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DPH> <<It's hard to make moderate to large sized posts with so few people posting>>: Which is why we must get Wilek back in here.

Welcome back Ch'Tah

Warpmind> <<lugged logs most of the day>>: For your wood burning sheep?
<<Illuminati University>>: Where do you get O from that?
<<*Starts saving up for tentacles straight away* WWF, Here I Come!>>: Are you sure you want to use them for that? Remember what Lord Naughtius said.

Ravyn> <<my brother is going to West Point Military Academy's year-long Prep School starting this summer, and then after that, he wants to try to go on to West Point. Any pointers?>>: Go for engineering instead. You can sleep in more often.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, March 23, 2002 11:24:58 PM

Happy first weekend of spring, all! ;) We're already pushing temperatures in the high 80's, and it's absolutely gorgeous ... I love this weather. :)

But of course, it's beautiful outside, and what am I doing? Yep, I'm sitting inside studying ... I have a big test next Tuesday in my Circuits class, and ... well, I admit that I have *no* clue what I'm doing in there. And our teacher isn't the greatest, so I'm ending up teaching myself what I can from an old textbook I found. Hopefully this will work ... ;)

Interests skipping generations> I would say that I didn't agree, but ... well, just last week, I found out that my grandfather on my mom's side was once an engineer. My uncle, his son, tried to be an engineer, but ended up quitting that and going into business instead. And here I am, turning into an engineer ... :) But then again ... if you look at my dad's side, I don't think they've changed at all in generations ... my grandpa on that side was a high school football player who married a cheerleader right out of high school and coached baseball ... then my dad was a football player and married a cheerleader and coached baseball ... at least my brother is breaking the chain! ;)

Speaking of which, I'd really like to hear some opinions/advice/whatever from the military types here in the CR ... my brother is going to West Point Military Academy's year-long Prep School starting this summer, and then after that, he wants to try to go on to West Point. Any pointers? ;)

March Madness> Wow, what a wild year! Then again, it's wild every year ... ;) I'm sad that my guys (Arizona) lost to Oklahoma in the Sweet 16, but at least they lost to a great team, and no one expected them to even get that far! I'm proud of them. ;) I mean, we could have ended up like Michigan State and lost by a bunch to NC State in the first round ... (Sorry, Coyote, couldn't help it!) ;) But hey ... I'm happy that Duke lost! No offense, Duke fans, but ... well, after they beat Arizona in the finals last year ... I was quite happy for Indiana this year. Go, Indiana!!!! ;) I pick UConn, Indiana, or Oklahoma to win it all.

Math humor> Okay all you math types out there ... a former student of my math teacher drew up some math comics starring my professor (known as "Professor B" in the comics) and put them up online ... and some of them are darn hilarious! Clicky on my name ... my absolute favorite is the one all the way at the very bottom. :)

Catch y'all later! **hugs Coyote** :)

Saturday, March 23, 2002 05:59:21 PM

Warpmind -- You are underestimating the Illuminati again -- At any rate local reality holds together just fine based on the will of the attendees.

Green Baron -- Interests tend to skip generations because there is a tendency in people to try to identify themselves as something other than their parents... Hence they rebel either consciously or subconsciously and chose something different from their parents. Their kids on the other hand are rebelling against a different direction and tend to move back towards the strengths of their parents parents..

DPH -- Actually "keeping society safe" is one of the strongest pitches a snake oil politician can make.. It is a very good way to keep the herds in line. As for future TGS, it wouldnt be practical to transfer that much date over the link -- just knowing about the changes is enough for me(awaiting that update on your looking into this).

Mooncat -- I think posting your picture etc was a mistake.

GXB -- Who says you are electing *ANYONE*? By the time the election gets to the people, their only choices are a few people, all of whom are not the people one would want in office. The elections havent been truly popular for a long long time. [fnord]

Saturday, March 23, 2002 04:34:19 PM

*Warpmind angles in, looking strained.*
Ghh... lugged logs most of the day. My back is now officially contemplating homicide. :/
Revel: Heh, good luck to you two, y'hear? (And yes, I know who ya got there. Just don't ask me how I know. I wish her the best, as well.)
Josh: When I said Microsoft is going down, I meant present tense. Microsoft computers worldwide go down every hour, every day, on average. };)

*Blinks at Mooncat's pictures* Oh, my... *Blinks again* That's gotta be something along the lines of the biggest... dog leash I've seen to date. };) (Cute drawing. Cute photos, as well, mind you...)
Mooncat/Crzy: *Gasp* You wore the same dress to your proms? Oh, dear, how can you possibly be seen together NOW? };)

Tim Phipps: Why the Air Force? I mean, if you can't be a Marine, why not the Navy? They got planes, too, and they got boats, as well. Plus, on the whole, they have more fancy gadgets than the Air Force does. (Such sites as Area 51 not counting, of course...)

Gside: Brothers Grinn's IOU? Don't know... Illuminati University is, however, sufficiently vast of a time/space nexus with branches everywhere, nothing is impossible. In fact, nothing is impossible there to such an extent, they *need* Reality Stabilizers...
Wilek: Woohoo! New extremity grafts! *Starts saving up for tentacles straight away* WWF, Here I Come! NYAHAHAHAHahaaaaaa... *Cough* Of course, tentacles will, most likely, have... other functions besides beign darn good for grappling... };)
Gunjack Valentine: Between Believers and Unbelievers, I must say that in the present world situation, I'd have to go with the Unbelievers. *Points out present-day Believers Osama Bin Laden and George Bush* Remember, all things in their right perspectives...

And that about concludes my post... Ciao, gang. See y'all soon.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Saturday, March 23, 2002 10:08:41 AM

Let's see . . . what did I used to post with? Some sort of fox . . . Oh yes, I remember. Reynard the Fox.

Yikes, how long has it been since my last post? (Don't answer, I already know how long it's been. Five months, ten days.)

I have no idea what happened to be to keep me away from here for so long. I was able to keep up with The Icy Boards, and The Balto League. Oh well, at least I'm back! I'll probably have something to post later, other than a general "I'm back" kind of post.


Ch'Tah Tyger - []
Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada
Saturday, March 23, 2002 03:55:59 AM

Yay! We posted First*dance of joy*
Saturday, March 23, 2002 12:16:25 AM

::crosses he completes this post by Friday, March 22, 2002::

Yep, I have to clean my house today because my stepmother will be coming over tomorrow. I will be getting some new (to me) furniture.

Gside - <Slow day. And wasn't helped by posting after Imzadi. There's always tomorrow.> It's hard to make moderate to large sized posts with so few people posting.

GXB - Obviously, with your kind of morals, we can't have a government that minimally interfers with our lives. I believe morals are a practical necessity while you view self-interest as the motivator for keeping society safe.

Imzadi - <I'd laugh at Yahoo customers...but its just not funny.> I guess the concept of earning money is finally starting to be embraced by some internet companies. On the other hand, it explains why some of my email isn't being forwarded like it should be.

I would say that I am suprised that Duke lost the game, but I am not after seeing them nearly upset in the first game of the tournament.

::Looks at Netlag. Do I remind Netlag about what happenned last time I tortured a CR villain? Apparantly, DC needed to be reminded.::

Green Baron - <There are at least 250 differnet types of Baptists> I think there needs to be some reconcilation to try to reduce that number down to a maximum of 15-20. Odds are most of those type of Baptists probably revolve around a specific leader who has slightly quirky beliefs. I think we could probably reduce the total number of basic denominations to around 50-100 with each one of those having a maximum of 15-20 branches. They shouldn't split off into branches over things like the end times. However, I do believe in different branches (or a whole denomination) over the whole issue about the inerrancy of the Bible. <If you as a moralist become evil, you coudl grow intolerant and start forcing people to become like you. It woudl be very dangerous.> I'll never do that because of one thing: Do unto others as you would them do unto you. Violate that rule and I'm no longer a moralist. <I admit you aren't mena spirited, and I wish I wasn't as spiteful or petulant as I can be. If more moralists followed your lead, there'd be a lot less intolerant.> I'm cynical, though. If I didn't believe the theocracies have inheritant problems, I wouldn't mind starting a space colony where lots of morals are incoporated into civil law and you can be banished from the colony if you broke certain parts of the moral law too many times.

Lain - <my building is on fire.> If your building is on fire, why you are inside it, typing up a post?

I finally got 95% of my dishes washed and dried. I can probably finish cleaing in about the kitchen in half a hour.

Saturday, March 23, 2002 12:15:53 AM

Okay, so we've both read n posted this list under other names and this will matter to absolutely no one but ahem: WE'RE GETTING MARRIED! WOOHOO *does cartwheels and flipz* Life is wonderful! and NO the lil birdies are not singing and we do not here pavorati when we kiss! *It's more like Guns N Roses!*
Sparkles & Moonshine
Saturday, March 23, 2002 12:14:35 AM

I'm off to Philly early tomorrow to drop off that table. Mornings really should be illegeal.

Imzadi> <<No one who wants a usable computer uses those OS's>>: I did include Unix in the list.
<<Why would you need that?>>: Perhaps backwards compatability.
<<My ass. No, wait>>: Sure you don't want me pulling things from there?
<<What are the odds she knows?>>: Low, which is why I explained it. And it probably isn't the same meaning of collapsing the universe anyway.
<<she has a lot to say to me because we're having a genuine conversation>>: I usually wait for a couple go-rounds before calling it a conversation.
<<And what will you do for the next ten days?>>: Try to satisfy myself with small posts.
<<Thanks for the lovely image>>: Why? Corn dogs are already half digested anyway.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, March 22, 2002 11:59:48 PM

<<And never forget that Hitler, Mussolini, Vlad the Impaler, Jack the Ripper, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan and SJ are Christians. They don't fit the definition of "Good person" >>

This coming from the man who proudly labels himself as evil.

Actually, I'm just angry I'm lumped in there with Falwell & Robertson. I'm an entirely different brand of asshole.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Friday, March 22, 2002 11:16:41 PM

no, no, its okay, im not dead, you can all stop cheering now.. real post later..
Friday, March 22, 2002 09:03:50 PM

okay, so i got my internet back, and now my computer is being a big jerkface..

it keeps freezing, and NOTHING works, and when i push the reset button, it comes up with an error message that i need the boot disk, which i insert, and then it tells me i need the windows disk, which is ON the computer on a separate drive all its own but will it accept that? nooooo... it just takes me round and round and round in circles and..

my building is on fire..

Friday, March 22, 2002 08:24:24 PM

Another week has come and gone. I look so forward to my weekend :)

Tim P.> Welcome back. You can rejoin the insanity. It's too abd about the Corps, but there are other branches. Finish up College and go for Officer's Training, or try ROTC which will also cover your College.

Jan> Love that tugboat.

<< I know what your mom is talking about but my lack of desire (some of the time) is due to side-effects of the medication that I must now take>> Well, for my mother it's menopause and my father's lack of sobriety. She told me a little bit about what he did and it can have some ill effects when a boy learns that about his father. Luckily I'm not an alchoholic and any drinking I do is very wussy. Beisdes, my mother can't remarry so she may ahve accepted her fate, but its a good fate. Any woman who doesn't need a man is very strong in my opinion, same goes for any man who doesn't need a woman (and I include many happily married people here, for it is truly sad if anyone gets married 'in some cases repeatedly', because they need a man/woman). Sadly, my father falls in that crowd, but so does my stepmother (on her third marriage).

<<As far as children are concern, you're probably right about interest skipping generations. While myself and the kids' father were athletic, neither one of my children had any interest in athletics.>> Well, that seems more true in recent times. My scholarly interests are like my grandfather's, though I am not as bright as he was (his IQ was probably higher than my measly 145) and he knew four languages, while I only know English. I also relaize that I should have started much younger, for languages are best learned young. My afther has a lot more rela life experience than I do, even when he was my age, but he also did a lot of stuff taht was completely reckless in his rebel without a clue day, and I am too wise or too wussy to do them. As I say, "he who lives by the motorcycle dies by the motorcycle" and also, "I may be a wuss, but I won't need three shelevs full of painkillers when I am fifty." Well, he never called me that. He told me I'm smart to be so cautious. So did Dr. Barnes, who has done hsi share of crazy stuff in his wild college days and his musician days, too.

<<Personally I think it may end up being for the best if you are going to be able to re-enlist at a later date. Then you can enlist in the Air Force :) *Air Force family*>> Air Force can be picky about people who were prior service in otehr branches. My last XO was a Marine who wanted to be an Air Force Officer and was turned down because he was a Marine.

Lexy> <<What say you?>> I must say you definitely thought it out. Very practical reasons to move to Boston, even if there are Kennedys close by.

<<*L* Thanks but we will be fine:)>> OK, but offer is still open if you ever change your mind ;)

DPH> <<You're right. My original reasoning was 50% for the spouse (my dad) and 50% for the children (my brother and I). It's hard for me to be mean, and GXB has said it's funny to see me try to be evil.>> No, it wouldn't. If you as a moralist become evil, you coudl grow intolerant and start forcing people to become like you. It woudl be very dangerous. I admit you aren't mena spirited, and I wish I wasn't as spiteful or petulant as I can be. If more moralists followed your lead, there'd be a lot less intolerant.

<<What? I knew Christian Science was a religious group [we call our scientists creation sciencists not Christian scientists for that reason]. Sheesh. To me, the term "Christian" has lost its meaning in America.>> That's an American issue, plus a lot of denominatiosn take on all sorts of names. There are at least 250 differnet types of Baptists, there are Presbyterians divided into different sections, along with Lutherans. Some religions do not have denominations in more than one country, like the Presbyterian Church USA. Disciples of Christ is a denomination, but a very disorgainzed one in terms of structure. Their main symbol is a chalice and cross in an x shape near the chalice's brim. They take on a variety of names trying to imitate a Christian aspect. Baptists use baptism. Disciples of Christ use the term for a follower. Nazarene use Nazareth. Assembly of God is pretty obvious for their choice of name, same with Church of Christ. Presbyterians pick their name from Presbyter and old fashioned religious region. Methdoists come from a predecessor tod octors in ancient times. Epsicopalians use the term episcopate which means a Bishop's Diocese. For Catholics, our name means Universal, because of Jesus' message of making followers of all races and all nations.

I suspect if you find any aspect of Christianity, some faith will have that as their official title. You'd be amazed to learn how many different little churches you can find. There aren't as many in New Orlenas but just take a look in the phonebook for Churches and look at soem of the names.

Imzadi> <<its cheaper than a divorce.>> Indeed, plsu both parties are a lot happier afterwards.

<<Nope. If he was, I'd have to kill him.>> Now, I'm guessing a Knudra :)

Mr. X> <<I know, I must change that.>> Most are only nominal Christians. Of course the gusy you mentioend are nominal Christians or fanatics or both.

<<Cause, all politicians have mistresses.>> You'd be surprised by hwo many that don't. They have other vices, though. Most of them are taken up by their limited power and ego. Nixon didn't have a mistress, but he was ratehr ugly so its no surprise. Carter didn't, but he lusted in his heart. Johnson was unfaithful, but he was more consumed by a desire for raw power than sexual lust.

<<And never forget that Hitler, Mussolini, Vlad the Impaler, Jack the Ripper, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan and SJ are Christians.>>

Hitler> Christened Catholic. Would kill Catholcis, Jews, Proestants, Muslims, Atheists, anyoen who opposed him or he feared. he was also a vegetarian and teh sight of blood made him squeamish, plus he was afraid of dentists. He was more like one of those hippy leader College professors who had their mindless hippy minions, except his hippies wore better clothing, bathed, and were generally well-groomed. He falls in nominal Christian and more likely worshipped Norse gods as Wagner depicted them in hsi operas.

Mussolinni> Obviously christened Catholic. In truth he was an atheist.

Stalin> Russian Orthodox as a kid. In fact, he was once a seminarian and carried the self-flagellation training with him as he became tyrant of Russia. Being a Communist, he was a defacto atheist

Vald the Impaler> Miantained the appearance of a Catholic, though slaughtering Turks is a rather unChristian practice, to say the least. On a good note, his attrocities prevented the Ottoman Empire from invading Vienna.

Jack the Ripper> Englsih so probably an Anglican or maybe a Puritan because he killed loose women. One of hsi identities was an occultist so even that doesn't hold much ground.

Jerry Falwell> Intolerant exploitative fraud. His College does offer free tuition to the military, so he ha soen redeeming quality :)

Pat Robertson> Moderated version of Falwell. Anyone who makes that much wealth as a minister shoudl doante most of it. The Pope has converted hsi stipend into a foundation. Motehr Angelica hosst a religious tv station and is stil anun with avow of poverty and still wears a medieval habit, while Pat wears oevrpriced suits. Hypocrite, but not a savagae killer.

Pat Buchanan> Catholci an dfollwos soem of the beliefs quite well. Still, his affiliation with Bob Jones University is questionable and his predjudices have drawn plenty of distaste from most priests taht I have talked to. Then again, Anthony Burgess the first black student at Ole Miss endorsed David Duke's bid for Governor and taht makes as much sense as Pat Buchanan's affilaition with Bob Jones.

SJ> He is Christian in name, but using flamewars to toast marshmallows is not a Christian act.

<<We just need someone in here to make fun of Republicans in order to counter all the Democrat jokes. This ain't a Republican CR.>> That is what I thought you meant. Also why you didn't use Jesse Jackson as an example of a bad Christian.

<<You wouldn't elect a Buddhist??? But God is a Buddhist.>> Buddhism si also a philosophy so a Buddhist can be Christian. There is a Zen Mass, for instance.

<<There's no morality there.>> It depends on the perspective. The invisble hand creates a type of morality, though not a religious one. Besides, most people prefer to help people when they profit.

Gunjack> You ned to post more often.

DPH> <<All I want to do is expose the pseudo-Christians for what they really do: give real Christians a bad name.>> These are nomainl Christians, not pseudo-Christians. The only way to really make Christianity noble an dpure is to make it punishable by death. Martyrdom is quite noble, and Christianity was on its best behavior when it was persecuted by Rome.

As for good person, I hear that people say that is all tehy need to be a Christian. I knwo Catholci swho say, I just have to be a good person. Well, if soemoen wants to claim a faith, going to service is part of that faith. If they want to be a godo person, that's fine and commendable. If they want to be a Catholic (or any faith, but my examples are nominal Catholics), there's more to it. I don't think they're bad people for not going, but tehy're dishonest if they claim a faith and don't really practice it.

Imzadi> <<That's unfair. Just because you don't think morals have any values doesn't mean they don't (though I happen to agree with you).>> Expecting GXB to be fair is pushing it.

Cherry> How have you been? I haven't talked to you in ages.

Green Baron - []
Hanau, Germany
Friday, March 22, 2002 03:06:00 PM

Hey Lexy, E-mail me sometime! I moved so I have to give you my new phone number. I lost yours in one of the many stacks I created while looking for all of my stuff..hehe..

My address is still the same in case you were still planning on sending me the other kimono..or whatever was happening with that. o.O see ya!

cherry - []
Friday, March 22, 2002 01:13:38 PM


Hey gargs and goyles

Gathering website will be updated by tonight! (at least I hope.. -_-;;)
There will be a mailer with gathering updates and info coming out around 12 today. (if not...then give me about an hour..)

Survivor> hehe..I feel SOOO bad for Maraamu tribe though! They literally attacked each other. It's VERY interesting now though, since everyone save Sara left and well...the only people 'protecting' Sara were the ones who left the island! ;)

Eeee..must tape it on Thursday.. O.o;;

ack, class starting again, more later.
As always, any gathering questions, email me! I love reading mail. ^_^;;

Siryn - []
Friday, March 22, 2002 10:34:11 AM

Quick reply.

DPH> <<Is it wrong for me to expect the food I buy at Walmart to be safe to eat, if I follow whatever directions are on the label? Is it wrong for me to expect the bank to keep my money safe from thieves and hackers?>> What does that have to do with morality? The food in Walmart is made safe to eat because of the "goodness in anyone's heart" or their morals. It's safe to eat so that no one sues them. If they knew they could get away with it, I bet they would not care what goes into your food, except on the grounds of not losing business, so you keep coming back and putting more money in their pockets. Same with the bank, they're just covering their own butts so they don't lose business or get sued. There's no morality there.

Greg Bishansky
Friday, March 22, 2002 09:12:42 AM

I'M FREE!!! I'm on vacation. Today had to be the longest day on record. It just seemed to refused to end. The fact that Thursdays are normally my longest day didn't help. I was twitching all day, just waiting to get out.

My midterm didn't go so well, I really shanked the last problem. My dad was just thrilled that it wasn't a nuclear engineering problem...that wouldn't bode well for my job at GE. My other classes went relatively smoothly, and we were able to get out of lab early. So I'm done. And in a few hours, I'll be on a plane (what kind of crazy airline leaves at 7AM!?). The shuttle arrives at 4AM and I'm gonna try to stay awake, and just sleep on the plane. So much for doing any work on the plane...

Don't know if I'll be around to post over the break. Whatever.


Gside: <<just remember that the Illuminati has samples of everyone's spit>>: They probably have more STD's than Cartman's mom. <<I'm not sure if he's a mac person>>: He will be. He's already expressed the interest, and I'm sure I can sell him. No one who wants a usable computer uses those OS's. <<I've heard rumors of a thin substance that holds analog markings>>: Why would you need that? <<Does porn count as a drug?>>: Yes. It's easy to get into, hard to get out of, with horrible withdrawal and rehab. <<I am occaisonally known by that name>>: You wish. <<Ever think about distributing your Tweek quotes among the rest?>>: They're in chronological order as I found them. <<I pulled that last bit from a nether region>>: My ass. No, wait. Your ass. <<Can that be used in quantum computing?>>: What are the odds she knows? <<He has something to say about everything to everyone>>: Not true. There's always some dork who doesn't say something interesting. Also, she has a lot to say to me because we're having a genuine conversation. <<wasn't helped by posting after Imzadi. There's always tomorrow>>: And what will you do for the next ten days?

Lady Mystic: Welcome back from vacation.

