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Well, yesterday earned the title of "shittiest day ever". Woke up bright and early to drive to my roommate's to go to Great America. About five minutes from the exit, my car starts fuming and I get the "Coolant Level Low" message. Managed to get off the freeway and to a gas station before the car completely overheated. Waited 2 hours for AAA to pick me up. 5 years I've been driving this car, not one serious problem that prevented me from driving. It's been in the shop for this and that, but nothing that left me stranded *anywhere*. Now I'm in a strange city (just because I live in the Bay Area doesn't make it any less weird ;-)) where I don't know my way around and don't know where to get to repair shops, etc.

Drove it down the street to Pep Boys, where they swore they wouldn't get to it for at least 4-5 hours. But they started in just two and I was out of there by *TIME* So much for Great America. Grrr. But at least I can still go to Berkeley tomorrow.

What a great country we live in. Of course, when I am king, I'll be able to get service the minute I have problems ;-)

Today I decided to bring it back and let them replace the other two hoses they wanted to replace. If Boomer overheats in the next 50 days...I'm gonna break someone's neck ;-) After that I drove up to Berkeley, probably the last time for a while. LSAT classes and practice exams will really get the in the way of that.

Something *really* good might happen soon. More on this as it develops.

DPH: <<I could write the book about how to be evasive when answering questions>>: No, that's me. <<He told me that he would cut me out of the will because of this>>: What a jerk.

Green Baron: <<I will be able to take leave in June, which can include NYC.>>: See you there then. <<My College roomate jokingly called it the pro-choice meal>>: I see...sorta. <<That seems to be the big issue with you. I guess it's all part of modern morality>>: I don't have many ethical standards, but I think taking advantage of little kids is troublesome. Mostly because you are a member of a group I associate with, and I won't have associates of mine acting in embarassing ways. <<It just means that poor kids will have better options>>: School Vouchers, interestingly enough, is the only issue that the very rich and the very poor can *both* agree on. I love that. <<those guys take on a lot of stupid causes>>: In all fairness, they take on a lot of good causes too. <<In God We Trust, but everyone else pays cash>>: Amen! <<At least Louisiana and California earn it>>: What did we do? <<I blame all the eco-weenies for letting all the brush and fallen timber lie around isntead of allowing it to be picked up by loggers>>: LOL in yer face, hippies! <<my bad, you said _Great Empires_ not shitty Empires>>: Even unintentionally, I cover my tracks ;-) <<Calling Unitarians and Deists Protestant is a stretch>>: I lump many types of Christians in that group. Mostly for the sake of simplicity. <<He jsut makes his comments to get a reaction, or he genuinely hates Catholicism>>: Actually, neither are true. I genuinely hate stupidity, and Catholicism seems to breed it. <<his College will give me free schooling since I'm a soldier>>: But would you really want to go there?

Lady Mystic: <<am concerned about other people's preference and download times>>: I think we should stick with text links from the main page. When I'm on a modem (and I know many others are also on modems), I'm able to filter out all of the images (since they come from a different server) and the page loads very quickly. Adding picture links would increase the download significantly. <<UPDATES>>: Thanks! We love having this info at our fingertips.

Shauntell: <<TGS isn't dead . . . I don't know where that rumor started>>: My bad.

FS: <<MAYBE I will be in that house by 2003>>: I admire your faith.

Gside: <<Including yourself or not?>>: If I don't, it voids the statement. <<Do I?>>: If I do, you shouldn't be a problem.

Jaden: <<I don't think God really cares if we have it on money or not>>: Its not god I'm concerned with.

Ravyn: <<Plus Lilo is very similar to the way I was as a kid>>: That explains a lot.

Metaldemon: <<when we just don't feel like arguing: smile and nod>>: Sometimes I do that even *when* I feel like arguing. <<Christianity, the kind that Jesus preached, never promoted violence under any circumstances>>: I totally agree with you. However, I'm criticizing the "judeo-christain" beliefs that Jan mentioned. The common thread these religions share includes a host of perseuction, violence, and other nasty stuff. <<I'm a wookie with bouncy mountain-spring hair>>: That's scary. Or funny.

Spacebabie: <<What a ride!>>: We didn't need to know that. <<Was she too much woman for you?>>: I'm more concerned with the weldings on TPC4 8-) <<don’t have a vibrator>>: What kind of single girl are you? <<Technically aren’t kids half asleep when they say the pledge?>>: That doesn't make it any less fascist.

There are no smart women in the world.
-Hcatty aka LostPerson, TGS Comment Room

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Monday, July 1, 2002 12:43:00 AM

Re:Photo of baby suicide bomber called 'a joke'

I think it's a fake. LHO'd (Lee Harvey Oswalded)
Don't the baby's arms look a bit too long?

Welcome Back Spacebabie

Monday, July 1, 2002 12:27:59 AM

GReetings all...

Just to keep this short: SNEAK PEEK... the cover page of the new Avalon Mists (yes, Ruby, it IS coming soon!) Clickie my name or follow this link.

Apologies in advance: still no word on server space, so the sneek preview is on my personal site on

Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Sunday, June 30, 2002 11:57:56 PM

Wilek> <<a ghastly little flute>>: Mad out of what? Human bone? Xenomorph exoskeleton? Jello? Or little flutes are pics, and those are ghastly enough.

Welcome Delia.

Spacebabie> <<Nobody met up to my standards>>: Do I?

And the mp3 is Sweet Home Chicago, from the Blues Brothers.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, June 30, 2002 11:54:43 PM

missed this one ^_^

josh: <<Your hair is bouncy and fresh? I thought you were a wookie.>> I'm a wookie with bouncy mountain-spring hair. 8D
Gabriel "gaygoyle"
Sunday, June 30, 2002 11:28:47 PM

Back. What a ride! Post gthering report tommorow.
Had three things that I looked foreword too when I got home.

My bed:Nappy time.
Moms' cookings: London broil, with red potatos, salad with Asian Sesame dressing and choclolate pudding cloud with whipped cream.
Bubble Bath with scented candles.

I got to return to bed, must catch up on rest.

Josh<<<Stay the hell out of Taiwan.>>> Was she too much woman for you?<<<Vibrator, condoms, whipped cream>>>The boy took the condoms, don’t have a vibrator, and as for the whipped cream, Mom didn’t buy any until after I left.<<<that's the kind of flaming *I* enjoy.>>>Figured.<<<Not impressed. You're the question becomes "what's wrong with you?">>>Nobody met up to my standards.<<<Too bad you'll never find out.>>>We will have to see about that.<<<I do not! >>>Yes you do you goober.<<<Personally, I think the whole concept of a pledge of alleigance sounds a bit fascist/hilter-esque.>>>Technically aren’t kids half asleep when they say the pledge?

Patrick<<<I would imagine that next someone's going to want to challenge the "In God We Trust" printed on the money. >>> I wouldn’t be surprised.Although I wouldn’t mind if it was changed to “God’s in his Heaven, All’s right with the world” Sorry I was looking at my NERV shirt.<<<THE most left-leaning liberal of the federal courts, and their rulings are also the most frequently overturned>>>Thank GOD we have some people with common sense to tell these Uberliberals to learn to chill.

Rayvn>>>It’s been raining in Florida nearly every day . If I could I would give you some rain, and I would love to live in Arizona.

Firestorm>>>Joke or not that pic is very disturbing.

Warpmind<<<Warpmind enters, somehow seemingly compressed to two-thirds his usual size.*>>>Well you may be chibi, but your not super Deformed yet.

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Sunday, June 30, 2002 10:53:07 PM

I'm tired of using metaldemon. What jerk he is; I'm tired of being an ass-hole to most of everyone; it's bad stuff and I ani't too proud of it. I think I'll use my favorite on-line name: Gabriel "gaygoyle."

And because I am in such a good mood after the Gathering,I am not going to spoil it by getting in a nasty debate. Rather, I am going to do what my High School Quaker Creative Writing teacher always taught us to do when we just don't feel like arguing: smile and nod.

But I can't resist. I have never once believed, since I was told, that the US is a Judeo-Christian country. A look at it's bloody past can yield ample evidence of such (i.e. Native American massacres for land).

The founding fathers always said God this and Creator that. Never once is Jesus Christ mentioned. Jefferson, Washington, Thomas Paine, and Franklin all were Deists. Each spoke of the glory of man and selfish-individualism.

Josh> Christianity, the kind that Jesus preached, never promoted violence under any circumstances. For the first four centuries, Christians striclty forbade any military participation, any form of violence, and any form of hatred. Most fogave and loved their enemies. It wasn't until after Constantine that Christianity melded with the state and became hungry for power. All their strict prohibitions against violence of ANY kind were soon repealed since they quickly found that an army was needed to maintain their power. When Roman pagans converted, their old beliefs (revenge, violence, etc., power) came with it; Christianity was perveted and thus we have Christianity as it is today :).

But what about the Old Testament? Yes indeed, God had permitted warfare, etc. when He saw fit. But Christ took that power away from us and told us to humble ourselves and love our enemies and to bless them, not hunt them down and erradicate them.

Well, my last post as metaldemon. Hopefully gaygoyle will turn out to be nicer ;P
Sunday, June 30, 2002 10:23:39 PM

Green Baron> <<I blame all the eco-weenies for letting all the brush and fallen timber lie around isntead of allowing it to be picked up by loggers>> Aha! Someone understands! :) The firefighters were saying that this thing got so out of control due to all the fuel lying around in the forest ... no one was allowed to touch the fallen timber in some areas, when it could have easily been cleaned up and taken away for lumber. Along with that, local forest rangers and Indian tribes recognized the importance of prescribed burns as part of forest management ... but whenever they proposed doing one in that area of the White Mountains, some group would sue the state of Arizona to prevent the burns. And so, with this much fuel left lying around in the forest, all it took was one crazy guy with a match ... *hugs back* Thanks for the hugs, BTW.

Speaking of which, the latest on the fire is that a guy has been arrested for starting this whole thing, and he's rumored to be a Bureau of Indian Affairs officer. Not only that, but when the firefighters let residents of some towns return home yesterday because their fire line had held, someone went and started a fire on the *other* side of the fire line, trying to keep the fire going out of control. Luckily, someone caught the new blaze before it got too big ... but it's so weird how badly some crazy people want this thing to keep burning ... I don't get it.

Saw Lilo and Stitch today ... that movie RULED. Stitch is an adorable little brat, and the ducks were cute. :) Plus Lilo is very similar to the way I was as a kid (except without all the pretty Hawaiian backgrounds and water) ... scary. :)

FS> <<The owner decided to do the repairs themselves, did a half @$$ed job of it, I think they city will tell them to re-do it, blah, blah, blah>> ARGH! Sorry 'bout that ... that's really annoying. :( Good luck with everything!

Coyote> **huggles** See you soon, wonderful. :)

Sunday, June 30, 2002 08:43:06 PM

1 more week until vacation! BUT FEAR NOT, I shall return (CR screams in fear).

Imzadi<Sounds like something that guy from Mystery Men would say> Well at least I was close.

Fire Storm- 24 hours of silence? Now you know that we're all too opinionated to do that. Only time that happens is when there's a problem posting.

Green Baron- The Germans don't need bases in the US. Why would they do that when they can use our stuff for free.

In God we trust and under God- When I joined the army and had to raise my right hand swear myself in they told me and a few others that we didn't have to say "God" if it offended us, our religion, etc. Me, I don't care either way. I have my own beliefs that shouldn't concern anyone and in the end it's just a word that we gave meaning to. I don't think God really cares if we have it on money or not.

Ravyn- I don't know about anyone else but I'm not laughing. These fires are burning (no pun intended) me to no end.

Green Baron- Guess what? Yet another Change of Command for my Brigade tomorrow.


Jaden - []
Sunday, June 30, 2002 07:25:53 PM


I Like the image links (version 3), but version 4 may be more practical.

Yorktown, VA
Sunday, June 30, 2002 06:42:32 PM

I will respond from work on Tuesday.
Lady Mystic, I will e-mail you on Tuesday.

Delia: Welcome. Watch out for the biker riot and please deposit your sanity at the door.

Au revoir.

Stephanie D - []
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Sunday, June 30, 2002 09:43:25 AM

Welcome Delia. Feel welcome whenever you can make it back.

Saw Minority Report on Friday. Laughed a bit more than I expected to at an Spielberg/Cruise action film. Some nice digs in that movie.

Gray - []
Outside the hub, , Ma., U.S. of A.
Sunday, June 30, 2002 08:42:05 AM

hi if anyone knows a site where i can purchase action figueres of gargoyles could you please post it or email me it, thanks,
Anonymous - []
canberra, a.c.t, australia
Sunday, June 30, 2002 08:31:21 AM

I have never tried this before...........
Sunday, June 30, 2002 08:05:26 AM

Gray> <<Hope y'all are being quite riotous.>>
Come to think of it, that's an area that I've sorely neglected. [Wilek grins evilly and sounds a note on a ghastly little flute, whereupon a few dozen of what look like Giger's idea of bikers literally break into the CR and begin wrecking the place, cleaning out the fridge, smashing the furniture over each others heads, hanging from the chandeliers, riding their speeder bikes around indoors, and generally ripping off the bar scene from Gremlins.]
Have fun interacting with your new play dates, kiddiez. (:<

Sunday, June 30, 2002 01:49:29 AM

First, perhaps.
Should have guessed saying something would have jinxed me. As you may have noticed I didn't make it to the gathering. The mix of humidity and a.c. has had me feeling wretched for several days. I'm not enjoying things now, so I know I wouldn't have down in Va. Hope y'all are being quite riotous.


Gray - []
Outside the hub, Ma., U.S.
Sunday, June 30, 2002 12:07:31 AM

Ah, bacon cheddar sauce. So good.

Imzadi> <<I expect *everyone* to be an idiot>>: Including yourself or not?
<<Details>>: And I'm an engineer.
<<We've been over that. Why?>>: Because it's now a running joke.
<<We're talking about *wrist* degrees of freedom, not *arm*>>: But to reverse direction of fingers, you need to roll, which is only accomplished with the forearm. And I believe for any position of the arm, the forearm can be twisted to the other limit, and the hand repositioned so taht fingers are pointed 180 degrees to where they were previously. I will also admit you may not be able to do this while locking the x-axis of the fingers throughout the motion.
<<No, it would including hanging out with other people who don't suck. And playing video games. And other geekly stuff>>: But you discounted both fighting and all other options for are interactions.
<<Yes it is. That's why its a suburb>>: Actually it is multiple suburbs, and it's suburbs of some pretty big places.
<<Chicks dig me>>: Yes, but I was trying to highlight the difference between Wilek's tasting methods and an average sex addled person's tasting methods.

Fire Storm> <<It's just pineing>>: For the Fjords?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, June 29, 2002 11:49:11 PM

Hey all! The owner decided to do the repairs themselves, did a half @$$ed job of it, I think they city will tell them to re-do it, blah, blah, blah.

At this rate, MAYBE, just MAYBE I will be in that house by G2003.

Shauntell: <P.S. TGS isn't dead>
It's just pineing.

Fire Storm
Saturday, June 29, 2002 10:00:09 PM

Hey. Anyone have any info on good gargoyles sites out there where they have cool art and stories? And . . . anyone know how I can find someone who can help me get some stuff on the web?
P.S. TGS isn't dead . . . I don't know where that rumor started.

Shauntell - []
Saturday, June 29, 2002 09:57:19 PM

I just had a big fight with my dad this morning . . over sleep. He told me that he would cut me out of the will because of this. All I wanted was more sleep and he won't listen.

What makes this worse is the fact that keeps telling me that "He loves me". No, he doesn't. "Love" is a verb, not a noun. What part of "I love you" involves waking someone up and not letting him get back to sleep? He's a hypocrite and a liar. Why doesn't he love me? Why can't he grasp what love is? Love isn't about being in control, but rather letting go. Yet he has told me that he loves me, but his actions don't show it. Why doesn't he get it? Why can't he let go and show his love? He threatened to call the police to have me arrested. He also threatened to change the locks on the doors to the house when I am gone. Why doesn't he love me? Why doesn't he love me?

