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jeeze umbriel's Dead.
what a waste

Monday, March 15, 2004 02:27:46 AM

Whitbourne<Spain's Popular Party has been turfed in the elction today, a direct rebuke to former president Aznar's support for the war in Iraq and out of concern that Aznar's support for Bush made Spain an al-Qaeda target. >

This has nothing to do with the war in Iraq. This is people's fear taking over directly after a tragedy of immense proportions and their hope in trying to avert it by giving in to the terrorist's whims.

<On the other hand, this bodes well for democracy.>

Are you trying to be a comedian here? This is nothing short of the terrorists swaying the electorate by randomly killing a few of them. This doesn't bode well at all for democracy. The guys successor would have been in office if the bombing didn't happen.

<Regardless of what you think about the war in Iraq, Aznar supported it over the majority of his constituents (some polls have suggested that up to 90% of Spaniards were opposed to the war in Iraq).>

Still doesn't make it right or wrong or why he deserved to be voted out of office.

<And what's more - this might be a potent message for Bush and his junta. >

The only message here is the subversion of democracy by the terrorists.

< Perhaps it's a lesson that he'll be able to learn again, first-hand, in November. Those who subvert democracy might just end up getting turfed by it. >

Subversion of democracy? Thats what the terrorists did. Bush so far has helped foster democracy both in Afghanistan and Iraq by overthrowing regimes of ignorance and blood.

<It's tragic that it took such a horrific event for that lesson to become apparent. >

It's also tragic that some people are using this tragedy to promote their anti-bush agendas.

Monday, March 15, 2004 02:19:18 AM

Gunjack> <<Except to say NIPPLE BUTTONS>>: If that's all you're doing, Lain must be very unsatisfied.
<<Dont make me tell you what happens to sheep>>: You don't have to. I know what to do to sheep much better than you.

Fire Storm> <<This week, it's going to be drywall and painting>>: How good are you at taping the drywall joins?
<<If more work for others means less for me, I am all for it!>>: Unless they're likely to visit you with implements of destruction. Because that'd just be more work for you killing them.
<<Throw them in a meat grinder>>: People should use meat grinders more.
<<then go to Starbucks>>: The first mate of the Pequod or the coffee shop?
<<I didn't quite make it... but I got better>>: Except for the occaisonal craving for headcheese.
<<They want it to be a surprise>>: They should fire their marketing people.
<<Today's history lesson is brought to you by the great taste of Coke-a-Cola! Always history, Always Coke-a-Cola!>>: You mean, "Always Rutgers, Always Coca Cola", a phrase I know well from my time in marching band.

Ed> <<I’ve not seen bathtubs affect the economic or political climate of a country or the world>>: Just think about what would happen to diplomacy if everyone smelled.

Taleweaver> <<I suspect classrooms full of geometry students rue the day scholars put the name pi to the ratio>>: At least nowadays, they only have to remember what button to push. And I'm embarrassed that I only know it to 10 decimals.
<<Be glad they don't give a day to sine, cosine and tangents>>: Trig day. Unfortunately, 3 4 5 doesn't make a good repeatable date.
<<I hope everyone enjoys the delicious pie sometime today>>: And for extra credit, figure out the lenght of the outside crust using only a straight ruler (no rolling allowed).

Gunjack> <<I'm not sure if I can tell it here without busting the content rules>>: Even if you @!#$ out all the naughty words?
<<That's most likely because all the other places that had what you needed were driven out of business>>: Ah, the joys of a horizontal monopoly. They can take a loss on one market at a time, absorbing it with the rest of their products.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, March 15, 2004 12:21:10 AM

Spain's Popular Party has been turfed in the elction today, a direct rebuke to former president Aznar's support for the war in Iraq and out of concern that Aznar's support for Bush made Spain an al-Qaeda target.

On the one hand, I'm ambivalent about the idea of terrorism swaying political results; there's a chance that this could embolden others to use terror to achieve favourable ends for their cause of the week. That's iffy, though, but that impression might be given, though I doubt that anyone who would be willing to commit such atrocities would really need that justification anyway.
On the other hand, this bodes well for democracy. Regardless of what you think about the war in Iraq, Aznar supported it over the majority of his constituents (some polls have suggested that up to 90% of Spaniards were opposed to the war in Iraq). The fact that people were angry with the former government for allegedly "covering up" details of the bombing (claiming that ETA was responsible even as more evidence accumulates to suggest al-Qaeda or an affiliate were responsible) suggests that there's still a chance that governments may be accountable to their populace despite the new rhetoric of the war on terror.
And what's more - this might be a potent message for Bush and his junta. You might be able to sway leaders with shady evidence, but if you can't convince the people, well, see ya. Perhaps it's a lesson that he'll be able to learn again, first-hand, in November. Those who subvert democracy might just end up getting turfed by it.
It's tragic that it took such a horrific event for that lesson to become apparent.

Sunday, March 14, 2004 08:56:48 PM

Woops, kinda double posted part of that. I'm dumb.
Tharos - []
Sunday, March 14, 2004 08:47:07 PM

Gunjack: <<Bush is directly responsible for enabling and continuing those horrors, and the media, collectively, are responsible for making it possible by burying warcrimes in "patriotism" and spinning calculated deciet into "national security".
And questioning this is... Damaging? Pernicious?>>

One hell of a post, 'specially the part about burying war crimes (and much more) in "patriotism". But I do have to say... Chill out man, war is peace and freedom is slavery, right? ;)

<<Oceana is our FRIEND!!!>>
Exactly, so chill out man, war is peace and freedom is slavery, right? ;) Just ask CNN or any major news channel with their dramatic, triumphant "Operation: Iraqi Freedom" fanfair.

Tharos - []
Sunday, March 14, 2004 08:46:01 PM

One more time

Gunjack "Oh GOD I Stayed Up Till 4am Last Night" Valentine: Lightweight. I stayed up till 5 and got up at 6:20 to go to work!

Fire Storm
Sunday, March 14, 2004 03:40:51 PM

Gunjack: <That's most likely because all the other places that had what you needed were driven out of business.>
No. The places I go (Farmer Jack, Meijers, Bushes) are still alive and kicking.
It's just that the manufacture of what I went to get (Starbucks White Chocolate Latte icecream) is no longer readily available, and I fear that the next time I want to get some I will have to go even farther.
Before it was available locally. Then in Toledo. Now near Chicago... next thing you know I will have to go to Ft. Wayne...
But it will still be worth it. I love spoiling LM!

Fire Storm
Sunday, March 14, 2004 03:38:57 PM

FS><<The radio went silent and the interview ended. You gotta love the Marines>>
...I have a better one, involving a gaurdsman in basic and three drill instructors, but I'm not sure if I can tell it here without busting the content rules. 8 P
<<I went into a WalMart once. Drove all the way across the state to go to one, actually. Only place within 200 miles that had what I needed.>>
That's most likely because all the other places that had what you needed were driven out of business.
...Though, they DO have cheap soda...

ED><<*Sigh* I realise that smug cynicism gets people high on the warm fuzzies o’ feeling morally superior...>>
"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set ye free."

<<...but this ‘Michael Moore meets Fox Mulder meets an ostrich’ mentality frankly strikes me as at least as damaging and pernicious as senior politicians who exploit major atrocities for political ends.>>
Um, no.
First off, Moore is a self-inflating hack.
Second, how can a conspiracy theorist be said to have their head in the sand? Conspiracy nuts are the ones paying attention. Too MUCH attention, even.
And, see, this isn't Mulder. RX 84, FEMA, pre-built concentration camps, Kennedy's "magic bullets", filed patents for mind-control devices, cattle mutilations, Operation Red Dragon, and Arkanicide, THAT'S Mulder. 'Course, most of those are also true, but that's a talk for a different day. Right now, we're just talking about what we see on TV.
I voted for Bush, and he lied to me. He's been lying since he got into office. His lies have led to the (reported) deaths of somewhere upwards of 8,000 civilians, as well as multiple criminal violations of basic human rights.

I've watched gun-camera video of an Apache crew blowing away farmers with 30mm cannon fire. The last guy, he crawls under a truck to try and hide, so they toast the truck around him. I've seen the little kids with limbs missing, sucking chest wounds, faces burned off, heads smashed like eggs. I've seen news footage of american soldiers executing enemy wounded, and then telling the reporters how great it felt.
Bush is directly responsible for enabling and continuing those horrors, and the media, collectively, are responsible for making it possible by burying warcrimes in "patriotism" and spinning calculated deciet into "national security".

And questioning this is... Damaging? Pernicious?

Oceana is our FRIEND!!!

Gunjack "Oh GOD I Stayed Up Till 4am Last Night" Valentine
Sunday, March 14, 2004 03:32:45 PM

ed>> re: bathtubs>>
youre kinda missing the point. people get all freaked out when other people die in bunches, or because of explosions, or whatever. my point is, *thats what they want*. they WANT you to be afraid, they WANT to terrorize you, no matter WHO you want to finger for it.
first, people need to take a step back, realize that the chances of them being affected in ANY way are extremely miniscule (when compared to bathtub drowning or, hell, drunk driving) secondly, after realizing that, they should not be afraid, because at that point,the terrorist has won.
<<but just maybe casting them as Lex Luthor style cartoon villains is a little bit of an overreaction too>>
i guess that comment was for gunjack, since i havent actually "cast" anyone yet..
<<You never know. Maybe they’re human beings...>>
no. they human beings with a great deal of power over other human beings, which makes them different, and suspect.

hellcat>> <<Haha!! Newfie terrorists….scary…someone hold me while a Newfie terrorist drown a fish!>>
so THATS what happened to all the cod, it makes so much sense now!!!

vinnie>> <<And their speech gets even worse when they don't rehearse what they say like Bush the younger>>
yes, yes it does.

im hearing a lot about the bombing having a "moroccan" connection, but im not sure how much sense that makes, either.

im also seeing rumours about coalition forces unloading large amounts of components necessary to build long range missiles and wmd (whatever that means?) in the southern ports of iraq. the single (and very possibly not very credible) source says they are of soviet and eastern european vintage from the 80s and 90s and are apparently going in the direction of basra in some big trucks.
could be a lie. in any case, i thought it would be worth mentioning in case, you know, they should happen to find such things right before the election...
im gonna get yelled at for that one, i know, but you might as well save your breath because it cant be debated, being only a rumour and all.

green baron>> sorry for being a snarkypants, ill try to be a good lain from now on and only shout at you in private. :)
and where do these "democratic underground" people hang out? ive heard of "free republic" but not the other, they sound like fun :D

fire storm>> <<The radio went silent and the interview ended. You gotta love the Marines>>
that rules!

