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Josh > Neat. And I thought it was weird when I saw an Oscar Meyer Weinermobile on the highway the other day. Hmm... but maybe one of those 17,000 Australian Jedis will buy it!

Patrick Toman
Saturday, August 31, 2002 04:58:39 PM

Normally, I'm not one for wasting $5k, but you've gotta see this.
Josh - [click my name!]
Saturday, August 31, 2002 03:04:37 PM

We had our first rock mechanics class today. Should be a real easy class. No final, just a paper written by a team of two on any subject that is even tangentially related to engineering geology. And a third of the class is devoted to blasting! Yes!

After my *one* class, my roommate and I drove to Apple so he could drop off his intern presentation and some other stuff. I could definitely see myself working there. Hopefully now that I've got a nuclear power plant on my resume I'm qualified.

Oh great SJ! Post your review of the MTV VMA's!

Fire Storm: Welcome back! <<in MY house waiting for MY oven>>: I envy you. <<Built a pantry>>: Awesome! <<Replaced half of my plumbing>>: Should you really have to do that? <<Spent way, WAY too much money at Home Depot>>: Well, I guess you really are male 8-) <<it almost makes MORE sense>>: Not really. <<place the wires on either side of the battery, then plug it in>>: HAHA. <<OR a demagnetizer>>: A magnet would work just as well. <<Or explosives>>: That would stop ANYONE from remembering ANYTHING. <<Install new OS>>: I think the problem is that he doesn't want to steal software. Hell, he had me buy MS J++ or some such crap for him. <<do they work on THAT too for an extra K>>: If you pay someone to have sex with you, it isn't rape. <<do I publish the politically incorrect version or not>>: Publish! <<It broke in the closed position>>: Ugh, I hate it when that happens. Best of luck dealing with the city over the weekend.

Patrick: <<Get into hydraulics and then it's also time for discussion of topics like pressure, flow, and head. Gee, is it any wonder I love engineering?>>: Despite the ability to laugh frequently during classes...I still find myself bored. <<they do let us out of the cubicles occassionally>>: You mean like every day at lunch, at the end of the day, and for any meetings?

Gabriel: <<when they get their Cs and Ds on their quizzes>>: Good policy. I'd feel the same way if I were a TA.

Spacebabie: <<Hot chicks who’s music Josh can’t stand but wouldn’t mind sleeping with>>: You'd have to show me a picture. <<Brittney looked like she was ready for S and M>>: I would LOVE to see that. <<Tastes like chicken, but more tougher and chewier>>: Like rattlesnake?

Lain: <<you dont wanna know the OTHER names i have for the poor boy>>: Are they all dirty? <<total pile of EXCREMENT ON PAPER>>: Yeah, if that's how you look at your books, then you probably shouldn't hold onto them. <<piss off! MY dream house>>: Nah, I have more $$ than you 8-) <<cold.. very cold.. its almost in the yukon>>: Okay !@#$ that, its yours 8-)

Barracuda: <<I think I'm drooling, am I drooling? Considering the dark stain on the front of my shirt arcing a thin line from my goatee, yes, I'd say so>>: I've never seen you dignify your characters with such behavior 8-) <<I would have to eat the cel to survive>>: LOL! Silly canadians.

Gside: <<don't bring a pillow to work>>: How else would you sleep in your cubicle? <<I just realized something, you have stiffness and all the rest, but I've got impedance. That's unfair>>: To whom? <<Doesn't have the crosses in the os>>: Oh, that's the rest of the fonts 8-) <<Playing with plumbing is one of the few things my father refuses to do>>: Every smart man knows his technological limits. I can put together a computer, write a script to do my homework, and program the time on a VCR. Even hook up a stereo if I'm feeling lucky. But you won't get me within 12 feet of a pipe that shoots water out (at me) at 50 MPH. <<Maybe you should be. Maybe you should be excited>>: Maybe she already is and didn't want to admit it. <<Been there a couple times>>: Yeah, but you're a programmer. You can live without showers for extended periods of time (assuming others don't beat you to death).

Warpmind: <<Moochie's probably gonna hear that for a looooooooong time>>: Only in public. << grok technology enough to be an engineer>>: Um, sorry to rain on your parade, but being an engineer is a little more than just understanding technology. If you can CODE, you might be good for a career in programming. However, without a degree in CS or ECE, you're gonna need quite a resume of released work. If you want to be an engineer, you need either a degree or a list of impressive internships/jobs that are engineering related. Best of luck.

Bork bork bork.
-Mike Margolis

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Saturday, August 31, 2002 05:25:27 AM

*Warpmind strides in, seemingly nearly fresh outta bed.*
Hi, gang. I'll be leaving in about an hour... I'm MOVING TO MY OWN PLACE! YAY! I might be offline for a few weeks, though, until I get my own connection hooked up, as well as a new computer. (Barring, of course, travelling the 40 miles to the nearest netcafé...)

Anyway, replies.

Christine: Ah, copyright issues... right... Hey, did you get the e-mail I sent you? With the PC Horror Movie scan? :)

Gside: What style of broadband? Haven't decided yet. However, the Spice Girls are DEFINITELY out... };)

Mooncat: Nice plushies, but how would one go about explaining what they are? Õõ (I fear acquisition of one would lead to parental scrutiny...)

Bronx: Spent a few years living with three other guys in the same building; if you don't know them forehand, you should start working on agreement where noise levels and cleaning arrangements are concerned RIGHT NOW. (Every Thursday there was a party right under my room... a LOUD party...)

Hey, Cat. Nice to see ya again. Still have the scratchmarks on my head after G'01. };) (Just kidding. You never left anypermanent scratches, if any at all...)

lain: Those textbooks, if they're in mint-condition, you MIGHT be able to get a better price for them from new students... Might be preferrable to cut the middle man, as they say... "Ooboo"? Heh, Moochie's probably gonna hear that for a looooooooong time... };)

And that about sums up this "See Ya Later"-post... Except for one thing: I'm curious about my future career... I'm right-brained enough to have a future as an author, I grok technology enough to be an engineer, and I'm probably a bit too perverted for either... Oh, what, oh, what shall I do? Õõ

Later, gang.

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Saturday, August 31, 2002 01:03:14 AM

Gunjack> <<Niiiiiiiice AMV>>: Thanks go to Doki Doki. I'd say my favorite/most feared scenes are those with the transvestite scouts, and the gay jewish black dude (Saturn's father).
<<I'll try to get to the Opus this weekend>>: Sure... Like you won't be horrified by it an d never want to hear it mentioned again.
<<I got the job sitting desk in our dorm>>: One tip: don't bring a pillow to work.
<<the man do9wn the hall-you know the one- owns MORE FREAKING ANIME THAN HE KNOWS WHAT TO DO WITH>>: But the real question is, do you get to watch any?
And are you going to start posting again?

Imzadi> <<And then they re-sell them to students for only $10 less than the original price>>: I think we get 25%.
<<Is stiffness part of the report too?>>: I just realized something, you have stiffness and all the rest, but I've got impedance. That's unfair.
<<Didn't they use the diablo II font for everything?>>: Doesn't have the crosses in the os.
<<Damnit you're right>>: Hah. Of course I am.
<<Then the fun begins>>: Oh muchly yes.

Fire Storm> <<Replaced half of my plumbing>>: Be very careful. Playing with plumbing is one of the few things my father refuses to do.
<<Spent way, WAY too much money at Home Depot>>: A tip: if you have the choice, go for a table saw, not a radial arm saw.
<<Figures you would know that>>: But of course.
<<when I hook my DVD player back up>>: I've got my computer. And for next year, I've got a roomie bringing a PS2.
<<OR a demagnetizer>>: Magnets are just as good as long as you're thorough. Neodymium is good, electro if you want to make a big one.

Fire Storm> <<DOes that mean no cybernetic or genetic manipulation?>>: I've sure he's already got the genetic side covered.

Spacebabie> <<Now I�m scared>>: Maybe you should be. Maybe you should be excited.
<<What do they do?>>: It is impossible to describe them at a level understandable by residents of this plane of existance. Try the water and it will be revealed.

Impfac> <<In Australia, when they did the censuses>>: Old news.

Gunjack> <<Does the Lipstick Match the Shoes>>: No. It needs to be more autumn.

Fire Storm> <<So I have no water>>: Been there a couple times. My condolences.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, August 31, 2002 12:04:48 AM

Ok, so there I was, working on the plumbing.

I turned off the water, was about to do some of it, when I realized that Home Depot was closing, and if I frelled up, I couldn't get a part.

So I decided to wait.

I turned the valve to turn on the water and...

Nothing. It broke in the CLOSED position.
AND it is on the Citys side of the meter, so *I* can't do a thing about it.

So I have no water.

This sucks.

Fire Storm
Friday, August 30, 2002 11:07:23 PM

Yeah, so they're actually MAKING that wondrous anime matrix thingy. I remember hearing someone mention it in here like three years ago, but then there was never another mention of it, and I filed it away with Santa Claus and the rest of the monuments to wishful thinking.

But they're making it. I'll be buying it on DVD the picosecond it hits stores, and I don't even HAVE a DVD player. In the meantime, I canst but dream...

Oh, and Impfac? Yer about a week late with that announcement. You've been out fo the loop a bit, hadn'tcha?

30 minutes until the GLORIOUS new job starts. Someone, somewhere, be sure to AK a CT in CS for me. Hey, it almost rhymes!

Gunjack "Does the Lipstick Match the Shoes" Valentine
Friday, August 30, 2002 08:56:10 PM

In Australia, when they did the censuses, under 'religion,' 70,000 people wrote "Jedi."
Impfac - []
Friday, August 30, 2002 07:02:42 PM

Impfac - []
Friday, August 30, 2002 07:00:19 PM


If you are currently living within the Florida State, here's a head's up: the beginnings of a small "mini-gathering" is being set up for a future date before the end of 2002. The plan is for all fans to meet in Orlando at Universal's Island of Adventure or one of the other theme parks for a day or two of getting together, having fun and hanging out!

If interested, contact me at the e-mail link on my name ( We will need to coordinate time and date, and make arrangements for those that need a place to stay if traveling far.

Thanks for your attention... we return you to your regular CR programming.

Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Friday, August 30, 2002 04:49:17 PM

V: I think I'm drooling, am I drooling? Considering the dark stain on the front of my shirt arcing a thin line from my goatee, yes, I'd say so when watching the AniMatrix trailer. I am stunned, considering I even see the computer animators from Final Fantasy adding to this collection as well. Amazing stuff...

Mooncat: Oh, and congrats on getting the cels. I was watching those from afar, (thanks to our mutual friend Ellen Stolfa who continually teases me with things I can never have). Ellen got the G/E one and I can't say I'm not entirely jealous, but considering the ever-steady Canadian dollar would have amped the price up by about one and a half times, I would have to eat the cel to survive.

The Barracuda
B.C., Canada
Friday, August 30, 2002 03:25:42 PM



*brain overloads, goes catatonic*

Friday, August 30, 2002 02:00:37 PM

spacebabie>> <<Have you been hanging with Mooncat?>> not to my knowledge.. but i DO have two cats who make that noise on a regular basis.. <<and next time buy an American razor>> thats funny.. i thought gilette WAS an american company :P <<Ooboo? *snickers*>> heh.. you dont wanna know the OTHER names i have for the poor boy.... ];)

gabe>> <<No one actually reads the text>> oh yeah, and like YOU have :P

patrick>> <<Seems to me having them around for future reference is worth a lot more than the few measly bucks they're offering for buyback on the used copies>> yeah sure but.. what the HELL am i ever gonna even WANT to use john f crosbys total pile of EXCREMENT ON PAPER catholic garbling (no insult to catholics but.. this guys an IDIOT)) "another aspect of this divine self-posession came to light in chapter 2.4; we recognize divine selfhood in that being which is its own existence. the being that does not have its existence as given to it but that exists with an existence absolutely its own, so that it exists through itself and could not exist - such a being posesses itself supremely"... unfortunately, they were not buying THAT one back and i have to suffer ITS existence for a little while longer. i think i might just burn it..... some of the others im gonna keep, but honestly.. i need those 15$.. :P

fire storm>> <<Now... how to get it...>> choose your poison ;)

josh>> <<Did you get a cat or a dog!?>> sometimes i wonder... <<I'll take it! Its right in my price range too>> piss off! MY dream house! :P <<what's the weather like in the winter and summer>> cold.. very cold.. its almost in the yukon. :D <<toe-nail ripped off in a box incident>> ow <<(don't ask)>> dangit!

yea yea.. now its off to workies. (yaymoney!)

this weekend i will be seeing my house for the laaast time *WAH!* i hope the family that moves in enjoys it as much as i have.

WARNING: to DPH.. no net access for me from saturday till monday. no, i havent died.. i just dont have a net connection at my old house.

Friday, August 30, 2002 11:20:05 AM

Watched the MTV video awards last night.
Jimmy Fallon was like Whoopee. He kept dressing up like the musicians in the videos. Emenem, The White stripes, Nelly, He donned a wig to be Avril Lavigne((Who I believe falls in the category of “Hot chicks who’s music Josh can’t stand but wouldn’t mind sleeping with.” Then he put a giant Mole on his face so he could pretend he was Enrique.

James Brown, Jacko, The Boss, and Guns and Roses made an appearance. I nearly coked up when I saw the remaining members of TLC.
Brittney looked like she was ready for S and M. The Osborne’s were funny. Sharon kept messing up when she read the nominees for the Viewers choice and Kelly kept trying to correct her.

