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gabe: roooOOOWWWRRRR!!!
...but yeah, pretty much.

Lain "hiiiisssss" Iwakura
Saturday, March 29, 2003 08:22:14 PM

Thomas> <<I think Syria is next and eventually Iran. Rumsfeld can just walk into Paris with the top Pentagon Brass and they'll just surrender.>>
Bush may have a fair amount of support right now, but if he tries this with other countries, he will lose a hell of a lot of that support. Aside from the moral issues (and let's not even get started there), where the f*ck does he think he's going to get all this money? We can't really afford _this_ war, so how the hell could we pay for another two or three, or Puck knows how many?

<<Et tu Bud?>>
Damn right. I never saw any proof that those houses belonged to terrorists, did you? (Of course, she still should have noticed what was happening and moved out of the way, but maybe she tripped or something. Regardless, a hell of a lot of people get themselves killed doing something stupid, so why not reserve the jokes and snide remarks for the ones who didn't even manage to die doing what they believed was right? Drunk drivers, for instance, are a great deal more worthy of ridicule (although they, unfortunately, usually manage to survive their own stupidity, even if others do not).) Let's try to keep some perspective, shall we?

Bud-Clare - []
Saturday, March 29, 2003 05:32:35 PM

Aw, lighten up, Gabe. I do not see her as some special marytyr, or even as a peace soldier teaching children how to brun the American flag.

She regarded the suicide bombers as heroes and had deliberately blocked official business. Now, I understand your sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians, and I would love it if Israel was a Federal republic like the US so the West Bank and Gaza Strip could become Palestinian states, as Mississippi and Texas are states.

Unfortunately, conditions are not that ideal. I see Rachel Corrie as an enemy combatant and I found it funny. I also have made jokes about Branch Davidians, Jonestown, and Kurt Kobain. So I should spare her?

Please do not be too upset with me, over my deranged humor, and no my cat does not have a shred of human decency. Never has, never will. And I cannot say I am completely devoid, but I just do not value life as highly as you do, and I am a sick, deranged bastard, but you always knew that, everyone does :)

Lila> To me, it is not a decision of good and evil, as much as what I feel is decades overdue. You do not agree with me about the war, and that is fine. I strap an M16 to my back so you can differ with me or President Bush or Gray Davis, though I cannot defend your state from Gray Davis. Sorry.

<<Really? We've only been doing it since before he got elected... it'll probably end after he's replaced in office... and gracefully fades from the public eye... kinda like Hillary Clinton. ;-)>> Sadly she hasn't faded from the public eye. She might even run for President, but she may get Sirhaned if she does that. Just look at what happened to the last guy in her Senate seat who ran for President.

Leo> The Monica Lewinsky show....Chelsea should be one of the first contestants. Here's the clincher. The guy she picks turns out to be one of her daddy's illegitimate kids :)

Kathy> I hope I'm not one of those posters. Whenever I want to be really obnoxious and evil, I post as Attila :)

Mooncat> Good luck with the cleaning. I guess it's good, I only have about 12 square feet to call my own right now.

Greg> Don't worry about getting overheated and losing your cool. That's the Greg Bishansky we know and love, just like we have the same wild and crazy Jackal we all know and love.

<<Bush and Saddam are lovers>> Actually The Sun has a picture of Chirac as Sadaam's french whore. Last time a newspaper made fun of Chirac they had to pay a 45,000 euro fine. That's a high price for satire.

<<Is it just me or is the media turning this into a new reality show?>> Why, yes, but it's all about ratings. This is Yellow Journalism at its finest, which is kinda sad, because I want good, quality yellow journalism that proves much more entertaining :)

Lila> New Orleans square? I'll have to check that out and judge if it is worthy of that name :) After all, I oughta know.

DPH> <<How was the middle east divided into the countries we now know? Was an attempt at preventing any single country from controlling the oil fields? (I haven't gotten that far in world history class yet.)>> I think the Birts just drew lines on a map. They cared nothing about the tribal affiliations in the lands or anything like that, and the map may need to be put in persepctive, like Lebanon is occupied by Syria, but no one's supposed to know :)

<<Relatively stupid question: how are we going to convincingly know when we take out So Dumb Hussein? BTW, is the war still scheduled to be completed by the end of this month?>> Baghdad will be the major battle, but once Sadaam is gone, we can start the rebuilding, though I'm afraid we're gonna have to kick Syria's ass, too, but Israel's got our backs there. They can wipe out Syria's tanks and air force. It would be good to completely purge the Baath Party. And the only Democrats who have a shot at beating Bush support this conflict, so we might do some serious flushing.

Imzadi> <<What really offends me about him is that he's in the pocket of the Content Cartel, and I'm sure you know how they are at odds with anyone who uses a computer for recreation.>> I see your point. is Waxman worse?

<<Indeed he was>> Maybe he can try and knock down Boxer next year. I heard something about Condoleeza Rice running for Governor of California. Personally I want Condi to run for President in 08. Ahnold could run for Governor and probably win. His motto: I'm here to Terminate the Deficit. Asta la vista Gray Davis.

<<Well in this group we have the greedy people who actually earned that money and the people who are "democrats because they can afford to be" (my father's quote). I'd expect an almost 50-50 split. If you expand that to the top 5%, though, I can tell you that most of them are republicans, because they want to keep their money.>> I'd be inclined to agree, though the fact that Democrats get most of their donations from the big contributors, while the bulk of Republican contributions comes from the regular donors with $25.00 donations makes you wonder.

Granted, any smart bigshot pays both parties money. Bill Gates is politically liberal, but he gives Republicans and Democrats money and Disney owns Congressmen from both parties.

Coyot> <<Detroit REPRESENT>> Did you know Sadaam is an honorary citizen of Detroit?

Bud-Clare> <<*L* Too late...>> Maybe Pataki will send her packing to Hollywood in 06, if he doesn't knock of Chuck Schumer next year.

Patrick Toman> <<Past poor behavior comes back to bite people in the butt all the time. Just ask anyone who's ever run for political office.>> But the question is: do people care? I doubt any dirt from here will inspire more than a yawn.

Godiva> <<Induced labor is definitely no fun. Out of my four kids, only one of the labors started on its own.>> My mother just had Caesarians. I guess you coudl say I was not born of woman :)

<<Okay, so if he crawls into my lap, should I stroke him? ;-)>> Yes. Of course...worst he'll do is purr in your cleavage.

Dezi> Dottie may want to be careful with Attila. He has OJ as one of his hitmen :)

<<Now, if they wanted to do something- shutting down the El train takes some effort. :)>> And they will kill their cause. I know Greg X opposes teh war, but if some protestors laid down on the street blocking him, he'd slam down on the gas and hope the speedbumps didn't damage his car :)

<<Well, anyway, if any of you have seen it (it's titled Smack Cracked Bushwacked) I WANT IT BACK! :)>> If you want something funny. There is a picture of two protestors and one has a sign saying, "Lesbians against Bush." Now, that is just plain funny if you think about it :)

Gside> Well, I've been a Delta Sigma Pi since 1996, bub :)

DPH> I miss kittens. If I was closer and had my own place, I'd take a few from you :)

The Question> France can have a role in post-war Iraq. They can get some brooms and keep the floors clean.

Spacebabie> I saw your name on the petition. Now let's hope moore does go on a food strike. He should do it for the children :)

<<Keep Rumsfield. The man has balls. He takes no crap from anyone>> He's about to kick the crap out of Syria and their influence in Lebanon :) He coudl ahve France surrender by showing hsi warface, plus he's German, and it is France's destiny to surrender to a German every generation :)

Taleweaver> BBC isn't exactly objective and I do admit that the choices of companies to clean up post-war Iraq is suspicious, though the French deserve nothing but complete isolation. Actually, I'd contract a few Eastern European corporations to work on Iraq. America has to remember who is backing them, and it would really help eatsern Europe out.

<<The one the leaps to mind was Richard Gere's Free Tibet speech a few years back.>> But Richard Gere is a lot smarter than Michael Moore, though my sister's gerbils got all nervous whenever Richard Gere was mentioned :)

Besides, Moore's a hypocrite to start citing the Vatican and who really cares about the Dixie Chicks. I'll never understand why Europeans liek country music. If there is one valid reason to look down at American culture, it woudl have to be country music. But then again, France loves Jerry Lewis, so there's no accounting for taste.

I guess Moore could also mention Pat Buchanan is anti-war, too.

Bud-Clare> <<Michael Moore made an appearance at the University of Rochester tonight. Ack.>> So Jabba the Hutt visited Rochester. As he long as he doesn't fall on you or sit on you, you should be fine :)

jaden> It's pretty quiet here. Albanian muslims don't believe Sadaam's lies. after all, he sold weapons to Milosevich.

Fire Storm> <<"Are we going after France after we are done in Iraq just for the fun of it?">> I think Syria is next and eventually Iran. Rumsfeld can just walk into Paris with the top Pentagon Brass and they'll just surrender.

<<So, what do you think: If Bush Jr. is forced to back away without the total conquest of Iraq, AND Saddam is still in power, do you think that the American people will revolt?>> If that happens, I will lose all respect for Bush and I might even consider voting for Hillary with plastic gloves on, while holding my nose. If Bush even considers doing that, hopefully Rove and Wolfowitz will have someone take care of him. Then Cheney can make Condi Ricehis VP, so he can step down, because he doesn't have the heart to lead the nation. Did I mention I want Condoleeza Rice to be our next President :)

<<Well, it's generally assumed that everyone hates Saddam anyway, and it's no fun to pick on him.>> Chirac and Dominique deVillepin (who is a man) are much more fun to mock. I have seen some pro-Sadaam protestors, but thankfully not in America.

The Question> <<President Lyndon Johnson or Charles de Gaulle>> The thing is, I thoroughly and with every bone in my body DESPISE Lyndon Johnson. I am glad the Vietnam War wiped him out. On the 40th anniversary of his death, I will dance on his grave. He was the worst President we ever had, next to Ulysses S. Grant (but Grant was a drunken incompetent, not an evil, serpentine spawn of Satan).

I think DeGaulle was an obnoxious twit, but I have a special hatred for Lyndon Johnson that I could never have for DeGaulle.

Bengali> ::hugs her and dances around the room with her:: I'm glad you're back. I hope you stay a while.

Warpmind> One good could get in trouble for it, maybe.

Christien> WB ::hugs:: I hope all is well with you healthwise.

Leo> Good one, except it was posted a few weeks back. Sorry.

Et tu Bud?

Green Baron - []
Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo
Saturday, March 29, 2003 03:59:44 PM

*stomps on Attila's tail*


Leo> I'm experiencing deja vu.

Bud-Clare - []
Saturday, March 29, 2003 02:48:53 PM

Attila> Damn. That's just plain sick to make fun of someone who died like that. I thought you had a shred of human decency in you. I was wrong.
Saturday, March 29, 2003 11:08:00 AM

Sorry 'bout that. The pics should be working now.
Christine - [<--- update and trip pics]
Saturday, March 29, 2003 09:39:24 AM

A silly little fable:

Once upon a time in a nice little forest, there lived an orphaned bunny
and an orphaned snake. By a surprising coincidence, both were blind from

One day, the bunny was hopping through the forest, and the snake was
slithering through the forest, when the bunny tripped over the snake and

fell down. This, of course, knocked the snake about quite a bit. "Oh,
my," said the bunny, "I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
I've been blind since birth, so, I can't see where I'm going. In fact,
since I'm also an orphan, I don't even know what I am."

"It's quite OK," replied the snake. "Actually, my story is much the same

as yours. I, too, have been blind since birth, and also never knew my
mother. Tell you what, maybe I could slither all over you, and work out
what you are, so at least you'll have that going for you."

"Oh, that would be wonderful" replied the bunny. So the snake slithered
all over the bunny, and said, "Well, you're covered with soft fur; you
have really long ears; your nose twitches; and you have a soft cottony
tail. I'd say that you must be a bunny rabbit."

"Oh, thank you! Thank you," cried the bunny, in obvious excitement. The
bunny suggested to the snake, "Maybe I could feel you all over with my
paw, and help you the same way that you've helped me."

So the bunny felt the snake all over, and remarked, "Well, you're smooth
and slippery, and you have a forked tongue, no backbone and no balls.
I'd say you must be French".

Saturday, March 29, 2003 08:34:25 AM

I take a break from my normal routine of French bashing to present a new definition of stupidity. Just click on my name.

If this link causes any Palestinians reading the CR to want to issue a fatwah against me, well, I'm already dead so :p

ghost of Reverend Attila
Saturday, March 29, 2003 04:44:37 AM

Had my Tau Beta Pi interview. Didn't do so well, but hopefully it doesn't mean much, or at least the interviewer was telling me not to worry.

Toku Kai> <<who the Hell keeps the journalists honest?>>: Ever read Pratchett's The Truth? Yeah, it isn't deep reading, but it's still fun, and touches on who's in charge of honesty in print and the public's opinion of print.

Attila> <<A large group of French soldiers are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a sand dune>>: Someone used the same joke a couple months back with Al Qaeda instead of French.

Godiva> <<if you need any help, I�ll be here>>: Excellent.

Fire Storm> <<Bad idea>>: Damage the wall, I take it?
<<bring it to the next Future Evil Overlords (American chapter) meeting>>: Right. But who's taking care of the burgers/dogs/fries?
<<why not?>>: As a general rule, I avoid fungi, partially because they are decomposing agents.
<<I mean, no archiving?>>: Not on the source side, and that is only a message board, the main site retains archives of the articles and associated pictures.
<<I gave up on that board. Too tame>>: Then where are you getting your wild material?
<<It's so hard to put them in the vice tightly without squeezing their little brains out>>: Anesthesia and a sharp bit, so you don't have to hold as tight.
<<I'd use a MAC if it was here>>: Infidel.
<<I really don't care any more, as long as I have Word and a browser>>: I go through too many video files to be without my DivX and assorted codecs.
<<Farscape is about hope! Not... BOOM>>: But you have to admit, they pepper the hope with a good number of booms.

Warpmind> <<First time behind the wheel>>: No one is safe.
<<there's one real reply now... And it goes ot Gside>>: Wooha. So what do I win?
<<Give me *one* good reason NOT to?>>: If you're blatant, they might revoke your privileges. Abuse it as you want, but they may not like it if they find out.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Saturday, March 29, 2003 12:20:11 AM

Hey Christine.