Greg X: <<I think the President of the United States should have hot mistresses>>: I agree. Especially if they're not part of the "moral majority". <<You're confusing me with Josh>>: And we don't even look alike! <<But God is a Buddhist>>: I'm firmly against electing blue hippos to the presidency. <<you're not going to be making me feel guilty about anything in the forseeable future>>: If you're anything like me, no one will be making you feel guilty about anything for a very long time. <<never forget that Hitler, Mussolini, Vlad the Impaler, Jack the Ripper, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan and SJ are Christians. They don't fit the definition of "Good person">>: Poor Vlad, being lumped in with that crowd. <<For reasons I won't go into here>>: Chika bow bow? <<Trust me, you'll have one.>>: Good luck. Stronger people than you have tried. <<I know what you mean>>: I know you do. <<Moralist = Dumbass>>: That's unfair. Just because you don't think morals have any values doesn't mean they don't (though I happen to agree with you). <<Okay I thought about it... NO!!>>: I'll remember that when I take over. <<Mr. Hat: You bet, Mr. Bishansky.>>: What are you doing with your hand up Mr. Hat's ass? <<When I am being serious and really trying to have a debate, I'll go with real facts>>: Proof that you are male ;-)

DPH: <<Sorry, but I am not willing to pay enough money for an additional email address>>: I'd laugh at Yahoo customers...but its just not funny. <<Is it wrong for me to expect the food I buy at Walmart to be safe to eat, if I follow whatever directions are on the label? Is it wrong for me to expect the bank to keep my money safe from thieves and hackers?>>: Basically, GXB's moral philosophy relies on complete ignorance of the categorical imperative. <<when you want people to read more into something that you said, they don't and when you don't want people to read more into something you said, they do>>: And that's how flame wars get started.

Gunjack: <<plus the requisite projectile vomiting of half-digested corn dogs>>: Thanks for the lovely image.

See ya'll in a week.

Ishamel founded my people. F*ck Issac.

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Friday, March 22, 2002 03:36:09 AM

Worst fever dreams of my life last night, plus the requisite projectile vomiting of half-digested corn dogs. I hate food poisening.

Greg B - Beleivers are frightening because they believe in something beyond themselves. Unbeleivers are frightening because they believe in nothing BUT themselves. Contemplate that for a moment; which would you prefer?


Aw, screw it. No one cares anyway. Just remember,Atheist Stalin was worse than "christian" Hitler (which I still say is one HECK of a stretch), and I'd rather be stuck in a room with Pat Robertson than with Madelin Murray O'Hair or Bertrand Russel. Though I gotta admit; you've got me stumped on SJ.

The quote should be recognized by Lain, if she's read that book I bought her yet...

Gunjack "I Love To Break Their Backs!" Valentine
Friday, March 22, 2002 01:22:27 AM

Wilek> <<You dissin' my man Vlad?>>: Well, I'm sure the people he killed didn't have much nice to say about him.
<<who's going to start saving up for these now?>>: Not until I'm sure there's feeling and complete useability.

Slow day. And wasn't helped by posting after Imzadi. There's always tomorrow.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, March 22, 2002 01:04:13 AM

Apparantly, Yahoo Mail isn't making enough money delivering Yahoo delivers:

Effective April 24, 2002, Yahoo! Mail will no longer provide free POP3 Access or Auto Mail Forwarding to Yahoo! Delivers subscribers.

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Subscribe before April 24th and get the first year of service for just $19.99. That's 33% off the regular service fee of $29.99.

Remember, if you do not subscribe by April 24, 2002, you will no longer be able to access your Yahoo! Mail messages by POP or at another email address.

Sorry, but I am not willing to pay enough money for an additional email address.

I had this interesting idea for a way to improve relations between my dad and I. I was going to borrow my brother's boat and go boating with my dad for a couple of hours. If we can tolerate each other for that long, the relationship might be worth salvaging.

only 6 long posts since my previous post.

GXB - <but you're not going to be making me feel guilty about anything in the forseeable future.> Good to know. <What about the Jews, Buddhists and Hindus? Are they not good people?> All I was saying is that the term "Christian" has lost its original meaning. I was not implying anything else. <Moralist = Dumbass (No offense DPH, I'm not singling you out, but that's what Moralists are).> Would you believe me if I said I took offense? Sorry, but in my mind, complete amorality leads to chaos because you can't trust anyone. Chaos leads to anarchy. Anarchy leads to ruin. There has to be some absolute rights and absolute wrongs. Is it wrong for me to expect the food I buy at Walmart to be safe to eat, if I follow whatever directions are on the label? Is it wrong for me to expect the bank to keep my money safe from thieves and hackers? <<<Well, most of the US is Christian at least in name> I know, I must change that.> Strangely enough, I agree with you on that. All I want to do is expose the pseudo-Christians for what they really do: give real Christians a bad name.

Sheesh, when you want people to read more into something that you said, they don't and when you don't want people to read more into something you said, they do.

Brooklyn - if you start posting on a regular basis and you can find 2 more people to start an RP, we'll bring back RP to the CR. I have a whole set of characters I'd like to play with: Blunder Woman, the Incredible Bulk, the Cleptomaniac Kid, Captain Hallucination, and the Dreamer.

Friday, March 22, 2002 12:23:49 AM

Two more nights of work ... two more nights of work. Then two nights off. I can make it.

Survivor > I was pleased to see Sarah go too, and if I were Rotu, I'd throw immunity on purpose t get those lazy bums out of there. I can't decide who annoys me more of the Rob/Sean duo ... whichever one is on screen at the time, I guess. Glad for Gina. I like Gina, would be happy to see her go the distance.

Halfway through another short story I'm planning to submit for rejection, this one for an anthology about ghosts and other life-after-death themes. Revisiting my favorite Greek myth once again ; )

Christine - []
Thursday, March 21, 2002 11:43:58 PM

TODD> Well, that whole post was a joke. Jack the Ripper just seemed like a good name to throw in, I really wasn't trying there. When I am being serious and really trying to have a debate, I'll go with real facts ;)
Greg Bishansky
Thursday, March 21, 2002 10:26:17 PM

Actually, do we know for certain what Jack the Ripper's religion was? All that we really know about him, after all, was that he killed a few prostitutes in late-Victorian London and left some letters behind (with poor spelling) taking credit for that. (Although I'm not that familiar with the case, admittedly).

WILEK - Thanks for the link. As for that style of plastic surgery, I'll pass on it. (I find myself wondering, incidentally, what Mary Sefton might have said about the woman in the skit who wanted to be turned into a wolf. No doubt something along the lines of "I wouldn't ask for it if I were you; it's dreadfully overrated.")

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, March 21, 2002 10:15:19 PM

Sorry for the 2X post, but I've found something rather fun. So who's going to start saving up for these now? 8)
Wilek - [<--Dawn Of The Mutates]
Thursday, March 21, 2002 09:23:49 PM

GXB> [[And never forget that Hitler, Mussolini, Vlad the Impaler, Jack the Ripper, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan and SJ are Christians. They don't fit the definition of "Good person"]]
You dissin' my man Vlad? ;P

Thursday, March 21, 2002 08:30:54 PM

Hello, hello.

SPACEBABIE> <<by mean do you mean “cool” a “Wiseass” or your just plain evil self>> All three. <<but can we bribe them?>> ... Yes!

GB> <<Well, most of the US is Christian at least in name>> I know, I must change that. <<This is Clinton we're talking about. It also explains why Janet Reno and Madeline Albright were in his Cabinet :)>> I don't care who it is. I think the President of the United States should have hot mistresses. Hopefully Bush does, oh well, we'll find out when he gets caught. Cause, all politicians have mistresses. <<I guess its okay for Democrats to be fundamentalists.>> No it isn't. We just need someone in here to make fun of Republicans in order to counter all the Democrat jokes. This ain't a Republican CR.

JAN> <<*blinks* I am? since when? I must have missed that in previous posts.>> You're confusing me with Josh. he's the one who said you were pissed.

DPH> <<I believe in electing leaders with Judeo-Christian morals.>> You wouldn't elect a Buddhist??? But God is a Buddhist. <<If you read this post, obviously I'm not banned.>> Who said you were banned? <<Are you saying that he does not want my presence to make him feel guilty about anything?>> ROTFLMAO!!! Okay, when I read that, I literally fell out of my chair laughing. I'm sorry (well no, not really), but you're not going to be making me feel guilty about anything in the forseeable future. <<Yes, I remember that. The term "Christian" is now equated with "a good person".>> What about the Jews, Buddhists and Hindus? Are they not good people? And never forget that Hitler, Mussolini, Vlad the Impaler, Jack the Ripper, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan and SJ are Christians. They don't fit the definition of "Good person"

JOSH> <<Ban more people>> If they break the rules, I will. <<You were drunk, so it probably just seemed interesting to you>> No, I was drunk on St. Patty's Day. Tuesday night was actually very interesting, and fun. For reasons I won't go into here. <<Um...what if I don't have a drug habit?>> Trust me, you'll have one. <<You guys should write one together>> Yeah, but that would involve watching that horrid movie again. <<You just got to be a dick by, dictator. Yeah, that's what I meant>> I know what you mean ;) <<What do you want from him...he's a moralist>> Moralist = Dumbass (No offense DPH, I'm not singling you out, but that's what Moralists are). <<Save a few for your friends>> I'll think about it. Okay I thought about it... NO!!! ;) <<Yeah well Homer Simpson says France is a mythical kingdom!>> One key difference between Mr. Garrison and Homer Simpson, is that Mr. Garrison is still funny. Homer hasn't been funny in ten years. And Garrison is funnier than Homer ever was. Isn't that right Mr. Hat? *Mr. Hat: You bet, Mr. Bishansky.*

LADY MYSTIC> <<Do you have an email address that would be acceptable to post on the Admins page>> Sure. Oh, and feel free to make Mr. Hat an admin also ;) Oh, and the Commandments were a joke. Kinda, sorta.

Greg Bishansky - [and Mr. Hat]
Thursday, March 21, 2002 05:35:50 PM

Hey guys,
how are all of you?

I am fine, not much going on in my life. I just thought I'd drop by, c ya

Brooklyn - []
Thursday, March 21, 2002 12:25:05 PM


I really appreciate the little break I had from TGS CR Info work. Thanks for being so supportive! :)


The new CR co-administrator, Greg Bishansky, has been added to the list of current CR co-admins and the event was recorded in the CR timeline.

The 2002 CR archive has been updated to include weeks from March 3rd to March 16th for a total of 2 newly added weeks.

Jan's TGS CR Member Profile has been revised.

I have emailed profile drafts to Mecord and Siryn, and am currently awaiting their reply.


Greg Bishansky: Do you have an email address that would be acceptable to post on the Admins page?

CR Admins: I am not sure whether the commandments are meant to be actual rules or if they were just posted for fun. Could one of you clear this up for me? If they are meant to be rules, could someone email me (lady-mystic at a draft so I know what to add to the CR rules page? Thanks!


Lady Mystic
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Thursday, March 21, 2002 05:13:55 AM

Yeah, yeah, got distracted at a new site last night.

And just remember that the Illuminati has samples of everyone's spit.

Imzadi> <<Welcome to the Mac side, my friend>>: I'm not sure if he's a mac person. And besides the Unix variants, there's also Be, ITS, TOPS-10, TWENEX, WAITS, CP/M, and Multics.
<<Its times like this I'm glad I have no idea what you're talking about>>: Just that according to official sources there's nothing perverted about it, but fand have added many "other" skills.
<<What's paper?>>: I've heard rumors of a thin substance that holds analog markings.

Warpmind> <<a GURPS IOU romp>>: Anything to do with the Brothers Grinn's IOU?

Greg> <<you'll have to get a job cleaning Septic Tanks to afford your drug habit>>: Does porn count as a drug?

Spacebabie> <<An evening with Mr. Bubble>>: Yes, I am occaisonally known by that name.
Imzadi> <<Not exactly>>: What do you mean? You're the one who satarted calling me that.
<<They've really got my balls in a juice maker>>: Ever think about distributing your Tweek quotes among the rest?

Mecord> <<most all of you probably knew about it and have read the whole bloddy thing, but I just started reading it last week!>>: After that, you should move on to Megatokyo, Sexy Losers, Acid Reflux (now with diminished update schedule), Narbonic, Fans, Avalon, Life on Forbez, Kung Fool, and at least one of the sprite comics 8 Bit Theatre or Bob and George.
<<anything like selective hearing?>>: Hearing one frequency repeatedly wears the hairs in the ear that pick up that frequency. And higher frequencies wear faster. I pulled that last bit from a nether region.

Patrick> <<no, I do not also have a dress like that>>: Shame.

Daphne> <<I'm actually more interested in the Chain of Being than in engineering. But as Josh put it, I'm a freak>>: Yes, yes you are.
<<The outdated concept that everything and everyone has a set place in the universe, and if you stray from it, the universe collapses>>: Can that be used in quantum computing? The theory is you use a random quantum process to do what you want done, and if it doesn't work right, you collapse the universe. That way you can do anything in constant time.

Lexy> <<I frigg'en talk way too much to you, or is it at you?>>: He has something to say about everything to everyone. Therefore, it's easy to say something back to him.

And I'm jumping the seasonal gun, but the new mp3 is Summer in the City by the Lovin' Spoonful.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Thursday, March 21, 2002 04:09:38 AM


And in one and a half...I'll be NOT IN THIS CITY.

These bastard teachers are assigning homeworks and midterms right after spring break. What is wrong with them? Don't they understand the concept of "vacation"? Well, in any case, I have much to do between now and then. And most of it won't get done.

Thanks to everyone who gave me kudos on the GE job. I'm really excited and I intend to kick ass and take names (maybe not in that order). This is quite the little opportunity for me.

Apple news for the day at Macworld Tokyo: Apple has announced the following: 10 GB iPod ($499 - no thanks), keeping the 5 gig ones at 399. Laser engraving on the iPods for $49, two lines of 27 characters each. Perfect for graduation presents, mom and dad! New update for the iPod that allows it to store V-cards. A 23" 1900x1200 cinema display (room for HDTV and then some). iTunes 2.0.4 (which still skips like crazy on my machine). Bluetooth adapter for $49 for OS X, which is just a tiny USB plug for the back of the machine. Oh, and price increases on the iMacs due to component shortages and component price hikes. Well, they said no new CPU's and they meant it. Cool products...but nothing I'm gonna buy. If my friend can get me the employee discount on the iPod, then I'll probably buy one.

Mooncat: <<Just to dispell any lingering doubts about whether I'm Jan, or Jen, or anyone else other than the lunar kitten that I am>>: Well, pictures don't prove it, but I believe you.

Spacebabie: <<Cleans up the over surge of hormones>>: Don't wanna know. <<The thing about SJ is…if he was an Administrator he would still break the rules>>: and that's bad because...? <<make this place unsafe for any spamming troll>>: How? <<Just keep saying I think I can I think I can>>: Well now its down to one assignment, one lab, one midterm... <<The Check for the gathering Neener Neener Neener>>: Grrr. Oh well, while you guys are there...I'll be rakin in the cash. <<You would like that>>: Actually most republicans bother me. <<That would include me>>: Says you. I have yet to see proof.

Christine: <<the sort of manipulative stuff his mom used to pull on me>>: All mothers are trained in those arts.

Mecord: <<the threat of some foods being force fed down my throat would keep me in line>>: Spam spam spam spam.

Green Baron: <<he decided taht every eight years, he will find a girl he likes and give her a house>>: its cheaper than a divorce. <<Written proof is probably the best way to deal with your mother-in-law, if she has selective amnesia>>: I prefer voice recordings. <<SOROW?>>: Nope. If he was, I'd have to kill him.

Mooncat: <<mmm... cookies>>: I believe I've said something similar.

Tim Phipps: <<I got an Entry Level Seperation due to Failure to Adapt>>: LOL! Only a guy from this CR could have that happen to him. <<I'm to nice, sensitive and, according to some Navy officers, smart to be a Marine>>: Yeah, right. <<Fuck the Corps>>: All of them? That could take a while. <<I'm thinking Air Force next time around>>: Hey, any guy that gets paid to fly jets and bomb shit deserves our respect.

Jan: <<My aunt passed away early this morning>>: Sorry to hear that :-( <<She was only 59 years old>>: You have a REALLY young family. What's with the whole having kids early thing? <<he still says it was the worst decision he's ever made. He says he should have joined the AF instead>>: Would you believe I seriously considered the Air Force academy? <<would have been a great long distance runner>>: Geeks have to run pretty fast to avoid getting beat up. <<He runs like an antelope - fast and long strides and very graceful>>: But does his tongue hang out? <<memory is the first to go, they say>>: I think it goes out with the first child ;-) <<Congrats on the job!!>>: Thanks! <<I'm sure it's a fantasy of what they wish they could sometimes do>>: No, that's Los Angeles. <<I'm suprised you don't spend half the night dealing with indigestion after eating all of those hot food items>>: Iron stomach, perhaps. Then again, you're not around to hear/feel/smell his gaseous explusions ;-) <<you can come live with me and bring your cats>>: That's quite an offer. <<I guess I could put a dog collar on it and little recorder on it... push a remote button to hear,"woof woof">>: It says a lot if you live in the type of town where that would fool people. <<My next house will have no kitchen---just vending machines and a large trash can>>: WOOHOO! I'm there!

Patrick: <<no, I do not also have a dress like that>>: Bet you do. <<Congrats on the GE job>>: Thanks. <<You sound really excited>>: I am. If this pays off...things will be good for me for the rest of my life. <<I knew one day you too would join the ranks of the Cubicle Dwellers... I just expected to see you go kicking and screaming>>: Yeah, it sucks, but I knew that any engineering job I took this semester would be little fieldwork and mostly cubicle stuff. The good thing is that if I stick around with GE I should be OUT of cubicles in a couple years. Fast-track to management and all that stuff :-D <<So instead of Imzadi, shall we start calling you Asok now?>>: That's not funny.

Daphne: <<the paper is done>>: Feels great, doesn't it? <<I just have to make it til Friday (spring formal)>>: Ewwww. <<I get to get another use out of my prom dress>>: getting laid again? <<I'm actually more interested in the Chain of Being than in engineering. But as Josh put it, I'm a freak>>: I'll say! What could be more interesting than engineering? <<The outdated concept that everything and everyone has a set place in the universe, and if you stray from it, the universe collapses>>: How do I find out what my set place is so I can screw it up? <<it could be worse>>: You could have rabid bunnies tearing at your flesh. <<You may be right... bu I have no complaints>>: good for you, then. <<That would be my fortune, too>>: And mine. Since I'm a geek, my daughter will probably be drop dead gorgeous or my son will be a football player. <<to avoid lawsuits from idiots who let their Pop Tarts go up in flames>>: You can sue someone for burning your breakfast!? <<My kid brother actually insisted that my when my parents bought their new toaster, they get one with that setting>>: Well I'm glad his priorities are straight. <<I have nothing to worry about... I'm exempt>>: Greg's never seen a picture of you. When I say "most beautiful women on earth will be my concubines" I mean all the supermodels and actresses...and then the chicks that I fantasized about in high school, even though comparatively they're dogs.

Lexy: <<when I move and am only seeing them once a week on Saturdays (family dinner thing)>>: Ugh and this is required!? <<As is now, it is JUST his mom.>>: You'll have to forgive her for not thinking ANYONE is good enough for her baby. With the exception of one, my mom has nitpicked every girl I've ever brought home. <<The Sat. of Labor Day weekend. Like everyone ELSE apparently:P Horrible date if you ask me>>: I was about to ask why you set that date, then I realized that you probably didn't. <<Otherwise we'd be living on what I am making right now. I am only making 1,300 a month>>: Can't get much on that, true. But its not the bay area. There's got to be SOMETHING. <<I happen to agree with you>>: I was surprised you didn't rip my thoat out. <<Was refused financial aid time and time again>>: I wonder why. <<What say you?>>: I'm never getting married. <<I frigg'en talk way too much to you, or is it at you?>>: I'm a chatterbox. <<makes note to attempt shorter posts as to not cause ego problems>>: Ego problems for me or for you? <<It was too late before I even met you wasn't it?>>: Huh?

DPH: <<the pastor responded that no person was applying the sermon to his/her life>>: Sadly, your picture has no application to life.

Alright folks, I need to crash. I have a REALLY long day ahead of me.

Look at me! I'm talking to treif!
-Uncle George, Duckman

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Thursday, March 21, 2002 02:52:30 AM

Tim - <I got an Entry Level Seperation due to Failure
to Adapt. My grandfather died about a week after arriving on the Recruit Depot and I was stuck in the Physical Training
Platoon for about 3 weeks. I was on depot for about 2 months and had only 16 actual training days. Mental Health Unit said I had an adjustment disorder and depressive mood. Basically, I'm to nice, sensitive and, according to some Navy officers, smart to be a Marine.> Once upon, I was recruited by the Navy while I was in college. Apparantly, they didn't catch on that I was depressed at the time.

Green Baron - <He is still his father, besides I suspect DPH would try to be nice to anyone, even an enemy.> You're right. My original reasoning was 50% for the spouse (my dad) and 50% for the children (my brother and I). It's hard for me to be mean, and GXB has said it's funny to see me try to be evil. <Besides, Disciples of Christ refers to an actual denomination, too.> What? I knew Christian Science was a religious group [we call our scientists creation sciencists not Christian scientists for that reason]. Sheesh. To me, the term "Christian" has lost its meaning in America.

Imzadi - <if you don't get along with your dad, and never have, then why are you so nice to him?> Answer #1) There was a summer my dad and I got along in recent memory. It was between my sophmore and junior year in high school, back in 1993. I read my bible every day that summer. Answer #2) See my response to GXB for my original intentions. Answer #3) I just realized that if I got too greedy with the amount of life insurance and the insurance companies thought there was a scam involved, who wuld they most likely suspect? That's right: they'd suspect the person who got the most money intially. My brother couldn't get the means to take the money back in time because he was so far in dept at the time. [Side note: He declared bankrupcy later on.]. I would be too young to suspect. <I'VE GOT THE JOB!> Congrats. <Why procrastinate now when you can procrastinate later, right?> One answer: How can you clean dishes before you mess them up ? <You can stop posting that. Really. We've all seen it.> Do you hear about the pastor who preached the same sermon 3 services in row? One of the deacons asked the pastor why and the pastor responded that no person was applying the sermon to his/her life. <Okay, I finally found Mechwarrior.> I've been playing my favorite game a lot lately trying to fine tune one little thing.

Spacebabie - <I’d bake that for my dad anyways since he LOVEs spicy foods> He's after my own heart.

Brooklyn - <Thanks for the note. It is good to be back.> You're welcome. <How are all of you?> I'm still not sane.

