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Flame wars get VERY dangerous when people start pulling out statistics!

Gside: <Ours has lasted for almost 20 years now>
Kewl. My family's dog has Parkinson's, and may not be able to live for too long :(
<What else are you supposed to use to buy your toys?>
Steal them!
<She shouldn't be so choosy. I mean there are people who just want a sex life, of any kind>
I know! Hell, there are women out there that WISH their husbands/boyfriends wanted to have sex with them! Women that would KILL for a porn license!
<No, but assuming the woman stays around after you've eaten the food and enjoyed her companionship, you'll have a couple soft places to rest your head guaranteed>
This is true
<I will gladly sleep on any hard dry surface while waiting for something>
For me it's more like I am waiting for the next thing I have to do
<You must be doing something wrong>
Yeah. I am in a family with a genetic tendency towards ingrown toenails
<Be glad you've only got it in here. I've got one on my mouth>
Sucks to be you. I have the reverse. It's hard to keep from swearing all the time.
But where will we find rubber pants our size?
<Sometimes your mind is going in some other direction entirely, and you can't remember the obvious>
Ah, like the word 'the', huh?
<Is'nt the second required to be the first?>
This is true too. You should care for yourself and yourself ONLY.
Too bad I am a loon
<That, or there's an eastern european conspiracy and they only have one old woman>
I KNEW it!
<Two liters? Is that all? I've seen an entire horse's hean, and most of its neck>
You download some weird $h17!

Imzadi: <finish some work, then star trek. Then SLEEEP.>
Gotta have priorities. It's good to see that yours are in the right order.
<Obviously, she doesn't have enough money>
<Why not?!>
I haven't been able to figure that one out. I mean, what is more perfect than porn?
<I sleep at my desk>
My desk is in view of the cameras. The floor is not.
<Have you considered that your shoes may be improperly fitted?>
Well, it is nearly impossible to find comfortable shoes. Feet are of an odd size
<Lets not be closed minded. He could easily be both 8-)>
And Gside mentioned that he probably IS
<Not when the fail and you end up dead>
But evil geniuses never end up dead in the comics! They just run away to make more complicated plans in the future
<Good going>
Well, they weren't the most loyal troops I had.
<This behavior begs the question: how did this law get passed in the first place?>
I ask the same question about the law requiring rings in pigs noses, the law that says you MUST fire a shotgun in the air twice when coming to a railroad crossing, and the law that SPECIFICALLY forbids watching TV while driving

Dezi: <What ever happened to the PG 13 rating in here. Even Fire Storm abides by that. :)>
A fact that saddens me to no end

In other news, the US declares war on Iraq. France immediately surrenders.

Link of the day: Don't watch and drive

Fire Storm
Sunday, February 23, 2003 01:11:49 PM

Gabriel -- obviously you didnt read my whole post... While I have never loved france, I lost my last shred of respect for france when they decided it was in their best national interest to test several nuclear weapons which had the effects of:

1) Telling every rogue nation -- go ahead test nukes.

2) Putting a monkey wrench into the disarmament talks that were going on at the time.

3) Severely putting the environment at risk(and they talk about us).


It didnt surprise me at all when France was in favor of leaving Sadam in power because of their cherry deal for oil with them -- heck we really had to do an end run around them just to protect turkey(which is gouging us) from attack.

Sunday, February 23, 2003 01:08:08 PM

<<France has shown itself to be more self-serving than just about any other country in this>>

HAHAHAH!! Oh yes, and the US is the most selfless nation in the world.

This is fantastic. Two nations don't kneel to us when we say kneel, and all of a sudden they are traitors and need to be boycotted. This only proves the haughtiness that this counry prevails in.
Gabriel "gaygoyle"
Sunday, February 23, 2003 09:20:41 AM

Ok, I took a look at "the warner" 's (sounds like a little black and white cat thing with a red nose) website, and it just looked to me like a bunch of pretty cd labels. Maybe call the album Hale-Bopp or something. Hyakutake is good too. *shrugs*
Got some beads at work today and made a necklace with red seed beads and slightly larger royal blue beads and a turquoise fish bead. _I_ think it looks cool.
More snow in Indy today. Wheeeeee! It rained a bunch first and then snowed like 6 inches so this is good driving snow. :) The news tonight said that we have already had more snow than Anchorage, Alaska (which really probably doesnt mean that much but they made a big deal out of it.)
We're having a little sibs weekend at my school so tomorrow, my TV teacher wants me to go get footage of it. If I dont completely screw up, it might make its way onto the local news affiliates. Almost makes me nervous. And, yes, I do think being a photog for CNN someday would be really cool. But I'll just take the pictures, I'm by no means a reporter.

My dad has decided, apparently, that all my political beliefs can be chalked up to the fact that I'm in college. I wonder what's he gonna say when I graduate and still hold the same political beliefs. No arguments with him, I just have "grown-up" discussions with him, as opposed to the discussion my mom has with me about her boyfriend (who's like 6'5 and looks like Lex Luthor) and his strange obsession with Spongebob Squarepants.

Ok enough blithering- Time for replies.

Jessica: Last I knew, peeps were little pink marshmellow bunnies that I can only tolerate eating two of due to an impending massive sugar rush.

Patrick: <PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS.> People, billy-goats or popcorn?

Josh:<We've only followed that out of courtesy> I was just using that "rule" as a jab at the Question's apparent lack of vocabulary, or at least the barriers he must face in trying to express himself.<YES is the answer > And after all that, my aunt is yelling yes and wants a beer like its heroin or something. I just hope her 15 year old son (who is amazingly normal considering his dad is some kinda hippie and his mom is an alc.) doesnt see her go through detox.

Question:<I think it is true for you and your family. > And what exactly do you know about his family? And as for his grandparents, you are 100% sure yours were perfect? Heh, yeah right. Part of my family's German, part is Mexican. Well gee, where does that leave me? Or the rest of the part of America that is descended from Germans? You know, some of those German immigrants left behind family in the "old country" (as did just about every other immigrant from any ethnic background) and those family members lived on and produced descendants. There's alot of people who have great great great cousins (or some relation)in another country and chances are America has been pissed at that country at some time for some dumb reason anyway. I guess there is such thing as a stupid question after all.

Ok I'm done with that. *shakes off any bad vibes*
Well I thought I was done, went to submit this thing and the modem screwed up. Stupid coaxial cable. All is good now. :)

"99 ministers meet to worry worry super scurry call the troops out in a hurry. This is what we've waited for - this it boys this war! The president is on the line as 99 red balloons go by."

Sunday, February 23, 2003 12:26:15 AM

Ed><<You amuse me greatly. First you racially prejudice a race of people as undesirable and suggest they do not deserve the right to speak; then you claim you wouldn't want to end up a Nazi! >>

And you my friend need a lesson in reading comprehension. I told Tribun to shut up, that he was a nazi and that the German people have shown us what good can come from putting their heads in their butts. Never did I say that they were undesirable or that they as a whole didn't deserve to speak.

Silvadel> Agreed France doesn't deserve the power that it wields. Unfortunately I doubt its veto power or its position on the security council can be removed.

Sunday, February 23, 2003 12:21:47 AM


Josh: <Actually no. I was hoping to make use of you someday! > Tisk, tisk, tisk, you're not thinking ahead young man. You may not be able to use me for your conquest of the world, but who will protect you from your enemies when the deed is done? Think defensively my friend. :-)

<Void yourself> Isn’t it already in the ELUA? I thought it was just before "Bend over".

Gside: The first answer was off the top of my head. The second was after finding the article. There were several other papers that caught my eye, but they were more on specific aspects of prion-host interaction. I hope you "enjoy" the info.

Lain: Well it was nice to see you again, if briefly. I do hope things are going well with my fellow Canadian. Best of luck.


Yggdrasil - []
Ontario, Canada
Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:50:27 PM

Imzadi> <<That means they won't be calling me next year asking for donations>>: That won't be happening to me. Even after I've left, I'm back walpapering maps and hanging sand samples (on a load bearing concrete wall).
<<Huh?>>: A place with a greater angle to the sun, so you actually get snow.
<<Cuz its so damn funny>>: It amuses me.
<<Sounds pretty personal to me>>: You don't know him.
<<I blame...some other guy. Or real life>>: One or the other, depending on the individual situation.

Bud Clare> <<Huh?>>: Typo. Should have been large.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:52:21 PM

hey if any of you peeps have aim (aol im) then email me at talks to you later byesss
Jessica - [gottasing092089]
sarasota, fl, usa
Saturday, February 22, 2003 05:53:10 PM

I have no idea what this whole thing is about i just wanna post a comment so if u have aim e-mail me at numba1dadiesgul k byessss!!!
Danielle - []
do not need to know, FL, USA!
Saturday, February 22, 2003 05:24:05 PM

:: wanders in and posts a sign ::


:: wanders out again ::

Patrick Toman
Saturday, February 22, 2003 03:41:51 PM

Don't listen to Bush and Blair. The war is just a ploy to cover the danger from the heavens. Felt any unusual weather recently? Click on my name and be prepared!
The warner
Saturday, February 22, 2003 03:24:33 PM

Question: You amuse me greatly. First you racially prejudice a race of people as undesirable and suggest they do not deserve the right to speak; then you claim you wouldn't want to end up a Nazi!
London, England
Saturday, February 22, 2003 02:57:15 PM

*avoids debate going on*

ANYWAY, yesterday Robby was teacing me how to make floors on Photoshop while I was working on a HP pic and I want to share it with all of you.

Hope you like. *can't wait for comments, except from Josh*

Heather - [<-- Click!]
Warner Robins, GA, USA
Saturday, February 22, 2003 01:42:27 PM

Question>Looks like I'm right. It is not worth to talk with you. Primitive guys like you, who ride on insults and clichès are not worth my time. Don't expect a recation from my side to for insults yet to come......
Tribun - []
Luebeck, SH, Germany
Saturday, February 22, 2003 12:51:10 PM

Tribun< Typical arrogant insult to a German. That is so childish, that I must try, not to laugh.>

Typical? I think it is true for you and your family. Your grandparents were probably bubbling in admiration for all the wonderful things Uncle Adolf did like putting those nasty jews and other undesirables into the concentration camps or fighting a war against almost every other country in Western Europe.

<Ok, Question. shove your own head into your butt. If you can do this, then we can talk again.... >

You Germans have already showed the world what insights have been gained from it and I don't think I would like to end up like you guys.

Saturday, February 22, 2003 12:44:37 PM

Personally, I have a significant problem that france has veto power at all in this day and age. I mean how big of a "player" is france?

At best I think that the EU would have a veto power vote, but not france.

France has shown itself to be more self-serving than just about any other country in this. For me the last straw was when they did those nuclear tests which encouraged testing by all kinds of rogue nations. What they are doing now is just further reason why they shouldnt have veto power in the security council.

Saturday, February 22, 2003 12:42:23 PM

Oil is key as Bush agrees month delay
France demands Iraqi oil rights to drop veto
By James Cusick in London, Marion McKeone in New York and David Pratt, Foreign Editor


TONY Blair and George Bush have privately agreed a joint strategy that will delay any possible war against Iraq for four weeks during which time they will work tirelessly to achieve three key objectives:
Firstly, they seek to p ersuade France, one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, not to carry out its threatened veto of a second UN resolution to allow the US to intervene in Iraq.

The French, along with Russia and China, also permanent members of the UN but not expected to vote, have extensive oil rights in Iraq and want those guaranteed before agreeing to any UN resolution.

Secondly, to ensure that all military personnel and hardware is in place for a likely attack at the start of March.

Finally, to u tilise every possible moment to win the hearts and minds of the American and British public and persuade them that war is justified in order to disarm Saddam Hussein.

In what will be a crucial five days for the two leaders, culminating in their meeting at Camp David on Friday, the Prime Minister and the US president agreed during a lengthy telephone conversations last week that the 'United Nations route', however difficult, remained their political preference.

According to sources at the United Nations in New York, the White House has now confirmed to senior UN officials that weapons inspectors in Iraq will be given more time and that tomorrow's report to the Security Council by the chief weapons inspector, Dr Hans Blix, will not be regarded as a trigger for unilateral action by the US and Britain.

However, the softening of Washington's hardline rhetoric comes at a price. Weapons inspection teams will be given only a matter of weeks, not months, to complete their report.

The US is also understood to be ready to compromise its plans to monopolise the post-war oil industry in Iraq using only US oil firms. The US government's promise to hold Iraqi oilfields 'in trust' for the people of Iraq is now looking like an international, US-led promise to spread the spoils between US, French, Chinese and Russian oil companies.

What remains unclear diplomatically is the position the anti-war German government will take if the French are seen to roll over in a covert oil deal. However new diplomatic noises from Berlin appeared positive, with Germany's foreign minister, Joschka Fischer, insisting that his country maintained 'close ties' with Washington. Fischer also said Iraq had to disarm, indicating even Germany would be forced into a compromise position.

Blix's report to the security council tomorrow, in his own words, will state that Iraq's co-operation with weapons inspectors has been 'a mixed bag'. His report will also state that Iraq has not been pro-active in assisting the inspectors. For the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell -- speaking in Davos, Switzerland, today at the gathering of international political and business leaders -- Iraq has not done enough.

And in a hint of what is to come in the coming month, he said the international community could not shrink from its responsibility to disarm Iraq by force just because 'the going is getting tough'.

Just how tough will probably be evident within a matter of weeks. Bush's State of the Union address to the US Congress on Tuesday, followed by discussions inside the security council on Wednesday and the Camp David meeting two days later, will be the foundation of an offensive by the US government to convince a still doubt-ridden US public that war against Saddam is both justified and clear cut.

Powell has previously admitted that the US administration has not done enough to convince the hearts and minds of American and international opinion.

The additional breathing space will also be crucial for Blair. A new opinion poll in today's Sunday Times states that the Prime Minister still has his work cut out: only 26% said he had convinced them that Saddam was sufficiently dangerous to justify military action. Though 72% said they would support a war that had the backing of the UN, only 20% gave Blair the backing for a war in which British troops would join a US-led force.

