... There had also been a pretty pathetic amount of posting, and I was just away over the weekend. I'll wipe the room now and (hopefully) go back to every 2 weeks, depending on activity.
Lain posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 8:01:00 pm EDT from
Spen: We made the announcement a little over a month ago that the room would be wiping every two weeks now, since the traffic flow no longer warrants a weekly wipe. There wasn't much to-do over the announcement, so it is not surprising you missed it.
Lynati posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 7:29:51 pm EDT from
Taleweaver's comment inadvertantly reminded me of something else about "Preservation." I remember commenting once (I think it was in Station 8) that if Griff smoked, it would likely be a pipe (I think we were discussing smoking gargoyles for some reason). When I read about him playing detective, that image of him with a pipe came back into my head. ( ;
Harvester of Eyes "The president has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?" posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 5:37:47 pm EDT from
Greetings all,
Since it Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's birthday this week, I thought I'd recommend the Timedancer episode, "Gothic Twilight". It's an enjoyable read.
Taleweaver posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 9:52:48 am EDT from
DPH > No problem. Always glad to help. Christi was a double threat back in the day writing and illustrating stories. Consequently she often has double credits.
kathy posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 8:15:53 am EDT from
HARVESTER - I'm glad that you're enjoying "Carbonek" so far. To answer your question about Tanaburs, he comes from a medieval French work about the Grail Quest which describes him as a magician who built the Grail Castle of Carbonek. That was all; everything else about the character in TGS was the staff's invention.
And keep on reading; there's more to come!
Todd Jensen posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 7:48:31 am EDT from
Spen: I do it every time. Otherwise, it could get unpleasant.
Todd: I've actually heard mixed things about the movie. The summer movies I'm primarily looking forward to are "X3" (about which I have mixed feelings, since Bryan Singer had to bail on it to do "Superman Returns"), "Superman Returns" (for the aforementioned reason), "Lady in the Water," and "Clerks 2." And perhaps "Snakes on a Plane."
Ah, what the hell. It's slow in here. I'll just put down a few thoughts on "Part 1:"
I was not expecting Morgana to reveal herself like that to Nigel. That was a very nice little surprise. I'm wondering where that's going to lead to. Of course, part of me thinks that he's going ahead with the wedding simply because if he were to call it off, it would look scandalous, and he's got his reputation as a Knight of the British Empire to think of, after all.
I'm also starting to figure out why people have been telling me to finish this series before I finish Timedancer. I love it when things get foreboding. And I like the character of Tanaburs. Is he based off any figure from the Grail legends? I'm toying with voices right now, and I should make an updated list at some point after finishing the series.
And an interesting little twist at the end. I wonder what might happen if Merlin should find out...
Harvester of Eyes "The president has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?" posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 6:58:30 am EDT from
You know, I only just noticed that apperantly room wiping is no longer every other week. Anyone know the new wiping schedule? Is it now every month?
Spen posted @ Mon, May 22, 2006 11:14:07 pm EDT from
HARVESTER - One thing that occurred to me just now (and which I find interesting) is that you'd be reading the finale of the Grail Quest arc in "Pendragon" just as "The Da Vinci Code" is coming out in the theatres. (Though its take on the Grail is a lot different from TGS's; TGS emphasized the Arthurian origins of the Grail over its connections to Jesus Christ, while the "Da Vinci Code" did the reverse, even presenting an almost de-Arthurianized Grail.)
Todd Jensen posted @ Mon, May 22, 2006 7:03:47 pm EDT from
Kathy - Thanks. I wasn't sure if that was typo or what-not because Christi Hayden also did artwork for said story. I was fairly sure that was the case, but I don't like to assume squat. <The credits tried to reflect all that as best they could.> I understand, being one who has added credits on.
dph_of_rules Whatever happenned to simplicity? Looking for a roommate for the gathering. posted @ Mon, May 22, 2006 6:21:22 pm EDT from
Honestly Bishansky, there's no need to be rude.
Hazards - Written by Brian Dumlao and Alison Wilgus with contributions by JEB. Additional material by Christi Smith Hayden. Story Concept by Todd Jensen, Kathy Pogge, and Patrick Toman. Illustrations by Christi Smith Hayden and Alison Wilgus.
Translates as Brian Dumlao and Alison Wilgus wrote the core of the story. JEB helped as did Christi.
Story credits didn't really hit a somewhat standardized formula until probably somewhere in the second season.
A story could have multiple contributors - initially assigned co writers, people who kicked in scenes when writers got stuck and even editors who did smoothing drafts to make a cohesive whole when many different writers were involved.
The credits tried to reflect all that as best they could.
Hope this helps.
kathy posted @ Mon, May 22, 2006 12:11:12 pm EDT from
DPH> This is not exactly rocket science. If there names are credited on the story, then that means they worked on it.
Greg Bishansky "Plato once said that for everything that exists, there is a perfect form of it somewhere. A perfect human being, a perfect chair, a perfect stick, so that everything is a shadow of that one perfect form. Now, if we follow that train of thought, that means that somewhere in the universe there exists the perfect form of the absolute and complete idiot and he left here an hour ago." - Matthew Gideon posted @ Sun, May 21, 2006 3:17:18 pm EDT from
Ok, I got a question about credits for a Gargoyles/Pendragon Season 2 story:
Hazards - Written by Brian Dumlao and Alison Wilgus with contributions by JEB. Additional material by Christi Smith Hayden. Story Concept by Todd Jensen, Kathy Pogge, and Patrick Toman. Illustrations by Christi Smith Hayden and Alison Wilgus.
