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Come on, Greg, now you're just being absurd. I'm willing to entertain the existence of the Illuminati (my gradfather was a Free Mason), but everyone knows there's no such thing as Jewish oil tycoons. They're all bankers. ( ;
Rob V. - []
Fredericksburg, VA, USA
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:17:38 AM

What? No room wipe this week?
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 01:43:44 AM

ED> Not announcing what *I* want the target date to be just yet, mostly because I don't want to jinx it. Have patience ;)

GSIDE> Run over by a glacier while running from Illuminati Jewish Republican Oil tycoons ;)

Greg Bishansky
Monday, September 27, 2004 11:47:01 PM

Greg> <<I can't tell you when "Bad Guys" will be out as its Series Directors are currently MIA>>: A.K.A. Run down by a Canadian glacier.

Patrick> <<who pays for all the collateral damage>>: Insurance companies branch out into superhero insurance.

Rob> <<It wasn't until "The Return of the Dark Knight" comics that Batman's mortal weaknesses finally took more of a front seat>>: The early comics were a good bit darder than the silver age years. Granted, they weren't very introspective.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, September 27, 2004 10:08:04 PM

Well, Patrick, to try and answer the question of why Bruce Wayne became Batman: remember, that he did watch his parents get gunned down in cold blood when he was only a kid. You could imagine the psychological damage that could do to someone. I mean, the campy Adam West series never really focused on just how tortured Bruce Wayne's mind was. It wasn't until "The Return of the Dark Knight" comics that Batman's mortal weaknesses finally took more of a front seat. Another reason Batman chose the vigilante life could be because he felt he could actually make a difference. You'll notice he can do things the cops can't. You'll also notice (at least in the Animated Series) that he never intentionally kills anyone. He allows the law to judge them. So perhaps there is a little bit of Batman in the Gargoyles. In the episode "Protection," Goliath tells Dracon that "Gargoyle justice is not human justice." But then again, the Gargoyles don't see themselves as vigilantes. They're just doing what's in their nature to do.
Rob V. - []
Fredericksburg, VA, USA
Monday, September 27, 2004 09:55:22 PM

TALEWEAVER - [Like the way Inque was after Barbara Gordon in Batman Beyond.]

I don't remember that ever happening in "Batman Beyond". Are you sure that you're not thinking of the episode where Curare was after Barbara's husband?

I recall the "Trial" episode as well. It definitely made the point well that the Arkham Asylum crowd's reasons for turning to crime had nothing to do with Batman. Not to mention it had a lot of fun lines in it, such as the bit where the Mad Hatter's blaming Batman for turning him to a life of crime by trying to protect the woman that he was stalking:

THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY: You could have respected her wishes and left her alone.

MAD HATTER: I'd have killed her first!

{Stops short as he realizes that this wasn't the best thing to say, and turns to the Joker, who's acting as judge.)

MAD HATTER: I'd like that stricken from the record, please.

JOKER (looking and sounding astonished): Record? Is someone supposed to be writing this down?

I think that you're correct, also, as to why Bruce never became a cop.

Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, September 27, 2004 08:39:28 PM

Todd> I don't recall it ever being explicitly said, but Batman does enjoy working outside of the law. Shaking down suspects for info, breaking into offices, hacking into computers, and lets not forget the level of access a name like Bruce Wayne CEO of Wayne Industries gets over Officer Wayne of Gotham PD. Plus, Bruce has never been a joiner. He keeps his personal relationships short and direct. The police force is a fraternity. Bruce might learn to like/love his fellow officers and also face loss again when officers are cut down. Storywise, Bruce as an officer works towards an endpoint where he could accept loss and move on with living. Great for a novel, but not for a comic book serial where you need a the hero to remain who they are indefinately.
Monday, September 27, 2004 07:43:23 PM

Batman in all his carnations> Its discussions like this that makes me miss Batman: TAS, especially now that its on DVD. I do remember an episode in TAS about an up and coming DA who had to defend Batman against a jury of his rogues against Patrick's very charges.

