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Warpmind> <<I need to improve my frequency here, huh?>>: Only if you want to regain your status as regular. I say we can always use more light conversation.
<<Nothing good will come out of such a topic>>: No, but I find it more fun than politics.
<<Perhaps all for the better, I suppose>>: Well, I'll have to take your word on it.
<<with Christine Morgan picking, ah, the more intimate parts of anatomy?>>: But those work almost the same way, unless you want to get into egg creation.

Green Baron> <<Just because you're a virgin and I'm not is no reason to feel too much despair>>: You're right. That means it's time to asbandon all hope and enter a state of permantent despondance.
<<we were too hard on Japan>>: I know, they still haven't uncensored their porn.
<<do you think social services should get involved if a kid was named Broken Rubber or Bastard>>: Do you think they should get involved if a kid was named Dweezil or Moonunit? Or Vermadel (named after the three states her family comes from)?

Tribun> <<I have written a mail to the Admin some minutes ago>>: To Guandalug? Did you do it in German or English?

Fire Storm> <<God... I LOVE weddings!>>: At least it's an incentive to stay married so you don't get tempted to go through it again.
<<Say 10 hail Linus's and hit yourself with a fish>>: A herring?
<<do I make a really disgusting comment or not>>: Make the comment.
<<To be pleased by OTHERS!>>: But I already said I was already denied by everyone.
<<Even god likes to play around and not know the outcome>>: Are you sure this is God God, and not God who lives in a cardboard box under the bridge?
<<if this is LARP, REAL props are used, and yes, you will be violated>>: I'd do it, depending on who's in my party, and what we need to do to each other to solve the puzzles.
<<May Aubrey's safety video be made>>: But it'd just lead to disappointment in real life when I don't get any sex after not taking a shower in the breaker room.
<<the lower your hit points, the stronger and more accurate your hits become>>: Greater chance of limit breaks?
<<someone made a complete series of cakes to mimic the thorax region of the human body>>: The intestine impresses me more than the other organs.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, May 10, 2004 01:58:07 AM

FS> Yes, very bad night. September! September! September!

People love December because they get food and gifts. People hate September because summer is over and school is starting up again.

December: Good.
September: Bad.

Well, if you work retail December is really bad, but we're not counting this.

Greg Bishansky
Monday, May 10, 2004 01:12:20 AM

Greg: Did it again. Bad night? ;)
Fire Storm
Monday, May 10, 2004 12:13:50 AM

FS> That was a typo, I meant December.
Greg Bishansky
Monday, May 10, 2004 12:10:24 AM

Really? I thought it was Sep. 13...

Or, at least that's what the article says. What a great birthday present! I am seriously thinking of getting a CCW permit, but I know that LM is REALLY opposed to me owning weapons... probally with good reason.

Fire Storm
Sunday, May 9, 2004 10:45:38 PM

BUD-CLARE> Not necessarily, the assault weapons ban expires in December ;)
Greg Bishansky
Sunday, May 9, 2004 10:13:40 PM

Greg> <<If this gets over turned, I swear I'm going to go on a riot.>>
A one-person riot? People will laugh at you.

Sunday, May 9, 2004 10:12:19 PM

FIRE STORM> "Judge orders couple not to have children"

Oooh, this rules! JOYGASM! Wow, this is what happieness and admiration for an authority figure feels like.

I want to find this judge and send her flowers.

""And even if there were a precedent, it would be blatantly unconstitutional because it violates the United States Constitution and the New York Constitution."

No where does the Constitution grant the right for anybody to breed. If it does, I must have blinked and missed it.

May there be many more cases like this. We gotta keep this up, this is but a first step in hopefully destroying the disease that has festered in this country that George Carlin calls The Cult of the Child,

Now, if only we can set it so that only people who have kids need to pay taxes for schools, and we can get the word fuck and full frontal nudity on prime-time network television like in Europe.

If this gets over turned, I swear I'm going to go on a riot.

Greg Bishansky
Sunday, May 9, 2004 09:51:55 PM

Ok, I found this link through a link I found on S*P.

Now, before everyone goes and clicks it, I just want to say that people that are easily sickened, or don't like seeing body parts, don't click the link, ok?

Now... someone made a complete series of cakes to mimic the thorax region of the human body, complete with white chocolate ribs and vertabrae. It sounds REALLY cool!

Fire Storm - [<--- Just plain kewl!]
Sunday, May 9, 2004 07:39:41 PM

Let's see... post post post...

OH! I took $5000 from the bank on Thursday... and it was all gone by 7pm ($4000 of it was spent within the first HOUR!)
God... I LOVE weddings!

Brutis: <i have have an even bigger sin. i actually bought mocrosoft office 2003. forgive me for i am terrible.....muahahahahah>
It is ok, my son. Say 10 hail Linus's and hit yourself with a fish
<if i was a garg i would tear your head just had to taunt me into clicking the link i so hate you now>
Badger, badger, badger.
<yea i did click your link and that is where i saw the damn thing again>
I *KNEW* it!
<oh your so evil>
You say the kindest things!
<words just have a mesmerizing effect. they just make your hand wonder over and clicky>
Just like you want to click again...
Don't you?
Yes, my link IS badger badger. You know that, don't you?
You just spent the past, what, week getting that song out of your head, didn't you?
Of course you did. But you want to hear it again.
So go on.
Give it a click. Hear the soothing sounds one more time...
<i still like ya but if you put it there again im gonna cast a spell on ya>
Oh, I can never resist a challenge like that!

