2001 09:22:08 PM

for what it's worth I seem to be a monkey... and a metal one :p


Thursday, October 25, 2001 09:15:17 PM

CrzyDemona - your ex-husband is stupid. I just hope the insurance companies don't look up my online life, or it might break my case for getting an insurance settlement.

I remember reading that Bob Skir jumped ship off X-MEN EVOLUTION project when he saw it becoming Beverly Hills 9120 with mutants.

NukesGoBoom - last time I checked, Gargoyles seasons covered 1 year, which means next season of Gargoyles will not have the events of September 11, 2001 (which I view as a very good thing so that the TGS staff can have level heads when considering how to treat the events of September 11). Besides, I do like it that the TGS staff is behind 1 year from real life.

Ok, I missed the premiere of the show. In the original TF, the autobots weren't 'hanging around' all over the place. They pretty much stayed in the base. With the global space bridge thing, the world governments have to know the truth about the Autobots. I don't quite buy the origins of the Decipticons because surely Cyberton would have sent a message telling the autobots that a large force was headed their way. If energy seems to be such a problem for the predacons, why haven't they run out by now. The larger the army grows, the more food it takes to keep it fed. What kind of name is 'Landfill'? Also, Landfill shouldn't even have a chance against Ruination, even if Landfill was experienced because of 1 simple fact: 4 regular sized TFs can't produce as much energy as 6 regular sized TFs and therefore Landfill is inheritantly weaker than Ruination. If UltraMagnus is a match for Ruination by himself and Optimus Prime (in Battle Mode) is a match for Ruination by himself, doesn't that make Omega Prime the most powerfull combiner/TF on the planet?

Green Baron - just consider me a wild card on my own side.

SJ - dumb question. Since I have attended two college campuses, on which one would Wolf Blitzer's younger brother, Werewolf Blitzer attack me?

Tim - if I wanted to get rid of you PERMANTLY, I'd drop off you somewhere in the vastness of space. Without an atmosphere to breathe, you'd die instantly. But I am not that kind of guy. I just needed to temporarily remove you.

Ok, who around here eats breakfast before 10:am? Not me. Eats lunch before 3:00 pm? not me. eats supper before 7:00 pm? not me.

Revel - what is the answer to your riddle?

My dad and I had another argument about me getting a job. How many places out there will hire somebody who has to sit 1/2 the time? That's what I thought. It's sad when you realize your dad does not always have your best interests at heart, nor does he think things through.

Have I ever ever mentioned that I met this guy who thought total anarchy was OK? Somehow, I didn't think he ever thought it completely through.

Thursday, October 25, 2001 09:04:30 PM

Hi gals and guys, here I am again, a bit later than supposed. And, btw, it's 2 AM here, and I'm quite sleepy, so please forgive any senseless thing I could write.

Well, first thing, thanks to everyone welcomed me back. It is good to see that there is a place where someone remembers me...;)

Jan:> <<I guess I don’t understand the military situation and regulations in Italy.>> Neither do I, sometimes...anyway, the fundamental problem is that Italian Army is now slowly switching from draft-based to volunteer-based. By now, the two things are existing at the same time, somebody forgot to modify the regulations/laws regulating military so to regulate this period. As you can imagine, this is creating a lot of difficulties and confusion (and in these times of crisis, this situation is becoming extremely evident...). Im my case, being fundamentally a draft soldier, I discovered I couldn't switch to volunteer service (it is a semplicistic explanation...the detailed situation is extremely complex, involving a lot of bureaucratic things...I am not even sure I CAN explain it). And, anyway, I wasn't asked if I wanted to stay or not. Simply, they discharged me, almost from a moment to another. Oh, anyway, I am glad to see you seem to have recovered from your health problems, and I hope everything is doing well for you! :)

Winterwolf:> <<I remember you>> I was sure of it, my friend. Oh, when you'll have time, check your email. My best wishes to Dreamie for a full and quick healing!

Josh:> Nice to see you too...I suppose...;) <<Define OK>> In these days? Being alive and not in immediate danger of life...:-\

Niamhgold:> Hi! Well, I checked my mail, but found nothing...anyway, I know you are busy. I will try to email you something tomorrow, if I can!

Green Baron:> <<So you return to Civilian Life. >> Not completely for my will...see my reply to Jan for more detalis...<<Remind me to take a train to Milan when I have more money and leave >> Just tell me with some days of advance that you're coming, and I'll organize a good tour of the city for you!

People, I'm falling asleep. I must finish. See everyone!

Shadowrider - []
Milan, Italy
Thursday, October 25, 2001 08:59:18 PM

Crzy > November 2 ...
Thursday, October 25, 2001 07:23:21 PM

Christine - I am drawing like a mad woman! :) Gonna have to take over Aimee's house soon to finish (Since my new computer wont be here until Nov 1.) ... what's that deadline again? hee hee!

Fire Storm - "Jump the Shark" OMG!! Happy Days? I sadly remember that episode when Fonzie had to jump the shark. SO BAD!!

Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Thursday, October 25, 2001 07:22:27 PM

Greetings all...

Just stopping in breifly before I head out... I've got four days off, and I'm spending them at NecronomiCon! Dunno of anyone in the Florida area that is going, but if you are headed over to Tampa Bay, stop by and look for the tall, heavy guy in the big white hat. ^_^

Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Thursday, October 25, 2001 07:18:19 PM

Patrick Toman: <Before you write anything else, you do know we're still waiting for you to write that filk you talked about of "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me", right?>
SILENCE! None shall mention the filk of EVIL!
(I need to find a full version of that song first. My copy cuts out halfway through a chours)

DPH: <it's cheaper just to replace it>
At $5 a keyboard? Oh yeah.
Hell, if mine gets dirty, I throw it in the sink. If the waterproofing fails, I get a new keyboard.

Gside: <And one cannot forget the sleeve scythes... axes...>
That is one busy space!
<True, but I've always been a Marvel boy>
XXX-Men? ;)
<I don't think so, but he's doing a daily panel.>
Got a link?
<Esepcially for the Buck Cake>
That was pretty funny.
<Non duck. He has more of an arsenal selection that way>
But even as a duck he has access to Chain-space

Imzadi: <In here? I thought for sure we were just a bunch of prudes>
But given the oppertunity, I think any one of us would take it!
<Please don't>
And I'll post the video in here!
<Then you need to get out more>
Yeah... definately.
<Maybe if we kept it on the driveway and cleaned up afterwards...nah.>
Then we will hold it in your neighbors living room.
<Helping UGLY people get laid>
I was going to say helping people like us, but then I rembered I don't NEED it! LM and all.
I should have said Geeks or Engineers. Looks aside, getting women really isn't one of our strong points, right?
<a) HA! you called it firewire!>
Yeah, well, I was tired. And 100GB 1394 just didn't sound right.
<We think they sent him a dud. >
Well, send it to me! I will put it through a rigorous year of testing!
<Well, I do want just a light exosuit mostly for travel>
No problem. A light exosuit is a project I plan for later. My first is gonna be my "Heavy" (under 1000 lbs). The SuperHeavy (The one mentioned) will come even later.
<but I'd also like a full-fledged battlemech>
Wouldn't we all?
<Perhaps, but getting sick sucks>
True. BUT if you get sick after the other person gets well, you can guilt the other person into caring for you.
A vampire story I am writing.
<The one where I take over?>
Na. Write your own Biography!
<Sucks to be our big purple hero>
Oh yeah. Not only is she dead, they are unable to find the body AND he is unable to help capture the people responsable OR help in the rescue.
<I want a job!>
Yeah... sitting around doing nothing sucks after a while, don't it?

Tim: <Which lens would you use?>
It depends. How far am I? What is the lighting like? What time of day? Overcast?
Would a zoom shot or a wide angle shot be better?

Green Baron: <I don't like the tone of your post either, but I agree with you>
I don't like the tone of your agreement. ;)
<I tend to view myself as evil, though I really said I have evil tendencies>
I am sorry, but YOU EVIL? I don't think so! You are probally one of the most non-evil ones in here! At worst, you are human.
Now, people like Josh, on the other hand... >;)

Daphne: <[covers my behind] no probing allowed!>
I can make no such promises.

Sevarius "Official Kid Fight Club Promotor" Jr.: How about this: Star Trek fight club? Who wouldn't want to see Data kick Picards ass?

CrzyDemona: <Check this fun out... my ex-husband is trying to tell the courts I worship DEMONS since my screen name is "CrzyDemona".>
Is he THAT f$cking desperate to find some way to grind you into the dirt?
He would have had an easier time saying that you are crazy because of your name.
Because we all know that is SO true! ;)
<How you can tell the END of Buffy is near!?
... ** BUFFY: The Musical ** ...>
Jump the shark...

Warpmind: YO! Where you?

"When it absolutely, positively has to be destroyed overnight. Dial 1-800-MARINES"

Fire Storm
Thursday, October 25, 2001 07:12:06 PM

Sabledrake deadline > still time to send in stories, reviews, articles, and art for the November issue! ::nudges Crzy:: psst, that means you, too, lady!

Green Baron > when I write The Big Book of Talopean Ritual, I'll be sure you get a signed copy ; )

Weird question > the buzz around the Pyramid boards is that the Simpsons Halloween special this year will spoof Harry Potter; anyone able to confirm this? And if so, when's it on??? Must see!

Christine - []
Thursday, October 25, 2001 07:01:44 PM

How you can tell the END of Buffy is near!?

... ** BUFFY: The Musical ** ...

Need I say more...

Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Thursday, October 25, 2001 06:51:22 PM

*In, for the moment*

Crzy: *LOL* he is?? yeesh, all you have to do to prove that one wrong- at most- is show up wearing a disney Gargs-shirt with her on it. "Yes, your honor, I am a worshipper of...THE MOUSE."

GB: Indeed it did.

Buffy non-spoilees:
My guess is that Tara is going to die. I beleive it will happen one of two ways.
1) she dies, through whatever circumstance, sending Willow over the edge to true evil. Maybe she tries the resurrect spell again, with less-satisfying results than the attempt on Buffy.
2) Willow becomes evil through another path, and kills Tara herself. Maybe as an act of cruelty, perhaps while being possessed...or by accident, and afterwards her guilt leads her back to the road of the pure-of-heart. I doubt she wil easily be forgiven for her crimes, tho.

Aaron: something new and interesting in the updates. and look for an email. oh, and that reminds me...

Dreamie and Winterwolf: I don't appear to have either of your e-addy's. could you please send me at least one, I finally typed up that thing to send.

*gone, daddy, gone*

Lynati "a thousand eyes, turning blue" Kshudra - []
Thursday, October 25, 2001 06:33:43 PM

Josh- Haha! That is true about college. However, I get credit for being in classes that I skip (god bless friends, stupid teachers, and sign in sheets :) ) Oh, one more thing and ill drop it cause you are probobly sick of it, the item my friend chris is selling off ebay sold at $1,300. sigh. .... and he found another one. I wont get into the details, but he kinda stole someone elses by accident. NOW hes a rich bastard. thats $2,600. sigh.

Lynati- So you do stuff in class and cant stop thinking about Gargoyles? I cant either. Maybe we arnt so different.

Anyone- Was the issue on whether to include the sept.11th WTC attack settled? Are the staff writers going to include this in the Gargoyles Saga or not? If its not, id have to say dont put it in. I dont think that it would show disrespect to anyone (i dont think they would care at this point :P ) Second, does anyone want to keep hearing about it? It was terrible, right? So why do we have to write about it in something that we read for entertainment? Besides, the current end of the saga is in 1999, right? (I have started reading again, so i dont know about the ending date, i just saw someone else post that date. SO MUCH TO READ!) Its such a touchy issue, I say that we leave it out of the saga. Im sure the writers will do what they want, but I hope they dont include it.

goin to look for stuff to sell on d2 :) have fun everyone, whatever it is that you are doing.

NukesGoBoom - []
Thursday, October 25, 2001 06:21:28 PM

Enters wears a white mask. "Just walk away. Sevarius Jr. Just walk away."

I won't spoil the fun of everyone rying to get your references, though the reanimated hand hints and Army of Darkness.

* * * Warning Spoilers on their Way * * *
Buffy> I was singing the old Spiderman theme in the shower the other day. (yes, I sing in the shower, yes I remember obscure theme songs and yes, I remember watching the old 1960's Spiderman) And I just got the in-joke with Xander from last week with 'Action Being his Reward.' Laughed so hard, my wife thought I was crazy.

Last weeks was good, this week was only good in parts. I liked the 'Crimelords of Sunnydale'. Only someone who knows this much sci-fi trivia can win in a sci-fi/fantasy arena. My only real concern is the menace. I'm as scared of them as I am of getting a paper cut. Also what's up with Strong's character. Buffy's saved his shiny white butt personally a couple of times.

I disagree with you S jr. about the direction. Last season's seemed to be all over the map. Between, Joyce dying, Buffy agonizing over death being her gift, Spike stalking Buffy and Tara family showing up, you got next to nothing on the last season's villain. It was a drawback when all this stuff starts going down and htey have to fill in the gaps as best as possible. It seems to me if similar character development is in story this season, then the Crimelords are a good foil. Of course, that is if the development is in the works. I do agree that it is slow. Buffy feeling small and insignificant in the real world is old hat. We've seen two years of the while she was in college.

The only thing I'll add is that I think Anya is wearing the redshirt not Tara. I wish I could give some difinitive evidence, but my tail is twitching. Anya might be the next fatality. Call it the Curse of the Cartwrights but TV shows have a poor record with matrimony. It's not as bad in sci-fi shows, but I remember Dax's marriage and subsequent death, and lets not forget the truckloads of Carter casualties on Stargate. If Xander and Anya get married and live happily ever after, I will be one shocked dragon.

Angel> Love the melodrama performed by Wesley and Cordy. Also loved how accepting Fred's parents were with the weirdness. People in large numbers may be stupid, panicky creatures, but individuals might surprise you. Big question for Fred, what organ does she play in the body of Angel Investigations?

x-men> OK, big continuity question here? Wolverine has heightened smell. In fact in the episode introducing Rogue, he could spot Mystique by smell. The London goth chick Mystique was posing as was in the mansion, in view of Wolverine once and he noticed nothing? Also, smooth move by the Professor. 'He thinks it is just a game?' The first thing that pops in my head is, 'It wasn't?' Still, it's a sight better than Transformers.

I know there is at least one Transformers fan writing on the show. Things like Auggie Canae and the Europa 2000 are trivia bits only a fan would remember. What i really hate is Sky Byte. A flying shark I can believe, but you have to show some means of propulsion: a jet thrust, an extended wing, something. Ah, I wish for the old days of Decepticon treachery. Starscream was looking to lead himself, not suck up to Megatron and be his favorite lapdog. Even Terrosaur in Beast Wars wanted to rule himself, not be number 2 or 3. The depths of this shows lameitude have yet to be reached.

Well, I've got to split. End the spoilers here.

PS - If you're a Reboot fan and have the Cartoon Network, they are showing the Reboot movies as episodes on Toonami Friday. I find it a good way to wrap up the week.


Taleweaver - []
Thursday, October 25, 2001 04:03:44 PM

Greetings form the land of sauerkraut sucking sausgae eaters.

Silvadel> I agree that Babylon 5 was superb. I just wish I could get some tapes on it. Another excellent was The BlackAdder. I have it on DVD.

Lynati> I saw that. It had a South Park feel to it.

Mooncat> <<Okay, I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy... must be all the sushi I had for supper... mmmmmm yum!!!>> I love sushi. Of course, I'm now developing a taste for suasage in this strange land. It snice having sausages with flavors beyond too salty and too spicy.

Daphne> <<Ladies and gentlemen, the man to blame for me coming back.... :) >> The one and only.

DPH> You won't stop m ethat easily. Besides, Lain and Gunjack wantto stay in Newfoundland. We all remember what Newfies get more of than any other Canucks.

Ebtity> <<Then why is it a coffee shop? It's like the AOL of coffee houses.>> That's a sore subject. I own stock in AOL and it has been losing money. I don't own stock in Starbucks.

<<If you can get it down to the hour, I might be able to do it.>> Dr. Barnes woudl disagree iwth you there. He needs exact minutes since ten minute scan put one house under a different sign at least.

Greg B> <<I hereby banish you to my casino... where you shall be around gamblers and cannot escape. While there, your hair will grow long and you shall be forced to wear cargo pants and Marilyn Manson t-shirts. You will drink nothing but beer, and smoke marijuana. And finally, at night you will be chained to your bed, where the whores in my employ will have their way with you! BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA! >>

Again, I don't like the tone of this post :) I have escaped. Being a Casino, Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci were enforcers there, so they rescued me. My late cat left me a lot of his contacts. That means I have OJ Simspon for a bodyguard :)

I now replace that outfit with a dark grey suit with beige vest and beige bow-tie with yellow-brown polka dots inside it. My beer becomes a sprite and teh hwores leave since I wouldn't pay them. I must say you had a good comeback.

<<Geez the guy kills his wife and Ron Goldman and gets off. Now he goes and harasses someone in a fit of road rage and faced 16 years of prison. I was sooo hoping he'd go to prison. He should have gone back in 1995. This guy must have the best defense team on Earth. When I make my attempt for world domination, I'll need to hire them as my lawyers. Once that happens there will be no stopping me.>> You forget OJ was my Attila's chief bodyguard along with the original Attila the Hun, so naturally OJ couldn't be stopped.

SJ> Now Kevin Spacey was good in Glengarry GlenRoss, though my favorites in that movie were Al Pacino and Jack Lemmon.

You forgot a horoscope for Leo, and for that I don't like the tone of your post :p

Niamhgold> <<Hopefully you're not being sarcastic. I'm the bane of everyone else's existences.>> I don't understand that. I'm one of the ones who pesters you for a pic of yoruself. I'd probably flirt with you, but Heather has tamed me and would beat me senseless if I did :)

<<Art for beauty's sake (or entertainment if its the film arts), not for art's sake. I don't care what Rosenberg thinks! ;) Er...sorry. Top of my mind because that's the stuff on my middie tomorrow ;)>> Well, if its beauty I want, I go for the classics, and my favorite turtle is Donatello actually. Granted I am an Economist and I find Economics, Government, politics, and treachery an art form in itself.

<<Gemini: You will be visited by God this upcoming Wednesday. I don't mean this in some existential sense> LOL. Better not ;)>> Don't wory, His Mother told me He's really a big teddy bear even though he can strike fear into many :)

<<Ah ... those Talopean weddings! ; )>> After I'm married, my wife and I might be using soem of your work as a guideline :)

Imzadi> <<I don't think you're evil at all. I think you'd like people to THINK you're evil and hardcore, but you're really just some semi-pious religious wuss. >> Hardcore, me? I'm a wous, yes, but I tend to view myself some sort of coward. I'm not too much of a wuss, since I made it through Training. Granted, I barely passed the PT test.

<<These petty "sins" are nothing more than the moral equivalent of a moving violation>> That's why they are called venial sins.

<<Lawful good, actually, with neutral tendencies.>> Sometiems I need to betold that. Thanks. Iuse to flog myself becuase I regarded myself as evil, but taht was years ago and it was only a dry belt. Nothing too powerful.

<<How is gambling any different from investing? Or starting a business? Or driving down the street?>> I agree, but some pseudo-Christians think that, like soem damn Tennessee judges that banned BINGO and devestated the Diocese of Memphis. Christian Brothers Universtty was able to fund their Athletic Porgram due to Bingo and many High schools thrived on it. Oh well, tehy raise tehri rates and poor kids have to go to public school to receive shitty education and be pawns of big government liberals. Sounds like a conspiracy. The Supreme Court that banned Bingo should all be beaten to death with rulers by old-fashioned nuns, the kind the Pope cringes at the sight of, from his own childhood.

<<I hope that's not the reason you want them out. That's very shallow-minded.>> Like totally, dude. That's an added bonus feature. Actually we can decalre it a hostile combat zone but no actual fighting will occur. Then I get stationed there and I won't have to pay any taxes, since its a combat zone and all, plus I'd be a legal resident of Florida anyway. I'd also get hostile fire pay.

<<Why was Jen making passes at Becca!?>> She was making one at Tim.

<<That's it, you left me out you bastard!>> I'd declare fealty to you.

<<Assuming he goes.>> His father is in the Army as a Cav NCO and his grandfather was an Air Foce pilot. Yeah, he'll be in the military.

<<Or he just lives 2000 miles away.>> He was with Lain over the summer. He probably has the same sexually repressed values I have. That probably equates to some interesting converstaions they have on IM :)

<<Real "evil" people don't have a "beloved".>> Plus I asked the Virgin Mary for a beloved and I think her answer was: Heather. I can't be too evil if Mary saw it fitto help me. Well, she probably had a hand in me overcoming my darker aspects, being a good all-mother and all.

<<Law school!? I must be out of my f*cking mind.>> I think I may do that after I get my honorable discharge. Use the GI Bill to pay for UVA Law School, then join the JAG. I get an instant commission and I won't have to deal with a lot of the annoying crap in the military. Well, I'll still ahve PT tests, but that's about it. I think I get 65K in addition to my commission as a Captain.

Mooncat> <<I don't make ANY money off my site. All the adult stuff I post on a FREE adult server, so as not to squick the servers that specifically say, No Adult Stuff, in their user policy. Yes, I do follow the written rules.>> That's too bad. The only reason I'd have links to adult servers was for the money.

Crzy> <<Check this fun out... my ex-husband is trying to tell the courts I worship DEMONS since my screen name is "CrzyDemona". Pretty special, huh? I don't know how to break it to him that the demons actually worship ME!! MWAA HAA HAA HAA *CHOKEWHEEZE* HA HA HA>> That's a new one. You want me to have OJ take him out?

I'm off. ::GB disappears and the CR Table is filled with tons of German sausgaes::

Green Baron - []
Thursday, October 25, 2001 02:58:50 PM

Jen: "actually afford"? I'm curious, how much did you spend? If it was less than $800 (that's eight HUNDRED, not eight thousand), you're right, you couldn't have afforded a Mac. But macs range from $800 to $11000 or so, so any shmoe can afford one. Just because *I* spent a small fortune on my top-of-the-line power-user system doesn't mean that everyone has fact, most don't.

As for where I was...I was right here, in the CR. You know how to reach me. I'm on multiple services. ICQ 61080909. AIM: OakleyPosterBoy. Not to mention that I post in here. You'll forgive me if I don't hand out my phone number to every putz who will call me when their computer fries ;-)

Thursday, October 25, 2001 01:42:42 PM

Josh - Checked the site, fixed most of the broken links. My Thundercats fiction, Slaves of Thunder, will have to be broken down into smaller files. Just found out this site doesn't take files larger than 70K -- guess it's to weed out people who might use it for an image dump.

I guess I have to start chopping my fictions into smaller pieces. Most of my Garg fics would not fit on this site if I did decide to put them here. sigh...

The Pokemon links are dead. I need to re-edit my index page to erase that section, but basically I am just not into Pokemon fiction. It makes my head hurt. The one decent fic from that section was to an off site link, and I'll ask that author if he still wants it listed. Steve Requin, who can take the most unlikely things and spin a good story out of it. The other guy, Jacob, I'm pretty much deleting through lack of interest, mine, readers, and the author's.

Everything else that's On Site, should be working now.

Thanks for your interest in The Red Room. I've had to change the host server recently, because the old server was deliberately jacking links on my pages to their multi-pop up ads. The new server is quite nice actually, no pop-ups, no link hi-jacks. It's very tasteful and is PHP compatible if I decide to revamp my site.

If you find any other broken links, please let me know.


Thursday, October 25, 2001 01:00:08 PM

Josh - Jen and Macs don't mix well. It usually results in one or the other spontaneously combusting. (I already got bitched at by Crispin for not having a Mac) Besides... I needed something I could actually AFFORD! Where the hell were you when I said my computer fried?? You wait until I buy a new one THEN come running to my rescue? You need to work on your timing there, turbo! :)

I am still looking to hire some 'twerp' to build my web store. I am clueless in the cgi and shopping carts dept.

Christine - Sounds like Becca had a great birthday! WOO! I am still limited on what I can post/do/compute since my computer works SOMETIMES and other times I am posting from my Dreamcast. OY! You can always send me hate mail. :)

Hey! Check this fun out... my ex-husband is trying to tell the courts I worship DEMONS since my screen name is "CrzyDemona". Pretty special, huh? I don't know how to break it to him that the demons actually worship ME!! MWAA HAA HAA HAA *CHOKEWHEEZE* HA HA HA

Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Thursday, October 25, 2001 12:35:58 PM


I woke up at 2am after 4hours sleep...worked on an event compilation for a couple hours...went back to bed...Got up for class...
Let me just say, their is something horribly surreal about sitting in class, daydreaming up Garg-fic plots while you wait for the video to begin, and suddenly thinking you hear Hudson talking. Only, without the accent.
...Ed Asner just does kick-ass narration, let me tell you.

*fwomps back into bed*

Lynati Kshudra
Thursday, October 25, 2001 12:11:47 PM

Josh sed "Why is every link in your adult archive a link to a porn site rather than a story? You must make a lot of money off that. I didn't see a single fic there."

Mooncat sez: I don't make ANY money off my site. All the adult stuff I post on a FREE adult server, so as not to squick the servers that specifically say, No Adult Stuff, in their user policy. Yes, I do follow the written rules.

However the problem with free adult servers, is that any broken links probably will take you to their default ads. I thought I'd gone through and checked my links when I began with this server, just a few months ago actually.

I'll go back and check to see what is what.

Guess you must have had nothing to do if you clicked EVERY adult fic link I had. Or maybe it was only the Pokemon ones? I remember I didn't switch over those fics because I really didn't like them that much. The author hasn't been in touch, so I plan to phaze them out.


Thursday, October 25, 2001 11:53:08 AM

Today was a Good Day (TM).

Started with me sleeping through my first class. Always a good idea, since we rarely get anything useful from lectures in general. I went to my next class, at noon, for the sole purpose of handing in my homework and collecting an old one. Then off to another lecture to collect homework there. And den...

And den I went to see my advisor to have him approve my classes for next semester, which thankfully went without a hitch (or an interrogation) since he was busy meeting with all his other students, who have a quiz in his class tomorrow. Then I met with my TA for materials to discuss the homework (fortunately she was able to help me rather quickly).

When I got back home, I emailed my advisor and told him about my grade in my programming class. He mentioned last semester that his students were always whining about any programming they had to do, making it clear to me that he thought any students with programming skills were VERY valuable. So I told him that I got an A+ in the class and that I was thinking of being a TA myself next semester, and he wrote back saying he'd love to have me do undergrad research. Woohoo! A research slot! Now if I don't go to Apple this summer, I've got another option. And research looks impressive, especially since I'll be doing structural analysis, which is exactly what I'd want to do professionally (albeit on a smaller scale).

Then I got back to the grind and alternated my evening between Enterprise, food, and homework. Homework still sucks. Always will. Always has.

Law school!? I must be out of my f*cking mind. There's no way I'm doing any more schooling after this, I don't care who foots the bill. I want out. I want to work for 8 hours a day, not 13. And I want to get paid to do it. I want a job!

And while we're talking about Incubus, I'll throw in my experience with them. I saw them open for Deftones with Taproot. The audience was split between hardcore big guys (a.k.a. Deftones fans) and obnoxious teeny-boppers/trendy kids (a.k.a. new Incubus fans). Incubus didn't play a single song off their new album (except for Pardon Me) and all the kids were looking around saying "WTF?!"...that was until the older people got all stoked that Incubus wasn't sucking ass and COLLIDED with the little kids, forever ensuring that they'd stop listening to crappy music and going to concerts feature bands they'd never heard of before their MTV single.


Todd: <<and followed in his footsteps by unleashing a pack of demon winged monkeys on the school play - apparently "Romeo and Juliet" here, though it must have quickly looked more like "The Wizard of Oz" after that>>: LOL! I'm surprised the writers remembered that guy so they could tie this guy to him.

Jan: <<I'm a fire monkey>>: I'll bet you are. <<geesh, that's a bit dramatic, don't you think?>>: Welcome to the CR.

DPH: <<any questions about how I know there is a bug in the function?>>: LOL gotta love the windows API's. <<Who says I'm logical or rational minded?>>: Not me. <<I've always preferred stability myself, so>>: Good. <<no coups of the CR are allowed unless I'm involved>>: They'd have no chance.

CrzyDemona: <<I was born the year of the Dog. Appropriate, no>>: there a good way to answer this question? <<Thanks to some help from Patrick, I have a new computer coming my way!>>: Ya know, there are REAL computer geeks in here, ones that would have been happy to help (and far more knowledgeable). I'm gonna take a longshot and guess that it's not a mac. <<Lots of stuff for Christine>>: Uh oh... <<this means I have to update my website>>: You should hire some twerp to do it for you. <<I am totally chomping at the bit to read the next one>>: You're a horse now?

Revel: Your posts are littered with typos...they make it very hard to read. <<more so that Josh caring>>: That's a miracle? <<SSDD fashion>>: Huh? <<If you don't know, guess>>: I don't have time for guessing games. <<There are three words in the ENGLISH language>>: Actually, according to the UNIX dictionary, those are the only two. What's the "third"? <<Hard earned money on drugs? what do you think this is, reality?>>: Maybe not in here, but elsewhere, yes. <<I am the Metal Monkey>>: No relation to sprung monkey, right? <<Who do I have to %@$* to get off this boat?>>: thanks.

Tim: <<Which lens would you use?>>: LOL! The one that would capture the fear on his face. <<As a combat engineer! Whoo! I get to blow up stuff for a living!>>: WHAT!? I am SOOOOOO jealous!

Green Baron: <<I tend to view myself as evil, though I really said I have evil tendencies>>: I don't think you're evil at all. I think you'd like people to THINK you're evil and hardcore, but you're really just some semi-pious religious wuss. Real "evil" people don't have a "beloved". They may have some girl that they long to get back because they THINK they're in love with her, but really, the evil man's "beloved" is no longer that the second she dumps his evil ass. And they don't become evil until after they get dumped in the first place. So don't try to pass yourself off as hard core or evil or anything like that. You don't know what evil is. Greed is not evil (even if it is a sin). Wanting revenge is not necessarily evil. Bloodlust, under many circumstances, is not evil. Taking pleasure in the pain of others, THAT is evil. Doing horrible things because they satisfy you (sexually or otherwise), is evil. These petty "sins" are nothing more than the moral equivalent of a moving violation. <<Sir Rudolph was a good man to tell Prince Camel where he can stick his money>>: But think of the paper cuts! <<I do find it amusing that you defended theocratic government to me, considering our religious views>>: Being able to argue both sides of an argument is the only sign of a true understanding of the subject matter. <<I would also support you if you ran for Office>>: "running" implies there'd be voting involved. <<I doubt I'd go anything riskier than futures anyway>>: There isn't anything riskier than futures. <<I feel the need to wait>>: I feel the need not to 8-) <<Once i'm married, I will probably be less uptight, though>>: If I get married, I think everyone ELSE will be uptight, waiting for the apocalypse and all that. <<And what do you perceive me to be? Lawful neutral with good tendencies?>>: Lawful good, actually, with neutral tendencies. <<If that's wrong, then I don't want to be right>>: I'd rather be right than moral 8-) <<why some faiths ban playing cards of all types though soemwhere they see gambling being unChristian>>: How is gambling any different from investing? Or starting a business? Or driving down the street? <<Berkely is not that open-minded or tolerant>>: But what's important is that they THINK they are ;-) <<I think teh whole city shoudl be converted into an asylum and the place walled up, after Josh graduates>>: Thanks for giving me time to get out. I only need another 20 months. <<I wish they would cecede from the Union and take a bunch of liberal voters off the rolls>>: I hope that's not the reason you want them out. That's very shallow-minded. <<I'd be willing to be Treasurer, but Weeler already has it>>: I don't trust him. That man spends money like it belongs to someone else. ;-) <<I love cats. I wish I coudl ahve some in the barracks>>: I'd have one in my apartment if my roommate wasn't deathly alergic to cat dander. <<I hope teh Conspiracy Theorist reappears. I liked her.>>: CT was a she?! <<We joked about what passes Jen made at us>>: Why was Jen making passes at Becca!? <<I declare martial law>>: Keep dreaming dude. If anyone declares martial law, it'll be me. And it won't be in this CR. <<who easily take over the CR>>: You do realize that I've never entered this CR in the last few months without wearing my exosuit, right? My lasers would easily take care of you three, not to mention the armor is bullet-proof. <<SJ, Pistoff, and Metaldemon are esatblished as puppett administrators under the new regime>>: That's it, you left me out you bastard! <<Gunjack is a patient and virtuous soul for waiting like that>>: Or he just lives 2000 miles away. <<I lost 3000 thanks to teh Taliban>>: My holdings haven't changed. <<one less for my godson to deal with when he's in the military 20 years from now>>: Assuming he goes. <<Screw the Pulitzer. I'd want five million dollars>>: Good philosophy. <<though that should be obvious>>: Hardly. Like I said, you think you're slimier than you are.

