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I just got back from canoeing and my right shoulder is extremely SORE. I'm putting ice on it, but all the same, I don't feel like typing anything else right now. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better.
Saturday, June 22, 2002 10:03:33 PM


Mara: aww, je ne t´amuse pas? Je regrette. I,ll try to keep my attempts at humor to a minimum, for your sake.

Gunjack: >(Lyn, I really don't have anything against you... but do you think ye could lay off on the jumping down my throat?)>
This isn,t jumping down your throat. you,ve seen me go for someone,s throat before, and you know this is not it. Anyone else posting such a..a..assanine statement would have elicited the same response from me.

>So far, your batting average is pretty poor>
pardon? the only other "real" arguement we have had has not been won or lost by either of us, seeing as I still haven,t gotten around to editing and giving you my reply. yes, I know, it,s been a while, but I decided to show you the same sourtesy you had shown for me, and thus down-listed your importance in my ledger of life to beneath my school, my work, and the friends who actually cared about my well-being. you know, just a little above where you ranked me. But, being done with my gathering costume and almost done with my needed TGS art, said letter is coming back to the top of the list soon. the hard copy is in MO, so unless their exists one on my MD computer, you should be getting it in the mail in late august, when I get back to school.
Just thought you,d like to know where you stand. You know, let you know I have not completely forgotten you exist, and leave you hanging for months on end waiting for a reply.

>Projecting one's issues onto others again, are we? >
excuse me? you can,t see what is wrong about treating a mass grave site like an amusement park? doesn,t your religion- or personal belief system- call for respect to be shown for deceased persons?
Or do you simply think that the people who died there were lesser beings and don,t deserve such respect?
Getting pissed at people for being thoughtless morons is not "projecting". Everyone else in my group was getting upset by their behavoir as well, especially the teachers, and I,m surprised at how calm our tour guide kept herself when asking them for a little more appropriate behavoir, seeing as she had an uncle killed there.

>>Eh, what the heck. I suppose yer too far away to stab me in the eye or anything, so here goes. >>
feh. stab. eye. your lack of faith in my creativity wounds me, it really does.

>>...Apparently, one where people don't listen too well. >>
I hear you, I just think that most of what you said about hitler and "innocence" was horse shit.

>>Sorry, but I'm in a hurry here.>>
my bad. I thought you,d be a good little na- historian, and want to take a look at the facts. apparently, you simply share the veiw that children of a race or belief system other than your own are automatically disqualified from ever being considered "innocent", and their lives are all meaningless. at least, that is what so callous a response to the point i was trying to make tells me.

>Yes, Lynati, I DO read history books. Maybe even more than you, since I'm a fan of war, and this IS kinda the foundation of the, y'know, biggest one ever.>
the holocaust was not a war, it was a mass slaughter. it started before the war. I am not asking you how many books on histroy you read, or books on war. I am asking how many books on the holocaust itself,or by people who experienced it, that you,ve read. How much time you,ve spent researching the Shoah itself, not simply the war raging around it.

>>...You jump at red flag words, don't you? >>
only if they have that wonderful ring of ignorance about them.

>In Hitler's worldview, there were people who were, according to him, innocent. If you were Aryan, say, and didn't help Jews, then you were a "good guy" in Hitler's book, and you went on your merry way.>
That is not the definition of "innocent". that is the definition of "ally". You and Hitler can keep your own definitions if you like, I am going to stick with the webster,s language dictionary one.

>If the SS was after you, there was an actual REASON, and usually one that you understood.>
°giggles° SURE. sure, sure. Every single one of the people picked up knew they had "wronged". Gee, you really HAVEN.T done your research on this. There were people who did not even KNOW they had jewish blood until the nazis had people search the town records. You could be be pure german going back ten generations and still be rounded up on the street and sent to a camp simply because your hair and eyes were too dark. you may have thought you were safe, protected by law, but hitler and his people had a habit of breaking their own laws as well as dishonoring treaties they made.

>...Waitasec, I said all this last time, and you obviously missed it.>
no, I saw it, I just didn,t agree with it.
it,s strange, that whenever I don,t agree with a point you have made, you assume that it was because I didn,t see it.
°glances back to bottom of post breifly°
Just because you have a penis doesn,t neccessarily mean your every word is infallible.

>Hitler drew a line down the middle of the world, and tried to kill all the people that weren't on his side.>
Stalin drew a line down the middle of the world, but the only person on his side was HIM.>>
exactly. he did what he did to save his own ass. Hitler wanted control of the country in part to be able to gather enough power to irradicate an entire people.

>Hitler killed you for who you were (Jew, Gypsy, etc), or what you did (spying, sympathizing, etc). >
and if you didn,t show enough support to the nazi cause, or if someone claimed you had a Jewish ancestor and you could not prove that you didn,t, or if your eyes and hair were just a tad too dark even when born to german parents...
It wasn,t what you were, it was what you were convicted of being. truth didn,t matter. not being a perfect nazi clone, that is what mattered.

>Stalin woke up in the morning, decided that he needed a scapegoat for how badly life in his country sucked, picked people completely at random, and utterly destroyed them mind and body. >
So? that doesn,t mean he didn,t have a concept of innocence, that just means he was a bastard and didn,t CARE who suffered because of him.
And if you think Hitler didn,t use the Jewish people as a scapegoat...heehee...blaming them for all of Germany,s problems is what got him the support to take over.

>Hitler hated "Them", and clearly defined who them was.>
Ah yes, the nuremburg laws. drawn up to protect those of full German or part-jewish decent, and german citizenship. and completely disregarded in the two hour conference in which the "ultimate soultion to the jewish problem" was drawn up.

> If you were "Them", you could then at least attempt to take steps; flee the country, >
which some people did. they abandoned their whole lives because they feared what was to come. very few believed the stories they were told; they were too horrific. Jews being burned? that stopped in the middle ages. man was beyond such barbarism now.
and then, others agreed to leave and resettle where the nazis had made room for them. they were allowed to bring luggage, they bought farms and businesses from the nazis. they boarded the cattle cars for a new life. they arived at their new "home" filthy, and often with half the car dead. they were told they had to shower before they could enter their new home. so they entered the shower rooms, and were gassed to death.
the lands the nazis promised them, the businesses and houses they sold to the jews DID NOT EXIST. These people had agreed to flee and leave their homes to Hitler; they were not a threat to him. and he killed them anyway.
repeat, since the people in your world have such bad hearing: they agreed to leave and they were forced to remain in the country, and sent to death. they were denied exit visas for their country. if you were caught trying to sneak out after the occupation, you were killed, or jailed or sent to the ghetto.

>or even fight back (as one Jewish ghetto did, I believe, and gave a marvelous accounting of themselves before being wiped out).>
They did when thy could. most were too stunned by their sudden relocations to do anything immediately,(and alos lacked the organization or any weapons) and after a few days you no longer had the energy. not all, but most.

>Stalin hated "them", but "them" was always someone else until the Chekists arrived at your door. You became "them" for absolutely no reason. And just like that, your life is over.>
If forced to choose, I would still rather live in a country where your leader didn,t care about you and might kill you on a whim than one where the leader had chosen that every single person of your "race" had to die, regardless of whether or not you considered yourself one of said race. and it wasn,t just jews or gypsies- it was anyone considered a threat. they shot 23 young art students once because they thought the ideas they had were "dangerous" despite the fact that these students were german citizens and not anti-nazi. they simply weren,t pro-nazi, and that was more than enoughto order them a death sentence.

>40 minutes is horrific... So what is 40 YEARS? >
the russians haven,t been suffocating for 40 years. Stalin and Hitler may have both murdered a nation, but at least Stalin didn,t rape a culture.

>Hitler rounds up a jew,>
No, he rounded up EVERY person of jewish decent he could get his hands on, from sweden to france to Greece. not justa few random people who were opposing him, or whom the nazis decied to make an example of.

> sends him to the camps, tortures him, and kills him. At that point, the poor man's suffering in this life is over. >
yeah, I guess your right. a horrible death is much better than a chance at life, even a horrible life. (sarcasm)
And that,s excluding the enemies of the state who lived for ten or more years in the concentration camps. it wasn.t quick for everyone, and it wasn,t pleasant for anyone.

>Has my point gotten across yet? Good.>
yes, you,ve made it very clear how much you know about stalin, how little you know about hitler, and how much of a >delete> you,ve come to be.
god I miss Val. I wish he was still here, and you hadn,t usurped his life, whoever you are.

>Join us next time, when I'll piss of nearly everyone in the entire room by pinting out that Hitler is the Saint of Modernism>
you,ve sure come to enjoy the "pissing everyone off" aspect of the CR, haven,t you?

>PS - Ask Metaldemon about the tagline. Goooooooood story! :D >
I,ll pass. contrary to popular beleif, very few women suffer from penis envy, and just as few are interested in hearing "good stories" about the penis.

°thinks fondly of a number of hothead paisan-isms, and draws her personality #2 close around her°

°out °

still Dessau for tonight, Germany
Saturday, June 22, 2002 06:56:42 PM

Josh> It's a really funny story, and it has nothing to do with sex at all ^_^.

Heheh, your quote reminded me of soething my boss told me. If Apple went out of bussiness, Microsoft wouldn't know where to get it's ideas from anymore. :)
Saturday, June 22, 2002 01:41:33 PM


In light of the current time of year I would just like to say congratulations to all the new High School and College grads out there. You all deserve to be rewarded for your effort and I wish you the best in your future studies.

For those of you who feel that this is the end of your education I would just like to point out one thing, you never stop learning until you die (unless you believe in reincarnation; in which case its a multi-lifelong event). So try to keep learning for as long as you can.

I must go... the DNA sings to me.


Yggdrasil - []
Ontario, Canada
Saturday, June 22, 2002 12:58:09 PM

Got my new CRT in today. Lets hear it for desktop space en masse! Too bad I don't have the extra video card and adapter I need to use both monitors simultaneously. That will have to wait till the end of the summer. The new monitor is beautiful (though it doesn't seem as bright as my LCD). But its here and it works, and I'm stoked. Now I just have to figure out how to get it cleaned, since its see-through.

Work was pointless again today. Some more 3-D modelling training and some verification...which is where someone with a lot more experience asks me to check over their work.

Gunjack: <<Too freakin hot to sleep>>: I feel your pain, dude. I get that here too. <<Wanderts off muttering darkly>>: All work and no beer makes Moochie a dull boy? <<do you think ye could lay off on the jumping down my throat?>>: Are we talking about the same lynati? <<Projecting one's issues onto others again, are we?>>: In *this* CR!? No! I don't believe it! <<you couldn't have missed the point more if you'd shot in the complete opposite direction>>: Logically, that's not possible. <<Sorry, but I'm in a hurry here>>: Still, its amusing the way you mock her. If you're not careful, you might turn into SJ. <<You jump at red flag words, don't you?>>: Its a chick thing. <<Ask Metaldemon about the tagline>>: I don't want to know anything about Metaldemon and being dominated by a penis. That just draws too many foul pictures.

Siryn: <<What are your fave top ten episodes?>>: Great! Might as well turn this into a CR Survey

1. The Edge
2. Upgrade
The rest are in no particular order:
The New Olympians
Cloud Fathers
Hunters Moon I,II,III (that's three episodes)
Gathering pt. II

Spacebabie: <<Dad turned 56 yesterday>>: Hehe your parents are old. <<Generation Y did we bother?>>: Because the baby boomers don't stop !@#%ing 8-) <<I am at the tail end of X>>: As am I. By three months. <<Spazzyness is almost where My brain shorts out>>: How can we tell? Is that different from normal? <<What did you look like in a dress?>>: I said *it was a* drag, not *I was in* drag. I don't know how I look in a dress, and I'm never going to find out. <<Bubble wrap?>>: No, foam placed around the plastic border around the visible area, but there should be no contact between the screen and *anything* else in the box. After that, the rest can be packed however, since they get shipped face down. <<Cause your Josh>>: That seems reasonable. <<I don’t play the flute>>: Don't make me make a bone-flute joke. <<my brother says I’m not funny>>: That's because he's your brother. <<Is it possible for you to be even cuter?>>: I hope so, because if I go down from here, I'm really screwed. <<Quit looking at my can>>: Whatever, you'd love it if I were looking at your can 8-)

Christine: I only missed the "second place" question. How embarassing.

Tribun: Excited much? <<DEUTSCHLAND SOLL WELTMEISTER WERDEN>>: Ich ben ien berliner...or something.

Aaron: <<what were you thinking of?>>: !@#$-sucking lips. <<if they break Mara's monitor, where would you recommend getting a new one?>>: For cheap? Fry's. They have good deals on monitors. Of course, its Fry's so you'll probably have to return it the next day. Any of the computer shops will do. CDW, PCzone, PCmall, clubmac, whatever.

Lynati: Long time no see. <<does this mean weäll be seeing even more from you?>>: Um... ::looks deviously at Niamh:: <<you did NOT say that. Has this been otherwise respnded to?>>: Of course it has. <<better late than never>>: Not when it involves a flame war. <<WHAT UNIVERSE ARE YOU LIVING IN??>>: Like we ever know in this CR> <<you were killed, regardless of whether or not they decided they needed to use your body for autopsies>>: Its hard to do an autopsy before you're dead.

Shinigami: <<Feel free to latch on to me and my entourage at the Gathering>>: Well hey if you have no room, you can ship her here. She's been trying to sleep with me for months. <<we're going to steal your MAC and bleach out your roots>>: Good luck stealing my mac. They're affixed to my desk. As for my roots...oh well, that can be undone cheaply.

Sarah Spence: seek help. Your taste in shows sucks.

Gside: <<Silly Machead, GUIs are for WIMPs>>: Whatever, all windows (l)users love GUI's too. I could deal with the windows GUI in this case. Now what acronym? Windows Media Player? <<Then what do I pay you for?>>: Same thing everyone else pays me for: my brain. <<There's always room for improvement>>: Spacebabie doesn't seem to agree. <<Everyone likes lesbian incest, right?>>: If by "everyone", you mean "Hugh Hefner". <<You get cheese from cows>>: No, you get milk. Cheese requires more work. <<I repeat. I live in Jersey>>: Ah, I see now. <<A couple details are starting to get fuzzy>>: I feel your pain. But I still remember everyone name from Voltron. <<it would be fun, I think>>: They don't squirm much. <<$!#@. I'm not used to seeing it in that form>>: I've never seen it in any form other than 3-1-4-1-5-9... <<If you don't know, don't ask>>: Too late. <<Sure that isn't a good thing>>: I wouldn't want to see it. <<Not quite as good as Aaron>>: I've been to many RHPS, and I think still Aaron makes a more passable woman than many actual women that I know. <<Bassoon, then?>>: No way that would fit. <<nightly farewell to Imzadi>>: Its true. I am dominated by the penis. MY PENIS. Kind of harsh on my engineering career 8-)

Okay folks, I'm tired.

If Steve [Jobs] put poop on a stick and called it an ergonomic computer control device, Bill [Gates] would have Windows users handling crap all day long.
-iBoast, MacAddict Forum member

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Saturday, June 22, 2002 02:28:42 AM

Imzadi> <<Everyone around me is old enough that they were using the programs before they had GUI's>>: Silly Machead, GUIs are for WIMPs (caps for acronym, not emphasis).
<<I am not a ho>>: Then what do I pay you for?
<<Why didn't I read that right the first three times?>>: You have a dirty mind.
<<So would that make me more or less attractive?>>: There's always room for improvement.
<<Why are you living with her?>>: On the off chance he can convince them into a threesome. Everyone likes lesbian incest, right?
<<Better than having a cow>>: I don't know. You get cheese from cows.
<<Even I can do that>>: Very true, but I still did it.
<<YOu may still be near a route that carries waste>>: I repeat. I live in Jersey.
<<Maybe he was just drunk>>: Entirely possible. He seemed to spend a lot of time in that state.
<<You're not allowed to forget childhood cartoons>>: I remember it. A couple details are starting to get fuzzy, is all.
<<How would that help?>>: Not sure yet, but it would be fun, I think.
<<You forgot a 1>>: $!#@. I'm not used to seeing it in that form.
<<Why those? For consistency?>>: If you don't know, don't ask.
<<Why not just use shards?>>: Not as much class.

