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Dezi> <<Especially if they haven't done anything special>>: If nothing else, I'd say all the aggravation she's given you has been special, for certain kinds of special.

Fire Storm> <<Especially if they haven't done anything special>>: Nope, not I.
<<Babbage, 5:12>>: I like "On two occasions, I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able to rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, March 7, 2004 11:36:06 PM

Fire Storm
Sunday, March 7, 2004 10:30:27 PM

Gside: <Friday was the 10th anniversary of Usenet Spam>
"In the begining, all was pure,
In the year of our Data 49, the
Great Evil was unleashed among the
world, and Man shall never know
Purity again"
Babbage, 5:12
Sunday, March 7, 2004 10:30:12 PM

Hellcat> <<Eh? Oh the poor fritters’>>
No, not "eh?" Eh. Totally different sound. Although I see how you could get confused, being Canadian and all. ;)
Dezi> Re: my name
The actual story is very boring, so you're probably better off just using your imagination. Which you did, so there you are. :)

<<So do parked cars.>>
Question> <<Trolls and I are form a vicious cycle feeding off of each other like a symbiosis of sorts.>>
Or cannibalism.

Sunday, March 7, 2004 09:43:30 PM

Interesting Friday was the 10th anniversary of Usenet Spam when Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel sent their infamous Green Card Ad across a thousnd news groups and contaminated the eden that was usenet.

Dezi<didn't you see the don't feed the trolls sign? >

Yes I did, but I haven't flamed anyone in such a long time that I just couldn't resist. Trolls and I are form a vicious cycle feeding off of each other like a symbiosis of sorts. :)

Sunday, March 7, 2004 09:30:16 PM

please disregard the last post i put for the aditional info i had forgot to check my e-mail first. my appoligies u can use the e-mail addys from it though email me if you want to chat k thanks.
Thomas Guillot - []
hammond, louisiana, usa
Sunday, March 7, 2004 07:33:40 PM

thanks for the info ellen but i dont think that is the same thing that we are talking about. i have been palling aroud this site and i have seen or rather read about things that are not the same gargoyles that i have been watching on toon disney. if they are than i appoligize but if not can you please explain i am kinda lost please e-mail me if you can. my addys are,, and
thanks for the info though.

Thomas Guillot - []
hammond, louisiana, usa
Sunday, March 7, 2004 07:23:05 PM

Bud-Clare > Shhh! Don't give away my secrets! ;)

Thomas > Scroll up and read Ellen's post for your answer.

And now without further ado, here's today's special guest announcer of the countdown...

Jumping gigawatts! There are 152 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2004 info here]
Sunday, March 7, 2004 08:37:19 AM

Yea! Tomorrow I'm flying out to Co. Springs for a week! Yea! Gonna stay with my stepmom, eat good Korean food, and fight with my sisters!

Ed:<I'm simply making an observation based on what you've presented. > Um, I'll ad a bit more. At the University of Indianapolis, we are the MOST politically apathetic body of student (I think) ever. No one really gives two shits. We have an eight page paper. Nothing happens on campus and we must still fill up the paper. Crap about financial aid or whatever. That you can get a license plate with our logo on it. Whoopeee. There are never EVER political articles outside of the opinion page (except for once, there was a mayoral candidacy debate, but it got little attention, was no biggie, and the article was very straight forward, practically a minutes reading at a meeting). As for what is printed on the opinion page, no one EVER submits stuff (well this time, the University prez did, 'cause we're so apathetic, he was wishing we'd show more spirit at our sporting events). Most of the time, just to fill the space, one of us editors will write something that is bugging us (even slightly) at the time. We had a short article wondering why there is no year book (no one really knew) and one complaining about the landscaping around this water feature in the middle of campus. All spur of the moment space filling drivel. Toons are a quick and easy way to fill space too, and, let's face it, how many stupid politicians out there have the administration that can come up with (easily drawable) random acts of dumbness on a biweekly basis. And (as according to the article) what _has_ Dean done lately. Besides, Dean was done to death. I did have a Dean one, but it was too similar to a Jay Leno sketch I saw after I came up with the idea, so I scrapped it. Also, I was dead set on getting "FUBAR" printed in the paper at the time. GWB wanting to go to the moon seemed to define it well enough to me. Really it just seemed to me that she just stood up and waved a flag or whatever, just for the sake of pulling shit outta her ass, (sorry for the language, I'm tired and should be packing) and said, "Rah! I'm the Republican Sailor Moon and I will right the wrongs of a non-issue! Read some of the other articles, please, and tell me what you think (feed back is good in any way, anyways). We call her the little republican, cause we barely remember the newbies names, anyway. Especially if they haven't done anything special.
<the apparent stigmatisation of non-liberal views in your publication> There's no stigmatization of non-liberal views, cause there's no news occuring on campus that is anywhere near a partisan issue. (It's hard to partisan the fact that our financial aid forms are due, or that registration is coming up).

DPH:<an article published on the opinions page about > You never finished the sentence. You left me hanging! ARGH the suspense! :)

Question:Thanks for the stats.
<And i suggest you fuck yourself you brainless idiotic sheeploid. :) > <-note the well-placed happy face. *whispers* didn't you see the don't feed the trolls sign?

Ok off to get a precious few z's, to the airport, hope no one has any reason to think I'm a threat to national security, and then to Springs. What will suck is if they think I'm a threat on my way back.

Sunday, March 7, 2004 01:45:49 AM

Greetings everyone -- I haven't seen this news mentioned in this forum yet, so I want to be sure you're all aware of it. The following message was posted on the Station 8 comment board ( by William C. Maune on Thursday evening:


"Gargoyles" to air where people can actually watch it. Starting March 13th, "Gargoyles" will air for a full hour, not a half-hour, but a full hour, on ABC Family's Saturday morning Jetix block. Gargoyles will be the last hour on the block at 11 AM Eastern. Unlike Toon Disney, ABC Family actually reaches most cable subscribers.


Sunday, March 7, 2004 12:51:16 AM

All right, all right. I will keep my real name: Krista. Oh well.

DPH: And I wasn't really fussing over the picture loss thing. I just usually come in and post whatever color or pic I feel like at the moment. (Though Bright Purple has stuck... it's my fav color. And that future tense pic of Brooklyn is my fav pic. It's my background most of the time.) Oh, and, please, don't take me so literal. Most of the time I'm just being an idiot or sarcastic.

ghost of reverend Attila: Of course I like cats! I love cats! Do you know how many stuffed animal cats I've got? And I've got five pet cats! I love cats. I'm not much of a newcomer any more. I've been bothering the rest of these people here sense Christmas. Did you see the country music debat? That was my fault. Well, G2G! ttyl lyl

Sunday, March 7, 2004 12:09:32 AM

i am new to this site but not to the gargoyles. this is going to seem like a silly question but the eposodes that are talked about here where can i see them, because i have not heard of them. please if anyone doesent mind telling me just e-mail me at or at . again all im looking for is where thease shows are aired or where i can find them or if somone out there just wants to chat with a garg fan outside the chat room. thanks
thomas guillot - []
hammond, louisiana, usa
Sunday, March 7, 2004 12:09:21 AM

Hellcat> <<Gside, what the hell are you saying?>>: Completely and utterly meaningless and baseless insults. Half the time I use them against myself, so I don't worry about using them against anyone else.
<<Are you resentful because you don't have a significant other or a one night stand>>: I don't think so, just wasting time.
<<Maybe YOU should think about what YOU'RE missing>>: I think I have a pretty good idea.
<<It might do you some good, you know>>: Yes, I do believe it would.

