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Writen to the tune of "What if God Smoked Canabis"*

Bud-Clare><<Yes. There is a school somewhere that does, in fact, have a pornography class. :P>> Heh. Touche.
<<Oh, let's see... most history courses, most music history courses, most art history courses, most literature courses, etc... What more do you want?>>

Let me rephrase the question: what is the point of *insert group here* studies, in general? Or, heck, with Gay/Woman/Black/Elderly/Disabled/Other Pride? From my limited contact with such programs, it seems the main goal is to forge a worldview in which indentification with a societal splinter group serves as the foundation for one's entire life. Who are you? "I am Female/Gay/Black/Other".

"Women's and Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary program focused on women's roles and accomplishments, issues facing women in the world today, and the significance of gender in shaping the experience of communities and individuals."

Why does the gender of the achiever matter? Do you need a college course to prove that yes, Women/Gays/Blacks can make meaningful contributions to society? If you're studying the effect of Gender on society, why only study one gender? Based on my limited contact with these fields, I'd say that they probably study both, but cast us white males as the scapegoats for all of society's ills, and I have a sneaking suspicion that "issues facing women in the world today" really means "Why all men are vicious, wife-beating rapist bastards". This amounts to intelectual masterbation.

Gabe, Bud-Clare - You mentioned that all the Humanities are, in effect, White Men's Studies". The implication is that we study the people we do because they are White Men. This is horse hooey.
White Men have driven human history for at least the last five hundred years. Western Civilisation has been outpacing the rest of the world for a VERY LONG TIME. We've killed more, built more, written, painted, and composed more, invented more, reasoned more, and generally churned up the landscape more than anyone else. Western Civilisation has, for better or worse, left its stamp on all of humanity. You can say that other cultures are superior, and you may be right, but this is the culture that is defining the whole world.

**Sorry for double Post. That irritates the heck out of me. ; P**

Leo><<used to be lead.>> Still is, last time I checked. Engineering isn't known for political correctness.

Bud-Clare><<Also, having a White History major would be stupid, because it'd basically be a subset of regular History, whereas Women's History or whatever would largely be material that would _not_ be covered in general History.>> Why isn't it covered, and why are these uncovered topics important enough for college study?

Josh><<You're a humanities student, aren't you?>> Journalism. Yes. I'm studying to be a Prophet of Doom. When the nukes start popping and you hear the unholy wailing of a million souls, I'll be the one up on a hill cackling madly and dancing a jig.
<<Thank you.>> It needed doing. <<Don't you wonder if you've got the wrong stance?>> Sure, but I'm still hoping they'll be proven wrong. Heros die hard. <<Outward?>> Kinda. Make that eight inches, though. it gets in my eyes sommat fierce.
<< Its really scary that you did this on the fly.>> Heh.

The neat part is, if you can get yer hands on a coke-can, a spool of copper wire, a blowtorch, and some home-made dynamite, You can use that "apple-shooter" to blow a hole in a couple inches of solid steel armor.

<<What for?>> Wrapped VERY tightly, the wire reinforces the barrel, making it less likely to burst. Plus, if it does burst, the gasses will (hopefully) escape while the wire holds in the fragments. If the wire frags too, then it'll pop the seam in the duct layer, and hopefully the mess will go straight up instead of taking your head apart.

Dezi><<This better not be a sarcastic scam.>> Whaddya mean, a "sarcasm scam"? I'm afraid of nasties in murky water, okay? Have been ever since I was a little kid, and my parents read me the "watcher in the lake" part in Fellowship of the Ring". Something in one of the posts made it sound like the lady got chomped by something nasty in a pool of water. Geez!

Gside><<Gunjack, name the reference.>> Mmmm, Excel Saga. How did that guy's head get so big? <<Average them together and you might get a regular poster.>> Sure, I don't post all the time, but I'm always here, G. Like your gaurdian angel of messy, pointy DEATH.

Oh, and hi, Ain. : ) Welcome back!

Gunjack "Sorry for the Echoes" Valentine
Sunday, May 11, 2003 02:59:33 PM

Thanks, everybody. I'm continuing to improve. Managed to sleep in the bed all night without retreating to the couch around 4 AM. I'm getting some e-mail and surfing done today, too, though I can feel my right shoulder beginning to ache again.

Stephen > egad ... I hadn't read through to see what was up with people ... best of luck and get well soon! There's a history of diabetes on my dad's side of the family. Do what the docs tell you. And take care!

Josh > well, I meant breathe on my own without a trach tube jammed in my throat, but I suspect you knew that, didn't you? ::head noogies::

Sunday, May 11, 2003 02:55:44 PM

*Writen to the tune of "What if God Smoked Canabis"*

Bud-Clare><<Yes. There is a school somewhere that does, in fact, have a pornography class. :P>> Heh. Touche.
<<Oh, let's see... most history courses, most music history courses, most art history courses, most literature courses, etc... What more do you want?>>

Let me rephrase the question: what is the point of *insert group here* studies, in general? Or, heck, with Gay/Woman/Black/Elderly/Disabled/Other Pride? From my limited contact with such programs, it seems the main goal is to forge a worldview in which indentification with a societal splinter group serves as the foundation for one's entire life. Who are you? "I am Female/Gay/Black/Other".

"Women's and Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary program focused on women's roles and accomplishments, issues facing women in the world today, and the significance of gender in shaping the experience of communities and individuals."

Why does the gender of the achiever matter?

If you're studying the effect of Gender on society, why only study one gender?

Gunjack "Paranoid" Valentine
Sunday, May 11, 2003 02:23:21 PM

*Writen to the tune of "What if God Smoked Canabis"*

Bud-Clare><<Yes. There is a school somewhere that does, in fact, have a pornography class. :P>> Heh. Touche.
<<Oh, let's see... most history courses, most music history courses, most art history courses, most literature courses, etc... What more do you want?>>

Let me rephrase the question: what is the point of *insert group here* studies, in general? Or, heck, with Gay/Woman/Black/Elderly/Disabled/Other Pride? From my limited contact with such programs, it seems the main goal is to forge a worldview in which indentification with a societal splinter group serves as the foundation for one's entire life. Who are you? "I am Female/Gay/Black/Other".

"Women's and Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary program focused on women's roles and accomplishments, issues facing women in the world today, and the significance of gender in shaping the experience of communities and individuals."

Why does the gender of the achiever matter?

If you're studying the effect of Gender on society, why only study one gender?

Gunjack "Paranoid" Valentine
Sunday, May 11, 2003 02:23:21 PM

*Warpmind stumbles in.*
Oooog, long week... Been too busy to post here, even...

Gside: You know Saber Marionette J to X is out, right? How long until you acquire that? More importantly, how long until *I* acquire that? ;)

Josh: Cayenne ain't evil, it's just very, very irritating for mucous membranes. }:)

Mecord: I've encountered that problem in an old monitor, myself. To get the blue tint down, you must remove the cover on the monitor (carefully) and adjust the dials that controls the R, G and B balance. Be careful, though - I recommend having the monitor off while tweaking.

Fire Storm: I suspect that man, while apparently adhering to noble ideals, is slightly disturbed. Anyone here read Watchmen?

Well, too busy to lounge about here - I'm making some SCARY good speed on a D20 book... Custom system, all-new setting, lots of fun. I might need some test subjects at a later date, so anyone interested might speak to the gentlement with the lab coat and the syringe next to the door. ;)


Warpmind de InzanE - [warpmindATtiscaliDOTno]
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Sunday, May 11, 2003 07:27:58 AM

And a Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in the room. ;)
Sunday, May 11, 2003 07:21:19 AM

Josh:<<What is solder made of?>> used to be lead. I'm sure it's now something more environmentally friendly.

Sunday, May 11, 2003 07:09:08 AM

Gside> <<Ten percent of the population?>>
Not even close. Guess again.
Josh> <<Congrats on living through surgery.>>
Wow, that was really heartwarming. </sarcasm>

<<Such a stupid dance. Of COURSE the guy wants to sleep with her, why else would he ask her out?>>
Self-delusion is the only way that we can keep from going insane and killing ourselves, or becoming lesbians. If we knew just how screwed up men are, the human race would be doomed.

<<Easily solved. The former doesn't really exist>>
Great. We'll remove half of your brain, and see how you like it. :P

<<No, but he does an outstanding Broadway.>>
*L* Crap, I'd forgotten about that.

<<Everyone I know in that major has had their programming careers hindered by going through it, because they waste four years in class that could have been spent actually improving their programming skills.>>
I believe it. Just that one class (which was required) was excruciating and pointless, and made us consider violence against the teacher.

<<What is solder made of?>>
Lead, because it melts easily. There's something that's lead-free, but it costs more, and there's no reason why you would have used it.

<<Some people like it.>>
Not my problem.

<<A girl I grew up with has a cheese-junkie cat. Poor thing must weigh 30 lbs.>>
Em's not overweight, because we don't actually give her cheese very often. But she constantly stalks me when I'm in the kitchen, hoping I'll give her some, and she often jumps up on the counter when I leave the room, hoping that there's some on the counter that she can steal. It's annoying and pathetic. It's like cheese is her only reason for living (which wouldn't really surprise me).

<<Asking a girl for her number is the equivalent of asking her to interview you for the possibility of having sex with you at some later date.>>
And that's fine... But, as with a job interview, there are certain behaviors that are required, if you even want to have a shot.

<<And I GO THERE!>>
Seriously? Have to taken it?

<<Why no degree for studying white people?>>
But there are. If you're a History major, then a huge portion of what you study will be white history. Actually calling it White History would be redundant. Also, having a White History major would be stupid, because it'd basically be a subset of regular History, whereas Women's History or whatever would largely be material that would _not_ be covered in general History.

<<I only have one exam and its open-everything.>>
I wish I knew how many finals I have... Unless my teacher is very generous (which would surprise me), I'll fail one of my classes regardless of how I do on the final, therefore taking the final would be pointless. (But I'm not sure yet if I should skip it or not.) This annoys the hell out of me, as I've never gotten lower than a C in a class before, and it's an easy class, too. Grr. My ostrich method of dealing with stress is so very bad and dumb.

<<I wait for the sighs of self-pity.>>
I hate it when people knock over my mug of coffee because they're flailing around so much in their panic. They should die. (Yes, this has happened to me more then once. In fact, one person did it twice during one exam.)

<<Similar to girls who say size doesn't matter.>>
Of course size matters... Brain size. Who wants to be dating an idiot? :P
Dezi> <<'WHY doesn't Hobby Lobby take Michael's coupons?!'>>
*L* Someone's a little inbred, I think.

Bud-Clare - []
Sunday, May 11, 2003 04:41:28 AM

My group has been working on our film project for the last two days. It's almost done, but we're tired and everyone is pissed off at everyone else. I'm annoyed with our actor for being slow, unexciting, and springing last-second schedule changes on us. The editor/director is annoyed with me because I'm a klutz and I accidentally kick the least once per hour. The actor is annoyed with the editor/director because he keeps sending us out to re-shoot stuff. Turns out we don't work together so well. I was sure that the fact that we live on the same floor would help us out.

As I'm not doing anything else this weekend but working on this cursed project, I have nothing to report.

Silvadel: <<It seems to only get flack from the person you are defending>>: End your pity party. In this case, you defended someone and they told you that you were wrong. No reason to draw attention to yourself just because you were wrong.
<<it is being given a computer program assignment to do and most people did XabcYabcZabc and you did AxyzBxyzCxyz>>: Those look like different things to me. Professors often ask you to do something a specific way because they know you CAN do it the other way and that isn't what they want to test.
<<there are still lazy professors who instead of making a test based on actual problems to be solved occasionally do something stupid like picking 20 terms from the book and asking for the definitions of them>>: Is this a real school that you went to or is it DeVry University?
<<someone with 180 IQ faced with students with an average 123 IQ will tend to be outcast>>: We're talking about a CS program here. EVERYONE is an outcast, and everyone thinks they're smarter than the next guy.
<<you get a lousy housing lottery number>>: This sounds like you being bitter and has little to nothing to do with your grades.

Gabriel: <<I can say this>>: That definitely sucks.
<<it's called Bachelor of Arts>>: That made no sense. Bachelor of Arts is the degree everyone who isn't studying engineering, physics, programming, or medicine gets.
<<World Lit>>: This is just untrue.
<<World History, etc. are all about white men>>: That depends a bit on which region of World History you take, doesn't it? And does it really surprise you that Euro-centric world history is the story of a bunch of white guys?

Lain: <<it gets a little boring>>: I know, I took 2 years of unnecessary calc and physics. But since it was all redundant, I had no problems acing it.
<<dominated by the penis>>: There are so many funny things I could say here, but suffice it to say that she sounds like she NEEDS to be dominated by a penis for a few hours a day.
<<iLoo>>: You seem surprised. Microsoft products are barely good enough for wiping my ass.

Christine: Congrats on living through surgery. Get well soon.
<<I'm alive. I can even breathe>>: Is there some way that wouldn't follow?

Niamhgold: <<One of my portraits actually was selected as a finalist in the RSVP annual competition>>: It must have a really cool subject.
<<bumped my cumulative GPA up to summa cum laude standards>>: Did I mention that I hate you?
<<with more demanding classes and three jobs>>: You're insane.
<<who's the most efficient and able to cope with specific situations using specific methods>>: THANK YOU!
<<perhaps an A+ instead of an A>>: Why should someone who thinks "outside the box" get extra points? If the test covers experimental material, then fine. But if you think outside the box in civil engineer, you're out of a job.
<<you only get a C>>: What's really amazing is that you still got a 3.95.
<<I've got 19.5 credits scheduled, with four of those being six hour studio classes. And we're NEVER allowed to miss class>>: Somehow I think you'll manage.
<<There's a CAR in there>>: Turn of the century?
<<#3 was Raph>>: Blasphemer!
<<I always viewed spades as the most sinister>>: Racist bastard ;-)
<<when the aim isn't a sundae>>: ::insert money shot reference here::
<<chocolate-flavored whipped die for>>: Amen.
<<Could that offer be extended to several of my friends?>>: She's gonna run out of room for all you art hippies.
<<female geeks don't have the benefit of getting rich like the male geeks>>: Says who?
<<I actually feel they're less sought after>>: To quote Scott Adams: "Female geeks remain a hot commodity until 30 minutes after clinical death. Longer if its a warm day."
<<girls (both babes and not) over here argue that they always have to be the most aggressive>>: Maybe I should move to the shitty side of the country, then.
<<As long as all my action figures get to stay>>: Its a good filter.
<<Stupid traditionalists>>: we didn't ruin the web, you did. We were here first.
<<Dead chipmunks?>>: Birds.
<<if the first thing they tell a girl is that they want to sleep with her, the girl's gonna get a little unnerved and NOT date them>>: Such a stupid dance. Of COURSE the guy wants to sleep with her, why else would he ask her out?
<< 97%?>>: Not likely.
<<right-brain "intelligence" and left-brain "intelligence.">>: Easily solved. The former doesn't really exist ;-)
<< I'd actually think it would be unnerving/gross if you were doing it from...nevermind>>: Or at least it would get in the way.It seems almost certain that I'll actually freaking GO for once, as soon as I figure out transporation>>: So jealous. Of course, if I don't go, its because I'll be in Taiwan or swamped. Either way, I stand to make a lot of money by not going 8-)

Gunjack: <<I've been taking online courses this semester>>: You're a humanities student, aren't you?
<<ever seen a course in Men's Studies? Or White studies?>>: Sadly, no. And it would get no funding if you tried to start it and you'd be decried as "racist". Welcome to equal opportunity, right?
<<one assumes that this holds true for Euro-americans>>: I firmly maintain that people who spawn hip-hop, rap, and low-riders have no culture.
<<retracting his middle fingers from the extended position>>: Thank you.
<<Oops. Sorry bout dat>>: Did it again.
<<they'll NEVER TAKE ME ALIIIIVE!!>>: I don't think its worth dying for.
<<I disagree completely with you (and the rest of the world, it seems>>: Don't you wonder if you've got the wrong stance?
<<whazza pheonix flame?>>: If you don't know, you'll have to see the next movie.
<<I'm up to around six inches now, and climbing>>: Outward?
<<Has he a deep, sexily menacing voice?>>: No, but he does an outstanding Broadway.
<<Vegesexual>>: Sick.
<<how about right now?>>: Its really scary that you did this on the fly.
<<wrapped in heavy copper wire>>: What for?

Bud Clare: <<I had one for a software engineering class>>: Not a real major. Everyone I know in that major has had their programming careers hindered by going through it, because they waste four years in class that could have been spent actually improving their programming skills.
<<How often do you actually melt iron?>>: Not often enough. What is solder made of?
<<That's icky>>: Some people like it.
<<You're about to graduate, so it's normal to pass the torch>>: If I can find some sucker, I will.
<<Emily's a cheese junkie. It's not pretty>>: A girl I grew up with has a cheese-junkie cat. Poor thing must weigh 30 lbs.
<<If it's obvious to begin with that they're only interested in sex, it's creepy and pathetic>>: And redundant.
<<Civility demands subtlety>>: Stupid dating ritual. Asking a girl for her number is the equivalent of asking her to interview you for the possibility of having sex with you at some later date.
<<Do you know how many people actually have an IQ of 180?>>: No, but I'm betting he thinks he does.
<<Some people are just assholes>>: And that's part of the system to. Bosses suck too, but you have to deal with them.
<<There is a school somewhere that does, in fact, have a pornography class>>: And I GO THERE!
<<What more do you want?>>: It seems to me that there are also african music studies, asian history classes, and native american literature classes. There are majors for studying all of these groups individually. Why no degree for studying white people? They're important too.

Gside: <<The hard part is over now>>: Jealous.
<<Just the two (easy) comp sci exams>>: Oh, nevermind. I only have one exam and its open-everything.
<<I put my pants on three legs at a time>>: That's not what she meant, I don't think.
<<Not absolutely negligable>>: But pretty close.
<<for most classes, my notes aren't that impressive>>: I haven't taken notes in the one class in which I have a final since I found out that the material covered is only half of the course.
<<it's good to be the king. Being alive's allright>>: LOL
<<cave personal nook in giant phalus>>: You might suffocate.
<<What man cares about the earning potential of their females?>>: The man that doesn't want to work all day to support his harem. AKA this man.
<<Ten percent of the population?>>: 10% have an IQ of 180 or higher? I doubt it.
<<My bad, should have been Dusk Blue>>: Do you self-flagellate when that happens?
<<At least it'll be easy to imagine them naked>>: But why would you want to?

Leo: << "innovative">>: I find it really funny that Microsoft insists on protecting its "right to innovate" and stealing from other companies...then delivers THIS.

Patrick: << I won't even want to touch a magazine that someone else has left in the stall>>: an internet connection in there is just a recipe for disgusting. But I'm sure its the site of someone's future porn fic 8-)
<<Magneto wants to be a queen? So THAT explains the feather boa>>: I was going to say that it explains the color scheme. He wears a feather boa?

