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Happy Easter everyone!
Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:44:21 PM
SPEN - Not so far as I know.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, April 15, 2006 07:02:36 AM
Well, at least for once the room death can't be blamed on me.
As to why I haven't posted in what (for me at least) has been an age, I've been busy trying to convince varius friends and reletives to give me a loan so that I can pay the mortgage this month. Thankfully, I was able to get one of them to do so, so it looks like I'll still be here for another month. *ignores sighs of dissapointment*
Harvester : "Thanks for the warning." You're welcome. Incidentally, I was re-reading your profile and noticed something; you look like Brad Pitt? Are you absoulutly certain you aren't Sevarius Jr.?
By the way, did anyone here happen to see Cammander-in-chief last night? There was a large storm over here, so it was preemted. So could anyone maybe post a synopsis?
Todd : While I'm on this 'ask annoying questions about Avallach' binge, I was wondering, if Cronus and Avallach are one and the same, is the a TGS equevilent to Uranus?
Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:45:55 AM
HARVESTER - Thanks. Just e-mail it to me (my e-mail address is and I'll look it over and give you my feedback on it.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, April 13, 2006 07:20:44 PM
Todd: I was thinking of writing up some commentary/review for "The Journey," if only so that all 66 canonical episodes are covered (I'm the guy that goes crazy when the one piece that would complete the jigsaw puzzle disappears and can't be found, leaving a gaping hole). When I type something out, I was wondering if I could e-mail you a copy, because I've liked your approach on the other 65 (which I thought were very educational for those new to the fandom), and I would need someone to help me spot factual errors.
Guandalug: Did you get my e-mail the other day?
Harvester of Eyes - []
Thursday, April 13, 2006 06:40:41 PM
Good optics for you.
Robert - []
New York, ME, united states
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 07:15:30 PM
The slots for Fan Panelists for the Gathering 2006 are filling up fast, but the following panels are still in need of volunteers:
* My First Con
* Making Music Videos
* Costuming and Make-Up Basics
* Cosplay Tips, Tricks and Etiquette
* Gargoyle Biology, Anatomy and Physiology
* Gargoyle Psychology, Society and Culture
* Sexuality and Reproduction
* Writing the Erotic Scene
* Drawing the Erotic Scene
Don't be shy and leave me all alone on the smutty panels, folks!
Drop me an e-mail at to sign up!
Christine - []
Monday, April 10, 2006 03:56:25 AM
Camcorders Store - Internet shop on sale audio a video, camcorders.
Pavel - []
New York, ME, united states
Sunday, April 9, 2006 10:59:04 PM
*peeks in*
I know, I hardly ever come in here, but I need some help... does anyone have or know of Ravyn Maza's current e-mail address? If you do, please get in touch with me.
Thanks in advance!
Stephen R. Sobotka Jr. - []
Tampa, FL, USA
Sunday, April 9, 2006 12:48:56 PM
The number of pictures tgs has released over the years must be counted and that number has been determined to be . . . 513.
*spots naysayers in the crowd, arguing that the number is 514 or 512.*
ar, usa
Sunday, April 9, 2006 12:26:44 AM
DPH's profile and Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel's profile have been revised. You may view their profiles and other CR member profiles via the following URLs.
DPH's Profile:
Josh "Imzadi" Wurzel's Profle:
Other Member Profiles & Information:
***** END UPDATE *****
dph: Fire Storm has emailed you regarding the CR images and database construction.
Lady Mystic
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Saturday, April 8, 2006 05:17:48 AM
Home Theater Systems Store - Internet shop on sale audio a video.
Arik - []
New York, NY, united states
Friday, April 7, 2006 05:22:03 PM
HoE> You've got the choice between .txt and .htm(l) right now. .rtf would be technically possible, yet is not implemented right now - I'd need to write an RTF->HTML - converter first. And before people ask - .doc will NEVER be supported for direct upload. There's too many versions of that stupid, undocumented format, and I'm not going to guess my way through a ton of documents :)
Guandalug la'Fay - []
Friday, April 7, 2006 02:35:52 AM
Lady Mystic - <I don't know how much you have already completed on your project, but I would be happy to catalog the CR image source information for you. Just let me know. :) > 460 total pictures counted so far. I've entered all the data for each series/season of tgs up to and including Timedancer Season 4. What I have left to enter is artwork for Pendragon Season 4, Untold Tales (*looks at Gunjack and Lain*), and the Other Stuff page (os.html). By the end of the weekend, I'm hoping to finish up entering all the artwork into the database from the illustration archive pages. Next week, I'm entering staff member names/nicknames into the database and linking them to outlines/stories/artwork. I'm sending Fire Storm segments of my code so he can hopefully construct queries to figure out which pictures in my database are used in the cr and email me back the pic_id numbers of just the images used in the tgs cr, from the list I've compiled. If you have pictures not compiled in my list (pictures produced exclusively for use in the tgs cr not in a story anywhere), let me know so I can see about adding them into the database. If you want me to, I could send Fire Storm graphical copies of my 2 ERDs for the database (The ERDs are in Visio and can tell Visio to export them as graphic files). [I re-adjusted the artwork table and spent most of this week fixing the data entry for the artwork table and 2 new tables created to go with it to solve some problems I had.]