Fire Storm> <<Less paperwork that way>>: Or at least less paperwork for you. But that's all the paperwork that matters, no?
<<Make them look like Supergirl>>: I was thinking Josie and the Pussycats. They were the closest to musical do gooders I could come up with on short notice.
<<I am just the keeper of the sacred .txt>>: You're Finkel, Steele, Crispin, or Stallman?
<<Let's play it safe. Cut them down the middle and throw one half off of each side>>: The respective side or would it be more appropriate to reverse it?
<<So you wouldn't go to a MRLP convention?>>: I would, but I wouldn't break it.
<<It would be cool to look in the credits and see if Christine is mentioned>>: Sorry, she's not in the IMDB for that. There is a Christine Morgan that produced the Hear of the Matter in 1988, though.
<<The only way to make him stop is to go to the Gathering... which really isn't that bad>>: I did, and made it back alive. Mostly.

Bud Clare> <<The ritual sacrifice of newbies>>: I'd... rather not talk about it.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, March 6, 2004 11:47:01 PM

Greg> <<Patrick, you're on nearly *Every* Gathering staff. Seriously, how do you do it?>>
The ritual sacrifice of newbies...

Saturday, March 6, 2004 10:31:25 PM

Patrick, you're on nearly *Every* Gathering staff. Seriously, how do you do it?
Greg Bishansky
Saturday, March 6, 2004 08:11:54 PM

The countdown is a tradition. And I'm not just any old rabid Gathering supporter... I'm on the convention staff. :)
Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2004... you know you wanna be there!]
Saturday, March 6, 2004 07:59:58 PM

Greetings all... much apologies to Patrick, because I was supposed to send him this before it posted...

It's finished!

The second half of my latest crossover story is now posted on the Garg-Fans Archive... it's been a long time in the making, but now it's ready for reading.

Go check out "As The Fur Flies... Part 2" - my Gargoyles/Rescue Rangers tale!

Maintain and Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka Jr. - []
Tampa, FL
Saturday, March 6, 2004 03:24:40 PM

Yeah, the Gathering does rock, you get to see cities that you may never have been to before, hang out with people you have similar interest with and meeton this board and tell dirty jokes with Thom Addcox because lets just all admit it, Thom is just damn cool.

*waves to Winterwolf*

Fire Storm- xenomorphs, marines, Can't wait for Alien vs Predator.


Addded some art, you can go take a peek at some of the stuff I've been working on and why I've not been around much.


Revel - [<<---------New Stuff]
Saturday, March 6, 2004 01:55:27 PM

Damien: <you excited or something?>
He's just a rabid Gathering supporter. The only way to make him stop is to go to the Gathering... which really isn't that bad.

Fire Storm
Saturday, March 6, 2004 01:43:25 PM

Jeeze patty,
It almost seems like spaming.... (except its once a day)
you excited or something?

Saturday, March 6, 2004 01:25:20 PM

:: enters wearing boxing gloves ::

Holy crap for crap! There's just 153 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

:: exits ::

Saturday, March 6, 2004 01:11:49 PM

Lain: <except holy crap, how do they wrap their tongues around it!?>
Well, there was this time that I didn't think I would be able to wrap my tongue around it, but I really wanted to, so I relaxed and...
Oh, you're talking about the Russian language? My mistake! ;)
<the translation (at least of "ya shosla s uma") is so much better than the english crap lyrics, too.>
"Not Going to Get Us"
English: Annoying.
Russian: Sounds cool
"30 minutes" (Saw the video on this one)
English: No frigging idea what's going on.
Russian: Still no frigging idea what's going on, but it at least sounds good.
You brought your pets with you when you moved, right?

Hellcat: <But that’s fun :P>
Except when it's going in reverse. And when it makes me not able to understand human speech

Tharos: <Funny stuff, if you use the term "musical" loosely>
I don't know music but I know what I like...
And I really don't even know who Beyonce is

Dezi: < The blue was a joke.>
I know.
<Thanks for the story link, btw>
No prob! Now I have another to conspire with to get Christine to write another Scooby Doo fic!
<In a way, isn't that just what a lot of mean smelly dictators do too?>
Well, yeah, but that's ACTUALLY ending peoples lives. In business, you just take all their money/hope away and let THEM end their own lives.
Less paperwork that way.

Gside: <Next step, get them into catsuits.>
Spandex and skirts. Make them look like Supergirl
<I do not believe your lies, foul deciever.>
I am not sure I believe what is written, I am just the keeper of the sacred .txt
<On which side?>
Dunno. Let's play it safe. Cut them down the middle and throw one half off of each side.
<Or maybe "Silly Xenomorph! Guns are for Marines!" would actually work.>
But I am reminded of one I head about...
"Silly whore! Kids are for tricks!"
<Whatever comes to town (though I'll hold an exception for the United States Official Monster Raving Loony Party (which really exists)). And it's more fun the large it is>
So you wouldn't go to a MRLP convention?
<Maybe. But if you put a good mystery writer on it, it might turn out better since they probably won't spend much time on the overpopulating warning.>
Or it will be like Rollerball and completely suck
<Entirely possible.>
It would be cool to look in the credits and see if Christine is mentioned

Fire Storm
Saturday, March 6, 2004 12:18:30 PM

"Just keep telling yourself that. It'll do you good."

Gside, what the hell are you saying? Are you resentful because you don't have a significant other or a one night stand? Maybe YOU should think about what YOU'RE missing. It might do you some good, you know.

Saturday, March 6, 2004 09:18:15 AM

Winterwolf:<Lucky. Well I can only do so much. ;)> Don't be! We get still get a lot of snow here thanks to Lake Superior, but that's only natural.

Vinnie - []
Marquette, Michigan, USA
Saturday, March 6, 2004 03:26:18 AM

Whoops thought he was a 'j'
Saturday, March 6, 2004 01:36:38 AM

Damien> <<few people know who reverand j spooner was>>: I don't know any Rev. J. Spooner. I know of a Rev. William Archibald Spooner, but no J. Spooner.

Hellcat> <<I’m not missing anything>>: Just keep telling yourself that. It'll do you good.
<<It’s still cool dammit>>: No arguments there, just trying to make one point at a time.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, March 6, 2004 12:25:14 AM

A few replies...

Gside> < It's easing off here, but overall I enjoyed it.> Excellent.

Vinne> < just come off of a fifty degree high> Lucky. Well I can only do so much. ;)

Brooklyn> Good to see you... (You know what I mean) So what have you been up to?

DPH> I happy to know you're still here. Not happy to know things haven't improved with your dad. -_- < just thinking about you... > Thanks. I appreciate the thought. < next year around Ground Hog's Day, I'd like nice warm weather > ::jots down the note:: Okay I'll see what I can do ^_~

Hi Daphne. :)

Have a great weekend!

Seattle, WA
Friday, March 5, 2004 05:47:58 PM

Dezi > <<Christine: Your stories! Me likey! :D >> Thanks! Always nice to hear! (now I just have to get you hooked on my books ...)
Christine - []
Friday, March 5, 2004 01:10:38 PM

“Hellcat, you sure you don't want to use something a little more, oh, let's say, violent?”
You have no idea what sort of poker this is. It is very pointy and hot…it is special it’s my preciousssss…

“The bean tends to amplify anything I'm feeling. If I'm happy, I'm psyched, if I'm suspicious, I'm paranoid, and if I'm nervous, complete anxiety attack. I do like the keep-awake properties though. I have recently discovered green tea. Quite good. With a teaspoon of sugar of course. :)”
“So like a Chocolate eclair, with blueberries and no chocolate? “ Yeah but it got sugary glaze over the dough. MMMMM!!

