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Description of Casino Bonuses
Sam - []
California, DL, europe
Sunday, January 22, 2006 04:56:57 PM

Those of you who were interested in the new Dr Who series, my newspaper TV guide says March Sci Fi channel.
Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:45:39 AM

my test message
igor - []
Moscow, basyvozhevydo, kohyhoma
Sunday, January 22, 2006 03:25:01 AM

HARVESTER - Yes, I can agree with you on that. Another sign of growth in Mary's character is her new role as Arthur's squire. In "The Mists of Eynhallow", she takes on the job simply so that she can go on the new Quest of the Holy Grail and help find a cure for Merlin, and doesn't see her "squirehood" as anything more than that. But in "Rome Eternal", she's now reading up on the code of chivalry with considerable interest, and if you read further (I don't know how far you've gotten past "The Godslayer"), you'll probably see that her attitudes are changing considerably.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, January 21, 2006 07:37:58 AM

Or was, rather.
Harvester of Eyes
Friday, January 20, 2006 10:35:53 PM

Todd: Another reason the jealousy angle would not have made much sense is because we also saw in "Home for the Holidays" just how much Mary's character has matured. Instead of getting all huffy with her father, she gives him that rational argument about why Merlin shouldn't be judged by who his father is.
Harvester of Eyes - []
Friday, January 20, 2006 10:35:35 PM

Apparently, NASA's New Horizons mission is getting underway sooner than I thought. Last I read (which was a few months ago), the mission was on hiatus until further notice.

Now the scientists just have to hope that the craft will still work after traveling for nine years (Voyager 2 was extremely messed up by the time it got to Neptune in 1989, and that was after traveling for the same period of time). But even if it doesn't, they still have to call the mission a success. It's the only way they'll get more money from the Federal Government.

Harvester of Eyes
Thursday, January 19, 2006 12:12:27 PM

Thanks for the review of "The Godslayer", Harvester.

I'd always thought of Balinos's mother's death being brought about by one of the Third Race (though I don't know which one it was). Avallach wouldn't approve of such behavior, but he's not omniscient, and I think that it's believable that whoever was responsible did the deed while his attention was focused elsewhere, such as the threat that Apep was posing the world at the time.

Thanks for the comments on Mary and Nimue. The main inspiration of this episode was that I wanted to see what would happen if they met, since Nimue was Merlin's original girl-friend. I did play around with the jealousy angle for a while, but I finally decided to put it in the background since I felt that, after scenes such as the ones in "Home for the Holidays" where Merlin and Mary would be sharing with each other their deepest concerns and feelings, Mary would understand Merlin enough to know that he's long since over Nimue.

I might add that, while writing it, I had to firmly resist the temptation to have Trevor Monteagle referring to the Godslayer at the climax as "my precious".

At any rate, thanks for the review, and I hope to see a few more "Pendragon" reviews and comments from you soon.

Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, January 19, 2006 06:51:07 AM

Gunjack> <<Eureka!>>: So did you strip down and take a run around town?

Na zdorov'ya.

Gside - []
Fair Haven, NJ
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 10:36:09 PM

Spen: Yeah, Goliath DID know something was up, because in "High Noon," Macbeth and Demona were working together, which was a gross violation of both their characters. And then they both disappeared after the events of that episode. And I'm sure that Elisa told him, when he woke up that night, everything that had been going on while he was asleep.

And now, back by popular demand, the first of a few:

It was interesting reading "The Godslayer" after already having read "The Council," and knowing that Balinos would come to regret what he had done and the destruction caused by his desire for vengeance. So for me, one of the best parts of the story was the scene in which this change was brought about in him. And of course, to make matters worse, the weapon Balinos creates continues to deal nothing but misery down through the ages. I'm also wondering, since it was clear from Avallach's expression that he would not be given to torching someone's house for no reason (and certainly would not condone such behavior among his subjects) just what brought about the death of Balinos's mother. Perhaps this is one of the reasons I was told to wait before finishing Timedancer... I suppose time will tell, no pun intended.

Anyway, I'm also glad that the whole Nimue/Mary thing was handled gracefully, and that Mary's reasons of suspicion were driven by the fact that she didn't trust Nimue for what she had done to Merlin all those years ago, rather than the fact that Merlin had once had feelings for her. So that being said, I thought that the manner in which they ultimately rid themselves of the Godslayer was more interesting than just destroying it (and again, I'm wondering if it might pop up in the future, on someone else's adventures). And it is good to see Isfet again. Of the Timedancer stories I have read, the most interesting ones are the ones that were set around Egypt. And I do remember Isfet mentioning in "The Reluctant Thief" that she has an interest in Carbonek Castle. So now, as they say, the plot thickens. I look forward to seeing where this is going to go.

Honestly, if all the stories this season dealt with finding the Grail, it would feel a little redundant. So this was a nice change of pace, due to its subject matter.

Harvester of Eyes - []
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 09:54:50 PM

SPEN> Goliath could have been referring to him "escaping" them at all, even as far back as "High Noon". I'm sure he still wanted to know what was up.
Greg Bishansky
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 07:18:25 PM

Harvester : "One thing I did like about "The Price" is that in Act One, Goliath even mentions that he doesn't know how Macbeth escaped the Weird Sisters." Actually, for me, that was a bit of a weak point. It made sense for Goliath to wonder about that in "High Noon" since he had seen the Weird Sisters take him at the end of "City of Stone", but he was not there at the end of "High Noon". So how would he know that Macbeth was still under the Weird Sisters control?

