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JOSH: <<I may be a horny cata nd drenching you has a nice effect of making your clothes cling to you>>: Is this really the place?

Dude, lay off the crack, that was Rev. Attila, responibility of GB and not me.
Saturday, March 9, 2002 11:01:32 PM

Green Baron -- You know, I never really thought about it much. My father is Taiwanese, which is racially Chinese. His family fled China the Communist regime took over. His family had to abandon nearly everything to escape to Taiwan. He grew up very impoverished. Wealthy children were those able to afford shoes. My father didn't get his first pair of shoes until middle school. Knowing this and seeing all the wonderful things he and his siblings acheived is like being witness to a miracle, and always fills me with extreme gratitude for what I have today.

When you think of the time period involved, and the culture and location, a large family is a given. Children are your wealth, and sons are the only security for your old age. All my father's older siblings were sisters, so that may have also played a part.

My father came to the US with less than $200 and a scholarship to a university here. In time he did very well, becoming a computer engineer back when that was a rare job to have (the early 1970s). I remember him trying to teach me Pascal and Fortran when I was little... Which backfired on him somewhat as it totally put me off computers until I was in highschool in the mid/late 1980s. And then, even though I took all the computer courses my school offered, and did fairly well, I had no real interest in programming. Still don't. All I want from computers is to be able to word process, surf the net, and host a good web page... and keep up with people via e-mail.

But I digress

My grandmother on my mother's side's second husband was Hispanic, and Catholic. I never really paid much attention to religion in regards to my family. But I know my mother's upbringing included nuns as school teachers. She went to a Catholic school, but I don't think she was ever became Catholic herself.

Anyhoo, as it is, I have an ocean of cousins. Many on my father's side are a generation older than myself (he being a child of his parents old age) and it is their children who are mainly of my contemporary age group. Where as on my mother's side, all my cousins are younger than me.

It's wierd. I feel like a child in my father's side of the family, and an old lady in my mother's side.

O_o yikes!!!

But the medium result is the happy, bouncing, ageless felinity that is Mooncat. Young cat, old cat, age has no meaning as long as you look at things with the mindset of a cat >^,,^<

Basically, the world is a great big ball of yarn, so have fun and try not to get too tangled up in it.


Saturday, March 9, 2002 10:54:57 PM

Green Baron> stereotypes and how wrong & unfair they usually are: that was the point I was making.

Shadowrider!!!!! *tacklehugscartoonishkiss* HIYA, my friend! I've missed you! I sent you an email.. did you receive it? It was about a week or so ago.
Hey! we agreed on something!! yippee! Now you can properly propose to me *nods* ;)

Spike> *LOL* thanks for sharing that!

Lexy> too cute! *LOL*

The District's finally on.. gotta' go!

Saturday, March 9, 2002 10:45:46 PM

Green Barron: Sorry about that. No insult intended.
Saturday, March 9, 2002 09:41:56 PM

Green Barron: <..and eh ahs doen nothing. My motehr needs to ..... .....just because hsi friend is old enough toeb his father. Dr. barnes is a big kid and ins oem ways acts...> Is there suhc a thing as ad yslexic typsit? :-)

Brooklyn: <When is Time Dancer supposed to come out?> As of Feb. 19,2002 the "Current Episode " page has Season 4 due out in Spring 2002. "Real life issues" usually consist of changes in personnel. From what I understand there are only a couple people on the TGS staff who were part of the original TGS "team" working on the new season.(see Todd Jenson's post from Wednesday, April 4, 2001 07:17:29 AM in the CR archives) Also take into account that "Return to Paradise, part II" 'aired' June 29,2000. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the "new" staff haf to "re-acquaint" themselves with the previous three seasons (of Time Dancer alone, not counting the other spinoffs. Maintaining continuity is important to these people. I'm only guessing that's just one of the issues since I am not on the staff. I guess Todd Jesson could explain more.

Spacebabie: <Only Hugh can stop florist friars.> *leo forces back the urge to gag*

Yorktown, VA
Saturday, March 9, 2002 09:27:05 PM

Lexy > I knew what tune to sing it to... I was just wondering who wrote it. And now that I know, wow.. that's some great filking you did. :)

Patrick Toman
Saturday, March 9, 2002 09:06:12 PM

Dahh!! I recorded that song way too late. ya I make spelling errors ..but that was pathetic. Clothes..ya..they're..hmm Ah well. You guys get the idea.

Patrick- No, no one has that to music *l* I just wrote that at work yesterday. Just sing it to the tune of "All Star" by Smash Mouth.

Josh- Brilliant hey? *l* Weird Al needs someone to take over for him..hmm

Saturday, March 9, 2002 08:47:34 PM

Today was a great day. I have taken another pilgrimage of faith and history, though by train, from hanau to Cologne and right outside Cologne's Train station was the Dom Cathedral. Almost 800 years old as well as the place where my graet grandfather was baptised and Confirmed over a century ago. As soon as I stepped outside the train station, I saw the magnificence of the Dom Cathedral and all I could do was cross myself and repeat the Haily Mary in Latin as I tried to view the Cathedral's magnificence form all sides. Once I enetered the Dom, I climbed the tower and I felt as if I was walking up to Heaven, for I must have climbed at leats a thousand feet. Once I reached teh top, teh view was splendid though I was lucky to have railing to hold onto, for I tend to cling to it when I am at great heights. I looked out to the horizon and could only be amazed that this was made not by machines but by man in much cruder times, yet it was far more beautiful than any modern structure could hope to be.

After I had climbed back down the tower and my knees and feet stopped shaking, I viewed the rest of the interior, and could only help but be awed. I was once proud of living so near the St. Louis Cathedral, but my beloved Cathedral is put to shame by the Dom in its magnificence of Gothic architecture and heritage. Thsi is the Cathedral that Notre Dame was based on and I a simple American soldier was fortunate enough to take a two and a half hour train ride to see it and experience the spiritual energy and beauty. I am nobody special, but I could just take a train to go to the site of medieval pilgrimages and back in just a day. I am truly unworthy of such blessings.

And of course, like any good tourist, I got some souveniers, including a model of the Cathedral, a rosary, and some postcards :)

Now on to my postings.

GXB> <<SJ, Josh and I would be dead within a week. Most likely at each other's hands>> That should make for soem interesting game play. I ahve a malicious streak with teh Sims, so I'd make the SJ character and a Jen character become a married couple, while the Josh character would raise a bunch of kids only by kissing the girl a lot :) Of course, I'll put all three of you in a small room and let a few rockets off inside, then not save the game, so I can still use the same character when I am in a less saidistic mood :) I am a saidistic bastard, no? :)

<<Hey, what does Patrick do? ;)>> True, he may be trying to find out where Mooncat lives right now. I guess soemone is stalking Patrick, like an intern form Bombay, maybe :)

<<No, they were much more vulgar. No, I'm reminded of someone else.>> Maybe Paul Nathans, though I've heard taht it may be Jewel, but she is too honest to post under a pseudonym.

<<Because morals are really, really stupid! I hate morals! Life has been so much better for me since I flushed my morals down the crapper and didn't look back. Oh the fun I have had. When I rule the world, there will be drunken crack orgies in the streets!>> Just remember that even after you sue penicillin, you can still feel the burn,a nd this is form a buddy of mine who was stationed in teh ARMY in Germany 20 years ago and got soem lovely souveniers form fifty mark park :)

Besides, Gunjack chose that school. I wouldn't choose Harding, but that's my choice.

DPH> It was just a fluke, but highly amusing

JEB> Maybe Watcher is the Darklord

Crzy> <<I am sure if you were given a choice of using a gun or a condom as they were meant to be used... then you would chose the condom. ::shrugs::>> I prefer a letter opener laced with cyanide, but a gun can be used to be less dramamtic and from a distance :)

<<my husband was Military Police and grew up with half the cops in this town.>> Military Police. You jsut triggered my government sponsored brainwashing....

MP MP dpn'ta rrest me
Arrest that private behind the tree
He stole whiskey, I stole wine,
All we had to do was double time

Also ask him how he enjoyed Ft McClellan :)

Maybe I shouldseek professional help, except they wouldalso be ARMY and besides teh brainwashing improved my slef confidence after tearing it down first, and helps my leadership skills.

<<Of course, I read erotica, so therefore NONE of these people know anything about the law in the State of California. In fact, if you read erotica, that means the laws don't even apply at all! Yeah, that will hold up in court. "I'm sorry. But you read erotica and Greg Weisman is your best friend and has no mind of his own, therefore I must throw this case out. Oh yeah, sorry you're dead, but that's what you get for reading that smut!" LOL!! It all makes sense now! :P >> I think that was a decision reached by the Oregon Supreme Court ;)

Shinigami> <<Hee hee.. you love me! Yes, everyone go reread the MiSTS...>> Don't forget the Misting of Gay Dude where Attila first hits on Angela and I think Mara, too :)

Winterwolf> <<I don't know if they would ever fully be ready. :D>> It may be easy with our ARMY. We'd assimilate it with our diversity in ranks.

Fire Storm> <<True, that is a great price. But how are the hotel room prices around there? Worse than NY-98?>> Considering taht New Orlenas is much cheaper, I doubt it. It depends on where we get a hotel. Soem palces are fancier tahn otehrs. Down town is not caeap and French Quarter is even more, but suburban motels (which are the cheapest price range) defeat the purpose of a Gatheirng in New Orleans. Rest assured, it is cheaper than Mayflower especially considering a cost/quality ratio.

SJ and Josh disagreeing? I never thught I'd see the day ;)

Insvi> <<Do not argue with the women Thomas you might end up on the proverbial Doghouse. :D I may be young, but I have knowledge.>> It is fun to put an arm and pull it out before it gets any scratches :)

<<But as for cheesecake I got that free since my company does work with this business called the Cheesecake Factory. I don’t know if you haven’t heard of them. But, their cakes kick ass. :D>> I have, indeed. Howmany flavors do they have?

<<But, I have to agree with you, but I had that Bailey, Cheesecake combo when I was celebrating My Angel of the Night’s 22nd>> As in the AotN who used to post here?

<<Long Island Baby!>> Nassau County. I have family around there and maybe some in Suffolk too. Do you know any Worthingtons?

<<I see that you’ve picked up on that too… ;)>> I can't blame him. Granted Spacebabie smooches him and she knows what he looks like, so he has a keeper there :) I hope taht wasn't too mean.

Imzadi> <<How could anyone be worse than the Kennedys?>> Imagine the Kennedy family cotrolling a wealthy oil nation. Imagine almsot all government posst filled by Kennedys with the title of Prince. Imagine the Kennedy family with a fortune of billions instead of millions. Plus, the Kennedy women are treated much better than the women in the House of Saud. Plus there were a few good Kennedys (though they all die).

<<Why on earth would they want that?>> Because Cristine and a bunch of other women in the fandom find me very cute :)

<<I don't think that will happen. However, that doesn't change the fact that it rocks.>> I'll decide when I visit. I hope there is some historic region of the city left.

<<Do you know the difference?>> If I recall, the mean is the average of all scores, while the median is the score right in the middle.

Out of scores of 30, 30, 80, 90, 50...

54 is the mdeian
56 is the mean
30 is the mode

I hope that's right.

<<Personally I think DUI's should be felonies.>> I'm with you 150%. Better yet, I'll drink to that :)

<<They don't lack the capacity. They just don't want to pay for it.>> Though the benefits they reap are far graeter than the cost in these same scenarios. This may be one reason why the US hasn't gone metric yet, and I'm not a big fan of the system persoanlly, but I see its long term advantage.

<<We're over that. Now we've started a flame war on something entirely different ;-)>> Bratwursts roasting on an open flame war...

<<After all, not everyone who agrees with SJ and Jan *has* to be a right-wing christian.>> The fact that SJ is a right-wing Christian is scary sometimes. I would like to see himn on the McLoughlin group, though.

Moonact> <<My father has 8 brothers and sisters, and my mother 3 half sisters and 2 half brothers>> That's a large family for a non-Catholic.

Patrick Toman> <<Forsooth, I am capable of utlizing grandiose verbage,>> Eschew obfuscation :)

Jannie> <<I will conclude about someone who is 30+, lives alone with a house full of cats, tries to convince others on the internet that they have money, and has a house full of linoleum.>>

I don't understand the linoleum bit. As for teh stereotype, my mother does that.

My best buddy Dr. Barnes is 55 years old and has never been married. He ahs been engaged befroe but chickened out. He is a Marketing Professor and served his country over 20 years ago in the ARMY band. He also has an MBA in Finance and a BA in Music. Because he is in hsi 50s and a bachelor, my motehr thought he was agy and that he might try to molest me. My mother was full of shit. Once I was out of her house, I continued my friednship with dr. Branes and eh ahs doen nothing. My motehr needs to not worry about a son in his 20s, just because hsi friend is old enough toeb his father. Dr. barnes is a big kid and ins oem ways acts less mature than me, since it took me a year to convince him to buy a monthly RTA pass so he wouldn't have to scrounge for change when taking the streetcar to work. My mother has never met him, but assumes that a 55 year old bachelor is gay. When I am in New Orleans with my beloevd this July, we will meet him first, before any of my family. He is also the guy who got me hooked on Mafia movies.

Moncat> <<I'm not wanting to get married yet.>> coughcoughPatrickcoughcough

<<But thanks for advancing the stereotype that a girl has to be married by thirty with a herd of children to be considered worth anything in our modern society.>> Another Colleeg professor I really liked was 41 and single. She was my Econ professor and loved cats. Dr. walker was also well loved by her students and when she moved back to Colorado everyone missed her, from student to Professor to the Dean.
I hope you get a new job soon.

Spacebabie> <<Hey I hear its Harpy Hour>> Attial may hsoe you down for teh comedy routine, esepcially if you're wearing a white t-shirt :)

Siryn> <<But I could ALWAYS use a man servant. >;) mwhahaha>> My clones are all eunechs, and taht's better than manservants. Ask any Egyptian queen ;)

Shadowrider> <<Are you sure I must address to you like this? It's not that you'll change your mind tomorrow, isn't it? ;) >> You can call me either

<<Actually, in Italian it is used the equivalent of "bull", but since it is of the Pope we are talking...;)>> Papl Bull. Good connection.

<,Hmm...actually, it is difficult to get me pissed with a word...although, I admit, the intention is more important than the word itself to me. Anyway...if you like, you can try. What is a "dago"?>> A dago si a nickname for Italian, mainly use dtod escibe a Sicilian. The BalckAdder often used the term referringtos ome nonsense words as dago talk. My firts girlfirend was half-Sicilian and I called ehr a dago, so she called me a blue faced savage :)

<<Hah! Pinochet the best thing for Chile? Go and say that to the hundred thousands of desaparecidos, or to the ten thousands who were imprisoned and tortured for years just for their ideas.>> It was him or Allende. At least Pinochet kept the nastiness brief and stepped down when voted out, unlike the Sandinastas.

<<And, about Balthasar Garzon, all he tried to be is to make light on the destiny of hundreds of Spanish citizens who 'vanished' due to Pinochet's bloodthirst...and I applaud to his try.>> I still see him as a Judge in a leftist revenge tactic to kidnap a man undergoing surgery. Isn't he on trial now, anyway? Let his country deal with him? At least Chile has a good social security system.

<<If some hundreds of you Americans disappeared under some dictator, wouldn't you try to make justice?>> It depends on who we lost. And to keep things in proportion, this country could be the Phillippines. If some elected fascist ruined teh country and a liberal (liberal as in pro-free market) dictator took over with a littel bloodshed occuring, I woudl see hwta happens. If a bunch of pro-fascist Americans were to protetst and disappear, well they protested out of their own free will and knew the risks. In fact if capitalists proetsted Chavez in Venezuelka I would not think an American judge would have the right to have Chavez extradited if he was having back surgery in Canada twenty five yars from now. When teh elderyly and infiorm are kidnapped in the name of human rights, I wonder what the definition has become.

<<And, the fact the international community did not allow Garzon to proceed is to me the demonstration that, in spite of our claimed moral superiority, human rights still step aside when political issues come along...>> I guess my views came from Lady Thatcher's worting about it. I saw it as more of a revenge on pinochet. I consider ity underhanded forsoem Englsihment to kidnap him while he is undergoing back surgery. I admit taht he woudl face no worse than life, but the guy is 82 and he is now being tried by Chile, not by a judge from a nation that once ruled Chile. I don't want Clinton on trial by an English judge either and my feelings on Clinton are well known.
<<What else was he supposed to do? Give him a french kiss?>> he just kisses them on the cheek. Odd gesture to me, but that's just a cultural difference :)

<<Then Pilatus should be forgiven, after all he washed his hands of the situation...>> I need to read these letters, though I hope that my faith is not put into crisis afterwards, for I may have to abandon Christianity (not that such an event could really shake my faith, as we have had bad popes before. Next I fear there will be letters about John XXIII trying to promote Christian Marxsim).

As for Pilate, I bear him no ill will for executing Jesus. he was a petty beaurecrat with no real power. The Governor was in Syria. I think Pilate is bad because he was corrupt and allied to Sejanus, but that has nothing to do with his execution of Jesus. Pilate is rather minor to all of that in my opinion. I do not fault him at all.

<<I was trying to point out like the Vatican has always been very selective on when intervening or not...>> It has to be. Infallibility si not a normal thing, nor shoudl it be. It is very serious and very rare and mostly meant for big things, and not everyday stuff. Besides, whatever he says cannot be enforced by gunpoint (nor can any elected body hold the Pope at gunpoint so its even) so you have no fears. To me its an honor system and blessings and Absolutions require more than the priest. Aman can confess sins and if he feels no remorse he is still damned. I would liek to belive Pinochet repented, but if he didn't, I am not his judge. For all I know castro coudl be there at Heaven to greet me right next to Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson. I suspect that if someone you have a low opinion of redeems hismelf, you will meet him first once you are released from Purgatory

<<Milingo, for example... ;)>> Enlighten me on him. Not a familiar name.

<<I will find a day or two to show you the city when you'll come. I'll tell you more when I'll get more infos.>> I will check out otehr foru day weekends, though May 27-30 I will hopefully be enjoying a pilgrimage to Lourdes, France.

Firestorm> <<The Pres thinks we should start nuking 8 countries.>> Whcih ones. I prefer less destructive attacks. I agree. It si tiem for Powell to usurp rulership. Then the Senate is taken and Hillary si dealt with in a fashion so brutal SJ would find it too horrid (not that anything coems to mind) :)

Spike> The wisdom of youth :)

Green Baron - []
Hanau, Germany
Saturday, March 9, 2002 05:39:40 PM

Totally unrelated post, but I thought this was hysterical....


You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like
sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming.
Alan, age 10

No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with.
Kirsten, age 10


Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then.
Camille, age 10

No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get married.
Freddie, age 6


You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids.
Derrick, age 8


Both don't want any more kids.
Lori, age 8


Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough.
Lynnette, age 8

On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date.
Martin, age 10


I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns.
Craig, age 9


When they're rich.
Pam, age 7

The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that.
Curt, age 7

The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do.
Howard, age 8


I don't know which is better, but I'll tell you one thing. I'm never going to have sex with my wife. I don't want to be all grossed out.
Theodore, age 8

It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them.
Anita, age 9


There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there?
Kelvin, age 8

"And the #1 Favorite is........"


Tell your wife that she looks pretty even if she looks like a truck.
Ricky, age 10

Saturday, March 9, 2002 03:38:19 PM

In the news: The Pres thinks we should start nuking 8 countries.
I don't think Bush should be president any more.

Invsi Xavier: <God, Am I the youngest one in this room? *sobs* I’m only 22>
Oh no no no... you are NOT the youngest. The youngest we had was about 12.

Jan: <Thank Heaven for small favors that I only had to deal with the nipple rings>
Yeah... Say... what happens if you get someone who has an external metal brace on their leg?
<the 380 pound princess that I had to dress out last week>
Cavity check ;)
<I've noticed that Zach likes listening to the police scanner>
So... Police officer or one of those guys that drives around filming police chaces? :)

Daniel Johnson: <That's all my desktop machine gets used for now>
You have a static IP address?
From the looks of it, I am probably gonna dig out one of my older copies of Exchange for my mail server.
BTW... where did you get a copy of sendmail?
<did you know that SOS is no longer used>
It is. And it is still required on the ham radio operators test (At least a few of them). If I tune my shortwave radio to some channels, I can still hear Morse.

Gside: <Even without Weak Cum, it was wrong>
True... but so am I
<The joys of sleep deprivation>
Sleep? What's that?
<Nah, I want to work at the Pizza Pizza>
Well, that's good. Are your Pizza luscious?
<You have no taste>
Ah, I think I will let better judgment rule this time.

Imzadi: <I hear you. I could do my tech job on shrooms if I had to>
Boss: What happened to my report?
Josh: It was looking at me funny. It was either it or me.
<Who the FSCK would be local there?!>
Comic artists. Thom.
<The Air Force has known it since its inception>
True. But now there is proof!
<I still have yet to understand what those are good for>
Or penis studs.
<Where you don't get in trouble for having sex in foxholes>
In fact, it is encouraged!
<That is highly unlikely>
Wilek is Larry Flint's repressed alter ego.
<Fools. They should be using UNIX>
So should I on my servers

Christine: <Them mentioning Survivor _on_ ER, how about that? >
THAT was funny. I noticed that they only mentioned shows that are on NBC
<Luka and Carter, the two sexiest guys on the show, fighting a fencing duel>
Luka sure has an interesting past, dosn't he? He dosn't reveal too much, staying dark and mysterious, and even when parts of his past are shown, they only scratch the surface of what's there.
I pulled Alpha Centauri out again, mostly so I can airdrop nukes on some people and watch them go up in a nice mushroom cloud.
<Or shall the "can you top this" and "I'm right/you're a dingbat" arguments go on a while?>
She's a poo-poo head!

Spacebabie: <I’m thinking of being Lady Marmalaude for the Masquerade>
With or without wings and a tail?

Mooncat: <I'm wanting to make a necklace to a certain design, but it's hard to find the stones I want locally.>
Hmm... Well, if it can wait, I think the Rock and Gem show will be here soon. If not, I can call my Grandmother (that used to be a hobby of hers)

Brooklyn: <When is Time Dancer supposed to come out?>
It shall come out when it is time.
Not before.

Fire Storm
Saturday, March 9, 2002 02:57:15 PM

Hi people. Almost a week since my last post...lessons have restarted here, and since this semester I am going to get seven courses (I want to recover the year I have lost), I have not eventually the day off. Add to it the Taekwon-Do class, the choir, personal hygiene etc. and you obtain I have not that much time to post...even now, I will just reply to things said directly to me, since I have no time to read through all the CR. For the same reason, I apologize in advance to anyone I will happen to miss to reply...please be sure I just didn't see your replies to me...

Green Baron:> Are you sure I must address to you like this? It's not that you'll change your mind tomorrow, isn't it? ;)
<<I see it affecting lawyers in practice more than judges. I doubt much will change from it. >> As I said previously, any judge allowing what the Pope (or the Orthodox Patriarch, for what matters) said influencing his work, would be better to look for a new job. Anyway, like for many things the Vatican says, especially on controversial topics, won't change that much, you are right on this...
<<No matter what the Catholci Church does, soemone will criticize them. If they did nothing, bam...if tehy do more...they're oppressors..I guess they just can't win with some folks. It won't convert me any, so no big deal.>> It was not my point...I was trying to point out like the Vatican has always been very selective on when intervening or not...
<< I gues sits also cultural. That's humanity for you.>> Again, when somebody pretends to be a moral authority, must watch his actions and those of his underplaced more carefully than others. I can imagine a simple priest that gives support to the mafia, since priests are, like the Pope himself, mere humans. It is when those priests become bishops or cardinals, that I start to have some doubts about the whole organization...
<< blockhead...lovely terminology>> Really? A pity it was wrong. I was writing in haste, and erroneously traslated in "blockhead" instead of "steer". What I was trying to express was that Clinton could at least distinguish males from females of the same species (although, Monica Lewinsky...). Actually, in Italian it is used the equivalent of "bull", but since it is of the Pope we are talking...;)
<<I guess that's why you don't get pissed if I say dago :)>> Hmm...actually, it is difficult to get me pissed with a word...although, I admit, the intention is more important than the word itself to me. Anyway...if you like, you can try. What is a "dago"?
<< I think Pinochet was the best thing to happen to Chile, especially since Alende was an idiot, who ruined Chile, but taht doesn't make Pinochet right. He'll answer to God, but at leats not to some second rate judge. Maybe the Pope or the next one will visit Hugo Chavez. The Pope still criticized government policies when he visited there. I doubt he pulled any punches from Pinochet. >> Hah! Pinochet the best thing for Chile? Go and say that to the hundred thousands of desaparecidos, or to the ten thousands who were imprisoned and tortured for years just for their ideas. And, about Balthasar Garzon, all he tried to be is to make light on the destiny of hundreds of Spanish citizens who 'vanished' due to Pinochet's bloodthirst...and I applaud to his try. If some hundreds of you Americans disappeared under some dictator, wouldn't you try to make justice? And, the fact the international community did not allow Garzon to proceed is to me the demonstration that, in spite of our claimed moral superiority, human rights still step aside when political issues come along...
As for the Pope's visit in Chile, he publicly blessed Pinochet, and was with him on that balcony. What else was he supposed to do? Give him a french kiss? (what we cannot be sure it didn't happen...)
<< Until that is proven, I will regard that as libel. Youc an accuse them of silence. Maybe Pius coudl have doen more, but being an accomplice is very harsh even if the New Republic and some English writer said so. >> Then you should read the letters he sent to Hitler through the ambassador of the Vatican (I know it is not the right word, but I don't know how to say that in English, and I have not the dictionary at hand), letters that were secreted for years. In those writings, the pope shows all his antisemitism, and his approvation for Hitler's actions. You say it is not complicity? Then Pilatus should be forgiven, after all he washed his hands of the situation...
<<Besides, I don't see a place for democracy in any religion. >> Another of my problems with the Vatican.
<<There isn't an official position on capital punishment. The Pope is against it, but he won't declare that an infallibel position. >> It confirms what I said last time. This whole "Infallible/not infallible" thing seems to me an easy way to avoid controversial questions. So, explain me: how can I understand when the Pope is speaking infallibly? Is there a sign that turns on somewhere? And why, since it is always the same person speaking, sometimes what he says is infallible and sometimes not?
<< but I'm hoping we get an African Cardinal.>> Milingo, for example... ;)
<<but I doubt you would ever harm a cleric either. >> "Harm" a cleric? You mean *physically*? Why should I? Well, as long as the cleric in question don't attack or threaten anyone (self-defense excluded), I for sure won't harm him...
<<Good idea. Easter is when I have a four day weekend. I will need to check on costs for going to Milan, too.>> Hmmm...well, in the Easter week, as I said, I am probably going to be away with my girlfriend...for April, well, unluckily I still have not a precise calendar of my midterms, but I suppose that even if I'll be busy with lessons, I will find a day or two to show you the city when you'll come. I'll tell you more when I'll get more infos.
<<I suspect if others had our discussions, they wouldn't be as civil.>> <grins> For some weird reasons, I suspect that as well...actually, the mere thought is *scaring* me...;)

Josh:> << Hey no! 75-80 cloaked wraiths is QUITE stylish! >> But not as the same number of Goliaths marching over a Protoss base. Ok, the Wraiths are far more effective, but the Goliaths are more cool. Heck, in my days I used to build a dozen of Goliaths and keep them for the final strike, just for the taste of seeing them in action (Ok, I did it only with lesser opponents...)
<<And what does your girlfriend think of all this?>> Actually, she's ENTHUSIAST of this! Especially of the polymorphic thing! It allows a lot of...'variations'...and she has a *very* vivid fantasy for that...;)
<<Then how do you explain Monica Lewinsky?>> See my reply to GB...
<<Well, he's not exactly the most intelligent person, is he?>> Ehm...I must admit I am beginning to suspect it myself...
<<I told you that you're gonna get hairy palms if you keep doing that.>> Hmm...I am not sure that for girls it works the same way ot does for we guys. Plus, I don't think that with the movement they do one can get tendonitis...arthritis, maybe, but tendonitis...

Jan:> <<I agree with you concerning the religion and government mixing such as what the catholic church has asked of the catholic judicial members.>> That is least, somebody in here agrees with me on something...;)
Did you get my emails?

Aaron:> Long time no see.
<< Depends on where you are. I know a lot of places where it's at least 70 mph, and at one time the California Supreme Court ruled that radar was an unlawful search and seizure, so the CA Highway Patrol doesn't have radar guns, last time I looked. >> Whoa, I didn't even remember I had posted that thing about speed limits...anyway, interesting thing about the radar guns...something similar happened in Italy some time ago...basically, Constitutional Court enstablished that was legal to use speed-rilevators (that are not radar-guns...they work with infrareds, must be placed at the side of the road, and automatically take the picture of any vehicle exceeding speed limits), but that the police was anyway compulsed to stop immediately the transgressor and give him the fine directly (while before they could mail the fine at the address of the owner of the car).
<<My condolences on your grandfather.>> Thank you.

Spacebabie:> <<Hey arnt you supposed to be banned? :::prepares to wash SJ’s soiled underwear.:::>> I find somehow funny to see how some people in here, some of which I eventually respect, once they have found a scapegoat for all the wrong thing they see, are ready and eventually eager to shoot to him for every thing that happens, without even wasting time in wondering if their scapegoat happens to be somehow involved or not...

Lady Mystic:> Wow! Great job in updating the CR info pages! <applauds>
<<... I am going to take a little break ...>> Definitely well deserved, IMO.

Niamhgold:> <<My right arm is splinted up because of some form of tendonitis, >> Ack! Not good at all! Take care, my friend, and best wishes for a quick recovery!

Ok, I am quite sure there would be some other things I am supposed to say, but I have not the time/strenght right now. See everyone.

Shadowrider - []
Saturday, March 9, 2002 01:55:28 PM

Hey quick question.

When is Time Dancer supposed to come out? It supposed to come out in like late fall, then early winter, what gives?

Thanks a bunch

Saturday, March 9, 2002 01:35:28 PM

Greetings all...

Heck of a lot happening, mostly at work... learning security regs, the manangement end of cach handling. Plus, I got to run the floor for the first time yesterday, while the two senior managers had a meeting with the store manager. Whew! I'm beat... but the crew did do a great job. I only had to talk to one person later for not telling me that he had to leave his station to talk to a parent (he ended up staying later to help out, and his parent was the only ride he had to get home), but he understood why I said what I said... proud of myself for not jumping down his throat.

Also, got my pictures of my short trip to Universal/Islands of Adventure... the one pic of the 8th Voyage of Sinbad set didn't come out (damn flash!), but everything else did... especially the pics of Rogue in Marvel Superheroland, and of the ones I took of Kellie Fey and I clowning around in Toon Lagoon. Will scan and post later...

A couple of replies:

MOONCAT - Christine had a winner when she named Cat... of course, you also can't go wrong with the rest of her cast. Escpeically Sybil Narrin and Alphonse Bugbedead (two of my faves).

ARTISTS IN GENERAL - If you want to add a nifty addition to your portfolio, you can submit a piece for the first cover of the new Avalon Mists. For details, send me email at my address or contact me at

More later... I got errands to run.

Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Saturday, March 9, 2002 11:50:16 AM

Christine - *^_^* absolutely love the name Cat. Anything feline is aces with me *^_~* -- I am looking forward to reading your chapters.

Also, I'm in total read mode this weekend. Yesterday, before we went to Time Machine my friends and I did a book shop crawl. Ooo.... So much new stuff!!! I had to pick up the new Tanya Huff book, "The Better Part of Valor" and agonized over picking up the new Mercedes Lackey/Eric Flint/David Freer hard cover "Under the Wings of the Lion" -- all fantastic authors, and the thought of them writing together blows my mind. But a friend told me the first 25 chapters are on-line, so I'll do the "preview" first then decide if I can stuff another hardcover into the book case.

Kiss of Shadows by Laurell K. Hamilton is out in paper back, and has a preview in the back for Caress of Twilight (sp?) which is doe out the end of this month in hardcover... woo hoo!!! Meredith Gentry, princess of the fay and PI, whee!!!

Well, off to get the house tidy. Having curry dinner and company tomorrow. Absolutely addicted to curry now... mmm...

Anyone know a good source for Moonstone and Opal? I am looking for some nice, oval or tear drop, unset pieces. I'm wanting to make a necklace to a certain design, but it's hard to find the stones I want locally.

ciao for now

Saturday, March 9, 2002 10:59:38 AM

Christine> I can't believe that the tribe voted off "mom" Patricia on Survivor! That was a very idiotic move on their part. I could see her as an asset that they will need to have for a while. I'll be glad when Susan is voted off - she gets on my nerves. I do think it is somewhat funny that the guy she has hooked up with admitted that he was just using her - I wonder what her reaction will be when she sees the taping. hehehe
I thought ER was a bit boring but yeah.. Luka and Carter are dreamboats! *drools* I don't know what the attraction is to Abby, though - she's very neuoritc (sp?) *brain fart* and doesn't seem to be able to maintain a lasting relationship. Susan seems to be a bit more adventerous and comical since she has returned :)
I wonder if the couples will end up switching around... Carter and Abby and then Luka with Susan. heh
Books... I'm currently reading one of Iris Johansen's latest novels. It's a bit different than her previous books but I'm enjoying it. I've been on a book reading kick lately and almost feel a panic when I'm at the end of a book and don't have another to begin immediately. I prefer murder-mystery suspense type books and have practically gone thru all of the newest releases so far.

Lexy> OOoO You are going to get to see Elton John and Billy Joel perform?? *envious* That's a downside to moving to a small community/area - concerts are too far away to be feasible to attend. =\ Of course, I do have Branson close by - but I don't consider the "Nashville sound" to be as entertaining as a good concert.
Of course your questions and debates about year round school and the driving age aren't any source of irritation! *hugs* I think it was a nice diversion as well as interesting :)
I understand about your dilemma concerning your wedding and what is suppose to be *your* ideas and desires. You are in a precarious situation with your future in-laws. *nods* Been there, done that. I guess the one piece of advise that I can give you is to always remember: "choose your battles" It's necessary to keep the peace but yet not loose yourself in all of this. So, it's going to be some give and take on both sides (whether or not they want to) Decide what is the most important details and wishes that you want to see happen and stick to your guns on it.... but for those minor details, let them "win". If you fight them on everything, then all will be lost in the long run. You may end up with having the wedding that you wanted, but you still have to live with his family the rest of your life. The guest list, however, should have at least been divided equally - or at least as many as you wanted up to that number. BTW, when is the wedding date? :)

Ghost of Rev. Attila> *scratches behind ears* naw, I'm not going to say anymore about that particular subject... not worth it.
Love you too, sweetie - but if you touch the chihuahua, you're next week's lunch special at the Ching Ho restaurant ;p

GSide> <<Back in my old apple days, it was a rainbow striped apple, and that's how it shall remain to me. >> You mean it's not still that? *blinks* whoa.. it's been a while since I've bothered to look at their emblem. heh
Our school was/is still using the Apple IIE computers! *L*

Josh> <<Clearly your cats are not as ferocious as my cats. >> nope, they're not. They are just a couple of peace loving, playful, overgrown kittens. Ohmygosh! I have Hippie cats! *falls over* A bit screwed up though because I'm sure they are also Republicans ;)
The Republican Club is designed so that we can all sit around and talk of our wealth and how to screw the less fortunate out of their money ;) (before anyone jumps down my throat - that was a joke... as in making fun of the stereotypical republican) I put that disclaimer in because my ears can't handle another sonic boom ;) *inside joke*
Actually, attending the meeting was very informative and I was able to meet a lot of the Republican candidates for the upcoming election. There's an election of local officals this year and since I work with most of them at the courthouse, it's nice to see what their political intentions are in addition to how I see them doing their current job. There's going to be a heated race for the PA's job this year - one of the candidates also happens to be Anna's attorney. I wonder if I promise to vote for him, he'll reduce the amount he's charging for the custody matter... ;) (once again, I'm joking! I've already paid him)

Speaking of custody matter... the 30 days waiting period is up so now the attorney has sent a request to the judge for a hearing. I found out which judge will be hearing the case... he's a family friend :) So at least I'm a bit more relaxed about it. Not that being a friend makes a difference as far as the laws are applied, but that I know his concerns and policies on custody issues such as this. Plus he'll have no doubts or concerns about Zach's well-being since he knows my family.

Time to start on Saturday housekeeping chores. blah. A storm blew in late last night and dropped the temps around 30 degrees, so not like I'm going to be out and about anyway... might as well clean the house. O.o The disadvantage of having a larger home is that there is more space to clean =\

Heh, I've noticed that Zach likes listening to the police scanner.

Saturday, March 9, 2002 10:51:09 AM

Lexy > I love fielding questions about the books, I'm just worried that others might object to too much space in here being taken up on my stuff.

Mooncat > why doesn't it surprise me that you'd like Cat's name? ; ) Hope you like the chapters.

Christine - []
Saturday, March 9, 2002 10:46:30 AM
IP: know. I swear my brain is not thinking lately.. -_-;;; College starts up again on Monday (GACK... and I still am not sure about two of the classes that I need to take.. *sigh*) Warning..nomatter HOW much you talk to upper heads, or check your school finds SOME way to squeeze money extra from you..;_; Blah. Oh well, no use worrying about it for at least two more days. ^_^;;;

Thanks for all the comments. ^_^;; I'll respopnd to them indvidually later. ^_^

Christine> Hehe I saw that reference on ER. I don't know though..I liked Luca when he had more hair. As for Carter, I've always had a crush on him. ^_^;; (Although that 11 year old comment was...heh. startling. O.o;;;;)

Thomas > re clones> heheh I wish I could do that to myself..then there would be a clone for the gathering, a clone for school, a clone for my bf, and the clone that sits and draws all day (that clone probably happiest of all ;) But I could ALWAYS use a man servant. >;) mwhahaha

Lexy> haven't fogotten you! I'll call you later on this afternoon so we can talk about stuff and plan little plans and plot major plots. ;D

Siryn - []
Saturday, March 9, 2002 10:41:33 AM

"text or little bite sized pieces" sorry for the typo

Saturday, March 9, 2002 10:26:34 AM

Josh -- I posted in bits yesterday because it was all I had time for at given moments. And most of them were text no picture, so what's your gripe? One huge glop of text of lots of little bite sized pieces, they all use up the same amount of bandwidth. Me thinks someone nit picks.

As for claiming riches, I remark on the price of things because to me, they are remarkable. I usually don't pay more than 15 dollars or so on a nice meal, so 25 was a bit of an owie. But since Sushi Happy Hour is gone, it's a price I'll have to pay for a sushi (maki/cone roll/sashimi) dinner locally. 12 thousand on flooring, again an ouch much. I could do a lot more with 12 thousand (will be closer to 15+ once the last bedroom is done) but again, a price that must be paid when one keeps stud and queen cats and likes to keep their house tidy. So I'm a neat freak, so what? People here talk all the time about the cost of things, including Jan and you. I remember something about thousands of dollars "lost" in Money Orders for tuition not long ago. People here talk about their tuition fees and what not all the time, didn't see anyone accuse them of being spoiled rich wannabees.

Someone gets a nice cel, they mention it here. Any nice gargoyles cel starts in the $300s and goes up. But maybe we shouldn't talk about the nice things we get since it offends you? *sighs*

Actually, I would LOVE to be rich. What of it? For me rich is not needing a day job to pay bills, so I can focus on all my fan stuff, hiring a maid so I don't have to do the endless amounts of housework that I must, and being able to travel more and buy more. As it is, I pick and chose my aquisitions within a budget. $25 dollar sushi dinner means no McDonald Lunches for 2 to 3 weeks. Buying a 300 cel means my grocery money for months is cut to bare basics (ramen and vitamins) -- this is by no means wealth.

Though I wonder who should talk as you have mentioned all the money you spend (hundreds wasn't it?) on food each week. I just use my food money for more durable things, like animation cels.

You don't like the occasional price tag in my commentary? Skip my posts. After all, I skip all your Apple/Macintosh blatherings.


Saturday, March 9, 2002 10:25:32 AM

Lexy > Cool parody tune. Has anyone recorded that to music, or is it just lyrics?

Spacebabie > "but not before he is tripped and smooched by Spacebabie" -- Woo! I've got another groupie. Just hope Crzy & Mooncat don't get jealous. ;)

Jan > "They don't kill the snakes, but play with them and once they've become bored, they let it go." -- "Croc Hunter" Steve Irwin must have been a cat like that in a previous incarnation.

"Gargoyles" related news ('cause it's been a while since we last had some in here) > Ed Asner is receiving a lifetime achievement award from the Screen Actors Guild. The 8th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards will be broadcast on TNT from the Los Angeles Shrine Exposition Center on Sunday, March 10, 2002 8pm EST/PST, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain.

Patrick Toman
Saturday, March 9, 2002 09:04:18 AM

Okay, this is one of the funniest thing I've read in a long time. Apparently, some guy got the Army to pay for him to operate a porn site by telling them it was used for communicating with forces in Bosnia.

And people wonder why the public has no respect for the armed forces.

I tried to meet with the group that's porting my prof's MATLAB toolbox to VRML (why the HELL they want to port it to VRML and not OpenGL is beyond my comprehension). Sadly, that group has their PhD exams today, so I met with my prof instead and learned how to do my structural engineering homework with his program.

Who said this stuff has no practical application?