Saturday, June 29, 2002 12:50:30 PM

Link Correction:

Warpmind de InzanE's CR Member Profile

Lady Mystic
Saturday, June 29, 2002 04:37:14 AM


I have been trying to upload these files since Tuesday... Thanks to Kyryn for helping me with the FTP connection dilemma! **hugs**

Please disregard the revision dates listed on the following pages. I'm just too tired and too pressed for time to change them.


Since I wasn't satisfied with the former beta pages for the next CR update, I have added two new versions. Please let me know which version you prefer and why. I like the newest additions more than the previous versions. One consists of graphics for the navigation (v3) and the other features colored navigational links (v4). I prefer the image links, but am concerned about other people's preference and download times. Please let me know what you think.

v3 -
v4 -

v1 -
v2 -


The 2002 CR archive has been updated to include weeks from May 12th to June 22nd for a total of 6 newly added weeks.

New TGS CR Member Profile:
Lynati -

Revised TGS CR Member Profiles:
Warpmind de InzanE - warpmind_de_inzane.html

Calendars and statistics pages were updated accordingly.

Direct links to this month's graphical and text-only calendars have been added to the CR Members and Member Calendar index pages. Additionally, presentation of the stats links on the CR Members index page has been revised.

Todd Jensen's request for a CR pic of Mary Sefton has been added to the archive of pic requests. CR images of Mary Sefton, among *many* others, will soon be uploaded for online viewing. (As usual, a poll will be conducted before adding new pics to the CR.)


If you have emailed me within the past several weeks, please be patient. I will reply as soon as possible.



Lady Mystic - [<-- TGS CR INFO]
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Saturday, June 29, 2002 04:33:51 AM

Another wonderful morning...yay!!

Last night, my Sergeant Major left, as he is PCSing to Ft Hood. I am going to miss him, as he has been an outstanding leader. When I return from leave, I will be meeting a new CSM (command sergenat major) and a few other differences in the unit, as three weeks of being gone will do.

Mooncat> <<Bunnies are rodents. I have no problem with my cats making kills. I have a problem with them not making clean kills.>> I can see that point.

<Congrats on scoring a kitten fix. *^_~* piccies would be lovely.

As for the baby rabbit, I have a cute, *half skinned* bunny. If it had not been so vigorous the first night, I might have just killed it myself. I'm afraid it isn't prospering. It may die very soon.>>

Well, that may happen. At least you tried.

I will get adisposable camera for when I'm down there, plus there are disposable cameras in NO to buy too.

<<I know one person who accidently got a live chick in a dozen pack of frozen ones she ordered for her cat. Someone screwed up when packing them. She tried to freeze it herself as directed, but then was just too bothered by it and took the chick and warmed it up, and ended up making it a pet.>> That still disturbs me immensely. I would have less problem letting my cats play with a human drenched in catnip and restrained than having baby animals freeze dried.

<<A domestic house cat isn't hungry, so they will more likely "play" with their catch. That is very disturbing. Cats are amoung very few animals that do this "play" with their catch. This is the only thing that squicks me about felines.>> And human beings are similar, but only when hunting other humans.

DPH> Eventually, we must visit you. Rachale does have family in Western Arkansas.

Imzadi> <<Not what I've heard.>> I'm extending my stay in Europe to 2005. I will be able to take leave in June, which can include NYC. I don't think I'm banned from Gatherings.

<<I don't get it.>> Veal is made from baby calves. My College roomate jokingly called it the pro-choice meal :)

<<It will be a cold day in hell before we allow a German installation on our soil. Not after that whole "World War I and II" thing.>> Plus they lack the military might.

<<Congrats. She's legal.>> That seems to be the big issue with you. I guess it's all part of modern morality.

<<That would disappoint you, wouldn't it? No, I never said anything about my other hand. You'll have to guess.>> That remind sme of a joke on the Critic where a NY judge asked a girl if she wanted to see his Learned Hand :)

Night Walker> Well, a lot has occured, some not that good. Reverend Attila died over a year ago, too.

I'll agree with Imzadi on the Pledge as far as teh raw facts about it. I imagien soem whiney Protesters want the National Anthem deemed unconstitutional, because of war references.

Pledge of Allegiance> I said it in Catholic school all the time. No big deal. In 1950, my English teacher told me of a time when a JW mentioned she is not allowed to make the pledge. He said fine, as long as she doesn't disrupt others making it or knock on his door at 5 am :)

That was before God was added. As for "Under God" I would say it individually to honor the Knights of Columbus, an excellent organization my grandfather belonged to and that I want to be a member of.

I would also have no problem with dropping it entirely, as I look at its origins form 1892.

To me, it is no big issue. If they added equality, I would not say it as I reject pure egalitarianism.

Bigger issue is school vouchers being approved. I doubt this will destroy public education....the Teacher's Unions are doing a good enough job there. It just means that poor kids will have better options. Rich and middle class families can exercise school choice by moving to a better school district. Students can use pell grants to go to Notre Dame, Georgetown, or Sewanee (an Episcopal College), and that is about the same as approving vouchers in Cleveland where the public schools have failed the students while adminitsrtaors and Union bosses live high off the funds meant for poor kids.

As for religion in pubclic schools, there used to be nuns in public school back in the 50s and one of my teachers a Christian Brother taught at a public high school in suburban New Orleans as of the 80s. He was a Math Teacher and a very good one, plus the order was given the salary.

Kathy> Thank you. It should be good. Now I just need to set up a time to visit you when I'm in Georgia.

Patrick Toman> <<- I would imagine that next someone's going to want to challenge the "In God We Trust" printed on the money.>> That's an ACLU cause. Of course, those guys take on a lot of stupid causes and I see the money issue petty. Myabe they have a problem with the masonic symbol on the dollar, which I like for asthetic purposes.

Better motto: In God We Trust, but everyone else pays cash :)

Metaldemon> I'll side with God, but I don't see the need for such a disconnect, as I also reject such a pursuit of first century Biblical purity.

The state and Church have very seperate functions for our society. I'll donate to Catholic Charities before I give a penny to UNICEF as I cna only imagine how the UN filters those funds. Besides, most money from the UN winds up in Zurich anyway.

<<and never ONCE approved of the additions made to the pledge of allegiance. Hmmmmmm.>> Plus he was an old-time Northern Baptist. He probably saw the Knights of Columbus as foreign agents of Rome anyway.

Moncat> <<I am stuck in cinncinati (sp) ack!!!!!!!!> WKRP :)

Jannie> <<This was placed in the constitution because of England – when it there was one church and the government ran it.>> Very true and as a Catholic in America, I am greatful, because until the late 19th century, Roman Catholics and Jews could not be elected to Parliament.

<<a country that believes in removing God from every public forum or activity and then you’ll see why the United States of America IS the best nation on this earth.>> It also helps that our competition sucks, though I would love retiring in another nation with a pension fo American dollars, though the euro is now worth more than a dollar, but now a tax free entitlement of mine will increase so I'm happy, plus American exports are cheaper...too bad Bush betrayed the Republcian party with those stupid steel tarrifs. Now the EU is pissed and they'll tarriff our goods. US steel is obsolete. It can be made better an dcheaper elsewhere. The steel workers need to learn new skills or move to Canada and get free health care

<<Our nation was founded 226 years ago on the values of Judeo-Christian principles. Once again, our values are under attack by those who want to impose their beliefs on others.>> Actually the Founding Fathers mostly held beliefs from the Enlightenment. Yes, they did believ in God, but not really in a Christian God.

John Adams was a Unitarian. Look up Jefferson's religion and you see No Formal Affiliations. I recall quite a few founders had that title. Washington was Episcopalian, but he identified more with the Unitarians.

The original vision of the Founding Fathers failed, when the first American Government a Confederation declared Chapter 11 and then new restructuring of America, Inc has proven very succesful.

<<Even though the words, “under God” was not added until 1954 because of the McCarthy’ism era, it still represented what our country was based on…. values, the belief in a God, morals, etc.>> It was added by the Kinghts of Columbus, not by some henchman of Joe McCarthy like Bobby "Give Peace a Chance" Kennedy.

Of course, I imagine the ACLU was all upset that Catholic kids in the 50s until the end of the War all prayed for the Coversion of Russia, which was inspired by Our Lady of Fatima. I guess that makes her patron of the Cold War :)

I bet the Knights of Columbus had that reason to add God to the Pledge.

Actually, what truly made America a great nation instead of a shithole like most other revolution born nations (Cuba, France) was that George Washington refused to take power until it was given to him and he gave it back after 8 years.

Ravyn> ::hugs:: I don't get why they bash Arizona. At least Louisiana and California earn it, along with West Virginia ;)

I blame all the eco-weenies for letting all the brush and fallen timber lie around isntead of allowing it to be picked up by loggers.

Imzadi> <<One of them promotes molesting children. I won't say which one, but it rhymes with "Patholicism".>> Just sya it outright. Besides, SJ is funnier when he bashes Catholics.

<<It would be wise to note that every great empire claimed to be backed by god/gods. They all fell. God is neither a justification, nor reason, for power. Power is decided by the actions of men.>> Well, the Soviet Union didn't amke that bad, you said _Great Empires_ not shitty Empires :)

<<You're confusing a founding principle with the fact that the founding fathers were all protestants. Easy to confuse...but a logical fallacy.>> Calling Unitarians and Deists Protestant is a stretch, plus one signer of the Declaration from Maryland John Carroll was Catholic.

<<Both of those religions "values" promote violence and persecution.>> I don't see where Judaism promotes persecution, except that persecution keeps them sharp, alert, and ready to kick butt.

Stephnaie <<I really don't see where it promotes that. I agree that it has not dealt with the problem in a adequate or timely manner, but diocese and the papacy are starting to get the idea. Underline "starting". >> He jsut makes his comments to get a reaction, or he genuinely hates Catholicism. The Papcy is pretty clear on the issue and many Bishops are too. I see the main problem being that many Catholic leaders forget what they are called to do. The Bishop of Rockford Ill has a zero tolerance policy on Pedophilia long before what happened. Its funny that the worst of these problems are in Boston, but any state that elects Ted Kennedy has no right to be critical of sex offenders :)

I recall the Anglican Archdiocese of British Columbia is going bankrupt from rogue priests and those gusy can marry.

NightWalker> <<It was depressing. And then you've got that Reverend F. (since I don't know his full last anme) blaming Gays and pagans for it. I guess I'm just scared of what's going to happen next.>> Falwell will never be anything more than a demagouge, but his College will give me free schooling since I'm a soldier, so he has his uses.

Clinton mentioned our history of slavery as a culprit. That was funny as Arabs were the Rockefellers of the International Slave Trade.

Now on to another day in Germania :)

Green Baron - []
Saturday, June 29, 2002 04:11:11 AM

Anonymous - <i mean... how many eps are there gonna be total.... you can't say you don't know, otherwise you can/t say you have 25% of them done> Of couse, I *know* how many there are, but the only permission asked was to reveal that one quarter of the total number were completed.

Yes, I know I could write the book about how to be evasive when answering questions.

Saturday, June 29, 2002 02:15:12 AM

Okay, look NBC news: I don't need to know that the president is having something done to his colon. I don't care if it is a matter of national security. The public does not need to know that much about the president's inner workings. When *I* am king, there will be a gag order placed on my medical records. Anyone caught making them public will be put to death. But not before I spread really embarassing rumors about *their* bodies.

A bunch of investors are suspicious of Apple because a bunch of execs sold several million dollars worth of stock just before their earnings warning. So far, no charges have been fired. I'm not sure where I stand on this. On the one side, it does seem a bit too coincidental. On the other hand, the top execs that had the most to gain by selling...didn't. And I don't think the CFO was one of the execs selling, either. It'll be fun to see where this goes.

I expect that so-called tech "pundits" will start proclaiming the death of Apple (again) any day now. Apple's slogan should be "happily dying for 25 years". Kind of like Linux.

Fire Storm: I saw that this morning...laughed my butt off.

Stephanie D: <<I taste odd too>>: I'll take your word on it. <<Imzadi forgot to mention that the Protestant founding fathers founded the U.S.A to be a tolerant society where they would be free from persecution to have any belief system>>: Isn't that what I said? <<I really don't see where it promotes that. I agree that it has not dealt with the problem in a adequate or timely manner>>: When you turn your head, that's the same as saying its okay. <<You TRUST YOUR government?! You poor poor deluded idealist>>: I didn't say *I* trusted it! But that would make more sense on our currency. <<Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting dirty for>>: Agreed! <<Everything should be made as simple as possible but no simpler>>: Logically, that's impossible. <<One-seventh of your life is spent on Monday>>: Horrible, isn't it? <<There is always one more imbecile than you counted on>>: Nope! I expect *everyone* to be an idiot.

Night Walker: <<Rocky Prom>>: That sounds rather scary. Those chicks are dirty. I should know, I slept with some of them 8-) <<my little theater in hickville indiana is holding the RHPS convention...FOR ALL THE SURROUNDING STATES>>: That's scary. Have you been to the Con in Vegas? <<Everyone goes as the opposite gender>>: I'm so glad I don't go to Rocky anymore 8-) <<I don't know his full last anme>>: Falwell. <<I guess I'm just scared of what's going to happen next>>: If Falwell is elected to any sort of office...I'm moving to Canada.

Warpmind: <<the men had six fingers... on each hand>>: I wonder if I could get more chicks with that...

Anonymous: They're not telling you. Only that its 25% completed.

DPH: <<I was betting to myself about how long it would take for someone to comment about the current episode page being updated>>: Ah. People would have to notice.

Gside: <<The religion doesn't. Perhaps the institution, but not the religion>>: Details. <<A blow up doll is always useful. Especially if filled with equal parts green jello and mint jelly>>: We've been over that. Why? <<This is news to you?>>: I suppose it goes with the lack of prom dates. << The maximum roll from one limit to the other, using only the radius and ulna, is 180. If you can add in the humerous (doubtful with the angles you're talking about), I can add in another 90 or so>>: We're talking about *wrist* degrees of freedom, not *arm*. Doing the types of movements you're talking about in an intimate setting would require nearly as much movement of the *rest* of the body. <<So the set of available interactions between us is the empty set?>>: No, it would including hanging out with other people who don't suck. And playing video games. And other geekly stuff. <<I'd count getting someone else to clean you counts as cleaning yourself>>: If you say so. <<Jersey isn't that small>>: Yes it is. That's why its a suburb. <<Who would you like to have confirm that? Wilek or I?>>: Chicks dig me. <<I have a lot of useless information rattling around up here>>: Yeah, like engineering 8-)

Okay, time to sleep. Great America tomorrow!

He has the intelligence of a sophomore sociology student.
-Anonymous Caller, "The Larry Elder Show"

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Saturday, June 29, 2002 02:07:11 AM

Imzadi> <<One of them promotes molesting children. I won't say which one, but it rhymes with "Patholicism">>: The religion doesn't. Perhaps the institution, but not the religion.
<<Do they have much use for one?>>: A blow up doll is always useful. Especially if filled with equal parts green jello and mint jelly.
<<You don't know until you try. Even I got a date for prom>>: Yeah, that was a bit pessimistic. But still, without any obvious prospects, there is much doubt on the outcome.
<<You just don't have any charm>>: This is news to you?
<<Do we really want to know?>>: Probably not, and he's probably not sure himself, but it is a line from Quinn the Eskimo.
<<Some chicks think gay porn is cute>>: Which is why I fear that it might be necessary.
<<In which direction!?>>: The maximum roll from one limit to the other, using only the radius and ulna, is 180. If you can add in the humerous (doubtful with the angles you're talking about), I can add in another 90 or so.
<<I'm not interested in those options. Or fighting you>>: So the set of available interactions between us is the empty set? Devoid even of the element "None"?
<<Tongue doesn't reach everywhere. That's what I have women for>>: I'd count getting someone else to clean you counts as cleaning yourself.
<<Isn't that like asking if I know of a particular building on my campus?>>: Jersey isn't that small. And I don't get out much.