Feh I’m sure SJ could do a better job at post award wrap up, but I leave with these final thoughts.

1. I want some of those Moon Man appliances
2. Jimmy Fallon should host every year.

**************************************END SPOILERS*************************


Lain<<<meowy cat-hiss noise in the general direction of gabe and josh*>>>Have you been hanging with Mooncat?<<<whats an "LJ"? im missing out on this piece of lingo.. >>>Live Journal. There are other types of Blogs as well. I use Diary land.<<<i had an accident with the razor in the shower and sliced up my thumb!!!! >>>Ouch. Hope you get better soon, and next time buy an American razor<<<my poor ooboo is sick >>>Ooboo? *snickers*

Emambu<<<Yes, I do miss you guys >>>And we miss you.<<<<and how much fun I had with all of you>>>Yeah it was a blast. You are coming to New York?

Phire_Kat<<<sad but true I'm one of them :D>>> She said it not me.

DPH<<<Interesting definitions. >>>What really makes them interesting is that most of them are true.

Gside<<<Good. Evil laugh.>>>Now I’m scared.<<<Cosmic>>> What do they do?<<<But it doesn't have a quick release holder, does it?>>>No it doesn’t

Gunjack (Or should I call you Ooboo?)<<<Only a cold this time, thank goodness,>>> That seems to be going around. Crzy Jen is feeling oogy too.

Josh<<<Was it any good?>>> Tastes like chicken, but more tougher and chewier<<<My brother does that. Drives us nuts.>>>Of course you make sure he eats every last damn bite.<<<Why is that funny?>>>Funny in a strange way, not funny ha ha <<<Good for buildings, not birdhouses.>>>but to a bird a birdhouse is a building.

Firstorm<<<DOes that mean no cybernetic or genetic manipulation?>>>You can do that, just don’t eat them.

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Fl, USA
Friday, August 30, 2002 10:50:43 AM

I got really irked yesterday. I'm a supplemental Instructor for a really hard Spanish class, which basically means that I attend a professor's class and hold three one hour sessions during the week to help students understand things they don't understand. My first session was yesterday adn I advertised during class........... No one showed up }:l. Instead of reading for my Phenomenology class for the free three hours that I had, I sat around at work and planned a review for the quiz on Tuesday and went over the lessons. And NO ONE SHOWED!!! Oh well, when they get their Cs and Ds on their quizzes, they'll learn >:D

Gunjack> <<he's not a Nazi>> Yes he is. A very mild one. He and his boss are Authoritarian trying to shove morals down people's throat who don't want them. Democrats are Authoritairan, too; just look at gun laws.

<<But if you can clearly show them where they're wrong, the good ones are willing to turn around>>

No, that's not true. Very few will. You can show them they're wrong, but they will still cling to their old beliefs because not everyone enoys the fact that everything they believed in for years was all a lie.

<<it seems that you can only get all the religions to reconcile by ignoring what they actually say>>

Exactly. I especially hate this "Hyuk hyuk, Judaism and Christianity and Islam are all the same; we all worship the same God." Ugh. No one actually reads the texts. It's PC at it's best.

josh>> I did mean to be rude to you, but I shouldn't have. Sorry 'bout that :).
Gabriel "gaygoyle"
Friday, August 30, 2002 09:43:08 AM

Hardness, stiffness, erection of rigid members... and that's just structures class. Get into hydraulics and then it's also time for discussion of topics like pressure, flow, and head. Gee, is it any wonder I love engineering? ;)

I have reason to be happier than usual this week about my work. I found out yesterday that starting next week, I and one of my coworkers will be working outdoors for about two weeks, doing a condition survey of about 2 1/2 miles worth of retaining walls. So it's true... they do let us out of the cubicles occassionally. And I can't wait to NOT have to stare at a computer screen all day.

Lain > If I were you, I'd just KEEP the text books. Seems to me having them around for future reference is worth a lot more than the few measly bucks they're offering for buyback on the used copies.

All college bookstores are like that, too... which is why except for just one or two along the way, I kept all of my engineering texts. Half of them are on the shelf at work now, and still get refered to regularly. The other half... well, they still look impressive on the bookcase at home. :)

BTW, I don't think I've mentioned it yet, but it's good to see TGS posting new stories again.

That's about it from me for now. I'll close by leaving a link to a little something I'll subtitle "fun with MS Paint."

Patrick Toman - [<-- stolen from Dubya's desktop?]
Friday, August 30, 2002 07:19:26 AM

Hey all! I am in MY house waiting for MY oven to cook OUR dinner... I am on vacation this week. So far I have:
Built a pantry
Replaced half of my plumbing (the rest will be done tomorrow) (Working with torches indoors is fun! Kids, try it at home!)
Emptied out LM's old house because her father was going to leave A LOT of stuff
Spent way, WAY too much money at Home Depot
Contemplated the feasibility of a low production volume metal-ceramic engine with spark-to-piston firing and a diesel-type high compression ratio (but running on gasoline)

One of these days I will catch up on my comics and TGS

Imzadi: <Personally, I don't think believing in vampires is any more or less absurd than believing in god.>
True. I mean, it almost makes MORE sense. You can SEE vampires...
And no, I am not trying to start a flame war...
<but I'd recommend getting a real tech to replace it.>
SHHH! No! Let's screw with'em!
The battery just needs to be recharged. First, cut the cord off a lamp and place the wires on either side of the battery, then plug it in.

Gside: <Good movie, but it's Werner Brandes. And see my eden account for the script.>
Figures you would know that! Gotta rent the DVD... when I hook my DVD player back up.

Aaron: <(On reflection, gargs premiered in ‘94, so... wouldn't that be the one y'all are looking to host?)>

Patrick Toman: <click my name to see a model of the tower being proposed to replace the broadcast antennas lost in the terrorist attacks on NYC last year.>
Where do the designers think NY is? Seattle? Tokyo? Toronto?

Neuralizer. OR a demagnetizer. Or explosives. Yeah... explosives.

DPH: <Because it was preinstalled>
Never stopped me. When I get a new computer (happened twice in the past 15 years)
Boot it up.
Make sure the new OS really DOES suck as bad as the reviews say
Wipe the drive
Upgrade the ram
Install new OS.

Wilek: <Click my name for the coolest online store ever>
(From the site:)
Quickly and efficiently cuts out butcher hog bungs.
Hmm... Why is Bevis and Butthead suddenly popping up in my head?
But my GOD...
THAT is one cool store!

Ravyn: <really, really miss my Pepsi Blue (I think I got hooked on that stuff>
I SO know that feeling... but it makes me feel so... DIRTY... the BAD kind. I mean, here I am, an AVID Coke drinker (one that got a FRIGGIN POP MACHINE to satisfy the craving for sweet, sweet carbonated brown drink... mmm... Um... anyway,), and here I am, liking a product that is not only made BY Pepsi, but actually IS PEPSI!

Jan: <[<-- for mature readers only]>
Interesting... wonder if it actually DOES anything.
<Designer Kidnapping>
Hey, whatever! Some people have rape fantasies too... do they work on THAT too for an extra K?

Christine: <Anybody know much about helicopters?>
I know a lot about them. If you are looking to have a crash realistic, it's very, VERY easy... it can be quite difficult to KEEP them in the air. Getting them down is easy! :)

Spacebabie: <Stay away from Wilek’s fetuses>
DOes that mean no cybernetic or genetic manipulation?

lain: <its aaaall fiiiiiiinished..... if you want to preview, let me know sometime tonight and i can sendy>
Now... how to get it...

Hmm... I have less than 2 weeks to finish that September 11 fic I have been working on... Now, do I publish the politically incorrect version or not...

Oh, and feeding me babies? Do I look like Olaf?
For the most part, babies are not worth snacking on. Unless they come in a six pack... with honey or BBQ sauce.

Fire Storm
Friday, August 30, 2002 04:16:54 AM

Long day today, 930-4 classes. I'll fix that by dropping risk analysis, because frankly, I need a lunch break on Thursdays.

Spacebabie: <<Kissimmee>>: Only if you ask nicely. <<So we ordered some for appetizer>>: Was it any good? <<Spacebabie got her self some tail>>: I got tail last night too 8-) <<The boy just had to order the most expensive thing on the menu>>: My brother does that. Drives us nuts. <<cheapest and smallest cause of my weak tummy>>: Typical chick. <<First he watched Titan AE and then The Replacements. Both movies featured a song by Lit>>: Why is that funny? <<And they are?>>: Like you have to ask. <<Oh boy Shop>>: Not exactly. This is structural wood design. Good for buildings, not birdhouses. <<I bet this will be as much fun as fluids>>: Yeah, but I don't have anyone to laugh with. <<it is just annoying Spam>>: There's spam in your box now? <<filing your nails?>>: Nope. I use clippers. <<With a hammer?>>: No. <<If she is his mother that would make Nick a quarter fey. HE can live for a long time like Alex>>: I was informed of that last night.

Lain: <<makes a meowy cat-hiss noise in the general direction of gabe and josh>>: I don't have the strength to get into a cat fight in here. I've got more important things to do. <<wagging his tail when hes happy, his farting, and his wall-running-into antics>>: Did you get a cat or a dog!? <<my dream house is 7 years old, and located on 2.25 acres of mountain>>: I'll take it! Its right in my price range too. what's the weather like in the winter and summer? <<all life that has a BRAIN thinks hes a freak so>>: Just because everyone agrees on something doesn't make it right/good/okay. <<are you trying to tell me something?>>: Aren't all songs? <<whats an "LJ"?>>: Something-journal. Some sort of online-diary, I think. <<i paid 200$ for them.. and most of them are gonna be bought back for 1.13$>>: I feel your pain. They pull the same crap here. And then they re-sell them to students for only $10 less than the original price. I'll keep my textbooks, thanks. They look impressive to anyone perusing my library. <<i had an accident with the razor in the shower and sliced up my thumb>>: Could have been worse. Could have sliced up something...uh...critical. <<polysporin, toilet paper, and masking tape. bandages tomorrow>>: When I nearly had my toe-nail ripped off in a box incident (don't ask) it was duct-taped also.

Gabriel: <<the validity of the Ashcroft article>>: that is the scariest thing I've ever seen.

Ravyn: <<before I finish up my pre-lab report tonight about ... **giggles** "Hardness">>: Welcome to my world. Is stiffness part of the report too? What material are you writing about? <<I'm immature and thinking dirty tonight ... I love engineering>>: It definitely has its moments. <<Congrats on the intern of the year thing!>>: Thanks. <<That is so cool>>: Everyone else thinks so too. Personally I don't think I earned it, but I'm happy to take the cash prize and the trip to new york and the job offer for the rest of my life 8-) <<Mach .04 Racing>>: HAHA.

Christine: <<a box of books>>: I love getting those!

phire_kat: <<lain has a bad habit of picking up pathetic critters off the side of the road>>: Yeah, I've noticed. I guess its good that someone has a humanitarian side.

DPH: <<if anyone knows what the font used for the Season 1 and Season 2 Episode Archive Logos is>>: Didn't they use the diablo II font for everything?

Gside: <<Depends on how inaccurate you want to be>>: True. <<Nope, == is for boolean tests, = is for setting variables>>: Damnit you're right. Its been too long since I've written a script to do my homework. <<Especially if one of them is repetedly drunk>>: Then the fun begins. <<Sure you laugh, but only because it's true>>: Fair enough. <<The small one's mostly for my nails, the large one is for opening things>>: I use them both for opening things. <<I hold on to mine. Good reference material>>: Yeah, us engineers need our textbooks later. I was working with engineers this summer who are 50+ years old and still have high school physics texts.

Gunjack: <<that's the man I helped put in office>>: I'm proud to say that I'm a registered republican who was smart enough not to vote for bush. <<How many times have you heard "if it feels good, do it"?>>: Every time I listen to Better Than Ezra. That's about it. <<Screw DLDs>>: I believe that's the point. <<I got my FAFSA sorted out in a timely manner>>: Congrats! That form is a bastard.

Fuck this planet.
-Val Kilmer, Red Planet

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Friday, August 30, 2002 04:08:19 AM

i hurted mineself! WAAAH! *sniffles*

i had an accident with the razor in the shower and sliced up my thumb!!!! *snivelsnivel* and we dont have any band-aids in the house. *more sniveling*

my thumb is all bandaged with polysporin, toilet paper, and masking tape. bandages tomorrow *WAH! sniffsniff*

and my poor ooboo is sick and i havent talked to him aaaaall day *sniffles even more*
told ya homeschooling was bad for you :P

Friday, August 30, 2002 02:38:48 AM

Oog, and once again I'm sick. Only a cold this time, thank goodness, and I SWAER I'm crashing early tonight. I WILL have a decent night's sleep.

Gabriel><<Now don't I feel sheepish :)>> Yup, that's the man I helped put in office... :D Look, folks! He's NOT a Nazi!

Lain><<good boy :)>> One tries. The call of SJ is strong like unto that of Cthulhu, but one tries anyway.
<<have you not read that article i gave you yet?>> Touche. Lemme try to rephrase...

I'm not saying you CAN'T have ethics or morality, because anyone can make a personal ethic/moral code for themselves. But what's the POINT of being good, if it isn't any better than being bad?