All diplomatic, political and military considerations now point to war being timetabled for the first week of March. March 3 is likely to be the first date of any sustained bombing campaign, with US meteor ologists forecasting ideal weather conditions.

Web report: Iraq

The Question
Saturday, February 22, 2003 12:26:56 PM

Tribun >> I never said Iraq made up the bulk of Germany, France, etc.'s oil Imports. I said they made up the bulk of Iraqi exports. There is a significant difference, actually.

6% - Why should I take your claim at face value if you won't take mine? Quote your sources. I'm willing to bet that figure is a trimmed to exclude oil that is moved through certain middle man organizations like other members of OPEC and international oil companies with a "don't ask don't tell" policy.

Beyond that, in a normal country, 6% of the oil imports suddenly being disrupted in a country without extensive reserves is more than enough to cause consumer prices to skyrocket and cost the party in power an election.

As for Russia, they both import AND export oil. Sound strange? Not if you have any concept of micro and macro economics and an idea of how big Russia is. There are many cases where outsourcing for something you can produce yourself is actually cheaper based on the overhead. Russia is actually the destination of a lot of the illicit oil trade Iraq conducts via its neighboring allies.

France and Germany don't have the sort of broad supply chain or vast reserves of oil that the United States has, and thusly have less independance from Iraqi exports. Additionally, their economies are weaker and more vulnerable to disruption and recession.

In 2001 55% of Iraq’s imports came from the EU, 33% of Iraq's epxorts (almost exclusively Oil) went to the EU, 4% went to China.

And those figures only include the official UN trade under the oil-for-food program. The extensive and growing illicit trade of Iraqi oil goes undocumented.

As for the US wanting Iraq's oil, we already had 42% of Iraq's exports in 2001 (which, base on our consumption vs. their production, is chicken-feed). Why mess with something that already works? We HAD Iraq's oil already, huge reserves, and alertnate suppliers.

How does blowing up Iraqi infrastructure and spending half a decade replacing a functional dictatorship improve US oil imports over the next 5-10 years again? If it were all about getting the oil, we wouldn't have rocked the boat.

As for propping up Saddam in the first place, NATO put Saddam in power to thwart Soviet efforts to take over the Middle East. The USSR is gone now. It is past time to clean up the Cold War messes across the globe like Saddam. All the more reason to get rid of him as soon as possible.

Kaioto - []
Saturday, February 22, 2003 12:23:04 PM

Gside> <<That, and we've lost many lare posters over time.>>
Josh> <<Does that imply a guarantee otherwise?>>
No. Should it?

<<Why are those the only choices?>>
What did you have in mind?

<<I don't think we've ever had a goat for a president. It's not legal.>>
He seemed like a farm animal at times...

<<You don't vote for laws. You vote for the people who create the laws.>>
Do I harass you when you're trying to make a joke? ...Don't answer that. :P
Tribun> << <<But isn't the US after Iraq's oil? >> Yes, it IS.>>
While I don't necessarily disagree, you don't have any actual proof of this.

<<If they had not helped him when he came to power 1979, he for sure would not be still dictator of Iraq now.>>
So... it's okay for the US to fix Germany's mistakes, but not for the US to fix its own?

<<and erveryone who is not with us is against us>>
And aren't France and Germany guilty of that, too?

<<That they insulted Germany and France several times>>
Again, haven't Germany and France been insulting the US just as much? It looks to me as if all the countries involved are behaving little children.

Bud-Clare - []
Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:25:21 AM

Well, now that I have calmed down, lets see, how to prove you wrong, Kaioto.

<<France, Germany, Russian, and China make up the bulk of Iraq's oil customers, while Saddam is these country's most cost-effective supplier.>>
Nothing could be more wrong. From were did you get that statement? The facts are completely different:
-Germanys oil imports are only to 6% from the Arabian sector. (Arbabian is not equal to Iraq, so that lowers it even more) but a bit over 60% came from Russia and eastern Europe. The rest is from different sources.
-For France, it's nearly the same.
-Russia doesn't need oil imports, because they have enough themseves (Russia is one of the biggest oil-mining counties apart from the Arabian sector and the OPEC).
-China also buys cheap oil from Russia but also from Indochina suppliers. Also, they have an average deposits of oil in thier own country.
So that statement of you is a false one.

<<But isn't the US after Iraq's oil? >>
Yes, it IS.

<<Iraq provides a safe-haven by refusing to pursue international terrorist in its boarders and donating large sums of money (again, earmarked for humanitarian aid) to "charities" that act as fronts for terrorist groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad.>>
I wonder again, how the US-goverment could have forgotten, that it was the US, which have made Saddam strong in the first run. A nice house-made problem. If they had not helped him when he came to power 1979, he for sure would not be still dictator of Iraq now.

<<So why do the European media and European polls bag on the US and George Bush so much? It sells papers and air-time, for one thing. It is also a great low-profile hate-mongering tactic for politicians to make political gains.>>
You semm not to notice, that the US-goverment and expescially president Bush and his bulldozer Rumsfeld with thier "we are the strongest and we care for nobody and erveryone who is not with us is against us" politic have pissed off many outside of the US. Perhaps you don't notice, but thier acting, as if the rest of the world isn't worth to be noticed and only thier interests are important, shows them as extremly arrogant, selfish and ignorant. And somebody said once :"The US politic became more and more like an amok running elephant."
That they insulted Germany and France several times with things like "The old Europe", "Germany is similar with Libya and Cuba" or "I must warn for traveling to Germany" doesn't help either.....

<<And yes, I'm boycotting French imports.>>
Do what you want. If you boycott French imports, it doesn't concern the German economy....


<<Tribun <Screw you Nazi. >>
Typical arrogant insult to a German. That is so childish, that I must try, not to laugh. Ok, Question. shove your own head into your butt. If you can do this, then we can talk again....

<<Tribun:<<minderbemittelten Präsidenten>> "sorry excuse for a president?"

*thinks for a moment*

Well..., yeah. I guess he is. :p>>
It does mean, that his IQ is not the greatest. But what do you want? He is a loose, whose only luck was, that daddy is a big politican and once was president. He was once an alcoholic, crashed cars, was sent to a facility by Bush Sr. to finally became someone more intelligent and flushed millons in his daddys oil-company down the toilet. What a guy for president. And he really isn't that bright...

<<Tribun: Just out of curiosity, what does that translate to?>>
Guess three times.... :)

Tribun - []
Luebeck, SH, Germany
Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:07:20 AM

Ah, nothing like the smell of a good flame war to...put me to sleep. I finally got that stupid wireless network set up. It wasn't a problem with windows being stupid specifically, but I would have known the problem was my fault if Windows had some appropriate interface for letting you know what was going on. Of course, it doesn't.

My roommate got a care package from our high school (we've known each other since age 12). I didn't get one. When I wondered why, he informed me that the enclosed "Class of 99" list didn't have my name on it! Not "unknown location", but I didn't even make the list. I went to that school for 12 long years, and paid for every dollar of it. And I am so glad I'm not on the list. That means they won't be calling me next year asking for donations. BUWAHAHAHA I have defeated them!

Spike: Glad you're doing better. I'll keep it in mind for my inevitable RSI.

Bud Clare: <<I make no guarantees as to the coherence of this post>>: Does that imply a guarantee otherwise? <<it's not a proper power-trip if you're doing it for the world's own good, and not to bolster your own fragile ego>>: Why are those the only choices? <<Isn't that about what she did?>>: I don't think we've ever had a goat for a president. It's not legal. <<_I_ didn't vote for them, did you?>>: You don't vote for laws. You vote for the people who create the laws. <<gravity just keeps pulling it our way>>: Albeit slowly.

Spacebabie: <<where the frell is everyone?>>: I kidnapped them. <<I’ve been itchy for the past few days>>: Next time use a condom. <<Alcohol is never the answer>>: Of course it isn't. Alcohol is the question. YES is the answer 8-) <<I hate you>>: You're not the first, you won't be the last. <<Why would you want to get in there?>>: Because its the best.

Kaioto: <<The US can't annex Iraq>>: We should try. <<I'm boycotting French imports>>: I saw a great quote today on Slashdot: "F*ck France. Next time let's let them become a suburb of Berlin."

Tribun: Just out of curiosity, what does that translate to?

Dezi: <<What ever happened to the PG 13 rating in here>>: We've only followed that out of courtesy.

Gside: <<No, they tend to be made out of metal.>>: Only if you're lucky. <<Try moving up a few latitudes>>: Huh? <<Any other time I make a joke about anal sex>>: Cuz its so damn funny. <<It was only a one night stand>>: Sounds pretty personal to me. <<we've lost many lare posters over time>>: I blame...some other guy. Or real life.

131. I will never place the key to a cell just out of a prisoner's reach.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Saturday, February 22, 2003 03:18:00 AM

Yggdrasil> <<As they may possess autocatalytic activity and may be self-folding they are capable of hijacking the hosts proteins in order to convert the natural protein into the infectious prion>>: Funky. I hope you copied and pasted that from somewhere, and didn't go through the trouble of summarizing for me. It was just a random question that was bugging my biologist parents for a couple decades and wore off on me.

Imzadi> <<That's it?>>: I guess the rest were too polite.
<<Airplanes?>>: No, they tend to be made out of metal. Try moving up a few latitudes.
<<Where have i heard that before...?>>: Any other time I make a joke about anal sex.
<<That's what breasts are for>>: That was my point.
<<You know the goatse guy?>>: Not personally. It was only a one night stand.

Yggdrasil> <<It explains the prion replication fairly well>>: Well, thank you muchly. I've passed on the information to my father, and I think I can see how it works.

Spacebabie> <<where the frell is everyone?>>: I post nightly. That, and we've lost many lare posters over time.

Lain> I have a bunch of copied CDs here that I need to talk to you and/or Gunjack about.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Friday, February 21, 2003 11:36:33 PM

mmmmm... heh.. i popped in to have a little look and it just serves to remind me why i dont read or post here anymore..

happy catfighting!


Friday, February 21, 2003 11:19:43 PM

Dezi> <<What ever happened to the PG 13 rating in here.>>
Have you seen any PG-13 movies lately? That's pretty vague...

Bud-Clare - []
Friday, February 21, 2003 11:15:14 PM

Unfortunately, Question, insulting me does not make you look any more intelligent or any less ignorant. I suggest you quit while you still have some dignity. Then again, you may not have any, which would prompt you to make these comments in the first place.
Friday, February 21, 2003 10:22:44 PM

Tribun:<<minderbemittelten Präsidenten>> "sorry excuse for a president?"

*thinks for a moment*

Well..., yeah. I guess he is. :p

Friday, February 21, 2003 10:00:52 PM

Question: What ever happened to the PG 13 rating in here. Even Fire Storm abides by that. :)

Ugh. Work made me tired. My co-manager is a cranky poop-head who lets out this big sigh every time we ask him to do his job. Then he yells at you for screwing up after he just signed a paper basically endorsing the screw up. blah.
My neighbors are having a noisy bass party. At least they are mostly harmless.


Friday, February 21, 2003 09:06:09 PM

Josh> I think it is cocksuckers like you that need to shut the fuck up.
The Question
Friday, February 21, 2003 08:44:53 PM

Question, shut the f*ck up. Everyone who speaks German isn't a nazi, dumbass. Its ignorant people like you that give America its lousy international reputation.
Friday, February 21, 2003 07:59:44 PM

** looks down* *

See!? Behavior like that.

Only I think my insult was going to be more clever.

But yeah, the Nazi bit is pretty much the generic universal response to any disagreement on the Internet, regardless of whether the discussion involved German people or not.


Kaioto - []
Friday, February 21, 2003 07:51:38 PM

Tribun>> Sorry, I don't read German and I don't think it would be fair of me to judge what you said by what Babelfish would through back at me.

And even then, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between you being sarcastically witty or just basely insulting. I can make out something along the lines of "to Hell with you and your opinion" at the moment. Anyway, I'll just leave your comment in the air until I can grasp its communication accurately. I just wanted you to know I'm not ignoring you.

I find that course of actual much preferable rather than doing the typical Internet response of getting offended and defensive and offering back some caustic insult.

Damnit, and I had a good one lined up, too. ;-)

Kaioto - []
Friday, February 21, 2003 07:48:54 PM

Tribun <Screw you Nazi.
Friday, February 21, 2003 07:35:48 PM

Ediberto: One word: Kazaa!
Fire Storm
Friday, February 21, 2003 06:16:37 PM

Ediberto (From Puerto Rico) - []
Lares, Puerto Rico
Friday, February 21, 2003 05:58:33 PM

Kaioto>Ach, fahr doch zur Hölle mit deiner Meinung, und nimm die USA mit ihrem minderbemittelten Präsidenten gleich mal mit!
Tribun - []
Luebeck, SH, Germany
Friday, February 21, 2003 05:44:08 PM

Re: GW, Europe, and Iraq.

Why do the French, German, Russian, and Chinese governments oppose military action against Iraq?

Because they want Saddam's regime to remain in charge. France, Germany, Russian, and China make up the bulk of Iraq's oil customers, while Saddam is these country's most cost-effective supplier.

But isn't the US after Iraq's oil?

The US can't annex Iraq. The US already meets all its oil needs without any help from Iraq (this is one of the main reasons the US tolerates as much BS in Saudi Arabia as it does, though). The US is more concerned with what Saddam does with the money he gets for that oil he exports and the power he wields as a dictator. That money is supposed to be used to feed and medicate the Iraqi people, yet thousands die of simple diseases and hunger while Saddam lives in palaces, runs death squads that would make Hitler and Stalin proud, and spends money on Nuclear-grade alloy tubes that he claims are for "convential weaponry." Iraq provides a safe-haven by refusing to pursue international terrorist in its boarders and donating large sums of money (again, earmarked for humanitarian aid) to "charities" that act as fronts for terrorist groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

So why do the European media and European polls bag on the US and George Bush so much? It sells papers and air-time, for one thing. It is also a great low-profile hate-mongering tactic for politicians to make political gains. He's also a good cartoon-character, easy to get a laugh at with a one-liner.

