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Thanks for the link, Fire Storm; I can indeed see that the "national individuality" is showing up on the local coins (so that, for example, the Greek euro has an owl symbol - Athena's owl, I imagine - while the Irish euro has an Irish harp symbol), which is good. Though the newspaper comments on it in the op-ed section that I read this morning were focused more on the "paper money" aspect of it, which didn't show up on the link.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Monday, December 31, 2001 08:31:55 PM

Happy New Year! Let's hope that 2002 is better than 2001. Well I'm actually home for a few days but I don't really want to go back (who would?). Anyway my mother was shocked when I walked in the door, took her a few seconds of staring at me before she realized who I was. It was a nice surprise for her and I'm glad that it went off without a problem. How is everyone? Becareful tonight.

Book Burning- These people must be suffering from a very common form of moronizm. The only treatment known today, I believe, is a swift kick up-side the head. I just don't understand how people can do this, it's like that thing with the teletubbies and things like that. The thought of burning books is enough to put anyone off my Christmas list and on my pissed list.

Green Baron- Well the weather does rain a lot, but the area is beautiful, lots and lots of trees with very little snow and Seattle is close. When it warms up I plan to do a lot of hiking. So you've heard about the wonderful life on the AF bases. I met an AF guy while I was Polk and he was living very well. I'm not to sure about Ft. Jackson, while I was there I didn't see to much that impressed me but that was Basic Training so don't take my word for it.

Christine- I just started reading your stories again (had to take a break while I was in Korea). Just wanted to say that I loved before and I still do.

DPH- Blackmailing Disney...hmmmmm. One can only imagine how many mouse, duck, and dog sckeletons are being hidden.

Well gotta get back to some family fun.

Jaden - []
Los Alamos, CA
Monday, December 31, 2001 08:15:57 PM

Ok, now I can back up the last comment with proof!
My link is a page where you can view the "common side" and "National side" of each Euro coin.

Fire Storm - [<--- "My country has a Euro"]
Monday, December 31, 2001 08:10:17 PM

Todd: it should be noted that each country in the European Union gets to print their own local version of the Euro. It may look a little different, but a French Euro spends the exact same way as a German Euro.
Fire Storm
Monday, December 31, 2001 08:07:51 PM

Oops, forgot to proofread. I meant to say "Though I'm not a European" rather than "Since I'm not a European" in the first paragraph.
Todd Jensen
Monday, December 31, 2001 08:00:15 PM

I'll admit that, since I'm not a European and thus will be very unlikely to come into direct contact with the euro, I do feel a tinge of regret over its arrival. I understand that the old currency of the various European Union nations that the euro is replacing showed (in both metal and paper form) various elements of the history and culture of their individual nations (so that French franc-notes would depict such figures as, say, Antoine St. Exupery, the man who wrote "The Little Prince"), while the euro currency just shows generic buildings. It feels as if the member nations are renouncing some of their individuality and reminders of their cultural heritage for the sake of economic unity. I'm not sure that the trade-off is entirely worth it. (At least Britain isn't adopting the euro - not yet, at least).

I think that indeed the issue of "magic" is a semantic one, arising from the fact that it means so many different things; stage tricks of the "pulling-a-rabbit-out-of-a-hat" variety, the impossible (in the real world) feats of fantasy fiction, and pagan/Satanic rituals. The book-burners that we've been talking about clearly define magic solely by the last example, whether the person using the word had that in mind when he or she used it or not.

Tolkien must have realized this, for there's a line in "The Lord of the Rings" that expresses it. Galadriel, when showing her Mirror to Frodo and Sam, says to them, "For this is what your folk would call magic, I believe; though I do not understand clearly what they mean; and they seemm to use the same word of the deceits of the Enemy." Perhaps one of the real problems with the word "magic" is that it has too many different meanings by now.

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Monday, December 31, 2001 07:59:06 PM

small question: has anyone else been getting 15 'happy new year' emails from "Peter Wood" recently? [size 20 font, it looks like, all red letterings, a 3k attachment, etc].

Mr Wood said it in his message that it was for all the members of the garg list.


Monday, December 31, 2001 07:20:39 PM

ooops...see above. :)

[no Archmage on the list, so i picked this]. :)

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! - [rodlox]
Monday, December 31, 2001 07:18:50 PM

It's 1 hour past midmight here in Germany and I just wanted to wish everyone in here a happy new year:)
Monday, December 31, 2001 07:16:05 PM

Ok, so I am bored at work. It sucks, but at least the boss isn't here today or tomorrow.

Bonnieway, who here has a decent understanding of genetics and biology?
Here's my question: In a female human, she has inside of her all the eggs she will ever make in her from the moment she is born, so the eggs really arn't growing, just "ripening"
Now, what about the sperm 'parent' cells in a man? is that number relatively fixed by a certian age, or do they continue to get replenished from puberty until death?


Fire Storm
Monday, December 31, 2001 06:40:00 PM

yay!!! Heater Man rescued me!!! To the tune of $145, but it could have been worse. He cleaned and serviced my heater and it's glowing cheerfully and making my house warm.

I guess it's cheap, as I didn't realize one needs one's heating and cooling system serviced yearly. I will have him back in the spring for the cooling part of the systerm.

It's warm! It's warm! It's warm!!!!!

And I don't have to worry about getting fat now. I'd forgotten that no matter how much food I make, my brother will eat it all before I can finish my first pastry *O_o* oogie... All them little pastries... He ate my baked potato too.

Well, house is now warm enough for my daily bath *happy dance!!!* so I need to do that, get dressed and grab a few bottles of honey mead and plum wine to go with the other wine I'm taking, plus some cheese and meat, and jet over to a friend's house for our New Year's get together. Woo Hoo. Last year I got sucked into Iron Chef and Black Adder, can't wait to see what happens this year.

Whee!!!!! I like Honey Mead!!!! Now if only I could order sushi by delivery, it would be a perfect night *^_^*

bye!!!! Enjoy the 2nd night of the Full Moon, drive safe, drive sober, and keep your eyes out for the dopes who don't.

Luv You All, Hug, hug, hug!!!!
See you next Year!

Monday, December 31, 2001 06:20:13 PM

DPH: Well, I may not be a TGS staff member, but I play one on TV, so I can unofficially say this:
What are you talking about? Timedancer was released last week! But only the special people can read it! Guess you arn't one of them! ;P

Hmm... Let me see about miracles... Wolf Pack... Megablast Extreme... OH! Here is a Forest Miracle! Does that help? ;)

Fire Storm
Monday, December 31, 2001 04:59:31 PM

We're on a roll: no questions being asked for 10 days in a row about when Timedancer will premiere.

Silvadel - Technically, it's around 10 hours before this year ends. Anybody got a free unused miracle that he/she wants to share with the TGS staff?

Mooncat - Did you have a burial service for your heater?

After seeing an anagram for "dph of rules", I am going to consider changing that id. So far, over 640,000 anagrams have been found for my real name: "A hip, allied owner thug" is one of them.

Imzadi - <I hoped you answered with "why can't you tell if someone is home if you know their address"?> I tried to explain to him how instant messaging works, but your answer seems better. <Bad news: it won't make a difference.> Quite a few spammers have been claiming to comply with the new law. <There were effects?> Towards the end of the movie, didn't you see all those crazy lights? Those were the special effects.

Hmm, I just had a new thought for bringing Gargoyles back on the air: blackmail. Everybody has skeletons in their closets so assumedly, all we need to do is find out the goods on enough top Disney execs or set enough of them up to be blackmailed.

Green Baron - <I would find it very worng for you to start a family with your salary.> I agree. <Now, the Euro is a mixed feeling for me. If it plummetts, that benefits me, because it will be cheaper for me to make purchases in Germany. If it excels, my COLA goes up and I live in the baracks, so I don't have to worry about rent or such, but I'll be doing much more shopping on military posts.> It sounds like you benefit no matter what happens. <Always check your burger first.> I tried checking the receipt first because it notes things like "No Pickles". Unfortunately, they didn't give me one. I could get revenge on Wendys by ordering food through the drive-thru and then leaving the line. That should create quite a few headaches.

The library was closed today so I'll have to wait until Thursday to check out the books.

Right now, 1,000,000+ anagrams of my complete real name have been found.

Mooncat - Why don't you try to make caramel popcorn?

Just passed 1.5+ million anagrams for my name.

Monday, December 31, 2001 04:51:59 PM

We're on a roll: no questions being asked for 10 days in a row about when Timedancer will premiere.

Silvadel - Technically, it's around 10 hours before this year ends. Anybody got a free unused miracle that he/she wants to share with the TGS staff?

Mooncat - Did you have a burial service for your heater?

After seeing an anagram for "dph of rules", I am going to consider changing that id. So far, over 640,000 anagrams have been found for my real name: "A hip, allied owner thug" is one of them.

Imzadi - <I hoped you answered with "why can't you tell if someone is home if you know their address"?> I tried to explain to him how instant messaging works, but your answer seems better. <Bad news: it won't make a difference.> Quite a few spammers have been claiming to comply with the new law. <There were effects?> Towards the end of the movie, didn't you see all those crazy lights? Those were the special effects.

Hmm, I just had a new thought for bringing Gargoyles back on the air: blackmail. Everybody has skeletons in their closets so assumedly, all we need to do is find out the goods on enough top Disney execs or set enough of them up to be blackmailed.

Green Baron - <I would find it very worng for you to start a family with your salary.> I agree. <Now, the Euro is a mixed feeling for me. If it plummetts, that benefits me, because it will be cheaper for me to make purchases in Germany. If it excels, my COLA goes up and I live in the baracks, so I don't have to worry about rent or such, but I'll be doing much more shopping on military posts.> It sounds like you benefit no matter what happens. <Always check your burger first.> I tried checking the receipt first because it notes things like "No Pickles". Unfortunately, they didn't give me one. I could get revenge on Wendys by ordering food through the drive-thru and then leaving the line. That should create quite a few headaches.

The library was closed today so I'll have to wait until Thursday to check out the books.

Right now, 1,000,000+ anagrams of my complete real name have been found.

Mooncat - Why don't you try to make caramel popcorn?

Just passed 1.5+ million anagrams for my name.

Monday, December 31, 2001 04:51:52 PM

Imzadi: <I think I'm gonna puke>
Hmm... Note to self: PDA's make Imzadi puke... make plans for a coordinated strike at G2K+2.
<You too? Good, I'm not alone>
Some days, all I dream about is just lying in the fridge wearing nothing but the plastic wrap on my bowl! ;)
<Wait, you mean not as thick as a ruler is long, right?>
Na. I meant as think as a ruler is thick. Like, 2mm
<It's built on top of UNIX, so not every UNIX can do what X can do>
BUT if it is made for OSX, then it MAY be able to be ported to Unix.
<USB!? Firewire is where it's at!>
Yeah, but 1394 just seems like a waste for a low bandwidth application like the iBrator. But either way, was it just colored like an iBrator or did it work like the iBrator on that site?
<Yeah, she'll be a prude. Wouldn't that be a riot?>
Becca, Age 21: "Mother, would you please stop writing that filth? How can anyone read that stuff? All that sexual content... it just isn't right!"
<Just once, try being a human male>
Oh, I have tried that. And now I know what causes pain. And I like to inflict pain on other people, so it is useful info.
<You'd be correct. Back then it was all setting sulfur on fire anyway>
Man, could you just imagine what you could do with modern tech back then? Record someone's voice calling for help and play it on a tape recorder
"If you do not listen to me, I shall shrink you to the size of a pebble and imprison you in a box!"
Not to mention the REALLY fun stuff!
"My magic is so strong, I can make that mountain disappear!" (Nuke)
And don't forget about ice machines and microwave ovens!
<It had murder, cute chicks, crack whores, incest, child molestation, and pinball>
so you went and saw the news? ;)

Harry Potter book burning: 1 person protesting the book burning dressed as Hitler.

Christine: <I suppose it's technically possible that Becca will become a quiet and introverted kid, but somehow I seriously doubt it.>
We cannot allow her to stay on the side of good. You must bring her over to the Dark side. The future depends on it.

DPH: <will have to read the book to decide if a remake of the movie from stratch wouldn't be better>
The book was written at the same time as the movie (when the movie changed, Arthur C Clarke changed to book), but the book IS better than the movie. I read all the books in that series. 2001, 2010, 2061, 3001. I liked them all.
<Genetic. It's not too much of a stretch to take a standard portal/gateway and adjust it to travel through time>
Funny, I do the opposite now. Time travel was such a pain in the a$$ that all I use the ability for now it traveling in the current time frame.
<It's a wonder they exist. The group I am familiar with is constantly adjusting history to prevent anyone from getting within 2-3 steps of achieving that kind of technology.>
Ah, it is entirely possible that I am talking about a group from an alternate timeline/dimension. Which is why even though my memories of the future are crystal clear, I have absolutely no idea if they are even for THIS timeline.
I wish Advil worked on those headaches! ;)

Gside: <Dependsd on which dimension you take as thickness>
The thickness as the vertical dimension of the ruler when it is resting on the largest flat side of itself (As defined by the surface bordered by the largest and second largest edge)
And not on a drafting ruler!
<There you go. If it hasn't been publised on the web, to me it's still an idea.>
Good point. Because they can still change.
<Entirely possible. But I am not switching teams until I get at least one at bat. Wiat, that wasn't the line. "I'm not.">
ROFL! THAT made me laugh!

Shadowrider: <Hm, I see...just, one question: why BSA don't admit homosexuals?>
They are too good at doing the crafts! ;)

Fire Storm
Monday, December 31, 2001 03:51:00 PM

I think I'm going to get fat. sigh. The house is so cold!!! The heater guy called and said he'll TRY to get to me this afternoon, but no promises. He was nice about it, but it still leaves me in the cold. brrr!!!

So back to being fat. I'm baking stuff in the oven so there's warm air to circulate through the house. Potatos. check. Pot pies. check. Yummy delicious pastry tarts/blossoms with apples, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries and a generous topping of sugar? Double check!

Man, these are soooooooo gooooooood!!!! I'm eating one right now. yum!

My consolation is I need the calories to make body heat, and I refuse to let the stove run without actually cooking something in it. Speaking of which I better take out the potatos before they melt to mush.

Rats. I need to go buy a turkey or something I can roast for a long time. Something already defrosted... But I don't want to leave the house in case the heater guy comes.

So here I am, trapped with all this baking food, trying to keep warm. And cold makes you hungry.

Well, back to the kitchen.

Happy New Year's Eve guys!


Monday, December 31, 2001 02:05:09 PM

Greetings all in the CR.

Now on to posts. It feels good to post regularly. Soon I will be in newer and better barracks, and then I will get the internet installed in my room once i know which on eit is.

Jan> <<If you are going to hold off on having children if your wife is not Catholic, is this a plot of blackmail of sorts? ;P>> You misunderstand. If she isn't Catholic, she can use birth control. Well, even if she is Catholic, she can use it for puroses like regulating her period, plus very few Catholcis actually heed that rule in this country, anyway. It was more meant as a joke.

<<Assuming that all members of the Assembly of God are like Jimmy Swaggart or that they are all snake handlers… or that all Catholics are like the priest who sexually abuse alter boys.>> It doesn't help that I ahve a predjudice towards non-traditional faiths, especially non-traditional denominations of Christianity.

I forgot about snake-handlers, they are amusing to watch, though :)

<<“this is why I disregard all organized religion”>> It's the modern disorganized religions that do the odd stuff anyway. Maybe that's a secondary goal. Whip up their sheep into a frenzy, and then the more orthodox and tradional sects of Christianity get blamed, too.

Gside> <<Nope, I spend my time on the other (western) side of the state. And I only found out she was there (or that she even existed) witin the past four of five trips, maybe.>> If I went up there, I'd make visiting the Niamhgold a top priority, though I ahve no otehr reaosn to go to New Hampshire :)

<<Oddly enough, I caught the tail end of the Scopes based movie today.>> William Jennings Bryan is the perfect example of some snake-oil salesman minister, plus he was an incompetent politician who couldn't back up his arguments for a silver standard, plus his foreign policy sucked even bigger Kennedys. McKinley may have shown a lack of brains, especially when he suggested we send missionaries into the Phillipines, but he was a rocket scientist compared to William Jennings Bryan,a cross-breed of rabid minister and Communist.

I also recommend Burt Lancatser's movie of the shoe salesman turned Evangelist.

Imzadi> <<I wouldn't even consider having kids unless I knew that I could support them in the same way I was brought up.>> That would be nice, but I don't want spoiled children. I also follow Christine's view that one should be sufficiently educated on child-rearing before havig kids, so I'll have a lot of reading to do before I consider continuing the Clan Forsyth House of Nydrie. I will avoid anything by Dr. Spock.

Harry Potter controversy> I wonder if there will be a bigger fuss baout the Scooby Doo movie coming out. After all, it may promote drug use :) Just look at Shaggy.

<<Not too slick, actually.>> You may want to work on it if you become Harry Potter or a charcter in a Star Wars movie.

<<See and there's another conflict: I prefer petite.>> Oddly eough, I should too, since my mother's flat. So much for Freud :)

<<It seems SJ and I are the only ones in here.>> But I suspect FireStorm is getting more than you and SJ combined ;)

<<Just because my parents were married by your age doesn't mean I'm even considering it.>> Mine were 28. That sounds like a reasonable age. I used to say 35, but no one can ever keep such promises.

<<Bad logic. I wasn't meant to, and I avoid religion like the plague.>> Such a decision should never be made on logic. I also have a very differnet set fo beleifs than yours. I also beleive the Virgin Mary is strongly involved with me finding the right woman. Logical no, but very much a part of my beliefs.

<<I hope she lets him go to the bathroom.>> Nah, she probably has a sponge, with a pot and an empty coke bottle :)

Shadowrider> <<Really? For example?>> Well, you like the frog philosophers in the Enlightenment for one. Your views on religion strike me as leftist, plus you favor Keynesian fiscal policy.

<<No, I didn't. I knew you had right-wing ideas, but this said me nothing about your background.>> It tends to have its roots. Plus America is politcially more conservative than Europe, except for Tony Blair who has really impressed me in recent months.

<<Hey, know what? In little more than seven hours from now, twelve European countries will switch from their old currencies to a new common one, the Euro. Ok, maybe you Americans don't care for it, but I think it is a major footstep for European history.>> Forget about the last 60 years, how about the last 600?

Now, the Euro is a mixed feeling for me. If it plummetts, that benefits me, because it will be cheaper for me to make purchases in Germany. If it excels, my COLA goes up and I live in the baracks, so I don't have to worry about rent or such, but I'll be doing much more shopping on military posts. Over the last three eyars, I've sen the euro go form a little above teh dolalr to about 90 cents. Now it is tiem to test it. If the UK is part of the Euro, that will be a big help, but as an American soldier stationed in Europe, I will be taking a lot fo vacations if the euro doesn't do well.

That reminds me, which airport in Milan is closest to you. It seems cheapest for me to fly to MIL, though it may be even cheaper by train.

Kathy> A pity I didn't get a chance to see you when I was in Georgia, but there will be the summer, hopefully. I always enjoy your commentary.

<<The world is full of magic if you look at it the right way and that is what these so called preachers are really afraid of. Their followers just might be tempted to use their imaginations and that could lead to thinking for themselves. And if that happened well then these so called "men of god" would find themselves without fat bank accounts and worshipping masses. A pox on the lot of them.>> Yes, they'd probably leave thos eborderline cults and join more traditional faiths like Catholicism, Lutheranism, or Methodism, or they could wind up forming their own chruches to make some quick money :)

<<The Bible is full of magic, just like it's full of sex and violence, or doesn't that bit with the loaves and fishes or the parting of the Red Sea count.>> Well, I rememebr a story about the Red Sea actually being the Reed Sea, plus some stuff about the plagues being tied to natural phonomenon in religion class. Still, the sorcerors of ancient Egypt were mostly showmen and scientists with the ability to dazzle the populace.

I think the Bible is more focused on the worship of magic as a substitute for Yahweh, whch can also apply to science as well. I'm certain if it wasn't for Harry Potter, the small town bully pulpit preachers would go after The Lord of the Rings. Well, that may boost sales and encourage healthy showings for the sequels :)

<<But more importantly, my husband, who hasn't read a book that didn't detail the evils the English have inflicted on the Irish for something like the last three years, has been reading and enjoying them too. I consider that a major plus.>> I want to read those books :)

<<"men of god">> You mean men of gold :)

That' senough of my wonderful commentary. Tommorrow is teh Feats of the Solemnity of the Virgin Mary and I need to find out when Mass is.

Green Baron - []
Pioneer Kasserne, Germany
Monday, December 31, 2001 12:52:59 PM

Harry Potter book burning being understandable. Horse Hockey. The Bible is full of magic, just like it's full of sex and violence, or doesn't that bit with the loaves and fishes or the parting of the Red Sea count. Oh wait, those were miracles. Miracles, magic, semantics. The world is full of magic if you look at it the right way and that is what these so called preachers are really afraid of. Their followers just might be tempted to use their imaginations and that could lead to thinking for themselves. And if that happened well then these so called "men of god" would find themselves without fat bank accounts and worshipping masses. A pox on the lot of them.
I have just finished reading the first two Harry Potter books and you know what? I liked them, though I thought the second to be slipping into formula. But more importantly, my husband, who hasn't read a book that didn't detail the evils the English have inflicted on the Irish for something like the last three years, has been reading and enjoying them too. I consider that a major plus.

Happy New Year to one and all!

Monday, December 31, 2001 10:49:50 AM

Hola, people! And, since I doubt I will post again this day, a Happy New Year to everyone!

Hey, know what? In little more than seven hours from now, twelve European countries will switch from their old currencies to a new common one, the Euro. Ok, maybe you Americans don't care for it, but I think it is a major footstep for European history. A continent that just sixty years ago was divided by a tremendous war, now is united in a single currency. The dream that was of Mazzini and Einaudi, to quote just two people from the many, gets closer to reality.

GB:> <<That explains so much about you. >> Really? For example?
<<You could easily guess I come from a pretty right-wing background. >> No, I didn't. I knew you had right-wing ideas, but this said me nothing about your background.
<<Rousseau>> Weird, I got a rather different description of him. You mention Voltaire...well, I definitely like his ideas.
<<Thos ejsut scare me. I think I'll avoid riding one of them, unless I have just received the scarament of Reconcilliation and the Last Rites:) >> Never been on a bike, aren't you? A'll never know how goot it feels.
<<She means products by Levi Strauss. >> Yeah, I suspected it.

Jan:> <<Ducati>> I knew you was going to like know, when I finish school I think one of the first things I will do with my first pay will be buying a 998R...
<<I'm sooooo going to need a drool-proof keyboard now!! ;) >> This reminds me I am still waiting a email from you...;)
<<Levi Strauss>> Hm, I see...just, one question: why BSA don't admit homosexuals?

Gside:> <<I guess that leaves me to get the oil.>> Ok...what else could we need?

Josh:> << Speaking about yourself in the 3rd person, are you?>> Just a bit dissociated...when I start using majestatic plural, then it is worse...
<<I know, it was a joke. >> I knew it was...;)
<<I shower every day. >> So you do this now...very well, it means that you can learn form experience...;)
<<Skyray>> Hm, I misexpressed my question. What I was asking is: why did you decide to build a model of the Skyray?
<<Do not tempt me astray! BMW all the way! Oh wait, forget bikes. Cars. Mercedes.>> BMWs, eh? Good bikes, compare with Ducati, anyway.

Ok, nothing more for this year. See everyone in 2002!

Shadowrider - []
Monday, December 31, 2001 10:49:01 AM

Sitting her at 2:30 am, wondering if the room will refresh before the year ends...

Well, Full Moon tonight, gots things to do. My heater died yester day O_o... Just as the weather decides to turn single digits worth of cold. Me and the kitties are freezing our choobies off! I tried calling a heating guy today, left a message on his machine. No reply. =(

Brought a room heater for my brother, since he sleeps downstairs in my rec room. Hope he doesn't accidently burn down my house. And in the meanwhile singing praises to the powers that be that I have a heated water bed.

Happy New Year's Eve!!!


Monday, December 31, 2001 03:40:39 AM

Today was officially one of the most irritating days ever. I spent WAY too much time with my family.

First it was a trip to the Schubert (sp?) Theatre to see the rock opera "Tommy" by "The Who". Now I know why they don't commission bands to write operas anymore...this was really twisted. It had murder, cute chicks, crack whores, incest, child molestation, and pinball.

What more could I ask for?

After that, it was way many hours in the car in rainy Los Angeles traffic trying to figure out something entertaining to do before dinner. We spent so much time driving around that we finally decided to go and eat an hour early.

By the end of the day, I'd spent 7 hours with my parents and little brother. I swear, one more and I was gonna kill him.

I tried to get a new pair of jeans today. Unfortunately, it seems the fashion trends have changed during the year since I bought my last pair, and now I can't seem to get a pair that I would actually WEAR, just a pair that's in style. This is clearly a huge problem. ;-) In any case, I'll go back up to Berkeley for my clothing, where fashion is timeless and clothes are comfortable, not fashionable.


Shadowrider: <<Shadowrider enters>>: Speaking about yourself in the 3rd person, are you? <<when I meet something that is known to be porn I always feel the moral need to verify>>: I feel the moral need to watch it repeatedly ;-) <<seemed to me that trash has no color at all>>: Oh, I beg to differ. <<Oh, but it is not waste>>: I know, it was a joke. <<I will eventually dare to assume that you know too few people in Europe to make a statistic from them>>: I'll accept that. <<it happens to me too when I forget to have a shower for more than two weeks>>: I shower every day. <<It was...but the concept is the same, isn't it?>>: I suppose so. <<nudity is not my criterium to decide if something is porn or not>>: Same here. <<I have no particular prevention against porn, and eventually enjoy it when it is of good quality>>: I generally define porn as bad...but watch it anyway. <<I will take the ice cubes and...oh, but what am I saying? Damnit, guys, you must not make me think such things...I am already with someone>>: This is no excuse! <<Why just the Skyray?>>: Well its the only one I'm working on now. The other models are in a display case, easily viewed. But my skyray was upside down, carefully balanced so the gear dried straight. Since you couldn't see the kickass detail on the top, my dad thought it necessary to turn it over...and drop it. <<Don't trust him! He is a simulator! He is the Demon! Stay away from him!>>: Even if I wasn't a demon, there are plenty of other reasons to avoid me. <<>>: Do not tempt me astray! BMW all the way! Oh wait, forget bikes. Cars. Mercedes.

Coyote: <<she's cold but she's happy>>: I fail to see how those could go together.

Jan: <<Just as I'm not offended or upset when Josh and I disagree. I know that he loves me in spite of our differences. *blows raspberry at Josh>>: ::raspberry back!:: <<These people have a difficult time dealing with reality.>>: This is true for most garg fans, I've noticed. Quite frankly, I have a difficult time dealing with reality, because it sucks. But I'm smart enough to keep my problems to myself. <<I'm sooooo going to need a drool-proof keyboard now!!>>: Just be glad you don't have a laptop...that's a $1000 motherboard replacement! <<Levi chose to withdraw their financial support from the BSA>>: Hmmm, interesting. <<Wells Fargo also pulled their support, but after thousands of angry customers sent them their cut up credit cards, closed bank accounts, etc. they decided that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea afterall and reestablished financial support for the BSA>>: I know the president of Wells Fargo through my mom. Guess she doesn't stand by her guns. I can't respect that in a company. <<I'll send you the cards he wanted and after you tell me the cost, I'll tell you whether or not I'll buy them>>: I'll probably be open to haggling...I *NEED* the list before the 5th, k? <<Now that we've cleared up your sinuses, let's work on your hearing>>: LOL! Brilliant!

Christine: <<I'm on my own>>: You're on your own with the in-laws? I'm sorry. <<if I'd ever seen REAL elves>>: It certainly would explain a lot. <<all this pondering>>: All right, we'll stop. Its just funny, just as funny as it would be to speculate on any of our children's futures (even though they may not exist!) ;-)

DPH: <<Why can't parents remember the Golden Rule>>: Because its been too long since they were taught it. <<the money spent on the special effects was wasted>>: There were effects? Must have missed those. <<That was a very bad decision>>: Its always a bad decision, and that never stops them from making it. <<Things happen. How many unsuccessfull movies would it take for Disney to get in trouble financially?>>: A lot more than they produce. <<minimium wage breaks even paying some most of those bills.>>: Minimum wage was NOT created to be a living wage. And should not be. Its supposed to be supplemental income. <<I shouldn't have to pay to get you well>>: I agree. <<Anti-Christian is not the same thing as American. America should be about the land of equality>>: Something a lot of Christians aren't interested in. <<Why can't you tell if someone is online if I give you his/her email address? - my dad>>: I hoped you answered with "why can't you tell if someone is home if you know their address"? <<has Congress passed the anti-spam bill yet? I didn't think it has passed yet>>: Bad news: it won't make a difference.

Green Baron: <<With all your trips to New Hampshire>>: He's only made one. <<elusive>>: Not so elusive, you just have to know where to look. <<I wonder if Pistoff is still sore at me for liberal bashing a few months back>>: Probably. <<probably he's been tied to Lexy's bed for the last few months anyway>>: I hope she lets him go to the bathroom. <<I am also the last of my line, and if I wasn't menat to have kids, I would be studying for the priesthood right now>>: Bad logic. I wasn't meant to, and I avoid religion like the plague. <<I'm 24>>: That's young. People are living longer than ever. Just because my parents were married by your age doesn't mean I'm even considering it. <<The alternative of all the so-called freedom and independence feel smore like Demona-brand loneliness>>: That's BS. I'm only a little bit of a psychopath. <<I am surprised to hear yous ay that about Kubrick. I thoughtyou were a fan of his>>: Liking FMJ and Dr. Strangelove is a far cry from liking all his stuff, most of which was crap. <<I don'tthink Lady Mystic will let him :) Not that I am much of one, either>>: It seems SJ and I are the only ones in here. <<I will definitely heed your advice on Apple. I wasn't planning to buy just yet>>: Wait till they can top Intel's clock speed, at least. Then they can take advantage of the mis-perception that clock speed = power/speed. <<I suspect such marriages have shaky foundations to start with>>: If you say so. <<something I embrace like a woman with a large bosom>>: See and there's another conflict: I prefer petite. <<how's your Englsih accent>>: Not too slick, actually. <<That can be subjective>>: Yup...subjected to MY tastes ;-) <<My Civics teacher described him as an intolerant, impassioned frog who wanted to strangler aristocrats>>: He's just jealous. <<I knwo some people who boycott Calvin Klein because he's a child pornographer.>>: Those poor 13 year old underwear models. <<I imagine you are a little disturbed>>: That's not an imagination. We're all a little disturbed. <<I can still be chaste with my beleoved, even if she is under the same roof as me>>: But where is the fun in that. <<I heard that Weasley is Catholic, which explains why he has so many siblings>>: But no money. <<I suspect that a child's chemistry kit could make you a court wizard 500 years ago>>: You'd be correct. Back then it was all setting sulfur on fire anyway. <<you can tell the IRS to go to a parking meter and violate itself>>: I tell the IRS that anyway. <<I also discourage people making low wages from having families,a nd right now I woudl find it very worng for you to start a family with your salary>>: I wouldn't even consider having kids unless I knew that I could support them in the same way I was brought up.

Revel: <<I have had more hands in my pants than on a normal day>>: Your right AND left this time instead of just the right?

Silvadel: <<Timedancer is scheduled for Winter 2001>>: I don't place wagers on it.

Gside: <<Dependsd on which dimension you take as thickness>>: This is true. <<I am not switching teams until I get at least one at bat>>: Good plan. <<linear systems and signals. Wait, that's the same thing>>: No kidding. <<I'm just very lazy>>: Its an engineer thing. <<it's entirely possible I am over 230>>: Just remind me not to play football with you. <<They are quite nice in fighting games>>: Only when aided by a power suit. <<Which is what you use a Dex Drive to make>>: I see. <<Will you teach me your secrets, master?>>: No, because then they'd be doing it to you and not to me. Can't have that. <<If it's in my account, it essentially becomes untouchable>>: Ah. ATM card here. <<Unnecessarially boastfull>>: I suppose so. <<Look on the bright side, you can always look at me and laugh>>: Yes, but unfortunately I'd rather not look at MYSELF and laugh. <<I caught the tail end of the Scopes based movie today>>: What a great story. <<I guess that leaves me to get the oil>>: Now all we need is more strippers.