Invsi: <<blinks* What for?>>: Argh never mind. <<My, only problem is that when it comes to writing fiction or posting I have a nasty habit of not checking my work before posting it>>: Well that's kind of important. You also need to check out your comma placement. Believe it or not, you don't need to put a comma in your writing every time YOU take a breath 8-)

Mooncat: I know you may not believe this, but you don't really need to post four or five times a day. Then it starts to border on chat room. <<I hope it was a poor attempt at humor on your part and not an actual indication of your level of deductive reasoning>>: I would hope you have more respect for our collective intelligence. <<Yes, nice logical rebuttles. *claps hands*>>: That is the second dumbest thing I've ever heard. She was not using that as a rebuttal against your facts, she was using it as a stinging barb against you mocking her secretarial function. At least get your insults straight. <<By the way, I've never claimed to be rich>>: Oh yes you have. As a spoiled brat, I can recognize at least THAT in other people. Dropping prices all over the place, 12000 for flooring, 25 for a meal, etc. These are the marks of people who either would like to be rich or think they are rich...but aren't.

Patrick: <<Not intended to be interpreted as an offer of marriage>>: Yeah, right. <<You. Yes, you... OFF my planet>>: And out of the gene pool! <<but that's only ONE of my secret identities>>: LOL!

Jan: <<They don't kill the snakes, but play with them and once they've become bored, they let it go>>: Clearly your cats are not as ferocious as my cats.

Crzy: <<Ugh... just ugh... >>: You started it! ;-)

Lain: <<okay.. what the hell do i do NOW?>>: Take everything and RUN. That's my plan for the next few years, anyway.

Shinigami: <<I may be a horny cata nd drenching you has a nice effect of making your clothes cling to you>>: Is this really the place?

Spacebabie: <<Only Hugh can stop florist friars>>: That's terrible. <<The French of the regular kind?>>: They're all the same. <<but not before he is tripped and smooched by Spacebabie>>: You SO just made yourself ineligible.

Lexy: <<to those that are getting annoyed at the back and forth banter, that I didn't add to that?>>: That's not what we're arguing about. <<sometimes It is hard to tell if you are bothering ppl>>: Don't worry, I think its pretty clear that when someone is pissing us off, we let you know 8-) <<alternate lyrics>>: BRILLIANT!

Gside: <<That's why you're an engineer>>: That and the strong math grades. <<My targeting system is a bit more spotty than yours>>: Huh? <<I got another minor raping today in my DigE exam>>: Hate it when that happens. At least it wasn't a major raping. <<If you're that insistant>>: I am. Naked chicks beat chicks in fishnets (or worse, guys in fishnets) any day of the week. <<Back in my old apple days, it was a rainbow striped apple, and that's how it shall remain to me>>: I have never owned a mac with a striped Apple logo 8-) <<Steve Jobs can heat his house entirely by burning Imzadi's offers of being a love slave>>: For the record, I think Steve Jobs is a punk and I would never offer to be his love slave.

Ugh. I was up at 9AM today, I think I need to crash. I'll wake up nice and late tomorrow.

He has the intelligence of a sophomore sociology student.
-Anonymous Caller, "The Larry Elder Show"

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Saturday, March 9, 2002 03:11:17 AM

Imzadi> <<I like to push buttons and play with things>>: That's why you're an engineer.
<<I'll be second, but only because Gside posts before I do>>: My targeting system is a bit more spotty than yours.
<<Spoken like a true engineer>>: Now if only the professors would agree with me. I got another minor raping today in my DigE exam.
<<No. Strip club>>: If you're that insistant.
<<So does the Apple logo>>: Back in my old apple days, it was a rainbow striped apple, and that's how it shall remain to me.
<<I have 1.5 gigs of RAM. Its not a question of right, its a question of physical ability>>: No, they're still running out. Apparently it's something to do with bad resursion, letting too many freames lie around before cleaning them up.
<<Why waste the time if you're not gonna get any?>>: I had nothing better to do.

Invsi> <<*blinks* What for?>>: He's a rabid Apple user. Steve Jobs can heat his house entirely by burning Imzadi's offers of being a love slave.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Saturday, March 9, 2002 02:12:43 AM

Ok... Just saw the first episode of Jeramiah on Showtime...

Don't you just HATE it when you see something REALLY good on TV and just want to see the whole series?
Well, it was that good.

Damn Showtime and their quality programming! :)

Fire Storm
Saturday, March 9, 2002 12:25:25 AM

Time Machine SPOILERS
Ooo... I liked it. Gorgeous visuals. Poignent plot. Some seems that really grab you by the throat. All in all I give it a 9 out of 10. Not quite perfect. The lead actor could have been a bit more charismatic, but the proformance was nicely done. A lot of things are left for the audience to intuit, but all in all fairly straight forward and classic in it's action adventure theme.

Cool Movie. Not Lord of the Rings, which I gave a 10 of 10 (heck, an 11) -- but Time Machine was pretty nifty in it's own right. Again the visual effects are just stunning.


Saturday, March 9, 2002 12:15:11 AM

wow..I just LOVE that huge black gap I left *growles at her computer!* SORRY GUYS! -_-;
Friday, March 8, 2002 10:20:02 PM

All Crap By Big Mouth ^-^V

Somebody once forced me
To watch some music T.V
I couldn’t hear a word that was said
It was sounding kinda dumb
With some guy banging a drum
Why’d we waste precious time
To record this?

Well. The songs keep coming
And they don’t stop sucking
Play kiss FM and I’ll hit
The ground running
Couldn’t they write
Just one song not dumb?
They write one verse
And they think their done
So much is lude
So much obscene
And I can’t tell Nsync from Backstreet
You never know what they wont show
Please, oh God say it ain’t so!

Hey now, you’re a rap star
Tell me how you, get laid
Hey now, you’re a pop star
Take your cloths off, get paid
How does this garbage get sold?
Rather watch a rock grow some mold

It’s a rude race, and the artists get bolder
You think they swear now? Wait until we get older
And the VH1 tube doesn’t differ
Judging by the crap on my big screen picture
The lyrics they write, are getting pretty dim
Their changing my station, I just can’t win
My worlds gone crazy, how bout yours?
Garbage being sold out on the shelves at stores

Hey now, you’re a rap star
Tell me how you, get laid
Hey now, you’re a pop star
Take your cloths off, get paid
How does this garbage get sold?
Rather watch a rock grow some mold

Somebody once asked
Do you like pop, rock or rap?
I need to get myself away from this place
And as yet, I can not get
Why they think their being cool myself
Because their driving me so insane

Well. The songs keep coming
And they don’t stop sucking
Play kiss FM and I’ll hit
The ground running
Couldn’t they write
Just one song not dumb?
They write one verse
And they think their done
So much is lude
So much obscene
And I can’t tell Nsync from Backstreet
Intelligence is a no go
Morality is a no show

Hey now, you’re a rap star
Tell me how you, get laid
Hey now, you’re a pop star
Take your cloths off, get paid
How does this garbage get sold?
Rather watch a rock grow some mold

Not all good music is sold
Rather watch a rock grow some mold

Friday, March 8, 2002 10:19:00 PM

I was honestly just trying to have a debate about the 16 year-olds, and year-round-school. Those topics interest me. I hope, to those that are getting annoyed at the back and forth banter, that I didn't add to that? -_-; I honestly just wanted to debate! But sometimes It is hard to tell if you are bothering ppl. So If I annoyed anyone I am really sorry! ( However, thanks to all that posted with me:) )Fighting in here really bothers me as well, and I noticed some ppl were getting pretty fed up with the latest arguments. So I hope I didn't add to their problems. I will stop posting about those two topics:)

Christine- Do you want me to only _email_ you on questions I might come up with about your books? I noticed in your last post you mentioned keeping stuff on your books out of here. I don't wanna be annoying, so please tell me:) Because I do have a fallow up question from your last post to me. If I am asking too many q's..then PLEASE don't tell me to just email you. I can shut up...really! :D (Don't ask Greg about that though..ok?;) )

Other then this..*thinks*

Nothing much going on. A co-worker of mine is trying to help me get a ticket to see Elton John and Billy Joel. That would be cool. Tomorrow I have to do a 'girls day out' thing with my soon-2-be-mother-in-law and my soon-to-be-sister-in-law. They want me to pick out flowers, and talk to the DJ and stuff like that *sighs* I dislike doing this, because as nice as they both are, I really _don't_ get to decide anything. Out of the 120 or so ppl coming to 'my' wedding, I invited 4. So when they ask me things like "what kind of music would you like?" I will tell them, and they will reply "Oh no, we can't do that because this age group or that can't dance to that." Or they will ask, "What kind of food do you want." Gee..I don't know guys. What kind of food do the guests like? In other words..we are planning this around the guest list..not what _I_ want. And I don't know the guest list. So why don't they just choose for me? They know them better then I do. (I've never even met most of them!) Honestly. I don't mean this in a mean way either. Just ..seriously. They keep asking me what I want..but I cant ever have what I want because 'they' wont like it. *L* So then ..why did you ask me!? eh. -_-; I finally got this explained to my STBMIL (shortened version..) with the help of her husband, and she actually cried. She felt so bad because she couldn't give me what I wanted, and what the family wanted at once because our tastes are so different. *sighs* Hey, what can you do right? Either plan for the couple, or plan for the wedding party. With some ppl you can do both I guess. But with someone like me? eh..good luck.

Other then that I had the absolute WORSE case of creativity demons I have ever had today. It all started about an hour before my break too. So I had to keep singing the song I wrote in my head over and over as to not forget. PPl were really getting worried about me by the time they stuck me on break. I was pretty hungry, but I didn't have time to eat, because I had to write so much *L* So I had better go and write that lil ditty out now;) (BTW) For those of you who's brains are always producing interesting ideas at busy moments, do like I do. I have tiny notebooks that fit in my palm. I carry at least one with me EVERYWHERE. appointments..well not to sleep..or the shower. Ok. Almost everywhere. But I really have managed to fill those guys up! You'd be surprised how much more you write when you can:)

Friday, March 8, 2002 09:29:36 PM

Christine - Thanks *^_^*, I'll look over the sample chapters and descriptions this weekend. Love the name Cat Sabledrake!

Spacebabie - Ooo! I'm jealous! *^_^* Kewl costume idea too. I loved Moulan Rouge. I went ahead and got the DVD, which I hardly ever do except for Animation.

Must go run now, before people start showing up. mmm... all I want to do is go back to bed and nap though. Still sleepy. But company coming and art and stuff to get to. Few miles in the park will wake me up nicely.


Friday, March 8, 2002 03:04:27 PM

Small joke that was e-mailed to me.

These two friars decide to start a flower shop, and they do so across
the street from another flower shop.

The friars' shop gets to be really popular, and soon, no one goes to
the shop across the street. The other shop owner goes up to the
friars and says, "Please shut down your shop. You're hurting my

The friars say, "Go away! We will not shut down our shop."

So then the owner sends in his mother, "Please shut down your shop."

"No!" is the reply.

So finally, the owner of the first florist's shop gets mad and hires a
giant Irish man named Hugh. Hugh goes over wrecks the shop and beats
up the friars.

The moral of this story: Only Hugh can stop florist friars.

Darlene<<<That was my sister's kids on here.>>> Excuses excuses.

Josh<<<Are you referring to the insects?>>>No those little cookies from the Keebler fudge shop.<<<Crap. I miss one ep and look what happens.>>>You can catch it this Saturday.<<<two bleeping weeks.>>>It just started today.<<<Like that's ever stopped anyone from posting. >>>Sadly true, but Greg can post their phone number.<<<You realize of course, that now I am morally obligated to own canadians.>>>The French of the regular kind?

Patrick<<<::::: unfurls his cape, leaps a tall stack of post-it notes in a single bound, and heads off to save the world from evildoers ::>>>but not before he is tripped and smooched by Spacebabie.

Jennifer<<<Ugh... just ugh..>>> Hey I hear its Harpy Hour. :::Opens the bar:::

Christine is right and RIGHT about Carter and Kovic. My mother made a reference to the Breakfast Club. My favortie Survivor so far is Gina.

Books:::So far I’m reading the latest Acorna novel.

Gathering. I’m thinking of being Lady Marmalaude for the Masquerade. Don’t ask how I’m going to pull that off, although I need to go to Victoria Secret for that.

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Friday, March 8, 2002 02:46:19 PM

Mooncat > clickie to find out about my novels; there are first chapters from each of the MageLore trilogy, blurbs about the characters, etc. I'm always happy to talk about them, but for the sake of everyone else, maybe we should conduct that by e-mail.
Christine - []
Friday, March 8, 2002 02:41:25 PM

Hi Christine -- Actually, I'm thinking up picking up your non-Gargoyle fiction, and was wondering about your books. Could you tell me a little about what they are about, and how you got started writing them? I really like your writing style and enjoyed your short story in the "All Flesh Must Be Eaten" anthology. But I'm a bit wary of stepping into a completely original fantasy based universe. Anything you can tell me about your books would be appreciated.


Friday, March 8, 2002 02:33:08 PM

Is it time to talk about something else yet? How about we blather about TV? Survivor. ER. Them mentioning Survivor _on_ ER, how about that? Luka and Carter, the two sexiest guys on the show, fighting a fencing duel (though over Abby, eew). Who thinks they should have gotten rid of Sara-the-Breasts instead? What else has been on TV this week? World's Best Magic every night; Becca enjoys that. Combat Missions. Junkyard Wars. Battlebots!

How about books? What are people reading? I just finished reading 3 books by 3 different authors, never read before, got them from the library, and all 3 had something to do with the Anasazi tribe. That was bizarre. Read Clive Cussler's "Atlantis Found" recently. New Stephen King short story collection due out next week.

Games. We're all hooked on Settlers of Catan. If my voice doesn't improve enough to run my usual game tomorrow (it's great being able to do the voice of T'Dek the dwarf without hurting myself, but right now everybody would sound that way) we'll just play Settlers all day.

Any other ideas? Or shall the "can you top this" and "I'm right/you're a dingbat" arguments go on a while? At least some people seem to be having fun.

Christine - []
Friday, March 8, 2002 02:16:43 PM

Lain -- almost forgot, good letter! My best wishes go with you.


Friday, March 8, 2002 01:23:28 PM

Patrick -- Ooo.. catnip! ::hugs toy:: Thankee for the skritchies. ::purrss::

Ghost of Reverend Attila -- ::shakes off excess water:: Awww... and I was just beginning to warm up *^_~* Okay, I'll play nice if she plays nices. Didn't understand what she had against my floors anyway.

::sighs and checks out her water slicked fur:: Hmm... good thing I don't mind getting wet. But since it's a bit chilly today, I better pat dry before going for my daily run. Kitty Colds are no fun.

Jennifer -- sorry ami mi, didn't mean to upset you. I'll be peace kitty >^,,^< -- as long as certain people leave me alone I'll leave them alone. okay?

Shinigami -- ::big sorrowful eyes:: didn't mean for the claws to come out... ::guards Shin's lap against Ghost of Reverend Attila:: but they are nicely sheathed again >^,,^< ::rubs cheek on Shinigami's ankle in apology::


Friday, March 8, 2002 01:19:32 PM

This is not good. ::grabs a hose and sparys Jannie and Mooncat::

Jannie> Those cats playing withs ankes sound so cute. GB would never let me harm a reptile.

Now, I would not recommend getting into a catfight with someone named Mooncat. Best advice is to ignore her posts. Now I love you and even though I consider chihuahuas to eb appetizers.

Mooncat> I may be a horny cata nd drenching you has a nice effect of making your clothes cling to you, but the horse is dead. Now, let Patrick dry you off as he si jumping and down wanting to do.

That's all from me. Meow!! One last thing.

Lexy> ::noozle, purr:: Can I call you Sexy Lexy?

Shinigami> I want some milk. ::purrr::
Ghost of Reverend Attila
Friday, March 8, 2002 12:38:34 PM


I hope this doesn't become another flame war.

Anonymous (a different one, not "IP:" )
Friday, March 8, 2002 12:14:19 PM

"Many thanks for the reply to my EMail.
If leaving university will bring you the happiness and fulfilment that you seek, then you have my full blessing and support. There is no room for anger in my heart. As for letting you go, the point of going to university was to
prepare you for life on your own. It was your mum's and my desire to set you out on life's journey fully prepared for anything that you might encounter.
Neither of us tried to hold you back; we wanted you to have a happy and full life and that is my desire.
Your mother and I only had one desire and it ruled our lives from the day that you were born; your happiness and the achievement of your full potential.
I will not respond to the all points that you raised in your reply since doing so will only result in more unhappiness on both our parts and it is my sincere wish to avoid any unpleasantness.
I will still keep my commitment to you and will send you the
money that I would if you were still at university until you get on your feet.
When you leave university you need to know that you will no
longer have access to the dental and medical coverage that you now have as a full-time student and dependent. I am sorry but that is the way the GE Canada benefit plan works. I would advise that you get to see a dentist before you leave Western.
Fourthly, I do not have a number of suitcases only the set to which the one that you have belongs; you must have forgotten that I got rid of all the suitcases with your mum's clothes two years ago. However, I have no desire
to stop you travelling and finding the happiness you so surely deserve so keep the suitcase. If you want me to get it repaired than I will do that as a gesture of goodwill.
Lastly, neither your mum nor I have ever done anything for you just because you were our child. Everything and I mean that sincerely, was done out of a deep and ever lasting love for you; our only daughter whom with both loved and of whom we were (and I am still) very proud of her accomplishments.
You have had a lot of adversity in your life and, for the past few years, struggled valiantly. I am proud of what you have done and you can also be proud. I hope that you do your best in your final few weeks at Western and try to get the best marks possible so that you may use them if you decide to go back to university at some time in the future.
When I said that you wanted to exclude yourself from family affairs, I was referring to the fact that, on a number of occasions, you have been asked to come to be with Mary's family and invariably you have found an excuse not to do so. It was mentioned a number of times that you did not like Mary's mum because she hugged you too much. Well, I am sorry about that because there was a time when hugging was a preoccupation with you. I call Gran every week but she never mentions that you have written to her. I do not recollect
Val ever saying that you had written to them. That is what I meant. Only you can make the effort. I know it is difficult but being part of a family is a wonderful thing. The offer still stands but there is now another impediment to family life; who will look after your rat? Because I cannot have it
in this house with the dogs or myself. I am sorry but I have a thing about rats.
Mary and I would both like you to be our friend, part of our family and experience the joy that it can bring but that is for you to decide.
With respect to your mum's things, I cannot, in all honesty, give you her expensive jewellery at this time. Everything else you can have to do with as you wish, including the violin. The pieces of your mum's pottery that you wanted have all been put in boxes for safe keeping. There are a lot of boxes, however, where you will put them I do not know. I will store them if you want until you are more settled.
None of her pots have been broken. They have all been put in boxes and those that are not wanted will be given to the cancer society for sale and they will keep the proceeds of the sale. That seems to me to be a suitable way to deal with her work; I am sure that she would have approved.
For clarification, there was never any intent to give your mum's engagement ring to Mary. Mary and I were going to announce our engagement the weekend that you were here and, due to the short notice, I did not have a ring to give her. It to be purely a symbolic gesture for that moment only. It
would have be wrong to even think of giving her your mum's ring. Your mum's engagement ring is and always was to be part of the expensive jewellery that was to be given to you.
I still have computer tables, beds, chesterfields, pot and pans, cooking utensils, glasses etc. that are yours if you wish to have them when you have found living new accommodations.
At this point in your life I am not sure whether you will be able to appreciate how much I love you and how much your well-being and happiness mean to me. When you are a parent, you will come to appreciate how much love you have in your heart for your child and how much forgiveness you are
able to give out.
Both Mary and I love you dearly, please be assured of that. You can call on either of us, night or day, if you are in trouble or need our help in any way, shape or form.
With deepest love and affection,

i must have hit a few nerves the right way or.. something.. either that or his heart hath been softened by mary.. i dont know about you but.. that was the *absolute last* response i expected to get from him. not that im complaining.. in fact, i think i will curl up in the corner and cry with relief for a few hours before contemplating "okay.. what the hell do i do NOW?"

sj>> i kept telling you there was a really cool dad under there somewhere.. its true. ive always known he loved me and wanted what was best, even if he was going about showing it in the absolute worst way possible..


Friday, March 8, 2002 11:32:30 AM

Ugh... just ugh...
Jennifer "The Harpy" Anderson
Friday, March 8, 2002 11:06:29 AM

Jan -- mmm... love the deft way you ignore the facts of my argument and instead attack my wedded status and choice of pets. Okay, so my argument of the law, supported by federal documents is wrong because 1)if you are thirty and live on your own it means you are a loser. *^_^* You have to be married or shacking up with someone for your arguments to hold any weight. 2) If you have cats as a pet, no legal fact you may come up with is valid against third person hearsay. and 4) If you should be 30 or older, unmarried or not shacking up, and have cats all together, everything you say can and will be held against you the court of Jan.

Yes, nice logical rebuttles. *claps hands*

By the way, I've never claimed to be rich. In fact I think I mention having to sacrifice for when I do indulge in something nice. Buying an expensive animation cel means eating ramen for months. It's not what you spend, it's how you spend it. I'm not ashamed to be on the sunny side of 30, owning (not mortgaged or sharing, woo hoo!) my own nice home, and having had the good fortune to accumulate enough funds to buy the things that I find most appealing -- Animation cels, expensive pets, computers and other geek toys. I'm sorry you feel that being a certain age, attaining a certian amount of financial comfort is something to be looked down upon. You are welcome to your opinion of course.

As for being single. Having boyfriends and girlfriends is still fun. I'm not wanting to get married yet. But thanks for advancing the stereotype that a girl has to be married by thirty with a herd of children to be considered worth anything in our modern society.

Note -- not bashing marriage and kids. My best friend is married with three adorable little ones, and I don't hold it against her.

*stretches unconcerned about marital status or lack thereof*

later. it's Friday and I have a non-romantic get together with friends today to watch Time Machine, and work on our artwork and other geeky fan stuff. Oh yeah *^_^*, life sucks. Guess I'll manage through it *somehow*. *^_~*


Friday, March 8, 2002 10:30:59 AM

Mooncat> I have only talked of my experiences at work, retelling events that have happened. This is the first time I have offered a differing opinion on a legal matter.
Fic superiority?? I rarely say anything about fic writing.
*rubs temples* I give up. Believe whatever you want to believe about me, I don't give a rat's ass. You are not listening to anything that is being said to you, you've already drawn your own conclusions and no amount of logical explanation is going to change that.
You have stereotyped the secretarial's position and functions and quite frankly I'm suprised that you of all people have done that. I would have thought you to be a bit more liberated than that.
Since you don't like what I post - then feel free to skip right over it. No one is forcing you to read a word that I type. So, you go on posting whatever floats your boat, go lick your kitty-self, and continue amusing me by attempting to appear that you are rich. Since you have stereotyped me by my choice of profession, I will sit back and enjoy with amusement the stereotype that I will conclude about someone who is 30+, lives alone with a house full of cats, tries to convince others on the internet that they have money, and has a house full of linoleum.

DPH> yeah, I like cats too - I just prefer dogs as choice of pets. I love my 2 cats.... they are outside pets and both greet me almost everyday when I arrive home from work. One jumps up on the hood of my car and meows at me thru the windshield and the other jumps into my car as soon as I open the door. They are sisters and are always playing with something... including snakes. So far, it's only been the small garden snakes that they've brought home to show us. *chuckles* They don't kill the snakes, but play with them and once they've become bored, they let it go.

argh.. time to go to work... I have coffee to make, fingernails to file, and a zillion personal phone calls to make - it's gonna' be a busy day *nods* *hikes up skirt and walks out*

Friday, March 8, 2002 07:59:07 AM

Mooncat > :: pets, scratches the nice kitty behind ears, and gives a catnip chew toy ::

Jen > :: scratches behind the ears, too :: I WUV YOU!*

* Disclaimer: Declaration of friendship only. Not intended to be interpreted as an offer of marriage. Professional driver on a close course. Do not attempt this at home.

Anonymous / Darlene / Artist Formerly Known as IP: > You. Yes, you... OFF my planet!

Watcher > Do you even READ the comments before responding to them? Do so really WOULD help your cause. If you look again, you'll see I never quoted George Carlin, I only said I was thinking "in a George Carlin kind of way." Also, I was never forced to read Orwell in school. I read Orwell by my own free will, thank you. And finally, I've never called anyone the "thought police." The terms I've used in the past are ones like "moral majority," "moral police," or "prude patrol." And yes, I'm now being facetious. Forsooth, I am capable of utlizing grandiose verbage, also (that means "see, I can use big words, too" for the sarcasm impaired).
Josh > "Don't get all impressed with his engineering degree. If he was really that gifted, he wouldn't be Dilbert." - Yes, but that's only ONE of my secret identities.

:: unfurls his cape, leaps a tall stack of post-it notes in a single bound, and heads off to save the world from evildoers ::

Patrick Toman
Friday, March 8, 2002 07:21:39 AM

Meow! Sorry Shinigami, I'll only flex my claws a little, okay? >^,,^<

DPH -- Do you really think I was trying to impersonate Jannie, by using my own usual Sekhmet piccie, addressing my message to her, and signing my name Mooncat with >^,,^< symbol on it? *blinks* I hope it was a poor attempt at humor on your part and not an actual indication of your level of deductive reasoning.

Basically, as if explanations were needed, I was addressing my message to Jan, and accidently typed her name in the "name" field when typing out my finished post.


Jan -- No offense, but you do come off as having an attitude of "moral superiority" when talking about anything that might be related to adult material, such as fan fiction. And when anything legal/law related comes up, you give a similar "more blessed than thou" 'tude because you work as a Sherrif's secretary as though the exhalted position visited upon you supreme knowledge of all law everywhere. That's just my hair ball coughing opinion of course. Hard to think with the lack of oxygen and all, so do forgive my bluntness.
But all your admirable experience with the law by working as a sherriff's secretary, I still don't think this makes you an expert on cyber stalking law. Nipple ring removals non-withstanding, I'm pretty sure the bulk of your law experience is not in the field of cyber crime, nor is the doubtlessly fine officers with whom you've conferred. But if they'd like to give an official statement on the subject, I'd be thrilled to hear it, after they've read the actual story and not just skimmed it as a favor to you.

Fantasying a crime about a real person isn't criminal.

*Repeated* public postings of such fantasies are.

Much as you may disdain using the internet for information retrieval, I do only use legitimate sources when I use this tool. Or would you say the sources I sited are fallacious?

As for relatives in law fields, yes I do have several lawyers in the family. I don't know about judges, I'd have to check. Wouldn't surprise me. I have a big family. My father has 8 brothers and sisters, and my mother 3 half sisters and 2 half brothers. I have cousins in just about every field there is. So Whatever floats your boat. I didn't know one's pedigree was also a requisite in understanding law. *shrug*

As for personal aquaintances, only one of my close girlfriends is a lawyer, but I think I can squeak by with being able to comprehend legal research even if I don't generally pack my house with lawyers for social gatherings. But thanks for asking and letting me know it's not "who you are but who you know" that is what is really important when it comes to being able to understand the law. *shrugs again*

Me? I'm just a girl who actually did take time to do research on the subject. Partly because I have friends who've suffered through various kinds of cyber stalking, and being an author of adult material, cyber stalking is a personal concern of my own. So yeah, I do give it a lot of study.

As for what I do to make my money, to upkeep my lovely home, oh so expensive cats? >^,,^< Well, until recently I booked national and international hotel reservations for travelers via phone and internet. However due to the events of 9/11 the travel industry has taken a brutal hit and the company I worked for had to close it's local offices. I'm currently in the job market. The downside is the pesky things like bills that need to be paid, are going to strain my comfortable, but not infinite savings. The upside is I can devote a little more time to my family, friends, and the black hole for time and energy I affectionately call my computer. But thanks for your concern for my livelihood, it's appreciated.

it's 4am, so I'm headed off to cat nap dream land.

Mooncat (or is she really Jan?) booga!
Friday, March 8, 2002 05:00:21 AM

*looks around* Alright, that makes me in the middle somewhere I think. O.O

Josh><<my only gripe about it is that the Mac versions always came out, late>>: Wait you're a mac user!? You gotta tell me these things!

*blinks* What for?

<<While, me and my sister before me has to wait until we were the appropriate age to drive a car>>: You should first wait until you've taken grammar classes. Do you speak english natively?

No, I have been living in america all my life. My, only problem is that when it comes to writing fiction or posting I have a nasty habit of not checking my work before posting it. Mainly because I work at night and I am a usually flooded by errands during the day. I know it's not a proper excuse but, I am trying to break it and get back to my old ways. Actually you know what I'll start right now and I fired those beta-readers as well. Now I have to go through the painful of process of looking for new ones.


DPH> Sorry bout that dude my bad.

Invsi Xavier - []
The, City of, Eternal Sin
Friday, March 8, 2002 03:25:52 AM

I'm seeing a serious overdose of "not enough red" in this CR.

Two weeks from now, I will be packed and ON VACATION!

All I have to do is live through three midterms, 3 labs, 2 structures assignments, two project management assignments, and one transportation assignment. How hard could that be?

There is a passage in Leviticus that says it is acceptable to own slaves as long as they are from neighboring nations. You realize of course, that now I am morally obligated to own canadians. BUWAHAHAHA.

Slowly futzing my way through Myst III. I officially hate the camera puzzle. But I'm working on it 8-) Slowly. This one is a lot harder than Myst and Riven, and there's a lot less to do on the starting island, which is also kind of annoying. I like to push buttons and play with things.

Spring break in 14 days!


Invsi: <<my only gripe about it is that the Mac versions always came out, late>>: Wait you're a mac user!? You gotta tell me these things! <<While, me and my sister before me has to wait until we were the appropriate age to drive a car>>: You should first wait until you've taken grammar classes. Do you speak english natively? <<some a-hole decides to create his own shortcut>>: Usually through another person. <<Got them by there hair extensions on that one Josh>>: LOL and I rarely let go once I've got a good grip...but you probably didn't need to re-post my entire paragraph. <<Snorts and laughs so hard that coffee come out of his nose>>: Yeah, its pretty funny when he says stuff like that. <<To me it seems like a soap-opera with a ever growing cast of characters.>>: It actually doesn't grow that quickly. Its just that some people who you thought left seasons ago keep coming back. <<who’s going to end up in bed together…er...scratch that last one>>: No, that's fair to wonder 8-)

Patrick: <<is that the side which believes they hold the moral high ground always has that catch-all way of dismissing the argument>>: Yes, and that's one of the things that's always bothered me about morals. There is no *logical* reasoning. It's just "blah is right and blah is wrong". <<You write erotica so your opinion is worthless.>>: This is why I try to come off more as poking holes in the logic of the argument, or the irony of making it in the first place. After all, not everyone who agrees with SJ and Jan *has* to be a right-wing christian. Hell, I love smut ;-) Porn is one of my favorite pastimes.

Mooncat: <<Strangely, I feel no overwhelming urge to let my doctor's secretary perform surgery on me, my lawyer's secretary act in court for me, or my mechanic's secretary work on my car>>: But would you trust them to know anything about those things? Would you reasonably expect that your mechanics secretary would know the difference between a phillips and a flathead screwdriver? <<I find the attitude that she is a law expert>>: Never said she was an expert. Just that she was probably a bit knowledgable. Or maybe I said that she was probably "more" of an expert than you...which I'll stick by. <<his action of posting murder fics of real people he knows can be considered part of cyberstalking if he keeps up acts like this>>: That's funny, because I didn't see that in the law you posted. <<It goes to implied threat and harrassment>>: No it doesn't. Believe it or not, fantasizing about killing someone is NOT a threat. <<I'd not have to drop $25 a meal>>: I'm not impressed. <<it was the fact the violence of Fred's fic was centered on a real person who Fred knows socially>>: I would hardly say that Fred knows Jen socially. <<as long as he keeps real people that we socialize with out of it>>: Wait so if one of you meets my friend at some point, am I not allowed to use him in a fic?

The Watcher: <<30+ years? I would have guessed 12>>: That's what you get for living solely with cats. <<And using George Carlin to emphasize your point is like Hitler using the magna carta to back up his point>>: No its not, because Carlin likes smut 8-) <<pot calling the kettle black>>: Good summary. <<George Orwell would love to know that someone as "gifted" as you>>: Don't get all impressed with his engineering degree. If he was really that gifted, he wouldn't be Dilbert.

Crzy: <<Facts were presented! We must be jumping down someone's throat>>: As soon as they're presented, I'll let you know. All I see are opinions. Get a REAL lawyer in here, not a law student, to talk about cyberstalking and I'll acknowledge it as fact. <<People who read/write erotica don't know what facts are>>: Well, if we judge some of them by the quality/realism of the sex scenes they write... ;-) <<I love a good laugh in the morning>>: You're awake enough to laugh? I hate you. <<Who cares? My brother is a cop, my husband was Military Police and grew up with half the cops in this town>>: If you don't care, why'd you mention it? <<In fact, if you read erotica, that means the laws don't even apply at all!>>: SWEEEET! <<SJ, you can work as hard as you want to try to ruin a friendship between Jan and I>>: I don't think he cares enough to try, nor do I think that's what he's trying to do. <<Sometimes I want to beat you and kiss you in the same post... you gotta knock that off!>>: What did I say? <<Careful, I will put you on con staff!! That'll learn ya>>: Riiiight...and how exactly will you accomplish that? <<I love how you blatantly ignore the fact that THERE WAS OTHER LITERATURE INVOLVED AS WELL!>>: Ack, I wasn't aware of other stories. They weren't mentioned in the argument at any point. <<just wanted to give your 'tude to Mooncat back to you>>: I gathered. <<I am sure if you were given a choice of using a gun or a condom as they were meant to be used... then you would chose the condom>>: That depends...can I ignore the consequences? If I could, then there's a long line of people I'd rather kill. I can always get laid later. But how many chances do I have to put someone else out of my misery? <<just the very idea>>: Of nipple rings or of removing them? <<talk about putting your own foot in your mouth>>: Yeah, he did rapidly degenerate into non-rationality, didn't he?

Siryn: <<PLEASE don't start a flame war! Especially on my account>>: We're over that. Now we've started a flame war on something entirely different ;-) <<My rant was towards the idea of whether or not con chairs answering to the fandom, not to shoot you down for your suggestions or comments, and I apologise if it sounded that way>>: Nope it didn't at all. My comments about being shot down were a reference to other people. <<I'm not going to 'jump' down anyone's throat cause of critism>>: How would you fit?

Spacebabie: <<Hmmmm I love Grasshoppers. They are just like Thin Mints>>: Are you referring to the insects? <<All I have to say is Brando should have never discovered burgers>>: LOL! <<WHY DID THEY GET RID OF KENNY?>>: Crap. I miss one ep and look what happens. <<A few more days for me>>: two bleeping weeks. <<Both L>>: You must have no concept of where your vehicle is loccated. <<That’s why I own a windows computer>>: I doubt it. My money is on price. <<Hey arnt you supposed to be banned?>>: Like that's ever stopped anyone from posting.

Green Baron: <<I shoudl realize that the Green Baron is part of me and not to deny my true nature, for among these folks who I love so dearly, I am and always will be the Green Baron>>: Seek help. <<the thought that I coudl be responsible for my child winding up like Imzadi, GXB, or SJ is enough to make me chuck out any plans for child rearing and start my whole philosopohy over from scratch. I hope no one takes that the wrong way>>: Not at all. If I make any parent reconsider children...I've done my job. <<far worse than the Romanovs, Hapsburgs, and Kennedys>>: How could anyone be worse than the Kennedys? <<lack the mental capacity to understand soemthing happening ten years down the road>>: They don't lack the capacity. They just don't want to pay for it. <<like a brand new computer with twice the speed>>: You have no chance. <<and then you and all women in the fandom can have a customized GB clone>>: Why on earth would they want that? <<DUIs are actually serious offenses>>: Personally I think DUI's should be felonies. <<I bet you enjoy pouring everclear on fires>>: Explosions are cool. <<and being an asshole by pointing out logical flaws is Imzadi's job>>: thank you. <<I'd like to see Los Angeles and challenge my preconceived notions of the place,>>: I don't think that will happen. However, that doesn't change the fact that it rocks. <<Why woudl soemoen steal it. It woudl be pointless to extort you for a fortune when there are people that have the money to be extorted>>: Yes, but those people wouldn't care about buying his name. <<But DPH is not as skilled in the asshole arts as you are>>: Sad, isn't it? <<Most are paid over a full year, though>>: But only for 9 months of work. Giving them a three month yearly vacation is an excuse to cut their salary. If it was three one month vacations, they'd have to be paid more. <<Catholic schoolgirls don't wear sialor suits and usually wear stuff under the skirt and blouse>>: Eh, whatever. I can remove anything. <<I don't know if that's bette rthan scoring above teh median>>: Do you know the difference?

Greg X: <<Guess they want to sit at the side of the future ruler of this planet>>: Then what are they doing over there? <<I'm rather looking forward to pissing a few people off>>: I so have to be there. <<SJ, Josh and I would be dead within a week. Most likely at each other's hands>>: Yeah, probably. <<Patrick gets to have all the fun>>: Not quite. <<I hope to discover that gift also>>: Why? What's so special? <<Remember the story of Gus the Evil Stalker who died in prison?>>: I do! <<We shall now begin bidding for your phone number>>: $1. <<My room looks like it's been hit by a tornado, I doubt I could help keep the place liveable>>: We'd split a maid each month. <<No I didn't, cause he didn't post that night>>: What about the bet you made with me that you'd see him before he posted? <<When I rule the world, there will be drunken crack orgies in the streets>>: Must there be crack? <<Greg B dying of a heart attack>>: That wouldn't be entertaining. <<Then imagine how badly short nice guys do!>>: Why do you think I'm such a jerk? <<I don't know why, but this puts a big grin on my face>>: Gee, could it be because he SUCKED!? <<35 is supposed to be an age when a woman's sex-drive is at its peak>>: They sure take their sweet time. <<Personally I want to load all the Democrats and Republicans into a rocket and fire it into the center of the sun>>: That's a big rocket.

Michael B: No.

Shinigami: <<This is one of the many reasons why we love you, Jen>>: Cuz she's schizo? <<fuuuuuuuuunny.... lets just say we had a running bet and I lost>>: What does he win? <<I was being fascicious. Yes, I know I mispelled that>>: That's okay, the message came through.

Daniel Johnson: <<did you know that SOS is no longer used?>>: Yeah whatever. I bet if you started doing a morse S-O-S, you'd get a response. <<she's got big...tracts of land>>: Not big! Huge! <<I always did prefer obfuscation>>: You call yourself a mac user. <<Their response to brain damaged IIS servers in the wake of sadmind, Code Red, and Nimda>>: Fools. They should be using UNIX. <<Being able to run sendmail is good enough reason for me to have a domain name>>: True. But there are better ones. Like having your own spot to upload big files to 8-) Oh, that might only be on my hosting provider that gives me 250 meg for $10/month.

Winterwolf: <<I just got back from getting a large metal screw removed from my rear tire>>: Its because you drive a saturn. <<Maybe you could arrange to be his roommate this year... And let the games begin>>: that sounds scarier than you and dreamie being roommates. Or me and anyone. <<Okay who is going to tear that apart first unable to resist the gutter brain?>>: I'll be second, but only because Gside posts before I do. Are you that insecure about your manhood that you need to compare it to Thom's? <<When did I turn 30?>>: Whatever. You're close to it. No excuses. <<At least I can fit in parking spaces>>: Why would you want that? <<So does that mean you want her to go after you and Josh next con?>>: No, I have plans. Thanks.

Todd: <<This is the sort of thing that really makes me worry over the future of this country>>: Out of all the things, THAT makes you worry?

Fire Storm: <<engineering will do that>>: Rarely. <<It's not like it is HARD work or anything>>: I hear you. I could do my tech job on shrooms if I had to. <<Condoms are your tool for your tool?>>: Yup. <<along with some local people>>: Who the FSCK would be local there?! <<I *KNEW* California was nothing more than a testing ground!>>: The Air Force has known it since its inception. <<Could have been a clitoral piercing>>: I still have yet to understand what those are good for. <<This beats only getting money for COLLEGE>>: Where you don't get in trouble for having sex in foxholes. <<SJ/Imzadi>>: I think Aimee Major honestly believes we are the same person. <<Wilek/Larry Flint>>: That is highly unlikely.

Sevarius Jr: <<people think I'M ignorant and stubborn>>: No, just stubborn ;-) <<I will now talk to you like an adult does to an 8 year old child that doesn't understand>>: I don't think there's any other way for some people to get it. <<Goddamn, Josh, I think you're right about women>>: If you just hold to a few truths about them, you can understand women without being gay. Its really quite amazing.

Invsi: <<God, Am I the youngest one in this room? *sobs* I’m only 22>>: What? I'm 20. Ravyn is 18. <<Do not argue with the women Thomas you might end up on the proverbial Doghouse. :D I may be young, but I have knowledge>>: Its okay to argue with them as long as you're not sleeping with them. <<you would I mean you could find PC games as far back as 96’ if you check the right stores>>: Same with macs.

