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NukesGoBoom>> You can find Brianna Garcia's work here at her Side 7 site. <click!> However, it's mostly anime and fantasy work. She only has a few Gargoyles things up.
Saturday, January 19, 2002 08:57:10 AM

Howdy folks.

Well, I've just about finally finished up my resume (despite having already sent it out to several people) by finalizing my references. Now I know some people in here actually *have* jobs, so I was wondering how many references you think I should put down. I have one professional, one academic, and one personal, all of whom should say nice things about me (one works for Apple and one works for a competitor of Apple, to boot). Do you think I have enough?

I started exploring the Vermont Recipes last night, which are a set of step-by-step instructions for writing simple applications in Cocoa. I'm looking forward to learning about all this stuff, but its a bit overloading right now. I've conceded that I'll never be a programmer, but knowing a bit about Cocoa couldn't hurt my chances at Apple.

I sent in a copy of my resume to Formac (they make peripherals...for mac - yuk yuk). They have some sweet industrial designs and maybe they'll want me too.

Went to Cheesecake Factory again with a bunch of mac friends...why is it we can't seem to talk about anything but Apple? We need help.


Mooncat: <<Something is Out There>>: A Less Than Jake song! ;-)

The Wizard: I'm really sorry to hear about the dog. <<These things only seem to happen when I'm home>>: Remember when you were at my house and my brother was saying that I was bad luck because every time I come home someone dies? <<the one we assumed would live forever>>: Only I can live forever. <<I suppose it was his time. Stinks, though>>: Are you alright? I know losing a pet can really devastate a person. <<meanwhile, the hunt for internships continues>>: I hear that! <<Does anyone have any idea how bad traffic might be in the NJ Turnpike area at around 10 or 11 AM on Sunday?>>: This is like the 405, right? "When is traffic bad on the 405? Yes." <<Wait 20-30 minutes before consuming>>: Now if I could just teach baked goods to stand, all would be good ;-) <<as much as you point to the "large, circular amphitheater", there's never a simple way to get there>>: On foot. Do you have any idea how screwed we would have been at the Auto Show if I had to drive to "just behind the hotel"? <<you'll no doubt find someone ten times better than the previous>>: That's a faulty assumption. <<But don't be in any rush! Sometimes being single is the best option>>: And sometimes it sucks ass, which is why people develop rebound relationships. But once you've done it for a long time, its easier to stay single ;-) <<pigs brandishing spears>>: Animal Farm? <<Job Objective: Looking to fill a variety of positions within your company>>: LOL! Maybe "Looking to fill a variety of openings with your company"? <<Myst isn't diesel powered, anyways>>: No, its got a generator. But I think Riven is steam powered. <<Florida's nice to visit, but I'd get sick of the elderly>>: See you in CA. <<he does it not only when he shouldn't, but when he can't>>: I wasn't aware that I was posting when I wasn't able to. Can you give me an example? <<Would probably overcome the laws of physics in order to post every day, as well>>: If I could. <<Oh, wait...I _have_ no state taxes>>: might not like CA then... <<they may be useless _and_ stressful>>: How frustrating. <<Adding to the stress...>>: Nah. I'm walking through Riven right now, so I can get back in the swing of things. <<I'll still put in that word for you, though>>: Thanks, every little bit helps. <<Sadly, you didn't seem to have any flaws I could play off of>>: Bull puckey. <<And it ROCKS>>: Damn skippy. <<Sorry. I'm immune. And Jay and other friends will be giving me an anti-mac booster shot starting on Monday>>: Yes, but I have certain persuasive methods... <<I'd imagine that the _other_ kind of posting is higher>>: I don't know. <<Mike should be able to get women. Suppose it doesn't help that he doesn't leave his room often, though>>: He doesn't care about leaving his room, and the women here are dogs anyway. But under *your* theory, they should flock to him. <<Someone needs to do _something_ to open up the job market>>: Well, spliting up Microsoft would do it. <<but even people who _have_ had the experience may not have had an orgasmic one>>: Shouldn't an orgasm by definition be an orgasmic experience. <<if I move to California from here, I'll also be tacking an extra three hours to my life>>: True. But only if you die here. <<Told you you should have just killed me>>: I may yet. <<I'm not the only one with low self esteem>>: Yes you are ;-) <<So I ask, and you perform?>>: Something like that. <<Then you would've started playing around more with iPhoto>>: Actually, iPhoto doesn't really interest me. In fact, I'm annoyed that it replaces Image Capture as the standard way to move pics off my digital camera. <<Or started developing iZap>>: Bus powered taser! <<Not that convincing>>: Four minutes? <<at least I remember the 80, the 580, and the 280. And having to turn around and go _under_ the bridge>>: Sorry about that, my roommate is a moron. <<Cuz they sucked>>: True. <<I am SO not looking forward to dropping 1500 for markers, paints, and drawing supplies. PLUS books>>: I hope you're rich. <<What more could I ask (except for cleaner air, but hey, I can deal)?>>: Cheaper gas, no taxes, the list goes on. <<May have to start looking more for opportunities in marketing, advertising, and graphic design sectors>>: Where you can compete with me ;-) <<have to go to the vet>>: I thought he was dead?

Green Baron: <<paltes>>: What's a palte? <<I never thought you were a beer drinker>>: I did. <<I figured the biggest problems with San Francisco were George Miller, the high prices, and a very aggressive homeless popualtion that needs a lesson in humility>>: Of those, only high prices bother me. <<I can get an Article 15 or a court martial for pillaging>>: Weak! <<American troops in Germany can invade France with great esae>>: I bet they can do it without firing a shot. <<French sailors, maybe>>: LOL! <<Attila will strip for you if that will make you feel better>>: There's your necrobestiality, gside. <<Why were you hiding your appearance for so long?>>: Because she's an artist. <<Well, drugs are bad m'kay. They can affect your brain and make you only capable of saying "Timmy!!">>: Um, Timmy does that because he's retarded. Not because of drugs.

Winterwolf: <<this weekend promises to be extra fun>>: Chika bow bow... <<So I you’re planning on moving to the West Coast now? And thinking about an internship on the West Coast too?>>: My goal is to get the entire fandom out here... <<The best is how they are so alike they both refuse to admit it>>: SILENCE! <<sounds like it really got around didn’t it?>>: Frustrating to no end, I assure you. <<Are you free Tuesday?>>: I have classes from 8 to 1230. Why? <<I think it just tries to be as obnoxoius as possible. First the class starts at 8:30 AM each day except Thursdays and has a lab starting at 6:30PM on Tuesdays. Evil timing on the Chem class>>: My chem class was much better: Lecture MWF 11-12, and a lab from 2-5 on W. <<Dreamie found out she’s ready to get her 4 wisdom teeth removed too>>: You'll be there to nurse her back to health, I'm sure.

DPH: <<The amount of spam I receive on a daily basis has seemingly gone up to 15 spams a day>>: I hear you. My pacbell account gets a lot of spam too. <<it could be ezboard's fault>>: I'd bet on it. <<Only yahoo knows about that email account>>: Do you really think they don't give out your email addy? <<The MAC computer said the book was in the library, but the book is nowhere to be found>>: I hope you don't think that's a problem with the computer. <<Are you saying that if somebody went back in time and killed you, history wouldn't be altered?>>: Well, except that there'd be a funeral this weekend. But otherwise, no.

Sarge Abernathy: <<But they don't get very high grade point averages because of this>>: Most colleges, when you apply, re-calculate your GPA, giving you an extra point for an honors or AP class. <<Parental Control. My parents believe I spend too much time on the Internet>>: Aren't you a little old for that? <<But this leaves me with the problem of accidentally deleting good people's mail. Such a Imzadi's. I'm so sorry Imzadi!>>: That's alright. I rarely send anything important anyway. <<Has anyone ELSE notice how even more annoying ads are? It's inconceivable>>: Part of it is AOL's fault.

Daphne: <<not quite sure *how* I'll meet someone>>: Find a reasonably attractive guy and ask him out. <<as I'm not looking to get either drunk or laid, I'm gonna exclude that option>>: When I go to parties, its to people watch. I don't get drunk *or* laid at parties. But you are missing out on one of those things.

Lain: <<costs in the neighbourhood of 700$ a month for rent>>: Canadian. So don't even start bitching. <<cos i KNOW im missing something>>: Many things, actually.

Gside: <<Who needs 3d?>>: Me. <<Allegedly gives you a good angle for the G spot, which is also known as the female prostate>>: I'm pretty sure the G spot is accesible from another angle, one that doesn't involve any sort of anal stimulation. <<Unless she's using a strapon>>: Ugh. No thanks. <<Yeah, I think I'll pass>>: Good call. <<Translates as uncute tomboy>>: Lots of those in Berkeley. <<Sounds like a plan>>: Good. Go for it. <<Hey, I like porn>>: Me too. We should trade.

K, tired.

You’re going to die very badly.
-Stuart Wilson, "No Escape"

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Saturday, January 19, 2002 04:35:55 AM

Imzadi> <<And it still kicks ass>>: Who needs 3d?
<<And ruining your weekends>>: I can do that fine on my own.
<<What if its male/female?>>: Allegedly gives you a good angle for the G spot, which is also known as the female prostate. Unless she's using a strapon.
<<Do you really want to know?>>: Yeah, I think I'll pass.
<<Who?>>: Japanese. Translates as uncute tomboy.
<<We should ask>>: Sounds like a plan.
<<And I knew someone would bring it up>>: Glad to be of service.
<<ECE's don't take statics>>: They do at Rutgers.

Niamhgold> Condolences about the dog.
<<Does anyone have any idea how bad traffic might be in the NJ Turnpike area at around 10 or 11 AM on Sunday?>>: Sorry, don't have my own transportation, so I don't pay attention to traffic patterns. Shouldn't be too bad in the middle of a long weekend.
<<No, pigs brandishing spears>>: Sounds like a good answer, though few of the blots are narrow enough to be spears for me.
<<AKA do it yourself>>: The lazy way.
<<So is that your resume?>>: Not quite. There's a bit too much specialized towards the mechanical end.
<<Virginia, maybe, but it still gets nippy in the winter>>: I don't feel like it's winter without the nip.
<<Shall I ask you in eight years>>: Please do.
<<I _have_ no state taxes>>: I wasn't talking to you, was I?

Sarge> <<First being pornography>>: Hey, I like porn.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, January 19, 2002 01:19:12 AM

uugh.. today was a smelly day
the night before last, it snowed, and the nice owner of the apartment building i live in decided it would be a GREAT idea to plow the snow out of the parking lot. which is indeed a great idea.. just not at 2:30am, right outside my window, with the scraping of metal plow on gravelly pavement, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.. (of course with that annoying "beeep.. beeeeeep.. beeeep.." of the plow reversing.. gah. then the rat decided it was a good idea to chew carrots loudly and the net result was that i got no sleep.
then last night, my roommates friend had a baby. which meant there were phonecalls coming in approximately every time i was drifting off to sleep from about 1am to 7am, and i had a 9am class.. good stuff.. ARGH!
then i went apartment hunting for next year (cos theres no way in HELL im ever living HERE for one second longer than absolutely necessary) and found out that just about every single bedroom apartment anywhere near the university costs in the neighbourhood of 700$ a month for rent. *choke* yeah so.. more suckage insued.

*******daily dose of stuff i dont get*******
okay so.. theres that british shoe bomber guy in custody and he had his court appearence today, in which he plead not guilty to a bunch of stuff, including: two counts of interfering with a flight crew, attempted homicide, placing explosive devices on an aircraft, attempted murder, attempted destruction of an aircraft, using a destructive device during and in relation to a crime of violence, attempted wrecking of a mass transportation vehicle and attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction.
now.. most of this seems pretty straightforward.. except for the part about when running shoes suddenly got upgraded to qualify as weapons of mass destruction.. maybe someone can enlighten me as to exactly what im missing, here.. cos i KNOW im missing something..
now, granted there were plastic explosives in the shoes.. but i was under the impression that "weapons of mass destruction" were things like deadly chemical compounds, biological pathogens and atomic bombs.. not explosives in sneakers. maybe im just behind in the times but.. yikes.

and another thing. so the canadian army has decided to send more troops to afganistan. so, like the bright sparks that they are, they decide to send 700 odd new dudes overseas sporting new uniforms.. made of jungle cammo.
hello? reality check? since when is afganistan a place you would wear JUNGLE cammo?? o.O
who the heck is in charge up there at the head of the canadian military and.. where did they leave their brains?
**********end stuff i dont get***********

i sat in on my friends "history of witchcraft" class.. looks kinda like fun.. unfortunately its a full year course and its half over. id take it next year but i have my eye on arabic so.. i guess not. more feminist stuff to yammer about. though i wonder, when they teach religious classes.. dont they usually get someone "of that faith" to teach the class? like.. classes on christianity taught by christians? i dont think the teacher was a wiccan, but she sure didnt like thomas aquinas, THATS for sure.

*********useless info of the day**********
this one is just for you, revel.. and cos we are pickin on the french.. :
this is an example of what happens when an english-speaker tries to pronounce a foreign word. it has nothing to do with "mush" or "room", but it was, in the 15th century, a poor english rendition of the old french word "moisseron" (the modern equivalent is "mousseron") some spelled it (and probably pronounced it) "muscheron" and in following years, the word mutated further until it became "mushroom."
before the french word was introduced, however, the fungus was called "toads hat" (which makes only a little more sense than "mush room"..)
************end useless info********

and now.. for sleep..
goodnight and love,

the Great White North
Saturday, January 19, 2002 01:15:29 AM

hey everyone!

well... must say, i think my insanity has pretty much come back.

things have actually been going very good this week. went with a friend to the mall today. it was the mall that was like in like another town, but we got there ok (concidering i'm still a very new driver) but GUESS WHAT IT DID TODAY!!! it SNOWED! so, we left that mall early as to not get caught on the free ways in the snow, cause it got SLICK! so, we just stopped at the mall closer to home, and then left cause it got boreing, and when i took her home, i almost slipped into some mail boxes... ALMOST! i say i handled my self very well.

learned how to play part os chop sticks on my keyboard

got some new headphones

got Chicago LIVE at Carnegie Hall

got over 50 members in my club, and got like over 90 chicago pics in there too.

in school today, in history, we were like talkin about the beatles. you'd have to have been there, we were pissing the teacher off, we were like singing, and being loud. i had fun though ;)

well, i think i'm going to officialy leave my sanity in the jar now. and believe me, i won't be sad to see it go. *places the sanity with-in the confines of... "the JAR"!!!!*

well, i'm gonna sign off. oh yeah, i gotta type abou that freaky, yet cool dream i had. i'll get right on that, ya know, with a dream, ya gotta kinda put it all together, so i need to do that. if anyone's interested that is.

shine on all you crasy diamonds!

"Tape is sticky, till you put dirt on it... then it's pretty much reduced down to being a simple peice of plasic with dirt on it, and will no longer stick to anything"-- ME

-={King Terrky Kath, The Efficient Rock Star}=-

Terrky K - []
Saturday, January 19, 2002 12:31:18 AM

David G - if only it were that simple. The biggest problem I face is changing moderatorship in one group. I am a moderator, but not group owner. I can't make anyone else a moderator in that group and the group owner does not have the time to moderate the group. [The group owner in question is NOT wierd_web] So I will have to get him to give me the powers to create a new moderator or get him to promote another yahoo account to being a moderator. So my yahoo id has to be tied to that group. Since my yahoo id is tied down, I can't delete that email account without the risk of deleting the yahoo id. It might take me 2-3 months of hard work to track down every single thing that I have tied down to that yahoo email account and change where the delivery is going. Yep, almost everything I am subscribed to is tied to that yahoo email account.
Friday, January 18, 2002 11:11:39 PM

B5 answers> This is deducing stuff from the 'supposed last episode of B5 before they got picked up by TNT for a fifth season. The Drahk plague? Yes. Humanity survives and lives long enough that in a hundred or so millenia, man becomes the new Vorlon on the block. Earth joining the ISA? Yes, but do you really want me to spoil that one for you. Well, avert your eyes if you don't want to know. Earth joins the Alliance, but not everyone is keen on the idea. It leads to a civil war which tears the planet back into the stone age. As for the techno-mages... unsure. They don't cover it too much.
Taleweaver - []
Friday, January 18, 2002 10:40:14 PM

Niamhgold>><my dog (the one we assumed would live forever and has been my personal favorite since, :: shudders ::, the eighties) died at 3 AM> [hugs, reserves a moment of silence] I'm sorry... dogs are family members...
I hope you'll be all right.

<you'll no doubt find someone ten times better than the previous. But don't be in any rush! > that's the plan... on both counts. not quite sure *how* I'll meet someone, of course... most girls I know meet guys at parties, and as I'm not looking to get either drunk or laid, I'm gonna exclude that option.

Green Baron>>> <It seems everywhere Mardi Gras was attempted failed, except fro New orlenas> that could be... I don't think it's gonna stop the philadelphian clebration, though... I'll keep you posted.

<Big hugs. I don' know what to say. Well, Attila will strip for you if that will make you feel better> [hugs back] thanks. and you know, I think that might cheer me up :)

winterwolf>><I hope you have better times ahead. > me too. and thanks.

that's about it for now.
God bless!

Friday, January 18, 2002 09:08:39 PM

*stops in mid-party swing... and shudders.*

Hyena: Something wrong, punkin?

Xelloss:: By the prickling of my thumbs... something wicked this way comes....


Hyena: Hey, you're English is getting better!

*we now return you to your regular comment room, already in progress*
Friday, January 18, 2002 09:06:13 PM

Today was a very good day! I got me progress report back! B, B, B-, and A!!! I'm so happy with the B- from AP English, because I thought I was going to get a LOT lower! I'm so happy, and my teacher was too! I seem to be turning myself around. I wish I got a 3.5 grade point average though. That way I could get a blue card from the renaissance club. I hate grade point averages. The kids who take AP classes and get B's or C's are obviously the most motivated, challenged, and smartest. But they don't get very high grade point averages because of this. Meanwhile kids who take low level classes like college prep and simple extracurricular get the highest grade point averages and are able to be nominated for valedictorian. I don't care though since I would be frightened to death of making my OWN speech and saying it in front of the school! It would be like my father or mother writing one of their sermons and saying it Sunday mass. And they do it EVERY week!

Aside from that I got the highest grade (I think) for a French pretest, and I had a good Poetry Club. I feel bad for my friend though. Who got THREE D's on his report card and a 0.something grade point average. He's dead when he gets home (where he is now come to think of it.) I got praise from pa in San Francisco. So overall mood of the day is jovial.

IMZADI>>><<< Ack. AOL?>>> That is what I use, but I have a worse reason. Parental Control. My parents believe I spend too much time on the Internet! Sigh. . . . . .

DPH>>><<<The amount of spam I receive on a daily basis has seemingly gone up to 15 spams a day. I have a couple of theories about that one: between yahoo no longer disguising E-mail addresses on its groups and a couple of discussion groups I have joined I believe I have accounted for the new spam. Of course, it could be ezboard's fault. >>> I get a lot of spam. Usually for things I don't even have. Like money for mortgage on the house, or something to do with my car. I just ignore it now. But this leaves me with the problem of accidentally deleting good people's mail. Such a Imzadi's. I'm so sorry Imzadi! Fortunately I had thought that I accidentally deleted a letter from Wingless. So when I went to the 'recently deleted' mail I found Imzadi's in the trash. . . . . Wingless wasn't in there though.

Has anyone ELSE notice how even more annoying ads are? It's inconceivable! Not only do i get a bunch of junk mail in all my e-mail accounts, but I get twenty popup ads from my favorite sites and discussion boards (not this one), about five ads from ICQ, about 2 from MSN instant messenger, gets rid of their news text while you are reading it to show you a huge ad (really annoying), and someone had come in and spammed my OWN comment board with a huge VIAGRA ad that i Can't get rid of because I forgotten my password into my account! These ads are becoming the second largest group of 'stuff' on the Internet! . . . First being pornography.

<<<I went to the public library yesterday to check out a book (a book I couldn't find on Tuesday). The MAC computer said the book was in the library, but the book is nowhere to be found. (I asked a nice lady to help me find the book and she checked where the book is supposed to be and where the books were that are waiting to be shelved.) I do have a couple of theories: the book is overdue, but the computer automatically placed it as available; the book was returned to another branch; or somebody on the library staff is personally reading the book and is deliberately hiding the book to keep anyone from checking it out.>>> Libraries are always disorganized. It's anyone's guess as to which of your theories is right. They all seem valid to me. Hmmm this reminds me of that "Catcher in the Rye" book I forgot to return. . . . . Oh boy is THAT going to cost me a pretty nickel!

Friday, January 18, 2002 07:47:53 PM

Daniel> You CAN switch to a different Yahoo account, but get your old one forwarded to your new one. I rigged my Yahoo account to read my library Outlook account so I could check e-mail from work over the weekend. (About a month later, the tech staff set up a web-based outlook server...)

Once you decide you've got everything important from your old account, just stop checking it.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Friday, January 18, 2002 07:35:37 PM

The amount of spam I receive on a daily basis has seemingly gone up to 15 spams a day. I have a couple of theories about that one: between yahoo no longer disguising email addresses on its groups and a couple of discussion groups I have joined I believe I have accounted for the new spam. Of course, it could be ezboard's fault.

If I start to see spam show up on my newest email account (established when I had problems with yahoo), I know that we're all doomed. Why? Only yahoo knows about that email account.

I wish I could start all over with yahoo email. How? They would change my email address and for two weeks all email going to my old account would be forwarded to the new one and I would get to get all my message archives. But it's too much trouble to change my email accounts out.

I went to the public library yesterday to check out a book ( a book I couldn't find on Tuesday). The MAC computer said the book was in the library, but the book is nowhere to be found. (I asked a nice lady to help me find the book and she checked where the book is supposed to be and where the books were that are waiting to be shelved.) I do have a couple of theories: the book is overdue, but the computer automatically placed it as available; the book was returned to another branch; or somebody on the library staff is personally reading the book and is deliberately hiding the book to keep anyone from checking it out.

**BABYLON 5 questions**
Ok, I have a couple of questions:

Was Earth ever cured of the plague?
Did Earth eventually join the ISA?
Why do I get the feeling the techno-mages are deliberately waiting until Sheridan leaves before returning?

Winterwolf - I wouldn't mind eating some flan again. BTW, could you harness the cold and keep temperatures in 40s and up in my neck of the woods?

My dad picked up some more wood today. In fact, I spent way too much time with him today. First hauling off trash.

Ok, is there anyone else out there who wears certain clothes when at home and wears nicer clothes when they leave?

Green Baron - <<Here's an interesting thought: you can take a religious holiday off only if you are regularly attend a church that celebrates that holiday.> That would be a good law. I'd get quite a few.> Hmm. Let me see how many days I would get off. If I get creative, I'll have a few days off. < I like Huckabee and think well of him, but if he remains a minsiter while Governor, same for Tim Hutchinson, he is
serving two masters.> He is still ordained, just not actively serving a church. My state governor is a MODERATE not a conservative.

Niamhgold - <I don't know if this is a bad omen or not, but apparently my dog (the one we assumed would live forever and has been my personal favorite since, :: shudders ::, the eighties) died> Sad to hear that.

Imzadi - <Another totally useless day.> Are you saying that if somebody went back in time and killed you, history wouldn't be altered?

One of the things I absolutely have to do this summer is replace the wood-burning stove with a heat pump. I'm pretty sure that it would be cheaper.

DPH - [please_spam_me@i']
Friday, January 18, 2002 07:07:57 PM

wilek- dude, torment is like the BEST single player rpg EVER. if you need help anywhere, just ask. there is a great online guide too.

also, i can send you a great hack program to hack your stats and such, just to enjoy the game more.

trust me on this one, this game is REALLY well done.

Friday, January 18, 2002 03:39:12 PM

NO! NONONONONONO!!! @#@!$@#$#@$!!!!!

they took down the galleries at world of al... DAMNIT i loved looking at brianna's work. she did some GREAT work with brooklyn+kids

is anyone else pissed at this? anyone got some info that i dont know?

i emailed the webmaster (ali?) and i hope i get a reply soon....

meanwhile, anyone know if i can see this art somewhere else?

thanks guys.

Friday, January 18, 2002 03:34:10 PM

**A blizzard enters the CR and snows until there is a big pile of the white stuff so Winterwolf can have a soft spot to land in as he jumps into the room from the high window** **POOF**

Hi. I’m back. Not much going on at the moment but this weekend promises to be extra fun. ^_^

Niamhgold> So I you’re planning on moving to the West Coast now? And thinking about an internship on the West Coast too? <those who have spent time with Josh's brother know how cool he is> Oh yeah. The best is how they are so alike they both refuse to admit it. ;) <<<Niamh seems to have caught a bit of the cold from my roommate (not gonna ask how that happened, probably best if you don't either).> Even with the hands off rule. Though, as I remember, you caught it, too>> Hum, sounds like it really got around didn’t it? <pictures> I saw the pics you put up. You are gorgeous! You are beautiful just like I always knew you were. ^_^

Fire Storm> <"WARPMIND SMASH!"> What no Warpmind Gamma Crush? ;P

Daphne> <My bf and I broke up> I hope you have better times ahead.

Josh> <The Professional is on at 2:15> Are you free Tuesday? <Chem> I think it just tries to be as obnoxoius as possible. First the class starts at 8:30 AM each day except Thursdays and has a lab starting at 6:30PM on Tuesdays. Evil timing on the Chem class.

SOROW> <Spanish hates me and I hate it! I wish it would die!> Maybe I can bribe you Spanish class with a nice tasty flan (Spanish pudding dessert). :) Dreamie and I will keep you in mind and be hoping for all the best for you. ^_^

Ravyn> <I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth yanked out of my skull on Friday Morning> Good Luck! Yo know just yesterday Dreamie found out she’s ready to get her 4 wisdom teeth removed too. We’re both not looking forward to it. I don’t have fond memories of my wisdom teeth being removed. :\

Shadowrider> <finals are getting close> Good Luck on all your finals!

Niamhgold> <my dog died> **HUGS** My condolences. You never want them to leave but the only thing you get to keep are the memories. :( **HUGS**

Well it’s about time to pick up Dreamie. I’m off! Bye!

**Winterwolf leaves in a big snow plow that shovels out all the snow**

Seattle, WA
Friday, January 18, 2002 02:52:05 PM

Dangit, Baron. Now you've got They Might Be Giants music stuck in my head.

Oh well, at least thanks to Stephen Speilberg it's accompanied by a kinda cool Tiny Toons video playing on my eyelids.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Friday, January 18, 2002 01:55:38 PM

Green Baron -- Been a long time gone... Constantinople... =)

As for belgian french fries, that was what I meant -- he listed a bunch of things with french in their titles most of which were not french.

Friday, January 18, 2002 01:46:24 PM

Going away for the weekend, so unless I check in from the clubhouse, I won't be back until Monday. Going up to Bellingham for some much-needed R&R (though really I will probably spend the time scrambling to get stuff done for Sabledrake).

Spike > good luck at A-kon!

Wilek > none of the above, and I don't think you'd much care for them anyway ; )

Christine - []
Friday, January 18, 2002 01:05:38 PM

Hello all of you. Today was good. I am in new barracks. I ahve just switched my phoen service over. I will be buying paltes and stuff tommorrow. I also got my tickets to Istanbul, which was Constantinople. I will be leaving on the 15th of Feb and returning on the 18th.

Now on to replies:

Spacebabie> So that's why you're lutheran. I just thought it was because your parents were, though you did Confirm on your own. I never thought you were a beer drinker.

Imzadi> I figured the biggest problems with San Francisco were George Miller, the high prices, and a very aggressive homeless popualtion that needs a lesson in humility.

<<Another one bites the dust...>> or the pillow :)

<<Not wrong, just unhealthy.>> Actually it was a Baptist joke as soem Baptist friends of mine joke about how it is sacriligeous to go a day without chicken. One is trying to prove chicken was served at the last supper :)

<<I think a rabbi president would be hysterical, as long as he was a reformed rabbi. Those guys give the FUNNIEST speeches.>> I can imagine, but a rabbi or any holy man woudl compromise his/her religious integrity by representing the masses. Democracy and religion should be allied, but seperate.

<<Pillage and plunder and loot!>> There ain't much to pillage these days. Beisides, I can get an Article 15 or a court martial for pillaging.

<<If you say so.>> Aren't they decent in Sanfrancisco, except for the stench of vagrants.

Ed> <<He can walk the walk and talk the talk internationally but that doesn’t mean he’s not wedded to the ideas of enormous government bureaucracy, high taxation and the European Union. It’s all an act, and of course he’s revelling in being Clinton’s heir: he’s got a whole world stage who don’t count “5, 4, 3, 2, 1” before the quiver in his voice kicks in, and we get the pompous Gladstonian talks about “what’s important”.>> Thanks for the update. I am rather upset about what he did to the House of Lords and I think any attempts to remove the Monarchy woudl eb very damaging to England and its heritage (I also love Constitutional Monarchies). I don't knwo much about Galdstone, though, beyond he was a Prime minister. I do admit I liked Disraeli and Blair seemed to be better tahn I thought he would be. To be really like Clinton, Blair should develop a Cockney accent, since that is teh Britsih equivalent to Clinton's roots, or the accnet of an ignorant country bumpkin who should be made a serf, but we're just too enlightened to bring back serfdom.

I do admit that I liked Maragret Thatcher a lot, even if I differed with her views as far as the Celtic lands were concerned, but I supported her on the Falkland Islands.

I was wodnering how busy you are, because I am only an hour or so from London by plane. Maybe on another four day weekend. I could come visit you and the other fans in London.

Daphne> <<those would be frightened philadelphians :) our mardi gras (which goes by the translated name "Fat Tuesday") was *scary* last year... fight/riots, drivers trying to gun down pedestrians, and the NBC 10 newsvan getting attacked. And to my knowledge, this was all *without* the mummers :) >> Well, I guess Mardi Gras can only work in New Orleans. Well, anglicizing the name took part foits charm out. It seems everywhere Mardi Gras was attempted failed, except fro New orlenas. Good!! We need teh millions coming to New Olreans, not trying to make up their own version. Besides, other cities lack the heritage.

Silvadel> French fries are Belgian, actually.

Todd Jensen> <<Hey, let's not bash the French! Don't forget, they helped us out during the Revolutionary War, and gave us the Statue of Liberty. Let's show a little gratitude here, please. If we keep on insulting them, they might decide to take back the Statue of Liberty.>> If they do that, American troops in Germany can invade France with great esae. Paris is only a few hours away by train. The tansk shoudl take that long, plus the Air Force can bomb them with soap and deodarant, plus hit some suburb that was built in the last forty years. Hitting the cty si too risky since you could damage an old building, plus tehre msut be soem heartland areas where all you can hit are people and newly built homes.

Cats of the Spacebabie> Attila will need your help in attacking France.

Chi Oujo> Welcome to the insanity

Firestorm> That reminds me about the smurfs being Communist, too.

lala lalala, sing a Commie song
lala lalala, sing it all day long

Gside> <<I'm a large, hairy, male engineer. Who'd want to stalk me>> French sailors, maybe :)

Daphne> Big hugs. I don' know what to say. Well, Attila will strip for you if that will make you feel better.

DPH> I like Huckabee and think well of him, but if he remains a minsiter while Governor, same for Tim Hutchinson, he is serving two masters.

As for the Apostle's Creed, I start every rosary with it. It is another prayer that emphaiszes the basics and surprsiingly similar to the Nicene Creed. The Apostles Creed is sometimes used in place of the Nicene.

<<Here's an interesting thought: you can take a religious holiday off only if you are regularly attend a church that celebrates that holiday.>> That would be a good law. I'd get quite a few. 52-58 Holy Days of Obligation, so every Sunday off and a few weekdays.

I think Tobias emphasizes the Trinity, plus the whole feats of Pentecost, though there are Pentecostals that don't beleive in the Trinity. They go great inside the fireplace, though :)

Niamhgold. Now we know what you look like. Why were you hiding your appearance for so long?

SJ> Well, drugs are bad m'kay. They can affect your brain and make you only capable of saying "Timmy!!" As for Prince Harry, he can now be Harry Pothead :)

Mecord> When did you get married? How many more wives do you plan to have :)

Wilek> Well, publci transportation may not be as private as a car that drains your paycheck, but it gets me where i need to go for a good price. Soem people spend mroe on gas than I do on German buses.

Jaden> I doubt I will be promoted too soon. Cutoff scores for 73C are 798 normally. Besides, I have six montsh before I can go to the board on a waiver. I also don't want to be an NCO in my unit, nor do I want to go to PLDC at all. I have three years left and I just wnat to go through them. What are your cutoff scores?

Niamhgold> Big suffocating hugs. I knwo what its like to lose pets. I wish Attila really could haunt me.

Green Baron - []
Friday, January 18, 2002 12:58:40 PM

** Niamhgold enters **

I don't know if this is a bad omen or not, but apparently my dog (the one we assumed would live forever and has been my personal favorite since, :: shudders ::, the eighties) died at 3 AM. These things only seem to happen when I'm home. Last time, it was my first Newfoundland, which died of liver failure while I was home, my parents were in Boston, and my brother was in DC. Oh, well, I suppose it was his time. Stinks, though.