Silvadel: <<What would life be without cats?>>: Loud.

NukesGoBoom: <<Too bad that you arnt in highschool where sleep itself is possible throughout the day>>: How about college where you don't get in trouble for skipping class?

Mooncat: Why is every link in your adult archive a link to a porn site rather than a story? You must make a lot of money off that. I didn't see a single fic there.

Daphne: <<Imzadi would do something probally plesant> [covers my behind] no probing allowed!>>: I think he meant "probably". Besides, despite South Park, there are many types of probes besides anal probes 8-) <<I end up sitting in English class thinking of popcorn chicken when I should be thinking of Robinson Crusoe>>: Bah, english class is irrelevant anyway. <<I guess you really *do* learn something new every day. So what's Gothan City supposed to be?>>: DOH! Gotham is NYC. Metropolis is also NYC, but combined with some other Eastern city...I forget which. Its really lame, since they're in the same universe, but technically they both share a LOT of elements with NYC. <<the man to blame for me coming back.... :)>>: Thanks GB!

Metaldemon: <<though he does, at times, bring up good points about quarks and atoms>>: I'd like to hear these "points". <<What a crappy class indeed>>: Try a crappy major. <<We actually have to read and do all the work to luckily get a B>>: "do all the work" means write a few essays. Short ones, too. Like 5 pages. <<its purpose is still to chunk out a new missle or a better microwave>>: Not necessarily. But it always does have a PURPOSE, you're right. Personally, I think that's much better than philosophy, which is simply thinking for its own sake. But I guess that's the train of thought that led me to be an engineer in the first place. <<Is this what his being has dwindled down to? A tool to chunk out wood for magazines?>>: Its a job. Its not who or what he is.

Entity: <<She threw a pebble at you when you had your head turned, and you clobbered her with a jagged piece of ripped-up sidewalk>>: Don't press her. You're already exaggerating it. <<It's like the AOL of coffee houses>>: Hardly. AOL makes a non-functional piece of software. You can call Starbucks many things, but not "non-functional". <<What a peaceable, constructive attitude>>: That's me in a nutshell. <<If you consider astrology to be something to be ashamed of>>: Not necessarily.

Greg X: <<Hi kids>>: Nice entrance. But not as cool as Darkwing Duck's. <<When I make my attempt for world domination, I'll need to hire them as my lawyers. Once that happens there will be no stopping me>>: Unless I get them first ;-) <<where you shall be around gamblers and cannot escape. While there, your hair will grow long and you shall be forced to wear cargo pants and Marilyn Manson t-shirts. You will drink nothing but beer, and smoke marijuana. And finally, at night you will be chained to your bed, where the whores in my employ will have their way with you>>: NICE! LOL. <<System of a Down opened for them.>>: SoD rocks. <<Did Brandon's rejection cause her to switch teams? Who knows>>: If so, I'm gonna kick him. We can't afford to lose any more. Unless she's ugly, in which case good riddens.

SJ: <<Incubus is a great band, and all of the little girls agree, Brandon Boyd is H O T>>: Yeah but they like backstreet boys, so who really cares about their opinions. <<I shall now channel the ancient Greek oracle, Testiclese, to predict your horrorscope>>: Dude, Testicles was the MAN. Wasn't he the guy that slept with all those chicks? ;-) <<invest in silver bullets>>: And then shoot yourself. <<By the way, I'd like to borrow it when you're done with it>>: LOL where do you come up with this stuff? <<you will be completely stoned at the time, and due to an immense case of the munchies will waste all three wishes on five tacos, a bag of Cheetos, and a two liter bottle of Wild Cherry Pepsi>>: People with valid wishes will then beat the snot out of you. <<<Error reading file: 200KB deleted.>] If I were you, I'd definitely avoid hamsters this week>>: LOL. People should avoid hamsters just on principle. <<He's planning on dropping by to discuss that little habit you have>>: Hey, if he hasn't stopped ME yet, there's no way he could care about anyone else. <<Too bad you didn't just go blind like the rest of us>>: Perfect 20/20 vision...still. <<While it may seem like a bad thing to have all your friends and family slaughtered by giant crustaceans on a rampage, there is an upside>>: Yeah, you get to rule the world. Almost makes me wish I was a cancer. Instead of a just a plague. <<In a desparate attempt to reclaim your long-lost virginity>>: I gave up trying to reclaim it. In fact, I never tried to reclaim it. I do wish I still had it, though...sorta. <<at least you will be able to spice up your otherwise jaded and played out sex life>>: And that's all that really matters, right? <<what thanks do I get besides a big fat paycheck, a nice house, and thousands of beautiful slaves?>>: I'd be happy with just ONE beautiful slave. <<let him stare in horrified fascination at your flaming skull for a few seconds before burning him to a crisp. Maybe then he'll get the message>>: That might be the Scorpio's normal face. <<God recently upgraded to Microsoft Universe Manager 2k1, and one of the bugs is that it's not compatible with Lifeflash v.2.5.>>: No way. God is a Linux user. Has to be. Otherwise all these standards wouldn't be as hackable. <<You watch "Friends". Everybody watches "Friends".>>: I don't. That show sucks. Even with Jennifer Aniston, who I don't think is that hot. <<Now some serious stuff, for a moment>>: Yeah, right. Like you could be serious. <<What we said in email stays in email, correct?>>: I hope so. <<You hear that kind of Geekness talked about only in movies and TV shows, and you think to yourself that there can't be someone with that much time on their hands>>: You've obviously never seen my apartment. Go ahead, ask Niamhgold about some of our IM conversations. <<I'm winning fans every day. And losing them every hour>>: What's the net gain/loss? <<Using anime to attract the ladies! WHY didn't I ever think of that?>>: Cuz you're a loser like me. <<Are you telling me my years of geekdom could have been parlayed into romantic relationships?>>: Actually, no. Chicks don't dig brains. At least not the ones you think you want in high school. <<How about literally ripping apart tanks bolt by bolt? Cool. Hell, that's even KEWL>>: How about just compressing the cannon until it blows up? <<no matter how advanced they are, will regress to primitive culture and mindset within ONE generation>>: Yeah, we were discussing that while watching the show too. Even though they were all kids, so they only had 4 year old language when they moved to the caves. <<I can think of at least two episodes of TNG that handled this, and if I thought long enough I could think of examples from the other Trek shows as well>>: "Sign of LaForge". <<I'd say it was the first colossally disappoint episode of Enterprise that they've aired so far>>: You mean besides EVERY EPISODE BEFORE IT?! <<a MUSICAL is not the answer>>: Obviously, they don't agree with you. <<what a surprise, you're all women>>: LOL. <<I'm a big fan of Josh, I think he's a very talented guy>>: Wow, thanks. <<I don't know where this homosexual fantasy of putting forth a Buffy musical came from>>: must have me confused with someone else. The only musicals I have fantasies of Buffy starring in are pornographic ones. <<I'm not sure which Clark is: One of the Hardy Boys, or Nancy Drew>>: You mean the penis doesn't give it away? <<wants to rape Lana while she's buried in a cocoon>>: Kinky. <<who is being a wonderfully smug and delightful bastard>>: Just like in the cartoon.

The Wizard: Been a while. <<how they tell us it's midterms and manage to stretch them until the end of the year>>: Hardly impressive. One of my semesters I had "midterms" every week from weeks 4 to 12. <<A dog. Now, if only my Purity Test score matched>>: Huh? <<I've gone from being Witchblade to Gemini due to time constraints>>: Gemini Man from the Mega Man series? You're gonna clone yourself? ::evil grin:: Won't that increase the price of yoru plane ticket? <<Fathers plus lego-type toys do _not_ mix>>: I never let him touch my toys. <<Apparently not quite enough>>: Only *I* complained more...when I was. <<Fun stuff ;) Oh, and laundry and showers>>: I'd include showers in "fun stuff" if they're being done correctly (like, with another person). <<Well, at least you're not a Michaelangelo fan>>: Nope. Raph, Don, Leo, Mikey. In that order. <<That's a good record. Point>>: Hehe. <<Maybe someday when I want my a$$ kicked>>: Didn't know you were into that. <<And not the kind that pays...if you're talking money>>: Which I usually am when I refer to "work". I wouldn't say it "paid" if it resulted in lots of sex. I'd say it was useful. <<Even with your opinion of them downgraded?>>: I crave a job there. <<Smart move>>: I'm gonna get hurt. <<I bet those guttural throat sounds are more effective in different situations>>: Effective? How? <<Key words: "In their right mind." How many people are?>>: People are surprisingly careful when it comes to money. <<Woohoo>>: Well, I don't ACTUALLY have it yet. <<The beauty of having no ethics>>: Yes, yes it is. <<<...> ?>>: I didn't want to comment on it, but I suspect I know your reasons ;-) <<it's all about playing with the toys and getting bored with them before you even reach the front door>>: Commonly referred to as "wasting money". <<LOL. Better not>>: Better not visit you? You don't want us to know your dirty little secret, do you ;-)? <<My roomie, a West-winger, says you are very intelligent>>: Yeah, but your roommate hasn't figured out how to use a can opener. <<I'm the bane of everyone else's existences>>: Are not. <<Just 9 more hours until this devil of a midterm>>: You'll do fine. But here's wishing you luck anyway.

Siofra: <<Seems like I constantly have some project due, or test, or paper to work on. That's what I get for taking 17 credits though>>: Now try 17 engineering credits. <<Has anyone seen any previews for the movie 'The One'? Gimme a freakin' break! Can you say 'Matrix rip-off'>>: Yeah, and I'll sure as hell see it! Jet Li doing bad-ass shit...that is SO on my list. <<I waited for over two hours and God never showed up! And to think that's all it would have taken to make me a believer>>: Does that mean you've been ::cough:: too much? ;-)

Ooh, its late. Didn't realize that.

To deny our impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.
-Mouse, "The Matrix"

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Thursday, October 25, 2001 04:06:05 AM

Wow, what a crazy month its been...
Seems like I constantly have some project due, or test, or paper to work on. That's what I get for taking 17 credits though :-P
Anyway, just turned in the last big project for awhile this evening, and I've got a small quiz tomorrow, but that seems to be it for awhile. Maybe I'll actually have time to post and keep up on stuff now! Have random Halloween stuff this weekend and a shooting match on Sunday. Sounds like a fun/relaxing weekend, maybe I won't be as stressed as I have been the past few weeks.
No direct replies I guess, just a few general and random comments and stuff:

Possible snow tomorrow--yay!!

Anthrax: So they finally released the content of the letters. 'We have this anthrax. Now you die. Are you afraid?' Gimme a break. Is this supposed to frighten us? Something for which we have vaccines and antibiotics? Yeah, I'm afraid. Afraid I'll have to smack you upside the head for being a bunch of dumbasses that think we still live in the stone age like you do. *sigh*

Astrology stuff: Flint, MI, June 13, 1982, 11:46 am Gemini, Dog, no idea what else. Have at it!

Has anyone seen any previews for the movie 'The One'? Gimme a freakin' break! Can you say 'Matrix rip-off'?

E-mail and other personal stuff that is brought into the open after the fact and other general meanness: Yeah, happened to me too. Some things are better left resolved in private, and then kept there permanently. Doing stuff like that only makes you look bad in the long run, not the person you are trying to slander.

Hey, SJ, you lied! I waited for over two hours and God never showed up! And to think that's all it would have taken to make me a believer... ;-)

On that note, I'm going to bed. Have a great night everyone!

Siofra - []
Ann Arbor , MI
Thursday, October 25, 2001 01:03:30 AM

Crzy > good to see some posts from you again! Been missing you on ICQ, hon (plus I wanna see those pics <g>).

Green Baron > <<I will be one until my beloved and I are before a priest.>> Ah ... those Talopean weddings! ; )

Update > should finish the new fanfic tonight, though given the hectic weekend ahead, I have no idea when it'll be posted.

Christine - []
Thursday, October 25, 2001 12:22:44 AM

** Niamhgold enters **

Hey everyone. Just a quick catch up post, nothing too in-depth, as I'm highlighting through my Modernism notes for a midterm tomorrow. Ah, how they tell us it's midterms and manage to stretch them until the end of the year... ;)

Chinese Zodiac: A dog. Now, if only my Purity Test score matched ;) And I'm done with the astrology bit for a looong time. Well, except for my costume; I've gone from being Witchblade to Gemini due to time constraints. Comic Con on Sunday, Halloween Party Saturday, Jamie & Co. are visiting on Friday...woo fun!

On to the show:

Gside: <Of there years ago, when my father got the Knex roller coaster.> Fathers plus lego-type toys do _not_ mix ;) <And I thought I've complained enough times in here about being a virgin> Apparently not quite enough. <True, but I've always been a Marvel boy> That's a Good Thing^TM

Daddy: <What exactly is "what-not"?> Fun stuff ;) Oh, and laundry and showers. <Nor can they beat Raph's sharp wit.> Well, at least you're not a Michaelangelo fan ;) <So much for appreciation through education.> No, depreciation through education. <Despite my nickname, you'll never catch me actually IN vinyl.> That's a good record. Point! <I can kick ass cross country, if you were wondering.> Maybe someday when I want my a$$ kicked ;) <Or a panhandler.> *L* <Gyms> And not the kind that pays...if you're talking money. <I gotta start with taking over Apple. Trust me.> Even with your opinion of them downgraded? <No comments about your slot> Smart move ;) <And I want my iBook. And I want it NOW! ::guttural throat sound::> I bet those guttural throat sounds are more effective in different situations. <but there's just no way any person in their right mind would buy one of these things at this price.> Key words: "In their right mind." How many people are? ;) <Well, I've got my iBook> Woohoo! <Or steal my little brother's> The beauty of having no ethics ;) <So I'm a hard core wuss> Yuk yuk yuk ;) <...> ? <I never took up family space with legos. I always locked myself in my room until it was done. That is, if I didnt' finish building it during the car ride home from the toy store> D@mn's all about playing with the toys and getting bored with them before you even reach the front door ;)

Greg: You saw Incubus before they were big, eh? Yeah, their older stuff is definitely better. I mean, I don't _dislike_ their new music, it's just not as good, IMO. Great story :)

SJ: <Gemini: You will be visited by God this upcoming Wednesday. I don't mean this in some existential sense> LOL. Better not ;)

Daphne: <The West Wing is on! I love being able to watch TV and post simultaneously! this is my show!! er... my live-action show.> My roomie, a West-winger, says you are very intelligent ;)

GB: <You dislike moden art and you want to be paid a nice salary by a corporation. You're my kind of artist> Hopefully you're not being sarcastic. I'm the bane of everyone else's existences. <Art is too high risk and illiquid an investment> Art for beauty's sake (or entertainment if its the film arts), not for art's sake. I don't care what Rosenberg thinks! ;) Er...sorry. Top of my mind because that's the stuff on my middie tomorrow ;)

Ah, I should get going. Just 9 more hours until this devil of a midterm. And I haven't even _gotten_ to Manet yet! Aack!

"I'm so glad I go to MICA..."


Thursday, October 25, 2001 12:04:12 AM

Jannie, SJ, check Email as soon as possible.
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 11:29:54 PM

SJ> <<Incubus is a great band, and all of the little girls agree, Brandon Boyd is H O T!>> LOL You know this reminds me of a funny story that happened in Fall of 1998. It was Columbus Day btw.

Myself and four other people went to see INCUBUS play... this was back before they got big. They played in small building... basically a bar with a stage and a large mosh pit. System of a Down opened for them.

Well anyway, back to the story. What happened was after the concert, we were outside and the band members of Incubus come out. We get their autographs (I still have mine), and my friend Amanda threw herself at Brandon Boyd and wanted to get on the band bus with him, and he turned her down (they had about ten other women (who were actually hot) getting on their bus). It was quite a sight. The really funny part is that today, Amanda is a lesbien. She's never had a boyfriend. Did Brandon's rejection cause her to switch teams? Who knows.

Greg Bishansky
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 11:28:11 PM

Album of the Day: Incubus, "Morning View".

Incubus is a great band, and all of the little girls agree, Brandon Boyd is H O T!

I shall now once again entertain you with my knowledge of the future. I shall now channel the ancient Greek oracle, Testiclese, to predict your horrorscope!

Aquarius: You will be viciously attacked on your college campus this Tuesday by what appears to be a giant, rabid dog. In actuality, its Wolf Blitzer's younger brother, Werewolf Blitzer. I suggest you have yourself blessed by a priest before the next full moon and invest in silver bullets.

Pisces: You will discover a shocking secret this week when you try to borrow your parent's copy of the film, "How to Make an American Quilt". It seems that one of them accidentally slipped in their copy of the infamous snuff classic, "How to Smother Someone With An American Quilt". By the way, I'd like to borrow it when you're done with it.

Aries: While cleaning your room for the first time this season, you will stumble across a magic lamp, complete with a genie! Unfortunately, you will be completely stoned at the time, and due to an immense case of the munchies will waste all three wishes on five tacos, a bag of Cheetos, and a two liter bottle of Wild Cherry Pepsi. Major buzzkill, dude.

Taurus: Well there's good news and there's bad news. Okay, I'm lying. It's all bad, bad, bad news. Really bad. I mean terrible. It's horrible, I can barely stand it. Hear it is: [<Error reading file: 200KB deleted.>] If I were you, I'd definitely avoid hamsters this week.

Gemini: You will be visited by God this upcoming Wednesday. I don't mean this in some existential sense. I mean, you're going to be visited by God literally. He's planning on dropping by to discuss that little habit you have. You know the one; Mom always told you you'd be punished by God and He's finally gotten fed up. Too bad you didn't just go blind like the rest of us.

Cancer: You will receive a visit from a group of Giant Mutant Alaskan King Crabs this week. They've gotten a little pissed off by all the people chowing down on their brethren and have decided to take over the world. When they discovered that you were born under the sign of the Crab, they took this as a sign that you were meant to be their leader. While it may seem like a bad thing to have all your friends and family slaughtered by giant crustaceans on a rampage, there is an upside. After all, it's good to be the Alaskan King.

Virgo: In a desparate attempt to reclaim your long-lost virginity, you will start a new hormonal program that turns you into a hermaphrodite. While you will not be successful in reclaiming your virginity, at least you will be able to spice up your otherwise jaded and played out sex life.

Libra: What makes you think you deserve your own horrorscope? Huh? You little punk. What have you ever done for me? I work, I slave, and what thanks do I get besides a big fat paycheck, a nice house, and thousands of beautiful slaves? Nothing, that's what. Well, I'm sick of it. This week, you get to share with Pisces. That'll teach you.

Scorpio: With the impending release of the new Mortal Kombat game for the next gen game systems, all the old jokes are surfacing again. Every time you do something right, your roommate starts yelling "Flawless Victory!" I suggest you whip off your mask, and let him stare in horrified fascination at your flaming skull for a few seconds before burning him to a crisp. Maybe then he'll get the message.

Sagittarius: You will be in a terrible car accident this week, and will teeter on the edge of death. Unfortunately, at the moment you are supposed to see your life flashing before your eyes, there will be a small problem. God recently upgraded to Microsoft Universe Manager 2k1, and one of the bugs is that it's not compatible with Lifeflash v.2.5. Instead, you will be treated to a shareware sample of Past Life 2k1, during which you will realize that you are in fact the reincarnation of Barney Rubble of The Flintstones fame.

Capricorn: While fixing Thanksgiving dinner, you will discover that there's a problem with your freezer. When you try to chip away the accumulated ice, a piece will fly out and hit you in the eye, for which you will have to go see your eye doctor. The problem is, your eye doctor is actually your ex-boyfriend, and….oh, who am I kidding. You watch "Friends". Everybody watches "Friends".

If your birthday occurs in November: Your house will be picketed by turkeys from across the country as they stage the Million Turkey March. On the plus side, there will in fact only be approximately 400,000 turkeys there, according to the National Park Service.

Now some serious stuff, for a moment.

Just to ease my pure paranoia, Gunjack: What we said in email stays in email, correct? I'm thinking of a nasty situation a while back that occurred in here, involving email, and I'd not like it repeated.

Which I follow up with your usual replies. Now flavored with garlic and herbs.

Random bit of weirdness for today: I was in the comic shop today, and was fascinated as a man, who had to be in his 40s, stood for a good 15 minutes, describing to the owner / proprietor why Aragorn, from Lord of the Rings, doesn't work well as a character. My God. You hear that kind of Geekness talked about only in movies and TV shows, and you think to yourself that there can't be someone with that much time on their hands, that they have hours to just debate whether or not Aragorn was a successful literary figure, but then bam, there they are. I was so disturbed by this, I almost put down my copy of Green Arrow #9 and left the store.

Speaking of comic related materials, WILEK! If you are reading this: Previews. This week's edition. Three words: Brak Action Figure. 4 more words: New Mazinger Z toys. You MUST possess them.

Entity: <<I like you. I'm ordinarily fine with your patented brand of I-don't-give-a-shit commentaries.>> Thank you. I'm winning fans every day. And losing them every hour. <<But tonight you're just pissy.>> Yes, I was. I will admit to that.
Oh, and to poke my nose into other conversations, in this case, history means A HELL OF A LOT.

SOROW: <<My friend has a lot of anime on his computer and I'm going to watch Akira next week.>> Using anime to attract the ladies! WHY didn't I ever think of that?! Are you telling me my years of geekdom could have been parlayed into romantic relationships? DAMNIT!!!

BTW, am I the only person on the planet who thought that Ghost in the Shell was, AT BEST, an "okay" film? Perhaps I'd have enjoyed it more without all of the metaphysical pondering on the meaning of being alive and human. Akira was a much better film, IMO. Now THAT is how I'd use my TK powers. Screw that Jean Grey, "I'll float around!" crap. How about literally ripping apart tanks bolt by bolt? Cool. Hell, that's even KEWL.

Kevin Spacey: Most frightening man in America. If you don't believe me, hunt down a copy of the John Lennon tribute from a few weeks ago, and tremble as he sings "Mind Games". Go back to your home planet, K-Pax.

Now, on to some fun-filled reviews.

I've decided to start giving points to all of those who can decipher the numerous strange pop culture references that I usually insert into my posts. So, play along at home, or just keep the score of those who do!


Cliché #1857: If a cataclysm occurs to the human population in any environment, that human population, no matter how advanced they are, will regress to primitive culture and mindset within ONE generation.

Please, why did they do this? A INCREDIBLY advanced civilization of human beings, so advanced that they are cable of interstellar travel, and all it takes is one little catastrophe to turn everyone into Lord of the Flies. It was a cheap, low-rent Mad Max rip. I was half-expecting some muscle dude with no hair and a hockey mask to come out and start shouting about fuel reserves.

Basically, this was as formulaic as they come. The good guys meets new culture, that culture needs to be displaced to survive, the culture resists, then a nifty solution at the end. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least two episodes of TNG that handled this, and if I thought long enough I could think of examples from the other Trek shows as well. Blecch. Big mess all around. I'd say it was the first colossally disappoint episode of Enterprise that they've aired so far. Here's hoping that this doesn't turn into the norm.

BUT I'm totally prepared to mark out next week though, as it appears that B-Movie God, Jeffrey Combs, is returning to the franchise as an Andorian. He was one of the best things about DS9, as it limped towards its final, Bab-5 ripping seasons. Is it too much to ask to have a scene involving T'Paul and a reanimated corpse hand? (100 points to whomever gets that B-Movie reference!)

Note to Archer: For a wonderful, masterpiece example of why displacing members of a culture is a BAD IDEA, rent Dersu Uzala. 10,000 points to whomever can get that Japanese cinema reference. You must specify WHY my reference is relevant, though, for full pointage!


There's something VERY wrong with this season thus far.

There's slow starts, then there's slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow starts. And this season has one. I blame it on lack of direction. I know they want a whole "What will Buffy do now that she's resurrected?" story thread to go on, but I say you give her something to do, very quickly. They need to establish the villain for the show already. If it's the Retarded Trio, than we're in dire straits this year. Last season was good because a) they established the villain early (and the villain didn't suck), and b) they set the direction for the season based upon this villain and her motivations. So far, we're already, what? Four or five episodes into the season? And we're treading water. We need to see something done, soon.

And a MUSICAL is not the answer. Who here is looking forward to it? If you are, raise your hands! Mm hmm. Yes, I see you, and you, and your hand too, and yes, you back in the corner, I counted you as well. And what a surprise, you're all women. Because let's be honest, folks, musicals? NEVER the bastion of masculinity. I'm a big fan of Josh, I think he's a very talented guy, but I don't know where this homosexual fantasy of putting forth a Buffy musical came from. I don't care to hear Xander sing. Yes, I know that James Marsten really is a singer, and does have his own band, but that doesn't mean I want to groove on it.

As for the actual episode, it was okay. The funny bits were amusing, which was the point. As usual, Spike gets all of the best parts of the show. From now on, all of my card games will use kittens as currency, because not only are they tasty, but as the great singer / poet of our generation, Stephen Lynch, professes, it is written in the Bible that if ye loveth Jesus it is your good Christian duty to kill them. And a billion, zillion, gillion, make-up-your-own-noun-ending-with-llion, points and the title of King (Queen) of Obscure to whomever gets that reference.


I've finally figured out what this show is like. I've decided that it's a combination of Dawson's Creek, Superboy, and Eerie, Indiana. Why? Because apparently there is Kryptonian Weirdness ™ inside of Smallville, and every week Clark and the other cub reporters of the Smallville High School Newsletter will chronicle it and discover a new mystery to solve! I'm not sure which Clark is: One of the Hardy Boys, or Nancy Drew. It doesn't matter, as long as there's lots of angst!

So in this week's episode of Love, Krypton Style, we see Clark pining away for Lana (AGAIN. Hey, this could be a pattern! The product of a Kryptonian Love Spell? Let's get the gang together in the mystery machine and find out!). There's also a nerdy little bug dude stalking her. Bug dude gets bitten by radioactive bugs (and I could hear Marvel's lawyer's firing up their lawsuits), turns into evil super bug man type creature, and now all of a sudden he's ditched the glasses and hey, look, he's a decent looking kid after all. Except he sheds his skin, commits matricide, and wants to rape Lana while she's buried in a cocoon. To each his own, I suppose. Anyway, to make a long story short, Clark saves the day, naturally, because it's his show.

Oh, and we get some good stuff with Lex Luthor, who is being a wonderfully smug and delightful bastard. Lex admits to Lana that her star quarterback boyfriend was playing a game of "Crucify the Gentile" before the Prom. Soap opera drama ensues, but it was kind of worth it, because Lex is a fun bastard, by God.

Next week on Smallville, Clark joins the football team and has to face off with the evil coach, aka The Dad From The Wonder Years, who may have some pyrokinetic powers thanks to more of that Kryptonian Weirdness ™. Will Clark overcome his tyrannical rule and become a number one prospect for college scholarship recruitment? Or will he be stuck in Smallville with Leah Thompson after a drunken vandalism of the coach's house? Point value: 50 points for that Tom Cruise reference. I'd give more, but then again, Cruise is a very tiny man, and thus I must prorate the number of points I give.

Oh, and for all of you who would like to hear the original Nature Boy bit, click on my name for the clip. WHOOOO!!!!!

And I bid you adieu.

"I think that snuff films should have their own category at the Oscars. But that's just me."
--- Ron Bennington

Sevarius "Official Kid Fight Club Promotor" Jr. - []
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 11:13:05 PM

::Suddenly the sky darkens and crackles with lightning, armies of orcs led by the nine Nazgul astride winged beasts. A dark throne grows in the middle of the CR, and above it a gigantic red lidless eye appears, and shape-shifts into Greg Bishansky (dressed in his usual garb of black clothing and a black duster, with a simple gold ring on his right hand), he sits on the throne and gazes at his subjects and speaks:: Hi kids.

In case you can't tell by the entrance, I'm currently on a "Lord of the Rings" rush. Currently reading the books again for the first time in several years. Currently about a qaurter of the way through "The Two Towers". Good stuff.

Ok, OJ Simpson received another 'Not Guilty' verdict. Geez the guy kills his wife and Ron Goldman and gets off. Now he goes and harasses someone in a fit of road rage and faced 16 years of prison. I was sooo hoping he'd go to prison. He should have gone back in 1995. This guy must have the best defense team on Earth. When I make my attempt for world domination, I'll need to hire them as my lawyers. Once that happens there will be no stopping me.

GB> You dare send me to Dutchess County?! I must teach you a grave lesson. Normally I'd punish such a thing with death, but since it's you... I've got something else in mind.

I hereby banish you to my casino... where you shall be around gamblers and cannot escape. While there, your hair will grow long and you shall be forced to wear cargo pants and Marilyn Manson t-shirts. You will drink nothing but beer, and smoke marijuana. And finally, at night you will be chained to your bed, where the whores in my employ will have their way with you! BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

DPH> Hmm, how much more similarites are there between B5 and DS9. Well the whole damn show ripped off B5. B5 did the Shadow War, and soon DS9 started the Dominion War. Sheridan dies at the end of B5 ans is taken beyond the Rim by Lorien, Sisko is taken into the worm hole by the Prophets (or what ever they're called). Voyager also had a pretty bad rip-off of the SHadows with Species 876... what ever. There are a lot more.

SJ you want to fill in more for DPH here?

Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday Becca!

Greg Bishansky
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 11:10:39 PM

Jan> I winced, that's all. She threw a pebble at you when you had your head turned, and you clobbered her with a jagged piece of ripped-up sidewalk.

Green Baron> <<<The coffee is not as attractive as its other features, like their pastries and bars.>>> Then why is it a coffee shop? It's like the AOL of coffee houses. <<<It also has that corporate atmosphere that feels so inviting to my businesslike heart.>>> *shiver* :)

Daphne> <<<I was born in phila, PA.... but... shoot, I don't know the exact time :(>>> If you can get it down to the hour, I might be able to do it.

SOROW> <<<> There are versions of it?!>>> Oh yeah. They did a redub just a little while ago. If you can, get that one. It was released by Pioneer about four months ago.

Josh> <<<What else would you do?>>> What a peaceable, constructive attitude. <<<Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?>>> If you consider astrology to be something to be ashamed of...

Wednesday, October 24, 2001 10:55:53 PM

Not a complete reply by any means as I am about to go to sleep, but I do find it odd that we are now in groundhog day... Tres Fantastique was used when he was reading french poetry to the "unattainable" producer.

Wednesday, October 24, 2001 10:35:10 PM

Entity> There are versions of it?!
I have exciting news everyone! Kevin Spacey is down here in Austin filming his new movie and I'm being considered as an extra! Nothing is for sure yet, but they're suppose to call me tomorrow.

SOROW - []
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 10:14:32 PM

[Large portion of CR wall EXPLODES. Tim walks in with an AK-47 slung over his shoulder and some home-made explosives in one hand.]

HA! You'll have to more than that to get ret of me, DPH!

...It's amazing what recipies you can find on the internet... ; )

Oh, that reminds me. It turns out that I'm going to be assigned at the matainence battalion. As a combat engineer! Whoo! I get to blow up stuff for a living!

Wednesday, October 24, 2001 10:09:56 PM

It's a miserable day in the neighborhood,
It's a miserable day in the neighborhood,
Wouldn't you kill me?
Wouldn't you kill me?

Who says I'm logical or rational minded?

Revel, I've heard that riddle before, but I have never heard the answer.

I've always preferred stability myself, so

**DPH promptly opens portals, which remove Green Baron, Tim P, Jaden, SJ, Metaldemon, and PistedOff from the CR. From out of other portals fall Lain, Gunjack, and GXB into the CR.**

Sorry, no coups of the CR are allowed unless I'm involved. Even then, You better find some reason to ensure my loyalty.