<<that guy.. is a freak. all life that has a BRAIN thinks hes a freak so..>> But he BELIEVED it, and I'd argue that deep down, lots of people today do too. How many times have you heard "if it feels good, do it"?
...And there was at least one movie made recently that featured de Sade as the hero. All the reviews I saw claimed it was the best thing since sliced bread. Y'know, the eternal struggle of individuality against the repressive religious/political bloc thing.

<<.. i dont think i need to respond to that... :P>> Indeed. ;) <<sorry for being a smartarse but.. dont they do that anyways??>> Who, the followers of the various religions?
But if you can clearly show them where they're wrong, the good ones are willing to turn around.
<<are you trying to tell me something? o.O>> *is listening to the song right now* ...Well, the song's message of inner turmoil IS rather familiar to me... and to you too, right? But no, no messages. ;) <<and how!>> Screw DLDs. I want a Hertzfield MkI Attack Ballon!!!

Gside: Niiiiiiiice AMV. Oddly appropriate. And yeah, I'll try to get to the Opus this weekend.

Oh yeah, and three peices of good news for a change. First, I got my FAFSA sorted out in a timely manner. Second, even though I still have some paperwork snags, I got the job sitting desk in our dorm. Getting paid to do your homework and to keep the occasional couple from sucking face in public is a BIG improvement over my last job. And three, the man do9wn the hall-you know the one- owns MORE FREAKING ANIME THAN HE KNOWS WHAT TO DO WITH. Yeah, about now, my favorite sound is "riiiiiiiiiip"...

Bed in 30, hopefully. Eight hours of sleep would go a LONG way to kicking this cold.


Gunjack "Communal Voider" Valentine
Friday, August 30, 2002 12:25:39 AM

Imzadi> <<you don't set variables>>: Depends on how inaccurate you want to be.
<<You use ==>>: Nope, == is for boolean tests, = is for setting variables.
<<And yell at them informing them that they suck!>>: Especially if one of them is repetedly drunk.
<<Why would you?>>: Hey, some people like it.
<<HAHA>>: Sure you laugh, but only because it's true.

Spacebabie> <<Oh definitely not angry>>: Good. Evil laugh.
<<And they are?>>: Cosmic.
<<I knew you would>>: All the time.
<<I do have my own garter EG>>: But it doesn't have a quick release holder, does it?
<<filing your nails?>>: Depends on which one. The small one's mostly for my nails, the large one is for opening things.

Foxfire> <<Well, if he can FIND it, he's welcome to it>>: Good, you learn well. And there should be at least a ceremonial go at it.

Lain> <<most of them are gonna be bought back for 1.13$>>: I hold on to mine. Good reference material.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, August 30, 2002 12:05:20 AM

Thanks to Lain, we now have a Season 3 Episode Archive Logo and Season 4 Episode Archive Logo. However, if anyone knows what the font used for the Season 1 and Season 2 Episode Archive Logos is, said information would be appreciated.

Also, the credits for the TGS Staff of Season 3 has been updated. Don't worry!! A brand new one is ready is ready for listing the TGS Staff of Season 4.

Spacebabie - Interesting definitions.

Taleweaver - *decides not to comment on Solstice on the advice of a psychic lawyer*

Foxfire - <I figure now that Timedancer's back in production, there's less chance of me making an idiot of myself by asking "when's it starting?" > *Chooses words wisely* Sometimes, that is necessary.

Gunjack - <And God can't make a rock that he can't lift.> Yes, he can make a rock that he can't lift and I hope he makes above *censored name*.

hopefully, by this time tomorrow, I'll have put a business up for sale on ebay and be on my way towards collecting $800 once the business is sold.

Thursday, August 29, 2002 11:48:38 PM

Josh: lain has a bad habit of picking up pathetic critters off the side of the road...sad but true I'm one of them :D

Thursday, August 29, 2002 11:39:28 PM

Had a pleasant surprise waiting for me when I woke this afternoon -- a box of books! Yes indeed, my author copies of Knight of the Basilisk have arrived. And it's so pretty ... it looks so good ... the thrill of holding the new book hasn't diminished yet. Hopefully, it never will.

Click for the publisher's site. I'll have more copies of my own to sell soon.

Christine - [< --- Order here!]
Thursday, August 29, 2002 11:04:52 PM

Gabriel> Very interesting link about Ashcroft and the article. :)

Just thought I'd pop in and say hi ... before I disappear for the weekend (going to go visit my parents) and before I finish up my pre-lab report tonight about ... **giggles** "Hardness" ...

Yes, I'm immature and thinking dirty tonight ... I love engineering!!! :)

Josh> Congrats on the intern of the year thing!!! That is so cool. ;)

Patrick> <<we named our Concrete Canoe entry "Rigid Member">> **laughs hard** oh, that's priceless!!! That's so funny ... ;) Not quite as funny, but last spring, some friends of mine did their senior design project, and it was a Baja-style off-road buggy thing ... and they named their group "Mach .04 Racing," which sounds cool to everyone ... but apparently if you work it out, it's really just equivalent to the car's top speed of about 30 mph. :)

Coyote> **snuggles** :)

Thursday, August 29, 2002 09:35:44 PM

Now don't I feel sheepish :)
Gabriel "gaygoyle" - [<---- the validity of the Ashcroft article]
Thursday, August 29, 2002 08:56:43 PM

Lynati's got the right idea. Rather than come up with this massive catch-up post, I'll just pop in now to say a few quick things.

Yes, I am still alive. Yes, I do miss you guys (those that still remember when I use to post a bit more regularly here), and yes I am trying to fix that. I had a wonderful time at the Gathering last June, was preparing a report, and then I lost it along with almost everything else when my hard drive crashed, burned, and broke. It is no more. It has ceased to be. Actually, what's interesting is that it broke during a blood moon so I blame that as the cause *grins*.

And coupled with working an obscene amount of time this summer, I wasn't able to get everything back up until a few days ago. I only recently finished playing catchup with my e-mail.

But... I am still around, and once I get DSL installed in my apartment I'll be around even more, hopefully with a little story about the Gathering, how cool it was, and how much fun I had with all of you *grins*. See you around,


Emambu - []
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Thursday, August 29, 2002 04:06:16 PM

lain> LJ = live journal

Thursday, August 29, 2002 04:04:36 PM

*slips in*

You know, after all the recent comments about Sluggites in the fandom, after today's comic I can't help but wonder if there *is* a connection between gargs and sluggy, or if Pete Abrams was ever a Gargie fan...


Thursday, August 29, 2002 02:55:09 PM

*makes a meowy cat-hiss noise in the general direction of gabe and josh*

josh>> <<Which is probably what you should have done with the cat>> yeah.. but then i would have missed out on all the entertainment of him fetching little crinkle balls, wagging his tail when hes happy, his farting, and his wall-running-into antics..

mooncat>> <<awww... poor bitty bat! Have you tried to type it yet? Is it a fruit or insect eating bat?>> didnt i say it was a little brown bat? that was refering to species, not just colour. little brown bats eat insects. << feel so bad for the little guy. =(>> me too :(

oh.. josh.. my dream house is 7 years old, and located on 2.25 acres of mountain. dunno how big the house is foot-wise.. but its pretty big. walls are mostly window, looking out on a glacer lake. it has an observatory. i know the guy who built it, he was my mothers best friend and i have his art on my wall.

gunjack>> << hopefully, I can actually explain why I
disagree WITHOUT being an arrogant prick>> goodboy :) <<so dickering over genders of the Almighty always seemed a little silly to me>> yeah.. kinda.. <<If the former is true, then I don't see how there can be a basis for any form of morality and ethics>> have you not read that article i gave you yet? <<What about the man who believes that it is morally wrong to allow anything to interfere with his desires, and so rapes and murders when the urge takes him?>> that guy.. is a freak. all life that has a BRAIN thinks hes a freak so.. <<Osama Bin Laden and I, on the other hand, believe that some killing is justified, or even rightous>> .. i dont think i need to respond to that... :P << it seems that you can only get all the religions to reconcile by ignoring what they actually say>> sorry for being a smartarse but.. dont they do that anyways?? <<Yeah, Yeah You make me come Yeah, Yeah You make me complete Yeah, yeah you make me completely miserable...>> are you trying to tell me something? o.O <<I'm gonna go back to being a consumer whore now>> and how!

DPH>> <<Doesn't love include letting go? If so, why doesn't he love me?>> well, y'know.. some people are just JERKS :P glad you feel better, though. im tellin ya.. get him a vasectomy. everything will be aaaall good...

crzy>> <<Cut and paste conversations in your LJ>> whats an "LJ"? im missing out on this piece of lingo..

bronx>> <<Has anyone had to share a room with 2 other ppl before? Id love comments and feedback about the do's and dont's ect>> nope.. ones DEFINATELY enough for me.. and, even if you have an apartment, sometimes life is hell anyways *coughcoughkathycoughcough* yeah, good advice from vash.

now off to sell my textbooks. i paid 200$ for them.. and most of them are gonna be bought back for 1.13$. isnt that the BIGGEST RIP OFF OF ALL TIME!?!?!?! gah.. :P *strangles university* however, ONE of the textbooks is going for 9.50$ wow. hold me back. :P

Thursday, August 29, 2002 02:39:06 PM

Mooncat: <<What kind of beading do you do? I was interestedin doing some for my custom dolls, except I am so behind on so many things>> I know the feeling. ::eyes stack of stuff that really SHOULD be finished for the next show:: I do all sorts of things, since I'm hoping to do this professionally in a year or two - I can ramble on for pages, but I'll spare you my obsession. :-) Mostly they break down into simple chokers to pay the grocery bills, and amulet pouches (itty-bitty purses to wear as a necklace) to feed my ego. <g>

Revel: <<"Never watch all 23 episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion and then drive by yourself for 11 hours.">> Sorta like my first encounter with Neil Gaiman's stuff? I read the first three paperbacks in an afternoon while heavily medicated with a fever...this will do Weird Things to your head. :-)

Gside: <<With any luck Wilek should be around to collect your sanity. >> Well, if he can FIND it, he's welcome to it...


Foxfire - []
Columbia, SC, USA
Thursday, August 29, 2002 02:25:47 PM

Gabriel: You are absolutely right. I'll drop it.
Thursday, August 29, 2002 01:57:14 PM

Dinner was good. We were at this place in Kissimmee that served mainly beef and seafood. They also served alligator tail. So we ordered some for appetizer. Yup Spacebabie got her self some tail!!! The boy just had to order the most expensive thing on the menu. I ordered the cheapest and smallest cause of my weak tummy. NY strip steak, Well done. Now that was a good steak.

And now for something funny.

New Definitions
TRAFFIC LIGHT -- apparatus that automatically turns red when your car
DIVORCE -- postgraduate in School of Love.
PIONEER -- early American who was lucky enough to find his way out of the
PEOPLE -- some make things happen, some watch things happen, and the
majority has no idea what's happened.
SWIMMING POOL -- a mob of people with water in it.
SELF-CONTROL -- the ability to eat only one peanut.
SALESMAN -- man with ability to convince wife she'd look fat in mink.
CANNIBAL -- person who likes to see other people stewed.
EGOCENTRIC -- a person who believes he is everything you know you are.
FOREIGN FILM -- any movie shown in a Texas theater that isn't a western.
OPTIMIST -- girl who regards a bulge as a curve.
MAGAZINE -- bunch of printed pages that tell you what's coming in the next
COLLEGE: The four-year period when parents are permitted access to the
EMERGENCY NUMBERS: Police station, fire department and places that deliver.
OPERA: When a guy gets stabbed in the back and instead of bleeding he sings.
BUFFET: A French word that means "Get up and get it yourself."
BABY-SITTER: A teen-ager who must behave like an adult so that the adults
who are out can behave like teen-agers.
TATTOO: Permanent proof of temporary insanity.

Gunjack<<<Now I'm just smashed on Lit>>>Here is a funny story for ya. My brother was watching HBO the other day. First he watched Titan AE and then The Replacements. Both movies featured a song by Lit.

Gside<<<Is it at least not angry?>>>Oh definitely not angry<<<Never! For I might lose my cosmic powers. >>>And they are?<<<That shall be filed away for later use.>>>I knew you would<<<Do you have the accompanying garter?>>>Alas I do not. I do have my own garter EG

Josh<<<My first wood design class was today>>>Oh boy Shop!<<<design, there's too much talk of wood, members, and erecting things.>>>I bet this will be as much fun as fluids.<<<Do you often find interesting things in your box?>>>Sometimes, at other it is just annoying Spam.<<<Not MY swiss army knife! >>>filing your nails?<<<Mom kills the spiders>>>With a hammer?<<<Possibly, but there's no way Sefton could be his mother. This is 2169. She'd be nearly 180.>>>If she is his mother that would make Nick a quarter fey. HE can live for a long time like Alex.<<<So what's stopping you from putting it here?>>>This isn’t the ADULT cr<<<I told them having another kid was a bad idea.>>>I thought I was going to get another sister. We even had a name picked out. Calling him Monique pisses him off.

Lain>>> I’m sorry too hear about the bat. It seems you have bad luck with animals.

Revel<<<"Never watch all 23 episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion and then drive by yourself for 11 hours." >>> I believe I actually got to hear those words out of your mouth.

Christine<<<there were Jericho Fan Club t-shirts for sale at a previous Gathering; I've got one ; ) >>>Hope there will be more soon…as well as naughty Jericho prints at the other con.

