Andrea Calhoun
Born in 1973
A woman of average height with mousy-brown hair.

Andrea is artist for PIT who likes painting Gargoyles, and who strikes up an unexpected friendship with CEO Dominique Destine.

TGS Gargoyles Season 1
Andrea was first introduced in "Out of Joint" part 1, when her apartment was ransacked by quarryman- not due to the pro-gargoyle nature of her work but because she had a "computer disk with all the information for the fund-raisers -- names, addresses, site-links" because she was making flyers. The quarryman burned some of her paintings, and she burned her hands trying to save them- but the fire attracted the gargoyles, who helped her out and recovered the computer disk, which had been thrown out of the window by mistake. She seems in shock, and hardly even aware that she's talking to actual gargoyle. Andrea isn't named until "Mutual Trust", during which she is only mentioned once, and makes no actual appearance:

"There've been reports already about the Quarrymen raiding PIT Crew meetings. Nobody's been killed, fortunately, but quite a few people have been injured. And Matt told me about that attack they made on Andrea Calhoun's studio, when they found out about her pro-gargoyle paintings."

"Andrea Calhoun?" asked Goliath blankly.

"She's an artist. Works with the PIT Crew. Brooklyn, Broadway, and Angela helped her out the night that Brooklyn found the Phoenix Gate."

"Ah, yes. The human who painted a gargoyle in flight," said Goliath, nodding. "Remarkable."

TGS Gargoyles Season 2
Gar 2.01- "The Rising" part 1 - she is at a PIT halloween Party (Oct 31, 1997) and is painting Pumpkins to be Jack-o-Lanterns. In part 2 she meets Lex and is "impressed by his gargoyle costume" as well. Oddly enough, she doesn't think anything odd about Broadway and Angela, who are there dancing and whom Andrea HAS MET BEFORE. Maybe she managed to not see them.

Andrea is gone until Gar 2.21, "Lethe" (May 14, 1998), when she first meets Dominique Destine. Dominque takes her out to lunch in her present cursed "I don't know what Gargoyles are, can you tell me more about this intriguing subject matter in your works" state. Demona tells Andrea about her daughter Angela, who "has been away at college". She thinks the two will hit it off; they are close in age. Andrea responds that she hasn't had a friend to pal around with since her sister Helen dissappeared one night several years ago.

Gar 2.23, "The Longest Day" part 1- Andrea shows up at demona's office for an apparently invited lunch date. At some recent point Demona has cut a $10,000 check to PIT.

"The Steinberger Gallery is doing an exhibit of nothing but artwork dealing with gargoyles. Paintings, sculptures, everything - they're setting aside a whole wing -- no pun intended."

Dominique smiled anyway, and Andrea blushed slightly before continuing. "Anyway, they've got artists from all over the country contributing - Los Angeles, Dallas, Rochester, I think they even said something about someone from Oklahoma City. And I've been asked to display some of my work, too! Isn't that great?"


"Andrea's a friend my mother made," Angela explained as she felt Broadway's forehead again. "She met her last month... she's an artist who paints pictures of gargoyles."

In Gar 2.24- "The Longets Day" part 2, Angela learns her mother has commissioned Andrea to paint a Portrait of Angela in human form under a spell of illusion. Upon learning this, Angela scolds her mother for not telling Andrea the truth about them. "Right now, with all that is going on, all of us are safer if she doesn't know we are gargoyles." At the end of the same story, Andrea is confronted by Dominique still in her Demona garb with Elisa's jacket on, and Elisa with her handcuffs. Dominique introduces Elisa as a friend of her daughter's, and Elisa gives in and covers for Demona by saying that the outfit is for the next PIT costume ball, still months away- and that she is going as a Gargoyle.

"Homecoming" Gar 2.27, on October 26, 1998- Demona talks to Andrea briefly on the phone, really just a set-up for Angela to hear that Dominique is going to Scotland and be invited along. Her next appearance is "The Darkest Hour" Part 1, in which she has a actual (if brief) conversation with Dominique at the start of the fic.

As flashbacked to in end of the season episode "Seeds of Change", Demona and Andrea go to a PIT halloween party several days later, and Demona is appearing "In an amazing gargoyle outfit". It's her normal form in her typical clothes, but Andrea doesn't recognize her worth beans. She does, however, get introduced to David and Fox Xanatos at this point- and is quite impressed that Dominique knows such influential- and affluential- people.

"Something Old, Something New" - June 01, 1999 - Andrea's smile grew broader as she returned the hug. "Thank you for getting me the opportunity," she answered as they stepped apart again. "I mean, doing a commission for David Xanatos is impressive enough, but doing a painting for a gargoyle mating ceremony?" Andrea shook her head, grinning. "You must really have some connections inside that funky old castle, Dominique."