Yesterday, I started to cook some dried green peas [from a bag]. I added some carrots (I cut my finger while getting them sliced] because I like peas and carrots. I ended up cooking them too long because I created creamed peas. Obviously, I couldn't use it for my original intention so I was stuck with a dilemna: what to do with my mistake? Then an idea hit me: why not use it for the base for a soup? So I made a soup out of it. I fried some ground beef and added it to my peas and carrots. I also added some string beans and sliced potatoes (from a can). So I started cooking it. I added some spices to the soup. Then I added some dried banana nuts to my soup. One problem: I have yet to find what happened to those dried banana nuts that I added to the soup. As I have been eating my soup, I have been searching for those banana nuts and have not been able to find them yet.

Oh yea, I may might not post Friday night. Why? So I can try to hit the sack by 10-11pm.

Jan - <gawsh, I'm suprised you don't spend half the night dealing with indigestion after eating all of those hot food items.> Have I mentioned that when I took Viox, I went to bed with an upset stomach? It's no big deal.

Wednesday, March 20, 2002 11:22:57 PM

Josh- I frigg'en talk way too much to you, or is it at you?0_o *L* hmm *makes note to attempt shorter posts as to not cause ego problems* I know. It was too late before I even met you wasn't it? -_-; *scampers off*
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 11:20:56 PM

Jan- So sorry to hear about the death:( *hugshugs*

Thanks for the offer;) I'm glad there are SOME ppl that understand, you get attatched to your pets!!

Christine- They aren't mean ppl, they just are making themselves crazy with me. They make so many assumptions about my behavior, and don't take my word on things. I think, when I move and am only seeing them once a week on Saturdays (family dinner thing), It shouldn't be as much an issue. They have to see me EVERYday now. So little things pile up..FAST. But in my family there isn't a one un-divorced. So I will be watching for serious stuff. At this point, however, Kai has been more then supportive. He talks to them all the time about it, and comforts me. As long as it's not a 'his family' against me situation with him waffleing *sp?* I should be ok. As is now, it is JUST his mom. His dad isn't standing up so much. He is with her on this one, but doesn't ever yell or say anything to me about it. And the other reletives feel sorry for me for the most part. So I won't ring the alarm anytime soon:) But ..I am watching! 0_o

GB- *L* Thanks but we will be fine:)

Josh: <<This summer, if I'm good.>> Sweet! <<Won't you be married by then?>> No. I am getting married this August. The Sat. of Labor Day weekend. Like everyone ELSE apparently:P Horrible date if you ask me. I can't have my friends down, because school is starting too soon for them, and every other shumck in town wants to get married then too so booking things sucks. But I don't have to tell you guys that I didn't pick the date -_-; <<Thank you, mom and dad, for taking me to see Die Hard 2 when I was 7. You made me the man I am today. Violent.>> *sighs* -_-; Oy. <<Wish I could do that.>> Haven't gotten to do that for a while. I felt so lazy, but it was nice! ^_^ <<All mothers have that.>> *L* To a degree, this is rather exreme, however, compared to what I am used too. My mom and I got along like room mates. <<Why don't you get an apartment NOW?>> We have to wait until Kai has graduated. He is doing so in 6 weeks, and has a job lined up. Otherwise we'd be living on what I am making right now. I am only making 1,300 a month. <<LOL. I'm sure they THINK they're being helpful. Or they're guilt-tripping you into doing something stupid.>> I know..but geez! 0_o <<Personally, I think you're doing this way too early. I'm sure you're very much in love...but the reason that all this bad crap is happening is that the two of you are too young and don't have your own financial footings.>> I happen to agree with you. I will tell you why I went ahead and did this. I have both practical and non-practical reasons. I paid for my college Edu. So there was no way I was going to make it four years w/o a break inbetween. (Don't even go there. Was refused financial aid time and time again.) I met Kai my first year of homeschool, before I started college. So the position we ended up in was: Me halfway through college, him only one semester from graduating. Ok. Here were my choices. Stay home. Work in West Bend. A place where I absolutly loathed every second. Work my stinky job every day for a year, or a little more then that, so that I would have enough to even BEGIN to afford school. There was NO COLLEGE accept the one I went to, and that was a two-year campus. So I had to leave town. The nearest schools were an hour or more away by car on the highway, and I can't even drive. So I would have had to learn really fast, and SOMEHOW afford a car w/ school AND still have to pay for housing along with the cost of regular school. The campuses near by were REALLY expensive too -_-;. Meanwhile, while doing this, Kai would be OUT of school, living with his parents and making 50/60 Th. a year. I guess he could have set up a home for us while I was making myself INSANE, but we decided against it. It wasn't the most practical thing, maybe, but we didn't want to wait the (most likely) 3 years it would have taken me to graduate for us to get married, while he's living in MA all graduated and working. It seemed silly. The other option was this. I move, work a crappy job here, but see him way more often. We did this not only for our growth in the relationship (since I only saw him ONCE a year previously), but to reassure our families. They were concerned (rightfully), that when we were together on a reg. basis things would go sour. So we did this partially to relax them on that. Now that I am here, I basically do the exact same thing as plan B. The upsides on this plan include: I do have the option of moving w/ Kai when he is out of school. I don't have to suffer in West Bend:P The school I am looking at here is VERYVERYVERY affordable, just down the street and since I will be either here or with Kai I avoid housing costs. I also just get to spend time with Kai working with our relationship. Which is very important to me as well. I do agree that we could have waited longer then four years to get married. But what can I say? Faced with my options, huge costs and waiting 7 or more years..I just did this. Probably not the maturest thing *sp*? But I don't think I was totally crazy looking at the situation. What say you?

Mecord- *L* That would be nice. Skip the worry, but still get the job done.

DPH- NO kidding;P I am getting worried myself. I think, however, that she is just flighty by nature, and that the family has just delt with her saying one thing and meaning another. Or saying one thing and changing it on a whim. Kai and his sister, when I tell them stuff like this, just go "Yup. Don't worry. Just ask in a week and she'l say yes." They've learned, because they had too, to work around this craziness. I don't think I will ever be so lucky..or would that be a good thing? 0_o I'm going crazy already trying to inturpret everything she says!

More news on the upstairs room front, but I will wait until Th. for my next update. We are having..DUNDUNDUN ..a 'talk' on Th. -_-; Me and Kai will post after.

Wednesday, March 20, 2002 11:18:01 PM

Well, the paper is done. Now, I just have to make it til Friday (spring formal). I get to get another use out of my prom dress.

Gside>> <Then become an engineer. Heck, a lot of the labs don't even use paper. > I'm actually more interested in the Chain of Being than in engineering. But as Josh put it, I'm a freak.

Josh>><The what? > The outdated concept that everything and everyone has a set place in the universe, and if you stray from it, the universe collapses. Fun.
<Or on anything else, for that matter. > True enough. But it could be worse.
<You're missing out> You may be right... bu I have no complaints.
<You're a freak. > I prefer the term "funnel person" (West Wing reference)
<I'VE GOT THE JOB!!! > yay!
<More likely that Murphy will grant you jocks... Worse, they might like pop music! > That would be my fortune, too.
<I wasn't aware toasters had pop tart settings> yeah... to avoid lawsuits from idiots who let their Pop Tarts go up in flames. My kid brother actually insisted that my when my parents bought their new toaster, they get one with that setting.

Mooncat>> <Strawberry, *^_^*, but I have a weakness for the chocolate ones too> mmm.... breakfast of champions :)

Greg B>> <I assure you all, that when I am President, my mistresses will be the most beautiful women walking the Earth> oh, good. I have nothing to worry about... I'm exempt.

Spacebabie>> <You know that boy too well. > scary.

Green Thomas>> <though I think wearing ornage on St. Patrick's Day is like wearing a white robe on Martin luther kIng, Jr.'s birthday. > I told you, I wussed out.

God bless!

Wednesday, March 20, 2002 11:12:56 PM

Mooncat & Jen > Wow... that's just freaky. And you are SURE you're not twins or clones? ;) Oh yeah... just to head off the question before anyone decides to be a smart (censored) and ask... no, I do not also have a dress like that. :P

Josh > Congrats on the GE job. You sound really excited. I knew one day you too would join the ranks of the Cubicle Dwellers... I just expected to see you go kicking and screaming. So instead of Imzadi, shall we start calling you Asok now? ;)

Patrick Toman
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 10:38:12 PM

Quicky post tonight....

I received a phone call this morning right after I got to work. My aunt passed away early this morning. It was very much a shock. She was only 59 years old. They had been visiting her daughter in Kansas City and after going to the restroom this morning, she passed out. They had her rushed to the hospital where they were unable to save her. She died from a ruptured arota (sp?) valve in her heart. She was my mom's sister (#3 out of 5 girls). I'm glad that I went by to see her a couple of weeks ago when we went to Kansas. I don't know if I'll be attending the funeral - it depends on when it will be held.... if it's on Saturday, I can make it. I don't have time off days earned yet at work.

Tim> sorry to hear about your marine experience. Personally I think it may end up being for the best if you are going to be able to re-enlist at a later date. Then you can enlist in the Air Force :) *Air Force family*
A friend of mine's son joined the Marines and he still says it was the worst decision he's ever made. He says he should have joined the AF instead.

GB> I know what your mom is talking about but my lack of desire (some of the time) is due to side-effects of the medication that I must now take. I was defending against what mara seems to think of "old people". For some reason, my age seems to be an issue with her. *shrugs*
As far as children are concern, you're probably right about interest skipping generations. While myself and the kids' father were athletic, neither one of my children had any interest in athletics. Michael would have been a great long distance runner (I was part of the 8-80 track team that won state) he wouldn't even attempt the track team at school. He runs like an antelope - fast and long strides and very graceful.

Christine> oh how I don't miss the developmental classroom! *chuckles* My few short months with Andy was enough for a lifetime. He is the student with Angelmam Syndrome and wore a diaper - in which he would take some massive crappers in each day. Anna tells of some of her clients and I'm further reminded of what I'm not missing ;) They have a smearer. *gags*

Josh> I have no memory of playing any age guessing games with you or anyone else at G01. Then again, maybe that's my old age acting up again... memory is the first to go, they say.
Congrats on the job!! *happy feet dance for you*

Survivor: Yippee! they finally got rid of that skanky Sarah!! I was so sick of seeing her each week. Now they need to get rid of Sean and then Rob *nods* I still can't believe that they voted off mama and fly-boy (can't remember his name). They were the strength of that tribe and they got rid of them for such petty reasons.

I watched a new show last night on FX called The Shield. Awesome cop shop! They had the 1st and 2nd episode last night, so I was able to catch up and will be watching it from now on - until they cancel it. It was more like "realistic TV" and the officers at work really like it! *L* I'm sure it's a fantasy of what they wish they could sometimes do. hehe

Crzy and Mooncat> the dress: that's just very eerie *L*

DPH> gawsh, I'm suprised you don't spend half the night dealing with indigestion after eating all of those hot food items. Then again, I live on Gaviscon and prescription stomach medicine. O.o

Lexy> I don't blame you!! I would never live anywhere that I couldn't have my Juanita with me. *shakes head* nope nope nope. It would be much easier to have cats in your living arrangements and I don't see what their problem is.
*hugs* you can come live with me and bring your cats :)
Once Juanita adjusts to you and the cats, she will be nice.

I have located and chosen a sitter for Zach =) It's a husband/wife who babysit a few children and they live on a farm! (early retirement couple) They even have pygmie goats!! I was so excited :D I want a pygmie goat, but can't have one because I have been annexed into the city limits =( *pouts* I guess I could put a dog collar on it and little recorder on it... push a remote button to hear,"woof woof"... ;)
Anyway, they will begin babysitting Zach in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, we will continue relying on family members to watch him while Anna is at work.

"My next house will have no kitchen---just vending
machines and a large trash can."

Jan - [<<---- the Tugboat that Could!]
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 10:26:45 PM

Hi. I'm Back from Marine boot camp. Quite a bit early, as you may of noticed. I got an Entry Level Seperation due to Failure to Adapt. My grandfather died about a week after arriving on the Recruit Depot and I was stuck in the Physical Training Platoon for about 3 weeks. I was on depot for about 2 months and had only 16 actual training days. Mental Health Unit said I had an adjustment disorder and depressive mood. Basically, I'm to nice, sensitive and, according to some Navy officers, smart to be a Marine.

Oh, well. At least I tried. Fuck the Corps. I can try to re-enter military service in two years after getting cleared by a doctor. I'm thinking Air Force next time around :)

Be back soon!

Tim Phipps
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 05:04:56 PM

CrzyDem -- >^@@^< wow! It's the *same dress*

*runs to check the clothes closet*

Boy we have great taste *^_^* -- the angle is slightly different in our pictures, but that gathered skirt and plunging black lace neckline... just everything is identical.

*admires the dress a moment, then stuffs it back into the back of the closet*

Eek! slightly spooky! *^_^*

I loved how this dress is both slinky AND stretchy. It was so hard to find a nice dress back in the 80s that allowed for my chest, yet would not be like a tent around the rest of me. I so loved the cling of that dress. *happy sigh*

If I can lose a few pounds before the Gathering, maybe I'll take it with me. Don't know if I will be able to wear it again though... *wistful sigh*

I'm not quite as slinky as I was back in highschool. *bashful kitty face* >^,,^< Too many macadamia (sp?) nut cookies. mmm... cookies!

::chibi moonkitty hugs cookie jar::

Last time I pulled that dress out, was more than a year ago, and that was to play dress up with a friend's teen sister. She didn't think she could look sexy, so we raided my closet and took pictures for her image portfolio. It kills me that she looked *so* much better in it than I ever did.

*>^,,^< kitty shaped ego goes pop!*

I almost gave the dress to her, but I couldn't quite part with all the memories it had for me.

Well, back to house work. *O.o* The house is filled with the scent of lemon pinesol right now. ick. But I want the house all spic and span so I can let the baby kittens out. They are about 7 weeks old now, and want out into the big wide world. Or at least into the rest of the house proper.

ciao for now

Wednesday, March 20, 2002 04:45:07 PM

Kaioto> That's SJ for you.

Jannie> <<There is certainly nothing wrong with introducing them to things that you like and giving them the opportunity to enjoy it too - but it is a bit disappointing when they don't share the same love as you do>> Well, knwoing my family's legacy, it will eb my grandchidlren who like classical stuff, but not always. My greatgrandfather was a scholar, like his son. My father could ahve been a scholar, but he lacked the interest. I do know that not drinking improves parental ability in my family.

<<Yeah, my friend had her daughter when she was 17 and ironically her daughter also gave birth to a baby girl at the age of 17. They are both some of the few success stories of teen pregnancies.>> That is indeed amazing (that it was a sucess story). She could live to see great great grandchildren.

<<My mom was 43 when she first became a grandmother.>> For me, that is young, though my grandmother was 47 when her first grandchild was born, though my Uncle Joe should have exercised self-control. He had three children with her by his Senior year at Georgetown and many years later, she came out of the closet. My Uncle's secodn wife cheated on him, an dhsi thrid wife was using him so she could get her family from Engalnd into the states. After that, he decided taht every eight years, he will find a girl he likes and give her a house :) According to my mother, he has a girlfriend, and I thought he learned his lesson by now.

<<I'm not sexually active or have the ability to be>> My mother had Anne when she was 38, though she told me a few years ago that she had just about lost all desire for sex, even before my father left, and frankly I'm happy for her. The fact that my mother doesn't need a man proves she still has that strength and perserverance I admired about ehr when I was little. I may have my quarrels with her and I hoep she treats me liek an adult when I see ehr in July, but regardless, I'm naming my first daughter after her.

<<So I didn't get much sleep and then half the residents were awake and loudly discussing possible remedies for diarrhea. I just read and watched videos all night. Which I suppose I shouldn't whine about; plenty of people would love to have that luxury. Still, I berate myself when I don't get any writing done.>> When I am on CQ duty or any duty that lasts all night, books and videos are wonderful. Well, reading books can spur the imagination :)

Lexy> A note of advice. Whenevr you get a promise, even from a good friend, get it in writing,a nd with in-laws, make certain it is notarized :) I have a poor memory and when I make my chidlren promises, I will write the promise down. That way, its in writing with my signature and some personal seal of mine, so an occasional lapse of memory won't turn me into a liar. I believe that if you give yoru word, you cannot back down. Even if my child does something to get hsi ass grounded, anything I promise will not be rescinded, unless it's contingent on good behavior. If something else happens to amke granting a promise difficult (a bad financial surprise for example), I'd discuss it with the kid so taht he can let me make a rain check for when the promise is more possible.

Written proof is probably the best way to deal with your mother-in-law, if she has selective amnesia.

<<but this new plan sounds a lot like I won't be getting a honeymoon >> I can lend you some money for that, if it really is a crunch, but nothing more than a hundred.

You and Christine make me realize how good my mother is compared to some. She may be prone to changes and a bit stubborn, but she would never go back on her word, unless it became an impossibility to keep it, and even then she'd make it up to Anne or I. My father is not as good in this aspect, so I don't trust his promises as well. Now, the last tiem he did that was when he promsied to help with College and than claimed financial hardship. He really shouldn't make promises, unless he is absolutely sure he can keep.

DPH> <<Are you saying that he does not want my presence to make him feel guilty about anything?>> Not that way. I doubt it would and anyone who uses that argument is a weenie, which Greg X certainly isn't. I think if a bunch of rabid ACLU types shifted the CR to tehir viewpoint, he'd dispatch them, too. But I think a godo number of the CR dwellers are Conservative Christians, not that they all agree on everything.

<<Yes, I remember that. The term "Christian" is now equated with "a good person". One former youth minister preferred this term "disciple of Jesus".>> Well, ideally, a Christian is someone who is Christlike, but aside from the Pope, Billy Graham, Mother Teresa and a few others, not amny fit that description. Granted lots of peopel are Catholic, Orthdox, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, and other denominations of Christianity, plus the non-denominational Christians, but a much smaller percentage are actual Christians in the way they act. Besides, Disciples of Christ refers to an actual denomination, too.

<<My grandfather had that problem before he got to where he is now.>> Mine had CRS disease when he got older.

Imzadi> <<if you don't get along with your dad, and never have, then why are you so nice to him?>> He is still his father, besides I suspect DPH would try to be nice to anyone, even an enemy.

<<Personally, I think you're doing this way too early. I'm sure you're very much in love...but the reason that all this bad crap is happening is that the two of you are too young and don't have your own financial footings.>> I actually agree with you, which is rare.

<<More likely that Murphy will grant you jocks.>> I'll get my dad to help. He was a jock. My step-brotehr also falls into that range. Another is my secodn father, Dr. Barnes, who was a HS football player as well as a historian, musician, businessman, and other neat stuff. I would definitely seek his advice.

<<Worse, they might like pop music!>> And who knoss how bad that stuff will be by then.

<<That's a serious surgery, from what I hear.>> Beats having half your pay garnished.

<<Revel's gettin' some...and I know who with.>> SOROW?

Mooncat> You look a littel like a good friend of mine, but only a vague resembalnce considering a similar heritage you both share (and actually that heriatge is not that similar, only that you too have a parent from that same region of the world). I think you're pretty, but you won't ahve to worry about me stalking you :)

You have soem very different beliefs from Jen and Jannie, especially since they prefer dogs, and I think Jen doesn't like cats anyway.

I'd also like to get a Staurn one day. Its one of the few American cars I'd consider getting, not that I'd buy one new or anything.

Spacebabie> <<He is happy. The thing about SJ is…if he was an Administrator he would still break the rules.>> That's SJ for you :)

Christine> <<Yay, the guy with the runs moved out yesterday (not because of that; because he was mean to other residents and, worse, repeatedly used spray paint in his room; property abuse we jump on, personal abuse is considered less a problem, what a great agency).>> Well, property abuse is a big deal, especially sinc eit has to be replaced and that cuts into better uses of money like paying you more. I do amdit that seems liek a lack of priorities considering that care for the residents is the primary service offered.

Crzy Demona> I see similar outifts but that's it. You're both quite lovely though. 1987...I was ten years old in 1987, I wish I knew you back then >;)

Green Baron - []
Hanau, Germany
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 02:24:59 PM

MoonCat - Click the link. Pic of me on the right was taken Nov 1987... Homecoming. Coincidence? ... I think not! >:)

::cackles wickedly::

Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson - [<--- MoonCat and CrzyDem]
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 01:53:12 PM

Suggy Freelance rules!!! Hehehe, Okay so most all of you probably knew about it and have read the whole bloddy thing, but I just started reading it last week!

Spacebabie>><sun was touching the horizon line over the water a dolphin jumped> OOooh, spiffy!

Josh>> <I don't think canned food will help you run the CR.> That depends on what kind of canned food, the threat of some foods being force fed down my throat would keep me in line.

Lexy>> <selective Memory disorder> anything like selective hearing? it would be nice if it worked for remembering as well as forgetting. That way I could forget about work and still remember to go the next day. :)

GB>> <But you need freedom to snuggle> I just thought you needed a girl/boy friend and a secluded corner for that? ;)

Ack!! never enough time. well got to run, write, and code.


Wednesday, March 20, 2002 01:24:44 PM

Yay, the guy with the runs moved out yesterday (not because of that; because he was mean to other residents and, worse, repeatedly used spray paint in his room; property abuse we jump on, personal abuse is considered less a problem, what a great agency). Read the entire new Stephen King collection, Everything's Eventual, in just under 4 hours. Finished my gluttony/sex/violence story, so now I can send it in and await the form letter.

Lexy > oh, wow ... are you sure you're not marrying into my 1st hubby's family? That sounds like just the sort of manipulative stuff his mom used to pull on me. Go with the apartment, even if it delays graduation a term. It'll be worth it in the long run to avoid the aggravation, because this is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

Christine - []
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 12:21:20 PM


:::Cleans up the over surge of hormones left by Some guy and starts to decorate with elephants:::

My brother had “Wish I had a camera” moment at the beach yesterday. He and his friends were watching the sunset and just as the sun was touching the horizon line over the water a dolphin jumped.


Green Baron<<<I thought you'd eb happy with Bishansky as Administrator.>>>He is happy. The thing about SJ is…if he was an Administrator he would still break the rules.

Revel>>>Good advice to the Spammer. If I do get the title of Mara no Miko I will uphold my priestess duties and make this place unsafe for any spamming troll.

Fay<<<I hop everyone is having a nice day>>>Everyone is having a nice day at the IHOP?
Well they make good pancakes.<<<I know is that he run from the cops and he bit up
some kid.>>>He Bit a kid? What kind of sicko is he?