Oh yea, a couple of interesting statistics: Aside from 460 pieces of artwork, so far the script for entering the data into the database is just over 102 pages long (according to MS Word) and is currently 137,561 bytes.
*dph looks around and spots multiple graves marked "RIP: dph's life", each one with unique birthdates and dates of death.*
If things go according to plan, all this work I've been doing will suddenly be visible sometime in the fall.
*dph leaves the tgs cr, thwarting DC's plans to keep this post from getting through.*
ar, usa
Friday, April 7, 2006 01:47:36 AM
The 2006 TGS CR Archive has been updated to include the weeks of February 5, 2006 through April 3, 2006, for a total of six newly added files.
THANK YOU Lain for providing the file for the week of 2/5 - 2/14/06!!!
2006 Archive:
Harvester of Eyes' profile has been revised. You may view his and other CR member profiles via the following URLs.
Harvester of Eyes' Profile:
Other Member Profiles & Information:
***** END UPDATE *****
dph: Fire Storm created a spreadsheet of all the TGS illustrations for the database he was working on a very long time ago. Of course, it is outdated now, but his spreadsheet included information and URLs on every image, including CR images. Unfortunately, he saved it to a CD which I have not yet been able to find.
However, each TGS CR Image text link and thumbnail on the TGS CR Images pages directs to a pop-up page displaying links to the story and the original illustration from which the CR image was created. It's a lot to go through, given the number of CR images, but it might be of some help.
Please note that there are some CR images that were modified from TGS staff illustrations that were never published on the website or in a story, for example Apep. In this case, the original illustration is stored in the "../images/full" directory.
I don't know how much you have already completed on your project, but I would be happy to catalog the CR image source information for you. Just let me know. :)
Lady Mystic - [<-- UPDATED !!!]
Head Admin of TGS CR Information
Thursday, April 6, 2006 09:57:10 PM
Spen: Thanks for the warning. I've actually fallen behind in my reading, but I've been devoting a lot of free time lately to writing. This idea came to me in a thunderbolt a few weeks ago in class. I'll have some things to say soon.
Which reminds me, I have a technical question for Guandalug: should fanfic ideally be posted as .txt, or could the system process .rtf?
Harvester of Eyes - []
Thursday, April 6, 2006 05:06:05 PM
SPEN - Yes.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, April 6, 2006 07:48:06 AM
Can you say 'slow'?
Lynati : Sure thing.
Todd : Remember that question you asked a few months back about the similarities between the two Avallach's? I was re-reading the pendragon cycle, and I think I've figured out the answer. Would it be the fact that they both are grail guardians?
Wednesday, April 5, 2006 10:54:20 PM
Todd: [Quetzelcoatl] yeah, the BG one was going to be a multi-ep. It just struck me that I was the first one to notice the problem, and I'd been on the BG staff for all of two days at the time. [Name] *headdesk* Gah, I'm sorry. I'd just finished typing my response to you when I wrote the voice actor comments. -_- I need to start beta-reading my posts before I make them.
Monday, April 3, 2006 11:06:34 PM
Housewares Online Store - all for organization of your life.
Dobrinya - []
New York, MO, united states
Monday, April 3, 2006 10:40:58 PM
Monday, April 3, 2006 08:55:42 PM
LYNATI - One thing puzzled me about your Quetzalcoatl paragraph - your mention of the Pendragon story about Quetzalcoatl being a multiparter. Having written it, I know that it wasn't - did you mean that the proposed "Bad Guys" story about Quetzalcoatl was a multiparter?
Oh, and I think that you must have confused me with Patrick in the Andrea discussion; I honestly didn't say anything about her.
