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It NEVER frelling fails! I upload something to the TGS Server and BOOM! Within 24 hours, the server crashes!
Oh sure, LM updates all the time, but I upload *1* frelling file and the server crashes.
I think it doesn't like me. :~(

Brutis: It's down below. I'll e-mail later when I actually get to use my home PC. (My web e-mail feature sucks.)

Fire Storm
Monday, March 29, 2004 10:41:18 PM

hey room
got a question did anyone else have enufgh truoble geting into the room i mean were yall able to click from the main page or did yall have to go the long way truogh the station 8 room to get in
fire storm< did you get my last message or did it get lost in this room hang up

Brutis - []
Hammond, Louisiana, Usa
Monday, March 29, 2004 10:33:20 PM

Hooray!! The room's working again!!
Monday, March 29, 2004 10:13:27 PM

Tharos: Here is lacking tours. Newfoundland hosted small things but overall, if i tain't Great Big Sea or any wimpy band, there's no good music concert tours here. Every few years we get a break. Odd hm? Every musician who been here enjoyed Newfoundland and wants to return. They seem to forget what they said and never return. usually. Newfoundland sucks for those who like concerts of any kind.

“The army makes sure that their crippled, on profile soilders get whipped back to health”

That’s good. Better than what Canada does. The military gets killed easily due to poor equipment and lack of resources. The rumour here is that the entire Nfld regiment here is stationed to go to Afghanistan in a August.
And more lively news today. A Canadian security guard was killed over that way. He got blown up. Another Newfie blown to pieces. God I really hope Canada whips the army back in shape. UN even says Canada should improve the forces.

I’m relieved Thomas is in the US army lol. Sounds a bit safer, in this regards.

Hellcat> <<I envy you. You don’t have balls>>: Do I even need to say anything here?”
Yeah very bad joke. Lol.
<<hides before someone lectures her about bouncy balls>>: bouncies are one thing, balls are another, but bouncy balls just aren't as naughty.”
If you say so. Have you ever been on one long enough? You get kind flushed. ;)

Dezi, that end of the world is utterly hilarious. Some of the others on the site is hilarious. Also, I hope you get to talk to your Puerto Rican guy soon! Might make ya nose feel so much better hehe.

Lain: Wow you have good artwork. I can’t draw anything haha. I’m on deviant art too but more of a writer and ranter. I swear I rant about insane things that make no sense. Deviant however likes to crash a lot so be warned lol

I'm kinda sister-proofing my room. Grr, she's coming home for a few days with her friend and friend's parents from Paris France. Oh god the joy in that. It's nice but sister is ARGH (insert all profane words here on top of a nice bunch of insults not suitable for younger audience) and the parents can't speaky no englishy. Thankfully, my mom fought to keep them from staying at the house. I must bite tongue. MUSt bite...tongue!!!!!!
Man do I wish i was somewhere else. Argh...

melting Newfoundland
Monday, March 29, 2004 09:41:56 PM

The room wasn't wiped, as you can see. we still have posts from last week.

What happened was that the server died while the sites being moved, everything hosted on the s8 forums was down.

More accurate quote from Hudson on the topic to be found:

Monday, March 29, 2004 09:41:04 PM



Did THAT get your attention?

I have a painting that needs a name, but for the life of me, I can't think of one. So, I have a small contest going on. I need a name for my painting.

SIMPLY go to to view the painting, and clicky the link below to name it. SIMPLE?

I will narrow it down to a top three, and then choose.

Thanks everyone and GOODLUCK!!

That is all I will say.

Battle Beast
CanadaMonday, March 29, 2004 09:40:34 PM

Waitaminute... doesn't the room get cleared on Mondays? :) That and the fact that I couldn't load this place to read wonderous political debates really threw me off over the weekend.

Speaking of my weekend: I don't know if anyone in here likes metal, but if you do... please do yourselves a favor and check out Yngwie Malmsteen's tour if it's anywhere near you. Best 3 hours of my life.

Monday, March 29, 2004 09:22:04 PM

Well, New Hampshire was boring, but I met a few interesting people I hadn't seen before/in a while. And I was too wimpy to wink and say it was a sinning shame.

Damien> <<alot of big guys live here!(you've seen a lumberjack>>: Now, now, it's a well known fact that all lumberjacks are crossdressers.

Spacebabie> <<What if I throw cans of Spam at them? Would it be the same effect?>>: Not as much, but they'd still have to do something to keep up their image.
<<Why?>>: Funary rites.

Rev. Attila> <<If you want to get married by a Church, Synagouge, Mosque, Temple, Ganesha Quick-E Mart, or a non-religiosu private sector equivalent, it's a marriage...or better yet deleglaize the whole thing>>: Reminds me of this:

Hellcat> <<I envy you. You don’t have balls>>: Do I even need to say anything here?
<<hides before someone lectures her about bouncy balls>>: bouncies are one thing, balls are another, but bouncy balls just aren't as naughty.

Littlepaw> <<hi anyone home?>>: This place works at a different speed.

Question> <<Only fresh meat would make the mistake of double posting>>: Heh. I've seen many Elders double post.
<<I'd ask gside about that doujinshi with Asuka and Bush>>: I don't know where to find the original anymore, though there is evidence of its existance at Ecchi Attack.

Dezi> <<but then you can get into the whole DB GT mess>>: I think there are still enough people in the dark about that.
<<and people go: Roman, who?>>: Yeah, they probably should have just gone with the Greeks from the beginning, and avoided the whole Uranus debacle.
<<Now for a little HUMOR>>: Seen it before, good fun, and reminds me of Randy Newman's Political Science.

Fire Storm> <<And DPH proved it. No real problem either way>>: Has he told you about the extra password he wants?
<<I say that if he invites you over, HE should provide the meat>>: I don't think it's so much that we're invited so much as we visit. Besides, I go with my parents, so they're not about to make him get meat if he disagrees with it.
<<If the body goes for long enough without it (a few years?), you get a fairly rapid breakdown of your system>>: I thought you meant somthing happening if they went back to meat after a while off it. As for the missing protein, there's always supplements.
<<That miniseries did suck, after all>>: Too much like a pilot.
<<when the sun finally goes nova, it will take 8 minutes for the flare to reach Earth>>: Ah, though you seemed to be using it more like a reference to the minute in which things end, not the minute before things end.
<<Idiot proof it, while making sure idiots can use it?>>: And don't forget to implement a DWIM algorithm.
<<Not allowed to get silicone breast implants>>: Not even to cushion my feet for those long hikes?

DPH> <<any solar powered car never gets parked in a garage or any area where it can't get sunlight>>: There is way too much shade out there to ensure sunlight.

Brutis> <<only prob is i cant afford to experement on anything ( school is expensive)>>: So get into the automotive end of MechE, and apply for grants.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, March 27, 2004 11:15:45 PM

sorry to double post but i didnt get fire storm till after i wrote my poem
if you dont have a prob with talking on either yahoo messenger or msn messenger get my names and i will explain my ideas there i dont want to crowd the room with my long boring topic of eletric cars unless no one minds to read it
creature_of_the_night_20042004@yahoo messenger
night_crawler_182004@yahoo messenger
or night_crawler_001@msn messenger
or just send me and email :) :) :) :)

Brutis - []
Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:48:53 PM

( i awaken in a shower of stone and a loud yell )
its raining again same as last few days
i sit on my perch and watch it fall gllising in the street light. i think inwardly i am alone... i have no clan i have no frends <a tear rolls down my cheek>
i unfols my wings and stand on the roof edge and let the rain clense me of my thoughts. i glide from the roof and land in the back loading alley where even the rats wont go. i land and walk down the cold lonely strip not bothering to use wings to shield from the rain. the rain will hide my tears. i am the only one of my species in this city, i am not looking for a mate or even a companion ...i only want a... a friend...........

Brutis - []
Hammond, Louisiana, Usa
Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:41:12 PM

Here's what sucks:
*write code* *upload code* *Test code*
"What? That should work? Why isn't it working?"
*debug code. Yep. It's right!* *Check documentation on code*
"Why the he... wait... the Admin can disable that feature? Let's check this out on"
*It works. And there was much rejoicing.*
Figures. On and off, I was testing this code trying to figure out why the frell it wasn't working... and the admin on my server had it disabled! (note: file_uploads=0)

DPH: <Did I send a response back indicating the change in my cr profile?>
I dunno. Maybe. I think I remember LM telling me that she had your. She's busy working and I am working... just not as busy. I'll check tonight.

Brutis: <i have a list like that for my work.>
I have a list like that too:
1. Not allowed to move heavy objects
2. Not allowed to work on live power lines
3. Not allowed to use sharp objects
4. That includes juggling and swinging scissors
I have a few more, but those are the most important. I've had a few too many worrysome accidents.
<actually they have sevral alternate fuel options that can be built into your own car for not a lot of money>
Oh, agreed. I want to convert the Focus into a gasoline/LNG/LP hybrid
<(however hydrogen is expensive)>
Why? 1 solar cell + water = h2 + o
<Most eletric cars have a flaw in them that no one seemes to notice they have 1 bank of batteries running 4 moters>
Really? I haven't heard of electric cars using more than 1 motor due to the size and weight of the current electric motors. 4 motors would really be best, but I see a single front mounted motor powering the front wheels to be the most probable solution in the near future. As for a single battery pack... those suckers are HUGE That's why!
<i have a theroy to change that that would be a huge increase in the enegy efficency and people who work the "3rd shift" would not have to worry>
Do tell. Please. I am curious.

6. Not allowed to play 'Pulp Fiction' with a suction-cup dart pistol and any officer.
7. Not allowed to add 'In accordance with the prophesy' to the end of answers I give to a question an officer asks me.
8. Not allowed to add pictures of officers I don't like to War Criminal posters.
9. Not allowed to title any product 'Get Over it'.
10. Not allowed to purchase anyone's soul on Government time.

Fire Storm
Saturday, March 27, 2004 06:31:12 PM

DEADLY FORCE is on ABC FAMILY -- right NOW... If you havent seen this elusive episode -- this is the time...
Saturday, March 27, 2004 11:31:57 AM

Well, Frank J does a Know Thy Enemy on himself:

Know Thy Enemy: IMAO and Frank J.
* When I first made named my site IMAO, I thought the meaning would be obvious to everyone. My only fear was that some people would think I was declaring solidarity with Chairman Mao (when wasn't available, the suggestions given were and

* When on blogspot, comments were labeled "IYAO".

* The original tagline of IMAO was "No problem is so complex it can't be solved by proper firearm usage." Later, with the help of Laurence Simon, I made a randomly rotating tagline which included "Political musings of a dumb smart guy." (and "Political musings of a smart dumb guy."). The reason "Political musings of a dumb smart guy." was settled on was that was the tagline Rachel Lucas picked when she made me a banner for my switch to MT. I don’t have the list of taglines on me right now, but I’ll put them up later tonight.

* I first heard of Scrappleface when he put in the comment section of one of my posts "If you want to see a related parody, go to..." I was a little flattered at the time that someone thought I had enough readers to bother siphoning off them, but, in the end, I dismissed Scrappleface as an annoying upstart.

* Despite their popularity, Glenn Reynolds has never once linked to an In My World™ post, knowing that people would find it too funny and it would grow my power too much to have that many people see one.

* According to the Blogging Ecosystem today, I need 1067 more links to catch up on Instapundit. So, come on, start linking!

* I was born June 4th, 1979, so, despite my young age, technically my life spans four decades.

* My last name does not start with a 'J'.

* In a fight between IMAO and Aquaman, IMAO would win because of Aquaman's piss-poor hacking skills.

* Aquaman is just the lamest superhero ever. I mean, he's completely useless on land and only marginally useful in water (he can breathe underwater and talk to fish). Maybe he could be a really good lifeguard, but superhero seems to be aiming to high.

* I am proudly the number one Google hit for "I hate Michael Moore".

* I don't like monkeys.

* I own the URL, but have yet to do anything with it. I was hoping to make a signature drive like Not in Our Name where I would collect signatures of people who wanted the U.S. military to bomb France. I would then e-mail the petition to everyone in Congress.

* I receive very little hate mail. I've often seen liberals link to my posts saying, "Hey, look at this great Rumsfeld bashing."

* Hot chicks in their twenties who are single and find me irresistibly handsome and witty should e-mail me immediately.

* I'm hoping to somehow expand IMAO into some super-conglomerate where I make lots of money. I like money.

* I am thankful for all my readers, and I love everyone one of you.

That's all for now.

War, Wealth, and Women!!!!

ghost of Reverend Attila
Saturday, March 27, 2004 07:57:08 AM

dezi>> <<Inuyasha, Gundam, Tenchi, (and a billions of others I don't even think I could name....)>>
coolies. ive been watching inuyasha on cartoon networks adult swim, its pretty good, all things considered. havent seen much gundam or tenchi tho.. bits, but not a lot.

oh, and i made this today (FIIIIIINALLY..):
its mostly full of tgs-related things so far, though there is some other stuff there too.

lain - [<<-- devious lain..]
Saturday, March 27, 2004 01:01:09 AM

Lain: Inuyasha, Gundam, Tenchi, (and a billions of others I don't even think I could name....)
Friday, March 26, 2004 11:51:25 PM

youth n asia>> <<I can post several DOZEN instances of terrorist acts against Israel that Hamas has *ADMITTED* responsibility for, if you'd like>>
oh yes, i know, i do read the news.
but formal israeli policy still states that hamas is not a terrorist organization. the EU (fairly recently) classified them as terrorists and i believe the US has done so for awhile - but not israel.
if its a cop-out, its not one on my behalf. go yell at israel for having (yet another) double-standard.
<<No one's hearts and minds are ever REALLY changed>>
i disagree. i have both changed the opinions of others and had my own opinion changed on several occasions.

question>> <<and the plot point involving that horn was never resolved>>
youre only bitching about ONE unresolved plot point? o.O
<<Yes you are. Only fresh meat would make the mistake of double posting>>
well, or a computer glitch.

dezi>> <<OK Now for a little HUMOR. Clickie my name. :)>>
yeah, i saw that a few months ago when yggdrasil posted the link in here. its still damn funny tho.. :D
<<Puerto Rican dude at school, who can talk about as fast as I can, and really digs anime>>
anything in particular?

bud-clare>> <<Also, speaking to lain in that tone after she showed enormous patience by not snapping at you...just makes you look like a troll>>
its OK, ive had worse. thanks tho.