I think you should doublecheck the picture links on your site. All your trip pics have links to your computer's hard drive instead of your web site.

Friday, March 28, 2003 10:53:09 PM

As promised, here's my trip diary and online photo album from the cruise. Clickie or go to
Christine - [<---- vacation diary!]
Friday, March 28, 2003 09:30:58 PM

*Warpmind strolls in.*
Well, had my first actual driving lesson today... First time behind the wheel, and I even impressed the teacher. Yay me; I even scored bonus points for making good use of signals. :D Looks like I might actually speed through the whole driving course and graduate early. Then, I'll get a car and mount a machinegun on the hood. };)

Well, looks like there's one real reply now... And it goes ot Gside. I'm not to abuse the soon-to-be broadband connection at work too obviously? Give me *one* good reason NOT to?

Anyways, need to work on the D&D campaign I'll be running on Thursdays with my regular group onwards... Starting with a mean & nasty dungeon (including a few annoying, but not directly lethal Grimtooth-inspired traps), and on to a real plot once the party emerges... And, because I'm too caught up in too many projects to put a lot of creativity into a D&D campaign, well... Enter David Xanatos, Merchant and (secret) Übervillain with a LOT of constructs and resources at hand. And, of course, his shapeshifting manservant, his half-elf girlfriend and the psychopath mage in his basement labs. Naturally, it might take a LONG time before the adventurers actually figure out that their "benevolent employer" is in fact a serious threat to the safety of the city's people and finances... }:) (For once I see it as a convenience that Gargoyles never aired in Norway...)

Anyway, gotta go off and hammer down plotlike stuff. Later.

Warpmind de InzanE - [warpmindATtiscaliDOTno]
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Friday, March 28, 2003 05:38:53 PM

Crap, got the wrong picture. Bleh.
Bud-Clare - []
Friday, March 28, 2003 05:16:22 PM

Bengali> <<Not so happy. They're delaying the release of the DVD now.>>
So? More people will see it, thus more people will buy the dvd when it finally _is_ released, and maybe Disney will be a little less stupid in the future.

Bud-Clare - []
Friday, March 28, 2003 05:15:40 PM

Anyone know hudsons e-mail?
Friday, March 28, 2003 05:05:23 PM

Aack! No last week? Dang.

Fire Storm><"Ah, JacKal is always being banned!" I suppose so...

Bud-Clare><"Yay, another Spirited Away commercial! Happy, happy!" Not so happy. They're delaying the release of the DVD now. The movie won an Oscar so they've decided to re-release it and make more money. Just when the DVD was only about two weeks to be released.


Bengali - []
Friday, March 28, 2003 04:40:49 PM

Can Gaullism work today?

Mar 27th 2003 | PARIS
From The Economist print edition

Historical parallels may be giving comfort—for the time being—to France's president in his continuing row with the Americans

“IN FRANCE'S view, if it is unthinkable that America's war apparatus will be annihilated on the spot, there is, on the other hand, no chance that the peoples of Asia will submit to the law of the foreigner who comes from the far shores of the Pacific, whatever his intentions, however powerful his weapons. In short, as long and cruel as the ordeal must be, France is certain there will be no military solution.”

So said France's President Charles de Gaulle in Cambodia in 1966, in a speech attacking America's policy in Vietnam. The American ambassador in Paris, Charles Bohlen, immediately sent a telegram to his bosses in Washington: “It is extraordinary to me that an alleged ally of the US would erroneous a picture of cause and effect. De Gaulle appears to heap all the blame for the situation, its origin and development in Indochina, on the US explicitly...I realise how unwise it is to answer de Gaulle publicly but I wonder in this case if some corrective measure should not be applied. Otherwise the de Gaulle version of events will have a high degree of acceptance, not only here in France but in other countries of the world.”

So is history repeating itself in the bitter Franco-American divisions over the Iraq crisis? Not entirely. For one thing, President Jacques Chirac, whose political lineage is avowedly Gaullist, does not equate Iraq's Saddam Hussein with Vietnam's nationalist-minded Ho Chi Minh. For another, he shares the American goal of finding and removing any Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (if not necessarily the goal of removing Mr Hussein). And, whereas America's Vietnam war lasted for years, no French analyst seriously believes that Mr Hussein can hold out for more than a few weeks at the most.

Yet there are enough similarities to disturb those who have hitherto taken transatlantic friendship for granted. The diplomatic exchanges between France and America are now, as they were then, icily polite at best. Multilateral institutions are at risk. Mr Chirac's decision last month, along with Germany and Belgium, to block NATO help to Turkey recalls de Gaulle's famous withdrawal of France from NATO's military structure in 1966. Most people around the world do, indeed, agree with France's current “version of events”. And American popular sentiment is angry. Just as American restaurateurs now pour good French wine down the drain, so too in de Gaulle's day.

The question is how long such tensions will last this time—and what will be their repercussions. For all their headlines implicitly denouncing “America's war” (Britain and Tony Blair tend to be dismissed as America's poodles), France's journalists are well aware that the world has changed since de Gaulle's time and that modern-day Gaullism has its limits.

The pro-Chirac L'Express magazine, for example, commented recently that though one could certainly criticise the way America and Britain had chosen to go to war, and though George Bush's “messianic imperialism” was “disturbing”, it was also true that “the anti-Americanism gaining ground in Europe and encouraging—across the world—our diplomacy of pacifism will have serious consequences: we have assumed the responsibility of breaking the unity of the democratic world and of relying on allies who share little of our values. In short, we have deliberately chosen to split our natural base and to cosy up to countries that do not belong to it. Why?”

Good question. The official reply is that France has done nothing of the sort. Both Mr Chirac and his foreign minister, Dominique de Villepin, stress that France and America share the same values and, in terms of disarming Iraq, the same goal. The difference of approach is one of analysis and of tactics: Iraq, they say, is not an imminent danger; the UN arms inspectors should have been allowed enough time to do their work; and the risk of a precipitate war is that it will breed more of the terrorism that America tries—unconvincingly—to link to Mr Hussein.

Some qualms, then?
Moreover, France, they insist, never ruled out an eventual use of force, and for critics to say otherwise is a “false indictment”. As for the accusation that French obduracy has rendered the UN Security Council irrelevant, the retort is that the fault lies with the Americans, who always wanted “regime change” and therefore war, and with the British, who went along with the Americans and now use France as a scapegoat for their failure to find majority support within the Security Council.

But what if the official reply falls on deaf American ears? Though Mr de Villepin and his opposite number, Colin Powell, talk regularly enough, albeit in less warm tones than before, Presidents Bush and Chirac have not telephoned each other since February 7th. Moreover, a growing minority of voices on the Gaullist right are worried that their president's current attachment to a professed pro-UN, anti-war principle has put France in a position where it is failing to influence events in the Middle East while at the same time damaging the idea of a European foreign and defence policy—and of course NATO.

All this may augur ill for French business and its potential role in the reconstruction of Iraq. Hence some behind-the-scenes head-scratching by France's economics ministry and its big businessmen on how to ensure access to an Iraqi market for which France has been the biggest supplier under the UN's programme of limited sanctions.

Will these Franco-American tensions augur ill for Mr Chirac, too? In as much as his popularity ratings are linked to the economy, perhaps they will. But since France's prime minister is there to take the blame, its president will probably emerge unscathed, at least at home. Moreover, since President Bush must face the voters first, in the 2004 election, it is Mr Chirac, secure until 2007, who can afford to relax. Meanwhile, with his eye on the history books, Mr Chirac can cast his mind back to the 1966 crisis. Who is better remembered worldwide: President Lyndon Johnson or Charles de Gaulle?

The Question
Friday, March 28, 2003 01:34:50 PM

Well, after I got home from picking LM up at work I took a shower, and said "what the heck, since it's hot and humid in the bathroom, I'll try to take off some of the 12+ layers of paint!"
Guess what?
Bad idea.

Bud-Clare: <(They closed up the mouse with a screw... and glue. wtf?)>
Now that's just stupid!
<They still have commercials for them... I haven't tried them yet, but the mint were tasty.>
It was a false alarm anyway. Farmer Jack doesn't have them, but I found them at another store
<Am I perverse for enjoying watching people yell at each other?>
It just means you are alive!

Gside: <I've only made it once so far, and didn't get a chance to truly use it until it had already solidified a bit. Though my lead in taste testing was very good.>
Well, bring it to the next Future Evil Overlords (American chapter) meeting
<The green stuff, no>
Awww... why not?
<Those types of places don't last too long on average.>
Which sucks. I mean, no archiving?
<Have you seen the futanari link repository? Or one of the human body remodeling (e.g. a flower basket made from a girl) places.?>
Can't say that I have... Ah, I gave up on that board. Too tame.
<And the Lady?>
If she wants to be cloned, ok. If not... we'll see.
<And anything can be used as a hammer>
But it is best if it is an Anime hammer.
<Remember the airholes>
Oh, I remembered them, but drilling the holes into them is killer! It's so hard to put them in the vice tightly without squeezing their little brains out
<But it's also integrated into the operating system, whereas Mozilla is not. So if something botheres your brower, it won't have an effect on your OS.>
But that means actually CARING about what's on my pc... and, quite frankly, I stopped some time ago. Hell, I'd use a MAC if it was here... Yeah, you heard me... I really don't care any more, as long as I have Word and a browser. I barely use my computer for anything more than that... except Freecell
<No, "I love you" "I love you" "Boom" "To be continued" is a perfectly acceptable epilogue in classic literature. Actually, I'm now putting my hopes in movies.>
True, true... but... FARSCAPE! Farscape is about hope! Not... BOOM!

Imzadi: <In typical Iraqi fashion, they are giving Bush the same amount of time to get out of America 8-)>
Too bad they aren't trying to enforce that deadline
<Let me know, because I've got a request list>
I've got one so far, but he is an nice and friendly black dude named Mrots Erif. I'll get it right one of these decades.
<There's a hole in that logic large enough for me to fly a C-5 through.>
Only a C-5? Dang... I thought it was big enough for a Star Destroyer
<I also have classes. And homework. And research. And sometimes a job.>
More importantly, you have excuses!
<I doubt it.>
But not in this war, so it doesn't count.
<Sorry you were disappointed>
Disappointed, no. Shocked? (say it with me) HELL YES!
<Maybe he should>
What, a bong saber not good enough?
Jay's head falls to the ground, and Bob simply says "There can be only one"
<Of course they do. They're fake, after all>
But, then again, aren't half the boobs in your area fake anyway?
<ring a giant gong before finishing off my enemy.>
Just do it for the first time when you are going to kill the hero. It will confuse him long enough for you to easily kill him.

ghost of Reverend Attila: <The question for any country silly enough to count on the French should not be "Can we count on the French?", but rather>
"Are we going after France after we are done in Iraq just for the fun of it?"
<I felt the elder Bush wimped out when he spared Sadaam--thanks a lot, UN.>
So, what do you think: If Bush Jr. is forced to back away without the total conquest of Iraq, AND Saddam is still in power, do you think that the American people will revolt?

JacKal: <there's something about animated ones that are just soo.... special!>
<And it happens yet again, more anti-Bush comments and STILL no one seems to be against Saddam Hussein>
Well, it's generally assumed that everyone hates Saddam anyway, and it's no fun to pick on him.

Dezi: <Another of LM's "cravings"?>
Nope. MINE.

Yggdrasil: <The problem is in males is that there is no natural switch that stops sperm production>
The biggest problem with male birth control is numbers. killing 99.99% of all sperm can still mean a lot of sperm still active.

Spacebabie: <Well I don’t keep a list of that>
Why not? It's fun! You can look at the spreadsheet, say "Hmm... I haven't done anything to him lately..."
<Lets see Rape and tortured a canon character, tortured an original, killed an original, and had the crap beaten out of an original>
Always fun!

Bengali: <* I thought Jackal was banned around the month or so before I left. That was a long time ago...>
Ah, JacKal is always being banned!

DPH: <(I heard about McDonalds being attacked)>
"NO! I do NOT want fries with that!"
<I just sent you a somewhat urgent email and could use a response.>
She doesn't get much time for 'net access on days that she works, but she has the weekend off.

Niamhgold: <Ahem, which coats? The kind they wear, or the kind that grows like fur?>
The kind they wear! Where do you think I am? France?
<3D Max boobies defy gravity ;)>
Unless you have bounciness algorithms

Greg Bishansky: <Some people say so. Here's a pic of me from G2002>
Oh, I can SO see you standing next to Imzadi! ;)
<And now I leave all of you with a question.>
Been said!
<Is it just me or is the media turning this into a new reality show?>
Oh please, don't give them ideas! I don't want to see which soldier gets voted out of the country!

Gunjack: <FS - Have you only just heard about the Mother Of All Bombs? Here's a few links for ya...>
Yeah, I am not on the exploding goodness e-mail list. And you bet that once I got home I searched the Internet for a video!
I like my atomic detonation video's better!
OR the fuel/air detonation from Outbreak!

Fire Storm
Friday, March 28, 2003 06:14:43 AM

Well, finally managed to get to some internet time. Just before I leave Hawaii. Well I have some fun on Kauai. Helicopter, scuba diving, hiking and kayaking a couple of times (oh and the rest of my family had fun too) If I've missed anything important please let me know.

Well, I'm heading back to Washington state and I'm just not sure what I'm going to do. I'm thinking of doing so traveling (maybe work on a cruise ship for a year) instead of just jumping into the Parks and Rec job.

Farscape final- What the hell? Okay I demand a TV movie or a final extra season. BTW Battlestar Galactica miniseries YES! I can't wait, I always thought the story line was good, you know the lone battleship leading a fleet of civilian ships home. Just the acting and script was tacky.

Green Baron- You still here? Still have internet access with everything that's going on?


Jaden - []
Friday, March 28, 2003 02:29:51 AM

A Public Service Message

Cowboy Bebop the Movie opens in theatres on April 4th. Here's a listing of which theatres are screening it.