Jan<<<I'm tired of cooking. I cooked for 2 nights in a row and that's enough,>>>That’s how I feel.

Someguy>>>Thanks for sharing.

DPH>>>I’d bake that for my dad anyways since he LOVEs spicy foods

Josh<<<Two more days. One midterm. Three assignments. Two labs. I can do it. I know I can.>>>Just keep saying I think I can I think I can. <<<I'VE GOT THE JOB!!!>>>Congrats!<<<And other famous lies.>>>The Check for the gathering Neener Neener Neener.<<<There is some good beer out there. Its just not sold in the US.>>>Why can’t they really make Buzz Beer?<<<Better watch it, Greg's on that staff.>>>And he knows I’m pulling his leg.<<<Oh now THAT will be interesting.>>>You would like that.
<<<I never get drunk.>>> Never say Never.<<<Unless they're hot chicks.>>>That would include me.

Spacebabie - [U.S.A]
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 12:00:52 PM

Hello my friends!

This is a record day! I haven't posted two days in a row in well over a year! How are all of you?

How have you been? Did u change emails when you moved? If so, I'd love to get in touch with you? Sorry I haven't been keeping up contact?

Thanks for the note. It is good to be back.

<To all New Members>
First of all, Welcome. This place rocks, you'll enjoy it here. I don't know about everyone else here, but TGS as been the best solution for keeping the show alive in my heart. Before I came upon this, I drew gargs and watch the show until about mid 99', I came across the sight and it totally rekindled my interest.

Well that is all for now.

Brooklyn - []
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 10:35:39 AM

Well, decided to put up a vanity page. *^_^*

Mooncat Through the Ages is a little collection of pics of me from wide eye'd baby to winsome adult *^_~*

Just to dispell any lingering doubts about whether I'm Jan, or Jen, or anyone else other than the lunar kitten that I am.

Now it's 5am and all good celestial felines need to cat nap.


Wednesday, March 20, 2002 06:16:14 AM

Well, I got a couple of decent grades back today...and I'm another day closer to spring break. Two more days. One midterm. Three assignments. Two labs. I can do it. I know I can.

Err, not that I'm desperately counting down or anything.

My THIRD interview with GE today ROCKED. I'VE GOT THE JOB!!! They want me to do CAD, finite element analysis, and keep their website maintained. Engineering of real parts for a boiling water reactor (does anyone know if that's a nuclear reactor?), reviewing design schematics, editing cad files, calculations in MathCAD or something. Then the website tacked on as "oh, you're good with computers, fix this too while you're here."

Buwahaha! The secret to getting jobs is...padding your resume! Or at least making the stuff you have done seem far more impressive. We celebrated by going out to dinner. But the real celebration comes during spring break...I hope.


Invsi: <<no flaming how about smoking then?>>: And what if you're on fire? <<Like 1.1 percent of CR populace I worship my G3 Mac all bow before the Mac>>: Wait a minute. We have two other mac users in here. That's more than 1.1 percent of posters. <<In other words no PC's>>: No, just no Bill Gates or Michael Dell. <<Bow down to the MAC!>>: As much as I love my macs...I don't worship them.

Mooncat: <<Procrastination being pushed aside>>: Why procrastinate now when you can procrastinate later, right? <<no pop tart setting on my cheapie toaster>>: I wasn't aware toasters had pop tart settings. <<the cats killed it>>: And they didn't get toasted?

Warpmind: <<Sure you're not working on some li'l moonkittens there>>: There's a disturbing thought. <<Microsoft is going down>>: They didn't get to own 90% of the desktops out there by being nice.

Jan: <<I wasn't aware that you knew my age>>: I remember the guessing games you had us play at G2k1 8-) <<Not all grandmothers are in their 50's>>: Der. My grandmother is 70 something. <<My friend became a grandmother at the age of 34>>: I bet THAT sucked. My mom told me I better not have kids because she's not ready to be a grandmom. I said "no problem". <<it's hard to judge one's age based strictly on the number>>: Nonetheless...I don't think you're 30 something. <<up to my whazoo>>: Where is the whazoo? <<

Greg X: Ban more people. <<last night was very interesting, for reasons I'm not going to get into here though. But it was interesting>>: You were drunk, so it probably just seemed interesting to you. <<you'll have to get a job cleaning Septic Tanks to afford your drug habit>>: Um...what if I don't have a drug habit? <<We hate you too>>: I know that. <<Wish they did see it with us, cause it was a great MST>>: You guys should write one together. <<Adds Josh to the list of people who's ass he can kick>>: Oh gee, that's impressive. <<The CR is NOT a democracy. It's a dictatorship>>: You just got to be a dick by, dictator. Yeah, that's what I meant. <<For all you know, your kids will be real badasses and they will be the ones beating other kids up for their lunch money>>: Dude, this is GB we're talking about. <<You are now banned. Bye!>>: What, no "weakest link" quote? <<YOU THOUGHT WRONG!!>>: What do you want from him...he's a moralist. <<like... Charisma Carpenter or Shannon Elizabeth>>: When I am king... <<my mistresses will be the most beautiful women walking the Earth.>>: Save a few for your friends. <<discovered France>>: Yeah well Homer Simpson says France is a mythical kingdom!

Spacebabie: <<The Check is in the mail>>: And other famous lies. <<I was reminded what awful tasting it was>>: There is some good beer out there. Its just not sold in the US. <<You know that boy too well>>: Right cuz I'm SOOOOO complicated. <<the creators just plumb ran out of ideas>>: Better watch it, Greg's on that staff. <<I’ll just turn it into a Republican CR>>: Oh now THAT will be interesting. <<Even the part about getting drunk?>>: I never get drunk. <<Try bribing him with money>>: I might do that. But I'm a bit poor right now. <<Gawd I sounded like a geek…you should be proud of me>>: I'm not proud of people just for sounding like geeks. Unless they're hot chicks. <<Would you like me to massage them?>>: Sure! <<An evening with Mr. Bubble>>: Not exactly.

Green Baron: <<Maybe the ARMY health plan should offer free vasecotomies>>: That's a serious surgery, from what I hear. <<But I can still hope for a chidl who finds stuff like Latin, Geography, Stocks, and intellectual discussions fun. May God grant me Classical geeks>>: More likely that Murphy will grant you jocks. <<Thou shalt not post a simaginary folks>>: Oh right, like that would ever happen in here. <<mundane, common-sense interests>>: Worse, they might like pop music!

Kaioto: <<I couldn't run the CR even if I _was_ feeling self-abusive. I've got to go stock up on canned food and shotguns!>>: I don't think canned food will help you run the CR.

Revel: << greatness of physical contact>>: Revel's gettin' some...and I know who with.

Fay: <<I is a Psycho B**ch.>>: No, you is a stupid moron.

Christine: <<discussing possible remedies for diarrhea>>: Gee, that's special, isn't it?

Lexy: <<the day will soon come.>>: This summer, if I'm good. <<I am going to be a virgin by the next Gathering>>: Won't you be married by then? <<7 years and up can see a rated R??>>: Thank you, mom and dad, for taking me to see Die Hard 2 when I was 7. You made me the man I am today. Violent. <<slept for 13 hours>>: Wish I could do that. <<selective Memory disorder>>: All mothers have that. <<Where to live after the wedding>>: Why don't you get an apartment NOW? <<pardon my French but..NO SHIT SHERLOCK>>: LOL. I'm sure they THINK they're being helpful. Or they're guilt-tripping you into doing something stupid. Personally, I think you're doing this way too early. I'm sure you're very much in love...but the reason that all this bad crap is happening is that the two of you are too young and don't have your own financial footings.

Someguy: Talk to SJ. He feels the same way you do.

Aingeal: <<MY COPMUTER IS HEALTHY AGAIN!>>: Gee, only took you two months to get your windows box working. What an accomplishment.

DPH: <<Why bother posting them, then?>>: Entertainment value? <<25% for me, 25% for my brother and 50% for it for my dad>>: if you don't get along with your dad, and never have, then why are you so nice to him? <<click here>>: You can stop posting that. Really. We've all seen it.

Okay, I finally found Mechwarrior. Goodnite.

They've really got my balls in a juice maker.
-Mr. Tweek, South Park

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 02:37:38 AM

Spacebabie - <Sounds like a good pie> So far, I haven't noticed the usual side-effects of habernos from eating this pie. [added later] I'm feeling one of the side-effects. BTW, the original recipe calls for jalepeno peppers instead of banana peppers and does not call for an haberno pepper. I should have chopped those banana peppers a bit more because it didn't spread out over the whole pan as much I would have liked.

GXB - <I believe in electing leaders with my morals.> I guess I'll rephrase my original statement: I believe in electing leaders with Judeo-Christian morals. You know I am wondering something: you had to have known some of us would have come out and satire some, if not all, of your 7 commandments. Why bother posting them, then?

Imzadi - <Right, because the terrorists are really after WALMART!> Exactly. Sorry, but if I was going to hit somewhere with a virus, I'd hit the airports and I'd make sure that it took 2-3 days for the first side effects of the virus to appear. By then, it would be too late. Of course, I'd offer to sell the antivirus for $$,$$$,$$$. I would go into more details about where to leave the virus, but that's asking for me to be sued.

Gside - <I don't get the ASCII art.> I see a pattern.

Silvadel - <Did you make any progress on why the current local time was changed by those from the future as regards TGS? It has now been months since I posted about the changes in local history vis-a-vie TGS and how seasons 7 and 8 and later 5 and 6 vanished from the future archieves.> Hmm. I will look into that. What else do you know about the future concerning TGS?

I was thinking about zipping up on all the TGS stories and pictures, traveling back in time, and emailing them to somebody just to freak them out. Of course, I would also include the Ask Greg revelations that were not revealed by that time. I wonder what effect that would have on the time stream.

The biggest thing I would do if I want back in time is acquiring millions (if not billions) of dollars of life insurance on my mom. 25% for me, 25% for my brother and 50% for it for my dad.

Lexy - I can understand. I don't call that selective memory disorder. I call it the early signs of Alzeimers (spelling?). Make sure to record conversations. If your mother-in-law does not remember them, show her the documentation and ask her to see a doctor about her memory loss. My grandfather had that problem before he got to where he is now.

Brooklyn - good to hear from you. <This is Brooklyn. I just read the Sun and the Serpent quartet. I have to say, it is amazing. I love Harthoth, he is cool. I hope he included in more fics.> Harthoth is around in other TGS stories.

Jan - <Pizza night - I'm tired of cooking.> I wish that was an option for me.

Green Baron - <I think Bishansky was referring to a certain ideology taking oevr the CR and being less than pleasant to people who felt different.> Are you saying that he does not want my presence to make him feel guilty about anything? <Well, most of the US is Christian at least in name.> Yes, I remember that. The term "Christian" is now equated with "a good person". One former youth minister preferred this term "disciple of Jesus".

GXB - <You are now banned.> If you read this post, obviously I'm not banned. <YOU THOUGHT WRONG!> Remember the story of Daniel in the lion's den. I'm just as stubborn.

DPH - [<--click here to see a picture that might be corny]
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 12:48:16 AM

I dont know what's going on in here atthe moment.... but I have happy news! MY COPMUTER IS HEALTHY AGAIN! ::grins;:

I konw it will mean lil to nothing to most people, but i'm happy.... hhehe....

::runs off bouncing happily::

Wednesday, March 20, 2002 12:20:51 AM

For some reason i watched the show "smallville" tonight, and let me tell ya......this girl, who i guess is sposed to be a young version of lois lane, showed viewers what a great booty is sposed to look like. mmmmm hmmmm
just thought i'd share that
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 11:39:57 PM

Jan- Thanks;)

Josh: <<I can't wait to have my name on something where my dad's name isn't right next to it.>> *sighs* ahh..the day will soon come. <<"Simple minds, simple pleasures".>> Perhaps so 0_o <<Yeah, whatever. 5:1 odds on Lexy carrying at the next gathering!>> *growles* I am going to be a virgin by the next Gathering. Sorry if that was TMI for some ppl in here (but reading over the last few posts on sex I seriously doubt that:P) <<Morons.>> Thank you! <<LAME. How dare they do that to a movie.>> That's how I feel as well. We show/play so much on T.V, in movies and on the radio. But we've recently had this thing were we've been editing old stuff. Like we just want to pretend that guns, naked ladies before the 90's and the twin towers never existed. Lame indeed. << And why not? You need acid trips to go to the Delta Quadrant, Hyperspace, and many other places in the movies ;-)>> Good God -_-;

To anyone who cares- When I went to the theater to see RNNL I was SHOCKED to read a sign that stated you couldn't bring anyone under the age of 7 into a rated R even with an adult. 7 years and up can see a rated R????! 0_o Why do we even bother with a rating system at all!? We go any lower and the restricted kids won't be able to get to the theater on their own anyway!

*is SOOO Lazy* I came home from work yesterday, ate with family so they wouldn't hate me, and slept for 13 hours. Then I came home today and nearly repeated. But I got up here to post to you guys. Hmm.. Ah well. *leaves possible comments out*

I ran into some more trouble with my MIL's possible issues with selective Memory disorder (what Kai is now calling it.) I come home from work Sunday, and she tells me that she has talked it over with her husband, and they have decided to give us the middle floor, not the top floor, because it will give us more room. I just stared at her and said, "Um. But what about my cats?" The original deal had been I could move upstairs, because the upstairs bedrooms had a door that closed the area off from the rest of the house. Then I could bring my two cats. She just stared right back at me and said, "Ah. We didn't discuss the cats Liz, because we never said anything about bringing them." o_O WHAT?? I didn't even bother fighting with her. She has apparently TOTALLY forgotten ever telling me I could bring them (again). Geez. Well I went upstairs to pout to myself/call kai and whine. The next day she tells me, "Well, we have gone over this and we feel we are being more then generous blablabla" As of _now_ (since God knows when she will change her mind again) the idea is that I never brought up the cats, threw this on them abruptly *sp* and rudely, but they are willing to try and accomodate *sp* me. They acted all upset and put out, and had this "well if your forcing us too" attitude. I never even said anything to _BEGIN_ with. So my idea is we can't accept this offer. Kai wants to talk this out on Th. when he comes back. But what is there to talk about? They have already said, strait up, that they hate this idea. That we better not make too much noise, that they don't wanna see those cats, that if I leave my cats with them when I move (oh YA RIGHT) that they will kick them right out..blabla Ok This is OBVIOUSLY a receipe *sp*? for disaster. We can't accept this offer. We just can't. Now we have a horrible problem. Where to live after the wedding. All I can see us doing is moving out ASAP to an apartment. This will possible set me back a semester in school, and it will definatly slow us down in getting a house. But I don't care. I don't think me living here is doing the family any good, and I am NOT going to leave my cats for a year to two years. NO WAY! So now she is mad at me for that, "Well you know that will set you back financially." OH? It will?? o_O Can't I get an apartment for free? :P "Well you know you have to find an apartment that allows cats." Well..pardon my French but..NO SHIT SHERLOCK! -_-; I've had them my whole life, I have also lived in apartments my whole life. This may shock her, but it CAN be done. This whole thing wouldn't annoy me much, since we can just move, but this new plan sounds a lot like I won't be getting a honeymoon :( I just knew it. Lost my wedding, my con plans, and now this. Big surprise. *sighs* I will just have to make up for it some day in the future. Go somewhere..and pretend. *sighs* Well, Kai will be back on Thursday. Gee. Can't wait for this one:P They are going to veiw us moving out as both an act of rebellion and a clue that we are irresponsible. Hey. Just like anywhere else. If I can't have my cats I'm gone. It's their house after all. It's no big thing to me. I am annoyed that she told me I could and then FORGOT, but beyond that I don't care. I just want to go marry their SON. THEIR SON. And live with THEIR SON. -_-; Now I'll really hear it from her. How I'm going to get prego, not go back to school and live badly, because I was too 'immature' to wait. *sighs* BTW. I am sorry for my rants on this guys. But I feel trapped in a way. I can tell Kai, his roomate or talk to you guys here. I can't tell my mom or any friends back home, or they will worry too much for me. I don't have any friends here. So while Kai is at school, I am here..can't leave..(can't drive) And now I am required to have dinner with them, and spend time with them later. So I don't have anyone to talk to about them;) That sounded bad, but it's true. So..ya..sorry about the rants in here.

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 10:16:53 PM

Hey, folks. Not much going on here. Started off my long work week on a bad note when Becca had her friend Kaitlyn over and they kept waking me up (they weren't trying to, but the kid definition of 'play quietly' is a bit different from the adult definition). So I didn't get much sleep and then half the residents were awake and loudly discussing possible remedies for diarrhea. I just read and watched videos all night. Which I suppose I shouldn't whine about; plenty of people would love to have that luxury. Still, I berate myself when I don't get any writing done.

Christine - []
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 10:00:20 PM

Hi everyone,
This is Brooklyn. I just read the Sun and the Serpent quartet. I have to say, it is amazing. I love Harthoth, he is cool. I hope he included in more fics.

Well that is all thanks.

Brooklyn - []
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 07:45:41 PM

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 07:42:37 PM

I is a Psycho B**ch.
Fay's other personality - []
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 06:06:17 PM

Greg> <<Now Jan is pissed>> *blinks* I am? since when? I must have missed that in previous posts.
What I said was a reply to Mara's insinuation that just because of my age, I'm not sexually active or have the ability to be - I was pointing out to her that I could dance circles around her when it came to that particular activity... not that I had any intention or desire to dance circles around her mate. "you could dance sexual circles around my mate" are her exact words.
<<Hmm, it seems that many people in here have already announced their intentions to ignore the ten... er seven commandments.>> *chuckles* did you really expect anything less? ;)

Green (purple) Baron> I'm glad to hear that you are not intending to force your likes onto your children. There is certainly nothing wrong with introducing them to things that you like and giving them the opportunity to enjoy it too - but it is a bit disappointing when they don't share the same love as you do. *nods*
Yeah, my friend had her daughter when she was 17 and ironically her daughter also gave birth to a baby girl at the age of 17. They are both some of the few success stories of teen pregnancies.
My mom was 43 when she first became a grandmother.

Pizza night - I'm tired of cooking. I cooked for 2 nights in a row and that's enough, thankyouverymuch. ;)

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 05:33:06 PM

Hi! to all of you.
I hop everone is having a nice day. Just want to tell you something that some one is looking for Greg. I don't know how that is do you?? That person is WANTED for somthing.
Only thing I know is that he run from the cops and he bit up
some kid.

Fay - []
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 05:06:29 PM

*Walks in stretching, having to wipe saliva off ears*

If that was too graphic for y'all, I DON"T CARE! I'm on vacation, and am enjoying almost every minute of it... I did have to empty the cat box which is why I say almost.
Anyhow, I have shut my brain down and have to big a grin on my face to reply so this is just antoher check up before I return to the greatness of physical contact... and food.

Spamer- Greg is one of the gods, do not anger him or many a minion shall hunt you in the darkness of your mind. Or something like that.

"Don't piss off the cat or the cat will piss on you."

Revel - []
in a state of bliss
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 03:40:00 PM

<I take back every mean thing I said to you, Gunjack, lain, & Kaioto - please come back and admin this CR>

I was RIGHT. Hell HAS frozen over and the END is near!

My first suspicions came a while ago, and I started to get seriously worried when I saw Hulk Hogan wrestling in a WWF ring again. Then, just recently, Hogan turns Babyface again and now THIS! I couldn't run the CR even if I _was_ feeling self-abusive. I've got to go stock up on canned food and shotguns! ;-)

Kaioto - []
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 01:49:07 PM

Back to anotehr wonderful day of Fiannce and dealing with customers. So far, it went well today, but one NCO was a real dick about a granishment. He had quite a few of them, probably from how many kids he ahs out of wedlock. Maybe the ARMY health plan should offer free vasecotomies :)

Lain> So that's where Gabe is. I was wondeirng why he wasn't on-line. I'd say don't do anything, but well, you're with Gabe ;)

Shadowrider> La Republica? I've ehard of them. That explains a lot :)

Gunjack> <<And I'd trade it all for another week or ten in the frozen north... For just one more chance to snuggle on the couch, watching those angst-ridden Curling masters.
Freedom is good, but snuggling is better.>> But you need freedom to snuggle.

Jannie> <<one thing you will hopefully learn very quickly once you have children is that just because YOU wanted to do something and wasn’t able to – doesn’t mean that your children will want the same thing… or something that you did do and liked, they won’t necessarily like the same thing.>> I realize that. I stil value the Classical education and I can test drive it. If they hate the stuff, I'll let it go, andthat will be it. I will be saddened, but they have their own lives to live. But I can still hope for a chidl who finds stuff like Latin, Geography, Stocks, and intellectual discussions fun. May God grant me Classical geeks :)

Moncat> <<Actually, I think this happens a lot more than people realize. A lot of kids will confess to something they didn't do if they are constantly grilled about it, because a lot of them think there is no point in denying "it" even if they ARE innocent, because they are going to be blamed and punished for "it" anyway. This guy was just lucky the truth came out some other way. No few times a kid will confess to accusations that are repeatedly thrown at them just to get things over and done with. The path of least resistance. >> I can relate. Whenever someone asked to see me, I thought I was in trouble, but I never did anything wrong, well except for a few things. I of course have a guilty conscience.

DPH> <<Oh yea, yesterday, one of our local Walmarts had an Anthrax scare.>> So raghead plans to make a fortune selling short on shares of Walmart.

<<I would be more inclined to have mandatory IQ tests for both voters and candidates. Of course, the candidates would have to have a higher IQ to run for elections than people would in order to vote.>> I prefer only allowing people to vote if they can equal my political knwoledge :)

<<However, I do believe in electing leaders with morals.>> Yeah, a leader with morals like inetgrity is important. As long as they practice them, but don't try and inject them into teh legal system, nothings houdl be good. I think Bishansky was referring to a certain ideology taking oevr the CR and being less than pleasant to people who felt different.

<<The other three commandments were lost on the way over>>
I have a few

Thou shalt not post a simaginary folks, unless the imaginary folk is a talking cat :)

Jannie> You're friend is a grandmotehr at 34? My mother was 31 when she had me and I am the eldest. My mother will be 60, before she has grandchildren, unless you count any cats I get :) Then again, my family's generation is on average 29 years, dating back to the 14th century. My garndmother (mother's) was 47 when she became a grandmotehr, only because Uncle Joe got a girl pregnant at 18 (he stil had it, except he had to be with his parents and go to Georgetown, talk about hardship).