Jan: <<What “facts” have you pointed out?>>: Exactly. <<other than a brief background of the fighting that has gone on between the two of them for the past couple of years>>: Which probably included calling both of them "idiots". <<they are automatically accused of being of higher moral grounds… as if that’s a bad thing?>>: Because usually that's the reason people oppose smut. And its not that they actually ARE on higher moral grounds, the bad thing is that they think they and often are total hypocrites. At least, that's what all democrats think ;-) <<Why must you make the impression that I am arrogant or self-righteous because I don’t like it?>>: Really! We have so many other reasons to think you're arrogant and self-righteous ;-) <<lack of oxygen is affecting your ability to read correctly>>: LOL this made me bust up! <<I choose to actually get out into the REAL world and learn – not limit myself to what I can pull up from a site on the web>>: Sadly, there's not much else to do in BF, Kansas. <<it’s because I joined the Republican Club, huh?>>: There's a club now?! Isn't that a bit redundant? <<clit ring or whatever it’s called>>: It's called "quintuple overtime for Jan". <<I can’t stand linoleum>>: you obviously have taste. And class. ;-) <<oh well, I haven’t lost any sleep because of it>>: I know i wouldn't. I know he doesn't like me because of a few choice comments I made about Shakespeare over in S8 CR. <<Chinese food is here… time to go eat. It was my night to cook>>: LOL! Way to go!

"Darlene": Get the hell out of our CR, and take your bratty stupid spamming kids with us or you are SO getting your phone number posted.

Sarge: <<I love it too pieces>>: iBooks rock. <<I get to play with games, check e-mail, get updated versions of things quicker, do school reports on time, write with a better time management. I love this ibook>>: I'm not gonna argue that you can do all those things with a PC...but you're gonna enjoy the experience much more. <<my parents are beginning to think it weird when I ask to have it sit with us when we watch TV. . . and eat dinner>>: LOL! <<I plan to write a whole chapter on this in my biography:>>: I don't think that will take up a whole chapter. <<Because I'm single>>: I don't think your dad is gonna change that, dude. <<SiliconMan>>: Does he have breast implants?

Lexy: << I just turned 19 Oct 30th>>: You're younger than I am?! No way. <<It is called 'year round school' not because it is a consecutive block of 12 months, but because there is not huge break in the middle>>: Thank you der. <<So Teachers would _not_ be working more months..or even days>>: I didn't say they would be. You totally misunderstood my point. <<I believe it's like 12 with your parents, then the road test. Geez.. only half a days worth. That's not enough experinence at all>>: How many teens do you really think spend only 12 hours behind the wheel before their driving test?

DPH: <<my dad removed the satellite dish. because I wasn't quite sure I wanted to add that to the list of bills I am paying>>: Why don't you just turn off the service? <<can you please list that telephone number? Afterall, actions have consequences and no person should leave 6 year olds unsupervised access to the 'net>>: Agreed. My 13 year old brother still can't even view TGS. <<Are you as evil as I am good>>: Apparently so. <<you left a lot of blank lines in your post>>: So do you.

Gside: <<I mostly use it for things that won't do me much good. I figure anything important I should be able to look up>>: Spoken like a true engineer. <<He's the right wing incarnate>>: Hardly. <<How about a burlesque?>>: No. Strip club. <<Plus, we get to impress anyone who looks at our bookshelves>>: So true. <<Plaid vs. solid colored skirt>>: Ah. Catholic ones, then. <<But you're wearing high heels in that one, aren't you?>>: No, that's Aaron. <<Only at first. Then it starts to feel kinda good>>: I think everyone says that. <<Love 'em and leave 'em. And I don't have to worry about calling them the wrong name. They're all called Righty>>: Why don't you just call them "handy"? Nyuk nyuk. <<Nah, I shift, not exist as all simultaneously>>: So does the Apple logo 8-) <<They're running out of memory when they have no right to>>: I have 1.5 gigs of RAM. Its not a question of right, its a question of physical ability. <<I blame the universal geekiness.>>: Maybe your mom was having sex with my mailman again. <<I went stag to two proms with no regrets>>: Why waste the time if you're not gonna get any? <<You have no taste>>: Or maybe she does and that's why she doesn't eat it.

Alright, I gotta crash. Need to be up at 9 despite having no classes. That's gonna start to annoy me.

I got a good night's sleep. That's a euphamism for 'I didn't get any work done this week.'
- Roy Yates

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Friday, March 8, 2002 02:25:38 AM

Daniel Johnson> <<Good memory>>: I mostly use it for things that won't do me much good. I figure anything important I should be able to look up.
<<Newton's laws of motion apply just as well to comment room posting>>: So this is two in a row, and I think I saw a third. Seems like a good start.

Imzadi> <<Why should you care?>>: He's the right wing incarnate.
<<Isn't that redundant?>>: Mostly. But this time they come with tentacles, laser eyes, cyote lycanthropy and an extra eye, Snow White Syndrome, imaginary wiser floating thems, and a gun collection larger than Gunjack's.
<<Can it be a strip club then?>>: How about a burlesque?
<<My textbooks have tables and formulae in them that will be useful in my professional career>>: Plus, we get to impress anyone who looks at our bookshelves.
<<What's the difference?>>: Plaid vs. solid colored skirt.
<<I'm slightly taller than Thom. And I have a picture to prove it>>: But you're wearing high heels in that one, aren't you?
<<Does that hurt?>>: Only at first. Then it starts to feel kinda good.
<<Imaginary females?>>: Why would I talk to those? Love 'em and leave 'em. And I don't have to worry about calling them the wrong name. They're all called Righty.
<<Maybe it says you long to be an Apple logo?>>: Nah, I shift, not exist as all simultaneously.
<<Even in windows its too path dependent>>: That's not the problem with this stuff. They're running out of memory when they have no right to.
<<You and I think too much alike>>: I blame the universal geekiness.

Greg> <<Yeah, NJ sucks>>: Hey! Have you tried to drink the water? There's no way that's possible.

Daniel Johnson> <<And she's got big...tracts of land!>>: Not big, not huge, they're large.

Fire Storm> <<But I already miss the Sexy Losers plot lines>>: There is always hope.
<<Thank Weak Cum for that SL guest strip>>: Even without Weak Cum, it was wrong.
<<engineering will do that>>: The joys of sleep deprivation.
<<Why? So you can eat humble pie or vacuum the turf at Skydome?>>: Nah, I want to work at the Pizza Pizza.

Invsi> Well, I'm 22.16 or so, Imzadi's younger than me, and Terrky is still in hight school.

Sarge> <<I'm going alone to this thing though>>: Eh, I went stag to two proms with no regrets.
<<Great Big Sea>>: Nice. Why is it I tend to like Canadian music?<<They sang that song>>: Mari Mac.

Lexy> <<Meat is my least favorite food group>>: You have no taste.

And for Sarge, the mp3 is Hanging Johnny by GBS.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Friday, March 8, 2002 01:57:06 AM

Jan - I'll explain the confusion with the quote listed below:

Wednesday, March 6, 2002 10:11:34 PM

Either Mooncat was impersonating you or you and Mooncat are the same person. If you are looking for the post, it's the one right before Aaron's long post. This is the 1st few words of the post which lists Jan as the author and uses Mooncat's IP address: Jan -- So, you know police officers,

So someone needs to come clean. Mooncat, why haven't you offered an explanation for impersonating Jan?

Last Wednesday, my dad removed the satellite dish. because I wasn't quite sure I wanted to add that to the list of bills I am paying.

GXB - normally, I'm very "good", but can you please list that telephone number? Afterall, actions have consequences and no person should leave 6 year olds unsupervised access to the 'net.

GXB - Are you as evil as I am good?

Jan - I favor both DOGS and CATS, but not at the same time. Cats have their usefullness as well as dogs.

Invsi Xavier - Not to complain, but you left a lot of blank lines in your post.

I wanted to get to sleep by midnight, oh well.

Friday, March 8, 2002 12:31:30 AM

<<Hope you can stay awhile.>> I'm a-tryin'.
Fire Storm:
<<What you using for mail?>> Sendmail 8.12.2. Also using fetchmail to collect mail from my various other mail accounts. Then I'm running qpopper on that machine so that I can read it all from my laptop. Also running BIND as a cacheing name server. That's all my desktop machine gets used for now. :)

That's all for now. Need sleep.

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, United States
Thursday, March 7, 2002 11:42:57 PM

Christine- Written..WRITTEN..geez..-_-;;
Thursday, March 7, 2002 11:19:28 PM

Christine- That was a good answer:) Thanks (especially cuz my question was so weirdly writtne -_-;)

Invsi Xavier- Actually, I just turned 19 Oct 30th. So your not the youngest:) And I know of others that post here that are younger then me.

Josh- As far as paying teachers for a year... Well there were different ideas on this. It is called 'year round school' not because it is a consecutive block of 12 months, but because there is not huge break in the middle. The plan I am in favor in gives kids the exact same amount of days off, they just don't get them in one chunk. So Teachers would _not_ be working more months..or even days. Apparently there are other plans, but that was the one I was referring too. Sorry for the confusion. As far as experience on the road goes, ya that will make you better. If you don't _die_ after your experience. I realize you need experience, and the only way to get that is to go out and try. My point was that they were too young to be thrown out there to try at all. Most kids, I believe, would benefit from waiting a few more years, and then giving it a go. Yes. They will all have to take their chances at one age or another. And yes some will screw up just as bad at age 18, 20 or whatever, and some of those 16 year olds will be fantastic drivers. However, most younger drivers do not do a good job behind the wheel. Most are too concerned with getting their lisence just because their peers are, and they do not want to be left behind. Not because they are ready or need it themselves. That is the wrong reason to learn. And then we have ppl rushing, and not getting skills or knowledge in their heads properly. Perhaps what we need is for them to get more drivers ed behind the wheel, rather then in the class room. Reading books doesn't really help as much as the real experience as you say. Driving hours that are required are very skimpy. I believe it's like 12 with your parents, then the road test. Geez.. only half a days worth. That's not enough experinence at all. 0_o

Jan- Thanks for the info;) Chinese!? *pouts at you* *is so jealous!* Still on my Atkins diet -_-; I had a piece of cheese, 2 pepperoni sticks, some steak tips and three pieces of bacon for dinner tonight. *shudders* Meat is my least favorite food this has not been fun I'll tell ya :P

Thursday, March 7, 2002 11:18:31 PM

Sorry for the long hiatus. I've been playing with me new computer. I love it too pieces! I get to play with games, check e-mail, get updated versions of things quicker, do school reports on time, write with a better time management. I love this ibook! Although my parents are beginning to think it weird when I ask to have it sit with us when we watch TV. . . and eat dinner. . . .


Anyway, i've gota bout three major reports coming up, AUGHHHHHH *twitches* So I happen to be really cheery.

I'm getting a tux for the crystal ball. First tux ever so i hope I like it. I'm going alone to this thing though. Stupid stupid luck of mine. At least all my friends are single too. . . . no wait. . . . . they aren't single. I'm only single. Well geez, that's a run of bad luck. Oh well. I'll jes drink five gallons of punch (unfortunately no one is ever brave enough to spike it at formal dances) dance to the Rockafeller Skank, and hed home like I've done for the past three years. (I plan to write a whole chapter on this in my biography: My Life)

Guess who's coming too Vermoooont! And Guess who is going to get tickets for them. . . . . Great Big Sea and me! YES! YES YES! The one thing in my life that can go right has gone right. I get to see Great Big Sea at the same place my brother saw John Mayer. He said that if you got there early you can get real close. Hmmm must do that must do that.

Of course I'm taking my dad. Why? Because I'm single, I need a ride (no license), and whenever I mention Great Big Sea to my friends. . . .

"Who's that?"
"Oh that canadian band right? I think I heard them once on the tube. They sang that song. . . . "It's been ONE week since ya looked at me. . . "
"No you idiot, that's Bare naked ladies. . . that's not even the same Genre!"

Yeah. My friends. . . ha ha ha ha. . . . anyone need friends? I wouldn't mind giving them away.

Jes kidding. Hmm anything else to report? Nope. . . well check in later. . . . probably monday.

Sarge Abernathy and his computer SiliconMan (it's a work in progress)

SargeAbernathy - []
Barre, VT, USA
Thursday, March 7, 2002 10:29:26 PM

Greg Bishansky I'm the real Angels0ne. That was my sister's kids on here. But hey they won't be back so don't worry OK! And they are not my kids. They are six years old and they are pain in a butt. So! I guess you would like to know more about me if so write me Ok! And I'll tell you the truth.

Darlene - []
Thursday, March 7, 2002 08:13:21 PM

Patrick> <<And then anyone that contines to present facts after that point is "jumping down your throat.">> I’m sorry, did I miss something here? What “facts” have you pointed out? Have I ever said one way or the other of how I personally feel about Fred’s latest fic? Nope, I haven’t. I only stated what several police officers have said about the legalities of the situation. I presented it to them with the facts, not with the emotions involved. (other than a brief background of the fighting that has gone on between the two of them for the past couple of years) So what facts are you referring to? You accuse others of only dealing with the emotions or taking “higher moral grounds” as you call them and yet you are judging this situation with just as much emotion that you’ve accused me of dealing with it. I have made no personal judgment concerning the fic. I have stated what the POLICE here would consider, not what *I* would or do consider.
Why is it when someone who doesn’t particularly care for “erotica” type stories state their opinion on that, they are automatically accused of being of higher moral grounds… as if that’s a bad thing? Can’t I just not care for that type of writing because it doesn’t appeal to me? Why must you make the impression that I am arrogant or self-righteous because I don’t like it?
BTW, I wasn’t referring to you in a previous post – I don’t consider your “claim to fame” as writing smut. Nor did you critique Fred’s fic – you simply stated that you disapproved of the content and the implications… there is certainly nothing wrong with that.

Mooncat> tsk tsk, so much for having an intelligent debate or conversation with you. I do believe you’ve coughed up far too many hairballs and the lack of oxygen is affecting your ability to read correctly. Did I once say that I was an authority? No, I relayed what the _POLICE OFFICERS/DETECTIVES_ have said about this situation. How much experience do they have, you’ve asked? More than you. Unless you’ve also actually worked the cases, drawn up the probable cause affidavits and have attended numerous training classes on the subject.
Do you have a full time job? If you do and you have no knowledge of the information and resources around you there, then you must really suck as an employee. I’d fire you.
I’m not a lunch playmate – in fact, I don’t even go to lunch with the officers.
You have cousins that are police officers? So? Do you spend 45-50 hours a week with them while they are at work? Do you do their paperwork? Do you field the phone calls, answer questions from citizens? Do you associate with judges and lawyers every day? Do you have the resources of law enforcement at your fingertips and several officers willing to answer whatever questions you might have at any time of the day? Do you have relatives who are lawyers and judges? I do all of the above. No, it still doesn’t make me an expert – but I’ve never claimed to be one – but it does give me a wealth of resources to ask questions and learn from. See, I choose to actually get out into the REAL world and learn – not limit myself to what I can pull up from a site on the web.
No wait… it’s not necessary for you to have access to anyone who is an authority in the subject, you’ve dated LEO’s!!
But once again – if you had taken the time to actually read what I’ve ever posted, I have always included the fact that I have ASKED the professionals for their expertise or opinions.
If you called the doctor’s office and asked a question for the doctor and the secretary relayed the question and then called you back with the answer, you wouldn’t accept that?
If not, then feel free to pay the $50-$75 to see the doctor and ask him the same question and get the same answer. *shrugs*
The definition that you posted on stalking was something that I had already read…. At the office and had discussed with the officers.
If you are going to accuse me of appearing to be superior or arrogant – back it up with examples, ok? Show me where I have stated that I’m the expert and when I have failed to point out that I have asked the authorities for the answer to my questions.
<< So forgive me for having the audacity speaking as an equal.>> You’re not an equal on this particular subject area. Just as I would not be an “equal” if I discussed cats with you… sure, I have a cat (have 2 actually) and my sister used to raise cats – but I don’t know a whole lot about cats and certainly not as much as you do since you are around the cats every day and raise them. Doesn’t make you superior, just makes you more knowledgeable about the subject of cats.

Siryn> <<I do sincerely apologise again for my rant appearing to be geared towards you>> No! It’s all right!! Really! Absolutely no need to apologize, hon! I was attempting to apologize to YOU! *hugs* I just didn’t want to be one of the con-gripers!
I believe that you are going to present the fans with one bang-up Gathering this year! That’s why I’m making every effort possible to attend =) I very much sympathize with you and don’t envy you for the task that you have taken on in chairing such an event. I’m VERY appreciative that you have – but I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes right now!

Invsi> *L* and thanks! :)

Jen> yeah, those nipple rings… eesh! I’m just glad that she was drunk ;)
As per your request, the subject matter concerning the fic and whatever actions you have taken is now closed as far as I’m concerned. =) As long as you realize that I was not stating any personal opinions concerning the fic. ; ) I do understand why you are upset over it *nodnodnod* I would be too.
<<I have stood behind her decisions in life even if I didn't agree with them…. It's not what she does that I like...>> it’s because I joined the Republican Club, huh? ;p *L*

Fire Storm> The sheriff was telling me (and blushing the entire time) about the gal they had in there last year with the clit ring or whatever it’s called. Thank Heaven for small favors that I only had to deal with the nipple rings. *L*
Even the 380 pound princess that I had to dress out last week was looking pretty good about the time I was snipping off the first nipple ring of the drunk gal.

Daniel J> HIYA! Welcome back and I hope to see many more posts from you!! : )

Greg B> <<When I rule the world, there will be drunken crack orgies in the streets!>> well, when you put it that way…. ;)

Greg and DPH> <<JAN AND MOONCAT ARE THE SAME PERSON!>> *LOL* Not hardly… I can’t stand linoleum and I favor dogs over cats.

SJ> no rest for the weary, huh? *L* You will make a good attorney *nods* ;)
Heh, Greg W not liking me anymore would actually require him to even acknowledge my existence when speaking to him. I tried to speak to him at the Gatherings, but… oh well, I haven’t lost any sleep because of it.
Most importantly though, thanks! :)

GB> <<Well, you may get some Mooncat loving out of this, so go right ahead ;)>> I see that you’ve picked up on that too… ;)

Lexy> I’m trying to remember what the schedules for year round school are.. I know that they have several different kinds. I *think* one of the schedules that was presented to us was something along the lines of attending school for 6 weeks – 3 weeks off, 6 wks – 3 wks off, etc. with everyone having 2 weeks at Christmas and another 2 weeks in July. The problem with this schedule is that not every student would be on the same schedule – they would have like round robin type scheduling. With the exception of the 2 wks off in July and in December, the school would be operating the entire school year… the kids would be the ones working the schedule. I don’t remember if there were any of the school districts that had a set schedule where every student had the same times off. I’m sure in the smaller school districts that would be easier to do, but when the elementary schools are running in the 1,000+ enrollment range and the high schools are over 3,000 – it’s a nightmare. I do agree with a lot of the concept of year round schooling, but I don’t see it happening in too many schools in the near future. We heard that a lot of the schools that have tried it have gone back to the traditional scheduling – including the surrounding school districts of where I used to teach (as I’ve already said in my previous post). Either way, I wouldn’t fight against it if they decide to do that here (for Zach when he’s old enough to attend school).

Speaking of Zach… I bought him that fish tank looking thing that hangs on the side of his crib and has “water” sounds, lights up and has plastic fish swimming around… he loves it! Geesh, why couldn’t they have had these cool things when my kids were babies? *chuckles* Then again, I wouldn’t have been able to afford it then anyway at that time.

Chinese food is here… time to go eat. It was my night to cook ;)

Thursday, March 7, 2002 07:59:53 PM

Whooo...two posts in one day I am on fire....


Invsi> Do you live in New Jersey or Long Island?

Long Island Baby!

You go to school in NYC, but drive an hour to get there.

No, It is a 30-min drive to my school.

That sucks. If I had a job there, I'd live in the city, especially for my kids' sake.

God, Am I the youngest one in this room? *sobs* I’m only 22.

<<That is a great combination, but have you ever-tried Chocolate Cheesecake covered in Bailey’s Irish Cream? Hey, you are not the only one with odd eating habits. :D>>

Bailey's is too expensive. I can get a similar liquor in Germany cheaper than Baileys and also imported from Ireland. I will have some Carolinas Irish Cream (aboyt five bucks cheaper than Baileys) with vannila ice cream on St. Patty's day and hopefully lots of food with potatoes.

Mmm, you are making me hungry! 89

But, I have to agree with you, but I had that Bailey, Cheesecake combo when I was celebrating My Angel of the Night’s 22nd

As for cheesecakes, there is a place right on St. Charles Ave called Copelands Cheesecake Bistro (yes, the same Copeland who founded Popeyes), that has tons of cheesecakes, including white russian cheesecake, cherries jubilee cheesecake, banana's foster cheesecake and tons more. Of course, Ann Rice hates the place with a passion for its California style, though it used to be a lot more Californian in style.

MMM, Cheesecake...the Devil’s poison….

But as for cheesecake I got that free since my company does work with this business called the Cheesecake Factory. I don’t know if you haven’t heard of them. But, their cakes kick ass. :D

Mooncat> <<>^,,^<
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 10:11:34 PM

Since when did you become Jannie?

Do not argue with the women Thomas you might end up on the proverbial Doghouse. :D I may be young, but I have knowledge.

Spacebabie> that’s why I own a windows computer.

Well, of course you would I mean you could find PC games as far back as 96’ if you check the right stores. But, Mac’s stuff is limited. So your character is a politician, huh? Well, my sim is a rockstar.

Siryn> Aw, Siryn. *clings to her* I already love what you and the staff are doing for the gathering. Just do not stress yourself out too much okay.

Crzy> Okay... Now that everyone has bitched about this again... Can I PLEASE ask that it be DROPPED!?!

Of course Sug :D Btw is it too late to join in your world conquering army?

IX9 -- darling, hair extensions are pretty passe. *shakes out her now only shoulder length black curls*

*looks at her curls* Mmm, No extensions there, I like the hair btw. As for the extensions thing, it wasn’t my choice I could have said balls but that would be silly.

Aww, you called me darling *blushes* Heh, better watch it Angie might be thinking that you’re stealing me away ;)

My eating habits aren't strange *^_^* They're creative!

Riiiighhhtt ...and I’m the Iron Chef

*blinks* Wait a minuent....Mooncat's 30+ *takes on the same expression that Umbriel has and passes out on he floor and twitches.*


Sugu raku ni shite yaru. (I will soon end your pain.)


Invsi Xavier - []
The city, of, eternal sin
Thursday, March 7, 2002 07:52:21 PM

Greg Bishansky Don't bidding my phone number OK.

Thursday, March 7, 2002 07:45:55 PM

Greg Bishansky Don't look up my number OK!!!

Thursday, March 7, 2002 07:40:02 PM

<<Josh -- Strangely, I feel no overwhelming urge to let my doctor's secretary perform surgery on me, my lawyer's secretary act in court for me, or my mechanic's secretary work on my car. *shrugs* No disrespect to Jannie, but I find the attitude that she is a law expert because she is a Sherriff's secretary less than overwhelming too. Especially how it works out federally and in totally different states than her own. >>

Jesus Christ, and people think I'M ignorant and stubborn.

I will now talk to you like an adult does to an 8 year old child that doesn't understand.

You should go back and read her post, okay, sweetness? Because if you did, you would realize that included with her opinion (sorry, I know these are big words for you, princess), she said that she showed the story to actual police officers. What's that? No, I'm sorry, the story wasn't a pop-up book, I know you love those....But her policemen friends, THEY said that they didn't see a legal problem with the story. So not only did Jannie relate her opinion, but she offered the opinion of the ACTUAL PROFESSIONALS. It wasn't all just her offering her own opinion. Do you understand it better now, cupcake?

Goddamn, Josh, I think you're right about women!

Your quote for the day comes from Jim Norton (again), dedicated to all annoying women everywhere.

"I go for brains. They're fun to bash out."
---Jim Norton, on his taste in women

Sevarius "Space Monkey of K.R.I.K.O.R." - []
Thursday, March 7, 2002 07:06:39 PM

My life still sucks.
On to the posts...

Gside: <Well, he's still doing Little White Lie and SMC, so you'll still be able to link it from there>
True... But I already miss the Sexy Losers plot lines.
<The lemonade was just wrong>
Thank Weak Cum for that SL guest strip
<No, I was halucinating>
Hey, engineering will do that.
<I'd rather be the king of Spain>
Why? So you can eat humble pie or vacuum the turf at Skydome?

Imzadi: <Cuz you'd be SOOOOO productive that way, right?>
Truth be told, I could have done the job drugged. It's not like it is HARD work or anything.
<Call me satan then>
Condoms are your tool for your tool?

Siryn: <Actually, taking that into consideration, I think you're about right. We're still trying for two guests maybe three..>
I will be happy to get Greg and Thom, along with some local people.

Green Baron: <Very easy. The mass transit system is not the best out there, but it gets you were need to be and $4.00 a day is excellent>
True, that is a great price. But how are the hotel room prices around there? Worse than NY-98?
<This is the transcript of the ACTUAL radio conversation>
Always good for a laugh!

Spacebabie: <What about BBQ sauce?>
Love it! But can't stand the smell or taste of ketchup.

Patrick: <Bid snipers on eBay must DIE!>
I call them campers... what did you lose?

Crzy: <Some complaints I actually took as compliments>
I know! Feedback is feedback!

CR Website: LM did most of that coding by hand. A lot of work, but I think it went nicely!

Yooper: <Apparently the U.S. is being blamed for earthquakes now!>
I *KNEW* California was nothing more than a testing ground!

Lain: I have to say this...
I am proud of you. What you said needed to be said.
Way to go.
And I hope that you can continue school after this year, if you wish.

Aaron: <In the name of all that is unholy, I hope not. Considering how attractive I find Hex, that would just weird me out...>
Hmm... your in love with yourself!
<(And really, technically, shouldn't Hex's name be Sexidecimal?)>
Oh yeah!
<Heh. Remind me to tell you a story my Intro to Policing teacher told me>
IDIOTS! Got what they deserved, though.
<They are too good at doing the crafts!>
Scout 1: I made a hanger!
Scout 2: I made a lopsided spice rack!
Scout 3: I made a Victorian style dresser, complete with hand carved lattice trim
Scout 1: Bet your gay!
<Just out of curiosity, does anybody know what the *Girl* Scouts policy on homosexuality is?>
Girls just want to have fun!
<None of them will. I think it's part of being an artist>
Yeah. Piro... LM... they all hate their work.
<How 'bout "Oh come all ye faithful"?>
Or "Bad touch"
<One cannon plus three hundred musket balls equals the ultimate shotgun>
"Yeah, this gun is a royal b!7c* to load, but dang it if it don't take out an entire regiment of Panzers with a single shot!"
<That sounds like a Dire Straits song for our generation>
I was thinking of that song at the time. If you sing it, it sounds the same!
<Snrrrrk. That movie is so incredibly bad>
Yeah... I watched it and it was a wonderful contrast to what REALLY happened.
<Hi FS. You think you’re bad? I counted the other day and realized I’m a regular reader of over thirty webcomics.>
I feel SO much better after reading this room for a while!

Jan: <Not that my apetite had actually returned...>
It could have been worse: Could have been a clitoral piercing.

Daniel Johnson: <I have to use a different port instead>
Port 81, 82, 83... What about 21 (FTP)?
<My mailserver's working fine though>
What you using for mail?

Crzy/Imzadi: <Make love, not war!>>: Hippy!>
BOTH! Co-Ed war!
Female Soldier: Holding this gun makes me HOT! and being in this foxhole with you...
Male Soldier: Wow! This beats only getting money for COLLEGE!

Angel: Was that the season finale?

Todd Jensen: <Now that everyone knows who I am and who I'm not, we need to find a fresh enigma among the members of Gargoyles fandom>
And we can't find a single good one! Now it's Jan/Mooncat, SJ/Imzadi, and Wilek/Larry Flint

Fire Storm
Thursday, March 7, 2002 06:31:25 PM

<< Jan and Mooncat are the same>> I suppose that this is what comes of my attending the 2001 Gathering. Now that everyone knows who I am and who I'm not, we need to find a fresh enigma among the members of Gargoyles fandom. :)

SPACEBABIE - Me too. (About Wesley, I mean).

MICHAEL B. - Um, your spelling is a bit off. It should be "there" rather than "their". (This is the sort of thing that really makes me worry over the future of this country.)

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, March 7, 2002 06:15:37 PM

**Winterwolf drops in for a visit**

Hi. I just got back from getting a large metal screw removed from my rear tire. I got it all patched up. Now I don't have to hear that little flapping noise that started suddenly in the middle of my morning drive and wouldn't go away. It figures it happens now with my tires being relatively new. The tread is barely worn at all. :|

Siryn> <*I* should get Thom!!!> That's the spirit! Maybe you could arrange to be his roommate this year... And let the games begin. j/k ^_~ <he looked about 5'3> Hmm... maybe we need to measure him at the next Gathering... (Okay who is going to tear that apart first unable to resist the gutter brain?)

Josh> <at 30> When did I turn 30? <Haha! You drive a Saturn> At least I can fit in parking spaces unlike Dreamie's dad who got a new bright cherry red Dodge Ram 3500 diesel monster. It sounds like it is always idling even on the highway at 60 cause it is made to haul large cargo. <Kama Sutra as a checklist> **weg** <<Driving at 16> Yes, you are often stupid and reckless...but usually you're only putting yourself in danger.> Actually others around you (cars, pedestrians, etc.) are also in potential danger. Not that it is necessarily any better with an older inexperienced driver.

Thomas> <the Bronx> I don't know if they would ever fully be ready. :D <2005 in Seattle?> Sounds like an idea to me. :)

Aaron> Thanks for the congrats. <Thom is *not* short... Short would be me and Josh> So does that mean you want her to go after you and Josh next con? ;P <life is short... So party we must!> Now that's a good motto. <Baldurs Gate II> Heh. We've been bad lately. We have gone on a little BG sabbatical. Dreamie left off determined to beat Kangaxx but he seems to have an endless supply of imprisonment spells. Otherwise we are about up to the same spot. I can't wait to try to backstab David Warner. I've been hitting for up to 72 points of damage in a single shot. ^_^ <SNES> Me three! That is the last console I ever had. <Spam is the creation of Kangaxx the Demi-lich> There is limit to his evil powers! ;P <BG I> Did you finish Baldur's Gate I yet?

Daniel Johnson> Welcome Back! Hope you can stay awhile. <2nd post> Excellent! :)

Mara> <GXB<<Ask Mara.>> Now there's a website in the making> Just give me the word. ^_~

Well I have to be off. Time to pick up Dreamie. ^_^

**Winterwolf exits**

Seattle, WA
Thursday, March 7, 2002 04:48:06 PM

<<You are lucky you didnt end up in N-space.>> Actually, N-space is our normal universe. E- or Exo-space is another smaller universe on the other side of the Charged Vacuum Emboitments (CVEs). The CVEs were created by the mathematicians of Logopolis to "open" the universe to prevent it from being destroyed by entropy.
It's absolutely frightening how much Doctor Who trivia I still retain.
<<Too bad you don't know the space-time continium distress code.>> Speaking of which, did you know that SOS is no longer used? It's considered obsolete in this age of instant satellite communications. In fact, Morse code itself is no longer used. Let's see how dependent on technology we can get, Hmm? I suppose we should get rid of compasses too since GPS has made them obsolete.
<<I take a Python approach to it. In tracts of land terms.>> "And she's got big...tracts of land!"
<<You've mixed your modifiers there.>> I always did prefer obfuscation.
<<Just to block DDos attacks, right?>> Apparently. Their response to brain damaged IIS servers in the wake of sadmind, Code Red, and Nimda. I don't have any content worth spending money to host, and if I really want to, I can use a different port. They don't block any other ports. Being able to run sendmail is good enough reason for me to have a domain name.
<<Can I call you DJ for short?>> Sure. It sounds a little weird to me since my brother was always called DJ, but that's because he's David Johnson Jr. It's not very likely he'd show up here. :)

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, United States
Thursday, March 7, 2002 04:21:29 PM

*walks into the CR, singing along to Roberta Flack's Killing me softly* I felt all flushed with fever...

GB:<<Hey! Those are the bands that Matt Watson lists as his new favorites at the end of Timelessness! And that amuses me.>> I miss the Watson mSTs. I need to read those.>>

Hee hee.. you love me! Yes, everyone go reread the MiSTS...

Spacebabie:Aaron<<<Ask Mara.>>>Ok Mara WTF is with this movies?<<<

Adolescense of Utena: It's basically an alternative universe fan service movie. Plays with premises and symbolism embedded into the tv series, from a warped point of view. Touga becomes the drowned boy Juri talks about while Akio duels Utena. He also becomes Utena's true Prince- (FANSERVICE) The car chase is a play on the Akio Saga, what with the Akio car. Utena and Anthy have somewhat reversed roles. Utena, for instance has bound hair to look like a guy (some character sheets show her hair is braided up underneath that top layer of hair) and Anthy has loose hair... no glasses.. and is much more openly sensual and playful than TV Anthy. They didnt have time to go into everything.. but they had Juri's locket.. Micky's rubber ducky, Shiori's tarp covered room... and briefly touch upon the Rose Prince legend. It's assumed if you watch the movie that you've seen the entire TV series to understand what's going on. It's like.. Utena the series is you're on pot.. and Utena the movie is like you're on crystal meth.
( I assume)

Siryn: You're a sweetie for apologizing for your rant, trying to keep things running smooth and all. Now that you've done it once, don't look back and just do your thing. Thou art ConHead... take no prisoners. (and if you feel overwhelmed again I'll be happy to go "neutralize" the problem maker.) We all love you and know you're doing your best- and I know we're gonna have a great con this year cuz of it. ;)

Jen::Josh - Sometimes I want to beat you and kiss you in the same post... you gotta knock that off! ;)

This is one of the many reasons why we love you, Jen.

Watcher:"Make love not war" is sorely misplaced among writers of fiction that portrays rape and incest as pleasureable and erotic. These acts can hardly be seen as love. These are violent, serious, and heinous crimes, much related to and usually leading upto murder.

Yeah, isn't it great? And yo, dumb it down a bit... too many big words coming out of your mouth. I'm like Baby Jenks.. too many and KONK... asleep!

Patrick:: "Got milk?" ;)

Give me some medication and a breastpump and we'll hook you right up!

Josh:<<come and join our evil jamboree>>: When did it become a "jamboree"?

You're the black sheep the one nobody knows. You better call an analst before your sickness grows. But therapy is never free so join the country jamboree where we're all one big family of misery and woe. WOAH!

<<you did it. i am so dead now, aren't i?>>: Did he threaten to kill you if he posted!? Maybe you should file a police report!

Heh fuuuuuuuuunny.... lets just say we had a running bet and I lost.

<<didja have to cut her rings? Those holes close up mighty fast>>: What part of "no jewlery" is confusing?

I was being fascicious. Yes, I know I mispelled that.

Mooncat:: *purrrsssssss* I promise to be a good kitty >^,,^< *kneads comfy lap, kitty making bisquits happy paws*

Good kitty, that's my girl. ::pet pet pet::

The sad thing is that I'm tired and addled and I have no idea as to what you're talking about or mean by that.

Eh, reference to old running gag in this room from months ago.

What is this, though, good cop / bad cop? Aaron tells her to knock it off. You tell her you love her.

We're mates, doesn't mean we agree on everything. He told her to quit it... I don't have to repeat the message or anything.

GXB<<Ask Mara.>> Now there's a website in the making.

Cool beans, why didn't I think of that?

"Get a shot off FAST. This upsets him long enough to make your second shot perfect."
Shinigami - []
Thursday, March 7, 2002 03:48:57 PM

Hey, Watcher? Do you really, truly want an intelligent debate? Then send me e-mail. We'll talk.

Thursday, March 7, 2002 03:35:49 PM

is their going to be a new season
michael b.
irvine, CA, calfornia
Thursday, March 7, 2002 03:33:19 PM

is their going to be a new season
michael b.
irvine, CA, calfornia
Thursday, March 7, 2002 03:29:13 PM

GXB <JAN AND MOONCAT ARE THE SAME PERSON! JAN AND MOONCAT ARE THE SAME PERSON! This is scary.> I prefer to think that Mooncat was trying to impersonate Jan.

Some explaining needs to occur.

Thursday, March 7, 2002 03:10:20 PM

Been busy, now I'm posting again.

LAIN> << whend YOU get so darned popular, huh? ALL da ladies are after ya ;)>> Guess they want to sit at the side of the future ruler of this planet.

JEN> <<"Who cares! Let's just make this the type of con WE want and hope we please SOME of them">> Like Aaron said, this was the attitude we started out with and continue to hold. In fact I'm rather looking forward to pissing a few people off. I know you'll love it though ;)

GB> <<You shoudl add Greg to the roomate team of Josh and SJ,>> SJ, Josh and I would be dead within a week. Most likely at each other's hands <<plus ones for Patrick with Jen and Mooncat as roomates>> Patrick gets to have all the fun ;) <<Why not, you.>> Good question <<We already have a depraved psychotic with an unhealthy obsession on Jennifer.>> I think there's more than one. I hope to discover that gift also <<Why not oen on you? Maybe one on Mooncat and on Patrick, too.>> Hey, what does Patrick do? ;) <<Hell, we should all ahve deranged psychos fixated on us :)>> It certainly makes life more interesting. Remember the story of Gus the Evil Stalker who died in prison? It was interesting, in a funny BS sort of way. <<The otehr CR got some crap earlier that week about Greg and Todd. I bet there was a connection.>> Yeah, it was Galvatron. See, we don't tolerate crap like that here, yet they always welcome him back with open arms, and forgive and forget. <<I imagine you're just busy. once cloning is more ocmmon, I'll clone myself and then you and all women in the fandom can have a customized GB clone :) He can be programmed to cook, make you feel better, and dress like Vogel, plus all clones are neutered but still make good pleasure laves for those stressful days :) All will come with their own three-piece suit w/bowtie and bathrobe.>> Dude, don't scare the poor girl! <<BTW, doesn't the eloquent troll remind you of some posters named Goliath and Shadows from a while back?>> No, they were much more vulgar. No, I'm reminded of someone else.

SIRYN> <<'d be surprised how close we came to not having a gathering this year..>> All the more reason I appreciate what you all are doing.

Annonymous/Vicki> <<Am SO! sorry that my kids was on here. Do not get mad at.>> Uh huh, sure. We shall now begin bidding for your phone number.

JOSH> <<When he started planning G2k3.>> Ah, so that's the secret eh? <<Who said anything about replacing it? >> Jen is a cold-hearted, egomaniacal bitch. Probably why I like her so much ;) <<Why would she do that? Do you think SJ and I are incapable of keeping an apartment liveable?>> My room looks like it's been hit by a tornado, I doubt I could help keep the place liveable. <<Welcome back. Looks like GXB just lost $20.>> No I didn't, cause he didn't post that night. <<And I suppose you think YOUR credentials are better? >> I know that mine are. <<Strip shows!>> Maybe ;) <<And if its Jen, I'm sure you can expect that it was hysterical crying.>> Ever read Greg Weisman's G2K Report? ;)

JAN> <<*gasps* You mean that there are still some Christian colleges that attempt to enforce morals?? How dare they!?!>> Because morals are really, really stupid! I hate morals! Life has been so much better for me since I flushed my morals down the crapper and didn't look back. Oh the fun I have had. When I rule the world, there will be drunken crack orgies in the streets!