<I’ll be wary of Indiana then ;) > Don't just be wary, be scared shitless. The people that come from here, they LIKE Dubya. 8-(“
Ouch. Ok. I’ll have to avoid Indiana then! Lol

”<My grandmother’s scary. I guess she’s still stuck in her generation> Here, here. My grampa (although not scary) had an annoying habit of referring to one of my Chicago roomies as "my black friend." Actually, she was a good shade of chocolate. (I so many times wanted to ask back, really Grampa, do you think that if you don't point it out, she might turn purple with green polkadots?). “
My mom kinda stares at black people and sorta very uneasy with them. Some docs are black and kind as hell but mom sorta acts weird. I blame my grandmother’s raising her up.Mind, my mom’s not that bad. Just thinks most blacks are murderers or something.
I should shut up. I’ll get in trouble here. Haha.
<Too damn scary but she is my grandmother> *passes a wooden stake and an iron cross* That should keep you covered. Got any silver? Yes. I always wear silver jewllry….go figure.

”<Walmart> People in my town go hang out at Walmart FOR FUN. It's like the mall. Now that's scary.”
*gasp * Oh you poor Dezi! Ah the horror!!!

“Hellcat> <<Good for me too!>>: Only as long as you don't notice what you're missing.”
Huh? I’m not missing anything. Just missing ajob…but nothing that significant..

<<Cool powers indeed>>: I didn't mean cool so much as vast.
It’s still cool dammit lol

Dezi>> <<You're one violent Canadian. >> Not really. I accomplish more with words than with Fists. (being a big guy helps too! ;) ) I just Love fire, and am fiercely Patriotic, Most canadians are, We are just quieter about it. But if you ever want to test it go into the middle of any city of a decent size (other than one in quebec), and burn a canadian flag, see how long you last! (I actually saw someone do this, he lived, but he will limp for many years. [i couldn't do anything on either side, was stuck in gridlock because of protest he was involved in])

Damien, nicely put! Words are a better weapon. They’re mine as well. I justadd fire to my words. Make them all shiny and flowy…and spicy hot. Ok ok I’m hungry at the moment I shold get something to eat lol

*wander off to find something *

Friday, March 5, 2004 10:35:21 AM

It's Gathering countdown time again!

27 days left before Gathering 2004 pre-registration prices increase.
28 days left to submit artwork and stories for the Gathering Anthology (deadline is April 1).
58 days left to submit entries for the Gathering T-shirt contest (deadline is May 1).
119 days left to submit entries for the Music Video contest (deadline is July 1).
124 days left to reserve your hotel room at the Delta Centre-Ville (deadline is July 6 at noon).

154 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal,Quebec!

Friday, March 5, 2004 07:01:22 AM

Dezi>> <<You're one violent Canadian. >> Not really. I accomplish more with words than with Fists. (being a big guy helps too! ;) ) I just Love fire, and am fiercely Patriotic, Most canadians are, We are just quieter about it. But if you ever want to test it go into the middle of any city of a decent size (other than one in quebec), and burn a canadian flag, see how long you last! (I actually saw someone do this, he lived, but he will limp for many years. [i couldn't do anything on either side, was stuck in gridlock because of protest he was involved in])

<<I thought all the people up there were just Americans who didn't want to fight in a war.>> Nope, We started as British loyalists, who didn't want to rebel, and the Americans who didn't agree with vietnam fled here.

<< Doesn't sound that great>> actually, You have to try it to understand. Its Very good. I think A&W carries it (at least up here

heh heh I know their spoonerisms but few people know who reverand j spooner was!
another quote (addressing queen victoria i think) "here's to our Queer old dean!"

Friday, March 5, 2004 03:18:48 AM

Dezi: What I found most intriguing about that article was that it was so apologetic ("call me Fox news...", the "next GOP" comment) for pointing out what seems to be a pretty cut and dry instance of editorial bias. Judging by your tone and hers (and your description of her nickname on the staff), it strikes me as pretty unlikely that it's an isolated incident. If I was a cynical person, I’d say that you’re using fact that you presumably disagree with the validity of the counter-examples as a flimsy pretext to avoid addressing a potentially legitimate point: the apparent stigmatisation of non-liberal views in your publication. Of course, American politics is sufficiently remote here that I can say this with no axe to grind. I'm simply making an observation based on what you've presented.
Cambridge, England
Friday, March 5, 2004 01:39:09 AM

DPH> <<does buying a one of those juicemakers really save you money over buying the juice already processed>>: Probably depends on how often you use it and how infrequently it breaks.
<<and there are 5 text colors that are shared by 2 or more people>>: Depending on what I feel like that day.

Fire Storm> <<Legend speaks of a time before the Great Evils, when peace and people with actual intelligence ruled the young internet>>: I do not believe your lies, foul deciever.
<<Ah, just make them walk the plank then>>: On which side?
<<Silly Xenomorph! Trix are for Kids!>>: Or maybe "Silly Xenomorph! Guns are for Marines!" would actually work.
<<Democrat or Republican? And are you talking about their national convention or the local ones?>>: Whatever comes to town (though I'll hold an exception for the United States Official Monster Raving Loony Party (which really exists)). And it's more fun the large it is.
<<A remake would most likely SUCK>>: Maybe. But if you put a good mystery writer on it, it might turn out better since they probably won't spend much time on the overpopulating warning.
<<I think that the people at National Lampoons read Christine's work before watching Van Wilder>>: Entirely possible.

Lain> <<everybody is going to get all mixed up of you go and change your nickname now>>: If she disappeared for a while and came back with a different name, not identifying herself as Krista until we've gotten used to it, it'd probably work. It's all a matter of continuity of reference.
<<now i have one nickname for in here, and a different one for everywhere else>>: And you resent us for that, don't you, you lurking fish?
<<OMG i KNEW IT!!!! stupid government>>: You can make the world more interesting if you blame secret government conspiracies for everything.
<<gunjack, who will be checking the CR before he goes to work tomorrow>>: Come post and be stupid again.

Damien> <<Dyslexics are teople poo!>>: I'd say that's more a spoonerism than dyslexia.

Hellcat> <<Good for me too!>>: Only as long as you don't notice what you're missing.
<<Cool powers indeed>>: I didn't mean cool so much as vast.

Fire Storm> <<Beyonce and her band are now a group of musical crime fighters!>>: Next step, get them into catsuits.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, March 5, 2004 12:35:34 AM

He blew it, the moron blew it. My dad decided to attach a condition to going on the trip with him. He totally missed the point of going on the trip with him. When was the last time we spent time together without arguing? And he wonders why our relationship is bad? Also, the damn moron wouldn't let him sleep in today (he was outside doing stuff.) He tells me he loves but I have trouble believing it.

Lain - <*chases DPH with the canadian beaver-tail of chastisement*> *drops banana peal behind him, causing Lain to slip without falling or hurting herself and allowing DPH to get further away*

I attended a computer science club meeting today. Those guys make me . . look . . less geeky.

I swear I'm beginning to regret my decision not to buy a dvd-burner - on the other hand, it keeps me from doing illegal stuff.