Stephanie> <<I taste odd too>>: Who would you like to have confirm that? Wilek or I?
<<I have odd tastes too>>: But odd tastes can be rare to match up.
<<It absolutely amazes me that you still remember my old handle when I forgot it after the first time I lost access>>: Eh, I have a lot of useless information rattling around up here.

Warpmind> <<we're supposedly getting a 19" tomorrow>>: Good luck lifting it. You'd think there'd be a lot of empty space in CRTs.
<<At least you didn't go to Sho*coughcough* nevermind>>: I can't think of what you're coughing out.
<<I *really, really* hope you planned that ambiguity>>: No, like most of my bad puns, that was an utter accident.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, June 28, 2002 11:49:18 PM

DPH: Alright, I finally lost the bet. We're talking about ~25% of the Time dancer season 4 being ready.

no feckin kiddin... i mean... how many eps are there gonna be total.... you can't say you don't know, otherwise you can/t say you have 25% of them done

Friday, June 28, 2002 10:36:27 PM

Sorry, I was wrong. I read this while on the bus.

From "The World of International Civil Servants":

Rules of Crisis Management: 20 Thoughts To Get You Through Almost Any Crisis

1. Indecision is the key to flexibility.
2. There is absolutely no substitute for a genuine lack of preparation.
3. Happiness is merely the remission of pain.
4. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
5. The facts, although interesting, are irrelevant.
6. Someone who thinks logically provides a nice contrast to the real world.
7. Things are more like they are today then they have ever been before.
8. Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting dirty for.
9. Everything should be made as simple as possible but no simpler.
10. Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.
11. I have seen the truth and it makes no sense.
12. Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism.
13. If you think that there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody.
14. All things being equal, fat people use more soap.
15. If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.
16. One-seventh of your life is spent on Monday.
17. By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.
18. Not one shred of eveidence supports the notion that life is serious.
19. There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
20. Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.

Au revoir.

Stephanie D - []
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Friday, June 28, 2002 09:35:41 PM

Warpmind: On what chanel will the documentary air?

Night Walker just mentioned 9/11, so I went back and read (most of) the archive from that day. I had thought the feelings I had that day had mostly been dealt with. Powerfull stuff.
Anyway, I am going to do some research on how the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has reacted to that (I know that there was one session on staff security and at least one emergency session), and if any of you want, I'll send you the results.
I really should get a start on going home now. I will probably post again only after the wipe.
Au revoir.

Stephanie D - []
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Friday, June 28, 2002 06:37:31 PM

Anonymous: <Question for staff: 1/4 of how many episodes are we talking about for TD?> Alright, I finally lost the bet. We're talking about ~25% of the Time dancer season 4 being ready.

Imzadi - I was betting to myself about how long it would take for someone to comment about the current episode page being updated.

Friday, June 28, 2002 06:34:14 PM

*A gunshot is heard outside the CR. A few seconds later, Warpmind enters, somehow seemingly compressed to two-thirds his usual size.*
Well, that's it for the 17" monitor... It died today. And I hooked up the old 14" from my 486 - this monitor's effectively around 12", due to the lack of a H-size adjustment dial. :( Oh, well, we're supposedly getting a 19" tomorrow, so...

Anyway, haven't been here for almost a week...

As some of you may recall, a couple years ago, I joined a movie crew and a couple others with the same diagnosis as myself for a trip to Lanzarote. The result was a 50-minute documentary. Wednesday, July 3rd is the day when it airs. What happens next... we'll see about it.

Gside: At least you didn't go to Sho*coughcough* nevermind. };) As for not being that hard for you... dude... I *really, really* hope you planned that ambiguity. };)
Patrick: You're looking for a man with six fingers? *Ponder* I think research has linked that trait to the y chromosome - I recall reading an article a while back, about a family in India or somewhere where all the men had six fingers... on each hand.

And, well... While here were several interesting topics, the monitor, giving me a hint of headache, bars me from gibbering on about everything...
So welcome to all new victims, Wilek will repossess your sanities; he's the blue garg with the funky, vacuum-cleaner-like device.
And welcome back to all who have been lost for some time.
*Fades, rubbing his temples (and polishing his shrines)*

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Friday, June 28, 2002 05:27:52 PM

Question for staff:

1/4 of how many episodes are we talking about for TD?
Friday, June 28, 2002 04:07:49 PM

Hey, I just wanted to pop in really quickly. I gotta get ready for Rocky Prom. Tonight and tomorrow my little theater in hickville indiana is holding the RHPS convention...FOR ALL THE SURROUNDING STATES!!! Why are they holding it in a theater that can only hold about 150 people?? Got me, maybe 'cuz we've got a reputation for being the raunchiest Rocky. Tonight is the more private part of the convention, "ROCKY PROM". Everyone goes as the opposite gender so, you guessed it, I'm wearing a dress. With polka dots no less!! I'm so excited.

Wow, thank you all who helped clear up the pledge thing. It's still strange. I guess it just seems strange, this whole conservatism thing. I wasn't in the CR around 9-11, so I don't know where any of you stand, but all I know is that ever since it happened, people are being overly sensitive about issues that, before at least, weren't a big deal. In my GT (gifted and talented) class in school last year we were supposed to be an open-forum group that could talk about anything as long as it was in a mature way. After the broadcast came on showing what happened and the principal made an announcment for all those classes that didn't have television sets, the whole feeling changed. We soon became a class that was more about busy work than open disscussion. It was depressing. And then you've got that Reverend F. (since I don't know his full last anme) blaming Gays and pagans for it. I guess I'm just scared of what's going to happen next.

Anyway, on to something lighter.


Firestorm-Very interesting, and scary at that.

Gside-<< But if you're big and hairy, you can more easily intimidate attention away>> Yer right on that one. I know most guys would've quit as soon as you give them a scary look. I know I wouldn't. J/K

Anywho, gotta get ready to dress all pretty-like. I'll try to post later if it's not too late.

Night Walker - []
Hobart, IN, USA
Friday, June 28, 2002 01:37:07 PM

Posting when I should be working :(

Gside: <Are you absolutely sure you want to?> Yes I am. I taste odd too; I mean, I have odd tastes too.
It absolutely amazes me that you still remember my old handle when I forgot it after the first time I lost access.

Jan: <leave this country that was based on Judeo-Christian principles and values> Imzadi forgot to mention that the Protestant founding fathers founded the U.S.A to be a tolerant society where they would be free from persecution to have any belief system.

Imzadi: <One of them promotes molesting children> I really don't see where it promotes that. I agree that it has not dealt with the problem in a adequate or timely manner, but diocese and the papacy are starting to get the idea. Underline "starting".
<In Our Government We Trust> You TRUST YOUR government?! You poor poor deluded idealist.
Chrétien is a cretin (and a bully) but at least every Canadian knows it.

Big party this weekend. Plus I am going to see "Cobra - The Musical", I will give a review of it as soon as I can, eh.

Au revoir

Stephanie D - []
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Friday, June 28, 2002 01:01:38 PM

Check this out!

They are starting younger and younger, arn't they?

Fire Storm - [<--- Click!]
Friday, June 28, 2002 12:35:32 PM

Well, I learned some good things today.

Thing One: LSAT courses start next saturday.

Thing Two: GRE tutoring can cover just one subject, namely verbal. Lets face it, I'm an engineer and I don't need help with the grade 10 math that passes for an exam. A *real* exam is 3 hours and 5 problems, with no partial credit. Bah.

Thing Three (betcha didn't know there *was* a thing three): GE Nuclear has civil engineers in its employ, but apparently they don't do any actual civil engineering. In fact, GE does almost no engineering here. Its almost exclusively project management.

Thing Four: Despite not truly enjoying my job, the fact that I complained about having no work really made me stand out to GE HR, who has told my boss that they *really* want me for their management acceleration program next year and that she'd better not sour me on GE. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I'm not coming back unless I have no other offers. But its nice to know I'm wanted. Now if I could just be wanted by millions of hot chicks and Apple.

Personally, I think the whole concept of a pledge of alleigance sounds a bit fascist/hilter-esque.

HAHAHA! I just saw an ad for Minority Report.

"Minority Report will BLOW!"

Phrased exactly that way. Funny.

Night Walker: <<The national anthem was deemed unconstitutional for having the word God in it>>: Actually, it was the pledge of alleigance, and it was only decided that it was unconstitutional to recite it in Public schools. <<even though it's been said the same way forever>>: Where forever is 50 years. <<I really can't believe that they let that pass. It just boggles my mind>>: I can't see why. Children should not be pressured toward something that mentions a preference of one religion over another, especially in a government-funded setting. Besides, its the western states. California is weird. <<Being at Rocky Horror exposes you to alot>>: No kidding. Worse, though, being at RHPS exposes you a lot ;-) <<THE MOVIE STARTS IN 7 DAYS>>: WOOHOO! 90 minutes of MOJO! <<So it was kinda like I was going stag>>: It sounds more painful than going stag. *Everyone* knows you're going home alone ;-) <<Is it cheating when you listen to one musicians cds more than the person you're dating?>>: I hope not. Otherwise I'm in big trouble.

Winterwolf: <<It's too bad not all of you will be able to make it>>: I know you, Dreamie, Aaron, and Mara miss your fifth wheel 8-) <<I expect more clever replies from you than the ones from last week. Those seem beneath you>>: Don't make me hurt you.

Kathy: <<ou would move your hand from your heart straight out towards the flag, but that was rather like the gesture Hitler adopted>>: That's interesting. Didn't know that.

Patrick Toman: <<I would imagine that next someone's going to want to challenge the "In God We Trust" printed on the money>>: If I had lots of free time I might do it. There's a very satanic connotation to having god and money in one place. I mean, that implies worship of both. And greed is a deadly sin, is it not?

Metaldemon: <<dirty christian-commie>>: This is redundant. <<so that my hair can look bouncy and fresh>>: Your hair is bouncy and fresh? I thought you were a wookie. <<They'll liberate animals for the sake of humanity, but they won't save an unborn child>>: I think its a "rights of the living" thing. Not that I can really presume to understand liberals.

Mooncat: <<I am stuck in cinncinati (sp) ack!>>: I am so sorry.

Stephanie: <<especially since I have a 2 1/2 hour commute each way>>: I hope they're paying you.

Jan: <<that doesn’t make any difference in what is being attempted by the idiots aka California 9th Circuit Court of Appeals>>: Hey! Not everyone over here is an idiot. Just because we're more liberal minded than the rest of the planet doesn't mean we're automatically wrong (just wrong most of the time ;-)) <<it still represented what our country was based on…. values, the belief in a God, morals, etc>>: Um, no it wasn't. If that were the case, then there would be no separation of church and state. <<nation was founded 226 years ago on the values of Judeo-Christian principles>>: You're confusing a founding principle with the fact that the founding fathers were all protestants. Easy to confuse...but a logical fallacy. <<Because they don’t believe in God, they don’t want ANYONE to have or hold any respect toward God nor give God any credit>>: That's not true, and its not fair. What I want is to not feel pressured to believe in god. I think that's a fair request. And don't over-inflate Judeo-Christian values. Both of those religions "values" promote violence and persecution. One of them promotes molesting children. I won't say which one, but it rhymes with "Patholicism". <<What this is intended to mean is that the government shall not form a religion/church>>: No, its more than that. Its about keeping the government out of religion, and vice versa. <<We ARE a nation under the eyes and graces of God – we didn’t become the strongest nation by accident>>: It would be wise to note that every great empire claimed to be backed by god/gods. They all fell. God is neither a justification, nor reason, for power. Power is decided by the actions of men. <<“In God We Trust” is written on money doesn’t mean that we Christians serve two masters>>: No, but it doesn't need to be there. In fact, why is it? Currency is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Gov't, so shouldn't it read "In Our Government We Trust" or something? And after all this: can you explain why George Bush had the balls to say that Atheists weren't patriots?

Ravyn: <<the rest of America sits and laughs and makes fun of us?>>: At least you can say they're being annoying and stupid. When the rest of the country laughs at California...they usually have a good reason for doing it. <<it'll be interesting to see>>: You've confused NJ with NY again ;-)

Leo: <<Dreamy/Winterwolf>>: They're not one person ;-) <<check email>>: Ooh goodies! Thanks.

Gside: <<he shows the possibility is out there>>: Awww, thanks. <<What about the blow up doll?>>: Do they have much use for one? <<Admit it. You like it>>: No, I really don't. <<Except for the major ranters>>: Ranters?! Here!? <<I didn't even try for a date. Not that I would have gotten one if I did>>: You don't know until you try. Even I got a date for prom. <<they're often guarded by the rest of the female>>: You just don't have any charm. <<Ain't my cup of meat>>: Do we really want to know? <<Unless that's the only way I can get a female to agree>>: Some chicks think gay porn is cute. <<Wrists have 180 degree range of motion>>: In which direction!? I'm moving mine around...and not getting quite 180 in any plane. <<You just haven't been trying hard enough>>: Actually...nevermind. <<But there are many other options>>: True, but I'm not interested in those options. Or fighting you. <<Sure you don't want to clean yourself?>>: Nope. Tongue doesn't reach everywhere. That's what I have women for. <<if you're big and hairy, you can more easily intimidate attention away>>: True. You can also scare chicks just by standing there, which isn't a good ability. <<Any place I might know?>>: Isn't that like asking if I know of a particular building on my campus?

I got a good night's sleep. That's a euphamism for 'I didn't get any work done this week.'
-Roy Yates

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Friday, June 28, 2002 02:12:47 AM

Just a quickie.
Ravyn> <<Fort Monmouth, NJ ... do you know the place?>>: Home of the Signal Corps. I worked there a couple summers. It's right in my neck of the woods. You should be able to easily stop by the Stash, if that's your thing.
Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, June 28, 2002 01:38:57 AM

Gside> Fort Monmouth, NJ ... do you know the place? I've never even been to Jersey, so it'll be interesting to see ...
Friday, June 28, 2002 12:52:05 AM

DPH> <<I'm not going to talk about everything he talks about>>: No, but he shows the possibility is out there.

Imzadi> <<Vibrator, condoms, whipped cream>>: What about the blow up doll?
<<I'd rather he didn't>>: Admit it. You like it.
<<In all fairness, half of it is other people's post>>: Same with almost everyone else. Except for the major ranters.
<<Gosh, I'm sorry>>: Eh, I didn't even try for a date. Not that I would have gotten one if I did.
<<Boobs have inherently easy access. They just stick out there>>: But they're often guarded by the rest of the female.
<<I was never able to understand what he was saying anyway>>: Nor was he. I mean, "Ain't my cup of meat"?
<<As a switch hitter?>>: Of course not. Unless that's the only way I can get a female to agree.
<<hold on a second while I move my entire body around hers so I don't break my wrist>>: Wrists have 180 degree range of motion. Therefore, to hit any spot, you would only need to move at most 90 degrees.
<<Six won't fit>>: You just haven't been trying hard enough.
<<You're no fun>>: If you want to fight me. But there are many other options.
<<The thought of you speaking with a lisp is scary>>: Sure you don't want to clean yourself?
<<Didn't you see The Arrival?>>: Yes, but an alternate way of doing something that can be done with normal range of motion.
<<You did enough to post it>>: I'm a completist.

Night Walker> <<there are alot of guys that find that attractive>>: But if you're big and hairy, you can more easily intimidate attention away.
<<I'm sorry you haven't been fortunate>>: As I said before, I've been mostly lazy.

Cyborg> <<I care>>: I only care because there's an analog to my color. And I've had experience with people tracking other rotations of mine.
<<I can finally listen to your MP3s>>: Are you absolutely sure you want to? I have... odd tastes.