...I'm not sure if she knows the Gargoyles roost in the Eyrie or not. She seems to suspect it, though...

"Oh, I don't mind, Dominique," Andrea answered. "The Eyrie Building will be right on the way to the PIT rally in the park I'm going to, anyway." The young woman paused, and her eyes brightened excitedly. "Hey… do you think I might even get to meet a real live gargoyle?"

Although she knows why the painting was commissioned, there's a number of things she's in the dark on.

"Andrea Calhoun. I'm a member of P.I.T. You came and spoke at one of our town meetings."

The face came into focus. A young woman with a careless ponytail in a slightly darker shade, wearing white canvas painter's pants and a serious expression, and asking hard questions. "Of course. What are you doing here?" Matt asked with just a touch of anxiety in his voice.

Sara watched the exchange carefully, purposely fading into the background in case Matt needed her to come to his aid.

Andrea beamed with pride. "I'm delivering a painting to Mr. and Mrs. Xanatos. I don't know if you recall, but I'm an artist."

"You specialize in gargoyles," Matt added as another fact tumbled into place.

"That's right." Her eyes suddenly lost their happy glow. "Why are you here?"

The elevator chimed and Matt shrugged as the doors opened. Owen Burnett waited patiently on the other side. "I specialize in gargoyles, too.

And finally, Andrea and Angela are officially introduced.

"That should do it." She started to pivot towards her admirer, speaking as she did so. "Thanks. Sorry," she apologized as she crumpled the plastic dry cleaning bag that had held the protective cloth covering and shoved it in her pocket. "I didn't mean to seem rude, I always kind of get lost in the moment when I'm arranging my work." Her eyes widened in shock and surprise as she finally focused on the object of her apology. A gargoyle. A female gargoyle in a fluffy white bathrobe, her dark hair pinned this way and that, standing barely ten feet away. Andrea's jaw dropped.

Angela realized her error at once and took a step backwards as if to retreat.

"No. Please, wait," Andrea said as her brain slowly kicked back into gear. "I know you, don't I? That night the Quarrymen raided my apartment. You helped me."

The gargoyle paused in her retreat, stepping forward and holding out her hand shyly instead. "I remember that night, too," she said, nodding. "My name's Angela. I'm so glad to see you kept painting."

and to continue...

"You're welcome, Andrea," Angela replied, taking the human woman's five-fingered hand into her four-fingered one and giving it a light squeeze.

Andrea blinked. "You know my name?" she asked, her tone a mixture of surprise and awe.

Angela nodded. "I've heard a lot about you lately," she replied, smiling mysteriously. "We all have."

The young artist nodded, her mind whirling at the thought that her work had gained a following among gargoyles.

"There you are, Angela," a new female voice chided mildly. The female gargoyle and the human artist turned together as Fox, dressed to the nines, strode up to them. "Good evening, Ms. Calhoun," she greeted the artist. She smiled wryly as she placed a hand on Angela's shoulder. "Our lovely bride-to-be isn't trying to talk you into letting her peek, is she?" she asked teasingly, nodding her head at the covered canvas.

Andrea's eyes widened. "Bride-to-be? Then tonight is your 'mating ceremony'?" she asked.

Angela nodded, smiling. "Yes… and I was just about to ask you if you'd like to stay. You've worked so hard on our clan's behalf, I'd be honored if you'd join us."

Andrea took in Fox again, dressed elegantly in a form-hugging dress of emerald-green silk, and then glanced down at her own jeans and denim shirt. "I'd like to," she began sincerely, "but there's a P.I.T. rally in the park tonight and I'm the stage manager. We're trying to build support for the Gargoyle Protection Act and several members of the state assembly are supposed to be on hand."

"I know the governor is eyeing that legislation favorably," Fox said with a sly smile. "But some of the rest of the crew at the state house could use a little persuasion. We've all got our work cut out for us."

Shortly thereafter...

Oh," Fox apologized. "Forgive my manners." She gestured toward the shorter woman. "Andrea Calhoun, Elisa Maza."

"We've met," the pair replied simultaneously as they exchanged places on the elevator.

"Small world," Elisa added.

TGS Gargoyles Season 3
3.06 "Contingencies"- Andrea shows up at Nightstone to see Dominique after hearing about the accident on the radio, and later calls her home and leaves a message after hearing about the attempt on Dominique's life. She has no knowledge that "Alexander Thailog" had her under surveillance and used her as a hostage to make former business partner "Dominique Destine" hand over control of her company Nighstone Unlimited and leave town- which she did without saying goodbye to Andrea.

At this point, Andrea still has no clue that Demona and Dominique are the same being, and while she knows that Dominique has a daughter named Angela, they have never met. She hasn't seen Angela in a human guise, and does not know that Angela-the-gargoyle is related to Dominique-the-human.

last updated 30 Nov 2005