Gunjack> <<Can't sleep. Clowns will eat me>>: Sure that isn't a good thing?

Spacebabie> <<What did you look like in a dress?>>: Not quite as good as Aaron, but I enjoyed it.
<<I don�t play the flute>>: Bassoon, then?

Tribun> <<America is no land for soccer>>: Old, old, old news.

Leo> <<I don't understand how anyone could get 5,000 unless you added an "imaginary" 0 to all the 10s>>: I think what happens is that you remove the hundred's place 0 when doing the math, then at the end remember that it's in the order of 10^3.

Gunjack> <<Ask Metaldemon about the tagline. Goooooooood story>>: I thought that was my nightly farewell to Imzadi.
<<it really, REALLY yangs my yin>>: So would yinning your yang be a good thing?

NA zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, June 21, 2002 11:56:09 PM

the show boy meets worls should have a reunion of how they r now. that was a great show and i think it shouldn't be left behinde in teh dust just like those old shows.
sarah spence - []
las vegas, nevada, u.s.a
Friday, June 21, 2002 11:06:34 PM

Oh, and that post was for Lynati, in case no one could tell. Lyn, I really don't have anything against you... but do you think ye could lay off on the jumping down my throat? So far, your batting average is pretty poor, and it really, REALLY yangs my yin, if you follow.

Gimme a G! Gimme an A! Gimme an R! Gimme a G!

Friday, June 21, 2002 11:00:28 PM

Well, I needed a break anyway... Hello to you too! :P

<<...Or maybe I,m overreacting. Maybe the sight of several 16 year old spanish male tourists slipping down into the former nazi guard alcoves and making machine gun motions with their hands for a photo shot, having pictures of themselves taken, grinning, while standing in front of a furnace where thousands of people were cremated, FOR A SOUVENIR, has miffed me more thanI originally thought.>>

Projecting one's issues onto others again, are we? Eh, what the heck. I suppose yer too far away to stab me in the eye or anything, so here goes.
<<WHAT UNIVERSE ARE YOU LIVING IN????>> ...Apparently, one where people don't listen too well.

Suffice it to say, you couldn't have missed the point more if you'd shot in the complete opposite direction. But, since I'm in kind of a leather-and-buggy-whip-masochistic mood at the moment...


<<do you have any idea the number of children who were murdered in concenblah blah blah...>> Sorry, but I'm in a hurry here.

Yes, Lynati, I DO read history books. Maybe even more than you, since I'm a fan of war, and this IS kinda the foundation of the, y'know, biggest one ever.

...You jump at red flag words, don't you?

I assume the point of all this yelling was to illustrate how Hitler had no recognition of innocence. But, see, I never said that Hitler recognized MY concept of innocence, or YOUR concept of innocence. The point was that he had *A* concept of innocence.

In Hitler's worldview, there were people who were, according to him, innocent. If you were Aryan, say, and didn't help Jews, then you were a "good guy" in Hitler's book, and you went on your merry way. If the SS was after you, there was an actual REASON, and usually one that you understood.

...Waitasec, I said all this last time, and you obviously missed it. Gah. Okay, simplifying.

Hitler drew a line down the middle of the world, and tried to kill all the people that weren't on his side.

Stalin drew a line down the middle of the world, but the only person on his side was HIM.

Hitler killed you for who you were (Jew, Gypsy, etc), or what you did (spying, sympathizing, etc).

Stalin woke up in the morning, decided that he needed a scapegoat for how badly life in his country sucked, picked people completely at random, and utterly destroyed them mind and body.

Hitler hated "Them", and clearly defined who them was. If you were "Them", you could then at least attempt to take steps; flee the country, or even fight back (as one Jewish ghetto did, I believe, and gave a marvelous accounting of themselves before being wiped out).

Stalin hated "them", but "them" was always someone else until the Chekists arrived at your door. You became "them" for absolutely no reason. And just like that, your life is over.

<<and...swift?? it took between 20 and 40 minutes for people to sufficate from gassings. there are not just fingernail marks but actual FINGERNAILS in the ceilings from people who were the last to die, standing on top of the bodies of everyone else and attempting to scrape through the ceiling for air.>> 40 minutes is horrific... So what is 40 YEARS?
I wrote a large explanation, but no one wants to read this crap. The short version is this.

Hitler rounds up a jew, sends him to the camps, tortures him, and kills him. At that point, the poor man's suffering in this life is over.

In the same period of time, the russian "Socially Dangerous Element" under Stalin has suffered as much as the Jewish man has under Hitler. He has been tortured, deprived of food, deprived of sleep, humiliated in every way. And as the Jewish man is breathing his last breath, the Russian is looking at Hell for the next DECADE, or two.. or three. And there is no reason at all, not even a false one.


Has my point gotten across yet?
Join us next time, when I'll piss of nearly everyone in the entire room by pinting out that Hitler is the Saint of Modernism! ^_^

PS - Ask Metaldemon about the tagline. Goooooooood story! :D

ON, Canada
Friday, June 21, 2002 10:16:22 PM

Also, for those of you going to G2002, click my name for a list of restaurants in the Williamsburg area. (courtesy of
Leo - [<-click for link]
Friday, June 21, 2002 09:57:46 PM

CHRISTINE: Re:**Intelligence**: I think I've seen this one, though without the math question. I don't understand how anyone could get 5,000 unless you added an "imaginary" 0 to all the 10s. The others are mockingly sadistic questions though.

Yorktown, VA
Friday, June 21, 2002 09:01:10 PM

*walks in, accompanied by her chibis, who are carting a large pile of juicy delicious watermelon*

Since I may not be able to post until after the Gathering, something to for us to have that is yummy and good.

Lynati: Ma coeur, happy to get to see you in less than seven, you'll have to tell me all about Krakow and all the other places you visited, my well travelled sister.

Spacebabie: Thank you for being protective of my stuff as well, you are the perfectest Miko a Lord of Death could ever want. Feel free to latch on to me and my entourage at the Gathering.

Mooncat:: The same goes to you, we still have to have suishi together, and I'm very frustrated that you were at the same auction with me and Aaron and Nati at Akon but we missed you. Looking forward to meeting you.

Revel: Nice pic and sentement. My email's being a bastard,but I thought you should know, I liked it.

Josh: As long as you come to NYC next year, we'll excuse you, if not... we're going to steal your MAC and bleach out your roots.

*starts to pass out the yummy watermelon*

"I love you Magic Toenail, you are Magical and Good."
Friday, June 21, 2002 07:54:15 PM

CHRISTINE - Boy, those are certainly some very tricky questions. It took me a little while to figure out the math one, but it did indeed turn out to be correct.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Friday, June 21, 2002 06:37:46 PM


Got my first Gargoyles production drawings! One of Xanatos in his armor, and one of a crouching Lexington! Sometime next week (before I have to leave for the Gathering I hope!!!) I'll be getting two cels, and their accompanying drawings also. A Goliath, and different frame of the Xanatose armor with crouching Lex behind him. Cool beans *^_^*

I got the drawings I have now before I knew about the related cel being available, so I may sell them off. Don't know yet, because I just got them and they are ultra cool up close. Nice silver Disney stamp on them and everything.


And thus I begin the Gargoyles addition to my cel and prod. drawing collection. *kitty beaming smile* =)


Friday, June 21, 2002 06:34:59 PM

§ In §

Revel: check your email...

Niamhgold: >tendonitis and art> hurrah! does this mean weäll be seeing even more from you?

§scans post...frowns§
oh no. you did NOT say that. Has this been otherwise respnded to? Well, let me throw in my two cents. better late than never....
Gunjack >"Hitler recognized the concept of innocence">...
do you have any idea the number of children who were murdered in concentration camps under Hitler? If you were under 16 years old and were deported to any of the death camps, you were sent directly to the crematoria. (Not to mention the thousands who died in the ghettos and work camps due to malnutrition, disease, or having an SS officer light them on fire for fun.) Save if you were picked by Mengele (or the other camp butchers)if you were at Auschwitz to be experimented on for some time before being killed (after they were done with you, you were killed, regardless of whether or not they decided they needed to use your body for autopsies). Or were on of the handful of children who were declared "Aryan"-looking enough and were sent to the children,s camp at Lödz to be adopted. I bet the average thirteen year old girl was happy to be removed from here evil, christ-killing jewish parents and sent to live with a decent god-loving German family. I bet she even danced a jig as she watched her evil family shoved past the barbed-wire fences. It,s a good thing they saved that little girl, oh, to think that she might have accidntally died with all those heathen jewish children! why, not a-single one of them was an innocent, of course, else Hitler would have surely intervened on their behalf. He sure knew what he was doing when he decided that everyone of the jewish "race"- regardless if they were half-german decent, or if their families hadn,t practiced judaism for several generations- had to be irradicated. If you had one jewish grandparent, that was enough to get you on a train to a ghetto.

(for the sarcasm-impaired, the heaviest sarcasm starts after the mention of Lödz and slows down just before that last sentence.)

Hell, if you were a simple Polish farmer and were caught- or just wrongly convicted of- aiding a prisoner, your WHOLE FAMILY was often thrown into the camp with you as punishment for the crime of...well...having a heart.

and...swift?? it took between 20 and 40 minutes for people to sufficate from gassings. there are not just fingernail marks but actual FINGERNAILS in the ceilings from people who were the last to die, standing on top of the bodies of everyone else and attempting to scrape through the ceiling for air.

Go to Auschwitz. Take a good long walk through the museum, at the broken dolls and infant,s clothes behind the glass, the 15 by 60 foot room FILLED with human hair which-due to the amount of zyclon B in it- was proven to have been shaved off women after they were gassed. Look at the cloth that it was weaved into for special sale. Go to the jewsih museum in Prague, take a look at the collection of children,s art from the Terezin ghetto, the work they did (mostly concerning their surroundings and life) in their "art class" up until the day they were shipped to Birkenau and murdered.

Then tell me that Hitler "recongnized the concept of innocence". § shakes her head sadly §
We may not have been friends for some time now, but until I read that comment I still respected you, as a knowledgeable individual.

...Or maybe I,m overreacting. Maybe the sight of several 16 year old spanish male tourists slipping down into the former nazi guard alcoves and making machine gun motions with their hands for a photo shot, having pictures of themselves taken, grinning, while standing in front of a furnace where thousands of people were cremated, FOR A SOUVENIR, has miffed me more than I originally thought.

...Naw, you just deserved it.

Aaron: They STILL haven,t delivered your stuff???
(...and no, Pest wouldn,t work. Only Death has the parental abondonment issues (from the whole Demona/avalon thing)to make him the right stand-in. besides, he,s skinny enough and his coloring is right.
Now tell him to stop complaining before I draw him wearing the female version a la episode 14. (or whichever.))

Mara: ah, ma belle soleil, I cannot live another day without you. You must run away with me to Krakow, and we shall live forever as queens in the land of the eternal peirogi. Je reve de toi, tu es la couer de vie! Leave this shell of a life behind, this filthy continent with its lack of decent health coverage. Ah, you must say yes! you must-
oh. hi Aaron.
umm...LOOK! a distraction!! § poof §

Tribun: >soccer> ah. that would explain the loud hollering across the room then. (our teacher actually warned us to stay quiet about it if america won, less we be chased acorss the border by weapon-bearing locals.)

"and now, we go for b33r!" -unnoficial slogan of "alcoholics unanimous" (ie, my trip class.)

§ out §

Lynati - [Lynati_1 (at)]
currently in Dessau, Germany
Friday, June 21, 2002 06:34:33 PM

Josh> <<Not the acronym I was thinking of, but it'll do.>> Really, what were you thinking of? <<Good plan. Wouldn't want them to accidentally "drop" something.>> Yeah. Hey, if they break Mara's monitor, where would you recommend getting a new one?

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Friday, June 21, 2002 06:28:23 PM

Yes, yes, yes,yes! Germany won against the United States in the quarter-final of soccer World Cup in Japan and Corea. Germany for World Cup, America for loosers!

Well........anyway, America is no land for soccer.


Tribun - []
Luebeck, SH, Germany
Friday, June 21, 2002 04:55:57 PM

Well, I’m finally in Texas. I left Monday, stopped in Philly at my sisters, then went to my brother’s in DC, and from there to Knoxville, and from Knoxville to Denton, Texas. I have to say, I’ve never been prouder of Dom. I got here in great time, total comfort, and even though I set cruise control to 95 MPH, I still got 23-28 MPG. Even after 110,000 miles she still runs like new ^_^ That’s my baby. Oil changes every 1500 miles helps. Still, I was SO happy to get off the road-after 13 hours of driving, finding this place at 6:00 AM was a huge relief. I still feel sick to my stomach from all those caffeine pills I took. No Doze is wonderful stuff :)

I haven’t been so happy in a while. I was even driving sedately. It’s great finding roads were 100 MPH is totally reasonable and utterly safe. The police didn’t bother me once. I just hope I enjoy living with this big goof, Metal Demon. Whadda sweetheart.

Be well,

Imperial Fascist

Friday, June 21, 2002 04:17:53 PM

Me again ...
Ran across this on the HWA board and had to share:

The following four questions are designed to test your intelligence.

You must respond to these questions immediately without hesitation.
Say the first answer that comes into your head.

1: You participate in a race, you pass the runner in second place.
Which position are you in now?

If your answer was first place you are wrong.
You pass the runner in second place, so YOU are now in
second place.

Spend a little bit more time to think about the next question.

2: If you pass the last person in the race, which position would you be in?

If your answer was second from last, you would be
Think a little...How could you pass the last person? If you are behind the last person, then he could not be
the last person.

OK, here's one to test your maths. Don't make any notes or use a calculator
for this one.
Good luck!

3: You start with 1,000
> >> > > > > > > > > Now add 40.
> >> > > > > > > > > Add another 1,000.
> >> > > > > > > > > Add 30.
> >> > > > > > > > > Add 1,000.
> >> > > > > > > > > Now 20.
> >> > > > > > > > > Then 1,000 again.
> >> > > > > > > > > And finally add 10.
> >> > > > > > > > > What's the total?

> >> > > > > > > > > 5,000 You're wrong again!!!
> >> > > > > > > > > The correct answer is 4,100. Try it with a calculator,
you'll see...

Try one more question!!!!

Mary's father has five daughters:
> >> > > > > > > > > 1. Chacha
> >> > > > > > > > > 2. Cheche
> >> > > > > > > > > 3. Chichi
> >> > > > > > > > > 4. Chocho
> >> > > > > > > > > 5. ?
> >> > > > > > > > >
> >> > > > > > > > >

Question: What is the name of the fifth daughter?
Think about it... the answer is below...

Answer: Chuchu Wrong!!!
Mary, silly!!! Try to understand the question first....


Christine - []
Friday, June 21, 2002 02:29:43 PM

Coyote > ag, that's rough. No names at all? Like they need to make it any harder for people to break into the biz. As for quitting one's day job, the majority of authors I've met still have to either work or have a very lucratively-employed significant other to make ends meet. The ones who can actually make a good living from their work, sadly, are few and far between.

Added a new story, not fanfic but still some wings and tails, mua-ha-ha. Clickie but be warned -- it makes Demon Whispers look tame.

Christine - [<--- site update, new story]
Friday, June 21, 2002 01:32:06 PM

Dad turned 56 yesterday. Yes he is that old, and still spry.
My brother and I kept our battles to a minimal although Dad liked one of my insults to him.
"Generation Y did we bother?"