My take is that aside from origin stories; superheroes don't create supervillains. I'm going more from the TV versions of X-men, Spiderman and Batman, but the villains there had their own axes to grind and their own agendas. Their paths intersect with the hero, but aren't necessariy started because of them. Bane in this Batman and TAS was contracted by mobsters. While it can be argued that Batman drew them to Gotham, it is more accurate that the contract drew them there. Like the way Inque was after Barbara Gordon in Batman Beyond.

As for who pays for public damage? I believe big cities do have discretionary funds to cover incidental damage like fire, floods or snow. If a city faced more sustained damage, I guess they'd raise taxes.

Monday, September 27, 2004 07:33:46 PM

PATRICK - I've sometimes wondered that myself. It reminds me of what I once voiced about the fact that the gargoyles could be a double-edged sword for Manhattan in that a lot of the antagonists are after the gargs for personal reasons rather than simply "they stopped us from committing crimes". Granted, it wouldn't be right to blame the clan for the Hunters doing all that damage to the 23rd precinct police station, but I can still see a number of New Yorkers wondering, even after they learn the truth about the clan, whether the benefits of the gargoyles' presence aren't outweighed by the disadvantages.

Incidentally, here's a question for those people far more familiar with Batman than I am. Was it ever explained (whether in the comics, "Batman:TAS", the movies, or what have you) why Bruce Wayne chose, for his means of fighting crime, becoming a costumed vigilante rather than joining the Gotham City police force? (Maybe he wasn't too keen on the paperwork.)

Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, September 27, 2004 07:15:09 PM

Greg: So what's the target period? :)
Monday, September 27, 2004 01:13:28 PM

Do super-criminals create the need for superheros, or does the prescence of a superhero inevitably lead to the emergence of super-villians? That's a question that's always intrigued me. If you have a figure like Batman patrolling the city, who can easily defeat any garden variety mugger or bank robber, isn't the criminal element eventually going to gravitate towards the more and more outlandish? And does the press someone like Batman gets attract unstable characters to come just for the challenge of facing off against him?

Also, who pays for all the collateral damage when someone like Batman has it out with someone like the Joker in front of City Hall? Does Bruce Wayne cut an annonymous check to the city the next day? Or do the taxpayers get stuck with the bill?

71 days left until the spell is broken and they live again! Gargoyles Season One comes to DVD on December 7, 2004!

Patrick - [<-- the official Gathering of the Gargoyles gateway]
Monday, September 27, 2004 12:33:33 PM

DPH - I had a creativity demon once of my own involving the interim period between Bruce Wayne's retirement and Terry's getting the job. After Bruce Wayne retires and the criminals take advantage of the situation to become more numerous, Derek Powers takes advantage of the situation to offer the assistance of his company in providing the police with ways of upgrading their technology - but with a few strings attached so that they have to turn a blind eye to his illegal activities. (That would explain the discrepancy that some watchers noted between Terry's remark about the police being "cozy with Powers" and the fact that the police commissioner was Barbara Gordon, who definitely wouldn't be likely to tolerate corrupt CEOs simply because they were wealthy and influential.)
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, September 27, 2004 07:34:14 AM

ROB V> Glad you like TGS so far. I can't tell you when "Bad Guys" will be out as its Series Directors are currently MIA. Hopefully it will be out one day, but I can't answer this question.

Season four of "Gargoyles" is schedualed to go next, and the staff is currently working real hard on writing and editing it. No dates announced yet, but I do have a target period I want us to shoot for.

Demona is my favorite character as well, and the next season of "Gargoyles" will involve some really dramatic stuff happening to her or because of her. She is both a great tragic character and a great villain. I've got lots and lots of plans for her. Her and the rest of the cast.