Sunday, March 14, 2004 02:47:35 PM

Gunjack "Nipple Button" Valentine:<Politicians manage only a simulation of human speech, laden with hideous undertones of viral malice.> And their speech gets even worse when they don't rehearse what they say like Bush the younger.
Vinnie - []
Marquette, Michigan, USA
Sunday, March 14, 2004 01:32:41 PM

Hi everyone,

This comes from the unofficial holidays file: Today is Pi day. March 14 or 3/14 is the day to celebrate pi or pies. Personally, I'm having Dutch Apple. And really don't pies deserve a day. Of all the desert dishes pies have an enduring place in human society. Now Pi is another matter. Pi has been the bane of many a calculaphobes. I suspect classrooms full of geometry students rue the day scholars put the name pi to the ratio. For them all I can say is, "Be glad they don't give a day to sine, cosine and tangents!"

I hope everyone enjoys the delicious pie sometime today.


Sunday, March 14, 2004 12:15:31 PM


<<I coldn't believe al queda went after Spain!>>
omg, i cant believe "gullible" isnt in the dictionary, lookit!!!!! :O

Can you read between the lines? Don’t need a dictionary for that. I guess you do though.

<<No one really safe>>
oh, right. i can see all the newfie terrorists now... get a grip, girl. more people drown in their own bathtubs than die from terrorism. the whole point of terrorism is to make you afraid, so give them the finger and dont fall for it.

Haha!! Newfie terrorists….scary…someone hold me while a Newfie terrorist drown a fish!

Wow, you’re smart. what finger should I give to terrorism? Oh, this is so hard!

ghost of Reverend Attila

“Lain and Gunjack> You two win the award for snarkiest couple in the CR. “

That they do! *applauds for Lain and Gunjack*

”Now, for something a bit brighter, Monday is International Eat an Animal for PETA day. PETA's a bunch of wackos so eat some meat and if you get the chance eat a PETA member too :)”

Does that include bottled PETA? Hehe ;)

”You two win the award for best couple in the CR, but I'm a biased little kitty :)”

Quite. :) *strokes behind Attila’s ear*

I guess I must have skipped platitudes class the day they explained that. I must admit, I’ve never had to stay up at night as a kid worrying if a loved one is alive or dead because they went into a bathtub. I have because of the IRA. The occasional Maxwell drowning aside (not in the bath), I’ve not seen bathtubs affect the economic or political climate of a country or the world. I doubt they’re going to affect the way people think about issues from transport to immigration procedures. I suspect bathtubs don’t brainwash vulnerable members of the community. I’d be surprised to hear that bathtubs are also linked into other criminal activities from drug-running to protection racketeering. I have a sneaking suspicion that when a bathtub claims a life, other bathtubs don’t rush out to celebrate.
I agree with you about the bathtubs. Well said! :)

Fire Storm,
"Hellcat: <Very true. I’m alipreader..imagien the pain there! Owie…>
That would suck very much so"
It would suck even more to the one who talked backwards ;) I'd give the person's lips a lesson haha.

"Whitbourne: <Can you please knock off the French bashing?>
NEVER! It is our right as humans to bash the French for no apparent reason!"

I like that 'reason'! Haha!

NL, the land of fish filled bathtubs.
Sunday, March 14, 2004 10:52:19 AM

The carnage in Madrid is awful. My best wishes to anyone reading this who is in Spain.

Lain: <<oh, right. i can see all the newfie terrorists now... get a grip, girl. more people drown in their own bathtubs than die from terrorism.>>

I guess I must have skipped platitudes class the day they explained that. I must admit, I’ve never had to stay up at night as a kid worrying if a loved one is alive or dead because they went into a bathtub. I have because of the IRA. The occasional Maxwell drowning aside (not in the bath), I’ve not seen bathtubs affect the economic or political climate of a country or the world. I doubt they’re going to affect the way people think about issues from transport to immigration procedures. I suspect bathtubs don’t brainwash vulnerable members of the community. I’d be surprised to hear that bathtubs are also linked into other criminal activities from drug-running to protection racketeering. I have a sneaking suspicion that when a bathtub claims a life, other bathtubs don’t rush out to celebrate.

*Sigh* I realise that smug cynicism gets people high on the warm fuzzies o’ feeling morally superior, but this ‘Michael Moore meets Fox Mulder meets an ostrich’ mentality frankly strikes me as at least as damaging and pernicious as senior politicians who exploit major atrocities for political ends. Political and media figures are self-evidently not angels, but just maybe casting them as Lex Luthor style cartoon villains is a little bit of an overreaction too.

You never know. Maybe they’re human beings...

Sunday, March 14, 2004 10:21:16 AM

I've been on vacation recently, so I haven't been at work, so I haven't been posting. This week, it's going to be drywall and painting! Yay!

Revel: <Can't wait for Alien vs Predator.>
I ph34r it's release. I SO want it to be good...
But I... I have lost hope in good movies based on well loved titles.
<Yeah, the Gathering does rock>
Don't forget the late night sessions with Greg! He lets out most of the REALLY juicy info there!

WTF is a Macarena remix doing on the radio in 2004?

I just realized... I haven't read Christine's NOR Spike's latest fics yet!

Gside: <Or at least less paperwork for you. But that's all the paperwork that matters, no?>
Exactly! If more work for others means less for me, I am all for it!
<I was thinking Josie and the Pussycats. They were the closest to musical do gooders I could come up with on short notice>
Jem. And I think Hootie and the Blowfish, if I remember my South park
<The respective side or would it be more appropriate to reverse it?>
Screw it. Throw them in a meat grinder and take half and throw it to port, half to starboard, drink some port, then go to Starbucks
<Sorry, she's not in the IMDB for that. There is a Christine Morgan that produced the Hear of the Matter in 1988, though.>
Well then. They just ripped her off! SUE! SUE!
<I did, and made it back alive. Mostly.>
I didn't quite make it... but I got better
<I'd think they'd announce it; why would they bother about any secrecy close to a release?>
They want it to be a surprise!

Hellcat: <Very true. I’m alipreader..imagien the pain there! Owie…>
That would suck very much so

Whitbourne: <Can you please knock off the French bashing?>
NEVER! It is our right as humans to bash the French for no apparent reason!

Ashley: <Wal Mart is getting away with murder>
I know what you mean. That WalMart in my area has killed before, and I just know it will kill again. The cops won't do anything, oh heavens no, because of the jobs and the bribes. I saw the building roaming the streets last week and a few days later they found the body. Of course the news people didn't say anything about it being WalMarts doing, since they are all in on it too, but I recognize it's style.
I guess it's up to me to stop it.
Wait, what were you saying?
I went into a WalMart once. Drove all the way across the state to go to one, actually. Only place within 200 miles that had what I needed.

Question: <Ever heard of a wonderful thing called convenience? Then people could buy grocerie and all their other crap.>
As long as it keeps the future Darwin Award winners out of the places I shop, I am all for it.

Green Baron: <Maybe, but most budgets take exected lottery gains and deduct it form the Education budget so no benefit is really made.>
Well, that sucks.
Imagine if school was totally sponsored by ads...
Teacher: "Today's history lesson is brought to you by the great taste of Coke-a-Cola! Always history, Always Coke-a-Cola!"

Wolf: <I agree. Although it's a bit unclear, they should've announced it...>
SHOULD have! Remember, this is Disney, and Gargoyles is the darker show that everyone loves but Disney wouldn't even acknowledge it's existence if it wasn't for us fans.

Leo: <Could it be possible that ABC Family is using an advanced copy of the DVD for broadcast>
Or they could be using the digital masters.

Gunjack: <First rule: if you hear it on the news, it's almost definately not true>
Which is why I don't believe that 9/11 actually happened.

#85979 +(718)- [X]
<O.J.> Radio interview quote from Marine Corps General Reinwald and a female radio host. He wants to host some boy scouts at the training center for some practise excercises. As follows
<FEMALE INTERVIEWER>: So, General Reinwald, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?
<GENERAL REINWALD>: We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery, and shooting.
<FEMALE INTERVIEWER>: Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?
<GENERAL REINWALD>: I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range.
<FEMALE INTERVIEWER>: Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?
<GENERAL REINWALD>: I don't see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline before they even touch a firearm.
<FEMALE INTERVIEWER>: But you're equipping them to become violent killers.
<GENERAL REINWALD>: Well, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're not one, are you?
The radio went silent and the interview ended. You gotta love the Marines

Fire Storm
Sunday, March 14, 2004 09:32:10 AM

Todd>> Thanks... the websearches I did only listed Taro too, but I didn't know if TGS had gone ahead and given him a full name or not in the stories that he was featured in.
Sunday, March 14, 2004 08:18:23 AM

Lain and Gunjack> You two win the award for snarkiest couple in the CR.

Democratic Underground, a group of crazy conspiracy theorist lefties (of course Free Republic is just as bad) cosndier the possibility of Bush and Aznar behind it. If you want to pin it on them, then why not Judge Balthazar Garzon, Rage Against the Machine, and International Answer, along with Ramsey Clark, and they all meet at Haliburton, Ontario, because well it's Haliburton.

Now, for something a bit brighter, Monday is International Eat an Animal for PETA day. PETA's a bunch of wackos so eat some meat and if you get the chance eat a PETA member too :)

Green Baron and Hellcat> You two win the award for best couple in the CR, but I'm a biased little kitty :)
ghost of Reverend Attila
Hell, Michigan
Sunday, March 14, 2004 08:12:03 AM

Gside><<Not much to say>>

Me neither. Except to say NIPPLE BUTTONS.

Killed a whooooooooooooooole MESS of people today. Speaking of which...

***Terrorism and the Spanish Kablooie***

First rule: if you hear it on the news, it's almost definately not true. Reporters lie; that is their job. Certianly, for the bigtime syndicate heads, that is pretty much all they ever do. They exist to have their jaws worked adroitly by corperate and political powermongers like the meatpuppets they are.
Appologies to anyone who is related to a reporter. It's not your fault, but you should probably wash.

Second rule: If you hear it on the news from a politician... well, I suggest you put an axe through the terminus of the infernal gibberings, wrap your head in tin-foil, and lock yourself in a closet for at LEAST an hour, secure in a sweet blanket of silence. Politicians manage only a simulation of human speech, laden with hideous undertones of viral malice. Extended exposure to their corrosive meeping will turn you irrevocably into a sheep.
Dont make me tell you what happens to sheep. Think Scotland.