I am at the tail end of X

Sorry to other members of the post X generation, Gen Y, Gen Next Shampoo nation genration... or whatever you call yerselves. He pissed me off.


Firestorm<<<Live meat is SO much better!>>>I knew you like it to move.

Patrick<<<You mean you weren't spazzing out already? ;)>>>My level of Spazzyness is almost where My brain shorts out.

Gside<<<Yes, it is rather hard to wear coastline.>>>Yes his shoes were big.

Josh<<<Today was a drag>>>What did you look like in a dress?<<<Packed as a monitor *should* be packed.>>>Bubble wrap?<<<Why didn't I read that right the first three times?>>>Cause your Josh<<<I agree. Is that by the second or minute?>>>Minutes and hours.<<<Eh, we've all heard it. Besides, we don't want to know what you do with your flute.>>>I don’t play the flute.<<<OUCH! Very funny though.>>>Hah! And my brother says I’m not funny.<<<No, but you were in the CR for the flame wars>>>I tend to forgetthe flame wars…Or I try to.<<<So would that make me more or less attractive?>>>Is it possible for you to be even cuter?

Gunjack<<<Can't sleep. Clowns will eat me.>>>Good Simpsons quote.

"Quit looking at my can." Dot Matrix, Spaceballs

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Friday, June 21, 2002 11:56:11 AM

Hey Gargs and Goyles!!

OKAY...At the gathering this year, we're doing a 'GARGOYLES TOP TEN'
What are your fave top ten episodes??? Maybe the Mirror? Or The Journey? Or Even City of Stone? Or what about Walkabout?

We're going to be showing the top ten episodes that YOU pick at the gathering!! You can either email myself at or maui at (with the subject title "Gargoyles Top Ten!")

You DO NOT have to go to the gathering to participate in this, so pleaseeeeeee...^_^ Let us know!! :D

And as always, you can email myself at the Gathering email or at my personal email at

Note: After the 5pm eastern 26th of June..*I* will no longer be checking email. So PLEASE..if you have a question or need help, email me before then k? ^_^

PS. Sorry I hjaven't posted lately in here...I've just been very busy.. ^_^;;

Siryn - []
Friday, June 21, 2002 09:36:25 AM

Can't sleep. Clowns will eat me.
Can't sleep. Clowns will eat me.

Too freakin hot to sleep... gyaaaaaah...

Well, if I can't sleep, maybe I can WRITE.

*Wanderts off muttering darkly*

Gunjack Valentine
Friday, June 21, 2002 02:24:42 AM

Today was a drag. These engineering programs just suck, and I don't get them. Everyone around me is old enough that they were using the programs before they had GUI's. Grrr. Argh.

I've been given a batch file that I should just be able to type in and run. Unfortunately, the execution quits halfway through. This means one of three things: a) my copy-pasting skills aren't what they used to be or b) the script doesn't work and the contractor falsified their results or c) the file was written in a different version that is incompatible. I'm betting on c), but hoping for b). Not that I wish harm to the poor country of Taiwan...but it'd be nice to be noticed for finding someone *else's* big problem.

Anyway, I spent all afternoon with it and couldn't figure it out. Talked to three engineers about it. Grrr. Argh.

I got my flatscreen back today. Beautiful as the day I unpacked it. Packed as a monitor *should* be packed. Thank you Apple packaging engineers. Yes, there are engineers that develop better ways to ship things. Still no word on my new CRT, though.


Warpmind: <<Hiho>>: I am not a ho. <<most things fall into one of those two categories anyway>>: I'm starting to think that too much of *anything* can cause cancer. <<Huzzah for procreation>>: I couldn't disagree with you more. <<the cuteness factor grows rather quickly, but the first few days are highly suspicious>>: And yet every parent insists that their child is adorable right out of the box...pun very much intendid.

Patrick: <<Nothing gets the edits department moving like having a deadline to meet>>: John Dvorak is living proof. <<in real life, things that don't move for a while begin to rust, sink into the earth, and get weeds growing up around them>>: Don't talk to me about real life. As far as I'm concerned, cows are still spheres of uniform density. And so are ducks. <<if UPS can ship stuff in three days, there's no reason it should take a week to drive a truck from NYC to San Antonio>>: UPS has the benefit of an airplane or twelve. <<bounds off to Cubicle-Land>>: Ya know, that place sucks. Why do you keep bounding off there every day?

Kathy: <<But do give them hell, it pays>>: I gave them hell for being an hour or two late. Didn't get much for my troubles. But I think I felt better afterwards 8-) <<Better luck with the intern experience>>: Thanks, I'll need it. But I don't think its gonna get much better. I think my next job will either be with another company or not engineering. I'm not sure what the bigger problem is.

Spacebabie: <<One week till I fly off to Virgina>>: Why didn't I read that right the first three times? <<atleast they got right down to it>>: True, and I'm grateful for it. <<Sometimes Time can be as precious as gold>>: I agree. Is that by the second or minute? <<it’s the one that is followed by. “I stuck my flute…”>>: Eh, we've all heard it. Besides, we don't want to know what you do with your flute. <<Yes you were absent>>: OUCH! Very funny though. <<No I wasn’t I was at the one in Orlando but not the one in L.A>>: No, but you were in the CR for the flame wars. <<Let us know if you start to mutate>>: So would that make me more or less attractive? <<I LOVE bell peppers>>: Me too. <<pepperoni, olices and bell peppers.>>: BBQ Chicken or Pineapple+Onion.

Nukes: <<Finally out of highschool, and its about fucking time>>: Congrats! I know I felt exactly the same way.

Brooklyn: <<Does anyone have any clue when Time Dancer is coming back?>>: Yes.

Leo: <<They'll have to update the the page tomorrow>>: Why is that?

Aaron: <<I try to keep my deviant sexual lust under control at work>>: Not the acronym I was thinking of, but it'll do. <<I'm afraid to raise too much Hell while they still have hostages>>: Good plan. Wouldn't want them to accidentally "drop" something. <<$25 per day "inconvenience claim" which they won't take off the bill, but will be refunded to us later.>>: Kill them all. <<you know you want one>>: That is a great site!

Fire Storm: <<we are closing next Thursday>>: Finally! <<LM's sisters too>>: Why are you living with her? <<It is the principle>>: That's right, it is. And the principle is that its not longer 1394 8-) <<Anime or cope a feel>>: I have an easy time coping with feels...whatever that means. <<Anything bio-warfare>>: I don't know about that. This is a last ditch resort. <<Hppy birthday! Have an Uzi!>>: Better than having a cow. <<It's not the size of the feet that matter, It's what's in them>>: What do you keep in your feet? <<Or the Red Wings are bull!>>: No, red wings are real...and you don't want them. <<Save or kill the children?>>: More dead people is good. <<Links>>:, firewire vibrator doesn't exist. <<the Deathstar IS mobile>>: True enough. <<Came too late in the war to do any good>>: Like all good german craft 8-) <<if I screw up, I will hire someone to fix my mistakes>>: Good plan. <<This Old Whore House>>: Porn? <<Hot glue gun a flight of stairs>>: Sounds dangerous. From a structural engineering standpoint, slightly less safe than the Berkeley Civil Engineering building.

Stephen: <<money handling protocols>>: When money goes from point A to point B, don't lose any.

Dreamie + Wolf: <<Dreamie getting her wisdom teeth pulled yesterday>>: Sucks to be Wolf...or not. <<hopefully by that time Dreamie will be able to eat solids>>: No comment! <<No joshy woshy at the gathering?>>: Sorry to disappoint. I know Dreamie can't fantasize well during sex without seeing me once a year. <<who will take out of context quotes now?>>: Someone else. Or I'll keep doing it, just from here.

Crzy: <<I am sure you will get at least an hour of them telling us how great they are and how this fandom needs organization at the Gathering again this year>>: But we already have a con staff 8-)

Luminous Aphrodite: <<My best friend is married, 22, with a two month old>>: That's too young. << Job offers not coming in at the rate I need them too. Must find money for college for one more semester>>: I feel your pain. I'm stuck at this boring job because I need the case.

Gside: <<I am now a web designer>>: Congrats. <<Worked a bit of auto updating weather into my father's school's home page>>: I don't think that counts. Even I can do that. <<So? I live in Jersey>>: That just means you aren't near Yucca Mountain. YOu may still be near a route that carries waste. <<submit yourself to others' opinions. You're just proving my point>>: No, I was asking the people I've dominated 8-) <<Kept misreading "beer" for "bear," even after proven wrong>>: Maybe he was just drunk. << Sorry, been a while>>: That's no excuse. You're not allowed to forget childhood cartoons. <<Let's dip them all in blue dye>>: How would that help? <<that number on my pinna? 3/14/59, 2:06:53.5>>: You forgot a 1. <<the rampant chingrish amuses me>>: Same here. I must be a Berkeley student. <<you must send me a blow up doll filled with equal parts lime jello and mint jelly>>: Why those? For consistency? <<You could probably rig it for shrapnel>>: True, but its a waste of craftsmanship. Why not just use shards?

Okay, time to crash. Hasta manana.

It's below absolute zero, but the Microsoft software still isn't solid
-Dav Holle

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Friday, June 21, 2002 01:49:39 AM

Christine: Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, my list of agencies came from WGAw, and has *no contact persons listed at all.* So I'm kinda stuck with the "Dear sirs" approach. And you can probably imagine this is my only recourse since, with the sole exceptions of the three Gatherings I've attended, various professionals at cons I've been to have told me, in pretty long-winded terms, not to quit my day job. (Including the most recent Motor City Con, where I couldn't get anyone to look past the fact that I can't afford any printing better than Kinko's for my minicomics.)
Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Friday, June 21, 2002 12:17:09 AM

Congrats to Merlin Missy and her newly-expanded family! No sleep for them these next few weeks, I bet! ; )

I should have a site update tomorrow. No new fanfic but I'll be posting a piece of original fic (for adults only, and brave ones at that <g>).

AvMists > ::bites tongue::

Coyote > well, given my track record, I'm probably not the best person to ask, because if I knew the secrets of a surefire query letter, I'd have a bleeping agent by now! Practically every contact and break I've had has come through cons and connections in the gaming industry. But what I've heard many times is that a query letter should be no more than a single page, and should be professionally done (no "all my friends think it's awesome!" or "you'd have to be a moron to pass this by."). Open with "I have recently finished X project and would like to submit it for your consideration," or words to that effect. Describe the project in a couple of sentences. Mention any personal education and experience only if relevant. Never address it to "Dear Editor," and if the listing is an initial or a gender-ambiguous name, do your best to ferret out the proper form of address. Give them only what they ask for. No more, no less. If it's first 30 pages and a synopsis, that's what to send. Enclose a SASE and all pertinent contact info. All of that's pretty much common sense, but from what I've heard at cons and panels, it's amazing how uncommon common sense can be. Good luck!

Christine - []
Thursday, June 20, 2002 11:51:33 PM

I am now a web designer. Worked a bit of auto updating weather into my father's school's home page.

Imzadi> <<my apartment is 20 miles from the nearest route that will be used to transport nuclear waste to Yucca Mountain>>: So? I live in Jersey.
<<Hold on while I consult with a few others>>: Sure, submit yourself to others' opinions. You're just proving my point.
<<I didn't know that>>: He wasn't a reliable source of information, anyway. Kept misreading "beer" for "bear," even after proven wrong.
<<Misdirected money shots?>>: Better believe it.
<<That would be Go Joe>>: Sorry, been a while.

Warpmind> <<They're kinda cute, actually, if you're not afraid of snakes>>: Going to see if you can't keep the one that bit you as a pet?
<<if only something could be done about the appearance of the babies>>: Let's dip them all in blue dye.

Spacebabie> <<Don�t you mean big shoes?>>: Yes, it is rather hard to wear coastline.

Aaron> <<What was your expiration date?>>: You mean that number on my pinna? 3/14/59, 2:06:53.5
<<click my name. You know you want one>>: That, and the rampant chingrish amuses me.

Fire Storm> <<I like the way you think and would like to subscribe to your newsletter>>: To subscribe, you must send me a blow up doll filled with equal parts lime jello and mint jelly, or a dog trained for bestiality porn.
<<A sword mine?>>: You could probably rig it for shrapnel.
<<Or two powerups for Choo-Choo Bear!>>: That's what the espresso does.
<<It's not the size of the feet that matter, It's what's in them that counts>>: Bones, muscle, tendons, and blood, I'd hope.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Thursday, June 20, 2002 11:15:17 PM

Word up ya'll!
Just got in from a day of lounging with friends.
Imzadi> that depends on what you define as 'old' as far as old enough to have kids goes. My best friend is married, 22, with a two month old. All the peeps I'm close to that have kids are all under 28 or 26. Maybe that is old. Hades, maybe I'm getting old. (freakin scary thought to me man)
Life's been boring. Job offers not coming in at the rate I need them too. Must find money for college for one more semester. *sighs* And two days of all night Risk-ing are NOT going over well with my tired mind at the moment.
Peace Out.
Stay Insane.

State of Panic
Thursday, June 20, 2002 11:05:28 PM

Stephen - Ah yes... that fine tuned wheel that is Wyvern Web and staff have struck again. They were sure quick to kill Christine's password... guess it would have been to LOGICAL for them to make you a new password for the web 'zine at that same time.

I am sure you will get at least an hour of them telling us how great they are and how this fandom needs organization at the Gathering again this year.

Hang in there, Stephen! They do it to everyone.

Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Thursday, June 20, 2002 09:58:10 PM

Hey everyone, finally back and only a little busy this time.
Between Dreamie's schoolwork, Wolfie looking for a job, Dreamie getting her wisdom teeth pulled yesterday and doing artwork, her cat being put to sleep a few weeks ago, and getting ready for the gathering, there hasn't been too much time to pop in and read through the CR. ;)

I don't think we have much to say as to the going's on in the CR... we just hope everyone's doing ok :) We're really looking forward to seeing all you con-goers next weekend (hopefully by that time Dreamie will be able to eat solids, Yaaaaaay!)

Both of us worked together to get Dreamie's new site design up and working a few weeks ago. If you haven't seen it already it's at (And yes the fanfic still isn't finished...summer maybe?)

Also, an update on the "72-year old mystery" of the disappearance of the Warrens in 1929 near Lake Crescent. First the divers found an old washing machine lid and then a car vase, and following the debris trail (with side scan sonar, magnetometer, ROV and all that nifty stuff) finally found the car. It was in pretty good shape still, but there will be no recovery effort as per the descendant's wishes. If you want to know more, you can read an article about it here:

(Dreamie)Naimhgold: Those zodiac gargoyles pics kick major boot-ay!!

No joshy woshy at the gathering? aw :( But who will take out of context quotes now? o.0 Well the NY gathering will be a definite one not to miss!

Well anywho, we'll talk to you all later! ^_^

"I got mail! I got mail! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!"
~Special Ed

Dreamie and Winterwolf
Seattle, Washington
Thursday, June 20, 2002 09:50:55 PM

PATRICK TOMAN - Re your "evil costume design plans": somehow, all of this talk about that is making me glad that I'm not going to be at this year's Gathering. :)
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, June 20, 2002 09:47:55 PM

On the heels of that comment...

FIRESTORM/EVERYONE ELSE - I have not been having the best of luck getting the new issue of Avalon Mists ready for press (so to speak). The major holdup has been the fact I haven't been given access to the zine's server space on the system, and for the longest time I didn't hear back from the admins as to when that would be.

Recently I was told that I would FINALLY get access, but not until after the Gathering in Va. Beach was over. In short, my plans for a release last may were shot up, and until I can get access, I can't finish up the design I have.

To make matter worse, I'm now in the middle of doing some critical classes for my final Manager's certification. All of my regular time for the past week has been buried under studying and reading up on security procedures, money handling protocols, etc. etc, etc,

But, I will do what I can to make sure that AvMists will not be dormant for too much longer.

Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka Jr.
Tampa, FL, USA
Thursday, June 20, 2002 09:39:21 PM

:: peeks in ::

Fire Storm > "When are submissions to Avalon Mists due?" -- The deadline was Memorial Dayaccording to what was posted in the last issue. So I've been waiting for the new issue... but so far no word yet on when it'll be posted. Christine used to spoil us and get them done right away, but now that it's changed hands I'm not sure what the new schedule's going to be.

kathy > Ouch. Lesson noted. ;)

Spacebabie > You mean you weren't spazzing out already? ;)
Just one week to go until The Gathering now... and my evil last minute costume plans are coming together nicely. >:)
:: ducks out ::

Patrick Toman
Thursday, June 20, 2002 09:08:45 PM

Hey all!
Well, we are closing next Thursday, whether it passes the inspection or not. Either way, it will be MINE, I tell you! *MINE!*
Well, technically, LM's sisters too.

Wilek: <But it's such a very nice way of frelling with people's minds>
Which is why I *SO* want a Hurricanes t-shirt that says "We will be back for our trophy!"
<All for the want of a horseshoe nail>
I SO want to try this out! Also, let's give Hitler access to the History channel and Discovery Wings!
<What does it matter, really? Is it still the same cable/standard/whateverthefrell?>
It is the principle!

Gunjack: <Not that I'm jealous>
Anime or cope a feel... tough choice!
<Question: what would sevarius prefer for a self-defense weapon?>
Anything bio-warfare
<Mmmmm, I'm seeing guuuuuuuuns in the forecast... 8D>
Happy birthday! Have an Uzi!

Gside: <Cosmo is asexual?>
I sometimes wonder if it is bi-sexual, due to half naked pictures of both men AND women.
<But you see, it goes completely through the side of wrong to become good.>
I like the way you think and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
<Though claymores are a type of mine.>
A sword mine?
<iBrator, anyone?>
I want one, if only for the conversational value.
<If only I could get the other two power ups for my Chocobo...>
Or two powerups for Choo-Choo Bear!
<But is the price knock down more than the cost of repairs?>
I will make absolutely sure of it.
<So big feet can comfortably ascend. And Fire Storm must have big feet, otherwise why would Lady Mystic keep him so long?>
It's not the size of the feet that matter, It's what's in them that counts.

Imzadi: <Red bull gives you wings?>
Or the Red Wings are bull! ;)
<How about *one* large sum of money for the DLD, and you put me on the list for free?>
Hmmm... maybe...
<Oh, I dunno. What we really need is more children's crusades>
Save or kill the children?
<FUFME comes to mind. Then there's the firewire vibrator. Bus powered!>
<Well, any vehicle should be mobile. But you still have put some sort of limit. Is a Protoss Carrier small enough? What about the StarLancer?>
Well, the Deathstar IS mobile...
<Or had some other critical flaw?>
Came too late into the war to do any good.
<How hard could it be?>
I shall find out. And if I screw up, I will hire someone to fix my mistakes.
<There was another one?!>
Yeah. REALLY sucked. They made at lest up to Universal Soldier 3.

Ravyn: <Maybe a show like "This Old House" or something would have that on there sometime ... good luck>
Got my copy of 'This Old Whore House' available...

Spacebabie: <Or fresh juicy dead meat. It doesn’t have to be completely dead. I think he likes it to move a little.>
Live meat is SO much better!
<the REDNECK award goes to South Carolina where the age of consent is still 14.>

Christine: <I can't build anything that doesn't involve a hot glue gun>
Hmm... Hot glue gun a flight of stairs... ;)

Coyote: <preferably make it the week of July 23rd>
Which weekend? I am not sure if both LM and I can get days off together, BUT we can try!

Merlin Missy: <preferably make it the week of July 23rd>
YEAH! A new member of the fandom to twist to our will! And a fresh slate too! Excellent...

When are submissions to Avalon Mists due?

Fire Storm
Thursday, June 20, 2002 08:29:39 PM

Congrats to Merlin Missy. One new fan a year, eh?

Gside> <<Or maybe I'm just spoiled.>> Could be. What was your expiration date? ;) <<Good luck getting it, then.>> Thank you.

Josh> <<DSL doesn't just stand for Direct Subscriber Line.>> I try to keep my deviant sexual lust under control at work.... At least when anybody's looking. <<Misdirected money shots?>> My eyeeeeeeeeeeees! Ahhhhhhh!

Patrick> <<Give the moving company hell...>> I'm trying. Thing is, I'm afraid to raise too much Hell while they still have hostages.

kathy> You must have had much nicer movers, who genuinely felt bad about their inability to do their jobs. The biggest concession I've gotten out of these guys is a $25 per day "inconvenience claim" which they won't take off the bill, but will be refunded to us later. Thanks a pantload, Chet.

Nukes> Congrats on graduating. I understand how you feel, but in future, tone down the language a little. Thanks.

Oh, and click my name. You know you want one.

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Thursday, June 20, 2002 06:28:29 PM

Brooklyn: <<Hey quick question: Does anyone have any clue when Time Dancer is coming back?>>


Long answer: Scroll down the page to "Dragonhulk's" post from Tuesday, June 18, 2002 09:00:20 PM. Then scroll back up to Todd Jenson's reply. Then read Patrick Toman's response to Todd. Then Todd's response to Patrick. etc... :-)

Short Answer: They'll have to update the the page tomorrow (June 21st.) My Guess: Hopefully within a month after G2002.

Yorktown, VA
Thursday, June 20, 2002 06:17:41 PM

Hey quick question: Does anyone have any clue when Time Dancer is coming back?


Thursday, June 20, 2002 05:38:59 PM

*pokes mara and metaldemon*

please with the checking of emails.. the polls close tonight at midnight.


Thursday, June 20, 2002 04:38:39 PM

Finally out of highschool, and its about fucking time.
Nukes again :| - []
Thursday, June 20, 2002 11:29:23 AM

I have been eating lots of shrimp lately. Shrimp and chasews via Chinese take out and tuesday dad made Shrimp scampi.

One week till I fly off to Virgina.
:::Spazzes out with excitment:::

Gside<<<He wears big shores>>> Don’t you mean big shoes? Well I remembered he used his cancer stick to send signals. He could make the smoke spell out words.

Christine<<<What a relief to have that done with,>>>Glad to hear Becca is doing better. My worst amr pain involved my left arm, bu since I’m right handed it wasn’t too bad, I tore tendons and buckled the bone, but I never broke a bone.

Josh<<<They sent a new one out today, and I haven't even sent the defective one back yet.>>>Well atleast they got right down to it.<<<These replacements aren't costing me anything but time>>>Sometimes Time can be as precious as gold.<<<I'm curious, what led him to say this? >>>He was talking with some guy on the phone.<<<iMacs aren't *cute*. And they only make them in one shade of blue anymore.>>>but that shade of blue is pretty.<<<Every 8th line starts like that!>>>it’s the one that is followed by. “I stuck my flute…”<<<Was I any good? ;-)>>>Yes you were absent.<<<You were there.>>>No I wasn’t I was at the one in Orlando but not the one in L.A<<<Never saw them.>>>For the songs. “Crying” “Crazy” and “Amazing”<<<my apartment is 20 miles from the nearest route that will be used to transport nuclear waste to Yucca Mountain. >>>Let us know if you start to mutate.

Revel>>> E-mail me, or maybe we should take up Leo’s offer.

Leo>>>E-mail us.

Aaron<<<which would, in this case, be delivering Mara's stuff.>>>Ne? :::Grabs lil Ripper her bazooka and gives similar bazookas to her chibis::: Allright Van Lines. You better have my Mara sama’s stuff delivered soon or Click Click Boom

LJC>>>Yay! More tots to add to the fandom. We need more Beccas, Bennys and Erins

DPH<<<haberno pepper plants so I bought two.>>>THOSe peppers I do not touch, too hot for even me.<<<I got lots of jalepeno peppers visible and signs of bell and banana pappers growing.>>> Bell Peppers?!?! I LOVE bell peppers. My 3 main ingredients on a pizza: pepperoni, olices and bell peppers.

Warpmind<<<but like I've already stated, I'm not allergic.>>>I can handle snakes. I nearly cried when I saw a dead one. Wasps= evil. They freak me out, them hornets and yellow jackets. I don’t min bees but hornets…eeeeeeek!

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Fl, U.S.A
Thursday, June 20, 2002 09:55:20 AM

Congratulations to Merlin Missy and SO and welcome Emily.

Moving stories... Don't feel bad moving nightmares happen. But do give them hell, it pays. When we moved from Oregon to Georgia they gave us a date when our stuff was supposed to arrive. On the appointed day, it didn't. It seemed the truck it was loaded on broke down and nobody was going from the Northwest to Southeast. Now, did they think it was important to let us know this? Naw, of course not. We didn't find out until we called the next day. They said sorry. We said not good enough. They paid for an inflateable bed, pots, pans and towels and other sundries to fill the gap until our stuff arrived. Which it did eventually.

DPH Obviously you have issues with your father, but have you considered some kind of counselling so the ill will doesn't poison the rest of your life?

Josh > Better luck with the intern experience.

Life Lesson #2002 Never pick wild raspberries wearing just shorts and a tank top. You get sweet, sweet fruit, but the canes take their revenge.


Thursday, June 20, 2002 09:22:32 AM

DPH>> Actually, LJC has been kicking around the fandom since the very beginning. You might know her better as Tara O'Shea, one of the first of the Gargoyles fanfic immortals. She's now a contributing editor at and writes professionally for various magazines.

Congratulations to Merlin Missy for bringing a new little writer in the world!

Thursday, June 20, 2002 07:49:55 AM

Todd > Nothing gets the edits department moving like having a deadline to meet. And conversly, nothing encourages group procrastination like having no deadlines whatsoever. Just observations from my personal experience working on projects by committee, both TGS and otherwise.

DPH > "I thought it was measure once, cut twice." -- No, that's Steve Thomas, not Norm Abrams. ;)

Josh > "True, but there's nothing in there that says staying at rest longer makes it more difficult to move 8-)" -- In a perfect hypothetical physics world, no. But in real life, things that don't move for a while begin to rust, sink into the earth, and get weeds growing up around them. ;)

Aaron > Give the moving company hell... if UPS can ship stuff in three days, there's no reason it should take a week to drive a truck from NYC to San Antonio.

And congratulations to Merlin Missy and her S.O., wherever they are. :)

:: bounds off to Cubicle-Land ::

Patrick Toman
Thursday, June 20, 2002 07:20:15 AM

*Warpmind strolls in, pondering.*
Hiho, gang. I wonder how my entry to that WOTC contest is coming along? Granted, probably 90-95% of the entries will be cheap Forgotten Realms/Warhammer/Warcraft/Middle Earth ripoffs, but still... ;)

Josh: Putz? Me? *Snort* Blah. Let's see you take a bite from one of them little SOBs and stay completely conscious and non-screaming. };) And the smiley is because, well... good question, really... :p And yeah, there are *two* versions of the Universal Soldiers movies... The Van Damme pair, and then another pair of movies that came out about the same time as the second Van Damme one... Never saw the rip-offs, though...

Ravyn: Like I said, a snakebite as poisonois as a wasp sting. This also includes the effect on allergics; fortunately, I have no such allergies. :)

Gside: Nope, not black, I'm afraid. Brown, with a diamond pattern on the back... They're kinda cute, actually, if you're not afraid of snakes...

Spacebabie: I know wasps can be deadly to allergics. So can just about anything (unless it provokes cancer. These days, most things fall into one of those two categories anyway...), but like I've already stated, I'm not allergic.

Patrick Toman: It's not a question about you being predictable... It's a question about the rest of us accepting the inevitable. };)

Gunjack Valentine: Happy belated! And no need to remind me of those icepops... *Burns off a few neurons again* She's CRUEL like that, but in a good way, eh? ;)

Merlin Missy had a baby? *Whoops* Huzzah for procreation! Now, if only something could be done about the appearance of the babies - I seem to percieve that only in the human race do all the babies look like the unholy spawn of Marlon Brando and E.T... ;p (Granted, the cuteness factor grows rather quickly, but the first few days are highly suspicious...) All the best to mother and daughter. :)

Well, that about concludes the post. Later on, folks.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Thursday, June 20, 2002 06:17:56 AM

Today was pretty boring. On the plus side, my flatscreen was received by Apple and repairs have begun, and my defective CRT went back. But my new monitor didn't arrive...which means I have a headless tower on my floor. Another day or two, perhaps.

Work is boring, I had almost nothing to do today. Tomorrow should be different, I'm gonna take a lesson with the ANSYS guru. All this guy does all day is model parts of the power plant, so he should be able to teach me several things.

In other news, my apartment is 20 miles from the nearest route that will be used to transport nuclear waste to Yucca Mountain. Woohoo!

In other news, I love WB's "Watch the Frog" ads. They're hysterical. Especially the one with Lex and Clark (or rather, the actors who play them).

Todd: <<due to the writers having been so bogged down with RL>>: Come on, you don't honestly expect us to believe that TGS writers have lives, do you? If they had lives, they wouldn't be writing gargoyles stories. Not that we don't appreciate people with no lives...right guys? <<simultaneously incapacitated by computer disasters>>: Even with all windows machines, the odds of you guys have enough problems to delay the relatively simple act of word processing by a year is highly unlikely.

Patrick: <<why should that matter?>>: Sorry, I meant making sure you use the same system of units for the measuring and the cutting 8-) <<provided you don't do something dumb like a NASA engineer might and take your measurement>>: Hey its happened on other projects. <<If we had, I suspect we'd still be waiting on season one to finish>>: Hey then I might never have dropped by this site...that might be a good thing! <<Everyone who was "inspected" should sue that woman, IMO>>: Now that everyone knows those girls are sluts ;-) <<An object at rest tends to remain at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force>>: True, but there's nothing in there that says staying at rest longer makes it more difficult to move 8-)

Revel: << I do NOT jump out of cakes in drag>>: I think you do, TREBEK!

Aaron: <<HUH?!?>>: DSL doesn't just stand for Direct Subscriber Line. <<Yes, well, your cops don't have radar.>>: I have, they just don't care.

Luminous Aphrodite: <<some of them have kids now>>: I'm so glad none of my friends are old enough to have kids. Well, one is, but he's a bachelor for the rest of his life, I'm guessing.

Ravyn: <<You are SO right>>: Of course I am. Never doubt it. <<dare I say it, I'm almost *enjoying* the class>>: I had a great time in Fluid Mechanics. Nearly flooded the lab more than once 8-) <<Being 20 sucks so far for me>>: Sucked for me the whole time. Fortunately I turn 21 in a few months.

Taleweaver: <<I hope little Emily find this a world full of hope and promise>>: You must have us confused with some other planet.

DPH: <<I thought it was measure once, cut twice>>: Sure, whatever. <<who cares what is wore underneath clothing as long as you can't see it?>>: A girl who does not wear panties on the first date is a girl you want to date again 8-) Applies whether you can see it or not. <<what keeps everything I say from being a fact?>>: Religion, mostly ;-)

Gside: <<Maybe in public, but we all know you like being dominated>>: Hold on while I consult with a few others. <<Italians whave really tight !@#$% (that's a plural)>>: I didn't know that. <<buy the DVD. Special edition, with outtakes>>: Misdirected money shots? <<GI JOE>>: That would be Go Joe.

Your soul is like an appendix. I don't even use mine.
-Calso, That 70's Show

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Thursday, June 20, 2002 01:23:20 AM

Imzadi> <<I have the stronger will>>: Maybe in public, but we all know you like being dominated.
<<Al has access to binfords entire line!>>: Norm has access to everybody's lines.
<<Well don't keep us in suspense, speak>>: You asked for it, but have to read between the unprintables. Italians whave really tight !@#$% (that's a plural), while White Castle should be called Black Castle, and the sell !@#$%^ burgers. All complaints should be directed to Manuel Dasliva.
<<I was WONDERING who was making that sick porn I kept seeing on servers>>: Then wonder no more. And buy the DVD. Special edition, with outtakes.
<<Only a problem when going to pron servers>>: And there are a coulple racy comics on Keenspace, so that could count.
<<And knowing is half the battle>>: GI JOE!