And meanwhile, the hunt for internships continues. Oh, my advisor is going to have fun with me. As it is, I have an appointment with her on Tuesday, and I'm driving back on Sunday. Does anyone have any idea how bad traffic might be in the NJ Turnpike area at around 10 or 11 AM on Sunday?


Mooncat: <And I thought it would be all nice and balanced (veggie, meat, milk, bread item) ... gah> Heh, I bet it was the lemon bundt cake. Wait 20-30 minutes before consuming...or, heck, just skip the other "healthy" stuff and have the bundt cake first! ;)

Daphne: <... my street goes from the 300 block to the 100 block, and the 200 block is three blocks away and perpendicular. it;'s great when people stop for directions :)> We get the same type of thing in Baltimore, when people want to go to the symphony. Funny thing is that the Meyerhoff is always within their line of site, and as much as you point to the "large, circular amphitheater", there's never a simple way to get there ;) <... and for those of you of the praying persuasion, I could use a few to get through the break up> Good luck. You obviously know that it is for the best, and you'll no doubt find someone ten times better than the previous. But don't be in any rush! Sometimes being single is the best option ;)

Gside: <Rorschach. Nice. Dog with head split open> No, pigs brandishing spears. <find a local place and have them put good parts in one box.> AKA do it yourself ;) <Complimentary tutoring, Large earning potential, Can handle stress and strain in relationships, Knows all the dynamics of relative motion, Learn about the benefits of friction and viscosity, FREE body diagrams, Always back up their hard drives, Trained to do it right the first time, Specialized in experimentation, Can go all night with no hint of fatigue> So is that your resume? "Job Objective: Looking to fill a variety of positions within your company". <Or do you agree that fun is not diesel powered?> Depends. But Myst isn't diesel powered, anyways. <Besides the standard, you mean> Maybe that depends on diesel powering. <The east coast is just fine towards the south> Never had a like for areas like Georgia. Virginia, maybe, but it still gets nippy in the winter. And Florida's nice to visit, but I'd get sick of the elderly ;) <I haven't gotten that desparate. Yet> Shall I ask you in eight years? <What about me? I've been quite good about daily for a good while, when I can> Yes, but he does it not only when he shouldn't, but when he can't. Would probably overcome the laws of physics in order to post every day, as well. <Allegedly you're supposed to declare those things on your state taxes> Whoops. Oh, wait...I _have_ no state taxes :) <The world is a cold, dark place.> And that's always worked to my advantage.

Daddy: <Too bad they won't last past next tuesday> Well, they may be useless _and_ stressful. <so I can play Myst III...> Adding to the stress... <Mike called a talent scout at Apple and we verified that I have a decent shot at an internship> Hoorah! Congratulations :) I'll still put in that word for you, though. <I knew that long before tuesday ;-)> Sadly, you didn't seem to have any flaws I could play off of. Just will have to dig a bit deeper next time. <You'll be thrilled to know that I finally finished my Skyray> And it ROCKS <Give me time> Sorry. I'm immune. And Jay and other friends will be giving me an anti-mac booster shot starting on Monday. <I live here, so posting is high up on my list> I'd imagine that the _other_ kind of posting is higher. <Then explain to me why the two funniest guys I know (both programmers) can't get girls to save their souls?> That's a good question; Mike should be able to get women. Suppose it doesn't help that he doesn't leave his room often, though ;) <If it makes you feel better, they won't hire anyone else either> Someone needs to do _something_ to open up the job market. <yes, well when I said "know", I meant "was familiar with from experience".> Yes, but even people who _have_ had the experience may not have had an orgasmic one. <You'll have to come back and do it again> And if I move to California from here, I'll also be tacking an extra three hours to my life. <Nicer than f*cking baltimore?> *L* Well, actually, Baltimore's not too bad. Goes along with my whole support of the world being a cold, dark place. <DIE.> Fine, fine. Told you you should have just killed me ;) <That's not saying much> And I'm not the only one with low self esteem. <Yes, I'm a geek. And so are you.> The better to rule the world with, my dear! <And I probably did it> Probably. <You asked.> Hmmm. So I ask, and you perform? ;) <then *I* would have been bored> For five minutes. Then you would've started playing around more with iPhoto. Or started developing iZap. <In all fairness, it only took a few hours> Not that convincing. <Steal your roommate's> Of course. But that's not available until classes start, and I don't even know if I can handle FFX next semester. <Me. It may come in handy elsewhere> By then it will have depreciated in value so much that it may not even be worth the toll onto the bridge. <They probably would have been better than yours ;-)> Heh, but at least I remember the 80, the 580, and the 280. And having to turn around and go _under_ the bridge. <So true> Point. <I see you didn't put up any of the pics I have of you.> Cuz they sucked ;)

Spacebabie: <This is Sanfran were talking about not the stix, they are not Wahoos.> They have a bit of everything ;) <I believe the proper term for them is FREAK> That works, too. And the generic "weirdo" and con-artist. <Big whoop, I had to buy four books for one class> I am SO not looking forward to dropping 1500 for markers, paints, and drawing supplies. PLUS books. <Yeah but this was Joe’s Crab Shack> I think they have one of those in Baltimore?... <Don't know bout you but it sounds interesting.> Sure does! Thanks for the info. Will have to research it more :)

Ravyn: <Glad to hear you had a great time in Cali. :)> Thanks very much :) It's warm and lacking in snow, and hip. What more could I ask (except for cleaner air, but hey, I can deal)? <does *anyone* have any hookups for getting internships/summer jobs in engineering???> Ugh, you too? Sorry, don't have any hookups in engineering...hard enough scraping together options in the art/animation/entertainment industry. May have to start looking more for opportunities in marketing, advertising, and graphic design sectors. But, good luck to you...keep talking with counselors and alumni, and they should be able to hook you up!

Ugh, have to go to the vet and then start packing. Adios all!

Friday, January 18, 2002 12:27:52 PM

"Something is Out There" -- sort of a low key rip of "the Hidden" where sexy alien babe D'abo teams up with an Earth cop to track down and destroy a deadly, shapeshifting alien.

I remember it *^_^*, watched it when it premiered on regular network TV. Very short lived series. D'Abo was a compelling reason to watch it though. Quite lovely.


Friday, January 18, 2002 04:40:20 AM

sorta strange question today....[and sorry for not posting much again lately]...

there used to be a show on TV, not just the scifi channel....I'll repeat what I recall [not much] - does anyone know what it was called, or how to get copies of it?

* one of the stars was Maryam(sp) d'Abo

* a sign of affection [for her people] was touching palms with one another

* she was stuck on Earth with a human cop

any help would be greatly appreciated!

Rodlox - []
Friday, January 18, 2002 03:40:34 AM

Another totally useless day. I'm getting used to these. Too bad they won't last past next tuesday. Did some cleaning, and a bit of work for my advisor, downloaded a few updates so I can play Myst III...other than that, nada.

We had a meeting of the 5-person UCBMUG today, and talked about getting free stuff from Apple and internships and that stuff. Mike called a talent scout at Apple and we verified that I have a decent shot at an internship, but most of my friends don't because they aren't hiring any new CS people. Bummer for them, I think. Hopefully they know someone and can get in somewhere.


Spacebabie: <<I was queasy most of yeasterday>>: Sorry to hear that. <<we found ticks there>>: Gross! <<That was my problem as well>>: Ditto. Eventually, I just stopped caring. <<have you ever tried that snack food by the same name?>>: Nope. <<now you know why you’re a perfect specimen>>: I knew that long before tuesday ;-) <<Is just when I see one my mind pictures those 80’s teen movies where the kids dream about Beamers>>: Uh okay. <<Don’t let my brother see you type that>>: I guess that's all up to you. <<He owns a black one, stick shift, power windows and locks, power over head roof opening, great souns system, drives smoothly and he has it decked out too>>: Right cuz you know BMW's don't come with all that stuff too. <<He has seat covers and floor mats with a firey print on it and a disco ball>>: What a freak.

Shadowrider: You'll be thrilled to know that I finally finished my Skyray! You can check it out on my hobbies page. <<Finals are getting close for me...and so I am switching to exam mode>>: I hate when that happens. Best of luck! <<If they had called it "Barely floating piece of scrap", it would probably be still in service nowadays>>: Hmmm...good name! <<putting it on paper was definitely not>>: Writing reports does generally suck. <<did you ever call ME in such way?>>: Nope. <<I heard the MAC contamination is vert say "No, I am a PC user" and then suddenly some day you find yourself exiting a Mac shop with a new system in your cart...and, I eventually heard that artists are extremely subject to such contamination>>: Give me time. <<you can easily understand how that phrase told by me means very little limitation>>: I don't think we were there... <<Am I supposed to be disappointed?>>: Don't mind her, she's just an artist with no self-esteem. <<posting in the CR would be the last of my thoughts>>: I live here, so posting is high up on my list.

Kathy: Perhaps I will check it out then.

FS: Feel better.

Sarge: <<I had to skip out of the tryouts to get to the psychiatrist meeting to discuss ABOUT my anti-social problems>>: I don't have a problem! I enjoy every minute of it! <<I was kicked off and I couldn't get back on>>: Ack. AOL?

Gside: <<It's the most advanced console I own>>: And it still kicks ass. <<part of advancement lately means fitting stuff into smaller spaces>>: I shudder to think where that could lead... <<the repeated cardiovascular surgery (to replace what the chemicals burned away) was getting on my nerves>>: And ruining your weekends. <<it allegedly feels good in the prostate, so the first>>: What if its male/female? <<Even more importantly, did you have to bend over?>>: Do you really want to know? <<Kawaikune otenba?>>: Who? <<You never can tell>>: I suppose not. We should ask. <<I don't want to spend the money>>: Once you do, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. <<Aren't there rumors that Hitler had Jewish ancestors?>>: Yes. But they are just that, rumors. And I knew someone would bring it up. <<What kind of engineers do you have there?>>: ECE's don't take statics. They take a bit of it as part of their normal physics track, but not a separate statics class like MechE's and CivE's take. <you are supposed to beat your carpets occaisonally. So why not the cushions too?>>: Good point.

Hmmm, short post today. Must be the middle of the week. I love that without this, I'd never know what day it is ;-)

Windows© 98(n) - 32-bit extensions and graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Friday, January 18, 2002 03:16:17 AM

I finally was able to log in to remus with ftp when I woke up late this afternoon.

Wilek> <<Who here has heard of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System?>>: It's the most advanced console I own.
<<Anyone know an extremely good SNES ROM site?>>: I've always been pleased by 's service. And I think romfinder's been good.
<<What's a Talopean?>>: They're from Mrs. Morgan's -lore series.
<<Are they like tamarinds?>>: Flying turtles? Sorry, just rewatched Love Hina over the last couple days.
<<Amazing how they can fit advanced hardware into such a small package>>: Well, part of advancement lately means fitting stuff into smaller spaces.
<<Meet him? I've given him an apprenticeship and am grooming him to administrate the coming apocalypse>>: Very good then. As long as you consult him before randomly destroying tentacle demons.
<<I find that the American names fit their characters better>>: But M. Bison is a shot at Mike Tyson.
<<Both>>: That's a lost of revived cows.
<<Who is that and why hasn't he changed his name to something I don't have to grow an extra throat to pronounce?>>: That's a thing, and I believe it's in Chinese. It should mean spring of drowned (small black) pig. After a dunking in that, he will be in his cursed form after being splashed with cold water, and his normal form when splased with warm water.
<<But caustic chemicals are fun!>>: I know that, but the repeated cardiovascular surgery (to replace what the chemicals burned away) was getting on my nerves.
<<Enforcing meaningless division between trivial things can lead you to cleave your own soul in two>>: But it gives me a hobby.
<<what does it mean when your teeth fall out in a dream?>>: Your dentist is going to be very happy in the near future.
<<I think that refers to when he broke the CR>>: It's rather hard to hold that against someone who didn't know what they were doing, and only did so because he had so much to say.
<<It came here for like a week, then buggered off for Canada>>: Should we send Spacebabie after it with Mr. Smackers?
<<Those ARE the fun kind>>: To each their own. And I'm rather sure the targets generally don't like being rent.
<<I'm a good thing?>>: That's what I said?
<<but the room is now in dire need of a gadfly like me to keep the perversion in its place>>: Good.
<<I can't decide what it resembles more, scatophilia or sadomasochism>>: Well, it allegedly feels good in the prostate, so the first.
<<a stop motion animation of the Camelot number>>: But was it by Gilliam?

Waprmind> <<I'm loath to start painting right away>>: WE came across a shop in Canada, and I was disapointed when my father didn't pick up any paints for his Tolkien figures. They actually had separate human, dwarvish, and elvish skin tones.
<<not unless it launches me>>: If you don't have any ammo on you and are really strong...
<<How'd you know about the can sponge, anyway?>>: It was originally Jackie Touessant's idea.
<<in that Watchmen case, Rorschack killed two dogs and their owner>>: I know, but only one dog was important to the blot test. Jut like I didn't need to say the dogs had been fed human flesh.
<<A friend burned some abandonware for me, and included a few extras including SNES9X and ROMs>>: Did you get many non doubles from me? Oh, and I do reccommend ZSNES.

Imzadi> <<Sadly, yes>>: Even more importantly, did you have to bend over?
<<All the female engineers I know are tomboys>>: Kawaikune otenba?
<<I don't think he's into that>>: You never can tell.
<<Its all about a wireless laptop>>: But I don't want to spend the money.
<<Of course not. That's what parents are for>>: Good.
<<In the same way nazis are marginally jewish>>: Aren't there rumors that Hitler had Jewish ancestors?
<<Not everyone takes statics>>: What kind of engineers do you have there?
<<Which we haven't done>>: I've tried not to use crude language, myself.
<<I wasn't aware hitting furniture was a household chore>>: Well, you are supposed to beat your carpets occaisonally. So why not the cushions too?

Sarge> <<you can still be insane if you want to be>>: Thank you, I do believe I shall. Frog blast the vent core.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, January 18, 2002 12:35:51 AM

AH! I'm going to be very busy for the next few weeks in the form of: 11 hrs of gate guard for the next 22 days, Two mid-terms, homework and a class presentation! I think I'm going to scream.

Green Baron-Yes oh yes, you just described my barracks. When our new BC came in for an inspection he said that the ever way to small for two people (I felt like saying 'duh'). Anyway I came in a PFC but I was promoted back in Nov to SPC, finally. How about you? Any promotions in the near future?

Gotta go,

Jaden - []
Thursday, January 17, 2002 09:55:21 PM

Boring day today. Last day for tryouts of the play "The Secret garden" at my school and I didn't get to stay long. That probably means I won't get on the cast. Drat, I've never done any acting in all four years of my school life because of some stupid anti-social dilemma . . . worse part is I had to skip out of the tryouts to get to the psychiatrist meeting to discuss ABOUT my anti-social problems. . . . Irony huh? And she goofed up her schedule and had to cancel on us. We waited for 20 mins in the waiting room. It wasn't that bad today though. I got to see acupuncture for the first time at the clinic, and I managed to start finishing on a mural that I've been painting for the past 4 years.

GSIDE>>> Oh . . . . well . . . you can still be insane if you want to be. =)

WILEK>>> << Please do, it was quite bizarre. ^_^>> Okay . . . . i'll try again

WARPMIND>>><< Um... Good to see you again... So, when're we likely to see the full story, and not just that very intriguing snippet? :) (By the way, Demona's lips are "bushy"? Never heard that definition before... does that mean she's growing a mustache?)>> Sorry, it was improv writing and that adjective sorta came out. I was going for puffy, big,

IMZADI>>><< What happened to you today?>> I was kicked off and I couldn't get back on.

FIRESTORM>>><<I hurt. My jaw is so frigging tight. The meds felt REALLY wierd when they were kicking in. I am so frigging glad they are out!>> Ohhh the wisdom teeth routine. Yeah I got all four out some time ago. They'll give you this little spray gun thing to shoot salt water into the holes and clean them out. It's real fun. I suggest you do it or else you get infection or something like that, . . . and it isn't so bad if the water is warm. Of course this maybe useless advice if your dentist does something different.

Brooklyn knocked on the door. He peaked in to see Alex safely asleep in his new big boy bed. Owen was still giving a tango lesson with Demona (Which Brooklyn thought was extremely weird) and that left the magical toddler alone.
As if on cue, Alex opened his eyes and peered at Brooklyn. " HALO! BROOKLIN!" He smiled and batted his eyelids.
"Hi Alex!" Brooklyn smiled, trompling through on his zebra legs. " Alex how do you feel?"
"Fine. . . . " he smiled.
"That's a good boy! So Alex, what all have you learned from Uncie Puck?" Brooklyn smiled, hoping this would work.
"A lot."
"Like what?"
"Like how to make chares into rynos." he smiled big. " Wanna see?!?!?"
"Ummm maybe later. . . . Listen Alex, has Puck tauhgt you any counter-spells. You know . . . spells that fizes things?"
" Uncie Puck says they aren't needed."
<He would say that to annoy me.> Brooklyn thought. " Has he taught you them though?"
"Yeah. . . " Alex smiled.
"Great! can you do them now?" Brooklyn wagged his horse tail.
"Because Uncie Brook is getting tired of his zebra legs." Brooklyn frowned.
"Whhhhhhhhhy?" Alex smiled.
"Because uncie Brook isn't use to zebra legs." Brooklyn sighed.
"Alex how old are you?"
"Whhhhhhhhy?" Alex asked.
"Thought so. . . . " Brooklyn frowned. " Just do it for Uncie Brook, this one time!"
"Pleeeeeease?" Brooklyn begged.
". . . . . no."
"Alex, would you like me to tell mommy and daddy how anughty you've been?"
"UNCIE PUCK BROOKLYN IS BEING MEAN TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Alex wailed louder than ever before. Louder than the banshee if Brooklyn had ever heard her before.
Brooklyn ran out of the room, just in time to see Owen standing in the doorway.
"Ummm hey Owen. . . . " Brooklyn smiled, clicking his zebra legs.

" Well look on the bright side!" Lexington smiled as he grabbed more hay. " At least Alex can complete the spell this time!" he threw the hay to the zebra and the black adn white animal glared at the green gragoyle.
********end story**********

Thursday, January 17, 2002 08:57:45 PM

David G> Maybe all of us A-kon goers should plan a room party or something. I know I'll be out there hell or high water. Let's use the bulliten board to get in contact, or better yet, exchange e-mails....
Skippy The Klingon - []
Thursday, January 17, 2002 08:52:50 PM

Josh, Ravyn>> thanks. I'll be ok.

not too much else to post. rats!

God bless!

Thursday, January 17, 2002 07:45:16 PM

David G.>> I'll be reserving my space in the A-kon art show this weekend, so chances are that the art room would be the best place to find me. I should be around mostly on Friday and Sunday. You might leave a note up on the message board; the A-kon staff had one set up last year.
Thursday, January 17, 2002 07:26:49 PM

Hi ya'll. I just got my first e-mail from the A-kon staff this year, which brings up the question "Who's going to A-kon?"

This will mark the third year that I've gone to A-kon hoping to meet other Gargs fans who were also attending A-kon.

Both of the previous attempts ended in abject failure dispite several near-misses. I really want to do better this year. I'm going to find out soon if I'll be able to afford to stay in the hotel. If so, I'll post my room number or something.

My Kon outfit is usually a death's head mask and a black suit. This year I may be wearing something different, though. I have enough of my golden age Sandman costume finished to wear it (just need to find the gun) or I might go as one part of the Dallas Pentacles Quiddich team. If so, I'll be wearing a black, gold, and green robe ensemble and carrying a broom.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Thursday, January 17, 2002 05:16:25 PM

Despite my dad moving out, he still insists on visiting almost every day.

On my list, if #2 happens, it will lead to #5 happening, and possibly to #1 and #7 happenning.

Imzadi - I counted 12 questions left until Greg Weisman answers the first question about the events of 9-11-2001. <I was smart, dropped Spanish in 10th grade.> I wonder what that makes me sense I had 4 years of high school Spanish, 2 weeks of Spanish Immersion camp, and 1 1/2 semesters of of sophmore Spanish (I skipped freshman level Spanish class).

I am thinking about buying a version of Monopoly for my computer; the only question I have is how smart is the game.

Thursday, January 17, 2002 04:31:52 PM

Post wisdom tooth report.
I hurt.
My jaw is so frigging tight.
The meds felt REALLY wierd when they were kicking in.

I am so frigging glad they are out!

Fire Storm
Thursday, January 17, 2002 03:00:47 PM

Josh > Re: Jimmy Neutron. That would be yes. I should also add that Patrick Stewart was delightfully over the top as the leader of the aliens.
Thursday, January 17, 2002 01:56:02 PM

Hola people. Finals are getting close for me...and so I am switching to exam mode. Meaning that I will post even less often than usual, and that my posts will have a tendency to get short. This, just for the record...

Chi oujo:> Welcome here...I know I am late, but I couldn't do before. do you feel into here?

Fire Storm:> <<Then the largest ships in my fleet will be named the 'Glass Jaw' and 'Defenseless Little Kitten'>> Good choices...just mind the "Titanic":it sank in his first travel. If they had called it "Barely floating piece of scrap", it would probably be still in service nowadays...
<< SWEET! Now THAT sounds like an interesting job!>> Let's say that the work itself was quite interesting (although completely non-creative), but putting it on paper was definitely not...

Josh:> << Don't go there. There are MANY people who can be blamed for that, and we don't need to go pointing fingers. >> Maybe not. Maybe we don't need it. Maybe.
<<That "no afterburner" really helps the fuel consumption. Nothing spikes gas prices like dumping raw fuel.>> Correct. And, furthermore, the jet was supposed to have transonic maximum speed (1000/1100 km/h of maximum speed at 5000 mt of altitude was my parameter) and to be used mainly as a trainer so I saw no need of putting an afterburner on it...a useless complication, and a waste of time and material. No, the only true doubt I had was to choose between two small low-bypass turbofans and a single larger hi-bypass one.
<<At least I'll be remembered >> Well, this is true, my was your name again? ;)
<<Yes, I know. But I'm not that silly. I tempt murphy by calling something else "perfect" or "invincible".>> Hm. I see. Now, a doubt comes in my mind...I cannot remember...did you ever call ME in such way?

Niamhgold:> Hi! Nice to see you here again in person! :)
<< Oh, don't worry...I'm as much PC as I started out with...despite the attempts of Josh and his companions on THAT front >> Well, that is relieving...but I must warn you, I heard the MAC contamination is vert say "No, I am a PC user" and then suddenly some day you find yourself exiting a Mac shop with a new system in your cart...and, I eventually heard that artists are extremely subject to such contamination...;)
<<I did have fun, and as for not having too much...what exactly constitutes that?>> Glad you had fun. About having "too much" fun...well, I mean it as doing something ou enjoy as you do it, and regret after. Considering that I live on a "No regret" principle, you can easily understand how that phrase told by me means very little limitation...;)
<<follow the link I gave to gside for pics of me, since you've all been asking. I'm sure you'll be disappointed>> <looks photos> Am I supposed to be disappointed? I knew you was pretty, but I was are beautiful! And you insist saying you are not good-looking? Baby, let an expert of the sector tell you: You. Are. Awesome!
<<Heh, let's wait until you see the pictures...maybe you won't be so green with envy afterwards.>> See above.
<<He did, no worries. >> Glad he did it. Glad for HIM, I mean...;)
<<I just wanted to enjoy what little time I had hanging with him and in California before posting >> Your right. I suspect that if I had a chance to visit California, posting in the CR would be the last of my thoughts...well, not exactly the "last", but...
<<Yeah, you do have one of the busier's that going for you and your significant other, BTW?>> Well, we spent some time for ourselves in the break, but now all has restarded as before. If finals will go as I expect, I thing I'll take a week or so in March to go somewhere just me and her.

Must go to gym! See everyone!

Shadowrider - []
Thursday, January 17, 2002 01:09:45 PM


Sorry but I need to perform a Tai Po death, Now where is Smackers? Nah I don't want to get blood on it today.

Thursday, January 17, 2002 12:49:21 PM

I was queasy most of yeasterday.

Maybe it was the breakfast. Today I had a smarter one: cinnamon toast.

We fogged my parents bedroom yesterday cause we found ticks there. It was also the only room with carpet.

Reply time
Mecord<<<ewww. For breakfast??!! Thanks, I’ll stick to pancakes.>>> It was Swedish fish(A chewy candy) and Potatoe chips(Bistro gouyrmet Applewood BBQ and Cheddar.

Sorrow<<<Spanish hates me and I hate it! I wish it would die!>>>Its better than French, Are you having trouble congegating the verbs? That was my problem as well.

DPH<<<7.People will stop asking when Time Dancer season 4 will be published.>>> LOL

Mandolin>>>Hey don’t leave so fast. Stick around for a while.

Rayvn<<<I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth yanked out of my skull on Friday morning, and I'm hoping to goodness that I survive that. ;) >>>My dad says a root canal is worse. I had a root canal and I lived.

Wileck>>>Whoa! The first time that happened I jumped, but I’m now used to it.

Josh<<<I would never buy that stuff.>>>I’m not saying that you would.I’m just saying that he bought a lot of stuff<<<No, some of them are wahoos.>>>Speaking of wich have you ever tried that snack food by the same name?<<<Sadly, yes.>>>Well now you know why you’re a perfect specimen.<<<Yes, and they're probably all flimsy paperbacks that didn't cost you $400.>>>No some of them are hard covers<<<What do BMW's have to do with the 80's? >>>Is just when I see one my mind pictures those 80’s teen movies where the kids dream about Beamers<<<Uh, no they don't. That car is a tin can.>>>Don’t let my brother see you type that. He owns a black one, stick shift, power windows and locks, power over head roof opening, great souns system, drives smoothly and he has it decked out too. He has seat covers and floor mats with a firey print on it and a disco ball.

Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Thursday, January 17, 2002 12:47:42 PM

Wilek><<That had better, for their sake, mean that they simply moved Farscape to a more convenient location...if they've cancelled it, ohhh the things I will do...>> Relax, Wilek. Didn't you hear the news a few months ago? Farscape has already been renewed for a fourth and fifth season. There is no cabcellation on the horizon.
Cyberklaw - []
Thursday, January 17, 2002 08:12:28 AM

Wilek> You mean this? (Re: Camelot and legos)
Thursday, January 17, 2002 05:04:42 AM

Didn't do much today, sadly. We got to the hardware store and picked up lots of fun toys, but we didn't get any cleaning done. We need to do that desperately. Meanwhile, I'm rabidly playing some stupid little PC shareware game (Castle of the Winds), hoping to finish it before classes start.

Watch a LOT of TV today.

Other than that, not much doing.


Spacebabie: <<my brother pulled a Josh last night and bought a lot of junk, including tose gourmet bistro style chips and Swedish fish>>: I would never buy that stuff. <<they are not Wahoos. I believe the proper term for them is FREAK>>: No, some of them are wahoos. <<Did he or she make you cough?>>: Sadly, yes. <<Big whoop, I had to buy four books for one class>>: Yes, and they're probably all flimsy paperbacks that didn't cost you $400. <<if anyone has three arms they better tell me first>>: Sorry to disappoint. <<but this was Joe’s Crab Shack>>: I think my family ate there when they were in FL. <<I always carry around a bottle of hand sanitizer>>: I'll laugh anyway. <<but the 80’s are way over>>: What do BMW's have to do with the 80's? <<Now Tiberon’s Rock!>>: Uh, no they don't. That car is a tin can.

Mecord: <<I’ll be sure to forward all my junk mail to you>>: LOL why didn't I think of that? <<I’m surprised humans have survived long enough to evolve the necessary backup systems>>: We weren't suicidal and self-destructive until relatively recently. <<has this room become a little more open with lewd jokes and such like?>>: Yes. <<next to sleeping of course>>: Very true. <<a bone sword>>: Heh, heh.

Sorow: <<Spanish hates me and I hate it!>>: I was smart, dropped Spanish in 10th grade.

DPH: <<Imzadi gives me a large sum of money for no apparant reason>>: I don't have a large sum of money to give you. <<The world ends>>: Not before I take over. <<People will stop asking when Time Dancer season 4 will be published>>: At the same time it's published. Never. <<Greg Weisman will not get around to answering any of my questions at Ask Greg>>: Probably. He's never answered any of mine. <<I meet up with a TGS CR poster>>: More fun than you can imagine. <<Anybody from the CR gives me a large sum of money for no apparant reason>>: They're all saving their large sums of money for Gathering. <<Time Dancer season 4 is published>>: Not likely.

Fire Storm: Dude, check out and then tell me why you're so far behind. <<but what's the point then>>: Avoiding gang rape. <<they are also helpful if you need a bridge designed>>: Um, most engineers CAN"T design a bridge. <<Glares at Gside>>: I'm guessing you can't do that, then. <<the good ole days when Macs were good!>>: Actually, I talk about the old days when WINDOWS was good. And I do that NOW. <<With the knees>>: Dude, I need an exosuit. Pronto! <<Which explains SO much!>>: True. <<i bet you look FABULOUS>>: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. <<what about the good ones that involve sucking?>>: Rare. <<only of hot chicks>>: Damn skippy. <<looks don't matter>>: That is such bullsh*t. <<All women look for is someone that will make them laugh>>: Then explain to me why the two funniest guys I know (both programmers) can't get girls to save their souls?

Ravyn: <<I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth yanked out of my skull on Friday morning, and I'm hoping to goodness that I survive that>>: You should be fine. Stay with the pain killers. <<does *anyone* have any hookups for getting internships/summer jobs in engineering??>>: Busy working on Apple for me. If I get it, I'll recommend you. <<Especially in Michigan, hint hint?>>: Sorry, no can do. <<no one will freakin' hire me!!!>>: If it makes you feel better, they won't hire anyone else either. <<I'll make a decision from there>>: Don't make the decision to get financially raped. <<Bad kitty!>>: Is that your pot pie? <<I stayed really warm there the whole time>>: I'm sure. <<Hey!>>: What? <<the best thing is being a female engineer ... none of the guys know quite what to do or say with you there>>: That is SO not true. All the female engineers I know are tomboys, so I treat them just like "one of the guys". <<engineers are great fun anyway>>: Usually only with other engineers. << just about *everything* sounds like bad sexual innuendo. I mean, Dynamics this morning was a blast>>: Watch out, Dynamics gets REALLY tough. <<had a couple guys behind me actually laughing after a while>>: You really wanna crack up the room, wait till the professor talks about shafts for about 5 minutes...then moan ;-)

Sarge: What happened to you today? <<You are an insane man>>: Duh.

David G: <<The documentation left a lot to be desired>>: That is often true. <<I'm getting used to it for mapping>>: Cool. I used it for my last few lego projects.

Christine: <<CERT>>: Congrats! This world really does need more people like you, willing to get out there and others. Its the only way people like me can profit from the generosity of others ;-) <<boneheaded blunders>>: Whoa! That was funny.

Gside: <<you can have a lot of fun with a corpse>>: I don't want to find out. <<I'm sure he's disappointed>>: No, I don't think he's into that. <<I've already got the wired cards>>: Its all about a wireless laptop. <<don't come crying to me if you get audited>>: Of course not. That's what parents are for. <<You'd better be>>: Oh, well I'm not. <<I'm marginally clean>>: In the same way nazis are marginally jewish. <<Wilek knows about the standard, even if he refuses to experience it>>: yes, well when I said "know", I meant "was familiar with from experience". <<break into my neighbor's house>>: It's a start. <<I'm too lazy>>: Dude, net. <<Everyone knows about relative motion and FREE body diagrams. Everyone takes physics and statics>>: Not everyone takes statics. And the good relative motion stuff comes in at dynamics anyway. <<get to fix it with the software>>: Notice that you start with a failure here. Not very encouraging. <<I'm pretty sure local places also put warranties>>: Yes, but they are generally not as good or as reliable. <<I'll help with heating costs>>: Oh, I was gonna forward you spam... <<As long as you shy away from specifics>>: Which we haven't done.

Wilek: Long time no see, buddy. <<Wondering what that was all about?>>: No, but I am beginning to wonder why every one of your posts starts with a DC death. <<Who here has heard of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System?>>: Here! I still use it for Super Metroid and SimCity. <<Didn't get the chance>>: Hogwash. <<Amazing how they can fit advanced hardware into such a small package>>: It's got a ROUND motherboard! <<Shouldn't there be some manner of medical person involved at some point?>>: What for? I've been tested. <<I imagine he underestimated just how ticked off a fandom can get>>: Well then he is an idiot. <<I'm a big Dilbert fan>>: Ditto. <<why not the PC game companies?>>: Same reason it took them so long to switch off floppy disk: everyone has CD-ROM's, but not everyone has a DVD drive. <<You're aware that they don't reproduce sexually? Or at all? They were engineered by Gargamel as a food source>>: The moral of the story: eat commies! <<but come on, the guy is married and has a kid>>: Exactly. <<something I don't have to grow an extra throat to pronounce?>>: LOL! <<what does it mean when your teeth fall out in a dream?>>: It means you'll have a hard time eating in your dream. <<I have something that bangs buckets, hits furniture with a stick, and fires shoes at the wall. It's supposed to provide leisure time by simplifying household chores>>: I wasn't aware hitting furniture was a household chore. <<Not to mention NASA and SETI>>: Evading SETI isn't impressive. <<And I'm considering calling one Titanic, just because>>: Ditto. <<Nokkar and Golem, mayhap?>>: I don't think that either of those are "male", necessarily. <<If every tortured nerd and geek hunted down and killed every popular jock and cheerleader, I think many of the world's problems would be solved in the following generation>>: But then who would the geeks fantasize about? <<If the word 'public' comes before the name of something, you know it's a pit of squalor. Public school, public bathrooms>>: So true. You don't live in CA, do you? <<that particular, um, point of entry...bothers me. I can't decide what it resembles more, scatophilia or sadomasochism>>: Maybe its both. <<therefore can also be manipulated by technology>>: The places that universe can go. That was a rather short post by your standards...