Gside: <It doesn't really, but we need more volume if I want to keep him. Please mommy, can I?>
Now, do I make a really disgusting comment or not...
decisions, decisions
<Then why'd they invite me to the orgy anyway?>
To be pleased by OTHERS! No one wants to see you pleasing YOURSELF!
It's just wrong!
<They're too different activities to mesh well.>
"Oh, hey! Nice seeing you here! Why don't you pull up to the front and get a load off, and while you do that, we can catch up, ok?"
<Wouldn't taking bets from God ruin the suspense?>
Na. Even god likes to play around and not know the outcome. Never mind the fact that he tries to fiddle with the outcome...
<Every time you take a point of damage, you lose a piece of clothing?>
Yep. And side quests include pole dancing to help save a town and the final battle is with a tentacle monster (and yes, if this is LARP, REAL props are used, and yes, you will be violated)
<I always wear them. Granted there's no side guard, but they're good for most things>
May Aubrey's safety video be made...
<A grandchild. That, or convert all the shower decorations and have a great mother's day party at half the effort. Or full effort, allowing you to double up on food and presents. >
Ah, I at least called her.

Dph: <Would that work in reverse so that if I gain points I get to add extra layers of clothing?>
I think that is only fair. BUT, by the rules of "Down and Out," the more damage you have taken and the lower your hit points, the stronger and more accurate your hits become.

Bud-Clare: <*snickers* I'm entirely too amused that this happened in Rochester. I want to send the judge cookies or something.>
Agreed! This judge should be celebrated!
Our laws have been made so ANYONE can have kids! Darwin needs help, and by Dog, this judge is helping!

Pure EVIL Fire Storm - [<--- Yes, this is the lovely Badger, badger song. That's why you want to click again.]
Sunday, May 9, 2004 07:19:55 PM

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.

54 days left to submit entries for the Music Video contest (deadline is July 1).
59 days left to reserve your hotel room at the Delta Centre-Ville (deadline is July 6 at noon).
68 days left to pre-register for The Gathering 2004 (deadline is July 15).
89 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Patrick - [<-- get thee to le Gathering]
Sunday, May 9, 2004 03:39:20 PM

...the archive got repaired. Regardless of what it was, it was annoying, but now is gone.
Sunday, May 9, 2004 02:56:23 PM

Warpmind > I don't think I'm on that panel ... I was planning to just sit in the back row and shout out embarrassing questions ;)

Happy Mother's Day, all you moms out there!

Christine - [<--- new stuff! With a Godiva pic!]
Sunday, May 9, 2004 01:54:05 PM

Frank J. posted some great comments about debate as the evil of our cancerous emotions can cloud our brains and lead to flame wars. Instead chill out and put your hearts on ice as you read hsi wisdom :)

DO consider the merits of viewpoints different to your own.

DON'T throw out your own principles just to be agreeable. No one gains from that.

DO listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Try to understand their different viewpoint.

DON'T use the time while the other person is speaking as just an opportunity to formulate your own rebuttal.

DO try to find areas of agreement no matter how much you differ on an issue.

DON'T compare the other person's views to Hitler. Hitler was a bad man, and no one likes being compared to him.

DO keep on topic. You're more likely to learn from each other if you keep the talk focused.

DON'T kick the other person in the groin when he strays. He might forget what you were talking about in the first place.

DO make all disagreements in a friendly tone.

DON'T follow all disagreements with putting the other person's head through drywall. That gives who you're talking to no time to consider what you said. Also, it's hard to repair the drywall and paint over it perfectly to cover up the hole.

DO agree to disagree when reaching a stopping point.

DON'T declare an intifada and blow yourself and the other person up so you can get 72 virgins. You both lose if you do that, and you should focus on finding one nice girl (or guy) in this world.

DO stick to your principles while still considering what the other person says.

DON'T pile drive the other person into a folding table when you find a topic you vehemently disagree on. Though it would be cool, it's just not civil.

DO back up your statement with facts when necessary.

DON'T punch the other person through the chest, pull out his heart, and show it to him before he dies when you feel run into a corner. That's usually a non-sequitur to the debate... unless the debate is whether you can actually pull someone's heart out and show it to him before he dies.

DO make sure not to get caught up arguing minutia.

DON'T burn the other person's house down over a small disagreement on a fact. Yes, insurance will probably cover it, but he'll be less likely to listen to what else you say.

DO make sure to not raise your tone of voice no matter how heated things get.

DON'T silently lower the other person in a slow dipping device into a pit full of ravenous monkeys until he admits you're right. Getting the other person to agree with you through other means that intelligent discussion gains nothing for either party.

DO be willing to admit you’re wrong if the other person is convincing. Admitting you're wrong can seem painful, but, when you do it, you suddenly become right.

DON'T commit seppuku if you discover you’re wrong on an issue. There are other ways to bring honor to your family.

Green Baron
Sunday, May 9, 2004 09:34:06 AM

Update: Someone must really hate the archive, because it happened to many author's stories. Even Barracuda's stories got hit by it.
Sunday, May 9, 2004 09:05:59 AM

This his nothing to do with TGS, but it is really annoying:
There is a strange bug in the fanfiction archive, that removes "" marks, that seperate dialoge from the rest. Some storys are affected (like SN, Gargoylemistress or SunshineAngel), some not. What the /$(/§#* is that now?! It is not the fault of the authors, bacause that wasn't there yesterday!
I have written a mail to the Admin some minutes ago, and hope that this gets repaired, or many stories will be a pain to read....


Tribun - []
Luebeck, SH, Germany
Sunday, May 9, 2004 08:51:48 AM

Gside> <<Woo hah. But did I promise myself to have a woman first, or was it just a female?>> Take what you can get. Just because you're a virgin and I'm not is no reason to feel too much despair.

Of course would Janet Reno, Hillary Clinton, and Carolyn Parrish qualify as women?