Additionally, most of the source material Europe gets comes from either the White House (greeted with skepticism) the mainstream American Media (unrepentantly politically biased) and correspondants in Washington D.C., an extremely corrupt and politically biased city. Basically, any way you slice it, the input the European Media receives it doomed to be heavily weighted with anti-Bush bias, and even the most impartial journalist will be hard pressed to weed it all out.

Beyond that, Bush is rocking the boat for Europe. No one is going to crash a 747 into Paris while New York, Washington, and LA are more tempting targets. Global terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction really aren't a worry to Europe as long as they can count on the US to draw all the violence and destruction first. NIMBY at its purest, a fine tradition in Europe that has brought us enterainment like the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Vietnam, and Hitler just to name a few highlights.

Is Saddam Hitler? Nah. He's more like a mini-Stalin. He doesn't have the weapons yet to simply threaten to poison half the planet if anyone moves against him, but he's working on it. It is time for this dictator and his friends to go, and the Iraqi people to take back their government, money, and food. In the long run, I believe the Iraqi lives saved by stopping Saddam's regime should definitely out number the casualties of a military move against him, if executed properly (which the US and Britain are prepared for).

And that is why, no matter how many unemployed yuppies go hold signs in the park, no matter how much GW looks and sounds like a chimp, and no matter how much it pisses off Iraq's oil-buyers, I'm in favor or liberating Iraq from Saddam, just like I was in favor of liberating Afghanistan from the Taliban.

And yes, I'm boycotting French imports. Why the hell not. I'm already a supposedly a baby-killing war-monger. I might as well be uncultured and low-brow while I'm at it.

Kaioto - []
Friday, February 21, 2003 04:31:29 PM

Sorry for double post...suffering from post lunch drowsies

The quote is by Pam Brown.

Friday, February 21, 2003 01:43:17 PM

Jeeze people where the frell is everyone? This CR has been dead for too long.

I’ve been itchy for the past few days. I don’t know what caused it. I haven’t tried anything new in the form of soap, shampoo, or lotion. I did clean up some rotten citrus the other day. I wonder if that could be it.

It could also be cold weather itch. I read about it in Glamour

Desi<<<our first son is gonna be named Jet.>>>Why not Jackie, or Bruce, or Chow?<<<He's a very goofy happy dog that catches frisbees with style.>>>Two of my dogs are idiots. The other two will try to catch a tennis ball if you throw it at them.<<<And landed her self at deaths door in the hospital. BTW she's a recovering (or not so recovering apparently) alcoholic. >>>I know you probably don’t want to see this but…Alcohol is never the answer. I hope she gets well soon.<<<Anyone want a nineteen year old flesh and blood punching bag? I'll sell him cheap.>>>Nah, I’m still trying to unload my own brother onto someone…and he’s free.

Heather<<<but hte other medicine I can't remember the name but it started with an M also>>>Morephine

Taleweaver>>>Excellent Analysis

Bud Claire<<<Lemon pastry cremes?>>>Nah my mom isn’t a fan of those. We usually get the tin mints, the Peanut butter sandwich cookies, the chocolate covered peanut butter cookie. The oatmeal ones with icing(((except they were not there this year))) and the Caramel delights

Josh<<<Scheduled for an interview with Raytheon.>>> Magic Knight Raytheon?<<<Getting DSL at home>>>I hate you.<<<but somehow that doesn't interest me as much as getting in where I want to get in: here.>>>Why would you want to get in there? <<<The good news is that I've got a jump start on my homework due next week and the assignments I haven't finished yet are really easy>>>Already started my second story for my fic class.

Spike>>>Have fun.

28.”The world is built upon the courage of a million million unremembered souls, whose courage has outlived pestilence and war, bereavement , failure and suffering of every kind-and given life and hope to all who followed them.”

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Fl, U.S.A
Friday, February 21, 2003 01:42:16 PM

Disclaimer: I have a bit of a sinus headache, so I make no guarantees as to the coherence of this post. :P

Yggdrasil> <<Mr. Bush has never seemed very intelligent to us>>
A lot of Americans feel the same way. Dumb as a post. Bleh.

As for his motives, I have decided (emphasis on the word "decided") to give him the benefit of a doubt, at least for the time being. Why? Because it's too damned easy to be suspicious of his motives, and the universe doesn't give you points for doing things that are easy. ;)

If (emphasis on "if") he has even two IQ points to rub together, then he'd feel responsible if another major terrorist attack occurred that was even remotely in his power to prevent. So for now, I'll assume that, at least consciously, he is driven by concern for the welfare of his people, or at least concern for his ability to sleep at night, rather than greed and stupidity. (Subconsciously, however, I'd say that statement about Sadaam trying to kill his father was rather telling...)

Regardless... Despite everyone's overinflated opinion of the value of his or her own opinions, no one really knows exactly what George W.'s motives are (probably including himself, as he isn't too bright), or whether invading Iraq or not invading it is the best thing to do in the long run. Since no one has the ability to see the future, we're all basically just guessing. We'll just have to wait and see... and then the historians can debate it endlessly, instead of us. ;)
Dezi> <<On the side of Canada, I did claim back in 2000 that if GWB got elected, I was gonna move there.>>
My friend and I used to say that about Pat Buchanon.

<<She spent most of fourth grade searching the playground for a portal to another dimension during recess.>>
You know, my first impulse is to laugh, but after thinking it over... I probably would have helped her, had I been in her class. ;)
(Well, maybe not in _fourth_ grade, but definitely second...)
Josh> <<I bet I could have more fun if I conquered the planet.>>
But it's not a proper power-trip if you're doing it for the world's own good, and not to bolster your own fragile ego. ;)

<< <<They can make like Monica Lewinsky and go blow a goat>>: I didn't know she did that. >>
Isn't that about what she did?

<<That conversion was a programming error, not a physics error.>>
*snickers* No! Physics was wrong, dammit! All those stupid Laws... _I_ didn't vote for them, did you?

<<Quite frankly the rest of the world already revolves around us.>>
Ah, so the monkeys aren't really throwing shit at us, gravity just keeps pulling it our way. Makes sense. :P

Bud-Clare - []
Friday, February 21, 2003 12:59:54 PM


Gside: Here's the refference.

Korth, Kaneko, and Prusiner (2000). Expression of unglycosylated mutated prion protein facilitates PrPSc formation in neuroblastoma cells infected with different prion strains. Journal of General Virology, 81:2555-2563.

It explains the prion replication fairly well (considering how much we know). I was right that a prion is basically a converted membrane protein. As the host makes this protein normally the prion does not need to send any genetic information, it just needs to alter the native protein.

Yggdrasil - []
Ontario, Canada
Friday, February 21, 2003 10:37:20 AM

CTS/ cold laser therapy>> I *really* like this! It's really working well for me. Prior to treatment I had screaming pain from CTS and tendonitius in my thumbs but after two sessions, the pain level has decreased tremendously. My left hand is almost normal but the right will need more work. It's so nice not to hurt! (Check out if you're interested.)

Well, I'm off to ConDFW, a SF/fantasy literary con, to be in the art show this weekend. Never been before so this will be an adventure. Later!

Friday, February 21, 2003 09:34:42 AM

I hate Thursdays. Too much class. The good news is that I've got a jump start on my homework due next week and the assignments I haven't finished yet are really easy. Like my new programming assignment: write one matlab constructor function to subclass the function I wrote last week. Oooh...hard! NOT!

Bud-Clare: <<I had no trouble setting mine up whatsoever, and it worked perfectly for quite awhile>>: Grrr. <<I'm absolutely certain that it's possible to have obscene amounts of fun without the bizarre and pathetic power-trip>>: I bet I could have more fun if I conquered the planet. << the fanboys/girls that believe that everytime that something happens to their favorite characters that they don't agree with, they have the right to throw a tantrum and insult/threaten the show's creators>>: They do that for lots of stuff besides artwork. You should see Linux people whine.

Green Baron: <<The frogs wouldn't let us use their airspace to smack Libya, so the French Embassy at Triploi got bombed, too>>: We had to fly around them more recently, didn't we? <<Canada can have Maine, Vermont, Massachusettes, Rhode Island, and Connecticut though>>: I am not giving up a city with 20% college students. <<It's never been done>>: LOL! <<France still thinks they are a world power>>: Too bad no one else does. <<They can make like Monica Lewinsky and go blow a goat>>: I didn't know she did that. <<Chirac resents that a troop of American Brownies could take Paris with foam baseball bats>>: Ironic, when they make some of the best jets in the modern world. <<No nation truly has friends>>: Thank you Mr. The Plague.

Fire Storm: <<she says that she cannot be bought and money doesn't buy happiness!>>: Obviously, she doesn't have enough money. <<She doesn't want her sex life to be like porn!>>: Why not?! <<at work, I sleep on a poured concrete floor>>: I sleep at my desk. <<I have gotten (major and minor) ingrowns on each and every toe>>: Have you considered that your shoes may be improperly fitted? << or he is a frelling loon>>: Lets not be closed minded. He could easily be both 8-) <<But complicated plans are so much fun!>>: Not when the fail and you end up dead. <<removing not only the 'good guys', but your traitor too>>: Clever. <<No mention of parachutes. Oh well. Now it's sauce time>>: Good going. <<"But it's only a 2-liter bottle!">>: Wuss. <<I couldn't find anything better>>: This behavior begs the question: how did this law get passed in the first place?

Yggdrasil: <<Kinda glad about my moral fabric now, aren't we>>: Actually no. I was hoping to make use of you someday! <<You might want to tell NASA that. I seem to remember a certain mars lander that was lost due to a (f/s)/(m/s) screw-up>>: That conversion was a programming error, not a physics error. <<Mr. Bush has never seemed very intelligent to us>>: He's never seemed very intelligent to us either! <<71% thought he was a moron>>: That's it? <<we think it's about oil, oil, oil and a general diversion to distract the American citizens from the home front. (You do know your debt it pushing 6.4 Trillion dollars right?)>>: Smart Americans agree with you. The rest are running the country. <<the greatest threat to world peace to be ... George W. Bush>>: Sounds about right. <<they are not the only culture on the globe>>: Well we should be. Quite frankly the rest of the world already revolves around us. <<void yourself>>: LOL that should be added to Microsoft's EULA. <<Canadian perspective on world domination>>: HAHA great site.

Dezi: <<My teacher called it a "white paper". Some tech thing he said. Dunno>>: Its supposed to be a paper that outlines technical specifications for marketing. IE something a humanities major would write. <<that's what counts the most, right?>>: We are so doomed. <<she said I get Guam and Puerto Rico>>: How dare she give away my properties! <<The Chinese news thought the story was real and was actually reporting it as official>>: Only on Earth. <<The song is now outta my head>>: that song is about communism, or more specifically McCarthyism.

Gside: <<Preferrably something primarily made of water>>: Airplanes? <<if it doesn't fit, them I'm just going to have to bang it in>>: Where have i heard that before...? <<there are people who just want a sex life, of any kind>>: But she has one, so she can change it. <<you'll have a couple soft places to rest your head guaranteed>>: That's what breasts are for. <<Is'nt the second required to be the first?>>: No. He could be gay 8-) <<there's an eastern european conspiracy and they only have one old woman>>: LOL. <<I've seen an entire horse's hean, and most of its neck>>: You know the goatse guy?

finish some work, then star trek. Then SLEEEP.

130. All members of my Legions of Terror will have professionally tailored uniforms. If the hero knocks a soldier unconscious and steals the uniform, the poor fit will give him away.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Friday, February 21, 2003 02:31:52 AM


Gside: Not my area of expertise but I'll give it a go. Prions are proteins that are capable of carrying infection. The going theory is that these proteins are similar to naturally occurring ones in the host. The amino acid sequence shows a high degree of conservation and it is only in secondary and tertiary structure that these proteins differ. As they may possess autocatalytic activity and may be self-folding they are capable of hijacking the hosts proteins in order to convert the natural protein into the infectious prion. Let me look into this more, but I think that this is the general idea. All in all we are just starting to understand how this is done but we do know that there is no genetic material associated with the disease and that there is no change in the host DNA. As a result of this all changes must be happening on a post-transcriptional level. What these changes are...I have no clue. I'll find some papers and get back to you.

Yggdrasil - []
Ontario, Canada
Friday, February 21, 2003 01:02:08 AM

Imzadi> <<Airplanes?>>: Preferrably something primarily made of water.
<<I don't want your impression>>: Well, if it doesn't fit, them I'm just going to have to bang it in.

Green Baron> <<aren't the martial arts themselves part of religious practices, too?>>: Maybe religious orders originally invented and used them to help with focusing techniques, but I wouldn't say pure martial arts are religious. Besides, I can't see any religion inherent in anything goes martial arts dining.

Fire Storm> <<always getting new pets every week>>: Ours has lasted for almost 20 years now.
<<money doesn't buy happiness>>: What else are you supposed to use to buy your toys?
<<She doesn't want her sex life to be like porn>>: She shouldn't be so choosy. I mean there are people who just want a sex life, of any kind.
<<Real men don't need pillows!>>: No, but assuming the woman stays around after you've eaten the food and enjoyed her companionship, you'll have a couple soft places to rest your head guaranteed.
<<I sleep on a poured concrete floor>>: I will gladly sleep on any hard dry surface while waiting for something.
<<I have gotten (major and minor) ingrowns on each and every toe>>: You must be doing something wrong.
<<DAMN THE PG-13 rating in here>>: Be glad you've only got it in here. I've got one on my mouth.
<<Praise the silicon future, burn the organic>>: 110001110110100101101010111001101101101.
<<The interesting thing is that he hadn't even HEARD of the word>>: Sometimes your mind is going in some other direction entirely, and you can't remember the obvious.
<<I guess that says he is a thoughtful, caring man... THAT, or he is a frelling loon!>>: Is'nt the second required to be the first?
<<LM came from the Ukraine (well, and Lithuania), and she is quite attractive>>: But you have to remember, although they may start out different, eventually they all look alike. That, or there's an eastern european conspiracy and they only have one old woman.
<<But it's only a 2-liter bottle!>>: Two liters? Is that all? I've seen an entire horse's hean, and most of its neck.