AARON> First and foremost, welcome back my friend! << Kick @$$ movie, like you didn’t already know.>> I think it sunk in the fifth time I saw it ;) <<I'll just say that NYC is cool,>> I LUV NY <<Rocky on Broadway is cool,>> Very cool <<and Terrance Mann is really cool.>> Understatement of the month. We've got to get him for G2003. <<"We're not in f**king New Jersey!">> Yeah, NJ sucks! ;) <<Three topics where nobody ever changes their starting position, and each goes to bed confident in the knowledge that the other side are @$$holes...>> You bet! << Oh, you didn't mean G. W. *Bush* did you? ;)>> I thought she meant George Washington. That guy sold his wooden teeth for booze money, and beat his slaves ;) <<you send those our way as well? I’d really like to get some idea of what we’re in for, and how many new credit cards I’ll have to get to afford the Gathering. ;)>> THat would be most useful, and you'd all get to see an entertaining show; Greg B dying of a heart attack <<Fortunately, we started with that attitude.>> Yep. We kick Ass! Hey Fred, you want to see people who really pat themselves on the back! ;) <<Cool. We definitely need to bring them to Opening Ceremonies>> You read my mind. <<Actually, if I remember right, George Carlin said short guys finish last. I’m inclined to agree.>> Then imagine how badly short nice guys do! <<That should have been followed by a round of maniacal laughter.>> How do you know it wasn't? ;) <<Whoops. The last thing I remembered was GXB saying the people who had the "Bad War Toys" list needed to get laid more. My bad>> Huh? <<Yes, but the elves aren't exactly interacting with a lot of people, apart from folks like Gandalf, who already know the ring is real anyway.>> Yeah. Hmm, if Elrond were smart he'd have just beat the shit out of Isildur and chucked the Ring into the Cracks of Doom, then again I doubt he'd have done it either. <<No, Contact was just very boring. Even with constant Hannibal Lecter jokes?? FINALLY! Someone else who hates that movie! <<<<Query: am I the only one who has never seen It's A Wonderful Life _or_ Miracle on 34th Street?>> No.>> I never saw them either. <<Thanks the gods. If LotR had sucked like D&D after all the hype... there might have been riots>> Probably would have been, I'm surprised there were none over Arwen at the Ford, or showing Sauron in the prologue, or a bunch of others. <<But he gave us the greatest Vietnam comedy ever, remember?>> heh heh. Kubrick rocked. The biggest overated hack in the history of Hollywood is definetly Steven Spielberg <<He *should* have been Anikin, but Lucas went with the no-talent Jake Lloyd instead.>> I heard that Jake Lloyd had to change schools a couple of times because he was taunted, picked on, and brutally harassed by other kids over that movie. Word is he has since dyed his hair black. I don't know why, but this puts a big grin on my face ;) <<Jewel> Welcome back!>> I second you in welcoming back Jewel ;) << I have that one, although the blade isn't that long, but this is a new one, with a much more detailed cobra head made of pewter, or some heavy metal, and red plastic eyes. The blade is tanto-style and about 17" long. It's cool. Probably not something to get into a serious fight with, but still... >> Yeah, it's a nice piece. Though trust me, you could get into and win a serious fight with this thing. Heh, I love it. <<Ask Mara.>> Now there's a website in the making. <<I'm a callous pragmatist. And an hateful SOB.>> See people, we are clones! <<I'm pro-choice, and I think the idea of retroactive abortion has a certain appeal, particularly for those annoying neighbor kids...>> Hell yeah, we have annoying neighborkids who should be aborted. If you're ever over at my place in the summer, you'll understand why. <<Nope. Demona is eternally 35. (In human terms)>> You know, 35 is supposed to be an age when a woman's sex-drive is at its peak ;) <<Me too. I still correspond with Stormy once in a great while, but I wish they'd come back. Cyrway too.>> Bribe em! <<Well, I went and voted for gargs on the "Scariest movie" poll, and I wanted to vote Demona into the "Favorite Villian" poll, but she wasn't a choice. :(>> Who's the DUMBASS responsible for that travesty! <<(Speaking of which, could somebody please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese tell me how Captain Hook can be #4 on that list?!? He's a crappy villain!)>> Cause he is getting good publicity with the new movie... yeah it sucks, but there is no bad publicity. But yeah, he does suck! <<Yes, I am a big Oliver Stone fan. Why do you ask?>> So am I! <<Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, life is short... So party we must!>> Amen to that! <<Personally, I find this funny... In a disturbing, sick kind of way>> Same here... this is getting scary. <<I’m disappointed with both of you for coming down on GB for the way he would raise his kid. Don’t you both see that such a child would be a perfect evil minion?>> Like Josh said, we don't need more competition. <<I love this woman. She's either SJ's perfect match, or SJ in drag.>> You read that site too? Cool!

SJ> <<Am I just crazy here, but for some reason I thought you were Republican?>> I don't think he belongs to either political party. For that matter these days I'm considering withdrawing from the Democratic Party, and going Independent again. I can't stand either parties. Personally I want to load all the Democrats and Republicans into a rocket and fire it into the center of the sun! <<Will this movie suck, as I have predicted? I still say yes!>> I say yes, but likely Christopher Lee will lure me into the theatre to see it. Damn, not only does he play a lot of evil people, he is evil! ;)


Greg Bishansky
Thursday, March 7, 2002 02:33:53 PM

Aaron> Here is another link to this guy.
Green Baron
Thursday, March 7, 2002 01:26:34 PM

I've tried going by Thomas, but frankly that's just too individual of me. I shoudl realize that the Green Baron is part of me and not to deny my true nature, for among these folks who I love so dearly, I am and always will be the Green Baron :) It's good to be back.

Today turned out much bette rthan I thought. Every Thursday is allocated to tarinining. Soem fo it si Offcie Training for the job, other training is outdoors and meant for us to be soldiers. Todayw as an outside day and I normally don't like this training, especially with the cold weather and having to wear soldier gear, but today I enjoyed. We did training with the humvees by driving thrm, and I drove today. Granted, never really being behind the wheel of a car makes me a poor driver to say the least, but I enjoyed getting a chance to drive and while I need a lot more practice, I feel confident I will learn how to drive before I leave Germany. I doubt I will get my won car in Germany, but one of my buddies in the Unit might help me drive a "hoopty" which are over 10 years old and cost less than a thousand dollars. I am glad my Detachment Sergeant had the patience to direct me from the passenger side as I drove and I got better at tsterring and using the gas pedal. I still prefer driving on roads as opposed to off :)

Mecord> OK, what do you eat before bedtime?

Aaron> <<I’m disappointed with both of you for coming down on GB for the way he would raise his kid. Don’t you both see that such a child would be a perfect evil minion?>> I always apprecaite your humor. Granted, the thought that I coudl be responsible for my child winding up like Imzadi, GXB, or SJ is enough to make me chuck out any plans for child rearing and start my whole philosopohy over from scratch. I hope no one takes that the wrong way.

<<Personally, I find this funny... In a disturbing, sick kind of way.>> Well, we ask no less of you :)

<<I wonder if they guy wasn’t into voodoo or something.>> Nah! That's more Mississippi Delta region and a little bit in New Orleans, though vodoo is nothing but an entertaining show to make money down in New Orleans.

<<Between this, and Enron, you can’t trust anybody anymore.>> Well, we shoudl ahev known that even before these events. With Enron, the employees shoudl; ahve known better than to put their eggs in one basket, plus my respect for people lessens when they rally behind Jesse Jackson. I at least have a little bit more respect for Tom Daschle, and I'd let Firestorm baptise my baby before Jesse Jackson ;)

<<Waylon Jennings, who wrote the themesong for one of my favorite childhood shows, The Dukes of Hazzard>> That is sad. I loved that show and my mother used to yell at me when I was six and got out of my car through the window :) I had a Business Ethics professor named Dr. Hogg and I always made Dukes of Hazard jokes with him.

<<You know how Bush and his cronies are always talking about the children, the future, the next generation, etc.? They're stealing their material from Jerry "What we got now sucks, but wait 'til next season" Jones.>> I thought they were stealing it from the Democratic party. Now, I know where they got it from :)

<<Yes, I am a big Oliver Stone fan. Why do you ask?>> No shit, Shylock. I don't see any long-term conspiracy as American politciians are incapable of long-term planning, since democracy prevents long-term planners from being elected. The real problems with Osama Bin Laden goes beyond the 80s. Bush Sr. was just a New England blueblood and a lackluster campaigner. The probelm lies with the 30s and teh formation fo Saudi Arabia. The UK backed teh Heshamatites, whiel the US backed the house of Saud led by a desert warrior of no noble blood (how typical of the US to back common born lowlifes), and this House has proven to be one of the most corrupt dyynasties in history, far worse than the Romanovs, Hapsburgs, and Kennedys. Also, the Bin Laden family had begun their construction fortune in teh time, so in a sense the US is to blame though more out of short-sightedness than anything planned out. I would never give any leader in my country the credit to do any long-term planning. Just look at Social Security. We need Pinochet to lead a military coup to take over the US, before we can get social security fixed. Maybe General Shinseki can lead a military coup and fix Social Security, though I doubt it. Now, Colin Powell could do it more effectively :)

<<Iran-Contra>> I find nothing wrong with this, except we lied to Congress, but that is poetic justice :)

<<Democratic Scandals of my lifetime: Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, Monicagate. Not stellar, I admit, but pretty piddly compared to...>> What do you expect with one Democratic President in your whole lifetime?

<<The S&L Scandal, (and subsequent, taxpayer-sponsored bailout>> BiPartisan, actually. The real problem was with teh raidcal deregualtion fo the S&L industry under the repressive measures of Franklin Roosevelt, the kinder gentler Mussolinni. The deregulation shoudl ahve been gradually phased out, but thanks to teh lovely consept of democracy, we are at the whims of semi-literate lowlifes who want quick fixes and lack the mental capacity to understand soemthing happening ten years down the road.

<<If I thought any of that would translate into better pay for the average soldier, I'd have no problem with it. But since it, more than likely, will all wind up going to some tech firms who threw money at the Smirker's campaign...>> Yeah. I want more pay and soem better equipment to work with, like a brand new computer with twice the speed.

Bush may not be perfect, but Gore is pretty pathetic and lost a bunch of states Clinton won. He still managed to win the votes of the illiterate, uneducated, and unwashed (in spite of Nader's attempts to get a few of these votes), but he still couldn't win Tennessee. Even paying homeless to vote didn't win him the election. Even having a Daley on his campaign didn't help him. I hope the Democratic party picks someone better than him next time. Zell Miller is their best bet right now.

<<Hey! Those are the bands that Matt Watson lists as his new favorites at the end of Timelessness! And that amuses me.>> I miss the Watson mSTs. I need to read those.

<<I'm pro-choice, and I think the idea of retroactive abortion has a certain appeal, particularly for those annoying neighbor kids...>> Well, at least your honest enough not to stop at birth, but go all the way :) I always thought the term post-natal was used instead of retroactive.

<<HJO was the kid from 6th Sense. He *should* have been Anikin, but Lucas went with the no-talent Jake Lloyd instead.>> That was my mistake entirely. All those child actors look alike :)

<<But he gave us the greatest Vietnam comedy ever, remember>> Sir! Yes! Sir! And let us not forget that Tim Phips is going through that now? I wonder if he will have a jelly donut in his locker :)

<<You mean... Caligula pimpin’?>> That remidns that I have I, Claudius on DVD and I find that minsieries very amusing.

Siryn> I imagine you're just busy. once cloning is more ocmmon, I'll clone myself and then you and all women in the fandom can have a customized GB clone :) He can be programmed to cook, make you feel better, and dress like Vogel, plus all clones are neutered but still make good pleasure laves for those stressful days :) All will come with their own three-piece suit w/bowtie and bathrobe.

Lexy> Well, I think raising the driving age may save lives, but it proves too impractical for now. I think we need to work on teh national mass transit strcuture, so we can actually weed out the bad drivers and then the driving age won't be an issue. Such a project is to olong-term fo rour nation's mentality and unpopular among rural and suburban folks, which makes up the majority of voters and peopel with money so I guess we're stuck with our status quo. I do think we can learn a few things from the Germans about driving. Cell phones are illegal when opearting a car. DUIs are actually serious offenses, and blasting music form yoru car so the whole neighborhood hears is not a civil liberty over there.

<<But if we changed the age we couldn't just change it for _some_ ppl.>> A state could have a different driving age.

Now I think it would be best along municipal lines, because a rural county could have a lower driving age than an urban county. After all, insurance rates vary by county, so why not driving ages? Now, where's Anthony Kenendy when you need him?

SJ> I bet you enjoy pouring everclear on fires :)

Do you think Aaron has ever heard of Lyndon LaRouche? Have you heard of him? Now he has some funny ideas.

<<Greg Weisman will NEVER be friends with you.>> Funny, but I don't think Crzy finds me a bit annoying and Greg still was pretty cool when I met him in New Orleans. He evn offered me a ride home so I didn't ahve to wait on teh bus at midnight. I do owe him dinner, though.

Mooncat> Well, the sherriff's office is local and I know that my parish won't give a shit unless you are of some importance. I think you and Jan are going to beat that dead horse until there is nothing left, though. You have your knoweldge of the law. She has hers. Beatings horses is my job, as putting fuel on fires is SJ's job, and being an asshole by pointing out logical flaws is Imzadi's job.

I do have one question. Doesn't Pistoff have to cross the state line for any action to be taken?

<<My kids have always been travelers - we spent the first 10 years of their lives moving around from Kansas to South Dakota, back to Kansas, to Lousiana (4 different times moved from LA to KS and back to LA) and then a move to Houston. Plus we traveled a lot on various vacations and to summer camps. We made trips pleasurable as possible and the kids still love to travel :)>> I guess its all about were you go and how you live. I spent my whole life in New Orleans and only went to Southern Florida on vacation, though they were duty trips. Result: My kids will be able to vote on whether or not they visit grandparents or any family if they are more than 30 miles from where I live.

Of course, you have a decent sized car and not a 94 Cavalier, plus your kids slept in actual beds and not mattresses on the floor of a retirement condo.

<<However, I am suprised that you actually believe that there is some kind of connection with the Bush family and the WTC attack.>> I think he watches too much Olievr Stone and listens to Lyndon LaRouche.

Schooling year round or summer breaks> In my College's Economics journal, there was an article about it, and it was against the notion. I'll try and find it.

Mooncat> <<>^,,^<
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 10:11:34 PM

Since when did you become Jannie?

Christine> <<oh, no ... L.A. in 2005; that's what I'm pushing for. I'm in no hurry to host the con myself ; )>> Who said you'd be hosting? Seattle sounds like a good place. I'd like to see Los Angeles and challenge my preconceived notions of the place, plus visit my cousin in Marina Del Ray. I' dalso back a Gathering in Las Vegas, too.

Daniel Johnson> <<Actually, I'm a clone of a genetically engineered mouse who is trying to take over the world.>> So DPH was cloned after you? Mkaes sense, since your older.

Silvadel> <<One of the good things about dreams is that you can control them... If I were at such a convention in a dream I would certainly assume a gargoyle form.>> I can only control a dream when I realize that I am dreaming and don't wake up instantly. I shoudl realize that events are too odd for me to be in real life, but that rarely happens.

DPH> <<I guess I need to splurge and buy my own domain name before some moron decides to steal it. No, it won't be my real name.>> Why woudl soemoen steal it. It woudl be pointless to extort you for a fortune when there are people that have the money to be extorted.

Imzadi> <<Hey dad, it gets me away from YOU!" is probably what I'd say.>> But DPH is not as skilled in the asshole arts as you are.

<<I dated a Jessica once or twice.>> That was the name of the girl who dumped me for being Catholic.

<<I said EXPERIENCE. The thing that comes with MORE DRIVING.>> I am a firsthand example thanks to today.

<<Well, you have to pay teachers for an entire year instead of just 9 months.>> Most are paid over a full year, though.

<<What's the difference?>> Catholic schoolgirls don't wear sialor suits and usually wear stuff under the skirt and blouse.

<<Why should you care?>> Good question. I dont have th same fondness for politcis that I used to, except its fun to watch. I have lost a lot of faith in democracy, but I still vote, which is kind of odd. No reason not to execrise a right out of principle.

<<In that order?>> We are talking about SJ though, and his family is from Augusta, Ga :)

<<Like its so hard.>> But hardly worth the effort.

<<In fact, I scored just above the mean.>> Congratualtions. I don't know if that's bette rthan scoring above teh median in your case, but its get to beat the average. As my High School Latin teacher said, "Don't be better than the worst, be better than the best."

Invsi> Do you live in New Jersey or Long Island? You go to school in NYC, but drive an hour to get there. That sucks. If I had a job there, I'd live in the city, especially for my kids' sake.

<<That is a great combination, but have you ever-tried Chocolate Cheesecake covered in Bailey’s Irish Cream? Hey, you are not the only one with odd eating habits. :D>> Bailey's is too expensive. I can get a similar liquer in Germany cheaper than Baileys and also improted from Ireland. I will have some Carolinas Irish Cream (aboyt five bucks cheaper than Baileys) with vannila ice cream on St. Patty's day and hopefully lots of food with potatoes.

ASs for cheesecakes, there is a place right on St. Charles Ave called Copelands Cheesecake Bistro (yes, the same Copeland who founded Popeyes), that has tons of cheesecakes, including white russian cheesecake, cherries jubilee cheesecake, banana's foster cheesecake and tons more. Of course, Ann Rice hates the place with a passion for its California style, though it used to be a lot more Californian in style.

Patrick> <<The thing I always find humorous (in a George Carlin, observational, "if you really stop to think about it, this doesn't make much sense" kind of way) is that the side which believes they hold the moral high ground always has that catch-all way of dismissing the argument. "You write erotica so your opinion is worthless." And then anyone that contines to present facts after that point is "jumping down your throat." But then again, I write erotica, so what the heck do I know. :P>> Now, is it really worth it to contribute to teh fact that soem people hate each other? Well, you may get some Mooncat loving out of this, so go right ahead ;)

BTW, doesn't the eloquent troll remind you of some posters named Goliath and Shadows from a while back?

Siryn> << Lousisiana you can drink when you're 18 and get your license when you're 15. And EVERYONE at highschool had cars.. O.o;;;;;; And obviously there were a lot of drunk driving accidents and the like. I don't know really what to say on the issue, since I got my license when I was 15. :> But I do think that 15 is majorly young and 16 is pushing it too. :/ (especially when drinking age is 18, although they may have changed that since I lived there)>> Well, my HS had drivers ed my freshman year and most students were 14. Being in the Key Club homeroom, I was not slated to take Driver's Ed and never got around to signing up for the course. I bet the lax rules about driving and drinking are probably why Louisiana has such high insurance rates, especially in New Orlenas, though the rates there are high becuase of all the damned lawyers, bloodsucking ambulance chasing leeches.

The rules have changed but in New Orleans the 21 year drinking age is rarely enforced, especially if the bouncer knows you. Granted, there is no way in hell I owudl ever drive in New Olrenas. I am going down there in July and even if I had a liscence, I'm using godo old regional transit and Jefferson transit as well, and for only $4.00 a day to go wherever the hell I want by bus or streetcar, I'll be a happy camper.

Spacebabie> <<Actually the Sim version of me is a politician>> And who do you live with?

<<All I have to say is Brando should have never discovered burgers. He’d still look like and old fart, but he’d be an old fart in shape.>> But he'd never make a good Vito Corleone if he was thin, and who would be the Godfather?

<<Hey arnt you supposed to be banned? :::prepares to wash SJ’s soiled underwear.:>> The banning efefct only lasts for a week, if you remember what Robby told Doug and Kit. I await our next Official Announcemnet about not feeding bears.

Aaron Click on my name for a link to someone you would like.

Green Baron - []
Hanau, Germany
Thursday, March 7, 2002 01:24:33 PM

Hmmmm I love Grasshoppers. They are just like Thin Mints.

Patch and Frisky got in another Row so Patch was in my room last night. I told Velvet to watch over him and she curled up next to him.

Reading “A streetcar named Desire” in class and watched part of the moive. All I have to say is Brando should have never discovered burgers. He’d still look like and old fart, but he’d be an old fart in shape.

Slight Spoilers for SouthPark

It rocked! The made fun of Jared from Subway and there was Aides related jokes. My only gripe is…WHY DID THEY GET RID OF KENNY?!

Yooper<<<I hate that.>>> Me Too. Especially when no matter how hard you try to think of something it just doesn’t give.<<<Ahhh, it's good to be on spring break>>>A few more days for me.

Warpmind<<<Oooh! Oooh! Sims characters! Make one for me! Make one for me! >>> Sadly all the bald heads look old.

Josh<<<I still don't have my structures midterm back...and it isn't making me any less nervous.>>>Luckily for me my midterm happened to be those essays I had to write.<<<And eat I do.>>>I bet you do.<<<I'm no bigot. Just a jerk.>>>And your honest.<<<It was either that or work in the military.

Thomas<<<I figured SJ as politician>>> Actually the Sim version of me is a politician

Mecord<<<What have you been smoking?

Aaron<<<Ask Mara.>>>Ok Mara WTF is with this movies?<<<Parallel or regular?>>>Both L<<<I'm taking a semester off, so I have no classes on ANY DAY! Pbbbbbbbbbbbbt! ;p >>>Slacker!<<<I recommend an old Chevy Nova,>>>No and hell no. That thing is a piece of crap. My mother used to drive one. We called it Exploder. Besides I don’t think I could handle Nova after seeing Rayearth,<<<but Mara has a pic on her site that answers that question…>>>Make her put it on the web and provide a link please.<<<She is the Queen of Pain, ladies and gentlebeings. >>>Hey the first two pains hurt. The last kind felt good.

Mooncat<<<Strangely, so was Batman.>>>Wich Batman? Modern day or beyond?

Anonymous<<<To day I went to a game, but this is the part I did not like someone die. What would you do?? >>>Ooooooookayyyyyy ::backs away slowly::

Daniel Johnson>>>> Hey the other Daniel posted! Can I call you DJ for short?

Invsi>>>>That’s why I own a windows computer.

Todd>>>I was thinking the same thing, but I’m also worried about what will happen to Wesley.

The Watcher>>>Hey arnt you supposed to be banned? :::prepares to wash SJ’s soiled underwear.:::

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida
Thursday, March 7, 2002 12:55:27 PM

Crzy > yes, exactly, that's what I want -- to sit in the dealer's room and pimp my books. By 2005, I should have loads of 'em, too! One way or another.

Speaking of books, whew, I did it ... shaved 15,000 words out of Gifted Children. This weekend's project is to submit it to Leisure Books and get rejected by them too. Deedle-dee-dee-dee. It's a good thing I'm having fun because otherwise it would be too, too depressing.

Christine - []
Thursday, March 7, 2002 12:20:51 PM

Ack ack ACK!!

PLEASE don't start a flame war! Especially on my account. <:)

Sorry... URG..I wasn't trying to single anyone out for specificially saying bad things about the convention or saying things needed to be changed. (I really want to know these things..albiet I would prefer to hear them as constructive critism) <:)

Anyways..the whole reason the above was mentioned because I was trying to stress to Josh that *I* believe as a convention chair, I ANSWER to the fandom. That's what the rant was supposed to be about. <:) He thinks otherwise..which kinda seems a silly to me..especially from my point of view because I try to talk to everyone, get their opinions, spend at least 2-3 hours everyday on the convention, but all and all no matter what its his opinon. He's obviously not going to change it, (made clear by his post) and I would rather waste energy constructively trying to help people and put on a better con, then argue. <:)

Jenn is right that I wasn't trying to single anyone out here..and I personally don't like starting flame wars at all. <:)

Jannie> I do sincerely apologise again for my rant appearing to be geared towards you, I think the comments that you and Josh have made have been constructive and have helped alot. And I thankyou both very much for that. <:)

Josh> Same as Jannie. My rant was towards the idea of whether or not con chairs answering to the fandom, not to shoot you down for your suggestions or comments, and I apologise if it sounded that way.

I'm not going to 'jump' down anyone's throat cause of critism. Believe me..I have enough people saying "Oh, so and so said this about the convention, and so and so said that" I've heard people imply they think this will be the last convention or that its majorly going to flop.

That's okay. It's okay to think like that, but if you want me to do something about it..I kinda need to know why you feel that way. :) <---- There is my PERSONAL email if you don't want to write the gathering one. <:) Tell me what troubles you are having! I will try to set things right, myself and my staff. <:) PLEASE. I can't fix a problem unless I know a problem is there. (and a lot of the times..I don't know. <:) Just..try to give critism constructively if possible. <:) (The rant was mainly towards a letter I received that was very patronizing..and those really suck when you get them, but I read and answer them just like every other letter I get.)

I hope I cleared things up..and didn't make them worse. -_-;;;

16 year old drivers> Lousisiana you can drink when you're 18 and get your license when you're 15. And EVERYONE at highschool had cars.. O.o;;;;;; And obviously there were a lot of drunk driving accidents and the like. I don't know really what to say on the issue, since I got my license when I was 15. :> But I do think that 15 is majorly young and 16 is pushing it too. :/ (especially when drinking age is 18, although they may have changed that since I lived there)

And...onto gathering work! yay! ^_^

Siryn - []
Thursday, March 7, 2002 12:15:44 PM

Crzy: <<Gun/Condom>>: Well, now that would depend on who I using it with, wouldn't it? ;-)
Thursday, March 7, 2002 12:15:30 PM

Oh gods... Facts were presented! We must be jumping down someone's throat!! People who read/write erotica don't know what facts are! Therefore it must all be lies and they must be accused of attacking people!! I love a good laugh in the morning. :)

As for relationships with police officers. Who cares? My brother is a cop, my husband was Military Police and grew up with half the cops in this town. Our kids are all on the same t-ball team. Of course, I read erotica, so therefore NONE of these people know anything about the law in the State of California. In fact, if you read erotica, that means the laws don't even apply at all! Yeah, that will hold up in court. "I'm sorry. But you read erotica and Greg Weisman is your best friend and has no mind of his own, therefore I must throw this case out. Oh yeah, sorry you're dead, but that's what you get for reading that smut!" LOL!! It all makes sense now! :P

Here's a HUGE NEWSFLASH!! We all don't have to agree. WHOA! SJ, you can work as hard as you want to try to ruin a friendship between Jan and I... hell, it may even work. But I love Jan to bits. I have stood behind her decisions in life even if I didn't agree with them. Why? Because she is my friend. It's not what she does that I like... it's who she is. The laws are obviously different where she lives as opposed to where I live. (as Mooncat tried to point out). Just because the laws are different doesn't mean I have to now hate Jannie! (Shocking... I know.)

Josh - Sometimes I want to beat you and kiss you in the same post... you gotta knock that off! ;) <<L.A. in 2005>>: I'm there!>> Careful, I will put you on con staff!! That'll learn ya! >:) << I also don't call one little story "harassment" of any time.>> Too bad it wasn't just one little story. I love how you blatantly ignore the fact that THERE WAS OTHER LITERATURE INVOLVED AS WELL! (Heh, I really don't feel that harsh about it... just wanted to give your 'tude to Mooncat back to you). As for your "Blood/Violence" rage... I am sure if you were given a choice of using a gun or a condom as they were meant to be used... then you would chose the condom. ::shrugs::

Jan - "jumping to conclusions" I am sure Siryn gets tons of mail from people that don't ever even hang out in these comment rooms. She just wanted to come in here and vent a bit and I doubt she would openly vent about anyone who posts in here on a regular basis. (She's sorta the exception to the rest of us) ;) <<they wouldn't come unsnapped so I had to cut them with a wire cutter>> OH MY GOD! ::curls up in a ball:: just the very idea! You are a much stronger person than I! ... and you deserved that double pay!! ::still clutching her chest::

Lain - O.O!

Aaron - What the hell!?!? GEEZ! Get yer butt in here more often to post! That last one was painful! ;)

Christine - <<oh, no ... L.A. in 2005; that's what I'm pushing for. I'm in no hurry to host the con myself ; ) >> Yeah, she just wants to sit back in the dealer's room and pimp her books!! >:) GO GIRL! << I haven't done much with ideas of the afterlife in the books. >> Hey, as long as Jae'elae keeps being reincarnated, it's all good! HEE!

The Watcher - <<But then any argument presented in a calm and rational manner with forethought is summarily dismissed as it doesn't support your canted view. And trying to carry on an intelligent debate with people like you is akin to casting pearls before swine. You just can't reason with apes. So beat your chests and eat your grubs and go back to the trees whence you came.>> SPEAKING of the Pot calling the Kettle black! LOL!!! Dude, talk about putting your own foot in your mouth...

Okay... Now that everyone has bitched about this again... Can I PLEASE ask that it be DROPPED!?! The police are aware of Fred and they are keeping an open file on him. As long as he keeps me and my family out of his rants and fics, then this is all OVER AND DONE WITH! Nothing more is going to happen! Show's over folks, move along! Nothing else is going to be resolved here. I thank those who stood up for me (even to the extreme... OY guys!) But it's time to let this go. Please...

Jennifer L. Anderson
Thursday, March 7, 2002 11:29:26 AM

Watcher - What you continue to gloss over is it is not the violence or adult nature of a fic that was at issue, it was the fact the violence of Fred's fic was centered on a real person who Fred knows socially. Fred can write as much violence and porn as he likes and no one of us smut writers would say boo... as long as he keeps real people that we socialize with out of it.

Yeah, I write smutty fic, with violence and sex of all kinds in it. But I have never taken any real person I know and done any kind of bad thing to them in fiction, much less plaster it where the real person is socially active.

There is a basic nettiquette about fan fics, even hard core ones. Part of that is not to put real people you know into your public fantasy unless you have their permission. And when you start murdering them and endangering their kids in a fiction... Tsk tsk.


Thursday, March 7, 2002 11:27:48 AM

Mooncat - 30+ years? I would have guessed 12. Nice kitty, kitty, *puuurrrrr* *puuuurrrrrr* [laps up milk and hacks up a hairball].

Patrick Toman-
No one said that "your side's" opinion was worthless in any way shape or form. And using George Carlin to emphasize your point is like Hitler using the magna carta to back up his point.

I'm sorry, but did "our side" say we were morally superior? No. What was said was that for writers of fics that are, by modern social standards, violent, depraved, disgusting, and moraly reprehensible, for those writers to attack Fred's work as vile is the proverbial pot calling the kettle black. The argument is that the fic that Fred wrote was all of those things.

Anyone who shares in that type of writing and claims to present facts after that point can only sound like the biased and bigoted people they are.

On the other hand, to say that your own personal opinion is worthless is an accurate statement.

Please don't use your tired old quote about thought police. George Orwell would love to know that someone as "gifted" as you read his work in High School because he was forced to, and jumps at any chance to misrepresent his work.

"Make love not war" is sorely misplaced among writers of fiction that portrays rape and incest as pleasureable and erotic. These acts can hardly be seen as love. These are violent, serious, and heinous crimes, much related to and usually leading upto murder.

But then any argument presented in a calm and rational manner with forethought is summarily dismissed as it doesn't support your canted view. And trying to carry on an intelligent debate with people like you is akin to casting pearls before swine. You just can't reason with apes. So beat your chests and eat your grubs and go back to the trees whence you came.

Now I say Good Day Sir.
The Watcher
Thursday, March 7, 2002 10:58:57 AM

Patrick -- **purrrss**

Josh -- Strangely, I feel no overwhelming urge to let my doctor's secretary perform surgery on me, my lawyer's secretary act in court for me, or my mechanic's secretary work on my car. *shrugs* No disrespect to Jannie, but I find the attitude that she is a law expert because she is a Sherriff's secretary less than overwhelming too. Especially how it works out federally and in totally different states than her own.

As for the "What is Cyberstalking", and what it has to do with Fred, is that his action of posting murder fics of real people he knows can be considered part of cyberstalking if he keeps up acts like this. It goes to implied threat and harrassment. By itself, it's less than a chargeable offense, but repeated... Comprehend?

IX9 -- darling, hair extensions are pretty passe. *shakes out her now only shoulder length black curls*

My eating habits aren't strange *^_^* They're creative! Sigh... but last night no Gargoyles in my dreams. Oh well, it was yummy. Mmmm... want sushi again. If only I could find sashimi grade fish on my own, I'd not have to drop $25 a meal (if you include tip) for this stuff. I'd make my own.

Ahhh... the world is blanketed in fog and it's cold. Today is supposed to be warm though. *peeks at the grey skies*


Thursday, March 7, 2002 10:26:03 AM

AARON - Well, you certainly must have been gone a long time, given that your post included comments on my LOTR review back in December! Welcome back!


Does anybody besides me get the suspicion that Angel could wind up facing a hostile Connor in the future? After all, Holzt has just run off with Connor into another dimension. I have a suspicion that the way that things will eventually go, Connor will return a while later, grown to adulthood due to time passing differently in other worlds, and having been raised by Holzt to hate Angel and hunt him down. It's all the more likely when you consider how often heroes end up getting pitted against their own sons: Arthur and Mordred, Goliath and Thailog, Rustam and Sohrab, not to mention - no, that last bit's classified.


Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, March 7, 2002 08:12:34 AM

Aaron > Congratulations... I think you broke a comment room record with that one. You are the Stephen King of comment room posting. ;)

Jen > "I'll take smut over violence anyday." - Amen, baby!

Mooncat > I've said this before, yes I know, but you rock. :: pets the nice kitty ::

Shinigami > "Got milk?" ;)

SJ & Jan > The thing I always find humorous (in a George Carlin, observational, "if you really stop to think about it, this doesn't make much sense" kind of way) is that the side which believes they hold the moral high ground always has that catch-all way of dismissing the argument. "You write erotica so your opinion is worthless." And then anyone that contines to present facts after that point is "jumping down your throat." But then again, I write erotica, so what the heck do I know. :P

:: bounces off to Cubicle Land ::

Patrick Toman
Thursday, March 7, 2002 07:07:44 AM

*walks in wearing a leather jacket, mesh-shirt, leather pants ad combat boots with a chain hanging form his beltloop and hair colored in streaks of red and gold. He is also carrying a coffe cup that reads: 'If you reading this then you pay too much attention to detail.'*

That's the last time, I go raviin on my last days of freedom... I got work today.

Anyhoo..time to play catch up...

Space Babie> Hmm, still playing around with The Sims? It’s an a addicting game isn’t it? But, my only gripe about it is that the Mac versions always came out, late. I Got the first Sims game but I didn’t get the expansion packs till this year. Do you know how hard it is to find expansion packs for Living Large and House Party at this day and age? But my characters are all set up for Hot Date.

Lexy> 16-year-olds driving/summer school- Well, I am kind of shocked at how much the driving age is dropped. It mainly boggles my mind as they will let anyone drive these days. And of course, they choose to run into many more experienced drivers like me because there distracted. I have seen many kids driving irresponsibly with their cell phones and their music blasting form their speakers.

Um, wait a minuet where was I going with this? Oh, Yeah, It just shocks me they would lower the driving age just so degenerate can drive to the mall or to there job. While, me and my sister before me has to wait until we were the appropriate age to drive a car. Shoot, I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was 20. And I admit that I drive pretty darn well. Why, because, I’m more mature that’s why.

Driver’s Ed> Hmm, I have to agree with you on that to Driver’s ED. classes are really just a waste of times to these teenagers. In my class they just showed us some videos and gave us open booked tests. Yes, you heard me open book tests, I was shocked at this school, I mean why am I shelling out $50 a class taking a hour drive up to the school at 5:00a.m in the morning. So, I could watch some videos and to take a stupid test.

*Growls beneath his breath* God, I hate those classes. And what’s worse is that those kids who either sleep through class pass these tests are out there on the road with now real driving skills at all. But, then again us senior drivers do stupid things too, and some accident are caused because some a-hole decides to create his own shortcut.

Jannine> I know, I’m not supposed to say anything more more about Fred. But, I do have to agree with you on your last statement though:

<<I did find humor in those whose claim to fame is writing smut attempt to critique Fred's fic. *chuckles*>>

Although this does make me out to be a hypocrite to say this since I USED to write Smut-fics.Yep, I only have one more to do and then, I’m graciously bowing out of the game and stick to R-rated fics. :D


Well, here in my hometown of NY Cyberstalking is considered: S 240.30 Aggravated harassment in the second degree.

And is considered a Class E felony

Josh> << Not long before we have a national "check-your-brain-at-the-door" month. >>

Hee-hee, next thing you know there is gonna make it a national Holiday! :D

Jen> Hmm, I agree with you that’s why, I’m letting Angie do the Porn part of the ERS saga from now on. Oh, yeah, do not forget sexual jokes and innuendo. :D

Gargoyle Dreams –

Mmm, I have had a gargoyle dreams before. I dreamt I was trapped in Real World type situation, with the clan, Um, minus, Goliath. Hee-hee it was kinda fun to yell at Broadway for bogarding the cream cheese. Or at least asking him if we can share Angela. *urks*

But, then again this dream was brought on by a combination, of five or six beers, A few slices of Supreme Pizza sprinkled with Cayenne pepper, salt, onions, and a few pieces of garlic.

Mooncat Again>>I think someone asked before what I ate before having dreams like this..

Hu? That is a great combination, but have you ever-tried Chocolate Cheesecake covered in Bailey’s Irish Cream? Hey, you are not the only one with odd eating habits. :D


Can’t agree with you more!

<Jan works at a Police Station, but is she a police woman? A lawyer? I could work at at NASA pushing paper, but it wouldn't make me an Astronaut, or an expert on the space program>>: No, but if you worked at one of those places and DIDN"T know anything about space, you'd a DENSE MORON. <<I don't think she has any more expertise in this area, Cyber Stalking law, than others in the comment room>>: Really? And I think having access to people who she can talk to for 8 hours a day makes her a lot more of an expert than you. <<dated LEO>>: I dated a Jessica once or twice. <<it's probably as good as you get from sharing lunch with a police officer>>: I love how you blatantly ignore the fact that SHE WORKS IN A SHERIFF's office. <<I actually check out university references>>: Hardly impressive. <<What Is Cyberstalking>>: Well, none of that has anything to do with Fred's little story. I also don't call one little story "harassment" of any time.

Got them by there hair extensions on that one Josh.

Sevarius Jr: <<Greg Weisman will NEVER be friends with you>>:

Snorts and laughs so hard that coffee come out of his nose) -_* Ow, son of a bitch. But that was a good one. :D

Aaron> Sorry, but, I can only respond to a few posts at the time, and a few spaces wouldn’t hurt either tough guy!

<<The CR is what we make of it.>> To me it seems like a soap-opera with a ever growing cast of characters. The only thing to ask yourself I who’s going to back stab who or who’s going to end up in bed together…er...scratch that last one.

<<You really should have been in NY>>: Dude? You were in NY? Interesting…If I had of known we could have hung out.

<<three males and one female is a set-up for a triple-penetration. Four plus males makes a gang-bang. Or a bukkake>> Funny, I thought, I always thought three males was a gang-bang and anything over that was a orgy.

Um, that is about it I think or probably it was none of my business.

*hugs his character piccie* Heh, I love Umbriel and that expression on his face. :D


Sugu raku ni shite yaru. (I will soon end your pain.)


Invsi Xavier - []
The city, of, eternal sin
Thursday, March 7, 2002 05:28:50 AM

Curses...I was so close to being finished with the week's work before lab today, and then we had to get MORE work to do. I swear, its a vicious cycle of homework assignments. Fortunately, my new lab is really easy and should be done tomorrow night.

I went to an utterly useless review for the EIT, hoping it would help me study for my engineering econ class. It didn't, and I left after 30 minutes.

I FINALLY picked up Myst III last night. This is a game I bought during MacWorld SF nearly a month and a half ago. I played it for a solid hour. Still working on reflecting the colored light around the island, but I think I have an idea of how to do it.

Good news: I did NOT fail my structures test. In fact, I scored just above the mean. However, I think my prof may have been padding my grade. When *I* added the points for the problems I didn't quite get the same answer that he did. And we're not talking a rounding error, either.


Crzy: <<Don't think you need to keep your mouth shut just because people jump to conclusions>>: Yeah really, its never stopped any of us. <<I'll take smut over violence anyday. thankyouverymuch. Make love, not war!>>: Hippy! VIOLENCE! BLOOD GORE DEATH EXPLOSIONS! MORE! NOW!

Thomas: <<In Modesto, California we now learn that while Presidents can mess with interns, Congressmen cannot>>: Well that depends on the definition of "mess". <<Hopefully Cardozo is not a total liberal>>: Why should you care? <<kills them, has sex with them>>: In that order? <<Imzadi I'd make a computer tech guy, though>>: Sure, and I don't get any play. <<I suspect he might be involved, though I imagine he prefers non-hippie women>>: One has nothing to do with the other. <<like one about a plot by Jewish interns to ruin the Democratic party>>: Like its so hard. <<I realize that I coudl eb soem right-wing Catholci version fo that if I am not careful>>: You're already there.

Mecord: Trippy dream, dude.