Brutis> You're a redneck? I figured you'd be a coonass, but I guess Hammond is more redneck than coonass, unless you know Gaston and Boudreaux :)

As for politics, vote for Vitter. He's your Congressman and he went to my HS :)

Fire Storm> <<That is kinda speciest of me, isn't it? I guess a female gargoyle or a female of a sentient biological race would be good too.>> How about anti-Globalization activists :)

GregX> <<Well, I'm not going to Iraq, Syria or any Middle Eastern country, I can tell you that much.>> How about Saudi Arabia?

Once I'm in the Louisiana Reserve Unit, I'll probably go. If I see a missile headed for me, I'll probably say "Oh Shi'ite!!" right before it gets me :)

DPH> <<I hate to ask who wants Saddam Hussein back in power in Iraq>> Pat Buchanan, probably...maybe Jimmy Carter, though he's brain dead, and so is Ramsey Clark :)

<<After WWII, the defeated countries had to be occupied for a while in order to establish new governments, especially, I'm told, in Japan.>> Well, we were too hard on Japan, but we're still there, though they don't want us gone. Neither do the Germans or the Koreans, as Korea has a joint soldiering prgram with us, and a whole bunch of sodleis are losing their driving priveleges to combat the drunk driving problem there. Now only Senior NCOs and Officers can drive a POV.

Yggdrasil> <<You just need to be able to show that you have a moral disposition that precludes your being in a situation where you could take another human life.>> This is GregX we're talking about :)

<< have said that I would prefer to give my own life than take another’s. Since I can prove that I have held these beliefs for some time, I would probably be classified as a conscientious objector and would probably fall into a non-combatant role back home.>> If Canada has a draft, the people are screwed considering the quality of Canada's military equipment...maybe we can offer you some equipment.

Beloved Hellcat> <<The one who gives the most alcohol to people, win the election>> That could work in New Orleans :)

<<Now people predict in years to coe, there'll be another Davis Inlet.>> Named after your family too ;)

<<I wonder if that's Attila's doing...>> Well it makes good money for him.

Fire Storm> I wonder if a judge can give me that order...well it might get me a free vasectomy, and the world can rest a little easier than I will not spawn.

BTW, do you think social services should get involved if a kid was named Broken Rubber or Bastard :)

Leo> <<I'm sure in this particular case the kids are probably better of in foster care anyway.>> They're probably better off in a Boston Seminary where Michael Jackson is staying as a guest :)

Gside> Yep you confused the cats. Last time I checked, Mooncat isn't my girlfriend, nor is she a Newfie. But I wish Hellcat had as many cuddle kitties as Mooncat has.

27 days until I kiss Hellcat!!!

Green Baron - []
Camp Humphreys, Korea
Sunday, May 9, 2004 07:59:06 AM

*Warpmind strolls in, an unlit pipe with an 8" mouthpiece jutting from his lips.*
Morning, everyone. I need to improve my frequency here, huh?

Gside: Don't get me started on hand positions. Nothing good will come out of such a topic... };) As for the custard'n'ostrich incident, I am not so certain it was in this CR/timeline at all... Perhaps all for the better, I suppose...

Hmmm... Garg biology debate at G'04... Why do I sense impending doom on the horizon, with Christine Morgan picking, ah, the more intimate parts of anatomy? ;)

Mooncat: Van Helsing is awesome. Saw it at the theater on Thursday. And even managed to get me a free ticket to any movie this year, to boot. :D

Fire Storm: Mother's Day? Hmmm... A bouquet of flowers? Something along the line of thistles, perhaps? Or maybe the mutant mistletoe? };)

Hi, Sapphire. Don't let us scare you too quickly. ;)

Well, that's about it. I respect that judge, mind. Takes balls to make an order like that. Ah, well...

Later, everyone. *Wanders off to light up pipe*

Warpmind de InzanE - [warpmindATtiscaliDOTno]
Middle, Nowhere, Norway
Sunday, May 9, 2004 04:36:09 AM


all these pi and mole days sound bad our school board dosent allow things like that to take place. they say that things like that will distract from the learning envyroment and wont allow us to have any fun... poor old us.

hmmm i wonder where apep wondered off to...*looks around suspitiously*

well im off now its like 1 in the morning here see yall tomorrow

Brutis - []
Hammond, Louisiana, Usa
Sunday, May 9, 2004 01:57:01 AM

Heather:<<mole day>> That was strictly a 'Chemistry' thing at my school.

Fire Storm:<<Check out my link. It is a crying shame that this will be overturned. >> LOL They were even too lazy to assist in their own defense. They ovbiously don't take ANYTHING seriously. Yeah, It probably will get overturned. Nobody likes to hear the hurtful truth. :p

DPH:<<Either stop having children or stop getting public assistance and lose their kids to adoption.>> I'm sure in this particular case the kids are probably better of in foster care anyway. Keep the conception ban regardless. Anything that assists in the natural selection process can't be a bad thing. :-P

Sunday, May 9, 2004 01:16:31 AM

I meant mole day. I had to really recall the whole thing. Haven't thought about the 400 hall (science department hall) since graduating last year.
Heather H. - []
Warner Robins, GA, USA
Sunday, May 9, 2004 12:03:46 AM

Tharos> <<I didn't know how widespread the whole physics day thing was>>: I'd imagine it's fairly common. Teachers get to make their subject fun, and the parks get free advertising.
<<I bet your dad just has as blast answering questions all day>>: He's not a rides person (neither am I), but I believe he enjoys wearing his amazing technicolor labcoat in public more.

Heather> <<the science department got the art department to make a mural of a big mole on one of the walls because of pi day>>: Eh? What does counting atoms have to do with circumference/diameter ratios?