Aaron> <<Seems to be working okay so far>>: Seems slower than other sites here. Or maybe I'm just spoiled.
<<delivering Mara's stuff. They're a week late and counting>>: Ah. Good luck getting it, then.

Congratulations to Merlin Missy.

The mp3 is inspired by Spacebabie this time. Allentown by Billy Joel.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Thursday, June 20, 2002 01:00:21 AM

LJC - Please excuse my ignorance and apparant rudeness, but I don't recall you posting in here before.

Happy birthday Gunjack.

Patrick - <At least a year, perhaps longer by my reckoning, as I recall that the original target date for premiering the next TD season was The Gathering 2001.> When was that a target date? Todd, correct me if I'm wrong, but as I seem to recall, Timedancer season 4 breakdowns finished about a little over 1 month before the Gathering 2001. <And finally, remember Norm Abrams' Number One Rule: measure twice, cut once.> I thought it was measure once, cut twice.

Imzadi - Sheesh, who cares what is wore underneath clothing as long as you can't see it? <It was fact to him.> Wait a minute: that was SJ's opinion, not a fact. If I'm wrong, what keeps everything I say from being a fact? <They probably gave up at roughly the same time TGS flatlined.> Wrong, busted, busted. This group didn't even get through TGS season 2.

Spacebabie - <Gives DPH a hug.>

Ok, Yesterday morning, a moron drug me out of bed despite protests. Ok, I guess I need to give a little background. Monday, I received a phone call about my grandfather going for surgery called a colostomy. He's in Hot Springs, AR. [I don't want to go into why he's in that city.] My dad decided to visit him on Tuesday. My grandfather is completed zoned out. That makes me wonder about the quality of life he has. Anyway, the only thing that made the trip worthwhile was on the way home my dad stopped by a place that had . . haberno pepper plants so I bought two.

Oh yea, garden update: I got lots of jalepeno peppers visible and signs of bell and banana pappers growing.

::Prepares to bring a juicer with quite a few pounds of jalepeno peppers nearby into the CR::

Thursday, June 20, 2002 12:36:22 AM

LJC> Wow! That's great news. Add my congrantulations to others on bringing a new life into world. I hope little Emily find this a world full of hope and promise.
Taleweaver - []
Thursday, June 20, 2002 12:17:49 AM

Missy "Merlin" Wilson delivered a lovely girl, currently named Emily, at 2:05pm today (June 19). Babygirl weighs 7lbs, 7oz, and is 21 inches long, and is precious and gorgeous and her head is shaped kinda funny, but then, when I saw her she was barely 6 hours old. Mom, Dad, and Baby are all doing fine, and should be home tomorrow-ish.

Spread the word!

LJC - []
Chicago, IL, USA
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 11:42:10 PM

FS: If you're looking to take time off, preferably make it the week of July 23rd, since that way I'll be off as well. I'm lookin' forward to seeing this house you're attempting to fix up. :)

Christine: I have a question for ya in regards to your submissions. Actually, it's in regards to your relations with agencies. D'ya have any advice on how to approach them (i.e. how to word a query, what to do if a query is accepted, how to format the manuscript, etc.)? It's a little late for me to be asking since I already sent out 4 query letters on my screenplay (and it's been registered with the Writer's Guild of America West), but if they send me a letter of interest, I just want to make sure I'm prepared. :) (If your answer's too long, feel free to mail it to me privately. :)

This just in: Bill Laimbeer has been hired as the head coach of the WNBA's Detroit Shock. An instant era of smashmouth has now entered the women's basketball world. :)

Ravyn: **kisses back** :)

Coyote the Bando - []
Algonac, Michigan
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 11:31:07 PM

FS> Good luck with the repairs! :) I will be in Michigan from July 23rd to August 6th, I think ... or somewhere around those dates. ;) I can't find my calendar to check right now. ;) It would be cool to see y'all, and maybe get to hang out, but believe me, if it's a hassle for ya to get off work or do this in the middle of your house hunt, I completely understand. ;) I'll probably be up there again sometime anyway. :)

Josh> You are SO right, Fluid Mechanics is WAY better than Dynamics!!!!!! :) And dare I say it, I'm almost *enjoying* the class right now ... ;)

Happy Birthday, Gunjack! Being 20 sucks so far for me. ;) Hope it treats you better! :) And keep in mind, you can't blame anything on being an irresponsible teenager anymore ... :)

Christine> Yay! Congrats to Becca on getting her cast removed ... hope everything continues to heal just fine. :)

Coyote> **kisses** :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2002 09:24:42 PM

Hello World!
Okay, so today life was boring! Laundry, cleaning, etc. Yesterday I washed Brady, our mopdog. The experience was mutually traumatizing for both of us. He looks like a drowned rat when he's wet. It's rather amusing. Lessee...As for moving the MORONS up to management, I pray that's not the case, cuz I may have a shot at management. *smiles* Instant pay raise and looks good on a resume! Time to hook up with some long gone friends. GEEZ and HOLY FRICKEN COW some of them have KIDS now! That's truly a freaky thought. Tho I can see how some of them can handle it and others just act like they're on permanent reality altering drugs. Well, that's it for now.
Quote of the Day
"Some relationships are about as reliable as a hyperactive kitten on crack."
<Aimee Duncan>

Luminous Aphrodite
State of Grace
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 07:43:51 PM

PATRICK - Good points. Actually, computer crashes aren't the whole story; I should have made it clearer that they're just one part of the problem (although they did happen to at least two of our members). A larger issue was that a lot of the members had *lots* of school work and regular work to attend to - a case of RL laying low the ranks left and right like Oberon versus the gargoyles in "The Gathering Part Two". And also, some of our members had left because they simply didn't have enough time any more.

But I'm one of the ones who's still working hard on the project; in fact, I decided to help do something about the inertia (partly inspired to do so by your morning's post), and have signed up to join the Editing Staff in a more "full-blast" manner. (Fortunately, I still have the free time necessary for it).

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 06:55:36 PM

Gside> <<But sometimes broadband is only as fast as the other side. Espcially with space lately.>> Seems to be working okay so far. <<<<I still hate National Van Lines>>: Explanation?>> The utterly horrible time I'm having with getting them to actually, you know, get off their @$$es and do their job, which would, in this case, be delivering Mara's stuff. They're a week late and counting.

Josh> <<<<I have DSL at work>>: I bet they go well with your fake boobs.>> HUH?!? <<I've never been pulled over for such things.>> Yes, well, your cops don't have radar.

"Bob Villa can kiss my @$$!" Parintachin, Poison Elves.

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 06:30:22 PM

Spacebabie / Revel:<<Just remember to have one of us to set up the shuttle>> Now I'm feeling a bit guilty. That airport is less than 8 miles from where I live and it's on my way to Williamsburg. If you two can't get a shuttle I'd be happy to give a ride, although I'm not staying at the hotel. There also could be others arriving at that airport who are renting cars.
Yorktown, VA
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 05:02:10 PM

:: peeks in during lunch ::

Josh > Heard about that when it happened. I bet that was a prom many of the girls at that school will remember forever. Everyone who was "inspected" should sue that woman, IMO.

Todd > I'm reminded of Newton's First Law of Motion: An object at rest tends to remain at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. TGS has been "at rest" for quite some time now. At least a year, perhaps longer by my reckoning, as I recall that the original target date for premiering the next TD season was The Gathering 2001. So it becomes more and more difficult to imagine that the problem is merely that the staff is hampered by computer problems. Especially since I still see many of the presumed TGS staff participating in the comment rooms and whatnot. And I think it would benefit those involved in TGS who still care about the project (as I believe you do) to stop deluding themselves that the holdup is being caused by temporary issues that will resolve themselves shortly. Whatever the problems really are - and I'm not going to speculate - it should be obvious by now that they are NOT just going to go away on their own. TGS's wheels are mired in deep, and it's going to take a big push to overcome the inertia and get it moving again. The question becomes, then, who is going to make the push. If whoever is "in charge" is happy with the "at rest" condition, then it falls to those in the lower levels of the heirarchy to shake things up... to stop making excuses and start acting to resolve the problems.

Just my 2 cents plus interest on that.

:: goes back to lunch ::

"I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living, or get busy dying." - Andy Dufresne, "The Shawshank Redemption."

Patrick Toman
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 12:51:27 PM

every morning something stupid makes me laugh. Today its this:

If the link address isn't funny enough, go read the article.

Wednesday, June 19, 2002 12:07:59 PM

Spacebabie- sounds like a plan, don't know what I'll be wearing but I do have a ponytail and gotee. Just remember to have one of us to set up the shuttle or else we will be standing around getting to know each other for a very long time. ;)

GJ- *blinks* I do NOT jump out of cakes in drag, ask my brother or my psuedo brother Aaron, they have both played the part.

To the Food Bucket!
Revel - []
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 11:21:08 AM


I rechecked the tickets.
I'll be arriving at 4:20 pm Thursday. Leo it is Airtran though. I guess I'll just hang out near the shuttles until Revel arrives. I'll be wearing my red snake hat and blue sunglasses.

Wednesday, June 19, 2002 10:28:16 AM

PATRICK - Good point, but the current management's policy (which I didn't make) feels otherwise on the issue. And, truth to tell, the bulk of the early episodes haven't been finalized yet; they're still in Public Edits, and since a lot of the Edits staff have been bogged down with other matters, we haven't managed to finalize them yet. (And, yes, I know that this "bogged down" has been going for quite a while, but much of the trouble has been that it's been almost a case of "Murphy's Law" for the staff; nearly everybody has been almost simultaneously incapacitated by computer disasters, real-life crises, etc. that seemed to all take place at once. Truth to tell, if the TGS staff was an army at this point, it would be an army where nearly all the soldiers would be hors de combat).
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 08:18:16 AM

Christine > "It doesn't take many incidents to get a reputation, sweetie! ;)" -- All the people who encourage me don't help, either. ;)

Josh > "Provided you use the the same system of units both times ;-)" -- But why should that matter? 12.0 inches... 304.8 mm... either way you mark it, you should get a piece of wood cut to the same length, provided you don't do something dumb like a NASA engineer might and take your measurement, remember the number, but forget which units system you were working in by the time you've walked to the table saw. At which point you then wonder why that 12.0 mm long piece of wood doesn't quite span the gap. :P

Todd > So why doesn't TGS start posting the episodes that are finished? And maybe that would provide some motivation to get the others finished? When I was in TGS the writing / editting / posting process was ongoing... we never waited until everything was done to begin posting. If we had, I suspect we'd still be waiting on season one to finish. :P

:: checks the clock and scampers off to work ::

Patrick Toman
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 07:19:46 AM

DRAGONHULK - Good question. The fact is that, while most of the "Timedancer" episodes for this upcoming season ("Timedancer" being the first cycle that we will launch) have been completed, there are a few episodes (including one fairly early one) that haven't been finished yet (largely due to the writers having been so bogged down with RL that they weren't able to spend much time on them until recently), and so we've been forced to postpone the launch until they're all done and through Edits. Again, we're sorry about the delay; part of the problem is a manpower shortage that we've been burdened with lately.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 07:02:20 AM

Today was far more useful than yesterday. It started with going to work late. Hehe, I love having my bosses out of town. No, I had a good reason. I had to call the tech support jerks to tell them they sent me a defective monitor.

Despite the fact that I couldn't talk to anyone right away, when I finally got a call from the person I needed to talk to, it was handled in a very professional manner and I'm very impressed. They sent a new one out today, and I haven't even sent the defective one back yet. Well, I'll never order refurbs again without an nice long warranty, but I see no reason not to order regular products from them.

If the next one is defective, should I just ask for a refund? These replacements aren't costing me anything but time. But at some point I have to wonder. Maybe a new flatscreen with a year warranty would be a better idea. I can get one for just 3 times what I paid for this monitor ;-)

Patrick: <<Have I become that predictable after just two years>>: That was gonna be my guess, and I've only seen you once 8-) <<measure twice, cut once>>: Provided you use the the same system of units both times ;-)

Tribun: <<news from The Barracuda and the last part of "Red Sands"?>>: Haven't heard from him. I do miss his stories though.

Niamhgold: <<I've sent out a few letters and thank-you notes/packages>>: Hmmm, I'll have to send you something for your next birthday so I can get a package 8-) <<my tendinitis is feeling better>>: YAY! <<I was "friendly, knowledgeable, and gave him an overall good sense of the company.>>: I told you putting out would work. <<Take that as you will>>: No comment. <<I'm hoping it means commissions>>: I'm sure it does. <<I feel highly shafted>>: I bet. From who? <<Real Genius was on for the first time in *ever* last night and I didn't have any blank tapes, darnit>>: Blank tape is $4, you can buy Real Genius on VHS from Amazon for $10. DVD for $19. In fact... <<Real Genius is now the only place where the song fits>>: It fits in Pinky and the Brain, I think. <<I owe you a sicilian. On both counts>>: Sicilian stripper? <<I pride myself on being a walking, talking contradiction>>: Yeah, well you're not. <<That's supposed to be a secret>>: Its entirely disgusting. Unless you're into that. In which case its still disgusting. <<I bet you've enjoyed projecting onto *him*, too, huh?>>: I don't think *I'd* enjoy that too much. And I have the stronger will. <<Depends on the cheese>>: No it doesn't. <<Easy cheese, yes>>: Only white trash chicks. <<If my *new* viewsonic did that...pow, right in the kisser>>: I hear you. If the next one goes...I'm gonna ask for something free. <<All guys need are stripper and pizza>>: True true. <<I'm sure they make up for it in your paycheck>>: You have no idea 8-) <<it would take a creative mind to do it, but it can be done>>: Why is it I can see your wheels churning? <<Now you're set up to be a fall guy>>: That will be a neat trick. I'm not even CLOSE to certified. <<On who's behalf?>>: Yours. <<I'm sure he could get a woman>>: I'm beginning to wonder. <<haven't I mentioned my *third* job?>>: That reminds me of a survey.

Your ideal job is:
a) president
b) CEO
c) firefighter
d) blow

<<what do they do if they have short, stubby fingers?>>: They get good with their tongue. Fast. <<That combination always has sinister/sexy potential>>: Black by itself is better. <<when they're 18 we may be seeing them on the Playboy channel, or Cinemax late at night.>>: That's not funny. No, wait. Maybe it is!

Spacebabie: <<The next computer were getting is a mac>>: I'm curious, what led him to say this? <<a cute lil imac in a pretty shade of blue>>: iMacs aren't *cute*. And they only make them in one shade of blue anymore. <<One time at Band Camp>>: Every 8th line starts like that! <<Man what a dream>>: Was I any good? ;-) <<Haven’t these people heard of bubble wrap?>>: There is actually a proven method for shipping monitors/televisions/etc. They didn't do it. <<Those colors do not mix>>: Fortunately, they're separated by 4 inches of blue 8-) <<How or did she confuse you for SJ?>>: You were there. <<The ones with Alicia Silverstone and Liv Tyler?>>: Never saw them.

Luminous Aphrodite: <<Perhaps it's just a survey to weed out the STUPID people and prevent them from doing the tough work, you know like adding or using a cash register or operating a ladder>>: And move them directly to management or marketing! <<You told him to have sex with that woman on the desk?!>>: What's wrong with the desk?

Gunjack: <<maybe I can get him to jump out of a cake next year, ala Marylin Monroe?>>: Would that be with or without the skimpy clothing (note: there is no good way to answer this question)? <<Lain is a crackmonkey>>: Its implied. She's canadian. <<when i turn 21, I'm askin' my parents for a Kahr K40 with a .357 SIG barrel and a spare magazine>>: Geez, all I'm getting is an iPod. I want something I can kill people with!