Dezi - <his freshman we have on staff, we call her our little Republican, well she got all pissed off because we (heaven forbid) ran a political cartoon dissing on GWB and an article blasting the state of the union on the (get this...) same opinion page! So she submitted this letter that was so horrible and grammatically incorrect that we couldn't run it. So she rewrote it. And we had to run it. But yet, her arguement made no sense.> That's sad that she can't get her arguments together. My letter was in response to an article published on the opinions page about Woo Hoo! I only need like 6 more classes (plus a few electives) to graduate!> Congrats.

Daphne - <*Delurks at beckoning, waves to DPH, then returns to her paper on Chaucer*> thanks for dropping by.

*puts on cloak of light and disappears*

Thursday, March 4, 2004 11:12:53 PM

Dezi<My teacher wanted to know, did Ben-Hur and Titanic sweep all the ones they were nominated for too? Or did they get nominated for more, but didn't win those. Dunno. >

Both were nominated for more, but lost. Kate Winslett I recally correctly was nominated for best actress.

Fire Storm<Beyonce and her band are now a group of musical crime fighters>

Isn't she going to be playing Lois Lane in the next Superman movie?

Brandon<what the hell is wrong with you people? Gargoyles was by far the worst show i've ever seen in my life. If you're looking for a real show watch yourself some Growing Pains. None of the posts on this comment board make sense either, nobody wnts to hear about how people don't get along with their dad and how your teacher is a grandmother now and the baby has a weird name. I suggest you all cut it out.>

And i suggest you fuck yourself you brainless idiotic sheeploid. :)

DPH<I know Lain isn't going to like this but I do like the idea of a single "United States of North America", as long as Mexico isn't included. (Too many uprising in Mexio) >

I think a United English Confederation made up of Canada, the United States, Australia and Great Britain would work even better. Then we'd be able to augment our current military strength and increase our air craft carrier numbers up to 15.

Thursday, March 4, 2004 11:10:28 PM

Woo Hoo! I only need like 6 more classes (plus a few electives) to graduate! As an elective, next fall, I wanna take Arabic. A good thing to know if you work in the news. YEA! I hope to graduate in December! Then I'm moving...

In other good news, our local CBS station called me today interested in an internship. Weeee! Indy is #25 market so thats a good thing. (There are like 290 markets). Dunno if I'll be going there for summer or fall. There was an intern there that was supposed to intern this semester, but bumped it back to summer, and they don't like taking on too many of us, so as to provide enough attention and learning opportunities. So they said if I could intern in the fall thats great. Also, the NBC station was asking around my school for me, to see how good of an intern I'd be. What kind of photog I am. I heard I got good reviews. :D

Rev. Attilla:<go with me to Switzerland while I show you my account. meow!! > Hellcat, you sure you don't want to use something a little more, oh, let's say, violent?

Damien:<Pyromaniacs of Canada UNITE! > You're one violent Canadian. I thought all the people up there were just Americans who didn't want to fight in a war. :) Hmmm. Maybe we should sic _you_ on Attilla.

Lain:<cos your country sucks > You bet it does! :D

Firestorm:<The BEST and most effective way to dominate the market is to completely CRUSH your opponents. > In a way, isn't that just what a lot of mean smelly dictators do too?
Speaking of which, Eisner has now been relegated to a mere CEO, rather than the Chairman. Yea! It's a good day. (Ya take what you can get).

DPH:<I sent a letter to the editor of my college newspaper> This freshman we have on staff, we call her our little Republican, well she got all pissed off because we (heaven forbid) ran a political cartoon dissing on GWB and an article blasting the state of the union on the (get this...) same opinion page! So she submitted this letter that was so horrible and grammatically incorrect that we couldn't run it. So she rewrote it. And we had to run it. But yet, her arguement made no sense. See, we have no problem running "right" articles on opinion, as long as the arguement is valid, logical, rational (insert any more Spock-ian arguing qualities here). But hey, if she wanted to put herself out there, that badly, and make that much of a fool of herself, go for it. She also hails Bill O'Reilly, and accuses us of printing slanted political articles on pages other than opinion. We are an EIGHT PAGE paper, that covers only university local stuff, and have never covered presidential crap in the two years that I've been there (and that's two years longer than her). Sorry, just a rant. Click my name for the article. It is very amusing, if you see that she pretty much is going nowhere.
The title is "Student counters liberal media content." Please excuse the layout of the website, it is quite boring.
<I got a slick economic question: does buying a one of those juicemakers really save you money over buying the juice already processed. > This sounds like something that needs to be tested. Can alcohol or fun fruits be involved?

Krista: There was a pic of a young Demona you could use. You said that you wanted to stick with young characters to tell your age (or something like that). Just helping. :)

KJay:< just found out I have hyperthyroidism.> :P Sucks. *Sympathies* Alot of my gramma's sisters had that, later in life, and now need medication. So we all have to be on the look out too, when we get old. It was a nifty piece of family medical history I found out while having anxiety attacks awhile back. Thank God for the anxiety, or I never woulda known that for when I'm 80.
<23 VIALS???!! What do they do with all that blood anyway?? > I so woulda died. Or passed out. Did you faint? I'm a fainter. (With blood-drawing anyway). One of the classes I have to take is a wellness class. On one day, they make you either give blood or write a 3 page paper. Guess what I'm gonna do.
<Basically I can't do anything. No PT,No running, no standing for more than 5 mintues, > And this is a bad thing...why? (Except for when you have to get back into it all, thats REALLY gonna suck).
<YA SEE!! People are starting to see bush for what he really is!! He'll be gone by november. Bush=Devil. There I said it> Yea! The military hasn't brainwashed everyone! Just a few. :) Although, my dad admits he won't vote for Dubya either. I was starting to worry about him.

Hellcat:<Youo get the healthy kind of buzz. Although coffee psychoisis is very bad> The bean tends to amplify anything I'm feeling. If I'm happy, I'm psyched, if I'm suspicious, I'm paranoid, and if I'm nervous, complete anxiety attack. I do like the keep-awake properties though. I have recently discovered green tea. Quite good. With a teaspoon of sugar of course. :)
<Blueberry fritter> So like a Chocolate eclair, with blueberries and no chocolate?
<I’ll be wary of Indiana then ;) > Don't just be wary, be scared shitless. The people that come from here, they LIKE Dubya. 8-(
<My grandmother’s scary. I guess she’s still stuck in her generation> Here, here. My grampa (although not scary) had an annoying habit of referring to one of my Chicago roomies as "my black friend." Actually, she was a good shade of chocolate. (I so many times wanted to ask back, really Grampa, do you think that if you don't point it out, she might turn purple with green polkadots?).
<Too damn scary but she is my grandmother> *passes a wooden stake and an iron cross* That should keep you covered. Got any silver?
<Walmart> People in my town go hang out at Walmart FOR FUN. It's like the mall. Now that's scary.

GSide:<Very tasty stuff. French fries with (melted) curds (or mozarella) and gravy. > Doesn't sound that great. Curds. :( But then, I just ate a whole bunch of under cooked fries and am beginning to regret it.

GregX:<Tied with Ben-Hur and Titanic> My teacher wanted to know, did Ben-Hur and Titanic sweep all the ones they were nominated for too? Or did they get nominated for more, but didn't win those. Dunno.

GB:<My own mother actually beleives the Communist Manifesto is beautiful> Yeah, but haven't you compared your mother to lucifer, more than once?
<but only to an extent as someone only making $30,000 a year has no right begging if he has 10 kids. > My point exactly. It is easily abused.
<downright draconian as I thought about castrating msyelf when I lost my virginity> Betcha Hellcat woulda enjoyed that.
<but he didn't want to give up that multi-million dollar settlement.> This is proven? (Missed that part of the whole story).
<His decision to committ adultery shoudl exclude him from the money which is the only reason he wants the plug pulled. > Neither of us know his true motives. And, since she is legally married to him, she is no longer the parents "problem." Kinda the logic behind a bride price. ('Cept that's one old custom).
<Is that a profanity?> No profanity was used before that. Now, let's get the FCC's ruling on that...