Does that mean 4 people co-wrote the art story or was there a notation with regards to "Additional material by"?
I've worked my way all the way up to the point in doing data entry for credits for stories and outlines and I'm confused.
143 pages (and climbing) of data entry commands.
dph_of_rules Whatever happenned to simplicity? Looking for a roommate for the gathering. posted @ Sun, May 21, 2006 12:42:47 am EDT from
HARVESTER - Thanks for your comments. I'm glad that you liked the story.
I think that Vorones might well have worked all the better as a red herring because anybody familiar with "Gargoyles" would have already come across a case where a person had befriended a group of beings that were shunned and disliked by his community, was displeased about the way that the rest of the community disliked those beings and looked down upon them, and was not too happy, either, about the way that his community was starting to ostracize him because of his support of those strange beings. No prizes for whom I'm referring to here, of course. (Though now I don't remember whether I was thinking of that when I was writing the story or whether it occurred to me only afterwards.)
Todd Jensen posted @ Sat, May 20, 2006 6:22:49 pm EDT from
I found out earlier this week that the Suncoast at my local mall was going out of business. I hated shopping there when they were open, since everything was too damn expensive. But now their entire inventory is 40-60 percent off. Picked up seven DVDs this week for about 80 bucks. Ironically, I'm going to miss them now. ( ;
Okay, finally found time for another review:
Perhaps what I enjoyed most about "Preservation" was that it really gave Griff a chance to come into the foreground. That, and I like the idea of a preserve for "mythical" creatures. The setting descriptions were very nice. And then there was Griff playing detective. Thankfully, he didn't have a sidekick. Well, sort of. I like the way that Vorones eventually helped Griff to bring the culprits into light, especially since it was set up to make the reader think that Vorones might be the guilty party. I knew from the get-go that that probably wasn't true, since it was too obvious. Appearances are deceiving, after all (this is especially true after hearing Vorones explain the true nature of the Catoblepas to Griff). So that little twist at the end sort of caught me off-guard, especially since Nyctimus had been so convincing in being repulsed by Mary when he learned her true nature.
On a side note, my favorite moment of dialogue was when Dictynna was telling Griff that he was above suspicion, since no gargoyle would ever stoop to theft. These people REALLY need to get out more.
Well, that might be the last one for a while. I'm waiting until I'm done with the entire finale, and then submitting a very long post on that. But right now, I wanted to say that it looks like it's building to something interesting. A lot of neglected characters are making appearances again.
Harvester of Eyes "The president has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?" posted @ Sat, May 20, 2006 8:56:29 am EDT from
SPEN - Yes, that was our original plan for the character. However, after thinking about it some more and discussing it on the list, we decided that it wasn't such a good idea, since we'd already wound up with too many new characters, more than we could honestly keep track of. Unfortunately, that understanding came *after* we wrote (and maybe after we released - it's been so long now that I can no longer be certain) "The Tain" (which wound up being a real nightmare of a story anyway, largely because we hadn't written enough of an outline for it in Breakdowns - little more than "Arthur and Griff meet Rory in Ireland, but Maeve shows up as well" - and the writers didn't know where to go with it.
Of course, under the circumstances, it seems more advisable to *not* give Matt a sister - though at least we didn't have her mysteriously disappear when they were both kids and have Matt suspect that the Illuminati were behind their disappearance and head off on his big hunt for them as a result. :)
Todd Jensen posted @ Sat, May 20, 2006 6:39:33 am EDT from
Lynati: <<Have you had any chance to work on a staff/admin-only posting page? There's no hurry, but we would still like one at some point.>>
Oops, I totally forgot to ask him about that. In case he doesn't read the comments here, I'll email him. I'm so sorry about that.
CR Information update coming soon. (Also posting to confirm if the Goliath & Demona (Silhouette) pic works now.) Lady Mystic Admin of TGS CR Information posted @ Sat, May 20, 2006 5:52:02 am EDT from
Anybody seen Vash lately? I was wondering if Vash was doing alright since the gnc hasn't been updated in quite a while.
Oh yea, if you haven't heard, all the hotel rooms reserved at the Gathering of the Gargoyles rate are booked.
dph_of_rules Whatever happenned to simplicity? Looking for a roommate for the gathering. posted @ Sat, May 20, 2006 2:27:16 am EDT from
Well, things seem to be a bit dead here.
Makhasu : "am working on creating what's probably the only new Gargoyles site in the last three years" Not the only one. If I ever actually get around to making it, there's also my TGS encyclopedia.
Lynati : "why is it whenever I start a good project, someone on the other side of the fandom starts doing something right similar to it?" Great minds think alike? (Wait a minute. If that's the case, then I would be counted on the great minds list. So that's definatly not it.)
I was re-reading "The Tain" yesterday, and was wondering something. Is Janey (the woman Arthur was talking to at the conference) Matt Bluestone's sister?
Spen posted @ Fri, May 19, 2006 7:48:25 pm EDT from
Woohoo!! Thank you, Gorebash. Have you had any chance to work on a staff/admin-only posting page? There's no hurry, but we would still like one at some point.
Lynati - [Lynati_1@hotmail.com] posted @ Thu, May 18, 2006 2:12:31 am EDT from
Oh, sweet sweet nectar!
Harvester of Eyes "The president has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?" posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 8:55:01 pm EDT from
Works good. Thank you, Gorebash for the updated security.