Friday, March 26, 2004 11:10:06 PM

hello i am not going to get into the political debate im letting the embers die out


i have a list like that for my work.
1. not allowed to stand on head when talking to customers
2. not allowed to put Burtis on nametag anymore (real only)
3. no more calling my boss Demona ( to her face anyway)
4. no longer can i trow shoes at customers
5. cant juggle anything anymore ( broke salsa jar)
6. boss told me if i wistle the gargoyles theme again he will rip my lips off
7. no longer allowed to talk in anyother accent acept american (can do brittan, russian, french, china, germany,austrailian and so forth)

and the list goes on and on and on ( too bad no one else wants working to be fun)

fire storm< actually they have sevral alternate fuel options that can be built into your own car for not a lot of money like i have a cousin who converted his van to run on hydrogen for only 300$ (however hydrogen is expensive) i also have an old truck that runs on a biodeisel made from corn oil its not expensive till i have to have it trucked in from the coast. Most eletric cars have a flaw in them that no one seemes to notice they have 1 bank of batteries running 4 moters. i have a theroy to change that that would be a huge increase in the enegy efficency and people who work the "3rd shift" would not have to worry. only prob is i cant afford to experement on anything ( school is expensive) and i am willing to bet that they have something better and they are not planning to put it out because they dont want to loose the deal they have with iraq and iran for oil. think about it if america stoped being dependant on everyone else for oil and fuel the president might not have anyone else to blame all the usas problems on.
*damn i said i wasent going to get political*
* ugggggggg shame on me*

oh well 10:00 sleapy time got to pick up my new fridg tomorrow wahoo
by now
oh well i dont turn to stone for 9 hours. poo on this night

Brutis - []
Hammond, Louisiana, USA
Friday, March 26, 2004 11:05:33 PM

Dezi: <<OK Now for a little HUMOR. Clickie my name. :)>>

Dude, that ruled! And it was made by the same guys who did Mario Twins, which is without a doubt one of the coolest things on the internet.

Friday, March 26, 2004 11:03:05 PM

Brutis - []
Friday, March 26, 2004 10:40:07 PM

Todd: Ah, thanks. I don't see how that would have been a factor in Season Five.

Actually, I don't see what the fuss is about at all. Just because an opportunity is presented to bring back the Sleepers doesn't mean that they have to be brought back, or that they ought to have been. It barely qualifies as a 'loose end' in my books. It's always nice to be able to resolve outstanding issues from existing plots -- something I remember particularly having in mind while writing parts of "Flight from the Enchanter" -- but it's a dreadful way to approach coming up with stories. I think it's a fairly awful criteria for evaluating them too, but that's not really any of my business.

Friday, March 26, 2004 08:35:46 PM

Euthensia - The problem stems, with the info that Lain has shown me, with one conspiracy theory being plausible. The good news is if that conspiracy theory is right, it's not the president's fault. - When I read it, I was bothered.

Question - <Mordred should have lasted a lot longer and the plot point involving that horn was never resolved.> That's not the only unresolved plot thread in Pendragon series.

Kjay - <Hopefully Hamas would bomb themselves to instinction.> That's what I consider the irony. They put the person more important than the cause. If they really believed the cause was that worthwhile, why bother with recruiting bombers? This situation reminds me of an episode of Babylon 5 where there was a dispute about the leadership of the Miniroi. (Spelling?) Delenn was willing to put her life on the line while the other person wasn't.

Aaron - <People, they're all Illuminati puppets, no matter what party they belong to, so it's hardly worth getting upset over.> I disagree. Anybody not affliated will never get off the ground.

Hmm. I have a question. Has anyone heard of any groups seeking to host the 2005 Gathering? Surely by now, 1 or 2 groups would come up wanting to have the Gathering in their city?

Caboose - <It's clear liberals outnumber conservatives about ten to one in this comment room. > You're mistaken. There's a wide range between liberals and conservatives called 'moderates'. I'd suspect most of the people you think are liberals are closer to 'moderates'. Being anti-Bush does not make anyone a liberal.

Gside - <think of the dangers of parking in a parking garage> Taking this out of context is funny. <I think you want to amend that to dependable fully solar pwoered.> I'm workign under the assumption that any solar powered car never gets parked in a garage or any area where it can't get sunlight. The only people who wouldn't want to drive a solar-powered would be those who work 3rd shift, because there's not going to be that much sunlight to recharge the batteries while they're working. Sheesh, they've been working on the battery problem for solar powered cars for what . . 20 years now. I think the time has come to start selling the cars. Even if the 1st models cost around $100-250 grand, that paves the way for future cars that are cheaper.

Why do we keep working on making cars more and more fuel-efficient instead of developing those alternative fuels? Sorry, decreasing the use of oil doesn't stop us from still being dependent on oil. Like it or not, the price of virtually everything is effected by gasoline because everything has to be shipped from one place to another. Boy, do I miss the days of $1/galloon. If only I had bought and stored a lot. Can anybody point in the direction of finding graphs show oil company profits over the years and the price of oil over the same period of time? I'm betting there is a correlation.

Bud-Clare - <just makes you look like a troll.> Funny, I've been thinking the same thing about Euthensia.

Todd - <If we'd done Season Five, we'd probably have resolved that loose end.> And hopefully resolved a few other loose ends.

Fire Storm - Did I send a response back indicating the change in my cr profile?

Friday, March 26, 2004 08:17:57 PM

Dezi> <<I'm betting either drunken tulips or a sense of humor.>>
*ruffles Dezi's hair* Thank you. Bizarre references to drunken tulips are always welcome. ;)
Youth N Asia> <<That sounds supiciously like a cop-out.>>
What really sounds like a cop-out is ignoring me every time I say something that you find inconvenient. If you really wanted to drag up that old argument, you should have had the decency to find it in the archive, rather than (intentionally) relying on half-assed paraphrasing. Also, speaking to lain in that tone after she showed enormous patience by not snapping at you...just makes you look like a troll. Which, really, is appropriate.

Friday, March 26, 2004 07:57:26 PM

Gside: <I believe they want it as stupidly easy as possible, though if you want, you could hand that over to me to do.>
I figured as much. And DPH proved it. No real problem either way.
<All a matter of what people are willing to pay for>
$100 per car for a .1% better safety rating.
<I guess. Where are sacks localized?>
<Hence why we bring our own meat when we visit my brother.>
I say that if he invites you over, HE should provide the meat!
<I've heard that from my brother (except for the dieing bit: just gastrointestinal distress).>
The dieing bit I heard from is due to a protein that is not available in veggies and is ONLY available in meat. If the body goes for long enough without it (a few years?), you get a fairly rapid breakdown of your system.
<I'm not sure if new space Starbuck really counts>
Probably not. That miniseries did suck, after all.
<But wouldn't we want them somewhat smart so we can properly profit from the resources?>
Sure. But let the idiots run it for a while first and thin the heard. Then the intelligent people with big paychecks will be sent there.
<I have no idea what that signifies. Is it from your V:tM books?>
Good guess, but totally wrong.
Ripped from the som_pos livejournal community: (edited for content)
Ah, yes. The compsci boys. I used to work with them...ooooh, the memories I've repressed.
One of the few that surfaces from time to time is one's favourite saying: "Evil yellow daystar. Remember, every minute could be the seventh minute!".
Damn, I'm glad I quit ITS.
(Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)
2004-03-21 19:17 (link)
"Remember, every minute could be the seventh minute!".
What the frell?
(Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread)
2004-03-21 19:21 (link)
Oh, there's a theory (or it could be a fact, I don't know these things) that, when the sun finally goes nova, it will take 8 minutes for the flare to reach Earth. So, consequently..."every minute could be the seventh minute".
I have no clue what the guy meant beyond that. Some sort of quasi-intellectual philosophical bullshit that occurs all too often at university and makes me want to take Teddy Roosevelt's advice at face value.
(Reply to this) (Parent)

DPH: <It needs to be as ridiculously easy as possible and secure at the same time.>
Idiot proof it, while making sure idiots can use it?

Krista: <If I came to a Gathering, would I be the youngest to ever have come?>
Definitely not! I mean, there was Christine and Spike's kids, not to mention Greg's, and a few others.

1: Not allowed to watch Southpark when I'm supposed to be working.
2: My proper military title is 'Specialist Schwarz' not 'Princess Anastasia'.
3: Not allowed to threaten anyone with black magic.
4: Not allowed to challenge anyone's disbelief of black magic by asking for hair.
5: Not allowed to get silicone breast implants.

Fire Storm
Friday, March 26, 2004 07:56:15 PM

ED - I think that Question was referring to the horn introduced in "The Sleepers" for summoning the Sarmatian ghosts. (If we'd done Season Five, we'd probably have resolved that loose end.)
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Friday, March 26, 2004 06:29:24 PM

I started reading the Garg season 3 'cause its shorter then pendragon,
and I have to say that "the council" was a very good story

Friday, March 26, 2004 12:48:46 PM

[[youth n asia>> <<Lain, are you actually saying that Hamas is NOT a terrorist organization?!?!?!? *shakes head*>>
dont you shake your head at me :P
im just quoting ISRAELS official stance on the organization, not saying whether or not i agree..
:) ]]

That sounds supiciously like a cop-out.

I can post several DOZEN instances of terrorist acts against Israel that Hamas has *ADMITTED* responsibility for, if you'd like.

[[A good political debate is one in which both sides can peacefully exchange views and, in the end, politely dismiss the other as an idiot without feeling the need for responding with caustic remarks about the other person. Considering that there is no means of judging the other person's tone or degree of hostility (or lack thereof) in a given statement (except maybe for smiley faces), do you fellas really think an Internet forum is a good venue for political debates and one in which statements will not be distorted and people will not be offended? Do you really expect to be able to carry on a sensible, level-headed, friendly debate on a regular basis in such a venue?]]

Point well taken. It has been my experience that the type of political debates you mention in the first sentence of this paragraph are a very rare thing on the net.
But then again, these are not really true debates; there is some give and take with those, and most political discussions in internet forums are usually just assertions and acknowledgments of ideology. No one's hearts and minds are ever REALLY changed.

Youth N Asia
Friday, March 26, 2004 11:54:02 AM

re: double post> jeeze, I was really tired and my internet was slow.
Friday, March 26, 2004 11:42:33 AM

Ok not feeling especially snarky, but that seems to be the general tone. Really I'm in a really good mood, as I've been hanging around with this hilarious Puerto Rican dude at school, who can talk about as fast as I can, and really digs anime. Yea!

Caboose:<Is it 'that time of the month' for you or something? Whatever it is, take a chill pill, would you? > As a matter of fact, it's not, and that was the lamest cop out since "You don't know me!" or whatever that people normally lame out on. FYI just 'cause a girl has a strong opinion on something, for whatever reasons, for whatever topic, DOESN'T mean its PMS. That was a total lack of regard and a peacock show of arrogance on your part. I'm not being feminist, I'm being real.

Gside:<I'd say pan rates well enough for something that small. > Yeah, but then you can get into the whole DB GT mess, and people go: Roman, who?

Krista: <And I do kinda just pick one person and stick with 'em. Yaknow?> Yeah, but discovering and interpreting your own information works wonders.
<And he acts just like my uncle and my mom> If any candidate acted like one of my uncles or my mom, they wouldn't be getting my vote.
Bud Clare:<That wasn't an insult. Learn to read.> Thank you.
Caboose:<Why do you even waste your time anymore? > Why waste yours? Isn't this whole thing really just a hobby? I mean, who here is paid to be here?
<These political posts are nothing more than bait to draw evil conservative troglodytes out of the woodwork so you can insult us some more. > Yet it works so well....
<What's the real reason behind it?> I'm betting either drunken tulips or a sense of humor. But hey who knows?
<Do you enjoy hearing your own thoughts and ideas echoed through the CR endlessly?> I enjoy hearing lots of things echoed in here. Quick! Someone bring in a duck and see if its quack echoes!

Euthanasia:<If memory serves me> Then it looks like its failing. Better fire it.
<You're joking here,> Thanks for the clarification.

Question:<Yes you are. Only fresh meat would make the mistake of double posting. > Uh yeah. Scroll down a little ways. GregX just did it, and he's been here forever.
<Ignore her/him/it.> Last I checked, Patrick was a guy..Patrick? Care to comment? :) Now, "Question" on the other hand, is a bit ambiguious

OK Now for a little HUMOR. Clickie my name. :)

Dezi - [THis thing is funny!]
Friday, March 26, 2004 11:19:50 AM

Question: What horn?
Friday, March 26, 2004 10:00:44 AM

<News flash, genius. Christi Smith Hayden and TGS aren't canon, either. Not being canon is the definition of FANFIC. >

I'm talking of those stories in relation to "the gargoyles saga" and the question of whether those seperate stories were actually tgs canon have been asked numerous times. :)

Friday, March 26, 2004 07:03:35 AM

Question > News flash, genius. Christi Smith Hayden and TGS aren't canon, either. Not being canon is the definition of FANFIC.

Damien > All the fanfic you could ever want is in the Gargoyles Fans archive - - and click on "Author List" to find specific writers.

And now the moment you've all been waiting for...

133 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Patrick - [<-- allez au le Gathering en Canada, eh!]
Friday, March 26, 2004 06:48:00 AM

<I'm not fresh meat... well i don't smell the part anyways,>

Yes you are. Only fresh meat would make the mistake of double posting.

<No offence to the writers but reading TGS season 3 really reminds me of an ADHD child talking to another kid. 4 stories involving 3 plots (vampires, future thingy, thailog)>

Thats what you get when you have a major staff turnover. Season 3 of Pendragon wasn't any better. Mordred should have lasted a lot longer and the plot point involving that horn was never resolved.

<ohh where is this destine thingy i've ehard about? >

Ignore her/him/it. It's mostly adult material which worst of all isn't canon. I recommend Christi Smith Hayden's non-canon, but still very interesting story involving Lex and Astrial.

Also posting links to adult material is prohibited here. Else I'd ask gside about that doujinshi with Asuka and Bush.

Friday, March 26, 2004 04:37:56 AM

fresh meat>> I'm not fresh meat... well i don't smell the part anyways,
No offence to the writers but reading TGS season 3 really reminds me of an ADHD child talking to another kid. 4 stories involving 3 plots (vampires, future thingy, thailog)
ohh where is this destine thingy i've ehard about?

euth: I had some comment for you, but i havve forgotten it, I don't even remeber if it was a real response or a snappy one or a witty one, but i'm sorry, lost in the depths of my mind is a comment about something involving you.

now i'm very tired and i'm going to sleep now as its after 1 am.