**DS9 vs Babylon 5**
Ok, I am catching some fo the similarities. Odo vs Quark reminds me of G'kar vs Londo. How much more duplication is there?
**END DS9 vs Babylon 5**

Wednesday, October 24, 2001 09:43:09 PM

Imzadi> <<Philosophers don't have a clue about how science works.>> Most don't, unless they are like Philosophy of Natural Science professor and actually worked in the field for good chunk of their lives. I don't give much weight to my Metaphysics professor's opinion about science since I doubt he actually worked in the field, though he does, at times, bring up good points about quarks and atoms.
<<any class...>> Begad! What a crappy class indeed. I'm glad I'm not getting my degree over there. We actually have to read and do all the work to luckily get a B. I'm lucky I got a B+ on Aristotle and Aquinas and an A- on Lucretius.
<<What about engineering!?>> Yeah, engineering requires a ton of thought, but its purpose is still to chunk out a new missle or a better microwave. To quote Heidegger: "The forester who measures the felled timber in the today ordered by the industry that produces commercial woods, whether he knows it or not. He is made sub-ordinate to the orderability of cellulose, which for its part is cahllenged by the need for paper, which is then delivered to newspapers and illustrated magazines" (from "The Question Concerning Technology"). In other words, the forester is at the hands of the industy's bidding. Is this what his being has dwindled down to? A tool to chunk out wood for magazines?
metaldemon - []
denton, tx
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 09:18:39 PM

The West Wing is on! I love being able to watch TV and post simultaneously! this is my show!! er... my live-action show.

Entity>> I was born in phila, PA.... but... shoot, I don't know the exact time :(

Fire Storm>><Imzadi would do something probally plesant> [covers my behind] no probing allowed!

Gside>> <Shock from Bambi's mother?> actually, he was traumatized by being forced to go to Toy Story on Ice for his eighth grade field trip. I really can't blame him for that.

Josh>><I prefer lunch for breakfast, myself> me too... but on mondays I have to get up at nine and I don't get a chance to eat lunch until 2:30... so either I eat a pop-tart or I end up sitting in English class thinking of popcorn chicken when I should be thinking of Robinson Crusoe.
<"Metropolis" is NYC. Der.> I guess you really *do* learn something new every day. So what's Gothan City supposed to be?

Green Baron>> <I remember you, but I've been talking to you on IM, too :)> Ladies and gentlemen, the man to blame for me coming back.... :)

God bLess!

The Suburban Bubble
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 09:11:54 PM

Silvadel -- My web page? I guess I just forget to add it when I post. All them little fields, I jump over most of them except name, text color, and piccie...

Y'all come down now, ya'hear? Especially if you like JEM, because I have a big section for that 1980s cartoon, and Fan Fiction. I have a general fan fic archive, and NC17 Fan Fic archive (adults only, please), with the main emphasis on sci-fi, fantasy and Comic Book/Toons related fics.

I need to update pretty badly... sigh. And maybe mention my Gargoyle's fan fic, which is the only fic of mine I have hosted on an outside site.

I just love the Gargoyles Fan website, so instead of hosting my own Gargoyles fiction, I just link to the Adult Gargoyles Fan site. Hmmm... guess I should put up a link to the General Audience Gargoyles site...

Must learn PHP and MYSQL, must, must, must! I've never been in lust with a web site format before, but I love how the Gargoyles Fan site is set up. I think I went into raptures when I first found it. And to think, that was only late July/early August... three months ago?...

Gargoyles Fandom... woo hoo! Tres fantastique *^_^*

Okay, I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy... must be all the sushi I had for supper... mmmmmm yum!!! Tako, ika, hamachi, mmmm (Octopus, squid, yellowtail) and some crab thingy, and a gorgeous eel cone roll... *mooncat starts rolling on the floor purring happily... sushi high, sushi high!*


that's my cue to leave before I embarrass myself...


Wednesday, October 24, 2001 08:30:46 PM

Mooncat -- Even with what they did to the original, cardcaptors is still the best current cartoon(which is a testament to card captor sakura) -- personally I would rather see the originals with translations but such is life -- at least they seem to be (by my guess) cutting up the star card episodes less.

Batman beyond was good. That whole thread was ok... Unfortunately there is a lot less good in the WB lineup today.

I am surprised you dont post your web address -- I would like to take a look, as might other visitors to here.
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 06:50:08 PM

Aw, Lynati. Too bad that you arnt in highschool where sleep itself is possible throughout the day :) At least for me anyway hehe.
NukesGoBoom - []
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 06:28:45 PM


I don't know if anyone has found this/posted this link yet, but if not...For those with a somewhat perverse sense of humor. (Be sure to have your speakers on)

*back to organizing shtuff*

Lynati- the-tired
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 05:08:11 PM

Silvadel-- Ah, but Louies is a full service bar, sandwiches and incredible ice cream treats, all sorts of goodies. Remember, it's a Disney toon, they didn't really show a lot of booze and liquor. But I like Italian too, so it's all good *^_^*

Age wise, yes I believe you are correct.

Oh no! You LIKE Card Captors? *mooncat sighs, as the relationship grinds to a halt...* --- While I am a huge fan of Card Captor Sakura, the cut up American version called Card Captors is one of the banes of my existence, and the source of numerous rants. For doing to Sakura what they did in Card Captors, WB must severely punished. Very severely.
*mooncat starts going through her arsenal...*

Hmmm... my current cartoon faves... Recently there hasn't been anything to really make me sit up and take notice. Loved Batman Beyond, and am waiting hopefully for Justice League. I like Power Puff Girls, and I'm determined to catch the new REBOOT this Friday. Was so upset to have missed it last week.

Current New Anime faves - Initial D, Noir, DaDaDaa!, Sister Princess, and one who's name I can't remember, sort of a retelling of Snow White and the 7 gorgeous otherworldly knights. woo hoo! Can't wait until some group decides to subtitle that one *^_^*

Kai Kan Phrase, which isn't all that new (I think it was last year, or year before) but is only now getting subbed by a fan group. Bishishonen... yum! Beautiful guys!!! *ahem... cough, cough*

Not so new faves... Ceres --by the same person who did Fushugi Yuugi (sp?), Kare Kano, and really too many more to name. I am a total Anime Grrl *^_~*

But I've been bad. I'm so caught up doing Gargoyles fan stuff, I haven't been to my local Anime meets at all... sigh.

*bad moonkitty, bad!*


speaking of fan stuff, I need to get my house stuff done first so I can work on my fan stuff tonight. Must get cracking!

bye for now
Mooncat >^,,^<

Wednesday, October 24, 2001 04:57:28 PM

Mooncat -- Does that make us more fun than a barrel of monkeys? It does mean that we are either the same age or a multiple of 12 in one direction or the other.

I'd prefer spaghetti at Tonis to anything at Louies. Not only dont I drink, but not having toon disney I havent seen much talespin. The disney cartoon I liked most was gargoyles(obviously =) ). Of the current cartoon crop, my favorate would be card captors.

GB -- It looks like you have a lot of work to do... Babylon 5 was IMHO one of the best if not the best tv series. What would life be without cats?
NJ/PA Border
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 04:26:45 PM

Revel - badgry - unless I'm misspelling it. from badger
ar, usa
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 04:24:21 PM

Skippy> I understand your point better. Its Protestants like Bob that make me glad I'm Catholic :)

Silvadel> Not that odd a mix. Evil is defined by many ways. I am greedy, prone to bloodlust, vindictive. I have a certain degree of lust, although well repressed; after all I am 24 and a virgin, and I will be one until my beloved and I are before a priest. I also can be critcial of myself, so I tend to view myself as evil, though I really said I have evil tendencies, after all I am human. I just hope I don't go to Hell, though that is up to me.

It's also time for me to go to Reconcilliation. My last time was at the start of AIT back in Ft Jackson.

Entity> <<Starbucks coffee is warmed-up milk in a recycled cup.>> The coffee is not as attractive as its other features, like their pastries and bars. It also has that corporate atmosphere that feels so inviting to my businesslike heart.

Niamhgold> <<I can say, after a really long time of being forced to study it, that I hate it even more NOW than I ever did ;)>> You dislike moden art and you want to be paid a nice salary by a corporation. You're my kind of artist. Michalangelo may have been too religious, but teh beauty his fervor made is well worth it, plus I don't think Leonardo ever got played by Charleton Heston in a movie :)

Greg B> <<.>> Bah, I hate Starbucks. Their coffee sucks. Best coffee I ever had was at a local place called The Black Cow. I'm not just saying that because the owner is a family friend, the coffee is the best I've ever had.>>

I don't like the tone of your post :p But seriously, I understand your fondnesses. There are soem local coffee places in New Orleans, but I don't knwo any of the owners. I ma not really a coffee person myself. I do have a fondness for pastries though. PJs is a bigger chain in New Olrena stahn Starbucks,a nd tehn tehre's CCs. The Neutral Ground has soem interesting flavros and Entertainments but too Bohemian for my tastes. Cafe DuMonde has soem godo but limited fare and highly recommended if you go to New Olrenas. Grab soem beignets and hot chocolate. When Greg W. came down to New Orleans, we went down there and I gave them some travel tips about the streetcar.

Fire Storm> <<I know.
I mean... all that history! GONE!
All that environmental damage! >>

I don't like the tone of your post either, but I agree with you :)

SJ> Barbara Lee already has an opponent in the Democratic primary, because of her vote. I doubt this other candidate is a conservative, but better than Lee. It turn sout Cynthia McKinney may be our Hanoi Jane fo rthsi war. Her nickname is Jihad Cindy and sadly, she's Jewel's Congresswoman. She fawns over anti-semitic Arab princes who offer Guiliani money so they can influence our Israel policy. Sir Rudolph was a good man to tell Prince Camel where he can stick his money.

Imzadi> <<Are you implying that all atheists are narrow-minded?>> You know me better than that. I'm disappointed you'd accuse me of thinking that. I'm implying taht folks like Mary Madeline O'Hare and Lain's dad are narrow minded. I do find it amusing that you defended theocratic government to me, considering our religious views. I also support a seperation fo Church and Satte along Thomas Jefferson's views and I also dislike elements o fthe state in religions, like ministers being chosen by the Congregation as opposed to a higher authority, plus I like that the Pope forbids Catholic clergy and religious laiety (monks and nuns) from running for political office. One did and Pope Paul VI told him he can either be a Jesuit or a Congressman but not both. I would also support you if you ran for Office.

<<No you don't understand. Buying them as an investment tells modern artists that people want their crap. I don't want them thinking that. As such, you will be shot.>> You have a point there. Art is too high risk and illiquid an investment. If I want that method of investing, there's always real estate. I doubt I'd go anything riskier than futures anyway.

<<Sorry, that subject bothers me. Probably cuz I spent most of my formative years trying to GET it in the first place ;-)>> I still have my desires, but I feel the need to wait. Once i'm married, I will probably be less uptight, though.

<<I could have guessed that wouldn't be the case. >> And what do you perceive me to be? Lawful neutral with good tendencies?

<<You would be wrong.>> Perhaps, but I ifnd teh destruction of 1500 year old statues of Buddha disturbing. I owuld have no problem bashing the brains of a child spraypainting on a builiding and I consider thsoe who owudl destroy teh pyramids because it offends theri religious purity, to be just as horrid as the swine who would smash statues in a Church because they viewed them as idolatry. If that's wrong, then I don't want to be right.

<<I don't think that's true at all, especially in this age where we keep such amazing visual records of everything.>> But there is much to be said of keeping the original intact. I relaize that whenever I marvel at the beauty around me in Germany, liek I when I was in Bavaria ove rteh weekend, and that beauty pales to something like the pyramids or the sphinx.

Mooncat> <<Tarot cards are the basis of regular cards, and you can use a regular playing deck just as well. So, do you ban all card decks in your home?>> Perhaps that si part of why some faiths ban playing cards of all types though soemwhere they see gambling being unChristian. I should introduce thso ekind fo people to some nuns I know with big rulers who love a good Bingo game and the charities the winnings go to :)

I remember a tarroka deck in the Ravenloft game that was pretty cool. However, I will ahve to abide my own religious limitations, though I really don't see anything worng with using them for fun.

Todd Jensen> <<Berkeley as the U.S. Siberia? Well, not quite, given that the climate's different.>> Siberia was a place of exile for many Russians, especially intellectuals, and now Siberia has some good Universities. Berkely is not that open-minded or tolerant. It just has the tired recycled 60s tripe that we could do without. I think teh whole city shoudl be converted into an asylum and the place walled up, after Josh graduates. I wish they would cecede from the Union and take a bunch of liberal voters off the rolls :)

Greg Bishansky> I'll gladly help. I'd be willing to be Treasurer, but Weeler already has it. I'm afraid that I won't be able to make G02, especially since I don't think they'll give me leave during that time, plus some other more personal reasons.

Silvadel> <<By the way, 4 cats live here indoors and one outdoors.>> I love cats. I wish I coudl ahve some in the barracks.

Metaldemon><<Maimonedes...well, I have no clue. :)>> He was a prominent Jewish philosopher in the middle ages, and a bit of an inspiration to St. Thomas Aquinas.

Nukes Go Boom> I hav ebeen reaidng teh CR archives an di saw your posts. I hope teh Conspiracy Theorist reappears. I liked her.

Christine> Happy Birthday to Becca. I think I remember when she was five back at G99. That was also when I met Tim. We joked about what passes Jen made at us :)

Bonny Garg> I think such ideas are best to wait, because we might overfocus on the tragedy and it may appear insulting. Go for it in your own fanfic, an ddon't eb so quick to assume the worst. You shoudl be bonnier than ye are, lass :)

Daphne> I remember you, but I've been talking to you on IM, too :)

SJ <<Ironing your mail will not kill anthrax. That's almost as stupid as the urban legend going round that "a friend of a friend of a friend of my retarded 3rd cousin, half removed, said that they had a uncle who had a goat who was dating an Arabian gentlemen and he told her not to fly on the 11th and not to go the malls on Halloween." It's a MYTH. >>

I thought it was a camel and I odn't like the tone of your posts either :)

Since I don't like the tones of the latest posts, I can find only one solution. I declare martial law.

**At the sound, GB draws out an M16, along with Tim P. and Jaden, who easily take over the CR. Lain is exiled to Newfoundland and Gunjack is forced to live with her as a lowly codfisher. Greg X is banished to Duchess County, and SJ, Pistoff, and Metaldemon are esatblished as puppett administrators under the new regime. And I odubt anyone will like the tone of that post :)

Shinigami> <<So that makes you the same as the people you've decided to bitch about. Double standards are tiring too.>> This saddens me, since you two were budies at one time, and you both plugged each other in some degrees, but Fred called me a fascist so I'm not shedding too many tears.

Jaden> I hope you are enjoying Ft Lewis. I hope the barracks are decent, and I hope you meet Christine when you get the opportunity.

Fleur> <<It's amazing to perceive of what could happen>> Its something I love doing. Just oen littel thing can change everything.

<<What makes you think this one isn’t? Osama made a lot of money on the stock market the day before the attack, based on the knowledge that the market would be suspended the next day, and there’s nothing he wants more than total power over the entire middle-east.>> But it serves a greater end than that. he is a fantic and far more dnegrous than a simple greedy pig like Hussein, though I wonder about Sadaam, too.Bin laden ain't doing thsi just for power and money. Terrorist acts are a lousy form of extortion. The Chinese Government is the best example of a nation that uses its power to extort the world.

<<That’s what a lot of nations do, and unfortunately, it didn’t stop the attacks. It worked for years, though. Pity a bunch of psychos had to destroy it>> It also failed back in 1914. It worked during the Cold War, though. I think teh Middle east woudl be better off if they fought commercial wars over getting tourists to visit the Cradle of the Western Civilization they despise. Make Money, not War. Peace, Love, and Capitalism

<<Oh yeah. I didn’t even think of Japan, but your description makes perfect sense.>> Then again, Commodore Perry would have never turned Japan's interests outside itself, so who knows?

Kathy> I'm gald to see you again. I'll be in Georgia form Dec 20 to the 26th. You want to see me duirng that time. You can also meet a special someone in my life as well.

Lain> Well, I like you, even though I exiled you to Newfoundland, but you can have Gunjack with you :)

<<NO SEX for the past.. over a year, now, THATS out.>> Gunjack is a patient and virtuous soul for waiting like that.

Shadowrider> So you return to Civilian Life. Remind me to take a train to Milan when I have more money and leave :) And you're welcome in Hanau, but I have no space to offer ye as of yet.

Mooncat> How about a Babylon 5 Tarot Card deck?

Todd Jensen> <<The issue isn't free speech, in my opinion. Rather, the issue is courtesy (or the lack thereof). Criticism, even unfavorable criticism, can be delivered in a polite fashion, rather than a belligerent one.>> That's always my approach.

Ravyn> You're jokes are bad. I don't like the tone of them :p

Jan> <<How do you play Taliban bingo?
B-52... F-16...B-1 >> That's bad, too. I'll have to send some nuns after you for that one :p

SJ> Was that Leo, post addressed to me. Well, I got back soem oteh rfinancial reprots and I lost 3000 thanks to teh Taliban. I hope our bombs hit a few more kids. Prefferably one for every dollar I lost in the market, plus every son of a terrorist that gets killed now is one less for my godson to deal with when he's in the military 20 years from now.

Gunjack> Don't sweat what has been said too much. Just bring in some cod for Lain in your new shack in St. John's :)

Tim P.> I'd try to make certain Bin laden was dead. A flodo may not be enough. I'd also want to leave with his head so I can get the reward. Screw the Pulitzer. I'd want five million dollars.

Chinese zodiac> I was born in the year fo the snake, though that should be obvious :)

Green Baron - [<--click here, SJ]
Pioneer Kasserne
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 02:48:47 PM

I have a moral question for you. This is an imaginary situation, but I think it is fun to decide what one would do. The situation: You are in the Middle East, and there is a huge flood in progress. Many homes have been lost, water supplies compromised and structures destroyed. Let's say that you're a photographer and getting still photos for a news service, traveling alone, looking for particularly poignant scenes. You come across Osama bin Laden who has been swept away by the floodwaters. He is barely hanging on to a tree limb and is about to go under. You can either put down your camera and save him, or take a Pulitzer Prize winning photograph of him as he loses his grip on the limb. So, here's the question and think carefully before you answer the question below:

Which lens would you use?

Wednesday, October 24, 2001 02:28:09 PM

I have so time to do my own stuff, it's a bloody miracle, more so that Josh caring.
Just had to say that one. Anyhow things appear to be running as normal in the usual SSDD fashion. (If you don't know, guess)
However I was handed a particular mind boggling riddle that I will now give to you. There are three words in the ENGLISH language (I tried to cheate too) that end in "gry"
Hungry, Angry, and... take you best guess.

Josh- Hard earned money on drugs? what do you think this is, reality? Actually you know what is a good way to keep teens off drugs and tobbacco, an old, leaky, nickel and dime you till the day it dies, but then you remember it's better than having your parents drive you around automobile. Like mine.

Lynati- my roomie sleeps till twelve every fricking day, so if you want to point the ugly still at someone, there you go.

Chinese Zodiac I am the Metal Monkey!
No complaints there.

"Who do I have to %@$* to get off this boat?"
-Ripley, Alien Resurrection-


Revel - []
denton, tx
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 02:17:17 PM

Chinese Zodiak - I was born the year of the Dog. Appropriate, no?

Good news!! Thanks to some help from Patrick, I have a new computer coming my way! YAY!! I will actually be able to post everything I have doodled since the old one died almost a month ago!! (Lots of stuff for Christine!) Damn... this means I have to update my website... I hate that part of it.

Harry Potter - Book 4... I CRIED through the last quarter of it. I am SO addicted to those books!! I am totally chomping at the bit to read the next one. Right now I am currently trying to read Fellowship of the Ring and the Sorcerer's Stone at the same time. OY! Too many movies coming out with great books to read beforehand!!!

Time to take the bratlings to school. Ciao!

Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 11:56:24 AM

How do I know there's a bug in the function that reads the length of a file?

I was using this bit of code 9in Visual Basic) to read a file in:
open "temp.txt" for input as #1
rtbFile.Text = Input(LOF(1), 1)
close #1

I was getting the following error message:
Run-time Error #'62':
Input past end of file.

The LOF function is supposed to determine the length of a file. Now then, any questions about how I know there is a bug in the function?

Wednesday, October 24, 2001 11:09:18 AM

Heh, I'm a fire monkey. *giggles*

Enity> <<She made a passive strike and you utterly destroyed her. Very Scorpio of you. :) No need to know history.>> It appeared to be a passive strike to you because you don't know the history or what has gone on "behind the scenes". I didn't destroy her.. geesh, that's a bit dramatic, don't you think? *chuckles*
It's fine that you do not wish to know what the history is... but please don't judge me so harshly since you don't know it. =)

drats, gotta' go to work...

Wednesday, October 24, 2001 07:42:03 AM

VASHKODA - The third guy is a new character, but connected to the series continuity. Remember the Prom episode where that guy was planning to unleash a pack of hell-hounds upon the prom? The third guy is his younger brother (and followed in his footsteps by unleashing a pack of demon winged monkeys on the school play - apparently "Romeo and Juliet" here, though it must have quickly looked more like "The Wizard of Oz" after that).
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 07:30:00 AM


Well, today Apple managed to drop a few points in my book. Why? Because their "breakthrough digital device" is just an overpriced MP3 player.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the new "iPod".
1) 5 gig HD
2) firewire connector (no other MP3 player has this, so I'm assuming THIS is why they called it "breakthrough")
3) the size of a deck of cards (hardly impressive considering the size of hard drive laptop's these days...but still, it is smaller than any other hard-drive based MP3 player)
4) seemless integration with iTunes 2...which isn't out yet.
5) completely bus-powered with a 10 hour battery...which recharges in just 1 hour while its plugged into your firewire port (and NOTHING else).
6) can be used as a standard external firewire hard drive (hardly useful for anything but transferring pr0n and MP3's between Macs, though)
7) $399 price tag, with a $49 power adapter.

I'm sorry, but does this seem like a massive rip-off to anyone else? I don't care if it has a stainless steel case (it does) or is smaller than any existing product in its class (which it is). There's no way I'm gonna shell out $400 for a 5 gig MP3 player when I could spend $369 on a 20 gig one. Its got some nifty features (the fact that it doubles as a firewire hard drive is pretty damn cool, if you ask me), but there's just no way any person in their right mind would buy one of these things at this price.

Once again, Apple has a "cube" on their hands. Its a great product, brilliantly engineered, with neat features, but its massively overpriced. I predict Apple will sell a whopping few thousand of these things, mostly to spoiled high schoolers who should be spending their hard-earned money on drugs. The dot-com yuppies who used to buy this stuff have long since filed for chapter 11, and this is, like Apple's CD-RW debacle, is another example of Apple just missing the boat.

Well, I've got my iBook...its a 15 gig MP3 player 8-) With firewire. And I can play games on it too. And chat. And its wireless. And its compatible with iTunes 1 AND 2! And it was only...3.75 times as expensive ;-)

If I need a portable MP3 player, I'll get the Arkos. Or steal my little brother's.

Of course, at $250, I'd have already ordered one.

In other news, I was born on the rooster sign. I guess I really am chicken. But apparently my elemental is metal. So I'm a hard core wuss. ;-)

My lab partner lost my VERY expensive copy of Matlab for Windows, so I'm trying to get him to do my lab reports instead of paying me for the software. That would save me a lot of work...more on that as it develops.

Alright, enough ranting for today. On to replies!

FS: <<Dare I?>>: You dare. <<a Hot Chicks room>>: Where do you think I'm gonna keep my harem? <<I am sure someone in here would probally be happy to help you with that!>>: In here? I thought for sure we were just a bunch of prudes ;-) <<That can be arranged>>: Please don't. <<Duncan McSpermie>>: LOL. <<Trees were not the first thing to come to mind when I heard forest>>: Then you need to get out more. <<I'd get a DNA sample>>: Perhaps. <<Do you know how hard it is to find clothes>>: Actually, no. <<no bonfire either>>: Maybe if we kept it on the driveway and cleaned up afterwards...nah. <<Helping people get laid since the dawn of time>>: Helping UGLY people get laid. <<100gb firewire>>: a) HA! you called it firewire! and b) my roommate has one. Its our MP3 library. Now if only he could get it working in OS X. We think they sent him a dud. <<Thing is gonna ba huge and heavy, though>>: Well, I do want just a light exosuit mostly for travel...but I'd also like a full-fledged battlemech. <<It's the best way to get sick>>: Perhaps, but getting sick sucks. <<the Sheep shall be our food>>: <<I should just write that story>>: The one where I take over? <<Needless to say, she doesn not make it>>: Sucks to be our big purple hero.

The Wizard: <<but for some reason I'm not as stressed out as I should be>>: ...

Smut Pandering Bitch Queen of All Creation: <<air pressure travel tubes>>: Those would be pretty useful at Berkeley. I hate walking uphill. <<what, and admit that I don't know what the term means? It'd shatter my reputation>>: I won't tell anyone which term it is, and you can use it in your next fic ;-) <<I swore I'd never do that>>: My parents never did that. They taught me that there was always a better way to get something. Unless it was critical to your well being to have it FIRST, it wasn't worthwhile to wait. Just like the jackasses who waited days outside to see Episode I. My friend went to the 12:0*5* showing and got right in, 5 minutes later. Silly, silly people. And if that fails, bribe someone.

Patrick: <<Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me>>: That would hurt.

Nukes: <<Heard it got to $300 today. It doesnt stop growing>>: Neither does peoples' stupidity.

Lynati: <<Josh can actually feel...insulted!! It's a frickin' miracle>>: Well, aside from the fact that I was being sarcastic, its easy to feel insulted. Hard to get me to care, though. <<slept through morning class AGAIN>>: Isn't that what morning classes are for?

Tim: <<Storm's a'coming>>: Commence with the flame war!

Queen of Pain: <<lets just say I used five bandages on my knee>>: I bet that feels special.

DPH: <<How long did it take for the amount of spam to go down once you stopped listing your email address?>>: Well, I have other things to help combat spam, like filters in my mail program. But I noticed an IMMEDIATE decrease. It helped that I encoded my email addy on my website as well. <<What's the odds of Microshaft leaving a bug in Visual Studio?>>: Very high, actually. Why should M$ care about letting you write good programs when they include everything a person is allowed to use on their windows box? <<It just isn't quite worth the time to clean a keyboard; it's cheaper just to replace it>>: Depends on the keyboard. <<If someone was trying to scam me on long distance phone charges, I'd expect the amount to be at least $50 per month>>: That's if a person was scamming you. I'm talking about the phone company. They deposit random phone calls on lots of people's bills, hoping they won't notice. I got a bill once for a 5 minute call to (xxx) 111-1111. Needless to say, that isn't a real phone number. It was the phone company trying to suck some $$ out of me. Not interested, Mr. Bell.

Entity: <<She made a passive strike and you utterly destroyed her>>: What else would you do? <<Meh>>: Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

Metaldemon: <<I've been debating whether ornot I should buy a sign that says "Get the F*&K out of my way>>: It goes better on a shirt. <<depends on which language, because language embodies being, and language's being is being within a being that's being-for-itself, which in turn must be being in order to experiance being-within-being, but has no being-for-the-present-being and being-for-being...wait a minute, what?>>: Yup, I'd say that describes you. <<Depends on how many drinks there are>>: One tequila two tequila three tequila FLOOR. <<Mph! Ack, sorry,had hair in my mouth>>: LOL. <<I haven't laughed once through the course>>: Any major where I can sign up for a class, skip 90% of the lectures, not do the reading, and still get a B+ deserves no respect. <<I'm taking that right now: zzzzzzzzz. Boring and useless unless you're into science>>: Nope. Its even boring then. I know because at Berkeley only the engineers take it: it fulfills a humanities requirement. And we were all bored to tears. <<it reveals how science really is>>: Philosophers don't have a clue about how science works. <<if you're looking to become rich and famous and not think>>: I don't think Bill Gates skipped thinking. <<If you're looking for a carreer that let's you think outside of a cubicle, then it's perfect>>: What about engineering!? The whole point of a GOOD engineering job is to get rich BY thinking outside the cubicle. Once you've got money, who cares if you're famous? That's what sports cars are for ;-) <<your prime to be a digital positivistic logician. Give it some thought....wait, don't, that's a waste of time>>: Don't worry, I won't. There's no living in philosophy.

Mooncat: <<That's my thought for tonight>>: Are you only allowed one per night?

Gside: <<I prefer my Pleasant Valley Sunday>>: Is that your fun day? <<I don't think, I know>>: Good for you. We'll make you confident yet! <<I think he just wanted to see what Greg would do>>: Oddly enough, Greg asked ME if he should kill him. <<I don't know about that>>: I do. <<Yes, it does>>: Great. Sick. <<I have to reassure my roomies that the work is indeed due tomorrow lest they call my friends with the clean white coats>>: You don't have any friends with clean clothing. <<And I thought I've complained enough times in here about being a virgin that you wouldn't bother saying anything now>>: Maybe I just like rubbing it in because I'm a ripe bastard. <<Once you try hermaphrodite porn, you never go back>>: I'm not gonna say anything. <<True, but that was pretty recognizeable as a typo>>: Yes, but typos in corrections are unforgiveable 8-) <<yoyos>>: Xanadu? This guy trained on that damn island nintendo game. <<They've recently merged to cut down on travel time.>>: Merged with which room? The kitchen? The TV room? <<Of there years ago, when my father got the Knex roller coaster>>: I never took up family space with legos. I always locked myself in my room until it was done. That is, if I didnt' finish building it during the car ride home from the toy store.

Now, I will enter the dream time. Only there can I speak with bizarre computers. No, I can do that in realtime too...

You’re Satan, aren’t you?
-Gene Siskel, “The Critic”

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 03:14:24 AM

Imzadi> <<Just another manic monday>>: I prefer my Pleasant Valley Sunday.
<<despite what Gside thinks>>: I don't think, I know.
<<And stop asking>>: I think he just wanted to see what Greg would do.
<<None of us want to see that, thank you>>: I don't know about that.
<<Does this turn you on?>>: Yes, it does.
<<Psycho>>: Quite. I have to reassure my roomies that the work is indeed due tomorrow lest they call my friends with the clean white coats.
<<Sorry to hear that>>: Quite. And I thought I've complained enough times in here about being a virgin that you wouldn't bother saying anything now.
<<Not into that>>: No? Once you try hermaphrodite porn, you never go back.
<<I believe elvish is more appropriate>>: True, but that was pretty recognizeable as a typo.

Fire Storm> <<There are knives attatched to those chains>>: And one cannot forget the sleeve scythes, yoyos, spare glasses, swords, ducky training pottys, claws, talons (have I ever proposed the theory here that he trained with clan Xanadu?), axes...
<<And the second Robin>>: True, but I've always been a Marvel boy.
<<has he made any more Zot! yet?>>: I don't think so, but he's doing a daily panel.
<<He dosn't have that many comics, does he?>>: He is a recent one, but at a weekly schedule, it takes a while to build a good archive. And he does show promise. Esepcially for the Buck Cake.
<<Chibi Sue is... wierd>>: So's everyone else.
<<Although I like the guest strip for Megatokyo!>>: And the followup.
<<Duck or non-duck?>>: Non duck. He has more of an arsenal selection that way.
<<Dare I?>>: Please do.
<<I thought they all had a Hot Chicks room>>: They've recently merged to cut down on travel time.
Christine> <<it is currently taking up the entire coffee table>>: Ah, memories. Of there years ago, when my father got the Knex roller coaster.

DPH> <<The bug was in the function that determines the length of a file>>: Are you sure it isn't fencepost error?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 01:30:27 AM

Zodiac/Astrological Signs -- Well, by the Chinese count, I'm a Monkey, and by the Greco-Roman, a Capricorn (also an earth sign) -- By Egyptian, I am under the sign of Isis, and I forget the rest, but I remember my African sign was something half crocodile and something else, not unlike a Capricorn in mythological significance.

That's my thought for tonight *^_^*

Silvadel - ah! That post =) Well, as for Lady and the Tramp... I like the old song "The lady is a tramp..." which I only heard once, on "Tales of the Gold Monkey"... *mooncat wonders if she'll ever see the show again* -- which someone told me was the basis for Tailspin. So if spaghetti at Toni's isn't an option, we could always opt out for a drink at Louie's -- ne?