Ravyn> <<I'll be off to New Jersey to drop my brother off at military school>>: Any place I might know?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, June 28, 2002 12:01:28 AM

Yep, DPH sent me again and, Yes, DPH is not at the Gathering this year nor will be. Apparantly, he is too busy at the moment to bother making a post. He is busy working on [Classified projects] that involve a lot of reading and typing, hoping he will find time pretty soon to make a full post.

Something else DPH wanted me to say: Gunjack or Lain, please check your email for a message with the phrase "6-27-2002" in the subject line.

DPH's hologram
Thursday, June 27, 2002 11:39:56 PM

Hello from G2002.

Picked up Spacebabie and Revel at the airport. Ate dinner at "2nd Street." Started raining on the walk back to the hotel. Saw Demona May, Dreamy/Winterwolf a few others.

By the way Mooncat, Spacebabie has your keycard when you finally get out of Cincinnati. :-P

--O. Windows autoremind is telling me that new updates are ready to be installed.--

More updates later.

Josh, check email "Hello from Leo, Spacebabie and Revel" - has an attatched souvenir. ;-)

Yorktown, VA
Thursday, June 27, 2002 11:27:26 PM

Jan> I'll get back to you after the Gathering. I can e-mail or do it here. Whichever you think would be best.

Freezing Chicks> I stand with you on this one. I don't approve of cruelty to unborn babies or to animals or to any one. Punishment is differant; cruelty is going out of bounds of punishment. I hate Proctor & Gamble for this reason. Laboratory animals suffer lacerations and burns so that my hair can look bouncy and fresh. Testing animals for medical purposes is one thing, testing them with hair care products is another. Certainly spanking your children should show that you care, not abusive. Liberals HAVE gone awry in what they originally stood for *is ashamed*. They'll liberate animals for the sake of humanity, but they won't save an unborn child. :)

Anyways, I am off to the gathering. If anyone wishes to say hi, I can promise no prosylizing from me :) Honestly, I usually am not outpsoken in real life as I am on the internet; I'm entirely differant in real life. I'll be the guy with dreads and beard :).
Thursday, June 27, 2002 08:57:33 PM

Hope that everyone going to the Gathering has a great time, and tell us all about it! :)

Well, if y'all hadn't heard, my state has a *really* big fire in it right now. However, I'm mad at the rest of the country right now ... maybe I should just blame it on the stupidity that seems to run rampant on the internet, but I went to a news website's message board to read what people were saying about the fire. Man, was that depressing.

The messages started off by blaming people who would ever "be stupid enough to live in Arizona in the first place." Then it got to laughing at the Apache nation, which just had 40% of its lumber industry destroyed. Maybe it's just that I have friends in the Apache tribes, or that I'm "stupid enough" to live in Arizona, but I don't see how you could laugh at people who are losing their homes and their livelihood. Other people blamed the "stupid, drunk Injuns" for sitting around and not doing anything about the fire ... the tribe has had their fire crews on this fire from Day 1!!! Well, the reply to that was "Well, then they must not be very good" ... people, NO ONE could stop this thing. It's only now starting to come under some kind of control. Then someone else mentioned that if the Indians were "stupid enough to give their land to the white man," then they deserve this fire ... don't know the exact numbers here, but I know a lot of tribes fought hard to *keep* their land, but eventually had it stolen from them anyway. The Apaches being one of them ... anybody remember names like Geronimo? And the last quote I just read ... "Wasn't Arizona a disaster area before the fires?"

People are losing their homes, their jobs, everything out here because of this thing ... and the rest of America sits and laughs and makes fun of us???

I'm a little ticked off about that. But that was my rant for the day. grrr ...

Anyway, next week I will be done with classes, and then I'll be off to New Jersey to drop my brother off at military school. :) Then it's off to Michigan for my real vacation .... hopefully.

I'm rather angry now, so I'd better go ... I've got homework to finish anyway.

Coyote> **huggles** Of course you'll be the one to knock Disney off its animation throne, dear ... unless I write my script first. j/k ;)

Night Walker> Welcome back!

Ravyn - []
Thursday, June 27, 2002 07:55:40 PM

*appears from the ocassional lurking*

Metaldemon> interesting info on the origin of the pledge. However, that doesn’t make any difference in what is being attempted by the idiots aka California 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Even though the words, “under God” was not added until 1954 because of the McCarthy’ism era, it still represented what our country was based on…. values, the belief in a God, morals, etc. Our nation was founded 226 years ago on the values of Judeo-Christian principles. Once again, our values are under attack by those who want to impose their beliefs on others. Because they don’t believe in God, they don’t want ANYONE to have or hold any respect toward God nor give God any credit. You know what I say? If you don’t like it – leave. That’s right… leave this country that was based on Judeo-Christian principles and values. Find a country that believes in removing God from every public forum or activity and then you’ll see why the United States of America IS the best nation on this earth.
This weakens us as a country. There are people who are trying to tear this country apart from within. This is an excellent example of what they are doing. Instead, this will unite us again – people will be pouring out in groves to say the pledge of allegiance including “Under God” and emphasizing it. These people who want us to no longer have any belief system or want to destroy our values will not win this round.
14 of the 24 judges in this Circus Court of Appeals were appointed by bill clinton. These are the type of people that we allowed to be placed in power via clinton.
This claim of “separation of church and state” has been used as an excuse. That has been taken so out of context and it pisses me off. How convenient for them to twist and misuse this phrase as an excuse for their agenda. What this is intended to mean is that the government shall not form a religion/church. This was placed in the constitution because of England – when it there was one church and the government ran it. This does NOT mean that you can’t hold prayer at public functions nor does it mean that if the words, “under God” is in the pledge it is unconstitutional.
The words “under God” does not even stipulate which God you choose to worship. If you don’t have a God – then as someone said, “pretend you are referring to a tree if you are into nature worshipping.” If you don't have any belief in a Supreme Being, then ignore it. What's the big deal?? The MAJORITY of the people DO believe in God or a Supreme Being - so deal with it and stop the whining.
We ARE a nation under the eyes and graces of God – we didn’t become the strongest nation by accident.

Just because “In God We Trust” is written on money doesn’t mean that we Christians serve two masters. Money itself is not evil or considered a sin, it’s the love/greed for money that is. Calling it blasphemous is ridiculous.

Freezing chicks: I am appalled that such a thing happens. It sickens me to even consider it. I cannot believe that people discuss this as if it’s nothing. I think that the people who do this are a whole lot more cold hearted than those frozen chicks. Where are the PETA people now??
Besides, whatever happened to a warm bowl of milk and some Meow-Mix? Domestic cats do not need to feast off of baby chicks. I can’t stand birds, but even this disgusts me and I feel bad for what is being done to them.
Geesh, I spank my children and I’m called an abuser…. People freeze baby animals and they are called … well, I know what I call them. I don’t know which is worse… people that do this or the people who purchase such things or the people who talk of this so casually and appear to have no compassion whatsoever. They all rank about the same in my book. *totally disgusted*

*returns to the ocassional lurking*

Thursday, June 27, 2002 07:36:57 PM

I am almost caught up with my lurking now. I bet my bosses are starting to think that I am planning on living at my desk; especially since I have a 2 1/2 hour commute each way.

This has been the best week to start working. Both this Monday and next Monday are bank holidays (La Fête National and Canada Day), and the first day I worked, we had a two-hour party at lunch to celebrate a couple of birthdays. Heh.

I join the envious of those attending G02.

Gside> "Forgot both color and city. And no one cares." I care.
With my computer at work, I can finally listen to your MP3s, although I will have to pick up a headphone soon so I don't disturb others.

Mooncat>(cat kills) Both my cats were originally strays. Momma Cat used to bring us 'gifts' regularly. Once she hid a headless rat in my room; it stunk to high heaven by the time I found it. When my Dad came home after his tumor biopsy, Momma Cat brought him a live, totally unharmed sparrow. He was sitting on the porch (frightening the little children), enjoying the air when she came up to him. Dad saw the bird in her mouth so bent down for Momma Cat to put it in his hand so he could dispose of it. She opened her mouth and the bird flew away.

That's all for now. Boy, have I ever missed this place.

Au revoir.

Stephanie D - []
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Thursday, June 27, 2002 05:44:39 PM

I am stuck in cinncinati (sp) ack!!!!!!!!

weather delays


Thursday, June 27, 2002 05:14:01 PM

Well, just so people can be infomred on the history of the pledge of allegiance (since I never tolerate arguing about something without having any information on the subject).

Turns out the guy who wrote it was Baptist......and SOCIALIST--big time. In fact, his congregation asked him to leave because of his socialist leanings. So it turns out the original author was a dirty christian-commie, and never ONCE approved of the additions made to the pledge of allegiance. Hmmmmmm.

Personally, I find putting mixing God and money utterly blasphemous, along with mixing God and State. Ya can't serve two masters people! It's either God or state. Love or hate one.
metaldemon - [<------history of the pledge of allegiance]
Thursday, June 27, 2002 10:30:39 AM

As I sit here, it's raining but the sun is out, too. Possibly a sign of continued weirdness to come this weekend.

I'm also nearly packed... and I also hate the waiting. I've got about 6 1/2 hours left now until I leave for the airport. And somewhere in there I will fit in a nice nap.

Re: Pledge of Allegiance - I would imagine that next someone's going to want to challenge the "In God We Trust" printed on the money. To maintain some perspective on this, though, it should be kept in mind that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is traditionally the THE most left-leaning liberal of the federal courts, and their rulings are also the most frequently overturned.

And that's it for me until next week. For all of you who are also Gathering bound, I'll see you in Virginia. Have a good weekend, everyone.

Patrick Toman
Thursday, June 27, 2002 07:53:52 AM

Well, I'm nearly packed and ready to be Gathering bound. Too bad you can't have travel without the waiting. I hate the waiting.

Night Walker: Actually, that was the Pledge of Allegiance that was ruled unconstituional in the Western States. And it's all because of the "Under God" part which actually wasn't added until 1954 anyway, because we were in a cold war with godless communists. The pledge itself wasn't mandated by Congress until 1942 even though it had been around since the 1890's and in 1943 the Supreme Court ruled that you couldn't be compelled to say it in a classroom. (of course they couldn't do a thing about peer pressure.)

Other things that have been dropped from the Pledge. It used to be, pre WWII, that when you said the "to the flag" part you would move your hand from your heart straight out towards the flag, but that was rather like the gesture Hitler adopted so it was dropped.

Green Baron > Congratulations on resolving your career dilemma and your new squeeze. Much continued happiness.

Have a good weekend everybody, no matter what your plans.

Thursday, June 27, 2002 07:13:18 AM

**Winterwolf steps in while Dreamie is getting ready**

Well we are just about ready to ride down to the Gathering in VA from NY. Got the cool convertible all set and hope to see plenty of new friendly faces as well as friends made at past Gatherings. It's too bad not all of you will be able to make it. :(

I'll be back to check in some time next week maybe. :P

DPH> I’m glad to be back. Speaking of backs… I hope your back is feeling better now. :)

Josh> <What was that for?> I expect more clever replies from you than the ones from last week. Those seem beneath you… ;P

Well it's time to go. Ciao.

**Winterwolf goes to eat breakfast with Dreamie**

Bronx, NY
Thursday, June 27, 2002 06:58:48 AM

Oh Crap!! I'd better apologize to the CR. I just saw what happened in my post. I have no idea....
Night Walker
Thursday, June 27, 2002 03:11:03 AM

It's a quiet night, and not just in the CR. It's just a feeling that comes along with the rain. It was pounding and the sky was a constant flash earlier, but now it's just a steady, tranquil pour. It's like the sound you'd hear in the backround of an old romance film. Usually in the end when they break up....or something like that.


Anthem-WHAT! The national anthem was deemed unconstitutional for having the word God in it. What is this world coming to! I swear. They can teach evolution but they can't kepp the national anthem the way it is, even though it's been said the same way forever. I usually am not one to care one wayu or another about issues like this, but I really can't believe that they let that pass. It just boggles my mind.

Imzadi<<I get lost quickly.>>heh, it's okay. It's not too important of an issue anyway. It'll probably be clearer sooner or later.

Yay!!-29 days until I turn 17!!! Finally, I'll be caught up with my friends.

Gside-<<I reccommend being bigger and hairier.>>umm, that might not fix his problem. Big hairy men are known as bears, and there are alot of guys that find that attractive. Being at Rocky Horror exposes you to alot.


Green Baron-<<I remember you. Starsinger doesn't post anymore.>>Awww man. How sad. She had me call her Auntie Starsinger and everything. I feel so down now.....

Gside<< Or maybe I just enjoy the other kind of flaming>> heh, I can so relate....I think...<<He's young yet. And I haven't even been on a date. Went to two proms stag.>> That I am. But I'm sorry you haven't been fortunate. I went to two proms as well each with a date, but both times it was with friends that had boyfriends. They just couldn't go 'cuz they were too old or were working that night. So it was kinda like I was going stag, the second time I didn't even dance with my date at all, just sat with her at the dinner. Don't worry though, you'll get lucky eventually.

Taleweaver-<<: Absolutely something will come along that'll knock Disney off the throne>>I really didn't think Disney was on a throne. Being the highest grossing studio that makes mostly animated movies is a big thing, but they are the highest grossing in America. I'm not sure about most other countries, but in Japan Studio Ghibli is #1. They have two movies in the three highest grossing movies of all time there. Princess Mononoke is third, while (Miyazaki's newest, Spirited away, is now the number one highest grossing movie of all time!!! It's coming to the states in Sept. Oh and it's not all that important, but Titanic is second.....

Cheating?-I think I've found a new love of my live! Is it cheating when you listen to one musicians cds more than the person you're dating?

Getting tired. better hit the sack. See yas later

Night Walker - []
Hobart, IN, USA
Thursday, June 27, 2002 03:07:41 AM

That was like real work! Okay, so it didn't take full advantage of my array of engineering talents (or lack of the same). But you have to be an engineer just to follow these design documents, or at the very least Marilyn Vos Savant. Oh, and really scary: I wrote a design spec for part of the reactor this morning.

Stay the hell out of Taiwan.

I'm trying to schedule prep courses for GRE and LSAT...this is a nightmare. Private tutoring would be so much better. Too bad its twice the price.


Night Walker: <<That's not what I meant....nevermind>>: I get lost quickly.

Patrick: <<I'm searching for a man with six>>: Your name is inigo montoya? <<scurries off to endure one last day in the cube before vacation>>: Now I really hate you.

Spacebabie: <<I gotta figure out what to carry in my carry on>>: Vibrator, condoms, whipped cream. <<The kind when people insult you online?>>: No, that's the kind of flaming *I* enjoy. <<and you don’t on the other hand?>>: That would disappoint you, wouldn't it? No, I never said anything about my other hand. You'll have to guess. <<its just that my thoughts are about to short circuit>>: Not surprising. <<Nope still a virgin>>: Not impressed. You're the question becomes "what's wrong with you?" <<I bet youd look cute in a dress>>: Too bad you'll never find out. <<Namley me>>: Cute chicks that I didn't meet online. <<I have one hand in my pocket athe other playing the piano>>: Kinky. <<You just look it>>: I do not!

Green Baron: <<G03 is more of a likelihood>>: Not what I've heard. <<jealousy is a sign of insecurity>>: If you say so. <<She turns 22 in July.>>: Congrats. She's legal. <<while the Germans have .....ZERO military installations in the US>>: It will be a cold day in hell before we allow a German installation on our soil. Not after that whole "World War I and II" thing. <<Do they also go outside the room where pro-lifers meet and eat veal to protest>>: I don't get it.

Kirby: There's a link in the "comment room information" where you can see all the pictures.

Gunjack: <<I'll field this one before any of the sharks get their teeth into you>>: Good call.

Stephanie: <<I got a real job with a computer and internet and an e-mail address and everything! The pay is nice too>>: Welcome to the club.