Bud-Clare:<Yes, but really I just have inertia issues> So do parked cars.
< the strangest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you. > :D No problem. *Takes a bow*
<Could Cheez Balls be laced with LSD? > Only if by on purpose. Like vodka melons.

FireStorm:<Shouldn't it be Soylent Red?> The blue was a joke. Thanks for the story link, btw.

Christine: Your stories! Me likey! :D

Ok enough for now. Oh! Next week I'm in Co. Springs! Yea! And the goal date for Dad being stateside again is March 22! No more Iraq! Double yea!

Dezi - [Clickie for drivel from the next Ann Coulter!]
Thursday, March 4, 2004 09:54:03 PM

Firestorm<<Beyonce and her band are now a group of musical crime fighters!>>

Funny stuff, if you use the term "musical" loosely. :)

Tharos - []
Thursday, March 4, 2004 06:09:48 PM

Brandon: Play nice with the other children, newbie, or just lurk until you figure out how this comment room works.

Feel blessed that I am warning you now, for we oftentimes do not suffer trolls and if you don't start to behave like a human being right swiftly you will be banned.
Thursday, March 4, 2004 01:50:04 PM

Ok, this has to be said...

Beyonce and her band are now a group of musical crime fighters!

Fire Storm
Thursday, March 4, 2004 01:48:47 PM

brandon/GARGOYLESAREGODS> uhh ok you have now just posted 2 completely different posts (unless the first one was sarcastic)
and why are you on here when you should be hard at work at Braintree Electric Light Department?
tsk tsk, maybe we happen to enjoy gargoyles, and dislike growing pains? oh well.

Thursday, March 4, 2004 01:13:32 PM

*points and laughs*
Thursday, March 4, 2004 11:56:03 AM

::Posts Sign::

Do not feed Troll.

::Posts Another Sign::

Phoenix Gate Anthology Deadline Extended To April 1st! for more information.

::Leaves Comment Room while searching for grocery list::

Thursday, March 4, 2004 11:54:18 AM

what the hell is wrong with you people? Gargoyles was by far the worst show i've ever seen in my life. If you're looking for a real show watch yourself some Growing Pains. None of the posts on this comment board make sense either, nobody wnts to hear about how people don't get along with their dad and how your teacher is a grandmother now and the baby has a weird name. I suggest you all cut it out.
Thursday, March 4, 2004 10:29:11 AM

Ghost of rev attila:
“Hellcat> GB's not looking ::ponces on her lap and paws breasts:: It's good to be the King!!!”
:O I’ll say fi you’re king or not!*refuses to purr and takes him by the scruff of his neck* I got a nice poker with your name on it. :P You landed on the wrong lap buddy. Muhahaha. ;)

“ <My roomy and I always havinga saying whenever we had too much coffee>
I know I have had too much coffee when I can see time itself passing”
But that’s fun :P

“ <<I’m a short person and small too. Everything looks tall to me>>: Good news for the Baron, then.”
Good for me too! :)

<<Are you referrign to the Red Green show?>>: Not specifically, just trying to combine bestiality and the awesome powers inherent in duct tape.

Haha! Cool powers indeed!

Thursday, March 4, 2004 08:51:15 AM

Meow!!! Purrr!!!

lain> <<GET HIM!!!! *chases DPH with the canadian beaver-tail of chastisement* >> ""pounces on Lain's beaver tail and starts purring:: Oh yeah, this is the life ;)

Hellcat> GB's not looking ::ponces on her lap and paws breasts:: It's good to be the King!!!

Krista> Hellooo, newcomer. I hop eyou like cats ;)

Andrea> Meow!! ::purrs:: I hope you feel better. Want an perverted old cat to snuggle with?

Bud-Clare> <<*beats ass* In the name of Mars, I will punish you! (I think I just channeled Sailor Mars. Am very afraid.) >> Well at least you didn't attack me :p

You don't remind me of Sailor Mars, but you kinda look like Mira Furlan.

Besides, amicable is a nice thing. It means you can be friendly.

Dezi> You could listen to all those Canadians or go with me to Switzerland while I show you my account. meow!!

Presidential Elections> Who cares, I'm dead!!!
ghost of Reverend Attila
special area of Hell for perverted housecats who neevr seem to learn
Thursday, March 4, 2004 08:10:26 AM

155 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!
Thursday, March 4, 2004 06:53:11 AM

whoops that last one was me...
to tired
go sleep now

Thursday, March 4, 2004 04:24:34 AM

lain <<(dph>> <<I do like the idea of a single "United States of North America">>
GET HIM!!!! *chases DPH with the canadian beaver-tail of chastisement*) >>
ONLY: If canada invades the US
Pyromaniacs of Canada UNITE!
**note all assasination attempts on GWB will be on hold as he seems to have killed his own election. Prezel shipments however will continue as normal as a backup plan**
Dyslexics are teople poo!
Dyslexics of the world! UNTIE!
Thursday, March 4, 2004 03:22:08 AM

damien>> <<but what would we have left to make fun of? Vancouver?>>
london. you know why? cos "london sucks and the great lakes suck and sarnia sucks and turkey point sucks!"
plus, i hate london :P
<<(but save the West ed mall)>>
yeah, gotta give the americans SOMEthing to bomb...

dezi>> <<Wow, it got slow in here again. Nothin' but a bunch of Canadians jabbering. ;)>>
oh shush, youre just jealous cos your country sucks :P

andrea>>> <<Oh yeah, and being sick and depressed with PMS SUCKS>>
not as bad as being sick and depressed with really bad cramps... trust me, ive had both this week and the second sucks worse. i spent most of the morning writhing in pain on the bathroom floor :P:P

tharos>> <<This kid's already cooler than me. That and he's named after the heir to Avalon>>
*points at tharos* holy crap!! GEEK ALERT!!!! *looks around the rest of the room*
oh yeah. nevermind then... ;)

krista>> <<One of my friends started calling me Demona and it stuck. It is what I sign my emails as, and my notes. If it's not taken here, can it be mine?>>
uh, yeah i guess so. but i warn you, everybody is going to get all mixed up of you go and change your nickname now. they always do... i tried to change my nickname in here once, but gave up eventually. now i have one nickname for in here, and a different one for everywhere else ;)

gside>> <<Use the extras to feed the secret government vampire super soldier program>>
OMG i KNEW IT!!!! stupid government...

dph>> <<I do like the idea of a single "United States of North America">>
GET HIM!!!! *chases DPH with the canadian beaver-tail of chastisement*

fire storm>> <<I find that Tatu's music is nice... but I like the Russian version the best>>
except holy crap, how do they wrap their tongues around it!?
*shifty eyes* uuuuh.. i mean... *cough*
the translation (at least of "ya shosla s uma") is so much better than the english crap lyrics, too.

oooo, were supposed to be getting super-duper awesome huge thunderstorms here tomorrow, gleeee!