Greg Bishansky
Monday, September 27, 2004 03:21:11 AM

**Batman Spoilers**

Todd - <On a similar note, one of the nits that I couldn't help wondering about in "Batman Beyond" was how Gotham City was able to survive for twenty years without Batman; judging from just how dependent it's supposed to be on him, you'd think that twenty years after Bruce Wayne retired without picking a successor, almost everybody would have fled and the buildings would be all boarded up and abandoned.> A couple of theories: If Nightwing wasn't too old, he took over Gotham City for Batman. If that doesn't work, Bruce Wayne probably called in lots of favors (or ended up owing lots of favors) from the various superheroes/heroines he had meet to patrol Gotham City for brief intervals of time. The result would be that the criminal element would keep themselves in check to a certain degree because if things got to far out of control, they would know a superhero/heroine would show up for a while and stay until things were back under control. Organized crime would have a gentlemen's agreement amongst themselves not to let things get too far out of hand just to keep superheroes/heroines away. Bruce Wayne, knowing that he can't keep calling in superheroes from time to time, would become more motivated to help the police department help itself get better. The result is crime is dominant in Gotham City, but not out of control.

Todd - <The impression that I've had from reading about "The Batman", as well as what I've seen of it, is that the Penguin was actually intended more as a foil for Bruce Wayne> Ahh, that makes good sense. I have generally viewed Bruce Wayne as a down-to-Earth CEO who truely appreciates his employees. < I suspect that the simplest explanation is that the writers didn't think that audiences would be as interested in seeing Bruce Wayne discussing the financial issues of upgrading the GCPD with the mayor and the police chief> That discussion doesn't exactly make for good drama, but it's a small plot point. How long could Bruce Wayne remain silent while criminals Batman was catching were being released due to prison overcrowding? Sheer frustration would set-in after a while, leading to Batman treating the criminals more harshly or Bruce Wayne being more proactive about prison over-crowding.

Patrick - <Maybe Gary Sinese needs to make a special appearance on "The Batman" to help spin off a "C.S.I.: Gotham".> lol. The crime lab would stay forever backed up.

Gside - <Contrast.> I like the idea of a compotent police force where Batman basically connects-the-dots to foil crime as well as protect the people that the city doesn't care about and/or police department doesn't have the manpower to protect. For example, if some guy keeps winning at gambling and is very carefull to cover tracks (small amounts and varies which places to bet from as occasionally losing), Batman would pick up on it to see how the guy is manipulating events.

[I think I remember seeing an episode once where the scare crow was constantly winning his bets (by sending post-cards laced with drugs) and the owner of the local gambling operation finally decided to send somebody to investigate and the operative learned the truth the hard way about why the scare crow was always winning.]

**End Batman Spoilers**

Monday, September 27, 2004 01:28:45 AM

Hey, everyone. I just wanted to express my gratitude to whoever put this together. Gargoyles was a part of my after-school routine when I was a freshman in high school. Ten years have passed, and I recently started watching the show again on Toon Disney. It was by chance that I found this website, and I've spent the past few months reading the Gargoyles Saga. I'm thrilled that the writers contributing to this website actually got it right. I was disappointed with the Goliath Chronicles overall, and so far, what I've read here has been amazing. One of my favorite things is the transformation of Demona. After the "City of Stone" episode, I felt that she became a tragic figure, and I actually felt sorry for her. True story: I recently watched Part Four of "City of Stone" on Toon Disney, and the scene in which the Weird Sisters question Demona as to the cause of her pain and vengeance actually brought tears to my eyes. So I'm glad that the direction she's taken on this site is so much better than the episode the Goliath Chronicles donated to her. One question: will the Bad Guys episode archive be completed anytime in the near future? From what I've heard, it sounds very compelling. Keep up the great work. Oh, and of course: December 7th, 2004. A day which will not live forever in infamy, because Disney finally gives Gargoyles its due. I hope the second season is also put to disc.
Rob V. - []
Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA
Monday, September 27, 2004 01:25:11 AM

DPH> <<How does it finally reverse the trend?>>: Have disney come in and buy Times Square.
<<Why does for Batman to be the world's greatest detective require the police department to be incompotent?>>: Contrast.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, September 26, 2004 10:42:03 PM

DPH - The impression that I've had from reading about "The Batman", as well as what I've seen of it, is that the Penguin was actually intended more as a foil for Bruce Wayne than for Batman; he comes from a wealthy (or once-wealthy family) like Bruce (and one that Alfred's grandfather had even once worked for!) but behaves in the exact opposite from Bruce as being rude and annoying (as well as being far less physically imposing).