Another long day. I'm going.

Anything worth having is worth cheating for.

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Encino, CA, US of A
Monday, December 31, 2001 02:43:04 AM

Fire Storm> <<Just not as thick! as a ruler!>>: Dependsd on which dimension you take as thickness.
<<I do have about 7 stories I just need to re-proof>>: There you go. If it hasn't been publised on the web, to me it's still an idea.
<<Bet your gay!>>: Entirely possible. But I am not switching teams until I get at least one at bat. Wiat, that wasn't the line. "I'm not."

Imzadi> <<You should try abstract mathematics>>: Nah, linear systems and signals. Wait, that's the same thing.
<<eah but he's a lousy song writer>>: Not going to argue, but it might be nice to hear a proposed melody or two to some of those songs.
<<Indeed, and stretching is so much effort>>: I'm just very lazy.
<<115>>: I haven't weighed myself recently, and it's entirely possible I am over 230. 220 just helps me keep some of my illusions.
<<You're a woman?>>: All the time. They are quite nice in fighting games.
<<Backups>>: Which is what you use a Dex Drive to make.
<<I get women doing that all the time>>: Will you teach me your secrets, master?
<<I hate it when that, no I don'>>: If it's in my account, it essentially becomes untouchable. It's the wads of cash money I don't like hanging around too heavily on my person.
<<What happened to "long and loose and full of juice"?>>: Unnecessarially boastfull.
<<despite managing to only get laid once>>: Look on the bright side, you can always look at me and laugh.

Book burning: Oddly enough, I caught the tail end of the Scopes based movie today.

Shadowrider> <<<<I'll get the brass pole. >> Ok! I will take the ice cubes>>: I guess that leaves me to get the oil.

Green Baron> <<With all your trips to New Hampshire, have you met the elusive Niamhgold?>>: Nope, I spend my time on the other (western) side of the state. And I only found out she was there (or that she even existed) witin the past four of five trips, maybe.

Because Jan reminded me of it, the new mp3 is I'll Fly Away from O Brother Where Art Thou?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, December 31, 2001 12:05:53 AM

REVEL> If you see this, check your voice-mail
Greg Bishansky
Sunday, December 30, 2001 11:44:59 PM

Hmmm Timedancer is scheduled for Winter 2001... Only a little over 24 hours left in 2001 -- Looks like early 2002 is more likely =( ... Please do it right, but I am looking forward to it -- Timedancer is my favorate by far of the various series (the regular gargs coming in second)...
Sunday, December 30, 2001 11:44:45 PM

Pogowa> no they do not receive donations from local or federal government. BSA is a non-profit private organization that is funded by donations from private corporations and citizens. They receive donations from charity gathering organizations such as the United Way too.
Sunday, December 30, 2001 11:09:43 PM

Jan- But don't the BSA of America receive money from the local or federal governments who also receive money in the form of taxes from citizens including gays who are disbarred from joining the BSA? So wouldn't this mean that they're unintentionally pouring their money into an organization that opposes them?
Sunday, December 30, 2001 10:37:23 PM

Hello to all from the greater New York area. I'm tired from walking and freaking cold, but having a blast. The best parts are not appropriate for a public room, sorry kiddies... however I have had more hands in my pants than on a normal day.

"I like pie."

I'm not entirely sure, NJ, USA?
Sunday, December 30, 2001 09:57:51 PM

I received 24 spams from one email address just now; all with the same subject and same message.

By the way, has Congress passed the anti-spam bill yet? I didn't think it has passed yet.

Sunday, December 30, 2001 08:58:54 PM

Christine> hmmm… how to explain this without sounding like I’m preaching or cross too far over into the “Christian realm”
Harry Potter represents a kid who becomes a wizard, right? Well, becoming a wizard or even dealing with that particular realm (witchcraft, fortune tellers, etc.) is forbidden according to the Bible. What *some* Christian faiths believe is that books/movies such as Harry Potter promote such ideas and make it seem cool and natural for the younger age group. It introduces them into curiosity or even possibly influences them to delve a bit deeper to seek out the “mystic world”. You and I know that this is all fantasy, but so many of the young children (targeted age group of the HP fans) are still in the process of distinguishing between reality and fantasy. The Bible teaches that one should stay away from all forms of witchcraft, sorcery, fortune telling, etc. This is their basis for saying that the Harry Potter books/movie should not be purchased, read, or watched.
Not ALL churches believe this strongly against books such as Harry Potter. That’s why I get a little bent out of shape when a group does something like this and then people say, “this is why I disregard all organized religion” It’s clumping ALL religion together because of a few particular sectors.
It reminds me of the conversation that Green Baron and I had last night…. Assuming that all members of the Assembly of God are like Jimmy Swaggart or that they are all snake handlers… or that all Catholics are like the priest who sexually abuse alter boys.
I also know of people who feel as if they are fairies of some kind or think they can perform magic or even think that they have some kind of ESP abilities. I heard of this one gal who was very serious when she proclaimed that her shoulder blades were actually fairy wings. These people have a difficult time dealing with reality.

Shadowrider> I looked at the website for the Ducati.. wow!!! That is one sweet baby! I also looked into finding the closest dealer and so far in the state of Missouri, the closest one is at least 4 hours away. I’m going to search neighboring states (Oklahoma, Kansas, & Arkansas) that might be closer. *visualizes you on a Ducati* ooohhhmmmyyyy *slaps self* bad thoughts, Jan! bad thoughts! *giggles and blushes* ummmm… ohboy, having a hard time regaining my composure and thoughts…. *blinks several times* I'm sooooo going to need a drool-proof keyboard now!! ;)
Ok, ok… *giggles again* what else was there… ohyeah.. the book… I have heard of the "Survival at Auschwitz" and the next time I get close to a book store, I will search for it.

The issue that I have with the Levi Corporation…. Ohboy, nothing like really stirring up a hornet’s nest, but here goes… The Boy Scouts of America refuse to allow homosexuals in their organization. As a result of their decision – which has been the SAME rule that they’ve had since the beginning but yet it’s just recently become such a big issue – Levi chose to withdraw their financial support from the BSA. Once again we get into the rights of each organization. BSA is a private organization and they have the right to make such rules and the Levi Corp. has the right to withdraw funding…. But *I* also have the right to boycott any Levi products… me and thousands of other BSA members. Wells Fargo also pulled their support, but after thousands of angry customers sent them their cut up credit cards, closed bank accounts, etc. they decided that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea afterall and reestablished financial support for the BSA.

Green Baron> naw, riding a motorcycle is awesome! It's such a different feeling of freedom and excitement!
If you are going to hold off on having children if your wife is not Catholic, is this a plot of blackmail of sorts? ;P

Josh> ack! thanks for the reminder on the Magic cards! I completely forgot to do that! sorry. I'll send you the cards he wanted and after you tell me the cost, I'll tell you whether or not I'll buy them ;)

I rented "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" and "Rush Hour 2" last night.. I enjoyed them both. :)

An old joke that I think is funny:
A little old lady goes to the doctor and says,
"Doctor I have this problem with gas, but it really doesn't bother me too much. My farts never smell and are always silent. As a matter of fact, I've farted at least 20 times
since I've been here in your office. You didn't know I was farting because they don't smell and are silent."

The doctor says, "I see. Take these pills and come
back to see me next week."

The next week the lady comes back. "Doctor," she
says, "I don't know what the hell you gave me, but now my farts... although still silent... stink terribly."

The doctor says, "Good!!! Now that we've cleared
up your sinuses, let's work on your hearing."

Sunday, December 30, 2001 06:36:05 PM

Gside> With all your trips to New Hampshire, have you met the elusive Niamhgold?

SJ> I must say I haven't heard from you in a while. Are you ever on MSN? I added you to my buddylist.

<<I don’t think you’re an arrogant prick. I don’t think you’re insane, either. And I would find it hard to imagine that you are capable of infuriating me like Kaioto (or his successors) does.>> I could probably iritate you, but I would be more likely to amuse you by trying. I wonder if Pistoff is still sore at me for liberal bashing a few months back. I also lost his message board address a few weeks back.

Well, Kaioto is not around much, probably he's been tied to Lexy's bed for the last few months anyway :) I don't knwo where Gunjack is, either. Lain probably has him tied up in their shack in Newfoundland :)

<<I’m with Josh, though, about kids. I certainly don’t want to spawn. And a careful word of advice – think long and hard before you do procreate.>> I have, but I am also the last of my line, and if I wasn't menat to have kids, I would be studying for the priesthood right now.

<<You’re a young man.>> I'm 24.

<<Take off that bow-tie and live a little before you get bogged down with a brood. Your seeming rush to get married / have children really frightens me.>> Well, teh prospect fo a bachelor's life is more disturbing. We are different beings, and I wouldn't get married for at least a few more years. The alternative of all the so-called freedom and independence feel smore like Demona-brand loneliness. I will wait to have kids, especially if my wife isn't Catholic.

<<It sucked. Kubrick was an overrated hack.>> I am surprised to hear yous ay that about Kubrick. I thoughtyou were a fan of his.

Speaking of the West(left) Wing, lets not forget about Rob Lowe getting a deserved fate in The Stand :)

<<Is it too late to convert to Buddhism? It worked for Harrison, maybe it’ll work for me>> I never liked the idea of setting myself on fire, plus I thought Harrisson was a Hindu. May he be reincarnated as a poisonous snake that bites Yoko :)

<<I’ll stick to good ol’ vanilla-flavored Christianity.>> Just join and endorse a traditional brand of Christianity, which should annoy all those contemporary fundamentalist types, plus endorse stuff by Tolkein and CS Lewis that I doubt those non-denoms would know about with their small-town mentalities. Better yet, take their minister to New Olrenas so he can get caught with a hooker and his whole scam would unravel :)

I never heard of Israel Regardie, but I have a game taht takes place in 1890s Earth and Alisdiar Crowley is supposed to be some sort of evil force masquerading as a human being.

<<Burning books: Let’s all remember that book-burning was a favorite past-time of a guy who did a little damage in Europe a few decades back. You know, the guy who had the funny little moustache under his nose? Killed a few million Jews? Yeah, I’m thinking that maybe it’s a bad idea to emulate some of his behavior.>> Well, we are talking about cloning human life, and our government funds repulsive avant-garde art, plus I imagine Hitler would support Palestinain statehood, plus he'd absolutely love Hillary. Actually, now I'm a bit scared.

Imzadi> <<Just once, try being a human male.>> I don'tthink Lady Mystic will let him :) Not that I am much of one, either.

<<The latter I agree with, the former only sometimes.>> Well, when its some jerk who has a bunch of bastards and won't support them, I think castration is more than appropriate. Plus we coudl bring back an old favorite to choirs worldwide :)

Well, I will definitely heed your advice on Apple. I wasn't planning to buy just yet.

<<Believe it or not, that's a serious problem in many marriages.>> I suspect such marriages have shaky foundations to start with.

I still cling to my old-fashioned view of sex as a form of lifelong bonding, though thsi goes with my view of sexual intercourse as the physical component of the sacrament of matrimony. Not what you believe, but something I embrace like a woman with a large bosom.

<<Its only important to wait till you're ready.>> I guess its all the same with me. I doubt you'd lecture them to wait until marriage, for that would be hypocritical.

<<I think it was a compliment, but I'm not sure.>> Well, how's your Englsih accent?

<<Protests will be required to be intelligent.>> That can be subjective. At leats protests involving the rosary will still be safe. That law woudl have made teh sixties a lot quieter :)

Shadowrider> <<Hm, I happens to me too when I forget to have a shower for more than two weeks...;)>> That sounds about normal, considering how the Germans smell. I thought Italians bathed even less often than the Germans or French.

<<I is the advantage of growing in a strongly leftist family.>> That explains so much about you. You could easily guess I come from a pretty right-wing background.

<<>> Rousseau? I don't know...I was thinking to somebody else (a LOT of people...) when I wrote that...>> My Civics teacher described him as an intolerant, impassioned frog who wanted to strangler aristocrats (including my marquis ancestors) with the guts of priests. Then again, I don't like Voltaire either. I much prefer Locke, Smith, and Burke.

<<I think it is the best book ever written about the Holocaust, but the author's name was Primo Levi...oh, well...;)>> She means products by Levi Strauss. Of course, I knwo some people who boycott Calvin Klein because he's a child pornographer.

Jannie> <<speaking of motorcycles!... I'm seriously considering buying a new one this spring! :)>> Thos ejsut scare me. I think I'll avoid riding one of them, unless I have just received the scarament of Reconcilliation and the Last Rites:)

<<When I was young I watched a documentary on the Moonies. (remember them?) *L* anyway, their beliefs are so much different than my own and basically against most Christian bliefs...>> I remember them or more liekly jokes about them. wonder if they'd win a battle with the Jehova's Witnesses :)

Christine> <<> ya know, guys, all this pondering about Becca's dating future and my reaction to it is a touch disturbing, must say. She's at an age right now where, while most of her best friends are boys, she states most firmly her intention never to get married or have kids, so it's way too soon to be placing bets.>> Well, at seven, I hope she'd feel that way. Mostly I am joking around, plsu I imagine you are a little disturbed.

<<For the record, though -- I'd hope and even recommend that should she find someone she fancies, that they live together first. Call me evil (it won't be the first time) but it's what I personally think is the best route.>> It is more practical, but I guess I've never been too easy with the notion, though my father has asked me tod o the same thing. I can still be chaste with my beleoved, even if she is under the same roof as me.

<<My plan is to be sure she's educated and aware, and that she'll feel comfortable talking about things with me. I'm trusting that she'll grow up sensible and responsible and confident in herself, and that's what matters.>> True enough. I don't always have that.

<<As for the 'wizard' lifestyle, heck, in the books they celebrate Christmas and other holidays.>> Yup, and I heard that Weasley is Catholic, which explains why he has so many siblings.

Wizardry strikes me as another name for advanced science, anyway. Its all technology and most of thsi sorcery would be possible through manipulation of energy, though altering atoms by changing proton structures would probably cause a lot of destruction. I suspect that a child's chemistry kit could make you a court wizard 500 years ago.

<<> it's been simply ages since I've had anything to do with anything D&D; I vaguely remember Glantri and had a kingdom based on it once but that was 12 years ago and since then it's all slipped out of my mind.>> I thought you had the new version or maybe Tim had it for sale. Too ab dyou don't have the old scripts for it. That would be a nice read. I also recall it was telve years ago, when I first learned about D&D.

<<What's your definition of inflated labor wages? Remember you need to be able to afford a few basics to get a job: food, housing [includes toiletries], hot water, electricity, and a telephone. Frankly, minimium wage breaks even paying some most of those bills.>> Well, its less tahn what many immigrants coudl ever hope to make in tehri native countries. Beisdes, I'd provide living quarters where they worked and I'd sue economies of scale to make it cheaper, plus with using illegals, you can tell the IRS to go to a parking meter and violate itself.

<<wouldn't work well if we had no sense of basic morals.>> I sometimes wonder about that in this country. I also discourage people making low wages from having families,a nd right now I woudl find it very worng for you to start a family with your salary.

<<How many unsuccessfull movies would it take for Disney to get in trouble financially?>> Succesful or not, teh Disney logo will generate money for at leats a few more decades, even if every next movie was a bomb.

<<I could have swore I told Wendys "No Pickles" when I ordered my lunch.>> Always check your burger first.

Green Baron - []
Pioneer Kasserne, Germany
Sunday, December 30, 2001 04:38:15 PM

Imzadi - I understand. Why can't parents remember the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would them do unto you and do NOT unto others as you would them NOT do unto you? I could shoot the moron for turning on the tv yesterday morning at 8:00am because I couldn't get back to sleep with the tv on.

Fire Storm - <So, you have a genetic or magical disposition to time travel?> Genetic. It's not too much of a stretch to take a standard portal/gateway and adjust it to travel through time. The catch is you'd have to achieving the consentration level. The note (left by the alternate me) indicated I traveled with 3 other mutants and you can guess the purpose: guarding me while I achieved the consentration level to create the way to the next location. <The group I am talking about rely totally on technology.> It's a wonder they exist. The group I am familiar with is constantly adjusting history to prevent anyone from getting within 2-3 steps of achieving that kind of technology.

**2001: A Space Oddessy Spoilers**
The movie made more sense the second time around. IMHO, the money spent on the special effects was wasted. [A movie shouldn't be about special effects.] I will have to read the book to decide if a remake of the movie from stratch wouldn't be better. The movie is definitely lacking in certain things, but I believe the movie was good/great for its time.
**END 2001 Spoilers**

Now, to visit a library and check out to 2 books: 1984 and 2001: A Space Oddessy.

Gside - <He entered the monolith and became a starchild. A lot of explanation and dialogue was cut to focus on the special effects.> That was a very bad decision, IHMO.

I could have swore I told Wendys "No Pickles" when I ordered my lunch.

Mainframe - how about an animated version of Brooklyn being swallowed by the flame of the Phoenix Gate and disappearing?

Imzadi & Green Baron - Things happen. How many unsuccessfull movies would it take for Disney to get in trouble financially?

In the end of the year question: Before 9-11-2001, how many "psychics" predicted those events in a public forum? Funny, no "psychic" has stepped forward with that claim of predicting those events ahead of time.

Jan - Yes, please explain to us what happenned between Levi brand and Boy Scouts.

Green Baron - < I'll be generous, but i still intend to profit,like if I had a farm and I hired a bunch of illegals to work it. I'd still pay them below inflated labor wages, but they'd still be taken care of and I'd hire a nice guy like metaldemon as supervisor.> What's your definition of inflated labor wages? Remember you need to be able to afford a few basics to get a job: food, housing [includes toiletries], hot water, electricity, and a telephone. Frankly, minimium wage breaks even paying some most of those bills. <If not for our sense of free enterprise and capitalism, we'd be a worthless nation.> That wouldn't work well if we had no sense of basic morals. You have a right to work in a relatively safe environment and earn enough money to give you a relatively decent life.

If you engage in a lifestyle that puts high risk for illness or getting hurt, then I shouldn't have to pay to get you well.

Imzadi - <<Which is exactly the same thing as "american civil liberties union"> No, Anti-Christian is not the same thing as American. America should be about the land of equality.

What makes America great is the combination of rights and responsibilities.

Hmm. I wonder when the room will be wiped clean.

Why can't you tell if someone is online if I give you his/her email address? - my dad

Sunday, December 30, 2001 02:45:45 PM

GreenBaron- lol! thanks for clearing that joke up for me. i think its pretty funny too.
Sunday, December 30, 2001 01:32:00 PM

Jan:> <<They are entitled to believe in what they want to believe in. They are also entitled to express their opposition in ways that are not unlawful. We may not agree with the methods or have the same beliefs, but it's still their choice and right to do so. That's one of the great things about living in a free country :) Of course and should be able to go without saying - any actions that are unlawful or harmful to others are not tolerated or condoned. Once again though, the _reasons_ behind the action are correct (in their belief)... the methods in expressing their opposition to the promotion of wizardry is questionable and personally I find to be stupid... however, not unlawful nor harmful to others. >> Hm, you have a point here. have a point. Well, I suppose they have any right to express their belief as long as they don't try to impose them to others...and, I suppose, I have the right to think they are stupid. Although, I repeat, the act of burning books itself gives me a bad feeling...oh, well, never mind.
<<the Moonies>> Actually, no, I don't remember ever hearing of them...maybe I was too young, or eventually we got no news of them here. Who were they?
<<I don't mind having discussions or even debates with you - makes for interesting conversations and a learning opportunity. I'm not ever offended by what you say or when you disagree with me. >> Right on! I have always thought that discussing and exposing ideas each other is a positive experience, as long as there is respect for each other's opinions.
<<Just as I'm not offended or upset when Josh and I disagree. I know that he loves me in spite of our differences. >> No! Don't trust him! He is a simulator! He is the Demon! Stay away from him! <Hey Josh, I am joking, OK?> ;D
<<I'm seriously considering buying a new one this spring!>> Hey hey! Good luck, my friend - a new bike is always an adventure. I must admit I am myself evaluating the opportunity of a new bike, but not in the immediate. I feel extremely well with my current one, so I prefer to wait until I will have some more money to buy something really good.
<<I figure that I will stick with either a Honda or a Yamaha>> Hm...well...may I suggest you an alternate choice? Why don't you try with a Ducati? Extremely reliable mechanichs, cool designed...they are a bit more sporty than you are used to, but the basic model, the Monster Dark 620cc, is quite easy to drive and is in fact considered a good choice even for a beginner. The latest version is equipped with electronic fuel injection, so power erogation is extremely fluid. And, you'd ride a bike equipped with a Ducati engine - a 90° twin cylinder liquid-cooled with some of the most beautiful exhaust sound on the market (you Americans are so proud of the sound of Harleys - as long as you don't hear a Ducati...). And, furthermore, Ducati bikes are very good for short riders - actually, it's tall riders who have difficulties on them (even I, not exactly a basketball player, feel a little uncomfortable on a Ducati due to my long legs) so you could feel very good on a Monster. Ducati are Italian bikes, but I know they are quite diffused even in USA - recently in Vegas there was the first Ducati Festival with some thousands of bikes taking part. If you want some more infos, here is the (it is the American site of Ducati), look under the "bikes" tile for the Monster...
Oh, I was forgetting: I don't know the prices in USA, but here in Italy a Monster Dark 620cc costs 7000 €, equivalent to about 6400 $...not exactly cheap, but be sure it is worth it! Ok, enough with this very nationalistic essay about Italian riding technology...
<< There's some awesome riding opportunities/scenery around here and I'm anxious to start burning the highway up>> YEAH!
Oh, by the must explain me that issue with Levi brand and the scouts. You introduced the topic, now you cannot leave me with the curiosity...

Nothing more. See everyone!

Shadowrider - []
Sunday, December 30, 2001 01:06:01 PM

Tim's folks should arrive today ... they didn't call last night so we have no way of knowing how far they made it or whether they're snowed in someplace in the mountains and having to resort to eating the family dog to survive. Or they could pull up any minute (and the house is a mess and Tim's been sick so I'm on my own). Whee.

Green Baron > it's been simply ages since I've had anything to do with anything D&D; I vaguely remember Glantri and had a kingdom based on it once but that was 12 years ago and since then it's all slipped out of my mind.

Fire Storm > I suppose it's technically possible that Becca will become a quiet and introverted kid, but somehow I seriously doubt it.

Jan > the part that boggles my mind is whenever anyone says that Harry Potter "promotes wizardry." How? Not 'how does it promote it?' but 'how can you promote something that isn't REAL?' No matter how many times a kid reads those books, he's not going to be able to point a stick at someone and cast an actual spell. As for the 'wizard' lifestyle, heck, in the books they celebrate Christmas and other holidays. I've known many (too many, and sometimes scary) people over the years who've been searching for REAL magic and it's frankly kind of pathetic ... was asked once at a con if I'd ever seen REAL elves or fairies (by a serious, respectable-looking lady). Got an e-mail not long ago from someone claiming (earnestly) to have actual elven ancestry. But these things are FANTASY, not reality ... I find the whole idea of 'promoting' wizardry quite hard to swallow.

GB and Josh > ya know, guys, all this pondering about Becca's dating future and my reaction to it is a touch disturbing, must say. She's at an age right now where, while most of her best friends are boys, she states most firmly her intention never to get married or have kids, so it's way too soon to be placing bets. For the record, though -- I'd hope and even recommend that should she find someone she fancies, that they live together first. Call me evil (it won't be the first time) but it's what I personally think is the best route. My plan is to be sure she's educated and aware, and that she'll feel comfortable talking about things with me. I'm trusting that she'll grow up sensible and responsible and confident in herself, and that's what matters.

Okay, going to go see about making this house halfway presentable before my in-laws show up! Ta!

Christine - []
Sunday, December 30, 2001 11:44:22 AM

Shadowrider> <<how the fact they believe/pretend to be in their right or to be following what they believe their faith says change anything?>> They are entitled to believe in what they want to believe in. They are also entitled to express their opposition in ways that are not unlawful. We may not agree with the methods or have the same beliefs, but it's still their choice and right to do so. That's one of the great things about living in a free country :) Of course and should be able to go without saying - any actions that are unlawful or harmful to others are not tolerated or condoned. Once again though, the _reasons_ behind the action are correct (in their belief)... the methods in expressing their opposition to the promotion of wizardry is questionable and personally I find to be stupid... however, not unlawful nor harmful to others.
When I was young I watched a documentary on the Moonies. (remember them?) *L* anyway, their beliefs are so much different than my own and basically against most Christian bliefs... I made a comment to my dad along the lines of, "they should outlaw such practices" My dad - a wise man - replied, "but when they do that, then who's to say that what you believe in is wrong and should be outlawed?" So, even though we disagree with others, they have that right to believe in it just as I have the right to believe in what I do. Heh, I'm preaching to the choir here ;) sorry.
*giggles* yeah, we agree on ~some~ things ;) I was just razzin' you =D I don't mind having discussions or even debates with you - makes for interesting conversations and a learning opportunity. I'm not ever offended by what you say or when you disagree with me. Just as I'm not offended or upset when Josh and I disagree. I know that he loves me in spite of our differences. *blows raspberry at Josh*
OOoO speaking of motorcycles!... I'm seriously considering buying a new one this spring! :) I'm not sure of what I'll be looking for just yet, but I'm getting the "fever" *L* I have to find one that is low enough for my straddle length.. hehe, I'm short! ;) There are a couple of detectives that ride bikes and they have offered me admittance into their "club" *grins* Heh, they did a Christmas Day poker run that I would have LOVED to participated in! There's some awesome riding opportunities/scenery around here and I'm anxious to start burning the highway up :) I figure that I will stick with either a Honda or a Yamaha - but not sure what cc or what model... it will be fun searching and checking them all out =)

*looks over at Coyote, Ravyn, LS, and Firestorm* awwwww! *giggles*

oops, time to get ready for church!

*runs out*

Sunday, December 30, 2001 11:35:27 AM

Well, it's been one night.

We're still alive.

And we'll take that cuddle contest challenge!! **they cuddle and try to give everyone sugar shock**

Seriously, though, we're having fun, showing Ravyn what actual midwestern snow looks like. (she's cold but she's happy, and I'm doing my best to warm her up. ;)

Coyote and Ravyn - []
Algonac, Michigan
Sunday, December 30, 2001 11:26:49 AM

Shadowrider enters.

Jan:> <<I wasn’t promoting the destruction of the books or anything else that goes against their beliefs – but I was only trying to point out that (in their way of thinking) they were justified in doing these acts in the “name of God”. The reasons behind what they are doing are correct – the Bible talks against wizards and such; but the method in which they have chosen to express this is wrong. I do not condone the burning of books or any type of destruction in order to express your religious belief or point of view.>> Ok, got the point. I misunderstood what you was meaning...seemed to me you was somehow justifying the burning somehow. Yet, I must the fact they believe/pretend to be in their right or to be following what they believe their faith says change anything? Because, if it does change something, then almost no action, no matter how horrible, can be comdemned (by the way, seems to me we already met such a dilemma a few weeks ago...;).
<< I don’t know about you, but if I see a book that is considered porn and there have been commercials, movie trailers, and I’ve talked to people who have read the book and everything points to the fact that it’s a porn book– then I’ll pretty much say it as a given that it’s a porn book and I won’t find it necessary to read it to find out for myself. (I’m just using porn as an example) Now, if I were to participate in something that would cause attention or destruction – I would definitely read the book before taking such action. However, if I’m going to simply boycott or ignore the book, then I’ll use my own personal methods of making such decisions. >> Ok, maybe the porn example was not the best possible (although, we should specify the meaning of the word "porn"...IMO, not everything with nudity is porn, and not everything that is porn has nudity at all...see my reply to Josh a little below for something more about it). I say this because, apart the porn example, we seem to agree on the necessity to know before deciding/judging. Anyway, when I meet something that is known to be porn I always feel the moral need to verify...;)
<<There’s a difference between understanding a behavior and condoning the behavior.>> Definitely correct!
<< Is there ANYTHING that you can agree with me on?? ; p>> WHOOPS! Maybe I was a bit too harsh in my previous post...I was not trying to attack you or anything like that. Ok, we have different opinions on some things, but I think it is a good gives us matter for stimulating discussions. But I eventually think there are far more things on which we agree. And hey, we're both bikers! And this makes me believe that in spite of differing views on some things, we do share a lot of basilar values. Ok?
<<I boycott the Levi brand of anything because of an issue concerning the Boy Scouts of America. >> Oh? The Levi brand of ANYTHING...must be a great means that I cannot recommend you the book I wanted was "Se questo è un uomo" (In USA known as "Survival at Auschwitz", a very banal title if I can say that...), I think it is the best book ever written about the Holocaust, but the author's name was Primo Levi...oh, well...;)
<<They were in rage because these people had something nice.>> Well, not good...although...what was that thing you said about understanding a behaviour? You said that those kids are from the poorest levels of society. They feel thamselves cast out for reasons of money, and then they see people who owns (in their eyes...) even more than needed...I can understand their rage. I don't approve the way they used to express it, but I understand their rage.
<<they are white trash.>> "white" trash? Weird...seemed to me that trash has no color at all...;)

Winterwolf:> <<Unfortunately I haven't gotten the ecard you sent as my email has been unavailable the last two times I've been able to check. >> Hm, unlucky events. Oh,'ll probably see it sooner or later. Oh, in case I have no more cntact with you for some time: Happy new year to you and (naturally) to your beautiful and caring mate!

Greeen Baron:> <<Good save. I can imagine Rosseau promoting book burnings throughout Paris. >> Rousseau? I don't know...I was thinking to somebody else (a LOT of people...) when I wrote that...

Josh:> <<Then how do you accept going to the bathroom? >> Oh, but it is not waste. Actually, it is a perfectly natural function of our body...and nature, as you know, wastes nothing. Everything you expel returns to the great cycle of life to be used again. In my view, it is not waste.
<<Most of the Europeans I know think that Americans are really obnoxious>> But there is a difference between thinking somebody is obnoxious and hating him...and, I will eventually dare to assume that you know too few people in Europe to make a statistic from them.
<<the last time I was in Europe they obviously weren't pleased with my presence >> Hm, I happens to me too when I forget to have a shower for more than two weeks...;)
<<I thought that was in Italy? >> It was...but the concept is the same, isn't it?
<<Good attitude. >> I is the advantage of growing in a strongly leftist family.
<<Also depends on your definition. If anything with nudity is porn, then I guess you aren't spending too much time at art museums, huh? >> Good point. In fact, nudity is not my criterium to decide if something is porn or not. I usually think that if any artistical work (a movie, a song, anything) uses any expression or image out of its natural context and not for expressing what the artist feels, but just to give the public what the public itself likes to see/hear/read, then it is porn. Ok, I know it is not an immediate criterium, and that it is easy to make mistakes with it...but, if you consider eventually that I have no particular prevention against porn, and eventually enjoy it when it is of good quality...;)
<<I'll get the brass pole. >> Ok! I will take the ice cubes and...oh, but what am I saying? Damnit, guys, you must not make me think such things...I am already with someone...;D
<<Skyray model>> Ouch! Gladly you was able to fix the way, something I wanted to ask: Why just the Skyray?


Shadowrider - []
Sunday, December 30, 2001 07:10:37 AM


My dad picked up my Skyray today to show to his friend...AND DROPPED IT. I swear, I was ready to kill him.

One of the things that really bothers me is when people touch stuff that belongs to me when they haven't cleared it with me first. If your name isn't on it: HANDS TO YOURSELF! Why is this so difficult for people to grasp? And even worse, when I'm not around! You've got to know that you aren't justified in doing that if you're waiting till the owner has left before touching their things. They teach this to kids when they're 5. My parents tell my brother this all the time. Yet my father is nearly 50 and can't get it.