Taleweaver: <<If the right movie or series of movies came along could it knock Disney off as the leader of feature animation?>>: Sure, maybe. But I wouldn't hold my breath. That's like asking if the right OS could knock off Microsoft from 95% of the world's computers. Sure, it could happen...butnot too likely.

Anonymous: <<there was a bunny rabbit. it was mauled and eaten by wolves. the end>>: That's a great story.

Gside: <<Look at Imzadi>>: I'd rather he didn't. <<There's enough if you look for it>>: In all fairness, half of it is other people's post. <<I haven't even been on a date. Went to two proms stag>>: Gosh, I'm sorry. <<Because they have easier access>>: Boobs have inherently easy access. They just stick out there. <<I reccommend being bigger and hairier>>: I've got the second one covered (notice not a lot of pictures of me in shorts), sadly it doesn't seem to deter anyone. <<Doesn't everyone get stoned?>>: No. <<Dylan said we had to>>: True, but I was never able to understand what he was saying anyway. <<That you can share my thoughts and not feel unclean>>: Nothing makes me feel unclean anymore. It comes from a high school career of being dirty. <<I will not switch sides until at least one at bat>>: As a switch hitter? ;-) <<Couldn't you just rotate?>>: Sure, "hold on a second while I move my entire body around hers so I don't break my wrist". <<It's better than drugs>>: I doubt it. Drugs make you laugh sometimes. <<just wat to see if it's any better?>>: Six won't fit. <<I'm not that combatative>>: You're no fun. <<The kind that works best with a lisp>>: I've seen your picture. The thought of you speaking with a lisp is scary. <<I can't see how.>>: Didn't you see The Arrival? <<Is that what you call it?>>: Maybe not, but she can do it with her hand in her pocket, so more power to her. <<Forgot both color and city. And no one cares>>: You did enough to post it.

DPH: <<Right now, I'm perplexed>>: I'll be Josh. <<I got a message about Yahoo Email being unable to deliver a message that I didn't compose>>: Welcome to the Twilight Zone! That is kinda weird. <<The bet doesn't involve specifically involve you>>: I see the bet mentioned after your response to me. It seems logical. <<I hope that happens before I get to 4096 times the original bet>>: You'll forgive me if I don't keep guessing until then. <<I'm not going to talk about everything he talks about>>: Good plan. I'm chatty.

Okay, sleep time. More work tomorrow.

I can't really pronounce that word so I refuse to solve for those.
-Roy Yates

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Thursday, June 27, 2002 01:42:07 AM

Right now, I'm perplexed. I got a message about Yahoo Email being unable to deliver a message that I didn't compose, but with my 1st yahoo email address.

I guess Aaron I owe you an apology for that email that didn't come from you that I received but had your email address in it.

Imzadi - <Why are you betting on me?>The bet doesn't involve specifically involve you.

*Speaking of that, a man comes by and offers more money for this bet. DPH responds, "Double or nothing, same conditions around the time of my next post."*

Let's see that makes the current bet four times the original one. I wonder how long it will take for someone to figure out what my bet is about. At least, I hope that happens before I get to 4096 times the original bet.

Gside - <Look at Imzadi. There's enough if you look for it.> I'm not going to talk about everything he talks about.

Mooncat - <Bunnies are rodents. I have no problem with my cats making kills. I have a problem with them not making clean kills.> One of my cats caught a crawfish a while back. I've seen that one of them caught a frog a couple of times.

Green Baron - <Thank you. Life is good.> you're welcome.

Thursday, June 27, 2002 12:16:15 AM

Forgot both color and city. And no one cares.
Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:34:14 PM

DPH> <<There is barely enough stuff to have a daily post>>: Look at Imzadi. There's enough if you look for it.

Imzadi> <<I'm not sure if that's better or worse than Gside>>: He's young yet. And I haven't even been on a date. Went to two proms stag.
<<I love boobs! And drunk boobs are fun too>>: Because they have easier access.
<<I have that effect on many men. Kinda sucks>>: I reccommend being bigger and hairier.
<<You seem surprised>>: Doesn't everyone get stoned? Dylan said we had to.
<<That I have charm or that its part of it?>>: That you can share my thoughts and not feel unclean.
<<I'm guessing you're willing to try anything at this point>>: I flame, but I will not switch sides until at least one at bat.
<<I can get a better one on my fingers. Chicks dig it>>: Couldn't you just rotate?

Night Walker> <<Hope I don't get started on Teletubbies>>: It's better than drugs.

Patrick> <<I'm searching for a man with six>>: He slaughtered your father and scarred your face? Or just wat to see if it's any better?

Spacebabie> <<The kind when people insult you online?>>: Nah, I'm not that combatative. The kind that works best with a lisp.
<<That should be useful>>: I can't see how.
<<Kiss! That should make you feel better>>: Wooha.
<<I have one hand in my pocket>>: Is that what you call it?

Kirby> <<how do you look at the pics without haveing to go to chat>>: In case you're still around, it's under CR Info.

Gunjack> <<Kirbey>>: Blasphemy. How could you misspell Jack's name? Of course, if that were blashpemy, wouldn't it also be blasphemy for someone to use his name? Not to mention the puffball.

Stephanie> Cdongratulations on the job.

It's Früvous time. Breakfast at Tiffany's, a capella.

Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:33:29 PM

once upon a time, there was a bunny rabbit. it was mauled and eaten by wolves. the end.
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:17:30 PM


Wednesday, June 26, 2002 08:00:03 PM

Taleweaver: Absolutely something will come along that'll knock Disney off the throne. I'm hoping to God that I've written it!!
Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 05:35:10 PM

Hello all,
I'm going to try to post regularly, add my $.02 to the conversation.

Movie Review> For what it's worth, add my recommendation to those for Lilo & Stitch and the Minority Report. Both are a cut above their respective genres.

I think Lilo & Stitch came at the right time to save Disney. True, financially Disney is still going strong. But seeing the many animated features coming out this summer made me wonder if AOL Time Warner isn't making a charge for the throne.

What do you think? If the right movie or series of movies came along could it knock Disney off as the leader of feature animation?

Taleweaver - []
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 03:10:18 PM

Nevermind that last comment. I found my original one earlier. I couldn't find it at first. Thank you for answering.
Sparky Genocide - []
Marion, IA, USA
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 12:58:54 PM

For those writing fan-fiction, who do we ask for permission to borrow characters, concepts, etc. from "TGS"?
Sparky Genocide - []
Marion, IA, USA
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 12:55:24 PM

Green Baron<<Poor bunny. Too bad you can't get your cats to kill some creatures and not others. I am bothered whenever they kill lizards, but birds,rodents, and insects are fair game. >>

Bunnies are rodents. I have no problem with my cats making kills. I have a problem with them not making clean kills.

<<In a sense you might feel worse if they killed the buny, as you have a cute bunny. I get to see two kittens in a few days..I'll get pictures :) >>

Congrats on scoring a kitten fix. *^_~* piccies would be lovely.

As for the baby rabbit, I have a cute, *half skinned* bunny. If it had not been so vigorous the first night, I might have just killed it myself. I'm afraid it isn't prospering. It may die very soon.

I don't like to see a creature's pain prolonged if it's going to die very soon anyway, which is why I am very much in favor of mercy killing. The only trouble is trying to determine if there is a fair chance of survival.

A kind way to kill this bunny, might have been to freeze it. It's said hypothermia is painless. This is how we are supposed to kill chicken chicks before giving them to the cats as treats -- not that I do that, I think that would be waste of a perfectly good chicken that could grow up and make a perfectly good dinner for many people --

I know one person who accidently got a live chick in a dozen pack of frozen ones she ordered for her cat. Someone screwed up when packing them. She tried to freeze it herself as directed, but then was just too bothered by it and took the chick and warmed it up, and ended up making it a pet.

The thing with cats, is a feral cat will go out and kill for hunger. A domestic house cat isn't hungry, so they will more likely "play" with their catch. That is very disturbing. Cats are amoung very few animals that do this "play" with their catch. This is the only thing that squicks me about felines.

okay, tons of stuff to get ready for Gathering...

brain freeze!!!!


Wednesday, June 26, 2002 12:14:40 PM

I got a job! I got a job! I got a real job with a computer and internet and an e-mail address and everything! The pay is nice too. ;)

Au revoir

Stephanie D - []
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 12:07:37 PM

Hey, Kirbey...

I'll field this one before any of the sharks get their teeth into you. It's a comment room, not a chat room... which means we all only post once or so a day, but we post much longer messages. The pics are just for ornamentation, by the way. That answer yer questions?

Anyway, pull up a chair and join in if you like...

Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:13:49 AM

Well i'll be around every once and a while to check if any of you are chatting:)
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:12:31 AM

Is anyone even here?

Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:11:02 AM

Nevermind, i'll just be kinda like the new guy ok?
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:07:35 AM

I got a very important question, how do you look at the pics without haveing to go to chat
Kirby - [???]
Nampa, Idaho, U.S.A
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:05:45 AM

Hello everyone.

Gathering> I'll be in the states as of July 1, but I'll miss G02. G03 is more of a likelihood, plus Rachael will be with me.

Metaldemon> I'll call you this weekend or sooner to get down where to meet you and all that stuff. See you ina few days.

<<The Synagogue burnings were done by Muslims due to the Israel conflict; I remember reading that in the news paper whent they started happening.>> Well, that is done in Europe and I wonder what's been done about it. Burning any religious institution is despicable, especially when its done as some form of protest.

Some of those very same new frogs will probably light a match to Notre Dame before too long.

<<And I am more than sure people in Europe believe the Holocaust happened; I am sure they just don't like the fact that non-Jewish citizens in Israel are treated like second-class citizens *coughcoughHitlercoughcough*>> Well, when I see germans protesting Israel, I will see how many of them have shaved heads. I do not liek all that Sharone does, but I have no right to judge, though I can imagine a suicide bomber or two in Pioneer Kasserne. They could take out the gate guards without much trouble and then and Finance is right near the gate, along with personnel, along with a 1-star General's Office all in the same building. Alos, the suicide bombers wouldn't be Palestinains, so they might actually kill soldiers instead of accidentally killing other Palestinians.

<<Yes this is fiction. But a perfect real-life example of someone utterly depraved that changed is Jeffery Dahmer. When he was sentenced to life with no chance ever of parole, a woman minster, seeing the human being within the dog, reached out to him; and, within a year or two, he decided on his own will, after having the strong desire for this, to be baptized and fully admitted the wrongs of everything he did. He had nothing to gain from this that would earn him any type of parole or benefit. Nothing was gained other than the change.>> That I didn't know. Well, he gained, though. He'll be in Purgatory at least, for liek a few million years.

Imzadi <<That's scary>> Not my problem. I am too happy to care too much. Besides, jealousy is a sign of insecurity.

<<Impressive!>> Yeah, plus the Germans gave us teh ammo, though we provided the weapons and we've been cleaning them over the last two weeks.

<<Is this one even close to your age?>> She turns 22 in July. I turn 25 in August.

<<How very neighborly.>> Well, I guess they needed a victory against us, even though they by next year, the US will have tons of little military installations throughout Germany, while the Germans have .....ZERO military installations in the US :D

DPH and Mecord> Thank you. Life is good.

Imzadi> <<She'd feel right at home at Berkeley, where the pro-choice people actually DO assault the pro-lifers.>> Do they also go outside the room where pro-lifers meet and eat veal to protest :)

NightWalker> I remember you. Starsinger doesn't post anymore.

Mooncat> Poor bunny. Too bad you can't get your cats to kill some creatures and not others. I am bothered whenever they kill lizards, but birds, rodents, and insects are fair game.

In a sense you might feel worse if they killed the buny, as you have a cute bunny. I get to see two kittens in a few days..I'll get pictures :)

Luminous Aphrodite> I got used to it. I've gotten quite a few random drug tests since I've been in the Army.

Green Baron - []
Hanau, Germany
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:02:50 AM

Last post before the gathering. I gotta figure out what to carry in my carry on

Coyote>>>Huggles. At least you got a handwritten rejection. I need the guts to actually submit. Well I’m working on outlines.

Gside<<<Or maybe I just enjoy the other kind of flaming.>>> The kind when people insult you online?<<<I can get a pretty good reverse angle on my knees.>>>That should be useful<<<!$@# I'm not original today.>>>Kiss! That should make you feel better.

DPH<<<Eating hot peppers does wonders for clearing up sinuses.>>>Yup and for sore muscles. We have this cram that has capain in it at home, for sore muscles.<<<I don't want the CR to become quieter than it is right now.>>>Maybe Leo will post.

Josh<<<On the other hand...I have five fingers.>>>and you don’t on the other hand?<<<I hate all you people who are going to Gathering.>>>And we love you too.<<<That sounds rather painful.>>>Naw its just that my thoughts are about to short circuit.<<<You'd know. >>>Nope still a virgin:::A tarnished halo appears:::<<<I have that effect on many men. Kinda sucks.>>>I bet youd look cute in a dress.<<<I'll move to Florida where there are cute chicks.>>>Namley me.<<<I bet you can.>>>Yup. I have one hand in my pocket athe other playing the piano.<<<Never been stoned in my life.>>>You just look it.

Night Walker<<<Looks like this is gona be a regular thingie now. >>> YAY! I missed you.

Patrick<<<Drat... I'm searching for a man with six.>>>So you can utter these words:”My name is Patrick Tomain. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

Spacebabie - []
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 09:58:07 AM

Josh > "On the other hand...I have five fingers." -- Drat... I'm searching for a man with six. "I hate all you people who are going to Gathering." -- Then my work here is done. ;)

Counting today, just two days left. Gotta finish my packing tonight. I leave Thursday afternoon. Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting some new ones. :)

:: scurries off to endure one last day in the cube before vacation ::

Patrick Toman
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 07:24:56 AM

Dammit! Triple post...

I forgot, the link to my website is my name(on post #2). Beware, this site is the raw me!

Alot of it isn't finished. Everything but the 2nd and 3rd pages of writtings are at least partially up.

Night Walker
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 03:05:06 AM

Imzadi-<<Ouch. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than Gside>> OH GOD!! (Laughing) That's not what I meant....nevermind.

By the way. I've finished the Intro to my novel. It's about 9 and a half pages. Hopefully I'll get the motivation to have it grammer checked now. God, I don't know where this'll lead.

Night Walker
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 03:00:00 AM

Looks like this is gona be a regular thingie now.

"LOVE"?-As if a 16 year old knows what this is. I think the single life was better. I've never thought that before. It's so stressing. I don't know how to handle this one anymore. I don't know if I can handle a "clingly" person. Oh well. I made this...promise of sorts. I don't know if it was the right thing sometimes. At others I'm happy I did it.

In my cd player at this very moment- Rikki-Pure Heart The singer from the vocal theme to Final Fantasy X does a vocal take on Aeris' theme from Final Fantasy VII. This song appeared on her single from FFX. It's a sweet melody, but the songs hard to find. I'm glad I found it.

John Waters-Has anyone seen his eariler works? I just recently bought the DVD set containing Pink Flamingos and Female Trouble. I know most have probably seen Hairspray, or maybe even Pecker(great title) or serial mom. But I must say that his earlier movies are just shockingly funny. I've heard the term "dark comedy" used to describe movies like Scary Movie and Me Myself and Irene. These movies are 10 times worse. I can't stop watching them!! Both are rated NC-17, which is rare enough to find. The last movie that I've heard about that got the rating was Orgazmo(still haven't seen it). I couldn't believe what Divine did in some of those scenes.....

By the way-Doea anyone else abysit or have small childeren and watch T.V. with them? I find myself getting addicted to certain shows, like Blues' Clues and P.B. and J. Otter. It's the most of the tele that I watch all day. I usually can't stand basic cable. Hope I don't get started on Teletubbies. I'll get worried then....

That's pretty much all I have to say at the moment


Thank God!! I found the old pic that I used to use!!!!!!