*leaves spring-loaded smooch for gunjack, who will be checking the CR before he goes to work tomorrow and goes to bed*

Thursday, March 4, 2004 03:10:25 AM

*Delurks at beckoning, waves to DPH, then returns to her paper on Chaucer*
Thursday, March 4, 2004 01:25:38 AM

Damien: <(seriously) well lets just rock the boat, lets kill the most evil, greedy, and deranged member of the history of the 20th century>
So Edison may be a rotten apple. Made a few enemies. But he did it through business... and I got to admire that! The BEST and most effective way to dominate the market is to completely CRUSH your opponents.
But, then again, I am anti-Gates, so go fig.
<Hmm Running Game anyone?>
I think it would be a decent idea. Many people (namely LM) think its a bad idea, but we will see.

Green Baron: <That could fund the prisons and the remainder can be set up into a trust fund with the interest from that fund going to cover exapnding Medicaid to the working poor.>
Yeah. That could work. Also, since people will most likely gamble on that, that's more revenue for the schools
<And tehy say we social darwinists don't have a heart>
Praise Darwin!

Gside: <But then who was the great evil of those times?>
Legend speaks of a time before the Great Evils, when peace and people with actual intelligence ruled the young internet.
<That's just because no one bothers to remember which ones starboardplay and which one's portplay.>
Ah, just make them walk the plank then.
<It'd take a brave person to use that in context>
"Silly Xenomorph! Trix are for Kids!"
*The Xenomorph queen looks at the kid with utter astonishment... before she bites the kid's head off*
<Oh sure, just because you're not supposed to. Well, I'm breaking conventions here.>
Democrat or Republican? And are you talking about their national convention or the local ones?
<Besides the premise, of course.>
Of course. Hmm... na. A remake would most likely SUCK
<You know, even after reading that, I still enjoy eclairs>
You know... I think that the people at National Lampoons read Christine's work before watching Van Wilder

Hellcat: <My roomy and I always havinga saying whenever we had too much coffee>
I know I have had too much coffee when I can see time itself passing

I find that Tatu's music is nice... but I like the Russian version the best.

Fire Storm
Thursday, March 4, 2004 12:41:47 AM


As many of you know, the relationship between my dad and I is . . strained. Well, I'm going to try to do something that will give a positive memory of spending time with my dad. I decided to try to float down a section of a creek that leads to the Arkansas River and ask him to go with me. So far, so good. He wants to go fishing. Hmm. That section is approximately 10.5 miles long, which is about the same length as I recall going last time I went down the Buffalo River. If I can average 1 mile per hour down the area, the trip is feasible in one day: start at 8am on the water and finish sometime around 6pm. This is one of the few things we can do where hopefully we won't spend time arguing, but enjoying nature.

I went to Hastings today and couldn't stop myself from renting all of Dilbert Season 1 on 2 dvds, which is the right size.

Winterwolf - Funny thing. I was just thinking about you the other day in a positive light. <Apologies for any overactive winter weather anyone is experiencing.> Small request: next year around Ground Hog's Day, I'd like nice warm weather.

Ok, 2 of my fellow BFTS RPers showed up this week. I wonder what the odds of another showing up are.

I know Lain isn't going to like this but I do like the idea of a single "United States of North America", as long as Mexico isn't included. (Too many uprising in Mexio)

Yea, yea, I sent a letter to the editor of my college newspaper and it got published. I was pretty sure it would be published because Monday I got a call to verify I sent the letter by email.

I got a slick economic question: does buying a one of those juicemakers really save you money over buying the juice already processed.

I also had a good visit to the chiropractor today. My dad's wife asked if I could have made faster progress by seeing a different kind of specialist. Anyways, back to my report. I can barely feel the adjustments to my back but the adjustments on my neck are painfull.

It's official. Once again the race for the presidency between the two parties boils down to a choice of 2 evils: a greater evil and a lesser one. Too bad Bush is too pro-Business.

Krista - It's the combination of text color and image that makes people unique. There are 3 images that are shared by two people and there are 5 text colors that are shared by 2 or more people.

Lady Mystic - I just sent you an email by form so here's a heads up.

**goes off to watch Dilbert**

Thursday, March 4, 2004 12:40:37 AM

Kjay> <<I just found out I have hyperthyroidism>>: Fun. I might get something like that eventually, but I forget if my mother has hypo- or hyper- thyroidism.
<<and you mean to tell me my "Cognitive" ablity is all of a sudden so bad that I can't drive?>>: Nah, they just don't want the chance of any problems happening. Same reason most cold medicines warn not to operate heavy machinery.
<<23 VIALS???!! What do they do with all that blood anyway?>>: Use the extras to feed the secret government vampire super soldier program.
<<IF you can call that good>>: I'd say it is. Do what you feel like when no one's watching, and you have a great excuse not to do anything you don't want to.

Andrea> <<i got blood taken for a karyotype>>: Fun. My parents have their genes framed from when they got karyotyped in college (silly bio majors).
<<Any ideas of what I should say to my neightbor (whom I dont like) who's been having LOUD, um, "adventures" in her room at 4 am?>>: See if you can't join in.

Hellcat> <<I’m a short person and small too. Everything looks tall to me>>: Good news for the Baron, then.
<<Are you referrign to the Red Green show?>>: Not specifically, just trying to combine bestiality and the awesome powers inherent in duct tape.

Tharos> <<I am Blaze Fox>>: I once knew someone named Joe Rocks. It works as both a statement and a name.

Krista> <<If it's not taken here>>: There are a few variations (CrzyDemona, Demona May), but I don't know of anyone who uses the vanilla version.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Thursday, March 4, 2004 12:13:44 AM

(Darn it, Brooklyn! You used my favorite pic! I had to use another pic of Brooklyn! 'Cause there isn't a very good one for Demona to choose. Oh well, it's just a pic. Anyway...)
Wednesday, March 3, 2004 11:11:24 PM

Wow. It seems a lot has gone on sense I've been in here. I hate computers: they hate me. Lately, I have been having a battle against two of them at school, which it's pretty sad because they're winning. lol. Well, just checked in to say hi! So, um, Hi! lol. Cul8r. Ooh! And I was wondering about my nickname I mentioned. Well, we have a nickname thingy going on in our church class and we all picked names that suited us, only out classmates picked them. One of my friends started calling me Demona and it stuck. It is what I sign my emails as, and my notes. If it's not taken here, can it be mine? I just thought I ought to ask.
Wednesday, March 3, 2004 11:08:38 PM

Hey Winterwolf,

You may not remember me but I used to go by Brooklyn about 4 years ago.

Just checking up, by

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 10:35:45 PM

Tharos - <"I am Blaze Fox, destroyer of demons">
I gotta admit that's a pretty sweet name. A couple that I've always been a fan of are Dikembe Mutumbo (NBA player) and Reuben Boumtje-Boumtje (pronounced "boom-chay boom-chay"...recent Georgetown basketball player). But this kid's got 'em beat by a mile.


Wednesday, March 3, 2004 08:04:26 PM

Something (semi) Gargoyles-related: My english teacher just became a grandmother. The kid's middle name is Alexander, and his last name is Fox! How could that be cooler? Like this - his first name is Blaise. What a killer name. "I am Blaze Fox, destroyer of demons" (or something to that effect). This kid's already cooler than me. That and he's named after the heir to Avalon.
Yeah, sometimes I get excited about stuff. Heh.

Tharos - []
Wednesday, March 3, 2004 07:13:25 PM

Hey everyone. I’m dreaming of a place with no winter right now. Snow is blah…

Dezi, if you ask green baron he call tell you how much I rant! Haha.