Austin, TX - Landmark's Dobie Theater
Berkeley, CA - Landmark's Shattuck Cinemas
Cambriedge, MA - Loews Harvard Square 5
Chicago, IL - Music Box Theatre
Dallas, TX - City Cinemas Angelika Dallas
Irvine, CA - Regal-Edwards University 6
Los Angeles, CA - Landmark's Nuart Theatre
Minneapolis, MN - Landmark's Uptown
New York, NY - City Cinemas Angelika Film Center - Loews E-Walk Theater
Portland, OR (opens 4/18) - Regal-Edwards Fox 10
Royal Oak, MI - Landmark's Main Art Theater
San Diego, CA - Landmark's Ken Cinema
San Francisco, CA - Landmark's Opera Plaza #3
San Jose, CA - Towne Theater
Seattle, WA - Landmark's Varsity Theater
St. Louis, MO - Landmark's Tivoli Theater
Washington DC - Loews Dupont Circle

I'll be seeing it on Saturday the fifth. Each and everyone of you, I urge you to go see it! I saw it in Japanese and it rocks, and this is one of the few cases where the dub is superior to the original Japanese, so it's going to be a real treat.


Real post later. Definetly Gathering news later!

Greg Bishansky
Thursday, March 27, 2003 11:09:31 PM

Godiva> Nope. I'm still in Kosovo. A few sodleirs have been recalled from this deployment back in December, but mostly cashiers, since there is gretaer needs for cashiers with deployment training and experience.

If I get sent to the Gulf (though that will more than likely be after I depart Kosovo in July), I'll let all fo you know ;)

My unit's last Commander is in Kuwait, though, and I am glad to hear he's doing fine. He said it's business as usual where he is.

Green Baron - []
Thursday, March 27, 2003 03:40:05 PM

Am I the only who is slightly more nervous now that the coalition troops are in Baghdad? I mean, I’m all for blasting Hussein and his sons outta there, but this guy is a complete loon.

BTW, does anyone know if Green Baron is over there. I know he was in Kosovo, but was he deployed to either Kuwait or Iraq?

For an interesting read on one of Hussein’s sons, click on my name.



Bud-Clare--<<Disney doesn't like it very much.>> I didn’t think they would. After all, this is the same company that pissed their collective pants when sued by two guys who were thrown out for dancing “together”. <<The crazy people threaten to boycott them and such, and just generally make nuisances of themselves.>> I have four words for people such as those…GET A FREAKIN’ LIFE!!>> << So what were you asking _us_ for? ;)>> I know, I know. I lost my head there for a minute.

Josh--<<Heathen!>> Thank you. I do try hard. <<Then might I suggest a Mac so that becomes unnecessary?>> It wouldn’t matter to him. He’d still want to find out what caused the problem in the first place. He is so analytical. Guess that’s why he’s going for Systems Analyst. <<Always.>> I’ll file that away for future reference. <<How does that save money?>> By having just one person eat. For example, instead of all of us eating, we’d chose a person who would be allowed to eat at that time. Then the next time, we’d choose someone else. <<That wouldn't be very secret now, would it? That's not the way.>> But isn’t there something there that’s supposed to have a “secret” entrance through PotC? I could’ve sworn I’d heard something like that.

Gside--<<Thank you. I may need it with some of them.>> Well, if you need any help, I’ll be here. <<Good Credence song.>> Yeah, it’s alright.

Bud-Clare--<<Jeez, Josh... Can you go five minutes without insulting someone?>> But then he wouldn’t be Josh, now would he? But seriously, his pathetic little insults don’t bother me. <<Yay, kitties! (Too bad they have to grow up.)>> Kiitens are so cute…why don’t they stay that way?

Godiva - []
Gotham, ???, USA
Thursday, March 27, 2003 02:52:47 PM

Taleweaver> Well, french bashing is always a good American pastime. In all honesty, the French are a joke as a world power and it was a big misatke for the US to give them a say in the aftermath of either WWI or WWII.

Now, I have nothing but htared for Hitler, but after the Franco-Prussian War, WWI, and WWII. Germany has at least earned the right to that nation, provided Corsica gains independnece, Ireland gets Brittany, and the UK gets Normandy. I mean seriously. One nation kicks another nation's sorry ass three times in 70 years, and yet that sorry third-rate nation gets a hand in governing post-WWII Germany. That's insulting.

By 1950, Germany was in better shape than the UK who won the war, though this has more to do with England being socialist and Germany having taken a capitalist apporach to post war governance.

But that was more a stupid decision on America's part to maintain the existence of a French nation, and even let them have their Indo-China colonies. If we made France give them up, Ho Chi Minh would have been a pro-American capitalist and there'd be no Vietnam war.

Ok. I got off topic, so I'll jsut leave some good quotes:

Q: What does a French military alliance and a French romance have in common?
A: Both are brief, sordid, and completely meaningless.

Why did the French send Lady Liberty to America?
A. They had no use for her anyway
B. They didn't want the tired, poor, huddled masses to come to France for God's sake.
C. She wouldn't put out
D. To be a constant reminder of the help they gave to defeat the British. As if WE'RE the ones with the short memory.
E. They wanted to remind future generations that they once had the balls to do what is right.
F. All of the above

Did you hear that the Post Office had to recall its series of stamps depicting famous Frenchmen? People were confused about which side to spit on.

Q: What Does "Maginot Line" mean in French?
A: "Speed bump ahead"

Why are French roads lined with trees?
So the Wehrmacht can march in the shade.

What is the real reason why they built the "Chunnel"?
---To make it easier for the French government to evacuate to London

There was a Frenchman, an Englishman and Claudia Schiffer sitting together in a carriage in a train going through Provence. Suddenly the train went through a tunnel and as it was an old style train, there were no lights in the carriages and it went completely dark. Then there was a kissing noise and the sound of a really loud slap. When the train came out of the tunnel, Claudia Schiffer and the Englishman were sitting as if nothing had happened and the Frenchman had his hand against his face as if he had been slapped there. The Frenchman was thinking: 'The English fella must have kissed Claudia Schiffer and she missed him and slapped me instead.' Claudia Schiffer was thinking: 'The French fella must have tried to kiss me and actually kissed the Englishman and got slapped for it.' And the Englishman was thinking: 'This is great. The next time the train goes through a tunnel I'll make another kissing noise and slap that French bastard again.

"The only time France wants us to go to war is when the German Army is sitting in Paris sipping coffee."
--- Regis Philbin

"As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure"
---Jacques Chirac, President of France
"As far as France is concerned, you're right."
---Rush Limbaugh

"The French are a smallish, monkey-looking bunch and not dressed any better, on average, than the citizens of Baltimore. True, you can sit outside in Paris and drink little cups of coffee, but why this is more stylish than sitting inside and drinking large glasses of whiskey I don't know."
--- P.J O'Rourke (1989)

"You know, the French remind me a little bit of an aging actress of the 1940s who was still trying to dine out on her looks but doesn't have the face for it."
---John McCain, U.S. Senator from Arizona

"You know why the French don't want to bomb Saddam Hussein? Because he hates America, he loves mistresses and wears a beret. He is French, people."
--Conan O'Brien

"I don't know why people are surprised that France won't
help us get Saddam out of Iraq. After all, France wouldn't help us get the Germans out of France!"
---Jay Leno

"The last time the French asked for 'more proof' it came marching into Paris under a German flag."
--David Letterman

Kathy> The Green Baron is 40% French and he is probably the most vicious French basher here, especially since I'm a product of his demented imagination.

And here is a joke from his father.

>A large group of French soldiers are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a sand dune.
>One United States Soldier is better than ten Frenchmen!
>The French commander quickly sends 10 of his best soldiers over the dune, whereupon a gun battle breaks out and continues for a few minutes, then silence.
>The voice then calls out One United States Soldier is better than one hundred Frenchmen.
>Furious, the French commander sends his next best 100 troops over the dune and instantly a huge firefight commences.
>After 10 minutes of battle, again silence.
>The American voice calls out again One United States Soldier is better than one thousand Frenchmen.
>The enraged French Commander musters one thousand fighters and sends them across the dune.
>Cannons, rockets, and machine guns ring out as a huge battle is fought.
>Then silence.
>Eventually one wounded French fighter crawls back over the dune and with his dying words tells his commander,
>"Don't send any more men, it's a trap.
>There are two of them!"
ghost of Reverend Attila
Thursday, March 27, 2003 12:03:54 PM

Media reporting >>

Media reporters in combat units do not talk smack about the guys standing between them and bullets. That's just common sense.

On the other hand, media reporters in combat units keep the military honest where they are. You can't go around sending out troops to burn down villages and expect the pencil-jockey in your unit to be all hush-hush about it.

The modern American media is - not - centrist, no matter what your professors might tell you. ABC, CBS, NBC, the Post, the Times, etc ... they are all businesses. Immediately after a Media source turns a profit, the focus becomes getting rating and circulation, not about reporting unbiased facts and truth.

And - sensationalism - sells newspapers and air time, not facts and good journalism. Don't kid yourself. Spinning bias into their reporting helps Newspapers and Networks make money, and the news is all about making money.

Also, people like Peter, Dan, and Walter are huge cash-cows that rule the roost of their respective networks due to their earning potential. You say something they don't agree with, and you're out a job. That's how the business works - and the ultimate outcome is that the prejudices and biases of these few old white men dictate what kind of spin you'll see on the stations from their underlings.

Oh, and that goes DOUBLE for National Public Radio. N.P.R. exists on the whim of politicians wanting to feed it money. Politicians who give them money are the good guys. Politicians who cut their funding are bad guys. Everything else in their programming pretty much flows down hill from that reality.

In the International Media, you'll find ethnocentricism flows thick. As a result, reporting will be skewed based on what that particular society views as somewhere between centrist and "progressive" tinged with not a small dose of Nationalism in some places. In countries where Nationalism and Socialism are big (like many European nations and parts of the United States) the natural social and economic pressure is for the media to feed that.

If the journalists "keep the government honest," who the Hell keeps the journalists honest? That's what I'd like to know. The big businesses that cut the checks to the journalists?

I thought about being a journalist when I was younger, but I became cynical and disillusioned way too early.

Kaioto - []
Thursday, March 27, 2003 11:18:02 AM

It is with sadness that I present this news.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan, former NY Senator just died. For those that knew of him, especially the ones in and around NY, he will be missed. He was always one of the most intelligent and wittiest Senators and one who remianed scandal-free.

Green Baron - []
Thursday, March 27, 2003 06:31:05 AM

It is with sadness that I present this news.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan, former NY Senator just died. For those that knew of him, especially the ones in and around NY, he will be missed. He was always one of the most intelligent and wittiest Senators and one who remianed scandal-free.

Green Baron - []
Thursday, March 27, 2003 06:29:59 AM

Gave up on my communications homework for tomorrow. Only worth about 1% each assignment.

Spacebabie> <<but even I it was you thought it was>>: Did you mean "but even if it was what you thought it was"?
<<Yay a gargoyles quote�>>: Indy first.

Taleweaver> <<The only way you can tell is by SCI-FI ads touting it as the last episode>>: Because it wasn't cancelled until after they finished filming the season.

Dezi> <<you are systematically posting your plans for taking over and ruling the world>>: They're not his plans, just collected advice for Evil Overlords.
<<Good Job then>>: Thank you.
<<If I move my monitor on its stand (swivel it slighly side to side to change the angle) the screen gets a sudden blueish tint>>: Does it have the blueish tint from all angles? Are there any large electrical (more brutish) or any magnetic devices nearby?
<<I checked all the cords and nothing>>: Do you mean make sure they're connected well, or pulled side to side to see if something is losing connection?
<<if the CRT is going out, do I need to junk it?>>: I wouldn't say it's worth keeping the case of a monitor for a new tube. The big cost of a display is the thing that makes spots light up on the screen, which is the tube in this case, or the liquid crystals in a flatscreen.
<<is that replaceable?>>: I'm sure if you bring it to the right person, it can be replaced.

Bud Clare> <<Is that a lot?>>: No, I wasn't thinking, as usual. The hundreds digit just flew right past my brain, what with the tens digit jumping a couple places since the last time I checked. Should have been 250.
<<For instance, knees don't scare me at all>>: Everything is a trade off. But I like mine, as knees aren't a regular event.
<<Noisy, though. Noise bad>>: Noise is to be expected when throwing rocks, no matter the material of your house.
<<you could even get jello (roughly) the right color>>: I believe a bit of cream does it.

I haven't been down by Asbury Park much, but now you get Under the Boardwalk, performed by J. C. Mellencamp.

Na zdorov'ya.
Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Thursday, March 27, 2003 12:46:38 AM

Lady Mystic - I just sent you a somewhat urgent email and could use a response.
Thursday, March 27, 2003 12:06:16 AM

*whimpers* Michael Moore made an appearance at the University of Rochester tonight. Ack.

Josh> <<I didn't know you had a child.>>
Eek... I'm going to have nightmares, now...

<<That's because you can't see it from the outside.>>
How do you know it really exists, then?

<<These people are trained to be able to help idiots like yourself.>>
Jeez, Josh... Can you go five minutes without insulting someone?
Gside> <<(see above about weight)>>
*blinks* Is that a lot?

<<Then enjoy your monthly bleeding.>>
It beats the alternatives... For instance, knees don't scare me at all. ;)

<<It's perfectly fine in an unfurnished steel house, with reasonable sized rocks.>>
Noisy, though. Noise bad.

<<Depends on how obscure they go. Could you identify the other part of Edward Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance?>>
But they just use music selections that they've used in class. If you do even a half-assed job of studying, you can get the composer and such.
Spacebabie> <<I think they should have aired this episode a week ago.>>
That would have been nice. I'm sure they wanted it that way, but having them on different networks makes it hard to coordinate them, I suppose.

<<but having two fried or poached eggs side by side remble breasts more than Jell-o>>
Depends on your jello molds. Hell, you could even get jello (roughly) the right color, if you put a little effort into it.
Taleweaver> <<What's up with all the French bashing.>>
It's fun.
kathy> <<Apologies if your extraction is French.>>
Don't you mean condolences? ;)
DPH> <<The pregnant cat gave birth.>>
Yay, kitties! (Too bad they have to grow up.)
Dezi> <<'Cause I said so and that should be more than enough reason for you.>>
It's really, really not.


<<If I move my monitor on its stand (swivel it slighly side to side to change the angle) the screen gets a sudden blueish tint.>>
Mine does that sometimes, but it hasn't lately. It's apparently a problem with one of the pins in the plug thingy. Try unplugging it (from the 'puter), then plugging it back in, making sure that it's tightened good. If that doesn't help... don't swivel it. :P
Yay, another Spirited Away commercial! Happy, happy!