Friday, March 26, 2004 04:16:09 AM

fresh meat>> I'm not fresh meat... well i don't smell the part anyways,
No offence to the writers but reading TGS season 3 really reminds me of an ADHD child talking to another kid. 4 stories involving 3 plots (vampires, future thingy, thailog)
ohh where is this destine thingy i've ehard about?

euth: I had some comment for you, but i havve forgotten it, I don't even remeber if it was a real response or a snappy one or a witty one, but i'm sorry, lost in the depths of my mind is a comment about something involving you.
now i'm very tired and i'm going to sleep now as its after 1 am.

Friday, March 26, 2004 04:16:03 AM

Patrick: <If you've made it to the end of TGS season two, you're ready to start reading the spinoff universe of Madame Destine in the Gargoyles Fans fanfic archive.>
*Sprays Patrick with a spray bottle of water*
NO! Bad Patrick! No corrupting the Fresh Meat.
Just yet, anyway!

Fire Storm
Friday, March 26, 2004 01:16:23 AM

youth n asia>> <<Lain, are you actually saying that Hamas is NOT a terrorist organization?!?!?!? *shakes head*>>
dont you shake your head at me :P
im just quoting ISRAELS official stance on the organization, not saying whether or not i agree..

Thursday, March 25, 2004 11:22:16 PM

<facts about canadians>I didn't know much about them except
that everything there cost a lot more money, I get mad when their coins get mixed up with US money, It is more safer there (all that cold weather is a crime stopper), and that they say "eh" alot. I thought that the canadians would be yelling out in outrage over the diseny movie "Brother Bear".
<Hamas>I heard that they tricked a 14 year old boy into becoming a "human bomb". They promised him 78 virgins in heaven and gave him 20 dollars. Luckily he was stopped in time. I guess they are desprate to get rid of the "Jew Problem" next they'll be using 2 day old babies and pregrent women. They are too stupid to realize that nobody is going to be forced out of their country. Hopefully Hamas
would bomb themselves to instinction.
<hellcat>The army makes sure that their crippled, on profile soilders get whipped back to health.
<poiltical discussions>Like the old saying goes the thing you never talk about at the table is relgion and politics.

kjay - []
fort bliss, tx
Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:57:06 PM

Thomas> <<Isn't that everyday for you, though?>>
Some days I don't think about him at all.
Youth N Asia> <<If memory serves me, wasn't Bud-Clare the one who, months ago, used to post endlessly about the intelligence (or lack thereof) of the President, and when her remarks were refuted soundly, her reply was something along the lines of "I don't care about the evidence, I'm going to believe he's dumb anyway"?>>
Really? I remember the other person's remarks being pretty soundly refuted. Also, I'm a little unclear on how making occasional passing references to something constitutes "posting endlessly". I guess memory serves everyone (in whatever way they'd like it to).
(Ironically, I accidentally typed "unclear" as "nuclear".)
Revel> <<WOOT! Bon fire! *breaks out hot dogs on a stick*>>
I want smores. :P

Thursday, March 25, 2004 09:52:50 PM

hmm all alone
Thursday, March 25, 2004 09:26:51 PM

hi anyone home?
Thursday, March 25, 2004 09:24:30 PM

Re: political discussions

I rarely engage in debate topics that historically tend to be controversial (i.e. politics, religion, etc.) because most people tend to be so opinionated that they interpret assertion of a political view that they don't hold as an insult and will defend themselves as if they are being personally attacked. Of course, there are also people that believe reality has no relevance to politics and will be friendly and agreeable in exchanging views that admittedly have no basis in actual fact.

When engaging in any such discussion/debate, you just have to pick your discussion partners carefully. A good political debate is one in which both sides can peacefully exchange views and, in the end, politely dismiss the other as an idiot without feeling the need for responding with caustic remarks about the other person. Considering that there is no means of judging the other person's tone or degree of hostility (or lack thereof) in a given statement (except maybe for smiley faces), do you fellas really think an Internet forum is a good venue for political debates and one in which statements will not be distorted and people will not be offended? Do you really expect to be able to carry on a sensible, level-headed, friendly debate on a regular basis in such a venue? If so, carry on - you have every right to do so and I shall continue not to read most of said discussion material. If not, then why not save your time and energy or discuss more cordial subject matters?


Thursday, March 25, 2004 09:15:02 PM

Damien > If you've made it to the end of TGS season two, you're ready to start reading the spinoff universe of Madame Destine in the Gargoyles Fans fanfic archive. ;)
Thursday, March 25, 2004 08:31:38 PM


Gathering 2004: I'm starting to get a bit worried here. So far nobody has contacted my about the biology talk for the Gathering. Please, if you are interested in participating in the talk please contact me ASAP by e-mail.

In general how many poeple would be interested in attending the talk?

Is there really an interest in this?

What would you like to be covered?

I really need help here. Although I could be the sole presenter, this would be really hard (not to mention boring).

Green Baron: "It is rumored Canada has its own military" Yes, but our most powerful weapn is not in fact the telephone, it's our reputation. Were Canada to rise up and invade someone the international community would be saying, "Canada launched an invasion against ______, they must have done something really bad!".

Yggdrasil - []
Ontario, Canada
Thursday, March 25, 2004 07:24:12 PM

Hi everyone. Um I’m cold and I’m tired and I’m just here to say…hi…um. Hi. Did I mention I’m having a blond moment here? I’m cold and I have no socks on. Go figure.

“<Sleepy hellcat>(I have to ask. Glad you're getting better, but in your mind, is physical therapy fun? Did they get you on that huge ball just to humilate you as you bounce up and down...) The only thing fun about it that I
miss the morning formation and don't have to stand there for an hour listening to my racist 1st sergent and my sexist commander blah, blah, blah....
There are no bouncy balls invovled, just weights and lots, and lots of Thera-bands! I currently on the green rubber one, and it's latex free!”

Good reason to like physio. I envy you. You don’t have balls! I guess they don’t believe bouncing on balls does your muscles good. You lucky bastard. I’ve been bad lately. Been awol on my physio. I keep it up at home though WITHOUT the balls. I got problems with those kidn of balls. Ah god I’m sounding dirty here haha.
Hope you get all buff with those thera bands and weights….latex free!
*hides before someone lectures her about bouncy balls*

“Hellcat> <<It's only selected to those who work harder than the rest>>: Eh, it's probably just because the selection committee pays more attention to flashy end results than the constant daily grind.”
Exactly. They say it’s for those who work harder but it’s not. Unforunate really.

*laughs and laughs * Ah god Damien you’re too funny and some of what you said is so damn true haha. ;) I do hope you do more in the future hahaha! I'd laugh if you made one up about Newfoundland, ontario, N.S., or BC. That'll be cool. :P
The link was funny too. But…whats a Robertson screwdriver? Lol

Green Baron
“Hellcat> ::kisses:: I think Danny Bye fubard that one. Maybe it's because I'm an American and I see Parliament liek Congress, but if the Premier is from Corner Brook as well as hsi Minsiter fo Justice that shoudl indicate soemthing good for Corner Brook. Of course, in America the poorer states liek Louisiana have representatives and Senators with seniority, so Louisiana probably gets about $2.50 for every dollar of taxpayer money. Granted Washingon DC is probably the greatest recipient of federal money in relation to taxes paid, followed by West Virginia (since their Senator has been in there since 1959). “

That’s similar to what si happening here. *kiss* Well Pepsi is doing something good for CB. I guess I should be happy that Pepsi is paying the city 50 thou a year for ten years for the Canada Games Centre which is now called the Pepsi Centre. (Not kidding. Talk about lack of originality).

”As for the doctor pay issue, your father works hard, but he should cut back. If the system wanst tos hit on him, he shouldn't take it. Where is John Galt when you need him? You'll get that refernce afetr I give you Atlas Shrugged ::kisses::”

yeha I know what you mean. Dad is slowly killing himself and he gotta do what the surgeons do. Work less, be lazier. Dad deserves it.
Whoo another book! Mind you I question Ayn Rand more than you do. She’s interesting though. I know I’d enjoy that book hehe. *kiss* You spoil me too much dammit! I'm that lovable hm? ;)

NL, bye!
Thursday, March 25, 2004 07:16:26 PM


Greg X> Ban all marriage by civil institutions...good. How about this deal: If you want to get married by a public sector Government stooge, it's a Civil Union. If you want to get married by a Church, Synagouge, Mosque, Temple, Ganesha Quick-E Mart, or a non-religiosu private sector equivalent, it's a marriage...or better yet deleglaize the whole thing. There should be a contract of commitment that can cover most of the benefits of marriage, and the rest can just be phased out anyway.

Youth N Asia> I am a tame little tiger and a soft, cuddly ghost kitty, and a raging pervert :)

Spacebabie> How are you, my nice well-breasted Floridian. ::purrs in Spacebabie's cleavegae:: It's good to be the King!!

Damien> Now that's the spirit....and the best approach to that wacky Frank J humour :)

Now for another one:

Know Thy Enemy: Protestors
Terrorists are horrible, but I have a t-shirt to handle them. Who are also as annoying, though, are protestors. Since Bush is encountering so many protestors while in Britain, I thought I'd put my crack research staff on finding out as much information about protestors as they could. Here's what they found:


* They are called "protestors" because there is something which they "protest". Only God know what, though, because they're so damn incoherent.

* Much like the pineapple, protestors start with a 'p'.

* Protestors like to yell a lot, but it's hard to hear what they're saying. It's probably about how much they like Saddam and dictators since them being deposed seems to really get them riled.

* Protestors try to make their message clearer by waving signs around. Apparently they don't think there should be trade between the Red Cross and Exxon.

* A number of protestors these days are anarchists. They can be identified as the protestors who can't properly pronounce what they are.

* Large scale protests rarely change things because people don't want to share opinions with smelly, yelling people.

* To protestors, the day they protest is known as "action day". To police, it's known as "whomping day".

* If you're a police officer and it looks like protests are getting out of control, shoot a protestor. I thought I saw him going for a gun too (wink) (wink).

* Like bees, protestors operate in swarms, but they don't produce anything useful like honey.

* In America, the right to protest is guaranteed by the First Amendment, but I don't think it's a coincidence how that one's directly followed by one saying we should have guns.

* Whatever you do, don't let protestors touch you! It will make you annoyed.

* There are rarely large scale protests by right-leaning people on account of them having things called dignity and jobs.

* By the principles of basic physics, sound can be nullified by hitting it with the same sound with the sound wave offset by ninety degrees. So, to nullify the yelling of protestors, blast them with the recording of monkeys screeching.

* You make monkeys screech by dangling bananas in front of them but never giving them to them. Stupid monkeys. What are they going to do anyway? Take over the world and blow up the Statue of Liberty?

* Much like fire, protestors need oxygen to survive. Also like fire, denying protestors oxygen can cause them to die out.

* In another similarity to fire, dousing protestors with water can help quell them.

* Speaking of water, in a fight between protestors and Aquaman, Aquaman would soon be running around waving a sign saying how old forest logging is endangering the sea turtle.

* Maybe if the song "Don't Worry; Be Happy" were played over loudspeakers, protestors would stop protesting as they no longer worried and were now happy. It's worth a shot.

* Another idea is tear gas, but that will probably cause them to worry and not be happy. Screw them.

I'm a bad little kitty, aren't I ;)
ghost of Reverend Attila
Thursday, March 25, 2004 06:35:42 PM

DAMIEN - Your "Ghostbusters" remark reminded me of the "Real Ghostbusters" episode in which the Ghostbusters were transported back in time to Victorian London and unwittingly busted the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future just as they were about to take Ebenezer Scrooge off on his little "Christmas Carol" tour - they even made the same threat when Scrooge initially refused to pay up.

Re Gargoyles Season Three: A big problem we had was that a lot of our best Breakdowns people and writers had left after Season Two was done, and those of us who were left felt lost without them.

Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, March 25, 2004 06:13:05 PM

what happened?
no offence but garg season 3 just doesn't seem as good as the first 2

Thursday, March 25, 2004 05:57:17 PM

Question aka "Youth N Asia"> <<Attila is a tame tiger compared to the vitriole aimed at Bush by those here in this room who don't consider themselves fans of the man. Yourself included.

And at least Attila doesn't take himself seriously.>>

There is a huge difference between badmouthing a PUBLIC figure, and flaming a poster in this CR. A HUGE difference.

And I'll extend the same message to you. GET OVER YOURSELF!

Greg Bishansky
Thursday, March 25, 2004 04:59:21 PM

This is awesome!

Greg Bishansky - [<--- Clicky, clicky]
Thursday, March 25, 2004 04:46:57 PM

jeese Euth, we'vw moved on from bashing the prez wannabe's to bashing canada....

<<Insert proper Ghostbusters line here>>
my favorite ghostbusters parody is where we see ebinezer scrooge being lectured by jacob marley about the length of his chains, when the door is burst down by a group of guy's with the backpacks and tan uniforms (vaugly looking like the ghost busters), and they zap marley, sucking him into the trap.
scrooge looks over at the ghost busters and says "your late, I'm only paying you half" the guy with the trap puts his foot on the release and says "we could always let him back out." scrooge: "fine, but" I don't remeber exactly what he objects too, but he only agreed bearly.

Thursday, March 25, 2004 04:29:11 PM

I'm sorry, I didn't even catch something in my own post.

Lain, are you actually saying that Hamas is NOT a terrorist organization?!?!?!?

*shakes head*

Please tell me you don't think that way. My opinion of you will drop several dozen degrees if you do.

Youth N Asia
Thursday, March 25, 2004 04:16:30 PM

[[What's the real reason behind it? Are you just venting your collective spleen on Bush? Do you enjoy hearing your own thoughts and ideas echoed through the CR endlessly? Or do you get your kicks out of belittling the beliefs of others that are held no less deeply than your own? ]]

If memory serves me, wasn't Bud-Clare the one who, months ago, used to post endlessly about the intelligence (or lack thereof) of the President, and when her remarks were refuted soundly, her reply was something along the lines of "I don't care about the evidence, I'm going to believe he's dumb anyway"?

[[Seriously. Get over yourself. Bud-Clare posted a link, that's all she did, for the purposes of humor. No one is complaining about the Reverend Attila posts, which are funny and right-wing. ]]

Attila is a tame tiger compared to the vitriole aimed at Bush by those here in this room who don't consider themselves fans of the man. Yourself included.

And at least Attila doesn't take himself seriously.