Good point about the state of the police department in Gotham City; I suspect that the simplest explanation is that the writers didn't think that audiences would be as interested in seeing Bruce Wayne discussing the financial issues of upgrading the GCPD with the mayor and the police chief as they would in seeing Batman fighting the various criminals in the "Arkham Asylum rogues' gallery". (On a similar note, one of the nits that I couldn't help wondering about in "Batman Beyond" was how Gotham City was able to survive for twenty years without Batman; judging from just how dependent it's supposed to be on him, you'd think that twenty years after Bruce Wayne retired without picking a successor, almost everybody would have fled and the buildings would be all boarded up and abandoned.)

I suspect that the No. 1 reason why nobody ever suspects that Bruce Wayne and Batman are one and the same is that their personae are so different. Bruce Wayne's public persona is that of a good-hearted but not terribly bright or energetic playboy billionaire, a sort of Gotham City equivalent to Bertram Wooster. (Come to think of it, Alfred has been occasionally nicknamed "Jeeves" in the various "Batman" animated series.) Who'd ever suspect that this easy-going, lazy guy was the same person as the grim, focused, relentless crime-fighter who patrols the city at night, striking fear into the hearts of evil-doers? (But you do make a good point about how Bruce has to keep his slipping away from appearing suspicious.)

Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, September 26, 2004 06:34:39 PM

Maybe Gary Sinese needs to make a special appearance on "The Batman" to help spin off a "C.S.I.: Gotham".

72 days left until the spell is broken and they live again! Gargoyles Season One comes to DVD on December 7, 2004!

Sunday, September 26, 2004 05:22:21 PM

**The Batman Spoilers**
A few things have always bothered me about the set-up for Batman. Is the police department just incompotent or underfunded?

Saw the episode with the Penguin. Question #1 - How is the Penguin a foil for Batman? Question #2 - Where were the people from crime scene lab? Why am I asking? Why didn't the police detectives, who should be compotent (especially since they're the ones who should be investigating Batman) not scan the room througly to find the evidence that Batman located? Or if they're not that qualified, call in a foresincs (spelling?) to look for more evidence?

Essentially, there are 3 potential problems with Gotham City's police department:
1)understaffed (not enough money to hire more police officers) - the only thing Bruce Wayne can do about this is help in campaigns to raise taxes just to train/hire more police officers
2)obsolute equipment - if the crime lab has obsolute equipment/need for new equipment, Bruce Wayne could solve this through some donations geared to help the crime lab purchase new equipment
3)over-crowded jails - two ways Bruce Wayne could help solve this problem: join a campaign to raise taxes to purchase a larger jail or, if the incredibly stupid voters refuse to do this, open a private jail to help alleviate jail overcrowding (also, that's a nice way to keep tabs on certain prisoners).

Dumber question: how does a city get to the point where crime is literally out of control? How does it finally reverse the trend? Afterall, Batman isn't a permanent solution to the crime rate. What would you really do about a city, with a huge crime problem, that consisently votes down proposals to either expand the police force or build new prisons? I don't want to sound mean, but if such a city existed, how long before Batman would threaten to leave as a means of getting the dumb voters to actually increase the size of the police force and build new prisons? [Conjures up the image of the police chief reminding Batman that for the past 10 years all attempts at raising taxes to put more police on the street and build more jails have failed. Batman finally has had enough and tells the police chief in no uncertain terms he's giving up on the city unless the city takes action.]

Why does for Batman to be the world's greatest detective require the police department to be incompotent?