Bud-Clare - []
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 11:26:17 PM

Not much today. Watching a show on Chinese Immigration while listening to the Bloodhound Gang is a real kick though.
Wheeee! Tomorrow I get to skip nite class to go to Chicago for the evening! I haven't been back there since I came to this wretched place.(over a year ago). I'm so happy!

Ok replies:
Bud-Clare:<Then how do you know that Lilo and Stitch should have won? > 'Cause I said so and that should be more than enough reason for you. :) :)<It was a perfectly good question... > You did have a point, though. <I meant when I was born... > Then that explains alot. :)<I pulled through at the last minute, it seems. > Darn. :)

Josh:<Perhaps if he wasn't 2-dimensional.> Like that would stop him. Do you remember that money vault on Duck Tales? Take a swim in some of that. :)<Perhaps if he wasn't 2-dimensional.> Or I just shut my eyes. *shrugs* <Its called bias> Yeah, and I'm full of it, so there. But since you're in Mexico for a week, I'm just gonna wallow in all of my glorious bias.:) Wheeeee! Besides, isn't judging a bunch of movies like any other kind of art? It's all a case of opinion. And I plan on remaining loyal to Stitch. He's my buddy. :)

To that note, has anyone here seen the movie Ringing Bell? Just wondering, as my brother and I are the only people (not in cyberspace) that I know of that have seen it.

Josh:<Not if she's ugly. > You would let opportunity pass you by when all you would have to do is shut off the lights?<will EVER come back to haunt any of us professionally> Well, you are systematically posting your plans for taking over and ruling the world.<Target practice! > What about Punt-Pass-and Kick? Adios.

Gside:<For the record, they are somewhat well known honors organizations> Yeah right after I posted that, I went back up to school and saw this big sign for it by the library. Well, Good Job then. Thanks for the Mozilla info. Maybe you can answer this one then: If I move my monitor on its stand (swivel it slighly side to side to change the angle) the screen gets a sudden blueish tint. I checked all the cords and nothing. One of my boyfriend's friends (who's current life goal is to be good at unpacking FedEX trucks) said it might be the tube, but if the CRT is going out, do I need to junk it? Or is that replaceable? Or is that the problem at all?

Spacebabie:< and should be kicked out of the country so they can go live with Saddam” > I like the one about how you can't be for the soldiers and against the war at the same time. That's a good one. *rolls eyes* <Yay a gargoyles quote> It was also on the Animaniacs. The one with Noah on the arc with the hippopotumases (Ok I _don't_ know how to spell that and I don't care.) Except it was "The Spideys" <he is considered nuts> God bless America. /*Sarcasm.

Taleweaver:<Yet how much play is this given in the news? > Oh yeah, I heard about that one. On the Daily Show, of all places. John Stewart's reporter didn't even have a word for it. He just summed it up in a shuddering kind of noise. <the media is caught up in a campaign to put out biased information> We had a War Journalism discussion in one of my classes today. We kinda came to the conclusion that the embedded journalists, while a semi-good idea, couldn't help but be slanted toward to the military, as they were surgically attached to their belt buckles. The independent journalists, while potentially getting themselves killed, were really cool. Oh yeah, and the ideals of most journalists are fundamentally centrist (with out-layers, of course) but were ethnocentrist but that was a hard quality to be helped. On the other hand, the press is to be the watchdog of the government, and at times, that involves being an agent of change, which is somewhat a liberal concept. Nixon's lackies complained of a liberal press. The thing was, that "liberal" press had his shorts in a twist.<pull up my flame resistant shorts> Don't worry, circling the fire-extinguishers, and bunkering down. :)

"The pounding of the drums, the pride and disgrace. You can bury your dead, but don't leave a trace. Hate your next door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace."


Dezi - [These guys are so cool here. Click!]
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 11:02:24 PM

Dear Puck... I just saw a commercial for Spirited Away. Woohoo! :)
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 10:26:22 PM

Apparently, the Academy has been able to convince Disney that Miyazaki's work is worth being seen by a larger audience. "Spirited Away" is going to be released to a *much* larger audience than in initial release. So if anyone here is wondering why it won the award, by all means check it out. (check the website linked)
Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 09:46:36 PM

Re:<<“Only in this town a man can drug and rape a teenager, flee the country and is rewarded with an Oscar, but when a man wants to build a church he is considered nuts.”>> A-F@¢^!NG-MEN.

Re:<<The Oscars> Lilo & Stitch over Spirited Away>>

Just in case there is any confusion, I thought I should point this out.

"Spirited Away" is not "that animated horse movie". That was "Spirit" - which was also nominated, but WAS a piece of crap. :p

Wednesday, March 26, 2003 08:38:12 PM

as of this morning, I have more kittens around. The pregnant cat gave birth. No, I don't know how many yet nor do I know the color of the various kittens. I do not want to disturb the mother yet.
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 06:38:38 PM

Gah! Blasted typo demons. That should have been YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) not whatever it ended up as.

Christine > Best of luck with the poke and prod. :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2003 05:05:14 PM

Kind of feeling meh today, wasn't going to post but I saw a couple things in Taleweaver's post to comment on.
Why France? Because they opposed the taking out of Saddam's regime for all the reasons that the anti war people accused the U.S. of wanting to go in for. For France it's about money and oil. People who do the longwinded quotes and sources can back me up on this, but basically, France has been skirting the embargos and other sanctions since Gulf War I ended for their national enrichment. Now that Saddam is about out of the picture, they want a big old piece of the reconstruction pie - and they call America Imperialist. Fah. Still, I have trouble getting overly worked up about this because, sadly, it's in the French National character. Anybody remember the Vichy government during WWII? The French are the epitome of self serving. IMHO YYMV. Apologies if your extraction is French.

Re Sci Fi programing. It's cyclical and we're at the low point. Don't worry. In a year or three there will be new genre programming to worry about keeping on the air.

Farscape > What a bummer that was. As it turned out - they filmed their season finale not knowing it was the series finale but opted to keep the ending as it was because they had hope (at the time) of the show being picked up in some other venue - movie, different network, something.

Buffy - No real surprises, I thought, but from the vantage point of my tiny realplayer screen, well executed. I love episodes full of backstory.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003 04:12:39 PM

Howdy all,

I hope everyone is doing well and living well. I've got some reviews, some thoughts on stories and some thoughts on current events.

* * * Sci-fi in Week Review Warning! Potential Spoilers * * *
Angel, last week> A good episode. Things hadn't slipped on the show, but they had stagnated for a while. Willow was a surprise, not in her appearence, but in her Willowness. Remember back in the early seasons of Buffy when you got your daily dosage of Willowness and Xanderisms. I guess being with people she doesn't have such an involved history with is liberating. That or Allyson finds it too cool to be working with her fiance. Cordellia and Willow's battle of the magics was more exciting that the past two episodes worth of fist fights. Important lesson here folks is you need something at stake to make a fight exciting. No one bets on the exhibition game. (Aside from the gambling addicts) But everyone puts money on the line for the championship, especially between equally matched oppontents. With the season rapidly coming to a close, I hope they spill the beans about the Beastmaster's plan. <Insert your own rye remark> I'm hoping the ending isn't rushed where all the important info is crammed into the second before last episode where it has no chance of doing any good.

Farscape> Series Finale? The only way you can tell is by SCI-FI ads touting it as the last episode. I didn't see it as any different from the last two season finales. They tie up the current crisis, enjoy a brief breather and then get hit by the SURPRISE!Aeryn and John getting blown away might have been shocking if both haven't come back from the dead more times that Xena and Buffy.

Buffy> I haven't talked much about Buffy, becuase up until now there hasn't been much to talk about. The Spike/Wood story was well crafted, truly a Buffy classic-worthy story. Sad it had to be saddled with the unconvincing Buffy-turned-general subplot. It great that they finally got some vital info out in the open. Who Wood is and his relationship with Spike? I loved Giles indignation over the new library. Even Anya got a line or two. Could it be we are out of the doldrums of filler episodes and now are tackling the big issues? I certainly hope so.

Both stories tied in well with the title theme. It sparked some interesting thoughts on parental love and how much we are what are parents make us. Wood and Spike capitalized on this beautifully. And it left things resolved, yet uncertain. Buffy however show no signs of growth. It's always been, I'll do what I want and no one better questioning me on it.

Sci-fi> I speculate there is a problem on the horizon. Not with the Sci-fi channel, but sci-fi tv in general. With Buffy wrapping up, Farscape gone and Odyssey 5 cancelled, I see a pretty bleak future for sci-fi tv. Ironically at a time when sci-fi movies are gaining more acceptence even becoming mainstream. Between now and the end of summer, I count at least three movies based on comics and about ten with sci-fi earmarks. I could be worrying needlessly. I haven't seen what's offered for the fall yet, and sci-fi has made a strong enough showing that there will be at least some shows on the air. I guess I hoping quality will come in the place of quantity.

* * * End of the Sci-fi stuff * * *

The Oscars> Lilo & Stitch over Spirited Away. Before you making that pronouncement please watch Spirited Away first. That type of uninformed statement is what turned me off from the Academy Awards in the first place. When I learned that the Academy, the people in charge of the voting, only see a faction of the movies up for awards and then usually votes for their friends? Well, I've never looked back. I'll catch the highlights on the news. I have seen Lilo & Stitch. It's cute and sweet, but it aimed low, like Spirit. Like Winnie the Pooh its' stuffed with fluff. That in itself isn't bad. But if I'm looking for movies to award, I want something that excels the craft of filmmaking, not the latest franchise piece from Disney. Spirited Away on the other hand brought that 'A' game. Watching that you could see what you can do with animation. I'm optimistic about this category in the awards. A few more good movies and I'll need to readjust my thinking about the awards. right now, it looks like some folks are taking the animated categories seriously. And it's about time.

Brody and the Kiss> Jealous? A little. I'm more jealous that he had the idea to kiss and I didn't. Not that I plan on become Best Actor, but I like to think highly of myself as being posed and cool in such a situation. And that upped the anty on cool by a few degrees. It's like the 'Girls Gone Wild' guys. I'm not jealous of their success, I'm jealous that I didn't think of it first.

Michael Moore and the Oscars> Since I didn't watch the awards I heard it second hand on the news shows and the like. Whenever I hear this story, I keep thinking about Louis from Casablanca: "I'm shocked. Shocked! To find gambling going on in this establishment." My wife thought it wasn't the time or place to talk about such things. I had to point out to her the numerous quasi-political acceptance speeches that litter award shows. The one the leaps to mind was Richard Gere's Free Tibet speech a few years back. Using the award podium as a bully pulpit has become a tradition at awards shows.

One of the lessons I learned in persuasion class was that ultimately the audience decides who to confer credibility to. Being a celebrity doesn't mean their message is more valid. That is a credibility we as viewers and consumers endow them either out of awe, attractiveness, laziness or something else entirely. Just because a celebrity says something doesn't make it true. Persoanlly, I agree with the message and I wasn't shocked that Moore said it. But I didn't believe it more because a celebrity said it on national TV. We decide to listen or not.

And on the subject of bashing. What's up with all the French bashing. You know France wasn't the only country to oppose US in the UN. Germany and Russia had their reservations too. I don't see anyone deciding to belittle them. Personally, I find it oddly comforting that Germany decides to take a pass on a war. Normally, I just shrug this off, but since it has been so persistent I thought I'd weigh in.

In response to Questions citation, I thought I'd post this link to BBC news about who actually is got the contract to reconstruct Iraq. For those who think, the media is caught up in a campaign to put out biased information, I submit this article and this thought. There is a strong perception of conflict of interests involved. Yet how much play is this given in the news?

Well, I better pull up my flame resistant shorts. I hope this will spur more discussion than flames. Only time will tell.



Taleweaver - [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 02:57:37 PM

What a week so far!

Oscars didn’t watch it: I remember that last year I made 3 vows
1. Never to watch the Oscars again
2. Never to watch “A Beautiful Mind”
3. See Cirque Du Solei

I haven’t seen the movie that robbed The Fellowship and last January I saw Cirque Du Solei!

Glad that Spirited Away won best Animated picture, maybe this will give Disney a clue.

Michael Moore: The jerk confirmed what I felt all along. The only reason why these Left wing fundamentalists are against the war is because they hate republicans and they are still bitter about the 2000 elections. I proudly signed that petition
While I did sing I noticed some of the messages that others have elft behind some, made me cheer, some made me laugh and some PISSED ME OFF. Those were the ones that said. “Democrats that are against the war are traitors to American, and should be kicked out of the country so they can go live with Saddam”

Grrrr. Just because people are against the war does not mean they are traitors to America. Many people who are against the war feel that being in Iraq is not a good idea. They would have felt the same if a democrat were in charge. (unlike these leftwing fantatics)

That was another reason why I signed it. Because that big slob and the rest of his uberlib buddies are making all who are against the war (No matter what party they belong in) look bad.
*************End Rant********

And it’s time for some Buffy Spoilers
I think they should have aired this episode a week ago. In last night’s episode Willow gets a call for Fred and she leaves town.

I haven’t seen this much bad tension between Buffy and Giles since “Helpless”

Spike was a mama’s boy!

Vamp William and his Vamp Mom gave me some Demona/Jericho vibes.
**********************Spoilers End************

Reply time.

Bud Claire<<<They've been called many things…>>>Chips, Patties, pie…what the hell did I just step in?

Leo<<<that's strange. According to the Time/Warner Cable Central Florida web site, Toon Disney is on Digital Cable channel 135. It's part of the "Digital Children and Family" package.>>>I keep trying to get Happosai to switch to Time Warner, but oh no Adelphia has enough channels and it’s cheaper<<<But he still FLUNKED out of U.T. Austin>>>You missed the part of me saying that it’s a possible insult to FSU…Never mind possible it is an insult.<<<and "Bumsfield?>>>Keep Rumsfield. The man has balls. He takes no crap from anyone.<<<I'm sure I'll be able to read about it and all the details on your "Diaryland" page shortly.>>>Inset evil laughter.