I have no clue if this whole spain thing was Al Qeada or the ETA or the Martians from Jupiter. Maybe all three. If you have a burning curiousity, I suggest you go take a look at who stands to gain from Spaniards dead in the streets. That'll lead you truer than a week's worth of pestulant analysis from the Experts.

And now, I am going to sleep.

Gunjack "Nipple Button" Valentine
Sunday, March 14, 2004 04:24:53 AM

green baron>> <<Two years and six months after 9/11, Spain has been atatcked by Al Qaeda>>
your proof? an "al qaeda" letter? we do remember that al qaeda *never* takes credit for its own work, dont we?
also, WHY would al qaeda attack spain?
<<"With the victims, with the Constitution, for the defeat of terrorism">>
*falls out of chair*
youre kidding, right?

caboose>> <<Some French guy said that after 9/11 "we are all Americans" and the sentiment didn't last long. Let's hope the same can't be said of 3/11>>
of course the same will be said. isnt "survivor" on this week? o.O
but seriously, it might also be prudent to examine WHY the sentiment didnt last long - im sure the stupidity that is "freedom fries" and all the rampant french-bashing and political bullying thats gone on since hasnt gone unnoticed by the entire rest of the planet :P

hellcat>> <<I coldn't believe al queda went after Spain!>>
omg, i cant believe "gullible" isnt in the dictionary, lookit!!!!! :O
<<No one really safe>>
oh, right. i can see all the newfie terrorists now... get a grip, girl. more people drown in their own bathtubs than die from terrorism. the whole point of terrorism is to make you afraid, so give them the finger and dont fall for it.
<<Later i read so many died from it. It's sad>>
yeah, it really is. but thats no excuse for idiocy, on anyones behalf.
<<Makes you really think terrorism will not just go away>>
well uh, no. not if it keeps being funded and encouraged and if motives keep being passed out on silver platters it wont.
<<and hope something will be done about it>>
would be nice. maybe the spanish government will be smart enough to not block any and all investigation into the crime, unlike some other governments i can think of...

so yeah, my thoughts? mourn for the people who died, because their deaths were pointless and tragic and their families need comfort. but dont allow your grief to let others take advantage of you while youre down.

thetrok>> im glad you and yours are OK.

question>> <<I find it distressing that the Spanish are actually giving in to the terrorists and calling for a limit in their involvement of Iraq>>
uh.. how can they be "giving in to the terrorists" if they dont even know who the terrorists are? o.O

patrick>> <<Last summer, for example, they also claimed responsibilty for the blackout in North America... which as we all know was Canada's fault>>
ha ha ha, you are a funny man!

*puts marshmallows on head and waits for fire*

Sunday, March 14, 2004 04:05:09 AM

Not much to say.
Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, March 14, 2004 01:40:34 AM

i didnt mean to overshadow your comment that the gargoyles comes on, on suday. i was only backing your comment up and giving a addy that i got MY info from. if i offended you i appoligize

Brutis (Thomas Guillot) - [creature_of_the_night_20042004]
Sunday, March 14, 2004 01:22:20 AM

hey i just did a check on the tv guide and the gargoyles does come on tomorrow at the same time at 10 central time and i think it will be the next 2 epsodes of awakenings <excuse spelling> but all the info i can get is
-awakenings- and it doesnt give any more info but i have checked a disney sight and the epsode deadly force comes on on the saturday 27 so it makes since that they will play the next 2 on sunday i got my info from
just scroll to the bottem of the page for the abc family show list till the end of March

Brutis (Thomas Guillot) - [creature_of_the_night_20042004]
hammond, louisiana, usa
Sunday, March 14, 2004 12:52:25 AM

Condolences to the 200 Spaniards and Europeans that died in that horrible attack. :(

TheTrok<Last Minute:
Al Qaeda said they were the ones who committed the exploxions in çMadrid (11-M) We were not sured if they were... but our President prefers to think that ETA were... He won't accept AL Qaeda as the guilty, he needs it to win tomorrow elections... all this matter stinks... wasn't it enough with all those innocent casualties??!!! >

I find it distressing that the Spanish are actually giving in to the terrorists and calling for a limit in their involvement of Iraq. Doing that would accomplish nothing and spit upon the graves of those who died. Furthermore it'd encourage the terrorists to strike again and only make them and those who accuse Bush, Blair or Aznar of murdering those 200 happy.

Sunday, March 14, 2004 12:12:35 AM

silvadel:<<watched awakening 1/2 this morning and the picture was really clear>> I also thoght some of the audio seemed more "enhanced" too. (as if some of the more 'cinematic' sound effects from the movie "Heros Awaken" were mixed in.)

Leo:<<Could it be possible that ABC Family is using an advanced copy of the DVD for broadcast?>> I could just be imagining things though. :D :D :D

Saturday, March 13, 2004 11:31:14 PM

watched gargoyles on tv this morning pic is a lot clearer but i dont know about yall but at my house every channel over 60 has a crapy picture digital cable or not. i dont think they edited anything but if they have i have never seen the original versons cause i have always seen these versons on toon disney. when they came out i didnt have cable, actually didnt get cable till 1999. < belive it or not>

-cant rember name- i didnt hear anything about the gargoyles being on on sunday too i will have to check the tv guide , as somone else said thank god for tvio and/or the vcr =have both set=

Brutis (Thomas Guillot) - [creature_of_the_night_20042004]
hammond, louisiana, usa
Saturday, March 13, 2004 11:22:25 PM

Last Minute:
Al Qaeda said they were the ones who committed the exploxions in çMadrid (11-M) We were not sured if they were... but our President prefers to think that ETA were... He won't accept AL Qaeda as the guilty, he needs it to win tomorrow elections... all this matter stinks... wasn't it enough with all those innocent casualties??!!!
Pamplona, Spain
Saturday, March 13, 2004 10:12:52 PM

I agree -- I watched awakening 1/2 this morning and the picture was really clear... Wasnt awakening retouched up though to begin with? When they get into the second episode thread we will know... But at any rate it was a treat...
Saturday, March 13, 2004 09:11:01 PM

SPIKE - They only called him Taro; no first name (if that was his surname) or surname (if that was his first name) at all.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, March 13, 2004 06:11:55 PM

I have no words to explain what has happened and what is happening here in Spain and the way we feel about this tragedy. Things are getting complicated, awfull.. I don't even feel myself to write...
But I wanna thank your support in these hard days. The only thing I can say is THANKS THANKS THANKS!!! let's hope things get soon "mended" (if a tragedy like this one can be), and try to live in a world without any kind of voilence. thanks again for your support.
<GreenBaron> Thanks, fortunately my family, friends a me are safe... for that I can be happy but I'm so sorry for the victims of this tragedy!!! A part of every spanish people has been killed...
Pamplona, Spain
Saturday, March 13, 2004 05:09:03 PM

Does anyone know the full name of Taro, the Japanese businessman that tried to trick the Ishimura clan in the episode "Bushido?" I can't remember if his full name was given or if he was only referred to as "Taro."


Saturday, March 13, 2004 05:01:02 PM

Re: Gargoyles on ABC Family Channel (That's the "U.S." Family Channel, not the "Canadian" Family Channel. Sorry, those of you above the 49th.)

The picture was very clean. Could it be possible that ABC Family is using an advanced copy of the DVD for broadcast?

Saturday, March 13, 2004 03:18:15 PM

Greg: <I've done a lot, but I have to confess, I love "Gargoyles" enough to have done all that, but even I won't wake up before noon on a Saturday to watch it>
Thank he Dogs for Tivo and PVR's!
Auto-tune and record is one of the greatest things ever made!

Fire Storm
Saturday, March 13, 2004 02:33:21 PM

Eek. Well, it's on this Sunday, anyway. Next week Digimon is on for the entire morning, so I'm not sure if it's going to be on every Sunday, or if this is just a fluke. Bleh.
Saturday, March 13, 2004 02:14:40 PM

I'm a little confused... Everyone keeps mentioning Gargoyles being on Saturdays, but I haven't seen anyone mention that it's also on Sundays. That's a good way to miss Awakening 3+4. :P

I feel kind of stupid, because I didn't think to tape the episodes until it was too late. I have them all on tape already, but a lot of them I taped off of USA, so they're the mangled versions. Bleh. I'll have to wait for them to start again.

It'd be nice if they aired the second season episodes in the right order. Then I'd really need to tape it. :P

Saturday, March 13, 2004 02:10:35 PM

::Comes in yawning, having just woken up::

ROBBY> Yes, we've been hearing about that for a couple weeks. I didn't tune in though, and probably won't next week either.

Let's see, I've taped all the episodes in the past and watched them hundreds of times, written fanfic, traveled to the Gatherings, hosted a Gathering, and will buy the DVDs.

I've done a lot, but I have to confess, I love "Gargoyles" enough to have done all that, but even I won't wake up before noon on a Saturday to watch it.

Greg Bishansky
Saturday, March 13, 2004 01:15:34 PM

Hey everyone. Ya'll need to check out ABC Family channel on Saturdays. Why? Well, they have an action block called "Jetix". Stupid name, I know. But of course, why would I mention this in here unless they were airing good ol' Gargoyles reruns?

THey're showing Awakenings part 1 right now, and part 2 right after. Near as I can tell its the original, uncut edit, aqnd tis just a regular part of the block, not a special event. (Disney DOES own the channel after all...) So for those without Toon Disney, Fox Family channel on Saturdays. Groovy.

Saturday, March 13, 2004 11:25:14 AM

G'day mates! Crikey! Looks like it's time for the end of the week countdown again.

19 days left before Gathering 2004 pre-registration prices increase.
20 days left to submit artwork and stories for the Gathering Anthology (deadline is April 1).
50 days left to submit entries for the Gathering T-shirt contest (deadline is May 1).
111 days left to submit entries for the Music Video contest (deadline is July 1).
116 days left to reserve your hotel room at the Delta Centre-Ville (deadline is July 6 at noon).

And most important of all...

146 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Click my name to register and view the latest updates, which this week includes the full convention schedule.