Todd : I figured as much. As it is, I have absolutly no right to complain about joke nit-picking, as I've been guilty of that myself more then once. Ah well, I am nothing if not a hypocrite.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 07:14:54 PM

Goliath and the clan didn't know the full details of Demona and Macbeth's immortality. Didn't know about the link, just knew they were immortal (in the living a long, long time sense). So, they thought they could kill him.

Goliath found out about the link in "Avalon".

And in "The Reckoning", they weren't sure how much damage Demona could still take, so Goliath wasn't sure if she survived the fire.

Makes sense to me.

Greg Bishansky
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 03:11:31 PM

Jackal: Anyone else feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Greg might have covered this (if he has, I haven't read it yet), but my guess would be that Goliath (who witnessed the events in the Eyrie Building in CoS, Part Four) told the rest of the clan afterwards. Or it might have just been common sense. They knew that Demona hadn't been asleep for the last millenium, as she had said. And they also knew that Macbeth was old enough to have known Demona (because he said that he had given her her name). But I'm not sure when the clan learned the exact parameters of the Weird Sisters's spell. I know that in "Sanctuary," Elisa used the spell to stop Demona and Macbeth from killing each other. Afterwards, Macbeth even told her that she and Demona can only die by one another's hand. But I don't know if the parameters were ever explained to one of the gargoyles or any of their allies before that.

One thing I did like about "The Price" is that in Act One, Goliath even mentions that he doesn't know how Macbeth escaped the Weird Sisters. A minor detail, I know, but if the clan had not been surprised to see him initially, that would have made the episode less enjoyable.

And speaking of "Sanctuary," I always found it amusing that Elisa left her notepad on the bistro table in Act Three, which always left me wondering what the next person who sat at that table would think when they saw what she had written.

Harvester of Eyes - []
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 01:17:36 PM

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin is officially the coolest man in America!
or atleast he was until he apologized. if he had the mercy of being born with the initials M.L.K., everything he said would have been undisputed truth. where are all the people that in fact, praised the mayor for the comments he was making, the people that shouted in jubilation to be referred to as a "chocolate city"?
oh yeah...... it was just the people of new orleans, it's the rest of the country that got their panties in a bunch.

i was watching my newly acquired prize possession, Gargoyles Season 2 Vol 1, when i noticed for the first time...
The Price - was there a hardcore script error here or what happened?
Hudson talking to Xanatos, "......Demona and MacBeth are immortal....."
earlier in the episode Hudson proudly states, "MacBeth's dead."
and not 20 seconds after the Xanatos scene, the rest of the clan are amazed MacBeth's still alive... question being this, at what point did Hudson learn that indeed Demona and MacBeth are immortal?
(and yes i understand that particular MacBeth was a machine, but it didn't seem like anyone else knew that).

spiderhole, iraq
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 10:34:56 AM

SPEN - Yes, but I still couldn't resist mentioning it.

One thing that I should have written yesterday (when it was the 300th anniversary of Benjamin Franklin's birth), was something that a friend of mine in high school used to say: "Wouldn't it have been a tragedy if they told Ben Franklin 'Go jump in the lake!' instead of "Go fly a kite!'?"

Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 06:35:08 AM


I can write again! Me! I can write! The drought is over! Haha!


Gunjack "Eureka!" Valentine
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 03:32:43 AM

Todd : You do realize that that was a lame attempt at humor, right?
Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:08:03 PM

Tribun: Shinigami is Mara. You are quoting Aaron, whose handle is Shinigami Pet. Just FYI, since Mara isn't an AMGC admin and doesn't like to be confused for one.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006 01:08:04 PM

SPEN - I'm probably being too serious here, but in all fairness to Ivan, his nickname of "the Terrible" didn't refer to his brutality (though he did possess that). It meant "terrible" in the sense of "inspiring awe", an indication that he was capable of larger than life feats that could amaze those who met him.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, January 16, 2006 09:06:25 PM

Frell, eleventh.

On this day in history : Ivan the terrible (Ivan IV) crowns himself first tsar of Russia at age 17, 1547, and tries without success to adopt a different nickname.

Monday, January 16, 2006 08:16:04 PM

ar, usa
Monday, January 16, 2006 03:13:09 PM

Almost forgot.

Monday, January 16, 2006 02:30:04 PM

This month AMGC needs submissions, there is still only one at the moment (namely mine), and the admin is nearly desperate for more.

I quote Shingami:

"Only sixteen days remain to enter the January 2006 topic C'mon people, when you don't submit, you make the admin cry :'("

Do we want a sad Shingami?

Monday, January 16, 2006 02:29:14 PM

8th. Mwaha.
Mecord's Cat
Monday, January 16, 2006 01:00:42 PM

Pamplona, Spain
Monday, January 16, 2006 10:25:03 AM

Monday, January 16, 2006 09:00:45 AM

5th in the name of playing horizons too late for health.
Monday, January 16, 2006 03:17:58 AM

Fourth! to Puerto Rico rock!
Monday, January 16, 2006 12:59:57 AM

Monday, January 16, 2006 12:06:20 AM

Sunday, January 15, 2006 11:59:35 PM

I'm Number ONE !!!!!!
Sunday, January 15, 2006 11:35:21 PM