The fact that he's my father and he HAS handled the model in the past (at my request or with my permission) is irrelevant. It's mine, its the product of many many weeks/months of work. Its mine to break. Not his.

Now, I accept that I was overreacting. But my father's known me for 20.25 years, so he would know that something like this would really piss me off. My friends know it would drive me nuts. And yet, he did it anyway.

Damage to the skyray, which I fixed tonight: snapped left gear strut, fuel tanks fell off, NAVPAC pod broken off, tail fin of navpac pod broken off, gear door broken off. Basically, a whole night's worth of work, ruined.

There is nothing about the "gift of life" that entitles a parent to their kid's property.

Fortunately, I was able to repair it. The model will still be done soon.

***END RANT****

I saw Beautiful Mind was SWEET!

My parents really hated that I was able to follow all the mathematics. Knowing stuff is cool.

Shadowrider: <<with such an act you show to be blindly scared by any different idea, and your inability to confront your beliefs with those of others>>: Agreed. It shows fear, quite frankly. <<the engineer in me cannot accept waste>>: Then how do you accept going to the bathroom? <<really? Are you sure of this? You know many French? Or Europeans?>>: Most of the Europeans I know think that Americans are really obnoxious...and the last time I was in Europe they obviously weren't pleased with my presence until I pulled out the cash. <<Especially if you fly it through a cableway, right?>>: I thought that was in Italy? <<she said (as I was supposed to know) that she has nothing particular against anyone, as long as she doesnt know him>>: Good attitude. <<No, not yet>>: Very well. Soon. <<There is no reason for sinking at the level of the fanatics>>: Actually there is one: Mockery. <<How may I know that something (a movie, a story, anything) is "porn" when I know nothing about it?>>: Also depends on your definition. If anything with nudity is porn, then I guess you aren't spending too much time at art museums, huh? <<Yay! <starts playing "You can leave your hat on"> Go Niamhgold GO! GO! GO!>>: I'll get the brass pole.

Jan: <<if I’m going to simply boycott or ignore the book, then I’ll use my own personal methods of making such decisions>>: Good plan. I agree that you don't need to read/see something to verify that you don't want to read/see it...that's self-defeating ;-) Of course, I had to see Jurassic Park III to know that it was a waste of time ;-) <<I boycott the Levi brand of anything because of an issue concerning the Boy Scouts of America>>: ?? <<with what I spent buying them, I could have owned a condo in Vail>>: The money *I* spent on them would have bought me...something big, I'm sure. Ditto with Magic cards...did you still want some of those? <<Have you noticed how people don’t vandalize their own property; they destroy other people’s things instead>>: I destroy my own stuff all the time...but only when its something I can rebuild. <<Since restitution will not be made by the boys, I’m encouraging the sheriff to consider charges against the parents>>: In most cases I'd be against this, but the way you describe it with the stolen property in plain sight makes it more than fair.

Spacebabie: <<My brother just gave me a late Christmas gift. His cold!>>: LOL! STBY. <<Good thing I caught it now and not closer to the Jan 7 date, thats when Classes start>>: I know what that's like. I was thrilled to be sick at the beginning of my winter break. <<Its good to have slippers then cause you could step on a stray piece of dog food and that would hurt or step in a puddle left by your very old incontinent dog>>: I don't have dogs 8-)

Warpmind: <<radar dampening materials, internal cooling systems and a silencer>>: I wasn't aware that hammers made that much noise or heat. <<Of course, I don't think the spring mechanism DOES anything, but that's totally irrelevant>>: Ah, I see.

DPH: <<Let the creditors know that Disney has potential income (with no added cost to Disney) that it is ignoring and Disney might be 'pressured' into agreeing>>: The day Disney declares bankruptcy is the day Microsoft sells to Oracle. <<That's still 10 years away, right?>>: Says who?

Mooncat: <<Only in America. I do support the right to show your opinion in non-violent, non-criminal activity, no matter how stupid that opinion or it's form of expression is>>: All that will change when I take over. Protests will be required to be intelligent. Leftist protestors that beat up right-wingers will be shot, and vice versa.

Green Baron:<<Except for the fact that I find castration amusing, as well as setting people ablaze>>: The latter I agree with, the former only sometimes. <<Harry Potter sequels will also be around, until that kids hits puberty>>: The other day a girl I know told me that if Harry Potter is ever in a movie where he's 15, that I should play him (I look young, obviously). I think it was a compliment, but I'm not sure. <<'m looking into Apple, since it has a deidcated fanbase, but I don't knwo much about their stock>>: Now is not a good time to buy Apple stock. Wait till it drops below 20. And while Apple does have a dedicated fanbase, right now there isn't a lot of evidence that the fanbase is growing (though its not shrinking, either). And since it isn't growing, the stock isn't shooting up either. I'd wait a while, quite honestly, and I own it (of course, I bought in a while ago and I've lost a tidy sum of money on it). <<I don't think I understand that.>>: I think that waiting is useless. I believe in waiting for a meaningful relationship, or even love (though I didn't), but the idea that the first person you go to bed with would be someone that you are forever bound to is scary...what if the sex is bad? Believe it or not, that's a serious problem in many marriages. Not to mention the fact that practice makes perfect... <<You almost sound like you'd be disappointed if your kids waited>>: No, I just wouldn't expect them to. I certainly wouldn't lecture them on how important it was to wait for marriage. Its only important to wait till you're ready. If that's when you're married, then so be it. That's they're decision. As my kids, they're obviously brilliant ;-) and can make the decision for themselves. <<So you know of it?>>: Nope, it just sounds like fun. <<hopefully Christine will teach my wife and I some trade secrets>>: Or you could just read her stories. <<Sometimes I'm not proud to be an American. If not for our sense of free enterprise and capitalism, we'd be a worthless nation>>: Well, being a center of civilization doesn't hurt either ;-) <<Sounds better than a Union job, since you don't have to give your paycheck to one of the five families>>: It is. <<Harry Pothead books can get youhigh when you smoke teh pages>>: Made of hemp? <<They're pretty safe, actually>>: Despite the assumption of 500 million in debt. <<your capitalistic values would really turn me on>>: I'm greedy, but I'm not turned on by greed. That's sick.

Fire Storm: <<CUDDLE CONTEST>>: I think I'm gonna puke. <<I may think like a refridgerated desert>>: You too? Good, I'm not alone. <<it would be nice>>: only for bragging rights...for a lot of women it could be painful. <<just not as thick! as a ruler!>>: Wait, you mean not as thick as a ruler is long, right? Because THAT would hurt a lot of people, not to mention making certain self-participation activities very difficult. Well, actually, being only as thick as a ruler is thick wouldn't be good either. Rulers are just not useful things to be compared to, are they? <<if MacOS can support it, then Linux should be able to too>>: No, I mean Mac OS 9. Mac OS X doesn't support software base station yet. So therefore Linux can't necessarily. Plus, you forget that OS X is NOT the same as UNIX. It's built on top of UNIX, so not every UNIX can do what X can do. <<Is it USB powered?>>: USB!? Firewire is where it's at! <<Maybe she will reject her mothers teachings>>: Yeah, she'll be a prude. Wouldn't that be a riot? <<tough noogies>>: This year, perhaps. <<Screw MAN>>: Uh, no thanks, straight as a ruler, remember? <<Give me such a headache!>>: You should try abstract mathematics. <<How is that unhealthy>>: Just once, try being a human male. <<Bet your gay!>>: No he's not.

Gside: <<the New Hampshire trip was about as boring as expected>>: God I pity the people who live there. <<A lot of songs were cut out>>: Yeah but he's a lousy song writer. <<Though it also lets your mouth have some extra fun while your hands are also having fun without having to stretch either of them>>: Indeed, and stretching is so much effort. <<Because you have a dirty mind>>: Ah, that would explain it. <<I'm over 220, and you've claimed to be 100 soaking wet>>: 115. <<being Samus, my powers are much desired>>: You're a woman? <<but there's always the case of your favorite party you leveled and progressed when the game came out, and don't want to lose them>>: Backups. <<At school, I average between one and three, depending on classes>>: Sounds much more reasonable than my roommate. <<Fa ra ra ra ra?>>: Something like that. <<what looks like Samus hurtling headfirst at Cap. Falcon's groin>>: I get women doing that all the time. <<I'm thinking about splurging a bit. I've just got too much money in my wallet>>: I hate it when that, no I don't. <<You're going to do the portrait? Nice.>>: I'll start the bidding at $50. <<I know someone who responds to "How's it hanging?" with "Short, shriveled, and always to the left.>>: What happened to "long and loose and full of juice"? <<I'm caught up. Woot>>: I hate having to catch up.

Sevarius Jr: <<I was totally not into the Christmas spirit this year, despite the fact that my family is larger than ever. Or maybe that’s exactly why I wasn’t in the Christmas spirit – my dysfunctional, escaped-from-a-mental-asylum family is larger than ever>>: I was just gonna say, having a larger family IS the reason to not enjoy x-mas. <<the Holy Grail of all games for any console ever created>>: Now I realize we can't be the same person, because you are clearly a redneck. <<Let’s all remember that book-burning was a favorite past-time of a guy who did a little damage in Europe a few decades back>>: Nah, we don't dare remind them of that. They'll call us witches and burn us too. <<they’re even ignorant about the source material!>>: I can't imagine anything they WOULDN"T be ignorant about. <<a book that I’m sure God cares very little about>>: I'd bet he doesn't care about it at all. <<Until magic becomes as easy as Bewitched, where I can just wriggle my nose or something, I’ll stick to good ol’ vanilla-flavored Christianity>>: Right, because it was so easy for Jesus to do that magic. <<I’m not familiar enough with the band, but if you ask me too, I will hate them for you>>: Please do. And tell everyone you know to hate them too. And any girls you see fawning over him...tell them he's gay (which I'm sure you'd guess after watching the video). <<Screw any possible liberal bias, I hate any show that goddamn preaches to me>>: Its gonna take a lot more than a TV show to make me a democrat. <<Last thing I want is Martin Sheen on my TV acting like the president, telling me how things should be>>: He was great as chief of staff in "The American President". <<It sucked. Kubrick was an overrated hack>>: Agreed. <<Until you try it. Then it’s f!cking GREAT>>: LOL. <<I’m with Josh, though, about kids. I certainly don’t want to spawn>>: Okay so maybe you ARE me. <<Your seeming rush to get married / have children really frightens me>>: I agree. I don't think anyone should be a rush to do anything. <<Your darts, they wound me, sir. Madame. Whatever you are at the moment>>: Somehow, I don't think that was genuine. <<what a long, horrible year it was>>: I had some surprisingly good things happen this year, despite managing to only get laid once (you have no idea how bitter that makes me). But there were some other highlights. TOYS!

Well, after a long night of ranting at my father, I'm ready to crash.

I bet you lost your viginity to a mechanical bull.
-Stewie, Family Guy

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Encino, CA, US of A
Sunday, December 30, 2001 03:46:01 AM

Well, another Christmas has come and gone. I was totally not into the Christmas spirit this year, despite the fact that my family is larger than ever. Or maybe that’s exactly why I wasn’t in the Christmas spirit – my dysfunctional, escaped-from-a-mental-asylum family is larger than ever. At least I got to watch Christmas Story 8 thousand times on Tuesday.

And my loot wasn’t bad. I got some music, some DVDs, a handful of books, and most importantly, video games. Several new Game Boy Advance games, including the Holy Grail of all games for any console ever created – Fire Pro Wrestling A for the GBA. My God. 200 default wrestlers (plus a Create A Wrestler feature which lets you add up to 73 more characters), culled from the entire world, from the WWF / WCW to the nation of Japan, where virtually every single Puroresu wrestler who’s worth anything is included. For a Puro mark like myself, it’s like giving a coke addict a few dozen kilos for Christmas. I’ve possessed this game for only 5 days, and already it has consumed my very being. I am a wrestling god, and an angry one, making all of the gaijin “sports entertainers” bow down before the superior might of the native Japanese puroresu. How do you like that, Rock? Let’s see you survive Mitsuhara Misawa’s dreaded TIGER DRIVER ‘91~!!!!!! And believe me when I say that I’m saving a Crucifix Powerbomb and a Michinoku Driver 2-A for you, Triple H!

There, that’s out of my system.

Burning books: Let’s all remember that book-burning was a favorite past-time of a guy who did a little damage in Europe a few decades back. You know, the guy who had the funny little moustache under his nose? Killed a few million Jews? Yeah, I’m thinking that maybe it’s a bad idea to emulate some of his behavior. But then again, this is America, where we can get away with all kinds of stupid crap. Including pissing money away to buy books to burn. This angers me on many levels, not because they’re burning Harry Potter books (if the idiots want to burn REAL books on witchcraft, start with something like Aleister Crowley or Israel Regardie. Jesus, they’re even ignorant about the source material!), but because all of this money that they’re wasting on these books to burn COULD have been used for other, better purposes….such as helping the victims of 9-11. Gee, you think that’d be a little more important than waging some sort of half-assed crusade against a book that I’m sure God cares very little about, all things considered. But I guess it isn’t. Maybe we really have returned to normalcy – we overlook the needy to further our own ridiculous agendas. I can’t help but feel that God looks down upon these schmoes and says, “Is it too late to convert to Buddhism? It worked for Harrison, maybe it’ll work for me.”

I’d so convert to witchcraft, just to spite these half-wits, but frankly all of those spells and stuff bore me. Until magic becomes as easy as Bewitched, where I can just wriggle my nose or something, I’ll stick to good ol’ vanilla-flavored Christianity.

<<The guy that I used to be BEST friends with in elementary school, Alex Band, is now the frontman for a chart-topping band called "The Calling". Yes, that blond guy.>> I’m not familiar enough with the band, but if you ask me too, I will hate them for you.
I’ve heard that one of the….other blonde ones (like I know which)….is dating Michelle Branch, one of the recent objects of my affection (obsession). So I hate the band be default automatically.
<<I saw an episode of the West Wing last night. It was pretty good.>> You poor bastard. I HATE that show. Screw any possible liberal bias, I hate any show that goddamn preaches to me. Last thing I want is Martin Sheen on my TV acting like the president, telling me how things should be. Anyone else remember the Dead Zone with Christopher Walken. We all know that Sheen drops The Bomb, killing us all.

2001 – A Film Review in 3 Quick Sentences:

It sucked. Kubrick was an overrated hack.

But it would have been 1,000 times cooler if that giant baby had swallowed the moon.

Metaldemon: I’d ask you to play me “Also Sprach Zarathustra”, but you would totally not get the joke. Whooooooooo!!!!!!!

<<Meth is classified as the worst possible drug choice>> Until you try it. Then it’s f!cking GREAT!

<<It is a hypothesis and perhaps dead worng, but I guess I'll have to meet SJ first. I have no idea what he thinks of me, either. He may find an arrogant prick for all I know and meeting me may confirm his opinion or he may just find me insane, but I doubt he sees me as Kaioto Jr.>> I don’t think you’re an arrogant prick. I don’t think you’re insane, either. And I would find it hard to imagine that you are capable of infuriating me like Kaioto (or his successors) does.

I’m with Josh, though, about kids. I certainly don’t want to spawn. And a careful word of advice – think long and hard before you do procreate. You’re a young man. Take off that bow-tie and live a little before you get bogged down with a brood. Your seeming rush to get married / have children really frightens me.

<<I just can't churn 'em out one after another every couple days like SJ does>> Your darts, they wound me, sir. Madame. Whatever you are at the moment, Glen or Glenda.

Well, the end of the year is upon us. And what a long, horrible year it was. If this is the new millennium, I want the old one back. So goodbye, 2001, you meant nothing to me, or at least nothing good. I leave you with these words of wisdom from Lewis Black.

"My review of 2001 the year is the same as my review of 2001: A Space Odyssey- overlong, hard to follow, and only enjoyable if you're really really stoned." - Lewis Black

Sevarius "Emerald Fusion" Jr. - []
Sunday, December 30, 2001 01:22:30 AM

Niamhgold: <If you let me get close enough, I'm sure I could tap the wavelength. Do you know that the male brain gives off wavelengths similar to that of Jell-O? I think I've mentioned that once before>
Just because I may think like a refrigerated dessert...
And besides... that only works on humans!
<They like to be considered straight as a ruler, and just as long>
Well, it would be nice!
Just not as thick! as a ruler! ;)

Imzadi: <But did you get things you DIDN'T ask for? That's a pain>
Yeah. BUT at least the stuff I didn't ask for was at least better than it has been in the past.
<Sure, as soon as Windows/Linux/anyOSotherthanMacOS supports software base station>
Hmm... one of them MUST support it. I mean, if MacOS can support it, then Linux should be able to too.
<My friends went into a sex shop in LA...and they found one. Its $30. No one wants to buy one, just to have it to laugh at>
Is it USB powered?
<Especially if you work in tech support>
Ick. Oh yeah.
<Not with Christine as a mother>
Maybe she will reject her mothers teachings.
<Damnit, I want to have a minigathering HERE!>
Well, tough noogies! :p
<It will certainly help me conquer the planet, which will lead to the rebirth of man>
Screw MAN! My creations will be FAR beyond man!

DPH: <How do they time travel? Magic and/or genetic gifts>
Oh. Ok. The group I am talking about rely totally on technology.
<The worse part is they almost succeeded in getting me drafted into the ranks of time enforcers>
Sucks! So, you have a genetic or magical disposition to time travel?
<I received a note from myself saying that I deleted my records of being a time-enforcer so I avoided that fate.>
Ah, a paradox. I hate those. Give me such a headache!

Green Baron: <Except for the fact that I find castration amusing, as well as setting people ablaze>
How is that unhealthy? ;)

Gside: <Eh, go work on one of your fic ideas>
Haven't felt like that too much lately for some reason.
BUT I do have about 7 stories I just need to re-proof, then they can be published.
<No, it's too perilous>
Bet your gay!

Fire Storm
Sunday, December 30, 2001 12:04:58 AM


Spacebabie> <<You think your dad got better toys than you?>>: Yes, I do. See above for details, but I'm thinking about splurging a bit. I've just got too much money in my wallet (343).

DPH> <<The ending left me wondering "Huh?">>: He entered the monolith and became a starchild. A lot of explanation and dialogue was cut to focus on the special effects.

Niamhgold> <<Theaters up here are rather small, and fill rather easil>>: Yeah, Littleton was quite small, but I can't tell you about the size of Lebanon (probably larger, wht with three showings vs. one).
<<'ve no intention of writing "Redrum" anywhere, though...unless provoked>>: Remember the to reverse the letters r and e especially.
<<I could try waking him on the way back to school>>: Depends on when I go back. Unless you want to take the Parkway out to the shore. And then we could go look up Daniel Johnson.
<<Maybe I should just start stripping now>>: You're going to do the portrait? Nice.

Imzadi> <<No intelligent or self respecting man claims more than the straight part>>: I know someone who responds to "How's it hanging?" with "Short, shriveled, and always to the left."

Warpmind> <<And no, no stone for the mispronounciations>>: How about if I get it right? I'm sure there are all kinds of uses for infernal soulstones.

Mainframe> <<need to know what you guy's want ANIMATED for the site>>: If you want your works up in an official area, you might have to wait for the next recruiting push. But you can always do whatever you want and post a link. In the meantime, feel free to join in the discussions. If you can call it that.

And I'm caught up. Woot.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, December 29, 2001 11:43:47 PM

Well, the New Hampshire trip was about as boring as expected, with an exception or two. After we got there, my father and I decided to see the Fellowship again, so we took the hour drive to Lebanon only to find out they had sold out all shows for the day. We then decided to catch the evening (and only) showing at Littleton. Tolkien thought: A lot of songs were cut out Road Goes Ever On, A Elbereth Gilthoniel, Frodo's song at the Prancing Pony, Tom's songs... Anyway. The only vaguely Toylike things I got were the first three Monkey Island games and a movie bookmark with a fake One Ring (and a picture of Legolas, which I would have traded for a Gimli if anyone had got one). Whereas my father had a Tolkienrific Christams. The Brothers Hildebrandt book on thier calendars, magnetic postcards of Hildebrandt calendar images, an illustrated Tolkien encyclopedia, Relams of Tolkien, a Tolkien quiz book, The Tolkien Companion (he already has an index), an art calendar (Ted Nasmith), an movie calendar, the movie soundtrack, his own Gandalf bookmark (he used his ring in an Uruloki/book diorama he got the idea for from the Mithril website ), and the unabridged reading of Fellowship across 16 CDs (he'll be getting books two and three later). Also, some relatives hoised two CRC handbooks off on me, Mathmatics and Applied Engineering Sciences.
At least I got a white Christmas out of the deal.

Imzadi> <<it works fine for guys like me with only two hands>>: Freak. Though it also lets your mouth have some extra fun while your hands are also having fun without having to stretch either of them.
<<Then you should have no problem coping...right?>>: I think I did all right, even though I needed some major catching up when I got back.
<<Why does that sound worse than it is?>>: Because you have a dirty mind.
<<That much? Wow>>: Well, I'm over 220, and you've claimed to be 100 soaking wet.
<<He goes from suck to blow!>>: Not really, he spits more, unless he absorbs your powers (and being Samus, my powers are much desired.)
<<Thinking of joining the men's swim team?>>: Essentially. It's been annoying recently, and takes a good while to dry out after a shower, especially in the nooks and crannies.
<<You can save games on your PC emulators, can't you?>>: Yes, but there's always the case of your favorite party you leveled and progressed when the game came out, and don't want to lose them.

Niamhgold> <<And I even thought of looking you up>>: For two seconds before shuddering and then resolving to take the long way around.
<<Unfortunately, I doubt you would've appreciated a knock at the door at 7 AM>>: No, I doubt I would, but someone else would have probably gotten it, and then kicked me out of bed once I was asked for.
<<I pity anyone who needs to be here for any extended amount of time in the winter...including myself>>: I do feel your pain.
<<Grandpa just needs more fiber>>: Nah, he's pretty good, it's just idealistic difference.

DPH> <<You forgot one other thing: you also have to remember some dominoes have NO dots on side>>: Yup. A simple fencepost error.

Fire Storm> <<Too bad. Bleeding?>>: I've mostly healed.
<<Well, perhaps I could stay for a while..>>: No, it's too perilous.

Imzadi> <<He probably hasn't gone to bed yet by that time!>>: At school, I average between one and three, depending on classes.

Fire Storm> <<GIVE ME SOMETHING TO FRIGGING DO! PLEASE!>>: Eh, go work on one of your fic ideas.

Emambu> <<I want to know if you would risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams>>: One of my current favorite characters is Mousse.

Imzadi> <<Like all Jews in LA, I was at Chinese food for dinner>>: Fa ra ra ra ra?

Christine> <<the fortune they could make hawking swords and stuff>>: Swordsonline has replicas of the movie's Sting, Glamdring, and the Witch King's.

Imzadi> <<How did you realize that you needed that snapshot as it was happening and still manage to get the picture>>: The original let you get a closeup of the scene from many angles when you paused. We have seen many stills of what looks like Samus hurtling headfirst at Cap. Falcon's groin, or Kirby imbedded in Yoshi's rear.

Reached my last post. I'll just get this out now, and keep on going.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, December 29, 2001 09:09:04 PM

silvadel<Actually I am a bit upset with New Line Productions... I mean they made all three pictures already. Why should we have to wait a year for #2? I can think of many reasons why it would be good for us not to...>Just to let you know, all three movies have been filmed, but they haven't all been finished. It's not a matter of them 'sitting' on the Two Towers until next christmas, it's that the film hasn't been completed yet.

Remember, filming finished december 2000. It has since taken Peter Jackson and his crew a year to complete Fellowship of the Ring, working on the editing, music, special effects, etc. They need the next year to complete The Two Towers, just as they'll need the year after to complete Return of the King. Personally I take it as a good sign that they are taking time to try and perfect all aspects of each movie before releasing them.
cyberklaw - []
London, UK
Saturday, December 29, 2001 06:39:37 PM


I just got my computer upgraded and need to know what you guy's want ANIMATED for the site. I e-mailed the addresses I was given but no one responded, I guess your all very busy.

Drop me a line with what you'd like and I'll get right on that.

See ya!

Mainframe/ Jen

Mainframe - []
Milton Keynes, Britain
Saturday, December 29, 2001 06:19:11 PM

Well, Ravyn is in town now and Coyote and Ravyn are acting all cuddly with each other.

It's quite cute, really!

And now WE can be that way in front of Coyote!


More later from both of us, but most likely seperately

FIre Storm and Lady Mystic
Saturday, December 29, 2001 05:02:55 PM

Fire Storm> <<At least your ideals are generally healthy.>>
Except for the fact that I find castration amusing, as well as setting people ablaze.

Silvadel> I imagine the Harry Potter fanbase has helped promote sales for LOtR. I suspect the two sequels will be able to generate sales on their own merit, though Harry Potter sequels will also be around, until that kids hits puberty.

Imzadi> <<AOL is Satan on a stick>> I don't care as long as my sticks go up. I do intend to sell it when it gets higher. I'm looking into Apple, since it has a deidcated fanbase, but I don't knwo much about their stock.

<<My family has always been honest about sex, and quite frankly I would expect my children to lose their virginity BEFORE marriage.>> I don't think I understand that. I guess it may be a religious difference between us. You almost sound like you'd be disappointed if your kids waited. You'd definitely woudl not wanta son near one of my daughters as I woudl want them knowing a variety of knife tricks and easy methods of killing a man before I let them date. Too bad they couldn't amsue themselves with eunechs like in olden times.

<<Its my dream world.>> So you know of it? I actually like the kobold prince and the werewolf Malachie.

<<You believe, but God may think of it as taking advantage of your fellow man.>> I'll be generous, but i still intend to profit, like if I had a farm and I hired a bunch of illegals to work it. I'd still pay them below inflated labor wages, but they'd still be taken care of and I'd hire a nice guy like metaldemon as supervisor. I won't make them serfs or sink them with debt, but I still intend to make good cash for myself in the process.

<<But what will Christine say to her?>> I think she'll be more open about sex tahn say my grandparents, but I suspect Christine would want Becca to wait, and I imagine she's happy its six years before Becca becomes a teenager. Speaking of Becca, she'd be a good flowergirl when I get married. Then she'll meet my godson who will be ringbearer.

Well, of course that is all up to Christine and Becca may be too old to be flowergirl by then. Well, hopefully Christine will teach my wife and I some trade secrets :)

<<So they're smart.>> Smart enough to outsmart unwashed masses, but still parasites on people who coudl follow more traditional faiths that would probably care about their plight and encourage schoalrship.

<<One would think the world's second largest religion would have some brains behind it.>> They do, but soem fringe groups within don't.

<<Which is exactly the same thing as "american civil liberties union">> Sometimes I'm not proud to be an American. If not for our sense of free enterprise and capitalism, we'd be a worthless nation.

<<Days when I go to work without my dad (despite working at his company) are pretty cool. I get to park in his spot, take lunches that are as long as I want (nearly 2 hours today), and leave when I want instead of when he wants...>> Sounds better than a Union job, since you don't have to give your paycheck to one of the five families.

Shadworider> Well, I don't know about Harry Potter books, but Harry Pothead books can get youhigh when you smoke teh pages :)

<<and about other kind of ideologies, for what it counts>> Good save. I can imagine Rosseau promoting book burnings throughout Paris.

Jan> That's like how a bunch of businesses boycotted Berkely for condmening our actions in Afghanistan, or not just boycotting Disney, but boycotting movies like Priest or The Omega Code, instead of burning tapes of the movies.

DPH> <<If I hear of Disney declaring Bankrupcy, that's the time I would want to bring up the issue of publishing Gargoyle novels.>> I did a financial analysis. They're pretty safe, actually.

Mooncat> <<I'd be out there selling as many cheap copies of the books to them as I could with as much mark up as I could get away with.>> If my heart was not claimed, your capitalistic values would really turn me on, plus teh fact that you're a cat person :)

<<My only problem is that burning books is pollution, as the chemicals that go into processed paper and inks and binding can't be good for the air. I know when friends burn newspaper in their fire places I water up something fierce, allergic reaction or something.>> Maybe that could be grounds for outlawing symbolic burning of all kinds (besides, it would eb more interesting if the stuff was converted into paper mach'e). Let the ACLU whine away if that happened:)

Not too much else to talk of now. I'm moving into new barracks next few weeks, but i wish I could have a cat in there.

BTW, my Colin Marter pic looks like Nudnick

Green Baron - []
Pioneer Kasserne, Germany
Saturday, December 29, 2001 04:36:38 PM

Book Burning -- well, if they lawfully buy the books from book vendors and aren't snatching them away somebody else's copy, let them have their bonfire. All they are doing is giving the book beau coup press and encouraging sales. They are in effect promoting the very thing they are trying to protest against. What silly nits. I'd be out there selling as many cheap copies of the books to them as I could with as much mark up as I could get away with.

My only problem is that burning books is pollution, as the chemicals that go into processed paper and inks and binding can't be good for the air. I know when friends burn newspaper in their fire places I water up something fierce, allergic reaction or something.

I agree the people doing the burning are committing great waste. Those books might better be donated to reading programs to encourage literacy, or at the very least recycled into something useful. And the money used to buy books they only mean to destroy might have better gone to buying bibles or whatever, instead, and donating them to literacy programs. heh... such decadent, and counterproductive forms of "protest". Only in America. I do support the right to show your opinion in non-violent, non-criminal activity, no matter how stupid that opinion or it's form of expression is.

Well, gotta run. It's anime day. *^_^* -- ooo!!! And for the holidays, our local anime mistress is making Lemon Squares and Toffee!!!! I was at her house last night and it was smelling soooooooo good!!! And I got to eat the fresh toffee (after it cooled) mmmm!!!! And watch something called Gravitation subtitled. heh... I don't usually watch guys with guys animes, but it was cute.

I want lemon squares!!! Mmm... she's such a good pastry and candy cook. And she only does this during the winter holidays. So I better book before the ravening hoards of fan boys and girls descend at our weekly place of meeting.

For anime fans, great new shows this year include Hikaru No Go -- young boy (Hikaru)possessed by the ghost of a Go (a game like chess only much more complicated) master, who died a tragic death and remains a ghost because he's not yet played a "Hand of God" -- special Go term. And Hikaru becomes a Go player and allows the ghost to play through him at times. He enters the world of Go players and professional play. Suprisingly enthralling anime in contemporary setting. Becoming hugely popular.

Chobits -- have no clue what's going on yet, but so pretty, and slightly hentai. Another girlfriend of mine got the Chobit's 2002 calendar yesterday and it's fantastic! She also got 6 boxes of Chocolate Frogs!!! From Japan, the only place they have Chocolate Frogs. Cool cards, and wonderful quality of chocolate. They didn't jump though. The magic must be running thin. They were delicious though.

aggggh... it's after 2pm, gotta jet


Saturday, December 29, 2001 03:09:35 PM

Winterwolf - No, but I wouldn't mind you sending some snow down here in Arkansas.

If I hear of Disney declaring Bankrupcy, that's the time I would want to bring up the issue of publishing Gargoyle novels. Why then? Let the creditors know that Disney has potential income (with no added cost to Disney) that it is ignoring and Disney might be 'pressured' into agreeing.

Imzadi - The only thing technology-wise we couldn't readily achieve in "2001: A Space Oddessy" was the artificial intelligence. That's still 10 years away, right?

Fire Storm - The group I am familiar is actively engaged in preventing the existance/invention of Time Travel technology. How do they time travel? Magic and/or genetic gifts. The worse part is they almost succeeded in getting me drafted into the ranks of time enforcers (It's not a career decision; it's a commitment for life. Those guys literally spend their entire lives defending the existing timeline.) because they have records of who were time-enforcers in the past; I received a note from myself saying that I deleted my records of being a time-enforcer so I avoided that fate.