*yes, Mooncat has watched one too many episodes of Inspector Connector on the Toon Disney channel*

kay, nite peoples
Moonkitty fades into the shadows...


Wednesday, October 24, 2001 01:17:29 AM

Entity> <<Sag is usually hopelessly out of touch with fashion.>> *checks himself* True. <<When he drives, it's usually a frightening experience for the feint of heart.>> I've been debating whether ornot I should buy a sign that says "Get the F*&K out of my way. <<His hips/thighs are pronounced.>> That's only because of doing heavy squats.Hm! <<He may have a bit of a gut; he's a glutton.>> Yes; I need the energy to power lift. HM! <<When he speaks, it's usually a trip; he loves language and using it in different, usually witty ways.>> Well, depends on which language, because language embodies being, and language's being is being within a being that's being-for-itself, which in turn must be being in order to experiance being-within-being, but has no being-for-the-present-being and being-for-being...wait a minute, what? <<He is indecisive and can also be clumsy. He might spend five minutes deliberating on a drink, then spill the drink.>> Depends on how many drinks there are. <<He tends to have small hands, and sometimes small feet as well.>> No, my shoes are to thin for my feet, and I have BIG shoes. <<He's hairy.>> Mph! Ack, sorry,had hair in my mouth. <<His writing, unlike his speech, can be wordy and boring>> I tend to think of my fiction as art, thank you very much. (heh, what more proof do you need?).
Gside> <<I thought that was Rutgers.>> Probably is now, considering we somehow won a second game.If you ask me, I think some money is being dealt under the table.
Imzadi> <<Relax, metaphysics is a joke.>>
I haven't laughed once through the course.
<<It's called "philosophy of science". I took in freshman year. What a waste of a semester. >>
Ugh, I'm taking that right now: zzzzzzzzz. Boring and useless unless you're into science. I only remotley like it since it reveals how science really least the way my prof. teaches it in his "unorthodox" manner.
<<The moral of the story is that philosophy is a complete waste of time.>> Well, if you're looking to become rich and famous and not think, don't touch philosophy with a ten foot pole. If you're looking for a carreer that let's you think outside of a cubicle, then it's perfect.
Wow, your prime to be a digital positivistic logician. Give it some thought....wait, don't, that's a waste of time. :P
Metaldemon - []
denton, tx
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 12:16:56 AM

ok all. i just wanted to say (just for future reference) that my name is terrky. you know, like the kinda turkey you eat, only it's not turkey, it's terrky. lol, it's a typo of a friend of mine who was tryin to type Terry Kath, but he typed terrky kath. turns out, i liked it. so my name is terrky. just for future reference, not to be snappy. lol.

but anyway, you all just have yourself a nice day!

~Terrky K (ps. the K stand for kath)
Terrky K - []
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:40:07 PM

Jannie> She made a passive strike and you utterly destroyed her. Very Scorpio of you. :) No need to know history.

Terry K> I agree.

SOROW> Ghost in the Shell kicked ass, and so did Akira. Everyone should see these two, they're the immortal classics! Which version of Akira are you going to see?

Re: Chinese Zodiac> Meh.

Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:28:31 PM

For those of you looking at the chinese zodiac, note that the chinese new year starts in february -- If you were born in January you need to make yourself a year older... IE I was born jan 1969 but I am a monkey in the chinese calendar(for 1968).

For Mooncat -- What I originally said was that I found it odd that I was being put in the position of the tramp now, but I would enjoy eating spaghetti with you under the moonlight so long as the twinkle in the eyes was mutual. I just said it better then while the heat of the moment was there.
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:18:43 PM

Imzadi - Your check has been sent. How long did it take for the amount of spam to go down once you stopped listing your email address?

**Programming stuff**
What's the odds of Microshaft leaving a bug in Visual Studio? I found a bug while trying to optimize some code in Visual Basic. The bug was in the function that determines the length of a file. If the function gave the correct value, I could save lots of time processing files (I was taking over 3 hours to read information from a file (Of course, the file was extremely large [almost a megabyte]).

My brother finally removed the old computer out of this room. Of course, he had to clean the keyboard first. He took the keyboard apart: 6 'layers' and he ended up vacuuming the dust and lent from under the keyboard characters. It just isn't quite worth the time to clean a keyboard; it's cheaper just to replace it.

Imzadi - If someone was trying to scam me on long distance phone charges, I'd expect the amount to be at least $50 per month. Otherwise, it wouldn't be worth the other person's time.

**DPH looks around to make sure that he has still a space in the CR that is secure from storms.**


Tuesday, October 23, 2001 10:53:07 PM

re: Chinese zodiac-- those who don't know their animal/element can look it up here:

Jan> It doesn't give away your age per se, since it repeats every 12 years, but I think most people in this CR are in their mid teens to mid twenties, which narrows the possibilities. There are certainly older posters, but I think most regulars here already know who those are and can take an educated guess.

I have a question for the Buffy fans. I remember Jonathan as the one who cast the "everyone thinks I'm cool" spell, and one of the trio built the Buffybot (didn't he promise he would leave town?), but what did the third guy do?

Tuesday, October 23, 2001 10:48:26 PM

I'm living up to my nickname again.

well it wasn't my fault it was Spooky's she was in frisky kitty mode and and I was wearing shorts...and lets just say I used five bandages on my knee.

But my mother sufferd a worser pain, internally. She lost her position as seafood manager at Winn Dixie. The sales at seafood wern't doing so well so they phased out the mamger position. She is thinking of transfering to another store.

******************SPOILERS FOR ANGEL AND BUFFY**************
I loved theact between Wesley and Cordy as Angel and Buffy...and Angel's response.
Good development on Fred. She wasn't really running away from her parents but herself and reality. Her parents turned out to be normal was good, I loved it when her mother drove through that bug demon with a bus, and I love how Fred summed up everyones role. Greatthat she figured out the eggs and that weapon she made was good. Good closer at the end with the painting of Fred's room.
Buffy Its good that she is trying to figure out her natch. The terrible Trio are hilarious. The van was pretty cool and I liked how they each had a turn to try to mess with Buffy. Was it me or did the three demons she battle at the construction site look like Predator? Buffy doing that groundhog day, feel that Fox synergy as the Trio brought up that one XFiles episode wherethe bank kept blowing up,and it was pretty funny when they were fighting over who was the better bond. Buffy getting drunk, I loved her raction to each sip she took and at the end with the Jonathon Demon was also funny. Great episode.
********************SPOILERS END****************************

Orlando, Florida
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 09:42:34 PM

Hey all. Not much to say here, just very busy with meetings and dance team stuff. I just saw the Ghost in the Shell for the first time and I like it a lot. My friend has a lot of anime on his computer and I'm going to watch Akira next week.
SOROW - []
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 06:56:32 PM

hey all... i been readin some earlier posts, and i've seen alot about what to do about the series, and the WTC incident. if a may put my 2 cents in: first of all, the question of whether or not to leave it out totally, or add it in. you obviously can't ingnore someting quite like this... but it would be very cheesey if they gargs were to save the day. the way i see it happening is, that if they wish to strive to fit in with humanity, then they will probably have to leave it to the goverment to handle it, just like everyone else. it would also be cheesey to have them openly help the government, seeing as they have enough trouble fitting in as it is, much less help fight a war for america, that many people would blame them ofr what happened anyway.... but if everything is taken into account, and everything is written to still be reasonable, you can put in the tragety with no problem...i'm no expert writer, but you can't pretend it never took place. but again, it did leave off in the year 1999, so we don't really have to worry about that for a while.

well, i just wanted to get my 2 cents in. and to say hi, once again. HI. so, now i will be signing off. :)


~Terrky K

TERRKY K. - []
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 05:31:04 PM

Woah, feel that lull in the CR?

Storm's a'coming...
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 04:51:28 PM

*leans in*
Hi, nukes.

Terryk: just wait until the next season starts. We do get a tad more focused on gargoyles when we have new eps here to chat about.

Val: Get your messages via yahoo-save-y thing. You must have show up just as I was leaving. sorry.

Imzy: can actually feel...insulted!! It's a frickin' miracle!
*to afternoon class*

Lynati"slept through morning class AGAIN" Kshudra
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 04:42:33 PM

Josh and Firestorm- Heard it got to $300 today. It doesnt stop growing!

Lain- how about that screen name? tryin' to hide it from me ? lol.

Gunjack- I guess that you were too angry or to busy realizing the 2 points of survival in the CR to talk about Half-Life. Im guessing that you still have your MSN screen name, sorry I got a new computer and I lost your name. If you dont care enough its ok, thought that you just might wanna talk about computer games or something ( I remember that you made mods for them at one point, dont know if you still do or not.). Oh hey, you can always blow off steam by shooting people :) yeah i MIGHT be talking about half-life lol.

totaly random!!!>>>> Hi lynati! :)

NukesGoBoom - []
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 03:20:42 PM

Real post later but I found this silly link
I came up with Senor Quasar
powers are heightened common sense
weapon is Senor Doohicky
and transpotation is Senor pick up truck.

Orlando, Fl, U.S.A
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 01:32:27 PM

SJ > The weird thing is, those horoscopes you posted have just as much probability of proving true as the ones people pay money for. :P

Fire Storm > Before you write anything else, you do know we're still waiting for you to write that filk you talked about of "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me", right? ;)

Actually, I think the best way of handling the WTC attack in any fanfic would be to keep the event itself away from the forefront of the story and NOT have any of the cast directly involved... keeping the focus on reactions and impacts from the POV of the characters. Anything else - like using the event as a vehicle to kill off a character - runs the grave risk of trivializing it.

Patrick Toman
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:49:11 PM

Thanks for the birthday wishes for Becca! She had a fun day, with cupcakes in class, dinner at her favorite "beans and chips place" complete with sombrero, song, and Polaroid, and getting to open a bunch of presents (the rest saved until her party on Saturday). The prize of the bunch was the Lego Life on Mars big set with the air-pressure travel tubes; it is currently taking up the entire coffee table.

Winterwolf > Dreamie has strep? Oh, ugh, the poor thing ... I went through that annually for about half my life, so I know how she must feel and am even more flattered that you came to see me at the Bookfest. Hope she's over it soon!

Josh > what, and admit that I don't know what the term means? It'd shatter my reputation! ; )

Update > well, here we go again ... trying the short story thing ... e-mailed one the other day, and two go out via conventional mail today. Three different anthologies. Here's hoping. Still waiting for news on Black Roses (both the tape version and to see what RAP thinks of it for a print book). No news yet on Knight of the Basilisk either; I'm terrified that my editor will take one look at an entire novel full of Morvalan dialect and send me back for a do-over.

Carolynn Marie > I read the 4th Harry Potter last night and you're right, it is quite a bit more intense than the others. Excellent read! Now I'm going to have to be one of those rabid shoppers with a spot staked out in front of the bookstore when the next one comes out ... after watching my mother fight for Cabbage Patch dolls, I swore I'd never do that ... oh, well. ; )

Christine - []
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:17:14 PM

** Niamhgold enters **

Just want to give a welcome back to Shadowrider...hopefully I'll get an email out to you later!

And hopefully a longer post later. Gah! More work to do...but for some reason I'm not as stressed out as I should be. I won't ask, just revel in it ;)


Tuesday, October 23, 2001 08:56:46 AM

Enity> actually I have been very restrained. If you would like to know the real story behind everything, I will email you and keep it private. :)
Also, why am I considered merciless and vengeful when she is the one who pointed out names? There were no reasons (other than to take jabs) to say names in her sentence - especially since I haven't called her names or have been "mean" to her... I have simply disagreed with things that she has said. Anyway, I am not going to further this in here - if you want to contact me privately, I have included my email address.

Jan - []
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 07:35:46 AM


Another good episode. I LOL when Cordelia and Wesley were acting out their hypothesis of what Buffy and Angel's meeting was like (especially Wesley's "I forgot to brood" line). I wonder if we'll ever find out just how Buffy and Angel's meeting went (but given the "playing on different networks" part, probably not). Maybe it's one of those things best left to the imagination. (And maybe it'll become almost the "Buffy/Angel" equivalent of the "What did Titania whisper in Fox's ear?" question :) ).

We meet Fred's parents, and I wound up pleasantly surprised by how they were handled. I was half-expecting them to turn out to have some dark secret behind them connected to Fred's flight; instead, it turns out that they're genuinely normal people with innocent motives, and that Fred's fears were more simply the general product of her five years of living alone in Pylea. And they wind up being able to accept the weirdness rather well - particularly Fred's mother handling the first "big bug". I thought that we got some good development for Fred here, in further exploring her retreat to her room, and showing her finally able to come out of it. (And showing her skills in that she recognizes the true nature of the crystals, and what the bugs want, and in building that contraption).

Incidentally, that revelation of the bug eggs being inside the "demon-beast's" head was one that I definitely hadn't seen coming; I initially thought when I saw the bulges that it was somehow returning to life.


Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 07:04:45 AM

Gside: <And you didn't slaughter them for cruelty to kielbasa?>
<Yes, but it was wrong on many levels. Which is why I like the strip>
It is often SO wrong... Is it evil to like that? Ah... who cares! I like it!
<Well, there's not just chains in there, but close enough>
There are knives attatched to those chains!
<This is comics. Generally, only Bucky and Uncle Ben stay dead>
And the second Robin.
<As Scott McCloud might say, don't blame the container for the contents. There's always eastern and independant variants.>
Hey, has he made any more Zot! yet?
<Unless he has a tricorder>
That fit too well.
<Put Your Body In Motion?>
Fire it up baby! (I like the remix!)
<Have you read Ghastly yet? Kiki>
He dosn't have that many comics, does he? I read them all... interesting...
Chibi Sue is... wierd.
"If you can't f$c|< 'em, then f$c|< with them!"
Although I like the guest strip for Megatokyo!
<I'm always up for Mousse. And the desert, too>
Duck or non-duck?
<without a big blow at the end>
Dare I? ;)
<All the new houses have one>
I thought they all had a Hot Chicks room.

Lain: <ive had, you know, NO SEX for the past.. over a year, now>
I am sure someone in here would probally be happy to help you with that!
Hmm... it sounds like you want SJ to open your mail while naked...
That can be arranged.
<unless dem little spermies can live one hell of a lot longer than they tell you in sex ed>
I am Duncan McSpermie of the clan spermie and I have been alive for over 400 years.
I am immortal.

Daphne: <he's scared to death of all things disney>
PH34R D4 M0U$3!

Your minister of f$ck 'em all?
<What else is *IN* the forest?>
Trees were not the first thing to come to mind when I heard forest.
A server forest...
<Ensuring a job under Josh's rule, or possibly supplanting him>
I'd get a DNA sample of him to play around with though, right?
<A transvestite xenomorph?>
Do you know how hard it is to find clothes when you are 20 feet tall, have 6 legs and a tail?
<Hell yeah! My parents would be cool with that, as long as we stayed outside and my brother was staying at a friend's house>
$w33t! Let me guess... no bonfire either?
<Oh, well in that case>
Beer: Helping people get laid since the dawn of time.
<Yeah, but "pretty good" is not 100%>
True... but I only bid for stuff I actually want anyway.
Mmm... 100gb firewire...
<Um, that's not strong enough.>
What were you planning? I COULD make it so that even anti-tank weapons wouldn't work. Thing is gonna ba huge and heavy, though.
<Don't get it from her>
Why not? It's the best way to get sick!
<The hour is drawing near! Prepare for my reign of terror!>
The world shall be divided among the Worthy and the Sheep shall be our food!
Damn... I should just write that story...

Hmm... The WTC in Gargoyles fic: Have ELisa at Ground Zero and get caught in the building when it collapses. Needless to say, she does not make it.
Ok... so I am cruel. I like it!

4 more hours...

Fire Storm
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 04:08:43 AM

Just another manic monday.

sorry, couldn't resist

Gah! Some lucky bastard already got his new iBook. I WANT MY LAPTOP! I'm supposed to resonably expect it between Nov. 7. Just once I'd like to see Apple ship a product when they announce it. Just once.

Other than that, I am unnaturally happy. No word yet on why.

Did work mostly today, then vegged in front of the TV and watched "The Ref" (DENNIS LEARY IS GOD!) and "Gone in Sixty Seconds". Great movies, both.


Lynati: <<I guess you just didn't look tasty to them>>: I'm insulted.

Spot: <<I’m being bad. I should be studying, but I just don’t wanna>>: Welcome to the world of students. <<anybody who just feels like a hug>>: ::feels arms::...nope, I still feel like a nut. <<I’m NOT argumentative!>>: Riiiiight. <<Don’t chain me in. I’ll bite>>: No comment. <<That’s a failing?>>: Just like how I said "virgos suffer from..." and then began listing all the positive qualities ;-) <<*blinks innocently* You mean, it’s NOT apparent from my posts?>>: Actually, no. <<Somebody is sick of tacky Halloween decorations?>>; Aren't we all? <<If you’d said chocolate mousse, on the other hand, well>>: Amen! <<You might regret it…>>: Not in here. <<England and France>>: America and France. America and England. America and Iraq. I'm seeing a pattern here. <<Oh, wait, EVERYBODY hates France>>: Maybe if they shaved it wouldn't be such a problem. <<There’s a special room for threesomes now?>>: The kitchen, I think ;-) <<’m one of those people who tends to drop things, especially little vials of biological material>>: You are SO not my doctor ;-) <<so these things just happen to you too, huh?>>: Not really, despite what Gside thinks. <<Or else they karate chop you like Miss Piggy>>: Never. <<ROTFL!! Size DOES matter>>: And anyone who says otherwise is hiding something. <<You’re just jealous because you’re not actually allowed to post here, and I am>>: Right. <<I think I can be generous for the benefit of people who actually like bad weather>>: The opinions of people with poor taste are irrelevant. <<I’m an undead vegetarian!!>>: I guess that rules out eating brains, then. <<Admit it, you’re secretly really into this stuff, you nerd>>: I'm not really into this stuff. But I will admit to being a nerd. <<well, THAT made a lot of sense>>: Translation: all those qualities of some other sign apply to him, and not ONE of the qualities that is associated with HIS sign actually applies t him. <<This year, my choice is: Gathering or new(er) car>>: That is a difficult decision. <<I suppose I should be glad you don’t think I’d pull out whips and chains>>: Who says I don't think that? <<distracting me would only be entertaining if you like to see me breaking things>>: I'm always in the mood for slap-stick comedy. <<You’ve got incriminating pictures of them?>>: Nah, I got my digital camera AFTER my last girlfriend. <<You’d have killed the CR>>: LOL! <<I still love the fact that my horoscope tells me to go on a killing spree>>: That explains a lot. <<Everybody's got to have a car-story>>: Mine isn't CR-appropriate. <<I fear inflating Josh’s ego to levels that would crack the CR>>: In theory, the CR has infinite space, so in theory it could hold even my ego. Hell, it fits mine alongside SJ's. <<Osama made a lot of money on the stock market the day before the attack, based on the knowledge that the market would be suspended the next day>>: God, if only I'd known. I wouldn't have warned anyone, cuz no one would believe me...but the fortunes I'd reap... <<I’ve heard of this ‘tact’ thing, and I want to try it out>>: This is not the place! <<this experience has left a lot of us very wary and suspicious>>: You're assuming we weren't already! <<your depiction of Elisa was way off. Not even for a bet would she streak naked through the precinct>>: I don't know about that one... <<rant on TGS>>: Well said. <<Consider it payback for all the tech support most college-aged kids often end up doing for the ‘older generation’>>: Yeah, who do you think staffs tech support firms?

Mandolin: <<we're meeting in half an hour to try to make sense of what the upper-level programmers actually want>>: Women. Lots of them. <<Good number to have. "How many roads must a man walk down?">>: Nah, they gave up on that one. <<Wow. What's that like>>: I don't think she can explain it. <<We got shot down due to length, unfortunately>>: Gee, that'd be too bad.

Queen of Pain: <<do you think its possible to have a dragon headed gargoyle with a scorpion tail part of the London clan?>>: Such a lovely image. <<My dad has a shirt that you should wear to work. It reads "I see stupid people" >>: Your dad wears that to work?

Gunjack: <<Langley just got it's balls back. 8 )>>: I suspect its had its balls for some time, but like most men, is not often given the opportunity to use them.

Revel: <<Mac World? Isn't that amagazine?>>: Actually, yes. Its also an massive Expo hosted by the publishers of that same magazine. <<That little bald guy in Princess Bride>>: Vizzini.

Capt. Morbid: <<anyone know when the season's off hiatus? >>: Never. And stop asking.

Kathy: <<What part of "we don't want to endanger soldiers on the ground" is difficult to understand? >>: If they were rocket scientists, they wouldn't be reporters.

Lain: sounds like a brain tumor. <<SJ!!!! OPEN MY MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!! OPEN IT NAKED!!!!!!>>: None of us want to see that, thank you. <<yer not a butthead. yer a virgo.. but not a butthead>>: I resent that remark, thank you. <<waking up so many hours later and having missed the actual event>>: Or just ask Josh, since he woke up at about the same time as the gargs. <<cock-a-doodle-d.. wait a second.. thats not the noise the monkey makes>>: LOL! <<how many times do they have to ask the same question over and over and over within the SAME INTERVIEW?!>>: Until the person they're interviewing answers it straightforwardly and intelligently. <<cos SJs gonna open my mail for me. naked, even>>: Does this turn you on?

Smut Pandering Bitch Queen of All Creation: <<I'd better not repeat it here>>: Email! If you learn something new, I'm sure you can work it into your fics 8-).

Happy B-day Becca!

Shadowrider: Welcome back! <<are you all OK>>: Define OK.

Nukes: <<SELLING IT ON EBAY FOR $200.01 AS OF TODAY!>>: I wish I had something that valuable. ::looks at computer:: No, Typhoon, I'm not gonna sell you ::pets monitor::.

Entity: <<Dude>>: The moral of the story is that philosophy is a complete waste of time. <<You shall achieve the pinnacle of success because of your total lack of ethics>>: I hope that works for me too. <<to play dumb>>: I'm sorry, but that does not describe Ravyn at all. She's an engineer. Engineers never say "huh" even if they have no clue what's going on. <<love at first sight>>: Or first chat, in her case.

Daphne: <<I'm pulling a 3.57, and that's a low estimate>>: I am so jealous. <<pop-tarts just haven't been cutting it for breakfast lately>>: I prefer lunch for breakfast, myself. <<mike just reacted with shock to that one... I appreciate the offer, but he has dibs>>: I'm not a poacher. I respect that. <<until my mom yelled at me for doing it wrong. [shrugs] the clothes are clean and the colors and sizes intact. I'm satisfied>>: Seriously! What more is needed? << should I be scared?>>: Porbably. <<really? huh. news to me>>: "Metropolis" is NYC. Der.

DPH: <<So you were dead before making that statement?>>: Explains a lot. <<Don't you think it's fair that it takes me a while to send you the last check?>>: Actually no. To get your package, I had to walk all the way across campus, pick it up, and then take it someplace else to be shipped. All you have to do is stuff a check in an envelope. <<before tomorrow>>: Kickass. <<I don't think he could read that and pretend he didn't>>: Yeah, that would be tough. <<The way I figure it, unless the amount of time called is extremely long (over an hour) or the bill is high, unremembered phone calls are ok>>: I totally disagree. $0.64 is more than 10% of my monthly phone bill. If they tried to raise your rates by 10%, you'd bitch, right? Plus, if you didn't make the call, you should contest it because there's no reason to pay for it. You'll change your tune when you pay your own phone bills.

Jan: <<If you were ironing your envelope, it would be burnt toast>>: Actually paper doesn't burn before 451 degrees. Don't you read Bradbury? <<I’m so very computer retarded>>: As are most adults. <<we don’t see the forest for the trees.>>: What else is *IN* the forest? <<talk non-stop on some type of computer programming that I have absolutely NO idea of what he’s talking about>>: My parents just phase out when I start blabbing about my latest toy. <<I pretend to be interested for a while, but even that becomes very difficult after 30 minutes or so of it>>: Gah! They shouldn't take that long. You can only speak to a technical person about technical issues for longer than 30 minutes. <<jokes>>: Those are bad too.

Ravyn: <<Yes, I know, that was awful>>: Any other interesting jokes?

Sorow: <<Is anyone else really anxious for the new TD season to air? It's the no.1 thing I'm looking forward to this fall>>: Jeez, and I thought I needed a hobby.

Tim: <<The good news is, we are all going to get free prescription drugs. The bad news, it's an anthrax vaccine>>: Why is that bad news? <<President Bush worked the phones recruiting Mideast leaders>>: Recruiting them to do what? <<Why not just send Barbara Walters?>>: Why not just send men?

Winterwolf: <<shower curtains, bed sheets, a bed along>>: I always took that stuff for granted...until I signed my own lease. <<All praise getting to use the Internet once in a while at Dreamie's place>>: I'd just praise the connection I pay $40/month for. <<This past Wednesday we found out Dreamie had strep throat>>: Don't get it from her. <<They smelled like rotting mushrooms. BLAH! No hallucinations from them either>>: What good are they? <<Still has to take another six days of pills though>>: I have several witty comments that involve you, Dreamie, and pill cycles, but I'll keep my trap shut. I know she just turned 18, you sly dog. <<the top speed is only 120 mph or so>>: I drive faster than that. <<You must go buy all her books. Resistance is futile>>: Yes, but bankruptcy is not. <<Good thing she has homework and tests keeping her busy>>: Not while she's sick, its not.

Sevarius Jr: <<I don't appreciate the tone of ANY of your posts.>>: Except mine, right? <<horrorscopes>>: LOL! Especially liked the goat one. <<As he collapses to the ground, holding his trachea, you will be enthralled with the easier, quicker, more seductive Dark Side, and begin a campaign to bring fear and submissiveness under your power>>: Ensuring a job under Josh's rule, or possibly supplanting him. <<Some lunatic is going to be unloading some very cheap high value stocks this week. Buy them and your financial troubles will be over>>: YES! I could use financial security. <<There's a perfectly good reason why I'm mean to you. I have no respect for you at all. That's why>>: Just out of curiosity, is there anyone you DO respect? <<We have to make our women look as ugly as theirs>>: We could just send them Berkeley journalism students. <<it's that one American soldier can kill dozens, if not hundreds, of Arab terrorists single-handedly>>: As long as he's got a really big gun, right? <<the highlight is the cute little p.o.a. who's playing Lana Lang>>: I knew she would be. I hope she's in Maxim/Stuff next month. <<You can't go wrong with black leather mini and tank>>: So true. More women should do that too.

Moochie: <<To survive in the atmosphere of this CR, you have to a) refuse to get involved in any truely serious discussion, or b) not have an ounce of respect for anyone else's opinions>>: That is just not true. There are a few people in here who's opinions I don't respect. Those people are not my friends. But there are several people who's opinions I do respect, and those people are the reason I'm gonna shell out $$$$ to go to G2k2. I'm not going to name names. My good friends know they are my good friends. AND I get involved in real discussion, with real flame wars, etc. So there. And I'm surviving just fine. I suppose I could be an exception. And despite SJ's rants, I think there are at least a few people in here that he respects.

FS: <<I am just a sweet transvestite>>: A transvestite xenomorph? <<KEGGER AT IMZADI'S!>>: Hell yeah! My parents would be cool with that, as long as we stayed outside and my brother was staying at a friend's house. <<the spare dosn't have to come willingly>>: Oh, well in that case. <<a pretty good chance that the reserve is within $25 of that price>>: Yeah, but "pretty good" is not 100%. <<anti-tank weapons to crack this baby>>: Um, that's not strong enough. <<could you turn into Carrottop>>: No. No matter what she promises she'll do. <<Let me get the Preperation H>>: LOL. <<Too cliche>>: True. <<What the f$^& is your problem>>: LOL. <<No one ever listens to me>>: Some of us have intuition. <<Some people...>>: So true. <<Imzadi would do something probally plesant>>: Depends on where she's sensitive. <<The circle is nearly complete>>: The hour is drawing near! Prepare for my reign of terror! <<they WERE rotting 'shrooms>>: I love antibiotics.

Gside: <<He doesn't need to know any. He just needs to grab a random X from somewhere, and do some dicing and regeneration>>: Charming. <<3.759, down from 3.818>>: Psycho. Here I am keeping a 3.5 without going bonkers. Probably drop this semester, though. <<I'm sure you could make it more apparent. That or not apparent at all.>>: So true. <<All the new houses have one>>: Note to self: buy new house. <<Still, better than me>>: Sorry to hear that. <<I'd have liked to see that>>: Ugh no thanks. Not into that. <<Not burnt. That'd be 451.>>: Engineers unite! <<I believe evlish is more appropriate>>; I believe elvish is more appropriate. Or elven. Or elfin.

Ooh ooh sleep time.

-SimShatner (with the help of Mike Margolis and Maneesh Goel)

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 03:17:29 AM

Fire Storm> <<It didn't look too good. No refrigeration. Was all green>>: And you didn't slaughter them for cruelty to kielbasa?
<<You mean what we shared didn't mean anything to you?>>: I never said I didn't like the real thing more than the implications.
<<THAT was a funny one>>: Yes, but it was wrong on many levels. Which is why I like the strip.
<<Huh?>>: She's a character from a keenspace comic, Jackie's Fridge. She likes her coffee. The chinese guy is just random, perhaps a Denis Leary bit or something.
<<A variant. Chainspace>>: Well, there's not just chains in there, but close enough.
<<CURRENTLY! But she may be back!>>: This is comics. Generally, only Bucky and Uncle Ben stay dead.
<<I am kinda glad I don't read comics>>: As Scott McCloud might say, don't blame the container for the contents. There's always eastern and independant variants.
<<It is just wrong hearing Dr. McCoy without fur>>: Unless he has a tricorder.
<<Could you upload "I shot the Sheriff">>: I just might.
<<that song from the Mitsubishi ad?>>: Put Your Body In Motion? From the Eclipse add?
<< people who want to have sex with characters from cartoons!>>: Have you read Ghastly yet? Kiki.

Imzadi> <<Wuzzat?>>: It's the place from whence characters summon large mallets (or mauls, to use DII terminology. wonder if assins can get bonuses for them). Quite often they are used by females against their signifcant other.
<< I'd be surprised to hear that he knows females IRL>>: He doesn't need to know any. He just needs to grab a random X from somewhere, and do some dicing and regeneration.
<<Define "respectable">>: 3.759, down from 3.818.
<<Obviously you're not doing it right>>: I am. It does gradual damage without a big blow at the end, so they won't go flying.

Fleur> <<You mean, it.s NOT apparent from my posts?>>: I'm sure you could make it more apparent. That or not apparent at all.
<<Somebody is sick of tacky Halloween decorations?>>: Entirely possible.
<<If you.d said chocolate mousse>>: I'm always up for Mousse. And the desert, too.
<<I was scaring people. In high school, I thought that mattered>>: Ah. Such a shame.
<<There.s a special room for threesomes now?>>: All the new houses have one.

Revel> <<That little bald guy in Princess Bride>>: Vizzini.

Lain> <<ive had, you know, NO SEX for the past.. over a year, now>>: Still, better than me.
<<unless dem little spermies can live one hell of a lot longer than they tell you in sex ed>>: Well, they are sacred.
<<whats with all the ? in some peoples posts?>>: Some odd character mapping.
Happy Birthday to Becca.

Shadowrider> Woot.
<<what's going on now in this CR?>>: The regular stuff, not much.
<<Are you all OK?>>: As always, some crisises, some doing quite well.

Mooncat> <<but if you are only interested in the Click! series>>: Nah, it's just the only work of his I know by name.

Todd Jensen> <<what they originally wanted to do was to make Mystique Nightcrawler's father>>: I'd have liked to see that.
<<Nightcrawler's mother, under such a scenario, would have been Destiny>>: Not that, though. Just doesn't seem to fit.

Daphne> <<he's scared to death of all things disney>>: Shock from Bambi's mother?

Jan> <<at least 300 degrees for a long period of time. If you were ironing your envelope, it would be burnt toast>>: Not burnt. That'd be 451.

Gunjack> <<America First, the Rest Get the Pieces>>: I like to keep it in the 'fridgerator. Keeps the powder dry and the action quicker. And I would like to say I read your tag before the rest of your post.