Saturday, March 13, 2004 08:20:11 AM

Caboose >> <<Green Baron: Some French guy said that after 9/11 "we are all Americans" and the sentiment didn't last long. Let's hope the same can't be said of 3/11.>>
I'd rather not, as much as the thought of anti-terrorist thrills me, being american does not. Though i feel sorrow for what happened, it doesn't make me want to be in state #51-60

Saturday, March 13, 2004 03:43:05 AM

Hellcat:<I can say the people in Madrid have my deepest sympathies and condelscences and hope something will be done about it.> Hoping isn't going to do much. but it's the thought that counts. A better idea would be to write to your Representative to the government of your country.<I hate it when people die so needlessly.> I definitely agree with you there, but the terrorists who did it wouldn't.

Vinnie - []
Marquette, Michigan, USA
Saturday, March 13, 2004 02:46:32 AM

Revel> <<Sorry if it's trying to hit you or anyone>>: I've stopped noticing if I'm getting any viruses in my spam what with Mozilla's filter.

Hellcat> <<You caught so quickly and it's quite amusing though>>: Thank you.
<<and then some>>: Does that mean lots os stroking of one beaver, or stroking of many beavers simultaneously.

Whitbourne> <<As always, it was Ohio>>: At least no one's making a joke about Jersey... right now.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, March 12, 2004 11:16:22 PM
IP:, it was a company in Ohio. As always, it was Ohio. :-)
Friday, March 12, 2004 07:51:46 PM

Like, that should have been 147 days until The Gathering 2004. That's what I get for eating so many Scooby Snacks.
Patrick - [<-- Gathering 2004... you know you wanna go!]
Friday, March 12, 2004 06:54:41 PM

Zoinks! Like, there's 148 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

They're saying today that the alleged "al Qaeda" cell that sent the e-mail claiming responsibility for the train bombings in Spain has zero credibility and may not even really be a part of al Qaeda. Last summer, for example, they also claimed responsibilty for the blackout in North America... which as we all know was Canada's fault. :P

"I could give you my word of honor as a Spaniard."
"No good. I've known too many Spaniards."
- Inigo and Wesley, "The Princess Bride"

Friday, March 12, 2004 06:35:08 PM

I coldn't believe al queda went after Spain! I was saddened and I was shocked how it easily happened again. No one really safe. I watched it on the news but didnt catch it all. Later i read so many died from it. It's sad. Makes you really think terrorism will not just go away.

I can say the people in Madrid have my deepest sympathies and condelscences and hope something will be done about it. I hate it when people die so needlessly.

"But you don’t know everything abot beaver mistresses>>: It'd take a long time to write everything about beaver mistresses, and not everything about them is good joke material."
Very true. You caught so quickly and it's quite amusing though. Besides, even beaver mistresses need a little mystery *wink*

"<<I have more than one>>: I didn't say you wouldn't, just that you'd always have one at hand for some nice relaxing stroking."
*grins* and then some ;)

Friday, March 12, 2004 01:43:23 PM

Green Baron: Some French guy said that after 9/11 "we are all Americans" and the sentiment didn't last long. Let's hope the same can't be said of 3/11.
Friday, March 12, 2004 01:22:08 PM

Just popping in to announce a fanart contest that I'm doing on Deviant Art in connection with my "Tengu" story. *rolls eyes* I realized last night that every time I get to this one scene, I keep changing Ariana's kimono design so I decided to let someone else dress Ari-chan so I can get on with writing the story. The contest is set up so you don't have to be an artist to do it so it's easy-easy-easy!!

*nudges Christine* So cut Becca loose with her colors and let her have a try!

Spike - [<==<< "Tengu": Design a Kimono contest]
Friday, March 12, 2004 11:23:52 AM

Josh - It might be my email service actually, it's not the first time because I run up to date Norton twice a week. I'm dropping the service at the end of the month so hopefully it will stop that. Sorry if it's trying to hit you or anyone.
Friday, March 12, 2004 11:10:11 AM

Krista- Yeah, they're on Jetix. ABC Family, Saturdays at around eleven of the morning. And in Toon Disney, same schedule.
Wolf E. Urameshi - [wolf_urameshi at]
Lares, Puerto Rico
Friday, March 12, 2004 10:21:42 AM

Brutis- You didn't have to state the obvious. I DID say that it was a dumb question, but you didn't have to say the same again. And NO, I'm not from USA, but I AM from Puerto Rico. Just like her... *cough* Demona Taina *cough*

Fire Storm> <What if he WAS making new episodes, but couldn't tell anyone?> I agree. Although it's a bit unclear, they should've announced it... There probably won't be ANY new episodes... *cries*

Wolf E. Urameshi - []
Lares, Puerto Rico
Friday, March 12, 2004 10:18:23 AM

Two years and six months after 9/11, Spain has been atatcked by Al Qaeda, though ETA terrorisst were originally the culprit, but Al Qaeda has claimed credit for what may become known as 3/11. Thursday morning, Madrid'd train station was bombed. 190 dead and over 1200 wounded.

"Con las víctimas, con la Constitución, por la derrota del terrorismo"
("With the victims, with the Constitution, for the defeat of terrorism")

This affects Madrid, Spain, and all of Europe, as well as all decent men and women. Spain has suffered for allaying with the US in Iraq as well as being a developd nation, and for kicking the Moors out 500 years ago.

Even though I am a Scottihs Baron, for the next few days, my fealty is with Juan Carlos, King of Spain, for today we are all Spaniards.

The Trok> I hope all of your family is well and none were affected by the attack.

Green Baron - []
Camp Humphreys, Korea
Friday, March 12, 2004 09:01:44 AM

sivadel: yeah, I've got satellite. I watch it when I have a chance. It comes on at 10:30 here. I haven't been watching it lately because I knew it was Goliath Chronicles.

Whoa, they're on jetix?! ABC or ToonDisney? Please tell me! I need to know! Most of the time I can only watch it on Fridays because of school... and then they stopped showing them on Saturday and Sunday... what station?! Tell your very uninformed friend! Please?

Friday, March 12, 2004 08:37:18 AM

Wellp -- we finally got digital cable in my area and we have toon disney(FINALLY) so I wait up until 11:30PM and hope to see a nice episode of Gargoyles and what do I see?

The Goliath Chronicals...

<major sigh>

They really blew it with that third season that was on ABC after the 2 very good seasons... Really didnt like the change of focus from storyline to action(and a lot of the actions really betrayed what the characters were)

Assuming that they are doing everything in sequence and are currently in the third season, at what point will they be at the beginning with the awakening?

Friday, March 12, 2004 01:30:23 AM

Someone in this CR has a computer virus. Assuming Revel is still, it's either him or someone who has revel in their address book. I'd appreciate it if you windows users would run anti-virus so I can stop getting these (even if they don't do anything to me).
Friday, March 12, 2004 12:44:15 AM

Damien> <<So this is hell. Who would have thought it would be in New Jersey>>: All depends on what part of Jersey they were thinking aobut.

Hellcat> <<But you don’t know everything abot beaver mistresses>>: It'd take a long time to write everything about beaver mistresses, and not everything about them is good joke material.
<<I have more than one>>: I didn't say you wouldn't, just that you'd always have one at hand for some nice relaxing stroking.

Fire Storm> <<What if he WAS making new episodes, but couldn't tell anyone?>>: I'd think they'd announce it; why would they bother about any secrecy close to a release?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Thursday, March 11, 2004 11:57:29 PM

Well, since I LOVE causing trouble, I'll play the devil's advocate on this one...

Remember a while ago when Greg was being quite secretice of what he was doing, particularly about the poll?
What if he WAS making new episodes, but couldn't tell anyone?

Fire Storm
Thursday, March 11, 2004 11:05:54 PM

I'm doubting the new episode thing. If there were unaired ones, Greg would've told us.
Tharos - []
Thursday, March 11, 2004 10:12:33 PM

Wolf E. Urameshi** kinda hopeing that they have a new eposode not that i dont love the old ones.

dumb question to the room. is anyone in this room from the usa.

Brutis (Thomas Guillot) - [creature_of_the_night_20042004]
hammond, louisiana, usa
Thursday, March 11, 2004 09:48:56 PM

Hello, long time no see. I know you know, but Gargoyles is now on ABC Family on weekends, but this made me think of something: Why the Hell are they there on Jetix? Wait a minute... Could it be? Could it be that they've made NEW EPISODES and they're keeping it as a surprise? Stupid theory, but accurate. Anyone who agrees will receive a cookie, but anyone who dissagrees will only receive Graeme Dog Treats. LOL
Wolf E. Urameshi
Thursday, March 11, 2004 09:01:32 PM

The fuuuun has ariiiiiiiiiiiiveD! Thank ya very much..

Thursday, March 11, 2004 05:21:03 PM

The "Awakenings" movie is something Disney put together when they presented the show to the press in advance of its premier on the Disney Afternoon. It's the first five episodes put together with some editting done to condense them into a version that would run without commercials. Later, Disney took and made it available for sale on VHS.

If you've seen all five parts of "Awakenings" on T.V., you've seen everything in the "movie." But if you've only seen the movie, you haven't seen everything that aired on T.V.

And now, because I'm sure you're all wondering...

148 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:47:29 PM

Regarding the question of whether "Gargoyles" will still be aired on Toon Disney after it begins airing on ABC Family: According to the Toon Disney website, there is no change in the broadcast schedule, at least through next week. ABC Family begins airing "Gargoyles" this weekend, so there obviously will be overlap. It appears that this is simply a net gain in exposure for our beloved series. :)

Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:08:37 PM


A man who advocates polygamy and marriage with robots wants to be the Conservative MP for Dartmouth-Cole Harbour.
David Boyd, who has run unsuccessfully in provincial and municipal elections, will vie for the Tory nod at an April 3 nomination meeting. In a letter last August to The Daily News, Boyd said revisions to marriage laws are long overdue.
“We must allow for same-sex marriages, multiple-people marriages and android-human marriages,” he said.
Quizzed yesterday about his unusual views, Boyd said he’s hoping they might work in his favour.
“I think it could win me more votes,” he said.
“Most conservatives say that we should stay with the traditional form of marriage, but I’m a modern conservative and I feel that times have changed.”
Anything’s possible in the future, Boyd said in a telephone interview from the Copper Penny tavern in Clayton Park.
“Maybe down the road they will have androids, and I think that we should give them just as much rights as humans,” he said.
Boyd, 31, admits he’s a big fan of Star Trek’s blond Borg bombshell Seven of Nine.
“Data was my second favourite,” said the computer technician.
For the record, Boyd is married, but not to a robot.
“My wife and I have separated,” he said.
Boyd said he has no plans “in the near future” to marry an android.
“Maybe in 10 to 15 years, who knows?” he said.
Boyd’s candidacy was approved by the Conservative Party of Canada’s interim council, said Jim Cormier, chairman of the local Tory candidate selection committee.
“They’ve given the OK to Mr. Boyd,” Cormier said.