Starsinger posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 6:46:40 pm EDT from
Just a friendly reminder that, due to the late update, voting for AMGC's April topic will run until midnight tonight. So if you haven't already, go vote!
Aaron - [amgc_art@yahoo.com] Jack of all trades, master of porn posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 6:16:39 pm EDT from
New room? NEw spam gaurding technologies? Coooooooooooool.
Gunjack "Hecatonchires" Valentine posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 4:27:41 pm EDT from
Thank you Gorebash. Hopefully, we shouldn't have spam bots in this cr anymore.
dph_of_rules Whatever happenned to simplicity? Looking for a roommate for the gathering. posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 2:40:34 pm EDT from
Well, I didn't think this was ever going to happen. Looks like I'm the first person (other than Gorebash anyway) to post in the new room.
Spen posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 2:16:36 pm EDT from
Okay guys, the TGS CR has been moved over to the new CR system. City/State/Zip fields have been replaced with a "signature" field. There is also a security code (captcha) that you have to enter before you can submit your post. This is to defend against spam bots.
Your settings should be saved via cookies as well. So every time you come back to post you'll only need to fill out your comment and the security code.
Any questions/comments/issues just let me know. Gorebash - [gorebash@s8.org] "Slow and steady" --Broadway posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 12:45:01 pm EDT from
I expect to be converting this over to the new forum system (what the gargoyles CR uses) today. This will involve me backing up and converting the current and last week's room over to the new format as well. so comments posted today should be fine, but if you post just as I'm doing the conversion it might get lost. I'll let you know once it's all set.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 11:28:58 AM
*blinks at Makhasu* Heyla, fellow avatar-maker here; do you have a gallery up anywhere? I'd like to see your work. ^_^
...and why is it whenever I start a good project, someone on the other side of the fandom starts doing something right similar to it? I have crappy luck, that is what it is.
...not that I've started drawing everyone in the CR as gargoyles or anything. *cough* I'm not that obsessive, honest. *looks around nervously, then siddles away*
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 02:29:49 AM
Just wanted to add that a Pendragon review is coming soon, but for now, I just wanted to say that I decided on a voice for Andrew Singleton. After catching the tail end of "Last Action Hero" the other day, I think that Charles Dance would be a good match for him.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
Monday, May 15, 2006 08:38:26 PM
There's a France within a France in France? I'd say that someone needs to shoot those goddamn Wachowski brothers (or rather should have shot them back in 2000, before they had a chance to do the Matrix sequels).
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
Monday, May 15, 2006 05:34:37 PM
I'd say we have 15 infected pcs spamming the tgs cr, probably at the control of one person.
ar, usa
Monday, May 15, 2006 04:27:32 PM
Oops. Disregard my offer to make avatars. I just read the info and rules about the comment room. Sorry.
Makhasu - [aknellthatsummonsthee@yahoo.com]
Monday, May 15, 2006 05:15:31 AM
Hey, all...
Just popping in to introduce myself. I was a Gargoyles fan some years ago, but my love for it was rekindled by the release of the DVDs last year. I'm a Mac 'n D fan in particular, and am working on creating what's probably the only new Gargoyles site in the last three years (depressing, ain't it?). I create music videos, fanart (one of which was accepted into The Grimorum Anthology), fanfics, etc...
I was pretty shocked to see how empty the CRs here and at TGS have become since I last treaded their paths. Hopefully, with the release of the comics, there'll be some new fans to breathe life into the online fandom.
BTW, is there any way to get a personal avatar added to the list? I make fairly professional avatars, and would like to be able to use a customized one. I could even make a couple dozen for other people to use as well in exchange.
Just a heads-up to anyone who might be headed to A-kon (http://www.a-kon.com/) in Dallas, June 9-11 --- I'm co-hosting an A-kon Devmeet on both Friday, June 9th 3-4 pm and on Sunday, June 11th 2-3 pm. It's open to anyone who happens to be on Deviant Art and to anyone who would like to be.
Hope to see you there!
Spike Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:14:55 AM
It is a lot of the good, necessary books on a garden site, garden, kitchen garden.
Vue - [sdfgtryoputy@yahoo.com]
New York, ME, united states
Friday, May 12, 2006 04:14:26 PM
The 2006 TGS CR Archive has been updated to include the weeks of April 3, 2006 through April 29, 2006, for a total of two newly added files.
Thank you, Spen, for informing me of the incomplete CR week of 6/6/99 - 6/13/99. Since I was unable to verify whether or not this week was incomplete or if there was another cause for the break between the last post of that file and the first post of the following week, I have labeled the week of 6/6/99 - 6/13/99 as incomplete and have added it to the list of Missing and Incomplete CR Dates. Anyone, please contact me if you have a complete copy of this, or any, week. Thank you in advance.
With the purpose of clarifying what mine and my "assistant's" tasks entail, information regarding the TGS CR Info Admins on the Administrators' page has been revised with more precise and accurate information. (I felt it was necessary to clarify what involvement Fire Storm has with regard to CR Info material.)
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/admins.html
Fire Storm's profile and Lady Mystic's profile have been revised. You may view their and other CR member profiles via the following URLs.
Fire Storm's Profile:
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/members/profiles/fire_storm.html
Lady Mystic's Profile:
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/members/profiles/lady_mystic.html
Other Member Profiles & Information:
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/members/
The Gatherings Attended statistics page has been revised as it was not updated with the previous CR Member profile revision. The statistics page now displays two members that have announced on their profiles plans to attend the 2006 Gathering.