Winterwolf> <<elfish>>: I believe evlish is more appropriate.

And since Fire Storm asked, you're getting Bob Marley's I Shot the Sheriff.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 02:19:08 AM

Ravyn> You're Sun is Taurus. I don't chart many Tauruses. :) What this says is that you're a very stable person. Steady, reliable, hard-working, responsible, patient, loving, and stubborn. You don't usually get mad. You ocassionally get mad instead. When this happens, it quite the occassion. Tauruses have volcanic tempers. One very prominant quirk of theirs is to play dumb. They ask "huh?" a lot.

Your Moon is in Pisces. Pisces is a sensitive sign. They are insecure, but have large egos. Pisceans can be reclusive. They are spiritual or inspired individuals. They also like escapism. If Pisces is your Sun, you usually have to be careful with alcohol. Pisceans are usually easy to talk to, empathatic, artistic people.

Finally, your Rising and your Mars are both Libra -- just like me! I already gave a huge write-up on Libra, though, so I won't repeat it. :)

Oh yeah! Your Venus is in Aries. That's pretty wild, since Aries is such a strong, "raw" sign. In love, you are head-first, impulsive, and sensual. You fall in love at first sight.

Tuesday, October 23, 2001 01:18:13 AM

Imzadi: <Is that good or bad?>
Good. I can go to and Keenspace comics, so thats good.
But the Canada part...
<LM, are you hearing this?>
She knows. I am just a sweet transvestite from Transexual Translyvania. :)
<My apartment wouldn't support it. My house in LA, on the other hand...>
<I'd be surprised if any of the guys in here HAVE spares>
Well, the spare dosn't have to come willingly.
<Right. What is it you do again?>
Get paid. Tech support.
<You're not supposed to know what the reserve is>
But when they have a "Buy Now" that disappears when the reserve is met, it is a pretty good chance that the reserve is within $25 of that price.
<Something that can't be stopped by police barricades would be nice too>
Oh, thats just about guaranteed.
It will take anti-tank weapons to crack this baby!
<Hey whatever works. Dragon, gargoyle, tentacle monster...>
Random Female: "Josh, honey, could you turn into Carrottop again? You know I like that..."
<And monkeys might fly outta my butt>
Let me get the Preperation H for you...
<Maybe it was done by quarrymen seeking to frame the gargs...again...>
Too cliche. IF the TGS staff DOES do something about the WTC, I hope the Gargoyles are unable to really help catch the terrorists.
<Dude! What about an insult delivery service!? You call up and have them send Pistoff to your door to tell you what a f*cking moron you are! Its brilliant! We'll sell millions!>
"Pistoff's insult service. What the f$^& is your problem?"

Fleur: <She should!>
No one ever listens to me! ;)

Lain: <QUICK!!!!! SJ!!!! OPEN MY MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!! OPEN IT NAKED!!!!!!>
Thanks for that very disturbing imagery.

NukesGoBoom: <There is this kid on my lacrosse team that found a Windforce>
$200 for a weapon in a friggin VIDEO GAME?
Some people...

Daphne: <yeah, mike just reacted with shock to that one... I appreciate the offer, but he has dibs. if only I could get him n here... but he's scared to death of all things disney. weird story, that.>
Well, if you change your mind, we are still here. Imzadi would do something probally plesant.
To me, you are just a meal. >:)

Gunjack: <The tag is from Moxy's Michigan Millitia>
Happy birthday Trisha, I am in the Michigan Militia.

Tim/Gunjack: <You should be proud. For many people it takes years to come to that realization. You can't take life *too* seriously>
Ah, another one is pulled into our ranks. The circle is nearly complete!

Winterwolf: <They smelled like rotting mushrooms>
Well... because they WERE rotting 'shrooms.

SJ: <I don't appreciate the tone of ANY of your posts>
Oh yeah? I don't like the tone of your tone of dislike of the posts!
<You can't go wrong with black leather mini and tank.>
The British accent dosn't hurt either!

Terrky K: <ok, i'm just too bored to leave... but i dunno waht else to say>
God, does that sound familiar!

Entity: <By knowing that you are prone to being merciless and vengeful, you might deal with those traits.>
DEAL with those traits? You sound like those are BAD traits!

Fire Storm
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:53:53 AM

Jannie> Good *God*... okay, see, this is where astrology can come in handy. By knowing that you are prone to being merciless and vengeful, you might deal with those traits.

SJ> I like you. I'm ordinarily fine with your patented brand of I-don't-give-a-shit commentaries. But tonight you're just pissy. Seriously.

Daphne> I need your time of birth and location. :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:49:22 AM

hey all. i'm here bored... i'm like new here. i been readin some posts, and it seems people talk about lotsa stuff. i think this site is pretty cool. my friends think imma nut case. lol.

well, i won't take up much more space... just wanted to say hi to everyone, so HI EVERYONE!!! :)

ok, i'm just too bored to leave... but i dunno waht else to say... other than this site is cool, and keep up all the good work.


Terrky K. - []
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:26:17 AM


[grabs Gunjack in a big bear hug]

You should be proud. For many people it takes years to come to that realization. You can't take life *too* seriously otherwise you'll never get out alive. Come, my friend! Let us go to the rifle range and punch some holes in some bin Laden posters.

Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:24:04 AM

SJ><<There's a perfectly good reason why I'm mean to you. I have no respect for you at all. That's why.>> Well... THAT was certianly direct. Points for honesty, at least.

Y'know, I've realised something. To survive in the atmosphere of this CR, you have to a) refuse to get involved in any truely serious discussion, or b) not have an ounce of respect for anyone else's opinions. Neither one is conducive to real understanding, and any other approach leads, sooner or later, to bitterness and alienation. And that is a real pity.


Gunjack Valentine
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:16:48 AM

SJ> <<I don't appreciate the tone of ANY of your posts.>> LOL. Okay, I know this was meant to make fun of me, but what can I say? I still found it funny.
Greg Bishansky
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:12:04 AM

Oh yeah, I forgot this.

Over the weekend, Hillary Clinton was booed like mad by NYC firefighters at a charity event. At my house, I watch this on TV and do a perfect Nelson impression.

Chicken soup for my soul. Just when I lose faith in people, they do something wonderful to rekindle it.

God bless you, FDNY. You really are a group of heroes.

Sevarius Jr.
Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:01:14 AM

*in, briefly*

In the old calendar, there were 13 months. One was just one week long. hence, 13 signs.
Thenn they re-divided up the months, so there were only twelve again...there was ten months at some earlier point, too, I don't know how/when it got up to 13 after Julius and Augustus cesar's "contributions", but that is why there used to be 13 signs and now there are only 12. Or something. I need sleep. goodnight.

Monday, October 22, 2001 11:52:03 PM

I don't appreciate the tone of ANY of your posts.

All of this astrology stuff gives me a headache. How many signs are there? 12? 13? 3.14? I get very confused.

So here's some horrorscopes for you kiddies. No, that's not a typo.

Aquarius: After a rare earthquake you become trapped for 3 weeks under a coffee table with three tanned, toned supermodels. Mmm, chomp, chomp….lean beef…

Pisces: Your aquatic nature will become especially pertinent this week, and you will find yourself in the middle of Biology flopping around the floor, gasping for water. In fact, your aquatic nature will be so pronounced that your Bio teacher will be persuaded by your classmates to have you dissected and placed in a jar of formaldehyde. On the bright side, at least you weren't foolish enough to hit up that Sushi bar with your friends that day. The humiliation resulting from *that* would have been endless.

Aries: This week you will realize that school just isn't worth it, so you will decide to drop out and live under a bridge for the rest of your life. Not long after you move in, some mofo goat will tromp along and starts disrupting your quaint little home, then proceed to mouth off to you. After you shoo him off, his bigger brother will come along, being ruder and making even more noise. You will finally get him to got away, when his even bigger asshole brother will show up and kick your ass. What a jerk.

Taurus: Foolishly, you will ignore the advice posted in your horoscope this week, despite my pleas for you to listen. You must not ignore this horoscope! You will walk into the CR, thinking, "Boy, that horoscope by SJ was silly. Imagine being eaten by a six-foot, man-eating toad." As you chuckle to yourself, you will be devoured by a six-foot, man-eating toad. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Gemini: Driving down Main St. this week, you will have the sudden urge to trust the Force. You will be pulled over when a police officer notices that you've fired photon torpedos at the local Starbucks. Embarrassed, you will attempt to silence him, with the use of the Force, naturally. As he collapses to the ground, holding his trachea, you will be enthralled with the easier, quicker, more seductive Dark Side, and begin a campaign to bring fear and submissiveness under your power, putting an end to once destructive conflicts and bringing order to the expansive space of Fairfax County.

Cancer: You have not been reading each of my horroscopes from cover to cover, have you? I therefore condemn you to your pathetically lame, ignorant and mundane life, drooling all alone in the corner of the CR, holding a box that contains your precious collection of Paul E. Shore memorabilia, whining about how you have no friends and no one will ever care about you. Loser.

Leo: Sell, sell, SELL!!! I forsee financial disaster as all your stocks take a nosedive. However, if you sell now, even at exceedingly low prices, all will not be lost.

Virgo: Some lunatic is going to be unloading some very cheap high value stocks this week. Buy them and your financial troubles will be over.

Libra: After your spouse accidentally puts mayonnaise in your sandwich you break out in a rash of hives. And to add insult to injury, that's the third time it's happening this month! In a fit of passion after breaking out you find your trusty butcher knife…and proceed to scrape off all the hives.

Scorpio: "Voo-doo-wap-pala"…"Voo-doo-wap-pala"…You've been mistreated, and you've been beaten. Until you meet the Voodoo Queen you'll stay a heathen. She'll speak with passion, a burning fire, and lure you deep into the swamps with her desire. Oh…the jungle steaming hear the drums a'beating, I say by then you will believe. You'll see her black skin shining, her flashing eyes a'blinding…all this will happen when you meet the mysterious "Voodoo Queen" residing in the CR Taco Bell Kitchen. Just don't tip the dogs off to their unfortunate fates, this tends to piss Voodoo Queen off.

Sagittarius: With all your relationship troubles, you walk yourself to the center of the Wilson Bridge threatening to jump. Traffic is held up all day as you decide what to do. Finally you jump off, but strangely receive only a bit of a red belly. I guess I should have told you that the Wilson Bride really isn't that high.

If your Birthday is this week: Money? What do you need all that stuff weighing your pockets down for? It's just gonna make it harder to run from the Afghanis when they attack. I suggest you let me take it off your hands for ya. I will even set up a bank account for you in my name. That way the Afghanis won't even be able to touch it.

Well the Yankees are winning again, which naturally puts me in a horrible mood. Of course, it's a proven fact that all of the other baseball teams are losing ON PURPOSE to NY, so as to make the people of NYC feel good about themselves. I say, kudos. All of you other baseball teams, which is to say every baseball team in the world EXCEPT the NY Yankees, I salute you. You are truly American heroes. To take a dive for your country, that is beautiful.

Lain: There's a perfectly good reason why I'm mean to you. I have no respect for you at all. That's why.

How to deliver criticism: Hmm, I'm torn over this. Yes, it is inconsiderate to give criticism in a discourteous manner. However, I'm of the school of thought that, if the thing in question that is being criticized is insulting to the intelligence of (depending upon the medium: the reader, the listener, the viewer, etc.), than I say courtesy be damned. If your present me with a copy of a Dawson's Creek episode, for example, I shall not handle such a thing without a great deal of smartassery. And I would expect others to do so as well. Join me in the new era of cynicism!

CIA okay to kill Bin Laden: Well, isn't this just a nice bit of PR. Because we kill lots of people every year, you just don't hear about it. Bin Laden has only made it this far because he's so visible. But now we have carte blanche to just take him out, so goody to us.
<<Actually, the CIA has been banned from assasinating ANYONE for quite a while.>> That's the official line. They haven't exactly followed that rule. Now we can just admit we're going to kill people and no one will give a damn.

In-joke in 5….4…3…2….1….

Pistoff: Hey! I haven't seen you in here in a while! Nice to see you again, buddy!

< / In-Joke>

"Bring It On": Jesus Christ, you people really have thin skins, don't you.
Okay, class, let's dissect what Bonny Garg said.

<<Moo, right? Now I await the collective newborn calf that this post is sure to deliver. Bring it on!>> The term, "Bring it on!", used in this context, was implying that she believed spirited discussion would result from her post. And it did. Of a different sort, but that's neither here nor there. But that is what the sentence meant. That is its context. Bring it on, as in, "Bring on the spirited discussion." I think many of you took it as, "Bring it on, I'm ready to fight with you and your opinion." Which was not what she implied. But you took it that way.

So now debate amongst yourselves whether or not you were absolutely dead wrong to take that from what she said, or that her post was written in a manner that made you think that that statement meant what you thought it did. I say you're all just overly sensitive, and perhaps looking for something to argue with her about because maybe she hit a sore spot with her comments about Alan (and maybe that sore spot is warranted, I don't know). But then no one should have had difficulty deciphering that that was my opinion.

<<President Bush worked the phones recruiting Mideast leaders. In the past week, Libya has come on board, Sudan has come on board, and Syria has come on board.>> Oh good. We're recruiting all of the countries that support terrorism.

<<CNN and Fox News are sending female reporters to Pakistan and Afghanistan, but to make their presence acceptable to the male population the networks are having to take attractive female anchors and make the women look less attractive by cutting and dying their hair and wearing glasses.>> Oh wonderful. We have to make our women look as ugly as theirs. Reason #12767 why we should nuke them out of existence.

<<Let's get Arnold Schwartzenegger, Bruce Willis, Sly Stallone, Steven Segal, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Wesley Snipes, and every other movie bad ass together along with every red blooded American male and through a kegger party in Afghanistan.>> Better yet, let them fight the war for us. If their action movies have taught me anything it's that one American soldier can kill dozens, if not hundreds, of Arab terrorists single-handedly.

Pat: <<And... gasp... there was a camera shot near the beginning that had the WTC in the background.>> The news has just come over the wire: Third Watch has now been blacklisted by all of Hollywood. For making them look bad. <<I've got "Family Law" tuned in now... Salli Richardson sounds the most like Elisa when her character is angry.>> I'd watch, but then I remember that I hate that show. And that Crossing Jordan, over on NBC, starring the incredibly cute and lovely Jill Hennessey, is a much better program. And that MNF is on ABC. And that Monday Night RAW is on cable. I'm not going to pass up The Rock for Tony Danza. <<She was just yelling at Tony Danza a moment ago... I guess we know "Who's the Boss" in that romance. ;)>> At the Oscars! Gegegegegege!!!!

On this week's episode of Dawson's Creek, Pacey…..Oh wait, wrong show….

On this week's episode of Roswell, the gang…..damn, wrong show again.

Well, it's easy to get this show confused with that show. BECAUSE OF ALL THE DAMN TEENAGE ANGST. That's why Dawson's Creek sucks, that's why Roswell sucks. But, at least, it's Superman, so that automatically makes it one thousand times cooler and better than either of those other two shoes.

The story? Passable. The acting? Superman…or Superboy….or Clark….is a pretty boy, who we are supposed to believe is a total nerd, despite the fact that he's got looks that would make half the teenage girls in the country practically dripping wet. But he's good with the teenage angst, so he acts like a puss most of the episode. The show is saved, somewhat, by the acting of The Dukes of Hazzard, or in actuality just Jon Schneider as Pa Kent (I'm waiting for Roscoe P. Coltrane to guest star). And the kid who played Lex Luthor was the best damn thing about the show. Good job by him. Of course, the highlight is the cute little p.o.a. who's playing Lana Lang. Half-Dutch, half-Chinese. NEVER a bad combination. Hey, good looking, we'll be back to pick you up later.

Bottom line: Eh, much better than Lois and Clark, but that's not saying much. I like it better than Roswell and Dawson's Creek, but so far, this looks to be a MAJORLY feminized version of Superboy. I suppose the female audiences will be enough to keep the show afloat.

I, however, will try and track down copies of that old syndicated Superboy show from years back. Anyone remember that show? About 10 years ago? God, that show was cool. It had Stacy Haiduk as Lana Lang. It was money. I would watch it back to back with "Super Force". Saturday afternoon power hour.
****End Smallville***

***X-Men Evolution***
Well, Misty is Mystique, and we got to see a teenage Arcade. I marked out a little for that.

Okay story. I don't know where they are going with this Mystique storyline, but I'm hoping it's NOT to another showdown with Magneto, as I'd like to see a new main villain this year.

Oh, and nice new costume for Mystique. You can't go wrong with black leather mini and tank.
***End X-Men Evolution***

With that, I bid you goodbye.

Oh yeah, forgetting something. BRING IT ON.

"Game Over? Damn right I'm over!"
--- HHH

Sevarius "Old School Expulsion" Jr. - []
Monday, October 22, 2001 11:40:46 PM

**Winterwolf wanders into the CR**

Things are slowly getting more settled into place. I now have my own place along with those last missing items that made life tough... shower curtains, bed sheets, a bed along with a few other nick knacks. Now once I get some food to stock up, I need to setup the phone, computer and TV. It looks like it'll be awhile before I have full online capability. D'oh!

All praise getting to use the Internet once in a while at Dreamie's place. :)

This past Wednesday we found out Dreamie had strep throat. :( I spent the next several days taking care of her and driving her everywhere. And I also kept her taking the extremely nasty smelling Penicillin pills 4 times a day. They smelled like rotting mushrooms. BLAH! No hallucinations from them either. :P Fortunately she is almost all better. Still has to take another six days of pills though. O.o **holds breath**

On Saturday I went flying with Dreamie and her dad in a small single engine prop plane. I had a good time but don't know if I want to make a regular routine of it. I mean the top speed is only 120 mph or so. ;)

On Sunday we saw our very own beloved THE CHRISTINE MORGAN! (You must go buy all her books. Resistance is futile. ^_^) Dreamie and I managed to catch her panel on the Epic Nature of Fantasy Novels. I gained some insights as both a reader and potential writer. One of my favorites Christine's disclaimer of the elfish ear thing coming before Star Trek ever used that idea. Obviously they stole it from Christine. ^_~

Fleur> Thanks for the well wishes, I'm slowly getting there... Wherever there is. O.o j/k

Shadowrider> Welcome Back. :) I remember you ;P

NukesGoBoom> Oh oh! I remember you. Welcome back. :D

Coyote and Ravyn> <I am just as jealous as Ravyn is of you and Dreamie now. ;) Hope you two's are really happy. :) > We are! I'm sure you two'll get there too. I've had to give up a lot to get here but I know I gained more for it. ^_^

SOROW> <failure> Good luck on getting something to offset the bad test. **HUG**

Josh> <Now don't let Dreamie kill you ;-) > Good thing she has homework and tests keeping her busy... ;P

Christine> Thanks! It's not usually this wet? That's not what the typical rumors say :D

I'm off. Dreamie has to take her pill now. BLAH!

**Goes off to pick up and snuggle Dreamie then give her the yucky pill**

Seattle, WA
Monday, October 22, 2001 11:40:40 PM

Well, the war continues...

Senator Teddy Kennedy announced Friday he will ask President Bush to commit $1.6 billion to help beef up the nation's health system. The good news is, we are all going to get free prescription drugs. The bad news, it's an anthrax vaccine.

President Bush worked the phones recruiting Mideast leaders. In the past week, Libya has come on board, Sudan has come on board, and Syria has come on board. Unfortunately, now that they're on board, nobody else will get on the plane.

CNN and Fox News are sending female reporters to Pakistan and Afghanistan, but to make their presence acceptable to the male population the networks are having to take attractive female anchors and make the women look less attractive by cutting and dying their hair and wearing glasses. Why not just send Barbara Walters?

Here's an interesting idea: Let's get Arnold Schwartzenegger, Bruce Willis, Sly Stallone, Steven Segal, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Wesley Snipes, and every other movie bad ass together along with every red blooded American male and through a kegger party in Afghanistan. We'll all get really drunk and settle it in true whoop-ass style.

U.S. Marines at the Naval/Marine Reserves base in Omaha told the local TV news stayion they're eager to fight. They'll be helped by Islamic law. You take a 22-year-old Marine and station him in a country that allows no beer and covers up the women, and he will win that war for you in no time.

Speaking of Osama: Guess what the USMC calls him? "Osama has-bin Laden."

The Irish: Here's something interesting it heard about in Comparitive Politics class; A time capsule buried 200 years ago beneath a statue of Brit naval hero Horatio Nelson has been recently uncovered in Dublin. It contains what historians believe is the first Irish joke: "Two Irishmen walk out of a bar...well, it COULD happen."

Be back later.

Tim Phipps
Monday, October 22, 2001 10:51:33 PM

:: waves to kathy :: Glad to see you still check in here occasionally. :)

I just watched the first half of the two-part season premiere of "Third Watch"... finally a show that's not afraid to deal with 9/11 and is doing a respectful job of it, too. And... gasp... there was a camera shot near the beginning that had the WTC in the background.
I've got "Family Law" tuned in now... Salli Richardson sounds the most like Elisa when her character is angry. She was just yelling at Tony Danza a moment ago... I guess we know "Who's the Boss" in that romance. ;)

Re: TV news reporters > The past month is just showing us for good which of those familiar faces on the tv are journalists and which of them are just attractive people who can read off the telepromter.

Patrick Toman
Monday, October 22, 2001 10:49:44 PM

Hey all. Not much been going on around here. Just the usual schoolwork and all that crap. Is anyone else really anxious for the new TD season to air? It's the no.1 thing I'm looking forward to this fall.
SOROW - []
Monday, October 22, 2001 10:36:37 PM

What do Kabul and Hiroshima have in common?
nothing.. yet.

How do you play Taliban bingo?
B-52... F-16...B-1

What's the five day forecast for Afghanistan?
Two days

*points to Rayvn* Hey! she started it!! *LOL* ;p

Monday, October 22, 2001 10:33:00 PM

Carolynn Marie><<Right, like anyone would tell the CIA "It wouldn't be right, the guy deserves a fair trial". It'd be a frightening day in the good ol' US of A when that happens ...>> Actually, the CIA has been banned from assasinating ANYONE for quite a while. Believe it or not, Langley really isn't a buncha shadowy spymasters living above the law and rubbing out anyone who gets in their way... Personally, I think this whole idea goes back to Vietnam and the general anti-government feeling of that era.
Anyway, I'm all for taking the gloves off. I've been discussing this at length with a few people, and it always comes out at the same place: the only way to really deal with terrorists is to fight them by their own rules. That means special operations, assassinations, the works. *shrugs* ...That's how I see it, anyway.

The tag is from Moxy's Michigan Millitia. Is this how the world really sees us?

Gunjack "America First, the Rest Get the Pieces!!!" Valentine
Monday, October 22, 2001 10:23:23 PM

Sorry for the double-post, but it's now time for Ravyn's Bad Joke of the Day ... ;)

Why are there no K-marts in Afghanistan? Because there's a Target on every corner.

Yes, I know, that was awful. ;)

Monday, October 22, 2001 10:09:53 PM

Entity> If you wouldn't mind, could you possibly do mine? I'm curious now after reading Coyote's. ;) I was born on 5/16/1982, at 4 PM, in Tucson, Arizona. :)

NukesGoBoom> Hey, I remember ya too. ;)

Christine> Happy Birthday to Becca!

Coyote> Hiya, wonderful. :) **huggles**

All for me ...

Monday, October 22, 2001 10:03:15 PM

Christine> please tell Becca happy birthday for me, ok? =) Time sure flies when they are young, huh?
That’s awesome that you got to see Winterwolf and Dreamie!

Shadowrider> I’m glad to hear that you are home and safe. Why wouldn’t they let you continue in the service if you wanted to stay? I guess I don’t understand the military situation and regulations in Italy.

Ironing or steaming a letter to kill the Anthrax does not work. In order to apply enough heat to kill it, you’d have to maintain a temp. of at least 300 degrees for a long period of time. If you were ironing your envelope, it would be burnt toast.

Fluer> <<Consider it payback for all the tech support most college-aged kids often end up doing for the ‘older generation’. ;)>> *L* that’s right!! I’m so very computer retarded!
Nicely said and with a tremendous amount of tact ;)
College kids: I find most college students to be intelligent and most times they present a fresh view about issues and situations. Sometimes we old farts become cynical or become so involved with just *surviving* daily life, that we don’t see the forest for the trees.

BonnyGarg> I can understand where your comments were taken as an insult and taunting. When you finish a post with “BRING IT ON” – it’s not hard to misinterpret what you are trying to say.

DPH> It was hard sometimes to not react to something that I had read in a diary, but I rarely read them and only to help me figure out what was going on (if extreme behaviors were being exhibited)
64 cents?? I'd be thrilled beyond words if one of our long distance calls was that cheap! *L*

Lain> <<when people say mean things to me (a la pistoff.. or jannie.. or to a lesser degree SJ)>> I have sat here and debated with myself on if I was even going to bother responding to this jab that you have made towards me or not. Well, apparently I have decided against ignoring it. WTH are you talking about?? I have said mean things to you? I guess if you consider if someone…. *gasps* disagrees *gasps* with you being mean, then ummm ok. You come in here and insinuate that I’m a meanie – making it appear as if poor little Lain is being picked on by the big mean Jannie…. Pllleeaaseee give me a frickin’ break. If I had called you a twit, stupid, ignorant, ugly, disgustingly naïve, drama queen, and so inferior that you can’t stand for anyone else to have some attention – then yeah, I’d be mean. The only reason you put names in that particular sentence was to take jabs. It served no other purpose than that.
I have restrained myself many times when addressing something that you’ve said that I totally disagreed with. If I commented on it, I attempted to keep it off the personal level.
So no, don’t come in here and insinuate that I’m some meanie or bully and then act like you are the loving and forgiving Lain who gives me random hugs. And they say “Scorpions” are manipulative? O_o

Josh> <<You are a pretty cool mom>> thanks, I try ;) The kids and I usually have a lot of fun together =) unless I’m tired of listening to them “debate” each other or talk non-stop on some type of computer programming that I have absolutely NO idea of what he’s talking about. I pretend to be interested for a while, but even that becomes very difficult after 30 minutes or so of it. *L*
Or, if Anna starts talking about her looser friends and all the fruit-loop fantasy crap that they are into… I won’t listen to that. Before anyone jumps my hide over that – I’m NOT talking about fantasy role playing in the regular sense…. She has a tendency to go beyond the norm.

It’s been a long day and I don’t feel well…. G’night all.

"A message to Osama Bin Laden: You can kiss my royal Irish ass!"
~NYC fireman Mike~

Jan - [*proud to be Irish* ;)]
Monday, October 22, 2001 10:02:56 PM

I think we have been reminded a simple lesson: think before you speak and choose your words well.

David G - congrats on moving.

kathy <I'm alive.> So you were dead before making that statement?

Capt. Morbidd - Hopefully, this is the ONLY time this week this question gets asked. The answer is Timedancer will be released when timedancer is released. Any questions?

Mandolin - you do realize that reading between the lines is helpfull, right?

Imzadi - I had to wait a few days for you to send the package. Don't you think it's fair that it takes me a while to send you the last check? I plan on addressing the envelope right after making this post and inserting the check into it. Then putting a stamp on the envelope and placing it inside the mailbox, before tomorrow.

Imzadi - I expect the parent's only to know if a bomb was being constructed in their home. But, if the child has books on bomb making in his/her room, I'd be suspicious and worried.

Jan - Reading diaries is only about probable cause. But some people can't keep things to himself/herself. If I kept a diary, it would be full of the problems I had with my dad. I don't think he could read that and pretend he didn't.

Speaking of my dad, here's a new one. Yesterday, he was questioning me about $0.64 worth of long distance phone calls. The way I figure it, unless the amount of time called is extremely long (over an hour) or the bill is high, unremembered phone calls are ok.

DPH - [dph_of_rules@<spam>]
Monday, October 22, 2001 09:18:24 PM

GUNJACK< <<CIA got permission to assasinate Bin Laden>> Right, like anyone would tell the CIA "It wouldn't be right, the guy deserves a fair trial". It'd be a frightening day in the good ol' US of A when that happens ... which I was starting to wonder about considering people are throwing fits over being politically correct with putting patriotic signs up all over the place ("Gah! You can't exclaim how patriotic that is! That cuts out every other country in the world! Don't be patriotic, dammit!!")

DAVID G.< Macbeth as the Hanged Man. Creepy. I like it. Just in time for Halloween.

TO SIMPSONS FANS< Can't WAIT for the Annual Treehouse of Horror. Word is this year's will be a Harry Potter spoof ;D *keeps fingers crossed*

LAIN< I never thought your name was connected to anything, but my friend Justin lent me "Serial Experiments Lain" over the weekend and now I know. And lemme tell ya, that series is messed up. I gotta finish watching it, but it's like the strange lovechild of The Matrix and some Stanley Kubrick flick.

It's hard to concentrate on writing a Buddhism paper when the kid above you is blaring Sir Mix-A-Lot *goes back to work humming, "... it's not much fun unless ya got buns, hon!"*

Carolynn Marie - []
Madison, NJ, USA
Monday, October 22, 2001 08:29:02 PM

Well, what do you know? I am remembered! :)

I got my mid-semester progress report today! I'm pulling a 3.57, and that's a low estimate ! I'm happy!

Gargoyles and 9/11>> I look at it this way... like in the kennedy analogy, if he wasn't president in the story, then they don't need to address his death. However, if he was, it would be a pretty blantant alternate universe that had him alive to this day... which is cool, if that's what you're going for. Same thing with the attacks... the towers existed in the gargoyles universe, so either way would work... but showing it would be difficult and not showing it would be obvious. it's either win-win or lose-lose, depending on how it's pulled off... which I'm sure will be excellently :)

Lynati>> <get a mini-fridge and stock it with healthy items> Done and done. for some reason, pop-tarts just haven't been cutting it for breakfast lately [shrugs]

Fire Storm, Josh>> << <<Don't be so timid! We won't bite... unless you are tasty>>: If she asks nicely I might do it once whether or not she's tasty... ;-) >> yeah, mike just reacted with shock to that one... I appreciate the offer, but he has dibs. if only I could get him n here... but he's scared to death of all things disney. weird story, that.

Josh again>> <<Its okay, you couldn't be any worse than me>> actually, I thoguht I did all right... until my mom yelled at me for doing it wrong. [shrugs] the clothes are clean and the colors and sizes intact. I'm satisfied.
<<I know exactly who you are. >> should I be scared? :)

Fluer Rine>> <<Superman is a New-Yorker too>> really? huh. news to me.

Spacebaby>><<Did you know he had a MST in one of his plays>> sweet! I am so reading that one next! [eyeballs The Complete Works of Shakespeare... then sighs and remembers Robinson Crusoe and english class] ok, I'll read it after crusoe.

Entity>> Can you do mine? 4/5/83 I'm curious. :) thanks.

God BLess!

The Suburban Bubble
Monday, October 22, 2001 08:17:13 PM

Josh> <<<"Ordell isn't a good writer" isn't helpful.>>> To be fair, she did try to clarify it more than that. <<<Thank god I didn't have to go to class and the final was optional.>>> Dude. <<<No, I really don't.>>> I'm winging this too much. <<<So my defensive mode is more successful?>>> This was another "wing" on my part. I'm frankly connecting dots that I'm not qualified to. From now on I'll stick to just reporting the straight-up facts on a sign. <<<One of the many reasons I don't put much stock in astrology ;-)>>> It's what I get for trying to dazzle everybody by guessing someone's sign right off the bat. Truth is, I was closer than I realized. I guessed Fire sign, because I interpreted Bonny Garg's criticisms as creativity-motivated, with the willfulness of a Fire sign. I'm a Fire sign and I identified with where she was coming from. What was painfully obvious is that she was CRITICISING, a Virgo trait. And where's my Moon? In Virgo. So of course I was able to identify.