EDITORIAL: Wow. Just wow. I hope he gets the nod so I can drive across the bridge and see this guy for myself. Even the losers get lucky sometimes, it seems.

Thursday, March 11, 2004 08:55:23 AM


“<<I'ma good girl>>: Aw, that's no fun.” No it’s not…*whines* I hate it. *pout*

”<Easy bait isn't it? I dare you>>: Let's see, I could doubt you unless you have a whip, for all beaver mistresses must have whips. Or I could ask for videos of you bending the beavers of the world to your will. Or I could ask if you have your own personal pet beaver that you habitually stroke (ala Ernst Blofeld).”

*laughs* that’s funny. But you don’t know everything abot beaver mistresses. You see, they have a lot fo toys and a few favourites are whips, pokers, handcuffs…
Beavers are camera shy but don’t mind up close and personal *grin*
Personal pet hm? Interesting I have more than one. They’re all fuzzy and furry. *acts like Dr. Evil* BMUAHAHAHAHAA!!!

“<<My roomy said Nfld flag is the prettiest flag in Canada>>: I meant that there is probably a good reason why not many people have Jersey flags.”

I see. Wel, it’s just a flag haha.One thing I noticed about Americans is that it seems more Americans hang out their country flag on their house/condo/apartment…
This is just my perception on it since here, as far as I’ve seen, not many hang out the Canada flag on their doorsteps and whatnot.
Although, last year, Newfies got so angry at the Canadian government for screwing some fishery deal (can’t remember) that they burned the Canada flag on the mast and put up a nfld flag. Haha. I found it so funny. Everyone here was like “whoo!!!!” and did Canada get the meanest wedgie…well in the fishery dept anyway. Nfld got a lil attention there. Not that much but still haha I’ll always remember that on tv. My roomy and I joked for the longest time to burn down the Canada flag at the college and see what happens. Haha.
I bet Americans would be utterly happy about that if that happened in US. haha

Ok, I’m ranting so I’m going to burn off the excess coffee I had. Boy I might get coffee psychosis at this rate…

Thursday, March 11, 2004 08:55:12 AM

["So this is hell. Who would have thought it would be in New Jersey" ]
well, to jump on the bandwagon, here's quote from a deleted scene in "Dogma" as the two earthbound angels are bus-bound from WI to NJ…

Bartelby: You ever wonder why, all this time we’ve been down here, we’ve never had the balls to leave the big cheese?
Loki: I remember why- He told us to stay where he put us. And we were all piss-scared that he’d send us somewhere worse then *Wisconsin*.
Bartelby: Where were we afraid he was going to send us again?
Loki: …New Jersey.

Thursday, March 11, 2004 04:43:36 AM

whoops that was me
Thursday, March 11, 2004 03:29:52 AM

<I don't know anyone who owns a Jersey flag. And there's probably a good reason for that.>
hmm similar to the animaniacs quote, don't forget the famous Futurama quote:
"So this is hell. Who would have thought it would be in New Jersey"
Thursday, March 11, 2004 03:29:29 AM

*DPH decides to roll up his sleeves, revealing that, in fact, he did have something up his sleeves.*

I started working on a card game for gargoyles, something similiar to what I have seen of Yu-Gi-Oh. I am asking for help in putting together the card game. I am aware that attempts at making a gargoyles card game have been done in the past, but I plan on keeping this game as relatively simple as possible. I have started on the basic deck for the game [which is based on all the canon episodes of Gargoyles] and once the basic deck is complete, I plan on working on expansion decks that use characters from various Gargoyle fan-fiction stories.

To subscribe to the group that I am using to work on this project, visit or click on my name. I hope to have something of the game ready by the Gathering.

DPH - [<--Click here the link]
Thursday, March 11, 2004 02:38:17 AM

Hellcat> <<I'ma good girl>>: Aw, that's no fun.
<<Easy bait isn't it? I dare you>>: Let's see, I could doubt you unless you have a whip, for all beaver mistresses must have whips. Or I could ask for videos of you bending the beavers of the world to your will. Or I could ask if you have your own personal pet beaver that you habitually stroke (ala Ernst Blofeld).
<<My roomy said Nfld flag is the prettiest flag in Canada>>: I meant that there is probably a good reason why not many people have Jersey flags.

Z> <<except in New Jersey where what's blowin' in the wind smell's funny>>: If you have a good enough nose, you can tell where you are by on sniff.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:51:23 PM

i was reading truogh the site i got from u
it says on the top of the page or the first one is gargoyle awaken the movie now is that an actual movie because i read truogh it and it sounds more like the awakenings melded together. now is it a movie like in the "sorta" sence or was it an actual movie. please tell me if you know Thanks in advance and if u dont know thanks anyway

Brutis (Thomas Guillot) - [creature_of_the_night_20042004]
hammond, louisiana, usa
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:12:26 PM

thanks patrick read it and it is not quite what i was looking for but it will do for now thanks a mill
Brutis (Thomas Guillot) - [creature_of_the_night_20042004]
hammond, louisiana, usa
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 10:15:54 PM

Don't know of any fanfic style versions of "Deadly Force," but transcripts of the dialog from all the episodes can be found here:

149 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 09:21:26 PM

got a question for yall no one else seems to know. when they start airing the Gargoyles on abc are they still going to air them on toon disney.

and does anyone know where there is a written story for the epsode Deadly Force. i have never seen the epsode cause they never show it on toon disney and the only thing i have ever read for it is that broadway shoots Elisa.
please does anyone know help me help me

Brutis (Thomas Guillot) - []
hammond, louisiana, usa
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 08:26:40 PM

<I don't know anyone who owns a Jersey flag. And there's probably a good reason for that.>

"And the moral of today's story is: 'The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind...except in New Jersey where what's blowin' in the wind smell's funny.'"
-Yakko Warner (Animaniacs)

God bless Steven Spielberg for giving us Animaniacs. If I could have one show come back into production, it would be Gargoyles, but Animaniacs would be a close second.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 07:54:27 PM

Revel, where!?!?! It sounds like paradise. hmph I'm envying immensely now! If you want people to believe in snow get people to travel to Newfoundland. That'll show them haha.
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 06:56:52 PM

Hellcat- Where I'm going Saturday snow does not exist. In fact there are some who don't think it's real. ;)
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 01:03:23 PM

Hey everyone it's a sunny but freezing day here and I'm going blind because all i see is white snow everywhere

To my relief, I got the phone number (yes I'm paranoid on those things) nd i called him only to spat out a message on the stupid voicemail. Now, I'm bad on that thing. But hopefully he'll get ALL my messages so MUN is off my ass about ref letter.

"Oh, nothing hard. Just a little something about me getting ot the climax too soon or not getting anyone else there. "
ohhh...haha. I'm not gonna comment on this. I'm behaving see? I'ma good girl...*mumbles* ;)
"<<I rather be a bbeaver mistress>> So many bad jokes are possible. I can't choose."
Easy bait isn't it? I dare you. oh cmon...I know you wanna! heehee.

So much for behaving. :P I have to blame my cat and Green Baron for my failure of good behaviour lol

<<I don’t even own a nfld flag>>: I don't know anyone who owns a Jersey flag. And there's probably a good reason for that.

Really? My roomy said Nfld flag is the prettiest flag in Canada. Flag's a flag. I'm not patriotic in that way i guess. lol

snowbanks of Newfoundland...ow...
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 08:28:09 AM

Question> <<It's all in one place>>: Yeah, but some people like specialization and personal service of smaller places.

Green Baron> <<Some of my French ancestors are from there too, so go ahead>>: Woohoo. Wait, I wanted an answer from someone more recently entrenched there.

Hellcat> <<I flamed youo so we’re even>>: Excellent.
<<you’re trying to tempt me here?>>: Absolutely.
<<I have no idea what you’re talking about>>: Oh, nothing hard. Just a little something about me getting ot the climax too soon or not getting anyone else there.
<<I rather be a bbeaver mistress>>: So many bad jokes are possible. I can't choose.
<<I don’t even own a nfld flag>>: I don't know anyone who owns a Jersey flag. And there's probably a good reason for that.

Z> <<I'm afraid I'm not too familiar>>: Eh, you choose your own flavors. Though some easy searches on the net should find you lots of material if you want.

Bud Clare> <<Species? I doubt anyone wants to be a gargoyle beast>>: Two alternatives didn't seem enough, and I couldn't think of a better third.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 12:57:11 AM

Z: Glad it makes sense. I always think these kind of jokes need to be proveable and not just babble or it's cheating. I'm not sure I'd actually agree with the argument though. Mainly it just amused me end the thing by misquoting Descartes. You could probably argue the case though.

Taleweaver: The Labyrinth clan I guess. I'd rather 'Gargoyles' focused back on the core cast, really. I have no burning desire to see more of the other clans (or at least, they're fairly low on my list of interests), although the Persian clan is pretty interesting I guess.

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 09:04:01 PM

sorry i mean bud-clare

Brutis (Thomas Guillot)
Tuesday, March 9, 2004 05:28:02 PM

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 05:27:31 PM

bud-clad; read your post to be honest i would love to mutate myslef into a gargoyole. not so much that i would like to trun to stone during the day but just to be a creatue of the night in general. i would like to be like brooklyn, sans beak, with a face and head like yamma from ishimoura. lets put it this way if i had a chance to go truough a mutation i would gladly do it i just love the gargoyles and i suppose it is really too bad that they are just fictional you know what i mean
Brutis (Thomas Guillot) - []
hammond, louisiana, usa
Tuesday, March 9, 2004 05:27:00 PM

Re: Paul Winfield
Damn. That's too bad. :(

Jaden> <<Someone give me a brief overview of what I've missed.>>
Words. :P

Gside> <<I decljare that a bad question, and suggest you replace the word "one" with "type", "style", or "species".>>
Species? I doubt anyone wants to be a gargoyle beast...

Brutis> <<hate to respond this way>>
Then don't. Really. (I'm trying really hard not to make any threats of bodily harm, but it's not easy.)