Saturday, December 29, 2001 02:31:24 PM

*Warpmind wanders in, looking fatigued.*
Y'all do realize that Tom Lehrer's song abotu the Christmas brouhaha is quite correct, right? *Wheeze*

Nukes: I never pondered the possibility of being crazy or insane as an either/or question... };)

Gside: What I did with the rest of the body? *TOTALLY unethical smirk* Sore wa... himitsu desu... }:) And no, no stone for the mispronounciations. And yes, I have those unconventional weapons you listed, as well... Ahh, laser sighted throwing knives... *Smile* Of course, my stealth hammer is a real beauty - radar dampening materials, internal cooling systems and a silencer. }:)

Josh: Well, it WOULD have been longer, if I didn't have to cut it short... as for the spring-loaded battleaxes - the whole damn thing is spring-loaded. Of course, I don't think the spring mechanism DOES anything, but that's totally irrelevant...

Mooncat: You're 33 already? *Blink* Congrats (belated, but it should still work...)

Well, not really much more to comment on... the book burning is really stupid, and most things have already been said... and Crocodile Dundee 2 is on in a couple minutes... and I'm making REAL good progress on my CRPG now. Even managed to work out the location-description-thingie from ChronoTrigger now. :)
Cheerio, gang.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Saturday, December 29, 2001 01:53:39 PM

My brother just gave me a late Christmas gift.

His cold!

Good thing I caught it now and not closer to the Jan 7 date, thats when Classes start.
Skippy <But largely, I'm against the burning of books on principle. It's the act of intellectual barbarism> I feel like taking a copy of Fahrenheit 451 and smacking these people over the head with it. That and also clobber them with my copy of the 4th Harry Potter book.

Firestorm<Nice double posting>

Josh<<<MAYBE a pair of slippers if you live somewhere cold.>>>Or have tile floors. Its good to have slippers then cause you could step on a stray piece of dog food and that would hurt or step in a puddle left by your very old incontinent dog.

Saturday, December 29, 2001 11:58:23 AM

**Winterwolf slips in**

Hi again!
I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays.
I have a minute and just wanted to see what was going on in here.
A big huge Hello to Emambu, Shadowrider, Niamhgold, Josh, Lynati, Aingeal, DPH, Aaron, GXB, Jan, Mara and other CR Dwellers.

Shadowrider> Unfortunately I haven't gotten the ecard you sent as my email has been unavailable the last two times I've been able to check. :(

DPH> ^_^ Got snow? I seem to have gotten overexcited with "Let it snow, let it snow..." in Buffalo recently. ;D

Emambu> **crosses fingers** Hope we both get our calls. Mini Gathering!

Dreamie> I love you. I miss you. **pounce, snuggle, cuddle, kiss and nuzzle** I can hardly wait the three more days to New Years when we can be together again.

Gotta run. Bye!

Bronx, NY
Saturday, December 29, 2001 10:36:09 AM

well d'uh, Jan.. *slaps forehead* The first post is to Shadowrider

*blushes and slinks back out*

Saturday, December 29, 2001 09:54:04 AM

Jan:> <<I am sorry, but I must strongly disagree with you on it. May you understand it or not, what you said is very dangerous. If destroying something my religion talks again is *correct*...well, follow this path to its logical consequences, you may see where it leads. All the world had an example some time ago. >>
<< I wasn’t promoting the destruction of the books or anything else that goes against their beliefs – but I was only trying to point out that (in their way of thinking) they were justified in doing these acts in the “name of God”. The reasons behind what they are doing are correct – the Bible talks against wizards and such; but the method in which they have chosen to express this is wrong. I do not condone the burning of books or any type of destruction in order to express your religious belief or point of view.
<< How can I say anything on what I know nothing about? How may I know that something (a movie, a story, anything) is "porn" when I know nothing about it? Will I base my opinion on what others say? Again, saying that judging without knowing is correct is another dangerous thing.>>
I don’t know about you, but if I see a book that is considered porn and there have been commercials, movie trailers, and I’ve talked to people who have read the book and everything points to the fact that it’s a porn book– then I’ll pretty much say it as a given that it’s a porn book and I won’t find it necessary to read it to find out for myself. (I’m just using porn as an example) Now, if I were to participate in something that would cause attention or destruction – I would definitely read the book before taking such action. However, if I’m going to simply boycott or ignore the book, then I’ll use my own personal methods of making such decisions.
I have not stated my opinion of whether I think the Harry Potter books/movie is based on something that my religion teaches against because I haven’t read any of the books nor have I seen the movie. That would be an uneducated assumption on my part. I don’t know… maybe these people who are participating in the book burning have read the books and they found it to be worthy of such action… *shrugs* None of us here know if they have or haven’t. Some here are making the assumption that these people are blindly following the preacher in this activity. People that make these types of assumptions are just as dangerous as those they are accusing of making assumptions about a book they supposedly haven’t read. It’s the pot calling the kettle black.
Once again, I do not condone the burning of these books (or any books). I do not support any type of destructive behavior in order to “make a point” or “express religious belief”. I simply _understand_ their thoughts and reasons behind what they have done.
There’s a difference between understanding a behavior and condoning the behavior.
Once people learn how to understand differing POVs and such, there will be a bit more tolerance for those who act or thinking differently from one’s self. Doesn’t mean that they accept it, just that they understand it. There are some behaviors that I just cannot comprehend nor understand, though. My mind won’t allow such deviances such as rape, random acts of vandalism, sexual abuse of a child, etc. to be “understandable”. But, we’re not talking about issues such as these – we’re talking about a differing interpretation of a book and the chosen method in which to express it.
I boycott the Levi brand of anything because of an issue concerning the Boy Scouts of America.
<<but I must strongly disagree with you on it>><<Again, I cannot agree with you on this>> *LOL* Is there ANYTHING that you can agree with me on?? ; p

Josh> <<Believe it or not, Christianity used to have the same rules ;-) >> yes, I am aware of that – but that is not what is practiced today in the modern society of the USA. (with the exceptions of the really weird and fruity types of off the wall religions) No one from my church has been threatened nor put to death because they disagreed with what the pastor said. ;) A few of my ancestors used to own slaves… doesn’t mean that I would want to follow in their footsteps or condone such actions.
Legos: Michael had quite a few legos in his younger days… with what I spent buying them, I could have owned a condo in Vail. *L* He would build things to turn around an destroy it *nods* but he never once destroyed someone else’s projects. Have you noticed how people don’t vandalize their own property; they destroy other people’s things instead. It’s from jealousy and rage, I think. The particular home that I had mentioned before was a beautiful summer lake home and the kids who destroyed it are from the lower income level…. Actually they weren’t just lower income; they are white trash. Anyway, they had spray painted “rich bitch” over several of the walls. They were in rage because these people had something nice. Jealousy is an evil monster.
They had their first hearing this week… they were sent back to juvie detention. They had to cuff and stuff one of the kids because he did NOT want to go back there… he wanted to go home to mommy to wait until they appear in court before a judge. Awwww, too bad – too sad. *rolls eyes* Since restitution will not be made by the boys, I’m encouraging the sheriff to consider charges against the parents. These kids not only destroyed the home, they stole property and took it to their home. The stolen property was in plain sight and the parents were aware it was there and made no attempt to have it returned. In my book, they are accessories to the crime. Sheriff is probably going to pursue that course of action.

Time to go… I’m on my way to a shop in Rogers, Arkansas that has their leather coats on sale. My Christmas money is burning a hole in my pocket ;)

Saturday, December 29, 2001 09:53:03 AM

Hey people, how is everyone?

Burning Harry Potter books:> Oh, well, I cannot say I am surprised. I was actually expecting something like that to happen somewhere. No, I am not just confirms to me some of the things I think about religions (and about other kind of ideologies, for what it counts...). You know, I always thought that burning a book for what is written into it is not just a stupid act in burning a book, you show your will to impose your beliefs by destroying everything that does not match with your own vision. Eventually, with such an act you show to be blindly scared by any different idea, and your inability to confront your beliefs with those of others. Now, the fact that the Pastor in Alamogordo decides to make this "bonfire" right now that the Harry Potter movie is a worldwide blockbuster, when it is some years that the books are around, makes me believe that all this man wants is some audience for him and his Church (what confirms some other things I think about religions...), yet the fact he can do something like this and obtain support by people sonds quite worrying to me. Not for the act itself, I repeat, but for what it could mean.
Not to mention, like someone said, that buying books for burning them is just a waste, and the engineer in me cannot accept waste.

Winterwolf:> Hey, a Winterwolf sighting! Thanks for the wishes, my friend...did you get my ecard?

Josh:> << Yes I do, because I'm not paying and no one else is sending me.>> Again, you never know...
<<Especially the French. >> I ask you again: really? Are you sure of this? You know many French? Or Europeans?
<<Fortunately, the surrender-monkeys quickly shut up if we fly a plane overhead. >> Especially if you fly it through a cableway, right?
<<Live in the US for as long as I have, and you'll be quite sure as well. >> Ok, I'll take your word on this, as long as I won't be able to go and verify myself...anyway, I asked Anna (my cousin) if she has anything agaist Americans, she said (as I was supposed to know) that she has nothing particular against anyone, as long as she doesnt know him...
<<Not ready to switch to Mac yet?>> No, not yet.
<<To me, a book is a book and shouldn't be burned for ANY reason, but all books are created equal. >> You are completely right, at least I think.

Skippy:> <<Wonder if they'd mind if I took a Bible wrapped up in a flag and dropped it on their little bonfire...>> Nah, don't do it. There is no reason for sinking at the level of the fanatics.

Jan:> << They do this in the name of God because the Bible _does_ talk against such things as what this series of books promote. So, they are actually correct in this.>> I am sorry, but I must strongly disagree with you on it. May you understand it or not, what you said is very dangerous. If destroying something my religion talks again is *correct*...well, follow this path to its logical consequences, you may see where it leads. All the world had an example some time ago.
<< As far as not even reading the books first... to a certain degree, I agree with that. I don't need to read porn fics to know that I feel as if they are wrong, I don't need to read a book on witchcraft to know that I disagree with the teachings, etc. It's very obvious of what the Harry Potter books/movie entails and for this reason, it's not necessary to read them to know that Harry is a wizzard of sorts, no? >> Again, I cannot agree with you on this. How can I say anything on what I know nothing about? How may I know that something (a movie, a story, anything) is "porn" when I know nothing about it? Will I base my opinion on what others say? Again, saying that judging without knowing is correct is another dangerous thing.
<<I boycott Levi brand of anything>> May I ask you why?

Niamhgold:><<Maybe I should just start stripping now.>> Yay! <starts playing "You can leave your hat on"> Go Niamhgold GO! GO! GO! ;)

Nothing more for now. See you all!

Shadowrider - []
Saturday, December 29, 2001 07:35:49 AM

Days when I go to work without my dad (despite working at his company) are pretty cool. I get to park in his spot, take lunches that are as long as I want (nearly 2 hours today), and leave when I want instead of when he wants...

...and I get paid for a full day. Some days, being me kicks ass, and this was one of those days.

I got to work on my skyray today, and its nearly finish. Hopefully over this weekend.

Italian for dinner, chinese for lunch...I'm happy.

And then I watched Jurrassic Park III. That movie exceeded silly. It was just...stupid. Suddenly, the raptors can talk! This reminds me of that scene in "The Critic" where the raptor says "first, the other raptors and I shall construct a crude but effective bridge to Venezuela, where I shall assume odd jobs under the name Mr. Livingston...but perhaps I've told you too much" In the words of my brother, who insisted we rent it, "that was week".


Terrky K: <<is there like any background info i need to know at all?>>: None. I didn't have any, and had no trouble following the plot or the characters. <<DANG its hard. you gotta be good at solving puzzles and such>>: The Myst series is the greatest set of games ever. <<i don't really know the story line of the games though>>: Why don't you just read up on it? There are lots of books available. You can also get it from the myst website. <<i missed out on two also>>: I'd recommend it. It was beautiful. <<my mom gave me a buncha crap the other day about wanting to be a musician>>: That's her job. She's your mother.

Christine: <<go out and BUY books just to pitch on the pyre>>: Yeah, I guess most modern-day "boycotters" aren't very bright, are they? <<a royalty is a royalty>>: so true. Who cares what they do with their books once they've bought them? <<it makes no sense to me>>: Its disney. When was the last time they did something that made sense?

Spacebabie: <<I have only three pairs of dress shoes that I hardly ever wear. Three sneakers, one pair is laceless, one pair of strappy shoes(Ibought it cause of the leopard design) a pair of boots, and two pairs of slippers>>: I cannot understand the need for more than 5 pairs of shoes. Two pairs of dress shoes, one pair of tennis shoes, one pair of hiking boots, and a pair of sandals. MAYBE a pair of slippers if you live somewhere cold. <<Nice Double posting>>: I didn't notice that. Sorry.

Jan: <<Are you saying that since this particular group wants to burn these books, it's an act religious oppression?>>: Not quite, but it certainly isn't the archetype of religious tolerance. <<I don't consider the Bible or the American flag to be in the same category as a children's fantasy book>>: Well that's you, I guess. To me, a book is a book and shouldn't be burned for ANY reason, but all books are created equal. <<the consequences for disobedience is death>>: Believe it or not, Christianity used to have the same rules ;-) <<Those who blindly follow a "leader" are dangerous to themselves and to society>>: You mean gargoyles fans?

Skippy: <<It's the act of intellectual barbarism>>: I wholly agree. Then again, there are so few intellectualls left. <<I respect the latter group and have utter contempt for the former>>: I think you have that backwards.

Todd: <<Stealing them from the bookstore or paying for them with counterfeit money would obviously be out of the question>>: I wouldn't put it past them, far more immoral things have been done in the name of god.

DPH: <<Parts of it were so damn slow I had to fast-forward through it>>: This is why I didn't enjoy it. <<Most of the technology shown currently exists or is within our immediate grasp>>: Except building really big space stations...we're too poor for that. <<congrats on the double posts, especially since they were one second apart>>: What's the big deal!? Lots of people double post. In fact, FS just did it! One second apart! Yell at him! <<What if Microshaft were a sinister organization bent on taking over the world?>>: Um dude, IT IS. <<Well, that would explain all the bugs in their software>>: Actually, it does. They exploit their own bugs in order to gain market share. <<I believe the ACLU stands for "Anti-Christian Liberty Union">>: Which is exactly the same thing as "american civil liberties union" <<Don't you mean the Liberal Wing>>: Whatever, its still a decent show. And I'm a republican to boot.

Green Baron: <<I just flew back from the states and boy are my arms tired>>: Did it take long? <<I see nothing in teh movie that shoudl eb offensive to Christians>>: One would think the world's second largest religion would have some brains behind it. <<Religion is outlawed, and teh land is covered with dark princes, including a vampire, a lich, some evil humans, a night dragon, and a kobold, but the two werewolf wizard princes are surprisingly supporting good. There are also soem good guys, but tehy are few and far between>>: Its my dream world. <<I have the image of a restaurant called Chun-Levi, now>>: LOL. Not quite. <<God does not suffer willful ignorance and I beleive it is morally acceptable to exploit such fools, for good things like cheap labor, whenever possible>>: You believe, but God may think of it as taking advantage of your fellow man. <<Those pastors thought for themselves and learned that religion is a good industry>>: So they're smart. <<I guess it was those black leather togas that bothered them>>: I don't see the problem ;-) <<I encourage the prucahse of AOl and AOL-related products, even if you ue them for kindling wood>>: AOL bies it. <<now don't do any of that stuff that mommy writes about>>: But what will Christine say to her? <<I guess I've been a D&D fan too long to like that fact>>: Yeah I hear you. It just doesn't make sense to me that Wizards would be a special race. <<4,000 years of persecution keeps you on your toes and forces you to be on top to survive>>: Yeah, that. <<I was mainly taught that woman are to be traeted with respect and chivalry, not for my amusement>>: See, in my opinion, EVERYONE is for my amusement. I'm an equal opportunity jerk ;-) <<Just wait till you have children. What kind of boys do you want your daughter dating?>>: I'm not having children. And I certainly don't want girls, because I can't handle them. And should I choose to have kids, by that time I'll probably be able to choose their gender. Barring all that...I'd prefer not to have my daughter dating a guy like you. My family has always been honest about sex, and quite frankly I would expect my children to lose their virginity BEFORE marriage.

Fire Storm: <<Didn't get a single thing I asked for>>: But did you get things you DIDN'T ask for? That's a pain. <<Monty Python and the Holy Grail>>: THE GRRRRRAIL!? <<too simplistic>>: Perhaps, but those are my tastes. <<IF it works like a standard network card, I SHOULD just be able to throw one in my server>>: Sure, as soon as Windows/Linux/anyOSotherthanMacOS supports software base station. <<what if that's REALLY all it's about?>>: Then I'm going to bed. <<You put your p3n!$ in, a baby comes out>>: That didn't happen the last n times I did that, where n is the number of times I've done it. <<Mac sex attachments>>: SCSI FUFME drive! iBrates at 867 MHz! Which really oughta be fast enough. <<the iBrator>>: My friends went into a sex shop in LA...and they found one. Its $30. No one wants to buy one, just to have it to laugh at. <<I don't even get off of work until AFTER sunrise>>: I can't even stay awake after sunrise. <<That really does suck>>: Not when winter rolls around...then I laugh at all of you! <<Customers can be REALLY stupid, can't they>>: Especially if you work in tech support. <<she will be the quiet one>>: Not with Christine as a mother. <<See you tomorrow>>: Damnit, I want to have a minigathering HERE! <<it sure as hell will!>>: It will certainly help me conquer the planet, which will lead to the rebirth of man. <<At least your ideals are generally healthy>>: Most of them.

The Wizard: <<I need a vacation from my vacation!>>: It's coming soon for me, how about you? <<I've got to pack for a couple of trips>>: Two? Damn, I wish I was going away... <<the intern who works under me>>: CHIKA BOW BOW!!! <<brought in a sweet lens that took care of all my bracketing needs>>: Is that what they call it? <<I did them outside>>: Quite a show for the pedestrians, I'd imagine. <<when it's negative temps, windy, and you don't have your jacket, photography is interesting>>: I'll have to remember that. <<They like to be considered straight as a ruler, and just as long ;)>>: No intelligent or self respecting man claims more than the straight part...of course my ruler is 15" long, so that'd be even MORE unreasonable. <<Do you know that the male brain gives off wavelengths similar to that of Jell-O? I think I've mentioned that once before ;)>>: Which is the same frequency at which breasts bounce when a women runs. <<Even when you've tossed them>>: Even then. <<Somehow, I just made that dirty>>: Why am I not surprised? <<Do people even _give_ actual holidays anymore?>>: Yes. I just don't take them because I need money. Yes, I'm a whore. <<you won't die of charcoal poisoning>>: No, if I die at all it'll be from glue fumes. <<I could try waking him on the way back to school>>: Depends on what time you drive down. <<Have spies all over the country, now, do you?>>: Several. <<my spies are spying on _your_ spies as we speak>>: That doesn't get you any additional info, except for the identities of my spies. <<You'll just have to figure out how to hook it up correctly>>: I know how to hook it up, the trick is not to fry it in the process. <<That may require you being a little more...philosophical>>: You don't think I can do that, do you? <<Maybe I should just start stripping now>>: BREAK OUT THE DOLLAR BILLS! <<And you've got several friends who just can't wait>>: So I've heard. <<all of us who go into the world with high expectations are bound to spiral down>>: I refuse to spiral down. I will dominate WHATEVER I do. <<Ask this kid if he's still happy when he's twenty five and can't get a record deal>>: He'll say "well, I'm still rich, since my dad is Charles Band, the famous B-movie director. So, yes, I'm still happy". <<That game is really my only incentive for ever wanting a Gamecube...but it looks fun>>: I agree. Now if they come out with MarioKart Cubed...I'm buying it. <<Such grotesque images for such a sweet looking girl>>: A perfect match.

Silvadel: <<the whole magic fantasy thing is "in." This might not be the case in 2 years.>>: One of the nice things about medieval fantasy is that its ALWAYS cool ;-) <<people would be waiting 6 months between films rather than a full year>>: Yeah but that would make sense.

Gotta crash so I can get lots of sleep!

AOL is Satan on a stick
-Dale Rubin

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Encino, CA, US of A
Saturday, December 29, 2001 03:25:43 AM

Actually I am a bit upset with New Line Productions... I mean they made all three pictures already. Why should we have to wait a year for #2? I can think of many reasons why it would be good for us not to...

First off, lots of people are enamored of the movie, and have it fresh in their minds... A year from now it wont be.

Technology changes over time and by waiting so long they might fall behind the curve.

One can only sit on something so long before it surfaces -- if they are not REALLY careful, someone will blab or a copy of the film will make it out of the vaults.

Right now with harry potter etc, the whole magic fantasy thing is "in." This might not be the case in 2 years.


If what they are worried about is competing with themselves for oscars, what they could do is release LOTR The Two Towers during the summer and LOTR The Return of the King in January 2003. This would also still follow the original statements of releasing one in 2001 one in 2002 and one in 2003 except people would be waiting 6 months between films rather than a full year.

Saturday, December 29, 2001 12:39:41 AM

** Niamhgold enters **

Whoo, I need a vacation from my vacation! Luckily, I'm now officially done with work for this break, and now am only going to work on a freelance basis until the summer. AKA work from home if I do any at all :) Yippee. And just as well; I've got to pack for a couple of trips. I took slides of my work today, and I'm hoping they turn out well. Luckily the intern who works under me brought in a sweet lens that took care of all my bracketing needs. Although I did them outside, and I've got to tell you...when it's negative temps, windy, and you don't have your jacket, photography is interesting ;)

Will see LotR tomorrow. Why'd I wait so long? (a) work and (b) this way I don't have to face the crowds. Theaters up here are rather small, and fill rather easily.

Almost New Years! I may or may not be going to a party at the Mt. Washington. I've no intention of writing "Redrum" anywhere, though...unless provoked ;)


Jan: <".... sounds like most men I've met *nods and winks* *giggles*> *L*...I know what you mean ;) They like to be considered straight as a ruler, and just as long ;)

FS: <The good news for me is that they were never able to figure out my mind> If you let me get close enough, I'm sure I could tap the wavelength. Do you know that the male brain gives off wavelengths similar to that of Jell-O? I think I've mentioned that once before ;) <Yes! Right above the Polio vaccine!> Polio, shmolio ;) <But, then again, you can never have too many cookies!> Even when you've tossed them?

Aingeal: <my brakes are officially diagnossed with needingt things replaced, so I can't come on the 28th or anything over NewYears> Out of you own an Oldsmobile? I had to go through the same thing a year ago ;) Plus, there was that thing with the coolant line, but luckily pop fixed that.

Daddy: <Stop putting words in my mouth, MOM> Somehow, I just made that dirty. <Found the joys of hiring a babysitter, did ya?> With absolutely no sense of nostalgia, I additionally think that the babysitter just discovered the horror of children. <For me, X-mas means I'm starting work tomorrow! ;-)> Do people even _give_ actual holidays anymore? And I don't mean holidays where you celebrate...I mean holidays where you don't have to work ;) <Cash? Stock? Office Supplies? New Computer?> (a) and (c). (D) was for Xmas. <I'm insanely jealous> Yes, but you won't die of charcoal poisoning ;) <Why? He probably hasn't gone to bed yet by that time!> I could try waking him on the way back to school... <I heard you were getting out for a large section of the break ;-)> Have spies all over the country, now, do you? ;) Don't worry, my spies are spying on _your_ spies as we speak. <If a GeForce3 can bring chicks to orgasm...I guess that'll be a purchase in my future.> You'll just have to figure out how to hook it up correctly. <Its his report. If he doesn't do the work, then he fails> My brother, unfortunately, is slated to get nothing higher than a C next report card (January), and that's in Metal Shop. <Yeah, but I can fight him on his own turf> That may require you being a little more...philosophical. <I'm leaving the fireplace on just in case Santa makes a wrong turn in my chimney> I remember the time Santa took a wrong turn and I caught him trying to duck through the door into the garage ;) <LOL call CNN!> Maybe I should just start stripping now. <. The finished product will be up in a few weeks.> And you've got several friends who just can't wait ;) <dead in a gutter> Sadly, all of us who go into the world with high expectations are bound to spiral down. It's the people who either work or don't seemingly deserve much that get the fame, but then, they're probably not happy either. Ask this kid if he's still happy when he's twenty five and can't get a record deal.

Wilek: <Nintendo Gamecube: $199.99 Super Smash Bros. Melee: $49.99> I shall now have to come and plunder your home. That game is really my only incentive for ever wanting a Gamecube...but it looks fun ;)

Shadowrider: <Hey hey, the young lady is getting explicit...;)> LOL. Sorry to offend ;) "Such grotesque images for such a sweet looking girl"


Friday, December 28, 2001 11:55:30 PM

Skippy> oh, I agree that the book burning is ridiculous and a waste of time and money. *nods* I just don't see how it's religious oppression. To compare it to the Taliban is a bit extreme though. For one thing, when the Taliban outlaw things, the consequences for disobedience is death. I have a very difficult time even accepting the Taliban beliefs as anything close to being a "religion".
Someone else that I know tried to compare the Taliban to our Christian structure and I find that extremely insulting.

Even though you may consider the Harry Potter books to be harmless, I can see where some might find them to be something to be cautious of. It does promote wizzardry (sp?) and it desensitizes the practice of such things. For those who find that a taboo area - they would stay away from such books/movies. You and others may not see this in the books/movies, but others do... doesn't make either one of you absolutely correct - except to your own self.
The burning of these books is purely symbolic for those there who are against such "promotion" of wizzards, magic, etc.
They do this in the name of God because the Bible _does_ talk against such things as what this series of books promote. So, they are actually correct in this.

Once again, I didn't say that I agreed with their methods/actions, but I understand them. Would I participate in this type of symbolic protest? *shakes head* nope. My course of action is to boycott and not spend my money on the products.
As far as not even reading the books first... to a certain degree, I agree with that. I don't need to read porn fics to know that I feel as if they are wrong, I don't need to read a book on witchcraft to know that I disagree with the teachings, etc. It's very obvious of what the Harry Potter books/movie entails and for this reason, it's not necessary to read them to know that Harry is a wizzard of sorts, no? I agree that in this circumstance, it would be better to read one of the books or at least some of it so that you can have an educated opinion about it instead of listening to someone else's interpetation.
Those who blindly follow a "leader" are dangerous to themselves and to society.
I agree with Patrick too - going out and buying things just to burn them is stupid. Instead, boycott and then take the money and buy some new coats for the homeless or do something else GOOD with the money.
I boycott Levi brand of anything, but I wouldn't be stupid enough to buy up a bunch of jeans and then burn them... that serves no purpose other than to put money in their pockets. They could care less what I do with their jeans - as long as I buy them first. Like Christine said, a royality is a royality is a royality. *L*

I ate too much of homecooked food... eesh! sure was good, though. ;)

Friday, December 28, 2001 09:58:23 PM

Lord of the Rings: It was a decent movie. The effects were great, the plot and characters were pretty good, but pure fantasy movies arn't my floggon of Ale.

Christmas gifts: Didn't get a single thing I asked for, BUT I got some money and was able to buy a few thinks I wanted/asked for, and my sister got me "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" so it kinda worked out.

Aingeal: <I will prolly be getting ym copmuter fixed here> No problem! Understood!
But if you change your mind, my offer still stands.
Imzadi: <Two is my requirement on a female> Ah, too simplistic!
<No, the beauracracy can't have that>
Efficiency is the bane of a bureaucracy!
<Of what?>
The wireless stuff. Most likely 3com or Linksys. IF it works like a standard network card, I SHOULD be able to just throw one in my server, damnit!<You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around...> But what if that's REALLY all it's about? Life is just one big hokey-pokey.
You put your p3n1$ is, a baby comes out,
They put you in the ground and they shake it all about...
<How would that work?>
I don't know...
But someone has to find out. But not me. My mind hasn't been G-rated for a VERY long time!
<Just hope Mac isn't into sodomy>
Havn't you seen the Mac sex attachments? Or the iBrator?
<LOL great story. And probably true to life too.>
We can only hope and fear!
<Hardly! The last few nights I've gone to bed just before sunrise.>
Bah! Most of the time I don't even get off of work until AFTER sunrise!
<Now that I'll agree with, since I'm on the West Coast and I go to bed after nearly everyone in here.>
That really does suck, dosn't it?

DPH: <I bought the cheese just for the cheese biscuits. I shredded with a food processor.>
Ah. I see. Fine shredded?
<Are you sure there aren't different groups ensuring the timeline? The people I'm familiar with generally keep very close tabs on time travelers and destroy devices to time-travel with.>
It's possible. The group I am talking about are the standard Time Police, founded in 2407AD. But who knows. Time/space travel is weird like that.
Hell, it's entirely possible they are from a different planet.
The book makes much more sense than the movie.

Greg Bishansky: <***DUMBASS CUSTOMER STORY***>
THAT is funny! Customers can be REALLY stupid, can't they?

Christine : <believe me, I'm fully expecting to have some very weird parent-teacher conferences over the next few years! >
But, Alas, with our luck, she will be the quiet one.

Ravyn: See you tomorrow!

metaldemon: <Will technology cause a "rebirth" of man?>
If I have anything to say about it, it sure as hell will!

Green Baron: <Yes, and I was mainly taught that woman are to be traeted with respect and chivalry, not for my amusement>
At least your ideals are generally healthy.

Fire Storm
Friday, December 28, 2001 09:37:25 PM

Lord of the Rings: It was a decent movie. The effects were great, the plot and characters were pretty good, but pure fantasy movies arn't my floggon of Ale.

Christmas gifts: Didn't get a single thing I asked for, BUT I got some money and was able to buy a few thinks I wanted/asked for, and my sister got me "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" so it kinda worked out.

Aingeal: <I will prolly be getting ym copmuter fixed here> No problem! Understood!
But if you change your mind, my offer still stands.
Imzadi: <Two is my requirement on a female> Ah, too simplistic!
<No, the beauracracy can't have that>
Efficiency is the bane of a bureaucracy!
<Of what?>
The wireless stuff. Most likely 3com or Linksys. IF it works like a standard network card, I SHOULD be able to just throw one in my server, damnit!<You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around...> But what if that's REALLY all it's about? Life is just one big hokey-pokey.
You put your p3n1$ is, a baby comes out,
They put you in the ground and they shake it all about...
<How would that work?>
I don't know...
But someone has to find out. But not me. My mind hasn't been G-rated for a VERY long time!
<Just hope Mac isn't into sodomy>
Havn't you seen the Mac sex attachments? Or the iBrator?
<LOL great story. And probably true to life too.>
We can only hope and fear!
<Hardly! The last few nights I've gone to bed just before sunrise.>
Bah! Most of the time I don't even get off of work until AFTER sunrise!
<Now that I'll agree with, since I'm on the West Coast and I go to bed after nearly everyone in here.>
That really does suck, dosn't it?

DPH: <I bought the cheese just for the cheese biscuits. I shredded with a food processor.>
Ah. I see. Fine shredded?
<Are you sure there aren't different groups ensuring the timeline? The people I'm familiar with generally keep very close tabs on time travelers and destroy devices to time-travel with.>
It's possible. The group I am talking about are the standard Time Police, founded in 2407AD. But who knows. Time/space travel is weird like that.
Hell, it's entirely possible they are from a different planet.
The book makes much more sense than the movie.

Greg Bishansky: <***DUMBASS CUSTOMER STORY***>
THAT is funny! Customers can be REALLY stupid, can't they?

Christine : <believe me, I'm fully expecting to have some very weird parent-teacher conferences over the next few years! >
But, Alas, with our luck, she will be the quiet one.

Ravyn: See you tomorrow!

metaldemon: <Will technology cause a "rebirth" of man?>
If I have anything to say about it, it sure as hell will!

Green Baron: <Yes, and I was mainly taught that woman are to be traeted with respect and chivalry, not for my amusement>
At least your ideals are generally healthy.

Fire Storm
Friday, December 28, 2001 09:37:24 PM


Aaron or Revel or Mara: If you get this message tonight, I need you to call me (I'm at home) and give me the address and number of the hotel where you're staying. We're trying alternative measures, but this would be a godsend. We're trying to get in touch with one of you.