Warpmind: <<does that mean she's growing a moustache?>>: NOOOOO! <<Windows is said to be user friendly, but the manual for THAT is huge... it's what, 1200 pages or so?>>: ::Pulls out Mac OS X manual:: Let's see...30 pages. That's what goes out to the public, anyway. If you want a bigger book, there's some independently written manuals that are around 200 pages. Much more "user friendly".

Alright folks, sleep time.

Friends don't let friends use Windows.

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Thursday, January 17, 2002 04:36:44 AM

*Warpmind peeks in again.*
Darn you to Heck, Wilek, for posting so close to mine that I missed it between pressing the "Reload" button and the "Submit" button... :p

In response to Wilek: For SNES ROMs, I can't think of anything at the moment... Most of the ones I have, I got with the emulator. (A friend burned some abandonware for me, and included a few extras including SNES9X and ROMs...) As for the furry matters... *Chuckle* Dude, fear not; there is a VAST spectrum of what arouses the furry-inclined. I reckon most o'us just appreciate "normal" anthropomorphic animals, without any hermaphroditic, macro, micro or other equally weird extras. *Holds up pendulum with eye-in-pyramid engraving* There is no need to worry, old boy... no need at all... };) As for the RM2K bits... Um, the map IS where you make the events... In the bottom-right corner of the background column for map stuff is a pink square. Cover the map in the ping stuff, and it becomes transparent. (Okay, it might sound gross, but it's not.) And, uh... DexDrive? Whuzzat? And I may not have much time to take commissions - I'll be too busy working on my own epic once I get access to the machine I work on at home... And no, no... wait, yes, there IS a phone line. But it doesn't work. Besides, it's a moot point - I need the power outlets for lamp, oven and cellphone charger, anyway... I mean, it's probably not even 90 square feet, anyway... and I spend very little time there when I'm awake.

Well, that's it. And no, I don't think that pic gets freakier... But that's probably me...

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Thursday, January 17, 2002 04:18:53 AM

Sorry for the double post, but...check out my name link. Is it me, or does this picture get freakier and freakier the longer and closer you look at it...?
Thursday, January 17, 2002 04:14:20 AM

*Warpmind strolls in, accompanied by something that resembles a highly mutated, funkily colored Zerg.*
Hey, guys. I've become slightly addicted to Warhammer 40K now... I'm building my own Tyranid army. Looks fun. (Though, I'm loath to start painting right away... it'll be a nightmarish task when I start.)

Oh, yeah, and a big, hearty welcome to the new blood. (Well, actually, I'm not greedy... the rest of you new ones are welcome too, not just your body fluids...)

Tim Phipps: Think you can get APFSDSDU rounds for that handgun, too? };)

Fire Storm: Actually, it's more like "Founding School of Preposterous Mauling, WarpSmite! (84% Accuracy, 37% Chance to Critical, DblDamage to seamless armoring.)" Dig? };)

Sarge: Um... Good to see you again... So, when're we likely to see the full story, and not just that very intriguing snippet? :) (By the way, Demona's lips are "bushy"? Never heard that definition before... does that mean she's growing a moustache?)

Gside: Catapult? Hmmm... Naw; not unless it launches me... I like getting up close and personal. };) As for noting down ideas... I've had a few of those, yeah... How'd you know about the can sponge, anyway? Õõ

Josh: MOUS: Microsoft Office User Specialist. As for why I need this... well... it looks good on my CV, if nothing else. };) And you'd be amazed at the finesse that can be applied to, or with, a club. As for Word being complicated - it's not a manual, but a weighty tutorial for the funkier tools'n'shortcuts. (Strangely, a .45 to the CPU isn't listed anywhere...) And besides, Windows is said to be user friendly, but the manual for THAT is huge... it's what, 1200 pages or so?

Christine: *Blinks at news clipping* Oh, my... Someone deserves a public humiliation for THAT one... Õõ

Gside: Actually, in that Watchmen case, Rorschack killed two dogs and their owner... But that's beside the point.

Well, gotta get back to "work", I guess... Later, gang.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Thursday, January 17, 2002 04:03:56 AM

[The CR dwellers look up in horror as something changes the feel of the room, something alters the local space...something whose rage is unbound by sanity or reality, and something seeking to inflict suffering unbound by reason or thought. That something, Wilek as it turns out, stalks into the room, a vapor of pure mad evil trailing behind him. His eyes sparking with total insanity, he slowly looks around, looking very disturbing and just on the edge of simply killing everyone, until he finds his target, Mr. Disconnect. He proceeds to bellow something in either an eldritch language or psychotic babble, leap at DC, and...the ensuing hideous carnival of frelled-in-the-head grotesquerie is too horrible to discuss here, but it involves elements of Dadaism, Tarot symbolism, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, brain surgery, and S&M, as processed through the brain of David Lynch wearing the Eye Of Odin. Several days later, when Wilek is recovered enough to speak coherently, he finally gets up out of the remains of DC's torso, brushes off some of the many bodily fluids that have smeared onto him, shakes off the last bit of the fog of madness that overtook him, and addresses the room...]
Wondering what that was all about? It was about...the end of an era, and the slow deathward spiral of an old, old friend. Who here has heard of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System? Great little console, with a million memories tied up in it. Well, that time is over. In a fit of nostalgia, I fired it up a few hours ago, for the first time in a shamefully long time, only to find that the Start and Select buttons did not work. On any controller that I tried. This being the first time I've ever had *anything* go wrong with a piece of Nintendo hardware (not counting ROB, but but it's not like he was a crucial thing), it kind of caught me off guard; that there's no way I can ever get this fixed does not help matters. <sigh> Anyone know an extremely good SNES ROM site?

Ravyn> <<I must say, a lot of this is due to you ... so thank you for that too. :)>> Wow. I was not aware of that. :) Very glad to have done whatever I did. ^_^ <<you would *not* believe half of the weird things that Fire Storm has in his basement.>> Knowing him? Yes I would. <<I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth yanked out of my skull on Friday morning, and I'm hoping to goodness that I survive that. ;)>> Ye GODS. O_o' You and FS have all my hopes...

Christine> <<just so's you aren't expecting some sort of Talopean crash course as a bachelor party gift!>> What's a Talopean? Are they like tamarinds? Tapiocas? Caliopes? Casseiopians? Onomatopoeias? ^_^

Silvadel> <<As I said, they improved the sci-fi channel lineup ;)>> That had better, for their sake, mean that they simply moved Farscape to a more convenient location...if they've cancelled it, ohhh the things I will do...

Imzadi> <<Good news is that whatever was bothering me yesterday seems to be gone.>> Ah good. <<ACK! You should have called me immediately!>> Didn't get the chance. :/ <<Just LOOK at those new iMacs!>> They are indeed cool. Weird, but cool. ^_^ Amazing how they can fit advanced hardware into such a small package...<<Well, as a dutiful friend and mac user, I will supply you with whatever information you need for next time.>> Very much appreciated. :) <<Mine is!>> Uh huh. <<Actually yes. It consists of me. And any chicks I get to play with ;-)>> Shouldn't there be some manner of medical person involved at some point? <<We expect kids to be stupid. Not adults. We expect kids to be into pop culture. We expect adults to be interested in not pissing off their customers.>> He probably thought it would help sales; I imagine he underestimated just how ticked off a fandom can get. <<Its relatively straight forward, actually.>> Which is exactly what I'm afraid of. When perversion is involved, the less elaborate things are, the more disturbing they tend to be. <<LOL, I'm surprised you know Phil.>> I'm a big Dilbert fan. <<Quite frankly, the fact that software still comes on 4 CD-ROM's instead of a single DVD is a little wasteful.>> Frell yeah. All the major console companies have switched to DVD-ROM; why not the PC game companies? <<Speak god's language in here: ENGLISH!>> He doesn't have 'a' language; He speaks in whatever His listener's language happens to be. <<Why do you think they named the character "Dick"?>> Because people weren't amazingly juvenile and disgusting back then (he was created in like the 40s or thereabouts) and Dick was a name rather than a word for fourth graders to snicker over at recess? <<Well, she is the only female smurf...>> You're aware that they don't reproduce sexually? Or at all? They were engineered by Gargamel as a food source. (You have to respect a guy who names his cat after an angel of death. Or destruction. Or something.) <<There are some places the busses don't run.>> Like my neck of the woods (and with my home, that is more than a simple aphorism). I never even SAW a non-school bus in person until the first time I went to Disney World. I think I'm lucky I'm not a hick. <<What is EU?>> Expanded Universe. Basically the published non-canon stuff. (Although I'm not sure it's entirely unofficial; it's santioned to the extent that Hasbro and Galoob were allowed to make toys from it...) <<I'm sure that somewhere in the license is a clause that allows Lucas to use any concepts created by those authors.>> Which I guess explains why Exar Kun's creator has yet to raise a stink... <<I will concede that socialism the way of the enlightened>> Eh? O_o <<If I live to be 1000, I will never understand why people would alter the sexual orientations of pre-established characters and put them together.>> Same here. I mean, if there's absolutely no orientative behavior either way, then it's an open question, but come on, the guy is married and has a kid...

Gside> <<You should probably meet Glemph before you give them orders to terminate indiscriminately.>> Meet him? I've given him an apprenticeship and am grooming him to administrate the coming apocalypse. It's taking a while--he's lacking in both ambition and bloodlust--but he has much potential. I think that once he's tasted true power, he'll get into the proper mindset. <<I had not thought it possible, but I do believe I have given him an idea.>> Contrariwise, at any rate. >:) <<I've been leaning towards Japenese labeling lately.>> I find that the American names fit their characters better. <<Pretty much, though the chickens usually lay eyeballs.>> The chickens' trip through the futon's digestive tract sterilized them with fear. <<Do you mean kill the one who has the undead cow, or use my revived cow to kill the fool?>> Both. <<My original thought was the Marionettes from Devil May Cry.>> Those are cool, but the enemies from that game I really love are the Sin Scissors (wow, great name for a band). >:) <<Eh, there's already a Heitouenniichuan>> Who is that and why hasn't he changed his name to something I don't have to grow an extra throat to pronounce? O_o <<that lets us torture him in two forms without having to mix up caustic chemicals each time.>> But caustic chemicals are fun! <<Not until you admit you're actually drinking soda.>> Like there's a difference? Enforcing meaningless division between trivial things can lead you to cleave your own soul in two...<<You want to have sex with Mark Hamill?>> He won't if he's seen Episode 5. Brad Pitt the guy is not. <<That always unnerves me.>> Gehhhh, me too. I can watch someone tear out their own heart and eat it, but toenails and teeth falling out squooge me out for some reason. >_< (BTW, what does it mean when your teeth fall out in a dream?) <<I think I missed that one.>> I think that refers to when he broke the CR. Of course, he could be referring to something that happened only inside his head; you can never tell with him (yeah, look who's talking). <<I'm sure Wilek could make some non-conventional suggestions.>> I have something that bangs buckets, hits furniture with a stick, and fires shoes at the wall. It's supposed to provide leisure time by simplifying household chores. <<I'll help with heating costs should the winter ever actually get here.>> It came here for like a week, then buggered off for Canada. <<But these would be rending tentacles, not fun tentacles.>> Those ARE the fun kind.

Fire Storm> <<it would have been the second time to the ER this week.>> No wonder you want a mechanical body. O_o <<Well, LM DEFINITELY exists, and I exist in at least a Tyler-sort of way.>> You too? The best place to hide is inside someone else's mind, innit? <<Sprained ankle, VERY stubbed toe, nice bruise on the area around her toe, she's gonna loose that toenail, infected>> Holy GAWDS. Best wishes for a quick and relatively painless recovery, and my condolences for having to stay in a hospital. Miserable places. <<Of course, given their nature, they could have a frigging website and few people would believe it. And if people really DID think it was real, they could say it's a joke. THAT is the best conspiracy.>> How do you think I've evaded the notice of the CIA? Not to mention NASA and SETI...<<Then the largest ships in my fleet will be named the 'Glass Jaw' and 'Defenseless Little Kitten'>> I prefer odd little inside references for mine; I currently have starships named Lefein, Harano, Bevelle, and Ennoia. And I'm considering calling one Titanic, just because. <<I know there is gay slash SOMEWHERE in your mind!>> Nokkar and Golem, mayhap? <<Like the Swiss Army Plasma Cannon?>> GIMMEGIMMEGIMME<poingpoingpoing>!!!!!!! ^_^ <<Too useful>> Nothing can be too useful. <<NOT Wilek's style.>> That all depends on what the tentacle does, yes?

Warpmind> <<"I am aroused by the thought of being devoured by macro tentacled hermaphrodites", you say?>> No, I don't. Furries do (conceptually, at any rate). It's called quotation. <<So you've been looking at Ferris' stuff again, huh? };)>> No, and I hope I never do, because I like my eyes and would not enjoy prying them out of their sockets with playing cards and stomping on them with golf cleats, entertaining video though that would make. <<Dude... a tip: make a blank map for the title sequence>> I don't know how to make a map period, just make events. O_o <<work on-and-off on that, WHILE you work on the rest>> I was kind of working the other way around, making a title sequence then working from there...<<I have made a ChronoTrigger-ish location name system, with the white title appearing overhead when you stand at an entrance to somewhere, AND I've coded a level-less, GURPS-based system for exchanging XP to various stats.>> Impressive. If I ever get my DexDrive working (shouldn't be hard on the new system; the trick is finding the time...) I shall have to commission something from you. :) <<And congrats on getting that Cthulhu Plushie. Cute little cephlapoid god, ain't he? };)>> Extremely. He really stands out among my ten squillion other plushies. ^_^ <<Connection in my room? No, unfortunately...>> GAHHHH!!! O_O Not even a frelling phone line?!

Green Baron> <<Baptists and Anabaptisst do not have a lot in common.>> True. But I like the name. ^_^ <<Have you been watching I, Claudius?>> Never even heard of it, but it sounds like my kind of thing. :) <<Anything good in life is weird. Religion, the CR, Wilek, Gside>> I'm a good thing? O_o

Mecord> Welcome back! ^_^ <<Only difference is I don't actively plot to rid the world of schools. Passively maybe... but not actively....>> I can't see why not. I mean, the school system is a toilet. The best and brightest suffer for it while five dozen jocks who share a single brain cell are lionized for their skill at throwing around a leather balloon (whose shape does not matter, for all are the same and all are as dull as dirt). Frell the lot of them inside out and back the other way. If every tortured nerd and geek hunted down and killed every popular jock and cheerleader, I think many of the world's problems would be solved in the following generation. <<Hmm, has this room become a little more open with lewd jokes and such like?>> Fraid so. I'm not sure what set off the change, but the room is now in dire need of a gadfly like me to keep the perversion in its place. >;)

Ghost of Reverend Attila> I cannot tell you how thankful I am for this haunting. :) Shall I arrange for one of my contacts to teach you the Embody Arcanos, so you can take physical form again? <<That burger line is form You Can't Do That on Television, an amusing show from Canada.>> DaAAAAaaaaaHh, I heard that! 8) Neat little show. ^_^ It's incredible to think that that is where Alanis Morisette got her start. (I actually saw that episode. I don't remember anything about it, but I saw it.) <<Why drive and add to the damn traffic when you can use public transportation and save a lot of money?>> Because public transportation is used by the public. If the word 'public' comes before the name of something, you know it's a pit of squalor. Public school, public bathrooms....

Infinity> <<Hey guys! I thought that some of you LOTR fans might like to find out what your Orkish name is. Just clickey below to access the Ork name generator.>> I love stuff like this. ^_^ My Orc name is Mautakh the Blacktooth. I think I like that. >:)

SJ> <<BTW, I’ll believe this when I see it. Which means I won’t believe it at all>> Actually, Joey Fatone has been sighted on some radio show kvetching about it. <<Iris LOVES You>> Why does this sentence frighten me so? Every time I see it, I envision it scrawled in blood next to a terrifying glyph on the filthy wall of a pitch black room...there was a hole here but now it's gone...

Spacebabie> <<Free stuff is always cool, silly.>> A few months ago at Babbages', they had this box of like half a dozen figures of The Rock that they were just giving free to whoever enquired. Normally I regard wrestling figures in the same sense that Klingons regard tribbles, but hey, it's free, and it was a little better made than the Scorpion King figure.

Moochie> <<Hardley the greatest site ever.>> ah. I stand corrected. <<Mmmmmm, APFSDSDU....>> URSMRTRNI? DLUR, TRKE.

Metaldemon> <<The Bible doesn't look to good on butt sex between two men (to be blunt).>> I don't blame it. Homosexuality, as an orientation, I can understand, but that particular, um, point of entry...bothers me. I can't decide what it resembles more, scatophilia or sadomasochism. >_<'

Nukes> <<Anyone here play a semi-old advanced d&d game called Planescape: Torment?>> Yeah. Great design and plot and such, but I didn't get to see much of that because I couldn't get anywhere. O_o Gah, this is why I prefer console RPGs...

SRS> <<Ysmilari(?) - creatures that push out the force so they can be undetected by creatures that use the Force to hunt them.>> Ysalamiri. I love those. They show that the Force can be manipulated by natural and biological phenomena--and therefore can also be manipulated by technology. Muhahahaha.

Chi Oujo> <<This is my first time in here so I don't know quite what to expect. *shrugs*>> Horrible twisted insanity, with lots and lots of octopuses and rubber chickens and plushies and thingies and stuff. <<*grins like the cheshire cat* Me an my big mouth, ne?>> It does look bigger when it's just floating in the air by itself like that.

Traveler> Dude! Long time no squick! ^_^ Intend to come back for real anytime soon? ^_^

Sarge Abernathy> You too! ^_^ <<So what changes have there been lately, who is still here that I remember, and who remembers me?>> Mememe! ^_^ <<no promises, I've gotten myself into thinking that I can't be relied on enough to keep them.>> You too? Gah, I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever finish anything I've started...<<I'll continue that if anyone wants me too.>> Please do, it was quite bizarre. ^_^

Niamhgold> <<the first few days you had to determine whether I was one of FS's LD's or maybe a Wilek hologram.>> You're as psychotic as that? Nice. <<SWEET. I swear, they'd better keep all discs and levels as entertaining as that>> There's only one disc, but it's a DVD-ROM and it's PACKED with stuff, so it's still a rather long game. <<I hate when they throw out all the stops in the beginning while the end just drags, needlessly, on and on.>> Oh, the plot twists that come later make that first plot twist look like absolutely *nothing*. I distinctly remember saying to myself, "OK, we have officially entered the Twilight Zone..."

Mandolin> <<Python fans, click my name or go to to see what had me laughing my head off.>> HEEEehee!!! >:D Heh...there's something like this on the special edition DVD, a stop motion animation of the Camelot number...

Wilek Nereus
Thursday, January 17, 2002 04:02:40 AM

Imzadi> <<I'll remember that the next time we shake hands>>: But it might be like the fat guy they call Slim.
<<then *I* would have been bored>>: Well, according to Shiunji, you can have a lot of fun with a corpse.
<<I didn't whip mike>>: I'm sure he's disappointed.
<<He doesn't stop>>: Why would he?
<<That's my strategy too!>>: They gave up on me a long time ago.
<<I'm waiting for my house to have a wireless LAN>>: Eh, I've already got the wired cards for the Ruytgers network.
<<Somehow, its a bit more complicated than that>>: Yeah, inhereitance and whatnot. But you still want to start by thinking of what you have and will be working with before moving on to what you want to do.
<<Screw that!>>: True. I probably will too once I'm forced to do my own taxes, but don't come crying to me if you get audited.
<<Sorry to disappoint>>: You'd better be.
<<I tend to think of projectiles as not being blunt or piercing, but simply just projectiles>>: But they're getting crushed more than having holes put into them.
<<You're an ECE so I can assume that phrase doesn't apply to you>>: Hey, I'm marginally clean.
<<If she's not afraid of me, she's not gonna fear you>>: You're the small clean shaven who's been slick enough to get women in the past. I'm the big hairy one from whom all the women run away.
<<Maybe she doesn't know about the standard>>: Evenl Wilek knows about the standard, even if he refuses to experience it.
<<But I post when I can't, too>>: What do you want me to do, break into my neighbor's house and use their connection? I'm too lazy.
<<Niamh didn't see it while she was here>>: Shame, it's a classic.
<<I do>>: Well, yes, but you're not a webcomic artist.
<<you're an ECE, you don't know much about dynamics of relative motion, viscosity, FREE body diagrams, or being trained right to do it the first time>>: Everyone knows about relative motion and FREE body diagrams. Everyone takes physics and statics.
<<You're a programmer. Programmers NEVER do it right the first time, and they spend the rest of their careers wondering where they screwed up in their first attempt!>>: I do both hardware and software. So if the hardware goes wrong, I (or hopefull someone else) get to fix it with the software.
<<Packages come with warranties>>: I'm pretty sure local places also put warranties on the systems they build, other than the piecewise warranties.
<<And tech support>>: The local places are really nice about tech support.

Mecord> <<I?ll be sure to forward all my junk mail to you>>: Thanks. I'll help with heating costs should the winter ever actually get here.
<<has this room become a little more open with lewd jokes and such like?>>: Probably. As long as you shy away from specifics.

Fire Storm> <<I think someone wanted Piro to do that>>: I wouldn't expect that what with Seraphim and all.
<<Too useful and definitely NOT Wilek's style>>: But these would be rending tentacles, not fun tentacles.
<<now I just gotta find out what book they use...>>: INTRO TO MICROELECTRONIC FABRICATION (V5) (P) by JAEGER and SCIENCE & ENGINEERING OF MICROELECTRONIC FABRICATION by CAMPBELL, both second edition, total cost of 143 new, 107.25 used. The second is more expensive.
<<i bet you look FABULOUS!>>: You forgot to aspirate the a. Fahbulous.
<<All women look for is someone that will make them laugh>>: And they would laugh and laugh and laugh at me.

Ravyn> <<I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth yanked out of my skull>>: I found out recently why mine haven't gone. Dentists what nothing to do with impacted teeth, and will leave them in until somthing bad happens. Good luck, though.
<<does *anyone* have any hookups for getting internships/summer jobs in engineering?>>: Yeah, right. I haven't had one myself.
<<I'm now in the classes that you all have been talking about, where just about *everything* sounds like bad sexual innuendo>>: That's not me, I'm in ECE and Comp Sci.

Fire Storm> <<I am calm about the possibility of death for my extraction tomorrow>>: And good luck to you too.

Sarge> <<You are an insane man>>: No, it's all Alan Moore's fault, for Watchmen. There's a character named Rorschach (really Walter Kovacs), and he's given a Rorschach test at one point. One of the blots reminds him of an old case where he killed a dog.

And if I ever get FTP to log in, the new mp3 will be The Saga of Pepote Rogue.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Thursday, January 17, 2002 01:35:00 AM

Metaldemon - Email me AS SOON AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. Like, RIGHT NOW. I need your help, 'mano.
Gunjack Valentine - []
Thursday, January 17, 2002 12:34:26 AM

Just got back from the intro session of an eight-week course on CERT -- stands for Community Emergency Response Team -- a disaster-preparedness thing offered for free by the fire department. For one of the few times ever, I'll get all my inservice hours for the year, since my boss is letting me count it as training for work. Which makes a lot more sense, given my particular shift. I'm there in case of emergency on the overnight, so all those workshops on depression and dual diagnosis and therapeutic strategies aren't quite as important. This class is going to be quite interesting and exciting; the final consists of going out to the firefighter training field for a disaster simulation. We get to put out fires and triage people and make stretchers and splints and all sorts of fun stuff. I even get a kit with my own hard hat, whistle, and whatnot. Much better than spending long boring hours listening to some speaker drone on about anxiety or dementia.

Click for one of the most boneheaded blunders of 2002 thus far ...

Christine - []
Thursday, January 17, 2002 12:02:14 AM

I am soo tired.. -_-;;

Just a Gathering Announcement

If you have ANY questions to ask me, or the staff, please EMAIL them to either or

I am currently in the middle of midterms and things have been majorly hectic the last two weeks I've been back from break. I'm hoping things should cool down soon though.

THERE is the mascot, want to name him? Send name ideas to "Mascot Naming Contest" in subject. You are allowed up to five names. Winner gets a free t-shirt. You don't have to attend this year's gathering to win!!

DEADLINE: January 31st

The deadline for early bird registration is coming up fast!!! This registation includes a free meal (as a note, free meals will ONLY be available for early-bird and regular registrations, you will NOT be able to get them at the door)

Prices are: Adult $35 (14 and up)
Child $15 (10-14)
Hatchling FREE! (under 10)

Deadline: January 31st

There is a new Calendar contest! See the addy below for more details:

Gathering webpage update this weekend (hopefully!) Stay tuned for more later gargs and goyles!!

Siryn - []
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 11:49:33 PM

Hi ya'll. I had something to say earlier, but I couldn't get to the CR, and now I forgot what I was going to say.


Here's a quick reply.
Josh> I'm making progress with CC2. I got through the one tutorial that was really driving me up the wall. The documentation left a lot to be desired.

I wouldn't choose a CAD program to do heavy artwork, but I'm getting used to it for mapping. I think it could also do cool things for heraldry - but it would be a little bit of overkill.

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 10:26:04 PM

Nothing to say today. la dum de. . . went through school. . . did things like that. . . . overall boring day. Wish I could say something highly intelligent and interesting. . . .


NARF GOOP KOOK! BWhahahahahahahahah!

there we go . . .

GSIDE>>> <<< Rorschach. Nice. Dog with head split open. >> You are an insane man.
IMZADI: >>><< Don't let them seduce you with their silly "everyone uses windows" nonsense.>> I won't. . . . I try not to. =) << Oh, and add Oakleyposterboy to your buddy list so we can chat. >> done!
SPACE BABIE>>><<<Ahh my cats were letting me know you have returned. Welcome Back.,>>> glad to be back. . . . =)

SargeAbernathy - []
Barre, Vermont, USA . . which stands for Untied Shoelaces Allover
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 09:10:15 PM

FS> Oh, that's right!!! You were having that done too!!! Ouch! Well ... best of luck to you, that's for sure!!! I hope it goes well, and let me know sometime how you're doing afterward and that sort of thing. ;)
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 08:59:42 PM

Ravyn: <Howdy, all! Hopefully this will not be the last time I write you all ... see, I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth yanked out of my skull on Friday morning, and I'm hoping to goodness that I survive that. ;) Okay, so the odds are that I probably will ... but I'm still scared to death anyway. ;)>
For some reason, I am calm about the possibility of death for my extraction tomorrow.
If I don't get on-line or... otherwise... Good luck Friday!

Fire Storm
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 08:49:18 PM

Howdy, all! Hopefully this will not be the last time I write you all ... see, I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth yanked out of my skull on Friday morning, and I'm hoping to goodness that I survive that. ;) Okay, so the odds are that I probably will ... but I'm still scared to death anyway. ;)

On other things ... does *anyone* have any hookups for getting internships/summer jobs in engineering??? Especially in Michigan, hint hint??? Automotive related would be nice, too, but I'll take anything at this point ...

Wow, I think I'll finally catch up on replies! ;)

FS> <<Instead of going to your parents for the summer, stay here with Coyote!>> Ohhh, I wish I wish I wish ... ;) If I could just get a dern job or internship or something ... no one will freakin' hire me!!! :( <<How went the apartment hunting?>> Going well, actually ... I've got a list of places close to campus that I need to get the exact details on, and then I'll make a decision from there. :) Thank you again for your help on that.

Ghost of Rev. Attila> <<:moons them both for fun::>> HEY! ;) Bad kitty! ;)

Josh> <<When she got on the plane, was she an ice cube?>> Actually, I stayed really warm there the whole time ... and I really expected more snow and ice and cold stuff than there was, plus I expected just to freeze my tail off every time I stepped outside. But to be honest, I had a nice big coat and kept nice and warm. :) <<Talk about mind-blowing sex.>> Hey! ;)

Jan> <<*high fives* I'm sooo excited for you and Coyote!!>> **grins and blushes** Awww, thanks ... :)

LM> <<pop>> *L* Well, I don't think it's wrong or anything like that ... but it is strange and different for me ... and I *totally* forgot about that particular regional thing, until I was up your way with Coyote and he mentioned "pop." :) I bet all the silly Michigan folks had thought I was strange before that for saying "soda" the whole time. :) Oh, and I use those info links at the top of this page pretty often ... just to stare at the pictures and the colors, and to read the archive sometimes. BTW, I hope you get all healed up soon. :)

Niamh> Glad to hear you had a great time in Cali. :)

Daphne> **hugs** Good luck dealing with the breakup and all that ... if you ever need someone to talk to, or rant to, or that sort of thing, drop me a line. ;)

Engineers> Ah, the best thing is being a female engineer ... none of the guys know quite what to do or say with you there. Much fun ensues. And engineers are great fun anyway. :) Now if I could just get a damn job ... ;) Oh, and Josh, Gside, and the other various engineers in here ... I'm now in the classes that you all have been talking about, where just about *everything* sounds like bad sexual innuendo. I mean, Dynamics this morning was a blast ... shafts, stiffness, friction, lubricants ... had a couple guys behind me actually laughing after a while ... ;)

Coyote> <<Yes, it's taken me *this* long to recover enough to post.>> **giggles and winks** Silly boy ... ;) Then again, maybe I shouldn't visit any more, so your vacations can actually be *restful* ... and *not* stressful ... ;) <<**huggles tightly** Hiyas.>> **grins and smooches** Hiya yourself, wonderful. ;)

Wednesday, January 16, 2002 08:32:42 PM

*pokes her head in*

Still going too nuts to make a real post, but I *HAD* to share this link with you all... Python fans, click my name or go to to see what had me laughing my head off.

Some people have too much free time.

Wednesday, January 16, 2002 08:19:53 PM

Hello all,

Anyone up for a TGS discussion? I thought about continuing with Parternship, but I thought I'd open the floor to other ideas. Anyone want to talk about a character or a story thread or a particular episode?

Angel> Great to see Skip again. The 'Its A Wonderful Life' part of it was too cliche', but I do wonder what an episode of 'Cordy!' would have been like. Definately, a Friends/Caroline in the City type sitcom. I think what makes Skip so likeable is that he's such a regular joe kinda guy. Good explaining the Matrix. And speaking of which, whatever happened with Trinity as the pan-dimensional space babe bringing femmes here to free them from bondage? I hope I'm not the only one who remembers that oft-long ago episode.

Well, I'd like to here some chatter on the TGS discussion thing.

See ya later.

Taleweaver - []
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 08:17:15 PM

Gside: <Who did bras?>
I think someone wanted Piro to do that.
<But it'll get you out of police custody so much faster>
Yeah, but what's the point then?
<Or something that fires eldrith energy so summon portals large enough for one tentacle>
Na. Too useful and definitely NOT Wilek's style. Hmm... you know what we need?
<Yo ho. As soon as you post your address again>
Well, that would make sense, and you know I can't make sense.
<But engineers have so many bonuses>
Very true. And they are also helpful if you need a bridge designed.
<Can go all night with no hint of fatigue>
*Glares at Gside*
<14:332:468 Microelectronic Processing Design>
Hmm... now I just gotta find out what book they use...

Imzadi: <I'm getting predictable in my old age>
Yes. Next thing you know, you will be talking about the good ole days when Macs were GOOD!
<How do you lift it?>
With the knees.
<Yes, but the government says they don't exist>
Well, if they say they don't exist, then they don't!
<That's my strategy too!>
I hope they both work!
<So true. I am, after all, a mac user>
Which explains SO much!
<I don't think there is, much as it disappoints many gay guys>
Well, i bet you look FABULOUS! ;)
<That's not true. Some are good, some suck...the latter group can be eliminated>
Well, what about the good ones that involve sucking?
<I'd only sign bras. Bellies can be washed out>
And only of hot chicks!
<I'm sure they don't have one>
But I do.
<Some girls like being marked, but it depends on the mark>
The mark of Zorro!
<Is that similar to that Annihilator 2000 from Beverly Hills Cop 3?>
Na. It was the focus of the Ineffective Weaponry discussion on Megatokyo.
<<You don't think its because we're unattractive lazy losers who are more interested in our computers?>
No, looks don't matter. All women look for is someone that will make them laugh.
<Is it still Penis Envy if both sides have penises?>
Hmm... Maybe. But it may be the Queen senario. (I want it all)

Mecord: <The way some people love destroying various portions of their bodied with various concoctions and implements you have to ask?>
Hmm... Point.