Gside<<<Isn't that illegeal, as well as involving public incecency? >>>I meant I’m Pissed…but even I it was you thought it was it would improve their body odor.<<<I get Jello quite often at the dining hall. >>>but having two fried or poached eggs side by side remble breasts more than Jell-o

Mooncat<<<"Spiders, why did it have to be spiders?" >>>Yay a gargoyles quote…I feel the same about hornets

Greg<<<For the second year in a row, they give Best Picture to the worst movie in the line-up.>>>No the worst movie in the line up was “The Hours” I was afraid that would have won. It struck me as this years “A Beautiful Mind”

Green Baron<<<I think we should drop him on Baghdad, but that may constitute a weapon of mass destruction :) >>>LOL

Christine<<<I will be posting a complete vacation diary later this week, with pics,>>>including a picture of a half burnt Tim? <<<Latest medical update: bone scan next Tuesday (shudder), surgical consult on April 22.>>>I hope everything goes well. You will be in my prayers.

I leave you with a quote from last night’s Jay Leno. It’s about Mel Gibson wanting to build a Catholic Church

“Only in this town a man can drug and rape a teenager, flee the country and is rewarded with an Oscar, but when a man wants to build a church he is considered nuts.”

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 01:28:09 PM

France Seeks Big Role in Post-War Iraq

Mar 25, 4:11 PM (ET)


(AP) French President Jacques Chirac holds a news conference at the Elysee Palace in Paris Tuesday March...
Full Image

PARIS (AP) - Worried it could be shut out of business deals in postwar Iraq, France is drawing up plans to win French companies access to lucrative oil and reconstruction contracts, officials said Tuesday.

The government is determined that French companies will be part of rebuilding Iraq, despite President Jacques Chirac's vigorous opposition to the war, a Finance Ministry official said.

Gilles Munier, an executive board member of the French-Iraq Association for Economic Cooperation, said business leaders and government representatives were studying how to gain a foothold in postwar Iraq.

He said a meeting between France's most powerful business federation, government leaders and the French-Iraq Association for Economic Cooperation was scheduled for April 3.

The Finance Ministry official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed discussions were underway with business leaders about Iraq.

Some French are concerned that a U.S.-led administration in Iraq will favor companies from the United States and other pro-war countries while penalizing companies from France and other war opponents.

The Bush administration awarded a $4.8 million contract Monday to a Seattle-based company to rebuild Iraq's only deep-water port. Washington is expected to announce similar deals soon.

Officials in Paris say French firms' experience in working in Iraq would be an advantage.

French companies - many with ties to Baghdad stretching back decades - have established themselves as the largest suppliers of goods to Iraq since a U.N. trade embargo was partially lifted in 1996.

In 2001, France exported $705 million worth of goods to Iraq within the framework of the United Nations' now-frozen oil-for-food program. Communications equipment maker Alcatel clinched a $75 million contract to upgrade Baghdad's phone network, and Renault sold $75 million worth of tractors and farming vehicles to Iraq.

French oil giant TotalFinaElf probably has the biggest stake. It spent six years in the 1990s doing preparatory work on two giant oil fields and has signed two tentative agreements with Saddam to develop them.

Munier said he believes American companies will have difficulties in Iraq because of widespread anger against the U.S.-led bombing campaign.

"I don't see how American executives can work when their lives will be at risk," he said. "There will be such hatred toward Americans."

Munier criticized French companies for negotiating with American companies for a piece of their businesses in Iraq, saying that such "collaboration" would damage the image of French business among Iraqis.

Differences over how to run Iraq after the war have put added strain on already tense relations between the United States and several European countries.

France opposes any U.S. reconstruction plan that would sideline United Nations development agencies, multilateral organizations and non-governmental aid groups.

Chirac has warned that France would vote against any U.N. Security Council resolution that would give "the American and British belligerents the right to administer Iraq."

The Question
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 11:51:50 AM

Actually, DPH I have thought of it the other way.

I mean it has always seemed odd to me when you take a test at some point in a course and say you get a C+ on it<I guess in todays terms that would be a B+ eh? When I went to college they scaled to a C+>. In a lot of courses that knowledge is base stuff such that later on in the course you should be able to get an A on that material. Assuming that is the case then someone who gets (on say the 4 tests during a course) of C C B A knows a tremendous amount more about the material than someone who gets A A B C, but gets a lower grade for the course. I am of the opinion that the grade you get in a course should be based on your total knowledge at the end, not your progress at various intervals. In that vein I think at the end of a course one should be able to retake any of the tests from earlier in the semester(with different questions obviously). It shouldnt be such that a bad grade on one or two of the early tests should make it impossible to get a good grade in the course.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003 11:06:40 AM

Click on my name for a worthy petition :) I'm taking a break from France bashing to bash Michael Moore :)
ghost of Reverend Attila
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 07:53:39 AM

And even my communications professor doesn't know where they got the name "super heterodyne" when talking about AM demodulators.

Lila> <<Blue Bayou>>: Good Orbison song.
<<HOW did Lilo and Stitch fail to win the Oscar?>>: Because Miyazaki's been doing stuff for years without any American recognition, and foreign language stuff always seems more artsy.

DPH> <<Miss 1 question and that's 80%. Miss 2 questions and you got a 60%>>: It only really matters if quizes count for a significant portion of your final grade. And besides, people who use non 100 grading ranges (like my father) tend to go for a (sum of points earned)/(max points possible) grading scheme, so a point always has the same value. Besides, curves are your friend.
<<how long do cats carry kittens?>>: About 66 days, but between 58 and 71.

Imzadi> <<I'm going to Mexico on wednesday>>: Don't drink the water.
<<Don't hold out for more>>: I don't hold out. I go active.
<<we can easily dismiss those definitions as they are written by the insane>>: Women and those under the control of women?
<<I told you to stop wearing falsies>>: I know, I know, I don't need them (now pushing 150lbs), but it's still more fun.
<<Congrats>>: Thank you. Complete surprise to me. I thought I needed more foreign language. Maybe they counted linguistics.
<<In the time you waited for a response from any of us, you could have called tech support and waited>>: But the good part about waiting on us is that you can do other stuff. With tech support, you've got to hold a square of plastic with your shoulder and ear.

Lady Mystic> <<I was unable to find the publication dates for season 1 of each series>>: If nothing else, you can look at the last modified date of each story (ctrl-i on Mozilla). For example, Fallout pt. 1 gives a date of Tuesday, October 06, 1998 7:02:53 PM. Which I just noticed is after the creation of the CR, so it's nowhere near accurate. Was it ever posted to a Usenet group with an archive?

Bud Clare> <<For you, maybe>>: Absolutely. I'm lazy (see above about weight).
<<I'm glad I'm not a man>>: Then enjoy your monthly bleeding.
<<I was always under the impression that it was a bad idea, regardless of your housing materials>>: It's perfectly fine in an unfurnished steel house, with reasonable sized rocks. In fact, just about anything below boulders would be all right.
<<That's it?!? Jealous>>: Depends on how obscure they go. Could you identify the other part of Edward Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance? Or which of Mussorgsky's Promenades they took from Pictures at an Exhibition? And depending on the section, some Tchaikovsky sounds similar (I believe he always put in a section about the tzar).

Patrick> <<Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement>>: Feh, it's not like they haven't seen it before. Like last weekend up and down all of College Ave.

Godiva> <<When is Microshaft ever good?>>: It provided de facto standardization of software.
<<until he finds out what happened>>: Bit rot.
<<why it happened>>: Microsoft, or something bad happened in the middle of a write.
<<Good luck>>: Thank you. I may need it with some of them.
<<born in the Bayou>>: Good Creedence song.

Dezi> <<this unsettles me>>: I tend to have that effect, until you learn to pay me no attention. And the wink, etc. was from Python.
<<Now go enjoy your Greek bowl of Alphabits>>: For the record, they are somewhat well known honors organizations. If nothing else, my father's school gets a day off everytime a graduate makes Phi Beta Kappa (and Tau Beta Pi is the engineering equivalent).
<<Any tips?>>: Designing the look of the thing isn't too much different from any WYSIWYG (think Word or any other recent word processing program) editor. The only part that makes it different from making any flat set of pages is the links, which shouldn't be too hard once you get your mind in the right setting. Also, I've heard good things about tables for keeping things in the right place.

Imzadi> <<I think he meant women too>>: Maybe, maybe not. Women tend to care less about such things.
<<Then might I suggest a mac so that becomes unnecessary?>>: Problems, if fewer, would probably require an equal amount of research to understand.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 02:37:45 AM

What the heck, I might as well post.

**a crazy theory**
I have wondered what would happen if a teacher had daily (10+ points) quizs AND no tests. Would the student grades be better or worse? Of course, a hand-out would have to be given for studying for the semester test since looking at that many quizs wouldn't work.
**end a crazy theory**

Imzadi - <Most hard drives fail after a few years. As
for all eternity, I'd be surprised if this information was still here 10 years from now.> Even if it was around, who would remember it?

btw, my pregnant cat just became rather mean-spirited. I'm betting that is because she is about to give birth.

Imzadi - <This will be my last post before I leave for Mexico tomorrow morning.> Hmm. Are you protected from Montezuma's revenge?

Wednesday, March 26, 2003 02:33:47 AM

This will be my last post before I leave for Mexico tomorrow morning. I spent all day running stupid pre-trip errands, and my head hurts. Fortunately, I'm going on vacation. Not sure if I'll bring my laptop with me.

Anyone know when the new smallville is on?

Bud Clare: <<I'm glad I'm not a man>>: I think he meant women too.
<<Is it really okay for people who _don't_ live in glass houses to throw stones?>>: Yes, because they have nothing to fear from retaliation. Clearly THAT is the lesson taught by the aphorism, right? ;-)
<<Hordes and hordes of small children>>: Target practice!
<<That's what they tried to do to me, the bastards>>: I didn't know you had a child.
<<That's it?!? Jealous>>: Seriously. Some of us have to work for our grades.
<<why would you remember it?>>: Good point.
<<New Buffy>>: Curses, I missed it!
<<Disney doesn't like it very much>>: That's because they're a bunch of nazis.
<<what were you asking _us_ for?>>: She was hoping that one of us was both more technologically competent AND better qualified to explain it to her non-techie mind than someone who's PAID to do it.
<<Then how do you know that Lilo and Stitch should have won?>>: Its called bias.
<<I meant when I was born.>>: Sure you did.

Patrick: <<will sit on a server somewhere for all eternity>>: You're kidding, right? Most hard drives fail after a few years. As for all eternity, I'd be surprised if this information was still here 10 years from now.
<<Past poor behavior comes back to bite people in the butt all the time. Just ask anyone who's ever run for political office>>: Sorry, but I highly doubt that the insults any of us throw in here will EVER come back to haunt any of us professionally.

Godiva: <<no, I haven’t. I’ve tried to watch the TV series, but I just can’t get into it>>: Heathen!
<<When is Microshaft ever good?>>: When they shoot themselves in the foot, giving people yet another reason to switch to mac or linux.
<<if I know my husband, he’s going to research this for the next 3 years until he finds out what happened and why it happened>>: Then might I suggest a mac so that becomes unnecessary?
<<if he crawls into my lap, should I stroke him?>>: Always.
<<Would you say Fridays are a good or bad day?>>: Bad. Lots of people take off fridays. No one takes of wednesdays.
<<girl can dream, right?>>: Yeah, but if they don't stop they tend to bankrupt someone.
<<it’s been nine years since I’ve been but I can’t picture where you’re talking about>>: That's because you can't see it from the outside. If you haven't been inside, there's no way you'd have ever seen it. It's not visible from any of the rides, or the nearby train.
<<wouldn’t this time of year be considered the off-season?>>: No, because its hot and close to summer. Fall/winter is off-season. You can tell because they're not open as late.
<<Not a problem. My sister has a handicap pass. No long lines for us>>: I hate your sister.
<<What about a Friday in April?>>: People skip school on friday. Some schools aren't in session. Some people are on spring break.
<<And be confused by a techo-babbling geek, No thanks. I’d rather chew nails>>: Then you obviously don't understand the concept technical support. These people are trained to be able to help idiots like yourself.
<<I thought men were always in the mood>>: Not if she's ugly.
<<I’m mainly a brunette>>: I'll take your word on it.
<<We won’t eat at the same time. We’ll take turns eating.>>: How does that save money?
<<Isn’t the secret way in thru PotC?>>: That wouldn't be very secret now, would it? That's not the way.

Kathy: <<I want to just ruffle your hair and smack you upside the head>>: Overstimulation.

Dezi: <<I posted #seven and everything went dark>>: It doesn't like you.
<<Um, congrats?>>: Quite. Its an honor society.
<<Mickey Mouse must be rich>>: Perhaps if he wasn't 2-dimensional.

Okay, my head hurts. I'm done for the night.

161. I will occasionally vary my daily routine and not live my life in a rut. For example, I will not always take a swig of wine or ring a giant gong before finishing off my enemy.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 01:47:10 AM

Yay! New Buffy! Too bad it's a rerun again next week. :(

Godiva> <<I knew Disneyland has private days, but I’ve never heard of Gay Day.>>
Disney doesn't like it very much. The crazy people (like my b*tch grandmother) threaten to boycott them and such, and just generally make nuissances of themselves.

<<And be confused by a techo-babbling geek, No thanks. I’d rather chew nails.>>
So what were you asking _us_ for? ;)
kathy> <<Same to you Bud-Clare.>>
It was a perfectly good question...
Dezi> <<Or even heard of it (me). Lilo and Stitch should have won!>>
Then how do you know that Lilo and Stitch should have won?

<<_You_ have kids? God help us.>>
GAH!!! No... I meant when I was born...

<<Let's all have a respectful moment of silence for Bud-Clare..>>
I pulled through at the last minute, it seems.

Bud-Clare - []
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 09:47:12 PM

Oh yeah- I wanted to make a cool link. Enjoy!
Dezi - [song song song song]
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 06:09:47 PM

Hey! The CR is back! wheeee! I was getting sad. :(
Been really busy with school though. That bank robbery that happened right next to school that I got to cover? My teacher wants to enter that into a contest for college comm stuff. I'm nervous. I've been judged on artsy stuff before (and came out ok) but never on this, my new major.

What happened to the CR though. I posted #seven and everything went dark.

Mooncat:< "Spiders, why did it have to be spiders?" > We were unpacking all this shipment from China, Vietnam and the Phillipines and one of my co-workers stuck her hand down in the box to take out some packing and a weird looking Asian spider bit her and we had to send it to a bug lab to identify it. She didn't get sick, but no word on what the bug was. Makes me scared to unpack stuff though.