[if thats what they do to elderly parapleigic members of non-terrorist organizations, id hate to see what they do to the REAL bad guys... o.O ]]

I've seen people bring up the fact that Yassim was a paraplegic before, as if that somehow means we should have sympathy for that monster, who's responsible for countless Jewish deaths.

And to those who do bring up the fact that the man was in a wheelchair, I have just four words for you:

Leonard Klinghoffer. Achille Lauro.

[[I always laugh when people argue politics. People, they're all Illuminati puppets, no matter what party they belong to, so it's hardly worth getting upset over. ]]

You're joking here, but both Kerry & Bush are graduates of Yale.

You know both were probably in Skull & Bones.

Youth N Asia
Thursday, March 25, 2004 04:13:08 PM

Look! I'm making a post!

Just a quick post. I like to mention I’m also not voting for Kerry. Mostly because I am a “Thief and a Corrupt liar” and I rather have my waffles on my plate, not in the Whitehouse. I’m voting for Nolan.

Patrick<<<While you're at it, you may as well look for reputable proof that Elvis and JFK are still alive and sharing an apartment in Bermuda.>>>Or Marlyn Monroe was a vampire and the FBI killed her before she could bite JFK…this was in a supermarket newspaper

Damien<<<next person in the computer lab, cautiously avoids that computer>>>Insert proper Ghostbusters line here.

DPH<<<Damn it, I'm losing a battle right now against depression.>>>Try a bubble bath with apple cider vinegar…or apple cider and Mr. Bubble. It does wonder for the mood.<<<How long before we can have a solar powered car on the market?>>>How long till we have an alcohol powered car?

Attila<<<In case you haven't heard, Saruman spiritual leader of Hamas now resembles a Pollock painting.>>>Now now, you know this type of enjoyment causes the hippies to come down on you. <<<Contrary to popular belief, Hamas has nothing to do with ham. Actually, if you throw hams at them, they'll get angry>>>What if I throw cans of Spam at them? Would it be the same effect? <<<Be careful; Hamas members are quite wily, ranking up there in intelligence with squirrels.>>> DO NOT INSULT THE SQUIRRELS. <<<The French, enemies of all that is good and just in this world, are considering having some of their charities join those of Hamas. Expect more attacks from Hamas in the future that involves smelly cheese.>>>Could be worse. They could be throwing smelly Frenchmen at us. <<<in fight between Hamas and Aquaman, Aquaman would like totally kick their asses. His fish friends would be like, "Hey, let us have a piece of them!" but Aquaman would say, "No! They’re mine!" And then one Hamas member would be like, "Please, have mercy, Aquaman!" and Aquaman would be like, "No!" and punch the guy through the chest and rip out his heart. Aquaman is a badass!>>>Yet he would effeminately bitchslap Kerry.<<<Even though the Irgun sounds like a cool name for a Japanese anime, it is a Jewish organization formed when Britain had the Palestinian Mandate>>>Damn, I want to know where you can buy the DVD’s

Krista<<<I do get a lot of influence from my parents.>>>I figured as much.

Caboose<<<Are you just venting your collective spleen on Bush?>>>Dud chill. It was humor. Although I wish I knew about the day when The Pig was in office.

Gside<<<I'm off to New Hampshire>>>Why?

Green Baron<<<And I've begun to realize that causes suck and I will abandon any I have followed before, except for capitalism. That will be my only cause from now on.>>>Hell yeah.<<<if Bush is Hagrid,>>>Bush can’t be Hagrid. Hagrid at least knows how to pronounce his words.

Aaron<<<People, they're all Illuminati puppets
>>>Or puppets of the Coalition, The Sorority, and Alliance. It’s just a great big puppet show.

Spacebabie - []
Thursday, March 25, 2004 02:56:41 PM

Aaron- <<Illuminati puppets>> Thank you Aaron! I don't think it could have been put any better than that.

You can't trust Canadians, I saw that movie I saw what happened! ;)

Lynati- I have 6 out of 10 of my cut outs done with the seventh in pieces right now. I have to have them done by the 15th of April and then have them preped for slided along with all of last semester's work before the 26th of April. I also have fallen behind in Drawing studio work to attempt to make the paint deadline. I have to have 15 finished works in Drawing by the end of April I currently 7. Took a History test yesterday, should have done fine. Other than that readinga great series of Books by John Ringo. Alien invasion, military sci/fi type. Very good so far, on book two of four in this series.

Baron- My question is, what does all this money tha the FCC fines do? Where does it go? Does it feed children or shelter them from the evils that are Janet Jackson's boobs or something?

Bud-Clare- <<*throws gasoline on the dying embers*>> WOOT! Bon fire! *breaks out hot dogs on a stick*

Lain- I haven't gotten any hate mail yet. Guess I'm not offending enough.

Back to work.

Revel - []
Denton, tx
Thursday, March 25, 2004 01:34:47 PM

Damien: That list was funny! :) There are just a couple things I'd like to comment on from it...

19. You are excited whenever an American television station mentions Canada.

<Laughs> That's the way it is every time the national news mentions something that happened in Wisconsin. :)

38. You design your Hallowe'en costume to fit over a snowsuit.

>>>People make/made the same joke about Wisconsin. :)

39. You live in a house that has no front step, yet the door is one metre above the ground.

>>>We've got that in Wisconsin, too. I think it's more a phenomenon among P.W.T. than it is a regional thing.

40. The local paper covers national news on 2 pages, but requires 6 pages for hockey.

>>>If you replace "hockey" with some other sport or combo of sports, you get a Wisconsin newspaper. :)

41. You know 4 seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Construction.

>>>People say the same about Wisconsin. (And, for the record, probably any state north of Illinois as well.) :)

Caboose - []
Thursday, March 25, 2004 01:17:14 PM

Greg b. <<President McCain>> Mmmm tasty Taters for everyone, in every house.

Green Baron: Patriotism sense tingling... <reads the post, smiles>
note actual facts will be denoted with a []
<<Canada was originally populated by peoples loyal to Britain and dumb people who just got lost. >> Don't forget the americans who ran and hid before 3 wars!

<<Canada is still technically owned by England and has to dance for them when commanded. >> nope! they sold us to the hudson bay company in 1986! we dance whenever THEY tell us to
[we were an independant country in '87 when our charter was shipped over]

<< That happens usually three times a year. >> its closer to 10, we only televise 3

<<The border between U.S. and Canada is the longest unprotected border in the world. There are plans to mine it, set up video cameras all along it, and not tell Canada for a new Fox special called When Americans Are Bastards.>>
this explaines why I never hear from my friend tom who walked into the states.

<<It is rumored Canada has its own military. Their most powerful weapon is the telephone with which they can call America and say, "Help! We're being invaded, eh!">>
Nope! Our most powerful is our submarine!
its kept in its top secret hanger in the west edmonton mall [rides run every hour]

<<Canadians are almost as genetically similar to humans as the chimpanzee>>
and yet the american subspecies has the hairy hands and the sloping forehead. ;P
[did you know! there is more genetic difference between 2 members of a chimpanzee troop then there is in the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE! (scarey eh?)]

<<Was originally called Cana, but, since everyone there said, "I live in Cana, duuuuh," the name Canada eventually stuck.>>
Cana means village in one of the indian languages and the english speakers couldn't get it. cana- duh (see the heritage moment)
[ has all the heritage moments: is the one with the supposed nameing]

<<For the same reasons, it will eventually be known as Canadada.>>
as long as its not state # 53 i don't care.. though the Us would have to break it up into 75 bite sized states because they can't stand large area's on the mainland (the biggest is texas and its patheticly small when compared to any of the non maritime provinces)

<<Their national symbol is the most evil of leafs, the Maple Leaf, a.k.a. Satan's Palm.>> Don't forget the death's head, and the even more horrific... Breakfast topping!!!

<<In a fight between Aquaman and a maple leaf... actually, a maple leaf is even too lame for Aquaman. Our national symbol, the bald eagle, would whup Aquaman's ass, though. >> yes but hundreds of eagles die each year from choking on maple leafs


* Canadians pretend to be peaceful, but more Canadians are murdered in Canada every year than any other country>> except for the US, they've killed more canadians than canada
(it was friendly fire they say.. bombing that innocent canadian troop group)

<<Canada modeled their currency after ours just to annoy us when we accidentally get useless Canadian trinkets in change instead of hard American currency.>>
didn't you guy's steal ours?I'm pretty sure you were using leaves and shells before using our money (thats why its green)

<<Canada has a picture of a queen on their money to show their contempt for democracy>> and to scare the americans.

<<Canadians think they are superior to Americans. The rational basis for this is unknown. >> umm cause were better. Duh.

<<It's a myth that the normal way a Canadian says "about" is so that it rhymes with "boot". It just happens that a lot of Canadians are retarded.>>
you sure? I've only ever heard americans say aboot.

<<The northern area of Canada is technically God-forsaken.>> yes because the moose averlord lives there and he is an abomination in the name of GOD [which is either the Tetragrammaton, yhwh, Yahweh, or even jehovah.]

<<Most of the prayers involve hockey and are promptly ignored.>> No one watches the NHL. its just the provincial hockey leagues now

(not this one made me laugh
<<If a Canadian ever tries to express an opinion about America, hit him on the head with a rolled up newspaper while shouting, "No!" You have to catch them in the act or they'll never learn. >> there isn't enough papers in the US.... (besides most of the opinions i hear would make you want to grab a gun not a paper.)

<<Canada has gone its entire history without doing anything of note, something almost unheard of for a country its size.>> we burned down the white house... does that count as "something of note"? (there is a reason canada has about 6x the rate of pyromania of any other country, its national pride)

<<Canada doesn't have all the beliefs in liberty and freedom of speech that we have. So, if you have to go to Canada, make sure to bring a gun to help them recognize.>> then you'll get to understand the canadian penal system which will help you to learn just how to "squeal like a pig"

<<Canada is so defective that it loses gravity for six hours every month>> Dammit i though my diet was working

<<Canada has no known industry. It's believed all their income comes from sales of syrup and hockey tickets.>> WHo told you? WHO WHO?

<<Canadians are completely harmless, but don't assume someone who is wearing a hockey mask is Canadian. The people at Crystal Lake made that mistake and, well, it was messy>>
heh heh who say's he wasn't canadian...

<< If ever attacked by a Canadian... well... beat the crap out of him. What? You can't take a Canadian? What kind of pansy are you?>> hey! alot of big guys live here!(you've seen a lumberjack. of course we might only hit you once but we would only have to.

<<This list would be classified as a hate crime in Canada. >> and you would be sent to jail tied over a barrel, and left that way for a week. though you may want to die after words.. But our health system won't let you.

<<Actually, most Canadians who read this list would just say, "Eh?" >> probably closer to "heh" you lost a letter


Damien - [<-click the name for canadian humour]
BC, Canada EH!
Thursday, March 25, 2004 11:58:03 AM

I always laugh when people argue politics. People, they're all Illuminati puppets, no matter what party they belong to, so it's hardly worth getting upset over.

GB> <the organization that is about as useful as the FCC.> Now now, the FCC has never burnt anybody alive. Yet.
Aaron - []
Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:48:13 AM

Today, March 25, is an unofficial "Tolkien Day" (thanks to the fact that the One Ring was destroyed on March 25 in "The Lord of the Rings"). It's a good day to get re-acquainted with the original story that those Peter Jackson movies were based on.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:20:57 AM

Bud-Clare: Fine. It was a joke, I made an ass of myself. I'm sorry.

Green Baron--> "I still think that was dirty for Al Gore's campaign to get all those homeless voters in Wisoncin during 2000. Maybe the winters thinned their rannks since then."

I don't think there was much chance of the winters culling the homeless population up here--they've been positively tropical these past few years. We'd usually have snow on the ground by Thanksgiving when I was little, and now we're lucky if we have even a dusting for Christmas. And people say global warming isn't happening...

Caboose - []
Thursday, March 25, 2004 09:30:53 AM

So, anyway, spring break-from-liberal-arts-classes-so-you-have-no-excuse-to-not-spend-12-hours-a-day-in-studio just barely ended, and already I am pulling all nighters in preparation for the end of the semester. I have a full month left before the last day for Senior bisques, and already there isn't enough time to get things done.

And tomorrow's already full-up to at least 9pm, so no hope of catching a nap. and I'll probably be editing my senior presentation all night, so it's unlikely I'll get to bed early either. I hope I don't throw up or pass out in the middle of my slide lecture.

so, yeah, I got a livejournal to spill this stuff into, but I felt, wouldn't it be nice if we had some posts that had nothing to do with politics?

how's everyone else doing in RL?

Lynati "I can't beleive its 6am...again..." Kshudra
Thursday, March 25, 2004 07:10:58 AM

134 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

I see the "It's too far so I can't go" grumbling again. Remember, there have been seven Gatherings, and there are several fans from Europe who have perfect attendance records. Distance is really no excuse. I've personally attended every Gathering, too, and not a one of them has been within less than 500 miles of where I live.

Thursday, March 25, 2004 06:58:45 AM

Why can't people learn to take a joke. If you don't have a sense of humour with politics, you get bitter very quickly, or you resembel some sour-faed politician who is no fun, like Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, or Newt Gingrich (although I'd definitely take a history class from him).

Hellcat> ::kisses:: I think Danny Bye fubard that one. Maybe it's because I'm an American and I see Parliament liek Congress, but if the Premier is from Corner Brook as well as hsi Minsiter fo Justice that shoudl indicate soemthing good for Corner Brook. Of course, in America the poorer states liek Louisiana have representatives and Senators with seniority, so Louisiana probably gets about $2.50 for every dollar of taxpayer money. Granted Washingon DC is probably the greatest recipient of federal money in relation to taxes paid, followed by West Virginia (since their Senator has been in there since 1959).

As for the doctor pay issue, your father works hard, but he should cut back. If the system wanst tos hit on him, he shouldn't take it. Where is John Galt when you need him? You'll get that refernce afetr I give you Atlas Shrugged ::kisses::

Lain> <<yes, because the irgun didnt believe in sacrificing themselves for their cause, only other people :P>> OK, the irgun was bad...I still think Hamas is worse, and their new leader told the Hamas recruiter that his kids were too busy studying to be part of any jihad.

And I've begun to realize that causes suck and I will abandon any I have followed before, except for capitalism. That will be my only cause from now on.

Caboose> Lighten up a little. I'm a conservative, but I still think Bush is a little chimp-like, but at leats he isn't haughty and French looking like somebody who served in Vietnam, by the way :)

::punches Tom Daschle in the stomach::

Tom Daschle: Waaah!!! You hit me. I'm telling my mommy

Now, do you feel better? No. Wel, here's another Frank J. funny, and first of all, I have nothing but love for the Canadians in this CR, but I can't resist:

Remember, if this offends you then send compalaints to Frank J.