Night Walker - []
hobart, IN, USA
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 02:20:28 AM

I had actual work this morning...and then none this afternoon. Suckers. On the other hand, its gonna be hard to do a presentation on the work I did if I haven't done any.

On the other hand...I have five fingers.

I hate all you people who are going to Gathering.

Night Walker: I don't know you, but welcome (back?). <<that's as far as I've gotten to dating a girl>>: Ouch. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than Gside. <<drunk-boob-weed humor>>: I love boobs! And drunk boobs are fun too.

Mooncat: <<he goes out and brings me a half skinned baby bunny.>>: My mom sends me an email whenever our cats bring in something dead. I'm proud of them...then I laugh at her for having to clean it up. <<Killing it would probably be kindest>>: When I was a camp counselor we had to kill a duck once. <<why can't my cats just bring a *dead* animal, like other cats do?>>: Maybe they don't want you to have to clean up. My cats are mean that way. <<What is this bringing me live prey about?>>: You know, so you don't get too dependent on your cats for food ;-) <<It's not even a mouthful>>: Cats aren't real keen on estimating what's "enough food". Even cookbooks don't do it accurately.

Spacebabie: <<My head is about to explode>>: That sounds rather painful. <<Talk about delivering the meat>>: You'd know. <<They are my phobia>>: Good, now I know how to keep you from torturing me. <<The thought of Josh in drag turns you on?>>: I have that effect on many men. Kinda sucks. <<My fingers?>>: No. <<My old dad wonders why you are at Berkley when University of Florida has one of the best Engineering programs in the country>>: Because a) Berkeley's engineering program is better and b) because Berkeley's CivE program is the best in the country. Now, if I decide to switch to MechE...I'll move to Florida where there are cute chicks. <<Yes I can play part of Ode to Joy with one hand>>: I bet you can. <<its either the dress or having to use Windows>>: Windows. I do it 8 hours a day, how bad could it be? <<Instead o sitting on your but all day waiting for the money to come?>>: That's what I do the rest of the time. <<You mean you weren’t?>>: Never been stoned in my life.

Gunjack: <<The Psycho is the one that doesn't know the difference. My understanding was that sociopaths are ones who basicly view everyone around them as objects>>: Okay, sure.

Luminous: <<CAN THERE BE ANYTHING MORE HUMILATING THAN HAVING TO PEE ON COMMAND?>>: Yes. Besides, you agreed to take the drug test by applying for the job, so get over it. <<Some of dem guys are DANG HOT!>>: I'm guessing I didn't make this one either, did I?

Aaron: <<Psychopaths kill people for fun. Sociopaths kill people because it's expedient>>: Okay, that puts me in the second category. <<He's programmed to create chaos. He will proceed to the nearest major city, where he will block sewers, reverse road signs, and steal everyone's left shoe>>>: I think its "switch" road signs. Eh, time to buy the DVD. In 4 months. <<Hope to see you all there>>: I hate you.

Sparky: <<who do fans have to ask for permission to use concepts, characters, etc from the "TGS"?>>: Usually people don't ask, they just say "Sata, Graeme, etc are property of TGS" or something like that.

Gside: <<You weren't?>>: You seem surprised. <<I find that amazing>>: That I have charm or that its part of it? <<Or maybe I just enjoy the other kind of flaming>>: I'm guessing you're willing to try anything at this point. <<I can get a pretty good reverse angle on my knees>>: Sick. I can get a better one on my fingers. Chicks dig it. <<!$@# I'm not original today>>: Certain jokes only lend themselves to one response, no matter how hard you think.

DPH: <<Double or nothing for the same bet by next post>>: Why are you betting on me? <<There is barely enough stuff to have a daily post.>>: No kidding. Hopefully people at Gathering will post.

As always there is a good chance I will be checking e-mail by clamping down my teeth onto the overhead wires and whistling modem tones if necessary.
- Aaron Richton

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 01:13:44 AM

*A man walks by and offers to give DPH more money for the aforementioned bet. DPH simply replies, "Double or nothing for the same bet by next post."*

Aaron, Imzadi, Gunjack - thanks for clearing up the difference between a pyschopath and a sociopath.

Todd - I am disappointed that you didn't catch me misspelling pyschopath.

Spacebabie - <I bet he never has any problem with his sinuses.> Eating hot peppers does wonders for clearing up sinuses.

Aaron - <Last post before the Gathering. (Probably)> I don't want the CR to become quieter than it is right now. There is barely enough stuff to have a daily post.

Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:18:30 PM

Imzadi> <<I think the rest of the audience thought we were stoned>>: You weren't?
<<No, not really. Its part of my charm>>: I find that amazing.

Night Walker> Welcome back.

Mooncat> <<Bubastis, my fluffy grey kitty>>: I thought Bubastis was a big red genteically altered lynx with long, long ears.

Patrick> <<small woodland creatures just don't rank very high>>: They breed too much to get endangered.

Spacebabie> <<The thought of Josh in drag turns you on?>>: Perhaps. Or maybe I just enjoy the other kind of flaming.
<<My fingers? Yeah they can even bend backwards a bit>>: I can get a pretty good reverse angle on my knees.
<<You mean you weren�t?>>: !$@# I'm not original today.

Aaron> <<Is that the actual response?>>: Nah, it just flips back to the women ("And by 'ourselves,' I mean just you and me.").

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:03:52 PM

Sparky > Because proper fanfic courtesy dictates that an author ask and obtain permission before using another author's ideas and/or characters. Whether the auther you're borrowing from is an individual or a group like TGS is irrelevant... it's bad form to borrow without permission or giving credit.

That said... I'm pretty sure that for quite some time the blanket policy of TGS has been that TGS-inspired fanfic is fine, as long as TGS is acknowledged in the disclaimers as the originators of whatever characters or ideas you're borrowing.

Patrick Toman
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 10:00:10 PM

In Fan-Fiction, who do fans have to ask for permission to use concepts, characters, etc from the "TGS"?
Sparky Genocide - []
Marion, IA, USA
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 08:49:30 PM

Mec> <<Just don't let him age. They loose their usefulness when they get older.>> Another Strangecandy fan, eh?

Gside> <<Never, for I shall stuff them and make the largest jester's cap ever.>> lol. Is that the actual response?

Josh> <<I was thinking the same thing!>> Spooky. <<<<Jackal and Hyena>>: Sure, but which is which?>> Hyena is the psychopath, Jackal is the sociopath. (Remember, I'm speaking in very general terms here. Any of our resident psychology majors can answer this much better) Psychopaths are sick people with decidedly warped perceptions of reality, who often get their jollies through violence or fire-setting. They have a moral compass, it's just completely out of whack. Sociopaths are amoral people like Xanatos and my brother, who tend to view other people based solely on what they can do for the sociopath, and use them accordingly. Psychopaths kill people for fun. Sociopaths kill people because it's expedient. <<Oh, and I need help with a quote.>> If I remember right it's: "He's programmed to create chaos. He will proceed to the nearest major city, where he will block sewers, reverse road signs, and steal everyone's left shoe." I think.

Last post before the Gathering. (Probably) Hope to see you all there)

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 06:33:56 PM

Mooncat: Lemme get this straight here ...

... you named your cat after the mutant lynx of Ozymandias from "Watchmen?" Cool. :)

Agent update: Received a rejection last Friday. I don't feel too badly about it, though. The agent himself was nice enough to send me a short handwritten (yes, HANDWRITTEN!!!!) note encouraging me to try other agents. I'm movin' up in the world! (the last four times I've sent stuff in as submissions to publishers, the rejections I've gotten back were your basic form-letter rejections.)

Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 06:25:29 PM

CAN THERE BE ANYTHING MORE HUMILATING THAN HAVING TO PEE ON COMMAND? *Okay, so I can only think of three other things. If anyone else wants to tell me a few more it'd be welcome to my confused frustration. At least the lab techs have it under control now *as in the cups are big enough cuz we all know females have less aim than guys*and I can say that cuz I am a woman* So anyways, apologies for the overkill on information. Hopefully the humiliation will lead to a well paying position! As for the rest of the day it just breezed on by. *Also picked up People Mag's top fifty bachelors list. Some of dem guys are DANG HOT!*
Quote of the Day: "You let her get away?" -Angel
"Well we tried to stop her fists and feet with our faces but..." -Gun

State Of Confusion
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 06:00:45 PM

"His destructive instincts are kicking in. He will now make his way to the nearest large city, where he will create terror by changing street signs, backing up sewers, and stealing everyone's left shoe."

...Or something like that. That was one of my favorite lines in the movie, along with "Your knuckles say Cobra..."

Sociopath vs Psychopath - The Psycho is the one that doesn't know the difference. My understanding was that sociopaths are ones who basicly view everyone around them as objects.

Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:22:00 AM

AAAAGGGHHH!!!!!!!! Ai Yi yi My head is about to explode. Two more days til I fly off. I gotta pack. Whoopee :::Dances like an idiot::: Oh and get this. The same day I'm flying off to Virginia the moron is flying off to Boston. So not only will I get some peace, but my parents will too.

Lain<<<man, gunjack soaked me last night... with *WATER*, you sickos! we had a really big water gun fight.>>>Wet M Wild fun eh? Next time try a slip N slide.

Gunjack<<<"YOU HAVE BEEN DOMINATED BY THE PENIS!">>>Talk about delivering the meat.

Warpmind<<<Yeah, well, wasps are eeeevil. Their stingers can be used repeatedly, and ARE. :( >>>They are my phobia

Gside<<<No, Imzadi was in drag. I just enjoyed it.>>>The thought of Josh in drag turns you on?<<<That's pretty big. Do you stretch first?>>>My fingers? Yeah they can even bend backwards a bit.

Josh My old dad wonders why you are at Berkley when University of Florida has one of the best Engineering programs in the country.<<<She sucks.>>>No wonder Gavin Rossdale is happy.<<<Makes you have no social life?>>>Makes me able to do more stuff.<<<I'm sure the finger skills come in handy.>>>Yes I can play part of Ode to Joy with one hand.<<<Hehe your parents are old.>>>My Unlce Hank is only ten years older than me and Uncle Mark is only six ears older.<<<Sweet!>>> Hyper Hyper Joy Joy<<<Not that drunk.>>>I bet I can, or its either the dress or having to use Windows. <<<It was!>>> Instead o sitting on your but all day waiting for the money to come?I think the rest of the audience thought we were stoned.>>>You mean you weren’t?

Leo<<<Almost 12 hours without a post. >>>And Lain isn’t even snoring

DPH<<<Just call me Pepper Man. >>>His new nam is the Pepper Man, I bet he never has any problem with his sinuses.

Mooncat>>>Right on the money with the Neosporin . I used that on my cat where another cat ripped some of her fur off. Try to keep the lil guy warm, use the replacment milk and when you get a chance take it to the vet.

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Fl, U.S.A
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 10:54:48 AM

Mooncat about the bunny, your instincts are pretty much on the mark. Kitten milk replacer and bunny food, plus fresh greens would be the foods of choice. The first aid and housing are fine, though you want to make sure the box is in a cage or other confined space because the little beggers do get frisky. Unfortunately, they also have a tendency to pop off when you least expect it. So best of luck if you try and hand raise.

And Patrick, it's not that shelters don't care, it's just 1: they're ill equipt. This is kitten season and they have their hands full as is. And 2: in most states unless you have a USDA permit it's illegal for them to handle wildlife anyway. 3 Woodland creatures despite being tough in nature are fragile in confinement. It's a specialized rehab situation and most shelters don't have the expertise. Plus, most of the critters brought in are varmints and most states have enough of those.

Which isn't to say that some volunteers won't try anyway.

And whoops, I'm starting to channel my old life as an Animal Shelter Manager/Animal Services Officer, so I'll stop now.

Tuesday, June 25, 2002 08:25:21 AM

Mooncat > Eep. Not sure what to tell you. The chances of finding the bunny's mother are remote, and now that a human has touched it, its scent will be different and she probably wouldn't take it back anyway. And having been through a similar situation before when my sister came home two summers ago with a dazed baby racooon she found by the side of the road... I'm betting most nature centers or wildlife assist places won't touch it, either. Every place like that I've ever called about a racoon, rabbit, squirrel, or small bird has barely wanted to give a person the time of day. I guess small woodland creatures just don't rank very high. :/

:: checks the calendar ::

Three days left until The Gathering!

Patrick Toman
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 07:26:01 AM

Well, I'm at a loss. I went out to enjoy the full moon with Bubastis, my fluffy grey kitty... And he goes out and brings me a half skinned baby bunny. Poor little thing is only a few inches big, and a perfect little bunny. I feel just awful for it. I have washed it, and smothered the area where the skin/fur has been torn off with Neosporin, but I just am not sure what to do with it. Killing it would probably be kindest, but it seems to want to live pretty desperately. I had it set on the counter when I went to fill the a bowl with warm water to wash it, and it made a mad dash off the counter, plop!!! onto the ground. So it's survival instinct is pretty strong right now.

I've put it in a box full of paper towels. I am wondering if I need to get some kitten milk replacement formula, or just give it some alfalfa pellets.

Gah. I'm a soft touch. I should just break it's little bunny neck. >^,,^<

Anyone know anything about caring for a poor little half skinned rabbit? I don't think Boo did any internal damage, and I didn't see any blood, so maybe it's just the fur that got torn off. I'm kind of hoping the bunny was just naturally naked, and hasn't grown all it's fur yet...

why can't my cats just bring a *dead* animal, like other cats do? What is this bringing me live prey about? It's not even a mouthful O_o ... sigh. I have to go reward Boo for being a mighty hunter now. Otherwise his feelings will be hurt.


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 05:07:36 AM

Wow, this is more than strange.
You may not remember me, it's been over 2 years sice being here.
Sadly, not too much has changed in the gargoyles world. I always hoped that I would be seeing some development in the series, or the movie, or anything. But, it's not the end of the world. I recently started watching on Toon Disney for the cut scenes. At least it's something new.

me?-well, what can I say about me for those that I have yet to meet, and those that don't remember me. Well, who do I recognize? GreenBaron is still here, as well as Coyote. I didn't see Starsinger, Deuce, or CheyrlBlossom. **sigh** Anyway, When I last posted it was mid-2000. I was still 14, wow. I think at the time I had just stopped being the youngest kid in the CR. I was this akward 'lil boy who had no clue of who or what he was. Let's just say I did some self-discovery...

Whatsherface-I remember dating a girl online around when I was last posting, let's just say that's as far as I've gotten to dating a girl.

Bjork-still a rabid fan, but discovered the joys of Cibo Matto and Aimee Mann, as well as about half a dozen others.

Untitled-I started writting something like a book, but not sure where it's leading. I've gotten so many ideas in the past few years that I'm not sure how to organize them. I'm seeing all the things that are wrong in the media and entertainment in general. Disney just started getting it right with Monsters Inc. and Lilo and Stitch. Many other studios that have been around for a while still have yet to come out with movies that appeal to a wide audience. Not everyone is satisfied with constant drunk-boob-weed humor. That's okay, but it shouldn't be used to fill a two hour movie. I want to put out the type of story I'd want to read or see. Maybe it's just me. oh well.

Going punk-Let's just say that about the time I turned 15 there was a little..."episode". I never really identified myself as punk, but am very influenced by them. They were the first ones to take me in after everyone else didn't want me. I guess I made a crossover. Now everyone thinks I'm a "punky" kid. I have no problem with that. Now I say it loud and proud. hehee

I don't know how often I'll be posting now, but I liked coming back to see the CR.

whatever. It's all cool.

Night Walker - []
Hobart, IN, USA
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 02:11:57 AM

Oh, and I need help with a quote. In Lilo and Stitch, the mad scientist says something in the beginning about how Stitch will create chaos. Something about switching street signs and stealing everyone's left shoe (which had me laughing my ass off). Can anyone give me the complete quote?
Josh again
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 01:51:42 AM

Woohoo! Real work today! Took me all afternoon! It was!