I have submitted updated Comment Room files to Gorebash for publication. The new pages include a minor update to the appearance of navigation as well as an updated Add Comment page. I have also requested that a Signature field be added as well as image verification (to deter spammers). You may view the new page versions via the following URL.
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/other/beta/index.html
Last week, as some of you may have noticed, I updated the TGS CR Admin pic. With the update of the CR, you will also see new and additional CR pics for TGS Staff use. You may view these images via the following URL.
Please note that the TGS CR Info Admin pic was removed from the "Waiting List" as the TGS Website News CR pic served the same purpose. As a result, the TGS CR Info Admin pic was transferred to the Cut CR Images list for reference purposes.
***** END UPDATE *****
Lady Mystic - [<-- UPDATED !!!]
Admin of TGS CR Information
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 05:50:19 AM
That, uh...
That was me. Yeah.
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:18:59 PM
Spen - No prob.
<<three points>> *nelson voice* HA ha!
*goes back to missing his ride on the ROFLcopter*
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:18:36 PM
V : Thanks.
Greg B. : Three points. One: no, I didn't have anything better to do at that moment. Two: I'm an obsessive-cumpulse nit-picker. You work as a movie reviewer for a year or two, and see how much nit-picking you do even after you quit. However, if Todd was offended by my comments, I apoligize. Three: Technically, it was *nearly* eight years ago, not more then eight years ago. Sorry about that, I've got this thing about people getting dates wrong.
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 10:10:39 PM
Greg - Dude, he's just talking. no one else seems to mind. Why should you?
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 08:16:32 PM
Animation World - best animation films.
Lots - [ytfgfkuhouh@yahoo.com]
New York, ME, united states
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:21:28 AM
SPEN> Don't you have anything better to do with your time than nitpick Todd over a post he made EIGHT YEARS AGO????????????
Greg Bishansky
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 12:07:20 AM
Todd : I have no idea what the problem was. It's working fine now though.
Monday, May 8, 2006 11:14:44 PM
SPEN - You may just have a really poor-quality computer.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, May 8, 2006 09:17:08 PM
Todd : I'm not surprised that you don't remember that comment; it was from the first few weeks of the CR's exitsence.
Incidentally, is anyone else currently unable to go to the main Station 8 CR?
Monday, May 8, 2006 07:52:33 PM
SPEN - Good point, though I'd forgotten that statement of mine. (Back then, of course, TGS wasn't on such a long hiatus, and there was still plenty of discussion here.)
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, May 8, 2006 07:32:01 AM
WooHoo! [begins dancing wildly on table]
Gargoyles #1 is coming June 28th!
Probably old news to most most people here, but just in case somebody else just crawled out from under a rock, I figured I should broadcast it to the masses. Civic duty.
[looks out into the nearly empty CR. Crickets chirp.]
Ah, never mind.
Monday, May 8, 2006 03:56:53 AM
Todd : That's a rather odd sentiment coming from you, as you used to support the idea of having all canon disscussions taking place at S8, and only TGS disscussions taking place here.
Sunday, May 7, 2006 07:52:07 PM
HARVESTER - Sorry to hear about that. Well, take your time about it, and maybe we'll get to see it in June. (By then, maybe the publication of the first issue of the new comic will have rejuvenated this place - assuming that all the discussion doesn't take place in the Station 8 comment room, that is.)
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, May 7, 2006 07:44:58 AM
Todd: Yeah, I know. That's coming, but it might be a while. May is always a busy month for me. My elder brother's birthday was yesterday, my younger brother's birthday is one week after that, my father's birthday is about two weeks after THAT, my cousin's graduating college, there's a wedding up in Connecticut on Memorial Day Weekend that I might be attending, AND of course there's Mother's Day.
As far as my fandom-related activities are concerned, my priority is to finish this review of "The Journey" before the comic comes out. But I'm also back in class at work, learning about the wonderful world of Medical Coverages.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
Saturday, May 6, 2006 09:24:54 AM
I might add, since Spen mentioned that one, that I enjoyed writing "Preservation". Not one of the deepest episodes, but I had a lot of fun with all those mythical critters (one of my big interests).
And I'd like to see Harvester's review, too.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, May 4, 2006 08:07:39 PM
Okay, I know I said this was going to be a slow week, but this is ridiculous. Hey Harvester, any chance of maybe reviewing "Preservation"?
Thursday, May 4, 2006 06:36:44 PM
You know it's going to be a slow week when the top ten race takes 40 hours.
Lady Mystic : The week of 6/6/99-6/13/99 is apparently incomplete. The last post of the week was just after midnight on 6/13, and the first post of the following week was after 11PM on 6/13. Nearly a full day missing.
On a more pleasant note, a cousin of mine recently upgraded from a Pentium III to a Pentium IV. Since he no longer has a need for the old computer, and because he knows from my constant complaining that I've been stuck with a Pentium II for seven years, he sold me the old computer for a ridiculously low price. So, by this time next week, I'll finally have a (relatively) new computer.
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 10:17:49 PM
Tenth. The Spambot left no claim.
Gunjack "Galahad" Valentine
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 06:23:32 PM
9th or 10th, depending on how spam is counted.
Yggdrasil - [eng050599@hotmail.com]
Ontario, Canada
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 05:21:54 PM
Lamps, bulbs, fixtures, floor lamps and much much another.
Ochen - [hfjfhgut@yahoo.com]
New York, ME, united states
Monday, May 1, 2006 11:28:44 PM
8! What's the roundup?