Yggdrasil> <<I'm working on molecular virology>>: So how does a prion get you sick and reproduce without having any D/RNA?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Friday, February 21, 2003 12:22:55 AM

Errr. My aunt is in the hospital. Seems she got into a fender bender out in the parking lot of her work and didn't have proper car registration so she got into a lot of trouble. So she drank. And drank. And landed her self at deaths door in the hospital. BTW she's a recovering (or not so recovering apparently) alcoholic.
My pond scum brother actually called me to tell me. Big surprise, although he does relish the chance at being the bearer of such news. Anyone want a nineteen year old flesh and blood punching bag? I'll sell him cheap.

I stayed up till like 2:30 (really late for me most of the time) writing a paper about fiber optic cables that was due today. 5-7 pages. With graphics and pretty pictures. No sweat really 'cept I'm a world class procrastinator. My teacher called it a "white paper". Some tech thing he said. Dunno. I also dunno that much really about fiber optics. I learned real fast. The pictures were pretty though. Heh, and that's what counts the most, right?

The TV news just said that was reporting that on 9/11 a fifth attack was planned that day with a explosive filled tanker that would smash into one of our warships in the Persian Gulf. They called it off apparently 'cause they couldn't get enough explosives and didn't want to blow the cover for the main attacks.
Snow is on the way! And that's your nightly news.

Yggdrasil: <we just don't like US foreign policy and George W. in general> Neither do I. Let's join forces and plan a coup, Ok?:)<stating that George W. Bush was a moron> Hell, I'll say he's a moron: GEORGE W. BUSH IS A MORON! There. Now let the feds come and get me.<Canada! Canada no Boom Boom> On the side of Canada, I did claim back in 2000 that if GWB got elected, I was gonna move there. Then college got in the way. :)

Green Baron: <This was I think 1983> That sounds right. I remember the Chinese one.< I really wouldn't be able to know > This SNL sketch last weekend: Osama and Saddam talking to each other on the phone. Saddam doesnt want Osama to mention his name in the tapes. He's trying to explain to Osama but Osama is being difficult.
Saddam: Listen!
Osama:I am listening. This is a telephone. What do you want me to do, look? :)
<Dumbass!!> Not really, just really strange, in a vary naive kinda way. She spent most of fourth grade searching the playground for a portal to another dimension during recess. She also has her house ducT taped. ;) <voting in our electorate> Who says they'd get a vote? <Canada can have > When my friend Brooke (or Admiral as she calls herself) takes over the world, she said I get Guam and Puerto Rico. <make them think I was going to shoot them> Kinda like sticking your finger in the middle of someone's back and firing up the power drill being held in the other hand. :)

Ghost of Rev. Attila: Did you hear (or read) the onion article about the Congress getting tired of being in Washington DC and deciding to move the captial to another city? The Chinese news thought the story was real and was actually reporting it as official. :D

Tony: <If the former, where can I get my hands on it?> It's for my school paper, The Reflector, but they have a website: It's not on their yet (there's still one up there from the last election by another cartoonist) but I have been assured by the online editor that it will be up there soon. In the meantime, since I'm the new photo editor, feel free to check out my pics on there, I'm open to _constructive_ criticism. I'm still a beginner, I think.

**********My quotey 'cause it's stuck in my head***********
"Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes. Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes. It's a little secret, just the Robinson's affair. Worst of all you've got to hide it from your kids. "

Ok. That's all. The song is now outta my head! It's like therapy but cheaper.


Thursday, February 20, 2003 11:40:31 PM


**** Rant About Life ****
ARGHHHHHHHH! I have just wasted an entire week. I have spent the last four days building up to the one big experiment. The reagents alone have cost almost $3000.00 and the finding from this one experiment could very well change the course of my labs research. That was until some moron decided that it would be OK for him/her to change the temperature on the incubator without asking. Now we have to start again.

Hyperion, can I borrow your gun? (Just kidding)

**** End Rant ****

Tony Elliot: To be honest, I'm still a scientist in training. My PhD should be done in about 2 years. The closest I can get to my project without causing everyone in the CR to fall asleep is to say that I'm working on molecular virology.

It's actually rather funny. In my post about GE foods I mentioned briefly about pesticide use. For the most part the public wants to limit the use of pesticides on their food, but they don't want to deal with the consequences of their decision (worms in your corn anyone?). Anyways people gripe when you say pesticide spray, but their OK with a biological insecticide...say an engineered virus.

That's right I am the epitome of fear for many people. I engineer viruses for a living (mostly study, but our end goal is engineering). Now please note, we are not trying to breed some kind of super-flu. Unless you are an insect of a very particular species what we are working on will not hurt you in the slightest.

Kinda glad about my moral fabric now, aren't we.

In regards to the metric system in the US, I don't think that it's as you said; that Americans are stupid. To be honest it would take a lot of money to convert the population to metric.

However you also said that you could convert between metric and imperial easily. You might want to tell NASA that. I seem to remember a certain mars lander that was lost due to a (f/s)/(m/s) screw-up.

About everyone hating the U.S.: We don't hate Americans, we just don't like US foreign policy and George W. in general. Amazingly our own beloved dinosaur (Jean Chretien) said it best last week. Outside of America the word of the president is treated with a great deal of scepticism, it's unfortunate but true. Mr. Bush has never seemed very intelligent to us and his continual gaffs on an international scale have done nothing to change our view. Many of you may have heard about the Canadian press secretary stating that George W. Bush was a moron. What you may not have heard was that news agencies across the world got hold of this and many pollsters started asking the public what they thought. In Canada Ipsos-Reid did a survey of 2000 Canadians: The result. 71% thought he was a moron. As a matter of fact outside of the US (38%) the rest of the surveyed countries had "he's a moron" as the highest percentage. In short the man has done very little to impress the international community. Very few up here believe that a war in Iraq is to remove WMD from the planet. For the most part we think it's about oil, oil, oil and a general diversion to distract the American citizens from the home front. (You do know your debt it pushing 6.4 Trillion dollars right?). In another survey done last month the world (I'll find the reference later. It was a survey done in about 12 different countries. Outside of the US and Briton the results were consistent) considers the greatest threat to world peace to be ... George W. Bush.

In general that's why the world distrusts the US. It's not hate (well not in my case anyways. There are a lot of Arab countries that the word hate may be used) it's the fact that America has become very self absorbed and is unwilling to realize that they are not the only culture on the globe.

I know this won't sit well with many people in the CR, but this isn't only my opinion. You should ask people outside of your country what they think about the situation. A friend of mine had an interesting event when they were travelling in Iraq last year. When asked where he was from he said Canada. The reply to this was "Canada! Canada no Boom Boom.". I still don’t know if this was an expression of thanks, or an accurate commentary on our military forces.

Aaron: As to the tasers, some of Hyperion's comments are not entirely right. After some checking (I can't find online references I just called the local OPP office) I found that the tasers are effective through leather coats (although the puffy down ones give them a problem) and it doesn’t matter what you are on, you will go down if hit with one. The fact that someone can get hit with pepper spray and ignore it is one thing, but tasers essentially hijack the central nervous system. There is no way to resist; there is no drug to halt its effect. You will completely loose control of your voluntary nervous system (there is also a chance that you may ... void yourself).

On a more masochistic note: I have the second highest spice tolerance in the biology department. We started with hot wings, and then went to suicide wings. The next step was eating habenero peppers whole, followed by capsicum extract (1.4 million scoville units). By this point it was down to one and myself other. There weren’t any hotter foodstuffs in the building so my opponent pulls out a can of bear repellent (pepper spray) and gives himself a full five-second burst in the mouth! I gracefully accepted second place.

Oh yes on a final note. This is a rather old site up here but click on the link below for a Canadian perspective on world domination.

Good Night

Yggdrasil - []
Ontario, Canada
Thursday, February 20, 2003 09:06:25 PM

Bud-Clare: <Not grow up in _that_ way... unless you were a very scary kid...>
"He was so quiet as a kid... was always getting new pets every week"

Gisde: <But then they'll probably start losing, and then shift tactics back again.>
OR, the psychological torment from seeing the fat bottom girls coming down will allow them to win!
<Not even for fat sacks of cash money?>
For some reason she says that she cannot be bought and money doesn't buy happiness!
Can you believe that?
<It's a proven porn selling device. How could it not work?>
Get this: She doesn't want her sex life to be like porn!
<And you will have a couple of pillows handy.>
Real men don't need pillows! Hell, at work, I sleep on a poured concrete floor (true, it has glue-on carpet on it), and I don't need no pillow!
<Still, I've managed a quarter of my life expectancy without any incrown digits>
Lucky! I have gotten (major and minor) ingrowns on each and every toe
<Maybe I should go look for them, and maybe get in on the action. Then they'll have to give a verdict.>
Well then... um... DAMN THE PG-13 rating in here!
<Very famous story>
Well, that just proves that humans haven't evolved. Praise the silicon future, burn the organic

Imzadi: <Read Harry Potter.>
The interesting thing is that he hadn't even HEARD of the word!
<My roommate is FRIENDS with all his ex's. I don't understand it.>
I guess that says he is a thoughtful, caring man...
THAT, or he is a frelling loon!
<But our women are more attractive than theirs>
Hell yeah! BUT, if LM came from the Ukraine (well, and Lithuania), and she is quite attractive, so that makes me wonder about the breeding stock she came from...
<Then she'll have to put up a convincing case, and you win either way>
Except for one thing: Lawyers
<And that is why it is doomed to failure>
Hmm... But complicated plans are so much fun!
<Sometimes prisoners can be useful>
Hmm... like tying them up, wiring them with explosives, exchanging a prisoner exchange for a traitor to your side, and since the bad guys don't trust you, you send your prisoner first, then detonate, removing not only the 'good guys', but your traitor too!
<Left something out, did you?>
Let me see... Hmm... Airplane, skydivers... Yep. No mention of parachutes. Oh well. Now it's sauce time
<And "that doesn't fit there!">
"But it's only a 2-liter bottle!"
Oh HELL yes.

Green Baron: <How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris? It's never been done.>
THAT is funny!

Link of the day: I couldn't find anything better...

Fire Storm
Thursday, February 20, 2003 07:59:51 PM

Greetings all. Tonight I shall depart for Sofia, Bulgaria. I intend to enjoy four days of relaxation in "New Europe" and at New Europe prices :)

I will also get a chance to utilize my digital camera and get some pictures from behind the Iron Curtain :)

Ed> Well, I didn't want to bring in the Pakistani solely for that purpose, but I thought it could be a neat tie-in, though more a musing than a suggestion.

I imagine with our Pakistani fellow (let's call him Rashid) and Rory could be good tie-ins, though Rry's background isn't discussed in depth. I hope he isn't Orange, and I doubt he is, since he is true Irish and not one of the red handed pillagers. I think the IRA should hang, but I wnat the Orange Order and Red Hand drawn and quartered, to shwo perspective.

I also was curious for insight from a Londoner and once I get abck from Kosovo, I intend to pay a visit to London, after I save up, as I can safely assume London is a lot more expensive than Sofia :)

Gside> <<Don't forget teh shrine in the dojo, which occaisonally breaks as a bad omen.>> Good point, plus aren't the martial arts themselves part of religious practices, too?

Dezi> <<Hee hee. I got my dad going on an anti-France tirade and it was really funny. He rarely actually has a tirade. In it, he said somehthing about France (or Libya with France's approval?) not letting us fly our planes over or use their airspace so a pilot "accidently" dropped a bomb on the French embassy (of what country?) I dunno if he was mixed up with the time we took out that Chinese embassy or what but if anyone knows what the heck I'm talking about (cause I sure don't) let me know. It was funny, but now I'm confused>> Libya was bombed for defying a nuclear proliferation treaty. The frogs wouldn't let us use their airspace to smack Libya, so the French Embassy at Triploi got bombed, too. This was I think 1983.

1999, US unilaterally enters Kosovo and to deal with Milosevich, a genocidal Commie trying to kill every non-Serb in the Balkans, Clinton has Belgrade carpetbombed. By accident, the Chinese Emabssy gets bombed. I don't knwo if this is an accident or something more. Maybe Clinton wants teh Chinese to contribute more money to Al Gore's 2000 campaign or China tried to cahs in on tehri contributions to Clinton and he wanted to show them who's boss. Or it could have been an accident. Personally I see little reason for Clinton to do that on purpose. Looking at the area and the calmness now, I'm glad to be here, and sure its boring, but I'm glad the Balkans are boring. I wish the Balkans would be boring for the next two thousand years, and the Serbs, Albanians, Bosnians, and Croats would live in a boring peace and not kill each other.

In any event, I just hope we accomplish some lasting good, but we'll have to be here for two generations at least. It took English conquest to stop the Clan Wars in Scotland, which is not too differnet from the ethnic warring in the Balkans. With Milosevich on trial, or is he in prison now, there is some hope, but it will take a lot of effort.

<<I look like the whitest Mexican you'll ever see. :)>> Maybe. I really wouldn't be able to know :)

<<As my incredibly weird cousin would say: Oh you gotta look out for the drunken Italians and Irish coming to get you in the black 'copters now! (I _still_ don't really know what she was talking about. This is the same person that answered at test question like this:
Q. What was one of the major causes of the fall of Greco-Roman civilization?
Her A. Jello.
I told her to have an answer for every question.>>

<<No kids, not now any how. My mom was my age when she had me and I couldn't even imagine having a kid. I gotta dog.>>
I'll get a cat, myself. Well, no reason to have five kids, especially since you're not Catholic :) Even if you were, I knwo plenty of Catholci couples with small families. I am one of two children.

<<Time to take Canada. Needs to be put in its place. :)>> Nah! Other than Alberta and maybe Saskatchewan, I doubt I'd want the other provinces voting in our electorate.
Canada can have Maine, Vermont, Massachusettes, Rhode Island, and Connecticut though :)

Jaden> The Camp Bondsteel DFAC is actually very good. It's open 24-7 and has a pretty good selection though horribly mundane. In Sofia, I will sample some Eatsern European food, though.