Welcome, Sapphire.

Vash> <<It's the end of the week and they're waiting for the room to clear>>: That, and we're generally slower than most other places (order of magnitude off IRC, maybe a quarter speed of topicized boards).

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Saturday, May 8, 2004 11:13:08 PM

OK GANG, LISTEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a tacky little "Gargoyles" related Item that I want to part with... a PERFECT addition to any fan's collection!

And I will give it to someone, so I have set up a Quiz. Answer EVERY question. I will randomly pick a winner from the entries with ALL CORRECT ANSWERS.

ANYONE who has been on this board or regularly read ask Greg should be able to get 100%.

Once I have selected a winner, I will get intouch with them to figure out how to send the "item."



So answer and send away!!!

That is all I will say.

Battle Beast
CANADASaturday, May 8, 2004 10:52:08 PM

Fire Storm> *snickers* I'm entirely too amused that this happened in Rochester. I want to send the judge cookies or something.
Saturday, May 8, 2004 09:23:49 PM
IP: <-- Check out this story. Oops, I change my opinion about how far the blame goes. I originally thought it applied to to those overseas 2-3 levels above the officers who committed the crimes. Apparantly, I was wrong unless somebody else was sent to fill that job.

Fire Storm - <It is a crying shame that this will be overturned.> I know this may come as a shock, but I do believe that the judge made the right decision. If the parents are willing to completely waive off getting any future benefits from the government, they can keep on having children. Really, it's a simple choice. Either stop having children or stop getting public assistance and lose their kids to adoption.

Saturday, May 8, 2004 08:51:49 PM

hey yall

Sapphire<< welcome to the comment room..dont worry vash is right most ppl are prob not gonna comment cause it is so close to the end of the week..but welcome anyhow. hope you enjoy your time here *bows deeply*

on well in this case ill just check later ttyl

Brutis - []
Hammond, Louisiana, Usa
Saturday, May 8, 2004 07:40:13 PM

Check out my link.

It is a crying shame that this will be overturned.

Fire Storm - [<--- Judge orders couple not to have children]
Saturday, May 8, 2004 07:03:10 PM

Welcome, Sapphire. Don't be discouraged if not too many people comment at the moment. It's the end of the week and they're waiting for the room to clear.
Saturday, May 8, 2004 05:43:39 PM

Hi, I'm new to the board and I just wanted to introduce myself.
Sapphire - []
New York, NY, USA
Saturday, May 8, 2004 05:19:41 PM

On Pi Day> At my old high school, the science department got the art department to make a mural of a big mole on one of the walls because of pi day. Now it is the big trademark of the science department. And also all of the science classes celebrate Mole Day with parties and such.
Heather H. - []
Warner Robins, GA, USA
Saturday, May 8, 2004 04:15:39 PM

No, but the Chem teacher at my school celebrates Mole Day. Never thought of pi day... that's pretty funny. I should tell the Trig teacher, even though his class made me hate math for a year.
Saturday, May 8, 2004 03:34:17 PM

hey speaking of physics, did your prof celebrate Pi day?
(march 14th?)

Saturday, May 8, 2004 12:30:29 PM

Gside: Cool, I didn't know how widespread the whole physics day thing was. I bet your dad just has as blast answering questions all day. My physics teacher just said, "Well, it's 8 A.M. now. See you on the busses at 6," and walked away. Never saw her the rest of the day! :)
Saturday, May 8, 2004 12:09:33 PM

hey yall

hows this say as an im sorry to mom....i got her a box of chocolats that say im sorry and i got her some flowers too. i also called her boss and got her the weekend off..think that will be enuf...

apep...yeah wanna do something about it...*smiles just dareing you*

well im off now ill post again later

Brutis - []
Hammond, Louisiana, Usa
Saturday, May 8, 2004 01:55:05 AM

Mooncat> <<I think you meant hellcat>>: Yup. That'll teach me to only pay attention to the suffixial -cat.

Tharos> <<A bunch of physics classes got to go to Kennywood Park>>: Ah, physics day. We have ours at Great Adventure. My father, the teacher, spends his time at the central foutain answering questions. He had me pack the envelopes for the students with questions, tickets, etc. this time.

Fire Storm> <<What do you get her for mothers day when your mother is the one that threw your fiancee's bridal shower?>>: A grandchild. That, or convert all the shower decorations and have a great mother's day party at half the effort. Or full effort, allowing you to double up on food and presents.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Friday, May 7, 2004 11:27:00 PM


This is a comment room, not a chat room. If you have something useful to say, please feel free to have a look at the CR rules (which may be found by following the "CR Information" link at the top of the page) and join in the discussion.

If you don't have anything to add or you don't like the rules, this is probably not the place for you.

You decide. :)

Friday, May 7, 2004 09:11:10 PM

What do you get her for mothers day when your mother is the one that threw your fiancee's bridal shower?
Fire Storm
Friday, May 7, 2004 09:09:50 PM

OK, "apep" or whoever you are, your're asking for a serious banning!

Don't think we didn't recognize your IP from your little turretic outburst in the S8 chatroom.

Friday, May 7, 2004 08:45:05 PM

wants to murder all of the gargoyles
Friday, May 7, 2004 08:19:55 PM

Friday, May 7, 2004 08:17:10 PM

Brutis>hi how are you oh bye the why your not brooklyn are you *smiles eveily*
Friday, May 7, 2004 08:16:04 PM

Damien: If you like physics, you would have loved my day today. A bunch of physics classes got to go to Kennywood Park (amusement park in Pittsburgh, has some pretty famous coasters)... it was cool. We had questions like estimating speeds, heights, accelerations, and g-force on the rides.
Nothing like riding Phantom's Revenge holding up instruments (only day of the year you can bring stuff on the rides) yelling "4.5 G's!!" to your friends in the car in front of you to take data. It was crazy.