Know Thy Enemy: Canada
Canada always seemed to be too inconsequential to be an enemy, but I sent my crack research staff to find out what they can about Canada to see for sure if our neighbor to the north can be trusted.


* Canada was originally populated by peoples loyal to Britain and dumb people who just got lost.

* Canada is still technically owned by England and has to dance for them when commanded.

* That happens usually three times a year.

* The border between U.S. and Canada is the longest unprotected border in the world. There are plans to mine it, set up video cameras all along it, and not tell Canada for a new Fox special called When Americans Are Bastards.

* It is rumored Canada has its own military. Their most powerful weapon is the telephone with which they can call America and say, "Help! We're being invaded, eh!"

* Canadians are almost as genetically similar to humans as the chimpanzee.

* Was originally called Cana, but, since everyone there said, "I live in Cana, duuuuh," the name Canada eventually stuck.

* For the same reasons, it will eventually be known as Canadada.

* Their national symbol is the most evil of leafs, the Maple Leaf, a.k.a. Satan's Palm.

* In a fight between Aquaman and a maple leaf... actually, a maple leaf is even too lame for Aquaman. Our national symbol, the bald eagle, would whup Aquaman's ass, though.

* Canadians pretend to be peaceful, but more Canadians are murdered in Canada every year than any other country.

* Canada modeled their currency after ours just to annoy us when we accidentally get useless Canadian trinkets in change instead of hard American currency.

* Canada has a picture of a queen on their money to show their contempt for democracy.

* A large minority of Canadians speak French, and they boss around the rest of the Canadians. Bossed around by French-speaking people - that's so pathetic I can't even imagine it.

* Canadians think they are superior to Americans. The rational basis for this is unknown.

* Canada holds up a sham democracy to try and be accepted by the civilized world, but in fact all real decisions are made by their moose overlord.

* It's a myth that the normal way a Canadian says "about" is so that it rhymes with "boot". It just happens that a lot of Canadians are retarded.

* The northern area of Canada is technically God-forsaken. If anyone there has a prayer, he or she first has to mail it to an American priest for God to hear it.

* Most of the prayers involve hockey and are promptly ignored.

* If a Canadian ever tries to express an opinion about America, hit him on the head with a rolled up newspaper while shouting, "No!" You have to catch them in the act or they'll never learn.

* Canada has gone its entire history without doing anything of note, something almost unheard of for a country its size.

* Canada has become an entry point for terrorist which has caused Canada's boring index to decrease slightly.

* Canada doesn't have all the beliefs in liberty and freedom of speech that we have. So, if you have to go to Canada, make sure to bring a gun to help them recognize.

* Canada is so defective that it loses gravity for six hours every month.

* Canada has no known industry. It's believed all their income comes from sales of syrup and hockey tickets.

* Canadians have universal healthcare. The way they afford it is making people wait so long that most die before seeing a doctor.

* Canadians are completely harmless, but don't assume someone who is wearing a hockey mask is Canadian. The people at Crystal Lake made that mistake and, well, it was messy.

* Canadians don't have any nuclear missiles because we decided they are not mature enough for them. Maybe when they’re older.

* Canadians have national gun registration. While solving no crime, the excessive amount of money the initiative has taken has foiled Canada's evil schemes to make mutant snow monkeys.

* If ever attacked by a Canadian... well... beat the crap out of him. What? You can't take a Canadian? What kind of pansy are you?

* This list would be classified as a hate crime in Canada.

* Actually, most Canadians who read this list would just say, "Eh?"

Ad btw, I find Bush to be dissapointing, as I am to the right fo him fiscally, to the elft of him socially, and I just happen to concur with his foreign policy.

I still think that was dirty for Al Gore's campaign to get all those homeless voters in Wisoncin during 2000. Maybe the winters thinned their rannks since then.

Bud-Clare> <<National "I'm Embarrassed by My President" Day... (clicky)>> Isn't that everyday for you, though?

BTW, if Bush is Hagrid, doesn't that make Kofi Anan Cornelius Fudge?

<<That wasn't an insult. Learn to read.>> You're expecting a bit much from Question's brain :)

Whitbourne> Well I'll be in Halifax Airport on the afternoon of June 5th at around noontime :) Not much to do at that time, but I'm sure Karen and I will meet you in 05 or so, if you'll still be there.

As for Economists I admit tat the country can't depend solely on them, but that's my field fo study so I have a preference. As for the Nobel Economics prize beings emi-independent, I'm kinda glad.

As for the UN, I know its a composite of all the nations in the world, but it is also an International Buerecracy, and Libya is in charge fo its Human Rights Commission. I see the UN having the potential to do a lot of good, but it seems more a status quo organization and good when it comes to UNESCO. I need to do more research to really criticize, and I'd work for them for the right price, but I'd work to make it better form where I was and try to get Taiwan back in.

Greg X> <<No one is complaining about the Reverend Attila posts, which are funny and right-wing.>> I know. He fears he lost his tocuh :)

Caboose> <<There's also that tiny little "throws gasoline on dying embers" crack at the beginning of the post...and the fact that the site claims to be a legitimate organization and not some April Fool's joke.>> "Throwing gasoline on embers" implies to me that its an attempt at humor, and Id agree that the site is serious, so I guess you can direct it to some right-wing bloggers and have it fisked :)

Brutis> I don't know what to say about Etergy. That is pretty crappy, but somehwo not surprising.

You can take a Jet Blue from New Orleans to JFK for a cheap price and take a bus from NYC to Montreal. If you want a Gatheirng down south, put in a bid for New Orleans, though be certain you knwo what you'll have to deal with, if you get the bid.

<<alternate fuel cars would be a hoot to drive the petrol for my suv is getting outragous to buy 1.89 just for reg old chepo stuff and its getting worse (gotta stop going to Chevron).>> Well, that's what you get when you drive an SUV. I'll never get one myself.

Greg X> Now Kerry/McCain is palatable. Now that I let out my anti-Kerry sentiments, I don't really hate him much, so I don't ahte either one of them. I also hoep McCain wil purge soem of Kerry's Cabinet especially if Kerry puts in a douchebag liek Greg Craig as Attonrey General or puts Ted Kennedy in charge of the organization that is about as useful as the FCC.

Green Baron - []
Camp Humphreys, Korea
Thursday, March 25, 2004 02:34:30 AM

CABOOSE> Seriously. Get over yourself.

And for the record, I hate Kerry just as much as I hate Bush. I'm probably going to be voting Libertarian this election.

I'll slit my wrists before I vote for Bush, and I'd only vote for Kerry if the rumors are true and he makes John McCain his running mate, that way I can hope that Kerry dies a month in and we get President McCain!

Greg Bishansky
Thursday, March 25, 2004 02:10:56 AM

CABOOSE> Seriously. Get over yourself.

And for the record, I hate Kerry just as much as I hate Bush. I'm probably going to be voting Libertarian this election.

I'll slit my wrists before I vote for Bush, and I'd only vote for Kerry if the rumors are true and he makes John McCain his running mate, that way I can hope that Kerry dies a month in and we get President McCain!

Greg Bishansky
Thursday, March 25, 2004 02:10:15 AM

Caboose> <<Now there's a cartload of horse dung if I've ever seen one posted here.>>
You and I are very close to having a problem, I think.

<<I think I've seen a total of half a dozen posts even mentioning Kerry, and of those half dozen, most of them seemed to be "I'm voting for Kerry 'cause I hate Bush" posts.>>
You were clearly not paying attention. There were several along the lines of "Kerry sucks, but at least he isn't Bush."

<<Oh, so that was prophesying the reaction and not some sarcastic, off-the-cuff comment?>>
Are you so sure there's a difference?

<<How? They claim they're not a big April Fool's joke or hoax of some other kind, so they're either liars or Bush-bashers.>>
A) If they admitted that it's an april fool's joke, then it _wouldn't_ be an april fool's joke, and B) I'm not responsible for the content of the site.

<<Which would you prefer I take them to be? >>
Please don't try to drag me into your personal issues.

Thursday, March 25, 2004 01:16:54 AM

It's not as if we were being much more flattering to Kerry...

>>>Now there's a cartload of horse dung if I've ever seen one posted here. I think I've seen a total of half a dozen posts even mentioning Kerry, and of those half dozen, most of them seemed to be "I'm voting for Kerry 'cause I hate Bush" posts.

And calling Bush embarrassing is pretty tame, as insults go.

>>>Oh, I agree. I'm just waiting for it to blow up into the "Bush is the Antichrist" and "Ashcroft is Satan Incarnate" level it was a day or two ago. You know the old saying about the smallest pebble starting an avalanche...

And you proved that it was justified.

>>>Oh, so that was prophesying the reaction and not some sarcastic, off-the-cuff comment?

*facepalm* Your logic does _not_ resemble our earth logic.

>>>How? They claim they're not a big April Fool's joke or hoax of some other kind, so they're either liars or Bush-bashers. Which would you prefer I take them to be?

Caboose - []
Thursday, March 25, 2004 12:13:03 AM

Caboose> <<These political posts are nothing more than bait to draw evil conservative troglodytes out of the woodwork so you can insult us some more.>>
You're so good at embarrassing yourself, I don't even need to insult you.

<<When 99% of the people posting here think Bush is a shaved monkey with the brains of a cantaloupe>>
It's not as if we were being much more flattering to Kerry... And calling Bush embarrassing is pretty tame, as insults go. Go eat a cookie or something, because you really need to relax.

<<There's also that tiny little "throws gasoline on dying embers" crack at the beginning of the post...>>
And you proved that it was justified.

<<...and the fact that the site claims to be a legitimate organization and not some April Fool's joke.>>
*facepalm* Your logic does _not_ resemble our earth logic.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 11:22:34 PM

I am now in the middle of the great Garside tradition of large plant removal. I'm just happy I haven't had to deal with any taproots yet.

Hellcat> <<It's only selected to those who work harder than the rest>>: Eh, it's probably just because the selection committee pays more attention to flashy end results than the constant daily grind.

Dragon> <<any idea when the next instalment of stories will begin?>>: Nope, they're still in the middle of writing them.

Damien> <<what would be the next series done?>>: I believe Bad Guys is the furthest along.

Brutis> <<does anyone have info for the next gathering>>: Usually nothing is announced until during the Gathering preceeding it.

And tomorrow I'm off to New Hampshire.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 11:15:06 PM

late response to a comment late monday . ans question to < errr... somone> alternate fuel cars would be a hoot to drive the petrol for my suv is getting outragous to buy 1.89 just for reg old chepo stuff and its getting worse (gotta stop going to Chevron).

i dont want to disrupt your debate in the bush politics but does it seem right for the people who cause dammage to something to make you pay for it EX. a power serge blew my breaker box and meter. Now Energy put a new meter in but refused to pay for the breaker box, that they dammage with the surge, that they admitted faul to meaning they knew about the serge and what caused it but told me to basiclly go f*** myslef and pay for it cause they refused to pay
265$ to replace it.
now correct me if i am wrong but they break it they should pay for it... right.

does anyone have info for the next gathering i have no way in hell to make it to canada so if anyone knows anything about next years if it will be in my area of the world so far down south.

lady mysitc sent u email keep eyes peeled for it it is my question .:)

Brutis - []
Hammond, Louisiana, Usa
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:28:11 PM

Greg: Forgive me for not seeing it as an attempt at humor, considering the discussions we've been having lately.

The insane right-wing comments were funny because nobody here takes them seriously and they're an obvious attempt at humor.

When 99% of the people posting here think Bush is a shaved monkey with the brains of a cantaloupe, well, it's rather hard to distinguish humor from yet another round of "Bush Sucks!"

There's also that tiny little "throws gasoline on dying embers" crack at the beginning of the post...and the fact that the site claims to be a legitimate organization and not some April Fool's joke.

Caboose - []
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:27:06 PM

Caboose - A very entertaining link indeed. Quite funny...pathetic...but funny. I knew there was a reason I didn't like shrimp. :)

In the spirit of things, I've got two site in particular that I'd love to share, but I can't seem to them. Oh well, this one will have to do for now.


Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:18:31 PM

CABOOSE> Seriously. Get over yourself. Bud-Clare posted a link, that's all she did, for the purposes of humor. No one is complaining about the Reverend Attila posts, which are funny and right-wing.

So again, get over yourself.

Greg Bishansky
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:17:42 PM

Bud-Clare: Why do you even waste your time anymore? It's clear liberals outnumber conservatives about ten to one in this comment room. These political posts are nothing more than bait to draw evil conservative troglodytes out of the woodwork so you can insult us some more.

What's the real reason behind it? Are you just venting your collective spleen on Bush? Do you enjoy hearing your own thoughts and ideas echoed through the CR endlessly? Or do you get your kicks out of belittling the beliefs of others that are held no less deeply than your own?

Caboose - []
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 09:29:32 PM

*throws gasoline on the dying embers*

National "I'm Embarrassed by My President" Day... (clicky)

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 08:38:59 PM

dragon: they just finished pendragon season 4

uhh what would be the next series done? anyone know?

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 07:10:39 PM

You guys are great, any idea when the next instalment of stories will begin?
Dragon - []
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 04:00:56 PM

mecord>> <<The Irgun would have a better chance of winning when the Hamas goalie explodes. :)>>
yes, because the irgun didnt believe in sacrificing themselves for their cause, only other people :P

green baron>> re: democratic underground
on the second pass, i decided i didnt like them because of their policy of censorship. oh well, still good for a laugh ;)

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 03:08:37 PM

Rev>> <If the Irgun and Hamas had a soccer/football match, the ball might explode> The Irgun would have a better chance of winning when the Hamas goalie explodes. :)

Lynati>> check your email.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 02:01:29 PM

As long as we're swapping jokes today instead of insults (wow, what a change), I'd like to share something my religion professor showed me this morning.