Greg:<I jumped the gun there, severely> False start! :)<If Saddam Hussein is indeed dead, do you think he's down in Hell making Satan his bitch now?> How very Southpark. <into a new reality show? > Only when they start putting the white trash in prominent on-air positions. :)

Gside:<Dezi> <<Have you ever bought something which you knew you didn't need but wanted anyways?>>: They're called luxuries, and account for most American expenditures.Where will THAT get me?>>: Evil laugh, redux.<<No no no. ::blinks wide innocent eyes:: (heh)>>: Yes yes yes.
<<Say no MORE>>: Wink wink nudge nudge. What's it like?
> Ummm I don't even remember typing that. But then, last week is gone-so it's a _total_ memory black out. I have no idea what I was even talking about there or that was even me and this unsettles me. *shivers* <Phi Beta Kappa! Now I just have to make it though the Tau Beta Pi selection. > Um, congrats? Now go enjoy your Greek bowl of Alphabits.

Green Baron: <Dezi (but she didn't find it cute), > Eh, Dottie-dog wanted something to attack. She needed a self esteem boost after that incident involving her hiding from the neighbor's cat. Check your email.

Lila:<But I don't freakin' block traffic> *assuming that this was originally regarding Chicago-but doesn't remember cause _the board is gone!_> Having once lived right on LSD (8-) ) a nice spring rain storm would have had the same effect. The viaducts flood out and the street drains clog up. Now, if they wanted to do something- shutting down the El train takes some effort. :) < Where will THAT get me? No no no. ::blinks wide innocent eyes:: (heh)> Ah I found the mystery quote. *feels a little better* <since before he got elected> In May of 2000 I drew a color pencil drawing of Dubya with bright green hair and bloodshot eyes, standing in front of bunting. It got second place in the Congressional contest and my Congressman (who is a democrat with an excellent sense of humor) had it hanging in his D.C. office for a year (the reward of the contest). Well its been 2 years and I haven't seen it. I did get back my pic that won fourth, but GWB is missing. ...I Smell A Conspiracy! Well, anyway, if any of you have seen it (it's titled Smack Cracked Bushwacked) I WANT IT BACK! :)Ok done with that now. <Oh, and HOW did Lilo and Stitch fail to win the Oscar? I'm pissed. That blue critter is my favorite...> Agree agree.

Coyote:<hasn't seen Spirited Away yet** > Or even heard of it (me). Lilo and Stitch should have won! They're making a Stitch TV show out in September, I hear.

DPH:<How was the middle east divided into the countries we now know? Was an attempt at preventing any single country from controlling the oil fields? (I haven't gotten that far in world history class yet.) > Just trying to test my own memory *anyone- feel free to contradict me* but I thought it had something to do with the breakdown of the Ottoman Empire. The rhyme and reason to it? Who knows- It was a multi-government effort. 'Nuf said.

Josh:<<<$ thanks>>: Yeah, food for a full day at Disneyland is probably close to $30/person> Man, Mickey Mouse must be rich.<Everyone does unspeakable things in the name of god and Satan gets all their souls. > *Satan plops onto a couch, opens a beer, and reminiseces about the old days. Ah, the Crusades.*

Bud-Clare:<Must... finish... essay... *dies* > Let's all have a respectful moment of silence for Bud-Clare...I said Respectful!:)<Better yet, why would you remember it?> As you all know, my whole life hinges on the comment room./sarcasm* But I did miss it. It is a good source of boredom relief. :) <That's what they tried to do to me, the bastards. > _You_ have kids? God help us. *just kidding :)* < I was always under the impression that it was a bad idea, regardless of your housing materials.
> What's really fun is to get a whole bunch of bouncy balls from the quarter machines and throw them wildly in an enclosed area.

Christine: Feel better.

As for the war: I hate it. I've been running around my apt. yelling at the tv or watching HGTV. "we interrupt your polymer clay program to bring you war updates." Yeah really. But I can't stand to be in a total news black hole. I am reading on the 'net. -yes I have a mental filter to at least TRY to get some truth-.

I'm thinking about making myself a website. My teacher tried to teach me how to use Mozilla Composer last semester but apparently it all went into my short-term memory, as I passed the class but can't remember much out of it. Anyone- Any tips?

Tuesday, March 25, 2003 06:08:00 PM

Hey, folks. We're home. I will be posting a complete vacation diary later this week, with pics, but overall we had a very good time despite the heat and the mugginess and the hours and hours of bus rides that it took to get to some of the excursions.

Chichen Itza's equinox phenom was something of a bust -- it was cloudy -- but the ruins at Copan were amazing. Took Becca swimming with dolphins and riding in a glass-bottom boat. Rode along an underground river in an inner tube. Ate way too much.

Today's being spent on unpacking, laundry, retrieving the cats, grocery shopping, calling the docs, and generally catching up on stuff. Latest medical update: bone scan next Tuesday (shudder), surgical consult on April 22.

Christine - []
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 04:51:29 PM

Nice day.

DPH - Uh yeah. You are somebody's project. Fortunately, not mine. And regarding your cat - 58-65 days.

Josh - Ah, you're so cute when your being disingenuous. I want to just ruffle your hair and smack you upside the head.

Same to you Bud-Clare.

Naptime and then I'm making strawberry tarts and sushi for dinner.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003 02:19:49 PM

Nothing much to say, so without further ado, my replies….


Greg Bishansky--<<Um no, haven't you seen the South Park movie?>> Actually, no, I haven’t. I’ve tried to watch the TV series, but I just can’t get into it. <<Saddam Hussein and Satan get into a homosexual relationship with Satan as the submissive, and Saddam as the evil abusive boyfriend.>> Movie or no movie, I still see Saddam as the submissive one.

Gside--<<As usual, Microsoft's bad, then.>> When is Microshaft ever good? <<Either reinstall the program or find someone with a valid file to replace yours.>> That’s what David is going to do when he can find the time. But if I know my husband, he’s going to research this for the next 3 years until he finds out what happened and why it happened. <<Excellent.>> Of course. <<Now to work on the others.>> Good luck.

Green Baron--<<Attila is basically a ncie kitty, but he's a pervert.>> Okay, so if he crawls into my lap, should I stroke him? ;-) <<Take it as a compliment that he harrases you, as he has harrased Mara, Kathy, Ravyn, Lain (a little), Dezi (but she didn't find it cute), Crzy, Lexy, and Patrick.>> I’ll hold on the compliment part until I see how perverted he is.

Oh yeah, to answer a question from wa-a-a-aay back, I wasn’t born in the Bayou. I was born and raised in good ol’ California.

Lila--<<Actually, October's a good time>> yeah, you’re probably right, but we’re so tired of waiting. We’re ready to go as soon as a) the weather’s nice, b) no one is sick, c) my sister can go, and d) it’s a Friday that David has off. October isn’t a feasible option to a bunch of impatient people. <<Unless it's Gay Day.>> I knew Disneyland has private days, but I’ve never heard of Gay Day. <<EXTREME CROWDING THEN. (Was there, was insane, couldn't see for all the crazy red shirts and lovely unavailable men.)>> We definitely won’t go then. The last thing I need is some guy eyeballing my man’s ass. It’s a nice one and it’s MINE!! <<Weekdays. It's less crowded, and still warm and dry enough to be comfortable.>> We’re planning for a Friday. It’ll be easy to get the kids out of school, and since David has every other Friday off, it won’t be a problem of him missing work. <<You gotta plan according to crowd-factor.>> Would you say Fridays are a good or bad day? <<Heh, heh, not too expensive, it's worth it. The best part is access to the Blue Bayou, (restaurant in the Pirates ride) which is expensive, but worth it.>> Maybe my parents will get us that for Christmas 2003. Hey, I girl can dream, right? <<Prime rib...>> Fine, make me hungry. And may I have a baked potato with the works with that? <<Nope, that's the exclusive club overlooking New Orleans Square,>> I know it’s been nine years since I’ve been but I can’t picture where you’re talking about. From what I do remember about New Orleans Square is that it’s really small.<<with it's own eatery and bar and lounge, membership only costs ten thousand a year...>> Sure wish I had an extra $10,000 just laying around waiting to be spent by me. <<Lilo and Stitch… blue critter is my favorite...>> He was pretty cute.

Josh--<<I prefer to expel them.>> Ooooh, so tempting, but with Children’s Services and all, I’d better keep them here. J << The best time to go is when no one else is there.>> Okay, that makes sense, but wouldn’t this time of year be considered the off-season? <<During the summer, the lines are many many hours long.>> Not a problem. My sister has a handicap pass. No long lines for us. <<On a wednesday in october, everyone on the planet is in school or at work.>> What about a Friday in April? <<No lines.>> See above. <<The trick is that you have to play hookey.>> Send kids to school for two hours, then pick them up around 9:30-10:00. And David will be off, as it is his day-off from work. <<And the weather is fine in october.>> Early October, maybe, but not late October. <<In the time you waited for a response from any of us, you could have called tech support and waited.>> And be confused by a techo-babbling geek, No thanks. I’d rather chew nails. <<Nah, not in the mood.>> WHAT?? I thought men were always in the mood. ;-) <<You must be blonde.>> Yes and no. I do have fine blonde hairs on my arms and thighs, but I’m mainly a brunette. <<Probably closer to $10.>> Wouldn’t know, haven’t been there since 1994. <<Yeah, food for a full day at Disneyland is probably close to $30/person.>> We won’t eat at the same time. We’ll take turns eating. <<you have to know the secret way to get in.>> Isn’t the secret way in thru PotC?

Bud-Clare--<< So many children... Hordes and hordes of small children..>>
Didn’t you know that they’re professionals that Disneyland hires so that it just looks crowded. <<They could have induced labor.>> The baby wasn’t overdue so they didn’t make any plang for that. <<That's what they tried to do to me, the bastards.>> Induced labor is definitely no fun. Out of my four kids, only one of the labors started on its own.

Godiva - []
Eerie, Indiana, <---remember that show?
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 01:55:04 PM

FS - Have you only just heard about the Mother Of All Bombs? Here's a few links for ya...

First, a link to a video of the MOAD tests (I think, and you'll need realplayer to open it), along with a story...

...And they're thinking about adapting Thermobaric/Fuel-Air Explosive technology for the individual soldier...

...And finally, why should Xanatos have all the fun?


Gunjack "Deflagration" Valentine
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 01:07:14 PM

Station 8's been like a yo-yo the past few days... up, down, up, down. :: feels dizzy ::

Josh: <<Why would you regret something that you said in an internet comment room 20 years ago?>>

Because it's harder to deny what a jerk you were when you were younger when there's a written record of it that will sit on a server somewhere for all eternity. Past poor behavior comes back to bite people in the butt all the time. Just ask anyone who's ever run for political office.

Greg: Is it really necessary to get into the gritty, explicit details of the "South Park" movie in here? Why not just post a link for the curious.

:: off to the trenches ::

"Confucius say: Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement." - Crank Yankers

Patrick Toman
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 07:01:39 AM

Gside> <<It's not that big, just one load all together. And it's nostalgic.>>
For you, maybe.

<<All of it. It is a crime against man.>>
I'm glad I'm not a man.

<<And if you didn't see, Miyazaki got an Oscar.>>
kathy> <<Rocks. Glass houses. Think about it.>>
I'm thinking about it, and I'm very confused. Is it really okay for people who _don't_ live in glass houses to throw stones? I was always under the impression that it was a bad idea, regardless of your housing materials.
Godiva> <<Why is that? Seems it would be better to go during the summer>>
Summer vacation. *shudders* So many children... Hordes and hordes of small children...

<<Well, if I had had a scheduled cesaerean section, then yeah, I could've had a choice.>>
They could have induced labor. That's what they tried to do to me, the bastards.
Lila> <<Oh, and HOW did Lilo and Stitch fail to win the Oscar?>>
Four syllables: Mi - ya - za - ki. Any more questions? ;)
DPH> <<Especially catching up on sleep.>>
Rub it in.

<<The test scores are low, because we are required to identify the musical piece, who composed it, and the movement within the piece.>>
That's it?!? Jealous...
Josh> <<She refused to gracefully fade away. She's running for congress.>>
*L* Too late...

<<Why would you regret something that you said in an internet comment room 20 years ago?>>
Better yet, why would you remember it?

Must... finish... essay... *dies*

Bud-Clare - []
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 06:20:09 AM

Yeah, FS's link won't work due to the JavaScript within the URL. Here's the correct URL.

Lady Mystic - [<-- FS's Weapons Link ]
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 05:41:23 AM

Quick post of a VERY cool weapon!
Fire Storm
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 05:29:58 AM


My apologies for such a long delay in updating TGS CR Information.


If you don't already know, it appears as though the room was wiped twice by accident, which would cause the previous week to become "empty." I saved the CR hours before the CR was wiped. The file may incomplete, but it is the most complete file for the previous week that we have thus far. If you have a more complete file saved, please contact me. My contact information is accessible via the following link.

Missing CR Weeks

View the 3/16/03 - 3/22/03 CR


The 2003 Archive has been updated to include the weeks of February 8, 2003 through March 22, 2003 for a total of 6 newly added weeks.


DPH's profile has been revised!

I have resent a revised profile draft to Greg Bishansky and currently await his reply.


Desdemona's request for CR images has been added to the list of CR Pic Requests. I am currently working on modifying TGS illustrations to fulfill certain requests and will upload them for viewing once they are finished.

Request List:


Per Durid the Druid's request, I have researched the publication dates for TGS episodes. Please note that my concrete sources are limited to the dates the stories were announced in the CR. Season 1 from each series was published before the creation of the CR. Thus, I was unable to find the publication dates for season 1 of each series. However, I was able to locate the publication dates for seasons 2-3 of Gargoyles and Pendragon, seasons 2-4 of TimeDancer, and season 2 of Dark Ages. Please contact me if you have season 1 publication dates for any of the TGS series. (Please visit the aforementioned "Missing CR Weeks" page for contact information.)


Lady Mystic - [<-- UPDATE !!!]
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 04:51:56 AM

Okay, well, with no posts for last week, I guess I'll just jump into this week. I've been busy lately, visiting both pairs of grandparents and catching up with a few old friends. Also keeping up with work on my final programming project, which will hopefully be done in a few weeks.

Comments on the war: none, really. It seems to me that we aren't spending as much time softening up Iraq before sending in the ground forces. In '91, we bombed that country for several weeks before a single soldier set foot there. Why is that? That seemed to be a pretty effective strategy last time.