Damien and Whitbourne:
Burn down Calgary? Ack. All I wanna do is burn that tower ddown. I have a phobia of heights and very bad experience in that tower.
I love the edmonton mall though. All those cool stores. I hope to return someday. Nt to mentin cheaper priced products whoo! :D Only bad thing about Lberta is their stupid oil and droughts. Oy. If you burn a little section, Alberta will be a provicne on fire! I rather not burn Alberta because I hope to live there down the road maybe. Haha

“ <<all tall things>>: Yes, it is very tall, how did you know. Oh, Fire Storm must have reinstalled the cameras and pay site again.”
No! cameras!? Ack…lol. I’m a short person and small too. Everything looks tall to me ;)

“<<*laughs* That’ll be um…great. Action’s always a good thing. Relieves tension really. *hums*>>: Exactly what I was hoping for.”

Heehee. :)

Leo> <<But these beavers have teeth that are designed for gnawing wood>>: They can always be turned around. And if they're still too frisky, that's why there's duct tape.

HAHA! Are you referrign to the Red Green show? He duct tapes everything haha.

Kjay: That’s sounds terrible. I hope you get better fast and don’t have to spend much time in hospital. Doctors suck. I hate ‘em all. Ironic since my dad’s a G.P. haha.

“Re: Tim Horton's
I tried the blueberry fritters on Sunday, just out of curiosity. Eh.”
Eh? Oh the poor fritters’ ears…eh? Lol :P
You still have blueberry firtters! AH!!! Now I have to envy you. Now you got me hungry for one. lol

nl, canada
Wednesday, March 3, 2004 02:39:39 PM

Re: Tim Horton's
I tried the blueberry fritters on Sunday, just out of curiosity. Eh.
Thomas> <<I guess to show she is amicable>>
*beats ass* In the name of Mars, I will punish you! (I think I just channeled Sailor Mars. Am very afraid.)

<<As bad as Bush is, I find John Kery much worse.>>
At least Kerry is sane. As appalling as it is, that's all I care about anymore. I would have thought that my expectations could not possibly go any lower, but they did anyway. :(
Gside> <<You know, even after reading that, I still enjoy eclairs.>>
It put me off eclairs for about a year, but the horror has faded now.

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 10:37:03 AM

Thank God gargoyles are back. my life was not complete until i found this website. i was wondering if anyone had any connections for some naked pictures of Ajax. so sexy. I love gargoyles more than you could ever imagine, i have a tattoo of one on my calf, back, neck and other spot. heh. i would just like to thank you again for bringing back gargoyles and making my life worth living again. i love you all. see you in montreal.
Mnhattan, NY, USofA
Wednesday, March 3, 2004 10:06:06 AM

156 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!
Wednesday, March 3, 2004 06:54:08 AM

Christine: <And then, in light of your anti-smacking helmet, maybe I'll kick you in the shins a time or three, what do you say?>
Thank you Ma'me, may I have another?

"I think I shall never see
A Scooby Snack the same way
All thanks to thee"

Fire Storm
Wednesday, March 3, 2004 04:17:24 AM

Winterwolf:<Apologies for any overactive winter weather anyone is experiencing>HAHA! You poor souls. We in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan have just come off of a fifty degree high. It was beautiful and the weather is still reasonably nice!
Vinnie - []
Marquette, Michigan, USA
Wednesday, March 3, 2004 03:37:31 AM

kjay - that sucks. I dont know how much 23 vials of blood amount to, but that's a bit much...if they sucked that much blood form me, I'd probably be dead. I don't even weight enough to be a blood donor (though I don't think i have the guts to donate anyway..i was like 5 years old when i got blood taken for a karyotype, talk about scary).

The only real medical story I have is the time I passed out (well, not 100%, but I was REALLY close) from insulin shock...having a test done in a hospital, no less. (the test was about 3 hours long, and from about 12 hours before the start, I was not allowed ANYTHING but water. I was about 11 or 12 at the time and growing, and I started to faint toward the end of the test). Oh course, my parents and a nurse were with me the entire time, but it still wasn't fun. They kept asking me stupid questions to try to keep me awake...they finally had to pump some sugar into me, which is what they SHOULD have done in the first place (I know it could have messed up results, but when you have a preteen passing out due to dangerously low blood suger levels, you shouldn't be concerned less with the results of a test that would explain why she's so short, even though she's heathly otherwise! Not to mention, she's had this test done before, but they made her take it again due to the off chance that results were faulty the first time; it did occatiobnally happen, but not too often). But enough of that...

Any ideas of what I should say to my neightbor (whom I dont like) who's been having LOUD, um, "adventures" in her room at 4 am? Our doors are thick, but I could hear them loud and clear...If I wanted to hear that kind of thing, I'll rent a porno, thank you very much...

Oh yeah, and being sick and depressed with PMS SUCKS.

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 02:14:47 AM

Today is not a good day for me.
I just found out I have hyperthyroidism. On the dry marker board today somebody wrote, "PFC HALL GO TO THE TMC NOW!!!" Because last friday night I went to the hospital because I was feeling awful. I was hot and sweating, I had hand tremors,and palpitations. I thought I might of had food poisoning from the chinese food from lunch. My room mate begged me to go to the hospital. So I did. The docs thought the same thing too, because I had a fever, and I was dehydrated. Seven hours later they give me meds and let me go. Which brings me back to tuesday. When I got to the TMC, the doctor there told me I had hyperthyroidism and explained to me what it was. I'm now on Carbimazole. The worst part of this is until my thyroid hormone levels go down to acceptable limits, I can't drive because my cognitive ablities might be affected. Thyroid issues don't just pop up over night. I been driving for weeks maybe even months with this and you mean to tell me my "Cognitive" ablity is all of a sudden so bad that I can't drive? I hate these military doctors. So now I have to go every week to get 23 vials of blood drawn just to test my thyroid levels. 23 VIALS???!! What do they do with all that blood anyway??
Today is not my day.
The only good from this is that I'm on a "dead man's" profile for 2 months. Basically I can't do anything. No PT,No running, no standing for more than 5 mintues, I can't carry more than five pounds,ect...
IF you can call that good.
I going to have to ask for a lot of rides...

kjay - []
fort bliss, tx
Wednesday, March 3, 2004 01:23:35 AM

Leo> <<But these beavers have teeth that are designed for gnawing wood>>: They can always be turned around. And if they're still too frisky, that's why there's duct tape.

Hellcat> <<all tall things>>: Yes, it is very tall, how did you know. Oh, Fire Storm must have reinstalled the cameras and pay site again.
<<It seems here…so far….that the flame wars are ‘mellow’ to what I was used to>>: No one's been personally involved in one yet. No snuff fics, no accusations of constant lying.
<<*laughs* That’ll be um…great. Action’s always a good thing. Relieves tension really. *hums*>>: Exactly what I was hoping for.

Winterwolf> <<Apologies for any overactive winter weather anyone is experiencing>>: It's easing off here, but overall I enjoyed it.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Wednesday, March 3, 2004 12:59:15 AM

Wow, it got slow in here again. Nothin' but a bunch of Canadians jabbering. ;)

Ok, that's it! We need another psuedo-celebrity to off himself again! (Well, the same guy can't do it twice of course, someone else will have to now step up and take the charge). I nominate Justin Timberlake!

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 12:21:47 AM

calgary? But the museum, the stampede...
LETS BURN DOWN EDMONCHUCK (but save the West ed mall)
Feuer frie!

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 07:52:02 PM

You know it still says Caspoan in the drop down for this picture... I suppose it could just be spelled wrong in every story I have read. ;)

Josh: I see you gave up with the daily posting. Tsk tsk. ;P

Anyway I'm just visiting. Apologies for any overactive winter weather anyone is experiencing.