Sevarius Jr.> I thought you'd eb happy with Bishansky as Administrator.

Daphne> <<Protestant in Catholic school talking. Every year we had a dress-down day where we all had to wear green, and every year I'd threaten to wear orange. I never did, though -- partly because I was a wuss, and partly because I cant pull off orange.>> My roomate Kyle actually thought about wearing Ornage because he was Scots irish, though I think wearing ornage on St. Patrick's Day is like wearing a white robe on Martin luther kIng, Jr.'s birthday.

Beisdes, teh Orangemen, namely teh guys in the Orange Order, look like Voctorian era Nazis and marching through Catholic neighborhoods celebrating victories in battles against Catholics is to say the least not very nice.

<<Ooh, I'll have to use that sometime, when you start messing with people:) >> Of course you would ;)

IMPFAC> <<Hate to burst your bubble, but most Democrats are Christian, too.>> Well, most of the US is Christian at least in name.

Imzadi> <<Don't assume that your kids want something just because you missed out on it. This is the same problem Lexy is having with her in-laws right now.>> I said "want", key word there. With my luck, I'll ahve average normal chidlren with mundane, common-sense interests ::shudders::

<<I'm sure they'll be infinitely grateful that you took away their troublesome summer vacation.>> Took it away? I was thinking a few hours a week, plus a parnet/child experience, plus I imagine there are ways that it can be fun, especially if I am blessed with geeky children.

If they don't enjoy it, well sucks to be me.

<<Some of the ivy schools have tuitions starting at 30, plus room, board, food, entertainment...gets close to 40, I'm sure.>> Probably, but that is also College and stll extremely expensive.

<<Ah, the old "might makes right". You'll make a fine parent>> Not at all. I was just saying Spain was a piss poor world power. I wasn't citicizing the morlaity of stealing gold. It's that Spain's wealth was based on its acces to a commodity that was used as money, insetad of anything substantial, like something worth exporting. Spain also had no middle class, either, which is bad for any nation.

Insvi> <<That's why i'm Democratic ;)>> I figured Suffolk County would lean more Republican. I guess it depends on the area.

Wilek> I miss your posts and your fun lovable insanity.

Mr. X.> <<We smite you, ban you from the CR, and you'll have to get a job cleaning Septic Tanks to afford your drug habit!!!>> If they don't get fired from that job, too :)

<<The CR is NOT a democracy. It's a dictatorship!>> They are good to have around for some stuff.

<<You are now banned. Bye!>> I love dteh directness and you used the c word. even Attila only called hillary a c*nt, but left the *

<<Take President Clinton for example, a lot of people thought that his affair with Monica was disgusting, and displayed true immorality. The only thing that offended me was the fact that the President of the UNITED STATES had to settle with Monica as his mistress. I mean really, it's a sad state of affairs when the President chooses to have an affair with a douche bag like Lewinsky instead of using his power to nail someone like... Charisma Carpenter or Shannon Elizabeth>> This is Clinton we're talking about. It also explains why Janet Reno and Madeline Albright were in his Cabinet :)

He also touted his religiosu beliefs a lot, and so did Gore/Lieberman. I guess its okay for Democrats to be fundamentalists.

<<What makes you say that. For all you know, your kids will be real badasses and they will be the ones beating other kids up for their lunch money. Then in High School, they will beat people up for drug money.>> I hope not. There were fights in my hS, but I neevr pissed anyoe off that much, and if I did I could talk my way out of a fight, since most of the bullies were not very bright and the Disciplanarian and I were buddies (taht saved my ass when I put a picture of Theda Berra in soem girl's locker. I'd have gotten in real trouble, but the disciplanarian was trying to keep from laughing when he asked me if this was appropriate).

Jennifer> I doubt you'll respond to me, but that si so true about Hudson and extremely funny to see an example :D

Silvadel> Actually, you remind me of a former admin, Kyryn. You two should meet at a Gathering sometime. I miss Kyryn.

Green Baron - []
Hanau, Germany
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 01:33:24 PM

DPH -- Did you make any progress on why the current local time was changed by those from the future as regards TGS? It has now been months since I posted about the changes in local history vis-a-vie TGS and how seasons 7 and 8 and later 5 and 6 vanished from the future archieves. [Fnord]

It just doesnt seem to me that this could be that important for someone to do said, but a status report on your progress would be welcome [Fnord]

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 12:37:48 PM

The Check is in the mail!!!!

I drank a beer the other day, and I was reminded what awful tasting it was. Remember when Buffy was drinking from the bottle in that episode and the faces and sounds she made? I did the same thing.

I made a choco banana daiquiri yesterday. That was a good.
The moron is back home, but he brought Hershey bars, marshmallows and gram crackers…well do the math

Daphne<<<of dawn>>> You know that boy too well.

GXB<<<Cause I'm just plain mean>>> by mean do you mean “cool” a “Wiseass” or your just plain evil self.<<<Actually, I discussed the idea of banning everyone for a week with Aaron and Mara on Thursday>>>Looked like a lot of people were banned for a week this past week.
1. Though Shalt Not Flame, but I got all these marshmallows
2.. There Exist Four Gods; Greg Bishansky, Aaron Wheeler, Mara Cordova, Robby Bevard,Can I be the Mara no Miko?
3.. Though Shalt Have No Gods Aside From These Four.,Sorry I’m not giving up my idol of Joss Whedon.
4. Though Shalt Not Ask When TGS Will Continue, Because it will never, the creators just plumb ran out of ideas.
5. Though Shalt Not Troll, ::Picks up her troll dolls::
6. Though Shalt Not Transform This CR Into the Christian Republican CR - ,Fine I’ll just turn it into a Republican CR.
7. Though Shalt Not Defy Thy Four Gods, but can we bribe them?

Josh<<<I think I'll forget to do all those things today.>>>Even the part about getting drunk?<<<I wish my brother would go away when I was home.>>>Try bribing him with money.<<<LOL.>>>Gawd I sounded like a geek…you should be proud of me.<<<No thanks, my feet are fine.>>>Would you like me to massage them? <<<And I have other ways to pleasure myself>>>An evening with Mr. Bubble<<<like I'd date a chick who could beat me up.>>>That’s why I didn’t have “Josh” fall in love with Jupiter. Serena is not that type.<<<Kicked royal butt on my geotech midterm.>>>Congrats.

Lain<<<but he left me his hat so I can smell him :D YAY!!!! >>>Is this a Canadian thing?

DPH>>>Sounds like a good pie. I should make that for my dad.

Mara<<<*limps in, with the most stupid looking just-got-laid grin imaginable* >>>Ooooh I definitely wanna be the Mara no Miko<<<The good thing about amoral admins: They can be bribed. >>>Well that answers one question.

SJ<<<Well, I'll be breaking most of these.>>>I knew you would.

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 11:42:25 AM

Greg - You know I'm thrilled that you are an admin. After reading a few of the recent posts... I am now hoping you don't turn into Hudson II. You set rules... don't break them yourself.

"stop fu[censored] cussing, as[censored]"

Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 10:39:52 AM

Okay, last night was very interesting, for reasons I'm not going to get into here though. But it was interesting.

Hmm, it seems that many people in here have already announced their intentions to ignore the ten... er seven commandments. Well, I believe it's time they learned what the consequences are.

We smite you, ban you from the CR, and you'll have to get a job cleaning Septic Tanks to afford your drug habit!!!

On to replies...

JOSH> <<I hate you all.>> We hate you too ;) <<Well with that crew, who can be surprised?>> I didn't see it with Aaron and Mara. Saw it with a couple local friends of mine. Wish they did see it with us, cause it was a great MST. << Yeah. Us pretty boys in private school never learn that.>> I feel for you man. ::Adds Josh to the list of people who's ass he can kick:: <<You putz! Its "Thou". BIG difference>> I was tired when I wrote that. <<God you're cheap.>> Just said I'd consider it, never said it would work. <<Now Jan is pissed>> Frankly, I don't give a shit ;) <<Gee, do you think you can do it?>> Yeah, I did. <<Too bad we don't either elect or have leaders with morals in the CR>> The CR is NOT a democracy. It's a dictatorship!

GB> <<Well, if I sent my kids to the average NO public school they'd be dead shortly.>> What makes you say that. For all you know, your kids will be real badasses and they will be the ones beating other kids up for their lunch money. Then in High School, they will beat people up for drug money.

DARLENE/FOXY/STUPID CUNT> You are now banned. Bye!

DPH> <<You know I thought they were a few more "gods" of this CR>> YOU THOUGHT WRONG!!! <<However, I do believe in electing leaders with morals.>> So do I, I believe in electing leaders with my morals...

Take President Clinton for example, a lot of people thought that his affair with Monica was disgusting, and displayed true immorality. The only thing that offended me was the fact that the President of the UNITED STATES had to settle with Monica as his mistress. I mean really, it's a sad state of affairs when the President chooses to have an affair with a douche bag like Lewinsky instead of using his power to nail someone like... Charisma Carpenter or Shannon Elizabeth.

I assure you all, that when I am President, my mistresses will be the most beautiful women walking the Earth.

MARA> <<Damn straight. I am proud to be bribable.. now where's my money?>> Yep, I'm proud to be bribabe myself.

JAN> <<no, that's not what I said or at least that's not what I meant>> Yes, you did say that. I remember.

SJ> <<Well, I'll be breaking most of these>> It'd actually frighten me if you didn't.

"Today our friend Mr. Hat is going to talk to us about Christopher Columbus."
"That's right Mr. Garrison. Christopher Columbus discovered America and was the Indians' best friend. he helped the Indians win their war against Frederick Douglas, and freed the Hebrews from Napoleon, and discovered France..."
-Mr. Garrison and Mr. Hat "South Park"

Greg Bishansky
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 10:17:03 AM

Josh> <<Its feasible...but you aren't.>> Oh? I wasn't aware that you knew my age. I guess I need to check my birth certificate again - they must have printed the wrong date.
Whether I am or not is not the point. Not all grandmothers are in their 50's. My friend became a grandmother at the age of 34. Besides, age really does become "an attitude" or "state of mind" more than just what number you happen to be at once you pass a certain age. I think it begins when you turn 25. While there's a vast difference between ages in the younger years (big difference between a 14 yr old and a 17 yr old) there's not much difference between a 25 yr old and a 28 yr old. That's the reason the blocking increases into incriments of 5-10 years after around 25. I'm not discounting the actual age of someone because it does have it's benefits and is necessary, but as far as mental and physical - it's hard to judge one's age based strictly on the number. You may get within a range - due to a number of factors - but that doesn't mean as much as when you are younger.
<<or a bitch>> that's not me... I'm not a bitch.
<<today>> *shakes head* no, I don't intentionally flame anyone unless provoked/attacked first.

IMPA> have you attended safe driving classes? I don't know what the laws are in your state concerning points on your DOR requirements. If they are set in stone, you may just have to swallow your punishment and do whatever probation they assign to you. (waiting period, classes, etc.) Otherwise, the only advise that I can give you is to get a good attorney who is experienced in traffic laws.

gotta' go in early today and will probably be staying late =\ I have warrants and civil processing up to my whazoo to process.

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 08:07:59 AM

Thou shalt not troll eh?
[Wilek conjures a troll in a big floppy hat, S&M gear, and stilletto heels, carrying a large spiky fish and an instrument that resembles Hieronymous Bosch's idea of a speculum.]
Go get 'em, Featherstone.

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 08:00:40 AM

*Warpmind wanders in.*
Okay, MASSIVE upcatching to do... And probably gonna be a very short post, too... Mostly due to my conglomeration of unrequested housework (unrequested by me, anyway; mom seems to ignore my complaints) and my CRPG work, alongside with a GURPS IOU romp I'm planning for a wee upcoming gaming con... *Sigh* Livin' La Vida Dorka... ;)

Lain/Valentine: At last you post again. This is an omen. Be it a good or a bad one, I dunno, but it's an Omen. (And it's Omen' in on the CR, as well...)
Mooncat: Woke up and lost a meal? *Blink* Sure you're not working on some li'l moonkittens there? ;) And I reckon that Stupid Criminal story WAS a Stupid Criminal story - last I heard, obstructing justice was a criminal offense... Õõ
Shinigami: Do me a favor, there? Try to track that package from your end? It *still* hasn't arrived... :( (You know what I'm talkin' about...)
Wilek: My eyes! My word! My GOD! Microsoft is going down... :p
Well, that about sums up this post. Back to the code. (Coding GURPS-based character development in an FF-like engine is LABOROUS!

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 05:46:18 AM

Okay! Procrastination being pushed aside! Finally getting around to making my art model sheets for the Gargoyles characters. Well, doing the screen captures first, then will do model sketches from them. Just dragged my "extra" set of eps taped from Toon Disney downstairs to the office and will use them for captures. Don't want to put to much wear and tear on my primary copies.

Between this, and my writing, and of course "real life", I probably won't be around too much in the next few weeks.

Daphne -- Strawberry, *^_^*, but I have a weakness for the chocolate ones too. And no pop tart setting on my cheapie toaster. *~_~*... sigh... I had a real nice toaster before this one, but the cats killed it (don't ask) so I've resigned myself to cheap and easily replaced toasters. And even this one I now put into the cupboard when I'm not using it. The last toaster was like the 2nd or 3rd the cats killed. =(

Actually, I never used even half the settings on the old ones. A little experimenting, and you can usually find the "just right" setting for your toast and pop tarts. I am thinking of getting a little convection (sp?) oven thought... It's iffy, I don't really do heated sweets that often. I just had an odd craving for a pop tart this week. Must be because it's cold, and cold always makes me crave hot and sweet treats. Last week I craved hot cocoa, but an extra large caramel milk steamer from the bookstore killed that one pretty fast.

Over the weekend I was running around in the chill with no jacket, so I had to get something hot to drink. I was still shivering half the evening afterwards though. Thank goodness for Echinea and Goldenseal (sp?). I felt the onset of icky scratchy throat, but hot liquids and herbs helped stave off anything bad. whew!!!

I am thinking about making ginger bread. I usually don't like gingerbread that much, but when temp dips below 45 degrees, I want to bake. It's an automatic response. Cornbread, gingerbread, pumpkinbread... I am halfway thinking of baking a turkey this week if it doesn't get warmer. I already did a corned beef roast tonight. Will use it to make rueben sandwiches tomorrow. I really don't like corn beef when it's hot, but strangely love it cold. Hmmm... need to pick up sour kraut at the grocery. And some Kaiser (sp?) rolls.

agh... here I am procrastinating again when I should be working on model sheets!

Okay, I'm out of here for the nonce.


Tuesday, March 19, 2002 04:45:45 AM


1. Though Shalt Not Flame- *looks at flaming hand* Oh, shit, no flaming how about smoking then?

2. There Exist Four Gods; Greg Bishansky, Aaron Wheeler, Mara Cordova, Robby Bevard.
Um, Nope. Like 1.1 percent of CR populace I worship my G3 Mac all bow before the Mac.
3. Though Shalt Have No Gods Aside From These Four.
In other words no PC's ;)

4. Though Shalt Not Ask When TGS Will Continue

Good since Ib never read it anyway and i'll be damned to start now. ;)
5. Though Shalt Not Troll
6. Though Shalt Not Transform This CR Into the Christian Republican CR
That's why i'm Democratic ;)

7. Though Shalt Not Defy Thy Four Gods
No, Bow down to the MAC! ;)

Real post later.

Invsi Xavier - []
The city, of, eternal damnation
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 03:39:11 AM


Last week before spring break, already 25% finished! Just 3 more days till I'm off!

Kicked royal butt on my geotech midterm. I over-prepared because the prof made it sound way more difficult than it actually was. So every little factoid from the notes was on my cheat sheet, save one or two.

I have an interview tomorrow with the reporting manager and assignment leader for the GE nuclear plant project. I'm stoked. Looks like the job is AutoCAD for changing designs, MathCAD/Excel (though I hope to use Matlab) for calculations, and modifying websites/databases for new information. Not hard stuff, but at least I'd be doing something interesting with my summer.


Green Baron: <<I want to start teaching my kids Latin at six or so, since I wanted to learn latin, but I couldn't until I was 14>>: Don't assume that your kids want something just because you missed out on it. This is the same problem Lexy is having with her in-laws right now. <<I would probably use some of the homeschooling methods for that, especially during the summer>>: I'm sure they'll be infinitely grateful that you took away their troublesome summer vacation. <<you like as long as you promise to mow down lots of hippies>>: Consider it done. <<I don't knwo of too many Colleegs as high as 40,000 a year. I think even the Ivy League is only 30K if that>>: Some of the ivy schools have tuitions starting at 30, plus room, board, food, entertainment...gets close to 40, I'm sure. <<we can beat any European country any time they're ready>>: Ah, the old "might makes right". You'll make a fine parent.

Lain: <<howdy from the Land of the Commies>>: What were you doing in Berkeley? <<i still have to PAY for the internet service, even though im not GETTING it>>: No, you don't. If her name is on the bill, you can refuse to pay your half until she gets a new cable. Just once, you could exercise some BALLS. <<he left me his hat so i can smell him>>: Charming. Really.

Darlene: GO DIE.

Gunjack Valentine: <<While you two lounge decedantly in a land of socialist irresponsibility>>: Canada? <<Freedom is good, but snuggling is better>>: Wrong.

Foxy: <<That is not your job to tell eveyone what to do>>: No, actually it is. He's an admin. Why don't you go away.

Jan: <<not intentionally or without being provoked>>: Today. <<doesn’t mean that your children will want the same thing>>: Whoa. We think alike. <<That bridge will be crossed when he comes to it>>: Or burned, most likely. <<sucks to be him, huh?>>: And that's the reason fat men don't delivery toys in sleighs. <<they're crawling out of the woodwork>>: We draw all kinds of crazies.

Mooncat: <<Looks like the CR's spammer/stalker is back>>: Looks like five of them. <<The path of least resistance>>: I'm sorry, but the path of least resistance to a person with an IQ above 4 does NOT include living behind bars and being raped by a big fat man.

DPH: <<then there's the big G-O-D who created everything>>: I don't think he counts. <<Good rule. How do you plan on enforcing it?>>: With a banning script that goes backward in time. <<I do believe in electing leaders with morals>>: Too bad we don't either elect or have leaders with morals in the CR. <<one of our local Walmarts had an Anthrax scare>>: Right, because the terrorists are really after WALMART! <<Part of that includes disconnecting all phone lines when I go to bed (or leaving my computer online) and changing locks on doors>>: Its so nice telling your parents to f*ck off, isn't it? At least it is in your dreams. <<Is it possible for me to have call-blocking during certain hours of the day?>>: Nope. But leaving your computer on all the time will do fine.

Shinigami: <<let's see you make it rain>>: Golden showers? <<All that hardship and life experience probably has made you a hell of a judge of character>>: Or just a bitch. <<now where's my money?>>: Just because you CAN be bribed doesn't mean we're forking over the cash.

Fay: GO DIE.

Jan: <<it is feasible that I am a grandmother in the 30 year range>>: Its feasible...but you aren't.

Sevarius Jr: Missed you! Post more! <<Most CERTAINLY 2, 3 & 7>>: Because you worship many females. <<I take back every mean thing I said to you, Gunjack, lain, & Kaioto - please come back and admin this CR>>: Yeah, right.

Daphne: <<the Great Chain of Being>>: The what? <<I really don;t *want* to write a paper on the GReat Chain of Being>>: Or on anything else, for that matter. <<I got no work done and had very little fun>>: That's no good! <<Sorry to disappoint, but he is and I am>>: You're missing out. <<what? I'm tired and I've been doing that paper for hours>>: You're a freak.

IMPFAC: <<why the connection between Christian and Republican?>>: I don't know. I'm an atheist republican, myself. <<right of Attila the Hun>>: My dad likes to say "Larry Elder is a bit liberal for me. So is Pat Buchanan." <<any advise>>: Don't beg. It's pathetic.

Wilek: <<My current computer is officially the LAST one I will ever have that uses Windows>>: Welcome to the Mac side, my friend.

Gside: <<Just pickpocket her magical transforming thingy, and she shall remain a wimp>>: Ooh, good call! <<Depends on whether you believe the dounjinshi, or just go for cannon>>: Its times like this I'm glad I have no idea what you're talking about. <<I'm not sure if I would be more or less annoyed by the spammer if they made any kind of coherent sense>>: Less. <<Then become an engineer. Heck, a lot of the labs don't even use paper>>: What's paper?


They've really got my balls in a salad shooter.
-Mr. Tweek, South Park

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 02:43:21 AM

Imzadi> <<Did you really give up the color green for Lent?>>: Nah, he just uses the priests' vestments colors for his posting colors.
<<I think I'll forget to do all those things today>>: But corned beef is very tasty. Expecially in copius amounts on rye with mustard.
<<Right, like I'd date a chick who could beat me up>>: Just pickpocket her magical transforming thingy, and she shall remain a wimp.
<<What, no green? Or just not in the rotation?>>: It's in the rotation, just happened not to be available then. And I took pure Green out anyway. Now there's just Bright, Dark, and Dark Pine.
<<Can she conjure any sex tricks?>>: Depends on whether you believe the dounjinshi, or just go for cannon.
<<Feet, right?>>: Since it's for my brother's house, that many feet wouldn't fit. And it's not worth it to work with metric lumber here.

Anne O'Nymous> I don't get the ASCII art.

Jan> <<You have excellent taste in music>>: Nah, just outdated. I blame my father.

I'm not sure if I would be more or less annoyed by the spammer if they made any kind of coherent sense.

Daphne> <<I really don;t *want* to write a paper on the GReat Chain of Being>>: Then become an engineer. Heck, a lot of the labs don't even use paper.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 02:01:41 AM

Microshaft has gone too far. My current computer is officially the LAST one I will ever have that uses Windows. Click my name to see why. O_o'
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 01:14:59 AM

Forgot to mention (I get to post twice in one day because I only post once a week anyhow!):

If you place pop-tarts in a toaster and hold the lever down (from a safe distance, with a brick or something), after five or so minutes, the pop-tarts burst will shoot flames SEVERAL FEET into the air for a sustained period of time, presumably until the tart is toasted or the toaster is-whichever comes first.

I’ve always wanted to find a cheap toaster to try this out with. I don’t *think* brand or flavor matters, although toaster might. I’m guessing old metal ones would work best-but I’ve yet to get to test this theory.