Aaron: Welcome back. Looks like GXB just lost $20. <<It’s been a while, hasn’t it?>>: Sure, if you define "a while" as "many moons". <<A chronic addiction to Baldur’s Gate>>: My roommate has one of those. An addiction, that is. <<College Roomies From Hell>>: Isn't that redundant? <<I read not simply for entertainment, but because I’m emotionally invested in the characters>>: That's it! I'm officially off webcomics! ::deletes links:: <<I wept like a little kobald schoolgirl>>: Kobalds go to school? <<I have not cried like that at a movie since Braveheart. (Well, since The Thirteenth Warrior, anyway>>: Because it was so bad, right? <<And the whole show pauses so the audience can applaud the bass player.>>: As they should. <<he's interested, in principle, in coming to G2K3>>: yeah right. I'll believe it when I see it. <<each goes to bed confident in the knowledge that the other side are @$$holes>>: Which is, of course, absolutley correct. <<thinking he's a buffoon who lucked into the Presidency on very sketchy credentials>>: And I suppose you think YOUR credentials are better? <<how many new credit cards I’ll have to get to afford the Gathering>>: Just one. Its the LIMIT you need to worry about ;-) <<what would *that* smell like?>>: Do you really need to ask? <<We apologize for the inconvenience>>: I was betting on "please remain seated with your hands and arms inside the vehicle". <<people who've already graduated college, who have full time jobs, and are busy all year round, instead of at finals, to become admins>>: I see a few adults in here who have "real" jobs that find time to post every day. <<The CR is what we make of it.>>: Can it be a strip club then? <<C'mon, if I couldn't make myself read them when I *had* to for class, what are the odds I'm ever going to look at them again?>>: Its different for an engineer. My textbooks have tables and formulae in them that will be useful in my professional career. <<*how* did you know that exactly?>>: I believe it was Jenna Jameson on the Win Ben Steins Money. <<Do you think they get repetitive motion injuries?>>: Can't be any worse than programmers, who spend just as much time doing the exact same thing. <<And a Happy Agnostica to everybody who ever calculated Santa's airspeed>>: That's me! <<No, Agent 86, I wouldn't.>>: Finally, someone gets it. <<At last, I have found a key of my very own. Thank you, Josh>>; Welcome. Wear it with pride. <<In fact, he might not be going out of his room at all>>: Only if he's lucky. <<Me!>>: Um, no. <<don't find anything expensive, because I don't have any money>>: Hehe. If they're smart they're break it more so that you HAVE to come back to fix it. <<Want one? A guy I know is selling his 2001 Kawasaki for $4,000, less then six thousand miles on it>>: If I had $ <<You really should have been in NY>>: Sadly, I had better plans. <<You thought wrongly>>: I'll have to go, then. <<They've got the whole Han/Leia thing going>>: I never considered that, but you're absolutely right. <<considering how you keep trying to get people to taste of the Apple>>: Interesting... <<1776: A group of "red Indians" dumps a boatload of British tea into Boston harbor>>: Not quite the same effect, is it? <<Snrrk. And it works both ways, too>>: You mean the box is thinking about me too? <<Isn't that your plan for world domination?>>: Shush! <<Lynativerse Brooklyn ends up with two mates, both female>>: Why? because its the only way she could justify getting her ficverse self to sleep with him. <<three males and one female is a set-up for a triple-penetration. Four plus males makes a gang-bang. Or a bukkake>>: Right, my bad. <<if your name is Jericho>>: Good point. <<come and join our evil jamboree>>: When did it become a "jamboree"? <<I assume it’s the scene with the building collapsing>>: What pussies. They can't even show a building collapse!? <<Doesn’t everybody?>>: Er, no. I'm usually too busy worrying about failing. <<people with damage hate to see other people be damaged the way they were/are>>: So true. No one deserves it. <<You need to read Exploitation Now to get it>>: Okay I read it. That comic sucks, with the exception of Pikachu whoring himself out for Crack. <<I am suddenly reminded of an old saying about the road to Hell>>: Truly a great quote. <<there is *nothing* pathetic about Thom-worship>>: Easy for you to say. You have an alter-ego who worships him. <<Fish and guests stink after three days>>: Guests sooner. <<As a researcher, or a test subject?>>: LOL. <<All part of the great East coast/West Coast/Gulf Coast fandom rivalry>>: Except that I'm going to conquer the planet. And then it won't really matter. <<Well, "Just Say No" didn't work for drugs... Why should it for sex?>>: Because no girl is gonna say "you know it will make you cool". <<Stop playing with your balls>>: I don't want to know. <<Any halfway decent video store should have a copy>>: Trouble is FINDING a halfway decent video store. <<You need the credit? It fills a hole in your schedule? It's a blowoff class? Or you just don't care>>: All of the above. <<How do you test *beliefs*?!>>: lie detector ;-) <<A guy he knew got into a gunfight with a meth-maker, and the lab blew up>>: There's a shocker. <<does anybody know what the *Girl* Scouts policy on homosexuality is?>>: Does anyone *care*? <<I'll take that under advisement. Hey, it's your con too folks. Send us suggestions>>: Strip shows! <<realized I’m a regular reader of over thirty webcomics.>>: Webcomics have ceased to amuse me. <<Did they have any Cool Devices?>>: Actually, yes they did. <<A guy in a latex loincloth?>>: You mean a speedo? <<he gave us the greatest Vietnam comedy ever, remember? >>: That was a comedy? <<Catholic or Japanese?>>: What's the difference? <<I get that reaction from waiters in New York when I: (A) Ask for Dr. Pepper. (B) Ask if refills are free>>: LA still has free some places. <<I am not a hobby Satanist. F**king amateurs>>: Heheh. <<Demi Moore's breasts are not erotic>>: WHAT!? <<I'm taking a semester off, so I have no classes on ANY DAY! Pbbbbbbbbbbbbt>>: Come here so I can kill you. <<Jettas are the car of choice for sociopathic drivers. People *I* consider to be sociopathic drivers>>: You consider gay artists to be sociopathic drivers? <<I think the idea of retroactive abortion has a certain appeal, particularly for those annoying neighbor kids>>: LOL! <<so the CA Highway Patrol doesn't have radar guns, last time I looked>>: Instead, they drive at 110. If you pace them, you're busted 8-) <<Driving to Mexico might be quicker than driving to another state>>: In LA that would have been true. <<I fail to see how the words "in bed" can be added to that. No fair>>: Maybe something about "huge tracts of land"? <<the resultant radioactive cloud would render the entire Eastern Seaboard unlivable>>: Now THAT is scary shit. <<Speed taught us that>>: That was a great movie, wasn't it? NOT! <<Maybe he was building a zombie army. Between this, and Enron, you can’t trust anybody anymore. You even get f**ked after you’re dead>>: No thanks. <<Thom is *not* short. He’s like 5'8" or something. Short would be me and Josh>>: Excuse me, but I'm slightly taller than Thom. And I have a picture to prove it. <<I’m disappointed with both of you for coming down on GB for the way he would raise his kid. Don’t you both see that such a child would be a perfect evil minion?>>: No, he'd be competition. <<links>>: The first two didn't work, but I feel really bad for those kids who tried out for Limp. Durst is an asshole. My roommate just had to sign something nasty to put his software on Apple's iDisk servers. Thankfully, it did NOT require him to sign his programs over to Apple.

Mara: <<you did it. i am so dead now, aren't i?>>: Did he threaten to kill you if he posted!? Maybe you should file a police report! <<didja have to cut her rings? Those holes close up mighty fast>>: What part of "no jewlery" is confusing?

Lexy: <<I do think that age/maturity/and skill are interconnected. Not entirly, ofcourse, and not always. But in general, if you give someone more time they become more mature. That isn't in all cases. I know that. But most cases it at least helps. I don't think it can make things worse. Skill has a lot to do with things like focus, respect for rules, patience, etc. Those things are products of maturity>>: Fortunately, I wasn't talking about skill. I said EXPERIENCE. The thing that comes with MORE DRIVING. The sooner you start, the better. Being able to learn from your mistakes has little to do with age or maturity. Learning from other's mistakes is a bit more difficult, but thanks to the two accidents I had when I had just gotten my license (thankfully, no one was hurt in either), I'll never make mistakes like those again. <<It just would lower the death rate for teens>>: I fail to see why this is a good thing. <<It doesnt matter if statistics would show only 20 kids more lived. That is enough>>: Not for lawmakers. There is a lot of money lost if 16 year olds don't work. <<He has GOT to get that comp hooked up and come bother us sometimes. ..Or would we bother him?>>: I'm betting it would be the latter. <<When I practice things closer in time they always stick better>>: True, but it often doesn't apply. Math sticks with you if you're good at it, and doesn't if you're not. History courses are totally discontinuous in high school, despite the superificial connection that few notice. Science courses change subjects. What you learn in chem is useless in physics until you get to college. <<is it really a differenc in months?>>: Well, you have to pay teachers for an entire year instead of just 9 months.

Sevarius Jr: <<Greg Weisman will NEVER be friends with you>>: LOL. <<so you'd kind of know what you were talking about, but that's the way it goes>>: No, because the people arguing against her are *women*, and women know they're never wrong. <<Apparently they no SO MUCH more than you do>>: its a chick thing. <<What is this, though, good cop / bad cop?>>: The word of the day is "nepotism".

Mooncat: <<Jan works at a Police Station, but is she a police woman? A lawyer? I could work at at NASA pushing paper, but it wouldn't make me an Astronaut, or an expert on the space program>>: No, but if you worked at one of those places and DIDN"T know anything about space, you'd a DENSE MORON. <<I don't think she has any more expertise in this area, Cyber Stalking law, than others in the comment room>>: Really? And I think having access to people who she can talk to for 8 hours a day makes her a lot more of an expert than you. <<dated LEO>>: I dated a Jessica once or twice. <<it's probably as good as you get from sharing lunch with a police officer>>: I love how you blatantly ignore the fact that SHE WORKS IN A SHERIFF's office. <<I actually check out university references>>: Hardly impressive. <<What Is Cyberstalking>>: Well, none of that has anything to do with Fred's little story. I also don't call one little story "harassment" of any time.

Jan: <<how the victim's statement is given>>: And if its Jen, I'm sure you can expect that it was hysterical crying. <<I tried to present it to the detectives without bias.>>: But you couldn't resist saying "these people are both morons". <<They should be allowed to have a permit that allows only an adult in the passenger seat with them when they drive>>: And what do you know? In CA, they have such laws! <<nipple rings>>: GROSS. << DO have a bit more knowledge concerning the laws than say... You do>>: I knew you were gonna say that.

Christine: <<L.A. in 2005>>: I'm there!

Daniel Johnson: <<talk about dysfunctional families>>: You've come to the right place for that! <<Newton's laws of motion apply just as well to comment room posting>>: True enough. <<I'm a clone of a genetically engineered mouse who is trying to take over the world>>: Wait, the mouse is trying to take over the world or the clone is? You've mixed your modifiers there. <<Verizon blocks port 80>>: LOL! I love that. Just to block DDos attacks, right? Lame. Why don't you get it hosted? I know a great company that only charges $10/month.

Silvadel: <<You are lucky you didnt end up in N-space>>: Does that hurt?

DPH: <<I'd gladly pay the bill to have you transported back to the CR>>: Then build yer own damn battlebot! <<I need to splurge and buy my own domain name before some moron decides to steal it>>: Why bother? There are MUCH cooler names out there. <<Attending school year round to learn foreign language will probably work better because you won't have the long period of time to lose the information>>: That's true. But everyone speaks english anyway, so who cares? <<isn't that post bigger than the largest Doug/Kit posts?>>: Probably. <<My dad asks why I spend on the 'net when he thinks I don't get anything out of it>>: "Hey dad, it gets me away from YOU!" is probably what I'd say.

Gside: <<That belonged to the kid, who's now dead. But it is the plushie that's on fire. Apparently the word was actually formed by a Californian>>: Probably from Berkeley. <<who else will I be talking to on a regular basis?>>: Imaginary females? <<exams are just about the only class period where you have to think about the material>>: And nothing else. <<but that doesn't really say much about my insanity>>: Maybe it says you long to be an Apple logo? <<Apparently the poeple who make the genetic analysis software have no idea how to program>>: I learned the same thing about MATLAB. Even in windows its too path dependent. <<I take a Python approach to it. In tracts of land terms>>: You and I think too much alike.

Okay, I need to sleep. Early class tomorrow.

I can't really pronounce that word so I refuse to solve for those.
- Roy Yates

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Thursday, March 7, 2002 02:30:06 AM

Shinigami --- *purrrsssssss* I promise to be a good kitty >^,,^< *kneads comfy lap, kitty making bisquits happy paws*


Thursday, March 7, 2002 01:48:00 AM

Lain> Best wishes.

Imzadi> <<pseudo?>>: Stuffed/plushie. That belonged to the kid, who's now dead. But it is the plushie that's on fire. Apparently the word was actually formed by a Californian.
<<And you call yourself a programmer!?>>: Well, the computer's gotta understand me. And who else will I be talking to on a regular basis?

Aaron> <<There is in New Jersey!>>: Hey. If there was, then we couldn't drink the water what with all that's in it.
<<don't find anything expensive, because I don't have any money>>: And with any luck it'll be the mechanical equivalent of a heisnbug, so it'll keep working until you find out about it.
<<Doesn’t everybody?>>: Well, exams are just about the only class period where you have to think about the material.
<<You need to read Exploitation Now to get it>>: And it was mentioned at Supermegatopia, but too randomly to pick anything up from context.
<<You are Gside of Many Colors>>: Yes, but that doesn't really say much about my insanity.
<<You are correct sir>>: What do I win?
<<As a researcher, or a test subject?>>: Well, so far I haven't done much besides sit in on a graduate course. Apparently the poeple who make the genetic analysis software have no idea how to program.
<<I had to reread the entire BBoCS archive because I couldn't remember what a Jiggy Muppet was>>: I think there is something ironic in that. So did you remember, and have you told Al Azif?
<<No one can be told what FLCL stands for>>: My next step after that is Excel Saga. Just as strange, in a different way. Nabeshin will change you opinion of afros permanently.
<<The character we know as M. Bison was originally Vega, and the character we call Vega was originally Balrog. I think>>: Yup, that's it.
<<I don't really think there's a previous film LotR can be compared to>>: Well, Bakshi, but because of the execution.
<<I’m a regular reader of over thirty webcomics>>: That's it? I'm supposed to be imporessed?
<<Did they have any Cool Devices?>>: At least 13.
<<There's always Gside>>: Yes, but what am I needed for here?
<<The American bastardization with Drew Carey is something else entirely>>: But it's hard to beat the line "M'tumba like virgin."
<<It almost always sucks to be Mousse>>: Yes, but movie 2 gave him the best scene.
<<we hired Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner to do it>>: I don't think we had anything to do with the Congo War, officially. Or are you talking about Lebanon, Palestine, and Berkley?
<<Japan has wilder sh!t then you or I could ever conceive of>>: Boong-Ga Boong-Ga.
<<I fail to see how the words "in bed" can be added to that>>: I take a Python approach to it. In tracts of land terms.
<<Is her name Ceilidh?>>: Funky Ceilidh?

Eh, I'll get the rest later.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Thursday, March 7, 2002 01:37:27 AM

<<SJ:: I've had a sudden revelation. YOU'RE the genitals guy, aren't you?>>

The sad thing is that I'm tired and addled and I have no idea as to what you're talking about or mean by that.

What is this, though, good cop / bad cop?

Aaron tells her to knock it off. You tell her you love her.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Thursday, March 7, 2002 01:26:10 AM

SJ:: I've had a sudden revelation. YOU'RE the genitals guy, aren't you?

Mooncat:: As always, I love you. Now, be a good kitty and there's a saucer full of cat digestable milk-substance. (Ofcourse once I learn how to lactate... JOKING)

Jan:: Darling, didja have to cut her rings? Those holes close up mighty fast.

Thursday, March 7, 2002 01:04:27 AM

Daniel J - <Well, actually, my TARDIS took a wrong turn at Skaros. Dang gravitic anomalizer's been acting up again. Had to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow to get out of the time vortex. > Hmm. Too bad you don't know the space-time continium distress code. I'd gladly pay the bill to have you transported back to the CR. <Like, oh, for instance? :) > I guess I need to splurge and buy my own domain name before some moron decides to steal it. No, it won't be my real name.

Jan - <However, it has also been proven that there is no significant improvement with a child's learning capabilities and retention by having them attend the year round program.> You're wrong on one account. Attending school year round to learn foreign language will probably work better because you won't have the long period of time to lose the information.

Aaron - stupid question: isn't that post bigger than the largest Doug/Kit posts? <Conspiracies - Now, it's only for conversation's sake, but lets look at a few things:> You do have a small point: why didn't the morons try to take out Three Mile Island? I'm almost convinced there is a Illumaniti conspiracy behind 9-11-2001. ::looks around and decides not to explain the details.::

Jan <You mean that there are still some Christian colleges that attempt to enforce morals?? How dare they!?!> Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

Lain - My sympathies. My dad asks why I spend on the 'net when he thinks I don't get anything out of it.

DPH - <I'll almost bet money that when yahoo groups is "fixed", I'll have a message in my inbox about yahoo groups downtime, sent just just before they took yahoo groups down.> I would have lost that bet.

At the pace of the other CR, I would have to wonder if the "Add Comment" feature is temporarily disabled from time to time.

::DPH disappears, working on a scheme to accomplish some good, while considering that the ends do justify the means.::

Thursday, March 7, 2002 12:57:25 AM

Lexy > I haven't done much with ideas of the afterlife in the books. The elves in particular don't have a clear idea of it (or of religion, at least in the Emerin), because of their long and very comfortable lives. The situations or deprivation that lead to a belief in 'something better waiting' are not found in the Emerin. They have a vague belief that their ancestors are still around somehow in spirit. But that's all neither here nor there, not yet (I plan to address it more in future books). As for Alinora specifically, she did experience her own death and resurrection, and did not come through it totally unchanged. She returned pretty much the same as she'd always been, except for having undergone that traumatic shock. Her soul wasn't missing or anything like that. Hope that is a good answer.

Thursday, March 7, 2002 12:14:37 AM

Mooncat -- One of the good things about dreams is that you can control them... If I were at such a convention in a dream I would certainly assume a gargoyle form. <Actually in my non-human dreams I am most likely to be a dragon>

Daniel -- You are lucky you didnt end up in N-space.

Aaron -- The Olympics shouldnt be monopolized -- Any channel that wants it should have the ability to show the coverage -- That would make for a much better olympics experience. It is really too bad that crusade didnt make it -- but then again many of the shows I have liked in the past died an early death.

Thursday, March 7, 2002 12:14:01 AM

See what I mean, Jannie? Try to say something in someone's defense, and automatically they're down YOUR throat. Again, though, I appreciate what you were trying to do, but if you try to present ANY point of view other than theirs, you will be drug over hot coals, even if you have nothing to do with the situation.

Sorry that you're having to put up with their bullshit. Apparently they no SO MUCH more than you do.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Thursday, March 7, 2002 12:09:58 AM

Jan- <<However, it has also been proven that there is no significant improvement with a child's learning capabilities and retention by having them attend the year round program>> I guess I was just thinking it would make it easier for them to move on to other topics, build on things they learned. Not so much remembering everything they learned better. When I practice things closer in time they always stick better. <<Also, whether we like to admit it or not, money plays a factor into whether it's feasible to operate a school for 12 months instead of the 9 or 10 months.>> I always heard that it would be the exact same amount of time, just that the three months were split up. From what you have heard, is it really a differenc in months? I wasn't aware of that. That indeed brings in cost. I figured without added months the cost would be the same. But if that is the case, then yes. Cost. And that feild is having problems enough with money. <<scheduling is a nightmare for those parents who have children in different levels of school.>> This I definatly thought of after I posted. I can see how it would be annoying. At least for the parents as far as jobs. We have done this for so long that I doubt boss's would put up with that stuff. School has really been a parents most steady babysitter hasn't it? I'm not sure how I feel about that..but I guess it is a reality.

Thanks for replying:)

Christine- I have a question. (surprised?) About Alinora. When she was brought back 'to life' was she _really_ a whole person? I'm not so sure how to word this. Let's try this. When she was brought back, was she really just like she was from before? Just like maybe waking up from a long nap? Or was there something not quite in her? I am not sure how an idea (if there is one) of an afterlife of sorts plays into your series, but I guess this is part of my Q. If she was actually dead, then was something thrown out of wack when she was brought back that made her not quite the same? (geez..this is hard to word) Authors tend to have something emotionally or mentally missing or messed with in characters that are ripped from events that are seen as permanent. You know what I mean? When she was brought back from the dead, was she in a funny limbo that made things harder for her to deal with? Or was she completely herself. No real difference, and she only had problems because of what she experienced when she was brought back (IE: Being kept from her family, being kidnapped, 'the other woman') ?
Oh brother. I'm sorry if this made no sense.

Thursday, March 7, 2002 12:05:19 AM

Hey fishie! where'd ya lurk off to?
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 11:05:53 PM

From the top (err, bottom):

<<Planing on staying for long?>> Only time will tell...
<<I recall a woman>> Good memory. We just went to "The Shipping News" on Monday. Good movie, but talk about dysfunctional families... Another reason for my absence is Real Life business and simple inertia. Newton's laws of motion apply just as well to comment room posting.
RE: Americans and Canadians >> Heh, heh. :)
<<I think Daniel Johnson has been in an episode of missing clones>> Actually, I'm a clone of a genetically engineered mouse who is trying to take over the world.
<< Where in the space time continum have you been?>> Well, actually, my TARDIS took a wrong turn at Skaros. Dang gravitic anomalizer's been acting up again. Had to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow to get out of the time vortex.
<<Before we got DSL, my roommate and I shared a wireless dialup.>> Ewww. <<Boy did THAT suck.>> Serious suckage there.
<<A great reason to buy a domain name.>> Like, oh, for instance? :) Unfortunately, @#$%^@#$ Verizon blocks port 80 which makes running my own website a tad inconvenient. I have to use a different port instead. :P My mailserver's working fine though. So's SSH. It's cool to be able to log on to my system from work.
Hi! How's things?
Oh dear. No words. Just hugs.
You'll survive.
Whoa. You've replied to a comment I made a couple of months ago. I think my TARDIS was more off course than I realized. But, thanks anyway. :)


Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, United States
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 10:54:52 PM

Have finished my CERT course. Last night was the big final, which consisted of running two scenarios at the firefighter training tower. I got to do a little of everything -- fire suppression, triage, treatment, transport, cribbing and lifting. It was nerve-wracking even though we knew it was all pretend. The darkness, the screaming, the debris piled all over ... must give tremendous kudos to the victims; I don't know how willing _I_ would have been to be carried in a blanket sling down a flight of stairs by six people who kept banging their helmets together. But the instructors said we didn't do too badly, all things considered. Now I'll just have to find a team in my neighborhood, since in an actual disaster I couldn't very well hop in the car and drive across the town.

Thomas > oh, no ... L.A. in 2005; that's what I'm pushing for. I'm in no hurry to host the con myself ; )

Warpmind > well, there are other factors besides just the gestation period. Physiological stuff. The magic thing (some humans _can_ have magery though few do; no orcs have it at all). And even so, the human/elven thing wasn't natural. More on that in later books.

Christine - []
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 10:46:32 PM


Here's a little bit an "internet" source.


What Is Cyberstalking?

Although there is no universally accepted definition of cyberstalking, the term is used in this report to refer to the use of the Internet, e-mail, or other electronic communications devices to stalk another person.

Stalking generally involves harassing or threatening behavior that an individual engages in repeatedly, such as following a person, appearing at a person's home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person's property.
Most stalking laws require that the perpetrator make a credible threat of violence against the victim; others include threats against the victim's immediate family; and still others require only that the alleged stalker's course of conduct constitute an implied threat.(1)

While some conduct involving annoying or menacing behavior might fall short of illegal stalking, such behavior may be a prelude to stalking and violence and should be treated seriously.

Federal cyberstalking laws

Federal law provides a number of important tools that are available to combat cyberstalking. Under 18 U.S.C. 875(c), it is a federal crime, punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000, to transmit any communication in interstate or foreign commerce containing a threat to injure the person of another. Section 875(c) applies to any communication actually transmitted in interstate or foreign commerce - thus it includes threats transmitted in interstate or foreign commerce via the telephone, e-mail, beepers, or the Internet.

Let's see, what silly net site did I find this on? hmmm... oh yeh... The United States Department of Justice government web site.


Wednesday, March 6, 2002 10:37:20 PM

MC> Sheath the claws, girl.

Wednesday, March 6, 2002 10:18:08 PM

Jan -- So, you know police officers, that makes you more knowledgeable than law than me? I've got three cousins in law enforcement, and dated LEOs (though they are not my preference). Don't claim blood ties or socializing give me any special knowledge, but it's probably as good as you get from sharing lunch with a police officer.

But I'm sure the 30+ years (my age) your friends must have in the department would make THEM far more knowlegeable than me. Course, don't know how many cyber cases they had in the first 20 years or so of their 30 plus years on the force. But if *they* come on line and talk, I'll listen with all due respect.

As for what I pull off the net, I actually check out university references, which I'm sure are less credible than your lunch break talk. So forgive me for having the audacity speaking as an equal. Bows to the oh so superior Jan.


Wednesday, March 6, 2002 10:11:34 PM

sorry for the 2nd post tonight, but I didn't see mooncat's posts until after I posted.

Mooncat> I've never claimed to be a law enforcement agent but given that I work very closely with the deputies, detectives and am the sheriff's personal secretary, I DO have a bit more knowledge concerning the laws than say... You do. What you quoted - which is probably something you pulled off of the internet - is very subjective to interpetation and there are other factors involved that would determine if someone is doing cyber stalking or making threats. However, I'm not disagreeing that there ARE situations that threats are being made via cyberville and should be taken very seriously and usually are by the law enforcement agencies.
You have the internet to determine what is and isn't the law or how it would be treated - I have personal experiences and resources of many excellent officers of the law that have been officers longer than you are old.
What I have stated before comes from that resource. Not from my own knowledge, not from my training or experiences, but their's. So yeah, I'll trust what they say over what someone reads on the internet.

Wednesday, March 6, 2002 09:58:54 PM

Jen> yes, I printed out the fic and showed it to them. They did not read the entire story because of it's length, but they got the jest of it. As I said, I gave them a bit of background between the two of you - not siding one way or the other - and they still didn't feel it was a direct or implied threat. I guess it is just a matter of interpetation and how the victim's statement is given.
I tried to present it to the detectives without bias.
They have worked on internet stalking/death threats cases before and have experience in this area of criminal intent.
I'm not saying that the fic was done in good taste. *shakes head* I have not read "with a bang". I don't normally check out Fred's webpage.... in fact, I wouldn't have known about this fic if it hadn't been mentioned in here.
I no longer read very many fics. *shrugs*
With the exception of meth labs, we have an otherwise low crime rate too. A few burglaries here and there (home break ins usually done by teens) but no major crimes that involves personal injuries. We really are close to the "Mayberry" atmosphere here in our small Missouri town :)

"jump to conclusions" - well, since only Josh and I have mentioned problems or some kind of changes we'd like to see, it would be natural for me to assume that I was one of the ones that Siryn was referring to. She has said that I wasn't & so now I know I'm not. No biggie. *shrugs*
Aaron> creepy yes, but it was funny at the time ;) Every time I arrive with flowers, they automatically ask me which grave did I pick those from. *L* and... NO, I don't pick flowers from grave sites! ;p
So, how do you REALLY feel about the Bush family?
However, I am suprised that you actually believe that there is some kind of connection with the Bush family and the WTC attack.

Lexy> I agree that 16 year olds should not have a full driver's license. They should be allowed to have a permit that allows only an adult in the passenger seat with them when they drive. I know that some states already require this for the first year of driving for 16 year olds. Neither one of my kids were able to get their license until they were 17. There is usually a remarkable difference between 16 and 17 year olds in the area of maturity.
Ironic you should mention 16 year old drivers, though... on Friday afternoon a 16 yr old was traveling at a high rate of speed on a local highway here, weather conditions were very poor and somewhat dangerous (sleet, rain and windy).. he drifted across the center lane into an oncoming car, hit that car and then bounced off the car that had been behind him (knicking it and causing it to spin out of control on the road due to the sleet and rain) and right into the path of an oncoming semi-truck. The semi literally ran right over the car, killing both occupants. The 16 year old was also killed and was badly mangled.
I know that this alone does not say that only 16 year olds make poor driving choices, but it is yet another example of one that did =(
Year round school: well, you have some good points in favor of year round school (I've heard them discussed before during my teaching days). However, it has also been proven that there is no significant improvement with a child's learning capabilities and retention by having them attend the year round program. Also, whether we like to admit it or not, money plays a factor into whether it's feasible to operate a school for 12 months instead of the 9 or 10 months. The operating costs increase and with funding so tight with the schools, it creates a burden. Also, scheduling is a nightmare for those parents who have children in different levels of school. In cases of multiple schools in a district, year round school is done in shifts. So, a parent who has a child in elementary and one in junior high could possibly have their kids on different schedules. Susie in 3rd grade may have July and December off and Jackie in 7th grade may have August and January off. (not exact scheduling, but you get the idea ;)) Plus there is the concern of summer camps and activities - they will basically cease to exist because of decreased attendance. There are a lot of factors to consider when deciding on whether or not to have the traditional schedule or the year round schedule.
It normally takes approx. the first 3-5 weeks of school to review last year's material. While you, as the teacher, are doing this you are also incorporating new material - so it's not a waste of time of repeating information.
Children need a break and they need it for longer than a week or so.
While teaching, I wouldn't have minded a year long schedule because of the frequent breaks I would have... as a parent, I don't think I would have liked it for my kids. It's too inconsistent for them to adapt to for each school year.
Several surrounding school districts had tried the year round school schedule and none of them lasted more than 3 years before going back to the traditional schedule. I think the year round concept is one of those things that sounds better on paper than it is in actuality.

Green Baron> Zach is a bit young for such a trip, but since Anna will be returning to work in a couple of weeks, we needed to go ahead and make the trip while she was off of work. Both of my kids made 8-10 hour trips before they were 6 weeks old - didn't bother them any either. Zach was the best passenger in the van :) He slept most of the time.
My kids have always been travelers - we spent the first 10 years of their lives moving around from Kansas to South Dakota, back to Kansas, to Lousiana (4 different times moved from LA to KS and back to LA) and then a move to Houston. Plus we traveled a lot on various vacations and to summer camps. We made trips pleasurable as possible and the kids still love to travel :)

Well, I've experienced an all time low with my job....
I was called in last night at around 2:30am to dress out a female. I was exhausted to begin with - but it only got worse.... the gal was drunk on her butt and even worse, she was a crying drunk. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse than a blubbering drunk female at that time of the night - she had nipple rings. ALL jewelry must be removed when before going to a cell. She was too drunk and crying too much to remove the nipple rings herself. I put on TWO pairs of rubber gloves and had to remove the rings myself. That is one of the most disgusting things I've ever had to do. On top of that - they wouldn't come unsnapped so I had to cut them with a wire cutter. I insisted and received double time pay and the sheriff bought my lunch for me today. *L* Not that my apetite had actually returned... O_o

Time for Zachy's bath. I hope that I remember to actually put the plug in the bathtub this time - last night I kept running water in it and thinking, "geesh, this thing is deeper than I thought!" (the tub wasn't filling up very fast) After flooding the counter and most of the kitchen floor I realized that the water was running out of the plug hole thingy. *rolls eyes at self* Yes, I was very tired last night.

Wednesday, March 6, 2002 09:38:10 PM

To day I went to a game, but this is the part I did not like someone die. What would you do??
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 08:51:18 PM

Just for general information -- In California, if the cyber harrassment proves to be continual, and meets among other factors, being ANNOYING (not just traumatizing) then it does count as cyber harrassment. I think there is a possible 5 year setence for the low end of this kind of cyber crime.


Wednesday, March 6, 2002 08:01:18 PM

SJ -- Jan works at a Police Station, but is she a police woman? A lawyer? I could work at at NASA pushing paper, but it wouldn't make me an Astronaut, or an expert on the space program. Not to down play Jan, but I don't think she has any more expertise in this area, Cyber Stalking law, than others in the comment room.

Gargoyle Dreams -- Dreamt last night that I was at a hotel held conference for planning various Gargoyle Fandom activities. Goliath was in attendence. Strangely, so was Batman. Kind of neat to see the Big Guy in three dimensions and up close and personal. Course, I would rather it had been Demona, but hey I'm not complaining to loudly.

I think someone asked before what I ate before having dreams like this. Well the dream with Cruella de Ville came after having a McDonalds Big Mac Value Meal. This dream came after a mix of Lettuce filled with tuna mixed with mayonaisse sprinkled with flying fish roe and a side of plain Bugles (the corn chips) and I think a Diet Dr. Pepper.

I was having sushi cravings, and that was the closest substitute I had on hand.

Tonight I went out for actual sushi -- well some maki and cone rolls, and I'll have the left over maki tonight (Tako/octapus, Hamachi/yellowtail, and Maguro/Tuna) -- I'll sprinkle on some flying fish roe and see if I can get Demona in my dreams. If not, hey, I love maki anyways *^_~* so it's all good.



Wednesday, March 6, 2002 07:36:06 PM

Jan - be VERY careful here. Don't want the Pillars of the Gargoyle Community branding you. Then you'll be on their bad list, and Greg Weisman will NEVER be friends with you. It is kind of sad that your remarks were so easily dismissed, seeing as how you WORK in a police station, so you'd kind of know what you were talking about, but that's the way it goes.

But thanks.

Aaron: Am I just crazy here, but for some reason I thought you were Republican? I know you've never been a big fan of Bush, but WOW, that's some rather interesting social commentary there. ;) You're gone far too much, you know. You and Wilek, if we get one good-sized post out of either of you once a month, it's a rarity.

BTW, I'd rather be this Moriarty (click the link).

For those who care - a review of the script for Star Wars 2: Attack of the Clones (including a link to spoiler material). Will this movie suck, as I have predicted? I still say yes! But if you want you can read the article and decide for yourself, because the author here is cautiously optimistic. Click on the link if you're interested.

Interviewer: You're on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. Whom are you calling for a lifeline?
Jim Norton: [Chess genius] Bobby Fischer. The guy is such a maniac that he would be funny to listen to. I'd be willing to lose the money just for the chance to talk to him once. I mean, regardless of the question, he would make some reference to a Jewish conspiracy and how the Russians all cheat.

Sevarius "Sevant of K.R.I.K.O.R." Jr. - []
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 06:54:56 PM

Mecord- Aren't Garg dreams the greatest? I love having those. But when I wake up it's sad cuz I know the episode I just watched will never air;)

GB- Depends on where they live? I guess. But if we changed the age we couldn't just change it for _some_ ppl. The question is would it save more lives overall. And the answer is definatly yes.

Josh- <<Prude>> *L* Not really. But I don't want to feel like something I posted had to get bumped for content. I know what he doesn't want in why bother putting it there I guess. <<16yo comments>> Actually I went out of my way a couple of times in my post to say that I was _not_ saying that all 16-year-olds are irresponsible. I said most were too immature for driving. I don't think using the word 'most' is wrong either. But that can be my opinion. But I certainly tried to make myself clear that not all 16yo's are irresponsible. That would be an awful blanketing statement that could only end in sorrow. Again I will say it. Not all 16yo's are irresponsible, and I know for a fact that there are some kids out there WAY more responsible then some adults will ever be. Yes. Adults do cause accidents, but not as much as kids. The number one cause of death for 16-20 year olds in this country is from car accidents, most of which _they_ caused and or the other guy was just as young. Again. I know adults cause accidents. Plenty of them. But kids are really off the charts with this sort of thing. This next comment is also my opinion. I do think that age/maturity/and skill are interconnected. Not entirly, ofcourse, and not always. But in general, if you give someone more time they become more mature. That isn't in all cases. I know that. But most cases it at least helps. I don't think it can make things worse. Skill has a lot to do with things like focus, respect for rules, patience, etc. Those things are products of maturity. NOT ALL THE TIME. This I know. But in most cases it is, and or it helps. Lets just put it this way. I don't think raising the age would eliminate deaths on the highway. I know that. I don't think all 16yo's are immature, and I don't believe that adults don't cause accidents. I do think, however, that it could only help, not make things worse, if we raised the limit. Less ppl would die. That is all we need to care about. Not, "well..some ppl still died" or "well some of those kids weren't any more mature two years down the road" Simply "Did less ppl die?" I think the answer would be "yes" if we raised the age. It won't solve all our problems. It just would lower the death rate for teens. That is all I am saying, and it is a fact. I am speaking in general terms here. And when you are saving lives, even just a few a year (it would be far more..but humor me for a second) then it doesnt matter. It doesnt matter if statistics would show only 20 kids more lived. That is enough. We know it would help. So why not do it? That's all I ment I guess. For the record. I went to work my 40 hours a week starting at age 14 myself:) And I was in no hurry (still aren't) to drive. So I wouldn't back myself into a corner saying something like all kids at 16 are dumb, and lazy and are going to kill me:) Nope.

Thom worship- *L* Need I say anything? As far as his height goes..I have pics of him standing next to me. In the pics he has got me by at least 2 inches or so. So ya, 5'8 or there abouts. *pouts* He has GOT to get that comp hooked up and come bother us sometimes. ..Or would we bother him? o_o

Garg Voting- Were doing great guys! Keep up the good work:)

Ick..must go to sleep. Got my Drivers' Ed final tommorrow. 50 multiple choice, and I can get up to 15 wrong. I wonder how she is going to give the test. Apparently, the kids in the next town over (that I had to visit with yesterday to make up a class) got all of the answers GIVEN to them the day before, then they had the same test..only open notebook. *sighs* pathetic..and they were STILL all getting stuff wrong. Talking out loud the whole time, asking eachother questions. Most forgot they were even having a test that day and forgot to bring their notebooks at all. *is very afraid*

Wednesday, March 6, 2002 06:17:27 PM

*pops in, finds her mate's post*

damn, you... you did it. i am so dead now, aren't i?

*goes off to sulk and buy supplies*
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 04:36:13 PM

Thomas> ack! No no not at all. Sorry luv. I've just been busy and skimming in and out lately on comments. I'm not ignoring you! Please don't think that at all of me. <:)

Aaron> REALLY?? Heh..he looked about 5'3..(I'm around 5'1 hehe.) Oh well. ^_^;;

Lain> *MAJOR HUGS* It probably won't help, but I think you're doing the right thing. It sounds like you've taken control of your life which is very good. :/ *HUGS*

more later.

Siryn - []
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 04:13:30 PM

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

There’s been a lot of things keeping me from posting recently. A trip to New York. A chronic addiction to Baldur’s Gate (I and II) And the discovery of one of my new favorite webcomics, College Roomies From Hell, ( which makes number three (the other two being Sluggy and Avalon) on the list of comics that I read not simply for entertainment, but because I’m emotionally invested in the characters.

Gotta address a few things first...

Lord of the Rings> Kick @$$ movie, like you didn’t already know. I wept like a little kobald schoolgirl when Boromir died. I have not cried like that at a movie since Braveheart. (Well, since The Thirteenth Warrior, anyway)

My trip to New York> Mara's already told most of it, so I'll just say that NYC is cool, Rocky on Broadway is cool, and Terrance Mann is really cool.


Terrance Mann as Frank. N. Furter: "There's no law against giving yourself over to pleasure."
Audience member: "There is in New Jersey!"
TM: "We're not in f**king New Jersey!"

Columbia: "You chew people up and spit them out again."
Audience: "Doesn't anybody swallow anymore?!?"
Columbia: (Points at TM) "He does."
TM: "The bass player does." (Points)
And the whole show pauses so the audience can applaud the bass player.

Dr. Scott: "I knew he was in with a bad crowd, but this is worse then I thought."
Audience: "ACTORS!"
Everyone on stage gave the audience the finger for that.

Dick Cavett also gave us the finger but not 'til the end of the show.

Mr. Mann also told me to "Shut the f**k up and get my own show." He hugged me and told me he was kidding later. And he's interested, in principle, in coming to G2K3. Score!

Recent unpleasantness> Religion, abortion, Fred/Jen... Three topics where nobody ever changes their starting position, and each goes to bed confident in the knowledge that the other side are @$$holes...

Jen> <<(and what the hell is your issue with G.W.? You've never even met the man!)>> True, but that doesn't prevent me from thinking he's a buffoon who lucked into the Presidency on very sketchy credentials... Oh, you didn't mean G. W. *Bush* did you? ;) <<I am sure Patrick and I can supply you with financial details that will sear out your eyes.>> Could you send those our way as well? I’d really like to get some idea of what we’re in for, and how many new credit cards I’ll have to get to afford the Gathering. ;) <<After a while you finally wake up and say "Who cares! Let's just make this the type of con WE want and hope we please SOME of them">> Fortunately, we started with that attitude. <<I could just about do backflips!!>> Wouldn’t you hit yourself in the face tho’? ;)

GXB> <<Hell put in a porn section instead of this>>what would *that* smell like? ;) <<Though I went down to China Town yesterday and bought a sword_cane, just like the one Aaron bought while he was here.>> Cool. We definitely need to bring them to Opening Ceremonies. <<A friend of mine had a theory that God is an artist, and the universe is his work of art. Now the big question is, what is the message?>> "We apologize for the inconvenience." <<Nah, it's never coming. You and I both know it ;)>> (John MacLaughlin voice) Wrong! <<Nice guys finish last you know.>> Actually, if I remember right, George Carlin said short guys finish last. I’m inclined to agree. <<Hope you do, we'd love to have you.>> That should have been followed by a round of maniacal laughter. <<$20 if it's finished and posted tonight!>> Nope, sorry.