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Thursday, August 29, 2002 10:27:48 AM

Josh>> <<Absolutely, which is why people who say that are stupid.>> <<Why do I think she's not gonna listen.>> <<Are you living with a 5 year old???>>

Why can't you learn to drop something and leave people alone? Is this a hard concept for you to grasp? You know, you can just NOT READ IT if you don't want to.
Gabriel "gaygoyle"
Thursday, August 29, 2002 09:22:53 AM

Short day today, just one class at 9AM. And a bunch of new people are going to enroll in the rock mechanics class, so that won't get cancelled hopefully. Tomorrow should be a long day...930 to 5 classes. Yuck.

I tried twice to install Windows 2000 under virtual PC and then install service pack three. Third time's a charm, right? Ugh. What a hassle. Gave me some error about the opening interface not coming up because some dll wasn't working. It rocked at work; too bad I don't have an IT department.

I got the official email from GE: not only are they paying flight and lodging for this trip to NY, but they're also paying for a limo to take me from the airport to the hotel. Sweet! I love being intern of the year.


Gunjack: <<No, you pervs, not like THAT>>: Yes it is. And you don't set variables. You use ==. <<By that logic, aren't Jesus (Christianity), Hitler(Naziism/Christian Rascism), Ghandi (Hinduism?), and Stalin (Communism) all equal?>>: Absolutely, which is why people who say that are stupid. <<And God can't make a rock that he can't lift>>: Or can't he?

CrzyDemona:<<HEY! I got an idea... keep your spam to yourself!>>: That's a great idea. Why do I think she's not gonna listen.

Lain: Are you living with a 5 year old? <<so i phoned animal care and control>>: Which is probably what you should have done with the cat.

Patrick Toman: << face off in a bid war with Mooncat, or be assured of being able to pay my utility bills and buy groceries next month>>: What about the great engineering salary you're making? <<makes note to self to set aside next year's tax refund>>: I'm doing the same thing. Setting it aside right into my retirement fund. Woohoo! <<Now you know why there are so many male engineers>>: Actually I think its because we're better at math and science. Or we're willing to do the work and have more trouble becoming trophy spouses. <<we named our Concrete Canoe entry "Rigid Member">>: HAHAH! <<to simply lounge about on what is to them a non-holiday would be giving in to the Dark Side>>: No one ever said a jedi had to work every day. Maybe it has some other significance.

Mooncat: <<if you're young and fit and have 20 mil to spare, what kewler thing than to go into space>>: I'd rather just live off the interest. And stop working for those tools in the record industry and form my own label. <<If he is clean cut enough not to blow his cash on drugs and expensive women>>: I agree. This is one roll model that hasn't become totally devoid of moral value. <<What I could do with that kind of money>>: I hope you'd be smart enough to just live off the interest. You could probably swing 3-4% nowadays, that's almost a million dollars a year. That buys a lot of cells, it just buys them more slowly. And still leaves plenty of money for sushi, which is very important ;-) <<Wonder if Disney would license out Gargoyles >>: For 20 million they probably would.

Foxfire: Welcome. Always looking for legal-age mature females.

Revel: <<maybe I should start selling blood instead of just giving it away>>: Sounds good. But if you were jewish you then you could get $45/sample of sperm 8-) At least in Berkeley.

Gside: <<It helps to be able to kill your roomies occaisonally.>>: And yell at them informing them that they suck! Very therapeutic. <<Depends on if you want an enema>>: Why would you? <<it's also nice to have an occaisonal surprise.>>: I hate surprises. <<Constantly>>: HAHA.

God shows up, you let me know. I'll trust my PhD's.
Tom Sizemore, Red Planet

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Thursday, August 29, 2002 01:33:42 AM

Bronx> <<if you think of more keep postin>>: Just though of another. Find some fighting game (Smash Bros. and Capcom variations reccommended). It helps to be able to kill your roomies occaisonally.

Imzadi> <<The latter is better>>: Depends on if you want an enema.
<<Sounds heavenly>>: Just shy, since it was light on grease.
<<I think that's a myth>>: Maybe, but then it's also nice to have an occaisonal surprise.
<<How can you not have time for a catholic schoolgirl?>>: I do, just not to type.
<<And made fun of repeatedly>>: With any luck.

Gunjack> <<SET_JERK: OFF>>: Constantly.
<<No, you pervs, not like THAT>>: Even so.
<<Y'know what? I just might. Later>>: Of course later. Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today.

Welcome Foxfire. With any luck Wilek should be around to collect your sanity.

And the new mp3 has the same melody as the last one, but it's a filk, by the king of filks no less. Jerry Springer, no less. And I do have an AMV to go with it, featuring Sailor Moon (and Jerry Springer) footage. So very wrong.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 11:45:55 PM

Mooncat > there were Jericho Fan Club t-shirts for sale at a previous Gathering; I've got one ; )

Book news > got the contract for Black Roses (print version) today. Missed out on the Road Stories antho but had a nice e-mail conversation with the editor, who will keep me in mind for future projects.

Yay! No strike for Everett schools! The first day will be next Wednesday, the 4th.

Christine - []
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 09:25:42 PM

:: pops in for a quick announcement ::

Angela uses desperate measures while Elisa deals with the fallout of Captain Chavez's discovery. A revelation from Cleveland sheds new light on the investigation, and just how far will Brooklyn go to learn Ptah's secret?

Presenting the latest installment in the Madame Destine ficverse: "Home is a Dark Place, Part 4" - now online at a Gargoyles fanfic archive near you.

Yes, Mooncat... the wait is now over. ;)

:: vanishes in a flash of light ::

Madame Destine
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 08:31:40 PM

So far the first week has been nothing but a spending spree. Books, book, and I have not even bought any stuff for my canvas class yet. That will cost. Too bad, maybe I should start selling blood instead of just giving it away. Probably not.

I showed the plushy Cthulu to a few friends, now they all want one because they all think it is cute. I thought it was just plain funny.

Aaron- I sometimes feel like my life is the same as Dave from College Roomies from Hell. We have a lot in common if nothing else. :P
Don't forget to e-mail or get Mara to e-mail me the directions coming from I-35 North. Thanks.

TD- We have a lot of Art this season, because we all love pictures ^_^

"Never watch all 23 episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion and then drive by yourself for 11 hours."

-My own advice from experience-


Revel - []
denton, tx
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 08:23:51 PM

Lain -- awww... poor bitty bat! Have you tried to type it yet? Is it a fruit or insect eating bat? I feel so bad for the little guy. =(

Foxfire -- welcome! What kind of beading do you do? I was interestedin doing some for my custom dolls, except I am so behind on so many things. You sound fun. Nice to "meet" you. =) Reading, writing, yup! You'll fit in really well here *^_~*

Heather -- Italy? Jealous!!! I would love to visit Italy sometime =) so much history. My SCA persona was Italian, and I did a lot of research... well for 13th century Italy anyways. Sigh... Now I'm craving a little Italian food, mmm... Some salad with a little feta cheese and black olives... =)

okay, back to the writing

Wednesday, August 28, 2002 04:30:01 PM

Lain> Awwwwwww. I'm glad it is still alive though. We need those cute little critters. :D

Gargoyles Cels? Awwwwwwwwwwww. Me want, but probably too expensive for my blood now. Got to pay for the Italy trip, Christmas in San Antonio, my Senior photos... *grumbles* I need a job... But McDonalds? NOOOOoooo.

Heather - []
Warner Robins, Georgia, USA
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 04:02:49 PM

found a bat last night. i think its a little brown bat. very small, little teeny eyeballs and nose. smaller than my baby rat is, now. a bunch of idiots were kicking it around for fun :(

i trapped it in a paper bag and put it in a cardboard box. got one broken wing and a hole in the other, at the very least. it was bleeding a bit, too. i was so sad. how can people be so mean?

anyways, i didnt touch it of course. bats are known carriers of rabies and all that. its really a sweet little thing. opens its mouth and pants like dogs do when theyre in pain :( must be scared to death. i was half expecting it to die in the night but its still alive and scrabbling around the box.

so i phoned animal care and control.. theyre coming to pick it up, hopefully within the hour. probably they will euthenize it but.. thats better than being played with like a hackey-sack till you die :( poor batty.

thats about all the exciting news. i aint touchin anythin to do with phire_kat with a 10 foot pole in here :P

Wednesday, August 28, 2002 03:24:47 PM

Howdy all,
Good to be back, good to see Timedancer back up and running. Haven't seen many reviews so I think I'll post one of my own.

<<Warning Possible Spoilers>> <<Warning Possible Spoilers>>
Timedancer: Solstice

The Tagline - In the future, life is sweet so lets party

The Plotline - This episode is an expansion of a flashback from "Requiem" from Timedancer Season 1. We see more of the other characters; like Benedict, Nicholas Hawkins and Samson, but no dramatic tension.

The Criticline - I see the episode as an establishing shot more than a story. With no conflict or crisis, I didn't feel involved. Samson's teen angst stands out as does Dr. Payne's neutrality, but neither made me care more or less about what happens to them. One thing that did surprise me was the lack of description. Rereading the bit in "Requiem" there was a lot of description packed into the flahsback. There was less description to go on here, less to paint a mental picture for the event to take place.

On a purely speculation bent, separate from episode, I hope the Demona/Benedict romance gets some traction. Sure they make a cute couple, but Benedict is totally whipped. I hope he has more to offer than lapdoggish devotion and she has more to offer than good looks and a bad attitude. From the way Demona talked about him in "Requiem" this was a transforming love on par with the way Angela's love changed her. But only time and future episodes will tell on that issue.

That's the end of the line
<<End of Spoilers>> <<End of Spoilers>>

I'll post a review on the season premier by Friday. Until then, toddles.

Taleweaver - []
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 03:00:18 PM

Hi all! Long-time lurker here, cautiously un-lurking...Hope I'm a) doing it right and b) not using a color/picture that will upset anybod. I figure now that Timedancer's back in production, there's less chance of me making an idiot of myself by asking "when's it starting?" :-) A bit about me - I'm 27, female, and got interested in Gargoyles through Christine Morgan's stories. Still haven't seen all the episodes, due to my VCR's stubborn belief that Toon Disney doesn't exist. Other than that - well, I read, bead, game, and write, in approximately that order. :-)


Foxfire - []
Columbia, SC, USA
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 02:11:57 PM

Thanks Crzy, Pat =) I'm still in after glow over getting my Demona cels. Oooh, Jen, I still like your cel better! Demona has a lot more attitude in her face... sigh. Pat, let me know when you get your Tax refund, I could be talked into parting with the Goliath & Demona cel at a later date. I want to study it firts, because it's a great shot of profile and wings, so I'll want to make sketches at home first, before letting it out into the wild. *^_~*

I'm not greedy. I just really wanted at least one good Demona cel of my very own. Now I'm out on the Hunt for decent Fox, Delilah, Angela, Elisa, and Robin cels.

Ohhhh... I think they'd be even harder to find. *sighs* Well, everyone but Elisa. *shakes fist at Disney* Where are all the cels???

Why are there so few Gargoyle cels available? The show's fairly recent, and it's Disney! There should be oodles and oodles of cels out there. *wonders where Disney is stashing them all*

Oh, Question for Jen!!! Were you the one who brought Isobel's fan cels to the Gathering? I am not sure but I thought I heard you talking about them in the art room. Does Isobel have a web page or anything? I wouldn't mind commissioning some fan cels from her of various characters or shots. I might have a few friends interested in similar too.

If you have any info, could you pass it along? I'd appreciate it greatly!

Nice Link! I want a Jezebella shirt! =)

You should talk to Christine and think about some Jericho and Godiva shirts.

Patrick - N'Sync N'Space... hey, if you're young and fit and have 20 mil to spare, what kewler thing than to go into space? If he is clean cut enough not to blow his cash on drugs and expensive women, I think he choose a great thing to waste his money on.

20 million... *sigh...* What I could do with that kind of money. The cels I could buy... heck, with 20 million, one could commission an actual animation episode! or two... what's the going price these days?

Wonder if Disney would license out Gargoyles if someone wanted to do a thirteen episode season, or even a 5 episode mini-series/direct to video movie. hmmm...

dream a little dream...

Well, to work. gah. Reality intrudes.


Wednesday, August 28, 2002 01:31:58 PM

Mooncat > Congrats on the cels!

Jen > Well, it came down to a choice for me... face off in a bid war with Mooncat, or be assured of being able to pay my utility bills and buy groceries next month. I'll get one eventually... :: makes note to self to set aside next year's tax refund ::

Josh > Now you know why there are so many male engineers. My junior year, we named our Concrete Canoe entry "Rigid Member". The name got some odd double-takes from the judges at the regional competition, too, as I recall.

Aussie Jedis > I expect that the devout will be recognized by their insistance on coming into work on Christmas Day, since to simply lounge about on what is to them a non-holiday would be giving in to the Dark Side.

And lastly for now... click my name for today's news item. My response to this one is simply "No! Say it isn't so!"

Patrick Toman
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 12:35:31 PM

Mooncat - WOO! Congrats! That close up is just a few frames off from the one I have. I'm sure Patrick is sad that he lost another opportunity to get a cel of Demona... but at least he can be comforted in the fact that the cels are going to a good home. :)

Vash - Very good advice!

Phire_Kat - Um... what the hell?? HEY! I got an idea... keep your spam to yourself! ... good grief. Cut and paste conversations in your LJ or something... not here.

Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 11:21:26 AM

*Hands PK a fire-retardent suit*

...Well, if there was ONE thing that could make me post today, this would be it. And hopefully, I can actually explain why I disagree WITHOUT being an arrogant prick. Hopefully.