Fire Storm - []
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 06:47:30 PM

Imzadi - Now, you understand why I look forward to those visits: less back pain.

Since I have finished scenarios for a game, I have to put together some start of plot for scenarios for a tournament.

Hmm. Greg hasn't gotten to the 9-11-2001 questions yet and he's a ways to go before answering one of my questions.

Ok, I have this inspiration:
Top 10 things that will not happen before my birthday
10.Imzadi gives me a large sum of money for no apparant reason
9.My back pain disappears completely.
8.The world ends.
7.People will stop asking when Time Dancer season 4 will be published.
6.I find a full-time job (I'm not looking right now because my back problems.)
5.I buy more RAM and a new processor for my PC.
4.Greg Weisman will not get around to answering any of my questions at Ask Greg.
3.In real life, I meet up with a TGS CR poster.
2.Anybody from the CR gives me a large sum of money for no apparant reason.
1.Time Dancer season 4 is published.

Here's to your wellness, or should that be to your illness?
- myself

Wednesday, January 16, 2002 03:03:08 PM

hey all. I thought I would just drop a little note in between my classes. Spanish hates me and I hate it! I wish it would die! I have a lot of reading required in all my courses and I hope I don't go insane again like I did last year. I'm currently in the middle of The Two Towers and liking it a lot. I can't wait until the movie comes out, but then we all can't wait. :)
Winterwolf> Thanks for the support! I'm going to try really hard.

Wednesday, January 16, 2002 02:36:55 PM

Darn it was just a drill.
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 01:37:00 PM

Hello all.

Between classes again but I've been finishing an algorithm so I don't have much time. But I want to share an incredible insight I've had. This is for the DC universe, not one of my most favorite (I much prefer Marvel) but I suppose it could work otherplaces. In fact, I'm surprised Lex Luthor hasn't thought of it before. I was thinking of cloning and suchlike and wondered if it was possible to clone just a certain kind of cell. I'm not all that knowledgable about it but here's the basic idea. What if Someone cloned the skin of Superman and used the superleather to make armor for troops. If they could manipulate the bone growth as they clone it they could make armorplating that would be invincible. Well, untill kryptonite bullets becomes standard issue for the enemy, but as far as I know that is still fairly rare in the DC world. Well, that's my idea, I'm sure it will end up into one of my stories here shortly. Anyway, onto some other things then onto class.

Gside>> AH, I’m flattered you trust all of us in here with your address, I’ll be sure to forward all my junk mail to you. }:)

Firestorm>> <<Why do we seem to have so many organs that seem to do the same thing?>> The way some people love destroying various portions of their bodied with various concoctions and implements you have to ask? I’m surprised humans have survived long enough to evolve the necessary backup systems.

Hmm, has this room become a little more open with lewd jokes and such like? Or am I just more aware of it now that I’m married?

Imzadi>> <Smart cats rock> my sentiments exactly. <Nothing worse than not being able to eat. Its truly one of life's most simple pleasures.> next to sleeping of course.

Terrky>> <well, my insanity is slowly returning> YAY!!! Dreams are one of my primary sources for inspiration. In fact I just had a cool dream where I cut off this huge scary axe wielding dude’s head with a bone sword. :)

Spacebabie>> <Breakfast I had fish and chips.> ewww. For breakfast??!! Thanks, I’ll stick to pancakes. Ever seen the musical “Into the Woods”? Very funny. Also inspired by some of the original Grimm versions of popular fairy

Gotta go Fire drill!!!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2002 01:21:30 PM

Polly Vooz Francy?

Sorry that was Huck Finn trying to speak French above.

Well my brother pulled a Josh last night and bought a lot of junk, including tose gourmet bistro style chips and Swedish for Breakfast I had fish and chips.

The Library only had one of the books that I need listed in their files and they didn't have it that day. So It's being sent to my house.

I have some entertainment news
It came via Scifi weekly newsletter I get in my e-mail.

Its another not quite Fairy tale ala Shrek. It stars Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddie Prinze Jr. and Sigourney Weaver as the voices:

N'Ever is inspired by classic Brothers Grimm fairy tales and is based on Greenlight's European animated television series SimsalaGrimm. Set in the fairy-tale land of Simsala, the project explores what happens when the balance of good and evil is out of whack, the trade paper reported. Gellar will voice the character of Ella, who is part of a love triangle that includes a prince and her unknown true love, the palace dishwasher (Prinze). Weaver plays the evil stepmother Frida.

Don't know bout you but it sounds interesting.

Sarge Abernathy>>>Ahh my cats were letting me know you have returned. Welcome Back.,

Niamgold<<<doubt directions from some random Wahoo would've helped.>>>This is Sanfran were talking about not the stix, they are not Wahoos. I believe the proper term for them is FREAK<<<Yes, they are.>>> Thought so <<<But crab can never be better than the succulent lobster! YUM! ;) >>> True Dat.

Dead Valentines>>>Lay off the Rice Krispies.

Josh<<<It started with a trip to the doctors', where it was concluded that I am a perfect physical specimen (as if there was any doubt!).>>> Did he or she make you cough?<<<Only two of my classes had books to buy; one didn't have a textbook (but probably has a reader I'll have to buy soon) and the other didn't get the information in time for the book and I'll pick it up in a few days>>> Big whoop, I had to buy four books for one class.<<<I think you might be able to find that feature even in the males in this CR. >>>Okay but if anyone has three arms they better tell me first.<<<We spend about 3-4 times that.>>> Typical <<<I get bibs for lobster usually.>>> Yeah but this was Joe’s Crab Shack.<<<I'll remember that the next time we shake hands.>>>When was the first time we shook hands? Anyway I always carry around a bottle of hand sanitizer.<<<Beamers rock!>>>Yeah, but the 80’s are way over…Now Tiberon’s Rock!!!

Terrky<<<after all my insanity comes back, i will surely dispose of my sanity.>>> Good for you, remember the jar is by the entrance.

Orlando, Florida, USA
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 12:23:11 PM

hey everyone.

well, my insanity is slowly returning. i guess the only reason my sanity got back to me in the first place is because i never left it in the jar to begin with.

after all my insanity comes back, i will surely dispose of my sanity.

anyway, just thought i'd drop in. had a really freaky dream the other day, i'll have to go into more detail later when i got time, but it was...odd. it was freaky how it realated to TGS. shoot, i could prolly add a lot to TGS with this freaky dream. but i aint on the staff.

anyway, see yall around!

-={king Terrky Kath, the Efficient Rock Star}=-

Terrky K - []
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 12:05:24 PM

Today was a far more productive day than yesterday. It started with a trip to the doctors', where it was concluded that I am a perfect physical specimen (as if there was any doubt!). Then off to the book store. Only two of my classes had books to buy; one didn't have a textbook (but probably has a reader I'll have to buy soon) and the other didn't get the information in time for the book and I'll pick it up in a few days. So for just two classes, my book bill totalled nearly $400. Not too thrilled with that.

Then I met with my advisor about the research we're planning. We set up a meeting time and spent nearly 2 hours talking about various material. Before we can do any real research, though, he needs to teach me a bit of material, so he gave me an assignment and let me borrow one of his books. Hopefully that will work out to be as interesting as it sounds. In the mean time, I'll be exploring the automation of problem solving using MATLAB.

I got to show my advisor some of the developer tools for Mac OS X, and he just drooled. He's a PC user, so when someone says "slap an interface on that" its a huge ordeal. Not for OS X. Interface builder is a drag-and-drop program for building complete interfaces, and its flat out amazing. Hopefully I can do some porting of his stuff to Macintosh.

He loaned me his copy of MATLAB 5.3 for windows, and I installed in on VPC flawlessly. I love VPC. Windows actually isn't that bad to work with, when you're using it for only ONE program. Very stable ;-) But I won't be paying for it anytime soon. This will help me stay compatible with all those people who refuse to be saved.

After that ended, we drove into the city to the Sony Metreon, where my roommate picked up his new DSC-P5 digital camera. It was about $600, and its almost as sweet as my digital ELPH, but not quite. It has a couple more features, but its just not as cool looking. Then dinner at Mel's diner followed by hanging at the apartment.


Warpmind: <<MOUS>>: ? <<Expert-certified operator of Word and Excel>>: I'm sorry, why do you need this? <<I may become one of the Secret Masters who Rule The World... the Secretaries>>: When I need someone to make appointments for me, I'll call you. <<I'm just feeling more inclined toward heavy, blunt weapons>>: Why develop any skills or finesse when a club is just fine. <<You sounded sarcastic toward my ability to acquire a shotgun... why?>>: Because I barely trust you with something as dangerous as a pencil. <<this place is turning into a cat-house. Naturally, you'll hear no complaints from me>>: Same here. <<I gotta get back to the Word book>>: I can't believe that Word is so complicated that it needs a manual. <<No funnies about it being called dictionaries, please>>: Encyclopedia? Thesaurus?

David G: <<I'm determined to post something every day, even if it's pretty usless>>: You sound like me! <<Maybe one of these days I'll get my life together enough to post actual, relevant stuff>>: I've been here nearly a year, and I don't think I've posted anything relevant to date. <<It's a CAD program, which gives drawing and paint program junkies like me headaches>>: As it should. CAD is for engineers, not artists.

Todd: <<hovering about, a foot off the floor, just might be noticed. Even in L.A>>: Solution: wear a long trench coat.

Spacebabie: <<I prefer my men with both arms>>: I think you might be able to find that feature even in the males in this CR. <<how being part demon will effect her in the future?>>: She won't get invited to all the good parties. <<the people in France are ruder than in New York and France smells worse than New Jersey>>: Sounds about right. <<you buy food and work out buy carrying it to your place>>: You're telling me. <<you are nuts right?>>: True, but that's hardly common knowledge. <<You two are both males, the ages between 17 and 25? Makes sense>>: Yeah, but apparently Niamh and her roommate spend $200 a month on food. We spend about 3-4 times that. <<My brother had crab legs, they gave him a bib>>: I get bibs for lobster usually. <<Wrong, Righty>>: I'll remember that the next time we shake hands. <<there is no way in HFIL I’m going to be driving a frakin beamer>>: Beamers rock!

Chi oujo: <<what did my friends and I do? We had another Gargoyle's marathon>>: Sweet. Do you have "Upgrade"? <<You'd think a four page paper on "A MidSummer Night's Dream" wouldn't be that hard>>: That depends on what you were writing about. In general, anything less than 5 pages is a piece of cake. <<bcause I can. Because I'm an open minded writer by trade>>: Are you saying that because I don't write slash, I'm not an open-minded writer?

Kathy: <<Silly movie that didn't take itself at all seriously. It was cute, in a non sickening way. No brains required>>: Is that a positive review?

Winterwolf: <<my appetite has returned to normal. For a couple of days I couldn't manage to have more than a few bites of food for hours at a time>>: Nothing worse than not being able to eat. Its truly one of life's most simple pleasures. <<Are you pimping yourself to those bachelorette parties now?>>: I don't think they'd have me. <<maybe you need to drive to the next neighboring state first to complete the first part of your road test>>: Just what people in CA need: an 8 hour driving test. <<she has Chem lab tonight from 6 - 9>>: Agh!? Freshman chem?

Tim: <<Bureacracy should be spelled with a B-E-E-R like they act>>: LOL great point.

The Wizard: <<Chalk it up to having gotten used to Pacific time, I suppose>>: You'll have to come back and do it again. <<I had a blast in California>>: Good. <<Not only were LA and San Fran two of the nicest places I've been in a while>>: Nicer than f*cking baltimore? <<with the exception of San Fran's highway system and street setup, though Josh has promised to level the city to build it in a more organized fashion>>: So true. I hate this city. <<Imzadi himself was an awesome host>>: Awww thanks. <<I'm seriously taking my animation prof's suggestion to get an internship at ILM (Industrial Light and Magic) this summer, so the rest of this week I'm going to spend tweaking a resume and filling out the internship application>>: Where is ILM? <<those who have spent time with Josh's brother know how cool he is>>: DIE. <<I think that Los Angeles is rather high on the list of places I want to live and work in after graduation>>: Me too ;-) <<Josh's roommate and friends are completely hilarious (and just as intelligent as himself>>: That's not saying much. <<we spent more time in the less art-based exhibition, "Devices of Wonder">>: Yes, I'm a geek. And so are you. <<Long time no see>>: No kidding. <<Perhaps "artist" should be added as a psychological ailment>>: I think it already is. <<Which isn't much...I'd imagine>>: And I probably did it. <<which is a color I could definitely not tolerate>>: POINT. <<clovers, horseshoes, diamonds, stars, and blue moons I could do much better with>>: Yes, I've seen your work. <<you let me stay on it long enough to get addicted to Exile>>: You asked. <<Is that part of your master plan to keep me occupied, so that I cannot stop you when you attempt to take over the world? I'm much more difficult to break down than _that_>>: No, I don't think you are. <<Maybe you should have just killed me after all>>: then *I* would have been bored. <<because the first few days you had to determine whether I was one of FS's LD's or maybe a Wilek hologram>>: In all fairness, it only took a few hours. <<He does know how much I appreciated that, correct?>>: yes, I told him. <<Though, as I remember, you caught it, too>>: Shhhh! <<at least you're consistent enough so that, when you DO miss a post, people notice and await the next. You're becoming a regular news anchor in here>>: True. I feel loved. <<miss it already>>: Steal your roommate's <<you're not completely anal>>: Yes I am. <<it was nice to see that you had to whip Mike into shape about it>>: I didn't whip mike. <<If anything could be an orgasmic experience...THAT tablet, THOSE Vaios>>: I was thinking dual 800 with a cinema display. <<I'm going to LIVE on the West Coast one day>>: me too. Tomorrow. <<my ear still hasn't stopped ringing from the pressure change upon landing in freezing NH>>: That sucks. <<Was up that late spanking his monkey, huh?>>: Yup. He doesn't stop. <<Ooh...a game, possibly?>>: No, probably an address book that doesn't suck. <<Which end?>>: Either end. <<who wants your sanity back once you know what it feels like to lose it?>>: Me. It may come in handy elsewhere. <<Bart Simpson has a few nice names for use, too>>: LOL. I prefer to use someone real. <<No, no...that's bananas>>: I see. <<Apparently, Imzadi is contagious>>: BUWAHAHAHA! <<I doubt directions from some random Wahoo would've helped>>: They probably would have been better than yours ;-) <<Give me the grid systems of Baltimore and Philly ANY day>>: I hear you. <<nuts are about the only things they _didn't_ buy>>: Sometimes you feel like a nut. But that day, we didn't. <<crab can never be better than the succulent lobster>>: So true. <<despite the attempts of Josh and his companions on THAT front>>: I actually tried really hard to make it *not* seem like I was trying to convert you. I guess I failed. <<what exactly constitutes that?>>: Please don't lead them on. <<he was a great host, I'll give him that (though just as much settled on world domination as he is in here>>: Damn straight. <<I just wanted to enjoy what little time I had hanging with him and in California before posting>>: Sadly, I didn't feel the same way, as evidenced by my posting ;-) <<as much as I've tried to avoid being proven, I DO exist>>: I see you didn't put up any of the pics I have of you.

Mooncat: <<Better than soaps any day of the week>>: that's not saying much.

DPH: <<After every visit the chiropractor's office, I am stronger when I arrived>>: Cool!

Fire Storm: <<I thought you would like it>>: I'm getting predictable in my old age. <<MINE runs on car batteries!>>: How do you lift it? <<Except for the alien invaders>>: Yes, but the government says they don't exist. <<They will pay me to keep my clothes on or ELSE!>>: That's my strategy too! <<Or the USS Cole>>: Good idea. <<Like which one looks better>>: So true. I am, after all, a mac user. <<I know there is gay slash SOMEWHERE in your mind>>: I don't think there is, much as it disappoints many gay guys. <<You can NEVER have enough naughty gargoyles stories>>: That's not true. Some are good, some suck...the latter group can be eliminated. <<those girls want them to sign their bellies AND bras!>>: I'd only sign bras. Bellies can be washed out. <<Your dad scares me>>: Me too. <<How about an FTP server>>: I'm sure they don't have one. <<LM doesn't like me marking her>>: Some girls like being marked, but it depends on the mark. <<Swiss Army Plasma Cannon>>: Is that similar to that Annihilator 2000 from Beverly Hills Cop 3? <<Which is why women never date an engineer>>: You don't think its because we're unattractive lazy losers who are more interested in our computers? <<Freud would call that Penis Envy>>: Is it still Penis Envy if both sides have penises?

Sarge Abernathy: <<Psychology, which may actually HELP my anti-social, passive, character>>: It won't, don't worry. But you'll be able to explain it away more easily. <<Of course you're all exciting!>>: Like watching paint dry. <<My Dad tried giving me a couple speeches about Dell computers and the PC world. I LISTENED!!! Really! Okay, so I kept thinking about the iMac the whole time, but one can't blame me>>: Yes I can. You are a fool for even giving them your ears. Don't let them seduce you with their silly "everyone uses windows" nonsense. <<Is anyone here a MACINTOSH fan and lived with one in college?>>: I am a big mac user and so is my roommate and so are almost all of my friends. I'm happy to help you with anything you need to know. Start by buying your new computer ONLINE. There are many different ways to go, depending on what you need. You can save a few bucks if you buy through Apple's education discount, and some of the online retailers will throw in things like free printers, or free external speakers, or free software, or whatever. If you want more info, e-mail me. <<I need some helpful hints as to how to survive being a Mac-only guy in a PC college>>: Well, if you're an engineer, I recommend a copy of VirtualPC with Windows 98. If not, you should do fine with just Appleworks, though a pirated copy of Office v.X might be helpful for when some jerk-off sends you a .doc file. Just remember, stick with OS X. It ROCKS. <<free? Where was this? I would like this free thing of which you speak of>>: It was just a free update from Toast 5 to 5.1. Most free updates and shareware can be found on I hit that site almost every day, and it contains all the software updates that Apple releases, and all the updates for whatever programs you run. Oh, and add Oakleyposterboy to your buddy list so we can chat.

Daphne: <<My bf and I broke up>>: Ack. Sorry to hear that. <<and you can even update that to 18-years-old>>: Don't be embarrassed. I'm 20 and I've never smoked weed. Don't plan on it. <<and as of last night, she can have him>>: I'm sensing some bitterness.

Silvadel: <<There are people who want to maintain control>>: That would be me. <<There are also people who have an alcoholic in their family history and dont want to risk that first drink>>: That would be my roommate. <<Then there are people who are simply too busy, or dont have any interest>>: That would be me and my roommate.

Gside: <<We now have a LAN at home. I'll be able to use my own computer for the summer. Woot>>: Personally, I'm waiting for my house to have a wireless LAN. Then EVERYONE will be happy. But most importantly, me. <<First you decide what objects you're going to be working with, and define what they are able to do. After that, write the controll program>>: Thanks, I think. Somehow, its a bit more complicated than that. <<I'm pretty sure she did, and that's why it was an innuendo>>: Or maybe they're just laughing about some argument they had. <<Allegedly you're supposed to declare those things on your state taxes>>: Screw that! <<I was under the impression it was more moan than scream>>: Depends on what you're doing and who you're doing it to. Some girls moan, some scream. <<I'm sure the congregations would be willing to pay>>: Talk to the rabbis. <<Please don't shatter my illusions like that. The world is a cold, dark place>>: Sorry to disappoint. <<Mine got posted first>>: Yours always gets posted first. Well, almost always. <<Perhaps a catapault, then?>>: Is that really a "blunt" weapon? I tend to think of projectiles as not being blunt or piercing, but simply just projectiles. <<Think that makes a difference to masochists?>>: No it doesn't. <<Wash, rinse, repeat ad infinitum>>: You're an ECE so I can assume that phrase doesn't apply to you. <<Too easy. Much too easy. Or do you agree that fun is not diesel powered?>>: Fun is battery powered. Or solar powered. <<you're not afraid now that I know what you look like and have seen where you sleep?>>: If she's not afraid of me, she's not gonna fear you. <<That must have been an interesting test>>: Very exhaustive. <<Besides the standard, you mean>>: Maybe she doesn't know about the standard. <<The east coast is just fine towards the south>>: But not as good as the west. <<I haven't gotten that desparate. Yet>>: I don't think you can be with zero experience under your belt. Only people who have tasted the fruit of the tree can become that desperate for it again. <<What about me? I've been quite good about daily for a good while, when I can>>: But I post when I can't, too ;-) <<Lombard?>>: This was the code-name of Apple's 2nd generation G3 powerbook, named for its curves. And that street is a bitch to drive down, though Niamh didn't see it while she was here. <<You think too much of us. We're engineers, you're a female>>: Hey I have taste! And standards! <<Who did bras?>>: I do. <<Complimentary tutoring, Large earning potential, Can handle stress and strain in relationships, Knows all the dynamics of relative motion, Learn about the benefits of friction and viscosity, FREE body diagrams, Always back up their hard drives, Trained to do it right the first time, Specialized in experimentation, Can go all night with no hint of fatigue>>: These are all very funny, but wouldn't motivate ANY female to date an engineer. Besides, you're an ECE, you don't know much about dynamics of relative motion, viscosity, FREE body diagrams, or being trained right to do it the first time. Especially the last one. You're a programmer. Programmers NEVER do it right the first time, and they spend the rest of their careers wondering where they screwed up in their first attempt! <<Don't go for a package, find a local place and have them put good parts in one box>>: I disagree. Packages come with warranties. And tech support. <<You haven't been back long. Imzadi's your boy>>: Damn skippy!

Alright well I'm out for tonight. The Professional is on at 2:15, so we're gonna watch that. That movie kicks butt. Hey GB, this is what Natalie Portman did before Phantom Menace. Among other things, of course.

The trick is not to die for your country, but to make the other poor bastard die for his.
-General George S. Patton

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 04:08:14 AM

We now have a LAN at home. I'll be able to use my own computer for the summer. Woot.

Imzadi> <<a lot of object oriented programming stuff is a bit over my head>>: First you decide what objects you're going to be working with, and define what they are able to do. After that, write the controll program.
<<You do know that you're supposed to add "in bed" to the end of every fortune cookie, right?>>: I'm pretty sure she did, and that's why it was an innuendo.
<<Why don't you just order it from macmall or something? No sales tax>>: Allegedly you're supposed to declare those things on your state taxes.
<<Well at least she wouldn't have to worry about screaming the wrong name in bed>>: I was under the impression it was more moan than scream.
<<Don't forget to have your claim check properly validated>>: True. Repeat visits to the machine start getting painful. Or you might start to like it, depenging.
<<they could, but they probably won't>>: I'm sure the congregations would be willing to pay.
<<Those french maids in porn flicks don't exist IRL>>: Please don't shatter my illusions like that. The world is a cold, dark place.
<<You're a wuss?>>: Mostly.
<<Damnit! I said that too!>>: Mine got posted first.

Warpmind> <<'m just feeling more inclined toward heavy, blunt weapons>>: Perhaps a catapault, then?
<<I jsut need a pencil and a notepad to write down ideas>>: But what if it's something like "Jiggy Muppet" or "can sponge" that you don't understand later?
<<I know I'm a geek>>: But sometimes I feel it is nice to be reminded by others.

Spacebabie> <<The Sandwich from Arbies or French Onion dip?>>: The sandwich from Old Man Rafferty's.
<<Its for smacking you upside the head ala Homie the Clown, you perv>>: Think that makes a difference to masochists?
<<BAP!>>: Wash, rinse, repeat ad infinitum.
<<Wrong, Righty>>: I was right.

Niamhgold> <<Devices of Wonder>>: Too easy. Much too easy. Or do you agree that fun is not diesel powered?
<<some of me and my campus quarters>>: And you're not afraid now that I know what you look like and have seen where you sleep?
<<the first few days you had to determine whether I was one of FS's LD's>>: That must have been an interesting test.
<<If anything could be an orgasmic experience>>: Besides the standard, you mean.
<<I'm going to LIVE on the West Coast one day>>: The east coast is just fine towards the south. Warm in the summer, don't deal well enough with snow that places close with a good coating at least once a year, and it'll melt soon enough.
<<Which end?>>: Any end. Most vehemently the back.
<<Well...he pays for STDs>>: I haven't gotten that desparate. Yet.<<Bart Simpson has a few nice names for use, too>>: Based off recordings of prank calls to The Tube in Jersey.
<<no...that's bananas>>: What about cigars?
<<Apparently, Imzadi is contagious>>: What about me? I've been quite good about daily for a good while, when I can.
<<odd other streets in San Fran>>: Lombard?
<<I'm sure you'll be disappointed>>: You think too much of us. We're engineers, you're a female.

Fire Storm> <<But web comic artists... those girls want them to sign their bellies AND bras!>>: Who did bras?
<<LM doesn't like me marking her>>: But it'll get you out of police custody so much faster.
<<Like the Swiss Army Plasma Cannon?>>: Or something that fires eldrith energy so summon portals large enough for one tentacle.
<<E-mail them to me>>: Yo ho. As soon as you post your address again.
<<Which is why women never date an engineer>>: But engineers have so many bonuses: Complimentary tutoring, Large earning potential, Can handle stress and strain in relationships, Knows all the dynamics of relative motion, Learn about the benefits of friction and viscosity, FREE body diagrams, Always back up their hard drives, Trained to do it right the first time, Specialized in experimentation, Can go all night with no hint of fatigue
<<What's the course number of it at your school?>>: 14:332:468 Microelectronic Processing Design, or 14:332:473 Intro to VLSI Design. More the first.

Sarge> <<Dell computers and the PC world>>: Don't go for a package, find a local place and have them put good parts in one box.
<<may have to do the ink blot test!>>: Rorschach. Nice. Dog with head split open.
<<Is anyone here a MACINTOSH fan and lived with one in college?>>: You haven't been back long. Imzadi's your boy.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 02:58:39 AM

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT > The voting is now open for the new editor of Avalon Mists. Please review the candidates and e-mail me your vote by Feb. 22nd. Click or go to

Revel > yes, I got it; sorry I haven't replied. Am way behind on e-mail. Haven't even had a chance to look at it yet either. Should be caught up on Thursday.

Smurfs > thanks but no thanks; I never cared much for the cartoon and besides, when I first got online I read "The Fall of the Smurfs" and it was (IMHO) the nec plus ultra of Smurf-fic ... ; )

Updates > will be out of town for the weekend, having a leisurely mini-vacation to unwind from the holidays, the relatives, and the installation. Will be working on stuff for Sabledrake and hopefully finishing up this HP story -- another novella, this time saucier <g>. No news yet on any of the mss I've got out there, though the deadline has now passed for the last few short story things so I might be getting rejected soon.

Thanks for the congrats to Tim. I will pass them along.

Christine - []
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 12:10:54 AM

forgot to ask

Christine- I sent you a pic for Sabledrake, did you get it?
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 11:01:11 PM

*General Announcement*
Ahem... I have my New Year's trip pictures available by e-mail request. I'll update my website soon but this is kind of like a sneek peak thing. I won't put them all online ];)

Aaron/Mara- Okay Now it's your turn and I've heard some things about some of your pics.

Revel - []
denton, tx
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 09:54:52 PM

Anyone play the games at Just got 51690 on the big money game (no it isnt a gambling thing -- it is action / puzzle)


On the "experimenting with booze/drugs at 15" thing there are many valid reasons other than being puritanical... There are people who want to maintain control. There are also people who have an alcoholic in their family history and dont want to risk that first drink. Then there are people who are simply too busy, or dont have any interest.

Tuesday, January 15, 2002 09:48:31 PM

My bf and I broke up. It was mutual, and it's for the best, and we're gonna stay friends... but I'm kind of a wreck. I still love him, darn it!

Sevarius Jr>> <the Eagles (I'm pulling for them this year), > whoo-hoo! go philly!

<pretty much the only 15 year olds that don't experiment with pot / booze are those that are either too puritanical to do so,>
[raises hand sheepishly] and you can even update that to 18-years-old...

Josh>><don't think it's an "as" thing. Its just her handle> I mean, in her day-to-day, gaming clothes... the pic I use is her at angela and broadway's mating ceremony.

<Well at least she wouldn't have to worry about screaming the wrong name in bed. > true. and as of last night, she can have him

chi ouja>> <the pookah> harvey!!

Tim Phipps >> happy birthday

Niamhgold>><Give me the grid systems of Baltimore and Philly ANY day ;) > well, that depends on what part of philly you're talking about... my street goes from the 300 block to the 100 block, and the 200 block is three blocks away and perpendicular. it;'s great when people stop for directions :)

God bless... and for those of you of the praying persuasion, I could use a few to get through the break up. thanks.

Tuesday, January 15, 2002 09:38:17 PM

Greg Weisman has answered more questions tonight.
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 09:14:44 PM

More Geek Hierarchy -- a lot like the one Christine posted, but with a few more catagories, like fan artists.

ooo... tummy hurts. did stupid and ate after my run. Didn't want to wait for food to cook, so just grabbed left over ravioli, mixed in green beans and ate a piece of lemon bundt cake and milk with it all at once. owie, owie, owie...!!! And I thought it would be all nice and balanced (veggie, meat, milk, bread item) ... gah.

*mooncat turns pea green and wonders how soon she'll be losing her lunch*


Tuesday, January 15, 2002 08:23:58 PM

Man there are so many pictures that I haven't even seen yet! You guys really gave the list of pictures a steroids boost.

Finally, I'm over my semester and I'm starting up two new classes. Psychology, which may actually HELP my anti-social, passive, character. And I have French C of the Beginning level. I've forgotten everything of the language so I have to work harder on that. Which isn't good for my stress problems. At least I quit my job, that'll help. . . . . ((looks at cold lunches he now has to eat at school)) . . . . at least I think it'll help. College application are sent in . . .

IMZADI>> <<Don't select your school based on where people in the CR are located. We're not THAT exciting ;-) >> *snores* *becomes startled and wakes up* uhuh whhaaa??? Of course you're all exciting!. . . . **snores*

Actually my only complaint is that, being in Vermont, I never lived close enough to someone to actually visit. This bums me out when I see all the Beast Wars, Gargoyles, and Keenspot people I know visit each other, but leave me out of the picture. Fortunately, I found out my wish will come true. A very dear Internet friend lives near Denison University and will go to college in her area. Yeah! I won't be alone if I choose to move far away from my family!
On to my rant. . . . My computer is still on hiatus. . . . My parents, who wrapped up <insert large amount here> dollars for me last Christmas, told me I can have any computer I want. My Dad tried giving me a couple speeches about Dell computers and the PC world. I LISTENED!!! Really! Okay, so I kept thinking about the iMac the whole time, but one can't blame me! Anyway, I was hoping to have it buy NOW, but it needs to wait until things settle down a bit. My mom is having a bear with the financial aid packets. (Since I'm so lazy I won't do them), and my Dad is in San Francisco for a few weeks to learn at some seminary. I would do it myself, but my parents have the credit card, and I will most likely buy this thing from off-line. I got psychoanalyzed by a psychiatrist today. I may have to do the ink blot test! That would be soo cool. I think I'm going to reffer everything to Gargoyles. . . . (That looks like Breadway on a treadmill, that looks like lexington doing the macerena, that looks like Goliath kissing Elis. . . . no wait. . . . eating Elisa. . . . )

Is anyone here a MACINTOSH fan and lived with one in college? I need some helpful hints as to how to survive being a Mac-only guy in a PC college.
***end rant***

Well, back to the daily news. Can anyone tell me what happened to Dylan Blacquiere? Last I heard of him was from Wingless last May about him leaving and writing his own novel, but not before ONE more fan-ficiton. I'm eagerly waiting for that fan-fiction. Sigh . . . I'll miss Dylan.

GSIDE>><< Good to see you. >> You too.
SPACIE's KITTY CO>><<We'll tell mommy that your back.>> huh?
FRENCH BASHING>> I'm taking that course. (French language course, not a French bashing course) All I could remember was the meaning of combien. Which didn't help much today. No one wants to hear me say "how many" 17 times in a row.
TGS>> I'm eagerly waiting for the new season! *has a napkin tucked in his shirt, and is holding up dinner utensils*
JIM>><< Only it was for OS 9, so I went and downloaded the free OS X update. >> free? Where was this? I would like this free thing of which you speak of.

Okay, I feel like improv writing. . . so here's something fresh. . .
**Short Meaningless story**
Brooklyn stared at the computer while Lex speed his fingers up. The red gargoyle knew Lexington felt proud to be able to type so fast, so he smiled and grinned to show some fake envy. It still didn't mean they were getting anywhere.

For the past six months they were trying to get hold of Goliath, who absent mindlessly decided to take a delegation trip to Brussels with the united Nations about the surprising growth of the gargoyle population.

Goliath had asked Brooklyn if he wanted to go. "Eight months discussing laws and clans to a room full of sweaty delegates from every country in the world save four? I'll do my best with the mammoth and the bald computer freak." After saying that Broadway had hurdled a large mutton chop at him, which narrowly missed, only to be smacked right into Fox Xanatoos' face.