Fleur> <<<You're beginning to scare me with how accurate this is...>>> Here are some more specific things on Sag. I know it well, since it's my trademark (says I). Sag is usually hopelessly out of touch with fashion. When he drives, it's usually a frightening experience for the feint of heart. His hips/thighs are pronounced. He may have a bit of a gut; he's a glutton. When he speaks, it's usually a trip; he loves language and using it in different, usually witty ways. He is indecisive and can also be clumsy. He might spend five minutes deliberating on a drink, then spill the drink. He tends to have small hands, and sometimes small feet as well. He's hairy. His writing, unlike his speech, can be wordy and boring (heh, what more proof do you need?). <<<That’s a failing? ;)>>> I like my fanatical tendencies. They're me. I also like my subjectivity -- it's more personal. But on that last front, I've got my Virgo objectivity to balance me out.

Spacebabie> <<<I was born on November 3rd 1976 in Irving Texas at 11:47 A.M.>>> What are you pursuing? Because whatever it is, let me give you this as advice: aim higher. You have Scorpio for your Sun (your main personality) and your Mars (your aggressivity), Your Moon is in Aries, and your Rising sign is Capricorn. You know the deal on Scorpio, right? To quote that Blunt Horoscope, "You shall achieve the pinnacle of success because of your total lack of ethics." Then you've got Aries acting as your subconscious. Gilgamesh, I'm convinced, was an Aries (if you don't know who he was: someone who had the audacity to seek godhood). Lastly you have Capricorn, for whom success is (to state the stereotype) *all* that they care about.

Gunjack> <<<Just say on the news ticker that the CIA has been given permission to assasinate Bin Ladin. Ladies and gentlemen, Langley just got it's balls back.>>> Thank God.

lain> Where and what year?

Monday, October 22, 2001 07:58:09 PM

I think myself that the protests over somebody's criticism of this fanfic or that generally come about more when it's delivered in an unpleasant style (say, when the critic makes his or her comments in a rude or sneering fashion, or in a fashion that appears to somebody else to be rude or sneering), rather than over the comments themselves.

To illustrate what I mean, I read a story once about a king who received word from a messenger of a terrible setback that had occurred to his kingdom, and had the messenger hanged. Not for bringing the bad news; he was mature enough to take it. But rather, because the messenger delivered the bad tidings with a malicious, gloating smile upon his face and an equally malicious, gloating tone in his voice, as though he was revelling in the king's misfortunes.

The issue isn't free speech, in my opinion. Rather, the issue is courtesy (or the lack thereof). Criticism, even unfavorable criticism, can be delivered in a polite fashion, rather than a belligerent one.

Although I honestly don't think that Bonnie meant the last paragraph of her original post about September 11 to be read in such a light, even if that's how it appeared to some.

One minor "X-Men families" comment that I forgot to mention: as somebody pointed out here, in the comics (I've done a little research on them since "X-Men: Evolution" came out) Nightcrawler is indeed the son of Mystique by a mysterious German count. But I've also read that what they originally wanted to do was to make Mystique Nightcrawler's father (!), on the grounds that as a shape-shifter, she can even change gender (Nightcrawler's mother, under such a scenario, would have been Destiny). However, the higher-ups at Marvel Comics got too spooked by that and so that story didn't air. (I imagine that that means that there was similarly no mention made in the "Mighty Thor" comics about Loki being the mother of Odin's horse Sleipnir, even though that was the case in the original Norse myths :) ).

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Monday, October 22, 2001 07:35:13 PM

Lain- Thanks for the hug!!! Right back at ya! :) Hey, do you still use that WrestlingAnAngel aol instant messenger screen name? I got a new computer and I didnt have your msn screen name so either would be much appreciated :D

Josh- OMFG!!! There is this kid on my lacrosse team that found a Windforce (basically something that kills anyone with little or no difficulty from a very far distance) and is SELLING IT ON EBAY FOR $200.01 AS OF TODAY! The bids get higher!! this is INSANE! Take a peek at this... I asked him what he was gonna do with the money and he said that he was gonna use it for car payments. Personally, ive got stuff worth $10-$40, my whole account would go for maybe $200 with all the stuff, but this one item (windforce) has gone for $600 in previous ebay auctions. mind boggling.

Gunjack- Hey man, do yo still play Half-Life? If ya do I think that you would have a challanging oppenent. If your not busy, wanna play a death match or something? Seeya then ^ ^

NukesGoBoom - []
Monday, October 22, 2001 06:54:05 PM

quickie notes...

Someone asked about the Milo Manara deck, and I just checked mine, only two illos are from Click! Card XII - Punishment, and one other. The rest seem to be from his more obsure works.

So if you want to buy it for Manara's gorgeous art, great, but if you are only interested in the Click! series, I'm afraid it's barely represented.

Okay, breaks over, must get back to writing *^_^*


Monday, October 22, 2001 05:55:57 PM

hey all. for the record, my name is Terrky K, not terry...but anyway, i just wanted to say hi to everyone. i'm not used to all this kinda stuff... so, if anyone wants to contact me just to say hi, er tell me a bit about the site, ya can e-mail me, or catch me on AOL instant messenger, my SN is Terrky2ooo (o's, not zeros)


Terrky K. - []
Monday, October 22, 2001 04:45:58 PM

Well, people, it's been a while since the last time I've come here...I hope someone still remembers me. Well, anyway...a ten days ago I've finished my military service, (actually I didn't want to leave service in this particular moment, especially since many friends of mine are still being employed in protecting air space around the NATO base of Aviano, but they discharged me and I had no voice in it...) and I've returned to my interrupted engineering studies. I have a year and more to recover, and so I've been very busy, I am very busy right now too, but from now on I will try to post on a regular basis. So, anyway...what's going on now in this CR? Are you all OK?
I will try to write again in a couple of days.

See everyone soon!

Shadowrider - []
Milan, Italy
Monday, October 22, 2001 04:29:10 PM

Bookfest is done! Winterwolf and Dreamie came by -- great to see you two! Hope the unpacking goes well. I was on a panel about trilogies and the epic nature of fantasy, finally touched base with the University of Washington bookstore guy (who promises to have some event in January I can be in on), sold more books including 10 to Totem Books (yay!), and generally had a good second day. But I'm glad it's over because I think I managed to hold off the flu symptoms by sheer will, and am now laid low by cough and sinus woes.

Josh > oh, rest assured, we're no great fans of WoTC ourselves ; ) I'm just grateful to them for providing free childcare, and for giving Becca a free starter pack of the floor model cards when it was over. And yes, the ASL interpreters did have to make some rather interesting gestures during that panel. There was one word that had to be spelled out, but since I don't even know myself what it means, I'd better not repeat it here! <g>

Carolynn Marie > I've just finished reading the first three, and plan to start the 4th tonight. With Becca, we're only four chapters into Book I, but thanks for the warning.

Speaking of Becca -- seven years and twenty-one minutes ago, she was born! Happy birthday to my bestest girl!

Christine - []
Monday, October 22, 2001 03:39:18 PM

*slouches in*

gunjack>> yes, i did go to the hospital. no, they dont know whats wrong. yes, they did take more blood samples. no, my blood-iron level is apparently only very slightly low - but not enough that i am supposed to be noticing. yes, my right pupil is dialated more than my left for some bizzare reason anyone has yet to explain. and the Great Almighty Diagnosis is: *drumroll* i have... the flu. yeah, you heard it, the flu. why am i somehow not convinced?
in other news, the x-rays of my neck came back and.. i havent had a headache for a year and a half because of a pinched nerve.. my neck is fine.
so why do i still have a headache in the same place every day for a year and a half? you tell me..
i dont have a fever, my ears arent infected, theres nothing wrong with my blood sample (they are going to test the new one for something else.. and they took other samples that im not going to go into in the public forum of the CR...)
first, he thought i was pregnant. since ive had, you know, NO SEX for the past.. over a year, now, THATS out. (unless dem little spermies can live one hell of a lot longer than they tell you in sex ed..) um.. methinks not.
my nose isnt runny, i dont have a cough. i am nausiated and have a giant headache (as per usual). i cant focus on anything, and i can see a wierd vertical bar of blue light in the left side of my left eyes field of vision. dancing circles of light, occasionally, though i havent passed out since saturday. im surprised i made it to school today at all.. or even woke up and got out of bed. im always tired but cant sleep. my hands shake.
oh no..
QUICK!!!!! SJ!!!! OPEN MY MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!! OPEN IT NAKED!!!!!!
(there, you see? it cant be THAT bad if i still have my sense of humour..)
: P (i couldnt resist that one..)

nukes go boom>> allo sweetheart, how are you holding up? *hugs*

pistoff>> im very sorry but i dont understand your post at all.. you seem to be talking about "free speech for me but not for thee" in reference to bonny gargs criticisms of the TGS stories, is that right? "come on. you want to discuss TGS in here, you should be able to talk about the negative comments as well as the positive." .. maybe its just my brain going (more) funny but.. that sounds an awful lot like what i wrote after some people jumped on bonny garg. i didnt tell her to "shut up" at all, i could plainly see she was trying to make constructive remarks. i dont see whats wrong with asking someone to be a little more careful with the WAY they say something. asking someone to try and have a little more caution and think about they way their comments are phrased or might be read is a rather far cry from asking someone not to have an opinion, or not to share that opinion.
for the record, i dont particularly think its right for anyone to say mean things about ANYONES work, be it yours, this matt watson person, christine morgan or the TGS people. ive only ever read the TGS stuff, however, ive never had the time to read your fics, or matt watsons, or christine morgans, or anyone elses.
i think you are right about the "pack mentality" though. however, i think that extends to cover an area far beyond "fanfics".
as for me trying to be "kaioto jr".. i think that goes back to what mandolin said about picking something specific you have a problem with, instead of just making a blanket statement. if you have a problem with the way i am handling my job as an admin, please, tell me what it is that i need to improve. if you dont, i will never get better and you will always complain. if you have suggestions, please email them to me - i dont get to check my email as much as id like to but you stand a better chance of reaching me that way than posting them in the CR, as i am likely to skim over them and miss them while trying to catch up.
maybe when i get internet access at home, i will be a little more accessible.

bonny garg>> a "butthead" *chuckles* naw, yer not a butthead. yer a virgo.. but not a butthead.. ; )
im glad youre not cowed by angry people. when people say mean things to me (a la pistoff.. or jannie.. or to a lesser degree SJ) i usually rant and rave to the wall (or gunjack over the phone.. whichevers closer..) and alternate between that and bawling my eyes out in the corner (cos im an annoying, overly-emotionally-sensitive wimp). then i usually get over myself and post something i would *like* to think was sensible as a reply. i get snippy if i dont give myself the space to think it over. i do my best to recognize when im wrong.
i dont know what the TGS staff are going to do about the sept. 11 issues.. however i DO think that, if they WERE to be in the TGS cycle, it would be ENORMOUSLY difficult to do without a) skimming over the tragedy and devistation or b) delving into the detalis too deeply or too ineffectively. it would be VERY difficult to write convincingly, though i suppose it would be interesting to see how the gargs would react, waking up so many hours later and having missed the actual event.

jannie>> you are the LUCKY recipient of todays RANDOM HUG FROM LAIN!! how do YOU feel?

patrick toman>> yeah.. there IS an echo in here.. i just said what you said.. : P

fleur>>.. and what she said, too..

(whats with all the ? in some peoples posts?..??.. i KNEW there was a reason why i never posted with apostrophes..)

entity>> 14 july at about 7am. year of the monkey. cock-a-doodle-d.. wait a second.. thats not the noise the monkey makes... wooooah.. my brain really IS messed.. : P : P .. sooooooo.. you gonna tell me what my stars say?

spacebabie>> that is DEFINATELY a shirt for pissy.. ; )
kathy>> "at what point it became manditory to sumbit to a lobotomy prior to becoming a news reporter" *falls over laughing* you know, ive wondered that ever since i got that sick facination with CNN.. i mean.. how many times do they have to ask the same question over and over and over within the SAME INTERVIEW?! id do my impression of CNN but i think it might offend some people.. all i have to say is: "thank GOD for peter mansbridge".. and thats something i never thought id hear myself say.
not even being hit by a bus.. you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than getting anthrax.. so far, anyway. anyway, im safe, cos SJs gonna open my mail for me. naked, even.. ; )

on THAT note (my brain is hurting just from the thought) i shall depart. hopefull i will be back sometime this week.


lain "lets go for a ride" iwakura - []
the Great White North
Monday, October 22, 2001 03:28:07 PM

Interesting news from the world of David G:
(“Interesting” is a relative term.)

Item 1 – my WWII era gas mask just arrived from an antique shop in New York. Now all I need to complete my Golden Age Sandman costume is a funky looking gun. I’m going to Toys ‘r’ Us to look at cap guns in the near future.

Item 2 – We’re moving away from the demon apartment from hell. Our lease expires on Nov. 30, and we’re moving to a complex about two blocks away – one with 24 hour on call maintenance. (yea!)

Item 3 – (Actually a reply to Mooncat)
Making up weird Tarot decks is one of my hobbies. Somewhere around here I have a list of majors and court cards for the Anime Tarot. I’m also working on the Game Show Tarot (The Wheel of Fortune is just too easy, and for the Chariot “It’s a New CAR!!!”).

For a Gargoyles Taro, right off the bat, I’d choose (in no particular order, just whatever I could remember/think of):

The Fool – Vinnie
The magician – The Archmage
The Emperor - Xanatos
The Empress - Fox
The Hierophant - Oberon
The High Priestess - Titania
The Hermit – The magus, or Robbins.
The Chariot – Brooklyn on Lexington’s motorcycle
Strength – Angela and Bronx
The Moon – Fox transformed by the Eye of Odin
The Lovers – Goliath and Elisa
The Devil – Desdemona and Othello in front of Iago
The Sun – Alexander being given a horse-ride by Owen.

The Tower – The helicopter crashing through St. Damien’s Cathedral. Xanatos’s skyscraper is a good choice, too, but St. Damien’s is closer to the imagery of the card. Sky Fortress 1 crashing is a good choice, too.
Judgment – The Hunters and/or Macbeth.
Death – Jackal
The Hanged Man - Macbeth
The Wheel of Fortune – The Eye of Odin with Goliath, Fox, Odin himself, and some fourth character I can’t think of holding the four corners in place of the heraldic beasts.
The World – The Phoenix Gate

I don’t have any particular ideas for Temperance or the Star. The Weird Sisters might work for either one, but I don’t know.

For court cards, I’d make do:
Wands: Goliath (k) Demona (q) Brooklyn (kn) and Angela (p)
Swords: the Coyote Robot (k) Hyena (q) Jackal (kn) and Wolf (p) – Wolf’s really too old to be the Page, but he’s a looser.
Cups: Oberon (k) Titania (q) Cu Culainn (kn) and Puck (p) – Rory is too young to be the Knight, but he looks better than Puck does. Odin could replace him and it would be OK.
Pentacles: Xanatos (k) Fox (q) Owen (kn) Alex (p)

If I widened the field to include TGS characters, There would be a lot more choices, but I thought it would be more challenging to stay with only "official" characters.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Monday, October 22, 2001 03:24:04 PM

I'm alive. Now that that's cleared up, some random responses:

Anthrax - Ya know this wouldn't be nearly as panic envoking if the media would use it's other name "Wool Sorters Disease". Adding my .02 to the "steam your mail" advice - it's not that steaming deactivates the spores, like botulism the spores are very long lived and heat and cold resistant, steaming causes particulate matter to clump so you're less likely to inhale any foreign matter in the envelope. But considering that most people stand a higher probability of being hit by a bus than contracting wool sorters disease... just take the information as interesting trivia.

More important to my thinking is discovering at what point it became mandatory to submit to a lobotomy prior to becoming a news reporter. Honestly, listening to Pentagon news briefings or other press opportunities is becoming just scary and it has little to do with what the White House Staff or the generals are saying. What part of "we don't want to endanger soldiers on the ground" is difficult to understand?

TGS Storylines - If I were still on staff I'd approach 9/11 with great caution. Why? The ramifications are still being felt and will be for years to come. Injected into the TGS Ficverse it would alter the terrain of the storylines for better or worse for the remainder of the series. Now, on the other hand, if one wanted to incorporate elements of the tragedy into a storyline independent of larger world events - for example a disaster that was the result of a plot line within the existing universe that allowed the staff to do a story about the risks of public service i.e. police and fire that could be done and done well without running the risk of trivializing the larger event.

Happy birthday to those having them. Good thoughts to those that need them.

Monday, October 22, 2001 03:05:22 PM

just out of morbid curiousity...anyone know when the season's off hiatus?
Capt. Morbidd
someplace, right there, hmm
Monday, October 22, 2001 02:44:38 PM

Only four hour till my Environmental science exam and I have not studied a wink... nooooo problem. Actually biology and physical science are my strong points in that field. Plus I have a study buddy. (I just love saying that)

Saw "Trainning Day" last night... twisted and one more reason I do not want to be a cop.

Josh- Mac World? Isn't that amagazine? oh and Yes, I painted a tree while looking through a donut that was prop up on the table. We had to paint landscape and twist it somehow. I know that's just plain wierd, right?

-That little bald guy in Princess Bride-


Revel - []
denton, tx
Monday, October 22, 2001 01:34:07 PM

Gunjack> <permission to assasinate Bin Ladin> well, there's one good thing and lets hope they do it soon. I want to see him burn and rot.

Pistoff> welcome back even if it probably wont be long.

"To you and me this rice means nothing, but to my ancestors...don't mess with my family. Apologize to the rice." -- Chow Yun-Fat

Monday, October 22, 2001 01:11:07 PM

Just say on the news ticker that the CIA has been given permission to assasinate Bin Ladin. Ladies and gentlemen, Langley just got it's balls back. 8 )
Gunjack "Extreme Prejudice" Valentine
Monday, October 22, 2001 11:17:44 AM

Enters whooping

I just used the new printer and its sweet!

Entity>>> I was born on November 3rd 1976 in Irving Texas at 11:47 A.M. I already know I was born in the year of the dragon. Heh I'm a scorpio and a dragon "Beware my stinger or my flame but beware just the same."

Pendragon Staff::The above just gave me an idea, do you think its possible to have a dragon headed gargoyle with a scorpion tail part of the London clan?

Fleur>>>Bravo...Well typed.

Daphne and NukesgoBoom>>>Hey you two Welcome back!

Pisstoff>>>My dad has a shirt that you should wear to work. It reads "I see stupid people"

Shakespear class>>> Did you know he had a MST in one of his plays? In a MidsummersNightsDream when Bottom,Quince and the others were perfoming their play The duke, Hippolyta and a few others were making comments.

Well I'm off toodles.

Orlando, Fl
Monday, October 22, 2001 10:58:03 AM

Quickie post today. The 13 trainees in my division have FINALLY been given an assignment (albeit an irritatingly vague one), and we're meeting in half an hour to try to make sense of what the upper-level programmers actually want. I'm thinking we're going to need nothing less than divine intervention to figure that out, but whatever...

Keys> I have my license replaced and most of the important keys, so the story has become somewhat funny now. I will miss my "Chaos" keychain and my old college ID, but I've got my license, my apt. keys, my car keys, and my gate card replaced. Mail key is next on the agenda.

Bonny Garg> I'm sorry. I was a little harsh when I responded to that first post - I really should have posted when I was awake. The one thing I did have a problem with was the public criticism of one writer's work without giving any specific examples. That's the kind of criticism that's best saved for private e-mail.

As for episode critiques, however, reviews pertaining to specific episodes are fine. Especially reviews that, if they aren't entirely positive, point out *specific* instances of problems, and if at all possible, suggestions for improvement. Hey, it's that kind of review that made me decide (wisely) to steer clear of writing episodes that I did not have a hand in outlining.

silvadel> <<Forty Two.>> Good number to have. "How many roads must a man walk down?" :)

Fleur> <<Hey, I think I just managed to be tactful!! >> Wow. What's that like? <<I’m glad you didn’t post the lyrics to ‘Albequerque’. You’d have killed the CR. :) >> Would you believe my friends and I actually tried to do that for Airband our senior year (an annual lip-synch contest that frequently gets off the wall)? We got shot down due to length, unfortunately.

HEY! We just got sent an actual example of the kind of thing they're looking for! **looks around for flying pigs** Well, I'd better see if this makes any sense...

Monday, October 22, 2001 09:23:55 AM

Okay, I’m being bad. I should be studying, but I just don’t wanna… :)

Hugs to all new people, and people who’ve come back, and anybody who just feels like a hug.

Christine> >I'd never heard that about the 13th sign, but the healer in question is probably (can I spell it right without looking it up?) Aesclepius. He got so good at doctoring that he started bringing back the dead, which messed with Hades' inventory and so the lord of the Underworld got Zeus to thunderbolt the doc. The staff and snake symbol is (another spelling bee challenge) the cadeucas.< That’s the guy! See, I’m not as brave as you – I decided to just describe him instead of attempting to spell it, and embarrassing myself. :)

Entity> > Nah, there's been a lot of that kind of stuff going around through the years. Classify it in the same realm as those supposed Nostrodamus quotes everyone got after Sept. 11.< Ah, right then. > We are renowned for our blunt, tactless honesty< Oh hell, yeah. What's really fun is that one of my best friends is also a Sagie. He firmly believes that's why we get along so well, since we don't get offended by behaviour we exhibit ourselves. >our argumentative, philosophical natures,< I’m NOT argumentative!! ;) >our optimism and enthusiasm< You're beginning to scare me with how accurate this is... >and our love of personal freedom.< Don’t chain me in. I’ll bite. >Some failings include fanaticism and subjectivity. :)< That’s a failing? ;)

Gside> > Why don't you come over here and prove it?< *blinks innocently* You mean, it’s NOT apparent from my posts? ;) >Another thing I heard, FOAF style: stay away from the malls on the 31st.< Somebody is sick of tacky Halloween decorations? >Jello.< Nah, I don’t like it. If you’d said chocolate mousse, on the other hand, well… ;) >Not to self: divert Fleur's attention more often.< *lol* You might regret it… >And you expect to get away without telling us? < You already know it. Curious now? :)) >Canada. Wait, they don't exist.< Has anybody else ever noticed that every nation has a ‘sibling rivalry’ thing happening with another nation? Canada and America, Australia and New Zealand, England and France. Oh, wait, EVERYBODY hates France ;). >Why'd you break it?< I was scaring people. In high school, I thought that mattered. >I heard when they needed a twelveth, they cut the claws of the crab to make a set of scales.< Yea, let’s just slice up the constellations! > Jello has eldritch powers even outside of the bedroom.< Beware the power of the wobbly stuff! (You know, that sounded sooo wrong). >Or whichever room in which you hold threesomes.< There’s a special room for threesomes now? ;)

Dark Prince of Vinyl> > > Open book exams are a piece of cake. I've NEVER gotten anything less than an A on an open book exam.< Yeah, but this was a practical exam. That means I had to perform an actual experiment. I’m one of those people who tends to drop things, especially little vials of biological material. Hence, I was afraid. But it turned out okay, although I could have used a bit more time. >I know the feeling. And four out of my 5 midterms didn't worry me, yet I still began to freak.< I’m terrified about one, but not too concerned about the other two remaining exams. >And what would that be?< I honestly don’t know. Something other than Pacifism and Aggression, anyway. >Don't look at me. I've never tried to set up a threesome before and I don't have any plans to do so in the future.< Ah, so these things just happen to you too, huh? ;) >Women. How else do you explain them running like scared muppets when we come near?< Or else they karate chop you like Miss Piggy. >Well that brings us back to Carolynn's "only the best EQUIPPED get to reproduce" ;-) < ROTFL!! Size DOES matter! >Well, at least you have taste.< Glad you approve. >Quick Robby, ban her!< You’re just jealous because you’re not actually allowed to post here, and I am. :) >Isn't that kind of a lot?< I think I can be generous for the benefit of people who actually like bad weather. After all, people that insane should be humoured. :) >Then, according to FS, you are not alive.< Cool! I’m an undead vegetarian!! >Asclepius! I only know that because my friend Matt had a D&D character named after him.< Yeah, yeah. Admit it, you’re secretly really into this stuff, you nerd. :) >Just like my brother. But he's actually a Taurus, and not one of those qualities actually applies to him.< well, THAT made a lot of sense. >This is what Gathering is for.< This year, my choice is: Gathering or new(er) car. I’ll be seeing the mechanic in a couple of weeks to find out if my little beast will last until next year. >I think that's what happened ONCE she got involved.< I suppose I should be glad you don’t think I’d pull out whips and chains. ;) >Seriously! Think of all the entertainment!< With my co-ordination, distracting me would only be entertaining if you like to see me breaking things. :) >I thought you didn't have any women. Though I've not heard any complaints and one is still singing my praises a year after I dumped her (and stopped speaking to her) you can extrapolate from that.< You’ve got incriminating pictures of them? > This just in: my number theory teacher, who I mentioned by name ONCE, was doing a google search on his name...and guess where he ended up. Here.< I once got an email from a guy with the exact same name as a character I’d mentioned _once_ in a fic, wanting to know where I got the name from. Since I’d just matched up two words that sounded good together, I was a bit weirded out. And a little uncomfortable since the character in question was a scummy bad guy. ;)

Mandolin> I’m glad you didn’t post the lyrics to ‘Albequerque’. You’d have killed the CR. :) I still love the fact that my horoscope tells me to go on a killing spree. >car keys< Owch. You poor thing. Look on the bright side. When everything’s sorted out, you’ll have an interesting and highly entertaining story to tell your friends at get-togethers. Everybody's got to have a car-story.

Green Baron> > >His family made a lot of money in oil, so that could be the same. He might be named Sheik Mustafa ibn Bushua, probably Sunni and form an aristocratic family. He'd also end senetences with All be Praised instead of God Bless America.< *L* Shiek Mustafa ibn Bushua… *snicker* I like! >It's amazing to perceive of what could happen.< Oh yeah. I didn’t even think of Japan, but your description makes perfect sense. >> That goes on in my family, too.< It’s a nice tradition. >Go for it mate :)< I fear inflating Josh’s ego to levels that would crack the CR. :) >Why settle for two options, we can use the Doug Elder approach of the middle ground. Instead of pacifism, how about reluctance to violence, menaing it is permissible when necessary. Instead of Aggression, defending can be the approach.< That’s what a lot of nations do, and unfortunately, it didn’t stop the attacks. It worked for years, though. Pity a bunch of psychos had to destroy it. >I miss the days when wars were fought for money and power.< What makes you think this one isn’t? Osama made a lot of money on the stock market the day before the attack, based on the knowledge that the market would be suspended the next day, and there’s nothing he wants more than total power over the entire middle-east.

Fire Storm> > I keep telling her that, but she dosn't listen. :)< She should! :)

SJ> > What's to be frightened about the Nature Boy? Whooo!!! Go ahead and share the NB's words of wisdom with everyone!< I would be truly afraid of being on the receiving end of a rant. Thank-you, by the way. The phrases ‘Anorexic Chewbacca’ and ‘Last-place finisher in a ZZ-Top lookalike contest’ are now the insults of choice among the appreciative masses. :) > CBS is considering creating a sitcom about the WTC attacks< *grr* The planes went into the wrong building. Should have crashed into the CBS headquarters, and done the world a favour.

Bonny Garg> Brace yerself, girl, I’ve got a long one fer ya.
First off, I want to you know I don’t have a problem with your opinion, just with the way you expressed it. I’m a big fan of the ‘praise in public, criticise in private’ motto. People occasionally leave a ‘I’ve written this fic, tell me what you think of it’ message, and I don’t mind people offering constructive criticism then, but otherwise, well, let’s just say I’d be uncomfortable if somebody critiqued my fics in here. It’s a personal gripe, and nothing against you at all. This is far from the first time I’ve said ‘You should have said that in email’.
Secondly, you’re ‘fresh meat’, so unless you’ve been lurking for a while, you’re likely to be feeling lost. I’m going to try to explain this in as non-inflamatory way as possible. I’ve heard of this ‘tact’ thing, and I want to try it out. :) Not long ago, there was a situation where a long time poster was questioned regarding what they had been saying in here. Basically, there was some valid evidence to suggest that they had been lying to us for most of the time they had been posting here, and they didn’t present solid evidence to the contrary. Since then, this individual only makes anonymous posts on controversial and er, deliberately provocative, topics. Even before the suspicions regarding their honesty were raised, they had a habit of writing boarder-line (and sometimes over the boarder) flames and signing a different name to it. Your post fit their M.O., including the lack of an email address, hence all the references to your IP and where you were from. We used to be a very open and friendly group, but unfortunately, this experience has left a lot of us very wary and suspicious.
*deep breath* Hey, I think I just managed to be tactful!!
>THE GARGOYLES SAGA COMMENT ROOM. I am entitled to my opinions< .You know, you’ve kinda answered the ‘question’ in the latter statement with the former. Generally speaking, people don’t go to forums about things they don’t like. So, this being the TGS CR, people in here LIKE the saga. Ergo, when you have a negative opinion on some matter in regard to the saga, it’s highly possible that at least a few of the people here will have the exact opposite opinion. Does that make their opinion wrong? No. Does that make YOUR opinion wrong? Same answer. But you have to expect people to get defensive when somebody criticises something they like, no matter how much the person is trying not to offend anybody. Most of the replies to your posts have either been people expressing that opposite opinion, or my advice to put it in an email instead, or requests for greater detail. The first two are merely opinions, and the third is actually quite valid. After all, your criticisms were very general. If _I_ might offer you some constructive criticism, as a writer, a blanket statement like ‘your characterisations are poor’ is pretty useless. More useful would be something along the lines of, ‘In your fic, ‘The dare’, your depiction of Elisa was way off. Not even for a bet would she streak naked through the precinct.’ See the difference? Not trying to offend you, of course.

Gargoyles and September 11>I think this a _fantastic_ idea for a fanfic, but only if it were done right. The main thing most of us felt about the attacks was overwhelming helplessness, fear and grief. The best way to write about this well would be an AU-type fic where the situation between humans and gargoyles in New York was so bad that their mere presence would cause only more chaos. Goliath and the clan would wake up, see the rumble, want desperately to help, (especially if Elisa was at ground zero), and be unable to. Written well, it’d be the kind of story that kicks you in the heart, because it would examine the emotional impact, mirroring our own feelings.
However, for TGS, I don’t like the idea at all. I think, in fact, to actually write it would be the disrespectful thing. First of all, as great as the show is, it’s a FANTASY. It’s set in Manhattan, sure, but it’s a parallel-universe Manhattan, where drain sprouts come alive at night. Real Life is nowhere near it, and, personally, I’m comfortable with that.
Secondly, I don’t think the TGS can actually do justice to that, no matter how talented the writers are. The situation in TGS is that Gargoyles, while not loved universally, are known/respected enough that desperate people at ground zero would accept their help, even eagerly. So here’s the scenario: the gargoyles wake up, see the rumble, and immediately glide over and say ‘Hey, we’re strong enough to tear through steel, we’ve got the hearing and smell of a bloodhound, we don’t feel cold or heat, we completely recover at sunrise and seeing in the dark? Got that too. We want to help dig out the survivors.’ Naturally, they’d get through the rubble faster than humans could alone, and probably get out a lot more survivors than who actually survived. Yay. But in real life, there’s people who worked themselves to near death for days on end, only to pull out bodies instead of survivors. To me, that’s invalidating what they did, it’s like saying, ‘Hey, you losers, if you’d been as tough as the gargoyles, there’d have been more people alive,’ instead of ‘Thank you for your incredible hard work. You did a damn good job.’
In another example, Superman is a New-Yorker too, but I hope like hell that DC doesn’t bring out a comic where he flies around saving people before the buildings collapsed, then rounds up his buddies Batman and Wonder Woman to kick Al Queda butt. It’s a lovely fantasy, but it’s a slap in the face to we ordinary humans who are doing it the hard way.
Because that’s what it comes down to for me. I want to see a WTC hero? I go to the newspaper and look at a picture of a fireman, police officer, rescue worker, even those cute little search-and-rescue mutts, who gave everything they had in the vain hope of saving just one more life. I want to see the saviours of the free world? They’re the soldiers risking their lives for their countries.
And there isn’t a fantasy hero ever thought up who can match up to that.

Winterwolf> > I'm without a place of my own right now but that should be fixed in a day or two.< Good luck!

Niamhgold> > Go for it! ;)< I don’t know… wouldn’t that be carping on it? *ducks*

Jan> Re: college kids. You’re right, we’re not experienced. But at least you listen. A lot of adults just dismiss the opinions of people younger than them, forgetting how much that pi$$ed them off when they were that age. :) We’re no experts, but it’s still nice to feel like our opinions are worthy of at least a bit of attention. Consider it payback for all the tech support most college-aged kids often end up doing for the ‘older generation’. ;)

Okay, I've REALLY got to get back to the books. Mustn't procrastinate any longer.