...No, you pervs, not like THAT. Gah, but I can't take y'all ANYWHERE...

<<But isn't it more important just to have faith in something, no matter what it is?>> ...I hear this quite a lot. To be honest, I rather wish it were true, as moral relativism would make my life quite a lot easier.

Here's my problem with it, though. "No matter what it is" is a very, very broad statement. Basicly, it reduces spirituality to a question of how strong your commitment is. The more you believe in <x>, the better you are, yes? By that logic, aren't Jesus (Christianity), Hitler(Naziism/Christian Rascism), Ghandi (Hinduism?), and Stalin (Communism) all equal? They all believed in something with all their heart, didn't they? According to the arguement above, all four are going to heaven.

<<They had a woman portray God.>> ...And when someone explains to me why I should care, I'll start objecting. I refer to YHWH as "he" mostly because that's how he refers to himself in what I believe to be his word. On the other hand, he's GOD, a omnipotent being beyond our comprehension, so dickering over genders of the Almighty always seemed a little silly to me. I'm sure YHWH gets a little humor out of watching us yabber about it, though...

<<Jesus would have two mothers.>> ...And God can't make a rock that he can't lift. I hate literalists.

<<in turth thats what causes the problems people don't see that even in other rilgions some things are very much the same

<<...that a person BELEIVES in something greater than themselves...>> You slipped up a little bit here. There's a difference between "Having faith in anything, no matter what it is", and "believing in something greater than yourself". The first describes pretty much every human that ever lived, while the second is a little more exclusive, requiring you to believe in SOME form of God.

If the former is true, then I don't see how there can be a basis for any form of morality and ethics. What about the man who believes that it is morally wrong to allow anything to interfere with his desires, and so rapes and murders when the urge takes him?

"Justice has no real existence, it is the diety of every passion... So let us abandon our belief in this fiction, it no more exists than does the God of whom fools believe it the image; there is no God in this world, neither is there virtue, neither is there justice; there is nothing good, usefull, or nescessary, but our passions."
-Marquis de Sade

...That is a strong belief. If it really doesn't matter what you believe, so long as you truly believe it, then that line is as true as Jesus' calls for mercy, justice, and compassion. What do you think?

As for belief in something beyond ones' self, I think you're underestimating how much religions disagree. For example, Gabe and (arguably) Jesus Christ both say that killing is wrong, no matter if it's for a wallet or in a war. Osama Bin Laden and I, on the other hand, believe that some killing is justified, or even rightous. Is that a trivial question? There's lots of others like it. To me, it seems that you can only get all the religions to reconcile by ignoring what they actually say. I agree that there are many similarities between most of the "old" religions, but that's because they all have a grounding in common sense and the kind of wisdom you get by watching the world around you.

Anyway, that's enough for now. Tell me what you think? And are you going to write me that email we were talking about a few nights ago?

Cat><<um, phire_kat? was there a point to that?>> Well, *I* certianly thought so... *shrugs*

Bronx><<oh and yes, i am a girl ^_~>> A thousand appologies, sweet lady. Out of curiousity, did you actually get to CHOOSE these roommates, or were they luck of the draw? if the later, my advice is that i you don't find yourself bonding, be on the lookout for a new roomie, and don't be shy about switching rooms.

Gside><<Letting me know how badly I flubbed the transformation in my Opus?>> Y'know what? I just might. Later. :P

Th-Th-That's all, folks!

Wednesday, August 28, 2002 01:48:09 AM

Another quasi-first day. I call it that because I had all new classes today. My first wood design class was today. Between it and steel design, there's too much talk of wood, members, and erecting things. Tough to keep from laughing out loud. I also had my first structural analysis class. My teacher is hysterical. He's SOOOO loud and enthusiastic. Its quite impressive, but I think he scared some people in the class. Makes me want to call him "The Civil Nazi"...but he's Greek so it doesn't work. Then the engineering risk analysis, which I'll probably drop if rock mechanics doesn't get cancelled.

Jedi religion: How can they prove if they're lying to fine them? Just because someone believes in jedi principles doesn't mean they're telekinetic. "You don't really believe there is a mystical energy field surrounding all things, do you?" "Actually, yes, yes I do."

Spacebabie: <<Interesting thing in my e-mail box>>: Do you often find interesting things in your box? <<it spends most of it's time just opening bottles>>: Not MY swiss army knife! <<hasn't evolved much over the last 5,000 years but it's handy to have around and is good for killing spiders>>: In my house, Mom kills the spiders. <<because over time, the weight shifts to the bottom>>: HAHAHA! <<Nicholas Hawkins is Merlin’s son?>>: Possibly, but there's no way Sefton could be his mother. This is 2169. She'd be nearly 180. <<What about Nurse’s outfit? Or Catholic Schoolgirl?>>: The latter is better. <<My reply to this is better suited for the Adult CR>>: So what's stopping you from putting it here? <<Josh is the god of your crotch??>>: I don't want to be the god of his crotch. Ever notice no one asked the gods what they wanted to be patrons of? <<In class it was ten minutes. The bigger poem took 20 minutes to jot down and about five minutes to type>>: Wow, a 35 minute assignment. I hate you. <<They thought they could make duplicates of the original and superior copy>>: I told them having another kid was a bad idea. <<Unless he is in between my legs>>: It might suck then too. <<Get a step stool>>: And hope it doesn't tip over.

Mooncat: <<a link for Vulva puppets>>: Woohoo! <<I prefer to have them freely given anyways. Puppets that is>>: Uh huh, sure. I prefer puppets be sold. <<Rape Abuse Incest National Network>>: Sometimes I think they come up with the name first and then figure out an acronym. Because really, that's not in the right order.

Bronx: <<What better place to turn than your clan?>>: Family? <<Im living with 2 other girls>>: I am so sorry. One is tough for a month...2 for a year? ACK! <<Has anyone had to share a room with 2 other ppl before?>>: Just be good in the bathroom. Everyone appreciates it. When your roommate isn't behaving, yell at them. It'll be worse later. And don't borrow their razors and don't let them borrow yours. Split costs *fairly*. This is not the same as *evenly*. If you eat twice as much as your roommate or eat her food, then pay 2/3 of the grocery bill or pay for the food you take. If she refuses to do the same, then buy your own stuff and lock it up. Don't borrow stuff without asking.

Gabriel: <<I had to tell my roomate to lower his speakers cuz all he did was play counter-strike in his room all day really loud, and I had texts I had to read>>: I'd have done something really evil, like stolen his speakers.

Gunjack: <<I'm just smashed on Lit>>: I'm afraid I have to insist you develop a taste in music.

Gside: <<That's a $11.95 sandwich, the first bite of which is exactly the height of my fully open mouth>>: Sounds heavenly. <<if you can go once without, the next time will probably be even better>>: I think that's a myth. <<I didn't have time for all that>>: How can you not have time for a catholic schoolgirl? <<I might lose my cosmic powers>>: Sounds like a future episode of smallville. <<That shall be filed away for later use>>: And made fun of repeatedly ;-)

phire_kat: Look, you may not understand this, but posting spam and random chats with stupid people are NOT welcome here. Comprende?

You, fetch me the Wall Street Journal. You two, fight to the death.
-Stewey, "Family Guy"

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 01:46:06 AM

um, phire_kat? was there a point to that?

hey people. i've taken up reading this place regularly, not that i ever post. for those of you that don't know me (that would be *everyone*) i'm Mecord's wife. and Mec has gone back into the evil depths called school, so you might not hear from him for a while.

Wednesday, August 28, 2002 12:16:40 AM

: Ok.
John: Anyway, as long as the religion get the message straight. Jesus is the way to Heaven. Don't take him, you don't get there. See, the Jews have it wrong.
John: The Jewsish belief is, that Jesus is not the son of God.
John: Big mistake.
phire_kat: sighs but isn't it more important just to have faith in something no matter what it is?
phire_kat: have you ever ween the movie "dogma"?
John: That movie rocks.
phire_kat: the message at the end of movie was right about it doesn't matter what you beleive in just that you beleive
John: I have Bartleby's outfit, and I wear it in summertime.
John: A friend of mine has Loki's.
John: Winter^
John: I mean.
phire_kat: but did you understand what the movie was really trying to say tho?
John: Yeah.
John: I've seen it too many times.
John: lol
John: I own the Special Edition.
phire_kat: who ever the son of god was, wasn't and isn't the point of religion the point
phire_kat: would be having faith in something
phire_kat: yourself a higher power which ever it may be
John: It's just a movie, Adele. They had a woman portray God. The movie is extremely blasphemous, but it's still very good.
phire_kat: call it or them or He what you will but in the end it comes down to one simple thing
phire_kat: but you don't get it......."god" as you call Him could be more than just male female He/it/higher power could be anything and each race on this planet interprts it as they see fit
John: God can be anything he wants.
phire_kat: in turth thats what causes the problems people don't see that even in other rilgions some things are very much the same
phire_kat: that a person BELEIVES in something greater than themselves
phire_kat: thats all it really is
phire_kat: take out all the other things and each one could be conected
John: Of course, humans can believe in anything. God would like it if everyone believed in him, but that isn't the case. This is where free will comes in. God control humankind as a whole. Not one by one. God is male. It is proven. "He" "The Father" Everything.
John: Jesus would have two mothers.
John: wouldn't^
phire_kat: I studied world religions and I though it was silly how each one went one about it was the only one the right one...and it made me laugh in all honesty it still don't get it
John: Of course I get it.
phire_kat: its not what you call it or how you worship it it just is
phire_kat: there is no right religion or wrong one.....
phire_kat: some day I wonder whether others will see the conections and realize how silly they were
phire_kat: I am a wiccain did I tell you that and I beleive in all tho some are very silly and too strict I say yes there are others and each one is right for that person
John: Adele, just because you say, "There's is no right or wrong one." or this and that, doesn't mean you're right, and everyone else is wrong. Don't base it all on merit. You eyes can decieve you.
John: Remember that.
John: your&^
phire_kat: My eyes see what they see and what they see is a lot of "THIS IS RIGHT AND THAT IS WRONG" from people of strong religionus faiths
phire_kat: and its down right silly if you ask me....I beleibe in a higher power call it GOD, GODDESS OR BUDDA it doesn't matter to me it is all one in the same
John: Religion is not my strong suit, but in times of woe, I gotta go with what I know.
John: Can we talk about something else?
phire_kat: A higher power created us and in each religion there is a differnt veiw on how...
phire_kat: what woe?
John: It's just a quote I use.
John: No real meaning.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002 11:49:44 PM

thanks for the awesome advice so far guys! if you think of more keep postin..
oh and yes, i am a girl ^_~

Tuesday, August 27, 2002 11:47:19 PM

Rather busy day today. Made sure microscopes were working then off to drop my grandfather off at Newark Airport. From there into the city for Stage Deli corned beef sandwiches. That's a $11.95 sandwich, the first bite of which is exactly the height of my fully open mouth. Unfortunately, it's a bit less greasy than in the past, but still delightfully crumbly. After that, to New Brunswick to buy books. After returning home, it's off to play a concert.

Imzadi> <<Oh, quiet you>>: Never!
<<You mean they don't form gaggles?>>: Not any more.
<<What chick wouldn't?>>: I've heard rumors. And if you can go once without, the next time will probably be even better.

Spacebabie> <<What about Nurse�s outfit? Or Catholic Schoolgirl?>>: I didn't have time for all that, and it's also included in the whatnot.
<<My reply to this is better suited for the Adult CR>>: Is it at least not angry?
<<Josh is the god of your crotch?>>: One of them. There are many, myself foremost. Yes, that is recursive.
<<I think you better stop drinking the water there>>: Never! For I might lose my cosmic powers.
<<Unless he is in between my legs. When I have a pillow there I do not thrash>>: That shall be filed away for later use.
<<Once wielded by a dragon girl by the name of Filia>>: Do you have the accompanying garter?

Bronx> <<Has anyone had to share a room with 2 other ppl before?>>: Mostly, I'd say sleep is important, and quiet is negotiable.

Gunjack> <<trying to remember all the crap I was supposed to be doing today>>: Letting me know how badly I flubbed the transformation in my Opus?
<<You're a girl?>>: I think she dropped a couple clues before, arcane as they may have been.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 10:52:32 PM

Bronx> I had roommates all 4 years of college. Some issues you want to settle right away, and in a friendly and FAIR manner, are:

1) who gets what bed. Whoever gets there first usually gets to claim which one they want, so try to get there early. But if one spot is obviously better than another, try to compensate some other way to make it fair. My neighbors had to get split up because one of them slept under the window and got cold at night (she only found this out in the winter), and the other roommate didn't want to rearrange all the furniture.

2) Waking/Sleeping hours. If you're living in an apartment, this might not be as big a deal, but if you have nothing but one room to share, it's understandable if they want to stay in the room to study/use their comp/use the phone, etc., when you might prefer to have the lights out and be sleeping. Compare your class schedules and find out ahead of time what are going to be each other's 'bad days', and when you might need to be a little more understanding (and vice versa). It's also good to find out early on whether they're the more studious type, the type that sleeps in and skips lectures, or the type that has some obnoxious hobby that they stay indoors working on all day.