Aingeal: <<went home to KY>>: You live in lubricant?
<<I've got to argue on principle... I'm working for MSN now>>: How does it feel scamming thousands of customers every month out of monthly fees they didn't sign up for?
<<heaven help me and anyone that even MENTIONS tech support to me>>: This is not conducive to avoiding stress.
<<I REFUSE to provide tech support to a toilet!>>: Its not the toilet you'll have to support. Its the person USING the toilet whose internet connection just crapped out (forgive the pun). Enjoy picturing your subject with his pants around his ankles wondering why "" isn't loading in his iLoo.

Ravyn: <<somehow, the night before the exam, suddenly the entire class just started making sense>>: Nice.
<<It was Numerical Methods>>: Amazing. You should patent your study technique and sell it.
<<you know a final is great whenever the professor hands out the test, and you hear people start muttering "Damn>>: I wait for the sighs of self-pity.
<< I feel like I did, but who knows>>: I did that recently. Wound up a full standard deviation behind the mean.
<<Mechanical Engineering Design>>: Final? Not a project?
<<I'm going to be getting some major frequent flyer miles this summer>>: Do you get to go to the manufacturing plant?

Stephen: <<360 pounds>>: DUDE! Diet! Best of luck.

Dezi: <<The tornado siren went off like an hour ago>>: I think the air raid sirens here are having glitches, they seem to go off randomly.
<<Technically passed all my classes>>: Ugh.
<<Gotta take it over now>>: Bummer.
<<suppressed shrug* Your total is 38.46. _Have a nice day_>>: Best not to let them get to you. Stupid people don't deserve your compassion.
<<Not if they're really smart and know it and are full of themselves for it. That type of person is asking to get smacked. Or stuffed in a locker after his secret laboratory is discovered and trashed>>: I was never stuffed in my locker 8-) And so far, I've only been threatened.
<<He is not a nerd, he is...quirky... Yes, that's it>>: Sounds like a woman embarrassed to be dating a nerd. Similar to girls who say size doesn't matter.

And with that long post, I'm going to sleep.

192. If I appoint someone as my consort, I will not subsequently inform her that she is being replaced by a younger, more attractive woman.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Sunday, May 11, 2003 03:17:23 AM

Thunders thunders thunders!
The tornado siren went off like an hour ago. Only for five minutes or so though, I think it was a false alarm. Impressive lightening though.

Got my grades. Technically passed all my classes. But in all my Comm classes I need a C- or higher and in Comm Research I got a D+. :( Gotta take it over now. Poopy. I thought I was doing ok. Got A's in the rest though so that makes me feel a little better. :(
My ancient European History class is pretty much starting out with the Neolithic Era and passing until the Romans, concentrating on sex and drugs in the ancient world. Apparently it was the only way my teacher felt he could hold the attention spans of a bunch of students trapped inside way too early in the morning on a nice spring day. Or something like that. He also relates to us his college stories like visiting a place called Never Neverland with tenured colleagues in Sacremento. Strange, strange man.

Angry evil lady yelled at me today at work: 'WHY doesn't Hobby Lobby take Michael's coupons?!' Cause we don't. 'You mean I spent an hour shopping in here when I could have bought this paint brush over there [next door] and used the coupon?!' Yup. 'Well from now on I'll go shop over there!' *suppressed shrug* Your total is 38.46. _Have a nice day_. :P Stupid hicks.

KA-BOOOOOMM!!!! (Indy v. storm round 2) heh. Brandon has let me know that when I get a 'real' job for the TV stations, and if I get called out on any weather stories, I have to take him with. He can carry stuff and be a roadie, I guess. :)

Moving day is tomorrow. I can't wait to get my stuff back in order. My apt. is chaos right now. At least Dottie-dog is happy with the couch.
Neighbors are listening to some music that the bass coming through the wall sounds like a heart beat. It's 1 am! I wanna sleep! (However, I'm in a surprisingly pleasant mood).

DPH (kinda):<Wanted: Email Responses from both Gunjack and Lain*> Uh-oh You guys are in trou-ble! :)

Christine and Stephen: Get better..... NOW!!! :)

Gunjack: <And whazza pheonix flame> ****KINDA SPOILERS I GUESS**** Jean turns into (or rather, is possessed) by an alien named the Phoenix. It(she) has really strong powers so it looks like Jean is just REALLY powerfull...Well that's the really short version, check out the comic, or the 1990's cartoon for a crash course. Not really a spoiler I guess, but just being safe. Anyway, the fire is like the firebird symbol and it is for the Phoenix. Visual: In the cartoon, whenever the Phoenix 'powers up' it looks like a firey bird with Jean standing in the middle. ...Um, someone jump in here and help...I know what I'm talking about but am having a hard time putting it to words...Well, go see the movie again and see if you can visually pull a 'firebird' symbol out of the orange thing in the water. This better not be a sarcastic scam.
<about Bush's capabilities as president, but yer right about this "Patriotism" crap.> See, people CAN hold two opposing thoughts in their head at the same time. This isn't a blind faith, root for the Chicago Cubs type of situation. Thanks.

Niamhgold:<And I guess that puts me with "them," since I'm most certainly not with "us"> Let us lead a coalition of the "them"!! (Well, prolly not.) :)

Lain:<how to draw a colour wheel since grade 8.. theres a problem.> Um...We didn't have art class at my school in 8 grade, so does that count? I promptly learned freshman year in high school and haven't forgotten though. I swear! and I colored IN the lines! :)

Josh:<That is such bullshit> Not if they're really smart and know it and are full of themselves for it. That type of person is asking to get smacked. Or stuffed in a locker after his secret laboratory is discovered and trashed.

Bud Clare:<A non-stale cookie for the person who got that reference.> :P *launches all remaining stale cookies from a converted pvc pipe.* Better duck! I call cookie-war! :)

Gside:< I'm sure a good bit of sulfuric acid gets out of there> I'm think that bit of sulfuric acid is supposed to be there. What else is the earth supposed to do with it. A way to balance things out.
<Wimp. > And proud of it. Those statistics have already hurt me. ...stupid D+....
<I'd move there.> Like it could be worse than New Jersey. :) Had to make the bad New Jersey joke. :)

Oh yeah, and to sum up the Ninja Turtle thing-
The tattoo is on Brandon's upper right arm, like a pirate. And it is now making strange weird green scabs that are really yucky. (green from the turtle, not infection). He is not a nerd, he is...quirky... Yes, that's it. I guess the plan is to somehow have the remaining 3 turtles on that arm too, but I don't see how he'll have room above the elbow like he says. I guess Vegeta and Trunks from DBZ are going on the other arm. This could all take a while and I don't doubt he will change his mind. *shrugs*. Oh yeah, and a buddy of his that does tattoos (and is a waiter and a karaoke dj) for a living did the tattoo. He was very ..professional.. about it. I guess. Not that I would really know anyway. At least it was all sanitary. *shrugs again*

Ok bed time! (Watch, I post this and they wipe the board)

Sunday, May 11, 2003 02:10:33 AM

*dph's hologram enters the cr. He pulls out a small metal poster (no, not an individual who posts here) and welds it to the cr wall. On the poster, letters read as folows:
Wanted: Email Responses from both Gunjack and Lain*

dph's hologram
Sunday, May 11, 2003 01:06:39 AM

[Average them together and you might get a regular poster. ]

*falls onto the floor laughing*

Lynati Ashochyaan'h
Sunday, May 11, 2003 12:31:07 AM

Stephen> Best of luck with the medical worries!!! **hugs**

Gside> <<Stop by Danny's for pizza>> Coolies! :) <<Unless you're not going directly from Jersey to Rochester>> Nope ... see, that would have been the *smart* thing to do ... ;) I'm going from Phoenix to Jersey, then back to Phoenix, I get two days in Arizona, then it's back to Rochester. ;) Don't ask me why, because I really don't know, besides the fact that I'm already homesick for Arizona and I haven't left yet! ;)

Saturday, May 10, 2003 11:56:38 PM

Patrick> <<I won't even want to touch a magazine that someone else has left in the stall>>: But would you use it if there wasn't any toilet paper? Gunjack, name the reference.

Aingeal> <<Lain, Lyn, Erik, Revel, Mecord>>: Average them together and you might get a regular poster.
<<I REFUSE to provide tech support to a toilet>>: At least it'll be easy to imagine them naked.

Ravyn> <<Then I get to go off to New Jersey the week after that>>: Stop by Danny's for pizza. It's very near Fort Monmouth. And Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash is pretty close, too.
<<massive trip back and forth across the country a few times>>: You're not going back and forth a few times. You're going forth, up, and back. Unless you're not going directly from Jersey to Rochester.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Saturday, May 10, 2003 11:39:39 PM

<kicks browser>

Greetings all...

Just wanted to update them that are concerned (and thanks for all that did send me words of encouragement and such).

Saw the doctor at the VA yesterday, and got a blood screening done (as well as a urinalisis, a pnemonaia shot AND a tetanus shot... don't ask me why)... will know the results come monday in the mail. The doctor also got me an appointment with the VA nutritionalist - although my family's started taking steps to improve my eating habits at home. I'm hoping the blood screens come up negative for high sugar... still, I will be working to get my weight down. I about had a stroke when I saw my weight on the scale... 360 pounds...

CHRISTINE - A speedy recovery and a full one, too. ^_^

Maintain and Check Six, all!

Stephen R. Sobotka Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Saturday, May 10, 2003 07:51:35 PM

Stephen R. Sobotka Jr. - []
Saturday, May 10, 2003 07:31:48 PM

Hi, everybody! :)

Just wanted to drop in and say hi. I have survived yet another final exam ... just one more to go! The exam I took yesterday was going to be my most difficult, too ... but somehow, the night before the exam, suddenly the entire class just started making sense. It was Numerical Methods, and I just didn't get it for the entire semester ... until now. Yay! Just in time for the huge, massive final ... which I finished with no problem at all, and even left early ... you know a final is great whenever the professor hands out the test, and you hear people start muttering "Damn ..." :)

Now hopefully I didn't just screw it all up ... I'm hoping I actually knew what I was doing. I feel like I did, but who knows! ;)

My last final is on Wednesday, in Mechanical Engineering Design ... I've aced the two other tests in that class, so I should be sitting pretty in there.

Then I get to go off to New Jersey the week after that, so see my brother graduate from the USMA Prep School ... :) Then the week after that, I'm off to Rochester, NY for my summer internship with GM ... whew, I tell ya, I'm going to be getting some major frequent flyer miles this summer ... :)

Well, hang in there to all who have finals coming up! Good luck to everyone in getting a summer job/internship, and having a nice relaxing summer ... :) I'll try to drop by one more time before I leave on my massive trip back and forth across the country a few times ... ;)

Christine> Hope you recover very quickly, and that all is well with you! :)

Coyote> **snuggles and smooches** Hiyas ... :)

Tucson, AZ
Saturday, May 10, 2003 06:41:33 PM

::shudders, just having clicked Lain's link... I REFUSE to provide tech support to a toilet!...ABSOLUTELY NOT!

::shudders in terror at the thought::

Saturday, May 10, 2003 01:22:28 PM

Well... I live... kinda

I moved again... this time I got smart and went home to KY.. in case anyone cares that hasnt heard allready.

Anyway...just dropped in and thought i'd stick my 2 cents in at random...

Josh >>Microsoft hasn't conquered the world yet. They're just trying to conquer the world with a beta version. They will fail (I hope, because being a geek is going to suck again if they actually do conquer the world).<< ::grins wryly:: hey now... I've got to argue on principle... I'm working for MSN now... heaven help me and anyone that even MENTIONS tech support to me...

OK.. I'm condensing... saves time and all that.

HI! to the people I've been ignoring or seem to have while I was out a computer and regular internet access....

...and HI! to the people that I missed getting to meet while having that same problem.

::hugs to those who need them, and especially to Lain, Lyn, Erik, Revel, Mecord, and all the others I've missed over the last year or so.

I've not yet seen X-2, or I'd comment, not that I'm very informed, having grown up comic deprived.

::waves:: since I'm home sick from work today.. I suppose I should be trying to take better care of me.... maybe I'll go order pizza....

::wanders out looking for the phone number to Little Ceasar's::

Aingeal - []
Still middle o' nowhere, Now: KY, US of spazticity
Saturday, May 10, 2003 01:16:59 PM

Well, we've made national news up here thanks to some well-armed nutcase who strolled into a building at Case Western Reserve University yesterday afternoon and started randomly shooting at people. He held police at bay from 4:30 until just before 11 PM, when they shot and capture him. One person killed, several injured, and the identity of the shooter still not released. And what a fun night for TV news... there's nothing like flipping the channels to watch the local newspeople trying to "scoop" each other and look good for the national feed.

Of course them, just as you thought it was safe to turn off the TV and go to bed, a big thunderstorm rolled in. We got hammered by rain here for about seven hours last night, from midnight to daybreak. So now my backyard is a marsh, and it'll be a couple more days before I can finally mow the grass that's already half a foot high. Oh well... at least it's green again and finally growing.

Lain > All I can say is "ew!" I won't even want to touch a magazine that someone else has left in the stall. I'm sure not going to linger to check my e-mail. Though I suppose if the T.P. runs out, being able to send a request for more via IM beats having to sit there with your pants around your ankles and shout for help. :P

Christine > Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Josh > << <<she also wants them to rule the world with herself as their queen>>: Magneto wants the same thing. >> Magneto wants to be a queen? So THAT explains the feather boa... :P

Okay... off to enjoy the sunlight before the next round of showers gets here.

Patrick Toman
Cleveland, Ohio
Saturday, May 10, 2003 01:15:00 PM

lain:<oh. my. GAWD!!!!!>> "innovative" ;-)
Saturday, May 10, 2003 12:02:09 PM

oh. my. GAWD!!!!! the end is nigh..
lain - [<<-- im not even f#*king kidding..]
Saturday, May 10, 2003 09:08:37 AM

My bad, should have been Dusk Blue.
Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Saturday, May 10, 2003 01:30:44 AM

The hard part is over now. Just the two (easy) comp sci exams.
Oh, and does anyone have any suggestions for anime series I should pick up before I leave my ethernet?

Bud Clare> <<A non-stale cookie for the person who got that reference>>: Not getting anthing this time.
<<but there are guys who manage to compensate for it>>: I know I put my pants on three legs at a time.

Imzadi> <<this doesn't automatically make you a good teacher>>: $!#@ Marsic. Rose should hold a teaching seminar for the rest. And I don't even like the level he works at.
<<if you don't want people screwing with it, don't give them the password>>: Nothing would have been seriously broken if they messed with it as it is. If they really worked on cracking it, the password wouldn't have stopped them.
<<Spades are high rank, no?>>: Depends on when you're talking about. Now, it's reverse alphabetical (spade, heart, diamond, club). Back when I believe it was hearts for royalty, diamonds for merchant class, spades for military, clubs for commoners. Or maybe military outranked merchants.
<<Pathetic>>: A bit, but it's more a "don't they know what they're doing to the water table" or suchlike rather than actual boo hooing.
<<That's not a foray. That's more of a glance>>: Whichever. 1/27 is still almost 4%. Not absolutely negligable, when only referring to use of letters, not the entire language.
<<hardly impressive, wouldn't you say?>>: No, it isn't, but it's still my theory.
<<You would>>: Yes, and I did.
<<So you can actually absorb material that way?>>: Pretty much. I do generally take a look through my notes before a test, as a refresher. And for most classes, my notes aren't that impressive.
<<Truly a gift>>: Thank you.

Christine> <<just checking in to let you know that I'm alive>>: It's good to be alive. No, wait, it's good to be the king. Being alive's allright, I guess.

Niamhgold> <<Amen for sharp knives>>: Hallelujia.
<<Then there'd be the attack of the 50-foot woman>>: Excellent. Must cave personal nook in giant phalus.
<<I always viewed spades as the most sinister>>: They are, but I'd say spades go better with fey than clubs go with upperclass.
<<Good geek! You get a cookie>>: That was a quote? Yay for me.
<<But you haven't reached the lol^4 threshold>>: Eh? What's this threshold to which you refer?
<<comes in a tub and doesn't spray everywhere>>: But I leave my whipped cream in the mixing bowl.
<<when the aim isn't a sundae>>: Is it ever?
<<My (embarrassing) bad>>: I wouldn't say it was embarrassing.
<<female geeks don't have the benefit of getting rich like the male geeks, so I actually feel they're less sought after>>: What man cares about the earning potential of their females?
<<I'd actually think it would be unnerving/gross if you were doing it from...nevermind>>: You'd think, but depending on the man...

Gunjack> <<euro-canadians had no culture>>: It's just hard to see the culture when you're surrounded by it. And besides factions have very strong culture.
<<But who's to say I didn't enjoy it?>>: You were rather reluctant in your thanking.
<<Hair just grows slowly, is all>>: But you saw Pedro. His came in instantly.
<<I'm up to around six inches now, and climbing>>: More than a foot, and that's just the braid.
<<After you, G-dog>>: Please. G-boy or G-spot if not Gside. You may have G-dog.
<<He does a good job?>>: He seems to have a strong following among female fans.
<<Has he a deep, sexily menacing voice?>>: I wouldn't say very deep. I'm not good a judging sexy voices. And I'm not sure about the menacing. Though I don't really listen to dubs much.
<<Vegesexual. Sorry, that came out of nowhere>>: Probably one of my orifaces.

Bud Clare> <<I had one for a software engineering class>>: Me too. Or maybe he just didn't care.
<<How often do you actually melt iron?>>: As often as I can. And it only takes household ingrediants: rust, aluminum, and a sparkler.
<<Do you know how many people actually have an IQ of 180?>>: Ten percent of the population? Or are you asking how many have exactly 180?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Saturday, May 10, 2003 01:30:13 AM

gabe>> <<World Lit., World History, etc. are all about white men>> except when your prof is a militant feminist and refuses to even utter the word "man", lest she be.. dare i say it.. "dominated by the penis". ;) it happens. too often at my useless u..
though i do completely agree that other cultures are just as worth studying as my own, i do not agree that it is necessary to exclude other races/cultures and/or genders in order to do this. to forcefully exclude and dominate in any instance, in my opinion, is just another word for fear.. and i have no patience for that.

Saturday, May 10, 2003 12:23:31 AM

Josh> <<You don't get to be a professor in a real major by being an idiot.>>
*L* I had one for a software engineering class...

<<Um, it is when it melts.>>
How often do you actually melt iron?

<<Don't even think about using that on me.>>
*L* I wouldn't use it on anyone. That's icky. :P

<<Seriously. That used to be my job.>>
You're about to graduate, so it's normal to pass the torch (i.e. slack off for a change).

<<Never had my cats do that.>>
Emily's a cheese junkie. It's not pretty.