Monday, May 1, 2006 10:34:54 PM
Monday, May 1, 2006 07:37:43 PM
And I forgot to post on the Beltane yesterday. Which, really, the only reason I'm upset about that is because doing so gives me an excuse to quote Jethro Tull, always an enjoyable activity.
Harvester of Eyes
Monday, May 1, 2006 05:44:40 PM
ar, usa
Monday, May 1, 2006 05:07:13 PM
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, May 1, 2006 08:34:17 AM
Monday, May 1, 2006 07:35:37 AM
For some reason, third seems to like me.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
Monday, May 1, 2006 06:21:26 AM
Why not 2nd!
Vinnie - [tpeano29@hotmail.com]
Marquette , Michigan, USA
Monday, May 1, 2006 05:11:26 AM
Monday, May 1, 2006 01:50:59 AM
... There had also been a pretty pathetic amount of posting, and I was just away over the weekend. I'll wipe the room now and (hopefully) go back to every 2 weeks, depending on activity.
posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 8:01:00 pm EDT from
Spen: We made the announcement a little over a month ago that the room would be wiping every two weeks now, since the traffic flow no longer warrants a weekly wipe. There wasn't much to-do over the announcement, so it is not surprising you missed it.
posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 7:29:51 pm EDT from
Taleweaver's comment inadvertantly reminded me of something else about "Preservation." I remember commenting once (I think it was in Station 8) that if Griff smoked, it would likely be a pipe (I think we were discussing smoking gargoyles for some reason). When I read about him playing detective, that image of him with a pipe came back into my head. ( ;
Harvester of Eyes
"The president has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?"
posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 5:37:47 pm EDT from
Greetings all,
Since it Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's birthday this week, I thought I'd recommend the Timedancer episode, "Gothic Twilight". It's an enjoyable read.
posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 9:52:48 am EDT from
DPH > No problem. Always glad to help. Christi was a double threat back in the day writing and illustrating stories. Consequently she often has double credits.
posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 8:15:53 am EDT from
HARVESTER - I'm glad that you're enjoying "Carbonek" so far. To answer your question about Tanaburs, he comes from a medieval French work about the Grail Quest which describes him as a magician who built the Grail Castle of Carbonek. That was all; everything else about the character in TGS was the staff's invention.
And keep on reading; there's more to come!
Todd Jensen
posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 7:48:31 am EDT from
Spen: I do it every time. Otherwise, it could get unpleasant.
Todd: I've actually heard mixed things about the movie. The summer movies I'm primarily looking forward to are "X3" (about which I have mixed feelings, since Bryan Singer had to bail on it to do "Superman Returns"), "Superman Returns" (for the aforementioned reason), "Lady in the Water," and "Clerks 2." And perhaps "Snakes on a Plane."
Ah, what the hell. It's slow in here. I'll just put down a few thoughts on "Part 1:"
I was not expecting Morgana to reveal herself like that to Nigel. That was a very nice little surprise. I'm wondering where that's going to lead to. Of course, part of me thinks that he's going ahead with the wedding simply because if he were to call it off, it would look scandalous, and he's got his reputation as a Knight of the British Empire to think of, after all.
I'm also starting to figure out why people have been telling me to finish this series before I finish Timedancer. I love it when things get foreboding. And I like the character of Tanaburs. Is he based off any figure from the Grail legends? I'm toying with voices right now, and I should make an updated list at some point after finishing the series.
And an interesting little twist at the end. I wonder what might happen if Merlin should find out...
Harvester of Eyes
"The president has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?"
posted @ Tue, May 23, 2006 6:58:30 am EDT from
You know, I only just noticed that apperantly room wiping is no longer every other week. Anyone know the new wiping schedule? Is it now every month?
posted @ Mon, May 22, 2006 11:14:07 pm EDT from
HARVESTER - One thing that occurred to me just now (and which I find interesting) is that you'd be reading the finale of the Grail Quest arc in "Pendragon" just as "The Da Vinci Code" is coming out in the theatres. (Though its take on the Grail is a lot different from TGS's; TGS emphasized the Arthurian origins of the Grail over its connections to Jesus Christ, while the "Da Vinci Code" did the reverse, even presenting an almost de-Arthurianized Grail.)
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, May 22, 2006 7:03:47 pm EDT from
Kathy - Thanks. I wasn't sure if that was typo or what-not because Christi Hayden also did artwork for said story. I was fairly sure that was the case, but I don't like to assume squat. <The credits tried to reflect all that as best they could.> I understand, being one who has added credits on.
Whatever happenned to simplicity? Looking for a roommate for the gathering.
posted @ Mon, May 22, 2006 6:21:22 pm EDT from
Honestly Bishansky, there's no need to be rude.
Hazards - Written by Brian Dumlao and Alison Wilgus with contributions by JEB. Additional material by Christi Smith Hayden. Story Concept by Todd Jensen, Kathy Pogge, and Patrick Toman. Illustrations by Christi Smith Hayden and Alison Wilgus.
Translates as Brian Dumlao and Alison Wilgus wrote the core of the story. JEB helped as did Christi.
Story credits didn't really hit a somewhat standardized formula until probably somewhere in the second season.
A story could have multiple contributors - initially assigned co writers, people who kicked in scenes when writers got stuck and even editors who did smoothing drafts to make a cohesive whole when many different writers were involved.
The credits tried to reflect all that as best they could.
Hope this helps.
posted @ Mon, May 22, 2006 12:11:12 pm EDT from
DPH> This is not exactly rocket science. If there names are credited on the story, then that means they worked on it.