Friday, May 7, 2004 08:15:43 PM

I saw Van Helsing this afternoon. I liked it. It seemed there was a nod to "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" at the begining. Was there a production tie in? One quibble. Stunts are always better when they're not enhanced with CGI.

Friday, May 7, 2004 05:36:37 PM

I just added a netwave base ii router to my system -- it was inexpensive and will help to make me sasser proof among other things...

Brutis -- so close to mother's day also... Something tells me you are going to have to say it with flowers or something -- get a nice arrangement and a card for mothers day and apologize in it...

Friday, May 7, 2004 01:45:07 PM

Annie> About Dark Ages, just wait and see. I think you won't be disappointed.
Friday, May 7, 2004 10:25:05 AM

Gside -- heh... I think you meant hellcat. I don't have a problem with the word physics *^_^*

Friends -- eh... I watched the final episode but since I didn't really watch the series as a whole, it didn't do that much for me.

Van Helsing... Oooo!!! One of my friends who is borrowing my laptop while he visits Vietnam is going to buy me a ticket *^_^* wheeeeee!!! My finances are pretty tight right now, and I was really wanting to see this movie. I hope it's good.

sleepy now...

Friday, May 7, 2004 12:17:39 AM

Mooncat> <<I saw the word Physics too many times...aah!!! ow ow ow...ow>>:> It's not so bad once you get used to it.

Patrick> <<There's a program called Ad-Aware>>: Or a browser that's not integrated into your system, like Mozilla (1.7 is coming out if a bit over a month).

Anon> << it was a viral popup ad selling software to disinfect your computer of the worm, not a genuine warning about infection>>: Ah, popups selling popup stoppers and spam selling spam filters. Such irony.

Brutis> <<i get it at least 5 times a day even with my 3 diffrent blockers>>: I like Mozilla.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Thursday, May 6, 2004 11:42:53 PM

I don't know if you guys have thought this far into Dark Ages, but I was poking around in the Ask Greg archives and was wondering about some things. In Greg's little plan, it says that before the Wyvern Massacre, the clan split up and half of them went their own way. If TGS plans on using this info in their own developments, or if anyone has an interesting guess, here are my questions.

Who was the leader of this group, and were they in the same rookery as Hudson? Is the Scottish clan that Brianna is from the decendants of this splitting? Did any of Goliath's siblings survive that are in Dark Ages at the moment? I'm probably forgetting something, and I'll post if I think of it. I'm also leaving my email in case someone wants to discuss in greater detail off the record.

Annie - []
Thursday, May 6, 2004 11:11:51 PM

well, for those who might remember me and/or care. I'm still alive *hms a bit* well, sorta alive atleast. a friend of mine told me something kinda interesting. Go to Google, type in 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' then hit the 'I'm feeling lucky' button that is right next to the 'Google Search' button. what comes up is pretty funny. also on the 17th of this month, I'm leaving the country to go to the land of the Rising Sun. finally getting to go after atleast 16 yrs of wanting to go ;). well, laters.
Thursday, May 6, 2004 08:53:56 PM

hey i should of asked sooner but i didnt think till just now...

how can you appologize to your mother or parents for yelling and cursing at them when they wont speak to you.

**b/g..she is trying to help me graduate and i was tired and yelled at her cause she fussed cause i forgot my book at school.**

now how do i say sorry when she wont even listen to me or look me in the eye from being angry at me for cursing at her... i need a bit of help please

Brutis - []
Hammond, Louisiana, Usa
Thursday, May 6, 2004 07:36:36 PM

hey yall

Anonymous>> you have never gotten that popup you must have a good blocker. i get it at least 5 times a day even with my 3 diffrent blockers.
***oh me and my techno crap***

ok im leaving now i am not getting into physics...i agree with hellcat....ow ow ow ow ow ow my poor head....i need some tea...

Brutis - []
Hammond, Louisiana, Usa
Thursday, May 6, 2004 07:29:44 PM

Speaking of popups, if you get a Microsoft Internet Explorer (as opposed to your regular virus checker) popup window on a blank blue screen that says WARNING, YOU HAVE BEEN INFECTED WITH SASSER_D WORM CLICK YES TO DISINFECT you might not need to have a heart attack. I experienced this earlier today and, after a minor freak-out, discovered that it was a viral popup ad selling software to disinfect your computer of the worm, not a genuine warning about infection.
Oh, the lows to which some people will go.. :P

Thursday, May 6, 2004 04:59:00 PM

For those not metrically inclined, 1 m/s = 2.24 mph.

Hellcat > Do you mean that you get e-mail spam after visiting here, or that you're getting pop-up ads? If it's the latter, it may be spyware or a virus on your computer... because I've never seen pop-ups on this forum, either.

There's a program called Ad-Aware that you can download and run to scan your computer for spyware and such. Read more at:

I'm sure they could hide the IPs here if they wanted to... but then we wouldn't have the fun every few weeks of taunting the clueless trolls who post multiple times under different names, thinking they're really fooling someone. :P

92 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Thursday, May 6, 2004 12:26:47 PM

annie: yes m/s = meters per second
Hellcat: I don't get any porn here

Thursday, May 6, 2004 11:56:28 AM

About the IP thing...

I sometimes get porn ads when I go to this site. I agree with a bit more security on the forum. I got firewall galore on my computer but whenever I come here, it's porn! It's weird.

I wonder if that's Attila's doing...

Thursday, May 6, 2004 08:57:22 AM

Hi everyone.