Bud-Clare> <<But are you comfortable with that smell? ;)>> New Orleans can have a paper mill smell and it's nasty, but not that problematic. The smell of NYC wasn't bad. Besides, nothing is worse than the smell of a rural Euroepan up close :)

Fire Storm> <<Yeah... that will work too. Just like those idiots that went all that way to be shields only to roll their SUV>>

How does the Iraqi Republican Guard shield themselves?
Hollywood celebrities.

How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris?
It's never been done.

<<Why not? "Sir! They fired at us!" (I am sure your squad mates would back you up on this)>>
Somehow I doubt a Finance soldier will get that opportunity, nor would I really get anything out of it. I would like to poke Sean Penn or George Clooney with my M16A and make them think I was going to shoot them. I'd only give that impression until they wet themselves.

Yggdrasil> That event occure din Washinton DC. Yes, it is the capitol of the US, but it is also a crime-ridden city and very heavy in murder. Iornically, it ahs the msot draconian gun laws in the US. If I recall firearms are illegal for anyone but soldiers and cops, so I guess the killer needed to be told that rule.

Now, America is a very diverse nation. Washington DC may be the capitol, but it is one city, and a pretty dangerous one at that.

You take a pizza delivery boy from Oregon, an attractive housewife from California and an Engineer from Ohio. These three are not going to have mirror veiwopoints or ideas. In fact, putting these three together may result in a bloodbath, so bad example.

Take a Bookstore clerk from New York, a College Student from California, and a soldier currently stationed in Washington. These three people will ahve undoubtedly very differnet ideas, views, philosophies, and would get along reasonably well in public, but there is a greta diversity.

The same is undoubtedly true in Canada, though on a smaller scale, just due to the smaller population.

<<There's no way that this atrocity can be called civilised.>> Au Contraire. We are so civilised, we casually ignore it and do not get involved. We need to get a lot less civilized. There are plenty of places where this ould happen in the US and plenty where it wouldn't.

Tony Eliot> <<I remembers CS Lewis saying something like “A man may pray, ‘God, please give the strength to do what’s right… but not just yet.’”>> Ah, but you forget the man he got it from. St. Augustine way back in the early days of Chirstianity (when Chirstian and Catholic were interchangable) had the prayer, "Lord, grant me chastity and constancy, but just not yet."

Rather funny considering St. Augustine was a real wildman in his early days.

<<There are also those who would rather not know more because that means bumping up the level of commitment and making some hard changes in one’s life.>> Well, the more I know, the more I like. Actually, I've been learning that Catholicism is not nearly as rigid as I have always believed.

<<We do not have imperialistic ambitions; the rest of the world should be grateful that we are the only super power left, one that doesn’t want to annex everyone else into an empire.>> That is the problem. We're on top. Enough reaosn for us to be an enemy to leaders of failed countries, for they can blame America and save their own worthless necks. Arafat can point the finger at Israel and it keeps the Palestinians from killing him and his henchmen. Of course, Hamas is even worse than Arafat's gang.

Actually, what's really sad is France still thinks they are a world power. A number of Eastern European countries have lent support to the US and Jacques the unwashed weasel threatened their EU candidacy. One of those nations was Bulgaria and I'll galdly spend my money in their capitol this weekend :)

Imzadi> <<If you did, then YOU can be branded a traitor and see how it feels.>> wah! If my info to Silvadel is a security breach and compromises the US forces in Kosovo, then they can line me up and fire at will.

<<Apparently CNN really ripped into the paper for that one.>> They can make like Monica Lewinsky and go blow a goat.

<<He's KING ARTHUR.>> And a lot better than King Charles III.

<<Go take a trip to Europe for a few weeks and get a third party perspective on US foreign policy. The world hates us because we're jerks.>> I agree the US should be more humble, but Germany has no Kaiser and no Prussia, plus we kind of broke them when rehabilitating them, having a Green as Foreign Policy Minister. Good thing the reiging clowns have 25% apporoval in Germnay as they are doing worse than Dubya on the Domestic issues.

France is trying to bully the EU applicants and of course doesn't want teh world to know how many illegal weapons materials came from them, plus Chirac resents that a troop of American Brownies could take Paris with foam baseball bats.

I admit the US is far from perfect, but the competition sucks.

Bud-Clare> <<Sometimes they really are just being whiny bastards.>> Or they realize if their subjects hate America, they won't be overthrown and hung the next morning.

Spacebabie> <<Yup, but he may get a job with UPS>> That's good, otherwise he might be a homeless vet,a nd then you'd have to feel comapssion for him.

<<What the Christ are ye talking about my son?>> You got the accent right.

Greg X> <<Well, considering that Tolkien was a Monarchist, I'm sure he'd really like the comparison ;)>> I didn't know that about Tolkein. I have similar sympathies.

Dezi> <<Next issue we (the editorial staff) agreed will involve cheese-eating surrender monkeys wearing either striped shirts or I Luv NATO shirts with Eiffel Tower and Maginot Line and a road sign to Euro Disney in the background. Of course the monkeys will have funny mustaches and berrets plus cheese and french bread. Dunno how to do a link thing to my name to show though.>> Don't forget the cigarettes and littel wavy lines form their arms showing body odor.

Leo> <<And morons who think that just because they own an SUV they can handle driving on ice>> It's fun to see them get stalled. If they're going to get a gas guzzler, they should at leats get soemthing that can take a beating.

Aaron> <<No, Tony Blair is definitely a hobbit. Perhaps Sam to G.W.'s Frodo. Remind me, and I'll give you the whole list of the "Fellowship of the Willing". (We couldn't get nine, America doesn't have that many friends)>> No nation truly has friends.

Well, there is that gang of 8, along with Israel and Australia. Also, in Germany, I think Americans have a 60% apporval rating while Furher Gerhard Schroeder only has about 25% :)

I think the comparison is poor, because if you consider America to be wrong for going into war (which is a valid view that I don't share), I'd have trouble seeing Sadaam Hussein, Jacques Chriac, Dominque (yes a man is named Dominique) de Villepin, Gerhard Schroeder, Joshka ::spits:: Fischer, Yasser "babywipes" Arafat, Hans "Inspector Closeau" Blix, UN Human Rights Champion Moammer Khadaffi, and the UN bumblers as good guys, by comparison.

Oddly enough no one cares about France's action in the Ivory Coast, plus they invited mass murderer Robert Mugabe to Paris and I bet he will walk out of there. Belgium wants to prosecute Sharon, but I doubt they will try to nab Mugabe, who has destroyed Zimbabwe and is causing millions to starve, as he and his family seize the farms to enrich themselves.

I want to see this fellowship of the willing. My livejournal has a reference to Lord of the Rings with Captain Euro trying to negotiate with the Ring Wraiths :)

Green Baron - []
Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo
Thursday, February 20, 2003 05:21:30 PM

Josh> <<Can someone explain to me why wireless networking on Windows is such a bitch to set up and use?>>
In all fairness, I had no trouble setting mine up whatsoever, and it worked perfectly for quite awhile. It was only after my roommate moved the router farther away that I started having problems. (Of course, _she_ set up the router, and I was out of town at the time, so I suppose she might have had problems that I'm not aware of.)

<<Or maybe the desire for obscene amounts of fun?>>
...I'm absolutely certain that it's possible to have obscene amounts of fun without the bizarre and pathetic power-trip.

<<Sounded familiar, that's why I asked.>>
That's scary, too.

<<I don't know many artists without talent.>>
That's because they're not real artists, they're just wannabes. And I'm sure you've met plenty of them, you just were lucky enough to block out the memory.

<<Its the critics that are arrogant.>>
Hell, yeah. Also, the fanboys/girls that believe that everytime that something happens to their favorite characters that they don't agree with, they have the right to throw a tantrum and insult/threaten the show's creators. They're fictional characters, for Puck's sake. People suck.

Yggdrasil> "Can we not aspire to be more than just what we are."
Of course. But if you try to force your aspirations onto others, it rather misses the point.

Bud-Clare - []
Thursday, February 20, 2003 10:49:02 AM

For those hwo like, here's another satirical website.

Warning: It has a right-wing slant, but still heavily entertaining :)

Here's the latest sample
Gephardt Insists He's Really Running for President
(2003-02-20) -- Rep. Dick Gephardt, D-MO, whose leadership is credited with securing Republican control of Congress, insists he is really running for President.

An overnight poll shows that 73 percent of Americans believe the Gephardt announcement story originated on "one of those satire web sites." The other 27 percent think Mr. Gephardt declared his candidacy "just to get media to show up at his press conference."

But the candidate himself insists, "I'm really running...really."

Experts now estimate the number of Democrat presidential candidates is "into the double digits." The federal government printing office has reportedly run out of exploratory committee paper forms and is scrambling to print more.

Political pundits acknowledge that among the flock of Democrat candidates, Mr. Gephardt could be a front runner, "if he can overcome his high name recognition."

BTW, the Sen. Lieberman post is not connected to me or the Green Baron in case anyone was wondering.

ghost of Reverend Attila
Thursday, February 20, 2003 07:56:09 AM

Woot. Scheduled for an interview with Raytheon. Figured out that bug in MATLAB, handed in my assignments. Scored a new pair of Oakleys for 45% off. Getting DSL at home. Life is good. Except for not knowing about Apple yet. And grad schools. Those are driving me nuts. Looks like some of my friends didn't get in to Berkeley grad, so I'm kind of nervous. I know I'll get in SOMEWHERE, but somehow that doesn't interest me as much as getting in where I want to get in: here.

Can someone explain to me why wireless networking on Windows is such a bitch to set up and use? Why is it that Apple's wireless technology is not only simple to set up, but completely interoperable with every other 802.11b piece of hardware and yet no one else can seem to make a user-friendly wireless router? I spent three hours today trying to get one to work, and it flatly refused.


Fire Storm: <<THAT is why I don’t keep in touch with my ex-es>>: My roommate is FRIENDS with all his ex's. I don't understand it. <<THEY will do the same to US!>>: But our women are more attractive than theirs. <<she keeps saying she will appeal>>: Then she'll have to put up a convincing case, and you win either way. <<One of these gatherings we will have photographic proof>>: Not holding my breath. <<my plans are no worse that some super villains plans!>>: And that is why it is doomed to failure. <<I say shoot to kill, take no prisoners>>: Sometimes prisoners can be useful. <<Let me check my notes>>; Left something out, did you? <<She claims “I’m not like that” and “I can’t believe you would think that would work!”>>: And "that doesn't fit there!" <<I do my other toes myself>>: OWWWW!

Patrick: <<how come the mayor never cancels work citywide>>: Because that would cost money.

Taleweaver: Good review of the villains.

Bud-Clare: <<causing the chickens to resort to cannibalism>>: LOL. <<Desire for power is the result of gross insecurity>>: Or maybe the desire for obscene amounts of fun? <<My head>>: Sounded familiar, that's why I asked. <<The less talent they have, the more arrogant they become>>: I don't know many artists without talent. Its the critics that are arrogant. <<_We_ didn't get out of classes>>: Sorry.

Gside: <<Then live someplace where the stuff falls from the sky is occaisonally solid>>: Airplanes? <<Funky. Time flys>>: Indeed. <<a description of 30 centimeters doesn't have the same ring as footlong>>: True. <<you get The Impression That I Get>>: I don't want your impression.

Aaron: <<(S)he just disappeared one day>>: The black choppers got her. <<one of the things I aspire to is to stay alive and in possession of my wallet>>: LOL good call. <<we're also the only superpower left. So we can>>: But we can't seem to force everyone else to use it. <<I refuse to use a system of measurement invented by the French>>: In all fairness, it wasn't ENTIRELY the french. <<when I see pr0n written in metric>>: Pron isn't written. <<We couldn't get nine, America doesn't have that many friends>>: LOL!

Tony Elliot: <<Speak for yourself>>: No, the point is that I was speaking for the whole country. <<I don’t get it; ‘quiddich’ aint in Websters’>>: Read Harry Potter.

and with that, sleep.

129. Despite the delicious irony, I will not force two heroes to fight each other in the arena.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Thursday, February 20, 2003 03:52:59 AM

Aaron> <<I'll believe it when I see pr0n written in metric>>: Yeah, a description of 30 centimeters doesn't have the same ring as footlong.

Tony Elliot> <<I don�t get it; �quiddich� aint in Websters>>: Check the previous for an explanation. And quidditch is the invented sport from Harry Potter. Besides, this is Australian indoor rules.

Mp3. I never knew there was so much horn work in the Mighty Mighty Bosstones. So you get The Impression That I Get.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Thursday, February 20, 2003 12:13:03 AM

***************Enterprise spoilers, sort’a ***************
Finally! A high quality episode. The last two were pretty good, but this one is up to TNG standards. Anyone think T’pol believes in time travel yet?
**************End spoilers***************************

Just about done with ‘Prophets and Angels’, yet another well-done story. This fits nicely into the overall story arc so far, simply because it picks up on ideas mentioned far earlier in the season. Although, is linking events from a plot that occurred far earlier a ‘good’ story technique? In other words, can you take a mediocre plot, spread it out over a time and put stuff in between to make it a good plot? I’m reluctant to say yes, it’s the same technique that many other series, TV or literary, employ. (For the record, I do not consider TGS thus far to be any near as low as mediocre)
The revelation of Demona’s friend, Michel, probably would have been better if placed in one of the earlier episodes like ‘From the Heart’. "When your child assumes two forms, a great evil draws near..." could have been referenced in ‘Equality’ and then once again in ‘Prophets and Angels’.
Love the art for this episode, C.S.H.


<Got to draw the political cartoon for the paper this issue. Had GWB…>
Is this a TGS related paper or is this for school. If the former, where can I get my hands on it?

<The world hates us because we're jerks.>
Speak for yourself.

Really good drawings… but I don’t get it; ‘quiddich’ aint in Websters’.

<As a scientist I refuse to use any system… used by the international community>
Just jumbling your words, it sounds funnier this way. What kind of scientist? (Question is posed out of genuine curiosity, not malice like the last sentence.)
< The funny thing is that the metric system is infiltrating you culture as we speak; your military has used metric measurements for decades, your scientists as well. We will rule you eventually… resistance is futile. Bwahahahaha!>
We haven’t switched yet because our countries dumb people would be too confused. But the rest of the smarter ones, military & scientists (& engineers), have no problem using both systems. It’s not that the country can’t switch, it’s that we don’t want to. And why the heck should we? So as a result, those Americans who do use both systems can do unit conversions in their sleep. Diversity in measurement makes us smarter (opinion, not fact).
<Yes, and we're also the only superpower left. So we can>
Texans - blunt & correct.