Greg Bishansky
"Plato once said that for everything that exists, there is a perfect form of it somewhere. A perfect human being, a perfect chair, a perfect stick, so that everything is a shadow of that one perfect form. Now, if we follow that train of thought, that means that somewhere in the universe there exists the perfect form of the absolute and complete idiot and he left here an hour ago." - Matthew Gideon
posted @ Sun, May 21, 2006 3:17:18 pm EDT from
Ok, I got a question about credits for a Gargoyles/Pendragon Season 2 story:
Hazards - Written by Brian Dumlao and Alison Wilgus with contributions by JEB. Additional material by Christi Smith Hayden. Story Concept by Todd Jensen, Kathy Pogge, and Patrick Toman. Illustrations by Christi Smith Hayden and Alison Wilgus.
Does that mean 4 people co-wrote the art story or was there a notation with regards to "Additional material by"?
I've worked my way all the way up to the point in doing data entry for credits for stories and outlines and I'm confused.
143 pages (and climbing) of data entry commands.
Whatever happenned to simplicity? Looking for a roommate for the gathering.
posted @ Sun, May 21, 2006 12:42:47 am EDT from
HARVESTER - Thanks for your comments. I'm glad that you liked the story.
I think that Vorones might well have worked all the better as a red herring because anybody familiar with "Gargoyles" would have already come across a case where a person had befriended a group of beings that were shunned and disliked by his community, was displeased about the way that the rest of the community disliked those beings and looked down upon them, and was not too happy, either, about the way that his community was starting to ostracize him because of his support of those strange beings. No prizes for whom I'm referring to here, of course. (Though now I don't remember whether I was thinking of that when I was writing the story or whether it occurred to me only afterwards.)
Todd Jensen
posted @ Sat, May 20, 2006 6:22:49 pm EDT from
I found out earlier this week that the Suncoast at my local mall was going out of business. I hated shopping there when they were open, since everything was too damn expensive. But now their entire inventory is 40-60 percent off. Picked up seven DVDs this week for about 80 bucks. Ironically, I'm going to miss them now. ( ;
Okay, finally found time for another review:
Perhaps what I enjoyed most about "Preservation" was that it really gave Griff a chance to come into the foreground. That, and I like the idea of a preserve for "mythical" creatures. The setting descriptions were very nice. And then there was Griff playing detective. Thankfully, he didn't have a sidekick. Well, sort of. I like the way that Vorones eventually helped Griff to bring the culprits into light, especially since it was set up to make the reader think that Vorones might be the guilty party. I knew from the get-go that that probably wasn't true, since it was too obvious. Appearances are deceiving, after all (this is especially true after hearing Vorones explain the true nature of the Catoblepas to Griff). So that little twist at the end sort of caught me off-guard, especially since Nyctimus had been so convincing in being repulsed by Mary when he learned her true nature.
On a side note, my favorite moment of dialogue was when Dictynna was telling Griff that he was above suspicion, since no gargoyle would ever stoop to theft. These people REALLY need to get out more.
Well, that might be the last one for a while. I'm waiting until I'm done with the entire finale, and then submitting a very long post on that. But right now, I wanted to say that it looks like it's building to something interesting. A lot of neglected characters are making appearances again.
Harvester of Eyes
"The president has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?"
posted @ Sat, May 20, 2006 8:56:29 am EDT from
SPEN - Yes, that was our original plan for the character. However, after thinking about it some more and discussing it on the list, we decided that it wasn't such a good idea, since we'd already wound up with too many new characters, more than we could honestly keep track of. Unfortunately, that understanding came *after* we wrote (and maybe after we released - it's been so long now that I can no longer be certain) "The Tain" (which wound up being a real nightmare of a story anyway, largely because we hadn't written enough of an outline for it in Breakdowns - little more than "Arthur and Griff meet Rory in Ireland, but Maeve shows up as well" - and the writers didn't know where to go with it.
Of course, under the circumstances, it seems more advisable to *not* give Matt a sister - though at least we didn't have her mysteriously disappear when they were both kids and have Matt suspect that the Illuminati were behind their disappearance and head off on his big hunt for them as a result. :)
Todd Jensen
posted @ Sat, May 20, 2006 6:39:33 am EDT from
Lynati: <<Have you had any chance to work on a staff/admin-only posting page? There's no hurry, but we would still like one at some point.>>
Oops, I totally forgot to ask him about that. In case he doesn't read the comments here, I'll email him. I'm so sorry about that.
CR Information update coming soon. (Also posting to confirm if the Goliath & Demona (Silhouette) pic works now.)
Lady Mystic
Admin of TGS CR Information
posted @ Sat, May 20, 2006 5:52:02 am EDT from
Anybody seen Vash lately? I was wondering if Vash was doing alright since the gnc hasn't been updated in quite a while.
Oh yea, if you haven't heard, all the hotel rooms reserved at the Gathering of the Gargoyles rate are booked.
Whatever happenned to simplicity? Looking for a roommate for the gathering.
posted @ Sat, May 20, 2006 2:27:16 am EDT from
Well, things seem to be a bit dead here.
Makhasu : "am working on creating what's probably the only new Gargoyles site in the last three years" Not the only one. If I ever actually get around to making it, there's also my TGS encyclopedia.
Lynati : "why is it whenever I start a good project, someone on the other side of the fandom starts doing something right similar to it?" Great minds think alike? (Wait a minute. If that's the case, then I would be counted on the great minds list. So that's definatly not it.)