<<WRONG! Guys get dates all the time, yet they never ask a girl out who they don't want to sleep with.>>
You misunderstood. Guy have to first convey that they want to go on a date, and then _later_ convey that they want to have sex. If it's obvious to begin with that they're only interested in sex, it's creepy and pathetic. Whether they want to have sex or not is beside the point. Civility demands subtlety. :P
silvadel> <<someone with 180 IQ faced with students with an average 123 IQ>>
Do you know how many people actually have an IQ of 180?
Gabriel> << Can you tell I'm bitter?>>
Yes, and good for you. Some people are just assholes.
Christine> I'm glad that everything went okay. :)
Niamhgold> <<One of my portraits actually was selected as a finalist in the RSVP annual competition.>>
Congratulations. :)
Gunjack> <<Any of you college students ever seen a course in Men's Studies?>>
Yes. There is a school somewhere that does, in fact, have a pornography class. :P

<<Or White studies?>>
Oh, let's see... most history courses, most music history courses, most art history courses, most literature courses, etc... What more do you want?

<<He does a good job? Has he a deep, sexily menacing voice?>>

Bud-Clare - []
Saturday, May 10, 2003 12:14:42 AM

GJ> <<Men's Studies? Or White studies>>

Yes, actually. In fact, there's a degree here for that area of study(and at many other universities); it's called Bachelor of Arts. :P World Lit., World History, etc. are all about white men.
Friday, May 9, 2003 11:21:53 PM

Gee ma, I think I kilt the room!

Spacebabie><<Hehe. Gunjack, methinks you've confused me with Spacebabie...? ;) Happens a lot, actually ;)>> Oops. Sorry bout dat. : ) <<Gunjack: I've provided a link to my friend Tom's webpage (he's piggy-backing on my friend Jay's space, who is additionally an avid character-designer)...>> And a much better artist than me. Still trying to get my stuff scanned, but I've been busy with More Important Things.

MD><<Good news, I got my iguana today! I named him Plato cuz it sounded like a cute name.>> Good name!

Josh><<You're turning him into a brit?! You bastard!>> Worse, a CANADIAN! But they'll NEVER TAKE ME ALIIIIVE!!!

Dezi - I disagree completely with you (and the rest of the world, it seems) about Bush's capabilities as president, but yer right about this "Patriotism" crap. It bugs the heck out of me when my side does that. :P
<<Sarcasm? It was the phoenix fire.>> Um, no, not sarcasm. I have a... thing about nasty things in water. And whazza pheonix flame?

Gside><<That'll teach you to think before you act.>> Truely. But who's to say I didn't enjoy it? o.O <<You gave up? But how will you get fro powers?>> Who says I gave up? Hair just grows slowly, is all. I'm up to around six inches now, and climbing. <<Not to my recollection, but we can always pick up the label now.>> Truely. After you, G-dog. <<Crispin Freeman, voice actor of many dubs, owner of a pretty good Alucard costume, and American Alucard voice. That, or an adjective similar to brittle.>> Thanks for the info. He does a good job? Has he a deep, sexily menacing voice? <<And even more action.>> Heh. Vegesexual.
Sorry, that came out of nowhere.

DPH><<Hmm. When you get through, could you draw up the specs for an apple shooter and send them to me?>> Heck, how about right now?
Composite barrel - 60mm 2/3-inch PVC pipe, wrapped in heavy copper wire, with an outer sleeve of, say, 65mm circular duct. Four feet long overall, with the heaviest endcap you can find.
Shoulder stock - Wood with soft rubber padding at the butt, clasped and bolted to the barrel. Stock contains can of aerosol propellent, which feeds into the flash chamber behind the cylinder.
Cylinder - Rotary 6-tube chamber, built similar to the barrel. Fits about a foot forward of the stock's grip, since this puppy is going to backflash something fierce.

The composite barrel should help to keep you alive if the gun bursts. if you orient the seam in the ducting properly, it should help direct the shrapnel and such up, rather than into your head. The chambers will load one apple each. Since the flash chamber takes awhile to recharge anyway, you might toss the cylinder altogether and just go with a muzzleloader. Oh yeah, and the recoil will be, um, stiff.

...That's all for now. more later, maybe. Must write.

If you've got the poisen/ I've got the remedy
-Jason Mraz

Gunjuack "The Remedy " Valentine
Friday, May 9, 2003 10:46:06 PM

As I probably haven't mentioned previously, I've been taking online courses this semester. One of these classes is Cultural Anthropology.

Any of you college students ever seen a course in Men's Studies? Or White studies? A few months back, I sat in a class with Lain, listening for a Jamacian lady glibly declaring that euro-canadians had no culture; one assumes that this holds true for Euro-americans.

Poor Us.

*heads off to seek medical assistance in retracting his middle fingers from the extended position*

Gunjack "Pathogen" Valentine
Friday, May 9, 2003 06:25:18 PM

** Niamhgold enters **

One of my portraits actually was selected as a finalist in the RSVP annual competition. Though this achieves no prize, it's still cool :) I also got my grades back. My semester GPA was 3.95, which has bumped my cumulative GPA up to summa cum laude standards, if I keep it up until graduation. Funny thing is, I did better this semester and last (18 credits each) than I did on lower credit-hour semesters, and with more demanding classes and three jobs. Probably because I allotted 0% of my time to having a RL ;)

** Begin Semi-rant **
I any case, I have mixed opinions on the "smartest" of students, working the system, and the way professors should be. I guess it really does come down to working the system, since that's what one has to learn to do in the working world--it doesn't matter who's smartest in the workplace; it matters who's the most efficient and able to cope with specific situations using specific methods (thus not creating lawsuits if you use unconventional methods to solve a problem. The company/hospital/whatnot could get in deep trouble, even if you solved a problem more creatively, if you use methods against standard protocol). But recognition to students who *do* use creative, more intelligent methods to achieve a goal should also be provided; perhaps an A+ instead of an A, or just some vocal recognition that one did more work than another. In my school, it's almost the opposite. There's nothing more frustrating than working your butt off on a project, doing things systematically, creating a multilevel design (web, animation, print, traditional) and having some stupid ^*&% carve a bad rendition of a dollar bill into a bar of soap and you only get a C. Well, the bar-of-soap guy had to withdraw in order to go AA meetings anyways, so maybe it all evens out...for him. Not for the other students, though. And I find that incredibly frustrating.
** End semi-rant **


DPH: <Could you start hunting those people?> I have friends who could...for a fee ;) <I, also, have a plan for improving my grades in the fall: attend some conselling sessions this summer so I wouldn't have to spend so much time coping with depression instead of studying.> Best of luck with that--it can be a tough battle, i'm sure, but you're obviously hanging in there, which is awesome and commendable. <I'm taking 12 hours (plus auditing one class) next semester> If only! I want to strangle my major for having 3 extra credits each senior year semester--I've got 19.5 credits scheduled, with four of those being six hour studio classes. And we're NEVER allowed to miss class. MONKEYSSSSSSS.

Greg: <Marvel higher-ups got one of their dumb ideas> Like their idea to start up the Epics line again to bait poor, aspiring artists and writers? <But christ, does the movie look terrible. Hell they had to Americanize it by throwing Dorian Grey and Tom Sawyer into the thing> Yeah, I'm p!ssed and definitely not seeing it--Alan Moore rocks, and this movie *doesn't*. There's a CAR in there, for god's sake!

Gside: <Oh, and it's harder to mess up with a sharp knife because you don't have to exert as much force.> Amen for sharp knives ;) <I liked Donatello> #1 was Leo, #2 was Donatello, #3 was Raph, and #4 was...Splinter ;) <I'd move there> Then there'd be the attack of the 50-foot woman... <Perhaps upperclass diamonds (riches), fey spades (royalty), villians clubs (brute force)> Maybe I was confused. I always viewed spades as the most sinister...? <...Are always funny> Good geek! You get a cookie. <But not high culture> Okay, fine, you win. But you haven't reached the lol^4 threshold!!! ;) <Marachino or fresh? And you'll be wanting real whipped cream, not whipped topping, I take it> Actually, the whipped topping is better--comes in a tub and doesn't spray everywhere--when the aim isn't a sundae ;) And the chocolate-flavored whipped die for! <Neither, I meant very brief forays as in using aleph i for the infinities. I don't even remember how to write it> Ah. My (embarrassing) bad.

Lain: <now its time for sewing!> Don't hurt yourself ;) <when you get deported for being an "anti american terrorist sympathizer".. you can come to my house> Could that offer be extended to several of my friends? ;)

Dezi: <If you're not with Us, you're OBVIOUSLY with Them, no contest. And it really ticks me off> I feel your pain. And I guess that puts me with "them," since I'm most certainly not with "us" (except on commercial terms--always been a weird fan of big business, just not in politics ;)).

BudClare: <When they're paying attention and actually _notice_ that someone is hinting at a date... ;)> Exactly. And female geeks don't have the benefit of getting rich like the male geeks, so I actually feel they're less sought after. And female artists...don't even get me started! ;) <I think that certain guys might qualify...> Buwhahahahaha!

Imzadi: <Guys are pretty obvious about when they want to sleep with a girl> Maybe this is a weird east-coast west-coast thing, but all the girls (both babes and not) over here argue that they always have to be the most aggressive. Yes, that extends far beyond MICA ;) <It was a full calendar app! In Java/Matlab!> Awesome. <You'll be much more understanding of your men.> As long as all my action figures get to stay, aye. <Stupid flash users> Stupid traditionalists. <Kinky> More kinky with strawberries (chocolate covered) I'm now thinking. <Fart jokes are still funny, so it must have been the vomiting> Next up--hiccuping. I'm so printing this character out ;) <Yes. Happy subjects are non-revolting subjects> Or brainwashed subjects...Pluto! <No it isn't, because frankly there isn't any way that the writers or artists could have known that it wasn't going to be there.> Or so we believe... <They bring me presents> Dead chipmunks? <Guys get dates all the time, yet they never ask a girl out who they don't want to sleep with.> Granted, but if the first thing they tell a girl is that they want to sleep with her, the girl's gonna get a little unnerved and NOT date them. <That depends on the guy> 97%? <The thing is that without him, the Xmen would be very different. He's kind of the rational anchor> I agree; Cyclops may be a bit of a weenie, but without him they'd all dance off in their own directions. And they'd lose more Xmen to Magneto's side. <However, this doesn't automatically make you a good teacher.> True. The problem is getting know-it-alls, who, while knowing the subject matter thoroughly, will hold a vendetta against students who threaten his/her status or skills. <and the only things I have to think about for the next week are my one final and my film project> Congratulations!

Silvadel: <) The "really smart" tend to come up with unique also-right answers that some professors decide to not consider as alternatives -- or alternate METHODS of arriving at answers where the professor decides to not like.> This gets into the line between right-brain "intelligence" and left-brain "intelligence." Creativity, aka the abstract thinking which leads to alternative methods, is a right-brain phenomenon that needs to be weighed against the left-brain, aka practical/realistic, phenomenon. Some people may be "creative" enough to come up with unique answers, but are these really realistic? Would they be approved if provided as real life solutions? Only smart people know when to reign in their own solutions in lieu of more practical ways. Different does not mean better.

Spacebabie: <but if such a being exists it must be a man’s ultimate fantasy> I'd actually think it would be unnerving/gross if you were doing it from...nevermind.

Gonna try and determine what I should be for the gathering masquerade. It seems almost certain that I'll actually freaking GO for once, as soon as I figure out transporation ;) TG for birthdays and parents ;)


Friday, May 9, 2003 12:52:32 PM

Hey, folks ... just checking in to let you know that I'm alive. I can even breathe, talk, and eat. I just can't move my head or sit up at the computer for very long. But it's going much better than I'd feared. Today's the first day I stirred from the couch, got a real shower (oh, the pure relief of finally being allowed to wash my hair!), and sat at the computer. But my right "mouse" arm is connected to the worse side of my neck, so I'm signing off for now. Take care!
Friday, May 9, 2003 12:21:23 PM

dezi>> <<O Canada!>> yessssss!!! :D

silvadel>> <<I will be much less likely to defend someone here next time>> its ok, i still love you :) <<do something stupid like picking 20 terms from the book and asking for the definitions of them and then the farther you are from the definition in the book the more points you lose>> welcome to western!!! :D <--sarcasm.. <<beyond a certain point it does make a HUGE difference>> uh.. yeah.

josh>> <<However, the massively smart rarely have pathetic grades>> that depends on how much they think the stupid crap they have to put up with is worth, or if it is at all challenging or worth the effort. if theyre teaching you 4 years worth of sh!t that you already know.. it gets a little boring. in 3rd year, they had us draw a colour wheel. A COLOUR WHEEL!!! if youre in the arts program, and you HAVENT known how to draw a colour wheel since grade 8.. theres a problem.. <<You don't get to be a professor in a real major by being an idiot>> yeah, at the western arts department, they hire you based on if youre a practicing artist and how well you get along with the other profs..:P>> <<That is such bullshit>> heh..

workies now.

Friday, May 9, 2003 11:48:34 AM


As a student in college right now, I can say this. Professors give you rediculous tests with quotes from poems after your grandfather and roomate die within weeks of each other and fail you without mercy on said test; they give you Cs on papers that you didn't have the strength to write; they don't even offer to give you an "I" so you can recuperate from your life falling to peices; they give other students an "I' for having car troubles (which somewhow prevents them from turning in papers O-o), and don't even bother to offer the same courtesy to you (and this is true, I was with the person as he offered her the "I"). I had one professor (my Ancient Philosophy professor) offer an "I" to me, which I gladly accepted. The other two just left me in the dust.

Can you tell I'm bitter?
Friday, May 9, 2003 11:40:11 AM

Oh and one last thing -- I was defending average performance in a school by a genius not lousy performance... When I see grade numbers(and this was before the 1.98 comment) I still think in terms of a "scaling to a C+" which is what the college I went to did. Most schools experienced gradeflation over time and some schools scale to a B+ these days... So when I see BBCC quoted I think the person did about average as opposed to below average like it is in some schools....
Friday, May 9, 2003 11:31:18 AM

Hmm -- I will be much less likely to defend someone here next time -- It seems to only get flack from the person you are defending and other issues...

Maybe things have changed since I graduated college back in 1990 but I have to believe there is still a subset of professors who do not appreciate ingenuity(and that is not a solve problem by XYZ thing -- it is being given a computer program assignment to do and most people did XabcYabcZabc and you did AxyzBxyzCxyz and having the prof fail you on the program and get upset even though the program worked fine and was 2/3rds the size done that way).

I also have to believe there are still lazy professors who instead of making a test based on actual problems to be solved occasionally do something stupid like picking 20 terms from the book and asking for the definitions of them and then the farther you are from the definition in the book the more points you lose -- that is often a good way to make the memorizers do much better than the understanders.

As for the "really smart" not fitting in with their peers, someone with 180 IQ faced with students with an average 123 IQ will tend to be outcast... Maybe a little less than in high school where the difference is larger but beyond a certain point it does make a HUGE difference in social matters. Especially if the room assignments are random, or there are only a certain number of chosen room assignments; you get a lousy housing lottery number; and end up put in a random situation even as an upperclassman.

Friday, May 9, 2003 11:27:51 AM

Finally got all the housing documents today for my internship. That means I'm done with all this crap, and the only things I have to think about for the next week are my one final and my film project (and hopefully we'll finish filming tomorrow, leaving only the editing).

Silvadel: <<the massively smart do not always do the best in college>>: Believe me, I'm fully aware of this. However, the massively smart rarely have pathetic grades.
<<with a certain percentage of professors who AREN'T>>: This only happens in humanities majors. You don't get to be a professor in a real major by being an idiot. However, this doesn't automatically make you a good teacher. And if you piss your teacher off, then you don't necessarily deserve a good grade. School is a system. If you're smart, you learn to work the system.
<<The "really smart" tend to come up with unique also-right answers that some professors decide to not consider as alternatives -- or alternate METHODS of arriving at answers where the professor decides to not like>>: or the Professor is specifically testing something that's usually obvious. I did this on a recent test, and I was lucky to get half credit. If the test says "solve this by XYZ method", then you aren't supposed to "outsmart" the problem. Again, back to the whole system thing.
<<The "really smart" tend not to fit in with their peers and this can cause significant problems which can impact on their actual performance gradewise>>: That is such bullshit.

Spacebabie: <<I?m never buying cheap bagels again>>: Bad jew. No cookie.
<<please post that letter here?.or better yet on your site>>: Done. My original letter is in green at the end of the document.
<<Just be glad she doesn?t have a gun>>: She might violate some rent laws if she used it on me.
<<It?s from dodging hornets>>: Sure it is.
<<the iron isn?t runny gooey>>: Um, it is when it melts.
<<if such a being exists it must be a man?s ultimate fantasy>>: One breast per hand, please.
<<if you get on their case they act like you are the jerk>>: I like to growl at them. They usually leave pretty quickly.
<<the worst thing Marvel ever did was bringing back Cyclops>>: No, I don't think so.

Greg X: <<Saw X-Men again today. Still great, even on second viewing>>: Good. I'm gonna go see it again too.
<<Doesn't it look stupid?>>: Actually it looks kind of cool.
<<does the average American even know who Tom Sawyer and Dorian Grey are anyway?>>: I thought Grey was british? In any case, perhaps this will motivate people to go and read those stories.

Todd: <<he originated in a story by Oscar Wilde, who was more or less British (Irish, actually, but he lived in England), which was set in London>>: Okay good, I was right.
<<it's that people always seem to be putting down Cyclops in one way or another. Generally remarks about how hopelessly stiff and dull he is>>: The thing is that without him, the Xmen would be very different. He's kind of the rational anchor.

Mecord: <<yet beta versions almost never fail to save the world>>: Only in the movies.
<<What I'm thinking, is that when Jean used Cerebro it either drew attention of the Phoenix Entity or awoke the Entity that lay dormant inside her>>: That's retarded. But then again, we're dealing with the X-verse, so retarded explanations are status quo.

Gside: <<Please don't play around with anything until after noon tomorrw, we'll be presenting in the morning>>: BUWAHAHAHAHA. Here's a tip, if you don't want people screwing with it, don't give them the password.
<<Clubs have never been high rank>>: Spades are high rank, no?
<<she mourns every time we pass construction>>: Pathetic.
<<I meant very brief forays as in using aleph i for the infinities>>: That's not a foray. That's more of a glance.
<<I firmly believe that each and every one of you can sing better than Dylan>>: hardly impressive, wouldn't you say?
<<I liked Donatello>>: You would.
<<I define my studying as going to every class>>: So you can actually absorb material that way? Truly a gift.

DPH: <<The mid-term grade had only 1 test on it and there was way too much material on the 1st test>>: I have zero compassion for you. I have many classes made up of one midterm and one final, and I manage to get much better grades than C's.
<<memorizing formulas (or anything) is becoming obsolute.>>: In my equally unimportant opinion, both memorizing the equation and knowing how to derive them are equally useless. Its already been derived, so why bother? What's important is understanding how to use it, unless you intend to major in that field (i.e. physics students should understand how Newton derived F=MA and how to prove it).
<<I have to go to class every day>>: That's rough. Sorry, man.