Another dumb question: how does making public appearances dissuade people from thinking Bruce Wayne is Batman? If anything, Bruce Wayne constantly disappearing just as Batman appears would encourage that train of thought vs Bruce Wayne being absent. There such things as reclusive CEOs.
**End THe Batman Spoilers**

Sunday, September 26, 2004 02:19:17 PM

d'oh.... had the wrong picture with my post! sigh...


Sunday, September 26, 2004 08:48:51 AM

Regular Stores -- I wouldn't dismiss Walmart. They actually carry a large range of stuff and if you check out their online store it's often cheaper than Amazon. They don't have free shipping for the larger orders, but the extra discount often makes up for that. Yes I know Walmart is the evil empire *^_^* but it's good for Amazon to have some real competition. Amazon is charging tax on online purchases now, and that takes the bloom off the rose for me.


Sunday, September 26, 2004 08:48:09 AM

Todd: <detective> Yeah, I saw the show for the first time this morning, and did a double take. It, for me, was just really weird. :S Anyway, I also listened really close to hear if the voice was the same, but they do sound similar. Just really really weird.
Sunday, September 26, 2004 02:17:20 AM

Greg> <<And another thing, please take your ritalin>>: Now, now, it's probably just newbieness kicking in. If she stays around long enough, it'll probably wear off. That or she'll leave of her own accord, not having others of her ilk around.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Sunday, September 26, 2004 02:13:36 AM

Todd: Oh, right. I see. Thanks.
Saturday, September 25, 2004 06:55:42 PM

ED - I think that she meant "regular stores", i.e., brick-and-mortar stores that you can walk into as opposed to on-line stores.

RENEE - Believe me, a lot of people who've watched "The Batman" (including myself) have noticed how much Detective Ellen Yin physically resembles Elisa (especially in her clothing), and find it weird. I'd like to know if it's a deliberate hommage from the animators or just a coincidence.

Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, September 25, 2004 06:46:07 PM

Krista: Kind of curious... What on earth is a "regular story"?
Saturday, September 25, 2004 05:36:08 PM

"Mogana"> Um, you mispelled your own name there.

We have responded. Scroll down a bit and look. And another thing, please take your ritalin.

Greg Bishansky
Saturday, September 25, 2004 02:59:13 PM

Hey guys!

I haven't posted here in a long time, and I usually just read it (I just started my first year teaching and its been crazy). So I don't know if anyone has commented on this, but does anybody else think that the woman police officer on the WB's new "The Batman" bears a striking resemblance to Elisa?


Renee - []
New York, NY
Saturday, September 25, 2004 01:23:22 PM

oopse, sorry hit the wrong button.

Krista- most likely the only places that will carry it will be places like Suncoast and maaaaybe Best Buy. Your best bet is to buy it on Amazon because it's delivered and you don't have drive a wild goose chase trying to find it. I would be seriously surprised if it is at Wal-mart.

Saturday, September 25, 2004 12:44:57 PM

Saturday, September 25, 2004 12:42:36 PM

Ya talk to me. i never get any responces. Iam always up ro talking about the Timedancer season. We should get a patition to get the show on the air. Secifically jetix. PLEASE some respond!!!!!!!!!1
Mogana - []
ipswich, MA, America
Saturday, September 25, 2004 12:42:10 PM

Friday, September 24, 2004 11:56:30 PM

74 days left until the spell is broken and they live again! Gargoyles Season One comes to DVD on December 7, 2004!
Friday, September 24, 2004 06:55:00 AM

Another day, and here I am back again.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Thursday, September 23, 2004 10:44:50 PM

Brutis: Good luck with the job, man. Ohio, eh? Make sure to stay a regular in the CR. I'm at school in Pittsburgh now, but I'm in Cleveland for concerts quite often - maybe we could hang. Hope the big move goes well.
Thursday, September 23, 2004 06:15:07 PM

::Double posting to add::

Are you going to Conifur this weekend ( in Tacoma, WA or Ani-magic October 1-3 in Valencia CA? (

Take the opportunity to breakout your Gathering-wear and Gargoyles gear to support the DVD release and the 2005 Gathering. Talk both up and have a great time!


kathy - [Download and Distribute the Flyer. Thanks!]
Thursday, September 23, 2004 01:07:12 PM

::Double posting to add::

Are you going to Conifur this weekend ( in Tacoma, WA or Ani-magic October 1-3 in Valencia CA? (

Take the opportunity to breakout your Gathering-wear and Gargoyles gear to support the DVD release and the 2005 Gathering. Talk both up and have a great time!