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 04:46:04 PM

hey greenbaron ( excuse spelling and correct me if i am wrong with the person) nice also to talk to a fellow louisianain especelly from so far down. not going to slu but hail from here email me and ill give greater detail

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 04:37:27 PM

Brutis (Thomas Guillot)
Tuesday, March 9, 2004 04:35:16 PM

me again hate to respond this way but too many names to keep track of just find your answer and read please ( sorry ) ;
: dont bash walmart entirely if you live in a city like mine you dont really want to spend your day going to 10 diffrent stores to get shopping done but they are getting away with murder for the prices they charge and the taxes too but in my city ther is nothing but the wal mart so u know i am kinda stuck with it.

; thanks for the answers to my mutate question i will retype it though
If you could mutate into any gargoyle "type" which would you want to change to. "any at all" and why.

i am asking because i am writing a story and i want to see which seemes to be the more popular so i can know what ppl will respond to although in a fan site all are good.and i like them all.

thinking on the same subject how does a mutation seem better would it seem better as an accident or on pourpose. in yalls unbiased opions (excuse spelling)

if you dont want to post your comment to me in the site just email me at or

Brutis (Thomas Guillot) - []
hammond, louisiana, usa
Tuesday, March 9, 2004 04:32:08 PM

GB> <<Kerry is elected. He is also fair game>> I don't think he's offended us (canada) YET. (bloody "L" gdubs "hive of scum and villany" commemt
ya my favorite bushism is wher he basically said: "I am anti terrorist, Anti-violence and anti semanist" Bonehead

<<“I was happy to see Canadian flags on houses as my bus went ito Ontario, since I thought there'd be a lot less. I also have a Newfoundland flag :)” > I know that feeling, I don't have a Provincial flag, but i have About a dozen Canuck flags, of different sizes. (almost got the 12' x 30' but didn't have the money [2k!])

z) <<I'm afraid I'm not too familiar. >> Try Akira (movie) for an easy one to get ahold of

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 12:50:32 PM

*closes the book in memory of Paul Winfield, voice of Jeffrey Robbins, Hudson's blind friend in "Lighthouse in the Sea of Time."*
Tuesday, March 9, 2004 11:26:00 AM

Sorry about the double

Taleweaver - I'd have to agree with Question that I'd like to see more of the Antarctica clan. Not sure why. I just found them the most intriguing in "The Council".


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:23:51 AM

Ed - By the way, twas rather impressive that your whole "I think therefore I can" ramble actually made perfect sense.

Bud-Clare - <Prove it's not true. I dare you. :P>
That would be quite a feat. :)

Gside - <Which makes for the plot of many an anime/manga>
I'm afraid I'm not too familiar.

With Gargoyles moving to ABC Family, does that mean it will air solely on ABC Family, or on ABC Family as well as Toon Disney? I pray thee give me the answer I'm hoping for...


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:20:38 AM

“ Nope, just some residual worry that I went too far.”
It’s ok Gside. No worries. I flamed youo so we’re even ;-)

Taleweaver> <<which clan would you most want to see more of and why?>>: Clan Xanadu. But only because they've got a part in my incomplete fic. I still have no idea what to do about the climax or afterward (Hellcat: this sentence is excellent insult bait if ever I saw it).

Gside, you’re trying to tempt me here? Hehe. I have no idea what you’re talking about. My mind fails this early in the morning lol.

“No worries, I'm just a little tired of the French-bashing in this country. Most people do it without thinking, and it just betrays ignorance and carelessness on the part of the people who do it. I don't go around bashing English people, so I sort of expect the same courtesy from people not to bash my ethnic background.”
I do bash british and English in a literary point of view. Every nationality, especially the layout of Canadian literature…even Newfoundland literature. I do not bash for a no reason. The reason why I bash French so much this week is my frustration (see end of my post). I normally don’t bash that much lol…except if it’s in the field of literature and literay theories…cant stop me there. :)

Green Baron,
“It seems you met my pervertd kitty. ::kisses:: I guess you can resist his cuddly powers as you have Emily.”

Yeah. My cat’s digging her claws in my thigh right now. Ow….*kiss* I like your kitty. He’s so much like my hellcat, Emily. lol Lemme tell ya, I can’t resist that long…

”He's 6'3" and 300 lbs. I think he can defend himself against you grandmother. His girlfriend's mother was fairly liberal and he tricked her with affirming a bunch of stereotypes about black people. Of course his best mind pay was walking into a small town store fartehr south and buying a Confederate shot gun glass which gave him this really funny look from the store owner.”
Wow your cousin sounds like a quite a likable guy. My grandmother is tall. I don’t think a few inches taller would make a difference. Tell him to protect his ears…lol

”You can be my beaver overlord “ Haha. I rather be a bbeaver mistress ;) *kiss *

“BTW, the Conservative and Liberal Parties both have lame logos.”
That they do! So…’persuasive’…lol

“Don't forget the low taxes in Alberta ::kisses:: If we're in Alberta and go abck to Newfoundalnd we can get all sales tax refunded :)”
Npe. It’s sorta illegical in Nfld. My mother bought dishes there and came back trying to get a sales refund but end up paying 200 bucks for some reason because nfld put rules on it that was insane. I tell you…can’t even enjoy freakin’ vacation…
I rathr live somewhere else. Alberta is favourable for me because it barely got taxes. Seems more fair on it too. *kiss *

I vote to live in Edmonton. Lovely city.

“Lain> <<yeah, gotta give the americans SOMEthing to bomb...>> Windsor...and Detroit :)”
That’ll be funny to see. Haha.

“<<Betcha Hellcat woulda enjoyed that.>> She was very helpful back then when I was going through that.”
I was? I’m glad I helped you *kiss*

“I was happy to see Canadian flags on houses as my bus went ito Ontario, since I thought there'd be a lot less. I also have a Newfoundland flag :)”
Wow you’re more patriotic than I am Thomas. I don’t even own a nfld flag. Reason: it was 40 bucks…I don’t think so.

“Not a lot of people from New Orleans have acents, but you'll find a few. I think there are very few French speakers left, ut lots of good French food and we also use the fleur-de-lis like Quebec.”

I see. I got ya. But you do have a little one to me. Takes me a bit to get use to bu ti love it. *kiss* besides the coffee and doughnut mix you sent, alogn with the pralines, are so damn delicious! I love it. Yummy.

<<I'm just a little tired of the French-bashing in this country. Most people do it without thinking, and it just betrays ignorance and carelessness on the part of the people who do it. I don't go around bashing English people, so I sort of expect the same courtesy from people not to bash my ethnic background. >> I think Karen's grievances are more towards Quebec and the fact that a professor she is trying to contact is in Montreal and she can't reach him.

Partly yes. I am getting frustrated. Now I just found out that the only one here in the city know my prof’s Montreal number, is the prof I really hate. He told me I couldn’t write and I totally hate him for it. He kept saying it that i came close to being convinced. Last year he had a book in the bookstore on his home, Croatia. Sorta like a tourbook. I was reading the back of it when he came in asking me if my writing ‘improved’…prick. Of course I backtalked stating that did he improve as well? I can tell he hates me too. He looks as if I’m inferior. God I hate the way he looks at me.Since bashed the Marxist ideas in Modernism in my british lit class, and argued a lot about it he hated it hat I went against his ideas and his style’. Yeah goddamn prick. (sorry I had to vent that out)
Anyways that’s not looking good to me since I told him off the last time I saw him. Dammit. This is a bad start of a Tuesday! If that prick contacts me I’m gonna have to grit my teeth and smile and nod…
Thankfully a Quebec friend of mine slipped a note under my prof’s door in Montreal for me. Something gotta give! I can’t take this shit anymore. It’s like…god I’m afraid to look in the mail. My mom gotta read it for me. My nerves are really shot right now. I got more mail. *curses* I need prozac…god…Anyone got some?

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:11:20 AM

Apologies for the double post, but I just spotted this on the Station 8 board (see previous post for URL) – posted late last night, once again by Toon Zone’s William C. Maune. As he himself indicates, we can probably all agree that it’s worth bending comment board rules like this.


I'm sorry to double post, but I think you won't mind this news! I just received the ABC Family schedule through March 28th and check this out:

Saturday March 27th at 11:30 AM - Deadly Force


I realize that this, of course, brings up another question. There's no indication so far (that I know of) what, if any, edits the episodes will undergo on ABC Family. If I find more information along those lines, I'll pass it on.

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 08:55:12 AM

Hello again --

Some of you may have missed this news before the room was wiped, so I’ll post it again. This information was originally posted on the Station 8 comment board ( by William C. Maune last Thursday evening:


"Gargoyles" to air where people can actually watch it. Starting March 13th, "Gargoyles" will air for a full hour, not a half-hour, but a full hour, on ABC Family's Saturday morning Jetix block. Gargoyles will be the last hour on the block at 11 AM Eastern. Unlike Toon Disney, ABC Family actually reaches most cable subscribers.


I wish I had the exact numbers for how many more standard cable packages include ABC Family compared with Toon Disney, but I don’t. In any event, though, the expanded exposure inherent in branching out to any other nationwide channel is something “Gargoyles” obviously hasn’t enjoyed in quite a while. It looks like Disney is trying to drum up interest in the series in advance of the release of the DVD, so spread the word and boost those ratings this weekend. :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 08:42:09 AM

:: rides in on a skateboard ::

Don't have a cow, man! There's still 150 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal,Quebec!

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 06:56:36 AM

All this talk about WalMart. Now, I am not a Walmart fan, but I'm no hater, either. Now, if Walmart could purchase a building and leave it intact, that would be ok. A while back, the Coca Cola Factory in New Orleans closed down and Walmart was interested in it, but City Hall (and New Orleans politics is king in corruption) demanded all kinds of political crap, so it didn't go through. Now, I hav emy doubts about what use Walmart has for a major urban area, thogh located right in uptown New Orleans, it would provide a cheap alternative for many customers. If it kept the Coca Cola Factory intact, it wold alleviate mymain issue with Walmart, which is over the suburban box style.

Now on the plu sside, Walmart is cheap and they don't hire union labor. Now to play devil's advocate, I'll submit a link in favor of Walmart,

Also, I have a few other from Capitalism Magazine

Hellcat> It seems you met my pervertd kitty. ::kisses:: I guess you can resist his cuddly powers as you have Emily.

<<Haha. If he survives…>> He's 6'3" and 300 lbs. I think he can defend himself against you grandmother. His girlfriend's mother was fairly liberal and he tricked her with affirming a bunch of stereotypes about black people. Of course his best mind pay was walking into a small town store fartehr south and buying a Confederate shot gun glass which gave him this really funny look from the store owner.