"Lexington, have you found the what-ever-you-said?"

"No, I didn't this is a top secret, classified, computer system them have. Merely trying to find the e-mail address of where Goliath is staying is hard enough." Lexington frowned.

"Terrific. Here we are in New York, Elisa and Matt are still under stress from the recent terrorist attacks, Fox Xanatoos and David Xanatoos are in court for getting mixed up with Energy. . . . "

"Enron. . . "

"Enron . . . whatever. . . . Anyway, we also have Puck and Alex bugging the hell out of us. . . " Brooklyn kicked his new zebra legs for emphasis. ". . . Bronx is with fleas, Hudson is riding our butts about not doing much to protect the castle, and now we've got a new problem. . . . "

AS if on cue, Demona came in with her eyes wide, her lips bushy, and her teeth white. She frolicked over to Brooklyn and Lexington and placed halo flowers on their heads. "Hello my sweet Petunias! How are YOU doing today?!?!?"

"Someone drugged Demona, put a spell on her, or she finally went to the next level of insanity." Brooklyn groaned.

"Aren't you so CUUUUTE with that large red beak! You look like little dragon from Mulan! OHHHHHH Anyone want to watch Mulan and make Brooklyn jokes with me!!!!!?!?!?"

Lexington was about raise his hand, but Brooklyn forced it down. "Anyway, I have a sneaking suspicion that Puck did this. Again."

"Que Sera sera! Whatever will be, will be. . . " Demona sang as she began to dance with Owen. The poor man walked in unexpectedly and got captured.

Brooklyn had a small smile, but it vanished. " We need Goliath. . . "
TO BE CONTINUED (probably not)
********end story*********
I'll continue that if anyone wants me too. I just wrote it because I had a writing attack. And I might as well make my message long today.

Sarge Abernathy - []
Barre, Vermont
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 08:20:03 PM

Imzadi: <LOL that was hysterical>
I thought you would like it!
<Later, FS was seen being escorted out by 2 police officers>
NO! They will never take me alive! *FS is seen near the gas main with the same battle axe he used at 7-11.*
<Makes sex a little weird, I'd think>
"I's like it when they don't move"
<D cells. THE BIG ONE>
MINE runs on car batteries! ;)
<You're telling me. If this state didn't kick ass in every imaginable way, I'd leave>
Except for the alien invaders (LA and California are #3 on their $h17 lists), earthquakes and Volcanos.
<Ugh n/m. Definitely not worth the trouble>
I know.
<So you've decided to strip to pay for school?>
Yep. They will pay me to keep my clothes on or ELSE!
<I'm gonna call my first "The Titanic">
Yeah! That's good! Or the USS Cole.
<That's only the beginning. Those factors were very limited, because there are SO many more things that must be considered>
Like which one looks better! ;)
<I've never tried writing anything other than straight erotica>
I know there is gay slash SOMEWHERE in your mind!
<What we really need is a naughty garg story, because we don't have enough of them>
You can NEVER have enough naughty gargoyles stories.
<I don't think engineers have groupies. Well, except for Steve Jobs>
But web comic artists... those girls want them to sign their bellies AND bras!
<My dad would like you. He always makes jokes about microwaving the cats>
Your dad scares me. :)

DPH: <Shouldn't there be three smurf's at the end of that sentence instead of two? I'm just going off how it sounds.>
What the Smurf was I Smurfing!
You are abso-Smurfing-lootly right!
We have Egg and Smurf, Egg sausage and Smurf...

Lain//Gunjack: How about an FTP server to put it on?

Gside: <My father has often contemplated making a magic marker and identifying all my mother's wounds. We've stopped responding every time she injures herself>
Ah, LM doesn't like me marking her...
<Spelled with a k?>
Yes. Absolutely.
<I'm sure Wilek could make some non-conventional suggestions>
Like the Swiss Army Plasma Cannon?
<Not on me, but I know a couple sites that have it. And I'm sure linking would violate a rule or two.>
E-mail them to me
<As I am an increadibly cheap $@#!, I'd make you pay for that>
I know... You engineers are cheap! Find the quickest, cheapest, and most efficient way to do something.
Which is why women never date an engineer! ;)
<Sure, but I haven't taken the course yet, so I don't need to find the book yet.>
Hmm... But I have no idea how long it will take me to get to that course... What's the course number of it at your school?

Warpmind: <Battleaxe at 7-11... naw, for some reason, I'm just feeling more inclined toward heavy, blunt weapons>

Chi oujo: <Because my ex-boyfriend is a rampant bi-sexual? And his bofriend is another one of our mutual friends?>
Ah, excuses, excuses!
Freud would call that Penis Envy.

Fire Storm
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 07:59:26 PM

Yee. Again with the sex talk.

Dangit, there I go compensating again..

Click... Pop.

Dead Valentines
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 07:48:54 PM

I need sleep. I need sleep. I need sleep. I need sleep. I need sleep. I need sleep. I need sleep. I need sleep.

All that means is I'm going to take a nap, but first something needs to be done:

Thanks to 1-888-PARADE, I rented a parade to march through the CR. What's the occasion? I finished designing 50 scenarios for a game (It took about a year and 1/2). That's one less project for me to work on NOW.

BTW, I rented a 24 hour parade and borrowed some technology to prevent rain from reaching the parade. Don't mind the security: they are only around to protect the people in the parade.

**DPH goes off to take a nap before completing the rest of his post.**

Damn, I couldn't take a nap and left my computer online. Note: that's how alert I am. I keep missing small things.

My visit to the chiropractor went pretty good, but a substitute was present. Apparantly, my chiropractor's dad is in the hospital and I don't blame my chiropractor for wanting to be with him.

Imzadi & others - <I don't think I've ever heard that phrase before.> After every visit the chiropractor's office, I am stronger when I arrived. I don't like to miss appointments because my lower back pain starts growing. Today's visit was more painfull than my last visit, though.

Tuesday, January 15, 2002 06:21:27 PM

Chi oujo -- I absolutely LOVE your reasoning behind an Owen/David match *purrrrsss and high fives*

Your research sounds a lot like my own, *^_^*. I love researching myths and legends. Better than soaps any day of the week.

David struck me as bi the moment I laid eyes on him. Fox herself seems an adventureous type, and I can see them both having their cake and eating it too. mmm... cake.

The first Gargoyles fan fics I read ever, some time ago while net surfing, was Christine Morgan's intro of the character Godiva during a bachelor party, and brightfeather? something feather? 's story of David and Fox seducing Owen to their mutual bed. I thought that was most totally yummy.

While I myself only skim the male male slash area of fan fics, it absolutely amazes me how LITTLE Gargoyles slash there is, male or femme. *moonkitty's brain boggles >^,,^<*

I guess I'm too used to the slash rich fields of Star Trek, Xena, Hercules, Highlander, Buffy, X-files, every show under the sun it seems like. I remember when there was ZIP in the way of Xena femme-slash, and in the space of a year (during second season Xena) it exploded all over the place. Then Hercules, for the first few years there was Nada, then bang! Herc slash fic everywhere. There's one Joxer/Ares epic that is like a pillar/icon of slash fic-dom now.
Seeing how much fic there is for Gargoyles, and how long people have been doing Gargoyles fic, I'm really quite stunned at how few slash fics there are in the GFW archive. A source of endless amazement. Of course, I'm terribly surprised each time I see how little Macbeth/Demona fic there, or Xanatos/anyone but Fox, etc. Mostly it's all cannon style romances, or writer created characters mixing it up with the cannon characters. I guess that's why the few exceptions shine so brightly for me.

Mooncat and the world of slash and yaoi -- Well, my best girlfriends are either slash writers or yaoi fans. Strangely, the two don't cross over. O_o yikes.

Kender and Roulette are great slash fic writers, their dominion is Due South, Sentinel, and various tv series. Kender isn't into toons like I am, but she did a scrumptious Rio/Riot story for me in the Jem cartoon universe.

Barb and Lily are yaoi fans and Barb has the most incredible collection of yaoi stuff, dojinshii and more, that you could imagine. She also gets all the latest commercial releases when they hit. Barb spends the serious money and has great connections in Japan, so her collection is pretty spiffy. Yaoi fan heaven. I feel guilty I'm not more of a yaoi fan, because her collection is pretty much wasted on me, except as art inspiration.

I don't write yaoi/slash, but hey, I'll draw it *^_~*

Between the two orbits of these two sets of friends, I'm exposed to lots and lots of slash/yaoi. I can't watch any tv or movie without seeing the slash connotations now. I have a guy friend, straight, who hangs out a lot with Kender and Roulette and he writes occasional guy slash now because they saturated him with the stuff. He's a goooood writer too. This is the same guy I'm trying to saturate with Gargoyles.

okay, gotta stop my slash ramble. it's getting late and I have to get my daily run in the park done before it gets dark and cold *brrr*

later peeps

Tuesday, January 15, 2002 05:13:10 PM

** Niamhgold enters **

Woke up today at 2 PM after going to sleep at 12 AM (est). I haven't slept that long in _too_ long. Chalk it up to having gotten used to Pacific time, I suppose.

I had a blast in California. Not only were LA and San Fran two of the nicest places I've been in a while (with the exception of San Fran's highway system and street setup, though Josh has promised to level the city to build it in a more organized fashion), but Imzadi himself was an awesome host and he, his friends, his family, and his coworkers made me feel right at home. So much so that I'm seriously taking my animation prof's suggestion to get an internship at ILM (Industrial Light and Magic) this summer, so the rest of this week I'm going to spend tweaking a resume and filling out the internship application.

The places I was taken to rocked, too...yes, I had a really fun time at the auto show (those who have spent time with Josh's brother know how cool he is ;)), and I really loved the Getty. Nothing is better than going to that place at sunset, in warm weather, and overseeing the residential areas of LA. BEAUTIFUL. I think that Los Angeles is rather high on the list of places I want to live and work in after graduation.

Mac Expo was awesome, too...Josh's roommate and friends are completely hilarious (and just as intelligent as himself), and a blast to hang out with. They even put up with the fact that I refused to convert to Mac. Which means that, while I did stare and somewhat chuckle at the new Apple designs, I spent most of expo huddled around Adobe, Wacom, Maya, and other animation booths.

All and all, a little disappointed to be back home, still tired after such an early flight yesterday, and not really looking forward to a nine hour drive back to Baltimore and school. But, that just means that summer and spring break is all the nearer.


Gside: <<Niamhgold and I went to the Getty Museum of Art>>: You Casanova> Actually, we spent more time in the less art-based exhibition, "Devices of Wonder". <But if I get much sicker, I might get banned> Not likely...unless you start sealing envelopes with it. <Evil laugh> Mine's more evil. Bwhahahahha. In any case, images folder is some of me, and in the "new" folder some of me and my campus quarters. <Is that what they are calling it nowadays?> Bananas. Depends what nationality. <Sometimes you get to pay for them> But knowingly? <

Daddy: Long time no see ;) <Like Niamhgold and my friend John, they suffer from serious ego problems relating to their work> Perhaps "artist" should be added as a psychological ailment. <Don't worry, I won't do anything you wouldn't do...whatever THAT limits> Which isn't much...I'd imagine. <<<are all those little red hearts flying arond the CR yours?>>: I don't think its like that> Ugh...and they'd probably be pink hearts, not red, which is a color I could definitely not tolerate. Now, clovers, horseshoes, diamonds, stars, and blue moons I could do much better with ;) <You know, I *could*, at a whim, remove it from your grasp and you'd have NO computer.> Yes, you could have, but you let me stay on it long enough to get addicted to Exile. Is that part of your master plan to keep me occupied, so that I cannot stop you when you attempt to take over the world? I'm much more difficult to break down than _that_. <I hate having a guest feel like they're bored> Well, apparently, no matter how much I said to suggest the contrary, you still thought I was bored. Maybe you should have just killed me after all ;) <BTW, she is added to my list of people that exist> Yes, because the first few days you had to determine whether I was one of FS's LD's or maybe a Wilek hologram. <I don't know if it shows I'm dedicated that I keep posting despite having company, or if it just shows that I need help> I'd vote dedicated, but I always think that _everyone_ needs help. <Niamhgold, my friend Ian, and I went to a dinner at a nice place with my boss and another guy that worked for MacTank> He does know how much I appreciated that, correct? <Niamh seems to have caught a bit of the cold from my roommate (not gonna ask how that happened, probably best if you don't either).> Even with the hands off rule. Though, as I remember, you caught it, too. <Keeping Niamh entertained and going to the Mac expo and stuff> I'd say you did a good job of it, but then you'd have to kill me, so I won't. In any case, at least you're consistent enough so that, when you DO miss a post, people notice and await the next. You're becoming a regular news anchor in here ;) <Tonight, my roommate and my other friend went to Crazy Horse (that's a strip club), while Niamh and I stayed home and watched movies and ate junk food> Darn that Market Street! <I also bought a copy of Myst III> Grrr, miss it already. But I'm sure FFX will make me forget it. <Not at all, and I'm sure Niamh will verify that when she gets back to posting> Yeah, you're pretty cleanly, about as much so as myself (if not more). No, you're not completely anal, but it was nice to see that you had to whip Mike into shape about it. Reminded me a lot of the trials and tribulations that occur in my apartment, though all of Sahara's messes are centered around the sink/bathroom area. <If you need to ask this question, do you really want the answer?> Sounds like something could help him out with. The Mess test. <Niamh and I were both drooling over it. And there is a similar screen/tablet from Wacom that just came out ($1900) that is also sweet> If anything could be an orgasmic experience...THAT tablet, THOSE Vaios. <I think she had a good time here, though you'll have to ask her for verification of that.> Yes, of course I did, and I thank you very greatly for it. It was definitely an experience to remember (I don't know if as nice as the experience with the tablet and the Vaio, but I suppose you should decide that ;)), and I'm going to LIVE on the West Coast one day. <Niamhgold was picked up at 4AM for her plane flight (!@#$ing airlines, who the hell needs to fly at 6AM?)> At least the total travel time was shorter than the time when I came out to see you. Although, unfortunately, my ear still hasn't stopped ringing from the pressure change upon landing in freezing NH. <but by the time Mike finally dragged his lazy ass out of bed it was 6PM> Was up that late spanking his monkey, huh? <but by the time Mike finally dragged his lazy ass out of bed it was 6PM> Sweet. I'm so glad the weather was nice while I was there. <I hope to ship an app...someday> Ooh...a game, possibly? <I don't want to know about you putting things in Lain's end.> Heh. Which end? <Don't forget to have your claim check properly validated> I tossed mine out...who wants your sanity back once you know what it feels like to lose it? <I don't want to know how cheap you are> Well...he pays for STDs. <Whenever I use those, I always plug in William Gates of Microsoft Inc> Bart Simpson has a few nice names for use, too. <I'm a theif all the way> Lucky I came home with most of my belongings, then. <I wonder what Freud would say about that particular analogy> No, no...that's bananas ;)

David G: <Hello again. I'm determined to post something every day> Apparently, Imzadi is contagious.

Spacebabie: <Well it was obvious she didn’t go. If she did she would have made you stop for directions.> Heh, I probably would have suggested...however, with as many Market Streets and odd other streets in San Fran, I doubt directions from some random Wahoo would've helped. Give me the grid systems of Baltimore and Philly ANY day ;) <.<<<Niamh looked at us like we were nuts.>>> Well you are nuts right?> Yes, they are. And nuts are about the only things they _didn't_ buy. I guess I know what my parents will be able to expect from my brother one day ;) <My brother had crab legs, they gave him a bib> But crab can never be better than the succulent lobster! YUM! ;)

Wilek: <There's a MAJOR plot twist right in the beginning that you DO NOT want revealed> SWEET. I swear, they'd better keep all discs and levels as entertaining as that, because I hate when they throw out all the stops in the beginning while the end just drags, needlessly, on and on.

Winterwolf: <Niamhgold> Have fun in Cali> Thank you...I did, very much. <Hi. I'm still on the lookout for a good job> Good luck...I'm sure you'll be successful. A picky job hunt will get something you know you'll actually be satisfied with, instead of taking the first thing that comes your way.

Shadowrider: <Oh, no, another contaminated by the Mac depending> Oh, don't worry...I'm as much PC as I started out with...despite the attempts of Josh and his companions on THAT front ;) <Oh, and have fun in LA with Josh! :) But not too much...;)> I did have fun, and as for not having too much...what exactly constitutes that? ;) Thanks, though, for the wishes...follow the link I gave to gside for pics of me, since you've all been asking. I'm sure you'll be disappointed ;) <A chance to spend some time with the incomparably beautiful and talented don't know how I envy you!> Heh, let's wait until you see the pictures...maybe you won't be so green with envy afterwards. But, he was a great host, I'll give him that (though just as much settled on world domination as he is in here). <Oh, by the way, say hello to her for me, please> He did, no worries. I just wanted to enjoy what little time I had hanging with him and in California before posting (plus, as I earlier said, I wanted to spend as little time possible on the Macs in the house ;)). <For me it is usual. (just ask Niamh for my usual week schedule...). But, since I revel quite good in it...> Yeah, you do have one of the busier's that going for you and your significant other, BTW?

GB: <Especilaly now that you ahve met the Niamhgold. Now, Gside and I will pester you for pictures> Sadly, as much as I've tried to avoid being proven, I DO exist ;) Pics at the link I gave Gside (or just click on my name).

Time to be awake, as lazy as I am. I need to go out tomorrow at ten, so I have to get back into a regular sleeping schedule (grrr).


Tuesday, January 15, 2002 04:35:31 PM

Hi. I'm still here. At about 10:30 yesterday morning we got a call from my recruiter saying the recruit platoon at San Diego was overbooked so they granted me an extension till the 21st to leave. At first I thought I was going to Leave on Jan. 7, then on Jan. 2nd they said it was the 21st, then this Friday I found out it was the 14th, and now it's the 21st again.

Bureacracy should be spelled with a B-E-E-R like they act.

At least I'll be able to attend a party that me and my cousin Richie's family were gonna throw before leaving to military service.

So I'll still be around for another week to pester you. And yes, talk gunnery with Gunjack.

Speaking of which, Today Being my birthday I bought my self a present. This morning I picked up my Concealed Carry Permit and bought a slightly used Kimber High-capacity polymer 1911A1. It fires the powerful .45 ACP cartridge and came with a 10 round magazine. Thirteen round mags are available but I have to find them. Suffice it top say, I really like this gun.

I'll be back a little later.

Tim Phipps
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 04:26:37 PM

David G. >>> <I've read some David Brin a long time ago. Didn't he do the Uplift War stuff? I think he also wrote Practice Effect, which was really cool. Not really my style, though.> Yeah, David Brin is responsible for the excellent Uplift War series. Looks like my never-ending search for a fellow Brin fan goes on...

<I'm a Pratchett fan from way back. I may even break down and buy Thief of Time in hardcover. One of the coolest things that I've ever experienced was getting to hear Terry Pratchett read from The Truth while it was still on the hard drive of his notebook PC.> Wow. That must have been a great experience.

There does seem to be a few Pratchett fans here, which is good, but has anyone here ever read the work of Robert Rankin? Or even heard of him? I would highly recommend his books to anyone. People who like Pratchett shoul at least enjoy them. He's behind such titles as 'Armageddon: The Musical', 'Nostradamus Ate My Hamster' and 'Dance of the Voodoo Handbag'. And no, those titles are not made up. They are real. Rankin's work is often a little... unsual. But a lot of fun.

Well, enough of my feeble attempts to expand peoples literary horizons...


cyberklaw - []
London, UK
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 04:22:31 PM

**Winterwolf enters the CR looking well**

Hi. I've recently gotten over feeling sick. One of the best parts is my appetite has returned to normal. For a couple of days I couldn't manage to have more than a few bites of food for hours at a time.

Josh> <I average 5-6 HUNDRED DOLLARS> Are you pimping yourself to those bachelorette parties now? j/k ;P <I think Wolf is better> That's nice of you to say so.

Spacebabie> <DMV> Heh. The best one I've heard yet is that they are considering US Drivers Licenses to replace State Drivers Licenses. Then maybe you need to drive to the next neighboring state first to complete the first part of your road test.

Aingeal> Missed ya! **HUG**

SOROW> Dreamie and I hope your new semester is getting started off on the right track. ^_^

Fire Storm and Lady Mystic> Dreamie and I wish Lady Mystic a speedy love filled full recovery.

Chi oujo> Welcome to the CR! :)

Spacie's Kitty Co> O.o **pets kitties**

Niamhgold> By now you should have arrived back but in any case hope the flight was good and you had a great trip. Josh's telling sounds good if that's any indicator. ;P

Lady Mystic> < How many of you actually use the CR Info links at the tops of the Add Comment and CR pages? How many of you didn't even know those links existed?> I've use them and think they are useful! I'm glad you and Fire Storm made the enhancements possible. :)

Christine> Send congrats to Tim from both of us.

Now I'm off to pick up Dreamie only to drop her off again as she has Chem lab tonight from 6 - 9. Bye!

**Winterwolf stretches then hurries out**

Seattle, WA
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 03:23:21 PM

Angel Spoilers and a small rant. Avert your blushing eyes if you don't want to see.

Gah. It's official. I'm frustrated with Angel and the writers and what they're doing to characters that I want to like. Last night's episode birthday showed that despite the valliant efforts of the cast sometimes you just can't overcome sloppy writing. Yes, there were good moments in the show. I like Skip. Lorne is always interesting even if he's just standing there. Phantom Dennis is a hoot. I like Gunn I wish he had something meaningful to do. Charisma Carpenter did a nice job with the material she was given. But why is Fred interpreting C.A.T. scans? And when did Wesley get a degree in Pharmacy Science? It just seems like the entire show has lost its footing. It certainly is losing my interest.

End Angel Rant.

But on the flip side, illustrating that you needn't always have a cohesive plot to tell an interesting story, I saw "Gosford Park" over the weekend. The English idle rich having a weekend shooting party and the servants who cater to them. Well acted, stunning cast: Clive Owen of things like the BBC show "Second Sight" and the BMW minimovies, Derek Jacobi, and Maggie Smith to name just a few. Lovely visuals and a totally incidental murder.

On the other end of the movie spectrum I recently also saw Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius. Silly movie that didn't take itself at all seriously. It was cute, in a non sickening way. No brains required.

End movie reviews.

Christine: Congratulations to Tim.

David and Owen match up: Only as a power trippy kind of thing. I can't quite picture it working any other way.

Tuesday, January 15, 2002 01:42:02 PM

*walks in singing something about teachers, books, and nasty looks*

*looks over at her friends Tora and Koori-chan, who are sitting on her couch watching "Cloud Fathers" for the millionth time (actually the true count of how many time we've seen that one episode is over a 1000 between the three of us)*

We I've had an interesting day. My school was closed early due to repetative bomb threats. They've set a large group of teenagers to twenty-somethings loose on the town for the afternoon. So what did my friends and I do? We had another Gargoyle's marathon. If we watch "The Mirror" one more time....

Actually I'm trying desperately to take enough time off from story writing to do my Shakespeare essay. You'd think a four page paper on "A MidSummer Night's Dream" wouldn't be that hard.

Fire Storm: <Hey! You are woman! What could you know? ;)> Because my ex-boyfriend is a rampant bi-sexual? And his bofriend is another one of our mutual friends?
Okay, lame excuses. The reason I know so much about slash is because I'm a member of several writing groups that focus on slash. Several of the members are good friends of mine and even better authors. To quote most of the room at one point or another "VIVA YAOI!"
And your right, 3/4 of my writing groups' members are female.

Mooncat: Thanks! When I get that one done I'll send it to you.

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel: <If I live to be 1000, I will never understand why people would alter the sexual orientations of pre-established characters and put them together.> Ummm, bcause I can. Because I'm an open minded writer by trade. Because in the story he's not totally gay.
I refuse to argue semantics about the difference between bi-sexuality, homosexuality, and hetreosexuality right now (I do enough of that in my stories). In my stories a lot of my characters can lean one way or another. I like to write in shades of gray. Making the character strictly one or the other is okay, and I do do that, but it's also okay to blur the lines.
<I'm sorry, but David Xanatos is not gay, and would never sleep with an employee anyway.> You're right, he's not. In my story he's bi. I know of several relationships on my campus where all parties involved are completely happy with whoever they're involved with
In fact, I based David and Owen's relationship on the most famous coupling on my campus. My freind Koori, I swear that's her actual name, is dating a guy named Chris. Koori is also dating our friend Jessi. Get out your scorecards cause it's about to get complicated. Chris has a boyfriend named Matt. Matt also has a girlfriend named Jessi. To top it off Jessi and Chris often go out on dates. So the four of them have a relationship. They don't cheat on each other and they're very much in love. I've never seen anyone as devoted as the four of them are to each other. Strange but true. So I based the weird relationship David, Fox, Owen, and Koori(named for the friend who inspired it) share on the one I know about.
<Especially Owen. He's too smart for that.> Owen may be too smart for it but Puck's not. Doing my current research paper meant doing some research on the pookah, hobgoblin, or Puck as we simply call him.
He is a mischievious sprite that was as devoted to debauchery as Coyote, if not worse. (For those that don't know the old myths about Coyote. He was a lewd creature that was always thinking with his "totem pole". He pulled just about any trick he could to get a little action. The Coyote of legend even ended up sleeping with his unwilling beautiful daughter to satisfy his lust) The Puck was thought to be a Europian version of his cousin Eros. He weaved magic over people as a favor or a bain, making them fall helplessly in love. To him it was all a game.
Puck of legend also has a voracious sexual appitite. In some stories he is married to an equally tricky nymph. He chases her all over the fields and orchards during the Spring rites to offer fertility to the land. Between the two of them no human, male or female, escaped their bed. His nymph wife would dress as a maid and tempt young women away from their chores and back to their house. The Puck himself was known to befriend men, dressed as a mortal, only to lead them back to his home. Puck could even transform himself into a woman to warm mortal men's beds.
So I wouldn't put it past Puck to seduce David. As much as I wouln't put it past David, a human with the spirit of a trickster, to accept.

To whomever said we should call this the catment room: Yes. Two new cats and a water sprite have joined your ranks. Tora is a Were-tiger, Koori is the water nymph, and I go between Were-cat and were-coyote
Wh let the cat's out. Too cute

Chi oujo - []
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 01:04:50 PM

Oh boy I picked the first orange from the tree the other day and today I ate it. That was the juciest orange I ever had. I love oranges, but I can't eat as much as I want due to allergies.

Have to go to the library today to do research for my essay.

Angel Spoilers**********************************************

Yes Skip is back!!! He loves the Matrix and didn't like Gladiator. He has taste!

very Its A wonderful Life with Cordy becoming a star. I love seeing Wesley unshaven, damn he looked good, but I prefer my men with both arms.
Now I see why Cordy needed to have those visions and the resolution. I wonder how being part demon will effect her in the future?
Love the Dennis Cameo and Fred's introduction.
Very good episode
Spoilers end

Now its time for replies:
Gside<<<What about French dip? >>> The Sandwich from Arbies or French Onion dip?<<<Hello Smackers>>> and Smackers said hello to you.<<<But I was making fun of Imzadi, just like you.>>>True but it was baaaaaaaaad.<<<But I'm not that masochistic >>Its for smacking you upside the head ala Homie the Clown, you perv.<<<Thank you Mistress, may I have another? >>>BAP!

Chi Oujo<<<*tries to remember who offered her a jar of sanity* Is that offer still open?>>> I offered it but the jar is to put your sanity in, cause this room can get pretty crazy.<<<Ummm.....thanks, I think, but I agree on the point that we shouldn't make fun of the french.......Now Jersey on the other hand..... >>>I knew someone who traveled to New York New Jersey and France. He said the people in France are ruder than in New York and France smells worse than New Jersey.

Josh<<<Today I actually did something remotely useful: went to Costco.>>> Yup that is useful, you buy food and work out buy carrying it to your place.<<<Niamh looked at us like we were nuts.>>> Well you are nuts right?<<<We spend a LOT on food. >>> You two are both males, the ages between 17 and 25? Makes sense.<<<Don't let it go to his head...either of them ;-) >>>:::Pulls out Smackers::: BAP!<<<Sweet! I love crab/lobster/scallops.>>>My brother had crab legs, they gave him a bib.<<<a.k.a. lefty.>>> Wrong, Righty<<<You should get a BMW then>>> there is no way in HFIL I’m going to be driving a frakin beamer.

Terrky<<<i think there is a serious problem...

i think i've gone sane. >>> Oh dear God No! Quick get the jar!

Orlando, FLORIDA
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 12:53:48 PM


Well, the problem of Cordelia's visions slowly killing her finally gets resolved, and in a fun episode at that. It was good to see Skip again (and we even learn that he's a movie buff). Dennis also gets a cameo (I chuckled over his eagerness to celebrate Cordelia's birthday).

Probably the funniest, most LOL part of the episode: the "opening sequence" for Cordelia's show. (Well, I thought that it was a great spoof moment, at least).

Creepiest moment: the alternate Angel in his near-delirium. Especially when Wesley and Gunn mentioned how sometimes the people whom he'd send them out to rescue would turn out to be people whom he'd killed 200 years before.

The solution to Cordelia's problem certainly struck me as a workable one - solves the problem in a logical way, while opening new doors. The good news is that Cordelia's transformations aren't going to be physical after all (in the sense of horns and tail sprouting) - the bad news is that hovering about, a foot off the floor, just might be noticed. Even in L.A.

At any rate, it's a good start to the next group of new episodes.


Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 09:06:39 AM

Hello again. I'm determined to post something every day, even if it's pretty usless.

Maybe one of these days I'll get my life together enough to post actual, relevant stuff.


Anyway, I'm kind of embarrased that I'm so proud of this, but I finally, after several tries, figured out how to draw a landmass that goes off the map border in Campaign Cartographer 2.

I'm going to try to spend an hour a night working with it for the next week or so, hopefully thereby gaining enough proficency to make all the money I spent on the darn thing pay off.

CC2 is a really awesome program. The maps you can do with it are amazing. It's just got a really steep learning curve. It's a CAD program, which gives drawing and paint program junkies like me headaches.

Now, to contribute a little:
-Conversation Attempt 1 - I've read some David Brin a long time ago. Didn't he do the Uplift War stuff? I think he also wrote Practice Effect, which was really cool. Not really my style, though.

-Conversation Attempt 2 - I'm a Pratchett fan from way back. I may even break down and buy Thief of Time in hardcover. One of the coolest things that I've ever experienced was getting to hear Terry Pratchett read from The Truth while it was still on the hard drive of his notebook PC.

-Conversation Attempt 3 - It's a little cold this morning, but the afternoons have been nice lately. If the weather holds till the weekend, I'll probably end up taking my car to the car wash with a stack of quarters. (So pray for rain, everybody.)

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 08:59:07 AM

*Warpmind enters, a thick hardcover book tucked under his arm.*
Well, the course is, well, right on course, of course. Pretty soon, I just might be a MOUS Expert-certified operator of Word and Excel. After that, I may become one of the Secret Masters who Rule The World... the Secretaries. };)

Gunjack Valentine: You disapprove of the ammo site, huh? Speaking of APFSDSDU, do you know if those come in .38 or .44 sizes? };)

Fire Storm: Battleaxe at 7-11... naw, for some reason, I'm just feeling more inclined toward heavy, blunt weapons...

Gside: Even if I'd brought the 486, I couldn't use it for the RPG. The RM2K requires Windows, for starters... But, of course, I jsut need a pencil and a notepad to write down ideas. Oh, and I know I'm a geek. ;)

Josh: You sounded sarcastic toward my ability to acquire a shotgun... why? };)

*Glances at the kitty co.* Okay, with Attila back, and now you, this place is turning into a cat-house. Naturally, you'll hear no complaints from me. };)

Well, that about sums up my post... I gotta get back to the Word book. (No funnies about it being called dictionaries, please.) Cheers, gang.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 06:49:08 AM

Well today was pretty busy. Niamhgold was picked up at 4AM for her plane flight (!@#$ing airlines, who the hell needs to fly at 6AM?) so I didn't go to sleep until she left. I crashed for a nice long while.

When I woke up, I had plenty to do. I called the Loans & Receivables office for the school and discovered that the reason I was so confused about my tuition payments was that I hadn't received a statement for December, so I hadn't mailed them a check. So they had a registration block on me. I got all that cleared up. Turns out that they did mail me a statement, but they mailed it to my permanent address (AKA in Los Angeles) rather than my local address (in Berkeley).

After that little stroll across campus to write them a check, I didn't do much. We wanted to go to the bank, the hardware store, the Sony store, and the bookstore, but by the time Mike finally dragged his lazy ass out of bed it was 6PM.

Berkeley, for once, is beautiful. It's going to be sunny and mid to high 50's all week. Sure, its not LA, but I can't really expect that.

I had my first lesson in Cocoa programming for OS X tonight. It was about 2 hours long and I learned a lot, but I think a lot of object oriented programming stuff is a bit over my head. Not sure why, just having trouble wrapping my brain around it. I'm sure I'll get it eventually. Anyway, programming was fun. I hope to ship an app...someday.