3) Try to get to know each other ahead of time, if at all possible. Usually their e-mail and phone number is made available to you. Also find out what they're bringing. You don't *all* need to bring along a mini-fridge, for example. Same goes for a tv, vcr, and other stuff that otherwise takes up room in a small space.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002 10:42:26 PM

I'm mad at the moron. Very mad. WHy? He wouldn't let set MY OWN SCHEDULE. I can't make any promises because he could come in and keep from fulfilling them. Yep, I'm mad at him. Very mad at him. He comes over and borrows the riding lawn mower to mow grass that ain't even up to my ankle height, wasting my gasoline. I feel like putting his poster on a wanted poster with the caption "dead or alive". Doesn't love include letting go? If so, why doesn't he love me? Fewer hours around him = better day; more hours around him = worse day. Why can't I keep and set my own schedule?

I repeat what I said earlier: I'm sorry if I offended by my last post.

*Feels bette because anger is gone*

Tuesday, August 27, 2002 10:22:57 PM


*dances around in giddy joy*

I got my DEMONA CEL!!!


One of Demona, full face, One of Demona and Goliath profile.

Mine!!! *kisses computer screen*

Sometimes I love eBay. The cels were put up by RAINN - the Rape Abuse Incest National Network - to raise funds for their internet service for helping those surviving rape, abuse, and/or incest. I don't begrudge a single penny, even though this is more than I've spent for any cels before in my life, even my Thundercats cels, because I know it's going to the best of all causes.

*collapses with silly grin on face*

Oh... yeah!!!


Tuesday, August 27, 2002 09:16:09 PM

Well, I was writing a post, but it got erased... two WEEKS ago. I think it had something to do with Kaiser rifles. Now I'm just smashed on Lit (the band, not the drug, if there is one), and trying to remember all the crap I was supposed to be doing today. Oh yeah, and enjoying the pop-click-pop-click-pop-click-pop-click-pop-click of a good USP magazine. I am also very, VERY tired. Sleep's probably an item on that list I can't remember....

Yeah, Yeah
You make me come
Yeah, Yeah
You make me complete
Yeah, yeah
You make me completely miserable...

If there were ever a day when I wish I could go to sleep and wake up tomorrow, this would be it.

Bronx - ... ....You're a girl?

Jedi Religion - Words fail me.

Saga of Plushie Cthulhu - Mmmm, finger lickin' good. I'm actually pretty suprised how much HP Lovecraft has NOTHING to do with Cthulhu... Oh, and thanks for the book, Gabe. I don't think Matt's actually even opened it yet, but I sure have...

...And that's all the posting I think I can actually do. I'm gonna go back to being a consumer whore now. BuBYE!

Gunjack "You Make Me Complete" Valentine
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 08:56:43 PM

Bronx> I've lived with three people before, so I might be of some advice. I shared a bathroom with a girl, and she hated the fact that my hair got everywhere (I shed :P), so if you shed, clean ALL the hair you leave behind in the shower, etc. Uhm, if you do something that irks your rommies, try to not do it so often; and if they make it known that something you do irks them, don't hesitate to apologize. It's better to settle thigns quickly than to let it drag.

The girl I shared a b-room with left because she got in a HUGE fight; it ended in stuff being thrown. Neither would let each other's petty feuds go. Each had to hold a grudge. The best advice I can offer is just to be laid back as much as possible.

And don't be afraid to tell your roomies if something they're doing is annoying the hell out of you. You won't last long if you don't communicate. I had to tell my roomate to lower his speakers cuz all he did was play counter-strike in his room all day really loud, and I had texts I had to read.

Can't really say much else since that's all i really did. Anyways, hope that helps :)
Gabriel "gaygoyle"
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 07:28:04 PM

Hi all!

Ive decided to de-lurk because Im in desperate need of advice.
What better place to turn than your clan?
Anyway, Im going to be a freshman at Central Connecticut. I leave on saturday and gonna be moving in already.
And... Im living with 2 other girls.
Im kinda scared because, well its 2 other girls in a small space to live in.
Has anyone had to share a room with 2 other ppl before? Id love comments and feedback about the do's and dont's ect.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002 06:36:41 PM

Though... If I did buy one, it would be Sif. That is so pretty.


Tuesday, August 27, 2002 04:44:51 PM

Patrick -- **chortles** heh... I think making Jedi an official religion would be keen. And Trekkie for that matter.

Thinking of plushy Cthulu dolls, I've found a link for Vulva puppets. Don't click if you are easily offended! It's a very pretty site, but the prices are far beyond my budget. I prefer to have them freely given anyways. Puppets that is. What? Get your minds out of the gutter! *^_^*

Tuesday, August 27, 2002 04:38:51 PM

Click my name for the weird news story of the day. All I can say about this one is "crikey!"
Patrick Toman
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 12:33:18 PM

Going to celebrate the boy's b-day a few days early. Well just the dinner thing.

Interesting thing in my e-mail box
From the Washington Post Style Invitational, in which it was postulated that
English has male and female nouns. Readers were asked to assign a gender to
nouns of their choice and explain their reasons.

The best submissions:

Detective Novel -- female (f)., because you're not supposed to peek at its
end the minute you pick it up.

Swiss Army Knife -- male (m)., because even though it appears useful for a
wide variety of work, it spends most of it's time just opening bottles.

Kidneys -- f., because they always go to the bathroom in pairs.

Penlight -- m., because it can be turned on very easily, but isn't very

Hammer -- m., because it hasn't evolved much over the last 5,000 years but
it's handy to have around and is good for killing spiders.

Tire -- m., because it goes bald and often is over-inflated.

Hot air balloon -- m., because to get it to go anywhere you have to light a
fire under it. And, of course, there's the hot air part.

Web page -- f., because it is always getting hit on.

Web page -- m., because you have to wait for it to reload.

Shoe -- m., because it is usually unpolished, with its tongue hanging out.

Copier -- f., because once turned off, it takes a while to warm up. Because
it is an effective reproductive device when the right buttons are pushed.
Because it can wreak havoc when the wrong buttons are pushed.

Magic 8 Ball -- m., because it gives monosyllabic answers that usually
indicate it did not pay attention to your question.

Ziploc bags -- m., because they hold everything in, but you can always see
right through them.

Sponges -- f., because they are soft and squeezable and retain water.

Critic -- f. What, this needs to be explained?

Subway -- m., because it uses the same old lines to pick up people.

Hourglass -- f., because over time, the weight shifts to the bottom.

Timedancer Spoilers**************************************************************
Payne is a hoot. I can see shy Robby loves him. Looking forward to the character developments of Samson and Angelica. Lemme guess Nicholas Hawkins is Merlin’s son? I wonder who the mother is… I hope it’s a certain she-wolf .
Spoilers End.

Gside<<<Maid outfit,>>>What about Nurse’s outfit? Or Catholic Schoolgirl?<<<At least once, depending on your definition. >>>My reply to this is better suited for the Adult CR <<<My crotch.>>> Josh is the god of your crotch??? I think you better stop drinking the water there.

Josh<<<What else would it do?>>>Add too much and you will burn your taste buds off.<<<This is an assignment? And this took, what, 10 minutes?>>In class it was ten minutes. The bigger poem took 20 minutes to jot down and about five minutes to type.<<<They like interest.>>>Not interested.<<<My mom got fixed after my little brother was born. I think they said "we don't want another one of those!" >>>They thought they could make duplicates of the original and superior copy.<<<Old people smell funny.>>>The old people are in Miami and West Palm Beach where they can’t vote for #$%^. Here its theme parks, boy bands, Lots of young people((Thanks to the community colleges and UCF)) and citrus.<<<Sucks to be the guy next to you.>>> Unless he is in between my legs. When I have a pillow there I do not thrash.<<<I'm not tall enough to !@#$ on a pinball table.>>>Get a step stool.

Christine<<<unless I ever have occasion to go in January or something.>>>Our rainy season ends in November and that is when the humidity dissipates. I was hoping you would come down again since Becca is bigger now and she could probably go on the Spider man ride at IOA

Mandolin>>>Sledgehammer? Naw take this :::Hands her a large spiked mace.::: Once wielded by a dragon girl by the name of Filia.

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 10:45:45 AM

**comes in with a sledgehammer and muttering under her breath**

Anyone seen the writers of Witchblade in the vicinity? 'Cause if the season finale ended the way I think it did, I need to HURT THEM. (Just for the ending, the rest was good.)

Anyway, getting to the point of this post.

SJ, Wolfram Bane, Coyote, and Cyrway: Yahoo! Groups has been choking on the e-mails you have subscribed to the TGS staff mailing lists, and none of my reactivation requests have worked. If you've got another e-mail account that won't bounce on the list, e-mail me and let me know.

Now if you'll all excuse me, I have some hunting to do. **picks up the sledgehammer and heads out**

Mandolin - []
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 09:22:14 AM

First day of classes today. Steel design looks interesting, and its nice to have a computer-savvy prof who will keep a website and keep it current. On the downside, yet ANOTHER of my civil engineering classes may be cancelled (this would be the third), leaving me short of units. I may have to crash another course. Oh well.

Even had some time to update my website tonight, which was very nice.

Fire Storm: <<Nothing good comes out of Canada>>: Except for Hockey, which is a good way to watch grown men beat the crap out of each other.

Ravyn: <<it is *wonderful* not having to work between classes!>>: Perhaps, but I'm looking forward to working 8 hours and going home rather than the school schedule.

Patrick: <<Kate Mulgrew held a mini Star Trek con to raise funds for her husband Tim Hagan's bid for governor>>: that's awesome! At least we know she's bright. If he screws up then at least she can pull the strings reliably. <<I probably wouldn't even ask about "Voyager.">>: You mean you'd never ask her why Captain Janeway didn't order a Torres/7-of-9/Kez three way?

DPH: <<It takes more than 30 minutes for anyone to comment about the new story being released>>: Screw you! They take a while to read! And then I have to eat dinner. <<I would expect immediate responses for when a new story would be released>>: If we could read 30 ppm we might.

Gside: <<Or an extraneous one from an alternate phrasing>>: Oh, quiet you. <<there can also be soecieties of freaks>>: You mean they don't form gaggles? <<maybe you just don't want a tentacle beast that night>>: What chick wouldn't?

I'm not really a ho.
-Unknown girl

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 02:03:22 AM

Read Timedancer. Another good production.

Imzadi> <<Missing a word or two>>: Or an extraneous one from an alternate phrasing.
<<What else would it do?>>: Punch.
<<No, they're freaks>>: Ture, but there can also be soecieties of freaks.
<<Don't most tentacle beasts provide their own lube?>>: Yes, but these are all options. The tentacle beast would work fine on its own, but if something else is going on, you might want the lube. Or maybe you just don't want a tentacle beast that night.

DPH> <<It takes more than 30 minutes for anyone to comment about the new story being released>>: You must give us time to read. And besides, quite a few people only post at certain times.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 12:59:47 AM

I can only wonder what Lovecraft would have to say about the "plush Cthulhu" business if he knew about it. Not to mention the "Pokethulhu" business (I did look it up on the Internet after Christine mentioned it, and it does indeed look pretty bizarre; next thing you know, some enterprising fan of the game is likely to try writing episodes of the "cartoon" that the game is supposedly "based upon").

(I wonder if I'm going to regret that last particular remark....)

Minor note about "Solstice" (today's new TGS episode): the "additional material" that I wrote for it (cf. the byline) involved the brief scene where Angelica shows up. (I have since discovered, to my astonishment, that the name "Angelica" was briefly given to Demona in early drafts of "Awakening" - it's there at "Ask Greg").

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 12:08:01 AM

I'm sorry if I offended by my last post.
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 12:00:46 AM

Now, I am getting disappointed. It takes more than 30 minutes for anyone to comment about the new story being released. After weeks of people nagging about when Timedancer season 4 would premiere, I would expect immediate responses for when a new story would be released, especially when you know when the story is expected to be released. Wait, don't tell me you guys think TGS will stop releasing stories mid-season?

Fire Storm - <Hey, check my link! It looks like lady Titania is looking to be the first lady of the govenor of Ohio!> Interesting.

I've reading up on Joey Skaggs, a true role model for the hoaxes he has done. Let Puck serve Joey Skaggs for one night and see the chaos that erupts.

Monday, August 26, 2002 11:47:59 PM

Mooncat > we have a small collection of plush Cthulhus on top of the headboard, along with the small collection of stuffed gargoyles. Weird, but that's us ; ) And yes, we've got Pokethulu around. Tim has been teaching Becca to play it.

Watching the History Channel documentary on Greek mythology. It's my turn to scoff and snipe and criticize, which is usually Tim's role when watching the History Channel. But so much for lofty educational material ... it's almost time for Fear Factor!

Christine - []
Monday, August 26, 2002 10:47:31 PM

Fire Storm > Darn you... I was gonna post a link to that article! :P

Yep, Kate Mulgrew held a mini Star Trek con to raise funds for her husband Tim Hagan's bid for governor. Last week when the advance story was running in the paper here, she was promising that the ENTIRE cast of "Voyager" would be there. Only about half actually showed up, though. So I guess Titania's losing her touch. :P
It might have been fun to attend if the price of admission wasn't almost $300. But I guess when your campaign budget is $7 million behind your opponents, you've gotta start marking things up.