Fleur Rine - []
Monday, October 22, 2001 08:18:46 AM


Josh: I guess you just didn't look tasty to them.


Lynati "It's 3 o'clock, and all is hell..." Kshudra
Monday, October 22, 2001 04:08:06 AM

Hello folks.

I can't wait till some sort of vacation. I just need to get the !@#$ out of here. And winter is setting in, which means its gonna be cold, depressing, etc. Just what I need.

Today was a great day, though, despite the depressing weather. Today marked the first day that our heaters actually turned on, which means that winter is here (welcome to Berkeley, where we only have summer and winter). Why was today so great? Well, aside from getting a lot of work done, I found out that my friend from the East Coast is coming to visit me this winter. Between that and Macworld expo, I'm sure to have a blast. Now if I can just survive the next few months...


Baldy: <<I saw some relatives of yours Friday>>: LOL. Truly a masterpiece of film. <<I'd personally just carpetbomb the whole chunk'o'rock from orbit>>: If they were rocket scientists, they wouldn't be marines... <<Step one, play land, step two, play cheapo creatures, step three, play "Coalition Victory", which states that I win>>: Please tell me that card isn't legal in tourney play. <<I *think* you misunderstood the intended purpose for the tissues>>: No, I didn't. Good guess though. <<Got my own demons to battle. (D2X>>: And now the party can start.

Christine: <<ASL interpreters>>: I bet they were pretty embarrassed at the gestures they had to make. <<Might get us a mention>>: That would be cool! <<Becca at WoTC>>: WotC...rhymes with'll have to forgive me, I worked for Game Keeper shortly after they were bought out by the satanic card company.

Patrick: << if you iron your mail before opening it>>: Wait, you mean to tell me that there are people who DON'T do this!? ;-) <<what, exactly, did Bonny Garg say that indicated any improper tone?>>: The way she seemed aggravated that TGS "didn't" include the WTC attacks was a little, um...rude. <<how much more so would it be to go to sleep at sunrise, be totally oblivious all day, and wake up at sunset to be confronted head on with the terrible new reality of the world situation?>>:Um, that's exactly what happened to me. If I hadn't checked news sites before class (and I usually don't), it would have been 1230 or even later (Pacific time) before I found out about the bombings. Okay, so that's only 6 hours after it happened, but still. Its easy for me to imagine being in classes all day and finding out at sunset my time what happened.

Mooncat: <<I don't think Puck qualifies as either an innocent or ignorant person>>: No, but he's certainly rash and foolish. <<Guatamalin>>: "an". <<I would rather not have Gargoyles dragged into it, because I read fiction to get AWAY from real life sh*t like this>>: Well said.

Bonny Garg: <<are the staff of TGS planning on reflecting all of this>>: Give them a couple years to catch up. <<I think that simply ignoring what happened in these stories is almost disrespectful>>: Why are you assuming they will? Why are you suggesting something and then immediately criticizing TGS for not implementing it. <<Elisa would have a cow>>: That would be a neat trick. <<I am entitled to my opinions>>: Yes, you are. However, "X author isn't as good as the others" is hardly constructive. Whether by omission or by intent, it was totally unhelpful and therefore easy to be viewed as a flame.

Greg X: <<I must say that I do not appreciate the tone of your post>>: Pay no attention to her/him. They're just here to harass. <<I went a little too far and read way too much into it, but it was the last paragraph along with the "Bring it on!" statement that caused me to see an attitude there>>: I don't think you were being unreasonable. I read the same thing, and I have no connection to TGS whatsoever (despite some wishes to the contrary).

Daphne: <<I now have some vague clue of haow to do laundry>>: Its okay, you couldn't be any worse than me. <<that's what I thought. you have no idea who I am>>: I know exactly who you are.

NukesGoBoom: <<people will BUY them from you on ebay>>: People are idiots. They'll buy ANYTHING. Hell, you could use DII as a major source of income. I would.

Sevarius: <<the TGS crew will remove all references to the Twin Towers. In fact, they'll be editing out all references made in the past seasons>>: I wouldn't place any money on it. <<It just seems to be the trend, with Hollywood at least>>: This isn't hollywood. <<had a goat who was dating an Arabian gentlemen>>: Okay, you slipped that in to see if anyone was paying attention. Very funny, my friend. <<die a horrible death for daring to think that your petty life was significant enough to make you the victim of anthrax poisoning>>: Maybe they're trying to prevent me from taking over the world. <<Yes, if another name for anthrax is parmesan cheese>>: What if you're allergic to milk? <<lacked the mental capacity to put 2 and 2 together>>: Like 98% of this country. <<just give your mail to me>>: Especially the packages! ;-) <<I'll open it for you completely naked>>: Although I have no idea what you look like, I really didn't need that imagery.

Entity: <<You've got a LOT of Air in you>>: Bah! I could have told him that! ;-) <<Air blows>>: No comment. <<For real? I wish I could take a mathless Physics course>>: It's called "philosophy of science". I took in freshman year. What a waste of a semester. Thank god I didn't have to go to class and the final was optional. <<Your unconscious is carefree, at least in comparison to your Virgo. So, underneath it all, you have a light and breezy take on life>>: No, I really don't. <<Yep. Or the other way around>>: Hmm... <<you should be a little better at it than your average Cancer>>: So my defensive mode is more successful? <<RL is inescapably effervescent in comparison>>: Not to mention terribly un-funny. <<&%^$$#@$*>>: One of the many reasons I don't put much stock in astrology ;-) <<Dear God, help me, I'm *gold*!>>: Run for your life?

Lynati: <<Cept in Canada, where they want you to be healthy so they can eat you. Damn Cannibaladians>>: I came back with all my body parts.

DPH: <<I'm hoping, since we know that email addresses are being collected from the CR, that web page URLs are also being harvested>>: It is precisely this reason that I encoded my email addresses on my website so that bots can't scan them. <<Let me tell you something: such speculation is a bad idea>>: But more fun than you can shake a stick at! <<Diaries shouldn't be read, but I do expect the parents to know if a child is making a bomb>>: What if they're making a bomb somewhere else and the location is in the diary?! <<My goal is to send you the check tomorrow>>: Sooner rather than later. I tend to get impatient waiting for money that is owed to me. Don't make me send out Guido. I know where you live ;-) <<how does the CR clock reset itself for time changes?>>: With FS's help, I'd imagine.

Pistoff: <<I just love seeing the "free speech for me, but not for thee" routine in here>>: It's not just here. Its across the whole country. <<You seem to have developed a real hard-on for Bonny Garg>>: Sick dude. <<You want to discuss TGS in here, you should be able to talk about the negative comments as well as positive>>: There's a difference between a literary critique and a bash. "Ordell isn't a good writer" isn't helpful.

Stephen: <<don't make me hurt you>>: Thanks, but I'm not into that. <<Timothy Zahn>>: Sweet! He takes the cake as the best Star Wars author ever.

Jan: <<You are trying to tell me that your parents have no rules, no restrictions, or no guidelines concerning what goes on in their home>>: My parents are fairly lax as well. "Don't let your brother see anything he's not supposed to". Is one of the governing rules. Hell, my parents let my friends smoke weed on their property. <<You are free to do whatever you want no matter what it is>>: I haven't come across anything yet (again, excluding legal/safety issues). But I'm also an adult. When I come home, its voluntary. It would be impossible for my parents to enforce any rules on me, because I'd leave the second they stopped suiting my interests. <<I didn’t say anything about your brother seeing the Playboy>>: Then no, my parents would have no problem with it. <<They were not punished for anything that they talked about doing in their diary>>: I am impressed. Most parents would not be able to keep such information separate. You are a pretty cool mom ;-)

Carolynn: <<Took French exam>>: Bah. Everyone speaks English anyway. Now Latin, THERE'S a language!

Terrky_K: <<Graeme, lol, how do you pronouce that anyway? >>: To quote Gside: "like the SI unit of mass".

Gside: <<I know I quite like it>>: Be careful what you wish for. <<Which is why the Japanese invented malletspace>>: Wuzzat? <<I don't blame him, as long as he was only eating them>>: We can only guess. I never asked. <<I'm somewhere over half way there>>: So am I, but you don't see me b*tching. <<The twistedness of your mind>>: Yeah, but your pretty twisted yourself, and I wouldn't wager that for you. Or many of the other people in here. <<I'm sure Wilek could help me with that>>: I'd be surprised to hear that he knows females IRL ;-) <<I have been getting requests from various honors frats, and I do have a respectable GPA>>: Define "respectable". <<Major damage, but sadly can't finish anyone off>>: Obviously you're not doing it right ;-) <<Two you downloaded. I must be doing better>>: True. Your numbers are likely to stay low while I have access to a 60 gig (and climbing) MP3 library.

FS: <<I found a way to bypass Ameritech, and in the process, make my IP look like I am in Canada>>: Is that good or bad? <<You mean what we shared didn't mean anything to you?>>: LM, are you hearing this? <<You are right. It sounds SO much worse>>: Yes, folks, its a concrete tester! <<PARTY AT JOSHES>>: My apartment wouldn't support it. My house in LA, on the other hand... <<BYOW...AAS! (Bring your own woman... and a spare!>>: I'd be surprised if any of the guys in here HAVE spares. <<re-make it into a Windows program>>: While you're at it, re-write it in cocoa for mac. <<Sit on my a$$ for 10 hours a day and run a few reports>>: Right. What is it you do again? <<Why is it dumb?>>: You're not supposed to know what the reserve is. <<THAT I can do>>: Something that can't be stopped by police barricades would be nice too. <<OH! Can you make yourself look like Draco from Dragonheart? I ALWAYS wanted to do it with a dragon!>>: Hey whatever works. Dragon, gargoyle, tentacle monster... <<But it could happen>>: And monkeys might fly outta my butt. <<So there is a chance that it may not have happened, or that something else happened>>: Maybe it was done by quarrymen seeking to frame the gargs...again... <<Don't be so timid! We won't bite... unless you are tasty>>: If she asks nicely I might do it once whether or not she's tasty... ;-) <<one pizza at a time>>: Dude! What about an insult delivery service!? You call up and have them send Pistoff to your door to tell you what a f*cking moron you are! Its brilliant! We'll sell millions!

K folks time to do the crashing thing. See ya'll tomorrow.

There is an old vulcan proverb: only Nixon could go to China.
- Spock, “Star Trek VI: the Undiscovered Country”

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Monday, October 22, 2001 02:56:14 AM

Todd Jensen: <I doubt that it would be too much fun for Scott, though>
Ah, who cares about Scott! It would be fun for us watching the show!

NukesGoBoom: <WOOT!!!>
It is VERY hard to forget a name like that!

Gside: <Which means I am safe>
Which means MANY people are safe!
<I'd hold out for kielbasa.>
It didn't look too good. No refrigeration. Was all green.
<You should. You really should>
I can now. I found a way to bypass Ameritech, and in the process, make my IP look like I am in Canada (See my last post)
<Don't worry, I just like making implications of homosexuality>
You mean what we shared didn't mean anything to you? ;)
<We're how Hard got the inspiration for The Lighter Side of Being Cuckolded.>
THAT was a funny one!
<Ada? The world would be interesting with more blond africans with irish accents. That, and six foot tall chinese guys with flaming red hair>
<So do I. Why didn't you take that into account?>
I dunno. Maybe I am too screwed up to notice.
<But do characters who can call forth five miles of chains access malletspace?>
A variant. Chainspace. Just like they access Swordspace in the Highlander show.
<Magda, I believe. Currently buried in eastern Europe>
CURRENTLY! But she may be back!
<I think he has a thing with one of the furry Starjammers. Haven't heard of any kids, and I can't recall her name.>
Ah, so he is into furries!
<Well, Legion did start off that whole Age of Apocalypse>
I am kinda glad I don't read comics. I had a hour discussion with a co-worker about X-Men. WAY too much info.
<That'd last about five minutes>
I hope so. It is just wrong hearing Dr. McCoy without fur.
<Song Request>
Could you upload "I shot the Sheriff" and that song from the Mitsubishi ad? (NOT the Crystal Method remix of "Magic Carpet Ride" I already have that.)

Gunjack: <Eight feet of pure shearing power...>
You are right. It sounds SO much worse.

Imzadi: <Toga! Toga!>
KEWL! PARTY AT JOSHES! BYOT! Hmm... BYOW...AAS! (Bring your own woman... and a spare!)
<Ooh, fun!>
I just gotta re-do some coding that was done for DOS and re-make it into a Windows program.
<What is it you do again?>
Sit on my a$$ for 10 hours a day and run a few reports.
<I'm sadistic, not dumb>
Why is it dumb? I bid $300 on a auction that has a reserve of $350.
<Yeah. I was hearing about the complaints at G2k1>
We live! It was pretty bad.
<When I go to I get mathworks website>
Really? Hmm... let me check my notes...
<Oh well, I only want it to terrorize soccer moms anway>
Ok. THAT I can do.
<Burn CD's>
No burner at work, none in my laptop, and no USB or 1394 ports on my laptop OR on the desktops here.
<Like I said, if I could shapeshift, I'd get laid left and right too> people who want to have sex with characters from cartoons!
"OH! Can you make yourself look like Draco from Dragonheart? I ALWAYS wanted to do it with a dragon!"
<God, no!>
But it could happen.

Warpmind: <*Grins, high-fives.* By the way, I saw some relatives of yours Friday... MAN those Marines are pesky>
Damn straight!
So here they were, just resting on a planet when BOOM! Here are these colonists! Now, I know my little ones were just sleeping (Do you know how peacefull it is in the egg? I have never had the joy of it myself, but my children say it is peacefull).
Anyway, so they have to save themselves from these colonists who come to the planet and change it from the nice atmosphere to a Oxygen based one. I mean, the nerve!
After we wiped them out, the resident queen (a nice woman, really. She enjoied Needlepoint.) layed some eggs to give a new generation the blessed peace of the egg.
When these marines came down, they didn't care about leaving them alone! They just burst into their home, killed many of the followers, AND damaged our home!
But was that enough? NO! Some of the drones went to ask them to leave when these autoguns wiped them out!
They knew the marines wouldn't let them live in peace, so they tried to kick them off. Yes, for the most part, it worked.
We didn't want Newt to leave, so a follower brought her back to the queen, and that b#%^& RIpley came in and killed the little ones! From the blessed peace of the egg to the utter nothingness of death!
Needless to say, their mother was pissed. In a fit of rage, she tore herself from her egg sack, definately insuring her demise, and set out to seek her revenge on the woman that murdered her children.
The last I heard from her, she was floating above the planet, peacefully observing the stars and crying for her lost children. She is probally still there, floating, alone.
::FS wipes a tear from his eye::
<and only the civilian and a *little girl they find on the planet* survive virtually unharmed...>
Well, thats not how the Queen tells the story...
You see, they had taken that little girl into our care months ago, shortly after her parents violated that ships rookery. The Queen cared for her, fed her, etc.
THEN this b#$%7 Ripley came down and RIPPED her from our care! We got her back into our care (In reality, Newt did NOT want to leave us. She had a bond with that Queen), and then RIPLEY came in and DESTROYED the new rookery!
<No disrespect for your worthy species, but I'd personally just carpetbomb the whole chunk'o'rock from orbit, eh? };)>
Hey, I agree. It is just STUPID to disturb us!

Bonny Garg: <I think that simply ignoring what happened in these stories is almost disrespectful>
In all honesty, would that have happened in TGS?
The world climate is a bit different in TGS than it is in the real world. So there is a chance that it may not have happened, or that something else happened.
Maybe there will be SOME terrorist attack, but not necessarly like what actually happened.
Heck, for my own stories, I decided to include a terrorist attack or two WAY before the actual events happened. Will I change that to reflect what actually happened? Hell no. If I didn't plan on having those events happen, would I have changed my plan? Probally not.
Should any writer change what they had planed on just because of real world events? NO.
If you want to write something that is totally fantasy, it is your right. If you want to include real-world events, it's your right too.
I just don't think that the events should be added just because it really happened in real life.
But thats just my opinion.

Daphne: <yeah, that's what I thought. you have no idea who I am>
Welcome back! Don't be so timid! We won't bite... unless you are tasty.

Pistoff: Welcome back! Glad you are still out there pointing out how stupid people out there, one pizza at a time.

Fire Storm
Monday, October 22, 2001 01:33:04 AM

Gunjack> <<I just didn't get that last "tequila" strip>>: As far as I could tell, it was just brested James dancing to the music from Tequila, with the one lyric exchanged.
<<Threesome?>>: How could I turn you down?
<<the discussion Chad and I had about our prefered candy types>>: Heh. There are theories spreading through my suite about the height of my ice cream, how it depends on my mood, and why it always leans.
<<Is that a euphemism?>>: Nah, it's a quote from 8BT, but I'm sure Freud would have things to say about Fighter.
Imzadi> <<I gotta moon for you>>: Please do. I know I quite like it.
<<Small blunt objects don't do much damage>>: Which is why the Japanese invented malletspace.
<<That wouldn't be so distrubing if my high school physics teacher (gay) wasn't obsessed with the things>>: I don't blame him, as long as he was only eating them.
<<Besides, you don't have one yet>>: No, but I'm somewhere over half way there.
<<Now what makes you say THAT>>: The twistedness of your mind.
<<FEMALE volunteers>>: I'm sure Wilek could help me with that.
<<you took notice when someone didn't>>: Those names were more sexually loaded, and after much use, they do become accepted.
<<you've got problems>>: You have no idea.
<<Tasty?>>: Quite.
<<Even in college?>>: Well, I have been getting requests from various honors frats, and I do have a respectable GPA.
<<I'm sure you make many friends this way>>: Again, you have no idea.
<<I'd understand that joke if I'd ever played the game>>: But I'm sure you know it was unrelated to the female anatomy. Anyway, in the game each character has a set number of slots to which you can assign magic spells.
<<The women?>>: Everyone but me and thee.
<<All hail screw attack>>: Quite. Major damage, but sadly can't finish anyone off.
<<Thanks! It rocks>>: Ooh. Two you downloaded. I must be doing better.

Daphne> <<you have no idea who I am>>: Nah, been a while though. Welcome back.

Terry K> <<Graeme, lol, how do you pronouce that anyway?>>: Like the cracker, I believe.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Monday, October 22, 2001 01:21:41 AM

Forty Two.
Monday, October 22, 2001 12:46:29 AM

o.o typed my e-mail wrong..., lol

Terrky_K - []
Monday, October 22, 2001 12:23:03 AM

Graeme, lol, how do you pronouce that anyway?
Terrky_K - [srs@postmark.ent]
Sunday, October 21, 2001 11:34:17 PM

Wow, feels weird to be back. Loooong week. And it only gets longer from here *blinks*

CHRISTINE< Harry Potter is EXCELLENT, but I suggest you read the books to yourself before you read them with her, ESPECIALLY the fourth installment. The fourth book gets a little too violent and dark for little kids. At 18 years old, even I got a little upset (there IS death, and a really creepy graveyard and bloodletting scene). Just a warning to a parent from a babysitter ;)

JAN< Hey, hon, what's your email address? Feel free to email ME if you don't wanna post it in the CR. I just have a question regarding cop procedure, finally ;P Thanks again, I 'precciate it ;)

Took French exam on Friday, not sure it went well. Ah, c'est la vie... back to Anthro. Just read pages 3 through 603. Oh, joy!

Carolynn Marie - []
Madison, NJ, USA
Sunday, October 21, 2001 11:09:51 PM


Dear God, help me, I'm *gold*!

Sunday, October 21, 2001 10:32:21 PM

Re: Pistoff> *blink* Pistoff? When did you come back?! Holy crap. I agree completely with you. Nice comments, especially about the pack mentality.

No offense, you guys, but it happens, and I don't think that explanation and justification are synonymous.

Bonny Garg> <<<I'm a Virgo.>>> &%^$$#@$*.

<<<I'm a female. That's the last time I'm saying that.>>> ...ok.

Mooncat> <<<When Kennedy was asassinated, did every piece of fiction written or produced at that time have to show the president getting shot?>>> Exactly.
Sunday, October 21, 2001 10:31:00 PM

Well I just had a great post and when I was done I hit post and got FORBIDDEN. But I killed him and here I my own room, on my own computer, using my own Internet line. YES! Short version of last post:

Ft. Lewis and current unit: Not what I expected in a bad way, unit is sort of disorganized and I have no feeling of belonging that I have been looking for. I guess I'll just have to wait it out here and just keep looking.

Washington is nice but very spread out, I need my car. I also have to catch up on what's been going on with the TV shows I like so people won't look at me like I have two heads when I don't know what's going on.

Catch up with everyone in the next few days.


Jaden - []
Sunday, October 21, 2001 10:08:33 PM

BONNY GARG> I owe you an apology then. I'll confess I went a little too far and read way too much into it, but it was the last paragraph along with the "Bring it on!" statement that caused me to see an attitude there. I should not have said anything though. But once again, I'm sorry.
Greg Bishansky
Sunday, October 21, 2001 09:33:39 PM

Josh> <<Well, other people DO live under it. People who may not have any other place to live (like, say, children). Just because you OWN the roof, you only have additional rights if the other people under the roof realistically have another place to choose from.>> Wrong. As the parent and the homeowner, it’s my rules. I can make and enforce any rule that I want. I don’t rule my home with an iron fist nor do I make unreasonable rules. In fact, I’m usually fairly lenient. However, this is no one area that I will not bend or waiver on. You are trying to tell me that your parents have no rules, no restrictions, or no guidelines concerning what goes on in their home? You are free to do whatever you want no matter what it is? (not including safety or legal issues)
I didn’t say anything about your brother seeing the Playboy.

DPH> <<Diaries shouldn't be read, but I do expect the parents to know if a child is making a bomb. Once a child turns 18, I believe things should be discussed>> I don’t read diaries. I also discuss a lot of things with the kids and am even more lenient with them now that they are older. It’s not the same as when they were children, they are now young adults. However, there are certain issues or actions that will _never_ be tolerated in my home and tarot cards, fortune telling, etc. is one of them. If they want to do these types of things, they can go elsewhere to do it. They don’t have to move out if they participate in such things, but they will not be allowed to do it in my home. Both of my children know this and they accept it. I don’t see where there is a problem.
On the reading of the diary issue…. I wouldn’t read a diary unless I strongly felt that it was necessary…. Such as the bomb making example. I have always tried to respect their privacy unless I felt it necessary to know what was going on. (drastic mood changes, unusual behaviors, etc.) I have read private information a few times, but I didn’t disclose that I had. In other words, I didn’t bring up anything to them. They were not punished for anything that they talked about doing in their diary.

I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, if something is said that is considered offensive – that person or persons is going to become defensive. To expect anything less is naïve.

Sunday, October 21, 2001 09:21:42 PM

The Twin Towers and Garg Fic --

Actually, what Greg said makes sense. The timeline of the TGS stories is lagging far behind "REAL TIME" -- and frankly, I am NOT in favor of fiction slavishly following real life. When Kennedy was asassinated, did every piece of fiction written or produced at that time have to show the president getting shot?

As for the Gargoyles being based in New York, where in the real world these events took place, there isn't a whole heck of a lot the fictional characters could do about it. They can't fly from Manhatten to Saudi or Pakistan, bingo, off terrorists left and right, then head home for a happy ending. It would be trite and unrealistic. The other way of handling it would be long drawn out fictional angst, which in it's own way can be considered insulting no matter how well written it might be.

If the events of the WTC are portrayed, it won't be for some time. On going fantasy vs real life time lag is a bit of a b*tch. I don't doubt if that when and if the events are incorporated into the story, it will be handled with a great deal of thought. And that no matter how it's handled, some one will be upset about it.

I have a friend who had to give blood so they could use her DNA to identify a cousin of hers who was killed in WTC incident. Think about it people, they needed DNA tests to identify the corpse.

The event was horrible, and grisley, and apparently still without an "end" in sight. I would rather not have Gargoyles dragged into it, because I read fiction to get AWAY from real life sh*t like this, not immerse myself in it. If I want the real deal, I can researach the REAL event. Having a fictionalized account it, right now when it's still fresh, is something I'd find very distasteful.

Just my two cents

Sunday, October 21, 2001 09:17:47 PM

Pisstoff, SJ, check yer emails.
Gunjack Valentine
Sunday, October 21, 2001 09:03:46 PM

Greg B. > Um... what, exactly, did Bonny Garg say that indicated any improper tone? All I see is some comments and questions about the future plans of TGS... and last time I checked, this WAS the right comment board for that topic. So I'm not sure I see what the big deal is, or why she is being pounced on.

Actually, for the record, I'd like to hear what TGS plans to do, too. Of course, I know the likely answer right now is going to be "we aren't telling yet," but surely that could have been be delivered a bit more politely.

SJ > I agree with you about Hollywood and all the "editing" that's going on. Which is why I'm going to be checking out "Third Watch" for the first time this week, as the season premier is supposedly going to incorporate the events of September 11 rather than neglect them.
Bonny Garg > It'd probably be hard for gargoyles to aid any military action since, legally, their existance isn't even recognized by the federal government. The only other thing I've really thought about in relation to the clan (as I've recently been re-evaluating things in my own ficverse)... as shocking as the events were to those of us who saw them or heard about live, how much more so would it be to go to sleep at sunrise, be totally oblivious all day, and wake up at sunset to be confronted head on with the terrible new reality of the world situation?

Patrick Toman
Cleveland, OH, USA
Sunday, October 21, 2001 08:51:48 PM

I'm a Virgo. I'm a female. That's the last time I'm saying that.

Also - I will never criticise artwork, because that's simply too hard to do in this kind of format. I will, however, offer constructive critisms to any story I want to, as often as I want to, whenever I want to. The keyword here is "CONSTRUCTIVE", not "MEAN".

I will not be cowed by people who can't take it and wish to show their displeasure by telling me off.

Greg B. said "I must say that I do not appreciate the tone of your post."

I respond; "My tone?" What on earth? Does your computer read aloud for you? Because as far as I can tell I sure didn't write (Says nastily) with my posting. Please don't leap to the conclusion that I'm a total butthead. Thanks.

Sevarius Jr - I agree with you that the entertainment industry completely ignoring/glazing over the devestation and death that occured on Sptember 11 trivializes them. I can only hope that the staff of TGS decides not to do the same, and treats this disaster with all of the thoughtful graveness that it deserves. I also hope that the victims are mentioned with all of the dignity and tragedy that their horrific demise warrants. This is not something that is going to just go away, and it is not something that any American should simply forget about.

Pistoff - THANK YOU. It's nice to know that free speach is still a valued institution to some people.

I mean, come on everyone, this is THE GARGOYLES SAGA COMMENT ROOM. I am entitled to my opinions. I have never called anyone dumb or mean or anything else nasty. I have never intentionally insulted anyone. I am here simply to offer my own opinions about TGS. If you have a problem with that, then skip my posts.

Bonny Garg
No City, No State, America
Sunday, October 21, 2001 08:13:35 PM

Pistoff::Why is it acceptable to say mean things about, for instance, the fics written by Matt Watson, yet as soon as somebody criticizes TGS, or Christine Morgan, or Madame Destine, then the pack mentality kicks in full force and the person who made those comments is vilified? Enough with the thought-police routine, already. It's getting really tiresome.

I'm responding only to this particular comment. The quality and popularity of the work involved, I should imagine. Respect within the fandom. It's not so much pack mentality as a group of individuals with a shared opinion. I notice you are quick to defend against anything that is against the people YOU don't like.

So that makes you the same as the people you've decided to bitch about. Double standards are tiring too.
Sunday, October 21, 2001 06:55:51 PM

JOSH - <<NecronomiCon...Is that a big necrophiliac convention?>>

Bud, don't make me hurt you.

NecronomiCon is the largest sci-fi/fantasy/horron fen convention in the entire West Central area of Florida. It's run by the Stone Hill Science Fiction Society each year, and every year for the past 20 years. It's had some of the biggest names in movies, fiction and TV as guests of honor, and is a three day stretch in October no one should miss (if you happen to live in the area)...

this year, Timothy Zahn Jon Williams, Orson Scott Card and Virginia Hey (Zhaan of FARSCAPE) are topping the guest list... it's going to be great!

Does that explain it better, Josh? ^_^

Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Sunday, October 21, 2001 06:30:16 PM

I just love seeing the "free speech for me, but not for thee" routine in here. I hadn't seen enough of it since Kaioto left. Lain has tried to pick up the slack, but hasn't done a good enough job of it. She and Gunjack both need to try a lot harder to achieve "Kaioto Jr." status.

Greg: You seem to have developed a real hard-on for Bonny Garg. This is the second time your post was the *very next one after hers.* Last time, you used the TGS Room Admin picture, maybe in an attempt to silence her dissenting opinion. Now you're just complaining about the "tone" of her comment. Why? She's just expressing an opinion, and has every right to do just that--and I think she did it in a fairly reasonable manner; I've certainly seen far worse remarks made in here without anyone even blinking. She wondered how the TGS staff would be handling recent events, when or if they come up in TGS. Seems like a reasonable question.

Just my opinion, but I think her "tone" or her comments aren't what's making you try to shut her down. Last time, it wasn't her negative comments about Ordell that set everybody off--I think it was her "dissing" *TGS itself.* Yeah, I guess TGS is above criticism.

Come on. You want to discuss TGS in here, you should be able to talk about the negative comments as well as positive. You obviously have no problem with people kissing the TGS staff's asses and gushing about how wonderful the series is, but the very instant somebody makes a negative remark, you people immediately want to shut that person up. Writers learn from criticism; that's how you learn how to improve your writing. TGS is just another fanfic series, and should be as open to criticism as any other. But obviously you only want to hear the compliments.

Why is it acceptable to say mean things about, for instance, the fics written by Matt Watson, yet as soon as somebody criticizes TGS, or Christine Morgan, or Madame Destine, then the pack mentality kicks in full force and the person who made those comments is vilified? Enough with the thought-police routine, already. It's getting really tiresome.

Pistoff - []
Sunday, October 21, 2001 06:14:53 PM

I'm hoping, since we know that email addresses are being collected from the CR, that web page URLs are also being harvested. That way, my homepage gets listed on some directories.

Daphne - Welcome Back. Of course, I would remember a fellow BFTS RPer.

Bonny Garg - I did something similiar to what you just did in your last post a long time before I joined the TGS staff. Let me tell you something: such speculation is a bad idea.

Entity - I disagree with you based on experience. I detect the same thing GXB detects in Bonny Garg's post.

Imzadi and Jan - I believe neither of you is completely right when it comes to people living under someone else's roof. Diaries shouldn't be read, but I do expect the parents to know if a child is making a bomb. Once a child turns 18, I believe things should be discussed and a contract entered. I'm sick of my dad doing almost everything short of begging (asking, trying to give me a guilt trip) me to help him do lifting or anything that requires a lot of standing. He says I'll have time to sit down, but the problem is it won't be balanced enough for me. I can't trust him completely to act in my best self-interest, so I have to second-guess him.

Imzadi - My goal is to send you the check tomorrow. I don't believe Hotmail would lie when they can carefully choose their words on the privacy statemement, but Hotmail is notorius for spam. I think hotmail was completely hacked to pull out most (if not all) of its email addresses. Apparantly, hasn't. But then again, they have some definite problems with their coding of the web pages.

Damn, my computer lost track of time AGAIN (Off by over 30 minutes). The funny thing is I didn't run the program that usually does that. I reset to 15 minutes ahead of real time.

Question: how does the CR clock reset itself for time changes?

Oh yea, I've been doing some programming lately. (looks at Todd Jensen with the answer of 'No').

DPH - [dph_of_rules@<nospam>]
Sunday, October 21, 2001 05:53:22 PM

*peeks in herself*
Daphne, I at least remember seeing your name around. Welcome back. Good luck with college; laundry is a b!tch if you haven't had parents forcing you to do it yourself for a couple years...and unless your cafeteria is the best in the country, get a mini-fridge and stock it with healthy items. If you get sick, most school food doesn't have enough nutritional value to help you recover.
'Cept in Canada, where they want you to be healthy so they can eat you. Damn Cannibaladians.

