Comment Room Timeline
Many memorable events occured throughout the existance of the comment room. While many of those events are worth noting, only highlights concerning the developement of the forum and CR Information are included here. Peruse the CR Archive to witness CR history.

June 1
Comment room premier; DumlaoX residing as CR Administrator.
August 2
Momentus Station 8 crash (and all forums hosted by s8, including the TGS CR).
August 6
Back online at 02:01:43 AM; unknown quantity of CR pics lost due to the crash.
November 23
First CR rules posted by DumlaoX.
April 9
DumlaoX retires from the positions of CR Administrator and TGS Site Maintainer; Deuce and Robby Bevard take over as CR Co-Administrators.
Week of July 17
Deuce resigns as CR Co-Administrator, leaving Robby Bevard as the sole CR Administrator.
August 11
Minorly revised CR rules posted by Robby Bevard.
Late November
Lady Mystic and Fire Storm begin revising data for a furum update.
January 30 - February 13
Official Poll #2: regarding the replacement of available CR pics with unavailable ones for a make-shift forum update.
February 14
CR Update: involving revised forum pages and 156 new images; results of second poll negated by update.
March 24
Toku Kaioto resigns as CR Deputy Administrator, leaving Robby Bevard as the sole CR Administrator.
March 26
Aaron Wheeler and Lain join Robby Bevard as CR Co-Administrators; all possessing equal powers and duties.
October 23
Lain resigns as CR Co-Administrator, leaving Aaron Wheeler and Robby Bevard as CR Co-Administrators.
November 6
Mara Cordova joins Aaron Wheeler and Robby Bevard as CR Co-Administrators; all possessing equal powers and duties.
February 21
Publication/Implementation of CR Rules revised by Lain, including more in-depth codes of conduct, an explanation of consequences of rules broken, and definitions of common terms featured in the rules.
March 9
The forum wiping schedule is changed from once every week to once every two weeks due to a low volume of weekly posts.
May 10
Lady Mystic becomes sole Admin of CR Information. Fire Storm's position is changed from Assistant Admin of CR Information to one who offers occassional assistance with coding.
May 17
CR Update: new navigation; implementation of PHP; new Signature field replaced the City, State and Country fields; new security code feature; and 3 new CR images for TGS Staff use.
May 29
DPH publishes statistics in the CR regarding writers and contributers of previously published TGS stories and outlines.
July 27
DPH publishes statistics in the CR regarding artists of previously published TGS illustrations and artwork.