Click my name to be taken to a very amusing site. :)

Caboose - []
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 01:54:03 PM

Re. Know thy enemy
Haha that's cute. I wish i could make one up like that. lol But, I'm writing something. Finally got inspired. Anyways that's not the purpose of my post.
My purpose is to uh wave and smile...and nod....;)

I'm a bit angry today. I might be a little bias but you tell me. There is a doctor bonus going around in Nfld. It's only selected to those who work harder than the rest. Somethign like that. 5600 bucks...(Canadian! grr..)
Now all the hard workign GPs didn't get it. My dad is one of them. He's pretty upset and angry about it. His friends didn't get either. he talked to other GPs. Nada. The ones who didn't plug in hours on th ewekeends got the bonus.
How frigging corrupt is that? Surgeons here just do their job, ignore patients and only see like 3 patients a day. Instead of 30-50 patients a day. Now you tell me what's wrong with this picture.
Dad's doing ok bt hell he works when he's off. My mother always says that he'll burn ou tfirst before her if he keeps this up. This is sheer disrespect to family doctors in my opinion. They do their damn jobs. And i know my dad deserves it. But no...
I'd like to flambe Dany bye's ass. he ain't doing much for Nfld these day. It's questionable. And you know what th esick thign is? it hadn't been on the news because good old St John's got their bucks and a water system and pretty damn happy about it. Also they're pretty damn happy to investigate the damn moose rescue my town did a few days ago. A young bull (MALE this time hehe) fell through the ice down by the bay in my town and people rescued it but it was in pretty bad shape. Someone had to shoot it because it was dying. They 'question' the rescue. On what grounds?? Argh.

Ok...I'll shut up now lol.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 12:18:07 PM

Lain> Well, click on my name for a guy who makes an art of hatemail, as he posts it an delibeately alters profanity to make it funny. He also has an odd obsession with Ronin, Ninjas, and monkeys :)

V> Well, this pervertd little kitty has never made up his own Know the Enemy before, so here's an attempt:

Know they Enemy, The Irgun

-The Irgun was a direct Result of the Zionist Revisionist Movement, thus creating a possible link between revisionism and terrorism.

-Even though the Irgun sounds like a cool name for a Japanese anime, it is a Jewish organization formed when Britain had the Palestinian Mandate

-Timothy McVeigh committed terorist actions over the Clinton Mandate...or was connecting McVeugh to Rush Limbaugh supposed to advance the Clinton Mandate?

-I went off topic, the Irgun was a terroist movement against British seems the English must do something worng when two of the most persecuted races in history formed terrorist groups against them, the Jews and the Irish.

-There is a joke that the Irish are the thirteenth tribe of Israel

-The Irgun's full name is Irgun Zvai Le'umi or National Military Organization. Saying "Irgun Zvai Le'umi" properly would probably invovle a lot of spitting

-The Irgun was truly founded when Avraham's Tehomi's two sons, Yitzakh and Yitzankh's half-brother Ishmail planned a fight over their dad's inheritance. Ishmail asked how they would fight, and Yitzakh said, "er...gun" thus creating the Irgun.

-The Irgun is also known as the acronym ETZEL, yet it was far more effective than the Ford Edsel, perhaps this was karmic jutice for Henry Ford being an anti-semite who probably referred to Jews as "Joooooooos".

-I'd rather buy a Japanese Honda Irgun than a Ford anyday..wait there is no Honda Irgun, nor a large Jewish community in Tokyo, or is there?

-There is however a Ninjitsu group called the Irgun Kvuzot. Here is their website:

-The Irgun actually split from the Haganah, makin them pretty hardcore

-The Irgun had a dispute with the Stern gang, but got revenge when they traveled to New Jersey and taught Howard Stern how to be a foul mouthed shock jock, and making people born after 1970 think the Stern Gang involved sensational radio DJs

-The Irgun was also invovled with the Beriha movement, whih transported 250,000 Jews from Eastern Europe to British Palestine....which makes one wodner about connections between terrorism and illegal immigration.

-The Irgun was behind the bombing of the King David Hotel, but may have warned the Brits beforehand. Sometimes listening to a warning can save your life.

-The Irgun also bombed the British Embassy in Rome. They woudl have bombed the French Embassy too, except they surrendered like crying babies mistaking their Yiddish for German.

-If the Irgun and Hamas had a soccer/football match, the ball might explode.

-The Irgun later became intergrated into the IDF, kinda like the Marines being intergrated into the Navy...well not really, but the Irgun and the Marines are not forces you want on your bad side.

-If the Irgun was an anime, it would probably focus on Israeli ninjas.

Well, Gunjack, how'd I do? BTW, that line aout 72 virgins is a lie. It's 72 raisins, just check out Frank J's In my World :)
ghost of Reverend Attila
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 07:11:19 AM

135 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 06:56:05 AM

Brutis: <<how do i create a profile for the tgs site i am still kinda new to this particular site and too used to yahoo and msn>>
Currently, all profile data is reviewed, archived and manually entered into an HTML page by me. At this time, we do NOT have an automated database for the profiles and a submission form that updates your profile in "real time." Thus, we currently do not offer a log in feature for modifying profiles. (But this may change once Fire Storm assists me in converting the TGS CR Information section of the TGS website to PHP and mySQL.)

So, for now, please click on the link attached to my name below to review our submission guidelines. If you think you qualify for a profile based on the information stated in the guidelines, please scroll to the bottom of that page and click on the "Submit/Edit Profile" link. Fill in the form following the directions stated for each form field. Empty form fields will produce an "unspecified" answer in your published profile. After you submit your profile, please wait up to 2 weeks for a response from me (as I am quite busy and may not get to your application right away). Additional information is available via the submission guidelines page. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me via the "contact" form page linked from the guidelines or submission form pages.

FS: Thanks for replying to the other questions form me. **hugs**

Lady Mystic
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 05:28:22 AM

green baron>> checked out "democratic underground" today. only got as far as the "hate mail" section - a perennial favourite of mine on ANY website. i must say, it is absolutely hilarious.
mind you, i have been reading and enjoying "free republic" for some time now, but have yet to sniff out their hate mail section, if they have one at all.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 05:16:37 AM

Question> <<Dezi<Or maybe, just maybe, they're actually protesting that the president LIED to them. Just maybe. Besides, is everyone except you an idiot?> Lay off the insults towards the posters please.>>
That wasn't an insult. Learn to read.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 05:12:00 AM

Greg> <<But if I see it here, I'll kick your asses>>: Do you mean "kick/ban"? Or is that too IRC a terminology?

DPH> <<How long before we can have a solar powered car on the market?>>: I think you want to amend that to dependable fully solar pwoered. Which I think will take a good while (think of the dangers of parking in a parking garage).

Green Baron> <<I just wish there was a way to kill him without killing the innocent bystanders>>: Could the helicopter have dropped a quick sniper on a rooftop, or would that have given them enough time to pack him up and get away?

Brutis> <<i am still kinda new to this particular site and too used to yahoo and msn>>: This place is much more homegrown and amateur (and a good kind of way), so just letting someone with some power know about waht you want shuld get you most of the way there.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:57:38 PM

hey again yall not that i want to intrupt the political debate but does anyone know how to change a 70 amp breaker (blown druing power serge) and not to rush but i only have 45 min in this batt and 1h 30m in the other. tried asking the diy website and i cannot figrue it out.

lady mystic> how do i create a profile for the tgs site i am still kinda new to this particular site and too used to yahoo and msn

dont put down the new plastic and fiberglass cars totally i will admit that my 03 Land Rover has the plastic side pannels but they are that new dent restiant thing and it has saved about 9 trips to the body shop. however i wish it didnt have plastic bumpers i am still driving around with the rear bumper smashed in ( curiticy of those concrete door gards post things at walmart)

Brutis - []
Hammond, Louisiana, Usa
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 08:18:32 PM

Damien: Well, as a ‘Pendragon’ fan, I’d recommend Season Three. This has lots of my favourite elements of the series, and really starts to bring things together. I’m not sure I would have joined the staff for Season Four if it wasn’t for that season really finding the heart of the series. I suggest you might wait on ‘Gargoyles’ until nearer Season Four since Season Three is pretty set-up heavy. And as Patrick says, the difference in size is simply due to the fact that TGS was when I was a member, and I assume still is, astonishingly short-staffed.
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 08:07:30 PM

Damien > Because Season 2 combined both "Gargoyles" and "Pendragon," and the TGS staff was a lot bigger during Season 2.
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 07:49:06 PM

wow, why is there 12 "episoders" of garg season 3 vs almost 40 of season 2
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 07:06:37 PM

V> Just googled the Irgun. They seem simialr to the Stern Gang (which now consists of Ariel Sharon, Dr. Ruth and Howard Stern :)) and have a school of Ninjitsu...I'll make up a Know Thy Enemy after work...which will be early in the morning yoru time.

Just to show I'm equal opportunity.

Green Baron
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 06:42:42 PM

Just a few things..

V> Well, I am not too familiar with Irgun, but e-mail Frank J about them. He makes all those Know Thy Enemy posts as well as a series called In My World that makes fun of Bush, Kofi Anan, John Kerry, and Jacques Chirac, as well as tons of others.

Lain> <<non-terrorist>> I wish someone would tell Hamas they were non-terrorist. I just wish there was a way to kill him without killing the innocent bystanders.

Patrick> The US did condemn the assasination, though we have yet to catch our 6'1" spiritual leader who is hooked up to a dialysis machine. I only wish they coudl have waited until the entire Hamas leadership was assembled and greased them all, without killing any innocent bystanders.

As for the Road Map, it can only do so much, as it is a top-down implementation and you have to generate a desire for peace at the grassroots. You have to make them want it, and when the last of the Stern Gang is PM of Israel, and the master of Corruption heads the PA, it won't be easy. In an ideal world, the Kurds, Phonecians (Lebanese), Israelis, Palestinians, and Shiites would team up and kick everyone else's ass, and they'd demand the Western World send crack teams of Economists and Businessmen to show them the ropes of capitalism.

Green Baron
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 06:33:05 PM

<if thats what they do to elderly parapleigic members of non-terrorist organizations, id hate to see what they do to the REAL bad guys>

See this is the difference between him and Marx. Marx never knew that Lenin, Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot was going to twist his ideology to use it to kill people however this old faggot definitely knew and provided the ideological backing for hamas and its suicide bombers. Though I sympathize with the arabs blowing up people and civilians is not the way to go here.

The only part I found was regretful was that two civilians had to die in the strike. :(

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 06:10:25 PM

The guy was paralyzed, deaf, and blind... so I guess it's safe to say he never knew what hit him.

And of course the U.S. is the only major world power who hasn't issued a statement condemning Israel. Evidently that "road map to peace" isn't worth the paper it's written on... otherwise we'd be reminding Israel right now that acting like 1920s Chicago mobsters is not the way to go about putting an end to terrorism.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 06:04:30 PM

re: hamas assassination
if thats what they do to elderly parapleigic members of non-terrorist organizations, id hate to see what they do to the REAL bad guys... o.O

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 05:48:03 PM

<<the ashes swell up and a complete damien forms>>
Question: <I suggested creating a board specifically for debate, but nobody listened.>
thats actually a great idea (not meant to be patronizing or sarcastic) If they were to start a seperate board for discussion, but then the tgs board would be very empty at times... hard choice

<<an echo floats through his post>>
having already read the stories,
Garg season 3 or Pendragon season 3?

<what no bad guys yet?>

hey and is xanatos' immortality-in-a-box ever mentioned again? (this is one of those loose plot things i mentioned)
if its not, maybe a suggestion for season 4

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:50:30 AM

Attila - Heh. Hey, can we do the Irgun next?
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:01:13 AM

DPH: yes, well, I do get a lot of influence from my parents. And family. And I do kinda just pick one person and stick with 'em. Yaknow? Well, usually. Anyway, this is the second election I have actually paid attention to. And he acts just like my uncle and my mom. Weird. Anyway, that's most of the reason I support him. THere. I said it. I said Anyway too much, didn't I?
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 08:56:11 AM

Greetings you wacky CR dwellers. In case you haven't heard, Saruman spiritual leader of Hamas now resembles a Pollock painting. Of course, hsi death is condemned, but I think Eichman's execution was also condemned. In honor of sending Sheik Saruman Yassin to his 72 virgins who will all look like Janet Reno, Hillary Clinton, Maureen Dowd, Sheila Copps, Carolyn Parrish, or Madeline Albright, I post these "fun facts" about Hamas:

Disclaimer: Dumbasses like Questionmay think these are distorted facts...wrong!!! This is satrire and politically incorrect, so you have been warned, and in the TGS CR, there is such a thing as a stupid question.

Know Thy Enemy: Hamas


* Hamas was founded in 1987 according to some site I found with Google. I was eight years old then and wanted to be a fireman or an astronaut. Blowing up Jews had not crossed my mind.

* Hamas is Arabic for "dumb f--ks with explosives".

* Contrary to popular belief, Hamas has nothing to do with ham. Actually, if you throw hams at them, they'll get angry.

* I don't like to loosely throw around charges of anti-Semitism, but I don't think Hamas members like Jews.

* One of the reasons that they keep attacking is that none of the Hamas members knows what "ceasefire" means and are too embarrassed to ask.

* Suicide bombings started when parents found out how much money they would save if their kids just blew themselves up instead of going to college.

* If you see a Hamas member, shout, "Hey! Look! It's a Jew!" Maybe he'll set himself off early. Dumbass.

* If a Hamas member says he wants peace, it's a trick! Shoot him the head.

* If a Hamas member says he wants to borrow the sports section from your newspaper, it's a trick! Shoot him in the head.

* Be careful; Hamas members are quite wily, ranking up there in intelligence with squirrels.

* Hamas members smell. It's not nice to say, but it's true.

* Hamas has a wing that’s devoted to charities. They need to make sure that all Palestinians children are healthy and grow up to be big and strong so they can blow themselves up.

* The French, enemies of all that is good and just in this world, are considering having some of their charities join those of Hamas. Expect more attacks from Hamas in the future that involves smelly cheese.

* Hamas members don't like contact with pigs, so I think it would be funny to feed them to pigs like in the movie Hannibal.

* That was really gross when Hannibal had Ray Liotta eat his own brain.

* I've strayed off topic.

* We should trick Hamas members into eating their own brains.

* If you're in a cafe in Israel, and someone runs in there and indiscriminately starts shooting people, he could be a member of Hamas, so be careful.

* Hamas is a big part of the "cycle of violence". They blow up innocent men, women, and children, and then Israel is like, "Hey, don't do that." And thus the cycle of violence continues.

* The cycle of violence will continue until the Palestinians stop being such a bunch of numbnuts... or if Israel finally gets fed up and nukes them all.

* Even though members of Hamas are out gunned and out smarted by Israel, they think they can defeat Israel because Allah is on their side. Isn't that cute.

* Hamas members think they go the Heaven when they commit a suicide bombing where they get 72 virgins, but instead they go to hell where they get jabbed in the ass with a pitchfork ad infinitum.