Sunday, October 21, 2001 05:02:27 PM

Metaldemon> That's wild about the tarot cards and your reaction. You remind me of a friend of mine, who would probably do something similar... really into roleplaying, Gargs, etc. but at the same time he has an almost pathological fear-of-God complex.

Coyote> Wow, dude. You've got a LOT of Air in you. Your Sun is Libra, for starters, but your Moon and Rising are also both Gemini, your Mars is Gemini, and your Mercury is Libra. Your Venus is the only exception, it's in Leo (which is a Fire sign).

For non-statistical purposes, we can ditch Mercury and Mars and just look at the other four signs, because they're really the ones that matter.

Basically, Libra is the sign of elegance and refinement. It is also the sign of talk. Librans talk more than they do. They are the ones who, to quote one of my books, stay up all night in coffee houses discussing the next revolution, but never actually *do* it. They are indecisive and empty of will (although they are very aggressive and are by no means meek). Librans are all about equilibrium. This applies to themselves and to the world. They strive to balance both out. They want everybody to be harmonious, and they want their own minds to be harmonious. Both are a struggle they will never win. Social injustice pisses Librans off. Unfairness in any way irks them and they will take it upon themselves to equilize things. They are the diplomats in any group of friends. Libra is your Sun, so it is the basic construct for who you are.

Gemini is both your Rising sign and your Moon sign. As such, people may see more Gemini in you than they do Libra, because your Rising sign is your "front." It's also your unconscious, your instincts, the underlying you, because it's your Moon. It's not the "real" you, though. For an analogy, your Moon is like your conscience in the way it operates.

I've already given a lot on Gemini in here. Basically, Geminis are superficial, they have a little interest in a lot of things. They are able to switch dispositions like it's nothing depending on who they're hanging out with. They possess wit and, like all Air signs, like to talk. In fact, Gemini doesn't just like to talk, Gemini needs to. They are chronic extroverts. And they are very quick. They're not thoughtful, they seem to want to do as little thinking as possible on any one thing so that they can assimilate as many things as possible. In contrast, Libra *is* rather thoughtful, so that part might even out, or else you're conflicted (which is what usually happens...).

Your Venus is the planet for you that breaks step. It's in Leo, a Fire sign. Fire is generally more creative, more willful. Fire burns, Air blows, la di da. Leo is a possessive sign. Well, no, they're not so much possessive as they are full of ego. They want to be the center of attention. They will want you to have freedom, because as a Fire sign that's what they're all about, they'll encourage you to hang out with other people, but all the same they love being the one and only in someone's world. Leo gets its title because of the royalty associated with the lion. Leos secretly desire standing ovations when they enter rooms. They can identify flattery but will take it all the same. Their egos are so inflated that they cannot tell you that they like you, or give you a compliment to your face, you'll have to get it through third parties. Leo guys and Leo girls differ slightly. It's odd. Leo girls are pretty much what I've described (with Venus on my mind, I kinda unconsciously went with feminine). A Leo guy is usually more, well, depending on how you look at it, insecure or loose. Male Leos will nail themselves to a cross in front of a girl. Their egos are more "tragic" in tone. Not all might be like this, but a lot I've known have.

That's about it, unless you want to entertain my Air sign theory, that states you're a gay guy with subconscious bi tendencies, who gives off bi vibes.

That was all probably WAY too much information. I'll stop polluting the CR with such astrological ramblings after this. :)

Josh> <<<Ya know, if it weren't for the gravitational effect of bodies on light, you'd be wrong>>> For real? I wish I could take a mathless Physics course. :) <<<So, I appear carefree?>>> Actually, no. Your Rising is Cancer, not Gemini. The two might be easily confused, but not so much in this respect (unless you're dense enough to fall for Cancer's front, which requires a shitload of denseness). Your unconscious is carefree, at least in comparison to your Virgo. So, underneath it all, you have a light and breezy take on life. This is what you probably realize if you really sit down and think about yourself. Otherwise, day to day, you are Mr. Virgo. <<<So, I try to be a slut but I'm not really?>>> Yep. Or the other way around. I've got a similar conflict going between my combined Sag/Libra and my Virgo: male-whore in an anal-retentive's body, or anal-retentive in a male-whore's body? <<<So I suppose that means I have this type of dual-nature as well, this defensive mode?>>> Yeah, but because your Moon's Gemini, you should be a little better at it than your average Cancer. <<<Accurate, in it's own vague way.>>> No other way, dude. These signs have to fit you and 500 million other people each. That and I'm synthesizing information. The guy who got me into this stuff failed to do so through his own words. It was only till he worked up enough curiosity in me/annoyed me to such a point that I picked up his book and read for myself.

NGB> Hey. I don't remember you, but then, I'm pretty transient myself. Yeah, this place generally kicks ass. RL is inescapably effervescent in comparison.

Bonny Garg> <<<"Gargoyles pledge to help the President in the War on Terrorism!">>> Ehhhh....

Greg> <<<I must say that I do not appreciate the tone of your post.>>> *waves hand* Ah. He/she(?) is just opinionated. I'm the same way.

Bonny Garg, what's your sign? Did you already say it? I'm thinking a Fire sign: Sag, Aries, or Leo. Sag, perhaps?

Sunday, October 21, 2001 04:54:11 PM

I have it on good authority that the TGS crew will remove all references to the Twin Towers. In fact, they'll be editing out all references made in the past seasons. Why? Because we're JUST TOO SENSITIVE TO HANDLE IT.

Or they won't do any such thing. It just seems to be the trend, with Hollywood at least, to make believe that those Towers never existed, and, thus, completely trivialize the 6 thousand or so deaths that occurred. Screw you, Hollywood.

Ironing your mail will not kill anthrax. That's almost as stupid as the urban legend going round that "a friend of a friend of a friend of my retarded 3rd cousin, half removed, said that they had a uncle who had a goat who was dating an Arabian gentlemen and he told her not to fly on the 11th and not to go the malls on Halloween." It's a MYTH.

Oh, and if you think you might receive anthrax in the mail, regardless of the fact that there have only been a few cases that were only targeted at the media and major politicians, than guess what? I hope you DO get it, and die a horrible death for daring to think that your petty life was significant enough to make you the victim of anthrax poisoning. If you don't work for the Enquirer, or are a senate / house aid, than you should not fear getting any spores in the mail.

I heard a story on the radio the other day, told by a NYPD officer. They're going crazy up there, because naturally, every idiot with a phone thinks that, oh my god, they could anthrax ME!, and so they've flooded the p.d. with calls asking the cops to open their mail for them. Sure, as if the cops have nothing better to do. But anyway, this cop did go to this woman's house to open her mail, because it had "a suspicious white powder on it". And there was a white powder on it. Was it anthrax? Yes, if another name for anthrax is parmesan cheese. This dumb bitch (and that is what she was, don't give me grief for calling her that) was stupid enough to eat her pizza over her mail, and then when some parmesan cheese spilled upon it, she lacked the mental capacity to put 2 and 2 together and realize that it wasn't anthrax, but a tasty dairy product. Idiots, all of them.

If you are concerned about Anthrax, then just give your mail to me. I'm so convinced that your mail will be just fine, that I'll open it for you. Without any masks, without any gloves. Hell, I'll open it for you completely naked. That's how convinced I am that it's clean.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Sunday, October 21, 2001 04:34:05 PM

Anyone here ever play diablo 2? If you hav'nt, its basically a role playing game where you kill monsters , find items and compete with other people. Anyway, some of the items are SO rare, people will BUY them from you on ebay. Just wanted to share with everyone that i sold my Doombringer for $40 !!! ^^
NukesGoBoom - []
Sunday, October 21, 2001 04:14:59 PM

[peeking in nervously]
uh, hi. yeah, i'm back. where've I been? I have no idea.
not too much going on here... just trying to get back into the groove of the CR. started college (go hawks!) and tomorrow is mike's (my boyfriend) and my 6-month anniversary. and I now have some vague clue of haow to do laundry. yes, I have been sheltered.
yeah, it's good to be back.

[looks around at the blank stares] yeah, that's what I thought. you have no idea who I am.

God bless!

Daphne - []
back from hiatus
Sunday, October 21, 2001 02:11:50 PM

Bonny Garg> I am not authorized to give out spoilers. But I will say that the TGS Staff has discussed this issue at great length. However, as far as out timeline goes, TGS season 3 ended in late 1999. So we are not yet up to date.

BTW. I must say that I do not appreciate the tone of your post.

Greg Bishansky
Sunday, October 21, 2001 01:48:47 PM

Well, we all know what happened on September 11th.

A major tragedy took place, thousands were killed, and the skyline of Manhattan was changed irrevocably. Seeing as how "Gargoyles" is based in Manhattan, are the staff of TGS planning on reflecting all of this? How would the clan react to waking up one night and seeing all of this devestation? How many of Elisa's friends would be lost in the rescue attempts?

This is something that has forever changed the life of every real American, and New Yorkers especially, and I think that simply ignoring what happened in these stories is almost disrespectful. It would be something like writing about a happy kid living in Germany or London during the 1940s and not mentioning WWII.

I could see this as becoming a major on-going plotline - "Gargoyles pledge to help the President in the War on Terrorism!" Of course, this would definately have to be handled delicately... Scenes of Goliath et all ripping terrorists apart would just not be good. Besides, Elisa would have a cow.

Moo, right? Now I await the collective newborn calf that this post is sure to deliver. Bring it on!

Bonny Garg
No City, No State, America
Sunday, October 21, 2001 01:33:24 PM

Patrick><<I heard that if you think you're at risk of being important enough for someone to mail anthrax to you ... or even if you're just paranoid... if you iron your mail before opening it, the high heat will kill anything that may be inside.>> I was under the impression that the anthrax spores were a bit too resistent for that sort of thing to work... They are packing natural armor and all...
Ganjuck "Drinking Grog Until Groggy" Vlaentin
Sunday, October 21, 2001 12:35:41 PM

Gside - I think so. It has pics from all his major works. I will go over it again to be sure though *chortle... like I need an excuse!*

On CuCulin (sp?) for the fool, well, I was thinking about his personality and story line along with the meaning of the fool... He's rushing off into the unknown, ignorant of who and what he is, and he has thd dog/hound/bronx. Which is not to say he could't be used in another card for other reasons. I don't think Puck qualifies as either an innocent or ignorant person. He's too sly by far. And he doesn't have a pet. *^_^*

I was thinking FOX in her wolf state for the Moon. I can't remember if there is a male or female with the wolf in that card, but in either case, Xanatos or Elisa would fit.

I guess I'll have to pull out all my cards and start looking at them with the Garg characters in mind.

Oh... and the sun disk/emblem thingy from the Green would be nifty for the sun card *^_^* -- maybe with the Guatamalin (sp?) garg tribe.


Sunday, October 21, 2001 12:05:50 PM

A TV-movie called "Jenifer" starring Laura San Giacomo, voice of Fox, will air tonight on CBS at 9 PM Eastern / Pacific (Central and Mountain , check your local listings). The movie is about a young woman who, after being diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gherig's Disease), works to raise public awareness with the help of her two sisters.

Other stuff...

Mooncat > I'd buy a "Gargoyles" tarot deck just to have it in my collection. :)

Anthrax scare > I heard that if you think you're at risk of being important enough for someone to mail anthrax to you ... or even if you're just paranoid... if you iron your mail before opening it, the high heat will kill anything that may be inside.

Patrick Toman
Sunday, October 21, 2001 10:30:38 AM

Checking in ...

Day 1 of the Bookfest went very well. Sold some books, gave away lots of fliers, met loads of people (including some who'd actually heard of me and/or the books, to my everlasting surprise, but lest my ego be too enhanced, these were greatly outnumbered by the ones who said stuff along the lines of "Gosh, I've never heard of THIS series ...").

I attended a panel titled "Writing Sex and Death," which gave the ASL interpreters a run for their money, and listened in on part of an interview with Peter Straub. Tomorrow, I'm on a panel called "Trilogies 'R' Us," with a few other fantasy writers. Should be fun.

Was asked a dizzying amount of times, by parents with pre-teens in tow, what age group my books were aimed at (could've sold a lot more if I'd lied, but while they're not overly graphic in either the nudity or the violence, there's some of each).

Most interesting of all, at least in the context of this room, was meeting a professor from Seattle University who is writing a book on fandom in general and fanfic in particular. We swapped contact info and who knows, I might get us (and me, of course, me, because I'm a greedy selfish rat-bitch <g>) a mention in the book. Also offered to come to one of her classes and talk on writing, and she was enthusiastic and positive.

Becca spent the last two hours of the day down at the WoTC booth, playing the Harry Potter card game and doing so well for a kid who is still learning to read that one of the booth staff came down to ask us where she got her smarts. Told him she'd been raised in a game store. Hee-hee! There were quite a few crafts for kids, too, to keep her busy.

Speaking of Harry Potter, we caved and bought the 4th book from the booth next to us. Hadn't read any of them. Figured I'd wait until Becca was older and then get the lot. But I found the first 3 for half-off, so decided to go for itwhat with the movie coming out and all. That was last Sunday. Now Tim and I have read all three, have begun reading Becca a chapter a night, and are among the converted. Our biggest problem now is who gets first dibs on Vol. 4. ; )

Off to Day 2!

Christine - []
Sunday, October 21, 2001 10:30:36 AM

*Warpmind strolls in, seemingly appalled with himself.*
I've... done something bad... and I'm not sure if it warrants forgiveness... *Sigh* Let's see what happens in next AvMists, though; if it winds up there or not...

Jan: In other words, my deck would be safe. I might take it out to show off the artwork, though. But nothing besides that. ;)

Mooncat: Actually, I figure Cu Chullainn/Rory (with/without Bronx) and Molly would be a better pick for the Moon, but that's just me...

Fire Storm: *Grins, high-fives.* By the way, I saw some relatives of yours Friday... MAN those Marines are pesky. A troop of marines, one android, one civilian and a beureaucrat touch down, and one marine survives, but winds up probably scarred for life and barely alive, the android is torn in half, and only the civilian and a *little girl they find on the planet* survive virtually unharmed... *Chuckle* No disrespect for your worthy species, but I'd personally just carpetbomb the whole chunk'o'rock from orbit, eh? };)

NukesGoBoom: Long Time, buddy! Haven't seen hair nor hide of you for HOW long? (Yes, I remember you.)

Gside: Point.

Moochie: Seraph Divide? I'll take two, please; nothing like two-weapon-style fighting. };)

Josh: Tarot. Though, I'm inclined to take my new "Embarassment" deck into daily transportation. Step one, play land, step two, play cheapo creatures, step three, play "Coalition Victory", which states that I win. }:) As for the films, uh... I *think* you misunderstood the intended purpose for the tissues... Õõ

Well, anyway, I'm outta here. Got my own demons to battle. (D2X, y'know.)

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Sunday, October 21, 2001 09:52:37 AM

::Josh staggers into the CR, carrying a very large pile of books. Between sentences to various people, he can be seen flipping the pages and jotting down various non-sensical equations::

I will finish this pile of crap this weekend. I hope. I just wish I wasn't worrying about the lab report that my friend is writing up. Supposedly its finished, but he hasn't bothered to drop it off yet.

I did manage to get a bunch of work done today, but I didn't meet with my friend for math homework, so now I gotta do that tomorrow (sucks).

Tonight was my friend Mike's (the guy that lives downstairs, not my roommate) 20th b-day, so we all hung out down there and watched Woody Allen's "Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex (but were afraid to ask)". It's basically a series of sketches. Some twisted, some sick, all hysterical. I highly recommend it to anyone who is twisted like me (I realize this may be a small group of people).

Entity: <<The bottom line is: Nature will never draw a straight line>>: Ya know, if it weren't for the gravitational effect of bodies on light, you'd be wrong. Curses 8-). <<You are Sun Virgo, Moon Gemini, Rising Cancer>>: I'll certainly agree with the "rising cancer" part ;-) <<anything besides weed, I don't trust>>: Good philosophy. <<As a Virgo, you are analytical, nit-picky, critical, steady, responsible, committed, reserved>>: Right, I found that quickly enough. But what do the other signs mean, like "my moon in gemini"? <<not as concerned about details, more carefree, uncommitted, outgoing, extroverted, etc>>: So, I appear carefree? <<Virgos are traditionally virgins, Geminis are traditionally bested only by Libras in promiscuity>>: So, I try to be a slut but I'm not really? <<your Moon has a TREMENDOUS impact on you>>: I gotta moon for you... ;-) <<This is because Cancer has that hard exterior with the soft, vulnerable interior>>: Mmmm...crabs taste good... <<Your Rising is Cancer>>: So I suppose that means I have this type of dual-nature as well, this defensive mode? <<Hope that's decent>>: Accurate, in it's own vague way.

Lynati: You built a kiln!? Cool! Sleep well.

Christine: <<Gargoyles MTG cards>>: Really!? Sweet! I want a set! <<If you're serious about selling magic cards>>: Oh, I am. I have several hundred cards from unlimited set through visions. If he's interested, it would be a massive bulk package including common cards, etc. You know where to find me. I'd be thrilled to sell to someone I've actually met IRL, as that would eliminate the risk from it. I hate getting jacked.

Stephen: <<NecronomiCon>>: Is that a big necrophiliac convention?

Baldy: <<Fire up the orbital cannon>>: It only helps if you take out the server farm. And if my connection goes down...YOU WILL ANSWER TO ME, MORTAL! <<he was just a vegetable>>: Gee, I didn't see THAT one coming. <<so if, say, someone like me, who perpetually carries a deck in the jacket pocket, were to visit, would the deck have to wait outside>>: Tarot? Not Magic? <<How am I a sick dude for thinking anime chicks are appealing>>: Alright fine, I won't argue. Not after my little demona fetish ;-) <<Why do those titles sound like the kind that should be sold with a free box of tissues?>>: Nah, they're not sappy. But they are very funny.

Sorow: <<I failed my journalism test this week, my first college failure oh no>>: No worries, you'll make up for it. <<I'm going to see if I can sweet talk the teacher into changing it>>: Show some leg. Maybe some cleavage would help.

Jan: <<apparently you are not in the group of *most* that I described>>: Der. <<if you are _too_ open minded, your brains will fall out>>: Yeah, that's true. And Berkeley is a shining example of it. <<why should I give up my convictions just so someone can practice something that goes totally against my christian beliefs under MY roof>>: Well, other people DO live under it. People who may not have any other place to live (like, say, children). Just because you OWN the roof, you only have additional rights if the other people under the roof realistically have another place to choose from. <<If you wanted to sit down at the dining room table and pull out a Playboy and read it, that would be fine with your mom?>>: If my little brother was 18, yeah. That stuff is only good for the articles anyway. She certainly wouldn't have any problem with me reading Maxim, and I would stop her from reading Cosmo, which are VERY close in content to Playboy/girl. The only reason that my brother being young would cause a stink is because he's not legally allowed to even SEE the cover of Playboy. <<I can't imagine what you would say that would cause me to want to kick your scrawny butt at G2k2>>: It was easy enough to goad Jen.

Mooncat: <<I am think Cu Cullin/Rory and Bronx for the fool>>: No way, puck. He's already a jester. <<Once you come down from your latest meth hit, we can swap college stories>>: No thanks, I'll stay away from drugs.

Revel: <<the only difference between it and the week is the no class part, but still there is stuff to do>>: I feel your pain, dude. <<Truth is weekends are the only time I get stuff done>>: Ah, this I am too familiar with as well. That's why I try to do all my assignments over the weekend. <<metaphysics? Boy, almost makes my classes seem easy>>: Relax, metaphysics is a joke. <<You ever had to paint a tree while looking through candy sprinkled donut?>>: Please tell me you're joking. <<Shouldn't that be salavating since you want the iBook>>: Well, no, because its so far away. I mean, its in Taiwan right now. <<I only growl at my car and ocassionally at girls when they... never mind>>: Right...that...

DPH: <<they wouldn't admit to hackers stealing email addresses from them>>: I think they sell them. Why let them get stolen when they can sell them.

FS: <<I am not sure what I want to do>>: Toga! Toga! <<I always could work on my programming>>: Ooh, fun! <<this place sucks the productivity out of me>>: What is it you do again? <<Anyone else in here bid on reserve auctions only because you know you won't go above the reserve?>>: I'm sadistic, not dumb. <<Have us G98 attendees complained about that hotel THAT much? >>: Yeah. I was hearing about the complaints at G2k1. <<Come down to Crazy Jhorge's drug improium! Smuggle yourself and save!>>: LOL! <<A complete cross reference for 27,000+ materials, including density, composition, use, etc. REALLY cool! >>: When I go to I get mathworks website. <<you suck then>>: Sorry. <<Water? Let me think... NO>>: Oh well, I only want it to terrorize soccer moms anway. <<More powerful than a scientist with a loco motive?>>: Right, that. <<Another convert>>: I, too, am sick. <<No Zip on my laptop and no PCMCIA readers on the PCs >>: Burn CD's. <<Smart and wierd chicks are hot!>>: Sometimes... <<she just can't seem to keep her legs together>>: Like I said, if I could shapeshift, I'd get laid left and right too. <<All I know about X-men is what I saw from the old FOX cartoon>>: Yeah, ditto. <<X-Men is worse than a Soap Opera>>: So true. <<I fear that there is the possibility of an actual crossover>>: God, no!

Metaldemon: <<We have such deeply thoughtful directors. >>: Or just really stupid players. <<Now that I look back on that, I can't help but think what a moron I was>>: Ah, story of my life.

Sevarius Jr: <<I can't remember my 12th grade physics lessons, people, but I know his damn family tree>>: Well I'm glad your priorities are straight.

Todd: <<There's got to be another way of earning money than that>>: Buffy the prostitute! <<a number of small, blunt objects at Scott>>: Small blunt objects don't do much damage.

Greg: <<I'd like to see Giles smack some sense into her>>: I don't think that's possible. You can't argue with a computer geek. They think they're better than everyone. <<The Watcher's Council should be paying her>>: I agree.

NukesGoBoom: Cool name, dude. <<you are the only people that I can understand>>: This is rarely a good thing. <<people here are so much more... insightful than the people i know>>: That is definitely true. <<I hated the fact that I had to start as a newbie and work my way up>>: Hey, if they'll accept me, anyone is in ;-) <<Anyone try to work story lines into their head to add another gargoyle down the future of the alredy existing story and pretend that you are that gargoyle>>: Don't have to. <<her friend was going out with a guy that was in that terrorist group associated with all of it>>: That's some serious hearsay, dude.

Ravyn: <<We claim Top Ten in the name of Spain>>: All ten spots!? Damn.

Mandolin: <<Feel the sheep>>: Uh...right.

Gside: <<Which means I am safe>>: I think we all are. <<I'd hold out for kielbasa>>: That wouldn't be so distrubing if my high school physics teacher (gay) wasn't obsessed with the things. <<Hey>>: There are plenty of stupid people with engineering degrees. Besides, you don't have one yet. <<I'd hope so. I like it a little rough>>: Keep dreaming. <<You seem like the type to have a threesome at least once in your life>>: I doubt it. <<More likely once a week>>: Now what makes you say THAT!? Its not like I'm some sort of turbo slut, even if I do have *some* experience. <<You know, I think I just might, big boy>>: FEMALE volunteers. <<In a place like this, names and nicknames are mostly interchangeable>>: Hardly. When everyone calls me Josh or Imzadi, you took notice when someone didn't. <<!$#@, I've never been able to tell left from right immediately>>: LOL you've got problems. <<I may have to invent near light drive in order to do that>>: That's fine. Do what you have to do. <<Mmm, hippos>>: Tasty? <<Not quite, but I've always been close>>: Even in college? Jeez, worse than me. <<I assume it would be nice if they did, and if I can convince them that they want to, the better the world would be for me>>: Yeah, she has no idea what she's talking about anyway. <<I just like making implications of homosexuality, especially implications that I have already had sex with someone I have never met>>: I'm sure you make many friends this way. <<I thought her slot was rather nice>>: Bet you did. <<I said something similar earlier this evening while my roomie was playing Chrono Cross>>: I'd understand that joke if I'd ever played the game. <<I really was trying to get a reaction out of a college age male>>: That works a lot less reliably than it used to. <<I'm sure they believe that>>: The women? <<I try to screw my roomies as much as possible>>: I'd rather avoid screwing my roommate. <<I am using Samus's up and b attack, but still.>>: LOL! All hail screw attack! <<I like swords>>: Ditto. Sharp things are fun. <<I'd think after being down for so long, it deserves a semi top ten>>: I was tempted to post "first!" if I got there first, but I didn't. <<I thought that was Rutgers>>: Nope it's Berkeley. <<you get the Myst III: Exile theme>>: Thanks! It rocks.

Alright, 2AM. Time for the crash-like thingy, so I can actually wake up tomorrow and finish some serious work.

There’s no excuse for this kind of erratic retardism.
- Adam Carolla, “Loveline”

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Sunday, October 21, 2001 04:55:51 AM

NGB - Yeah, I remember ya... So that makes three. Welcome back, laddie!
Gunjack "Falconer" Valentine
Sunday, October 21, 2001 04:17:02 AM

Gside><<You should. You really should.>> I just didn't get that last "tequila" strip... o.O <<You mean LEO.>> I know. It was late, and I was tired. <<But I know you're always up for me.>> 'Mano, I'm ALWAYS up for you.
<<Don't worry, I just like making implications of homosexuality...>> Preach it, brother G! Mmm, reminds me of the discussion Chad and I had about our prefered candy types...
Lord, but that sounded worse than it was.
<<I like swords.>> Is that a euphemism? If not, Maybe I'll post the description of the Seraph Divide when I get it finished. Eight feet of pure shearing power...


Gunjack "Cascade of Cutting Terror" Valentine
Sunday, October 21, 2001 04:13:01 AM

Fire Storm> <<thinking is against the law here>>: Which means I am safe.
<<I threw it in as a freebie and they turned around and gave me a barrel of vodka and a meal entirely of peirogis>>: I'd hold out for kielbasa.
<<All in all, a pretty sweet trade>>: Would've deen better with kielbasa.
<<Really haven't read that comic>>: You should. You really should.

Imzadi> <<I have yet to see any sort of conclusive correlation between intelligence and possession of an engineering degree>>: Hey.
<<Naturally I'm gonna have to answer this with "but I haven't".>>: To which I say, So?
<<Ergo, boolean makes you run>>: Only if the computer needs to be running to make him run.
<<That is sick dude>>: It was all Hard's idea.
<<I just LOVE aphids in my broccoli>>: Extra protien.
<<I do impart SOME force on impact>>: I'd hope so. I like it a little rough.
<<How did that amaze you?>>: You seem like the type to have a threesome at least once in your life. More likely once a week.<<Know any volunteers?>>: You know, I think I just might, big boy.
<<Nicknames anyway>>: In a place like this, names and nicknames are mostly interchangeable.
<<We're engineers, we don't have right brains>>: !$#@, I've never been able to tell left from right immediately.
<<Add a few more>>: I may have to invent near light drive in order to do that.

Mandolin> <<Well, there's always Hungry Hungry Hippos>>: Mmm, hippos.

Lady Mystic> <<Thanks for mentioning the info area>>: Not a problem.
Gunjack> <<kicked the presentation's butt into LOE>>: You mean LEO.
<<Unless yer female, sexy, and canadian, hold the calls>>: But I know you're always up for me.

Niamhgold> <<You must've been at the top of your class>>: Not quite, but I've always been close.
<<You assume that women want to compete for attention?>>: Of course not. I assume it would be nice if they did, and if I can convince them that they want to, the better the world would be for me.

Warpmind> <<*looks around* Fire exits, maybe?>>: I made sure there were enough here before I came in. You never know when you might need to leave such a place of ill repute.

Greg> <<I've got nine rings to give out>>: I'd rather have one of your seven.

Fire Strom> <<I know you are lonely, but don't go over to THAT dark side!>>: Don't worry, I just like making implications of homosexuality, especially implications that I have already had sex with someone I have never met.
<<So THATS why Gside is going over to the dark side!>>: We're how Hard got the inspiration for The Lighter Side of Being Cuckolded.
<<I make it WAY too frigging strong>>: Ada? The world would be interesting with more blond africans with irish accents. That, and six foot tall chinese guys with flaming red hair.

Imzadi> <<No comments about your slot>>: I thought her slot was rather nice. Oddly enough, I said something similar earlier this evening while my roomie was playing Chrono Cross.
<<Sick dude>>: What's wrong with having PSL for the Sailor Scouts? You know you want to be present at that rare, but celebrated, Sailor Scout Orgy.
<<I think he was implying that I wouldn't do much damage at 115 lbs>>: No, I really was trying to get a reaction out of a college age male.
<<I was referring to "on women">>: I'm sure they believe that.
<<that doesn't stop me from enjoying offending people occasionally>>: You should atart up a pranch of The Medium.
<<they might walk out and see you screwing>>: I try to screw my roomies as much as possible. Granted, I am using Samus's up and b attack, but still.

Mooncat> <<the Milo Manara Tarot>>: Does it use characters from Click?

Fire Storm> << RULES>>: I prefer
<<I have a sick mind and say sick things>>: So do I. Why didn't you take that into account?

SJ> <<Should I bother? I had planned on using it mainly for RPGs. RPG Maker, to be exact>>: If you're going to be downloading many RPGs, I'd say yes. If you want to make an RPG or two of your own, probably not.

Gunjack> <<big freakin' SWORDS>>: I like swords.

Imzadi> <<How often are they updated?>>: Weekly, on Sundays. Same with Ghastly and TAVision. But Orgymania is a Saturday update. SMT is now on a SMT schedule, but that's just cheesecake, so it doesn't count quite as much.
<<Very observant>>: I'd think after being down for so long, it deserves a semi top ten.

Fire Storm> <<Just like Malletspace needs no explination>>: But do characters who can call forth five miles of chains access malletspace?
<<Nope! A complete cross reference>>: Ah. Then never mind my link.
<<Quicksilver: I know Magneto is the father. Who is the mother?>>: Magda, I believe. Currently buried in eastern Europe.
<<Nightcrawler: Mystique is the mother and Sabretooth is the father, correct?>>: Nope, that's the matchup for Graydon. I think Nightcrawler was just a Geman count.

Metaldemon> <<the nation's worst football>>: I thought that was Rutgers.

Fire Storm> <<Did Corsair have any other children with anyone/anything else?>>: I think he has a thing with one of the furry Starjammers. Haven't heard of any kids, and I can't recall her name.
<<enough to give a sane person a headache>>: Of course, I get through it fine.
<<Any evidence of Xaviers children coming back in time?>>: Well, Legion did start off that whole Age of Apocalypse.
<<Beast as a non-furry chemistry teacher>>: That'd last about five minutes.

NukesGoBoom> <<None of you remember me>>: I do, but I rarely count.
<<I find that I am always doing this with everything I do>>: It does make sense when you think about it.

And I owe an mp3. Because Wilek liked it, you get the Myst III: Exile theme. And oddly enough, today is a dark cyan day for me.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Sunday, October 21, 2001 01:06:58 AM

FS> Nope, 13 is my lucky number ;)
Greg Bishansky
Sunday, October 21, 2001 12:26:28 AM

Shooting for lucky #13!
Fire Storm
Sunday, October 21, 2001 12:09:36 AM


getting closer!


Saturday, October 20, 2001 11:48:36 PM

Saturday, October 20, 2001 11:36:29 PM

ninth or Tenth
Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:56:37 PM

Hey, eighth! Or ninth.

"Feel the sheep!" - from a meeting of the Evil SisterHood

Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:55:17 PM

Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:42:51 PM

Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:41:54 PM

Wow! Top Ten. 5th or 6th I think.
Yggdrasil - []
Ontario, Canada
Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:34:48 PM

Oh yeah, and er..4? O_o
Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:34:19 PM

Sevarius Jr.> X-Men.
As a side note, Sabes and Mystique only have one child together and that's Graydon. Nightcrawler has a different father, a Count Somethingorother in Europe. Hence why he has such a handsome accent. *le swoon*

Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:34:00 PM

We claim Top Ten in the name of Spain! :)
Coyote and Ravyn
Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:28:56 PM

Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:23:10 PM

*blinks* wow! and I was first too!! *giggles*
Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:15:43 PM

NukesGoBoom> I remember you too! Welcome back and I hope that you can stay longer this time =)
Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:14:15 PM