Seattle, WA
Tuesday, March 2, 2004 07:12:46 PM

I like the city of Ottawa. It's a nice town with a lot of neat stuff.
I vote we make fun of Calgary. :-)

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 05:02:07 PM

Burn down ottawa?
hmm tempting...
but what would we have left to make fun of? Vancouver?

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 04:50:02 PM

Hello people. I guess I’m posting out of boredom here. I hate boredom. Gotta do something. At least tonight I be a bit busy. I refused to go to Walmart again today. Argh, mom’s addicted to that place…help…
That dumb prof hadn’t emailed me so I’m gonna have a tense week. Oh if my prof doesn’t send in my ref letter I’ll show him something really ugly. I’ll unleash hell! Hmph!

Green Baron:

“I've thought about the Navy, but I'd have to discuss that with a certain Hellcat first.”

*gasp* There’s more than one Hellcat??? Where is she? *sees a mirror* Ah!! A evil twin! She’s mimicking me…
Seriously, Green baron, you’re smart. Hehe I’m openminded but I have no idea what effects it might have on me and you even. I’m canadian for one thing. Maybe that foreign officer you were talking about. Of course, that’s down the road so no use worrying and fretting about it.

”I await your beavers of mass destruction ;)?”

Yeah. The poor trees…all tall things… hehe *kiss*

“I think you'd have to worry more about the American left annexing Canada, as they would want the votes to keep their power. Don't worry, Canada will continue to be controlled by Quebec and besides, the Moose Overlord who secretly rules Canada will neevr allow it ;)”
haha, correction dear,there’s more overlords, such as the seal overlord, the beaver overload, the wolf overload and the polar bear overlord….a council of overlords really. It’s a matter of looking UNDER the curtains…*smirks*

”I do admit Canada is great, but I think its bestto keep borders where they are, escept I'll give you New England for Alberta and I just want Western Newfoundland for my personal fief :)”

Very true. Canada’s canada. I just wish Newfoundland was more flourishing. St John’s could be a growign city if situations and circumstances changed. I just read alotof books that actually said that Newfoundland was booming in th e1940s but when it joined Canada, they plummetted hard. Personal fief hm? How ambitious of you hehe, despite it being a lost cause. Haha. Nothingon the west except Gros Mourne, and viking settlement up in Lanse Aux meadows. The chruch you saw too. Wow…three things…But I know why now. That old US base in Stephenville. Hehe. I bet you’d love to reopen that if you to become Baron. That’ll be cool. You can blow stuff up lol.

” That's ok ::kisses:: Funny you shoudl mention Vengeance demons, forI can bring up Anya from Buffy the Vampire Slayer ;) “ That’s what I meany. I forgot to spell hr name. Oops hehe *kiss* SO much for your monogamous marriage view hm? ;-)

”Wait until she meets my black cousins :) Hopefully Cousin Tommy will get near her and start telling polish jokes justto really irritate her :D”
Haha. If he survives…

”I have no major problems with Walmart, but the wife of the phony John Kerry has denounced it, while she has a few million invested in Wal Mart. She's a hypocrite, but look what she married....better yet don't, since he's a hideous one.”
Yeah I get what you’re saying. I can’t understand why a pruneface like him would use so much botox. He must really like the AGONY. The itty bitty needles digging right in…*shudder* I’m happy you don’t like Walmart…it’s scary place with all those smiling and stalking clerks…Gotta wonder…

“Of course, 90% of Wal Mart's employees have Health insurnce, so its not all bad. Of course I could always get you on a rant about Canadian Tire ;)”
Yeah the socalled great hardware store. More expensive than tools in Walmart (eeck), poor minimum wages, losing money since they built that horrid new Canadian Tire. Oh and my parents know the millionaires. I met them once. Bunch of snobs. Oyy, they had this look that told you they were too good for Newfoundlanders. So…blah. Canadian Tire claims it ‘helps’ people with ‘everyday’ life…yeah and the tools fall apart after roughly three months! Dad loves tools but always get them from Walmart. Haha. Cheaper. And what’s up with the itty bitty GREEN maple leaf??? I mean god. It should be red and bigger, so it is a proud Canadian Tire! It’s Canadian. DUH!!! SO much for patriotic green maple leafs. I guess they can get away with it for saying Canadian in front of tire, because Tire alone is not too attractive…Woww….I don’t get the red triangle…I mean whoever came up with it must be artisitcally challenged. Or colourblind…

Yeah I hate Canadian Tire. People are kinda hostile and not accessible until last year when they built that hideous building. That small brick two storey building they use to be was so much attractive. Now it’s…eww….
*Ahems* I’m cool. Yeah. Lol You had to get me started Thomas. Now surely Canadians who like Canadian Tire is gonna whup my ass. lol

“Well, when going downtown, it will be good for all of us to queeze in and only pay the parking for one car. I hope we can see soem stuff by bus on our own during the day.”
Oh for sure! It’s be a adventure hehe.

Well, how about China's Government collapsing? Inner Mongolia, East Turkestan, and Tibet will be free. Hopefully all Communist leadership will be rounded up and executed at Tianemen Square, and Taiwan will take Southeastern China along with Macao and Hong Kong. BC can join them.
I was beign sacrastic with that because B.C. has Asian triads…mafia…gangs…you name it. But it’s a good idea though.

“ Pistoff used to be a regular here, known for his anger issues. And I'll assume you do know what a flame war is.”
I see. I didn’t know Pistoff was a member. Yes I do know flame wars. Too well unfortunately. It seems here…so far….that the flame wars are ‘mellow’ to what I was used to. I had ban a lot of people who insulted other nationalities and just sheer uber-trolls. So I’m impressed with this board so far. :)

“<<US won't be the same with rampant beavers>>: If it'll help me get some action, I'll support you.”
*laughs* That’ll be um…great. Action’s always a good thing. Relieves tension really. *hums*

Leo, beavers do sooo much more than just gnaw wood. Hehe ;)

“uhh that should be 4th in the name of the Pyromaniacs of Canada!”
Damien, good one! Haha! Wanna burn down Ottawa? ;)

Pyro CanadaTuesday, March 2, 2004 02:01:21 PM

Leo > I deleted it, and asked the author not to send me any more (as if it wasn't bad enough, there was a "to be continued" at the end) or post it anyplace. No reply. I wash my hands of it. And then, in light of your anti-smacking helmet, maybe I'll kick you in the shins a time or three, what do you say? ;)
Tuesday, March 2, 2004 01:47:23 PM

Frell! I missed it!

oh well, back to my painting hole.

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 12:42:09 PM

Tenth, and not the least...

Maintaina dnd Check Six!

Stephen R. Sobotka Jr.
Tuesday, March 2, 2004 12:40:15 PM

Number nine!

And once again...

157 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 12:25:13 PM

8th hehehe ;)
SpainTuesday, March 2, 2004 12:13:07 PM

7th =)
Tuesday, March 2, 2004 11:53:21 AM

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 11:50:57 AM

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 11:48:33 AM

uhh that should be 4th in the name of the Pyromaniacs of Canada!
Tuesday, March 2, 2004 11:19:11 AM

4th in the name of Canada!
Tuesday, March 2, 2004 11:15:41 AM

Must post more
Go-Gaia sucking up most of my time!

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 10:45:00 AM

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 10:43:45 AM

Ha! First!
Tuesday, March 2, 2004 10:40:52 AM