P.S. If I do not get this information, my mommie will not let us go *makes sad puppy dog eyes*


Emambu - []
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Friday, December 28, 2001 09:29:23 PM

Hello all. A belated Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year's, or more importantly, a Happy Feast of teh Solemnity of the Virgin Mary (which is celebrated on New Year's Day).

I just flew back from the states and boy are my arms tired. Needless to say, I had a wonderful time, and I only wish I took longer leave.

I alos saw the Harry Potter movie as well as the Fellowship of the Rings. I liek SJ consider the Fellowship of teh Rings an excellent movie and the only way to improve it is to have JRR himself doing the screen play, or Christopher Tolkein, FSC. Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone did not have as many mushrooms as in Harry Pothead and the Sorceror is Stoned, but it was a good movie and I rather liked it. While I am not a theologian, I see nothing in teh movie that shoudl eb offensive to Christians. The only thing to really complain about is that Hogwarts has Witchcraft in its title. Well, Gandalf is a wizard and that doesn't make Tolkein any less Catholic. Now, maybe soemone who practices witchraft religiously woudl take offense, fo rteh magic in Harry Potter's world is more like the medieval fantasy version in the D&D game world. I guess I have been too much reading the stuff about Glantri (I think Chrtistine is familiar with it), so I see Voltimort rather tame compared to some of the Glantrian princes, but it may be more interesting as it gets darker. I am impressed with Rowling's abilities and I imagine she definitely read her Tolkein and maybe some D&D stuff, but the goblins are more like dwarves.

Christine> <<Book burnings > it's a shame, but the funny part is when you stop to think how many people are going to go out and BUY books just to pitch on the pyre ... a royalty is a royalty is a royalty, after all! ; )>>

Ay, the jokes on them. Beises, every first edition printing that gets burned, the remaining ones grow more valuable and rarer. BTW, what did you think of Glantri?

<<It makes no sense to me -- they get money and have to do no work -- but go figure.>> Well, Mike Eisner is a socialist and a leftist, but Walt was a good conservative who moved form Chicago to Orange County to avoid the Unions, so he'd definitely support a venture, plus he'd love something like this.

Imzadi> If you like dark wizards, you'd love Glantri. Wizards are more likw scientists in the height of the Enlightenment. Religion is outlawed, and teh land is covered with dark princes, including a vampire, a lich, some evil humans, a night dragon, and a kobold, but the two werewolf wizard princes are surprisingly supporting good. There are also soem good guys, but tehy are few and far between.

<<Silly Christians>> Those people aren't Christians, just ignorant peasants led by a fraud who undoubtedly has made a nice income from his preaching.

<<Like all Jews in LA, I was at Chinese food for dinner. >>
LOL, I have the image of a restaurant called Chun-Levi, now :)

Silvadel> <<As for losing your soul because you found a forest beautiful -- If you believe in a loving caring god why would you ever think he would forsake you for something like that? If your god is so very banal that any little think will make him cast you out then you are really underestimating him or worshipping the wrong one or the wrong aspect. The main question is when you fall will he catch you? >> I don't quite understand that myself. Then again, there are pseudo-Christians who think devotion to Mary causes someone to stray from God. I beleive its a matter of perspective and situation. I can appreciate even something like money in its many wonderful forms and still remain a servant of God.

Skippy> <<Wonder if they'd mind if I took a Bible wrapped up in a flag and dropped it on their little bonfire...>> Then you'd be no better than they are.

But we can't stop a bunch of herectics form burning books that they paid for, either. Thso ebooks are their property so tehy have the legal right, but God does not suffer willful ignorance and I beleive it is morally acceptable to exploit such fools, for good things like cheap labor, whenever possible.

<<There are Christians who think for themselves and make up their own determinations of good and evil, and then there are those who let their pastors make those decisons for them. I respect the latter group and have utter contempt for the former.>> Too much autonomy in thought can be just as dangerous as blind faith. Most of these pastors with their overpriced suits, living in sin with their mistresses, and at a much higher standad than their average "parishoner" (not that these autnomous mockeries of Christianity have the right to be called a parish). Those pastors thought for themselves and learned that religion is a good industry. Catholcis learned their lesson, but these "Christina" churches without any hierarchy go unchecked and have no one of this world to answer to. God will make them answer soon enough, especially when most of these people treat His Mother so shabbily.

<<But largely, I'm against the burning of books on principle. It's the act of intellectual barbarism. >> That is rather insulting to say about Barbarians. Attila was a great scholar, statesman, reformer, entrepeuner. Mnay barbarians wanted to buy Roman citizenship, but the bankrupt Roamns were too porud to let Goths in tehri Senate. I guess it was those black leather togas that bothered them :)

Patrick Toman> <<That said... I find the whole idea of going out and paying good money for books for the sole purpose of turning around and burning them to be inherently stupid, as I would think any church's money could be better spent on pursing more positive "works of God.">> These Churches would use their money to make their pastors wealthy. The average chucrch member in such a group lives below the poverty line and are destined to be cheap labor. Any of these members with an inkling of brains is likely to start interpeting the bible unsupervised and decalre themselves a preacher so they profit from a bunch of ignorant peasants. I woudln't be surprised if teh ringeladers of all this nonsense weren't gettinga few royalties for stirring up controversy which made the books and movie so much more popular.

<<When I was in high school, one of my friends was a member of a church youth group where the pastor organized a Ouija Board burning, saying that that promoted satanism.>> It may make more sense to burn books by Benny Hinn for promoting religious charlatans :) though I think such things are good for a alugh, plus I may find teh King James bible to be an illegitimate Bible, but a beautiful piece of literature and still a Bible, albeit mutilated and with less than accurate translations.

Jan> <<Today is my parents' 49th wedding anniversary. We're taking them out to eat in a few minutes, so I have to rush out now. More replies later.>> Next year, they should go for the gold :) I wonder what the 49th anniversary gift is :)

<<Meth is classified as the worst possible drug choice.>> And the drug of choice for white trash. How fitting.

Metaldemon> I'm glad you all met. What is the staus with Gunjack and his faithful Canuck?

Christmas presents> Mostly money which is always good, plusa few other things, but my favorite was an AOL Executive Planner, since I love daily planners and I own stock in AOL so I encourage the prucahse of AOl and AOL-related products, even if you ue them for kindling wood :)

Christine> I imagine when Becca starts dating (unless she gets betrothed to my godson ;)), Tim will be saying, "now don't do any of that stuff that mommy writes about, and don't forget all that fun stuff I taught you with the Swiss Army knife if he gets any ideas."

Jaden> Well, I won't be asking for that place next. Actually, I'd like to get an AF base with Army workers or a Reserve base or Ft McPherson in Atlanta or Ft Jackson in SC. I hear Ft Lewis has even worse weather than Germany and less sun.

Spacebabie> Well, it was sad to see Gandalf go. I hope you had a good Christmas. As for anime, I bought Vampire Hunter D, the original. I want to see the sequel.

Nukes Go Boom> In-joke about you going boom is how you slip up and anger some folks, or in other words going boom :)

Daniel Johnson> Wizards aren't human? I need to rea dmore Tolkein. I guess I've been a D&D fan too long to like that fact. I just started the Two Towers.

Imzadi> <<<The truth is that in many parts of the world, the Jews are as a group wealthier than any other race. Because as a culture, they put such a high value on saving for the future, investing, and shrewd spending.>> I'd also imagine 4,000 years of persecution keeps you on your toes and forces you to be on top to survive. In Israel, they are still facing persecution from old enemies, but it probably helps that the Palestinians are the trash of the Middle East, and the Arabs hate each other too much to be a real threat to Israel.

Christine> <<exciting news on the baby; I do hope she can hold out another couple of weeks since what a drag for the poor kid to have that birthday-right-near-Xmas thing and getting cheated on prezzies! ; )>> If that happens with my ilk, the gift exchange can be moved up to Mary's birthday, just to be fair, plus it saves money on gift costs and there's no crunch in early September :)

Todd> That pardy sounds great. A perfect thing to buy along with Harry Pothead and the Sorceror is Stoned :)

Fleur> <<Weather might be dynamic, but cancer sure isn't. There's a whole lot of ways the human race can be wiped out, and it doesn't need polar ice-caps. ;)>> Well, that could also be a way of reducing overpopulation. That and reviving the Vienna Boy's Choir :)

Crzy> I don't have your new address. I tried e-mailing you, but it got sent back.

Jan> Well, posting in pink or white may be good for Eatser.

Fire Storm> <<Ah, but you don't totally reject your sexuality. I mean, look at you! You are attracted to another living being!>> Yes, and I was mainly taught that woman are to be traeted with respect and chivalry, not for my amusement. I guess I had a betetr version of Catholci school than many poeple.

Spacebabie> Your advent calendar sounds more impressive than mine.

And Yooper is a conservative, too. Just your kind of guy :)

Imzadi> <<Infamous because you look slick in them or infamous because they're hideous?>> Infamous because i am known for them. Actually many women especially Christine finds them cute :)

<<And those that are are NOT normal. Or wish they weren't.>> My goals are different from yours. I don't care if it's normal or not. I feel better about waiting. Just wait till you have children. What kind of boys do you want your daughter dating?

<<How do you know that if you have no idea what he thinks of you in the first place? >> I don't, but I imagine tehy will change regardless. It is a hypothesis and perhaps dead worng, but I guess I'll have to meet SJ first. I have no idea what he thinks of me, either. He may find an arrogant prick for all I know and meeting me may confirm his opinion or he may just find me insane, but I doubt he sees me as Kaioto Jr.

Coyote> <<Ain't free will a bitch? ;) Seriously, though ... fireworks indoors?! ;)>> I also put tombs inside walls, so I can spook the residents. Quite fun :)

Yooper> Well, that's about as close as Episcopalian, though :)

Greg X> <<No, no, no, no, no. I like Greg Weisman a lot. I've met him at three Gatherings and think he's a great guy. You've misread my comment.>> Well, I'm gald to hear that, even though I imagine you would like Crzy to treat you like she treats Greg W :)

Not that I'd blame you :)

Daphne> I got a self-teaching Latin book, which I hope will refresh me. All I know now are some prayers.

Green Baron - []
Hanau, Germany
Friday, December 28, 2001 09:10:46 PM

DPH> I've heard a theory of the movie of Kubrick is trying to ask and answer.
The Nietzchean superman. The opening starts with the Tone Poem "Thus Spoke Zarathustra," Nietzche's prophet who said "God is dead" and spoke of the coming of the superman (one who would be such an advanced human he would be perfect, Hitler corrupted this vision to suit his desire for a super-race).
The movie starts with the birth of man technology-wise and immediatley zooms (with the most brilliant jump cut ever) into the future, where men are so technologically advanced. But then question arises as to whether this technology is harmful: the bone killed an ape and delivered power unto its bearer, the thing they did the jump-cut with is supposed to be a nuclear bomb of some sort, and HAL eventually turns on its controllers.
Then the movie ends with the rebirth of man. That whole color-trip thing and the white room sequnce ares supposed to be aliens toying with the guy. Eventually, man is reborn. But it is unclear as to whether the space-child is the fetus of the superman or not. And is this harmful or good.
Each time man encountered the monolith, he became more advance in technology, but that technology was harmful in some way.
So, is the superman a good thing or bad thing? Or is it through technology that man has acheived his superman status? Will technology cause a "rebirth" of man?
What a great film!!
Friday, December 28, 2001 08:32:03 PM

I need to watch the movie AGAIN to fully understand it. The ending left me wondering "Huh?". Parts of it were so damn slow I had to fast-forward through it. Hopefully watching it a few more times will help me understand the movie better. Most of the technology shown currently exists or is within our immediate grasp.

The next big thing is to read the book "1984". A long time ago, I saw an animated version of "Animal Farm".

Imzadi - congrats on the double posts, especially since they were one second apart.

What if Microshaft were a sinister organization bent on taking over the world? Well, that would explain all the bugs in their software. Think about it.

Winterwolf - I've wondered where you've been.

Skippy - <Yep, that's about the size of it. Funny that America is helping fight a war against religious oppression in one nation and at home we allow it to spread.>I believe the ACLU stands for "Anti-Christian Liberty Union".

3 days in a row of my dad being home during the daytime!! You know what that means: My sanity level/patience level is being exhausted.


**DPH turns off his holographic mistletoe in the CR.** Gotta conserve energy. Next year's version will require more energy and more protected against mutation.

Imzadi - <I saw an episode of the West Wing last night.> Don't you mean the Liberal Wing?

Friday, December 28, 2001 08:00:20 PM

Of course, if they buy the Harry Potter books, then the burning becomes, in a sense, counter-productive, because they thereby increase their sales (as somebody pointed out earlier). Unless they carefully choose the books exclusively from those who were Harry Potter fans but have since repented. (Stealing them from the bookstore or paying for them with counterfeit money would obviously be out of the question).

I saw the LotR movie today, a second time. I might add that I enjoyed it a bit more this time around. I'm certainly looking forward to the second movie next December. (John Rhys-Davies fans should definitely look forward to it, since he gets a double role there; he not only continues to play the part of Gimli, but also provides the voice of Treebeard).

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Friday, December 28, 2001 07:24:25 PM

Jan>>Are you saying that since this particular group wants to burn these books, it's an act religious oppression?<<
The Taliban outlawed kite-flying in Afganistan, I do see a similarity...

But largely, I'm against the burning of books on principle. It's the act of intellectual barbarism.

Symbolicly these people are destroying knowlege and uplifting ignorance, the fact that they are doing this in the name of God bristles me even more.

Admittedly Harry Potter is just a work of fiction. The fact that none of the people that are involved in this "Holy Bonfire" even read the book (they never do, wouldn't want to be influenced by witches) and are doing this simply because they were told to by their pastor. They are nothing but sheep who refuse to think for themselves.

That is the big difference: There are Christians who think for themselves and make up their own determinations of good and evil, and then there are those who let their pastors make those decisons for them. I respect the latter group and have utter contempt for the former.
Skippy The Klingon
Friday, December 28, 2001 07:06:32 PM

My two cents...

I would call a church-organized book burning an act of religions *intolerance*. An act of religious *oppression* would have to mean it affects other people personally and adversely... like if instead of a book burning, it were a witch burning.

That said... I find the whole idea of going out and paying good money for books for the sole purpose of turning around and burning them to be inherently stupid, as I would think any church's money could be better spent on pursing more positive "works of God." Housing the homeless or feeding the hungry for example. When I was in high school, one of my friends was a member of a church youth group where the pastor organized a Ouija Board burning, saying that that promoted satanism. My friend bragged to me how they spent several hundred dollars buying out the stock of every Kay-Bee toy store in the area. I rolled my eyes then, and I roll them again now.

Patrick Toman
Friday, December 28, 2001 06:56:48 PM

Skippy> <<Yep, that's about the size of it. Funny that America is helping fight a war against religious oppression in one nation and at home we allow it to spread. >>
Are you saying that since this particular group wants to burn these books, it's an act religious oppression?
<<If I lived near in Alamagordo I'd probably be out there protesting. Wonder if they'd mind if I took a Bible wrapped up in a flag and dropped it on their little bonfire... >> most definitely - I don't consider the Bible or the American flag to be in the same category as a children's fantasy book.

Today is my parents' 49th wedding anniversary. We're taking them out to eat in a few minutes, so I have to rush out now. More replies later.

Friday, December 28, 2001 05:42:46 PM

Man, I've been playing with my PSP7 and I created my first corner layout! I have also been reading the Rayearth Manga and the Anime did a good job at following it closely. I plan on watching my Utena movie later.

Survivor Spoilers
Call me sick but I was cheering for that Lioness to catch its prey.
Gross the named Tom's boil?!
and DARNIT! Lex didn't get voted out, instead it was young Kim, figures all the America's Sweethearts get voted out: Colleen, Elizabeth. but why not Lex?Skippy<<<Burning Harry Potter Books, Where do these wackos come from?

Gside<<<You think your dad got better toys than you? My dad got only a few true toys. Model kits. Two of them being Gundam model kits. He built the Wing Gundam yesterday, but I think I got better stuff than him.

Josh<<<Where did she get this?>>>I have no idea. I’ll ask her.<<<You have that many shoes? Chicks. >>>I have only three pairs of dress shoes that I hardly ever wear. Three sneakers, one pair is laceless, one pair of strappy shoes(Ibought it cause of the leopard design) a pair of boots, and two pairs of slippers. Nice Double posting.

Orlando, Fl
Friday, December 28, 2001 02:18:16 PM

Hi everyone, I had a great christmas. I got a DVD player with 12 Anime DVD.
Card Captor Sakura: The Clow, Friends Forever, Vacation Daze, Gundam Wing: Operations 1, 6 and, 9. EscaFlowne: Dragons and Distiny, Pokemon 3, Tenchi The Movie: Tenchi Muyo in Love, Princess Mononoke, Card Captors: New Lessons, and Sailor Moon S: Heart Collection 1. I aslo got some Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duel Monsters Cards. A Box of the Blue Eyes White Dragon Boosters. A Yu-Gi-Oh Structre Deck, base off Yu-Gi's Deck from the Show and a EX-R Box that has 2 structure decks another deck base on Yu-Gi's Deck and the other is base off Seto Kaiba Deck's but it only come with one Blue Eyes White Dragon insteat of three.

Blue Eyes White Dragon - []
Winter Park, Fl, USA
Friday, December 28, 2001 12:25:37 PM

Book burnings > it's a shame, but the funny part is when you stop to think how many people are going to go out and BUY books just to pitch on the pyre ... a royalty is a royalty is a royalty, after all! ; )

DPH > yes, I fear they are; Greg W. and I had a long talk with Steve at G'99, following which he (Steve) made inquiries at Disney and met with zero enthusiasm. It makes no sense to me -- they get money and have to do no work -- but go figure.

Josh > true, but that's not _good_ attention!

My in-laws called last night from Billings (in their motor-home trek from Chicago). Snow in the mountains. Don't know when they'll arrive. So I can just stress freefall. Whoopee!

Christine - []
Friday, December 28, 2001 12:05:51 PM

silvadel> <<As for losing your soul because you found a forest beautiful>>
The thing was is that the young Jew was doing a sacred act: reading the Torah and studying it, learning G-d's law. He broke away from focusing on G-d through studying and focused on G-d's creation.
Had he been just walking after a game of chess and said "How beutiful the Lord's work is" or something like that, then he would not have forfited his soul.
Besides, I think if you went throught he right process, he would have been forgiven.
houston, tx
Friday, December 28, 2001 11:12:18 AM

hey everyone!

i went and saw harry potter today... i know it's not the talk of the Cr anymore, but just know something (else) about me... i suck about following the fads and such... by the time i ever go see a cool movie, or listen to a cool song, its not really the talk anymore... everyone is talking about LotR... and i wanna go see that too..

but anyway, harry potter was very good. better than i expected. but i still have yet to read the books.

man, i have gone to see the suckiest movies this year (ex-cluding harry potter, and monsters inc.)

i went and saw Jurassic Park 3... it SUCKED!!!!!!!! may as well have been directed by a 12 year old. bad, bad movie.
compared to the first one, this one sucked CUBED!!!!! you gotta admit, the first one had a good plot, and story, and actually made sense... the second one was... not bad, but the plot was a little loose. the third one had NO plot, and hardly a *good* story line. it was a five minute project in my terms. but then again, it was NOT directed my steven spealburg er whatever, so that made it worse too. if he would have done it, it prolly woulda been better.

i'll see if i can go see LotR... is there like any background info i need to know at all? i at least knew something about harry potter.

i got MYST 3: Exile fer christmas... its really cool so far. but DANG its hard. you gotta be good at solving puzzles and such. some of the puzzles are very hard. some are clear enough and are pretty slef-explanitory.

i don't really know the story line of the games though... back in the day when i had my crappy computer, i had the first myst, but i couldn't get very far on it, because it was soooooo bad with games. and i got 3 fer christmas, so i missed out on two also. but its still a cool game, the graphics are great.

-.- my mom gave me a buncha crap the other day about wanting to be a musician. she was just joking, but dammit, that is what i wanna be. she's like, you'll have to live in the basement forever. blah

well, i think i may call it quits for my post tonight. see everyone round!

"We know it's hard for you to see
That this is all we want to be"-- Chicago

-={King Terrky Kath, The Efficient Rock Star}=-

Terrky K - []
Friday, December 28, 2001 03:17:45 AM

Today was slightly better spent than yesterday.

I only worked a half day really, helping take inventory. Counting things, really, and writing the numbers on little tags that later get entered into the company database. What a waste of the few talents that I have, but its better than working tech support. And few other companies would hire me for as little as 5 days.

Anything to make cash before I go back to school.

I also expertly compressed my resume into a single page. Now there will be no confusion about what is relevant to what I'm applying for, because all the "filler" has been removed. If anyone wants to give me a job, its at mywebsite/resume.pdf or .html

I saw an episode of the West Wing last night. It was pretty good. I may start watching it regularly, if I can.


Shadowrider: <<I hear saying the same, with "America" instead of "Europe">>: LOL. <<You never know>>: Yes I do, because I'm not paying and no one else is sending me. <<Really?>>: Especially the French. Fortunately, the surrender-monkeys quickly shut up if we fly a plane overhead. <<if you are sure of this...>>: Live in the US for as long as I have, and you'll be quite sure as well. <<I am growing more and more tired of Microsoft products, so I think that if I will decide to get a new OS, it will be probably Linux>>: Not ready to switch to Mac yet? <<I will project a quick and effective way to clean a keyboard>>: Just think of all the teenage boys that will help!

Stephen: <<and the DVD player>>: Few things can compete with AV components. <<I made a bet with my boss>>: She's gonna pay for the detailing?! Sweet! Best of luck.

Skippy: <<Mexico>>: Silly Christians. The only problem is that after reading fantasy, I *DO* want to be a dark wizard ;-) Had I not read any fantasy (or otherwise been exposed to fantasy), I'd just want to be evil. <<Wonder if they'd mind if I took a Bible wrapped up in a flag and dropped it on their little bonfire>>: Mind? I think they'd execute you for that one.

DPH: <<I don't agree with my SBC's stance on Harry Potter>>: Good to hear. Otherwise we'd force you to eternally wear a dunce cap. <<Disney is that stupid? I was working under the assumption that any such agreement would be beneficial to Disney.>>: Not likely. We wouldn't make ANY money off of it, therefore THEY wouldn't make any money off of it either.

Aingeal: <<need job! ned money to fix computer and pay to get phone line so i can be online insanely like before>>: I feel your pain. <<dont remind me?>>: Too late. <<i figure if someone starts stalking me I know where to start making inquires>>: I suppose so. Still, any jackass could read this room (and many do!). <<like everything involving the back wheels>>: Ouch! I took my Boomer in once for a routine oil change...they found so many cracks and splits and tears that the repairs wound up costing $2000. I was PISSED.

Revel: <<I think you are going to have to drag me to the theater because I still have not had the time to go see lord of the rings>>: Make the time. You'll be glad you did.

Ravyn: <<I'm down to 2 days before I take off for Coyote's place!>>: Excited, huh? <<I've never seen real snow in my life>>: I remember the first time I saw snow. I was about 11 or 12, I think. And I didn't see it FALL until I was 15. <<so I'm very scared of it at this point, since it looks really cold>>: From what I understand, AZ is frikkin' freezing at night anyway. But Detroit in the winter...not a place I'd choose to be, even if I had an SO there. <<Did you have to get yours pulled?>>: Yeah. They left these big holes in my gums that you have to clean out with a plastic syringe after you eat (gross, I know, but if you don't then they start to reek and eventually get infected). And with the vicodin, I was unconscious the entire three days following the surgery. I was quite hungry when I finally awoke. <<I'm leaving insanely early on Saturday morning to catch a flight to a very snowy, cold place, coming from a desert where it's 60 degrees right now>>: Its warm in LA too. That's why I'm having visitors come to me instead of going to them. <<I go between being terrified of going to excited about going>>: What could possibly terrify you about that? Cold weather?

Cyberklaw: <<there will always be people who don't like it>>: Usually, I am in that crowd. I'm a nitpicky bastard. But in this case, I say: "forget him".

Metaldemon: <<computers, cars, money, clothes, a wall>>: All of them helped, in my case ;-)

Cripes, still have to work tomorrow. Oh well, not many more days of that!

In all of history, there have only been a few really good scams...the Loch Ness Monster, Canada...
-Al Bundy, Married with Children

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Encino, CA, US of A
Friday, December 28, 2001 02:44:29 AM

Today was slightly better spent than yesterday.

I only worked a half day really, helping take inventory. Counting things, really, and writing the numbers on little tags that later get entered into the company database. What a waste of the few talents that I have, but its better than working tech support. And few other companies would hire me for as little as 5 days.

Anything to make cash before I go back to school.

I also expertly compressed my resume into a single page. Now there will be no confusion about what is relevant to what I'm applying for, because all the "filler" has been removed. If anyone wants to give me a job, its at mywebsite/resume.pdf or .html

I saw an episode of the West Wing last night. It was pretty good. I may start watching it regularly, if I can.


Shadowrider: <<I hear saying the same, with "America" instead of "Europe">>: LOL. <<You never know>>: Yes I do, because I'm not paying and no one else is sending me. <<Really?>>: Especially the French. Fortunately, the surrender-monkeys quickly shut up if we fly a plane overhead. <<if you are sure of this...>>: Live in the US for as long as I have, and you'll be quite sure as well. <<I am growing more and more tired of Microsoft products, so I think that if I will decide to get a new OS, it will be probably Linux>>: Not ready to switch to Mac yet? <<I will project a quick and effective way to clean a keyboard>>: Just think of all the teenage boys that will help!

Stephen: <<and the DVD player>>: Few things can compete with AV components. <<I made a bet with my boss>>: She's gonna pay for the detailing?! Sweet! Best of luck.

Skippy: <<Mexico>>: Silly Christians. The only problem is that after reading fantasy, I *DO* want to be a dark wizard ;-) Had I not read any fantasy (or otherwise been exposed to fantasy), I'd just want to be evil. <<Wonder if they'd mind if I took a Bible wrapped up in a flag and dropped it on their little bonfire>>: Mind? I think they'd execute you for that one.

DPH: <<I don't agree with my SBC's stance on Harry Potter>>: Good to hear. Otherwise we'd force you to eternally wear a dunce cap. <<Disney is that stupid? I was working under the assumption that any such agreement would be beneficial to Disney.>>: Not likely. We wouldn't make ANY money off of it, therefore THEY wouldn't make any money off of it either.

Aingeal: <<need job! ned money to fix computer and pay to get phone line so i can be online insanely like before>>: I feel your pain. <<dont remind me?>>: Too late. <<i figure if someone starts stalking me I know where to start making inquires>>: I suppose so. Still, any jackass could read this room (and many do!). <<like everything involving the back wheels>>: Ouch! I took my Boomer in once for a routine oil change...they found so many cracks and splits and tears that the repairs wound up costing $2000. I was PISSED.

Revel: <<I think you are going to have to drag me to the theater because I still have not had the time to go see lord of the rings>>: Make the time. You'll be glad you did.

Ravyn: <<I'm down to 2 days before I take off for Coyote's place!>>: Excited, huh? <<I've never seen real snow in my life>>: I remember the first time I saw snow. I was about 11 or 12, I think. And I didn't see it FALL until I was 15. <<so I'm very scared of it at this point, since it looks really cold>>: From what I understand, AZ is frikkin' freezing at night anyway. But Detroit in the winter...not a place I'd choose to be, even if I had an SO there. <<Did you have to get yours pulled?>>: Yeah. They left these big holes in my gums that you have to clean out with a plastic syringe after you eat (gross, I know, but if you don't then they start to reek and eventually get infected). And with the vicodin, I was unconscious the entire three days following the surgery. I was quite hungry when I finally awoke. <<I'm leaving insanely early on Saturday morning to catch a flight to a very snowy, cold place, coming from a desert where it's 60 degrees right now>>: Its warm in LA too. That's why I'm having visitors come to me instead of going to them. <<I go between being terrified of going to excited about going>>: What could possibly terrify you about that? Cold weather?

Cyberklaw: <<there will always be people who don't like it>>: Usually, I am in that crowd. I'm a nitpicky bastard. But in this case, I say: "forget him".

Metaldemon: <<computers, cars, money, clothes, a wall>>: All of them helped, in my case ;-)

Cripes, still have to work tomorrow. Oh well, not many more days of that!

In all of history, there have only been a few really good scams...the Loch Ness Monster, Canada...
-Al Bundy, Married with Children

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Encino, CA, US of A
Friday, December 28, 2001 02:44:28 AM

I have returned. I'll catch up eventually, or just get all direct replies and ignore the rest.
And my father got better toys than me this year. Isn't there some rule against that?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, December 28, 2001 02:23:55 AM

You want a bad movie -- try Rocky and Bullwinkle...

The third movie will be the best LoTR movie because it has the most potential for storyline and special effects. Plus it is the climax. Id love to see the next 2 movies now =)

As for losing your soul because you found a forest beautiful -- If you believe in a loving caring god why would you ever think he would forsake you for something like that? If your god is so very banal that any little think will make him cast you out then you are really underestimating him or worshipping the wrong one or the wrong aspect. The main question is when you fall will he catch you?

Friday, December 28, 2001 12:18:22 AM

**Snow starts falling in the CR and Winterwolf steps in shaking of the snow**

Happy Holidays!
Belated Merry Christmas
Happy New Year a little early

I've been without an internet connection here in NY for weeks now but I've managed to get some time on my sister's computer tonight to say hi. To Lynati and anyone else interested in getting together in NY give me a call. Lynati has my NY number. If I happen to be out leave a number I can call back and I will. ^_^


**Winterwolf zips out**

Bronx, NY
Thursday, December 27, 2001 08:32:23 PM

FS> I land in Detroit around 1:00 in the afternoon. :)
Thursday, December 27, 2001 08:07:53 PM

Skippy> Funny thing is, anything can make you stray from God: computers, cars, money, clothes, a wall. I remember reading a stroy where a young Jew was reading his Torah in the woods when he looked up and said, "AH, these woods are so beutiful." The commentary said: He who does this has forfited his soul.
One could argue his quest to destroy Harry Potter has led him astray from God. :P
DPH> Ahhhhh. 2001: A Space Odyssey. First time I saw that, I didn't like it. Second time I thought it was OK. The third time just blew my mind away. :D
houston, tx
Thursday, December 27, 2001 07:41:28 PM

DPH>>Skippy & others - I honestly believe there are two types of conservative Christians: ones like me and ones who use conservative Christianity to advance their own cause. I don't agree with my SBC's stance on Harry Potter.<<

Yep, that's about the size of it. Funny that America is helping fight a war against religious oppression in one nation and at home we allow it to spread. If I lived near in Alamagordo I'd probably be out there protesting. Wonder if they'd mind if I took a Bible wrapped up in a flag and dropped it on their little bonfire...

Skippy The Klingon
Thursday, December 27, 2001 07:21:25 PM

Greg Bishansky (or anyone else on the TGS crew) >>>I've been very patient, but I'm still waiting for a reply to my e-mail. Just letting you know I'm still here and still waiting...

Anyway, just wanted to drop in my opinion of the Lord of the Rings movie. It was simply a great film that ranks among one of the best I'v ever seen. It wasn't a completely literal adaptation (I don't think it could have been and still remain good), but it preserved the spirit and essence of the story and characters, and that's what matters in my opinion.

But I know someone who absolutely hated it. He rated it as the '4th shittiest' film he'd ever seen. This opinion has left me bewildered, but it just goes to show that no matter how good something is, you can never please everyone, there will always be people who don't like it...

cyberklaw - []
London, UK
Thursday, December 27, 2001 07:01:17 PM

Ravyn: What time are you arriving here in Detroit?

More L8R!

Fire Storm
Thursday, December 27, 2001 06:27:27 PM

Well, I'm down to 2 days before I take off for Coyote's place! Actually, closer to about a day and a half now ... other than that, I have my pre-surgery consultation appointment about my wisdom teeth tomorrow. I don't know when I'm having the actual surgery yet, but I'm getting this appointment out of the way while I'm not in school.