If at some future Trek con I ever get a chance to ask Kate Mulgrew a question in a Q&A, I probably wouldn't even ask about "Voyager." I'd ask about her experience on "Gargoyles," and if there was time I might also ask what it was like working with Billy Crystal and Danny Devito in "Throw Momma from the Train." Just to be obscure. ;)

To everyone starting back to school... I offer a warm "Good luck in your coming academic year!" along with a Nelson Muntz "Ha-ha!" on behalf of those of us who no longer get summer vacations. For those of you who do shall join the rest of us soon enough. ;)

And finally for tonight... :: lowers voice :: Pst... there's a new Madame Destine fanfic coming very soon. Pass it on. >:)

Patrick Toman
Cleveland, Ohio
Monday, August 26, 2002 10:32:04 PM

Hey, all!

Just wanted to check in real fast ... I started my first day of fall classes today! Ick! Well, seriously, I guess they weren't too bad ... we didn't do a whole lot today other than introduce instructors and go over the syllabus in each of my classes. Oh, well! ;) I'm still scared that some of my classes will be rough, but let me tell you, it is *wonderful* not having to work between classes!!! :) I don't miss my old job a bit, and I'm starting to really enjoy having time to do things.

FS> Hey!! :) How's the house situation? Say hi to LM for me! :)

Coyote> **huggles tightly** Miss you, sweetie ... ;)

Gotta run!

Monday, August 26, 2002 10:06:00 PM

In both "Hazards" and "In the Blood" there are references to a gargoyle attack on the pub where the genetically engineered halflings hang out so where can I find the episode where the attack actually happened?
Apsu of Sweet Waters
Monday, August 26, 2002 05:53:30 PM

Just goes to show you...

Nothing good comes out of Canada!

*Duck and cover!*

Fire Storm
Monday, August 26, 2002 04:24:12 PM

I didn't know Shatner was Canadian. *blinks*


Monday, August 26, 2002 03:33:43 PM

Hey, check my link! It looks like lady Titania is looking to be the first lady of the govenor of Ohio!
Fire Storm - [<--- WARNING! Politics inside!]
Monday, August 26, 2002 01:57:10 PM

Christine -- CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! I have seen plush Cthulhu for years at conventions, but didn't pick one up for fear my army of cute and plushy would revolt. Besides, they are waiting for their dread master Bun Bun and his minion KiKi to come someday, and the power struggle would be far to great to be borne. eh yup... But it's good to know the *other* mighty one is plush and well.

Have you seen the poke'thulu game? =)


Monday, August 26, 2002 12:36:41 PM

Clickie for the saga of Plush Cthulhu ; ) He's so cuuuute!
Christine - [<---- cute!]
Monday, August 26, 2002 10:59:56 AM

Last day of vacation. I'll miss it. Though I am looking forward to school as well.

No other news, really. There's a strike starting tomorrow so it should offer some entertainment value. My first two classes shouldn't be bad either.


Nice story. Very short. I'd like to see more character development on Samson and his relation with his siblings.

Seeing the beginning of Demona's last(?) relationship was interested, and I look forward to seeing that develop.


Heather: <<Can you do act this to people?>>: Missing a word or two. <<Why you act like an arschloch?>>: Missing another word. <<Hope people know German>>: Silence scheisskopf. And I don't need your permission to be a bastard to someone who's spamming the room.

Christine: <<a kid tried to climb out>>: HAHA. I hope that kid was killed. Some natural selection at work.

Lain: <<you cant be a "gold digger" if theres nothin to dig for ;) otherwise im just an idiot digging a hole>>: True. Well, you could look at it as an investment.

Alesia: You can stop that anytime. No one cares.

Jan: <<I look forward to you making a "real" post in the future>>: No you don't. Cuz it ain't happening.

Spacebabie: <<The chili powder adds a bit of a kick>>: What else would it do? <<had to take an object in class and write a poem on how it is received by the five senses>>: This is an assignment? And this took, what, 10 minutes? <<a romantic scene at the water park.>>: Hopefully they don't swallow too much chlorinated water. <<I need to make my own money before I can get my own plastic>>: Actually they often give poor people credit cards. They like interest. <<I don’t think I want a dream analysis from a lawyer in training. That is like going to a srhink for legal advice>>: I was going to say its like the fox watching the hen house. "Your dream means you should get a divorce and hire me as your lawyer!" <<Whips, oils, candles, chains…leather?>>: Sure. <<My dad got a vasectomy after the boy was born>>: My mom got fixed after my little brother was born. I think they said "we don't want another one of those!" <<it is so obvious you have never been to Orlando before>>: Old people smell funny. <<my legs thrash when I sleep>>: Sucks to be the guy next to you. <<Do you speak from experience>>: I'm not tall enough to !@#$ on a pinball table. <<of what?>>: Everything. <<Male bitches mmm good>>: "Bitches, Come!"

Warpmind: <<I need a place that's no mroe than, oh, 400-450$ per month>>: Oh if only I could find such a place in this state.

DPH: <<What is the REAL meaning of that quote?>>: We had quizzes in Math 54 every week, graded 0, 5, or 10. (two problems). Zero if you didn't show up, 5 if you got one problem right, 10 if you got both right. No partial credit (which makes me wonder why it wasn't just 0,1,2). Anyway, we got nervous because 50% is a failing grade in most classes, but the GSI didn't want us to look at it like that. Weird. <<become a ___________>>: !@#$ ?

Jim R: <<Got the student discount: $78.41>>: I get it for free because I'm a student developer ($100/year). <<Jaguar took about 3 times longer to install than 10.1 did>>: Yeah it did. Took a while on my iBook too. <<ATI TV-out error after loading the desktop>>: I got that too! On both machines! I thought it was because I installed the ATI drivers for my second video card, but I guess not. <<thank the heavens they fixed the Finder bugs and bought spring-loaded folders back>>: Yeah. I hate those finder bugs. Nice having them repaired. Of course, I had two friends working at Apple this summer and I submitted lots of bugs through them. <<Apple said his iBook's serial number didn't qualify and it might be a fluke in the system, try the website>>: Well what happened is that the iBook was sitting in maczone's warehouse since before that offer was made, so it didn't qualify. <<He gets his email from...Hotmail>>: What kind of mac user is he? <<There were rumors Apple would use the same licensing operation M$ does with XP>>: Nope.

Gside: <<Groups of people on the internet are no longer societies, but soeciety>>: No, they're freaks. <<While it's me of whom they should be scared>>: Very true. <<If they do get the chance, they tend to be the ones who will do so continuously>>: Looks like Darwin was wrong. <<lube, tentacle beast>>: Don't most tentacle beasts provide their own lube?

I'm not stoned, I've just drunk myself to retardedness.

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Monday, August 26, 2002 02:45:44 AM

nope I'm back, sorry to bug "ya'll" again but I like reading the stuff ya chat about and well I still wanna be a write for tgs too but gah I have so much reading to do first off :D but so far what I've read is really good...I've been reading the timedance stuff I've only gotten to the ...uh fifth episode first season...BUT I love it so far its great! yeah so I wanna be a writer for tgs at some day and maybe even try some art tho I don't think I'm good enough for that :P oh well I guess I could try...need to learn how to garg feetsies tho. TTYL BYE

Monday, August 26, 2002 01:35:42 AM

DPH<Season 4> OH MY GOD!!!!!!

Spacebabie- Making a habbit out of talking about Shakira? No but it could become a way of life. Trust me I know a lot of people in my Barracks who do it quite well. ;P

Speaking of barracks (above) for some reason we have no hot water. Why? Who knows, personally I think someone stole all of it.

Christine- True but lets complain about it anyway. Just for fun.

Well gonna read the new season

Jaden - []
Monday, August 26, 2002 12:36:45 AM

*DPH flips a switch and holographic fireworks start being launched in the CR. DPH flips another switch and a holographic parade starts going through the CR.*

TGS presents a Timedancer Season 4 story:


Written by Daniel Hightower, Greg Bishansky, and Aaron Ziegler. With additional material by Todd Jensen.

Outline by Daniel Hightower, Greg Bishansky, and Robby Bevard.

Original Artwork by Revel.

Visit to view the story or click the link.

Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:59:00 PM

I forgot to add that I took down parts of said fence.

T-minus 25 minutes

Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:35:45 PM

Wilek> <<Or is it like the demon/daemon thing?>>: That's it, another chance misspelling (like filk and newsfroup) that gives us a new word. Groups of people on the internet are no longer societies, but soeciety.

Imzadi> <<Some people are scared of me>>: While it's me of whom they should be scared.
<<How does land become de-virginized?>>: You dig into it and lay a foundation.
<<Hopefully they won't breed>>: If they do get the chance, they tend to be the ones who will do so continuously.
<<I laugh at these pitiful non-california prices>>: That is for a teeny suburban plot. Eighth of an acre ranch house.

Spacebabie> <<Whips, oils, candles, chains�leather?>>: Maid outfit, ball gag, ropes, cucumber, riding crop, lube, tentacle beast, and whatnot.
<<Sure if I want a spoon to drink my water>>: But it's too weak otherwise.
<<And cherries?>>: At least once, depending on your definition.
<<of what?>>: My crotch.

Warpmind> <<The comp and connection are Priority One>>: So what style of broadband are you going for?

And the mp3. One Week by Barenaked Ladies. Because that's when I shall be returning to Rutgers. Give or take a bit.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:35:44 PM

I forgot one big thing I did Saturday:

I used to have dogs a few years ago and there was a fence they were kept in. Well, the fence had gotten into figuratively the same shape that Nehemiah found the walls of Jerusalem when he arrived.

Run amuck,
become a ___________

I'm looking for words that fit that blank and make a rhyme. clearly "duck" works, but "rut" also seems to fit the rhyme.

Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:34:37 PM

Long weekend, helped a friend move into her new home. Looks better than when we got there. Tired and have to start school again tomorrow.

Lynati- check mail please.

Mara- check mail please.

Revel - []
Sunday, August 25, 2002 10:16:33 PM

Josh> My 10.2 came last Thursday. Got the student discount: $78.41. Other than the fact Jaguar took about 3 times longer to install than 10.1 did and that I got this weird ATI TV-out error after loading the desktop (I don't have TV-out on my ATI video card anyways) to which I just clicked "Fix It"...I haven't had any problems. Very cool. Works extremely better on my dual 450 in just about every aspect. For just about everything I do, there is a very noticable difference in contrast to 10.1.5. And thank the heavens they fixed the Finder bugs and bought spring-loaded folders back. Now I have to get used to using them again.

My friend is a tad pissed at Apple though (or perhaps not). He ordered and received his iBook from MacZone in the beginning of August. I told him to wait until after Aug. 24, but he wanted it immediately and would pay the $20 for his 10.2 update since he would qualify. After he got the iBook, he quickly registered it with Apple. Before 10.2's release date I tried to help him order his 10.2 over the phone. Apple said his iBook's serial number didn't qualify and it might be a fluke in the system, try the website. We tried the website and got the same error. His mistake: He gets his email from...Hotmail. Apparently, Hotmail or Apple didn't send his registration confirmation to his email. He doesn't know who to blame...who would you think? Heh.

For now I let him use my copy. There were rumors Apple would use the same licensing operation M$ does with XP. Thankfully they were just rumors. My friend is happy, I'm happy, and my other 733 G4-using friend who also got Jaguar is happy too...end of story.

Jim R.
Sunday, August 25, 2002 08:50:25 PM

Warpmind > I'd love to see Kovalic draw that, but it would probably lead to all sorts of legal and licensing headaches, parody or not. Still, it was fun!

Spacebabie > I think one trip to Orlando was enough for me, unless I ever have occasion to go in January or something. Too, too hot and muggy! Whew! I'm such a wimp about the heat.

Dragonflight is done. My second game went very well. Had 3 little kids, a high schooler, the dads of two of the other kids, and a professional stage magician who brought his own wand. Good game, good fun. Chatted briefly with Steve, who seemed to be in high spirits.

And I don't have to go to work tonight! We can all rest and recover from the weekend!

Christine - []
Sunday, August 25, 2002 08:46:33 PM

*enters again, running in circles...*

Sorry for the second post, but-
She got a job and she's back!

I should have noticed as soon as it was up, but I've been neglectful of checking the link as it hasn't been updated since April second...I'm a poor excuse for a fangirl, I know.

*poings out*

Sunday, August 25, 2002 03:50:24 PM

DPH: <ok, I assume there isn't a gargoyle named Tommy, another named Thomas, and a 3rd one named Tom.> Let me check my notes... Nope. That isn't to say I don't have a few similar names, tho. Even switching languages you get that. Actually, the hardest thing is making sure that you don't wind up with, say, another language alternative for a name you've already used. like the Russian 'Wiktor' when you've already used the English "Victor". Come to think of it, I do have a russian Wiktor and an English "Victoria", but if I cut hairs any closer I'll be at this another year. And I really want to get my reference documents done so I can get back to writing. (Besides, the girl is 60 years younger and half a continent away, and is animalistic-looking. I don't think people will be confusing them.)
Sunday, August 25, 2002 03:36:32 PM

Jan - <yep, most criminals are caught because of their own stupidity. Probably around 80% of the cases solved here are from criminals blabbing about their crimes.> yep, they're morons.

Imzadi - <That doesn't matter. Its easy to justify.> let's see. By slapping said person, I adjust history so that somebody doesn't marry or marries someone else therefore making George Washington cease to exist. Wait a minute: I still can't be sure that would work because he could still exist with a slightly different DNA code. <Major math concepts have a tendency to be developed at the same time in separate places. Then one person's name gets slapped on it.> Yep, I can believe that. <I don't want you to think of five as half of ten. -Kendra Eyer, Math 54 discussion 214 > What is the REAL meaning of that quote?