Lady Mystic: <<There is a whole section in the TGS CR Information area centered solely on viewing CR images. There are also many ways to get to it>>: None of which have managed to catch his ever-scrutinizing eye, I see ;-) <<How many of you actually use the CR Info links at the tops of the Add Comment and CR pages?>>: I did, the first few times I visited. <<the ER doctor prescribed Vicodin and Ibuprofen 600mg for pain>>: Vicodin is your friend! <<MAY BE A LITTLE GRAPHIC>>: LOL.

Mooncat: <<just did a huge post, then resized my window and it got deleted>>: What a bizarre machine. <<heh... It's like carrots>>: I wonder what Freud would say about that particular analogy. <<Mostly what I consider the "cream" of the crop>>: I did NOT need that image.

DPH: <<I am looking forward to my visit to the chiropractor tomorrow>>: I don't think I've ever heard that phrase before. <<Are you sure about that? I don't think Disney could sue over a drawing of Sata because it was never shown in the series>>: I meant the images of their characters that they own. Sata can't be sued over, but Goliath sure can.

Lain: <<people find it difficult to resist your persuasive manner..>>: bed. You do know that you're supposed to add "in bed" to the end of every fortune cookie, right?

Jim R: <<even came with a handy serial generator>>: Whenever I use those, I always plug in William Gates of Microsoft Inc. <<Do you know where Micronesia is?>>: It's a series of tropical islands SW of Hawaii, between Hawaii and Indonesia. <<Don't worry though, I'm not some cheap hack looking to save some cash>>: Who's worried? If it were me, I'd steal it. I'm only getting a real copy because my boss is paying for it. I'm a theif all the way. <<I'll most likely have it ordered in for me.>>: Why don't you just order it from macmall or something? No sales tax.

Daphne: <<Is there a picture of Liz as the Eliminator floating around?>>: I don't think it's an "as" thing. Its just her handle. Like asking "Is there a picture of Josh as Imzadi around?" <<I'm not sure she could handle cheating on a mike *with* a mike without getting confused>>: Well at least she wouldn't have to worry about screaming the wrong name in bed.

Sevarius Jr: <<This brief post paid for by Enron funding>>: And me. <<He's got so much money in the bank, his last name should be Wurzel>>: Despite your thoughts, I'm not THAT rich. I wish I had that much money. Hell, I wish I had as much money as you seem to think I do. <<our Prez nearly kicks it because he chokes on a Rolds Gold>>: I'd pay good scratch for the video of THAT. <<has been sent to professional help for his drinking habit and his use of *gasp* marijuana>>: Welcome to the world of the neurotic. <<a 15 year old? Experimenting with pot and alcohol? I. Am. In. SHOCK!>>: Ditto! I'd never in a million years, despite growing up with kids who could afford coke habits when they were 12 and still wear Prada, expect this to happen. <<pretty much the only 15 year olds that don't experiment with pot / booze are those that are either too puritanical to do so, or those who didn't have the money to use much of either *raises hand*>>: Or those who think that if they haven't got their brains then they haven't got anything, such as myself. <<Tommy, can you hear me?>>: Of course he can't. He also can't see you or talk to you.

Gunjack: <<No innuendo while I'm *coughcough* drinkin>>: I don't want to know about you putting things in Lain's end.

Terrky: <<i think i've gone sane>>: Quick, get out! <<i've actually been getting my school werk done and everything!>>: You freak you!

Metaldemon: <<Since he didn't have a beard, we narrowed it down to either Conservative or Reform>>: Not all orthodox jews have beards. <<The best pork I ever had was in Jerusalem>>: Probably reformed.

Gside: <<All who come must leave their sanity to be properly disposed>>: Don't forget to have your claim check properly validated. <<We've stopped responding every time she injures herself>>: Sounds familiar. <<As I am an increadibly cheap $@#!, I'd make you pay for that>>: I don't want to know how cheap you are. <<Can they give lessons to Catholic priests?>>: they could, but they probably won't. <<You get used to chewing your water after a while>>: LOL. <<Depends on the maid>>: Those french maids in porn flicks don't exist IRL. <<it's as dirty as you want to make it>>: That's true of everything though. <<why they call just the liquid "with juice", I don't know>>: Lack of creativity. <<it's probably related to why I skipped out on dissections>>: You're a wuss? <<Yeah, yeah, bed>>: Damnit! I said that too! <<It's a classic>>: So, it sucks. But you felt the need to read it anyway.

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go home and have a heart attack.
-Vincent Vega (John Travolta), "Pulp Fiction"

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 03:51:14 AM

No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue eyes...

No one knows what it's like to be hated, to be fated to telling only lies...

Thanks, Traveler. I needed that. :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2002 02:56:36 AM

Chi> <<*tries to remember who offered her a jar of sanity* Is that offer still open?>>: It is not an offer. All who come must leave their sanity to be properly disposed.
<<Now Jersey on the other hand>>: Yeah, yeah, we've got a lot of refineries. It's not our fault we're a giant double suburbia.

Fire Storm> <<She fell down the steps onto a stack of bricks and a pack of wild dogs, I swear it!>>: My father has often contemplated making a magic marker and identifying all my mother's wounds. We've stopped responding every time she injures herself.
<<"JUMP! JUMP! Fire! Hmm... PAUSE!">>: Don't you mean QCF med punch, DP high kick, HCB low kick?
<<Buck Cake?>>: Spelled with a k?
<<Me?>>: I'm sure Wilek could make some non-conventional suggestions.
<<A dream come true. Got computer copies?>>: Not on me, but I know a couple sites that have it. And I'm sure linking would violate a rule or two.
<<Groopies?>>: I know I have ice cream groupies, but that is not something one acquires over the net.
<<I always accept burned copies of TV shows as payment for pop!>>: As I am an increadibly cheap $@#!, I'd make you pay for that.
<<There has to be a few school books on the subject somewehere..>>: Sure, but I haven't taken the course yet, so I don't need to find the book yet.

Imzadi> <<Those guys give the FUNNIEST speeches>>: Can they give lessons to Catholic priests? Please?
<<And I'm sure its "you're absolutely right. This state sucks">>: It's not that bad. You get used to chewing your water after a while.
<<Did he do Soundwave?>>: Yup. Blades/Buzzsaw/Chromedome/Frenzy/Galvatron/Groove/Laserbeak/
Sludge/Soundwave/Superion #1/Trailbreaker/Wheelie - Pinpointer/
Pop-Lock/Teletraan 2/Additional Voices
<<Just like high school>>: Not mine.
<<You actually go by Gside IRL?>>: Off and on. Depends on whether it catches on or not with whichever group.
<<?>>: Penny Arcade.
<<So was I>>: My bad.
<<Besides, we'd have to break while the maid was there anyway>>: Depends on the maid.
<<Is that a sexual reference?>>: Not necessarially, but it's as dirty as you want to make it.
<<What's in that?>>: You get a roast beef sandwich on a roll with a cup of "au jus" (why they call just the liquid "with juice", I don't know). You then proceed to dip the sandwich as you eat it.
<<And it wasn't what I was expecting>>: Nope, i' t'wasn't.

Lady Mystic> <<How many of you actually use the CR Info links at the tops of the Add Comment and CR pages?>>: Rarely. I don't use images, and I infrequently add colors to my rotation.
<<Why does it unnerve you?>>: Not quite sure, but it's probably related to why I skipped out on dissections.

DPH> <<I'm just going off how it sounds>>: Woodchuck has two syllables, Smurf has only one.

Lain> <<people find it difficult to resist your persuasive manner>>: Yeah, yeah, bed.

Cyberklaw> <<Any readers of Terry Pratchett about?>>: Yo. Or, in 1337, jo.

Gunjack> <<I'm itching to do a Pack video to "flowers in your hair">>: If You're Going to San Francisco? By Scott McKenzie? I posted it a while back.

Metal Demon> <<Is DUNE any good?>>: It's a classic. I didn't think it was too bad. I would have been a mentat. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 12:16:31 AM

Oh geez, I just got my syallbus for Phenomenology of Embodiment....O.O. I have no more life. I have three phenomenological invesitgations into differant actions of the mind/body relationship. And I have to read two easy read novels (DUNE and LEFT HAND OF DARKNESS) while I read Husserl, Merleu-Ponty, Lacan, Jaspers, Derrida, and--oh, make it end! Then I hav a modern philosophy class which wil also be a pain! *sighs*
Is DUNE any good?

GB and Josh> Hehe, a couple of my friends and I were trying to figure out what type of Jew our Judaic Religion and Philosphy teacher is. Since he didn't have a beard, we narrowed it down to either Conservative or Reform. I asked another person in our class and she said, "Well, I asked him and he told me, 'The best pork I ever had was in Jerusalem.'" Ha, I just found that humurous and thought I'd share it for no good reason.

DPH> There's also text that says to put to death any prophret who teaches a god that is not the G-d of the fathers, for he will be telling of a false god, despite the miracles performed by him. To my memory, Jesus never said G-d is a trinity; the closest he came was his instruction to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and this was used to propogate that Jesus preached a trinity, when that doesn't even begin to lend itself to that. Heh, I even talked to a biblical scholar here at school about that (he used to be SB) and he said there's no evidence that Jesus even fathomed that concept besides the aforesaid citation, which, again, doesn't even lend itself to being concrete evidence of G-d being a trinity.
IMO, anyone after Jesus who preached G-d as a trinity is false (but should not be put to death :}).
Oh, and by the way, what happened with your back? I came in when you talked about chiropracters and such.
Monday, January 14, 2002 11:22:00 PM

Hey everyone.

i think there is a serious problem...

i think i've gone sane.

either that, or my yearly depression stage has kicked in. o.o i've actually been getting my school werk done and everything!

i need to buy a new electric tuner, cause i broke my other one. i didn't know that guitars could make puke sounds till i tried to tune mine my ear.

on the somewhat of a plus side, i learned part of a song by ear on the keyboards.

life it self isn't so bad. theres just those periods of time when you just don't feel very lively.

well, wheather i'm sane or not, i am, and always will be

-={King Terrky Kath, The Efficient Rock Star}=-

"I did not know guitars could make puke sounds till i tried to tune mine by ear"-- Me

Terrky K - []
Monday, January 14, 2002 11:21:10 PM

*Regains powers of speech after several hard thumps on the back*

Dangit, Lain, you know the rules! No innuendo while I'm *coughcough* drinkin'!

FS - I've got both of Lain's old videos, if you can find a way for me to get em to you... they're pretty dang good, IMO. Wish I had the program myself, as I'm itching to do a Pack video to "flowers in your hair"....

Dangit, I gotta catch up on replies sometime...

Gunjack "Shwing!" Valentine
Monday, January 14, 2002 10:26:48 PM

This brief post paid for by Enron funding.

Speaking of football, CONGRATS to Daniel "Pretzel Boy" Snyder! Once again proving that money = EVERYTHING, Daniel Synder has canned the head coach of the Washington Redskins, Mary Schottenheimer, at a cost of about 7.5 million. And he's signed fresh-on-the-market ex-Florida coach Steve Spurrier. I said it would happen. What Snyder wants, Snyder gets, because he's got just THAT much money to burn. He's got so much money in the bank, his last name should be Wurzel. ;) But we Redskins fans now have Spurrier as our head coach. What does this change? NOTHING. We're still going to suck next year, at least as bad as we did this year, if not worse. It's going to be another looooong season, but then again, seeing as the last time we had any real success was about a decade ago, we're sort of used to it.

In other news, we here in the free world nearly lost our a pretzel.

Jesus, how embarassing was THAT story? We're here, in a war, kicking the heads in of a few sand monkeys over there in that toilet they call the Middle East, and we're trying to look like the mean-spirited sumbitches that we really are....and our Prez nearly kicks it because he chokes on a Rolds Gold. If you hadn't heard the story, Bush was watching the football games this past weekend (and kudos to Green Bay, the Eagles (I'm pulling for them this year), and Oakland, especially, for brutalizing the Jets), and he chokes on a pretzel, so badly that he passes out. Now, he was watching the games alone, so maybe somebody f'ed up there, but still....God, it's SO embarassing. I'm secretly hoping that he passed out cause he was drunk, because frankly, I think it would be less embarassing if he was tanked than if he choked on an Utz.

And speaking of drinking, Prince Harry is in rehab. Yes, the other royal prince, has been sent to professional help for his drinking habit and his use of *gasp* marijuana.

Which made me stop and think. Gee....a 15 year old? Experimenting with pot and alcohol? I. Am. In. SHOCK!!!

This is all kind of silly, since pretty much the only 15 year olds that don't experiment with pot / booze are those that are either too puritanical to do so, or those who didn't have the money to use much of either *raises hand*. Normally, this wouldn't be much of a scandal, since even though it's bad behavior it's common, but England still clings to a figurehead monarchy, so all of a sudden it's a MAJOR story. Frankly, I don't care. What I want to know is exactly who William is banging these days, because I'm hearing some mighty interesting names being thrown out.

And that's it for your brief world wrapup.

Remember: The World Is Written In God-Code


Iris LOVES You.

Tommy, can you hear me?

Sevarius "The Who" Jr. - []
Monday, January 14, 2002 10:15:16 PM


ok, now, I'm not usually a football fan (or much of a sports fan in general), but my quasi-psychic best friend made his predictions for the new year, and one was that the Eagles would make it as far as... um... the game before the super bowl [*not* a football person]. any psychics or psychos willing to debate?

btw, when Philly beat the Giants new years eve (?), Mike and I were staying with a friend of his in North Jersey. insane New York fans. It was fun when we won.

Kitty Co.>> thanks, cats. [scratches some feline heads] now my dog is gonna sniff me to death... she loves kitties.

Is there a picture of Liz as the Eliminator floating around?
*****END CR REQUEST*****

Josh>> <Who are the other two, and how do you know they aren't dating YOUR mike? ;-) > well, #1 hooked up with her mike while cheating on her now-ex-boyfriend.... I'm not sure she could handle cheating on a mike *with* a mike without getting confused (plus, I met the guy). #2 was getting it on with her mike while I was out with mine.

Lady Mystic again>> <How many of you actually use the CR Info links at the tops of the Add Comment and CR pages? >
[raises hand] mememe! I do! um... sometimes.

GOd bless!

Monday, January 14, 2002 09:42:50 PM

gunjack "Shwing!
Monday, January 14, 2002 09:15:38 PM

Josh> I downloaded the full version of Toast 5 Titanium off LimeWire yesterday, even came with a handy serial generator. Heh. Only it was for OS 9, so I went and downloaded the free OS X update. Do you know where Micronesia is? I don't know either, but according to Roxio now, it's where I'm from and my name consists of "---" from Heh heh. ;) Ahh...complete OS X support now. And yes, it does rock!

Don't worry though, I'm not some cheap hack looking to save some cash. I do plan on BUYING the full version of soon as I find a copy. (Sigh) Damn bastards at Staples don't carry it, and I'll most likely have it ordered in for me. I almost always pay for 90% of Mac software, because it's supportive of the platform, but I was in need of doing some burning now and wanted to try of the FULL version before purchasing anyways to make sure it could do what I needed it does. I suddenly wish now that all demos came as FULL versions...that'll be the day.

Jim R.
Monday, January 14, 2002 06:45:55 PM

Hi to everyone!

Don't mind me, I'm just gonna post some random stuff...

Earlier this evening I caught the second episode of 'Enterprise'. It only started here in England last week. I'm actually quite enjoying it so far. I'm still cringing a little at that theme music though. Maybe it'll grow on me. Anyone else around here been watching Enterprise?

Also on TV today here in the UK was Farscape, which is coming along very nicely and building up to its big action-packed end-of-season finale type thing. Speaking of which, we in the UK are going to be seeing it first. Starting next week, the final four episodes of season 3 will be shown by the BBC, more than a month before they're shown in the US. Yippee, or something to that effect.

OK, Desperate Attempt To Start A Conversation#1: Has anyone here ever read anything by David Brin? I'm a bit of a fan, but I've yet to encounter anyone else who is.

Desperate Attempt To Start A Conversation#2: Any readers of Terry Pratchett about?

Desperate Attempt To Start A Conversation#3: err... can't think of anything... umm... nice weather we're having???

Think I'd better leave it at that...

Signing off,


cyberklaw - []
London, UK
Monday, January 14, 2002 05:47:53 PM

Hi ya'll.

What a blah day this has been. Oh well, I'm about to go home to an evening of peanutbutter toast and a new Angel episode (which looks good based on the promos)

David G. - []
Arlington, TX, USA
Monday, January 14, 2002 05:42:58 PM

*walks in, chewing on a fortune cookie*

"people find it difficult to resist your persuasive manner.."

*glances at gunjack, and watches him choke on his chocolate milk, drop his gun magazine and fall to his knees, spluttering*

whaaaaaat? ;)

fire storm>> <<Heck, I want to see both! How big is the file?>> well.. that might be difficult cos ive already deleted the first one... the file is 31.0MB. if youre on AOL messengery thingie or MSN messengery thingy or yahoo! messengery thingy then.. i can send it to you... :)
*shameless plug*
dont forget theres two trigun videos i made, too.......

lady mystic>> good to know youre feeling a bit better *more snuggle-hugs* just be glad that maggot - therapy is only in its infancy *shudder*

okay, off to do workies..

lain "on ne peut pas resister a votre persuasion" iwakura
the Great White (bilingal fortune cookie!?) North
Monday, January 14, 2002 12:39:57 PM

Cyberklaw - Originally, you said you wanted one of three answers: yes, no, or wait. I gave you the unofficial answer of wait. The TGS staff normally does not accept new recruitments when there is no recruitment drive.

Lain - <lets hope negative backlash will help avert other really stupid things in the movie industry.. such as the changing of a certain movie due out next year which (by no fault of its own) has a *gasp* references to towers that occur in pairs.> One can only hope.

metaldemon - <If anyone belives God is a Trinity, then you have already bought into tradition and have already lost sight of God and are worshipping a false God> Ok, that belief is implied. It's not tradition, though. There are Biblical passages to prove this belief.

I am looking forward to my visit to the chiropractor tomorrow.

Lady Mystic - <How many of you actually use the CR Info links at the tops of the Add Comment and CR pages?> Last time I used it was when I tryign to decide if I wanted to change the image I used.

Green Baron - <autonomous churches where some self-proclaimed minister doesn't have even a High School diploma, and would be illiterate if he didn't read the Bible> All I ask for is a basic test of theology. Have you ever read "The Apostles Creed"? I think that covers most (if not all) of the basic Christian beliefs. Here's an interesting thought: you can take a religious holiday off only if you are regularly attend a church that celebrates that holiday. Of course, you know about Rev Mike Huckabee, right?

Imzadi - <Fortunately, they can only sue if "we" decide to sell them.> Are you sure about that? I don't think Disney could sue over a drawing of Sata because it was never shown in the series. I would think it would ok unless the character or extreme likeness to the character showed up in the series.

Fire Storm - <How much Smurfing can a Smurf Smurf when a Smurf can Smurf Smurf?> Shouldn't there be three smurf's at the end of that sentence instead of two? I'm just going off how it sounds.

What is RP policy on holding parades? I was thinking about holding a 4 or more hour parade this week in the CR upon completing one project.

Monday, January 14, 2002 11:50:35 AM

*grump* just did a huge post, then resized my window and it got deleted. *glares at computer*

oh well.

Josh -- No, male/male slash isn't my thing. I don't write it and the vast majority of it leaves me indifferent or bored. There are exceptions. Particular pairings make me go "ooo...!!!" -- Rio/Riot from Jem, David Xanatos and Owen, etc. Thailog and just about anyone... heh... It's like carrots. I don't like carrots. Mostly. But tempura of any sort I adore, including carrots. I like stews and cassaroles and curry, and I like carrots in these dishes. And I love carrot cake *^_^* But carrots on their own turn me off.

I do have slash fic on my web archive. Mostly what I consider the "cream" of the crop *^_~* -- from writers I really respect and admire. Since I have no deep love of male slash, the few pieces that make it to my site are really good.

okay, it must be 6am by now, sigh. must get a little sleep today so I'll toddle off.

Oh, if anyone likes femslash, I did post my latest Hunter Prey segment yesterday. Demona/Robyn Canmore. It's in the adult section of the Gargoyles Fan Website.

Working on Jezebel now *^_^* wheee!!! Maybe I'll have my first segment of this story out soon. I'm so fantastically happy to finally get the chance to focus on it. It was the fic I'd planned to make my first "epic" before other stories cut in front of it.

but sleep first.
nite/morning peeps

Monday, January 14, 2002 07:06:28 AM

Ganaroth Les: <<I wish I could see what these images look like before posting them.>>
There is a whole section in the TGS CR Information area centered solely on viewing CR images. There are also many ways to get to it. At the top of the Add Comment page there is a list of links, each opening in new windows so you don't lose your post. You can view the current week, previous week, archive of past weeks, rules, text colors, and images by clicking those links. There is also a link "Comment Room Information" at the top of the forum page that goes directly to the index page of a plethora of material concerning CR features. Additionally, at the bottom of each page within CR Information there is sub-navigation directing to all the major sections of CR Information.

You can also go here to view CR images: (Or click my name link.)

Everyone: How many of you actually use the CR Info links at the tops of the Add Comment and CR pages? How many of you didn't even know those links existed?

Spacebabie: <<Get better soon.>>
Thanks you! :)

Vix: <<I am Vixen I give kisses.:: Kisses Lady Mystic:: That will help you get better.>>
Aww, thank you Vix! You're so sweet! **pets Vix**

Gside: <<That always unnerves me.>>
Why does it unnerve you?
<<I wish you quick healing.>>
Thank you. :)

Imzadi: <<Best wishes on a speedy recovery!>>
Thanks! :)
<<Have fun letting FS spoil you rotten.>>
Oh, I am! ;) When I first got injured he had a hard time convincing me to let him take care of me and to ask him for help when I needed it.
<<I know exactly how you feel. No rush though. Rushes are bad.>>
Thanks for understanding. :)
<<Nice to see you again.>>
It's nice to be seen.


I think I'm healing quite quickly. The antibiotics seem to be working and elevating my foot keeps the swelling down. It's barely swollen now and my joints throughout my whole foot and ankle are barely stiff anymore. (The stiffness was mostly due to the swelling and the angle my foot was pulled into by the door.)

I haven't been in pain for a few days, except when I am on my feet too much. Heh, the ER doctor prescribed Vicodin and Ibuprofen 600mg for pain even though I said at the time my pain was only between 2 and 3 out of 10. Although, I could have used both meds the morning of Friday January 4th! I haven't even touched the Vicodin and have barely used the Ibuprofen. Before the ER visit, I wasn't even taking meds for the pain aside from the first day of my injury.

I've damaged other toenails before so I know what to expect. Unfortunately, this time seems a bit unique in that the remaining toenail is now purplish-black and has stopped pulling off from the skin. The cut on the toe's padding is barely noticeable (and puss oozed out of it only one -- at the ER thankfully) and the discoloration around my toe and bruising on my foot are almost completely gone. All that remains is the ugly bruise under my toenail, a weird collection of blood near the cut (not from the cut), and tenderness and a tingly feeling on various spots in my foot and toes (yes, plural). Is it normal for my foot to be slightly tingly this long after the event of the injury?

The really odd things are that after my injury, while we were keeping it elevated above my heart level, I could actually feel fluid flow down into my foot from inside my toe. That's how much fluid was collecting into it! For a few days since then, whenever I changed elevation, even to walk, I could feel fluid drain from or into the toe. It was an awful feeling!

After I got hurt, while my foot was elevated, my temperature was fluctuating a bit and I was slightly shaking every so often. We assumed they were due to the pain but mostly due to ice packs. My foot was burning up and actually sweating with the ice pack on it!

I know now that we should have gone to the ER right after my injury. We didn't because we thought that would be over-reacting. Oh well. At least everything seems to be okay now. :)

**hugs FS for being so kind and caring**


Lady Mystic - []
Dearborn, MI
Monday, January 14, 2002 05:45:34 AM

Today I actually did something remotely useful: went to Costco. My roommate and I dropped nearly $400 in foodstuffs for the month. Niamh looked at us like we were nuts. We spend a LOT on food. We tried to go to the hardware store too, but they were closed. Oh well, we have all week.

We hung out and watched movies most of the evening. Niamh's flight is at 630AM, so she'll be leaving shortly after I post this. I think she had a good time here, though you'll have to ask her for verification of that.

Late tonight our friend Vinay got in (he lives beneath us), and he helped me perform more open-tower surgery on my, uh, tower. First, I removed my burner from its drive bay (apparently, I don't need allan wrenches to do this - there are some screws that come out and the whole media bay pops out in one piece. Very useful) and replaced it with the DVD-ROM drive from an older G3. The DVD-ROM is crap for ripping CD's, but all I really want it to do is read DVD's. I could care less about the rest. Next, we booted up and tested the DVD drive, which after the installation of the correct software, worked like a charm. Then we implanted the burner in the external case I got at expo. We discovered a problem with the IDE cable (it was facing the wrong way), and had to flip it around before we got it to work. Now, everything works perfectly. Except for one thing: pressing the eject button on my keyboard ejects BOTH drives. And if one drive is already ejected, then hitting the button ejects one and closes the open one. Very funny to watch. But it works, and that's the important thing. I can finally burn CD's and read DVD's, didn't need to shell out for a combo drive, have a burner I can take with me, and it only cost me $80. So I'm happy. Very happy.


Christine: <<a gift I do NOT deserve>>: I think he thinks that you do, especially after all you've put up with, despite your bitching. <<Worshipful Master>>: Don't let it go to his head...either of them ;-)

Shadowrider: <<But at least, we know who must be blamed for this>>: Don't go there. There are MANY people who can be blamed for that, and we don't need to go pointing fingers. <<To make things easier, I was not supposed to consider economical factors, except fuel consumption. If you are wondering, I chose a single hi-bypass turbofan with no afterburner (I was tempted to put a turbojet/ramjet convertible system>>: That "no afterburner" really helps the fuel consumption. Nothing spikes gas prices like dumping raw fuel. <<Every single person who said it, met an unglorious end...I wouldn't like you to do the same>>: At least I'll be remembered ;-) <<if you go and see, calling a warship or an army "invincible" rarely brought luck>>: Yes, I know. But I'm not that silly. I tempt murphy by calling something else "perfect" or "invincible".

Chi oujo: <<This is my first time in here so I don't know quite what to expect>>: Insanity. Flame Wars. <<is it just me or has anyone else been having trouble receiving feedback. No one answers my challenges, no one reviews my fics>>: Well, I browse the fic archives every day, read a few stories, act as someone's editor already. I ignore challenges, and I generally don't give a lot of feedback other than to say "it rocks" or "you suck" because I'm just too busy. I imagine as the fandom gets older, that's going to happen more and more. The youngest people who watched and enjoyed/understood gargoyles are generally college students about now, and we're terribly busy. <<All I actually wanted was to find out when TGS is updating the Gargoyles Saga>>: Never. <<It's not the staffs fault they're busy and only human>>: Actually, it is. <<someone who can handle the idea of David and Owen having a little fun>>: If I live to be 1000, I will never understand why people would alter the sexual orientations of pre-established characters and put them together. I'm sorry, but David Xanatos is not gay, and would never sleep with an employee anyway. Especially Owen. He's too smart for that.

Joanne: <<I'D JUST LIKE TO KNOW WHEN SESON 4 WILL BE STARTING>>: Never. <<I HAVE BEEN WAITING FAR TOO LONG>>: Impatient much? <<WHY THE HELL DON'T YOU FINISH WHAT YOU'V STARTED. ICAN'T HELP BEEN PIST>>: I'm sorry, but who the hell are you? They are accomplished writers, and their work will be ready when THEY are ready. No use bitching.

Green Baron: <<or even if I am in outer space>>: No, you're dead if you're in outer space. <<aka Jehova's Witnesses who knock on your door at 5am>>: Anyone who knocks on my door at 5AM will be executed. <<Even eating too much chicken is wrong>>: Not wrong, just unhealthy. <<autonomous churches where some self-proclaimed minister doesn't ahve even a High Schol diploma, and would be illiterate if he didn't read the Bible>>: And probably can't read half of it anyway. <<I'm surprised Christine never made a Smurfs story>>: I don't think we could handle such a thing. <<hopefully we'll never electe a rabbi, mullah, shaman, or reverend either>>: I think a rabbi president would be hysterical, as long as he was a reformed rabbi. Those guys give the FUNNIEST speeches. <<I thought maybe your parenst were raised that and left it, or you have family who is Orthodox, though I don't see LA as very Orthodox>>: My mom was raised conservative, my dad was raised reformed, I was raised reformed, and my brother raised conservative (we switched shortly after my Bar Mitzvah). The cousins I stayed with in Toronto over the summer are orthodox, though. As for LA, there are PLENTY of orthodox in LA. Lots of jews of every type in that city. <<You can always get cool stuff for free that way>>: Pillage and plunder and loot! <<The body in the shape of an unleaved wafer disintegrates in the mouth>>: Many super models wish they could get their body into the shape of an unleaved wafer ;-) <<I think men would look silly in a nun's habit>>: You should go to RHPS more often ;-) <<buses in New Olrenas take me everywhere worth going to>>: If you say so.

Spacebabie: <<were going to the crab shack wich means. SHELLFISH>>: Sweet! I love crab/lobster/scallops. <<actually all of French food is delish>>: French toast, fries, and dressing aren't french (I'm not sure about the onion soup). <<like men you didn’t bother stopping to ask for directions>>: We had mapquest. That way we shouldn't HAVE to ask directions, since we basically asked the computer before we left the house. <<If she did she would have made you stop for directions>>: Doubtful. Plus, nothing is open in San Fran at 10PM, so there was no place to stop anyway. <<Earthquakes are!>>: That too. <<Well the day after Thanksgiving IS the busiest shopping day of the year>>: Not for me. Its Sept 20 for me. <<he is the one responsible for everyone getting sick>>: I see. <<I have my invisible, non solid silent Angel to keep me busy>>: a.k.a. lefty. <<I can drive…parking is where I have problems>>: LOL! You should get a BMW then, they have radar. <<Use Spell check and lay off the caps>>: That should be the official motto of the CR. <<It will happen before the 2002 gathering>>: No it won't.

Gunjack: <<Anyone know a good hi-capacity (~50megs) free website usable for transfering files?>>: iTools. Oh wait, you're not a mac user :-P

jim R: <<Apple hadn't started shipping CDRWs yet, so all I got was an 8x DVDROM>>: That's the one I'm getting. Its a pull from my friend's slightly older G4. The existing burner will go into the firewire case. <<I picked up a nice FireWire QPS 16x10x40 burner, and it runs great>>: My favorite part about all this is that I can upgrade my burner for next to nothing, instead of shelling out for a new enclosure too. Just pop out the old, pop in the new. Piece of cake. <<now I got my awesome burner (which is faster than the ones Apple puts in theirs>>: This one is a 12x, and while it isn't even close to the fastest, 5 minutes is fine to wait for a CD to burn. My last burner was 6x. But I guess now that Toast has background burning, it really doesn't matter at all. <<My only complaint about the Quicksilvers, is that they don't have a button on the CD-door, which I use quite frequently>>: The button on the keyboard works just fine. <<Two CDROMs comes in quite handy for CD-to-CD copy>>: Agreed. And the DVD player should have no problems reading CD's. If it does, I'll replace it with something else. <<Now all I need is a copy of Toast 5>>: My boss bought it for me. It rocks.

Tim: <<my cousin Richie is going to Navy Basic training on January 30th, freezing his ass off near Chicago in the Great Lakes region while I'm in sunny San Diego>>: Be sure to write him a letter telling him about the beautiful weather.

Traveler: <<Your guilt or innocence in the matter are irrelevant, much like in an actual court of law>>: LOL! <<as far as I KNOW, the only one who never really cared for my presence here was everybody's favorite "classical literary genius" Paul Nathan Allens.>>: The truth is that we all really hate you and just haven't told you yet. Nah, just kidding. <<raping and pilliaging the pubbies on some Counter-Strike servers>>: Cool game. But I think Wolf is better.

Daphne: <<there's an unwritten rule that at least three of us have to be dating guys named Mike at any given time>>: Who are the other two, and how do you know they aren't dating YOUR mike? ;-)

Sarge: <<mabe I'll get into a college where there is civilization and I can MEET someone from online>>: Don't select your school based on where people in the CR are located. We're not THAT exciting ;-)

Terrky: <<so that people aren't siting around gettin pissed>>: I still don't see why this is something to get at ALL upset over.

Revel: <We only go around once so don't be afraid to take a chance and really enjoy life>>: Thanks. I wish I remembered that more often.

Todd: <<they helped us out during the Revolutionary War, and gave us the Statue of Liberty. Let's show a little gratitude here, please. If we keep on insulting them, they might decide to take back the Statue of Liberty>>: I seriously doubt that. One threat from them and we'd land a few tanks in Paris. They'd surrender in 8.2 seconds.

Greg X: <<I'd rather see the Statue of Liberty be taken by the French than see it in the hands of the state of New Jersey>>: LOL! <<We're working on it. I promise it will be worth the wait>>: Of course. Nothing but the best from the staff. <<Hi Galvatron. How many aliases is this now?>>: 84, give or take a few.