Another fun thing to unnecessarily risk your life doing is sucking gasoline up with a vacuum, again from a safe distance. A jet of flame shoots out, and sometimes the vacuums explode dramatically. There is a competition held to this effect every year. Ah, the wondrous things you can learn from Dave Barry.

This should be in the same color-I'm not trying to mask that it is good old me ;)

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 12:48:35 AM

<<6. Though Shalt Not Transform This CR Into the Christian Republican CR>>

There was a danger of this? Wow, I knew I should have been spending my time here! There must be a history behind this-some rather right wing moralists spending their time here? Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha! *grabs his gun and prepares to defend Jesus*

BTW, why the connection between Christian and Republican? Hate to burst your bubble, but most Democrats are Christian, too.

And I am “right of Attila the Hun,” (hey, my dad may not have given me good genes, but he gave me great quotes!) and I am an agnostic Jew. Sorry, I’ve sworn always to defend my beloved right against all slander ^-^


Jan> Grandmother, eh? You did strike me as a well grounded person. Hey, before I go to trial on Wednesday and lose my license (five speeding tickets in one year, damn suburban cops!), any advise (aside from slowing down-that is just silly)?

I prefer experience over internet research, personally ~-^

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 12:39:33 AM

I really should be writing my paper on the Great Chain of Being... but I'm here, instead. I really don;t *want* to write a paper on the GReat Chain of Being.

7 Commandment>> I just do common courtesy. it's worked ok so far.

Greg B>> <Which one? Aaron, Mara, Robby or myself? > Your choice.

Josh>><Then you wasted it. > Yeah, pretty much. I got no work done and had very little fun. But I made some money judging for my brother's forensic tournement, and I bought that book.
<But then I wouldn't believe that you were dating him> Sorry to disappoint, but he is and I am.
<Geek is not open for debate> I guess it depends on your definition. by the one commonly used here, I'm not. By others, I might be.
<What kind of a vacation doesn't include a high speed connection!? > The useless kind I had. Dial-up modem, one phone line. I missed school.

Green Thomas>>
<vanquish the evil Orangemen> Protestant in Catholic school talking. Every year we had a dress-down day where we all had to wear green, and every year I'd threaten to wear orange. I never did, though -- partly because I was a wuss, and partly because I cant pull off orange.
<His main response was, "Watch it Tommy." >
Ooh, I'll have to use that sometime, when you start messing with people:)
<The CR would be very quiet> A little *too* quiet... (I couldn't resist)

Mooncant>> <Pop Tarts > sweet! (no pun inteded.) what flavor? and (stupid question) do you have one of those toasters with the Pop Tart setting?

DPH>><the big G-O-D who created everything> to quote "sister Act II"... "You down with G-O-D? Yeah, you know me!". [looks around] what? I'm tired and I've been doing that paper for hours. I feel goofy.
<Good to see you> or read me, anyway. you too, though.
<So? I'm sure that it snows during when our Spring occurs in another part of the world> yeah... but this is my part of the world, and I would like some spring weather, preferably soon.
<NERD = Never Ending Radical Dude. >
I like it.

Good night, God (of your choice) bless, and could those of you of the praying persuasion toss forward a few in reference to this paper? thanks.

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 12:37:08 AM

<<1. Though Shalt Not Flame
2. There Exist Four Gods; Greg Bishansky, Aaron Wheeler, Mara Cordova, Robby Bevard.
3. Though Shalt Have No Gods Aside From These Four.
4. Though Shalt Not Ask When TGS Will Continue
5. Though Shalt Not Troll
6. Though Shalt Not Transform This CR Into the Christian Republican CR
7. Though Shalt Not Defy Thy Four Gods

Well, I'll be breaking most of these.

Most CERTAINLY 2, 3 & 7.

I take back every mean thing I said to you, Gunjack, lain, & Kaioto - please come back and admin this CR.

Sevarius Jr. - []
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 12:10:04 AM

St. Patrick's Day ussually brings leprechauns... but I see this year it brought trolls instead. Fun.

Mara > Hey... have you snail mailed me that thing you said you were going to snail mail to me yet? It's been a couple weeks since I gave you my addy and I haven't received anything yet.

Mooncat > Thank you so much... that's the first time I've seen the term "pop tart" used correctly (and NOT in reference to Britney Spears) in well over a month. I'm glad someone besides me still remembers the correct usage! ;)

Patrick Toman
Monday, March 18, 2002 10:31:12 PM

Was it Saint Patricks day the other day? Dang, I just lose all track of time at work... In an event, not much to say except one thing..

Greg- I'm not a god, nor do I claim to be. I'm just a lowly comic book maker. 8P

Monday, March 18, 2002 09:47:37 PM

Sorry about the 2nd post for the evening, but I wanted to reply to a few things said to me before I forgot them...

Mara> <<you could dance sexual circles around my mate>> no, that's not what I said or at least that's not what I meant...and yes, I knew you were joking ;)
<<you are a grandmother in her, what, early to mid fifties... >> hate to burst your stereotyping bubble of the ages of grandmothers, but you are way off on the age. While I will not give my age - it is feasible that I am a grandmother in the 30 year range. You know the age of my daughter, but you don't know what my age was when she was born. =)
<<respect from you has to be earned, doesn't it? All that hardship and life experience probably has made you a hell of a judge of character>> I have never considered my life to be filled with hardships. *shrugs* I do have more life experiences (because of age) than most of you, but that doesn't make me an expert on judging character. I do actually have a keen perception about people and am rarely wrong about it. I don't have many talents, but for some reason, that happens to be one of the few that I do have.
Respect is not a right, it's a priviledge. It is something that must be earned. I respect the rights of everyone, but I don't necessarily respect all individuals. Respect is holding someone in esteem or honor. (one of the definitions) I don't put someone on that particular level "just because".
I was actually joking about the "2.5" - hence the .5

Mooncat> my mistake in referring to the inmate as a "kid". You know how us old people are.. we call everyone under the age of 45 "kids". The inmate was 23 at the time. The story came up because he is back in jail - under different charges this time.
I have no intention of encouraging or engaging in any type of conversations with the turds who are spamming the room. I just found it amusing that my name was included in 2 of the posts!

Zachy bath time...

Monday, March 18, 2002 09:36:31 PM

What do you mean??
Monday, March 18, 2002 08:40:38 PM

*limps in, with the most stupid looking just-got-laid grin imaginable*

Hi folks, would tell you about my week with Aaron, but damn that pg-13 room rating. Jan, you once said you could dance sexual circles around my mate... let's see you make it rain. :) (the smiley face is proof that I'm harmlessly joking)

Jan::3. Though Shalt Have No Gods Aside From These Four. – nope again. I will attempt respect for at least 2.5 of the admins, though : )

Well, you are a grandmother in her, what, early to mid fifties... respect from you has to be earned, doesn't it? All that hardship and life experience probably has made you a hell of a judge of character. :)

DPH:<4. Though Shalt Not Ask When TGS Will Continue>
Good rule. How do you plan on enforcing it? <5. Though Shalt Not Troll> Good rule. How do you plan on prevention of breaking that rule?

Planning is overrated.

DPH again:: The good thing about amoral admins: They can be bribed.

Damn straight. I am proud to be bribable.. now where's my money?

*sits, waitying for the cash, the fanart and other bribes to roll in*
Monday, March 18, 2002 07:52:32 PM

::thinks about it and decides it is an acceptable risk to mock most of the 7 commandments osted by GXB.::

<1. Though Shalt Not Flame>
::opens a portal and a few logs drop out. He quickly starts a fire and lets the flames from the heat warm him. Then, he decides to start roasting marshmellows::

<2. There Exist Four Gods; Greg Bishansky, Aaron Wheeler, Mara Cordova, Robby Bevard. 3. Though Shalt Have No Gods Aside From These Four.>

You know I thought they were a few more "gods" of this CR. Let's see there's the following people/organizations: Gorebash for providing the server, Hudson and who knows how many others who work behind the scenes to keep the server running, the electric company that provides the power for the servers, the company that provides the wiring for those servers to be connected to the 'net. Oh yea, then there's the big G-O-D who created everything.

<4. Though Shalt Not Ask When TGS Will Continue>
Good rule. How do you plan on enforcing it?

<5. Though Shalt Not Troll>
Good rule. How do you plan on prevention of breaking that rule?

<6. Though Shalt Not Transform This CR Into the Christian Republican CR>
Contrary to some people's opinions, I don't believe in theocracies. However, I do believe in electing leaders with morals.

<The other three commandments were lost on the way over.>
I think I can guess what a couple of the others were. Thou shalt have no morals save lying. Thou shalt not teach morals save lying.

GXB - <Get the number of a pizza place in my town and have a REAL pizza sent to me, and I'll consider it.> Hmm. What are your favorite pizza toppings?

Daphne - Good to see you. <And yet, it's sleeting and hailing right now.> So? I'm sure that it snows during when our Spring occurs in another part of the world. <<I prefer the term GCG -- Good Christian GEek. ALthough the "good" isn't completely accurate and the "geek" is open for
debate> NERD = Never Ending Radical Dude.

Imzadi - <God you're cheap.> The good thing about amoral admins: They can be bribed. <They didn't have any other way to do it in 7 seasons.> Who says they had to get home by the end of the series? If it had great writing, there would have been great ratings. I really believe the series finale sucked more than the rest of the series.

Green Baron - I would be more inclined to have mandatory IQ tests for both voters and candidates. Of course, the candidates would have to have a higher IQ to run for elections than people would in order to vote.

I've been accused of bringing bad luck to one message board. Yea, right.

For all the people who think I'm sane, I'm listing a recipe a plan on making today.

Hot Pie
2-3 banana peppers, finely chopped
1 haberno pepper, finely chopped
1 pound shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
6 eggs

Sprinkle the banana peppers in a well-greased 9-inch square pan; cover with cheese. Blend the eggs and haberno pepper well and pour over cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until firm. Cool and cut into 1-inch squares.

It actually tastes pretty good. The heat level isn't overwhelming, but it does get to your stomach.

Oh yea, yesterday, one of our local Walmarts had an Anthrax scare.

::pulls DC to the side. You know, I thought I had a standing agreement with DC. I thought DC remembered what I did to an unfortunate CR villain (left the villain with extreme paranoia) and wouldn't mess with me. Apparantly he's been hard at working at keeping a certain message board down for almost a whole week. Thankfully, I am not a moderator there.::

What part of "letting go" don't you understand, moron? Yep, I am rethinking my relationship with my dad. Part of that includes disconnecting all phone lines when I go to bed (or leaving my computer online) and changing locks on doors. Is it possible for me to have call-blocking during certain hours of the day? Too bad I can't hire a body guard to keep my dad out when I want to sleep during early morning hours.

DPH - [<-click her to view a picture that might be rather stupid]
Monday, March 18, 2002 07:29:41 PM

So! you can't take the heat can you Greg you always have to
have some do your work for you! Isn't that cute Mooncat is helping him or my I say Jan!! ^_^ Stay out of it little girl
this is my and Greg fight.

Foxy - []
Monday, March 18, 2002 07:14:55 PM

Hmmm... Looks like the CR's spammer/stalker is back. bleh.

Jan -- Don't encourage the twit. Please.

<<Ok, this is one of the dumbest criminal stories that I’ve ever heard and it happened right here in our very own jail…>>

Actually, I think this happens a lot more than people realize. A lot of kids will confess to something they didn't do if they are constantly grilled about it, because a lot of them think there is no point in denying "it" even if they ARE innocent, because they are going to be blamed and punished for "it" anyway. This guy was just lucky the truth came out some other way. No few times a kid will confess to accusations that are repeatedly thrown at them just to get things over and done with. The path of least resistance.

Can you really call it a stupid criminal story, if the kid DIDN'T do it? More like a stupid non-criminal story.

Greg B -- Oooohhh... Commandments! Mmm... I love a good commandment *^_~*

Various comments -- well, woke up and lost my last meal quite violently. Don't know why, but I feel fine now. Must have been some kind of instantaneous stomache flu or food poisoning. Then dined on Ramen and Pop Tarts once everything settled to normal in my tummy. yay! Poptarts! Though I think it's quite evil for them to be packaged in twos. I only wanted one, but since the package was open and I toasted them both, I ate the second one rather than let it be wasted.

It is still cold. Or at least it feels that way to me. I need to search the house and make sure I don't have a window cracked somewhere.

Okay, time to give the kittens their medicine, and stuff. So gotta jet.

later peoples!

Monday, March 18, 2002 06:54:50 PM

1. Though Shalt Not Flame - well, not intentionally or without being provoked.
2. There Exist Four Gods; Greg Bishansky, Aaron Wheeler, Mara Cordova, Robby Bevard. – ummm, nope
3. Though Shalt Have No Gods Aside From These Four. – nope again. I will attempt respect for at least 2.5 of the admins, though : )
4. Though Shalt Not Ask When TGS Will Continue - no problem since it doesn’t effect me one-way or the other. While I appreciate the time and effort that goes into writing such a great fic, I don’t read it.
5. Though Shalt Not Troll – no problem again.
6. Though Shalt Not Transform This CR Into the Christian Republican CR - *cringes* ;) dunno’ about this one… gonna’ have to think about it before making any promises.
7. Though Shalt Not Defy Thy Four Gods – refer back to #3.

<<Or go suck up to Jan and leave us along.>> *LOL* yeah! It is finally time to suck up to ME!! Mawahaha *hands Foxy $5*
<<but boy I must say that it was a boring week in here ;)>> that’s your fault *nods* You told everyone to shut up. ;p

Foxy> *coughs* you crackin’ smoke, dude?

Ravyn> <<Howdy, all! Didja miss me? ;)>> *pouncetacklehug* missed ya’! :D
Sometimes there are little kids that really touch your heart and some kids just plain on get on your nerves (which is the majority, IMO) so it’s nice to hear that this child was a sweetie :)

Green Baron> I have been having a very difficult time getting MSN to connect. It will work for a few moments and then it goes off again. Very frustrating since that’s the main source of communication between Denis and I. =(
<<I want to start teaching my kids Latin at six or so, since I wanted to learn latin>> one thing you will hopefully learn very quickly once you have children is that just because YOU wanted to do something and wasn’t able to – doesn’t mean that your children will want the same thing… or something that you did do and liked, they won’t necessarily like the same thing.

Lexy> I think it’s nice that you are making an attempt to please the future in-laws. There are worse things that you can be having to do besides small talk. :) By conversing with them in this manner, it may enable them to get to know you better and will eventually realize that you are not a “talker” and will accept you more for it.

Gside> OoooO *begins singing* Chantilly Lace and a pretty face, a pony tail hangin’ down, a wiggle in a walk, a giggle in a talk, LLLLOOoorrrRRddDd makes the world go ‘round ‘round ‘round… hehe, I love that song too ;) You have excellent taste in music ;)

Josh> <<I don't imagine it will be too many years before Zach asks who his dad is.>> That bridge will be crossed when he comes to it. A lot of things could happen between now and then.
<<No, of course he's real. Unfortunately, due to the laws of thermodynamics...he's dead.>> bummer… sucks to be him, huh?

Shadowrider> <<I continue receiving error messages>> *blinks* that’s weird… I’ve received emails all weekend long including today. I will attempt to send you an email to your new addy and hopefully that will clear up any problems.

Ok, this is one of the dumbest criminal stories that I’ve ever heard and it happened right here in our very own jail…. This kid was a suspect in a burglary. The detective kept asking him and grilling him about it – along with another guy (they were friends). Well, the other guy lawyer-upped, so Dave stopped questioning the other guy. The one guy (who didn’t request a lawyer) finally confessed to the burglary and was sentenced to jail. After he was in jail for 3 months, Dave discovered thru other contacts and such that this guy didn’t do the crime that he had confessed to doing! When Dave asked this guy WHY?? he would ever confess to a crime he didn’t commit, the guy answered, “ I was tired of you asking the same questions.” Ummm ooohhhkay. Sure, confess to a crime you didn’t commit, go thru court, and spend 3 months in jail before the detective finds out that you lied about it and he kicks you out of jail. LMAO

Well, it’s my night to cook and it’s raining and cold outside so I’m going to shock them and actually cook supper myself tonight =)

eehgads... they're crawling out of the woodwork...

Monday, March 18, 2002 06:36:38 PM

I mean...

** ** **** **
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Monday, March 18, 2002 06:15:57 PM

Looks like Greg's little cyberstalker is back.

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Monday, March 18, 2002 06:11:21 PM

SJ>>Greg>> And yes I yelled at impfac AFTER I yelled at everyone, and this is why. I'm not going to tolerate anybody who doesn't post here and comes in for the purpose of flaming someone, I don't give a shit who it is, or who they're flaming. For example, if Doug (under one of his many names) came in here and started flaming you again, you bet your ass I'd do something about it..

So!! your mad of this you must be nuts like eveyone says.Get a life little men. That is not your job to tell eveyone what to do! And if so you are a fool.Or go suck up to Jan and leave us along.

Foxy - []
Monday, March 18, 2002 04:46:06 PM

*enters beneath a burdensome pile of luggage, and shakes a fist at Lain and MD*

COMMUNISTS!! While you two lounge decedantly in a land of socialist irresponsibility, I bravely face my responsibilities in a true land of FREEDOM! Do you hear me? FREEEEDOOOOM!!!!


And I'd trade it all for another week or ten in the frozen north... For just one more chance to snuggle on the couch, watching those angst-ridden Curling masters.
Freedom is good, but snuggling is better.

Peace, Love, Dope!

Gunjack Valentine
Monday, March 18, 2002 04:45:25 PM

Greg Bishansky ask MoonCat to the dance well she go with him.I don't know said Carmen.I hop not said a friendly voice. ^_^

Darlene - []
Monday, March 18, 2002 04:28:47 PM

Hi people. I do quickly tonight, sorry...

Green Baron:> I hope you won't mind if I don't reply to your points now. I promise I will do in my longer post, later this week. For now, to answer your question about Pius XII letters...well, as far as I know there is no place on the Net where you can find them. I have read them some months ago on an Italian newspaper ("La Repubblica" is the name, if you want to check their archive), and I eventually found mentions of them on various books about the WWII and the Holocaust (including, if I remember well, "Hitler's willing executors" by Goldhagen) but I really don't know if they ever published them online.

Jan:> I am trying to email you since Friday, but I continue receiving error messages. They substantially say your email server does not respond, or that your address cannot be found. I suspect it works on both ways. Could you please check it out.
<<You know, like cutting curves on the motorcylce at higher speeds than you should be going (fast enough to be exciting but not too much that it's dangerous) and the front wheel placed just a fraction away from that center line... hehe >> I do the same sometimes...when conditions allow it...;)

No time for anything else. I promise I will respond to everyone else in my next post. See everyone.

Shadowrider - []
Monday, March 18, 2002 03:05:22 PM

*enters, wearing birkenstock sandles, daisies in hair and crunching granola*
howdy from the Land of the Commies :P

im here with metaldemon now.. it was sposed to snow last night but unfortunately, it didnt. were just hangin out, watchin movies, knitting, eatin vegetarian food, watching "this hour has 22 minutes" and discussing GOD in the most left-wing manner humanly possible.. ;) hee hee, its great ;D

anyway, my net got cut off, because my daft roommate was too cheap to buy a decent cable for our hub and it crashed. of course, i still have to PAY for the internet service, even though im not GETTING it. *growls*

my gunjack has gone home *sniffle* but he left me his hat so i can smell him :D YAY!!!!
and he left me a nice message on my computer *sighs* i miss him..

greg b> you know the thing..? with the stuff that gunjack and i were working on? well.. it might take longer than the two weeks because.. we had no net access.. well try to get it done, though :)
just thought id let ya know ;)

ummmm... i think thats all i have to say for now.

i know, i know, your all disappointed that im not dead but, what canya do? ;)

ill be back more when my lazy-ass roommate decides to buy a decent cable.. :P

love ya,

the Great White North
Monday, March 18, 2002 01:48:09 PM

I have a training holdiay for St. Patrick's. I love training holdiays.

Patrick Toman> << There are no species of snakes that live there today, but scientific wisdom now credits the last Ice Age, rather than St. Patrick, as being the thing that forced them away and prevented them from ever returning.>> I remmeber soemthing liek taht being discussed in my Religion Class. Now, if someone can remove the Brits form Ireland. Maybe CuChallain can rise and vanquish the evil Orangemen.

Daphne> <<yeah... I had a little old nun who my history teacher claimed taught Thomas Jefferson>> My Key Club Advisor, Bro. Leo looked old liek Moses. I amde a joke about him being converted by St. Patrick, plus he was called Moses. I got one better when I said he was Terra, the father of Abraham. His main response was, "Watch it Tommy."

<<I prefer the term GCG -- Good Christian GEek. ALthough the "good" isn't completely accurate and the "geek" is open for debate>> Now where have I heard that reference before :)

<< have to bomb my own house?!?! (yeah, my mom is half english protestant and half irish catholic)>> No bomb, just a ticking box. That would be the joke.

<<Aren't we a republic anyaw?>> Very true. Most people seem to forget that. I can see the good of a Republic except some of the voters are clueless.

Mr. X.> <<Though Shalt Not Transform This CR Into the Christian Republican CR>> Oops!! I don't think I'm as abd as some.

<<Oh come on, don't Home School your kids. You'll just f-ck them up.>> Well, it is a long time to actually worry about that, but I doubt I coudl find a proper substitute for socialization. I woudl liek to sue some of teh format so my chidlren coudl get additioanl instruction, since I do valu a Calssical Education and I want to start teaching my kids Latin at six or so, since I wanted to learn latin, but I couldn't until I was 14. I would probably use some of the homeschooling methods for that, especially during the summer.

<<Public School is good for them, they learn their social skills there and all sorts of stuff they'll need later in life, like learning how to fight. That's where I learned.>> Well, if I sent my kids to the average NO public school they'd be dead shortly. If I wnated my kids dead, I'd invite Firstorm into the Delivery Room with some silverware and Worcester Steak Sauce.

Now, maybe there will be a godo public school where I live. I am not going to completely rule out teh option, but I am cynical. You forget that you actually had good public schools where you lived in Westchester. I woudl never subject my kids to suburban life, so it may be more of a challenge. My mother used public school as a threat if my grades were bad.

<<Actually, I discussed the idea of banning everyone for a week with Aaron and Mara on Thursday, they were quite taken with the idea ;)>> The CR would be very quiet.