Bud Clare: <<breaks out a whip* Call me Queen!>>: Don't even think about using that on me.
<<Damned over-achievers>>: Seriously. That used to be my job.
<<What religion _doesn't_ do that?>>: Actually, its pretty easy to convert to most other religions. Not Judaism. As for the sects excluding other sects, I suppose they are pretty much all bad about that.
<<Not when they dig through the garbage>>: Never had my cats do that. They bring me presents.
<<there are guys who manage to compensate for it>>: Roman Hands?
<<It they were that obvious, they'd never manage to get a date>>: WRONG! Guys get dates all the time, yet they never ask a girl out who they don't want to sleep with.
<<so they give up quickly if they think they've been shot down>>: That depends on the guy.

191. I will not appoint a relative to my staff of advisors. Not only is nepotism the cause of most breakdowns in policy, but it also causes trouble with the EEOC.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Friday, May 9, 2003 04:26:40 AM

siladel> Don't forget stress issues... The "really smart" can also be really horrible at dealing with stress and, therefore, deadlines. Bleh.
Josh> <<Magneto wants the same thing.>>
*breaks out a whip* Call me Queen! (A non-stale cookie for the person who got that reference. ;)

<<It was a full calendar app! In Java/Matlab!>>
Damned over-achievers. :P

<<It is the most exclusive religion I've ever heard of.>>
What religion _doesn't_ do that?

<<Cats rule.>>
Not when they dig through the garbage, dammit.

<<Unlikely. We've only got 2 arms.>>
Technically, yes... but there are guys who manage to compensate for it.

<<Guys are pretty obvious about when they want to sleep with a girl.>>
It they were that obvious, they'd never manage to get a date. And guys are also insecure, so they give up quickly if they think they've been shot down.
Spacebabie> <<Last night when I was searching for the soy sauce the bottle of habanera sauce falls and breaks.>>
Ouch... two things that aren't supposed to come into contact with your skin-- broken glass and habaneras...

<<But I didn’t describe them.>>
But you didn't say that you wouldn't describe them, you said that you wouldn't mention them. :P

<<But the iron isn’t runny gooey.>>
Lead is. Lead is fun... aside from the toxic fumes...

Bud-Clare - []
Friday, May 9, 2003 01:18:28 AM

Imzadi - I agree, my grades are pathetic. I can offer excuses for my 2 Cs, but not the D. One of those Cs was Music Appreciation. Either you can memorize the music, who composed it, and the title readily or you can't. The other C was World History II. The mid-term grade had only 1 test on it and there was way too much material on the 1st test. Two weeks later, the second test came and a week after the 2nd test, the third test came. The only other points in class were quizs and 1 homework assignment. I, also, have a plan for improving my grades in the fall: attend some conselling sessions this summer so I wouldn't have to spend so much time coping with depression instead of studying.

Silvadel - <Actually the massively smart do not always do the best in college> Define smart in your context. In my unimportant opinion, memorizing formulas isn't as usefull as knowing how to derive them. With the advanced use of calculators in classrooms, memorizing formulas (or anything) is becoming obsolute.

I'm taking 12 hours (plus auditing one class) next semester (My advisor said that was a full load of classes) and damn it, I have to go to class every day. I only have one class on Tuesday/Thursday. The best schedule I ever had was the one where I had a one hour break between every class. Mixed news: they're moving one class I plan on retaking from one department to another. Joy. And more joy. I'm getting a new advisor because of the way the MIS department is going. The good news about my new schedule: all my classes are in the same building. Yea!! and No classes before 10am [and my 10am class is the one I'm going to audit]. Yea!!!! My overall GPA is a 1.98. Not suprising since I experienced meltdown during spring 1996 while attending that college.

Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:56:16 PM

Right, had to learn php and mysql and make a working fantasy basketball website in very little time. It's currently at with master login admin:admin. Please don't play around with anything until after noon tomorrw, we'll be presenting in the morning.

Imzadi> <<I didn't have to answer any hard questions (like, say, why it sucked)>>: I've got an easy answer for that one on mine.
<<they don't send out bastardized code that breaks browsers and say "well, you should be using IE 6 for windows!">>: It was largely clean, and I could easily find the areas to put my stuff. I'm just glad I didn't have to do anything right brained for the project.
<<Especially since he wouldn't have anything else to do except throw metal at him>>: He's been known to use direct applications of his forces. But that may not work without hemoglobin, and who knows if nickle and cobalt would be more plentiful in the area.

Dezi> <<It's not something that is ruining the environment around it>>: I'm sure a good bit of sulfuric acid gets out of there.
<<Crumbs in all kinds of places, I bet>>: Some I didn't know I had.
<<AHHHHHH! *Runs screaming away!*>>: Wimp.

Niamhgold> <<upperclass folks (aka Xanatoses) are Clubs>>: Clubs have never been high rank. Perhaps upperclass diamonds (riches), fey spades (royalty), villians clubs (brute force)?
<<Monkeys>>: ...Are always funny.
<<it's the tribal-goddess thing that accounts for her nobility>>: But not high culture.
<<Is your mother a commercialism-bad nature-good person?>>: She is pretty moderate, but she mourns every time we pass construction.
<<Only if with "whipped cream and a cherry on top">>: Marachino or fresh? And you'll be wanting real whipped cream, not whipped topping, I take it.
<<The monkeys next door>>: Kinky monkeys.
<<you can only have the cookies if you... and fast from Canadian music>>: Not a problem. The music hasn't really been in my life lately, with my headphones plugeed in and not my speakers.
<<Are you better at reading/speaking it or writing it?>>: Neither, I meant very brief forays as in using aleph i for the infinities. I don't even remember how to write it.
<<I say we just mount the thing with a giant phallus and change the state motto to "New Hampshire: Live in Ecstasy or DIE">>: I'd move there.

DPH> <<Whatever happenned to the idea of Content being King and Compatibility being Queeen?>>: Microsoft. Though I'd say the rank of compatability is out of their hands.

Lain> <<its ok man, canadian music is gooood>>: I firmly believe that each and every one of you can sing better than Dylan.

Imzadi> <<Your boyfriend is such a nerd. Raph was the cool one>>: I liked Donatello.

Silvadel> <<if a test decides to move toward memorization of petty facts instead of knowledge of the topic a smart person can get munged>>: Distributed systems. At least I'm pulling a B+ before the final, and there's no way I can go down.
<<especially if they do not attend every class>>: I define my studying as going to every class.

Spacebabie> <<sliced my thumb�and it was a BUTTER knife>>: What kind of butter knives do you have. Oh, and it's harder to mess up with a sharp knife because you don't have to exert as much force.
<<Argh :::rolls eyes and rubs her temples>>: Was that about me?
<<if such a being exists it must be a man�s ultimate fantasy>>: I wouln't say so. I've seen an insect like thing made up of erogenous zones from both sexes.

Let the Midnight Special shine her light on me. By Creedance.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:56:14 PM

Gah, tired. The flood waters receded, thankfully, but my husband decided that I really needed to MAKE the beer for the party we're having at the end of the month. So he shanghis me into a brewstore last night without so much as a warning ( I would have at least looked at a book before hand) so I ad libbed my way through a batch of wheat beer. We'll see in a couple of weeks how good my instincts were. I haven't done this in over a year.

The League of Extrodinary Gentlemen is a movie I'm looking forward to. Why? The cast. Peta Wilson, Sean Connery, John Rhys Davies just off the top of my head. I heard they had a terrible shoot. It was flooding in the Chech Republic or whereever it was they went on location and the director shot a zillion extra feet of film, but still, I think it's going to be a hoot. And no, I haven't read the graphic novel on which it's based.

Cyclops > I think the problem with the guy (and it's not really his fault) is he's always portrayed as stalwart and true and people equate that with stiff and dull. He's just not as much fun as Beast or Gambit. To each his own taste.

Thursday, May 8, 2003 07:55:15 PM

BISHANSKY - Sorry to hear about your day. I hope that things pick up for you again soon.
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, May 8, 2003 07:38:29 PM

TODD> Yeah, my bad. Had a pretty lousy day so far. Grey was not in the original comic either, so I was upset about him being added, and well, sometimes when I'm upset I post before fully thinking what I type, very bad habit.

Soory, just had a lot of issues happening today. Family related, and those are always the most infuriating you know, I just needed to rant about something.

Either way, Grey shouldn't be in there ;)

Greg Bishansky
Thursday, May 8, 2003 07:11:39 PM

Josh>> <No one ever conquered the world using a beta version.> And yet beta versions almost never fail to save the world.

Cyclops and Jean resurections>> Scott and Jean are considered by many to be the core of the X-men. I think it's a little harsh to say that they never should have brought them back. I know a lot of people aren't fond of them (especially Cyclops), but for me they are what the X-men are all about. I did think the manner in which Jean was brought back to life was a bit much, but I was glad to see her return. As for Scott... let me put it this way, when you say "Marvel" I think Wolverine, when you say "X-men" I think Cyclops. I'm not the only one either, that's why he's still around.

**Warning, mild X2 Spoilers**
A note about the phoenix and cerebro. Scott mentioned early in the movie that Jean hadn't been doing well since Liberty Island. Her trouble with her powers is of course a lead in to her manifestation of the phoenix. So what happened on Liberty Island that we didn't see in the first movie? Answer: nothing. But right before they went to liberty Island Jean used Cerebro, which in the movies is a touch more powerfull than the comics or cartoon versions. What I'm thinking, is that when Jean used Cerebro it either drew attention of the Phoenix Entity or awoke the Entity that lay dormant inside her, depending on how the screen writers want to play the next movie. Although if you're not a fan of Jean Gray prepare yourselves for a dissapointing ending for the movie version of the Phoenix saga. Think of how cheezy it is to kill her off twice. I'm thinking the ending to X3 will be a little more "feel good" than X2.

that's my 2(times 10) cents.

Thursday, May 8, 2003 06:54:07 PM

BISHANSKY - Well, adding Tom Sawyer into it would definitely be Americanizing it, but I'm at a loss as to how Dorian Grey would be doing the same. After all, he originated in a story by Oscar Wilde, who was more or less British (Irish, actually, but he lived in England), which was set in London. So he wouldn't be Americanizing it at all.

(Of course, while we're at it, Captain Nemo himself wouldn't be a British product either - he was created by Jules Verne, who was a Frenchman.)

SPACEBABIE - If there's one thing that I've noticed in "X-Men" fandom, it's that people always seem to be putting down Cyclops in one way or another. Generally remarks about how hopelessly stiff and dull he is. Not to mention that much X-Men fanfic out there likes poking fun at him - so far, they seem to have visited every possible humiliation upon him short of having Jean Grey catch him wearing her clothes or Lockheed biting him where he sits down followed by Cyclops running around screaming for somebody to get that dragon off him and one of the other X-Men commenting that Cyclops screams like a little girl....

(I almost feel sorry for the guy, actually - as if he doesn't have enough to go through with having to live with the constant fear that he's going to do somebody an injury with those eye-beams that he can't shut off and a hopelessly overcomplicated family tree.....)

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, May 8, 2003 06:49:54 PM

Saw X-Men again today. Still great, even on second viewing. Looking forward to the Matrix next week.

And now to get something off my chest.

Anyone see the trailer for "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"? Doesn't it look stupid? It's a shame though, cause it's based on one of the best comic books I've ever read, and it's by Alan Moore, and he always writes a great comic. The premise being it's the close of the Victorian Age, and there's a threat to England, and several figures from Victorian England literature are brought together to stop it. The first being Mina Murray (whom, unlike the movie trailer is NOT a vampire, she was bitten by Dracula but never converted), Allan Quatermain, Captain Nemo, Hawley Griffin aka the Invisible Man, and Dr. Jekyll/Mr Hyde. Very good comic, very well developed characters, the villain of the first saga is Proffessor Moriarty. But christ, does the movie look terrible. Hell they had to Americanize it by throwing Dorian Grey and Tom Sawyer into the thing. Now, I'm as much of a Patriot as anyone, but this is an insult to the original material. A huge insult. And it doesn't help that director Stephen Norrington is a hack. And does the average American even know who Tom Sawyer and Dorian Grey are anyway? It was pointless to do that anyway

I'm still debating whether or not to see this. But to everyone else, if you see the graphic novel, pick it up. It's a great read.

Greg Bishansky
Thursday, May 8, 2003 06:19:52 PM


That is IT! I’m never buying cheap bagels again. I’m going to go for Lenders or Thomas’s Presliced bagels. Why? I Cause cutting open this one bagel when the knife slipped and sliced my thumb…and it was a BUTTER knife!!!!

Grrrr. It seems I’m having bad luck with spicey foods. I cut my thumb slicing a bagel so I could have a sandwich with turkey, pepper jack cheese and Jalapeno slices.
Last night when I was searching for the soy sauce the bottle of habanera sauce falls and breaks.

Oh I finally saw X-men on Tuesday night. It was awesome. I’m looking forward to Matrix Reloaded and The Hulk Movie

Revel called me when he got home from college last night.

Spike<<<She's also heavily into DiGiCharat, hence the kitty girl
>>>Oh that would explain it. With the purple hair in that style it looked a lot like Xellos

Gunjcack<<<What's Crispy?>>>Crispy…short for Crispin Freeman aka he who kissed Thom at the 2001 Gathering

Bud-Clair<<<You just did.>>>But I didn’t describe them.<<<Glue guns have those evil strands that wander all over…>>>Do you realize they look like spider webbing

Gside<<<Don't forget that he considers himself the internet's best movie resource, ignoring the IMDB.>>>Argh :::rolls eyes and rubs her temples<<<owner of a pretty good Alucard costume>>>And he’s hot in that costume.

Josh<<<I ripped him a new one.>>>Unless it’s full of foul language please post that letter here….or better yet on your site.<<<until she finally found it at the bottom of her pile.>>>Just be glad she doesn’t have a gun.<<<Stop touching yourself so much and that might not happen 8-) >>>It’s from dodging hornets.<<<How would he know?>>>He touches and he feels<<<I use a soldering iron, I'm sure I can handle a glue gun.>>>But the iron isn’t runny gooey.<<<Yes, and Megatron always bitch-slapped him for it.>>>and it was funny<<<Your butt has breasts? Revel must love that!>>>I’m not that type of alien chick, but if such a being exists it must be a man’s ultimate fantasy.

Talewaver<<<I like the stadium seating, the hi-def stereo sound, but I am sick of stupid people in large number.>>>Ah yes the morons who feel the movie is their onw personal MST or decided to lave on their cell phone and if you get on their case they act like you are the jerk.

Dezi<<<He got a Ninja Turtle- Leonardo. Good for him, he didn't pass out. J>>>Now where did he get it?

Greg<<<Bringing back Jean Grey was one of the worst things ever to happen in the X-Universe.>>>No the worst thing Marvel ever did was bringing back Cyclops.

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Fl, U.S.A
Thursday, May 8, 2003 04:48:24 PM

Ed: Microsoft hasn't conquered the world yet. They're just trying to conquer the world with a beta version. They will fail (I hope, because being a geek is going to suck again if they actually do conquer the world).
Thursday, May 8, 2003 03:12:25 PM

Josh: <<No one ever conquered the world using a beta version.>> Microsoft?
Ed - []
London, England
Thursday, May 8, 2003 02:16:13 PM

Actually the massively smart do not always do the best in college... Issues at hand.

1) The really smart tend to clash with a certain percentage of professors who AREN'T and resent such people

2) They tend to underestimate the work put in by everyone else -- if a test decides to move toward memorization of petty facts instead of knowledge of the topic a smart person can get munged.

3) The "really smart" tend to come up with unique also-right answers that some professors decide to not consider as alternatives -- or alternate METHODS of arriving at answers where the professor decides to not like.

4) The "really smart" tend to get bored and this has a negative impact -- especially if they do not attend every class.

5) The "really smart" tend not to fit in with their peers and this can cause significant problems which can impact on their actual performance gradewise.


Thursday, May 8, 2003 12:00:32 PM

More filming today for our final project. Turns out we won't be able to get anything done tomorrow, which isn't good. Nothing else of even remote interest to report.

Todd: <<This is almost certainly going to wind up reviving the whole "Was it a dream or a prophecy?" debate>>: No it isn't, because frankly there isn't any way that the writers or artists could have known that it wasn't going to be there.
<<she also wants them to rule the world with herself as their queen>>: Magneto wants the same thing.

DPH: <<I'm slipping in with my GPA report for my current semester. I had 2 Bs, 2Cs, and a cumulative average of 2.2>>: Rather pathetic for someone as "smart" as you, wouldn't you say?
<<Whatever happenned to the idea of Content being King and Compatibility being Queeen?>>: Never heard that idea, but my guess is that Microshaft threw it out the window.
<<you would try to establish minimum housing standards and bring things up to that code>>: Yes. Happy subjects are non-revolting subjects.
<<you're aiming for a benevolent dictatorship?>>: No, just not a stupid one.
<<What about an X-ray to make sure he doesn't have some toys inside his stomach for him to throw up?>>: No, I'll just find someone who really enjoys giving full cavity searches to make the hero's life miserable. If nothing else, it will discourage people from attacking me.
<<No other safe guards to ensure you don't get killed?>>: I didn't say that.
<<Why not just x-ray the hay?>>: Because BURNINATION RULES!
<< I have a list of people who didn't treat me right growing up. Could you start hunting those people?>>: Get over it, Klebold.
<<liquidified haberno peppers mixed in citric acid>>: OUCH!

Dezi: <<He got a Ninja Turtle- Leonardo>>: Your boyfriend is such a nerd. Raph was the cool one!
<<Crumbs in all kinds of places>>: Like sand at the beach.

Niamhgold: << I've gotten 2/3 of my grades back, and I'm (im)patiently waiting for my final two>>: I'm going to try predicting my grades now: Pass, Pass, Pass, A, B.
<<wasn't as cute as I'd hoped>>: Fart jokes are still funny, so it must have been the vomiting.
<<They probably want to introduce the Pheonix thing without "confusing" the non-reader audiences>>: I think even the average American could follow "its not really her".
<<commercialism-bad nature-good person?>>: Hippy?
<<with "whipped cream and a cherry on top">>: Kinky.
<<Are you better at reading/speaking it or writing it?>>: That's not what he means.
<<the rest of the world isn't listening>>: Stupid flash users.
<<who cares because you scored Apple anyways>>: If I didn't get in anywhere else, it would have been a huge problem. And Apple would have turned me down for an internship.
<<Didn't you hear? I found a *penny*>>: No, sorry. Wasn't paying attention.
<<My mom tried to get me to dump my box of comics for "space reasons" and she got verbally bitch-slapped>>: Good for you. You'll be much more understanding of your men.
<< I always pull that stuff with my profs>>: I'm sure they appreciate it.
<<makes her a rock-hard body of kick-ass woman>>: Which she already has.
<<Or Pluto, if he wants to live under my rule>>: And be cold.
<<Anything notably cool about it?>>: It was a full calendar app! In Java/Matlab!
<<So, uh, which restaurant was this...?>>: Subtle.

Fire Storm: <<there really are heros>>: its batman!

Greg X: <<It sucked when it happened in the comic, and it still sucks now>>: Subtle, but true.