Sorow: <<I could never live with a messy person. I'm a neat freak myself>>: Perfect. When would you like to move in? ;-)

Ganaroth Les: <<out whenever we feel like it>>: Now THAT is a good idea. <<I wish I could see what these images look like before posting them>>: There is a link where you can do that, though I forget where it is. <<Walla Walla>>: Like Kalamazoo, that place does not really exist.

Spacebabie's Cats: <<Who let the cats out? Meow Meow Meow Meow>>: That is SO not funny. <<Jumps up on Josh and gives him a massage>>: Oooooohh! I want! <<We shall turn it into the catment room>>: I'm so glad I'm a cat person. <<I'm sure Gside has something to say about that>>: And I'm sure its "you're absolutely right. This state sucks". <<there is so much neat things to play with in her room>>: Not the furniture.

Gside: <<Frank Welker does just aboutanything that doesn't speak a recognizeable language>>: Did he do Soundwave? <<It's a manga centered around two teachers who seduce random students>>: Just like high school. <<I'm a large, hairy, male engineer. Who'd want to stalk me?>>: You'd be surprised the things that come out of the internet. <<Or you could, and just not expect any payment>>: LOL! <<My suite currently holds one Chris per room. Of course by now, we're Nutter, Crispy, and Gside>>: You actually go by Gside IRL? <<How can you tell? Fur and teeth, my friend. Fur and teeth>>: ? <<Just trying to make a reference to Goldeneye>>: So was I. <<I was contesting the fact that I was purely a white engineer>>: Oh phooey. <<Freak>>: I know. But I still get some chicks. <<I've already accepted I am messed up, just want to find out to what degree>>: Lots. Just like me. <<Could you spare the time with all the incessant sex you're planning?>>: Phone calls can be as quick and painless as you want. Besides, we'd have to break while the maid was there anyway. <<Readers are lazy>>: So true. <<calm down and let it come>>: Is that a sexual reference? <<What about French dip?>>: What's in that? <<But I was making fun of Imzadi, just like you>>: But she thinks that she's funny. <<Thank you Mistress, may I have another?>>: LOL if you're lucky, I suppose. <<Hey, it's well in our waters, so you stole it first>>: LOL. <<Ayup, I did>>: And it wasn't what I was expecting.

Mooncat: <<I'm not generally into guy/guy slash>>: I could have sworn I saw one or two on your site. <<I do like the pairing of David and Owen in particular>>: Another one bites the dust...

Fire Storm: <<check my link>>: LOL that was hysterical. <<I swear it>>: Later, FS was seen being escorted out by 2 police officers. <<$.05>>: LOL. <<PAUSE>>: Makes sex a little weird, I'd think. <<The biggest conspiracy is the government itself>>: No kidding. <<The one that runs of C cells>>: D cells. THE BIG ONE. <<THAT sucks>>: You're telling me. If this state didn't kick ass in every imaginable way, I'd leave ;-) <<but 5 years worth>>: Ugh n/m. Definitely not worth the trouble. <<All will be revealed>>: So you've decided to strip to pay for school? <<Defenseless Little Kitten>>: I'm gonna call my first "The Titanic". <<Now THAT sounds like an interesting job!>>: That's only the beginning. Those factors were very limited, because there are SO many more things that must be considered. <<You are woman! What could you know?>>: I don't think that the ability to write decent erotica is a function of your sexual orientation. I've never tried writing anything other than straight erotica, but the people that I've read don't seem to have a lot of trouble with it. <<even if we asked her nicely>>: What we really need is a naughty garg story, because we don't have enough of them. <<How big is the file>>: This big ::stretches hands:: <<Me?>>: Oh this will get interesting. <<They wouldn't let King Arthur and his knights have the Grail!>>: And then they threatened to fart in his general direction! <<A dream come true>>: Many people's dream come true. <<Groopies>>: I don't think engineers have groupies. Well, except for Steve Jobs. <<I am starting to get REALLY hungry!>>: My dad would like you. He always makes jokes about microwaving the cats.

Lady Mystic: <<Sorry for such a long delay. I didn't think it would take *this* long to get that information>>: I know exactly how you feel. No rush though. Rushes are bad. Nice to see you again.

Okay, I'm gonna be up for a while longer so I can wake Niamh up in time for her flight. Until tomorrow.

If we work really hard it could be a piece of crap.
-Lois, Family Guy

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Monday, January 14, 2002 03:46:59 AM



The CR archive has been updated to include weeks from December 31st to January 12th for a total of 2 weeks added to the newly created 2002 database.

I'm keeping, at least for now, the current file name and director structure method for the CR Archive since I received more feedback suggesting that method.


Image restrictions and more detailed directions for sending requests were added to the Pic Request guidelines.


Mooncat's and Chi oujo's pic requests (albeit, paraphrased) were added to the Pic Requests page. Please contact me at if you are concerned with how your request was quoted or if you have images that meet requests.




I'm just waiting on necessary information that would enable the CGI file to work with the server. Once I get that information I will immediately set up the files and activate the submission form. Sorry for such a long delay. I didn't think it would take *this* long to get that information!

I didn't set up alternative methods to use until formmail was enabled due to a number of factors that I won't get into detail at this time. I will say that they either fell through or would have negated the whole idea of using formmail.


Email your request or concern (image, forum features, etc) directly to me at

If you must post your request/concern in the forum, please use key words that I may find:
1. Direct it to "LADY MYSTIC" or "LM."
2. Or mark your comment with the word "REQUEST" -- it may be included in a phrase, such as "CR Pic Request" or "Image Request."
3. Or mark your comment with one of these words: "CR," "FORUM," or "BOARD."

Please follow these guidelines so that I have a higher chance of noticing your comment. You will have a higher chance of receiving an official response to your comment and possible action taken to satisfy your request/concern if I notice it.

Due to numerous duties I can't read everything in the forum and am limited to browsing the forum and skimming through comments. I always search for my name and a few other key words but there is always something I miss. Please direct all requests, comments and concerns involving CR features to me.

If I missed your request/comment, please email it to me at or repost it DIRECTLY to me.

If you notice someone requesting an image or other feature enhancement for the CR or stating concerns about CR features, please tell him/her to email me with his/her request or concern, have him/her repost it DIRECTLY to me, or have someone give me the date and time the comment was posted.

Thank you! I really appreciate your cooperation!


Lady Mystic - [<-- TGS CR INFO UPDATE]
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Monday, January 14, 2002 02:59:54 AM

Imzadi: Have you seen Sunday Morning Coffee for 01-13-2002? If not, then check my link.
<Is that what you told social services?>
She fell down the steps onto a stack of bricks and a pack of wild dogs, I swear it!
<Ugh. Does insurance cover loss of toenail?>
Yes. $.05
<I hate being played>
Especially by those people that find my controllers.
"JUMP! JUMP! Fire! Hmm... PAUSE!"
<Hasn't killed anyone yet>
<Hide in plain sight>
Definitely! The biggest conspiracy is the government itself!
<The possibilities are endless>
Yep. Use that attachment to whip up some nice frosting!
<Backups. If one fails>
That's why I said 2 organs!
<I'm reaching for my maglight. That thing is a CLUB>
I forgot about my maglight! The one that runs of C cells, right?
<The same as anywhere else. Plus CA sales tax>
ick. THAT sucks.
<You're serious? You don't think that 4.7 will read the 6 file that actually contains your mail? Isn't it just an html document? I'd just open it in BBedit (a text editor) and extract them>
Yeah, but 5 years worth?
<Piece of cake>
Buck Cake?
<WHAT!? Just don't tell me you've canned the exo-suit too>
All will be revealed.
<That's a lot of Mike's>
It's like Henry and Mary in my family.

Shadowrider: <Actually, if you go and see, calling a warship or an army "invincible" rarely brought luck>
Then the largest ships in my fleet will be named the 'Glass Jaw' and 'Defenseless Little Kitten'
<I had to choose the best engine system in a series of alternate choices, and motivate the choice>
SWEET! Now THAT sounds like an interesting job!

Chi oujo: <No one answers my challenges, no one reviews my fics>
If you have a 1% response rate, you are doing pretty good. I think I am averaging 1.075% (percentage of people who read my story compared to the number of people who e-mailed me about my stories.)
<Gay Slash Writing>
Hey! You are woman! What could you know? ;)
I have found that most of the time, women write better erotica/porn than most men.

Green Baron: <Always fun. I'm surprised Christine never made a Smurfs story.>
I doubt she would write one even if we asked her nicely!

Lain: <so if you want to see the modified version, (which has been edited frame-by-frame) then just give me a dingle>
Heck, I want to see both!
How big is the file?

Gunjack: <Who am I supposed to talk gunnery with!?>
Me? ;)

Traveler: Yeah, I remember you! Stay for a bit!

Todd: <Hey, let's not bash the French!>
And why not? They wouldn't let King Arthur and his knights have the Grail!

Gside: <Frank Welker does just aboutanything that doesn't speak a recognizeable language.>
Yeah, but Kermit on Muppet Babies? Galvatron? Megatron?
<I like it, and I think Aaron does too. It's a manga centered around two teachers who seduce random students.>
A dream come true. Got computer copies?
<I'm a large, hairy, male engineer. Who'd want to stalk me?>
<You don't have to. Or you could, and just not expect any payment>
I always accept burned copies of TV shows as payment for pop! ;)
<it's much easier to put good ideas into an engineered species>
Which is what humans WILL be!
<You could try talking to Y. Lu at Rutgers, but it seems he's more into oldschool manufacturing (BJTs, MOSFETs...)>
There has to be a few school books on the subject somewehere...

Man... with all of these cats in here, I am starting to get REALLY hungry!

Fire Storm - [<--- The NEW iMac!]
Monday, January 14, 2002 01:45:19 AM

Chi oujo -- me me me!!! I'll beta read that fic!!! heh *^_^* I'm not generally into guy/guy slash, but I do like the pairing of David and Owen in particular. purrrr *^_~*


Monday, January 14, 2002 01:19:30 AM

Wow, thanks to everybody who welcomed me *tries to remember who offered her a jar of sanity* Is that offer still open?

I guess random bits of weirdness are expected here so I can talk freely

I guess the TGS episodes are worth waiting for. It's not the staffs fault they're busy and only human.

To all the people talking about Mardi Gras: I wish we celebrated it in Ohio like they do in some other places. Luckies!

Spacebabie: Ummm.....thanks, I think, but I agree on the point that we shouldn't make fun of the french.......Now Jersey on the other hand.....

And while I'm on the subject of weird and wild things does anyone know where I can get a slash friendly beta reader? Preferably someone who can handle the idea of David and Owen having a little fun.


Chi oujo - []
Lancaster, Ohio
Monday, January 14, 2002 01:08:19 AM

Fire Storm> <<Frank Welker was a helluva lot of Decepticons on the older Transformers series>>: Frank Welker does just aboutanything that doesn't speak a recognizeable language.
<<nope. any good?>>: I like it, and I think Aaron does too. It's a manga centered around two teachers who seduce random students.
<<I actually didn't think you would post it in here!>>: I'm a large, hairy, male engineer. Who'd want to stalk me?
<<I guess I will manage to send you an assortment some time soon>>: You don't have to. Or you could, and just not expect any payment.
<<you would think that evolution would favor those that need t devote less energy to creating those many organs>>: But still, the chances of something like that spontaneously developing is just about as small as everything else that has happened, and it's much easier to put good ideas into an engineered species.
<<i know the basics, I just gotta figure out the details..>>: You could try talking to Y. Lu at Rutgers, but it seems he's more into oldschool manufacturing (BJTs, MOSFETs...)
Imzadi> <<There's also a Mike who lives downstairs, a Mike down the hall>>: I know it. My suite currently holds one Chris per room. Of course by now, we're Nutter, Crispy, and Gside.
<<Better than having a rabid wolverine in your underwear>>: How can you tell? Fur and teeth, my friend. Fur and teeth.
<<Huh?>>: Roland the headless Thompson gunner, of course. The eternal Thompson gunner, still wandering through the night/Now it's ten years later but he still keeps up the fight/In Ireland, in Lebanon, in Palestine and Berkeley/Patty Hearst heard the burst of Roland's Thompson gun/And bought it.
<<Uh...chair>>: Just trying to make a reference to Goldeneye.
<<How does that help your GPA?>>: It doesn't, but I was contesting the fact that I was purely a white engineer.
<<I do actually READ the recommended reading in my texts>>: Freak. Actually, I do try to do that, but they don't reccommend readings often.
<<I dunno, is it?>>: I'd think you'd know if you were calling it that.
<<If you need to ask this question, do you really want the answer?>>: Eh, why not. I've already accepted I am messed up, just want to find out to what degree.
<<And by help, I mean hire a maid>>: Could you spare the time with all the incessant sex you're planning?

Welcome Chi.
<<is it just me or has anyone else been having trouble receiving feedback>>: Readers are lazy.

Joanne> Woah, two querriers in a row. Watch the caps, and calm down and let it come.
Spacebabie> <<There are only 4 good French>>: What about French dip?
<<This is Smackers my bapping stick>>: Hello Smackers.
<<When you say something worth a bap, such as a bad joke, or a stinky bap>>: But I was making fun of Imzadi, just like you.
<<I shall use Smackers to bap you>>: But I'm not that masochistic
<<Baps Gside with Smackers>>: Thank you Mistress, may I have another?
<<Na?h I have my invisible, non solid silent Angel to keep me busy>>: Righty? I probably deserved that one.

Gunjack> <<Anyone know a good hi-capacity (~50megs) free website usable for transfering files?>>: Rutgers gave me one. Granted, it does coust a couple thousand per year.

Good luck, Tim.

Traveler> <<I have been naughty in a way the room perceives as "funny">>: I think I missed that one.

Sarge> Good to see you.

Greg> <<The Statue of Liberty has already been stolen, by New Jersey>>: Hey, it's well in our waters, so you stole it first.

Kitty Co.> <<I'm sure Gside has something to say about that>>: Ayup, I did.

And the new mp3 is one you've probably heard before. Volunteers by Jefferson Airplane, from the album with the PBJ&B sandwich in the middle.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, January 14, 2002 01:05:58 AM

Who let the cats out? Meow Meow Meow Meow.

We are all of Spacie's cats
Cept the old lady.

Vix: I am Vixen I give kisses.:: Kisses Lady Mystic:: That will help you get better.

S:I am Spooky I am the gaurdain of bathtubs.

Vel: I am Velvet, I like doggies and wolves. ::Rubs up against Winterwolf and purrs::

C: I am Charisma, I'm the baby. ::Jumps up on Josh and gives him a massage::

Reverend Attila>>>We look up to you sir, you are our hero.

Mooncat>>>Yes there must be more cats in the comment room. We shall turn it into the catment room.

Greg>>>Naughty! you said New Jersey is wrose than France, I'm sure Gside has something to say about that

Silvadel>>>Who cares if the French inveted it or not, specially the fries, Spooky and Vixen love to steal them from Mommy's plate.

Lain>>>We promise not too attack your rat, we nver even seen a rat before.

Sarge,Tim,and Daphne>>>We'll tell mommy that your back.

Sorrow>>>Mommy isn't messy, she is just disorganized, the mess is our fault, there is so much neat things to play with in her room.

Okay were gonna tackle the sushi and saucers of cream at the tea table of peace.

Cats Rule!

Spacie's Kitty Co
Meowlando, Furrida
Sunday, January 13, 2002 10:58:08 PM

Hello to all. Just adding a couple of pennies. I do wish that the TGS staff would at least update their 'out in winter 2001' message. Even if only to replace it with a message saying 'out whenever we feel like it'. Both are dissappointing, but only the former is obviously untrue. Other than that, I wish I could see what these images look like before posting them. Oh well. Just my two cents.
HMMM.... It was said before, but if I put in my two cents, and it's a penny for my thoughts, then someone is making a penny...

Ganaroth Les - []
Walla Walla, WA, USA
Sunday, January 13, 2002 10:49:57 PM

Josh> I could never live with a messy person. I'm a neat freak myself.
Spacebabie> Thanks for missing me :)
TIm> I'll be rooting for you!

Sunday, January 13, 2002 09:29:49 PM

Been pretty busy these last couple of days. Working quite a bit.

Though I went down to China Town yesterday and bought a sword-cane, just like the one Aaron bought while he was here. And since he recommended it to me, I went down to Bleeker St and picked up most of the run of Vertigo's "Lucifer" series. These books rule, I recommend them to anyone in here who likes comics. Lucifer just became one of my new heroes. Damn Aaron, I'm beginning to think more and more that we are indeed clones.

TODD> The Statue of Liberty has already been stolen, by New Jersey. Those rat bastards had to go and steal a landmark that belonged to my state. I'd rather see the Statue of Liberty be taken by the French than see it in the hands of the state of New Jersey ;)

PEOPLE ASKING ABOUT TGS> We're working on it. I promise it will be worth the wait.

T-Man> Hi Galvatron. How many aliases is this now?

Not much else to say tonight, gonna get back to work on the TGS outline that will not end.

Greg Bishansky
Sunday, January 13, 2002 09:21:52 PM

Hey, let's not bash the French! Don't forget, they helped us out during the Revolutionary War, and gave us the Statue of Liberty. Let's show a little gratitude here, please. If we keep on insulting them, they might decide to take back the Statue of Liberty.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, January 13, 2002 09:08:52 PM

quoting spacebabie:

back to the French bashing.
There are only 4 good French...
French Fries
French Toast
French onion soup and
French dressing.


The problem with that statement is how many of those are actually french inventions.

Sunday, January 13, 2002 08:47:56 PM

Oh almost forgot everyone have safe trips back to where ever you are going and have fun. We only go around once so don't be afraid to take a chance and really enjoy life.

My pilisophical moment of the month.

Sunday, January 13, 2002 08:35:40 PM

*Drops everything in a big pile*
Well that was a fun trip. Did it in just under four hours, not bad and the traffic was light.
I'm back at school if you did not already guess and have to start the fun again tomorrow, but that's okay. The sooner things get moving the sooner spring break will be upon us and I have BIG plans for that.

Metaldemon- glad to hear it, not that I can afford one I just like to gawk and droole.

Revel - []
denton, tx
Sunday, January 13, 2002 08:31:40 PM


Sorry TGS, but i must say that joanne sorta speeks for me. BUT!!! Joanne, as you clearly did state that you know that the staff has been busy, but chill out. i agree that TGS needs to update the messege, or start posting what they have so far, cause it really is starting to get ridiculous, but i'm sure the staff all have REAL jobs and real lives. who are we to tell them to move along? it would be just common courtasy (or common sense) to update the current episode page, so that people aren't siting around gettin pissed.

Chi oujo: <<All I actually wanted was to find out when TGS is updating the Gargoyles Saga>> it would be nice if they at least updated it.

<<*realizes she got totally off track*>> NAH, one thing i know is that you can never get too off track here. with no new episodes, theres not alot to post about. just read some of my old posts. you'll find that sanity has no meaning here. or is it just me???? nah, i doubt that i'm the ONLY insane person here.

anyway, nothin new with me, though no one prolly cares. sorry but my useual happy/insane humor has disappeared. but i thought i'd just post for the sake of posting.

see everyone


Terrky K - []
Sunday, January 13, 2002 08:24:30 PM

The pictures have multipied. . . *laughs*

Anyway, There are some people in here that have tried to keep contact with me via AOL and ICQ, and I have been rude enough to loose contact with them. I would like to apologize to them, I have been DEEPLY depressed and anti-social to the brink that it almost made me break-down. . . . sometimes I feel it still does. It is this anti-socialization, mixed with self pity and depression that has made me shun people, stop writing, and stop drawing. The one sad effect over this was that my gargoyle series has died and i can not even remember what I wanted to do to bring it up. The only series I manged to save was my Beast Wars series, but that is being written so slow, and life is pulling me down so much that fan-fiction writing seems to becoming to an end.

I will try to keep contact with people if they want to try again.

I've realized for awhile now that it's a dirty business, this fan-fiction writing. It's great to do, but it can eat up time, and it is hard to let go of it.

I've finally ended up sending college applications, (ranting a bit here), mabe I'll get into a college where there is civilization and I can MEET someone from online. I've applied for Denison University and Gettysburg College if anyone lives near there, goes there, or has gone there. (Most like 'has gone there' since I find I'm usually a lot younger than the average garg fan)

So what changes have there been lately, who is still here that I remember, and who remembers me?


P.S. About me staying here permently: no promises, I've gotten myself into thinking that I can't be relied on enough to keep them.

Sarge Abernathy - []
Barre, Vermont, U.S. of A
Sunday, January 13, 2002 08:17:48 PM

in case I missed the post or no one answered you Gunjack....

<<< Anyone know a good hi-capacity (~50megs) free website usable for transfering files?
Gunjack "Rocket Man" Valentine >>>



Sunday, January 13, 2002 07:39:32 PM


Josh>> <That's a lot of Mike's> Seriously. In my suite at school, there's an unwritten rule that at least three of us have to be dating guys named Mike at any given time.

GB>><there are fools who protest Mardi Gras as sinful and evil and other baloney> those would be frightened philadelphians :) our mardi gras (which goes by the translated name "Fat Tuesday") was *scary* last year... fight/riots, drivers trying to gun down pedestrians, and the NBC 10 newsvan getting attacked. And to my knowledge, this was all *without* the mummers :)

God bLess!

Sunday, January 13, 2002 07:38:04 PM

DPH >>> <Here's my answer: Keep waiting for an official response until the TGS staff makes an announcement about a recruitment drive.> Thanks for the advice, but I'm going to keep on trying. Just call me 'Mr.Tenacious'.

cyberklaw - []
London, UK
Sunday, January 13, 2002 06:28:40 PM

Doug: <<I have become like Traveler, hardly ever in the CR and not welcomed by most, yet present on occasion nonetheless. :)>>

Uhhh.... no. I have been naughty in a way the room perceives as "funny"; YOU were naughty in a way the room perceives as being "bad". Your guilt or innocence in the matter are irrelevant, much like in an actual court of law. >;))

To borrow a phrase (spelling mistake intentional) from my regular IRC hangout:

Doug = teh bad man

And as far as I KNOW, the only one who never really cared for my presence here was everybody's favorite "classical literary genius" Paul Nathan Allens.
And for good reason. >=]

Now back to playing with my class schedule and raping and pilliaging the pubbies on some Counter-Strike servers...

And a quick "j0!" to all the old timers in the room who remember me.

"I ain't got time to bleed!" -Jessie "The Body" Ventura, Predator

The Ghost Formerly Known as Traveler Occasionally Reported as Being Elvis
Sunday, January 13, 2002 05:57:32 PM

Last week, Todd called a break in the TGS commentary, so this is the post I would have posted last week plus some new stuff.

Green Baron: (now replying to a very old post I’m afraid) Tony Blair isn’t a conservative. He can walk the walk and talk the talk internationally but that doesn’t mean he’s not wedded to the ideas of enormous government bureaucracy, high taxation and the European Union. It’s all an act, and of course he’s revelling in being Clinton’s heir: he’s got a whole world stage who don’t count “5, 4, 3, 2, 1” before the quiver in his voice kicks in, and we get the pompous Gladstonian talks about “what’s important”.

A lot of television shows from America aired for the first time this week. I guess these are the ones that started in the Autumn across the pond. Anyway…


One was the new Star Trek series, ‘ENTERPRISE’ – and all the way through I kept thinking “it’s the story of George W. Bush!” And not just because of the accent, although if I closed my eyes I could see Bush speaking… well, except for the odd bit of technobabble. I mean, a cowboy who’s in charge because of his daddy’s name gets bailed out by his advisors whenever he gets stuck, but a crisis later he comes good. Anyway, I enjoyed it: the graphics are great, the characters could be pretty annoying but aren’t there yet, and it was fun to see all the technological props being removed. And they didn't make the spectacular blunder of naming him Geoffrey Archer.

The new ‘BUFFY’ premier debuted as well, but it was pretty dull – I just can’t take the daft robot seriously (thankfully, it looks like it’s gone for good now). The bad guys just ranted and raved and were defeated in a really unsatisfactory manner: but they weren’t connected with the resurrection at all. It would have made much more sense for the resurrection to have caused the bikers to arrive, rather them just to accidentally arrive just at the same time. Anyway, it was pretty slow story-wise and I don’t see why it needed two hours. But the opening credits were fantastic, and it looks like they’re putting the story titles on the episodes now, so at least they’re getting the little things right.

Gargoyles: Season 1


It was ages before I read ‘PARTNERSHIP’, way after I’d read many later episodes, and possibly not until near the end of season 1. Because I only started reading TGS a few months after its launch, I read the first few all together and since for some reason I couldn’t access ‘PARTNERSHIP’ at that time, I just missed that one. Anyway, that’s still a long time ago and these are like all-new episodes to me really: except all the lovely continuity touches are clear. This episode features (in some form), Margot, Billy’s mum, Andrea, Maddox and Mavis; and unlike the slightly artificial Vinnie snippet in ‘FALLOUT’, it all flows naturally into the story.

So yes, I think this is a great episode. It’s not perfect, but it’s the sort of high standard story that the original show produced again and again and again, and that’s what TGS needs. Plus it has Tony Dracon, who was always one of my favourite villains.

At the end of the day, the best thing about ‘PARTNERSHIP’ for me is that it’s just a plain enjoyable read. It’s not very long; every scene is neat, concise and flowing. Where not much is happening, loads of development to counterpoint the episode’s themes occur – the Dracon-Castaway and Xanatos-Renard partnerships spring to mind. It’s also brimming with great lines, my absolute favourite being (from memory):
Renard: “No beating around the bush, eh?”
Xanatos: “Neither of us has time for that.”
It’s the sensational humour that made Xanatos so endearing as a villain, and it’s great that he doesn’t lose it.

Aside from partnership, this episode also has a stab at comparing some of the characters who are reforming, or starting to. Dracon cuts Elisa a break when he realises Castaway’s intentions and Elisa promises to return the favour. Xanatos tries to make it up to Elisa and so co-establishes a foundation to help the Labyrinth people. TGS has had several attempts at reforming characters, and to be honest I’ve not been greatly impressed by the results: this episode, at the end of the day, doesn’t really sell me the progress in that respect either. The depth given to Dracon is fantastic of course, but why Elisa should want to support a lighter sentence as a result is perplexing to me – this is the woman that’s spent her professional life trying to put him behind bars, and nearly had it taken in the process, several times. Just because he has moral qualms about allying with a bunch of ruthless, bigoted, murderous vigilantes doesn’t mean that he’s changed, that he’s not a threat to the innocent people Elisa has sworn to protect. As for Xanatos, his efforts to make amends are brilliant because his methods are so in character, but I think at some point down the line the show needed to question his reform more closely. Just because he has a debt of gratitude towards the gargoyles and Elisa doesn’t mean he has suddenly lost the capacity to be villainous. It doesn’t even mean that he’s really sorry for what he did to Derek – why should he be?

Speaking of villains, we quickly move onto Castaway, who’s… very scary, indeed. I love that this episode (through Dracon) noted the contrast between the Gargoyles and the Quarrymen as vigilante groups. Despite being a particularly scary villain, he’s not a very effective one – as Taleweaver mentioned, he falls into all the stand-issue villainy traps. His reaction to Goliath and Elisa’s relationship (a scene with fantastic dialogue) is nice, but pretty obvious. He doesn’t do much. Also, I can’t help but being disappointed that nothing was made of the sentencing of Elisa. I can’t believe that this would have happened without a move within the Quarrymen to reform humans like Elisa, and that might have been interesting. Nobody mentioned that he talks about executing her in the same breath as trying her, so the trial can’t be a very open-minded process.

So an episode with a basic plot but that is written in a flowing, entertaining style that achieves both humour and scares at appropriate points and maintains nice characterisation. I’m indicating a positive response.

Ed - []
London, England
Sunday, January 13, 2002 04:37:34 PM

Dangit, Phipps! Who am I supposed to talk gunnery with!? ; )
Shred a few targets for all your CR buds, eh?

Gunjack "Blackjack" Valentine
Sunday, January 13, 2002 04:29:53 PM

Hi guys, I'm Back. But it won't be for long. I'm shipping out to the U.S. Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, CA on the 15th of January, my 21st birthday. I have to be dropped off at the recruiters office at 3:00pm tomorrow. Then my recruiter will drive me to a Days Inn hotel in Souix Falls, SD where I stay until Tuesday morning when I take a van to the MEPS station for a brief follow up physical. Later that day I'll take a plane to the San Diego International Airport which is next to the boot camp.

I just thought you might want to know where I'll be for the next 12 weeks. I'll post again tonight and tomorrow morning.

It'll be tough, but it will be a small comfort that my cousin Richie is going to Navy Basic training on January 30th, freezing his ass off near Chicago in the Great Lakes region while I'm in sunny San Diego. Cocky bastard.

Semper Fi!

Tim Phipps
Sunday, January 13, 2002 04:17:06 PM

Josh> Just read your post in Last Week's room about getting a DVDROM and external burner. Heh. That's my When I originally bought this Mac, Apple hadn't started shipping CDRWs yet, so all I got was an 8x DVDROM (which is VERY nitpicky about some CDs unless they are absolute CLEAN and loves to open the DVD Player app when certain CDRWs burned on Windows machines are placed into it). Since I liked burning CDs on my PC, I had wished I had waited only a few more weeks to buy one of the newer (charcoal) G4s with a burner when Apple first started putting them in.

Anyways, a few weeks ago, I picked up a nice FireWire QPS 16x10x40 burner, and it runs great. I now regret that decision about waiting, because though the DVDROM can sometimes be annoying, it reads just about anything and plays DVDs too, and now I got my awesome burner (which is faster than the ones Apple puts in theirs) that I can take with me anywhere, makes this good old G4 all the more better than the newer models that Apple released later. (My only complaint about the Quicksilvers, is that they don't have a button on the CD-door, which I use quite frequently.)

But your decision to insert an internal DVDROM and use an external burner is good, though I just wanted to share my experience. Two CDROMs comes in quite handy for CD-to-CD copy. Now all I need is a copy of Toast 5.

Jim R.
Sunday, January 13, 2002 03:16:12 PM

Anyone know a good hi-capacity (~50megs) free website usable for transfering files?
Gunjack "Rocket Man" Valentine
Sunday, January 13, 2002 03:11:00 PM

metaldemon>> *ego fluffs out to be bigger than texas..*
thankyou :) anyway, i watched the video ten zillion times.. and found some places for improvement.. so if you want to see the modified version, (which has been edited frame-by-frame) then just give me a dingle :)
glad you liked it :):):):)

Sunday, January 13, 2002 02:27:30 PM

cyberklaw - Here's my answer: Keep waiting for an official response until the TGS staff makes an announcement about a recruitment drive.

Joann & Chi Oiju - Timedancer season 4 will be published when Timedancer season 4 was published according to history books. So if you traveled to the future and the future didn't change, you would know from history books when Timedancer season 4 was published.

Sunday, January 13, 2002 01:24:39 PM

Greg Bishansky >>> You said you sent me a reply, but I've been checking my e-mail every day and I didn't receive it. Maybe you mis-typed my address or something. Could you possibly send it again?
cyberklaw - []
Sunday, January 13, 2002 12:58:54 PM


:::Hits Tai Po with Smackers:::

Did not mean to misspell my state!

Sunday, January 13, 2002 12:47:17 PM

Today is my mom's birthday, so were going to the crab shack wich means. SHELLFISH!

back to the French bashing.
There are only 4 good French...
French Fries
French Toast
French onion soup and
French dressing.

well actually all of French food is delish!

Well my first main assingment is to write an essay on a crtical passage about Huck Finn and we got to see the beggining of the latest movie about Hck Finn.
"It stars Elijah Wood," My professor says. "Frodo."

I also managed to organize my storage cabinet that contains my unicorns, pegasai,dragons,sailor moon figruines and books. I stored all my old children, young adult, andteen books, in the same place as my old ponies.
Leaving plenty of space for my other books, the ones by Piers Anthony,Anne Mcaffrey,Christine Morgan,Harry Potter and other fantasy and scifi books. Also cleaned up the area where I keep my natraul treasures:Shells and rocks, not just any old rocks, they include gold ore,garnet,lodestone,talc and a few others.
oh well time for replies.
Sorrow>> Welcome Back J

Gside>> Okay that’s it :::pulls out a large wooden stick::: This is Smackers my bapping stick. When you say something worth a bap, such as a bad joke, or a stinky bap, I shall use Smackers to bap you.:::Baps Gside with Smackers:::

Josh<<<Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was very busy with stuff. >>> Stuff tends to do that, make you busy.<<<When we left for the party, we wound up driving around !@#$ing San Francisco for 90 minutes trying to find the place. >>>And like men you didn’t bother stopping to ask for directions.<<<Niamh didn't go with us because she wasn't feeling well,>>>Well it was obvious she didn’t go. If she did she would have made you stop for directions.
<<<I swear, Jerry Falwell has no idea what is wrong with this city. Gays are SO not the problem.>>>Earthquakes are!<<<Those idiots made this city more convoluted than an escher painting on acid.>>>LOL! <<<Seeing the X-mas stuff go up the day after Thanksgiving is a touch annoying>>>Well the day after Thanksgiving IS the busiest shopping day of the year<<<Which was...? >>>some stuff from the Bath and Bodyworks in her favorite scent, Cottonblossom. They had a great deal. Three items for only 25$ ve normal cost me over thirty.<<<Can that get you high?>>>only if your dead.<<<Huh?>>> Sli Sludge, he is the one responsible for everyone getting sick. He’s sort of an entity like D.C. and Dis Harmony.<<<I think you're jealous.>>> Na’h I have my invisible, non solid silent Angel to keep me busy.<<<You're even worse, ya freeloading bum!>>>Hey I can drive…parking is where I have problems.