Imzadi> <<Did you really give up the color green for Lent? >> LOL!! Purple is just the color asscoisated with the Liturgical season of Lent.

<<Oh come on! An accounting glitch here...and the hummer is delivered to Berkeley.>> Well, I'm a Finance Specialist, not an Accounting Specilaist (yes those are specific MOSs), but I owudl love to send whatveer military vehicle you like as long as you promise to mow down lots of hippies :)

<<That's it? I mean, that's expensive, but its not much more than most private colleges here in the states.>> My HS tuition was almost 4,000. That's a difference. I also imagine that tuition will be much higher when I do spawn. I don't knwo of too many Colleegs as high as 40,000 a year. I think even the Ivy League is only 30K if that. Tulane is 30K if room and board is included, but that's the only one I really know of.

<<Define "safe".>> Good point, when Americna Pie II is coming to mind :)

<<Maybe I'm happy they're dead?>> But is in poor taste to openly show that, not that you would be stopped by that.

<<I don't imagine it will be too many years before Zach asks who his dad is.>> I guess that question can be answered when he asks.

<<So? Our government is funded by crack sales.>> Well, Spain had nothing going for it beyond stolen gold. We actually have real power and we can beat any European country any time they're ready.

Man, that's all the posts to respond to. I gues staht's ebacuse I'm six hours ahead of the US.

Green Baron - []
Hanau, Germany
Monday, March 18, 2002 11:03:34 AM

Another day of studying/preparing for my midterm. Beats doing real work...too bad I have plenty of real work due AFTER the midterm :-(

Happy St...oh wait, I don't care.

::deep breaths:: Four more days.

Jan: <<if Zach even knows the guy exists>>: I don't imagine it will be too many years before Zach asks who his dad is. <<the front wheel placed just a fraction away from that center line>>: That's how I drive. ;-) <<They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up>>: Where do you find this stuff? <<I'll bet you're going to tell me that Santa Claus isn't real>>: No, of course he's real. Unfortunately, due to the laws of thermodynamics...he's dead.

Green Baron: <<Even thoygh it si still Lent, I post in green, for St. Patrick's Day.>>: Did you really give up the color green for Lent? <<I bet it would be a best seller>>: In the humor section. <<Didn't even think about that>>: Of course not. That's my job. <<Make enough money and get enough power and you get whatever the hell you want>>: True. But I don't see myself having enough of either to get an F-15. <<If I had more influence, I'd hook you up>>: Oh come on! An accounting glitch here...and the hummer is delivered to Berkeley. <<they have a $40,000 a year tuition>>: That's it? I mean, that's expensive, but its not much more than most private colleges here in the states. <<I do hoep you get a good job and I hope you have fun in San Jose>>: Thank you. I think I shall. <<masturbation is the only true form of safe sex left these days>>: Define "safe". <<I guess time shall judge me>>: Your god, probably. <<mainly funded by stolen gold>>: So? Our government is funded by crack sales. <<I sometimes am certain I will go to Hell.>>: We are always certain of that. <<Going all bright and cheery sounds very contemporary and insulting>>: Maybe I'm happy they're dead?

Spacebabie: <<Time to where green, get drunk and eat cornbeef with potatoes and cabbage>>: I think I'll forget to do all those things today. <<he is going to the beach and on a camping trip, keep him out of my hair>>: Lucky you. I wish my brother would go away when I was home. <<are you refering to a real table or an html one?>>: LOL. <<Goodluck>>: Thank you. I expect to pass. <<Where will you go?>>: Wherever the wind takes me. Or an airplane. <<I filed it with a purple nail file smart @$$>>: HEHEHEHEHE thanks. <<you should try a pedicure sometime it’s a great way to pleasure yourself>>: No thanks, my feet are fine. And I have other ways to pleasure myself. <<Serena Tsukino aka Usagi Tsukino aka Sailormoon>>: Right, like I'd date a chick who could beat me up.

Lexy: <<It will be over a year or so before we get to move out>>: I can't wait to have my name on something where my dad's name isn't right next to it. <<stuff like that makes them happy *scratches head*>>: "Simple minds, simple pleasures". <<But _have_ one?>>: Yeah, whatever. 5:1 odds on Lexy carrying at the next gathering! <<Who would name their dog Nana 2?>>: Morons. <<How does everyone else feel about them editing ET so that the cops holding guns are now holding walkie Talkies>>: LAME. How dare they do that to a movie. <<I didn't know you had to go on an acid trip to get to NNL>>: And why not? You need acid trips to go to the Delta Quadrant, Hyperspace, and many other places in the movies ;-)

Ravyn: Welcome back. <<I'm sorry about not keeping up with the room>>: I don't think we can ever forgive you.

Christine: <<Based a character on him>>: Is that an honor or an insult? <<gluttony, violence, and sex>>: The ultimate trio!

Patrick: <<scientific wisdom now credits the last Ice Age, rather than St. Patrick, as being the thing that forced them away and prevented them from ever returning>>: Gee, there's a shock!

Daphne: <<I guess spring break will do that (and I didn't even do anything over spring break>>: Then you wasted it. I plan to do lots. <<[raises eyebrows] I see>>: Of course you do. Because you're a chick. <<I bet you know that by now>>: I do, but I still think its a waste. <<Jesus is Greek for Joshua>>: Close enough for me! <<would you beleive he's more, uh, consevative than I am?>>: Yes. But then I wouldn't believe that you were dating him. <<ALthough the "good" isn't completely accurate and the "geek" is open for debate>>: You hang out in here. Geek is not open for debate. I know because I am a master debater. ;-) <<Jesus said "judge not">>: I believe Denis Leary said "I'm an @$$ oh ee oh..." <<my internet use has been sporadic... and slow>>: What kind of a vacation doesn't include a high speed connection!? <<I have to bomb my own house?>>: Happens to the best of us. <<of dawn>>: NEVER! I fear the buttcrack of dawn.

Greg X: <<I am now on Spring Break, and boy I really need a break>>: I hate you all. I need this break so badly...and its 4 days away still! <<We started MSTing it within the first few minutes>>: Well with that crew, who can be surprised? <<I must say that it was a boring week in here>>: There's only so much I can do! <<I discussed the idea of banning everyone for a week with Aaron and Mara on Thursday, they were quite taken with the idea>>: What did I do!? <<You'll just f-ck them up>>: He's gonna screw them up anyway. <<like learning how to fight. That's where I learned>>: Yeah. Us pretty boys in private school never learn that. <<Though Shalt Not Flame>>: You putz! Its "Thou". BIG difference. <<The other three commandments were lost on the way over>>: Shoot the delivery boy! <<Get the number of a pizza place in my town and have a REAL pizza sent to me, and I'll consider it>>: God you're cheap. <<In addition to>>: Now Jan is pissed. <<We need to spice things up a little>>: Bring in the strippers! <<we were insane before we became Con Chairs>>: I suppose you'd have to be. <<You're not chief of any other editors>>: Quiet! He's power tripping, can't you see that!? <<I have twenty minutes to go and get drunk before St. Patty's Day is over.>>: Gee, do you think you can do it?

Gside: What, no green? Or just not in the rotation? <<you're getting it on with exxentially the Magical Girl>>: Great, just what I've always wanted. Can she conjure any sex tricks? <<You forgot the toys>>: True. <<I'm sure there are many engineers who have to listen to him now>>: Sad but true. <<takes up an actual physical space (87*20*37)>>: Feet, right? ;-)

Alright, midterm tomorrow. Time to do the sleep thing.

They've really got my balls in a vice grip.
-Mr. Tweek, South Park

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Monday, March 18, 2002 02:29:19 AM

Imzadi> <<Who?>>: Congratulations, you're getting it on with exxentially the Magical Girl.
<<Food. Sex. Food. Sex>>: You forgot the toys.
<<He's not an engineer>>: No, but I'm sure there are many engineers who have to listen to him now.
<<really? Out of what?>>: Two by fours, mostly. And screws and glue. We got the melamine lined fiberboard today.
<<Depends on who you work for>>: Or who you can get to give you grants.

Spacebabie> <<Oh wait are you refering to a real table or an html one?>>: The kind that is not in my collegiate field of study, and takes up actual physical space (87*20*37).

Greg> <<The other three commandments were lost on the way over>>: Very goood, Mr. Brooks.

And the new mp3 is, for no real reason, Chantilly Lace by the Big Bopper. And there's even a bonus in my eden account to go with it.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, March 17, 2002 11:49:33 PM

<--- In celebration of Saint Patrick's Day, I think I'll post with Maeve. Kinda funny since she hates St. Patrick's Day.

Well, the past few days have been fun. For the most part. I am now on Spring Break, and boy I really need a break.

Thursday ruled! My friend; Ron and I went into the city and we hung out with Aaron and Mara. We did some stuff for Gathering 2003, too soon to make any announcements though. Hung out in their hotel room for a few hours, and had some fun. Talked about a little bit of everything, G2003, the fandom, politics, comics, bad movies, lots of things.

Saw "The Time Machine" last week also, and it sucked. We started MSTing it within the first few minutes. That movie had plot holes big enough to fly a Vorlon Planet Killer through. It just made no sense.

Now, on to replies, but boy I must say that it was a boring week in here ;)

SPACEBABIE> <<Congrats on becoming an admin. Since you post a lot more often I know you will keep this room in line.>> I hope so. Cause I'm just plain mean. Actually, I discussed the idea of banning everyone for a week with Aaron and Mara on Thursday, they were quite taken with the idea ;)

GB> <<I thought they were already destroyed.>> No, not yet. There are still a few people holding on to them and preaching them. They of course must be stopped. <<Public School>> Oh come on, don't Home School your kids. You'll just f-ck them up. Public School is good for them, they learn their social skills there and all sorts of stuff they'll need later in life, like learning how to fight. That's where I learned.

REVEL> <<You know what your Admid anouncment reminds me of, this one scene in a Simpsons Episode. "Uh oh, Moses is back, everyone look busy!">> You know, that is the first time I've ever been compared to Moses. Which reminds, me I bring the 10 Commandments of the CR...

1. Though Shalt Not Flame
2. There Exist Four Gods; Greg Bishansky, Aaron Wheeler, Mara Cordova, Robby Bevard.
3. Though Shalt Have No Gods Aside From These Four.
4. Though Shalt Not Ask When TGS Will Continue
5. Though Shalt Not Troll
6. Though Shalt Not Transform This CR Into the Christian Republican CR
7. Though Shalt Not Defy Thy Four Gods

The other three commandments were lost on the way over.

DPH> <<DPH tells them to guard the pizza until GXB arrives to claim it.>> Nice try, but I cannot so simply be bought. Get the number of a pizza place in my town and have a REAL pizza sent to me, and I'll consider it. <<Wait a minute: if all the admins are on the G2k+3 staff, who will be policing the CR during G2k+3?>> Trust me, the CR will be policed just fine.

JAN> <<congrats on becoming an admin! =D Is this in addition to or in place of?>> In addition to.

JOSH> <<Congrats on your promotion to admin!>> Thanks. <<Now do us all a favor and DON"T SUCK>> Oh, don't worry. I won't. <<Bah, I could do your job. Asleep. Because I yell in my sleep>> LOL <<This CR is gonna get real boring real fast.>> We need to spice things up a little. <<With me at G2k3, who the hell needs to be a policed in here>> Not sure. Hey, is SJ coming to G2003? <<Why do you think Garg Con Chairs are so insane?>> But we were insane before we became Con Chairs. Right Jen? ;)

STEPHEN> <<Editor-in-Chief, Avalon Mists 2002>> Editor-in-Chief? But there's just one editor. You're not chief of any other editors

DAPHNE> <<I think that's all for now. God bless!>> Which one? Aaron, Mara, Robby or myself?

Okay, worked all day, so I now I have twenty minutes to go and get drunk before St. Patty's Day is over. Tomorrow shall be "Hang Over Day"

Greg Bishansky
Sunday, March 17, 2002 11:42:45 PM

Darn, but I'm behind on replies. I guess spring break will do that (and I didn't even do anything over spring break).

I bought this book yesterday that some of you may get a kick out of... it's called "Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal". And it's even funnier than it's title suggests. Not for the easily offended, but if you don;t mind the occasional poking of fun at Christianity (or enjoy doing the poking), I recommend it. Of course, being as cheap as I am, I also recommend holding out for the paperback version unless you have a gift card lying around like I do... it's kind of steep for a book I read in a day.

Christine>> <Survivor > it's on Wednesday this week (why? anybody know?) > NCAA basketball

Josh>> <This is a chick thing too, I assure you. > [raises eyebrows] I see....
<you need a memorial, build something that doesn't prevent the space from ever being used again> actually, it's supposed to be temporary... and it's not on the actual site. but I bet you know that by now.
<What Would Josh Do? > close... Jesus is Greek for Joshua
<She's alive. Probably playing with her new boy-toy. > would you beleive he's more, uh, consevative than I am?

Green Thomas>> <She was old and I think she was converted by St. Paul :)>
yeah... I had a little old nun who my history teacher claimed taught Thomas Jefferson
<The only other really moral person in the CR is Daphne >
I prefer the term GCG -- Good Christian GEek. ALthough the "good" isn't completely accurate and the "geek" is open for debate
<and she doesn't really discuss it much in a public forum>
I'm a big fan of free will, and Jesus said "judge not".
<She's been absent as of late.>
It's called spring break. my internet use has been sporadic... and slow :(
<I hope she got my last e-mail. >
I did, and I'll reply ASAP
<put ticking boxes in front of any homes where Englishmen live >
I have to bomb my own house?!?! (yeah, my mom is half english protestant and half irish catholic)
<Its' why I think Democracy is bullshit, period>
Aren't we a republic anyaw?

Spacebabie>> <The only crack Josh is on is butt crack. >
of dawn

Jan>> <He was truly a gifted comedian>
People keep telling me that. I guess it's just me, but I don't see it as much.

DPH>> Condolances on your uncle.
<FYI: Spring 2002 starts on March 20, 2002 and continues until June 20, 2002. >
And yet, it's sleeting and hailing right now.
<Then, I'm an endangered species in the CR. >
maybe that's why they were trying to fix us up.

Todd Jensen>> <That episode was definitely a startling one>
Didn't they pull that in the last season of DS9?

I think that's all for now. God bless!

Sunday, March 17, 2002 11:27:43 PM

Christine- Based a character on him hey? *lol*

Think I'll be lazy and post no further:)

Sunday, March 17, 2002 11:00:05 PM

Oh Jeeze looks like somebody had way too much green beer.

I do not want to go through what happened over a week ago again.

Sunday, March 17, 2002 07:15:52 PM

im wiling t kil anywhon wo gts in me way
Sunday, March 17, 2002 06:30:01 PM

Sunday, March 17, 2002 06:27:35 PM

email me
I Forgot - [I Hate The Fact That You Want To Email Me]
dont remeber, forget, not sure
Sunday, March 17, 2002 06:26:50 PM

Re St. Patrick's Day: I remember reading a toast to St. Patrick once, commemmorating about how he drove all the snakes out of Ireland, and ending roughly along these lines (quoted from memory):

"Let us drink to celebrate this day, but not too much, lest we forget the good St. Patrick, and see the snakes again."

(Although I suspect that the snakes that would show up from the overimbibing would be a lot more peculiar-looking than the original snakes driven out of Ireland).

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, March 17, 2002 06:26:26 PM

teen goliath
raven - [breaker]
las vegas, nevada, usa
Sunday, March 17, 2002 06:23:09 PM

:: peeks in ::

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

"He drove the snakes from Ireland" > I guess if you want to speak metaphorically, you could interpret this as meaning he brought Christianity to Ireland. But by legend, he is also credited for literally expelling the snakes from the island. There are no species of snakes that live there today, but scientific wisdom now credits the last Ice Age, rather than St. Patrick, as being the thing that forced them away and prevented them from ever returning.
:: heads off to eat corned beef & potatoes and drink beer ::

"Snakes... why did it have to be snakes?" - Indiana Jones

Patrick Toman
Sunday, March 17, 2002 05:50:19 PM

Saw Ice Age. Great movie! Two thumbs way up. Lots of fun throughout. Good story, good characters, nice to look at, funny, touching, exciting. Didn't rely on gastrointestinal humor and pop-culture references nearly as much as Shrek or M. Inc. The little Scrat stole the show, but I also liked Diego (and Diego's sabertooth clan leader, but only because he was voiced by the ever-sexy Dr. Luka Kovac, hey hey!). Most highly recommended.

DPH > I think Vlad the Impaler retired after being gutted last season by Mechavore; Vladiator was still in it this time but got knocked out. Son of Wyachi destroyed himself; they blamed it on an adjustment that went a little haywire.

Lexy > don't worry; I won't nag you about kids. One was enough for me, none is enough for some, and then there are those like the dolt I used to work with who thought his genes were so superior that every woman he knew should have children by him (no, really ... not as a way of sleeping with them ... he was offering to donate sperm the clinical rather than old-fashioned way. Scary. Based a character on him).

Book stuff > finally joined the Horror Writers of America. Not quite fully qualified for 'active' membership yet but the 'affiliate' status is nice too ... I get the newsletter and access to the message boards (some names on there I recognize from my bookshelf!), and so far everyone seems very nice. Got a line on a couple of anthologies, so tonight I will pursue an idea about a story about gluttony, violence, and sex (how CAN you go wrong?) and put Truegold on hold for a while.

It snowed here yesterday. Today it's sunny. The weather just cannot make up its mind. Poor kids at the park; Little League supposed to be starting (and the bastards used chainsaws to tear apart the old wooden bleachers last week while I was trying to sleep; still haven't forgiven them that). Working six nights in a row starting tonight, just got to keep telling myself "time-and-a-half!"

Christine - []
Sunday, March 17, 2002 05:47:17 PM

Howdy, all! Didja miss me? ;)

I was off the last week or so for Spring Break, so I'm sorry about not keeping up with the room! I had an absolutely wonderful visit from my uncle and his new family ... including his adorable, perfect 1 year old daughter! Oh my goodness, was she just so sweet ... I had so much fun playing games with her and just being around her. If you all had seen the smile she'd flash to people ... man, I made a new friend, but then she had to leave to go home ... what's up with that? ;) I wished she could have stayed ... but oh well. ;) And just so everyone knows ... NO, she did NOT change my mind about having kids. I still don't want to have kids. Too scary. She was just a really sweet little girl who I really really miss like crazy now ... ;)

Jan> Hey, you're always welcome to sit at my and Coyote's "chair!" ;) Sorry I missed you there for a little while ... **waves** :)

LM and FS> Good luck with the housing situation!

Coyote> **huggles** The website looks great. ;)

Well, I'd better get going on all the homework I need to do that I *didn't* do over Spring Break, as usual ... ;) See y'all around!

Sunday, March 17, 2002 05:12:52 PM

Lexy> I must admit teaching chidlren is probably one of the most effective forms of birth control out there :)

Silavdel> Well, I feel differently about St. Patrick, but I doubt you really want to discuss it. I have an idea about where your views come from, though I can't say I agree with them. I think the snake thing is just a legend and some folklore. I raelly doubt it was a crusade, in fact I recall he was mainly charismatic. It is amusing that the patron saint of Ireland was not even Irish.

Jannie> Green beer? LOL!!! BTW, I tried to IM you, but none of my Ims can get through to you.

Well a bonny St. Patrick's day to ye all and thank God I'm Irish.

Green Baron - []
Sunday, March 17, 2002 04:14:57 PM

Josh- That is true about the financial thing. It will be over a year or so before we get to move out:P But when we do, after a few rocky years of figuring out what we are doing, we will be a lot more independent. :D

Jan- That's cool that you enjoy being with your family:) I am working on small talk. It is tough, but apparently all I have to do is bring up un-important things, and it makes them happy. (that is small talk isn't it?) Like "So. What did you do last night." Geez..stuff like that makes them happy *scratches head* ah well.

Christine- Kids? Oh no..NOnononononono. Not me;) (hides from all the posts declaring she is way to young to say that, that ppl change, and that children are blessings) YES I KNOW. But trust me. It's not for me. Cats cats and more cats:D!! I'm so close to being independent..why would I have a kid 0_o? (Don't get me wrong. Love kids. I am going to teach Early Childhood. But _have_ one? no thanks)

Saw Return to Never Land- I wanted to see this movie, but Kai and Al did not. But they did want to see LOTR's again. We went to a theater on Sat and LOTR's wasn't playing. However, RNL was. So I got them to go;) There was an old school cartoon before the show (a Pluto cartoon) It was really weird, because the children in the audience were like "What's this?" They knew who Pluto was, but the cartoon looked odd to them. *feels..old..o_O.* They also showed advertisments for E.T, and a little kid behind us yelled "Steven Sp. is OLD isn't he?" Oh brother. We died. Al turns around and says "Why yes. Yes he is." The parents were doubled over too. Then I realized that this was probably the first Peter Pan for a lot of those kids. Unless the older ones caught the live action one. Kai and AL didn't remember the old one very well at all. I had to explain stuff to them. So weird. (BTW: How does everyone else feel about them editing ET so that the cops holding guns are now holding walkie Talkies *sp?*)
Anyway, as for RNL. Not bad. I think Kai, Al and I laughed more then the kids did. It was a little loonier then I would have liked, however. I mean, ppl popping out of tree trunks and such, and Jane hitting the ground and leaving a perfect imprint was annoying. I felt like I was watching Loony Toons for a moment there. The song the lost boys sang was annoying too. Getting rid of the Croc was a bad move IMO as well. Who would name their dog Nana 2? I mean..Nana would have been enough. I'm sure we know the original would be dead by then. Or N.J or something. But 2? *shrugs* It just sounded weird. When the pirates first went to NNL they showed some extreamly brightly colored (and extreamly annoying) worm hole (if ya like) as they entered the other 'world'. As I am laughing so hard I am crying, Al turns to me and says " I didn't know you had to go on an acid trip to get to NNL." To which my mom later told me," It's always been that way." -_-. Ya. Bad joke. Anyway. The CGI got a little annoying. But if they had JUST skipped that scene, things would have been ok. The V.A's did a great job as far as sticking to the original. My #1 problem with it was that Peter Pan said the word 'unbelievable' twice. Ok..shouldn't NNland fall in on itself if he says something like that? The whole problem with Jane was that she didn't believe, and Tinker Bell almost died, (again) because she said she didn't believe in her. But Peter Pan can say he finds this or that 'unbelievable'. That just struck me as both very off character, and somehow running contrary to the very existance of Never Never Land. I was also pouty that Jane declared herself the first 'Lost Girl'. I have been saying for years that I wanted to be the first Lost Girl. IT'S JUST NOT FAIR! :( Kai and Al both poked at me for that one. So I just pouted at them. *has work in one more hour* ICK ..