* Actually, I'm Catholic; I think everyone is going to hell. Hey you, reading this: you're going to hell. Seriously.

* In a fight between Hamas and Aquaman, Aquaman would like totally kick their asses. His fish friends would be like, "Hey, let us have a piece of them!" but Aquaman would say, "No! They’re mine!" And then one Hamas member would be like, "Please, have mercy, Aquaman!" and Aquaman would be like, "No!" and punch the guy through the chest and rip out his heart. Aquaman is a badass!

* Hamas tends to yell and complain a lot when Israel targets and kills their leaders. Someone should tell them to stop being such a bunch of babies.

* Sometimes Hamas members blow themselves up in their own apartments when they try making bombs. That makes me giggle. Hee hee.

* My grandfather was a member of Hamas.

* No, wait, he was in the IRA. They just blew up the British people who deserved it because... ah, I don't actually know anything about that conflict. I think it involves the color orange.

* I've gone off topic again.

* Maybe Isarelis and Hamas could all get along if they just hugged.

* No! Don't hug the Hamas members; it's a trick! They're just going to blow up!

* You know, Hamas could just plant bombs without blowing themselves up... or at least that's what I'd do if I were a subhuman, murderous Jew-hater.

* Hamas won't rest until the Jews are pushed out into the sea. That will significantly improve the GDP of the sea.

* If you make a Mexican laugh, and he wants an encore, he'd say, "Ha! Mas!"

* I think that means I'm about out of fun facts.

* The best way to handle Hamas is to be really patient. I'm sure Arafat will deal with them... eventually. Oh, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.

This report is courtesy of Frank J. The link is on my name, and if you were offended by these jokes, send Frank J. some hate mail as he loves the stuff. Recently he and an Englishman named Tony Pentin sent hate mail back and forth (his respsonses were pure saracasm that Tony didn't catch), and he made a series out of it called The Limey.
ghost of Reverend Attil
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 07:35:31 AM

Greetings from the Gathering 2004 Staff!

We have decided to push the deadline for the preregistration from March 31st to April 30th! You have one extra month to take advantage of the cheap registration price of 40 USD/53 CAD!

You can also get the package deal that includes the registration, Banquet and t-shirt for only 100 USD/128 CAD!

Take advantage of the low price now! And if you're not sure you can come to the Gathering, or would like to support us, you can get a supporting membership for only 20 USD/27 CAD, membership which is upgradeable to a full one!

Thank you!
- The Gathering 2004 Staff

And now a message from The Count:

39 days left before Gathering 2004 pre-registration prices increase.
10 days left to submit artwork and stories for the Gathering Anthology (deadline is April 1).
40 days left to submit entries for the Gathering T-shirt contest (deadline is May 1).
101 days left to submit entries for the Music Video contest (deadline is July 1).
106 days left to reserve your hotel room at the Delta Centre-Ville (deadline is July 6 at noon).
136 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

The Gathering Staff
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 06:52:56 AM

Krista - <Some of us are even completely for him.> I consider anybody who unconditionally supports all the actions of an existing president, no matter who it is, to be an utter fool. Practical politics tells us that there is always stuff that any president signs into law that he/she does not like because of the stuff in the bill they like. [That's why I favor a size and scope limit on all bills passed by US Congress. Essentially, every bill must stay on topic with no extra stuff added that has nothing to do with the rest of the bill.]

Gabriel - <There's a solid reason why I think Bush let it happen: look how many people flock to his side without question and vehemently detest his nay-sayers.> That's sadistic. The only reason for inaction is to prevent the enemy from knowing that we cracked their method of communication.

Euthensia - <Thus, until America transitions to some other inexpensive and efficient alternative form of energy, going after Arabia is not practical. > I don't care what the price is; I think they should start putting those alternative-fuel vehicles on the market.

Vinnie - <The price for one right now is outrageous! So a more practical solution of increasing our sources of oil would be better for now. > As sales of alternative fuel vehicles slowly increase, economy of scale business will take over and cheaper ways to manufacturing will be invented.

How long before we can have a solar powered car on the market? I don't care if the price starts at $250,000 just so long as it hits the market. Once the vehicles are on the market, those wealthy environmentalists will finally be forced to show their true colors. <Or at least have members that aren't corrupt.> Now, now. If we started preventing corrupt regimes from having a vote, who decides what constitutes a corrupt regime? Let's say a republic has a close election for president and the opposing party disputes the results. Would you consider such a country to have a corrupt regime?

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 02:03:46 AM

Just to clarify.

The rest of the debate can go on as it has. Just every body behave yourselves.

Abortion on the other hand is a forbidden topic as long as I'm an admin. We've had the discussion hundreds of times and it always turns out the same, and causes more flames than any other topic. So if you want to discuss Caboose's link with him, feel free to e-mail him. But if I see it here, I'll kick your asses.

Greg Bishansky
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 01:48:28 AM

Theresa - <hay does anyone know when they are going to put the bad guys story up?> After the stories are written and gone through an edits process.

To those who answered my question about innovations, thanks.

Damn it, I'm losing a battle right now against depression.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 01:46:04 AM

Okay, now that abortion has become a topic. We're stopping now.

So everyone, shut up. Next person who brings it up get's my foot up their ass.

Greg Bishansky
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 01:00:13 AM

<Cars>I'll stick to my '89 chevy blazer any day. It can
surivive a 5 mile per hour crash and have no damage, unlike
these newer "plastic" cars and trucks that would just shatter bumping into a shopping cart. Btw, I let a friend hold my truck just to go to the PX (store) to buy some stuff and my transmission picked the perfect time to die.
$700 for a new transmission and 850 for a rebuilt one not inculding labor. I just going to buy one and put it in myself when I get stronger.
<Sleepy hellcat>(I have to ask. Glad you're getting better, but in your mind, is physical therapy fun? Did they get you on that huge ball just to humilate you as you bounce up and down...) The only thing fun about it that I
miss the morning formation and don't have to stand there for an hour listening to my racist 1st sergent and my sexist commander blah, blah, blah....
There are no bouncy balls invovled, just weights and lots, and lots of Thera-bands! I currently on the green rubber one, and it's latex free!

kjay - []
fort bliss, tx
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:54:12 AM

Krista> <<Anyway, are we required to do one of those profiles?>>: As one of the elders here without one, you don't want to. It's just a matter of if you want to leave some semi permanent record of your info.

Fire Storm> <<They moved to Miami a few years ago and are both still in love with each other>>: I take it Johnny went through with the surgery?

Dezi> <<I don't want to give John Ashcroft or any of his goons ANY REASON WHAT SO EVER to go poking around in _my_ medical records with out my expressed written consent>>: But to build whatever case they're building, they'd need good statistics. Of couse, they probably don't need actual access to files to get the statistics, so there you go.
<<WE GOTTA NEW NEIGHBOR! (well Earth does)>>: I'm disappointed it wasn't named after a Roman. I'd say pan rates well enough for something that small.

And we have another flame war started when the last one hasn't ended yet.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:36:38 AM

Dezi: I'm not a moderator, but I still feel like saying this--We evil conservative bastards are keeping our tempers in check in these posts. You're not. Is it 'that time of the month' for you or something? Whatever it is, take a chill pill, would you?

You'll have to forgive me disagreeing with you on the abortion thing. They wish to conduct a study to see if late-term abortions are ever medically necessary. Would you prefer that they start asking women who are currently considering the procedure for access to their records?

I'll agree with you that abortion is okay when the mother's life is threatened or it was a case of rape. Only crazy Bible-thumpers like the Ten Commandments advocates will disagree here. The only time I can believe a late-term abortion would ever be necessary is if complications that could threaten the mother's life arise late in her pregnancy. Otherwise, I'd think someone would be able to decide to have an abortion before the third trimester.

And have you read up on the methods they use for these kinds of abortions? They make death by a firing squad seem absolutely human in comparison.

(And I'll have you know that the search I did on the topic came up with lots of hits for both pro-life and pro-choice viewpoints. The only side in the debate to present easy-to-find fact sheets on the methods were the pro-life sites. If you can find anything from the pro-choice side, please, share it.)

Click my name for some rather disturbing pictures. (Well, I hope that'll work, anyway. If not, here's the link:

WARNING: They are definitely NOT for the squeamish.

Caboose - []
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:28:59 AM

Dezi<Or maybe, just maybe, they're actually protesting that the president LIED to them. Just maybe. Besides, is everyone except you an idiot? >

Lay off the insults towards the posters please. We've haven't you so please don't go your way to insult us.

< Like we're a bunch of saints. >

This administration hasn't done the sort of holocaust scale tragedies that China and Russina have engaged in. In fact Stalin and Mao are both ranked up above Hitler in number of people killed yet we allow them on the security council. It's just ludicrous.

Even more that we are trying to be friends with China when we should have the upper party leadership in every town, hamlet and city shot for their killings and corruption.

Damien<purposly ignores the fanatical assertions in the quasi political debate and wonders quietly to himslf why it couldn't have been left on the old board>

I suggested creating a board specifically for debate, but nobody listened.

Whitbourne<All this is going to do is make everyone scared of recievingmedical attention for fear their records will get subpoenaed while the government goes on its anti-choice crusade. This government needs to be removed. Now. >

I see you are all too welling to remove a legally elected government that you dislike. Where's your overly moralistic speech about the people having the ulimate choice? Manage to lose it somewhere did you?

Dezi <I think you've the two articles mixed up> You sound like a high school cheerleader. "Gimme a G! Gimme a W! Gimme a B! Gooooo Bush! Why do the cheerleaders so greatly support the team, even though the team sucks? Yeah.>

First I'm not cheering GWB and second I don't think he sucks. That might be so from your side's pov, but not from mine.

<It might have been, but the individuals they sent in weren't. >

Like Scott "Shitter" who was being bribed by the iraqis or Hans Blix who already came to a conclusion before even going to Iraq?

<So good at one liners. Prove it. >

Besides the avaliability of existing technology, Husseins's numerous attempts at procuring the stuff and the fact that he has used it in his war with Iran there's no doubt that he has them or the tech to produce them. And lets not forget that he was giving UN inspectors the ring around when they were there years ago.

<And why were those people ridiculed from the top, and some rounded up for "rioting"? >

I don't remember anything of the sort.

<That's like being a medical organ donor and winding up being sold off piece by piece for voo doo rituals. >

Your analogy is bascially and fundamentally flawed. They knew that it was in the cards to free the iraqis. I doubt the organ donor knows such a thing.

<But hey, who gives a fuck about Haiti or Liberia. Hell, Liberia kinda gives off the impression of looking up to us, since they were founded by people from America, and named their capital after one of our presidents. >

However in the long term freeing iraq and installling a
democratically elect government would ensure the spreading of democracy in the middle east. Thats not so in Liberia.

In Haiti there are UN peacekeepers and US marines there and we already did a term there.

<Or the people of free thought that just saw their brother get blown away in a "checkpoint" for looking crosseyed. We've screwed up there, and a lot of public sentiment is gone. >

That just means we've to stay there. If we don't then it'll blow like a powder keg. Right now we can back even if we did screw up as you said. If we do we'll just allow for another dicatorship and another round of atrocities to occur.

<Stuff is different between the two. Times are different, technology is different and administrations and practices of foot dragging are different. I'll not except these as a valid comparision. >

But people and nation building remain the same. You still need a military presence there to maintain order while the people rebuild their country from Hussein, the war and the sanctions. If we just leave now it'll be on our conscience when somebody like Hussein returns to power again.

<Like the Clinton investigation wasn't? 66 Billion, that's only about 20 Billion short of what he wanted from Congress to fund this installment of the war. >

Exactly why we don't need another investigation.

<Under those same rules, I cry IMPEACHMENT! >

There's hardly anything impeachable here. Most attempts at
impeachment have been nothing, but power grabs by the enemies of the president nothing more or less.

Monday, March 22, 2004 11:42:21 PM

re.: <we're not all Bush saints>
yeah, and we're not all Kerry saints either. *shudder*
And we're not all completely against Bush.
Some of us are even completely for him. Like me. I have my reasons, so I need not prove my point.

Monday, March 22, 2004 11:42:18 PM

Ok not to beat a dead horse...
Vinnie:<These people will protest anything remotely millitary. > Or maybe, just maybe, they're actually protesting that the president LIED to them. Just maybe. Besides, is everyone except you an idiot?
<but you don't know the idiots protesting the War on Terror here> Lemme guess, you're on either a first name basis, or you have a mailing list set up.
<Yes, so what!> I was gonna say something here, but *sigh* nevermind.
<Or at least have members that aren't corrupt. > Like we're a bunch of saints.
<Interesting, but you sound like your parroting the party line now. > Whitbourne is Canadian, which party line is he towing, and how is respect for privacy a toeing of any party's line?
<It's only a little regulation, but you make it sound like it's evil to regulate a medical procedure when Abortion is the only medical procedure NOT regulated. > I don't know about you, but I don't want to give John Ashcroft or any of his goons ANY REASON WHAT SO EVER to go poking around in _my_ medical records with out my expressed written consent. This is a feeling I was kinda hoping was semi-universal in the USA, regardless of the gender of the patients. The slippery slope is way to close on this one. I only wish males had some procedure similiar in contreversy and impact, in order to give them proper observation on what this means (although many men have the good common sense to see it anyway, I'm sure. Some, apparently, don't).
Doctor-patient confidentiality is there for a reason. It should not be undermined, abolished, or thwarted.
It's like that episode of SVU, where they were trying to get the rape counselor to take the stand, but she wouldn't because of the emmense can of worms it would open. Raped women wouldn't be able to confide in their counselors any more, for fear of what they said being made public. Therefore, many of them would decline to get the help they needed, out of fear.
Besides, the govt. should keep its damned nose out of medical records! End of story! None of that blacking out shit! I'm so glad that Planned Parenthood won their case.
This all kind of reminds me of a hick letter to the editor written to the Indy city paper here. In it, the writer said that women who get abortions are merely uninformed. IF they had all the information they needed, they would OBVIOUSLY make another choice. I'm sorry but logic seems to have left that poor soul. A women can be completely, absolutely informed on the subject, and still choose to have an abortion.
---oh yeah, and as to DPH's question (I think it was his) about the people alive because their mothers chose not to abort them. On either this board or another one (can't remember where) there was made mention of a girl who was so disabled, she sued her mother for NOT aborting her, because her mother was aware of the disabilities her child would have, the difficulties in life, and yet chose to have her anyway.
Back to Vinnie:<Well that's your opinion luckily it's not the majority opinion> That is the lamest damned cop-out I've ever read. That goes in line with "You don't know the real me 'cause this is the internet!" Besides, how do YOU know that's not the majority opinion?
<Yes, but it will take years to get the price down to where the average consumer can buy one.> Um, yeah, except a bunch of very nice models exist TODAY for about the price of a SUV. If you can pay that much for a gas guzzling monster, you sure as hell can pay the same for a car that will prolly save you money in the long run. Oh wait, but its not made in America. Wah.
<So a more practical solution of increasing our sources of oil would be better for now. > And what would the price of that be? Ecologically, or monitarily?