I was re-reading "The Tain" yesterday, and was wondering something. Is Janey (the woman Arthur was talking to at the conference) Matt Bluestone's sister?
posted @ Fri, May 19, 2006 7:48:25 pm EDT from
Woohoo!! Thank you, Gorebash. Have you had any chance to work on a staff/admin-only posting page? There's no hurry, but we would still like one at some point.
Lynati - [Lynati_1@hotmail.com]
posted @ Thu, May 18, 2006 2:12:31 am EDT from
Oh, sweet sweet nectar!
Harvester of Eyes
"The president has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?"
posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 8:55:01 pm EDT from
Works good. Thank you, Gorebash for the updated security.
posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 6:46:40 pm EDT from
Just a friendly reminder that, due to the late update, voting for AMGC's April topic will run until midnight tonight. So if you haven't already, go vote!
Aaron - [amgc_art@yahoo.com]
Jack of all trades, master of porn
posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 6:16:39 pm EDT from
New room? NEw spam gaurding technologies? Coooooooooooool.
Gunjack "Hecatonchires" Valentine
posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 4:27:41 pm EDT from
Thank you Gorebash. Hopefully, we shouldn't have spam bots in this cr anymore.
Whatever happenned to simplicity? Looking for a roommate for the gathering.
posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 2:40:34 pm EDT from
Well, I didn't think this was ever going to happen. Looks like I'm the first person (other than Gorebash anyway) to post in the new room.
posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 2:16:36 pm EDT from
Okay guys, the TGS CR has been moved over to the new CR system. City/State/Zip fields have been replaced with a "signature" field. There is also a security code (captcha) that you have to enter before you can submit your post. This is to defend against spam bots.
Your settings should be saved via cookies as well. So every time you come back to post you'll only need to fill out your comment and the security code.
Any questions/comments/issues just let me know.
Gorebash - [gorebash@s8.org]
"Slow and steady" --Broadway
posted @ Wed, May 17, 2006 12:45:01 pm EDT from
I expect to be converting this over to the new forum system (what the gargoyles CR uses) today. This will involve me backing up and converting the current and last week's room over to the new format as well. so comments posted today should be fine, but if you post just as I'm doing the conversion it might get lost. I'll let you know once it's all set.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 11:28:58 AM
*blinks at Makhasu* Heyla, fellow avatar-maker here; do you have a gallery up anywhere? I'd like to see your work. ^_^
...and why is it whenever I start a good project, someone on the other side of the fandom starts doing something right similar to it? I have crappy luck, that is what it is.
...not that I've started drawing everyone in the CR as gargoyles or anything. *cough* I'm not that obsessive, honest. *looks around nervously, then siddles away*
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 02:29:49 AM
Just wanted to add that a Pendragon review is coming soon, but for now, I just wanted to say that I decided on a voice for Andrew Singleton. After catching the tail end of "Last Action Hero" the other day, I think that Charles Dance would be a good match for him.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
Monday, May 15, 2006 08:38:26 PM
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
Monday, May 15, 2006 05:34:37 PM
I'd say we have 15 infected pcs spamming the tgs cr, probably at the control of one person.
ar, usa
Monday, May 15, 2006 04:27:32 PM
Makhasu - [aknellthatsummonsthee@yahoo.com]
Monday, May 15, 2006 05:15:31 AM
Just popping in to introduce myself. I was a Gargoyles fan some years ago, but my love for it was rekindled by the release of the DVDs last year. I'm a Mac 'n D fan in particular, and am working on creating what's probably the only new Gargoyles site in the last three years (depressing, ain't it?). I create music videos, fanart (one of which was accepted into The Grimorum Anthology), fanfics, etc...
I was pretty shocked to see how empty the CRs here and at TGS have become since I last treaded their paths. Hopefully, with the release of the comics, there'll be some new fans to breathe life into the online fandom.
BTW, is there any way to get a personal avatar added to the list? I make fairly professional avatars, and would like to be able to use a customized one. I could even make a couple dozen for other people to use as well in exchange.
Makhasu - [aknellthatsummonsthee@yahoo.com]
Monday, May 15, 2006 04:56:59 AM
Just a heads-up to anyone who might be headed to A-kon (http://www.a-kon.com/) in Dallas, June 9-11 --- I'm co-hosting an A-kon Devmeet on both Friday, June 9th 3-4 pm and on Sunday, June 11th 2-3 pm. It's open to anyone who happens to be on Deviant Art and to anyone who would like to be.
Hope to see you there!
Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:14:55 AM
Vue - [sdfgtryoputy@yahoo.com]
New York, ME, united states
Friday, May 12, 2006 04:14:26 PM
The 2006 TGS CR Archive has been updated to include the weeks of April 3, 2006 through April 29, 2006, for a total of two newly added files.
2006 Archive:
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/archive/2006/
Thank you, Spen, for informing me of the incomplete CR week of 6/6/99 - 6/13/99. Since I was unable to verify whether or not this week was incomplete or if there was another cause for the break between the last post of that file and the first post of the following week, I have labeled the week of 6/6/99 - 6/13/99 as incomplete and have added it to the list of Missing and Incomplete CR Dates. Anyone, please contact me if you have a complete copy of this, or any, week. Thank you in advance.
Missing & Incomplete Dates:
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/archive/missing.html
With the purpose of clarifying what mine and my "assistant's" tasks entail, information regarding the TGS CR Info Admins on the Administrators' page has been revised with more precise and accurate information. (I felt it was necessary to clarify what involvement Fire Storm has with regard to CR Info material.)