Tony Elliot - []
Milwaukee, WI, If you measure our temperature in Kelvin, it still sounds cold here
Wednesday, February 19, 2003 09:53:50 PM

Had to reply:
Aaron: <S)he just disappeared one day> The aliens got him/her? Or the government? <So we can> LOL! Rock on! <invented by the French> more LOL, this just made my day! :D

ok thats all I had for now. If I have anything else worth saying (or not as worthy) I'll say it later.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003 09:03:38 PM

Generic - []
Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Wednesday, February 19, 2003 07:40:51 PM

Hyperion> <<<actual quote from Conspiracy Theorist> You have baffled me.>> We used to have a poster called Conspiracy Theorist. (S)he just disappeared one day. <<Good points. Mind if I use some of them?>> Be my guest.

Yggdrasil> <<I think I know the old tasers you are thinking of however. Were they large square shaped devices?>> Perhaps taser technology has moved some since the last time I checked. They still don't sound like an acceptable substitute, for the reasons Hyperion outlined. <<Can we not aspire to be more than just what we are.>> Of course, aspiration is a noble thing. However, one of the things I aspire to is to stay alive and in possession of my wallet. <<America is the only country left that still uses the old imperial system of measurement as the official unit of measure.>> Yes, and we're also the only superpower left. So we can. <<As a scientist I refuse to use any system other than that used by the international community.>> And as an American, I refuse to use a system of measurement invented by the French. ; ) <<The funny thing is that the metric system is infiltrating you culture as we speak; your military has used metric measurements for decades, your scientists as well. We will rule you eventually… resistance is futile. Bwahahahaha!>> I'll believe it when I see pr0n written in metric.

GXB> <<Tony Blair is really Denethor?>> No, Tony Blair is definitely a hobbit. Perhaps Sam to G.W.'s Frodo. Remind me, and I'll give you the whole list of the "Fellowship of the Willing". (We couldn't get nine, America doesn't have that many friends)


Aaron - []
San Antonio, TX, USA
Wednesday, February 19, 2003 06:48:41 PM

Something Awful - heh *^_^* actually went to see what they had to say, and it wasn't as 'awful' as all that:

"Shockingly Tomax and Xamot aren't into twin-themed bondage. Among the more usual GI Joe porn stories are a few crossovers that got me laughing. The description for one particularly massive series is enough to make me giggle like a sex slave to the Crimson Guard.

' Pizzazz and Fox - By Jerrica Xamont

This story is a special crossover story involving G.I. Joe, Jem, and Gargoyles, and it features Pizzazz of the Misfits, Tomax and Xamot of the Cobra Crimson Guard, and David Xanatos. ONGOING.

Tomax and Xamot are obviously fan fiction favorites, but who knew that they would work so well with characters from Jem and Gargoyles?! A++++ would read again!


Apparently they got a grin or two out of the whole thing. But if you don't want to wade through Sportsman's GI Joe site, you might try going through my fan fic archive which premiered the story in question. It's in the adult section, The Red Room. My site was originally all JEM but the fan fic section (or is that sex-tion?) expanded to include other cartoons and sci-fi shows. I'm surprised the story showed up on Sportsman site since I try to run fan fic exclusives only.


Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:21:48 AM

Um... Ok...
I saw a link to a place that has a story like this on Something Awful...

' Pizzazz and Fox - By Jerrica Xamont
This story is a special crossover story involving G.I. Joe, Jem, and Gargoyles, and it features Pizzazz of the Misfits, Tomax and Xamot of the Cobra Crimson Guard, and David Xanatos. ONGOING.

If you REALLY want to read it, find the link on Something Awful... but it can't be good!

Fire Storm the Twisted
Wednesday, February 19, 2003 08:41:35 AM

Click on my name for a site to the Axis of Weasels.

Yay for East Europe. Chirac (who should change his name to Chiraq) essentially made a threat that by not kowtowing to him they may denied entry into the EU.

Boycotting French wine and cheese> Well, the French use bovine blood to clarify their wine. I have a better idea. US shoudl pull its investments out fo France. Put them in "New Europe". Why should we have dealings with a country that has 35 hour work weeks and thug-like Unions. Eastern Europe is a great investment as will be post-war Iraq and Vietnam has potential and is willing to give capitalism a chance.
ghost of Reverend Attila
Wednesday, February 19, 2003 06:52:18 AM

Imzadi> <<Most artists have such inferiority complexes that its ridiculous>>: Piro. At least he acknowlegdes it.
<<I wish we had work cancelled due to weather>>: Then live someplace where the stuff falls from the sky is occaisonally solid.
<<Evidence hasn't been collected yet>>: That too.
<<Real men can sleep anywhere>>: And you will have a couple of pillows handy.
<<2 this month, I think?>>: Funky. Time flys.
<<You need a life>>: Old news.

Fire Storm> <<The problem develops when the Russians assume that everyone likes large women>>: But then they'll probably start losing, and then shift tactics back again.
<<I�m not like that>>: Not even for fat sacks of cash money?
<<I can�t believe you would think that would work>>: It's a proven porn selling device. How could it not work?
<<I have more than 1 toe>>: Still, I've managed a quarter of my life expectancy without any incrown digits.
<<Makes me wish I had pics of my second degree burns>>: Shame.
<<They are out all right� out getting some>>: Maybe I should go look for them, and maybe get in on the action. Then they'll have to give a verdict.
<<Parson?>>: Back in '64, a woman was killed while her neighbors watched. Very famous story. You should be able to find a bunch of articles on the net just searching for her name.

Bud Clare> <<the breading might be too tempting, causing the chickens to resort to cannibalism>>: And it wouldn't be economical to raise them seperately, so I guess we'll have to do things the hard way.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Wednesday, February 19, 2003 12:14:58 AM

Spacebabie> <<And you know what Girl Scouts sell at grocery stores right?>>
Lemon pastry cremes? *looks hopeful*

Gside> <<True, and featherless chickens already look pretty funny.>>
Also, the breading might be too tempting, causing the chickens to resort to cannibalism.

Josh> <<And if he gets what he wants and he's happy, is he still pathetic?>>
Yes. Desire for power is the result of gross insecurity.

<<Where's it from?>>
My head. It just popped out. Kinda scared me a bit, so I thought I'd share.

<<Not so funny, trust me.>>
Sure it is. :)

<<Most artists have such inferiority complexes that its ridiculous.>>
Those are only artists with talent. The less talent they have, the more arrogant they become.

<<The last time classes were cancelled it was because passenger jets were raining from the sky. Across the country.>>
_We_ didn't get out of classes...

Fire Storm> <<Oh god why? Growing up means moving on from all the things I loved as a kid!>>
Not grow up in _that_ way... unless you were a very scary kid...

<<You know, with all the rules you posted involving prisoners, I say shoot to kill, take no prisoners>>
But what about the cliche where one of the good guys is somehow vital to the villian's plans? i.e. he/she has some vital piece of information, or only a member of his/her bloodline can do such and such...

Bud-Clare - []
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 10:01:52 PM

Taleweaver> Regarding the Unseelie Court Surtur, Anath and Huitzilopochtli are still out there since we haven't seen any of them die and Surtur can be considered a heavy hitter since he is seen in Norse Mythology as the one that burns up the nine worlds.

Though I really don't see Lancelot as a big villain considering that he seems to have reservations against harming Arthur.

Oh and you forgot the Queen of the Northgalis, a poor man's version of Morgana, Powell, who does have potential to be a threat, and Feldman and Ratcliffe who have been reduced to something close to comic relief.

The Answer
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 10:01:43 PM

Taleweaver>> WOW. And i thought my pendragon-related comments were in detail.

Heather - []
Warner Robins, GA, USA
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 09:34:13 PM

Actually, James Seabairn was a one-shot villain; he died (as in, melted away in front of Arthur) at the end of Season Three.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 06:40:39 PM

I just finished updating the Gargoyles Episode Archive Pages with links to Bad Guys area. A link to a chat room was removed . Next week, Pendragon Episode Archive Pages will be updated.

As requested, if you find a dead link within the tgs website, post in the CR or email to let me know.

DPH - []
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 05:18:25 PM

Ha Ha!

The US Government gave themselves a "snow day" today.

(Sorry no link. I heard this from my uncle who works at the Pentagon.)

They have 3-4ft of snow in Northern Va, but just a 3hr drive down I-95 we have nothing, just ice. (And morons who think that just because they own an SUV they can handle driving on ice)

Leo - [<the "slopes" of Springfield, VA]
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 05:09:20 PM

Pendragon> Glad to see the discussions turned to TGS related stuff. I thought I'd take a look at the Pendragon villains to see if they have what it takes to give Arthur & his crew a run for his money.

The Minions
Villain Rating: 2 comparable to the NYC Street Thugs

Not much to them after the Unseelie war. General mischief-makers into vandalism, they lack leadership and an overall goal.

Lucius Adrians
Villain Rating: 5 comparable to the Original Pack or the Archmage

Former English liason for the Unseelie's operations on the isles, now he's a deluded scholar dreaming the petty dreams of world domination. He generally serves as the wrong hands for anything mystical to fall into. Not a big threat with Merlin and Una being more experienced and powerful magic-users. Maybe he could give Lucy and the hatchlings some trouble.

Darien Montrose
Villain Rating: 4 comparable to Xanatos Goon Squad

This executive was a one-time, would-be suitor of Angela Destine. A casual supporter of the Unseelie during the war, now he set his sights on the Camford Corporation. I wish rate him higher, but its doubtful Arthur will get embroiled in a boardroom battle. Since his introduction at the start of Pendragon Montrose has degraded from a Dracon-like villain to a bumbling foolio like Vinnie.

Villain rating: 7 comparable to Fox or Tony Dracon

The Illuminati society as opposed to individual members like Hector Duval has no real interest in Arthur. They are more interested in the London Clan he is allied with. There could be some conflict here if Arthur took on the Society on directly.

Hector Duval
Villain Rating: 9 comparable to Thailog

I'm partial to this villain. (I know, big surprise) He has the resources and the will to use them. His personal history with Arthur makes everything between them personal. Definately the strongest mundane villain in Pendragon, though they could use a stronger one. The stories need a balancing agent with all the magic, myth and folklore utilized.

Assorted Unseelie
Villain Rating: 5 comparable to the Pack or the Archmage

Most of the heavy hitters in the Unseelie Court are either dead, captured or will make an appearence in the future NY of Timedancer. There are still many Unseelie who could cause trouble, but mostly the lesser ones with no personality, generally the mischief makers.

Villain Rating: 7 comparable with Fox or Dracon

This Demona wanna-be has the chops but not the stomach for true revenge. Her desire to get back at Merlin and Arthur inspires her to some creative plots, but her dithering before delivering the final blow is old hat. She has magic and she's perfectly acclimated to modern times that could have been a tremendous asset fighting a 5th century king who once had no clue about the time he now inhabits. Though after 5 years, that advantage is probably blown. If she saw her evil plans all the way through, she'd be dangerous.

James Seabairn
Villain Rating: Unknown

This one is confusing. Is he Mordred or not? A magical construct is a novel way to bring another figure from Camelot days to the present, but it needs some definition. If James is an individual then he deserves his own rating. If he's just a tool of Morgana, then she can go up a rate to be on par with Demona. For now, well see where he goes in the upcoming season.

Thats the Pendragon villains in brief. What is everyone else's opinions? Did I miss any? Do you think I gave your favorite baddie the short shrift.

Lets hear some chatter.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003 04:25:22 PM


Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!

Does the French nation recall that slogan?

The current French tolerance of and indifference to the wave of attacks upon French Jews speaks clearly of the decline of the French national character.

The French have forgotten! Two hundred and some odd years ago the suffering French populace erupted in revolution against tyranny. They cried for and fought for liberty, fraternity, equality for all in every aspect of French society.

The French have forgotten! But I remember! I still have in my mind the heartbreaking image of the Parisian gentleman from whose eyes the tears fell copiously as he watched the Nazi troops marching triumphantly into Paris. The face of that Frenchman still lives in my mind sixty years later. It is the same as the faces of so many French Jews today.

The French have forgotten! But I remember! I remember the ecstasy, the flowers, the kisses with which the French people greeted their American and British liberators from Nazi terror.

The French have forgotten! - They have forgotten the dehumanizing result of terror upon themselves. They have forgotten the shame of Vichy France. Those who watch with indifference the attacks upon their neighbors sink into degeneracy themselves.

The French have forgotten brotherhood and love of others than themselves. They have forgotten equal justice. They have forgotten that a nation without strength of morality and character is a nation already in the lower depths of degradation.

So, just as the Swiss were part of the Nazi problem sixty years ago, the French are part of the problem of world terrorism today. As the French casually watch their Jewish citizens attacked let them remember how they, the French, acquiesced in cowardice at the rape of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis in 1938, only to suffer under the Nazi heel so soon after.

My contempt for present day France is accompanied by great regret. We gave the lives of American boys to save them once. They have forgotten. However, we Americans have not forgotten. All Americans with integrity of character must boycott France. I hope large numbers of you will join me in this.

Senator Joe Lieberman
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 01:49:32 PM

Attila on the Kennedy Camelot>Arthur and Duval probably sees them as a "jackdaw in eagle feathers".
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 01:32:46 PM

Patrick> Fidel Castro, Sadaam Hussein, Kim Il-Jong are better defined as thugs, not as King in any way Arthur woudl perceive it. He might find the King of Jordan okay, but the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia would repulse him, with those kind of thugs calling themselves a royal family.

And on your list of thugs, you forgot Hugo Chavez of Venzuela, a democratically elected leader who seized power. I wonder when de la Silva of Brzil will follow suit.

Also, Arthur would be quite distraught at how Kings were behaving after his time, for he undoubtedly sees a ruler as a noble and just public servant.