Leo: <<Was it the new 23" cinima display?>>: HAHAHA no. If I could afford the 23" ACD, I wouldn't buy it. This was a refurb 17" CRT studio display. If the problem was with the 23", I wouldn't sweat it. I'd just drive it over to the Apple store and get it fixed, since its less than a year old. Covered by Apple no matter who I buy it from. <<I thought you said you had an Apple outlet store where you live. Repair it!>>: The repair cost twice what I paid for the monitor. At which point I would have spent enough to buy a flatscreen (not the 23"). I would have felt really stupid.

Aaron: <<I have DSL at work>>: I bet they go well with your fake boobs. <<I managed to get out of the 36 in a school zone>>: I've never been pulled over for such things. <<Don't we?>>: No we don't. Everything women do to themselves is because they're stupid enough to inflict it. Just because some particular article of clothing/makeup/whatever makes a woman more attractive to men doesn't mean we're forcing her to wear it. We're just motivating 8-)

Dragonhulk: <<Have any of the episodes been finished>>: No. <<if so why hasen't it been posted yet>>: Because they're really anal about releasing them one each week. No idea why.

Gside: <<My poor, poor lips>>: Too much info. <<magnetization, so much fun>>: Not when it costs me $400 to repair. <<Norm's better stocked then any 10 Als>>: What!? Al has access to binfords entire line! <<And I save energy typing, too>>: And disk space! What are characters, 4 bytes apiece? <<As well it should be>>: Good. I like bowling. <<That was never in doubt. Especially some shades of blue>>: Only the hyper intelligent ones. <<My ex-suitemate had some interesting comments on women of italian persuasian>>: Well don't keep us in suspense, speak! <<Then why have we been taping it?>>: I was WONDERING who was making that sick porn I kept seeing on servers. <<Any chance I could project on the both of you together?>>: Tempting, but I'm gonna pass. <<Not the dark side. The fruity side>>: Not any more. Did you notice that Apple has led the computer industry in a complete circle? Drew them away from beige boxes to curvy bizarre shapes...and back to silver and white boxes 8-) Gotta love watching a dog chase its own tail. <<sometimes broadband is only as fast as the other side>>: Only a problem when going to pron servers. <<And now you know>>: And knowing is half the battle.

Christine: <<same place as the male obsession for seeing women in pantyhose?>>: We don't have that obsession. At least no men that I know. <<like the moon landing hoax folks>>: I'm a figment of YOUR imagination 8-) <<it doesn't take many incidents to get a reputation>>: Usually one is sufficient 8-) Especially if it involves sex or racy behavior.

Now comes the really boring character development.
-Ben Barron, while watching Gladiator

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 01:30:12 AM

Becca's cast and pins were removed this morning! Yay! She is doing fine, favoring the arm but in pretty good spirits. What a relief to have that done with, whew.

Tribun > there are a couple of possible explanations for that -- 1. Some people don't believe in gargoyles despite all the evidence (like the moon landing hoax folks). Or, 2. I wrote that story way back when I had no idea how the course of things would go and it happened to work out otherwise ; ) Personally, I like #2 ... if someone had told me back then that I'd be writing damn near a hundred stories, I might have chickened out.

Patrick > It doesn't take many incidents to get a reputation, sweetie! ; )

Josh > dunno ... same place as the male obsession for seeing women in pantyhose?

Book news > got the galley proofs for Knight of the Basilisk yesterday, perfect timing since I'll be able to go through them and return them before leaving on vacation. On the down side, I got another rejection letter for a short story anthology, oh well. C'est la vie. I expect to finish the revision on Changeling Moon tonight so I can start working on another rejection ; )

Christine - []
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 12:39:53 AM

My poor, poor lips. First time back on the sax since spring break.

Imzadi> <<the entire right and left corners of the screen are green and pink shaded>>: Ahh, magnetization, so much fun.
<<Chicks love that>>: i'd better get more practice with that.
<<Girly boys don't intimidate anyone>>: My point.
<<Al beats Norm any day>>: Norm's better stocked then any 10 Als.
<<Each in its own way>>: Righto, then.
<<we get used to your standard sarcasm>>: And I save energy typing, too.
<<You set 'em up, I knock 'em down>>: As well it should be.
<<Its smarter than the scientist running the experiment>>: That was never in doubt. Especially some shades of blue.

Niamhgold> <<apparently, smaller-than-usual gathering because of the lack of "beer tents">>: So true.
<<I owe you a sicilian. On both counts>>: Woot. My ex-suitemate had some interesting comments on women of italian persuasian. That, and White Castle, but they weren't related.
<<I pride myself on being a walking, talking contradiction>>: As well you should.
<<It must have been repaid with nine lives>>: Is that an Eastern myth also?
<<That's supposed to be a secret>>: Then why have we been taping it?
<<I bet you've enjoyed projecting onto *him*, too, huh?>>: Whoops. Any chance I could project on the both of you together?
<<it would take a creative mind to do it>>: Heh heh heh.
<<Though that seems to be between you and Gside>>: We're doing pretty well so far.

Spacebabie> <<I dreamed of Spike!>>: He wears big shores, right? So is it true?

Imzadi> <<Another victory for the dark side>>: Not the dark side. The fruity side.

Gunjack> Happy Birthday.

Aaron> <<My need for completion takes a backseat to my need to be entertained>>: A good frame of mind in which to be.
<<I have DSL at work, and copious free time>>: But sometimes broadband is only as fast as the other side. Espcially with space lately.
<<Well, I was not aware>>: And now you know...
<<And here I thought it had something to do with the two women standing behind Bob>>: that was the wrongness part of it. The double slit itself it trickier.
<<I still hate National Van Lines>>: Explanation?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 11:17:23 PM

I'm a big fan of this but a while a go I finished reading all of the stories and when I just went to the recent episode page it said that the authors were working on new episodes but that was over seven months ago. Have any of the episodes been finished (I hope at least one has) and if so why hasen't it been posted yet.
Dragonhulk - []
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 09:00:20 PM

Gside> <<I advise you not to go for the entirety of space.>> Well, I'll only read the funny ones. My need for completion takes a backseat to my need to be entertained. <<You might be able to get a brief look at a couple from each, assuming a good connection, a good server day, and fast reading.>> I have DSL at work, and copious free time. <<Those aren't real Keens. Just associations of similar Space comics. Rather like webrings.>> Well, I was not aware. <<So how does light know which is set up?>> And here I thought it had something to do with the two women standing behind Bob.

Josh> <<See, its highly more addictive than nicotine.>> Having no experience with coke, I'll bow to that. <<The ticket was for 31 over.>> Ow. Mine was only 25, and that was the one I couldn't get out of. I managed to get out of the 36 in a school zone. <<We don't make THEM do it.>> Don't we?

I still hate National Van Lines

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 06:28:29 PM

Josh:<<The display turns on, the USB ports work...but the monitor is filthy on the inside (its see through), the front panel is coming off, and the entire right and left corners of the screen are green and pink shaded! WTF!?>> That really sucks. Was it the new 23" cinima display? <<I'll never buy from these idiots again. As it is, they'd better repair this ASAP.>> I thought you said you had an Apple outlet store where you live. Repair it!? F%@# having them repair it, make them get you a new one.

Spacebabie:<<Anyone arriving at the Newport News-Williamsburg around 5pm on Thursday?>> You're probably on an AirTram 717 right?

Yorktown, VA
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 03:57:25 PM

o.O ...I said "Oh yeah" twice. Must be tireder than I thought! *wooooooozy*
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 03:26:23 PM

*wanders in in a brief break in birthday snoozing*

Hey Mara, MD, you guys gotten those emails yet? We really COULD use a reply... *yawns*

Yup, I'm twenty. Feels about like turning nineteen did, except I've had most of the arrogance beaten out of me this time around. Joy! ^_^ ...Anyway, off to more revelry (which, oddly enough, doesn't actually involve Revel; maybe I can get him to jump out of a cake next year, ala Marylin Monroe?). Oh yeah, and Lain's cat is soft enough to remove like ten YEARS of stress, even if I am alergic. Oh yeah, and Lain is a crackmonkey for those little sherbert icepops you get at the grocery store.

Off to the comic store! *KAPWING*

PS - Next year, when i turn 21, I'm askin' my parents for a Kahr K40 with a .357 SIG barrel and a spare magazine. Mmmmm, I'm seeing guuuuuuuuns in the forecast... 8D

Gunjack "I'm 20!! I'm 20!!" Valentine
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 03:24:43 PM

Annoying brother, always online.

SpaceBabie- Yeah I'll be landing there about 5:20 if you want to shuttle together is what you are asking?

My only day off so I'm going to finish painting my Mom's Han Solo Blaster. Looks really close to the one in Empire, except the scope is different, but it's black so who will notice, right?

"I thought you looked familiar, you're that @#$# who always sat behind me in history."
-Tim Allen on high school reunions-

Revel - []
the bayou city, tx
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 03:14:32 PM

Heyla All!
*appears out of shrouded mist*
I'm happy. I may get my superjob yet. So life is good. Even if I did have to take that personality survey. <Duh, gee george I think it's okay to get high and go to work and then rip the company off, cuz obviously they weren't paying me enough to allow me to buy the really GOOD drugs!> I swear those survey's make me laff. It just makes you wonder, cuz human logic would dictate that if you're going to steal from the company then you're not honest anyways, right? So why in HADES would you want to TELL THE TRUTH on a survey and say that you're not honest? Perhaps it's just a survey to weed out the STUPID people and prevent them from doing the tough work, you know like adding or using a cash register or operating a ladder! That's gotta be it! Elsewhere on the horizon...I see great things in the future. Or at least a heckuvalota fun! Stay sane all! *OKAY OKAY FAT CHANCE OF THAT, I KNOW*
PS. Finally saw the finales for Angel and Buffy. Totally rocked! Freaky Scarry Willow was cool, but I agree that Geeky Willow is alot more fun and entertaining. I found the conventions that they used to characterize her to be theatrically intelligent. The black hair and the spider veins in her face were a nice touch and did anyone notice that for most of the first part of that episode Buffy was wearing a trenchcoat and a hat? The coat and hat made her look very...normal...unslayerlike compared to Willow's striking darkness. *Of course she took off the hat when she started kicking Wiccan Booty* As for the last episode of Angel, I found it lacking. The Cordy ascending thing was WAY too FAKE looking. If you can tell the animation is animation then what is the POINT of putting it in there in the first place? Plus Connor is just way too boyish looking (very Leonardo DiCaprio-ish) However I do think Fred is cool. Oddly enough I know someone who acts just like her, personality wise (looks similar too) and everytime I see the actions on tv it just cracks me up.
Quote of the Day: "You told him to have sex with that woman on the desk?!?"
<Fred to Cordy in the elevator>

Luminous Aphrodite
In your Mind
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 03:04:51 PM

Another victory for the dark side. Spacebabie, tell your dad to check out

BTW, the "cute little blue iMac" sucks compared to other offerings from Apple right now.

Tuesday, June 18, 2002 01:12:03 PM

*Enters on a pogo stick*

Bad news for my cat. Mix has another wound near her neck. Why does she feel she has to defend our house against other cats. Tough old broad though.

Evil news. I couldn’t believe what my dad said yesterday.

“The next computer were getting is a mac.” The horror the horror. My response
“No and hell no!…unless it’s a cute lil imac in a pretty shade of blue.”

Anyone arriving at the Newport News-Williamsburg around 5pm on Thursday?

Saw American Pie on Fox last night. The first time I ever saw the movie. Cut out the best parts. Like the pie scene and the line that starts. “One time at Band Camp…”
Alyson Hannigan is adorable when she does characters with geeker joy. Scary Willow is cool but geeky Willow is adorable.

Man what a dream. I received my Animerica with the 100 sexiest characters in Anime. Had Faye Valentine and Spike Spiegel on the cover and I dreamed of Spike!


Niahmgold<<<spent Sunday being a completely lazy a$$>>>That’s what Sunday is for<<<Not to jinx things, but my tendinitis is feeling better.>>>Glad to hear it.<<<Of course, Xanatos could be considered a pig, too ;)>>>Well in that case Dracon is a bigger one.<<<That combination always has sinister/sexy potential ;)>>>Can’t be Lady Marmaade with out the “Rouge” can I?<<<Well, when they're 18 we may be seeing them on the Playboy channel, or Cinemax late at night.>>>Oh gag<<<Can I toss mine into the mix?>>>Sure!<<<Careful, man...that duct tape is responsible for keeping all my artwork stuck to the walls and my old white chair together! ;)>>>I might have to use tape on my chair. Since the cats love it.

Todd<<<Looks like they're beginning to typecast you. :) >>>And you know a lot about it. Eh catman?

Patrick<<<The Mirror" was on Toon Disney last night. I'd almost forgotten how much I love that episode. >>> I lmost forgotten how jealous I am of folks who have Toon Disney until you brought it up.<<<Have I become that predictable after just two years? ;)>>>I have seen your pictures so yes.<<<Quite possibly... we'll just have to wait and see. ;)>>> Ooh la la

Josh<<<These idiots packed it in tightly wrapped paper...roughly equivalent to packing it in bricks.>>>Haven’t these people heard of bubble wrap?<<<and the entire right and left corners of the screen are green and pink shaded!>>>Those colors do not mix.<<<Its just you.>>>Figures<<<I don't want to know.>>>I didn’t want to know either.<<<gave her a hard time before G2k1.>>>How or did she confuse you for SJ?<<<No.>>>The ones with Alicia Silverstone and Liv Tyler?<<<I got that once or twice>>>I get it all the time.<<<I figured. Not nearly as dumb as I look 8-) >>>You don’t look like my brother.

DPH<<<For those of you still interested, I have almost given hope of reconciliation with my dad.>>>Gives DPH a hug.

Gside<<<Is there no hope for you?>>>Yes there is. I use tape to fix big things.

Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 12:22:24 PM

Well, I got the hole in the floor fixed (it was an OLD heating vent from the times when there was a oil-fueled furnace.) What they did is just put carpet over the vent and attatched another vent to one end of it.
The new vent never worked.
I will be surprised if 75% of the vents in that house work.

I GOT TOOLS! Yeah! My OWN tools!

SOme of you may wonder why I am working on a house I don't even own. Well, the answer is simple. Dearborn is anal as hell. They do NOT give temporary CofOs. SO ALL work has to be done before the sale.

Lain: Thanks for the offer! But it's ok.

Ravyn: What days are you going to be here? LM and I need to know so we can get a few days off together to see you.

Fire Storm
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 12:07:07 PM

::Niamhgold enters::

Eh, not much happening this week. I've sent out a few letters and thank-you notes/packages, taken calls at work, spent Sunday being a completely lazy a$$ (my parents noted that I had "Simpson eyes" that day), and am still plugging away at my make-up school assignments. Not to jinx things, but my tendinitis is feeling better.

Oh, and I found out good news about the client lunch I had last week--apparently, he reported to the chamber of commerce execs that I was "friendly, knowledgeable, and gave him an overall good sense of the company." Take that as you will (;)), but I'm hoping it means commissions ;) Woot!