I enjoyed Mary Stewart's Merlin trilogy myself; one thing that I liked about it was that it was a rare case where the fantasy elements were rationalized but in a way that left you with the feeling that something awe-inspiring had indeed taken place (particularly in Stewart's takes on the dragons at Vortigern's castle and the Sword in the Stone).
I never seriously thought of rationalizing Merlin's magic in "Pendragon" - maybe because he was already established in the series as a wizard anyway (though there was the matter of the Scrolls turning out to be his memoirs rather than his spells).
I think that the notion of Madoc disguised as Merlin was inspired more to show him acting as a malevolent figure throughout history (alongside his drumming up anti-gargoyle activities) than to spare Merlin any guilt. (Since then, incidentally, I've discovered that Malory's description of the May Day Decree was misleading due to its abbreviation; in the French books, Arthur doesn't drown the babies. He simply sends for them in the hopes of finding a solution for the problem of Mordred once they arrive, and the ship bearing Mordred from Lothian runs into a storm at sea and is sunk, with Mordred as the sole survivor. Arthur sends all the other babies abroad to a kingdom on the Continent, where they are brought up and sent back to their parents some years later, when the local king finds out who their families are.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, April 3, 2006 07:08:43 PM
Todd: Quetzelcoatl. DPH said “Even if one had been paying attention to both lists (as I was), at the time, it would have been hard to connect the dots.” Well, maybe it was just never discussed around DPH, but at one point the rest of the Bad Guys staff decided that they wanted to do a story with said same serpent (and now I get to blame my alliteration on watching V for Vendetta last night) and didn’t know that Pendragon had already done one. Their conception for the dragon, his attitude, and his past is the exact opposite/in direct conflict of how he was portrayed in Pendragon. And I know they had no clue that a story with him had already been done, because when lain brought me onto bad guys, the first thing I did was read through all the outlines they had posted up on the secure site, including the one for the dragon story, and when I went to lain and said “um, dude, we can’t do this story” and told her why, she was sad. No one on BG noticed the Pen story, apparently, although it seems a pretty big “dot” to have missed. (It had been a multi-parter). I wasn’t even on staff or around for any of the discussions and it was one of the first things that stood out to me just looking out the outlines…which at that point had been up for anyone on staff to see for about a year. That was just one example of some of the “dots” that is seems surprising that were missed, given how big some of the issues they represent were. There were others but we’ve since been working to tailor out a number of the conflicts from Bad Guys.
[turning Arthur's life into something more specifically "the TGS take on the Arthurian cycle", rather than just a retelling of the "Malory take". This way, Arthur might have been more approachable for the TGS staff; one of the problems that we had, I recall, was that people would say "I'm sorry that I can't help with 'Pendragon', but I don't know anything about King Arthur] *Nods* I liked the flashbacks for the most part, but it would have been interesting to see a more altered take. I’m partial to the “Crystal Cave” novel trilogy, even if they do explain away most of the supposed magic deeds done by more mundane means. I think it would have been interesting if some of the “magic” Merlin was famous for hadn’t been true magic at all. I’m not sure I liked how the bit with requesting all the male infants be rounded up and killed being explained away as not being his action, though. It may have been harsh and cruel but it always seemed to me he was simply doing his best to avoid the future he saw for his king.
Bishansky: [But, the TGS Staff knows (I hope) that if they ever need notes or outlines on stuff I planned for TGS, I will happily provide them. I know how frustrating it is when a plot point is created and it's creator disappears.] I thought you’d already forwarded them all before you left? I know we have all of your alpha outlines for Gar season 4. If you have anything else lying around still that you’d like to see in the future, send it in and we’ll take a look. We're open to ideas from anyone.
[Surprise, surprise, I agree with Lynati.] Not that support generally isn’t nice, but I’m honestly not sure how to accept it what with you recently declaring Kathy Pogge dead to you. She’s a good friend of mine, and although I know you are parroting a well-known comedy routine, I didn’t find it at all funny. Speaking of your recent jokes, have you considered the view told here? (read down to the end, he makes a good point about big business and wages).
Ed: [Well, someone spoilt me on the ending of the last Harry Potter book] That totally sucks. [Two Cathedrals] god that’s a beautiful episode. The scene at the end with him in the empty church? *whistles*. “In the shadow of…” parts 1 and 2 are probably my favorites, though. Towards the end of part 2 they do a really scary visual thing with the plane, since leaving usually represents death and all, and then they put that quick conversation between Leo and Jed in as a “hah! Just fooling around with you there, audience. He’s not going anywhere.” I’ve seen through most of Season 3, but not beyond. Yet. I heard it goes downhill from about where I have stopped, between him being removed from the project and prior becoming too fixated on terrorists plots after 9/11.