I wonder how he'd feel about the Kennedy family and their being called Camelot.
ghost of Reverend Attila
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 09:27:12 AM

Spacebabie > I'm still trying to figure that out myself... I could have sworn the "image" field was set to Puck. I'm not even sure who that was in that pic that came up instead.

Re: Arthur & England > If Arthur wants any real influence and power, he would not want to become King of England. In fact, he'd probably be a bit shocked to see how emmasculated the monarchy has become... and not just in England If you look around the world, the few all-powerful leaders left don't even call themselves "king" anymore. Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, and Kim Jung-il are all "Presidents." The vast majority of the kings, queens, and emporers left are little more than figureheads and subjects for tabloid gossip.

Off to shovel snow. The superintendent cancels school citywide... how come the mayor never cancels work citywide?

Patrick Toman
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 07:12:24 AM

Dezi: <<I kinda brought that up: I've been downloading the eps lately. Got up to #97 so am happy now. And the first movie after much trial and error. :)>> AH. Okay. Me, I've been downloading them myself too, just got to episode 80.

Spacebabie: << Is it Percadan? >> No. I'm kind of immune of Moltren(sp) but hte other medicine I can't remember the name but it started with an M also.

Grr. My mom threw away the bottle.

Heather - []
Warner Robins, GA, USA
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 04:46:42 AM

Imzadi: <Its kind of cool...until her future relationships come looking for you asking what you did to her>
THAT is why I don’t keep in touch with my ex-es
<Note to self: move to Moscow>
Remember: Since this is a war, THEY will do the same to US!
<Tell her you'll revoke her porn license>
I’ve tried that, but she keeps saying she will appeal! That’s all I need… a board of appeals inquiry and the damn unions getting involved
<Because right now they want to dominate the video game market.>
All it takes is ONE hacker dedicated enough to try though.
<Been betting that for years>
One of these gatherings we will have photographic proof
<More often than not, IMO>
True, true…
<Then your plan is too fragile and doomed to failure>
But my plans are no worse that some super villains plans!
<Super villain rules>
You know, with all the rules you posted involving prisoners, I say shoot to kill, take no prisoners

Bud-Clare: <Grow up>
Oh god why? Growing up means moving on from all the things I loved as a kid!

Dezi: <I assume you'll give them parachutes. SPlat!>
Let me check my notes…

Gside: <They'd probably be doing the same to DC, and young slavic women aren't too bad.>
The problem develops when the Russians assume that everyone likes large women
<I'm amazed she wouldn't want to make a little extra money on the side.>
She claims “I’m not like that” and “I can’t believe you would think that would work!”
<And I don't like jalepeno poppers, I just got the evilness of them from Sluggy.>
Oh, that’s ok then. Bring’em!
<MAybe they are working on it, but haven't released it in fear of being noticed. It's getting harder to keep something small on the internet.>
I hope so! I REALLY want to play Halo, but I won’t get an Xbox… unless it’s REALLY on sale
<This has happened multiple times? What are you doing to your feet?>
I have more than 1 toe. I’ve had ingrown toenails removed (surgically) at least 5 times (all from the big toes. I do my other toes myself.)
For this most recent one, I went to the doctor that did the one before that, and I haven’t had a problem with that toe since then (he removes the nail bed)
<Go right ahead. I posted a scan of my stitched hand.>
Makes me wish I had pics of my second degree burns
<Jury's still out on the matter.>
They are out all right… out getting some!
<I'm not sure. Kitty Genovese was pretty bad.>

Ah, no news worth linking to

Fire Storm
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 02:50:24 AM

Got an interview request from Raytheon today. By this time 4 months from now, I could be building...uh...something classified.

In other news, some weird bug in MATLAB is driving me nuts. No idea why.

The Answer: <<Timdancer Beyond>>: What the hell is Timedancer Beyond? And what's with your name?

Bud-Clare: <<Pathetic. Grow up>>: Why? So women will think he's mature? Who cares? And if he gets what he wants and he's happy, is he still pathetic? <<LOL>>: What's funny is that he actually says stuff like that. <<Don't ask me questions like that when I'm groggy>>: Yessir. <<they rarely talk back>>: Amen. <<I have no idea what that's supposed to mean>>: Where's it from? <<she's so old, how is she going to stop him?>>: LOL. <<chokes laughing>>: Not so funny, trust me. <<Why did it not occur to him just to have some helpful delivery boy bring him wings?>>: If he were a rocket scientist, he wouldn't be living in Detroit. <<Sometimes they really are just being whiny bastards>>: True.

Spacebabie: <<Dad rented “The One”>>: God that movie sucked. <<Gives Josh the chocololate covered peanut butter ones>>: Woot. <<I take it you will start watching Alias?>>: Not likely. <<Whip cream and jumbo sized strawberries?>>: That's fine, but men need real food too.

Dezi: <<the kid is whiny and thinks he's better than every one, and is something of a diva>>: Never heard of an art diva. Most artists have such inferiority complexes that its ridiculous. <<gonna make a new spinoff?>>: We don't know. I'm not holding my breath. <<Dunno how to do a link thing to my name to show though>>: You just type in the website where it says "URL". Der. Not complicated. And even if you didn't, you can just type the site into the text field.

Gside: <<the ugly problem set isn't even due>>: YAY! I wish we had work cancelled due to weather. The last time classes were cancelled it was because passenger jets were raining from the sky. Across the country. <<Jury's still out on the matter>>: Not out. Evidence hasn't been collected yet. <<It's not really bad until you hear the Madden console games. So repetative. Perhaps a function of the limitations of the medium, but still>>: Somehow so lifelike! <<For #3, sleep>>: Real men can sleep anywhere. <<Has it been years now?>>: 2 this month, I think? <<I'd do it for a couple minutes around midnight>>: You need a life.

128. I will not employ robots as agents of destruction if there is any possible way that they can be re-programmed or if their battery packs are externally mounted and easily removable.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 02:26:49 AM

And we get a second day off (they've even closed down the busses). As a bonus of which, the ugly problem set isn't even due. At least I didn't strain too much over it, and just gave up.

Dezi> <<sounds like lots of stuff tends to drown in Asia>>: That is part of the joke. And besides, how else would they get to be cursed pools.
<<But how would you drown an octopus>>: If you boil water, the oxygen goes out of solution.

Jaden> <<This a sign from God or something?>>: Yes, he's telling you to bring tribute to Rumiko Takahashi.

Fire Storm> <<I keep telling her that, but she just won't listen!>>: I'm amazed she wouldn't want to make a little extra money on the side.
<<I usually don't like hot wings>>: And I don't like jalepeno poppers, I just got the evilness of them from Sluggy.
<<like that stopped anyone before>>: MAybe they are working on it, but haven't released it in fear of being noticed. It's getting harder to keep something small on the internet.
<<It didn't hurt nearly as much as the last time I had it done>>: This has happened multiple times? What are you doing to your feet?
<<whenever I get around to posting stuff on my website, perhaps I will post them>>: Go right ahead. I posted a scan of my stitched hand.
<<Bet your gay!>>: Jury's still out on the matter.
<<Apathy at it's worst>>: I'm not sure. Kitty Genovese was pretty bad.

Tony Elliot> <<ductandcover>>:

Imzadi> <<We spent a great portion of the superbowl mocking Madden>>: It's not really bad until you hear the Madden console games. So repetative. Perhaps a function of the limitations of the medium, but still.
<<Pain. In the HOIVEN!>>: Very good, Mr. Lewis.
<<Why?>>: For #3, sleep.
<<After you find out>>: Right. It may take a while, though.
<<They'd look funny, though>>: True, and featherless chickens already look pretty funny.
<<Note to self: move to Moscow>>: They'd probably be doing the same to DC, and young slavic women aren't too bad.
<<Been betting that for years>>: Has it been years now?
<<I doubt anyone does>>: Back when the wiping was regular, I'd do it for a couple minutes around midnight.

Niamhgold> <<ON A DAY WHEN I HAVE TWO CLASSES>>: I managed to get out of 7 class periods, with only three for the rest of the week.

And for the mp3, more drinking. All For Me Grog, but the Clancy Brothers and The Dubliners.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Tuesday, February 18, 2003 12:18:35 AM

ugh. I get to yell at one of my staff photographers for the paper soon. Prolly wednesday. Not really looking forward to it. Plus the kid is whiny and thinks he's better than every one, and is something of a diva. "Because I said so" isn't gonna cut it as a good enough answer here, and I've already said all the things that I have problems about with this kid too him. But they want it to be official "one the record" with the editor-in-chief and the teacher/advisor present, along with this other editor that has a problem with the kid. I hate such confrontations and will prolly get vicious. The teacher said she could relay any complaints if I want. Dunno, decisions, decisions.

"Who's on first" is really funny. "I don't know--Third Base!"

So then they (the tgs powers that be) are gonna make a new spinoff? (2198) Cool. That made my day a little sunnier. Gave me a goal to live for (though I'm not that pathetic- I prolly got many things to live for).

Heard a Muzak version of the Star Spangled Banner today. It was weird. All this Christian Muzak (all with no words) and then the National Anthem as a slow jazz.

Got to draw the political cartoon for the paper this issue. Had GWB dressed as a hack version of superman with a backwards b stitched on and cowboy boots. Rumsfeld was there too, kinda like Robin but with a sash that said Rumsfeld on it. He was wearing combat boots. The world was in the middle with eyes and a worried mouth and the UN popping out of Europe. It was looking at Bush cause he was waving around a rocket/bomb. Rummy was doing a happy dance with a machine gun. The bottom of the pic said Bullies of the world unite!
Next issue we (the editorial staff) agreed will involve cheese-eating surrender monkeys wearing either striped shirts or I Luv NATO shirts with Eiffel Tower and Maginot Line and a road sign to Euro Disney in the background. Of course the monkeys will have funny mustaches and berrets plus cheese and french bread. Dunno how to do a link thing to my name to show though.

Spacebabie: <Dad rented “The One”> Brandon likes that one. He is a kungfu fan big time. Jet Li and Jackie Chan are his favs. According to him, our first son is gonna be named Jet. Or Jet Li depending on how much say I get in it. *rolls eyes* <We got Scouts> My dog's brother is named Scout. He's a very goofy happy dog that catches frisbees with style. We got Girl Scout cookies. Brandon's mom got us some. Yum! Thanks for the thin mint. :)

Bud Claire: <*chokes laughing* > No chortling today?

Josh:<Dave & Buster's at about 3 last night> I had a roomie once that worked at the St. Louis one and met Incubus there. They gave her backstage passes 'cause she was nice to them (and practically drooling for them). <You're just defective > But only in a good way :) <TOO MANY PEOPLE!!! > Family reunions are fun. I don't know half the people. Actually less than that, only my grandparents descendants-everything out side of that gets confusing. Thank you divorce!

Firestorm: <being air-dropped into Moscow> I assume you'll give them parachutes. SPlat!

Heather: <What about Inu Yasha?> I kinda brought that up: I've been downloading the eps lately. Got up to #97 so am happy now. And the first movie after much trial and error. :)

Jaden: <This a sign from God or something? > Yes. Watch it. The Lord said so. We sell "scripture mints" at work (little fishie shaped mints that are strong) and I tell customers that those are the mints Jesus used. You'd be surprised how many sell.

Monday, February 17, 2003 11:28:51 PM

Monday, February 17, 2003 10:56:32 PM

SPACEBABIE> No, season 4 of "Timedancer" is not "Gargoyles: 2198". Never was, never will be. There may one day be a "Gargoyles: 2198". We'll all just have to wait and see.
Greg Bishansky
Monday, February 17, 2003 09:01:09 PM

TODD> <<(and I doubt that Blair would conveniently go mad and burn himself up, clutching a crystal ball in his hands which will from then on only show his hands burning up in its depths).>>

Tony Blair is really Denethor? Well, considering that Tolkien was a Monarchist, I'm sure he'd really like the comparison ;)

Greg Bishansky
Monday, February 17, 2003 08:58:38 PM

I’ve been achy all day. Beeing achy sucks. Dad rented “The One”

Me:”Hey they are playing you song.” They played “The Sickness by Disturbed, and Revel knows how much that old geezer loves that song.

We got Scouts…Girl Scouts! And you know what Girl Scouts sell at grocery stores right?

:::Gives everyone thin mints:::
Gives Josh the chocololate covered peanut butter ones:::
:::Hordes the Caramel delights:::


Bud Claire<<<I don't think that word means what you think it means>>>Probably not.

Aaron<<<Hell, Texans can't drive down a flat, straight road in bright sunshine without having a wreck every half mile>>>Bad drivers everywhere.

Josh<<<If you had a happy valentines day, then ROT>>>I’ll just let my teeth do that with the chocolate.<<<Not bad, actually>>>Ben Affleck in a nice tight red suit.<<<And that chick is HOT. >>>I take it you will start watching Alias?<<<A deal at twice the price!>>>I get too have something in my tummy this year…and its yummy…<<<Why do I always ignore these warnings? GAG>>>I waaaarrrrned you.<<<up naked. Bring food>>>Whip cream and jumbo sized strawberries?<<<that was retarded>>>:P<<<Then why are you at college?>>>I’m at UCF not Berkley.<<<Kinky. >>>Not Kinky sick!

Heather<<<hate being on pain killers>>>Is it Percadan?

Green baron<<<So he's a broke foredeck >>>Yup, but he may get a job with UPS<<<BTW, I hear Newfoundland of all place may shift to the right.>>>What the Christ are ye talking about my son?

Patrick>>>Where is Puck?

Desdemona<<<anyone know if TGS Will Start A fan fic for " Gargoyles: 2198 ">>>They already did it. Check under Time Dancer season four aka Gargoyles 2198 season one.