Also, I heard that today some injured soldier called his mother on a cell phone from a stretcher to tell her that he was okay. While this is cool, I'm not sure its good for morale on the home front for soldiers to be able to call their families. While nice for the families, every family that doesn't get a call is going to be in tears, even if their loved one is just on the toilet and too involved in taking a crap to call them.

The academy awards: I was shocked that Eminem's song won, but glad that it did since it was much better than the other ones. Props to Adrian Brody (sp?) for having the balls to smooch Halle Berry. I really liked his speech, which was thoughtful without being preachy. I also loved when he told the band to shut up so he could finish his speech. Michael Moore, however, should be shot. I was so glad that the booing drowned out the supporters. No one wanted to hear his stance on the war, the whole point of running the awards was to show that we weren't focused on the war to the exclusion of the rest of society.

Lila: <<just one more day>>: Hope you're enjoying school. I'm going to Mexico on wednesday 8-)
<<as if they are justified in giving out work for our vacation>>: I had no required work over break, and worked anyway. I must be sick.
<<Have you ever bought something which you knew you didn't need but wanted anyways?>>: Almost everything I own ;-)
<<I doubt Satan would approve of people dying for what they believed was "right">>: On the contrary, I believe Satan would love religious wars. Everyone does unspeakable things in the name of god and Satan gets all their souls.
<<you mean you actually DO look like Silent Bob??>>: Eerily so.
<<We've only been doing it since before he got elected>>: We were doing it before then, which is why I didn't vote for him.
<<kinda like Hillary Clinton>>: She refused to gracefully fade away. She's running for congress.
<<"Smear Factor"? "Who Wants Oval Office Rugburn">>: "Who wants to blow the president?"
<<Where will THAT get me?>>: Bad girls have more fun.
<<I'm a traitor to my sex>>: Good. Now convince more to follow you.
<<the joys of having the premium yearly pass>>: I wish I was still in socal so I could do that.
<<if only I could get into Club 33>>: Not 21?
<<I think I've fooled 'em>>: No one fools me. I see all. Just ask Lain.
<<that's almost NICE>>: Its supposed to scare you.
<<A habit of yours?>>: It might be if I could look up what we were talking about.
<<Who knows how to manipulate women better than a woman?>>: Men. How else would we ever get laid?
<<Aw, he's balding>>: Not yet, but I am paranoid about it.
<<I've got a couple gripes for this "final season">>: Well don't keep us in suspense.
<<membership only costs ten thousand a year>>: I don't think Club 33 requires membership. I think you can get in if you're staying at the hotel or know someone, or you can just buy your way in.

Gside: <<glad to see you have accepted the truth>>: Don't hold out for more.
<<try not to be too... harsh on him>>: And no violation.
<<I have heard unsettling rumors of other definitions of romance>>: But we can easily dismiss those definitions as they are written by the insane.
<<I thought I was lazy at 13 this and the last semester>>: 12 last, 13 this 8-) Next semester I'll be a TA, and that counts as a class.
<<Been there, done that>>: I told you to stop wearing falsies.
<<Isn't that illegeal, as well as involving public incecency?>>: Probably.
<<Phi Beta Kappa>>: Congrats.

Kathy: <<some posters have such sterling conduct>>: Awww, thank you.
<<there is no action that they will regret in 20 or 30 years>>: Why would you regret something that you said in an internet comment room 20 years ago?

Mooncat: <<Spiders, why did it have to be spiders?>>: Because you hate them. Same feeling.
<<Tivo needs a land line>>: TiVo will go through your router if you set it up. Its hard to do though.

Greg X: <<Daniel Day-Lewis was robbed>>: Yeah but he wouldn't have given the audience that great kiss.
<<do you think he's down in Hell making Satan his bitch now?>>: Most likely not.
<<I predict something quite similar happening in RL>>: I wouldn't bet on it. Saddam behaves like quite the pussy IRL.

Godiva: <<Ain't life grand when you're surrounded by a bunch of sick people>>: I prefer to expel them.
<<Seems it would be better to go during the summer when it’s really warm during the day and the nights are cool, but not so cool that you’re freezing your ass off>>: Nope, wrong. The best time to go is when no one else is there. During the summer, the lines are many many hours long. On a wednesday in october, everyone on the planet is in school or at work. No lines. The trick is that you have to play hookey. And the weather is fine in october.
<<I just figured that maybe someone else knew what I was talking about and could help me instead of me being put on hold for the next 20 years>>: In the time you waited for a response from any of us, you could have called tech support and waited.
<<how about the top 10 juicy details I missed>>: Nah, not in the mood.
<<I figured that after I posted>>: You must be blonde.
<<Isn’t a hamburger like $15?>>: Probably closer to $10.
<<$ thanks>>: Yeah, food for a full day at Disneyland is probably close to $30/person.
<<Isn’t that that club that’s in Pirates of the Carribean?>>: No, that's a restaurant. Club 33 is the only place in disneyland that serves alcohol, and you have to know the secret way to get in.

Coyote: <<Detroit REPRESENT!>>: Oh shut up. Its not like you know him, inspired the song, or have anything to do with the song, other than being from the same city as the guy who wrote it.
<<Did anyone else here have a strong urge to reach through the TV and kick his ass halfway back to Flint?>>: YES!

Green Baron: <<Berman is that bad?>>: What really offends me about him is that he's in the pocket of the Content Cartel, and I'm sure you know how they are at odds with anyone who uses a computer for recreation.
<<I could see as your kind of Republican>>: Indeed he was.
<<I wonder ho wmany of teh top 1% are Republican>>: Well in this group we have the greedy people who actually earned that money and the people who are "democrats because they can afford to be" (my father's quote). I'd expect an almost 50-50 split. If you expand that to the top 5%, though, I can tell you that most of them are republicans, because they want to keep their money.

DPH: <<Relatively stupid question>>: Then why ask?
<<Where's Imzadi?>>: Encino, right now.

160. Before being accepted into my Legions of Terror, potential recruits will have to pass peripheral vision and hearing tests, and be able to recognize the sound of a pebble thrown to distract them.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 04:24:11 AM

Ahh. Spring Break is so good!!!

Especially catching up on sleep.

Green Baron - <Now, I wonder ho wmany of teh top 1% are
Republican. Something tells me not as many as we'd think. > I tend to agree because most of it is about guilt. <Bush also knows he's not the best and brightest, as he appointed a Cabinet to make up for that, though Dick Cheney is harder
to find than Bin Laden.> Relatively stupid question: how are we going to convincingly know when we take out So Dumb Hussein? BTW, is the war still scheduled to be completed by the end of this month?

kathy - <After reading this board for the last couple of days I've come to the conclusion here that some posters have such sterling conduct that there is no action that they will regret in 20 or 30 years, because people never change.> Nothing ever changes, everything remains the same, we are who we are until the day that we die. Nothing ever changes, everything remains the same, we are who we are until the day that we die.

Ok, what's the deal with last week's CR. I opened the link and nothing is there.

**Maybe Something, Maybe Nothing**
Ok, I think I've finely cracked completely. Friday, after I took a 5 point quiz in bus stats and got 4 points because of no partial credit [I made a mistake because I did the math my hand instead of using a calculator], something occurred to me. That quiz is designed to lower my overall score. Why? Miss 1 question and that's 80%. Miss 2 questions and you got a 60%. Depending the kind of day you are having, you can easily miss 2-3 questions and really screw your grade over in the long run. [Yes, in my bus stats class, right now, it's all but impossible for me to get an A because I would have to get perfect scores, but a B is still attainable.] Anyway, multiply the effect of those 5 point quizs without partial credit and you get an easy way to lower student grades. Pick a class full of students you dislike and you have an indirect way of lowering grades without much effort.
**End Maybe Something, Maybe Nothing**

**Rant About Music Appreciation Class**
In general, I'm in favor of higher standards for passing a class, but general ed classes shouldn't be that hard. I have a moron for teacher. By the end, a grand total of *100* whooping points will be obtained to determine the grade. I spent 30+ minutes working on an assignment for a measily *3* points. The test scores are low, because we are required to identify the musical piece, who composed it, and the movement within the piece.
**End rant about Music Appreciation Class**

My cats have started shedding hair, and I am beginning to wonder when a certain one of my cats will give birth. Yea, how long do cats carry kittens? She's been noticeablly pregnant for about 3 weeks.

Green Baron or whoever - How was the middle east divided into the countries we now know? Was an attempt at preventing any single country from controlling the oil fields? (I haven't gotten that far in world history class yet.)

Where's Imzadi?

Crazy, Insane
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 03:24:32 AM

"Back to school, back to school, to prove to Dad I'm not a fool..." D*mn. Classes restarted on this dreary day, and the weather matched my mood. Free time was devoted to working out (oh god, so sore, shouldn't work out after surfing all the previous day...) and writing four papers. Got to love those academics.

Anon- I humbly thank you for the archive. What an awesome link!

Greg- Heh, Kiiiinda lookin' like Silent Bob... But close enough to be cool. ;-) Way to issue the dignified appology. Kudos for maturity. (In HERE? OMG! He must be an admin, or something...)

Godiva- <<Why is that? Seems it would be better to go during the summer when it’s really warm during the day and the nights are cool, but not so cool that you’re freezing your ass off.>> Actually, October's a good time... Unless it's Gay Day. EXTREME CROWDING THEN. (Was there, was insane, couldn't see for all the crazy red shirts and lovely unavailable men.) Weekdays. It's less crowded, and still warm and dry enough to be comfortable. You gotta plan according to crowd-factor. <<You make me sick. I want one!!>> Heh, heh, not too expensive, it's worth it. The best part is access to the Blue Bayou, (restaurant in the Pirates ride) which is expensive, but worth it. Prime rib... <<Isn’t that that club that’s in Pirates of the Carribean?>> Nope, that's the exclusive club overlooking New Orleans Square, with it's own eatery and bar and lounge, membership only costs ten thousand a year... and the waiting list is apparently HUGE. (How has Disney not taken over the entire world???) Oh, and HOW did Lilo and Stitch fail to win the Oscar? I'm pissed. That blue critter is my favorite...

And it's beyond bedtime. Gotta be up early for... class. Ew.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003 03:02:23 AM

Hmm...most of the stuff was wiped.

Imzadi> So Berman is that bad? I'll agree that he's very far to the left of me, but I didn't know he was that awful. I was thinking he might be a good liberal like Tom Lantos or Russ Feingold.

As for Barbara Lee, not that good a choice either. For a time, there was Tom Campbell in Silicon Valley (before he ran against Dianne Feinstein), who I could see as your kind of Republican.

Lila> War is awful. Even though I support the action, I don't relish the death and destruction. I still feel that whole region needs a major overhaul.

Godiva> Attila is basically a ncie kitty, but he's a pervert. Take it as a compliment that he harrases you, as he has harrased Mara, Kathy, Ravyn, Lain (a little), Dezi (but she didn't find it cute), Crzy, Lexy, and Patrick.

Bush> I don't think he's prefect, nor do I find him as awful as some portray him. I prefer him over Al Gore, but that's not saying too much.

I dislike Bush's tarriffs, mainly. Granted Gore was in bed with the Labor Unions, though he doesn't use as much Local KY 135 (think about it for a second) as Gephardt when sleeping with the AFL-CIO.

Bush also knows he's not the best and brightest, as he appointed a Cabinet to make up for that, though Dick Cheney is harder to find than Bin Laden. Gore would most likely be a micro-manager, so he would not rely on experts. Jnaet Reno may not be as religious as Ashcroft, but more destructive. Ashcrfot hasn't set any churhces ablaze.

As for the top 1%, they pay the most taxes, so I won't begrudge them a tax cut. Now, I wonder ho wmany of teh top 1% are Republican. Something tells me not as many as we'd think.

Also, Bush is likley to be re-elected. The only challenges I see to Bush are Lieberman and Edwards, though that depends on the economy in 04. Lieberman has the advantage of being a whiny voice for Americans and Edwards has a vast store of money form his days of chasing ambulances.

But as far as Presidential stuff goes, I'll endorse Condoleeza Rice in 2008.

Coyote> Michael Moore is the uber-stupid white guy. I think we should drop him on Baghdad, but that may constitute a weapon of mass destruction :)

Gunjack> I supported W in 94 and along with Jan I think he did a good job for Texas, but he also screwed up during his Presidential run, though running against Al Gore, the political rainman who invented the Willie Horton controversy will do that. It's just too bad he had to clean up the mess left by Grandma Ann Richards. I recall she was drunk thr whole time she was Governor.

Green Baron - []
Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 02:13:43 AM

Phi Beta Kappa! Now I just have to make it though the Tau Beta Pi selection.

Greg> <<Some people say so>>: The lower facial hair doesn't go high enough.

Godiva> <<I get that stupid error everytime I start Outlook Express>>: As usual, Microsoft's bad, then. Either reinstall the program or find someone with a vailid file to replace yours.
<<I did try to fight it, but when it�s so obvious, then it�s time to throw in the towel and give in to the truth>>: Excellent. Now to work on the others.

CtB> <<how many people here were happy to either see or hear that Hayao Miyazaki won an Oscar?>>: Yo. Which prompted immediate ridicule from my roomies.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Tuesday, March 25, 2003 12:11:59 AM

Apologies for the double-post.

Fourth thing I happened to remember about the Oscars, re: Michael Moore: Did anyone else here have a strong urge to reach through the TV and kick his ass halfway back to Flint? Kudos on my end go to Steve Martin for his Teamsters joke immediately afterward at Moore's expense. ;)

Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Monday, March 24, 2003 11:39:24 PM

First thing regarding the Oscars, re: Eminem: Detroit REPRESENT!! ;)

Second thing regarding the Oscars, re: Best Picture: Typical Academy thinking, give the award to the period piece. Seriously. In the last ... oh, fifteen years ... there's only been *two* Best Picture winners that *weren't* period pieces (those two being Silence of the Lambs and American Beauty).

Third thing regarding the Oscars, re: Best Animated Feature: Quick spot poll here ... how many people here were happy to either see or hear that Hayao Miyazaki won an Oscar? **raises hand even though he hasn't seen Spirited Away yet**

Coyote the Bando
Algonac, Michigan
Monday, March 24, 2003 11:36:56 PM

GODIVA> <<I think it’s the other way around. Satan is making Hussein his bitch.>>

Um no, haven't you seen the South Park movie? Saddam Hussein and Satan get into a homosexual relationship with Satan as the submissive, and Saddam as the evil abusive boyfriend.