<<the beaver overload>> You can be my beaver overlord ::kisses::

Damien> Well, you have Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal to make fun of if Ottawa is burned down. Of course I know little about any of them ,beyond them being big cities.

Now for places to set ablaze: we can burn down Windsor and Detroit. There are certain parts of New Orleans I'd look to burn down and Memphis is fair game, as well as the West Bank of the Mississippi, but I think only Brutus would get my jokes aimed at Chalmette and the West Bank.

Now for some Canadian news> The Liberal Party has taken to eating their own as Sheila Copps may not be back in Ottawa next year and Carolyn Parrish narrowly fended off Steve Mahoney for their Missagua riding. Premier McGinty's brother also won his riding nomination, so it looks like Paul Martin's faction is beatng back Chretien's faction. I was hoping to see Carolyn Parrish defeated, but maybe Mahoney will run as an Independent in the spring :)

BTW, the Conservative and Liberal Parties both have lame logos.

Damien> I vote we don't burn down Alberta. If I were to live in Canada, Alberta would be my top choice (Edmonton or Calgary), and I may look into that since I like Paul Martin a hell of a lot more than John Kerry.

Bud-Clare> I'm not supporting Kerry or Bush. Kerry voted againts a number of pay rises for the military, so that has a personal interest to me, but he may flip flop to the right. Of course, Senators elected to the White House have a short life span anyway.

What I find fishy is the Massachusettes legislature is trying to block an appointment of a Senator by Governor Romney if Johnny Botox is elected. Maybe Ted Kennedy will keel over next November so Romney can pick two replacements :)

Beloved Hellcat> <<I love the edmonton mall though. All those cool stores. I hope to return someday. Nt to mentin cheaper priced products whoo! :D Only bad thing about Lberta is their stupid oil and droughts. Oy. If you burn a little section, Alberta will be a provicne on fire! I rather not burn Alberta because I hope to live there down the road maybe. Haha >> Don't forget the low taxes in Alberta ::kisses:: If we're in Alberta and go abck to Newfoundalnd we can get all sales tax refunded :)

DPH> <<I know Lain isn't going to like this but I do like the idea of a single "United States of North America", as long as Mexico isn't included. (Too many uprising in Mexio)>> Mexico is a plutocracy posing as a socialist nation. James Polk wanted to take all of Mexico but the Americans were too narrow-minded then to accept that many Catholics into the country (but the Irish came and forced those buggers to earn their pay). Mexico is still run by the same 450 families that were there when Cortez's men were victorious, and things will probably remain the same, as the Gaccapinos tend to destroy the middle class every generation so as to eliminate competition.

Fire Storm> <<Yeah. That could work. Also, since people will most likely gamble on that, that's more revenue for the schools>> Maybe, but most budgets take exected lottery gains and deduct it form the Education budget so no benefit is really made.

Lain> <<yeah, gotta give the americans SOMEthing to bomb...>> Windsor...and Detroit :)

<<london. you know why? cos "london sucks and the great lakes suck and sarnia sucks and turkey point sucks!">> How about Perth and Middlesex?

Damien> <<note all assasination attempts on GWB will be on hold as he seems to have killed his own election. Prezel shipments however will continue as normal as a backup plan>> Just don't stop the Presidentiala sssination attempts when Kerry is elected. He is also fair game :)

Dezi> <<Yeah, but haven't you compared your mother to lucifer, more than once?>> Well, not that far, but she tries to impose atruism on me (since she thinks I'm too money concious) and I $%^$&%$& hate altruists.

<<Betcha Hellcat woulda enjoyed that.>> She was very helpful back then when I was going through that.

<<People in my town go hang out at Walmart FOR FUN. It's like the mall. Now that's scary.>> Depends on the alternatives. For some folks in small areas, Wlamart is th eclosest thing they have to a Mall. I don't much care for standard suburban malls, either as they have high prices.

I never really did the whole hanging out thing. Now, New Orleans has two malss that are worth seeing just because they're unique. The suburan ones are ok, but nothing special.

::waves to Daphne::

Dezi> I read Jessica's article. It could have been longer and it could use more information. I also like Bill O'Reilly (who is not exactly a flaming conservative), though he has a brash get-to-the point attitude that I kinda find eandearing, and he taught a bunch of rowdy kids that were like Kotter's sweathogs, so I can see where it comes from. He's also an ex-priest and not a compete crazy like Aristide.

Damien> <<Most canadians are, We are just quieter about it. But if you ever want to test it go into the middle of any city of a decent size (other than one in quebec), and burn a canadian flag, see how long you last!>> Well, I think all flag burners are assholes, even if its a UN flag. I am about the same as I have a small US flag I was gven before I left for Kosovo, but I'm not as boisterious as many Americans. I was happy to see Canadian flags on houses as my bus went ito Ontario, since I thought there'd be a lot less. I also have a Newfoundland flag :)

<<the Americans who didn't agree with vietnam fled here.>> Sorry about flushing that crap your way. My father visited Canada and when he told soem folks there he was in the Navy, they were delighted, and said their only experience of Americans were draftdodgers and they described those people very colorfully.

Brutus> Welcome. fellow Louisianian. I myself hail from New Orleans, and you may actually get my jokes about Chalmette adnd the West Bank. Of course you have your own targets up in Tangipahoa Parish. Are you from Hammond or going to SLU?

Hellcat> Not a lot of people from New Orleans have acents, but you'll find a few. I think there are very few French speakers left, ut lots of good French food and we also use the fleur-de-lis like Quebec.

Brutis> It has been in Orlando, Dallas, and Virginia. Now, having it in New Orleans would be nice, but hosting it is no picnic as Mara and Aaron can tell you.

Ashley> Are you referring to their hiring of illegal immigrants? I haven't heard anything about cuty fund to pay their employees unless you're referring to subsidies. Best way to get rid of Walmart in your area is not to buy anything there and encoruage others not to.

Whitbourne> <<The last straw for me was when they started selling groceries.>> If it makes them a profit, I can't blame them. If you don't want to shop there, you don't have to. If I fidn a palce that is cheaper I'll go there, but I am not that passionate about it. First I have to find out where I will work next, before I decide about stores.

<<I'm just a little tired of the French-bashing in this country. Most people do it without thinking, and it just betrays ignorance and carelessness on the part of the people who do it. I don't go around bashing English people, so I sort of expect the same courtesy from people not to bash my ethnic background. >> I think Karen's grievances are more towards Quebec and the fact that a professor she is trying to contact is in Montreal and she can't reach him.

As for English bashing, I might join a St, Jean Baptiste Day parade, except demonstrations are against the rules for me :)

That reminds me. Is there a book for English-Quebecois French, so I won't sound too different when I'm in Montreal.

Gside> <<Some of the french in me came through Canada, so can I?>> Some of my French ancestors are from there too, so go ahead :)

Green Baron - []
Camp HUmhreys, Korea
Tuesday, March 9, 2004 06:35:24 AM

Ashley<Wal Mart is getting away with murder. The tax payers are
making up the difference between the paid wages of Wal Mart
employees and the mim. wage.>

So how is that murder?

<Insurance the tax payers in every City where Wal mart is located is paying for "Sam" to pocket more dollars. The Cities and the voters, when will we awake? >

Still not murder. Might have ethical problems, but not murder.

Whitbourne<The last straw for me was when they started selling groceries. There just didn't seem to be any need of that.>

Ever heard of a wonderful thing called convenience? Then people could buy grocerie and all their other crap.

<I don't WANT to have everything in one place - what's the point of living in a city with smaller, local, more original stores if I'm just going to go to a monstrous box store and spend money on the same cheaply-made outsourced junk that everyone else has?>

It's all in one place. :)

Taleweaver<Aside from the Manhattan clan, which clan would you most want to see more of and why? >

More of Antarctica I guess since we know so little.

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 01:42:53 AM

Hey everyone! Sorry I've been gone for a few weeks but (sob) my computer crashed! I sent it in to get fixed and got it back; five minutes later it crashed again (sobs harder). But now I'm back.
So, what's up? Someone give me a brief overview of what I've missed. Thanks.


Jaden - []
Tuesday, March 9, 2004 01:07:55 AM

Some of you may be confused as to why Asbury Park has joined San Francisco in the gay marriage thing, I feel I might as well let you know a bit of history. After the glory days of the boardwalk, Asbury Park went really downhill. Empty, dilapidated buildings everywhere; Tillie in danger of being torn down. However, recently people have been coming in, buying bombed out houses and fixing them up. It just happens that a large portion of the people renovating these houses is gay. And now you know...
On other news, I mad playdoh today. For scientific purposes, of course.

Hellcat> <<Hope there’s no hard feelings there>>: Nope, just some residual worry that I went too far.

Taleweaver> <<which clan would you most want to see more of and why?>>: Clan Xanadu. But only because they've got a part in my incomplete fic. I still have no idea what to do about the climax or afterward (Hellcat: this sentence is excellent insult bait if ever I saw it).

z> <<hat would mean that the only thing separating us mere mortals from being some sort of supernatural being is the wholehearted, absolute, 100% belief in ourselves (beyond any minute shadow of a doubt) that we can perform any given action>>: Which makes for the plot of many an anime/manga (e.g. One Piece, Naruto).

Lynati> <<I can't tell you guys THAT>>: Bet you'll get yours out before mine.

Brutis> <<If you could change/mutate into a gargoyle on purpose or accident which one would you want to be like and why>>: I decljare that a bad question, and suggest you replace the word "one" with "type", "style", or "species".

Whitbourne> <<I sort of expect the same courtesy from people not to bash my ethnic background>>: Some of the french in me came through Canada, so can I?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, March 9, 2004 12:32:20 AM

Brutis> Mutates are an interesting idea. I'm not going to describe one of the Labyrinth clan that already exists but I am going to stick along the idea of big cats. Don't know why, but I think it would be cool to be a bob cat form in the same smaller web-winged shape as Lexington. Bob cats are a lot smaller than I origionally thought, like a little smaller than a Labrador. Also, if a gargoyle were to live out here in good ol Idaho, I think it would be a good form for back in the forests. Easy to hide, quick to attack, what more could you want?
Monday, March 8, 2004 11:51:25 PM

*beats Ed*
Z> <<That would mean that the only thing separating us mere mortals from being some sort of supernatural being is the wholehearted, absolute, 100% belief in ourselves (beyond any minute shadow of a doubt) that we can perform any given action.>>
Prove it's not true. I dare you. :P

Monday, March 8, 2004 11:21:55 PM

Ashley> I don't shop there. The last straw for me was when they started selling groceries. There just didn't seem to be any need of that. I do not set foot in Wal-Mart if there's any possible place I can get what I need, even if it's more expensive. I don't WANT to have everything in one place - what's the point of living in a city with smaller, local, more original stores if I'm just going to go to a monstrous box store and spend money on the same cheaply-made outsourced junk that everyone else has? Wal-Mart can kiss my arse, and that's only because I keep my wallet in my front pocket and there's no way they could steal from me while they do it.