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/admins.html
Fire Storm's profile and Lady Mystic's profile have been revised. You may view their and other CR member profiles via the following URLs.
Fire Storm's Profile:
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/members/profiles/fire_storm.html
Lady Mystic's Profile:
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/members/profiles/lady_mystic.html
Other Member Profiles & Information:
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/members/
The Gatherings Attended statistics page has been revised as it was not updated with the previous CR Member profile revision. The statistics page now displays two members that have announced on their profiles plans to attend the 2006 Gathering.
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/members/gatherings.html
I have submitted updated Comment Room files to Gorebash for publication. The new pages include a minor update to the appearance of navigation as well as an updated Add Comment page. I have also requested that a Signature field be added as well as image verification (to deter spammers). You may view the new page versions via the following URL.
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/other/beta/index.html
Last week, as some of you may have noticed, I updated the TGS CR Admin pic. With the update of the CR, you will also see new and additional CR pics for TGS Staff use. You may view these images via the following URL.
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/images/waiting.html
Please note that the TGS CR Info Admin pic was removed from the "Waiting List" as the TGS Website News CR pic served the same purpose. As a result, the TGS CR Info Admin pic was transferred to the Cut CR Images list for reference purposes.
>> http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/other/cut/index.html
***** END UPDATE *****
Lady Mystic - [<-- UPDATED !!!]
Admin of TGS CR Information
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 05:50:19 AM
That, uh...
That was me. Yeah.
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:18:59 PM
Spen - No prob.
<<three points>> *nelson voice* HA ha!
*goes back to missing his ride on the ROFLcopter*
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:18:36 PM
Greg B. : Three points. One: no, I didn't have anything better to do at that moment. Two: I'm an obsessive-cumpulse nit-picker. You work as a movie reviewer for a year or two, and see how much nit-picking you do even after you quit. However, if Todd was offended by my comments, I apoligize. Three: Technically, it was *nearly* eight years ago, not more then eight years ago. Sorry about that, I've got this thing about people getting dates wrong.
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 10:10:39 PM
Greg - Dude, he's just talking. no one else seems to mind. Why should you?
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 08:16:32 PM
Lots - [ytfgfkuhouh@yahoo.com]
New York, ME, united states
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:21:28 AM
SPEN> Don't you have anything better to do with your time than nitpick Todd over a post he made EIGHT YEARS AGO????????????
Greg Bishansky
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 12:07:20 AM
Todd : I have no idea what the problem was. It's working fine now though.
Monday, May 8, 2006 11:14:44 PM
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, May 8, 2006 09:17:08 PM
Todd : I'm not surprised that you don't remember that comment; it was from the first few weeks of the CR's exitsence.
Incidentally, is anyone else currently unable to go to the main Station 8 CR?
Monday, May 8, 2006 07:52:33 PM
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, May 8, 2006 07:32:01 AM
WooHoo! [begins dancing wildly on table]
Gargoyles #1 is coming June 28th!
Probably old news to most most people here, but just in case somebody else just crawled out from under a rock, I figured I should broadcast it to the masses. Civic duty.
[looks out into the nearly empty CR. Crickets chirp.]
Ah, never mind.
Monday, May 8, 2006 03:56:53 AM
Todd : That's a rather odd sentiment coming from you, as you used to support the idea of having all canon disscussions taking place at S8, and only TGS disscussions taking place here.
Sunday, May 7, 2006 07:52:07 PM
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, May 7, 2006 07:44:58 AM
As far as my fandom-related activities are concerned, my priority is to finish this review of "The Journey" before the comic comes out. But I'm also back in class at work, learning about the wonderful world of Medical Coverages.
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
Saturday, May 6, 2006 09:24:54 AM
And I'd like to see Harvester's review, too.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, May 4, 2006 08:07:39 PM
Okay, I know I said this was going to be a slow week, but this is ridiculous. Hey Harvester, any chance of maybe reviewing "Preservation"?
Thursday, May 4, 2006 06:36:44 PM
Lady Mystic : The week of 6/6/99-6/13/99 is apparently incomplete. The last post of the week was just after midnight on 6/13, and the first post of the following week was after 11PM on 6/13. Nearly a full day missing.
On a more pleasant note, a cousin of mine recently upgraded from a Pentium III to a Pentium IV. Since he no longer has a need for the old computer, and because he knows from my constant complaining that I've been stuck with a Pentium II for seven years, he sold me the old computer for a ridiculously low price. So, by this time next week, I'll finally have a (relatively) new computer.
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 10:17:49 PM
Tenth. The Spambot left no claim.
Gunjack "Galahad" Valentine
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 06:23:32 PM
9th or 10th, depending on how spam is counted.
Yggdrasil - [eng050599@hotmail.com]
Ontario, Canada
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 05:21:54 PM
Ochen - [hfjfhgut@yahoo.com]
New York, ME, united states
Monday, May 1, 2006 11:28:44 PM
Monday, May 1, 2006 10:34:54 PM
Monday, May 1, 2006 07:37:43 PM
Harvester of Eyes
Monday, May 1, 2006 05:44:40 PM
ar, usa
Monday, May 1, 2006 05:07:13 PM
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, May 1, 2006 08:34:17 AM
Monday, May 1, 2006 07:35:37 AM
Harvester of Eyes - [Minstrel75@gmail.com]
Monday, May 1, 2006 06:21:26 AM
Vinnie - [tpeano29@hotmail.com]
Marquette , Michigan, USA
Monday, May 1, 2006 05:11:26 AM
Monday, May 1, 2006 01:50:59 AM