Quick replies!

Aingeal> Hang in there!!!

Stephen> Glad to hear about your nice Christmas, and getting to see Heather. :)

Josh> Making resumes sucks! ;) <<I don't know about Coyote, but I can tell you that snow can be a lot of fun.>> Really? I've never seen real snow in my life, so I'm very scared of it at this point, since it looks really cold. ;) <<You should have been a superior human like my mother and been born without them>> Oh, I wish!!! I was really hoping that would happen, but ... no luck there. Oh, well. ;) <<alas, I was only born without the top two>> Those are the two giving me trouble right now! ;) Did you have to get yours pulled?

Niamhgold> Cool pictures. :)

Potter Book Burning> Ah, Alamagordo, New Mexico ... used to have to go there once a year in high school for a basketball tournament. It was the only place we would travel to as a team from Sierra Vista that was actually much *worse* of a small town than Sierra Vista. Wacky place. ;) Although one time, we got to stay on the Air Force Base there in Alamogordo, and that majorly rocked ... :) As for the whole book burning thing, it's really silly. ;)

Jan> <<Saturday is the big day, huh?>> Yeppers! I'm leaving insanely early on Saturday morning to catch a flight to a very snowy, cold place, coming from a desert where it's 60 degrees right now. :) <<I know you must be on pins and needles about now!>> **bounces and jumps around** Oh, heck yeah!!! I go between being terrified of going to excited about going, and then scared of snow ... ah, hell, it'll be over soon either way! j/k ;) <<Give Coyote an extra big hug for me, ok?>> Sure will! I'm sure he won't mind that. ;)

Thursday, December 27, 2001 06:20:03 PM

Well I'm still here, it's just that I work a lot, my boss wants to get every hour out of me before I go back. I'd feel special if I was not so tired.
Nothing too strange for christmas this year. My grandparrents are famous for "interesting" gifts. Did somehow end up with three flash lights and a summer sausage.

Skippy- Why am I not surprised. This goes back to the fact that you can't please everyone and chances are you are pissing someone off to no end.

Aingeal-Soory about your car, from what it sounds I doubt I would have been much help. I can do basic stuff and repair and replacement but beyond that I'm in a rut. (Hugs) Don't feel bad about missing out on us in NY, I see you someother time, I hope. So just hang in there.

Greg- Hey, I think you are going to have to drag me to the theater because I still have not had the time to go see lord of the rings.

"It's called a lance... hello."
A knight's tale

Revel - []
the bayou city, tx
Thursday, December 27, 2001 05:42:54 PM

GRR... need job! ned money to fix computer and pay to get phone line so i can be online insanely like before :-p

Josh:: <<Everyone feels that way at some time. You'll live.>> dont remind me? <<Is it wise to post your address here?>> Prolly not, but i figure if someone starts stalking me I know where to start making inquires. (spelling sux right now)

Anyway... life is smoothing out a lil... got my car fixed, but now i'm mius several hundered dollars. I had to replace about half of the brake system in the car... like everything involving the back wheels... ::sigh:: oh well... life keeps going.

well... I'm going to run... I'll try to keep in touch.. laters all!

Thursday, December 27, 2001 05:10:15 PM

Mine, mine, all mine, at least until Monday. I rented "2001: A Space Oddessy" from Hastings. Apparantly that movie has been quite popular for rental.

Skippy & others - I honestly believe there are two types of conservative Christians: ones like me and ones who use conservative Christianity to advance their own cause. I don't agree with my SBC's stance on Harry Potter.

Imzadi & others - I don't have the time to oversee such a project and I hope in heck that my proposal does NOT appear at the GNC. I am not going to start working out basic details because I might suddenly find myself at the center of such a project.

Christine - <I'd love to do novels, but the chances of getting the rights from Disney are zilch ... if they wouldn't even nibble at the possibility of selling the gaming rights to a big name company like Steve Jackson, they're sure not going to look twice at us> Disney is that stupid? I was working under the assumption that any such agreement would be beneficial to Disney.

Besides TGS, I am involved in 2 other group projects, 2 individual projects, and another project on the backburner. Hopefully, I should be able to finish 1 of those individual projects soon.

I was officially released from the chiropractor today. As of now, I have to pay for any future benefits. My next appointment is in 2 weeks. After that, it's going to be as needed basis.

Today's a slow day, apparantly.

I'll offer a review of 2001: A Space Oddessy later.

Thursday, December 27, 2001 04:23:00 PM

Here's something off the newswire I thought you might be interested in.

ALAMOGORDO, New Mexico (Reuters) - A New Mexico church plans to burn Harry Potter books because they are "an abomination to God," the church pastor said on Wednesday.

Pastor Jack Brock said he would have a "holy bonfire" on Sunday at the Christ Community Church in Alamogordo in southern New Mexico to torch books about the fictional teen-age wizard who is wildly popular with young people.

"These books encourage our youth to learn more about witches, warlocks, and sorcerers, and those things are an abomination to God and to me," Brock, 74, told Reuters.

"Harry Potter books are going to destroy the lives of many young people."

The books, written by British author J.K. Rowling, have been runaway bestsellers and a movie, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," is currently a blockbuster hit.

Brock, whose said his Christmas Eve sermon was titled "The Baby Jesus or Harry Potter?," described the book burning as part of an effort to encourage Christians to remove everything from their homes that prevents them from communicating with God.

The books have come under fire in a few U.S communities for supposedly encouraging devilish thoughts among the young, but Rowling in an earlier statement issued by her publisher Bloomsbury called the criticisms absurd.

"I have met thousands of children now, and not even one time has a child come up to me and said, 'Ms. Rowling, I'm so glad I've read these books because now I want to be a witch,'" she said.

Skippy The Klingon
Thursday, December 27, 2001 09:29:34 AM

Greetings all...

Well, Christmas was half-n-half this year. Meaning it was half-bad, due to a annoying stomach bug I picked up (Seinfield's commercial "The train's comin' to the's just not stoppin'!" is soooo apropo!)... but it was half-good in that I got to see my girl Heather since she left four months ago to work in an apprenticeship in ceramics in Pigeon Forge. I totally scored big points with her on her gift from me: a DVD of Shrek, and the DVD player along with it. ^_^ We spent the afternoon watching "Lord of The Rings" and supper at both family's house (Honey Ham at my folks, Turkey at hers). We missed each other terribly, from the way we were making moon eyes at each other, and - just so I don't get everyone too sugar-shocked this early in the day - let's just say it was a good ending to Christmas night.

Presents were short this year, but good ones!

A Buccaneer's licence plate and T-Shirt
A red sweater with an American Flag patch on it.
A 4 DVD set of John Wayne's early films (Hell Town, Angel & The Badman, etc.)
A hand-crafted mug (this from Heather, made by her)
A car cleaning kit with tool box w/built in AM/FM radio

That last gift had me a bit worried, since I made a bet with my boss at work over the Baltimore/Tampa Bay game... if the Bucs win, I get my Sundance detailed inside and out. If the Ravens win, however, I have to pony up ten bucks AND wash the new 2002 Impala my boss got for her company car this year. The full deal: wash, wax, and buff.


Anyway, will have more to say later... right now going to grab some sleep... since I got talked into working a split shift today.

Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Thursday, December 27, 2001 09:29:17 AM

Hey everyone! Well, seems everyone had a good Christmas, what I am happy for. Ok, not so much to say this time (always so in holiday time...) so I do quickly...

Josh:> <<every new drug I hear about is always followed by the phrase "this stuff is really hot in Europe right now".>>
Interesting...I hear saying the same, with "America" instead of "Europe"...
<<Alas, it may be a few years before I'm near Italy.>> You never know...
<<Most Europeans hate Americans >> Really?
<<with good reason, I might add: we're jerks>> Oh, well, if you are sure of this...
<<Windows Xp>> Well, I worked just a little with it, but I have no intention to buy it, neither now or in future. Actually, I am growing more and more tired of Microsoft products, so I think that if I will decide to get a new OS, it will be probably Linux.

Infinity:> <<Alien Vs. Predator 2>> A walkthrough? I am not sure, but why don't you try at They have tons of walkthroughs, and usually even for very recent games.

Jan:> <<*still wiping the drool off of my keyboard* >> Oh, no! Cleaning a keyboard is so *annoying*...I think that when I will decide I want to become rich, I will project a quick and effective way to clean a keyboard...;)

Nothing more for now. See everyone!

Shadowrider - []
Thursday, December 27, 2001 09:23:29 AM

Today was REALLY boring. I "worked", except that it was totally unproductive. I reformatted a bunch of machines at the office and sat around the rest of the day doing nothing, because the guy that I was supposed to work with on the inventory didn't bother to tell me when they were starting.

Then, I had to come home and start on a resume to submit to Apple (and other companies). I found out that the whole night was wasted: I should have been trying to create a one-page object that stands out, not trying to list every stupid thing (no matter how impressive) that I've ever done, because no employer cares.

So I met at a deli with my best friend to go over the resume. Finally finished at about 1AM. I have work in 7 hours.

anyway, replies

Nukes: <<xp is the most stable os as of yet>>: For Windows. That's an important qualifier. <<i loved it when they were smoking>>: I'm shocked. I loved that they referred to it as "weed" too.

Terrky: <<Myst>>: That one's taken, and you WILL get sued ;-)

Silvadel: <<The third movie will probably be the best of the three>>: I think they'll all be AMAZING. The first certainly was.

DPH: <<I would want any earnings to go towards a trust fund (only able to spend the interest) for the Gathering>>: And who would control this trust fund, manage it to make sure that we followed these rules?

Spacebabie: <<A bag of Bertie Bots Every Flavor Beans from my brother's girlfriend>>: Where did she get this? <<A closet shoe organizer>>: You have that many shoes? Chicks.

Ravyn: <<I get to go see Coyote and lots of snow. I'm looking forward to the Coyote part, at least>>: I don't know about Coyote, but I can tell you that snow can be a lot of fun. <<I found out last week that I have to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled. Ouch!>>: You should have been a superior human like my mother and been born without them (alas, I was only born without the top two).

Jan: <<it seems that once someone has been incarcerated, they instantly think that they are experts in law enforcement and judicial law>>: It pays to be an expert BEFORE you get incarcerated (and before you committ a crime in the first place), that way you know what your rights are and what to expect. Er, not that I know from experience... <<that he's a crazy and dangerous loon. They were concerned enough to put a deputy in the lobby for a while and to send a deputy to the PA's office for protection>>: I'd like to point out that its the democrats' fault that he goes free, instead of being hung at high noon. <<Monkeys Steal My Underwear at Night" *L* I have no idea of what that means, but I think it's funny>>: It means your crazy. Seriously ;-) Basically, you're wearing a shirt that says "I'm a looney!" <<I bought the kids each a DVD player>>: That was very nice of you. <<I don't understand that level of mentality that would cause this to be *fun* to do>>: I guess then that Michael never played with legos. Half the fun of building something is watching it explode into a billion tiny bits.

Hyperion: <<you could use the cash to commission a Gargoyles bong for all I care>>: Now that would be a sweet friggin bong!

The Wizard: <<Hobbit pics>>: WHOA! AMAZING. Your mom drew these? I'd like to comission a piece!

Christine: <<they're sure not going to look twice at us>>: Unless we do it without their permission, in which case we'll have their attention VERY quickly ;-)

Hmmm, managed to finish quickly. SLEEP TIME!

I got pistol whipped at laser tag.
- Aaron Wheeler, at Gathering 2001

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Encino, CA, US of A
Thursday, December 27, 2001 04:25:08 AM

Novels > I'd love to do novels, but the chances of getting the rights from Disney are zilch ... if they wouldn't even nibble at the possibility of selling the gaming rights to a big name company like Steve Jackson, they're sure not going to look twice at us :(

Xmas > ours was very nice. Becca is now up to her eyeballs in Harry Potter stuff (actually, we each got something HP; my new mousepad has Hogwarts on it), and Tim managed to find more Gargoyles items to add to my collection. Also got some Elfquest books, copies of Alien Nation videos, a couple of Cyber Age Adventures anthologies ... all in all, a very fangirl Christmas hereabouts <g>

Christine - []
Wednesday, December 26, 2001 11:43:49 PM

Just got back from LOTR. what an incredible movie. i loved it when they were smoking. LOL.
Wednesday, December 26, 2001 10:11:37 PM

** Niamhgold enters quickly **

Okay, since some people were asking, I've scanned and uploaded some low-res images of those hobbit drawings I said that my mom had stored away. I'll leave them up in the folder for a little while; look and enjoy :)

Clicky mi nombre or go to:

Adios and welcome back to those who've been MIA ;)

Wednesday, December 26, 2001 09:45:46 PM

To: self
Re: Idiot!

After spell checking a post make sure it's set to the right color, otherwise you end up looking like a fool.

Yours Truly,

Hyperion - []
Wednesday, December 26, 2001 09:38:28 PM

DPH> Frankly, what we do with the money (hypothetically) is is least of my (hypothetical) concerns...more important would be the logistics of handling the costs and (hypothetical) profits. You'd almost have to set up a not-for-profit orgnization or set it up as a division of an existing publishing company. Either way, you could indicate in the business charter what any funds would be used for. Far from getting rich(you could use the cash to commission a Gargoyles bong for all I care) would be the added publicity. Hopefully unlike the Gargoyles movie, for instance.

OK, who put a "stop payment" on my reality check?
Hyperion - []
Wednesday, December 26, 2001 09:36:21 PM

whoa.. for the first time since I started working at the sheriff's dept - I was frightened today.

When I arrived (7:30am) there was a couple sitting in the lobby. A deputy came in and spoke to them and then left. I could overhear the guy ranting about getting his 9mm gun back... as I went to the jail, I passed in front of them and asked if the sgt. took care of their needs. The guy, (I later found out his name is Jeff) Jeff very haughtily said,"I'm going to talk to THE sheriff" I replied that I didn't know what time the sheriff would be in and he informed me that the sheriff would be in at 8am. I shrugged and said, "the sheriff comes in when he wants to because he's the sheriff" End of conversation with this guy... Now, I've gone to the courthouse & when I returned, the cleaning lady met me outside and forewarned me that the guy & his gf were causing quite a ruckus in the office with the sheriff...including threats of hooking onto the sheriff's car and dragging it down Main St. and then shooting it full of holes, showing up at the sheriff's house, etc. I walked quickly into the office and while the couple was in the lobby, I locked the door to the office. While I was putting away the paperwork from the courthouse, the gal started banging on my window (has a tray and a hole area to speak thru) and started demanding copies of a police report and shoving the money into the tray. Kathy stood up & went to the window telling them that they were NOT going to receive a copy of the reports. (Apparently, this guy had been charged with kidnapping w/a weapon and arson - but the charges were dropped when the victim refused to show up to court.... which we've heard thru the grapevine that Jeff threatened to kill this guy if he testified against him) So, I open the door so that they can hear me perfectly and clearly as I inform them once again that they would not receive a copy of this report... it wasn't his report. (it was the report filed against him & had a list of victims in it... Jeff is known for retaliating against those who file complaints against him) He wants to sue everyone involved in the case that was dropped. The guy is a fool & keeps pointing to our sign that says, "Copies of Reports, $2) and says that he has $2 and he wants a report. *rolls eyes*
~side note: it seems that once someone has been incarcerated, they instantly think that they are experts in law enforcement and judicial law~
I get bored with arguing with him and voices are being raised... I step back into the office, went to the sheriff's office and told him to remove these people from my lobby. Sheriff stepped out, told him the same thing that I did & then told him to leave the lobby. The guy refused, so Sheriff shoved the guy out the door. *snickers*
Of course, Jeff is yelling assault and how he's going to sue the Sheriff. Ohyeah, he's also asking everyone their names (I guess to be included in the lawsuit). I tell him that it's none of his damn business what my name is.
Jeff and his gf then drive to the PA's office and makes a rukus up there.
Now, here's why I became frightened.... everyone who knows this guy started talking about how dangerous he was... how they wouldn't be suprised if he showed back up there with guns a'blazin shooting everyone in sight.. that he's a crazy and dangerous loon. They were concerned enough to put a deputy in the lobby for a while and to send a deputy to the PA's office for protection.
Jeff gets off most of the time on charges because he either intimidates, threatens, or his mom buys him out. They can't quite get enough to actually charge him with something that will require jail time. He's a dangerous and loose cannon and unfortunately one of those situations that he'll do something major before he's thrown into jail. =\ I was definitely a bit shaken for most of the day.....

Rayvn> OOoooO Saturday is the big day, huh? *giggles* I know you must be on pins and needles about now! Give Coyote an extra big hug for me, ok? ;)

Carolyn Marie> welcome back! I've missed your posting!! *hugs* Hope all is well with you :)

Shadowrider> *still wiping the drool off of my keyboard* ;)

What I got for Christmas:
a beautiful new Bible, diamond & sapphire ring and matching necklace, a blue topaz bracelet, several misc. police toys *chuckles*, trinket boxes, fox figurines, potporurri and a beautiful stand to put it in (about knee high), an electric blanket! *happy feet dance*, perfume, a "USA" bag, and a t-shirt that says, "Monkeys Steal My Underwear at Night" *L* I have no idea of what that means, but I think it's funny :D

Heh, when my mom finally figured out the clues to their present from my brother and I (a trip to Hawaii) she was in shock and kept saying, "I'm not going!" "I'm not going!" *L* ummmm yes, they ARE going. She was so excited/in shock over it, it took a few more minutes for it to soak into her that we were sending them to Hawaii. *L*
Steve had made up clues in a treasure chest for her to figure it all out. Dad just sat there and grinned real big. He's always wanted to see Pearl Harbor.
I bought the kids each a DVD player. They discovered that their VCR's are old enough that they don't have the block on them so they can make copies of the DVDs onto videos. hehehe
I watched Princess Diaries on the DVD last night.. very cute and comical movie :)

Juveniles broke into a $300,000 summer home on the lake and did $40,000 worth of personal property damage and $70,000 worth of structural damage. I don't understand that level of mentality that would cause this to be *fun* to do. They were all promptly caught and sent to juvie. Two of them will be there for the next 2-3 years when they turn 18. (repeat offenders) Our juvenile system sucks.

ok, time to take a hot shower and relax for the evening.

Wednesday, December 26, 2001 08:17:57 PM

<< delurks >>
Hullo everybody. Hope you guys had a great Xmas and got lots of stuff.
I need help from the gamers in here. As part of my Christmas haul I got a copy of the muchly anicipated Aliens vs Predator 2. Anybody know where I can find walkthroughs for this game? I am getting a headache trying to figure out who the frell I am supposed to facehug and I can't find a way out of this room on the first marine level. If the game is this confusing all the way through I am going to be greatly displeased.
Haven't seen Lord of the Rings yet but hopefully before break's over I will.
Thanks in advance for any help and Happy New Year!
<<fades into the background>>

Wednesday, December 26, 2001 07:29:50 PM

Howdy, all, and Happy Holidays! :)

Not long now until I get to go see Coyote and lots of snow. I'm looking forward to the Coyote part, at least. ;)

In other, less exciting news, I found out last week that I have to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled. Ouch! :(

Dreamie> <<Did ya catch you-know-who on Excess last Saturday?>> NO!!! GAH, I missed him??? Oh, dang dang *dang*!!! :( Ah, well ... ;) Good luck with everything, and you and Winterwolf are still adorable! ;)

Daniel Johnson> Oh, that's cute about the love story! :) Here's hoping everything works out all right for you both. :)

We get TV-type ads before movies here too. They're really annoying. ;)

Jan> <<meth>> Icky!!! Man, I knew it was bad stuff, but now I *really* know how bad it is. :( Oh, and I sent a message through that Operation Dear Abby website ... thanks for the link. :) Merry Christmas to you too!

Coyote> **huggles** Merry Christmas a little late, wonderful. See you on Saturday. ;)

Wednesday, December 26, 2001 02:40:15 PM

Woke up at six yesterday. Did a few things in my room then showerd. Enterd The kitchen.

1.Assembled CatSpa for my cats added a lil nip and gave it to them.
2. While eating Breakfast I went through my stocking, got tsome pencils and Erasers a lil bottle of Amaretto and Baileys, some gift certificats and Lottery scratch cars.
"Thanks Mom the spirit of Christmas, Drinking and gambling." Mom laughed.

3.We all sat around the tree and started to open are presents.

What did I get?
Izone camera, case and film~from my bro
Pretty necklace~From the kids I babysit.
Pretty watch from my Grandparents.
Photo Albumfrom one Uncle and Aunt.
A CD from another.
A bag of Bertie Bots Every Flavor Beans from my brother's girlfriend.((The Horseradish flavor made my eyes water.))
The following is from my parents.
A cordless Phone.
A fuzzy hat.
A closet shoe organizer.
two new Piers Anthony books.
Paint Shop Pro7
A Fuhugi Yugi Wallscroll
five Rayearth Graphic Novels
The Slayers try Box Set.

Orlando, Fl
Wednesday, December 26, 2001 02:26:03 PM

Hyperion - If we could get such a novel published, I would want any earnings to go towards a trust fund (only able to spend the interest) for the Gathering. The interest could be used to cut the cost of the gathering and/or bring talent from Gargoyles to the Gathering. I would want only 1 season of a series in a book.

DPH prepares to aim some temporal weapons to hit DC 5 minutes before the game he was playing crashed yesterday.

DC yells, "It wasn't me!! Self-Reboot did it!!".

DPH readjusts the aim on his temporal weapons to hit Self-Reboot 10 minutes before his game crashed. DPH, then, fires the weapon.

DPH, then, manages to spot Self-Reboot and ask why she crashed his game. She replies she crashed his game because he killed her with his temporal weapons.

Note to self: don't use temporal weapons again.

I have a couple of questions based on the above: whose idea was it to crash my game? would it have been possible for DC to have originally crashed my game and then to have lied about it?

NukesGoBoom - I need to recompile a certain program I wrote that crashed windows 95 and let you run to see if it crashes Windows XP.

Wednesday, December 26, 2001 02:10:37 PM

First off I did finally join the throng of people who saw lord of the rings -- Figured that on Christmas Day the theatres wouldnt be quite so packed -- was correct in that assumption. It was a wonderful movie, exceeding my expectations. Now it will be the long wait for the next 2 movies. Of course the second book was MUCH shorter than the first or the third book. The third movie will probably be the best of the three.

Emambu -- Do you have any affiliation with the one behind that invitation?

Wednesday, December 26, 2001 11:03:58 AM

Ok, so I think it can be assumed that for someone who is supposed to be a ancient greek Titan, and one that is closely associated with light, the sun, the dawn and is the father of Apollo for Zeus' sake, I'm spending a lot of time lurking in the shadows....if that's not irony, I don't know what is.

Oh well.

DPH> Novel idea: Well, we do have at least one published author who probably has some idea of how you could go about doing such a thing, and three seasons of three series that one could, concievably, try to publish as some type of anthology. Hrm...enough talented authors to do cover art... probably someone in here is/knows a good lawyer.
I would have no idea about the associated copyright issues associated with this type of venture...perhaps Ms. Morgan would.
I'd say as long as it dosen't cost anyone anything, why not look into such an enterprise?

"That wasn't flirting. That was 'have a pleasant and restful evening.'"
"No, that was 'I like your ass. Can I wear it as a hat?'"

Hyperion - []
Wednesday, December 26, 2001 10:52:41 AM

hey everyone. merry christmas!

i got me a fancy x11 keyboard!

speaking of music... me and my girlfriend are still trying to come up with names for our future band. so far we got 3.

#1 yummy yummy lego blocks
#2 Cornerstone
#3 Myst

these are just top of the head things... but we really like Cornerstone... but anything can happen between now, and when we get started.

anyway, bye yall!

-={King Terrky Kath, The Efficient Rock Star}=-

Terrky K
Wednesday, December 26, 2001 12:33:49 AM

xp is the most stable os as of yet. xp does not bite it.

no, my downloads arnt faster.

Tuesday, December 25, 2001 11:52:55 PM


On this day, roughly 2000 years ago, Jesus was born a black Jew. He died a black jew.

Had wake up at the buttcrack of dawn today (11AM) and "hurry, so we can see Lord of the Rings at noon!"

I could have sworn we decided on the 130 showing. In any case, it was just as awesome as the first time. And my dad stayed awake through the whole thing! It was amazing.


Christine: <<very weird parent-teacher conferences over the next few years>>: The real question is: will they be posted in here? ;-) <<room and board, what a bargain!>>: Yeah, my parents wish they could get away with that stunt.

Carolynn: Welcome back!

Shadowrider: <<probably you know that better than me>>: I know only what I've heard. But for some reason, every new drug I hear about is always followed by the phrase "this stuff is really hot in Europe right now". <<if you'll warm me a couple weeks before coming in Italy, I'll take care of *discarding* her current boyfriend>>: Alas, it may be a few years before I'm near Italy. Though I do plan on ruling the world from Switzerland. <<Why is she supposed to?>>: Most Europeans hate Americans (with good reason, I might add: we're jerks). <<I suspect tall blondes have a problem of *not* being ignored>>: Well that depends on the country/culture. <<Then let's say that each of us creates his own beauty>>: I wholly agree.

Wilek: <<priceless>>: LOL! How did you realize that you needed that snapshot as it was happening and still manage to get the picture?

Nukes: <<god I love windows xp>>: Okay look, you say you want people to like you, then you go and intentionally post flamebait like this. XP bites it anyway. Next you'll tell me that your downloads are faster.

I think I'll crash early tonight, since I took two Tylenol PM and I'm feeling...dead.

Why do I always smell bread?
-Dreamie, at Gathering 2001

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Encino, CA, US of A
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 10:59:23 PM

Just wanted to pop in and say Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!
Christine> I have to agree with you about Legolas, he was pretty damn cute and Elijah Wood has the most beautiful eyes! I was drooling in my seat :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2001 10:16:48 PM

Anyone know if there are any Gargoyles Winamp skins? Please let me know. thanks :)
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 07:53:15 PM

god i love windows xp.
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 07:34:35 PM

**pokes his head in**

Merry Christmas everyone! Myself I'm having a good one. I'm currently trying to keep my gaze balanced between the screen I'm typing on and the Ryoko figure I received as my gift this year. (complete with Ryo-Ohki and everything. ;) Oh yeah, and trying to keep myself from vibrating out the door in anticipation of Ravyn's arrival in my fair, snowy state. :)

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 07:09:06 PM

Nintendo Gamecube: $199.99
Super Smash Bros. Melee: $49.99
Taking a snapshot that looks like Princess Toadstool violently flatulating after having swallowed whole Captain Falcon and a tanker truck full of jalapeno peppers: Priceless.
My Christmas rocked. 8)

Tuesday, December 25, 2001 07:00:40 PM

Merry Christmas everyone. Just stopped in to say hi before I head out to my aunt's house for dinner.

FireStorm- Go see LotR, it's great! I'll probably see it again.

I gotta go before I'm late.


Jaden - []
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 05:19:38 PM

New on my site --
The Dissidents: The Hidden Island
On a remote tropical paradise, Corwin confides some secrets about his love life and a new clan is discovered. Mature eyes only, please, due to adult content.
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Christine - []
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 03:55:02 PM

*peeks in*

Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

Emambu:> You're welcome!

Josh:> <<Check out the club scene. I hear the clubs in Europe have all the best drugs. >> Hm, I am not informed about it...probably you know that better than me.
<<"is she single" >> Currently, not...but no worry, if you'll warm me a couple weeks before coming in Italy, I'll take care of *discarding* her current boyfriend...
<<"does she hate Americans"? >> Why is she supposed to?
<<Or at least the best we can acquire given limited budgets>> True enough, my friend, true enough...
<<I would never ignore a girl because she was a tall blonde. >> I suspect tall blondes have a problem of *not* being ignored...;)
<<Me, since my opinion is the only one that matters. >> Then let's say that each of us creates his own beauty...
<<I know I could never be involved with someone I wasn't physically attracted to. >> Hm, true...

Jan:> Check your email! :)


*peeks out*

Shadowrider - []
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 02:41:41 PM

Heyu, guys! I haven't been around here for a good month since I've been working my arse off on everything from finals to papers to my dance show to managing paperwork (sleep wasn't a priority, apparently). So it's nice to be back. Just wanted to wish everyone a very merry Christmas, feliz navidad, joyeux noel :) Or a belated Hannuka! And happy new years! *off to watch "It's a wonderful life" and scarf some cookies*
Carolynn Marie - []
Home!!! :), NJ, USA
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 01:50:38 PM

*takes a break from cooking*

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope that each of you have had a wonderful Christmas holiday =)

*returns to the kitchen*

Tuesday, December 25, 2001 12:52:54 PM

Feliz Navidad, yo... and Happy Birthday Baby Jesus...

Baby Baby Baby, my own mate is going to be here on Saturday. WOO HOO!

So I offer all of you the non-materialistic ideal Christmas gift-

May you all know true happiness in the coming days, and all your lives. :)
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 11:51:24 AM

I opened my package of double 15 dominoes today. Suprise, Suprise, there were this many missining dominoes: . . . none, all were there. Admittedly, anyone playing with them would need to take a few minutes to become familiar with what each number looks like. 8 and ten have very similiar patterns of dots. I might try to work on a program that can create a complete set of dominoes without having any duplicates.

Imzadi & GXB - if you hadn't figured it out, I'm against the fandom buying the rights to gargoyles. Money issues would splinter the fandom. The way I see it, if re-animated, Gargoyles could continue for another ~30 years with existing material. That assumes no more than 3 Gargoyles series are aired at any one time. The biggest reasons for such a limit is concern about the voice actors staying that long on a given series and not every potential spin-off is a good idea: for example, Gargoyles in Japan wouldn't quite make it in the United States. Gargoyles as a comic book series would do somewhat better because every gargoyle clan could have their own comic book.

Imzadi - The reason I was looking at a novel is about numbers. If said book could sell x number of copies, then assumedly, most of those people could watch a tv show off the book. That would give Disney the proof it needs that it can make money off Gargoyles. All those books you mentioned came from series that have run their their cycle. You can't keep actors on a series very long without raising their pay. That's why they switch to making movies: to pay the actors more money.

10 . 9 . 8 . 7 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 9 . 8 . 7 . 6 . 5 . 4 . 3 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 9 . 8 . 7 . 6 . 5 . 4 . 3 . 2 . 1 . 0

Merry Christmas!!

Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navid & prospero ano y felicidad

I wanna wish you a merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a merry Christmas from bottom of my heart

Funny, I can play back the words to that song in order.

Imzadi - <This guy was supposed to end up dead in a gutter, because that's what our parents told us would happen if we dropped out of high school.> I gotta shape if I want to meet expectations of my graduating class.

Tuesday, December 25, 2001 11:35:13 AM

** Niamhgold enters **

Merry Christmas, everyone :) More later!!!!!

** exits **

Tuesday, December 25, 2001 10:46:29 AM

Fire Storm > believe me, I'm fully expecting to have some very weird parent-teacher conferences over the next few years!

Josh > no babysitter, Tim's dishy and all-around wonderful sister Kathy (Myhr's future wife, for those who were at the Gathering <g>) is here for the holidays. All she charges for kid-tending is room and board, what a bargain!

Jan > okay, just didn't want to see more fights because of me.

Spacebabie > except they don't HAVE Lord of the Rings Legos ... some other company got the 'modular building block' license and came out with some sort of snap-together whatsis with plastic action figures that trigger quotes when they're put on certain parts of the board. Didn't look too close.

M. Destine > thanks, hon! You know for what ; ) I'll post one of my own here pretty soon and see if'n we can't get that clock going again.