Josh> <<We were talking about WILEK getting laid, actually.>> Whoops. The last thing I remembered was GXB saying the people who had the "Bad War Toys" list needed to get laid more. My bad. <<<<do you have any idea how many people in this CR lurk and even occasionally post in the s8 comment room>>: I wondered about that myself.>> Quite a lot of us, actually. <<Maybe, just MAYBE, we should have an admin who isn't college_age. But no, the nepotism of the admin position pervades.>> Hmm. Well, there are two alternatives to that... One, let the high school kids admin. (Looks around) Um, no. Two, find people who've already graduated college, who have full time jobs, and are busy all year round, instead of at finals, to become admins. <<Isn't the CR round?>> The CR is what we make of it. <<Is that anything like master_baiting? I guess since Pistoff and Crzy and SJ cause more flame wars in here than anyone else, they *are* master_baiters... ;_)>> I'm not even touching this one... Especially not now. <<For $60, I'll keep my textbooks>> I got $14, and I still sold back as many as I could. C'mon, if I couldn't make myself read them when I *had* to for class, what are the odds I'm ever going to look at them again? And I already have more then enough clutter, doorstops, and bug-smashers. <<<<Fluffers' are people who work in porn flick studios; their job is to get the male stars into, um, working condition>>: Oh, right. I knew that.>> And *how* did you know that exactly? ;) Seriously, that must be a union job. Do you think they get repetitive motion injuries? <<I wouldn't mind being drooled over>> Ditto. Drooled *on* yes, but not drooled over. <<FF would beg to differ.>> It should beg all of us not to ask for our $8 back, as far as I'm concerned. <<His sleigh weighs quite enough.>> And a Happy Agnostica to everybody who ever calculated Santa's airspeed. <<Would you believe...>> No, Agent 86, I wouldn't. <<Back in high school, we used to refer to the key of S (suck)>> At last, I have found a key of my very own. Thank you, Josh. <<Many people wish they could do that.>> Most of them guys. <<What I fail to understand is how the ring could "pass into legend, then myth" when there are 3000 year old elves around to tell the stories firsthand.>> Yes, but the elves aren't exactly interacting with a lot of people, apart from folks like Gandalf, who already know the ring is real anyway. <<<<There is no "I" in team>>: There is "me" in it.>> I'm glad I'm not the only one who says that. <<Once you have a chick, you won't be afraid of going out of your room to meet people ;-)>> In fact, he might not be going out of his room at all. ;) <<And who would control this trust fund, manage it to make sure that we followed these rules?>> Me! <<they found so many cracks and splits and tears that the repairs wound up costing $2000.>> Owwww. Mechanics are good at that, aren't they? That's why I always tell mine, don't find anything expensive, because I don't have any money. <<No intelligent or self respecting man claims more than the straight part...of course my ruler is 15" long, so that'd be even MORE unreasonable.>> My ruler has pointy teeth in it. I wouldn't want to claim that either. <<If your name isn't on it: HANDS TO YOURSELF!>> You, me, and the Duke from Moulen Rouge. <Why is this so difficult for people to grasp?>> No pun intended, I assume. <<Liking FMJ and Dr. Strangelove is a far cry from liking all his stuff, most of which was crap.>> But what about Spartacus? The Shining? Clockwork Orange? Barry Lyndon? I admit, it's sad that he's going to be remembered best for his last two mistakes, Wide-Eyed Slut and AI. <<If I had a bike, it would be for speed, not comfort 8_)>> Want one? A guy I know is selling his 2001 Kawasaki for $4,000, less then six thousand miles on it. <<So I'm massage_less this break. And not happy about it.>> You really should have been in NY. <<Men always bring dollar bills, because coins don't stay too well in thongs.>> And misogynists who wad coins up inside dollar bills get their @$$es beat by the bouncers. <<<<there's always room for Jello>>: Even at a strip show features girls of the CR?>> Especially there. <<My great uncle (my grandmother's brother) passed away last night.>> My condolences. <<Between my brain, my gut, and my penis, I have enough trouble making a coherent decision.>> Death: Just going with #3 always seems to work for Pest... (Sigh) <<I thought people didn't call lines during the RHPS broadway show>> You thought wrongly. It's huge fun to watch the performers interact with the audience. See above. <<Don't you dare make Potter a goody_two_shoes!>> He's not. But he's got a crush on Cho, the Ravenclaw Seeker, whereas Ron and Hermione are made for each other. They've got the whole Han/Leia thing going. <<Now this is confusing: I live with my roommate, whose name is Mike. Mike had his friend up here for expo, whose name is also Mike. There's also a Mike who lives downstairs, a Mike down the hall, and a Mike that we spent expo trying to avoid. That's a lot of Mike's.>> Here a Mike, there a Mike, everywhere a Mike Mike... I feel a Sexy Losers joke coming on... <<Besides, we'd have to break while the maid was there anyway.>> Hey, if she's good looking, ask her to join in. :) <<Damn skippy!>> Why does everybody always damn Skippy?!? What did that poor klingon ever do to any of you?!? <<<<part of advancement lately means fitting stuff into smaller spaces>>: I shudder to think where that could lead...>> To ocular implants that will correct my crappy vision, I hope. <<why is it we can't seem to talk about anything but Apple? We need help.>> Y'know, your new nickname may be "The serpent", considering how you keep trying to get people to taste of the Apple. ;) <<I've never walked out of a musical before...except Cats.>> But Cats has hot chicks in leotards and cat ears. And "Memory." <<Whoa. That's some good porn.>> No, Contact was just very boring. Even with constant Hannibal Lecter jokes. <<I'm doomed to be a file clerk for the rest of my life.>> Me too. Sigh. <<I have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I don't know how to get rid of it. I feel like the most irresponsible foolish person on the face of the planet. I can't handle this. I'll never sleep again.>> ... (Offers way too late, wordless hugs) <<Sadly, its hard to get kids interested in that field.>> Because you can't use it to blow up the house. Duh! <<Do you know about any major terrorist acts 200 years ago?>> 1776: A group of "red Indians" dumps a boatload of British tea into Boston harbor. ;) <<<<orders troops into Toronto>>: Woohoo! What do we gain by this conquer?>> The apprehension of the war criminals Terrence and Phillip. << Bad news, dude: EVERY president tries to pack the court.>> But not all of them attempt to raise the number of judges to gain a majority. <<See, and I'm always thinking ABOUT the box.>> Snrrk. And it works both ways, too. <<<<It seems to me that this guy's biggest influence was his own percieved brilliance>>: Its amazing that he could use that to impact others.>> Isn't that your plan for world domination? ;) <<So Lynati thinks that Brooklyn is gay?>> No, Lynativerse Brooklyn ends up with two mates, both female. <<I think you left them out on purpose so you could belittle my people!>> Heh. Apropos of nothing, my brother was telling me a story the other day about a friend of his, who's Jewish, and a black guy who got paired up at a Magic tournament. The black guy, (probably just trying to psych Aaron-my brother's friend, out) starts saying all this stuff about how evil Aaron is, and how his people had suffered because of Aaron's people, and Aaron just looks at him and says "Excuse me? MY PEOPLE?!? FIVE THOUSAND YEARS, B!TCH! WE BUILT THE MOTHERF**KING PYRAMIDS! Think we have you beat, friend." And the guy didn't say another word the rest of the day. <<Unless its three males and one female, and then its a gang-bang>> No, three males and one female is a set-up for a triple-penetration. Four plus males makes a gang-bang. Or a bukkake. <<<<What about Lilith>>: She's here with me.>> Lucky bastard. If Lilith looks anything like her daughter Mazikeen, she's a hottie. <<<<Ha! I have a perfect hourglass body>>: You could still be 400 lbs.>> I have an hourglass figure. And as I get older, all my sand has run towards the bottom... ;) <<<<Valentine's Day is not for hanging out with your mother, it's for spending time with the person you are currently f-cking!>>: No SHIT! How could that be confusing?>> Well, if your name is Jericho... <<On the other hand, maybe you'll get it ON V_day if you're all slick_like.>> You mean... Caligula pimpin’? <<because sometimes you feel like a nut. Then again, sometimes you don't>> Hermaphrodite porn in a nutshell. ;) <<<<Thanks for providing a list of people I shouldn't room with>>: You don't know what you're missing!>> Yes, come and join our evil jamboree! <<<<At least it hasn't blocked the television yet>>: That is a big fat ass.>> Or a small tv. <<Maybe its the cursed food of an evil archlich.>> Spam is the creation of Kangaxx the Demi-lich! (Of everybody here, I expect only Dreamie and Wolfie to get that. And maybe Mara) <<They also don't play "Upgrade" any more, for reasons I don't know.>> I assume it’s the scene with the building collapsing. <<unless youre such a nympho that you think about sex during exams, etc.>> Doesn’t everybody? <<Ya know, its interesting. For two evil guys with no morals, we sure have a lot to say about this.>> Yes, but you both have issues with your dads, and no matter your moral (or lack thereof) stance, people with damage hate to see other people be damaged the way they were/are. <<We don't want any more of ourselves out there being created by jack_offs like you who think they deserve to be a father. At least we KNOW we're unfit to reproduce.>> Exactly. <<What did I say? I've met many people from the CR.>> I believe Revel meant “meeting” as in “hooking up with”. <<<<Is he at the other end of a body of water? And if so, are you going to use the little man in the boat to help?>>: Is this a euphamism I'm not picking up?>> Yes. You need to read Exploitation Now to get it. ( <<Does anyone else think the admins aren't paying quite enough attention to the CR?>> Yes. I know I’m not. I suck. <<<<personal power armor is very anime>>: Even for hot chicks?>> Especially for hot chicks.

Lynati> <<These are the days of lasers in jungle...lasers in the jungle somewhere.>> 8th MS Team?

Terrky> <<anyway, all good intentions, all good intentions>> I am suddenly reminded of an old saying about the road to Hell... <<me and my girlfriend are still trying to come up with names for our future band. so far we got 3. #1 yummy yummy lego blocks #2 Cornerstone #3 Myst>> Well, one and three will probably get you sued, so I'd go with two.

Nukes> For the record, there is *nothing* pathetic about Thom-worship. Pest: You're just jealous 'cause you're not as cool as Thom. But then, nobody's as cool as Thom. Except maybe me.

Jan> A centerpiece from the cemetery for a Christmas party... Now that's just creepy. <<What's that old saying..?>> "Fish and guests stink after three days." - Ben Franklin. "Except your old hippie friends from college, who stink already." - P. J. O'Rourke. <<but I could dance circles around you in the sex department>> In the interest of peace in our time, I'm not going to respond to this. Snrrrrrrrrk. Oh, and congrats on Zach finally arriving.

Gside> <<Maybe he went to Catholic school.>> No, that would have the opposite effect, from what I've observed. <<So just how messed up am I?>> You are Gside of Many Colors. <<I like it, and I think Aaron does too. It's a manga centered around two teachers who seduce random students.>> You are correct sir. <<<<Who here has heard of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System?>>: It's the most advanced console I own.>> Really? Me too. <<I'll be working on a project to relate genetics and schizos next semester.>> As a researcher, or a test subject? ;) <<No way you'll get all of the Texas contingent.>> All part of the great East coast/West Coast/Gulf Coast fandom rivalry. ;) <<<<You know the virus with the tentacles in Coldstones Mind?>>: Anyone remember if they spent undue attention to Des?>> Hmmm. Remember that Coldsteel had tentacles, and he did wrap Coldfire up with them. Oh and btw... CURSE YOU! I had to reread the entire BBoCS archive because I couldn't remember what a Jiggy Muppet was.

Christine> <<Query: am I the only one who has never seen It's A Wonderful Life _or_ Miracle on 34th Street?>> No. Thank you for that site, btw. Brightened my day considerably. Although, am I the only one who keeps trying to substitute the name Margot for Margret? (I can see Brendan making, in his spare time, a webpage entitled "The 528 Most Annoying Habits of Margot Yale") <<Boy, the fortune they could make hawking swords and stuff ... imagine the auction!>> I'd go! <<I pulled my mother_in_law's birthday cake from the oven and it is a bulging monstrosity>> Sounds appropriate. ;) <<Geek Hierarchy>> I'm down to the second to last level. <<anyone who's seen this movie and/or Brotherhood of the Wolf, question for you __ is the action plausible, or is it the Crouching Matrix Hidden Musketeer thing? I want to see both flicks but am tired of being jarred out of the movie by people hanging in midair and slowmo acrobatics and whatnot.>> Um, if you didn't like CTHD, you probably won't like Brotherhood of the Wolf. The acrobatics aren't as extreme as CTHD, but they do go slo-mo a lot.

Wilek> << I've never gone skydiving, but I know more than enough about it to know that it isn't worth the risk.>> For sale: One parachute. Single owner, never opened. Slightly stained. <<Sounds like my kinda story.>> Death: I pity the denizens of your ficverse. On the other hand, I can say conclusively that you would never have created Pest... Hmm... <<War doesn't give a flip.>> Death: As long as he can get f**ked up and watch the pretty explosions, pretty much. <<"A Leak In My Brain">> I'm sorry. <<Ah...then what does FLCL stand for?>> No one can be told what FLCL stands for... You have to see it for yourself. <<Whatever happened to teaching abstinence?>> Well, "Just Say No" didn't work for drugs... Why should it for sex? <<How did it look? Like a washed_up boxer who's turned to street fighting? (Well *someone* had to say it.)>> Heh. Remember that in the original version, that character was the one named M. Bison. Which was of course, a play on Mike Tyson, but got changed for the American version to avoid getting sued. (And/or beaten up) The character we know as M. Bison was originally Vega, and the character we call Vega was originally Balrog. I think. Ask Robby. He'll know.

silvadel> <<Of course the coverage of the olypics in the USA stinks...>> Don't it tho'? I admit, I don't much care about the Winter Olympics, but the summer coverage enrages me to no end. <<prequels just arent anywhere near as interesting as moving into the future because you know where it eventually has to go.>> My biggest beef with Timedancer. (And Dark Ages, to a lesser degree) <<I much preferred the crew from crusade to the crew of rangers...>> Me too. (I haven't watched B5 or either of it's spinoffs, but Crusade had Gary Cole in it, and that's good enough for me)

Patrick> Stop playing with your balls. ;) <<And forget all that propaganda in the "Harry Potter" commercials, too... if any film deserves the title "The 'Wizard of Oz' of our time," it's THIS one, not "Harry Potter.">> Hell, HP was cooler then WoO. LotR was a *lot* cooler. If I was going to hand out "Such-and-such of our time" labels, I'd probably call LotR "Our Generation's Star Wars" although The Matrix is probably more deserving of that title. I don't really think there's a previous film LotR can be compared to. <<I probably still have an unfinished gargoyle fanfic version of the tale sitting on a disk somewhere from several years ago. ... starring Demona in the Ebenezeer role, of course.>> I was going to write one of those too, until I found out Merlin Missy'd already done it. <<What I want to know is why aren't Demona and Xanatos on the poll for favorite villian.>> I asked that too. I was told “Please call Walt Disney Home Entertainment's toll_free number: 1_800_723_4763" for an answer.

DPH> <<my new holographic mistletoe is guaranteed not to mutate and bite/swallow anyone.>> Well, where's the fun in *that*? <<believe they should split the coverage between 3_4 networks, which each one covering different events.>> NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, and they all suck. <<I've decided not to empty the trash folder, but keep deleting email to find out how often Yahoo considers a periodic basis.>> When you find out, let me know, would you? I have wondered myself. <<I want to watch "2001: A Space Oddessy" before the end of this year, but I am not sure about where to go about finding that old movie. Was it re-released or am I going to have a nightmarish time trying to find that movie?>> Any halfway decent video store should have a copy. <<b)what happens after all Gargoyle materials is exhausted?>> I don't think that's possible. <<How many unsuccessfull movies would it take for Disney to get in trouble financially?>> A lot. One "Monsters, Inc." makes up for ten "102 Dalmatians." <<Why bother signing up for a class in college if you know you won't attend over 1/2 the time?>> You need the credit? It fills a hole in your schedule? It's a blowoff class? Or you just don't care. <<I wouldn't mind, however, every pastor of a Christian church being required to pass a basic litmus test of beliefs.>> Kerblinkity. How do you test *beliefs*?!? Do you follow people around, invade their privacy, to makes sure they're not fondling alter boys or doing blow in the rectory, or is it like Starfleet promotional tests, where you set up situations and see how they'll react? Honestly, I'm not trying to badger you, I'm genuinely curious. <<So how long before the Arab nations force the issue of Israel being not a legitimate country?>> The Arabs can bitch all they want, but as long as *we* say it's a legitimate country, and keep giving Israel money and guns, there will be an Israel. Happy belated b-day, btw.

Coyote> <<have now degenerated to attempting to create Sim skins for the entire cast of Neon Genesis Evangelion. ;)>> I fear the results of these being combined with the new Sims Hot Date expansion... <<(Hey, at least I'm not tryin' to make sim Evas. Hey, that'd be a pretty cool game ... SimEva. ;)>> Yeah, it would, actually. Dance, my sucky little puppets, dance!

FS> <<Are you Hexadecimal?>> In the name of all that is unholy, I hope not. Considering how attractive I find Hex, that would just weird me out... (And really, technically, shouldn't Hex's name be Sexidecimal?) <<For nearly every ingredient listed I can name at LEAST one explosive recipe that calls for it! Hell, a few of them call for a few of them!>> Heh. Remind me to tell you a story my Intro to Policing teacher told me. A guy he knew got into a gunfight with a meth-maker, and the lab blew up. <<"If you do not listen to me, I shall shrink you to the size of a pebble and imprison you in a box!">> lol! <<<Hm, I see...just, one question: why BSA don't admit homosexuals?> They are too good at doing the crafts! ;)>> "C'mon Big Gay Al, get off your big gay ass and come be our Scout Master again!" Just out of curiosity, does anybody know what the *Girl* Scouts policy on homosexuality is? <<Same with LM and I, but she won't admit that she is a good artist!>> None of them will. I think it's part of being an artist. <<Oh, like I can spell! it sings songs like "Is that all" and some other things.>> How 'bout "Oh come all ye faithful"? ;) <<<But a brass monkey is just a stack of cannonballs. Though that would be rather hard to load into a shotgun.> Unless it was a VERY big shotgun!>> One cannon plus three hundred musket balls equals the ultimate shotgun. <<<Hey, I like porn> Don't we all?>> Not Wilek. But other then him, I think so. <<Hey, I want my MP3!>> That sounds like a Dire Straits song for our generation. <<The USA Network intro to the movie "The Seige">> Snrrrrk. That movie is so incredibly bad. At least the first half is. I've never made it to the second half. Hilarity includes Denzel Washington's amazingly multi-racial FBI staff, the immaculate explosion, (A bus load of people blows up and there's no blood?), and "This is America! We don't torture people here!" This is New York, home of Plunger Man. I rest my case. <<Grease and spoon!>> I miss Tail Spin. "Look! It's Cleanser's Comet!" <<<Is that a WET t-shirt contest?> Should be! >> I'll take that under advisement. Hey, it's your con too folks. Send us suggestions. <<Hi, I am Fire Storm, and I am a Comic_a_holic.>> Hi FS. You think you’re bad? I counted the other day and realized I’m a regular reader of over thirty webcomics.

Niamhgold> <<Hmmm...I wonder where Lynati went?>> She's hiding. <<Actually, we spent more time in the less art-based exhibition, "Devices of Wonder".>> Did they have any Cool Devices? ;) <<my dog (the one we assumed would live forever and has been my personal favorite since, :: shudders ::, the eighties) died at 3 AM.>> I'm so sorry. (Hugs) <<And I think I'm in agreement with everyone else when I say that the garg mascot rocks!>> Ah, but she is only *one* of the mascots. The other... Well, sore wa himetsu desu.

Welcome Mainframe/Jen.

Fluer> <<what does 'chika bow bow' mean?>> It's porn music. Could you post the addy for your website again, btw? <<I mean, could your average schlep in... well, anywhere, decide to 'delegitimize' his own government? Go out and break any law he wanted, then say he could because he doesn't consider the government that made those laws viable?>> The Republic of Texas guys tried that. They're all in jail now. <<who makes a better hero: a guy in a loincloth, or a guy in latex?>> A guy in a latex loincloth? ;) <<Problem would be FINDING one. ;)>> There's always Gside. <<Fifty_third verse, same as the first>> LOL! Obviously, I need to post more, I didn’t get a mention in either Fred’s fic or your parody. :(

Dreamie> <<I find I somehow became addicted to Baldurs Gate II>> Me too. How far have you gotten? I'm just about to fight David Warner for the first time. My brother's already into the expansion. Congratulations on the engagement.

SJ> <<This isn't Dungeons and Dragons, geek boys and girls.>> Thanks the gods. If LotR had sucked like D&D after all the hype... there might have been riots. <<From me to you, a Christmas favorite, from the mind of Neil Gaiman.>> That sounds strangely like Sluggy Freelance. <<Kubrick was an overrated hack.>> But he gave us the greatest Vietnam comedy ever, remember? <<I actually saw a half_hour special last night on MTV about the Furry fandom. It was, by far, the most DISTURBING thing I've ever seen, and this is coming from a guy who has sat through videotapes of live executions and corpse autopsies in my ADJ courses. Note to Furries: you are more frightening than pedophiles. At least I can rationalize that particular type of mental illness. John f'ing Gacy wouldn't have done something so furrverted.>> I'd like to say right now, that I'm a furry fan. And I'm proud of it. I do not find high school mascots attractive, and I have never constructed a fursuit, much less used one for sexual purposes. And neither have 99% of us. But, as I've said before, the normal people in any fandom slink away from the cameras, while the real freaky-deaky always run straight toward them. Judging any group by it's lunatic fringe is unhealthy. <<I will mandate that on Sundays, all hot women must dress like schoolgirls.>> Catholic or Japanese? <<Who's Line Is It Anyway???? Jesus, you must have been desperate for something to watch.>> I like WLIIA. At least the British version with Clive Anderson. The American bastardization with Drew Carey is something else entirely... <<Having sex with Aaron in the shower? Gee, I don't know…..maybe if he wears the Fox wig…..>> Hmm. Didn't you say once that you look like the guy who plays Angel? <<You can't buy that kind of insanity anywhere else!>> Not even around here? <<You KNOW I actually take being called "Moriarty" a compliment.>> And being you, you know she was talking about the gloom ‘n doom tank driver from Kelly’s Heroes, and not Sherlock Holmes’ nemesis, right?

Todd> <<Another bit that bothered me when I saw it yesterday was Gandalf accidentally hitting his head against the ceiling and chandelier of Bag End. It made him look a little too silly. Please, give the Grey Wizard some dignity!>> Well, the more serious the character, the more important it is to occasionally show some fallibility in them. Think of it as akin to Vinnie hitting Goliath in the face with a banana cream pie in "Vendettas." It shows that Gandalf is human, like the rest of us, and for all his power and knowledge, even he bangs his head on a low doorframe occasionally. Additionally, it establishes that Gandalf and Bilbo are not at all the same race, and that Gandalf is hugely (pardon the pun) out of place in the Shire. Or, it could be an indication of Gandalf's inner nervousness, his fear of what he knows is coming, that has him making, again, little human mistakes, like forgetting about the Hobbit-sized home. <<The element that really makes me wonder about the Nerds is this: they want to be super_villains, but they draw the line at killing Buffy. Has it ever occurred to them that if they don't want to kill people, they shouldn't be super_villains?>> Maybe they subscribe to the Mr. Glass theory of super villainy, and believe that a villain is nothing without a hero. If they kill Buffy, where will that leave them? Or maybe they're more like Hexidecimal: They're not really interested in villainy per se, but it's the only way they know to get their object of desire, (In Hex's case, Bob, in their case, Buffy)'s attention.

Daniel J> <<Anyone wanting to comment on how clueless men are, please feel free.>> It certainly wouldn't be my place to talk, friend. And congratulations. I wish the both of you much happiness.

Jaden> Welcome back. <<I have a friend from there and every time we go out he orders a "pop" and people look at him like he had a third eye.>> I get that reaction from waiters in New York when I: (A) Ask for Dr. Pepper. (B) Ask if refills are free.

MC> <<She also got 6 boxes of Chocolate Frogs!!!>> Mmm, crunchy frog. Frog crunchy. <<Therefore, are babies evil?>> Yes!

GB> <<Not what you believe, but something I embrace like a woman with a large bosom.>> lol. <<Haley Joel Osmond got the Harrisson Ford effect>> HJO was the kid from 6th Sense. He *should* have been Anikin, but Lucas went with the no-talent Jake Lloyd instead.

Jewel> Welcome back!

Warpy> <<just watched Ranma season 3 episode 13... Poor Mousse... That bomb was big>>: It almost always sucks to be Mousse. <<Cobra_head sword cane, huh? I think I've seen one of those... Brass_ish hinges, about 27" blade, brown_painted (or black) cane?>> I have that one, although the blade isn't that long, but this is a new one, with a much more detailed cobra head made of pewter, or some heavy metal, and red plastic eyes. The blade is tanto-style and about 17" long. It's cool. Probably not something to get into a serious fight with, but still... <<there has been a DISTURBING increase of hobby_satanists in Bergen lately. (Recognizable in the manner that they dress mych like Aaron>> I am not a hobby Satanist. F**king amateurs... <<In conclusion, I've come to this, uh, conclusion: The universe, and all in it, was created through forces of Chaos, and Order is perpetually trying to influence Existence.>> That actually makes a great deal of sense. Interesting. <<Norway has intervened in a handful of conflicts as some kind of peacemaker, using diplomacy and soft talk. USA has intervened in conflicts, too, but with swift and rather merciless firepower.>> Yeah, but we hired Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner to do it. ;) <<The people who decide which films are to be allowed in sometimes make weird judgment calls, I tell you...)>> The film review board in Quebec voted to allow "Striptease" to be shown during daylight hours, on the grounds that "Demi Moore's breasts are not erotic." WTF? My condolences on the loss of your grandfather as well.

kathy> <<Jewel do you know why it is people flock to the stores for bread and milk?>> In times of uncertainty, people always stock up on staples.

Best wishes to Mitch and Aimee.

Spacebabie> <<Utena the movie:WTF?! Who directed this Pink Floyd? Can someone make any sense of this movie?>> Ask Mara. She's a Utena junkie. <<Hey I can drive…parking is where I have problems.>> Parallel or regular? <<Click on my name and you will see somthing funny>> Well, now I finally know what Nick was talking about in that one BBoCS. <<<<<I have a THREE DAY WEEKEND every week ;_) Not to rub it in or anything...but neener neener neener! >>>Big whoop, I have a four day weekend plus no classes on Wednesdays, so Neener Neener Neener! :P>> I'm taking a semester off, so I have no classes on ANY DAY! Pbbbbbbbbbbbbt! ;p <<I think my first car should be small and adorable, like a neon or a volkswagon.>> I recommend an old Chevy Nova, personally. Just don't get a Jetta. Jettas are the car of choice for sociopathic drivers. People *I* consider to be sociopathic drivers. 'Nuff said. <<<<<Farmers don't make 100_200/hr>>>Depends on the farmer.>> Hee hee. I got me three hun'rd acre of these here can-i-bus plants, yessiree bob. <<<<<Na. Four_way. Gotta include Lex.>>>I wonder how you manage that?>> Well, it's not Angie, Brook, Lex, and Broadway, but Mara has a pic on her site that answers that question... <<I also managed to pull a muscle in my thigh while doing situps.. Don't ask me how. I even did my warm ups first. Then after I was done with my bath I knickded my ankle shaving.>> <<I made the dipping sauce too hot cause my nose burned and my eyes watered.>> She is the Queen of Pain, ladies and gentlebeings.

Moochie> <<And let's be hypothetical here, and imagine that violent and/or pornographic media DO, in fact, have a measurable impact on the going rates of various societal misbehaviors (rape, out_of_wedlock pregnancy, assault/robbery/murder). Would you support the restriction of such media, or would "artistic freedom" still come first?>> I would still scream artistic freedom to the top of my lungs, because I'm a selfish bastard and I enjoy such things. And we're being hypothetical anyway, since Japan has wilder sh!t then you or I could ever conceive of, and their rates of all three are much lower then ours. <<Firequest>> You get their catalog too, huh? <<<<NO American soldier would have done that!>> You don't read much military history, do ya? >> Okay, no American soldier *today* would be willing to do that with CNN watching. Fair enough?

Abortion> I'm a callous pragmatist. And an hateful SOB. I'm pro-choice, and I think the idea of retroactive abortion has a certain appeal, particularly for those annoying neighbor kids...

Shadowrider> <<By the way, I knew in USA speed limits were something like 65 mph, and very stricly observed...>> Depends on where you are. I know a lot of places where it's at least 70 mph, and at one time the California Supreme Court ruled that radar was an unlawful search and seizure, so the CA Highway Patrol doesn't have radar guns, last time I looked. (Any CA residents please correct me if this has changed. *Please*) My condolences on your grandfather.

Hi Mec. Welcome back. <<Wouldn't she have hit menopause by now?>> Nope. Demona is eternally 35. (In human terms)

Welcome back to Sarge as well. <<I'll miss Dylan>> Me too. I still correspond with Stormy once in a great while, but I wish they'd come back. Cyrway too.

Wolfie> <<The best one I've heard yet is that they are considering US Drivers Licenses to replace State Drivers Licenses. Then maybe you need to drive to the next neighboring state first to complete the first part of your road test.>> In my case, that would suck. Driving to Mexico might be quicker than driving to another state. <<Quiet you! ;P>> LOL! And I thought my bro was the only one who said that. Congratulations on the engagement. :)

David G.> <<"Who's going to A_kon?">> Me!

Daphne> <<most girls I know meet guys at parties, and as I'm not looking to get either drunk or laid, I'm gonna exclude that option.>> There's always the fandom. :)

Revel> <<with some black hair dye and some work on a costume I could make a good impersination of Aragon>> Add some long pointed ears and you can be Luse from Poison Elves with about the same costume. <<Actually as far as acing goes I have to give credit to Jeremy Irons, it takes real talent to ham it up that badly.>> Yes, they had to add extra CGI scenery for Jeremy to chew, didn’t they?

metaldemon> <<Didn't Norway have a lot of Church burnings awhile back with Varg Verkins and some problems other underground Satanic and Viking bands (Mayhem, Emperor, Burzum and others)?>> Hey! Those are the bands that Matt Watson lists as his new favorites at the end of Timelessness! And that amuses me.

Lain> <<now hes a big fat orange ugly thing that i have urges to kick up the bum every time i see... and kathy runs around making cute baby talk "ooos my widdle kitty?????">> His name wouldn't be Crookshanks by any chance, would it? <<if youd met that fat orange furball and had the experience of it pouncing on you, wrapping all of its paws around your arm, gripping tightly with its front paws and kicking and scratching your elbow with its back claws while biting your hand.. youd probably feel the same way..>> Nah, probably not. But then, I'm a masochist you know. <<fortune cookie: "you will inherit some money or a small piece of land">> I fail to see how the words "in bed" can be added to that. No fair. <<HUZZAH FOR WORK!!!!! HUZZAH FOR MOOOONEYYY!!!!!!! soon i will be able to buy fooooood!!!!!!!>> Nyar! The Purple Marauder now has... GUNS! And after he robs you four, he shall be able to buy BULLETS! NYAR! .... It's been kind of a weird month... <<along with the traditional sex survey (the contents of which i should probably not repeat in here..)>> No, but you should definitely share them over IM. ;) <<That email>> Congratulations and hugs.

Ravyn> <<The big buzz going around my dorm right now is that the girl across the hallway got a new roommate today ... a foreign exchange student from Britain. (Scotland, to be exact ... yay!)>> Really? Is her name Ceilidh? <<I have no idea what to do with this baby around ... any suggestions? ;)>> Run for the hills?

Disney voting thing> Well, I went and voted for gargs on the "Scariest movie" poll, and I wanted to vote Demona into the "Favorite Villian" poll, but she wasn't a choice. :( (Speaking of which, could somebody please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese tell me how Captain Hook can be #4 on that list?!? He's a crappy villain!)

Orkish name: Sharkrut the Bloody_handed

In other news, I saw Gosford Park. Good film, got something like half the actors in Britain in it, but it does feel like something I could have watched on PBS (Back when PBS didn't suck) or A&E. Altman in no way deserves the Best Director nod over Peter Jackson.

Political stuff> This sums up my feelings pretty well...

State of the Union> Didn't watch it.

Increased Military Spending> If I thought any of that would translate into better pay for the average soldier, I'd have no problem with it. But since it, more than likely, will all wind up going to some tech firms who threw money at the Smirker's campaign...

More politics>

Democratic Scandals of my lifetime: Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, Monicagate. Not stellar, I admit, but pretty piddly compared to...

Republican Scandals of my lifetime: Iran-Contra, The S&L Scandal, (and subsequent, taxpayer-sponsored bailout), Election 2000, and, yes, it could be, I think it is, Enron.

Hmm, and you know what? You know a common thread all those have? A guy named Bush. George Sr. was veep during Iran-Contra, and a former head of the CIA, and Reagan was so out of it somebody else *had* to be calling the shots. Neil Bush was up to his eyebrows in the S&L mess, Election 2000 has the deciding state being governed by Jeb Bush, and results in the election of the Smirker. And Enron? Well, we'll see when all the dust settles, but I notice Dick Cheney seems almost as hard to find now as he did after 9/11.

Conspiracies> Now, it's only for conversation's sake, but lets look at a few things:

1. George Sr. used to be the head of the CIA.
2. The CIA decided that Saddam Huessin would make a great pal to have. So we gave him guns and money, because we thought he'd make a swell counterbalance to the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran.
3. When George Sr. is President, Saddam launches an attack on Kuwait, and a lot of his strategic decisions look very suspicious; almost like he's just waiting for the Americans to arrive and kick him out again. Meanwhile, George Sr, who needs a war to justify increased military spending, and shed his "wimp" image, has one handed to him on a silver platter. Strangely enough, after the dust settles, Saddam is still in charge of Iraq.
4. Back in the 70s and 80, the CIA was playing around in Afghanistan, training people to resist the Russians. One of the men they train is a young Osama Bin Laden.
5. Shortly after George's son becomes the President of a deeply divided nation, (a majority of the electorate seeming to have preferred some guy named Gore for the job), a huge national tragedy occurs, which unites the country behind the Smirker. This tragedy is perpetrated, apparently, by one of those guys the CIA trained, back when George Sr. was in charge. Additionally, the attacks, while horrible, are not nearly as devastating as they could have been. Two NYC landmarks are destroyed, and a D.C. landmark damaged. But for sheer destruction, they're a flop. The terrorists didn't need four planes. They only needed one. One jetliner crashed into Three Mile Island, the reactor would go Chernobyl, and the resultant radioactive cloud would render the entire Eastern Seaboard unlivable.

Yes, I am a big Oliver Stone fan. Why do you ask?

Speaking of Bush, I had an epiphany a few days ago. You know how Bush and his cronies are always talking about the children, the future, the next generation, etc.? They're stealing their material from Jerry "What we got now sucks, but wait 'til next season" Jones. Hmm, maybe this isn't as funny in the daylight. Oh well.

Mara> <<Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.. I'm giving up MODERATION for Lent.>> Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, life is short... So party we must!

Belated moment of silence for Waylon Jennings, who wrote the themesong for one of my favorite childhood shows, The Dukes of Hazzard, and Chuck Jones.

Yooper> <<To top it all off, I shot the hostage in the head three times.>> Way to go! Nothing frightens a hostage-taker more then somebody who doesn't care about the hostage. ;) But seriously, you're supposed to shoot them in the leg, not the head. Speed taught us that. <<All I can say is I'm impressed with the people who designed this boat.>> As am I. Damn.

<<Scores of Bodies Strewn at Site of Crematory >> Personally, I find this funny... In a disturbing, sick kind of way. Personally, when I first heard about this, I was deeply disappointed in the locals. How could this have gone on for two decades without somebody noticing? Are there no dogs in Noble, GA? Why isn’t the local wildlife lining up to feast on the abundant supply of carrion? Does nobody go hiking? No high school kids ever sneaked into the local crematorium on a dare? Are there no, (and forgive the Georgia stereotype) weird survivalist types or Klansmen running around? And then I thought, who’s to say nobody ever found this stuff before? They just might not have lived long enough to tell anybody. Just whack ‘em and dump ‘em out back. What’s one more body? I was waiting for somebody to advance the cannibal hillbillies theory, until I found out the proprietors were black. Now, (again, forgive the stereotype) I wonder if they guy wasn’t into voodoo or something. Maybe he was building a zombie army. Between this, and Enron, you can’t trust anybody anymore. You even get f**ked after you’re dead.

Dubble> Welcome back.

Stephen> <<_ Shows Patrick being a pervert.>> Well, at least Fred got some things right, eh? ;)

Siryn> <<Lexy's engaged, and Dreamie's *I* should get Thom!!! ;D (hehe short people of the world unite!)>> Thom is *not* short. He’s like 5'8" or something. Short would be me and Josh.

GXB, Josh> I’m disappointed with both of you for coming down on GB for the way he would raise his kid. Don’t you both see that such a child would be a perfect evil minion?

Unless somebody's already posted this...

I came up as a Black Rider. ^_^

I love this woman. She's either SJ's perfect match, or SJ in drag.

And this... This is for SJ, and everyone else who hates Fred Durst/Limp Bizkit.

And that's it. I'm going back to bed.

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 02:51:22 PM

Here's the official message I got from yahoo about Monday's outage:

Monday March 4 10:45 a.m. EST (GMT-5) Groups suffered a hardware failure which caused the site to go down for 24 hours.

We repaired the system and brought the service back online Tuesday March 5 9:30 a.m. EST (GMT-5).

One side effect of being down for this period of time is that there is a backlog in email deliveries. All email sent to your group should be delivered, so please do not resend email to your group. The system is currently working to clear up that backlog.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We would have liked to have notified you in advance, but this was an unplanned outage.

The Yahoo! Groups Team

::DPH disappears, preparing to launch a new scheme::

Wednesday, March 6, 2002 01:41:23 PM

Okay, I had a gargoyles related dream last night so I wanted to share because it was cool and had lots of spiffy special effects. I was in this huge mansion like place that somehow magically appeared on my Grandparents ranch. Xanatos lived there and I think it was supposed to be Castle Wyvern. Anyway Lexington, Brooklyn, and I were exploring and we found a stone Gargoyle that used to be Lexington’s girlfriend from the dark-ages! So that was weird enough but it seems that she was turned to stone by a druid ceremony before the massacre and was placed in an unused section of the castle so the Vikings missed her. So we figure the only way to change her back is to recreate the ceremony that changed her. So we pick up Goliath, Elisa, and Matt and cruise around the Utah countryside looking for the proper setting to recreate this thing, because the scenery is important in this matter and there is something about a magical stone pillar that needs to be there. Here’s where it turns loony. Lexington somehow finds out about a leggo set that depicts this same place and is convinced it will work. So we go to this big warehouse place and there’s this guy there (who doesn’t seem to notice all the gargoyles in our party) who shows it to us. When we see it I can’t help but observe that it isn’t made out of leggos and sure looks real. Then the little broken pillar in the setting starts to glow and gets all glittery. Lexington sighs in wonder and points out small sparkly spirits dancing in the trees. The green gargoyle snatches it up and hurries for the exit, but the man showing it to us wont let us leave with it. For some reason no one realizes that between all the gargoyles we could just push him aside and he couldn’t do anything about it. Then the spirits still dancing in the small replica start to shine real bright and on the other side of this big column in the warehouse the gargoyle statue appears. Bright colored lights descend through the ceiling and changes the female Gargoyle back to normal. Then it’s back to the mansion and there is a wedding, and a crowd of people below the balcony cheering (think Wizard of Id on this one) and Xanatos is kicking back on a lawnchair, and then my apartment’s heater kicks in loudly and I about jumped straight out of bed. So I go back asleep and continue the dream for a little ways, but it’s just me and Xanatos talking on the balcony.

replies later,

see ya!

Wednesday, March 6, 2002 01:27:49 PM

::In the edge of the CR, a creepy guy with a white shirt, black tie, and ski cap. He is filming all the events in teh CR, until form nowhere OJ Simpson takes out a machete and hacks him up, then slashes the floating bag next to him. OJ then proceeds to run away looking for the real killer::

Gory, but fun.

In Modesto, California we now learn that while Presidents can mess with interns, Congressmen cannot. Gary Condit lost the Demcoratic bid for re-election. Hopefully Cardozo is not a total liberal.

Sapcebbaie> I figured SJ as politician and of course he lures interns to his home, kills them, has sex with them, and then buries them in the backyard :) Imzadi I'd make a computer tech guy, though.

Leo> Josh goes to Berkely ofr teh quality Engineering education, but I suspect he might be involved, though I imagine he prefers non-hippie women.

Yooper> <<I dunno. I guess it's too exaggerated, so I can't suspend disbelief enough to find it funny.>> Not all of my jokes are tahtfunny, like one about a plot by Jewish interns to ruin the Democratic party :)

Warpmind> I'll make you a Viking berserker like Conan the Librarian :) Of course you'll have books with runes and be a warrior mage.

Lexy> I think it all depends on where the sixteen year odl dirvers are form. In the country I see more reaosn for it, since tehy learn to drive much younger an dget godo pratcice in safe areas. In the city its a mix and often tehy are used as gophers by their parents. For me, I neevr botehred and didn't need to. It was a waste of money for me to drive, but I wish I knew how, since driving is a necessary evil. I do think we shoudl have teh infrastructure to deal with reckless drivers more. The Germans are reallys trict and they cna be, since a bus will get you were you need to go, only not as much privacy and all those fancy luxuries, but 2.50 a day to go all aorund town by bus is enough for me. Thank God I'm a city boy,a nd not soemwhere like Los Angeles where I'd be driving and my entire paycheck would cover the cost of driving.

I think adults can be just as bad, though, and the real problem is in many places we have no infrastructure for alternative transit so cars are life and death for for too many people.

Jannie> <<*gasps* You mean that there are still some Christian colleges that attempt to enforce morals?? How dare they!?!> I agree. While I don't want Loyola being that strict, it could be a little stricter about after hours policy and about students shacking up between classes.

<<I have been on a trip to the panhandle of Oklahoma so that the kids and Zach can visit with the Miller side of the family and I was caught in the middle of an ice storm after dark, drove 15mph on solid ice, ended up stranded in some dork town called, Cherokee, OK for the night and then completed the trip in 4.5 hours - which would have normally taken only 2 hours from that point. The wind was gusting to 50-60 mph, blowing snow across the road so much that I couldn't see the pavement most of the time. I did not turn around and come home because I was farther away from home than to the destination and I would have been driving right back into the worst of the storm.
I'm tired and I'm cranky - sue me. ;)>> I understand. I ahted those trips. I persoanlly think Zach si too young to go anywhere like that, though. I was 18 montsh when I first left New Orlenas and I wish they waited until I was five to take me anywhere. And I happen to like my extended family, too.

Mooncat> I think occasional murder is funny, but I think I'll stick to more public figures that I have no persoanl affiliation with.

Lain ::hugs::> I look at your commenst about your father's treatment and I realize that I coudl eb soem right-wing Catholci version fo that if I am not careful. I resent teh alck of direction in my own life taht I may committ teh opposite extreme by making out goals to odistinctly and forcing them to fill it. I will definitely need to keep contact with you when I have kids, becuase you can help me avoid soem of th e stuff your dad did to you. Of course, my wife will have veto power if she doesn't like soemthing, too, but I would love your input.