Lain: <<the best was when a bunch of JEWISH ISRAELIS were branded with that label, because they didnt agree with their government>>: And that's what makes judaism such a great religion. The orthodox tell every other sect that they aren't jewish just because they don't live up to their standard of worship. It is the most exclusive religion I've ever heard of.
<<when you get deported for being an "anti american terrorist sympathizer".. you can come to my house>>: You only get deported for that? I thought they send you to Guantanamo Bay.
<<soooomebodys been watching a little too much X2>>: Batman.
<<you know, the kind of yawn that involves the lower jaw unhinging and a black maw of razor sharp teeth sticking out? yikes! oh riiiiiight, then she licks her nose and looks at me with an innocent "whaaaat?" look on her face... like im buying THAT>>: I love it when they do that! Cats rule.

Bud-Clare: <<Glue guns have those evil strands that wander all over>>: They dry quickly.
<<I think that certain guys might qualify>>: Unlikely. We've only got 2 arms.
<<When they're paying attention and actually _notice_ that someone is hinting at a date>>: Guys are pretty obvious about when they want to sleep with a girl.

190. If my mad scientist/wizard tells me he has almost perfected my Superweapon but it still needs more testing, I will wait for him to complete the tests. No one ever conquered the world using a beta version.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Thursday, May 8, 2003 05:32:34 AM

GREG BISHANSKY< It sucked when it happened in the comic, and it still sucks now. Chris Claremont never intended for that to happen, the plan was to kill Jean and leave her *dead*, then the Marvel higher-ups got one of their dumb ideas. Bringing back Jean Grey was one of the worst things ever to happen in the X-Universe. >

Actually it was the marvel higher ups who ordered Jean to be killed. Claremont and Byrne originally just wanted her powers removed, but the editor at the time insisted upon her death for the death of a whole planetful of innocents.

The Question
Thursday, May 8, 2003 05:31:34 AM

Gside> <<Or the creators weren't paying much attention when they had romanizations of his name.>>
Or both.
Josh> <<I use a soldering iron, I'm sure I can handle a glue gun.>>
Glue guns have those evil strands that wander all over...

<<Didn't know you'd been with a tentacle demon.>>
I think that certain guys might qualify...

<<No, female geeks get snatched up pretty quickly.>>
When they're paying attention and actually _notice_ that someone is hinting at a date... ;)

Bud-Clare - []
Thursday, May 8, 2003 02:22:37 AM

Ok first of all, here's a funny kinda link. I swear Jesse Jackson talks out of his butt on a regular basis. This man needs a better hobby. I say we all pitch in and organize a fund that will keep him well locked up in a little room with a supply of model cars to be put together. A much safer hobby. Click my name to read it. I know it is an opinion article, but I also know that the facts that the writer based his opinion on must be for real, otherwise the Star will have its @ss nailed to the wall for libel. (Yes you can libel someone in an opinion piece.) Also, btw, I despise NASCAR. It seems to me to be a stupid waste of time. But that rant will save for another day, I'm tired.

DPH: <Thinks for a second* Do you remember that funeral that turned into a political rally? I hardly call what Bush did a political rally. Delivering a speech to the troops is about morale building. > You mean that senator in like Minnesota that died? That was different (and a stupid move on the part of the Dems anyway). No one was using that man's name as a flag to hide behind. What Ari said had nothing to do with morale building, it had all to do with a Us v. Them mentality. If you're not with Us, you're OBVIOUSLY with Them, no contest. And it really ticks me off.

Lain: Exactly. <when you get deported for being an "anti american terrorist sympathizer".. you can come to my house :) > O Canada! :)

GWB is supposed to come to Indy soon 'cause one of his cronies is leaving his post to come be the governor here (or some such similar bull). If I don't respond for a while, then they locked me up while the moron was in town. Seems I'm a security risk. Mostly harmless, in my opinion. ;)

Dezi - [Clickie for NASCAR!!! (blah)]
Thursday, May 8, 2003 01:11:07 AM

speaking of diabeties.. while i have no experience in the medical side of stuff, the "birthplace of insulin" is.. well.. right across the road from me. its got one of those little eternal flame thingies and a memorial to banting and best and everything.

that said.. go get better stephen!

gunjack>> <Witch Hunter Robyn costume> thats robIN, you nit-face. i realize the name contains both "hunter" and "robin" but.. come ON.. :P (his head is too filled with little dancing shotguns, i tell you..)

niam>> <<methinks you've confused me with Spacebabie...? ;) Happens a lot, actually ;)>> prolly sommat to do with text colour.

josh>> <<You're turning him into a brit?! You bastard!>> as i said.. "mwa ha ha" ;)

dezi>> <<Ok this is what gets me: Ari Fleisher, in a statement from the White House, said that Byrd's remarks were discouraging and a slam against the troops>> (ok, someones gonna slam me for this but..) kinda like how if anyone says anything about how the state of israel is acting.. theyre suddenly anti-semetic. the best was when a bunch of JEWISH ISRAELIS were branded with that label, because they didnt agree with their government. so.. yeah. <<I am a firm believer in the ability to, at the same time, be against the president's decisions and policies but not against the poor troops that he can order around at his will>> when you get deported for being an "anti american terrorist sympathizer".. you can come to my house :)

gside>> its ok man, canadian music is gooood ]:D

firestorm>> <<there really are heros in the world!>> mmmmm soooomebodys been watching a little too much X2, methinks..

dph>> <<Delivering a speech to the troops is about morale building>> uh.. yeah but im not sure that was what she was talking about...

now its time for sewing! i got all my dress pieces cut out, now i just get to sew them! im thinking i might need a crinaline (sp?) under the skirt.. which would be scary.. yet also very cool :D my cat just yawned at me.. you know, the kind of yawn that involves the lower jaw unhinging and a black maw of razor sharp teeth sticking out? yikes! oh riiiiiight, then she licks her nose and looks at me with an innocent "whaaaat?" look on her face... like im buying THAT!

lain - [<< mmmm.. robin..]
Thursday, May 8, 2003 12:11:24 AM

STEPHEN> I don't think Bryan Singer would be stupid enough to pull tha whole "Phoenix being a clone of Jean with the real Jean secretly in stasis" cheap trick. It sucked when it happened in the comic, and it still sucks now. Chris Claremont never intended for that to happen, the plan was to kill Jean and leave her *dead*, then the Marvel higher-ups got one of their dumb ideas. Bringing back Jean Grey was one of the worst things ever to happen in the X-Universe.

Now, I wouldn't mind seeing Madelyne Pryor at all.

Greg Bishansky
Wednesday, May 7, 2003 11:33:09 PM

Dezi - <Sen. Byrd was speaking in front of Congress about how Bush's little airplane stunt to call victory on Iraq was just that: a stunt. He argued that it should have been 'marked with solemnity and not showmanship' not exactly a direct quote but along those lines). Ok this is what gets me: Ari Fleisher, in a statement from the White House, said that Byrd's remarks were discouraging and a slam against the troops.> *Thinks for a second* Do you remember that funeral that turned into a political rally? I hardly call what Bush did a political rally. Delivering a speech to the troops is about morale building.

Imzadi - <Finally presented my programming project today.> Congrats. <Because when people code in pure HTML, then they
don't send out bastardized code that breaks browsers and say "well, you should be using IE 6 for windows!"> Whatever happenned to the idea of Content being King and Compatibility being Queeen?

Imzadi - <188. I will funnel some of my ill-gotten gains into urban renewal projects. Although slums add a quaint and picturesque quality to any city, they too often contain unexpected allies for heroes.> Hmm. So you would try to establish minimum housing standards and bring things up to that code. <187. I will not hold lavish banquets in the middle of a famine. The good PR among the guests doesn't make up for the bad PR among the masses.> So you're aiming for a benevolent dictatorship? <185. If I capture an enemy known for escaping via ingenious and fantastic little gadgets, I will order a full cavity search and
confiscate all personal items before throwing him in my dungeon.> What about an X-ray to make sure he doesn't have some toys inside his stomach for him to throw up? <Bastard. > :p <183. Before using any device which transfers energy directly into my body, I will install a surge suppressor.> No other safe guards to ensure you don't get killed? <181. I will decree that all hay be shipped in tightly-packed bales. Any wagonload of loose hay attempting to pass through a
checkpoint will be set on fire.> Why not just x-ray the hay?

Gunjack - <I feel the need to hunt men.> Hmm. I have a list of people who didn't treat me right growing up. Could you start hunting those people? <Cayenne pepper is fairly benign.> I agree. Let me use liquidified haberno peppers mixed in citric acid instead.

GXB - <Though I think it would have taken a lot of balls to have made him a Reverend in the movie also, they still did a great job.> I wouldn't have objected, because it's nice to remind people of the dangers of letting religious leaders get political power and not holding them responsible for their speech.

Gunjack - <Consequently, I am now making a sawed-off mossberg 500 12-gauge, pump-action shotgun out of common household items and scraps I found in a dumpster.> Hmm. When you get through, could you draw up the specs for an apple shooter and send them to me?

Wednesday, May 7, 2003 10:24:28 PM

Here is proof that there really are heros in the world!
Fire Storm - [<--- Who says there are no heros?]
Wednesday, May 7, 2003 07:53:01 PM

** Niamhgold enters **

Hmmm, monkeys. Yes, that means I'm in a good mood. I've gotten 2/3 of my grades back, and I'm (im)patiently waiting for my final two. All A's so far (an A- in my 3D max course; I guess my little "farting-sneezing-vomitting-gumchewing bubblegum machine" wasn't as cute as I'd hoped ;)) Otherwise, I'm taking care of little things while I'm home and already starting to twiddle my thumbs. However, this month off may give me the time I need to make an illustration series for the Gathering. And, possibly, a costume.

Random Question^TM: If the gargoyles characters were used as face images for a deck of playing cards, and, assuming that the good guy are Hearts, the villains are Spades, Oberon's ilk are Diamonds, and the upperclass folks (aka Xanatoses) are Clubs, who would rank where? For example, I feel that Goliath would be King of Hearts, Demona Queen of Spades, Xanatos King of Clubs, Oberon King of Diamonds, etc.



Stephen: <I have this hunch that the Jean Grey we've been seeing since the first movie ISN'T the real Jean Grey, I think that she's the Phoenix-doppleganger, and the real Jean Grey is doing the stasis-sleep thing somewhere...> Interesting, though I don't know if the movie will go too far off in that direction as the comics. They probably want to introduce the Pheonix thing without "confusing" the non-reader audiences. <Hoping my sight can be restored, since because of it, I recently lost my driver's licence> Here's hoping for you, too. Everything Kathy suggest you do I support, and is completely necessary. Best of luck! ::hugs::

Todd: <But the X-Men suffer from the infamous problem of nearly all of humanity being anti-mutant and staying that way no matter how often the X-Men save the world.> Actually, I don't see there being much difference between the level of gargoyle supporters in the gargoyle universe than the mutant supporters in the X-men universe. The president, after all, was changed a bit in the end of X2. And it's not that there aren't many other supporters of the Xmen; just that the movie (and sometimes, even, the books) don't give any time to showing mortals in-depth.

Silvadel: <Looks very much like "The Beast" will be around next movie> Amen!

Gside: <She was a pickpocket and a tribal goddess, niether of which tend to get you closer to high culture> Pickpocket aside, it's the tribal-goddess thing that accounts for her nobility. <Please tell that to my mother> After I convince my father ;) Is your mother a commercialism-bad nature-good person? <You've got a good number of mountains for the hikers> Bah, mountains. We've got moose. <Someone could always come across the body if you're careless> Lucky for me, I'm not careless... ;) <May I please?> Only if with "whipped cream and a cherry on top" ;) <Who performed the summoning?> The monkeys next door. <But I like Canadian music.> Okay, you can only have the cookies if you do the whipped cream, cherry on top, and fast from Canadian music ;) <I've made brief forays into Hebrew> Are you better at reading/speaking it or writing it?

Imzadi: <You are not permitted to do a website in anything other than HTML> Sorry, the rest of the world isn't listening ;) <Zero. The Complete Gargoyles Saga is just a set of written stories that aren't owned by Disney.> *L* <Nice theory, but she was looking at the water most of the time> Maybe she needed the mental juxtaposition, such as "I'm standing between points A and B" (notice she would glance from the jet to the water at different times). <Lucky. I only get a week> I wish I only had this week, instead of the next four. I'm already bored ;) <Don't you die on me!> Not yet. Not until I rule Pluto! <Blow them up> Waiting for the winter... <if it makes you feel any better, Stanford turned me down and USC put me on their waitlist> It doesn't much; though I'm sorry Stanford decided to be idiots, and who cares because you scored Apple anyways ;) <You'll find something> A penny. On the sidewalk. Or a cardboard box with an internet connection. <If you're lucky> But I am! Didn't you hear? I found a *penny*. On the *sidewalk*! ;P <That sounds painful> Why I swore off of kids when I was still a kid ;) <He can't remember more than one line at a time> I think it's that he remembers them all at once, gets excited, and forgets which one he's *supposed* to say. <No, female geeks get snatched up pretty quickly> Dammit. <No, because then all men want to kill you> Eh, nothing new. <I keep waiting for one of the other characters in XE to just smack her> Yes, but that's XE. Tabitha in the comics was cool. <That's when I'd say bye to my girlfriend> My mom tried to get me to dump my box of comics for "space reasons" and she got verbally bitch-slapped ;) <my prof agreed to let me take the final a day early> Good job! I always pull that stuff with my profs ;) <she can't move when she's stuff full of solid adamantium> But if her body regenerates in such a way that it absorbs the adamantine and makes her a rock-hard body of kick-ass woman, then it's possible. <until she finally found it at the bottom of her pile> Phew! Flaky woman! <I can't figure out how to make an audio clip to apply a filter to> It's time for After Effects/Premiere ;) <You'll want to move. To mars.> Or Pluto, if he wants to live under my rule ;) <Fortunately, I proved that 90% of selling is presentation> Amen. <one girl made a full calendar app> Anything notably cool about it?

Dezi: <And now the governor wants to put it back?> I say we just mount the thing with a giant phallus and change the state motto to "New Hampshire: Live in Ecstasy or DIE" ;) <This will make for fun TV> It'll make for the only TV... <He got a Ninja Turtle- Leonardo> Oh SWEET. Where? ;)

Taleweaver: <Anyone catch the Animatrix videos on the web?> Oh they so ROCK. I can't wait until I make enough to buy all of them on DVD :) I'm so bummed that the only way to catch the "Osiris" cartoon was to have gone seen (crappy) Dreamcatcher.

Gabriel: <but I got sick today from my favorite restaurant> Ooh, hope your feeling better! Food-poisoning is so not good. So, uh, which restaurant was this...? ;)

Mec: <But as long as we're throwing aroung crossovers, how about the D.C. universe. Pit Lex Luthar against David Xanatos and see what happens> Ooh, ooh, and a team-up with Bruce Wayne AND Superman AND the Gargoyles. OOOOOOOH :)


Wednesday, May 7, 2003 05:30:41 PM

Grrr. Ok this is what I just saw on the news. Sen. Byrd was speaking in front of Congress about how Bush's little airplane stunt to call victory on Iraq was just that: a stunt. He argued that it should have been 'marked with solemnity and not showmanship' (not exactly a direct quote but along those lines). Ok this is what gets me: Ari Fleisher, in a statement from the White House, said that Byrd's remarks were discouraging and a slam against the troops. (!) Someone please tell me how a senator pointing out a president showing off is a statement against the troops. I'm getting sick and tired of the president and his lackies hiding behind blind patriotism and unwavering support for the troops as their excuse for everything. 'You don't like what I just said- YOU don't support the troops fighting in Iraq. How dare you argue against ME, while they are fighting for your freedom in a country that couldn't attack us if they wanted to.' Puh.
I'm going to declare right now that I am a firm believer in the ability to, at the same time, be against the president's decisions and policies but not against the poor troops that he can order around at his will. It's not their fault that their boss is a moron. It's shady and cowardly to hide behind them as a reason to accept their policies and decisions. Grrrrr.

Other than that- my boyfriend got his first tattoo yesterday. Dunno why, he just decided to. He got a Ninja Turtle- Leonardo. Good for him, he didn't pass out. :)

I'm also moving in a couple of days, the equivalent of a basketball court away to a bigger apartment. WEEEEEE!


Good luck rain-wise, Kathy.
Get better Stephen.

Gunjack:< What *WHAT* was in the water!? Something is in water? Something lethal!? Gah! *curls up into ball and shudders* > Sarcasm? It was the phoenix fire.

Gside:<Have you ever smelled Yellowstone?> At least it's supposed to smell like that. It's not something that is ruining the environment around it. Something artificial that we have introduced just because we want to.
<Yipee. I'm just rolling in the cookies now> Crumbs in all kinds of places, I bet.
<Oh, and what about hex, and outher large bases?> AHHHHHH! *Runs screaming away!*

Niamhgold: <That's what people say about NH. But then a natural landslide takes out our state icon> What I found kinda funny about that was that on the news they said it had been basically glued up there for years lately. And now the governor wants to put it back? This will make for fun TV.

Todd:<Demona never seems able to gain or keep followers for long.> But is that what she's really aiming for? I never got the impression she was recruiting, more like just gonna destroy the humans no matter who helped.

*Gack Gack* Ew I just breathed in the soap powder from the dishwasher. Ugh, now my lungs feel weird. :(


Wednesday, May 7, 2003 03:56:36 PM

Patrick >. Oh yeah, the ducks and the geese are having a grand old time. We got an inch plus over night. The Tennessee River is on flood watch and the weather service is issuing flood warnings. And yet with water, water everywhere this morning we ran out because the power went out last night and no electricity means no well pump. Guess what I bought when I went to town today (and no, it wasn't a generator. That's coming later)

Taleweaver > I took the beekeeping class when I went to Cal Poly. We made "jungle honey" so named because it's an amalgam of all of the citrus, avacados and wildflowers indigenous to the campus. Fun class. This is actually my second venture into beekeeping. I had hives when we farmed in Oregon.

::Looks at the creek and wonders which hatches to batten::


Wednesday, May 7, 2003 03:27:24 PM

Yea, I'm slipping in with my GPA report for my current semester. I had 2 Bs, 2Cs, and a cumulative average of 2.2. (yea, that means I'm deliberately omitting some details.)

Wednesday, May 7, 2003 02:55:01 PM

PATRICK - That is an interesting bit (and a little spooky) about the Twin Towers not existing in "Future Tense". (This is almost certainly going to wind up reviving the whole "Was it a dream or a prophecy?" debate). I recall that one of the bits in "Future Tense" that most grabbed my attention (I first noticed it when I saw a screening of it at the Gathering 2001) was that Lexington had an outline around his right eye shaped like Fox's eye-tattoo.

Magneto actually could very well be aware of Oberon's vulnerability to iron, since that's part of traditional faerie-lore; any good book on faerie legends contains that information. (You'd think that Oberon would have done a better job of keeping that weakness of his race out of the reference-books; I doubt that Superman in the DC Universe goes around letting everyone know what kryptonite can do to him.)