[well, how many members of the current TGS staff can claim that they've been on board for TWO seasons of any of the series? (i.e. since 2000). I'd guess the number would be low...] None of the writers as writers, I think. Though we have gone to some former staff members and asked them about intended plots, with various degrees of fruitfulness.
[Sorkin said, why, he didn't think Toby was married.] I know, I’ve seen the interview. And sometimes these things come up and turn into really nifty ideas…and sometimes you’re stuck with them and they bomb. In ceramics, when they go well, we call them “lucky mistakes”.
["Murder One" (they decided the murderer in the penultimate episode)] Didn’t they actually film four different endings? And even in writing it, they had to make sure that they didn’t do anything to permanently omit someone as a possible killer if they wanted them in the running at the end. (When we watched it, Aaron tried to convince me it was Teddy. : P )
["24" (they decided the mole for season 1 around episode 14)] But they knew there was a mole. And that was another show they filmed an actual separate ending for, not entirely sure which they would wind up airing. I’m sure they must have had some thoughts towards a potential next season that were obviously altered greatly by the ending they chose to go with.
[I recall an interview with Joss Whedon when he mentioned that only once did he really drop something in that referred far ahead (a hint at Buffy's death in the S3 finale).] Dawn’s arrival was prefaced more than a season early as well, deliberately so. From what I have heard, Joss has/had a master plan, as Greg Weisman does. Knowing what you intend to do in the future doesn’t mean you have to foreshadow everything 20 eps or 20 years before it happens. Even then, if it’s alluding to something big, I wouldn’t do it unless I knew I’d be around to see it through, not if I had something specific in mind.
[I think it's best to tell the story you're passionate about telling, not the story that makes character quota.] Another good point, and you’ll get no argument from me on it.
[(Re: story beating) You have access to the archives, look for yourself. I'd say it was fairly rare for first-draft outlines to be deconstructed in any substantial way.] I was asking more about the discussions that went on before the outlines were written, what went on while deciding what the episodes/season ought to be about.
(Re: Season 5) []
I was a pretty avid fan of at least the first few seasons of DS9 when it came out, and I’ve only seen the first season of Bab 5…and both so long ago that I wouldn’t even want to attempt discussing them.
Spen: If you do get WoW, let us know.
Voice Casting: Yeah, I know there was a lot of “Buffy” injokes tied to the TGS cast, but some of them I don’t think work. Rita is crazy, but she’s not off-her-rocker nuts like Drusilla (Juliet Landau) and is not British. James Marsters may be from California, but he’s best known for the English-accent voice he wears for playing Spike, and again, Rael is as American as his girlfriend. Both casting jobs would have worked better among the Minions if there had been room. (and accent aside, I would have suggested Joan Jett for Char, she was pretty good in the one ep of Highlander she acted in.) Liz flat-out does not strike me as Sarah Michelle Geller type, either. Eliza Dushku works for Char, although I think she could have worked better for Rita, again due to the accent. Ironically, I think Mercedes McNab would have been perfect for Tanya Spencer (but I know Harmony wasn’t a main player – and was still human- at the time the list was originally made). Ditto for what Harvester and Todd said about Andrea and “Cordelia”. The actors in question probably *could* voice most of their intended parts well, but the voices and attitudes of the characters we already associate them with are quite a bit different than their intended TGS counterparts in many cases.
Monday, April 3, 2006 01:31:18 PM
Monday, April 3, 2006 07:32:47 AM
Harvester of Eyes - []
Monday, April 3, 2006 06:41:57 AM
5th -- I should be asleep -- the good part though is I got all my stuff ready for shipping tomorrow and I got my tax information ready to go to the tax preparer tomorrow (so it was a long day).
Monday, April 3, 2006 05:06:49 AM
Ed - <424 total pictures> I'm up to 390 total pictures released by tgs (all the way through Timedancer Season 3 now) and I'm revising my estimate of total number of pictures to be 500+. I'm holding off my exact estimate until I'm closer, not that anybody cares how many total pictures tgs has released over the years.
ar, usa
Monday, April 3, 2006 03:43:44 AM
ar, usa
Monday, April 3, 2006 02:23:00 AM
Monday, April 3, 2006 01:09:52 AM
Yay! Second!
Monday, April 3, 2006 01:06:02 AM
Gunjack "Stealthy" Valentine
Monday, April 3, 2006 12:42:45 AM