Saw Lilo and Stitch. It was SOOOOO funny! My roommate and I were laughing the whole way through - I think the rest of the audience thought we were stoned.

Metaldemon: <<She's afraid of anyone who is pro-choice cuz she thinks they will come after her with that thing they use to suck babies out of the womb, or that they will come after her with acid to burn her>>: She'd feel right at home at Berkeley, where the pro-choice people actually DO assault the pro-lifers.

Fire Storm: <<I was shooting for 24 hours>>: It would never happen. By 15 I'd post "you people are boring".

DPH: <<I saw how people could get confused>>: Really? I couldn't. That one was too easy. <<What's the different between a sociopath and a pschyopath?>>: I psychopath is evil. A sociopath doesn't know the difference. I think.

Aaron: <<One of my advisors will be a five year-old child..>>: I was thinking the same thing! <<I thought it was a riff on PSL>>: You thought wrong. <<You missed the better movie>>: I'll catch it sometime. Possibly DVD. <<You mean the Sphinx?>>: Yeah him. <<Jackal and Hyena>>: Sure, but which is which?

Gside: <<If you're getting four, may as well go for five. Put the other hand to work>>: Ah. <<Feel the need to wash the uncleanness off?>>: No, not really. Its part of my charm. <<it started out with the flute joke, then I suggested the bassoon, which might be concievable. But a piano is just too large>>: OUCH.

See ya tomorrow.

I can see B.S. behind twenty feet of lead reinforced concrete, in a blizzard, at night, underground, on another planet, in a galaxy far far away.
-Christopher Titus, Titus

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Cupertino, CA, US of A
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 01:43:06 AM

Imzadi> <<i think some girls would rather have four different guys all at once>>: If you're getting four, may as well go for five. Put the other hand to work.
<<That's exactly what I said when I saw the headline>>: Now you're thinking like me. Feel the need to wash the uncleanness off?
<<You would, you sick monkey>>: Ook ook. Cough cough.
<<Huh?>>: Well, it started out with the flute joke, then I suggested the bassoon, which might be concievable. But a piano is just too large.
<<Huh?>>: Webcomic/Marathon in joke.
<<Is that hyperbole?>>: Mostly. They can be crushed. But chemicals do nothing to them.

Fire Storm> <<I was shooting for 24 hours of silence>>: Unlikely. I tend to post too soon before Imzadi.

Aaron> <<Andy, take those off your head!>>: Never, for I shall stuff them and make the largest jester's cap ever.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 01:36:00 AM

Wow, I never knew grapes would make me so hyper. Hello fair denizens of the CR. I really keep meaning to get in here more, but time and online comics just never seem to allow it anymore. But I will persevere. Now I can read the CR and read comics at the same time! (well not at exactly the same time and I could have done this earlier but I didn’t and don’t have much of an excuse for why not) Anyway, I just read A Storm of Swords, by George R. R. Martin. An excellent book, but it’s the third of an ongoing series. The first book is called A Game of Thrones. I highly recommend this series. The characters are incredible and each chapter follows one in particular and as this noble family gets split up you get to meet all kinds of settings, ways of life, codes of honor, dreams fulfilled, dreams dashed to pieces, and during all this is a seemingly insignificant side story…. I’ve tried not to become too attached to any character because you never really know what is going to happen next… but it’s impossible. You hat some, you love some, you hurt when the favorite is hurt or even killed, you rejoice and call for blood when the one you hate is down. I am completely enthralled by these books. They are bloody addicting and the fourth book is not yet out, *mournful howl of a wolf in the back ground*. Any way, only have a few reply’s for today.

GB>> Congrats on the girlfriend!!

Kaioto>> <Immoral person is more dangerous in their actions, but the amoral person is more dangerous in their very existence.> and the moral person has to go through more justifications and guilt trips to be dangerous. >:) <impare the animal. Typically, you put it down.> Hmm, I prefer caging personally, but some animals obviously won’t take to being caged and are like to have to be put down anyway. The problem with being a rational being that emulates an animals moral behaviors is that once affronted the rational being tends to come out more, hence the spouting of indignant attitudes. Tell you the truth I’m way behind on my lurking here and I have no clue what you’re talking about just now, but it sounded interesting and I’m too hyper to keep quiet. So now I just have to backtrack and figure how this connects with everything else that’s going on here.

Aaron>> <One of my advisors will be a five year-old child> Just don’t let him age. They loose their usefulness when they get older.

All for now, bye!!

Monday, June 24, 2002 11:05:40 PM

Wyvern is no haven for Angela and Elisa in Part Three of "Home is a Dark Place" now up at the archive.

Madame Destine - []
Monday, June 24, 2002 08:59:03 PM

Josh> <<which is where someone with a lot more experience asks me to check over their work.>> One of my advisors will be a five year-old child... <<!@#$-sucking lips.>> Ah. I thought it was a riff on PSL. <<I've been to many RHPS, and I think still Aaron makes a more passable woman than many actual women that I know.>> Awwww. Sometimes I just need to feel pretty. <<We could have stayed for Undercover Brother (they were showing them as a double-feature for the price of one ticket!) but decided not to>> Too bad. You missed the better movie. <<I think he's becoming SJ.>> I don't. <<Sounds like something the guy from Mystery Men would say.>> You mean the Sphinx? (He's terribly mysterious, you know)

Lynati> <<and completely disregarded in the two hour conference in which the "ultimate soultion to the jewish problem" was drawn up.>> HBO did an interesting movie on that, with Kenneth Braunagh and Stanley Tucci.

Gside> <<<<Lets see how drunk we can get you>>: Frog blast the vent core.>> Andy, take those off your head!

Kai> <<If you function on the same moral level as a wild animal, should you really be surprised or indignant when you get put down like a dog?>> Well, I will be, certainly. ;)

DPH> <<What's the different between a sociopath and a pschyopath?>> Jackal and Hyena.

Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Monday, June 24, 2002 06:26:31 PM

**A portal opens up in the CR and out flows a river. For unknown reasons, a river bed superimposes itself over parts of the CR, providing an outlet for the waters of the river to flow through. At the end of the superimposed river bed a portal appears to prevent the water from flooding the CR. Suddenly, through the first portal, a canoe appears with DPH'S hologram steering the canoe on one end with a paddle, DPH in the middle, and another copy of DPH's hologram on the fron paddling along.**

Hey, I'd thought post while on a canoe ride. Saturday, I went canoeing down the Buffalo River in Arkansas and my shoulders are still sore. I got sunburned just above my knees. Yea, normally I do NOT wear shorts (I'm fairly light skinned and sunburn easily and I've been sunburned too many times). Hopefully, I'll finish my post before the I run out of river.

What are my favorite episodes? *Searches memory banks* Ok, City of Stone, parts 1-4; The Gathering, parts 1-2; Hunter's Moon, parts 1-3; Walkabout.

Spacebabie - <Dad turned 56 yesterday> that's in the same age range as my dad.

Gunjack - I guess in that sense, I'd rather have Hitler than Stalin.

Christine - I got the math question right, and I saw how people could get confused.

Winterwolf - Nice to see you back.

Spacebabie - <Bell Peppers?!?! I LOVE bell peppers. My 3 main ingredients on a pizza: pepperoni, olices and bell peppers.> Just call me Pepper Man.

Kathy - <Obviously you have issues with your father, but have you considered some kind of counselling so the ill will doesn't poison the rest of your life?> Let me see. I'd rather deal with depression and paranoia before I work on my relationship with my dad. Getting the depression and paranoia under control (and gone) will make my life much easier.

Imzadi - <Religion, mostly> Hmm.

*A guy walks up prepared to hand DPH some cash. DPH replies, "Double or nothing, same bet for tomorrow".*

Ok, this amoral vs immoral debate. Considering I strongly believe in morals, I'd consider an amoralist more dangerous. What's the different between a sociopath and a pschyopath?

Green Baron - <A news oldier named Rachael Wright asks to borrow my phone to call the airprot about missing the end of the week, I have a girlfriend :D...Yep, you heard it. I have a girlfirend. Heather and Robby got fully back togetehr and engaged at Akon. I met Rachael that works out well. Rachael is a Gragoyles fan and likes anime. She is from Jackson TN and is as fond of me as I am of her. I must say I am very happy :) > Congrats.

Imzadi - <And I see I missed the top ten.> I would have made the top 10 if my right shoulder wasn't so sore so that I could type without pain.

I had a good visit to the chiropractor today.

**The canoe that DPH is on goes through the 2nd portal and the two portals, the water, and the superimposed river bed disappear.**

DPH and DPH's hologram
Monday, June 24, 2002 03:32:45 PM

awwww, I didn't mean to kill the room :(
Monday, June 24, 2002 03:18:57 PM

Leo: DANG IT! You runined it! I was shooting for 24 hours of silence! ;)
Fire Storm
Monday, June 24, 2002 02:18:50 PM

Dead Room, Dead Room!

Almost 12 hours without a post.

Yorktown, VA
Monday, June 24, 2002 02:08:14 PM

Immoral amoral> This depends on what you define as moral and immoral or amoral. Everyone has a differant idea on what is and isn't moral, on what is and isn't evil. I would certainly fear someone who belives that retribution and eye for an eye is a high moral ethic because I might do something to offend them and they turn around and get me back. But there are some people who get over paranoid like one of my friends (which I am guilyt of too). She's afraid of anyone who is pro-choice cuz she thinks they will come after her with that thing they use to suck babies out of the womb, or that they will come after her with acid to burn her. Certainly this is WAY overdone. So I don't think the fear of someone "amoral" or "immoral" is what should be called into question, but rather what their personal beliefs.

Kaioto> <<If you function on the same moral level as a wild animal, should you really be surprised or indignant when you get put down like a dog?>>

I certainly think that Anthony Burgess brilliantly displays that all human beings, no matter how depraved, are capable of change. The book (not the movie) "A Clockwork Orange" displays this. In the end, Alex, after living a life like a wild animal, changes in the end and realized the emptiness of his old self and wishes now to create rather than destroy.

Yes this is fiction. But a perfect real-life example of someone utterly depraved that changed is Jeffery Dahmer. When he was sentenced to life with no chance ever of parole, a woman minster, seeing the human being within the dog, reached out to him; and, within a year or two, he decided on his own will, after having the strong desire for this, to be baptized and fully admitted the wrongs of everything he did. He had nothing to gain from this that would earn him any type of parole or benefit. Nothing was gained other than the change.

Then there's Charles Manson ;P

I fully believe every single human being on this earth is capable of change in their out look towads themselves and how they treat the Other; we just never put the effort or find the right chord within someone that will change them.
Monday, June 24, 2002 02:15:51 AM

Slow relaxing day today. Drove up to Berkeley to pick up mail and stuff. Nothing beats free DSL. Except for free DSL and hot sex. Not exactly productive today.

But I got a *very* cool something in the mail from a friend of mine. Back to work tomorrow.

Spacebabie: <<listening to No Doubt>>: She sucks. <<Thunder woke me up yesterday>>: Niamhgold wishes she were you. <<Early to bed and early to rise>>: Makes you have no social life? <<I only got half of them>>: Silly English major. <<I know how to play is the piano>>: I'm sure the finger skills come in handy. <<My mom is only 49>>: Hehe your parents are old. <<I’mthisclose to acting like Cornholio>>: Sweet! <<Lets see how drunk we can get you>>: Not that drunk.

Lain: <<all of my favourite guys.. all rolled into one.. life couldnt be better>>: i think some girls would rather have four different guys all at once 8-) <<gunjack soaked me last night>>: Sick! <<with *WATER*, you sickos>>: Yeah, sure.

Green Baron: <<Heather and Robby got fully back togetehr and engaged at Akon>>: That's scary. <<as fond of me as I am of her.>>: Is this one even close to your age? <<I am a qualified sharpshooter with the M249 machine gun>>: Impressive! <<the Germans were driving around all the US military posts on Friday honking their car horns and waving the German flag>>: How very neighborly.

Gunjack: <<And then tell her "YOU HAVE BEEN DOMINATED BY THE PENIS!">>: And that makes sense/is funny because...? <<as for me turning into SJ... Well, he IS my hero>>: Mine too.

Warpmind: <<I didn't specify *whose* procreation, did I?>>: No, I suppose you didn't.

Gside: <<By definition, yes, but there could be mistaken cadavers>>: That's exactly what I said when I saw the headline. The article was about the use of cadaver dissection being phased out at med schools. <<Imzadi was in drag. I just enjoyed it.>>: You would, you sick monkey. <<That's pretty big. Do you stretch first?>>: Huh? <<Frog blast the vent core.>>: Huh?never die. Never>>: Is that hyperbole? <<Wasn't that hard for me>>: Wasn't that hard for most of us.

Silvadel: <<or amoral>>: Well, I'm amoral, and I don't consider myself a danger to society yet. The amoral might not recognize what good/evil are, but he/she can probably recognize punishments that can suck.

Okay, sleep time.

Sometimes, I picture a world of peace and happiness, where strife is unknown and guile is unneeded. And then I think how easy it'd be to attack 'em, cause they'd never see it coming..."

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Monday, June 24, 2002 01:47:21 AM


I think the Immoral person is more dangerous in their actions, but the amoral person is more dangerous in their very existence.

Rational human beings don't have the innocence of animals. That you can both differentiate and learn gives you ample opportunity to adapt a moral theory of some sort, or build a better one if nothing seems to suit.

Immoral folks are generally more motivated when it comes to causing harm by their own hand, but at least you can trace the cause / effect relationship back to a source. Given the opportunity, you can even argue the point with them in a rational fashion.

You can't do that with non-sentient animals, or people who are going to emulate that way of living.

How do we deal with people who threaten others? Typically, we attempt ration-based correction to one extent or another whenever possible. What do you do with an animal that is a threat to others? Ration-based correction does not work. You have to impare the animal. Typically, you put it down.

If you function on the same moral level as a wild animal, should you really be surprised or indignant when you get put down like a dog?

Kaioto - []
Monday, June 24, 2002 01:21:28 AM

Ok on the question of which is worse immoral(someone who knows good and evil and chooses evil) or amoral(someone who doesnt recognize good and evil)....

I would think immoral is worse.

Someone who is simply totally mislead as to what good and evil are and does evil is messing up his karma to a lesser extent than the immoral one but is also adding negative karma to those who made him/her that way.


As for a sharp rock vs a blunt rod, depends a lot upon the outcome... If I am going to die from the action then the blunt rod because it will knock me out(would rather that than bleed to death) -- if it is something where I can fight back I would choose the rock.

Monday, June 24, 2002 12:57:48 AM

Imzadi> <<I saw a headline the other day that read "Are Cadavers Dead?">>: By definition, yes, but there could be mistaken cadavers.
<<if by flexibility you mean>>: Nah, they meanpeople who recode things for fun. From the definition of menuitis: the flexibility of command-line or language-style interfaces, especially those customizable via macros or a special-purpose language in which one can encode useful hacks.
<<Excuses>>: Exactly.
<<I can guess without much difficulty>>: I've seen some rather odd porn, myself.

Spacebabie> <<Obviously you were in sensible shoes>>: No, Imzadi was in drag. I just enjoyed it.
<<No the only instrument I know how to play is the piano>>: That's pretty big. Do you stretch first?
<<Lets see how drunk we can get you>>: Frog blast the vent core.

Gunjack> <<Wait until she leaves, and then get some meat, and cook it, and when she comes home, tell her it's veggie meat and feed it to her>>: Nah, just find some really carniverous restaurants and keep taking her out to eat.

Warpmind> <<wasps are eeeevil. Their stingers can be used repeatedly, and ARE>>: At least they die. Carpenter bees, even though they don't sting, never die. Never. And when they're done, you don't have a home left standing.
<<you've stayed a virgin all throughout High School?>>: Wasn't that hard for me.

How'd you like to hear The Story of Bo Diddley? But by The Animals, not Bo.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, June 23, 2002 11:55:41 PM

Warpmind strides in.*
Hiho, gang. Now for another catch-up post, it seems...