Ok, the news is on.
BTW, I dunno if this was mentioned anywhere, so forgive if a repeat (I was in CO when the story broke):
WE GOTTA NEW NEIGHBOR! (well Earth does). Click my name and read! :)


Dezi - [<-The third planet is certain they're being watched....]
Monday, March 22, 2004 11:21:26 PM

<<a mist forms over a keyboard and types out the following message>>
having already read the stories,
Garg season 3 or Pendragon season 3?
<what no bad guys yet?>

hey and is xanatos' immortality-in-a-box ever mentioned again? (this is one of those loose plot things i mentioned)
if its not, maybe a suggestion for season 4

<<the 'gods' to punish him for 5 posts in one day cause a flame to appear in the middle of the mist and it burns away, hopefully not to appear for a couple of days

A ghost of Damien
Monday, March 22, 2004 09:40:48 PM

<<<the puddle breifly reforms, but leaves a green goo on the floor>>>

<<You don't get to act as if you're above it all. >> Nuts.

<<Edit: It appears Damien beat me to that one. >>
DPH: <looks like my idea of calling "Youth N Asia" "Euthansia" is catching on.> unless you were doing it before last week, i think i beat you by like 4 hours (i didn't check the week before)

oh no 4 in one day..
<<<evaporates leaving a film on his keyboard>>>
next person in the computer lab, cautiously avoids that computer

The goo that used to be Damien
Monday, March 22, 2004 06:32:09 PM

[[<<purposly ignores the fanatical assertions in the quasi political debate and wonders quietly to himslf why it couldn't have been left on the old board>> ]]

No, no, no. If you’re going to make slanderous comments, you must be prepared to answer for them. You don't get to act as if you're above it all.

[[While you're at it, you may as well look for reputable proof that Elvis and JFK are still alive and sharing an apartment in Bermuda. ]]

I thought they spent their time fighting oddly-named mummies?

Edit: It appears Damien beat me to that one.

Youth N Asia
Monday, March 22, 2004 05:38:59 PM

Patrick: <While you're at it, you may as well look for reputable proof that Elvis and JFK are still alive and sharing an apartment in Bermuda>
They moved to Miami a few years ago and are both still in love with each other.

Damien: <any way to search the archive without picking up each link?>

Krista: <Anyway, are we required to do one of those profiles? Or have they been done for us?>
Totally optional.
If you think you quality, check out my link.

Fire Storm
Monday, March 22, 2004 02:09:59 PM

3 posts in one day <<melts>>

<<While you're at it, you may as well look for reputable proof that Elvis and JFK are still alive and sharing an apartment in Bermuda. >> bubba hotep?
Monday, March 22, 2004 12:54:11 PM

pops back up...
any way to search the archive without picking up each link?

Monday, March 22, 2004 12:52:38 PM

Challenge: cite one reputable source of proof that anyone outside of al Qaeda had advance knowledge of a specific plot to simultaneously hijack four airliners on the morning of 9/11/01 and crash them into the WTC, the Pentagon, and the White House or Capitol.

While you're at it, you may as well look for reputable proof that Elvis and JFK are still alive and sharing an apartment in Bermuda.

Krista > We've had fans as young as four or five years old attend with their parents.

137 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Patrick - [<-- register now]
Monday, March 22, 2004 12:50:10 PM

THey killed him, the b@st@rds!! 0
is owen really dead? the way alex was talking about his plushie makes me wonder

<<looks at CR member stuff>>
hey, anyone know roughly how long ago I started to annoy you? (Note: not when I started to be irritating... that takes time ;)
do I respond often enough?

<<purposly ignores the fanatical assertions in the quasi political debate and wonders quietly to himslf why it couldn't have been left on the old board>>

Monday, March 22, 2004 12:44:50 PM

As for the whole conspiracy stuff. There's a solid reason why I think Bush let it happen: look how many people flock to his side without question and vehemently detest his nay-sayers. He's blinded so many of the American centrist to right thinkers so much that it's unbelievable how perfect people think he is. Nothing he or his administration does is wrong in their eyes. It's pretty much sick and idolotrous (for the religious few out there). ]]

Thanks for making a gross generalization about everyone who defends Bush, or those who don't happen to believe he's a Hitleresque madman who allowed 9/11 to happen solely for political gain.

Not all of us think Bush is a saint, or even a good president.

It's simply that most of us don't think him capable of the sort of evil actions that people such as you have little trouble associating him with.

I suppose that makes us all Republican puppets.

Youth N Asia
Monday, March 22, 2004 12:03:38 PM

[[QUESTION> Okay, if Bush is spreading democracy as you say he is, then when will it be Saudi Arabia's turn?

Of all the countries in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia has always been the worst. Their government is just as fanatical as the Taliban ever was, and they sponsor terrorism. Osama bin Laden is a Saudi, all the hi-jackers on 9/11 were Saudis. Everything Saddam did to his own people, the Saudis do and worse.

They're the most powerful country in the region, take them down and replace them with a democratic government, and it will spread faster, and you'll get many terrorist cells also.

So, I ask again, if all Bush wants is to spread democracy, when are we going to take out the kings of religious terror and fanatic governments? When is it Saudi Arabia's turn.

I myself would enlist if we were to go to into Saudi Arabia. The Saudi royals are some of the most evil men on the planet, and I'd love to personally put a bullet between at least one of their eyes. I'm sure many others feel the same. So, why aren't we?]]

While I agree with you in principle that Saudi Arabia is, in general, little more than oppressive dictatorship run by religious zealots and thus should be liberated so that its people can choose a more fair and free form of government, too often liberals point to Saudi Arabia as the exclamation point to all of their “Bush is all about money! / The war was for OIL!!!” theories.

It would be great if we were to go after Arabia, as they’re supplying a lot of terrorists with their cash.

However, reality works against us.

Bush has given Arabia lots of free passes, which leaves a bad taste in the mouths of most, but it’s not as if we could just declare war upon Arabia. Unfortunately, due to our nation’s dependency upon fossil fuel, and Arabia’s control of large quantities of it (at least 25% of the world’s oil reserves), the bottom line is that it’s not economically healthy for us to wage war against them. And that’s it. The potential oil shortages alone, in the short term, could possibly plunge the nation into an economic depression. People are complaining about the economy *now*, even though the recession has ended.

It’s not all Bush’s fault we’re so dependent upon oil (and foreign oil at that). It’s not any one person’s fault, but rather the fault of many who’ve continued to follow this culture of dependency. Not just in the States, but globally. Thus, until America transitions to some other inexpensive and efficient alternative form of energy, going after Arabia is not practical.

I find it interesting that you advocate this, though; many liberals / Democrats critique the war in Iraq as an action that will contribute to further terrorist action. Yet what would happen should we actively take up arms against Arabia, the seat of Salafi Islam?

To Lain, from last week - yes, I have posted here before, once or twice, quite some time ago (a few months back, I recall). As I said, I lurk here most times.

Youth N Asia
Monday, March 22, 2004 11:55:16 AM

The band is actually death metal, not black metal. The black metal stuff is being done on my own time and by myself with my 8-track. The death metal stuff is being done as a band.

There is a differance, you know :).

As for the whole conspiracy stuff. There's a solid reason why I think Bush let it happen: look how many people flock to his side without question and vehemently detest his nay-sayers. He's blinded so many of the American centrist to right thinkers so much that it's unbelievable how perfect people think he is. Nothing he or his administration does is wrong in their eyes. It's pretty much sick and idolotrous (for the religious few out there). And I'm not a leftist wacko either; aligning oneself politically and putting hope in a platform is just plain wrong.
Monday, March 22, 2004 11:41:01 AM

10th woo!

Monday, March 22, 2004 11:35:44 AM

hay does anyone know when they are going to put the bad guys story up?
theresa - []
Monday, March 22, 2004 10:53:53 AM

(Hate to triple post.) Question: (Though a stupid one at that.) If I came to a Gathering, would I be the youngest to ever have come? Am I the only one in here my age?
Monday, March 22, 2004 08:57:06 AM

Oh yeah, and, I don't even think I have a profile in here. I've never filled one out, or anything. And, I've never been to a Gathering (drat, one was in Dallas!). Then again, you can't really blame me, can you? Anyway, are we required to do one of those profiles? Or have they been done for us? I'm confused?!
Monday, March 22, 2004 08:44:00 AM

# 9 and looking good!
Monday, March 22, 2004 08:39:55 AM



Quite some time has passed since many TGS CR Member Profiles were added and/or updated. This is not a reminder to update your profile data. However, at least one Gathering (Gargoyles convention) has passed since many profiles were revised. For statistics purposes and to provide the most accurate information possible within each profile, please review the following list of Gatherings and _email me_ (if you possess a profile) indicating which Gatherings you have attended to date. I will then update this information within your profile page for you. You don't need to submit this information through the online form. However, if you would like to make other changes to your profile, please feel free to utilize the online submission form. Click my name link to access the TGS CR Member Profiles section, where you may view your profile and use the submission form.

Please indicate the Gatherings you have attended or will attend to date:

A. 1997: New York, NY (June 19-21)
B. 1998: New York, NY (August 14-16)
C. 1999: Dallas, TX (June 25-27)
D. 2000: Orlando, FL (August 4-6)
E. 2001: Los Angeles, CA (June 22-25)
F. 2002: Williamsburg, VA (June 28-30)
G. 2003: New York, NY (June 27-29)
H. 2004: Montreal, Quebec, Canada (August 6-8)
I. Not yet; maybe in the future.
J. Never; don't intend to.
K. Other: _______________

CR Members section:

Edit your profile (if you wish to change more than the Gatherings Attended field):

I have emailed this information to every CR member that has a profile, with the exception of Jan and Wilek Nereus (both of whom had invalid contact information). I have already received responses from the following people. Please respond via email (preferably) or in the CR if you have not already done so.

Received replies from:
- Bronx
- Dezi
- Fire Storm
- Green Baron
- Josh "Imazid" Wurzel
- Mooncat
- Niamhgold
- Patrick Toman
- Revel
- Warpmind de InzanE

The profile pages of the members listed above (including my own profile) have been updated, with varying degrees of new information.

In addition, the overall design of each profile has been slightly revised. You may view these changes by clicking on my name link.

***** END REQUEST *****

Lady Mystic (again) - [<-- CR Members Page]
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Monday, March 22, 2004 07:49:04 AM



The 2004 Archive has been updated to include the weeks of February 9, 2004 through March 22, 2004, for a total of 6 new weeks.




To prevent confusion for the time being, disclaimers were included on the image details pop-up pages of the new (yet currently unavailable for use) CR images of the "Bad Guys" characters. Please note that these CR images are based on an illustration that does not reflect the official TGS character designs.




Several form fields and categories were modified on the CR Member Profile submission page. There is now a section to specify your profile page's theme (i.e. the image and text color featured for your profile page). The CR Images and Text Colors categories within the submission form have been combined and simplified for easier use. Certain contact methods have been identified with their own form fields in place on one text box for public Contact Information. You may now easily fill in boxes for your public email addresses, AOL IM name and MSN and Yahoo Messenger names (the most commonly entered contact methods) rather than providing this information within one text box. Individual form fields also exist for website names and URLS. Directions for each form field were edited for clarity.

In addition, several sentences featured in the CR Member Profile Guidelines were revised for clarity and an unforgotten rule was also added. This rule was mentioned before in the forum, however, for unknown reasons, was left out of the guidelines page. The rule is as follows: "It is the member's responsibility to keep his/her profile content up to date." The guidelines and submission form can be accessed via the following link.



Cascading Style Sheets for all HTML documents within the TGS CR Information directory have been slightly revised. As a result, every page within the CR Information directory has been modified to accommodate the CSS changes. Please let me know if you experience any technical problems within the CR Information section of the TGS website.



Lady Mystic - [<-- UPDATED !!!]
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Monday, March 22, 2004 07:45:40 AM

Monday, March 22, 2004 07:11:23 AM

Er, six I guess.
Monday, March 22, 2004 07:09:26 AM

5. I want to go back to sleep. :P
Monday, March 22, 2004 07:09:01 AM

# sumthin. Now sleep. sleep is gud
Monday, March 22, 2004 04:12:24 AM

Monday, March 22, 2004 03:48:07 AM

Alright #3!!!

Whitbourne:<What's ridiculous about demonstarting for what you believe in?> That maybe true, but you don't know the idiots protesting the War on Terror here. These people will protest anything remotely millitary. I remember stories my parents told me how they would protest our ONE and ONLY Air Force base before all those base closings in the early nineties and this depite all the good it did our economy.<Quite simply, THE UNITED NATIONS IS MADE UP OF ITS MEMBER COUNTRIES.> Yes, so what!<If you want a functioning UN, then the countries have to be willing to work within its framework.> Or at least have members that aren't corrupt.

<I've heard the Rumsfeld news. That other link is What a blatant violation of patient privacy. It's as though the government WANTS women to go to back alleys to avoid paper trails. The argument that the names can be deleted is just ignorant. All this is going to do is make everyone scared of recieving medical attention for fear their records will get subpoenaed while the government goes on its anti-choice crusade.
This government needs to be removed. Now.>

Interesting, but you sound like your parroting the party line now. It's only a little regulation, but you make it sound like it's evil to regulate a medical procedure when Abortion is the only medical procedure NOT regulated.

Dezi:<And I bet your pom-pon waving makes for a funny site as well.> Well that's your opinion luckily it's not the majority opinion.<So, more take overs. Or, wait a minute... Hybrid Cars! Yes HYBRID CARS.>Yes, but it will take years to get the price down to where the average consumer can buy one. The price for one right now is outrageous! So a more practical solution of increasing our sources of oil would be better for now.

Vinnie - []
Marquette, Michigan, USA
Monday, March 22, 2004 03:35:48 AM

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, March 22, 2004 02:45:07 AM

Wow, first!
Fire Storm & Lady Mystic
Monday, March 22, 2004 02:44:34 AM