Reverend Attila<<Here kitty kitty. More ghost nip for you.

Lady Mystic<<< Get better soon.

Mooncat<<<I totally agree with you about Cagney, or at least have an icon of all the mutates.

Chi Oujo<<<Welcome to the CR. Now where is that Sanity jar?

Joann>>>Take a chill pill. Use Spell check and lay off the caps. It will happen before the 2002 gathering. That much I do know.

Green Baron<<<Martin Luther converted many beer song sinto hymns. His reason: Why should the devil have all the fun.>>>Now you know why I’m a Lutheran ;)

Orlando, Flroida
Sunday, January 13, 2002 12:45:34 PM

<<I do find it wrong if a religion like Christianity, co-ops anothers' holiday.>> Why is that? Christmas was decided at December 25, so the Christians coudl celebrate while the Romans were too drunk to persecute them. Halloween is All Hallows Eve, or All Saints Day. It may have been connected to Samhain, since Novemebr 2 is All Soul's Day. May 1 became popular for the May Crowning perhaps to replace Beltaine, but these customes didn't stay in Celtic lands. They spread. May 1 gained gretaer emphasis in this century as a counter to the Russian MayDay. Most Holidays are based on dates specific to teh celebration, like Mary's birthday and her conception which is nine montsh prior. Some follow a pattern, like Epiphany and the Sunday afetr (thsi Sunday) being Jesus' baptism. Lent follows a 40 day period following 40 days Jesus was in the desert. Mardi Gras is uniquely French in style, plus it has religious significance (why should the devil have all the fun). Perhaps this is why it doesn't erupt into violence in New Orleans. Still, there are fools who protest Mardi Gras as sinful and evil and other baloney. I don't see them promoting Lent or days of sacrifice and penance.

<<Persoanlly, I think it points to the weakness of Christianity that it has to dress up in other customs.>> Those were teh early days. It didn't have its own customs. Besides, Christianity does not have or need itw own national culture, nor shoudl it. I am a Roman Catholic whether I am in Italy, Germany, America, Turkey, Kenya, Antarctica, or even if I am in outer space. I don't leave my faith at the border.

<<The question it raises is whether people really believe in something greater than themselves or whether Jesus and the hosts of saints are just modern names for gods & goddess, lares & penates that we've invented since we started walking upright?>> The saints were real. They are not gods to be worshipped, but heroes to look up to, and be inspired by. they are not replacements for ancient gods, but people who lived on this Earth, lived great lives,a nd are now dead. Some were not good people in part of their life, but they still found redemption.

David G> <<Except for Baptisim, but that's generally a once in a lifetime thing, as opposed to a regular ritual.>> I was only three weeks old when I was baptised, but I agree. All sacraments have ritual involved. Soem of the regular rituals are perhaps window dressing or meant to create beauty. A Catholic Mass only has three required parts and can be done in 18 minutes, but an 18 minute Mass on Christmas or easter would be an insult. Sometimes a short Mass can be good especially on a busy Sunday, like my HS offered two Masses for its fair which was alway sheld on a Sunday. It was very casual and laid back compared to a regular Sunday mass, and that way someone could enjoy the fair and also go to Mass.

Onlythe Gospel reading is required at a Mass, but on normal Sundays, there are two additioanl readings and a lot of the Mass is taken from the Bible. Not all is required, but sometimes you need more than teh bare minimum. Community si also an important part fo Mass. I wish Catholics had teh sense of community that many Protestants have, but I gues sit depends on the parish. The military and most Colleges ahve a community at Massa nd encourage it. I imagien it si true in smaller towns in teh Bible belt where Catholcis are fewer and feel a greater need tos tick togetehr. One downside of living in New Orleans or Chicago or Baltimore is that you take your faith granted and sometimes forget that its more than just an hour out of your Sunday.

<<Holidays are somewhat separate from Worship>> Catholcis have holidays that rae integral to wroship. Afterall, holiday is derived from holy day.

<<they'd compromise and decide that it was the Feast of All Saints.>> We had to have one, so why not then? Samhain is teh feats of the Dead. All Saints Day and All Souls Day are remembering dead people and All Hallows Eve used to involve dressing up like your favorite saint, before it got all Americanized and then disliked by American made religions.

<<See, Christianity straight from the Bible doesn't have any holidays.>> Which is why some purists don't believe in holidays, aka Jehova's Witnesses who knock on your door at 5am.

I just thought of something; Martin Luther converted many beer song sinto hymns. His reason: Why should the devil have all the fun. I doubt John Calvin woudl ever cosndier that approach. Beisdes, alchohol isn't evil. Even eating too much chicken is wrong.

DPH> <<I guess you are not with the Southern Baptist Convention. Romans and Leviticus spell it out pretty clearly on that issue, but that makes no excuse for things done in the past.>> Yeah, but leviticus was kinda harsh, and St. Paul never advcoated killing over it.

<<Please, the only thing that should matter is that Jesus died, neither when he was born nor when he died. Sorry, I would like to go the basics.>> Even that can be corrupted. How he died, why he died, when. It matters. I told my Chaplian (an Independent Baptist minister) at Basic about the Stations of the Cross and he was impressed. He mentioned how he wishes Chrsitians focused more about Jesus' death in a prayer meeting at our FTX. he also liked my joke about the amount of time a Drill Sergeant faces in Purgatory for throwing CS gas at a prayer meeting.

<<.> I view both anarchy and organization as problematic for a church. Anarchy is a problem because it leads to inefficient use of money. Organization is a problem because it can cause church members to lose track of their calling and can hinder growth of a church.>> Both are human faults. Anarchy is chaotic by nature and religion is meant to be about order as well as goodness. Church members have free will and they can choose what they want. Don't blame the structure.

<<I wouldn't mind, however, every pastor of a Christian church being required to pass a basic litmus test of beliefs.>> And who would write it? That would make for an interesting Ecumenical Council. I think all pastors and minsietrs in gneral should have a certain amount of education. A priest has a Masters in Divinity before he is ordained, since he must graduate from Seminary. Most organzied Protestants and Fundamentalists have educatonal requirements, but what disturbs me are certain autonomous churches where some self-proclaimed minister doesn't ahve even a High Schol diploma, and would be illiterate if he didn't read the Bible.

<<Why bother signing up for a class in college if you know you won't attend over 1/2 the time?>> As long as you get credit for the course, it matters, though in those cases, you should just test out of it and get the credit anyway.

I also got your anagrams.

<<If we are taking about holidays, here's something of interest. Unless I miss my guess, there are an average of 1.5 federal holidays per month. Frankly, I would rather stick to 52 weeks of seven days, with one (two during leap year) holiday(s) every year.>> I'd agree, but which one holdiay. I also hope people are so many days off for religious holidays. I will agree to this after I'm out the ARMY, though. I enjoy my four day weekends too much.

Metaldemon> <<If anyone belives God is a Trinity, then you have already bought into tradition and have already lost sight of God and are worshipping a false God (how do ya like them cookies!).>> I hope you like fire and stake, for I have a little Mel Brooks song to sing ;)

<<I tend to agree with St. Thomas in his discussion about evil: God doesn't create evil, rather he can make evil into good. Pagan rituals = evil to christianity. God makes them good for his purpose. Nuff' said.>> Why reinvent the wheel? Let the purists and simpletons do that.

Fire Storm> <<And I found that Smurfette story again! Naughty...>> Always fun. I'm surprised Christine never made a Smurfs story.

Imzadi> <<The United States wouldn't allow it either, I don't think.>> A Jesuit was elected to Congress in Massachusettes. The Vatcian siad be a Congressman or a priest, but you can't be both. A priest si not liekly to be President and hopefully we'll never electe a rabbi, mullah, shaman, or reverend either, but tehre are minsietrs serving in the House of Representatives and nowhere in the Constitution does it forbid clergy from serving political office, but it should. It cause too much conflict.

<<HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Sorry, that was funny.>> You mention it, so I thought maybe your parenst were raised that and left it, or you have family who is Orthodox, though I don't see LA as very Orthodox.

<<And do what? Go on a crusade?>> You can always get cool stuff for free that way :)

<<Okay I have a question about this: the shtick is that its supposed to transform into the body/blood of Christ once its in your mouth? Or once you swallow it? And if you puke it back up later, is it still the body/blood of christ?>> The body in the shape of an unleaved wafer disintegrates in the mouth. It is not chewed nor swallowed whole. Once the form is lost, it has become part with that person and quite often I do feel more charitable afetr I go to Mass. Logical, no, but much about God is beyond logic.

Christine> I'm gald it all went well with Tim. I'm surprsied the Masons don't have women yet, but the Knights have Columbus is all male, though they ahve a woman's auxilliary. Some groups are all male and some are all female. I have no problem with the lack of male nuns. I think men would look silly in a nun's habit.

Metaldemon> <<Just work on your love for capitalsm and you'll be even smarter. 8P>> I'll make youw atch me kiss Lady Capitalism agin if you're not good :p

Gside> <<I think it's on the altar when it gets blessed. But that's mostly a Catholic thing. Most other denominations don't believe in it.>> Yep, its done when we are kneeling at Mass during the Eucharistic prayer. Orthodox and some enlightened Protestants believe in it. If all Christians could agree to transubstantiation it would be real progress.

Imzadi> <<I'd expect Jedi's to be commies...unless they're dark side jedis.>> Nah!! It's my RP, so the good guys are capitalist and meet at George Mason University. The Red Sith are the commies led by cells. One leader is Che Guereva, but everything thinks its led by Darth Castro, who is now training Elian to be a Red Sith comrade.

<< So that your friends don't have to give you rides everywhere. There are some places the busses don't run.>> Depends on where you live. Besides, less peopel riding si less tarffic for you to deal with.

I don't ask for rides from friends. I don't even let my father offer me rides since I can use the bus, and buses in New Olrenas take me everywhere worth going to.

Now, I am off until Tuesday as I ahev a 24 hour detail most of Monday.

Green Baron - []
Sunday, January 13, 2002 11:58:24 AM

joanne cathrine - []
dublin, ierland
Sunday, January 13, 2002 11:30:40 AM

Hello all.

This is my first time in here so I don't know quite what to expect. *shrugs*

Is it just me or does it seem odd that you can get an image of just about anyone but Coyote? And Beth? Not that I don't like the Puck...but the desert trickster would be nice too.

While I'm thinking of Beth and it just me or has anyone else been having trouble receiving feedback. No one answers my challenges, no one reviews my's enough to make a girl want to stop writing. Though I won't. I love writing, even if I'm only writin for myself.

*realizes she got totally off track*

Gah, oops. All I actually wanted was to find out when TGS is updating the Gargoyles Saga. *grins like the cheshire cat* Me an my big mouth, ne?

Chi oujo - []
Lancaster, Ohio
Sunday, January 13, 2002 11:25:54 AM

Hola. No time to skip carefully through the CR, I just reply.

Doug:> It is always nice to see you in here. A pity it happens a bit too rarely these days. But at least, we know who must be blamed for this.
<Anakin> Hm...well, Lucas could always create an evil clone of Anakin who becomes Darth Vader...;)

Josh:> <<What kind of analysis did you do? >> Nothing so great...basically, given an aircraft (in my case, a light single-seat recon and trainer jet) with all needed parameters, I had to choose the best engine system in a series of alternate choices, and motivate the choice. To make things easier, I was not supposed to consider economical factors, except fuel consumption. If you are wondering, I chose a single hi-bypass turbofan with no afterburner (I was tempted to put a turbojet/ramjet convertible system, but...)
<<Life is NOT fragile! I AM INVINCIBLE! >> Every single person who said it, met an unglorious end...I wouldn't like you to do the same. Actually, if you go and see, calling a warship or an army "invincible" rarely brought luck...

See everyone!

Shadowrider - []
Sunday, January 13, 2002 10:52:45 AM

Well, it's done. The Masonic installation went quite well. The reception setup was lovely and the dessert buffet was a big hit. Tim remembered his lines and speeches, presented them with confidence and inflection (rather than the rote monotones I've heard from some of the others), and I got the impression that the other Masons were all quite proud of him. As am I for all the hard work he did to get ready for this thing. He surprised me yesterday morning with a gorgeous Goliath/Demona cel from Awakenings as a thanks for all my support -- a gift I do NOT deserve, after how little I've done and all my bitching. However, the event did not go well for me, and it was the last Masonic affair I will be attending. Since it was, I'm glad for Tim's sake that everything else about it went so well.

Josh > mostly, it means he gets the title "Worshipful Master" (and "Worshipful Brother") when his year is up. Does not mean I have to walk three paces behind him or anything ... luckily for him. He is well aware of my feelings on the matter, and beyond that, right now I would really rather not go into it.

Christine - []
Sunday, January 13, 2002 09:35:48 AM

Ah, today was much more relaxed. Didn't wake up until about 1230 or 1. We had to take Mike to Oakland airport to head home.

Now this is confusing: I live with my roommate, whose name is Mike. Mike had his friend up here for expo, whose name is also Mike. There's also a Mike who lives downstairs, a Mike down the hall, and a Mike that we spent expo trying to avoid. That's a lot of Mike's.

Of course, in high school I was one of five Josh's.

But I digress.

We took Mike to the airport, and I gave him one of my hard drives to take home and load up with programs and other goodies. I hope it makes it through the scanner. Quite frankly, I think a hard drive looks a lot more like a bomb than a laptop.

We tried to go to Costco and discovered they closed at 6. Slightly upset is an understatement. We are coke-less, and this is not a good thing for two college-age engineers to be.

But we got back without killing anyone in frustration (despite some idiotic driving by my roommate), and watched movies all night. And even did a bit of cleaning. Not quite enough, sadly. You'd think making the apartment cleaner than its ever been just before we left would have kept the apartment just a bit cleaner.

anyway, replies!

Christine: <<Master of his lodge>>: Is that similar to "A man's home is his castle"? <<I have an automatic bad reaction to any group with blanket exclusionary policies based on things like gender>>: How does Tim feel about that?

Silvadel: <<Actually, Disney owns them because they portray their characters without you licensing them>>: Um no. Disney does not own artwork that is drawn of unlicensed characters for personal use. And even if you distributed it, they still wouldn't own it. But they could sue your ass off. Fortunately, they can only sue if "we" decide to sell them.

Ghost of Reverend Attila: <<I could be in Cat Hell with Socks, so I'm not complaining>>: What is Socks like? <<Maybe Zahn should take over Star Wars instead>>: That would ROCK. <<I am greater than Catbert>>: I'm sorry, I refuse to recognize that, no matter how many titles you put after your name. <<Secret Leader of the Capitalist Jedi Council>>: I'd expect Jedi's to be commies...unless they're dark side jedis. <<You can always use the cuddly cat routine to pick up women>>: Cuddly yes, but I'm not a cat. <<They are alreayd fouling up the room with that nasty smell of not bathing>>: LOL! <<Why drive and add to the damn traffic when you can use public transportation and save a lot of money?>>: So that your friends don't have to give you rides everywhere. There are some places the busses don't run. <<now that she can't punt me across the room anymore>>: LOL!

T-man: <<he invented those damned force slugs which were the preclude to the midichlorians>>: I'm sorry, but were you READING the Heir trilogy?! <<I know Zahn's books are very good, but the guy has an ego the size of a moon>>: Okay so because he's egotistical, he isn't worthy? Excuse me, but what do you think Lucas is? You think he's just a humble monk? <<he tried to retcon the whole thing by saying that the Emperor didn't return and that it was just his clone which killed the point of the story>>: I disagree. Each story or small set of stories is just that. A story. The only unifying theme of them all is the characters, and the eventual triumph of light over darkness. <<He also considers his and Stackpole's work the only EU>>: What is EU? <<a combination of those factors have caused him to be quite unpopular>>: Well, out of all the Star Wars fans I know (and I know quite a few), everyone seems to love his work.

Stephen: <<were a Lucas creation>>: So you're saying that Lucas can't rip off Zahn? I'm sure that somewhere in the license is a clause that allows Lucas to use any concepts created by those authors. <<Zahn is the top pick, bar none>>: I couldn't agree more.

Metaldemon: <<Such a great deal of common sence for a cat; I'm, impressed>>: Smart cats rock. Its the dumb cats that are really frustrating. <<Just work on your love for capitalsm and you'll be even smarter>>: I will concede that socialism the way of the enlightened, but I don't have a lot of hope for it happening in the near future. <<That rat isan explosion waiting to happen with your roommate>>: Or an eviction notice.

Fire Storm: <<She isn't hurt THAT bad...>>: Is that what you told social services? <<I just like taking care of her!>>: Yeah yeah. <<she's gonna lose that toenail>>: Ugh. Does insurance cover loss of toenail? ;-) <<who is being played by Fire Storm>>: I hate being played ;-) <<NO! *I* deserve to be be first!>>: Says you! <<But third just plain sucks>>: Hasn't killed anyone yet. <<THAT is the best conspiracy>>: Hide in plain sight. <<remote pleasure device>>: The possibilities are endless. <<Why do we seem to have so many organs that seem to do the same thing>>: Backups. If one fails... <<I ain't reaching for my taser or crossbow>>: I'm reaching for my maglight. That thing is a CLUB. <<Outlet store pricing?>>: The same as anywhere else. Plus CA sales tax. <<THAT is pretty dang sweet>>: Niamh and I were both drooling over it. And there is a similar screen/tablet from Wacom that just came out ($1900) that is also sweet. <<when I am hungry, pretty much anyone will do>>: I hear yah. <<AND are willing to spend the money for the best one possible>>: So true. <<the MAIL, man, the MAIL>>: You're serious? You don't think that 4.7 will read the 6 file that actually contains your mail? Isn't it just an html document? I'd just open it in BBedit (a text editor) and extract them. Piece of cake. <<Dead project>>: WHAT!? Just don't tell me you've canned the exo-suit too. <<i know the basics, I just gotta figure out the details>>: Story of my life.

LM: Best wishes on a speedy recovery! Have fun letting FS spoil you rotten.

Lain: <<lets hope negative backlash will help avert other really stupid things in the movie industry.. such as the changing of a certain movie due out next year which (by no fault of its own) has a *gasp* references to towers that occur in pairs>>: Sadly, I don't think there will be enough of a backlash against that. <<i have a rat in my shirt>>: Better than having a rabid wolverine in your underwear. <<because it will be virtually impossible to keep him secret from my roommate>>: The roommate isn't the one you have to worry about. Its your landlord you have to worry about.

Todd: <<Has it ever occurred to them that if they don't want to kill people, they shouldn't be super-villains?>>: I think its possible to be a super villian without wanting to kill people. At least as long as they aren't trying to kill you. That freeze ray that had would work just as well. <<The Master, the Mayor, and Glory would certainly be shaking their heads in disgust if they could see what the "new guys in town" are up to>>: Probably, yeah.

Mooncat: <<What greater evil for Buffy to fight than her one time best friend?>>: Her resurrected mom wouldn't be bad either. <<All of a sudden she's hit with being an adult on her own, paying bills, looking after a child, an unhealthy love life (course I *LIKE* her and Spike as an item) and all this while dealing with the Slayer responsibilities and having just come back from the dead>>: From personal experience, I'd say its the paying bills that takes the most getting used to. Of course, I don't have a child. Or a sordid love life (yet).

Coyote: <<Yes, it's taken me *this* long to recover enough to post>>: Talk about mind-blowing sex. <<Ravyn certainly enjoyed herself while she was up here, that you've probably gathered>>: I'd never have guessed. <<she *did* get to see an authentic Michigan winter>>: When she got on the plane, was she an ice cube?

Sorow: <<Do you consider yourself to be a messy person?>>: Not at all, and I'm sure Niamh will verify that when she gets back to posting. I'm a total neat freak, but I generally prefer to shell out money for a maid rather than doing some all-day hubbub to clean my apartment myself. Why do you ask?

Gside: <<has Roland tHTG been around lately?>>: Huh? <<that's mostly a Catholic thing. Most other denominations don't believe in it>>: Well whatever, I just want to know the logic. <<Very good, Boris. Shall I come over with the liquid nitrogen now?>>: Uh...chair. <<according to family legend, I am 3/32 Native American>>: How does that help your GPA? <<But would you want to double bill with Hamill in the porn?>>: Not if we had to share any scenes/women. <<But would you be honest enough to admit to only using them as reference?>>: Yes. But I don't. I do actually READ the recommended reading in my texts. <<but properly applied, they can reduse the chances of a bullet approaching you>>: True. <<Is that what they are calling it nowadays?>>: I dunno, is it? <<Sometimes you get to pay for them>>: And keep on paying. <<So just how messed up am I?>>: If you need to ask this question, do you really want the answer? <<I doubt his plans for rooming with you would include much time for cleaning up. Unless it was the two of you in the shower>>: That's not true! If I were rooming with her, I'd definitely have to help with the cleaning. And by help, I mean hire a maid. <<evolution is a bit more haphazard than your own engineering>>: And far more logical. <<it starts to get a new name>>: Doomsday Gun. <<Does Gunjack know about this?>>: Gunjack seems to not know about a lot of things.

Argh sleep.

You make nice, and the pie is mine!
-Jay's Stomach, "The Critic"

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Sunday, January 13, 2002 03:57:24 AM

lain: Thanks for the info!

Gside: <As well as Decker in Fallout>
Did you know that Michael Dorn, Jeff Bennett, Cree Summer, Clancy Brown, Jim Cummings, Frank Welker, Kath Soucie and Tress MacNeille (Margo in TGC) were all in the Fallout Series?
Michael Dorn played Marcus and Frank Horrigan (F2)
Jeff Bennett played Loxley (F1)
Cree Summer played Tandi (F2)
Clancy Brown played Rhombus (F1)
Jim Cummings played Set, Gizmo and The Master (F1)
Frank Welker played Maxson (F1) (He was also in Spawn!)
Kath Soucie played Laura and The Master (F1)
Tress MacNeille played First Citizen Lynette (F2) and Jain in (F1)
MUTHAFUDDA! Frank Welker was a helluva lot of Decepticons on the older Transformers series!

<Sorry, don't gots it, and don't know where I could find it. It was just a brief repeated animation set to I Feel Good.>
Hmm... I shall see...
<Have you happened to see Secret Plot 5?>
nope. any good?
<If you look me up on the Rutgers website, you can easily stalk me. But If you really care that much:>
I actually didn't think you would post it in here!
I guess I will manage to send you an assortment some time soon!
<That would be good>
<Very slight differences, and evolution is a bit more haphazard than your own engineering.>
But you would think that evolution would favor those that need t devote less energy to creating those many organs than someone who evolved to have a single organ.
<By that time, it starts to get a new name>
Yep. A Building Shotgun.
<And The Way Things Work has a nice simple overview near the end.>
sucks. i know the basics, I just gotta figure out the details...

Fire Storm
Sunday, January 13, 2002 03:15:21 AM

Imzadi> I just realized something. You're in Berkley; has Roland tHTG been around lately?
<<the shtick is that its supposed to transform into the body/blood of Christ once its in your mouth?>>: I think it's on the altar when it gets blessed. But that's mostly a Catholic thing. Most other denominations don't believe in it.
<<I AM INVINCIBLE!>>: Very good, Boris. Shall I come over with the liquid nitrogen now?
<<You rat bastard>>: Essentially.
<<And you're a white ECE too!>>: Well, I also have CS and Linguistics courses to help boost it, and according to family legend, I am 3/32 Native American.
<<Right next to Mr. Radar>>: Not until after I get the flight mods.
<<No, but I want to get into Star Wars to launch my porn career>>: Oh. But would you want to double bill with Hamill in the porn?
<<The real problem is that competition in the market isn't lowering prices any>>: Because the book is determined by the professor, and once he does that competition is eliminated.
<<Aren't we all?>>: Quite. But he just demonstrated some very good geekiness.
<<I pity you>>: At least I get to play with the fun toys when I get home (aka, my father doesn't want to put his models together himself).
<<whoa! You've read these? All these?>>: But would you be honest enough to admit to only using them as reference?
<<Egos don't defend to well against bullets>>: No, but properly applied, they can reduse the chances of a bullet approaching you.
<<Keeping Niamh entertained>>: Is that what they are calling it nowadays?
<<STD's are free>>: Sometimes you get to pay for them.
<<Huh?>>: Like DC, but the scapegoat for various illnesses and injuries.
<<I mean, each of our combinations says a lot about our personalities>>: So just how messed up am I?

Nukes> <<Keith davids does the voice of "vhailor">>: As well as Decker in Fallout. And then there's his FF credit.

FS and LM> <<she's gonna loose that toenail>>: That always unnerves me. I wish you quick healing.
<<Thanks for remembering my sister!>>: Heh. Barely. I was almost positive I messed up her handle.

SOROW> <<Do you consider yourself to be a messy person?>>: I doubt his plans for rooming with you would include much time for cleaning up. Unless it was the two of you in the shower.

Fire Storm> <<Kewlies! Send me a copy!>>: Sorry, don't gots it, and don't know where I could find it. It was just a brief repeated animation set to I Feel Good.
<<A moment later, she starts to have a smile on her face>>: Have you happened to see Secret Plot 5?
<<What's your address>>: If you look me up on the Rutgers website, you can easily stalk me. But If you really care that much:
3 Rutgers Dr.
Fair Haven, NJ 07704
<<I bet the teachers find him while dumpster diving!>>: That would be good.
<<Why do we seem to have so many organs that seem to do the same thing?>>: Very slight differences, and evolution is a bit more haphazard than your own engineering.
<<Unless it was a VERY big shotgun>>: By that time, it starts to get a new name.
<<Know any good books on the complete process of manufacturing microchips?>>: I have the Master IC Cookbook, but it's more of a CompEng field. Haven't had any classes that in depth yet, though. And The Way Things Work has a nice simple overview near the end.

Lain> <<*sidles up to gside and plomps in his lap*>>: Does Gunjack know about this?
<<oh gsiiiiiiide...... if you have a minute.. my first gargs music video is finished and i was wondering if youd like to see it...>>: Wait until after the 21st and I'm back on my own machine.
<<I KNEW Gside posted it before>>: But not quite a straight version.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, January 13, 2002 01:55:34 AM

Drat -- missed the reset of the system..
Sunday, January 13, 2002 01:08:33 AM

lain> Yet another stroke of genius from you. Niiiiice video. All the montage really worked with the music well. Now we need to see one for Goliath and the trio. :D
Sunday, January 13, 2002 01:04:46 AM

fire storm>> "auld lang syne" written by robbie burns..

lain - [<< clicky]
Sunday, January 13, 2002 12:28:32 AM

Never mind.
I KNEW Gside posted it before.

Fire Storm
Sunday, January 13, 2002 12:28:05 AM

Music Question:
What is the name of the song that they almost always play at Midnight on New Years Eve?
"Should ald Acquaintance be forgot" or something like that.


Fire Storm
Sunday, January 13, 2002 12:25:28 AM

gside>> *sidles up to gside and plomps in his lap*
oh gsiiiiiiide...... if you have a minute.. my first gargs music video is finished and i was wondering if youd like to see it...

anyone else.. you know where to find me.. ;)

its demona.. set to meredith brooks "bitch" hee hee

Saturday, January 12, 2002 11:40:29 PM

Saturday, January 12, 2002 11:37:20 PM

DPH: <You do know that information on Time Enforcers you find is either inaccurate or deliberate misinformation, right?>
Of course, given their nature, they could have a frigging website and few people would believe it. And if people really DID think it was real, they could say it's a joke. THAT is the best conspiracy.
People wouldn't expect it to be a conspiracy or secret organization because nothing is hidden!

Gside: <Sorry, just recalling a short video file a roomie happened to stumble upon.>
Kewlies! Send me a copy!
<Tin cans?>
Haven't tried it. Have no intention of trying it. LM's father drove about 100 miles to get this knife. I don't want to have to drive down there to get a new one!
<I doubt it. The essential process of digestion doesn't change much from species to species.>
But most birds do tend to be able to digest plant matter better than us higher mammals.
<Detachable, remote operation, multiple points of stimulation, for those more discrete times.>
A TV ad:
Scene: A boardroom meeting. A woman is sitting in her seat, sad. She pulls out a e-mail pager and e-mails someone. A moment later, she starts to have a smile on her face.
Female Voice over: "The PMB-1000's remote pleasure device. He can pleasure you even when he isn't even there."
Damnit, that's it. What's your address. I am sending you an assortment package! ;)
<Quite. And I wanted to hear why they took down the vilification of Interplay.>
And I want to see more about Master Largo's l33t English $k1llz!
I bet the teachers find him while dumpster diving!
<Cleanses the blood and secretes bile(plays a major role in metabolism, digestion, detoxification and elimination of substances from the body).>
Hmm... I see. So... whats the difference? Why do we seem to have so many organs that seem to do the same thing? Couldn't 2 multi-task organs do the same thing? (Redundancy)
<But a brass monkey is just a stack of cannonballs. Though that would be rather hard to load into a shotgun.>
Unless it was a VERY big shotgun!
Know any good books on the complete process of manufacturing microchips?

Spacebabie:<Yes with an invisible, non solid, silent Buffy>
Willow and Silent Buffy! :)
Willow the magic dealer, Buffy the silent one!

Gunjack: <Hardley the greatest site ever>
Ok... THAT is a pretty freaking cool ammo site!

Imazdi: <Well, she is the only female smurf>
How much Smurfing can a Smurf Smurf when a Smurf can Smurf Smurf?
<It slices, it dices!>
It julians and makes mounds and mounds of French Fries!
And if anyone brakes into my house, I ain't reaching for my taser or crossbow. I am reaching for that mutha!
<Nope. Maybe another time. Its just a mall, really, with a food court and a few stores full of different stuff Sony makes>
Outlet store pricing?
< So true. But if I ever had to buy a PC, it'd be that sweet VAIO desktop with the tablet monitor ($2500)>
VERY true. THAT is pretty dang sweet!
<You're the one who drinks pop>
True... and daughters, mothers, sons... you know, when I am hungry, pretty much anyone will do!
<Not everyone wants to pay the lowest price possible>
Oh, I agree. The best computer buyers are the ones that don't know jack, think they need a computer, AND are willing to spend the money for the best one possible.
<If you can't, just copy the prefs manually ;-) Its worth it to use 4 instead of 6>
The prefs are already there... but the MAIL, man, the MAIL!
<Shouldn't you be putting money into the DLD?>
Na. Dead project.

Green Baron: <I might have to break out the chainmail and iron cross, now>
Hmm... Crossmail! Many interconnected little iron crosses!

Ghost of Reverend Attila: <Maybe Zahn should take over Star Wars instead>
That would be cool. I always liked that Delvian, even if she was a plant.

Mooncat: <At the very least there should be one of Cagney. There isn't, is there?>
To my knowledge, no, there isn't.
BUT rumor is that you know how to draw. Care to step up to the plate? ;)

Fire Storm
Saturday, January 12, 2002 11:20:24 PM

Top 10, #9?
Saturday, January 12, 2002 11:13:39 PM

Opps, my bad.

7th *^_^*


Saturday, January 12, 2002 10:58:19 PM



Saturday, January 12, 2002 10:57:18 PM



Saturday, January 12, 2002 10:57:18 PM


This is actually a nit, but something that occurred to me.

Buffy and the traffic cone both get turned invisibly simultaneously by the Three Nerds. However, the traffic cone starts deteriorating long before Buffy does (in fact, Buffy's deterioration never even starts, as far as we can tell; she apparently gets made visible again just in time). That strikes me as rather odd, unless inanimate objects break down quicker under the influence of the invisibility ray than living beings.

MOONCAT - Yes, I suppose that you're right about Frodo. The funny thing is, I was connecting the allusion to the invisibility rather than to Jonathan's shortness.


Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, January 12, 2002 10:52:46 PM

Sorry, typo in the URL. Can't believe I forgot 'xanacorp'! **L**
Lady Mystic
Saturday, January 12, 2002 10:46:37 PM

Ravyn and Coyote
Saturday, January 12, 2002 10:46:06 PM

Lady Mystic
Dearborn, MI
Saturday, January 12, 2002 10:44:19 PM

But third just plain sucks! :p
Fire Storm
Saturday, January 12, 2002 10:42:33 PM

NO! *I* deserve to be first!

But second is good too!

Fire Storm
Saturday, January 12, 2002 10:42:11 PM

Greg Bishansky
Saturday, January 12, 2002 10:42:02 PM

Saturday, January 12, 2002 10:39:54 PM