Spacebabie: Yeah, well, wasps are eeeevil. Their stingers can be used repeatedly, and ARE. :(

Nukes: You mean, you've stayed a virgin all throughout High School? };)

Josh: I didn't specify *whose* procreation, did I?

Well, my post comes to an abrupt end. Oh, and Mara? *Whiiiiiiiiiiines about snailmail*

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Sunday, June 23, 2002 05:58:43 PM

gunjack> You have just been itching to tell that story haven't you? :P

Green Barron> You take after the columnists you read by leaving out a lot of information sort of liek Horrowitz :P. The Synagogue burnings were done by Muslims due to the Israel conflict; I remember reading that in the news paper whent they started happening. And I am more than sure people in Europe believe the Holocaust happened; I am sure they just don't like the fact that non-Jewish citizens in Israel are treated like second-class citizens *coughcoughHitlercoughcough*
Sunday, June 23, 2002 05:41:29 PM

***Warning: the following should only be read by those with a sense of humor.***

Val: Hey, Md...
MD: Greetings, fellow bearer of the penis!
Val: Uh.... yeah. Hi.
MD: Hey, Lain's a vegetarian, isn't she?
Val: Yup. *examines remains of veggie stir-fry*
MD: Good! Here's what you should do!
MD: Wait until she leaves, and then get some meat, and cook it, and when she comes home, tell her it's veggie meat and feed it to her...
Val:*collapses in laughter*

...And now you know. And knowing is half the battle. Impfac, I wouldn't eat MD's chow if I were you. One never knows what evil schemes he might be cooking up.

Josh - It's nice to have a control group. And as for me turning into SJ... Well, he IS my hero... *shrugs*

Lilo and Stitch is a beautiful thing. :D

Gunjack "Mr. Cobra Bubbles" Valentine
Sunday, June 23, 2002 05:32:23 PM

Hello everyone. I know its been weeks since I posted. I guess I can give a brief synopsis of events.

5 Jun: A news oldier named Rachael Wright asks to borrow my phone to call the airprot about missing the end of the week, I have a girlfriend :D...Yep, you heard it. I have a girlfirend. Heather and Robby got fully back togetehr and engaged at Akon. I met Rachael that works out well. Rachael is a Gragoyles fan and likes anime. She is from Jackson TN and is as fond of me as I am of her. I must say I am very happy :)

7-8 Jun: Monte Kali shooting event. Everyone in Europe comes to shooting event hosted by my Unit. 39th Finance makes greta impression for our NATO allies and I am a qualified sharpshooter with the M249 machine gun :) Next time we have shooting event, I bring US military paraphanelia to trade with European soldiers.

20 Jun: I am in Heidelberg, Ge for change fo Command Ceremony as all of US Army Europe gets new Finance Commander.

That's the highlights. Life is great. I have a girlfriend and I'm extending my tour in Germany until I end my miliatry service in 2005. Once Rachale gets her passport, we will visit as much of Europe as we can along with some of Western Asia and maybe Northern Africa.

Gunjack> Lynati misunderstood you...that's all. I know you're not pro-Hitler...even if you are sympathetic to Palestinians j/k

I think Stalina nd Hitler were both evil...just they were more effective in attrocity than men like Robespierre, Oliver Cromwell, King Edward I, Lenin, Arafat, and Castro

Anyway, Pol Pot and Mao are both rather nasty fellows in their own right and I think Mao outkilled Stalin.

As for anti-semitism, Stalin was very anti-semitic. He hated Trotsky mainly because he was Jewish (by blood) and also because Trotsky was a snob who looked down on Stalin's peasant roots.

Lynati> Well, I'm glad you get your chance to see what you ahve, even though it must be a grim tour. Don't forget to email me if you go into Frankfurt or Hanau. Prague is on my to do list of places to visit.

I am sorry you saw what you did of Gunjack's comments. I do like the idea of Hitler as a posterboy for Modernism, because of how how anti-modernist I am, though I think others deserve their place in the Modernist Hall of Shame.

What is scarier is that anti-semitism still poses a problem in Europe when synagouges are burned in Paris and Jewish residents are warned not to wear yarmulkes in Berlin. I say the Jewish residents of Berlin shoudl get Irv Rubin down there and they kick some neo-nazi and Arab ass.

Of coruse I wonder how many in Europe even believe the Holocaust happened. It is easier to condemn Israel's actions when you believe the Holocaust stories were Zionist propaganda.

Tribun> Germany beat the US...rub it in :p....the Germans were driving around all the US military posts on Friday honking their car horns and waving the German flag.

Well, Germany faces Brazil and if they win that...Argentina...maybe Germnay and Turkey will face off...that will be interesting considering how many Turks are in Germany now.

SJ> First I thought the Olsen twins were 12 or younger...I am old...second, only you would consider that sort of joke....I guess they will be in cheesy teen movies soon, though one will have to be named Michelle.

Enough for now...I am off

Green Baron - []
Hanau, Germany
Sunday, June 23, 2002 04:29:09 PM

Hey all;
Lilo and Stich ROCKED!! It's about damn time Disney films came out with something original and interesting after the way they mangled The little mermaid, Hunchback and Pocahontas.

Mooncat: found the first part of 'Avatar wars' interesting. Looking forward to the rest.

Not sure which I would say about rock or mace. Was originally thinking rock but the mace is more likely to knock one out.

Looking forward to seeing as many as possible at the Gathering. -off to dodge other deadlines-

Safe winds y'all.

Gray - []
Outside the hub, Massachusetts., US.
Sunday, June 23, 2002 12:08:13 PM

mooncat>> <<Hitler/Stalin -- Isn't arguing who was less vile rather like deciding which hurts less, being beaned with a sharp rock or clubbed with an iron rod?>> yes, pretty much. and thats not even what the point of the original argument was anways.. so its even MORE pointless.. :P

josh>> <<I think he's becoming SJ>> heh.. heheheh... just think, all of my favourite guys.. all rolled into one.. life couldnt be better :D <<Its a chick thing. Man says "I think the other dress looks better on you" and woman hears "you're fat">> LOL!

man, gunjack soaked me last night... with *WATER*, you sickos! we had a really big water gun fight. he was losing and decided to dump an entire pint-glass of water all over me. i fought back by jumping on him and sharing the large amounts of sogginess. all in all, it was a good day.

today were going out to see "lilo and stitch." i want to find out why he alternates between having 2 arms and 4 arms in the television commercials.. plus.. we want to see it anywas so.. reports later.


Sunday, June 23, 2002 10:21:20 AM

*Enters listening to No Doubt Rock Steady*

Love the lizards. They happened to be out on the patio near the pool, and a few days ago I saw two of them fighting. Just like in those nature specials. They were circling each other and then they snapped at each other. When they are not fighting they are humping..kind of like Buffy and Spike, God I love Nature!

The #$%*@ Thunder woke me up yesterday, that meant I had to stay with Patch and Pongo since they are wussys when it comes to thunder.

I managed to removes some clumps and clots from Velvet’s fur, but it wasn’t easy.

I woke up early at 6:45 today. Early to bed and early to rise.

Christine>>>I only got half of them.

Tribun<<<Well........anyway, America is no land for soccer.>>>Except when it comes to the Women.

Mara-sama<<<Feel free to latch on to me and my entourage at the Gathering.>>>I will. :::Enjoys the watermelon:::

Gside<<<Not quite as good as Aaron, but I enjoyed it. >>>Obviously you were in sensible shoes.<<<Bassoon, then?>>>No the only instrument I know how to play is the piano

Josh<<<Hehe your parents are old.>>>My mom is only 49<<<Because the baby boomers don't stop !@#%ing 8-) >>>Those horny b@$%@&)s!<<<How can we tell? Is that different from normal?>>>I’mthisclose to acting like Cornholio<<<I said *it was a* drag, not *I was in* drag. I don't know how I look in a dress, and I'm never going to find out.>>>Lets see how drunk we can get you.<<<Don't make me make a bone-flute joke.>>>Don’t need to.I can read your mind.<<<I hope so, because if I go down from here, I'm really screwed.>>>Luckily yo will get the power that will destroy all hippies.<<<And I see I missed the top ten. That's what I get for not being able to get online>>>That’s what I get for going to bed after Yu Yu Hakashu.

“Raye do you ever fart?” ~Mina, Sailormoon SuperS manga

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Sunday, June 23, 2002 08:52:00 AM

Today was cool. Instead of driving up to Berkeley, I spent the evening with some friends. We saw Bad Company. It was good, but I think I would have enjoyed it more with an R rating. Chris Rock just isn't the same without it. We could have stayed for Undercover Brother (they were showing them as a double-feature for the price of one ticket!) but decided not to. Dinner at Benihana's. I haven't eaten there in a long time. It was *really* good.

Tomorrow: Berkeley.

And I see I missed the top ten. That's what I get for not being able to get online at Mike's apartment.

Yggdrasil: <<you never stop learning until you die>>: I was just telling that to someone. Weird.

Metaldemon: <<It's a really funny story, and it has nothing to do with sex at all>>: I highly doubt that. <<If Apple went out of bussiness, Microsoft wouldn't know where to get it's ideas from anymore>>: Pretty much, yeah. Apple is Microsoft's R&D dept.

Lyanti: <<you simply share the veiw that children of a race or belief system other than your own are automatically disqualified from ever being considered "innocent">>: He didn't say that at ALL! He just said that's what Hitler thought. <<the holocaust was not a war>>: No, but it was a major part of one. <<You and Hitler>>: What is this assumption of agreement?! The keywords in Gunjacks sentence were "ACCORDING TO HIM" <<since the people in your world have such bad hearing>>: Get off your soapbox. Gunjack knows all these things, and he didn't once say that they were right. No one needs to hear your rants on the holocaust. We know what happened. <<you,ve sure come to enjoy the "pissing everyone off" aspect of the CR, haven,t you?>>: I think he's becoming SJ. <<very few women suffer from penis envy>>: Except for every other lesbian 8-)

Jaden: <<There does that sound like something a wise man would say?>>: Sounds like something the guy from Mystery Men would say.

Gside: <<Stupidchecks are quite valuable>>: True. But not stupidchecks of things that can't be understood by the stupid person. <<The autopsy found the cause of death to be autopsy>>: I saw a headline the other day that read "Are Cadavers Dead?" <<command-line interfaces for their superior flexibility and extensibility>>: Sure, if by flexibility you mean "the ability to screw up your commands with a simple typo, instead of just dragging the damn file" <<I think only Pidge is rattling around in my brain. did kthe mice ever have individual names?>>: No, they didn't. <<I was talking about with just one decimal, as opposed to with all those slashes and colons>>: Excuses. <<You don't know until you try.>>: I can guess without much difficulty. <<Is Xerox PARC still running?>>: Maybe, but since they sold the GUI to Apple they're not doing much in the OS area, are they?

Dreamie & Wolf: <<a bop on the head to Josh>>: What'd I do?

Gunjack: <<How you can construe this to mean that I somehow deny the innocence of Hitler's victims is, I must confess, beyond me>>: Its a chick thing. Man says "I think the other dress looks better on you" and woman hears "you're fat".

Mooncat: <<which hurts less, being beaned with a sharp rock or clubbed with an iron rod?>>: The second one.

Sleeep time

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
-Rich Cook

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
San Jose, CA, US of A
Sunday, June 23, 2002 03:08:04 AM

LilO and sTiTch, go see it! it's the way an animated film should be, funny and violent! take the kids, i did! if you don't have kids, borrow sumone's, but don't do that in utah. anyway, watch it again and again and again. that's LiLo and sTitcH, watch it today, tell a friend....
i've created a monster cause no one wants to see marshall no more they want shady, i'm chop liver. well if you want shady, this is what i'll give ya, a little bit of me mixed with sum hard likher. sum vodkah that'll jump start my heart quicker than the shocks when i get... opps, sorry... one of those damn songs that gets stuck in ur head.

LiLo & StitcH!!!!!!

unknown location, eastside, AfghAnistAn
Sunday, June 23, 2002 02:41:08 AM

Hitler/Stalin -- Isn't arguing who was less vile rather like deciding which hurts less, being beaned with a sharp rock or clubbed with an iron rod?


Sunday, June 23, 2002 01:27:02 AM

Lynati - One more try. Which is worse? Someone who's concept of Good (Innocence) and Evil (guilt) is utterly twisted, or someone who rejects the very concept of Good or Evil (and, consequently, guilt and innocence)?

How you can construe this to mean that I somehow deny the innocence of Hitler's victims is, I must confess, beyond me. I would think that you, at least, would be able to capture the concept of one exploring worldviews different than one's own, but it appears I was mistaken.

As for the rest of the Hitler/Stalin stuff, I'll respond later.

Question: do you want to continue this here, or via email?

Sunday, June 23, 2002 12:59:49 AM

Ah well... missed the top ten, but was well distracted by a Christine Morgan ficcie. yow... >^@@^<

Now must get back to my own. So behind deadline. gaaaaahhhh!!!!


Sunday, June 23, 2002 12:59:26 AM

Top ten, probably...
Aaron, Mara, and Robby
Sunday, June 23, 2002 12:30:33 AM

9th -- yes I havent had time to do much here -- who knows -- maybe soon.
Sunday, June 23, 2002 12:29:28 AM

Somewhere in the TOP TEN!
Fire Storm and Lady Mystic
Sunday, June 23, 2002 12:25:40 AM

**Dreamie and Winterwolf bounce in for the top ten dash**

We claim 7th (or 6th if you count Lain only once under Gunjack and Lain).

HUGS TO ALL (and a bop on the head to Josh)

We're getting ready for and will be Gathering bound soon! **waves** ^_~

**Dreamie and Winterwolf run off**

Dreamie & Winterwolf
Seattle, WA
Saturday, June 22, 2002 11:59:19 PM

Imzadi> <<someone with a lot more experience asks me to check over their work>>: Stupidchecks are quite valuable.
<<Its hard to do an autopsy before you're dead>>: "The autopsy found the cause of death to be autopsy."
<<Now what acronym?>>: "WIMP environment: n. [acronym: `Window, Icon, Menu, Pointing device (or Pull-down menu)'] A graphical-user-interface environment such as X or the Macintosh interface, esp. as described by a hacker who prefers command-line interfaces for their superior flexibility and extensibility. However, it is also used without negative connotations; one must pay attention to voice tone and other signals to interpret correctly"
<<If by "everyone", you mean "Hugh Hefner">>: Close enough.
<<No, you get milk. Cheese requires more work>>: So I overlooked a couple steps.
<<But I still remember everyone name from Voltron>>: I think only Pidge is rattling around in my brain. did kthe mice ever have individual names?
<<I've never seen it in any form other than 3-1-4-1-5-9>>: I was talking about with just one decimal, as opposed to with all those slashes and colons.
<<No way that would fit>>: You don't know until you try.

Metaldemon> <<If Apple went out of bussiness, Microsoft wouldn't know where to get it's ideas from anymore>>: Is Xerox PARC still running?

More Later?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, June 22, 2002 11:35:33 PM

Just heard about this one on the news.

A moment of silence, please, for MLB picther Darrell Kile.

Coyote the Bando
Saturday, June 22, 2002 11:26:22 PM

fourth, i suppose.. :P
very wet lain
Saturday, June 22, 2002 11:21:27 PM

I just a few more weeks and I'm on vacation. YES!!

Imzadi<Teach me> One can not be taught until he has learned, on his own, what he needs to know. (There does that sound like something a wise man would say?)

Just a quick post tonight.

Jaden - []
Saturday, June 22, 2002 11:20:46 PM

Valentine & Lain
Saturday, June 22, 2002 11:15:41 PM

Top ten, shootin' for SECOND!!
Coyote and Ravyn
Algonac, Michigan
Saturday, June 22, 2002 11:15:37 PM

Saturday, June 22, 2002 11:09:19 PM