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Fl, U.S.A
Monday, February 17, 2003 08:53:35 PM

Well, first of all, Arthur'd have to convince the present-day British government that he really is King Arthur (which would be particularly difficult, given that most historians aren't even all that certain that there ever was a real Arthur). And then there's the fact that a lot of people might consider Elizabeth II better-suited for reigning in a modern-day Britain than a chap who's been literally asleep in a cave for the past 1500 years. (Especially since I doubt that Arthur's willing to settle for a job that won't let him do much more than address Parliament, lay foundation stones, and open flower shows. He'd obviously want a role much more active than that). I doubt that Tony Blair would be that keen on Arthur assuming the throne, either (and I doubt that Blair would conveniently go mad and burn himself up, clutching a crystal ball in his hands which will from then on only show his hands burning up in its depths).
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Monday, February 17, 2003 08:09:11 PM

Fire Storm> <<Power. Pure and simple.>>
Pathetic. Grow up.

Josh> <<"What they need to do, is to get the ball...into the endzone. That will allow them to score points, and take control of this game.">>

<<Ah, I see. Sorta.>>
Yeah, me too. Don't ask me questions like that when I'm groggy. ;)

<<Never seen one before.>>
Um... can't quite remember what I'm thinking of... The electric chair, maybe? There's something that doesn't kill people quite as effectively as it's meant to... Damned if I can remember, though. (I must not have been using my vast stores of morbid trivial lately... It's getting all fuzzy.)

<<Smarter and cheaper, too.>>
And they rarely talk back. ;)

<<Its not an arthur story if you don't work the grail in somewhere>>
Smallest damned chamber pot I've ever seen... I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Besides, she's so old, how is she going to stop him?

<<until her future relationships come looking for you asking what you did to her.>>
*chokes laughing*

<<Then your plan is too fragile and doomed to failure.>>
It's not his plan that's the problem, it's his inability to improvise... Why did it not occur to him just to have some helpful delivery boy bring him wings?

<<The world hates us because we're jerks.>>
Yes, but not _that_ big of jerks. Usually. Sometimes they really are just being whiny bastards.

Bud-Clare - []
Monday, February 17, 2003 07:59:19 PM

Desdemona> I think so since they did say that they weren't going to deal with the Space-Spawn in Timdancer Beyond.
The Answer
Monday, February 17, 2003 03:09:26 PM

I hope they do have a TGS fan fiction for the gargoyles web site too.
Sunderland, ontario, Canada
Monday, February 17, 2003 01:41:32 PM

I love the show gargoyles it is a very cool show to watch with you're father only.
Sunderland, Ontario, Canada
Monday, February 17, 2003 01:39:05 PM

Woohoo, snow day! Two and a half feet in downtown Baltimore, ON A DAY WHEN I HAVE TWO CLASSES--that are now cancelled!!!!!!!!!


Monday, February 17, 2003 11:58:51 AM

Desdemona:<<does anyone know if TGS Will Start A fan fic for " Gargoyles: 2198 ">>

They have a logo but that's about it.

Leo - [<-2198 title logo]
Monday, February 17, 2003 10:53:46 AM

Hello everybody. We got back from Dave & Buster's at about 3 last night, so I decided to skip the post. I'm so busy right now, and the stress of work/school suspense forces me to just sit in front of the TV all the time 8-)

Tonight I went to a friends birthday party. Most of the people there were civil engineering seniors, so I caught up on the loop of friends and gossip. Everyone asked where the hell I'd been (I'm not taking any real CivE courses this semester, so no one ever sees me). Turns out there's going to be an engineering date auction. I'm bringing a wad of cash, on the odds that any of the 3 engineering chicks I think are cute will be auctioned. BUWAHAHAHA.

Heather: <<Sex is always nice. But it isn't everything>>: HAHAHAHAHA.

Hyperion: <<*200 MPH* tape>>: I love that.

Bud-Clare: <<That's... so sad>>: And more importantly, disgusting. <<me hitting you upside the head with a large heavy book>>: Ouch. <<I hate sports shows>>: as you should. They are boring. We spent a great portion of the superbowl mocking Madden: "What they need to do, is to get the ball...into the endzone. That will allow them to score points, and take control of this game." :-) <<She doesn't even use hot water. She uses the sponge that I scour the sink with>>: Ewww. Hope you don't drink out of those. <<Do you know any other words>>: Of course. Most aren't CR appropriate. I will use others, though, since you insist. <<Thor's so cute>>: I like when burns Senator Kinsey. "SUPREME commander!" <<That explains why you never get any complaints then, doesn't it?>>: Only in that case, yes. <<There's a difference between putting a hole in someone and removing several toes>>: Pain. In the HOIVEN! <<then RC is true if R OR C, even though the sentence used "and">>: Ah, I see. Sorta. <<if Gunn had had an education equivalent to Wesley's, he'd probably give Wes a run for his money>>: Yeah, probably. <<I've got better things to do>>: We were worried for a second. <<Beats a non-fatal case... That can get ugly>>: Never seen one before. <<Spin the Bible>>: Love the irony. <<They're cuter than kids, anyway>>: Smarter and cheaper, too.

Death Hawk: <<it would appear that if you want anyone to knotice you, you either have to write a thousand posts, or one giant 3 page long post>>: No, you just have to acknowledge other posters and conceded that everyone here doesn't exist to answer your question d'jour. <<the Haiti thing>>: Hiatus. Haiti is a little island country. <<When are new episodes going to be released?>>: Never. <<I am very impatient>>: Well stop being. People write for themselves, not for you. So get over it. Oh, and stop typing in caps.

Vashkoda: <<Remember the psychic Lilah hired to make Cordelia's visions cause her physical harm--the claw marks, pus, and burns?>>: No, but then I haven't seen every episode. I missed several of them last year. <<now I can't help but wonder if Conner impregnated her>>: Kinky.

Green Baron: <<I have a draconian streak. What can I say>>: You can say that engineers are going to have you killed. Soon. <<Hopefully I didn't leak any information that was too sensitive>>: If you did, then YOU can be branded a traitor and see how it feels. <<How about family farms, steel, and fishing?>>: Believe it or not, the public doesn't support those either. Industry does. Unfortunately, industry has all the lobbying money. <<That if you receive a lot of crap for having different or unpopular views, you may be more prone to respect views that are different from yours? I would think so, since they know what it's like to be put down>>: You've obviously never been to Berkeley. <<Aixs of Weasels>>: LOL great label. <<Too bad we can't accidentally drop a few bombs on Paris, maybe one can hit the Eiffel Tower, and what better symbol for France than a giant butt plug>>: HAHAHAHA. <<I guess its cultural, and often passed on by the mother>>: Especially jewish mothers. <<as it reminds me of basic Micro Economics Class>>: Apparently CNN really ripped into the paper for that one.

Ed: <<don't you think Arthur already has enough on his plate after being revealed to the world?>>: Its not an arthur story if you don't work the grail in somewhere ;-) <<questions about date announcements for the new series being posted alarmingly frequently>>: Its just the same people posting over and over. <<Vinnie is going to realise his love for Fox and serenade her from the bottom of the Eyrie building. Sadly, Fox lives right at the top and won’t hear his dulcet tones>>: LOL! Great plot.

Question: <<according to Producer Greg Weisman at S8>>: Just FYI, Greg W. has nothing to do with TGS and vice versa. He's not even legally allowed to read it. Just because he said something doesn't mean it will happen, and just because TGS wrote something doesn't mean it will show up if Gargoyles comes back to TV. <<Thirteen Treasures thread>>: Of Rule?!

Todd: <<I doubt that he seriously believes that Elizabeth II would simply abdicate in his favor>>: He's KING ARTHUR.

Taleweaver: <<Brooklyn and Sata still manage to keep things sweet and endearing>>: Only because a whole series is built on them. The other couples get sent to the background.

Gside: <<make sure there's a comfortable bed nearby>>: Why? <<there's something about sizeable pieces flying off as opposed to general splatter>>: I suppose you are right. <<We could all use some extra protein>>: Peanut Butter Moo'd. <<I'll get back to you on that>>: After you find out. <<Save chefs a lot of time egg washing>>: They'd look funny, though. <<I like bacon>>: Mmmm...bacon...

Dezi: <<I AM NOT A TARD>>: According to the paragraph, you're right. You're just defective ;-) <<Why spend money when you can just use your tongue>>: Because its stupid? <<axel, right?>>: Axle. Yeah. <<Weren't you the "poor college kid" that got to go to Hawaii for Christmas>>: Sometimes even I get lucky. <<Time to take Canada. Needs to be put in its place>>: Slap it around and call it our bitch. <<My dad's family seems to have this tradition going where in each generation most of the members have at least five kids starting when you are 20>>: TOO MANY PEOPLE!!!

Fire Storm: <<there's the feeling of control and knowing that this one moment shall shape all of her future relationships>>: Its kind of cool...until her future relationships come looking for you asking what you did to her. <<nude cloned whores with great curves and big breasts being air-dropped into Moscow>>: Note to self: move to Moscow. <<I keep telling her that, but she just won't listen>>: Tell her you'll revoke her porn license. <<I don't understand why Microsoft just doesn't release an emulator themselves. Charge $100 and they will make a fortune>>: Because right now they want to dominate the video game market. <<Bet your gay>>: Been betting that for years. <<sometimes it can be more trouble than it's worth>>: More often than not, IMO. <<MY PLANS DEMAND HOT WINGS>>: Then your plan is too fragile and doomed to failure. <<There is a world coconut shortage, so they can't go and find the Grail>>: LOL! <<Link of the day>>: That's depressing.

Revel: <<Niner>>: Did I hear a niner in there? Were you calling from a walkie talkie?

Tony Elliot: <<Do y’all sit around every Sunday night and hit the page reload/refresh button until the CR updates?>>: I don't, that would be a waste of time. I doubt anyone does. <<Where the heck did these guys come from?>>: You didn't think the Pack was always going to be the same group of people, did you? After all, Dingo and Fox left. <<Why the hell does everyone hate the U.S. so much now?>>: Go take a trip to Europe for a few weeks and get a third party perspective on US foreign policy. The world hates us because we're jerks. <<Are we that bad of an influence of the rest of the world?>>: YES. <<if the U.S. damn evil, why then are there so many people to try to immigrate here?>>: The people whining about US behavior are not the same people trying to move here, der.

127. Prison guards will have their own cantina featuring a wide variety of tasty treats that will deliver snacks to the guards while on duty. The guards will also be informed that accepting food or drink from any other source will result in execution.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Monday, February 17, 2003 04:47:22 AM

Many things colliding, that and I dislike random processes and their ilk. Maybe will post tomorrow.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Monday, February 17, 2003 02:13:30 AM

I was under the impression that Timedancer is kinda doing that now.
Dunno thats how I saw it


Monday, February 17, 2003 01:48:48 AM

does anyone know if TGS Will Start A fan fic for
" Gargoyles: 2198 " just wondering

charlotte, n.c.
Monday, February 17, 2003 01:19:35 AM

Somewhere in the low teens, but who cares? Do y’all sit around every Sunday night and hit the page reload/refresh button until the CR updates?

‘Consequences’ was damn good. This episode really keep me guessing about what was going to happen next. I like the way George went from a being foot note in Equality to a major player in series. His growth and self discovery was well written; rather than just one minute he’s human and the next he is fey(?), it takes him a little while to discover his new abilities. The final twist at the end is great - now that he knows what he is capable of, can’t go back, and is Madox’s pawn; he wants to die by his brothers hand… its very *Tony scrunches forehead and searches for the right word* Klingon.
‘Something Wicked’ was a little too far out. Jackal & Hyena become completely mechanized? A stretch out, but it seems like them. Lex getting implanted? Ok, he was deceived; then again he might have done it anyways. What threw me off was Lobo & Bull. Where the heck did these guys come from? And a cybernetic dog? Please.


<I don't understand the US><The fact that no one cares>
I think your stereotyping my country a little too much.
<I have never in my life seen such a revolting act.>
That was pretty revolting. Definitely not typical, though.
<The fact that this actually occurred in a "civilised" country makes me want to retch>
Now your just insulting me and the majority of others here.
<I have asked why America embraces guns and violence>
We like our ‘right to bear arms’ amendment because when the county was first forming, guns kept us free from Britain. If you want to talk about embracing guns and violence, what about middle-eastern men with AK47’s who are teaching their 12 year old sons how to shoot the American infidels.
***Warning – beginning rant***
Why the hell does everyone hate the U.S. so much now? Are we that bad of an influence of the rest of the world? So many countries openly criticize and disrespect us; like bratty children to sass back to their parents. Did you ever see countries mouthing off the USSR? NO, they wouldn’t dare! There are a lot more governments out there who would love nothing more than to attempt world domination if they had our military and economic strength. We do not have imperialistic ambitions; the rest of the world should be grateful that we are the only super power left, one that doesn’t want to annex everyone else into an empire. So, if the U.S. damn evil, why then are there so many people to try to immigrate here?
*** End rant ***

Green Baron
<Most people know zilch about their faith, or they have a really twisted idea about it. Lack of education or bad education is more an issue> Definitely a problem. There are also those who would rather not know more because that means bumping up the level of commitment and making some hard changes in one’s life. I remembers CS Lewis saying something like “A man may pray, ‘God, please give the strength to do what’s right… but not just yet.’”

<Unless I missed something again, you forget to square the speed of light>
Doh, F$(%g son of a b|&(#h ! Well, the answer is still correct, 0.1kg.

<Are you done with this proposal now?>
Not yet.

<I have come here to plead with people to please NOT duck tape up your dwellings>
Click on my name or go here for funny pic.

Tony Elliot - []
Milwaukee, WI, The United States of America
Sunday, February 16, 2003 11:49:57 PM

11th =(
Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:22:59 PM

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:19:10 PM

Sunday, February 16, 2003 09:38:09 PM

8th in the name of the Fay!


Sunday, February 16, 2003 09:33:35 PM

wooooo hoooo

Sunday, February 16, 2003 09:26:35 PM

Sunday, February 16, 2003 09:23:04 PM

Mike Wald
Sunday, February 16, 2003 09:21:13 PM

Number four!
Patrick Toman
Sunday, February 16, 2003 09:12:57 PM

Sunday, February 16, 2003 09:11:59 PM

Sunday, February 16, 2003 09:08:58 PM

Sunday, February 16, 2003 09:08:48 PM

Top ten!


*sees Robby-san and tackles him in the lurker corner*

Heather - []
Warner Robins, GA, USA
Sunday, February 16, 2003 09:08:44 PM