Sunday, March 17, 2002 03:02:16 PM

Silvadel> <<What was his main achievement?>> ummm.. he invented green beer?

<<He "drove the snakes from ireland." >> which is a good thing because I don't like snakes ;)

I'll bet you're going to tell me that Santa Claus isn't real, huh? ;p

Sunday, March 17, 2002 02:15:00 PM

St Patrick ... Bleach...

What was his main achievement?

He "drove the snakes from ireland."

What did that mean?

That means he led a crusade against the indigenous religions in ireland, killing and destroying.


Would have been much better if Ireland were just left alone by St Patrick and his ilk.

Sunday, March 17, 2002 01:13:31 PM

Morning or actually its lunch time.

I posting in green cause of the holiday.

Time to where green, get drunk and eat cornbeef with potatoes and cabbage.

My springbreak is over but the boy's has begun wich means he is going to the beach and on a camping trip, keep him out of my hair.

Firestorm<<<And I *SO* wanted to make cooking/snacking jokes! >>>Sick dude, besides babies don’t have a lot of meat. You need to wait for them to grow up so there is more to eat…that’s why I don’t eat veal.

Gside<<<I built a table today. Fun. >>>Big whoopy I make tables all the time…Oh wait are you refering to a real table or an html one???

Jaden<<<Your feet feeling better?>>>Yes the pedicure worked wonders. Thanks for asking.

Josh<<<studying for my Geotech midterm.>>>Goodluck<<<I'll be out of this cursed city! YAY! >>>Where will you go?<<<Hey SJ, where are you!?>>>I have been wondering that as well.<<<How do you file something with green polish? >>>I filed it with a purple nail file smart @$$ you should try a pedicure sometime it’s a great way to pleasure yourself.<<<Their loss.>>>Their loss? It would have been your loss.<<<Who?>>> Serena Tsukino aka Usagi Tsukino aka Sailormoon.

Sunday, March 17, 2002 12:10:17 PM

Happy St. Patrick's Day. Even thoygh it si still Lent, I post in green, for St. Patrick's Day.

Now on to replies.

Jannie> <<I can understand your disgust for the public school system… afterall, you did go to school in Louisiana. I know that at one time it was rated #48 – with Mississippi and Georgia (or Alabama) as 49 and 50 in the rankings.>> Plus New Orleans ahs an even worse public school system than the rest of Louisiana, which is why Catholci schools are so popular. They actually have teacher's who give a damn about teaching insetad of pledging fealty to the teacher's Union. Incidentally, Catholci school teacher's make much less than a publci school etacher, but the finished product of a Catholic school education is much much better. That's probably why a sizable minority of students in Catholic school aren't Catholic, because tehy learn. More non-Catholcis woudl attend the New Orlenas Cathoclis chools, except that New Orleans is a very Catholic city (at least on paper, hwo many parctice is a whole differnet story). In Memphis's Cathoclic schools, the majority of students that attend are not Catholic. I do wish they coudl pay the teachers better. They deserve a lot more than they make.

<<*L* Well, Denis does ;)>> That's good to know. Now, you get to be a moralsit, sine you have standards in your men :)

You shoudl write a book about what happens on a daily basis at your job. I bet it would be a best seller.

Imzadi> <<Careful, they might take that the wrong way.>> Oops. Didn't even think about that :)

<<You're sharing more details than we need to hear. We already know you're gonna die a virgin.>> Maybe so. Actually, the legal marriage idea is also because the military grants more benefits to married couples. PLus, in the very least, I could get someone I care about out of a bad situation.

<<F*ck the tank. I want a harrier. Or an F-15. Unfortunately, only Hummers are sold to civilians.>> Make enough money and get enough power and you get whatever the hell you want. If I had more influence, I'd hook you up, after I get some stuff my father wants.

<<I liked private school. Sure, it meant my family couldn't afford somethings that we would have liked, but the tradeoff was well worth it. Hell, I'm gonna be a GE engineer! ;-)>> Tome, that is what being a parent is about. My chidlren would always come ahead of luxuries, though I'd liek to afford both. If I was incredibly wealthy, I'd sned them to teh Rose in Switzerland where they can have classes with the children of some of the most pwoerful individuals in the world. Now, realistically, I know that won't happen, becuase they have a $40,000 a year tuition. I do hoep you get a good job and I hope you have fun in San Jose.

<<I think that there are more people who don't know anything that vote than there are knowledgeable people that vote. That's why American Democracy sucks>> Its' why I think Democracy is bullshit, period. I favro plutocratic Government a lot more.

<<I almost made that pledge a month ago. We'll see what happens.>> Well, what you told us a month ago would be a good reason to do that. Just hearing that event would make me do that. Besides, masturbation is the only true form of safe sex left these days :)

<<but I still don't think people her age should be dating people your age>> I understand where you're coming from. Maybe you're right. I guess time shall judge me.

<<Whatever happened to "don't ask, don't tell"?>> That isn't what the policy is about. It has to do with veiwing certain material on DoD computers. Basically, I can't view pornography sites or hate sites. As long as I can view Gargoyles, I'm fine.

Spacebabie> <<I’m also of British decent. No wonder I’m conflicted.>> I'm a direct descendant of William the Conqueror, but I side with the true Irish in teh Northern Ireland conflict. The only time I sided with Engalnd wa against the Spanish Armada, because Spain was a joke as an imperial power, mainly funded by stolen gold and not by anything else.

Shadowrider> <<Well, it is what I think. Sorry, but I cannot accept anyone defending someone like Pinochet.>> You've no need to apologize, firend. Stand by your convictions. You don't ahve toa ccept my defense of him. It is purely Economical. Perhaps I am very worng about Pincohet. He may need to be in a 5x7 cell with Fidel Castro for the rest fo his days. I heard the trial was goinga gainst him, plus the Chilean Government was turning more leftist. I recall Garzon is investigating the dirty war in Argentina where children were abducted by the military form dissidents. Perhaps I shoudl break discussion of this. I think I have already agitated you enough.

<<Hah! I'm sorry, but I hear enough of this stuff in my country, thank you.>> I neevr really hear that many accustaions of Communsim. I am more used to hearing people branded as fascists for being in any way conservative. I guess it evens out.

<<but to bless him, and give him the papal kiss>> I thought everyone got that. My bad.

<<Yes, you should read those letters. Although, maybe it is useless...after all, you have already taken your conclusions. It is something I somehow envy to you religious people...the ability to judge even before knowing. It is something I've never been able to do...>> Well, teh letters shoudl reveal light on thoughts and beleifs that I ahd, but I am not going to abandon my faith over the revealtions. I consider myself a Catholic first, and an American second. That is me. I was being sarcastic about the Marxism comments over John XXIII, though you knew that. Do you have a link to these letters?

<<So, the bad actions (read: those actions that are recognized as 'bad' by enough people afterwards) have been made by the bad popes of the times gone, and their responsibility is only of the popes themselves (who are supposed to be God's messengers on this world, but probably God was looking somewhere else, of sleeping). Good actions, not. They have been made by the Church, cause Church is not a single man, but a totality, so those good actions must be credited to the greater glory of the true church...again, funny. In a bit horrid way...>> Well, you have a good point. I do see the bad popes as extreme individualists who worngly used their Office for personal gain and I see the good ones as those who committed to something greater than themselves. Thsoe are merely my beliefs and youc an tear through them as you wish. I am more in the category of the bad folks. I try to follow the faith, but I am a poor Catholic, and it is something I have difficulty admitting. I sometimes am certain I will go to Hell.

<<the whole church should be doomed.>> Why? I should share in the guilt of Pius XII? I am an evil man for my own reasons, not for his.

<<When he arrived in the vatican citym he was secluded in a undisclosed location. After a week of brain-washing he signed a paper in which was said he had repented, and that his marriage was not valid. Now he is in "vacation" in a indisclosed location (again) to "recover from his intense conditionof stress". A quite long vacation, since it is been seven months since the last time he was seen.>> What a nutbar!! Hopefully he is in some institution somehwere getting much needed help.

<<and will begin thinking with their own mind,>> I could see some really screwed up results from that. I've always believed the corrupt popes did exactly that.

<<Hmm...since those lights have been projected and built in Italy, I *cannot* say it was not a good idea...;)>> I agree with Imzadi there. Buildining sapce is too vital to NYC. I didn't know the stuff was already done.

DPH> <<Do you support random checks to make sure that home schooled kids are both learning and not being abused?>> Yes, and teh poepl making checks need to be checked. I trust a scoial worker as far as I can throw one.

<<Can anyone say we're trying to start World War 3? It's the US versus the rest of the world. Why am I saying that? We're being slapped with tariffs, trying to equalize things.>> I guess it's time. Of course, without the US the world would be much worse off, which is pretty sad to think about.

<<why do we wear black/dark colors to funerals? If we are supposed to celebrating the life of a person, shouldn't bright, cheerfull colors be better?>> Wearing black is traditional and we don't know where they will be going. Going all bright and cheery sounds very contemporary and insulting.

<<My uncle who passed away had great grandchildren, so there is hope for seeing 4 generations around.>> My grandfather had a few great grandchildren, but my great great grandfather died in 1902. Was he an Uncle or a great Uncle?

<<I am going to have to re-think my relationship with my dad. Apparantly, an unnamed person thinks I have not done enough to try to reach amnesty with my dad.>> Good, it may help you out with your life.

Jaden> <<As for Humvees, try going over snow or unpaved roads now that's an experience. Have you done a PMCS yet?>> I do a PMCS every Tuesday morning. There are a limited amount of dirvers in my Unit. Once I pass the written part of the USAREUR driving test, I will take the humvee driving coruse an then be able to drive a humvee. I need to get more training driving non-tactical vehicles so I can get needed driving experience.

Green Baron - []
Hanau, Germany
Sunday, March 17, 2002 12:09:26 PM

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of my fellow Irishmen =D

Josh> like GSide said... different lessons learned. This one is about being vendictive and learning to be patient. She also (hopefully) learned that her words could create reactions that would cause her a lot of pain and headaches.

Firestorm> <<no respect for the guy>> what was the first clue? *L* I certainly would have sympathized with him and would have encouraged Anna to allow him some type of involvement in Zach's life if the donor had shown any type of responsibility or support. However, he has done none of that and after the experiences of Thursday night on the phone with him... well.. he can now wait until Zach is 18 years old to see him - if Zach even knows the guy exists.

Shadowrider> *chuckles* I will do nothing that is illegal. However, I may ride the line a few times ;) You know, like cutting curves on the motorcylce at higher speeds than you should be going (fast enough to be exciting but not too much that it's dangerous) and the front wheel placed just a fraction away from that center line... hehe

Gside> <<that's a wake>> I like finding the meaning or origin to words or phrases....
Back in the 1500's lead cups were used to drink ale or whiskey. The combination would sometimes knock them out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial.
They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up-hence the custom of holding a "wake."

Jaden> *nods* I've heard about the backlog with the military hospitals and the VA hospitals. My uncle, who is retired AF, was put on "backorder" for over 3 months for his heart surgery. He wasn't in critical condition, but yet he needed to have a valve replaced and one bypass performed.
geesh, gotta' love these family genes O.o

DPH> *shrugs* I don't really care if they could have been 5 seconds faster, I just liked the show. It's amazing how much more enjoyment you can get from something if you don't sweat the small stuff ;)

A possible sighting of the sperm donor and his cronies this weekend. Anna was pulling out onto the highway when a car, matching his father's car, with Texas tags and had 3 young males - one of which looked very much like a friend - passed by her. They wouldn't have recognized her vehicle because they haven't seen this one... but she could have just been paranoid. She called me and I made the necessary precautionary calls. I don't know if they were here or not... doesn't matter to me. I hope that they were and spent the weekend driving all over town looking for us. *snickers* I hope they wasted an expensive trip this weekend. It's a minimum of 12-13 hours drive time - one way, plus lodging, food, and gas. I can't think of anyone in town who would give them my physical address and directions unless they knew me and they'd call before doing that. These guys are not the most presentable looking people and most of the people around here are protective. If they had gone to the sheriff's dept. and attempted to convince the dispatcher that they were old friends from Texas trying to find us, the donor would have been served the original ex parte. (plus they wouldn't have been given any information about my address) - or as I told dispatch.. give them directions to Eagle Rock or Golden.. *cackles* Let the flatlanders drive thru some of the worst of the Ozark Mtns roads and become so unbelievably lost in the back woods ;) *hears dueling bangoes in the background*
So yeah, I hope that they did make a visit to my wonderful town ;) I live outside of the town limits and the chances of them finding me on their own are next to nothing. They don't even know what kind of cars we drive. dorks.
Anyway, life moves on and so do we. :)

I went to an auction yesterday. Very nice things *nods* The family has money! some of the collectibles that were auctioned off were amazing and it was just nice to be able to look at the collections! Of course, I didn't buy any of it - I bought other misc. items, but stayed away from the more expensive items. It wasn't really my type of collectibles anyway... no McDonald Disney cups ;) j/k
It was nice being at an auction - haven't been to one in several months. It's too expensive of an hobby to attend too many! *L* I did purchase a nice end-table set for Anna's house (when she moves) She has all of the basic furniture, couch, chair, bed, chest of drawers, etc. but not anything like extra small tables, shelves, etc.

time to get ready for church... bye!

Sunday, March 17, 2002 09:34:50 AM

Spent today studying for my Geotech midterm. I'm a bit nervous about it, since there's a LOT of material. But I read through my notes a few times, started my cheat sheet...I'm feeling better now than I was a few days ago.

Just 5 more days till spring break. 113 hours, specifically. A day later...I'll be out of this cursed city! YAY!

I've been trying to download MechWarrior 2 for way too long. If anyone has a copy for mac, I'd be very interested in obtaining it.

Hey SJ, where are you!?


Spacebabie: <<Then I trimmed, filed, buffed and polished my toenails…with green polish>>: How do you file something with green polish? <<I actually woke up at 6:30 this morning>>: I think I went to bed around that time. <<I meant it wouldn’t fit into my moral standards>>: Too bad. <<My parents would have given me hell if I did something like that>>: Their loss. <<Well actually she’d be for SJ since “Josh” is in love with Serena Tsukino>>: Who?

Christine: <<someday, maybe you can do the same thing to your kids>>: And so on, and so on, and so on...

Shadowrider: <<the ability to judge even before knowing. It is something I've never been able to do>>: Because you have an IQ above 4. <<probably God was looking somewhere else, of sleeping>>: LOL. Don't use logic against those religious types! They hate that! <<engineers must always look for the simplest way to achieve what they must, no matter of other solutions are more elegant>>: That isn't always true.

Fire Storm: <<I love babies, but unfortunately I am al out of BBQ sauce!>>: I bet that thrilled parents to no end. <<What was I thinking>>: "Food. Sex. Food. Sex." <<I still don't see what's so special about that>>: Who said anything about special? Except that it was the first one for Mac OS, but other than that nothing special. <<I default it to mooing at me>>: Hmmm... <<That's what we all say>>: Yeah, I know. Well with the accelerated track I'll be on, I'll be out of a cubicle and in an office inside of a few years. <<Ain't gonna happen>>: Au contraire. Humanities majors do breed, because they're attractive. <<That's what they said on Real Sex 28>>: I know. <<That just pisses you off when I do that, dosn't it>>: Not really, I just like to correct it because its such a stupid mistake. <<The one that comes with the iMac>>: The new one? <<feel like they are made out of thick plastic>>: Good. I want a keyboard that feels substantial, like its not gonna fall apart when I abuse it. <<Why?>>: Because all the data has already been analyzed multiple times. <<Tell it to George W>>: He's not an engineer.

Todd: <<how do you explain the events that took place when she wasn't around?>>: Thing still happen in an imaginary universe when the imaginer isn't around. Otherwise, the conflicts in logic would drive the imaginer insane. <<So is the institution the reality in the series after all?>>: Of course it is. But Buffy isn't insane, they're just trying to make her think she is. Or something.

DPH: <<using temporal paradoxes to help the crew get home doesn't cut it for me>>: They didn't have any other way to do it in 7 seasons. <<with the quantum slipstream drive, they could improve their time in it by 5 seconds>>: Yeah, they really should have kept using that. <<thankfully I got excused because of my back problems>>: Back problems can be useful. << why do we wear black/dark colors to funerals?>>: This is a similar question to "why do we dress nice for weddings?" I wouldn't want to be uncomfortable at my wedding, and I wouldn't my friends to be uncomfortable either. So who started this tradition? <<If we are supposed to celebrating the life of a person, shouldn't bright, cheerfull colors be better?>>: Not all funerals are celebrations. <<if it's really critical, I have a back-up plan of someone calling me to wake me up>>: My backup plan will be my computer. <<The average college student spends lots more $$$ than he/she makes>>: That's not much of a surprise. <<What about the reverse: little common sense and lots of book smarts?>>: Well that's what I have, and I'm not doing too poorly ;-) <<Are you sure that you didn't pollute the environment?>>: Well that depends on how broadly you define "pollute". Does it count if I used the toilet? <<Are you saying that I am not typing this post on a computer?>>: LOL. <<I think perhaps the entire gargoyles community has been slow lately>>: I think the garg community is ALWAYS slow. <<I started subscribing to Dilbert comic strip in my email>>: I just put a link in my browser. <<Spring 2002 starts on March 20, 2002>>: Maybe for you. For me it starts on March 21st at 5PM sharp.

Nukes: <<the best movie out this year is RESIDENT EVIL>>: No way its gonna be better than Blade II. <<especially with Milia Jovovich!!! SWOON>>: My bastard roommate met her. <<its ownage>>: That's "it owns".

Revel: <<Still alive>>: I don't believe you.

Gside: <<I built a table today>>: really? Out of what? <<To channel Wilek for a second: Sex makes sense?>>: Yes, it does. At least in theory. <<Just about every PhD. The money isn't too bad, I hear>>: Depends on who you work for.

Jaden: <<I sit on my bed with my computer sitting on my lap and I look out the window and see...snow>>: It'd be funnier if I saw that. <<does is ever start to warm up here is Washington?>>: Probably not. Until the summer, when its hot and muggy and ugly. <<this California guy needs heat>>: I hear that! <<I just wanted to make sure that I didn't miss an announcement or something>>: hehe. "Now hear this! Jaden is f*cked!"

Alright, time to sleep while my computer downloads stuff...quietly.

Being a Linux user is sort of like living in a house inhabited by a large family of carpenters and architects. Every morning when you wake up, the house is a little different. Maybe there is a new turret, or some walls have moved. Or perhaps someone has temporarily removed the floor under your bed.
- Unix for Dummies, 2nd Edition

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - []
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Sunday, March 17, 2002 03:57:57 AM

Funny thing. I sit on my bed with my computer sitting on my lap and I look out the window and see...snow. Spring isn't that far away does is ever start to warm up here is Washington?
I like snow and cool weather, but this California guy needs heat.

Imzadi<Uh, no.> Are you sure? Because ever since this year started I've had one medical problem after another, so I just wanted to make sure that I didn't miss an announcement or something. ;)

Green Baron- For my neck and shoulder I can't wear a Kevlar, LBV, Rucksack and I run at my own pace and distance. They really got concerned when I told them about this area in my neck where I have hardly any feeling (of course I told them months ago, they just didn't listen then). Anyways I have to wait a few more weeks before treatment because they are rather backed-up at the hospital. It should be surprising how many military people have medical problems, but it's not.
As for Humvees, try going over snow or unpaved roads now that's an experience. Have you done a PMCS yet?

Jan-Well they hope there is something they can do, but then they could be completely wrong like they were the first time I went and had myself checked out by them. I'm not worried though I should bounce back from this and if not I get some nice bonuses for being injured while in the army.

Spacebabie- Thank you for your get well wishes and congrats. Your feet feeling better? Green huh? Gotta love a variety in color. :)

Time Machine- I just saw it and I thought I was good. In a way I wouldn't mind if we turned out like that...minus the Morlocks of course.

Well I'm off.

Jaden - []
Sunday, March 17, 2002 12:32:18 AM

Top something!
Fire Storm and Lady Mystic
Saturday, March 16, 2002 11:30:46 PM

I built a table today. Fun.

Imzadi> <<As I recall, you said the same thing when she got pregnant>>: Different lessons, perhaps?
<<SETI is a waste of time. Do RC5 or something>>: Eh, I'm too lazy to go out and get the program.
<<That, or sense from sex toys>>: To channel Wilek for a second: Sex makes sense?
<<Fiber optic?>>: Doesn't appear so.
Fire Storm> <<What was I thinking?>>: I'm not even sure what I was thinking.
<<Newspaper and magazines! You REALLY don't want those people at the Wall Street Journal or Time to go on the streets, do you?>>: Right, right. Are we missing anything else?

DPH> <<If we are supposed to celebrating the life of a person>>: That's a wake.
<<What about the reverse: little common sense and lots of book smarts?>>: Just about every PhD. The money isn't too bad, I hear.

Nukes> <<the best movie out this year is RESIDENT EVIL>>: Careful what you say. Make sure you mean only in '02, and not barring future releases. And I've heard it's rather bad, but makes a good mindless flick.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, March 16, 2002 11:05:03 PM



Saturday, March 16, 2002 10:42:41 PM

Saturday, March 16, 2002 10:38:10 PM

8th! My first top 10!!
Saturday, March 16, 2002 10:30:27 PM

top 10, #7?
ar, usa
Saturday, March 16, 2002 10:18:48 PM

Sixth!!!! ?
Saturday, March 16, 2002 10:17:56 PM


Three, sir.

Saturday, March 16, 2002 10:01:41 PM

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, March 16, 2002 09:56:33 PM

Still alive, 3RD!!
Saturday, March 16, 2002 09:49:44 PM

Second actually.
Greg Bishansky
Saturday, March 16, 2002 09:38:44 PM


Real post later...

Greg Bishansky
Saturday, March 16, 2002 09:37:18 PM

FIRST!? for the first time!

Anyway, we have to stop kidding outselves. the best movie out this year is RESIDENT EVIL! i cannont begin to tell you how great this movie is. (especially with Milia Jovovich!!! SWOON)

seriously, go see it. its ownage.

Saturday, March 16, 2002 09:37:16 PM