Lord of the Rings (SPOILERS if there's still anyone who hasn't seen it) > saw it Sunday. Too long for Becca or too much popcorn; she barfed all over the place just as the Fellowship was about to split up near the end. Overall, I enjoyed it, and I take back most of my complaints about the elves. Still don't think Arwen or Galadriel had the right 'look' and Galadriel was far spookier than I would have done, but Rivendell and Lothlorien were gorgeous and so were the other elves. And Legolas ... mmmrow! I have suddenly stopped caring that Obi-Wan grew that beard. Who needs him? An old crush revived! Legolas, what a babe! Picked a few nits -- if Frodo's elf-blade glowed blue, why didn't Glamdring? -- and so on. Moria was great throughout. Made me want to game/write more with my dwarves. Going to Montennor soon, I foresee. Elrond in armor looked quite how I picture my own Sir Tiercel if Tiercel had long hair (and Tiercel would have given Isildur one chance to do it himself and then would've knocked him into the lava for the sake of the world <g>). Thought the fight scenes between the wizards were overdone and silly, kinda demeaning to two such renowned and dignified-looking fellows. I _want_ that Palantir, what a cool prop! If Elijah Wood got to keep the One Ring (as he said on Leno), I wonder who got that! Boy, the fortune they could make hawking swords and stuff ... imagine the auction! ::fangirl faint:: Gimli was adorable; I'm sad they didn't include his infatuation with Galadriel, especially as they seemed to be leading up to it with all his huffing about how here was one dwarf who wasn't going to fall under any enchantments. And, of course, there was the Balrog ... what's not to love there, huh? Woo!

Story update > should have a new one posted, maybe today if the festivities get over early. That gives me a few hours to come up with a title I like better than The Hidden Island, though as I've been thinking for a week and that's the best I can do, I may be stuck with it ; ) Sort of threw together two smaller ideas, along the lines of the peanut butter and chocolate of the Reeses' ads.

Happy Xmas to all who do!

Christine - []
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 08:55:51 AM

Merry Christmas, everyone!
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 07:16:52 AM

Merry Christmas everyone.

My packages from the Right Stuf finaly came in yesterday, and Dad told me to put them under the Tree. Also my first Issue of Animerica came with the mail yesterday.

Have a great one.

Tuesday, December 25, 2001 06:31:17 AM

Alright, and in other "the world hates me" news:

The guy that I used to be BEST friends with in elementary school, Alex Band, is now the frontman for a chart-topping band called "The Calling". Yes, that blond guy.

That guy is a punk. I'm insanely jealous that he hooked up with every girl in my high school class, dropped out in Junior year...and now he's famous, rich, and has women throwing themselves all over him.

Discussing this with my friends, we are ALL bitter. This guy was supposed to end up dead in a gutter, because that's what our parents told us would happen if we dropped out of high school. Instead, he's living better than ANY of us that are going to top-ranked universities and getting "valuable" degrees.


Anyway, proof that you can reach your dreams, even if you're a moron. Beefcake, beefcake!

Josh again
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 03:17:15 AM


Another great day of vacation. Great, because I didn't have anything to do. I read some more of The Hobbit and went to dinner with my dad's sister and her family.

Ooh, and today my mom bought me all three LotR books in hardcover special edition. They're BEAUTIFUL. No idea when I'm gonna get around to reading them all, but hopefully before the other films come out.

And then I got to talk with my friend across the country, which is always cool.

Not much of the snow thing goin' on in LA...right now its about 60-65 and blue. I love this city. F*ck weather.

I got to work on my model today. I'm getting REALLY close to finishing it. I have to put on the gear and the tanks and stuff. I also discovered that I may need to add buckshot to the nose to keep it resting properly on the gear. I hope that works out, otherwise it's gonna suck to be me.

Like all Jews in LA, I was at Chinese food for dinner. My fortune cookie at dinner said "You will always be welcome to any gathering."

Watched Shrek tonight too. LotR tomorrow.

Fire Storm: <<You all actually think you need sleep at NIGHT!>>: Hardly! The last few nights I've gone to bed just before sunrise. <<Be more like the Gargoyles>>: Want women I can't have? I already do that. <<Stay up all night>>: I usually do. <<Get a job on the midnight shift>>: No thanks. <<Post more at night>>: Now that I'll agree with, since I'm on the West Coast and I go to bed after nearly everyone in here.

Shadowrider: <<probably it isn't arrived in Italy>>: Check out the club scene. I hear the clubs in Europe have all the best drugs. <<Hey hey, the young lady is getting explicit>>: LOL call CNN! <<she reminds of her quite. At least, so it seems to me and to a lot of other people>>: Well then I guess the only two questions are "is she single" and "does she hate Americans"? <<After all, we are engineers, we look for the best availabile>>: Or at least the best we can acquire given limited budgets ;-) <<you'll find your true love in a woman that does not match completely the current canons of beauty>>: And I would never say such a thing. Although I tend to like short brunettes, for example, I would never ignore a girl because she was a tall blonde. I won't require that someone fit a mold, it rules out too many women. <<who can say if a person is beautiful or not>>: Me, since my opinion is the only one that matters. <<exterior beauty is not the only thing that counts>>: Agreed. However, I know I could never be involved with someone I wasn't physically attracted to. <<I expect to see apicture of the finished model>>: You can see the work in progress on my site, in the hobbies section. The finished product will be up in a few weeks.

The Wizard: <<Snow day!>>: I hear that movie sucked. <<Now I can stay home and make gingerbread and cards :) Yay! And sleep>>: With sleep being the more important/interesting of the two. <<Merry Christmas eve>>: MERRY NEW YEAR! ;-)

Siryn: <<I don't like getting angry or losing my temper>>: Good attitude to have.

DPH: <<Assuming somehow the fandom managed to buy the rights to Gargoyles>>: That would never happen. There is no way the fandom could acquire enough money to make Disney even THINK about selling the rights. <<what to do with the profits?>>: It goes to paying the staff who creates it. <<what happens after all Gargoyle materials is exhausted?>>: Dude, look at Ask Greg. There is no end of material. <<We 'liberate' more cancelled series?>>: Transformers! <<There is not enough material to keep Gargoyles running with fresh new ideas indefinetly>>: Okay maybe not indefinitely, but clearly it will last for a very long time. <<How do we ensure the series stays in the right niche and the quality is there?>>: The same way customers have always used their power: voting with their wallets. If Disney sucks, we don't watch. <<My answer to bringing back Gargoyles is a novel approach.>>: Literally and figuratively. However, your plan will never work. Look at all the other cancelled series that still sell books: Dilbert, Star Trek: TNG/TOS/DS9, etc.

Greg X: <<DUMBASS CUSTOMER STORY>>: LOL That's funny! <<Only in the magical land of Candy Land would Disney even think about selling the rights>>: There's a magical candy land!? Sweet! <<unfortunatly those ideas aren't very logical>>: That's because garg fans live in a fantasy world. That's why they're garg fans. <<get degrees in business/economics, etc and become executives in the Disney Empire>>: Good plan. Unfortunately, not likely to happen, since again the fans are living in a fantasy world.

Patrick: <<norad santa>>: My tax dollars at work!

Emambu: <<the invitation>>: Deep dude. Deep.

Bored now, think I'll read more of the hobbit. I'm only 3 chapters in. Merry X-mas to all, and to all a good nite!

Me? I'm leaving the fireplace on just in case Santa makes a wrong turn in my chimney.

Bridges in Kansas? No, but I have some ships from the Swiss Navy!
-Warpmind de InzanE, at Gathering 2001

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Encino, CA, US of A
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 02:17:38 AM

Nice Invitation....

I pass most of that test but not with perfection. I would be interested though.
Tuesday, December 25, 2001 12:48:46 AM

:: peeks in with a quick "Gargoyles" related comment ::

If anyone else has the opportunity to catch it on TV this Christmas season... in the 1984 movie version of "A Christmas Carol" starring George C. Scott as Ebeneezer Scrooge, you'll also see David Warner, the man behind the voice of the Archmage, playing Bob Cratchit.

I was just watching this film and it reminded me how I probably still have an unfinished gargoyle fanfic version of the tale sitting on a disk somewhere from several years ago. ... starring Demona in the Ebenezeer role, of course.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

"...and God bless us, everyone!" - Tiny Tim

Patrick Toman
Monday, December 24, 2001 10:51:25 PM

*Emambu enters briefly*

Fleur: Very shortly I'll be leaving my website (after three and a half good years), which will free up some time that used to not have. I felt that it was time to move on from the JK community (at least as far as work was concerned) and concentrate my efforts elsewhere: Here! :) Essentially, this'll make me a complete free lance editor. I will let you know exactly when I make the switch. Rest easy, and heal swiftly.

Aingeal: I've been on the receiving end of brake trouble as well so I understand. We'll still miss you though.

Shadowrider: Thank you for the wonderful card, my friend.

*waves to Dreamie, Winterwolf, and Caliope* Hey you kids! ;) Haven't heard from you in a while!

Anyway, the real reason I'm here is that I have a smidgen of free time so I thought I'd post this little thing. It's not quite as orthodox as some of what's been posted here. However, if you look at it honestly, I think you'll see the messages within. I've always liked it and wanted to share it with you, those of you who haven't already read it... so to you all:


It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you would risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy,mine or your own; if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstacy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic, or to remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn't interest me if the story you're telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusations of betrayal and nopt betray your own soul. I want to know if you can be faithful and therefore be trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty even when it is not pretty every day, and if you can source your life from God's presence. I want to know if you can live with the failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the moon, "Yes!"

It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done for your children.

It doesn't interest me to know who you are, or how you came to be. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

--Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Indian Elder.


Emambu - []
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Monday, December 24, 2001 08:45:24 PM

Thanks, Aris. The quote is from the "Lays of Beleriand" ("Lay of Leithian", to be precise), I take it?
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Monday, December 24, 2001 08:34:16 PM

That's "his body cast", btw, not "his body case". Sorry for the couple typos.
Aris Katsaris
Monday, December 24, 2001 08:27:22 PM

Todd - Sauron & Gorlim>

".. and Sauron said: 'Come, mortal base
What do I hear? That thou wouldst dare / to barter with me? Well, speak fair!
What is thy price?' And Gorlim low / bowed down his head, and with great woe,
word on slow word, at last implored / that merciless and faithless lord
that he might free depart, and might / again find Eilinel the White,
and dwell with her, and cease from war / against the King. He craved no more.

Then Sauron smiled, and said: 'Thou thrall! / The price thou askest is but small
for treachery and shame so great! / I grant it surely! Well, I wait:
Come! Speak now swiftly and speak true!' / Then Gorlim wavered, and he drew
half back; but Sauron's daunting eye / there held him and he dared not lie:
as he began, so must he wend / from first false stop to faithless end:
he all must answer as he could, / betray his lord and brotherhood,
and cease, and fall upon his face.

Then Sauron laughed aloug. 'Thou base,
thou cringing worm! Stand up, / and hear me! And now drink the cup
that I have sweetly blent for thee! / Thou fool: a phantom thou didst see
that I, I Sauron, made to snare / thy lovesick wits. Naught else was there.
Cold 'tis with Sauron's wraiths to wed! / Thy Eilinel! She is long since dead,
dead, food for worms less low than thou. / And yet thy boon I grant thee now:
to Eilinel thou soon shalt go, / and lie in her bed, no more to know
of war - or manhood. Have thy pay!'

And Gorlim then they dragged away,
and cruelly slew him; and at last / in the dank mould his body case,
where Eilinel long since had laid / in the burned woods by butchers slain.

Thus Gorlim died an evil death, / and cursed himself with dying breath,

Etc, etc... :-)

Aris Katsaris
Monday, December 24, 2001 08:23:45 PM

Here's a bit of online fun this Christmas Eve:

Or click my name.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Patrick Toman
Monday, December 24, 2001 07:38:23 PM

BISHANSKY - A woman in her 30's behaving in public like a spoiled bratty child? Now that's scary.

Technically speaking, Sauron served as a bootlicker to Lucifer for a time - in the sense that he was originally a servant to Morgoth, whom Tolkien viewed as the "Lucifer-equivalent" of Middle-earth.

Actually, you left out one of Sauron's most diabolical moments, in "The Silmarillion". At one point, during his service with Morgoth, there's a group of human "outlaws" whose homes were destroyed by Morgoth, but who are carrying on a guerilla resistance to Morgoth's rule; Sauron has been assigned to put them out of commission. One of the outlaws, named Gorlim, was separated from his wife during the recent wars, and is constantly worrying about her, sneaking back to their old home in secret and wondering what's become of her. At last, one night, he visits their house to see her through the window, looking thin and worn and worrying about him herself, but before he can go to her, Sauron's troopers surprise him and haul him in before Sauron himself. Gorlim is so frantic about his wife's safety that he's willing to tell Sauron all that he wants to know about the outlaws, just as long as he can be reunited with her. Sauron agrees to this, and Gorlim tells him everything about the outlaw band and where to find him. Then Sauron says to him, "Actually, your wife died a while ago, and what you saw at your house was just an illusion of mine. However, I promised that I would reunite you with her, and I shall keep my word." And promptly has Gorlim put to death.

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Monday, December 24, 2001 06:36:45 PM

:: peeks in briefly ::

Two quick comments.

First, before anything happens to precipitate another incident in here, I just wanted to remind anyone who wants to give me detailed comments on my latest fanfic to please make use of either the adult comment room or my e-mail.

Second, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it!
:: goes off in search of a tall frosty glass of Christmas cheer ::

Madame Destine - []
Monday, December 24, 2001 05:29:05 PM

Lot's of comments.


Okay, there is nothing I hate more than when a fit is thrown in the store, these kids get all whiny because their parent won't buy them a book, and create a huge scene. Well, yesterday I saw the worst fit ever thrown.

A mother and daughter came in, and the daughter was screaming and crying and throwing a huge fit because her mother wouldn't buy her BIG X-Mas presents. Just small gifts. Of course she bought over $200 worth of books, so the daughter is an uappreaciative bitch. Now here comes the real meat of the story... the mother is 70 and the daughter is in her mid-30s.


JEN> <<I even LIKED what they did with Arwen!>> Same here. <<was such a good scene and it totally redeemed him>> Hell yeah! << balrog and the Nazgul were the scariest things I have seen on a big screen in a LONG time (well, other then Adam Sandler) The Balrog was just amazingly done. AMAZING!! WOW! Etc.>> Another HELL YEAH!

SJ> <<This is perfection. Enjoy it for what it is, instead of trying to find a flaw>> That was my philosophy. It's my new all time favorite film. McKellan IS Gandalf. Never did I look at him and think about the actor in the role, because he WAS the role. It’s almost ungodly.>> Same here. <<The story is perfect too.>> Yep, can't wait to see the next two. <<Saruman’s increased role in the film was wonderful>> Hell yeah, Christopher Lee was perfect in the role. Looking forward to seeing more of him next year. <<Spielberg couldn’t have made a film this good with the same material.>> Spielberg couldn't make a good film if his life depended on it. <<Sauron? I want to grow up to be just like him.>> Funny, I said the exact same thing as I exited the theatre. <<his all-too-brief scene in the beginning (bitch-slapping away the forces of good with his sword) to the Great Eye, Sauron is a real force of evil in the film. You can literally feel how dark and powerful he is.>> Yep, all time greatest fictional villain. <<, I may have to put aside my plans to destroy the world just long enough to see this trilogy done.>> Same here, though I may postpone it further if he decides to make "The Hobbit" and do a rather long mini-series of "The Silmarillion" <<Come kneel at his altar.>> ::Kneels:: <<Neil Gaiman Santa Claus story>> LOL

VASH> <<The scenes with Bombadil were never filmed, so there's no chance of them appearing on an "uncut" version on dvd>> I dont mind at all. Personally I didn't care for Bombadil at all, thus I didn't miss him.

RODLOX> <<is anyone writing a Gargoyles/_Lord Of The Rings_ crossover?>> Yeah, in it they learn that Gargoyles were created by Melkor in the First Age and served Sauron in the Second and Third Ages. The Canmores were right to call them demons! Just kidding ;)

ENTITY> <<Both Sauran and Saruman were let-downs as villains.>> Say what? <<I just couldn't take seriously. The man came off as far too much of a stereotypical, thin-brained, senile old man.>> Were you watching the same film I was? There was nothing thin-brained and senile about him. I saw a powerful regal wizard with an air of dark majesty about him. <<As for Sauran, he came off as more of a sheer brute than a malevolent force.>> Ummm, no. He was in battle at the point you saw him, and for the rest of the film he was pulling strings from the shadows. Read the appendixes at the end of "Return of the King" and read "The Silmarillion" also, look at his actions through the ages, what he did to Numenor, corrupting nine kings and turning them in to the Nazgul and a lot of other evil deeds and you'll see a villain more evil than any other, a villain that Lucifer would beg to lick the boots of. <<Watching him get defeated felt like watching David topple Goliath, rather than the forces of good vanquishing a dark and sinister Evil.>> It was a really quick scene, just a prologue, that battle was centuries in the making. Then again maybe it played better for me because I knew the books and the mythology of that universe.

MADAME DESTINE> Great story as always. I'll have more comments for you later.

DPH> <<1)Assuming somehow the fandom managed to buy the rights to Gargoyles and decides to make new episodes of gargoyles,>> Only in the magical land of Candy Land would Disney even think about selling the rights.

<<There is not enough material to keep Gargoyles running with fresh new ideas indefinetly. Sooner or later, all the available material will be exhausted.>> Do you even read "Ask Greg"? There's is YEARS worth of material. YEARS! Seven spin-offs, plus new ones that could arise. This is a series that spans millenia, there'd always be new things to explore.

<<Assuming we want Disney (or some other company) to create new episodes of gargoyles,>> It would only be Disney. <<a)what kind of criteria would take to convince the company to create new episodes of gargoyles?>> Prove to them that the show could be very profitable, that's the bottom line. <<How do we ensure the series stays in the right niche and the quality is there?>> Keep Greg Weisman, Frank Paur, Michael Reaves, Brynne Chandler, Lydia Marano, Gary Sperling and everyone around and don't replace them with hacks like Disney did.

Seriously, I see people every now and then come up with really strange ideas on bringing the show back, unfortunatly those ideas aren't very logical. The best way I can see the show coming back is if FANS of the show go to college, get degrees in business/economics, etc and become executives in the Disney Empire. That's the best way to get it back.

And finally, Happy Holidays.

Greg Bishansky
Monday, December 24, 2001 03:55:04 PM

Todd's comment in the Gargoyles CR inspired me to express my own recent thoughts on bringing back gargoyles:

1)Assuming somehow the fandom managed to buy the rights to Gargoyles and decides to make new episodes of gargoyles, a few new arise: a)what to do with the profits? b)what happens after all Gargoyle materials is exhausted?

a)Assuming 10-25% of the profits go back to the gathering, what happens to the rest of the money? We 'liberate' more cancelled series? If so, what's the criteria for 'liberating' a cancelled series? If we disperse the money back according to the means it was raised, a lot of people are going to be unhappy no matter what.

b)There is not enough material to keep Gargoyles running with fresh new ideas indefinetly. Sooner or later, all the available material will be exhausted. What happens then? We get another universe created? That presents a new problem about what kind of universe we want to create. If we create a new universe, that leads us down the road of becoming a major player in the animated television series.

2)Assuming we want Disney (or some other company) to create new episodes of gargoyles, we face different problems: a)what kind of criteria would take to convince the company to create new episodes of gargoyles? b)How do we ensure the series stays in the right niche and the quality is there?

a)The fandom has had gatherings for quite a few years now. TGS and other fan writings still continue. Apparantly, that's only a blip (at best) on Disney's radar. Bringing up Gathering attendance will only reach Disney's radar only if someone at Disney is paying attention. I'm not so sure Disney will be paying attention if/when Gathering attendance reaches a certain level.

b)Who is to say Disney will bring back a low quality/dumbed down version of Gargoyles? No person will watch that and it will kill any chances of ever bringing back Gargoyles again. Or what if Disney insists that the Goliath Chronicles get included? You might as well put Gargoyles on a sinking ship and hope that the writers can repair the ship fast enough.

My answer to bringing back Gargoyles is a novel approach. We get Disney to allow somebody (or some group of people) to sell a novel set in the Gargoyles universe. That way the novel can be the same quality that we want Gargoyles to be and if the sells are high enough, Disney will know it's a safe option to restart Gargoyles. If Disney doesn't restart Gargoyles set the moeny aside to be used one of two ways: 1)trust fund for the Gathering or 2)save the money to buy the rights to the Gargoyle's universe. In case of point 2, keep producing novels until Disney creates new episodes of Gargoyles or there is enough money to buy the rights to the Gargoyle's universe.

Fire Storm - <You shred your own cheese or buy the pre-shredded?> I bought the cheese just for the cheese biscuits. I shredded with a food processor. <They tried to get me for disturbing the timeline> Are you sure there aren't different groups ensuring the timeline? The people I'm familiar with generally keep very close tabs on time travelers and destroy devices to time-travel with.

Imzadi - <I kept the really creative stuff...someday it'll be displayed.> Next I re-assemble the race car track, I'm taking a pictures of it, get the pictures developed to CD-ROM, and upload it to my website.

When I get up, it was below 32 F outside.

I still feel like I need to add some more replies to people before hitting the snowball fight.

**SNOWBALL FIGHT continues** When the DPHs finally line up against the other members of the CR, somebody asks, "Hey, you were cheating because you knew you would get help in this snowball fight."

One DPH replies, "No, he didn't remember. I put the information in all of the DPHs so they would participate in the snowball, but ensured that they didn't remember it until it was time for each of them to leave. The DPH from the present didn't know that he would receive help."

With that said, the snowball fight started. All the DPHs gathered in formation to protect the DPH from the present from being hit. Snowballs were being thrown at all directions, with everyone trying to hit every DPH. DPH opened a portal to give both sides more snow without the snow dropping on anyone. After 30 minutes, every DPH had been hit been with at least one snowball and every lined up against the DPHs had been bit with at least two snowballs.

Monday, December 24, 2001 02:15:08 PM

hey everyone, just wanted to say merry christmas!

woooooow, i think i saw four snowflakes outside!

Terrky K
Monday, December 24, 2001 02:07:24 PM

Hey all, I just wanted to wish you all a very happy holiday season.

Don't forget that early bird registration ends on the 31st of January.

So does the Mascot Naming contest, so if you've got a good name for our mascot, email maui at

Josh> Umm...not really..I don't like getting angry or losing my temper...and I escially don't like making my bf sad. :/

if anyone wants to share their costume picture on the Gathering webpage, please email me a picture with the subject 'costume idea'. Tell who you are, your feelings about the costume, what gathering you wore it at, and of course share your secrets in making it maybe? :)

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 24, 2001 01:33:52 PM

** Niamhgold enters briefly **

Woo! Snow day! Don't have to go to work. Now I can stay home and make gingerbread and cards :) Yay! And sleep :)

Longer post later...Merry Christmas eve.
:: goes back to sleep ::

Monday, December 24, 2001 11:53:21 AM

Ho ho ho, people! Sonds like the C-day is almost here!
(Ok, it is not that great introducting line...but I cannot find anything better right now, so be merciful...)

Jan:> <<Meth>> Hm, sounds definitely not good. I had never heard of this particular drug (probably it isn't arrived in Italy...yet...) but sounds extremely dangerous. I am particularily shocked by that detail of the addicts being awake for weeks...
<<I would love it if you would talk more about yourself! =) OOoo and pictures!! yeah, pictures would totally rock! :D>> <laughs> Hey, didn't think anyone could be so curious about me. Won't you be some undercover stalker? ;) Seriously, well, if it's pictures you want...I have not a web site (yet) but I could send some via email, if you like.

Niamhgold:> You're welcome! ;)
<<Or perhaps more of an orgasmic one >> Hey hey, the young lady is getting explicit...;)

Josh:> <<Whoa! She's hot! >> You got it!
<<Your cousin looks like that?! >> Yes, she reminds of her quite. At least, so it seems to me and to a lot of other people...
<<Perhaps not, but that doesn't change the fact that I *AM* demanding. I have high standards and I want them to be met.>> Hm, quite right, I suppose. Seriously, I think it is the right attitude. After all, we are engineers, we look for the best availabile.
<<I'm 20 and still looking for "perfect". I'll accept it if this means I have to be a bachelor for the rest of my life. But you know something? I've grown up pretty spoiled, and nearly always had my expectations met. Why shouldn't I ask for a lot in this area too? >> For sure, I'll never tell you wrong about it. But, I think, you cannot say...maybe, you'll find your true love in a woman that does not match completely the current canons of beauty. And, after all, who can say if a person is beautiful or not? Beauty is in the eyes of those who look...and exterior beauty is not the only thing that counts. At least, IMHO...
<<F-4D Skyray>> Well, like Niamhgold I expect to see apicture of the finished model. I will return with a pic of my Tornado IDS when I'll finish it (at the current rate, six or more months...:( )

Nukes:> I'm sorry to tell you at the last moment, but my concert of tonight has been moved of a couple hours, so I won't be online at the time I told you. I'll try to be online at 19 PM (East coast), but probably I'll do later.


Shadowrider - []
Monday, December 24, 2001 08:32:59 AM

Imzadi: <Okay, seeing as its 1AM, I think I'll hit the hay soon>
That's the problem with the people in this CR!
You all actually think you need sleep at NIGHT!
Be more like the Gargoyles! Stay up all night!
Get a job on the midnight shift! Post more at night!
Ok, I am a LITTLE bored here at night, ok? I have just been waiting for people to post.

Dern 11 hour shift...

Fire Storm
Monday, December 24, 2001 04:10:14 AM

Its beginning to look a lot like X-mas...

I think. Its hard to tell, what with it being sunny, blue, and warm in LA.

Well, after I posted, I stayed up for another hour reading Harry Potter. So I crashed at about 530AM. Slept till 2 today, which naturally really annoyed my parents.

Of course, right after I got out of the shower, my parents decided that it was time to clean out my closet and my brother's closet of all old/useless stuff so we can get tax deductions on all the stuff they give to charity before the end of the year.

Boy did THAT suck. My room was unusable for two hours. And we were all carrying boxes full of crap all over the place.

My 1.2 billion lego pieces are going to my little cousin...that's saying goodbye to a large portion of my life. Many many nights were spent playing with those pieces (and I would have played through the day too, if it hadn't been for cursed school). But on the other hand, its good that there's someone in my family who will get as much enjoyment out of them as I did. I kept the really creative stuff...someday it'll be displayed.

Finally finished Harry Potter (good story) and started the Hobbit. Not too bad. I wish I remembered more of it.


The Wizard: <<almost Christmas. Which means I get a break from work>>: For me, X-mas means I'm starting work tomorrow! ;-) <<I finished the project I needed to have complete in order to get my bonus>>: Cash? Stock? Office Supplies? New Computer? <<managed to score all A's so far>>: I'm insanely jealous. <<Unfortunately, I doubt you would've appreciated a knock at the door at 7 AM>>: Why? He probably hasn't gone to bed yet by that time! <<I pity anyone who needs to be here for any extended amount of time in the winter...including myself>>: I heard you were getting out for a large section of the break ;-) <<I'll pay anything>>: Careful with that phrase... <<Or perhaps more of an orgasmic one>>: If a GeForce3 can bring chicks to orgasm...I guess that'll be a purchase in my future. <<Nuzzles the mutant mistletoe>>: Sick. <<All women still seem to want to be blondes>>: That's because they don't want me to want them ;-) <<gets image of Imzadi trying to pull brother into car using a PS2 as bait>>: Nah that isn't the problem. Its his report. If he doesn't do the work, then he fails. The problem is once we're AT the library, getting him to actually use the two brain cells he's got to find books. <<ignorance is bliss>>: To the ignorant. <<I expect mucho photos!!>>: I think I can do better. <<but it she's not then it'll be no trouble at all>>: I disagree. I know from PERSONAL experience that she's a tease, and therefore its gonna be a lot of wasted effort. Effort I'd rather not waste, when there are far more promising prospects elsewhere. <<it'll be easier than turning on your laptop>>: Nothing is easier than turning on my laptop. <<You do realize that such a bold statement is now target practice for Murphy's Law>>: Yeah, but I can fight him on his own turf.

Christine: <<Dinner at a place that didn't have a kiddie menu!>>: Found the joys of hiring a babysitter, did ya? <<I wasn't offended>>: Somehow, I didn't think you would be.

Spacebabie: <<Batteries not Included>>: I don't see why that's such a problem. You go out and buy batteries. No biggie. <<Then I must have more muscle than the average woman cause I’ve been known for holding it in for a LONG time>>: That was too much info for me. On the other hand, that same muscle can be useful in sex ;-)

Jan: <<He knows that I love him. *giggles*>>: ::raspberry:: <<Josh saying, "If you say three inches, you get a foot">>: I've never said that! I just said that lots of people would LIKE to say that. Stop putting words in my mouth, MOM.

Sevarius Jr: <<That fat faggot isn't happy unless he's got a child sitting on his lap>>: LOL if you say so.

Fire Storm: <<what we really need is a woman with as many breasts as a dog!>>: Two is my requirement on a female. <<Then your opinion isn't valid!>>: Not only is it valid, it is always correct. <<Right above the Polio vaccine>>: And the airplane. <<we CANNOT have that>>: No, the beauracracy can't have that ;-) <<I am calling the manufacture>>: Of what? <<It makes me wish I had a nice sniper rifle>>: LOL. <<Left Hand - Mouth - Right Hand>>: You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around... <<A G-Rated porn flic!>>: How would that work? <<that would be great for pleasure>>: Just hope Mac isn't into sodomy... ;-) <<how you find out>>: LOL great story. And probably true to life too.

Caliope: <<I just finished writing my nice long (Cali wise anyways :P) post, and it got eresed!!>>: I hate it when that happens.

Aingeal: <<it's official, life hates me>>: Everyone feels that way at some time. You'll live. <<feel free to write me snail mail>>: Is it wise to post your address here?

Mooncat: Happy b-day.

Okay, seeing as its 1AM, I think I'll hit the hay soon.

How'd they win? Well, they scored more points than we did.
-Larry Wurzel, on the 76'ers/Lakers playoffs

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Encino, CA, US of A
Monday, December 24, 2001 04:03:10 AM

happy birth day to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to meeeeee, happy birthday to me!

I am now officially the age of an adult by Hobbit reckoning.



Monday, December 24, 2001 01:11:48 AM

WEll... it's official, life hates me :( Ok.... My copmuter dies the morning finals begin, now my brakes are going in my car.... i'm toast.... i really am....

Note to any who care,.... I will be offline nearly al the time from now until who konws when, but i will try to keep up with THIS e-mail and no promises on speed tho

Lyn>> I e-mailed you and have asked a few people tp get to you... my brakes are officially diagnossed with needingt things replaced, so I can't come on the 28th or anything over NewYears.... i hope you will forgive me... I did not plan this or expect it.... why is it as soon as I pay off bills and stuff that this go wrong??? I DO love you, and I send you hugs.. I will try to see you over the summer at gathering....

Erik:: take care of Lyn and i send hugs

Revel:: Sorry I wont get to mee t you yet. ::huggles::

FS:: I will prolly be getting ym copmuter fixed here by the people my gramdmother takes hers to, but thatnk you for the offer of help.

Ecveryone else:: Merry Christmas, and sorry to leave you for the time being.... feel free to write me snail mail at 4607 Oxford Rd; Harrisburg, PA 17109, and if you feel the urge to call me, e-mail and i will send you the # here.

Laters all!