Lynati - <*slow grin* None of them. and if you doubt me, I can send you the list.> ok, I assume there isn't a gargoyle named Tommy, another named Thomas, and a 3rd one named Tom.

Daniel Johnson <You rang? I guess I'm just a Lurking Grue.> Of course I rang. This room NEEDS you.

I'm mad. I tried to go to bed 38 minutes before the CR was wiped.

*Calls to confirm 100 mile parade will start when the next story for Timedancer season 4 is released and learns somebody cancelled it.* DAMN. *Calls to confirm billion dollar fireworks to display to celebrate the release of the next Timedancer season 4 story and learns it got cancelled.* DAMN. DAMN DAMN.

Sunday, August 25, 2002 01:44:29 PM

*Warpmind strides in, pondering*
Well, moving on Saturday... packing until then... Gonna watch MIIB on Thursday, though - gotta make sure I have my MIB shirt ready for that... }:)

Anyway, replies...

Christine: That Iron Chef/Pokémon crossover was... scary. I can see why you got that response from Kovalic. More! More! }:) (Incidentally, do you think you could persuade him to make a comic out of it? ;) )

Gside: Actually, I'll get the washer first, most likely - mostly because it'll be a loaner. The comp and connection are Priority One. Traveling 40 miles to check my e-mail is not tempting on a regular basis...

Josh: Oh, blah. I might get something bigger when I get a well-paying job, but until then, I need a place that's no mroe than, oh, 400-450$ per month... :p

And that seems to be most of this post... Except this: Check out the link here. SJ, what the HECK have you been up to???

Warpmind de InzanE - []
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Sunday, August 25, 2002 01:31:26 PM

Congrats to Kimberly and her spawn.

Has anyone ever tried to eat leftover fries? Place them on a paper towel and sprinkle them water. Then had a touch of salt...AND some chili powder. Then heat them in the microwave. The chili powder adds a bit of a kick.

Finished my homework. I already wrote a poem for my workshop. We each had to take an object in class and write a poem on how it is received by the five senses. We made up what it would smell, sound, and taste like. Then we took on of those lines and write a poem about it.

And well I did have trouble to think up one, but then Christine inspired me…well one of her interests inspired me.

Jan<<<Makes you wonder why you would dream something like that, huh?>>>Well I am working on a fic that will have a romantic scene at the water park.<<<I love carrot cake!>>>I’m going to ask for a carrot cake for my birthday.

Aaron<<<That's why you need your own plastic.>>>I need to make my own money before I can get my own plastic. No comments about my dream?

SJ<<<Oh, and I’ve actually started law school.>>>Congrats. Going to be a lawyer? Well I knew you were evil.<<<You probably just want an orgy with all parties involved.>>>I don’t think I want a dream analysis from a lawyer in training. That is like going to a srhink for legal advice.

Christine. <<<the "Can you hear me now" guy>>> Can’t stand that guy either. And will somebody do something about those commercials in French??? WTF a guy is running away from a chicken??!!<<<Each time we've taken her before, that darn Roger Rabbit ride -- the one thing she absolutely wants to go on MOST OF ALL IN THE WHOLE WORLD -- has been closed. Bets? >>>That was like the Jaws ride at Universal for a while. Every time we went there it wasn’t working. We would make jokes that Jaws kept eating the people. I’d suggest you visit O-town again for DisneyWORLD but we don’t have a Roger Rabbit ride.

Gside<<<And many, many other things.>>>Whips, oils, candles, chains…leather?<<<Come now, once you try it, nothing will ever be the same again.>>>Sure if I want a spoon to drink my water. As for the water here in Florida. We do have Zephyr Hills. We also have Orange Juice and Gatoraid

Lain<<<well you see.. riiight before i started noticing my dad was being reaaally nice to me.. he got a vasectomy.. >>> My dad got a vasectomy after the boy was born… Ponder that.

Josh<<<No, I think its a strip club.>>>Josh you baka it is so obvious you have never been to Orlando before.<<<Maybe its the exercise>>>That and my legs thrash when I sleep.<<<Actually no, that's required.>>>And cherries?<<<neither of those would be comfortable.>>>Do you speak from experience<<<I don't think we like being buttered.>>>What about baby oil?<<<True. Its also a fact that I'm god>>>of what?<<<Many guys take that attitude also.>>>Male bitches mmm good.

Mooncat<<<I like all sorts of veggie cakes and breads.>>>Me too.<<<Zucchini bread is really nice too.>>> Ick I’m not a fan of either squash or zucchini…unless they are fried.

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Sunday, August 25, 2002 12:28:52 PM

Alesia> You can view each picture without posting :) Go to the Comment Room Information link and scroll down. You'll see a link to all of the pictures available and that way you won't spam this room admiring the pics.
Thanks ahead of time and I look forward to you making a "real" post in the future. :)

Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:55:06 AM

Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:25:36 AM

i really like these pictures
Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:24:01 AM

cali, usa
Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:22:49 AM

hi everybody!!!
wildomar, cali, usa
Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:20:47 AM

josh>> <<To my knowledge, neither of you have a dime to your names. In which case after 20 years you might have a lot. Once you divorce, he'll have nothing and you'll have it all>> ah but.. you cant be a "gold digger" if theres nothin to dig for ;) otherwise im just an idiot digging a hole ;)
Sunday, August 25, 2002 10:11:05 AM

Josh > the Disneyland website does list which rides are closed for scheduled maintenance. One of the times we were there, though, it was closed for a police investigation because a kid tried to climb out and, well, you know how they like to cover up things like that so I probably shouldn't go into details ...

Con report > fun first day, said hi to Steve Jackson, had the briefest glimpse of my ex (eek!) whom Tim spoke to for a stilted, awkward while ... ran my game and it went very well since the players were all guys who knew each other and thus gamed well together. And a con first -- I finished ON TIME! We wrapped up at 6:23 and were cleared out of the room by 6:35. Today's my Hogwarts game and I'm really looking forward to seeing how that goes.

Guess I'm 11th or so, missed the coveted top spots, alas.

Christine - []
Sunday, August 25, 2002 10:00:57 AM

Sunday, August 25, 2002 09:04:49 AM

Imzadi> Yes I can afford it but right now I have to give 95$ for my first down payment for the Italy.
Can you do act this to people? Why you act like an arschloch?
(Hope people know German, it really helps when you want to say something that people don't understand. :D)

Heather - []
Warner Robins, Georgia, USA
Sunday, August 25, 2002 09:04:43 AM

Sunday, August 25, 2002 07:18:16 AM



Sunday, August 25, 2002 02:22:36 AM


Well, today was awful. After the jaguar events yesterday I decided to install the new OS on my tower. Well, looks like one of the sectors on my HD was corrupt and it tried to write OS data to that bad sector. Kernel Panic! Several kernel panics and attempted restarts later, my friends were able to get my data off the hard drive with single-user mode. Finally got the OS installed fully and spent the rest of the day moving stuff back from my iBook and backup. Waste of a day, but now everything is humming along quite nicely.

After that whole to-do, we managed to get some groceries and now our fridge is chock-full of soda-y goodness.

Jaguar doesn't feel much faster than 10.1.5, but it does feel a bit smoother and starts up faster. The increase in ability to customize the OS is amazing, and dual-display support with separate cards is built in. Networking is also much nicer with the new rendezvous technology.

Mooncat: <<Unless Josh is a klepto>>: That depends. What'd you have? ;-) <<I'm sure you guys can't be as horrible as all *that*>>: I'm sure there are people who'd disagree with you.

Jan: <<to suggest that Josh find some other roomies besides yourself and Spacebabie>>: Some people are scared of me 8-) <<we're not *that* bad - we're actually fairly nice people>>: Speak for yourself! <<"virgin" land and with the exception of one acre>>: How does land become de-virginized? <<I have no idea of what I'm going to do with it - probably will just pass it on to Anna>>: You know Michael would have more fun with it? <<The waist on my old skirt would probably fit around one thigh now.>>: Heh. Well, at least you can look back and remember that you enjoyed it 8-) <<I take it that your mom has not found a job yet?>>: Nothing permanent yet, but she is working part time as an advertising consultant making quite a bit of money. So that's good. But she's still on the lookout. <<most criminals are caught because of their own stupidity. Probably around 80% of the cases solved here are from criminals blabbing about their crimes>>: Obviously they never read the evil warlord's guide rules!

Christine: <<has been closed>>: Have you ever tried calling ahead of time to find out which rides are scheduled for maintenance?

Lain: <<its 199,000$>>: That's it?! Even in USD that's not much. Is the location any good? What condition is the house in? Square footage? <<you have no idea what id do for that house>>: yes, I think I do. <<only if you can convince him outa that whole annoying "no sex" thing>>: I can't believe you want it that badly. <<maybe if gunjack actually owned ANY MONEY AT ALL and i wouldnt be marrying a guy TOTALLY IN DEBT>>: To my knowledge, neither of you have a dime to your names. In which case after 20 years you might have a lot. Once you divorce, he'll have nothing and you'll have it all.

Heather: <<What is wrong with republicans>>: many things. But I'm a registered republican, so I know what's wrong with them 8_) <<Lets hope they make a Windows adaptor soon>>: Already there. Can you afford it? <<Don't listen to Imzadi, okay. Just put your fingers in your ears and go "la, la, la". It helps>>: Doesn't make her any smarter 8-) <<I watch Screensavers on Techtv and they talk about it all the time>>: Yet they haven't mentioned that a windows version was available?

Alesia: <<hey all wanted to say hi, i really like looking at these pictures!>>: That's nice, do it somewhere else.

Sevarius Jr: <<Cause the law has always interested me>>: Just the law or the money also? <<F.B.I. or Secret Service or something like that>>: Somehow I doubt you'd be fit. <<go through the torment of MORE school to get a law degree>>: My friends are also wondering what the hell is wrong with me, that after four years of engineering I'd go to law school. <<I’d laugh the laughter of the depraved if I can somehow connive my way into becoming a D.A>>: I would not want to be against you. Then again if I were a lawyer I'd probably be in prosecution as well. Not criminal, though. Those people are scary. <<family law, where I’ll make my millions being a slimy divorce attorney>>: I want you on my side! <<extolling the virtues of being a public defender>>: As if there were any! <<Keep your virtues and 22 grand a year salary, Mr. Bleeding Heart>>: Amen! The money is in the private sector, and the hours are roughly the same. Keep us posted on how you're doing and which classes you're taking. I'm very interested. <<have a nice, long, 20-year engagement. Then reevaluate things>>: After the sex stops being fun. No, that would be maybe 2 years. And don't forget that common-law marriage applies after about 7 years. <<all women are gold diggers and the legal system is devised to rape a man out of vast majority of his bank account>>: That's why I plan to marry a wealthy woman. <<after this long run-on sentence wouldn’t that just be needlessly redundant>>: Not really. Your insights into why early marriages are doomed to fail is always welcome. <<I’m getting in touch with my hip hop side>>: What did you pick up a black side from living in DC? <<if you want to connect with the inner soul brother, like me, and immerse yourself in the finest of black culture, might I suggest each of you pick up a copy of “Black Men” magazine >>: I'm sorry, who are you? <<2nd time I took one of those annoying prep courses and did much better>>: I did the smart thing and took the course first. <<2nd time I took one of those annoying prep courses and did much better>>: Do I have to be on my knees? <<Have I ever covered my physical appearance in here?>>: Nothing I've ever read. <<six feet, so I’m average I suppose>>: Not in this country. <<I’m delightfully muscular. Sort of. Okay, to be honest, I could stand to actually see the inside of a gym for a change>>: That's what we thought. I don't think anyone in here is "delightfully muscular". <<The very fact that women will not accept this is what allows us to continue this practice. “Oh, he’s just saying that. [Fill in blank] is a great guy friend, he’d never try to do anything intimate with me.” No, he isn’t. Yes, he would. We all would>>: Good thing they'll never catch on. Suckers. Literally. <<Vin Diesel, or Ben Affleck. I’ve made my choice>>: Please let it be the former. <<I never rule out hand manipulation>>: Actually I never rule out hand manipulation. I'm good with my hands. <<You never know how the night’s going to turn out, it’s nice to have something to fall back if all else fails.>>: Actually I do know. Odds of me getting ANY are zero if the day ends in "y". <<Damn that Meghan’s Law>>: If that actually affects you, then I don't think I want to room with you either.

Gside: <<Shouldn't be much worse than oiling up>>: Something I also wouldn't enjoy I don't think. <<Only really works if you're muscled and shaven>>: That would take forever. <<There are some who don't enjoy giving much>>: Hopefully they won't breed. <<House down the street from me went for $360,000>>: I laugh at these pitiful non-california prices.

Wilek: <<Guys, if you have at least one working hand, you have no excuse for being led around by your hormones>>: Um, no. It helps, but its not a complete replacement.

Okay, later.

I don't want you to think of five as half of ten.
-Kendra Eyer, Math 54 discussion 214

Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Sunday, August 25, 2002 02:18:17 AM

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, August 25, 2002 02:05:43 AM

Greg Bishansky
Sunday, August 25, 2002 02:03:22 AM

4 I think.. or 5.
shinigami and pet
Sunday, August 25, 2002 01:59:37 AM

Sunday, August 25, 2002 01:57:38 AM

Gabriel "gaygoyle"
Sunday, August 25, 2002 01:38:29 AM

Fire STorm and Lady Mystic
Sunday, August 25, 2002 01:38:07 AM