Of course then Satan breaks up with Saddam. But when Saddam tries to murder Satan's new lover (some hippy named Chris), Satan asks God for a favor and sends Saddam Hussein to Heaven to live among Mormons (cause only Mormons get into Heaven) as punishment ;)

I predict something quite similar happening in RL.

Greg Bishansky
Monday, March 24, 2003 09:00:42 PM

Turns out that whatever my husband and youngest had is now making its way through the rest of us. Ain't life grand when you're surrounded by a bunch of sick people? NOT!!

Anyway, on to replies....

DPH--<< It should be going towards . I can't find your bad link. Where is the bad link taking you?>> Okay, this officially qualifies as a “D’uh” moment for me. I was clicking on the link in the Bad Boys archive. Of course there’s no archive if the series hasn’t debuted yet. Altogether now everyone (and with feeling) “D’UH GODIVA!!”

Josh--<<Best day for disneyland is a wednesday in october.>> Why is that? Seems it would be better to go during the summer when it’s really warm during the day and the nights are cool, but not so cool that you’re freezing your ass off. <<CALL TECH SUPPORT. You know, the people who get paid to fix these things?>> That’s my next step. I just figured that maybe someone else knew what I was talking about and could help me instead of me being put on hold for the next 20 years. <<Someone actually said that to you?! That's awful. Yep. My mom’s uncle. I was holding my husband’s hand and as soon as my great-uncle said that, I squeezed David’s hand. He hadn’t heard what the uncle said, but when I told him, he was pissed and ready to cuss him out. <<As if you had a choice in the matter!>> Well, if I had had a scheduled cesaerean section, then yeah, I could've had a choice. <<Logically, if I say "everything", it would take at least the total time of existence to explain it to you. Even if I just tell you "the juicy details". So everything stands.>> Okay, so how about the top 10 juicy details I missed. <<It could be neither on nor canned. As in, it could be getting written now.>> I figured that after I posted.

Bud-Clare--<<*winces* That's horrible. Some people's mouths don't seem to be connected to their brains sometimes.>> He meant well, but he really should’ve thought before he spoke. See what I said to Josh above.

Lila--<<Oh, that sucks.>> R-O-Y-A-L-L-Y sucks. <<Voila, the joys of having the premium yearly pass>> You make me sick. I want one!! <<discounts at stores and foodplaces>> Now THAT would be nice. Isn’t a hamburger like $15? Can you imagine everyone wanting one? Let’s see, 7 burgers at $15 each--$ thanks. <<Now, if only I could get into Club 33...>> Isn’t that that club that’s in Pirates of the Carribean?

Gside--<<Getting your data back, probably not, unless you like hexediting and know the correct format for an address book. I'd assume they put in a way for it to restart with a clean address book, so it'd probably be easiest to go with that and try to rebuild from hard copy.>> But I get that stupid error everytime I start Outlook Express. Itn’s not a one-time thing. <<Yes glad to see you have accepted the truth.>> Yes, I have. I did try to fight it, but when it’s so obvious, then it’s time to throw in the towel and give in to the truth.

Greg Bishansky--<<If Saddam Hussein is indeed dead, do you think he's down in Hell making Satan his bitch now?>> I think it’s the other way around. Satan is making Hussein his bitch.

Godiva - []
Smallville, Kansas
Monday, March 24, 2003 08:13:17 PM

Not going to comment much on Iraq today. Though I will ask a question.

Is it just me or is the media turning this into a new reality show?

For the second year in a row, they give Best Picture to the worst movie in the line-up. Gods it's infuriating.

But hey, Eminem won an Oscar, that made it worth it just to see Barbara Streisand's eyes go wide like that when she opened the envelope.

LILA> <<Wait, you mean you actually DO look like Silent Bob??!!>> Some people say so. Here's a pic of me from G2002

KATHY> <<Oh yeah - GROW UP.>> Good words we should all listen to. I think what it comes down to is that a lot of us have such strong beliefs in something that we get way too passionate about it. Either way, I'm going to try to not get as worked up about stuff in a civil forum anymore, but will still hold on to my sarcastic sense of humor.

MOONCAT> <<What did I miss?>> Um let's see where do I start. Controversy on the sick love affair that is Iraq, differences of opinion from people who think Bush is a moron, Bush is smart, Bush is the Second Coming, Bush is Adolf Hitler, Bush and Saddam are lovers, etc, etc. Me fighting with JacKaL and abusing my admin powers, and on that note...

I'd like to apologize to the CR for going overboard like that. I jumped the gun there, severely.

Either way you look at it, it was an interesting week, and I wish it hadn't been erased.

And now I leave all of you with a question. If Saddam Hussein is indeed dead, do you think he's down in Hell making Satan his bitch now?

Greg Bishansky
Monday, March 24, 2003 02:45:54 PM

Messed up top ten, partly my fault. Eh.

Leo> <<By the way what happened to the board? You lost last week!>>: I'd say someone doubleclutched wipe.

Mooncat> <<What did I miss?>>: Not too much. Big row over ammo and American behavior.

And if you didn't see, Miyazaki got an Oscar.

And a bit of gospel in the mp3. The Gaithers and The Hoppers performing Shouting Time in Heaven.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Monday, March 24, 2003 12:10:48 AM

I would just like to comment on this now.

Daniel Day-Lewis was robbed!

Greg Bishansky
Sunday, March 23, 2003 10:52:32 PM

Lila: Regarding BUFFY. for all you information needs and wants, click.
Sunday, March 23, 2003 10:13:21 PM

I haven't been paying attention to the board for the last week or two, too swamped with obligations needing immediate resolution. What did I miss? I tried to check the "previous week" link, and there is nothing there.

back to cleaning out my wash room in prep for a new water heater... "Spiders, why did it have to be spiders?"

Cold showers for the past two days. Thank goodness the weather is warm.

TiVo and ReplayTV - Tried both last week and this weekend, but Tivo needs a land line, so if you are cellular (as I am) you are screwed. Replay can go broadband and is fantastic... When It Works... which is only one show in 3 or 4, if you have to use the IR blasters to control your cable/satallite box. Damn. Had such high hopes for the technology. Well, until it's better I will do with out. Needed the funds for the new water heater now anyway. $144 for the water heater. $200 for Installation, $25 for permit fees, $I forget for delivery -- total cost, more than I wanted to part with for one 40 gallon tank.

Incentive... to clean house and make it tidy before utter strangers (delivery/plumber guys) see it.

Spring Cleaning is In Session.


Sunday, March 23, 2003 09:20:03 PM

After reading this board for the last couple of days I've come to the conclusion here that some posters have such sterling conduct that there is no action that they will regret in 20 or 30 years, because people never change. They never, what is the term? Oh yeah - GROW UP.

Rocks. Glass houses. Think about it.

Sunday, March 23, 2003 06:47:57 PM

By the way what happened to the board?

You lost last week!

Sunday, March 23, 2003 05:18:56 PM

10th. Not any more :p
Sunday, March 23, 2003 05:16:44 PM

woah! there are two Sekhmet pics in the icon archive, and both simply marked as Sekhmet... huh.


Sunday, March 23, 2003 04:11:19 PM

I think the ten spot is still unclaimed, Lila, you are number six. After that the count is sort of screwy but Spacebabie is 9th and 10 spot is still open.


Sunday, March 23, 2003 04:09:45 PM

Tenth and an appology for not refreshing before posting... Dangitall...
Sunday, March 23, 2003 12:36:45 PM

Sunday, March 23, 2003 11:24:32 AM

Dezi> <<Have you ever bought something which you knew you didn't need but wanted anyways?>>: They're called luxuries, and account for most American expenditures.
<<Where will THAT get me?>>: Evil laugh, redux.
<<No no no. ::blinks wide innocent eyes:: (heh)>>: Yes yes yes.
<<Say no MORE>>: Wink wink nudge nudge. What's it like?

And it looks like last week was lost (or at least since the last archivist saved it).

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, March 23, 2003 12:23:06 AM

i call seven!
Sunday, March 23, 2003 12:08:26 AM

Bud Clare> <<Maybe you'll just have to owe me>>: Sounds reasonable.
<<Not the chocolate, I hope. It's nutritious, but it doesn't taste like it>>: All of it. It is a crime against man.

Godiva> <<Any ideas on what happened or if it can be fixed?>>: Getting your data back, probably not, unless you like hexediting and know the correct format for an address book. I'd assume they put in a way for it to restart with a clean address book, so it'd probably be easiest to go with that and try to rebuild from hard copy.
<<just more you proclaiming that you are a sexy, sexy man>>: Yes glad to see you have accepted the truth.

Warpmind> <<he'll be MY responsibility... my little slaveboy, if you like>>: I do like. And try not to be too... harsh on him.
<<Fortunately, dimples aren't my concern>>: Good. That would have driven me mad. Madder.
<<and a broadband connection at work>>: Don't abuse it too obviously.

Imzadi> <<I don't think being naked would make that much more pleasant>>: Depends on the fetishist.
<<So desperate>>: Yes, I am. This is very old news.
<<Romance, defined as whatever gets the other person out of their clothing>>: I have heard unsettling rumors of other definitions of romance.
<<Be careful what you wish for>>: Only if I get it.
<<Typing too fast?>>: Figuring out shortcut keys for form autofill.
<<Because you're still complaining about how any is better than none>>: That wasn't what I was getting at. I was implying that even they might balk at me.
<<Bus drivers? Cops?>>: Them, but do we know that they don't?
<<I'll be registered for 9 units next fall>>: And I thought I was lazy at 13 this and the last semester.
<<Give it to Gside, he can make his own bouncies>>: Been there, done that.

Spacebabie> <<Not much else except I pissed at the violent hippies>>: Isn't that illegeal, as well as involving public incecency?
<<Peen?>>: Don't know why, but always have had problems with p and b. Probably because they are such similar sounds (only one morphological element different). Odd how that can carry over into my typing.
<<You can get the same wiggling effect by placing two fried or poache eggs on your plate>>: I get Jello quite often at the dining hall.

Gunjack> <<Ricin>>: I thought Ri-sin.
<<a powerful toxin derived from the Castor bean>>: Mmm, castor oil.
<<>>: has an audio sample.

Bud Clare> <<some bastards actually make their mothers do those huge bags of laundry when they get home>>: It's not that big, just one load all together. And it's nostalgic.
<<you can never quite be sure about him>>: You learn so well.

Leo> <<Or is that just sonething one has to expect in war>>: My vote is something to be expected.

More later?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, March 23, 2003 12:01:50 AM

One more day... just one more day... but at least I get to spend it surfing! I've yet to finish the work for my classes... honestly, as if they are justified in giving out work for our vacation, making it not vacation at all but intense work-time... no thank YOU.
Have you ever bought something which you knew you didn't need but wanted anyways? Note to self: Credit cards are BAD!

Jakal- <<And that amuses you?
Satan, the ultimate evil figure, and being soo evil, a supporter of terrorism. SO I guess if someone wanted to break it down and analyze the hell out of this... It amuses you for Bush to be called a Terrorist Supporter.>> Theorizing for the moment that Satan exists as the personification of evil, it does not stand as fact that absolute evil would support acts of terrorism. The members of the Al Queda, no matter what they do, or how it effects US, were, in fact, acting to rectify injustice (in their minds) and doing what they thought was "right". I doubt Satan would approve of people dying for what they believed was "right". Just a thought... analyzing the hell out of it, so to speak... ;-) (friendly banter, I swear!)
<<I'm this weird in real life too!>> Excellent good.

Niamhgold: <<using the pill, Depo-Provera, and that new patch for birth control entail many side effects equatable to those that would be experienced by males>> D*mn STRAIGHT! Though I'm finding muuuch fewer issues with Depo than the pill... (yay!) Not to mention the no-failure rate from Depo if administered correctly. Thanks for that info link!

Greg- <<Well, if I shaved my goatee, chopped off most of my hair, and stopped wearing a black leather coat today, you'd probably be the last, but I really don't want to do that.>> Wait, you mean you actually DO look like Silent Bob??!! <<Yeah, being the bad cop is fun ;)>> Kinky!

Jan- <<Personally, I'm tired of people calling President Bush stupid, a moron, an idiot, etc>> Really? We've only been doing it since before he got elected... it'll probably end after he's replaced in office... and gracefully fades from the public eye... kinda like Hillary Clinton. ;-)

Leo- <<MONICA LEWINSKY (sp?) is slated to be the host of a new reality tv show.>> ROTFL! "Smear Factor"? "Who Wants Oval Office Rugburn"? I'll stop before Big Brother sees me...

Gside- <<Come, join the dark side.>> Where will THAT get me? No no no. ::blinks wide innocent eyes:: (heh)
<<How do you know I haven't?>> ;-) Say no MORE! <<We need more of them.>> I'm a traitor to my sex. ::Smacks self::

Godiva- <<Damn it! I was supposed to be at Disneyland today.>> Oh, that sucks. Voila, the joys of having the premium yearly pass... free parking, free admission to both parks, discounts at stores and foodplaces, Ahhh... more than pays for itself in two trips, and I'm a big fan. (Now, if only I could get into Club 33...)

Josh- <<Sadly, no. They need the attention.>> Grumble. I'm an activist for very few things. But I don't freakin' block traffic. <<Ewww, you're "innocent"!>> Yes. Yes I am. ::nods vehemently:: Shhh... I think I've fooled 'em... ;-)
<<Which is why you fit in here.>> Aw, that's almost NICE.
<<Ah, that brings back memories...>> A habit of yours?<<You're male?>> LOL! Don't be absurd. Who knows how to manipulate women better than a woman? That's why we sometimes become MOTHERS, so we can have daughters.
<<I'll take two>> Aw, he's balding! Cuuuute. << I've had good french food.>> And people who say it doesn't exist are WRONG! Come on, now... chocolate croissants?

Okay. Done now. When's the next new Buffy airing... anyone know? I've got a couple gripes for this "final season"...

Los Angeles, CA
Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:52:12 PM

Number 5!!!
Gunjack "Pajama Freak" Valentine
Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:37:14 PM

Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:36:21 PM

Bah -- three then... Odd that in the top 10s I am very often VERY close to where mooncat is -- whether it is missed or it is first or somewhere in the middle.
Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:35:52 PM

#2 =)
Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:34:37 PM

2nd in the name of the Fay!


Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:34:27 PM

Top 10, #1?
Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:32:28 PM