Anonymous - [Download and Distribute the Flyer. Thanks!]
Thursday, September 23, 2004 01:06:58 PM

Hey Gang! Want to help promote the Gathering AND the DVD release? Download the new flyer. Follow the link by clicking my name or cutting and pasting this:
The official G2005 website is coming soon! I'll be back soon with an update.

kathy - [Promote the Gathering - Download and post the Flyer!]
Thursday, September 23, 2004 12:51:32 PM

Brute > Welcome to the neighborhood. Whereabouts in the state will you be working?

75 days left until the spell is broken and they live again! Gargoyles Season One comes to DVD on December 7, 2004!

Cleveland , Ohio
Thursday, September 23, 2004 12:44:14 PM

Damien> <<my style really changed around Hour 60.... It even Impressed my cOmpsci teacher>>: And people wonder why so much coding gets done in the wee hours.

Brutis> Good luck with the job. You might actually start getting paid before me (in the middle of my 5th week now).

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Wednesday, September 22, 2004 11:27:02 PM

hey yall ..
ive got a new email .. its well up there ...
sorry havent been in in a while .. ive been getting ready to move .. gonna be going about a thousand miles north .. im starting in Louisiana and ill be moveing to Ohio .. hehe got a job and everyitng there waiting for me ... so i may not be back for a while agian .. but i will evntually be here a few times a week again ...
cya later yall

Brute - []
hammond, la, usa
Wednesday, September 22, 2004 09:15:36 PM

Todd: Yeah, imagine the paradox of Season 3:
If they sell well, there will be more Gargoyles episodes. BUT if they sell well, they will be done in the STYLE of Season 3, with all of the plot of Season 3 being cannon!

Fire Storm
Wednesday, September 22, 2004 07:18:27 PM

Of course, it's a question as to how phenomenal the sales of the Season Three DVD will be, given how most Gargoyles fans can't stand the Goliath Chronicles. (Of course, they might be buying it solely for "The Journey", or out of an attitude of - "We've got to support all the 'Gargoyles' DVDs, even the Goliath Chronicles, to convince Disney that bringing back the series would be a good idea." And even then, they'd probably want to keep the Goliath Chronicles DVD sales from being *too* phenomenal, lest the Disney execs decide from those same sales to treat the Goliath Chronicles as canonical if and when they do decide to resurrect the series (although I think that it would be a lot more difficult to continue "Gargoyles" if you treated the Goliath Chronicles as canonical, in light of how "Angels in the Night" was far too "They lived happily ever after" in the way that it ended).
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, September 22, 2004 07:06:48 PM

Re: Garg return
Kind of like what happened with Family guy...
And I mean Fox is dummer than Disney... SO it is possible

Re: Coding while sleepy
For a project I had to do about 18 months ago... I ended up staying up for about 79 hours straight... now I am not the best coder out there, but my style really changed around Hour 60.... It even Impressed my cOmpsci teacher....

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 01:38:15 PM

If you have a con diary/journal or a photo gallery of any of the past Gathering Conventions and would like to have them put on the Official Gathering site. Please drop me a note!
Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson - []
Wednesday, September 22, 2004 01:16:38 PM

I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but all the Timedancer stuff associated with TGS is fanfiction and will never become televised episodes.