Actually, I can think of another reason why Demona would want to wipe out the humans besides the racial war and revenge. She doesn't just want gargoyles to survive; she also wants them to rule the world with herself as their queen, to become the dominant species on the planet. But humans would get in the way of that because humans are able to act in the daytime when gargoyles are in stone sleep. The gargoyles would never be able to lord it over humans because the humans could simply smash them in their stone sleep. (There is one way that Demona could get around this, which would be to brainwash a group of the humans into serving the gargoyles without question and guarding their stone forms during the daytime - possibly even turning it into a special order - a bit like the Janissaries in the Ottoman Empire.)

It's worth also remembering that much of Demona's hatred for humanity stems from the fact that she needs somebody other than herself to blame the Wyvern massacre on. (Despite her talk about how it proves that humans and gargoyles can't live together in peace, the betrayal that led to the massacre was actually carried out on *behalf* of her clan - and the slaughter carried out not by the humans living in Castle Wyvern, but by outside invaders who had other reasons besides "racial prejudice" to kill the gargoyles.)

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, May 7, 2003 07:32:01 AM

Finally presented my programming project today. I felt kind of foolish, as the people who presented before me made really impressive applications (one girl made a full calendar app), and all I had was a crappy menu-driven app. Fortunately, I proved that 90% of selling is presentation, and using Keynote's open-GL slide transitions, I was able to wow everyone with my presentation rather than my project.

Fortunately, the project worked as expected and I didn't have to answer any hard questions (like, say, why it sucked).

Lain: << soon, youll be drinking tea with your pinky out and all>>: You're turning him into a brit?! You bastard!

Silverbolt: <<have to say it was... interesting>>: If by interesting you mean BAD.

Patrick: <<settlement with Toyota, a certain city in New Jersey, and an island off the coast of California>>: I don't think copyright holds over locations.
<<the WTC towers are missing from the skyline of Puck's illusion future world>>: Of course they are. Xanatos wouldn't allow such a symbol of capitalism to stand if he didn't control it.

Taleweaver: <<I am sick of stupid people in large number>>: You'll want to move. To mars.

Gside: <<just a freak>>: Nope.
<<What do I care what editor he uses as long as HTML comes out?>>: Because when people code in pure HTML, then they don't send out bastardized code that breaks browsers and say "well, you should be using IE 6 for windows!"

Mecord: <<the things we do in the name of love>>: Stupid things.
<<it is likely that he could get lucky just by throwing a lot of metal at him>>: Especially since he wouldn't have anything else to do except throw metal at him.
<<One thing that may play a deciding factor is that Xanatos tends to involve himself personally in his plans while Luthor sits in the back ground most of the time>>: But we're not sure if that's a weakness or not.

189. I will never tell the hero "Yes I was the one who did it, but you'll never be able to prove it to that incompetent old fool." Chances are, that incompetent old fool is standing behind the curtain.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Wednesday, May 7, 2003 03:42:05 AM

My wife is taking a photoshop class and her computer monitor has suddenly decided it wants to be tinted blue, at least I think it's blue. So I've traded her monitors for the time being. The annoying thing is that anything red now shows up black. In order to read any post that's red I have to highlight it. and all my games are nearly impossible to play. *sigh* the things we do in the name of love.

Todd>> <Of course Magneto does have the advantage over Demona in that humanity seems much more anti-mutant than anti-gargoyle> However, keep in mind that when Demona started out in the dark ages, all of humanity was anti-gargoyle. So much so that the entire globe suddenly seemed to decide to commit xenocide. And in all but a few rare cases, they succeeded. In Magneto's case he wants to prevent a similar event, but while he has attempted on several occasions to wipe out normal humans entirely, he will settle for ruling over them. Think how that would change if he lived to see the neer extinction of muntants and was hunted for a thousand years.

Magneto vs. Oberon>> Magneto could only use iron against Oberon if he knew about it. Of course it is likely that he could get lucky just by throwing a lot of metal at him. For the most part Oberon would have the advantage. However, knowing Oberon's tendancy to use elemental forces, if you threw in Storm and say Avalanch into the fight on the side of Magneto... That would be a battle that would rattle the Heavens and Earth. Literally.

But as long as we're throwing aroung crossovers, how about the D.C. universe. Pit Lex Luthar against David Xanatos and see what happens. Both have the resources of multi-billion dollar companies. Both are freakin' geniuses. And both are skilled at the art of manipulating the good guy's into doing their dirty work for them. One thing that may play a deciding factor is that Xanatos tends to involve himself personally in his plans while Luthor sits in the back ground most of the time.

Anyway, enough out of me.

Wednesday, May 7, 2003 12:59:15 AM

Imzadi> <<And we're all disgusted>>: I live to please.
<<Traitor>>: No, just a freak.
<<You are not permitted to do a website in anything other than HTML>>: What do I care what editor he uses as long as HTML comes out? And apparently, they didn't turn on java calls in php on the server I'm using, so I may have to redo all the coding.

Patrick> <<the WTC towers are missing from the skyline of Puck's illusion future world>>: I wouldn't say there are any famous buildings visible, but there is a square building with an antenna under a leg of the Eyrie.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Wednesday, May 7, 2003 12:10:17 AM

Good news, I got my iguana today! I named him Plato cuz it sounded like a cute name. Not only that, but I got sick today from my favorite restaurant :/

Stephen> Please don't blow diabetes off like my family has done. My cousin's do't takeit seriously, and they don't learn from my dad (whose was hospitalized due to his lack of attention to it).Only my mom tooke it seriously and was able to lower her blood sugar levels in time befoere it became too serious.
Tuesday, May 6, 2003 11:00:21 PM

Hello all,

Stephen> Let me reiterate what Kathy said. Diabetes isn't something you want to wait around on.

Kathy> Joining the apiologists, eh? Well good luck on it. The bee stings only hurt the first dozen or so times, then it's like nothing. Cal Poly is still an Ag school. Though the engineers would say otherwise, but we have a class on beekeeping in the spring. It's quite cool.

X-men 2> I haven't seen it yet. Waiting for the crowds to die down. I like the stadium seating, the hi-def stereo sound, but I am sick of stupid people in large number.

Anyone catch the Animatrix videos on the web?

Taleweaver - []
Tuesday, May 6, 2003 10:36:11 PM

Stephen > Get thee to a doctor. Every day you delay is only going to make your problems that much worse.

kathy > I suppose to a duck or a fish, that kind of weather could be fun.

Todd > Don't worry... Oberon's crack team of attorneys will be getting after Magneto just as soon as they hash out the settlement with Toyota, a certain city in New Jersey, and an island off the coast of California. :P

So I was re-watching the episode "Future Tense" on Toon Disney over the weekend, and I noticed something that was kinda freaky. Right at the beginning, when the camera pans from the Statue of Liberty to Manhattan Island, the WTC towers are missing from the skyline of Puck's illusion future world.

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 10:23:34 PM

Stephen > Go get your blood sugar checked!!!! If you can't get into your doctor right away then open the phone book and find a screening clinic, bloodbank, blood drive, or other testing opportunity. Sustained high blood sugar can kill you. Slowly. And not pleasantly. If you've been border line in the past then you need to take for granted that your blood sugar is elevated. Get on a diabetic diet. Lose ALL refined CARBS. START EXERCISING AND DROP THE EXCESS WEIGHT. LOW CARB (even the unrefined kind, watch fruit, no milk that isn't curdled, (that's buttermilk or yogurt) PROTEINS, LOTS OF VEGGIES (but no potatoes, corn or high glycymic ones) - You might want to look at the Atkins diet or something similar for guidlines.

Best of Luck.

We've had big fun the last few days. Got our first colony of bees established. Had over 4 inches of rain in the last 24 hours with more expected. Creek flooded. Power went out. Okay, so maybe you have to be here to see why it qualifies as fun.

XMEN > Sounds like I may have to drag myself into town to see this one.

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 06:37:25 PM

Just finished watching the UK premiere of Birds of Prey... have to say it was... interesting. The beginning with the flash back was good, but could have been longer and it was ashame Mark Hammil didn't have as big a role as I hoped. Huntress seems to have a need for a secret identity, but ok personally I would wear a MASK! Even that creepy guy at the end knew it was her.
But ewww blood, yuck, yuck, yuck that was nasty. Still I'm thinking Harleen was Harley Quin yes?
Well that's it for now *goes off to bed*

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 05:34:16 PM

TODD : <<Besides, given that iron is affected by magnetism, Oberon might not want to pick a fight with Magneto....>>

Funny you should mention that... <looks over at a crossover in the maiking>...

Stephen R. Sobotka Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Tuesday, May 6, 2003 04:19:09 PM

gunjack>> <<His mum would kill me>> said "mum". MWA HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! soon, youll be drinking tea with your pinky out and all.. hehe ] ; )
Tuesday, May 6, 2003 12:53:27 PM

And then at the very end when Magneto came in he could grab the list thus preventing it from getting into strykers hands but giving him a very valuable piece of information.
Tuesday, May 6, 2003 12:33:54 PM

Yep, the storyline would have been better in X2 if the whole thing were not about him killing all of the mutants from cerebro but having it hooked up to a computer and having him IDENTIFY all of the mutants... I mean it isnt NECESSARY anyway to kill them all in that way -- if Stryker had a full list of every mutant in the world with their real name and address he could take them all into custody with his hold on the president to later use them as slaves which is more in his character anyway.
Tuesday, May 6, 2003 12:32:49 PM

Gunjack: I've provided a link to my friend Tom's webpage (he's piggy-backing on my friend Jay's space, who is additionally an avid character-designer). Some of it borders on the anti-war stuff, but, whatever ;)


Tuesday, May 6, 2003 11:43:02 AM

BISHANSKY - Yes, I've heard of Magneto's Avalon myself. I wonder what Oberon would have to say about the use of the name. Although I doubt that he'd be that likely to seriously object; there's a part of Newfoundland called Avalon, and he hasn't protested about that. (Besides, given that iron is affected by magnetism, Oberon might not want to pick a fight with Magneto....)
Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, May 6, 2003 09:18:25 AM

I HATE Final Cut! That is the most unintuitive program I've ever seen. Even with the book sitting right next to me, I can't figure out how to make an audio clip to apply a filter to. We couldn't even get it to read from the camera for more than a minute, so we had to import the DV into iMovie first.

So frustrating...

Other major events of the day:

1) Got my state tax return. And it was big. 2 weeks of summer pay back in my pocket.

2) I got a really nasty email from Griffin Technologies (made that damned iTrip). Their support rep took a really condescending tone and basically said "ten year olds could figure out how to use this, why couldn't you get it working", and repeatedly said that instructions "did not have to be technically correct. Technically correct is for academia." I ripped him a new one.

3) Landlady called to tell me that she didn't get my rent check, and I started freaking about about having to call the bank and deal with them...until she finally found it at the bottom of her pile.

4) I made a huge mistake a few weeks ago and discovered today that my final is on the 16th, not the 15th. After going nuts worrying about re-booking my flight, etc, my prof agreed to let me take the final a day early.

After that thoroughly nerve-wracking day, I thought I'd type this up and sleep for a long time.

Fire Storm: <<Is it absolutely CERTAIN that Lady Deathstrike has met final death?>>: Even if she hasn't, she's pretty much stuck there. Assuming she is somehow alive, she can't move when she's stuff full of solid adamantium. I'd say we've seen the last of her.

Spacebabie: <<It's hot outside>>: So jealous.
<<Stuff is coming along well>>: Again, so jealous.
<<I also pulled a muscle again>>: Stop touching yourself so much and that might not happen 8-)
<<How the hell is the TGS CR a movie site?>>: We post movie reviews.
<<You just like to be touchy feely>>: How would he know?
<<I hope it would rain to cool things down a bit>>: I would gladly trade weather.
<<Lets see you use one Mac Boy>>: I use a soldering iron, I'm sure I can handle a glue gun.
<<I EAT it>>: Ah, brownies.
<<75 Megs of Disk Space for 9.50 a month. I only also had to pay ten smackers for the start up fee>>: I get 250 MB for 10/month. I think I paid 50 for the startup fee. But what about your bandwidth cap?
<<He always seemed to be guiding Gunboy into making the decisions he wanted while trying usurp the leadership from him>>: Yes, and Megatron always bitch-slapped him for it.
<<I?m not going to mention my breasts of butt>>: Your butt has breasts? Revel must love that!

Niamhgold: <<back home for a month to recharge before the summer in Baltimore>>: Lucky. I only get a week.
<<almost feel asleep about eight times>>: Don't you die on me!
<<Tried to mail out>>: Those post offices suck. Blow them up.
<<I'm hoping my grades come back soon>>: Already?!
<<my mother had the pleasure of being home when I received rejections from all of the westcoast internships I applied for>>: if it makes you feel any better, Stanford turned me down and USC put me on their waitlist.
<<it's hard to imagine what next summer's going to be like>>: You'll find something.
<<s anyone looking for a roommate at The Gathering for either Friday or Saturday night (or both)?>>: If you're lucky.
<<with wooden blocks instead of playdoh cans>>: That sounds painful.
<<nothing I haven't>>: Didn't know you'd been with a tentacle demon.
<<banana thermite sundae!>>: Tasty!
<<It's that she's just more refined than most people>>: I don't think that's it.
<<I remember there being at least eight takes for every line when he and I filmed that intern movie>>: He can't remember more than one line at a time. Totally frustrating.
<<odds for female geeks are worse>>: No, female geeks get snatched up pretty quickly.
<<some guys go for the oreos>>: I usually just go to sleep. Avoids all that "talking".
<<beautiful women that you can't trust are the only women to be>>: No, because then all men want to kill you.
<<my girlfriend's making me sell all my old junk>>: That's when I'd say bye to my girlfriend. And that's probably why I'm single.
<<just waiting for a Tabitha appearance>>: Boom Boom? I can't stand her. I keep waiting for one of the other characters in XE to just smack her.

Stephen: <<to do so, she had to be able to focus on the jet, sight-on>>: Nice theory, but she was looking at the water most of the time.

Todd: <<I wonder if Magneto sees himself as an Arthur-figure>>: Very interesting.
<<Demona just can't seem to keep any gargoyles in her following. At least Magneto doesn't seem to have the same problem>>: I was thinking about this, and the following occurred to me: Demona is always leading her followers into battle against humans, where they inevitably get killed by superior numbers. Magneto rarely goes into full-out conflict with humans. They only fight the Xmen directly, and the Xmen are the good guys so the brotherhood always lives, even if they do get captured. Easier to join a side when the stakes aren't as high.

Gunjack: <<Yer, um, welcome>>: And we're all disgusted.

Silvadel: << I do not remember ever seeing him have the ability to kill all the non-mutants through cerebro>>: I don't either, and I thought it was a bit of a stretch.

Gregg: <<I wonder what the chance might be to get The Complete Gargoyles Saga to DVD?>>: Zero. The Complete Gargoyles Saga is just a set of written stories that aren't owned by Disney.

Gside: <<you're missing much insanity.>>: Which is why I don't waste my time.
<<I like Canadian music>>: Traitor.
<<He picked up a cracked Dreamweaver>>: You are not permitted to do a website in anything other than HTML.

And with that, I'm out.

188. I will funnel some of my ill-gotten gains into urban renewal projects. Although slums add a quaint and picturesque quality to any city, they too often contain unexpected allies for heroes.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Tuesday, May 6, 2003 02:35:24 AM

Imzadi> <<Nope, can't stand it>>: Shame, you're missing much insanity.
<<Let me know when you've run through at least 3 alphabets>>: I've made brief forays into Hebrew, besides my good chunk of Greek.
<<Kill that too>>: But I like Canadian music.
<<That's no excuse. Engineers can program too, I've seen them do it>>: Yeah, but these aren't the cream of the crop.

Spacebabie> <<There are SO many things wronge with that letter>>: Don't forget that he considers himself the internet's best movie resource, ignoring the IMDB.
<<You just like to be touchy feely>>: Yes. Yes I do.

Niamhgold> <<What language/program are you guys using to do that?>>: He picked up a cracked Dreamweaver, I'll probably be using php to do the Java calls.
<<And nothing I haven't>>: Who performed the summoning?
<<::thunks with playdoh can::>>: And even more action.
<<Yes, but not my cookies>>: May I please?
<<If you kill someone here in the beginnings of winter, you won't even have a chance of being found out until the spring>>: Someone could always come across the body if you're careless.
<<the state now has _nothing_ to show for itself>>: You've got a good number of mountains for the hikers.
<<Nature needs to learn to co-exist>>: Please tell that to my mother.
<<she's just more refined than most people>>: She was a pickpocket and a tribal goddess, niether of which tend to get you closer to high culture.

Gunjack> <<white phosphorous burns on contact with oxygen>>: There you go. I don't have much experience with white phosphorous.
<<And wouldn't the WP burn hot enough to ignite the Thermite?>>: Does it burn with a heat comparable to magnesium?
<<Yer, um, welcome. Heh>>: That'll teach you to think before you act.
<<I was workin' on it>>: You gave up? But how will you get fro powers?
<<I thought we had our OWN title... "G-men" or sommat>>: Not to my recollection, but we can always pick up the label now.
<<What's Crispy?>>: Crispin Freeman, voice actor of many dubs, owner of a pretty good Alucard costume, and American Alucard voice. That, or an adjective similar to brittle.

Bud Clare> <<They're on drugs>>: Or the creators weren't paying much attention when they had romanizations of his name.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Tuesday, May 6, 2003 01:29:52 AM

Gside> <<I've had one sub insist specifically that he wasn't Alucard.>>
They're on drugs.
Gunjack> <<His mum would kill me>>
With good reason. Don't worry me like that again. :P

<<I am rather suprised that YOU'VE seen it, though.>>
Josh> <<I thought she was very old in the cartoon.>>
Middle aged, I think.
Spacebabie> <<I’m not going to mention my breasts of butt.>>
You just did.
Niamhgold> <<If you kill someone here in the beginnings of winter, you won't even have a chance of being found out until the spring...>>
*L* Good to know.
Stephen> <<I'm hoping to see a doctor soon to find out just what can be done.>>
Eek. I hope it turns out okay.

Bud-Clare - []
Tuesday, May 6, 2003 12:50:57 AM

Greg Bishansky> Wasn't the Base called Avalon because Exodus was from Dark Age France?

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 12:39:50 AM

I think you will have a much better chance of getting gargoyles onto DVD in about 2 years. In Japan they are already using the super-DVDs that hold 20+ hours of video programming as opposed to the ones that hold 2+ hours like we use. The reason why we do not have them in the USA is because they are *NOT* backwards compatible with DVDs and there is a big stink going on over them. You can bet that within about 2 years you will see a changeover to the new DVDs and then they will be able to use 1/10th the number of DVDs to hold the series... In essence you would be able to fit the series onto like 2 or 3 of the new disks(cartoons compress very well with mpeg) instead of 20 or 30 of the old ones.
Monday, May 5, 2003 11:06:44 PM

TODD> Well, in the comics, Magneto named one of his bases Avalon. So I wouldn't be surprised if he sees himself as an Arthur figure
Greg Bishansky
Monday, May 5, 2003 11:02:58 PM

Hehe. Gunjack, methinks you've confused me with Spacebabie...? ;) Happens a lot, actually ;)
Monday, May 5, 2003 10:57:26 PM

Hey, this my first time posting here. I had lost the link here a while back and just found it again. I have a question for everyone here. With the popularity of TV series getting made into box sets on DVD, I wonder what the chance might be to get The Complete Gargoyles Saga to DVD?