Hellcat> No worries, I'm just a little tired of the French-bashing in this country. Most people do it without thinking, and it just betrays ignorance and carelessness on the part of the people who do it. I don't go around bashing English people, so I sort of expect the same courtesy from people not to bash my ethnic background.

Monday, March 8, 2004 10:30:16 PM

Wal Mart is getting away with murder. The tax payers are
making up the difference between the paid wages of Wal Mart
employees and the mim. wage. Insurance the tax payers in
every City where Wal mart is located is paying for "Sam" to
pocket more dollars. The Cities and the voters, when will we awake?
Ashley - []
USAMonday, March 8, 2004 10:16:17 PM

Wal Mart is etting away with murder. The tax payers are
making up the difference between the paid wages of Wal Mart
employees and the mim. wage. Insurance the tax payers in
every City where Wal mart is located is paying for "Sam" to
pocket more dollars. The Cities and the voters, when will we awake?
Ashley - []
USAMonday, March 8, 2004 10:15:24 PM

Thanks, Brutis. Thats nice of you. :) Montreal is a busy city. If you like big cities with music and loads of energy then you probably enjoy it. From what i heard, they have great old churches there and wicked coffee shops.

Whitbourne, I'm sorry. I meant no harm. I won't bash french. I tend to rant too much at times unfortuantely in chasms of boredom, but I'll refrain it and dunk my head in ice cold water if needed.

Well I'm off. What a monday. glad when it's morning. *wanders off*

Monday, March 8, 2004 09:59:47 PM

Hellcat> Can you please knock off the French bashing?

Thanks. Merci beaucoup.

Monday, March 8, 2004 09:37:38 PM

hey yall i got the perfedt question to spice the room up.
If you could change/mutate into a gargoyle on purpose or accident which one would you want to be like and why.

Brutis (Thomas Guillot) - []
hammond, louisiana, usa
Monday, March 8, 2004 09:36:01 PM

[Aside from the Manhattan clan, which clan would you most want to see more of and why? ]

the Chinese clan, because-

oh, wait. I can't tell you guys THAT. ]; )

Monday, March 8, 2004 09:15:57 PM

i would like to see more of the ishimoura clan from japan. i want to see more of them not only because they look cool but because they deal with the humans in the town on a daily basis. that is the kind of interactoion that you dont see with the other clans that makes them unique to me *end*

Brutis (Thomas Guillot) - []
hammond, louisiana, usa
Monday, March 8, 2004 08:43:04 PM

Ed - <"I think therefore I can.">

But to what extent must one think he/she can to possess the ability to do so? Are you suggesting that everything is within our realm of capability? That would mean that the only thing separating us mere mortals from being some sort of supernatural being is the wholehearted, absolute, 100% belief in ourselves (beyond any minute shadow of a doubt) that we can perform any given action.


Monday, March 8, 2004 08:42:19 PM

hellcat dont worry not all of the us is like that mostly just louisiana and mississippi. and not all of the state is like that just small parts of them like the southern parts. feel free to drop me an email if you want any info on new orleans or louisiana for that matter. mail me at, or, or by the way i dont know anytinig about canada. accepet i want to go for the gathering in montrial ( excuse spelling) i just wonder y they dont put it down south just once * end *
Brutis (Thomas Guillot) - []
hammond, louisiana, usa
Monday, March 8, 2004 08:37:40 PM

Damien: Wow!!! I made a good guess. Yeah I just guess since you liked fire and BC had a lot of nasty forest fires last summer. I’m amazed! I usually am a bad guesser haha

Thomas Guillot:
“hellcat u think being in BC is bad you should try growing up in a place where 5 languages raign supreme, english, french, spanish, cajun, and basic french cajun. try that and see what that gets you most ppl around here talk in a way that makes no sence. using words that make no reference to the item you are talking about. most of the time when ppl talk down here their words all meld into one and there is no spacel like ,,, helloiamgoingtogohuntintomorrow, gonnacatchmeacoonorto, didnt get it well welcom to my world.”
*blink * They sound like townies here. They talk too damn fast.
I get what you mean though. I would have trouble following them. I would have to smile and nod. By the way, B.C. is not that bad hunny, it’s damn Quebec and their ‘proper’ Francophone culture.. Haha. Yeah I pitting against Quebec lol I’m entitled to, due to living in Newfoundland. Quebec often profits form Newfoundland’s chruchill Falls and we get nothing from it. Yeah those froggies theer are so rich they have a automatically mocking laughter machine….*pauses and bites tongue *

My boyfriend, Green Baron si taking me to New Orleans in a couple fo years. It would be interesting for hear people talk like that! I don't mind beause I never visited USA before. I can't wait. :)

Monday, March 8, 2004 07:29:12 PM

Back from Game Storm in Portland, OR, where I GMed myself into a case of laryngitis running "Holiday at Hogwarts" for a lively group of 8 players in a crowded hotel ballroom. Whew!
Christine - [<--- little site update]
Monday, March 8, 2004 05:26:24 PM

Greetings all,

I thought I'd spice up the room with a question.

Aside from the Manhattan clan, which clan would you most want to see more of and why?


Monday, March 8, 2004 04:26:57 PM

Bloody dream sequences
longest day mistified the "L" out of me till i finished it... good job

Monday, March 8, 2004 02:44:33 PM

hi again. my site name will be (Brutis) it is one i use around here. anyway dont worry hellcat u think being in BC is bad you should try growing up in a place where 5 languages raign supreme, english, french, spanish, cajun, and basic french cajun. try that and see what that gets you most ppl around here talk in a way that makes no sence. using words that make no reference to the item you are talking about. most of the time when ppl talk down here their words all meld into one and there is no spacel like ,,, helloiamgoingtogohuntintomorrow, gonnacatchmeacoonorto, didnt get it well welcom to my world.

Thomas Guillot - []
hammond, louisiana, usa
Monday, March 8, 2004 01:45:35 PM

Hellcat: wow thats impressive (unless you did a whois search OR are just linking my love of fire to the wildfires this year..... ) I'm From BC
Monday, March 8, 2004 01:15:03 PM

Hellcat: <But that’s fun :P>
Except when it's going in reverse. And when it makes me not able to understand human speech
Very true. I’m alipreader..imagien the pain there! Owie…

“Completely and utterly meaningless and baseless insults. Half the time I use them against myself, so I don't worry about using them against anyone else.”
Alright. In my frame of mind an insult is an insult so I tend to bite back. Hope there’s no hard feelings there.

No, not "eh?" Eh. Totally different sound. Although I see how you could get confused, being Canadian and all. ;)

I was kidding around. Canadian eh is virtually a sound in a question or remark. It is confusing! I actually hate it because mainly mainlanders use ‘eh’ in every senctence they talk about. Not all mind you. Newfies use the term ‘bye’ as in boy but it kinda lightly taken to regard anyone. It’s sorta like man/girl/dude etc. Sometimes it’s used like the sound of ‘eh’ is. Some newfies actually refuse to say bye because it is not ‘proper’ and rest fo society thinks it’s derivative speech or something. Im babbling but you get my point.
. It’s weird. My dad actually said that Canadians speak the English language and the Americans speak American because they make up slang words…haha. Dad had a good argument but I stumped him because quotations and referencing are from APA and MLA, which is a a bit of American make here. Americans actually contribute a lot to literature. Just my opinion. I can go on and on and on because I got the manuals and had to memorize it and refer to it a lot in my university years. Har har. Dammit I feel good. It’s nice to argue in my favourite subject haha.

Damien, I have to ask. Just where are you from, fellow pyro Canadian? I wouldn’t be surprised if you were from B.C. ;)

Anyways, I’m feeling a bit better ranting lke this. I’m horridly stressed out. My referemce letter is still missing and my prof seem to be nonexistent…I can’t type good and need prozac or something. Mind my typos please!

friggin Newfoundland
Monday, March 8, 2004 12:45:44 PM

Bud-Clare: Can you? You think you can, and I think you think you can, and you can think I think you think you can just as I think I can think you can think I think you think you can (I think). I think if you think you can think you can, you can think you can and can. ("I think therefore I can.").
Monday, March 8, 2004 11:13:04 AM

13! Because I can.
Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46:52 AM

Number 12!

151 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal,Quebec!

Monday, March 8, 2004 06:54:53 AM

Monday, March 8, 2004 06:42:47 AM


Monday, March 8, 2004 06:01:18 AM

Opps Ninth actually
<<feuer Frei>>

Monday, March 8, 2004 03:35:57 AM

10th in the name of all fire raging everywhere!
Monday, March 8, 2004 03:35:04 AM

9th in the name of all!
Monday, March 8, 2004 02:30:50 AM

Vinnie - []
Marquette, Michigan, USA
Monday, March 8, 2004 01:54:52 AM

Sigh -- Lain missed a big chance to do a prisoner reference... Obviously OUR number 6 isnt quite the ... of the "Real" #6...

Really strange IP address... That is like if the lottos came up 01 02 05 06 08.... ? What system is that -- I mean REALLY LOW IP numbers...


Just came back from playing some silly door games on a BBS -- yes some of them do still exist...

A BRE game was going on there for who knows how long with one player playing it -- I showed up and the other person did accept the free trade pact ... Figured the BBS would be against other BBS;s in the league thing but nope -- logged into -- Person broke treaty -- person declared war -- person attacked you... What is odd about this is that he just assured himself of being alone -- there is no way anyone will catch up to his military(actually his gameplay stinks because I managed to have more regions than him 8 turns out of protection)... Just struck me as odd and yet another insight into human nature...

Monday, March 8, 2004 01:53:46 AM

Monday, March 8, 2004 01:47:36 AM

Monday, March 8, 2004 01:45:30 AM

Top 10, #4?
Monday, March 8, 2004 01:37:08 AM

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, March 8, 2004 01:34:10 AM

I am the new number 2
Monday, March 8, 2004 01:15:09 AM

its all the room broken,loading slow, or am I first?
Monday, March 8, 2004 01:08:34 AM