The fandom's focus right now is on getting Disney to see that "Gargoyles" still has a following and is still a profitable property. That means the biggest priority right now is to promote the Season One DVD that's coming out on December 7. If Disney sees that enough people buy Season One, there's a good chance we'll get DVD releases of Seasons Two and Three. And if sales of all the DVDs are phenomenal, THEN there's a chance that Disney might do some new things with the series.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 12:31:53 PM

For morgana and Durandal

Time dancer- understand that even if by some chance that Disney and BV buy into greg and gargs again that the chance of them buying Time Dancer is just as slim as it was when it was first pitched.
Also, if and it's a big IF, they did buy into it, Greg would make his own stories and would not take suggestion or TGS. He legally can't even read TGS so any character similarities would be because we based it off HIS ideas. And honest;y, I like Brooklyn, always have, but I don't think he could hold a series on his own.

On a side note.

Josh... if you even still lurk around here. Happy Belated Birthday.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 10:59:49 AM

Well, I'd just like to comment about the TimeDancer series being shown on tv:

1) They'd have to show the extension to Gargoyles (the original series) that was created here, so everything fit together.
2) They would not be showing all the episodes that were written, at least not all. I don't know how the people who rate stuff would enjoy seeing that Roman girl go after Brooklyn in the first couple episodes, and not even for love: just for lust. I don't know who well that would sit in the mind of parents who let their kids watch this cartoon.

Anyways, I'm sure they'd probably cut that or something, but we have to think about how much we want them to modify the existing series.

So thats my 2 cents. Feel free to comment.

I'm a lurker here, and I'm just waiting for a new season, any new season, to start :P

(I'd help, but I don't think I have the skills necessary to make a good story).

Durandal^ - []
Lennoxville, QC, Canada
Wednesday, September 22, 2004 09:47:56 AM

DPH > If there's nothing in the house for it to eat, and the house isn't sealed up so tightly that it can't find a way out, it will probably move on. No, this isn't the time of year a snake like that would lay eggs (they do that in spring), but it's getting close to the time of year when they'll start looking for a place to hibernate for the winter.

:: opens the door to let the trombone players in ::

76 days left until the spell is broken and they live again! Gargoyles Season One comes to DVD on December 7, 2004!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 06:52:02 AM

Patrick - <A black snake might only need to eat every 3 to 5 days depending on how big it is and what it's eating.> ok, so if I keep my house extra secure, by Saturday morning (~6 days after I spotted the darn snake) if said snake is still in house, it will be running around trying to find something relatively big to eat and if it doesn't show by Sunday night, the snake is truely gone? <If you've got other small pets that you're worried for, you might consider calling an exterminator for advice.> Only small pets I have are cats. and until I'm positively sure the snake isnt' around, the house is extra secure and the only cats inside are those with me. This isn't the time of year for snakes to lay eggs, is it?

Monopoly - Ok, whenever possible I believe in cruelty - death by thousands of small knife wounds as opposed to one knock out punch. I find it interesting that the version of monopoly I bought consistently undervalues the future value of owning all railroads. Like the guy with no property can actually have a future value higher than one with all the railroads. Also, I find it interesting that my opponent, with hotels on Oriental, Vermont, and Connecticut Avenues can have a lower future value than I, owning everything else, with 1 house on properties where it is possible to put a house.

<I really did to join a support group: Friends Don't Let Friends Post/Code While Drowsy. > I really really need to join a support group: Friends Don't Let Friends Post/Code While Drowsy.

I have an idea for a new reality show that the Green Baron would like: Who wants to be the next financial analyst? Contestants are given a small sum of money at the beginning of the year and whoever ends up with the best rate of return after 1 year gets a financial analyst. Each month, whoever has the lowest rate of return/loses all their money gets bumped off and the people who surive the monthly elimination get an added boost of money to work with. Added bonus to encourage more money being earned: the winner gets to keep a percentage of the money earned. Of course, the FTC would be constantly monitoring the contestants of the game to ensure the markets are safe.

Also, in the news, a new way to earn $100,000 is being discussed - .

Found this story in "Oddly Enough" section of Yahoo New, but thought it should make bigger headlines -
I'd like to know why the anti-war crowd folks aren't protesting the streets up and down over this news story. If Bush is resident evil over going to war in Iraq, then why are the next Olympic Games being held in China with this kind of policy?