I think it could be a great selling box set if marketed right. I know quite a few people who are not die hard fans who would love to be able to buy it in a box set if they ever make one. Just a thought.
Gregg - []
Lansing, MI, United States
Monday, May 5, 2003 09:37:34 PM

I saw X2 today...

Definitely better than the first movie... I noticed the McCoy commentator on the news -- Looks very much like "The Beast" will be around next movie.

I also noticed the outline of the phoenix under the water at the end -- So Jean is definitely around for the next movie as the phoenix which is very odd as that happened MUCH later in the normal timeline.

I also think they are playing Xaviar as too powerful. I do not remember ever seeing him have the ability to kill all the non-mutants through cerebro -- locate yes -- kill all at the same time -- no.

At the beginning of the movie I was shocked at the actions of nightcrawler -- was very relieved to find out he was under control as that was not in his character. I have always liked nightcrawler.

Monday, May 5, 2003 09:23:41 PM

Gside><<Feh, it's really hard to set of thermite.>> Yeah, but white phosphorous burns on contact with oxygen. That alone would ruin yer whole day, especially if the whole magazine goes. And wouldn't the WP burn hot enough to ignite the Thermite? <<Weeha. This is more action than I've gotten all year. Discounting Lefty, of course.>> Yer, um, welcome. Heh. <<I've had one sub insist specifically that he wasn't Alucard. And engrish is fun.>> I've seen that one too. Near as I could tell, the creators decided to deliberately misspronounce that name. I refuse to comply, mainly because I think "Arkard" sounds stupid. :P
<<But did you grow a fro?>> I was workin' on it... <<I believe I had us integrated in with Wilek and Warps somehow.>> Yeah, but I thought we had our OWN title... "G-men" or sommat...

Josh><<Lame.>> Death by fragmentation usually is.

Spacebabie><<I’d probably see Hellsing in dub form…mostly cause I’m a Crispy fan.>> What's Crispy? ...And I dunno... Dubs always come off sounding wierd. Like Vash the Stampede sounding like a five-year-old girl, or the blantant homosexuality of Griffith's vocal chords in Berserk. And you'd miss Alucard saying "Female Officer" in japanese, which may be the sexiest word in any language ever.
<<Not such a big man with out your squid eh?>> Heh. Actually, when he threatened to kill his rat if I didn't let him stay up longer, I decided that things were getting a bit out of hand.
<<Will do I have yet to ACTUALLY meet you.>> You gonna be there too, then? Groooovy... You gonna drag Revel there? <<Awww, a kid after my own heart. Reminds me of my one (and only) babysitting stint, but with wooden blocks instead of playdoh cans. Thank god for tv, for saving my life ;)>> Wooden blocks. Ouch. Was he angry, or what? <<Look into the gaming industry--worked for my friend Tom ;)>> Oh, I WILL. But who is this friend Tom? <<Post your work?>> I gotta get em scanned and cleaned up first, but yeah.

That is all. More Hunting Men, and assiting Lain in fabricating a Witch Hunter Robyn costume.

Gunjack "FAL-len" Valentine
Monday, May 5, 2003 08:50:48 PM

I haven't seen "X2" myself, but I'd read one thing about it that I found extremely interesting; Magneto was depicted at one point reading "The Once and Future King" by T. H. White in his cell. (And reportedly Xavier was also reading it near the end). I wonder if Magneto sees himself as an Arthur-figure. (For that matter, I wonder whether Xavier counts as an Arthur-figure or whether he's more accurately a Merlin-figure with the X-Men as analogous to Arthur and his knights.) Maybe he even sees his escape from prison as like Arthur returning from Avalon in Britain's greatest hour of need. Interesting....

Magneto does strike me as having one advantage over his "Gargoyles" counterpart Demona - the ability to gain followers. Demona never seems able to gain or keep followers for long. Brooklyn followed her briefly but then left after she tricked him into helping her mind control Goliath. Thailog double-crossed her twice and the Clones worked for Thailog rather than her when they had their rift. Demona just can't seem to keep any gargoyles in her following. At least Magneto doesn't seem to have the same problem.

Of course Magneto does have the advantage over Demona in that humanity seems much more anti-mutant than anti-gargoyle. There are a number of pro-gargoyle humans out there from Elisa on down, and even anti-gargoyle humans have learned the error of their ways (such as Princess Katharine, the Magus, Jason Canmore, and Vinnie). But the X-Men suffer from the infamous problem of nearly all of humanity being anti-mutant and staying that way no matter how often the X-Men save the world. That would make Magneto's arguments appear much more convincing than Demona's.

Todd Jensen - []
St. Louis, MO
Monday, May 5, 2003 06:50:33 PM

Greetings all...

haven't replied in a while, due to medical problems which have limited my online time... problems I have and my grandparents have (They're looking to move into an assisted care facility). My problem is that I might have gone full diabetic, and my eyesight has been growing worse... takes concentration now just to read my email. I'm hoping to see a doctor soon to find out just what can be done. Hoping my sight can be restored, since because of it, I recently lost my driver's licence.

Comments on the new X2 movie - which I did get to see on a good day last week:

*** SPOILERS ***

Very well done movie, overall... I love how all the sub plots linked up. A little disappointed that Kitty didn't get more screen time, but enjoyed the cameos by Siryn, Artie (where was Leech?) and Colossus. Also, great work including little bits like Henry McCoy, and Gambit (though only in name).

I do want to address what someone commented on during the finale: saying how unnessesary it was for Jean to leave the blackbird to use her powers... well, to be honest I think it was nessesary from my POV.

Remember, early on in the film, Jean has been having problems focusing with her powers. She illustrated this best when she was trying to stop the two air-to-air missles from tagging the X-Jet... took her supreme effort to get one of them. Later, she also had to strain against Scott's eye beams.

So, when it was apparent the jet was going to be buried under the deluge from the dam bursting, Jean figured her powers would be enough to lift the jet out of harms way... but - and this is just my speculation - to do so, she had to be able to focus on the jet, sight-on. So naturally if you have to see the entire object, you can't see it from the inside.

Personally, I think this was part of the entire Phoenix-gambit... I have this hunch that the Jean Grey we've been seeing since the first movie ISN'T the real Jean Grey, I think that she's the Phoenix-doppleganger, and the real Jean Grey is doing the stasis-sleep thing somewhere... Where? Well, perhaps that will be shown in the next film...

What will be in store? Phoenix, most certainly. Sentinels? That would make for an interesting fight. More Mutants? Please yes!

Anyway, that's all from me for now... Mainttain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Monday, May 5, 2003 04:46:33 PM

Spike>>>I love that pic! Is that cat boy Xellos?>>>
Actually, that's joke pic I did for my niece Tasha who's going to A-kon with me again. Last year I learned the way to a pre-teen girl's heart is to buy her a really big mallet... *L* She's also heavily into DiGiCharat, hence the kitty girl.

<<<Drop me a line at the Voodoo Board and say hello>>>Will do I have yet to ACTUALLY meet you.>>>
I'd be delighted!!

Monday, May 5, 2003 04:44:40 PM

Out of school, and back home for a month to recharge before the summer in Baltimore (thank goodness my subletter is leaving an air conditioner). This drive home was notably worse than the others--almost feel asleep about eight times ;) I'm currently unpacking and trying to adjust to the fact that, while it's warm outside, I have to drive everywhere for the simplest things. Tried to mail out my Macworld entries today; sadly, the first post office (ten minutes away) was closed for lunch from 12:00 to 1:30 (!&*#), the second closed from 12:00 to 2:00, and the third from 1:00 to 2:00 (and it was 1:10 by the time I got *there* ;)).

In any case, I'm hoping my grades come back soon. I was able to show my father and brother a lot of my 3D work, including my little gumball machine final. They liked, but apparently it doesn't mean much to other people. For instance, my mother had the pleasure of being home when I received rejections from all of the westcoast internships I applied for, since they all decided to call on Friday. It's okay with me for this summer, since I've set something up in Baltimore, but it's hard to imagine what next summer's going to be like. I mean, no matter how hard one works at applying, it's not going to change an HR's mind if the portfolio isn't strong. Bah to these artist people ;)

On a completely different note--nothing's been confirmed yet, but is anyone looking for a roommate at The Gathering for either Friday or Saturday night (or both)? :)

Gunjack: <The game ended when he began pelting me with cans of play-doh.> Awww, a kid after my own heart. Reminds me of my one (and only) babysitting stint, but with wooden blocks instead of playdoh cans. Thank god for tv, for saving my life ;)<I can now draw cool robots.> Look into the gaming industry--worked for my friend Tom ;) Post your work?

Gside: <At least I don't have to worry about designing the web pages> What language/program are you guys using to do that? <Nothing I haven't seen before> And nothing I haven't ;) <Now I feel left out again. Hug?> ::thunks with playdoh can:: <Yipee. I'm just rolling in the cookies now> Yes, but not my cookies ;) <and that there are areas that are safe to kill.> If you kill someone here in the beginnings of winter, you won't even have a chance of being found out until the spring... <Feh, it's really hard to set of thermite> Time for a banana thermite sundae!

Dezi: <shiny happy tourist attraction, GO TO DISNEY WORLD> Disney's gone faaaaaaaaar beyond being just a tourist attraction. You've seen the moats in Florida? ;) <What makes Yellowstone special is how natural it is. That is where it's true beauty lies> That's what people say about NH. But then a natural landslide takes out our state icon (the Man in the Mountain) and now everyone's running around with their tail between their legs--the state now has _nothing_ to show for itself ;) Personally, I like progress. And *especially* when I have to drive thirty minutes to get to a functional post office. Nature needs to learn to co-exist ;) <I don't count as a 'Lovely Lady'?> I'm sure you are, definitely when compared to the "maidens of MICA" ;) <Man, I truly am a dork> And proud of it! <Down with algebra!!> NOOOOOOO!

Imzadi: <but a really effects-intensive scene with five or six older students kicking the asses of 40 special-ops soldiers would have rocked> I agree. I liked that they foreshadowed Livewire and had Siryn stun half of the forces, but Colossus *certainly* needed more airtime. <But she still isn't the patient old woman that she was in the cartoon> It's not that she's _old_. It's that she's just more refined than most people. She came from a different culture, after all. <The big companies are good to their interns> Except the entertainment/arts companies--and neither do they pay. <Then my roommate drops a bombshell that he can't remember lines (even though he asked for more lines when we edited the script last night)> I could've warned you--I remember there being at least eight takes for every line when he and I filmed that intern movie ;) But it turned out pretty good in the end, especially after the editing process. <Fortunately, all of my friends are geeks, which means they won't land a woman till they land their first million ;-)> And the odds for female geeks are worse, considering they don't make their first million as quickly ;) <What's the matter, potato-cannon boy? Can't take what you dish out?> LOL <I'm sure he'd like a sandwich after that> Yeah, but some guys go for the oreos.

Greg: <And his escape scene was nothing short of a masterpiece.> I agree whole-heartedly. And, although I don't think he's necessarily the hero, he's probably the role I would've taken if the whole mutant-human issue was real. And Mystique--well, beautiful women that you can't trust are the only women to be ;) <"God Loves, Man Kills", named Reverend Stryker> Yeah, I bought that a couple of years back from a friend (one of those sad "my girlfriend's making me sell all my old junk" cases :()--art's not terrific, but the story was pretty good. I'm most pleased with Pyro's protrayal. Now, just waiting for a Tabitha appearance...


Monday, May 5, 2003 03:24:47 PM

Oy It's hot outside. Stuff is coming along well
I got more cuts weeding from the pienapple plants. If you have never seen a pineapple plant they look like little palm bushes with verra sharp leaves.

I also pulled a muscle again.

I recieved a strange e-mail today. I ust had to show it to you guys:

Hy there,

This is Michael Greenly and I'm the web master of which contains lots of books, community groups, news and links about movies.

I'm very interested in making a link exchange with your site:

If you don't want that, just ignore my email and i will get the message. But if you would be interested you can fill in the form at: and you will be able to see your link on our site in one or two days.

We would appreciate if you would also add our link to your site. If you agree you can use this info:

Title : Movie
Description : Home of the Internet's best movie resources, find out everything you want to know about movies.

or just cut & paste this HTML.

There are SO many things wronge with that letter.

1. He greets with a "Hy"
2. TGS is not my website
3. How the hell is the TGS CR a movie site?


Gside<<<I should feel left out more often.>>>You just like to be touchy feely.<<<I've had one sub insist specifically that he wasn't Alucard.>>>I’d probably see Hellsing in dub form…mostly cause I’m a Crispy fan.

Josh<<<...just not on anything I actually wanted>>>Typical<<<Its MAY in CALIFORNIA and its RAINING>>>It’s May in Florida and it’s 91 degrees. I hope it would rain to cool things down a bit.<<<HAHA!>>>Lets see you use one Mac Boy<<<I thought you were talking about smoking pot for a second.>>>I don’t smoke it…I EAT it<<<How much and how much?>>>75 Megs of Disk Space for 9.50 a month. I only also had to pay ten smackers for the start up fee.<<<Oh, then no. Starscream isn't that duplicitous>>>He always seemed to be guiding Gunboy into making the decisions he wanted while trying usurp the leadership from him.<<<You should have more than a bit.>>>Well my arms are golden. My legs have some color. They look like half baked cookie dough. Same with my abdomen. I’m not going to mention my breasts of butt.<<<I am so voting Democrat in the next election.>>>Depends on who it will be. If it’s Lieberman I’ll vote independent.

Gunjack<<<The game ended when he began pelting me with cans of play-doh.>>>Not such a big man with out your squid eh?

Dezi<<<Last one in the package>>>Still it’s a bit of a gyp…three stale Oreos are adequate.<<<My step mom taught me that soy sauce on the burn will prevent blister>>>No blisters… no actual burn marks. It just felt really hot.<<<t works, I tried it.>>>No wonder it counteracts the burn of wassabi when you drench the green gunk in with the sauce.

Spike>>>I love that pic! Is that cat boy Xellos?<<<Drop me a line at the Voodoo Board and say hello>>>Will do I have yet to ACTUALLY meet you.

Okay folks gotta Jet! Going to see X2 tomorrow.

Spacebabie - []
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Monday, May 5, 2003 03:05:27 PM

*** X2 Spoilers ***

Is it absolutely CERTAIN that Lady Deathstrike has met final death? I mean, I may not know a lot about the comics, but isn't she just about as hard to kill as Wolverine and Sabertooth? I remember from the cartoon show that she had things on her face (circuits?). Maybe this is how she gets them in the movies.

As for X3... I say Sentinals. And Beast... and Gambit. And, of course, Phoenix (Unless they just show that she is still alive in the end and make it a cliff hanger for X4)

*** END X2 Spoilers ***

Ravyn: LM says hi!

FIre Storm
Monday, May 5, 2003 01:49:19 PM

Got too late a start today filming for our project and didn't get enough done before the battery went out. Then my roommate drops a bombshell that he can't remember lines (even though he asked for more lines when we edited the script last night) and now the third person will be the only one in front of the camera.

Gunjack: <<I'd be TRYING to launch mashed potatoes at public buildings, and I'd be SUCCEEDING in pulling a three-hundred-sixty-degree KILL MYSELF>>: Lame.
<<I might switch to the "Hunting Men for Sport" party>>: I'm in!
<<do you even like Anime?>>: Nope, can't stand it.

Bud Clare: <<Who wants to put more effort into a school assignment than is necessary>>: The one who wants to make sure he gets a good score.
<<Give it to someone you don't like>>: I could, but I really hate spam.
<<Soggy people who forgot their umbrellas>>: Apparently.
<<She's not old>>: I thought she was very old in the cartoon.

Dezi: <<PILGRIMS!! :)...oh wait thats Mayflowers>>: Yeah...

Gside: <<I've used so many, I ran out of the roman alphabet>>: Bah. Let me know when you've run through at least 3 alphabets.
<<Software is never done>>: so true. And so depressing.
<<The gymnast?>>: Good point, but I don't think she's started yet.
<<what about Canadian music?>>: Kill that too.
<<I've gone against your advice without visible consequences>>: Yet.
<<I keep telling myself that they're engineers, not CS>>: That's no excuse. Engineers can program too, I've seen them do it.
<<C is one of the most hardcore languages>>: Not when its used for scripting.

187. I will not hold lavish banquets in the middle of a famine. The good PR among the guests doesn't make up for the bad PR among the masses.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Monday, May 5, 2003 02:09:10 AM

Dezi> <<Stinking polluting monsters>>: Have you ever smelled Yellowstone? It is called the stone is yellow because of one thing.
<<sugar cookie with frosting>>: Yipee. I'm just rolling in the cookies now.
<<narrowly escaped my dog's unsanctioned raid on the cookie jar>>: How narrowly is this? Doesn't really matter, I'd probably eat it anyway.
<<I'm a firm believer in the segregation of numbers and letters. Down with algebra>>: Feh. Variables are my friend. I've used so many, I ran out of the roman alphabet (really, I can list one use for each). Oh, and what about hex, and outher large bases?

Imzadi> <<Why does it never seem done>>: Software is never done.
<<I saw an insanely cute chick at Apple the other day>>: The gymnast?
<<We can kill canadians>>: But what about Canadian music?
<<Should that impress me?>>: Nah, just saying that I've gone against your advice without visible consequences, and that there are areas that are safe to kill.
<<My roommate's perpetual quandary with his CS groups as well>>: Yeah, and the guy who almost volunteerd has almost no coding skill at all. I keep telling myself that they're engineers, not CS.
<<Why would you participate in such a waste of time?>>: The class? Because I need it for my CompE major. The group? Because I'm too lazy to look for a good group.
<<maybe C if she gets a really bad job>>: And C is one of the most hardcore languages, so if she does, she shall get dragged kicking and screaming into our ranks.

Gunjack> <<Handle the shells with care, eh?>>: Feh, it's really hard to set of thermite.
<<Aww, there there, laddie. *Pats on back*>>: Weeha. This is more action than I've gotten all year. Discounting Lefty, of course.
<<ALUCARD, Dangit! I refuse to submit to their Janglish!>>: I've had one sub insist specifically that he wasn't Alucard. And engrish is fun.

Bud Clare> <<I know that I speak for all of us when I say, "Huh?">>: You seem conversant in Hellsing, so see above.

Gunjack> <<I watched the whole series in one night, and you don't see ME complaining>>: But did you grow a fro?
<<By chance, did either of you catch the preview to that new HP Lovecraft webcomic>>: I just looked it up. Could be interesting.
<<side and I had a title too, but I can't remember it for the life of me>>: I believe I had us integrated in with Wilek and Warps somehow.