Imzadi> <<That's disgusting.>> Consider the source :)

<<Say that after the first million.>> Liek I'd ever try it in teh first place. My Investments Professor offered to demonstrate how succesful they can be if he was made immune from prosecution (that is his idea of a joke).

Siryn> Keep talking and don't worry about a few criticisms. I enjoy what you have to say and I hope my cutie comment didn't make you stop talking to me.

Crzy> I suspect that Ventura County must be pretty small to be so tightknit. I doubt you'd get that service in New Orleans unless you had connections and maybe bribed a few folks. I take it you must have a realluy small town/suburban environment since it seems everyone knwos each other. Where I'm from, people care more about what High School you went to :) I met a state rep who's kids went to my old grde school (where I was teaching Junior Achievement) and we talked for a bit and even joked about the fact we went to rival High schools. My own state rep and state Senator went to my HS so that can be good. Not really relevant to yoru situation, but it is impressive how the guys at the station know you like a neighbor, but you're not even from Fillmore.

Thomas - []
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 12:52:15 PM

Just so that all of you know:

The Gargs Fan Website and the TGS Website are temporarily down as the sites are being migrated to a new server. They should be back up in a day or so.

Denton, TX
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 11:45:54 AM

Jannie - I'm glad I don't live where you do! Did your detective friends READ the story? Or just your synopsis? Did you also let them read the "With a Bang" rant? Or the letter he wrote me? It's nice to know that the police out here take this sort of think very seriously and do NOT find humor in it at all. They have even called me to check on the situtation. I guess that's why Ventura County is one of the safest places to live in the USA and our crime rate is practically nil. God Bless Them!

Siryn - Don't think you need to keep your mouth shut just because people jump to conclusions.

Mooncat - I'll take smut over violence anyday. thankyouverymuch. Make love, not war! ;)

Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 11:19:49 AM

Don't have much to say, really. I still don't have my structures midterm back...and it isn't making me any less nervous. Meanwhile, I've learned to stop doing homework until I go to office hours first to learn how to do it. Its just not worth my time to sit over homework forever trying to figure out something that I don't have a prayer with.


Todd: <<How long does it take to do a maintenance check, anyway?>>: Depends on how many errors they find.

Kathy: <<I got my first African scam emails>>: yay!

Invsi: <<I guess sunday was check-your-brain-at- the-door day>>: Not long before we have a national "check-your-brain-at-the-door" month.

Thomas: <<I guess you'll have Arkie sex at his College where he calls you cousin after you two are done>>: That's disgusting. <<adding Greg turns up the level of evil>>: True true. <<If I run a ponzi scheme, first million and its over>>: Say that after the first million.

Spacebabie: <<One week till Spring Break!!>>: Two and a half. <<Oh fart I don't have anything else to post except for replies.>>: Sounds familiar. <<That is the whole point. Right?>>: Absolutely. <<That too but a guy has got to eat.>>: And eat I do. <<At least your being equal>>: Of course. I'm no bigot. Just a jerk. <<Whoo Freakin Hoo>>: Yeah whatever. << Josh is a Lab assistant>>: sounds like something I'd do.

LEO: <<Josh, do you know anything about this?>>: Know about it!? I'm the instructor!

Just kidding.

Yooper: <<it's good to be on spring break>>: Lucky bastard. <<I found out my geotech prof is a really easy grader>>: I hope my geotech prof goes the same way.

Lexy: <<rant>>: Hmmm, interesting thoughts you have there. <<I am ashamed I thought of it at all>>: Prude. <<How do you guys feel about this?>>: Terrified, quite frankly. Not that I didn't go out ON my 16th b-day to get my license, mind you. <<Not that some ppl will EVER be responsible enough, but 16-year-old kids??? They are far too young>>: I think you're generalizing that all 16 year olds are irresponsible. They aren't. <<Looking cool, unfortunatly, often involves taking idiot risks, speeding, and not using things like safty belts and helmets>>: Well, at my school, looking cool meant not getting dead. NO ONE drove without seat belts, and no one in our class died, even in the MAJOR accidents. One guy rolled his Rodeo down a hill, and he and his bimbo girlfriend came out of it alive. That made him cool...and stupid. <<We lose thousands of ppl every year in this country in accidents by these children>>: We lose many more people due to drunk adults. <<the lives that could be saved, if the age was raised, would be astounding>>: I disagree. At some point, you have to license people to drive. But what you're forgetting is that safety and skill behind the wheel aren't just functions of maturity. They're functions of experience. If I started driving when I turned 18, I'd *still* be getting into accidents because my total time behind the wheel would have been negated by college away from home. Those two years in high school are when you learn to drive. Running errands, being a human shuttle, driving as much as possible...those years help you learn. Yes, you are often stupid and reckless...but usually you're only putting yourself in danger. <<but not consecutivly they would _not_ be able to get min. wage jobs>>: Kids need to work min wage at some point. Only the snobbiest rich kids don't ever work min wage, because you *need* some experience for any other job. Min wage requires none. <<isn't it convinient that those same kids can get those very jobs only when they turn 16?>>: Well, maybe that's because its the age at which employers feel they are responsible enough to work. Many other employers think its 18. Hell, I was working at 14. It all depends. So far it looks like your argument is based many gross generalizations. <<Seems to me that the only reason we let kids drive at 16 even though we know that most of them will die or kill someone else within a year of their lisence is because someone wants them showing up to work at Micky D's>>: And it seems to me that we picked that age because that's when they can reasonbly be expected to do it. <<What is so important that a 16yo neeeeeds to drive?>>: What's so important that you need to drive? <<This just isn't worth the lives lost>>: Neither are SUV's, but they're out there too. And mostly driven by people who suck at driving. <<Aren't are kids worth more then that?>>: Its not a question of "better". Min wage jobs are the ONLY jobs that will hire without experience. <<they didn't care at all that 'year round' school would help their kids academically>>: I have yet to see proof that this is true. A month of break can be just as damaging, especially if switching to new course material.

Jan: <<am I one of the ones being referred to as being a con-griper?>>: Probably. <<Ever tried to entertain 175 boys from the ages between 8-10>>: Kinky. <<Kids playing on the computer" excuse?>>: ::best Maxwell Smart voice:: The old "kids playing on the computer" scam, eh? <<I did find humor in those who's claim to fame is writing smut attempt to critique Fred's fic>>: Critique or criticize? The truth is that many of the more famous smut writers that Fred is famous for railing against (Morgan and Destine) are, in fact, "good" writers from a purely literary standpoint, regardless of what one thinks of smut as a genre. They are just as right to critique as anyone else...its when they criticize (on content) that it gets funny ;-) <<You mean that there are still some Christian colleges that attempt to enforce morals?? How dare they!?!>>: My thoughts exactly! ;-) <<I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first>>: Prostitution?

Gside: <<I learned a new word today>>: pseudo? <<How could you stand the constant pain>>: Wireless helped. <<I like being understood>>: And you call yourself a programmer!?

Lain: My dad's usually a jerk too. I guess that's where I get it from.

As always there is a good chance I will be checking e-mail by clamping down my teeth onto the overhead wires and whistling modem tones if necessary.
- Aaron Richton

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 03:01:34 AM

-----Original Message-----
From: [lains dad] (CORP)
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 2:18 PM
To: [lain] (E-mail)
Importance: High

Privileged and Confidential

I want to tell you from the outset that we all love you; your family in England, Stan and Gladys, Mary and her family and me.
However, love is a two-way street; it will not work unless you are receptive to that love and willing to return the love that is offered.
It has been more than a month since you hung up when I was speaking with you.
Since there appears to have been no effort made to call me and apologize, as usual, it is up to someone else to make the first contact.
I am not happy about your rudeness; nothing is ever accomplished when one hangs up and does not return the call.
For whatever reason, I have not been told the results of the tests regarding your headaches. I hope the problem has been resolved.
I also want to make it clear that I am also not happy about your current behaviour; I am appalled that anyone is sleeping in the same room as a rat whose bedding etc., that contains urine and feces, is not cleaned out for a week. The potential for airborne germs and infection is considerable.
I have not sent you any money for February and will not send any until I receive the videotape of Madame Butterfly. I do not accept that it was posted and returned. Any person with the slightest amount of responsibility would have immediately gone to the postal outlet and determined why it was returned.
In addition, I require the return of the suitcase that was damaged on your trip to Texas. I assume it has not been repaired and will have to do that myself since it will be needed shortly when I go to the US on business. I suggest that the videotape be put in the suitcase and then both sent
to me via Greyhound for pick-up in Peterborough. Ask them to call me when it arrives.
I am not happy that a commitment made to me more than a year ago, not to have an animal while at University, has been broken.
However, as long as you are at Western, I will keep all the
commitments that I have made. I am tired of hearing and never wish to hear again about how you do not like the courses that are being taken or the universtiy being attended or the professors that are teaching you. If a minimal amount of effort was put into your studies, you would have the potential to graduate from Western debt-free. At that point, you can use your own money to take whatever programmes you wish at whatever university you can afford.
I am not happy with the the path that you appear to want to follow.
You have chosen, for reasons known only to yourself, to exlude yourself from family affairs. While I do not agree with this course of action, I want you to know that you can call either Mary or myself for help whenever you feel you require our assistance.
I have also told you many times that the actions that you have followed in the past and seem determined to follow now, have had and continue to have a negative impact on you, your health, your friendships, your mother's health and mine.
I am no longer prepared to let your current actions jeopardize my health or relationships with others.
You are old enough to know the difference between right and wrong and I do not wish to enter into an argument; you will have to live with the consequences of your actions.
You will always be in our hearts and there will always be a place for you at our table but there will have to be a sincere desire on your part to address these destructive behaviour patterns before any progress can be made.
We will continue to love and support you in whatever way we are able.

[lains dad]
[contact information removed]

I want to tell you from the outset that we all love you; your family in England, Stan and Gladys, Mary and her family and me.
However, love is a two-way street; it will not work unless you are receptive to that love and willing to return the love that is offered.
It has been more than a month since you hung up when I was speaking with you.
Since there appears to have been no effort made to call me and apologize, as usual, it is up to someone else to make the first contact.
I am not happy about your rudeness; nothing is ever accomplished when one hangs up and does not return the call.

First of all, as you said, love is a two way street. I haven't heard from you in two months, either. This email has made me even angrier with you than I was before. As usual, you attempt to throw all the blame for this situation onto me, my "rudeness," my being "unreasonable". I am shocked and outraged that you would say, "Since there appears to have been no effort made to call me and apologize, as usual, it is up to someone else to make the first contact" when you know very well that it is me and *ALWAYS* me who calls and begs on bended knee to be forgiven whenever we have an argument. I can hardly believe that you would claim such a thing.

For whatever reason, I have not been told the results of the tests regarding your headaches. I hope the problem has been resolved.
I also want to make it clear that I am also not happy about your current behaviour; I am appalled that anyone is sleeping in the same room as a rat whose bedding etc., that contains urine and feces, is not cleaned out for a week. The potential for airborne germs and infection is considerable.

The rat is very clean. He keeps his body clean, much after the fashion of a cat, about 6 times a day, by licking his fur and paws and rubbing them over his ears and face. I clean out the shavings in his cage twice to three times per week, and he has paper towel which he plays with and uses as bedding which I change every day. If he smells even slightly, which is rare, I bathe him, with shampoo.
You told me it was irresponsible of me to get a rat. However, my councillor absolutely disagrees with you and believes that getting the rat was one of the best things I could have possibly done for myself this year. As the situation stands, my councillor knows and shows an interest in knowing a lot more about me than you ever have, so I believe she is in a better position to be the judge.
As for, when selecting a pet I chose a rat over a cat or any other animal, first of all, I do not have enough money to support a cat. I cannot pay for vet bills should the animal become ill, and that is not fair to the animal at all. I also realize that I am not prepared for a 10-or-so year commitment to an animal. Rats live for 2-4 years, which is about the sort of commitment I am prepared for at this stage of my life. The rat is small, exceptionally friendly, loyal, gentle and very good company.

I have not sent you any money for February and will not send any until I receive the videotape of Madame Butterfly. I do not accept that it was posted and returned. Any person with the slightest amount of responsibility would have immediately gone to the postal outlet and determined why it was returned.
In addition, I require the return of the suitcase that was damaged on your trip to Texas. I assume it has not been repaired and will have to do that myself since it will be needed shortly when I go to the US on business. I suggest that the videotape be put in the suitcase and then both sent to me via Greyhound for pick-up in Peterborough. Ask them to call me when it arrives.

I am assume the real reason you want the suitcase back is not, as you claim, so that you can "go to the US on business." You and I both know you have plenty of suitcases you could use, and I know your only wish is to make it more difficult for me to, or prevent me from traveling. This is fine, I can get a suitcase of my own. However, I don't currently own enough money to send both the suitcase and video via the Greyhound. Perhaps after my next paycheck, I will. I will send the video again by post, since you seem to want it so urgently. The suitcase will follow when I have funds to do so.

I am not happy that a commitment made to me more than a year ago, not to have an animal while at University, has been broken.
However, as long as you are at Western, I will keep all the commitments that I have made. I am tired of hearing and never wish to hear again about how you do not like the courses that are being taken or the university being attended or the professors that are teaching you. If a minimal amount of effort was put into your studies, you would have the potential to graduate from Western debt-free. At that point, you can use your own money to take whatever programmes you wish at whatever university you can afford.

This is already my plan. I do not wish to continue the study of fine arts at the University of Western Ontario any longer. This year will be my final year. What I do after this year is my decision.
I am already expecting that you will be quite angry with this decision. That is fine. However this is my decision to make.

I am not happy with the the path that you appear to want to follow. You have chosen, for reasons known only to yourself, to exlude yourself from family affairs. While I do not agree with this course of action, I want you to know that you can call either Mary or myself for help whenever you feel you require our assistance.

On the contrary, you have made it quite plain to me that I do not belong in your new family. I have felt this way for quite some time. You have continually excluded me from knowledge of the progress of your relationships ever since my mothers death. You joined a dating service, and didn't tell me. In fact, you lied about it, claiming to have met Connie elsewhere. It was only after quite some time that you confessed. I thought perhaps you were just unsure of how to handle the issue, but it continues. You went away to France, and got engaged to Mary, telling me in passing a week or so later. Don't get me wrong, I really like Mary. I think she is a real sweetheart, and I am glad to know her, even the little that I do. I am just not all that glad to know you, anymore.
I have the distinct impression, and have had for quite some time, that you don't like me or "help" me because you love me. You do it because you feel like you have to, because I am your child. I can feel it every time I talk to you, every time I am near you. You feel an abstract obligation towards me, and that is all. It comes across every time you rub the fact that you came to see me at university when I was feeling down. I hear it in your tone of voice and see it in the way you look at me. And I do not want that anymore.

I have also told you many times that the actions that you have followed in the past and seem determined to follow now, have had and continue to have a negative impact on you, your health, your friendships, your mother's health and mine.
I am no longer prepared to let your current actions jeopardize my health or relationships with others.

Nor am I. My continued disagreements with you have brought me down into a spiral of depression which I am sure you know about, though you express no acknowledgment of this nor any desire to help. I have told you that I am on medication for this, though perhaps that didn't quite register in your mind; you would much rather continue to come down on me for petty things, like my ownership of a pet rat which brings me much needed joy.

You are old enough to know the difference between right and wrong and I do not wish to enter into an argument; you will have to live with the consequences of your actions.
You will always be in our hearts and there will always be a place for you at our table but there will have to be a sincere desire on your part to address these destructive behaviour patterns before any progress can be made.
We will continue to love and support you in whatever way we are able.

If that is the case, then I request that you send to me all of my mothers possessions which now belong to me. Or have them put into storage under my name. You stated that they belong to me, but that you would "watch them for me" until you decided I was "worthy" of them. However, I see that you should have no use for them, unless it is your desire to give them to Mary or destroy them. (Given the situation which occurred a few months ago where you thought it would be allright to give Mary my mothers engagement ring, and your continued expressions of a desire to break my mothers remaining pottery, I do not think this assumption is stretching the imagination very far at all). I would like the violin, which was purchased by you for my use, and for which you also have no need, to be returned. Whether you would like to admit it or not, my mother did give me the instrument, and I would like to begin playing again. I also request that the money you entrusted to Stan for me until I reached the age of 25 be given to me also, as I am in need of it. You did tell me at the outset that if I was not happy with you putting the money away for me, you would change the stipulations if I asked. I am asking you now, and if you have any *real* desire to help me, I am sure you won't have any objection.

I don't want to fight anymore either, Dad. I just need to live my own life, just like you. I have tried hard, I really have. You might not think so just now, but it's true. I just can't do this anymore. Please let me go.


and thats that..
*slinks off into the corner to cry self to sleep*

you know where
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 02:28:39 AM

Jannie> Ack. No no! You're not being accused of being a Con-griper.
( I wasn't even ranting about that..*sigh* oh well..must keep mouth shut next time. -_-;;)
I *WANT* to know information..good and bad..its just that I want to hear it constructively (which of course excludes you). But I do agree about the transport from the airport to the hotel. *rubs her eyes* I'll see if there is ANYthing for you guys As soon as I get the chance. I know there is a shuttle service from the Newport News Airport..but the other two don't have direct shuttle service..I'll see if there are other alternatives.

Website being updated now. More news later. TRYING to get the mascot designs done, I'll most likely have those up tomorrow (half done) The PDF flyer is up, I'll probably make another one though.

Yahoo groups is back up! THANKYOU GOD. I didn't want to have to delay an update for Friday. :) Might have guest info by then! *crosses fingers*

Siryn - []
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 12:59:50 AM

Jannie <<I did find humor in those who's claim to fame is writing smut attempt to critique Fred's fic. *chuckles*>>

Hmmm... care to clarify that? Was the actual critiques humorous, or the fact that anyone who writes "smut" giving a critique humorous? *^_^* I need to know wether to feel complimented, or insulted enough to write a tasteless jannie in a woodchipper story -- **just joking, no matter how insulted I feel, I'd never sink to writing murder fic drek.** --

Actually, wether the fic would be considered stalking or not would depend on which State you live in. Some have tougher Cyber Stalking laws than others. I know of one guy got pulled into court for writing a rape fiction about a girl he went to college with.

Writing a murder story about someone you know and publically posting it could be taken as an implied death threat. It would depend on the State you live in, and if you could get the DA to pursue it as a criminal case.

In any case, by making a recorded complaint of the story, if the author pulls anything "real" on the object of his story, (the powers that be forefend) it helps establish pre-meditation.

Well, back to my non-murder fic writing. So much smut to get down and so little time....


Wednesday, March 6, 2002 12:41:46 AM

Imzadi> <<Under 1024x768!? Gasp! They make monitors that small?>>: Nah, people who dan't read the small text.
<<That's what I was afraid of>>: Which reminds me. I learned a new word today. Pyronecropedopseudobestophilia.
<<Before we got DSL, my roommate and I shared a wireless dialup. Boy did THAT suck>>: How could you stand the constant pain?

Siryn> <<Thankyou for the clarification>>: Not a problem. I like being understood. Believed is a different mattter.
<<ooh Cherry?>>: Couldn't say.

Warpmind> <<I meant the comics, not the movies... But whatever>>: Exactly.

Lexy> <<What do you guys think?>>: I don't, if I can help it.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 11:56:47 PM


I'm not sure, but am I one of the ones being referred to as being a con-griper?
If I am - then I apologize because I was only suggesting and expressing a concern that has been difficult to resolve for quite a few attendees.
I _know_ what it is like to organize and be in charge of large activities and events. Ever tried to entertain 175 boys from the ages between 8-10, their siblings and about 150 adults who are hot, tired, bug bitten, and short on patience for an entire week? It's called Cub Scout Day Camp. Not only did I have to keep them entertain for 5 hours a day, but maintain and ensure their safety while they tromped thru the woods to each activity. Add to this equation approx. 45 staff members and junior staffers that also had demands and complaints.
In addition to Day Camp (I was program director for several years) I was also chairman of the annual district dinner for 4 years and chairman of Webelos Do Your Best for 3 years. So yeah, I do know what it's like to try and please as many people as you possibly can, to dot all the i's and cross all the t's, and make sure I'm within the Safe Scouting guidelines, the National BSA rules, and the National Camp Rules. I'm well aware of the logistics involved in chairing an event as well.
So, if I'm one of the ones being accused of being a griper, then I at least feel I'm qualified to mention a problem with the transportation to and from the airport and hotel.

Spammers on Sunday: *rolls eyes* "Kids playing on the computer" excuse? Funny how the *mom* has the same spelling and grammar deficit that the *kids* do. One in the same, I tell ya.

Shadowrider> I agree with you concerning the religion and government mixing such as what the catholic church has asked of the catholic judicial members.

Fred's fanfic: I know this is old news by now, but I've been away for the past several days....
I'm neither condoning nor defending - however, as far as anyone's life being threatened, stalking, or involving children - I personally think a lot of people have over reacted. There were no implied threats, the "children" were not harmed in the story, and it was not "this is what I'm going to do to Jennifer" type fic. If this had been written by someone who despised me, I would be upset too - but that still doesn't make it to be the exent of what they are claiming it to be.
After giving some background info (unbiased) to the detectives and deputies at work they said that they didn't feel that there were any threats made and therefore no crime has been committed.
While many may consider what Fred wrote to be of bad taste and full of anger, bitterness and hatred - I still don't see how stalking can be claimed.

I did find humor in those who's claim to fame is writing smut attempt to critique Fred's fic. *chuckles*

Yopper> *L* Thanks for sharing that article with us! :D Those who believe that we Americans are responsible for the earthquakes are probably those who also believe that President Bush started this war on terrorism to boost his ratings. *LOL*

*gasps* You mean that there are still some Christian colleges that attempt to enforce morals?? How dare they!?!

Yes, I'm cranky tonight. I have been on a trip to the panhandle of Oklahoma so that the kids and Zach can visit with the Miller side of the family and I was caught in the middle of an ice storm after dark, drove 15mph on solid ice, ended up stranded in some dork town called, Cherokee, OK for the night and then completed the trip in 4.5 hours - which would have normally taken only 2 hours from that point. The wind was gusting to 50-60 mph, blowing snow across the road so much that I couldn't see the pavement most of the time. I did not turn around and come home because I was farther away from home than to the destination and I would have been driving right back into the worst of the storm.
I'm tired and I'm cranky - sue me. ;)

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest
profession. I have come to realize that it bears a
very close resemblance to the first.
- Ronald Reagan

Tuesday, March 5, 2002 11:22:20 PM

Josh- I am ashamed I thought of it at all! Things in Ask Greg are checked, and dumped if content is inapropriate:) (sp?) So there isn't really a point. I already entered an answer anyhow.

16-year-olds driving/summer school- How do you guys feel about this? I think it is horrid. Not that some ppl will EVER be responsible enough, but 16-year-old kids??? They are far too young. And being in High school they are completely unconcerned with safty, and obsessed with looking cool. Looking cool, unfortunatly, often involves taking idiot risks, speeding, and not using things like safty belts and helmets. It just makes me sick. We lose thousands of ppl every year in this country in accidents by these children. I realize not ALL of them are irresponsible. Let me say that now. But the lives that could be saved, if the age was raised, would be astounding. This is just a feeling I have, and I may be very wrong. But I feel as though the low driving age is somehow connected to why we _still_ have summer school. My answer? Business. If kids had 3 months off school..but not consecutivly they would _not_ be able to get min. wage jobs. Business' need them for that. And isn't it convinient that those same kids can get those very jobs only when they turn 16? (14 in some cases..and it differs for home schoolee's) Seems to me that the only reason we let kids drive at 16 even though we know that most of them will die or kill someone else within a year of their lisence is because someone wants them showing up to work at Micky D's. The summer school thing and the 16yo driver topic is on my mind right now because A) I am going to college to be a teacher and B) I have to spend 2 days a week in drivers ed. My fellow class mates are NOT responsible enough to be drivers. Not NEARLY, and it scares me a lot. It scares me that while I am trying to get my life off the ground, one of these 16-year-old smarties with the way too large pants and cell phone may come out from no where and kill me. And for what? What is so important that a 16yo neeeeeds to drive? I know all about special cases, so please don't post saying things like, "but my neice's parents are busy and cant take her to yaddayadda" I know. But the lives that would be saved..I mean..really. Is it worth it for those few kids? It's just so sad. We watched a video today about how drivers ed classes (statistically) are not bringing down accidents. Big surprise. It's because you can talk all you want, make them read in class won't help cure the real problem. That they are just children. Not just children, children peer presured _daily_ to be 'cool' and do this and that instead of being responsible. How can we let these kids drive? AGAIN I was one of those acceptions. I NEVER have anyone to drive me anywhere, (even now) and I was not a kid that needed to be told anything twice. But the hard fact is, you tell me about ten 16 year olds that would be highly benefited by learning to drive early, and responsible enough to handle the responsibility, and I will show you 1000 that haven't a damned clue, don't care, and _dont_ need to be anywhere important. This just isn't worth the lives lost. Summer school bothers me too. Most kids don't need to help pa with the farm why are we doing this? It's more convinent to go on vacation? We have cheep labor for fast food places? Aren't are kids worth more then that? If we had non-consecutive breaks they would retain information way better, and it would take a lot of pressure off teachers too. Think about it. Teachers are forced to teach X,Y and Z before their year is out. But for the first few months the kids are total zombies. I was took at least a month or so to get back into the swing. Cuz you had to calm kids down, then refresh their memories, and re-teach what they had forgotten. And for the last few months before break, no one is paying ANY attention. We were all there, and I am sure we were all counting down the days.. Thusly, why not do ourselves a favor and just give them three months off broken up? Does anyone have a _good_ argument for me? I am interested in hearing them. Cuz I have heard plenty of lame ones. I watched a program once where parents did nothing but whine about how their kids weren't getting taught enough, and their grades were going down, and blablabla. But at the end, when the host asked parents if they were in favor of 'year round' school they all said absolutly not. That it would interfear with vacations. Oh great. Well we can see where their priorities were. For all their talk, they didn't care at all that 'year round' school would help their kids academically. Seeing Micky Mouse was way more important.

Ah well..that was enough of a rant for now. What do you guys think?

Tuesday, March 5, 2002 10:36:01 PM

Kathy > Hey, I got one of those letters, too. Only the guy who wrote me wasn't quite on the ball... at the end it read "...please fax soon as possible at (international fax number)..." Silly rabbit... if you're going to try running a con from a form letter, at least fill in all the blanks.

Todd > I would guess it's the same kind of scam. Someone approaches the mark and claims to need his or her help collecting a large sum of money, and offers to give a percentage of it to the mark as a thank you. Only how can they trust you unless you give them some collateral first... so the mark forks over some cash and goes into the bank (or casino, etc.) and - surprise, surprise - the check (chips, etc.) are bogus the con man is gone with the mark's money.

The e-mail scams are popular now because the internet makes it a lot easier to remain anonymous and solicit thousands of potential victims at a time, looking for the most gullible one. And especially with the scams run from overseas... the chances of the U.S. authorities being able to do anything about it - either catching the con artists or recovering your money - are nearly nil.

Patrick Toman
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 08:59:30 PM

KATHY - Um, what is a grifter's pigeon drop? I'm afraid that I'm not familiar enough with scam strategies to identify that one.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 06:24:39 PM

Sorry for the 2x post, but I just had to share this one.

Apparently the U.S. is being blamed for earthquakes now!

Yooper - [<---Click here!]
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 05:39:36 PM

*Warpmind strolls in, whistling merrily.*
It's weird... For some bizarre reason, I feel compelled to write a tutorial for RPGMaker 2000... in filk format. *Scratches head* I suppose I wish upon no living being such terror as me writing that tutorial... Especially not if I go with the Modern Major General melody... Õõ

Anyway, replies.

Silvadel: I *am* smart enough not to smoke cigars. I just won't let my intellect get in the way; life's too danged brief anyway, to let survival instincts get in the way of enjoying a good cigar. 'Sides, it's not like it's a daily routine, even... (And I am aware of the whole Native american mythology thing... While I still enjoy high-quality tobacco, it does seem slightly amusing that so many people suck on cigarettes like pacifiers...)

Spacebabie: Oooh! Oooh! Sims characters! Make one for me! Make one for me! :)

Gside: Actually, when I made the Conan reference, I meant the comics, not the movies... But whatever.

Josh: You're right. It WAS a Sunday. If it WAS a school, though, it might explain a few brain-wise questions... ;)

Christine: *Works on the math* So, basically, what you're saying is that gestation periods of six months and two years wouldn't work, but nine months and two years does work? *Scritches head* While I'm having trouble with the concept of a 12.5% difference (from the Elven perspective, of course) being THAT significant, I'll just drop the subject... Clearly, this is just one of those cases where we have to go on blind faith. ;)

*Wanders off*

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 05:03:06 PM

*Yooper come in and streches out on a couch.*

Ahhh, it's good to be on spring break. Now if I didn't have to go back Thursday to do data entry that I forgot in my dorm room. Oh, well, it's a paycheck--and God knows I could use the money.

Looks like the battle in Afghanistan heated up over the weekend. (Operation Anaconda) Prayers to the families of all the soldiers who were killed.

Found some pictures on the internet of an accident with a tugboat...I *guess* you could call it an accident, but that's open to debate. All I can say is I'm impressed with the people who designed this boat. Click on my name

This reading Marx class is driving me crazy! I have to finish a paper (that's already late) on estranged labor, and the concept just seems so STUPID. I'm being denied a part of my humanity because I don't own what I'm working on? At least I understand the readings we're working on now, (wage labor and capital) even if I disagree with them.

I found out my geotech prof is a really easy grader. A really, really easy grader. I got a C on my last exam, and I should have flunked it. Can't complain, tho.

Ooooh, look at all the newcomers!

On to replies>>
Shadowrider>><<...cares nothing of elegance>> Engineers care about elegance...*technical* elegance, though that may or may not be aesthetic elegance. Economics usually keep us from even that, however.

Lady Mystic>>Great job on the updates!!

Thomas>><<joke>> I dunno. I guess it's too exaggerated, so I can't suspend disbelief enough to find it funny.

Spacebabie>><<Oh fart I don't have anything else to post except for replies.>> I hate that.

Leo>> Is this the same class where they had an extracurricular project of watching their instructor strip and have sex at a gay strip club? As I recall, it has been reinstated after being suspended.

We've done our duty like men. Now is the time to cry like babies.
--Sluggy Freelance, 7/1/01

Tuesday, March 5, 2002 03:34:23 PM


(This post is mostly for Josh)

This is from an article in US NEWS March 11, 2002 called "Naked came the coeds."

here are a few excerpts:
Pg 59 "Naked came the coeds"

<<(A University of California-Berkeley) course was designed to make men and women feel safe about their bodies and their sexual feelings.>......<This was a serious academic study. All of the students, both male and female, would discuss their sexual fantasies. Porn stars were invited to lecture. Students allegdly went to a strip club and watched a class coordinator have sex on stage. As an ice breaker at one class party, the students allegdely took photos of their genitals, and later tried to match all the genitals with their owners>......<Students earned two academic credits for this course.>


WTF! Josh, do you know anything about this?

Tuesday, March 5, 2002 01:36:34 PM

One week till Spring Break!!!!

Oh fart I don't have anything else to post except for replies.

Anonymouse<<<Looks like the nutjob is back.

SJ<<<Just my luck, though, the SJ character will wind up killing the ladies and burying them in the backyard. ;)>>>People don’t do the killing in this game.

Wilek>>> A-ha I knw I smelled trouble.

Gside<<<Not sure, but I think it was red.>>> ooh Cherry? Seriously there is a good joke involving bogger flavored Bernie Bott’s Every Flavor beans, but I’m not going to say it.

Josh<<<Spam, spam, spam, spam >>> ahh the ol Monty Python thing.<<<<Oh well, at least I'm getting a fat paycheck>>>That is the whole point. Right?<<<Which one? >>> You.<<<And here I thought he lived to piss people off.>>>That too but a guy has got to eat.<<<Everyone.>>>At least your being equal.<<<Maybe I'll be over on that side of the country in a few weeks, if you're lucky.>>>Whoo Freakin Hoo.<<<Everything is "getting ahead" (not "getting head">>>:::Looks at Smackers:: Nah he aint worth it this time.

Thomas<<<The bab represents the baby Jesus.>>>Oh okay that explains it. <<<I just imagine you with the potion lab a lot.>>>Actually SJ is the business guy. Josh is a Lab assistant. P.S. thanks for the transcript.

Christine<<<thanks for the cake ; )>>> Your welcome.

Terrky>>> Thanks for the apology

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 12:55:04 PM

Todd> (re yahoo groups being down) I AGREE....urg..especially with gathering stuff, oh well. -_-;;; I'll do the usual posting here and everywhere else I can think of for Gathering updates. Hopefully yahoo will be up before Friday though.

Gside> ahh okay. ^_^ Thankyou for the clarification. ^_^

Siryn - []
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 11:13:45 AM

Another day of Custoem service except I was with teh pre-deployment group making certain our sodliers were ready to go to Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, and the Bronx :)

Patrick> Once I get to borrow those CDs from Heather again, I'll add your character with Jen, Mooncat, and..any otehr female roomies. Of course, I'll put them in seperate sides of the house so they won't fight over you :)

Lain> I guess you'll have Arkie sex at his College where he calls you cousin after you two are done ;)

Christine> 2005 in Seattle?

Christine> They are special trolls only part of this dark domain of Ravenloft ;)

DPH> It was an e-mail form my Uncle. I guess its old, like my favorite jokes.

I think Daniel Johnson has been in an episode of missing clones ;)

Lexy> Liz it sounds right. I don't have any special nicknames, but I do obnoxious things that get me hit, or I get the classic narrowed eyes :)

Jaden> It depends on a few factors, about my status in Germany afterwards. I do know that if I keep my PT up and I can max out my PT test six months prior to my ETS date, no more PT in formation, ever :)

Imzadi> <<Why would she do that? Do you think SJ and I are incapable of keeping an apartment liveable?>> But adding Greg turns up the level of evil :)

<<Actually, the way things are going, I think the display might be cheaper.>> Good for you, or bad for G02.

Kathy> I sent it to your old address. My hotmail won't accept the new one. Odd.

Skippy got a similar scam and someoen it was connected to me. I didn't know I was that well known in the world of Finance.

I do admit the ponzi schemes are always quite popular and the guys who start them get arrested because they are too greedy to quit after the first few million. He just keeps getting more money until he gets caught. If I run a ponzi scheme, first million and its over.

Invsi> We always face such fools at times, especially in the midst of controversy. The otehr CR got some crap earlier that week about Greg and Todd. I bet there was a connection.

Thomas - []
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 10:29:04 AM

(walks in and yawns after a night of GD'ing)

Hmm, need more hot choclate.

Spammers: I guess sunday was check-your-brain-at- the-door day or most of us when they came in here.*shurgs*

Yahoo> Oh goodie, Yahoo is still down probaly I can get back to editing this site, or doing some artwork. So, many options.

till' then citzens

Invsi Xavier - []
The city, of, eternal sin
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 09:28:51 AM

The African scam is a variation of the classic grifter's pigeon drop. Which is still a surprisingly sucessful con according to the local police blotter. I guess greed and the need to get rich quick will always be constants. I just found it amusing.

Tuesday, March 5, 2002 09:19:00 AM

KATHY - I've gotten a few of those African "scam spams" myself; I certainly suspect that they're scams, since, if they were genuine, why would they be sent to me? I mean, I certainly don't think that I have the level of prestige in the financial world that the kind of person they say they're looking for would require.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 08:19:50 AM

G.B. > I didn't get your email.

I'm so thrilled. I got my first African scam emails. Except now they're coming from South Africa and not Ghana. Hey, it's a change from the offers of copy paper in Korean.


kathy - []
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 07:22:58 AM

I just checked, and found out that yahoogroups is *still* down with no indication of when it will be restored. I must say, this isn't doing any good for its maintainers' image. How long does it take to do a maintenance check, anyway?
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 06:39:42 AM

Oh, I'm kicking ass this week. Its only monday and I've already finished my weeks assignments. Everything is "getting ahead" (not "getting head" - well, in my geotech class it is, but that's another story) in the next few weeks before I go on my trip.

18 days till break!

Gee, ya think I'm excited.


Lain: <<large box of kleenex with lotion>>: So you don't chafe? <<just proves that you people cant hold it together when im not around>>: Or when you are around, for that matter. <<whend YOU get so darned popular, huh?>>: When he started planning G2k3. <<he taught me to play a cool card game.. the name of which has already vamoosed from the fog that is my brain>>: @$$hole is the greatest card game in the world! <<aaall over that christian college campus that wont allow females into the males' dorms>>: I am so glad I'm enough of a hippy to go here, where no one cares.

Niamhgold: <<My right arm is splinted up because of some form of tendonitis>>: I told you that you're gonna get hairy palms if you keep doing that.

Kathy: <<What the frilly heck was that?>>: Spastic behavior.

Lady Mystic: <<pages might not load, links might be broken, and you may witness other malfunctions>>: In other words, all hell hath broken loose on S8. <<I have updated all HTML tables to accommodate text-to-speech browsers>>: I wouldn't trust a browser to read the illiterate garbage that is often spewed in this CR. <<It was originally made for screen resolutions under 1024x768 and now accommodates anything up to 3200 pixels wide>>: Under 1024x768!? Gasp! They make monitors that small? <<including a clarification of comment versus chat rooms>>: Much appreciated. <<Please tell me which layout you prefer>>: Layout 2. <<The CR Timeline was moved to the CR Archive>>: Wait, it seems here that my joining the CR isn't on the timeline. That's a horrible error, right? ;-) <<After such a large update and so much work involved>>: Thanks! Great job! Take your vacation, and come back well rested.

Crzy: <<I think I will take that as a compliment>>: It was...sorta ;-) <<I was unaware that you could replace the term "Cold-hearted bitch" with Egomaniacal>>: Who said anything about replacing it?

Thomas: <<You shoudl add Greg to the roomate team of Josh and SJ, plus ones for Patrick with Jen and Mooncat as roomates>>: Why would she do that? Do you think SJ and I are incapable of keeping an apartment liveable? <<I know only Kaioto can call you that and I imagine he does quite often>>: Bet not. <<You can have that too, if the limit is high enough>>: Actually, the way things are going, I think the display might be cheaper. <<Having Newfie sex with Gunjack again>>: Do we really want to know? <<We are a lighthouse. Your call>>: Heh heh. Only Americans.

Patrick: <<The brief summary is Windows 98 hates me, as my portable ate both my outline and the floppy the backup copy was on. And yet they say computers are supposed to make our lives EASIER>>: Excuse me while I bite my tongue.

Winterwolf: <<I took time to give my Saturn a nice car wash>>: Haha! You drive a Saturn. <<I wonder if anyone has 'quality' reading that would give us new exotic stuff to try out at home>>: I recommend using Kama Sutra as a checklist. <<you seem to retain a ton of points if you avoid drugs and such>>: This is true. But at 30, you really should have a lower score than I do (and I don't do drugs either). <<Shall I tell Dreamie to try to get Thom to do something bigger and bolder then just dropping pants?>>: I think it'd be funnier if you just got her to go to some random guy in the fandom and do it.

Lexy: <<OH no..NOoooooo way. Hey. Anyone that wants too, be my guest..but NOT ME>>: Afraid Greg will think less of you?

Gside: <<She likes it both ways>>: I see. <<And in Jersey, everything's in the water.>>: Yeah, I hear you. Gotta love the San Fran bay. <<No, before>>: That's what I was afraid of. <<splitting that bandwidth isn't worth it>>: Doesn't mean it isn't done. Before we got DSL, my roommate and I shared a wireless dialup. Boy did THAT suck.

Jaden: <<I have to qualify on my missle system>>: Is that a euphamism? <<I change my mind about as often as I breath...still can't find the one I want>>: A great reason to buy a domain name. I can be

Curses, getting my structures midterm back tomorrow. Everyone think happy thoughts, if you please.

I can see B.S. behind twenty feet of lead reinforced concrete, in a blizzard, at night, underground, on another planet, in a galaxy far far away.
-Christopher Titus, Titus

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 02:51:09 AM

Greetings to everyone!

it has been a while since i made a relevant post...

i got a few things:

1: *AN OFFICIAL "i'm sorry" TO THE CR*

heehee, i did get a little carried away with that spammer. i just happened to check the CR as they first began spamming, and i thought what the hell? ya know? i didn't help things at all, but i had fun for the first part of it. anyway, sorry for not helping matters, i've been here long enough to know that you all hate spammers, and chatters.