I feel highly shafted, since Real Genius was on for the first time in *ever* last night and I didn't have any blank tapes, darnit. I mean, after Dennis Miller stopped running "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" in the credits, Real Genius is now the only place where the song fits! ;)


Aphrodite: <who in their right mind would say, 'heck yeah I think we should rip em off for everything they're worth those conglamorate B's.'> It depends on whether the questionaire comes before or after the part where they tell me how much I'm going to make ;)

Aaron: <Broadway. Duh.> Thanks, that should have been obvious ;) Of course, Xanatos could be considered a pig, too ;)

Gside: <Over at Lebanon?> Apparently. And apparently, smaller-than-usual gathering because of the lack of "beer tents". <He gets strippers and pizza? And I don't even get pizza?> Okay, okay. I owe you a sicilian. On both counts ;) <The opposite of being opposites. An odd way to put it> Yes, I pride myself on being a walking, talking contradiction. <No BSs?> No, those get assigned to the GFA majors. < The cat slept through the party, and when it went there the next day, it discovered it had missed out on being given a year> It must have been repaid with nine lives. <As long as you aren't depressive> No, probably just manic ;) <But I enjoy projecting on you> Shh! That's supposed to be a secret! ;) <I know you've been denying our affair, but denial isn't good for you.> Oh, great, and I bet you've enjoyed projecting onto *him*, too, huh? <But cheese doesn't attract the ladies, does it?> Depends on the cheese. Easy cheese, yes, but only when you subsitute it for silly string bwhahahahahaha. <You havve no free time, given all the time we spend in the bedroom.> LOL.

Imzadi: Holy whoo. That really bites about the monitor. If my *new* viewsonic did that...pow, right in the kisser! <Whoever paid for that must have been a total sucker ;-)> Yeah, they definitely are ;) <Strippers with pizza! Yes!> Note to self: All guys need are stripper and pizza. And it even works for homosexuals. <Last week I got none because its me 8-)> I'm sure they make up for it in your paycheck ;) <My little bro likes that stuff> If I get to hang out with him again, we should all go for the stuff. <How would applying it be any different from just spitting it out?> KY is a gel, actually, unless you specifically buy KY Liquid. And it would take a creative mind to do it, but it can be done ;) <I finally complained to the point where they're starting to ask me to do stuff> Now you're set up to be a fall guy;) <I'll consider it payment for services rendered.> ? On who's behalf? <That assumes he could get ONE woman, let alone many> I'm sure he could get a woman. <You have no idea> Depends on who's bananas. <Well, at least not there.> What, haven't I mentioned my *third* job? ;) <I'll never sleep again> Apparently, not. Though that seems to be between you and Gside. <Let me alter that. I *strongly* recommend long fingers> So what do they do if they have short, stubby fingers?

Spacebabie: <Red and black mostly> That combination always has sinister/sexy potential ;) <Lex the rat, and I think Goliath would make a better horse, for reasons I can only say in the Adult Room> It would be funny if, for all his size, he didn't live up to expectations... I suppose Brooklyn could make a better rooster. < I prefer to use Sew No More or my glue gun> I either staple, tape, rubber cement or say "screw it" and scan it in ;) <Or does that mean they are finally going to quit the kiddie crap and appear in music videos.> Well, when they're 18 we may be seeing them on the Playboy channel, or Cinemax late at night. <Lets just agree both our brother’s are morons> Can I toss mine into the mix? I mean, last day of school is today and we're praying he doesn't flunk out. <I prefer hot glue over super glue, or duct tape!!!!> Careful, man...that duct tape is responsible for keeping all my artwork stuck to the walls and my old white chair together! ;)


Tuesday, June 18, 2002 10:15:14 AM

I almost forgot........the final size of the pages ,and the title, is 800x1001....the preview of the title is smaller because of server restrictions about the size of pictures......
Tribun - []
Luebeck, SH, Germany
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 09:19:59 AM

Christine> I've read some of your stories. And now, there is something, I don't understand. In your Story "baby makes three" which takes place at 2032 A.D. someone said :
"Randi, there's no such thing as gargoyles."
Did I miss something? Every other story of you idicates, that the clan is well known (in 2022 the clan was mentioned). And I can't belive, that the clan will be gone and forgot in lass than 10 years (IF the clan was gone anyway ,and I don't think so....).

Are there news from The Barracuda and the last part of "Red Sands"? If I must wait another moth, I'm getting nuts of waiting........

I fnally decided, to show the title of my 3/4 complete online-comic. WARNING: It's only half of the size of the the finished pages. Look at it under:

That's all for now.

Tribun - []
Luebeck, SH, Germany
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 09:09:21 AM

PATRICK TOMAN - <<Have I become that predictable after just two years? ;)>> Looks like they're beginning to typecast you. :)
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 08:04:13 AM

"The Mirror" was on Toon Disney last night. I'd almost forgotten how much I love that episode. :)

Christine > "oh, dear ... any excuse to wear pantyhose?" - Have I become that predictable after just two years? ;)

Spacebabie > "Will Lady Marmalade want to give this person smoochies?" - Quite possibly... we'll just have to wait and see. ;)

Fire Storm > If they are interior stairs between floors and you've never done carpentry before, my recommendation would be to hire them out to someone experienced. Building a good stair takes crastmanship and skill. If they are just a short run of exterior stairs, though, coming off a deck or porch, you may be able to DIY with the aid of some how-to books from the local library. But keep in mind to DIY you'll need tools - a circular saw, level, framing square, tape measure, and hammer at minimum - so be sure to factor that into the cost if you don't already own these items. And finally, remember Norm Abrams' Number One Rule: measure twice, cut once.

Patrick Toman
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 07:00:17 AM


I got my new monitor in today. Calling it defective would be an understatement. These idiots packed it in tightly wrapped paper...roughly equivalent to packing it in bricks.

The display turns on, the USB ports work...but the monitor is filthy on the inside (its see through), the front panel is coming off, and the entire right and left corners of the screen are green and pink shaded! WTF!?

I'll never buy from these idiots again. As it is, they'd better repair this ASAP.

New interns at work today. They seem cool enough. Toured the reactor training facilities. The reactor control software runs on windows! I'm SO glad its in Taiwan.

Spacebabie: <<is it me or does anyone else mentally add lyrics to "We didn't start the fire.>>: Its just you. <<Preview for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets>>: Sweet. <<that’s why he got a second operation…involving an implant>>: I don't want to know. <<What did you do?>>: I gave her a hard time before G2k1. <<Remember those Aerosmith videos?>>: No. <<My dad has given me permission to kick my brother’s ass>>: I got that once or twice. <<It’s short for Winifred>>: I figured. Not nearly as dumb as I look 8-)

Aaron: <<Care to explain that, for all the non-engineers in the room?>>: That would take all the mystery out of being an engineer! <<if, say, coke was legal, it wouldn't be a hundred bucks an ounce>>: So people would buy more and get just as broke until they had to mug me. See, its highly more addictive than nicotine. <<How much over was the ticket for?>>: The ticket was for 31 over. <<Revenge>>: We don't make THEM do it.

Gside: <<Sorry, finger slipped>>: Chicks love that. <<girly boys don't intimidate them as much>>: Girly boys don't intimidate anyone. <<Don't be knocking Norm>>: Al beats Norm any day. <<it's not good if you're reading for content>>: Depends on what you're reading. <<Granted, but is one more advantageous than the other?>>: Each in its own way. <<I just don't use smileys, throwing everyone off all the time>>: Nah, we get used to your standard sarcasm. <<I so knew someone was going to say something like that>>: You set 'em up, I knock 'em down. <<Is there no hope for you>>: Not only is she not an engineer, she's dangerous in bed too! <<So how does light know which is set up>>: Its smarter than the scientist running the experiment.

DPH: <<No, he was stating his opinion>>: It was fact to him. <<a group of individuals committed themselves to writing an episode synopsis of every TGS story. Whatever happenned to that group>>: They probably gave up at roughly the same time TGS flatlined.

Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.
-John Von Neumann, 1951

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 02:00:35 AM

Anyone else arriving at Norfolk airport on Thursday before the Gathering? Between 5 to 6pm? Me and Denis will be there and will probably share a shuttle, which is $40 a person, unless there are 4 or more people, then it's $25 a person. So if we can find another two people at least arriving the same evening, we could share the shuttle at the cheaper price.


Tuesday, June 18, 2002 12:28:33 AM

Imzadi - <SJ was just stating facts when he said that we should nuke the entire middle east.> No, he was stating his opinion.

Spacebabie - <Whoa you must have travled to the distant future.> Hardly. I stick to the theory that there is another time traveler on the loose who joined the TGS staff from the beginning to slow down/prevent future stories from being released. <How did my brother get over there?> For those of you still interested, I have almost given hope of reconciliation with my dad.

Speaking of family, I got a phone call today. My mom's father is sick and the nursing home wanted permission to take him to surgery. The name of the surgery is colostomy. No, I don't want him recessitated. The bad part is I have no idea where mom's sister is because she is the closest living relative. After that, it falls to my brother and dad and my cousins on my mom's side.

Now to bring something up. I noticed once upon a time, a group of individuals committed themselves to writing an episode synopsis of every TGS story. Whatever happenned to that group?

Tuesday, June 18, 2002 12:09:51 AM

Sorry, finger slipped.

Imzadi> <<I will NOT be breaking my five year run of crazy "Gargoyles" costumes>>: I blame the crack.
<<What is the female obsession with seeing men in pantyhouse?>>: I think it's related to the whole bishonen thing. Maybe girly boys don't intimidate them as much.
<<This Old House? What about "Home Improvement"? Now that's a REAL show>>: Don't be knocking Norm.
<<Personally I always get a kick out of translating something back and forth between two languages>>: Yes, but it's not good if you're reading for content.
<<Then I don't have to imagine it>>: You wouldn't have to imagine it even if I did have experience.
<<Yes>>: Granted, but is one more advantageous than the other?
<<I'll have to be more clear in the future>>: Mayhap. I just don't use smileys, throwing everyone off all the time.
<<As in, anyone better looking than *you* is good looking?>>: I so knew someone was going to say something like that.

Spacebabie> <<I prefer hot glue over super glue, or duct tape>>: Is there no hope for you?

Aaron> <<Space later>>: I advise you not to go for the entirety of space. At least not for reading all archives. You might be able to get a brief look at a couple from each, assuming a good connection, a good server day, and fast reading.
<<And what about Shoujo and Smut?>>: Those aren't real Keens. Just associations of similar Space comics. Rather like webrings.
<<Care to explain that, for all the non-engineers in the room?>>: Sure. The wrongness about it was obvious to all. The experiment, though is to show the duality of light. Since light is a wave, if you shine light of a single frequency through two nearby holes onto a wall, the waves from one hole mess with the waves from the other, and create a diffraction pattern on the wall. This also works if you only shine one photon's worth. However, if you set up two photon detectors at each of the holes, not letting it get to the wall, when you shine a photon's worth through, either one or the other of the detectors will respond. That means that light behaves like a wave when going to the wall, but like a particle with the detectors. So how does light know which is set up?
<<All generalizations are bad>>: All generalizations have exceptions. Except this one.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, June 17, 2002 11:23:13 PM

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, June 17, 2002 10:51:59 PM

Gside> <<I hope you're only going completely for Spot, and not Space.>> Spot first. Space later. And what about Shoujo and Smut? <<The Double slit was just so wrong, though.>> Care to explain that, for all the non-engineers in the room?

Josh> But if, say, coke was legal, it wouldn't be a hundred bucks an ounce. If it cost what a pack of cigarettes does, you could overdose and die long before you have to turn to armed robbery to support your habit. <<How fast was I going or how fast did they SAY I was going?>> Fair question. How much over was the ticket for? <<"All stereotypes are flawed?">> All generalizations are bad. <<What is the female obsession with seeing men in pantyhouse?>> Revenge.

Ravyn> <<Love the comic you posted in here! Silly physics ... ;)>> Heh. Think about that the next time you open the fridge.

... I hate National Van Lines

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Monday, June 17, 2002 06:23:36 PM

Good Fathers day yesterday. Dad played his CD's. I couldn't stand the Amy Grant one but the Best of Billy Joel was good.
The classics like "Piano man" and "Allentown" were on it. and is it me or does anyone else mentally add lyrics to "We didn't start the fire." to cover from 1990 to today?

Saw Scooby Doo with Mom. She is a big Scooby Fan.

They make Fred look like an egotistical Himbo in the movie, and Damn Freddy Prince Jr. was hot as Fred. Mathew Lillard made a great Shaggy. There were plenty of weed jokes. but there was some Toilet humour. Sugar Ray makes a cameo and Daphne displays some Buffy Moves on a Mexican Wrestler.

Kathy is right the Big Bad was funny.

Bonus: Preview for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
_______________Spoilers End________________________________

Leo<<<Three major highways form a triangle connecting the cities of Columbia, Florence, and Charleston. And in the center, is the racially segregated town of Sumter.>>>I wonder if people visit it for it’s quaintness. You know the same reason people visit the Amish.<<<By the way, how many websites do you have?>>>A lot of them are dead and will be deleted, others will be moved to my domain.

Gside<<<Kinky family.>>>Dad hasn’t had much action since the surgery..that’s why he got a second operation…involving an implant.

Warpmind<<<is about as deadly as a wasp…>>>Wasps can be deadly to some people.<<<And it doesn't even seem like I'm mutating,>>>I guess it wasn’t radioactive. Or genetically alterd.

Josh<<<Good. You can distract her so she doesn't kick my ass.>>>What did you do?<<<Do we really want that?>>>Remember those Aerosmith videos?<<<Yeah, right after "never". >>>Wich never? The first second, third ,fourth or fifth.<<<Your brother? The moron is MY brother!>>>Lets just agree both our brother’s are morons.<<<How did he fit a disc in his wazoo? And for that matter, where exactly *IS* the wazoo?>>>It’s an expression.<<<My parents wouldn't let me.>>>My dad has given me permission to kick my brother’s ass. Yes he is that much of a pain.<<<You've got to get yourself a life.>>>This one old guy I talked too has been around the world. Usually I don’t talk with them unless they have their grandchildren with them.<<<So you start conversations with old people and you think the hot glue gun is your friend. Riiiiiight. ::backs away slowly:: >>>Our friend in fixing things! I prefer hot glue over super glue, or duct tape!!!!<<<I finally got around to depositing my first paycheck>>>Money!!!<<<Why do they call her Fred?>>>It’s short for Winifred

Patrick<<<missed the top ten. Guess that's what I get for going to bed at a reasonable hour>>>I went to bed at 12:30 woke up at 6:30 and still managed to make the top ten.<<<I stumbled upon the perfect costume the other night and just couldn't resist>>>Will Lady Marmalade want to give this person smoochies?

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Monday, June 17, 2002 10:28:51 AM

I finally got around to depositing my first paycheck. That felt REALLY good.

I finally caught an episode of angel featuring "Fred". Why do they call her Fred? Are they trying to appeal to the gay/lesbian market by giving the female love interest a male name? Anyway, she's kind of cute in a "librarian who takes off her glasses and reveals a dominatrix" kind of way 8-)

But I think Cordy is getting hotter every episode.

Kathy: <<If you're looking for brainless fun, this is it>>: That's what I have the CR for?

Patrick: <<perhaps I'll check that out this week since MiB2 is still a few weeks away>>: If you haven't seen Sum of All Fears, that's pretty mindless. At least, you'd have to be if you believe Neo Nazis want to nuke America instead of the way it happened in the book 8-) <<the first ever eBay fan convention>>: And I thought Garg/Star Trek fans were scary. Wait till you meet ebay junkies. <<I thought most people used eBay to AVOID the human contact of going to thrift stores, garage sales, and swap meets>>: I thought the idea was to just avoid swap meets in general and sort of consolidate all the things you'd find at all of those places around the world into one place that's easy to search. <<how's that for a segue?>>: I thought that said "how's the segue?" - as in, the personal transportation device. Then I started wondering if it was a silly attempt at a double entendre...I really should drink less. <<We're going to war.' / 'Cool. (pause) Can we come?>>: Somehow, I doubt they're so excited.

Todd: <<I'm still receiving the messages from people claiming to be African expatriates asking me to look after their money>>: I can't wait for Apple's new mail client that has mail format/language interpretation for spam filtering. That will finally help me block those stupid things.