I took days to recover from my trip to Mainland. Whoa Sydney hadn't changed but hell it's so clean and well neat. where I live it's so choppy and potholes galore. I was there to surprise my grandmother whose in hospital with a bad heart. Man it was a bit depressing. Nice to see family I guess. I met my great uncle for the first time! I found it a bit weird. his kids are disowned and I thought my grandparents want nothing to do with him. I guess they're at the age where you just need family. I don't get it bu it was nice. Anyways I'm back and tryign to catch up in news.

I'm ignoring to comment on iraq stuff. It's beign beaten to the pulp. Mainly I am distracted with a disturbign image in my head. On the news these days, people are becomign aware of the workings of Innu cheif elections. Oh my is it the most corrupt thing! The one who gives the most alcohol to people, win the election. On the footage showed of this...oh man. A toddler was in the street surrounded by drunken people. I can't get it out of my head. I was shocked. I mean I'm not maternal but that's insane!! I think a lot of people in the province were shocked because this was the same community that had to migrate to a new town because Davis Inlet, Labrador was absolutely in ruins. Now people predict in years to coe, there'll be another Davis Inlet. It's bleak prediction. I hope the province will do something. Some Innus in this new community (can't spell the name. Sorry) want something done with the problems. The governemnt can't ignore that!

Had to rant about something. lol I need more coffee now. I saw the word Physics too many times...aah!!! ow ow ow...ow.

Groggy Hellcat
Thursday, May 6, 2004 08:53:34 AM

uhhhhhhhhhhh huh
thanks a lot annie ... now i am totally lost. utterly and completly...

and wow psyics i and i thought enviromental sci was fun.

at least there is no policits...*relif is felt all is normal*

Brutis - []
Hammond, Louisiana, Usa
Thursday, May 6, 2004 02:08:11 AM

DPH : I know they glide, but thanks. Fly just has fewer letters in it, and I like to keep things as short as possible. People actually read those,,,,

Damien and Patrick: Thanks for that, you guys do good work. I hate thinking about things that take that much thinking. A lazy bum you could say. Anyways, don't hurt yourselves, but thanks again.

And can I safely assume that m/s is in meters/second?

Thursday, May 6, 2004 12:33:57 AM

Slow day, and I don't feel like bothering with the physics this time.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Wednesday, May 5, 2004 11:41:31 PM

tharos: Et tu physics geek?
same here thats why i wanted to figure it out

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 10:43:09 PM

Although I'm a huge physics geek and I think this is very interesting... do you guys really think that the animators were thinking of the mathematics involved when they made the scene where Goliath catches Elisa? It's probably pretty inconsistent if you use other examples from the series. Either way, keep it coming!
Wednesday, May 5, 2004 04:05:32 PM

Hey paddy: I didn't have to use that part, as the average density thing is for air (which is pretty constant for ~100-200m(at about 1.2 kg/m^3)
the real variables are the assumed sholder dimensions (1m x .4 m) his mass and the drag coefficient
thinking about it, its probably the drag coefficient (since the average diving profile is closer to an airfoil than a bullet)
assuming the coefficient is about twice that of a foil (for not perfect smoothness) we get values around 350 m/s (which is alot better)

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 12:50:29 PM

Damien >> thus we get goliath's dive speed is approx 192.7 m/s (note this is LESS than a human sky diver!) <<

Now check your assumptions by doing the calculation again for a human skydiver, and see if you get an answer that is approximately close to the known value for a skydiver's terminal velocity. I'd be willing to wager two bits that the "assume a rectangular box" part for the density calculation is the part that introduces the most error.

Another way to calculate Goliath's dive velocity... use the data from "Awakenings." Measure the length of time between the moment Elisa falls off the building and the moment Goliath dives after her. Measure the lenght of time Elisa is falling. Calculate how far she drops based on the established formulas for humans in free-fall. Divide distance by time and you have Goliath's average dive velocity.

And they say math and physics are boring. :P

93 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 12:19:56 PM

Gside> <<Who knew having an out dated operating system could help with security.>>
Nice, isn't it?

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 01:59:42 AM

Vash> <<Anyone here on Win 2k, XP and NT should be sure to upgrade>>: Who knew having an out dated operating system could help with security.

Yggdrasil> <<including genetic engineering. So what would you like to see here?>>: Just thought of another one: what technology is needed to make mutates, besides good genetic knowledge and manipulation (growth acceleration so it'll happen in a decent time frame, regeneration to grow whatever new limbs you're getting, de-aging so the growth acceleration doesn't kill you).

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Wednesday, May 5, 2004 01:24:37 AM

Do you collect metal pins? Or do you just like them?
Would you like some official Gathering memorabilia that will last?

The Gathering of the Gargoyles 2004 has made a custom pin that is now on pre-sale on the website. For only 10 USD/14 CAD, get your own piece of the fandom!

Please click my name to order using Paypal (scroll down the page)! Don't have Paypal? You can email us to place your order and pay by mail!

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 12:49:30 AM

Ok, now i've eaten, exercised and ready to think
I'm gonna do this in metric 'cause i'm canadian

for average size/density (lets pick on goliath)
he's about 2 metres tall (~6.5 - 7 ft)
probably about 200 - 350 Kg (~400 - 600 Lbs)
about 1 metre wide at shoulders
about 40 cm from front to back at shoulder (average)
you can figure out density with that
we'll assume a rectangular box 1 m x 2 m x 0.4 m
we'll also assume 300 kg [since he's a big guy]
density is mass over volume (300 kg / .8 m^3)
this gives us a density of 375 kg/m^3

assuming that a garg tucked in has the same air shape as a bullet one gets an approximate drag coefficient of .295 (lets round it to .33 because it is not perfect)
next lets use the formula from
and we get
Terminal velocity =
square root of ( 2 x weight (note, not mass) divided by (drag coefficient x density of air x area of front of object)
(density of air is about 1.2 kg/m^3)
and a = .4m^2
v= sqrt ( (2*(9.8*300)/(.33x 1.2 x .4)
thus we get goliath's dive speed is approx 192.7 m/s (note this is LESS than a human sky diver!)