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 02:01:54 AM

MORGANA> Um, first question. How old are you?

Second> How can Timedancer be one of the best seasons written when no one has actually written it? It was just an idea Greg Weisman came up with for an episode of the series and a spin-off. There are *NO* seasons. And you can't just write to networks about it. Disney has to want the show, and we'd have to have Greg work on it.

Greg Bishansky
Wednesday, September 22, 2004 12:27:53 AM

Firestorm: Wow. Good thing I checked last week's posts that I missed. That link changed my freaking life. Awesome.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004 12:21:24 AM

DPH> <<I meant to type SNAKE instead of SNACK>>: Sure. The snake probably would've tasted good, too.

Morgana> <<I will not stop writting about submitting Timedancerto a tv program until it happens>>: Completely ignoring things like copyrights, character ownership, and the like.
<<iam sure every other gargoyle fan agries with me YES?>>: No, I belive that is one of the many opinions that helps divide the fandom from being one gigantic hive mind.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:00:44 PM

I will not stop writting about submitting Timedancerto a tv program until it happens. REPEAT will not stop!!!!!! iam sure every other gargoyle fan agries with me YES? of coarse they do Its one of the best gargoyle seasons written. Brooklyn rocks the series deserve to be on air Right?
Morgana - []
Ipswich, MA, America
Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:39:47 PM

DPH > A black snake might only need to eat every 3 to 5 days depending on how big it is and what it's eating. Snakes hiding in the house are hard to lure out because they only eat live prey. If you've got other small pets that you're worried for, you might consider calling an exterminator for advice.

Today is lucky sevens... 77 days left until the spell is broken and they live again! Gargoyles Season One comes to DVD on December 7, 2004!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 12:52:29 PM

DPH:<<I meant to type SNAKE>>

Okay, who else after reading DHP's recent posts started thinking about a certain flash cartoon featuring badgers and mushrooms? I can't be the only one. XD


Leo - [<- It never gets old.]
Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:27:32 AM

I really did to join a support group: Friends Don't Let Friends Post/Code While Drowsy.

><the idea of going to sleep while a snack is potentially lose . . isn't inviting> I meant to type SNAKE instead of SNACK.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 01:16:48 AM

DPH> <<the idea of going to sleep while a snack is potentially lose . . isn't inviting>>: Of course not, who knows who'd eat the delicious snack while you're asleep.

Fire Storm> <<defeating fundamentalists with show toons>>: You'd be surprised what you can defeat with show tunes.

Lynati> <<not again>>: I's a good enough number, the center of a good joke about stupid rock stars.

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, September 20, 2004 11:13:44 PM

Firestorm: dude, that link kicked ass! That was hilarious. Thanks for brightening up my day!
Monday, September 20, 2004 07:54:56 PM

twelve then, of sorts
Monday, September 20, 2004 07:47:09 PM

Ele- ....not again!!! : P

; )

Monday, September 20, 2004 06:15:32 PM

10th by chance.....
Monday, September 20, 2004 04:44:43 PM


Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Monday, September 20, 2004 04:24:35 PM

I guess we're at 8 now.
Vinnie - []
Marquette, Michigan, USA
Monday, September 20, 2004 03:49:10 PM

Monday, September 20, 2004 02:06:38 PM


Um... I really can't think of anything fun that's related to six right now.
Monday, September 20, 2004 01:56:59 PM

5th!! still no sign of black snake. How often do snakes have to eat anyways?
Monday, September 20, 2004 01:15:35 PM

Four is a magic number *^_^*

In the name of the Fay

Monday, September 20, 2004 12:34:44 PM

And then there were THREE!

78 days left until the spell is broken and they live again! Gargoyles Season One comes to DVD on December 7, 2004!

Monday, September 20, 2004 12:31:08 PM

kathy - [The Spell is Broken and They Live Again!! Disney's Gargoyles Buy it on DVD Dec. 7th 2004]
Monday, September 20, 2004 11:38:00 AM

Monday, September 20, 2004 11:30:13 AM