Aingeal - []
Freezing, PA
Sunday, December 23, 2001 11:36:43 PM

Hey all, making my Christmas post on Christmas Adam evening this year since I might not make it in here on Christmas Eve like I usually do ... so here's my traditional (yeah right) Christmas Eve post a day early. :)

"There's a star up in the heavens
A guiding light for all to see
The Baby King is born tonight
He comes to save both you and me
With shepherds, kings and animals
As His royal honored guests
Here's the sign
It's Christmastime
For tonight, may all God bless
Here's the sign it's Christmastime ..." -- Bill Engvall, "The Christmas Sign"

Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Sunday, December 23, 2001 11:24:40 PM

....yeah, I just finished writing my nice long (Cali wise anyways :P) post, and it got eresed!!!! needless to say, I'm just going to bed, and I'll write it over again tomorrow....But I love yas!!!! *HUGZ all* 'Night!!! ^_^
Sunday, December 23, 2001 11:21:22 PM

Son of a GLITCH! ;)
Fire Storm
Sunday, December 23, 2001 09:22:42 PM

vJan: <yeah and one of the more popular recipes calls for red phosphorus - which is obtained by burning bones. *gags*>
Yummy! Not only is that recipe safe to use, it is safe AND fun to make!
And what are the chances she will be at the coroners office within the next 2 months? 80-90%?
<Baking? *hearty laugh* you betcha! It's definitely over-rated and not worth the effort>
BUT it is cheaper and quicker than shopping at the malls at this time of year.
<I make bubbles in the bathtub! *grins*>

Gside: <After you realized you had made enough, you didn't just start eating the dough?>
I realized this after I left for work. At least LM's sister was the one actually doing to cooking!
But, then again, you can never have too many cookies!
<Too bad I didn't do it>
Too bad. Bleeding?
<Two thirds as much. It's still some fun, just not as much as you could get otherwise, and will still do in a pinch. Or a grope.>
Or a tweak. Yeah, what we really need is a woman with as many breasts as a dog! ;)

Imzadi: <No that's just it. It was. It was amazing>
YOU actually saw it? Then your opinion isn't valid! You are corrupted by it!
<Yes yes! And then the oral sex!>
Well, perhaps I could stay for a while...
<Surely either of us can cover for him>
Well, we COULD, but I say we should be as far away from him as possible during it.
<And I guess that makes it the single most important invention of our time>
Yes! Right above the Polio vaccine!
<Yeah, that would counter the purpose of a beauracracy>
And we CANNOT have that!
<You need the right router. Not all wireless base stations work as routers too. Especially if not all your computers are wireless.>
F$CK IT! I am calling the manufacture!
<I dunno about you, but Britney Spears doing one of her slutty dances makes me pretty thirsty...for a coke>
Hmm... It makes me wish I had a nice sniper rifle.
<it works fine for guys like me with only two hands>
Left Hand - Mouth - Right Hand
<You are not allowed to time travel anymore>
Ah, that's what the time police tried to pull on me, but their jurisdiction ends on people born before 2000.
<Yeah, I'm sure Jan will bash you too>
I can see it now: A G-Rated porn flic!
(ALTHOUGH, if she grew up near Christine, she probably has a VERY dirty mind!)
And don't forget that CrzyDemona is a family friend, so that can't help!
<I don't see how anyone can, except for the sole purpose of writing a stroke fic. They HATE each other, THAT's the whole point of their interaction>
The only thing that makes sense is that both feel what one feels. Sure, that would be great for pleasure, but they DO hate each other!
<probably close to 4 or 5.>
Hmm... Competition. And in the opposite direction too!

Christine: <she's not _that_ precocious>
I believe the correct term is "YET"
BUT I can imagine how you find out:
"Ah, hello Mrs. Morgan. I asked you to come in to read something Becca turned in for her creative writing assignment. I don't think it is appropriate for school."
"Oh, come on, it can't be that bad!" You grab the story and read it. "Wow... this is pretty good. I taught her well!" You mumble as you read it.
"Becca, what have I told you about different rules in school and on the web?"

DPH: < How exactly, I'm not sure because memories (and videotapes) of that happenning were erased>
The good news for me is that they were never able to figure out my mind, so they couldn't do that.
<It's not a miracle; there are people who guarantee basic history occurs>
Yeah, I know them. They tried to get me for disturbing the timeline (My Hierarchy set up shop in the early Triassic). But they found out that not only does my method of time travel work in random ways (sometimes history corrects it's self, sometimes not), but I am immune to their laws.
<Fortunately, I have done favors for some of those people so I feel pretty safe about not being ceased to exist>
Yeah, but they cannot stop a power-crazed Fae from destroying a planet (Trust me on this one)
<I still have shredded cheese leftover, ready for another batch of cheese biscuits.>
Cool! You shred your own cheese or buy the pre-shredded?

Fire Storm
Sunday, December 23, 2001 09:22:05 PM

vJan: <yeah and one of the more popular recipes calls for red phosphorus - which is obtained by burning bones. *gags*>
Yummy! Not only is that recipe safe to use, it is safe AND fun to make!
And what are the chances she will be at the coroners office within the next 2 months? 80-90%?
<Baking? *hearty laugh* you betcha! It's definitely over-rated and not worth the effort>
BUT it is cheaper and quicker than shopping at the malls at this time of year.
<I make bubbles in the bathtub! *grins*>

Gside: <After you realized you had made enough, you didn't just start eating the dough?>
I realized this after I left for work. At least LM's sister was the one actually doing to cooking!
But, then again, you can never have too many cookies!
<Too bad I didn't do it>
Too bad. Bleeding?
<Two thirds as much. It's still some fun, just not as much as you could get otherwise, and will still do in a pinch. Or a grope.>
Or a tweak. Yeah, what we really need is a woman with as many breasts as a dog! ;)

Imzadi: <No that's just it. It was. It was amazing>
YOU actually saw it? Then your opinion isn't valid! You are corrupted by it!
<Yes yes! And then the oral sex!>
Well, perhaps I could stay for a while...
<Surely either of us can cover for him>
Well, we COULD, but I say we should be as far away from him as possible during it.
<And I guess that makes it the single most important invention of our time>
Yes! Right above the Polio vaccine!
<Yeah, that would counter the purpose of a beauracracy>
And we CANNOT have that!
<You need the right router. Not all wireless base stations work as routers too. Especially if not all your computers are wireless.>
F$CK IT! I am calling the manufacture!
<I dunno about you, but Britney Spears doing one of her slutty dances makes me pretty thirsty...for a coke>
Hmm... It makes me wish I had a nice sniper rifle.
<it works fine for guys like me with only two hands>
Left Hand - Mouth - Right Hand
<You are not allowed to time travel anymore>
Ah, that's what the time police tried to pull on me, but their jurisdiction ends on people born before 2000.
<Yeah, I'm sure Jan will bash you too>
I can see it now: A G-Rated porn flic!
(ALTHOUGH, if she grew up near Christine, she probably has a VERY dirty mind!)
And don't forget that CrzyDemona is a family friend, so that can't help!
<I don't see how anyone can, except for the sole purpose of writing a stroke fic. They HATE each other, THAT's the whole point of their interaction>
The only thing that makes sense is that both feel what one feels. Sure, that would be great for pleasure, but they DO hate each other!
<probably close to 4 or 5.>
Hmm... Competition. And in the opposite direction too!

Christine: <she's not _that_ precocious>
I believe the correct term is "YET"
BUT I can imagine how you find out:
"Ah, hello Mrs. Morgan. I asked you to come in to read something Becca turned in for her creative writing assignment. I don't think it is appropriate for school."
"Oh, come on, it can't be that bad!" You grab the story and read it. "Wow... this is pretty good. I taught her well!" You mumble as you read it.
"Becca, what have I told you about different rules in school and on the web?"

DPH: < How exactly, I'm not sure because memories (and videotapes) of that happenning were erased>
The good news for me is that they were never able to figure out my mind, so they couldn't do that.
<It's not a miracle; there are people who guarantee basic history occurs>
Yeah, I know them. They tried to get me for disturbing the timeline (My Hierarchy set up shop in the early Triassic). But they found out that not only does my method of time travel work in random ways (sometimes history corrects it's self, sometimes not), but I am immune to their laws.
<Fortunately, I have done favors for some of those people so I feel pretty safe about not being ceased to exist>
Yeah, but they cannot stop a power-crazed Fae from destroying a planet (Trust me on this one)
<I still have shredded cheese leftover, ready for another batch of cheese biscuits.>
Cool! You shred your own cheese or buy the pre-shredded?

Fire Storm
Sunday, December 23, 2001 09:22:05 PM

In my very personal opinion, I enjoyed the movie a lot better than the book. In the book, I think there might be five chapters or more from leaving the Shire to finally arriving at the Prancing Pony. The character Tom Bombadil had no relevant contribution (that I could see) to the story and slowed the book down. For the movie, these chapters were left out and therefore eliminated the meaningless subplots which IMO made the movie a lot more captivating. Awesome movie, a must for everyone!

Sunday, December 23, 2001 08:16:26 PM

From me to you, a Christmas favorite, from the mind of Neil Gaiman.



older than sin, and his beard could grow no whiter. He wanted to die.

The dwarfish natives of the Arctic caverns did not speak his language, but conversed in their own, twittering tongue, conducted incomprehensible rituals, when they were not actually working in the factories.

Once every year they forced him, sobbing and protesting, into Endless Night. During the journey he would stand near every child in the world, leave one of the dwarves' invisible gifts by its bedside. The children slept, frozen into time.

He envied Prometheus and Loki, Sisyphus and Judas. His punishment was harsher.





"That fat faggot isn't happy unless he's got a child sitting on his lap."
---Jim Norton, on mall Santas

Sevarius "Chris Crinkle Crinkle" Jr. - []
Sunday, December 23, 2001 07:43:16 PM

Hey, just dropping in to give everyone Holiday Tidings!

LOTR> Saw it, great movie. Though the recuuring fly through scenes got a bit tiresome, so did the unnecessary Frodo closeups. It was still great all in all.

Apparently everyone else saw all the good trailers with Fellowship while all I got was crap. They featured the new Austin Powers(midgets? are they just out of ideas totally????), Blade 2(which I hear is really bad), Minority Report (another Phillip K Dick story ruined by Hoolywood), Rollerball (a remake of a movie nobody really cares about), and Queen of the Damned (no one who did the first one is in it, and they apparenly are two of the Anne Rice books together to do this one).

So, after Fellowship, seems like there is nothing worth seeing till this summer.

Skippy The Klingon
Sunday, December 23, 2001 07:29:58 PM

DC, you have two choices: endure long torture or try out my new means of punishing you.

DC nods his head at the sound of the second one.

DPH pulls out a long cylinder tube filled a liquid, drops a nude DC in it, and seals the lid. BTW, the liquid is . . liquidified haberno peppers. Guaranteed to cause DC's body to swell. Everytime DC opens his mouth to grasp for air, he will swallow some of the liquid. Don't worry: I have already accounted for DC's body swelling when I picked up the cylinder, which does not allow you to see DC's body.

What did DC do? He caused me to lose a post I was typing for a yahoo group.

Imzadi - <<One whole week without anyone asking the taboo question>: I'll call CNN.>> Better yet, this event should go in the list of significant events of the TGS CR.

GSide - Wrong answer again, but you're so close I'll give you 5 cybercookies. You forgot one other thing: you also have to remember some dominoes have NO dots on side and there is a single domino without dots. The correct number is 16(16+1)/2 or 136. Interesingly enough, the next size up should be double 24s or 25s (based on the arrangement of dots).

Fire Storm - <No, I just played on Anthrax fears. Saying any more prevents me from being born> I feel comfortable in adding that the snowballs were melted/evaporated. How exactly, I'm not sure because memories (and videotapes) of that happenning were erased. <Time has always seemed to work out for the most part. Hell, given how much I screwed up in the past, it's a miracle there is still life on this planet!> It's not a miracle; there are people who guarantee basic history occurs and prevent timelines like BTTF:P2 from happenning. Beyond that, they really don't care. Fortunately, I have done favors for some of those people so I feel pretty safe about not being ceased to exist. <Oh, and if you decide you need 8 dozen cookies, don't make 8 BATCHES of cookies.> I started to make a similiar mistake when making cheese biscuits until I realized I didn't have a bowl big enough to hold the dough. I still have shredded cheese leftover, ready for another batch of cheese biscuits.

I'll continue the snowball fight tomorrow.

Sunday, December 23, 2001 04:25:54 PM

Christine> *chuckles* naw, Josh and I aren't fighting or anything :) heh, I flipped him off over the curly hair comment of his because I have curly hair... I was just razzin' him about it. ;) He knows that I love him. *giggles*

Spacebabie> Ethan is my favorite too! =) I sure hope he wins. *nodnodnod* I like the one female too... can't think of her name right now.. the southern airline attendant.
The older woman (retired teacher) is nice but her wrinkled skin grosses me out! She should be the poster child for sun screen lotion. O_o

Naimgold> Josh saying, "If you say three inches, you get a foot".... sounds like most men I've met *nods and winks* *giggles*

back to work around the house...

Sunday, December 23, 2001 03:27:10 PM

My dad is saying that Tommorow night Parents will encounters the two most scariest phrases ever.
1."Some assembly required"
2."Batteries not Included."

Downloaded some Holiday tunes I downloaded from aimster.
1."Do they know its Christmas"~Band Aid
2."Christmas in Hollis"~Run DMC
3."I farted on Santa's lap"~The Little Stinkers.

Hmmmm Mom made Lava cakes.

Oracle>>>Looks like Paul Allen Nathans became a film critic. I can picture him saying this. “I don’t find Tolkien’s works all that good, especially compared to the greatness of Xenogears,”

Christine<<<in the car today, Becca started telling me about her ideas for a Harry Potter fanfic of her very own …>>>Oh my, Its good when they start out young. I had ideas for He-man, She-ra and old school transformers fics, when I was a wee one, but there was no Net back then. Also you should get her an LotR Lego set so she can have Harry Potters meets Frodo and the fellowship on Mars.

Firestorm<<<but they talk about magic, and that is EVIL! ;)>>> LOL!

Jan<<<The jewish comment was in fun and a joke and Ethan took it as that>>>True but Ethan is my favorite, to me he is the Colby of this version.<<<He would definitely not like living with me, then. I would show him how this "geek" would whoop his smart-alec ass.>>>Now you know why I need to send him to you.

Gside<<<blame it on less muscle between the source of the pressure and outside.>>>Then I must have more muscle than the average woman cause I’ve been known for holding it in for a LONG time.

orlando, Fl
Sunday, December 23, 2001 12:04:29 PM

Had an actual night out with my hubby last night! Dinner at a place that didn't have a kiddie menu! A play, seated front row center! Wow, that was nice ... it's been ages.

LOTR > going to see it today, looks like.

Jan and Josh > now, please don't go getting into it on my account; I wasn't offended.

Christine - []
Sunday, December 23, 2001 12:03:33 PM

** Niamhgold enters **

Ooh, goody, almost Christmas. Which means I get a break from work ;) Good news is that I finished the project I needed to have complete in order to get my bonus, and got to schmooze with the local businesses and party on Friday. And got my grades back; managed to score all A's so far. Surprisingly, an A+ in comp. animation. I'll have to email my prof and thank him.

Ooh, and my mom just dug up old sketches of the cast from "The Hobbit". Apparently, she was a big Tolkien fan in her day and was the one that got my dad hooked on it. These illustrations are gorgeous, framed, from 1973, and done by the old illustrators of the first books. Pretty wonderful to look at and compare to the modern versions :)

Bad news? Not much, except that it's supposed to sleet and ice tomorrow and I'm going to work ;) And I've only got one day to finish this animated e-card for my roommate. Ugh.


Gside: <You know you passed rather close to me.> Heh. Yes, I am aware of that. And I even thought of looking you up. Unfortunately, I doubt you would've appreciated a knock at the door at 7 AM ;) <I now have four characters at or beyond act III> Very cool. Sure, they count...until you murder someone IRL. Then they sort of become secondary. <But I'll be spending my time in the other side of the state> That sucks. I pity anyone who needs to be here for any extended amount of time in the winter...including myself ;) <and there's no way they'd get a connection> Grandpa just needs more fiber.

Wilek: <...the CR's not quite busy enough for that.> I must change that. Wait, I've already failed ;) <Heh...being a plant, he hasn't *quite* figured out the whole language thing yet> That's quite all right. I have a soft spot for poisonous, creepy plants that could murder a race of humans ;) Does he mind cookies sprinkled with nightshade? How much do you want for him? ;) I'll pay anything. <Too normal> ** Sigh ** I know the feeling. Let's get some more Xmas tales with twist endings here, people! <I think my favorite thing about that movie is the music> If you liked the music, it's greatly more addictive in the old Nintendo games ;) <Haven't seen the RML special...I imagine Nickelodeon will never show the early eps again, though; not after figuring out exactly what was going on under the surface of that show. O_o> Darn them...curse the unbelievers. I wish they would do an Invader Zim Christmas special. And incorporate some JTHM in there, like from the Halloween ep. We need Santa on a stake! ;) <Never interact with sane people> Goodness...please don't tell me sanity is contagious! :: runs for Lysol disinfectant :: <I've heard that playing Alice on a GeForce3 is absolutely an out-of-body experience..> Or perhaps more of an orgasmic one ;) <Squee's Wonderful Big Giant Book Of Unspeakable Horrors is at the bottom of my Christmas list...I doubt I'll get it, since none of the local bookstores has ever heard of it, but oh well.)> Ooh, I could possibly hook you up :) My friend Liz has all of the books in TRIPLICATE ;) (and one set just went! ;)). <And they're SO CUTE!> :: Nuzzles the mutant mistletoe ::

Dreamie: <:::Pounce hugs Shadowrider, Niamhgold, Josh, Lynati, Vashkoda, SJ, DPH, Greg B, FS, LM, Gside, Revel, Jan, SOROW, Tailweaver, Aaron and Mara::: ^_^> Hey, chica! You pouncing us all at the same time? ;) :: hugs back :: <It's a great distraction from all the morbid terrorist news, no? ^_~> Sweet...ancient mysterious unearthed. My kind of morbid distraction ;) <I also got my Wacom tablet in the mail today... damn the thing's a lot bigger than I imagined> oooh, did you get the 11 X 17? I'm thinking of moving up to that :) <:( :::whine::: I miss my wolfie! :*(> Awww... :: box of tissues :: Have a Merry Christmas, you two!

Daddy: <<<If you say three inches, you get a foot>>: Many people wish they could do that.> Not me...instead I wish I could say the letter B and get a D ;) <For now.> sounds like a threat. <I've got one of those things...> :: Devious planning :: <And while every other male is occupied with tall blondes, I get away with the cuties> It's interesting. All women still seem to want to be blondes. When I was at the salon yesterday, every single women there was either already blonde or getting dyed blonde ;) Meanwhile, I just wanted a darn haircut! ;) <Why would he want one?> Okay, fine, so *I* want one ;) <My brother, on the other about the acorn falling far from the tree> No kidding ;) My brother, though, is exactly the same way. And instead of the acorn falling far from the tree...he's a weed that grew in the desert 3000 miles from the tree. <Needless to say, taking him to the library is like pulling teeth.> :: gets image of Imzadi trying to pull brother into car using a PS2 as bait :: < so it should have occured to me> Well, ignorance is bliss. <I'm almost done with the decals on the Skyray> I expect mucho photos!!! <its probably a lot more trouble than its worth to pursue a girl who's reputation is "tease".> Yes, but it she's not then it'll be no trouble at all ;) In'll be easier than turning on your laptop ;) <I've grown up pretty spoiled, and nearly always had my expectations met> You do realize that such a bold statement is now target practice for Murphy's Law?

Shadowrider: Thanks a lot for the email, and also for the concern about my portfolio. Thanks a bunch, my friend :)

Okay, Adios

Sunday, December 23, 2001 11:02:26 AM

Today was a long, relaxing day.

I woke up at around 1145 and went to lunch at a hoagie place in Encino. After that I took my little bro to the Beverly Hills library and taught him how to use the computers there to find books. Its so funny, my mother and I are such academics. We love to read fiction. My dad loves to read too, but mostly war stuff. My brother, on the other about the acorn falling far from the tree! He hates to read, hates to do anything but watch TV and play video games. Needless to say, taking him to the library is like pulling teeth.

The coolest part was coming across the MASSIVE hardcover book titled "The Civil Engineering Handbook". I looked through it for several minutes and said "I can do most of the stuff in here! Sweet!"

After that I drove him to the Apple Store in Northridge, where I picked up a couple cables for my iBook (a 6-to-6 pin firewire cable for connect to other computers and an AV cable that will let me play dvd's on my iBook and show them on my TV). The Northridge Mall was PACKED...naturally I didn't think about that. But it is just a couple days till X-mas, so it should have occured to me.

After that it was back home for some model time. I'm almost done with the decals on the Skyray. It needs a little paint on the fuel tanks, and then some decals there. Then I'm ready for the setting coat and I can finish it by attaching everything. Should be done within the week.

Then we went to dinner with some friends of the family, that was fun. That's the mom that has a crush on me that I mentioned a while back. Its tough to not bust up when I go to dinner with them. But it was a good meal with good conversation. I swear though, I'm gonna kill my brother and his friend. The two of them are so annoying.

I tested my new AV I can hook up my iBook to my TV and watch DVD's on it (a $19 cable instead of a $150 DVD player for my room). So now I have a DVD player WHEREVER I go!

And I even made top 10.

Sadly, I did not finish Harry Potter because I picked up at 1130 and decided to go to RHPS. I saw some cute chicks, including one who gave me her number...I may or may not pursue that one...its probably a lot more trouble than its worth to pursue a girl who's reputation is "tease".

Anyway, the cast at RHPS did this AMAZING pre-show where they pretty much combined Rocky with every X-mas special in existence, including Rudolph, Frosty, the Charlie Brown special, the Grinch, and a bunch of really racy x-mas songs (which weren't racy until they were sung/performed by the Sins of the Flesh cast). It was HYSTERICAL. I haven't laughed that hard in months.

And I heard a new joke.

Why can't gerbils drive? They're in the wrong Gere.

I thought it was pretty funny.


Mooncat: <<there's the time spent actually *having* sex>>: Is that a large percentage of your day? <<time spent on the computer just so I can *talk* to the ones who are deprived of sex (like you) so you won't feel too badly about not getting any>>: I don't feel bad about not getting any, just impatient for more. <<On the desk! On the desk>>: Desks are really uncomfortable.

Shadowrider: <<>>: Whoa! She's hot! Your cousin looks like that?! Note to self: when next in italy, look up Shadowrider. <<you are not in position to be demanding>>: Perhaps not, but that doesn't change the fact that I *AM* demanding. I have high standards and I want them to be met. <<I'm 24, I'm happy just if she breaths>>: I'm 20 and still looking for "perfect". I'll accept it if this means I have to be a bachelor for the rest of my life. But you know something? I've grown up pretty spoiled, and nearly always had my expectations met. Why shouldn't I ask for a lot in this area too?

Warpmind: <<time for a Wilekian catch-up>>: That was a pretty short wilekian catch up. <<When I said non-metric Americans, I obviously didn't mean you. So why did you become upset? When I say non-metric Americans, I *mean* non-metric Americans>>: I wouldn't want you thinking that all Americans are non-metric. <<I'm afraid to ponder what THAT would smell like>>: I think I know. <<It's one of those rare, wonderful times, when it's positive to be negative, and vice versa>>: Agreed. <<spring-loaded battleaxe>>: You mean the blades are spring loaded, right?

DPH: <<I'll be the judge of that>>: No, you won't. Even if you think it was good, it will still suck. <<One whole week without anyone asking the taboo question>>: I'll call CNN.

Madame Destine: <<I just can't churn 'em out one after another every couple days like SJ does>>: LOL.

Nukes: <<i think josh is right>>: That's because I'm always right. <<so are you CRAZY or insanE>>: Why can't he be both?

Christine: <<she's not _that_ precocious>>: She's your daughter, its in the blood ;-) Give her time.

Jan: <<it's not something that a parent wants to hear>>: Somehow, I don't think Christine minds. She knows I don't mean TODAY, or even in a few years. Or even in TEN years. But eventually, she will probably carry on her mother's title. <<I'll have to go back thru icq history and find out which cards Michael has asked for>>: I don't have ICQ on my iBook, so you'll have to email it to me. You know where. <<She used to be a pretty girl, but she was covered with these deep red and large sores all over her face, neck and arms>>: Ewww gross! I'm so glad I don't use drugs. <<glad the judge likes me>>: Somehow I doubt that will benefit ME very much ;-) <<I make bubbles in the bathtub>>: I didn't need to know that. <<don't care for curly hair? *coughs and flips you off>>: WHAT"S YOUR PROBLEM!? I"M JUST WALKING HERE! <<I agree with Josh... bring her to the Gathering>>: Yeah, that way WE can hit on her! ;-) <<the way he treats the women - like sex objects>>: Just ONCE I'd like to be treated like a sex object. I fail to see what the problem is with this. Its FLATTERING. <<Anna would finish off>>: Thanks for that lovely visual. <<we started playing, "name that odor" with Michael's room>>: Ah, a fellow geek.

Fire Storm: <<I can tell you it isn't that good>>: No that's just it. It was. It was amazing. <<You need a spanking>>: Yes yes! And then the oral sex! <<Any female volunteers for the job?>>: In this CR? <<I am glad you said it>>: Surely either of us can cover for him. <<it made bubbles in beer!>>: And I guess that makes it the single most important invention of our time. <<if MIchigan explodes>>: I'll throw a party. <<That would make sense>>: Yeah, that would counter the purpose of a beauracracy. <<what's the friggin point of having a PROXY server when the router does the same job?>>: You need the right router. Not all wireless base stations work as routers too. Especially if not all your computers are wireless. <<To Pepsi>>: I dunno about you, but Britney Spears doing one of her slutty dances makes me pretty thirsty...for a coke. <<what fun is that?>>: it works fine for guys like me with only two hands. <<it's a miracle there is still life on this planet!>>: You are not allowed to time travel anymore. <<pretty soon she will be writing stuff for adult>>: Yeah, I'm sure Jan will bash you too. <<Weird thing is that I can't see them getting together.>>: I don't see how anyone can, except for the sole purpose of writing a stroke fic. They HATE each other, THAT's the whole point of their interaction. <<What's her blood PH>>: probably close to 4 or 5.

Patrick Toman: <<if any film deserves the title "The 'Wizard of Oz' of our time," it's THIS one, not "Harry Potter.>>: I'd never thought of it that way, but you're absolutely right.

Gside: <<that's still longer than the Rutgers network was down recently>>: Then you should have no problem coping...right? Right?! <<I blame it on less muscle between the source of the pressure and outside>>: Whatever the cause, they pee too much. <<my only problem is with the tense of your verb>>: Why does that sound worse than it is? <<At least not until I find out my grades, and perhaps not even then>>: Discovering I passed was quite a source of elation. <<Yes, being half my weight and all>>: That much? Wow. <<Kirby is the source of endless sucking jokes>>: He goes from suck to blow! <<I've been thinking of giving it something else to do>>: Thinking of joining the men's swim team? <<Because someone had to use the Dex Drive first and release it on the net. Besides there's also the saves>>: You can save games on your PC emulators, can't you? <<you didn't just start eating the dough>>: What would be the point of making cookies without eating the cookie dough?

And seeing as its 430AM...I think I'll go to sleep.

"Know what separates the winners from the losers?" "Yeah, the score."
-Gene Hackman and Keanu Reeves, The Replacements

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Encino, CA, US of A
Sunday, December 23, 2001 07:31:05 AM

By the way, there's a new book out about the making of the LotR movie, which, in the section on John Rhys-Davies, mentions that he's played the part of Macbeth on the stage. I find it quite interesting that he's played the Shakespearean Macbeth as well as the "Gargoyles" one.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, December 23, 2001 07:15:50 AM

Whoops! Wrong picture!


Sunday, December 23, 2001 03:07:57 AM



Sunday, December 23, 2001 03:07:21 AM

actually Revel, I'm NEIN!
Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Encino, CA, US of A
Sunday, December 23, 2001 01:59:30 AM

Well, I just returned from a wonderful weekend spent with Gunjack and Lain. one would not believe that a family could be so damn nice to a complete stranger with long hair and a beard.
I caught the love birds whilst they were waking up. I saw lain by the table and was like, "Could this be lain?" And I got a groggy look in return and a hug :)
Amidst the sorrow of lost lugagge and failed attemtpts to obtain Trigun from a not-so-close-to-home friend of Gunjack's, we managed to have a great two days together which I regret had to end due to the fact that I have to go to Houston.
LOTR> Great movie! Not the greatest, but definatley one of the best.
I was rooting for the Orcs since I thought they looked cool and because they were the underdogs. :)
Sunday, December 23, 2001 01:04:31 AM


I have relatives visiting tomorrow and they are bringing their dog, yep, I actually wish I was at work

Sunday, December 23, 2001 12:52:00 AM

Well, it's off to the north for me tomorrow, but I'll only be staying until the 27th. But that's still longer than the Rutgers network was down recently.

Imzadi> <<as females stereotypically have bladders the size of thumbtacks>>: I blame it on less muscle between the source of the pressure and outside.
<<A word of warning though: It sucked>>: No, it was amazing. It's just that such better things have some out since then that it's increadibly boring now. Ergo, my only problem is with the tense of your verb.
<<Will they reveal that in the next movies?>>: I doubt it. It's more of a Silmarilian thing. But it's rather hard for humins to be resurrected.
<<Feels good, doesn't it?>>: Not yet. At least not until I find out my grades, and perhaps not even then.
<<And I know I'm intimidating enough to stop you>>: Yes, being half my weight and all.
<<How did it get there?>>: Don't know, it's Ms. Lostimolo's joke originally.
<<Haven't played >>: Find a bunch of people and rent it. And make sure someone plays as Kirby and Jigglypuff (they have the most annoying taunts, and Kirby is the source of endless sucking jokes).
<<Awww, lonely razor?>>: Yup, but I've been thinking of giving it something else to do.
<<Why not just download the rom to your PC/mac?>>: Because someone had to use the Dex Drive first and release it on the net. Besides there's also the saves.

Warpmind> <<Warpmind wanders in, carrying a small bust of the goddess Belldandy, and has a sheepish grin plastered on his face>>: Allright, what'd you do with the rest of the body?
<<Marius... I've heard that pronounced as an invitation to a polygamous marriage>>: But did you give them the stone?
<<Though, there's the telescopic lance, the spring-loaded battleaxe, the manual breechloaded gatling>>: What about the sword bombs, swordchucks, and laser sighted throwing knives?

DPH> <<wrong answer. You don't even have the right approach>>: Forgot mirror images count as the same thing. 15(15+1)/2

Fire Storm> <<if you decide you need 8 dozen cookies, don't make 8 BATCHES of cookies>>: After you realized you had made enough, you didn't just start eating the dough?
<<More than just bad. Naughty. You need a spanking>>: Yes, I do.
<<Any female volunteers for the job?>>: Please?
<<Well, I am glad you said it!>>: Too bad I didn't do it.
<<Well, what fun is that?>>: Two thirds as much. It's still some fun, just not as much as you could get otherwise, and will still do in a pinch. Or a grope.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, December 23, 2001 12:40:22 AM

Real post now...

** WARNING - Possible LOTR Spoilers **

I just got back from seeing "Lord of the Rings." Spectacular film. I couldn't even tell where the real sets ended and the computer generated imagery began. The effects were just amazing. The casting and costuming was great, too. I especially loved the elves... and if not for the voice, I'd never believe that was John Rhys Davies under all that armor and hair, shrunk down to dwarf size. And Christopher Lee as one of the villians... is that guy typecast or what? Favorite quip from the movie, though, goes to Gimli... "No one tosses a dwarf!"

LOTR didn't get the typical "end of the movie" reaction from the audience, though... I heard lots of "huh?" kind of grumbling from people who seemed surprised that it was over and time to go. And forget all that propaganda in the "Harry Potter" commercials, too... if any film deserves the title "The 'Wizard of Oz' of our time," it's THIS one, not "Harry Potter."


Other stuff... Saw previews for "Spider Man", "Scooby Doo," a new movie based o H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine," and the third Austin Powers movie, "Goldmember." And yes, sadly, they showed a couple advertisements, too. That annoyed me. When I pay $7.50 for a ticket, I shouldn't have to sit through commercials.

Patrick Toman
Sunday, December 23, 2001 12:15:27 AM

Skippy The Klingon
Sunday, December 23, 2001 12:06:20 AM

Fire Storm
Sunday, December 23, 2001 12:06:09 AM

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, December 22, 2001 11:56:24 PM

Patrick Toman
Saturday, December 22, 2001 11:54:30 PM

Terrky K
Saturday, December 22, 2001 11:51:52 PM

Greg Bishansky
Saturday, December 22, 2001 11:49:44 PM