Damien - [<- click the name for a site on terminal velocity]
Wednesday, May 5, 2004 12:42:23 AM

Annie - I hate to burst your bubble, but gargoyles don't fly, they *GLIDE*.
Wednesday, May 5, 2004 12:09:57 AM

umm, I dont know average glide speed, but dive speed can be found using a simple terminal velocity formula (try google)
but You can also figure out glide speed by watching an epp and estimating width of the building glided by, and time elapsed (velocity is distance over time)
too tired to do the math

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 11:56:30 PM

Just a general question, anybody got an idea on how fast a gargoyle's average flight speed is, and what their top speed might be? And while we're at it, any ideas on dive speen?

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 11:38:00 PM

And yes the numbers are very different this posting -- I just answered my emails and am on my backup dialup account as opposed to my digital cable... (I have a shell account on the dialup which makes certain email things sooo much easier like the sending of invoices on my ebay items.)

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 11:23:35 PM

Yes the top most virus was Sasser... The person who sent the sasser thing also sent other ones using the hole as an opening -- in essence my computer had to be done from scratch...

All I am saying here is it might NOT be a good idea to show those IP addresses -- a hacker armed with that information can do damage to your system.

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 11:21:40 PM

hey yall

L>> i know that it is called the top 10 i was just picking since the room was still empty on a monday afternoon.

i am not going to go into the political debate. if i want to know politics ill just watch cnn.

well gotta go now

Brutis - []
Hammond, Louisiana, Usa
Tuesday, May 4, 2004 09:49:54 PM


Whitbourne: You are, and have always been included. Lynati will also be contributing, but she is quite busy until the middle of the month. I'm just trolling the room trying to get topics of interest.

Yggdrasil - []
Ontario, Canada
Tuesday, May 4, 2004 07:22:07 PM

Yggdrasil> If there's still room for me, I'd like to talk a bit on gross anatomy with emphasis on cardiovascular stuff...
Tuesday, May 4, 2004 06:19:50 PM


Greg: Yes the possibility of there being a draft is a frightening one. You know that you are safe until at least November ("Election in November! Election in November", "What again?"). Just out of curiosity I looked in on the selective service website trying to see what would happen in the event of a draft. Being Canadian, it really didn't matter to me on a personal level, but I was interested in the procedure. According to the web site, in the event a draft is instated, the entire process is supposed to be random. If you are pursuing post-secondary studies or are in your final year of high school, you may be able to defer your enlistment until the end of your academic year.

The only way to avoid the draft it to be:

1. Medically unfit for duty

2. An ordained minister or other such occupation

3. A Conscientious Objector

4. Hardship Deferment

Amazingly enough, it appears to be relatively easy to be classified in the third category. You just need to be able to show that you have a moral disposition that precludes your being in a situation where you could take another human life. It is important to note that this "belief" must have been a part of your life for some time. If you suddenly develop pacifism only after you receive the draft notice they will probably have issues with that.

Take me for instance; I have in the past, on this very board stated how I abhor violence. I have said that I would prefer to give my own life than take another’s. Since I can prove that I have held these beliefs for some time, I would probably be classified as a conscientious objector and would probably fall into a non-combatant role back home.

One important thing to add is that they clearly state that political objections do not count. It doesn’t matter if you are completely against the president and his government, that's not good enough in the eyes of the Selective Service.

But I digress. The odds of using the draft are probably slim, as it would be political suicide for any president. If Bush wins the next election he would have nothing to lose, but the Republican Party would probably pay for it in 2008.

Gathering 2004: OK, it looks like we will be having the Garg Biology talk. Although I asked this question earlier, what do you want covered in this talk. We have already had some good suggestions, but I would like to see if there are any more. My portion of the talk will be on the molecular aspect of biology, including genetic engineering. So what would you like to see here? No topic is off limits.

Yggdrasil - []
Ontario, Canada
Tuesday, May 4, 2004 04:47:36 PM

Silvadel> You might have gotten hit by the Sasser worm, which is spreading everywhere since the weekend. From CNN, "Unlike previous Internet worms, Sasser infects vulnerable PCs without any action by the user like opening attachments, allowing it to spread very quickly. Home users would likely first notice an infection if their computer mysteriously reboots or their Internet connection slows dramatically". Anyone here on Win 2k, XP and NT should be sure to upgrade with the latest patch:
Tuesday, May 4, 2004 12:36:05 PM

Seems they got in through a security hole in windows using the ip number etc -- by the way -- in this day in age where you can get infected merely by someone knowing the IP shouldnt said IP number not be posted in forums like this? Or at least only a partial IP number if you are using it for verification purposes? I do not care if it stores it, I only care about it being public...

I probably shouldnt care that much anyway -- I bought a router yesterday and am planning to try setting it up today to try to stop such attacks...

What happened to me Sunday cost me 7 hours of time formatting the hard drive and reinstalling windows xp, all of the security updates, the drivers, the programs etc....

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 11:14:26 AM

*Pointless Sort of Post*
Lynati: Actually, people always used to continue the countdown until it fizzled out IIRC (often alongside proper posts, mind you...). I'm pretty sure the top ten was just a way to avoid calling out the wrong numbers at a time where the CR was so full that you'd get ten posts within minutes. Always seemed to miss the point of the whole thing to me, though. Oh well.
*/Pointless Sort of Post*

London, England
Tuesday, May 4, 2004 04:00:35 AM

GXB - <Yeah, the Pentagon has been quietly recruiting people to run draft boards too. . . where is the Pentagon going to get the man power?> I believe the size of the military needs to be increased, without the need for a draft.