Christine: <<there are exceptions to every stereotype>>: "All stereotypes are flawed?" <<any excuse to wear pantyhose>>: What is the female obsession with seeing men in pantyhouse?

Ravyn: <<I had a big test in Fluid Mechanics last Friday>>: I'm sure you did fine. Fluid Mechanics is MUCH easier than dynamics. <<I finished it *way* too quickly and may have understood things too well>>: I hate when that happens. <<Maybe a show like "This Old House">>: This Old House? What about "Home Improvement"? Now that's a REAL show 8-)

Gside: <<Second generation translations are never a good idea>>: Personally I always get a kick out of translating something back and forth between two languages. <<I have no idea whether that would actually work>>: Good. Then I don't have to imagine it. <<Long fingers or dextrous fingers?>>: Yes 8-) <<You tend to put a smiley after you deliberatly misunderstand something>>: I'll have to be more clear in the future. <<I am the standard against which all male hotness is measured>>: As in, anyone better looking than *you* is good looking?

Off to work tomorrow.

Pinky, you have the reasoning skills of a burlap sack.
-The Brain, "Pinky and the Brain"

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Monday, June 17, 2002 02:05:08 AM

Warpmind> <<I'm really fortunate the Norwegian breed of adder is about as deadly as a wasp>>: Was it black?
<<And it doesn't even seem like I'm mutating>>: Can't smell with your tongue? Haven't even shed complete layers of skin?
<<I wouldn't trust the Norwegian translation, as that is translated from the English one, rather than the original>>: Second generation translations are never a good idea. And ther aren't any natives who learned Japanese? Or just not enought of a local market for Japanese materials to warrant a translator only for them?

Imzadi> <<Excited?>>: Nah, he just likes copy and paste.
<<I'll never sleep again>>: Thank you. But do remember, I have no idea whether that would actually work.
<<Let me alter that. I *strongly* recommend long fingers>>: Long fingers or dextrous fingers?
<<I don't think washing *anything* is a bonus>>: Some fetishes it's best to admit to their existance and move on.
<<I know>>: You tend to put a smiley after you deliberatly misunderstand something.
<<I think we could have already guessed that since she thinks I'm hot>>: And as we all know, I am the standard against which all male hotness is measured.

Patrick> <<I will NOT be breaking my five year run of crazy "Gargoyles" costumes>>: But are you going for the Gorebash award again?

And how about some Sam and Dave? I Thank You.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, June 16, 2002 11:30:42 PM

Howdy, all!

Well, summer school is going along fine ... I had a big test in Fluid Mechanics last Friday that I've been worrying about all weekend, because I finished it *way* too quickly and may have understood things too well. That makes me wonder if I even understood it at all ... ;)

Aaron> Love the comic you posted in here! Silly physics ... ;)

FS> Frell!!! I'm sorry about the house situation ... what a mess!!!!! As for how to build a staircase ... I have no clue. Maybe a show like "This Old House" or something would have that on there sometime ... good luck, and I wish I could help! Hey, I don't know if Coyote's mentioned it to you or LM, but I'll be visiting Michigan again in late July/early August, so if you want to get together and do something, that would be cool. Or hey, I'll help you build a staircase or somethin' ... :)

Just for the record, the Olsen twins annoy me. ;)

Warpmind> OUCH!!!! Are you all right after that snake bite? I hope it heals quickly and all. Ouch ... :(

Patrick> I got the Paypal e-mail about the Ebay Live thing too ... how crazy! I can't imagine anyone going to that, but I guess people will ... who knows.

Coyote> **hugs** Hiya, honey. :)

Catch y'all later!

Ravyn - [<--Clicky, clicky!]
Sunday, June 16, 2002 06:56:38 PM

Josh > was a joke, sonny, and there are exceptions to every stereotype ; )

Patrick > oh, dear ... any excuse to wear pantyhose? People better be taking and posting lots of pictures as well as essays for those of us who can't go.

Book news > ElfLore II has been sent to the typesetter! Should be able to present the finished cover for viewing soon. If the timing works out, I will be able to present Steve Jackson his copy -- and this one is dedicated to him -- at Seattle's Dragonflight gaming con in August.

Christine - []
Sunday, June 16, 2002 06:27:31 PM

PATRICK - Well, you definitely managed to receive the really unusual spam. I'm still receiving the messages from people claiming to be African expatriates asking me to look after their money (and still can't help but think that, if they are who they claim to be, they obviously weren't looking very hard for a financial manager if they chose me).
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, June 16, 2002 06:24:29 PM

Sunday, June 16, 2002 05:45:33 PM

Its Father's Day Badielia!!! IIII WAAANT MYYY CAAKE!!!

*goes off to rent "Creep Show"*

Sunday, June 16, 2002 02:36:42 PM

:: parachutes down into the comment room ::

Dang... missed the top ten. Guess that's what I get for going to bed at a reasonable hour. :P

kathy > Glad to hear you got your high-speed home connection restored. And thanks for the movie tip... I've been looking for some mindless fun, so perhaps I'll check that out this week since MiB2 is still a few weeks away. :)

eBay weirdness > I really hope that $60 million was bids from the prank seller's screwball friends... otherwise that listing's not only weird, it's scary. In other eBay news, though... I got a bizarre mass-emailed letter from Paypal yesterday, pimping something called Ebay Live... the first ever eBay fan convention. Made me wonder who would go... 'cause here I thought most people used eBay to AVOID the human contact of going to thrift stores, garage sales, and swap meets. But it turns out it's for real... click my name for the link.

And speaking of conventions (hey, how's that for a segue?)... I've decided to participate in the Masquerade after all. I stumbled upon the perfect costume the other night and just couldn't resist... so it turns out I will NOT be breaking my five year run of crazy "Gargoyles" costumes. >:)
Just 12 more days until The Gathering now! Weee!

:: zips off to work on fanfic ::

"Canada's like our little brother. 'What are you guys doing down there, eh?' / 'We're going to war.' / 'Cool. (pause) Can we come?'" - Jeremy Holz, Comedy Central Presents

Patrick Toman
Sunday, June 16, 2002 12:49:27 PM

Yay, my DSL connection is fixed. Life is good.
I saw Scooby Doo on Friday. I was never a huge fan of the cartoons. In fact, I found them painful. But the movie I snickered all the way through. And the Big Bad? Too funny. Excellent characterizations on the part of the cast. If you're looking for brainless fun, this is it.

Sunday, June 16, 2002 12:29:08 PM

Yep, Spacebabie made top 10. More post . . whenever.
Sunday, June 16, 2002 10:27:21 AM

Top Ten?

Sunday, June 16, 2002 06:53:38 AM

Nice relaxing day, sat around doing very little. I went to the Apple store this afternoon and hung out for a while before going to see Sum of All Fears with my friend Ian. Sold a mac in the process; they wanted to know if they could keep me.

Ben Affleck wasn't bad, considering he's Ben Affleck. I don't think he did Jack Ryan's character justice, but he was certainly better than I expected. Morgan Freeman and James Cromwell were awesome.

Christine: <<duct tape is just the guy equivalent of hot glue>>: I know a lot of girls who would be very insulted by that statement. Especially any girl who was a camp counselor ;-)

Leo: <<That's an expensive woman>>: You obviously haven't been dating recently ;-)

Spacebabie: <<Zelgoddess wants me to kick your arse for not being there>>: Good. You can distract her so she doesn't kick my ass. <<does that mean they are finally going to quit the kiddie crap and appear in music videos>>: Do we really want that? <<where the age of consent is still 14>>: Guess I know where my roommate is going after graduation. <<Whoa you must have travled to the distant future>>: Yeah, right after "never". <<How did my brother get over there>>: Your brother? The moron is MY brother! <<he’s got disc’s up the wazoo>>: How did he fit a disc in his wazoo? And for that matter, where exactly *IS* the wazoo? <<you should ask for more mini projects>>: Believe me, I have. There just isn't much for me to do. <<Did you have to bitch and kick his ass as well?>>: My parents wouldn't let me. <<Actually I start the conversation. I have to practice my social skills somewhere>>: You've got to get yourself a life. <<I think Goliath would make a better horse, for reasons I can only say in the Adult Room>>: They call him Goliath because he's 8 feet tall! <<The Hot glue gun is our friend>>: So you start conversations with old people and you think the hot glue gun is your friend. Riiiiiight. ::backs away slowly::

DPH: <<I made #1!! I made #1!! I made #1!! I made #1!! I made #1!! I made #1!>>: Excited? <<I was just stating facts>>: That doesn't matter. SJ was just stating facts when he said that we should nuke the entire middle east. <<if someone tries to start a flame war using my name, double check the IP address>>: As if we know what your IP address is to check it against. What is the likelihood that if you made an inflammatory statement we'd first think "wait, let me go back in the archive before responding"? I'd first think "Oh, I'm gonn have fun with this one.

Leo: <<Your sick, man>>: Yes he is. That's why we love him.

Gside: <<I'd imagine you'd run your mouth along what you wanted to lube. Or take it into your mouth and use your tongue to spread it evenly>>: I'll never sleep again. <<I'll control the cheese. But cheese doesn't attract the ladies, does it?>>: I recommend big feet or long fingers. Let me alter that. I *strongly* recommend long fingers. <<my point was that the thingies are interspersed with technobabble>>: Especially if those thingies are bouncy 8-) <<You havve no free time, given all the time we spend in the bedroom>>: You wish. <<That's just a bonus>>: I don't think washing *anything* is a bonus. <<I was refering to the popular myth>>: I know. <<I'd still like strippers and/or pizza. Pizza more than the strippers, though>>: Yes. <<Kinky family.>>: I think we could have already guessed that since she thinks I'm hot.

Coyote: <<Somewhere in the neighborhood of Top Ten!>>: Suspect is armed and dangerous: male, geeky, between 20 and 30. And online. Advise extreme acne medication.

Jaden: <<I asked for some warm weather and boy did I get it>>: Just be glad you're not here. <<Also I have these psychic powers>>: Teach me!

Warpmind: <<I'm really fortunate the Norwegian breed of adder>>: Putz. <<aside from a strange urge to crawl on the ground and hiss a lot>>: That's your sexual fetish acting up again. <<in Norway, 16 is legal. };)>>: Why the smiley? This is not a good thing. <<They swim up the urethra and flex some remarkably spiny fins>>: OUCH! And I thought kidney stones sounded bad. <<The one that doesn't work correctly in Windows"... That just about summed up every scanner in the world, buddy>>: I was thinking that...did I forget to type it? <<Unlike guys, you can use phrases like "putting the thingy in the wossname" with about zero risk of getting slapped>>: Actually, if your peers know you're having a brain-fart they'll usually let it slide. <<the Van Damme-version of Universal Soldiers, or the *other* version?>>: There was another one?!

The ideal date is someone who parties with you till 4:30 in the morning and then turns into a pizza.
-Van Halen

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Sunday, June 16, 2002 05:03:44 AM

*Warpmind enters, looking sort-of-annoyed at his right hand, where two tiny puncture marks can be spotted next to his thumb.*
You know, folks, I'm really fortunate the Norwegian breed of adder is about as deadly as a wasp... But it hurt most of yesterday, nonetheless. And it doesn't even seem like I'm mutating, aside from a strange urge to crawl on the ground and hiss a lot... :p Oh, and Top Ten?

SJ: Olsen Twins? *Blank stare* Who? And in Norway, 16 is legal. };)

DPH: I recommend a tiny Amazonian fish. They swim up the urethra and flex some remarkably spiny fins. Very painful. }:)

Gside: I'd settle for the English translation. I wouldn't trust the Norwegian translation, as that is translated from the English one, rather than the original... :/

Josh: "The one that doesn't work correctly in Windows"... That just about summed up every scanner in the world, buddy. ;)

lain/Aphrodite: Chickspeak ain't all that bad... Unlike guys, you can use phrases like "putting the thingy in the wossname" with about zero risk of getting slapped. ;)

lain: Universal Soldier 2... That the Van Damme-version of Universal Soldiers, or the *other* version? (Yeah, there are two pairs of nigh-identically-titled movies... Stupid gits....)

Leo: No, you've got it a bit wrong; I'm the guy with the tentacles. *Blinks, looks around* Uh, oh, wait, another kind of tentacles... Nevermind... ;)

Well, that's about it for now... Later on, everyone.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Sunday, June 16, 2002 03:43:14 AM

8th! I think...


Sunday, June 16, 2002 01:13:26 AM

Hi everyone. I hope that everyones having a nice weekend. I asked for some warm weather and boy did I get it. ;)

Imzadi- Well I'd say that's just about anyones response to having to run 8 miles. Also I have these psychic powers...

Stephen<<Did you ever have one of THOSE days?>> I have more of those days than any other.


Jaden - []
Sunday, June 16, 2002 01:03:38 AM

Somewhere in the neighborhood of Top Ten!!
Coyote and Ravyn
Sunday, June 16, 2002 12:41:38 AM

Imzadi> <<How would applying it be any different from just spitting it out?>>: I'd imagine you'd run your mouth along what you wanted to lube. Or take it into your mouth and use your tongue to spread it evenly.
<<That assumes he could get ONE woman>>: A big assumption on it's own. But then, I'll control the cheese. But cheese doesn't attract the ladies, does it?
<<But usually we have a thingy or two in a sentence>>: Still, my point was that the thingies are interspersed with technobabble.
<<As long as I deny you, all the hot chicks I'm doing won't kill me>>: What hot chicks. You havve no free time, given all the time we spend in the bedroom.
<<I wasn't aware LM liked washing socks>>: That's just a bonus. I was refering to the popular myth.
<<You're missing the subtle in-joke>>: But I'd still like strippers and/or pizza. Pizza more than the strippers, though.
<<She's a waitress, not a stripper>>: You're missing the Megatokyo reference.
<<In grand irony, you can't fake a BS>>: But if you get a BFA in one of the more marketable fields, you'll also eventually be asked to work in a medium you haven't a clue about.
<<That's disgusting>>: Thank you.

Spacebabie> <<we got him discs, he’s got disc’s up the wazoo>>: Kinky family.
<<Does he have the patience of a New Yorker?>>: I think he's better than that. It's just the choices.

Leo> <<I can't talk good english>>: Finally someone noticing and apologizing for their misuse of that homonym. Thank you.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, June 16, 2002 12:40:25 AM

Fifth or sixth!
Jaden - []
Sunday, June 16, 2002 12:36:11 AM

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [@kicktothenutsDOTcom]
Santa Clara, CA, US of A
Sunday, June 16, 2002 12:31:59 AM

and I can't talk good english. You're sick
Sunday, June 16, 2002 12:19:31 AM

SJ<<THE OLSEN TWINS FINALLY TURN 16!!!!>>Those two nausies? Your sick, man.

Spacebabie<<and the REDNECK award goes to South Carolina where the age of consent is still 14.>> South Carolina also is home to the REDNECK TRIANGLE - Three major highways form a triangle connecting the cities of Columbia, Florence, and Charleston. And in the center, is the racially segregated town of Sumter.

By the way, how many websites do you have? You seem to have tentacles spread accross the web from Anglefire to Tripod.

Sunday, June 16, 2002 12:17:46 AM

Saturday, June 15, 2002 11:59:19 PM

I guess this is a slow night for an early top 10.

I made #1!! I made #1!! I made #1!! I made #1!! I made #1!! I made #1!!

Imzadi - first, I thought you understood something: By nature, I'm a nice guy. second, I was just stating facts. third, in the extremely unlikely event that I was going to start a flame war, I would work behind the scenes so that it would get out of control really fast because I don't like doing things halfway. fourth, if someone tries to start a flame war using my name, double check the IP address because it is hard for me to be mean without provocation and more difficult for me to follow through on being mean.

Saturday, June 15, 2002 11:40:38 PM

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, June 15, 2002 11:29:03 PM

tOP 10, #1?
Saturday, June 15, 2002 11:17:10 PM