I bring you a Randy Scouse Git, by the Monkees.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Sunday, May 4, 2003 10:58:58 PM

Gside><<Wimp.>> Truely. I watched the whole series in one night, and you don't see ME complaining... <<Ah, your standard tentacle demon. Nothing I haven't seen before.>> By chance, did either of you catch the preview to that new HP Lovecraft webcomic that's coming out sometime soon? It was linked from Penny Arcade a few posts back...
Lemme just say... DANG. Art on a par with Mike Mignola, and what looks like a killer fun storyline.

Dezi><<I don't count as a 'Lovely Lady'? Or are they like my back up singers? :)>> Holdover from the Olden Times, otherwise known as When We Were All Good Friends. Lain and Lynati were the "Lovely Ladies", Warps and the dearly departed Wilek were the Dubba Duo. Gside and I had a title too, but I can't remember it for the life of me...
It's all about the Rhyme.
<<Although I did have to explain what to Brandon what that 'was' in the water. He quickly remembered the cartoon and goes: But that all happened in outerspace.>> What *WHAT* was in the water!? Something is in water? Something lethal!? Gah! *curls up into ball and shudders*

Josh><<I am so voting Democrat in the next election. Never have I been so embarrassed to be a republican as I have since Bush was elected.>> I think I might switch to the "Hunting Men for Sport" party. After five months and a war in Canada, I've had just about enough of politics.
<<Someone else.>> I forget; do you even like Anime?

Bud-Clare><<Tell me this eight-year old hasn't watched Hellsing.>> Uh, no, he hasn't. His mum would kill me; he's disturbed enough as is.
I am rather suprised that YOU'VE seen it, though.

I feel the need to hunt men. Jagged Alliance is handy...

Gunjack "Working Boy" Valentine
Sunday, May 4, 2003 08:01:36 PM

I saw X2 this weekend as well and I just have to go see it again when I get the chance. It was really good. And she's going to be back in the next one. NO! Don't try to tell me otherwise. There is going to be another and it's going to happen! So there.

Dezi<Air Pressure? vs Sinus Pressure> Could be, could be really stupid ears vs really stupid virus. I'm just glad that it's over.

In a hurry.

Jaden - []
Sunday, May 4, 2003 07:42:54 PM

Oh yeah..

Bud Clare/Josh: <<<What, exactly, do MAY showers bring?>>
Soggy people who forgot their umbrellas.> gotta say it: PILGRIMS!! :)...oh wait thats Mayflowers.. duh.

Sunday, May 4, 2003 07:10:19 PM

Oh wow oh wow oh wow!
Guess what movie I just saw? :)

***********X2 SPOILERS************

Awesome! The ending was great. Although I did have to explain what to Brandon what that 'was' in the water. He quickly remembered the cartoon and goes: But that all happened in outerspace.
He was hoping for more of the characters that were prominently featured in the first. I think they did a great job of switching up the cast as there are just so many great characters to pull from.
I don't think there was absolutely ANYTHING that bugged me about this movie. And it was way better than the first.
My predictions for X3: Phoenix (duh).
I'd like to see a run in with Rogue and Danvers. It will make her character (movie-wise) have a refresher since (also in the short attention span of a movie) her whole 'touching people' thing has been kinda played out. If not next time, then definetly in a fourth.
Definetly more 'help' from the rest of the kids. They need to step up to the plate and help save the day. Just a little anyways.
They have got to throw Gambit in there. And Magneto needs to hook back up with his Brotherhood. Now that he has Pyro, maybe throw in a little Avalanche.
Cyclops will also be having his turn at the plate, since Jean will be taking a big part of center stage.
As for a bad guy, well, they need to bring in the Genosha.
No Beast yet, not next time, maybe for a fourth. I do hope they do a fourth, as long as they do it right. There is just so much good stuff to pull from.
Hopefully they'll use Colossus more. Yeah.
Ok, one thing did bug me. The death of Deathstrike. They either needed to keep her around (she could be very deadly while not under mind control) or if they really needed to kill her off at least take her off the drug first. Then she'll be really mad and REALLY try to kill someone. Yeah since they had to kill her off, they do need to bring in a really good nemesis to Wolverine. It would have been nice if they could have used some of their past together in this plot too, rather than just make her fight. Maybe a line like 'Hey Wolvie, remember me?' (ok yeah corny- I'm sure something better could be had of that). I mean, wasn't he the whole reason she became what she was anyway? Did like the thud sound as she sank in that pool. Man, what a way to go.
We didn't have a zombie movie preview, but, dork that I am, I do want to see that Sinbad movie, and am already looking forward to Finding Nemo (previewed at Lord of Rings) and that Pirates of the Carribean. What a watery summer. The League looked cool. Sean Connery has the coolest voice. Man, this will be a summer of good movies. One down, so many more to go.
Oh yeah, and Brandon bought us tickets already for seeing the Matrix! We get to go to a special 10 pm showing on that Wednesday!!! All is so good right now.
**************OK END SPOILERS*****************

Hee hee not much else to say.

Sunday, May 4, 2003 07:08:02 PM

Josh> <<and Bud-Clare, just because you'll yell at me, the choices for the setting are ON and OFF, working with that would suck>>
Like I care. Who wants to put more effort into a school assignment than is necessary (or at least fun)?

<<But if I encounter it, that's where it ends up.>>
That's silly. Give it to someone you don't like.

<<What, exactly, do MAY showers bring?>>
Soggy people who forgot their umbrellas.

<<But she still isn't the patient old woman that she was in the cartoon.>>
She's not old... Old_er_, maybe...

<<I think he's idealistic, but I don't think he's nuts to hope for equal status for mutants.>>
Especially since they're hopelessly outnumbered...
Gunjack> <<and then spending the hour or so before his bedtime playing Alucard and Vampires>>
Tell me this eight-year old hasn't watched Hellsing.
Gside> <<Alucard or Arkard?>>
I know that I speak for all of us when I say, "Huh?"

Bud-Clare - []
Sunday, May 4, 2003 04:35:09 PM

Sunday, May 4, 2003 01:35:59 PM

I'll fall in line behind my Spacie in 10

Sunday, May 4, 2003 01:24:31 PM

Top Ten

Number nine!

Spacebabie - []
Sunday, May 4, 2003 12:29:57 PM

Top 10!!, #9 or #8
Sunday, May 4, 2003 09:25:15 AM

Josh><<That's just evil.>> Cayenne pepper is fairly benign. You can buy those from the mail-order catalogues. How about Chunky Willie Pete? Thermite buckshot mixed in with powdered white phosphorus. Handle the shells with care, eh?
<<Very mature 8-)>> I thought so. <<What's the matter, potato-cannon boy? Can't take what you dish out?>> There has been a misunderstanding here.See, I wouldn't be SHOOTING people with that hypothetical Potato Gun. I'd be TRYING to launch mashed potatoes at public buildings, and I'd be SUCCEEDING in pulling a three-hundred-sixty-degree KILL MYSELF. No injury to others would be attempted.

Gside><<I didn't. Now I feel left out again. Hug?>> Aww, there there, laddie. *Pats on back* <<Alucard or Arkard?>> ALUCARD, Dangit! I refuse to submit to their Janglish!

Spike - Will do! Ya might meet Lain and Metaldemon too, on the bargian...

Off to church!

Gunjack "Ouchiewawa" Valentine
Sunday, May 4, 2003 08:50:20 AM

>>Less than a month left until Akon. Who's gonna be there?
Gunjack "Lego Assassin" Valentine>>

I am -- got my space reserved in the art show and everything. Drop me a line at the Voodoo Board and say hello -- I almost never run into anyone I know otherwise! I'm going with my niece and my son this year so just look for the short woman who looks like a mom....

Christine>> Best of luck on the surgery tomorrow. All my hopes and prayers go with you.

Sunday, May 4, 2003 08:08:28 AM

Today was mostly spent working on my projects. First prop shopping for my Connections video, script reading/editing, and then touching up my programming project. Why does it never seem done!? I found a bug and fixed it, all while trying to write a report on the program.

I checked out the iTrip that I bought yesterday. It sucks. Can anyone recommend an FM adapter for MP3 players that plugs into the headphone jack with no extra software? One with decent power?

***X2 comments***

I think the fight scene in the school was well done (and all the holocaust references were great), but what would have been really entertaining was an actual fight scene including the students. Wolverine killing EVERYONE was nice to watch, but a really effects-intensive scene with five or six older students kicking the asses of 40 special-ops soldiers would have rocked.

***END X2 comments***

Patrick: <<Rain in California in springtime? The horror, the horror>>: What, exactly, do MAY showers bring?
<<I'm taking a show of hands on who's interested>>: I'm interested! But it'll be a small miracle if I get to show up. A greater miracle still if I live through the event 8-)

SunshineAngel: <<Colossus>>: Agreed.

Warpmind: <<a favourite of mine: cayenne pepper>>: That's just evil.
<<why would I spend time on finding a newer game that wouldn't offer as much in the way of nostalgia>>: Good point.

Revel: << It's been a fast semester, or it always feels that way looking back at least>>: I was thinking the same thing, but then this semester really did go by quickly because I had so little to do. But these last few weeks are unbearably slow.
<<Guess the world is coming to an end>>: Not now! I haven't slept with Eliza Dushku yet!
<<Better find someone to hold>>: Coincidentally, I saw an insanely cute chick at Apple the other day...

Greg: <<Halle Barry's performance as Storm improved ten-fold>>: But she still isn't the patient old woman that she was in the cartoon. I like that version much better than the "pissed off" storm.
<<Magneto was definetly the hero of this movie>>: I disagree.
<<Crucifying Stryker>>: Yes. That man needed killing.
<<I would have done the exact same thing.>>: Then its a good thing that I will always be there to stop you, Eric ;-)
<<I didn't even think of Gandalf once>>: I didn't either. He's a very skilled actor.
<<He kind of reminded me of a cross between John Ashcroft and Donald Rumsfeld>>: Everyone over here thought that was a very good quote.
<<That poor, deluded, idealistic dreamer>>: I think this is a bit extreme. I think he's idealistic, but I don't think he's nuts to hope for equal status for mutants.
<<post-9/11 government, and military worship, I'm surprised they got that on screen>>: Its okay, because all those special ops guys were probably canadian. We can kill canadians 8-)

Ravyn: <<The scariest thing, though, was with my final Matlab project>>: Ah, welcome to my life.
<<how to write one part of the Matlab code that we were having trouble with. So I wrote it down as soon as I woke up, and then went and tried it the next day ... and it worked>>: Holy shit the same thing happened to me about 10 days ago!
<<I'm completely doomed if I'm dreaming about *Matlab*>>: Or very talented with a bright future.
<<I'm going to a friend's wedding later today ... ick. ;) Can't wait to get that over with ... it's a weird situation, let me tell ya>>: Aren't you wearing a ring? But I agree. Fortunately, all of my friends are geeks, which means they won't land a woman till they land their first million ;-) Weddings are a long way off for my crew.
<<They're *really* setting me up nicely>>: The big companies are good to their interns. Although Bechtel really disappointed me.

Silverbolt: <<Bank holiday monday *May Day*>>: Stupid US, celebrating may day 4 months late.

Mooncat: <<there is no apparent reason that Jean has to leave the Blackbird at the end>>: agreed. It was a bad plot-driving device.
<<It adds nothing however, so I'm taking it back>>: weak. Even the ID4 novelization added stuff.

Gunjack: <<Rediculously Oversized Handguns(tm) out of legos>>: Very mature 8-)
<<The game ended when he began pelting me with cans of play-doh>>: What's the matter, potato-cannon boy? Can't take what you dish out?
<<Who's gonna be there?>>: Someone else.

Gside: <<I've hacked and slashed many programs, as well as regularly cleaning out my windows\temp.>>: Should that impress me?
<<Looks like I got stuck doing all the coding>>: My roommate's perpetual quandary with his CS groups as well. He hates them all.
<<At least I don't have to worry about designing the web pages>>: Why would you participate in such a waste of time?
<<But that's boring>>: Perhaps.
<<It's not until you get into the more hardcore languages that you shall join us>>: She's a mechE. It stops at Matlab, or maybe C if she gets a really bad job 8-)

Dezi: <<Our moron-in-chief>>: I am so voting Democrat in the next election. Never have I been so embarrassed to be a republican as I have since Bush was elected.
<<I have better ways of taking care of Brandon-boyfriend in the middle of the nite>>: I'm sure he'd like a sandwich after that.
<<I truly am a dork>>: You're here, aren't you?
<<I'm a firm believer in the segregation of numbers and letters. Down with algebra>>: Sadly, there aren't enough numbers.
<<I watched the Ninja Turtles on Saturday morning cartoons today for the first time since, like, 4th grade>>: Someone was up early.

186. I will not devise any scheme in which Part A consists of tricking the hero into unwittingly helping me and Part B consists of laughing at him then leaving him to his own devices.

Josh - [ATkicktothenutsDOTcom]
Berkeley, CA, US of A
Sunday, May 4, 2003 03:12:49 AM

Fire Storm and Lady Mystic
Sunday, May 4, 2003 02:43:46 AM

And five is right out!
Sunday, May 4, 2003 02:02:35 AM

Real post time:
Ok not gonna say anything on X2 as I am looking forward to seeing it tomorrow.

*********INCOMING RANT***********
well, mini-rant. I'm tired.
Stinking polluting monsters. If you want to see the park, hike. Dog sled. At least the dog poop will become a fertilzer in the spring. At least the bison and elk won't become nervous wrecks from the constant roaring. Or deaf from it either. At least the air won't be destroyed and ruined. Heh, for the enjoyment of the people. Yellowstone is Yellowstone for a reason. If people want such a shiny happy tourist attraction, GO TO DISNEY WORLD.
What makes Yellowstone special is how natural it is. That is where it's true beauty lies. Yeah the park service has made many mistakes in handling the park over the last 100+ years, but much of that was due to ignorance and on many notes they have corrected themselves and are striving to make things better. Banning snowmobiles would be nothing but a step forward. But yeah yeah hail hail. Our moron-in-chief decides to reverse a total ban enacted in 2000 and force the park service to settle a lawsuit made by the snowmobile industry and to COMPROMISE. Ha. Compromise. 'But our poor stupid small town industry is centered around the exploitation of one of America's wonders. Oh no Oh no, what would we possibly do with out the sales of snowmobiles?' What did you do before snowmobiles? How did you stumble upon the snowmobile industry in the first place? I know, think a little bit and FIGURE SOMETHING ELSE OUT. Sell tulips, I don't care. There are other options.
*******OK END RANT******************

Oreo replies:

Gunjack:<Dezi & the Lovely Ladies > I don't count as a 'Lovely Lady'? Or are they like my back up singers? :)

Gside: <Whee. Or maybe I'll just crack into those thin mints I've been saving> See? He did appreciate it. *tosses another stale cookie- this one a sugar cookie with frosting and sprinkles that narrowly escaped my dog's unsanctioned raid on the cookie jar*
<Sleuthing> I didn't say how much effort went into the sleuthing to deserve the cookie.:)

Josh: < Some wife you'll be! Won't even make a sandwich in the middle of the night! > I have better ways of taking care of Brandon-boyfriend in the middle of the nite...
(like making copies of his Windows XP cd and taking them to the Steak n Shake where he is currently employed so he can give them to co-worker/friends.-- Man, I truly am a dork).
<Why are people so afraid of multiplication> Its not that, so much as I'm a firm believer in the segregation of numbers and letters. Down with algebra!!
<Does your WB randomly go black-and-white> No but the stupid Pacers take up valuable airtime. Hee hee I watched the Ninja Turtles on Saturday morning cartoons today for the first time since, like, 4th grade.
<You failed a humanities midterm> Haven't officially failed yet, although I did write a kick-@ss research paper. Failed to reject the null though.

Ed:<Even though I'm not in London most of the year I can't seem to break the habit of writing London in the "City" box in the comment room window. > It's ok,we won't stone you this time.

Spacebabie:<Only one> Last one in the package. <I burned my finger with the glue gun> My step mom taught me that soy sauce on the burn will prevent blister. It works, I tried it. Stings at first though.

Ok later!

Sunday, May 4, 2003 01:58:54 AM


In my alternate theme. :)

Sunday, May 4, 2003 01:58:35 AM

Well I call three then. :)

Sunday, May 4, 2003 01:28:32 AM

Imzadi> <<Don't clear anything except your user folder>>: Feh, I've hacked and slashed many programs, as well as regularly cleaning out my windows\temp.
<<From you? Software that doesn't suck>>: I'll get back to you after my software engineering. Looks like I got stuck doing all the coding. At least I don't have to worry about designing the web pages.
<<Did it blow up?>>: Nah, but it's still the man that uses me to get rid of his dangerous chemicals.
<<Left on>>: But that's boring.

Warpmind> <<Eleven episodes of Excel Saga over a timespan of no more than four days>>: Wimp. Though there is the constant insanity. And do you not love Nabeshin yet? Though we must talk about payment.
<<The Keeper of Secrets has been described as "Hentai Cthulhu">>: Ah, your standard tentacle demon. Nothing I haven't seen before.
<<I want some Saber Marionettes>>: Who doesn't? But which model: speed, tactics, or heavy demo?
<<Now I must resume my neural mutilation>>: Go Nabeshin, ssave Pedro from That Man.

Revel> <<not in public, thankyouverymuch>>: And you expect me to do it in private?

Greg> <<God Loves, Man Kills>>: Have it. Rather large and thin, not your usual TPB format.

Rabyn> <<I'm completely doomed if I'm dreaming about *Matlab*>>: Nah, Matlab's just the start. It's not until you get into the more hardcore languages that you shall join us.

Gunjack> <<As some of you already know, I work weekends as a babysitter>>: I didn't. Now I feel left out again. Hug?
<<playing Alucard and Vampires>>: Alucard or Arkard?
<<Who's gonna be there?>>: Must get job, then can think of movements.


Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Piscataway, NJ
Sunday, May 4, 2003 01:21:47 AM

Uh... Cool! Magnifico Numero Uno!
Gunjack "Pleasently Suprised" Valentine
Sunday, May 4, 2003 01:13:19 AM

As some of you already know, I work weekends as a babysitter for the 8 year-old son of a friend of Lain's. Tonight, our activities involved making Rediculously Oversized Handguns(tm) out of legos, and then spending the hour or so before his bedtime playing Alucard and Vampires. The game ended when he began pelting me with cans of play-doh.

After I got the little chomper in bed, I managed to finish yet more concept art for Miles Kipling (the coolest cyber-pimp you'll ever meet) and Pancho Villa v2.0 (his bodygaurd, legs, and mobile VR server). I can now draw cool robots. Joy abounds.

I WISH I'd seen X2. Sadly, we'll probably have to wait for it at the cheap theaters.

Less than a month left until Akon. Who's gonna be there?

Gunjack "Lego Assassin" Valentine
Sunday, May 4, 2003 01:12:17 AM