In a word, we end this idea of base closings and start working towards reopening bases to increase the number of people in the military and raise salaries by 10% for the basic positions. Let's bring the military back up to the size it was during the height of the Cold War. Smart weapons can only go so far, you have to have grunts on the ground to handle the aftermath of winning a conflict. I hope we've learned that our technology can defeat the enemy, but we need grunts to keep the peace afterwards.

GXB - <And you know they won't pull out> Like it or not, if the US pulls completely out right now, all we're doing is setting things up for another dictator to take over Iraq and everybody who died over there will have died for nothing. The only way those deaths will be meaningfull is if a stable democracy takes hold of Iraq.

I hate to ask who wants Saddam Hussein back in power in Iraq. Even if you think the president deliberately lied to go to war with Iraq, the fact is we have overthrown his government. Since the US has overthrown the Iraq government, it is the responsiblity of the US to establish a new government in Iraq. After WWII, the defeated countries had to be occupied for a while in order to establish new governments, especially, I'm told, in Japan. [Anyone care to look up the information on how long forces had to remain in Japan in order to rebuild their country and government after WWII? I'd like to know because I've heard the US troops had to remain in Japan for at least 5 years after the war to help get things rebuilt.]

Tharos - <And what's with all the complaining over Vows getting shown again? That's my favorite episode!> All 4 parts of City of Stone are my favorite.

Lynati - <I was under the impression that the head of the TGS resource page was going to wait to post those sections until they were re-formated into the more sensible versions that those who were helping him had suggested?> Said person only submitted stuff that was readily avaiable with the intent of updating material when more material was ready.

Anyways, if there are problems within the TGS Resources Page, you know, it would be helpfull to let the staff know or if you have any content that you want to add to the TGS Resources Page, let the staff know.

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 02:38:44 AM

LYNATI> <<in lain's absence, someone needs to take up some of the political slack>>

Yeah, the Pentagon has been quietly recruiting people to run draft boards too. With all the casualties going on in Iraq... aka The Vietnam of the New Millenium, and recruitment down, and all these member nations pulling out, where is the Pentagon going to get the man power? And you know they won't pull out, it tool them a very long time to swallow their pride and leave Nam.

Well, I'm not going to Iraq, Syria or any Middle Eastern country, I can tell you that much. You'll see George W. Bush himself in a fox hole eating and shitting in his helmet before you see me there.

Bet that will stir up conversation.

Greg Bishansky
Tuesday, May 4, 2004 01:38:53 AM

Lynati> <<in lain's absence, someone needs to take up some of the political slack>>: And I found a right wing Canadian political cartoonist at

Me> <<1st>>: Lost it by one second to someone who claimed second, all because I double checked that no one had claimed first (alt-tab, ctrl-r, alt-tab, tab, space).

Dezi> <<one of the weirdest anxiety attacks that I think I've ever had>>: You were suddenly afraid of drywall?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, May 4, 2004 01:08:43 AM

figured i should post.....
Ugh, my brain. I spent the weekend in the grip of one of the weirdest anxiety attacks that I think I've ever had. I'm kinda just now starting to feel like I'm leveling out, and the thing started on Thursday! It felt like a spray paint can marble was wizzing around in my brain. I don't reccommend it.
But hey, some good came outta it. I won first place in the college division of the SPJ awards (Society of Professional Journalists) for my political cartoons and got to meet Gary Varvel, the dude that does the polit. toons for the Indianapolis Star, the main paper here. He's also nationally syndicated. He teaches part time, but wants me to come to the Star this summer (when schools out) to "talk toons." Sounds sweet! He says there aren't many girl polit. toonists, so we must be encouraged. Then Varvel went on to sweep the professional toon category. hehe. Wow. And throughout the whole ceremony (which took for freakin' ever) I was soo jittery from the attack that I sat there playing with beads on my bracelet. Oh well, I got a shiny plaque, and my apt. is now clean. And I know that under the best parts of the attack, I can out pace the song "Going Nowhere Slow" by the Bloodhound Gang. Yes, city part and all. Funny, I can't do that when I'm level. But man, my brain was flying. I'm tired now......

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 12:20:16 AM

Brutis: the top TEN is called such for a reason and besides that, you are only the eleventh person to post. it's the people, not the posts they make.
Monday, May 3, 2004 09:22:31 PM

uhhh i wanna see how far the countdown will go so uhh 12 12 12 12

neeext :)

Brutis - []
Hammond, Louisiana, Usa
Monday, May 3, 2004 08:43:52 PM

And away we go on with the show.
Vinnie - []
Marquette, Michigan, USA
Monday, May 3, 2004 01:44:17 PM

Monday, May 3, 2004 08:35:22 AM

Number 9, Number 9, Number 9...
Monday, May 3, 2004 06:59:58 AM

Eight! First time I made the countdown.
Monday, May 3, 2004 06:42:29 AM

Monday, May 3, 2004 06:35:00 AM

six six six!
Vinnie - []
Marquette, Michigan, USA
Monday, May 3, 2004 04:01:28 AM

Monday, May 3, 2004 03:43:09 AM

Monday, May 3, 2004 03:41:34 AM

wth? second??
uhh yes

Monday, May 3, 2004 03:36:13 AM

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, May 3, 2004 03:00:16 AM

Top 10, I claim spot #2, just because I don't want spot #1
Monday, May 3, 2004 03:00:15 AM