2: replies:

Revel << *hands him a dictionary* Ever wanted to actually hit somebody with the book, here's your chance.>>

Thank you, but i'll keep that for the next time i can't help myself, and have for some reason, the uncontrolable urge to fight with a dumbass spammer

Patrick Toman << BTW, Terrky... you're a semi regular here, so methinks you should know better than to join in and encourage the spam.>>

hopefully i won't need that dictionary, but should i need it, i will (as i said) will not engage in a battle with the spammer... unless he starts it! nah, JK


as i understand you are only passing info along being that you're the admin, and that is your duty, i still find that redundant. the spammer obviously was one person, and obviously knew that the CR was not a place to chat, other wise, why chat to him/ herself?

anyway, i have had enough of the spammer.

before i continue, i just want to say that the following paragraph(s) are not the silly pointless rambling that i useually tent to do on long(ger) posts such as this.

i have been here for a while, but i don't know if i have said this before.

it's wierd when i think about it now, but i was just thinking last night about when i first stumbled across TGS. it may sound crazy, but with my state of mind back then (some familfy tiffs) TGS had a deep impact on me for 2 solid weeks! O.o changed my way of thinking for a while (an i still try to hold on to that) sounds crazy, but lemme splain;

i remember when gargoyles was still running on tv. surprisingly, i don't know anyone who used to watch it, even i didn't watch it back then. but after we got our satellite dish, and toon dis. i would watch it at 9 when ever no one was home. only because i know no one who even used to like the show. o.o

so, while only watching it when i got the chance got me more into it. so, when last summer roled around, i watched it everynight at 12:30 i would have to make exuses, cause my on line friends thought the show was a waste of time. but i still watched it, and just said that i have an obsession that i gotta take a break from the computer at 12:30, just cause it was routine, so thats how i pulled it off.

i don't know if it is my tendensy to be obsessive, or staying up too late at night, but i started to feel sorry for the charactors. O.o it's wierd, but i was beginning to push my self to the brink of insanity (a shocker eh?), it wasn't just some having a favorite charactor, it was like wanting to actually be there. i mostly connected with brooklyn. not only cause he's the coolest, he's just who i felt more sympathy for.

so, one night, i had been up all night, and i caught a few links here and there, and finally ended up in the timedancer seasons 1 thingy. i read out of joint part 1, and was like whoa. and thats kinda when it hit me. and when i said i think i went crazy, i wasn't kiddin. cause to read about the charactor i related most with had suddenly lived for forty years, and had a family and everything.

so, i had to read more.. by then it was like 6 in the morning. i read out of joint part 2, and after that spent a good part of my time reading. i had nothing else to do, and was that obsessed.

by then i had developed this urge to be there, ya know? i so badly wanted to be away from home. i would be doing something and suddenly start staring at the wall. i stopped eating full meals. i stopped sleeping. i put on a good show in front of people, but i really just wasn't all there. i was in this constant trance. it took me not even 2 weeks to finish all three seasons. and as i look back at it, i can't think of a better 2 weeks to spend. i was really most content, with myself anyway. all the urge to get away form home, i had almost involuntarily made myself not care about meterial stuff. i could have lost anyting, and it wouldn't matter. i was prepared to do without.

now, we had gome on vacation, and so by being more social, i got kind of knocked out of it, and with school starting.

i feel like a real metal case now looking back. but theres still just someting that makes me not want to be home. but thats why i liked that song "the pull" so much, and why i even wrote a song (sorta based on TD) about being pulled though time. what can i say?

anyway, thats my thought for today.

BTW: i have a new title

-={King Terrky Kath, The Observant, Efficient Rock Star, Ruler Of Three Lunch Tables}=-

Terrky K. - []
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 12:48:10 AM

<Looks over at pervious week> Whoa what happened there?

I hope everyone is having a good day. I'm busy as ever. Seems that everything at school and at work was somehow scheduled within the same two weeks. I have to qualify on my missle system and lucky me I havn't even been trained to use it so I don't think I'll get this time, but I don't care anymore.

On the good side I think I passes my finals and got A's in both my Psych classes. :)

Thomas <August of 2003, unless I extend.> Some of the guys I've worked with said they like Germany and wished they had stayed there instead of coming here. Is it as nice as I've heard?

DPH<twice as often as Halley's Comet> I change my mind about as often as I breath...still can't find the one I want.

Yawn...Going to sleep now.

Jaden - []
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 12:22:23 AM

Imzadi> <<And what does your girlfriend think of all this?>>: She likes it both ways.
<<Nope, its just something in the water.>>: And in Jersey, everything's in the water.
<<That will be after the Josh character tries to sleep with them, right?>>: No, before.
<<WRONG! Up to 50 people can share an Aiport Base Station, which finally works with AOL>>: I wasn't doubting whether it was possible or not, I was just saying that with the type of person who tends to gravitate towards AOL, they'd be likely to have a dialup, and splitting that bandwidth isn't worth it.
<<Needless to say, I think I'm just the man for the job>>: And you're welcome to it.
<<Did you call Nick Cage?>>: Sorry, I don't trust someone who can spontaneously lose his podium.

Lain> <<a phone message from an "erik mambo">>: Well, Emambu is Eric Mambu, if I remember (originally Mambutini or the like, but was cut by American immigration).

Niamhgold> Heal well.

Lady Mystic> That looks like a good load of work you've done. It is apreciated.

Winterwolf> <<I wonder if anyone has 'quality' reading that would give us new exotic stuff to try out at home>>: I've heard good things about the Gyokka Tange Hisho, The Perfumed Garden, The Pillow Book, as well as the standard (Kama Sutra).
<<I remember the room hiccuped once and wiped less than an hour after a previous wipe>>: Ah. My bad then.

Siryn> <<Ack...sorry..wasn't trying to sound scolding in my last post>>: Sorry, my explanations didn't seem to catch, so I just wanted to get my ideas straight with you.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 12:22:07 AM

Siryn- OK! *checks email!*

Josh- <<Post it>> OH no..NOoooooo way. Hey. Anyone that wants too, be my guest..but NOT ME.

Green B- He calls me liz mostly:p *L*

Monday, March 4, 2002 10:24:02 PM

Hypothetically, yahoo said it would list yahoo groups service announcements at or click on my name. I'll almost bet money that when yahoo groups is "fixed", I'll have a message in my inbox about yahoo groups downtime, sent just just before they took yahoo groups down. I had to wait 2-3 hours to just to view what I showed you.

Lady Mystic - Thanks for the hard work. Admittedly, Index3.html looks a lot better.

Daniel Johnson - Where in the space time continum have you been?

<Am SO! sorry that my kids was on here. Do not get mad at.
Anonymous> It looks like someone is claiming responsibility.

Monday, March 4, 2002 07:55:56 PM

So that's why I haven't been getting any messages on the TGS mailing list today. I wish that the folks at yahoogroups would provide advance warnings when they're doing something like this. (What's just as bad is that they didn't even provide any indication as to how long the "down for maintenance" period will last.)
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Monday, March 4, 2002 06:54:10 PM

Am SO! sorry that my kids was on here. Do not get mad at.
Monday, March 4, 2002 05:54:28 PM

Sorry guys, I feel bad about ranting. I know you can't please everybody which wasn't what the rant was technically about.. O.o;; (if only it could be) Heh.. blah, anyways, thankyou everyone for your compliments, my staff and I are trying our best. *crosses fingers and toes*

Re Dreamie and Thom> Okay..wait a second.. *sniffles* Lexy's engaged, and Dreamie's *I* should get Thom!!! ;D (hehe short people of the world unite!)

Greg B> awwwwwwww that's really good of you! (i try to do that too. O.o;;) <We're lucky there is even a Gathering, lucky there are those who care enough to go through Hell to give us a good time.>'d be surprised how close we came to not having a gathering this year.. O.o;;;

Speaking of Praise> Go Lady Mystic for her AWESOME job of the CR profiles...YA!!!!! *throws confetti!!!*

Gside> Ack...sorry..wasn't trying to sound scolding in my last post. ^_^;;; You have a point there about the origin :)

Lexy> Got your mail love! Answering it now! Sorry to make you think I was ignoring you. :( *HUGSSSSSSSS!!!*

Kathy> actually I do a lot of meditation regularly, I just haven't had time recently due to finals at college ending projects and of course getting gathering stuff done. <:)

Calling All ARTISTS!!

We've got two great contests just for you for the gathering!

Calendar Contest! (Swimsuit issue!)
Deadline: March 20th!
The theme is swimsuits! ;D Draw female or male gargoyles, fanfic or otherwise. (please keep it clean and under PG-13)

T-shirt Contest
Deadline: March 20th!
Design THE 2002 Gathering t-shirt!! Design must feature our mascot Roanoake (junior mascot is optional)
(winner gets a free t-shirt!)
For more information

If ANYONE has ANYTHING that they need help with Gathering wise, email me personally at or at the Gathering email at (I want to help and I want to try for you guys to have fun!!)

Siryn - []
Monday, March 4, 2002 05:26:51 PM

**Winterwolf enters**

Well I see the week goes fast when the Spam gets out of control. :(

I just finished changing my insurance to State Farm. Now everything is all sorted out and legal for my car. I took time to give my Saturn a nice car wash. ^_^

Syrin> <Con Chair> I think you are doing a fantastic job. I'm really looking forward to the Gathering this year. **HUG**

Niamhgold> <nudge nudge wink wink...> You bet'cha. On a related side note I wonder if anyone has 'quality' reading that would give us new exotic stuff to try out at home... ^_~ <Hey, all...just to let you know, I won't be posting for a bit. My right arm is splinted up because of some form of tendonitis, for the next three weeks> ACK!! **HUGGLES** I hope you feel better sooner. :(

Josh> <Wuss> Well you seem to retain a ton of points if you avoid drugs and such. :|

Gside> <Does that get the record for shortest interval between wipes?> I remember the room hiccuped once and wiped less than an hour after a previous wipe.

Christine> <Thom always takes off his pants> Hmm... Shall I tell Dreamie to try to get Thom to do something bigger and bolder then just dropping pants? ;P <and that kick-ass crew might be ready by, oh, say, 2005> Or 2006... ;)

Lady Mystic> WOW! I love all the work you've done. works for me though either is excellent. I'd say after examining all the pages you've updated that you more than deserve a little vacation time from CR updates. Thanks for all your hard work. ^_^

Dreamie> I love you. **pounce, kiss, snuggle and more** See you soon. ^_~

Time for lunch.

**Winterwolf exits**

Seattle, WA
Monday, March 4, 2002 03:25:26 PM

Note: Yahoo Groups is down. Also, note that last night I checked yahoo groups status for any notices of downtime. There was no advance warning. Anyway, here's the message:

Dear Yahoo! Groups Members,

The service is down for maintenance. During this time the web site will be unavailable and all email will be queued. All email sent during this time should be delivered once service has resumed, but further delays may occur due to backlog. Please do not resend email to your group.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The Yahoo! Groups Plumber

Apparantly, the morons didn't think to give us a warning ahead of time. ::rolls eyes::

Monday, March 4, 2002 03:12:51 PM

Thomas - I agree with Lain; it's still funny every time I read it.

Am I the only person having trouble accessing yahoo groups?

Monday, March 4, 2002 03:04:44 PM

The library thing went well. Especially considering that it was the first clear, sunny, and gorgeous weekend we've seen in this area in months, some people actually showed up! Woo! My presentation went for an hour and a half. I read an excerpt from Arien's journal, and answered a lot of questions. Good questions, too, and none so tough that I didn't have an answer. Had fun.

Thomas > oddly, in these cases, the trolls are looking to _start_ fires, which goes against most conceptions of the breed ; )

Warpmind > in my world, no, elves and orcs are not cross-fertile. They are too physiologically different. The gestation periods alone (elf = 2 years, orc = 6 months) would be too great a problem to overcome.

Spacebabie > thanks for the cake ; ) Have fun with your Sims. Tim and Becca were once consumed by that game but at the moment are obsessed by one called Zeus.

Crzy > and that kick-ass crew might be ready by, oh, say, 2005! <eg>

Took a night off last night and my project for today is to shave 15,000 words out of the second Trinity Bay book, Gifted Children. Then I'll be trying again to submit it to a publisher, as well as sending it off to TimeFare. Gonna have to arrange a time to get over there and do the recording.

Christine - []
Monday, March 4, 2002 12:56:27 PM

thomas>> re: americans vs lighthouse.. LOL! that just gets funnier every time i hear it ;)

and newfie sex? oh baby yeah.. aaall over that christian college campus that wont allow females into the males' dorms.. and kick you out if you are found off campus.. aloooone and unsupervised in the bushes up to no good ;P
mostly, we just went to the biggest walmart EVER and i got lost for an hour.. :P~


Monday, March 4, 2002 12:47:05 PM

:: peeks in over lunch ::

kathy > But I'm feeling MUCH better now. ;) Also... I sent you mail this morning, but my server was acting weird, too, so let me know if you don't see it. The brief summary is Windows 98 hates me, as my portable ate both my outline and the floppy the backup copy was on. And yet they say computers are supposed to make our lives EASIER.

Jen > Love you too, babe. And ditto on ever doing a Gathering again without the same kick-ass crew.

GB > Both Jen and Mooncat? That sim-me will be in virtual heaven. :)

:: back to work ::

Patrick Toman
Monday, March 4, 2002 12:43:56 PM

This is the transcript of the ACTUAL radio conversation of a US Naval ship
and the Canadians, off the coast of Newfoundland, Oct 95.

Radio conversation released by the Chief of Naval Operations 10-10-95.

CANADIANS: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the South, to avoid a

AMERICANS: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the North, to avoid
a collision.

CANADIANS: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the
South to avoid a collision.

AMERICANS: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert your

CANADIANS: Negative. I say again, You will have to divert your course.


CANADIANS: We are a lighthouse. Your call.

Monday, March 4, 2002 12:37:50 PM

Another good day. Well, my roomate returns thsi eevning so that may be why.

Spacebabie> << have a question to ask of you. Why is there a baby in a Mardis Gras King’s Cake?>> The bab represents the baby Jesus.

You shoudl add Greg to the roomate team of Josh and SJ, plus ones for Patrick with Jen and Mooncat as roomates ;)

SJ> <<Just my luck, though, the SJ character will wind up killing the ladies and burying them in the backyard. ;) >> I just imagine you with the potion lab a lot.

Lexy> <<Watch it it;P>> I know only Kaioto can call you that and I imagine he does quite often :)

Greg X> <<Definetly an idiot. I mean, he/she has an unhealthy obsession with me. ME of all people!>> Why not, you. We already have a depraved psychotic with an unhealthy obsession on Jennifer. Why not oen on you? Maybe one on Mooncat and on Patrick, too. Hell, we should all ahve deranged psychos fixated on us :)

Imzadi> << !@#$ the gathering. I need a cinema display!>> You can have that too, if the limit is high enough.

<<Well you'd be wrong.>> Well, maybe she is CE in alignment and not CN(G). It doesn't raelly matter.

Lain> Where have you been? Having Newfie sex with Gunjack again ;)

Erik Mambo could eb Emambu

Kathy> Got your note and responded.

Not much else to post, except for a funny link. Click on my name.

Thomas - []
Monday, March 4, 2002 12:15:21 PM

Typo Correction:


Lady Mystic
Monday, March 4, 2002 11:23:18 AM



Every page within CR Information has been revised to accommodate CSS. Text sizes and colors and table background colors are now governed by CSS, rather than HTML. There are only a few minor instances where CSS handled text layout (ie: used instead of tables), but this shouldn't cause a problem for CSS-disabled browsers. Please let me know if you have any concerns regarding the use of CSS.


I have updated all HTML tables to accommodate text-to-speech browsers. I am not certain how well these browsers will interpret the changes, but hopefully they will have an easier time reading the material.

While I would have liked to modify the site design to accommodate text browsers and CSS-disabled browsers, this current design will have to do for now.

I will try testing the pages with these types of browsers sometime in the future.


The TGS CR logo on the Info index page was modified and an "Information" logo replaced regular text for the index page as well. The TGS background image was updated with large screen resolutions in mind. (It was originally made for screen resolutions under 1024x768 and now accommodates anything up to 3200 pixels wide.) Visible tiling shouldn't be so much of a problem now, and the image's file size was reduced by more than half while still maintaining good quality.


As a result of the recent events in the CR, the introduction on the Info index page was slightly revised, including a clarification of comment versus chat rooms.


Main navigation (from the side column) on each page was revised to look more professional. "Illustrated Quotes" was omitted from the list since it essentially doesn't exist. Additionally, a graphic division line replaced text dashes.


The beta pages for the next CR update have been revised. Each page includes the new TGS CR logo and background image (where applicable). A notice regarding the Saga situation was added to the Add Post pages. Please tell me what you think of the notice. The table for the Add Post form was slightly edited to allow for better display across different browsers. (See the following URLs.)

There are now two different layouts for the navigation links. Please tell me which layout you prefer. I'm not entirely satisfied with either version, but I am leaning more towards index3.html. Suggestions are also welcome.


The CR Timeline was moved to the CR Archive.

Charts for each archive were minimized, requiring less page scrolling compared to the previous display.

The weeks of February 9th to March 3rd (a total of 4 weeks) have been added to the 2002 database.

Since they still existed, I added the original navigation images to the 1998 archive. The images were a part of the June and July archives and their addition makes the database more complete. However, the links were left unaltered and, consequently, do not function.


All CR images (available and unavailable) are now displayed on individual pages, including image data (ie: link to the original illustration and the story it appeared in, artist's name, date added to the CR, etc).

Additionally, some pages within the Images section were edited for a cleaner, more professional look. The index page now displays a text list of all available images. (This eliminated the need for the available pics page, which was deleted.) An alternate page exists displaying thumbnails of all available images. The index page also includes links to image information (origins and unknown data, which eliminated the need for the Unknown Artists page), pic request guidelines, and a list of images waiting to be added to the CR.

Due to the revisions, the staff pics page was deleted. These images were placed on the waiting list.

There are currently no images added to the New CR Images page since I am still in the process of modifying illustrations, making pics and thumbnails and display pages. I will try to finish this work as soon as possible. Again, please hold off on requesting pics until I finish preparing all images. I will announce when I am done.


JavaScript for the image and text color pop-up windows was revised and is now externally linked from the HTML pages. This was done to make updates easier on me due to the number of pop-up windows linked throughout the site. Links should now work for both JavaScript-enabled and JavaScript-disabled browsers. You will run across these links in the Images, Other Images, Text Colors, Members, and Polls sections.


In the past, a directory of text color samples existed without an index page so users with JavaScript-disabled browsers could view the pages. Since my concern with JavaScript-disabled browsers has been remedied, an index page was added to the text colors directory. This page mirrors the pre-existing colors page. Once the CR is updated, colors.html will be deleted.


One new profile:
Jaden -

One revised profile:
dph -

Calendars and statistics pages were updated accordingly.

I apologize for taking so long updating/uploading the new profile data. I am also *very* grateful to everyone who held off on submitting/editing profiles until I finished this massive update. Thanks! :)

CSS now handles all table and text colors for each profile page. This was mostly done to make updates easier for me. (I apologize if this is an inconvenience for viewers.) Additionally, the words "Not Specified" within the profile and stats pages were changed to "Unspecified."

Since the image and text color combo stats page was getting so large, it was split into 2 separate pages: one for a member listing by image/color and the other for a member listing by color/image.


The list of pic requests was totally redone and is now a simple chart, which includes data listed by image name rather than by the person who made the request.


All charts within the Info section now share a consistent appearance. This means the tables within the polls section were altered. However, content remains unchanged, with the exception of image pop-up windows.

Additionally, file structure within the polls directory was altered. Although, only pages linked (or people bookmarked) to a particular poll statistic page will notice a difference.


After such a large update and so much work involved (and due to other pressing matters in my life at the moment), I regret to inform you that I am going to take a little break from working on TGS CR Information. At the very least, I will rest for a couple of days. At the most, 2-4 weeks. It's DEFINITELY not going to be permanent. I just have a LOT going on right now and need to direct my attention elsewhere. I hope you understand. Email me if you need/want to at lady-mystic at Thanks for understanding. :)


Lady Mystic
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Monday, March 4, 2002 11:17:40 AM

Josh - <<I think that's more of an insecurity issue than anything else. Because if someone had yelled at Crzy last year for something minor and stupid, Crzy would have told them to !@#$ off and gone about being just as egomaniacal as she already is. >> I think I will take that as a compliment. I was unaware that you could replace the term "Cold-hearted bitch" with Egomaniacal.... Learn something new every day. ;)

The hardest part about running a con is trying to keep everyone happy. After a while you finally wake up and say "Who cares! Let's just make this the type of con WE want and hope we please SOME of them" Otherwise you will go NUTS.

Some complaints I actually took as compliments. Like people actually complained to me that there was TOO MUCH to do at one time! ROCK!! I could just about do backflips!! GO US! I love those sort of complaints. Of course, the people complaining were probably seriously annoyed at the HUGE grin on my face. ::shrugs::

The thing that kept us all sane (I believe) is that we had a GREAT team. Everyone did their jobs and did them well. I would never attempt to put on another Gathering without those same people... Even if we ARE all the black sheep of the fandom in one way, shape or form. :P ::sniffles:: I love you guys... ::sniffles:: :)

Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Monday, March 4, 2002 10:45:06 AM


Just letting all of you know that I am going to begin uploading the revised TGS CR Information pages and that it may take a while. During this time, pages might not load, links might be broken, and you may witness other malfunctions. All of these problems should be corrected once the update is complete.

Lady Mystic
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Monday, March 4, 2002 08:06:02 AM

::Looks at the truncated comment room:: What the frilly heck was that?

G.B. > Check your email. If you don't get a letter from me today let me know. I've got a new mail server and I had to guess at the settings.

Spacebabie? > Sorry, haven't had enough coffee yet. The baby in the King Cake? That's Jesus. And if you get the baby then you get to buy the next year's King Cake for the party.

Siryn > Breathe girl. Actually, I found meditation extremely useful in overcoming Gathering planning stresses. I never could get Patrick to take it up, which was a pity, though the virtual colors he turned during meetings was kind of pretty. ;P The Gathering will come together. Yes, some people will whine and complain, but that's a given, so just accept and move on. Don't waste energy worrying about things over which you have no control.

Christine > Best of luck with the library gig.

Note: I'm dropping my address.

Also, I'll be out of town after Wednesday.


kathy - []
Monday, March 4, 2002 08:04:23 AM

** Niamhgold enters **

Hey, all...just to let you know, I won't be posting for a bit. My right arm is splinted up because of some form of tendonitis, for the next three weeks. So, I'll be taking it guys all do the same! :)


Monday, March 4, 2002 07:55:37 AM

oh.. and i forgot to mention that my roommate took a phone message from an "erik mambo"..

anyone in here know anything about that? o.O


mambo.. hee hee.. *has a sudden vision of spike and faye from cowboy bebop dancing around the CR..*

oh yeah.. sleeps a-comin..

mambo mambo!
Monday, March 4, 2002 05:02:00 AM

*enters, carrying a plushie frog and large box of kleenex with lotion*

deese tings are like eaven *blows schnozz* i can BREATHE!!!! WOO!!

*looks around the room and blinks*

in the immortal words of neo: "..woah.." what was THAT all about? o.O

just proves that you people cant hold it together when im not around, thats all ;)

greg b>> whend YOU get so darned popular, huh? ALL da ladies are after ya ;)

oh.. right.. what am i in here for again? um... oh, right.. im home yaaaay!
and i DIDNT get groped by any more sicilians.. in fact my trip was quite nice.. except for the part about being crammed in like fish in a can and the loud snoring from the guy behind me which kept me awake from little rock to detroit.. what can ya do? at least ill sleep soundly now, though. i have aaaaaabsolutely noooooothing to do tomorrow :D well.. except maybe some laundry and room tidying.
met a lovely gentleman from canada at the bus station in detroit during my.. *8 HOUR LAYOVER* (gah) and he taught me to play a cool card game.. the name of which has already vamoosed from the fog that is my brain.
why am i typing in here? i could be sleeeeping!! what a good idea! WOW! why didnt i think of that earlier?!?
love you,

my nice toasty bed in the Great White North
Monday, March 4, 2002 04:51:27 AM

Well, that's certainly a lot of spam.

Spam, spam, spam, spam

Anyway, I just worked today, that's about it. I could get used to more days like this, but sadly its my last day for the time being. The honeymooning admins are back tomorrow and they don't need me any more, especially at the exhorbitant rates I charge for being the backup guy. Oh well, at least I'm getting a fat paycheck. I think I'll use it to pay for my trip over Spring Break...and maybe some other stuff.

Shadowrider: <<Where is Style in all this?>>: I'm an engineer. I don't do style. <<boring people who thinks only in terms of results/resources and cares nothing of elegance?>>: Hey no! 75-80 cloaked wraiths is QUITE stylish! <<I think I am a polymorphic hermaphrodite>>: And what does your girlfriend think of all this? <<I don't share Clinton's taste for women, but apparently he still could distinguish a blockhead from a cow>>: Then how do you explain Monica Lewinsky? <<why this situation seems so vaguely familiar to me?>>: I think its familiar to any of us involved in sciences. <<spreading illegal copies of a game is not exactly something you are supposed to propose in a public forum>>: Well, he's not exactly the most intelligent person, is he?

Patrick: <<I really wouldn't put it past Thom to have been the one who added it to the script>>: No, I guess not. <<Egads, I've started a SNL "Celebrity Jeopardy" rampage>>: Woo hoo! <<is there a full moon or something that's bringing out all the weirdos?>>: Nope, its just something in the water.

Greg: <<I tracked your IP (not just a similar IP, but the exact IP) to this e-mail address.>>: Sweet! <<Want me to post your telephone number here?>>: YES! <<I've got my own stalker! I feel so special>>: I've only had one stalker ever, and it did NOT make me feel special. <<Definetly an idiot. I mean, he/she has an unhealthy obsession with me. ME of all people>>: Good point. <<we'll have four days of it and no jail>>: Good, because the way I'm built, I don't think I'd last very long in prison. <<We're lucky there is even a Gathering, lucky there are those who care enough to go through Hell to give us a good time>>: Are we so lucky that we should never dare wish anything be different?

Siryn: <<I got a fan, chewing my ear off because I made a typo>>: Believe it not, you don't have to respond to that. Some fan with a bug up his butt about something THAT insignificant can safely be ignored. <<And if something goes wrong, guess who is the instant target. No, might not matter that it isn't my fault but a staff member, but *I* get tagged for it>>: Yes, you do. But watch what happens to THEM when they complain publicly about it. <<We get yelled out, we are accused of jumping on people like a pack of wild dogs>>: Its not you. As I said, its the "previous" con planners. And its easy enough to avoid joining that group. << But Josh there is nothing you can say, that will make me think that I do not have to answer to this fandom>>: Okay then. Good for you for standing up for your beliefs. <<A lot of people think of this as the 'social event of the year'>>: Those people need lives. Badly. <<You can't make everyone happy, but everyone can make you feel like absolute trash>>: I think that's more of an insecurity issue than anything else. Because if someone had yelled at Crzy last year for something minor and stupid, Crzy would have told them to !@#$ off and gone about being just as egomaniacal as she already is. You choose how others make you feel. <<I'm not trying to bitch at you Josh>>: Um, yes you are. But that's alright. You aren't the first, and you sure as hell won't be the last.

Christine: <<They might not even be involved or care about it at all>>: Oh, I care a great deal. I had a great time at G2k1, so great that it actually made me consider flying all the way across the country just to spend three days with the same crew. On my own dime. When I complain about crap like this, its caused by people's behavior and is in no way a reflection on the quality of the convention. In fact, I think the mere existence of this fandom, as strong as it is, is solid proof that the conventions have been extremeley great. <<Thom always takes off his pants>>: LOL!

Crzy: <<here's a biggie... the fans do NOT care how hard you are working>>: Unfair and totally untrue. First of all, you're making a huge generalization. Second, I think you are confusing "don't care" with "have concerns/questions/suggestions". <<she will attempt to BITE HER OWN FACE>>: Only you.

Ravyn: <<Get to go see my *WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS* in action!>>: They still play that godforsaken sport in this country?

DPH: <<can we have an edit of this cr to remove the posts of the moron who thinks this is a chat room?>>: Somehow, I doubt that will happen.

Thomas: <<I herad that if you survive the meal there, you win a prize>>: I didn't win sh*t! <<Post their credit card number while you're at it. Free tickets to the Gathering>>: !@#$ the gathering. I need a cinema display! <<with Jen having good leanings>>: Well you'd be wrong.

Warpmind: << I seem to recall that some, if not all, LAN routers work like that; giving the individual machines their own profile, yet providing them the same IP for all internet purposes>>: This is also true with WAN hubs, like the Airport Base Station. <<Sounds like a school to me>>: It's Sunday dude! <<Hey, JOSH! What're you Californians up to, eh?>>: About 65 and sunny.

Mooncat: <<while possible, it's unlikely there is a whole house full of morons>>: Which planet are you living on?

Silvadel: <<Lets *NOT* end up with this room looking like that>>: Agreed.

Spacebabie: <<two male roommates for the Sims named SJ and Josh. Don’t worry they are not a gay couple.>>: Whos worried? <<One of them is already flirting with the ladies>>: Which one? <<I live for the ladies>>: And here I thought he lived to piss people off. <<I hate Berkley hippies and live for Apple>>: Damn skippy! <<Who are you callin a hoe?>>: Everyone. <<I like to see that>>: I bet you would. Maybe I'll be over on that side of the country in a few weeks, if you're lucky.

Revel: <<that was about as funny as the time my altanator caught on fire>>: LOL! I'd be laughing. <<you are rather intimidating at first glance.>>: Bah. <<I knew it, I'm surrounded by a$$holes>>: aren't we all?

Sevarius: <<I feel oddly touched and honored by this>>: See, and I feel insulted. As if I'd ever room with you and actually bring a girl back there so you could mock me! <<the SJ character will wind up killing the ladies and burying them in the backyard>>: That will be after the Josh character tries to sleep with them, right?

Wilek: <<like being nasally violated with a motorized screwdriver, except with fewer opportunities for career advancement>>: Hmmm...that sounds REALLY painful.

Lexy: <<Does't matter..they couldn't fit in there if they tried>>: Post it!

Gside: <<Does that get the record for shortest interval between wipes?>>: Probably. <<I can't imagine anything large behind an AOL connection, so that'd support these people doing this semi-maliciously>>: WRONG! Up to 50 people can share an Aiport Base Station, which finally works with AOL. <<I thought you were Susej. Or is that the same thing?>>: Doesn't matter. <<I reserve the right to use anal sex in jokes and events that never happened>>: Fair enough. <<policing the difference between cut and not cute takes too much work>>: Needless to say, I think I'm just the man for the job. <<I was actually talking about Penis Mightiers at the time>>: I thought so. Did you call Nick Cage?

Hmmm...look at that! It's time to crash.

Sometimes, I picture a world of peace and happiness, where strife is unknown and guile is unneeded. And then I think how easy it'd be to attack 'em, cause they'd never see it coming..."

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Monday, March 4, 2002 02:44:11 AM

Does that get the record for shortest interval between wipes? Granted, you can have a LAN behind one connection, but I can't imagine anything large behind an AOL connection, so that'd support these people doing this semi-maliciously. The thing that really confuses me, though, is where the dance came from.

Imzadi> <<Call me satan then>>: I thought you were Susej. Or is that the same thing?
<<I thought you weren't switching teams yet>>: I'm not, but I reserve the right to use anal sex in jokes and events that never happened.
<<Isn't that rather useless?>>: Mostly, but it also gives you universities and other instituations that have their own service.
<<No, not all. Just the cute ones>>: But policing the difference between cut and not cute takes too much work. It'd be easier to just lay down a blanket law and try to ignore the non-cute ones.
<<You've ordered buck futters?>>: Well, yes, but I was actually talking about Penis Mightiers at the time.
<<They were BOTH wrong>>: But the milk didn't imply the fetishness of the lemonade.

Shadowrider> <<Shall we engineers be always tied to the old stereotype of the square, boring people who thinks only in terms of results/resources and cares nothing of elegance?>>: Yes. Next question, please.
Siryn> <<Does there have to be an indepth portrayel of WHY we have a mascot with the name Croatoan?>>: I wasn't really talking about the Gathering justifying the naming of a mascot. I just thought that, assuming a Virginia clan, there might be a good fic in where one of its members got the name Croatoan, and why that would have been carved in the bark at the disapearance.
<<you mentioned in your last post to make an alter ego with such a name!>>: There, I was talking to Wilek, trying to get him to fire up his genetic engineering facilities to create an appropriate monstrous antagonist to someone named Roanoke.

Gside> <<Other worlds have different rules, and Gside may be referring to those>>: Nope, just considering the basic ideas of genetics and some of the odder tricks it can play, and how it might apply to the fantasy races.

Terrky> <<CAN I BE SATAN!?>>: I don't think that's what you want. It's something from before your time, young'n. A similar incident happened a good while back with two people named Rene and Satan, though I think they had better language skills and different IPs.

Warpmind> <<I think we're witnessing the verbal equivalient to the serenity of your average Conan fighting scene>>: I like the Conan movies. Of course, the reason why I like them probably proves your point.
<<I'm not sure about the exact mechanics of the mule genetics>>: Nor I. I was just pondering randomly.

Spacebabie> <<I thought sanity was supposed to be removed from this room>>: There's a fine balance and style to the room's standard insanity.
<<Naw they are made of Philedelphia Cream Cheese. They are like mini cheese cakes>>: Mmm, tasty.
<<What flavor>>: Not sure, but I think it was red.

Daniel Johnson> Ooh. Planing on staying for long? I recall a woman, and there are two ways that could have gone to account for a disapearance. Hope it was the better one.

Wilek> Woot.
<<I will never let you forget me>>: I don't think we could if we tried.
<<Gside, do you still take MP3 requests? How 'bout In The Rain from Cowboy Bebop?>>: In thanks for making my choice easy, you get your request granted. I think I picked it up from Nick Yu, aka Al-Azif, while he was still doing BBoCS.

And if you didn't catch it, the mp3 is Rain from Cowboy Bebop.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Monday, March 4, 2002 12:59:34 AM

Was admin able to ban the spammer? *crosses fingers for luck*

Okay, just wondering if anyone here who got cels, got them from the Sotheby's auctions in 1995, or knows what all cels are out there. Some of the Sotheby lots looked pretty nifty. The guy I got my catlog from has the one cel set up with production sketches of the Trio and Bronx, but the package runs about a $1000... more than I dare spend on any set up without Demona somewhere in the mix. Love all the gargoyles, but Demona is what I'm aiming for first in cel buying.

I'm wondering if I can scan the color piccies in this catalogue without creasing the spine. *considers her new aquisition thoughtfully*

Some of these lots I wonder what Disney was thinking, because the characters are so dinky in them. But some of them make my mouth water... mmm!!!

okay, back to writing,

Sunday, March 3, 2002 11:29:24 PM

DAMMIT, hit Submit too soon again!

YAY! I've got my own stalker! I feel so special.

JOSH> <<You should, but since they're clearly an obssesive spammer/idiot, I wouldn't bother.>> Definetly an idiot. I mean, he/she has an unhealthy obsession with me. ME of all people! <<Lets get one thing straight: you are greg.>> Greg is but one name <<I'd rather have four days of drunken debauchery than three.>> Okay, we'll have four days of it and no jail.

SIRYN> <<RANT>> Bravo. Bravo. I personally hate seeing people complain about the cons. Especially considering how hard the con staff works to bring these thing to us. We're lucky there is even a Gathering, lucky there are those who care enough to go through Hell to give us a good time. At each Gathering I attended, I always made sure that before I left I thanked the Con Staff for the kick ass weekend. <<I always try to help. ^_^;;; Really..sometimes too much I think?>> And I know I'll appreciate it. You're doing a fine job, and I am really looking forward to your Gathering.

SJ> <<Greg, for the love of God, stay the hell away from this Starlight person, because if you don't, it will apparently be the END OF THE WORLD>> Hey, I fully intend to take your advise. I want to rule the world, I can't do that if the Apocalypse takes place.

Greg Bishansky
Sunday, March 3, 2002 11:28:09 PM

YAY! I've got my own stalker! I feel so special.

JOSH> <<You should, but since they're clearly an obssesive spammer/idiot, I wouldn't bother.>> Definetly an idiot. I mean, he/she has an unhealthy obsession with me. ME of all people! <<Lets get one thing straight: you are greg.>> Greg is but one name <<I'd rather have four days of drunken debauchery than three.>> Okay, we'll have four days of it and no jail.

SIRYN> <<RANT>> Bravo. Bravo. I personally hate seeing people complain about the cons. Especially considering how hard the con staff works to bring these thing to us. We're lucky there is even a Gathering, lucky there are those who care enough to go through Hell to give us a good time. At each Gathering I attended, I always made sure that before I left I thanked the Con Staff for the kick ass weekend. <<I always try to help. ^_^;;; Really..sometimes too much I think?>> And I know I'll appreciate it. You're doing a fine job, and I am really looking forward to your Gathering.

Greg Bishansky
Sunday, March 3, 2002 11:23:34 PM

rats new count

Sunday, March 3, 2002 11:20:46 PM

Oh ya! Forgot to mention. If anyone knows a Garg fan getting his arm tattoo'd with the main cast of Gargoyles let us know. My Boss's son met a guy at a tattoo parlor *sp?* who was, but keeps forgetting to ask about him, and hasn't run into him there lately. I'm just wondering if this guy is a member of the fandom or not:) Cuz he sure otta be! I'd like to see that baby when it's done myself. If it weren't for me becoming an Early Childhood teacher (very likly in a Private School) I might have gotten up enough nerve to get a nice one of Lex. But I don't wanna get a tattoo unless everyone can see it. Art should be seen, and if I when through the trouble of getting it, and paying for it I'd want everyone to see it. I'm not so sure, however, that having the tattoo I'd like would be acceptable with my job. (minds out of the gutter ppl!!) I just ment having a garg in general. Not that they could discriminate loudly, but they could always pick someone over me if I come off odd to them, and just say it was for another reason. (Like I won't come off as odd..?) But I suppose if I got the tattoo somewhere where they couldn't see then I'd have Kai to deal with;) He doesn't like the idea of sharing with Lex. *shrugs* Oh well..ramble ramble ramble:P sorry ppl!
Sunday, March 3, 2002 11:03:24 PM

Green B- <<sexy Lexy>> Watch it it;P

Christine- <<heck, we all know Thom will drop trou at any opportunity ... even Becca, riding in the car listening to the radio, said "Thom always takes off his pants.">> *ROTFL* That is tooo funny!!!! Someone has got to carry that quote off to both Greg and Thom!

Not that I can blame this on you, but it is fun to pretend I can;) The current contest going on in Ask Greg is to answer the question how many Gargoyles does it take to screw in a light bulb. Kai and I submitted an answer, but after reading the post over my absoluted polluted mind blurted out to me, "Does't matter..they couldn't fit in there if they tried". -_-;

Robby- Thanks for clearing the room early. That was getting rather annoying.

Sunday, March 3, 2002 10:52:43 PM

[A crash of glass heralds the arrival of a blood-spattered rusted metal cube thrown through a closed window. It begins playing a twisted little lullaby...and then pops open after the manner of a jack in the box, revealing an evil hand puppet made of stitched-together bits of animal fetuses. It recites: "Wilek had a little lamb, its fleece a midnight black; he chopped its head and cooked it up, and ate it with some tacks." The puppet explodes, and in its gooey wake, an envelope flutters to the ground. Written thereupon: "I will never let you forget me. I am still alive here. Watch and wait." Some intrepid soul opens the envelope and reads the note therein...]
Real life at the moment is like being nasally violated with a motorized screwdriver, except with fewer opportunities for career advancement. Real post sometime before I gate in a black hole to consign the whole kit and biling to the void.
Incidentally, Gside, do you still take MP3 requests? How 'bout In The Rain from Cowboy Bebop? (Don't know if that's the title, but that's the most common phrase in the lyrics...) Thankee.

Sunday, March 3, 2002 10:20:01 PM

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscatway, NJ
Sunday, March 3, 2002 10:18:30 PM

Okay, make that eight.
Patrick Toman
Sunday, March 3, 2002 10:12:13 PM

Lucky number seven!

<RANT> Bid snipers on eBay must DIE! </RANT>

I feel better now.

:: crawls off to bed ::

Patrick Toman - [<-- "the one"]
Sunday, March 3, 2002 10:11:07 PM

7th first go 7th second go -- consistancy achieved
Sunday, March 3, 2002 10:09:07 PM

Hi folks. Long time no see. Lots of fun happening here I see. Weee! Thanks, I needed a good belly laugh. :)

Oh, and...sixth!

Daniel Johnson - []
Ocean Grove, NJ, United States
Sunday, March 3, 2002 09:54:06 PM

Okay, wrong pic. Please pretend I chose "Sharon Nomura the Mutate." (Heh, that's what I get for being so stressed lately!) ;)
Lady Mystic
Sunday, March 3, 2002 09:48:34 PM

Top Ten!

TGS CR Info update coming soon!

Lady Mystic
Sunday, March 3, 2002 09:45:46 PM

Still alive n' kicking. Remember, the cockroaches will survive you ALL.

Top Ten.

<<Not much created two male roommates for the Sims named SJ and Josh. Don’t worry they are not a gay couple. One of them is already flirting with the ladies.

SJ’s profile for Sims “My dad is mad scientist. I may tick off people now and then but that’s my style. I live for the ladies. >>

I feel oddly touched and honored by this.

Just my luck, though, the SJ character will wind up killing the ladies and burying them in the backyard. ;)

A warning: Greg, for the love of God, stay the hell away from this Starlight person, because if you don't, it will apparently be the END OF THE WORLD.

"I'd like to thank my parents for putting up with the cacophony, Bientje, and Satan."
---TooL drummer Danny Carey, accepting TooL's first ever Grammy award for Best Metal Performance

Sevarius "The Fourth Pillar of Heaven" Jr. - []
Sunday, March 3, 2002 09:36:54 PM



Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Sunday, March 3, 2002 09:32:31 PM

Such a clutter of spam was that, i figured wiping the room would be a good idea. Go on about normal activities.
Sunday, March 3, 2002 09:27:14 PM

Ravyn and Coyote
Sunday, March 3, 2002 09:27:11 PM
